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This tutorial doesn't cover reasons why you might want to shootRAW and stitch in 16bit format. It is a simple HOWTO listing the available and how to use them.

Preparing theimages

Start by dcraw[*] to read thefiles and batch convert them into portablper channel PPMindex.php?title=PPM&action=edit&redlink=1">[*] files. RAW pictures from my Nikon 8700 have a .nef extension, so the command looks something like this:

 dcraw -v -w -4 dscn*.nef

Note that although a>,NonaNona">nonaandEnblendEnblend">enblendsupportHDRDR">HDRloating-point data, there is no real loss convertingdata tocolour depth as RAW images are typically only 12bit in the first place. If you need a grDynamic_rangeDynamic range">dynamic rangehan found in RAW images, it is possible to combineBracketingBracketing">bracketeexposures in a">.

These are not readable by or, so the next step is to use to TIFFTIFF">TIFF:

 convert -rotate 270 -gamma 2.2 dscn3088.ppm dscn3088.tif
 convert -rotate 270 -gamma 2.2 dscn3089.ppmtif

Note that I rotatedat the same time since these arePortraitPortrait">phots. GammaGamma">Gammacorre is also applied at this stage sinceis generally linear and difficult to view withoutColour_profileColour profile">colour profilemanagement (not yet supported).

You can now delete the interteAltively UFRawUFRawcan be used for the entire conversion fromIf necessary, correchromatic_aberratioChromatic aberration">cFullaFulla">fullaat this stageStitchStitchspan>