Package: 0ad Description-md5: d943033bedada21853d2ae54a2578a7b Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia bélica antiga en tempo real 0 A.D. («Anno Domini») é un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) libre, de código aberto e multi-plataforma de guerra antiga. En breve, é un xogo de guerra/economÃa baseado na historia que permite que os xogadores revivan ou reescriban a historia das civilizacións occidentais centrándose nos anos entre o 500 A.C. e o 500 d.C. O proxecto é moi ambicioso e incorpora gráficos en 3D de última xeración, gráficos detallados, son e un motor de xogos flexÃbel e potente construÃdo especialmente. Package: 0ad-data Description-md5: 26581e685027d5ae84824362a4ba59ee Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia bélica antiga en tempo real (ficheiros de datos) 0 A.D. («Anno Domini») é un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) libre, de código aberto e multi-plataforma de guerra antiga. En breve, é un xogo de guerra/economÃa baseado na historia que permite que os xogadores revivan ou reescriban a historia das civilizacións occidentais centrándose nos anos entre o 500 A.C. e o 500 d.C. O proxecto é moi ambicioso e incorpora gráficos en 3D de última xeración, gráficos detallados, son e un motor de xogos flexÃbel e potente construÃdo especialmente. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos principais empregados por 0 A.D. Package: 0ad-data-common Description-md5: 8d014b839c4c4e9b6f82c7512d7e3496 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia bélica antiga en tempo real (ficheiros de datos comúns) 0 A.D. («Anno Domini») é un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) libre, de código aberto e multi-plataforma de guerra antiga. En breve, é un xogo de guerra/economÃa baseado na historia que permite que os xogadores revivan ou reescriban a historia das civilizacións occidentais centrándose nos anos entre o 500 A.C. e o 500 d.C. O proxecto é moi ambicioso e incorpora gráficos en 3D de última xeración, gráficos detallados, son e un motor de xogos flexÃbel e potente construÃdo especialmente. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos (configuración e ferramentas) empregados por 0 A.D. Package: 0install Description-md5: 516b2c2eefb9eca77712b715f5c0ef14 Description-gl: Sistema de paquetes multidistribución Zero Install is a decentralised cross-distribution software installation system available under the LGPL. It allows software developers to publish programs directly from their own web-sites, while supporting features familiar from centralised distribution repositories such as shared libraries, automatic updates and digital signatures. It is intended to complement, rather than replace, the operating system's package management. 0install packages never interfere with those provided by the distribution. . This package includes the GTK GUI for 0install. If you have a headless system, install just the 0install-core package to avoid pulling in any GUI dependencies. Package: 2048-qt Description-md5: 0f25c2ca95ceff4500fde9f651d74f2e Description-gl: Quebracabezas matemático 2048 puzzle is mathematics based puzzle game where you have to slide tiles on a grid to combine them and create a tile with the number 2048. You have to merge the similar number tiles (2n) by moving the arrow keys in four different directions. When two tiles with the same number touch, they will merge into one. Package: 2ping Description-md5: 2543c220a763445976d1348c5b593743 Description-gl: Utilidade ping para determinar a perda de paquetes direccionais 2ping é unha utilidade de ping bi-direccional. Emprega pings triplos (semellante a TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) e unha comparación de estado «despois dos feitos» entre un ouvinte de 2ping e un cliente de 2ping para determinal en que dirección se produce a perda de paquetes. Package: 2vcard Description-md5: 2c96ee919233c4f6128f265ad35ff488 Description-gl: Script en perl para converter unha axenda ao formato de ficheiro VCARD 2vcard converts address books and alias files into the widely-used vCard format. Currently it can convert from abook, Eudora, Juno, LDIF, mutt, mh and pine. Package: 3270-common Description-md5: a1fad8fe7f911b2c01164ff75d013e53 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para os emuladores de IBM 3270 e pr3287 3270-common contén ficheiros aos que se fai referencia noutros paquetes de 3270 Package: 389-admin Description-md5: 54d5378a9195f30f9bb174c93052507a Description-gl: Servidor de Administración de Directorios 389 389 Directory Administration Server is an HTTP agent that provides management features for 389 Directory Server. It provides some management web apps that can be used through a web browser. It provides the authentication, access control, and CGI utilities used by the console. Package: 389-admin-console Description-md5: 6fc9f5f9d05ea8efb3640929f515e9ad Description-gl: Consola de xestión do servidor de administración 389 Unha consola de xestión remota baseada en Java empregada para xestionar o servidor de administración 389. Package: 389-console Description-md5: 187e28968b69fb6bd134903810624c7c Description-gl: Consola de Xestión 389 Unha consola de xestión remota baseada en Java empregada para xestionar o Servidor de Administración 389 e o Servidor de Directorios 389. Package: 389-ds Description-md5: 6393279e8985eb34d0a155484424ebd5 Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - metapaquete Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade. . Este é un metapaquete que depende do servidor de LDAPv3, o daemon de HTTP empregado para a administración do sistema e a consola gráfica empregados para a administración do servidor e os usuarios/grupos. Package: 389-ds-base Description-md5: 9c56eb26e44476f95f66b09921fcbf22 Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorio 389 - servidor Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade. . As súas funcionalidades principais inclúen: * replicación multi-master cuádrupla; * grande escalabilidade; * documentación ampla; * Sincronización de usuarios e grupos de Active Directory; * autenticación e transporte seguros; * compatibilidade con LDAPv3; * consola gráfica para a xestión; * actualización pola rede e con desconexión cero dos esquemas, configuración e Información de Control de Acceso nas árbores. Package: 389-ds-base-dev Description-md5: 630be364e8b8b2a8f60ee17e872a2550 Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas centrais do Servidor de Directorios 389, útil para desenvolver engadidos sen ter que instalar o servidor en si. Package: 389-ds-base-libs Description-md5: d2ef365214ac1295f734f49594c9b579 Description-gl: Suite Servidor de Directorios 389 - bibliotecas Baseado no Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios (LDAP), o Servidor de Directorios 389 foi deseñado para xestionar directorios grandes de usuarios e recursos de maneira robusta e con escalabilidade. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas centrais do Servidor de Directorios 389. Package: 389-ds-console Description-md5: 0527ad21ea160a6b8069819e1bcbea2d Description-gl: Consola de xestión do Servidor de Directorios 389 Unha consola de xestión remota baseada en Java empregada para xestionar o Servidor de Directorios 389. Package: 389-ds-console-doc Description-md5: cf1d4c741f1bc2c83d166c286805280f Description-gl: Consola de xestión do Servidor de Directorios 389 -- documentación Unha consola de xestión remota baseada en Java empregada para xestionar o Servidor de Directorios 389. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación de 389-ds-console en HTML. Package: 389-dsgw Description-md5: 8ba426df8f1214590d860b2eb8af791f Description-gl: Pasarela do Servidor de Directorios 389 389 Directory Server Gateway is a collection of 3 web applications that run on top of the Administration Server used by the Directory Server. These 3 applications are: . - phonebook: a simple phonebook application geared towards end users, with simple search screens and simple self-service management - orgchart: an organization chart viewer - gateway: a more advanced search interface that allows admins to create and edit user entries, and allows creation of templates for different types of user and group entries Package: 3dchess Description-md5: 12d01b96d7645ee302ebc29cde999e92 Description-gl: Xoga ao xadrez en tres taboleiros! Hai tres taboleiros, colocados verticalmente; 96 pezas, das cales a maiorÃa son as pezas tradicionais do xadrez con só un par de adicións; 26 direccións posÃbeis para mover. Resulta ser un xogo bastante esixente, excepto para os xogadores con máis habilidade. Package: 3dldf Description-md5: 35052071cf60b2f0f347faf3843e027e Description-gl: Debuxo en 3D con saÃda MetaPost --intérprete GNU 3DLDF implements an interpreter for a METAFONT-like language for three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output. . GNU 3DLDF is mainly intended to provide a convenient way of creating 3D graphics for inclusion in TeX documents; it can also be used for creating animations, which can contain text typeset using TeX. . Este paquete proporciona o intérprete 3dldf requirido para a saÃda de ficheiros de orixe MetaPost desde ldf; tamén contén exemplos de ldf. Package: 3dldf-doc-examples Description-md5: 7b415489f8ced1ed40fee673967ad0ff Description-gl: Debuxo en 3D con saÃda para MetaPost --exemplos GNU 3DLDF implements an interpreter for a METAFONT-like language for three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output. . GNU 3DLDF is mainly intended to provide a convenient way of creating 3D graphics for inclusion in TeX documents; it can also be used for creating animations, which can contain text typeset using TeX. . Este paquete contén exemplos avanzados para o intérprete 3dldf. Package: 4digits Description-md5: 6851508624788c15c02a62150ab9f449 Description-gl: Xogo de adiviñar o número, coñecido tamén como Touros e Vacas 4digits é un xogo de quebracabezas de adiviñar un número. Chámase Touros e Vacas e na China a xente chámao simplemente Adiviña o Número. O obxectivo do xogo é adiviñar un número de catro cifras en catro intentos e no menor tempo posÃbel. É semellante ao Mastermind, mais as catro cifras teñen que ser diferentes. 4digits ten dúas versións, unha con interface gráfica de usuario e outra para a liña de ordes. Package: 4g8 Description-md5: 08a3e421414ebaacb3294625688dc573 Description-gl: Captura e interceptación de paquetes para redes conmutadas 4G8 permite capturar tráfico dunha terceira parte nun ambiente conmutado a expensas dun lixeiro incremento da latencia no equipo da terceira parte. Utilizando técnicas de «envelenamento da caché ARP» e de captura e reconstrución de paquetes, 4G8 traballa con case todos os fluxos de tráfico de IPv4, TCP, ICMP e UDP. Package: 4store Description-md5: bd19d7433c49c8266d9772c0651d88a4 Description-gl: RDF database storage and query engine -- database daemon 4store is a database storage and query engine that holds RDF data. . 4store's main strengths are its performance, scalability and stability. It does not provide many features over and above RDF storage and SPARQL queries, but if your are looking for a scalable, secure, fast and efficient RDF store, then 4store should be on your shortlist. . Este paquete contén o daemon da base de datos e as utilidades relacionadas. Package: 6tunnel Description-md5: 48c79c738bde16847fbc9577329a56f0 Description-gl: Proxy de TCP para aplicativos non IPv6 6tunnel permite usar servizos provistos por anfitrións IPv6 con aplicativos só IPv4 e viceversa. Pode asociar con calquera dos seus enderezos IPv4 ou IPv6 e remitir todos os datos ao anfitrión IPv4 ou IPv6. . Pódese empregar, por exemplo, cun proxy de IRC compatÃbel con IPv6. Package: 7kaa Description-md5: 37b0a07b664e6e2e6b3370a23d7a49cb Description-gl: Sete Reinos Antigos Adversarios: xogo de estratexia en tempo real Sete Reinos, deseñado por Trevor Chan, achega unha mistura única de estratexia en tempo real co engadido de comercio, diplomacia e espionaxe. . O xogo permite que os xogadores compitan contra até outros seis reinos, permitÃndolles conquistar os opoñentes derrotándoos na guerra (con tropas ou máquinas), capturando os seus edificios con espÃas ou ofrecéndolles diñeiro aos opoñentes polo seu reino. . En 2009, Enlight Software publicou o xogo baixo a licenza GPL. O proxecto 7kfans está a actualizar o xogo e fornece unha comunidade para os afeccionados. Un Sete Reinos libre ha de continuar co legado. Package: 7kaa-data Description-md5: 1a73c20d523b558c525029d969f4827f Description-gl: Sete Reinos: Antigos Adversarios - datos do xogo Sete Reinos, deseñado por Trevor Chan, achega unha mistura única de estratexia en tempo real co engadido de comercio, diplomacia e espionaxe. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: 9base Description-md5: 5faa0be5b1e9e3a928ae7055a1d7cbdd Description-gl: Ferramentas do lado do usuario de Plan 9 9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: awk, basename, bc, cat, cleanname, date, dc, echo, grep, mk, rc, sed, seq, sleep, sort, strings, tee, test, touch, tr, uniq, and yacc. Package: 9menu Description-md5: 33212022c95de2da6fad4458526c39d8 Description-gl: Creates X menus from the shell Este é un programa sinxelo que permite crear menús de X desde a consola, nos que cada elemento do menú executa unha orde. 9menu está dirixido a ser usado por 9wm, mais pode ser utilizado con calquera outro xestor de xanelas. Package: 9mount Description-md5: c10585cddabe9bab8d46e6fa16c635ca Description-gl: Utilidades de montaxe do usuario do sistema de ficheiros de plan9 (v9fs) 9mount is a set of SUID mounting tools for use with v9fs to help cope with linux's poor mount support. . The tools offer a level of security - 9mount will only let you mount over non-sticky directories you have write access to, and 9umount will only let you unmount 9p partitions that you mounted yourself. Package: a2jmidid Description-md5: a182a4ee1593f675a64da0a57440bb9a Description-gl: Daemon para expor MIDI de ALSA herdado nos sistemas con MIDI de JACK O obxectivo principal deste proxecto é facilitar o uso de aplicativos herdados, non preparados para JACK, nun sistema activado con MIDI para JACK. a2jmidi é un daemon que incorpora pontes automáticas. Por cada porto secuenciador de ALSA obtense un porto de MIDI de JACK. Se un porto secuenciador de ALSA serve tanto para a entrada como para a saÃda, obtéñense dous portos de MIDI de JACK, un de entrada e un de saÃda. Package: a2ps Description-md5: 732bd45324c6fce1aa914b7b0167c68a Description-gl: a2ps de GNU - Convertedor de «calquera cousa para PostScript» e impresión xeitosa O a2ps de GNU converte ficheiros a PostScript para imprimilos ou velos. Emprega un formato lindo por omisión, normalmente dúas páxinas en cada páxina fÃsica, con bordos arrodeando as páxinas, cabeceiras con información útil (número da páxina, data de impresión, nome do ficheiro ou a cabeceira que se indique), numeración de liñas, substitución de sÃmbolos, asà como impresión xeitosa para un número grande de linguaxes de programación. . Historicamente, o a2ps comezou como convertedor de texto a PostScript mais, grazas a delegacións potentes, é capaz de permitir ver calquera tipo de ficheiro, isto é, pode tamén tratar páxinas de manual, ficheiros dvi, texinfo,... . Entre as funcionalidades máis notábeis de a2ps están: - distintas codificacións (todas as do latino máis outras), - distintos tipos de letra (descárgaas automaticamente), - distintos multimedia, - distintas interfaces de impresión, - distintos estilos de saÃda, - distintas linguaxes de programación, - distintos aplicativos auxiliares, - e distintas linguas orais. Package: a56 Description-md5: e2a5c0e79ee0be60f379e6e2377bc1b4 Description-gl: Ensamblador para o Motorola DSP56001 a56 é un ensamblador para a familia de microcontroladores DSP56001 da Motorola. . É capaz de compilar o firmware empregado no controlador dsp56k.c de Linux. . Pódese atopar exemplo de código DSP para efectos musicais como coros, flange e reverberación en (por desgraza, o copyright impide a súa distribución). Package: a7xpg Description-md5: e38bd4430a3538c59e6acec068b6f645 Description-gl: Xogo de acción de persecucións O obxectivo do xogo e apañar todos os lingotes de ouro atopados en cada nivel e evitar chocar contra os inimigos. A medida que progresa de nivel os inimigos serán máis duros. Pode obter un curto perÃodo de invencibilidade se recolle ouro a gran velocidade. . A7Xpg é outra xoia entre as moitas de Kenta Cho. Package: a7xpg-data Description-md5: 1ab7e6e42cf00b0a9ea4f59b9fbe4717 Description-gl: Xogo de persecución - datos do xogo O obxectivo do xogo e apañar todos os lingotes de ouro atopados en cada nivel e evitar chocar contra os inimigos. A medida que progresa de nivel os inimigos serán máis duros. Pode obter un curto perÃodo de invencibilidade se recolle ouro a gran velocidade. . Este paquete inclúe os datos independentes da arquitectura do xogo A7Xpg. Package: aa3d Description-md5: 258e8b120f0545ac1a4843f1beb1ded5 Description-gl: Xerador de estereogramas en ASCII Este programa xera estereogramas coñecidos e populares de puntos aleatorios en imaxes ASCII. . CaracterÃsticas: * Renderizado de esterogramas de alta calidade en ASCII * Altamente configurable * Interface de fácil uso por liña de ordes (incluÃda axuda completa en liña) Package: aaphoto Description-md5: 18ea6fb428eb6d3251a8ec5e91ec82f4 Description-gl: Auto Adjus Photo, corrección automática de fotografÃas Auto Adjust Photo é unha pequena ferramenta de manipulación de imaxes por liña de ordes para corrixir automaticamente fotografÃas. Tenta mellorar o aspecto da imaxe. O programa fai isto analizando a imaxe de entrada e estabelecendo o mellor contraste, gamma, equilibrio de cores e saturación. Package: abcde Description-md5: 22395b74cb7f2e1177d8d13885cab659 Description-gl: Un mellor codificador de CD (A Better CD Encoder) Programa de interface para cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3 e o codificador de Ogg/Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Ogg/Speex e/ou MPP/MP+(Musepack) preferido (por omisión, oggenc). Toma un CD completo e converte cada pista nos formatos indicados e a seguir engade comentarios ou etiquetas ID3 a cada ficheiro, todo cunha única orde. . Con abcde é posÃbel codificar varios formatos cunha única orde, empregando para iso unha única operación de lectura de CD. Tamén permite ler e codificar mentres se está sen conexión á Internet e consultar posteriormente un servidor de CDDB para etiquetar os ficheiros. Package: abcm2ps Description-md5: dc3b0135560bf2cbe06ba992dbc0bb85 Description-gl: Traduce ficheiros de descrición de música ABC a PostScript Este é o porto de Debian do programa abcm2ps de Jean-François Moine. O aplicativo traduce tons escritos en formato ABC a PostScript que se poden ver mediante Ghostview e outros ou imprimindo nunha impresora PostScript mediante Ghostscript. Acepta varias extensións semi-estándar coa norma ABC como múltiples voces e pentagramas. . Este programa é un derivado moi mellorado do abc2ps de Michael Methfessel, que non se distribúe máis como parte de Debian. En particular, contén un monte de extensión para axudar no deseño visual da música clásica. Package: abcmidi Description-md5: 698e90e5569ad6cf07f3d57abc0b5f7a Description-gl: Convertedor do formato ABC a MIDI e viceversa Este paquete contén os programas «abc2midi» e «mi2abc», que converten do formato de notación musical abc ao formato MIDI padrón e viceversa. Poden xerar acompañamento de acordes de guitarra do ficheiro abc, asà como inserir diversos acontecementos de MIDI; a tradución de MIDI a abc tenta calcular os compases, os tresillos e as alteracións por si mesmo. . O paquete tamén contén «abc2abc» (un programa para imprimir bonito/transportar abc), «mftext» (un programa que envorca un ficheiro MIDI como texto) e «midicopy» ( un programa que extrae as pistas, canles ou intervalos temporais que se indiquen dun ficheiro MIDI). . The package also contains Yet another ABC to PostScript converter (yaps) which translates tunes written in the ABC format to PostScript, which can then be viewed on screen or printed. It is essentially a (non-exclusive) alternative to abc2ps, being based on the abc2ps PostScript code together with the ABC parser from the abcmidi package. Package: abe-data Description-md5: 567c8a00faab670558b096d2b6229f5c Description-gl: side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure" -- data A scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore+4. The game is intended to show young people all the cool games they missed. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: abicheck Description-md5: a38281f070a37064c10336aabb05a83f Description-gl: Ferramenta de comprobación da compatibilidade binaria ABIcheck is a tool for checking an application's compliance with a library's defined Application Binary Interface (ABI). It relies on ABI definition information contained in the library. Example definitions are given for GNOME and glibc. Package: abigail-doc Description-md5: ad34a6af2ec1314521a675bda766c4a0 Description-gl: ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (documentation) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: abigail-tools Description-md5: e6981e21cd3ee6bb6496739dae7c4e3b Description-gl: Biblioteca de instrumentación e análise xenérico de ABI (ferramentas) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . This package contains the tools. Package: abinit Description-md5: 716f4f6b5757cdff41a09c10ca375dc4 Description-gl: paquete para cálculos de estruturas electrónicas ABINIT é un paquete cuxo programa principal permite atopar a enerxÃa total, a densidade de carga e a estrutura electrónica de sistemas compostos de electróns e núcleos (moléculas e sólidos periódicos) dentro da TeorÃa do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) empregando pseudo-potencias e unha base de onda plana. . ABINIT inclúe tamén opcións para optimizar a xeometrÃa segundo as forzas e tensións ou realizar unha simulación de dinámica molecular empregando estas forzas ou xeral matrices dinámicas, cargas efectivas de Born e tensores dieléctricos. Pódense calcular os estados de excitación dentro da TeorÃa do Funcional da Densidade (para moléculas) ou da TeorÃa da Perturbación dos Moitos Corpos (aproximación de GW). Alén do código de ABINIT, pódense atopar diferentes programas de utilidades. . Este paquete contén os executábeis necesarios para realizar os cálculos (con todo, non se subministran pseucopotenciais). Para obter un grupo de pseudopotenciais, instale o paquete abinit-data. Package: abinit-data Description-md5: 4578d654ca0897253bccf3e98b9209ae Description-gl: paquete para cálculos de estruturas electrónicas (ficheiros de datos) ABINIT é un paquete cuxo programa principal permite atopar a enerxÃa total, a densidade de carga e a estrutura electrónica de sistemas compostos de electróns e núcleos (moléculas e sólidos periódicos) dentro da TeorÃa do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) empregando pseudo-potencias e unha base de onda plana. . ABINIT inclúe tamén opcións para optimizar a xeometrÃa segundo as forzas e tensións ou realizar unha simulación de dinámica molecular empregando estas forzas ou xeral matrices dinámicas, cargas efectivas de Born e tensores dieléctricos. Pódense calcular os estados de excitación dentro da TeorÃa do Funcional da Densidade (para moléculas) ou da TeorÃa da Perturbación dos Moitos Corpos (aproximación de GW). Alén do código de ABINIT, pódense atopar diferentes programas de utilidades. . Este paquete contén un grupo de pseudopotenciais e entradas de exemplo. Package: abinit-doc Description-md5: 4edc662ae552484e117ff0d2d74e2f4b Description-gl: paquete para cálculos de estruturas electrónicas (documentación) ABINIT é un paquete cuxo programa principal permite atopar a enerxÃa total, a densidade de carga e a estrutura electrónica de sistemas compostos de electróns e núcleos (moléculas e sólidos periódicos) dentro da TeorÃa do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) empregando pseudo-potencias e unha base de onda plana. . ABINIT inclúe tamén opcións para optimizar a xeometrÃa segundo as forzas e tensións ou realizar unha simulación de dinámica molecular empregando estas forzas ou xeral matrices dinámicas, cargas efectivas de Born e tensores dieléctricos. Pódense calcular os estados de excitación dentro da TeorÃa do Funcional da Densidade (para moléculas) ou da TeorÃa da Perturbación dos Moitos Corpos (aproximación de GW). Alén do código de ABINIT, pódense atopar diferentes programas de utilidades. . Este paquete contén a documentación e os tutoriais. Package: abiword Description-md5: 30063e6f0ad54b0bc4811f0becf40355 Description-gl: Procesador de texto eficiente e funcional con colaboración AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins. . Este paquete inclúe moitos dos complementos dispoñÃbeis de importación e exportación que lle permiten a Abiword interactuar con formatos como ODT, WordPerfect e outros. Tamén inclúe ferramentas complementarias que permiten a colaboración ao vivo con usuarios de Abiword en Linux e Windows (usando TCP ou Jabber/XMMP), tradución web, axuda de dicionarios, e máis. Package: abiword-common Description-md5: 168081fc8391dc5eb8f29d63bb588273 Description-gl: Procesador de texto eficiente, completo e para traballo en equipo -- ficheiros comúns AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns que se empregan en todas as arquitecturas sen modificación. Package: abiword-plugin-grammar Description-md5: 1501ee0849f0b04532649cc33398cac2 Description-gl: Engadido de comprobación gramatical para AbiWord AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible with a variety of plugins. . This package contains an in-line grammar checking system for AbiWord documents. Only English is currently supported. Package: abntex Description-md5: f24f06318565f68622fece1a9de7960d Description-gl: Clase para LaTeX para escribir documentos na norma da ABNT AbnTeX é unha clase para escribir documentos no padrón da ABNT. A Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas é responsábel dos procedementos nacionais de normalización e certificación. O paquete inclúe tamén compatibilidade con BibTex coas normas da ABNT. Package: abook Description-md5: b3df98dd5a16801ef603bb31eff45bf6 Description-gl: Aplicativo de caderno de enderezos para ncurses baseado en texto abook é un aplicativo de caderno de enderezos para ncurses baseado en texto. Fornece moitos campos diferentes de información do usuario. abook foi deseñado para ser usado co mutt, mais pódese utilizar independentemente. Package: abootimg Description-md5: 44be41a806690df16e9af0e9fe965a7a Description-gl: Ferramenta para ler/escribir/actualizar imaxes de arranque de android Os dispositivos con Android empregan un formato de particións especial para arrancar calquera sistema operativo nos dispositivos. Estas imaxes de arranque conteñen unha imaxe do kernel, un disco ram, opcionalmente un cargador da segunda etapa e unha liña de ordes que se lle pasa ao kernel no momento de arrancar. O mkbootimg orixinal de Android só pode crear estas imaxes mais abootimg pode tamén extraelas e modificalas. Poder manipular as imaxes de arranque de Androi é necesario para poder traer outros sistemas operativos aos dispositivos con Android. Package: abr2gbr Description-md5: 19edd2d5c033d3a49c4fcf4b17cbdcf2 Description-gl: Converte os pinceis do PhotoShop para O GIMP abr2gbr é unha ferramenta para converter os ficheiros de pinceis ABR do PhotoShop da Adobe e JBR do Paint Shop Pro da Corel ao formato GBR do GIMP. Package: abw2epub Description-md5: fcdfd330c29e5a8627763523a6ba2b1d Description-gl: Convertedor de formato AbiWord a EPUB Este paquete contén unha utilidade para converter documentos AbiWord a documentos EPUB. Package: abw2odt Description-md5: eb8748197979fbd3dcac57ef7fa2a19c Description-gl: Convertedor de formato AbiWord a OpenDocument Este paquete contén unha utilidade para converter documentos AbiWord a documentos de texto OpenDocument. Package: ace Description-md5: fcbd00026ded79e6c62f3bec35612f8f Description-gl: HTML template engine for Go (command-line tool) Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This is inspired by Slim (http :// and Jade ( This is a refinement of Gold ( . Exemplo: . = doctype html html lang=en head title Hello Ace = css h1 { color: blue; } body h1 {{.Msg}} #container.wrapper p.. Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This engine simplifies HTML coding in Go web application development. = javascript console.log('Welcome to Ace'); . This package provides the /usr/bin/ace command-line tool and example files. Package: ace-gperf Description-md5: d2820ae34bb525c6060ea2b7be2a7746 Description-gl: Xerador de funcións hash perfectas ACE ace_gperf é a versión ACE de gperf. . Both ace_gperf and gperf were written by the same author, and have basically the same options and functionality. ace_gperf simply takes advantage of some of the features provided by the ACE library. Package: ace-netsvcs Description-md5: a0f85c6269f694a60515cd03bb0a69c6 Description-gl: ACE network service implementations ACE network services provide reusable components for common distributed system tasks such as logging, naming, locking, and time synchronization. . Este paquete contén programas controladores e ficheiros de configuración de exemplo para ligar os distintos servizos da rede ACE, tanto estática como dinamicamente, e formar programas de servidor completos. Package: ace-of-penguins Description-md5: d82a08d5d97db2f18fe09492f4031054 Description-gl: Xogos de solitario con temas de pingüÃns O As dos PingüÃns é un conxunto de xogos de solitario inspirados nos que hai dispoñÃbeis para MS Windows, pero con moitas melloras. . O paquete consiste nos xogos Canfield, Freecell, Golf, Mastermind, Merlin, Minesweeper, Pegged, Solitaire, Spider, Taipei (cun editor de niveis), and Thornq. . NOTA: Se padece problemas coa tecla de axuda F1, asegúrese de ter instalado o paquete xfonts-100dpi. Package: acedb-other Description-md5: 97be9ea18a9e2fcbdb88ae5f65465990 Description-gl: Obtención do ADN de secuencias de proteÃnas Este paquete recolle todos os pequenos aplicativos que acedb recolle no destino «outros» do seu ficheiro Makefile. . efetch: probabelmente unha abreviatura de «entry fetch» (obter entradas), recolle información de secuencias de bases de datos de ADN e proteÃnas coñecidas. Package: acedb-other-belvu Description-md5: 84687f9cec338e45bcbcf6751ec4e156 Description-gl: editor de aliñamentos de secuencias múltiples For the analysis of biological sequences, a general principle is to corresponding regions between related proteins, RNA or DNA. Written next to each other, corresponding positions above each other, one has prepared an alignment. . Belvu is best known for its perfect implementation of the Stockholm format of multiple sequence alignments, since upstream is maintaining that. That is for instance used in the Pfam and Rfam databases. Package: acedb-other-dotter Description-md5: e5867e3abf460ee6019a639102b73e74 Description-gl: Visualización da semellanza das secuencias For the analysis of biological sequences, a general principle is to compare corresponding regions between related proteins, RNA or DNA. . Dotter, as an interactive dotplot with varying thresholds, displays graphically the similarity of DNA or protein sequence to itself or another sequence. Package: aces3 Description-md5: 72e50bf3784ea75f68ec4b2159518043 Description-gl: Conceptos avanzados de estrutura electrónica III ACESIII é un programa de cálculo de estruturas electrónicas centrado nos métodos de correlación. É o sucesor en paralelo de ACESII e emprega a Linguaxe de Ensamblado de Super-Instrucións (SIAL) como infraestrutura de paralelización. As súas funcionalidades inclúen: . Energies, analytic gradients and analytic hessians for the following methods: * Restricted/unrestricted spin or restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock (HF) * Second-order Moeller-Plesset pertubation theory (MP2) . Energies and analytic gradients for the following methods: * Coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) . Additionally, it can compute energies for the following methods: * Coupled cluster singles and doubles with pertubative triples (CCSD(T)) * Quadratic configuration-interaction singles and doubles (QCISD) . Excited states can be calculated by the following methods: * Qadratic configuration interaction singles and doubles * Coupled cluster equation-of-motion (EOM-CC) . It also includes an internal coordinate geometry optimizer. If analytic gradients are not available, numerical gradients via finite differences are used. Package: aces3-data Description-md5: 9dc3912cc3b2a60eaeb33bff4bfd7aa3 Description-gl: Conceptos avanzados de estrutura electrónica III ACESIII is an electronic structure calculation program with a focus on correlated methods. It is the parallel successor to ACESII, employing the Super Instruction Assembly Language (SIAL) as parallelization framework. . This package contains the documentation, the basis set definitions and the architecture-independent compiled SIAL files. Package: acetoneiso Description-md5: e08d195f1b4e97a80c19fd915b777b7f Description-gl: Aplicativo con moitas funcionalidades para montar e xestionar imaxes de CD e DVD AcetoneISO posibilita o uso doado de distintos tipos de imaxes de CD e DVD nun computador como se foren gravados en CD reais. Pódese empregar este aplicativo para montar e xestionar imaxes de CD e DVD. Os formatos de imaxes de disco admitidos son ISO, BIN, NRG, MDF e IMG. Package: acfax Description-md5: 483ca623e2e18e8a1a0bc71e40c335dd Description-gl: Reciba faxes empregando a placa de radio e son acfax permite recibir faxes empregando a placa de son. Normalmente poderÃase usar para descodificar faxes enviados de radio HF ou desde satélites. Package: acheck Description-md5: a2145f860ebbe06fd97fdf6d0a8fb78a Description-gl: Check common localisation mistakes acheck, any text file checker, is a tool designed to help both translators and reviewers checking and fixing common localisation mistakes according to file format. Rules can be defined to add new checks. . Cando o módulo de Aspell para Perl este ainstalado tal e como se recomenda, pódese invocar Aspella para que comprobe a ortografÃa. Package: acheck-rules Description-md5: 312e0176f18a51e42fb2de4e4eb3d6b3 Description-gl: Regras básicas do acheck acheck, any text file checker, is a tool designed to help both translators and reviewers checking and fixing common localisation mistakes according to file format. Rules can be defined to add new checks. . Este paquete fornece as regras básicas que comproba o script acheck. Package: acl2 Description-md5: 11f9e97229e3c77927e661525096d127 Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: binario principal ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén o binario base de ACL2. Package: acl2-books Description-md5: b254130a33041ec03320e5001226eff7 Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: bibliotecas compiladas ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén numerosas bibliotecas pre-compiladas e pre- certificadas para usar ao demostrar teoremas con ACL2. Quen pretenda un uso serio deberÃa instalar este paquete. Package: acl2-books-certs Description-md5: 6db199e882f251b453acf7d17c15ece3 Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: certificados das bibliotecas ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este ficheiro contén os rexistros de certificación das diversas bibliotecas pre-compiladas fornecidas no paquete ACL2-books. ACL2 esencialmente require que todos os libros incluÃdos estean certificados antes de usalos. Package: acl2-books-source Description-md5: 08e659cca46334f8267d3b949c74e9c4 Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: fontes das bibliotecas ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros fonte de lisp das bibliotecas compiladas fornecidas no paquete ACL2-books. Package: acl2-doc Description-md5: 5c7f73fe4a8d5c6db72b616db6a620bc Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: documentación ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén a documentación do ACL2. Package: acl2-emacs Description-md5: 785e47d860f1b215d53efbb4f2bef1fc Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: interface para emacs ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén unha interface en emacs para ACL2. Package: acl2-infix Description-md5: 81a2aa4af877764973901ab7dc79e3c8 Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: interface de infixos ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén utilidades e bibliotecas para acceder a ACL2 a través dunha notación de infixos semellante á usada en moitas linguaxes de programación diferentes do lisp. Package: acl2-infix-source Description-md5: 6e56cc8795675ff4708abb07184b4eef Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: fontes dos infixos ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros fonte da interface de infixos de ACL2. Package: acl2-source Description-md5: 24b72fcd3b9c9afee8776f2d281499a4 Description-gl: Lóxica Computacional para Common Lisp para Aplicativos: ficheiros fonte ACL2 é tanto unha linguaxe de programación na que se poden modelar os sistemas informáticos como unha ferramenta que axuda a demostrar as propiedades deses modelos. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros fonte de lisp do binario principal de ACL2. Package: acm Description-md5: cff82563ac0dadbfa1dd07d2a9bbf3e4 Description-gl: Simulador clásico de combate aéreo para varios xogadores Unha simulación de combate aéreo para varios xogadores. Os xogadores entran en combate aire-aire entre si empregando mÃsiles e canóns térmicos. . Main features include: * Simulation with 6 degrees of freedom. * Tricycle and bicycle landing gear simulation. * Structural limit to the vertical positive/negative load. * Standard atmosphere. * Weather: daylight/night, fog, wind. * Classic instruments, including magnetic compass, turn and slip indicator, airspeed indicator, attitude and bank indicator, altitude indicator, vertical speed indicator. * Navigation: HSI with RNAV calculator, ADF. * Head-up display (HUD) and inertial reference system. * Auto-pilots: hold altitude, hold climb rate, hold speed, follow VOR radial, follow ILS glide path, rudder/ailerons coordination. * Several aircraft models implemented, both civil and military. * Two sceneries provided: Dallas area (Texas) and Italy area with hundreds of runways and radio stations. Package: aconnectgui Description-md5: 93ad27be9e68d0aed9952419652ee486 Description-gl: Xestor gráfico de conexións do secuenciador de ALSA aconnectgui é unha utilidade gráfica para conectar e desconectar dous portos existente nun sistema secuenciador de ALSA. Os portos co permiso de subscrición arbitrario, como crean aseqview, poden ser conectados a calquera porto (MIDI) de dispositivo. . aconnectgui is a frontend for aconnect, written directly on top of the aconnect source, leaving the original source intact, only adding a couple of ifdefs, and some calls to the gui part. It provides exactly the same functionality, but with a graphical user interface. Package: acorn-fdisk Description-md5: 9bb94a8ada79548177ccfe57ec6f8b3c Description-gl: Editor de particións para as máquinas Acorn/RISC OS Acorn-fdisk permite editar as particións de disco das máquinas Acorn. Comprende varios dos formatos de táboas de particións empregados no RISC OS, incluÃdos Filecore, ICS-IDE, EESOX e Powertec. Package: acpi Description-md5: db6ab4efac863dec3b47725e9bbd40ae Description-gl: Mostra información sobre os dispositivos con ACPI Tenta replicar a funcionalidade da «antiga» orde apm nos sistemas con ACPI, incluÃda a información sobre a baterÃa e térmica. Non recoñece a suspensión de ACPI, só mostra información sobre os dispositivos con ACPI. Package: acpitool Description-md5: 8bfbe99c5e1bf2100b04aac2628220b1 Description-gl: Cliente de ACPI para a liña de ordes AcpiTool is a Linux ACPI client. It's a small command line application, intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. The primary target audience are laptop users, since these people are most interested in things like battery status, thermal status and the ability to suspend (sleep mode). The program simply accesses the /proc/acpi or /sysfs entries to get or set ACPI values. It also supports various extensions for Toshiba, Asus, and IBM Thinkpad laptops. Package: acpitool-dbg Description-md5: 01184a49d86853dcbfdd8540375870cf Description-gl: Cliente de ACPI para a liña de ordes (depuración) AcpiTool is a Linux ACPI client. It's a small command line application, intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. The primary target audience are laptop users, since these people are most interested in things like battery status, thermal status and the ability to suspend (sleep mode). The program simply accesses the /proc/acpi or /sysfs entries to get or set ACPI values. It also supports various extensions for Toshiba, Asus, and IBM Thinkpad laptops. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: actiona Description-md5: a258a2ae406a96178c043b4c56ac3b6d Description-gl: Emule a actividade humana mediante unha interface gráfica potente e JavaScript Actiona é un aplicativo que permite executar moitas accións no computador, como emular clics do rato, teclas, aparición de caixas de mensaxes, edición de ficheiros de texto, etc. Pódense crear tarefas empregando un editor sinxelo ou a linguaxe de programación EcmaScript (JavaScript) para maior personalización. Actiona é multi-plataforma. Package: actionaz Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: activemq Description-md5: 791aecb1e510067b381f69430a1de7af Description-gl: Java message broker - server Apache ActiveMQ is a message broker built around Java Message Service (JMS) API : allow sending messages between two or more clients in a loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous way. . This message broker supports : * JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4 with support for transient, persistent, transactional and XA messaging * Spring Framework, CXF and Axis integration * pluggable transport protocols such as in-VM, TCP, SSL, NIO, UDP, multicast, JGroups and JXTA * persistence using JDBC along with journaling * OpenWire (cross language wire protocol) and Stomp (Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol) protocols . Este paquete contén unha instalación de servidor de ActiveMQ. Package: activity-log-manager Description-md5: 7d35a32d4ba1123a4581b898008fd386 Description-gl: blacklist configuration user interface for Zeitgeist Zeitgeist é un servizo que rexistra as actividades dun usuario (ficheiros abertos, sitios web visitados, conversas mantidas cou outras persoas, etc.) e pon a información relevante a disposición doutros aplicativos. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . This package contains Activity Log Manager, a graphical user interface which lets you control what gets logged by Zeitgeist. It supports setting up blacklists according to several criteria (such as application or file types), temporarily stopping all logging as well as deleting recent events. Package: activity-log-manager-control-center Description-md5: 15308e023a784b2842ee8146a3cf38fc Description-gl: blacklist configuration for Zeitgeist (transitional package) Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a activity- log-manager. Pódese retirar con seguranza. Package: ada-reference-manual-2005 Description-md5: 4250e97e282bfdec038e74b7e82ef7af Description-gl: Estándar da linguaxe Ada 2005 The Ada Reference Manual is the ISO standard describing the programming language Ada. . This package provides the plain and annotated versions of the 2005 ARM in HTML, PDF, info, and plain text formats. Package: ada-reference-manual-2012 Description-md5: d1ac036b959f12e114fb9c7b4547f5a6 Description-gl: Estándar da linguaxe Ada 2012 The Ada Reference Manual is the ISO standard describing the programming language Ada. . This package provides the plain and annotated versions of the 2012 ARM in HTML, PDF, info, and plain text formats. Package: adacontrol Description-md5: d5090f8caa23f13ad1cc752eb256573b Description-gl: Controlador de regras de Ada AdaControl verifies that Ada software meets the requirements of a number of parameterizable rules. It is not intended to supplement checks made by the compiler, but rather to search for particular violations of good- practice rules, or to check that some rules are obeyed project-wide. . This package also contains the following utilities: . * pfni: Print Full Name Image - expands any identifier to a fully-qualified name * ptree: Prints a graphic representation of an ASIS tree with corresponding source * adactl_fix: automatically fix some violations. Package: adacontrol-doc Description-md5: e6e16736f3d08a5019b9d9bde418f2fc Description-gl: Ada rules controller (documentation) AdaControl verifies that Ada software meets the requirements of a number of parameterizable rules. It is not intended to supplement checks made by the compiler, but rather to search for particular violations of good- practice rules, or to check that some rules are obeyed project-wide. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: adanaxisgpl Description-md5: 6132efbc8fc44ad13f97e10f7d8e676b Description-gl: Xogo de acción en catro dimensións espaciais Adanaxis is a fast-moving first person shooter set in deep space, where the fundamentals of space itself are changed. By adding another dimension to space this game provides an environment with movement in four directions and six planes of rotation. Initially the game explains the 4D control system via a graphical sequence, before moving on to 30 levels of gameplay with numerous enemy, ally, weapon and mission types. Features include simulated 4D texturing, mouse and joystick control, and original music. Screenshots, movies and further information are available at . Hardware-accelerated 3D is recommended, ideally with support for OpenGL Shading Language. Package: adanaxisgpl-data Description-md5: cf079fb4119672f175f51c8f3cb512d0 Description-gl: Xogo de acción en catro dimensións espaciais Adanaxis is a fast-moving first person shooter set in deep space, where the fundamentals of space itself are changed. By adding another dimension to space this game provides an environment with movement in four directions and six planes of rotation. Initially the game explains the 4D control system via a graphical sequence, before moving on to 30 levels of gameplay with numerous enemy, ally, weapon and mission types. Features include simulated 4D texturing, mouse and joystick control, and original music. Screenshots, movies and further information are available at . Hardware-accelerated 3D is recommended, ideally with support for OpenGL Shading Language. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura (gráficos e tipos de letra) Package: adcli Description-md5: 3f005076e7a98a598f65545cbab3b448 Description-gl: Ferramenta para realizar accións sobre un dominio de Active Directory This tool allows the administrator to join the local machine to an Active Directory (AD) domain. It's taking care of creating the computer account on the domain and adjusting the kerberos (keytab) configuration. . Tamén permite que o administrador do dominio xestione os usuarios ou os grupos e as contas dos computadores dos dominios de Active Directory (AD). Package: add-apt-key Description-md5: 2e36413f0fc02b5e59911952d05f29ec Description-gl: Ferramenta da liña de ordes para engadir chaves GPG ao chaveiro de APT A orde add-apt-key fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda que engade unha chave GPG nova ao chaveiro de APT. . Quen se incline máis polos gráficos preferirá o paquete gui-apt-key. Package: addresses-goodies-for-gnustep Description-md5: 2bf16a9188fa9fdd2eb7e5023deca43d Description-gl: Personal Address Manager for GNUstep (Goodies) Este paquete contén un par de cousas que poderÃan ser útiles: adgnumailconverter unha ferramenta para fusionar o caderno de enderezos de GNUMail coa base de datos Addresses. . adserver Un servidor de rede de Addresses autónomo. . adtool Unha ferramenta da liña de ordes para a manipulación de bases de datos de enderezos. Package: addresses.framework Description-md5: 6aee1d4f51a572e09b86fa0d8729089e Description-gl: Database API backend framework for GNUstep This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . Este paquete é un paquete de dependencias que depende dos ficheiros de desenvolvemento e das bibliotecas de tempo de execución. Package: Description-md5: 28774e21eb4f43c64a682e22a3195b03 Description-gl: Xestor de enderezos persoais para GNUstep Este paquete constitúe un xestor de enderezos persoais para o sistema de software GNUstep. Permite arquivar información persoal completa, organizar os contactos en grupos, integrarse con outro software, como clientes de correo e compartir a información dos enderezos con outros usuarios mediante a rede. Package: addressview.framework Description-md5: d06004ed19bd3fe29caeed096f49fc56 Description-gl: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . Este paquete é un paquete de dependencias que depende dos ficheiros de desenvolvemento e das bibliotecas de tempo de execución. Package: adequate Description-md5: e11f9f8f0374eb3c8ffb68336482ec5d Description-gl: Ferramenta de probas de calidade de paquetes Debian adequate checks packages installed on the system and reports bugs and policy violations. . The following checks are currently implemented: * broken symlinks; * missing copyright file; * obsolete conffiles; * Python modules not byte-compiled; * /bin and /sbin binaries requiring /usr/lib libraries; * missing libraries, undefined symbols, symbol size mismatches; * license conflicts; * program name collisions; * missing alternatives; * missing binfmt interpreters and detectors; * missing pkg-config dependencies. Package: adminer Description-md5: d71217c0cebda0e847dbf809dc3cf035 Description-gl: Ferramenta de administración de bases de datos baseada en web Adminer (anteriormente phpMinAdmin) é unha ferramenta de xestión de bases de datos con todas as funcionalidades escrita en PHP. Ao contrario de phpMyAdmin, é un aplicativo lixeiro con estas prioridades en orde: seguranza, experiencia do usuario, desempeño, número de funcionalidades e tamaño. Package: adonthell Description-md5: f315195fa040e0f72c53e8a3c2cee9c4 Description-gl: Xogo de rol gráfico en 2D Un xogo de rol gráfico en 2D inspirado por aqueles de tan bon recordo como os de SNES. . This package contains the Adonthell engine. You'll also need a game to be able to play. For this release, the official game is Waste's Edge, found in the package adonthell-data. Package: adplug-utils Description-md5: 33daa2052c67f06329277d2f24c46fd1 Description-gl: free AdLib sound library (utils) AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. . Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais. Package: aeolus Description-md5: c32beaee8e242fa55dd30dc6f5577387 Description-gl: Emulador de órgano de tubos sintetizado O Aeolus é un emulador de órgano de tubos sintetizado (ou sexa, non con mostras) que deberÃa ser suficientemente bon para que un organista poda gozar con el. É un sintetizador de software optimizado para esta tarefa, con posibelmente centos de controles para cada rexistro, o que permiten que o usuario lle dea «voz» ao seu instrumento. . As funcionalidades principais do instrumento principal son: tres manuais e un pedal, cinco temperamentos diferentes, afinación variábel, control MIDI, por suposto, saÃda estéreo, surround ou Ambisonics, controles de son flexÃbeis, incluÃdo un eco grande de igrexa. . O Aeolos non tira moito da CPU e deberÃase poder executar sen problemas en, por exemplo, unha máquina de 1GHz e 257Mb. Package: aephea Description-md5: 47087d81cdebd4da0499acbf904e0ab9 Description-gl: Ferramenta de creación de HTML baseada en texto Aephea is an HTML authoring framework. It enforces HTML well-formedness with a simpler and stricter syntax, provides useful extensions and abstractions as well as facilities for adding new ones, all in a single unified approach that stays close to HTML itself. Some of Aephea's characteristics are a TeX-like syntax, dictionary stacks, iteration and a focus on styling via CSS. . PUD (Portable Unix Documentation) is shipped with Aephea. It provides mini-languages for authoring Unix manual pages and FAQ documents with output both in HTML and troff. . Both Aephea and PUD are written in zoem, a high-level macro/programming language with character filtering capabilities. . If you'd like to generate manpages, but don't like troff syntax, and find Perl's POD too limited, Aephea's PUD is likely useful for you. If you like your documents to be available in both PDF and HTML, but find Docbook XML too heavyweight (and aren't really happy with Docbook XML's baroque default tagnames), you'll like PUD. Package: aeskulap Description-md5: c2ac231b4aa1fc34ad6b0ade8acf175b Description-gl: Visor de imaxes médicas DICOM e cliente de rede Aeskulap is able to load a series of special images stored in the DICOM format for review. Additionally it is able to query and fetch DICOM images from archive nodes (also called PACS) over the network. Aeskulap tries to achieve a full open source replacement for commercially available DICOM viewers. Package: aewm++-goodies Description-md5: 251b82684d48b221daf1037633230679 Description-gl: Utilidades para complementar un xestor de xanelas mÃnimo These utilities were previously supplied with aewm++; they are intended to provide some of the typical desktop functionality that aewm++ itself does not include. This package provides: * aewm++_appbar: a small application launcher * aewm++_fspanel: a very small panel * aewm++_setrootimage: draws a gradient on the X root window * aewm++_xsession: keeps an X session alive Note that some of these were named differently in previous releases. Package: afnix-doc Description-md5: 94e8f76cac01cc81fb148a361eb7998b Description-gl: Compiler and run-time for the AFNIX programming language (documentation) AFNIX is a multi-threaded functional programming language with dynamic symbol bindings that support the object oriented paradigm. The language features a state of the art runtime engine. The distribution is available with several clients and a rich set of modules that are designed to be platform independent. . Este paquete contén a documentación do AFNIX. Package: aften Description-md5: c43d25867dae1515337595088e5e6907 Description-gl: audio AC3 encoder Aften é un codificador de son que xera fluxos de son comprimido baseándose na especificación ATSC A/52. Este tipo de son coñécese como Ac-3 ou Dolby® Digital e é un dos códecs de son empregados no contido dos DVD de vÃdeo. Package: agave Description-md5: 393afef37e1879a45684ffb3cd146f58 Description-gl: Deseñador de esquemas de cores para o escritorio GNOME Agave is a very simple application for the GNOME desktop that allows you to generate a variety of colorschemes from a single starting color. Package: Description-md5: 84aeda73d4cbb1466d3e707eef0e7b08 Description-gl: Xestor de calendarios para GNUstep SimpleAgenda is a an application to manage your calendars. It handles both local and remote (webcal) calendars. Calendars can be shared with other programs like Evolution, Dates, IceApe Calendar and others. The following features are available: . * Multiple agendas. * Handle both events and tasks. * Support for local and remote (ftp, http) iCalendar agendas. * Monthly calendar, day view, summary and tasks view. * Create, resize and move appointments easily. * Export individual elements as files and to the pasteboard. * Import .ics files. * Simple text search. * Alarms with multiple backends. Package: aide-dynamic Description-md5: 3c085f51d721d7dcb93bb05d2c714096 Description-gl: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - dynamic binary AIDE é un sistema de detección e intrusións que detecta cambios nos ficheiros do sistema local. Crea unha base de datos a partir das regras das expresións regulares que atopa no ficheiro de configuración. Unha vez que se inicializa a base de datos pode verificar a integridade dos ficheiros. Ten varios algoritmos resumo (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, etc.) que emprega ao verificar a integridade do ficheiro. Pódenselle engadir máis algoritmos con relativa facilidade. Todos os atributos normais dos ficheiros pódense comprobar por se hai inconsistencias. . This package contains a dynamically linked binary and should only be used in exeptional circumstances. To avoid exposure to trojaned libraries, it is advised to use one of the statically linked binaries. Package: aide-xen Description-md5: c100d4da9f2f66ebd26e35d911fddc82 Description-gl: Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary for XEN AIDE é un sistema de detección e intrusións que detecta cambios nos ficheiros do sistema local. Crea unha base de datos a partir das regras das expresións regulares que atopa no ficheiro de configuración. Unha vez que se inicializa a base de datos pode verificar a integridade dos ficheiros. Ten varios algoritmos resumo (md5, sha1, rmd160, tiger, haval, etc.) que emprega ao verificar a integridade do ficheiro. Pódenselle engadir máis algoritmos con relativa facilidade. Todos os atributos normais dos ficheiros pódense comprobar por se hai inconsistencias. . This package contains the statically linked binary for XEN-enabled systems and should be used in Dom0 and DomU. Package: aiksaurus Description-md5: c494eb72c833031f7ce7b583043fb07b Description-gl: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (utility) Aiksaurus é un tesauro da lingua inglesa axeitado para ser integrado en procesadores de texto, redactores de correo e outro software de creación. . This package contains aiksaurus, a command-line frontend for Aiksaurus. Package: airport-utils Description-md5: 7d4f6f55009c97657fa4f38b7a9d48fc Description-gl: configuration and management utilities for Apple AirPort base stations Este paquete contén diversas utilidades para xestioanr as estacións base AirPort da Apple. . Be aware that Apple released several versions of the AirPort base station; the original AirPort ("Graphite") was a rebranded Lucent RG-1000 base station, doing 802.11a/b. The AirPort Extreme ("Snow") is an Apple-built 802.11a/b/g base station. . For the original Apple AirPort and the Lucent RG-1000 base stations only: - airport-config: base station configurator - airport-linkmon: wireless link monitor, gives information on the wireless link quality between the base station and the associated hosts . For the Apple AirPort Extreme base stations only: - airport2-config: base station configurator - airport2-portinspector: port maps monitor - airport2-ipinspector: WAN interface monitoring utility . For all: - airport-modem: modem control utility, displays modem state, starts/stops modem connections, displays the approximate connection time (Extreme only) - airport-hostmon: wireless hosts monitor, lists wireless hosts connected to the base station (see airport2-portinspector for the Snow) Package: airstrike-common Description-md5: bf5e9f248c4c7da18fc2f973c405a3e6 Description-gl: 2d dogfight game - data files Airstrike is a 2d dogfight game in the tradition of the Intellivision and Amiga games 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'. It features a robust physics engine and several other extensions of the original games. It is currently 0-2 player only, but will hopefully have network play and some more advanced computer controlled enemies in the future. The graphics have been created using the Povray raytracer, and should be easy to extend and modify. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: ajaxterm Description-md5: 9e098aee9d80e3cf59e245095e6a70ea Description-gl: Consola baseada en web escrita en Python Ajaxterm é un terminal baseado no web escrito en Python e con algo de javascript AJAX para o lado do cliente. Pode empregar practicamente calquera navegador web e traballa mesmo a través de devasas. Package: akonadi-backend-mysql Description-md5: 44bbff2187bd34b353f73253edf50334 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de almacenamento de MySQL para Akonadi Akonadi é un servizo multiplataforma e extensÃbel de almacenamento de información persoal (PIM) para o escritorio. Fornece unha infraestrutura común para que os aplicativos almacenen a accedan ao correo, calendarios, cadernos de enderezos e outros datos de información persoal. . Este paquete instala todo o necesario para que Akonadi funcione con MySQL como motor de almacenamento de datos subxacente. Como alternativa, tamén admite conexións cunha base de datos MySQL externa. Package: akonadi-backend-sqlite Description-md5: 904b79b56e98a3db270456d32ff78921 Description-gl: SQLite storage backend for Akonadi Akonadi é un servizo multiplataforma e extensÃbel de almacenamento de información persoal (PIM) para o escritorio. Fornece unha infraestrutura común para que os aplicativos almacenen a accedan ao correo, calendarios, cadernos de enderezos e outros datos de información persoal. . Este paquete instala todo o necesario para que Akonadi funcione con SQLite como motor de almacenamento de datos subxacente. Dado que SQLite é un motor de bases de datos incorporado non se precisa dun daemon servidor de SQL separado. . In addition, the package contains an improved QSql driver for SQLite named "QSQLite3". It can be used by any application that needs to access SQLite databases via standard Qt QSql framework. Package: akonadi-server Description-md5: 80144a9a021e5f971cbb61777684d38e Description-gl: Servizo de almacenamento PIM de Akonadi Akonadi é un servizo multiplataforma e extensÃbel de almacenamento de información persoal (PIM) para o escritorio. Fornece unha infraestrutura común para que os aplicativos almacenen a accedan ao correo, calendarios, cadernos de enderezos e outros datos de información persoal. . Este paquete contén o servidor de almacenamento de PIM do Akonadi e programas asociados. Package: akonadiconsole Description-md5: eab8b689674d4e9e50a06d477c067f16 Description-gl: Consola de xestión e depuración do Akonadi Akonadi Console é unha ferramenta útil que pode ser empregada para explorar ou xestionar Akonadi. Dado que esta utilidade expón as interioridades do Akonadi, é moi útil para a depuración mais tamén pode resultar útil noutros casos. Package: akqml Description-md5: 4fb69dc775da1160273f2b0b6842f654 Description-gl: full featured webcam capture application - qml module webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Funcionalidades: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the qml module for webcamoid. Package: akregator Description-md5: 685ce24f3633b431b73038bd0f234211 Description-gl: Agregador de fontes de RSS/Atom O Akregator é un xestor de fontes de novas. Permite serguir sitios de novas, bloques e outros sitios web con RSS/Atom activados sen ter que comprobar manualmente se hai actualizacións empregando un navegador web. O Akregator está deseñado con potencia abonda para ler centos de fontes de novas con comodidade. Ven con integración no Konqueror para engadir fontes de novas e cun navegador interno para facilitar a lectura das novas. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: alacarte Description-md5: ea89a81c038b7864336ed55a2783b93b Description-gl: Ferramenta doada de edición dos menús do GNOME Alacarte é un editor de menús doado de utilizar para o GNOME que pode engadir e modificar entradas novas e menús. Funciona coa especificación de menús de e deberÃa funcionar en calquera ambiente de escritorio que empregue esta especificación. Package: alarm-clock-applet Description-md5: 3a3d8618d35c191f006c46f991ff45dc Description-gl: alarm clock panel indicator O Alarm Clock é un despertador con todas as funcionalidades que reside na área de notificacións. É doado de usar e, mesmo asÃ, potente e con capacidade para varias alarmas, que se poden repetir, asà como apagarse ao dormir e un sistema de notificacións flexÃbel. . Admite dous tipos de alarmas: despertadores e cronómetros. As notificacións fanse tocando un son ou iniciando un aplicativo. Package: aldo Description-md5: de36683197f16f74b87f7c868c662216 Description-gl: Programa de adestramento no código Morse Also é unha ferramenta para aprender código Morse que fornece catro tipos de métodos de adestramento: bloques, koch, ficheiro, indicativo de chamada. Bloques: Identifique caracteres aleatorios emitidos en código Morse. Koch: Tócanse dous caracteres Morse a toda velocidade (20ppm) até que sexa quen de identificar cando menos o 90 por cento delas. Despois diso engádese un carácter máis, e asÃ. Ficheiro: Identifique os caracteres xerados a partir dun ficheiro. Indicativo de chamada: Identifique sinais de chamada emitidos no código Morse. Package: alevt Description-md5: 4acf956ba2bb55de48f0ad00b1637cc2 Description-gl: X11 Teletext/Videotext browser AleVT is an X11 program for browsing and searching Teletext/Videotext pages received by a compatible decoder (at the moment, bttv). . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Multiple windows * Page cache * Regular expression searching * Built-in manual . Additional command line utilities can . * receive the time from Teletext/Videotext * capture pages and write them to disk . Teletext/Videotext is used by TV channels to transmit textual information pages (it's transmitted via non-visible scan lines). Package: alex4-data Description-md5: ad8fd6932daabde0a312d1bb925c8e41 Description-gl: Alex the Allegator 4 - game data Guide Alex the Allegator through the jungle in order to save his girlfriend Lola from evil humans who want to make a pair of shoes out of her. Plenty of classic platforming in four nice colors guaranteed! . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do xogo. Package: alice Description-md5: 3deea78573d420609be015425a85dd98 Description-gl: Web browser (WebKit or Gecko) based IRC client Alice is an acronym for "Altogether Lovely Internet Chatting Experience" which is an IRC client that is viewed in the web browser. Alice runs in the background maintaining connections and collecting messages. When a browser connects, it will display the 100 most recent messages for each channel, and update with any new messages as they arrive. . Alice also logs messages to an SQLite database. These logs are searchable through the web interface. . Para notificacións de escritorio instale libdesktop-notify-perl. Package: aliki Description-md5: aa700150ac855fc2eef498cd2e5dcd35 Description-gl: Ferramenta de medición para respostas de Impulse Measure Impulse Responses using a sine sweep and deconvolution. For more complete introduction to this method, see Package: alpine-doc Description-md5: d36b0af30efaab3c303df1eb7e7202ef Description-gl: Text-based email client's documentation Alpine is an upgrade of the well-known PINE email client. Its name derives from the use of the Apache License and its ties to PINE. . Este paquete almacena documentación de alpine. Package: alpine-pico Description-md5: 26a939a9b42d10bb338f5e7cb4ba132b Description-gl: Editor de texto sinxelo para Alpine, un cliente de correo baseado en texto O «pico» é un editor de texto sinxelo mais potente. Orixinariamente era o compositor do pine, o editor empregado polo cliente de correo pine para escribir mensaxes. . Gañou popularidade a partir do seu uso inicial naquel contexto e agora emprégano como editor autónomo moitos usuarios. . É semellante mais menos potente que o Nano de GNU, un editor creado coa interface do pico cando a licenza do pico non era libre. Package: alsa-oss Description-md5: 7e1413025cd44f9937186b01e353aed0 Description-gl: ALSA wrapper for OSS applications This package contains a program loader, aoss, which wraps applications written for OSS in a compatibility library, thus allowing them to work with ALSA. . There are two ways of getting an application to work with ALSA if the application was written for OSS. The first way is to load the special ALSA drivers that emulate the OSS kernel interface; these allow the application to open /dev/dsp0 and other OSS device files. The second way is to wrap the application in the libaoss library provided in this package; the wrapper causes the application to access native ALSA device files such as /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c instead of OSS device files. . Use of the alsa-oss library is recommended over the use of OSS-emulation drivers if you want to use ALSA's PCM plugin layer. . ALSA é a Arquitectura Avanzada de Son de Linux. . OSS is the free version of the Open Sound System. Package: alsa-source Description-md5: 53e1b4fbfd16b147221d407941e1a35f Description-gl: ALSA driver sources This package contains the source code for the ALSA drivers. The source code can be compiled into an alsa-modules package using the m-a utility (available in the module-assistant package). Please note that the kernel headers must be installed to compile these modules. Please read the README.Debian file for more information about loading and building modules. . ALSA é a Arquitectura Avanzada de Son de Linux. Package: alsaplayer-gtk Description-md5: 92f6c92d78063bc4d18cfafe59ef93d5 Description-gl: Interface de alsaplayer en gtk This package provides a GTK+ interface to alsaplayer, an audio player. Package: alsoft-conf Description-md5: c4b89e94035a76580116d2d0d19ea7e2 Description-gl: Ferramenta de configuración OpenAL-Soft Alsoft-conf is an easy to use tool to configure OpenAL-Soft, a software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API. It is possible to enable or disable audio backends, exclude effects, change sample depth or frequency and to position your virtual speakers. Package: altos Description-md5: cf094d7ad02e2efa2e580e53cf661eb0 Description-gl: Altus Metrum firmware and utilities Firmware and utilities needed to support high power model rocketry products from Altus Metrum, including TeleMetrum, TeleMini, and TeleDongle. . Consulte para máis información. Package: amarok Description-md5: 8cb0abbd7a36a44af04429c5df99b014 Description-gl: Reprodutor multimedia doado de usar baseado na Plataforma KDE O Amarok é un reprodutor de música potente con unha interfaz intuitiva. Reproduce a música que vostede queira e permÃtelle descubrir nova música de xeito máis doado que nunca e parece que é bo facendoo! Amarok está baseado na potente plataforma Qt4 / KDE4 e intégrase de xeito atractivo no escritorio KDE. . Empregouse moito traballo en integrar o Amarok 2 con varios servizos Web: - Ampache - Jamendo Service - - Librivox - MP3tunes - Magnatune - OPML Podcast Directory . Amarok vén con moitas caracterÃsticas, incluÃndo (pero sen seren as únicas): - Scripts - mellore a súa experiencia co Amarok con scripts desenvolvidos pola comunidade. - Listas de reprodución dinámicas - cree listas que se actualicen automaticamente. - Vista contextual - personalice a interface coa vista contextual fornecida por Plasma. - Dosificador de emerxentes - Amarok simplifica as accións de arrastrar e soltar cun sistema de menús revolucionario. - Traducións a moitos idiomas - Xestión de coleccións - organizar a súa colección de música nunca foi tan doado como coas facilidades de etiquetado, renomeado e ordenamento de Amarok. - Importación de base de datos - importe coleccións de Amarok 1.4 ou desde iTunes. - Servizos que admiten scripts - integre outros servizos web en Amarok. Package: amarok-common Description-md5: 7edb06ad8d166860bb6c8a6ff4667004 Description-gl: Ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para Amarok Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios independentes da arquitectura para que Amarok funcione axeitadamente. AsÃ, a menos que teña o paquete da mesma versión do «amarok» instalada, dificilmente vai considerar útil este paquete. Package: amarok-dbg Description-md5: 11a8ecdda53370b64ba5912cbe25c09a Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Amarok Este paquete proporciona sÃmbolos de depuración para todos os paquetes binarios construÃdos dende o paquete fonte de amarok. É moi recomendábel ter este paquete instalado antes de informar de calquera fallo de Amarok aos desenvolvedores de Amarok ou de Debian. Package: amarok-doc Description-md5: b4eb7b0dab4bb7bf23c9243f8c1ee81b Description-gl: Documentación do Amarok (Manual) Este paquete contén a documentación do usuario do Amarok. Pódese abrir desde o menú do aplicativo Axuda -> Manual do Amarok. Package: amarok-utils Description-md5: 902c3b6707d3e170627b7353c75854f9 Description-gl: Utilidades para o reprodutor de multimedia Amarok Este paquete contén as utilidades de liña de ordes usadas normalmente Amarok, pero tamén pode ser útil en sistemas sen o Amarok instalado. Foron deseñadas para seren lixeiras, xa que non dependen das bibliotecas de KDE. . Actualmente, o paquete contén as utilidades seguintes: - amarokcolleciontscanner - examina os ficheiros de audio, recolle información das etiquetas dos ficheiros e imprÃmea no formato estruturado XML. -amarok_afttagger - un programa auxiliar que escribe/elimina as etiquetas personalizadas nos/dos ficheiros de medios requiridos para o «Seguimento de ficheiros de Amarok» incorporado. Package: amavisd-milter-dbg Description-md5: 5ccd4c6f360e771d825a2121691f4be2 Description-gl: amavisd-new interface for milter-capable MTAs - debugging symbols This package provides a milter for amavisd-new that works with Sendmail or Postfix, using the AM.PDP protocol. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do amavisd-milter. Package: amavisd-new-postfix Description-md5: 773545be8d857a68c40886e6112d0450 Description-gl: part of Ubuntu mail stack provided by Ubuntu server team AMaViSd-new é un script que crea unha interface para un axente de transporte de correo («MTA») con cero ou máis escáneres de virus e spamassassin (opcional). . Admite todos os escáneres comúns de virus (máis de 20 antivirus diferentes), permitindo a comunicación directa co daemon para os antivirus ClamAV, OpenAntiVirus, Trophie, f-proft e Sophoros. . AMaViSd-new supports all MTAs through its generic SMTP/LMTP filter mode (ideal for postfix and exim). It is faster and safer to use the SMTP/LMTP filter mode than using the AMaViS pipe client. It supports sendmail milter through this package. . This package contains configuration files for amavis and alters postfix configuration to utilize amavisd-new. Package: amphetamine-data Description-md5: 0e43c7567c8534fbf1630b85ea8f4701 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo «Amphetamine» Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos empregados polo xogo «Amphetamine». . Amphetamine is an exciting jump'n run game that offers some unique visual effects like colored lighting, fogging and coronas. You must fight eleven evil monsters with your magic weapons. Package: ample Description-md5: 075ea967482f019a306333be57ff857c Description-gl: simple MP3 server easy to use O Ample (un «prestamista» de MP3, no xogo de palabras en inglés), é un servidor sinxelo de MP3 escrito en C. Non admite misturar, programas de radio, etc. O Ample pretende simplemente ser un modo fácil de escoitar MP3 remotos empregando as funcionalidades de «abrir un sitio» que teñen XMMS, WinAmp e Media Player. Package: amsynth Description-md5: d4b490921ea66cb8c54e8e4cfb3bbf35 Description-gl: Software de sintetización de dous osciladores amSynth features: * two analogue-style audio oscillators, featuring: o sine wave o saw/triangle wave with adjustable shape o square/pulse wave with adjustable pulsewidth o noise generation o "random" wave (noise with sample & hold) o oscillator sync o of course, detune and range control * mixer section with ring modulation * analogue-style low-pass filter o 24dB/octave curve o dedicated ADSR envelope o cutoff and resonance control o keyboard pitch tracking * amplifier with dedicated ADSR envelope * modulation LFO o up to 58Hz modulation o routable to all sections (pitch, filter, amplifier) * Effects o High quality stereo reverb (freeverb) o Distortion/crunch * Easy navigation and manipulation of presets * Stand-alone OSS or ALSA Midi/Audio client Package: amule-common Description-md5: aa97dc31848cd80e35cd00e92da4b1fa Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns do resto dos paquetes do aMule This package contains localization files, webserver templates and GUI skins for aMule. You probably don't want to install this package alone, but amule, amule-daemon or amule-utils-gui instead. Package: amule-daemon Description-md5: 0eb0fa1f3a72f84aa9c272e9b3f0a18c Description-gl: non-graphic version of aMule, a client for the eD2k and Kad networks This package contains a daemonized version of aMule, amuled, that does not need a graphic environment to run, and can run in the background as well. It is normally used to be run in a machine 24/7, since the application continues to run if the X11 session closes. . Included in the package is a webserver that provides an interface to control the daemon. Remote connections are supported, and the daemon can be configured to start the webserver automatically at startup. It is also possible to control amuled via amulecmd, from the amule-utils package, and amulegui, available in the amule-utils-gui package. . Vexa a descrición do paquete amule para unha lista de funcionalidades e /usr/share/doc/amule-daemon/README.Debian para algúns notas de uso básicas. Package: amule-utils Description-md5: 3a57c98d8bce187bf65ae89385b66814 Description-gl: Utilidades para o aMule (versión para a liña de ordes) This package contains a set of command-line utilities related to aMule, the eD2k network client: . * ed2k: handles ed2k:// links, queueing them into aMule * cas: displays the contents of your aMule online signature * alcc: computes ed2k:// links for the given input files * amulecmd: text-based client to control aMule or the aMule daemon . Some of these utilities have graphic versions, which can be found in the amule-utils-gui package. Package: anagramarama Description-md5: 7df0ae841f315cd1c4853a2482a2ce3d Description-gl: Un rápido xogo crebacabezas que consiste en crear anagramas usando SDL Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama! The aim is to find as many words as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you'll advance to the next level. Package: anagramarama-data Description-md5: 4e700f84969c3edec5e88de9643118c3 Description-gl: fast paced anagram puzzle game using SDL (data files) Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama! The aim is to find as many words as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you'll advance to the next level. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do anagramarama. Package: analitza-common Description-md5: 15f6d44494810efbd452d25193052305 Description-gl: common files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: analitza4-common Description-md5: 15f6d44494810efbd452d25193052305 Description-gl: common files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: android-libaapt Description-md5: 6766f9d7dc04ef81ed3bf2af26ae59f6 Description-gl: Android Asset Packaging Tool - Shared library The Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt) takes your application resource files, such as the AndroidManifest.xml file and the XML files for your Activities, and compiles them. An is also produced so you can reference your resources from your Java code. This tool allows you to view, create, and update Zip-compatible archives (zip, jar, apk). It can also compile resources into binary assets. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: android-libadb-dev Description-md5: d694e77c18a5737249d1fe0e8fbf4e95 Description-gl: Library for Android Debug Bridge - Development files This library provides APIs for accessing and controlling Android devices. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libandroidfw-dev Description-md5: e6f58464d4ebdf1df4179fa3b085ae9c Description-gl: Android utility library - Development files Library providing utility functions to Android related tools. This is needed purely to get various Android utilities working. In the Google builds of the Android SDK, this library is statically linked, but in the Debian packaging, it is a private shared library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libbacktrace-dev Description-md5: 929a80fb925eddb2a2989058dc7254c3 Description-gl: Android backtrace library - Development files This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libbase-dev Description-md5: 5400b9d81a8ba7cc90d4f188ed3a76b8 Description-gl: Android base library - Development files This library provides APIs for basic tasks like handling files, Unicode strings, logging, memory allocation, integer parsing, etc.. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libcutils-dev Description-md5: 8dbc8f2a1febc7395868e7a5f0621a49 Description-gl: Android utils library for C - Development files This library provides common functionalities for android related tools. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libdex-dev Description-md5: e8be73ef9e5dc835777b7e712fb63919 Description-gl: Dalvik Executable library - Development files Dalvik is a process virtual machine in Google's Android operating system that executes applications written for Android. . This library provides APIs for Dalvik Executables. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libext4-utils-dev Description-md5: 31a247bdaa4f3dae59c29cb44d22c125 Description-gl: Android ext4 utility library - Development files This library is only used by fastboot currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libf2fs-utils-dev Description-md5: c1231cd50446c50349b9f708488aa9d2 Description-gl: Android F2FS utility library - Development files This package contains only libf2fs_utils which is composed of libf2fs_ioutils and libf2fs_dlutils. . This library is only used by fastboot currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-liblog-dev Description-md5: 5ad1bb25d167e070f3b3738d5d6501f5 Description-gl: Android NDK logger interfaces - Development files liblog represents an interface to the volatile Android Logging system for NDK (Native) applications and libraries. Interfaces for either writing or reading logs. The log buffers are divided up in Main, System, Radio and Events sub-logs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libnativehelper-dev Description-md5: d9aac5d0071ff6be4a8add07b5871628 Description-gl: Support functions for Android's class libraries - Development files This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libsparse-dev Description-md5: b99b0d0490ab2905c5577e6068f1839d Description-gl: Library for sparse files - Development files This library provides APIs for creating, manipulating and destroying sparse files. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libutils-dev Description-md5: f37768d78bf5e25e5cf20a8d5e5dbd1f Description-gl: Android Utility Function Library - Development files This library provides miscellaneous utility functions. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-libziparchive-dev Description-md5: 217dfecadef26031dff8fa80a1788d9e Description-gl: Library for ZIP archives - Development files This library provides APIs for creating and manipulating ZIP archives. . This library is only used by Android SDK currently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: android-platform-build-headers Description-md5: 799cbd9ea0feb6228b06ba5db8b1e8f2 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This package is for transitional only, feel free to remove it. Package: android-tools-adb Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: android-tools-fastboot Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: animals Description-md5: f30d1c2cac6eb8923ffa7c171b0f6951 Description-gl: Traditional AI animal guessing engine using a binary tree DB Pensas nun animal e este paquete tenta adiviñalo... cando se equivoca, ensÃnaslle sobre o animal. . Para ser máis flexÃbel e axudar no aspecto educativo, este xogo non contén unha base de datos inicial. Isto tamén permite que se poida empregar para algo que non sexan animais, como adiviñar ferramentas ou lugares. Package: anjuta-extras Description-md5: 08719358bf19281d5f292abcac89a9d7 Description-gl: Engadidos e extras para anjuta anjuta-extras contain a set of plugins for anjuta, GNOME development IDE. . The following plugins are included: * Sample Plugin: Sample Plugin for Anjuta. * Scintilla Editor: An alternate editor based on Scintilla * Scratchbox: Change build commands to use scratchbox 1 or 2 Package: anomaly Description-md5: 704790c92ce17d96cce01198ae4b7750 Description-gl: Detecte datos anómalos nun fluxo numérico To detect anomalous data in a numeric stream, anomaly needs to see a stream of numeric data, and apply one of its detection methods. If an anomaly is detected, a response is made, chosen from one or more built in methods. Package: ant Description-md5: 104974004cbbc2340c2f993bcc2ea654 Description-gl: Ferramenta de xeración semellante a make, baseada en Java Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks. . This package contains the scripts and the core tasks libraries. Package: ant-doc Description-md5: 5dc7d2a898fd0b7c2bbd93393dc5ef63 Description-gl: Ferramenta de construción tipo make baseada en Java - Documentación e manual da API Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks. . This package contains the manual of ant as well as the API documentation. Package: ant-optional Description-md5: 031868c57b6c6724ca7d70ff964eb724 Description-gl: Ferramenta de construción baseada en Java - bibliotecas opcionais Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks. . This package contains the optional tasks libraries. Package: antlr Description-md5: 21a2d2105df695e242797a7829b2c9b5 Description-gl: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers]. . A conversión de linguaxes de programación converteuse nunha tarefa común. AÃnda que os compiladores e as ferramentas das linguaxes de programación tradicionais (como C ou Java) aÃnda se estean a construÃr, o seu número redúcese a prol dos centos de mini-linguaxes para as que se están a desenvolver recoñecedores e convertedores. Os programadores constrúen convertedores para formatos de bases de datos, ficheiros de datos gráficos (p.ex., PostStript, AutoCAD), ficheiros de procesamento de textos (p.ex., HTML, SGML). ANTLR está deseñado para axudarlle en todas as tarefas de conversión. Package: antlr3 Description-md5: 21a2d2105df695e242797a7829b2c9b5 Description-gl: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers]. . A conversión de linguaxes de programación converteuse nunha tarefa común. AÃnda que os compiladores e as ferramentas das linguaxes de programación tradicionais (como C ou Java) aÃnda se estean a construÃr, o seu número redúcese a prol dos centos de mini-linguaxes para as que se están a desenvolver recoñecedores e convertedores. Os programadores constrúen convertedores para formatos de bases de datos, ficheiros de datos gráficos (p.ex., PostStript, AutoCAD), ficheiros de procesamento de textos (p.ex., HTML, SGML). ANTLR está deseñado para axudarlle en todas as tarefas de conversión. Package: antlr3.2 Description-md5: 21a2d2105df695e242797a7829b2c9b5 Description-gl: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers]. . A conversión de linguaxes de programación converteuse nunha tarefa común. AÃnda que os compiladores e as ferramentas das linguaxes de programación tradicionais (como C ou Java) aÃnda se estean a construÃr, o seu número redúcese a prol dos centos de mini-linguaxes para as que se están a desenvolver recoñecedores e convertedores. Os programadores constrúen convertedores para formatos de bases de datos, ficheiros de datos gráficos (p.ex., PostStript, AutoCAD), ficheiros de procesamento de textos (p.ex., HTML, SGML). ANTLR está deseñado para axudarlle en todas as tarefas de conversión. Package: anyremote-data Description-md5: 8840a22bdd11142851e28e2f02e27605 Description-gl: architecture independent files for anyremote With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or IR remote controllers. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: anyremote-doc Description-md5: cdacc18f88285652bc5584438ed60656 Description-gl: Documentación de anyremote With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or IR remote controllers. . This package contains the HTML documentation offline. Package: aoetools Description-md5: 4d36ba325382978131394e61bd2907e9 Description-gl: Ferramentas para axudar na utilización de ATA sobre Ethernet The aoetools are programs that assist in using ATA over Ethernet. These tools are designed to work with the "aoe" driver for Linux 2.6+ kernels; in fact, this version recommends kernel 2.6.14 or later, as both support up to 16 slots per shelf address. . Os sistemas que se executan o kernel Linux 2.4 non precisan e non deberÃan instalar o aoetools. O controlador «aoe» para o kernel 2.4 é auto- suficiente. . There are several tools included in this package: * aoecfg - manipulate AoE configuration strings * aoe-discover - trigger discovery of ATA over Ethernet devices * aoe-flush - flush the down devices out of the aoe driver * aoe-interfaces - restrict network interfaces used for AoE * aoe-mkdevs - create character and block device files * aoe-mkshelf - create block device files for one shelf address * aoeping - simple userland communication with AoE devices * aoe-revalidate - revalidate the disk size of an AoE device * aoe-sancheck - diagnoses MTU and other network issues * aoe-stat - print status information for AoE devices * aoe-version - print AoE-related software version information * coraid-update - upload an update file to a Coraid appliance Package: aoeui Description-md5: fb7797c4400e86e466b63ed20e0056c5 Description-gl: Editor de texto lixeiro, non entremetido e optimizado para Dvorak A very small and efficient display editor built upon a philosophy of making interaction with UNIX text manipulation commands easy, rather than duplicating their features. Its command set is optimized for the Dvorak and QWERTY keyboard layouts. . Also includes asdfg, aoeui's QWERTY variant. Package: ap-utils Description-md5: e7c3191e2ce01e12305e29d8aa39358b Description-gl: Access Point SNMP Utils for Linux Un conxunto de utilidades para administrar remotamente diversos puntos de acceso sen fÃos (PA) mediante SNMP: * ap-auth - actualizar a listaxe de autenticación * ap-config - configurar interactivamente ou obter estatÃsticas de dispositivos que admitan MIB-II, IEEE 802.11 MIB ou NWN DOT11EXT MIB e a maiorÃa dos PA baseados no chipset Atmel * ap-gl - configurar interactivamente ou obter estatÃsticas de puntos de acceso baseados en Atmel Prism * ap-mrtg - obter estatÃsticas dun PA no formato MRTG * ap-rrd - obter estatÃsticas dun PA no formato RRDttol * ap-tftp - actualizar o firmware dun PA mediante TFTP * ap-trapd - recibir, analizar e rexistrar mensaxes de trap dun PA . Os puntos de acceso admitidos inclúen Global Sun ProWave GL2411AP, Compex WavePort WP11, Linksys WAP11, SMC MC2655W, Netgear ME102, Edimax WLAN Access Point, D-Link DWL 900AP e Eumitcom WA3001A. Tamén deberÃan funcionar outros baseados nas placas de Atmel chipsets ou que admitan MIB- II, IEEE 802.11 MIB e NWN DOT11EXT MIB. Package: apcalc-common Description-md5: 5a2e1d34b094540a0f38364774249fc2 Description-gl: Calculadora de precisión arbitraria (ficheiros comúns) Calc is an arbitrary precision arithmetic system that uses a C-like language. Calc is useful as a calculator, an algorithm prototyper and as a mathematical research tool. More importantly, calc provides one with a machine independent means of computation. Calc comes with a rich set of builtin mathematical and programmatic functions. . This package contains architecture independent files required by the main package `apcalc'. Package: apcupsd-doc Description-md5: 1228fcbdeeb1d4a793e9f026680a7f88 Description-gl: APC UPS Power Management (documentation/examples) apcupsd provides UPS power management for APC products, including most BackUPS series models (including USB), SmartUPS V/S, SmartUPS (NET/RM), and Matrix series. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: apertium Description-md5: 45f2d36e1c35dfe9a925f418d6b95167 Description-gl: Motor de tradución automática de transferencia superficial Sendo un motor de tradución automática de transferencia superficial, Apertium está en principio dirixido a pares de linguas relacionadas. . Emprega transdutores de estados finitos para as operacións de procesamento léxico, modelos ocultos de Markov para a desambiguación categorial e chunking multietapa baseado en estados finitos para a transferencia estrutural. . O sistema baséase en boa medida en sistemas xa desenvolvidos polo grupo Transducens da Universidade de Alacante, como interNOSTRUM (Español- Catalán, e o tradutor Universia (español-portugués, . Será posÃbel empregar Apertium para construÃr sistemas de tradución automática para unha variedade de pares de linguas relacionadas simplemente fornecendo os datos lingüÃsticos necesarios no formato axeitado. Package: apertium-dev Description-md5: 788dfc1c9e13fb4174f202b4c2387d73 Description-gl: Development tools and library for Apertium Sendo un motor de tradución automática de transferencia superficial, Apertium está en principio dirixido a pares de linguas relacionadas. . This package contains development files for the Apertium shallow-transfer machine translation engine. Package: apertium-es-ca Description-md5: a05e74da1e11f265279976c63fb550c7 Description-gl: Transitional dummy package for apertium-spa-cat Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: apertium-es-gl Description-md5: c5dab29a1cb2e8b4a96ad47c9d121a96 Description-gl: Datos de tradución de Apertium para o par español-galego Paquete de datos que lle fornece a Apertium recursos para traducir entre os idiomas español e galego. Package: apertium-es-it Description-md5: 1f21d6c6919fff6c17cfd4089d13387e Description-gl: Transitional dummy package for apertium-spa-ita Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: apertium-fr-ca Description-md5: ac7ef4b542bf25396064de5740bbc853 Description-gl: Transitional dummy package for apertium-fra-cat Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: apertium-pt-gl Description-md5: 769de03334afd1fb5221ab194fd4c554 Description-gl: Datos de tradución de Apertium para o par portugués-galego Paquete de datos que lle fornece a Apertium recursos para traducir entre os idiomas portugués e galego. Package: apmd Description-md5: 101bf0154b06ad4d7eee1e65235e7658 Description-gl: Utilidades para Xestión Avanzada da EnerxÃa (APM) Nos portátiles, a Xestión Avanzada da EnerxÃa (APM) permite o acceso á información do estado da baterÃa e pódelle axudar a conservar a enerxÃa da baterÃa - dependendo do seu portátil e da implementación de APM. O programa apmd tamén lle permite executar programas arbitrarios cando se producen as accións APM (por exemplo, pode expulsar os dispositivos PCMCI ao suspender ou cambiar os tempos de espera dos discos cando conecte a baterÃa). . Este paquete contén apmd(8), un daemon para rexistrar e actuar sobre as accións APM, asà como apm(1) un cliente que imprime a información de /proc/apm nun formato lexÃbel. . apmd recibe notificación dos acontecementos APM por parte do controlador de APM do kernel. . Dado que os kernels do Debian lenny non se compilan máis contando con APM, precÃsase de compilar un kernel que admita apm se se quixer usar este paquete. PrecÃsase arrancar o kernel coa opción «apm=on» se se quixer activar o controlador. . Na maiorÃa dos casos, os usuarios poden desexar saber que existen esquemas de xestión da enerxÃa máis recentes, como ACPI. Package: apoo Description-md5: 0bf92e92417ba2a6a1fd7eac855ae109 Description-gl: Assembly course aid Unha máquina virtual (unha CPU) creada con propósitos docentes. Todos os programas están escritos en Python e son moi doados de estender para incorporar pseudo-instrucións tipo assembly. Fornécese unha interface baseada en gtk2 para axudar coa depuración ou simplemente o exame da execución dos programas. Outro programa permite que un titor cree exercicios e escriba regras para cualificar automaticamente as solucións do alumnado. Package: apport-kde Description-md5: c8fd570a74a013e8fc3c502dd64152ce Description-gl: Interface KDE para o sistema de informe de fallos apport apport recolle de forma automática certos datos de procesos que finalizan de xeito non agardado, e crea un informe do problema en /var/crash/. Utiliza o axudante de envorcado fornecido polo núcleo de Ubuntu. . Este paquete fornece unha interface para KDE para examinar e manexar informes de fallos. Package: apport-noui Description-md5: 5cfad9aa6d06a624d5f60c2375d26631 Description-gl: tools for automatically reporting Apport crash reports apport recolle de forma automática certos datos de procesos que finalizan de xeito non agardado, e crea un informe do problema en /var/crash/. Utiliza o axudante de envorcado fornecido polo núcleo de Ubuntu. . A instalación deste paquete configure o sistema para que envÃe automaticamente todos os informes de fallo de Apport. Package: apt-build Description-md5: 53f603818fd993e68be0ac08386d29c1 Description-gl: Interface para apt para construÃr, optimizar e instalar paquetes Esta é unha interface para apt-get para compilar software optimizado para a súa arquitectura mediante a creación dun repositorio local de paquetes construÃdos. tamén pode xestionar as anovacións do sistema. Package: apt-cacher Description-md5: e738459dd0f1f9b89b175dd5dd55a2a0 Description-gl: Servidor de proxies de caché para repositorios de software de Debian/Ubuntu Apt-cacher performs caching of files requested by apt-get (or other APT clients such as aptitude or synaptic). Apt-cacher can also proxy Debian Bugs SOAP requests for apt-listbugs. It is most useful for local area networks with limited network bandwidth or to reduce multiple large downloads. . When a file or package is requested, apt-cacher checks whether it already has the requested version, in which case it fulfils the request immediately. If not, it downloads the package while streaming it to the client at the same time. A local copy is then kept for any subsequent requests. . Apt-cacher has been optimized for best utilization of network bandwidth and is efficient even on slow or low-memory servers. Multiple ways of installation are possible: as a stand-alone proxy, as a daemon executed by inetd or as a CGI program (deprecated). Client machines are configured by changing APT's proxy configuration or modification of access URLs in sources.list. . The package includes utilities to clean the cache (removing obsolete package files), generate usage reports and import existing package files. Optional features include a file checksum verification framework, IPv6 support, FTP and HTTPS (proxying only) support as well as the simultaneous caching of different repositories (e.g Debian and Ubuntu). . Apt-cacher can be used as a replacement for apt-proxy, with no need to modify client's /etc/apt/sources.list files (and even reusing its config and cached data), or as an alternative to approx. Package: apt-offline-gui Description-md5: c320d4ba3db03ee58760227c3cc84884 Description-gl: offline APT package manager - GUI apt-offline is an Offline APT Package Manager. . apt-offline can fully update and upgrade an APT based distribution without connecting to the network, all of it transparent to APT. . apt-offline can be used to generate a signature on a machine (with no network). This signature contains all download information required for the APT database system. This signature file can be used on another machine connected to the internet (which need not be a Debian box and can even be running windows) to download the updates. The downloaded data will contain all updates in a format understood by APT and this data can be used by apt-offline to update the non-networked machine. . apt-offline can also fetch bug reports and make them available offline. . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica de usuario de apt-offline. Package: apt-transport-tor Description-md5: 4d820afa6e1369d26ffa4a285e6a8503 Description-gl: APT transport for anonymous package downloads via Tor Provides support in APT for downloading packages anonymously via the Tor network. . APT already includes mechanisms for guaranteeing the authenticity of the packages you download. However, an adversary sniffing your network traffic can still see what software you are installing. . Instale apt-transport-tor, edite o ficheiro sources.list para que só inclúa URL tor:// e dificultará moito que calquera intercepte o seu tráfico de rede para averiguar que vostede está a instalar paquetes de Debian ou que paquetes está a instalar. . Please note that this approach is only as secure as Tor itself - this software cannot protect you from an attacker who has access to your local machine. In addition, attackers may be able to correlate your network traffic with the packets coming out of an exit node, so do be careful. Package: aptitude-doc-cs Description-md5: 932ff8810da50569ec3e41432b684d97 Description-gl: Czech manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . This package contains the Czech version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-es Description-md5: 932df7cf457fc2f3fe2e8dc860b84561 Description-gl: Spanish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . This package contains the Spanish version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-fi Description-md5: 8df27fc79564fcd48eebaddf0a7acda5 Description-gl: Finnish manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . This package contains the Finnish version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-fr Description-md5: ae91626aed826890c80dbdf82abd2bce Description-gl: French manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . Este paquete contén a versión en francés do manual do usuario de aptitude no formato HTML. Package: aptitude-doc-it Description-md5: 1c8949b4fe5988a83d1ba2b7cbb3c4a8 Description-gl: Italian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . This package contains the Italian version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-ja Description-md5: 4cfad5a009b39ce6a8f9399bd0bd89fd Description-gl: Japanese manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . This package contains the Japanese version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-nl Description-md5: 5d87a5e8291d4c825db40e789abca584 Description-gl: Dutch manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . This package contains the Dutch version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: aptitude-doc-ru Description-md5: e18505c34cf14692eaece2043f053f5d Description-gl: Russian manual for aptitude, a terminal-based package manager aptitude é un xestor de paquetes cunha morea de funcionalidades útiles que inclúen: unha sintaxe parecida á do mutt para atopar paquetes dunha maneira flexÃbel, persistencia semellante á de dselect para as accións do usuario, a capacidade de obter e mostrar o rexistro de cambios de Debian da maiorÃa dos paquetes e un modo de liña de ordes semellante ao de apt- get. . This package contains the Russian version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format. Package: apturl-kde Description-md5: a4b4a26c612de7e3e69da6a468094181 Description-gl: Instale paquetes usando o protocolo apt - interface para KDE AptUrl é un sinxelo aplicativo gráfico que toma un URL (que segue o protocolo apt) como unha opción de liña de ordes, analÃzaa e leva a fin as operacións que o URL describe (isto é. pregunta ao usuario se desexa que os paquetes indicados se instalen e se a resposta é positiva faino por el). . Este paquete contén a interface para KDE. Package: apvlv Description-md5: 4c924a5cb9457b9cbbc4177536ca9799 Description-gl: Visor de PDF de comportamento semellante ao Vim apvlv (Alf's PDF Viewer Like Vim) is a small and fast PDF viewer, that uses poppler for rendering. Its interface aims to users who like vim behaviour. For example opening a PDF file can be done with ':o filename'. apvlv can also work with tabs, so you can open multiple files at the same time in one program. Package: aranym Description-md5: 83eb6a8171294d3549df9c6a3d08cfd3 Description-gl: Atari Running on Any Machine Máquina virtual para executar o sistema operativo e aplicativos Atari 32-bit Package: arcanist Description-md5: 9ea91c64cccc7e76aadf0b86ce0ee93d Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para Phabricator (plataforma de revisión) Arcanist is the command-line tool for Phabricator. It allows you to interact with Phabricator installs to send code for review, download patches, transfer files, view status, make API calls, and various other things. Package: ardour Description-md5: da4b23920a85356ff3a27154c8159a99 Description-gl: the digital audio workstation Ardour is a multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio workstation (DAW). It can be used to control, record, edit and run complex audio setups. . Ardour supports pro-audio interfaces through the ALSA project, which provides high quality, well designed device drivers and API's for audio I/O under Linux. Any interface supported by ALSA can be used with Ardour. This includes the all-digital 26 channel RME Hammerfall, the Midiman Delta 1010 and many others. . Ardour has support for 24 bit samples using floating point internally, non-linear editing with unlimited undo, a user-configurable mixer, MTC master/slave capabilities, MIDI hardware control surface compatibility. . It supports MIDI Machine Control, and so can be controlled from any MMC controller and many modern digital mixers. . O Ardour contén un potente editor/arranxador de son multipista que é completamente non destrutivo e capaz de todas as operacións de edición non lineais (inserir, substituÃr, eliminar, mover, recortar, seleccionar, cortar/copiar/pegar). O editor conta con capacidade de desfacer/refacer ilimitada e pode gardar «versións» independentes dunha pista ou dunha peza enteira . Ardour's editor supports the community-developed LADSPA plugin standard. Arbitrary chains of plugins can be attached to any portion of a track. Every mixer strip can have any number of inputs and outputs, not just mono, stereo or 5.1. An N-way panner is included, with support for various panning models. Pre- and post-fader sends exist, each with their own gain and pan controls. Every mixer strip acts as its own bus, and thus the bus count in Ardour is unlimited. You can submix any number of strips into another strip. . Ardour's channel capacity is limited only by the number on your audio interface and the ability of your disk subsystem to stream the data back and forth. . JACK (the JACK Audio Connection Kit) is used for all audio I/O, permitting data to be exchanged in perfect samplesync with other applications and/or hardware audio interfaces. . Ardour is sample rate and size neutral - any hardware formats from 8 to 32 bits, and rates from 8kHz to 192kHz. Internal processing in 32/64 bit IEEE floating point format. . Further information can be found at <>. Package: ardour-data Description-md5: 4ded9cf3260ffb84c002d9516a4ead91 Description-gl: digital audio workstation (data) Ardour is a multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio workstation (DAW). It can be used to control, record, edit and run complex audio setups. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: ardour3 Description-md5: 26e2926280e40b0da87c81c38893c26f Description-gl: transitional dummy package for ardour Ardour is a multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio workstation (DAW). It can be used to control, record, edit and run complex audio setups. . Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: arduino Description-md5: 60f8f72e8783c6b5a72254120b680cdb Description-gl: AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries Arduino é unha plataforma de prototipos electrónicos de código aberto baseada en hardware e software flexÃbel e doado de empregar. Está destinado a artistas, deseñadores, para o lecer e para calquera a quen lle interese crear obxectos ou ambientes interactivos. . Este paquete instala o ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado que permite escribir programas, comprobar o código, compilar e enviar ao taboleiro de desenvolvemento Arduino. Tamén se instalan bibliotecas e código de exemplo. Package: arduino-mk Description-md5: 1c4b5b2d695e9a08f840110f4b0fe014 Description-gl: Program your Arduino from the command line Arduino é unha plataforma de prototipos electrónicos de código aberto baseada en hardware e software flexÃbel e doado de empregar. Está destinado a artistas, deseñadores, para o lecer e para calquera a quen lle interese crear obxectos ou ambientes interactivos. . This package will install a Makefile to allow for CLI programming of the Arduino platform. Package: ario-common Description-md5: 127020a192576db0234fad879a965cfe Description-gl: Cliente en GTK+ para o Daemon reprodutor de música (MPD) (ficheiros comúns) Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server detection and curl to download remote files (like cover arts and lyrics). Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/ submission or multimedia keys support. . This package contains ario's architecture-independent support files. Package: arj Description-md5: 38b5501494d5fb5f61a707689bace555 Description-gl: Arquivador para ficheiros .arj Este paquete é unha versión de código aberto do arquivador arj. Esta versión foi creada coa intención de conservar a maior compatibilidade e reter o conxunto de funcionalidades do arquivador ARJ orixinal que fornece ARJ Software, Inc. Package: ark Description-md5: 2826617260d5fe4c63c9795973445730 Description-gl: Utilidade para arquivar Ark xestiona diversos formatos de arquivo, incluÃdos tar, gzip, bzip2, rar e zip, asà como imaxes de CD-ROM. Ark pode ser empregado para navegar, extraer, crear e modificar arquivos. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC. Package: armagetronad Description-md5: 9dd6c1aabf6a7a38694e3700be689c41 Description-gl: Xogo de grande velocidade en 3D tipo Tron As regras son sinxelas: conduces un luciciclo (un tipo de moto que só pode virar noventa graos de cada volta, deixa unha parede detrás e non pode ser detida) e tes que evitar bater contra as paredes ao tempo que tes que tentar que o teu adversario si bata contra elas. . A idea está baseada na pelÃcula de Disney de 1982 chamada «Tron». Se algunha vez quixeches probar un deses demos de velocidade que aparecen na pelÃcula, velaquà tes a túa oportunidade. . O Armagetron Avanzado pode xogarse contra aversarios de intelixencia artificial, contra outros humanos pola rede ou cunha mistura dos dous. Package: armagetronad-common Description-md5: 26712ad4d21fc16655c9354d08cbcb45 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns dos paquetes de Armagetron Avanzado Armagetron Avanzado é un xogo en 3D baseado nos luciciclos que corrÃan na pelÃcula dos 80 «Tron». . Tes que controlar un luciciclo que só pode virar en noventa graos, deixa unha parede sólida detrás e non pode ser detido. O obxectivo é sobrevivir máis tempo que o resto dos xogadores evitando bater contra as paredes. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de configuración comúns e a documentación compartidos entre os paquetes armagetronad e armagetronad-dedicated. Package: armagetronad-dedicated Description-md5: 729ef16a08d7363b8d4f0b99c613eb67 Description-gl: Servidor de xogos dedicado para Armagetron Avanzado Armagetron Avanzado é un xogo en 3D baseado nos luciciclos que corrÃan na pelÃcula «Tron». Tes que controlar un luciciclo que só pode virar en noventa graos, deixa unha parede sólida detrás e non pode ser detido. O obxectivo é sobrevivir máis tempo que o resto dos xogadores evitando bater contra as paredes. . Esta versión do Armagetron Avanzado só pode ser empregado como servidor de xogos nunha rede. Non ten unha saÃda gráfica e pode ser controlado a través da consola de texto. . O Avanzado Armagetron normal empregado para xogar tamén pode servir xogos, mais require de X para mostrar os seus gráficos, fornece un xogador e, polo tanto, non é axeitado para servidores de xogos permanentes. Package: arora Description-md5: d4bb160d3b16ade0fc86695bd216445d Description-gl: Sinxelo navegador web multiplataforma Sinxelo navegador web baseado en WebKit utilizando ferramentas Qt. Orixinalmente baseado no navegador de demostración de Qt para amosar as posibilidades de Qt WebKit. Arora é un navegador moi básico que admite historial e marcadores. Package: arptables Description-md5: c04609b914a7329b24d1b13a2a67bf66 Description-gl: ARP table administration Arptables emprégase para configurar, manter e inspeccionar as táboas de regras ARP no kernel Linux. É análogo a iptables mais funciona na capa ARP en troques de na capa IP. Package: artikulate Description-md5: 5a33d49ace77c3f03cd02b2a136832d7 Description-gl: Aplicativo para aprender idiomas O Artikulate é un aplicativo para aprender idiomas que axuda a mellorar as destrezas de pronunciación en varios idiomas. Está incluÃdo no proxecto de Educación de KDE. . Este paquete contén o aplicativo principal do Artikulate. Package: as31 Description-md5: 253542ad24961989ca72073dd11e08b5 Description-gl: Ensamblador para o Intel 8031/8051 Este é un ensamblador para o Intel 8031/8051 rápido, sinxelo e doado de usar. Package: asc Description-md5: ac145838afe035aea358ef9cc14ce97a Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or computer. Package: asc-data Description-md5: 96de5e4a63d138e8761ef7aff95ac987 Description-gl: data files for the Advanced Strategic Command game Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of Battle Isle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or computer. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do xogo ASC. Package: asciidoctor-doc Description-md5: 2f072b4a9505129c88ad447fddec6434 Description-gl: AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby (documentation) Asciidoctor is a pure Ruby processor for converting AsciiDoc source files and strings into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5, DocBook 5.0 and other formats. . Este paquete contén a documentación de asciidoctor. Package: asclock-themes Description-md5: def29687338f3b5a590534994af92079 Description-gl: Ficheiros de temas para ASclock, un trebello de reloxo Este paquete fornece varios temas para os diversos paquetes de ASclock, entre eles o tema clásico, que imita o aplicativo ASclock orixinal. Package: ash Description-md5: dfaa90778ec9574851d009730b4a705a Description-gl: Paquete de compatibilidade para dash Este paquete permite actualizar ash para o seu substituto, dash. Inclúe a ligazón simbólica /bin/ash. Pódese eliminar cando non se utilice máis /bin/ash. Package: asis-doc Description-md5: e76305ba362008bce4e1d749363b6894 Description-gl: Documentación da Especificación da interface semántica Ada (ASIS) ASIS (Ada Semantic Interface Specification) lets you develop applications to walk through the sources of your Ada programs and examine the semantic constructs. . This package contains the tutorial, news and examples, but not the manuals because of their license. They are available online at Package: asis-programs Description-md5: 9240f878bc68126d1dca6f278791ac89 Description-gl: Programas de exemplo da Especificación da interface semántica Ada (ASIS) ASIS (Ada Semantic Interface Specification) lets you develop applications to walk through the sources of your Ada programs and examine the semantic constructs. . * asistant is an interactive command-line tool to explore the ASIS parse tree of a program. * gnatcheck verifies the conformance of source text to coding conventions * gnatelim finds out unused subprograms and eliminates them. * gnatmetric calculates metrics such as code complexity. * gnatpp is a pretty-printer which reformats Ada source text according to a default or user-specified style guide. * gnatstub generates an empty but compilable body for a given specification. * gnattest creates AUnit test skeletons and harness for a project (gnattest requires the libaunit development package to be installed) Package: asl-doc Description-md5: 897107f2c3f498302e58c75fff0c8e10 Description-gl: documentation for ASL The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: asl-tools Description-md5: 16f6ee8e5a6339bc91835d5e2214979e Description-gl: command-line tools for ASL The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . Este paquete contén as ferramentas da liña de ordes. Package: asmail Description-md5: 04fd9d40023bc13737bce54d039f7bb0 Description-gl: Monitor de correo para AfterStep asmail is a small mail monitor similar to xbiff. It follows the AfterStep window manager's look and feel and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: asmixer Description-md5: 9d62cc20cf2df67302563f2fe851d7d9 Description-gl: Mesturador de son para AfterStep asmixer is a small audio mixer. It follows the look and feel of the AfterStep window manager and is ideally suited to be run within AfterStep's Wharf module. Package: aspell-am Description-md5: 40587b2617800dcc78d180023cc116b5 Description-gl: O dicionario de amárico para aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir o soporte da lingua amárica ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-ar Description-md5: 2bd33021f309828e666070f978404831 Description-gl: Dicionario de árabe para aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir o soporte da lingua árabe ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-ar-large Description-md5: ee8e97096037339acc08e89c04436387 Description-gl: Dicionario grande de árabe para aspell Este é o dicionario grande de árabe para Aspell de Google. A lista de palabras orixinal utilizada para este paquete foi xerada empregando The Buckwalter Arabic Morphological Analyzer Version 1.0. . Este paquete é enorme, polo que é de esperar que diminúa o desempeño con aspell. Package: aspell-bg Description-md5: 421625eda579191ec44af1516cfec9ee Description-gl: Dicionario de búlgaro para aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Bulgarian language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. . It contains both Bulgarian-only dictionary and a mixed Bulgarian + English one useful for checking the spelling of mixed texts. Package: aspell-bn Description-md5: 1e4e0b453f2c93adf0ee9bbe7b02e7d8 Description-gl: Dicionario de bengalà (bn) para aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua bengalà (bn) ao corrector ortográfico aspell. . Esta lista desenvólvea o Grupo Ankur. Package: aspell-br Description-md5: b0b59038d683fe6c03cf9ef9f00dd734 Description-gl: Dicionario de bretón para aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua bretoa ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-ca Description-md5: ac1a5e69d940eb04be1942837e419d62 Description-gl: Dicionario de catalán para aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua catalá ao corrector ortográfico aspell. . Creouno Joan Moratinos empregando datos de diferentes fontes. Package: aspell-cs Description-md5: 166da7b47282ee84e409efcc75c2432c Description-gl: Dicionario de checo para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua checa ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-cy Description-md5: f5491df5b6bdbf6208c16170e49a9c23 Description-gl: Welsh dictionary for GNU Aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua galesa ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-da Description-md5: 134cdf52e5c12b0ea5eb000429f9c460 Description-gl: The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) - aspell The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) is a free spell-checking dictionary for Danish published by Skaane Sjaelland Linux User Group (SSLUG). One thing which makes this dictionary different from most other dictionaries is that it basically is the result of a vote among the proof- readers. The editorial group has _not_ proof-read all the words in the dictionary, but guides the proof-readers and keeps track of the overall status of the dictionary. . Este é o dicionario de dinamarqués para empregar con aspell para verificar e correxir a ortografÃa nos textos en dinamarqués. Package: aspell-de Description-md5: 39cd0f073bca936d349803a5e5b99a9d Description-gl: Dicionario de alemán para aspell Este paquete contén dicionarios de alemán para o corrector ortográfico aspell. . Os dicionarios incluÃdos son: de_DE (de/deutsch/alemán), de_CH (suÃzo), e de_AT, todos os cais empregan a nova ortografÃa do alemán de 1996 (neue Rechtschreibung). . A ortografÃa antiga (1901) está fornecida por aspell-de-alt. Package: aspell-de-1901 Description-md5: 46ec2a4cf1ba3d5831a3665aa6eefdfa Description-gl: Traditional German dictionary for aspell Este paquete contén dicionarios de alemán para o corrector ortográfico aspell. . Dictionaries included are de_DE-1901 (de-1901/deutsch-alt/german-old) and de_CH-1901, all using the traditional German orthography. For the current orthography (de_DE-1996) see package aspell-de. Package: aspell-el Description-md5: 586966efae08561adecfd3c4604e76ff Description-gl: Dicionario de grego para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para lle engadir compatibilidade co greto ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-eo Description-md5: 3441555c663e9cb3488c113f3af8d64f Description-gl: Dicionario de esperanto para aspell Este é o dicionario de esperanto para empregar co corrector ortográfico aspell. O dicionario está baseado nas palabras do Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, con nomes adicionais para os paÃses/linguas. Package: aspell-eo-cx7 Description-md5: 7d80a30c1ec36a15154c73b36910b039 Description-gl: Dicionario de esperanto para aspell, codificación «cx» de 7 bits Este é o dicionario de esperanto para empregar co corrector ortográfico aspell. O dicionario está baseado nas palabras do Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, con nomes adicionais para os paÃses/linguas. . Este paquete emprega só o pseudo-conxunto de caracteres «cx» de 7 bits. Package: aspell-es Description-md5: ac589503bea8a7693ebcd302926ec681 Description-gl: Dicionario de español para aspell Este é o dicionario de español para empregar co corrector ortográfico de español. Está baseado no dicionario para ispell compilado por Santiago RodrÃguez e Jesús Carretero. Package: aspell-et Description-md5: 00e1d25fe3a31d30deb39bbd67432f22 Description-gl: Dicionario de estonio para Aspell Este dicionario fornece listas de palabras en estoniano para o corrector ortográfico de Aspell actualmente compatÃbel cos aplicativos de GNOME. . As listas de palabras están baseadas no traballo do Instituto da Lingua Estoniana e posteriormente mellorado porJaak Pruulmann, que tamén creo o ficheiro de afixos. Package: aspell-eu Description-md5: 08eabed1ac748acf1f8ba31fd9b5ef23 Description-gl: Dicionario de éuscaro (basco) para aspell Este é o dicionario de éuscaro (basco) para empregar co corrector ortográfico aspell. . Teña en conta que a parte de myspell2/aspell non foi actualizada polos creadores desde a versión 3. Package: aspell-fa Description-md5: 75445f9ba1ce13724d31533267e2375d Description-gl: Dicionario de persa para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para lle engadir compatibilidade co idioma persa (farsi) ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-fo Description-md5: 14ba59b493e88d84d3296e1b77727d2b Description-gl: Dicionario de feroés para aspell Este é o dicionario de feroés para empregar con aspell para correxir a ortografÃa dos textos en feroés. Package: aspell-fr Description-md5: c6a3a421f5b63d0c12f61f861b02487d Description-gl: Dicionario de francés para aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua francesa ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-ga Description-md5: ddcbef698c81fe6fdf42a88a134e9675 Description-gl: Dicionario de irlandés (gaélico) para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua búlgara ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-gl-minimos Description-md5: f645aa0f4b5cea6d73261b93cd0d9c1a Description-gl: Dicionario de galego para aspell (mÃnimos) This is an aspell dictionary for Galician, using the "minimos" standard, as put together by Andre Ventas and Ramon Flores. . Existen cando menos tres normativas ortográficas para o galego: ILG (oficial), reintegracionista e mÃnimos. O ILG emprega unha normativa ortográfica máis semellante á do español; os reintegracionistas inclÃnanse polo portugués. A ortografÃa de mÃnimos tenta atopar un termo medio. Package: aspell-gu Description-md5: 23ad19e394cd58bc5c07e6a1a0dffd61 Description-gl: Dicionario de guxaratà (gu) para o aspell de GNu Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua guxaratà (gu) ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-hi Description-md5: de4d8957918b71f64e11f79d9e7e14c6 Description-gl: Dicionario de hindi (hi) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua hindi (hi) ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-hr Description-md5: dd71d8327ff9d0ab0412b5fa4e610dc1 Description-gl: O dicionario de croata para o Aspell GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua croata ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-hu Description-md5: 31c2fc6bfb4afa2c78eca607d0c9c87e Description-gl: Dicionario de húngaro para aspell Este paquete contén dicionarios de húngaro para o corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-hy Description-md5: 254e3ec2bb3439b21b42de2129be13c0 Description-gl: Dicionario de armenio para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir asistencia para o idioma armenio para o corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-id Description-md5: c690de47353132538c795b8985881c0c Description-gl: Dicionario de indonesio (id) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua indonesia ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-is Description-md5: df5ba4d7f0d4e3452bd36288fcab7e1a Description-gl: Dicionario de islandés para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua islandesa ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-it Description-md5: c8e955edc72544390fe0c90afc035014 Description-gl: Italian dictionary for GNU Aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua italiana ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-kk Description-md5: 18d7b9858cc5cf55776acb5372fcef1c Description-gl: Dicionario de cazaxo para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua cazaxa ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-kn Description-md5: c2b0be5b05dd1139b88b39dde572b6ff Description-gl: Dicionario de kannada (kn) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua kannada (kn) ao corrector ortográfico aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-ku Description-md5: b364c258e68043ea5fe908e169f9c3e0 Description-gl: Dicionario de curdo para aspell Este paquete contén o dicionario de curdo para o corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-lt Description-md5: 6c51f0dac54c00ecc9a5713716c74849 Description-gl: Dicionario de aspell para o lituano (LT) Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua lituana ao corrector ortográfico aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-lv Description-md5: 7a9551effc6dbee3da68402a69baa42d Description-gl: Dicionario de letón para Aspell Este dicionario fornece listas de palabras en letoniano para o corrector ortográfico de Aspell actualmente compatÃbel cos aplicativos de GNOME. . O dicionario está xerado a partir da lista de palabras para MySpell. . Este dicionario aÃnda non está completo, mais é a mellor solución libre nesta altura. Package: aspell-ml Description-md5: 7df328f2b4dc98a1f39b354768d82c1d Description-gl: Dicionario de malayalam (ml) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua malayalam (ml), que se fala principalmente no estado indio de Kerala, ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-mr Description-md5: c55f5b9f8bf485d3fa7cd398be4aea86 Description-gl: Dicionario de marathi (mr) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua marathi (mr) ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-nl Description-md5: 834d8c112e3956202905268a05348f4a Description-gl: Dicionario de holandés para Aspell Un dicionario ortográfico de holandés para o corrector ortográfico Aspell. . Este dicionario, do proxecto OpenTaal, emprega a ortografÃa oficial de 2005 e foi aprobado oficialmente pola TaalUnie. . For a simple word list, see the wdutch package instead. Package: aspell-no Description-md5: 6092f29349df934ebd3f71ce1349fd19 Description-gl: Dicionario de noruegués para aspell Este paquete fornece os dicionarios de noruegués para empregar con aspell para corrixir textos en noruegués. Package: aspell-nr Description-md5: 190f6e331cbfa65a5ca22e4f749eb52e Description-gl: O dicionario de ndebele para aspell Este é o dicionario de ndebele para empregar co aspell. Package: aspell-ns Description-md5: 4ec31bb0d8fb390d7028905d6e26f25b Description-gl: O dicionario de sotho do norte para o Aspell Este é un dicionario de sotho do norte para empregar co aspell. Package: aspell-or Description-md5: 12ce7570ba2a9f9e5334e0233d105000 Description-gl: Dicionario de oriya (or) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua oriya (or) ao corrector ortográfico aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-pa Description-md5: dfc5748cf679e698d6a86a926b7da650 Description-gl: Dicionario de punxabà (pa) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua punxabà (pa) ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-pl Description-md5: c7edb0acf12dd06047cc5585f2c31946 Description-gl: Dicionario de polaco para aspell Un dicionario ortográfico de polaco para o corrector ortográfico Aspell. . Está collido do proxecto Package: aspell-pt Description-md5: 9a1df0a343a98d2488e24cf202886c45 Description-gl: Dicionarios de portugués para o Aspell de GNU (paquete antigo) Este é un paquete baleiro que depende dos paquetes aspell-pt-pt (portugués europeo) e aspell-pt-br (portugués do Brasil) para o Aspell de GNU. . Após a instalación ou actualización, este paquete pode ser retirado con seguranza. Package: aspell-pt-br Description-md5: 55b41a6753b5fa4dabde20215af57ddd Description-gl: Dicionarios de portugués do Brasil para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua portuguesa do Brasil ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-pt-pt Description-md5: 1a83cd048e8df3ea23accfb425d4f5da Description-gl: Dicionario de portugués europeo para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua portuguesa falada na Europa ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-ro Description-md5: 3b6f998031c24d278b62dd459f16f390 Description-gl: Dicionario de romanés para o Aspell de GNU Este é os dicionarios de romanés para empregar con aspell para correxir a ortografÃa dos textos en romanés. . Advertencia: Teña en conta que a base de datos de palabras actual é realmente pequena e que poderÃa haber moitos falso s positivos durante a corrección ortográfica. Package: aspell-ru Description-md5: b0949eb10201585e2e5da1ec8b1713f1 Description-gl: Dicionario de ruso para Aspell Este dicionario fornece listas de palabras en ruso para o corrector ortográfico de Aspell actualmente compatÃbel cos aplicativos de GNOME. . The dictionary is generated from the Ispell wordlist. Package: aspell-sk Description-md5: 284a394b4f0dc8f06471b09bef0e8b93 Description-gl: Dicionario de eslovaco para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para lle engadir compatibilidade co eslovaco ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-sl Description-md5: d85c65f452b3f2b73608ce0fcc0d3cd2 Description-gl: Slovenian dictionary for GNU Aspell Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua eslovena ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-st Description-md5: 4fc9a18d08f08c01179966c6c63afa0b Description-gl: O dicionario de sotho do norte para o Aspell Este é un dicionario de sotho do sur para empregar co aspell. Package: aspell-sv Description-md5: 6f4d41b7918c88c9bcd9204bd025a8d9 Description-gl: Dicionario de sueco para o Aspell de GNU Este é o dicionario de sueco para empregar con aspell para correxir a ortografÃa dos textos en sueco. Package: aspell-ta Description-md5: 4fdb8939484f3f4b0be3b4027547a112 Description-gl: Dicionario de tamil (ta) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua tamil (ta) ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-te Description-md5: 84ae5148f1be9fb3762f14878f0fc7d6 Description-gl: Dicionario de telugo (te) para o aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua telugo (te) ao corrector ortográfico aspell. Package: aspell-tl Description-md5: e8c70d01b6565adc2f5f98cc690515be Description-gl: Dicionario de tagalo para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros precisos para engadir axuda co tagalo ao corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-tn Description-md5: 1e9535e1dd2b1c962e4ffbfb5e6f3b01 Description-gl: O dicionario de tswana para aspell Este é o dicionario de tswana para utilizar co aspell. Package: aspell-ts Description-md5: b65ddd359017b1412a4f89a73811bc95 Description-gl: O dicionario de tsonga para aspell Este é o dicionario de tsonga para utilizar co aspell. Package: aspell-uk Description-md5: eb69186d8a83bbf88f1ee5f22a559f1e Description-gl: Dicionario de ucraÃno para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir soporte para a lingua ucraÃna ao corrector ortográfico Aspell. Package: aspell-uz Description-md5: 39cdd3aef113964a2228b9212dfea21e Description-gl: O dicionario de usbeco para o Aspell de GNU Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para engadir asistencia para o idioma usbeco para o corrector ortográfico Aspell de GNU. Package: aspell-xh Description-md5: 7731670fc8d1b2c940c1226ab6d4b50f Description-gl: O dicionario de xhosa para aspell Este é o dicionario de xhosa para utilizar co aspell. Package: aspell-zu Description-md5: faa076f420f66274f9b408661ffb627d Description-gl: O dicionario de zulú para aspell Este é o dicionario de zulú para utilizar co aspell. Package: asterisk Description-md5: 7512e0d229d5002c76464413517c8449 Description-gl: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom, and Internet and telephony applications at the top. . Asterisk can be used with Voice over IP (SIP, H.323, IAX and more) standards, or the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) through supported hardware. . Supported hardware: . * All Wildcard (tm) ISDN PRI cards from Digium ( * HFC-S/HFC-4S-based ISDN BRI cards (Junghanns.NET, beroNet, Digium etc.) * All TDM (FXO/FXS) cards from Digium * Various clones of Digium cards such as those by OpenVox * Xorcom Astribank USB telephony adapter ( * Voicetronix OpenPCI, OpenLine and OpenSwitch cards * CAPI-compatible ISDN cards (using the add-on package chan-capi) * Full Duplex Sound Card (ALSA or OSS) supported by Linux * Tormenta T1/E1 card ( * QuickNet Internet PhoneJack and LineJack ( . Este é o paquete principal, que inclúe o daemon do Asterisk e a maiorÃa dos controladores de canles e aplicativos. Package: asterisk-config Description-md5: e6341811f25f903eb6ed725a945b19f5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de configuración de Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de configuración por omisión do Asterisk.. . With program asterisk-config-custom in the asterisk package, you can create an asterisk-config replacement package. Package: asterisk-dev Description-md5: 29fb2eb8b22e0952fe45710ff2b553d1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . This package contains the include files used if you wish to compile a package which requires Asterisk's source file headers. Package: asterisk-doc Description-md5: 1f6039c0b5b8c50e4338426f68ddc318 Description-gl: Source code documentation for Asterisk Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. . Este paquete contén a documentación para configurar un sistema con Asterisk. Package: asterisk-espeak Description-md5: 1c95aef9393ef961171fa3c024e3bdf7 Description-gl: Módulo de eSpeak para Asterisk Module for the Asterisk open source PBX which allows you to use the eSpeak voice synthesis engine to render text to speech. Package: asterisk-flite Description-md5: b9be22e6118306efe62c81bb71b89039 Description-gl: Módulo de flite para Asterisk Module for the Asterisk open source PBX which allows you to use the flite voice synthesis engine to render text to speech. Package: asterisk-moh-opsound-g722 Description-md5: 1b0e15375eb1fcce22dd805cc8f3bf0f Description-gl: Ficheiros de son extra para o Asterisk - Inglés/g722 Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom, and Internet and telephony applications at the top. . O Asterisk inclúe un conxunto de ficheiros de son estándar en varios formatos. Este paquete contén varios ficheiros de música «a agardar» no formato G.722 crú (códec de banda larga medianamente comprimido). Package: asterisk-moh-opsound-gsm Description-md5: 04fdcc06ee6ab6cec41e1bfe7f17c028 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son extra para o Asterisk - Inglés/gsm Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom, and Internet and telephony applications at the top. . O Asterisk inclúe un conxunto de ficheiros de son estándar en varios formatos. Este paquete contén varios ficheiros de música «a agardar» no formato gsm-fr crú (códec de banda larga medianamente comprimido). Package: asterisk-moh-opsound-wav Description-md5: 09166aff340a2cec9261b1ddae8b517c Description-gl: Ficheiros de son extra para o Asterisk - Inglés/wav Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom, and Internet and telephony applications at the top. . Asterisk includes a set of standard sound files in various formats. This package contains several "on-hold" music files WAV format (8Khz, mono). Package: asterisk-prompt-it Description-md5: e7338f1451e2eca7e06703123e31752d Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package intended to simplify the migration from asterisk-prompt-it to asterisk-prompt-it-menardi. You can safely remove this package. The name asterisk-prompt-it should be reserved in the future to a virtual package provided by any potential Italic prompts set package. Package: astyle Description-md5: 8df5aba4629c6ca17e967f878cb634ad Description-gl: Source code indenter for C, C++, Objective-C, C#, and Java Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C# and Java programming languages. . Este paquete contén a ferramenta para a liña de ordes. Package: asunder Description-md5: 43a8f205391cf524907c11101a270abf Description-gl: graphical audio CD ripper and encoder Asunder is a graphical Audio CD ripper and encoder. It can be used to save tracks from Audio CDs. Main features: . * Admite ficheiros de son WAV, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC e Wavpack * Emprega CDDB para nomear e etiquetar cada pista * Pode codificar a varios formatos nunha sesión * Crea listas de reprodución M3U * Permite que cada pista sexa dun artista diferente * Non require un ambiente de escritorio especÃfico (só GTK+) Package: asylum Description-md5: 2c18fbb5c2b2f3dab7ac3e0cd5772dc1 Description-gl: Xogo de disparos surrealista Young Sigmund has a few problems. To help him resolve his mental instability you must enter the surreal world of his inner mind and shut down the malfunctioning brain cells. Guide Sigmund through the Ego, Psyche and Id zones - each one 300 times the size of the screen - to locate the eight renegade neurons, entering them one by one to find and trigger their self-destruct system. . This is a port of Digital Psychosis' 1994 game for the Acorn Archimedes. Package: asylum-data Description-md5: 6c6f7d859658d52ef7ab4528fdf8f832 Description-gl: surreal platform shooting game - data files Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos requiridos polo xogo Asylum. Package: asymptote Description-md5: c1b6aa3ffb76bbaec115cd7c61f16b76 Description-gl: Linguaxe de gráficos vectoriais baseada en scripts e inspirada en MetaPost Asymptote é unha linguaxe de gráficos vectoriais potente baseada en scripts para debuxos técnicos inspirada en MetaPost mais cunha sintaxe tipo C++ mellorada. Asymptote fornece para as figuras o mesmo nivel de calidade que LaTeX fai cos textos cientÃficos. Package: asymptote-doc Description-md5: 2f7e3ab8fbae0f76cb0781d5264da521 Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de asymptote Asymptote é unha linguaxe potente descritiva de gráficos vectoriais que fornece unha infraestrutura baseada en coordenadas natural para debuxos técnicos. Este paquete fornece documentación e exemplos. Package: atanks Description-md5: e17e65ae97c964a6c5e41e7dbebed8c0 Description-gl: Xogo de batallas con tanques Atomic tanks is a multi-player game in which you attempt to destroy other tanks while trying to protect your own. You earn money for destroying other tanks; with this money you can buy upgrades and better weapons for your tank. . Este xogo é semellante aos xogos tipo Terra Queimada ou Vermes. Package: atanks-data Description-md5: 2ba28ec557882b1919101487ae24cb1e Description-gl: data files for Atomic tanks Atomic tanks is a multi-player game in which you attempt to destroy other tanks while trying to protect your own. You earn money for destroying other tanks; with this money you can buy upgrades and better weapons for your tank. . Este xogo é semellante aos xogos tipo Terra Queimada ou Vermes. . This package holds the data files needed for Atomic tanks. Package: atftp Description-md5: f898d8c7e405abc5e5a5efa0aefed626 Description-gl: Cliente avanzado de TFTP Cliente interactivo para o Protocolo trivial de transferencia de ficheiros (TFTP). O seu uso é principalmente para probar e depurar o servidor Atfpt. O cliente de TFTP normalmente está implementado nos programas de BIOS e bootstrap como pxelinux ao arrancar desde unha rede local. Atftp tamén permite a invocación non interactiva para un uso fácil en scripts. Package: atftpd Description-md5: 3eb0b0a3696106c263bd0289e3d92e83 Description-gl: Servidor avanzado de TFTP Multi-threaded TFTP server implementing all options (option extension and multicast) as specified in RFC1350, RFC2090, RFC2347, RFC2348 and RFC2349. Atftpd also supports multicast protocol known as mtftp, defined in the PXE specification. The server supports being started from inetd(8) as well as in daemon mode using init scripts. Package: atlc-examples Description-md5: 914c88b6b65fe58cf49cbcffda506b45 Description-gl: Examples for Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator Contén un grande número de estruturas de exemplo para a súa análise con atlc. Package: atomicparsley Description-md5: 6fc09eecbefdcf4138f91a27f95dae0b Description-gl: Lea, analice e estableza metadatosde ficheiros MPEG-4 e 3pg AtomicParsley is a lightweight command line program for reading, parsing and setting metadata into MPEG-4 files supporting these styles of metadata: . - iTunes-style metadata into .mp4, .m4a, .m4p, .m4v, .m4b files - 3gp-style assets (3GPP TS 26.444 version 6.4.0 Release 6 specification conforming) in 3GPP, 3GPP2, MobileMP4 & derivatives - ISO copyright notices at movie & track level for MPEG-4 & derivative files - uuid private user extension text & file embedding for MPEG-4 & derivative files Package: atomix Description-md5: 855f8eac25c9eeab5e70e051ceb71fe8 Description-gl: puzzle game for building molecules out of separate atoms Atomix é un xogo educativo deseñado para GNOME no que hai que construÃr moléculas, que van desde as inorgánicas simples a algunhas orgánicas extremadamente complexas, a partir de átomos separados. . The first levels can be rather easy, but added complexity always comes with the next level, so that several minutes (or much longer than that) can be spent on each single level. Package: atomix-data Description-md5: 4bd5135dbcb97472226c3e5912739c35 Description-gl: puzzle game for building molecules out of separate atoms -- data Atomix é un xogo educativo deseñado para GNOME no que hai que construÃr moléculas, que van desde as inorgánicas simples a algunhas orgánicas extremadamente complexas, a partir de átomos separados. . The first levels can be rather easy, but added complexity always comes with the next level, so that several minutes (or much longer than that) can be spent on each single level. . This package contains the architecture independent files like levels and graphics for atomix. Package: atool Description-md5: f28cbc5b8e583a5706f54626132972bc Description-gl: tool for managing file archives of various types atool é un script para xestionar arquivos de ficheiros de distintos tipos (tar, tar+gzip, zip etc). A orde principal é probabelmente aunpack, extraer ficheiros dun arquivo. Soluciona o temido problema de «moitos ficheiros na raÃz do arquivo» extraendo a un subdirectorio único e levando de volta os ficheiros, de ser posÃbel. aunpack tamén evita que os ficheiros locais sexan substituÃdos por erro. . Other commands provided are apack (create archives), als (list files in archives), and acat (extract files to standard out). Package: atop Description-md5: 2a32ea85feda1b5ec3fb2dbfd516b9ba Description-gl: Monitor for system resources and process activity Atop is an ASCII full-screen performance monitor, similar to the top command, but atop only shows the active system-resources and processes, and only shows the deviations since the previous interval. At regular intervals, it shows system-level activity related to the CPU, memory, swap, disks and network layers, and it shows for every active process the CPU utilization in system and user mode, the virtual and resident memory growth, priority, username, state, and exit code. The process level activity is also shown for processes which finished during the last interval, to get a complete overview about the consumers of things such as CPU time. . Autor: Gerlof Langeveld <> Package: atril-common Description-md5: b2ff604bc6e0b431f9db3e68f333c922 Description-gl: MATE document viewer (common files) Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: ats-lang-anairiats-doc Description-md5: 31d44fdab4fb0808cc78a00ca88fc852 Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de ATS Anairiats ATS is a programming language with a highly expressive type system rooted in the framework Applied Type System. In particular, both dependent types and linear types are available in ATS. The current implementation of ATS (ATS/Anairiats) is written in ATS itself. It can be as efficient as C/C++ and supports a variety of programming paradigms. . In addition, ATS contains a component ATS/LF that supports a form of (interactive) theorem proving, where proofs are constructed as total functions. With this component, ATS advocates a programming style that combines programming with theorem proving. Furthermore, this component may be used as a logical framework to encode various deduction systems and their (meta-)properties. . This package contains some documentation for the language. Package: ats-lang-anairiats-examples Description-md5: 3ca187940cc8bab1dca4d073f07d6399 Description-gl: Exemplos para o compilador de ATS Anairiats ATS is a programming language with a highly expressive type system rooted in the framework Applied Type System. In particular, both dependent types and linear types are available in ATS. The current implementation of ATS (ATS/Anairiats) is written in ATS itself. It can be as efficient as C/C++ and supports a variety of programming paradigms. . In addition, ATS contains a component ATS/LF that supports a form of (interactive) theorem proving, where proofs are constructed as total functions. With this component, ATS advocates a programming style that combines programming with theorem proving. Furthermore, this component may be used as a logical framework to encode various deduction systems and their (meta-)properties. . Este paquete contén algúns exemplos da linguaxe. Package: attal Description-md5: 57aa54b7fd62b2d9c7e7f6b589c306d9 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas O Attal é un xogo de estratexia por quendas que pode ser xogado só (contra unha intelixencia artificial) ou contra outros/as nunha rede. . You control Lords with armies and you have to fight against opponents and achieve quests. Package: attal-themes-medieval Description-md5: 5a49bc4ace268cbe447107c31f90804a Description-gl: Tema medieval para attal O Attal é un xogo de estratexia por quendas que pode ser xogado só (contra unha intelixencia artificial) ou contra outros/as nunha rede. . Este paquete fornece o tema medieval para o attal. Package: aubio-tools Description-md5: f547b586ac9bea77fd66f890bb4e4736 Description-gl: library for audio segmentation -- utilities aubio gathers a set of functions for audio signal segmentation and labelling. The library contains a phase vocoder, onset and pitch detection functions, a beat tracking algorithm and other sound processing utilities. . Este paquete fornece ferramentas para a liña de ordes para executar os diferentes algoritmos. Package: audacious Description-md5: 2448b9b8910f8d08dd29bbbac89d54cd Description-gl: Reprodutor de son pequeno e rápido que admite moitos formatos O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Ademais, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. Pódese engadir compatibilidade con moitos outros códecs mediante engadidos. . Este paquete contén o reprodutor principal e a súa localización rexional. Package: audacious-dev Description-md5: 28920a2526440e360b5883b63d424f31 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do Audacious O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Ademais, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. Pódese engadir compatibilidade con moitos outros códecs mediante engadidos. . Este paquete contén as ficheiros das bibliotecas de desenvolvemento e das cabeceiras requeridos para desenvolver compoñentes para Audacious. . Please note that this package no longer contains libaudacious, as libaudacious was dropped in Audacious 1.4. Package: audacious-plugins Description-md5: a3b29e78b259c7b8df48cede64a27258 Description-gl: Base plugins for audacious O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * Windows Media (WMA) * Moitos formatos de módulos e moito máis! . Adicionalmente, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. . Este paquete contén os engadidos para o Audacious. * Lectura de CD de son * Compatibilidade con MPEG (mp3) * Compatibilidade con Ogg Vorgis * Compatibilidade con Windows Media (WMA) *Compatibilidade con AAC *Compatibilidade con FLAC *Compatibilidade con ALAC *Compatibilidade con WAVE * SaÃda para ALSA * SaÃda para OSS * SaÃda para o escritor de disco * E moitos máis! Package: audacious-plugins-data Description-md5: 1719d6de393b2f9bb46167b11f37780c Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para os engadidos de Audacious O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Este paquete contén mensaxes internacionalizados e peles para os engadidos do Audacious. Package: audacity Description-md5: f3049c5343ef448931624eb10a0c6627 Description-gl: Editor de son rápido e multiplataforma O Audacity é un editor de son con varias pistas para Linux/Unix, MacOS e Windows. Está deseñado para gravar, reproducir e editar son dixital facilmente. O Audacity conta con efectos dixitais e ferramentas de análise do espectro. A edición é moi rápida e permite desfacer/refacer ilimitados. . Os formatos de ficheiros que admite inclúen Ogg Vorbis, MP2, MP3, WAV, AIFF e AU. Package: audacity-data Description-md5: 33567c6e9f3ccd4163a600c05ed3f802 Description-gl: Editor de son rápido e multiplataforma (datos) O Audacity é un editor de son con varias pistas para Linux/Unix, MacOS e Windows. Está deseñado para gravar, reproducir e editar son dixital facilmente. O Audacity conta con efectos dixitais e ferramentas de análise do espectro. A edición é moi rápida e permite desfacer/refacer ilimitados. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: audiofile-tools Description-md5: 9bac591564495c32164bfa87879c2a7a Description-gl: Ferramentas sfinfo e sfconvert A biblioteca audiofile permite procesar datos de son desde e para ficheiros de son de moitos formatos comúns (actualmente AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun, BICS, e datos crús). . Este paquete contén as ferramentas sfindo e sfconvert. Package: audiolink Description-md5: 2ce7458549e4bc18c69a99b62327211c Description-gl: Fai que xestionar e buscar música sexa máis doado AudioLink é unha ferramenta que fai que buscar música nun medio de almacenamento local sexa máis doado e rápido. As buscas poden incluÃr diversos criterios, como artistas masculinos, artistas femininos, grupos, xéneros, etc. . Funciona con ficheiros MP3 e Ogg Vorbis e crea unha base de datos de MYSQL na que almacena a información sobre os ficheiros de música. Crea ligazóns simbóliscas aos ficheiros de música baseándose nos resultados da busca. Pódese buscar por varios campos, como artista, grupo, compositor, letrista, etc. Package: aufs-tools Description-md5: 7cf963f9f359909978f61df40c9fc752 Description-gl: Ferramentas para xestionar os sistemas de ficheiros aufs The aufs driver provides a union mount for Linux filesystems. It allows one to virtually merge the contents of several directories and/or stack them, so that file changes in the aufs union mount end up as changes in only one of the source directories. . This package contains utilities needed to configure aufs containers on- the-fly. Package: aumix Description-md5: 3c87dee05b75dd9a7896d59da2819aa7 Description-gl: Programa de control de mesturador de son simple baseado en texto aumix is a small, easy-to-use program to control the mixer of your sound card. It runs in text mode using the ncurses library, or from the command line (non-interactively). It can read default settings from a file, and it can also automatically save and restore the mixer settings at shutdown and boot. . A wrapper script xaumix is provided that finds and invokes xterm or a replacement. This is primarily for creating the best sized terminal window. If you want a true graphical interface, install aumix-gtk instead. That has the same functionality as this one in addition to offering a nice X GUI. Package: auto-complete-el Description-md5: c84f70cdaf0fc7b17bb2ab5c87f229af Description-gl: Extensión de completado automático intelixente para o Emacs de GNU Auto Complete Mode is an intelligent auto-completion extension for GNU Emacs. It extends the standard Emacs completion interface and provides an environment that allows users to concentrate more on their own work. Package: autoconf-gl-macros Description-md5: 4d7291ddd01cc928997a819eb9c8bdf4 Description-gl: Autoconf OpenGL Macro Archive -- transitional dummy package Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: autoconf2.13 Description-md5: badc6afb3d12de0742151fd50301c3cd Description-gl: Construtor automático de scripts de configuración (versión obsoleta) Obsolete compatibility package of Autoconf 2.13. For use only with antique packages that have never been updated to use Autoconf 2.50+. Package: autoconf2.64 Description-md5: 10ebda51cac38f72fa38461f25a84819 Description-gl: Construtor automático de scripts de configuración (versión obsoleta) Esta versión obsoleta requirese para construir os paquetes GCC (>= 4.3.3), newlib e probablemente outras ferramentas de cadeas. Package: autodock-test Description-md5: 17207d13a0d0dc51dcec321cc1d8431a Description-gl: Ficheiros de proba de AutoDock AutoDock is a prime representative of the programs addressing the simulation of the docking of fairly small chemical ligands to rather big protein receptors. Earlier versions had all flexibility in the ligands while the protein was kept rather ridgid. This latest version 4 also allows for a flexibility of selected sidechains of surface residues, i.e., takes the rotamers into account. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de proba do programa AutoDock. Package: autodock-vina Description-md5: ccc2890588539c77dfd8813255875f4e Description-gl: docking of small molecules to proteins AutoDock Vina is a program to support drug discovery, molecular docking and virtual screening of compound libraries. It offers multi-core capability, high performance and enhanced accuracy and ease of use. . O mesmo instituto tamén desenvolveu autodock, que ten un uso moi estendido. . O. Trott, A. J. Olson, AutoDock Vina: improving the speed and accuracy of docking with a new scoring function, efficient optimization and multithreading, Journal of Computational Chemistry 31 (2010) 455-461 Package: autofs-hesiod Description-md5: caf58cc4e5f7f3998e052ab3860d2108 Description-gl: Hesiod map support for autofs Autofs controla o funcionamento dos daemon automount. Os daemon automount montan sistemas de ficheiros automaticamente cando se utilizan e desmóntaos pasado un perÃodo de inactividade. Isto faise seguindo un conxunto de mapas preconfigurados. . The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module (builtin or separate) is required. . This is the Hesiod module of the autofs. Package: autofs-ldap Description-md5: 986dad815486127857fb80647532fa9c Description-gl: LDAP map support for autofs Autofs controla o funcionamento dos daemon automount. Os daemon automount montan sistemas de ficheiros automaticamente cando se utilizan e desmóntaos pasado un perÃodo de inactividade. Isto faise seguindo un conxunto de mapas preconfigurados. . The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module (builtin or separate) is required. . This is the LDAP module of the autofs. Package: autofs5-hesiod Description-md5: 3119da0d298c944d2e25fbf294737656 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para «autofs-hesiod» Este paquete transitorio parvo pode ser retirado con seguranza. Package: autofs5-ldap Description-md5: 34c829fb3392ae0819c99cd6fe7e399a Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para «autofs-ldap» Este paquete transitorio parvo pode ser retirado con seguranza. Package: autokey-gtk Description-md5: 5b4eada1c1f5004003f28c2b91584130 Description-gl: desktop automation utility - GTK+ version AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the automation of virtually any task by responding to typed abbreviations and hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for novices, as well as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility and power of the Python language. . Este paquete conten a interface en GTK+. Package: automake1.11 Description-md5: f014fa395ec0acd07f7ea3fc5a958453 Description-gl: Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles Automake é unha ferramenta para xerar automaticamente ficheiros «» a partir de ficheiros chamados «». . O obxectivo de Automake é eliminar a carga de mantemento do Makefile das costas do mantedor individual de GNU (e poñela nas costas do mantedor de Automake). . «» é basicamente unha serie de definicións de macros para «make» (con regras ocasionais). Os «» xerados respectan os estándars de Makefile de GNU. . Automake 1.11 is the legacy version of automake. The automake package should be preferred and this package should only be used with older software that doesn't support newer versions of automake. Package: automysqlbackup Description-md5: 9c8e4fa606e583f71f74faee893365ac Description-gl: Copias de seguranza diarias, semanais e mensuais da base de datos de MySQL automysqlbackup creates backup every day, week and month for all of your MySQL database, to a configured folder. There's nothing to do but to install this package, and you'll rest assured that you have a way to go back in the history of your database. . This package may be unsafe if untrusted users may create databases and if no check on the syntax of the name of them is performed. Package: avahi-discover Description-md5: bd2a23e6143f793e37bb138e29fb30b9 Description-gl: Service discover user interface for avahi Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This package contains a user interface for discovering services. Package: avahi-dnsconfd Description-md5: 116a8cc3e8edfd55e1444b8100a0bf7f Description-gl: Avahi DNS configuration tool Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This tool listens on the network for announced DNS servers and passes them to resolvconf so it can use them. This is very useful on autoconfigured IPv6 networks. Package: avahi-ui-utils Description-md5: 6a2d4e446eb92bf74181ccf3974335d5 Description-gl: Avahi GTK+ utilities Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc servers. Package: avogadro Description-md5: f18c3f1991d48f1decf97743ceaac81f Description-gl: Molecular Graphics and Modelling System Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular builder. . Features include: * Molecular modeller with automatic force-field based geometry optimization * Molecular Mechanics including constraints and conformer searches * Visualization of molecular orbitals and general isosurfaces * Visualization of vibrations and plotting of vibrational spectra * Support for crystallographic unit cells * Input generation for the Gaussian, GAMESS and MOLPRO quantum chemistry packages * Flexible plugin architecture and Python scripting . Os ficheiros de formato que pode ler o Avogrado inclúen PDB, XYZ, CML, CIF, Molden, asà como saÃda de Gaussian, GAMESS e MOLPRO. Package: avogadro-data Description-md5: 87a8cbfbc7d903fdedd30614e85caeed Description-gl: Sistema de gráficos e modelado moleculares (ficheiros de datos) Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular builder. . This package contains data files like molecular builder fragments or OpenGL shaders. Package: avrdude-doc Description-md5: 0b6fe5ae5ad13f400d3869565ce43390 Description-gl: Documentación de avrdude AVRDUDE is an open source utility to download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers using the in-system programming technique (ISP). . This package contains documentation for configuring and running AVRDUDE. Package: babiloo Description-md5: 2f95ad708b2e5a4c2c52b181fd88b6bb Description-gl: Visor de dicionarios con compatibilidade para varios idiomas It supports dictionaries in SDictionary and StarDict format and HTML displaying for the supported dictionaries. Babiloo allows the download of more dictionaries from Internet. . Features: * Support for many languages / fonts rendering. * Don't convert dictionaries, use originals. * Phonetic sounds. * Advanced search. * Collaborative dictionaries. . This package contains the GUI frontend and common files. Package: backintime-gnome Description-md5: 6f5b85f82edae6b826238884ac297788 Description-gl: GNOME front-end for backintime (transitional package) Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: backintime-kde Description-md5: 982aa4efe8f274109107c19b8140ed39 Description-gl: KDE front-end for backintime (transitional package) Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: backupninja Description-md5: 17e0b9d68171d3ff83cdcdb624aac94c Description-gl: lightweight, extensible meta-backup system Backupninja lets you drop simple config files in /etc/backup.d to coordinate system backups. Backupninja is a master of many arts, including incremental remote filesystem backup, and MySQL backup. By creating simple drop-in handler scripts, backupninja can learn new skills. Backupninja is a silent flower blossom death strike to lost data. . In addition to backing up regular files, Backupninja has handlers to ease backing up: Maildir, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SVN, Trac, hardware and system information, as well as the output from custom shell scripts. . Backupninja currently supports common backup utilities, easing their configuration, currently supported are: rdiff-backup, duplicity, rsync and CD/DVD. . Most handlers have their own dependencies/recommendations, shown in brackets below: . - dup [duplicity, trickle] - rdiff [rdiff-backup] - sys [debconf-utils, hwinfo, mdadm] - makecd [genisoimage, wodim] - rsync [rsync] - svn [subversion] - tar [bzip2] Package: bacula-bscan Description-md5: cc80b34634814e201e5eed260c109d01 Description-gl: network backup service - bscan tool Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . O servizo de almacenamento realiza o almacenamento e recuperación dos atributos e datos dos ficheiros no medio fÃsico; noutras palabras, é responsábel da lectura e escrita das copias de seguranza. . This package contains the bscan utility, which is used for recovery when Bacula's catalog is unavailable. Package: bacula-console Description-md5: 9c44424f651ece05595790d16593b74e Description-gl: network backup service - text console Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . A consola de xestión permite que o administrador ou usuario se comunique co Director do Bacula. . Este paquete fornece a versión da interface de texto da consola. Package: bacula-console-qt Description-md5: a69c901abfe5cf76f5452e12b1daf08c Description-gl: network backup service - Bacula Administration Tool Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . A consola de xestión permite que o administrador ou usuario se comunique co Director do Bacula. . This package provides the most advanced GUI to Bacula: the Bacula Administration Tool (BAT) console. . This GUI interface has been designed to ease restore operations as much as possible as compared to the basic text console. Package: bacula-director-common Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: bacula-doc Description-md5: aa74f6e41dce21375a71c65cc5ca4d28 Description-gl: Documentación de Bacula This package provides the documentation for Bacula, a backup program that permits you to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds. Package: bacula-fd Description-md5: 154a2979b1f3aa0443cce61b74858b98 Description-gl: network backup service - file daemon Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . O servizo de ficheiros haino que instalar na máquina da que se vai facer a copia. É o responsábel de fornecer os atributos e os datos dos ficheiros cando o Directo llo pida e tamén da parte da restauración que depende do sistema de ficheiros. Package: bacula-sd Description-md5: 0ad04d9a17c49eb0cb2f5769768cdab4 Description-gl: network backup service - storage daemon Bacula is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery, and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . O servizo de almacenamento realiza o almacenamento e recuperación dos atributos e datos dos ficheiros no medio fÃsico; noutras palabras, é responsábel da lectura e escrita das copias de seguranza. . Execútase na máquina que ten acceso ao(s) dispositivo(s) de copia de seguranza - normalmente un lector de fitas, mais tamén outros medios de almacenamento, como ficheiros. Package: ballz-dbg Description-md5: 69c8b960408162872c9860ae821f1bac Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do ballz The game is a platformer with some puzzle elements. You take control of a ball which is genetically modifed by the British secret service. Your mission is to rescue captured British soldiers from a prison in Iran. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do ballz. Package: baloo Description-md5: a5401747eb78b888fcc1499c17b8b6b7 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para baloo A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo fai parte do escritorio Plasma de KDE. . Este paquete pode ser eliminado sen ningún risco. Package: baloo-dbg Description-md5: b56166fe4beaf597b4cb32f85a4f3c25 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos en KDE. . This package contains debugging symbols for Baloo. . Baloo fai parte de KDE SC. Package: baloo-dev Description-md5: 66a7b17e3789739f04a91a0c645440e9 Description-gl: Development headers for developing applications with Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains development headers for baloo. . Baloo fai parte de KDE SC. Package: baloo-kf5 Description-md5: 07b1ed1c2590cf6708b1c4a06b365759 Description-gl: framework for searching and managing metadata A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo fai parte do escritorio Plasma de KDE. Package: baloo-kf5-dev Description-md5: 40419eee45005eb5f8a28370059a1e92 Description-gl: framework for searching and managing metadata devel files A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo fai parte do escritorio Plasma de KDE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: balsa Description-md5: 8fd5765c122138010ca60ac02a294a55 Description-gl: e-mail client for GNOME Balsa is a highly configurable and robust mail client for the GNOME desktop. It supports both POP3 and IMAP servers as well as the mbox, maildir and mh local mailbox formats. Balsa also supports SMTP and/or the use of a local MTA such as Sendmail. . Algunhas das outras funcionalidades de Balsa inclúen: * Permitir caixas de correo aniñadas * Imprimir * Corrección ortográfica * Obtención do correo con varios fÃos * Admitir MIME (ver as imaxes na liña, gardar partes) * Admitir cadernos de enderezos GPE Palmtop, LDAP, LDIF e vCard * Varios conxuntos de caracteres para compor e ler as mensaxes * Ficheiros anexos nas mensaxes enviadas * Sinatura e cifrado con GPG/OpenPGP . Support for Kerberos and SSL has been enabled in this package. Package: banshee Description-md5: f8a1dbfc7d127f1f51c0c8990de6e6e4 Description-gl: Aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca, crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar ficheiros de vÃdeo e gravar seleccións nun CD. Package: banshee-community-extensions Description-md5: ad56fa13791f6d15688beae830c417ae Description-gl: set of community contributed extensions for Banshee Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende das versións actuais de todas as extensións incluÃdas no paquete de Extensións da Comunidade de Banshee. Package: banshee-dbg Description-md5: c41dd44b59bfdcddd94aacb4771f284a Description-gl: Aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia (sÃmbolos de depuración) O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca, crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar ficheiros de vÃdeo e gravar seleccións nun CD. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do Banshee. Package: banshee-extension-alarm Description-md5: b81a67b29852053deed26bed9751818b Description-gl: Alarm extension for Banshee Banshee Alarm Extension is an extension for Banshee which allows alarms to be set in Banshee. Supported features include: * Wake up time * Ascending volume alarm with configurable start and end volumes as well as duration * Sleep timer . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-albumartwriter Description-md5: d4d4409e1469c9935d42206d9f071dd2 Description-gl: Album art writer extension for Banshee This package contains the Album Art Writer extension for Banshee which writes album art from the cache to the folder containing the music files. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-ampache Description-md5: 1c68b775693aa566d5c4f249ea62fc08 Description-gl: Ampache extension for Banshee This package provides integration for Banshee with the Ampache web-based audio file management system, allowing Banshee to act as a frontend for Ampache servers. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME Package: banshee-extension-appindicator Description-md5: b89cbb2d911c7b64194d66dd39b64c84 Description-gl: Application Indicator extension for Banshee This package provides integration for Banshee with Application Indicators, which is a replacement for the notification area in Ubuntu, as a way to add menus in the panel. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-awn Description-md5: ce700c3a40c615fa370f9ebc9b94f853 Description-gl: AWN integration extension for Banshee This package provides integration for Banshee with the Avant Window Navigator, which is a Mac OS X like dock for the GNOME desktop. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-coverwallpaper Description-md5: a454c11bc8371328830ca78b78069726 Description-gl: Cover wallpaper extension for Banshee CoverWallpaper is an extension for Banshee which automatically sets the desktop wallpaper to the cover art of the currently playing media. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-duplicatesongdetector Description-md5: 96d924a9fb5fd52369a00ef22adcb6c3 Description-gl: Duplicate song detector extension for Banshee This package adds duplicate song detection to Banshee, allowing it to detect and remove duplicate songs in your library. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-foldersync Description-md5: cbbada3045af8143736f4d0d761ba811 Description-gl: Folder synchronization extension for Banshee FolderSync is an extension which copies and synchronizes music files from playlists into user-specified folders. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-jamendo Description-md5: c2ce21ce5e634ea4df027393a42998fd Description-gl: Jamendo extension for Banshee This package provides integration with the Jamendo music service. Jamendo is a community of music authors and performers which makes free music available. This extension allows you to browse the Jamendo catalog, stream and download free music. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-lastfmfingerprint Description-md5: 19258fb06de34fc036615499010c4b9c Description-gl: Last.FM fingerprinting extension for Banshee This package provides additional integration between Last.FM and Banshee, allowing Banshee to automatically generate an audio fingerprint and correct your metadata by querying Last.FM for the correct metadata. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-lcd Description-md5: 1dc61c19dbf9efece59ddfe659900d5e Description-gl: LCD display integration extension for Banshee This package provides integration with LCD displays for Banshee using the lcdproc display driver daemon. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-lirc Description-md5: fdd247766951abe3677816eb090a2a7b Description-gl: LIRC integration extension for Banshee This package provides LIRC integration for Banshee, which will allow Banshee to be controlled using an infra-red device. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-liveradio Description-md5: 916c4564b4061c7c0344b8834cc1b6e8 Description-gl: LiveRadio extension for Banshee The LiveRadio extension for Banshee is a browser for online Internet station directories integrated into the Banshee media player. It currently supports, and, but its plugin-like code structure can easily be extended to support just about any directory. . LiveRadio ten as funcionalidades seguintes: * Navegar e consultar tres directorios de radio por Internet na rede:: – – – xiph.or * Obter información sobre os fluxos e reproducilos * Engadir fluxos favoritos á lista de emisoras de radio por Internet en Banshee . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-lyrics Description-md5: 6b16b97eef60235b4cbdc098b3b3b621 Description-gl: Extensión de letras para Banshee Banshee Lyrics Plugin is an extension which shows lyrics of songs played in Banshee. It supports downloading lyrics from: * * * * . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-magnatune Description-md5: bc7fe28305aa734eaf74567bd108d7b2 Description-gl: Magnatune for Banshee This package provides support for listening to Magnatune streams using Banshee. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-mirage Description-md5: 680202e8766242ef219661f4e62a3cee Description-gl: Automatic Playlist Generation extension for Banshee Mirage is a ready-to-try implementation of the latest research in automatic playlist generation and music similarity. Mirage analyzes your music collection and computes similarity models for each song. After your music has been analyzed, Mirage is able to automatically generate playlists of similar music. . Mirage is far from being perfect! But it is a nice and easy way to rediscover your music collection. Imagine it's an automated radio station DJ playing songs from your collection and all songs somehow fit together. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-openvp Description-md5: 13e91abe1e81b6681ffae3c8355af390 Description-gl: visualizations extension for Banshee This package contains an extension for Banshee which adds various visualizations to the Now Playing source in Banshee. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-radiostationfetcher Description-md5: 4062cfb5805d70eb4fe8f02a71cb846f Description-gl: radio station fetcher extension for Banshee This package contains an extension for Banshee which adds radio station fetching functionality for Banshee. Radio stations are fetched from: * * . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-randombylastfm Description-md5: 2c471d56a46937f49d6dac312aa54fec Description-gl: Random By Last.FM extension for Banshee This package provide additional integration between Last.FM and Banshee, providing a new random mode which queries Last.FM for a list of similar artists to the song you are currently playing, then compares that list with your library to pick only artists that match. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-soundmenu Description-md5: c0b5595b4295498911c5925d4c8f76fb Description-gl: Media Management and Playback application - sound menu extension O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca, crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar ficheiros de vÃdeo e gravar seleccións nun CD. . This package contains Banshee's support for the Sound Menu Package: banshee-extension-telepathy Description-md5: e2f04042c27f8d1f045553a05216f481 Description-gl: Telepathy extension for Banshee This extension provides integration between the Empathy instant messenger and Banshee. It provides the following features: . * Download your friends' Banshee library metadata and check out what they listen to, their ratings, BPM values, etc. * View your friends' playlists and export them to disk * Share what you're listening to with all your instant messaging friends by advertising the track, artist, and album of the currently playing track in Empathy's status message. This can be disabled. * Download your friends' music; one track at a time or a selection. You can cancel ones in progress, queued, individually or all at once. The sender has the option to cancel all in progress or queued transfers only. Both sender and receiver get a progress bar. File sharing can be disabled. * Stream your friends' music. This feature can be disabled. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extension-zeitgeistdataprovider Description-md5: 7e15be9d7c16b9006508ef363d4b0b47 Description-gl: Extensión de fornecemento de datos de Zeitgeist para Banshee Esta extensión fornece integración entre Zeitgeist e Banshee, permitindo que a actividade de Banshee sexa seguida por Zeitgeist e, polo tanto, que apareza no Xornal de Actividades. . Banshee é un aplicativo e xestión e reprodución de multimedia para o escritorio GNOME. Package: banshee-extensions-common Description-md5: b264ea9aab7ead686ce8153bffd1b4e8 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para banshee-community-extensions Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns a todas as extensións da Extensión da Comunidade de Banshee. Non deberÃa instalar este paquete directamente, senón instalar un dos outros paquetes de extensións. Package: banshee-meego Description-md5: 31331100fbd849fbf0234c42fedc7c4e Description-gl: Aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia - extensión para MeeGo O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca, crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar ficheiros de vÃdeo e gravar seleccións nun CD. . Este paquete contén a interface de Banshee para MeeGo, optimizada para ser executada en dispositivos pequenos. Package: bar Description-md5: 890b273b73e077b9a8f5c9477937469d Description-gl: Mostre información sobre unha transferencia de datos Bar is a simple tool to process a stream of data and print a display for the user on stderr showing (a) the amount of data passed, (b) the throughput of the data transfer, and, if the total size of the data stream is known, (c) estimated time remaining, percent complete, and a progress bar. . Bar was originally written for the purpose of estimating the amount of time needed to transfer large amounts (many, many gigabytes) of data across a network. (Usually in an SSH/tar pipe.) Package: barcode Description-md5: 9b4b795f30f559bea73b689846949680 Description-gl: Utilidade e biblioteca para xerar códigos de barras GNU-barcode can create printouts for the conventional product-tagging standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, and several others. Output is generated as either Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, or PCL. Package: barcode-dbg Description-md5: 6b0d0b607fb343a181c917b03cedaf94 Description-gl: Utility and library for barcode generation (debug) GNU-barcode can create printouts for the conventional product-tagging standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, and several others. Output is generated as either Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, or PCL. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: bareos-bconsole Description-md5: 54cd0cc597e001716fce4d037e35bd27 Description-gl: Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced - text console Bareos is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . The management console allows the administrator or user to communicate with the Bareos Director. . Este paquete fornece a versión da interface de texto da consola. Package: bareos-filedaemon Description-md5: 37ae1a74adb6f1dd761ce34ca0e3f39e Description-gl: Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced - file daemon Bareos is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . O servizo de ficheiros haino que instalar na máquina da que se vai facer a copia. É o responsábel de fornecer os atributos e os datos dos ficheiros cando o Directo llo pida e tamén da parte da restauración que depende do sistema de ficheiros. . This package contains the Bareos File daemon. Package: bareos-storage Description-md5: 7196c6f1457a597a403e8cf05fdf7ba7 Description-gl: Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced - storage daemon Bareos is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . O servizo de almacenamento realiza o almacenamento e recuperación dos atributos e datos dos ficheiros no medio fÃsico; noutras palabras, é responsábel da lectura e escrita das copias de seguranza. . Execútase na máquina que ten acceso ao(s) dispositivo(s) de copia de seguranza - normalmente un lector de fitas, mais tamén outros medios de almacenamento, como ficheiros. Package: bareos-storage-tape Description-md5: d81f4f51db7d7879aaf223ce7ac02f86 Description-gl: Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced - storage daemon tape support Bareos is a set of programs to manage backup, recovery and verification of data across a network of computers of different kinds. . O servizo de almacenamento realiza o almacenamento e recuperación dos atributos e datos dos ficheiros no medio fÃsico; noutras palabras, é responsábel da lectura e escrita das copias de seguranza. . Execútase na máquina que ten acceso ao(s) dispositivo(s) de copia de seguranza - normalmente un lector de fitas, mais tamén outros medios de almacenamento, como ficheiros. . This adds the tape specific support files for the storage daemon. Package: bash-static Description-md5: ae0b688f32951bcf52b5c025ab588a4c Description-gl: GNU Bourne Again SHell (static version) Bash é un intérprete de ordes compatÃbel con sh que executa ordes lidas da entrada estándar ou dun ficheiro. Tamén incorpora caracterÃsticas moi útiles doutros intérpretes de ordes, como os terminais Korn e C (ksh e csh). . Statically linked. Package: basic256 Description-md5: 41554da56e86394aac16c79c652af00c Description-gl: Ambiente de programación educativa BASIC para cativos BASIC-256 is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach young children the basics of computer programming. It uses traditional control structures like gosub, for/next, and goto, which helps kids easily see how program flow-control works. It has a built-in graphics mode which lets them draw pictures on screen in minutes, and a set of detailed, easy-to- follow tutorials that introduce programming concepts through fun exercises. Package: bcolz-doc Description-md5: c4afcc2c02b0857f7bb9b1af2f49fbc1 Description-gl: high performant compressed data container (documentation) bcolz provides columnar, chunked data containers that can be compressed in-memory and on-disk. Column storage allows for efficiently querying tables, as well as for cheap column addition and removal. It is based on NumPy, and uses it as the standard data container to communicate with bcolz objects, but it also comes with support for import/export facilities to/from HDF5/PyTables tables and Pandas dataframes. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: bcpp-dbg Description-md5: 6bdd6803ba122f3b680ea1e4ff1c4f34 Description-gl: C(++) beautifier - debug bcpp indents C/C++ source programs, replacing tabs with spaces or the reverse. Unlike indent, it does (by design) not attempt to wrap long statements. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: beast2-mcmc-doc Description-md5: d7b9c807289871437fa29c08757b103e Description-gl: Bayesian MCMC phylogenetic inference - documentation BEAST is a cross-platform program for Bayesian MCMC analysis of molecular sequences. It is entirely orientated towards rooted, time-measured phylogenies inferred using strict or relaxed molecular clock models. It can be used as a method of reconstructing phylogenies but is also a framework for testing evolutionary hypotheses without conditioning on a single tree topology. BEAST uses MCMC to average over tree space, so that each tree is weighted proportional to its posterior probability. Included is a simple to use user-interface program for setting up standard analyses and a suit of programs for analysing the results. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: berusky-data Description-md5: 63ae184aa47aebcf8498a358c8db26ca Description-gl: Data files for Berusky Berusky is a free logic game based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban. An old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player. In order to leave each level (there's about 120 levels in the game) it is necessary to own five keys and also to have a free way to the exit. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do Berusky. Package: betaradio Description-md5: c724bddd568d64c96ffa63548f9c37bd Description-gl: Internet radio of Taiwan Con este cliente pódese escoitar a radio de Taiwan por Internet sen ter que abrir un navegador. Mostra unha icona na bandexa do sistema na que se pode premer e seleccionar a canle que se desexe escoitar. Package: between Description-md5: ecd1cb4c9190070f372c8a3a41630510 Description-gl: Xogo sobre conciencia e illamento Between is a pixelated art game for two players by Jason Rohrer. . You know exactly what you need to do -- you can see it shimmering right there in front of you. You can see it while dreaming, too, and the difference has become subtle. Dreams wake into dreams, and people blend in and out: real characters and dream characters, all woven into the same script. Finally, they fade completely, and you're alone in the expanse with the construction. With time, you feel something growing, a pinhole that eventually yawns into a deep ravine of longing. The construction languishes, though the expanse seems indifferent. . One night, in a dream, they appear: things that you clearly could not have conjured on your own. Not snowflakes. Not the self-similar forms of leaves. Not distant planets' erosion networks as viewed through telescopes. Not those things that are beautifully external but lack the signatures of consciousness. These things that appear are ugly and non- procedural: indecipherable transmissions bubbling up through static, faded messages floating in bottles, and charcoal handprints on cave walls. Evidence has reached you through time of unknown duration and distance of unknown magnitude, but stale evidence is still evidence. . Somewhere, across whatever barriers stand between, is an "other". Package: bibletime-data Description-md5: 66d4524bd19e1f8f0687b64aa63ee91e Description-gl: Documentación e datos de bibletime, unha ferramenta de estudo bÃblico BibleTime is a free and easy to use bible study tool. . This package contains the help, online documentation and data files which BibleTime uses. Package: bibshelf Description-md5: ffa65900c960bdf945b7ea7d61d8e40d Description-gl: Organizador de libros para GNOME helps you to keep track of your book collection. You can fill in such things as the book summary, review, rating and the ISBN. Never forget when it was that you read a book, BibShelf lets you save the date so you do no longer need to waste your brain capacity for storing this information. Package: bijiben Description-md5: 35d9ccbb25f9b3694f2966ad56c0a6c6 Description-gl: Editor de notas intuitivo integrado con GNOME 3 Bijiben is a note editor that is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, and well integrated with GNOME 3. It aims to be simple and has an emphasis on visuals: quickly write notes, and quickly retrieve them. Package: bilibop Description-md5: 8ed67c95d6b61af1b96b2d8c372be53a Description-gl: run Debian GNU/Linux from external media - metapackage Bilibop helps to maintain a Debian GNU/Linux operating system installed on an external media (USB, FireWire, Flash memory, eSATA). It hardens standard rules and policies to make the system more robust in this particular situation. . The installation of this metapackage will install other BILIBOP packages as dependencies. You should not install it, unless your system is writable and runs from an external device. . Algunhas funcionalidades poden requirir o kernel de Linux 2.6.37 ou superior para funcionaren axeitadamente. Package: bilibop-common Description-md5: 6d72c8a73aa3aca2ddbf02c8405f7833 Description-gl: shell functions for bilibop scripts Bilibop helps to maintain a Debian GNU/Linux operating system installed on an external media (USB, FireWire, Flash memory, eSATA). It hardens standard rules and policies to make the system more robust in this particular situation. . This package provides shell functions usable by other bilibop scripts on the running system or into the initramfs environment. These functions use /dev, /proc and /sys databases to output the drive name or the partition hosting the running system, and are fully usable by any unprivileged user or application. Dm-crypt, LVM, loop devices, aufs and overlay root filesystems (and almost any combination of them) are supported. A 'drivemap' command is also provided, to show block devices in a tree of dependencies. . Algunhas funcionalidades poden requirir o kernel de Linux 2.6.37 ou superior para funcionaren axeitadamente. Package: bilibop-lockfs Description-md5: 98b2197a46faafd8179d3da9ac1e3c96 Description-gl: lock filesystems and write changes into RAM Bilibop helps to maintain a Debian GNU/Linux operating system installed on an external media (USB, FireWire, Flash memory, eSATA). It hardens standard rules and policies to make the system more robust in this particular situation. . If the lockfs feature is enabled (in a configuration file, in the boot commandline or by a heuristic), nothing will be written on the filesystems listed in /etc/fstab, except for those that have been whitelisted, or for the encrypted swap devices. More, bilibop-lockfs now is able to detect if the drive has been locked by a physical switch, and then overrides its own settings to unconditionally apply a 'hard' policy. . The root filesystem is locked (set readonly, using either aufs or overlay) by an initramfs script which also modifies the temporary fstab to prepare other filesystems to be locked later by a mount helper script. . bilibop-lockfs provides the following features: * whitelist based policy: filesystems on which you want to allow persistent changes must be explicitly listed in a configuration file. * swap devices policy: they can be used 'as is', noauto, only if encrypted, only if encrypted with a random key, or not used at all. * not only filesystems are set read-only, but also block devices: this forbids changes of the partition table, boot sectors, LUKS headers and LVM metadata. * plymouth messages to know at boot time if bilibop-lockfs is enabled or not, or if an error occurred. * desktop notifications at startup about filesystems status, to inform the user that volatile or persistent changes are allowed or not, and where. . This package can be used as an alternative to fsprotect or overlayroot, especially for writable operating systems embedded on a USB stick; but it may also be installed on public or personal computers, for daily use, kiosks, testing purposes, or as a tool in anti-forensics strategies. . Algunhas funcionalidades poden requirir o kernel de Linux 2.6.37 ou superior para funcionaren axeitadamente. Package: bilibop-rules Description-md5: 809da682355e5051edc75445aa34efe1 Description-gl: device management rules for OS running from external media Bilibop helps to maintain a Debian GNU/Linux operating system installed on an external media (USB, FireWire, Flash memory, eSATA). It hardens standard rules and policies to make the system more robust in this particular situation. . This package provides a udev rules file to manage the external drive hosting the running system. Its main goal is to forbid low-level write access on this drive and its partitions by any unprivileged user or application, but some other convenient and optional rules have been added for desktop-level management (in desktop environments based on udisks2) of the system disk and partitions, as well as the internal disks of the computer. The 'lsbilibop' command allows the admin to update udev properties of the devices after the configuration file has been modified. . To ease device management, bilibop-rules also provides helper scripts to: * build custom bilibop udev rules running faster than the generic ones * make some persistent and cumulative udev rules files unpersistent * use either a fake or an always-up-to-date grub device map * filter Physical Volumes, to activate only those needed by the system . This package is not designed to be used on internal disks. It works only for OS installed on removable and writable media, including LiveUSB systems. See also the bilibop-udev package. . Algunhas funcionalidades poden requirir o kernel de Linux 2.6.37 ou superior para funcionaren axeitadamente. Package: bilibop-udev Description-md5: 58d66f53a24d5a90145ddaeafdbf8bf8 Description-gl: minimal udev rule for Debian GNU/Linux running from external media Bilibop helps to maintain a Debian GNU/Linux operating system installed on an external media (USB, FireWire, Flash memory, eSATA). It hardens standard rules and policies to make the system more robust in this particular situation. . This package provides a udev rules file to manage the external drive hosting the running system. Its goal is to forbid low-level write access on this drive and its partitions by any unprivileged user or application. . This package is not designed to be used on internal disks. It works only for OS installed on removable and writable media, especially LiveUSB systems and disk images provided by most vendors of popular ARM-based development boards. See also the bilibop-rules package. . Algunhas funcionalidades poden requirir o kernel de Linux 2.6.37 ou superior para funcionaren axeitadamente. Package: billard-gl Description-md5: c4e33f43bba455925ad4b1ee732ef1f5 Description-gl: Xogo do billar en 3D Xoga unha partida de oito ou nove bólas, en modo adestramento ou contra un amigo. Para principiantes o xogo conta cun titorial que presenta a interface do usuario e os controles. Tamén hai axuda para quen non coñeza as regras dos xogos de oito ou nove bólas. Package: billard-gl-data Description-md5: 04a8a619424696f5628b5509e845adc4 Description-gl: Xogo do billar en 3D - ficheiros de datos Xoga unha partida de oito ou nove bólas, en modo adestramento ou contra un amigo. Para principiantes o xogo conta cun titorial que presenta a interface do usuario e os controles. Tamén hai axuda para quen non coñeza as regras dos xogos de oito ou nove bólas. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do billard-gl. Package: biloba Description-md5: 6f57ac97af751be8a4fb8ae8a5a5ba81 Description-gl: Xogo de taboleiro de estratexia baseado en quendas para até catro xogadores Biloba is an abstract strategy board game for 1 to 4 players. At each turn the player moves pawns on an octagonal shaped board (but squared cells) trying to remove opponent's pawns from it. . Biloba includes an AI opponent for single player mode, and supports local or network play for 2 or more (up to 4) players. Package: biniax2-data Description-md5: 407f22adff8f87f82525c4d98052c5ba Description-gl: logic game with arcade and tactics modes -- data Biniax-2 is an original and entertaining game. It only takes a minute to learn and gives you hours and hours of gameplay. There are three game modes (two singleplayer and one multiplayer), hall of fame, dynamic music and a nice cartoon look. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do xogo Biniax-2. Package: bino Description-md5: 76af5881592020bff7cc4a63e1174838 Description-gl: Reprodutor de vÃdeo 3D Bino is a video player with support for a wide variety of stereoscopic video layouts and formats. . Bino can display monoscopic videos, as well as videos with the left and right view stored either in separate streams or displayed side by side. It can output these videos for several types of anaglyph glasses or 3D displays. Package: binwalk Description-md5: f2774dbab233a5b403825c488d3d2ce8 Description-gl: tool library for analyzing binary blobs and executable code Binwalk is a tool for searching a given binary image for embedded files and executable code. Specifically, it is designed for identifying files and code embedded inside of firmware images. Binwalk uses the libmagic library, so it is compatible with magic signatures created for the Unix file utility. . Binwalk inclúe tamén un ficheiro de sinatura máxima personalizada que contén sinaturas melloradas para ficheiros que se atopan frecuentemente nas imaxes de firmware como os ficheiros comprimidos/arquivados, cabeceiras de firmware, kernels Linux, cargadores de arranque, sistemas de ficheiros, etc. . This package is an empty package, because the binary tool is already provided with the library, dependency of this package. Package: biosquid Description-md5: df2f375e335a1ccf1ee832e04d6801fd Description-gl: Utilidades para a análise de secuencias biolóxicas SQUID is a library of C code functions for sequence analysis. It also includes a number of small utility programs to convert, show statistics, manipulate and do other functions on sequence files. . The original name of the package is "squid", but since there is already a squid on the archive (a proxy cache), it was renamed to "biosquid". . This package contains some tools to demonstrate the features of the SQUID library. Package: bitstormlite Description-md5: 06ffa1301fffcb7247aa135bc9fbc1d9 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent baseando en C++/Gtk+2.0 This application based on the C++ language integrated with a Gtk+2.0 user- friendly gui has a great feature, which is the possibility to download a huge amount of data from any .torrent file taken from trackers around the web. Package: bittornado-gui Description-md5: 7a38c69c4ad22b9cf7ab4bf423e1d4f8 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent cunha interface gráfica The GUI interface to the BitTornado bittorrent client. BitTornado is a bittorrent client built on the original BitTorrent client from BitTorrent Inc. This client features a GUI interface, lots of features, and is one of the original bittorrent clients created. . As funcionalidades inclúen: * limitación da velocidade de envÃo/descarga * descarga con prioridade cando se descargan lotes (varios ficheiros) * información detallada sobre as conexións a outros parceiros * posibilidade de cifrado (PE/MSE) (co python-crypto recomendado) * modo de consola para ser executado desde scripts * modo de curses para ser executado de maneira interactiva * localizador para a distribución de ficheiros . This package contains the GUI interface, install only the bittornado package to get a console and curses interface and a bittorrent tracker. See the bittorrent package for a description of what bittorrent is. Package: bittorrent Description-md5: 4935eecd3a255fe4d524e368e9d5623d Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent orixinal - ferramentas da consola BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely easy to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks. Whenever more than one person is downloading at once they send pieces of the file(s) to each other, thus relieving the central server's bandwidth burden. Even with many simultaneous downloads, the upload burden on the central server remains quite small, since each new downloader introduces new upload capacity. . This package contains the tools which are used for console-only downloading. If you want the GUI interface, install the bittorrent-gui package. Package: bittorrent-gui Description-md5: 570eb1d12ec276a14a895800fb20a503 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent orixinal - ferramentas da interface gráfica BitTorrent is a tool for distributing files. It's extremely easy to use - downloads are started by clicking on hyperlinks. Whenever more than one person is downloading at once they send pieces of the file(s) to each other, thus relieving the central server's bandwidth burden. Even with many simultaneous downloads, the upload burden on the central server remains quite small, since each new downloader introduces new upload capacity. . This package contains the GUI tools for downloading. Package: bkhive Description-md5: 7d3f6588686331aa0877234d4279f93f Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para samdump2 Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións a samdump2. Pódese retirar con seguranza. Package: black-box Description-md5: ea9112a1fa8eb96d10de942d62f29526 Description-gl: Busque os cristais There's a black box. You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves the box. In the box, crystals are reflecting the shots. You have to guess where the crystals are hidden, by watching your shots. Package: bleachbit Description-md5: a958efd51e414316ebd3cb47958129ea Description-gl: delete unnecessary files from the system BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary files, cookies, and broken shortcuts. . Xestiona a limpeza de Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox, Flash, GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer, rpmbuild, Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat e máis. . Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of images), vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without deleting data), and securely shreds arbitrary files. Package: blender Description-md5: 90b4f36fda45432800e6a278de5b06b4 Description-gl: Modelador/Renderizador de 3D moi rápido e versátil Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use. Package: blender-data Description-md5: cf40bbb7bd8bb0c71e9c32489ca7949e Description-gl: Modelador/Renderizador de 3D moi rápido e versátil - paquete de datos Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use. . Este paquete contén a documentación, as bibliotecas e as imaxes do Blender. Package: blinken Description-md5: 15b854d36619b85d1beb335cd5aaf853 Description-gl: KDE version of the Simon electronic memory game O Blinken está baseado nun xogo electrónico creado en 1978 que lles pide aos xogadores que lembren secuencias de lonxitude crecente. Na face do dispositivo hai catro botóns de cores distintas, cada unha co seu son distintivo. Estes botóns acéndese ao chou, creando asà a secuencia que o xogador ten que lembrar. Se o xogador lembra correctamente a secuencia de luces na orde correcta, avanza ao seguinte nivel, no que se presenta unha secuencia idéntica cun paso adicional. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: blobandconquer-data Description-md5: 78c939728fba01b4dd43bcf25d790170 Description-gl: 3D platform shooting game -- data files Blob Wars episode II: Blob and Conquer is the sequel to Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do blobandconquer. Package: blocks-of-the-undead Description-md5: 48cb545405dc0c724321f8c0fada589e Description-gl: Un clon do Tetris Attack con matices arrepiantes Blocks of the Undead is a puzzle game. You have to remove all the blocks on the field by swapping these around. Package: blt-demo Description-md5: 93101f8142571329c996f82222decd80 Description-gl: graphics extension library for Tcl/Tk - demos and examples BTL é unha biblioteca con prácticas extensións para a linguaxe Tcl e a popular ferramenta gráfica Tk. Engade os tipos de datos vector e árbore, execución en segundo plano e algunhas ferramentas de depuración para Tcl e fornece varios trebellos novos para Tk, incluÃndo gráficos, gráficas en barra, árbores, separadores, «splines» e hiperligazóns, asà como un novo xestor de xeometrÃa, compatibilidade para arrastrar e soltar, e moito máis. . This package contains demos and samples showing the power and versatility of BLT. Package: blubuntu-look Description-md5: a0f93537c23440d30a8e7d1e5b22b2a9 Description-gl: Blubuntu look - metapackage O tema Blubuntu. . This is a metapackage providing all pieces of the Blubuntu theme. Package: blubuntu-session-splashes Description-md5: e743e05113bf95a5e6beb4a35f15b922 Description-gl: Blubuntu look - Session splashes O tema Blubuntu. . This package contains the Blubuntu Session splashes. Package: blubuntu-theme Description-md5: e46d55461548e79c62d61de7dfc45f8c Description-gl: Blubuntu look - GTK+ and Metacity theme O tema Blubuntu. . This package contains the GTK+ and Metacity configuration for the Blubuntu look. Package: blubuntu-wallpapers Description-md5: 1756a9e7185d1ccd87cdcf2f73e01a64 Description-gl: Blubuntu look - Wallpapers O tema Blubuntu. . Este paquete contén os fondos de pantalla de Blubuntu. Package: bluedevil Description-md5: c6ec1bf024a5119d3bd9fa4a8a899625 Description-gl: KDE Bluetooth stack O BlueDevil é un conxunto de compoñentes que integran Bluetooth en KDE. Contén: * Un Módulo de Control de KDE (KCM) para configurar todas as opcións relacionadas con Bluetooth. * Integración co sistema de entrada/saÃda de KDE (KIO), o que permite descubrir e explorar os dispositivos con Bluetooth co navegador de ficheiros que se desexe. * Un asistente para emparellar os dispositivos e conectarse directamente aos servizos que ofrezan, como son a entrada (rato, teclado, Wiimote) e o son (cascos, teléfonos). * Un aplicativo para a bandexa do sistema desde o que se poden realizar todas as accións do BlueDevil (desconectar dispositivos, enviar ficheiros, configurar, etc.). * Un daemon que escoita as solicitudes entrantes para, por exemplo, recibir ficheiros ou introducir o PIN que se solicite. Package: blueman Description-md5: 0d53e070801b0cf7f6808bfd0b84a60f Description-gl: Graphical bluetooth manager Blueman é unha utilidade de xestión de Bluetooth en GTK+ para GNOME que emprega a infraestrutura de D-Bus bluez. Package: bochs-sdl Description-md5: c1de9e8924d4d41e5077c82fed4d22e9 Description-gl: Engadido de SDL para Bochs Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. . This package contains an SDL GUI plugin for Bochs. . Use Scroll-Lock key for full screen. Package: bogofilter Description-md5: 968ec277af1658df73a6620e1ea6c7f7 Description-gl: fast Bayesian spam filter (dummy package) Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam». . Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos de IP gárdanse como caracterÃsticas de recoñecemento, no canto de de rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras. Package: bogofilter-bdb Description-md5: e83a0090bafdc792b6c35c6bc88649e4 Description-gl: fast Bayesian spam filter (Berkeley DB) Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam». . Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos de IP gárdanse como caracterÃsticas de recoñecemento, no canto de de rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras. . Este paquete fornece o motor da base de datos bdb. Package: bogofilter-common Description-md5: 2e806a17661e5d96bbb0a0121098a1e3 Description-gl: Rápido filtro bayesiano de correo lixo (ficheiros comúns) Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam». . Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos de IP gárdanse como caracterÃsticas de recoñecemento, no canto de de rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras. . Este paquete fornece ficheiros comúns para todos os motores de bases de datos. Package: bogofilter-sqlite Description-md5: 6eb04a1cda23db8196381fcabb2bc183 Description-gl: Rápido filtro bayesiano de correo lixo (sqlite) Este paquete inclúe un filtro Bayesiano rápido de correo lixo seguindo as liñas suxeridas por Paul Graham no seu artigo «A Plan For Spam». . Esta versión mellora substancialmente a proposta de Paul facendo unha análise léxico mellor. Concretamente, os nomes das máquinas e os enderezos de IP gárdanse como caracterÃsticas de recoñecemento, no canto de de rachalas. Varios tipos de información do MTA, como datas e identificadores da mensaxe, desbótanse para non inzar a lista de palabras. . Este paquete fornece o motor da base de datos sqlite. Package: boinc-app-seti Description-md5: 563a41f90b5881405a1ff0da806cde29 Description-gl: Aplicativo para SETI@home para o cliente BOINC SETI@home is a distributed computing project using Internet-connected computers for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). It searches for possible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence in radio transmissions collected by the Arecibo radio telescope. . This package contains the SETI@home Enhanced application for the BOINC distributed computing platform. The BOINC client downloads the radio data which the SETI@home application analyzes looking for signals of extraterrestrial origin. Results are then send back to the SETI@home server by the BOINC client. . Note that this package has been primarily created for users of architectures for which SETI@home does not provide its application. If your architecture is x86 or AMD64 the BOINC client automatically downloads the latest SETI@home application if you participate in this project. There is no need to install this package then, except for it to take all technical hurdles from you to have your very custom SETI patch or new compiler flags evaluated. The configuration of BOINC to find the local SETI binary is all performed by the package. . This package only provides command line application. The boinc-app-seti- graphics package provides graphic application. Package: boinc-app-seti-graphics Description-md5: 9259a47eb4741beac0da92c68fe04aa6 Description-gl: Aplicativo para SETI@home para o cliente BOINC (con gráficos) SETI@home is a distributed computing project using Internet-connected computers for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). It searches for possible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence in radio transmissions collected by the Arecibo radio telescope. . This package contains the SETI@home Enhanced application for the BOINC distributed computing platform. The BOINC client downloads the radio data which the SETI@home application analyzes looking for signals of extraterrestrial origin. Results are then send back to the SETI@home server by the BOINC client. . Note that this package has been primarily created for users of architectures for which SETI@home does not provide its application. If your architecture is x86 or AMD64 the BOINC client automatically downloads the latest SETI@home application if you participate in this project. There is no need to install this package then, except for it to take all technical hurdles from you to have your very custom SETI patch or new compiler flags evaluated. The configuration of BOINC to find the local SETI binary is all performed by the package. . This package provides graphic interface for SETI@HOME Enhanced application. The boinc-app-seti package only provides command line application. Package: bomber Description-md5: f7eb190e86fa42fdcccfd1f7656447b4 Description-gl: arcade spaceship game O Bomber é un xogo no que se voa unha nave espacial e se tenta bombardear os edificios que ten embaixo. Cada pasada que fai a nave achégase mais ao chan. Se non destruÃches un edificio que estivese no seu teu camiño, a túa nave turrará con el. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: bomberclone Description-md5: 5d7bacb049c8b9522938c9e5c1fe423e Description-gl: Clon libre do Bomberman BomberClone is a free Bomberman-like game for Linux and Windows. The rules of the game are simple: run through a level and bomb other players. It features powerups that give you more strength, make you walk faster through the level, or let you drop more bombs. . BomberClone can be played in multi-player mode via IPv4 or IPv6 networks or in single-player mode against the local AI. Package: bombono-dvd Description-md5: de141c70c0f1d9a6a84417bf348273ed Description-gl: Programa para crear DVD cunha interface gráfica agradábel e limpa Bombono DVD is easy to use program for making DVD-Video. The main features of Bombono DVD are: * excellent MPEG viewer: Timeline and Monitor * real WYSIWYG Menu Editor with live thumbnails * comfortable Drag-N-Drop support * you can author to folder, make ISO-image or burn directly to DVD * reauthoring: you can import video from DVD discs. Package: bootstrap-vz-doc Description-md5: e07a7ca8228fdb43ec960616d61a671d Description-gl: tool for creating Debian images for cloud platforms (Docs) It's a software for creating Debian images to run on public or private clouds (Amazon, Google, OpenStack, Eucaliptus, etc). It's using bootstraping as a method for creating images. Images created by this tool are fully operational Debian Images for Cloud. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: botan1.10-dbg Description-md5: 71ca7ddd626bb2c26a35c8e1831ebf61 Description-gl: multiplatform crypto library (debug) Botan is a C++ library which provides support for many common cryptographic operations, including encryption, authentication, and X.509v3 certificates and CRLs. A wide variety of algorithms is supported, including RSA, DSA, DES, AES, MD5, and SHA-1. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: botch-doc Description-md5: b4689f4bc8b4ffb42375d3ffe0ca6506 Description-gl: Bootstrapping helper - documentation Botch stands for bootstrap/build ordering tool chain and allows one to create and analyze bootstrapping dependency graphs, creates suggestions how to break dependency cycles and generates a build order. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: bouncy Description-md5: 25da351b0bb3ad7f4e652314f340ca09 Description-gl: Come as sabedeiras verduras da horta - xogo para cativos You play Bouncy the Hungry Rabbit. You're in a garden with yummy veggies and a farmer who's not keen on you eating them. You can hide (and move around) under the ground. . Bouncy was written so it could be enjoyed by the author's daughter, who was about to turn 3, and by older gamers. Hence it's not a violent game and "easy" is really, really easy, and "hard" is challenging. Package: bovo Description-md5: b441d750dee643b64630cf13767fc54f Description-gl: gomoku (five in line) board game Bovo é un xogo no que dous xogadores por quendas fan marcas nun taboleiro. O gañador é aquel que completa de primeiro unha liña de cinco marcas. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: brag Description-md5: 275712ce34651d926c15ff5db6e2ff55 Description-gl: Descarga e ensambla binarios de Usenet en varias partes Brag collects and assembles multipart binary attachments from newsgroups. This is a robust command-line tool, well suited to run as a cron job. * Collects and downloads multipart binary attachments * Supported encodings: uuencode, MIME base64 and yenc * Filters messages using accept/reject patterns * Optionally saves message subjects * Supports NNTP authentication * Supports non-default NNTP ports * Can combine parts from different newsgroups or even different servers * Bulletproof: Restarts from the last successful operation. Package: brasero-common Description-md5: 4606bf022bac975b6e53bb64c48943d3 Description-gl: Common files for the Brasero CD burning application and library Brasero is a simple application to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns e as traducións. Package: breathe-doc Description-md5: 8fa9013da9cf5be99edf4a109d084a7f Description-gl: Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (documentation) Breathe provides a bridge between the Sphinx and doxygen documentation systems. It enables Sphinx to generate autodoc for languages other than Python with the help of doxygen. It also allows one to embed reStructuredText in doxygen markup. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: breeze Description-md5: b3a6646f0a235f56befa3ba88bf5b826 Description-gl: Default Plasma theme (meta-package). This is the default theme for the KDE Plasma desktop. . This package includes wallpapers, icons, cursors, KWin style and Qt widget style for the Plasma 5 desktop. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: breeze-dev Description-md5: c9f40073696fbd01634da3d5d1c5ebbc Description-gl: Default Plasma theme (development files). This is the default theme for the KDE Plasma desktop. . This package includes development files. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: brltty-espeak Description-md5: 12128acd3d15ad48324d1b92f13bb467 Description-gl: Access software for a blind person - espeak driver BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guÃa ao dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a revisión da pantalla. . This package contains an optional speech driver for the espeak speech synthesis engine. Package: brltty-flite Description-md5: 2e07054b3b97962c487b79ded37eb57b Description-gl: Access software for a blind person - Flite speech driver BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guÃa ao dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a revisión da pantalla. . This package contains an optional speech driver for the Festival Lite speech synthesis engine. Package: brltty-speechd Description-md5: b90b3fdef13512fbc1fa9b477812709a Description-gl: Access software for a blind person - Speech Dispatcher driver BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guÃa ao dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a revisión da pantalla. . This package contains an optional speech driver for the speech-dispatcher speech synthesis server. Package: brltty-x11 Description-md5: 3f30d80e7a87ea3ecbcc6f909e8a1667 Description-gl: Access software for a blind person using a braille display - X11 drivers BRLTTY é un daemon que fornece a persoas invidentes acceso á consola de Linux (en modo texto) mediante un dispositivo braille. Ademais, guÃa ao dispositivo braille e fornece unha funcionalidade completa para a revisión da pantalla. . This package contains optional screen drivers for BRLTTY which require X11 or GNOME. Package: browser-plugin-gnash Description-md5: 727797119073fe390fe063960da41646 Description-gl: Reprodutor do Flash de Shockwave de GNU (SWF) - Engadido para Mozilla e derivados GNU Gnash is a free GPL'd SWF player. It runs as a standalone application on either the desktop or embedded devices, or may be used as a plugin for several popular browsers. It supports playing media from a disk or streaming over a network connection. . GNU Gnash is based on GameSWF and supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9. SWF v10 is not supported by GNU Gnash. . Included in the Gnash is an XML based messaging system, as specified in the SWF specification. This lets a SWF animation communicate over a TCP/IP socket, and parse the incoming XML message. This lets an animation be a remote control for other devices or applications. . Este paquete inclúe o engadido para o navegador web Firefox/Mozilla. O engadido funciona mellor con Firefox 1.0.4 ou máis recentes e deberÃa funcionar con calquera navegador baseado en Mozilla. Package: browser-plugin-lightspark Description-md5: e5e56fa94c96a4fd12a1dd234df49ad9 Description-gl: Reprodutor de SWF de alto desempeño - Engadido para Mozilla (experimental) Lightspark is a free Flash player for Linux which aims for high- performance by using modern technologies such as JIT compilation and OpenGL shaders. . The project is currently in an alpha status and provides the standalone player and browser plugin for testing purposes only. . Nice features: * JIT compilation of ActionScript to native x86 bytecode * Hardware accelerated rendering using OpenGL shaders (GLSL) * Aims to support current-generation ActionScript 3 * A new, clean, codebase exploiting multithreading and optimized for modern hardware. Designed from scratch after the official Flash documentation was released. . Este paquete contén o engadido do navegador. Package: browser-plugin-vlc Description-md5: 1dfbd075b62a574a99794b2eb520c80e Description-gl: Engadido de multimedia para navegadores web baseado no VLC Este engadido engade compatibilidade con MPEG, MPEG2, DVD, DivX, Ogg/Vorbis e moitos máis formatos a calqeura navegador web baseado en Gecko (Firefox, Galeon, etc.). O proceso de decodificación faino VLC e a xanela de saÃda está incorporada á páxina web ou vai directamente na xanela do navegador. Tamén hai compatibilidade para a presentación a pantalla completa e o control mediante javascript. . O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. Package: brp-pacu Description-md5: b13e8cf2fb4f987c2fadf4b4020e0c35 Description-gl: Ferramenta de análise de son Brp-pacu compara a saÃda do sistema coa entrada do sistema e permite empregar estes datos para realizar unha ecualización final comparando os resultados co DSP/EQ real. Package: brz-doc Description-md5: 6173bc2f691d18e97e5bea3c90ec6f5b Description-gl: easy to use distributed version control system (documentation) Breezy is a distributed version control system designed to be easy to use and intuitive, able to adapt to many workflows, reliable, and easily extendable. . Publishing of branches can be done over plain HTTP, that is, no special software is needed on the server to host Breezy branches. Branches can be pushed to the server via sftp (which most SSH installations come with), FTP, or over a custom and faster protocol if brz is installed in the remote end. . Merging in Breezy is easy, as the implementation is able to avoid many spurious conflicts, deals well with repeated merges between branches, and is able to handle modifications to renamed files correctly. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: bsh Description-md5: 7344effde5b85638644be4f2f28d5c66 Description-gl: Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 BeanShell é un pequeno intérprete de fonte de Java, gratuÃto, incrustábel, con caracterÃsticas de linguaxe de ordes obxecto, escrito en Java. BeanShell executa declaracións e expresións estándar de Java, ademais das obvias ordes e sintaxe de programación. BeanShell admite obxectos programados como métodos simples de peche, semellantes aos de Perl e JavaScript (tm). . BeanShell pode usarse de xeito interactivo para experimentación e depuración en Java ou como un motor simple de ordes para aplicativos. En resumo: BeanShell é un intérprete dinámico de Java, con algunhas funcións adicionais. Package: bsh-doc Description-md5: 185310e44d4c9d8cbde45a7662aad306 Description-gl: Documentation for bsh BeanShell é un pequeno intérprete de fonte de Java, gratuÃto, incrustábel, con caracterÃsticas de linguaxe de ordes obxecto, escrito en Java. BeanShell executa declaracións e expresións estándar de Java, ademais das obvias ordes e sintaxe de programación. BeanShell admite obxectos programados como métodos simples de peche, semellantes aos de Perl e JavaScript (tm). . BeanShell pode usarse de xeito interactivo para experimentación e depuración en Java ou como un motor simple de ordes para aplicativos. En resumo: BeanShell é un intérprete dinámico de Java, con algunhas funcións adicionais. . The documentation includes the javadoc API for bsh version 2 as well as the faq and manual in html-format. Package: bsh-src Description-md5: b7ff08ed9f7163110b2eba3e8aec8d91 Description-gl: Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (source code) BeanShell é un pequeno intérprete de fonte de Java, gratuÃto, incrustábel, con caracterÃsticas de linguaxe de ordes obxecto, escrito en Java. BeanShell executa declaracións e expresións estándar de Java, ademais das obvias ordes e sintaxe de programación. BeanShell admite obxectos programados como métodos simples de peche, semellantes aos de Perl e JavaScript (tm). . BeanShell pode usarse de xeito interactivo para experimentación e depuración en Java ou como un motor simple de ordes para aplicativos. En resumo: BeanShell é un intérprete dinámico de Java, con algunhas funcións adicionais. . This package contains the bsh source code. Package: btanks Description-md5: 7d3601a91073f2b5a18e9721fdf32912 Description-gl: Xogo de tanques arcade en dúas dimensións con capacidades multixogador e modo de pantalla dividida Battle Tanks is a funny battle on your desk, where you can choose one of three vehicles and eliminate your enemy using the whole arsenal of weapons. It has original cartoon-like graphics and cool music, is fun and dynamic and has death-match and cooperative network modes. Package: btpd Description-md5: 5cfa4c67aed49caa65778c66c9ea1d87 Description-gl: Daemon do protocolo BitTorrent btpd is a daemon based bittorrent client. The daemon state can be read or changed with appropriate commands. The daemon is capable of running several torrents simultaneously and only uses one tcp port, it's fairly low on resource usage and should be perfect for file distribution sites. . Efficient downloads and ease of use make this client a good choice for the casual user as well. Package: bup-doc Description-md5: 5ad42acda759474a6eb6718235c7e8f0 Description-gl: highly efficient file backup system based on git (documentation) bup is a backup tool which stores the backups in a system based around the packfile format from git. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: burn Description-md5: 270398a268581cb005a1e8054b91189f Description-gl: command-line tool for writing optical media «burn» é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para crear discos de son a partir de ficheiros MP3, Ogg Vorbis ou WAV, para crear copias de seguranza de ficheiros, para crear discos a partir de imaxes ISO-9660 e para copiar discos ao voo. Realiza calquera destas funcións cunha única orde, sen requirir a creación preparatoria do sistema de ficheiros, etc. . The program can compute if there is necessary free space for temporary files (images and audio files), warn if size is bigger than disc capacity, and manage multisession discs. Package: busybox Description-md5: b7707908219c331294f3f9e8d926a9dc Description-gl: Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems O BusyBox combina versións minúsculas de moitas utilidades frecuentes de UNIX nun único executábel pequeno. Fornece substitucións minimalistas da maiorÃa das utilidades frecuentes que se atoparÃan normalmente nus sistema de escritorio (p.ex., ls, cp, mv, mount, tar, etc.). As utilidades de BusyBox xeralmente teñen menos opcións que as súas curmás completas de GNU; porén, as opcións que se inclúen fornecen a funcionalidade agardada compórtanse de maneira moi parecida aos seus equivalentes de GNU. . This package installs the BusyBox binary but does not install symlinks for any of the supported utilities. Some of the utilities can be used in the system by installing the busybox-syslogd, busybox-udhcpc or busybox-udhcpd packages. Package: bximage Description-md5: 8deff38bdaf35413e0eddc6a244bcd1c Description-gl: Ferramentas de creación de imaxes de disco para Bochs This tool is part of the Bochs project. Its purpose is to generate disk images that are used to allocate the guest operating system in Bochs environment. Package: byacc Description-md5: 94bbb158e9e82e9efe062f345f2e95e3 Description-gl: Xerador de analizadores sintácticos LALR de dominio público Berkeley Yacc Este paquete fornece unha utilidade xeradora de intérpretes que le unha especificación gramática dun ficheiro e xera un intérprete LR(1) para el. O intérprete consiste nun grupo de táboas de interpretación LALR(1) e unha rutina controladora escrita en linguaxe de programación C. Ten unha licenza de dominio público que inclúe o C xerado. Package: bygfoot Description-md5: 4c42594f66e3703e2fcb8fa596676795 Description-gl: Xogo de xestión de fútbol Bygfoot allows you to manage a team by training the players, buying and selling them, contracting loans, maintaining the stadium, etc. You can be promoted or relegated, even become a champion if you're a skillful manager. You can customise Bygfoot by writing your own country definition files or by creating your own team definition files. Package: bygfoot-data Description-md5: eb69b6e9a7f7440bf4c445b10d10a86b Description-gl: Datos do xogo de xestión de fútbol Contain files necessary to work with bygfoot: images,hints,commentaries,players names,strategies. You can customise Bygfoot by writing your own country definition files or by creating your own team definition files. Package: bzr-explorer Description-md5: 4df0a1fdcc73516ac172bf944c596c52 Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para traballar con Bazaar Bazaar Explorer is a desktop application providing an easy-to-use interface to the Bazaar version control system. It is designed to be simple enough for casual users of version control, yet powerful enough for experts to be productive. . It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features, launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the functionality. Package: bzr-search Description-md5: aa397f968be3618936865a43794781ec Description-gl: Engadido de buscas para Bazaar This is a plugin for Bazaar that can index and search local and remote branches. . It adds a "index" and a "search" command to the Bazaar command-line UI. Package: c-sig Description-md5: 4d302e09376ca6266ae333536379a497 Description-gl: Ferramenta de asinatura para o Emacs de GNU C-sig is a signature insertion tool for GNU Emacs. Features in c-sig include: - registering signatures interactively - learning facility - expanding signatures dynamically - modifying signatures through elisp functions Package: cachefilesd Description-md5: a43d1c7ece3d6a969e37f3e55b7bb374 Description-gl: support fscache on already mounted filesystem FSCache é un xestor de caché xenérico do kernel Linux que pode ser empregado pola rede e outros sistemas de ficheiros para gardar datos na caché localmente. . CacheFiles is an FSCache backend that's meant to use as a cache a directory on an already mounted filesystem of a local type (such as Ext3). This package installs the userspace support required by the cachefiles backend. Package: caffeine Description-md5: 4c9c48fcec88e1f3a34205595604515d Description-gl: prevent the desktop becoming idle in full-screen mode Caffeine evita que o escritorio fique ocioso mentres un aplicativo se executa a pantalla completa. Un indicador de escritorio, «caffeine- indicator» fornece un interruptor manual e a orde «caffeinate» pode usarse para evitar a ociosidade durante o que dure calquera orde. Package: cain Description-md5: 32f2ef4bc55ab0f7152227e3bc872b75 Description-gl: Simulacións de reaccións quÃmicas Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. It can spawn multiple simulation processes to utilize multi- core computers. It stores models, methods, and simulation output (populations and reaction counts) in an XML format. In addition, SBML models can be imported and exported. The models and methods can be read from input files or edited within the program. . The GUI (Graphical User Interface) is written in Python and uses the wxPython toolkit. Most of the solvers are implemented as command line executables, written in C++, which are driven by Cain. This makes it easy to launch batch jobs. It also simplifies the process of adding new solvers. Cain offers a variety of solvers: * Gillespie's direct method. * Gillespie's first reaction method. * Gibson and Bruck's next reaction method. * Tau-leaping. * Hybrid direct/tau-leaping. * ODE integration. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de cain independentes da arquitectura Package: cairo-clock Description-md5: dffe1cb26fae0a26156536d3ba7911a5 Description-gl: Analog clock drawn with vector-graphics É un reloxo análogo que mostra a hora do sistema. TÃralle todo o partido ás novas funcionalidades visuais ofrecidas por Xorg 7.0 en combinación cun xestor con composición (p.ex. como xcompmgr ou compiz), GTK+ 2.10.0, cairo 1.2.0, libglade 2.6.0 e librsvg 2.14.0 para producir unha imaxe da hora con pÃxeles xeitosos. Package: cairo-perf-utils Description-md5: 393a362d567a90781c3ca1cb47cb8355 Description-gl: Cairo 2D vector graphics library performance utilities Cairo é unha biblioteca multi-plataforma que fornece unha renderización baseada en vectores e con suavizado para diversas infraestruturas de destino. . This package contains a set of utilities for capturing and replaying cairo execution traces using various backends, in order to be able to measure the performance of cairo for real-world applications in a reproducible way. Package: caja-actions-common Description-md5: 758b048f9789c041842d8d69495ea295 Description-gl: Caja extension to create custom actions (common files) Caja-actions is an extension for Caja file manager which allows the user to add arbitrary program to be launched through the Caja file manager popup menu of selected files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: caja-common Description-md5: e845fd1d469dd58a087ffd0d047163d0 Description-gl: file manager for the MATE desktop (common files) Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: caja-sendto Description-md5: 2901b4d306ca9fdcceed1844d3bfe329 Description-gl: Integra clientes de correo e Pidgin no xestor de ficheiros Caja Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. This package adds extended functionality to the Caja file manager. . The Caja Send To extension provides the Caja file manager with a context menu component for quickly sending files to given email addresses, contacts on a Pidgin or Gajim instant messaging list, through Thunderbird/Icedove, or through Claws Mail. . Caja Send To also provides the option of compressing the files (tar.bz2, tar.gz, or zip) before sending. Package: calcoo Description-md5: ea7643e4452d9ac675a3cec6f2818c43 Description-gl: Calculadora cientÃfica (GTK+) Calcoo is a scientific calculator designed to provide maximum usability. The features that make Calcoo better than (at least some) other calculator programs are: . - bitmapped button labels and display digits to improve readability - no double-function buttons - you need to click only one button for any operation (except for arc-hyp trigonometric functions) - undo/redo buttons - both RPN (reverse Polish notation) and algebraic modes - copy/paste interaction with X clipboard - display tick marks to separate thousands - two memory registers with displays - displays for Y, Z, and T registers Package: calf-plugins Description-md5: c9371922e1b3e6c70ce617f91ce5f274 Description-gl: Calf Studiogear - audio effects and sound generators Os engadidos de Calf inclúen todos os efectos de estudio empregados hoxe con frecuencia, xunto con algúns procesadores de son ricos en funcionalidades. . Calf Studiogear is designed to run under the most flexible plugin standard in Linux, namely LV2. So you're able to insert them in lots of plugin- capable audio software like Ardour, Rosegarden and others. . The Calf Rack offers you all Calf effects and synthesizers in an easy-to- use studio rack. Wire the effects through Jack to build your own studio environment and trigger the sound processors live or through a MIDI sequencer or tracker. . Calf Rack supports LADISH level 1. Package: calibre Description-md5: d2fa17779dda310ae0888e4e718f5ba6 Description-gl: Conversor de libros electrónicos e xestor de bibliotecas O Calibre pretende ser unha solución completa de biblioteca electrónica. Inclúe xestión de biblioteca, conversión entre formatos, conversión de fontes de novas a libro electrónico, asà como funcionalidades de sincronización co lector de libros. . O Calibre é fundamentalmente un programa de catálogo de libros electrónicos. Xestiona coleccións de libros electrónicos. Está deseñado arredor do concepto do libro lóxico, isto é, unha única entrada na base de datos pode corresponder a libros en varios formatos. Tamén acepta a conversión dunha ducia de formatos diferentes de libro electrónico a LRF e EPUB. Pódese acceder facilmente a unha interface gráfica para o software de conversión simplemente premendo o botón «Converter libros electrónicos». . Os formatos de entrada admitidos son: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF e LRS. . O Calibre ten un deseño de controladores de dispositivos modular que fai que engadir o recoñecemento dun dispositivo lector diferente sexa doado. Nesta altura, admite os SONY PRS 500/505/700 e o iPhone (co software lector stanza). A sincronización permite actualizar os metadatos do dispositivo a partir dos metadatos da biblioteca e a creación de coleccións no dispositivo baseadas nas etiquetas definidas na vista de biblioteca. Se se dispón de máis de un formato dun libro, calibre escolle automaticamente o mellor formato ao envialo ao dispositivo. . O Calibre pode obter automaticamente novas de moitos sitios webs e fontes de RSS, formatalas nun libro electrónico e envialas a un dispositivo conectado. Permite xerar libros LRF/EPUB. Os libros electrónicos inclúen as versións *completas* dos artigos, non só os resumos. . O Calibre tamén conta cun visor de libros incorporado que pode mostrar a maiorÃa dos formatos de libros electrónicos. Package: calibre-bin Description-md5: 7cdeb75ac5751b72c9a6ac650d2fde30 Description-gl: Conversor de libros electrónicos e xestor de bibliotecas O Calibre pretende ser unha solución completa de biblioteca electrónica. Inclúe xestión de biblioteca, conversión entre formatos, conversión de fontes de novas a libro electrónico, asà como funcionalidades de sincronización co lector de libros. . O Calibre é fundamentalmente un programa de catálogo de libros electrónicos. Xestiona coleccións de libros electrónicos. Está deseñado arredor do concepto do libro lóxico, isto é, unha única entrada na base de datos pode corresponder a libros en varios formatos. Tamén acepta a conversión dunha ducia de formatos diferentes de libro electrónico a LRF e EPUB. Pódese acceder facilmente a unha interface gráfica para o software de conversión simplemente premendo o botón «Converter libros electrónicos». . Os formatos de entrada admitidos son: MOBI, LIT, PRC, EPUB, ODT, HTML, CBR, CBZ, RTF, TXT, PDF e LRS. . O Calibre ten un deseño de controladores de dispositivos modular que fai que engadir o recoñecemento dun dispositivo lector diferente sexa doado. Nesta altura, admite os SONY PRS 500/505/700 e o iPhone (co software lector stanza). A sincronización permite actualizar os metadatos do dispositivo a partir dos metadatos da biblioteca e a creación de coleccións no dispositivo baseadas nas etiquetas definidas na vista de biblioteca. Se se dispón de máis de un formato dun libro, calibre escolle automaticamente o mellor formato ao envialo ao dispositivo. . O Calibre pode obter automaticamente novas de moitos sitios webs e fontes de RSS, formatalas nun libro electrónico e envialas a un dispositivo conectado. Permite xerar libros LRF/EPUB. Os libros electrónicos inclúen as versións *completas* dos artigos, non só os resumos. . O Calibre tamén conta cun visor de libros incorporado que pode mostrar a maiorÃa dos formatos de libros electrónicos. . This package contains the compiled architecture dependent plugins. Package: calligra Description-md5: 5b2385e3ba6a90ac8a81e5c2cbf9a89e Description-gl: extensive productivity and creative suite O Calligra Suite é un conxunto de aplicativos escritos para axudar a realizar o seu traballo. Inclúe aplicativos de ofimática, como un procesador de texto, unha folla de cálculo, un programa de presentacións, un aplicativo de base de datos, etc., asà como ferramentas de imaxes raster e vectoriais. . Este paquete fornece todos os compoñentes da Suite Calligra. Package: calligra-data Description-md5: d3f6d1b2e7bc9c43c1993d8f13b5bad4 Description-gl: Datos comúns compartidos da Suite Calligra Este paquete fornece os datos independentes da arquitectura que se comparten entre os diversos compoñentes do Calligra. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: calligra-libs Description-md5: bd711fec00d4e12eb191529df959aaf2 Description-gl: Bibliotecas e binarios comúns da suite Calligra Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas e binarios compartidos entre os diversos compoñentes do Calligra. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: calligrasheets Description-md5: 2d8660804f7fda925c09df2937712c47 Description-gl: Folla de cálculo para a Suite Calligra Tables is a powerful spreadsheet application. It is scriptable and provides both table-oriented sheets and support for complex mathematical formulae and statistics. It is the successor of KSpread. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: calligrastage-data Description-md5: 63d64d4a8a3b9b339727cb670a41bc78 Description-gl: data files for Calligra Stage This package contains architecture-independent data files for Stage, the presentation program shipped with the Calligra Suite. . Vexa o paquete calligrastage para máis información. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: calligrawords Description-md5: e8c718ad734d42503998d607ce115062 Description-gl: Procesador de texto para a Suite Calligra Words is a FrameMaker-like word processing and desktop publishing application. It is capable of creating polished and professional looking documents. It can be used for desktop publishing, but also for "normal" word processing, like writing letters, reports and so on. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: calligrawords-data Description-md5: e3cac4e05ee1286dadee867f20e3d4d4 Description-gl: data files for Words word processor This package contains architecture-independent data files for Words, the word processor shipped with the Calligra Suite. . Vexa o paquete calligrawords para máis información. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: calypso Description-md5: a0cee5b8fece72b0370e474721d43794 Description-gl: CalDAV/CardDAV server with git backend Servidor de calendarios e contactos que almacenas ficheiros iCal e vCard en git Package: camlidl Description-md5: 8b59e7135e390b690206f2e5dcbf12c5 Description-gl: Stub code generator for Objective Caml CamlIDL generates stub code for interfacing Caml with C from an IDL description of the C functions. Thus, CamlIDL automates the most tedious task in interfacing C libraries with Caml programs. . It can also be used to interface Caml programs with other languages, as long as those languages have a well-defined C interface. . Este paquete contén o executábel de CamlIDL. Package: camlidl-doc Description-md5: ef0b34636d525d208f66b7a8ba679705 Description-gl: Documentación de CamlIDL nos formatos PS, PDF e HTML CamlIDL generates stub code for interfacing Caml with C from an IDL description of the C functions. Thus, CamlIDL automates the most tedious task in interfacing C libraries with Caml programs. . It can also be used to interface Caml programs with other languages, as long as those languages have a well-defined C interface. . This package contains the CamlIDL documentation in PostScript, PDF and HTML formats. Package: camlp5 Description-md5: 1113a8e1433440e62f5174bc5b44ee5c Description-gl: Pre Processor Pretty Printer for OCaml - classical version Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language, based on the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML. . CamlP4 é un preprocesador con formateo para Objective Caml. Ofrece ferramentas para sintaxe (Analizadores de fluxo e gramáticas) e a capacidade de modificar a sintaxe concreta da linguaxe (Citas, extensións sintácticas). . This package contains the "classical" version of CamlP4 executables and libraries for pre-processing and pretty-printing OCaml sources both interactively and in a batch fashion. The "classical" version is the implementation of CamlP4 which used to be distributed with OCaml before the release of version 3.10. Package: cantor Description-md5: 9869e5cab6ba551741e9d6d9321e2afd Description-gl: interface for mathematical applications Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . Cantor supports various mathematical applications as backends (provided in external packages): * Maxima Computer Algebra System (cantor-backend-maxima) * R Project for Statistical Computing (cantor-backend-r) * Sage Mathematics Software (cantor-backend-sage) * Octave (cantor-backend-octave) * Python (cantor-backend-python2 and cantor-backend-python3) * Scilab (cantor-backend-scilab) * Qalculate! (cantor-backend-qalculate) * Lua (cantor-backend-lua) . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-julia Description-md5: d91c0031f83c1dcb0b283961c12f9a86 Description-gl: Julia backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using Julia ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-kalgebra Description-md5: 3d6acd13cef4f51ad5f962eb834fef3e Description-gl: KAlgebra backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using KAlgebra ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-lua Description-md5: eff00455c8353f36f6c04f0f0515c450 Description-gl: Lua backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Lua language ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-maxima Description-md5: 2dc7f759f5631c194e3aaff963646248 Description-gl: Maxima backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Maxima Computer Algebra System ( in Cantor. . NOTE: currently this package only contains the maxima icon as the backend itself is broken with the current version of maxima. The backend will be restored once an upstream fix is available. See KDE BUG: . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-octave Description-md5: 40dfa2a010cfe976780f818f4eeaeb12 Description-gl: Octave backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the GNU Octave language for numerical computations ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-python2 Description-md5: 340e4b276e4bc240f71bcfcde834537a Description-gl: Python2 backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Python2 language ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-python3 Description-md5: 500d040cc04dd59aa6367fba86b086fe Description-gl: Python3 backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Python3 language ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-qalculate Description-md5: 30b638392ffa6da855f2ed423a2ff7bb Description-gl: Qalculate! backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Qalculate! calculator ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-r Description-md5: 2fa1544de18d3f3786194a81d7260399 Description-gl: R backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the R Project for Statistical Computing ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-backend-sage Description-md5: fe638cffae7bdab7f243c10fb0fab724 Description-gl: Sage backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Sage Mathematics Software ( in Cantor. . Please note that sagemath is not available in Debian, so you need to manually install it for this package to work. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: cantor-dev Description-md5: 662922b950c724c8abcd49d045a29a18 Description-gl: interface for mathematical applications - development files Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . Cantor supports various mathematical applications as backends (provided in external packages): * Maxima Computer Algebra System (cantor-backend-maxima) * R Project for Statistical Computing (cantor-backend-r) * Sage Mathematics Software (cantor-backend-sage) * Octave (cantor-backend-octave) * Python (cantor-backend-python2 and cantor-backend-python3) * Scilab (cantor-backend-scilab) * Qalculate! (cantor-backend-qalculate) * Lua (cantor-backend-lua) . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. . This package contains development files for cantor. Package: caps Description-md5: ddb688967998d935b755c502de987778 Description-gl: Suite de Engadidos de Son C* caps comprises a range of classic sound effects and a few more basic audio DSP units, signal and noise generators. The suite's aim is to provide impeccable sound quality, computational efficiency and no perceptible latency. . Documentación: Package: cargo-doc Description-md5: f27438963e0fd905872c0e1656b9d40c Description-gl: Rust package manager, documentation Cargo is a tool that allows Rust projects to declare their various dependencies, and ensure that you'll always get a repeatable build. . To accomplish this goal, Cargo does four things: * Introduces two metadata files with various bits of project information. * Fetches and builds your project's dependencies. * Invokes rustc or another build tool with the correct parameters to build your project. * Introduces conventions, making working with Rust projects easier. . Cargo downloads your Rust project’s dependencies and compiles your project. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: casacore-doc Description-md5: b2725f0b9d3c79c624256037996c492a Description-gl: CASA core library (documentation) The casacore package contains the core libraries of the old AIPS++/CASA (Common Astronomy Software Applications) package. This split was made to get a better separation of core libraries and applications. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: caspar-doc Description-md5: b4d0af6863bd65c41ebb6d661937ead8 Description-gl: Documentación de caspar Caspar offers Makefile snippets for common tasks, like installing (system configuration) files or typesetting documentation. . This package contains the caspar manpages in HTML and PostScript format as well as some other documentation. Package: cauchy-dev Description-md5: 642d9e5331f6aa220658fb1742d73e15 Description-gl: library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++ library for transforming Matlab/Octave files to C++ (with Eigen) and Matlab. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: cbflib-bin Description-md5: a72e81bc95d613ca98523265b713c861 Description-gl: Utilidades para manipular ficheiros CBF CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. . This package contains various utility programs. Package: cbflib-doc Description-md5: b812fdfc937951e1a03fd864a6a21385 Description-gl: Documentación de CBFlib CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. . Este paquete contén a documentación de CBFlib. Package: cclib Description-md5: c683e0da670f2dd8eec83dee021ac933 Description-gl: Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry Unha biblioteca en Python que fornece analizadores para ficheiros de rexistro de quÃmica computacional. Tamén fornece unha plataforma para implementar algoritmos de maneira independente dos paquetes. . This package contains helper scripts for end users. . If you are looking for the unit tests and data files managed by cclib, they are distributed separately as in non-free package cclib-data. Package: cclive Description-md5: 586468b7a6745cb9baa21e5d898cd818 Description-gl: lightweight command line video extraction tool cclive is a lightweight command line video extraction tool for Youtube and other similar video websites. It is a rewrite of the clive software in C++ with lower system footprint and fewer dependencies. . cclive é fundamentalmente unha «ferramenta de descarga de vÃdeo» mais tamén pode ser empregada xunto cun software reprodutor de vÃdeo como «mplayer» para ver vÃdeos en retransmisión en troques do reprodutor de flash da Adobe. Package: ccrypt Description-md5: da31f4a0f5044cdae29a94198cd0810c Description-gl: Cifrado e descifrado seguro de ficheiros e fluxos ccrypt is a utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams. It was designed as a replacement for the standard unix crypt utility, which is notorious for using a very weak encryption algorithm. ccrypt is based on the Rijndael cipher, which is the U.S. government's chosen candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, see This cipher is believed to provide very strong security. Package: cdcd-dbg Description-md5: 99cde580e3070f580b2513d117db475b Description-gl: command line or console based CD player (debug) cdcd works in two ways, accepting commands directly off the command line or in a query mode similar to other UNIX programs. To pass a command to cdcd, simply run cdcd with the command as the argument (e.g. cdcd play). This is great for using cron and cdcd together to make a CD alarm clock. Or you can run cdcd without arguments and you will be given the cdcd command prompt. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: cdebconf-gtk Description-md5: fa7569ffcd2c68e0354e0bf4c62db2ca Description-gl: Gtk+ frontend for Debian Configuration Management System Debconf é un sistema de xestión de configuración para paquetes Debian. Emprégano algúns paquetes para preguntar información antes de seren instalados. Esta é unha reimplementación da versión orixinal de debconf en C. . cdebconf-gtk is a minimal Gtk+ frontend cdebconf package. Package: cdi2iso Description-md5: e4681972048a873ac8bacb2d586154e5 Description-gl: DiscJuggler image to ISO image file converter cdi2iso is a very simple utility to convert DiscJuggler image to the standard ISO-9660 format. . Páxina web: Package: cdparanoia Description-md5: e822cba0a77b7c13282c31b92c5e9561 Description-gl: Ferramenta de extracción de son para mostrear CD An audio extraction tool for sampling CDs. Unlike similar programs such as cdda2wav, cdparanoia goes to great lengths to try to extract the audio information without any artifacts such as jitter. Package: cdrdao Description-md5: 27c1ea6fa8a4913e9dd3ddfb6c692c21 Description-gl: records CDs in Disk-At-Once (DAO) mode cdrdao grava CD-R de son ou de datos no modo disco de vez (DAO) baseándose nunha descrición textual do contido do CD. . Ao gravar en modo «disk-at-once» escrÃbese o disco completo, isto é, inÃcianse e péchanse unha ou máis pistas nun só paso. O xeito no que se usa comunmente «track-at-once» (TAO) escribe cada pista independentemente, o que require de ligazóns entre bloques de dúas pistas. Probablemente deba usar este se pretende copiar un CD con varias pistas, como a maiorÃa dos CD de son. . cdrdao tamén pode xestionar o formato comunmente empregado bin/cue para os VCDs ou discos con datos de subcanle. . Se o que quer é simplemente gravar un CD de datos normais, probabelmente wodim lle sexa mellor. Package: cdrskin Description-md5: 9ecdec2ef522adc36982e3e1bb890efb Description-gl: Ferramenta para escribir en CD/DVD/BD desde a liña de ordes cdrskin strives to be a second source for the services traditionally provided by cdrecord. Currently it does CD-R and CD-RW this way. Overwritable media DVD-RAM, DVD+RW, DVD-RW, and BD-RE are handled differently than with cdrecord-ProDVD in order to offer TAO-like single track recording. Sequential DVD-R[W], DVD+R, DVD+R DL, BD-R are handled like CD-R[W] with TAO and multi-session. Additionally cdrskin offers cdrecord-ProDVD-like mode DAO with DVD-R[W]. . This is a burner only application. If you want a burner and ISO 9660 image manipulation application, please install xorriso package. Package: cecilia Description-md5: b08cdcb1d0367921f3fd6627573f4370 Description-gl: Ambiente de sÃntese de son e procesamento de sinais de son Cecilia is a graphic user interface for the sound synthesis and sound processing package CSound. Cecilia enables the user to build very quickly graphic interfaces with sliders and curves to control CSound instruments. It is also an editor to CSound with syntax highlighting and a built-in reference. It is also a great tool to explore the parameters of a new opcode in an interactive and intuitive way. . Cecilia uses the pyo audio engine created for the Python programming language. . Cecilia was designed by and for musicians and sound designers. All the traditional sound processing devices are included such as EQs, compressors and delays adapted for the most simple applications and the wildest imaginable sonic contortions. Package: ceferino-data Description-md5: 45046c487f430401286178a2dc28022c Description-gl: action game similar to Super Pang A game similar to 'Super Pang'. You are attacked by little green balls which are bouncing around and which you have to destroy with your knife. Your knife however is limited to being thrown upwards, thus you have to get under the balls to destroy them. Even worse, if you destroy a large ball, it doesn't just vanish, but breaks apart into two smaller balls. Levels consist of little platforms connected by ladders, so you can go up and down or find cover if needed. . Este paquete inclúe os datos do xogo. Package: cellwriter Description-md5: 8e8ed407f93fe036cf7ba99236e0abc1 Description-gl: grid-entry handwriting input panel O CellWriter é un panel de entrada de escrita natural á man con forma de grella. Segundo se van escribindo caracteres nas celas vaise recoñecendo o que se escribe a nivel de caracteres. Ao premer «Intro» no panel, o que se escribiu envÃase ao aplicativo que tiver o foco tal e como se se escribise no teclado. . * Writer-dependent, learns your handwriting for reliable recognition * Correcting preprocessor algorithms account for digitizer noise, differing stroke order, direction, and number of strokes * Unicode support enables you to write in your native language Package: ceph-mds Description-md5: d37d51a4735a093f21799c80f707168f Description-gl: metadata server for the ceph distributed file system Ceph is a distributed storage and network file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. . Este paquete contén o daemon do servidor de metadatos, que se usa para crear un sistema de ficheiros distribuÃdo por riba do clúster de almacenamento de ceph. Package: ceph-test Description-md5: c9c1e684fc9e022aec4d39440e121879 Description-gl: Ceph test and benchmarking tools Ceph é un sistema de almacenamento distribuÃdo deseñado para fornecer desempeño, fiabilidade e escalabilidade excelentes. . This package contains tools for testing and benchmarking Ceph. Package: cervisia Description-md5: 24aa55ccfc4c9ef6342e9d331b63080e Description-gl: graphical CVS client Cervisia é unha interface gráfica do cliente do sistema de control con versións CVS. . Alén das operacións básicas e avanzadas de CVS, fornece unha interface gráfica cómoda para ver, modificar e manipular os ficheiros dun repositorio CVS ou dun directorio de traballo. Inclúe ferramentas deseñadas para facilitar o uso de CVS, como un explorador de rexistros, un solucionador de conflitos e un editor de rexistro de cambios que comproba os formatos incorrectos. . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: cfengine2-dbg Description-md5: e44bd6e94f195cf7390e59f8ff477214 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do cfengine2 The main purpose of cfengine is to allow the system administrator to create a single central file which will define how every host on a network should be configured. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do cfengine2. Package: cgpt Description-md5: 20f7ed5c2ae3417c32a02f2d829aa535 Description-gl: Ferramenta de manipulación de GPT que admite extensións do sistema operativo Chromium Cgpt is a tool to manipulate GUID Partition Table from command line. It also supports Chromium OS extensions enabling you to change priority for kernel partitions. Package: cgroup-tools Description-md5: 31bbde716d49909064e8fe618de2abd5 Description-gl: control and monitor control groups (tools) Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behaviour. . libcgroup allows one to manipulate, control, administrate and monitor cgroups and the associated controllers. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas da liña de ordes. Package: Description-md5: 4136c67e287c0c7fdb2a2d059a6ab08d Description-gl: Mapa de caracteres para GNUstep This is a character map. It is developed using the GNUstep development environment ( and is meant to contribute to GNUstep's promise towards a desktop environment. . Charmap offers font selection, allowing one to easily see all the glyphs which a particular font offers. Package: Description-md5: bd80fd4e79b2fa8cbe031939d26a0af1 Description-gl: Character map for GNUstep (arch-independent files) Charmap is a character map for GNUstep. It offers font selection, allowing one to easily see all the glyphs which a particular font provides. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: chasen Description-md5: 3c95c0e5f7bf70faed36ef31e6bf228b Description-gl: Sistema de análise morfolóxica do xaponés ChaSen is a morphological analysis system. It can segment and tokenize Japanese text string, and can output with many additional information (pronunciation, semantic information, and others). . It will print the result of such an operation to the standard output, so that it can be either written to a file or further processed. Package: checkstyle-doc Description-md5: bab49bc473fefc35dcd1bbd91b098568 Description-gl: Documentación de Checkstyle Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard. . Checkstyle is highly configurable and can be made to support almost any coding standard. An example configuration file is supplied supporting the Sun Code Conventions. . This package contains the Javadoc files and some examples to illustrate how use the Checkstyle tool. Package: chemps2-doc Description-md5: 552d5934cdf129c2fec89de178b771ef Description-gl: Documentation of the libchemps2-2 package chemps2 is a scientific library which contains a spin-adapted implementation of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) for ab initio quantum chemistry. This wavefunction method allows one to obtain numerical accuracy in active spaces beyond the capabilities of full configuration interaction (FCI), and allows one to extract the 2-, 3-, and 4-particle reduced density matrices (2-, 3- and 4-RDM) of the active space. . For general active spaces up to 40 electrons in 40 orbitals can be handled with DMRG, and for one-dimensional active spaces up to 100 electrons in 100 orbitals. The 2-RDM of these active spaces can also be easily extracted, while the 3- and 4-RDM are limited to about 28 orbitals. . When the active space size becomes prohibitively expensive for FCI, DMRG can be used to replace the FCI solver in the complete active space self consistent field (CASSCF) method and the corresponding complete active space second order perturbation theory (CASPT2). The corresponding methods are called DMRG-SCF and DMRG-CASPT2, respectively. For DMRG-SCF the active space 2-RDM is required, and for DMRG-CASPT2 the active space 4-RDM. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: cherrytree Description-md5: 648d7fd9619e7e202f2c1f2dd0dc1f7e Description-gl: Aplicación para tomar notas de maneira xerárquica CherryTree is a hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text, syntax highlighting, images handling, hyperlinks, import/export with support for multiple formats, support for multiple languages, and more. Package: chiark-rwbuffer Description-md5: 4f79465741ec8b18804b213a7948ac8d Description-gl: readbuffer/writebuffer: prevents tape drive seesawing, etc. readbuffer e writebuffer: programas para ler a entrada de dispositivos e enviarlles a saÃda, que non gustan de andar parando e recomezando constantemente, como unidades de fita e dispositivos de reprodución de son. Package: childsplay Description-md5: 533ca128a3e56e3c9a4bdc02cc6fc64e Description-gl: Suite de xogos educativos para cativos Childsplay fornece actividades memorÃsticas divertidas de xogar e que ao mesmo tempo permiten aprender sons, imaxes, letras e números, asà como actividades que adestran os cativos no uso do rato e o teclado e actividades que son xogo puro, como puzzles, pong, pacman e billar. Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-bg Description-md5: 2aeba071d1857da6dde21e6c9041ab94 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en búlgaro para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ca Description-md5: 1ab15e0b611c3fffec3c89984cc67abe Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en catalán para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-de Description-md5: 4af86cd5b3bad3a9417cc548c15a29ad Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en alemán para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-el Description-md5: fa4938661f8827b08deb34d6ed00a09e Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en grego para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-en-gb Description-md5: b18b2ca9aafe4244d1e5ff30e525a48a Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en inglés británico para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-es Description-md5: 0e41215da4b79ba001b4b25f8bf37ec4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en español para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-fr Description-md5: 9c16d25ac653c2afb929e42893b74dc2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en francés para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-it Description-md5: d6802d2cf52d34f215b4c2c29743fc5a Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en italiano para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nb Description-md5: ef602570215efe48e5220bd01145ec34 Description-gl: BokmÃ¥l sound files for childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nl Description-md5: 30deed121695da4744503b9d94739aa9 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en holandés para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-pt Description-md5: 0b90eda40af66f0629539bce92a79f12 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en portugués para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ro Description-md5: c8645ea4267128aa6f352037bd16f778 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en romanés para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ru Description-md5: e19388782cb89cc5690b73a4f11c6fa6 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en ruso para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sl Description-md5: 305c5970d7692d3fe58730bc6d7e0c2a Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en esloveno para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sv Description-md5: c411913397d961190b4f06c9c501f21e Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en sueco para o childsplay Ficheiros de son localizados para o childsplay Package: chinese-calendar Description-md5: 21b5c74e46aaa81200610278e5dd63cd Description-gl: Calendario lunar chinés This indicator is used to show a Chinese lunar calendar which is tailored for Chinese users. The calendar can show festivals and the 24 solar terms, year and month is also selectable. . Este calendario é o aplicativo predeterminado no sabor Ubuntu Kylin. Package: chipmunk-dev Description-md5: 3961251694fe4e672502876ff2815c7a Description-gl: Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library - devel Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library written in C. It's licensed under the unrestrictive, OSI approved MIT license. Its aim is to give 2D developers access the same quality of physics you find in newer 3D games. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: choqok Description-md5: bbc96ef6f2db31b2a8b47c49ee309e26 Description-gl: Cliente de microblogging para KDE O Choqok é un cliente de micro-blogging rápido, eficiente e sinxelo para KDE. Actualmente admite os servizos de e . Other notable features include: * Support for user + friends time-lines. * Support for @Reply time-lines. * Support for sending and receiving direct messages. * integration. * The ability to use multiple accounts simultaneously. * Support for search APIs for all services. * KWallet integration. * Support for automatic shortening urls with more than 30 characters. * Support for configuring status lists appearance. Package: choreonoid-dbg Description-md5: b67b61a005a393618b643c648930da42 Description-gl: Choreonoid debugging symbols Choreonoid is an integrated robotics GUI environment, which allows users to add their own functions on the basis of various basic robotics functions. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: chromium-browser Description-md5: 4a155380274636a47c53917539df83d7 Description-gl: Navegador web Chromium, versión de Chrome en código aberto An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. Package: chromium-browser-l10n Description-md5: 8ddb996aecc31fc1411a320e533c060d Description-gl: Paquetes de idioma de chromium-browser An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. . This package contains language packages for 65 languages: am, ar, ast, bg, bn, bs, ca, ca@valencia, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-GB, eo, es-419, es, et, eu, fa, fil, fi, fr, gl, gu, he, hi, hr, hu, hy, ia, id, it, ja, ka, kn, ko, ku, kw, lt, lv, ml, mr, ms, nb, nl, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, sw, ta, te, th, tr, ug, uk, vi, zh-CN, zh-TW Package: chromium-bsu Description-md5: bf03f80034119dd57df5e05f79692a37 Description-gl: fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter Chromium é un xogo de tirador espacial con desprazamento rápido arriba e abaixo. . Neste xogo ti es o capitán do cargueiro Chromium B.S.U. e es responsábel de aprovisionar as tropas da fronte. A túa nave conta cunha pequena frota de loitadores robóticos que podes controlar desde a relativa seguranza do navÃo Chromium. Package: chromium-bsu-data Description-md5: 2276494fbb3ff1064f86fb55b001423c Description-gl: Paquete de datos do xogo Chromium B.S.U. This package provides all the sounds, images, translations and documentation required for Chromium B.S.U., a fast paced high action scrolling space shooter. The sounds include menu music, in-game music and various sound effects. The images include ships, weapons and miscellaneous UI elements. The documentation includes a FAQ and a visual introduction to the game. Package: chromium-chromedriver Description-md5: 2e6e3c36fa55c5630ac7d648c44010d7 Description-gl: Controlador de WebDriver para o navegador Chromium Chromedriver serves as a bridge between Chromium Browser and Selenium WebDriver. . Consulte para máis detalles. Package: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg Description-md5: 5da9721609191455cf39f508a8dbbcc2 Description-gl: Códecs libres de ffmpeg para o navegador Chromium An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. . Este paquete contén os códecs de ffmpeg con fÃos necesarios para as etiquetas <audio> e <video> de HTML5. Só se inclúen os códecs libres de patentes ogg, vorgis e theora. Vexa chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra para códecs adicionais Package: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra Description-md5: e25eff2efc99ff0ac68a4920e4d54635 Description-gl: Códecs extra de ffmpeg para o navegador Chromium An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. . Este paquete contén os códecs de ffmpeg con fÃos necesarios para as etiquetas <audio> e <video> de HTML5. Ademais dos códigos libres de patentes ogg, vorbis e theora inclúense aac/ac3/mpeg4audio/h264/mov/mp3. Vexa chromium-codecs-ffmeg se prefire só os códecs libres de patentes Package: chrony Description-md5: f0bbbeab28dbc2e9fe201d3d79df8c96 Description-gl: Versatile implementation of the Network Time Protocol Consiste nun par de programas: . chronyd: This is a daemon which runs in background on the system. It obtains measurements (e.g. via the network) of the system's offset relative to other systems and adjusts the system time accordingly. For isolated systems, the user can periodically enter the correct time by hand (using 'chronyc'). In either case 'chronyd' determines the rate at which the computer gains or loses time, and compensates for this. Chronyd implements the NTP protocol and can act as either a client or a server. . chronyc: This is a command-line driven control and monitoring program. An administrator can use this to fine-tune various parameters within the daemon, add or delete servers etc whilst the daemon is running. Package: chrootuid Description-md5: 650413b514f785d7c818fe4f60f706ea Description-gl: Execute ordes en ambientes restrinxidos Chrootuid makes it easy to run a network service at low privilege level and with restricted file system access. The daemons have access only to their own directory tree, and run under a low-privileged userid. . In the past it has been used to run the gopher and www (world-wide web) network. It can be used nowadays also for proxy servers. The arrangement greatly reduces the impact of possible loopholes in network software. Package: ciderwebmail Description-md5: e4e2044a58a9b3997237eb5047bf055d Description-gl: Servizo de correo web IMAP CiderWebmail is a modern, user friendly and maintenance free webmail application. It's targeted at mailserver administrators who need to provide web access for their user's mailboxes and individuals wanting to access their mailboxes via an always available web application. . It currently supports all the basic mail handling features one would expect from such an application: . * Listing your emails with selectable sort order and grouping. * Moving emails between folders and deleting using drag & drop. * Displaying text and HTML emails even if their code is completely broken (which happens quite often in reality) * Keyboard bindings for switching through emails, moving, deleting, replying and forwarding. * Reply to and forward existing emails or write new emails, add attachments and have a copy saved in your "Sent" folder. . As an application written deep in the 21st century, CiderWebmail supports only IMAP mail servers. . It is recommended to use CiderWebmail with the Dovecot IMAP server. CiderWebmail deliberately does little internal caching for security reasons, so if used with an IMAP server less powerful than Dovecot you may benefit from connecting via imapproxy. Package: cimg-doc Description-md5: 0eb6ff63cab3c330fa17dcf7a2d9b24e Description-gl: documentation of cimg-dev imaging library The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit providing simple classes and functions to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. It consists only of a single header file CImg.h that must be included in your program source. It contains useful image processing algorithms for loading/saving, resizing/rotating, filtering, object drawing (text, lines, faces, ellipses, ...), etc. . Images are instantiated by a class able to represent images up to 4-dimension wide (from 1-D scalar signals to 3-D volumes of vector-valued pixels), with template pixel types. It depends on a minimal number of libraries : you can compile it with only standard C libraries. No need for exotic libraries and complex dependencies. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: cimg-examples Description-md5: 989b46b47ea3715c1de4b95f9167ec8e Description-gl: examples for cimg-dev imaging library The CImg Library is a C++ toolkit providing simple classes and functions to load, save, process and display images in your own C++ code. It consists only of a single header file CImg.h that must be included in your program source. It contains useful image processing algorithms for loading/saving, resizing/rotating, filtering, object drawing (text, lines, faces, ellipses, ...), etc. . Images are instantiated by a class able to represent images up to 4-dimension wide (from 1-D scalar signals to 3-D volumes of vector-valued pixels), with template pixel types. It depends on a minimal number of libraries : you can compile it with only standard C libraries. No need for exotic libraries and complex dependencies. . Este paquete contén exemplos para o uso da biblioteca. Package: cinnamon Description-md5: 85a575fee9af55bc8d39cbd88a551b9d Description-gl: Escritorio innovador e cómodo Cinnamon é un ambiente de escritorio que fornece funcionalidades avanzadas innovadoras e unha experiencia de usuario tradicional. . The desktop layout is similar to GNOME 2. The underlying technology is forked from gnome-shell. The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing them with an easy to use and comfortable desktop experience. Package: cinnamon-common Description-md5: e46179d94fb5e328c6af58cab1200e40 Description-gl: Escritorio innovador e cómodo (Ficheiros de datos comúns) Cinnamon é un ambiente de escritorio que fornece funcionalidades avanzadas innovadoras e unha experiencia de usuario tradicional. . The desktop layout is similar to GNOME 2. The underlying technology is forked from gnome-shell. The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing them with an easy to use and comfortable desktop experience. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para Cinnamon Package: cinnamon-core Description-md5: 889baf0f76d6e61afe89c68c6ed55106 Description-gl: Cinnamon desktop environment - essential components Estes son os compoñentes centrais de Cinnamon, un ambiente de escritorio que fornece funcionalidades innovativas avanzadas e unha experiencia de usuario tradicional. . This metapackage depends on basic components needed to use the desktop environment. Install this if you want a minimal cinnamon desktop. Package: cinnamon-desktop-data Description-md5: 1eaf9fbdff376002b0e11161f1afb94f Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para os aplicativos de escritorio de Cinnamon This package includes files that are shared between several Cinnamon apps (i18n files and configuration schemas). Package: cinnamon-doc Description-md5: 9ef440ff71ad9c38463c3f77c6c0dff0 Description-gl: Escritorio innovador e cómodo (Documentación) Cinnamon é un ambiente de escritorio que fornece funcionalidades avanzadas innovadoras e unha experiencia de usuario tradicional. . The desktop layout is similar to GNOME 2. The underlying technology is forked from gnome-shell. The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing them with an easy to use and comfortable desktop experience. . This package contains the documentation files distributed with Cinnamon. Package: cinnamon-session Description-md5: 0361118c974a1d7833385553aa7c1bab Description-gl: Cinnamon Session Manager - Minimal runtime O Xestor de Sesións de Cinnamon está a cargo de iniciar os compoñentes centrais do escritorio Cinnamon e dos aplicativos que hai que iniciar ao iniciar unha sesión. Tamén conta cunha maneira de gardar e restaurar os aplicativos que estean en execución. . This package contains the binaries for the Cinnamon Session Manager, but no startup scripts. It is meant for those willing to start cinnamon- session by hand with the components of their choice, and for applications such as MDM that use cinnamon-session internally. Package: cinnamon-session-common Description-md5: a0e321d40ad03e6982f4f1352502dac6 Description-gl: Cinnamon Session Manager - common files O Xestor de Sesións de Cinnamon está a cargo de iniciar os compoñentes centrais do escritorio Cinnamon e dos aplicativos que hai que iniciar ao iniciar unha sesión. Tamén conta cunha maneira de gardar e restaurar os aplicativos que estean en execución. . This package contains the translations, data files and startup scripts which are common to the Cinnamon and Cinnamon fallback sessions. Package: cinnamon-settings-daemon Description-md5: 1b8a7da957990b0c44c1c4af82997a5e Description-gl: daemon handling the Cinnamon session settings This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a Cinnamon session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Teclado: disposición, opcións de accesibilidade, atallos, teclas de multimedia * Xestión do portapapeis * Temas: fondos, iconas, aplicativos en GTK+ * Limpeza de ficheiros sen uso * Rato: cursores, velocidade, opcións de accesibilidade * Inicio dos demais daemons: salvapantallas, daemon do son * Quebras ao escribir . Tamén configura diversas opcións dos aplicativos a través dos recursos de X e dos XSETTINGS de Package: cirkuit-dbg Description-md5: d1e12ebaf9f2d9eb8ed46de918839d7f Description-gl: debug symbols for cirkuit Circuit Macros is a set of macros for drawing high-quality line diagrams to include in TeX, LaTeX, or similar documents. . Contén sÃmbolos de depuración para frameworkintegration. Package: citadel-client Description-md5: b8ce7bf7e1bde2d01bbb9169439be1a9 Description-gl: complete and feature-rich groupware server (command line client) This is package contains the command line client for Citadel, a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform. . Vexa o paquete «citadel-server» para máis información. Package: citadel-dbg Description-md5: ab0aa8b4af69a9d2ea594717a9a97d33 Description-gl: Servidor de traballo en grupo completo e cheo de funcionalidades - sÃmbolos de depuración Citadel is a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform. * Email, calendaring/scheduling, address books * Bulletin boards, mailing list server, instant messaging * Multiple domain support * An intuitive, attractive AJAX-style web interface . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración do servidor Citadel. Package: citadel-doc Description-md5: 6f663560d58413eea8fae483dedc625a Description-gl: complete and feature-rich groupware server (documentation) This package contains documentation for Citadel, a complete and feature- rich open source groupware platform. . Vexa o paquete «citadel-server» para máis información. Package: cjk-latex Description-md5: 70e2c15cd497b533ad733dc52be29256 Description-gl: Instala todos os paquetes de CJK de LaTeX This is a dummy package that allows you to smoothly upgrade from the old cjk-latex to the current latex-cjk-common packages. After the installation of the latex-cjk-common packages, you can safely delete this package. Package: cl-reversi Description-md5: 76ff9f1e7984647c7a07926a8ef9e91f Description-gl: Xogo do Reversi para Common Lisp This package is based on Peter Norvig's reversi program in the book Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence. Compared to the code in the book, this package employs significant optimizations and includes a CLIM-based graphical user interface. Package: clang Description-md5: ea1f164ac255f39c6ec78685f71ef19b Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang incorpora as normas ISO C++ 1998 e 2001 completas e tamén é compatÃbel parcialmente con C++1y. . This is a dependency package providing the default clang compiler. Package: clang-3.8 Description-md5: f85429e3e58e05d246ab8521f946b31a Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. Package: clang-3.8-doc Description-md5: 32e8f4bc27336a4554b1f475736a028d Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) - Documentation O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: clang-3.8-examples Description-md5: 9708521c2bc26d4d37b037656b4f3e02 Description-gl: Clang examples O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This package contains the clang examples. Package: clang-3.9 Description-md5: f85429e3e58e05d246ab8521f946b31a Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. Package: clang-3.9-doc Description-md5: 32e8f4bc27336a4554b1f475736a028d Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) - Documentation O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: clang-3.9-examples Description-md5: 9708521c2bc26d4d37b037656b4f3e02 Description-gl: Clang examples O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This package contains the clang examples. Package: clang-4.0 Description-md5: f85429e3e58e05d246ab8521f946b31a Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. Package: clang-4.0-doc Description-md5: 32e8f4bc27336a4554b1f475736a028d Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) - Documentation O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: clang-4.0-examples Description-md5: 9708521c2bc26d4d37b037656b4f3e02 Description-gl: Clang examples O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This package contains the clang examples. Package: clang-5.0-doc Description-md5: a362b805a7230bf3a9d9d558b30d2a59 Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler - Documentation Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11 and 14 standards and also provides most of the support of C++17. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: classicmenu-indicator Description-md5: 88ab5919e92c4c7049958c590c99707e Description-gl: Indicador que mostra o menú principal de Gnome Classic classicmenu-indicator displays the main menu from Gnome2/Gnome Classic Package: claws-mail-gdata-plugin Description-md5: c45fbb7e0aea3befe51099824fafe46b Description-gl: Access to GData (Google services) for Claws Mail Este engadido fornece acceso a servizos de Google que empreguen a biblioteca GData. . The currently implemented feature is to make your Google contacts available for automatic completion of address headers when composing a mail message. Package: claws-mail-plugins Description-md5: aea89c1eacea28211295db1a94b6b8c8 Description-gl: Installs plugins for the Claws Mail mailer This is a metapackage to install core plugin packages provided by the Claws Mail sources. Historically these were the only plugins provided along with Claws Mail itself. . Vexa o paquete mail-extra-plugins para máis engadidos. Package: cleancss Description-md5: 899b492607a1d539f2489a7d1d8bf45c Description-gl: Tool for minifying CSS files Clean-css é un módulo para Node.js para minimizar ficheiros de CSS. Fai o mesmo traballo que o minimizador de CSS de YUI Compressor, mais moito máis rápido grazas ás optimizacións de velocidade e ao motor V8 de Node.js. . The cleancss tool is a reference implementation for the Clean-css Node.js module. Package: clementine Description-md5: 6c0d2467401a265b35dca91cffe047ef Description-gl: Reprodutor de música e organizador de discotecas moderno O Clementine é un reprodutor de música multiplataforma que se centra nunha interface rápida e doada de utilizar para buscar e reproducir música. . Summary of included features : - Search and play your local music library. - Listen to internet radio from SomaFM, Magnatune, Jamendo, Intergalactic FM, Digitally Imported,,,, Soundcloud, Icecast and Subsonic servers. - Search and play songs you've uploaded to Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive. - Create smart playlists and dynamic playlists. - Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX. - CUE sheet support. - Play audio CDs. - Visualisations from projectM. - Lyrics and artist biographies and photos. - Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AAC. - Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music. - Fetch missing tags from MusicBrainz. - Discover and download Podcasts. - Download missing album cover art from - Native desktop notifications using libnotify. - Remote control using an Android device, a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line. - Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player. - Queue manager. . Procede en boa parte do Amarok 1.4, con algunhas funcionalidades reescritas para aproveitar Qt4. Package: clex Description-md5: d5b3423cfcdea8ca134d03f16e60b835 Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros para a liña de ordes que emprega a biblioteca ncurses Clex is a fully functional textual file-manager. It displays things like permissions, date of creation, filesize and others when browsing a directory. Clex also has the ability to accept commands with the default shell, and showing the output. Package: clhep-doc Description-md5: c3a1fa48f4dfe8bd7fc09058e71daae8 Description-gl: Documentación de CLHEP CLHEP provides a set of HEP-specific foundation and utility classes such as random generators, physics vectors, geometry and linear algebra. . This package provides HTML documentation of CLHEP. Package: clipit Description-md5: f8113cbb3418c4be7aaf7f8b6060bbcc Description-gl: Xestor do portapeis lixeiro en GTK+ Clipboard manager with features such as: * Save history of your last copied items * Search through the history * Global hotkeys for most used functions * Execute actions with clipboard items * Exclude specific items from history . ClipIt was forked from Parcellite and adds many bugfixes and features to the project. For a full list of changes see either the ChangeLog in the package or Package: clisp-dev Description-md5: 3de55100ab2db3e64610d2304e6108a1 Description-gl: GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation (development files) This is the link kit of clisp, it can be used to add external modules (written for example in C) to the implementation. The module can define new variables, symbols and functions for use in clisp. Examples include database interfaces or widget libraries. Normal users do not need this. . Consulte tamén . ANSI Common Lisp is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation by Bruno Haible of Karlsruhe University and Michael Stoll of Munich University, both in Germany. It mostly supports the Lisp described in the ANSI Common Lisp standard. It runs on most Unix workstations (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, Tru64, HP-UX, BeOS, NeXTstep, IRIX, AIX and others) and on other systems (Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98/ME) and needs only 4 MB of RAM. Package: clonezilla Description-md5: f9c2e3ff6ca4a7aff674192c45254b5b Description-gl: bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives O Clonezilla é un sistema de clonación de código aberto con unicasting e multicasting. . O Clonezilla, baseado en drbl, partclone e udpcast, permite crear copias de seguranza e recuperar ao nivel máis baixo. Este paquete fornece Clonezilla SE (edición de servidor), que é para a instalación en masa: pode clonar moitos (máis de 40!) computadores simultaneamente. . O Clonezilla grava e restaura só os bloques usados dos discos duros. Isto incrementa a eficiencia da clonación. Na aula C de NCHC, Clonezill SE foi usado para clonar corenta e un computadores simultaneamente. Levou arredor de dez minutos clonar unha imaxe de 5,6 GBytes en corenta e un computadores mediante multicasting. Package: cloog-isl Description-md5: b8dd6281668c817b4366dfd8bbfd1a10 Description-gl: Chunky Loop Generator (runtime library) CLooG is a software which generates loops for scanning Z-polyhedra. . Este paquete contén o binario de cloog-isl. Package: cloog-ppl Description-md5: 0b59707fdd9800ff80e0a9ed1bdad224 Description-gl: Chunky Loop Generator CLooG is a software which generates loops for scanning Z-polyhedra. . Este paquete contén o binario de cloog. Package: cloud-initramfs-growroot Description-md5: 2a0d4bed7bada9873cf69d658abe0c23 Description-gl: Cambie automaticamente o tamaño da partición raÃz no primeiro arranque Este paquete engade funcionalidade a un initramfs construÃdo con initramfs-tools. Instalado, o initramfs reparticiona un disco para facer que o volume raÃz consuma todo o espazo que teña a continuación. . O máis seguro é que vostende non precise este paquete, a non ser que saiba o que anda a facer. É de interese principalmente nun ambiente virtualizado cando a un disco se lle pode dar un tamaño maior que o orixinal. Neste caso, cando este paquete está instalado, pódese empregar automaticamente o novo espazo sen requirir un reinicio para ler a táboa de particións. Package: cloud-initramfs-rescuevol Description-md5: bd1aa20bccdfa138c49bcdbb3244b5c9 Description-gl: Arranque desde un volume de rescato en troques de desde o sistema de ficheiros raÃz Este paquete engade funcionalidade a un initramfs construÃdo con initramfs-tools. Instalado, o initramfs comproba a ver se hai algunha partición coa etiqueta «RESCULE_VOL». De existir, arranca desde ese volume en troques de desde o volume raÃz. . Isto é útil nun ambiente de nube cando o usuario pode ligar e desligar volumes a un sistema en execución mais non dispón doutro mecanismo para interrumpir ou arranxar un arranque falido. É análogo a inserir un CD de rescate nun sistema para recuperalo dun fallo. Package: cloudprint-service Description-md5: 1591878b5dcacd33e2e935480f4eb86e Description-gl: provide a service for sharing printers on Google Cloud Print Comparta impresoras de CUPS definidas localmente co servizo de impresión na nube de Google. Os usuarios autorizados poden acceder ás impresoras de maneira local ou remota mediante distintas plataformas. Package: clsparse-doc Description-md5: 312d983b687c209b7d3be2605c772587 Description-gl: documentation for clSPARSE clSPARSE provides fundamental sparse operations for OpenCL, including: . * Sparse Matrix - dense Vector multiply (SpM-dV) * Sparse Matrix - dense Matrix multiply (SpM-dM) * Iterative conjugate gradient solver (CG) * Iterative biconjugate gradient stabilized solver (BiCGStab) * Dense to CSR conversions (& converse) * COO to CSR conversions (& converse) * Functions to read matrix market files in COO or CSR format . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: clutter-1.0-tests Description-md5: 51afb63914624c08a468668583080e6b Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library (installed test programs) Clutter é unha biblioteca interactiva de lenzos baseada en Open GL deseñada para crear aplicativos rápidos, principalmente con xanelas únicas en 2D, como interfaces de sistemas multimedia, presentacións, aplicativos tipo quiosco , etc. . This package contains installed test programs. Package: cmake-curses-gui Description-md5: 9b41ab000523f38307827365d113b808 Description-gl: curses based user interface for CMake (ccmake) O CMake emprégase para controlar o proceso de compilación de software empregando ficheiros de configuración sinxelos independentes da plataforma e do compilador. O CMake xera ficheiros makefile e espazos de traballo nativos que se poden empregar no ambiente de compilación que se queira. . This package provides the CMake curses interface. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively through this GUI. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the terminal when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "ccmake". Package: cmake-qt-gui Description-md5: 2b605ffa84235b56fbc6540b628c2c5f Description-gl: Qt based user interface for CMake (cmake-gui) O CMake emprégase para controlar o proceso de compilación de software empregando ficheiros de configuración sinxelos independentes da plataforma e do compilador. O CMake xera ficheiros makefile e espazos de traballo nativos que se poden empregar no ambiente de compilación que se queira. . This package provides the CMake Qt based GUI. Project configuration settings may be specified interactively. Brief instructions are provided at the bottom of the window when the program is running. The main executable file for this GUI is "cmake-gui". Package: cmatrix Description-md5: 9af1f58e4b6301a6583f036c780c6ae6 Description-gl: Simula a pantalla da pelÃcula «The Matrix» Screen saver for the terminal based in the movie "The Matrix". It works in terminals of all dimensions and have the following features: * Support terminal resize. * Screen saver mode: any key closes it. * Selectable color. * Change text scroll rate. Package: cmatrix-xfont Description-md5: 3cf18b96c42ea2720e3c7ed00bf8bcf7 Description-gl: Tipo de letra para X11 para cmatrix Console Matrix simulates the display from "The Matrix", this package provides the font to run cmatrix in an xterm. Package: cmis-client Description-md5: 807028aaf2267b0d4fcfe1832a06abe1 Description-gl: Cliente para o protocolo CMIS LibCMIS é unha biblioteca cliente en C++ para a interface CMIS. . This allows C++ applications to connect to any Enterprise Content Management system behaving as a CMIS server like Alfresco, Nuxeo. It also provides Access to Google Drive/OneDrive/SharePoint . Este paquete contén o aplicativo autónomo cmis-client. Package: cmospwd Description-md5: 15fd197e22194ff29a906ee8ec37fee9 Description-gl: Descifre contrasinais do BIS do CMOS CmosPwd é unha ferramenta multiplataforma para descifrar contrasinais almacenados en CMOS e empregados para acceder á configuración do BIOS dun computador. . Este aplicativo deberÃa funcionar inmediatamente na maiorÃa dos sistemas modernos, aÃnda que algúns BIOS máis esotéricos poden non ser recoñecidos ou requiriren pasos adicionais. Package: cmus Description-md5: 862a6bf2368d493298de5b26cd8f8bcb Description-gl: Reprodutor de son lixeiro en ncurses C* Music Player is a modular and very configurable ncurses-based audio player. It has some interesting features like configurable colorscheme, mp3 and ogg streaming, it can be controlled with an UNIX socket, filters, album/artists sorting and a vi-like configuration interface. . It currently supports different input formats: - Ogg Vorbis - MP3 (with libmad) - FLAC - Wav - Modules (with libmodplug) - Musepack - AAC - Windows Media Audio Package: cmus-plugin-ffmpeg Description-md5: 4bb1386678fe15219a1b1422700d43a7 Description-gl: Reprodutor de son lixeiro en ncurses (engadido para FFmpeg) C* Music Player is a modular and very configurable ncurses-based audio player. It has some interesting features like configurable colorscheme, mp3 and ogg streaming, it can be controlled with an UNIX socket, filters, album/artists sorting and a vi-like configuration interface. . This package adds FFmpeg support to C* Music Player. Package: coccinelle-doc Description-md5: f4ce1c62e21e25eace4035de0d8fc419 Description-gl: Documentación de coccinelle Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation tool for C. The programmer describes the code to match and the transformation to perform as a semantic patch, which looks like a standard patch, but can transform multiple files at any number of code sites. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de exemplo e documentación adicional no formato PDF. Package: coco-doc Description-md5: 87e4b53a6c80ad089570c8e26204bf47 Description-gl: Documentation for the Coco/R Compiler Generator Coco/R is a compiler generator, which takes an attributed grammar of a source language and generates a scanner and a parser for this language. The scanner works as a deterministic finite automaton. The parser uses recursive descent. LL(1) conflicts can be resolved by a multi-symbol lookahead or by semantic checks. Thus the class of accepted grammars is LL(k) for an arbitrary k. . Vexa /usr/share/doc/cocosourcesdoc. Package: code-saturne-data Description-md5: 5c55d0048b6e1a03e1bbb43c0d295dc5 Description-gl: General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - data The basic capabilities of Code_Saturne enable the handling of either incompressible or expandable flows with or without heat transfer and turbulence. Dedicated modules are available for specific physics such as radiative heat transfer, combustion (gas, coal, heavy fuel oil, ...), magneto-hydrodynamics, compressible flows, two-phase flows (Euler-Lagrange approach with two-way coupling), extensions to specific applications (e.g. Mercure_Saturne for atmospheric environment). . It runs in parallel with MPI on distributed memory machines. Developed since 1997 at EDF R&D, it is based on a co-located Finite Volume approach that accepts meshes with any type of cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral, prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral...) and any type of grid structure (unstructured, block structured, hybrid, conforming or with hanging nodes, ...). . Este paquete contén os datos. Package: code-saturne-doc Description-md5: c4958adf62437b0de0c7d54b02ed1120 Description-gl: General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - Documentation The basic capabilities of Code_Saturne enable the handling of either incompressible or expandable flows with or without heat transfer and turbulence. Dedicated modules are available for specific physics such as radiative heat transfer, combustion (gas, coal, heavy fuel oil, ...), magneto-hydrodynamics, compressible flows, two-phase flows (Euler-Lagrange approach with two-way coupling), extensions to specific applications (e.g. Mercure_Saturne for atmospheric environment). . It runs in parallel with MPI on distributed memory machines. Developed since 1997 at EDF R&D, it is based on a co-located Finite Volume approach that accepts meshes with any type of cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral, prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral...) and any type of grid structure (unstructured, block structured, hybrid, conforming or with hanging nodes, ...). . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: code-saturne-include Description-md5: 2ae3c01e2c637a220de7ed00270e06fb Description-gl: General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software - includes The basic capabilities of Code_Saturne enable the handling of either incompressible or expandable flows with or without heat transfer and turbulence. Dedicated modules are available for specific physics such as radiative heat transfer, combustion (gas, coal, heavy fuel oil, ...), magneto-hydrodynamics, compressible flows, two-phase flows (Euler-Lagrange approach with two-way coupling), extensions to specific applications (e.g. Mercure_Saturne for atmospheric environment). . It runs in parallel with MPI on distributed memory machines. Developed since 1997 at EDF R&D, it is based on a co-located Finite Volume approach that accepts meshes with any type of cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral, prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral...) and any type of grid structure (unstructured, block structured, hybrid, conforming or with hanging nodes, ...). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros include. Package: code2html Description-md5: 2a48b60ad92a6713b290ac009cc91058 Description-gl: Realzador de sintaxe Code2html is a perl script which converts a program source code to syntax highlighted HTML, or any other target for which rules are defined. . It may be used as a simple console program, converting a single source code file to a single output file, it can patch HTML files including special command sequences to insert syntax highlighted snippets of code, or it can be used as a CGI script. Package: codeblocks-common Description-md5: e1583e4d79ede6b548b2149d9200bf8b Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns do IDE Code::Blocks Code::Blocks é un IDE (Ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado) multiplataforma. Baséase nunha infraestrutura de engadidos propia que permite unha extensibilidade ilimitada. A maior parte da súa funcionalidade xa vén fornecida por engadidos. . Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do Code::Blocks. Package: codeblocks-contrib Description-md5: fb01804165a85f9f7cba61be9770640e Description-gl: Engadidos achegados para o IDE Code::Blocks This package extends Code::Blocks functionality a great deal with the included plugins. These are: * Code profiler (based on gprof) and code statistics (SLOCs etc) * Copy strings * DragScroll (enhances mouse operations) * Setting of environment variables * Source exporter to PDF/HTML/ODT/RTF * Header fixup * Help * Keyboard shortcuts configuration * RAD gui-builder for wxWidgets (wxSmith) * wxSmith AUI and wxSmith contrib items * Selection of small games for relaxing between coding sessions! (BYOGames) * Autoversioning * ThreadSearch * BrowseTracker * Valgrind * HexEditor * IncrementalSearch * Codesnippets * Library finder * Regular expression testbed * Symbol table plugin * CB koders * MouseSap * Cccc * CppCheck Package: codeblocks-dbg Description-md5: 7e7792ba1de0b06b34ce92145123d1dd Description-gl: Bibliotecas de depuración do Code::Blocks Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are: * Compiler frontend to many free compilers * Debugger frontend for GDB * Source formatter (based on AStyle) * Wizard to create new C++ classes * Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress) * Default MIME handler * Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins * To-do list * Extensible wizard based on scripts * Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash) . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do paquete «codeblocks». Package: codeblocks-dev Description-md5: bf5bf143062d45ee97db1da6c01550ed Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (SDK) do Code::Blocks Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are: * Compiler frontend to many free compilers * Debugger frontend for GDB * Source formatter (based on AStyle) * Wizard to create new C++ classes * Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress) * Default MIME handler * Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins * To-do list * Extensible wizard based on scripts * Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash) . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e bibliotecas) para crear engadidos para o Code::Blocks. Package: codegroup Description-md5: 508505728494a0bef2f14533bc2d0ab0 Description-gl: Converta cada ficheiro, incluÃdos os binarios, en código de cinco letras Codegroup converte calquera ficheiro en calquera formato, incluÃdos binarios, nun conxunto de codegroups de cinco letras maiúsculas. O formato de codegroup inclúe un CRC de 16 bits e lonxitude do ficheiro para comprobar a integridade das mensaxes. Codegroup NON CIFRA. É un puro convertedor de formatos de ficheiro parecido a base64 ou uuencoding. Ao contrario doutros algoritmos tradicionais de codificacións de ficheiros, como base64 ou uuencoding, codegroup emprega exclusivamente o alfabeto de 26 letras. Codegroup é ideal para transferir ficheiros binarios curtos por unha canle de voz ou de morse. Package: codelite-plugins Description-md5: c8620ec5909273a52558a110da1ecbe1 Description-gl: Powerful and lightweight IDE - plugins CodeLite is a powerful and lightweight IDE specializing in C, C++, PHP and Javascript. Its features include: * Generic support for compilers * Built-in GDB support * Database-based Code Completion mechanism * Syntax highlighting for C/C++, Java, Perl, XML, Makefile, Lua, Diff files, PHP, JavaScript, Python, HTML, and ASP * Text Folding * Bookmarks * Find and Replace * doxygen comment generator . Este paquete contén os engadidos para CodeLite. Package: coderay Description-md5: 2f787c2bf9b398e3bc4cf5ba39666ad5 Description-gl: Programas auxiliares para a biblioteca de Ruby CodeRay para o realzado de sintaxe CodeRay is a Ruby library that can scan an input file or text in a web page and encode it as syntax highlighted HTML output. . CodeRay supports many input languages including: C, C++, CSS, Delphi, diff, Groovy, HTML, RHTML (Erb+HTML), Nitro-XHTML, Java, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL and YAML. . CodeRay can output to HTML, JSON, XML, Yaml. . O binario coderay examina un ficheiro e produce unha saÃda en HTML. Package: codesearch Description-md5: b2cb491f3b15b88c57c51f839ece279e Description-gl: Busca de expresións regulares en cantidades grandes de código fonte Code Search is a tool for indexing and then performing regular expression searches over large bodies of source code. It is a set of command-line programs written in Go. . For background and an overview of the commands, see Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index: Package: codespell Description-md5: bfa59d61b29fc53f7bde2d834c2e9df9 Description-gl: Atopar e arranxar erros ortográficos ou tipográficos frecuentes en ficheiros de texto codespell está deseñado para atopar e arranxar erros ortográficos e tipográficos frecuentes en ficheiros de texto. Está deseñado principalmente para comprobar palabras en código fonte mais tamén se pode empregar con outros ficheiros. Package: codeville Description-md5: 21024d205c8aa9dc490b9f2a0f2c3585 Description-gl: Un sistema de control de versións distribuÃdo Codeville é un sistema de control de versións distribuÃdo baseado en Python que comezou como unha idea nova para un algoritmo de fusión e continuou a partir daÃ. Está deseñado para ser doado de empregar e escalar desde proxectos persoais até proxectos grandes distribuÃdos. Package: codfis Description-md5: 86f71b611492c2bcf3622f0706e568b0 Description-gl: Ferramenta para xerar códigos fiscais italianos (codice fiscale) CodFis é unha ferramenta para xerar códigos fiscais italianos (codice fiscale), dados o nome, apelido, xénero, data e lugar de nacemento. . Teña en conta que os códigos fiscais oficiais son só os que asigna a Agenzia delle Entrate (que poden ser diferentes dos xerados por esta ferramenta nalgúns casos especiais). Package: coffeescript Description-md5: 5644cf07d02a0b2fd827cbc933e9520c Description-gl: Intérprete e compilador para a linguaxe CoffeeScript CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all of those embarrassing braces and semicolons, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way. . The golden rule of CoffeeScript is: "It's just JavaScript". The code compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JS, and there is no interpretation at runtime. You can use any existing JavaScript library seamlessly (and vice-versa). The compiled output is readable and pretty-printed, passes through JavaScript Lint without warnings, will work in every JavaScript implementation, and tends to run as fast or faster than the equivalent handwritten JavaScript. . O executábel «cake» fornécese como «cafe.coffescript» para que coexista pacificamente con cakephp. Package: coffeescript-doc Description-md5: d2365244984ed6a594a84d6ac4c6fcca Description-gl: Documentación da linguaxe CoffeeScript CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Underneath all of those embarrassing braces and semicolons, JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart. CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript in a simple way. . The golden rule of CoffeeScript is: "It's just JavaScript". The code compiles one-to-one into the equivalent JS, and there is no interpretation at runtime. You can use any existing JavaScript library seamlessly (and vice-versa). The compiled output is readable and pretty-printed, passes through JavaScript Lint without warnings, will work in every JavaScript implementation, and tends to run as fast or faster than the equivalent handwritten JavaScript. . This package contains documentation. Package: coinor-csdp Description-md5: 3387a519cd4050842068fed81a363f44 Description-gl: A software package for semidefinite programming CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl, Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The code runs in parallel on shared memory multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the constraint matrices. . CSDP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Este paquete contén os binarios. Package: coinor-csdp-doc Description-md5: 36afd71b06e40a59e9be520d4e184445 Description-gl: A software package for semidefinite programming CSDP is a library of routines that implements a predictor corrector variant of the semidefinite programming algorithm of Helmberg, Rendl, Vanderbei, and Wolkowicz. The code runs in parallel on shared memory multi-processor systems, and it makes effective use of sparsity in the constraint matrices. . CSDP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libcbc-doc Description-md5: a22c6bbfa2107d5edcf0af71cb0aaaa1 Description-gl: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (documentation) Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand- alone executable. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libcbc3 Description-md5: b4d3283ed0e3235b24f8eec60fa098c1 Description-gl: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver (shared libraries) Cbc (Coin-or branch and cut) is an open-source mixed integer programming solver written in C++. It can be used as a callable library or as a stand- alone executable. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: coinor-libcgl-doc Description-md5: c1e354598b97d885dbef1b041fb452e2 Description-gl: COIN-OR Cut Generation Library (documentation) The Cut Generation Library (Cgl) is an open collection of cutting plane implementations ("cut generators") for use in teaching, research, and applications. . Cgl is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and can be used with other COIN-OR packages that make use of cuts, such as the mixed-integer linear programming solver Cbc. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libclp-doc Description-md5: 1763fbe2774afd0d49a6231c7e49b1e3 Description-gl: Coin-or linear programming solver (documentation) Clp (Coin-or linear programming) is an open-source linear programming solver written in C++. It is primarily meant to be used as a callable library, but a basic, stand-alone executable version is also available. It is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical optimization problems. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libcoinutils-doc Description-md5: 0de112f4a03d87846ec053ad52fb38d1 Description-gl: Coin-or collection of utility classes (documentation) CoinUtils (Coin-or Utilities) is a collection of classes and functions that are generally useful to more than one COIN-OR project. These include classes for vectors, matrices, mps file reading, and functions for floating-point comparisons. . The Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR, or simply COIN) project is an initiative to spur the development of open source software for the operations research community. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: coinor-libdylp-doc Description-md5: c5f68e9abdd9f6366b1558e5c7cd3c34 Description-gl: Linear programming solver using of the dynamic simplex algorithm DyLp is designed to find solutions of constrained linear mathematical optimization problems. To this end, it is using a full implementation of the so called dynamic simplex algorithm for linear programming. . DyLP is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research) and integrates well in the COIN Open Solver Interface (OSI), OsiDylp, which takes advantage of capabilities provided by COIN (e.g., enhanced input/output and constraint system preprocessing) and is recommended if you're working in a C++ environment. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libflopc++-doc Description-md5: da5c102d869aa54f4fba749641473996 Description-gl: Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++ An open source algebraic modelling language implemented as a C++ class library. Using FLOPC++, linear optimization models can be specified in a declarative style, similar to algebraic modelling languages such as GAMS and AMPL, within a C++ program. As a result the traditional strengths of algebraic modelling languages are preserved, while embedding linear optimization models in software applications is facilitated. . Coinor-flopc++ is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libipopt-doc Description-md5: ace0722ec70c25cead2c4fcc86a4a74d Description-gl: Interior-Point Optimizer - documentation Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian). . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: coinor-libipopt1v5 Description-md5: b22cc6665e1345d36a3c5f15fa8b6fb8 Description-gl: Interior-Point Optimizer, for large-scale nonlinear optimization Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: coinor-libipopt1v5-dbg Description-md5: 80f963768d87ff823fbdb833d6440d67 Description-gl: Interior-Point Optimizer - debugging symbols Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: coinor-libosi-doc Description-md5: 11323afa3409aef6b962bf9c822e83fb Description-gl: COIN-OR Open Solver Interface (documentation) Osi (Open Solver Interface) provides an abstract C++ base class to a generic linear programming (LP) solver, along with derived classes for specific solvers. Many applications may be able to use the Osi to insulate themselves from a specific LP solver. . Osi is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libsymphony-doc Description-md5: dea6a1d402e1265962f70187d6595346 Description-gl: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (documentation) SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities, including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity analyses. . SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: coinor-libsymphony3 Description-md5: 366d6d4a97ad87929e56360898d68ee9 Description-gl: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs (shared libraries) SYMPHONY is an open-source generic mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) solver, callable library, and extensible framework for implementing customized solvers SYMPHONY has a number of advanced capabilities, including the ability to solve multi-objective MILPs, the ability to warm start its solution procedure, and the ability to perform basic sensitivity analyses. . SYMPHONY is part of the larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: coinor-libvol-doc Description-md5: e4eec0b9e57c9df52df463313efccaf9 Description-gl: Coin-or linear programming solver Vol (Volume Algorithm) is a linear programming solver based on the subgradient method. . Vol is part of COIN-OR (COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research) project which is an initiative to spur the development of open- source software in operational research - mathematical optimization algorithms. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: collatinus Description-md5: 2b502b7be683c2b8175e8307263d0e4c Description-gl: Lematización de textos en latÃn O Collatinus pode ser empregado para lematizar textos en latÃn, isto é, extraer palabras e crear un léxico que indique, para cada palabra, a súa forma canónica e como se derivou dela a forma atopada no texto (por exemplo, declinándoa). Exemplo: rosam dá rosa-rosae - acc.sing. O Collatinus fornece unha interface gráfica agradábel para cada operación. . O Collatinus-nouus (que significa Collatinus, nova xeración) substitúe todas as versións anteriores do Collatinus. . Este paquete fornece a documentación no formato HTML. Package: collectd Description-md5: 4cab05e1aaeb16dba768fed7b2d14922 Description-gl: Daemon de recolla de estatÃsticas e vixilancia collectd é un daemon pequeno que recolle información do sistema periodicamente e fornece mecanismos para vixiar e almacenar os valores de varias maneiras. Dado que o daemon non precisa ser iniciado cada vez que necesita actualizar os valores, é moi rápido e lixeiro para o sistema. Tamén, as estatÃsticas son moi detalladas, dado que os ficheiros se actualizan cada dez segundos por omisión. . The collected information can be used to find current performance bottlenecks (performance analysis) and predict future system load (capacity planning). . Este paquete fornece unha instalación completa do daemon, incluÃda a configuración. Para o sistema central, vexa o paquete «collectcd-core», que permite que os sitios fornezan personalizacións (como unha configuración predeterminada personalizada) sobre el sen ter que modificar o paquete «collectd». Package: collectd-core Description-md5: 6a5823d5285ba0cddb5c7dd09c5a7aaf Description-gl: Daemon de recolla de estatÃsticas e vixilancia (sistema central) collectd é un daemon pequeno que recolle información do sistema periodicamente e fornece mecanismos para vixiar e almacenar os valores de varias maneiras. Dado que o daemon non precisa ser iniciado cada vez que necesita actualizar os valores, é moi rápido e lixeiro para o sistema. Tamén, as estatÃsticas son moi detalladas, dado que os ficheiros se actualizan cada dez segundos por omisión. . The collected information can be used to find current performance bottlenecks (performance analysis) and predict future system load (capacity planning). . Este paquete contén o ficheiro principal do programa e os engadidos que se enumeran aquà embaixo (algúns deses engadidos requiren bibliotecas adicionais - para máis detalles vexa /usr/share/doc/collectd- core/README.Debian.plugins) mais non configuración. Para unha instlación completa (incluÃda a configuración), vexa o paquete «collectd». Este paquete permite que os sitios fornezan personalizacións (como unha configuración predeterminada personalizada) sobre el sen ter que modificar o paquete «collectd». . * AMQP output plugin: amqp * Apache and lighttpd statistics provided by mod_status: apache * APC UPS's charge, load, input/output/battery voltage, etc.: apcups * Ascent server statistics: ascent * Bosch and Freescale barometers: barometer * battery status: battery * bind9 name-server and zone statistics: bind * Ceph distributed storage system statitics: ceph * CGroups resource usage: cgroups * Chrony daemon statistics: Local clock drift, offset to peers: chrony * connection tracking table size: conntrack * number of context switches done by the operating system: contextswitch * CPU utilization: cpu * CPU frequency: cpufreq * CPU sleep: Time spent in suspend : cpusleep * output to comma separated values (CSV) files: csv * parse statistics from websites: curl * parse JSON files: curl_json * parse XML data: curl_xml * query data from a relational database: dbi * disk space usage: df * disk and partition throughput: disk * DNS traffic information: dns * DPDK interface statistics: dpdkstat * Distributed Replicated Block Device status: drbd * E-Mail statistics (count, traffic, spam scores and checks): email * amount of available entropy: entropy * execution of external programs: exec * count the number of open file handles: fhcount * count the number of files in directories: filecount * Linux file-system based caching framework statistics: fscache * Monitor gps related data through gpsd: gps * query data from Java processes using JMX: GenericJMX (Java based plugin) * receive and interpret Ganglia multicast traffic: gmond * harddisk temperature: hddtemp * Report the number of used and free hugepages: hugepages * network traffic: interface * IPC statistics: ipc * IPMI sensors information: ipmi * iptables statistics: iptables * IPVS connection statistics: ipvs * IRQ counters: irq * embedded Java Virtual Machine: java * system load averages: load * logging to files, STDOUT and STDERR: logfile * logging in logstash's JSON event format: log_logstash * embedded Lua interpreter: lua * Logical Volume Manager usage: lvm * Atheros wireless LAN chipset statistics: madwifi * motherboard monitor: mbmon * query and parse data from a memcache daemon: memcachec * statistics of the memcached distributed caching system: memcached * memory usage: memory * read values from Modbus/TCP enabled devices: modbus * statistics from Monitorus (Perl based plugin) * Publishes and subscribes to MQTT topics: mqtt * multimeter statistics: multimeter * MySQL statistics provided by MySQL's "show status" command: mysql * detailed Linux network interface and routing statistics: netlink * IO via the network: network * NFS utilization: nfs * Nginx (a HTTP and E-Mail server/proxy) statistics: nginx * send desktop notifications to a notification daemon: notify_desktop * send notification E-mails: notify_email * send notifications to nagios: notify_nagios * NTP daemon's local clock drift, offset to peers, etc.: ntpd * UPS information: nut * Optimized Link State Routing daemon statistics: olsrd * OpenLDAP's cn=Monitor statistics: openldap * OpenVPN traffic and compression statistics: openvpn * OpenVZ statistics: OpenVZ (Perl based plugin) * embedded Perl interpreter: perl * timing values from Pinba: pinba * network latency statistics: ping * PostgreSQL database statistics: postgresql * PowerDNS name server statistics: powerdns * number of processes: processes * information about network protocols: protocols * embedded Python interpreter: python * Redis server statistics: redis * write data via the RRD accelerator daemon: rrdcached * output to RRD files: rrdtool * lm_sensors information (e.g. CPU temperature, fan speeds): sensors * serial port traffic: serial * values from SNMP enabled network devices: snmp * aggregate values received with the StatsD protocol: statsd * SMART statistics: smart * swap usage: swap * logging to syslog: syslog * parse table-like structured files: table * incremental parsing of logfiles: tail * incremental parsing of CSV files: tail_csv * number of TCP connections to specific ports: tcpconns * TeamSpeak2 server statistics: teamspeak2 * power consumption measurements from "The Energy Detective" (TED): ted * Linux ACPI thermal zone information: thermal * check thresholds and for missing values: threshold * statistics from Intel turbo-capable processors: turbostat * Tokyo Tyrant server statistics: tokyotyrant * external runtime interface: unixsock * system uptime: uptime * number of users logged into the system: users * set the hostname to an unique identifier: uuid * CPU, disk, network statistics of guest systems: virt * detailed virtual memory statistics: vmem * system resources used by Linux-VServers: vserver * wireless network stats: wireless * send collected values to a graphite server: write_graphite * send collected values to a web-server: write_http * send collected values to an Apache Kafka message broker: write_kafka * send collected values to the logging subsystem: write_log * send collected values to MongoDB, a NoSQL database: write_mongodb * publish collected values as a Prometheus exporter: write_prometheus * send collected values to a Redis server: write_redis * send collected values to a Riemann server: write_riemann * send collected values to a Sensu client: write_sensu * send collected values to an OpenTSDB server: write_tsdb * XEN Hypervisor CPU stats: xencpu * ZFS's Adaptive Replacement Cache statistics: zfs_arc * data from Zookeeper's MNTR command: zookeeper Package: collectd-dbg Description-md5: a45e8b46ecec1490f78401e414f11ddc Description-gl: Daemon de recolla de estatÃsticas e vixilancia (sÃmbolos de depuración) collectd é un daemon pequeno que recolle información do sistema periodicamente e fornece mecanismos para vixiar e almacenar os valores de varias maneiras. Dado que o daemon non precisa ser iniciado cada vez que necesita actualizar os valores, é moi rápido e lixeiro para o sistema. Tamén, as estatÃsticas son moi detalladas, dado que os ficheiros se actualizan cada dez segundos por omisión. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: collectd-dev Description-md5: f3446ffaf6495cfe6eeded886300ad69 Description-gl: Daemon de recolla de estatÃsticas e vixilancia (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) collectd é un daemon pequeno que recolle información do sistema periodicamente e fornece mecanismos para vixiar e almacenar os valores de varias maneiras. Dado que o daemon non precisa ser iniciado cada vez que necesita actualizar os valores, é moi rápido e lixeiro para o sistema. Tamén, as estatÃsticas son moi detalladas, dado que os ficheiros se actualizan cada dez segundos por omisión. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para que poida crear os seus propios engadidos. Package: collectd-utils Description-md5: 9e642f2a954c69592f11d4db8ecd29e0 Description-gl: Daemon de recolla de estatÃsticas e vixilancia (utilidades) collectd é un daemon pequeno que recolle información do sistema periodicamente e fornece mecanismos para vixiar e almacenar os valores de varias maneiras. Dado que o daemon non precisa ser iniciado cada vez que necesita actualizar os valores, é moi rápido e lixeiro para o sistema. Tamén, as estatÃsticas son moi detalladas, dado que os ficheiros se actualizan cada dez segundos por omisión. . Este paquete contén a utilidade seguinte: . * collectdctl: Interface de control para collectd * collectd-nagios: Engadido de Nagios para consultar collectd Package: collectl Description-md5: c95864ec9cb258d015d37c941fe80ca9 Description-gl: Utilidade para recoller datos de desempeño de Linux Collectl is a performance monitoring and benchmark tool that tries to do it all. You can choose to monitor any of a broad set of subsystems which currently include buddyinfo, cpu, disk, inodes, infiniband, lustre, memory, network, nfs, processes, quadrics, slabs, sockets and tcp. . Output can also be saved in a rolling set of logs for later playback or displayed interactively in a variety of formats. If all that isn't enough there are additional mechanisms for supplying data to external tools by generating output as s-expressions, a format of choice for some tools such as supermon or in another format called list-expressions. This output can be written to a file or sent over a socket. You can even create files in space-separated format for plotting with external packages like gnuplot. Package: colobot Description-md5: c9db1c7ed68e79a4a808b29a1b6d9261 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia de programación educativo - texturas Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is an educational game aiming to teach programming through entertainment. You are playing as an astronaut on a journey with robot helpers to find a planet for colonization. It features 3D real-time graphics and a C++ and Java-like, object-oriented language, CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game. Package: colobot-common Description-md5: 799d4b0d27962105b97cdce3da986424 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia de programación educativo - datos Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is an educational game aiming to teach programming through entertainment. You are playing as an astronaut on a journey with robot helpers to find a planet for colonization. It features 3D real-time graphics and a C++ and Java-like, object-oriented language, CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game. . Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do xogo. Package: colobot-common-sounds Description-md5: 96bd44e1a5e6f3dd6a35cdfd98137149 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia de programación educativo - sons e música Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is an educational game aiming to teach programming through entertainment. You are playing as an astronaut on a journey with robot helpers to find a planet for colonization. It features 3D real-time graphics and a C++ and Java-like, object-oriented language, CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game. . Este paquete contén os sons e a música para o xogo. Package: colobot-common-textures Description-md5: 2b9130dc5ccab599c5201de79497ee8f Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia de programación educativo - texturas Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is an educational game aiming to teach programming through entertainment. You are playing as an astronaut on a journey with robot helpers to find a planet for colonization. It features 3D real-time graphics and a C++ and Java-like, object-oriented language, CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game. . Este paquete contén as texturas para o xogo. Package: colobot-dev-doc Description-md5: ea5c276ad3da1fa529f6ff72c535e47b Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia de programación educativo - documentación do código Colobot (Colonize with Bots) is an educational game aiming to teach programming through entertainment. You are playing as an astronaut on a journey with robot helpers to find a planet for colonization. It features 3D real-time graphics and a C++ and Java-like, object-oriented language, CBOT, which can be used to program the robots available in the game. . Este paquete contén a documentación en doxygen do código fonte de colobot. Package: colorcode Description-md5: b647012bcf3aafb6ff2c178fd5bdeb9b Description-gl: Clon avanzado do xogo de ruptura de código MasterMind ColorCode é un clon do xogo de averiguar códigos MasterMind. O programa acepta configurar o número de rañuras (de dúas a cinco), o número de cores (de dúas a dez) e configurar se as cores poden estar repetidos no código secreto (dobres permitidos ou non). O xogo inclúe cinco niveis, desde o nivel 1 (principiante: dúas rañuras e dúas cores, con dobres permitidos) até o nivel 5 (difÃcil: cinco rañuras e dez cores, con dobres permitidos). ColorCode pode adiviñar no lugar do usuario. Package: colord-kde Description-md5: 2afd12acdec1704c7326033f23cb2b0d Description-gl: Xestión da cor para KDE Ún módulo de Configuración do Sistema para xestionar a cor de monitores, impresoras, cámaras web e outros dispositivos. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: colordiff Description-md5: 7ab030bb518683495a4da0bf1db21c18 Description-gl: Ferramenta para darlle cores á saÃda de «diff» ColorDiff é unha envoltura para a orde «diff». Produce a mesma saÃda que diff mais con realzado en cores para mellorar a lexibilidade. Os esquemas de cores poden ser personalizados. . A saÃda é semellante ao modo de realzado da sintaxe do Vim ou do Emacs ao editar un parche creado por diff. Package: colorname Description-md5: 4d59addd24b098352d40e239464edfa2 Description-gl: Utilidade para asociar un nome a unha cor colorname tries to assign a name to a color using external color definitions and a little math. . For this it calculates the Euclidean distance between the currently selected color and all predefined colors, either in the YIQ, RGB or HSV color space. Package: comix Description-md5: f9fd24004789c4d72075fc8ea553df3c Description-gl: GTK Comic Book Viewer Comix is a comic book viewer. It reads zip, rar, tar, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives (often called .cbz, .cbr and .cbt) as well as normal image files. It is written in Python and has a simple user interface using PyGTK. . Funcionalidades principais: . * Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More! Package: community-themes Description-md5: 3d595cbf2327da6a6c58655ee21a7d99 Description-gl: Gráficos para o escritorio feitos pola comunidade de Ubuntu This package showcases desktop themes and window decorations created by the Ubuntu artwork community. . Actualmente inclúe oito temas diferentes: - Kin - Night Impression - Impression - Hanso - Turrican - Homosapien - Sorbet - Wasp-Murrine Package: comparepdf Description-md5: 8a23a13fcb9740bae8e872c7197bfb93 Description-gl: Ferramenta para a liña de ordes para comparar dous ficheiros PDF comparepdf é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para comparar dous ficheiros PDF. . Por omisión, compara os seus texmos, mais tamén os pode comparar visualmente (p.ex., para detectar cambios en diagramas, imaxes, tipos de letra e disposición). . DeberÃa ser útil en probas automatizadas. Package: compartment Description-md5: e1ced2b571e02b8132229d9438f183d2 Description-gl: Confine servizos nun ambiente limitado Compartment was designed to allow safe execution of privileged and/or untrusted executables and services. It can execute a process: - Setting specific Linux capabilities - Chrooting it to a certain location - setting the user or group it will run with - running a program before it is executed These features can be used to minimize the risk of a trojanized or vulnerable program/service. Package: compiz Description-md5: f8949ff691855a5244d51aa54ee72f8f Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesÃbel para os usuarios con necesidades especiais. . This metapackage provides the components necessary for running compiz. It provides the compiz core, a set of standard plugins, a window decorator using the Gtk toolkit and the files necessary to integrate compiz with the GNOME desktop environment. Package: compiz-core Description-md5: 96330190075d58bc036c352e8a3a72fa Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesÃbel para os usuarios con necesidades especiais. . Compiz combines together a window manager and a composite manager using OpenGL for rendering. A "window manager" allows the manipulation of the multiple applications and dialog windows that are presented on the screen. A "composite manager" allows windows and other graphics to be combined together to create composite images. Compiz achieves its stunning effects by doing both of these functions. Package: compiz-dev Description-md5: 867507a9b714c75e96d3438264bda095 Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager - development files Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesÃbel para os usuarios con necesidades especiais. . This package contains the headers and libraries needed to compile compiz plugins. Package: compiz-gnome Description-md5: f487b7706c4305676403c9a70567359c Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager - GNOME window decorator Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesÃbel para os usuarios con necesidades especiais. . This package contains files needed to integrate compiz with the GNOME desktop environment. Package: compiz-mate Description-md5: 09595fdf4d423fb538a04789c4e2fbf3 Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager - MATE integration Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesÃbel para os usuarios con necesidades especiais. . This package contains files needed to integrate compiz with the MATE desktop environment. Package: compiz-plugins Description-md5: 5f988b4273a894361f576aa14d53e19b Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager - plugins Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesÃbel para os usuarios con necesidades especiais. . This package contains the plugins that come with compiz but not officially supported. Package: compiz-plugins-default Description-md5: 169e3bd9eb5bb71160bf028bbbfc8b44 Description-gl: OpenGL window and compositing manager - default plugins Compiz trae á vida diversos efectos visuais que facilitan o uso do escritorio Linux, fanno máis potente e intuitivo e máis accesÃbel para os usuarios con necesidades especiais. . This package contains the default set of core Compiz plugins. Package: compiz-plugins-extra Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após a anovación. Package: compiz-plugins-main Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após a anovación. Package: compiz-plugins-main-default Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após a anovación. Package: compiz-plugins-main-dev Description-md5: 3b7683fb9ca8062e8f26efe3a5e476f0 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete asegura unha ruta de anovación limpa e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após a anovación. Package: compizconfig-settings-manager Description-md5: 675304338d841d1ad811fa71af2f89f7 Description-gl: Xestor de opcións de configuración de Compiz The OpenCompositing Project brings 3D desktop visual effects that improve usability of the X Window System and provide increased productivity. . Este paquete contén o xestor de configuración compizconfig. Package: comprez Description-md5: e3bd698b4901d2cbbdd32e7bbef96b7d Description-gl: Interface para moitos programas de compresión Comprez, tamén coñecido como «z», é unha interface sinxela, segura e cómoda para as utilidades de compresión e descompresión de ficheiros e directorios compress(1), uncompress(1), gzip(1), bzip2(1), tar(1), zip(1) e unzip(1). . A idea básica é que sexa posÃbel executar «comprez ALGO», onde ALGO é calquera ficheiro, directorio, ficheiro comprimido ou arquivo comprimido e o programa fará o axeitado de maneira estándar. Sinxelo para os novatos e cómodo para os expertos. Package: compton Description-md5: fa288ef1618c96c3b712753c01a39a37 Description-gl: Compositor para X11 baseado en xcompmgr compton is a compositor for X11, based on xcompmgr. In addition to shadows, fading and translucency, compton implements window frame opacity control, inactive window transparency, and shadows on argb windows. Package: concalc Description-md5: df93b17bc00857308f747905bb109a7e Description-gl: Calculadora para a consola concalc é unha calculadora para a consola de Linux. É simplemente o algoritmo de análise de extcalc empaquetado nun programa simple para a consola. Pódese empregar se se precisa unha calculadora no terminal. concalp pode tamén executar scripts escritos nunha linguaxe de programación tipo C. Package: concordance Description-md5: f458e378c4a66ed997744e3beb8d0b03 Description-gl: configuration tool for Harmony remotes O Harmony da Logitech é un control remoto universal por infravermellos moi configurábel e compatÃbel coa maiorÃa dos dispositivos de multimedia. A suite de software de concordancia permite programar este tipo de controis remotos empregando un obxecto de configuración obtido do sitio web . This package contains the binary utility to control and configure the Harmony remote. Package: concordance-common Description-md5: 8058cd87c9b971b2415a6d7705d6da46 Description-gl: Harmony remote configuration tool - common files O Harmony da Logitech é un control remoto universal por infravermellos moi configurábel e compatÃbel coa maiorÃa dos dispositivos de multimedia. A suite de software de concordancia permite programar este tipo de controis remotos empregando un obxecto de configuración obtido do sitio web . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns da infraestrutura concordance. Package: confclerk Description-md5: 52a7a34b36dd57b4112392978aa3e3ec Description-gl: Aplicativo de planificación de conferencias sen conexión ConfClerk is an application written in Qt, which makes conference schedules available offline. It displays the conference schedule from various views, support searches on various items (speaker, speech topic, location, etc.) and enables you to select favorite events and create your own schedule. . At the moment ConfClerk is able to import schedules in XML format created by the PentaBarf conference management system (or frab) used by e.g. FOSDEM, DebConf, FrOSCon, Grazer LinuxTage, and the CCC congresses. . ConfClerk is targeted at mobile devices but works on any system running Qt. Package: confget Description-md5: 2a189ce258a4c67c31f2da7b2f8157be Description-gl: Lea variábeis de ficheiros de configuración tipo INI A utilidade confget examina un ficheiro de configuración tipo INI e obtén o valor das variábeis indicadas da sección indicada. O uso para o que está pensado é para permitir que os scripts empreguen os mesmos ficheiros de configuración tipo INI que outros programas e asà evitar a duplicación de datos. . A utilidade confget pode obter os valores de unha ou máis variábeis, enumerar todas as variábeis dunha sección indicada, enumerar só aquelas cuxo nome ou valor coincida cun padrón que se indique (glob da consola ou expresión regular) ou comprobar se unha variábel aparece realmente no ficheiro. Ten un modo de «citas de consola» que rodea os valores de maneira axeitada para pasalos directamenet a unha consola tipo Bourne. Package: conky-all-dbg Description-md5: 88bb906d7edb36362edcdf123e7cd1cf Description-gl: highly configurable system monitor (all features enabled - debug) Conky is a system monitor that can display just about anything, either on your root desktop or in its own window. Conky has many built-in objects, as well as the ability to execute external programs or scripts (either external or through built-in lua support). . This is a full conky with most compile options enabled: . X11, XDamage, XDBE, Xft, MPD, MOC, math, hddtemp, portmon, RSS, Weather, wireless, IBM, nvidia, eve-online, Imlib2, apcupsd, I/O stats, argb, Lua and the cairo and imlib2 lua bindings, Audacious, XMMS2, and PulseAudio. . Este paquete contén só os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: conky-cli-dbg Description-md5: fdbab2f126c0c1a75fb2173dd7e2d0f0 Description-gl: highly configurable system monitor (basic version - debug) Conky is a system monitor that can display just about anything, either on your root desktop or in its own window. Conky has many built-in objects, as well as the ability to execute external programs or scripts (either external or through built-in lua support). . This is a basic package that can be useful in servers or piped with dzen2. It includes the following support: . MPD, MOC, math, apcupsd, ncurses and I/O stats. . Este paquete contén só os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: conky-std-dbg Description-md5: f83e95c90cfe87e920c91cc6fb6e8e66 Description-gl: highly configurable system monitor (default version - debug) Conky is a system monitor that can display just about anything, either on your root desktop or in its own window. Conky has many built-in objects, as well as the ability to execute external programs or scripts (either external or through built-in lua support). . This package should be a good compromise for most users that do not need special features. It includes the following support: . X11, XDamage, XDBE, Xft, MPD, MOC, math, hddtemp, portmon, wireless, ncurses, apcupsd, I/O stats, argb and Lua. . Este paquete contén só os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: connectivity-doc Description-md5: 9daebcf1da31c7357a2c45c499116c4b Description-gl: Unity Action API - documentation API de conectividade de Ubuntu . This package contains developer documentation. Package: connman-dev Description-md5: 33a9c0f0d6250ee6a1293136570490fa Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de connman The Linux Connection Manager project provides a daemon for managing Internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few resources as possible. It is fully modular system that can be extended through plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases. . ConnMan provies IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity via: * ethernet * WiFi, using wpasupplicant * Cellular, using oFono * Bluetooth, using bluez . ConnMan implements DNS resolving and caching, DHCP clients for both IPv4 and IPv6, link-local IPv4 address handling and tethering (IP connection sharing) to clients via USB, ethernet, WiFi, cellular and Bluetooth. . This package contains headers, pkg-config support mainly useful for developing connman plugins. Package: console-braille Description-md5: 156e53c1fd029ceb4db2a91d4818a868 Description-gl: Fonts and keymaps for reading/typing unicode braille Este paquete inclúe . - fonts with various sizes to render braille on the Linux console - keymaps to type braille as unicode characters on the Linux console. Package: containerd Description-md5: 6a31c7373bc525a830776e3e75d55eda Description-gl: daemon to control runC Containerd is a daemon to control runC, built for performance and density. Containerd leverages runC's advanced features such as seccomp and user namespace support as well as checkpoint and restore for cloning and live migration of containers. . Este paquete contén os binarios. Package: coop-computing-tools-doc Description-md5: 6d04dc0d21d45ff80d0205f2b9b366f6 Description-gl: Documentación de coop-computing-tools These tools are a collection of software that help users to share resources in a complex, heterogeneous, and unreliable computing environment. . This package provides the documentation (manual and API reference) in HTML format. Package: coturn Description-md5: 3baf5e2f083e7f1c9c71ad4c68db3792 Description-gl: Servidor de TURN e STUN para VoIP STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) and TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) are protocols that can be used to provide NAT traversal for VoIP and WebRTC. This package provides a VoIP media traffic NAT traversal server and gateway. . Supported RFCs: TURN specs: * RFC 5766 - base TURN specs; * RFC 6062 - TCP relaying TURN extension; * RFC 6156 - IPv6 extension for TURN; * RFC 7635 - OAuth third-party TURN/STUN authorization; * DTLS support as client protocol * Mobile ICE (MICE) support * TURN ORIGIN specs for multi-tenant servers * TURN Bandwidth draft specs * SSODA (dual allocation) draft specs . STUN specs: * RFC 3489 - obsolete "classic" STUN specs; * RFC 5389 - base "new" STUN specs; * RFC 5769 - test vectors for STUN protocol testing; * RFC 5780 - NAT behavior discovery support. . The implementation fully supports UDP, TCP, TLS, and DTLS as protocols between the TURN client and the TURN server. Both UDP and TCP relaying are supported. . SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis are supported for the user repository (if authentication is required). The long-term credentials mechanism is supported. For WebRTC applications, the TURN server REST API for time- limited secret-based authentication is implemented. The third-party authentication specs (OAuth-based) are supported, too. . Load balancing can be implemented either by DNS round-robin mechanism, or with the external networking tools, or by the built-in ALTERNATE-SERVER mechanism. . The implementation is intended to be simple to install and configure. The project focuses on performance, scalability, and simplicity. The aim is to provide an enterprise-grade TURN solution. Package: covered-doc Description-md5: 33a78d25d4b98a5abc59af174252bf4d Description-gl: Verilog code coverage analysis tool - documentation Covered is a Verilog code coverage utility that reads in a Verilog design and a generated VCD/LXT dumpfile from that design and generates a coverage file that can be merged with other coverage files or used to create a coverage report. Covered also contains the GUI coverage report utility that reads in a coverage file to allow interactive coverage discovery. Areas of coverage measured by Covered are: line, toggle, memory, combinational logic, FSM state/state-transition and assertion coverage. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: cowbell Description-md5: 599c3915320aa6289c40e5b5a8de889a Description-gl: Un editor de etiquetas de ficheiros musicais doado de usar Cowbell is an elegant music organizer intended to make keeping your collection tidy both fun and easy. It allows viewing and editing of the tags, guessing of tag information with the help of Amazon Web Services and has an easy-to-use interface. Package: cpan-listchanges Description-md5: 5af5afc20f23c4d43b9cb0f44f21885b Description-gl: Ferramenta de notificación do historial de cambios dos paquetes cpan-listchanges is a command-line application that compares the Changes file between arbitrary versions of a package. It is similar to apt- listchanges, and by default, it compares the currently installed version with the latest one available on CPAN. Package: cpanminus Description-md5: 6b2b64b977ad05f2016c894935b16179 Description-gl: script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN cpanminus provides a command-line (non interactive) interface to automatically download, build and install Perl modules from CPAN. . Non require nada de configuración e é autónomo. Deixa unha pegada moi leve na memoria en comparación con outro software semellante: cando está en execución só require 10MB de RAM. . It installs to wherever ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build are configured to. So if you're using local::lib, then it installs to your local perl5 directory. Otherwise it installs to the siteperl directory. . cpanminus at a boot time checks whether you have configured local::lib, or have the permission to install modules to the sitelib directory. If neither, it automatically sets up local::lib compatible installation path in a perl5 directory under your home directory. Package: cpp-4.8 Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. Package: cpp-4.8-doc Description-md5: 22a9ba311e91d8d744a9e4df2030d2bf Description-gl: Documentacion do preprocesador de C de GNU (cpp) Documentación do preprocesador de C de GNU no formato info. Package: cpp-5 Description-md5: 93a75b5e1f4b43c36eba0239b6fab6a3 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. Package: cpp-5-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 45f5a7d0ff0712ad443d07c2355c0a1a Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for arm64 architecture. Package: cpp-5-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 076120de648561ca5beac0eef8858b16 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for alpha architecture. Package: cpp-5-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 338cdcd91aead7e7119b591e29dc4bc5 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for armel architecture. Package: cpp-5-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 7f9493441e3cdf1166438a9959deefe1 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for armhf architecture. Package: cpp-5-doc Description-md5: 22a9ba311e91d8d744a9e4df2030d2bf Description-gl: Documentacion do preprocesador de C de GNU (cpp) Documentación do preprocesador de C de GNU no formato info. Package: cpp-5-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: cf43d9e869927f49e123729742e957d5 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for hppa architecture. Package: cpp-5-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: bdc9df6c23fbce734bc35f21a171839b Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for m68k architecture. Package: cpp-5-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 299c60fdd7647eab4ada137d47c25168 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips architecture. Package: cpp-5-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 64eeeaa44acc99c1667d4babb452b4db Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64 architecture. Package: cpp-5-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: eb4de33ac76eea3494e88bf1c79c39c1 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64el architecture. Package: cpp-5-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6c95bb5adf90e96e990e2c593b4cab34 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsel architecture. Package: cpp-5-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4f91d407b8b7aa38dc64eff3ee27629c Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpc architecture. Package: cpp-5-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 4dfb5054821288a21d0b8da208cf4e1c Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpcspe architecture. Package: cpp-5-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: e7612f4f4bd7c93bf2a00e5be4834720 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64 architecture. Package: cpp-5-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c8dfbf0de7afc39cf0815e138362016 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64el architecture. Package: cpp-5-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2e6a70b0ab111b7a34a0b2e8733e266a Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for s390x architecture. Package: cpp-5-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b55564492082f2f88360dd27ad158811 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for sh4 architecture. Package: cpp-5-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 07f289f252ed1a98465636e2f5006177 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for sparc64 architecture. Package: cpp-6-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 45f5a7d0ff0712ad443d07c2355c0a1a Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for arm64 architecture. Package: cpp-6-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 076120de648561ca5beac0eef8858b16 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for alpha architecture. Package: cpp-6-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 338cdcd91aead7e7119b591e29dc4bc5 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for armel architecture. Package: cpp-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 7f9493441e3cdf1166438a9959deefe1 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for armhf architecture. Package: cpp-6-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: cf43d9e869927f49e123729742e957d5 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for hppa architecture. Package: cpp-6-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: bdc9df6c23fbce734bc35f21a171839b Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for m68k architecture. Package: cpp-6-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 299c60fdd7647eab4ada137d47c25168 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips architecture. Package: cpp-6-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 64eeeaa44acc99c1667d4babb452b4db Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64 architecture. Package: cpp-6-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: eb4de33ac76eea3494e88bf1c79c39c1 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64el architecture. Package: cpp-6-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6c95bb5adf90e96e990e2c593b4cab34 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsel architecture. Package: cpp-6-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4f91d407b8b7aa38dc64eff3ee27629c Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpc architecture. Package: cpp-6-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 4dfb5054821288a21d0b8da208cf4e1c Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpcspe architecture. Package: cpp-6-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: e7612f4f4bd7c93bf2a00e5be4834720 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64 architecture. Package: cpp-6-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c8dfbf0de7afc39cf0815e138362016 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64el architecture. Package: cpp-6-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2e6a70b0ab111b7a34a0b2e8733e266a Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for s390x architecture. Package: cpp-6-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b55564492082f2f88360dd27ad158811 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for sh4 architecture. Package: cpp-6-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 07f289f252ed1a98465636e2f5006177 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for sparc64 architecture. Package: cpp-7-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 076120de648561ca5beac0eef8858b16 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for alpha architecture. Package: cpp-7-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 338cdcd91aead7e7119b591e29dc4bc5 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for armel architecture. Package: cpp-7-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: cf43d9e869927f49e123729742e957d5 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for hppa architecture. Package: cpp-7-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: bdc9df6c23fbce734bc35f21a171839b Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for m68k architecture. Package: cpp-7-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 299c60fdd7647eab4ada137d47c25168 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips architecture. Package: cpp-7-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 64eeeaa44acc99c1667d4babb452b4db Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64 architecture. Package: cpp-7-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: eb4de33ac76eea3494e88bf1c79c39c1 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mips64el architecture. Package: cpp-7-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6c95bb5adf90e96e990e2c593b4cab34 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for mipsel architecture. Package: cpp-7-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 4dfb5054821288a21d0b8da208cf4e1c Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for powerpcspe architecture. Package: cpp-7-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: e7612f4f4bd7c93bf2a00e5be4834720 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for ppc64 architecture. Package: cpp-7-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2e6a70b0ab111b7a34a0b2e8733e266a Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for s390x architecture. Package: cpp-7-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b55564492082f2f88360dd27ad158811 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for sh4 architecture. Package: cpp-7-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 07f289f252ed1a98465636e2f5006177 Description-gl: Preprocesador de C de GNU Un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . Este paquete foi separado do gcc en beneficio de quen requira o preprocesador mais non o compilador. . This package contains preprocessor configured for sparc64 architecture. Package: cpp-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: b1e0d79884473a304689b790f8d18905 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the alpha architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for alpha architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the alpha architecture. Package: cpp-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 1eeaed7113096b65dd4800343979bc94 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the armel architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for armel architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the armel architecture. Package: cpp-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: e05d1f01a41ffd6121cd3790252e95d3 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the hppa architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for hppa architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the hppa architecture. Package: cpp-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9a6c033026edd7f7cfd4fc0a6b41b293 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the m68k architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for m68k architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the m68k architecture. Package: cpp-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6bccb14fead5bb35b7f4f493f6d21b2b Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the mips architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for mips architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the mips architecture. Package: cpp-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: daf4abcce933c32725bf364c8a055291 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the mips64 architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the mips64 architecture. Package: cpp-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 3bb7f875736ff328ac7e364d5993d1a1 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the mips64el architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the mips64el architecture. Package: cpp-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 388777f6ce7cb465f2ef955da77a8d82 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the mipsel architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the mipsel architecture. Package: cpp-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 7aa4042ad0f8ba17e120372768ec8c22 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the powerpcspe architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for powerpcspe architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the powerpcspe architecture. Package: cpp-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b31b257ebe9e56f55bea606122367e76 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the ppc64 architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the ppc64 architecture. Package: cpp-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: dc03ec196671c21e740c0d0ed3eb42bc Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the s390x architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for s390x architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the s390x architecture. Package: cpp-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7ea67db1b2bccda96155a6da95e9631b Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the sh4 architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the sh4 architecture. Package: cpp-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: a6ba3d76dec0f1ed8274aa5782cb5314 Description-gl: GNU C preprocessor (cpp) for the sparc64 architecture O preprocesador de C de GNU é un procesador de macros que é utilizado automaticamente polo compilador de C de GNU para transformar os programas antes da compilación en si. . This package has been separated from gcc for the benefit of those who require the preprocessor but not the cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C preprocessor for the sparc64 architecture. Package: cproto Description-md5: fe74472d82a7bc4da41968b3563d1a85 Description-gl: Utilidades para xerar prototipos de funcións en C a partir de código fonte en C Cproto is a program that generates function prototypes and variable declarations from C source code. It can also convert function definitions between the old style and the ANSI C style. This conversion overwrites the original files, so make a backup copy of your files in case something goes wrong. Package: cpufrequtils Description-md5: 52dad6bb1cd00cd7cfe3ebb7d3ae3f80 Description-gl: Utilidades para tratar coa funcionalidade cpufreq do kernel Linux Este paquete contén dúas utilidades para inspeccionar e configurar a frecuencia da CPU a través das interfaces do kernel CPUFreq sysfs e procfs. . By default, it also enables CPUFreq at boot time if the correct CPU driver is found. Package: cqrlog Description-md5: f7b339209c0e83157276c21068727e49 Description-gl: Programa de rexistro avanzado para operadores de radio aficionados CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on MySQL embedded database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries (currently support of 140+ radio types and models), DX cluster connection, HamQTH/QRZ callbook (XML access), a grayliner, internal QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is intended for daily general logging of HF, CW & SSB contacts and strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance. Package: create-resources Description-md5: 494dca8c96bd1d41c84637d6b1f96d06 Description-gl: shared resources for use by creative applications O Proxecto Create fornece recursos compartidos para seren usados por aplicacións de creación como Blender, CinePaint, O GIMP, Inkscape e Scribus. . The package includes brushes, color swatches files, gradients, etc. , so that the user doesn't need to install all of these resources separately for each and every application that can read such data. Package: cron-apt Description-md5: 2e64c2fc7f0c5ac0fd844be065a8a152 Description-gl: automatic update of packages using apt-get Contén unha ferramenta que é executada por unha tarefa de cron en intervalos regulares. Por omisión, simplemente actualiza a lista de paquetes e descarga os paquetes novos sen os instalar. Pódeselle ordenar que execute calquera cousa que se poida facer co apt-get (or aptitude). . It can optionally send mail to the system administrator on errors, log to syslog or a separate log file. . Observe that this tool may be a security risk, so you should not set it to do more than necessary. Automatic upgrade of all packages is NOT recommended unless you are in full control of the package repository. Package: crossfire-doc Description-md5: e81f11213bc753254df688aa69f327b2 Description-gl: Documentación de Crossfire This is the document package for crossfire. It has information for both the server and the client. Package: crosshurd Description-md5: 2c2660127a31cc4dc25ddcc348acb79f Description-gl: Instale un sistema Debian crosshurd uses apt and a bit of black magic to setup a functional Debian system. It supports the following target systems: - linux-gnu (GNU/Linux) - gnu (GNU/Hurd) - kfreebsd-gnu (GNU/kFreeBSD) Package: crrcsim-doc Description-md5: 38787f5030df86b47a22705ad52b5643 Description-gl: Documentación do paquete crrcsim Is a model-airplane flight simulation program. Using it, you can learn how to fly model aircraft, test new aircraft designs, and improve your skills by practicing on your computer. . This package provides the documentation for the crrcsim. Package: crtmpserver-apps Description-md5: 96f1f41489cb04d359a55fb0ebd36d1c Description-gl: base applications for the crtmpserver platform crtmpserver is a high performance streaming server able to stream (live or recorded) in the following technologies: - To and from Flash (RTMP,RTMPE, RTMPS, RTMPT, RTMPTE) - To and from embedded devices: iPhone, Android - From surveillance cameras - IP-TV using MPEG-TS and RTSP/RTCP/RTP protocols . Este paquete contén un conxunto de aplicativos básicos que fornecen as funcionalidades máis frecuentemente usadas, como VOC, retransmisión ao vivo e o paso por proxy dos fluxos rtmp/rtsp/mpeg-.ts. Package: cruft-common Description-md5: bfa4dafcb88bca0982c9ac010422045d Description-gl: Base de datos de información compartida por cruft e cruft-ng cruft & cruft-ng are programs to look over your system for anything that shouldn't be there, but is; or for anything that should be there, but isn't. . This package contain extra information about packages that are not available in Debian standard packages information repositories like dpkg, alternatives, diversions, ... Package: csh Description-md5: 2c5801ae50d85749f7c5723b77605b5d Description-gl: Consola con sintaxe tipo C The C shell was originally written at UCB to overcome limitations in the Bourne shell. Its flexibility and comfort (at that time) quickly made it the shell of choice until more advanced shells like ksh, bash, zsh or tcsh appeared. Most of the latter incorporate features original to csh. . This package is based on current OpenBSD sources. Package: csound-doc Description-md5: 9f75b703bb629f175a715f310f69056b Description-gl: Documentación de csound This package includes the csound reference manual. . For more information on csound, see the csound package. Package: ctorrent Description-md5: 8e0f9f90331a95d6c7e1c35bfaeaecef Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent escrito en C++ This application is written in the C++ language and doesn't require any graphical component, such as an X server. Original ctorrent's upstream has stopped its development and now it's kept updated with new releases/bug fixes by a new developer. It's built as a console program and it can be even used remotely in a machine that provides outside ssh access. Other main features are: . * Support for large files (>2GB) and large torrents (>255 files). * Strategic selection of pieces to request for download. * Continuous queueing of download requests, tuned based on latency and throughput for each peer. * Improved download performance, including parallel requests in initial and endgame modes. * Improved bandwidth regulation. * Improved compatibility with other peers. * Performance optimization and bug fixes. * An interface for monitoring and managing multiple clients. * Dynamic cache allocation and management, including prefetch. . More information about the original but discontinued ctorrent's project can be found by browsing the following website: Package: ctsim Description-md5: 995cbd5291954c3060930315b4577e07 Description-gl: Simulador de tomografÃa computerizada CTSim provides an interactive computed tomography simulator. Computed tomography is the technique of estimating the interior of an object by measuring x-ray absorption through that object. . CTSim ten tanto ferramentas para a liña de ordes como unha interface gráfica de usuario. CTSim ten modos de trazo moi educativos para ver a simulación da colección de datos, asà como a reconstrución. Package: ctsim-doc Description-md5: 9861e51a61e9826c2b3afe2bbf500c61 Description-gl: Documentación do paquete ctsim This package provides HTML and PDF documentation files for the ctsim package. CTSim is a graphical computed tomography simulator. This documentation file is included in a separate package so it will not have to be include in the binary ctsim package for every architecture. Package: cube2font-dbg Description-md5: cc8b6f9057edb568f012c6a81dd2517e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do cube2font Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da ferramenta de creación de mapas de bits cube2font. Package: cultivation Description-md5: b5bf789eb4acb1d6e14e59f5fe154210 Description-gl: Xogo sobre interaccións dentro dunha comunidade de xardinarÃa Cultivation is a game about a community of gardeners growing food for themselves in a shared space. . Cultivation is quite different from most other games. It is a social simulation, and the primary form of conflict is over land and plant resources. There is no shooting, but there are plenty of angry looks. It is also an evolution simulation. Within the world of Cultivation, you can explore a virtually infinite spectrum of different plant and gardener varieties. Package: cutesdr Description-md5: 7f4067ce26fc682e2c1f399403ab8cbd Description-gl: simple demodulation and spectrum display program O Tangram é un quebracabezas chinés antigo no que o xogador ten que dispor un xogo de figuras con sete fichas poligonais. Peces permite xogar 39 modalidades distintas do Tangram e inclúe máis de 24.000 figuras para resolver. Tamén permite crear figuras e competicións novas. glpeces foi deseñado especialmente para ser empregado en educación. . CuteSDR itself has only a network interface and will directly support the RFSPACE NetSDR and SDR-IP radios. The siqs_ftdi and SDRxxServer applications (packaged separately) provide network interfaces to RFSPACE USB devices. Package: cvm Description-md5: 6e242e0074fb68d878a6d1a5059657c1 Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through environment variables. . Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d, and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does, and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod framework. . Consulte para máis información. Package: cvm-mysql Description-md5: b19da2aba9378469365a5501c829b6eb Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (MySQL) CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through environment variables. . Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d, and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does, and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod framework. . Consulte para máis información. Package: cvm-pgsql Description-md5: 0b759f5b06ac61a0cde6553fa6dd62c0 Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (PostgreSQL) CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through environment variables. . Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d, and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does, and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod framework. . Consulte para máis información. Package: cyrus-admin Description-md5: 30d4f431154e19f3badd2b37661f7170 Description-gl: Sistema de correo Cyrus - ferramentas de administración This package provides the administrative tools for the Cyrus IMAPd suite. It contains the cyradm tool which can be used to administer both local and remote Cyrus mail systems. It also contains sieveshell and its deprecated cousin installsieve, which can be used to manage sieve scripts. . For more information, please see the cyrus-common package. Package: cyrus-clients Description-md5: 992ed3dec2e38f35f5825dbbb87631db Description-gl: Sistema de correo Cyrus - clientes de proba This package contains client tools to test the Cyrus IMAPd suite. It contains the mupdatetest, sivtest, smtptest, lmtptest, imtest and pop3test tools which can be used to interactively talk to a mupdate, Sieve, SMTP, LMTP, IMAP or POP3 server. The clients are fully SASL-enabled for authentication. . For more information, please see the cyrus-common package. Package: cyrus-dev Description-md5: 16eb6f696ea714cc04c10da3bf1af891 Description-gl: Sistema de correo Cyrus - ficheiros de desenvolvemento This package contains header files and the static library needed to develop IMAP applications that interface with the Cyrus IMAPd suite. . For more information, please see the cyrus-common package. Package: cyrus-doc Description-md5: dc4db33c7f92d614299003a2faaa98f8 Description-gl: Sistema de correo Cyrus - ficheiros de documentación Cyrus is an IMAP server designed to handle massive quantities of mail, with a number of features not found in other IMAP implementations, including support for: - running the daemon without root privileges; - POP3 and NNTP in addition to plain IMAP; - CalDAV and CardDAV; - secure IMAP using SSL; - server-side filtering with Sieve; - mail users without login accounts; - simple mail quotas; - virtual domains; - IPv6. . This package contains the documentation for the Cyrus IMAPd suite. . For more information, please see the cyrus-common package. Package: dacs Description-md5: d03fa5ebcb31807b49bdb832788db0bb Description-gl: Distributed Access Control System (DACS) DACS é un sistema lixeiro de control de acceso baseado en autenticación única e en roles para servidores web e software baseado en servidores. Tamén é un xogo de ferramentas de autenticación e autorización para programadores. DACS asegúrase de que a compartición de recursos seguros e o acceso remoto a través da web sexan máis doados, seguros e eficientes. . DACS provides: . * universal, extensible, modular, and efficient authentication methods, including two-factor authentication and hardware tokens * powerful, comprehensive, rule-based authorization checking that can be applied selectively and transparently to any resource or activity (such as web services, web content, and program features) by Apache-based web services, CGI programs, servlets, or virtually any program or script * secure, web-based single sign-on (SSO) * flexible, programmable configuration * an Apache 2.0/2.2 module, suite of CGI-based programs, and collection of command line tools Package: dacs-examples Description-md5: 093fbe2250301330b4b5d9aef8714f2e Description-gl: Distributed Access Control System (DACS) - example web root DACS é un sistema lixeiro de control de acceso baseado en autenticación única e en roles para servidores web e software baseado en servidores. Tamén é un xogo de ferramentas de autenticación e autorización para programadores. DACS asegúrase de que a compartición de recursos seguros e o acceso remoto a través da web sexan máis doados, seguros e eficientes. . This package contains an example web root directory to use with dacs. Package: daemonfs Description-md5: be9d61bb7d31a8009cd36655e7b8733d Description-gl: Vixilancia de software en tempo real DaemonFS is a simple and good looking application that can monitor your files and folders in real time. This tool lets you track modifications to your files. Every time a file gets modified, a notification launched from the tray icon appears. This software may be used for reverse engineering, hard disk usage tracking, software analysis and more. Package: dansguardian Description-md5: e49d916232fc830dd2aaeb359bd27098 Description-gl: Web content filtering DansGuardian filters the content of pages based on many methods including phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering. It does not purely filter based on a banned list of sites. . It provides real-time virus scanning capabilities for content access. . DansGuardian foi deseñado para ser completamente flexÃbel e permite adaptar o filtrado ás súas necesidades exactas. Pode ser tan draconiano como pouco obstrucionista como se desexe. As opcións predeterminadas están dirixidas ao que poderÃa desexar unha escola de primaria, mais o DansGuardian permÃtelle controlar o que desexe bloquear. . DansGuardian requires squid or another similar caching proxy server on your local network. Package: dar-docs Description-md5: b5d4791c3676c92ae8c96df2ca147b31 Description-gl: Disk ARchive: Backup directory tree and files Full featured archiver with support for differential backups, slices, compression, ATTR/ACL support. DAR also supports Pipes for remote operations, including with ssh. . Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo. Package: darkslide Description-md5: 8952cc2e5f9bb83e097e0eb602603bbd Description-gl: HTML5 slideshow generator Darkslide is a tool which can generates an HTML5 slideshow using lightweight markup as input. . You can write your slide contents easily using these syntaxes: . * Markdown * ReStructuredText * Textile . Esta ferramenta admite temas con CSS/JS, exportación a PDF (empregando a biblioteca en Python PrinceXML), incorporar imaxes con Base64 (para documentos autónomos) e transicións atraentes. . Darkslide is a fork of Landslide. . A sample presentation is available here: < darkslide/>. Package: darkstat Description-md5: e9b7531a9de659a7aa562b3efdd154ef Description-gl: Analizador do tráfico de rede It is a packet sniffer which runs as a background process and serves its statistics to a web browser: - input and output IP traffic by machines, ports and protocols, - last minute, hourly, daily and monthly global input and output graphics. . It is known to be smaller (in terms of memory footprint) and stabler than ntop. Package: darktable Description-md5: 9bb162e0cc542877672e43a15da10cd8 Description-gl: virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers Darktable xestiona os seus negativos dixitais nunha base de datos e permite velos nunha mesa de luz ampliábel. Tamén permite desenvolver imaxes raw e melloralas. . It tries to fill the gap between the many excellent existing free raw converters and image management tools (such as ufraw or f-spot). The user interface is built around efficient caching of image metadata and mipmaps, all stored in a database. the user will always be able to interact, even if the full resolution image is not yet loaded. . All editing is fully non-destructive and only operates on cached image buffers for display. the full image is only converted during export. The frontend is written in gtk+/cairo, the database uses sqlite3, raw image loading is done using rawspeed, high-dynamic range, and standard image formats such as jpeg are also supported. The core operates completely on floating point values, so darktable can not only be used for photography but also for scientifically acquired images or output of renderers (high dynamic range). Package: datovka Description-md5: 0f0898faa850cbbdcfe7674a0481c8fc Description-gl: Czech Data Boxes client Datovka é un cliente de escritorio rico para acceder a mensaxes almacenados no sistema Caixas de Datos Checos (databox) . The client provides access to multiple databoxes from one interface and also can be used to store sent and received messages indefinitely on a local system. . It's mostly useful only to a Czech citizens. Package: davix-dev Description-md5: ba79efcf7d121f8cb37b10928c017bc8 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de davix Development files for davix. Davix is a toolkit designed for file operations with http based protocols (WebDav, Amazon S3, ...). Package: davix-doc Description-md5: 28b33b43281ec79c15e94afa2baa3f4c Description-gl: Documentación de davis Documentation and examples for davix. Davix is a toolkit designed for file operations with Http based protocols (WebDav, Amazon S3, ...). Package: dawgdic-tools Description-md5: 43f2dc9f814187639b74db6ebdb5fb1a Description-gl: command line tools for DAWG dictionaries dawgdic is a library for building and accessing dictionaries implemented with directed acyclic word graphs (DAWGs). . Este paquete contén as ferramentas da liña de ordes. Package: dbar Description-md5: 98b956d9ac40f06911e31773af032a5b Description-gl: general purpose ASCII graphic percentage meter/progressbar dbar lets you define static 0% and 100% marks or you can define these marks dynamically at runtime. Static and dynamic marks can be mixed, in this case the value specified at runtime will have a higher priority. . You can specify ranges of numbers, negative, positive or ranges with a negative min value and positive max value. . Funcionalidades: . - Simple interface, perfect to use within your scripts - Trivial to intergrate with dzen Package: dbus-java-bin Description-md5: 38a54694fca3190716013e27186d9118 Description-gl: simple interprocess messaging system (Java Binaries) D-Bus is a message bus, used for sending messages between applications. Conceptually, it fits somewhere in between raw sockets and CORBA in terms of complexity. . This package provides several programs using the Java implementation of D-Bus. This includes a simple D-Bus daemon for use in session busses, A tool for generating Java stubs from D-Bus introspection data and a graphical browser for D-Bus connections. . Vexa a descrición de dbus para máis información sobre D-Bus en xeral. Package: dconf-editor Description-md5: 8594999c9f75808f25b87fd50f2307f1 Description-gl: simple configuration storage system - graphical editor DConf é unha base de datos tipo clave/valor de baixo nivel deseñada para almacenar a configuración de ambientes de escritorio. . This package contains a graphical editor for settings stored in dconf. Package: dconf-tools Description-md5: e11ffa2e4a97ed74440657cbe4b3b9f5 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo DConf é unha base de datos tipo clave/valor de baixo nivel deseñada para almacenar a configuración de ambientes de escritorio. . This package is a transitional package installing dconf-cli and dconf- editor, it can safely be removed Package: ddgr Description-md5: fbf97be4352d256c7db3959fdb002831 Description-gl: DuckDuckGo from the terminal Funcionalidades . - Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), custom color - Navigate result pages from omniprompt, open URLs in browser - Search and option completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish - DuckDuckGo Bang support (along with completion) - Open the first result directly in browser (as in I'm Feeling Ducky) - Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting - Keywords (e.g. filetype:mime, support - Specify region, disable safe search - HTTPS proxy support, Do Not Track set, optionally disable User Agent - Support custom url handler script or cmdline utility - Comprehensive documentation, man page with handy usage examples - Minimal dependencies Package: deap-doc Description-md5: cbddfb9f7d0fc6401d7751e176f1b3d9 Description-gl: Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python (docs) DEAP is a novel evolutionary computation framework for rapid prototyping and testing of ideas. It seeks to make algorithms explicit and data structures transparent. It works in perfect harmony with parallelisation mechanism such as multiprocessing and SCOOP. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: debconf-kde-data Description-md5: 82edb4baee2615f86a4dbcbbefebab5c Description-gl: Debconf KDE data files Debconf KDE é unha biblioteca de interface gráfica para incluÃr interfaces de Debconf en aplicativos baseados en Qt. Debconf é un sistema de xetión da configuración para paquetes Debian que se emprega para facer preguntas cando están instalados. Esta biblioteca está escrita en C++ e emprégana Apper e Muon para incrustar diálogos de Debconf. . This package contains the data files needed by the Debconf KDE library Package: debconf-kde-dbg Description-md5: ca2f127c20b2cb16a3cf49266dbbfc39 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de Debconf para KDE Debconf KDE é unha biblioteca de interface gráfica para incluÃr interfaces de Debconf en aplicativos baseados en Qt. Debconf é un sistema de xetión da configuración para paquetes Debian que se emprega para facer preguntas cando están instalados. Esta biblioteca está escrita en C++ e emprégana Apper e Muon para incrustar diálogos de Debconf. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do Debconf KDE. Cando o Debconf KDE falla, na maiorÃa dos casos este paquete faise necesario para obter un trazado inverso, que lles resulta útil aos desenvolvedores. Se ten padecido un fallo do Debconf KDE. sen ter este paquete instalado, instáleo, tente reproducir o problema e envÃe un informe de fallo co novo trazado inverso anexo. Package: debconf-kde-helper Description-md5: 3a4ff114eecf9feaf76f8d75f57d810b Description-gl: Ferramenta de interface gráfica de Debconf para KDE Debconf KDE é unha biblioteca de interface gráfica para incluÃr interfaces de Debconf en aplicativos baseados en Qt. Debconf é un sistema de xetión da configuración para paquetes Debian que se emprega para facer preguntas cando están instalados. Esta biblioteca está escrita en C++ e emprégana Apper e Muon para incrustar diálogos de Debconf. . This package contains a small standalone tool to display a KDE Debconf dialog without linking against the Debconf KDE library. Package: debdelta Description-md5: 39db20e76cac04cd6f63ebcbcc0c028d Description-gl: Utilidades diff e patch que funcionan con paquetes de Debian debdelta is a program suite designed to compute changes between Debian packages. These changes (deltas) are similar to the output of the "diff" program in that they may be used to store and transmit only the changes between Debian packages. . This suite contains 'debdelta-upgrade', that downloads deltas and use them to create all Debian packages needed for an 'apt-get upgrade'. It may be used in a Debian/unstable host (to speed up download of new packages), or in a Debian/stable host (for security updates). . Similarly, when this package is installed, the 'cupt' package manager will use deltas to upgrade the host. Package: debdelta-doc Description-md5: 333fa783d1208537a95f365e214f3f43 Description-gl: Utilidades diff e patch que funcionan con paquetes de Debian debdelta is a program suite designed to compute changes between Debian packages. These changes (deltas) are similar to the output of the "diff" program in that they may be used to store and transmit only the changes between Debian packages. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: debfoster Description-md5: 9bf8b8d8c4c96717b0e5896dcb391641 Description-gl: Instalé só os paquetes de Debian que desexe debfoster is a wrapper program for apt and dpkg. When first run, it will ask you which of the installed packages you want to keep installed. . After that, it maintains a list of packages that you want to have installed on your system. It uses this list to detect packages that have been installed only because other packages depended on them. If one of these dependencies changes, debfoster will take notice, and ask if you want to remove the old package. . This helps you to maintain a clean Debian install, without old (mainly library) packages lying around that aren't used any more. Package: debian-builder Description-md5: 252fd2b79a999abdb5d2b0e325b136af Description-gl: Reconstrúa paquetes Debian a partir do código fonte This is a simple tool which is designed to allow a local administrator to rebuild individual Debian packages from their source code. . With the aid of a few included wrapper scripts this allows automatically rebuilding a package and all its dependencies. . Note: This software is not designed to enhance your installation by producing optimized binaries, however this may be achieved with the aid of companion packages such as 'pentium-builder', or 'athlon-builder'. . The prime purpose of this package is to ease the testing of compiler patches such as the Stack Smashing Protection patch available from IBM. Package: debian-kernel-handbook Description-md5: d2ace2401cdb0f2dd8472494b68d4750 Description-gl: Referencia a paquetes e desenvolvemento do kernel Linux de Debian Un manual de referencia para: . * Traballar o paquete linux * ConstruÃr kernels e módulos personalizados * traballar con imaxes initramfs * PolÃticas de equipo do kernel Package: debian-kernel-handbook-ja Description-md5: 351ea603f5af3c15a74bd7c92efc2a31 Description-gl: reference to Debian Linux kernel packages and development (Japanese) Un manual de referencia para: . * Traballar o paquete linux * ConstruÃr kernels e módulos personalizados * traballar con imaxes initramfs * PolÃticas de equipo do kernel . This is Japanese translation. Package: debian-policy Description-md5: 4b65c6d7a519099e1ed4109c9f8a7f18 Description-gl: Manual de polÃticas de Debian e documentos relacionados This package contains: - Debian Policy Manual - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) - Debian Menu sub-policy - Debian Perl sub-policy - Debian configuration management specification - Machine-readable debian/copyright specification - Autopkgtest - automatic as-installed package testing - Authoritative list of virtual package names - Policy checklist for upgrading your packages It also replaces the old Packaging Manual; most of the still-relevant content is now included as appendices to the Policy Manual. Package: debiandoc-sgml-doc Description-md5: b0a51691786644fb9747b126e546bf1a Description-gl: Documentación de DebianDoc-SGML Este paquete contén a documentación de DebianDoc-SGML nos formatos HTML e texto ASCII simple. Package: debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br Description-md5: e1d4ec62da02ce5328c3154539596fb5 Description-gl: Documentación de DebianDoc-SGML en portugués do Brasil Este paquete contén a documentación de DebianDoc-SGML traducida ao portugués do Brasil nos formatos HTML e texto ASCII simple. Package: default-mysql-client Description-md5: 0d975e58d81d31c2c1965d43804779c1 Description-gl: MySQL database client binaries (metapackage) MySQL é un servidor de bases de datos SQL multi-fÃos rápido, estábel e verdadeiramente multi-usuario. SQL (Linguaxe de Consultas Estruturadas) é a linguaxe de consultas a bases de datos máis popular do mundo. Os obxectivos principais de MySQL son a rapidez, a robustez e a facilidade de uso. . This package depends on the default implementation of the client binaries and the additional tools innotop and mysqlreport. Package: default-mysql-client-core Description-md5: 31e5e3f44a80bbfd7cf687e936f69d0e Description-gl: MySQL database core client binaries (metapackage) MySQL é un servidor de bases de datos SQL multi-fÃos rápido, estábel e verdadeiramente multi-usuario. SQL (Linguaxe de Consultas Estruturadas) é a linguaxe de consultas a bases de datos máis popular do mundo. Os obxectivos principais de MySQL son a rapidez, a robustez e a facilidade de uso. . This package depends on the default implementation of the core client files, as used by Akonadi. Package: default-mysql-server Description-md5: 9550a987565ff8657fc9f699871795c3 Description-gl: MySQL database server binaries and system database setup (metapackage) MySQL é un servidor de bases de datos SQL multi-fÃos rápido, estábel e verdadeiramente multi-usuario. SQL (Linguaxe de Consultas Estruturadas) é a linguaxe de consultas a bases de datos máis popular do mundo. Os obxectivos principais de MySQL son a rapidez, a robustez e a facilidade de uso. . This package depends on the default implementation of all the infrastructure needed to setup system databases. Package: default-mysql-server-core Description-md5: 2af54bce58dc0885998d90e5a67f4233 Description-gl: MySQL database server binaries (metapackage) MySQL é un servidor de bases de datos SQL multi-fÃos rápido, estábel e verdadeiramente multi-usuario. SQL (Linguaxe de Consultas Estruturadas) é a linguaxe de consultas a bases de datos máis popular do mundo. Os obxectivos principais de MySQL son a rapidez, a robustez e a facilidade de uso. . This package depends on the default implementation of the server binaries but doesn't depend on all the infrastructure needed to setup system databases. Package: deluge Description-md5: 1c006fa7b74be6be008fe5ca6d13b9c7 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent escrito en Python/PyGTK Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it's backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console. . It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform. . PoderÃalle interesar instalar este paquete para empregar o Deluge no modo clásico, o que significa que o daemon e a interface de usuario en GTK+ estean ligados entre si. Package: deluge-common Description-md5: fda95b1a3c5d8042a9fcefb1948c4537 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent en Python/PyGTK (ficheiros comúns) Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it's backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console. . It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform. . This package contains data files commons to both the daemon and the various user-interfaces. Package: deluge-console Description-md5: f29faf70c4de4cae8ed6f4b36e13fccd Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent en Python/PyGTK (interface para a consola) Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it's backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console. . It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform. . This package contains the console user-interface. Package: deluge-gtk Description-md5: 8bad079f801a9d9c4028bd44e4e40d57 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent en Python/PyGTK (interface en GTK+) Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it's backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console. . It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform. . PoderÃalle interesar instalar este paquete para empregar a interface de usuario de Deluge en GTK+ como cliente lixeiro e conectar cun daemon remoto: Vexa <URL:> Package: deluge-web Description-md5: fa1d60f7a87b553737143e3950d3ee03 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent en Python/PyGTK (interface para a web) Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it's backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console. . It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform. . PoderÃalle interesar instalar este paquete nun servidor remoto que estea a executar o daemon de deluge (paquete deluged). Vexa: <URL:http://dev> Package: deluged Description-md5: 42dbe276cb3cf20229499e4d8a598faf Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent en Python/PyGTK (daemon) Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it's backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console. . It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform. . PoderÃalle interesar instalar este paquete para executar o aplicativo do daemon nun servidor remoto e conectar con el desde calquera interface de usuario: Vexa: <URL:http://dev.deluge-> Package: denemo-doc Description-md5: ecbbeb6299bfca3a153f7750adf2aa3c Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de denemo GNU Denemo is a GUI musical score editor written in C/GTK+. It is intended primarily as a front end to GNU Lilypond, but is adaptable to other computer-music-related purposes as well. . This package contains the HTML documentation and examples. Package: devrplay3 Description-md5: a724e4059b12b3d05e4e9695624c4cc7 Description-gl: Sistema de son pola rede rplay - biblioteca básica This package contains the basic rplay library (devrplay). . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: devscripts-el Description-md5: edee4ba266ddbdbd800873b2d9517ad0 Description-gl: Emacs wrappers for the commands in devscripts This package contains: devscripts - wrappers around the debuild, debc and debi commands; pbuilder-log-view - wrappers around viewing pbuilder logs; pbuilder - wrappers around pbuilder . Vexa /usr/share/doc/devscripts-el/README.Debian para unha breve descrición. Package: dh-apport Description-md5: a5c779df9e0b356100c76151d7cef527 Description-gl: debhelper extension for the apport crash report system apport recolle de forma automática certos datos de procesos que finalizan de xeito non agardado, e crea un informe do problema en /var/crash/. Utiliza o axudante de envorcado fornecido polo núcleo de Ubuntu. . This package provides a debhelper extension to make it easier for other packages to include apport hooks. Package: dh-make-drupal Description-md5: c7d271491c76a1b4806a48af14d28161 Description-gl: Cree paquetes de Debian ćon módulos e temas de Drupal O propósito deste programa é xerar paquetes de Debian por calquera proxecto de Drupal (isto é, módulos ou temas). . Dado que os desenvolvedores do Drupal publican o seu traballo a través do sitio web principal de Drupal (, este programa obtén a información das últimas versións dispoñÃbeis (para a edición correcta de Drupal e co nivel de estabilidade que se indique) e prepara un paquete de Debian a partir delas. Package: dia Description-md5: 018aa331acc6ffa4e440b38dd58114c1 Description-gl: Editor de diagramas Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación, diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para postscript e moitos outros formatos. Package: dia-common Description-md5: 9d12e6044f35c45f65fe82a12fc94b0c Description-gl: Diagram editor (common files) Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación, diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para postscript e moitos outros formatos. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: dia-shapes Description-md5: e4ff2c34ed790b4779293eedadc78bc3 Description-gl: Diagram editor (additional shapes) Dia é un editor para diagramas, gráficos, cartas, etc. Admite diagramas de estrutura estática UML (diagramas de clase), diagramas entidade-relación, diagramas de rede e moito mais. Os diagramas poden ser exportados para postscript e moitos outros formatos. . This package provides additional shapes for Dia. Included shapes are - Automata - AUTOSAR - Building site - Central data processing - CH-1 notation - Chemistry lab - Circuit 2 - CMOS - Digital - EPC - Electric 2 - Electrical - Electronic - Gradient - Living Systems Theory - Optics - Racks - Renewable Energy - Scenegraph - Value Stream Mapping Package: dibbler-doc Description-md5: 3af3537031d5775dd4a5e6b99a5bb932 Description-gl: Documentación de Dibbler This package includes both user and developer documentation, covering all aspects of the Dibbler DHCPv6 implementation: - server, client and relay usage and configuration; - various tips and frequently asked questions; - internal structure/code description and hints for developers. Package: dicompyler Description-md5: 032e60ad2b614f25d7fcd5004defca43 Description-gl: Plataforma de investigación para radioterapia Dicompyler is an extensible, fully open source radiation therapy research platform based on the DICOM standard. It also functions as a cross- platform DICOM RT viewer. . Features: * Import CT Images, DICOM RT structure set, RT dose and RT plan files * Extensible plugin system with included plugins: - 2D image viewer with dose and structure overlay - Dose volume histogram viewer with the ability to analyze DVH parameters - DICOM data tree viewer - Patient anonymizer Package: dict-freedict-deu-por Description-md5: 66952dcefca3159afa36ea5edad20523 Description-gl: German-Portuguese dictionary for the dict server/client Este é o dicionario de alemán-portugués do proxecto FreeDict na versión 0.2.1(estado de FreeDict: demasiado pequeno). Contén 8740 entradas. Pode ser utilizado polo servidor de dict en combinación cun cliente de dict. Package: dict-wn Description-md5: 6f0bb13548fc3e09edb1f19285e99ae8 Description-gl: electronic lexical database of English language for dict WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. . WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator). . Este paquete ten un uso limitado sen o servidor que se atopa no paquete dictd. Package: dictconv Description-md5: 15ac8ee764919050b8db6832d1dd823c Description-gl: convert a dictionary file type in another dictionary file type Dictconv é un programiña para converter un tipo de ficheiro de dicionario a outro tipo de ficheiro de dicionario. Na actualidade admite a conversión desde glosarios de Babylon, dicionarios de Freedict, dicionarios de Sdictionary e dicionarios de Stardict a dicionarios DICT, dicionarios en texto simple e dicionarios de StarDict. En futuras versións hanse engadir máis tipos de ficheiros. Package: dictem Description-md5: 2651fb5f7b53a77f6b1fb2293759f6b0 Description-gl: Cliente de dict para emacs DictEm implements all functions of the client part of Dictionary Server Protocol(DICT) protocol (RFC-2229,, i.e looking up words and definitions, obtaining information about available strategies, provided databases, information about DICT server etc. . It uses autocompletion that is used for selecting dictionary and search strategy. Moreover, DictEm provides several hooks which may be used for buffer postprocessing. Package: diction Description-md5: f553fe24a1a473a59ad69fe5677adc5c Description-gl: Utilities to help with style and diction (English and German) This is a free implementation of two Unix commands, style and diction. They may help you improve your writing. English and German rules are included. . Páxina web: Package: dictionary-el Description-md5: 2d13b9a248abef83650bb0b6868674ed Description-gl: Cliente de dicionario para o Emacs dictionary-el is a DICT (RFC 2229) client for (X)Emacs, with support for brace-delimited cross references and UTF-8-encoded entries. Note that XEmacs bundles a slightly older version of this package. Package: Description-md5: bf1dba8fd40f5c06be459ec24b2e8050 Description-gl: Cliente de dict para GNUstep DictionaryReader is a dictionary application that queries Dict servers in the internet to let you look up words. It's aimed to be lightweight and easy to use. Package: diffuse Description-md5: 1c33e882865d2f8f6b3fb1c9c30b5bf5 Description-gl: Ferramenta gráfica para combinar e comparar ficheiros de texto Diffuse é unha ferramenta gráfica para fusionar e comparar ficheiros de texto. Diffuse pode comparar un número de ficheiros arbitrario entre si e dálle ao usuario a capacidade de axustar manualmente a equivalencia entre liñas e de editar os ficheiros directamente. Diffuse pode recuperar tamén revisións de ficheiros de repositorios bazaar, CVS, darcs, git, mercurial, monotone, ASubversion e Sistema de Control de Revisión de GNU (RC) para comparar e fusionar. Package: digikam Description-md5: 1e45c7ca72b0bbb859b7ea62825537e5 Description-gl: Aplicativo de xestión de fotos dixitais para KDE Programa para a xestión de fotos dixitais deseñado para importar, organizar, mellorar, buscar e exportar as imaxes dixitais para e desde o computador. . It provides a simple interface which makes importing and organizing digital photographs a "snap". digiKam enables you to manage large numbers of digital photographs in albums and to organize these photographs for easy retrieval using tags (keywords), captions, collections, dates, geolocation and searches. It has many features for viewing, organizing, processing and sharing your images. Thus, digiKam is a formidable digital asset management (DAM) software including powerful image editing functions. . Dispón dunha interface para cámaras doada de utilizar que se conecta coas cámaras dixitais e descarga as fotografÃas directamente para os álbums do digiKam. Recoñece máis de 1000 cámaras dixitais grazas á biblioteca gphoto2. Co digiKam pódese acceder, por suposto, a calquera dispositivo ou lector de tarxetas que recoñeza o sistema operativo. . O digiKam incorpora un editor de imaxes rápido con moitas ferramentas para a edición de imaxes. Pódese empregar para ver as fotografÃas, comentalas e puntualas, corrixilas, melloralas e alteralas. A súa potencia de edición pode ser estendida facilmente cun conxunto de engadidos, a Interface de engadidos de imaxe de KDE (vexa o manual) . Mesmo se o digiKam resulta doado de utilizar, fornece funcionalidades de nivel profesional a moreas. É totalmente 16 bits, incluÃdos todos os engadidos dispoñÃbeis, admite a conversión do formato RAW mediante libraw, a exportación a DNG e a xestión de cor ICC. . digiKam can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities even further for photo manipulations, import and export, etc. The kipi-plugins package contains many very useful extensions. Package: digikam-data Description-md5: 38a69ea9596c5db123f17fd23e868ee5 Description-gl: Datos do digiKam independentes da arquitectura Conten unha grande cantidade de datos independentes da arquitectura que se publican co digiKam. . It has been placed in an architecture all file to reduce space on the archives, rather than one copy for each architecture. Package: digikam-doc Description-md5: 51d1c1ff121a90aa503b1387c299e0e0 Description-gl: Manual do digiKam O digiKam é un aplicativo de xestión de fotos dixitais doado de usar e potente. . Este paquete contén os manuais do digiKam e dos engadidos de kipi. Package: dillo Description-md5: af5fdb5069c81f6b48bbc2e9bcc95d45 Description-gl: Navegador web pequeno e rápido Dillo 3 is a graphical multi-platform web browser known for its speed and small footprint. It is based on version 1.3 of the Fast and Light Toolkit (FLTK) in version 1.3 . It aims to be small in resources, stable, developer-friendly, usable, very fast, and extensible. . To run the included dillo-install-hyphenation script the recommended perl packages need to be installed. Package: dime Description-md5: 082cf1b6d73af2fe63eb9744c9e04b34 Description-gl: Programas de importación, manipulación e exportación de DXF Dime is a C++ class library for reading, constructing, manipulating, and writing DXF file data. . This package comes with the programs dxf2vrml, which converts dxf to VRML files and dxfsphere, which makes triangle mesh approximations of spheres. Package: din Description-md5: 90c6c0d150cfb15112e5172231fe4f7b Description-gl: Sintetizador de son dixital din é un sintetizador de instrumentos musicais e de son. Permite empregar curvas de Bézier para debuxar e esculpir ondas, crear padróns de portas de ruÃdo e modulación e crear padróns de demora e de volume. É posÃbel crear e editar un número de drons ilimitado, esculpir a súa onda e modulalos de maneira visual. . din emprega JACK para emitir o son e admite MIDI, OSC e un bot de IRC como entrada. din pode ser extendido e personalizado tamén con scripts en Tcl. Package: ding Description-md5: ae415552b781509e68b36a9a65b2537a Description-gl: Programa gráfico de consulta de dicionarios para Unix (Tk) This is "Ding" * a dictionary lookup program for Unix, * DIctionary Nice Grep, * a Tk based Front-End to [ae]grep, ispell, dict, ... * Ding {n} :: thing . This package needs agrep(1) or egrep(1) as a back end. agrep is preferable, because it supports fault tolerant searching. . You have to install some translation dictionary word list with a word/phrase in two languages in one line with some kind of separator between them. The default configuration of ding uses the German-English dictionary which can be found in the trans-de-en package, but you can use every other translation word lists with one entry per line. Package: diodon Description-md5: 3ee92ae58ab4bec0ce24d0d9dfa99cc9 Description-gl: Xestor do portarretallos en GTK+ Diodon is a lightweight clipboard manager for Linux written in Vala which "aims to be the best integrated clipboard manager for the Gnome/Unity desktop". . Diodon features include Ubuntu indicator, clipboard sync (primary selection and Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V clipboard) and a zeitgeist integration for an infinite clipboard history. Package: diodon-dev Description-md5: debaacad5c51f32cb4ebf5dc5d1d6ef4 Description-gl: Xestor do portarretallos en GTK+ (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Diodon is a lightweight clipboard manager for Linux written in Vala which "aims to be the best integrated clipboard manager for the Gnome/Unity desktop". . Diodon features include Ubuntu indicator, clipboard sync (primary selection and Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V clipboard) and a zeitgeist integration for an infinite clipboard history. . Diodon tamén é extensÃbel mediante o seu sistema de engadidos. . Este paquete é necesario para construÃr engadidos para Diodon. Package: diploma Description-md5: 81ac7fb287ee55efbe659258131220cc Description-gl: Escriba artigos cientÃficos con Debian Debian GNU/Linux is widely used at universities to do research and to write papers with LaTeX. The package diploma contains examples which illustrate the possible ways to do this effectively with Debian GNU/Linux. Each example consists of a source tree where you can do "make" in the top level directory and then the source code is compiled, the measurement data are processed, and the results are converted into nice figures. Then the text is processed and combined with the figures to a print file. Package: dir2ogg Description-md5: 116d91647589bfb046794b902b45ebd7 Description-gl: Convertedor de ficheiros de son ao formato ogg-vorbis dir2ogg converts MP3, M4A, WMA, FLAC, and WAV files to the open-source OGG format. . É un script en Python que simplemente asocia os diversos decodificadores e oggenc, facilitando asà que o/a usuario/a convirta os seus ficheiros de música. Tamén admite as etiquetas ID3. Package: dircproxy Description-md5: 99e2ee7084f944d20c1556a581047931 Description-gl: Proxy de IRC para quen empregue IRC desde diferentes estacións de traballo dircproxy is an IRC proxy server designed for people who use IRC from lots of different workstations or clients, but wish to remain connected and see what they missed while they were away. You connect to IRC through dircproxy, and it keeps you connected to the server, even after you detach your client from it. While you're detached, it logs channel and private messages as well as important events, and when you re-attach it'll let you know what you missed. . This can be used to give you roughly the same functionality as using ircII and screen together, except you can use whatever IRC client you like, including X ones! Package: directoryassistant Description-md5: cb92d22f98a159a6e2b99754b5f7d7ba Description-gl: small LDAP address book manager Directory Assistant is a small application for managing a LDAP address book. The focus is to create a very easy to use program, with only the few but necessary features. The target is novice users that still need to keep their addresses in an LDAP server. . Foi escrito na linguaxe Python empregando asociacións con GTK+. Package: dirvish Description-md5: 78f4d61bbffbea4fe5d13f72469e5d74 Description-gl: Sistema de copias de seguranza de sistemas de ficheiros que emprega rsync Unha utilidade para xestionar varias copias de seguranza nun almacenamento na rede na que cada copia de seguranza está dispoñÃbel como unha especie de directorio de instantánea e na que os ficheiros comúns son compartidos entre as diferentes xeracións de copias. Emprega rsync para realizar o copiado en si. . As copias de seguranza poden ser realizadas localmente ou a través dunha rede (empregando ssh). Package: disc-cover Description-md5: e79f8d9e1cb98f2481f588080c1ba039 Description-gl: Produce carátulas para CD de son Disc-cover queries FreeDB for track information for a given CD and creates a jewel-case insert in one of many available formats. PostScript, PDF, Dvi, LaTeX, Plain Text, HTML, CDlabelgen and CDDB are available. Package: discover Description-md5: a5dea31ea54f4b79eeb359717cce264b Description-gl: Sistema de identificación de hardware Discover é un sistema de identificación de hardware baseado na biblioteca libdiscover2. Discover fornece unha interface flexÃbel que pode ser empregada por outros programas para informar dunha ampla variedade de información sobre o hardware instalado nun sistema Linux. Ademais da transmisión da información, Discover inclúe a capacidade de realizar detección de hardware no momento do arranque. Package: discover-data Description-md5: 750b5c04772f89878117c5044a45568e Description-gl: Listas de datos para o sistema de detección de hardware Discover A biblioteca de detección de hardware de Discover emprega ficheiros de datos en XML para describir as interfaces de software de diferentes dispositivos ATA, PCI, PMCMIA, SCSI e USB. AÃnda que a biblioteca de Discover pode obter datos de calquera lugar da rede, normalmente convén ter un conxunto de ficheiros de datos en XML de Discover no propio sistema, e daà este paquete. Package: dita-ot-doc Description-md5: 8291eb75e2abe4e36edaded6b90c7f2d Description-gl: DITA Open Toolkit (documentation) DITA Open Toolkit, or DITA-OT for short, is an independent, open source implementation of the OASIS owned and developed Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) standard XML data model for authoring and publishing. . Este paquete contén a documentación do dita-ot. Package: djagios Description-md5: 0802b00b5f1d60ee67c3408054acaf0a Description-gl: tool to help configure nagios written in Django Djagios é unha ferramenta de código aberto de configuración de Nagios baseada na web cunha API completa para Nagios en Python. . O obxectivo principal da ferramenta é facer que Nagios poida ser utilizado por quen non sexa administrador de Nagios. A instalación e configuración iniciais farÃanas administradores de Nagios. Mais, unha vez feita, os usuarios ordinarios poden engadir servidores, aplicacións, dispositivos, servizos, etc. eles mesmos. Package: djinn Description-md5: 0860cae12883fa7696c7f600a4fa5fb4 Description-gl: Xere expresións en Haskell a partir de tipos Djinn uses a theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic to generate a Haskell expression when given a type. . Given a type the program will deduce an expression of this type, if one exists. If the Djinn says the type is not realizable it is because there is no (total) expression of the given type. Package: djmount Description-md5: 892944c92febbfaaec5d535d7e72f237 Description-gl: Cliente do sistema de ficheiros para montar servidores multimedia de rede This package provides a client for Universal Plug'n'Play (UPnP) Audio- Visual MediaServers. It discovers all compatible UPnP AV devices on the network automatically and mounts their media content as a file system using FUSE. Package: djtools Description-md5: 3756683724c7e212dbc71f678a826d5e Description-gl: Ferramentas para a impresora DeskJet da HP Estas ferramentas permiten que o usuario aproveite mellor a liña DeskJet de impresoras da HP. Permiten que o usuario lle envÃe ordes á impresora, asà como que aproveite mellor os modos de texto das DeskJet da HP. . Estes programas foron escritos para a serie 500 das DeskJet da HP, mais deberÃan funcionar con todas as impresoras que comprendan o PCL da HP. Package: djview Description-md5: 70f803a157a01cd392d199dbc03dfe1f Description-gl: Paquete transitorio, djview3 para djview4 Ease transition from djview or djview3 to djview4 with this dummy package. Package: djview-plugin Description-md5: ce7cb4988d1f07a9481dc68f865a16c1 Description-gl: Engadido de navegación para o formato de imaxes DjVu Engadidos de navegador de DjVu. Package: djview3 Description-md5: 723d08e2761fe57a16db0f1a5d75091f Description-gl: Paquete transitorio, djview3 para djview4 Ease transition from djview3 to djview4 with this dummy package. Package: djview4 Description-md5: 33c31b22cd218d1227ab0c6f0bf9e963 Description-gl: Visor para o formato de imaxes DjVu Visor de DjVu djview. Package: djvulibre-bin Description-md5: c7421d25ec9e74924d5b7540e469b4bd Description-gl: Utilidades para o formato de imaxes DjVu Executábeis, incluÃdas utilidades para a conversión entre DjVu e outros formatos. Package: djvulibre-desktop Description-md5: e5da3aea9677bafe75a1aaa48a76c12e Description-gl: Compatibilidade co escritorio para o formato de imaxes DjVu Ficheiros variados para apoiar o formato de imaxes DjVu no escritorio. Package: djvulibre-plugin Description-md5: c20f29c4bf4ac3d9e69a45bc76a270c3 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio, djvulibre-plugin para djview-plugin Dummy dependency package to transition from djvulibre-plugin to djview- plugin. Package: djvusmooth Description-md5: 4f1c6be351689f7b0e3c932ad5223015 Description-gl: Editor gráfico para DjVu djvusmooth is a graphical editor for DjVu files, which allows one to: * edit document metadata, * edit document outline (bookmarks), * correct occasional errors in the hidden text layer. Package: dleyna-renderer-dbg Description-md5: 6e98e903e88caac3cefa741dc204dfd1 Description-gl: DBus service to interact with DLNA Digital Media Renderers (debug files) dleyna-renderer is a DBus user session service that allows clients to discover and manipulate DLNA Digital Media Renderers (DMR). . dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into their applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración. Package: dleyna-server-dbg Description-md5: 01bd5bb91080e2cc5f56b0898404665d Description-gl: DBus service to interact with DLNA Digital Media Servers (debug files) dleyna-server is a DBus user session service that allows clients to discover and manipulate DLNA Digital Media servers (DMS). . dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into their applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración. Package: dlume Description-md5: 8cca1292cb05282bd7f54e3bca4cd469 Description-gl: Caderno de enderezos sinxelo e doado de utilizar (GTK+) Dlume is a simple, gtk2-based addressbook. You can easily add, edit and delete records to/from an XML-format database. The Quick-search feature allows you find required entry in comfortable way. Export to CSV and HTML formats is also available. Interface design was borrowed and improved from Paddress <>. Package: dmtcp-dbg Description-md5: baeb53eeb1ce1bdc8ecc6a2c444d91e4 Description-gl: Debug package for dmtcp DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) is a tool to transparently checkpointing the state of an arbitrary group of programs including multi- threaded and distributed computations. It operates directly on the user binary executable, with no Linux kernel modules or other kernel mods. . Among the applications supported by DMTCP are Open MPI, MATLAB, Python, Perl, and many programming languages and shell scripting languages. DMTCP also supports GNU screen sessions, including vim/cscope and emacs. With the use of TightVNC, it can also checkpoint and restart X-Window applications, as long as they do not use extensions (e.g.: no OpenGL, no video). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do DMTCP. Package: dnshistory Description-md5: 36aa6bedd0a8000dbab6a4809168eb8d Description-gl: Tradución e almacenamento de enderezos de IP a partir de ficheiros de rexistro Provide a means for storing a history of DNS/Name changes for the IP Addresses extracted from web log files. The major target being that multiple analyses of older log files do not require re-lookups of IP Address to FQDNs, and additionally maintain the accuracy of the lookup as it was then and not as it is now. Package: docbook-defguide Description-md5: d4fbaddeabb45685606eb737e90b92bd Description-gl: DocBook: GuÃa Definitiva - Versión en HTML The official reference manual for the DocBook 4.x SGML and XML DTD, by Norman Walsh, Leonard Muellner, and Bob Stayton. This version is an evolution of the book of the same name published by O'Reilly (which documented DocBook 3.1). . This is a work in progress, which attempts to fully document DocBook 4.5, but may be inconsistent in some places. Package: docbook-ebnf Description-md5: d3afb56384eeff6ec924355f92b1016d Description-gl: EBNF module for the XML version of the DocBook DTD DocBook is a general-purpose and modular SGML and XML Document-Type Definition. This is a module that adds elements for the markup of EBNF grammar rules to DocBook. . Está completamente documentado en «DocBook - GuÃa Definitiva», dispoñÃbel no paquete docbook-defguide. Package: docbook-xsl-doc-html Description-md5: 920d09e79d9992d5da5cb6d4916b555e Description-gl: Follas de estilo para procesar ficheiros DocBook XML (documentación en HTML) As follas de estilo DocBook XSL son follas de estilo XSL modulares para procesar documentos compostos coa DTD DocBook XML e os seus derivados. . Este paquete contén a documentación das follas de estilo DocBook XSL e explicacións dos parámetros que se poden empregar no formato HTML. Package: docbook-xsl-doc-pdf Description-md5: 6ba889b7885a819dc6117815fc1045a3 Description-gl: stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (PDF documentation) As follas de estilo DocBook XSL son follas de estilo XSL modulares para procesar documentos compostos coa DTD DocBook XML e os seus derivados. . This package contains the documentation for the DocBook XSL stylesheets and explanations for the parameters you can use in PDF format. Package: docbook-xsl-doc-text Description-md5: c70dc5e3d88f55fd882117cddb631d17 Description-gl: stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files (ASCII documentation) As follas de estilo DocBook XSL son follas de estilo XSL modulares para procesar documentos compostos coa DTD DocBook XML e os seus derivados. . This package contains the documentation for the DocBook XSL stylesheets and explanations for the parameters you can use in simple ASCII text format. Package: docbook-xsl-ns Description-md5: feaf34e3e39a21ba45c997abe92b57b7 Description-gl: follas de estilo para procesar DocBook 5 XML en varios formatos de saÃda These are modular XSL stylesheets for processing documents composed with DocBook 5 XML and its derivatives. Unlike in docbook-xsl the DocBook namespace prefix has been added to element names in pattern matches and expressions. However processing of DocBook 4 documents is also possible with these stylesheets. For a more detailed explanation read . The stylesheets provide XSLT transformations for (X)HTML, WordML, HTML Help, JavaHelp, Man page (nroff), Website, Eclipse Platform Help file and XSL Formatting Object (XSL-FO) output. The latter can be further processed to a number of print formats using FOP or TeX-based tools. . The stylesheets are modular in the sense that you can extend and, to some extent, customize them. The documentation is included in a separate package. Package: docker Description-md5: 032a37ba6228c22cbca1c0b960030eaa Description-gl: System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications Docker é un aplicativo de doca (aplicativo de doca de WindowMaker) que funciona como bandexa de escritorio para calquera ambiente de escritorio e permite ter unha bandexa do sistema sen ter que executar o panel de KDE/GNOME. O Docker foi deseñado para funcionar con Openbox 2 pero deberÃa funcionar correctamente con calquera xestor de xanelas. Package: docky Description-md5: b98d7694f6de32bd91011848c09699f9 Description-gl: Elegant, powerful, clean dock Un aplicativo de doca con todas as funcionalidades que fai que abrir aplicativos frecuentes e xestionar as xanelas sexa máis doado e rápido. O Docky está integrado completamente no Escritorio GNOME e enfoca a configuración e o uso sen parvadas. Simplemente funciona. . Docky fornece un iniciador de aplicacións, xestión do aplicativo en execución e varios «docklets», que inclúen un monitor da CPU, información meteorolóxica e un reloxo. É semellante a outras docas, como AWN e cairo- dock. . Os aplicativos pódense integrar con Docky para engadir elementos extra aos seus menús de contexto ou modificar as súas iconas para mostrar máis información. este paquete inclúe axudantes de integración para moitos aplicativos, incluÃdos Banshee, Rhythmbox, Deluge, Tomboy e Zeitgeist. . Docky deriva da interface «docky» do Do de GNOME. Package: doclifter Description-md5: e6c344e2a112ca4b9b159bb91f99662a Description-gl: Convirta de troff a DocBook Lifting documents from presentation level to semantic level is hard, and a really good job requires human polishing. This tool aims to do everything that can be mechanized, and to preserve any troff-level information that might have structural implications in XML comments. Package: doconce Description-md5: e543e91a48515b4b6bc9fa388dfc7e5e Description-gl: Documente unha vez, inclúa en todas partes Deconce é dúas cousas: . 1. Doconce is a very simple and minimally tagged markup language that looks like ordinary ASCII text (much like what you would use in an email), but the text can be transformed to numerous other formats, including HTML, Wiki, LaTeX, PDF, reStructuredText (reST), Sphinx, Epytext, and also plain text (where non-obvious formatting/tags are removed for clear reading in, e.g., emails). From reStructuredText you can go to XML, HTML, LaTeX, PDF, OpenOffice, and from the latter to RTF and MS Word. From Pandoc one can generate Markdown, reST, LaTeX, HTML, PDF, DocBook XML, OpenOffice, GNU Texinfo, MediaWiki, RTF, Groff, and other formats. . 2. Doconce is a working strategy for never duplicating information. Text is written in a single place and then transformed to a number of different destinations of diverse type (software source code, manuals, tutorials, books, wikis, memos, emails, etc.). The Doconce markup language support this working strategy. The slogan is: "Write once, include anywhere". Package: doctest Description-md5: 404f6e768fb995bf2ee3802142a923b2 Description-gl: test interactive Haskell examples; executable The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled after doctest for Python (<>). . A documentación está en <>. . Este paquete contén o executábel do doctest. Package: doctorj Description-md5: a427de1915db4341d9235b1ee2067596 Description-gl: Unha ferramenta para analizar código Java doctorj analiza código Java, realizando a comprobación da documentación, a xeración de estatÃsticas e a análise da sintaxe. . Páxina web: Package: docx2txt Description-md5: e7b84e6818519d58953b8a8e9f87e99a Description-gl: Convirta os ficheiros OOXML da Microsoft a texto simple This tool attempts to generate equivalent plain text files from Microsoft .docx documents, preserving some formatting and document information (which MS text conversion drops) along with appropriate character conversions for a good (ascii or utf-8) text experience. It is a platform independent solution consisting of (core) Perl and (wrapper) Unix/Windows shell scripts and a configuration file to control the output text appearance to a fair extent. It can very conveniently be used to build a Web-based docx document conversion service. Some Makefiles and Windows batch files are provided for easy installation of the scripts. With unzippers like CakeCmd that can deal with corrupt Zip archives, this tool can extract text from corrupt docx documents in many cases, where MS Word fails to even open them. Package: dolphin Description-md5: 5639ca651f29a0317186a35d903400af Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros Dolphin is the default file manager in the Plasma, intended to be both powerful and easy to use. . As súas funcionalidades inclúen: Barras laterais personalizábeis Navegación cun «ronsel» Propiedades da vista lembradas para cada cartafol Vistas partidas Transparencia na rede Funcionalidade de facer/desfacer Puntuacións, comentarios e etiquetas Package: dolphin-plugins Description-md5: 9dcf4116b600872791f65741869b75ae Description-gl: Engadidos de VCS para dolphin Este paquete contén engadidos que ofrecen integración en Dolphin cos sistemas de control de versións seguintes: . * Bzr * Git * Mercurial * Subversion . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: dolphin4 Description-md5: d276a90c8ffd197c833f0b08177365db Description-gl: file browser Dolphin file browser, this kdelibs4 build is mainly for use with Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: doodle-dbg Description-md5: f5d2ed10bca794fc6d25fa39f9e5cfe5 Description-gl: Desktop Search Engine (debug) It searches your hard drive for files using pattern matching on meta-data. It extracts file-format specific meta-data using libextractor and builds a suffix tree to index the files. The index can then be searched rapidly. It is similar to locate, but can take advantage of information such as ID3 tags. It is possible to do full-text indexing using the appropriate libextractor plugins. It also supports using FAM to keep the database up- to-date. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: doomsday Description-md5: 00fdae866631bd888d704cc248368a0a Description-gl: Versión mellorada do lexendario xogo DOOM The purpose of the Doomsday Engine project is to create versions of DOOM, Heretic and Hexen that feel the same as the original games but are implemented using modern techniques such as 3D graphics and client/server networking. A lot of emphasis is placed on good-looking graphics. . Doomsday Engine (or deng for short) requires an IWAD to play. You can install your commercial IWADs using game-data-packager. Package: dopewars Description-md5: c610963512bb61dda22f7834bac0f290 Description-gl: Xogo de tráfico de drogas situado nas rúas da cidade de Nova York Reescritura para UNIX do programa para MS-DOS do mesmo nome, que á súa volta fora inspirado polo xogo «Guerra de Drogas» de John E. Dell. Tes un mes para compares e venderes drogas nas rúas de Nova York e como obxectivo pagar a dÃvida co prestamista e despois facer unha fortuna. E se tes que matar algúns polis no proceso, pois... O xogo inclue rede TCP, o que permite coñecer (e matar a tiros) outros traficantes de drogas humanos. Package: dopewars-data Description-md5: 7f37ebdd23637d987ce1321cf97907e7 Description-gl: Xogo de tráfico de drogas situado nas rúas da cidade de Nova York - ficheiros de datos Reescritura para UNIX do programa para MS-DOS do mesmo nome, que á súa volta fora inspirado polo xogo «Guerra de Drogas» de John E. Dell. Tes un mes para compares e venderes drogas nas rúas de Nova York e como obxectivo pagar a dÃvida co prestamista e despois facer unha fortuna. E se tes que matar algúns polis no proceso, pois... O xogo inclue rede TCP, o que permite coñecer (e matar a tiros) outros traficantes de drogas humanos. . This package contains the required data files common to all architectures. Package: dos2unix Description-md5: de26f1b3d43636b1499a335199109277 Description-gl: convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF Este paquete contén as utilidades dos2unix, unix2dos, mac2unix, unix2mac para convertes os fins de liña dos ficheiros de texto entre os formatos de UNIX (LF), DOS (CRLF) e Mac (CR). . Os ficheiros de texto en Windows e DOS normalmente teñen dous caracteres ASCII ao final de cada liña: CR (retorno de carro) seguido de LF (quebra de liña). Os Mac antigos empregaban só CR, mentres que UNIX emprega só LF. AÃnda que a maiorÃa dos editores modernos poden ler todos estes formatos, pode que exista aÃnda a necesidade de converter ficheiros entre eles. . Esta é a utilidade clásica desenvolvida en 1989. Package: dosage Description-md5: bb08aa349a9c9684c9bea85df31c3990 Description-gl: Programa para descargar e arquivar bandas deseñadas Dosage downloads comic strips. It can retrieve just the latest strip in a comic, catch-up to the last strip downloaded, or download a strip for a particular date/index if the website layout allows it. Package: dosbox Description-md5: 1906aae222a3fb5d512786300b09b087 Description-gl: x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS O DOSBox é un emulador de x86 con gráficos, son e DOS de Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA. Foi deseñado para executar os antigos xogos para DOS en plataformas que non o aceptan (Win2k/XP/FreeBSD/Linux/MAC OS X) . Emúlanse os dispositivos de son antigos seguintes: PC Speaker, Creative CMS/Gameblaster, Tandy 3 voice, Adlib, Sound Blaster Pro/16, Disney Soundsource e un Gravis Ultrasound. MPU-401 encamÃñase ao hóspede. Package: doscan Description-md5: 29dff9404994cad52150f00347e6e8c3 Description-gl: Escáner de portos para descobrir servizos en redes grandes doscan é unha ferramenta para descubrir servizos TCP nunha rede. Está deseñado para escanar un único porto nunha rede grande. doscan contacta con moitos servidores en paralelo empregando sockets de TCP estándar fornecidos polo sistema operativo. É posÃbel enviar cadeas a servidores remotos e recoller os banners que devolvan. . Existen ferramentas mellores para escanear moitos portos nun conxunto pequeno de servidores, como nmpa. Package: doschk Description-md5: a0bc6c87988c2b63e4637f36be8038e7 Description-gl: Comprobación de conflitos de nomes de ficheiro en SYSV e DOS Comproba se os nomes de ficheiros teñen conflitos baixo as limitacións de 14 caracteres de SYSV e 8.3 de DOS. Package: dose-builddebcheck Description-md5: a0e3c3577dea8696e672646bb139ac3e Description-gl: Comproba se as dependencias de construción poden ser satisfeitas This software checks, given a collection of source package stanzas and a collection of binary package stanzas of Debian packages, whether the build-dependencies of each source package can be satisfied by the binary packages. Package: dossizola Description-md5: ce2d8c9c0286b079c93bd2d5c05953d6 Description-gl: Isola board game with nice graphics Do'SSi Zo'la is an SDL implementation of the Isola board game, featuring nice animations, which makes it appealing to children. . O obxectivo do xogo Isola básico é bloquear o opoñente destruÃndo os cadros que o arrodean. En cada volta, cada xogador ten que moverse primeiro a un dos cadros contiguos á súa posición actual e destruÃr o cadro que decida. O primeiro xogador que non sea quen de moverse perde. . Do'SSi Zo'la provides a number of variations of the standard rules. Package: dossizola-data Description-md5: 30077eeffcc7b89bc449ec64b4e4f159 Description-gl: Ficheiro de datos do xogo Do'SSi Zo'la Do'SSi Zo'la is an SDL implementation of the Isola board game, featuring nice animations, which makes it appealing to children. . O obxectivo do xogo Isola básico é bloquear o opoñente destruÃndo os cadros que o arrodean. En cada volta, cada xogador ten que moverse primeiro a un dos cadros contiguos á súa posición actual e destruÃr o cadro que decida. O primeiro xogador que non sea quen de moverse perde. . Este paquete contén as imaxes empregadas polo xogo de taboleiro Do'SSi Zo'la. Package: dot2tex Description-md5: ed8cebc8844f9f26ab1b3ee36557dcfc Description-gl: Convertedor de Graphviz a LaTeX The purpose of dot2tex is to give graphs generated by the graph layout tool Graphviz a more LaTeX friendly look and feel. This is accomplished by: . - Using native PSTricks and PGF/TikZ commands for drawing arrows, edges and nodes. - Typesetting labels with LaTeX, allowing mathematical notation. - Using backend specific styles to customize the output. Package: dotlrn Description-md5: a11dfc90e8be48645264414dbc0fb4d6 Description-gl: Sistema de portal de aprendizaxe electrónica baseado en OpenACS dotLRN é un sistema de xestión de aprendizaxe completo que integra ferramentas de cursos e contido e ferramentas colaborativas nun sistema de portal sofisticado. Package: dotmcp Description-md5: bc34e1c4a2888b3075a97e517f3fc35a Description-gl: mcp para s3r s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . Este paquete fornece un mcp para s3d. Package: doublecmd-common Description-md5: 59f70242aad4fd16d42bd84cdb38c85c Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros con paneis xemelgos (tipo Commander) O Double Commander é un xestor de ficheiros de código aberto multiplataforma con dous paneis un a par do outro. InspÃrase no Total Commander e ofrece algunhas ideas novas. . Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar0 package from non-free. . This package contains common files. Package: doublecmd-gtk Description-md5: a96bfd294e58796749e82ec6f01aa8c7 Description-gl: twin-panel (commander-style) file manager (GTK2) O Double Commander é un xestor de ficheiros de código aberto multiplataforma con dous paneis un a par do outro. InspÃrase no Total Commander e ofrece algunhas ideas novas. . Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar0 package from non-free. . Este paquete contén a interface de usuario en GTK2. Package: doublecmd-help-en Description-md5: 07d53afa3f1ae3954fa5b5d37ba9a03e Description-gl: Documentación do Double Commander (inglés) Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación do Double Commande deseñados para seren vistos nun navegador web externo. . Este paquete contén a documentación en inglés. Package: doublecmd-help-ru Description-md5: db3a6087bc078a8d7ed943d70a90cf84 Description-gl: Documentación do Double Commander (ruso) Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación do Double Commande deseñados para seren vistos nun navegador web externo. . Este paquete contén a documentación en ruso. Package: doublecmd-help-uk Description-md5: b2ef3c6add7abeb9487cb590ab7e2b61 Description-gl: Documentación do Double Commander (ucraÃno) Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación do Double Commande deseñados para seren vistos nun navegador web externo. . Este paquete contén a documentación en ucraÃno. Package: doublecmd-plugins Description-md5: 46702efdc112c39be7c8929315947156 Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros con paneis xemelgos (tipo commander) (engadidos) O Double Commander é un xestor de ficheiros de código aberto multiplataforma con dous paneis un a par do outro. InspÃrase no Total Commander e ofrece algunhas ideas novas. . Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar0 package from non-free. . Este paquete contén engadidos. Package: doublecmd-qt Description-md5: 88ec24ef3aeff720f19375e15d589832 Description-gl: twin-panel (commander-style) file manager (Qt5) O Double Commander é un xestor de ficheiros de código aberto multiplataforma con dous paneis un a par do outro. InspÃrase no Total Commander e ofrece algunhas ideas novas. . Support for RAR archives can be enabled by installing the libunrar0 package from non-free. . This package contains the Qt5 user interface. Package: doxygen-gui Description-md5: 33b86c2a62e9625749510ec08b862466 Description-gl: GUI configuration tool for doxygen Doxygen é un sistema de documentación para C, C++, Java, Objective-C, Python, IDL e, até certo punto, PHP, C# e D. Pode xerar un navegador de clases en rede (en HTML) e/ou un manual de referencias en desconexión (en LaTeX) a partir dun conxunto de ficheiros fonte documentados. Tamén é posÃbel xerar páxinas de man e converter a saÃda producida a Postscript, PDF con hiperligazóns ou HTML comprimido. A documentación extráese directamente das fontes. . This package contains doxywizard, a GUI configuration tool for doxygen. Package: doxypy Description-md5: 3405f67b71fcb0ed381545aa0a8ae8e3 Description-gl: Filtro de entrada de Python para Doxygen doxypy is an input filter for Doxygen. It reformats Python comments to conform to Doxygen documentation blocks. This makes it possible to use the Doxygen/Javadoc syntax inside of docstrings when writing code documentation and automatically generate API documentation out of it instead of being forced to use non-Python documentation blocks or to document code redundantly. Package: doxyqml Description-md5: c62e4bf60cad7aad89050b69acdc84c3 Description-gl: Filtro de QML para Doxygen Doxyqml é un filtro de entrada para Doxygen, un sistema de documentación para C++ e outras linguaxes. . Doxyqml permite empregar Doxygen para documentar ficheiros en QML. Package: dozzaqueux Description-md5: c4f3b12f5734277fdc89af50432906de Description-gl: Simulador de mesturas quÃmicas just choose reactants to put in the beaker, those to put in the burette, dozzaqueux plots the concentrations vs. the mixed volume, and many more. Package: dpkg-dev-el Description-md5: 2ec8a72379b573650e86fa68f42215b8 Description-gl: Emacs helpers specific to Debian development This package contains: . debian-bts-control - builds email messages; debian-changelog-mode - a helper mode for Debian changelogs; debian-control-mode - a helper mode for debian/control files; debian-copyright - major mode for Debian package copyright files; readme-debian - major mode for editing README.Debian files. . Vexa /usr/share/doc/dpkg-dev-el/README.Debian para unha breve descrición de todos os ficheiros. Package: dput-ng Description-md5: ca61355774c964c166a165c2c7eb0916 Description-gl: Ferramenta de actualización de paquetes de Debian da próxima xeración dput-ng is a Debian package upload tool which provides an easy to use interface to Debian (like) package archive hosting facilities. It allows anyone who works with Debian packages to upload their work to a remote service, including Debian's ftp-master,, Launchpad or other package hosting facilities for Debian package maintainers. . dput-ng conta con moitas melloras sobre dput, como comprobacións máis completas, un sistema de engadidos fácil de usar e código deseñado para xestionar os numerosos arquivos cos que ten que interaccionar calquer hacker de paquetes de Debian. . dput-ng pretende ser compatÃbel cara atrás coas bandeiras da liña de ordes, os ficheiros de configuraicón e o comportamento esperábel de dput. . The recommended package python-paramiko is needed to upload via SSH. Package: dput-ng-doc Description-md5: b16bc63855d07e3d0a57aaeb8f03653e Description-gl: Ferramenta de actualización de paquetes de Debian da próxima xeración (documentación) dput-ng is a Debian package upload tool which provides an easy to use interface to Debian (like) package archive hosting facilities. It allows anyone who works with Debian packages to upload their work to a remote service, including Debian's ftp-master,, Launchpad or other package hosting facilities for Debian package maintainers. . Este paquete fornece documentación de usuario exhaustiva, documentación da API para desenvolvedores e documentación da interface de ordes. Package: dradio Description-md5: f32782bd8bec367207323c1e73bf55a3 Description-gl: danmarks Radio netradio, podcast, and TV player Dradio é unha interface baseada no terminal para MPlayer que recolle as canles/podcasts dispoñÃbeis para velos con comodidade. Package: dragonplayer Description-md5: 8e6e9720a749b1da382423928372bacc Description-gl: Reprodutor de vÃdeo sinxelo Un reprodutor de vÃdeo cunha filosofÃa diferente: unha interface sinxela e limpa. . Features: - Plays DVDs, VCDs, all video formats supported by the Phonon backend in use. - Bundled with a simple web-page KPart. - Starts quickly. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: drawterm Description-md5: 6a22c69fcd289ef1c6bd8ae89cba245c Description-gl: Cliente gráfico para os servidores de CPU de Plan 9 Drawterm é un aplicativo para X11 que permite conectarse a un servidor remoto de Plan 9, normalmente un servidor de CPU, aÃnda que tamén é posÃbel axustar un terminal para que reciba clientes de drawterm. Package: drawxtl Description-md5: 3d6c55626cce1d5d2f0bf3c58d3f705e Description-gl: crystal structure viewer DRAWxtl reads a basic description of the crystal structure, which includes unit-cell parameters, space group, atomic coordinates, thermal parameters or a Fourier map, and outputs a geometry object that contains polyhedra, planes, lone-pair cones, spheres or ellipsoids, bonds, iso-surface Fourier contours and the unit-cell boundary. . Prodúcense catro formas de gráficos: . * an OpenGL window for immediate viewing * the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer (POV-RAY) scene language for publication-quality drawings * the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) for dissemination across the Internet * a Postscript rendering of the OpenGL window for those who want high-quality output but do not have POV-RAY installed. . File formats DRAWxtl can read include CIF, FDAT, FullProf (pcr), GSAS, SCHAKAL, SHELX, DISCUS and WIEN2k. Package: drbd8-utils Description-md5: 6e516950cf4883cfac8cf055b0dd091c Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package for drbd-utils. It can be removed safely. Package: drbl Description-md5: 4c7ea2c04a4826fc2240c239793f3bdf Description-gl: Inicio remoto sen discos e unha utilidade para clonar discos DRBL (Arranque remoto sen disco en Linux) fornece un ambiente sen disco ou sen sistema para máquinas cliente. Funciona en Debian, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS e OpenSuSE. DRBL emprega recursos de hardware distribuÃdos e posibilita que os clientes accedan completamente ao hardware local. Tamén inclúe o Clonezilla, unha utilidade de particións e clonación de discos semellante ao Ghost(TM) da Symantec ou a True Image(TM). . Para máis detalles, vexa 1. (Inglés) 2. (Chinés Big5 - Taiwan) Package: dreamchess Description-md5: 0f6230fd0edd305113ae4299a48f390a Description-gl: Xogo do xadrez en 3D O DreamChess conta con gráficos OpenGL en 3D e fornece diversos conxuntos de taboleiros, desde o clásico de madeira até o plano. . Inclúese un motor de xadrez relativamente forte: Dreamer. Porén, se este motor resultar demasiado feble, é posÃbel empregar calquera outro motor de xadrez compatÃbel con XBoard, incluÃdo o popular Crafty e o GNU Chess. . Outras funcionalidades inclúen listas de movementos na pantalla empregando a notación SAN, desfacer e gardar partidas no formato PGN. Package: dreamchess-data Description-md5: f8e18dc1ad93e7b88549edb89c3658bf Description-gl: data files for dreamchess Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de datos do DreamChess, incluÃdos varios xogos de taboleiros que van desde o clásico de madeira até o plano, modelos das pezas en 3D, gráficos e sons. Package: dreampie Description-md5: f28d29610ab3fb3de5c4b1548a953e74 Description-gl: Consola gráfica avanzada interactiva de Python Esta consola de Python permite traballar de maneira máis produtiva co intérprete de Python xa que fornece funcionalidades que aÃnda non se incorporaron ao IDE estándar de Python: * completación automática de atributos e nomes de ficheiro * presentación de argumentos de funcións e documentación * historial de resultados para executar un código dado con posterioridade * envorcado do historial en ficheiros en HTML para referencia futura * compatibilidade con Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 3.1, Jython 2.5, IronPython 2.6 Package: drgeo-doc Description-md5: 41244abe7f4ab40f6557c4781a9d7190 Description-gl: Manual do usuario na rede do Dr. Geo Instale este paquete se desexa ter a axuda na rede para o software Dr. Geo. A axuda na rede pode ser utilizada directamente desde o Dr. Geo. Porén, pode que lle haxa que indicar ao Dr. Geo cal é o navegador web favorito no menú Editar->Preferencias. . A documentación vén en holandés, inglés, francés, italiano e español. . O Dr. Geo é un software de xeometrÃa interactivo. Pódese atopar máis información sobre o Dr. Geo no seu sitio web, Package: driconf Description-md5: 767266808e34e16046cca9848f236f00 Description-gl: Applet de configuración da DRI Driconf é un applet de configuración da Infraestrutura de Renderizado Directo (DRI). Permite personalizar as opcións de desempeño e de calidade visual dos controladores OpenGL para cada controlador, cada pantalla e/ou cada aplicativo. . Driconf está realizado en Python. Emprega as asociacións do toolkit GTK+ e o programa xdriinfo (dos paquetes xdriinfo ou xbase-clients) para obter información de configuración dos controladores OpenGL. Package: driftnet Description-md5: af3a10ab850a6594ef182a9ac5e6e31d Description-gl: Captura e visualiza imaxes a partir do tráfico de rede Inspired by EtherPEG, Driftnet is a program which listens to network traffic and picks out images from TCP streams it observes. It is interesting to run it on a host which sees a lot of web traffic. . (Obviously, this is an invasion of privacy of a fairly blatant sort. Also, if you are possessed of Victorian sensibilities, and share an unswitched network with others who are not, you should probably not use it.) Package: drobo-utils Description-md5: f51bc87f2f3136932c46489203253f11 Description-gl: manage data robotics storage units (drobos) This package provides a command line interface for managing a Drobo, as well as a graphical dashboard interface. These tools allow you to setup a new Drobo, and monitor the status of connected Drobos. . Para activar a interface gráfica, asegúrese de instalar o paquete python- qt4 suxerido, asà como gparted. . Data Robotics storage units ("Drobos") are external hard drive enclosures that connect to your PC via USB or Firewire and provide RAID-like features. Drobos provide automatic data redundancy, hotswappable drive bays, and the size of the RAID can be easily expanded. Different sized hard drives can be mixed on the same Drobo. See for more information. Package: dropbear-bin Description-md5: ba1af3b8c1ac10bc39a1993bc01bc261 Description-gl: lightweight SSH2 server and client - command line tools dropbear é un servidor e cliente de SSH 2 deseñado para ser tan pequeno que poida ser empregando en ambientes con pouca memoria e aÃnda asà que sexa funcional e seguro abondo para un uso xeral. . Incorpora a maiorÃa das funcionalidades requiridas polo protocolo SSH 2 e outras funcionalidades, como X11 e encamiñamento do axente de autenticación. . This package provides dropbear, dbclient, dropbearkey and dropbearconvert. Package: dropbear-initramfs Description-md5: 902d7f1aa2c363f563200e06f44cb17b Description-gl: lightweight SSH2 server and client - initramfs integration dropbear é un servidor e cliente de SSH 2 deseñado para ser tan pequeno que poida ser empregando en ambientes con pouca memoria e aÃnda asà que sexa funcional e seguro abondo para un uso xeral. . Incorpora a maiorÃa das funcionalidades requiridas polo protocolo SSH 2 e outras funcionalidades, como X11 e encamiñamento do axente de autenticación. . This package provides initramfs integration. Package: dropbear-run Description-md5: 8da3a46384d10ad523017c208ecce61a Description-gl: lightweight SSH2 server and client - startup scripts dropbear é un servidor e cliente de SSH 2 deseñado para ser tan pequeno que poida ser empregando en ambientes con pouca memoria e aÃnda asà que sexa funcional e seguro abondo para un uso xeral. . Incorpora a maiorÃa das funcionalidades requiridas polo protocolo SSH 2 e outras funcionalidades, como X11 e encamiñamento do axente de autenticación. Package: drpython Description-md5: 8654c97e408305c797f75001ce7cc4a4 Description-gl: Editor sinxelo e personalizábel para a linguaxe Python DrPython é un editor/ambiente para desenvolver programas escritos en Python que é limpo e sinxelo, mais potente e moi personalizábel. . DrPython conta con: * un nivel alto de personalización mediante temas, que poden cambiar a aparencia, o comportamento, os atallos e máis * DrScript: Escribir scripts en Python personalizados con acceso ás interioridades do DrPython e aos que se pode acceder desde o menú * marcadores para pasar rapidamente a ficheiros e directorios * posibilidade de depuración de Python * un navegador de clases * posibilidade de imprimir Package: drupal7 Description-md5: dd7e5186ca307310e24c18e49f63e5d9 Description-gl: fully-featured content management framework O Drupal é unha plataforma de sitios web dinámicos que permite que un individuo ou unha comunidade de usuarios publiquen, xestionen e organicen contidos diversos. O Drupal integra moitas funcionalidades populares dos sistemas de xestión de contido, blogues web, ferramentas de colaboración e software de comunidades baseadas na discusión nun paquete doado de empregar. . Este paquete contén a versión 7 do Drupal. Package: drupal7-mod-libraries Description-md5: aac28b5c90a89fd04ad945e9fbcd3f9f Description-gl: Módulos de bibliotecas para Drupal 7 O denominador común de todos os módulos/perfÃs/temas do Drupal que se integran con bibliotecas externas. Package: dsdp Description-md5: f23b1ccc0454351abde108cef0799570 Description-gl: Software for Semidefinite Programming The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior- point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual- scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data. Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities (LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems. . Este paquete contén os binarios. Package: dsdp-doc Description-md5: 26082894d8d34e85cfb5511f23cc16cd Description-gl: Software for Semidefinite Programming The DSDP software is a free open source implementation of an interior- point method for semidefinite programming. It provides primal and dual solutions, exploits low-rank structure and sparsity in the data, and has relatively low memory requirements for an interior-point method. It allows feasible and infeasible starting points and provides approximate certificates of infeasibility when no feasible solution exists. The dual- scaling algorithm implemented in this package has a convergence proof and worst-case polynomial complexity under mild assumptions on the data. Furthermore, the solver offers scalable parallel performance for large problems and a well documented interface. Some of the most popular applications of semidefinite programming and linear matrix inequalities (LMI) are model control, truss topology design, and semidefinite relaxations of combinatorial and global optimization problems. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: dtrx Description-md5: 041f5bd07051cefc37ed6bc08adb20de Description-gl: Extraia varios tipos de arquivo de maneira intelixente dtrx is basically the same as tar -zxf or tar -xjf except you don't have to remember the flags for each file. But there's more to it than that. You know those really annoying files that don't put everything in a dedicated directory, and have the permissions all wrong? dtrx takes care of all those problems for you, too. dtrx is simple and powerful. Just use the same command for all your archive files, and they'll never frustrate you again. Package: durep Description-md5: 60cbd463e68601698ba54732976e3106 Description-gl: Cree informes de uso de discos durep is a perl script used for disk usage reports. It can generate text output with bar graphs to allow easy comparisons of disk usage between directories. It can also generate web pages which can be navigated through the directory structure. This allows easy visual monitoring of disk usage. Package: dvb-apps Description-md5: e8ba88ef5f32a52a6cafaa7a02e4bfb9 Description-gl: Aplicativos para a retransmisión de vÃdeo dixital (DVB) Applications and utilities geared towards the initial setup, testing and operation of an DVB device supporting the DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T, and ATSC standards. . Main User Applications: . scan - Scan for channels on your digital TV device . dvbscan - Another frequency scanning tool . czap, szap, tzap - Tuning utilities for DVB-C, DVB-S, DVB-T . azap - Tuning utility for ATSC . gnutv - Tune, watch and stream your TV . General Utilities: . dvbdate - Set your clock from digital TV . dvbnet - Control digital data network interfaces . dvbtraffic - Monitor traffic on a digital device . femon - Monitor the tuning on a digital TV device . zap - *Just* tunes a digital device . atsc_epg - Display ATSC Electronic Program Guide (next programs) . alevt - Teletext browser . Hardware Specific Utilities: . util/av7110_loadkeys - Load remote keys into an av7110 based card . util/dib3000-watch - Monitor DIB3000 demodulators . util/dst-utils - Utilities for DST based cards . util/ttusb_dec_reset - Reset a TechnoTrends TTUSB DEC device . Libraries: . lib/libdvbapi - Interface library to digital TV devices . lib/libdvbcfg - Library to parse/create digital TV channel . lib/libdvbsec - Library for Satellite Equipment Control operations . lib/libucsi - Fast MPEG2 Transport Stream SI table parsing library . lib/libdvben50221- Implementation of a Cenelec EN 50221 CAM stack . lib/libdvbmisc - Miscellaneous utilities used by the other libraries Package: dvblast Description-md5: 3dfb83d4f9116578511b84bc2a09590e Description-gl: Simple and powerful dvb-streaming application DVBlast is a simple and powerful streaming application based on the linux- dvb API. It opens a DVB device, tunes it, places PID filters, configures a CAM module, and demultiplexes the packets to several RTP outputs. . DVBlast is designed to be the core of a custom IRD or CID, based on a PC with Linux-supported DVB cards. . DVBlast non realiza ningún tipo de procesamento sobre os fluxos elementais, como transcodificar, reasignación de PID ou remultiplexado. Non envÃa fluxos a partir de ficheiros simples, só desde dispositivos DVB. Se desexa estas funcionalidades, pase ao VLC. Package: dvbpsi-utils Description-md5: 083e18d15fc67ca8bca22ddd6037eea4 Description-gl: Utilidades e programas de exemplo de libdvbpsi libdvbpsi é unha biblioteca simple deseñada para a descodificación e xeración de táboas TS de MPEG e PSI de DVB. . This package contains the dvbinfo utility as well as other example programs. Package: dvdauthor Description-md5: 8e5be0dd159d3017c5a4194ef8339bd3 Description-gl: create DVD-Video file system dvdauthor é un programa que xeras unha pelÃcula en DVD a partir dun fluxo en mpeg2 correcto e que se reproduce ao introducilo nu reprodutor de DVD. Package: dvdbackup Description-md5: b4879cb8d0f49e81b7b69c9613032cb1 Description-gl: tool to rip DVD's from the command line dvdbackup extrae todos os tÃtulos (ou, opcionalmente, só os que se seleccionen) dun DVD. Estrutura os ficheiros extraÃdos nun formato axeitado para gravalos posteriormente con genisoimage e dvdrecord. Ten a vantaxe de ser doado de utilizar, pequeno e rápido. Package: dvdbackup-dbg Description-md5: 491f3ef60b97db56d593abdca1aafe89 Description-gl: debug files for dvdbackup dvdbackup extrae todos os tÃtulos (ou, opcionalmente, só os que se seleccionen) dun DVD. Estrutura os ficheiros extraÃdos nun formato axeitado para gravalos posteriormente con genisoimage e dvdrecord. Ten a vantaxe de ser doado de utilizar, pequeno e rápido. . This package contains the stripped debugging symbols from dvdbackup. Package: dvdisaster Description-md5: 1c9a2632539347f46a8493e12ea69c19 Description-gl: data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media dvdisaster fornece unha marxe de seguranza contra a perda de datos en recursos en CD e DVD causada por raiaduras ou recursos vellos. Crea datos de corrección de erros que se poden empregar para recuperar sectores ilexÃbeis se o disco resulta danado posteriormente. Package: dvdisaster-doc Description-md5: 559fd90a21ef8c80b77c726fc625617a Description-gl: data loss/scratch/aging protection for CD/DVD media (documentation) dvdisaster fornece unha marxe de seguranza contra a perda de datos en recursos en CD e DVD causada por raiaduras ou recursos vellos. Crea datos de corrección de erros que se poden empregar para recuperar sectores ilexÃbeis se o disco resulta danado posteriormente. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: dvdrip-utils Description-md5: 07a1fc675b3a5246a94261011b9be9e2 Description-gl: perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg (tools) dvd::rip é un programa de extracción de DVD con todas as funcionalidades escrito en Perl. Fornece unha interface gráfica doada de utilizar mais chea de funcionalidades para controlar case todos os aspectos do proceso de extracción e transcodificación. Emprega a estendida navalla suÃza do procesamento de vÃdeo transcode e moitas outras ferramentas de código aberto. . This package contains the following tools, needed by dvdrip: * dvdrip-progress * dvdrip-splitpipe Package: dwdiff Description-md5: 66edb2f54f6b6dc08d3a45a2a4fb784e Description-gl: Programa tipo diff que funciona palabra a palabra dwdiff is a diff program that operates at the word level instead of the line level. It is different from wdiff in that it allows the user to specify what should be considered whitespace, and in that it takes an optional list of characters that should be considered delimiters. Delimiters are single characters that are treated as if they are words, even when there is no whitespace separating them from preceding words or delimiters. dwdiff is mostly commandline compatible with wdiff. Only the --autopager, --terminal and --avoid-wraps options are not supported. . The default output from dwdiff is the new text, with the deleted and inserted parts annotated with markers. Command line options are available to change both what is printed, and the markers. Package: dwww Description-md5: 27c7d42f65d1f962328d744d8a4e1559 Description-gl: Lea toda a documentación na rede cun navegador da WWW All installed on-line documentation will be served via a local HTTP server. When possible, dwww converts the documentation to HTML. You need to install both a CGI-capable HTTP server and a WWW browser to read the documentation. Package: e17-dbg Description-md5: b5ad20e26e14132fa96ccef7c4681720 Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas Enlightenment DR17 - sÃmbolos de depuración Enlightenment is an advanced window manager for X11. Unique features include: a fully animated background, nice drop shadows around windows, backed by an extremely clean and optimized foundation of APIs . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: e2fsck-static Description-md5: 0f5fb4f2ba168adf31e7b0a640de0d89 Description-gl: statically-linked version of the ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem checker This may be of some help to you if your filesystem gets corrupted enough to break the shared libraries used by the dynamically linked checker. . This binary takes much more space than its dynamic counterpart located in e2fsprogs, though. . PoderÃalle interesar instalar tamén unha consola ligada estaticamente, para asà poder executar este programa se algo, como a biblioteca de C, se corrompe. Package: e2tools Description-md5: fa4bd219f2f78fd4d8ec7ea1b7d20ac9 Description-gl: Utilidades para manipular ficheiros nun sistema de ficheiros ext2/ext3 E2tools is a simple set of utilities to read, write, and manipulate files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem. . The purpose of these utilities is manipulating ext2/ext3 filesystems from userspace without the need for mounting them, so that they can be used directly by normal users. . Included utilities are e2cp, e2mv, e2rm, e2mkdir, e2ln, e2ls and e2tail. Package: easychem Description-md5: 976da91a146f701051618bed9cd3da69 Description-gl: Debuxe moléculas de alta calidade e fórmulas quÃmicas en 2D EasyChem is a program that helps you creating high quality diagrams of molecules and 2D chemical formulas that can be exported to PDF, PS, LaTeX and fig. . EasyChem was originally developed to create diagrams for chemistry books and is now frequently used for this purpose in commercial and non- commercial chemistry-related books. Package: easystroke Description-md5: 601e7fba11193f5755e7c4ba033f87a1 Description-gl: gesture recognition program O Easystroke é un aplicativo de recoñecemento de xestos para X11. Pretende ser moi configurábel ao tempo que fornece unha interface de usuario intuitiva. Foi deseñado pensando nun tablet PC, mais tamén funciona ben cun rato. Package: ebnetd-common Description-md5: c9caea1c0d18aecdaa79256e84213071 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para a suite EBNETD The EBNETD distribution is a series of servers which provide ways to access so-called "CD-ROM books" via TCP/IP, using EB Library. The CD-ROM books is a popular form to provide dictionaries and multimedia references in Japan. Various formats such as EB, EBG, EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA and EPWING are supported. . This package provides common files for EBNETD servers, including the configuation framework and documents. Package: eboard Description-md5: da87b5cfec376e95a426e5d27dc2b564 Description-gl: GTK+ chessboard program eboard é un programa gráfico de xadrez que pode funcionar como interface para servidores de xadrez da Internet como FICS e para motores de xadrez como Crafty. . eboard ten un taboleiro cuxos temas e tamaño son modificábeis, unha presentación con lapelas ou xanelas e admite varios taboleiros simultáneos. . Este paquete contén unha interface para o xadrez, o que significa que é posÃbel xogar contra outro humano no mesmo computador ou xogar nun servidor de Internet. Para xogar contra o computador hai que instalar ademais un motor de xadrez, como gnuchess. Package: eboard-extras-pack1 Description-md5: a9dfed00545d7f44baff29aa424ca376 Description-gl: Xogos de pezas e sons adicionais para eboard (paquete 1) Este é o primeiro paquete de extras para eboard, un programa gráfico de xadrez que pode funcionar como interface para servidores de xadrez como FICS e para motores de xadrez como Crafty. Fornece xogos de pezas e sons adicionais. Package: ebook-speaker Description-md5: e38ac2066ae8956b8f617f3dabf43e0e Description-gl: Lector de libros electrónicos que le en voz alta cunha voz sintética This package provides a command-line e-reader that reads out electronic text using speech synthesis. It has a simple user interface appropriate for Braille terminals. . Currently the following formats are supported (some formats need additional packages as suggested by this package): AportisDoc ASCII mail text ASCII text Broadband eBooks (BBeB) Composite Document File (Microsoft Office Word) DAISY3 DTBook EPUB ebook data GIF image data GutenPalm zTXT GNU gettext message catalogue HTML document ISO-8859 text JPEG image data Microsoft Reader eBook Data Microsoft Windows HtmlHelp Data Microsoft Word 2007+ Mobipocket E-book MS Windows HtmlHelp Data Netpbm PPM data OpenDocument Text PDF document PeanutPress PalmOS PNG image data POSIX shell script text PostScript document Rich Text Format troff or preprocessor text (e.g. Linux man-pages) UTF-8 Unicode mail text UTF-8 Unicode text WordPerfect XML document text Package: ebook-tools-dbg Description-md5: 432322b6fdd12c8916aa8029c42e0b52 Description-gl: Biblioteca e ferramentas para funcionar co formato de ficheiro EPUB - ficheiros de depuración The ebook-tools provide ways for accessing and converting different ebook file formats. . This C library is free and portable. It includes methods to parse EPUB files and extract their contents. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da bilioteca epub e as utilidades. Package: ebook2cw Description-md5: ab07c6b1bc202fe0833bda2387070f2c Description-gl: Convirta libros electrónicos a Morse en MP3/OGG ebook2cw é un programa para a liña de ordes que converte un ficheiro de texto simple (ISO 8859-1 ou UTF-8) en ficherios de son MP3 ou OGG en Morse. . Divide e numera automaticamente os ficheiros de saÃda por capÃtulos. . Para unha descrición detallada, consulte a páxina man ou o sitio web do proxecto. Package: ebook2cwgui Description-md5: 6071ce85f8c4c4bc2a8ef713af3d954a Description-gl: Interface gráfica para ebook2cw ebook2cwgui is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the command-line program ebook2cw, which converts ebooks to Morse MP3s/OGGs. . A interface gráfica emprega o mesmo ficheiro de configuración que ebook2cw, chamado ebook2cw.conf. . Para unha descrición detallada, consulte a páxina man ou o sitio web do proxecto. Package: ebumeter-doc Description-md5: ef1bfbf519d03503c64cdcfad4ffa3ae Description-gl: loudness measurement EBU-R128 - documentation These tools help controlling loudness of audio material aimed primarily for broadcasting, but they can be useful in other situation. . ebumeter and ebur128 allow users to measure Momentary (400 ms), Short term (3s) and Integrated Loudness (from start to stop). They can be used on audio files and signals through JACK. . Este paquete contén documentación en HTML Package: ebview Description-md5: bb06c08b8258733df4516dee96c006b3 Description-gl: Visor de dicionarios EPWING Esta ferramenta pode ler varios dicionarios ao mesmo tempo e fornece unha facilidade de busca que admite o búfer de cortar e pegar de X11. Package: ecaccess Description-md5: 53bc991767fb5a1f579a11faffd87133 Description-gl: Clientes para acceder ás facilidades de ECMWF ecaccess is a suite of client tools to enable access to the computing and data archive facilities of the European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF). . Strict authentication is performed in a uniform way using SecurID cards and standard (X509) certificates. SSL is used to guarantee the integrity of the application data, the transferred jobs and the monitoring information. Package: ecasound Description-md5: 435aa13e3b987172c45850cd92118f87 Description-gl: Gravadora de son e procesador de efectos con capacidade para varias pistas Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. . Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. . Este paquete fornece o executábel de ecasound. Package: ecasound-doc Description-md5: 64ee71e8984194ce36b6857d81e6e07e Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de Ecasound Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. . Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación de ecasound. Package: ecasound-el Description-md5: 59904cd2ebd965b923759325c1012042 Description-gl: Gravadora de son e procesador de efectos con capacidade para varias pistas (emacs) Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. . Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. . This package provides an interactive mode for running ecasound sessions from within Emacs as well as Emacs Lisp bindings to the Ecasound Control Interface. Package: ecatools Description-md5: fccea6a86be0b968315bb20ed3b21cda Description-gl: Gravadora de son e procesador de efectos con capacidade para varias pistas (ferramentas) Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. . Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. . This package provides the following tools: * ecaconvert: tool for converting a set of files to a common target format * ecafixdc: command-line tool for fixing DC-offset * ecalength: tool for printing audio file length and other information * ecamonitor: tool for monitoring an active ecasound session * ecanormalize: command-line tool for normalizing audio files * ecaplay: command-line tool for playing audio files Package: ecere-extras Description-md5: f288750dbf61ed6e84197e86000977c3 Description-gl: Extras para o SDK Ecere This package provides miscellaneous utilities not yet part of any library in the form of source code. Package: ecere-samples Description-md5: 055b80351d2d72aef95eb0b068a2df65 Description-gl: Exemplos de proxectos para o SDK Ecere This package contains samples for multimedia, database, graphics, communication, and other useful software that can be created with the Ecere SDK. Package: ecere-sdk Description-md5: 69a623821ff184ebdbed9bf9f55eb2fe Description-gl: SDK multiplataforma Ecere Este paquete é un metapaquete que fornece o SDK multiplataforma completo Ecere (ecere-dev, ecere-samples, ecere-extras, libeda0, libedasqlite0). Package: eclipse-anyedit Description-md5: 3ad0db560d544cd0a181d2910b498f3f Description-gl: Adds additional tools to the context menu of text-based Eclipse editors AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text-based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor toolbar. AnyEdit contributes also Import/Export working sets wizards. . AnyEdit pode: . * show the whitespace (tabs vs. spaces) in editors and may use custom project settings for tab <-> spaces auto-convert-on-save feature. * perform tabs <-> spaces convert on multiple files or entire directories and supports also file exclusion filter for tabs <-> spaces action. * automatically remove trailing whitespaces and/or perform tabs <-> spaces conversion on a "save" action in all text-based Eclipse editors. It can automatically create a new line at the end of the file if the last line was not terminated by new line. . Also adds additional actions to menus and toolbars: . * "Save All", "Open File" and "Show whitespace in editor" buttons to the global Eclipse toolbar. * "Open File", "Open Type" and "Save to file..." actions to supported output consoles and "Save to file..." toolbar button to the Console view. * four new context menu actions to "Compare With" and "Replace With" menus in both editors and files. Package: eclipse-cdt-jni Description-md5: 7ecbd3d124b8637cb33a47a80c1cbb06 Description-gl: C/C++ Development Tools for Eclipse (JNI) The eclipse-cdt package contains Eclipse features and plugins that are useful for C and C++ development. . The current release function includes: * C/C++ Editor (basic functionality, syntax highlighting, code completion, etc.) * C/C++ Debugger (APIs & Default implementation, using GDB) * C/C++ Launcher (APIs & Default implementation, launches and external application) * Parser * Search Engine * Content Assist Provider * Makefile generator . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de JNI especÃficas da arquitectura Package: eclipse-cdt-valgrind Description-md5: 34304652fda8c9cce700b0b0fad0e8ee Description-gl: Valgrind integration for Eclipse CDT The Linux Tools Project Valgrind plugin aims to provide simple and effective profiling for the C/C++ Development Tools. . Integration of these tools from Valgrind suite is provided: . * Memcheck * . Memcheck is a tool that detects memory management problems. It is Valgrind's most popular tool and seemingly the most mature. Memcheck's output is rather straight forward - it is a series of errors along with stack trace information. . The Valgrind View presents this output using a TreeViewer with the errors as top-level elements. . The stack trace is presented underneath the error and when a frame is double-clicked an editor will open and go to the line in question. . Markers represent memcheck errors inside the editor and are linked to the Problems View. . Includes an editor for Valgrind suppressions files featuring syntax highlighting, folding and code completion. . * Massif * . Massif is a heap profiling tool. It takes several "snapshots" during execution of your program detailing the various heap allocations throughout. It's output for each snapshot primarily consists the time of the snapshot, how many bytes were allocated that can be used, and how much extra was allocated than was asked. The unit of time can be configured to be instructions, milliseconds or bytes. At specified intervals, "detailed" snapshots are produced. These detailed snapshots contain a tree of heap allocations that comprise that snapshot. Unlike Memcheck, Massif does not yet support XML output. Massif's output is complex and as such requires creative ways of displaying it. Valgrind includes the ms_print program that is used to display Massif's output in a visually appealing manner. ms_print was used as a template for how to display this output. . The default view of the output is with a TableViewer. Snapshots are displayed as tabular data, just as ms_print does. . For detailed snapshots, an icon indicates the snapshot can be double- clicked and the View will display a TreeViewer of the detailed snapshots' heap allocation trees. . ms_print also provides a bar chart of bytes allocated throughout execution. In perhaps a more appropriate style, there is an option to display a detailed line chart of this data. . * Cachegrind * . Cachegrind performs cache and branching profiling. A Cachegrind profile run measures the number of cache misses and branch mispredictions performed by an application. The results of a Cachegrind profile run are displayed in the Valgrind view. These results show Cachegrind's cache/branch data in different levels of granularity. . Double-clicking on any file, function, or line will open the corresponding source file and place the cursor on the appropriate location (if the source can be resolved). . Integration with the CDT's parsed code model provides a user interface that resembles what you see in the Outline view. Package: eclipse-subclipse Description-md5: a244340dc5f32186d70438db20b2d7f1 Description-gl: Engadido de cliente de Subversion para Eclipse Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. Package: edb Description-md5: ca72943f992379be8b47041513ba4c60 Description-gl: Programa de base de datos para o Emacs de GNU EDB é un programa de base de datos para o Emacs de GNU. Permite manipular datos estruturados (ou non tan estruturados) desde dentro do Emacs e fornece moitas das funcionalidades habituais das bases de datos. Package: Description-md5: 53a0eb7086e578958903641906df7cac Description-gl: Calculadora cientÃfica para GNUstep EdenMath é unha calculadora cientÃfica. Realiza funcións aritméticas, de probabilidade e trigonométricas estándar. Package: edisplay Description-md5: 6f19fe28198171f0af50beeecf9a89a5 Description-gl: fast image manipulation programs (image viewer) ExactImage is a fast C++ image processing library. Unlike many other library frameworks it allows operation in several color spaces and bit depths natively, resulting in low memory and computational requirements. . Este paquete contén o visor de imaxes. Package: editmoin Description-md5: 9e6e0722bb8037cb982556eae268e11f Description-gl: Edite páxinas wiki de MoinMoin co seu editor favorito editmoin permite editar páxinas en wikis con MoinMoin co seu editor preferido en troques das áreas de texto de navegador web (normalmente bastante limitadas). . Tamén admite ficheiros de configuración para definir atallas para URL que edite con frecuencia. . Este paquete tamén un ficheiro de sintaxe de Vim. Instale vim-addon- manager e empregue «vim-addons install editmoin» para activalo. . However, you can use any other editor by setting the standard $EDITOR environment variable. Package: edubuntu-artwork Description-md5: ce0d4bffb6df1950f1151d239c638fb4 Description-gl: Temas e gráficos de Edubuntu Temas e gráficos de Edubuntu que inclúen un tema de GDM, o tema Plymouth, fondos de pantalla e ademais a páxina principal de Edubuntu para o Firefox. Package: edubuntu-desktop Description-md5: 1e6f07efbd02792d089ac26cf69a936b Description-gl: Escritorio educativo para Ubuntu Este paquete depende do conxunto completo de paquetes que contan co apoio de Edubuntu Fornece un escritorio educativo por riba de Ubuntu. Inclúe: * Imaxes e documentación de Edubuntu * Paquete de aplicativos para preescolar * Paquete de aplicativos para primaria * Paquete de aplicativos para secundaria * Paquete de aplicativos para educación superior * Aplicativos diversos útiles en situacións educativas . É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes do sistema de escritorio. Package: edubuntu-docs Description-md5: b0594b4f4462e16faf2c22d94ea2406d Description-gl: O Proxecto de Documentación de Ubuntu - Documentación de Edubuntu Este paquete contén a documentación oficial especÃfica de Edubuntu, mantida polo Equipo de Documentación de Ubuntu. Inclúe o Manual de Edubuntu, Acerca de Edubuntu e a GuÃa de Defensa da Escola. . Pódense ver estas guÃas empregando Yelp, o navegador de axuda de GNOME. Package: edubuntu-fonts Description-md5: e39abb7802d3ba89780a7b143544d12f Description-gl: Tipos de letra adicionais incluÃdos nun sistema Edubuntu predefinido Este metapaquete instala unha escolla de paquetes que contén tipos de letra que poden ser útiles para a educación ou a maquetación. Package: edubuntu-live Description-md5: 9d37d398ab07bf86ec56ae178990ef13 Description-gl: Edubuntu live media support Fornece scripts auxiliares e engadidos requiridos por calquera soporte de Edubuntu ao vivo. Package: edubuntu-netboot Description-md5: d3e26df8463f44ed9cde31902bb21fbf Description-gl: Ferramenta de configuración de Netbook This package contains the needed bits for LTSP Live. It replaces the ltsp- livecd package previously shipped as part of LTSP. . Para que as ferramentas deste paquete funcionen, hai que ter un recurso con Edubuntu montado en /cdrom. Está fundamentalmente dirixido a un ambiente Edubuntu ao vivo, mais probabelmente funcione tamén nunha máquina normal. Package: edubuntu-server-client Description-md5: 3b1a71652e7d9672410195572f463ba2 Description-gl: Servidor de Edubuntu (scripts de clientes) This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server. . O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios. . This package contains what's needed to join an Edubuntu server domain. Package: edubuntu-server-container Description-md5: e05e45b0a7d0481a7b57642b614d21e7 Description-gl: Servidor de Edubuntu (dependencias comúns e scripts para os contedores) This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server. . O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios. . Este paquete contén o necesario para un contedor de servidor de Edubuntu. Package: edubuntu-server-host Description-md5: b817378bd746d9623abc3bb27ac2e235 Description-gl: Servidor de Edubuntu (dependencias e scripts do hóspede) This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server. . O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios. . Este paquete contén o necesario para instalar un hóspede fÃsico. Package: edubuntu-server-manager Description-md5: dcbbe07b414a8f75a93cde0afc022c35 Description-gl: Servidor de Edubuntu (interface web) This package is one of the building blocks of Edubuntu server. . O servidor de Edubuntu pretende fornecer un servidor doado de instalar e empregar para instalar en aulas e en colexios. . Este paquete contén a interface web de xestión do Servidor de Edubuntu. Package: edubuntu-wallpapers Description-md5: 1d48c9b40e4248f89c4e09e6616e6ef8 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio incluÃdos en Edubuntu Unha colección de fondos de escritorio achegados por diversos colaboradores e sitios de arte da Internet. Estes son os fondos de escritorio que se inclúen con Edubuntu por omisión. Package: eegdev-plugins-free Description-md5: b6b623a469f12e9e96f7df6f22c5fafb Description-gl: Biosignal acquisition device library (free plugins) eegdev is a library that provides a unified interface for accessing various EEG (and other biosignals) acquisition systems. This interface has been designed to be both flexible and efficient. The device specific part is implemented by the mean of plugins which makes adding new device backend fairly easy even if the library does not support them yet officially. . The core library not only provides to users a unified and consistent interfaces to the acquisition device but it also provides many functionalities to the device backends (plugins) ranging from configuration to data casting and scaling making writing new device backend an easy task. . This library is particularly useful to handle the acquisition part of a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) or any realtime multi-electrode acquisition in neurophysiological research. . Este paquete contén os engadidos de dispositivos que dependen só de compoñentes libres. Package: eekboek Description-md5: 303569365492944d334ecdbdc6484cba Description-gl: Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses EekBoek is a bookkeeping package for Dutch users; it creates reports such as a balance sheet ("Balans"), a general journal ("Journaal"), a general ledger ("Grootboek") and a VAT report ("BTW-aangifte"). . Unlike other accounting software, EekBoek has a command-line interface: The EekBoek Shell (with tab completion). It uses a database as back end: either PostgreSQL (using the eekboek-db-postgresql package) or SQLite. Interoperability is a key feature of EekBoek: editable text dumps of all your data are possible at any time. EekBoek can generate an "XML Auditfile Financieel" (XAF) as used by Dutch tax office. Furthermore, it has a complete Perl API to create your own custom applications. . A documentación do EeekBoek só está dispoñÃbel en holandés. . If you'd like to use EekBoek with a PostgreSQL back end (instead of the default SQLite), install the package eekboek-db-postgresql. If you'd like to use the Eekboek GUI, install the suggested package eekboek-gui. Package: eekboek-db-postgresql Description-md5: 6a1f6e1f137d6e3c1e2262c7f438150f Description-gl: Controlador da base de datos PostgreSQL para o EekBoek This package includes EB::DB::Postgres, the PostgreSQL database driver for EekBoek. It also makes sure a PostgreSQL database back end is available for EekBoek. Install it if you'd like to use EekBoek with PostgreSQL (instead of the default SQLite). Package: efax Description-md5: e8947035a1bd200375135394f41ceb86 Description-gl: Programas para enviar e recibir mensaxes de fax efax is a small ANSI C/POSIX program that provides the data transport function for fax applications using any Class 1 or Class 2 fax modem. Another program, efix, converts between fax, text, bitmap and grayscale formats. fax, a shell script, provides a simple user interface to the efax and efix programs. It allows you to send text or Postscript files as faxes and receive, print or preview received faxes. . The ghostscript package is needed to fax Postscript files, and an image viewing program like xloadimage is needed to view incoming faxes. . Teña en conta que probabelmente teña que adaptar /etc/efax.rc ás súas necesidades. Package: efax-gtk Description-md5: 3e8e46e6d9f883f4796bf543081e2038 Description-gl: Interface en GTK+ para o programa efax efax-gtk é unha interface en GTK+ para o programa efax. Pódese empregar para enviar e recibir faxes cun módem fax e para ver, imprimir e xestionar os faxes recibidos. . It also has a socket interface to provide a "virtual printer" for sending faxes from word processors and similar programs, and can automatically e-mail a received fax to a designated user, and automatically print a received fax. Package: eggdrop Description-md5: 161de1f7bee0eec28ae512e8e07cf964 Description-gl: Robot avanzado de IRC Eggdrop is an IRC bot written in C, which sits on channels and takes protective measures, such as preventing it from being taken over (in the few ways that anything can), recognizing banned users to reject them, recognizing privileged users to give them operator status, punishing users for things like flooding, among innumerable others. . All of this is completely configurable, and can be disabled or enabled as you wish in the configuration file. Also, it's very easy to expand and customize with Tcl scripts and C modules, making it possible to adapt Eggdrop to any special need you might have. Package: einstein Description-md5: b328253d1207c4bcb1cdf16a8c8a89d3 Description-gl: Xogo crebacabezas inspirado no crebacabezas de Einstein This puzzle is a remake of old DOS game Sherlock which was inspired by Albert Einstein's puzzle. The game goal is to open all cards in square of 6x6 cards. For this, a number of hints describing relations between card positions are given. Use them to find the correct layout. Package: eiskaltdcpp-cli Description-md5: 35d32f38b5dbe3b1e6b3aa3ba457609a Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes de EiskaltDC++ This package installs EiskaltDC++ CLI (command-line interface) written in perl. This program is to control eiskaltdcpp-daemon via JSON-RPC protocol. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-common Description-md5: 597d443b3babae6a581ee5b2c18ae95a Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns de EiskaltDC++ This package contains the common files for the different EiskaltDC++ versions. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-daemon Description-md5: 29fd6d726c3ed4d687b43be8b484684a Description-gl: Daemon de EiskaltDC++ This package installs only EiskaltDC++ daemon (without any GUI). Support of control via JSON-RPC is enabled. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-gtk-data Description-md5: 36c6a34a58435174f5250d4726db4e78 Description-gl: data files for EiskaltDC++ Gtk Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do EiskaltDC++ Gtk. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: eiskaltdcpp-qt-data Description-md5: 647bcfc1ca6b75c0d3671f6555ef3659 Description-gl: data files for EiskaltDC++ Qt Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do EiskaltDC++ Qt. . EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols. It is compatible with DC++, FlylinkDC++, LinuxDC++ and other DC clients. EiskaltDC++ also interoperates with all common DC hub software. Package: ekg2 Description-md5: d5ab71962d0634a575cc26b400b75aa0 Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . The program has many useful features. Here is a list - unless specified they are included in the ekg2-core package. - irssi-like ncurses interface, with mouse support [ekg2-ui-ncurses] - experimental GTK+ interface [ekg2-ui-gtk] - spell checking [ekg2-ui-ncurses] - blog update support - a simple CAPTCHA (autoresponder) - Python and Perl scripting [ekg2-scripting-python, ekg2-scripting-perl] - launching shell commands on certain events - encryption support (SIM, GnuPG) [ekg2-core, ekg2-gnupg] - logging to SQLite, plain text or XML files - sending SMs (using an external program such as sms-pl) - mail checking . This is a metapackage which depends on a set of commonly used EKG2 packages. Package: ekg2-api-docs Description-md5: bf9a89d8b6d38abf345bdfde6fe55d5e Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - documentación da API EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . This package contains the API documentation, useful for developers who want to create or improve plugins. Package: ekg2-core Description-md5: ae68facc243eeb8520766035c16591b1 Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - programa principal EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . This package contains the main program and those plugins which do not have large dependencies. It does NOT contain the text or graphical user interface plugins. Package: ekg2-gnupg Description-md5: a062bb91e8490902a3dbc0c4a86faac2 Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - GnuPG EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . This package contains the plugin which uses GnuPG to provide encrypted communication. Package: ekg2-jabber Description-md5: 40ee5ba22911745757e6e60929a236b9 Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - Jabber/SMPP EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . This package contains the plugin which lets you communicate on the Jabber or XMPP IM networks. Package: ekg2-scripting-perl Description-md5: 22159a57b2e22d7fae01cb89403662c5 Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - scripts de Perl EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . This package contains the plugin which embeds a Perl interpreter inside EKG2. Package: ekg2-scripting-python Description-md5: f83700fb795f89380b63dd54a2b8ca9d Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - scripts de Python EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . This package contains the plugin which embeds a Python interpreter inside EKG2. Package: ekg2-ui-gtk Description-md5: a410cfbe2de5c1310542af48e9f0a1dc Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - interface en GTK+ EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . Este paquete contén o engadido de interface de usuario gráfica en GTK+. Package: ekg2-ui-ncurses Description-md5: 957d1859dd3a976652d21c34157b13fd Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa instantánea e IRC para sistemas UNIX - interface en ncurses EKG2 is an open source instant messenger program for UNIX systems. The program has a plugin-based structure, and supports multiple protocols, currently Jabber, ICQ, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, RivChat, PolChat, NNTP and RSS. . This package contains the text-based ncurses user interface plugin. Package: ekiga-plugin-evolution Description-md5: ddc9e9eeb67a91d05dfe8e90b02a919f Description-gl: H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client - evolution plugin H.323 and SIP compatible videoconferencing and VoIP/IP-Telephony application that allows you to make audio and video calls to remote users with H.323 hardware or software as well as SIP endpoints. . Este paquete contén o engadido de Evolution para Ekiga. Package: el-get Description-md5: a6ae62ad92bab2937c57b972fd519f60 Description-gl: Instale e xestione código elisp para Emacs Allows you to install and manage elisp code for Emacs. It supports lots of differents types of sources and is able to 'install' them, 'update' them and 'remove' them, but more importantly it will 'init' them for you. . That means it will care about requiring the 'features' you need, loading the files, setting the 'Info' paths so that C-h i shows the new documentation you now depend on, and finally call your own :after function for you to setup the extension. Package: elastichosts-utils Description-md5: 040a504864f16568c46d0f5ffa0b4121 Description-gl: Utilidades para interactuar con ElasticHosts ElasticHosts is a cloud computing provider, offering hosted KVM based virtual machines. . This package provides the cli utilities needed to interact with the ElasticHosts API. Package: elastix-doc Description-md5: d6709d34628a981d695eda4235eb3401 Description-gl: toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images - docs Image registration based on the well-known Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK). The software consists of a collection of algorithms that are commonly used to solve (medical) image registration problems. The modular design of elastix allows the user to quickly configure, test, and compare different registration methods for a specific application. A command-line interface enables automated processing of large numbers of data sets, by means of scripting. . Este paquete contén a documentación de elaxtix. Package: electric Description-md5: a6c312c9e8daf2c1686037aa441a7057 Description-gl: Sistema de CAD para electricidade Electric is a sophisticated electrical CAD system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including custom IC layout (ASICs), schematic drawing, hardware description language specifications, and electro- mechanical hybrid layout. Package: elektra-bin Description-md5: 317d3f085ef43689d94bd449fd3391bc Description-gl: elektra configuration store, binaries Elektra provides a universal and secure framework to store configuration parameters in a hierarchical key-value pair mechanism, instead of each program using its own text configuration files. This allows any program to read and save its configuration with a consistent API, and allows them to be aware of other applications' configurations, permitting easy application integration. While architecturally similar to other OS registries, Elektra does not have most of the problems found in those implementations. . Este paquete contén utilidades para a liña de ordes para Elektra. Package: elektra-doc Description-md5: 967e24b72b0d12007ae2d281b380d9dc Description-gl: Almacén de configuración e documentación da API de elekra Elektra provides a universal and secure framework to store configuration parameters in a hierarchical key-value pair mechanism, instead of each program using its own text configuration files. This allows any program to read and save its configuration with a consistent API, and allows them to be aware of other applications' configurations, permitting easy application integration. While architecturally similar to other OS registries, Elektra does not have most of the problems found in those implementations. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API das bibliotecas de Elektra. Package: elementary-icon-theme Description-md5: f0a1646302238ad13e18d34081cef784 Description-gl: TEma de iconas sinxelo e chamativo tipo Tango As iconas elementais oficiais foron deseñadas para seren sinxelas e chamativas. . Estas iconas son a inspiración do tema de iconas predederminado de Unity, Humanity. Package: elfrc Description-md5: 701fd99f57ca03fbd890ca2475910adb Description-gl: Converta ficheiros arbitrarios en obxectos elf elfrc is a program which can turn arbitrary files into ELF object files which can then be linked into your program directly and accessed via simple, user-defined symbol names. . For instance, it's possible to embed even huge (16MB+) files directly into the executable and then access the data in constant time without making the compiler or linker eat loads of memory. Package: elinks-doc Description-md5: 51de3db0ddd45c8875ca36ea5debfd21 Description-gl: advanced text-mode WWW browser - documentation ELinks is a feature-rich program for browsing the web in text mode. It is like enhanced Lynx and Links. The most noteworthy features of ELinks are: . * Lots of protocols (local files, finger, HTTP(S), FTP, IPv4/6 etc.) * Internationalized domain names * Persistent cookies, HTTP authentication and proxy authentication * Tabbed browsing, good looking menus and dialogs, and key-binding manager * History browsing and typeahead searches * Forms history and completion, and history in commonly used input dialogs * CSS support and support for browser scripting (Perl, Lua, Guile etc.) * Tables and frames rendering, and configurable color support * Compressed and background (non-blocking) downloads, and download resuming . Este paquete contén a documentación e manuais para ELinks. Package: elki Description-md5: 1cb9556a05eb3971a33ee5fb18a5e3f9 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento de algoritmos de extracción de datos ELKI: "Environment for Developing KDD-Applications Supported by Index- Structures" is a development framework for data mining algorithms written in Java. It includes a large variety of popular data mining algorithms, distance functions and index structures. . Its focus is particularly on clustering and outlier detection methods, in contrast to many other data mining toolkits that focus on classification. Additionally, it includes support for index structures to improve algorithm performance such as R*-Tree and M-Tree. . The modular architecture is meant to allow adding custom components such as distance functions or algorithms, while being able to reuse the other parts for evaluation. . This package contains the compiled ELKI version, and launcher scripts. Package: elpa-find-file-in-project Description-md5: b18e68ed44a9a95dc35c60b6913cfee7 Description-gl: quick access to project files in Emacs This program provides a couple methods for quickly finding any file in a given project. It depends on GNU Find. . By default, it will automatically search files in a directory managed by git/subversion/mercurial. But you can easily switch to other types of projects. . Funcionalidades: . * Fast! Tested with projects that have 50,000+ files * You can tweak find's behaviour using ffip-find-options * Smart. For keyword “helloWorldâ€, “HelloWorld.htmlâ€, “hello-world.cssâ€, and “HelloWorld.js†are searched Package: elpa-jabber Description-md5: 48ffc5cca5f522a4bc4e00d4e6b2d39a Description-gl: Cliente de Jabber para Emacsen jabber.el (emacs-jabber) is a Jabber client for Emacs and XEmacs. While this is still a development version, it offers all the basic instant messaging functions and is highly customizable. Package: elpa-nov Description-md5: d131337fe8556fb8ac476a2680bfc322 Description-gl: Featureful EPUB reader mode nov.el provides a major mode for reading EPUB documents. . Funcionalidades: . - Basic navigation (jump to TOC, previous/next chapter) - Remembering and restoring the last read position - Jump to next chapter when scrolling beyond end - Renders EPUB2 (.ncx) and EPUB3 (<nav>) TOCs - Hyperlinks to internal and external targets - Supports textual and image documents - View source of document files - Metadata display - Image rescaling Package: elyxer Description-md5: cea407c41843d5de38815630dc4f8cd3 Description-gl: Convertedor autónomo de LyX a HTML eLyXer (pronounced elixir) is a standalone LyX to HTML converter written in Python. eLyXer has a focus on flexibility and elegant output. It's not yet possible to convert every LyX document but a lot of document types already work. Package: emacs-calfw Description-md5: d663e8ef73930c6b44399ab29a225836 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de calendario para o Emacs Este programa mostra unha vista do calendario no búfer do Emacs, que tamén funciona con org-aagenda, google calendar e ical. Package: emacs-calfw-howm Description-md5: 8108a3df62cd60d7a955f03f77a926f1 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de calendario para o Emacs (engadido howm) Este programa mostra unha vista do calendario no búfer do Emacs, que tamén funciona con org-aagenda, google calendar e ical. . This sub package provides support for using with howm. Package: emacs-mozc Description-md5: d7fbcd37fe4b1aea877c378ab81adc91 Description-gl: Mozc para o Emacs Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) designed for multi-platform such as Chromium OS, Windows, Mac and Linux. . This package provides the elisp files to run mozc with GNU Emacs. . This open-source project originates from Google Japanese Input. Package: emboss-doc Description-md5: 5d7551bb267e7310848998b4f6f63fb3 Description-gl: Documentación de EMBOSS This package includes non-essential user documentation for EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Package: emboss-explorer Description-md5: 69ac8116a4fb61d1250e6572c9186bdf Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuaria baseada na web para EMBOSS EMBOSS explorer is a web-based graphical user interface to the EMBOSS suite of bioinformatics tools. It is written in Perl. . If you use the Apache HTTP server, you will at most have to restart it before using EMBOSS explorer. For other web servers, you will have to do the configuration by yourself. Package: emboss-lib Description-md5: 1a4b801fb90e6b942e8beea3b7049542 Description-gl: Bibliotecas de EMBOSS This package contains the core libraries of the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite, EMBOSS. . AJAX covers standard data structures, including strings, sequences, file handles, queues, hashes, heaps, lists, dictionaries, trees and dynamic arrays. It also covers standard algorithms including comparisons, pattern matching, sorting, and iterators. AJAX will also provide a set of high level graphics functions suited to the needs of sequence analysis applications. . The NUCLEUS library provides higher-level functions specific to molecular sequence analysis, including sequence comparisons, translation, codon usage and annotation. . It also contains a eplplot, an EMBOSS, a fork of the plplot library. . In Debian, these libraries are to be considered private. Package: emboss-test Description-md5: 69ed857bc6f49f6a6ec495e60ff23580 Description-gl: Ficheiros de proba do paquete EMBOSS This package includes test files for EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. . It is a good idea to use the data from this package for your bug reports when possible. Package: emms Description-md5: 99d13267d248f801ff2cee2566395f79 Description-gl: Sistema Multimedia do Emacs O EMMS é o Sistema de Multimedia do Emacs. TEnta ser un aplicativo limpo e pequeno para reproducir ficheiros multimedia desde o Emacs empregando reprodutores externos. Package: empathy Description-md5: 7e0327dce4303071d0439e5937cc317a Description-gl: GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client Programa de mensaxerÃa instantánea que admite texto, voz, vÃdeo, transferencias de ficheiros e comunicacións entre aplicativos empregando moitos protocolos diferentes, incluÃdos: AIM, Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise e ICQ. . This package contains the Empathy IM application and account manager. Package: empathy-common Description-md5: d9a496e96b34401c62d895daea839441 Description-gl: GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client (common files) Programa de mensaxerÃa instantánea que admite texto, voz, vÃdeo, transferencias de ficheiros e comunicacións entre aplicativos empregando moitos protocolos diferentes, incluÃdos: AIM, Google Talk (Jabber/XMPP), Yahoo!, Salut, Gadu-Gadu, Groupwise e ICQ. . This package contains the architecture independent files for Empathy IM application. Package: emscripten-doc Description-md5: f0e422567662ce47b8f128b7deffb4da Description-gl: LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler Emscripten is an LLVM to JavaScript compiler. It takes LLVM bitcode, also called LLVM IR (which can be generated from C/C++ using Clang, or any other language that can be converted into LLVM bitcode) and compiles that into JavaScript, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript can run). . Using Emscripten, you can * Compile C and C++ code into JavaScript and run that on the web * Run code in languages like Python as well, by compiling CPython from C to JavaScript and interpreting code in that on the web . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: enamdict Description-md5: 51bed68b9f7c8f79cd61319a00cfb667 Description-gl: Dicionario de nomes propios xaponeses The ENAMDICT file contains Japanese proper names; place-names, surnames, given names, (some) company names and product names.. These were originally included in the EDICT file, along with other non-name entries. Package: enblend Description-md5: 60a4b912f87ffb96d7ec9562509d24a1 Description-gl: image blending tool Enblend is a tool for compositing images. Given a set of images that overlap in some irregular way, Enblend overlays them in such a way that the seam between the images is invisible, or at least very difficult to see. It can, for example, be used to blend a panorama composed of several images. . It uses a Burt & Adelson multi-resolution spline. This technique tries to make the seams between the input images invisible. The basic idea is that image features should be blended across a transition zone proportional in size to the spatial frequency of the features. For example, objects like trees and windowpanes have rapid changes in color. By blending these features in a narrow zone, you will not be able to see the seam because the eye already expects to see color changes at the edge of these features. Clouds and sky are the opposite. These features have to be blended across a wide transition zone because any sudden change in color will be immediately noticeable. . O Enblend non aliña as imaxes. Empregue unha ferramenta como Hugin ou PanoTools para facelo. Os ficheiros TIFF producidos por estes programas son exactamente o que o Enblend está deseñado para utilizar. Package: encfs Description-md5: 548b455c473b2471eae5efe6de874f33 Description-gl: Sistema de ficheiros virtual cifrado EncFS integrates file system encryption into the Unix(TM) file system. Encrypted data is stored within the native file system, thus no fixed-size loopback image is required. . EncFS uses the FUSE kernel driver and library as a backend. Package: encuentro Description-md5: 96db7abdbfd36a7a73af034586d8109a Description-gl: Acceda ao contido da canle Encuentro e outras Encuentro is a small program that allows you to search, download and watch videos from the Encuentro argentinian channel. Since the content of the channel is completely in Spanish, so is this program. Package: enemylines3 Description-md5: 3f86388edd34120053c8d3db1125a29e Description-gl: Xogo de disparos semiabstracto en 3D e primeira persoa single-player game. You have to shoot evil robots before they get too close, you can use your jetpack to escape. The robos can't jump but they tear down walls. Package: enemylines7 Description-md5: 57c1a8388ebb5fe231edfc91e98731aa Description-gl: Xogo de disparos en 3D e primeira persoa Enemy Lines 7 is a single-player game. You have to shoot down enemy bombers threatening your city in a three-dimensional environment. . Enemy bombers are approaching Glysen, your capital. The situation is without hope. But with the new experimental mech you can at least try to take as many of them with you as possible. Package: enfuse Description-md5: 01773ba70e320855287a42501d2d11f5 Description-gl: image exposure blending tool Enfuse blends differently exposed images of the same scene into a nice output image, without producing intermediate HDR images that are then tonemapped to a viewable image. This simplified process often works much better and quicker than the currently known tonemapping algorithms. . The exposure blending is done using the Mertens-Kautz-Van Reeth exposure fusion algorithm. The basic idea is that pixels in the input images are weighted according to qualities such as proper exposure, good contrast, and high saturation. These weights determine how much a given pixel will contribute to the final image. . O Enfuse non aliña as imaxes. Empregue unha ferramenta como Hugin ou PanoTools para facelo. Os ficheiros TIFF producidos por estes programas son exactamente o que o Enfuse está deseñado para utilizar. Package: engrampa Description-md5: 1e99f524215322189c08dd1260743e3f Description-gl: archive manager for MATE Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It allows you to: . * Crear e modificar arquivos. * Ver o contido dun arquivo. * Ver un ficheiro contido nun arquivo. * Extraer ficheiros do arquivo. . Engrampa supports the following formats: * Tar (.tar) archives, including those compressed with gzip (.tar.gz, .tgz), bzip (, .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2, .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z, .taz), lzip (.tar.lz, .tlz), lzop (.tar.lzo, .tzo), lzma (.tar.lzma) and xz (.tar.xz) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar, .ear, .war) * 7z archives (.7z) * iso9660 CD images (.iso) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Single files compressed with gzip (.gz), bzip (.bz), bzip2 (.bz2), compress (.Z), lzip (.lz), lzop (.lzo), lzma (.lzma) and xz (.xz) . Engrampa doesn't perform archive operations by itself, but relies on standard tools for this. Package: engrampa-common Description-md5: fdfde1c8a9a6e7067950f078f1f16898 Description-gl: archive manager for MATE (common files) Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It allows you to: . * Crear e modificar arquivos. * Ver o contido dun arquivo. * Ver un ficheiro contido nun arquivo. * Extraer ficheiros do arquivo. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: enigma Description-md5: 366b4c0e1f58c25a2dd540823d04753a Description-gl: Game where you control a marble with the mouse Enigma is a puzzle game similar to Oxyd on the Atari ST or Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga and good old Marble Madness. It also has Sokoban levels, and some interesting twists on the original sokoban concept. . In Enigma, your objective is to locate and uncover matching pairs of Oxyd stones. Simple as it sounds, this task is made more difficult by the fact that Oxyd stones tend to be hidden, inaccessible or protected by unexpected traps. Overcoming these obstacles often requires a lot of dexterity and wit (and can be quite addictive). . Este paquete contén o motor do xogo. Package: enigma-data Description-md5: d485f1c5e342972301b2584fc4548698 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo enigma Enigma is a puzzle game similar to Oxyd on the Atari ST or Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga and good old Marble Madness. It also has Sokoban levels, and some interesting twists on the original sokoban concept. . In Enigma, your objective is to locate and uncover matching pairs of Oxyd stones. Simple as it sounds, this task is made more difficult by the fact that Oxyd stones tend to be hidden, inaccessible or protected by unexpected traps. Overcoming these obstacles often requires a lot of dexterity and wit (and can be quite addictive). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do (niveis, gráficos, sons). Package: enigma-doc Description-md5: 1bd46b6863570983986b8d9f86c9488c Description-gl: Documentación do xogo enigma Enigma is a puzzle game similar to Oxyd on the Atari ST or Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga and good old Marble Madness. It also has Sokoban levels, and some interesting twists on the original sokoban concept. . In Enigma, your objective is to locate and uncover matching pairs of Oxyd stones. Simple as it sounds, this task is made more difficult by the fact that Oxyd stones tend to be hidden, inaccessible or protected by unexpected traps. Overcoming these obstacles often requires a lot of dexterity and wit (and can be quite addictive). . This package contains the manual and level creating guide Package: enigmail Description-md5: 1f1e67ab816cad117d3c812e71e25f82 Description-gl: Compatibilidade con GPG para o Thunderbird e o Icedove de Debian Extensión de OpenPGP para o Thunderbird. Enigmail permite que os usuarios accedan ás funcionalidades fornecidas polo popular software GnuPG desde dentro do Thunderbird. . Enigmail is capable of signing, authenticating, encrypting and decrypting email. Additionally, it supports both the inline PGP format, as well as the PGP/MIME format as described in RFC 3156. Package: enscript Description-md5: 04fb071b96ab1b2f0ba75bea589ddc4b Description-gl: Converte texto para Postscript, HTML ou RTF con destaque da sintaxe GNU Enscript takes ASCII files (often source code) and converts them to PostScript, HTML or RTF. It can store generated output to a file or send it directly to the printer. . It is often used for its syntax highlighting, as it comes with rules for a wide range of programming languages. New rules can be added using an awk- like stateful scripting language. Package: entangle-dbg Description-md5: 5a9eb5a1a6583dbfae61272fd932595d Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do entangle Entangle provides a graphical interface for "tethered shooting", aka taking photographs with a digital camera completely controlled from the computer. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do entangle. Package: eom-common Description-md5: c848fbc723088e675f454caa830ef9a2 Description-gl: Eye of MATE graphics viewer program (common files) eom or the Eye of MATE is a simple graphics viewer for the MATE desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: eot2ttf Description-md5: 1f63a2748aed00a11763a431c5e4e1b2 Description-gl: utility to convert Embedded OpenType fonts to TrueType Libeot é unha biblioteca para analizar ficheiros OpenType Incorporados e convertelos a outros formatos . This package contains eot2ttf - which uses libeot to convert .eot to .ttf. Package: epigrass-doc Description-md5: 9fb9dd737bddeee1c17e46974982833b Description-gl: Documentation for EpiGrass, a network epidemiology tool Epigrass is a software for visualizing, analyzing and simulating of epidemic processes on geo-referenced networks. . EpiGrass can interact with the GRASS GIS from which it can obtain maps and other geo-referenced information. However, EpiGrass does not require an installation of the GRASS GIS for most of its features. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: epiphany-browser Description-md5: 767a0ee0cafbd123a7d0ad923e60350d Description-gl: Navegador web intuitivo para GNOME Epiphany is a simple yet powerful GNOME web browser targeted at non- technical users. Its principles are simplicity and standards compliance. . Simplicity is achieved by a well designed user interface and reliance on external applications for performing external tasks (such as reading email). Simplicity does not mean less features; Epiphany has everything a modern web browser is expected to have. . Standards compliance is achieved on the HTML side by using the WebKitGTK+ rendering engine (which is based on the engine used by Apple Safari and Google Chrome); and on the user interface side by closely following the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) and by close integration with the GNOME desktop. Package: eric Description-md5: d8f7e1fd7028e5ce234755d0bc6db8d8 Description-gl: Completo ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para Python eric is a full featured Python IDE written in PyQt using the QScintilla editor widget. Some highlights * Any number of editors with configurable syntax highlighting, code folding, auto indenting and brace highlighting. * Integrated Project Management facility to organize your projects. The project browser shows all source files, all forms and all translations each on its own tab. The source browser has built in class browsing capabilities. * Integrated and full featured debuggers for Python and Ruby. * Interactive shells for Python and Ruby. * An explorer window for walking through your directory structure with built in class browsing capabilities for Python files. * Variable windows that display local and global variables in the current scope while debugging a program. * An integrated interface to the Python Module "unittest". * An integrated help viewer to display HTML help files. Alternatively you can choose to use Qt-Assistant to view help files. * Display of the UI in different languages. * The capability to start Qt-Designer and Qt-Linguist from within eric5. * The ability to compile Qt-Designer forms, to produce Qt-Linguist files and release them from within the IDE. Package: erlang-cowboy-doc Description-md5: 3f5be739c56ac4c8738e408c10edbd54 Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de erlang-cowboy Cowboy is also a socket acceptor pool, able to accept connections for any kind of TCP protocol. . Cowboy aims to provide the following advantages: . * 'Small' code base. * Damn 'fast'. * 'Modular': transport and protocol handlers are replaceable. * 'Binary HTTP' for greater speed and lower memory usage. * Easy to 'embed' inside another application. * Selectively 'dispatch' requests to handlers, allowing you to send some requests to your embedded code and others to a FastCGI application in PHP or Ruby. * No parameterized module. No process dictionary. 'Clean' Erlang code. . This package includes erlang-cowboy documents. Package: erlang-manpages Description-md5: cdc7cc48bad4a582e48a14f54e037734 Description-gl: Erlang/OTP manual pages Documentación da linguaxe de programación Erlang no formato «man». Esta documentación pode ser lida empregando a orde «erl -man mod», na que «mod» é o nome do módulo sobre o que se quere a documentación. . This package contains all Erlang/OTP manual pages from sections other than 1. They document Erlang/OTP modules, config files and applications. Package: erlang-ranch-doc Description-md5: b56af2d373c74475fdb066bcf5bead6e Description-gl: Documentación de erlang-ranch erlang-ranch aims to provide everything you need to accept TCP connections with a small code base and low latency while being easy to use directly as an application or to embed into your own. . This package contains the html documentation of erlang-ranch API. . Only application developers will find this package useful. Package: erlsvc Description-md5: 8aaa371a2b2dad54ee89fc642f7b1b14 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para xestionar nodos de Erlang Erlsvc can bootstrap a new Erlang node and then start/stop it. It can even perform a release upgrade. Package: errno Description-md5: 2952c65223f08fda181e57f613c4e66a Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para moreutils This is a transitional dummy package to provide upgrades to the `moreutils' package, which contains the `errno' utility. It can safely be removed. Package: escputil Description-md5: a84d4b8c7361eb8365a95150358419f2 Description-gl: maintenance utility for Epson Stylus printers escputil is a utility to clean and align the heads of Epson Stylus printers. It can also check the current ink levels in the printer. . Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo nivel que os controladores privativos distribuÃdos polos fabricantes en moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes. Gutenprint coñecÃase anteriormente como Gimp-Print. Package: esmtp Description-md5: 7c6c6c9056c9e1f21f4ef37dd0c68b0f Description-gl: user configurable relay-only MTA ESMTP is a user configurable relay-only Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) with a sendmail-compatible syntax. It's based on libESMTP supporting the AUTH (including the CRAM-MD5 and NTLM SASL mechanisms) and the StartTLS SMTP extensions. . ESMTP does not receive mail, expand aliases or manage a queue but can deliver mail locally via an MDA. . Este paquete contén o programa esmtp. Package: espeak Description-md5: e4d7ea42a09ed7423403adc9c62ce2f5 Description-gl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer eSpeak é un sintetizador de voz por software para o inglés e algúns outros idiomas. . eSpeak produce fala de boa calidade en inglés. Emprega un método de sÃntese diferente da maiorÃa dos motores de texto a fala (TTS) de código aberto e soa moi diferente. Tal vez non sexa tan natural ou «suave», mais hai quen atopa que a articulación é máis clara e cómoda de escoitar durante perÃodos de tempo longos. . It can run as a command line program to speak text from a file or from stdin. . * Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered. * Can produce speech output as a WAV file. * Can translate text to phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine. * Potential for other languages. More than 40 languages are included. * Compact size. The program and its data total about 350 kbytes. * Written in C++. Package: espeak-data Description-md5: b42247f7f19f21e26acfed336bd9a588 Description-gl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: speech data files eSpeak é un sintetizador de voz por software para o inglés e algúns outros idiomas. . This package contains necessary synthesizer data files needed for the espeak program, and the shared library. Package: espeakedit Description-md5: a025e7ca12a6b3b89c769bb05706df00 Description-gl: Sintetizador de voz multilingüe por software - editor eSpeak é un sintetizador de voz por software para o inglés e algúns outros idiomas. . eSpeakEdit fornece unha interface de usuario para editar as voces de eSpeak. Package: espeakup Description-md5: 55732b96fe38aafca9eaf0eea263f40b Description-gl: Connector between speakup kernel modules and espeak Espeakup é un daemon que liga os módulos de sepeakup do kernel co sintetizador de voz por software espeak a través do dispositivo /dev/softsynth. Package: esperanza Description-md5: 2bc0ed94f2d4d8538691061f7803bade Description-gl: Cliente XMMS2 que pretende ser tan completo e fácil de usar como sexa posible Esperanza is a XMMS2 client written with C++ / Qt4 and aims to be cross- platform goodness for everyone. It has a simple interface with a single playlist and let you search the media lib or add files from other sources easily. It also presents album art. Package: eterm Description-md5: 32ac0d46ea64df4dd82d41c7ed7b886d Description-gl: Emulador de Terminal Enlightened A terminal emulator in the spirit of xterm or rxvt, eterm uses an Enlightenment style config file, as well as themes. The Imlib2 graphics engine is used to render images. This version supports background images, pixmapped scrollbars, pseudo-transparency, and POSIX threads. Package: etherape Description-md5: 4dd46dd38c9e87a20d132cba1725b4c8 Description-gl: Monitor gráfico de rede EtherApe is a graphical network monitor modeled after etherman. it displays network activity graphically, showing active hosts as circles of varying size, and traffic among them as lines of varying width. . It features link layer, ip and TCP modes, color-color coded protocols display, Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring, ISDN, PPP and SLIP devices. It can filter traffic to be shown, and can read traffic from a file as well as live from the network. Package: etw Description-md5: 95603e847377d32fc5a84171132df014 Description-gl: Xogo de fútbol tipo arcade Eat The Whistle is an arcade soccer game similar to famous Amiga titles such as Kick Off or Sensible Soccer. It features several game modes where you can play either as the whole team or as a single player, and you can also manage teams that take part in cups and leagues. There is even an arcade mode with powerups and bonuses, like in the game SpeedBall 2. . Eat The Whistle features 30 different field types and numerous sound effects. The game is viewed from the side and can be controlled with either a joystick or the keyboard. . Most in-game settings are configurable, such as the pitch, weather and game daytime, which will impact on the gameplay. There is a replay mode that lets you load and save best moments, a game tactics editor, and teams from the game Sensible World of Soccer can be directly imported. Package: euler-doc Description-md5: f6a72a7d7210d66a193399ccb5e050fe Description-gl: Documentación do ambiente de programación matemática Euler Euler is a powerful numerical laboratory with a programming language. The system can handle real, complex and interval numbers, vectors and matrices. It can produce 2D/3D plots. . This package contains documentation for Euler. Package: evince-hwp-dbg Description-md5: a98430abaf90785de3a689f16da00ad5 Description-gl: Evince backend for HWP document format - debugging symbols This is the document backend for Hangul Word Processor format backend for Evince document viewer. . Note that rendering is still in early stage. Complex texts, tables, images might be not shown or be displayed incorrectly. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. A maiorÃa das persoas non necesitan este paquete. Package: evolution Description-md5: 714300f71a889c8a0e5d1c77a799651c Description-gl: groupware suite with mail client and organizer O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . Additional features include integration with Exchange servers, newsgroup client, LDAP support and web calendars . The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included. - calendar-file - calendar-http - itip-formatter - default-source - addressbook-file - mark-all-read - publish-calendar - caldav - imap-features - google-account-setup - webdav-account-setup - calendar-weather - sa-junk-plugin - bogo-junk-plugin Package: evolution-common Description-md5: 63a9c80d6efb5e50b74aae7ebcc8bf5c Description-gl: architecture independent files for Evolution O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . This package contains the architecture independent files needed by the evolution package. Package: evolution-dev Description-md5: e8841388a6199690879d253b06445273 Description-gl: development library files for Evolution O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . This package contains header and static library files for developing Evolution components. Package: evolution-indicator Description-md5: 6944713b1e0d80d83d83552513d6ab38 Description-gl: GNOME panel indicator applet for Evolution indicator-applet é un aplicativo que mostra información procedente de diversos aplicativos dunha maneira consistente no panel de GNOME. . This package provides a plugin for Evolution that uses libindicate and libnotify to provide additional information about Evolution's state. Package: evolution-plugin-bogofilter Description-md5: ea7228ccd6349df7257c61f0ee7152e5 Description-gl: standard plugins for Evolution (bogofilter) O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . This package includes the bogofilter spam filter module for Evolution. Package: evolution-plugin-pstimport Description-md5: 235e34cceea2b696a02434f108471df1 Description-gl: standard plugins for Evolution (pstimport) O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . This package includes a plugin for Evolution that enables importing Microsoft Outlook messages from a PST file. Package: evolution-plugin-spamassassin Description-md5: 2f0f85442a14a2c0f09e25029136c49d Description-gl: standard plugins for Evolution (spamassassin) O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . This package includes the spamassasin spam filter module for Evolution. Package: evolution-plugins Description-md5: 9adfff174085505ff725e655ff059c90 Description-gl: standard plugins for Evolution O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . This package includes plugins for evolution. The plugins belong to the set of "standard" plugins, which are useful, but not necessary for a functioning application. . The following standard plugins are included. - attachment-reminder - bbdb - dbx-import - email-custom-header - face - mailing-list-actions - mail-notification - mail-to-task - prefer-plain - save-calendar - templates Package: evolution-plugins-experimental Description-md5: d7002a313af115cfa4e69a3a6c08f948 Description-gl: experimental plugins for Evolution O Evolution é unha suite de traballo en grupo que integra correo, calendario, caderno de enderezos, lista de tarefas e ferramentas de memoria. . This package includes plugins for Evolution. The plugins belong to the set of "experimental" plugins, which are unsupported, have undergone little testing, and might cause problems to the rest of Evolution. Use with care. . The following plugins are included. - external-editor - contacts-map Package: execnet-doc Description-md5: b39861c3c500766c3eb65d439beafc40 Description-gl: rapid multi-Python deployment (docs) execnet provides carefully tested means to ad-hoc interact with Python interpreters across version, platform and network barriers. It provides a minimal and fast API targeting the following uses: . * distribute tasks to local or remote CPUs * write and deploy hybrid multi-process applications * write scripts to administer a bunch of exec environments . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: exempi Description-md5: e4a2622036610d98f6a26321be774b28 Description-gl: command line tool to manipulate XMP metadata Exempi é unha biblioteca para analizar metadatos de XMP tal e como os define a especificación. . XMP (Plataforma extensÃbel de metadatos) facilita a incorporación de metadatos en ficheiros empregando un subconxunto de RDF. En particular, XMP permite incorporar metadatos en PDF e moitos formatos de imaxes, aÃnda que está deseñada para admitir practicamente calquera tipo de ficheiro. . This package provides a command line tool to manipulate XMP metadata. Package: exim4-doc-info Description-md5: 806fd3db3ac409e2f761067beba9e4c7 Description-gl: documentation for the Exim MTA (v4) in info format Contains specification and filtering documentation in info format. . Os paquetes de exim4 para Debian teñen a súa propia páxina web, http :// Tamén hai unha lista de preguntas frecuentes. Pódese atopar información de maneira local sobre como se configuran os paquetes para Debian en /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.Debian.gz. Este ficheiro tamén ten información sobre a maneira na que se constrúen os paquetes binarios para Debian. Existe unha lista de correo centrada en Debian, pkg- Aquà faga preguntas especÃficas sobre Debian e escriba na lista de correo dos usuarios de exim do proxecto orixinal se ten a certeza de que a súa pregunta non é especÃfica de Debian. Pode atopar a páxina web de subscricións en . exim é un substituto inmediato de sendmail/mailq/rsmtp. Package: exiv2 Description-md5: aeba4b7189f937a626d0f2ef05b13cbb Description-gl: EXIF/IPTC/XMP metadata manipulation tool Exiv2 é unha biblioteca en C++ e unha utilidade para a liña de ordes para xestionar os metadatos das imaxes. Fornece acceso rápido de lectura e escrita aos metadatos das imaxes Exif, IPTC e XMP en diversos formatos . Exiv2 command line utility to: . * print Exif, IPTC and XMP image metadata in different formats: - Exif summary info, interpreted values, or the plain data for each tag * set, add and delete Exif, IPTC and XMP image metadata from command line modify commands or command scripts * adjust the Exif timestamp (that's how it all started...) * rename Exif image files according to the Exif timestamp * extract, insert and delete Exif, IPTC and XMP metadata and JPEG comments * extract previews from RAW images and thumbnails from the Exif metadata * insert and delete the thumbnail image embedded in the Exif metadata * print, set and delete the JPEG comment of JPEG images * fix the Exif ISO setting of picture taken with Canon and Nikon cameras Package: expeyes Description-md5: 60b03d5c802b544bf801a225e4b4d4b8 Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos cientÃficos This package provides high level interfaces for making science experiments with an ExpEYES box. . ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration. Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025% resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open. Package: expeyes-clib Description-md5: ad31d432a6830f0f94796a1f656a342e Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos cientÃficos This package provides interfaces written in C language for making science experiments with an ExpEYES box. . ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration. This package provides approximately the same features than the package expeyes, but its sources are in C language. Package: expeyes-firmware-dev Description-md5: 60b03d5c802b544bf801a225e4b4d4b8 Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos cientÃficos This package provides high level interfaces for making science experiments with an ExpEYES box. . ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration. Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025% resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open. Package: ext4magic Description-md5: 1bcde2e5dec43f839139326afd7aac80 Description-gl: Recupere ficheiros eliminados de particións ext3 ou ext4 ext4magic is a file carver (or file carving). It can be used when recovering from disasters or in digital forensics activities. . The deletion of files in ext3/4 filesystems can not be easily reversed. Zero out of the block references in the inodes makes that impossible. Experiences with other programs have proved that is possible restore sufficient information for a recover of many data files, directly from the filesystem journal. . ext4magic can extract the information from the journal and restore files in an entire directory tree, if the information in the journal are sufficient. . This tool can recover the most file types, with original filename, owner and group, file mode bits and also the old atime/mtime stamps. Package: extra-xdg-menus Description-md5: 08853b7c619b8508bad17359c8e17cff Description-gl: CategorÃas de menú extra para os aplicativos en GNOME e KDE This package installs various optional extra desktop menus for grouping applications on GNOME, KDE and other XDG menu-spec compliant desktop environments. The extra menus may be enabled or disbled on a system or per-user basis with the supplied scripts, exmenen and exmendis. Package: eyes17 Description-md5: 5693f672e4dc0b53b38d827ba1a2a31e Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos cientÃficos This package provides high level interfaces for making science experiments with an ExpEYES-17 box. . ExpEYES-17 is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration. Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. When compared with previous ExpEYES boxes (Expeyes, Expeyes-Junior), ExpEYES-17 is richer in various features: multiple soft input ranges, more flexible wave generator, better time resolution, better voltage resolution, supports seamlessly cheap I2C sensors. Package: f2fs-tools-dbg Description-md5: b623ed10477ba00b5ae84cb208fd6850 Description-gl: Tools for Flash-Friendly File System (debug) F2FS is a new filesystem for Linux aimed at NAND flash memory-based storage devices, such as SSD, eMMC, and SD cards. It is based on Log- structured File System (LFS). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: fai-doc Description-md5: 702a63c0a6648b16120a1ef62c708336 Description-gl: Documentación de FAI FAI is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux systems and software configurations on computers as well as virtual machines and chroot environments, from small networks to large infrastructures and clusters. . This is the documentation for FAI in various formats. Package: fai-setup-storage Description-md5: 502d77c2ec6201c8824b93be76330a6f Description-gl: Preparar dispositivos de almacenamento automaticamente Using FAI disk_config files, setup-storage computes effective partition and volume sizes and executes the necessary commands to configure storage devices. It manages disk drives as well as RAID and LVM volumes. It handles all file systems supported by parted(8) as well as ntfs but is flexible enough to be extended to further types as well. Once the storage devices are prepared, an appropriate fstab(5) file is generated. . This package provides the setup-storage utility as separate package so it can be used independent from FAI as well. Package: fakeroot-ng Description-md5: 7eafa938299f0f29f51b702690fd5b0e Description-gl: Fornece un ambiente root falso This is a clean reimplementation of the fakeroot command. Just like it, anything run within the fake root command will assume it is running as root. Unlike it, fakeroot-ng is not based on LD_PRELOAD but on ptrace. . The practical upshot of this is that the technology supports intercepting the "open" system call. In particular, this allows simulating the "chroot" command reliably. . Another important difference is that fakeroot-ng can fool applications that do not perform system calls through glibc, such as statically linked executables and programs written in some non-C languages (like the latest Sun JDK). Package: fastjet-doc Description-md5: faca48ed7b0a8ff3771daa8357c691c4 Description-gl: Documentación de FastJet The FastJet package provides a fast implementation of several longitudinally invariant sequential recombination jet algorithms, in particular the longitudinally invariant kt jet algorithm, the inclusive longitudinally invariant version of the Cambridge/Aachen jet-algorithm, and the inclusive anti-kt algorithm. . FastJet also provides a uniform interface to external jet finders via a plugin mechanism, and tools for calculating jet areas and performing background (pileup/UE) subtraction. . This package provides documentation of FastJet. Package: fatattr Description-md5: c5491e9a66f3140ee136aa27550bc1e0 Description-gl: Utilidade para controlar os atributos nun sistema de ficheiros FAT FAT filesystems contain several attributes which do not map cleanly onto Unix attributes; this utility allow these to be controlled directly by unprivileged users on any mounted FAT partition. Package: fatresize Description-md5: a5f451bc76450c0ab935c4eeafe6f8a6 Description-gl: FAT16/FAT32 filesystem resizer Fatresize is a command line tool for non-destructive resizing of FAT16/FAT32 partitions. . Baséase na biblioteca Parted de GNU. O propósito principal do proxecto é que se use co engadido para FAT EVMS. Package: faustworks Description-md5: 5cd965ee48a66b180d64e9a2be1a7c31 Description-gl: IDE para a linguaxe de programación en dsp Faust FaustWorks is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the Faust dsp programming language. It relies on scripts to generate binaries for various audio targets. These scripts are located in /usr/share/FaustWorks/scripts.lin/ Package: fb-music-high Description-md5: 1852e0ab6f2f6a9568ffe4663b3f8e88 Description-gl: Ficheiros de música grandes e de boa calidade para o Frozen-Bubble O Frozen-Bubble é un clon do popular xogo «Puzzle-Bobble» con cen niveis de xogo individuais e un modo para dous xogadores. . Este paquete contén música de alta calidade para o Frozen-Bubble. As mostras de 16 bits empregadas soan mellor que as de 8 bits de fb-music-low mais son dúas veces máis grandes. Package: fbreader Description-md5: d5d9fd4160efb84c515b7fdc83408d1c Description-gl: Lector de libros electrónicos (e-books) FBReader is an e-book reader. . Main features: * supports several open e-book formats: fb2, html, chm, plucker, palmdoc, ztxt, tcr (psion text), rtf, oeb, openreader, non-DRM'ed mobipocket, plain text, epub, eReader * reads directly from tar, zip, gzip, bzip2 archives (you can have several books in one archive) * supports a structured view of your e-book collection * automatically determines encodings * automatically generates a table of contents * keeps the last open book and the last read positions for all open books between runs * automatic hyphenation (patterns for several languages are included) * searching and downloading books from and * partial CSS support for epub files Package: fbterm Description-md5: e70d5cd58a75b890572e92dbed274675 Description-gl: fast framebuffer based terminal emulator for Linux FbTerm is a fast terminal emulator for Linux with frame buffer device. . As funcionalidades inclúen: * case tan rápido como o terminal do kernel Linux mentres que o desprazamento acelerado está activado no dispositivo de framebuffer * escóllese o tipo de letra con fontconfig e o texto debúxase con freetype2, igual que nos aplicativos con interfaces gráficas en Qt/Gtk+ * pódense crear/destruÃr dinamicamente até dez xanelas que se executan inicialmente na consola predeterminada * grávase o historial de cada xanela * detéctase automaticamente o locale e convértese a codificación de texto, permitindo scripts de largo duplo, como o chinés, o xaponés, etc. * altérnase entre codificación de texto adicional configurábel con atallos inmediatos * pódese copiar/pegar o texto escollido entre as xanelas co rato mentres o servidor de gpm estea en execución Package: festival-doc Description-md5: fec61c1c940178e3a033dae6556b2c03 Description-gl: Documentación de Festival This package contains the HTML and Postscript versions of the documentation for Festival. Package: festvox-ru Description-md5: f80482f32da695eda6e7e80a89768f6d Description-gl: Falante home de ruso para Festival This package provides Russian support to Festival speech synthesis system. Package: fet Description-md5: 281168a303f75e2326885b205378bace Description-gl: Xerador de horarios O FET é un programa para xerar automaticamente o horario dunha escola, instituto ou universidade. . Usually, FET is able to solve a complicated timetable in maximum 5-20 minutes. For simpler timetables, it may take a shorter time, under 5 minutes (in some cases, a matter of seconds). For extremely difficult timetables, it may take a longer time, a matter of hours. Package: fet-data Description-md5: efc05dbd0f46386ddd75e75c20949646 Description-gl: timetable generator - documentation and examples O FET é un programa para xerar automaticamente o horario dunha escola, instituto ou universidade. . This package contains architecture-independant files such as a lot of examples and documentation on the used algorithm. Package: fetch-crl Description-md5: 4a38b98e6105c662b5b82dcf7e75f736 Description-gl: Descarga Listas de Revogación de Certificados This tool and associated cron entry ensure that Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) are periodically retrieved from the web sites of the respective Certification Authorities. . The fetch-crl tool finds all *.crl_url files in the configured CRL directory, downloads the CRLs listed in those files and saves them in the same directory. The default configuration uses /etc/grid- security/certificates as the CRL directory. Package: fetchmailconf Description-md5: 732fdf8557a72e3ea33c3415f9b996d7 Description-gl: Configurador de fetchmail A GUI wrapper to configure fetchmail's .fetchmailrc, suitable for end- users. It assists end-users in setting up and editing fetchmail configuration files. See fetchmail package for more information. Package: fetchyahoo Description-md5: ec996e218fa5ffc16e4d1b243c8da6f1 Description-gl: Obteña correco do servizo de correo web de Yahoo! FetchYahoo is a Perl script that downloads mail from a Yahoo! webmail account to a local mail spool, an mbox file, or to procmail. It is meant to replace fetchmail for people using Yahoo! mail since Yahoo!'s POP and email forwarding services are no longer free. It includes all parts and attachments within the email. It can also forward the email to a specified address. Package: fex-utils Description-md5: 63aecbd44f11e0377005be5835cd3fac Description-gl: web service for transferring very large files (utils) F*EX (Frams's Fast File EXchange) is a service that can be used to allow users anywhere on the Internet to exchange very large files quickly and conveniently. . The sender uploads the file to the F*EX-server and the recipient automatically gets a notification e-mail with a download-URL. . Este paquete inclúe: . fexsend fexget sexsend, sexget, sexxx afex, asex xx zz & ezz Package: feynmf Description-md5: 87b3a03f70462a8374ce25b744caed1e Description-gl: Conxunto de macros en LaTeX para crear diagramas de Feynman FeynMF is a LaTeX package for easy drawing of professional-quality Feynman diagrams, illustrations that depict the fundamental interactions of subatomic particles. The diagrams may be created using either the Metafont or MetaPost programs. FeynMF lays out most diagrams satisfactorily from the structure of the graph without any need for manual intervention. Nevertheless all the power of Metafont or MetaPost is available for more obscure cases. . Note that you will need the texlive-metapost package in order to use the MetaPost-based version of FeynMF. Package: ffado-dbus-server Description-md5: c97651a8d42693959e021d8283d395a2 Description-gl: Servidor de D-Bus de FFADO FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire (IEEE1394). . A biblioteca FFADO permite descubrir e configurar estes dispositivos e fornece unha API para clientes de retransmisión. . Este paquete contén o servidor de D-Bus que expón as interfaces de mesturador e control a través de D-Bus. Package: ffado-mixer-qt4 Description-md5: fc8ed34ba640a2f91cb697e27ecb2fa1 Description-gl: FFADO D-Bus mixer applets (QT4) FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire (IEEE1394). . A biblioteca FFADO permite descubrir e configurar estes dispositivos e fornece unha API para clientes de retransmisión. . Este paquete contén os aplicativos de mesturador e control que se comunican con ffado-dbus-server (versión en Qt4) Package: ffado-tools Description-md5: dcaf35942541c9b5da1355b4c8de7def Description-gl: Ferramentas de depuración e de firmware de FFADO FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire (IEEE1394). . A biblioteca FFADO permite descubrir e configurar estes dispositivos e fornece unha API para clientes de retransmisión. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas seguintes para a actualización, localización de problemas e depuración do firmware: * ffado-test-streaming * ffado-diag * ffado-test-isoxmit * ffado-test-isorecv * ffado-bridgeco-downloader * ffado-test * ffado-fireworks-downloader Package: ffdiaporama Description-md5: 0b84a12d1f037ef534da80d0a35d6ca9 Description-gl: Creador de pelÃculas a partir de fotos e fragmentos de vÃdeo ffDiaporama é un aplicativo para crear secuencias de vÃdeo consistentes en * tÃtulos, fixos ou animados. * imaxes ou fotos, fixas ou animadas. * fragmentos de pelÃculas * música Package: ffdiaporama-data Description-md5: d7f8b12258c6f60f4c40216106364d05 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para ffDiaporama ffDiaporama é un aplicativo para crear secuencias de vÃdeo consistentes en * tÃtulos, fixos ou animados. * imaxes ou fotos, fixas ou animadas. * fragmentos de pelÃculas * música . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de datos para ffdiaporama. Package: ffe Description-md5: faabf178f5f43000ca3bf7e588ca76e2 Description-gl: Ferramenta para analizar ficheiros simples e en CSV e convertelos a diferentes formatos Ffe has many areas of use with fixed length and CSV files. It can extract particular fields or records from a flat file, convert data from one format to another (CSV to fixed length, ...), display flat file content in human readable form, etc. In addition, one input file can contain several types of records (lines) and the input file structure and output definitions are independent, meaning one output format can be used with several input files. This input file structure and output format are 'freely' configurable, so the output can be formatted e.g. as: fixed length, separated, tokenized, XML, SQL, ... Package: ffmpeg Description-md5: 032ff4ee68b923f5137379a7857cb8a8 Description-gl: Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . Este paquete contén: * ffmpeg: unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para converter ficheiros multimedia entre formatos * ffserver: un servidor de fluxos multimedia para retransmisións ao vivo * ffplay: un reprodutor de multimedia sinxelo baseado en SDL e as bibliotecas de FFmpeg * ffprobe: un analizador sinxelo de fluxos multimedia * qt-faststart: unha utilidade para reorganizar os ficheiros de Quicktime Package: ffmpegthumbnailer Description-md5: 6c2cda0a9d0dbe78d15405fa244855b6 Description-gl: Xerador de miniaturas rápido e lixeiro FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. . This package contains the ffmpegthumbnailer executable. Package: ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg Description-md5: c2a512fcd6597acf548551b9296e26ef Description-gl: debugging information for ffmpegthumbnailer FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do ffmpegthumbnailer. Package: ffmpegthumbs Description-md5: d10a9a3ae792f8e16e85968fe0168029 Description-gl: Xerador de miniaturas de vÃdeo que emprega ffmpeg FFMpegThumbs é un xerador de miniaturas de vÃdeo para os xestores de ficheiros de KDE como Dolphin e Konqueror. Permite que estes mostren imaxes de previsualización dos ficheiros de vÃdeo usando FFMpeg. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: ffrenzy Description-md5: 7c28a5511551fd2259a72e7a4eca7875 Description-gl: Xogo de plataforma multiusuario con ananos que pelexan con/pola comida Feeding Frenzy! is a distributed network game for two to eight players. One instance needs to act as server for syncing player names and the levels. . During the game dwarfs need to collect food as fast as possible to bring it back to their mushrooms to live. When a dwarfs leaves his home without providing it with food for too long, (s)he dies from hunger. The collected food can also be thrown at other dwarfs, making them unconscious when hit. When a power-up is picked up, thrown food will have special powers! Package: fftw-docs Description-md5: 984728026773fe7303b3dc58c0ee1141 Description-gl: Documentación de fftw This package contains the documentation and test programs for fftw, a Fast Fourier Transform library. Package: fgo Description-md5: 636f91749fd5f8305c1b0ea6339e836b Description-gl: simple graphical launcher for FlightGear O FGo! permite iniciar o FlightGear desde unha interface gráfica de usuario. . FGo! allows you to easily select the aircraft, airport and scenario. What really distinguishes it from other such applications is the text window allowing you to write any other, more advanced command line options that will be passed to FlightGear. This is similar to editing the .fgfsrc configuration file. Package: fgrun Description-md5: be99127ea592de9b2a3c29d940297840 Description-gl: Interface gráfica para executar o FlightGear FlightGear Launch Control (FGRun) is a graphical frontend for running the FlightGear Flight Simulator (fgfs). . It includes the ability to configure your scenery paths FlightGear setup. When selecting an aircraft you are able to view a complete 3d model and see its development status and author. When selecting an airport or carrier to launch from you can chose either by the ICAO ID (International Civilian Aviation Organisation Identifier) or the airport id, with the flexibility of selecting a runway and parking position also. . When launching the simulation FGRun includes a comprehensive configuration system, allowing you to directly configure settings such as screen resolution and multiplayer settings. . FGRun also includes support for TerraSync, a tool included with FlightGear that allows you to download and use scenery while in the simulation, it can also preload the scenery for your selected location as the airport selection screen. Package: field3d-doc Description-md5: 39e115e8381c81587e646e596696c517 Description-gl: documentation for Field3D Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: field3d-tools Description-md5: 6ea5a966efeb6247002bfb75e0237fbf Description-gl: command-line tools for Field3D Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas da liña de ordes. Package: filezilla Description-md5: 782ac3b3cf186729c1138dc7616d26df Description-gl: Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client O FileZilla é un cliente de FTP con funcionalidades completas e unha interface gráfica doada de utilizar. . Está escrito en C++ e emprega a biblioteca wxWidgets. . O FileZilla inclúe as funcionalidades seguintes: * Admite FTP, FTP por SSL/TLS (FTPS) e o Protocolo de transferencia de ficheiros SSH (SFTP) * Admite IPv6 * DispoñÃbel en máis de 40 idiomas * Permite retomar e transferir ficheiros grandes >4GB * Xestor do sitio e fila de transferencia doados de utilizar * Marcadores * Admite arrastrar e soltar * LÃmites de velocidade * Filtros para os nomes dos ficheiros * Comparación entre directorios * Asistente de configuración da rede * Edición remota de ficheiros * «Manter viva» (Keep-alive) * Admite HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 e FTP Proxy * Rexistro nun ficheiro * Visualización sincronizada de directorios * Busca de ficheiros remotos * Interface con lapelas para se conectar a varios servidores Package: filezilla-common Description-md5: 0ff9bf0c61cc77f908f4504f7162ba44 Description-gl: Ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para filezilla O FileZilla é un cliente de FTP con funcionalidades completas e unha interface gráfica doada de utilizar. . Está escrito en C++ e emprega a biblioteca wxWidgets. . Vexa a descrición do paquete filezilla para a lista completa de funcionalidades. . This package contains architecture independent files such as images and translations. Package: fillets-ng Description-md5: 7d96ef4f6e14249937bac0c8629464bd Description-gl: Xogo crebacabezas ao estilo de Sokoban no que un peixe enxeñoso tenta salvar o mundo Fish Fillets is strictly a puzzle game. The goal in every of the seventy levels is always the same: find a safe way out. The fish utter witty remarks about their surroundings, the various inhabitants of their underwater realm quarrel among themselves or comment on the efforts of your fish. The whole game is accompanied by quiet, comforting music. Package: firebird3.0-server Description-md5: 61630326a96ab147bee2409a31d2ef25 Description-gl: Firebird Server - an RDBMS based on InterBase 6.0 code Firebird é unha base de datos relacional que ofrece moitas das funcionalidades de ANSI SQL-99 e que se executa en Linux, Windows e diversas plataformas Unix. Firebird ofrece concorrencia excelente, bo desempeño e as capacidades dunha linguaxe potente para procedementos almacenados e disparadores. Ten sido empregado en sistemas de produción baixo distintos nomes desde 1981. . This package contains the server binary as well as its configuration files. The default mode of operation is the so called "superclassic", which is a multi-threaded server -- each connection starts a separate thread and each connection has its own page cache. The two other operation modes -- "classic" (separate process/cache for each connection; started from the internet super-server inetd or xinetd) and "super" (single- threaded server process with shared cache between connections) are also available via configuration options. Package: firefox-globalmenu Description-md5: 1b267431605d90f28d4104239bf87ff8 Description-gl: Navegador web seguro e doado da Mozilla (paquete transitorio) Este é un paquete transitorio para asegurarse de que as anovacións funcionen correctamente. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza Package: firefox-mozsymbols Description-md5: 1398643ad4fb0f820933502f6bba9816 Description-gl: Navegador seguro e doado da Mozilla - SÃmbolos para Breakpad Firefox ofrece seguranza e exploración web fácil. Unha interface de usuario familiar, funcionalidades de seguranza melloradas incluÃndo protección contra a suplantación de identidade na rede e unha busca integrada que permite obter o maior rendemento da web. . This package contains the Firefox symbols in a format expected by Mozilla's Breakpad. Eventually this package should go away and the symbol upload be implemented in soyuz (or other builders that build this package) Package: firefox-testsuite Description-md5: 1c5406dea364e8840846b9dacd3c8955 Description-gl: Navegador seguro e doado da Mozilla - Suite de probas Firefox ofrece seguranza e exploración web fácil. Unha interface de usuario familiar, funcionalidades de seguranza melloradas incluÃndo protección contra a suplantación de identidade na rede e unha busca integrada que permite obter o maior rendemento da web. . Este paquete contén o conxunto de probas do Firefox Package: firehol-doc Description-md5: c50068ad3ca66c29f176ebe5fd7899f4 Description-gl: easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall (docs) FireHOL generates generic firewalls with an extremely simple but powerful configuration language based on bash, enabling you to design any kind of local or routing stateful packet filtering firewall with ease. . FireHOL is the firewall counterpart of the FireQOS traffic shaper; both FireHOL and FireQOS support IPv4 and IPv6. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: fireqos-doc Description-md5: 2bff96d3240da7cf9982de3bf0132f06 Description-gl: easy to use but powerful traffic shaping tool (docs) FireQOS generates generic traffic shapers with an extremely simple but powerful configuration language based on bash, enabling you to design any kind of traffic shaping with ease. . FireQOS is the traffic shaper counterpart of the FireHOL firewall; both FireHOL and FireQOS support IPv4 and IPv6. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: firmware-extract Description-md5: efb90cba6228fe7f17df1e9e0f14053a Description-gl: Un engadido para firmware-tools para extraer firmware Os arquivos de firmware poden ser distribuÃdos en diversos formatos, como arquivos zip, binarios de DOS, binarios de Windows e código máquina en bruto. . Este paquete extrae o firmware destes formatos e constrúe un paquete a partir del sobre o que pode traballar firmware-tools. Package: firmware-tools Description-md5: e67eba966ab5f56576003410c54436ac Description-gl: Scripts and tools to manage firmware and BIOS updates The firmware-tools project provides tools to inventory hardware and a plugin architecture so that different OEM vendors can provide different inventory components. It is intended to tie to the package system to enable seamless installation of updated firmware via your package manager, as well as provide a framework for BIOS and firmware updates. . Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado. Package: firmware-tools-cli Description-md5: f796a2598054a5b661acfb5f3e5a1107 Description-gl: Scripts and tools to manage firmware and BIOS updates The firmware-tools project provides tools to inventory hardware and a plugin architecture so that different OEM vendors can provide different inventory components. It is intended to tie to the package system to enable seamless installation of updated firmware via your package manager, as well as provide a framework for BIOS and firmware updates. . Este paquete fornece ferramentas para a liña de ordes. Package: fis-gtm Description-md5: 956ff6bcba2fec68313008d6621dd310 Description-gl: Metapaquete para a última versión da base de datos FIS-GT.M GT.M is a database engine with scalability proven in large real-time transaction processing systems that have thousands of concurrent users, individual database file sizes to the Terabyte range (with virtually unlimited aggregate database sizes). Yet the light footprint of GT.M allows it to also scale down for use in small applications and software appliances (virtual machines). . The GT.M data model is hierarchical associative memory (i.e., multi- dimensional array) that imposes no restrictions on the data types of the indexes or content - the application logic can impose any schema, dictionary or data organization suited to its problem domain. (Database engines that do not impose schemas, but which allow layered application software to impose and use whatever schema that is appropriate to the application are popularly referred to as "document oriented", "schemaless" or "schema-free" databases.) . GT.M's compiler for the standard M (also known as MUMPS) scripting language implements full support for ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable) transactions, using optimistic concurrency control and software transactional memory (STM) that resolves the common mismatch between databases and programming languages. Its unique ability to create and deploy logical multi-site configurations of applications provides unrivaled continuity of business in the face of not just unplanned events, but also planned events, including planned events that include changes to application logic and schema. . Este metapaquete depende sempre da versión por omisión de fis-gtm. Package: fis-gtm-6.3-002 Description-md5: 7608a16e569da5e257792f7127e8149a Description-gl: Paquete para a base de datos FIS-GT.M GT.M is a database engine with scalability proven in large real-time transaction processing systems that have thousands of concurrent users, individual database file sizes to the Terabyte range (with virtually unlimited aggregate database sizes). Yet the light footprint of GT.M allows it to also scale down for use in small applications and software appliances (virtual machines). . The GT.M data model is hierarchical associative memory (i.e., multi- dimensional array) that imposes no restrictions on the data types of the indexes or content - the application logic can impose any schema, dictionary or data organization suited to its problem domain. (Database engines that do not impose schemas, but which allow layered application software to impose and use whatever schema that is appropriate to the application are popularly referred to as "document oriented", "schemaless" or "schema-free" databases.) . GT.M's compiler for the standard M (also known as MUMPS) scripting language implements full support for ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable) transactions, using optimistic concurrency control and software transactional memory (STM) that resolves the common mismatch between databases and programming languages. Its unique ability to create and deploy logical multi-site configurations of applications provides unrivaled continuity of business in the face of not just unplanned events, but also planned events, including planned events that include changes to application logic and schema. Package: fishpolld Description-md5: 7f1d6029610829fdbfd8d3d9dbb72d36 Description-gl: Daemon que permite a execución de scripts remotos cando se activa desde a rede Fishpoll is meant to deal with a common situation. You have a data source (a version control repository, a database, etc). You have something built from that data source (a web site, say). When the data source changes, you want them to rebuild against the latest commits. Package: fitsverify Description-md5: 9bbb00fd4aa1f32572255a69aceb0c19 Description-gl: Formato de ficheiro FITS - Ferramenta de comprobación Fistverify é un programa informático que comproba con rigor se un ficheiro de datos FITS (Sistema FlexÃbel de Transporte de Imaxes) cumpre con todos os requisitos definidos na versión 3.0 do documento do estándar de FITS. Package: fiu-utils Description-md5: d0523e5ca3d06bb99764019a33b33c83 Description-gl: userspace fault injection framework (utilities) libfiu is a C library for fault injection. It provides functions to mark "points of failure" inside your code (the "core API"), and functions to enable/disable the failure of those points (the "control API"). . Este paquete contén as utilidades fiu-run, fiu-ls e fiu-ctrl. Package: five-or-more Description-md5: f5f8aa056258a86ed61253862184d2d8 Description-gl: make color lines of five or more length This is a GNOME port of the once popular “Color Lines†game. . O obxectivo do xogo é aliñar coa maior frecuencia posÃbel cinco obxectos ou máis da mesma cor e forma, co que asà desaparecen. Package: fixincludes Description-md5: 4eec63ec6a45894436866732b96c2698 Description-gl: Arranxe ficheiros de cabeceiras non ANSI FixIncludes foi creado para arranxar ficheiros de cabeceiras de sistema non ANSI. Moitos fabricantes de sistemas fornecen cabeceiras privativas que non cumpren con ANSI. Os compiladores de GNU non poden compilar cabeceiras que non sexan ANSI. En consecuencia, o script para a consola FixIncludes foi escrito para arranxar os ficheiros de cabeceiras. . Non todos os paquetes con ficheiros de cabeceiras están instalados no sistema cando se constrúe o paquete, polo que fixincludes está dispoñÃbel no momento de construÃr outros paquetes, de maneira que outras ferramentas de comprobación, como lintian, podan utilizalo. Package: flann-doc Description-md5: ffa9d15dc1f8f5ef68cd368eb158e3a6 Description-gl: Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors - documentation FLANN is a library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces. It contains a collection of algorithms found to work best for nearest neighbor search and a system for automatically choosing the best algorithm and optimum parameters depending on the dataset. . Este paquete contén a documentación do FLANN. Package: flickcurl-doc Description-md5: 9ebf72014eb1a3d98fe2e5ae570d60f6 Description-gl: Utilidades para chamar pola API de Flickr desde a liña de ordes - documentación Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request parameters and decoding responses. The library now supports 100% of the 2008-01-11 version of the API, including the functions for photo uploading, browsing, searching, adding and editing comments, groups, notes, photosets, categories, activity, blogs, favorites, places, tags and photo metadata. It also includes a program flickrdf to turn photo metadata, tags and machine tags into RDF descriptions of photos and tags. . Support for the Flickr API in these programs is through the libflickcurl library. . This package contains the HTML documentation for flickcurl and the related library. Package: flickcurl-utils Description-md5: da9346896905eb8f5d30cc135a6109b0 Description-gl: Utilidades para chamar pola API de Flickr desde a liña de ordes Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request parameters and decoding responses. The library now supports 100% of the 2008-01-11 version of the API, including the functions for photo uploading, browsing, searching, adding and editing comments, groups, notes, photosets, categories, activity, blogs, favorites, places, tags and photo metadata. It also includes a program flickrdf to turn photo metadata, tags and machine tags into RDF descriptions of photos and tags. . Support for the Flickr API in these programs is through the libflickcurl library. Package: flite Description-md5: 849b1a8bf809130924e3beb13f9595b9 Description-gl: Small run-time speech synthesis engine Flite is a small fast run-time speech synthesis engine. It is the latest addition to the suite of free software synthesis tools including University of Edinburgh's Festival Speech Synthesis System and Carnegie Mellon University's FestVox project, tools, scripts and documentation for building synthetic voices. However, flite itself does not require either of these systems to run. . It currently only supports the English and Indic languages. . Este paquete contén os executábeis e a documentación. Package: flow-tools-dev Description-md5: 8a631e30cc1ecc17668f7dabf7273c84 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de flow-tools Flow-tools is library and a collection of programs used to collect, send, process, and generate reports from NetFlow data. The tools can be used together on a single server or distributed to multiple servers for large deployments. The flow-tools library provides an API for development of custom applications for NetFlow export versions 1,5,6 and the 14 currently defined version 8 subversions. A Perl and Python interface have been contributed and are included in the package. . This package contains the flow-tools libraries and headers. Package: flowblade Description-md5: 3148d236b0b7901dea894d3442ef040d Description-gl: Editor de vÃdeo non lineal Flowblade Movie Editor is designed to provide a fast, precise and as- simple-as-possible editing experience. . Flowblade employs film style editing paradigm in which clips are usually automatically placed tightly after the previous clip - or between two existing clips - when they are inserted on the timeline. Edits are fine- tuned by trimming in and out points of clips, or by cutting and deleting parts of clips. Film style editing is faster for creating programs with mostly straight cuts and audio splits, but may be slower when programs contain complex composites unless correct work flow is followed. Package: fmit Description-md5: 9aa935dc760579ca328edd142f0853ce Description-gl: Afinador musical de instrumentos libre FMIT is a graphical utility for tuning your musical instruments, with error and volume history and advanced features like microtonal tuning, statistics, and various views like waveform shape, harmonics ratios and real-time Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). All views and advanced features are optional so that the interface can also be very simple. Package: fmtools Description-md5: 3945b2edaf178e891adfbdadb19a9ec6 Description-gl: Sintonizador de radio FM Command-line utility for adjusting the frequency and volume and muting and unmuting FM radio cards. Package: folks-common Description-md5: 51f0e7fa459256b7f6d53ea160bcc369 Description-gl: library to aggregates people into metacontacts (common files) libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains common files (translations) used by folks components. Package: folks-tools Description-md5: f42543e1b08499d5d82b2dabdf9f54b0 Description-gl: Telepathy backend for libfolks - database and import tools libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains tools to inspect the folks database and import metacontacts from pidgin Package: fonts-linex Description-md5: c07237165d1b3e329fe0e0e6f5032830 Description-gl: Tipos de letra axeitados para usos educativos e institucionais These fonts include hand writing simulation typographies, ancient Greek and Roman typographies, the institutional fonts for use by the regional government of Extremadura and some other elegant fonts. This is the list of the included fonts: * Abecedario: Small children handwritten simulation * Elegante: Elegant handwritten simulation font * BABEL Unicode: specifically designed to type Latin, Ancient greek, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Runic, Ogham and Old English * Alfa-Beta: Ancient Greek typography * Emerita Latina: Roman typography * API PHONÉTIQUE: Designed to phonetically transcript French texts * IPA PHONETICS: Designed to phonetically transcript English texts * Ellenike: Classical Greek encoding * Jara: Institutional font used by the regional government of Extremadura * Quercus: Institutional font used by the regional government of Extremadura . These fonts have been developed, donated and GPL licensed by Juan José Marcos for their use in the gnuLinEx project. Package: fonts-rufscript Description-md5: 2c82f5451d2e10f0874dfbd90e6bb7d7 Description-gl: handwriting-based font for Latin characters Rufscript é un tipo de letra Unicode baseado en letra manuscrita que contén os caracteres do Latin básico e está creado empregando exclusivamente ferramentas tipo FOSS (Fontforge - Inkscape- GIMP). Package: fonts-samyak Description-md5: 6107047dce352602bdd0f8e135188885 Description-gl: Tipo de letra TrueType Samyak para os idiomas indios This package provides Samyak TrueType fonts for following Indian languages: * Gujarati * Tamil * Devanagari * Oriya * Malayalam Package: fonts-samyak-orya Description-md5: 888e768b66e503753db494fb7d44610b Description-gl: Tipo de letra TrueType Samyak para o idioma oriya This package provides Samyak TrueType font for Oriya language (or) which is primarily used in the Indian state of Orissa. Package: fonts-unfonts-core Description-md5: d2d7c4f882eca1661f5721fed9472492 Description-gl: Un series Korean TrueType fonts Este é un conxunto de tipos de letra TrueType para o coreano. Estes tipos de letra foron feitos a partir dos tipos de letra PostScript de HLaTeX e modificados lixeiramente. . This package has only the most common font families (UnBatang, UnDotum, Ungraphic, Unpilgi, and UnGungseo). Install fonts-unfonts-extra for additional fonts. Package: fonts-unfonts-extra Description-md5: bd1295807df91dc25ae18a36a677024b Description-gl: Un series Korean TrueType fonts (extra) Este é un conxunto de tipos de letra TrueType para o coreano. Estes tipos de letra foron feitos a partir dos tipos de letra PostScript de HLaTeX e modificados lixeiramente. . They package has the less common font families. In most cases, ttf- unfonts-core package is enough for daily use. Package: fonts-yozvox-yozfont-edu Description-md5: 190c84c958d07ae8641158fb8bc980bb Description-gl: Japanese proportional Handwriting OpenType font (educational cana) YOzFont is Handwriting Japanese font that standards to "JIS X 0213:2004" and contains the 10000 or more characters (includes hiragana, katakana and kanji). . This is "meiryo compatible" - similar to Microsoft Meiryo font, proportional (without Japanese character) and Wide line pitch . Inclúe «YOzFontE (kana educativo) / YOzFontE Bold» Package: foobillardplus Description-md5: 7194123757b996e0f597b7ef43f7755c Description-gl: Xogo de billar en 3D que usa OpenGL FooBillard++ is an advanced 3D OpenGL billiard game based on the original foobillard 3.0a sources from Florian Berger. You can play it with one or two players or against the computer. . O xogo conta con: . * Wood paneled table with gold covers and gold diamonds. * Reflections on balls. * Zoom in and out, rotation, different angles and bird's eye view. * Different game modes: 8 or 9-ball, Snooker or Karambol. * Tournaments. Compete against other players. * Animated cue with strength and eccentric hit adjustment. * Jump shots and snipping. * Realistic gameplay and billiard sounds. * Red-Green stereo. * And much more. Package: foobillardplus-data Description-md5: 58b98294a095e27938da2e79d8e860e1 Description-gl: 3D OpenGL Billiard Game -- data files FooBillard++ is an advanced 3D OpenGL billiard game based on the original foobillard 3.0a sources from Florian Berger. You can play it with one or two players or against the computer. . Este paquete contén dos datos de xogo do foobilliardplus e inclúe todos os gráficos e os sons. Package: foomatic-db Description-md5: d5f3469f229aa19246b75b0de1f76a10 Description-gl: OpenPrinting printer support - database Foomatic é un sistema de impresión deseñado para facilitar a configuración de impresoras habituais para usalas con Debian (e outros sistemas operativos). Fornece a «cola de pegar» entre unha fila de impresión (como CUPS ou lpr) e a impresora en si, pois lle indica ao computador como procesar os ficheiros enviados á impresora. . Este paquete contén a base de datos de impresoras distribuÃda por OpenPrinting para os controladores máis comúns. Probabelmente sexa necesario foomatic-db-engine para que este paquete sexa útil. Package: foomatic-db-engine Description-md5: 06dc0af0df2ebffe0b2cf09bedf80c7f Description-gl: OpenPrinting printer support - programs Foomatic é un sistema de impresión deseñado para facilitar a configuración de impresoras habituais para usalas con Debian (e outros sistemas operativos). Fornece a «cola de pegar» entre unha fila de impresión (como CUPS ou lpr) e a impresora en si, pois lle indica ao computador como procesar os ficheiros enviados á impresora. . This package contains the architecture-dependent programs needed to set up and maintain the foomatic system. You will also need one or more database packages. The foomatic-db package includes drivers for most common printers using Ghostscript as the print processor, as well as some common glue code used in other filter systems. Package: fop-doc Description-md5: 724066902129e5385dbeeff72241b377 Description-gl: XML formatter driven by XSL Formatting Objects (doc) - doc FOP is a Java application that reads a formatting object tree and then turns it into a wide variety of output presentations (including AFP, PCL, PDF, PNG, PostScript, RTF, TIFF, and plain text), or displays the result on-screen. . The formatting object tree can be in the form of an XML document (output by an XSLT engine like xalan) or can be passed in memory as a DOM Document or (in the case of xalan) SAX events. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: forge-doc Description-md5: 17195d16b46135c49762e8b49b625412 Description-gl: documentation for forge A prototype of the OpenGL interop library that can be used with ArrayFire. The goal of Forge is to provide high performance OpenGL visualizations for C/C++ applications that use CUDA/OpenCL. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: fotoxx Description-md5: 8dfd82003baa16ee8cdbcc8520242ddc Description-gl: Editor de fotos dixitais doado de empregar Fotoxx is a program for improving digital photos. It allows you to navigate through large image directories using a window of thumbnail images, create HDR (high dynamic range) images by combining bright and dark images to improve details visible in both bright and dark areas, create panoramas by joining overlapped images, adjust brightness and color intensity independently for different underlying brightness levels, reduce fog or haze by removing "whiteness" and intensifying colors, rotate an image (level a tilted image or turn 90 degrees), remove red-eyes from electronic flash photos, sharpen, resize, or crop images, reduce noise in low-light photos, change color depth, and stretch an image by dragging the mouse. Package: foxeye-dbg Description-md5: 9a7c26a812a0ba58961303561a66cac1 Description-gl: Universal modular network agent - debugging symbols FoxEye is a multipurpose generic modular base to create clients or servers for client-server type networks such as IRC, ICQ, etc. All what you need to make an IRC bot or ICQ client is few modules that implement functionality you require. The FoxEye written in pure C with small resource requirements in mind. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: foxtrotgps-dbg Description-md5: db18cc63ac64624b9b3a5b9c32d0f6e9 Description-gl: debug symbols for foxtrotgps Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de foxtrotgps. Package: fp-units-net Description-md5: c0cbe4cce5252033a0619131316d8893 Description-gl: Free Pascal - networking units dependency package The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform- independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries. . Este paquete de dependencias depende sempre da última versión dispoñÃbel do paquete que conteña unidades de Free Pascal para crear ferramentas de rede: D-Bus, httpd-1.3, httpd-2.0, httpd-2.2, ldap, libasync, libcurl, netdb, openssl e pcap. Package: fp-units-net-3.0.4 Description-md5: 817164b48d34728d272d528595974deb Description-gl: Free Pascal - networking units The Free Pascal Compiler is an Object Pascal compiler supporting both Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects, as well as Mac Pascal dialects. It provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, along with a platform- independent class-based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi extensions and interfacing with many popular open source libraries. . Este paquete contén unidades de Free Pascal para crear ferramentas de rede: D-Bus, httpd-1.3, httpd-2.0, httpd-2.2, ldap, libasync, libcurl, netdb, openssl e pcap. Package: freebirth Description-md5: dc8af4318513edeb863db784c20d0cbd Description-gl: Sintetizador de baixos/reprodutor de mostras/secuenciador Freebirth is a free software bass synthesizer / step sequencer / sample player similar to Rebirth. The bass synthesizer resembles a 303 but also has other capabilities such as . - Three oscillators (saw, sin, sqr) - Phase offsets for each oscillator - Separate filter and amplitude envelopes - Separate tuning for each oscillator - Two effects busses (reverb and delay). Package: freebsd-buildutils Description-md5: 0be074858c7ee1b6e1fa79f10855d9ba Description-gl: Utilidades para arrancar construÃr fontes de FreeBSD This package contains the FreeBSD counterparts of some standard build utilities (make, mkdep, lex ..) . They have some specific modifications needed to be able to build FreeBSD sources. Package: freeciv Description-md5: 82b82378fdabff25e3cf35835f2be156 Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . Este metapaquete instala o cliente recomendado para xogar a Freeciv. Package: freeciv-client-extras Description-md5: a1671fc9f7475d650e1a87f4ae4184bb Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (miscellaneous extras) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . This package includes Freeciv's modpack tool freeciv-mp-gtk3. It allows you to select and download custom rulesets and tilesets for the game. Package: freeciv-client-gtk Description-md5: 7d2de3bad72496ce20b65049576a0cbd Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (GTK+ client) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . Esta é a versión de Freeciv en GTK+ 2. É o cliente máis sofisticado e o recomendado para xogar ao xogo. Package: freeciv-client-gtk3 Description-md5: b2a9618ed04f4d6e059b9453be77cada Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (GTK 3 client) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . This is the GTK 3 version of Freeciv. It is recommended to install the »freeciv-client-gtk« package and to use the GTK+ client unless you really want to try this one. The GTK 3 client offers a different look&feel and is still under development. Package: freeciv-client-qt Description-md5: 9bd5456acf90e1088ced452ed2bd2aae Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (Qt client) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . Esta é a versión de Freeciv en Qt. Package: freeciv-client-sdl Description-md5: a93a63c07a10c98b69baf94f7c1e3f75 Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (SDL client) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . This version of Freeciv is based on SDL, the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. It is recommended to install the »freeciv-client-gtk« package and to use the GTK+ client unless you really want to try this one. The SDL client offers a different look&feel but lacks some functionality of the GTK+ client. Package: freeciv-data Description-md5: 6c3381570b1bcea531c857542f92e5b7 Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (data) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . Estes son os ficheiros comúns de Freeciv. Package: freeciv-server Description-md5: 05034be0e9f586e565ca1fa01f7dd762 Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (server files) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . Este é o servidor do xogo Freeciv. Package: freeciv-sound-standard Description-md5: 3db6002d0393bff8b3403d51f8f5f7f1 Description-gl: Civilization turn based strategy game (standard sound pack) Freeciv é un clon do xogo de estratexia por quendas Civilization. Neste xogo, cada xogador é o lÃder dunha civilización e pelexa para obter o obxectivo final: a extinción do resto das civilizacións. . This is the standard sound pack for Freeciv. It provides Freeciv clients with a set of sounds for different events and actions in the game. Package: freediams-doc-fr Description-md5: 42a5404d4a7d2b835e58a0e220ea2148 Description-gl: FreeDiams French documentation The FreeMedForms project provides a set of medical applications to help health professionals in their day-to-day practice. It is developed by an international community of medical doctors and computer specialists. . FreeDiams is a pharmaceutical drug prescriptor assistant. It can be used to creation complex prescription and to manage drugs interactions. . Este paquete contén a documentación defreediams en francés. Package: freedink Description-md5: c9caadfb8eac73451c5fa9848f529d14 Description-gl: humorous top-down adventure and role-playing game Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. . GNU FreeDink is a new and portable version of the game engine, which runs the original game as well as its D-Mods, with close compatibility, under multiple platforms. . Este paquete é un metapaquete para instalar o xogo, os seus datos e unha interface para xestionar as opcións do xogo e os D-Mods. Package: freedink-dfarc-dbg Description-md5: dbb69a5335dbce7de3b087e4ada6a0b5 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do dfarc Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. . DFArc2 makes it easy to play and manage the Dink Smallwood game and its numerous D-Mods. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do dfarc. Package: freedink-engine Description-md5: 332ac6a3789670a1c7c981b9e73e57b4 Description-gl: humorous top-down adventure and role-playing game (engine) Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. . GNU FreeDink is a new and portable version of the game engine, which runs the original game as well as its D-Mods, with close compatibility, under multiple platforms. . Este paquete contén só o motor do xogo. Package: freedink-engine-dbg Description-md5: ff40c50335e6cf2da0a540b49199d746 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do freedink Dink Smallwood is an adventure/role-playing game, similar to Zelda, made by RTsoft. Besides twisted humor, it includes the actual game editor, allowing players to create hundreds of new adventures called Dink Modules or D-Mods for short. . GNU FreeDink is a new and portable version of the game engine, which runs the original game as well as its D-Mods, with close compatibility, under multiple platforms. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de freedink. Package: freefem++ Description-md5: 01429493488c740a6366ff810a1828dd Description-gl: Provides the binaries of the FreeFem++ FE suite FreeFem++ is an implementation of a language dedicated to the finite element method. It enables you to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDE) easily. . Problems involving PDE from several branches of physics such as fluid- structure interactions require interpolations of data on several meshes and their manipulation within one program. FreeFem++ includes a fast quadtree-based interpolation algorithm and a language for the manipulation of these data on multiple meshes. It contains also a powerful mesh generation and adaption tool integrated seamlessly in FreeFem++ called bamg. . FreeFem++ is written in C++ and the FreeFem++ language is a C++ idiom allowing for a smooth learning curve. . Este paquete contén os executábeis de FreeFem++. Package: freefem++-doc Description-md5: 53f265a9a554171b82cd13c41ed83ac9 Description-gl: Provides the documentation of the FreeFem++ FE suite FreeFem++ is an implementation of a language dedicated to the finite element method. It enables you to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDE) easily. . Problems involving PDE from several branches of physics such as fluid- structure interactions require interpolations of data on several meshes and their manipulation within one program. FreeFem++ includes a fast quadtree-based interpolation algorithm and a language for the manipulation of these data on multiple meshes. It contains also a powerful mesh generation and adaption tool integrated seamlessly in FreeFem++ called bamg. . FreeFem++ is written in C++ and the FreeFem++ language is a C++ idiom allowing for a smooth learning curve. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación de FreeFem++. Package: freefem-doc Description-md5: 0bfc8cfb6077a6b924c7e737142f677e Description-gl: Documentación do FreeFEM (html e pdf) FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool. Package: freegish Description-md5: 26883d9c6fd9edbe5b35e35e877b8d4e Description-gl: Un xogo tipo arcade baseado na fÃsica Freegish is a 2D platform game, where the player maneuvers character of a ball of tar. Character may become sticky, slick, heavy and can jump. . The game contains only first seven levels of the single player campaign and few multiplayer levels for mini games like sumo or football. . Freegish is based on open sourced code of the famous game called Gish with added free art assets. Package: freegish-dbg Description-md5: 27df94c5c989b016164c93a6ba592855 Description-gl: arcade game (debugging symbols) Freegish is a 2D platform game, where the player maneuvers character of a ball of tar. Character may become sticky, slick, heavy and can jump. . The game contains only first five levels of the single player campaign and few multiplayer levels for mini games like sumo or football. . Freegish is based on open sourced code of the famous game called Gish with added free art assets. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: freemedforms-i18n Description-md5: 1443d22ca9d36ca380bdc6829ec8ddbb Description-gl: Traducións do proxecto FreeMedForms The FreeMedForms project provides a set of medical applications to help health professionals in their day-to-day practice. It is developed by an international community of medical doctors and computer specialists. . This package contains the translations of the project. Package: freeplane Description-md5: b04d10785beb95550531656465c4c240 Description-gl: Java program for working with Mind Maps Freeplane is a free and open source software application that supports thinking, sharing information and getting things done at work, in school and at home. The core of the software is tools for mind mapping (also known as concept mapping or information mapping) and using mapped information. . Occupying the middle ground between an editor and a diagramming tool, Freeplane allows the user to add content as quickly and naturally as they would in a text editor, yet producing structured content that can be manipulated as easily as a diagram. . Features include ordering ideas in nodes and freely positionable nodes, connecting nodes, automatic/conditional styles, scripting, add-ons, LaTeX, search/filtering, different export features, printing, password protection of nodes/maps and more. . Consulte para unha lista completa dos aplicativos e as súas funcionalidades. Package: freesweep Description-md5: 0a4e1d6d578e5c04dce8433cb70cee1a Description-gl: Buscaminas baseado en texto O Freesweep é unha versión do popular xogo do buscaminas no que hai que tentar atopar todas as minas sen facer estourar ningunha e baseándose nas suxestións que dá o computador. Ao contrario da maiorÃa das versións deste xogo, o Freesweep funciona sen pantalla gráfica - na consola de Linux, nun terminal de xterm e na maiorÃa dos terminais baseados en texto en uso. Package: freetable Description-md5: 13762d0f7ace152a70bab4abc21ccccc Description-gl: Facilita a produción de táboas en HTML Freetable é un script en Perl dirixito a facilitar a produción de táboas en HTML. Este script funciona como filtro, lendo a entrada normal e escribindo na saÃda normal. . A sintaxe de introdución é basicamente a seguinte: . <wwwtable opcións da táboa...> texto inicial (e.g. <caption> ... </caption>). (X, Y) opcións da cela (X, Y) texto da cela (X,Y)... ((X,Y)) opcións da cela de cabeceira X,Y texto da cela de cabeceira (X,Y)... </wwwtable> . As filas e as celas poden ser indicadas en calquera orde; a numeración comeza en 1. X e/ou Y poden ser substituÃdos por expresións regulares, intervalos explÃcitos ou mesmo código arbitrario en Perl para indicar filas ou columnas. As opcións ou o texto (ou ambos) poden ser omitidos do texto. As celas poden ser omitidas completamente se estiveren baleiras ou fan parte das especificacións rowspan/colspan doutra cela. As celas poden conter texto arbitrario en HTML, incluÃdas outras táboas de freetable. Package: freetennis-common Description-md5: 50887bd6329fb499621bdc53114302d2 Description-gl: Free Tennis - simulation game Free Tennis is a free software tennis simulation game. The game can be played against an A.I. or human-vs-human via LAN or internet. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: freetts Description-md5: a346fe6dcc2c0164ec6b7c3891945e56 Description-gl: Sistema de sÃntese de voz FreeTTS é un sistema de sÃntese de voz escrito enteiramente na linguaxe de programación Java(TM). Está baseado en Flite, un motor pequeno de sÃntese de voz de tempo de execución desenvolvido na Universidade Carnegie Mellon. O Flite, á súa vez, deriva do Sistema de SÃntese de Voz Festival, da Universidade de Edimburgo e do proxecto FestVox da Universidade Carnegie Mellon. Package: freetuxtv Description-md5: 3615c1dbcc09d1a31e780dd9fbb76ecf Description-gl: Reprodutor de televisión e radio por Internet FreetuxTV is a media player for watching and recording TV on a PC. It gives access to a large and growing database of free WebTV, WebRadio, and WebCam channels in more than 20 languages, along with television services provided by ISPs to their subscribers. . It relies on VLC for its multimedia codecs. Package: freetype2-demos Description-md5: 0346a29c9d44ad378ec96e2493d955e5 Description-gl: Programas de demostración de FreeType 2 Este paquete contén algúns programas de demostración e utilidades que demostran as funcionalidades do motor de tipos de letra FreeType 2. Package: freevial Description-md5: ca586a6a155fe3b6e59bf8a8a4888cea Description-gl: Plataforma tipo Trivial para celebraciósn comunitarias Freevial é unha plataforma para xogos tipo Trivial deseñada para o seu uso en celebracións comunitarias na que idealmente haberá un proxector e altofalantes. . Pódense crear localizacións e temas e inclúe unha baterÃa de preguntas personalizábel (que se cargan de ficheiros en XML) clasificadas en dez categorÃas diferentes. . O xogo conta con gráficos sorprendentes, seleccións de categorÃas tipo máquina de apostas pantalla final, música e sons, etc. . Este paquete vén provisoriamente cunha base de datos de preguntas en catalán. Package: freewheeling Description-md5: c520a026ff6bdce281603a321c600a3e Description-gl: live looping musical instrument FreeWheeling is a live looping instrument built for improvisation. Using a keyboard or a MIDI controller, it allows one to build and control repetitive patterns from a live audio stream. . O FreeWheeling emprega o Kit de conexión de son Jack, Fluidsynth e SDL. Package: freewnn-common Description-md5: 4ee66fd4b84f645fc33b7d93db5f6719 Description-gl: Ficheiros compartidos entre os paquetes de FreeWnn FreeWnn is a network-extensible Japanese/Chinese/Korean input system. It was jointly developed and released by the Software Research Group of Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Science, OMRON Corporation and Astec, Inc. and now maintained by the FreeWnn Project. . Este paquete contén ficheiros compartidos entre os paquetes de FreeWnn. Package: freewnn-cserver Description-md5: aa303c9cee2af39884694ece281698b8 Description-gl: Sistema de entrada para o chinés FreeWnn cserver (cWnn) is an integrated Chinese input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Chinese users from all over the world, including P.R.China and Taiwan. FreeWnn cserver is capable of carrying out Hanzi conversion from an arbitrary Pinyin or Zhuyin sequence, hence improving the speed of Pinyin/Zhuyin input. Package: freewnn-jserver Description-md5: 7d4caabedcdd8aa63390b028a910af8f Description-gl: Sistema de entrada para o xaponés FreeWnn jserver (Wnn) is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system. It was jointly developed and released by the Software Research Group of Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Science, OMRON Corporation and Astec, Inc. and now maintained by the FreeWnn Project. Package: freewnn-kserver Description-md5: 2d18d8669cc65f4dee5e08eee885ea2e Description-gl: Sistema de entrada para o coreano FreeWnn kserver (kWnn) is an integrated Korean input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Korean users from all over the world. Package: frei0r-plugins Description-md5: 599b6277ac789dc307b958da496b9c52 Description-gl: API de engadidos minimalista para efectos de vÃdeo, colección de engadidos frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behavior of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects. It is not meant as a generic API for all kinds of video applications. . Os engadidos de frei0r empréganse en varios proxectos (p.ex. LiVES, Veejay, Editor Open Movie, FreeJ, Pure Data Visual Junk Tools, infraestrutura MLT). . Este paquete contén unha colección de engadidos. Package: frei0r-plugins-dev Description-md5: 93bd9bae1434be56838570a96dd6da5b Description-gl: API de engadidos minimalista para efectos de vÃdeo, ficheiros de cabeceira frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behavior of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects. It is not meant as a generic API for all kinds of video applications. . Os engadidos de frei0r empréganse en varios proxectos (p.ex. LiVES, Veejay, Editor Open Movie, FreeJ, Pure Data Visual Junk Tools, infraestrutura MLT). . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras necesarias para activar frei0r noutros paquetes no momento da construción. Package: frei0r-plugins-doc Description-md5: ccb78b52a1cb4e3160d4e5762dc0085f Description-gl: API de engadidos minimalista para efectos de vÃdeo, documentación da API frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behavior of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects. It is not meant as a generic API for all kinds of video applications. . Os engadidos de frei0r empréganse en varios proxectos (p.ex. LiVES, Veejay, Editor Open Movie, FreeJ, Pure Data Visual Junk Tools, infraestrutura MLT). . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: frescobaldi Description-md5: 7e3a8966b55e721550f9e11b9d0e5617 Description-gl: LilyPond sheet music text editor Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use. Frescobaldi is Free Software, freely available under the GNU General Public License. . Funcionalidades: . * Powerful text editor with syntax highlighting and automatic completion * Music view with advanced Point & Click * MIDI player to proof-listen LilyPond-generated MIDI files * MIDI capturing to enter music * Powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a music score * Snippet Manager to store and apply text snippets, templates or scripts * Use multiple versions of LilyPond, automatically selects the correct version * Built-in LilyPond documentation browser and built-in Frescobaldi User Guide * Smart layout-control functions like coloring specific objects in the PDF * MusicXML, MIDI and ABC import * Modern user interface with configurable colors, fonts and keyboard shortcuts * Translated into Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Russian, Spanish, Galician, Turkish, Polish, Brazillian Portuguese and Ukrainian. . Music functions: . * Transpose music * Change music from relative to absolute and vice versa * Change the language used for note names * Change the rhythm (double, halve, add/remove dots, copy, paste) etc. * Hyphenate lyrics using word-processor hyphenation dictionaries * Add spanners, dynamics, articulation easily using the Quick Insert panel * Update LilyPond syntax using convert-ly, with display of differences . In order to use lyric hyphenation, please install your languages' appropriate hyphenation packages, e.g. hyphen-fr for French, hyphen-ca for Catalan, etc. . Frescobaldi is designed to run on all major operating systems (Linux, macOS and MS Windows). It is named after Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643), an Italian composer of keyboard music in the late Renaissance and early Baroque period. Package: fretsonfire Description-md5: 809f92fa5487fdf1f8844286d56bc3ee Description-gl: Xogo de destreza musical e dedos rápidos Un xogo de destreza musical e dedos rápidos. O obxectivo do xogo é tocar a guitarra co teclado o máis precisamente posÃbel. . Os xogadores teñen que premer botóns para seguir o ritmo da música, que se mostra con marcadores na pantalla. Unha lista de puntuacións oficial permite que os xogadores presuman da súa destreza diante doutros competidores de todo o mundo. . O xogo vén cun titorial doado de entender para comezar a xogar e un editor de cacións permite que os xogadores editen e compoñan cancións para usar no xogo. Package: fretsonfire-game Description-md5: d6001acc70bd465f07a1b7ffc127d058 Description-gl: Xogo de destreza musical e dedos rápidos - Ficheiros do xogo Un xogo de destreza musical e dedos rápidos. O obxectivo do xogo é tocar a guitarra co teclado o máis precisamente posÃbel. . Este é o paquete que contén o código executábel do xogo. Fan falta son que funcione e unha placa gráfica con capacidade para 3D. Package: fretsonfire-songs-muldjord Description-md5: 5a68498003cd2b0990af3bab85e6278e Description-gl: Xogo de destreza musical e dedos rápidos - Paquete de cancións Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fast fingers. The aim of the game is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible. . Este é un paquete de datos de cancións escritas por Muldjord Package: fretsonfire-songs-sectoid Description-md5: 64cd993ff5aeb1353a85004391d9e13e Description-gl: Xogo de destreza musical e dedos rápidos - Paquete de cancións Frets on Fire is a game of musical skill and fast fingers. The aim of the game is to play guitar with the keyboard as accurately as possible. . Este é un paquete de datos de cancións escritas por Sectoid Package: fritzing Description-md5: 7f056a3679631d4272496446763b4bd9 Description-gl: Software de deseño electrónico doado de empregar Fritzing is an open source project designed to help one transition from a prototype to a finished project. Aimed at users who want to produce or document circuits and experiments, one starts by building a physical prototype, then recreating it with Fritzing’s graphical editor. From there one can generate a schematic, PCB artwork, and PCB production files. Package: fritzing-data Description-md5: e785ce98bf5abb0260ab40b4807583ac Description-gl: Software de deseño electrónico doado de empregar (ficheiros de datos) Fritzing is an open source project designed to help one transition from a prototype to a finished project. Aimed at users who want to produce or document circuits and experiments, one starts by building a physical prototype, then recreating it with Fritzing’s graphical editor. From there one can generate a schematic, PCB artwork, and PCB production files. . This package contains the architecture independent data files for Fritzing. Package: frogdata Description-md5: e7e3f4bca3574dec01985d9edda8bf72 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do Frog Frog is a modular system integrating a morphosyntactic tagger, lemmatizer, morphological analyzer, and dependency parser for the Dutch language. . This package provided necessary datafiles for running Frog. . Frog is a product of the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). Package: frogr Description-md5: b085d9541e6489e8a1e69221a531d61a Description-gl: Organizador remoto de Flickr para GNOME Frogr is a small application for the GNOME desktop that allows users to manage their accounts in the Flickr image hosting website. It supports all the basic tasks, including uploading pictures, adding descriptions, setting tags and managing sets. Package: frogr-data Description-md5: 670f41cf10490dc5131bc996fc0abecf Description-gl: Organizador remoto de Flickr para GNOME -- ficheiros de datos Frogr is a small application for the GNOME desktop that allows users to manage their accounts in the Flickr image hosting website. It supports all the basic tasks, including uploading pictures, adding descriptions, setting tags and managing sets. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: frozen-bubble Description-md5: 3785aec5dfad3884d80489fbf1b4f48a Description-gl: Emocionante xogo no que hai que facer estourar as burbullas! O Frozen-Bubble é un clon do popular xogo «Puzzle-Bobble», no que hai que tentar dispararlles ás burbullas para colocalas en grupos da mesma cor e que asà estoupen. . Os xogadores compiten como pinguÃns e teñen que empregar as teclas das frechas para dirixir unha burbulla dunha cor a grupos de burbullas. O obxectivo é limpar todas as burbullas da pantalla antes de que unha burbulla pase por debaixo dunha liña que hai no fondo. . Conta con cen niveis de xogo individual, un modo para dous xogadores, música e gráficos sorprendentes. Tamén se inclúe un editor de niveis para que os xogadores poidan crear e xogar os seus propios niveis. Package: frozen-bubble-data Description-md5: e6151b33d0f9e9b8420e0cec8e654913 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo Frozen-Bubble O Frozen-Bubble é un clon do popular xogo «Puzzle-Bobble» con cen niveis de xogo individuais e un modo para dous xogadores. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de son, gráficos e niveis do Frozen- Bubble. Package: fruit Description-md5: 33b36ff29f460c72d7e34cc5b3ac8971 Description-gl: Motor de xadrez para calcular movementos de xadrez This is a very strong chess engine, placed second in the 13th world computer chess championship 2005. It uses the UCI (universal chess interface), for chess engines as communication protocol. This means to play against it, you will have to use an UCI capable interface, like knights. This distribution comes with an opening book of moves that the engine can use for the first few moves of the game. This increases performance in the chess games opening. Package: fsarchiver Description-md5: 3da05c8c86b885254877d63de800fc49 Description-gl: Arquivador do sistema de ficheiros O FSArchiver é unha ferramenta do sistema que permite gravar o contido dun sistema de ficheiros nun ficheiro de arquivo comprimido. O sistema de ficheiros pode ser restaurado nunha partición que teña un tamaño diferente e pode ser restaurado nun sistema de ficheiros diferente. Ao contrario de tar/dar, FSArchiver tamén crea o sistema de ficheiros cando extrae os datos en particións. Compróbase a integridade de todo o que haxa no arquivo para protexer os datos. Se o arquivo estiver estragado, só se perde o ficheiro actual, non o arquivo completo. Package: fsgateway Description-md5: 6275264a36476aeada6019f0f9b560c5 Description-gl: FUSE module to browse database's metadata, sugar datastores and xml files FsGateway allows you to use your preferred directory navigation tool to inspect a database's metadata, sugar datastores and xml files. . It allows you to compare two database structures in an easy way using the diff tool, or to find where a field is defined using the grep tool. . De momento admite o seguinte modo de funcionamento: . tagfs: Reescribe unha árbore de directorios empregando os nomes de directorio como etiquetas . xmlfs: Asigna a estrutura dun ficheiro en xml como árbore de directorio. Admite elementos, atributos e textos. A ruta resultante dun nó é semellante á súa ruta de XPath. . sugar datastore: Access a sugar datastore as a normal filesystem. . databases: Access a database's metadata as a directory tree. Drivers are available for PostgreSQL, MySql, Sqlite and SqlServer Package: fso-deviced Description-md5: fc73236f3ede5a4bea139e370acfbac5 Description-gl: Daemon do dispositivo fsodeviced implements the Device API. . This API allows peripheral control, such as managing audio, backlight brightness, LEDs, Vibrator, Accelerometer, and power control for devices without dedicated controlling daemon. It can deal with charging notification and RTC, forwarding button events and notifying about the system's idleness status. . This package is part of the software stack and is targeted for smartphones. Package: fso-gsmd Description-md5: 8257a3bc10cec71b52232b6b5be876e8 Description-gl: Daemon de GSM de fsogsmd implements the GSM API. It takes care of all GSM related functions. . The different platforms (e.g. the Openmoko Freerunner) supported by fso- gsmd have custom lowlevel plugins, which are available in optional packages. . This package is part of the software stack and is targeted for smartphones. Package: fso-gsmd-dbg Description-md5: ca8275b032c77219e80d8716d2f8c118 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do daemon de GSM de fsogsmd implements the GSM API. It takes care of all GSM related functions. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de fso-gsmd, fso-gsmd- openmoko, fso-gsmd-ezx e fso-gsmd-htc. Package: fso-usaged-dbg Description-md5: 8e988b646b88eb9eff673ed58b24fcf9 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración para usar co daemon de uso de fsousaged implements the Usage API. It automatically controls system resources like GSM, GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi, Display or CPU. . Some platforms (e.g. the Openmoko Freerunner) have custom lowlevel plugins, which are available in optional packages. . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: fspanel Description-md5: 9d148223930c6152ef758987e1a40ed4 Description-gl: minimalist panel for X Un panel para X que enumera todas as xanelas, o que fai consumindo espazo de disco, memoria e pantalla mÃnimos. Funciona baixo calquera xestor de xanelas compatÃbel con GNOME (p.ex. E, Sawfish, WindowMaker, IceWM, Oroborus) e admite as mini-iconas de KDE (o KWM_WIN_ICON atom). Package: fsprotect Description-md5: cd145253c311a2d6fcf9a6be7a01eceb Description-gl: Scripts auxiliares para facer os sistemas de ficheiros inmutábeis Este é un conxunto de scripts que fan que root e outros sistemas de ficheiros sexan inmutábies. Empregando aufs, empaquetan un sistema de ficheiros tmpfs e o sistema de ficheiros obrigando a que os cambios se escriban no tmpfs. . O sistema de ficheiros raÃz está protexido por un script initramfs. Outros sistemas de ficheiros están protexidos por un script init. Todos os sistemas de ficheiros protexidos tórnanse de só lectura, para asà asegurar a súa inmutabilidade mesmo se ses vai a corrente. . Isto pódese empregar en computadores públicos para evitar danos ou cambios. Package: fspy Description-md5: 9c49e9212088f22ca1d2f76000fe9d83 Description-gl: Ferramenta de vixilancia da actividade do sistema de ficheiros fspy é unha ferramenta de vixilancia da actividade do sistema de ficheiros de Linux doada de utilizar que se pretende que sexa rápida, pequena e que manipule os recursos do sistema de maneira conservadora. Pódense aplicar filtros, empregar diffs e formatos de saÃda personalizados para obter os mellores resultados. Package: fssync Description-md5: fe4ec9632ddd01f746d426579a4630f6 Description-gl: Ferramenta de sincronización de sistemas de ficheiros (unha dirección, por SSH) fssync is a 1-way file-synchronization tool that tracks inodes and maintains a local database of files that are on the remote side, making it able to: - handle efficiently a huge number of dirs/files - detect renames/moves and hard-links . It aims at minimizing network traffic and synchronizing every detail of a file system: - all types of inode: file, dir, block/character/fifo, socket, symlink - preserve hard links - modification time, ownership/permission/ACL, extended attributes - sparse files . Other features: - it can be configured to exclude files from synchronization - fssync can be interrupted and resumed at any time, making it tolerant to random failures (e.g. network error) - algorithm to synchronize file content is designed to handle big files like VM images efficiently, by updating fixed-size modified blocks in-place . Main usage of fssync is to prevent data loss in case of hardware failure, where RAID1 is not possible (e.g. in laptops). . On Btrfs file systems, fssync is an useful alternative to `btrfs send` (and `receive`) commands, thanks to filtering capabilities. This can be combined with Btrfs snapshotting at destination side for a full backup solution. Package: fswebcam Description-md5: cb9794b0e2544277ac13ad42bcc4e8d5 Description-gl: Programa para cámaras web diminuto e flexÃbel Fswebcam is a tiny and flexible webcam command-line program for capturing images from a V4L1/V4L2 device. It accepts a number of formats, can skip the first (possibly bad) frames before performing the actual capture, and can perform simple manipulation on the captured image, such as resizing, averaging multiple frames or overlaying a caption or an image. Package: fte Description-md5: 416e5a500077be0ae50d1f03062cb432 Description-gl: Editor de texto para programadores - paquete base FTE is a text editor for programmers. Some of its features are smart indentation for C, C++, Java, Perl; color syntax highlighting for many more languages; multiple file/window editing; column blocks; configurable menus and keyboard bindings; mouse support; undo/redo; regular expression search and replace; folding; background compiler execution. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para construÃr un ficheiro de configuración e algo de documentación elemental. Aquà non hai ningún editor, seleccione un dos paquetes das dependencias. Package: fte-console Description-md5: 4ffc9d62c484cfc547f9e09e2ed00cd3 Description-gl: Editor de texto para programadores - edición para a consola, sen compatibilidade con I18N FTE is a text editor for programmers. Some of its features are smart indentation for C, C++, Java, Perl; color syntax highlighting for many more languages; multiple file/window editing; column blocks; configurable menus and keyboard bindings; mouse support; undo/redo; regular expression search and replace; folding; background compiler execution. . Esta é a edición para a consola de Linux sen compatibilidade coa internacionalización. Package: fte-docs Description-md5: c8c0c33cb72f13a474fa501c86c7cf6c Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos do editor FTE FTE is a text editor for programmers. Some of its features are smart indentation for C, C++, Java, Perl; color syntax highlighting for many more languages; multiple file/window editing; column blocks; configurable menus and keyboard bindings; mouse support; undo/redo; regular expression search and replace; folding; background compiler execution. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML e ficheiros de configuración de exemplo. Package: fte-terminal Description-md5: ec3fbb693916a59035311cd6f190139b Description-gl: Editor de texto para programadores - versión para terminais FTE is a text editor for programmers. Some of its features are smart indentation for C, C++, Java, Perl; color syntax highlighting for many more languages; multiple file/window editing; column blocks; configurable menus and keyboard bindings; mouse support; undo/redo; regular expression search and replace; folding; background compiler execution. . Esta é a versión para terminais (p.ex. xterm, vt100). Package: fte-xwindow Description-md5: 8b0fe99af804ae1498e6e5340eef9e0c Description-gl: Editor de texto para programadores - edición para o Sistema de Xanelas X con compatibilidade para I18N FTE is a text editor for programmers. Some of its features are smart indentation for C, C++, Java, Perl; color syntax highlighting for many more languages; multiple file/window editing; column blocks; configurable menus and keyboard bindings; mouse support; undo/redo; regular expression search and replace; folding; background compiler execution. . This is the X Window System edition, with internationalization support. Package: ftp-cloudfs Description-md5: 16e6e03fa5fc8d58a611122b7d536a80 Description-gl: FTP interface to Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack Object Storage FTP-CloudFS is an FTP server acting as a proxy to Rackspace Cloud Files or to OpenStack Object Storage (Swift). It allows you to connect via any FTP client to do upload/download or create containers. It supports pseudo- hierarchical folders/directories as described in the Rackspace Cloud Files API and the OpenStack Object Storage API. . Este paquete contén o daemon. Package: ftp-proxy-doc Description-md5: c6a24aa91cec5d8501d5b000611c9c39 Description-gl: Documentación de ftp-proxy FTP-Proxy is a transparent, application-level proxy server for FTP connections, designed to protect FTP servers against attacks based on the FTP protocol. It is the first (and currently only) component of the SuSE Proxy Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security. . Este paquete contén a documentación nos formatos PDF e HTML de ftp-proxy. Package: ftpcopy Description-md5: 7f78a2ffdc239606cdd279aa1eeef977 Description-gl: FTP clients collection ftpcopy is a simple FTP client written to copy files or directories (recursively) from an FTP server. It was written to mirror FTP sites which support the EPLF directory listing format, but it also supports the traditional listing format (/bin/ls). . ftpls is an FTP client which generates directory listings, either in plain text or HTML. . The tools only support passive mode FTP. There is no plan to support active mode. . Consulte para máis información. Package: funnelweb-doc Description-md5: c84dde5247e713cf143cab9d2b2df035 Description-gl: Documentación de funnelweb This package includes the HTML manuals for the funnelweb litterate- programming system. These are the Tutorial Manual, the Reference Manual, and the Developer Manual. Package: fuse-zip Description-md5: 0f83ee6670b38295835acf55689c89f4 Description-gl: Montador de arquivos ZIP baseado en FUSE fuse-zip is a FUSE file system to navigate, extract, create and modify ZIP archives. With fuse-zip, you can work with ZIP archives as real directories. . fuse-zip is faster that other known FUSE implementations of ZIP directories, and includes full write support. Package: fvwm-icons Description-md5: 87fe87904cccda0823946ad03585f38d Description-gl: icon *.xpm files from fvwm development site Este paquete contén iconciñas para empregar nos menús do xestor de xanelas. As iconas inclúen sÃmbolos xenéricos (bolas, libros, hexágonos) e iconas descriptivas de programas (xestor de ficheiros, logotipo de Netscape, etc.). Teña en conta que estas iconas son bastante básicas e non inclúen efectos de sombra. . Originally the icons were for FVWM which is a small memory footprint ICCCM2 compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager. Package: fwbuilder Description-md5: 73dde9e92370efbba3953188b1d6e1e9 Description-gl: Ferramenta con interface gráfica para a administración de devasas Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls, networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations. . This is the GUI part of fwbuilder Package: fwbuilder-dbg Description-md5: 0920fb585f0ce1b9cb4dabe394583291 Description-gl: Ferramenta con interface gráfica para a administración de devasas (sÃmbolos de depuración) Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls, networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations. . Este paquete inclúe os sÃmbolos de depuración de fwbuilder. Package: fwlogwatch Description-md5: 9fb0eca840377b5b84c214320b65b9ff Description-gl: Firewall log analyzer fwlogwatch produce resumos dos informes de rexistro de ipchains, netfilter/iptables, ipfilter, Cisco IOS e Cisco PIX en formato texto e HTML e ten unha morea de opcións para atopar e mostrar padróns relevantes dos intentos de conexión. Cos datos atopados pode tamén xerar informes de incidencias personalizados a partir dun modelo e envialos aos contactos de control dos sitios desde os que se ofende ou a centros de coordinación de CERT. Por último, tamén se pode executar como daemon e informar das anomalÃas ou iniciar contramedidas. Package: g++-4.8 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. Package: g++-4.8-multilib Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. Package: g++-5-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 375cdf23ac087e4b16d8e29883083ecd Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: g++-5-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2d00942ba5eb012a9fd5c68196421586 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: g++-5-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 69b23ef48559dcf51900077931d27dae Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: g++-5-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 1af3e5930fd0d3a33d12f0f8bc7e2f24 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: g++-5-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 51ed3edd65aa0109d0bbf35707669a15 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: g++-5-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 33cb9432a33844cdaffb42e7e44c93e4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: g++-5-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5f941c6142c4ed9b87ea7c3083132506 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: g++-5-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5eb6ac886975f745349dae49575cd881 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: g++-5-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: cfbb23b2a04dbb6711728a8531f9a8f8 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: g++-5-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ebf8769690429269deec45d4f886faf0 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: g++-5-multilib Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-5-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2c5b1836d138ff53e7df7f27a0862e1e Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: g++-5-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 77f2531f8ebc660bcff098458d78b2d8 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpcspe architecture. Package: g++-5-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ec2fcfae8b97168ef2c032456149eed4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-5-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7326febff1363e9a9e082bce774ea2a4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: g++-5-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c9fdc00eb547ec8be7bcce01a69c0ea Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: g++-5-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5f202e5692a5e8b0f49b93770465d1e7 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: g++-5-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4a2f0c157e1965c199e84a8459fe55ee Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-6 Description-md5: 0a3fad3367cb994bd16c61b0e16a8b9c Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. Package: g++-6-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 375cdf23ac087e4b16d8e29883083ecd Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: g++-6-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2d00942ba5eb012a9fd5c68196421586 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: g++-6-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 69b23ef48559dcf51900077931d27dae Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: g++-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 1af3e5930fd0d3a33d12f0f8bc7e2f24 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: g++-6-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 51ed3edd65aa0109d0bbf35707669a15 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: g++-6-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 33cb9432a33844cdaffb42e7e44c93e4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: g++-6-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5f941c6142c4ed9b87ea7c3083132506 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: g++-6-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5eb6ac886975f745349dae49575cd881 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: g++-6-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: cfbb23b2a04dbb6711728a8531f9a8f8 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: g++-6-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ebf8769690429269deec45d4f886faf0 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: g++-6-multilib Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-6-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2c5b1836d138ff53e7df7f27a0862e1e Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: g++-6-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 77f2531f8ebc660bcff098458d78b2d8 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpcspe architecture. Package: g++-6-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ec2fcfae8b97168ef2c032456149eed4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-6-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7326febff1363e9a9e082bce774ea2a4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: g++-6-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c9fdc00eb547ec8be7bcce01a69c0ea Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: g++-6-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5f202e5692a5e8b0f49b93770465d1e7 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: g++-6-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4a2f0c157e1965c199e84a8459fe55ee Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-7-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2d00942ba5eb012a9fd5c68196421586 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: g++-7-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 69b23ef48559dcf51900077931d27dae Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: g++-7-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 51ed3edd65aa0109d0bbf35707669a15 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: g++-7-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 33cb9432a33844cdaffb42e7e44c93e4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: g++-7-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5f941c6142c4ed9b87ea7c3083132506 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: g++-7-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5eb6ac886975f745349dae49575cd881 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: g++-7-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: cfbb23b2a04dbb6711728a8531f9a8f8 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: g++-7-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ebf8769690429269deec45d4f886faf0 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: g++-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 291f2f15035d2eb62358c5157bbae10c Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: g++-7-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 77f2531f8ebc660bcff098458d78b2d8 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for powerpcspe architecture. Package: g++-7-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ec2fcfae8b97168ef2c032456149eed4 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-7-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3c9fdc00eb547ec8be7bcce01a69c0ea Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: g++-7-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5f202e5692a5e8b0f49b93770465d1e7 Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: g++-7-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4a2f0c157e1965c199e84a8459fe55ee Description-gl: Compilador de C++ Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This package contains C++ cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 63455f6f87778fa475c4784e9a7d06d1 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the alpha architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: g++-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 05df4fea4d3956fb12eda5f6640a9368 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: g++-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 905a8313956ffa9b5f950bb5b7d1877e Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the hppa architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the hppa architecture. Package: g++-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: db3172d6c0f5b027c5611f948d711fbc Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the m68k architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the m68k architecture. Package: g++-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7d0f5a2fd60fad3c51072d2ce11a6d33 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: g++-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 781a7c262ab4284bf910c04dfdbfe58b Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: g++-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: a926829d443670257a23b76629c17678 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: g++-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: a78509f9da485fd866d51fcfdb80a191 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: g++-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 91b0388d2b3cbf8bef208a4882d3a7da Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: g++-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 319506281ce6c554e4fc88d15dc1e1ac Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4500c93654c87411789a52ddac7f25e7 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: cf9010cf4f93dc94ac432e8911adee0d Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f5c55516384cc7459f3887503eafb0af Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: g++-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8e79848fc2d9c5a3cb72658e63a467b9 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: g++-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4fc6dc02333543ee6db964e755540b56 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: g++-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b8cb59982684379a36c19e6abe4f591f Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 923d5d98e01f79c8853e01090403d09a Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: g++-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 66ae43da9a032d1752d97ec3b62d296e Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: g++-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 0a6c02317caff25f7508bb5c15ee1bd6 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the powerpcspe architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the powerpcspe architecture. Package: g++-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3a3c7919ff09612e0528b8e93af74355 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: g++-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 611e82003e6b39e22236bec4046da2b9 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: g++-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: c3fee81ad277f72de39cc9578b38e026 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the sh4 architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the sh4 architecture. Package: g++-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2fd5de3ec4816eb88005bbefa7b13a03 Description-gl: GNU C++ compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C++, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C++. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C++ cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gadmin-bind-dbg Description-md5: ff4ec6787b27accbb8103239dba45c1c Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for bind9 (debug) gadmin-bind is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for ISC BIND. It handles multiple domains and can switch from master to slave domain in three clicks. It can change the domain name for entire domains and subdomains, including domain resources such as MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, and NS. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gadmin-openvpn-server-dbg Description-md5: eb6cc0285eb977f4327e3b999ea7fa71 Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (debug for server) gadmin-openvpn-server is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the OpenVPN server. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gadmin-proftpd-dbg Description-md5: f0408eb08d99c7f31cc867486ffdaea0 Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd debug package gadmin-proftpd is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the Proftpd standalone server. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gadmin-rsync-dbg Description-md5: 3dfa569436e5b58b8522c8802dc135d6 Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for rsync (debug) gadmin-rsync is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for the rsync server. . Feature: - Multiple backup sets that can be scheduled to run at specific times via cron. - Each of these backup sets can contain multiple remote or local data backups. - Backup sets that are started via cron schedules will generate log files for each of the data backups in the backup sets. - The backup logfiles will have the same names as the individual backup sets. - Individual backup sets can be run manually and the progress can be viewed in the progress tab. - Remote backups are fully automatic, differential and encrypted. - Keys are created for each host, uploaded and then installed on the remote hosts using a combination of ssh-keygen/scp and ssh. - Makes remote synchronizations scheduleable. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gadmin-samba-dbg Description-md5: 0a0d180ce22af29be4fd8652e96577cd Description-gl: GTK+ configuration tool for samba (debug) gadmin-samba is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for the SAMBA file and print server. It features multiple local and remote user and group imports, on the fly share creation and user handling, including randomization of usernames and passwords. PDF printing to shared/private directories or email. It also features three levels of domain management strategies. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gaim-extendedprefs Description-md5: 6abc10f93b42aedd12e14c11b2cc5c66 Description-gl: plugin for the instant messenger pidgin (transitional package) The Pidgin Extended Preferences Plugin adds additional preferences that have been commonly called for in the past from Pidgin that are either already implemented and hidden, or trivial to implement via a plugin. . Páxina web: . This is a transitional dummy package to ensure clean upgrades from old releases. It can be safely removed after upgrade. Package: galculator Description-md5: 992ad4b83e818cdeb37f04be8222edfa Description-gl: Calculadora cientÃfica galculator is a scientific calculator. It supports different number bases (DEC/HEX/OCT/BIN) and angles bases (DEG/RAD/GRAD) and features a wide range of mathematical (basic arithmetic operations, trigonometric functions, etc) and other useful functions (memory, etc) at the moment. galculator can be used in algebraic mode as well as in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). Package: gambas3 Description-md5: df5c3a5dd0c5e8b4e74d4b2e53533eac Description-gl: Complete visual development environment for Gambas Gambas é un ambiente de desenvolvemento libre baseado no intérprete de Basic con extensións para obxectos, como Visual Basic(tm) (mais NON é un clon!). Con Gambas pódese designar rapidamente a interface gráfica dun programa, acceder a bases de datos en MySQL ou PostgreSQL, pilotar aplicativos para KDE con DCOP, traducir un programa a varios idioma, etc... . This package doesn't include anything: it is a metapackage to install the IDE and all the available Gambas components... Package: gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gamera-doc Description-md5: 71dd7934798be39d9623535752bae8cc Description-gl: Documentación da infraestrutura Gamera The Gamera framework is a Python library for building custom applications for document analysis and recognition. . This package contains documentation for Gamera. Package: gamera-gui Description-md5: d2c009e878d30cf558e101e163329dba Description-gl: Interface de usuario para a infraestrutura Gamera The Gamera framework is a Python library for building custom applications for document analysis and recognition. . This package contains GUI for Gamera. Package: games-education Description-md5: b41e7b6683c0d5728e0c5a9546413135 Description-gl: Xogos educativos de Debian Este metapaquete instala xogos educativos para rapaces pequenos e maiores. Package: gamgi-doc Description-md5: 7306539af0a6e662a1d46a7d5d8dcde6 Description-gl: General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (documentation) The General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface (GAMGI) provides a graphical interface to build, view and analyze atomic structures. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: gamine Description-md5: 03d8be163375b08e650a6b987a3dc08a Description-gl: Xogo interactivo para cativos Gamine is a game designed for 2 years old children who are not able to use a keyboard. . The child uses the mouse to draw coloured dots and lines on the screen. Package: gamine-data Description-md5: 4546cef32c0cfa4e4296bab63a71ef0d Description-gl: data files for gamine game gamine is a game for young children. . Este paquete contén datas de son e niveis para o xogo. . Fai falta o paquete gamine para empregar estes ficheiros de datos. Package: garden-of-coloured-lights Description-md5: 5698ce47c850dd7d36932427d8952b3b Description-gl: Disparador vertical abstracto con elementos musicais The game is basically a vertical shooter with music elements. The enemies, in fact, are kind of musical. Linley has added a simple background tune, that gets mixed with the diffetent notes played when enemies shoot. . Part of what stands out about Garden of Coloured Lights are its graphics, that even though are kept quite simple, are also carefully taken care of. Every ship still has moving parts and mechanisms that open and close, and every level is different, even though all of them share a common theme. . Your ship comes equipped with 3 options, each with its own unique weapon. There are a few pre-designed schemes to play with, or you can create your own combination of weapons. . Garden of Coloured Lights was Linley Henzel's entry for the SHMUP-DEV Competition 2k7 Round 2. Package: garmin-forerunner-tools Description-md5: d8bacd2a04be1f86793bf0d2b78db39d Description-gl: Obteña datos dos dispositivos de GPS Forerunner/Edge de Garmin This package contains command-line tools to retrieve data from GPS devices from the Garmin Forerunner series (these are wristwatch-like devices that allow you to register your exact itinerary when doing outdoor sports) or the Garmin Edge series (the same for cycling computers). It works with the Forerunner 205 and 305 models and with the Edge 305 model, and possibly others. Track data can be translated into an XML format and into gpx, and into a polyline format for use with Google maps. . In contrast to the gpsbabel software, this software also downloads data specific to usage in sports like maximal speed, lap summary, calorie consumption, etc. Package: gauche-dev Description-md5: 550e79b47a8b1a9603517de1ec8d8cbf Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Gauche Gauche is a Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter, which allows programmers and system administrators to write small to large scripts for their daily chores. Quick startup, built-in system interface, native multilingual support are some of the author's goals. . This package contains development files of Gauche. Package: gauche-doc Description-md5: 2e37fdd7a6fbd6db45c2853bf59ec6a8 Description-gl: Manual de referencia de Gauche Gauche is a Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter, which allows programmers and system administrators to write small to large scripts for their daily chores. Quick startup, built-in system interface, native multilingual support are some of the author's goals. . This package contains info documents of the reference manual of Gauche (English, Japanese). Package: gauche-zlib Description-md5: d5e6c47bbf77b0c890c7db39cb069a5e Description-gl: Asociación con zlib para Gauche Gauche is a Scheme implementation developed to be a handy script interpreter, which allows programmers and system administrators to write small to large scripts for their daily chores. Quick startup, built-in system interface, native multilingual support are some of the author's goals. . This package contains zlib binding modules for Gauche. Package: gaupol Description-md5: cc7a23011862f3776d478085982806b9 Description-gl: Editor de subtÃtulos para ficheiros de subtÃtulos baseados en texto Text-based subtitles are commonly used with DivX video. Gaupol supports multiple subtitle file formats and provides means of text corrections and time manipulations. Gaupol's user interface is designed with attention to batch processing of multiple documents and convenient translating. . Supported formats are: * Advanced Sub Station Alpha (.ssa) * MicroDVD (.sub) * MPL2 (.txt) * SubRip (.srt) * Sub Station Alpha (.ssa) * SubViewer2 (.sub) * TMPlayer (.txt) . VobSubs (image-based subtitles used in DVDs) are NOT supported. Package: gawk-doc Description-md5: a0ccd75275de725a7e5b09acd72e2ce2 Description-gl: Documentación do awk de GNU `awk' is a program that you can use to select particular records in a file and perform operations upon them. . Gawk is the GNU Project's implementation of the AWK programming language. This package contains edition 4 of `GAWK: Effective AWK Programming: A User's Guide for GNU Awk' and edition 1.3 of `TCP/IP Internetworking With Gawk'. Package: gbgoffice Description-md5: d064da4ffe6aaca5f43f436b263b2806 Description-gl: bgoffice dictionary frontend (GTK2) bgoffice é un proxecto que ten como obxectivo crear un ambiente de escritorio completo traducido e localizado para os usuarios búlgaros. . This package contains gbgoffice - a GTK2 program for working with all dictionaries, contained in bgoffice. It has clean interface, features GNOME notification area integration and clipboard monitoring. All features are customizable. . Para a versión para Qt/KDE do programa, vexa kbedic. Package: gbonds Description-md5: 9f7a57da6b7057fb472042d84b03e51d Description-gl: U.S. Savings Bond inventory program for GNOME GBonds is a Savings Bond inventory program for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to track the current redemption value and performance of your U.S. Savings Bonds and keep a valuable record of the bonds you own. GBonds is similar in functionality to Savings Bond Wizard from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. . Funcionalidades: . * Tracks savings notes and series E, EE, and I savings bonds. * Uses U.S. Treasury Department redemption files without modification. * Imports inventories created with Savings Bond Wizard. * Tracks current value of both individual bonds and an entire inventory. Package: gbrainy Description-md5: b662f07324ca462d98512dea3a76495c Description-gl: brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained gbrainy é unha plataforma para adestrar as capacidades memorÃsticas, aritméticas e lóxicas con moitos tipos de exercicios diferentes de diferentes niveis de dificultade. DeberÃa haber algo para todas as idades e propósitos: cativos cuxos pais queren que desenvolvan as súas capacidades, adultos que desexen manter a súa mente en forma ou que queiran probar só pola diversión, persoas maiores que tal vez precisen de exercicios de memoria, etc. . Fornece os tipos de xogos seguintes: . * Quebracabezas lóxicos: xogos deseñados para retar as destrezas de razoamento e pensamento * Cálculo mental: xogos baseados en operacións aritméticas deseñadas para probar as destrezas de cálculo mental. * Adestradores de memoria: xogos deseñados para retar a memoria de curto prazo * AnaloxÃas verbais: xogos que retan as aptitudes verbais. Package: gcalcli Description-md5: 89a8bec70c5a4cfd128a59d0e0efe053 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para o calendario de Google gcalcli is a Python application that allows you to access your Google Calendar from a command line. It's easy to get your agenda, search for events, and quickly add new events. Additionally gcalcli can be used as a reminder service to execute any application you want. Package: gcc-4.8 Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. Package: gcc-4.8-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-4.8-doc Description-md5: bf320d6d806b62ff03b567626d36b1fb Description-gl: Documentación dos compiladores de de GNU (gcc, gobjc, g++) Documentación dos compiladores de GNU no formato info. Package: gcc-4.8-multilib Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-4.8-plugin-dev Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-4.8-source Description-md5: cb00049993a8c14b73bb041c050eb8c5 Description-gl: Código fonte da Colección de Compiladores de GNU Este paquete contén o código fonte e os parches necesarios para construÃr a Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5 Description-md5: 394374e688b1afb3af5f419895d29698 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. Package: gcc-5-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 828abc0c548c8d3a65e71359bac1dfd7 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: gcc-5-aarch64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: ebdccbc65486d4788d777251b64ceaec Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: gcc-5-alpha-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5961b3dbd991983fbda671e28483e6db Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: gcc-5-arm-linux-gnueabi-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: a8c6e1ef7e1b049137f2e6519bdc7073 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: gcc-5-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-doc Description-md5: bf320d6d806b62ff03b567626d36b1fb Description-gl: Documentación dos compiladores de de GNU (gcc, gobjc, g++) Documentación dos compiladores de GNU no formato info. Package: gcc-5-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3ef40e31ff6727aeed9558381913e76e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: gcc-5-hppa-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ee0959bbc343ff940f7f385554ffc51 Description-gl: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. Package: gcc-5-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 67c15bbd21235e5c1f178c0d64282d7d Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: gcc-5-m68k-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: fbb9005a77c7c45614fae7db8d8450bf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: gcc-5-mips-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: e02c20944857d1c4d74351a4e6db7e3f Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-5-mips64-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: fdde4284c7db23711f2ec306fe82abdf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-5-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: cbf33eb89d8986fe887a68e9a294b28e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-5-mipsel-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-multilib Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-plugin-dev-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-5-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 33e193e34c96ee2f0388ed9d3fe40d3f Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: gcc-5-powerpc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 214e9c98fb78745ed6d350f0f433dda1 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for powerpcspe architecture. Package: gcc-5-powerpc-linux-gnuspe-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f473770aadc932c1ce1376f262f5e957 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-5-powerpc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: b0d3628b0ae68d51d3d28e1503c35c1e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: gcc-5-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ca2594eb81ce8dd1e698d498530d81ee Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: gcc-5-s390x-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4358c12ed3a048708d4c39a1beb663cf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: gcc-5-sh4-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-source Description-md5: cb00049993a8c14b73bb041c050eb8c5 Description-gl: Código fonte da Colección de Compiladores de GNU Este paquete contén o código fonte e os parches necesarios para construÃr a Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-5-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 409d2b0858ba2a96d2c5d4c2aedb8aa9 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-5-sparc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 828abc0c548c8d3a65e71359bac1dfd7 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for arm64 architecture. Package: gcc-6-aarch64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: ebdccbc65486d4788d777251b64ceaec Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: gcc-6-alpha-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5961b3dbd991983fbda671e28483e6db Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: gcc-6-arm-linux-gnueabi-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: a8c6e1ef7e1b049137f2e6519bdc7073 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for armhf architecture. Package: gcc-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3ef40e31ff6727aeed9558381913e76e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: gcc-6-hppa-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ee0959bbc343ff940f7f385554ffc51 Description-gl: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. Package: gcc-6-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 67c15bbd21235e5c1f178c0d64282d7d Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: gcc-6-m68k-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: fbb9005a77c7c45614fae7db8d8450bf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: gcc-6-mips-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: e02c20944857d1c4d74351a4e6db7e3f Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-6-mips64-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: fdde4284c7db23711f2ec306fe82abdf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-6-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: cbf33eb89d8986fe887a68e9a294b28e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-6-mipsel-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-multilib Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-plugin-dev-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-6-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 33e193e34c96ee2f0388ed9d3fe40d3f Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for powerpc architecture. Package: gcc-6-powerpc-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 214e9c98fb78745ed6d350f0f433dda1 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for powerpcspe architecture. Package: gcc-6-powerpc-linux-gnuspe-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f473770aadc932c1ce1376f262f5e957 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-6-powerpc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: b0d3628b0ae68d51d3d28e1503c35c1e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64el architecture. Package: gcc-6-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ca2594eb81ce8dd1e698d498530d81ee Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: gcc-6-s390x-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4358c12ed3a048708d4c39a1beb663cf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: gcc-6-sh4-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-source Description-md5: cb00049993a8c14b73bb041c050eb8c5 Description-gl: Código fonte da Colección de Compiladores de GNU Este paquete contén o código fonte e os parches necesarios para construÃr a Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-6-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 409d2b0858ba2a96d2c5d4c2aedb8aa9 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-6-sparc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: ebdccbc65486d4788d777251b64ceaec Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for alpha architecture. Package: gcc-7-alpha-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5961b3dbd991983fbda671e28483e6db Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for armel architecture. Package: gcc-7-arm-linux-gnueabi-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3ef40e31ff6727aeed9558381913e76e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for hppa architecture. Package: gcc-7-hppa-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0ee0959bbc343ff940f7f385554ffc51 Description-gl: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. Package: gcc-7-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 67c15bbd21235e5c1f178c0d64282d7d Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for m68k architecture. Package: gcc-7-m68k-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: fbb9005a77c7c45614fae7db8d8450bf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips architecture. Package: gcc-7-mips-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: e02c20944857d1c4d74351a4e6db7e3f Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-7-mips64-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: fdde4284c7db23711f2ec306fe82abdf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-7-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: cbf33eb89d8986fe887a68e9a294b28e Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-7-mipsel-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: d1bddfa375b62324197c575c04fb2e4e Description-gl: GNU C compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-plugin-dev-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04e3fe2e4b62ffb72f0dc5ae683f155 Description-gl: Ficheiros para os desenvolvemento de engadidos para o GCC de GNU. This package contains (header) files for GNU GCC plugin development. It is only used for the development of GCC plugins, but not needed to run plugins. Package: gcc-7-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 214e9c98fb78745ed6d350f0f433dda1 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for powerpcspe architecture. Package: gcc-7-powerpc-linux-gnuspe-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: f473770aadc932c1ce1376f262f5e957 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-7-powerpc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ca2594eb81ce8dd1e698d498530d81ee Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for s390x architecture. Package: gcc-7-s390x-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4358c12ed3a048708d4c39a1beb663cf Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for sh4 architecture. Package: gcc-7-sh4-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-source Description-md5: cb00049993a8c14b73bb041c050eb8c5 Description-gl: Código fonte da Colección de Compiladores de GNU Este paquete contén o código fonte e os parches necesarios para construÃr a Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-7-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 409d2b0858ba2a96d2c5d4c2aedb8aa9 Description-gl: Compilador de C de GNU Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This package contains C cross-compiler for sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-7-sparc64-linux-gnu-base Description-md5: b6e93638a6d08ea7a18929d7cf078e5d Description-gl: GCC, a colección de compiladores de GNU (paquete base) Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns a todas as linguaxes e bibliotecas contidas na Colección de Compiladores de GNU (GCC). Package: gcc-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0250fe7da8f99f3dd8036156b9b7d8b9 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the alpha architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 2110a2ee344f1a65d3401a41cc0d42a7 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gcc-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9b4cc0d6ef3204d23b1dfbb24fbea4a0 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the hppa architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the hppa architecture. Package: gcc-hppa64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7507773089a56145bb979560f068e036 Description-gl: GNU C compiler (cross compiler for hppa64-linux-gnu) Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the hppa64 architecture. Package: gcc-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 62b0578005db4ff12f60b4093fece105 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the m68k architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the m68k architecture. Package: gcc-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: c1649e66b611f7e490e4187f67900cf1 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gcc-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 10a3aee250947d2b88ff880085b70f93 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: bf957c91207d05b289c20c7079f38391 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 89d5822bf9c4a0f274590d1e6da9bf9b Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 2110a2ee344f1a65d3401a41cc0d42a7 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 341bee5927aa97cd38931c348b808c55 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: c1649e66b611f7e490e4187f67900cf1 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 10a3aee250947d2b88ff880085b70f93 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: bf957c91207d05b289c20c7079f38391 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 89d5822bf9c4a0f274590d1e6da9bf9b Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: f04c912445b670b2ab129b21d4a47762 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3f3a4a778f1fff5d21b07b98acde1dd2 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0e9bad3b62304d1f54438e18e774f9bd Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gcc-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8a8521de32d5effc17c6a89a9ab1b005 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gcc-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 9c4729d5421a7b650a81285325ad67d6 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the powerpcspe architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the powerpcspe architecture. Package: gcc-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3f3a4a778f1fff5d21b07b98acde1dd2 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gcc-python-plugin-doc Description-md5: 6fb2f22f9b8144ff91cf438f9b20d14d Description-gl: plugin for GCC to invoke Python scripts from inside the compiler The GCC Python plugin is a plugin for GCC, which links against libpython, and allows you to invoke arbitrary Python scripts from inside the compiler. The aim is to allow you to write GCC plugins in Python. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: gcc-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0e9bad3b62304d1f54438e18e774f9bd Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gcc-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 890c6dc590c651e561e51c27cd990372 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the sh4 architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the sh4 architecture. Package: gcc-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8a8521de32d5effc17c6a89a9ab1b005 Description-gl: GNU C compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de C de GNU, un compilador de optimización bastante portátil para C. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU C cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gccgo-4.8-doc Description-md5: 76326180b2469131aa9547f46e5b3105 Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Go de GNU (gccgo) Documentación do compilador de Go de GNU no formato info. Package: gccgo-5-doc Description-md5: 76326180b2469131aa9547f46e5b3105 Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Go de GNU (gccgo) Documentación do compilador de Go de GNU no formato info. Package: gccintro Description-md5: 938f772891b83d7e2be8934f0be7f067 Description-gl: Introdución a GCC, por Brian J. Gough This manual provides a tutorial introduction to the GNU C and C++ compilers, gcc and g++. . Many books teach the C and C++ languages, this book explains how to use the compiler itself. Based on years of observation of questions posted on mailing lists, it guides the reader straight to the important options of GCC! . Concisely written, with numerous easy-to-follow "Hello World" examples. . Now with extensive new sections on error messages, portability and floating point arithmetic! . Features a special foreword by Richard M. Stallman, principal developer of GCC and founder of the GNU Project. . The content of this Debian packaged version has some minor adjustments to match learning experiences under the Debian environment. Package: gcj-4.8-jdk Description-md5: 4dd080bc432002fe5f9359aef3f3f988 Description-gl: Ferramentas de desenvolvemento GCJ e Classpath para Java(TM) GCJ is a front end to the GCC compiler which can natively compile both Java(tm) source and bytecode files. The compiler can also generate class files. Other java development tools from classpath are included in this package. . O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-SDK para o conxunto de ferramentas GCJ. Package: gcj-4.8-jre Description-md5: 33bb6e364710093f6308dbe21c570d27 Description-gl: Ambiente de tempo de execución de Java que emprega GIJ/Classpath GIJ is a Java bytecode interpreter, not limited to interpreting bytecode. It includes a class loader which can dynamically load shared objects, so it is possible to give it the name of a class which has been compiled and put into a shared library on the class path. . O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-RTE para o conxunto de ferramentas GIJ/GCJ. Package: gcj-4.8-jre-lib Description-md5: c6c8d4fc017cdac424e562b583372f96 Description-gl: Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files) Este é o ficheiro jar que acompaña a interface de gcj para gcc. Package: gcj-4.8-source Description-md5: 4c55da0bb9881014d9bba36bde1b8806 Description-gl: GCJ java sources for use in IDEs like eclipse and netbeans Estes son os ficheiros fonte en java empaquetados nun ficheiro zip para seren empregados en ambientes de desenvolvemento como eclipse e netbeans. Package: gcj-5-jdk Description-md5: 4dd080bc432002fe5f9359aef3f3f988 Description-gl: Ferramentas de desenvolvemento GCJ e Classpath para Java(TM) GCJ is a front end to the GCC compiler which can natively compile both Java(tm) source and bytecode files. The compiler can also generate class files. Other java development tools from classpath are included in this package. . O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-SDK para o conxunto de ferramentas GCJ. Package: gcj-5-jre Description-md5: 33bb6e364710093f6308dbe21c570d27 Description-gl: Ambiente de tempo de execución de Java que emprega GIJ/Classpath GIJ is a Java bytecode interpreter, not limited to interpreting bytecode. It includes a class loader which can dynamically load shared objects, so it is possible to give it the name of a class which has been compiled and put into a shared library on the class path. . O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-RTE para o conxunto de ferramentas GIJ/GCJ. Package: gcj-5-jre-lib Description-md5: c6c8d4fc017cdac424e562b583372f96 Description-gl: Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files) Este é o ficheiro jar que acompaña a interface de gcj para gcc. Package: gcj-5-source Description-md5: 4c55da0bb9881014d9bba36bde1b8806 Description-gl: GCJ java sources for use in IDEs like eclipse and netbeans Estes son os ficheiros fonte en java empaquetados nun ficheiro zip para seren empregados en ambientes de desenvolvemento como eclipse e netbeans. Package: gcj-6-jdk Description-md5: 4dd080bc432002fe5f9359aef3f3f988 Description-gl: Ferramentas de desenvolvemento GCJ e Classpath para Java(TM) GCJ is a front end to the GCC compiler which can natively compile both Java(tm) source and bytecode files. The compiler can also generate class files. Other java development tools from classpath are included in this package. . O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-SDK para o conxunto de ferramentas GCJ. Package: gcj-6-jre Description-md5: 33bb6e364710093f6308dbe21c570d27 Description-gl: Ambiente de tempo de execución de Java que emprega GIJ/Classpath GIJ is a Java bytecode interpreter, not limited to interpreting bytecode. It includes a class loader which can dynamically load shared objects, so it is possible to give it the name of a class which has been compiled and put into a shared library on the class path. . O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-RTE para o conxunto de ferramentas GIJ/GCJ. Package: gcj-6-jre-lib Description-md5: c6c8d4fc017cdac424e562b583372f96 Description-gl: Java runtime library for use with gcj (jar files) Este é o ficheiro jar que acompaña a interface de gcj para gcc. Package: gcj-6-source Description-md5: 4c55da0bb9881014d9bba36bde1b8806 Description-gl: GCJ java sources for use in IDEs like eclipse and netbeans Estes son os ficheiros fonte en java empaquetados nun ficheiro zip para seren empregados en ambientes de desenvolvemento como eclipse e netbeans. Package: gcj-jdk Description-md5: 851163a88ca4f075c45ce19de1ec3bd4 Description-gl: gcj and Classpath development tools for Java(TM) GCJ is a front end to the GCC compiler which can natively compile both Java(tm) source and bytecode files. The compiler can also generate class files. Other java development tools from Classpath are included in this package. . O paquete contén tamén unha colección de scripts de envoltorio e ligazóns simbólicas. Preténdese que forneza unha interface tipo Java-SDK para o conxunto de ferramentas GCJ. Package: gcj-jre Description-md5: 20db8e6b359276174b1c3a21973a2663 Description-gl: Ambiente de tempo de execución de Java que emprega GIJ/Classpath GIJ is a Java bytecode interpreter, not limited to interpreting bytecode. It includes a class loader which can dynamically load shared objects, so it is possible to give it the name of a class which has been compiled and put into a shared library on the class path. . This is currently an empty package. It is meant to provide a Java-RTE-like interface to the GIJ/GCJ tool set. Package: gcompris Description-md5: 8f676e9406eceba481a9be694b161eb2 Description-gl: Xogos educativos para cativos Unha gran colección de xogos educativos para rapaciños, deseñados para teren unha interface unificada que integre máis xogos educativos. . Os xogos orientados ás linguas conteñen vocabulario, sons e voces para moitas linguas diferentes; escolla os paquetes gcompris-sound para a súa. . De momento, os taboleiros dispoñÃbeis inclúen: * aprender a usar un rato e un teclado * aprender aritmética simple * aprender a ler un reloxo analóxico * recoñecer letras ouvindo o seu nome * práctica de lectura * xogos pequenos (xogos de memoria, puzzles,...) * etc. . Está deseñado para que sexa doado crear taboleiros novos. . Hai moitos taboleiros que só están dispoñÃbeis se están instalados outros paquetes; vexa a lista de suxestións para máis detalles. Package: gcompris-data Description-md5: f43bc71f6d45c576ad1633dede75735c Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Este paquete contén as definicións destes taboleiros estándar, xunto coas imaxes asociadas. . Algúns taboleiros empregan sons. Para eles hai que instalar o paquete gcompris-sound para as linguas que se pretenda empregar. Package: gcompris-dbg Description-md5: 7094aeaf157c0bc1874ba52a2d4de67c Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do GCompris Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do GCompris. Package: gcompris-qt Description-md5: e0390a88d2fe2223a21953b699e86360 Description-gl: Educational games for small children - experimental Qt rewrite Unha gran colección de xogos educativos para rapaciños, deseñados para teren unha interface unificada que integre máis xogos educativos. . This is the rewrite of GCompris using Qt Quick technology. Package: gcompris-qt-data Description-md5: 3bdcfe71f5e09ff1a185ea324f59a9bb Description-gl: data files for gcompris-qt GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Este paquete contén as definicións destes taboleiros estándar, xunto coas imaxes asociadas. Package: gcompris-qt-dbg Description-md5: 760fe851b6f2dea2742a161484c1d79b Description-gl: Educational games for small children - debug symbols Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do GCompris. Package: gcompris-sound-af Description-md5: e5dfcfd322c9a7cc687eaf891b104082 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en afrikaans para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-ar Description-md5: 4dd336ad374d6cc9382ae93f72100a80 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en árabe (Tunicia) para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-ast Description-md5: 1edfb785d5d659f58c7c81042c808dbc Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en asturiano para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-bg Description-md5: f94eb2f26a7019ba3657f82c848ecb52 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en búlgaro para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-br Description-md5: 630016bb1c2cf0d50c85ae4364b733d4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en bretón para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-cs Description-md5: 3798b1e7e588d21675dba1634c609264 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en checo para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-da Description-md5: cb024516de3b50b1776bef7f308986fe Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en dinamarqués para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-de Description-md5: 5681945c5607a6453e5bd6f02e328c02 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en alemán para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-el Description-md5: 9357a041e9ca23700ddcab8b558b0213 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en grego para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-en Description-md5: 4ab43a77bd47a8ab82d4128e9b1bf46f Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en inglés para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-eo Description-md5: 06852ee00d2b3f9141b2cb503579cc1e Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en esperanto para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-es Description-md5: 1fbc7527a7d0dc64bffef8cda408a621 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en español para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-eu Description-md5: 3feb810129bb4b75e054982b0fece207 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en éuscaro para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-fi Description-md5: 2e48659fa7270bd6864911e6496fa37b Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en finlandés para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-fr Description-md5: 78deffc8b2e3073aa7a36a2c53a6d6c2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en francés para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-gd Description-md5: e205f03761be553c2d4540b8cf124845 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en gaélico para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-he Description-md5: b9f5afad591aad5da1f1aa7a33354488 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en hebreo para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-hi Description-md5: 23c5aecab356987c9c881d6300019502 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en hindi (India) para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-hu Description-md5: 89806671882b6c9834610a5dca000fae Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en húngaro para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-id Description-md5: ead6c19e476f0e768205a8499b94888f Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en indonesio para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-it Description-md5: 3f605a62e18e075ba505aee7de85cb7e Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en italiano para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-kn Description-md5: f80c405579c4970a9775bcbcb1aa2fa6 Description-gl: Kannada sound files for GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-lt Description-md5: 23bfd836ed9b17a896958d25a2405a65 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en lituano para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-mr Description-md5: 471057d560c36b3c10cafbad0dc1fd85 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en marathi (India) para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-nb Description-md5: 603a52d5484ba2f030ba7d4322bf23e1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en noruegués (bokmal) para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-nl Description-md5: a70bbdc803494f963835b06b06e0c843 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en holandés para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-nn Description-md5: 17f81698918b789601140b47ea7cece6 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en noruegués (nynorsk) para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-pa Description-md5: 5fdf36925016cf1ae095036da0e6e0e4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en punxabà para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-pt Description-md5: 7df8670724f6b97a4991166fb3c1915f Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en portugués para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-ptbr Description-md5: 7df8670724f6b97a4991166fb3c1915f Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en portugués para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-ru Description-md5: 2dc86063f291d7f3621d35ecb68233d8 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en ruso para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-sk Description-md5: 927e3b839aa34b6defe4cf1b1bfbdb4d Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en eslovaco para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-sl Description-md5: 67d31e95790c841c1066b734b10cb6de Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en esloveno para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-so Description-md5: e06ec65be62a8c344579886c9022118a Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en somalà para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-sr Description-md5: fe524d7628561a0cad86ce88838b6fa0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en serbio para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-sv Description-md5: 0a501d88ec1e6194f4eac962ad35d047 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en sueco para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-th Description-md5: 42c069435b8854d1f001aab57cc8c0bf Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en tailandés para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-tr Description-md5: 4f25a7d859ffdd145fa002c11bad34d8 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en turco para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-ur Description-md5: b73b69b6fc1625a3c51621e5be9bb685 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en urdu para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gcompris-sound-zhcn Description-md5: 8e21acb7d6e531febd79648eccca3a9a Description-gl: Ficheiros de son en chinés para o GCompris GCompris é unha colectánea de xogos educativos para cativos. . Estes son sons empregados nalgúns taboleiros. Package: gconf-defaults-service Description-md5: cfb541907bbb453dffb02de1c76c588d Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (system defaults service) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . Este paquete contén o servizo PolicyKit, que permite que os usuarios editen as opcións predeterminadas de todo o sistema desde unha sesión de usuario. Package: gconf-editor Description-md5: 786c7f9b1f3d21cb03e3387a3f5b3166 Description-gl: Editor do sistema de configuración GConf GConf-Editor is a tool used for editing the GConf configuration database. This is not the recommended way of setting desktop preferences, but it might be useful when the proper configuration utility for some software provides no way of changing some option. Package: gconf-service Description-md5: 14dd873ae96b0afab2fa365fb38aa07d Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (D-Bus service) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package provides the D-Bus enabled daemon that is used internally by the GConf library to access configuration data. Package: gconf-service-backend Description-md5: bed955216fb5fa381f3812c7de667c52 Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (D-Bus service) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package contains the D-Bus enabled daemon that is used internally by the GConf library to access configuration data. It is an internal implementation of gconf used to work around multiarch-related upgrade problems, and will eventually be merged back into gconf-service. Package: gconf2 Description-md5: c44e6944a0e1021dcd2391ea71d64fb4 Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (support tools) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package contains the command line tools: gconftool and gconf-merge- tree. Package: gconf2-common Description-md5: 7942b10b6a0626fe9c4f3821d2fc5d2e Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (common files) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package contains the default configuration and localization files. Package: gcstar Description-md5: b3e281c61574491be28a91a544ec9aeb Description-gl: Xestione as coleccións de pelÃculas, xogos, libros, música e o demais GCstar is an application for managing your collections. It supports many types of collections, including movies, books, games, comics, stamps, coins, and many more. You can even create your own collection type for whatever unique thing it is that you collect. . Detailed information on each item can be automatically retrieved from the Internet and you can store additional data, such as the location or who you've lent it to. You may also search and filter your collection by many criteria. . GCstar is the successor GCfilms and is compatible to its databases. As GCfilms isn't developed any more GCstars replaces GCfilms. Package: gdb-multiarch Description-md5: a1817b57c8908df620117da195d633bc Description-gl: GNU Debugger (with support for multiple architectures) GDB é un depurador a nivel do código fonte capaz de quebrar programas en calquera liña que se indique, mostrar os valores das variábeis e determinar onde se produciron os erros. Actualmente, gdb admite C, C++, D, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, OpenCL C, Pascal, assembly, Modula-2, Go e Ada. É obrigado para calquera programador serio. . This package contains a version of GDB which supports multiple target architectures. Package: gdb-source Description-md5: f6e1298a18996d699ccfb824f5342e59 Description-gl: GNU Debugger (source) GDB é un depurador a nivel do código fonte capaz de quebrar programas en calquera liña que se indique, mostrar os valores das variábeis e determinar onde se produciron os erros. Actualmente, gdb admite C, C++, D, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, OpenCL C, Pascal, assembly, Modula-2, Go e Ada. É obrigado para calquera programador serio. . This package contains the sources and patches which are needed to build GDB. Package: gdebi Description-md5: b35bbc94cd7094a087497e1d8ae3d6da Description-gl: Ferramenta sinxela para ver e instalar ficheiros deb - Interface para GNOME gdebi permite instalar paquetes deb locais resolvendo e instalando as súas dependencias. apt fai o mesmo, mais só para paquetes remotos (http, ftp). . The package is also scanned via lintian before the install and its possible to inspect the control and data members of the packages. . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica de usuario. Package: gdebi-core Description-md5: be54e484aff287af04dab9e4a2dae2d9 Description-gl: simple tool to install deb files gdebi permite instalar paquetes deb locais resolvendo e instalando as súas dependencias. apt fai o mesmo, mais só para paquetes remotos (http, ftp). . It can also resolve build-depends of local debian/control files. . This package contains the libraries and command-line utility. Package: gdebi-kde Description-md5: 392de9df16595dc3cdbbbb1ff63b45cf Description-gl: simple tool to install deb files - KDE GUI gdebi permite instalar paquetes deb locais resolvendo e instalando as súas dependencias. apt fai o mesmo, mais só para paquetes remotos (http, ftp). . This package contains the KDE user interface. Package: gdmap Description-md5: 93ea5aa6327beb3d9ae9f37897f90dbd Description-gl: Ferramenta para visualizar o espazo dos discos O GdMap é unha ferramenta que permite visualizar o espazo dos discos. Preguntouse algunha vez por que o disco duro está cheo ou que directorio e ficheiros ocupa maior parte de espazo? Co GdMap estas preguntas teñen unha resposta rápida. Para mostrar as estruturas de directorio empréganse mapas de árbore acolchados que visualizan un cartafol enteiro ou mesmo todo o disco duro cunha imaxe. Package: gdnsd Description-md5: 8e5795b188d6058bec0d54ee9a9d2961 Description-gl: authoritative domain name server gdnsd is an Authoritative-only DNS server. The initial g stands for Geographic, as gdnsd offers a plugin system for geographic (or other sorts of) balancing, redirection, and service-state-conscious failover. . gdnsd has a strong focus on high performance, low latency service. It does not offer any form of caching or recursive service, and does not support DNSSEC. . Este paquete fornece o daemon central de gdnsd e os engadidos básicos. Package: gdpc Description-md5: 7e42947cfd96e1e6bdd6abed40a7dc3e Description-gl: Visor de simulacións de dinámica molecular gpdc é un programa gráfico para visualizar datos de saÃda de simulacións de dinámica molecular. Le a entrada no formtao estándar xyz, asà como outros formatos personalizados e pode producir imaxes de cada fotograma nos formatos JPG ou PNG. Package: gdpc-examples Description-md5: 0e62d6b7e58c857e227ae358511dc3a2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de exemplo do programa gdpc gpdc é un programa gráfico para visualizar datos de saÃda de simulacións de dinámica molecular. Le a entrada no formtao estándar xyz, asà como outros formatos personalizados e pode producir imaxes de cada fotograma nos formatos JPG ou PNG. . Este paquete contén exemplos para seren empregados polo programa gdpc. Package: geant321 Description-md5: 3c99d8d31f6dcdd54b3fa161672d4f74 Description-gl: [FÃsica] Descrición e ferramenta de simulación de detector de partÃculas GEANT is a framework for simulating the passage of subatomic particles through matter, for instance, particle detectors. For maximum flexibility, GEANT simulations are performed by linking FORTRAN code supplied by the user with the GEANT library, then running the resulting executable. . Este paquete inclúe gxint, un script que fai que este paso de ligazón sexa máis cómodo. Package: geant321-data Description-md5: 85b092877fcf6916e346423ca7b026ff Description-gl: [FÃsica] Datos para o simulador do detector GEANT 3.21 GEANT is a framework for simulating the passage of subatomic particles through matter, for instance, particle detectors. For maximum flexibility, GEANT simulations are performed by linking FORTRAN code supplied by the user with the GEANT library, then running the resulting executable. . Este paquete inclúe datos de sección de choque (ou eficaz) de neutróns para seren empregados por GEANT. Package: geant321-doc Description-md5: 8fa3d8b102eccb2b69c1a6f477280823 Description-gl: [FÃsica] Documentación de GEANT 3.21 GEANT is a framework for simulating the passage of subatomic particles through matter, for instance, particle detectors. For maximum flexibility, GEANT simulations are performed by linking FORTRAN code supplied by the user with the GEANT library, then running the resulting executable. . Este paquete inclúe algunha información en formato de texto sobre GEANT 3.21. Package: geany Description-md5: aa1d12968850dd51e074624cc3783871 Description-gl: IDE rápido e lixeiro O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro. Foi desenvolvido para fornecer un IDE pequeno e rápido con poucas dependencias doutros paquetes. Só emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK2 e, por tanto, só se precisan as bibliotecas de execución de GTK2 para podelo executar. . As caracterÃsticas básicas do Geany son: - realce da sintaxe - completado do código - completado automático de construtos como if, for e while, XML e HTML - suxestións para as chamadas - división visual das liñas - recoñece moitos tipos de ficheiros, como C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal - lista de sÃmbolos - emulación dun terminal incorporada Package: geany-common Description-md5: b028a1c94ed477dc63b5bfad38bfa1ce Description-gl: IDE rápido e lixeiro - ficheiros comúns O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro. Foi desenvolvido para fornecer un IDE pequeno e rápido con poucas dependencias doutros paquetes. Só emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK2 e, por tanto, só se precisan as bibliotecas de execución de GTK2 para podelo executar. . As caracterÃsticas básicas do Geany son: - realce da sintaxe - completado do código - completado automático de construtos como if, for e while, XML e HTML - suxestións para as chamadas - división visual das liñas - recoñece moitos tipos de ficheiros, como C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal - lista de sÃmbolos - emulación dun terminal incorporada . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: geany-plugin-addons Description-md5: 75fdfcea8f55dff2e3dbb5f23e681825 Description-gl: miscellaneous plugins for Geany This plugin adds various small addons to Geany which aren't worth an individual plugin, but might still be useful for people. * DocList: This addon places a new item in the toolbar and when clicked offers a menu listing all open files plus the 'Close All' and 'Close Other Documents' menu items. This can be useful to quickly access open files and switch to them. * OpenURI: Adds 'Open URI' and 'Copy URI' menu items to the editor menu when the word under the cursor looks like a URI. 'Open URI' uses the browser command configured in Geany to open it. * Tasks: The tasks plugin goes through a file being edited and picks out lines with "TODO" or "FIXME" in them. It collects the text after those words and puts them in a new "Tasks" tab in the message window. Clicking on a task in that tab takes you to the line in the file where the task was defined. * Systray: Adds a status icon to the notification area (systray) and provides a simple popup menu with some basic actions. It can also be used to quickly show and hide the Geany main window. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-autoclose Description-md5: b493756d62cf77d299b875cc4e5a8ee2 Description-gl: auto-closing plugin for Geany This plugin enables auto-closing features. Auto-closing works while you typing and intellectually helps you to write code. . Features: * auto-close for: { }, [ ], ( ), " ", ' ', < >, ` ` * customizeable auto-closing inside strings and comments * delete pairing character if you pressed BackSpace * suppress inserting one char twice (if you type "{}" you will get "{}", not "{}}") * enclose selected text into brackets instead of removing selection (select text and type "(" or ")" to enclose selection into "()") * keep selection when enclosing * for C-like languages enclosing selection into "{}" makes auto-indentation (select text and type "{" or "}" - text will be enclosed and indented) * enclosing in {} moves cursor to beginning (before "{" character) * for C-like languages to insert {}-block you do not need to select text precisely: plugin detects boundaries automatically, just ensure that selection covers lines you need to indent (works like TAB indentation) * fix auto-indent inside {} (makes full indent for this block) * auto-close curly bracket by pressing Enter * auto-close functions (``"sin(|" -> "sin(|);"``) with doubling suppression (for C/C++ languages only) * remove paring brace when pressing Shift+BackSpace, unindent {}-blocks * add semicolon after ``struct {|};`` and ``class {|};`` * move cursor to closed char by pressing Tab . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-automark Description-md5: 276fd7c2093c3d559ab9356cca12298b Description-gl: auto-mark plugin for Geany This is a simple plugin that highlights all words that match current word under cursor (see screenshot). . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-codenav Description-md5: 6b0da2015ec2feb22215e285bf09b66f Description-gl: Engadido de navegación do código para o Geany Este engadido engade algunhas facilidades para navegar polo código empregando Geany, o que posibilita: * Alternar entre a cabeceira e a implementación * Ir a un ficheiro escribindo o seu nome . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-commander Description-md5: eaa0e0da896c001d0c9a8e4143a79deb Description-gl: Engadido de panel de ordes para o Geany Este engadido engade un panel de ordes ao Geany para acceder rapidamente a calquera acción. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-ctags Description-md5: 478a74c53c3a50316de86a33db345039 Description-gl: ctags plugin for Geany GeanyCtags adds a simple support for generating and querying ctags files for a Geany project. . Even though Geany supports symbol definition searching by itself within the open files (and with a plugin support within the whole project), tag regeneration can become too slow for really big projects. This is why this plugin was created. It makes it possible to generate the tag file only once and just query it when searching for a particular symbol definition/declaration. This approach is fine for big projects where most of the codebase remains unchanged and the tag positions remain more or less static. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-debugger Description-md5: 2053a567008dfdfea4fb659f7ae440e6 Description-gl: Engadido de depuración para o Geany Inclúe: * Panel de depuración * Estabelecemento do destino, variábeis de ambiente e argumentos da liña de ordes * Puntos de quebra * Vixilancia, automáticos * Terminal de depuración * Xanela de mensaxes de depuración * Suxestións de variábeis durante a depuración * Gardado dos datos da sesión de depuración no proxecto do Geany (pódese alterar na configuración) * Modos de panel simple e duplo * Teclas de acceso rápido . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-defineformat Description-md5: 1d132e7a3e33ca7b4aebad773d39192a Description-gl: on-the-fly #define prettyprinter plugin for Geany This plugin will help you to write multiline defines with aligned backslash. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-doc Description-md5: ed02b5e16b093a00133da998f5b78a97 Description-gl: Engadido de documentación do Geany Geanydoc é un engadido para o IDE Geany dirixido a ser empregado para buscar documentación da API en diferentes fontes. Permite a execución das ordes que se indiquen na palabra actual na posición do cursor ou mediante un diálogo para obter esta documentación. Esta documentación preséntase no buffer do Geany como unha lapela chamada *DOC*, ou tamén pode presentarse nun programa externo. . Após instalar este paquete hai que activar o engadido «Doc» e a seguir configurar un atallo de teclado para el no diálogo de preferencias do Geany. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+. Package: geany-plugin-extrasel Description-md5: ce60499bae36ea8f6e33bdda608b6029 Description-gl: Engadido Selección Extra para Geany The Extra Selection plugin adds the following functions to Geany:- * Go to matching brace and select (select to matching brace) * Go to line and select (select to line) * Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left/Right/Home/End key - same as Ctrl+Shift, but for rectangular selection. * Column mode - while active, all (Ctrl)-Shift-Arrow keys do rectangle selection instead of stream. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-gendoc Description-md5: 94de8df62993353138871351153d3578 Description-gl: Engadido para xerar documentación para Geany GeanyGenDoc is a plugin for Geany which provides support for automatically generating documentation based on comments in the source code. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-geniuspaste Description-md5: 2c872c9e0e9407146214a73b8b920c66 Description-gl: Engadido GeniusPaste para Geany Este engadido permite que o usuario apegue o código de Geany en cinco porta-retallos diferentes. De momento admite estes servizos: - - - - - . GeniusPaste detecta automaticamente a sintaxe do código e apégaa co realzado da sintaxe activado. Tamén pode mostrar o código apegado abringo unha lapela do navegador web. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-git-changebar Description-md5: 49c92ffb8f02f81b01252e771a709641 Description-gl: git change bar plugin for Geany This plugin highlights uncommitted changes to files tracked with Git, and allows one to navigate through the hunks. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-gproject Description-md5: c1fab65fa7554c80c2cb2aba6f2f7064 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para geany-plugin-projectorganizer Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: geany-plugin-insertnum Description-md5: 1909ae858e8e868c264aa2f4ed64627d Description-gl: Engadido para inserir números para Geany This plugin for Geany replaces a (possibly zero-width) rectangular selection with integer numbers, using start/step/base etc. specified by the user. For practical reasons, the number of lines is limited to 500000. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-latex Description-md5: 100ff1ff400ba321d88badad9dc75cef Description-gl: improved LaTeX support plugin for Geany GeanyLaTeX is a plugin for the Geany IDE to improve work with LaTeX. Features include: * Wizard for creating a new LaTeX-document * Frontend for easy input of \ref{} and \label{} * Easy adding of special characters and environments through plugin menu entry * Support for adding new items to BibTeX database * Toolbar with commonly used format options * Bulk replacement and input replacement of special characters . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-lineoperations Description-md5: 325a2c0de38437db83563a094a80ba2e Description-gl: Line Operations plugin for Geany Line Operations is an assortment of simple line functions that can be applied to an open file. . Funcionalidades . * Remove Duplicate Lines, sorted * Remove Duplicate Lines, ordered * Remove Unique Lines * Remove Empty Lines * Remove Whitespace Lines * Sort Lines Ascending * Sort Lines Descending . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-lipsum Description-md5: 47bd32f7e2d6cb5514f97bee3b545cf8 Description-gl: Engadido xerador de Lorem Impsum para Geany GeanyLipsum is a plugin for Geany which implements a Lorem Ipsum generator to insert placeholder text into your document. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-lua Description-md5: ad635f7b27849a73abdcfc5fdddf9dbb Description-gl: Engadido de scripts en Lua para Geany GeanyLua is a plugin which provides a Lua scripting interface for the Geany IDE. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-macro Description-md5: 55b1d9a3a3fd46ef6f1aea0557975a62 Description-gl: Engadido de macros para Geany Geanymacro is a plugin to provide user defined macros for Geany. This plugin allows you to record and use your own macros. Macros are sequences of actions that can then be repeated with a single key combination. So if you had dozens of lines where you wanted to delete the last 2 characters, you could simple start recording, press End, Backspace, Backspace, down line and then stop recording. Then simply trigger the macro and it would automatically edit the line and move to the next. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-miniscript Description-md5: 770056820a34913c5b90cd7d75594a88 Description-gl: Geany Mini-Script filter plugin This plugin is a tool to apply a script filter on: - the text selection, - the current document, - all documents of the current session. . The filter type can be: - Unix shell script, - Perl script, - Python script, - sed commands, - awk script. . The output can be: - the selection of the current document, - all the current document, - or a new document. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-multiterm Description-md5: 3eda11a5b1786e11e7cf727aa65e2d18 Description-gl: multiterm plugin for Geany MultiTerm is similar to Geany's built-in VTE terminal except that it supports multiple terminals in tabs and supports different shells in each of the terminal tabs. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks Description-md5: 8340bc2f32555be087c4c23d732ac50a Description-gl: numbered bookmarks plugin for Geany Geanynumberedbookmarks is a plugin to provide users with 10 numbered bookmarks (in addition to the usual bookkmarks). Normally if you had more than one bookmark, you would have to cycle through them until you reached the one you wanted. With this plugin you can go straight to the bookmark that you want with a single key combination. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-overview Description-md5: 58a772626e1c85d16177a6d7f4543bac Description-gl: overview plugin for Geany This plugin provides an overview of the active document. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-pairtaghighlighter Description-md5: da3b5575bb9ab908baec9b3b9ee94d71 Description-gl: tag pair highlighter plugin for Geany Finds and highlights matching opening/closing HTML tag by clicking or moving cursor inside a tag. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-pg Description-md5: ec2bfa67797fdf4ab6a7bbf552d17306 Description-gl: pg plugin for Geany GeanyPG is a plugin for Geany that allows the user to encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-pohelper Description-md5: aff4592deef57b9b5395e33c0509c4d5 Description-gl: Geany plugin for improved support for GetText translation files Pohelper is a plugin for Geany that improves the support for GetText translation files . Features: * Navigation between all, untranslated or fuzzy messages * Reformatting of the translation (reflow) * Toggling the fuzziness of a translation * Pasting of the untranslated string to the translation * Automatic updating of the translation metadata . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-prettyprinter Description-md5: c31ba25f6bee6788d34429a7f8a4039f Description-gl: XML pretty printer for Geany This plugin gives Geany XML pretty-printing functionality, allowing it to beautify and enhance the readability of XML files. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-prj Description-md5: 3a8fa0c6882602994f2aa3e91e832fbf Description-gl: Xestor de proxectos alternativo para Geany GeanyPrj is a plugin for Geany that provides an alternative method for managing projects in Geany, which moves away from Geany's default project management style, which is session-based, instead implementing a system which automatically opens a project when oen of its files are opened. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+. Package: geany-plugin-projectorganizer Description-md5: 070e3278fe7b4e369bce8698d545e284 Description-gl: projectorganizer plugin for Geany Project Organizer is an extension of Geany's project management displaying a tree of files belonging to the project in the sidebar. In addition, it enables complete indexing of the project files (and having code completion, syntax highlighting and tag definition/declaration jumps for the whole project) quick swapping between header and source files, improved opening of includes, searching project files by name and more. External directories can be attached to the project to extend the plugin's functionality to related directories outside the project tree. The plugin was created with big projects in mind so everything works fast enough even with projects consisting of tens of thousands of files. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+. Package: geany-plugin-py Description-md5: 838354df2d50bc9e3ca2185e0ba8db15 Description-gl: Python bindings for the Geany plugin API GeanyPy allows people to write their Geany plugins in Python making authoring a plugin much more accessible to non C programmers. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-scope Description-md5: fd35f47b4aab48097a4b8f16eea9459e Description-gl: graphical GDB front-end for Geany Scope is a graphical GDB front-end with the normal functions you would expect (stepping, breakpoints, etc.), and a few notable features: * The comminication between Scope and gdb is asynchronous. * You can enter any gdb command, at any time. * All gdb I/O (along with some other messages) is displayed in a terminal-like "Debug Console". Whenever you find the GUI lacking, simply switch to that console and work directly with gdb. * 7-bit/Locale/UTF-8 support for values. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas GTK+. Package: geany-plugin-sendmail Description-md5: 3574b1e38a01ba9a40884a7dc33d15a1 Description-gl: mailer plugin for Geany GeanySendMail is a plugin to send a document as attachment using the preferred mail client from inside Geany. It is similar to the envelope symbol of most office tools and requires a mail client that is supporting remote calls. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-shiftcolumn Description-md5: 3a4926a898f3d7bbd1bfa06f78c451fb Description-gl: text column shifting plugin for Geany ShiftColumn is a plugin which allows text to be shifted horizontally in the Geany IDE. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-spellcheck Description-md5: 53d2dc921440db7405aafc40529fe94b Description-gl: Engadido de corrección ortográfica para Geany Spellcheck is a plugin which checks the content of the current document in Geany with the spell check library Enchant. This plugin allows the whole document, or only a selection to be checked for spelling mistakes. Misspelt words are highlighted with a red squiggly underline, and wrong words are printed in Geany's messages window along with available suggestions. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-tableconvert Description-md5: 36b9ae15e3fd1a2cf2321cf7bb74e3bd Description-gl: Engadido de conversión de táboas para Geany Tableconvert is a plugin which helps on converting a tabulator separated selection into a table. Currently the plugin supports: * HTML * LaTeX * SQL . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-treebrowser Description-md5: 01b37f1d864a44fa1a800649c0a75d12 Description-gl: Engadido de navegador de árbore para Geany This plugin adds a tree browser to Geany, allowing the user to browse files using a tree view of the directory being browsed. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-updatechecker Description-md5: 37b8994011f31812671b272b6c22b896 Description-gl: update checker plugin for Geany This plugin adds an update checker plugin to Geany, allowing users to check whether there is a more recent version of Geany available. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-vc Description-md5: 5deed53a61c1c7be3d1da6d6d15f6479 Description-gl: Engadido de VCS para Geany GeanyVC is a plugin for Geany that provides a uniform way of accessing the different version-control systems inside the Geany IDE. Only a small subset of vc operations are implemented, which are: * diff * log * status * revert * commit . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugin-xmlsnippets Description-md5: 6fa9e233ed59b6513856a160496e3ceb Description-gl: XMLSnippets plugin for Geany This plugin extends XML/HTML tag autocompletion provided by Geany. It automatically inserts a matching snippet after you type an opening tag. . O Geany é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado pequeno e lixeiro que emprega o conxunto de ferramentas Gtk+. Package: geany-plugins Description-md5: 175bac6ab6c326ef6021cb24f34557dc Description-gl: Conxunto de engadidos para o Geany This is a metapackage which installs the whole set of plugins for Geany. . O Geany é un IDE rápido e lixeiro. Package: geany-plugins-common Description-md5: 20deb6c15435fd40b4d0314ace9266b6 Description-gl: Conxunto de engadidos para o Geany (traducións) Este paquete contén traducións dos engadidos do Geany. Probabelmente non teña que instalar este paquete directamente, senón instalar un dos outros paquetes de engadidos. Package: gearhead Description-md5: c9ab827971ec37ad383fea9ad9b3f3cc Description-gl: roguelike mecha role playing game, console version Hai século e medio a Terra foi destruÃda pola guerra nuclear. Agora, unha federación de cidades-estado libre comezou a restaurar a civilización. Porén, hai forzas que traballan na escuridade que han desatar os horrores do pasado nun intento de determinar o futuro da raza humana. . Features of the game include random storyline generation, richly detailed character generation, complex NPC interaction, and of course over 150 different mechanical designs ranging from jet fighters to giant robots to city-smashing tanks. . This is the console version. For graphics, use gearhead-sdl instead. Package: gearhead-data Description-md5: dc953530262004a24193ad4cd4c2294a Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do gearhead Hai século e medio a Terra foi destruÃda pola guerra nuclear. Agora, unha federación de cidades-estado libre comezou a restaurar a civilización. Porén, hai forzas que traballan na escuridade que han desatar os horrores do pasado nun intento de determinar o futuro da raza humana. . Features of the game include random storyline generation, richly detailed character generation, complex NPC interaction, and of course over 150 different mechanical designs ranging from jet fighters to giant robots to city-smashing tanks. . Estes son os ficheiros comúns de gearhead. Package: gearhead-sdl Description-md5: 22aad5315bb83d0e071957f61b4682de Description-gl: roguelike mecha role playing game, SDL version Hai século e medio a Terra foi destruÃda pola guerra nuclear. Agora, unha federación de cidades-estado libre comezou a restaurar a civilización. Porén, hai forzas que traballan na escuridade que han desatar os horrores do pasado nun intento de determinar o futuro da raza humana. . Features of the game include random storyline generation, richly detailed character generation, complex NPC interaction, and of course over 150 different mechanical designs ranging from jet fighters to giant robots to city-smashing tanks. . This is the SDL version. For console, use gearhead instead. Package: gearhead2 Description-md5: dcf1bb07b4749686833b062d83d78c18 Description-gl: roguelike mecha role playing game in space Situado un século e medio após unha guerra nuclear, poderás explorar un mundo no que varias faccións compiten para determinar o futuro da raza humana. As funcionalidades principais inclúen a xeración aleatoria da narrativa, un sistema de caracteres detallallado e máis de dous centos deseños mecha personalizábeis. . GearHead 2 is set five years after the events of GearHead 1. It is currently under development and is initially set in the L5 Orbital Pattern. . This is the console version. For graphics, use gearhead2-sdl instead. Package: gearhead2-data Description-md5: 285afa765784656159ead368ecd75d65 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do gearhead2 Situado un século e medio após unha guerra nuclear, poderás explorar un mundo no que varias faccións compiten para determinar o futuro da raza humana. As funcionalidades principais inclúen a xeración aleatoria da narrativa, un sistema de caracteres detallallado e máis de dous centos deseños mecha personalizábeis. . GearHead 2 is set five years after the events of GearHead 1. It is currently under development and is initially set in the L5 Orbital Pattern. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do gearhead2. Package: gearhead2-sdl Description-md5: 809ab98d7a30636a8c7c24a901cf0c6c Description-gl: roguelike mecha role playing game in space Situado un século e medio após unha guerra nuclear, poderás explorar un mundo no que varias faccións compiten para determinar o futuro da raza humana. As funcionalidades principais inclúen a xeración aleatoria da narrativa, un sistema de caracteres detallallado e máis de dous centos deseños mecha personalizábeis. . GearHead 2 is set five years after the events of GearHead 1. It is currently under development and is initially set in the L5 Orbital Pattern. . This is the SDL version. For the console version, use gearhead instead. Package: gearman Description-md5: fa6766ee62d622a4698745c58ef106f9 Description-gl: Distributed job queue Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions between languages. . Este paquete é un paquete baleiro que depende tanto do cliente como do servidor. Package: geary Description-md5: 6a6881196e68bf9cefed2acbee9bf940 Description-gl: lightweight email client designed for the GNOME desktop Geary é un pequeno lector de correo para GNOME deseñado para permitir ler o correo rapidamente e sen esforzo. A súa interface está baseada en conversas, polo que é posÃbel ler unha discusión completa sen ter que ir premendo de mensaxe en mensaxe. Package: geda Description-md5: a77241e2a0214a96557b8f5c7e2be878 Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (metapaquete) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este é un meta-paquete que depende dos compoñentes requiridos para unha instalación tÃpica de gEDA. Package: geda-doc Description-md5: 9a5b033ad403813013a18522d0c1b2ac Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (documentación) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: geda-examples Description-md5: 60987433709d79812de7116674276e1f Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (deseños de exemplo) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete contén deseños de exemplo creados con gEDA. Package: geda-gattrib Description-md5: 5cc3b6c9619fee7ce7619b353ca93fa8 Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (editor de atributos) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete contén gattrib, o editor de atributos. Package: geda-gnetlist Description-md5: 0b9149eda555d76f320fcb540f44921e Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (netlister) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete contén gnetlist, o xerador de netlist. Package: geda-gschem Description-md5: cbbc168694d6dc7cdaa018edfcc2cfc9 Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (editor esquemático) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete contén gschem, o editor esquemático. Package: geda-gsymcheck Description-md5: 9581f97a9307a738cc7e9fb2cf0c34d4 Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (comprobador de sÃmbolos) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete contén gsymcheck, o comprobador de sÃmbolos. Package: geda-symbols Description-md5: cd7eb222571aa80a3a9f3e9aba1e8362 Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (biblioteca de sÃmbolos) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros cos sÃmbolos dos dispositivos para gschem. Package: geda-utils Description-md5: 5805384773ed85d9c2c7c254407a0c1a Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica (utilidades) The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout. . Este paquete contén diversas utilidades relacionadas con gEDA. Package: geda-xgsch2pcb Description-md5: 58c34fe4790913b5f7858bbbaebe5e9d Description-gl: EDA con GLP - Software de deseño de electrónica - interface gráfica de fluxo de traballo gschem -> PCB ``xgsch2pcb`` provides an intuitive, user-friendly graphical interface to the ``gsch2pcb`` command-line tool, part of the gEDA suite, which is used to generate and update a PCB layout. It works with schematics created by ``gschem``, part of the gEDA suite, and layouts created by ``pcb``, a PCB layout system commonly used with gEDA. Package: gedit-developer-plugins Description-md5: 273cbf28df33b6a9bf3ec9b913af77cc Description-gl: Un conxunto de engadidos para os desenvolvedores gedit-developer-plugins (GDP) are a set of plugins for gedit that provide additional editing features for software development. GDP provides: . * Multi-file find and replace Directories and file types can be specified. Regular expressions are supported. * Syntax completion Python completion using the file's imports and definitions. Simple word completion based on the words in the file. XML tag and attribute completions based on document structure. * Formatting Format paragraphs, lists, and imports. Reformat test using regular expressions. Check the syntax and style of Python, XML, CSS, and plain text. Check and reformat Python doctests and CSS. * Project management via Bazaar DVCS integrates bzr-gtk to show status, tags, annotations, visualize, commit, merge, and push. Open files changes in the branch. Package: gedit-plugin-bookmarks Description-md5: 7b248b718fa8a3e9fb49c531d353a263 Description-gl: Bookmarks plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin enables easy document navigation with bookmarks. Package: gedit-plugin-bracket-completion Description-md5: 71cdc8c26a8686e1dcd9ac67035e4a53 Description-gl: Bracket Completion plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin automatically adds closing brackets. Package: gedit-plugin-character-map Description-md5: 8dcccf4ca154c24da657da3e3b841b0e Description-gl: Character Map plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin allows inserting special characters just by clicking on them. Package: gedit-plugin-code-comment Description-md5: 9572f4145b5214f31b020ff99d8c3eb1 Description-gl: Code Comment plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin enables commenting or uncommenting blocks of code. Package: gedit-plugin-color-picker Description-md5: 7c387a0b7dbbc1f2de7a4d61c2641153 Description-gl: Color Picker plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin inserts the hexademical representation of a selected color. Package: gedit-plugin-color-schemer Description-md5: 78158c2ea1f4754a7db7d7da1895ac7e Description-gl: Color Schemer plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin enables editing the color scheme used to display source code. Package: gedit-plugin-commander Description-md5: 10536d92f200099c31aca78fcb56e68a Description-gl: Commander plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin adds a command line interface for advanced editing. Package: gedit-plugin-dashboard Description-md5: b274034274573c67dfedaab7cb6b7e7e Description-gl: Dashboard plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin adds a zeitgeist-powered dashboard for new tabs. Package: gedit-plugin-draw-spaces Description-md5: 3c73bfcd70bd9e5f58be6fa5b974256f Description-gl: Draw Spaces plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin shows a visual representation of spaces and tabs. Package: gedit-plugin-find-in-files Description-md5: 433e7f0f7dbc558881b50a2caf671702 Description-gl: Find in Files plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin enables searching for text in all files of a folder. Package: gedit-plugin-git Description-md5: 181186eed7831dec72dc77768399cd24 Description-gl: Git plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin highlight lines that have been changed since the last git commit. Package: gedit-plugin-join-lines Description-md5: 6987663f7e00c0f1bc24a6e19df557e9 Description-gl: Join/Split Lines plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin enables joining several lines or splitting long lines. Package: gedit-plugin-multi-edit Description-md5: f7303a63f84c53654916b553d9d4274c Description-gl: Multi Edit plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin enables editing a document in multiple places at once. Package: gedit-plugin-smart-spaces Description-md5: ba6bc20ebe730120460251c7d01ebf13 Description-gl: Smart Spaces plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin inserts spaces automatically when pressing the tab key. Package: gedit-plugin-synctex Description-md5: 4caef4951f89e64ae11ce2d09fd99f5f Description-gl: SyncTex plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin synchronizes between LaTex (using gedit) and PDF (using evince). Package: gedit-plugin-terminal Description-md5: 1de88db701df9fb08311ea9d2ebeb076 Description-gl: Terminal plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin embeds a terminal in the bottom pane. Package: gedit-plugin-text-size Description-md5: f32dc1289ed56352f6be9a58592ecf7d Description-gl: Text Size plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin enables easily increasing and decreasing the text size. Package: gedit-plugin-word-completion Description-md5: ee7eb9f21c57444b150ae13a8adf6643 Description-gl: Word Completion plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin offers word completion using the completion framework. Package: gedit-plugin-zeitgeist Description-md5: 9d5db459a5b10468955a184fac3d9b54 Description-gl: Zeitgeist plugin for gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This plugin records user activity to give easy access to recently-used and frequently-used files. Package: gedit-plugins Description-md5: b28816ed92feb7d0d10a6fe95fea2529 Description-gl: Conxunto de engadidos para o gedit gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . The plugins are now split in separate packages; this metapackage brings all of them but they can be installed separately. Package: gedit-plugins-common Description-md5: 8d12c02ff9660826c0ede23abf24b798 Description-gl: common files for gedit-plugins gedit-plugins contén un conxunto de engadidos para o gedit, o editor de texto de GNOME. . This package contains common data files and translations. Package: geeqie Description-md5: d54bfbbaf76572caf1fcc02be235dc50 Description-gl: Visor de imaxes que emprega GTK+ Geeqie is a browser for graphics files offering single click viewing of your graphics files. It includes thumbnail view, zoom, filtering features and external editor support. Package: geeqie-common Description-md5: 5c92b3de58f07d9b507f898e80fbd0a5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do Geeqie Geeqie is a browser for graphics files offering single click viewing of your graphics files. It includes thumbnail view, zoom, filtering features and external editor support. . This package contains data files for Geeqie such as documentation or locales. Package: gelemental Description-md5: 468fd0349dc4ca2dab37e28198d6a2b0 Description-gl: Visor da táboa periódica gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información detallada sobre os elementos quÃmicos. . Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións diversas, incluÃdas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas, electroquÃmicas e cristalográficas. . Este paquete contén o aplicativo principal. Package: gem-dev Description-md5: 5ab0bcf8dfffa768e5b12dfbd77ced18 Description-gl: Ambiente de Gráficos para Multimedia (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Gem is a loadable library for Pure Data (Pd), which adds OpenGL graphics rendering and animation to Pd. Pd is a graphical programming language and computer music system. . This package provides the header-files for compiling externals (plugins) for Gem. Package: gem-doc Description-md5: 248ed9cd67f988465b5dcb4ec39d2ed2 Description-gl: Ambiente de Gráficos para Multimedia (documentación) Gem is a loadable library for Pure Data (Pd), which adds OpenGL graphics rendering and animation to Pd. Pd is a graphical programming language and computer music system. . This package includes the documentation for Gem. Package: gem-extra Description-md5: 2631f815a487aef7b6c13ef2b35a036e Description-gl: Ambiente de Gráficos para Multimedia - obxectos extra Gem is a loadable library for Pure Data (Pd), which adds OpenGL graphics rendering and animation to Pd. Pd is a graphical programming language and computer music system. . This package includes some contrib objects, mainly for tracking. Currently included objects are: [pix_mano], [pix_drum] tracking objects by Jaime Oliver [pix_fiducialtrack] reacTIVision-like tracking Package: gems Description-md5: a22577f4162e2017a9d9b77484b0f49d Description-gl: Mostra unha sesión deconsola en varios terminais The gems system is a client/server application that allows one to show a single console session in different computers or terminals in real time. It can also be used to transmit any other kind of data to more than one computer at the same time, via a network connection. . Foi deseñado como ferramenta educativa para profesorado que ten que mostrar nunha aula de informática como realizar certas tarefas coa consola. Empregando o sistema gems, cada estudante pode observar no seu propio terminal todo o que fai o profesor. Package: geneatd Description-md5: 979b3aaf57ca3288c7e2cda9a8ff027a Description-gl: Xogo de defensas de torre multi-pulsación GeneaTD is a multi-touch tower defense game for two to four players. The goal is to earn points by increasing the number of creatures that reach your opponent's home base, whilst your opponent defends his area. Package: genius Description-md5: 91ce686a0384efccfc97b0de617f8732 Description-gl: advanced general purpose calculator program (CLI frontend) Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as matemáticas. . Este paquete contén unha interface para a liña de ordes para genius. Package: genius-common Description-md5: 048c5e28eb3e6c47d14e560941043f7d Description-gl: Programa de calculadora avanzada de propósito xeral (ficheiros comúns) Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as matemáticas. . Este paquete contén ficheiros comúns do genius. Package: genius-dev Description-md5: b52728361e93cbe046ff1882db840b5b Description-gl: Programa de calculadora avanzada de propósito xeral (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as matemáticas. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento precisos para desenvolver e construÃr engadidos. Package: genometools-common Description-md5: 7e1f44f32080d3bc8b45b3614b40c53b Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos compartidos de GenomeTools This package contains configuration files such as alphabet transformations, style files, etc. required to use the GenomeTools executable and/or library. Package: genometools-doc Description-md5: 526c1492d63f7117ba842af153eff979 Description-gl: Documentación de GenomeTools This package contains API documentation and tool documentation for GenomeTools. The GenomeTools toolkit contains binaries for sequence and annotation handling, sequence compression, index structure generation and access, annotation visualization, and much more. Package: genpo Description-md5: 4d13cad6ce01b97d013a787574584d19 Description-gl: Órgano de Propósito Xeral GENPO replica as funcionalidades esenciais de calquer órgano de tubos, órgano de teatro ou harmonio. GENPO le unha descrición dun órgano (un ficheiro .org en XML) e presenta unha interface de usuario axeitada para tocar ese órgano. Existe unha grande cantidade de fontes de son de órgano de calidade boa dispoñÃbeis libremente e o ficheiro .org asigna os rexistros ás divisións do órgano, teclados e rexistros. Tamén conta con outras facilidades, como acopladores e predifinicións. É posÃbel conectar un ou máis teclados MIDI a GENPO para fornecer os teclados do órgano; tamén é posÃbel definir que un funcione como pedais. Package: genromfs Description-md5: 78329ad9986d0af74d7f7bad45155ed8 Description-gl: Este é o equivalente de mkfs para o sistema de ficheiros romfs Fai falta para construÃr un sistema de ficheiros romfs. fomfs é un sistema de ficheiros pequeno e só para ler para discos de instalación/rescate ou aplicativos «incorporados». . Este sistema de ficheiros está admitido desde Linux 2.1.25 e posteriores. Package: gentoo Description-md5: 9ad3e891b5d22b3d284de9f8f8926b5b Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros X de dous paneis con interface gráfica totalmente configurábel gentoo é un xestor de ficheiros con dous paneis para o sistema de xanelas X. gentoo permite que o usuario realice (case) toda a configuración e personalización desde dentro do programa mesmo. Se vostede prefire editar os ficheiros de configuración a man, son moi fáciles de comprender, pois están escrito nun formato XML. . gentoo conta cun sistema de identificación de ficheiros bastante complexo e potente, unido a un sistema cun estilo orientado a obxectos, e todo isto xunto dá moito control sobre como se mostran os ficheiros de diferentes tipos e como se actúa sobre eles. Alén disto, conta con máis dun cento de imaxes de mapa de pÃxeles para empregar nas descricións dos tipos de ficheiros. . gentoo foi escrito desde cero en ANSI C e emprega o conxunto de ferramentas de GTK+ para a súa interface. Package: geoclue Description-md5: 6da06cc93556594a6f287eb2dc09812e Description-gl: Geographic information framework GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . This package contains the master server for GeoClue. Package: geoclue-examples Description-md5: 87de327a2303da80e00291b7c43bbbdb Description-gl: GeoClue example clients GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . This package provides examples of clients using different backends through the C library. Package: geoclue-geonames Description-md5: 970f751dea536a6c1ea618f83bf0396f Description-gl: Geocoder provider for GeoClue (geonames) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . This package provides a geocoder backend for GeoClue. The location information comes from Package: geoclue-gsmloc Description-md5: af270d72de23f8299a8abaf6e303f73a Description-gl: Servidor de posición para GeoClue (GSM) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . Este paquete fornece unha infraestrutura de localización xeográfica para GeoClue. A información sobre a posición provén dun servizo de GSM (celulcar) a través da pila ofono e de Package: geoclue-hostip Description-md5: fb4710da2eb4efb01c61492f16e1aaf2 Description-gl: Servidor de posición para GeoClue (hostip) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . Este paquete fornece unha infraestrutura de localización xeográfica para GeoClue. A información sobre a posición provén da base de datos de localización xeográfica ( Package: geoclue-localnet Description-md5: 3c3f2f42a2170efc78e43844d6e0721a Description-gl: Servidor de posición para GeoClue (rede local) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . Este paquete fornece unha infraestrutura de localización xeográfica para GeoClue. A información sobre a posición provén dun ficheiro de configuración que contén información sobre a rede actual. Package: geoclue-manual Description-md5: e7c4613ccd4e14ea40ac3232b313cad6 Description-gl: Servidor de posición para GeoClue (manual) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . Este paquete fornece unha infraestrutura de localización xeográfica para GeoClue. Funciona permitindo que o usuario indique a posición. Package: geoclue-nominatim Description-md5: e0ede1619dbc75a060a6723045eb53f6 Description-gl: Geocoding and reverse-geocoding server for GeoClue (Nominatim) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . This package provides a geocoding and reverse-geocoding backend for GeoClue. It uses the Nominatim (OpenStreetMap) API. Package: geoclue-plazes Description-md5: 5c5e5b5663b29333cee8658eb0098560 Description-gl: Servidor de posición para GeoClue (Plazes) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . Este paquete fornece unha infraestrutura de localización xeográfica para GeoClue. Emprega a base de datos de posición de router/punto de acceso de ( Package: geoclue-skyhook Description-md5: 3f4ba996071dbe1927828e44fa0085c3 Description-gl: Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Skyhook) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . This package provides a map and geocoding backend for GeoClue. It uses Skyhook provider. Package: geoclue-ubuntu-geoip Description-md5: df34267f7cce5e55cfbdebfaa4496638 Description-gl: Provide positioning for GeoClue via Ubuntu GeoIP services GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . This package provides a positioning backend for GeoClue. It uses the IP geolocation database ( Package: geoclue-yahoo Description-md5: cfa6ae1a2f0c10873ee819f3fd9ba1d4 Description-gl: Map and geocode server for GeoClue (Yahoo) GeoClue fornécelles aos aplicativos o acceso a diversas fontes de información xeográfica empregando unha API D-Bus ou unha biblioteca en C. . This package provides a map and geocoding backend for GeoClue. It uses the Yahoo map API. Package: geogebra Description-md5: 4052b3c2eb5b3b676ccc0050e499fd3b Description-gl: Software de matemáticas dinámicas para a educación O GeoGebra é un programa de xeometrÃa dinámica Pódense crear construcións con puntos, vectores, segmentos, liñas e seccións cónicas, asà como funcións e modificalas dinamicamente máis tarde. Por outra banda, pódense introducir directamente ecuacións e coordenadas. . Inclúense capacidades para moitas construcións xeométricas, asà como para moitas ferramentas baseadas no cálculo (derivadas, cÃrculo osculador,...). . Os ficheiros do GeoGebra pódense exportar a moitos formatos diferentes ou como miniaplicativos interactivos para páxinas web. Package: geogebra-gnome Description-md5: 019e1eead091a2430cabce888355afb9 Description-gl: Capa de integración de GNOME para o GeoGebra O GeoGebra é un sistema de xeometrÃa dinámica. Pódense crear construcións con puntos, vectores, segmentos, liñas e seccións cónicas, asà como funcións e modificalas dinamicamente máis tarde. Por outra banda, pódense introducir directamente ecuacións e coordenadas. . Inclúense capacidades para moitas construcións xeométricas, asà como para moitas ferramentas elementais baseadas no cálculo (derivadas, cÃrculo osculador,...). . Os ficheiros do GeoGebra pódense exportar a moitos formatos diferentes ou como miniaplicativos interactivos para páxinas web. . Este paquete contén o creador de miniaturas de GNOME para o formato de ficheiro do GeoGebra. Package: geoip-database-extra Description-md5: 99a51338c77622cba0a5ca74e0222bc1 Description-gl: IP lookup command line tools that use the GeoIP library (ASN/city database) GeoIP é unha biblioteca en C que permite que o usuario atope o paÃs do que provén calquera enderezo de IP ou nome de equipo. Emprega unha base de datos baseada nun ficheiro. . Esta base de datos simplemente contén bloques de IP como claves e paÃses como valores e deberÃa ser máis completa e precisa que empregar consultas inversas de DNS. . This package contains the free GeoLite City and ASN database. Package: geomview Description-md5: 5aad241dc92af9959f86b1427a4df0c9 Description-gl: Programa de visualización xeométrica interactiva O Geomview é software de xeometrÃa interactiva que é especialmente axeitado para a investigación matemática e a educación. En concreto, geomview pode mostrar cousas como espazo hiperbólico e esférico, asà como espazo euclÃdeo. . Geomview allows multiple independently controllable objects and cameras. It provides interactive control for motion, appearances (including lighting, shading, and materials), picking on an object, edge or vertex level, snapshots in SGI image file or Renderman RIB format, and adding or deleting objects is provided through direct mouse manipulation, control panels, and keyboard shortcuts. External programs can drive desired aspects of the viewer (such as continually loading changing geometry or controlling the motion of certain objects) while allowing interactive control of everything else. Package: geotiff-bin Description-md5: 577ca1f78223e22cbb23753bfc95d8fd Description-gl: GeoTIFF (geografic enabled TIFF) library -- tools This C library supports TIFF 6.0 based interchange format for georeferenced raster imagery. The GeoTIFF standard has been developed for reading, and writing geographic meta-information tags on top of TIFF raster. . A biblioteca GeoTIFF vén con dous programas de utilidades aquà incluÃdos: . listgeo - envorca os meta-datos dun ficheiro GeoTIFF. geotifcp - aplica os meta-datos a un ficheiro TIFF, converténdoo nun ficheiro GeoTIFF. Package: geotranz Description-md5: a75e334e6a2c7982ca00ad5257331237 Description-gl: Tradutor de coordenadas xeográficas GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . A interface de usuario do GEOTRANZ é semellante á dunha calculadora, mais pode ser empregada para converter de maneira eficiente cantidades grandes de coordenadas contidas en ficheiros de texto. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica en java de geotranz. Package: geotranz-doc Description-md5: 8cbaa2f206de2ee426ed55e8a6ae3f0f Description-gl: GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator (documentation) GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . Este paquete contén unha morea de documentación e de exemplos. Package: geotranz-help Description-md5: 0e8483fd31011c0dcfb0ff7bedc8f9e0 Description-gl: GEOgraphic coordinates TRANslator (help files) GEOTRANZ (Geographic Translator) is an application program which allows you to easily convert geographic coordinates among a wide variety of coordinate systems, map projections, and datums. Currently, twenty-five different coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding schemes, and over two hundred different datums, are supported. . GEOTRANZ is the Debian name of GEOTRANS, a product of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de axuda para a a interface gráfica de GEOTRANZ. Package: gerbv Description-md5: fb703c5298624d6a4bc564bd28c45e22 Description-gl: Visor de ficheiros Gerber para deseño de PCB gerbv is a utility for viewing Gerber RS-274X files, Excellon drill files, and CSV pick-and-place files. Gerber files are used for communicating printed circuit board (PCB) designs to PCB manufacturers. Package: gespeaker Description-md5: c0f49e1362818bdd4cdda2a9b9b9225c Description-gl: Interface en GTK+ para eSpeak e mbrola Gespeaker is a GTK+ frontend for eSpeak and mbrola. It allows one to play a text in many languages with settings for voice, pitch, volume, speed and word gap. . Desde a versión 0.6 pode empregar os paquetes e voces de mbrola para obter unha experiencia de lectura de textos máis realista. Package: get-flash-videos Description-md5: a8971e9929da8e3861b1a68a16806092 Description-gl: Descargador de vÃdeo para diversos sitios que albergan vÃdeos baseados en Flash get-flash-videos download videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites, without having to use the Flash player. Handy for saving videos for watching offline, and means you don't have to keep upgrading Flash for sites that insist on a newer version of the player. . Includes support for the following sites/players (and more!): . YouTube, eHow, Brightcove (empregado por moitos sitios, como Channel 4, Daily Telegraph ...), BBC (novas, etc), Metacafe, 5min, Google, fliqz, nicovideo, vimeo, Blip, Break, Collegehumor, Muzu, Sevenload, Megavideo, . Tamén inclúe un método «xenérico» que funciona en moitos outros sitios. Package: getdata Description-md5: fb035bf5507d538227efe72335e2445a Description-gl: Xestión de base de datos externas Moitas comunidades cientÃficas comparten o problema de actualizar con regularidade bases de datos externas. Con cada actualización tamén hai que realizar diversas tarefas para que se actualicen os Ãndices, que hai que crear de novo. Este traballo depende das ferramentas dispoñÃbeis localmente e non é sempre completamente sinxelo. . Este paquete fornece o script en Perl getData, que, dunha maneira non tan complicada, realiza a invocación a wget para descargar os datos e despois sabe como realizar o indexado. Só hai que encher unha táboa de hash coas ordes que hai que executar. ConvÃdase aos mantedores de paquetes cientÃficos que teñan unha relación próxima con conxuntos de datos públicos a que engadan unha dependencia de tempo de execución a este paquete e que engadan as instrucións que deba seguir getData. Package: getmail4 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gfal2-doc Description-md5: 3310a2e3e6fad528a5698e1b345bb0ff Description-gl: Documentación de gfal2 Documentation, doxygen and examples of gfal2. Package: gfire Description-md5: 1d46a9ef2d5be7bd8a1bb5953e8a9ac4 Description-gl: xfire plugin for pidgin Gfire é un engadido de código aberto para o cliente de mensaxarÃa instantánea Pidgin que permite ligar coa rede Xfire. Admite listas de amizades, incluÃdos estados de xogo e servidor, conversas en grupo e perfÃs. . Xfire is a network that allows gamers to talk to each other while playing a game. It keeps track of games you open and synchronizes your status online, and allows you to join friends' games with a few clicks of the mouse. Package: gforge-common Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforge-db-postgresql Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforge-db-remote Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforge-lists-mailman Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforge-mta-exim4 Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforge-mta-postfix Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforge-shell-postgresql Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforge-web-apache2 Description-md5: a003e19e0425914c4a258775429e5a1c Description-gl: Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gforth-lib Description-md5: 8127efe6e9aa2b501b1742f2c6af0d12 Description-gl: GNU Forth Language Environment architecture-dependent files This is the GNU'ish implementation of a Forth programming environment. . Forth, as a language, is best known for being stack-based, and completely extensible. Each Forth environment provides one or more dictionaries of pre-defined words, and programming in Forth consists of defining and executing new words that are combinations of previously defined words. It has been said that learning Forth changes forever the way you think about writing programs. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas precompiladas dependentes da arquitectura. Package: gfortran-4.8 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-4.8-doc Description-md5: 17a01a9ada93e104865a01e6615e2401 Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Fortran de GNU (gfortran) Documentación do compilador de Fortran de GNU no formato info. Package: gfortran-4.8-multilib Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-doc Description-md5: 17a01a9ada93e104865a01e6615e2401 Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Fortran de GNU (gfortran) Documentación do compilador de Fortran de GNU no formato info. Package: gfortran-5-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-multilib Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-5-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-5-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-multilib Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-6-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-6-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ad5cf91f123889c593b105572b4a958c Description-gl: GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support) Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. . This is a dependency package, depending on development packages for the non-default multilib architecture(s). Package: gfortran-7-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-7-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 5dd93c5d21d0717205bc5a3b538b0ca2 Description-gl: Compilador de Fortran de GNU Este é o compilador de Fortran de GNU, que compila Fortran nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gfortran-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 120eb5471ff675fc8ae06a2f862ebad9 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the arm64 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the arm64 architecture. Package: gfortran-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 4b2555ce16307943017b9b686f87f2f1 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the alpha architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: gfortran-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: b6c1872ade483e562292856476781f92 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gfortran-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 5d16a7114e25278a6c90c50ac5a66ddd Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gfortran-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 818c09fa3031d6682148e4c02ed37109 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the hppa architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the hppa architecture. Package: gfortran-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: effd2b861b8854414502b85a9b7d7562 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the m68k architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the m68k architecture. Package: gfortran-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 76f9f1ca2941c610751639bfb397fe3c Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gfortran-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 11afab54b9cfdb08bf5ece936b4eab87 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gfortran-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 1a025c7963c623de84d29c8f4ae016ef Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gfortran-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 72d58fa88998bee1410d94f3da623b30 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: b6c1872ade483e562292856476781f92 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 5d16a7114e25278a6c90c50ac5a66ddd Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 76f9f1ca2941c610751639bfb397fe3c Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 11afab54b9cfdb08bf5ece936b4eab87 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 1a025c7963c623de84d29c8f4ae016ef Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: 72d58fa88998bee1410d94f3da623b30 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3003b6a78f1d31c9fc5376219a9df124 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b2b37d3b896ff77d3d2b76f33c41927a Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7ee8d0923f5e1041f75f8903b3531b7f Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gfortran-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 37dbd73b244a3a5e25ccc41fcfd3b2f0 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gfortran-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 3003b6a78f1d31c9fc5376219a9df124 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gfortran-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: 0671dcad22cee921224ceadfcd77ef86 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the powerpcspe architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the powerpcspe architecture. Package: gfortran-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b2b37d3b896ff77d3d2b76f33c41927a Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gfortran-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 0695ad0036182f6d5640ef91470c1146 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the ppc64el architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the ppc64el architecture. Package: gfortran-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7ee8d0923f5e1041f75f8903b3531b7f Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gfortran-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 42e4699be1d9d6b0b95746357d1a49c6 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the sh4 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the sh4 architecture. Package: gfortran-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 37dbd73b244a3a5e25ccc41fcfd3b2f0 Description-gl: GNU Fortran 95 compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Fortran 95 de GNU, que compila Fortran 95 nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Fortran 95 cross- compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gftp-common Description-md5: 34c73533f2cc7f62279001239ab41c33 Description-gl: Ficheiros compartidos para outros paquetes de gFTP gFTP is a multithreaded FTP client. This package contains the locale data used by both gftp-gtk and gftp-text, along with a common manual page. . gFTP features: * simultaneous downloads, * resuming of interrupted file transfers, * file transfer queues, * downloading of entire directories, * FTP and HTTP proxy support, * remote directory caching, * passive and non-passive file transfers, * drag-n-drop support, * bookmarks menu, * support for SSH and SSH2 file transfers, * support FXP transferts, * stop button, and many more features. . Author: Brian Masney <> Package: gftp-gtk Description-md5: a3dedb61c9b4885161f8e474b6af93be Description-gl: Cliente de FTP en X/GTK+ gFTP graphical version is a multithreaded FTP client running under X and written using GLib/GTK+. . gFTP features: * simultaneous downloads, * resuming of interrupted file transfers, * file transfer queues, * downloading of entire directories, * FTP and HTTP proxy support, * remote directory caching, * passive and non-passive file transfers, * drag-n-drop support, * bookmarks menu, * support for SSH and SSH2 file transfers, * support FXP transfers, * stop button, and many more features. . Author: Brian Masney <> Package: gfxboot-themes Description-md5: 146d4e88b2775ea6d58fc9ebcf6a0668 Description-gl: tool to test and create graphical boot logos (themes) gfxboot é unha ferramenta para probar e crear logotipos de arranque gráfico para os cargadores de arranque que cumpran con gfxboot. Na actualidade, estes inclúen grub, lilo e syslinux (todas as payloads). . This package contains full featured themes (KDE, openSUSE, SLED, SLES, and upstream). Package: ggobi Description-md5: afaca479a05f0b9b7ce8cdd16085dea3 Description-gl: Data visualization system for high-dimensional data GGobi is an open source visualization program for exploring high- dimensional data. It provides highly dynamic and interactive graphics such as tours, as well as familiar graphics such as the scatterplot, barchart and parallel coordinates plots. Plots are interactive and linked with brushing and identification. . Consulte para máis información. Package: ghc-testsuite Description-md5: b7756f75b30d95a775cceb46e863294a Description-gl: GHC testsuite results Este paquete é simplemente un contedor para os resultados da suite de probas GHC. Normalmente non ten sentido instalar este paquete. Package: giflib-tools Description-md5: a19e8498a460f459fbf8306ec5aabc61 Description-gl: library for GIF images (utilities) GIFLIB is a package of portable tools and library routines for working with GIF images. . Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais. Package: gimp-cbmplugs Description-md5: 83bb05f36ed18e38e4dd73094c6e3a00 Description-gl: Engadidos para O GIMP para importar/exportar ficheiros do Commodore 64 This set of plugins provides The GIMP with support for importing from and exporting to several different file-formats used on the Commodore 64. A palette that tries to imitate the colours of the Commodore 64 as closely as possible is also included. Package: gimp-dcraw Description-md5: 9433ff9c39876008e4c48588e730e2e2 Description-gl: Engadido do GIMP para cargar fotos dixitais RAW Este é un engadido para O GIMP que emprega dcraw para cargar os ficheiros de formato RAW empregados por determinadas cámaras dixitais (consulte dcraw para ver os modelos admitidos). É do mesmo autor que o dcraw mesmo. Package: gimp-dds Description-md5: b872bebee511c1543081dbb8239d3490 Description-gl: Engadido de DDS (DirectDraw Surface) para O GIMP gimp-dds is a plugin for GIMP that lets you manipulate Microsoft DirectDraw surfaces. These kind of files are widely used in 3D games for textures and the like. Package: gimp-gap Description-md5: 219de1d5020be9e5c9f8c5636cad3c69 Description-gl: Paquete de animación para O GIMP O Paquete de animación do GIMP (GAP) é unha colección de engadidos para estender o GIMP coa capacidade de editar e crear animacións e pelÃculas como secuencias de fotogramas. Engade un menú VÃdeo ás xanelas de imaxes do GIMP. Package: gimp-gluas Description-md5: f5ad479233aa48f2620aa457710c6eed Description-gl: Engadido de ambiente de Lua para O GIMP Gluas is a GIMP plug-in providing an environment for testing algorithms for image processing, using the Lua interpreter. The environment contains a simple editor for entering the algorithms. Package: gimp-gmic Description-md5: 8b208fa23bef640155b429d4dd2f2c1b Description-gl: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - GIMP Plugin G'MIC is an open and full-featured framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images. . Este paquete contén o engadido do GIMP. Package: gimp-gutenprint Description-md5: 86cd87bea6547c9da804d9b56bb0344f Description-gl: Engadido de impresión para o GIMP Este paquete inclúe o engadido de impresión Gutenprint para o GIMP. . Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo nivel que os controladores privativos distribuÃdos polos fabricantes en moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes. Gutenprint coñecÃase anteriormente como Gimp-Print. Package: gimp-lensfun Description-md5: 5b12ad4ef6f1ec51d38d3279f6b75a84 Description-gl: Engadido do Gimp para corrixir as distorsión das lentes empregando a biblioteca lensfun GimpLensfun emprega a biblioteca lensfun para corrixir as distorsións das lentes das cámaras e lentes máis frecuentes. Package: gimp-normalmap Description-md5: 282812254defb82ad24c95efdae300fc Description-gl: Normal map plugin for GIMP Este é un engadido para a versión 2.0+ do GIMP. Permite converter imaxes a mapas normais en RGB para usalos en aplicativos de iluminación pÃxel a pÃxel. O obxectivo é clonar completamente o engadido de photoshop de NVIDIA e incluÃr algunhas funcionalidades novas. Package: gimp-texturize Description-md5: 8d66ce28ebd62a69c523d4e74c34f067 Description-gl: generates large textures from a small sample Gimp-texturize é un engadido para O GIMP, un famoso editor e manipulador de imaxes. . A few images are designed to be copy-pasted one next to another and still look natural, but the result is usually periodic and very monotonous. The Texturize plugin allows you to have a realistic pseudo-periodicity. Package: gimp-ufraw Description-md5: c804275e9c5358d93bd4a239126719ae Description-gl: Importador do gimp de imaxes de cámara raw Esta é unha ferramenta gráfica para importar ao Gimp datos en crú desde cámaras dixitais de gama alta. . The Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw) is a utility for converting and manipulating raw images from digital cameras. It can be used as a stand- alone tool or as a Gimp plug-in, and images can be batch processed using the command-line interface. UFRaw reads most existing raw formats using Dave Coffin's raw conversion utility DCRaw, and it supports basic color management using Little CMS, allowing the user to apply color profiles. Package: gip Description-md5: 9d695873e7ea0829367f670bb7e5239b Description-gl: Calculadora de IP para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME Gip provides system administrators with tools for IP address based calculations. For example, an administrator who needs to find out which IP prefix length equals the IP netmask, just types in the mask and gets the prefix length presented. But many more advanced calculations can be made. Gip can convert an address range into a list of prefix lengths. It can also split subnets using a given IP netmask or IP prefix length. Many more calculations are possible. Package: gir1.2-abi-3.0 Description-md5: 3080f9492437b653f33ad601202f0ae1 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for libabiword This package contains introspection data for libabiword. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-anjuta-3.0 Description-md5: 70b5cb3bc54d3cee1644a8afb2438cf7 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the Anjuta libraries This IDE for C/C++ and GNOME/Gtk+ applications has features that enable easy debugging, management of code and GUI design by providing a simple and usable user interface. It also integrates with version control systems like CVS, Git or Subversion. . This package contains introspection data for the Anjuta libraries. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-appindicator-0.1 Description-md5: fd2d1c899c298f83c6cd1e90eb9f78b6 Description-gl: Typelib files for libappindicator1. Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-atril Description-md5: 72abf83a3c388d976418ac7c993a274d Description-gl: GObject introspection data for Atril Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. . This package contains introspection data for Atril. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator-0.1 Description-md5: f8018bd00614cfcd0266f3099e475657 Description-gl: Typelib files for libayatana-appindicator1 (GTK-2+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package can be used by other packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings (GTK-2+ version). Package: gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator3-0.1 Description-md5: 9c8870a8c4344092acc1a2790bc00537 Description-gl: Typelib files for libayatana-appindicator3-1 (GTK-3+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package can be used by other packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings (GTK-3+ version). Package: gir1.2-bamf-3 Description-md5: 3b453325c374db76b542a9f2cc19639d Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the Bamf library This package contains introspection data for the Bamf library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-brasero-3.0 Description-md5: 7c1eeb238606ff6f5c6a9ecdcd3121f5 Description-gl: CD/DVD burning library for GNOME - GObject introspection data This package contains introspection data for the GNOME CD/DVD burning library . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-caja-2.0 Description-md5: d2d03b886d3ddf07dc0cfb9d52676537 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for Caja Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . This package contains introspection data for Caja. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-champlain-0.12 Description-md5: 9c7e95a9986f7a554d0327656e9f93a5 Description-gl: C library providing ClutterActor to display maps (GObject introspection) Libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. . This package contains the GObject introspection file for libchamplain. Package: gir1.2-click-0.4 Description-md5: fbd7cef9943963b4852f1b41e72488ab Description-gl: GIR bindings for Click package management library Click is a simplified packaging format that installs in a separate part of the file system, suitable for third-party applications. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-cmenu-3.0 Description-md5: 470940cb47d163c760be2233f0210494 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the Cinnamon menu library This package contains introspection data for Cinnamon menu, an implementation of the desktop menu specification from . Pode ser usado por linguaxes que admitan asociacións dinámicas co formato de GIRepository. Package: gir1.2-cryptui-0.0 Description-md5: 713041a789462f30bf9aba1494554459 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the CryptUI library CryptUI is a library to manage OpenPGP prompts on GUI applications. . This package contains introspection data for the CryptUI library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-dazzle-1.0 Description-md5: a773454843c38e70d01884ef7272fea7 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for libdazzle This package contains GObject introspection information. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-diodon-1.0 Description-md5: 26288f6aa64b8cd07d1ebf6f5f0c9d57 Description-gl: GTK+ Clipboard manager (GObject introspection data) Diodon is a lightweight clipboard manager for Linux written in Vala which "aims to be the best integrated clipboard manager for the Gnome/Unity desktop". . Diodon features include Ubuntu indicator, clipboard sync (primary selection and Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V clipboard) and a zeitgeist integration for an infinite clipboard history. . This package contains introspection data for Diodon. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-entangle-0.1 Description-md5: 8475005c3da71913c0727cf03691ee45 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for entangle Entangle provides a graphical interface for "tethered shooting", aka taking photographs with a digital camera completely controlled from the computer. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-eom Description-md5: d175524c4976112db93b9a73ea99d412 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the eom library eom or the Eye of MATE is a simple graphics viewer for the MATE desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance. . This package contains introspection data for eom. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-evd-0.1 Description-md5: 02d0dacb62ba2a6d2e8061c33554a998 Description-gl: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - GObject introspection data EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application development. . Este paquete contén os datos de introspección para GObject. Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-farstream-0.2 Description-md5: 372775129a67708a288c83d61f8d289c Description-gl: Audio/Video communications framework: GObject-Introspection O proxecto Farstream é un esforzo para crear unha infraestrutura para tratar con todos os protocolos de conferencias de son/vÃdeo coñecidos. Dunha parte, ofrece unha API xenérica que posibilita escribir engadidso para diferentes protocolos de retransmisión e doutra ofrece unha API para que os clientes empreguen eses engadidos. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-fcitx-1.0 Description-md5: 21e1c3bde2caaa8e2bc721ef1aef6e79 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for fcitx Fcitx is a input method framework with extension support, which provides an interface for entering characters of different scripts in applications using a variety of mapping systems. . It offers a pleasant and modern experience, with intuitive graphical configuration tools and customizable skins and mapping tables. It is highly modularized and extensible, with GTK+ 2/3 and Qt4 IM Modules, support for UIs based on Fbterm, pure Xlib, GTK+, or KDE, and a developer- friendly API. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-folks-0.6 Description-md5: 101a0cc9448dd2bd027680cded24f583 Description-gl: library to aggregates people into metacontacts - GObject-Introspection libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gconf-2.0 Description-md5: 1268956fd1a3637618828db77c2ef43c Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (GObject-Introspection) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package contains introspection data for GConf. It can be used by packages using the GIRepository format to generate dynamic bindings. Package: gir1.2-gdl-3 Description-md5: a9947e542a8e766c28089ac113832377 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GDL library This package contains introspection data for the GNOME DevTool libraries, a support library for GNOME development tools. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-ggit-1.0 Description-md5: c1d6744b5adc64ebcfb3df54958e6052 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the git2-glib-1.0 library This package contains introspection data for the git2-glib-1.0 library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gmime-2.6 Description-md5: 9dfe3de6b0efb50957b265b37daa83cd Description-gl: MIME message parser and creator library (old 2.6 version) - GObject introspection data GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains data for using the older version of GMime under GObject introspection (e.g. Python). . It is recommended to use gir1.2-gmime-3.0 instead of this package. Package: gir1.2-gnumeric Description-md5: b3f5baac1cd2d2f1a57cf8e15ff9f294 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the Gnumeric spreadsheet This package contains introspection data for the Gnumeric spreadsheet. With it one can use gnumeric API from scripting languages like Python or others. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-goffice-0.10 Description-md5: 26d1fc91df62af54233351294de2591e Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GOffice library This package contains introspection data for the GOffice library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 Description-md5: 6bf7bf4a931e28616d61ab3d92a437c2 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for GooCanvas - gir bindings GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . This package contains the GObject introspection data. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gpaste-1.0 Description-md5: 270e82d631506ffd66df9d39580b8648 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the libgpaste6 library GPaste manages clipboard history and allows easy access to it using keyboard shortcuts, gnome-shell extension, command-line tools, gir bindings. . This package contains introspection data for the libgpaste6 library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-graphene-1.0 Description-md5: 8a2d8b42d4d665ae5754a822d1ad49ab Description-gl: library of graphic data types (introspection files) Graphene provides a small set of mathematical types needed to implement graphic libraries that deal with 2D and 3D transformations and projections. . This library provides types and their relative API; it does not deal with windowing system surfaces, drawing, scene graphs, or input. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-grss-0.7 Description-md5: 665ce5701f840277957da2bfa3b0cd58 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for libgrss libgrss is a Glib abstraction library for handling feeds in RSS, Atom and other formats. It is intended to be used to manage syndication of feeds in a convenient way. . This package contains introspection data for libgrss. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gsf-1 Description-md5: cafac8e6a223b52243bdc070459447ab Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the Structured File Library This package contains introspection data for the Structured File Library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gsound-1.0 Description-md5: 95b970fc93c7614f7357feb2cff2684e Description-gl: small library for playing system sounds (gir bindings) GSound is a small library for playing system sounds. It's designed to be used via GObject Introspection, and is a thin wrapper around the libcanberra C library. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gssdp-1.0 Description-md5: f0adf17be0a5f9da4315bebe6d6f60e2 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GSSDP library This package contains introspection data for GSSDP, a SSDP library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0 Description-md5: 8dab6f0721a81295bbb56dd6445f5f5b Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen o nivel que teñen o resto. PoderÃan aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación, ou unha baterÃa de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso real amplo. . Este paquete contén datos de introspección para as bibliotecas de GStreamer do conxunto «malo». Pódeno empregar os paquetes que utilicen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-1.0 Description-md5: 86caaabae9e614dcf85cc74d17bd9192 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains introspection data for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: gir1.2-gsystem-1.0 Description-md5: e30b6f1fd988c40e29c4ae570e1fdcf8 Description-gl: GIO-based library targetd as OS components (introspection) LibGSystem is a deprecated library used by OS components such as OSTree. Parts of its functionality have moved into GLib; other parts of its functionality have moved into the libglnx submodule. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gtd-1.0 Description-md5: aee9e366a8ae8dc2f005ce38031f1e50 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for GNOME To Do GNOME To Do is a simplistic personal task manager designed to perfectly fit the GNOME desktop. Designed from ground up to seamlessly integrate with the GNOME desktop environment, To Do enables you to be as productive as you want. . This package contains introspection data for GNOME To Do. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gtk-4.0 Description-md5: f16f9e8db01aaaf8ce43a52cf10f4f37 Description-gl: GTK+ graphical user interface library -- gir bindings GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gtk-vnc-2.0 Description-md5: 94a704f0a9b22ca2b780aec8bba8f812 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for GTK-VNC This package contains introspection data for the GTK-VNC library. . It is built using coroutines, allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It supports RFB protocols 3.3 through 3.8 and the VeNCrypt authentication extension providing SSL/TLS encryption with x509 certificate authentication. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gtkchamplain-0.12 Description-md5: 15858d4f39649c1f73b9f728dbe3aecd Description-gl: Gtk+ widget to display maps (GObject introspection) Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. . This package contains the GObject introspection file for libchamplain-gtk. Package: gir1.2-gupnp-1.0 Description-md5: 6a38bcbf4d96abcee783c7db0dbffa8f Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GUPnP library This package contains introspection data for GUPnP, a UPnP library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gupnp-av-1.0 Description-md5: 8a05de310b6b5e4e873291a1546ee541 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GUPnP-AV library This package contains introspection data for GUPnP-AV, a UPnP-AV library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gupnpdlna-2.0 Description-md5: 4f5779f67dfcd266a1145f7d1b79780a Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the DLNA utility library for GUPnP This package contains introspection data for the DLNA utility library for GUPnP, a UPnP library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-gupnpigd-1.0 Description-md5: 81f4ea8b350871b0d020a0e2ca6ee32a Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the GUPnP IGD library This package contains introspection data for GUPnP IGD, a UPnP Internet Gateway Device library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-isocodes-1.2 Description-md5: f26a218c6661e85604fb6be002ff2fd1 Description-gl: access of iso-codes data and translations - GObject introspection This library can be used to easily access XML data of the iso-codes package. It will provide an abstraction layer to handle both the version 3 and the upcoming version 4 of iso-codes. Moreover, all available translations can be used as well. . This library makes use of the GObject introspection features, so that it is accessible from a variety of programming languages, for example C, Vala, Ruby, Python, Perl, Lua, JavaScript, PHP and many more. . This package contains introspection data for the isocodes libraries. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-3.0 Description-md5: 21bf00274d5ad6876078c2b697e5743c Description-gl: JavaScript engine library from WebKitGTK+ - GObject introspection data JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 3.0). . Este paquete contén os datos de introspección, que poden ser usados por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-jsonrpc-1.0 Description-md5: e018f35484046dca4c9f4a8997e8c446 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for jsonrpc-glib This package contains GObject introspection information. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-keybinder-0.0 Description-md5: 6819aab1e528387c3da39ae70bd8b0e1 Description-gl: registers global key bindings for applications - introspection data keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts to be used by GTK-based applications under the X Window System. . When a combination of key is pressed, keybinder notifies it to the registering application, which can execute one or more operations based on the event previously registered. . Originally written as part of the Tomboy project, keybinder has been distributed as stand-alone library let other applications to use key binding. . Este paquete contén os datos de introspección. Package: gir1.2-libosinfo-1.0 Description-md5: c776cd29cda0a7b28893d84644dad78a Description-gl: GObject introspection data for libosinfo This package contains introspection data for the libosinfo library. . libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system on a hypervisor. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-maliit-1.0 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gir1.2-mate-desktop Description-md5: 8d3910921523c5647e1d72c43c680351 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the mate-desktop library The MATE component mate-desktop contains the libmate-desktop library, the mate-about program, as well as some desktop-wide documents. . The libmate-desktop library provides an API shared by several applications on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various reasons. . This package contains introspection data for the library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-mate-menu Description-md5: 88fcdc92ed139b72095ab11c3733a223 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the MATE menu specification This package contains introspection data for MATE menu specification, an an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-mate-panel Description-md5: 12a2ed6912010aa913dd6a3692ce50ac Description-gl: GObject introspection data for MATE panel The MATE Panel is an essential part of the MATE Desktop, providing toolbar-like “panels†which can be attached to the sides of your desktop. They are used to launch applications and embed a number of other functions, such as quick launch icons, the clock, the notification area, volume controls and the battery charge indicator, and utilities ranging from weather forecast to system monitoring. . This package contains introspection data for MATE panel. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-matekbd Description-md5: b5b57ebd921fc4f773f284f0f84c8abe Description-gl: GObject introspection data for libmatekbd and libmatekbdui libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . This package contains introspection data for the libmatekbd and the libmatekbdui libraries. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-nemo-3.0 Description-md5: c4827a75ac412d89715206ac95b437d4 Description-gl: libraries for nemo components - gir bindings Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-parlatype-1.0 Description-md5: 86455c9c793652c989ba44f149945a37 Description-gl: Library for Parlatype - gir bindings Provides the GStreamer backend for Parlatype, a wave loader and a wave viewer widget. Mainly used by Parlatype but open for other programs as well. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-peony-2.0 Description-md5: 9ceace20d85aa00afd3d89c7d1ea4617 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for Peony Peony is the official file manager for the UKUI desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the UKUI desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . This package contains introspection data for Peony. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-pluma-1.0 Description-md5: a6863cbddd2436d69fc13e9a0d103e7d Description-gl: GObject introspection data for Pluma Pluma is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. Pluma is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI). . Pluma fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support. . Pluma is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. . This package contains introspection data for Pluma. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-polkitgtkmate-1.0 Description-md5: 64724c59e3bd00cdb5e65b8193e52d66 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for mate-polkit The mate-polkit package provides a D-Bus session bus service that is used to bring up authentication dialogs used for obtaining privileges. . This package contains introspection data for mate-polkit. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-retro-0.12 Description-md5: 928f35d67e1172565b2341d25edb2fb1 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for retro-gtk This package contains GObject introspection information. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-signon-1.0 Description-md5: 4c90684f152719c7772c481917663d90 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the Signon library This package contains introspection data for the Signon library. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-socialweb-client-0.25 Description-md5: ca268d7072fd281cb56971474ed7740e Description-gl: client library to access socialweb server (introspection files) This library allows programmatic access to information available from the socialweb social data server. . Este paquete contén os datos de introspección. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-sugarext-1.0 Description-md5: 3831e64760cb8e954123022773ed30a0 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit GObject introspection A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-template-1.0 Description-md5: 44871af8ea6317ddbc075beaace2ce70 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for template-glib This package contains GObject introspection information. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-ufo-0.0 Description-md5: 4d5f975667b50bd500f13925a6bb25bd Description-gl: Library for high-performance, GPU-based computing - gir binding The UFO data processing framework is a C library suited to build general purpose streams data processing on heterogeneous architectures such as CPUs, GPUs or clusters. It is extensively used at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for Ultra-fast X-ray Imaging (radiography, tomography and laminography). . A gobject-instrospection binding is also provided to write scripts or user interfaces. . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-urfkill-glib0 Description-md5: 102e8c387593fa1c66f1baa13d3613bd Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the urfkill library This package contains introspection data for liburfkill. It provides the management of the wireless killswitches . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-v-sim-1.0 Description-md5: b88785f37cb67c6dabe2c223cc211dfe Description-gl: Visualize atomic structures (gir bindings) V_Sim visualizes atomic structures such as crystals, grain boundaries, molecules and so on (either in binary format, or in plain text format). . Este paquete pode ser empregado por outros paquetes que empreguen o formato GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-webkit-3.0 Description-md5: 77672bb78379c44449a96bdac9a39ec6 Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de contidos web para GTK+ - Datos de introspección de GObject WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 3.0). . Este paquete contén os datos de introspección, que poden ser usados por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: gir1.2-wnck-1.0 Description-md5: 1a246049f3338409141af2b0e7cc29a5 Description-gl: GObject introspection data for the WNCK library A library to use for writing pagers and task lists. This variant of libwnck provides WNCK for GTK-2 based applications. . This package contains introspection data for Window Navigator Construction Kit, a library to interact with window managers. . Pode ser usado por paquetes que empreguen o formato de GIRepository para xerar asociacións dinámicas. Package: git-all Description-md5: 7eb276543374432338c2d9bf7a76e9b6 Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (all subpackages) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This is a dummy package which brings in all subpackages. Package: git-cvs Description-md5: 5c201c3115375a8b8f735f8e7775526c Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (cvs interoperability) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the git cvsimport, cvsexportcommit, and cvsserver tools, which allow Git to read from and write to CVS repositories and offer access over CVS protocol to Git repositories. . The git cvsimport tool can incrementally import from a repository that is being actively developed and only requires remote access over CVS protocol. Unfortunately, in many situations the import leads to incorrect results. For reliable, one-shot imports, cvs2git from the cvs2svn package or parsecvs may be a better fit. Package: git-daemon-run Description-md5: e181d02892d738489747c38ccd881379 Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git repositories through the network. This package provides a runit service for running git-daemon permanently. Package: git-daemon-sysvinit Description-md5: d679396fc2d1a05eda4cec19266a77ef Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (git-daemon service) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . git-daemon, as provided by the git package, is a simple server for git repositories, ideally suited for read-only updates, i.e. pulling from git repositories through the network. This package provides a sysvinit service for running git-daemon permanently. Package: git-el Description-md5: aa1e199f804671c670cc9ac058725654 Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (emacs support) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides two modules for integration with Emacs: . * git.el: . Status manager that displays the state of all the files of the project and provides easy access to the most frequently used git commands. The user interface is intended to be similar to the pcl-cvs mode. It can be started with `M-x git-status'. . * git-blame.el: . Emacs implementation of incremental "git blame". When you turn it on while viewing a file, the editor buffer will be updated by setting the background of individual lines to a color that reflects which commit it comes from. . This package does not contain the VC-mode backend for git. That is part of standard Emacs distributions, starting with version 22.2. . For a more polished Emacs interface for Git, see the magit package. Package: git-email Description-md5: 5e0c38a8609078b06fbbe0e8e9e432b4 Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (email add-on) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the git-send-email program for sending series of patch emails. Package: git-gui Description-md5: 9917713e774499f1d531dfee454c1641 Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (GUI) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the git graphical user interface. . If aspell is installed, it can check the spelling of commit messages as the user types. Package: git-mediawiki Description-md5: 68f824126adee99ee64bf2b96e49bb2c Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (MediaWiki remote helper) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides the mediawiki remote helper, which allows Git to read from and write to a wiki such as Wikipedia as though it were a remote Git repository, and a 'git mw' command that can show a preview of how wiki markup will be rendered before pushing. Package: git-svn Description-md5: fe9279673cf6573640700aabf410ef25 Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (svn interoperability) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package provides tools for interoperating with Subversion repositories, and importing SVN development history. Package: gitg Description-md5: c1ee196f3ae343517446c3cde4ed71ec Description-gl: Visor de repositorios Git gitg is a fast git repository browser. It currently features: . * Loading large repositories very fast * Show/browse repository history * Show highlighted revision diff * Browse file tree of a revision and export by drag and drop * Search in the revision history on subject, author or hash * Switch between history view of branches easily * Commit view providing per hunk stage/unstage and commit Package: gitweb Description-md5: 2140d89702ec1cd621b41c71a95a910a Description-gl: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (web interface) Git é un sistema de control de versións popular deseñado para xestionar proxectos moi grandes con rapidez e eficacia; emprégano moitos proxectos de código abertos moi coñecidos, moi en particular o kernel Linux. . Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. . This package configures a web interface for browsing git repositories. . If apache2 is installed, the web interface is automatically made available at http://localhost/gitweb. Other servers that support CGI or mod_perl are supported through manual configuration. . If libcgi-fast-perl is installed, gitweb can also be run over FastCGI (and served by nginx, for example). Package: giza-dev Description-md5: ca34b9c59f95462ffbbcf2300982e226 Description-gl: Lightweight scientific plotting library (development files) Giza is a lightweight scientific plotting library built on top of cairo that provides uniform output to multiple devices. Giza also provides a drop-in, modern replacement for the PGPLOT graphics library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: gkamus-dbg Description-md5: 9c7678fc977263e2980092497c38d1a0 Description-gl: gkamus Indonesian English dictionary - debug symbols Indonesian English dictionary that contains 23000 words and definitions, similar to gidic or Linguist. . It allows users to add more words/definitions or to edit words/definitions that exist in database. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gkermit Description-md5: 87078cd7155254171352b000e9fb35fb Description-gl: Un paquete de comunicacións en serie e en rede G-Kermit is a GPL'd kermit package. It offers medium-independent terminal session and file transfer. The non-free package ckermit adds connection establishment, character-set translation and scripting features. Package: gkrellm-radio Description-md5: cae0f1b8336b7afc34003d21e1f0a2b3 Description-gl: Sintonizador de radio FM para o GKrellM A gkrellm plugin to control radio tuners on linux. It allows you to define and jump between a number of radio stations. With a mouse wheel you can dial tune to any frequency. Package: glabels Description-md5: 5a7fafb9272f7f4431c32b89e80ec465 Description-gl: label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME gLabels é un programa lixeiro para crear etiquetas, códigos de barras, tarxetas de negocios e capas de discos para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME. Está deseñado para funcionar con distintas follas de etiquetas autocolantes e tarxetas de negocios en impresoras láser e de tinta das que se atopan na maiorÃa das papelarÃas. . gLabels tamén admite a fusión desde fontes como ficheiros CSV, vCard e servidores de datos Evolution. Package: glabels-data Description-md5: c7d1e053fb772abea9492f906df31cef Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para gLabels gLabels é un programa lixeiro para crear etiquetas, códigos de barras, tarxetas de negocios e capas de discos para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME. . Este paquete contén o xogo predeterminado de modelos de etiquetas, tarxetas de negocios e capas de CD de gLabel. Package: glabels-dev Description-md5: 04761f42be7aa98ad492b00a0956d24b Description-gl: Documentación de desenvolvemento e ficheiros da biblioteca de gLabels gLabels é un programa lixeiro para crear etiquetas, códigos de barras, tarxetas de negocios e capas de discos para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME. . This package provides the development environment for libglabels, which is meant to facilitate 3rd party use of glabels templates. Package: glbinding-doc Description-md5: 9cc62a22189bfc1d2f5461ce20de800f Description-gl: documentation for glbinding glbinding leverages modern C++11 features like enum classes, lambdas, and variadic templates, instead of relying on macros; all OpenGL symbols are real functions and variables. . It provides type-safe parameters, per feature API header, lazy function resolution, multi-context and multi-thread support, global and local function callbacks, meta information about the generated OpenGL binding and the OpenGL runtime, as well as tools and examples for quick-starting your projects. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: glee-dev Description-md5: a9a345a8ed161105c570fc3969a3c5af Description-gl: extension loading library for OpenGL - development GLee (GL Easy Extension library) is a free cross-platform extension loading library for OpenGL. It provides seamless support for OpenGL functions up to version 3.0 and 398 extensions. . Features: * Core functions up to OpenGL 3.0 * 398 extensions * Lazy loading for extension functions, so no initialisation code is required * Forced extension loading, though the GLeeForceLink function. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: glew-utils Description-md5: 15c5e8926747f3fed8892dfd11b341af Description-gl: OpenGL Extension Wrangler - utilities Para máis información sobre GLEW consulte a descrición do paquete libglew- dev. . This package contains the utilities which can be used to query the supported OpenGL extensions. Package: glewlwyd-common Description-md5: cea96e11906847fdcf4cf3b698d99b16 Description-gl: OAuth2 authentication server providing Json Web Tokens - common files Lightweight, fast and easy to install on small systems. Requires a MySql or SQLite3 database. Handles LDAP or database for users backend. . The API backend is fully written in language C, it's based on Ulfius HTTP framework, Hoel database framework and Libjwt JSON Web Tokens library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: globjects-doc Description-md5: b630bddfd7d2db2dac84c956a4a3717b Description-gl: documentation for globjects globjects provides object-oriented interfaces to the OpenGL API (3.0 and higher). The main goals are much reduced code to use OpenGL in your rendering software and fewer errors due to the underlying glbinding and further abstraction levels on top. Typical processes are automated and missing features in the used OpenGL driver are partially simulated or even emulated. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: globs Description-md5: b4b89c63700fcc01e2942d1add2adcc2 Description-gl: Suite de presentacións Open GL GL O.B.S. is based around a PyGTK interface that launches OpenGL programs feeding them with a common CLI options set which will affect their behavior, then receives back their statistical output. . It aims to provide a 3D benchmarking utility to the Linux users. Package: glogic Description-md5: 8d2344a432c3e7d1a8e14a301502ca20 Description-gl: graphical logic circuit simulator gLogic é un simulador gráfico de circuitos lóxicos educativo desenvolvido con Python e GTK+ Este programa simula circuÃtos lóxicos que conteñan compoñentes básicos (p.ex. NON, E, OU) e moitos compoñentes avanzados, como flip-flop. Package: glom-doc Description-md5: 50c4efacb4167159890984406d1c7447 Description-gl: database designer and user interface - documentation With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields. It's as easy as it should be. . The design is loosely based on FileMaker Pro, with the added advantage of separation between interface and data. Its simple framework should be enough to implement most database applications. Without Glom these systems normally consist of lots of repetitive, unmaintainable code. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: glom-utils Description-md5: 5f1d172fca9b052792cb6c9a35b6bf6d Description-gl: Command-line utilities for Glom With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields. It's as easy as it should be. . The design is loosely based on FileMaker Pro, with the added advantage of separation between interface and data. Its simple framework should be enough to implement most database applications. Without Glom these systems normally consist of lots of repetitive, unmaintainable code. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas da liña de ordes. Package: gmail-notify Description-md5: 92e0f52b8162ab8573a33dd300a75681 Description-gl: Informa da chegada de novas mensaxes de correo electrónico no Gmail Gmail Notifier is a Linux alternative for the notifier program released by Google, it is written in Python and provides an attractive and simple way to check for new mail messages. Package: gmime-bin Description-md5: 2ec1369982943d2a9aa72e602752c17c Description-gl: MIME message parser and creator library - runtime binaries GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains binary tools for encoding and decoding messages. Package: gmlive Description-md5: 05a4a1e26996699bdd4736a9bc3d78fa Description-gl: Interface de vÃdeo ao vivo para mplayer gmlive é unha interface para mplayer deseñada para reproducir vÃdeo ao vivo. Fornece unha interface do usuario sinxela para reproducir vÃdeo e pode reproducir varios fluxos de vÃdeo ao vivo, incluÃdos PPStream e PPLive cando a biblioteca non libre do fornecedor do servizo estea dispoñÃbel. Package: gmountiso Description-md5: 9a8ea6a98b0a4afc142073f81e0edde6 Description-gl: This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images Gmount-iso is a small tool written using PyGTK and Glade. It allows you to easily mount your cd images. This is a frontend to the 'mount -o loop -t iso9660 foo.iso /mountpoint' command . Páxina web: Package: gmp-ecm Description-md5: aa8a1ad2382ce8ce2808bef77751b023 Description-gl: Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for integer factorization. . The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a 53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM. . Consulte para máis información sobre ecmnet. . This package provides the command line utility. Package: gmpc-dbg Description-md5: 0bf8413cfa2250c59c1e6ebfb3bad863 Description-gl: GNOME Music Player Client - debugging symbols A graphical client for Music Player Daemon. Features include: * Support for loading/saving playlists * File Browser * Browser based on ID3 information * Search * Current playlist viewer with search * ID3 Information * Cover art (via plugins) . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gmult Description-md5: e10630ec1a6168ad7775672e7509834c Description-gl: Pescude que letras son que números Multiplication Puzzle is a simple GTK+ 2 game that emulates the multiplication game found in Emacs. Basically, a multiplication problem is shown with all digits replaced by letters. Your job is to guess which letter represents which number. Package: gnash-common-opengl Description-md5: 276d7ea928767a8d0bf7df886f61a771 Description-gl: dummy package for gnash-common-opengl removal This package is a transitional package for gnash-common-opengl removal. . Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando gnash-common estea instalado. Package: gnash-dev Description-md5: dbf2d8e5bd8cab1260d79b520eeb8918 Description-gl: GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Development files GNU Gnash is a free GPL'd SWF player. It runs as a standalone application on either the desktop or embedded devices, or may be used as a plugin for several popular browsers. It supports playing media from a disk or streaming over a network connection. . GNU Gnash is based on GameSWF and supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9. SWF v10 is not supported by GNU Gnash. . Included in the Gnash is an XML based messaging system, as specified in the SWF specification. This lets a SWF animation communicate over a TCP/IP socket, and parse the incoming XML message. This lets an animation be a remote control for other devices or applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: gnash-opengl Description-md5: 00a3e4e59ed7c19cac8b3974a6a9500f Description-gl: dummy package for gnash-opengl removal This package is a transitional package for gnash-opengl removal. . Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando Gnash estea instalado. Package: gnat-5-doc Description-md5: 8139d6afb41aa31e17dbd1884d4ab725 Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler (documentation) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato info. Package: gnat-6-doc Description-md5: 8139d6afb41aa31e17dbd1884d4ab725 Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler (documentation) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato info. Package: gnat-7-doc Description-md5: 8139d6afb41aa31e17dbd1884d4ab725 Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler (documentation) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato info. Package: gnat-doc Description-md5: f0afe4104f3bd76b0518f10234020c3a Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Ada de GNU GNAT is a full-featured Ada 2012 compiler. A quote from says: "Easily reused and maintained, readable and user friendly, Ada code facilitates such massive software projects as the Space Station and the Paris Metro. It has proven to be extraordinarily robust in decades' worth of daily field tests under the most rigorous conditions in which millions of lives have been at stake." Ada is the language for real-world, mission-critical programming. . At the same time, Ada's radical type safety helps novice programmers avoid many common mistakes and deliver their software on time (see . This is an empty package that depends on the documentation package for the default Ada compiler for Debian, which is part of the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: gnat-gps Description-md5: 636a3fa9bc039b00d8c24b639f8f774b Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para C e Ada GNAT Programming Studio is a complete integrated development environment that gives access to a wide range of tools and integrates them smoothly. . GPS gives access to built-in file editing; HTML based help system; complete compile/build/run cycle; intelligent source navigation; project management; general graph technology giving access to many different browsers such as source dependency, project dependency, call graphs, etc.; fully integrated visual debugger, based on the GVD technology, and enhanced for inclusion in GPS; generic version control system, providing access to CVS, ClearCase, and possibly others in the future; many other tools such as a visual comparison, automatic generation of files, source reformatting. . GPS is fully customizable, providing several levels of customizations: a first level, available through the preferences dialog; a second level, which allows you to customize your menu items, tool bar and key bindings; a third level, which allows you to automate processing through scripts; and a fourth level, which allows any kind of very specific or tight integration, due to the open nature of GPS, and to its architecture. . GPS also integrates with existing editors such as Emacs and Vi. . This package also provides related command line tools: - gnatdoc extracts documentation from comments in Ada sources - gnatspark runs a spark tool according to a GNAT project - gps_cli is a command-line interface for gnat-gps Package: gnat-gps-common Description-md5: d58843c1676c219cab772a6a47f483c4 Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para C e Ada (ficheiros comúns) GNAT Programming Studio is a complete integrated development environment that gives access to a wide range of tools and integrates them smoothly. . This package contains images, templates and plug-ins required at run time by GPS. Package: gnat-gps-doc Description-md5: b6019fe644bdc4031fbf4dd12b950413 Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para C e Ada (documentación) GNAT Programming Studio is a complete integrated development environment that gives access to a wide range of tools and integrates them smoothly. . This package contains the documentation in HTML and PDF formats. This documentation consists of: - the GPS Tutorial: building Hello, World with the GPS - a User's Guide: using the GPS for multi-language projects - a Programmer's Manual: extending the GPS with new modules - an user's guide for the gnatdoc command line tool Package: gnocchi-common Description-md5: 1bd56e577a579993460d9e1bb5621308 Description-gl: Metric as a Service - common files Gnocchi is a service for managing a set of resources and storing metrics about them, in a scalable and resilient way. Its functionalities are exposed over an HTTP REST API. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: gnokii-smsd-mysql Description-md5: 5f88f96ca50b2da31f0631ea14776e23 Description-gl: Engadido de SMSD para a infraestrutura de almacenamento de MySQL Gnokii is a suite of programs that allows communication with mobile phones. It currently supports many Nokia mobile phones, all AT capable ones as well as many Symbian based. For a list of compatible phones, please visit: . The SMSD (SMS daemon) handles automated sending and receiving of short messages using a storage backend. It is designed to use modules (plugins) to work with different backends, and shares Gnokii's runtime configuration and libraries. . Este paquete fornece compatibilidade para a infraestrutura de almacenamento de MySQL. Package: gnome-activity-journal Description-md5: 84a0a7729820bb29b3794dc08bda032f Description-gl: graphical user interface for Zeitgeist Zeitgeist é un servizo que rexistra as actividades dun usuario (ficheiros abertos, sitios web visitados, conversas mantidas cou outras persoas, etc.) e pon a información relevante a disposición doutros aplicativos. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . Este paquete contén o Xornal de Actividades de GNOME, unha interface gráfica de usuario que mostra un xornal coas súas actividades. Package: gnome-alsamixer Description-md5: f489456a402044ee811fce62adcc2401 Description-gl: Mesturador de son ALSA para GNOME A "volume control" application. You can use it to adjust the volume of different sound sources of your sound card. . Ten unha interface graica de usuario agradábel e un monte de funcionalidades: . - acceso a todas as placas de son e fontes de son do computador - posibilidade de lles dar nomes personalizados - mostrar só os controles de misturador que vostede precise - acceso a todas as funcionalidades extra que ofrecen algunhas placas de son, como mellora de 3d, realce da ganancia do micrófono... - e máis . This application uses the ALSA sound API, you cannot use it if you use the (older) OSS drivers for your sound card(s). In return, it gives you access to all the functionality ALSA provides with the "alsamixer" program, found in the "alsa-utils" package. Package: gnome-boxes Description-md5: 21904b7dceabc5964a6cd50a41645603 Description-gl: Simple GNOME app to access remote or virtual systems O Boxes de GNOME («caixas») é un cliente de escritorio para ver ou empregar máquinas virtuais locais, máquinas fÃsicas remotas ou máquinas virtuais remotas. O Boxes é intencionalmente sinxelo e doado de utilizar. . Hardware virtualization is required to use local virtual machines. Package: gnome-brave-icon-theme Description-md5: 339d98d8c47a1b1089cdb97c24740bb4 Description-gl: blue variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . This package provides the GNOME-Brave (Blue) variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme. Package: gnome-btdownload Description-md5: 9c1e01fd61b060891e3f71511f18545c Description-gl: Interface para GNOME para «executar» ficheiros de BitTorrent A simple GNOME interface designed as a mime-sink for BitTorrent files. . Not a front-end, more-or-less just a session dialog. Check the BitTorrent package for more details. Package: gnome-colors Description-md5: 91642e0ff322744a3d783d15c9f72769 Description-gl: set of GNOME icon themes GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . This package provides seven variations of the GNOME-Colors icon theme: . GNOME-Brave (Azul), GNOME-Dust (Chocolate), GNOME-Human (Laranxa), GNOME- Illustrious (Rosa), GNOME-Noble (Violeta), GNOME-Wine (Vermello) e GNOME- Wise (Verde) Package: gnome-colors-common Description-md5: 19da390c306d9ae9d8706c3de1bb3731 Description-gl: common icons for all GNOME-Colors icon themes GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . This package provides the common icons used by all variants of the GNOME- Colors icon theme. Package: gnome-commander Description-md5: 5f78484c536c8371c962cfd4ed1ea8fb Description-gl: nice and fast file manager for the GNOME desktop O Commander de GNOME é un xestor de ficheiros gráfico rápido e potente para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME; ten unha interface con dous «paneis» na tradición do Midnight Commander da Norton. Package: gnome-commander-data Description-md5: 1847ee028828952d1ace39f9a9228ac6 Description-gl: Data files for GNOME Commander O Commander de GNOME é un xestor de ficheiros gráfico rápido e potente para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME; ten unha interface con dous «paneis» na tradición do Midnight Commander da Norton. . This package contains the data files for gnome-commander. Package: gnome-commander-dbg Description-md5: 4788f61648f7459fc05b8e65b529c4f8 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do gnome-commander O Commander de GNOME é un xestor de ficheiros gráfico rápido e potente para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME; ten unha interface con dous «paneis» na tradición do Midnight Commander da Norton. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de gnome-commander. Package: gnome-core Description-md5: fcab6512392d98bcda40d798ee6af273 Description-gl: GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components Estes son os compoñentes centrais do ambiente de escritorio GNOME, un escritorio intuitivo e atractivo. . This metapackage depends on a basic set of programs, including a file manager, an image viewer, a web browser, a video player and other tools. . It contains the official “core†modules of the GNOME desktop. Package: gnome-devel-docs Description-md5: 1124765014bad1829a5ff59dd23e8741 Description-gl: GNOME developer documentation Documentación para desenvolver para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME. Contén: * Vista xeral da plataforma * GuÃa de accesibilidade * GuÃa de integración * GuÃa de optimización * Directrices da Interface Humana * Demostracións dos desenvolvedores de GNOME Package: gnome-do-plugins Description-md5: b50ee66e5d485c79846cec212192b135 Description-gl: Extra functionality for GNOME Do Este paquete fornece engadidos extra para GNOME Do. Inclúe engadidos para interactuar cos contactos de GMail e Thunderbird, as amizades de Pidgin, buscar na Web empregando os engadidos de busca do Firefox e máis. Package: gnome-documents Description-md5: 037eb12accd9c20f0b95a1939da9c9a5 Description-gl: Xestor de documentos para GNOME GNOME Documents is a standalone application to find, organize and view your documents. Package: gnome-dust-icon-theme Description-md5: d0ba3af13bff75425fc2f4850e153cb4 Description-gl: chocolate variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . This package provides the GNOME-Dust (Chocolate) variation of the GNOME- Colors icon theme. Package: gnome-genius Description-md5: 42076cb53eb35b8fa7afae234875a4c3 Description-gl: advanced general purpose calculator program (GNOME frontend) Genius é un programa de calculadora de propósito xeral semellante nalgúns aspectos a BC, Matlab ou Maple. É útil tanto como unha simple calculadora como como unha ferramenta de investigación ou educativa. A sintaxe é moi intuitiva e está deseñada para imitar a maneira habitual de escribir as matemáticas. . This package contains a GNOME frontend for genius. Package: gnome-human-icon-theme Description-md5: e39b33cb4466dcc9f5773f8eb33a9478 Description-gl: orange variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . This package provides the GNOME-Human (Orange) variation of the GNOME- Colors icon theme. Package: gnome-hwp-support-dbg Description-md5: a16f36339a22ae11d036e362ad8d58e7 Description-gl: HWP document integration for GNOME desktop - debugging symbols This is a collection of software for integrating HWP documents in GNOME desktop. It includes: . - thumbnailer which generates thumbnails of HWP documents. - Nautilus properties page for HWP documents. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. A maiorÃa das persoas non necesitan este paquete. Package: gnome-icon-theme Description-md5: 56f11bd9f2379f1c6d0184e53417015a Description-gl: Tema de iconas do escritorio de GNOME This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME desktop. The icons are used in the panel menu, and in nautilus and other applications, to represent the different applications, files, directories, and devices. Package: gnome-icon-theme-gartoon Description-md5: edde681c3d0aba0d178ba7f38f5186e8 Description-gl: Gartoon icon theme for GTK+ 2.x This GTK+ theme provides an animated scalable group of icons to be used by GTK+ 2.x applications like GNOME 2. . Páxina web: Package: gnome-illustrious-icon-theme Description-md5: 1f14eed5b9452a3d37a1e8a0f947ce41 Description-gl: pink variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . This package provides the GNOME-Illustrious (Pink) variation of the GNOME- Colors icon theme. Package: gnome-nettool Description-md5: 70ef0cad85618a46c304e6c36022b8a5 Description-gl: network information tool for GNOME Ferramentas de Rede de GNOME é unha ferramenta de información sobre a rede que fornece interfaces de usuarios para as ferramentas de rede da liña de ordes máis frecuentes, incluÃdas: * ifconfig * ping * netstat * traceroute * port scanning * DNS lookup * finger * whois Package: gnome-noble-icon-theme Description-md5: 03892c1926e4d3d127565e33f1b1596a Description-gl: purple variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . This package provides the GNOME-Noble (Purple) variation of the GNOME- Colors icon theme. Package: gnome-packagekit Description-md5: bfcc8f9d59fbc2df0d120622c20e75c8 Description-gl: Graphical distribution neutral package manager for GNOME PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e manipuladores de ficheiros. . This package contains a GTK+ based application for package installation and removal, an application to view system updates, a simple repository editor and PackageKit configuration tool and a viewer for package installation history. Package: gnome-packagekit-data Description-md5: d29fc26c510abe032792d9c4d1ba930b Description-gl: Data files for GNOME-PackageKit PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e manipuladores de ficheiros. . This package contains architecture-independent files for all GNOME- PackageKit modules. Package: gnome-screensaver-flags Description-md5: d9a78cc1e97c67b0c09e87924fbdbb20 Description-gl: Salvapantallas para GNOME con bandeiras do mundo. Screensaver contains about 250 static images with flags of the world. Package: gnome-session Description-md5: 7cfb8372c3ddbf9bd501f540d336a524 Description-gl: Xestor de sesións de GNOME - Sesión GNOME 3 O Xestor de Sesións de GNOME está a cargo de iniciar os compoñentes centrais do escritorio GNOME e dos aplicativos que hai que iniciar cando se accede. Tamén conta cunha maneira para gardar e restaurar os aplicativos que se estean a executar. . This package contains the required components for the standard GNOME 3 session, based on the GNOME Shell. It can be started from a display manager such as GDM, and requires 3D acceleration to work properly. Package: gnome-session-flashback Description-md5: a7ddbb3186df90f765f0a5e61d98c16d Description-gl: GNOME Session Manager - GNOME Flashback session O Xestor de Sesións de GNOME está a cargo de iniciar os compoñentes centrais do escritorio GNOME e dos aplicativos que hai que iniciar cando se accede. Tamén conta cunha maneira para gardar e restaurar os aplicativos que se estean a executar. . This package contains the required components for the GNOME Flashback session, based on GNOME Panel 3. It can be started from a display manager such as GDM, and doesn’t have specific hardware requirements. Package: gnome-sharp2 Description-md5: d2bb808a81b910a87621b923da515b3a Description-gl: Suite GNOME# 2.24, asociacións con CLI para GNOME GNOME# 2.24 is a CLI (.NET) language binding for the GNOME 2.24 platform libraries. . gnome-sharp2 is a metapackage containing dependencies for the GNOME# 2.24 suite. Package: gnome-subtitles Description-md5: 11be981b3b343e7c1df5cd3c0f83662f Description-gl: Editor de subtÃtulos para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME SubtÃtulos de GNOME é un editor de subtÃtulos para o escritorio GNOME. . It supports the most common text-based subtitle formats, video previewing, timings synchronization and subtitle translation. . Algúns dos formatos de subtÃtulos admitidos son: Advanced Sub Station Alpha, FAB Subtitler, MicroDVD, MPlayer 1/2, MPSub, SubRip, SubViewer 1/2. Package: gnome-themes-ubuntu Description-md5: 06da189636bc9b242321bf53ea6ab258 Description-gl: Temas da comunidade de Ubuntu This package contains a few nice contributed themes for the GNOME desktop: . * Dust * Dust Sand * New Wave Package: gnome-tweak-tool Description-md5: 941073ce1ecfd5c85f09b1ba2d0728f3 Description-gl: tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME GNOME Tweak tool permite axustar varias opcións avanzadas de GNOME que non é posÃbel configurar con gnome-control-center. Isto inclúe cousas como: * tipos de letra empregados nos elementos da interface e na barra de tÃtulos * a suxestión e suavizado dos tipos de letra * temas alternativos para a interface de usuario * cambios no comportamento da xestión de xanelas * comportamento ao pechar a tampa do portátil * iconas do escritorio do xestor de ficheiros * iconas nos menús e botóns Package: gnome-video-effects-extra Description-md5: 3d25bd9ca3c8b6450c6f23dc91adf5a0 Description-gl: GNOME Video Effects - extra plugins gnome-video-effects contén unha colección de efectos de GStreamer para seren empregados en GNOME. . Este paquete require os engadidos «malos» de gstreamer. Package: gnome-video-effects-frei0r Description-md5: ade1dc2778037f273d539451c01e009b Description-gl: GNOME Video Effects - frei0r plugins gnome-video-effects contén unha colección de efectos de GStreamer para seren empregados en GNOME. . This package requires the frei0r plugins collection. Package: gnome-wine-icon-theme Description-md5: a2e3054013532644bb00f6d172f5d15f Description-gl: Variante vermella do tema de iconas GNOME-Colors GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . Este paquete fornece a variante GNOME-WINE (vermello) do tema de iconas GNOME-Colors. Package: gnome-wise-icon-theme Description-md5: 224d38db9aa2cdf7d1a9626a22bf3fff Description-gl: Variante verde do tema de iconas GNOME-Colors GNOME- Colors é un conxunto de temas de iconas de GNOME con certa inspiración en Tango, Elementary, Discovery, Tango Generator e outros. . O seu obxectivo é crear unha maneira doada para que calquera poda facer que o seu escritorio sexa consistente co seu estado de ánimo, fondos de escritorio, cores do portátil, etc. . As iconas foron deseñadas para que cadrasen cos temas de GTK+ de Shiki- Colors e coas imaxes adicionais. . Este paquete fornece a variante GNOME-Wise (verde) do tema de iconas GNOME-Colors. Package: gnome-xcf-thumbnailer Description-md5: fa4d63ff2a8782588bb2e7ded58fe08b Description-gl: Creador de miniaturas dos ficheiros XCF do GIMP para GNOME. Un creador de miniaturas dos ficheiros XCF do GIMP para GNOME. Package: gnote Description-md5: 7d8e1d6e363a6e9deaaf777262bb05a8 Description-gl: Programa para tomar notas no escritorio empregando ligazóns en estilo wiki O Gnote é un aplicativo para tomar notas no escritorio que é sinxelo e doado de utilizar. Permite organizar as notas de maneira intelixente permitindo ligar ideas facilmente con conexións en estilo wiki. . It is a port of Tomboy to C++ and consumes less resources. Package: gnu-smalltalk-doc Description-md5: 2c7920829607f4408c46eb0f70715f06 Description-gl: GNU Smalltalk info documentation Este paquete contén a documentación no formato info para o Smalltalk de GNU. . For more information on GNU Smalltalk see the gnu-smalltalk package. Package: gnubik Description-md5: 787b927d925a51b7b3d850aac2b4cdd6 Description-gl: Xogo do cubo de Rubik en 3D GNUbik is an interactive, graphical, single player puzzle. This free program renders an image of a cube, like that invented by Erno Rubik. You have to manipulate the cube using the mouse. When each face shows only one colour, the game is solved. . It uses Gtk+ and/or X11 and Mesa / OpenGL. Package: gnucash Description-md5: fa2e405424f41b8ff614fae4e74e6af4 Description-gl: Software de contabilidade financeira persoal e para pequenos negocios O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes, fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquÃa de contas, contas de gastos (categorÃas) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX. Package: gnucash-common Description-md5: 8951a93a2ca048368bbf6f1eea45ac8c Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns do software de contabilidade financeira Gnucash O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes, fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquÃa de contas, contas de gastos (categorÃas) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX. . Este paquete contén as partes independentes da arquitectura do Gnucash. Non se debe instalar directamente senón automaticamente a partir das dependencias do paquete Gnucash. Package: gnucash-docs Description-md5: fdcfe36db198979d974778fc64a65592 Description-gl: Documentación do gnucash, un programa de xestión das finanzas persoais O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes, fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquÃa de contas, contas de gastos (categorÃas) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX. . Este paquete contén o Manual de axuda de GnuCash, o Titorial de GnuCash e a GuÃa de conceptos. . O Manual de axuda é unha referencia rápida sobre como realizar tarefas especÃficas e como empregar as funcionalidades de GnuCash. O Titorial e guÃa de conceptos é unha guÃa profunda sobre os conceptos que subxacen ao GnuCash que inclúe un titorial para mostrar como pór eses conceptos en práctica. . Estes documentos están dispoñÃbeis nos formatos HTML, PDF e DocBook (este último concibido para ser visto co navegador de axuda de GNOME). . Translations in German, Italian and Japanese are also included in this package (for Japanese, only the guide is available). Package: gnuchess Description-md5: c0c25e09afefdb0b9a867cb88b772c54 Description-gl: Xoga unha partida de xadrez, tanto contra o usuario como contra si mesmo Gnuchess is an updated version of the GNU chess playing program. It is now based on the fruit chess engine and uses the UCI chess engine protocol. It has a simple alpha-numeric board display, and is also compatible with frontends like xboard, scid and eboard. Package: gnuift-doc Description-md5: 81ec3c361efa92eeff9cbb6728c4d818 Description-gl: Documentación de gnuift This package includes gift-guide, configuring-and-hacking-the-gift and the doxygen reference tree. The application is contained in the gnuift package. . The GIFT (the GNU Image-Finding Tool) is a Content Based Image Retrieval System (CBIRS). It enables you to do Query By Example on images, giving you the opportunity to improve query results by relevance feedback. For processing your queries the program relies entirely on the content of the images, freeing you from the need to annotate all images before querying the collection. . The GIFT comes with a tool which lets you index whole directory trees containing images in one go. You then can use the GIFT server and its client, to browse your own image collections. . The GIFT is an open framework. The developers explicitly have taken into account the possibility of adding new ways of querying to the framework. The communication protocol for client-server communication, MRML, is XML based and fully documented ( This aims at promoting code reuse among researchers and application developers. . To avoid a name clash with the "gift" package (a fasttrack filesharing client), these packages have been named "gnuift" (also to stress that gnuift is a GNU project). Package: Description-md5: b02b0fa90b84bd5f9108283971f9716c Description-gl: Cliente de correo para o GNUstep GNUMail is a clone of NeXT/Apple's application. It uses the GNUstep development framework (or Apple Cocoa, which is based on the OpenStep specification provided by NeXT, Inc.). Package: gnumed-doc Description-md5: 4aa14856f3d55f30d5a6a8bc3fec4003 Description-gl: medical practice management - Documentation This is the GNUmed Electronic Medical Record. Its purpose is to enable doctors to keep a medically sound record on their patients' health. Currently it is not fully featured. The features provided are, however, tested, in use, and considered stable. This package does NOT yet provide functionality for billing and stock keeping. . While the GNUmed team has taken the utmost care to make sure the medical records are safe at all times you still need to make sure you are taking appropriate steps to backup the medical data to a safe place at appropriate intervals. Do test your backup and disaster recovery procedures, too ! . Protect your data! GNUmed itself comes without any warranty whatsoever. You have been warned. . Este paquete contén a documentación para os usuarios. Package: gnumeric Description-md5: 752f01da7bfef3ea92285a393109bd9c Description-gl: spreadsheet application for GNOME - main program O Gnumeric é un aplicativo de folla de cálculo que traballa ben conxuntamente con outras follas de cálculo. Vén con engadidos que lle permiten tratar con formatos de ficheiro de folla de cálculo moi usados. . Pode importar e exportar os formatos seguintes: - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls); - Microsoft Excel 95 (.xls); - OASIS XML, XML, StarOffice (.sxc); - Valores separados por comas/caracteres (.csv); - Data Interchange Format (.dif); - Applix version 4 (.as). . Adicionalmente, pode importar os formatos sesguintes: - GNU Oleo (.oleo); - Linear and integer program expression format (.mps); - Lotus 1-2-3 (.wks, .wk1); - MS MultiPlan SYLK (.sylk); - WordPerfect family "Plan Perfect" (.pln); - Quattro Pro (tm); - XSpread or SC; - XBase (.dbf). . O Gnumeric pode tamén exportar a LaTeX 23 (.tex), TROFF (.me) e HTML. . O Gnumeric deberÃa ser doado de utilizar, en particular para os usuarios familiarizados con Excel. . O Gnumeric é un aplicativo para GNOME. GNOME (Ambiente de modelo de obxectos de rede de GNU) é un conxunto amigábel de aplicativos e ferramentas de escritorio para seren empregados en conxunto cun xestor de xanelas para o Sistema de xanelas X. Package: gnumeric-common Description-md5: 3749931255266b5bbbc512b3833e7c03 Description-gl: Aplicativo de folla de cálculo para GNOME - ficheiros comúns O Gnumeric é un aplicativo de folla de cálculo que traballa ben conxuntamente con outras follas de cálculo. Vén con engadidos que lle permiten tratar con formatos de ficheiro de folla de cálculo moi usados. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura que necesita gnumeric. Package: gnumeric-doc Description-md5: 1a2c472dd4a01f8bf6179550d830e0b6 Description-gl: Aplicativo de folla de cálculo para GNOME - documentación O Gnumeric é un aplicativo de folla de cálculo que traballa ben conxuntamente con outras follas de cálculo. Vén con engadidos que lle permiten tratar con formatos de ficheiro de folla de cálculo moi usados. . Este paquete fornece o manual do usuario no formato de axuda de GNOME (XML de DocBook). Package: gnumeric-plugins-extra Description-md5: 9fe96eb847d4f753e7268d4a75f69445 Description-gl: Aplicativo de folla de cálculo para GNOME - engadidos adicionais O Gnumeric é un aplicativo de folla de cálculo que traballa ben conxuntamente con outras follas de cálculo. Vén con engadidos que lle permiten tratar con formatos de ficheiro de folla de cálculo moi usados. . Algúns dos engadidos que se inclúen co Gnumeric requiren paquetes adicionais aos requiridos polo programa principal. Por esa razón, estes engadidos empaquétanse por separado. . Isto inclúe: - Engadido de Perl; - Engadido de Python; - Cargador do engadido de Python; - Funcións adicionais de Python; - Glosario de GNOME. Package: gnuminishogi Description-md5: ec91e50791ba2f518d96db24e06ca70f Description-gl: Programa para xogar ao minishogi, unha variante do shogi nun taboleiro de 5x5 Gnuminishogi is a computer player for the MiniShogi variant of shogi (Japanese chess). . Gnuminishogi is a modified version of the gnushogi program. It can be used through tagua, kaya, or other graphical frontends, but also has a simple alpha-numeric board display. Package: gnunet-dev Description-md5: e08bc3b3d2303930be6a12ad6441981e Description-gl: GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (development) GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Its high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and in particular respects privacy. . GNUnet started with an idea for anonymous censorship-resistant file- sharing, but has grown to incorporate other applications as well as many generic building blocks for secure networking applications. In particular, GNUnet now includes the GNU Name System, a privacy-preserving, decentralized public key infrastructure. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: gnupg1 Description-md5: 650f309964713c304db8795238c7ac72 Description-gl: GNU privacy guard - a PGP implementation (deprecated "classic" version) GnuPG é a ferramenta de GNU para a comunicación e o almacenamento de datos seguros. Pode ser empregada para cifrar datos e para crear sinaturas dixitais. Inclúe unha facilidade avanzada de xestión de claves e cumpre co estándar de Internet proposto OpenPGP, tal e como se describe en RFC 4880. . The gnupg1 package provides GnuPG 1.4, the "classic" standalone, non- modularized version. It is provided mainly for people with the need to use archaic cryptographic objects like PGPv3 keys to access archived messages. It does not support more recent cryptographic primitives like ECDSA or EdDSA. Please use the gnupg package instead unless you know for sure that you need gnupg1. Package: gnupg1-l10n Description-md5: 32e3d8de46d2758d117aa9de3a2d28da Description-gl: GNU privacy guard "classic" - localization files (deprecated) GnuPG é a ferramenta de GNU para a comunicación e o almacenamento de datos seguros. Pode ser empregada para cifrar datos e para crear sinaturas dixitais. Inclúe unha facilidade avanzada de xestión de claves e cumpre co estándar de Internet proposto OpenPGP, tal e como se describe en RFC 4880. . GnuPG 1.4 is the "classic" standalone, non-modularized version. Please use the gnupg package instead unless you know for sure that you need gnupg1. . This package contains the translation files for the use of GnuPG "classic" in non-English locales. Package: gnuplot Description-md5: 0d4836958a95d3c2e95ef10c1010d671 Description-gl: Command-line driven interactive plotting program. Gnuplot é unha utilidade portátil de debuxo de datos e funcións interactiva para a liña de ordes que admite moitos formatos de saÃda, incluÃdos controladores para moitas impresoras, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, etc. A saÃda para X11 vén no paquete gnuplot-x11. . Os ficheiros de datos e asfuncións autodefinidas poden ser manipuladas pola linguaxe tipo C interna. Pode realizar suavizado, axuste de splines ou axustes non lineares e pode funcionar con números complexos. . This metapackage is to install a full-featured gnuplot (-qt, -x11 or -nox). Package: gnuplot-data Description-md5: 4fe81394f79575616d7d99a4629ff315 Description-gl: Command-line driven interactive plotting program. Data-files Gnuplot é unha utilidade portátil de debuxo de datos e funcións interactiva para a liña de ordes que admite moitos formatos de saÃda, incluÃdos controladores para moitas impresoras, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, etc. A saÃda para X11 vén no paquete gnuplot-x11. . Os ficheiros de datos e asfuncións autodefinidas poden ser manipuladas pola linguaxe tipo C interna. Pode realizar suavizado, axuste de splines ou axustes non lineares e pode funcionar con números complexos. . This package contains data-files which are used by -nox, -x11 and -qt. Package: gnuplot-doc Description-md5: 5f0132ea47da27b4f1fc9bb887c8385e Description-gl: Command-line driven interactive plotting program. Doc-package Gnuplot é unha utilidade portátil de debuxo de datos e funcións interactiva para a liña de ordes que admite moitos formatos de saÃda, incluÃdos controladores para moitas impresoras, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, etc. . Os ficheiros de datos e asfuncións autodefinidas poden ser manipuladas pola linguaxe tipo C interna. Pode realizar suavizado, axuste de splines ou axustes non lineares e pode funcionar con números complexos. . This package contains the additional documentation. Package: gnuplot-nox Description-md5: cf3b04e823b1cadc981b668d41b86ea0 Description-gl: Command-line driven interactive plotting program. No-X package Gnuplot é unha utilidade portátil de debuxo de datos e funcións interactiva para a liña de ordes que admite moitos formatos de saÃda, incluÃdos controladores para moitas impresoras, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, etc. A saÃda para X11 vén no paquete gnuplot-x11. A saÃda para QT vén no paquete gnuplot-qt. . Os ficheiros de datos e asfuncións autodefinidas poden ser manipuladas pola linguaxe tipo C interna. Pode realizar suavizado, axuste de splines ou axustes non lineares e pode funcionar con números complexos. . Este paquete é para traballar sen un servidor de X. Package: gnuplot-qt Description-md5: 74a235ccaf8809216c9fb5a68f37ee9b Description-gl: Command-line driven interactive plotting program. QT-package Gnuplot é unha utilidade portátil de debuxo de datos e funcións interactiva para a liña de ordes que admite moitos formatos de saÃda, incluÃdos controladores para moitas impresoras, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, etc. . Os ficheiros de datos e asfuncións autodefinidas poden ser manipuladas pola linguaxe tipo C interna. Pode realizar suavizado, axuste de splines ou axustes non lineares e pode funcionar con números complexos. . This package contains the terminal driver that enables gnuplot to plot images interactively using Qt. . The package provides gnuplot-x11 and gnuplot-nox terminals plus an additional QT-terminal for output. Package: gnuplot-x11 Description-md5: 0f46a416738fd8a78fd2899ba84c067e Description-gl: Command-line driven interactive plotting program. X-package Gnuplot é unha utilidade portátil de debuxo de datos e funcións interactiva para a liña de ordes que admite moitos formatos de saÃda, incluÃdos controladores para moitas impresoras, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, etc. . Os ficheiros de datos e asfuncións autodefinidas poden ser manipuladas pola linguaxe tipo C interna. Pode realizar suavizado, axuste de splines ou axustes non lineares e pode funcionar con números complexos. . This package contains the terminal driver that enables gnuplot to plot images interactively under X11. Package: gnustep-back-dbg Description-md5: 6e966b6564b572031fcffbd4e5b78d2c Description-gl: Infraestrutura da interface gráfica de GNUstep - sÃmbolos de depuración It is a backend component for the GNUstep GUI Library. The implementation of the GNUstep GUI Library is designed in two parts. The first part is the front-end component which is independent of platform and display system. This front-end is combined with a back-end component which handles all of the display system dependent such as specific calls to the X Window System. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da infraestrutura da interface gráfica de GNUstep. Package: gnustep-common Description-md5: 21e07eaabb93b22e8ae11a6c5c6069f3 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para o ambiente GNUstep principal This package contains the main GNUstep configuration file, common files, scripts and directory layout needed to run any GNUstep software. Package: gnustep-core-doc Description-md5: d4d2c2b0556302d94c3e856710d2c4bd Description-gl: Ambiente de Desenvolvemento de GNUstep -- documentación principal These packages provide documentation for developing programs for the GNUstep environment. . This is a metapackage that depends on the documentation packages of the core GNUstep development environment (GNUstep Make, Base and GUI). Package: gnutls-bin Description-md5: eba039a6e469447db04137c121cc9fd1 Description-gl: GNU TLS library - commandline utilities GnuTLS is a portable library which implements the Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS 1.0, 1.2) protocols. . GnuTLS conta con: - extensións do TLS: indicación de nome de servidor, tamaño máximo de rexistros, entrada opaca de PRF, etc. - autenticación empregando o protocolo SRP. - autenticación empregando os certificados X.509 e chaves de OpenPGP. - extensión de claves pre-compartidas (PSK) para TLS. - extensión de Aplicación Interna (TLS/IA). - xestión de certificados x.509 e OpenPGP. - X.509 Proxy Certificates (RFC 3820). - todos os algoritmos de cifrado fortes (incluÃdos SHA-256/384/512 e Camellia (RFC 4132)). . This package contains a commandline interface to the GNU TLS library, which can be used to set up secure connections from e.g. shell scripts, debugging connection issues or managing certificates. . Useful utilities include: - TLS termination: gnutls-cli, gnutls-serv - key and certificate management: certtool, ocsptool, p11tool - credential management: srptool, psktool Package: gobby Description-md5: 088a679a3173ccd85e58bf5c705d5e76 Description-gl: Editor de texto colaborativo baseado en infinote Gobby is an editor which allows one to edit text documents and source files collaboratively over a network. All users could work on the file simultaneously without the need to lock it. The parts the various users write are highlighted in different colours and it supports syntax highlighting of various programming and markup languages. . Gobby is portable to both Windows and Unix-like platforms and makes use of the Gtk+ toolkit. A dedicated server is available in the infinoted package. Package: gobjc Description-md5: 8eb5a7695a9f4935cb3126a66df29405 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C compiler. Package: gobjc++ Description-md5: db23ebaaaeb19bd162f9458eb00d25ef Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ compiler. Package: gobjc++-4.8 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-5-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-6-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-7-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: b9baa94c6e3efdfa23b7927008258616 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc++-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 39b6d7cfd82eeb3284cd3e2c9df3bcce Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the arm64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the arm64 architecture. Package: gobjc++-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 55344ad85e1454426c63da108ffb0890 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the alpha architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: gobjc++-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: b44f97a80cb51c59d57050bed21040fc Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gobjc++-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 54cfd0a33158bcf5616fd98c53643c59 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gobjc++-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: b1b4eda0eaab982aa45cba9decd9754f Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the hppa architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the hppa architecture. Package: gobjc++-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: b37da934ac9792db1e5b95d8ca1608ad Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the m68k architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the m68k architecture. Package: gobjc++-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef7efd41b4fdbde13b0313e0c4660756 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gobjc++-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 33e64a13f71b2dd1c562c0345a6aae6f Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gobjc++-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 45df64c841dfcadd907cc71a2d961b62 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gobjc++-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: a836728e360f65f250bcc4a9007ff42d Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: b44f97a80cb51c59d57050bed21040fc Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: 54cfd0a33158bcf5616fd98c53643c59 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef7efd41b4fdbde13b0313e0c4660756 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 33e64a13f71b2dd1c562c0345a6aae6f Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 45df64c841dfcadd907cc71a2d961b62 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: a836728e360f65f250bcc4a9007ff42d Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: dc4e3dffbaa90c3d2e3af40a6d7a63d9 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 53edcb6cb337ab3ab7875be7517502b8 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 15cac5015fd54eb3b1029c8416c50a37 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gobjc++-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1e6958288316befc9151e4683dc4a23f Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gobjc++-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: dc4e3dffbaa90c3d2e3af40a6d7a63d9 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gobjc++-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: f4afbcadd5664321f35b28e8396e57c2 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the powerpcspe architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the powerpcspe architecture. Package: gobjc++-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 53edcb6cb337ab3ab7875be7517502b8 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gobjc++-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 96f6215773bc62e141689e299fa9a385 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the ppc64el architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the ppc64el architecture. Package: gobjc++-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 15cac5015fd54eb3b1029c8416c50a37 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gobjc++-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 9ed7dae39ba333ebb40eabcdc301e3a5 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the sh4 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the sh4 architecture. Package: gobjc++-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1e6958288316befc9151e4683dc4a23f Description-gl: GNU Objective-C++ compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C++ de GNU, que compila Objective-C++ nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C++ cross-compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gobjc-4.8 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-5-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-6-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-7-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: ef51de6b57526dc4a161944678606486 Description-gl: Compilador de Objective-C de GNU Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. Package: gobjc-aarch64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 7258db0aec57d94ffbe94ccc2bdccc52 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the arm64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the arm64 architecture. Package: gobjc-alpha-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1995369cbc00bc6e2a4bc5d86ce13a06 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the alpha architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the alpha architecture. Package: gobjc-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 46dc6e58b617cb001f17a46fc378fdf9 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gobjc-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ff54e9ed4dc26c7549df98fa4e8979d2 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gobjc-hppa-linux-gnu Description-md5: 869d1e251b4db215d62e8f99ec9b8b7c Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the hppa architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the hppa architecture. Package: gobjc-m68k-linux-gnu Description-md5: 8ef0b1b631f215b5b9deab1021bb3c9c Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the m68k architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the m68k architecture. Package: gobjc-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6169b35922e91843268cd698f75ff914 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gobjc-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0f3c044e5f5b14081546d24a4a8252a8 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gobjc-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 040c6f6b2776e7fcce2bed751e9aab19 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gobjc-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: e292f5b3a887826a6be88c7f6bba2934 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi Description-md5: 46dc6e58b617cb001f17a46fc378fdf9 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the armel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the armel architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf Description-md5: ff54e9ed4dc26c7549df98fa4e8979d2 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the armhf architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the armhf architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-mips-linux-gnu Description-md5: 6169b35922e91843268cd698f75ff914 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mips architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mips architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 0f3c044e5f5b14081546d24a4a8252a8 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mips64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mips64 architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 Description-md5: 040c6f6b2776e7fcce2bed751e9aab19 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mips64el architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mips64el architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu Description-md5: e292f5b3a887826a6be88c7f6bba2934 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the mipsel architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the mipsel architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 152e56c53479383a6280274b0750e946 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 36994070ada79f56561a6865514f22c6 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1adf9ce298783ef3cc8bbd8a12c15a1e Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gobjc-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2546ef927bd46f442d46c5705f071761 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gobjc-powerpc-linux-gnu Description-md5: 152e56c53479383a6280274b0750e946 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the powerpc architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the powerpc architecture. Package: gobjc-powerpc-linux-gnuspe Description-md5: a38b22133efe66948998eef2b2614ad6 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the powerpcspe architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the powerpcspe architecture. Package: gobjc-powerpc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 36994070ada79f56561a6865514f22c6 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the ppc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the ppc64 architecture. Package: gobjc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu Description-md5: 41f71cc6f802015bf32c0b5b42fac044 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the ppc64el architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the ppc64el architecture. Package: gobjc-s390x-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1adf9ce298783ef3cc8bbd8a12c15a1e Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the s390x architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the s390x architecture. Package: gobjc-sh4-linux-gnu Description-md5: 1c4ff85a16cc3dd2e79140735e6534d1 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the sh4 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the sh4 architecture. Package: gobjc-sparc64-linux-gnu Description-md5: 2546ef927bd46f442d46c5705f071761 Description-gl: GNU Objective-C compiler for the sparc64 architecture Este é o compilador de Objective-C de GNU, que compila Objective-C nas plataformas admitidas polo compilador gcc. Emprega a infraestrutura de gcc para xerar código optimizado. . This is a dependency package providing the default GNU Objective-C cross- compiler for the sparc64 architecture. Package: gogglesmm Description-md5: df44f1c1b2bfaa569c0be0519aaee993 Description-gl: Xestor de música Goggles Goggles Music Manager is a music collection manager and player that automatically categorizes your music files based on genre, artist, album, and song. It supports gapless playback and features easy tag editing. Package: golang-github-alecthomas-repr-dev Description-md5: 925957333de0ebef5c7ea9e5a1a718ee Description-gl: Python's repr() for Go The repr package attempts to represent Go values in a form that can be used almost directly in Go source code. . Unfortunately, some values (such as pointers to basic types) cannot be represented directly in Go. These values will be represented as &<value>, e.g. &23 . Exemplo: . type test struct { S string I int A []int } . func main() { repr.Print(&test{ S: "String", I: 123, A: []int{1, 2, 3}, }) } . Outputs . &main.test{S: "String", I: 123, A: []int{1, 2, 3}} Package: golang-github-bradfitz-http2-dev Description-md5: 5e06fcc16fab8fd051fb5c7774fa0d5b Description-gl: HTTP/2 support for Go This is a work-in-progress HTTP/2 implementation for Go. . It will eventually live in the Go standard library and won't require any changes to your code to use. It will just be automatic. . Estado: . * The server support is pretty good. A few things are missing but are being worked on. * The client work has just started but shares a lot of code is coming along much quicker. Package: golang-github-cloudflare-cfssl-dev Description-md5: d93653103a370e9baa617cabec0be98d Description-gl: CloudFlare's PKI and TLS toolkit CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates. CFSSL can be used to build custom TLS PKI tools as well as create and manipulate traditional certificate structures using code or on the command line. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-github-cloudflare-redoctober-dev Description-md5: 917a2aa7418182293039af1ca5cc7015 Description-gl: Software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server Red October is a software-based two-man rule style encryption and decryption server. The two-man rule is a control mechanism designed to achieve a high level of security by requiring the presence of two authorized people at all times. In the case of Red October the two-man rule is implemented by encrypting data in such as way as to require two authorised key-holds to decrypt it. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-github-docker-docker-credential-helpers-dev Description-md5: b30f510084a2a8979b83de2616da2813 Description-gl: Use native stores to safeguard Docker credentials The docker-credential-helpers package is a suite of programs to use the built-in OS native stores to keep Docker credentials safe. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-github-docker-libnetwork-dev Description-md5: c8cf180777151ba4cbd4539de4bdb35b Description-gl: Docker Networking Libnetwork provides a native Go implementation for connecting containers . The goal of libnetwork is to deliver a robust Container Network Model that provides a consistent programming interface and the required network abstractions for applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-github-geertjohan-go.rice-dev Description-md5: 556931a23b4e283391e746d74e0e1a5e Description-gl: Go package for embedding web resources into Go executables go.rice is a Golang package that makes working with resources such as html, js, css, images and templates very easy. During development go.rice will load required files directly from disk. Upon deployment it is easy to add all resource files to a executable using the rice tool, without changing the source code for your package. Several methods are provided for adding resources to your binary by go.rice. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-github-glacjay-goini-dev Description-md5: b72e1d25ac619174fd2005c780260884 Description-gl: Biblioteca de análise de ficheiros INI para Go Go library to parse files in the INI format. Package: golang-github-golang-leveldb-dev Description-md5: 198973608103ff9738edff023439a64e Description-gl: Implementation of the LevelDB key/value database in Go LevelDB é unha biblioteca rápida de almacenamento de claves-valores escriba en Google que fornece unha asignación ordenada de claves de cadeas a valores de cadeas. . This is an implementation of LevelDB in the Go language. Package: golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-grpc-gateway-dev Description-md5: 04f664d8727c156a70e30ad4a7baa35b Description-gl: gRPC to JSON proxy generator for Golang -- sources Grpc-gateway is a protoc plugin that reads gRPC service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful JSON API into gRPC. The server is generated according to custom options in your gRPC definition and helps you to provide your APIs in both gRPC and RESTful style at the same time. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-github-mailru-easyjson-dev Description-md5: e849afb0108317eaa8554d70f390cccb Description-gl: Fast JSON serializer for golang easyjson allows (un-)marshaling of JSON golang structs without the use of reflection by generating marshaller code. . One of the aims of the library is to keep generated code simple enough so that it can be easily optimized or fixed. Another goal is to provide users with ability to customize the generated code not available in 'encoding/json', such as generating snake_case names or enabling 'omitempty' behavior by default. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-github-prometheus-common-dev Description-md5: 31e09c2cc06c58c3209ecf4159f6896a Description-gl: Common libraries for Prometheus components Este paquete inclúe: . * Common configuration structures. * Decoding and encoding for the exposition format. * Wraps in order to add line:file annotations to log lines, as well as to provide common command-line flags for Prometheus components using it. * Shared data structures. * Defines standardised ways to initialize Go kit loggers across Prometheus components. * A routing wrapper around using `context.Context`. * Version information and metrics. Package: golang-github-yosssi-ace-dev Description-md5: d42217790c8e46862cef3c5394716f82 Description-gl: HTML template engine for Go (library package) Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This is inspired by Slim (http :// and Jade ( This is a refinement of Gold ( . Exemplo: . = doctype html html lang=en head title Hello Ace = css h1 { color: blue; } body h1 {{.Msg}} #container.wrapper p.. Ace is an HTML template engine for Go. This engine simplifies HTML coding in Go web application development. = javascript console.log('Welcome to Ace'); . This package provides the Ace library for the Go Programming Language Package: golang-golang-x-tools-dev Description-md5: 848b14f59fde001d69fac7c7123ed46c Description-gl: supplementary Go tools (development files) This subrepository holds the source for various packages and tools that support the Go programming language. . Some of the tools, godoc and vet for example, used to be included in the golang-go package. Others, including the Go oracle and the test coverage tool, can be fetched with "go get". . Packages include a type-checker for Go and an implementation of the Static Single Assignment form (SSA) representation for Go programs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: golang-google-api-dev Description-md5: 3e6ef7b8a702473a9b58d33ce1bfeb64 Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de API de Google These are auto-generated Go libraries from the Google Discovery Service's JSON description files of the available "new style" Google APIs. Package: golang-rice Description-md5: cdd80d0f86c1644b5166a89cca530736 Description-gl: Go package for embedding web resources into Go executables go.rice is a Golang package that makes working with resources such as html, js, css, images and templates very easy. During development go.rice will load required files directly from disk. Upon deployment it is easy to add all resource files to a executable using the rice tool, without changing the source code for your package. Several methods are provided for adding resources to your binary by go.rice. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas para a liña de ordes. Package: googler Description-md5: 815a3aaafee514f2bb2afc49b150aba1 Description-gl: Power tool to Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search from the terminal Funcionalidades: . - Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News - Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), customisable color - Open result URLs (or the actual search) in browser - Navigate search result pages from omniprompt - Fetch n results in a go, start at the nth result - Disable automatic spelling correction and search exact keywords - Limit search by duration, country/domain specific search (default: .com), language preference - Supports Google search keywords like 'filetype:mime', '' etc. - Optionally open the first result directly in browser (as in "I'm Feeling Lucky") - Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting - Proxy support - Man page with examples, shell completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish Package: gosa-plugin-kolab Description-md5: a2a9265b81338bf86ab7b67b66cb2d78 Description-gl: Engadido de Kolab para GOsa² Engadido de xestión de contas de Kolab2 . GOsa² is a combination of system-administrator and end-user web interface, designed to handle LDAP based setups. Package: gozerbot Description-md5: 52674fe2f8bd73a4c36ed652c56c07a1 Description-gl: Bot de IRC e Jabber escrito en Python Gozerbot is a channel bot that aids with conversation in IRC channels and Jabber conference rooms. It's mainly used to send notifications (RSS, Nagios, etc.) and to provide custom commands for the channel. More then just a channel bot Gozerbot aims to provide a platform for the user to program his own bot and make it into something that's useful. This is done with a plugin structure that makes it easy to program your own plugins. But Gozerbot comes with some batteries included, there are now over 100 plugins already written and ready for use. Package: gpaint Description-md5: dbb26389c3072fce85832a5aefb72875 Description-gl: GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME Este é gpaint (GNU Paint), un programa para pintar en pequena escala para GNOME, o ambiente de escritorio de GNU. O gpaint non pretende competir co GIMP, é simplemente un paquete de debuxo sinxelo baseado no xpaint seguindo as ideas principais do «Paintbrush» dun sistema operativo non libre popular. . Currently gpaint has the following features: * Drawing tools such as ovals, freehand, polygon and text, with fill or shadow for polygons and closed freehand shapes. * Cut and paste by selecting irregular regions or polygons. * Preliminary print support using gnome-print. * Modern, ease-to-use user interface with tool and color palettes. * Multiple-image editing in a single instance of the program. * All the image processing features present in xpaint. Package: gperf-ace Description-md5: 671a8c45c2c5bed49ebe0d85f0178985 Description-gl: ACE perfect hash function generator (transitional package) This package is a transitional package to ace-gperf. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación. Package: gpgv-win32 Description-md5: 3f8767984a5f4b323de309446d07435d Description-gl: GNU privacy guard - signature verification tool (win32 build) GnuPG é a ferramenta de GNU para a comunicación e almacenamento de datos seguro. . gpgv is a stripped-down version of gnupg which is only able to check signatures. It is smaller than the full-blown gnupg and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make the signature are trustworthy. . This is a win32 version of gpgv. It's meant to be used by the win32-loader component of Debian-Installer. Package: gpgv1 Description-md5: 66298eb08bbd8e97c162d7d75218233f Description-gl: GNU privacy guard - signature verification tool (deprecated "classic" version) GnuPG é a ferramenta de GNU para a comunicación e almacenamento de datos seguro. . gpgv is a stripped-down version of gnupg which is only able to check signatures. It is smaller than the full-blown gnupg and uses a different (and simpler) way to check that the public keys used to make the signature are trustworthy. . gpgv1 is the "classic" version of gpgv. It does not support as many cryptographic primitives as the modern version, so there are signatures it cannot verify. Please use the "gpgv" package instead where possible. Package: gphoto2 Description-md5: 216c30e494ceb46dc674329015d18c2a Description-gl: Cliente de cámaras dixitais para a liña de ordes A biblioteca gphoto2 pode ser utilizada por aplicativos para acceder a diversos modelos de cámaras dixitais mediante protocolos estándar, como o de almacenamento en masa en USB e o PTP ou protocolos especÃficos dos fabricantes. . Este paquete fornece a interface para a liña de ordes de gphoto2. Package: gphotofs Description-md5: bb204691d38bcab14b35067c2f13c857 Description-gl: Sistema de ficheiros para montar cámaras dixitais GPhotoFS is a filesystem client based on libgphoto2 that exposes supported cameras as filesystems; while some cameras implement the USB Mass Storage class and already appear as filesystems (making this program redundant), many use the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) or some other custom protocol. But as long as the camera is supported by libgphoto2, it can be mounted as a filesystem using this program. . Este paquete está baseado na infraestrutura FUSE (sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario) do kernel Linux e, polo tanto, non require ningunha modificación do kernel aparte do módulo fuse. Package: gphpedit Description-md5: 0d16e471bf5ebe10acf0a523be551705 Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento para PHP/HTML/CSS gPHPEdit é un edito para GNOME dedicado a editar ficheiros PHP e outros ficheiros auxiliares, como HTML/CSS. Ten compatibilidade con listas de funcións despregábeis, suxestións, mostrar parámetros e realzado de sintaxe. Package: gpick Description-md5: 1f14ce64f57c52191da4d07d4d2b35aa Description-gl: Selector de cores avanzado en GTK+ gpick é un selector de cores avanzado empregado para escoller cores de calquera parte da pantalla, mesturalas para obter cores novas, xerar sobras e tons e exportar paletas a formatos de ficheiro frecuentes ou simplemente copialas ao porta-retallos. Package: gpicview Description-md5: 56b6d6ca77ade2581b6c6827342d56bb Description-gl: Visor de imaxes lixeiro GPicView é un visor de imaxes lixeiro baseado en GTK+2.x coas funcionalidades seguintes: . * Extremadamente lixeiro e rápido con pouco uso de memoria * Moi axeitado como visor de imaxes predeterminado do sistema de escritorio * Interface sinxela e intuitiva * Dependencia mÃnima de bibliotecas. Só se emprega GTK+ puro * Independente do escritorio: Non require ningún ambiente de escritorio determinado Package: gpicview-dbg Description-md5: 243a8d76aba44fb43898861b0a92b34b Description-gl: Visor de imaxes lixeiro (depuración) GPicView é un visor de imaxes lixeiro baseado en GTK+2.x. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: gplcver Description-md5: 5cd7e3e4b6737740e3284d654b0289b6 Description-gl: Verilog simulator Cver is a full 1995 IEEE P1364 standard Verilog simulator. It also implements some of the 2001 P1364 standard features. All three PLI interfaces (tf_, acc_, and vpi_) are implemented as defined in the IEEE 2001 P1364 LRM. . Páxina web: Package: gpredict Description-md5: 761603bab01399390c5ac55a77c533af Description-gl: Programa de seguimento de programas Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program for the Linux desktop. It uses the SGP4/SDP4 propagation algorithms together with NORAD two-line element sets (TLE). . Some core features of Gpredict include: . * Tracking of a large number of satellites only limited by the physical memory and processing power of the computer * Display the tracking data in lists, maps, polar plots and any combination of these * Have many modules open at the same either in a notebook or in their own windows. The modules can also run in full-screen mode * You can use many ground stations * Predict upcoming passes * Gpredict can run in real-time, simulated real-time (fast forward and backward), and manual time control * Detailed information both the real time and non-real time modes * Doppler tuning of radios via Hamlib rigctld * Antenna rotator control via Hamlib rotctld Package: gprolog-doc Description-md5: 664508ef9b26aa21facd080315f84e21 Description-gl: Documentación do compilador de Prolog de GNU GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite domains (FD). . This package contains the documentation (PDF and HTML) for GNU Prolog. Package: gpsd-dbg Description-md5: 25585bac72e1a225e550182eebbba65f Description-gl: Sistema Global de Posicionamento - sÃmbolos de depuración The gpsd service daemon can monitor one or more GPS devices connected to a host computer, making all data on the location and movements of the sensors available to be queried on TCP port 2947. . This package contains the python debug modules and some test tools to the debug the behaviour of gpsd. Debug symbols are being shipped in the dbgsym package. Package: gpsim-doc Description-md5: 31cda71c219866a610e3ebede4b401cd Description-gl: Documentación de gpsim This package contains documentation for gpsim in postscript and pdf format with original LyX sources. Package: gr-iio Description-md5: e361fb82f2d76ab5c549d5058df2fab6 Description-gl: IIO blocks for GnuRadio Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . The IIO blocks for GnuRadio can be used to create flowgraphs that interface IIO devices through libiio. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: grabcd-encode Description-md5: a2e6e5429a71b56091b00cbb233fac64 Description-gl: Extraia e codifique CD de son - codificador grabcd lets you rip and encode audio CDs. Ripping and encoding can be done on different systems. . This package contains the encoder script that generates OGG files and stores them in a given directory hierarchy. It receives the raw data from a machine where the grabcd-rip package is installed. Package: grabcd-rip Description-md5: 276c85ba2052a370681c362fae16075f Description-gl: Extraia e codifique CD de son - extractor grabcd lets you rip and encode audio CDs. Ripping and encoding can be done on different systems. . This package contains the ripper script that reads an audio CD. It sends the data to a machine where the grabcd-encode package is installed. Package: granatier Description-md5: 9c1cc3a6aa86ca29a9daa93e6c56892a Description-gl: Clon do Bomberman O Granatier é un clon do clásico xogo do Bomberman, inspirado no traballo do clon Clanbomber. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: grantlee-dbg Description-md5: 1f690ca74827f47ed79925128d6d3469 Description-gl: Biblioteca de modelos de Grantlee (sÃmbolos de depuración) Grantlee é un motor de modelos de cadeas baseado no sistema de modelos de Django e escrito en Qt. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración para investigar problemas de Grantlee. Package: granule Description-md5: 3a0c0efc797191cc4320d19b1057c8df Description-gl: Programa de aprendizaxe de palabras novas mediante tarxetas Granule is a flashcard program that implements Leitner cardfile methodology for learning new words. It features both short-term and long- term memory training capabilities with scheduling. Package: grap Description-md5: 7ff5df83b0cb0e0bb10afd968b5e3bb4 Description-gl: Programa para a formatación de gráficas This is grap, an implementation of Kernighan and Bentley's grap language for typesetting graphs. The grap preprocessor works with pic and troff (or groff). . Grap is a language for describing graphical displays of data. It provides such services as automatic scaling and labeling of axes, and for statements, if statements, and macros to facilitate user programmability. Grap is intended primarily for including graphs in documents prepared with groff or TeX, and is only marginally useful for elementary tasks in data analysis. Package: graphicsmagick-dbg Description-md5: fcc436d75960b67f4f57213c969230ff Description-gl: Procesamento de imaxes independente do formato - sÃmbolos de depuración GraphicsMagick provides libraries in several programming languages to read, write and manipulate image files across a large number of formats, from the widely used jpeg, tiff, bmp or xpm to special-purpose formats such as fits or image formats found on some photo CDs. There are functions for finegrained image processing tasks, as well as conversion routines between the various image formats. . The GraphicsMagick library is a fork of ImageMagick and therefore offers an interface that is similar in features, but intended to be more stable across releases. While compatibility does not go so far that the GraphicsMagick library serves as a drop-in replacement for ImageMagick, conversion can usually be done with little effort. . This package contains debugging symbols for the gm executable as well as the C, C++, and Perl bindings. Tools like gdb and ltrace make use of these symbols. Package: graphviz Description-md5: 3596bf983eb939217c51507635922cde Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools Graph drawing addresses the problem of visualizing structural information by constructing geometric representations of abstract graphs and networks. Automatic generation of graph drawings has important applications in key technologies such as database design, software engineering, VLSI and network design and visual interfaces in other domains. Situations where these tools might be particularly useful include: . * you would like to restructure a program and first need to understand the relationships between its types, procedures, and source files * you need to find the bottlenecks in an Internet backbone - not only individual links, but their relationships * you're debugging a protocol or microarchitecture represented as a finite state machine and need to figure out how a certain error state arises * you would like to browse a database schema, knowledge base, or distributed program represented graphically * you would like to see an overview of a collection of linked documents * you would like to discover patterns and communities of interest in a database of telephone calls or e-mail messages . Este paquete contén as ferramentas da liña de ordes. Package: graphviz-dev Description-md5: 9f63b6f413c4d84a0c3d45a554d3697b Description-gl: transitional package for graphviz-dev rename Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package is targeted at easing the upgrade from older graphviz-dev to the new libgraphviz-dev package. . This package can be purged at anytime once the libgraphviz-dev package has been installed. Package: graphviz-doc Description-md5: f78e17da4b5250c519aa60f99d9c7a3c Description-gl: additional documentation for graphviz Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package installs HTML and PDF documentation for Graphviz, as well as examples. Package: gravitation Description-md5: 2879fb298eed14a8a20fd5f640dd402b Description-gl: Xogo sobre manÃa, melancolÃa e o proceso creativo Gravitation is a short, autobiographical pixelated art game by Jason Rohrer. It is a followup to his previous game, "Passage". It can be explored in approximately 8 minutes. If in doubt, please keep playing. If you still don't understand the game, please read the game creators statement on the website and the experiences of other people linked from the website. Package: grcompiler Description-md5: 0116e4c05a4d75fe20f9f1a6f7b80e93 Description-gl: Compiler of smart (graphite) fonts SILGraphite is a system that can be used to create and use "smart fonts" capable of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors, such as: contextual shaping, ligatures, reordering, split glyphs, bidirectionality, stacking diacritics and complex positioning. . Esta biblioteca foi deseñada e desenvolvida pola NRSI (Iniciativa de escritas non Latinas), que fai parte de SIL International ( para que funcione como complemento doutras tecnoloxÃas de renderización de tipos de letra intelixentes con extensibilidade local práctica limitada. O seu propósito é axudar a solucionar as necesidades dun número moi grande de comunidades de «linguas minoritarias» para a extensibilidade local de comportamentos de escritas complexas. . The behavior of the SILGraphite rendering engine for a given writing system is specified through extra tables added to a TrueType font. These tables are generated by compiling a GDL (Graphite Description Language) source file into a font using grcompiler. . Este paquete contén o compilador graphite. Package: grdesktop Description-md5: 11fe1404ccd7f3abd972c97948f49006 Description-gl: Interface de GNOME para o cliente rdesktop grdesktop é unha interface de GNOME para o cliente de escritorio remoto (rdesktop). . It can save several connections (including their options), and browse the network for available terminal servers. Package: gresistor Description-md5: fb621ad1e4eecb7b986a70adb0c7d62e Description-gl: Calculadora de códigos de cores de resistencias To allow for identification, resistors are usually marked with colored bands. Often refered to as color codes, these markings are indicative of their resistance, tolerance and temperature coefficient. gResistor helps you translate resistor color codes into a readable value. All you have to do is watch the colors on the resistor and then enter them in the program. As you enter colours you'll see that the resistor value is changing accordingly. Package: grhino Description-md5: 72a85f8745f4691404e8419db8cc4545 Description-gl: Xogo de taboleiro Othello/Reversi grhino, or rhino its former name, is an Othello/Reversi game. What distinguish grhino from most other Othello games is that grhino is targeted for experienced Othello players. Strong AI is the main focus. Its AI can be used with quarry. Package: grhino-data Description-md5: 4e8922c9bab85c2126ce00d76b2bfa3f Description-gl: Xogo de taboleiro Othello/Reversi - ficheiros de datos grhino, or rhino its former name, is an Othello/Reversi game. What distinguish grhino from most other Othello games is that grhino is targeted for experienced Othello players. Strong AI is the main focus. Its AI can be used with quarry. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para grhino. Package: gri Description-md5: c588f5439f167dc7ee09f54114861606 Description-gl: Unha linguaxe para a ilustración cientÃfica Gri é unha linguaxe de código aberto para a programación de gráficos cientÃficos. UtilÃzase con ordes escritas, non premendo co rato. Algúns usuarios consideran o Gri semellante ao LaTeX, dado que ambos os dous permiten gran potencia como consecuencia de tolerar unha curva de aprendizaxe. A saÃda é o PostScript estándar da industrÃa, adecuado para ser incluÃdo noutros documentos. . Gri can make x-y graphs, contour graphs, and image graphs. Fine control is provided over all aspects of drawing, e.g. line widths, colors, fonts, etc. Greek letters and mathematical symbols are available in a TeX-like syntax. . Folks who write 1000-line Gri scripts usually start with something as simple as the following: . open file.dat # open a file read columns x * y # read the 1st column as x and the 3rd as y draw curve # draw the data and autoscale the axes . Hai tamén dispoñÃbel un manual completo en HTML (paquete gri-html-doc), en PDC axeitado para imprimir (paquete gri-pdf-doc) e na rede seguindo as ligazóns da páxina web de gri: Package: gri-el Description-md5: fd78d5dc32ce2e83b43d5ca18f0cf4ad Description-gl: Emacs major-mode for gri, a language for scientific graphics Gri é unha linguaxe de código aberto para a programación de gráficos cientÃficos. . This is the Emacs major-mode for gri. Package: gri-html-doc Description-md5: ff622e2dc1c468f4d3f13749841d790e Description-gl: Manual en HTML de gri, unha linguaxe para gráficos cientÃficos Gri is a command-driven application for making x-y graphs, contour-graphs, and image graphs. . This is the Gri manual in HTML format and can be accessed directly via file:/usr/share/doc/gri/html/index.html or http://localhost/doc/gri/html/ or via doc-central, dwww or dhelp interfaces (if you have the doc-base package installed). Note that the manual in info format (without graphics) is included in the gri package itself. This manual is available on the web via: Package: gri-pdf-doc Description-md5: 25b134b0d907ec30bffcdb0d4e5eccc5 Description-gl: Manual en PostScript de gri, unha linguaxe para gráficos cientÃficos Gri is a command-driven application for making x-y graphs, contour-graphs, and image graphs. . Este é o manual de Gri no formato PDF, axeitado para ser impreso ou visto nunha pantalla. O ficheiro comprimido está en /usr/share/doc/gri/gri.pdf.gz Package: gridengine-common Description-md5: c872b80b4810c7a2b08cd2febf99decd Description-gl: Xestión de recursos distribuÃdos - ficheiros comúns Grid Engine is software that facilitates "distributed resource management" (DRM). Far more than just simple load-balancing tools or batch scheduling mechanisms, DRM software typically provides the following key features across large sets of distributed resources: . * Policy based allocation of distributed resources (CPU time, software licenses, etc.) * Batch queuing & scheduling * Support diverse server hardware, OS and architectures * Load balancing & remote job execution * Detailed job accounting statistics * Fine-grained user specifiable resources * Suspend/resume/migrate jobs * Tools for reporting Job/Host/Cluster status * Job Arrays * Integration & control of parallel jobs . Este paquete contén os ficheiros compartidos requiridos e a configuración básica. Package: gridengine-exec Description-md5: 6eadea8f174d60413282e34894dc3efc Description-gl: Xestión de recursos distribuÃdos - Servidor de execución Grid Engine is software that facilitates "distributed resource management" (DRM). Far more than just simple load-balancing tools or batch scheduling mechanisms, DRM software typically provides the following key features across large sets of distributed resources: . * Policy based allocation of distributed resources (CPU time, software licenses, etc.) * Batch queuing & scheduling * Support diverse server hardware, OS and architectures * Load balancing & remote job execution * Detailed job accounting statistics * Fine-grained user specifiable resources * Suspend/resume/migrate jobs * Tools for reporting Job/Host/Cluster status * Job Arrays * Integration & control of parallel jobs . Este paquete contén o servidor de execución do Motor Grid. Package: gridengine-master Description-md5: 68e4d6273a227ee167642634bb3a4218 Description-gl: Xestión de recursos distribuÃdos - Servidor mestre Grid Engine is software that facilitates "distributed resource management" (DRM). Far more than just simple load-balancing tools or batch scheduling mechanisms, DRM software typically provides the following key features across large sets of distributed resources: . * Policy based allocation of distributed resources (CPU time, software licenses, etc.) * Batch queuing & scheduling * Support diverse server hardware, OS and architectures * Load balancing & remote job execution * Detailed job accounting statistics * Fine-grained user specifiable resources * Suspend/resume/migrate jobs * Tools for reporting Job/Host/Cluster status * Job Arrays * Integration & control of parallel jobs . Este paquete contén o servidor mestre do Motor Grid. Package: gridsite-doc Description-md5: e2045a0a76de8ce023caa6e2932af60e Description-gl: Documentación de desenvolvemento de gridsite GridSite was originally a web application developed for managing and formatting the content of the website. Over the past years it has grown into a set of extensions to the Apache web server and a toolkit for Grid credentials, GACL access control lists and HTTP(S) protocol operations. . This package, gridsite-doc, contains developer documentation for gridsite. Package: griffith Description-md5: 8968e73bd9a71f35e5077fcf4ca4ea8c Description-gl: Xestor de coleccións de pelÃculas Engdir elementos á colección de pelÃculas é tan rápido e fácil como escribir o tÃtulo da pelÃcula e escoller unha fonte coñecida. Nese momento, o Griffith tentará obter toda a información detallada da web. Package: grilo-plugins-0.3 Description-md5: f7cd8564e177035853c74b50022251cc Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to grilo-plugins-0.3-base and grilo-plugins-0.3-extra. It can safely be removed. Package: gringo Description-md5: bd436af228b986e8da930746dfb6518b Description-gl: grounding tools for (disjunctive) logic programs Current answer set solvers work on variable-free programs. Hence, a grounder is needed that, given an input program with first-order variables, computes an equivalent ground (variable-free) program. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas seguintes: . - gringo: a grounder that, given an input program with first-order variables, computes an equivalent ground (variable-free) program in aspif format. Its output can be processed further with answer set solver clasp. Starting with gringo series 5, its output is no longer directly compatible with solvers like smodels or cmodels reading smodels format. Use lpconvert for translating aspif format to smodels format. - clingo: combines both gringo and clasp into a monolithic system. This way it offers more control over the grounding and solving process than gringo and clasp can offer individually: multi-shot solving. - lpconvert: converter between gringo's aspif and smodels format. - reify: small utility that reifies logic programs given in aspif format. It produces a set of facts, which can be processed further with gringo. Package: grisbi Description-md5: 2e2b9189a66757c2dd5b8cfb21577554 Description-gl: personal finance management program Grisbi is a personal accounting program. Grisbi can handle multiple accounts, currencies and users. It helps you manage your money using third party, expenditure and receipt categories, as well as budgetary lines, financial years, and other information that makes it adapted for both personal and associative accounting. . Grisbi pode importar contas de ficheiros de QIF, OFX e Gnucash. Pode imprimir informes empregando LaTeX ou exportalos a HTML. Package: grisbi-common Description-md5: f95430f0ac4869224285853fad4936c4 Description-gl: Ficheiros compartidos para o programa de xesión financeira Grisbi Grisbi is a personal accounting program. Grisbi can handle multiple accounts, currencies and users. It helps you manage your money using third party, expenditure and receipt categories, as well as budgetary lines, financial years, and other information that makes it adapted for both personal and associative accounting. . This package contains architecture-independent files (icons, documentation and translations). Package: grok-dbg Description-md5: 2eb8128a512820850fe2e0e3a0c515c8 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do grok This package contains the detached debugging symbols for grok. . Grok is simple software that allows you to easily parse logs and other files. With grok, you can turn unstructured log and event data into structured data. Package: grub-coreboot Description-md5: e3a74b03a25816ffb7b75c5773005346 Description-gl: GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Coreboot version) O GRUB é un cargador de arranque portátil e potente. Esta versión do GRUB está baseada nun deseño máis limpo que as súas predecesoras e fornece as seguintes funcionalidades novas: . - Scripts en empregando sintaxe tipo BASH. - Compatibilidade con mapas de particións modernos como GPT. - Xeración modular de grub.cfg mediante update-grub. Os paquetes que fornecen os complementos de GRUB poden engadir as súas regras de script propias e activar actualizacións invocando update-grub. . This package contains a version of GRUB that has been built for use with platforms running the Coreboot firmware. Package: grub-coreboot-bin Description-md5: 27630a86a2bd55396b12089deb2cf0f5 Description-gl: GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Coreboot binaries) O GRUB é un cargador de arranque portátil e potente. Esta versión do GRUB está baseada nun deseño máis limpo que as súas predecesoras e fornece as seguintes funcionalidades novas: . - Scripts en empregando sintaxe tipo BASH. - Compatibilidade con mapas de particións modernos como GPT. - Xeración modular de grub.cfg mediante update-grub. Os paquetes que fornecen os complementos de GRUB poden engadir as súas regras de script propias e activar actualizacións invocando update-grub. . This package contains a version of GRUB that has been built for use with platforms running the Coreboot firmware. It will not automatically install GRUB as the active boot loader, nor will it automatically update grub.cfg on upgrade, so most people should install grub-coreboot instead. Package: grub-firmware-qemu Description-md5: cc3754b92a7e1d8e16c04265627088b6 Description-gl: Imaxe de firmware con GRUB para QEMU This package contains a binary of GRUB that has been built for use as firmware for QEMU. It can be used as a replacement for other PC BIOS images provided by seabios, bochsbios, and so on. . Para poder facer que QEMU empregue este firmware, simplemente engada «-bios grub.bin» ao invocalo. . This package behaves in the same way as GRUB for coreboot, but doesn't contain any code from coreboot itself, and is only suitable for QEMU. If you want to install GRUB as firmware on real hardware, you need to use the grub-coreboot package, and manually combine that with coreboot. Package: grub-rescue-pc Description-md5: 5e771fe83a2112f4f90cabc9f93cbd47 Description-gl: Imaxes de rescate arrancábeis con GRUB, versión 2 (versión para PC/BIOS) This package contains three GRUB rescue images that have been built for use with the traditional PC/BIOS architecture: . - grub-rescue-floppy.img: floppy image. - grub-rescue-cdrom.iso: El Torito CDROM image. - grub-rescue-usb.img: USB image. Package: grub-xen-host Description-md5: fd8c60ce62b7d58e25af7b045851f73b Description-gl: GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (Xen host version) O GRUB é un cargador de arranque portátil e potente. Esta versión do GRUB está baseada nun deseño máis limpo que as súas predecesoras e fornece as seguintes funcionalidades novas: . - Scripts en empregando sintaxe tipo BASH. - Compatibilidade con mapas de particións modernos como GPT. - Xeración modular de grub.cfg mediante update-grub. Os paquetes que fornecen os complementos de GRUB poden engadir as súas regras de script propias e activar actualizacións invocando update-grub. . This package arranges for GRUB binary images which can be used to boot a Xen guest (i.e. PV-GRUB) to be present in the control domain filesystem. Package: gsl-bin Description-md5: 7553709bb194c39b6d774e61c06ec157 Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package A Biblioteca cientÃfica de GNU (GSL) é unha colectánea de rutinas para a análise numérica. As rutinas foron escritas desde cero pola equipa da GSL en C e presentan unha API moderna para os programadores de C, ao tempo que permite que se escriban envolturas para linguaxes de moi alto nivel. . This package provides several example binaries. . URL: Package: gsmartcontrol Description-md5: e7025374264e10b98903583375662dd7 Description-gl: graphical user interface for smartctl O GSmartControl é unha interface gráfica de usuario para smartctl, que é unha ferramenta para solicitar e controlar os datos SMART (TecnoloxÃa auto-monitorizada de análise e información) das unidades de disco duro modernas. Permite inspeccionar os datos SMART da unidade para determinar a súa saúde, asà como realizar diversas probas con ela. . Funcionalidades: . * informa e realza automaticamente calquera anomalÃa; * permite activar e desactivar a Recolla de datos fóra de liña automática; * permite activar e desactivar o SMART mesmo; * admite a configuración de opcións globais e especÃficas de cada unidade para smartctl; * realiza probas de comprobación de SMART; * mostra os identificadores das unidades, as súas capacidades e atributos e os rexistros das probas e dos erros; * pode ler os datos de smartctl dun ficheiro gravado, interpretándoo como un dispositivo virtual de só lectura. Package: gss-doc Description-md5: 488f9527477590186eaba5c4524103a3 Description-gl: Documentación de GSS (excepto as páxina de manual) The GNU Generic Security Service Library (GSSLib) is a free implementation of the GSS-API security framework. GSSLib uses Shishi to implement the Kerberos V5 mechanism, but is flexible enough to support other mechanisms too. . This package contain the manual in HTML, PDF and Info formats, and API reference in GTK-DOC and Devhelp formats. Package: gssdp-tools Description-md5: 05e1716eed0be96fde8938d50df1463a Description-gl: GObject-based library for SSDP (tools) Unha API baseada en GObject para realizar SSDP (Protocolo Simple de Descubrimento de Servizos) de maneira transparente. . This package contains some tools, such as gssdp-device-sniffer. Package: gstreamer0.10-qapt Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: gstreamer1.0-espeak Description-md5: ffadb66a9d7e3c13cf929c1a08fa7c29 Description-gl: GStreamer plugin for eSpeak speech synthesis GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains a GStreamer plugin for using eSpeak library as a sound source for GStreamer. Plugin uses given text to produce audio output. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad Description-md5: 96aaaad9b842ce9ddb51b002cc05eca0 Description-gl: Engadidos de GStreamer do conxunto «malo» GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen o nivel que teñen o resto. PoderÃan aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación, ou unha baterÃa de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso real amplo. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dbg Description-md5: 0144acc8435d5a037793c91c8b38f83c Description-gl: Engadidos de GStreamer do conxunto «malo» (sÃmbolos de depuración) GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-doc Description-md5: 51fb5c44051312c56f11b688ba0347ae Description-gl: Documentación de GStreamer dos engadidos do conxunto «malo» GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen o nivel que teñen o resto. PoderÃan aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación, ou unha baterÃa de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso real amplo. . Este paquete contén a documentación dos engadidos de GStreamer do conxunto «malo». Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly Description-md5: c036226562f55540aad2e51fbde63d54 Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Este paquete contén engadidos do conxunto «feo», un conxunto de engadidos de boa calidade que poderÃan supoñer problemas de distribución. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-dbg Description-md5: 47702d7e32f410e08f88c3d445b6a122 Description-gl: GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (debug symbols) GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-doc Description-md5: 4dc4589fd84941ce672ce2ec90d43924 Description-gl: GStreamer documentation for plugins from the "ugly" set GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Este paquete contén documentación para os engadidos do conxunto «feo», un conxunto de engadidos de boa calidade que poderÃan supoñer problemas de distribución. Package: gstreamer1.0-rtsp Description-md5: 324c293cb019895b9491331ce49fd119 Description-gl: RTSP plugin for GStreamer GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for RTSP. Package: gstreamer1.0-rtsp-dbg Description-md5: 324c293cb019895b9491331ce49fd119 Description-gl: RTSP plugin for GStreamer GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains the GStreamer plugin for RTSP. Package: gtg Description-md5: 5f957a92dae6019b3aacc702bae6cc06 Description-gl: Organizador para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME Getting Things GNOME! («Facer as Cousas á GNOME») é un organizador para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME. GTG céntrase na usabilidade e na facilidade de uso. O seu principal obxectivo é fornecer unha ferramenta organizativa sinxela mais flexÃbel para a vida e o traballo. Package: gtimer Description-md5: 9451729b892b0fb4ef66332a018f23b1 Description-gl: Temporizador de tarefas X11 baseado en GTK A graphical program that tracks how your time is spent. Maintains a simple list of tasks, each of which can belong to a project, and allows you to track time in each. Multiple clocks can run simultaneously, annotations can be added to a day's time, and reports can be generated in either HTML or text. If GTimer detects that you're idle, you are given the option of subtracting off the time you spent idle when you return. . Compared to other time tracking applications, GTimer is graphical without depending on a desktop environment and aims for simplicity rather than attempting to be a full-fledged project tracking and billing application. Package: gtk-4-examples Description-md5: 538dd8d36bcec6da6508f12a0d8b1e15 Description-gl: example files for GTK+ 4 GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . This package contains the example files and a demonstration program for GTK+4. Package: gtk-redshift Description-md5: 85646bae0eee3748924aaae253093b7a Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package for redshift-gtk. It can safely be removed. . This package provides GTK+ integration. Package: gtk2-engines-oxygen Description-md5: c4024c5732f841db3adaae757e88ca06 Description-gl: Tema de trebellos de Oxygen para aplicativos baseados en GTK+ Oxygen-Gtk is a port of the Oxygen widget style to GTK+. . It ensures visual consistency between GTK+ and Qt-based applications running under KDE. Package: gtk2-engines-pixbuf Description-md5: 1d295a87ba2f765041ffc92f7eb32126 Description-gl: Tema baseado en Pixbuf para GTK+ 2.x GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . Este paquete contén o motor de temas pixbuf. Package: gtk2-engines-qtcurve Description-md5: 3fa3b9f76b72798f1c77f79b3508db7f Description-gl: QtCurve widget style for applications based on GTK+ 2.x This package contains the QtCurve theme engine for GTK+ 2.x. . Este paquete é especialmente útil cando se instala xunto con kde-style- qtcurve. . QtCurve is a set of widget styles for Qt and GTK+ libraries. It provides a consistent look between KDE, GNOME and other applications based on these libraries, which is easy on the eyes and visually pleasing. Package: gtk2-engines-sugar Description-md5: ad2a6dd285d6dada10eb92fcf2136be0 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - GTK+ 2.x theme engine A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . This package contains the GTK+ theme engine for Sugar. Package: gtk2-engines-wonderland Description-md5: 3da58ab0cd2bb1a7bc5330f635a2abf6 Description-gl: Tema Wonderland para GTK+-2.0 Original Bluecurve engine from Red Hat's artwork package. . This package is based on the Wonderland theme available from for GTK+-2.0. This theme is not available for GTK-1.2 at the same location and thus is not provided by this package. Package: gtk3-engines-breeze Description-md5: a7d1a1974ba99f84b00ae6450358d12d Description-gl: Transitional package for KDE's Breeze This transitional package allows one to migrate to the package providing the KDE's Breeze GTK theme. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación. Package: gtkam-gimp Description-md5: 515b4e4facaa08a41f996a814d4e2375 Description-gl: gtkam - engadido do gimp para abrir imaxes de cámaras dixitais GTKam is a graphical application based on GTK+ that allows you to transfer pictures and movies from a digital camera. . GTKam-gimp é un engadido para O GIMP que permite abrir as imaxes dunha cámara dixital desde o propio GIMP. Package: gtkcookie Description-md5: 9f96fdcc681f79dd0af36a03cd7f1902 Description-gl: editor for cookie files Este paquete fornece un editor gráfico para ficheiros de cookies tal e como son armacenados polos navegadores baseados en Gecko (Mozilla, FireFox, Galeon, Netscape, etc.) antes de que comezasen a almacenar as súas cookies en bases de datos de SQLite. Package: gtkguitune Description-md5: 7a8c74dd6df23b80acbf88a1eb8f28a4 Description-gl: Afinador de guitarra e outros instrumentos O gtkGuitune é un programa para Linux para afinar guitarras e outros instrumentos empregando o método de disparo de Schmitt, isto é, contando o número de disparos entre dous niveis de disparo nunha cantidade de tempo determinada. Package: gtkhash Description-md5: 68639c6ef844c34871b3bc6c1a76e790 Description-gl: Utilidade en GTK+ para calcular sumas de comprobación e máis GtkHash is a small GTK+ utility which allows users to compute message digests or checksums using the mhash library. Currently supported hash functions include MD5, MD6, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD, TIGER and WHIRLPOOL. Package: gtkorphan Description-md5: aa75bca1f94fe9459b7d32cf9880ce07 Description-gl: Unha ferramenta gráfica para encontrar e eliminar bibliotecas orfas GtkOrphan is a graphical tool which scans your Debian system, looking for orphaned libraries. It implements a GUI front-end to deborphan, but adds the package removal capability. A detailed documentation on the program can be found at: Package: gtkpod-dbg Description-md5: 0ac08656283635b02fce8a51ce86a8f5 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do gtkpod gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple's iPod using GTK3. It allows you to upload songs and playlists to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows offline modification of the database with later synchronisation, and more. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de gtkpod. Package: gtrayicon Description-md5: 4ca8a77c2badf186fd72570a2caae294 Description-gl: Icona xenérica para a bandexa para GNOME Generic tray icon for GNOME is a small utility which allows to add a icon to the system tray that can be used to trigger customized enable/disable actions. Package: gtrayicon-dbg Description-md5: b56bb2c04fe7634ad0cd888983b4933c Description-gl: Icona xenérica para a bandexa para GNOME - sÃmbolos de depuración Generic tray icon for GNOME is a small utility which allows to add a icon to the system tray that can be used to trigger customized enable/disable actions. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración Package: guacamole Description-md5: 38d0c43303b4fda8f041d1298b4b5483 Description-gl: Aplicativo web en HTML5 para acceder a escritorios remotos Guacamole is an HTML5 web application that provides access to a desktop environment using remote desktop protocols. A centralized server acts as a tunnel and proxy, allowing access to multiple desktops through a web browser. No plugins are needed: the client requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX. . This package contains the web application itself and depends on the guacd proxy daemon, which allows communication with various backend protocols. It also configures a Tomcat instance and provides web server configuration for Apache. Package: guake Description-md5: dea59684bb9d39df8af8a54964b9acc8 Description-gl: Terminal despregábel para o ambiente de escritorio GNOME O Guake é un terminal despregábel para o Ambiente de Escritorio de GNOME, polo que abonda con premer unha tecla para invocalo e premer de novo para agochalo. O Guake admite atallos de teclado, lapelas, transparencia do fondo, etc. Package: guessnet Description-md5: f85b72c92997cf3bb442e9c7edb96037 Description-gl: Adiviñe a que rede local está conectado un dispositivo de rede Guessnet é unha ferramenta de detección de rede non agresiva que se pode empregar cando se move unha máquina entre redes que non fornezan DHCP necesariamente. . Guessnet takes in input a list of candidate network profiles, each of which includes a test description; then it runs all the tests in parallel and prints the name of the profile whose test was the first one to succeed. . Available tests are: * ARP probes to check for known hosts in the network * link beat check, to check if the interface is connected to anything * PPPOE check to see if there is a concentrator accessible via PPPOE * Checks provided by custom arbitrary scripts. . Guessnet can be used in either native mode or "ifupdown mode". In the latter case guessnet integrates nicely with ifupdown as a "mapping script". Package: gummi Description-md5: 52a78290d8193e8460136d84b28b9993 Description-gl: GTK+ based LaTeX editor with live preview Gummi é un editor de LaTeX baseado en GTK+. As funcionalidades básicas son: - Panel de visión previa ao vivo do documento compilado, - Integración con BibTeX, - Axudantes para as táboas e as matrices, - Exportación a PDF, - Comprobación de erros, - Realce da sintaxe, - Corrección ortográfico, - EstatÃsticas do documento, - Configuración persistente. Package: gutenprint-locales Description-md5: f67db937fb075a8b53b8e5766040a9b2 Description-gl: locale data files for Gutenprint This package contains the i18n files of Gutenprint, used by libgutenprint2, printer-driver-gutenprint and escputil. It is also used by the Print plugin for the GIMP, gimp-gutenprint. . They are needed when you want the programs in Gutenprint to print their messages in other languages than US English. . Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo nivel que os controladores privativos distribuÃdos polos fabricantes en moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes. Gutenprint coñecÃase anteriormente como Gimp-Print. Package: gvrng Description-md5: 4252cfc3b16250621b353ac17d42a031 Description-gl: Interactive, introductory programming language Guido van Robot Next Generation (GvRng) é un proxecto desenvolvido por estudantes de secundaria avanzados para que o empreguen os seus compañeiros como ferramenta de aprendizaxe e precursor dun estudo superior de programación con Python. É unha linguaxe de programación minimalista que fornece a sintaxe básica necesaria para axudar a que o alumnado aprenda os conceptos de secuenciación, polas condicionais, bucles e abstracción procedemental. . It's biggest strength is that it permits this learning in an environment that combines the thrill of problem-solving with instant visual feedback. In short, it is an interactive, introductory programming language that is excellent for learning the basic concepts of programming, applicable in any high-level language. . The GvRng version replaces the old GvR program that used wxPython for the GUI. Package: gwaterfall Description-md5: 67e6c9c5c75baab5cd094d9358de36d4 Description-gl: Visualice todos os caracteres dun tipo de letra en calquera tamaño This program facilitates comparison of various fonts and font rendering parameters. . It displays sample lines of text in sizes from 5 to 36px simultaneously and allows changing of font size range and increment, hinting, autohinting, anti-aliasing, subpixel smoothing, and aspect, immediately showing the changes on the screen. All Unicode characters are divided into blocks of 128 characters, and user can choose block of 128 characters to use as sample line of text. Package: gwenrename Description-md5: 01aa97f885e8b8fe8c6bf93771cf0695 Description-gl: Ferramenta para mudar de nome en lote para KDE O GwenRename é unha ferramenta para mudar o nome de ficheiros en lote. Foi creado como ferramenta externa para o GwenView, o visor de imaxes para KDE, mais tamén se pode usar desde o Konqueror. Os ficheiros aos que lles hai que mudar o nome pásanselle como parámetros da liña de ordes e non hai máis maneira de cargar ficheiros. O obxectivo principal é ter unha ferramenta para mudar os nomes de ficheiros que sexa fácil e suficientemente lixeira para o seu uso diario. Se desexa ter unha ferramenta deste tipo pero con máis funcionalidades, poderÃa mirar o «KRename» de Dominik Seichter. Package: gwenview Description-md5: bd0ae087e915d16cc0dd13c978d49d83 Description-gl: Visor de imaxes O Gwenview é un visor de imaxes, ideal para navegar e mostrar unha colección de imaxes. Pode mostrar imaxes nunha vista de imaxes na pantalla completa e facer axustes sinxelas, como rodar ou recortar as imaxes. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: Description-md5: e0359999aaf23d9bdfc711f3e41443c6 Description-gl: Xestor GNUstep do espazo de traballo GWorkspace is the official GNUstep workspace manager. It is a clone of NeXT's workspace manager. GWorkspace is probably one of the most useful and usable workspace managers available on any platform, owing to its well-designed interface and the natural, consistent design that it inherits from the GNUstep framework. Package: gwsetup Description-md5: ac84b458eada093904848b0ea6379442 Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar e manipular bases de datos Geneweb Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use. . Gwsetup is a command-line program which also includes a mini web server to help Geneweb users to setup and manipulate genealogical databases to be used with the main Geneweb program. Package: gwyddion Description-md5: ecfd7c534d457ec2607d250918e77c41 Description-gl: Scanning Probe Microscopy visualization and analysis tool Gwyddion is a modular program for Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) data visualization and analysis. It is primarily intended for analysis of height field data obtained by microscopy techniques like * Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), * Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM), * Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), * Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (SNOM or NSOM) and others. However, it can be used for arbitrary height field and image analysis. . Este paquete contén o aplicativo principal e os seus módulos. Tamén contén un creador de miniaturas para GNOME (e Xfce) que crea vistas previas de todos os tipos de ficheiro coñecidos por Gwyddion. . Gwyddion's Python scripting interface Pygwy is also included. Package: gxine Description-md5: 35c2bc0e87081087b23b44670850bfe1 Description-gl: the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface This is a GTK+ based GUI for the libxine video player library. It provides gxine, a media player that can play all the audio/video formats that libxine supports. Currently, this includes MPEG1/2, some AVI and Quicktime files, some network streaming methods and disc based media (VCD, SVCD, DVD). A more complete list can be found on . A maiorÃa dos DVD que hai hoxe no mercado teñen protección da reprodución co Sistema de Barallado de Contido (CSS). libxine non fornece ningún código para desbarallar eses DVD por causa de incertezas legais. Se, aÃnda asÃ, vostede desexa reproducir eses DVD, faralle falta unha biblioteca de descifrado de CSS, como libdvdcss, que é admitida por libxine. Package: gyoto-doc Description-md5: b6a061c3492629ca6779320a8822478c Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca Gyoto Gyoto aims at providing a framework for computing orbits and ray-traced images in General relativity. It consists in a library (libgyoto), utility programs, and a plug-in for the Yorick programming language. . This package contains the Gyoto Reference Manual. Package: hamfax Description-md5: 82bb3dda965631afb181269c5392f74f Description-gl: Reciba/EnvÃe transmisións de fax con Soundcard/PTC-II With this package you can send or receive radio facsimile transmissions using either a Linux-supported soundcard or an SCS PTC-II data controller. . Radio facsimile transmission are used most commonly by meteorological bureaus to provide weather maps to aircraft and shipping. Package: haskell-platform-doc Description-md5: f7d9839e601437fe1bfa0cd9576a0c89 Description-gl: Standard Haskell libraries and tools; documentation The Haskell Platform is a suite of tools and libraries that contain the most important and best supported components. It is meant to be a starting point for Haskell developers who are looking for libraries to use. . Ao instalar este metapaquete hase instalar a documentación das bibliotecas tal e como se especifica na Plataforma Haskell oficial. Package: haskell-platform-prof Description-md5: 3db27f1a4a918e85ef26aa232753c973 Description-gl: Standard Haskell libraries and tools; profiling libraries The Haskell Platform is a suite of tools and libraries that contain the most important and best supported components. It is meant to be a starting point for Haskell developers who are looking for libraries to use. . Ao instalar este metapaquete hanse instalar os datos de perfilado das bibliotecas tal e como se especifica na Plataforma Haskell oficial. Package: hedgewars Description-md5: 95a283ed5766101c57cbbde0d1b67a66 Description-gl: Funny turn-based artillery game, featuring fighting hedgehogs! Cada xogador controla un equipo de varios ourizo cachos. Durante o transcurso do partida os xogadores alternan con un dos ourizo cachos. Empregan calquera ferramenta ou arma da que dispoñan para atacar e matar os ourizo cachos dos rivais para lograr gañar a partida. Os ourizo cachos pódense mover polo terreo de varios xeitos, normalmente camiñando ou choutando mais tamén empregando ferramentas peculiares, como a "Corda" ou o "ParacaÃdas", para chegaren a zonas que, de non ser asÃ, serÃanlles inaccesÃbeis. Cada quenda ten un lÃmite de tempo para asegurarse de que os xogadores non reteñen a partida pensando ou movendo demasiado. . A large variety of tools and weapons are available for players during the game: Grenade, Cluster Bomb, Bazooka, UFO, Homing Bee, Shotgun, Desert Eagle, Fire Punch, Baseball Bat, Dynamite, Mine, Rope, Pneumatic pick, Parachute. Most weapons, when used, cause explosions that deform the terrain, removing circular chunks. The landscape is an island floating on a body of water, or a restricted cave with water at the bottom. A hedgehog dies when it enters the water (either by falling off the island, or through a hole in the bottom of it), it is thrown off either side of the arena or when its health is reduced, typically from contact with explosions, to zero (the damage dealt to the attacked hedgehog or hedgehogs after a player's or CPU turn is shown only when all movement on the battlefield has ceased). Package: hedgewars-data Description-md5: a00ae77af1a4a8317e7becce4e0821a3 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do hedgewars This package contains data files for the hedgewars package. Examples of files are: maps, scripts, themes, images, sounds, level data and other miscellaneous files needed by hedgewars. Package: heimdall-flash Description-md5: 82e002fb8f666e055231afa425732f75 Description-gl: Ferramenta para limpar o firmware dos dispositivos Galaxy S da Samsung Heimdall é unha ferramenta para limpar («flashear») o firmware (ou ROM) dos dispositivos Galaxy S da Samsung a través dunha conexión USB. Acádao empregando o mesmo protocolo que Odin, o actualizador de firmware só para Windows interno da Samsung. Package: heimdall-flash-frontend Description-md5: f1bdd32b87ba24df7b0b5ff4f5194f70 Description-gl: Ferramenta para limpar o firmware dos dispositivos Galaxy S da Samsung - Interface gráfica en Qt Heimdall é unha ferramenta para limpar («flashear») o firmware (ou ROM) dos dispositivos Galaxy S da Samsung a través dunha conexión USB. Acádao empregando o mesmo protocolo que Odin, o actualizador de firmware só para Windows interno da Samsung. . Este paquete inclúe unha interface baseada en Qt para xestionar dispositivos tipo Galaxy. Package: hello-traditional Description-md5: 5b672b9e8dff1814062ff9b2e8b2fe5a Description-gl: example package not using any helper package O programa hello de GNU produce un saúdo familiar e acolledor. Permite que os que non sexan programadores empreguen unha clásica ferramenta cientÃfica informática que se non non terÃan dispoñÃbel. . A serio: este é un exemplo de como facer un paquete para Debian. É a versión de Debian do programa "hello world" do Proxecto GNU (que é en si un exemplo do Proxecto GNU). . This is the same as the hello package, except it does not use debhelper (hence the "traditional" suffix). Package: herculesstudio Description-md5: b0643232eedc59a37d975820c4239154 Description-gl: Interface gráfica para Hercules Hercules Studio is a GUI front-end of the Hercules mainframe Emulator. With Hercules Studio, you can easily control and monitor the hercules virtual machine. Package: heroes Description-md5: 6acee3293d99f22cc69084aab068c7b2 Description-gl: Acumule potenciadores e evite as pegadas dos seus adversarios O Heroes é semellante aos xogos «Tron» e «Nibbles» de antes, mais inclúe moitas melloras gráficas e funcións de xogo novas. Nel hai que manobrar cun pequeno vehÃculo por un mundo e recoller enerxizantes, ao tempo que se evitan obstáculos, os ronseles dos contrincantes e mesmo o ronsel propio. . Several styles of play are available, including "get-all-the-bonuses", deathmatch, and "squish-the-pedestrians". All game styles can be played in both single-player and two-player (split-screen) modes. . You should install the heroes-sound-effects package if you want sound effects, and the heroes-sound-tracks package if you want background music in the game. Package: heroes-data Description-md5: 72f3d9cf070a5b1299343a6965d94835 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos requiridos do heroes O Heroes é semellante aos xogos «Tron» e «Nibbles» de antes, mais inclúe moitas melloras gráficas e funcións de xogo novas. Nel hai que manobrar cun pequeno vehÃculo por un mundo e recoller enerxizantes, ao tempo que se evitan obstáculos, os ronseles dos contrincantes e mesmo o ronsel propio. . This package contains required data files for heroes, including images, level files, and tile sets. Package: heroes-sound-effects Description-md5: 666f9b1a13a42d863665943894c523f2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son opcionais para o heroes O Heroes é semellante aos xogos «Tron» e «Nibbles» de antes, mais inclúe moitas melloras gráficas e funcións de xogo novas. Nel hai que manobrar cun pequeno vehÃculo por un mundo e recoller enerxizantes, ao tempo que se evitan obstáculos, os ronseles dos contrincantes e mesmo o ronsel propio. . Este paquete contén efectos de son opcionais para o heroes. Instáleos se desexa sons gustosos mentres xoga ao xogo. Package: heroes-sound-tracks Description-md5: 79062520657724ff31d0aa624ffbf1f0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de son opcionais para o heroes O Heroes é semellante aos xogos «Tron» e «Nibbles» de antes, mais inclúe moitas melloras gráficas e funcións de xogo novas. Nel hai que manobrar cun pequeno vehÃculo por un mundo e recoller enerxizantes, ao tempo que se evitan obstáculos, os ronseles dos contrincantes e mesmo o ronsel propio. . Este paquete contén música de fondo opcional para o Heroes. Instáleo se desexa escoitar música mentres xoga ao xogo ou se simplemente lle gustan estas melodÃas. Teña en conta que este paquete é bastante grande e que ha levar bastante tempo descargalo se se ten un módem ou unha ligazón lenta! Package: herold Description-md5: f4db50f19bfd481d027b581d75621d89 Description-gl: Conversión de HTML a XML DocBook A reutilización de contido en HTML nunha forma de presentación neutral é un problema frecuente. Unha posÃbel solución é converter de HTML ao XML de DocBook porque DocBook é unha linguaxe de marcaxe para documentación que permite que os usuarios creen contido de documentos que capture a estrutura lóxica do contido. . A ferramenta para a liña de ordes herold pode ser empregada para converter de HTML a DocBook. Dado que, con frecuencia, non se usan os elementos de HTML como se deberÃa, as posibilidades de transformación teñen algunhas limitacións. herold é parte da suite de ferramentas dbdoclet. Para máis información visite Package: hesiod Description-md5: a961e1508b081366d98b77b58c16e59d Description-gl: Project Athena's DNS-based directory service - utilities Hesiod é unha biblioteca de servizo de nomes que pode fornecer un servizo xeral de nomes para diversas aplicativos. Deriva de BIND, o Daemon de nomes de Internet de Berkely e igual a infraestrutura de DNS existente dunha rede. Emprégana moitas redes universitarias, incluÃdas MIT e a Universidade Estatal de Iowa. . This package is only useful on networks that already use Hesiod. Package: hex-a-hop Description-md5: e9af04f1df664e98c876395b31801bbf Description-gl: Crebacabezas baseado en baldosas hexagonais Hex-a-hop is a great puzzle game in which a girl has to break all the green tiles in an hexagonal map and step onto a safe tile without getting trapped. As you progress through the game, more types of tiles are introduced which make things more difficult and interesting as you progress through the many levels. You can use the infinite undo feature to retrace your steps if you make a mistake. You can take as long as you like to complete each level. Package: hexchat Description-md5: 355cb18c605fe27ffc9810a3700b8583 Description-gl: IRC client para X baseado en X-Chat 2 HexChat is a graphical IRC client with a GTK+ GUI. Features include Python and Perl scripting support, a plugin API, multiple server/channel windows, spell checking, multiple authentication methods including SASL, and customizable notifications. For more information on IRC, see Package: hexchat-common Description-md5: aa1d4fd0c11a8d9b810f38999ed64ded Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para HexChat This package includes documentation, headers, and locale files for the Debian HexChat packages that are common for all architectures. Hexchat is a popular and featureful IRC client with a GTK+ GUI. For more information on IRC, see Package: hexter Description-md5: d53c6c3a95ff0100a35e925eb8aba8dd Description-gl: Engadido de modelado DSSI para Yamaha DX7 hexter is a software synthesizer that models the sound generation of a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer. It can easily load most DX7 patch bank files, accept patch editing commands via MIDI sys-ex messages, and recreate the sound of the DX7 with great accuracy. Package: hfsprogs Description-md5: 2227b7676c8238af395d98e3c4d3e103 Description-gl: mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems O sistema de ficheiros HFS+ empregado por Apple computer para o seu Mac OS ten compatibilidade co kernel Linux. Apple fornece mkfs e fsck para HFS+ co núcelo Unix do seu sistema operativo, Darwin. . This package is a port of Apple's tools for HFS+ filesystems. . Para os usuarios, HFS+ semella ser un bon compromiso para levar ficheiros entre máquinas con MacOS X e Linux, dado que HFS+ non padece dos problemas de FAT32 tales como: . * grande desperdicio de espazo (en espazo baldÃo segundo os dispositivos crecen máis rápido); * capacidade para crear ficheiros maiores de 4GB (especialmente bon para quen traballe con multimedia e precise transportar ficheiros ISO grandes); * capacidade para manter a diferencia entre maiúsculas e minúsculas; * capacidade para empregar uid e gid no sistema de ficheiros. . Os usuarios en xeral poden gozar destes beneficios, dado que se agarda que existan máis sistemas de ficheiros HFS+ en uso co anuncio de Apple de Macintosh para ix86-64, ademais de que o sistema de ficheiros xa era compatÃbel cos sistemas PowerPC desde o inicio. Package: hfsutils-tcltk Description-md5: 6e699622d68088f4866891ef6939bfa1 Description-gl: Interfaces en Tcl/Tk para ler e escribir volumes de Macintosh HFS é o formato de sistema de ficheiros nativo de Macintosh. . Este paquete contén xhfs, unha interface de xanelas de X baseada en Tk e hfssh, unha consola baseada en Tcl. Package: hgsvn Description-md5: 70f67d500c17d1c33f15fe738d91856f Description-gl: Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial This set of scripts allows to work locally on Subversion-managed projects using the Mercurial distributed version control system. . Why use Mercurial ? You can do local (disconnected) work, pull the latest changes from the SVN server, manage private branches, submit patches to project maintainers, etc. And of course you have fast local operations like "hg log", "hg annotate"... . Na actualidade fornécense tres scripts: hgimportsvn, hgpullsvn e hgpushsvn. . hgimportsvn initializes an SVN checkout which is also a Mercurial repository. . hgpullsvn pulls the latest changes from the SVN repository, and updates the Mercurial repository accordingly. It can be run multiple times. . hgpushsvn pushes your local Mercurial commits back to the SVN repository. Package: highlight.js-doc Description-md5: 222cc1c8693cb387f9fc39e2b3dd0b41 Description-gl: JavaScript library for syntax highlighting - documentation Highlight.js is a JavaScript library which automatically detects the language of code blocks in a web page, and provides syntax highlighting for them. The library supports more than fifty languages and is bundled with more than twenty style themes. . Este paquete contén a documentación desta biblioteca. Package: hlins Description-md5: a1a956a2d4dda7940e57b8d9a6311f56 Description-gl: Insira URL en documentos en HTML Hlins is a tool to insert hypertext links into HTML documents, using a database with entries of the form "name = url". It is designed for inserting URLs of real persons: it knows about abbreviations of first and middle names and tolerates dropping the second part of a composite last name. Package: ho22bus Description-md5: f466bdf2575eb34ddb9d838e663d776d Description-gl: Aplicativo sinxelo para memorizar palabras This application is for second language learners to memorize words. It is user-friendly and light-weighted. . Features included: * New words collection * Multi-dictionary support * Games to help memorizing Package: hol88-doc Description-md5: 4dedd761e4ac74cd5822cf0ab6bc3ed2 Description-gl: Documentación de hol88 The HOL System is an environment for interactive theorem proving in a higher-order logic. Its most outstanding feature is its high degree of programmability through the meta-language ML. The system has a wide variety of uses from formalizing pure mathematics to verification of industrial hardware. Academic and industrial sites world-wide are using HOL. Package: host Description-md5: 3c0b6923194ef2929ab26358ef75c037 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the previous host package. It may safely be removed after installation. Package: hp-search-mac Description-md5: 119d8f6356747771177879a288afc728 Description-gl: Busca de enderezos MAC en switches da HP This package contains a small utility that can query HP switches for their connection table. It then allow you to search for a MAC address and tell you where it is physically connected (best match first). . The functionality is similar to traceroute but on Ethernet level and only for HP switches. Package: hplip-gui Description-md5: 0e8b9881942aaafee62df05b01b6d0d0 Description-gl: HP Linux Printing and Imaging - GUI utilities (Qt-based) O Sistema de imaxes e impresión de Linux para HP fornece compatibilidade completa para imprimir na maiorÃa das impresoras de chorro de tinta SFP (periféricos de unha única función) da HP e moitas LaserJets e para escanear, enviar faxes e para acceder a tarxetas fotográficas na maiorÃa das impresoras MFP (multi-función) da HP. . This package contains utilities with graphical user interface (GUI) for HPLIP: HP Toolbox, HP Fax, ... . Note that all GUI utilities are based on the Qt GUI environment. There are currently no equivalent utilities based on GTK+. Package: hsqldb-utils Description-md5: 8790ad9c9ca663dc4dc2734d16431d2f Description-gl: Java SQL database engine (utilities) HSQLDB é un motor de bases de datos relacionais SQL escrito en Java. Ten un controlador de JDBC e admite un subconxunto rico de SQL-92 (formato de árbore BNF), ademais de melloras de SQL:2.29 e SQL:2.23. Ofrece un motor de bases datos pequeno e rápido tanto en táboas baseadas na memoria como en disco. Dispón de modos incorporado e servidor. Alén disto, inclúe ferramentas tales como un servidor web mÃnimo, ferramentas de consulta e xestión na memoria (pódense executar como miniaplicativos) e unha morea de exemplos de demostración. . This package contains some scripts to invoke the Utilities of HSQLDB (org.hsqldb.util.*): - hsqldb-databasemanager: DatabaseManager - hsqldb-databasemanagerswing: DatabaseManagerSwing - hsqldb-transfer: Transfer - hsqldb-sqltool: SqlTool Package: htp Description-md5: 1ad44ca426dd3dfee5d9aca48ccc3333 Description-gl: nice HTML pre-processor htp is an HTML pre-processor. It is designed to be a flexible authoring tool that can easily be integrated into the HTML design process. . Inclúense documentación e exemplos. Package: hugin Description-md5: 78f5a0f9948643026e70c492cfac271a Description-gl: panorama photo stitcher - GUI tools O Hugin é un programa de encaixe de fotos en panoramas. Esencialmente, o Hugin é unha interface gráfica para as ferramentas Panorama. O encaixe lógrase empregando varias fotos que se solapen e se tomen desde o mesmo sitio e empregando puntos de control para aliñar e transformar as fotos para que se poidan fusionar e crear asà unha imaxe máis grande. O Hugin permite a creación doada de puntos de control entre dúas imaxes, optimizando as transformacións das imaxes e moito máis. . This package includes the following graphical interfaces, using the command-line tools provided in the hugin-tools package: * hugin - Hugin panorama creator. * hugin_stitch_project - Hugin batch stitcher. * PTBatcherGUI - Batch controller for the stitching process. * calibrate_lens_gui - Lens calibration tool. Package: hugin-data Description-md5: 0dc76a2ce827e15a9b09fe843bb5bd44 Description-gl: panorama photo stitcher - common data files O Hugin é un programa de encaixe de fotos en panoramas. . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros de datos requiridos polos paquetes hugin e hugin-tools. Package: hugin-tools Description-md5: 0d6015ce460c9721663f3f64489401a7 Description-gl: panorama photo stitcher - commandline tools O Hugin é un programa de encaixe de fotos en panoramas. . This package includes command-line tools used by hugin and other packages for image stitching and High Dynamic Range (HDR) images: * align_image_stack - Align overlapping images for HDR creation. * autooptimiser - Optimize image positions. * celeste_standalone - Remove cloud-like control points. * cpclean - Remove wrong control points. * cpfind - Patent-free control-point detector * deghosting_mask - Creates mask for removing ghosting in images. * fulla - Correct lens distortion, vignetting, and chromatic aberration. * geocpset - Set geometric control points. * hugin_executor - CLI stitching tool. * hugin_hdrmerge - Merge overlapping images. * hugin_lensdb - Hugin lens database maintenance. * icpfind - Control-point detector wrapper program. * linefind - Detect vertical features in images. * nona - Remap images. (Also does simple stitching.) * pano_modify - Change output parameters of project file. * pto_gen - Generate a Hugin project file from a list of images. * pto_lensstack - Modify assigned lenses and stack in pto files. * pto_mask - Apply a mask. * pto_merge - Merges two or more Hugin project files. * pto_move - Move a project file with all images in it. * pto_template - Apply a template file. * pto_var - Change image variables inside Hugin .pto project files * tca_correct - Calculate transverse chromatic aberration. * verdandi - Blend images using watershed algorithm. * vig_optimize - Determine the radial vignetting. Package: human-netbook-theme Description-md5: 2fa45786b62b3874a141fa89999d70da Description-gl: Human Netbook theme The default Human Netbook theme. At the moment the package contains - the theme definitions - metacity theme elements. . Obtén o tema de cursores, o tema de GTK+ e o tema de iconas que lle dan a Ubuntu a aparencia Human. Package: human-theme Description-md5: d0a1fff6e60b7a3fbe81de0845282c9b Description-gl: Human theme The default Human theme. At the moment the package contains - the theme definitions - metacity theme elements. . Obtén o tema de cursores, o tema de GTK+ e o tema de iconas que lle dan a Ubuntu a aparencia Human. Package: hunspell-de-med Description-md5: 99df8f9fe3c9ec32ff56273ba8ff3640 Description-gl: Dicionario médico de alemán para o hunspell Este paquete contén un dicionario médico de alemán para empregar co corrector ortográfico hunspell que se emprega actualmente en OpenOffice.org2 e é un clon de ispell. Package: hunspell-en-med Description-md5: f763e37e0d4b5aad9558dd4f1240eb4e Description-gl: Dicionario médico de inglés para hunspell Este paquete contén un dicionario médico de inglés para empregar co corrector ortográfico hunspell, que se emprega actualmente en OpenOffice.org2 Package: hunspell-fr-comprehensive Description-md5: 9d6b81a0d6c62dcf9ac9405debf10e33 Description-gl: Dicionario de francés para aspell (versión completa) This dictionary includes both the old and the new spelling for the words that were affected by the 1990 reform. . Para unha vista xeral dos dicionarios de francés dispoñÃbeis, vexa a descrición do paquete hunspell-fr. Package: hunspell-fr-modern Description-md5: 681e84620d173983a7bf89bcf1c38568 Description-gl: Dicionario de francés para aspell (versión moderna) This dictionary is a selection of classic and revised spellings. It follows the slow evolution of modern spelling. It contains the less controversial spellings introduced by the 1990 reform. . Para unha vista xeral dos dicionarios de francés dispoñÃbeis, vexa a descrición do paquete hunspell-fr. Package: hunspell-fr-revised Description-md5: 49eb6b5bc2c4c5aa79a4548740722d4c Description-gl: Dicionario de francés para aspell (versión revisada) This dictionary includes only the new spelling for the words that were affected by the 1990 reform. . Para unha vista xeral dos dicionarios de francés dispoñÃbeis, vexa a descrición do paquete hunspell-fr. Package: hv3 Description-md5: 35fe63ca16cc74be8e40ed5da1005671 Description-gl: Un navegador web lixeiro Hv3 is a cross-platform web browser with support for modern web standards like HTML, CSS, HTTP. . ECMAScript (a.k.a. javascript) is not supported since the corresponding library (SEE) is not available in Debian yet. Package: hydra-gtk Description-md5: 25364077eb1285c95bf71e904e139347 Description-gl: very fast network logon cracker - GTK+ based GUI Hydra is a parallelized login cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack. It is very fast and flexible, and new modules are easy to add. . This tool makes it possible for researchers and security consultants to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access to a system remotely. . It supports: Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, FTP, HTTP(S)-FORM- GET, HTTP(S)-FORM-POST, HTTP(S)-GET, HTTP(S)-HEAD, HTTP-Proxy, ICQ, IMAP, IRC, LDAP, MS-SQL, MySQL, NNTP, Oracle Listener, Oracle SID, PC-Anywhere, PC-NFS, POP3, PostgreSQL, RDP, Rexec, Rlogin, Rsh, SIP, SMB(NT), SMTP, SMTP Enum, SNMP v1+v2+v3, SOCKS5, SSH (v1 and v2), SSHKEY, Subversion, Teamspeak (TS2), Telnet, VMware-Auth, VNC and XMPP. . Este paquete fornece a interface gráfica baseada en GTK+ para Hydra. Package: hydroffice.bag-doc Description-md5: 68aa3d083c6a9c75408ca6be34a9e392 Description-gl: documentation for hydroffice.bag HydrOffice is a research development environment for ocean mapping. It provides a collection of hydro-packages, each of them dealing with a specific issue of the field. The main goal is to speed up both algorithms testing and research-2-operation. . The BAG hydro-package collects tools for working with BAG files. BAG is a data format by the ONS-WG (Open Navigation Surface Working Group). . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: hydrogen-data Description-md5: 459030594ec23fb8075c4922b2d5ab3f Description-gl: advanced drum machine/step sequencer (data) Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine. It's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: hydrogen-drumkits Description-md5: dccad11dfe63db54d092653dd9a7d3d6 Description-gl: Percusións para o Hydrogen This package contains a collection of drumkits for Hydrogen, a sample based drum machine/step sequencer. . More drumkits can be installed per-user via the Hydrogen's "Import library" function in the "Instruments" menu. Package: hylafax-client-dbg Description-md5: b9a4b801b7dab4378b6895e8eed9dad4 Description-gl: Flexible client/server fax software - client utilities The HylaFAX client software communicates with a HylaFAX server via TCP/IP. . HylaFAX support the sending and receiving of facsimiles, the polled retrieval of facsimiles and the send of alphanumeric pages. . Este paquete contén exclusivamente sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: hylafax-server-dbg Description-md5: 655d688f764091d85072ae8d25e3c7ad Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do servidor de hylafax This package support the sending and receiving of facsimiles, the polled retrieval of facsimiles and the send of alphanumeric pages. . The host running the server must have either a Class 1, Class 2, or a Class 2.0 fax modem attached to one of its serial ports. End-user applications to manage the transmission of documents via facsimile are provided separately by the hylafax-client package. . Este paquete contén exclusivamente sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: i2util-tools Description-md5: 225277958f0c8d8365ed74da471e9a8f Description-gl: Ferramentas de utilidades de Internet2 I2utils is a small support library with a set of command line tools needed by several software projects from Internet2, most notably bwctl. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas para a liña de ordes. Package: i3-wm Description-md5: 2be7e62f455351435b1e055745d3e81c Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas mellorado para mosaicos dinámicos Key features of i3 are good documentation, reasonable defaults (changeable in a simple configuration file) and good multi-monitor support. The user interface is designed for power users and emphasizes keyboard usage. i3 uses XCB for asynchronous communication with X11 and aims to be fast and light-weight. . Please be aware i3 is primarily targeted at advanced users and developers. Package: i3-wm-dbg Description-md5: 5f4136360fbbbdabb5e650ce51c69560 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do xestor de xanelas i3 SÃmbolos de depuración do xestor de xanelas i3. Instale isto para producir trazados inversos antes de crear tickets novos. Package: i3status Description-md5: b7945e67d7743800240c086cc6c8bdaa Description-gl: Xera unha liña de estado para dzen2, xmobar ou i3bar i3status is a small (about 3000 SLOC) and light-weight program for generating a status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs by combining several information about your system (IP addresses of your interfaces, load, current date/time, ESSID of the network you are associated to, disk status, and so on). Package: iagno Description-md5: 2341177da6176cc28d23607d7fcadd2a Description-gl: Xogo popular do Othello para GNOME Iagno é unha versión informática do xogo do Reversi, coñecido tamén popularmente como Othelo. Iagno é un xogo de estratexia para dous xogadores semellante ao Go. O taboleiro ten 8 por 8 cadros e pezas que son brancas dun lado e negras do outro. O obxectivo do xogo é virar tantas pezas do contrincante como sexa posÃbel sen que el/a vire as túas. Isto faise atrapando as pezas do contrincante entre dúas da túa cor. Package: iamerican-large Description-md5: b63ed4f8b8ae50b22925711d0afd2c1d Description-gl: Dicionario de inglés americano para ispell (grande) Este paquete fornece o dicionario americano grande baseado no dicionario americanlrg fornecido co código de ispell, con palabras adicionais engadidas a partir do paquete de listas de palabras máis completo wamerican-large. . Este é un dicionario máis grande do que o instalado por iamerican. Non hai nada que impida instalar os dous (e outros) ao mesmo tempo. . Tamén hai as versións -small, -huge, -insane e normal deste dicionario, e igualmente paquetes ibritish*. . O paquete tamén suxire wamerican-large porque a orde (L)ookup de ispell precisa dunha lista de palabras. Package: iamerican-small Description-md5: ca238eb2552ee38e0c998bdc7044b606 Description-gl: Dicionario de inglés americano para ispell (pequeno) Este paquete fornece o dicionario americano pequeno baseado no dicionario americansml fornecido co código de ispell, con palabras adicionais engadidas a partir do paquete de listas de palabras máis completo wamerican-small. . Este é un dicionario máis pequeno do que o instalado por iamerican. Non hai nada que impida instalar os dous (e outros) ao mesmo tempo. . Tamén hai as versións -large, -huge, -insane e normal deste dicionario, e igualmente paquetes ibritish*. . O paquete tamén suxire wamerican-small porque a orde (L)ookup de ispell precisa dunha lista de palabras. Package: iat Description-md5: 43a4b9330480c7263abcdfcfab5ec58c Description-gl: Converte moitos formatos de imaxes de CD-ROM a iso9660 iat (Ferramenta analizadora de Iso9669) é unha ferramenta para detectar a estrutura de moitos tipos de formatos de ficheiro de imaxes de CD-ROM, como BIN, MDF, PDI, CDI, NRG e B5I e convertelos a ISO-9660. Package: iaxmodem Description-md5: 68224e53a58025bdad30f8a9981b2d55 Description-gl: Módem por software con conectividade IAX2 IAXmodem is a software modem written in C that uses an IAX channel (commonly provided by an Asterisk PBX system) instead of a traditional phone line and uses a DSP library instead of DSP hardware chipsets. . IAXmodem was originally conceived to function as a fax modem usable with HylaFAX, and it does that well. However IAXmodem also has been known to function with mgetty+sendfax and efax. Package: ibus-anthy Description-md5: 505c94c7454cb60018e66638b33fc6c0 Description-gl: anthy engine for IBus IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . IBus-Anthy is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-anthy-dev Description-md5: 51066f2ee01056b293e228aa3638e623 Description-gl: anthy engine for IBus, development files IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . IBus-Anthy is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. . This package provides ibus-anthy development files. Package: ibus-array Description-md5: 69c56e5944d27d130af1d98c59051851 Description-gl: Array 30 input engine for iBus IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . ibus-array is an IM Engine for Traditional Chinese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-clutter Description-md5: deea38aac42040667a6e48f66dfa799c Description-gl: ibus input method framework for clutter IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . ibus-clutter is the clutter client of ibus, it provides a clutter-immodule for ibus. Package: ibus-kkc Description-md5: 226d2b7968f84e65c3b87e2709ca027d Description-gl: Japanese Kana Kanji input engine for IBus IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . ibus-kkc is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-kkc-dbg Description-md5: ca4d5a0d740c17bf82d431a1e4dc19b4 Description-gl: Japanese Kana Kanji input engine for IBus - debugging symbols IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: ibus-pinyin Description-md5: cbc95a4d4b71d4719d3b69058e9a3ecf Description-gl: Pinyin engine for IBus ibus-pinyin is a IBus based IM engine for Chinese. . Para máis información sobre o método de entrada de pinyin, consulteétodo_de_pinyin . This package contains pinyin input method. Package: ibus-qt4 Description-md5: 469bd35b27bd0a8c4076f68d2fe8a6a7 Description-gl: qt-immodule for ibus (QT4) (plugin) IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . ibus-qt4 is the QT4 client of ibus, it provide a qt-immodule for ibus. Package: ibus-skk Description-md5: c4f9ca6ffcc82b8661b9301e1cb479ec Description-gl: SKK engine for IBus IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . IBus-SKK is an input method (IM) for Japanese, based on IBus. Package: ibus-table-cns11643 Description-md5: 52acbafe21012b28dba69801a56239cb Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Cns11643 IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provides one input method: Cns11643. Package: ibus-table-compose Description-md5: 3ca3b0514465fa7439f350403160f1e8 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Compose IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provide one input method: Compose Package: ibus-table-easy Description-md5: 820705967a3acb9377827b589e512ec7 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Easy (dummy package) This is a dummy package for stable upgrade. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza. Package: ibus-table-emoji Description-md5: 50ce21706b069f76d1097f46bbf67ab6 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Emoji IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provides one input method: Emoji. . Emoji is the Japanese term for the picture characters or emoticons used in Japanese wireless messages and webpages. For more information, see Package: ibus-table-erbi Description-md5: 392dfe636cd5717cb1f83161bc72cfb3 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: ErBi This package provide one input methods: ErBi . ErBi é un método de entrada para o chinés simplificado; para máis información, consulte (en chinés). Package: ibus-table-erbi-qs Description-md5: 43032f8e9bd97dffd6cea8a18d2edbde Description-gl: ibus-table input method: ErBi(QS) This package provide one input methods: ErBi(QS) . ErBi é un método de entrada para o chinés simplificado; para máis información, consulte (en chinés). Package: ibus-table-ipa-x-sampa Description-md5: bab6dda0aa09039cdf258071416f1454 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: IPA-X-SAMPA IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provide one input method: IPA-X-SAMPA . For more information of IPA-X-SAMPA, see Package: ibus-table-latex Description-md5: 7970c1e6a8e0bd3959c92b4134a291e1 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: LaTeX IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provides one input method: LaTeX. . For more information of LaTex, see Package: ibus-table-quick Description-md5: e6c912f96cb1c9c706c426e70f645975 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Quick (dummy package) This is a dummy package for stable upgrade. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza. Package: ibus-table-rustrad Description-md5: 0c5b52bb15df0da63085ee05a27c2f89 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Russian Traditional IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provide one input method: Russian Traditional . Russian Traditional is a Russian input method. Package: ibus-table-thai Description-md5: 80a85f763ea3c52043ffd35df8e50389 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Thai IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provides one input method: Thai. . Thai is a Thai language input method. Package: ibus-table-translit Description-md5: 2408da1134e52fa77b6a63f6725fba3f Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Translit IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provide one input method: Translit . Translit é un método de entrada para o ruso. Package: ibus-table-translit-ua Description-md5: 37de5c92784d8615e3f957dc0de966f7 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Ukrainian Translit IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provide one input method: Ukrainian Translit. . Ukrainian Translit is a Ukrainian input method. Package: ibus-table-viqr Description-md5: 8bb1c8b3f06831d16016590cc9f60076 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Viqr IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provides one input method: Viqr. . Viqr is a Vietnamese input method. Package: ibus-table-yawerty Description-md5: 1b5810c045bcf57ce1465dae853e7332 Description-gl: ibus-table input method: Yawerty IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . This package provide one input method: Yawerty. Package: ibus-tegaki Description-md5: a678018b9578a9be5cd16e7d04a03fb6 Description-gl: tegaki engine for IBus IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, that is suitable for both the desktop and mobile devices, and that is designed from the ground up to work well with Chinese and Japanese. . this package provide the tegaki engine for ibus. Package: ibus-zhuyin-dbg Description-md5: 821fc22a4304f8c67c95a994a1795e9c Description-gl: ibuz-zhuyin -- debugging symbols This traditional Chinese zhuyin input method is designed for old school users. . There is no intelligent phonetic matching mechanism. You have to select which word you want everytime. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do compilador. Package: icecc-monitor Description-md5: 9eae46c06406bc5179f9c805cfc7aeb3 Description-gl: monitor for icecc icecc-monitor is a monitoring application for icecc (a distributed compiler). It provides a view on the distributed compile network, which jobs run where and details about jobs and nodes (statistics and overview information). . Vexa o paquete «icecc» para máis información. Package: icedax Description-md5: 5b3c8322b48ac5df8ae8e665c366700a Description-gl: Creates WAV files from audio CDs icedax permite copiar dixitalmente («extraer») pistas de son dun CD evitando a distorsión que se introduce ao gravar a través dunha placa de son. Os datos poden ser envorcados en ficheiros de son de formato bruto (cdr), wav ou sun. Ten opcións para controlar o formato de gravación (estéreo/mono; 8/17 bits; taxa de sampleado, etc.). . Please install cdrkit-doc if you want most of the documentation and README files. Package: icedtea-8-plugin Description-md5: 73779ff36047046383e1c1bd3e13a884 Description-gl: web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets IcedTeaPlugin é un engadido para que o navegador web execute miniaplicativos en Java e que admite LiveConnect/JavaScript. Está dirixido ao xulrunner-1.9 e navegadores compatÃbeis que admitan NPAPI. Package: icedtea-netx-common Description-md5: f1e89cc323726441544f1bc048dd4946 Description-gl: NetX - implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) NetX provides a drop-in replacement for javaws (Java Web Start). Since upstream NetX is dormant, IcedTea is hosting and modifying the sources in the IcedTea-Web directory. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: icedtea-plugin Description-md5: 6da6e3fbb572567cdab3a35a85e93560 Description-gl: web browser plugin to execute Java applets (dependency package) IcedTeaPlugin é un engadido para que o navegador web execute miniaplicativos en Java e que admite LiveConnect/JavaScript. Está dirixido ao xulrunner-1.9 e navegadores compatÃbeis que admitan NPAPI. . This is a dependency package, it can be safely removed after upgrade. Package: icmake-doc Description-md5: 0a86c81f02273f004ba3e0de2258304c Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de icmake Icmake is a hybrid between a 'make' utility and a 'shell script' language. Originally, it was written to provide a useful tool for automatic program maintenance and system administrative tasks on MS-DOS platforms. . This package provides the supplemental documentation for icmake. Package: icnsutils Description-md5: c126faaaa3a444918133558a8ee30a9b Description-gl: Utilidades para manipular ficheiros icns de Mac OS icnsutils includes icns2png and png2icns, two utilies used to extract PNG images from icns files, and create icns files from PNG images. Package: icont Description-md5: 32a55e9c6e8ddde3e843ee6c82b54ab5 Description-gl: Intérprete para Icon, unha linguaxe de programación de alto nivel Ideal for both complex nonnumerical applications and for situations where users need quick solutions with a minimum of programming effort, Icon is a high-level, general purpose programming language with a syntax similar to Pascal and C. Its applications include: rapid prototyping, analyzing natural languages, generating computer programs, and artificial intelligence. (From the back cover of the book "The Icon Programming Language," by Griswold and Griswold.) . This package contains the Icon translator, which converts Icon source code into `ucode` that can then be executed with the help of the iconx program. Package: iconx Description-md5: 4afe00cd9fc1151ce65edb169ff82c7f Description-gl: Executor para Icon, unha linguaxe de programación de alto nivel Ideal for both complex nonnumerical applications and for situations where users need quick solutions with a minimum of programming effort, Icon is a high-level, general purpose programming language with a syntax similar to Pascal and C. Its applications include: rapid prototyping, analyzing natural languages, generating computer programs, and artificial intelligence. (From the back cover of the book "The Icon Programming Language," by Griswold and Griswold.) . This package contains the Icon executor, iconx, which is needed to execute interpreted Icon programs. If you are starting from Icon source code (as opposed to precompiled `ucode' files), you will also need the icont package, which converts your Icon source into a program that iconx can execute. Package: id3tool Description-md5: 6cb7942cd8caa7dedd0111b86c2bfd6d Description-gl: Command line editor for id3 tags Un editor simple e completo das etiquetas ID3 dos ficheiros MP3. As etiquetas ID3 son unha maneira de identificar os ficheiros de música en mp3 - pódese almacenar artista, álbum, tÃtulo, pista, ano e xénero nunha etiqueta, asà como un comentario de até 28 caracteres. . Highly recommended for scripting and bulk operations where you need to edit id3 tags from scripts. . Can also be used to read id3 tags. Package: ideviceinstaller-dbg Description-md5: 6b3cf6060aedf707fe3eb9c956af084c Description-gl: Utility to manage installed applications on an iDevice - debug ideviceinstaller is a tool to interact with the installation_proxy of an iDevice allowing to install, upgrade, uninstall, archive, restore, and enumerate installed or archived applications. . It makes use of the libimobiledevice library that allows communication with the devices. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: idutch Description-md5: 65b49754fce3124eb0d559ea12b398e8 Description-gl: Dicionario de holandés para Ispell A Dutch spelling dictionary for the spelling checker Ispell. . Este dicionario, do proxecto OpenTaal, emprega a ortografÃa oficial de 2005 e foi aprobado oficialmente pola TaalUnie. . For a simple word list, see the wdutch package instead. Package: iestonian Description-md5: 1199b3bdd47c68e92b9f8f941ed21dd9 Description-gl: Estonian dictionary for Ispell This dictionary provides Estonian wordlists for the Ispell spellchecker. . As listas de palabras baséanse no traballo do Instituto da Lingua Estoniana e foron melloradas posteriormente por Jaak Pruulmann, que tamén creou o ficheiro de afixos. Package: ifenslave-2.6 Description-md5: 9c4d28f6aed0f5dbf0603d3f68d763cb Description-gl: transitional package, use "ifenslave" Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar a migración a «ifenslave». Pódese retirar con seguranza do sistema en canto nada dependa del. Package: ifupdown-scripts-zg2 Description-md5: dffc7c640a9e86df43e6fc59cb473716 Description-gl: Scripts de interface de Zugschuls para o método manual de ifupdown This package contains a set of scripts that are called by ifupdown. They use ifupdown's manual method. Compared to ifupdown's static method, the scripts contained in this package have the following advantages: - CIDR support - support for 802.1q VLAN tagging - built-in handling of static routes Additionally, the code needed to bring down an interface is generated on the fly when the interface is brought up. That way, /etc/network/interfaces changes made while the interface is up don't prevent it from being taken down, allowing "ifdown foo; ifup foo" to activate the changes. . This package is work in progress. Although being in productive use, it is still missing some features, especially regarding source routing, metrics etc. Please feel free to provide patches. . Many of this package's features are implemented in other packages nowadays. However, some features (such as generation of shutdown code at interface init time) are still unique to this package. . This package has its upstream sources maintained in the Debian project, so there is no upstream URL. Package: igaelic Description-md5: 2d4ee6bc74e56a727b10a9a44ff49317 Description-gl: Dicionario de gaélico escocés para ispell This is a Scots Gaelic dictionary for the ispell spell checker program. There are about 1400 words in this alpha-quality dictionary; please help by using this program and submitting extra words. Package: igalician-minimos Description-md5: 41d63ba5d5656d24555fdcf50ec6b616 Description-gl: Dicionario de galego para Ispell (mÃnimos) This is an ispell dictionary for Galician, using the "minimos" standard, as put together by Andre Ventas and Ramon Flores. . Existen cando menos tres normativas ortográficas para o galego: ILG (oficial), reintegracionista e mÃnimos. O ILG emprega unha normativa ortográfica máis semellante á do español; os reintegracionistas inclÃnanse polo portugués. A ortografÃa de mÃnimos tenta atopar un termo medio. Package: ii-esu Description-md5: b7d2842821c0bca548a774bc643c7a1a Description-gl: Xogo de disparos Your ship is surrounded by two circles. You shoot in the direction of your mouse points, and you move if the mouse pointer is outside the inner circle. . The original name of the game is ES, which is pronounced ii-esu in Japanese. Package: ilisp-doc Description-md5: 3c531a6c8d68d925ba2745ad2053bee9 Description-gl: Documentación do paquete ILISP This package supplies PDF and HTML documentation for the ILISP package. ILISP is a powerful GNU Emacs interface to many dialects of Lisp. Package: imagej Description-md5: d64a1d4b24bcb1fe82817a5a62d85a46 Description-gl: Image processing program with a focus on microscopy images It can display, edit, analyze, process, save and print 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit images. It can read many image formats including TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS and "raw". It supports "stacks", a series of images that share a single window. . It can calculate area and pixel value statistics of user-defined selections. It can measure distances and angles. It can create density histograms and line profile plots. It supports standard image processing functions such as contrast manipulation, sharpening, smoothing, edge detection and median filtering. . Spatial calibration is available to provide real world dimensional measurements in units such as millimeters. Density or gray scale calibration is also available. . ImageJ está a ser desenvolvido por Wayne Rasband (, da Oficina de Servizos de Investigación, Instituto Nacional da Saúde Mental, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Package: imagevis3d Description-md5: 5ad7e6abe6f10d07fbcfb81a039b7d94 Description-gl: Aplicativo de renderizado de volume de escritorio para grandes datos ImageVis3D is a volume rendering application specifically designed to render large data. This is achieved by splitting the dataset into multiple levels of detail (LoD), with each level itself decomposed into multiple bricks (atomic rendering primitive). Interaction occurs at the coarsest LoD, which can be rendered instantaneously on almost all modern systems. After a configurable delay, ImageVis3D will successively render finer levels of detail, until the data are visible at their native resolution. . Development of ImageVis3D is sponsored by the NIH/NCRR Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing (CIBC), and the DOE Visualization And Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies (VACET). Package: imagination Description-md5: d0d7b948b39d26a4d7ab92301194f08f Description-gl: Creador de diaporamas en DVD Imagination is a lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker with a clean interface and few dependencies. It only requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application. . Imagination has the following features: - Easy to operate. - It can make a slideshow from photos selected by user. - Support to VOB (DVD Video), OGV (Theora Vorbis), FLV (Flash Video) and 3GP (Mobile Phones) when exporting videos. - Support screen resolutions from 128x96 pixels up to 1920x1080 pixels, when exporting videos. - Background audio (music, as MP3 files, or other audio files). - Auto resize (optional) for images. - Allow the users to select a background color. - Over 50 transition effects. - Zoom effect with duration time. - Allow users to add explanatory texts (e.g. subtitles). . Imagination can be used to make presentations to be shown by a projector or by a smart TV. Package: imagination-common Description-md5: afd517bc6b31f1f71683939fa70b62c9 Description-gl: Creador de diaporamas en DVD - ficheiros comúns Imagination is a lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker with a clean interface and few dependencies. It only requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application. . This package contains architecture independent files such as icons, pixmaps, documentation, and translations. Package: img2pdf Description-md5: 321f642507c293d3cfba614e7905f8ba Description-gl: Lossless conversion of raster images to PDF This program will take a list of raster images and produce a PDF file with the images embedded in it. JPEG and JPEG2000 images will be included without recompression. Raster images in other formats will be included with zip/flate encoding which usually leads to an increase in the resulting size because formats like png compress better than PDF which just zip/flate compresses the RGB data. As a result, this tool is able to losslessly wrap images into a PDF container with a quality to filesize ratio that is typically better (in case of JPEG and JPEG2000 images) or equal (in case of other formats) than that of existing tools. . Este paquete contén o executábel. Package: imhangul-common Description-md5: 093afb7d41020f2cacb9edf08c3d4cd6 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para imhangul This package includes configuration files for the Debian imhangul packages. . These files are common for all GTK+ versions. Package: imhangul-gtk2 Description-md5: 4f2def680f5738f7f9dffd74c156641b Description-gl: Módulo de entrada de hangul (coreano) para GTK+ Imhangul is a Hangul input module for GTK+. This supports Korean Hangul input with several types of keyboards widely used in Korea. . This package has been built for GTK+ 2.x. Package: imhangul-gtk3 Description-md5: 47f86282179440ec3d5cbefe51a8d132 Description-gl: Módulo de entrada de hangul (coreano) para GTK+ Imhangul is a Hangul input module for GTK+. This supports Korean Hangul input with several types of keyboards widely used in Korea. . This package has been built for GTK+ 3.x. Package: imvirt Description-md5: a092d36828dbc6634139505abbdc7d26 Description-gl: detects several virtualizations This Perl script tries to detect if it is run in a virtualization container. . In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies: ARAnyM KVM lguest LXC OpenVZ/Virtuozzo QEMU UML VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation Virtual PC/Virtual Server VirtualBox Xen (para and non-para virtualized) . E moito máis. Package: imvirt-helper Description-md5: 1a1938c40f6a2430291c877ab69408f1 Description-gl: helper programs to detect several virtualizations This package includes several helper programs from imvirt to test for several virtualizations. . In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies: ARAnyM KVM lguest LXC OpenVZ/Virtuozzo QEMU UML VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation Virtual PC/Virtual Server VirtualBox Xen (para and non-para virtualized) . E moito máis. Package: inadyn Description-md5: d77e38ebfb1fd2df791e377780b91ec0 Description-gl: Cliente de DynDNS sinxelo e pequeno escrito na linguaxe C With this package the user can have an Internet name for his host even though he might not have a name server or a static IP. It works by being a client of a supposedly open name server and updating the server's records when the need arise. A list of the servers that are supported is: * * * http:// * * * * * * * * * * * . Some of the services of these servers are free of charge. . This is a command line tool that is written in portable ANSI C with a little OS abstraction layer. It can maintain multiple host names with the same IP address, and has a web based IP detection which runs well behind a NAT router. Package: incron Description-md5: 267a35828e3e0895895631033dec2d69 Description-gl: Daemon tipo cron que xestiona eventos do sistema de ficheiros incron is an "inotify cron" system. It works like the regular cron but is driven by filesystem events instead of time events. This package provides two programs, a daemon called "incrond" (analogous to crond) and a table manipulator "incrontab" (like "crontab"). . incron uses the Linux Kernel inotify syscalls. . like cron, each user can edit its own incron tables. . incron can be used to : - notifying programs (e.g. server daemons) about changes in configuration - guarding changes in critical files (with their eventual recovery) - file usage monitoring, statistics - automatic on-crash cleanup - automatic on-change backup or versioning - new mail notification (for maildir) - server upload notification - installation management (outside packaging systems) - ... and many others Package: indi-bin Description-md5: db0e8f43df68cc93bef3aa45ef531342 Description-gl: Servidor, controladores e ferramentas de INDI INDI (Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos) é un protocolo de control distribuÃdo baseado en XML deseñado para facer funcionar instrumentos astronómicos. INDI é pequeno, flexÃbel, fácil de analizar, escalábel e sen estado. Admite funcións de DCS comúns, como control remoto, adquisición de datos, vixiancia e moitos máis. . This package contains the INDI server, the drivers for the supported astronomical instrumentation, and other INDI tools. Package: indicator-applet Description-md5: fcbe6881110bd4e7859d318afee14d6e Description-gl: GNOME panel indicator applet indicator-applet é un aplicativo que mostra información procedente de diversos aplicativos dunha maneira consistente no panel de GNOME. . Currently this includes support for messaging applications in the indicator-messages package. Package: indicator-applet-appmenu Description-md5: 3eb254a7b3488805f3d307cd81617f99 Description-gl: Clone of the GNOME panel indicator applet indicator-applet é un aplicativo que mostra información procedente de diversos aplicativos dunha maneira consistente no panel de GNOME. . This instance will load the appmenu indicator. Package: indicator-applet-complete Description-md5: b1ef5d748defd7499214bf8a71c08297 Description-gl: Clone of the GNOME panel indicator applet indicator-applet é un aplicativo que mostra información procedente de diversos aplicativos dunha maneira consistente no panel de GNOME. . This instance will load all indicators in a single panel applet. Package: indicator-applet-session Description-md5: c2ff8cc8fbecd5d9754fe93fcbf4be8a Description-gl: Clone of the GNOME panel indicator applet indicator-applet é un aplicativo que mostra información procedente de diversos aplicativos dunha maneira consistente no panel de GNOME. . This instance will only load the session menu which provides status changing, user choosing and session management. Package: indicator-application Description-md5: fec3a294dcadc4ec7cf73d92b3adc2ae Description-gl: Indicadores de aplicativos An indicator to take menus from applications and place them in the panel. Package: indicator-application-gtk2 Description-md5: 828fe6a7cb6e0939622d3ddd11971f7b Description-gl: Indicadores de aplicativos Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. Package: indicator-appmenu-tools Description-md5: 3563689edf83b10166ff560c4f933b9c Description-gl: Ferramentas para depurar menús de aplicativos. This package provides tools for supporting application menus. Package: indicator-china-weather Description-md5: a3dcdbff8a5cb147785746a70faf556c Description-gl: Indicator that displays China weather information. Indicator-China-Weather mostra información sobre un lugar e é posÃbel cambialo. Package: indicator-multiload Description-md5: 7e4e71e4d80c60b720d6389a40010459 Description-gl: Indicador gráfico da carga do sistema para a CPU, RAM, etc. Un indicador da carga do sistema capaz de mostrar gráficos do uso da CPU, RAM, espazo de intercambio, ademais do tráfico da rede. Package: indicator-network Description-md5: 384c2ba5c1c2e649b99bdb6c15fe6917 Description-gl: Systems settings menu service - Network indicator O servizo Indicator-network é responsábel de exportar o menú de configuración do sistema a través de dbus. Package: indicator-sound Description-md5: fab6eabedadace061843b11db0e18547 Description-gl: Indicador de son do sistema. Indicador de son do sistema que fornece un control doado do daemon de son PulseAudio. Package: indicator-sound-gtk2 Description-md5: fab6eabedadace061843b11db0e18547 Description-gl: Indicador de son do sistema. Indicador de son do sistema que fornece un control doado do daemon de son PulseAudio. Package: indigo-utils Description-md5: 5e6cc526314c7df276ca356658d080ca Description-gl: Organic Chemistry Toolkit Utilities Indigo is a C++ based organic chemistry and cheminformatics software environment. Features Include: . * Molecule and reaction rendering including SVG support * Automatic layout for SMILES-represented molecules and reactions * Canonical (isomeric) SMILES computation * Exact matching, substructure matching, SMARTS matching * Matching of tautomers and resonance structures * Molecule fingerprinting, molecule similarity computation * Fast enumeration of SSSR rings, subtrees, and edge sugraphs * Molecular weight, molecular formula computation * R-Group deconvolution and scaffold detection * Computation of the exact maximum common substructure for an arbitrary amount of input structures * Combinatorial chemistry * Plugin support in the API . File formats Indigo support include MDL Mol, SDF, RDF, CML, SMILES and SMARTS. . Este paquete contén as utilidades seguinte: . * indigo-depict: Molecule and reaction rendering utility * indigo-cano: Canonical SMILES generator * indigo-deco: R-Group deconvolution utility * chemdiff: Visual comparison of two SDF or SMILES files (needs the JAVA libraries) Package: inetutils-ftp Description-md5: 73d2fe548303a3bcc7b121f6b8c9426a Description-gl: Cliente de Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheiros A orde ftp emprégase para transferir ficheiros entre máquinas empregando o protocolo FTP. Package: inetutils-ftpd Description-md5: ab797b9be2c2043f3a1cccfcbbd951f0 Description-gl: Servidor do Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheiros Ftpd é o servidor que permite que outra máquina se conecte coa orde ftp para transferir ficheiros empregando o protocolo FTP. Package: inetutils-traceroute Description-md5: 4a32545f5c244d2cb70b9da16bbc2212 Description-gl: trace the IPv4 route to another host The traceroute utility displays the route taken by IP packets on their way to another host or another network. . Instale este paquete se precisa unha ferramenta para examinar a conectividade da rede ou para diagnosticar problemas de rede. Package: info2www Description-md5: c5dd9b9880e4b2b128e65d682f96e1eb Description-gl: Lea ficheiros info cun navegador da WWW info2www lets you read info files with a WWW browser. It requires an HTTP server with CGI support. Package: ink-generator Description-md5: 61b92022afe2c78eb07932c73010d0b5 Description-gl: Extensión do Inkscape para xerar ficheiros automaticamente a partir dun modelo ink-generator is an extension to replace text and data to automatically generate files (like PDF, PS, JPG, etc...), based on a SVG template and a CSV data file. Package: inotify-hookable Description-md5: b4d2cca9ab33dc8d56091fa8b94b30fe Description-gl: blocking command-line interface to inotify inotify-hookable is a program that monitor files with Linux inotify. This program accepts options to specify the files to be monitored and the command to run when a file has changed (based in kernel inotify) . inotify-hookable main advantage over inotifywait are: - command to run after watch can be specified with an option - emacs and vi backup files are ignored by default . Exemplo: . inotify-hookable -f foo.c -c 'gcc -o foo foo.c' Package: input-utils Description-md5: dd66158405459c9bc0352a2fdde0b7d0 Description-gl: Utilidades para a capa de entrada do kernel Linux Esta é unha colección de utilidades que resultan útiles ao traballar coa capa de entrada do kernel Linux (versión 2.6 e posteriores). Inclúense utilidades para enumerar os dispositivos de entrada coñecidos polo kernel, mostrar os eventos de entrada recibidos por un dispositivo e consultar e modificar mapas de teclado. Package: inspircd Description-md5: bae820fb7f3d845ba00ff7694e0cc9b4 Description-gl: Modular IRCd written in C++ InspIRCd is a modular C++ IRC Daemon for several operating systems created to provide a stable, modern, lightweight irc server from scratch and provide a vast number of features in a modularised form using an advanced module API. By keeping the functionality of the main core to a minimum, the server is very stable, fast and customizable. . Este paquete contén o daemon. Package: inspircd-dbg Description-md5: 2e17e424305691d13ad118a76444cf46 Description-gl: IRCd modular escrito en C++ - sÃmbolos de depuración InspIRCd is a modular C++ IRC Daemon for several operating systems created to provide a stable, modern, lightweight irc server from scratch and provide a vast number of features in a modularised form using an advanced module API. By keeping the functionality of the main core to a minimum, the server is very stable, fast and customizable. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: installation-report-generator Description-md5: 318d7ebf1fe3bcd163095d9881f7dbc6 Description-gl: Recolla datos de instalación para a axuda técnica Installation Report Generator is a small program to help users in gathering information about system software and hardware configuration, in order to prepare a page for the Italian wiki's Notebook section. . The generated reports can be proposed to the wiki's Editors in order to be published. Package: instead-doc-common Description-md5: ba71d4e2125f39f87db0d2c898e2cbda Description-gl: Documentación común para INSTEAD This package contains base documentation (common for all languages). . At the moment this contains only examples for developer's manual. These examples (written in Lua) demonstrate how to implement common features when you write a game for INSTEAD. Package: instead-doc-ru Description-md5: 84eddb0e729b2a94e42f2f607baf2d20 Description-gl: Documentación de INSTEAD en ruso This package contains game developer manual and examples in Russian. Manual describes basic API in Lua and how to create games for INSTEAD engine. . A documentación en ruso está completa e actualizada, polo que é preferÃbel usala. Package: integrit Description-md5: 8ed7e8da857b39b17e43668958903563 Description-gl: A file integrity verification program Integrit helps you determine whether an intruder has modified your system. Without the use of integrit, a sysadmin wouldn't know if the programs used for investigating the system are trojan horses or not. Integrit works by creating a database that is a snapshot of the most essential parts of the system. You put the database somewhere safe, and then later you can use it to make sure that no one has made any illicit modifications to your file system. . Integrit's key features are the small memory footprint, the design with unattended use in mind, intuitive cascading rulesets for the paths listed in the configuration file, the possibility of XML or human-readable output, and simultaneous checks and updates. . Consulte para máis información. Package: iok Description-md5: 2b6917b6404bebe53fcc1a8032cf922e Description-gl: Teclado hindú en pantalla It shows onscreen keyboard for 12 Indian languages. The languages are - Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Oriya, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu. . Using drop down menu you can select any of above supported Indian language. Drop down menu listing depends on available inscript keymaps at location /usr/share/m17n/. You can then start directly clicking on keys appearing in iok graphical interface. It will not only show you keyvalues (characters) for English keys on your QWERTY keyboard from selected inscript keymap but also allows you to send those characters to currently active window. Package: ip2host Description-md5: 36b721cc9d3fc04df0c04a579407c5d6 Description-gl: Resolver IP como nomes de servidores nos rexistros de servidores web This script is a drop-in replacement for the script distributed with the Apache web server. . ip2host has the same basic design of forking children to handle the DNS resolution in parallel, but multiplexes the communication to minimize the impact of slow responses. This results in a significant speed improvement (approximately 10x faster), and the performance degrades more gracefully as the DNS timeout value is increased. Package: ipkungfu Description-md5: d756549a1a43889ea0df5d79d5842c6d Description-gl: Devasa de Linux baseada en iptables ipkungfu is an advanced iptables script that can be also used by people who have only limited knowledge of proper security and IP filtering practices. Many advanced features are included in ipkungfu, although IPv6 support is still not included. . Sitio web: Package: ipmitool Description-md5: 25a9e9b297f6cb408542afe642c815cb Description-gl: utility for IPMI control with kernel driver or LAN interface (daemon) A utility for managing and configuring devices that support the Intelligent Platform Management Interface. IPMI is an open standard for monitoring, logging, recovery, inventory, and control of hardware that is implemented independent of the main CPU, BIOS, and OS. The service processor (or Baseboard Management Controller, BMC) is the brain behind platform management and its primary purpose is to handle the autonomous sensor monitoring and event logging features. . The ipmitool program provides a simple command-line interface to this BMC. It features the ability to read the sensor data repository (SDR) and print sensor values, display the contents of the System Event Log (SEL), print Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) inventory information, read and set LAN configuration parameters, and perform remote chassis power control. . Este paquete contén o daemon. Package: ippl-dbg Description-md5: 17ab4c913fc14a524605ed7f6a409c3c Description-gl: Sistemas de depuración do ippl writes information about incoming ICMP messages, TCP connections and UDP datagrams to syslog. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do ippl. . Upstream URL: Package: ipsec-tools Description-md5: 47ce7806ae074dc9fcef15b402834e1f Description-gl: Utilidades de IPsec IPsec (Internet Protocol security) offers end-to-end security for network traffic at the IP layer. . This package is a Linux port of the utilities from the KAME IPsec implementation on BSD. Package: ipsvd Description-md5: bb543d8f7b34c5d7c9627cac992dfa2c Description-gl: Internet protocol service daemons ipsvd is a set of Internet protocol service daemons for TCP/IP (optionally SSLv3) and UDP/IP. A daemon waits for incoming connections on a socket; for new connections, it conditionally runs an arbitrary program to handle the connection. The daemons can be told to read and follow pre-defined instructions on how to handle incoming connections; based on the client's IP address or hostname, they can run different programs, set a different environment, deny a connection, or set a per host concurrency limit. . ipsvd can be used to run services usually run by inetd or tcpserver. Normally the daemons are run by a supervisor process, such as runsv from the runit package. . Consulte para máis información. Package: iptotal Description-md5: 559d7b01763169c2e72b50e0c0c80a7c Description-gl: Monitor de tráfico de IP que non require de SNMP iptotal is yet another IP traffic monitor. It listens to a network interface in non-promiscuous mode, and measures IP bandwidth usage. After the specified number of seconds, the average throughput is printed at total, input and output usage. . A utilidade pódese empregar para medir o uso do largo de banda sen precisar dun daemon de SNMP. En combinación cun script simple e rrdtool, pódese utilizar para presentar os datos medidos en formato gráfico, p.ex. a través dunha interface web. O paquete contén ficheiros de exemplo www + CGI. Package: iputils-clockdiff Description-md5: 9decf160dafd56034002d36fa8dc3289 Description-gl: Mida a diferenza de hora entre computadores en rede Clockdiff calcula a diferenza entre a hora da máquina desde a que se chama por el e a hora doutras máquinas ás que se poda acceder pola rede. As diferenzas de hora medidas por clockdiff obtéñense empregando unha secuencia de mensaxes TSTAMP de ICMP que lle son devolvidas ao remitente polo módulo de IP da máquina remota. Package: ipv6calc Description-md5: 5691bf001a0c3ea48abbc8deaa29add3 Description-gl: Pequena utilidade para manipular enderezos de IPv6 A utilidade ipv6calc pode converter entre diferentes formatos de enderezos de IPv4 ou de IPv6. Tamén pode mostrar información sobre os enderezos, incluÃdo a quen lle están asignados na Internet. Package: ipwatchd Description-md5: d96bad203b9451e0e69309ccc488ad46 Description-gl: Ferramenta de detección de conflitos de IP IPwatchD is a simple daemon that analyses all incoming ARP packets in order to detect IP conflicts on Linux. It can be configured to listen on one or more interfaces (alias interfaces are also supported) in active or passive mode. In active mode IPwatchD protects your host before IP takeover by answering Gratuitous ARP requests received from conflicting system. In passive mode it just records information about conflict through standard syslog interface. Package: iroffer Description-md5: 80aef2823af6a3415240d86f8e156db5 Description-gl: Bot para a distribución de ficheiros en IRC iroffer is a file server for IRC (commonly referred to as a DCC bot). It uses the DCC feature of IRC to send files to other users. iroffer will connect to an IRC server and let people request files from it. Unlike similar programs, iroffer is not a script; it is a standalone executable written entirely in C, from scratch, with high transfer speed and efficiency in mind. iroffer has been known to reach 2MByte/sec or higher bandwidth usage when multiple transfers are occurring at the same time. Package: ironic-common Description-md5: 46dd7769cc0125cbefb3bd8f7096ae11 Description-gl: Openstack bare metal provisioning service - daemons Ironic is an Incubated OpenStack project which aims to provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines, forked from the Nova Baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor **API** and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off machines, but Ironic also supports vendor-specific plugins which may implement additional functionality. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: ironic-inspector Description-md5: ae4b222c1fd253b0520f97ab16c42180 Description-gl: discovering hardware properties for OpenStack Ironic - Daemon This is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it's power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). . A special discovery ramdisk is required to collect the information on a node. The default one can be built using diskimage-builder and ironic- inspector-ramdisk element. . Este paquete contén o daemon. Package: irussian Description-md5: 6a3cbcbf9d5d1bc54115f15fa74d0b26 Description-gl: Dicionario de ruso para Ispell This dictionary contains Russian wordlists for the Ispell spellchecker. . The dictionary contains over 122,200 stem words and produces over 1,168,000 derivate words, including support for the :E (yo) letter. Package: isag Description-md5: 10d9efc76195047a9a61b2432a52444d Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva de gráficas de actividade do sistema para sysstat This package provides the command isag, which graphically displays the system activity data stored in the binary logs produced by sar (in the package sysstat). Package: isc-dhcp-client-ddns Description-md5: b50603a1b35d2890c76eeaa6a2333d69 Description-gl: Dynamic DNS (DDNS) enabled DHCP client This a Dynamic DNS enabled version of the DHCP client. . Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol like BOOTP (actually dhcpd includes much of the functionality of bootpd). It gives client machines "leases" for IP addresses and can automatically set their network configuration. If your machine depends on DHCP (especially likely if it's a workstation on a large network, or a laptop, or attached to a cable modem), keep this or another DHCP client installed. . Pódese atopar documentación adicional no paquete isc-dhcp-common. Package: isc-dhcp-relay Description-md5: 8caafb99fc6d2e4f67d3a9eda47b9265 Description-gl: ISC DHCP relay daemon This is the Internet Software Consortium's DHCP relay. . Installing this package will make the machine a DHCP relay, which requires a reachable DHCP or BOOTP server in order to function. . Pódese atopar documentación adicional no paquete isc-dhcp-common. Package: isc-dhcp-server-ldap Description-md5: 5128e40dee2335c1d24210a6ce42aae2 Description-gl: DHCP server that uses LDAP as its backend This is the server from the Internet Software Consortium's implementation of DHCP. . O Protocolo de Configuración Dinámica de Hóspedes (DHCP) é un protocolo parecido a BOOTP (de feito, dhcpd inclúe moita da funcionalidade de bootpd). Dálles "alugueiros" de enderezos IP ás máquinas clientes e pode axustar automaticamente a súa configuración de rede. . This is the DHCP server with LDAP patches applied to it. Package: isync Description-md5: 2304fc754da07ee341c66b6081d0d798 Description-gl: IMAP and MailDir mailbox synchronizer mbsync/isync is a command line application which synchronizes mailboxes; currently Maildir and IMAP4 mailboxes are supported. New messages, message deletions and flag changes can be propagated both ways. isync is suitable for use in IMAP-disconnected mode. . O aplicativo mellorouse moito na versión 1.0. Esas melloras conduciron a uns cambios na interface e a que se lle mudara o nome para mbsync. O aplicativo isync é agora só unha envoltura para manter a compatibilidade coas versións anteriores. . Features: * Fine-grained selection of synchronization operations to perform * Synchronizes single mailboxes or entire mailbox collections * Partial mirrors possible: keep only the latest messages locally * Trash functionality: backup messages before removing them IMAP features: * Security: supports TLS/SSL via imaps: (port 993) and STARTTLS; CRAM-MD5 for authentication * Supports NAMESPACE for simplified configuration * Pipelining for maximum speed (currently only partially implemented) Package: italc-master Description-md5: 748e0a8e41a86d25f4aade8453f525ce Description-gl: intelligent Teaching And Learning with Computers - master iTALC makes it possible to access and guide the activities of students from the computer of the teacher. For example, with the help of iTALC a teacher can view the contents of students' screens and see if any of them need help. If so, the teacher can access the student's desktop and provide support; the student can watch the teacher's actions and learn from them. Alternatively the teacher can switch into "demo-mode", where all the students' screens show the contents of the teacher's screen. Furthermore, actions like locking students' screens, killing games, powering clients on or off, and much more can all be performed via iTALC. . Este paquete contén o software preciso para observar e controlar clientes de iTALC fornecidos polo paquete italc-client. Package: ivy-doc Description-md5: 9cb552d087d4baa4a77179acd6a17c53 Description-gl: agile dependency manager (documentation) Ivy is a very powerful dependency manager oriented toward Java dependency management, even though it could be used to manage dependencies of any kind. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: jack Description-md5: 8b4acb001da87ae3017e26dcfc35fb32 Description-gl: Extraia e codifique CD cunha soa orde Jack has been developed with one main goal: making OGGs (or MP3s) without having to worry. There is nearly no way that an incomplete rip goes unnoticed, e.g. jack compares WAV and OGG file sizes when continuing from a previous run. Jack also checks your HD space before doing anything (even keeps some MB free). . Jack is different from other such tools in a number of ways: - it supports different rippers and encoders - it is very configurable - it doesn't need X - it can "rip" virtual CD images like the ones created by cdrdao - when using cdparanoia, cdparanoia's status information is displayed and archived for all tracks, so you can see if something went wrong - it uses sophisticated disk space management, i.e. it schedules its ripping/encoding processes depending on available space. - freedb query, file renaming and id3/ogg-tagging - it can resume work after it has been interrupted. If all tracks have been ripped, it doesn't even need the CD anymore, even if you want to do a freedb query. - it can do a freedb query based on OGGs alone, like if you don't remember from which CD those OGGs came from. - freedb submissions Package: jack-mixer Description-md5: 96275adcf108fdd7bface9ec794b8567 Description-gl: JACK Audio Mixer jack_mixer é un misturador de son para JACK cunha aparencia semellante á dos equivalentes fÃsicos. Conta con moitas funcionalidades; velaquà unha lista abreviada: . - Mix any number of input channels (mono or stereo). - Control balance and faders with MIDI commands. - Handle session management with LASH. - Create as many outputs as necessary. - Quickly monitor inputs (PFL) and outputs. Package: jackd Description-md5: 43e39fc581e16852c662fc98fa2d411f Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package) JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son entre eles. . This dummy package depends on the current default JACK implementation. Package: jackd1 Description-md5: d236af7f48ea4bfa984ea4189cd1b635 Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients) JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son entre eles. . This package contains the daemon jackd as well as some example clients. Package: jackd1-firewire Description-md5: c3f26cc90d191e69646780df881bf7f5 Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO backend) JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son entre eles. . This package contains the IEEE1394 (FireWire) backend (FFADO). Package: jackd2 Description-md5: d236af7f48ea4bfa984ea4189cd1b635 Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients) JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son entre eles. . This package contains the daemon jackd as well as some example clients. Package: jackd2-firewire Description-md5: 9dfd1fd2943e615b8306d61e7422d9a5 Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (FFADO and FreeBoB backends) JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son entre eles. . This package contains the IEEE1394 (FireWire) backends FFADO and FreeBoB. Package: jackeq Description-md5: d0e1eb78c3d2a24535ca9505c13db9d5 Description-gl: Encamiña e manipula son desde/cara varias fontes jackEQ é unha ferramenta para encamiñar e manipular son desde/a varias fontes de entrada/saÃda. Execútase no Kit de Conexión de Son JACK e emprega LADSPA para que funcione a súa infraestrutura DSP, en concreto o engadido DJ EQ swh, creado por Steve Harris, un dos autores principais de jackEQ. . jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author has used. . jackEQ wll allow sound as rich and powerful as Jackie O, as street smart as Jackie Brown. jackEQ may be the first female entity in JACKs realm. Is jackEQ more than you can handle? Package: jargoninformatique Description-md5: 6a640505bfa562a62ee18e9e6b18b9e4 Description-gl: French dictionary of computer vocabulary Front End for the French computing dictionary Jargon Informatique. . This computing dictionary contains more than 10 000 words! Its user- friendly interface lets you easily find the words you want. . Sitio web: Package: jargoninformatique-data Description-md5: be73a696484e470bc3d3ddc293fb5466 Description-gl: Data files for jargoninformatique This package contains the dictionary for Jargon Informatique, and its GUI graphic elements. . Sitio web: Package: jarwrapper Description-md5: 3ec7df94fe3bf54bc2eb2bb6ff245986 Description-gl: Execute ficheiros .jar executábeis de Java Jarwrapper sets up binfmt-misc to run executable jar files using the installed java runtime. . It also includes a /usr/share/jarwrapper/ script to convert Debian architecture names into java names to locate Package: javacc-doc Description-md5: 63bd08852a4922c925edd7d1c73ffbbc Description-gl: Documentation for the JavaCC Parser Generator Documentación e exemplos do xerados do analizador sintáctico JavaCC. . Java Compiler-Compiler (JavaCC) is (according to sun) "the most popular parser generator" for use with Java [tm] applications. . A parser generator is a tool that reads a grammar specification and converts it to a Java program that can recognize matches to the grammar. In addition to the parser generator itself, JavaCC provides other standard capabilities related to parser generation such as tree building (via a tool called JJTree included with JavaCC), actions, debugging, etc. Package: javacc4-doc Description-md5: 63bd08852a4922c925edd7d1c73ffbbc Description-gl: Documentation for the JavaCC Parser Generator Documentación e exemplos do xerados do analizador sintáctico JavaCC. . Java Compiler-Compiler (JavaCC) is (according to sun) "the most popular parser generator" for use with Java [tm] applications. . A parser generator is a tool that reads a grammar specification and converts it to a Java program that can recognize matches to the grammar. In addition to the parser generator itself, JavaCC provides other standard capabilities related to parser generation such as tree building (via a tool called JJTree included with JavaCC), actions, debugging, etc. Package: javamorph Description-md5: 7d31acdf90793dc13f4c85be922c11f4 Description-gl: Java morphing film-make program for pixel picture-input Déalle dúas imaxes de caras humanas ao programa. A seguir, marque os lugares importantes das dúas caras en pares de puntos. O programa crea unha serie curta de imaxes numeradas nas que a imaxe da esquerda se transforma (morphs) na da dereita. A partir de aà é posÃbel crear un vÃdeo en MPEG (vexa mencoder) coa serie de imaxes. Tamén é posÃbel crear un GIF animado (vexa GIMP). Package: jblas-doc Description-md5: 6a21c63b0dfb12f9dc0968fd1b129ec0 Description-gl: fast linear algebra library for Java --documentation jblas is a fast linear algebra library for Java. jblas is essentially a light-weight wrapper around BLAS and LAPACK routines, the de-facto industry standard for matrix computations. It uses state-of-the-art implementations like ATLAS for all its computational routines, making it very fast. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: jclic Description-md5: 996d378885b06305e751db0071de2f78 Description-gl: Ferramenta para o desenvolvemento e uso de actividades educativas multimedia JClic está constituÃdo por un conxunto de aplicativos informáticos empregados para realizar diferentes tipos de actividades educativas: puzzles, asociacións, exercicios de texto, encrucillados,... . Normalmente, as actividades non se empregan soas, senón que se empaquetan en proxectos. Un proxecto está formado por un conxunto de actividades e unha ou máis secuencias, que indican a orde na que as hai que presentar. . A súa comunidade ( ten desenvolvido un sitio web con máis de 1.000 actividades dispoñÃbeis en varias linguas. . Este paquete contén JClic-author para crear e modificar proxectos de actividades, o reprodutor autónomo de JClic para xogar coas actividades e JClic-reports, que permite a xestión dunha database para anotar o traballo e os resultados dos alumnos. Package: jclicmoodle Description-md5: 25855859acc5a726ccb814d3de32a62e Description-gl: JClic module for Moodle Módulo de actividades do Moodle que permite empregar miniaplicativos en JClic como tipo de recursos novo nos cursos. O módulo recolle e mostra os resultados das actividades feitas polo alumnado. . Moodle is a free, open-source PHP web application for producing modular internet-based courses that support a modern social constructionist pedagogy. Available . JClic é un ambiente para a creación, implementación e avaliación de actividades educativas desenvolvido na plataforma Java. DispoñÃbel en Package: jed Description-md5: 0817fb02c803282d7aef2e219c951fa9 Description-gl: editor for programmers (textmode version) Jed is a small, fast and powerful text editor, yet starts faster than bash. . Completamente personalizábel, con modos de emulación preparados para Emacs, CUA (semellante a KDE/Gnome/OpenOffice), Borland-IDE, Brief e EDT. ExtensÃbel na linguaxe de scripts S-Lang (cunha sintaxe semellante á de C). . Editing functions: folding support, rectangular cut/paste, regular expression search/replace, incremental searches, search/replace across multiple files, multiple windows, multiple buffers, ... . Tools: directory editor (dired), info (browse GNU info files), mail, rmail, ispell, shell mode, ... . Special modes (syntax highlight, indention, compile, ...) for Basic, C, C++, DCL, FORTRAN, IDL, Java, nroff, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, Python, sh. Modes for markup languages include HTML and (La)TeX (with AUC-TeX style editing and BibTeX) . Additional tools and modes can be found in the jed-extra package. Package: jedit Description-md5: eb137161fe733c50e24507a41acb14ce Description-gl: Editor de texto para programadores baseado en engadidos As one of the most feature rich editors available, jEdit boasts support for syntax highlighting in more than 140 languages. jEdit combines the power of Emacs, the user-friendliness of Kate, and the advanced editing features (such as vertical paste) of Ultraedit, to bring you an open- source plugin-based programmer's editor of professional quality. . It is possible to define complex macros in BeanShell or Jython, or other languages that fit into the BSF. jEdit offers a powerful and user-friendly keyboard mapping system (including 2-keystroke shortcuts), making it possible to give jEdit a very Emacs-like feel, if you so desire. . Its functionality is easily extended by the use of 'plugins' which can be downloaded, updated, and installed, all without exiting the editor. These include a built-in Console shell integration, which lets you execute interactive external commands inside your editor, as well as bind them to keyboard shortcuts. The FTP plugin lets you browse and edit files on remote systems over FTP or SFTP. Other plugins provide shells, object oriented structure/code browsers, or completion popups for Java, XML, HTML, Ant, LaTeX, Python, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, bash, Scheme, Prolog, and many other languages. Package: jenkins-job-builder-doc Description-md5: 4c3b080fcba3d0cd837f32435a4d679e Description-gl: Configure Jenkins using YAML files - doc Jenkins Job Builder takes simple descriptions of Jenkins jobs in YAML format and uses them to configure Jenkins. You can keep your job descriptions in human readable text format in a version control system to make changes and auditing easier. It also has a flexible template system, so creating many similarly configured jobs is easy. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: jeuclid-cli Description-md5: ffb4b721bb10551591dd9b5230edf951 Description-gl: Complete MathML rendering solution (command line tools) JEuclid is a complete MathML rendering solution, consisting of: * A MathViewer application * Command line converters from MathML to other formats * An ant task for automated conversion * Display components for AWT and Swing * A component for Apache Cocoon . Este paquete contén as ferramentas para a liña de ordes. Package: jfractionlab Description-md5: e21765595efa9973f7637357fe936964 Description-gl: Programa educativo para practicar as fraccións JFractionLab is a nice tool for math students that are learning the use and operation of fractions. . It provides a collection of nice exercices with a numeric and visual representation of the fractions. . JFractionLab shows the user every step of the calculation and therefore helps him to understand them. . It gives the user an answer after each input, making impossible to have a false answer. Package: jftp Description-md5: 3046c53d919f2fee80a417b9f41234f9 Description-gl: Cliente gráfico en Java para FTP, SMB, SFTP e NFS JFtp is a graphical Java network and file transfer client. It supports FTP using its own FTP API and various other protocols like SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, and file I/O using third party APIs. It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. Multiple connections can open at a time in a Mozilla-style tabbed browsing environment. Package: jigzo Description-md5: c057f12dcc6dc1228328e6c18b252cd7 Description-gl: Crebacabezas de fotos para nenos jigzo (formerly glpuzzle) is a jigsaw puzzle game. Choose from 12 puzzles of increasing difficult. The difficulty ranges from 4 to 25 puzzle pieces. This game requires a OpenGl hardware acceleration. Package: jmeter Description-md5: a28a94459bd61f4922252964bb5fa181 Description-gl: Load testing and performance measurement application (main application) Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. . Este paquete contén o aplicativo principal. Package: jmeter-apidoc Description-md5: 1980c4b6b4e14c7bdff962b8526f8dd4 Description-gl: Load testing and performance measurement application (API doc) Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded to other test functions. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: jmeters Description-md5: 79bd358bc46bdc94694385332a8aa795 Description-gl: Medidor do nivel de son con varias canles A jmeters is multichannel audio level meter for Jack Audio Connection Kit. It uses the same pixmaps as meterbridge. The main difference to meterbridge is that jmeters has the correct ballistics for both the VU and the PPM. Package: jmol Description-md5: 91f50ca30034bf1702585335385fd0d4 Description-gl: Visor molecular Jmol is a Java molecular viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures. Features include reading a variety of file types and output from quantum chemistry programs, and animation of multi-frame files and computed normal modes from quantum programs. It includes with features for chemicals, crystals, materials and biomolecules. Jmol might be useful for students, educators, and researchers in chemistry and biochemistry. . File formats read by Jmol include PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, MDL Molfile, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC, ABINIT, ACES-II, Dalton and VASP. Package: jodconverter Description-md5: ca6e8e30ba95fd570eb3d43d5bb9cb68 Description-gl: Convertedor de formatos de ofimática JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument Converter, leverages to provide import/export filters for various office formats including OpenDocument and Microsoft Office. . Este paquete contén unha interface para a liña de ordes. Package: jodreports-cli Description-md5: ee1d647edb74a51dc77424470ac66abb Description-gl: Merge OpenDocument text with data - command line tool JODReports, Java OpenDocument Reports, is a solution for creating office documents and reports in OpenDocument Text format from templates that can be visually composed using the Writer word processor. . Este paquete fornece unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes apra executar o ficheiro jar directamente Package: joe-jupp Description-md5: b62872f8c6c8254008ae59e81097ba56 Description-gl: reimplement the joe Debian package using jupp Este paquete contén ligazóns simbólicas para substituÃr o paquete joe de Debian empregando o paquete e a implementación jupp (tanto binarios como páxinas de manual). Tamén contén os ficheiros de configuración axeitados e, en contraste co sabor joe de Debian, é compatÃbel coa copia de contexto SELinux (nos sistemas Debian co kernel Linux), ten arranxados moitos fallos e fai que algunhas das funcións novas de jupps estean dispoñÃbeis nos sabores joe, jstar, jmacs, jpico e rjoe. Package: josm Description-md5: 7c2d5699cf47ae5a42ad756761e58a66 Description-gl: Editor para OpenStreetMap O JOSM é un editor para OpenStreetMap (OSM) escrito en Java. A versión actual admite pistas GPX autónomas, datos de pistas GPX de bases de datos de OSM e nós existentes, segmentos de liña e etiquetas de metadatos da base de datos de OSM. . OpenStreetMap é un proxecto que directamente pretende crear e fornecer datos xeográficos libres tales como mapas urbanos para quen os precise. O proxecto foi iniciado porque a maiorÃa dos mapas que se pensa que son libres realmente teñen restricións técnicas ou legais sobre o seu uso, disuadindo a moitas persoas de usalos de maneiras creativas, produtivas ou inesperadas. Package: josm-l10n Description-md5: 3b97360947cda4870fb838ff64d1064d Description-gl: Editor para OpenStreetMap - ficheiros de tradución O JOSM é un editor para OpenStreetMap (OSM) escrito en Java. A versión actual admite pistas GPX autónomas, datos de pistas GPX de bases de datos de OSM e nós existentes, segmentos de liña e etiquetas de metadatos da base de datos de OSM. . OpenStreetMap é un proxecto que directamente pretende crear e fornecer datos xeográficos libres tales como mapas urbanos para quen os precise. O proxecto foi iniciado porque a maiorÃa dos mapas que se pensa que son libres realmente teñen restricións técnicas ou legais sobre o seu uso, disuadindo a moitas persoas de usalos de maneiras creativas, produtivas ou inesperadas. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de JOSM. Package: jovie Description-md5: 6a6dcb711454fc7ba3895f205f2b7fb5 Description-gl: text-to-speech system The Jovie text-to-speech system is a plugin based service that allows any KDE (or non-KDE) application to speak using the D-Bus interface. . It uses the speech-dispatcher daemon for the actual speech job; kmouth is an useful front-end for it. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: jplayer Description-md5: 49a33d7f4cc21e398fa3ecd62b17ad2a Description-gl: Engadido para jQuery que reproduce e controla ficheiros de son nunha páxina web jPlayer é un engadido para jQuery que permite reproducir e controlar ficheiros de son nunha páxina web, crear e darlle un estilo a un reprodutor de son empregando exclusivamente HTML e CSS, engadir efectos de son aos proxectos de jQuery e admitir máis dispositivos empregando HTML5. . All of this with HTML5 audio support for compliant browsers that allow mp3 or ogg format, while supporting other browsers using mp3 format with no visible Flash. Package: jquery-jplayer-bluemonday Description-md5: 8097308853e6802ed90c5790674a3414 Description-gl: Blue Monday skin for jPlayer jPlayer é a biblioteca multimedia escrita en JavaScript completamente libre e de código aberto (GPL/MIT). Un engadido para jQuery, jPlayer, permite introducir rapidamente son e vÃdeo multi-plataforma nas páxinas web. . This package contains the Blue Monday skin for jPlayer. Package: jquery-jplayer-circleplayer Description-md5: 39640e261dc464f30bb12e97fd595f47 Description-gl: Circle Player skin for jPlayer jPlayer é a biblioteca multimedia escrita en JavaScript completamente libre e de código aberto (GPL/MIT). Un engadido para jQuery, jPlayer, permite introducir rapidamente son e vÃdeo multi-plataforma nas páxinas web. . This package contains the Circle Player skin for jPlayer. Package: jquery-jplayer-pinkflag Description-md5: d699972f85d3d5bd2fdb61f145752a4e Description-gl: Pink Flag skin for jPlayer jPlayer é a biblioteca multimedia escrita en JavaScript completamente libre e de código aberto (GPL/MIT). Un engadido para jQuery, jPlayer, permite introducir rapidamente son e vÃdeo multi-plataforma nas páxinas web. . This package contains the Pink Flag skin for jPlayer. Package: json-glib-tools Description-md5: a3993eb653a1a654b72146670c3113ac Description-gl: GLib JSON manipulation library (tools) JSON-GLib é unha biblioteca para analizar, xerar e manipular fluxos de datos na JavaScript Object Notation (Notación de obxectos de JavaScript, JSON) empregando o sistema de tipos de GLib. Permite manipular os tipos de datos de JSON cunha API de Document Object Model (DOM). Tamén permite serializar e deserializar GObjects simples ou complexos desde e a tipos de datos de JSON. . This package contains the json-glib-format and json-glib-validate tools. Package: jstest-gtk Description-md5: 82e50f1c5656dce61e42effc775dcfd3 Description-gl: Ferramenta de configuración e proba de joystick jstest-gtk is a simple graphical joystick tester. It provides a list of attached joysticks, and for each one can display which buttons and axes are pressed, remap axes and buttons, and calibrate the device. . Even when your joystick is working mostly fine, you might want to give it a try, as the calibration lets you get rid of overlarge default deadzones that many joysticks use and which are a noticeable problem in some games. . Installing the joystick package in addition to this one will allow you to store your calibration settings and mappings and have the automatically restored. Package: jsymphonic Description-md5: 79d18fb946e40f6b6eab086ccc6816f6 Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros para os reprodutores de MP3 da Sony Symphonic is a file manager for Sony's flash players (such as the NW-E00x series), where songs are stored in a proprietary format not very Unix- friendly. . This program provides functionalities similar to the proprietary Windows- only SonicStage software given by Sony to interact with the players. Package: juk Description-md5: 79abb73f33494c5f81d84ee96a4badd4 Description-gl: music jukebox / music player JuK is a powerful music player capable of managing a large music collection. . Some of JuK's features include: * Music collection, playlists, and smart playlists * Tag editing support, including the ability to edit multiple files at once * Tag-based music file organization and renaming * CD burning support using k3b * Album art using Google Image Search . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: juman Description-md5: 62cecebc1021c1f818753929013cbc81 Description-gl: Sistema de análise morfolóxica do xaponés Juman is a morphological analysis system. It reads Japanese sentences from the standard input, segments them into morpheme sequences, and outputs them to the standard output with many additional pieces of information (pronunciation, semantic information, etc). Package: junior-art Description-md5: fcea4cbab3d9e0ed4c44f3b59cbd9329 Description-gl: Debian Jr. Art Ferramentas para que os rapaces poidan crear debuxos. O máis sinxelo é o tuxpaint, que está deseñado para cativos. Inclúe sons e controles doados de usar. Para outros nenos, están o Gimp e o xpaint. AÃnda que o Gimp é máis complexo, ten como destinatarios os artistas gráficos, non é necesariamente moito máis difÃcil de usar que o xpaint, máis antigo e con menos funcións. Os rapaces que vaian comezar cun conxunto pequeno das funcións destas ferramentas lograrán finalmente aprender moitas cousas novas segundo vaian explorando, sexa con adultos ou con outros rapaces cos que compartan os computadores ou por eles/as mesmos/as. Package: junior-education Description-md5: 7b3417bfecfd88283462c57ee91693da Description-gl: Debian Jr. education applications Este paquete inclúe unha colección de programas educativos para rapaces. Estes aplicativos axéitanse a rapaces de entre dous e doce anos. Aprenden o rato e o teclado do computador, asà como outras destrezas (números, letras, lóxica, etc.). Package: junior-math Description-md5: 2ce8132ee24a1ec0b660f13f2835464f Description-gl: Debian Jr. educational math Este paquete instala programas educativos de matemáticas axeitados para cativos. Algúns dos paquetes empregan matemáticas que están alén das habilidades dos rapaces (p.ex. fractais e criptografÃa), mais é posÃbel que usalos lles faga sentir algo da beleza das matemáticas desde esas idades. Outros paquetes permÃtenlles explorar e aprender conceptos matemáticas dun xeito entretido e interactivo. Algúns paquetes son máis xerais e forneces actividades matemáticas só como unha parte do paquete, p.ex. bsdgames inclúe «aritmética» ademais doutros xogos non matemáticos e x11-apps fornece xcalc. Package: junior-system Description-md5: 6517dc1492ae3de71eee822e53cd5edb Description-gl: Debian Jr. System tools This package includes a few tools for helping children learn about and use their system. . O Midnight Commander é máis do que un simple xestor de ficheiros. É unha consola coa que os rapaces poden explorar e xestionar as súas contas. Pode ser unha grande axuda para os moi novos porque aforra escribir moito (en comparación con utilizar directamente unha consola de liña de ordes). Tamén está empaquetado con potencia e flexibilidade que poden beneficiar por igual a rapaces maiores e a adultos. . The 'hello' sample program can be used as an instructional aid, as an example of how to invoke programs from the shell, specify switches, use the man page, and so on. . Baobab, the GNOME disk usage analyzer, enables the user to take a visual trip into the hard drive contents. It can be a mesmerizing first step, dvelving into the inner parts of the computer system. It serves both as an educational tool about file systems and file contents/size as well as a tool for analyzing what files are big if disk space is scarce. . Bubblefishymon is a computer load monitor dockapp which shows network traffic as fishes, CPU usage as bubbles, and a duck representing a duck. Package: jvim-doc Description-md5: bda65fb834e3bb4be17390c52dc02eaa Description-gl: Documentación de jvim (VIM adaptado á xaponesa) JVIM 3.0 is Japanized VIM (VI clone editor) by K.Tsuchida <> on Dec 24, 2002 (patch version 2.1b). Package: jwchat Description-md5: 992da6e06c138345e7911039fb232d5c Description-gl: full featured, web-based Jabber chat client JWChat is a full featured, web-based Jabber client. Written using AJAX technology it relies on JavaScript and HTML at the client-side only. It supports basic jabber instant messaging, roster management and groupchats based on the MUC protocol . JWChat is an advanced instant messenger (IM) just like AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger or ICQ. This means you can manage your contacts, communicate with other users in 1:1 chat sessions or join a groupchat room for collaborative communication. Unlike other IMs you can use this with your web browser without having to install any additional software at all. . Toda a súa configuración, marcadores e lista de contactos son almacenados no lado do servidor. Isto significa que terá acceso ao seu cliente personalizado desde practicamente calquera computador mentres teña acceso á Internet. Package: jxplorer Description-md5: e34607c497252881e3d3fce73025b577 Description-gl: Explorador de LDAP feito con Java JXplorer is an open source LDAP browser originally developed by Computer Associates' eTrust Directory development lab. It is a standards compliant general purpose LDAP browser that can be used to read and search any LDAP directory, or any X500 directory with an LDAP interface. JXplorer is a fully functional piece of software with advanced security integration and support for the more difficult and obscure parts of the LDAP protocol. It should run on any Java supporting operating system. Main features are: . * Standard LDAP operations: add/delete/copy/modify * Complex operations: tree copy and tree delete * Optional GUI based search filter construction * SSL and SASL authentication * pluggable editors/viewers * pluggable security providers * HTML templates/forms for data display * Full i18n support * LDIF file format support * highly user configurable * drag-n-drop browsing operation * DSML Support * handles complex LDAP cases: o multi valued rdns o binary attributes o Certificates and Passwords o Unicode characters o Special characters / UTF8 in distinguished names. * Extensible architecture with object class based Java plugins Package: k3b Description-md5: c76b0e46810cfd0637ba2d7954169eff Description-gl: Aplicativo sofisticado de gravación de CD e DVD O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maiorÃa das tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado pode influÃr en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido. Package: k3b-data Description-md5: a2459f96b8b6a7609c11713d34f611c3 Description-gl: Sofisticado aplicativo de gravación de CD e DVD - ficheiros de datos O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maiorÃa das tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado pode influÃr en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido. . This package contains the required data files common to all architectures. Package: k3b-extrathemes Description-md5: bb2e32a30a950937f14827efcaec94e4 Description-gl: Sofisticado aplicativo de gravación de CD e DVD - temas extra O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maiorÃa das tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado pode influÃr en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido. . Este paquete contén temas adicionais para o K3b. Package: k3b-i18n Description-md5: 5fb8fb0100bddccb8852d63a9309b9f4 Description-gl: Sofisticado aplicativo de gravación de CD e DVD - ficheiros de localización rexional O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maiorÃa das tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado pode influÃr en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución. Package: kaccessible Description-md5: 97620e996ab1483391472ef3c1c95340 Description-gl: accessibility services for Qt applications kaccessible implements a QAccessibleBridgePlugin to provide accessibility services like focus tracking and a screen reader. . Compoñentes: * kaccessibleapp: un servizo de activación de D-Bus que funciona como proxy. * kaccessiblebridge: un engadido para Qt que é cargado pola infraestrutura QAccessible en cada aplicativo de Qt e KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: kaccessible-dbg Description-md5: 0998d2cc7857340dfb2007051896db29 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do kaccessible Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do kaccessible. Úsase para poder incluÃr trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posÃbeis fallos ou para executar o kaccessible en gdb ou valgrind para obter saÃdas que teñan sentido . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: kacpimon Description-md5: 0ab93b52761358c59929feec6034eee9 Description-gl: Kernel ACPI Event Monitor Os computadores modernos admiten a Interface de configuración avanzada e enerxÃa (ACPI), que permite xestionar de maneira intelixente da enerxÃa do sistema e obter a situación e a configuración da baterÃa. . kacpimon is a small tool that monitors kernel ACPI and keyboard events from multiple interfaces and reports them to the console. Package: kadu-dev Description-md5: 64cfecd1b29ed0b70332cdd108e9b021 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para compilar engadidos para kadu Gadu-Gadu is a Windows instant messenger, very popular in Poland. Kadu is a Qt5 client of Gadu-Gadu and XMPP for *nix systems. . This package provides development files needed to compile plugins for Kadu. Package: kaffeine Description-md5: 6d48b7714395644c82ea63fa5e6d8ba3 Description-gl: versatile media player for KDE Kaffeine is a media player for KDE based on VLC, which gives it a wide variety of supported media types and lets Kaffeine access CDs, DVDs, and network streams easily. Kaffeine also has an excellent support of digital TV (DVB). . O Kaffeine pode seguir varias listas de reprodución simultaneamente e admite a carga automática de ficheiros de subtÃtulos para empregar mentres se reproduce vÃdeo. Package: kajongg Description-md5: fb414308a1b578b0a589e7e8fce92f1d Description-gl: classical Mah Jongg game This is the classical Mah Jongg for four players. If you are looking for the Mah Jongg solitaire please use the application kmahjongg. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kalgebra Description-md5: 3839e1dbb198fa22a1952a06364f0c27 Description-gl: algebraic graphing calculator KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kalgebra-common Description-md5: 05e8b587fee89b27c5fbe3cf789c85c8 Description-gl: contains files common for kalgebra and kalgebramobile KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language and it contains files needed for both full and mobile versions. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kalgebramobile Description-md5: b8e44274db8c55312477e9004b0a4adf Description-gl: algebraic graphing calculator for small touch based interfaces KAlgebra is a algebraic graphing calculator with support for 3D graphing and MathML markup language. This is the version for small touch based interfaces . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kalzium Description-md5: 67d773ea4e03fd7ca0c86204051e26c8 Description-gl: periodic table and chemistry tools Kalzium is a full-featured chemistry application, including a Periodic Table of Elements, chemical reference, chemical equation solver, and 3D molecule viewer. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kalzium-data Description-md5: 9c6c7933ca013eda471dbd3ad78d1d8e Description-gl: data files for Kalzium Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do Kalzium, o aplicativo de táboa periódica do KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kamailio-dbg Description-md5: 9b17954b2c0133c2c1f66eb5a389c191 Description-gl: very fast and configurable SIP server [debug symbols] Kamailio is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261) server. Written entirely in C, Kamailio can handle thousands calls per second even on low- budget hardware. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración dos binarios do Kamailio e dos seus módulos. Só o hai que instalar se hai que depurar o Kamailio. Package: kamera Description-md5: 65aef3b5650e85639fcaecf31cf6c5ea Description-gl: digital camera support for KDE applications This package allows any KDE application to access and manipulate pictures on a digital camera. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: kamoso Description-md5: 8211867cb78e15e620c3f85f8cd648a3 Description-gl: Ferramenta para tirar fotos e vÃdeos coa súa cámara web Kamoso is a utility that does the very simple actions a webcam offers, like taking pictures or recording videos and adds some extra features that will make the webcam usage both funnier and more useful. Package: kanagram Description-md5: 752f033c7bf7099d4852d3e7d35d314d Description-gl: jumble word puzzle KAnagram is a game where a random word is shown with its letters scrambled. To win, the player must rearrange the letters into the correct order. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE Package: kannel-docs Description-md5: 969e9235ed97549e6d2fec0c8da7164f Description-gl: WAP and SMS gateway documentation Kannel is a gateway for connecting WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) phones to the Internet. It also works as an SMS/SMPP gateway, for providing SMS based services for GSM phones. . Documentación nos formatos html, rtf e pdf. Package: kapman Description-md5: 1d94f103a6072e04515d6984872e0b4b Description-gl: Clon do Pac-Man Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must go through the levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost eats you, but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating an energizer. You win points when eating pills, energizers, and bonus, and you win one life for each 10,000 points. When you have eaten all the pills and energizers of a level, you go to the next level, and the player and ghost speeds increase. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kate-data Description-md5: 1b580e9353684d68c554a5491ee6eb07 Description-gl: shared data files for Kate text editor This package contains the architecture-independent shared data files needed for Kate editor . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: katomic Description-md5: c9c644628319d8086ad12b5fc03eb370 Description-gl: atomix puzzle game KAtomic is a puzzle game in which the player slides atoms around the board to assemble a molecule. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kball Description-md5: f790e83fc2008fab8605703f9560124a Description-gl: Xogo de destreza e reflexos para toda a familia Un xogo de destreza e reflexos, non violento, axeitado para todas as idades. A idea é mover a bóla polo mapa sen caer, antes de que acabe o tempo e obtendo os premios para poder chegar á saÃda. A funcionalidade principal do xogo é o editor de mapas incorporado, de xeito que calquera pode crear mapas propios. Package: kball-data Description-md5: 104f288a0598552ec5eef7a900cab9fe Description-gl: Xogo de destreza e reflexos para toda a familia - ficheiros de datos Un xogo de destreza e reflexos, non violento, axeitado para todas as idades. A idea é mover a bóla polo mapa sen caer, antes de que acabe o tempo e obtendo os premios para poder chegar á saÃda. A funcionalidade principal do xogo é o editor de mapas incorporado, de xeito que calquera pode crear mapas propios. . Este paquete inclúe os datos do xogo. Package: kbattleship Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: kbibtex Description-md5: ef34b0b7e75860df9deab7756f162d34 Description-gl: Editor de BibTeX para KDE Un aplicativo para xestionar bases de datos de bibliografÃa no formato BibTeX. O KBibTeX pódese empregar como programa autónomo mais tamén pode incorporarse a outros aplicativos de KDE (p.ex. como editor de bibliografÃas do Kile). . KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files. . BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles. Package: kbibtex-data Description-md5: 38fe933f178772eaa5dc57f3e53e6aa3 Description-gl: BibTeX editor for KDE -- common data Un aplicativo para xestionar bases de datos de bibliografÃa no formato BibTeX. O KBibTeX pódese empregar como programa autónomo mais tamén pode incorporarse a outros aplicativos de KDE (p.ex. como editor de bibliografÃas do Kile). . KBibTeX can query online resources (e.g. Google scholar) via customizable search URLs. It is also able to import complete datasets from NCBI Pubmed. It also supports tagging references with keywords and manages references to local files. . BibTeX files can be exported into HTML, XML, PDF, PS and RTF format using a number of citation styles. . This package include common data needed by kbibtex binaries. Package: kblackbox Description-md5: 4de8b1d57649213f0f71702357fab729 Description-gl: Black Box puzzle game KBlackBox is a game of hide and seek played on an grid of boxes, where the player shoots rays into the grid to deduce the positions of hidden objects. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kblocks Description-md5: 9e688237d7d76557776ea028205cfa20 Description-gl: Xogo de caÃda de bloques KBlocks is a single player falling blocks puzzle game, a Tetris-like replacement for KSirtet. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kbounce Description-md5: df0e749a9563ae02a5eed508f8558420 Description-gl: Jezzball arcade game KBounce is a game where the player builds walls to confine a number of bouncing balls. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kbreakout Description-md5: 0981e70bbeb150eac27aeb06843f7278 Description-gl: ball and paddle game kbreakout is a game similar to the classics breakout and xboing, featuring a number of added graphical enhancements and effects. You control a paddle at the bottom of the playing-field, and must destroy bricks at the top by bouncing balls against them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kbruch Description-md5: 2b96a4ef0de8a316ebf8e0a2bb1fc180 Description-gl: fraction learning aid for KDE KBruch is an aid for learning how to calculate with fractions. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kcalc Description-md5: e82ed4e5e66f53562d4e898716e5e775 Description-gl: Calculadora cientÃfica sinxela KCalc is a scientific calculator. . KCalc provides: * Trigonometric functions, logic operations, and statistical calculations * Calculation in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary bases * Memory functions for storing results * A comprehensive collection of mathematical constants . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE. Package: kcc Description-md5: 9a8106f03ffc26b71a786082b01c103f Description-gl: Kanji code filter kcc can converts various Japanese encodings such as EUC-JP, 7bitJIS, 8bitJIS and ShiftJIS with Half-width Kana supports. kcc can detect these encoding automatically as much as possible. . Patrocinado por Fumitoshi UKAI <> Package: kcharselect Description-md5: e506cbd8befd6637870c979fcdc9ab3a Description-gl: special character utility KCharSelect is a utility for finding special characters which are not available on the keyboard. It can search for characters by Unicode number, display characters in any font, and copy characters to the clipboard so they can be pasted into documents. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE. Package: kchmviewer Description-md5: 7ca16d9580fc5de3f84374e0e3bb798a Description-gl: Visor de CHM para KDE KchmViewer is a chm (MS HTML help file format) viewer, written in C++. Unlike most existing CHM viewers for Unix, it uses Trolltech Qt widget library, and does not depend on KDE or GNOME. However, it may be compiled with full KDE support, including KDE widgets and KIO/KHTML. . The main advantage of KchmViewer is non-English language support. Unlike others, KchmViewer in most cases correctly detects help file encoding, correctly shows tables of context of Russian, Korean, Chinese and Japanese help files, and correctly searches in non-English help files (search for MBCS languages - ja/ko/ch is still in progress). . Completely safe and harmless. Does not support JavaScript in any way, optionally warns you before opening an external web page, or switching to another help file. Shows an appropriate image for every TOC entry. . KchmViewer Has complete chm index support, including multiple index entries, cross-links and parent/child entries in index as well as Persistent bookmarks support. Correctly detects and shows encoding of any valid chm file. Package: kcolorchooser Description-md5: ca21cbab5c251321a8a39106095f6d32 Description-gl: color chooser and palette editor KColorChooser is a color palette tool, used to mix colors and create custom color palettes. Using the dropper, it can obtain the color of any pixel on the screen. . Inclúese unha chea de paletas de cores frecuentes, como as cores estándar da Web e o esquema de cores de Oxygen. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: kde-baseapps Description-md5: 71634093847cc779509cf1f77c9b3282 Description-gl: base applications from the official KDE release (meta-package) KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This package provides core applications for the KDE 4 desktop. Package: kde-baseapps-bin Description-md5: 736ead5b70009db5c85b3448bdf8d819 Description-gl: core binaries for the KDE base applications This package contains miscellaneous programs needed by other KDE applications, particularly those in the KDE base module. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: kde-baseapps-data Description-md5: 678272c50dabca9a223095baa6e23ff1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos compartidos para os aplicativos de base de KDE This package contains the architecture-independent shared data files needed for a basic KDE 4 desktop installation. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: kde-cli-tools-data Description-md5: f4fd4613a60dec4dc609bfe3c66e0aca Description-gl: tools to use kioslaves from the command line These command line tools enable you to use KDE services such as kioslaves, kdesu, QtSVG, kcontrol modules, KDE trader and start applications from the command line. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos Package: kde-config-cddb Description-md5: 57d2710bd3d8b5f8ee4800c30aa6a38e Description-gl: Configuración da obtención de CDDB This package contains a configuration module for tweaking CDDB retrieval settings for applications using the libkcddb library from the KDE Multimedia Platform. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: kde-config-cron Description-md5: d78d91dad0aad822ffaf90bde4327d02 Description-gl: program scheduler frontend kde-config-cron is a KDE configuration module for scheduling programs to run at specific intervals using cron, the UNIX scheduling service. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE. Package: kde-config-gtk-style Description-md5: 5368451e1e11dd0589201cdff120bf19 Description-gl: Módulo de configuración de LDE à ra a señeccoçpm de estoñps de GTK+ 2.x e GTK+ 3.x Configuration dialog to adapt GTK+ applications appearance to your taste under KDE. Among its many features, it lets you: - Choose which theme is used for GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3.x applications. - Tweak some GTK+ applications behaviour. - Select what icon theme to use in GTK+ applications. - Select GTK+ applications default fonts. - Easily browse and install new GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3.x themes. . This package contains kde-gtk-config module for KDE System Settings and common files (icons, localization files and etc). Package: kde-config-gtk-style-preview Description-md5: cafef5367a2764d53f58f7eaa06bfbc3 Description-gl: Módulo de configuración de LDE à ra a señeccoçpm de estoñps de GTK+ 2.x e GTK+ 3.x (extras) Configuration dialog to adapt GTK+ applications appearance to your taste under KDE. Among its many features, it lets you: - Choose which theme is used for GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3.x applications. - Tweak some GTK+ applications behaviour. - Select what icon theme to use in GTK+ applications. - Select GTK+ applications default fonts. - Easily browse and install new GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3.x themes. . This package contains binary files for previewing Gtk themes and applying them without restarting of Gtk applications. Package: kde-config-touchpad Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: kde-games-core-declarative Description-md5: 62257cc6e190d31d693ad0fe9345ed3c Description-gl: kde-games-core QtDeclarative QML support Contains a plugin for QtDeclarative that provides support for using KDE- games-core to components written in QML. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kde-icons-mono Description-md5: 0fb1da436d2cc2b4ba52c5557d46ee85 Description-gl: Tema de iconas monocromas A monochromatic icons theme, designed for accessibility. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: kde-icons-nuvola Description-md5: ab4e9243502535f4818d8b290aae5624 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para o tema de iconas Nuvola Paquete transitorio para facilitar a anovación desde as iconas Nuvola que se incluÃan na serie KDE 3. Package: kde-l10n-si Description-md5: 042b63b0a9a5641e14e9f472dc624567 Description-gl: Localización en sinhala (si) para o KDE Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos principais de KDE do idioma «Sinhala». Package: kde-l10n-tg Description-md5: f809be7d972a3bee7bd6af4822ecefab Description-gl: Localización en taxico (tg) para o KDE Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos principais de KDE do idioma «Taxico». Package: kde-l10n-th Description-md5: b97dbb880b338e403d9727fb34c38a8f Description-gl: Localización en tailandés (th) para o KDE Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos principais de KDE do idioma «Tailandés». Package: kde-l10n-vi Description-md5: 2a9508c5081c23c03d1d2fc902c756ec Description-gl: Localización en vietnamita (vi) para o KDE Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución de todos os aplicativos principais de KDE do idioma «Vietnamita». Package: kde-runtime Description-md5: bc084f747944595b9192627383330355 Description-gl: Compoñentes de tempo de execución da edición oficial de KDE KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This package contains programs and data needed at runtime by KDE applications. Package: kde-runtime-data Description-md5: 3e1b38980db5d8e82b96db163ceb6844 Description-gl: shared data files for the KDE base runtime module Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura necesarios para executar aplicativos de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de tempo de execución de base do KDE. Package: kde-style-oxygen Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: kde-style-qtcurve-qt4 Description-md5: 55cb2e8324bab1c9e3db04bbcfe9f3bd Description-gl: QtCurve widget style for applications based on Qt 4.x This package contains the QtCurve widget style for Qt 4.x. . Pódese atopar o motor de temas correspondente en GTK+ no paquete gtk2 -engine-qtcurve. . QtCurve is a set of widget styles for Qt and GTK+ libraries. It provides a consistent look between KDE, GNOME and other applications based on these libraries, which is easy on the eyes and visually pleasing. Package: kde-style-qtcurve-qt5 Description-md5: d3f0d8bc7140c776254c7db4982f99dd Description-gl: QtCurve widget style for applications based on Qt 5.x This package contains the QtCurve widget style for Qt 5.x. . Pódese atopar o motor de temas correspondente en GTK+ no paquete gtk2 -engine-qtcurve. . QtCurve is a set of widget styles for Qt and GTK+ libraries. It provides a consistent look between KDE, GNOME and other applications based on these libraries, which is easy on the eyes and visually pleasing. Package: kde-telepathy Description-md5: 6e3391ed1a15003782f262208b149e20 Description-gl: Metapaquete para instalar todos os compoñentes do Telepathy de KDE KDE Telepathy aims to integrate real-time communication and collaboration features into the KDE Plasma Workspaces. It provides means to connect to several instant messaging networks, chat with your friends and collaborate with them. . O Telepathy de KDE consiste en varios compoñentes independentes que teñen que ser empregados xuntos para fornecer todas as funcionalidades dispoñÃbeis. Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala todos eses compoñentes. . Apart from the dependencies that this metapackage pulls, you will also need to install at least one of the telepathy-gabble, telepathy-salut, telepathy-haze packages to be able to connect to your IM networks. gabble provides xmpp (jabber, google talk/plus, facebook), salut provides link- local xmpp (using avahi) and haze provides most other common protocols. Package: kde-telepathy-approver Description-md5: 1428c5cd34ccbf21d3c7060ebf2b05f9 Description-gl: Módulo de KDED para aprobar conversas entrantes This package provides a KDED module that starts together with the KDE Plasma Desktop and shows a notification popup when someone from your contacts starts chatting with you. . This package is not meant to be used standalone. It is recommended to install the kde-telepathy metapackage instead. Package: kde-telepathy-auth-handler Description-md5: f629091e13ce0cbc2cbfcf8ec2f92d59 Description-gl: Xestor de autenticación do Telepathy de KDE This package provides a Telepathy handler for the ServerAuthentication and ServerTLSConnection Telepathy channel types, which means that it provides passwords to connection managers (and stores them using KWallet) and also handles SSL certificate errors in encrypted IM connections. . This package is not meant to be used standalone. It is recommended to install the kde-telepathy metapackage instead. Package: kde-telepathy-data Description-md5: 78beb54fc34403c5b8e967e1b050b30e Description-gl: Datos compartidos por todos os compoñentes do Telepathy de KDE This package contains KDE Telepathy shared data. . These various data files are used by nearly all the different KDE Telepathy components, and include files such as icons and translations. Package: kde-telepathy-debugger Description-md5: 8c1895ba5d5117d59dfa8095b2a89f12 Description-gl: Ferramentas de depuración para o Telepathy de KDE Este paquete contén unha ferramenta gráfica de depuración que pode ser empregada para depurar incidencias do Telepathy. . Mostra as mensaxes de depuración dos diversos compoñentes do Telepathy. Package: kde-thumbnailer-deb Description-md5: fe7b630f34508b498ac0af7a4d6b95d9 Description-gl: KDE plugin to show thumbnails of Debian package files QApt is a collection of tools and a library providing a wrapper around APT. The intention is to ease the use of APT in Qt-based programs. . Un engadido para os xestores de ficheiros de KDE (Dolphin e Konqueror) para previsualizar os paquetes de Debian (ficheiros .deb) como miniaturas. Package: kde-touchpad Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: kde-window-manager Description-md5: e67011e711b5bf92533b5eee72850124 Description-gl: transitional package for kwin-x11 This transitional package allows one to migrate to the packages providing the X11 version of the KDE window manager. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación. Package: kde-zeroconf Description-md5: b20dc98160f5661050652e288f0963a5 Description-gl: zeroconf plugins and kio slaves for KDE Zeroconf is an implementation of IPv4 link-local addresses (RFC3927) which can be used for ad-hoc networks. Addresses are allocated from the range semi-randomly. . Palabras chave: avahi, dnssd. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: kde4pimlibs-dbg Description-md5: 2038de73a5edfbdf08382745c18ea167 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración empregados para investigar os problemas dos binarios incluÃdos no módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kde4pimlibs-kio-plugins Description-md5: 2833d3fbc88abf2f984838a669b54f63 Description-gl: Escravos de kio empregados polos aplicativos de PIM de KDE Este paquete contén os escravos de kio para imap4, ldap, mbox, nntp, pop3, sieve e smtp. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdeaccessibility Description-md5: edcc8474c7d4fe0ea99ceb99a05a6589 Description-gl: accessibility packages from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes a collection of programs to make KDE more accessible, provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdeadmin Description-md5: bdaa2e3ac823ec2a9fdd8f424e8bdc4a Description-gl: system administration tools from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes a collection of system administration tools provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdeartwork Description-md5: a745371c36af17fc86218cbec5c0bcb8 Description-gl: Temas, estilos e outros gráficos da edición oficial de KDE KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . Este meta-paquete inclúe unha colección de gráficos adicionais fornecidos coa edición oficial de KDE. Package: kdeartwork-emoticons Description-md5: f0470a4f23b5bcba1d4ddb8c68952e16 Description-gl: Coleccións de emoticonas para clientes de chat Este paquete contén varias coleccións de emoticonas para clientes de chat, como Kopete e Konversation. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE. Package: kdeartwork-theme-icon Description-md5: a7ebebab0da359f6fa5778425a0379a0 Description-gl: Temas de iconas adicionais Este meta-paquete instala temas de iconas adicionais para KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE. Package: kdeartwork-wallpapers Description-md5: 9cb46cb31e6bafe64c6bf10fdb525bf6 Description-gl: Gráficos e fondos de escritorio extra de KDE para os Espazos de traballo do Plasma de KDE This package contains more additional wallpapers for KDE Plasma Workspaces, in addition to the ones provided with kde-wallpapers. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE. Package: kdebase-apps Description-md5: 37a5ecf22143d6489cef89af3c58a4da Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kde-baseapps Este paquete transitorio encárgase de incluÃr o novo paquete kde-baseapps e pode ser retirado con seguranza após a instalación. Package: kdebase-bin Description-md5: 52bdaa413593faf4fdb44d056c3ecbf8 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para o novo kde-baseapps Este pode ser retirado con seguranza despois da instalación. Package: kdebase-runtime Description-md5: 5cce2bdf5efa7b8fcba369e24bbd05dd Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para os compoñentes do tempo de execución de KDE KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . Este paquete transitorio encárgase de incluÃr o novo paquete kde-runtime e pode ser retirado con seguranza após a instalación. Package: kdeedu Description-md5: 0a3dd841e273bd2df44bda7e90f9fc48 Description-gl: educational applications from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes educational applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdeedu-data Description-md5: 35ae641c83860283ba500339fa4e167c Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para os aplicativos educativos de KDE Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura dos aplicativos educativos de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kdeedu-kvtml-data Description-md5: b346231aeecb8f226137f916998bd3f9 Description-gl: Ficheiros de KVTML para os programas de KDE-Edu Este paquete contén ficheiros de KVTML para varios aplicativos de KDE-Edu, como KAnagram, KHangman e KWordQuiz. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kdegames Description-md5: d6e0536ebe2fb4dbb9d323c69fb612d5 Description-gl: games from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes a collection of games provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdegames-card-data Description-md5: 65704adac43b29d2c0e233997b68e54e Description-gl: Barallas de cartas para os xogos de KDE Este paquete contén unha colección de temas para as barallas dos xogos de cartas de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kdegames-card-data-kf5 Description-md5: 65704adac43b29d2c0e233997b68e54e Description-gl: Barallas de cartas para os xogos de KDE Este paquete contén unha colección de temas para as barallas dos xogos de cartas de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kdegames-mahjongg-data Description-md5: 24263f9fa6d3bd8da727df261f92612f Description-gl: Xogos de pezas e fondos para os xogos de Mahjongg Este paquete contén unha colección de xogos de pezas e de fondos para KMahjongg, KShisen e Kajongg. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5 Description-md5: 24263f9fa6d3bd8da727df261f92612f Description-gl: Xogos de pezas e fondos para os xogos de Mahjongg Este paquete contén unha colección de xogos de pezas e de fondos para KMahjongg, KShisen e Kajongg. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kdegraphics Description-md5: 9a5e4b229bb37cb0bffc0a8c4a5291f2 Description-gl: graphics applications from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes graphics applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdegraphics-mobipocket Description-md5: dd26c48d1fce8f2f8bf82cc5f85160ac Description-gl: Engadidos de mobipocket para o indexado con Strigi e miniaturas Este paquete contén un engadido para ler ficheiros mobi como miniaturas en KDE. . Tamén ten un engadido para que Strigi poida ler os ficheiros mobi. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: kdegraphics-thumbnailers Description-md5: fecacf09cc1907dac81fafb8d7987281 Description-gl: Creadores de miniaturas de formatos de ficheiros gráficos para KDE SC Estes engadidos permiten que o software de KDE cree miniaturas a partir de varios formatos de ficheiros gráficos avanzados (PS, RAW). . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: kdelibs-bin Description-md5: 8c1a7b51c921c425f6300691dd629da4 Description-gl: core executables for KDE Applications This package contains common core executables used by all KDE Applications. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdelibs5-data Description-md5: 2bd024f64244b4a4f31312afcf299c8d Description-gl: core shared data for all KDE Applications This package contains architecture-independent data files needed to run KDE Applications. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdelibs5-dbg Description-md5: 5267f8d9119e5ba93ffb45270c660c6c Description-gl: debugging symbols for the KDE Development Platform libraries This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with binaries included in the KDE Development Platform libraries module. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdelibs5-dev Description-md5: 4143b0754ef485c998c2c10e78ae60ce Description-gl: development files for the KDE Development Platform libraries This package contains development files for building KDE Applications and other software that uses the KDE Development Platform libraries. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdelibs5-plugins Description-md5: 47c4a19af28fe26f79c1626027f99953 Description-gl: Engadidos centrais dos aplicativos de KDE Este paquete contén os engadidos centrais para os aplicativos de KDE empregados polos aplicativos de KDE e polas bibliotecas da plataforma de desenvolvemento de KDE en tempo de execución. Este paquete é necesario para a execución da maiorÃa dos aplicativos de KDE. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdelirc Description-md5: 48669c2cd5e200f2c9d32a66e892535c Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kremotecontrol Este é un paquete transitorio fornecido para facilitar a anovación de kdelirc ao novo kremotecrontol. Pódese retirar con seguranza. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE. Package: kdemultimedia Description-md5: 1b6f5f82798d47eb5566bec679de6584 Description-gl: multimedia applications from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes multimedia applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdemultimedia-dev Description-md5: 76c40bfafeec8a097a60eced95689d78 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para os paquetes de desenvolvemento de multimedia de KDE This transitional package allows one to migrate to kio-audiocd-dev, libkf5cddb-dev, and libkf5compactdisc-dev. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación. Package: kdemultimedia-kio-plugins Description-md5: 37fa4a56aabd1659f9bdb895c572f7eb Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para kio-audiocd Este paquete transitorio permite migrar a kio-audiocd. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación. Package: kdenetwork Description-md5: 5135673c1119282eed011aa33a80313c Description-gl: networking applications from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes networking applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdenetwork-filesharing Description-md5: 91bae062c39ce012d7dd68e9bb8529a5 Description-gl: Módulo de configuración da compartición de ficheiros pola rede Este paquete fornece un panel de Configuración do sistema para configurar a compartición de ficheiros pola rede empregando NFS e Samba. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: kdenetwork-filesharing-dbg Description-md5: 07d9ffb114831d5b2deddb0ea8e798f7 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de kdenetwork-filesharing Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas con kdenetwork-filesharing. Package: kdenlive Description-md5: 4e8f8c02918f6de02fc8e354d08ec99c Description-gl: Editor de vÃdeo non lineal O Kdenlive é unha suite de edición de vÃdeo non lineal que admite DV, HDV e moitos outros formatos. As súas funcionalidades principais son: * GuÃas e marcadores para organizar as liñas temporais * Posibilidade de copiar e pegar fragmentos, efectos e transicións * Cambios en tempo real * Captura con FireWire e Video4Linux * Captura da pantalla * Exportación a calquera formato admitido por FFMPEG Package: kdenlive-data Description-md5: 953e2976abe5604e76e1f57a4433ea09 Description-gl: Editor de vÃdeo non lineal (ficheiros de datos) O Kdenlive é unha suite de edición de vÃdeo non lineal que admite DV, HDV e moitos outros formatos. As súas funcionalidades principais son: * GuÃas e marcadores para organizar as liñas temporais * Posibilidade de copiar e pegar fragmentos, efectos e transicións * Cambios en tempo real * Captura con FireWire e Video4Linux * Captura da pantalla * Exportación a calquera formato admitido por FFMPEG . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do kdenlive. Package: kdenlive-dbg Description-md5: 9e4860a8862368d8cded0f6f389ee2d3 Description-gl: Editor de vÃdeo non lineal (sÃmbolos de depuración) O Kdenlive é unha suite de edición de vÃdeo non lineal que admite DV, HDV e moitos outros formatos. As súas funcionalidades principais son: * GuÃas e marcadores para organizar as liñas temporais * Posibilidade de copiar e pegar fragmentos, efectos e transicións * Cambios en tempo real * Captura con FireWire e Video4Linux * Captura da pantalla * Exportación a calquera formato admitido por FFMPEG . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do kdenlive. Package: kdepasswd Description-md5: b6b10b5a92d4f3a07a74004314c6828f Description-gl: Utilidade gráfica para cambiar contrasinais kdepasswd permite que os usuarios cambien o seu contrasinal, icona de usuario e outra información. Inclúe diversas iconas. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: kdepim-addons Description-md5: d8f289f91688d93a9ada54d9d00a30ef Description-gl: Addons for KDE PIM applications KDE (o Ambiente de Escritorio K) é un potente ambiente de de escritorio gráfico de código aberto para as estacións de traballo Unix. Combina facilidade de uso, funcionalidade contemporánea e un deseño gráfico sobresaÃnte coa superioridade tecnolóxica dos sistemas operativos Unix. . This package includes a collection of extensions for the Personal Information Management (PIM) desktop applications provided with the official release of KDE Applications. Package: kdepim-doc Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: kdepim-runtime Description-md5: 0967d17f860788c8f2abc91821679d4e Description-gl: runtime components for Akonadi KDE This package contains Akonadi agents written using KDE Development Platform libraries. Any package that uses Akonadi should probably pull this in as a dependency. The kres-bridges is also parts of this package. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de tempo de execución de kdepim. Package: kdepimlibs5-dev Description-md5: 7e4a26d39047c8eee45c3e128b152cbf Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para as bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE This package contains development files for building software that uses the KDE Development Platform Personal Information Management libraries. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdesdk Description-md5: 3458551795d538676d8830a27e2d2a88 Description-gl: Software Development Kit from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes software development applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdesdk-kio-plugins Description-md5: 11d9f324a4e6e5c7275b60d94db762c1 Description-gl: Escravos de KIO para acceso transparente a Subversión e á documentación de Perl Este paquete inclúe os engadidos de KIO para svn e svn+ssh, que permite que os aplicativos de KDE naveguen por repositorios remotos de Subversion, e o engadido de KIO para perldoc, que pode ser empregado para navegar pola documentación de Perl desde dentro do Konqueror. . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: kdesdk-scripts Description-md5: 51295d4d9836805ac9fc25b24d162f05 Description-gl: Scripts e ficheiros de datos para os desenvolvemento Este paquete contén scripts e ficheiros de datos para facilitar o desenvolvemento de software para KDE. Tamén se inclúen scripts que non son especÃficos de KDE, como scripts auxiliares para traballar con repositorios de Subversion e de CVS. . Ademais destes scripts, este paquete fornece: - macros de gdb para programar en Qt - ficheiros auxiliares do Vim e do EMACS para programar con Qt/KDE - regras de completado para bash e zsh para os aplicativos de KDE - supresións de erros de Valgrind para os aplicativos de KDE . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: kdesdk-thumbnailers Description-md5: 542b314bd0e401d9d0d30fa1905cc30a Description-gl: kdesdk file format thumbnailers for KDE Contén un engadido para permitir que o software de KDE cree miniaturas dos ficheiros de tradución de Gettext (po). . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: kdesrc-build Description-md5: d13a4ac6299bf1b2aa3ce913c9b1ef3c Description-gl: Ferramenta para construÃr KDE a partir dos repositorios das fontes kdesrc-build fornece unha maneira doada de construÃr KDE descargando a versión de desenvolvemento desde os repositorios e compilándoa. . Antes coñecÃase como kdesvn-build e facÃa parte do módulo do Paquete de Desenvolvemento de Software de KDE. Package: kdesudo Description-md5: 17de09dc898e2306d68d0b67e7d9efd6 Description-gl: Interface de sudo para KDE KdeSudo é unha interface gráfica para a utilidade sudo, que permite que os usuarios executen programas como root (ou outro usuario) dando o contrasinal propio. Package: kdetoys Description-md5: 7e25576d594c58c06b2c27bbad9f4647 Description-gl: desktop toys from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes desktop toys provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdeutils Description-md5: 5c28b07fababef5585d7bd444bbdaaea Description-gl: general-purpose utilities from the official KDE release KDE está producido por un equipo tecnolóxico internacional que crea software libre e de código aberto para o escritorio e dispositivos portátiles. Entre os produtos de KDE están un sistema de escritorio moderno para Linux e as plataformas UNIX, suites de produtividade ofimática e traballo en grupo completas e centos de tÃtulos de software en moitas categorÃas, incluÃndo aplicativos para a Internet e a Rede, multimedia, entretemento, educación, gráficos e desenvolvemento de software. . This metapackage includes general-purpose utilities provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdev-python Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: kdevelop-data Description-md5: 27c6ba68b545181e32202e758dd9c0c9 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para o IDE KDevelop KDevelop is a Free and Open Source integrated development environment (IDE). It provides editing, navigation and debugging features for several programming languages, as well as integration with multiple build systems and version-control systems, using a plugin-based architecture. . Este paquete contén datos independentes da arquitectura para o KDevelop. Package: kdevelop-dev Description-md5: e731bad39cc9c8aa95d86994acef1003 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para o IDE KDevelop KDevelop is a Free and Open Source integrated development environment (IDE). It provides editing, navigation and debugging features for several programming languages, as well as integration with multiple build systems and version-control systems, using a plugin-based architecture. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para o KDevelop. Package: kdevelop-l10n Description-md5: caaaa609bb5cc859cafbbf2baca3944a Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización para o IDE KDevelop KDevelop is a Free and Open Source integrated development environment (IDE). It provides editing, navigation and debugging features for several programming languages, as well as integration with multiple build systems and version-control systems, using a plugin-based architecture. . Este paquete contén as traducións do KDevelop. Package: kdevelop-pg-qt Description-md5: ae78cd0881bbbaf37a02f848cf029565 Description-gl: LL(1) parser generator based on Qt KDevelop-PG-Qt is a parser generator written in readable source-code and generating readable source-code. Its syntax was inspirated by AntLR. It implements the visitor-pattern and uses the Qt library. . Este paquete contén o binario kdev-pg-qt, os ficheiros de desenvolvemento xerados polo xerador de análise do KDevelop e o ficheiro cmake para atopar o analizador. Package: kdevelop-php Description-md5: d91180b50795db82f54deddad643d239 Description-gl: Engadido de PHP para o KDevelop O KDevelop é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para KDE doado de utilizar. Admite unha grande variedade de linguaxes de programación e conta con xestión de proxectos, un editor avanzado, un navegador de clases e un depurador integrado. . This package contains the PHP language support plugin. Package: kdevelop-php-l10n Description-md5: f971132c0aa8a203d997d29254b4f874 Description-gl: localization files for KDevelop PHP plugin The KDevelop-PHP plugin is the language plugin for the PHP language for the KDevelop integrated development environment for KDE. . Este paquete contén as localizacións do engadido de documentación de PHP do KDevelop. Package: kdevelop-python Description-md5: fb61067133e49cf20097c70cdb545f69 Description-gl: Python 3 plugin for KDevelop O KDevelop é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para KDE doado de utilizar. Admite unha grande variedade de linguaxes de programación e conta con xestión de proxectos, un editor avanzado, un navegador de clases e un depurador integrado. . This package contains the Python 3 language support plugin. Package: kdevelop-python-data Description-md5: 62bea8202cdbba59059b6cf7c87bc1a5 Description-gl: Python 3 plugin for KDevelop - data files O KDevelop é un ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para KDE doado de utilizar. Admite unha grande variedade de linguaxes de programación e conta con xestión de proxectos, un editor avanzado, un navegador de clases e un depurador integrado. . This package contains the data files for Python 3 language support plugin. Package: kdevelop52-libs Description-md5: 1721eaaf84e3496ee21aa4d1fedebbc3 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para a plataforma KDevelop This package contains shared libraries needed to run integrated development environments based on the KDevelop platform. . This package is part of the KDevelop platform. Package: kdevplatform10-libs Description-md5: 1721eaaf84e3496ee21aa4d1fedebbc3 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para a plataforma KDevelop This package contains shared libraries needed to run integrated development environments based on the KDevelop platform. . This package is part of the KDevelop platform. Package: kdewallpapers Description-md5: b70015f5771097c4aecf77fc97080b14 Description-gl: transitional package for kdeartwork-wallpapers This is a transitional package for upgrading to kdeartwork-wallpapers. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após as anovación. Package: kdewebdev Description-md5: 1335f2383a57d68af5cf35cc2f4e09ee Description-gl: web development apps from the official KDE release Este metapaquete inclúe unha colección de aplicativos de desenvolvemento web fornecidos coa edición oficial do KDE. Package: kdf Description-md5: 980ba304cd89925b93e1528c3e6d19aa Description-gl: Utilidade de información sobre discos KDiskFree mostra información sobre os discos duros e outros dispositivos de almacenamento, incluÃda a cantidade de espazo libre dispoñÃbel. Tamén pode montar e desmontar dispositivos de almacenamento e velos no xestor de ficheiros. . KwikDisk é unha icona para a bandexa do sistema que fornece un acceso cómodo ás funcionalidades do KDiskFree. . This package is part of the KDE Applications utilities module. Package: kdiamond Description-md5: a7a7c9895d468dee49b6d55654cc85d7 Description-gl: Xogo do Tres en Liña KDiamond is a three-in-a-row game like Bejeweled. It features unlimited fun with randomly generated games and five difficulty levels with varying number of diamond colors and board sizes. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kdiff3 Description-md5: d6325c852ad77d912154a166a888930d Description-gl: Compara e fusiona dous ou tres ficheiros ou directorios KDiff3 compara dous ou tres ficheiros de entrada e mostra as diferenzas liña a liña e carácter a carácter. Fornece unha facilidade de fusión automática e un editor integrado para resolver comodamente os conflitos de fusión. KDiff3 permite tamén a comparación e a fusión recursiva entre directorios. . This is the standard version of KDiff3, highly integrated into KDE. It has got KIO support (allowing for remote access of files and direct access to files in compressed archives) and integration into konqueror's context menu. There's also a stripped-down version called kdiff3-qt not depending on the KDE libraries. Package: kdiff3-doc Description-md5: c920299d24669c2f8ec9afad2dbf4227 Description-gl: Documentación de kdiff3 KDiff3 compara dous ou tres ficheiros de entrada e mostra as diferenzas liña a liña e carácter a carácter. Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: kdiff3-qt Description-md5: 05bbc482564801a71ac1919a5299743d Description-gl: Compara e fusiona dous ou tres ficheiros ou directorios - versión en Qt KDiff3 compara dous ou tres ficheiros de entrada e mostra as diferenzas liña a liña e carácter a carácter. Fornece unha facilidade de fusión automática e un editor integrado para resolver comodamente os conflitos de fusión. KDiff3 permite tamén a comparación e a fusión recursiva entre directorios. . This version of KDiff3 is stripped-down so that it doesn't depend on the KDE libraries. The package "kdiff3" contains the full-featured version of the program. Package: kdocker Description-md5: 750369a5a218f9771127826ecd0a47e6 Description-gl: lets you dock any application into the system tray KDocker axuda a ancorar calquera aplicativo na bandexa do sistema. Isto significa que é posÃbel ancorar openoffice, xmms, firefox, thunderbird, calquera cousa! Simplemente hai que escoller e premer. Funciona con todos os xestores de xanelas que cumpran con NET WM - e isto inclúe KDE, GNOME, Xfce, Fluxbox e moitos máis. Package: kdoctools Description-md5: 238d6e603fc4c3e7e34babe8e5e78683 Description-gl: various tools for accessing application documentation This package provides KDE documentation tools (including the "help" KIO slave) for accessing documentation of KDE and GNOME applications. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: kdoctools-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: keepass2 Description-md5: e0f163e68e620c6be9c7b15ffee31fe6 Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile devices. You can store your passwords in highly-encrypted databases, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a key file. A database consists of only one file that can be transferred from one computer to another easily. KeePass can import data from various file formats. The password list can be exported to various formats, including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files. Package: keepass2-doc Description-md5: 944f2f1d580a843a46c7b13e273c8aea Description-gl: Password manager - Documentation KeePass is a easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile devices. You can store your passwords in highly-encrypted databases, which can only be unlocked with one master password and/or a key file. A database consists of only one file that can be transferred from one computer to another easily. KeePass can import data from various file formats. The password list can be exported to various formats, including TXT, HTML, XML and CSV files. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: keepassx Description-md5: ff70b1419a5324195726f466b43aff3a Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais multiplataforma KeePassX is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the algorithms AES or Twofish. Package: keepassxc Description-md5: 9da775bbf40dfe0f2f9d7cc82d8b5745 Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais multiplataforma KeePassXC is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the algorithms AES or Twofish. Package: kepas Description-md5: 83b097a7e9bbed717932acd9595fe00d Description-gl: KDE Easy Publish and Share - Tray icon Kepas is a zeroconf KDE filetransfer tool. It discovers your local LAN for buddies (KDNSSD) and Kopete ICQ contacts and lets you transfer files or Klipper entries from a trayicon or via drag'n drop with the Kepas Plasma widget. . Este paquete contén a icona da bandexa de Kepas Package: kerneloops-applet Description-md5: f639095bb749184bcc551bb602f55505 Description-gl: Applet para o rastrexador de kernel oops The kerneloops applet allows the kerneloops crash reporting utility to ask a desktop user for permission before submitting an oops report to the website. Package: keymon Description-md5: 89b00f6003df863feebcc8a672a39e61 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para key-mon Este é un paquete transitorio para key-mon e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após de ter completada a instalación. Package: kf5-kdepim-apps-libs-data Description-md5: 72d076d9a5285d419f068568ca670d52 Description-gl: KDE PIM mail related libraries, data files Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: kffmpegthumbnailer Description-md5: 97a62f745ee7b356fb3a87337e4c1d69 Description-gl: Xerador de miniaturas para KDE kffmpegthumbnailer is a video thumbnailer based on ffmpegthumbnailer. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files. Package: kfloppy Description-md5: a5ae51d064a8ea2ef741c114b35aea33 Description-gl: Formatador de disquetes Kfloppy is a utility for formatting floppy disks. . This package is part of the KDE applications utilities module. Package: kfourinline Description-md5: 04930c4bdd44e4bfc231be2688c1cb82 Description-gl: Connect Four game KFourInLine is a game where two players take turns dropping pieces into a grid, the winner being the first to place four pieces in a line. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kgb-bot Description-md5: 241894f016c3ee07fd70908bf034b115 Description-gl: Bot de colaboración en IRC KGB is an IRC bot, helping people work together by notifying an IRC channel when a commit occurs. . It supports multiple repositories/IRC channels and is fully configurable. . This package contains the server-side daemon, kgb-bot, which is responsible for relaying commit notifications to IRC. Package: kgeography Description-md5: ab96915329fb5430070bb65ac11089d2 Description-gl: geography learning aid for KDE KGeography is an aid for learning about world geography. You can use it to explore a map, show information about regions and features, and play quiz games to test your geography knowledge. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kgeography-data Description-md5: a26284dc4f2086494f9ea360b04b5078 Description-gl: data files for KGeography This package contains architecture-independent data files for the KGeography geography learning tool, including maps, capitals, and flags. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kget Description-md5: 7738895dc8ec87ede010b479a0dda8c2 Description-gl: Xestor de descargas KGet is an advanced download manager with support for Metalink and Bittorrent. Downloads are added to the list, where they can be paused, queued, or scheduled for later. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: kgoldrunner Description-md5: 33626a4b0e5279fceb3606df145ea2da Description-gl: Lode Runner arcade game KGoldrunner is a fast-paced platform game where the player must navigate a maze while collecting gold nuggets and avoiding enemies. A variety of level packs are included, as well as an editor to create new levels. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kgpg Description-md5: c2c30394bb363998b52a8fcc2caeb33c Description-gl: graphical front end for GNU Privacy Guard Kgpg manages cryptographic keys for the GNU Privacy Guard, and can encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify files. It features a simple editor for applying cryptography to short pieces of text, and can also quickly apply cryptography to the contents of the clipboard. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE. Package: kgrab Description-md5: f33bd9299f82c62381fd54f92d5bf881 Description-gl: Utilidade de captura de pantalla para KDE 4 KGrab is a fork from the KSnapshot utility in KDE 4 that provides more functions such as printing as well as a standard menu. Package: khangman Description-md5: 883df9cd292189211b45eea83e206893 Description-gl: Hangman word puzzle KHangMan is the well-known Hangman game, aimed towards children aged 6 and above. . It picks a random word which the player must reveal by guessing if it contains certain letters. As the player guesses letters, the word is gradually revealed, but 10 wrong guesses will end the game. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: khelpcenter4 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: khmerconverter Description-md5: 6560d1c40bcc5a6374e5dbb1a98f836e Description-gl: converts between legacy Khmer encodings and Unicode khmerconverter converts files between Unicode and the legacy Khmer encodings based on fonts using the ASCII/ANSI range. . It currently supports plain text files, OpenDocument files (ODT) and HTML files encoded with UTF-8 and the ABC, ABC-ZWSP, Baidok, Fk, Khek, Limon and Truth legacy Khmer fonts. . Please install python-tk and tix to use the graphical interface (GUI). . Páxina web: Package: khotkeys Description-md5: 141d2a57d637fe441636e6796c3a3fda Description-gl: configure input actions settings Configure input actions settings in Plasma. . KHotKeys is part of the KDE Plasma desktop. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: khotkeys-dev Description-md5: c43df95dc05e2c5ce44de6bc6cdd3fe4 Description-gl: configure input actions settings Configure input actions settings in Plasma. . KHotKeys is part of the KDE Plasma desktop. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: kid3-qt Description-md5: 52a49b112f13e5cbce87154ee93c25c9 Description-gl: Editor de etiquetas de son With Kid3, an audio tag editor you can: * Edit ID3v1.1 tags in your MP3 files * Edit all ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 frames in your MP3 files * Convert between ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags * Edit tags in MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, Opus, DSF, FLAC, MPC, APE, MP4/AAC, MP2, Speex, TrueAudio, WavPack, WMA, WAV, AIFF files and tracker modules. * Edit tags of multiple files, e.g. the artist, album, year and genre of all files of an album typically have the same values and can be set together * Generate tags from filenames * Generate tags from the contents of tag fields * Generate filenames from tags * Generate playlist files * Automatic case conversion and string translation * Import and export album data * Import from,, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Amazon . This package does not use KDE libraries, if you use KDE you should use kid3. Package: kig Description-md5: 6a035f5ea4965efa48268a92ec5c6b16 Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva de xeometrÃa O Kig é un aplicativo para a construción xeométrica interactiva que permite que os estudantes debuxen e exploren figuras matemáticas e conceptos utilizando o computador. . O Kig admite macros e pódense escribir scripts en Python. Pode importar e exportar ficheiros en diversos formatos, incluÃdos SVG, Cabri, Dr. Geo, KGeo, KSeg e XFig. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kigo Description-md5: b46b9d581240396c44b4b3ea053aded7 Description-gl: go game Kigo is an open-source implementation of the popular Go game. Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is also known as igo (Japanese), weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese) or baduk (Korean). Go is noted for being rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules. The game is played by two players who alternately place black and white stones (playing pieces, now usually made of glass or plastic) on the vacant intersections of a grid of 19x19 lines (9x9 or 13x13 for easier games). . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kile Description-md5: 1e21a143c02848058a223dd9bc6c539f Description-gl: Ambiente de LaTeX integrado en KDE O Kile é un editor de fonte de LaTeX amigábel e unha consola de TeX para KDE. . O editor da fonte é un editor de varios documentos deseñado para ficheiros .tex e .bib. Conta con menús, asistentes e completado automático para axudar coa inserción de etiquetas e a xeración do código. Unha vista estrutural do documento axuda coa navegación dentro dos ficheiros fonte. . A consola para TeX integra as diversas ferramentas requiridas para o procesamento de TeX. Axuda coa compilación de LaTeX, a visualización de documentos DVI e postscript, a xeración de bibliografÃas e Ãndices e outras tarefas frecuentes. . O Kile admite proxectos grandes que consistan en varios ficheiros máis pequenos. Package: kile-doc Description-md5: de9b31cbff23f1b50b03d293f8b251ba Description-gl: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (documentation) O Kile é un editor de fonte de LaTeX amigábel e unha consola de TeX para KDE. . O editor da fonte é un editor de varios documentos deseñado para ficheiros .tex e .bib. Conta con menús, asistentes e completado automático para axudar coa inserción de etiquetas e a xeración do código. Unha vista estrutural do documento axuda coa navegación dentro dos ficheiros fonte. . Este paquete contén a documentación do Kile. Package: kile-l10n Description-md5: ea722b15e0ad5095d0d311f0d303e14b Description-gl: KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment (localization) O Kile é un editor de fonte de LaTeX amigábel e unha consola de TeX para KDE. . O editor da fonte é un editor de varios documentos deseñado para ficheiros .tex e .bib. Conta con menús, asistentes e completado automático para axudar coa inserción de etiquetas e a xeración do código. Unha vista estrutural do documento axuda coa navegación dentro dos ficheiros fonte. . Este paquete contén as traducións do Kile. Package: killbots Description-md5: 3ef2c99318ecfb1d9e5d3d2dfe41edb1 Description-gl: port of the classic BSD console game robots killbots is a simple game of evading killer robots. The robots are numerous and their sole objective is to destroy you. Fortunately for you, their creator has focused on quantity rather than quality and as a result the robots are severely lacking in intelligence. Your superior wit and a fancy teleportation device are your only weapons against the never-ending stream of mindless automatons. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kimagemapeditor Description-md5: 210b1221fa97d21968b2ec7d02114d9d Description-gl: Editor de mapas de imaxes en HTML KImageMapEditor is a tool that allows you to edit image maps in HTML files. As well as providing a standalone application, KImageMapEditor makes itself available as a KPart for embedding into larger applications. . This package is part of KDE web development module. Package: king Description-md5: 7ba47377026d7ceb080b8a0c7ef37af2 Description-gl: Sistema interactivo para gráficos vectoriais tridimensionais KiNG (Kinemage, Next Generation) is an interactive system for three- dimensional vector graphics. It supports a set of graphics primitives that make it suitable for many types of graphs, plots, and other illustrations; although its first use was to display macromolecular structures for biophysical research. KiNG builds on Mage, JavaMage, and the "kinemage" (kinetic image) concept to deliver a full-featured Java application with a user-friendly interface and integrated editing features. The KiNG jar file can be used within a web page as a Java applet or Java object to promote easy access to kinemages or coordinate files from a web browser. Package: kinit Description-md5: 597bc846f516146d5a2d0f6d47ede49b Description-gl: Iniciador de procesos para acelerar o inicio dos aplicativos de KDE kdeinit é un iniciador de procesos cun certo parecido ao famoso init empregado para arrancar UNIX. . It launches processes by forking and then loading a dynamic library which should contain a 'kdemain(...)' function. . Using kdeinit to launch KDE applications makes starting a typical KDE applications 2.5 times faster (100ms instead of 250ms on a P-III 500) It reduces memory consumption by approx. 350Kb per application. Package: kinit-dev Description-md5: 1e9fbe33a21a421c70b8a94bcf094a46 Description-gl: Iniciador de procesos para acelerar o inicio dos aplicativos de KDE kdeinit é un iniciador de procesos cun certo parecido ao famoso init empregado para arrancar UNIX. . It launches processes by forking and then loading a dynamic library which should contain a 'kdemain(...)' function. . Using kdeinit to launch KDE applications makes starting a typical KDE applications 2.5 times faster (100ms instead of 250ms on a P-III 500) It reduces memory consumption by approx. 350Kb per application. . Contains development files for kinit. Package: kino Description-md5: 951da919db2265cdb476b97ff402ccfe Description-gl: Editor non lineal para datos de vÃdeo dixital Kino permite gravar, crear, editar e reproducir pelÃculas gravadas con videocámaras DV. este programa emprega moitas ordes de teclado para navegar e editar as pelÃculas rapidamente. . Os conxuntos de engadidos kino-timfx, kino-dvtitler e kinoplus, distribuÃdos anteriormente como paquetes separados, son fornecidos agora xunto con Kino. Package: kio-audiocd Description-md5: e9ab40373b04e5938ad81ef6c5496aec Description-gl: Acceso transparente a CD de son para aplicativos que empreguen a Plataforma KDE This package includes the audiocd KIO plugin, which allows applications using the KDE Platform to read audio from CDs and automatically convert it into other formats. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: kio-audiocd-dev Description-md5: ae68fc564df5ac9344e9c7142ad8785c Description-gl: development files for the audio CD KIO plugin This package contains development files for building plugins for the audio CD KIO plugin. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: kio-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: kio-extras Description-md5: 402f4c775440f5c31b8d0e32ed88bf21 Description-gl: Extra functionality for kioslaves. A kioslave is a plugin designed to be intimately familiar with a certain protocol, so that a standardized interface can be used to get at data from any number of places. A few examples are the http and ftp kioslaves, which using nearly identical methods will retrieve data from an http or ftp server respectively. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: kio-extras-data Description-md5: 7f7e03666171d141f6c8e18751f2e2e0 Description-gl: Extra functionality for kioslaves data files. A kioslave is a plugin designed to be intimately familiar with a certain protocol, so that a standardized interface can be used to get at data from any number of places. A few examples are the http and ftp kioslaves, which using nearly identical methods will retrieve data from an http or ftp server respectively. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos Package: kio-ldap Description-md5: 2da9b289f5e9b1c8e81a48c7e8e72599 Description-gl: Biblioteca para acceder a LDAP - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Esta é unha biblioteca para acceder a LDAP cunha API cómoda en C++ no estilo Qt. LDAP (Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios) é un protocolo de aplicativos para consultar e modificar servizos de directorio que se executen sobre TCP/IP. . This package contains the KIO slave. Package: kio-sieve Description-md5: 6e7ea7d76dd6a2dca03e1430c524dc2c Description-gl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, development files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . This package contains the kio slave for ksieve . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: kipi-plugins Description-md5: 5f587e970b3829903f56115bb024aa08 Description-gl: Engadidos para a manipulación/xestión de imaxes para programas que empreguen KIPI Os engadidos de KIPI (Interface de Engadidos para Imaxes de KDE) é un esforzo para desenvolver unha estrutura de engadidos común para digiKam, KPhotoAlbum (coñecido anteriormente como KimDaBa), Showimg e Gwenview. O seu obxectivo é compartir os engadidos para imaxes entre os aplicativos gráficos. Package: kipi-plugins-common Description-md5: c7b1a73345b3e1558b9969f82fd58dba Description-gl: Datos de kipi-plugins independentes da arquitectura Os engadidos de KIPI (Interface de Engadidos para Imaxes de KDE) é un esforzo para desenvolver unha estrutura de engadidos común para digiKam, KPhotoAlbum (coñecido anteriormente como KimDaBa), Showimg e Gwenview. O seu obxectivo é compartir os engadidos para imaxes entre os aplicativos gráficos. . Os datos independentes da arquitectura necesarios para o paquete kipi- plugins. Package: kirigami2-dev Description-md5: b910e85804091d253182bf6ccdb51afc Description-gl: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: kiriki Description-md5: 909ab174f5d87189fa9d56e23d3c13f9 Description-gl: Xogo de dados Yahtzee Kiriki is a dice game for up to six players, where each player rolls five dice to make combinations with the highest score. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kiten Description-md5: adb422fc02eb8cae6c36e0b48c08fa67 Description-gl: Japanese reference and study aid for KDE Kiten is a collection of Japanese reference tools and study aids for KDE, including a Japanese/English dictionary, Kanji dictionary, and Kanji quiz. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kitsune Description-md5: 7ff38bdbd645fd0e5bea1bed85d9eca4 Description-gl: Program to solve mathematical problems Kitsune is a software aiming at solving digit problems of a famous television game show called "Countdown" in England and "Les chiffres et les lettres" in France. . It allows you to solve a problem of your choice or to train yourself with random problems. Facing a problem, Kitsune will find all the different solutions. If the problem is not solvable, it will put up the best approximations. . Sitio web: Package: kjots Description-md5: a28f2a97617e027ae6e65bd89ba46557 Description-gl: note-taking utility Kjots is a notebook utility that organizes notes using groups of pages. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: kjumpingcube Description-md5: 3d24124215f3df7b039c8e1cf3c2105d Description-gl: simple tactical game KJumpingcube is a simple tactical game for one or two players, played on a grid of numbered squares. Each turn, players compete for control of the board by capturing or adding to one square. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: klash Description-md5: 22493df7e52c6f3d91f549bb1ab36663 Description-gl: Reprodutor de GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) - Reprodutor autónomo para KDE GNU Gnash is a free GPL'd SWF player. It runs as a standalone application on either the desktop or embedded devices, or may be used as a plugin for several popular browsers. It supports playing media from a disk or streaming over a network connection. . GNU Gnash is based on GameSWF and supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9. SWF v10 is not supported by GNU Gnash. . Included in the Gnash is an XML based messaging system, as specified in the SWF specification. This lets a SWF animation communicate over a TCP/IP socket, and parse the incoming XML message. This lets an animation be a remote control for other devices or applications. . Klash is a free standalone SWF movie player for KDE that use AGG as the rendering backend. Package: klash-opengl Description-md5: a0dae63250ff438c2a9e7620f4d346c2 Description-gl: dummy package for klash-opengl removal This package is a transitional package for klash-opengl removal. . Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando klash estea instalado. Package: klaus Description-md5: 54a8a1fbe9e4d4e13d1cf6badd60f2a1 Description-gl: simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer Funcionalidades: . * Easy to set up -- almost no configuration required * Syntax highlighting * Git Smart HTTP support . This package contains the command-line server. Package: klavaro Description-md5: 64ab31481e16002f2638d6475c04f7ba Description-gl: Flexible touch typing tutor O Klavaro é un simple titor que ensina a escribir correctamente nun teclado, case independentemente do idioma e que é moi flexÃbel en relación coas disposicións de teclado novas ou descoñecidas. . As súas caracterÃsticas máis relevantes son: * Internacionalización * Preparado para empregar disposicións de teclado * Editor da disposición do teclado * Curso básico * Exercicios de adaptabilidade, velocidade e fluidez * Gráficos coa evolución. Package: klettres Description-md5: 78ccf87b022629ab130806107e8090a1 Description-gl: foreign alphabet tutor for KDE KLettres is an aid for learning how to read and pronounce the alphabet of a foreign language. . Seven languages are currently available: Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Italian and Slovak. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: klettres-data Description-md5: de3963ca2a75ca8b88c681b5626efdf7 Description-gl: data files for KLettres foreign alphabet tutor This package contains architecture-independent data files for KLettres, the foreign alphabet tutor for KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: klickety Description-md5: 76a3acd28264e1e614c740d4ee925092 Description-gl: SameGame puzzle game Klickety is a puzzle game where the player removes groups of colored marbles to clear the board. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: klines Description-md5: a63b56e6f3908159d302a9513ea2e0f3 Description-gl: color lines game KLines is a single-player game where the player removes colored balls from the board by arranging them into lines of five or more. However, every time the player moves a ball, three more balls are added to the board. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: klone Description-md5: 1a769d48d8ef6cbcbb809a432c836de4 Description-gl: embedded web application development framework This package contains KLone's source code, to be used to build custom kloned servers. . KLone is a fully-featured, multiplatform, web application development framework, targeted especially for embedded systems and appliances. . É unha solución contida en si mesma que inclúe un servidor web e un SDK para crear sitios da WWW con contido estático ou dinámico. Para empregar o KLone non hai ningunha necesidade de ningún compoñente adicional, nen o servidor de HTTP/S (p.ex. Apache, Netscape, Roxen) nen o tÃpico motor de páxinas activas (PHP, Perl, ASP, Python). . O KLone faino todo, e faito rápido e con pouco. . KLone blends the HTTP/S server application together with its content and configuration into a single executable file. The site developer writes his/her dynamic pages in C/C++ (in usual scripting style: <% /* code */ %>) and uses KLone to transform them into embeddable, compressed native code with the native C/C++ compiler. The result is then linked to the HTTP/S server skeleton to obtain one single, ROM-able, binary file. This means that he/she can get: - easy, complete and unfiltered interaction with the host operating system - dynamic pages in native compiled code, which in turn implies - fast execution and - small overall application footprint - all of this without giving up the common functionality of web application frameworks such as sessions, parsing of form variables, cookies, etc Package: kluppe Description-md5: 2316fc95bf964f3f793e4093212f20ad Description-gl: loop-player and recorder designed for live use kluppe está escrito en c e emprega jack, gtk e sndfile. As súas funcionalidades inclúen: . - multiple files buffers, multiple 'loopers' tracks - direct (gui) access to all loopers - combined and per loop output ports for jack - different playmodes including "granular" . kluppe is the austrian word for clip and sounds even crazier if you loop it. Package: kmag Description-md5: 82b2b2330ccc170b76cf2d94b9074560 Description-gl: screen magnifier tool KDE's screen magnifier tool. . You can use KMagnifier to magnify a part of the screen just as you would use a lens to magnify a newspaper fine-print or a photograph. This application is useful for a variety of people: from researchers to artists to web-designers to people with low vision. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: kmahjongg Description-md5: 12f781dcbd48844eb36d5526820d3e10 Description-gl: Xogo do solitario mahjongg O KMahjongg é un xogo do solitario no que un xogador retira as pezas do Mahjongg emparelladas para asà limpar o taboleiro. Inclúense varias disposicións de pezas, asà como un editor para crear disposicións novas. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kmail Description-md5: 7e9f7dd16d96dafd4aa21a1d9738d2d9 Description-gl: Cliente de correo gráfico con todas as funcionalidades KMail supports multiple accounts, mail filtering and email encryption. The program let you configure your workflow and it has good integration into KDE (Plasma Desktop) but is also useable with other Desktop Envionments. Package: kmenuedit Description-md5: 12bafba27a1d36d24d639d2ecde64ce5 Description-gl: Editor de menús XDG Este paquete fornece un editor de menús que pode ser empregado para editar o menú dos espazos de traballo Plasma de KDE ou calquera outro menú de XDG. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: kmetronome Description-md5: 12984a6bee205c9527d4e2906cf2aeaf Description-gl: Metrónomo MIDI para ALSA KMetronome é un metrónomo baseado en MIDI que emprega o secuenciador ALSA. . O público agardado son os músicos e os estudantes de música. Como os metrónomos sólidos, reais, é unha ferramenta para manter o ritmo mentres se toca un instrumento musical. . Emprega MIDI para a xeración de son en troques de son dixital, o que permite un uso baixo da CPU e un tempo moi exacto grazas ao secuenciador de ALSA Package: kmfl-keyboards-mywin Description-md5: 4666b1744427f44bcf19c45f40e2133d Description-gl: myWin Myanmar (Burmese) Unicode Keyboard This implements a smart keyboard for Myanmar/Burmese using SCIM and KMFL. It performs sequence checking and reordering to ensure that the text is conformant to Unicode Technical Note 11. This keyboard supports the changes in Unicode 5.1.0. . Este software foi escrito e empaqueteado por Keith Stribley. Package: kmidimon Description-md5: 03808a7b36e498927b3ed952b59993da Description-gl: Monitor de MIDI que emprega o secuenciador ALSA e a interface de usuario KDE O KMidimon pode vixiar un fluxo de datos de MIDI para diagnosticar un equipo que funcione mal ou examinar o contido dunha secuencia de MIDI durante a reprodución. Package: kmines Description-md5: f4aac15b7955ee792cb50cfd41f5349b Description-gl: Xogo do buscaminas O KMines é un xogo no que o xogador atopa minas agochadas sen as activar. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kmix Description-md5: c2f995bbd12865838605a7d5c1050b03 Description-gl: Control de volume e mesturador O KMix é un mesturador de dispositivos de son co que e pode axustar o volume,seleccionar entradas para gravación e configurar outras opcións do hardware. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: kmldonkey Description-md5: c875a1efa5a222af9385cba8255c2774 Description-gl: O KMLDonkey é unha interface gráfica avanzada para o núcleo de P2P de MLDonkey. KMLDonkey helps integrate the MLDonkey P2P software into KDE. It provides a replacement GUI using the KDE framework, ED2K link handling in Konqueror, a Control Centre module for configuring MLDonkey and client connectivity, and a panel applet for Kicker that displays MLDonkey status and can launch the GUI on demand. Package: kmousetool Description-md5: ed1cb0185a00a221eacad2de20b93c54 Description-gl: mouse manipulation tool for the disabled O KMouseTool preme o rato sempre que o cursor do rato parar brevemente. Foi deseñado para axudar as persoas con problemas crónicos de desgaste, para quen premer botóns magoa. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: kmouth Description-md5: 8a07ec1d4353d2840db82251413eeb71 Description-gl: Interface para escribir e ler para sintetizadores de voz Interface para escribir e ler para sintetizadores de voz de KDE. . Inclúe un historial de oracións faladas de entre as que o usuario pode escoller oracións para ler de novo. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: kmouth-dbg Description-md5: 7790a609c037bdb81797bda4f880c74e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do kmouth Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do kmouth. Úsase para poder incluÃr trazados inversos axeitados no caso de posÃbeis fallos ou para executar o kmouth en gdb ou valgrind para obter saÃdas que teñan sentido . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de accesibilidade do KDE. Package: kmplayer Description-md5: 01e56946ed4b5eeb6fbdd3f6170b569a Description-gl: Reprodutor multimedia para KDE O KMPlayer é unha interface sinxela para MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon. . Algunhas funcionalidades: * reproducir pelÃculas en DVD/VC (desde un ficheiro ou un URL e desde unha unidade de disco) * incorporarse dentro do konqueror (a pelÃcula reprodúcese dentro do konqueror) * incorporarse dentro de khtml (a pelÃcula reprodúcese dentro dunha páxina en html) * gravación de pelÃculas empregando mencoder (parte do paquete mplayer) * non hai vÃdeo durante a gravación, mais é posÃbel abrir unha xanela nova e reproducilo) * Retransmisión, retransmisión por http, empregando ffserver/ffmpeg * Para as fontes de televisión fai falta v4lctl (parte do paquete xawtv) Package: kmplot Description-md5: 89122cf790f7456ae9d01a49d14e6d04 Description-gl: Representación de funcións matemáticas para KDE KmPlot is a powerful mathematical plotter KDE, capable of plotting multiple functions simultaneously and combining them into new functions. . Cartesian, parametric, and differential functions are supported, as well as functions using polar coordinates. Plots are printed with high precision at the correct aspect ratio. . KmPlot also provides numerical and visual features such as filling and calculating the area between the plot and the first axis, finding maxima and minima, changing function parameters dynamically, and plotting derivatives and integral functions. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kmymoney Description-md5: 49de8a9f7525de7bb25a7171b3e764a1 Description-gl: personal finance manager for KDE O KMyMoney é o xestor de finanzas persoais para KDE. Funciona de maneira semellante a MS-Money e Quicken, admite diferentes tipos de contas, categorización dos gastos, importación/exportación a QIF, varias moedas e os principios de compatibilidade coa banca na rede. Package: kmymoney-common Description-md5: 31bd7293497ef7f025bc3697e844770a Description-gl: Ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para KMyMoney O KMyMoney é o xestor de finanzas persoais para KDE. Funciona de maneira semellante a MS-Money e Quicken, admite diferentes tipos de contas, categorización dos gastos, importación/exportación a QIF, varias moedas e os principios de compatibilidade coa banca na rede. . Este paquete contén ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para que o KMyMoney se execute axeitadamente. Tamén fornece a documentación do KMyMoney. Polo tanto, a non ser que teña o paquete «kmymoney» instalado, este paquete non lle vai resultar moi útil. Package: kmymoney-dev Description-md5: 9099c697a5a944ba412ddc174099c717 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do KMyMoney O KMyMoney é o xestor de finanzas persoais para KDE. Funciona de maneira semellante a MS-Money e Quicken, admite diferentes tipos de contas, categorización dos gastos, importación/exportación a QIF, varias moedas e os principios de compatibilidade coa banca na rede. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para os engadidos do KMyMoney. Package: knavalbattle Description-md5: e05a96c085fd880357c694dbfe578365 Description-gl: battleship board game KNavalbattle is an implementation of the Battleship game, where two players take turns firing at the opponent's ships by guessing their coordinates. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: knetwalk Description-md5: 931a61d4f665efef9e18e201538ce5de Description-gl: wire puzzle game KNetwalk is a puzzle game where the player arranges sections of wire to connect all the computers on the board. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: knode Description-md5: 020bbd662698a554e7d287d285fde249 Description-gl: graphical news reader KNode is an easy-to-use, convenient newsreader. It is intended to be usable by inexperienced users, but also includes support for such features as MIME attachments, article scoring, and creating and verifying GnuPG signatures. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: knot-dnsutils Description-md5: ec5da5ec140799142895955ceeeaeb40 Description-gl: Clientes fornecidos con Knot DNS (kdig, knslookup, knsupdate) Knot DNS is a fast, authoritative only, high performance, feature full and open source name server. . Knot DNS is developed by CZ.NIC Labs, the R&D department of .CZ registry and hence is well suited to run anything from the root zone, the top-level domain, to many smaller standard domain names. . This package delivers various client programs related to DNS that are derived from the Knot DNS source tree. . - [k]dig - query the DNS in various ways - [k]nsupdate - perform dynamic updates (See RFC2136) . Those clients were designed to be 1:1 compatible with BIND dnsutils, but they provide some enhancements, which are documented in respective manpages. . WARNING: [k]nslookup is not provided as it is considered obsolete. Package: knot-doc Description-md5: 5bedd500c01b25cda3559c2f4ce46b9a Description-gl: Documentación de Knot DNS Knot DNS is a fast, authoritative only, high performance, feature full and open source name server. . Knot DNS is developed by CZ.NIC Labs, the R&D department of .CZ registry and hence is well suited to run anything from the root zone, the top-level domain, to many smaller standard domain names. . This package provides various documents that are useful for maintaining a working Knot DNS installation. Package: kobodeluxe Description-md5: c70b6a71d5193cdd85e63dabdbeb5858 Description-gl: Xogo de batallas espaciais Kobo Deluxe is a third person scrolling 2D shooter with a simple and responsive control system - which you'll need to tackle the tons of enemy ships that shoot at you, chase you, circle around you shooting, or even launch other ships at you, while you're trying to destroy the labyrinth shaped bases. There are 50 action packed levels with smoothly increasing difficulty, and different combinations of enemies that require different tactics to be dealt with successfully. It's loads of classical arcade style fun. Package: kobodeluxe-data Description-md5: 15f547fdfcc2114efa8e85505de71f0d Description-gl: Xogo de batallas espaciais -- datos compartidos Kobo Deluxe is a third person scrolling 2D shooter. There are 50 action packed levels with smoothly increasing difficulty, and different combinations of enemies that require different tactics to be dealt with successfully. It's loads of classical arcade style fun. . This package contains architecture-independent data for kobodeluxe. Package: kolf Description-md5: ad1691e3fb92933dae4c507d210567d6 Description-gl: Xogo do golf en miniatura O Kolf é un xogo do golf en miniatura para entre un e dez xogadores. Inclúense varios campos, asà como un editor para crear outros novos. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kollision Description-md5: b9cf0fbc55ba66358c7e751aab29d489 Description-gl: simple ball dodging game In Kollision you use mouse to control a small blue ball in a closed space environment filled with small red balls, which move about chaotically. Your goal is to avoid touching any of those red balls with your blue one, because the moment you do the game will be over. The longer you can stay in game the higher will your score be. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kolourpaint Description-md5: ac26f3b7021598dc7d2e4dc8d0814b4d Description-gl: simple image editor and drawing application O KolourPaint é un aplicativo simple de debuxo e edición de imaxes para KDE 4. Pretende ser doado de utilizar e fornecer un nivel de funcionalidade orientado ao usuario medio. É ideal para tarefas comúns como debuxar gráficos simples e retocar fotos. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: kolourpaint4 Description-md5: a9fce7079b21232dca68ff2b3eb25ad6 Description-gl: Kolourpaint - transitional dummy package O KolourPaint é un aplicativo simple de debuxo e edición de imaxes para KDE 4. Pretende ser doado de utilizar e fornecer un nivel de funcionalidade orientado ao usuario medio. É ideal para tarefas comúns como debuxar gráficos simples e retocar fotos. . This package is a dummy package to make the upgrade to 'kolourpaint' easier for package managers, it can be safely removed after upgrading. Package: komparator Description-md5: 61c074cc34b757e282d18a2771e008e5 Description-gl: Comparador de directorios para KDE Komparator is an application that searches and synchronizes two directories. It discovers duplicate, newer or missing files and empty folders. It works on local and network or kioslave protocol folders. Package: kompare Description-md5: 69bf0f67fe774e695a6dd64599c06072 Description-gl: Visor de diferenzas entre ficheiros Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge patch files. . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: konfont Description-md5: 56b2013d7b169650e9644e3ace4e8638 Description-gl: Tipos de letra xaponesas no dominio público para KON2 This package is public domain japanese fonts customized for kon2 Japanese console package. Package: konq-plugins Description-md5: 6ef4213296669a674bad452501d6e65c Description-gl: Engadidos para Konqueror, o navegador de ficheiros/web/documentos de KDE This package contains a variety of useful plugins for Konqueror, the file manager, web browser and document viewer for KDE. Many of these plugins will appear in Konqueror's Tools menu. . Web navigation plugins: - Akregator feed icon: allows one to add a feed to Akregator from Konqueror - Auto Refresh: refresh a webpage at a given rate - Bookmarklets: enables the use of bookmarklets, bookmarks containing JavaScript code - Document Relations: displays the document relations of a document - DOM Tree Viewer: view the DOM tree of the current page - KHTML Settings: fast way to change the JavaScript/images/cookies settings - Microformat Icon: displays an icon in the statusbar if the page contains a microformat - Search Bar: launches web searches from the Konqueror's toolbar - Translate: language translation for the current page using Babelfish - UserAgent Changer: quick switch of the UserAgent used for the current site - Website Validators: CSS and HTML validation tools - Web Archiver: creates archives of websites - Crash manager: restores your opened tabs if Konqueror crashes (disabled by default as Konqueror has this feature builtin) . File management plugins: - Image Gallery: an easy way to generate a HTML image gallery - File Size View (kpart): a proportional view of directories and files based on file size - Transform Image (service menu): rotate and flip images - Convert To (service menu): convert and image to another format - Directory Filter (dolphin): filter directory views . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: konqueror Description-md5: 380ac71ee28aebaea27c8d3f2b37b14e Description-gl: advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer O Konqueror é o navegador web e xestor avanzado de ficheiros de KDE. . O Konqueror é un navegador web que cumpre os estándares e acepta HTML 4.0.1, Java, JavaScript, CSS3 o os engadidos do Netscape, como Flash. . Admite a xestión de ficheiros avanzada en sistemas de ficheiros UNIX locais, con vistas flexÃbeis, transparencia de rede e visitión de ficheiros incorporada. . É o lenzo para moitas tecnoloxÃas de KDE, desde o acceso remoto a ficheiros mediante KIO á incorporación de compoñentes mediante a interface de obxectos KParts, facendo del un dos aplicativos máis personalizábeis que existen. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: konqueror-nsplugins Description-md5: ebeb0d9c86a184869ae842bf43d47a43 Description-gl: Compatibilidade con Netscape para o Konqueror O Konqueror é o navegador web e xestor avanzado de ficheiros de KDE. . Este paquete fornece un compoñente de KDE para activar o emprego de engadidos de navegador de Netscape/Mozilla/etc. (como o Flash da Adobe) no Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: konqueror-plugin-gnash Description-md5: fc676388af3df65740031109eea3fe12 Description-gl: Reprodutor de GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) - Reprodutor para o Konqueror GNU Gnash is a free GPL'd SWF player. It runs as a standalone application on either the desktop or embedded devices, or may be used as a plugin for several popular browsers. It supports playing media from a disk or streaming over a network connection. . GNU Gnash is based on GameSWF and supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9. SWF v10 is not supported by GNU Gnash. . Included in the Gnash is an XML based messaging system, as specified in the SWF specification. This lets a SWF animation communicate over a TCP/IP socket, and parse the incoming XML message. This lets an animation be a remote control for other devices or applications. . Este paquete inclúe o engadido para o Konqueror. Package: konquest Description-md5: 9cb33ee92d33c48cbe195b7e25dd76c6 Description-gl: simple turn-based strategy game Konquest is a game of galactic conquest for KDE, where rival empires vie to conquer planets and crush all opposition. The game can be played with up to nine empires, commanded either by the computer or by puny earthlings. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: konsole4-kpart Description-md5: aac4183e2fab4b087417c1c4c3132165 Description-gl: X terminal emulator - KPart plugin Konsole is a terminal emulator built on the KDE Platform. It can contain multiple terminal sessions inside one window using detachable tabs. . Konsole supports powerful terminal features, such as customizable schemes, saved sessions, and output monitoring. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: kontact Description-md5: a61b852eaaf9e2326e2c89fe49ade943 Description-gl: Aplicativo integrado para a xestión de información persoal O Kontact é a solución integrada para as súas necesidades de xestión de información persoal. Combina aplicativos como KMail, KOrganizer e KAddressBook nunha interface única para fornecer acceso doado ao correo, a planificación, o caderno de enderezos e outra funcionalidade tipo PIM. Package: kontrolpack Description-md5: a96011a429c8e7cc3d4ddcb2846de9e9 Description-gl: Controlador da rede O propósito do KontrolPack é mellorar a interoperatividade entre sistemas conectando computadores remotes, independentemente do seu sistema operativo. Pódese empregar para: . - Handle remote shell command execution. - Share files between remote computers. - Manage your network: LAN (Local Area Network). - Get an overview of the workstations on your LAN. - Lightweight XML based message exchange between client and server. - Handle each client with a personalized tab panel. - Send commands simultaneously to all computers on your LAN. - Cross-platform (GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, MS Windows). Package: kopete Description-md5: cf031a86221b79ca147864416ae9669d Description-gl: Aplicativo de mensaxerÃa instantánea e conversas Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: kopete-message-indicator Description-md5: c713ab4f5b1f9c16984dc2c6ebc81521 Description-gl: Kopete plugin for Message Indicator Un engadido para o Kopete que permite mostrar a actividade no Indicador de Mensaxes. Package: kpart-webkit-dbg Description-md5: 171b036e1e904761e6327e7b67981495 Description-gl: KPart WebKit - sÃmbolos de depuración This package contains a plug-In for alowing the Konqueror web browser and other KDE applications to use the WebKit HTML renderer instead of the traditional KHTML. . This package is part of Webkit KPart. Package: kpartsplugin Description-md5: 390612beaee5e93f50d8d9ff71bca967 Description-gl: Engadido compatÃbel con Netscape para incorporar visores de ficheiros de KDE no navegador This software implements a plugin for Netscape-compatible browsers in Unix environments. This plugin uses KDE's KParts technology to embed file viewers (e.g. for PDF files) into non-KDE browsers. Tested browsers include both (Mozilla Firefox and Opera, and is know to work with Chrome and Arora. With this plugin, you can e.g. view PDF files in Firefox using Okular as an embedded plugin. Package: kpat Description-md5: 0dfa399c1fd2c35355e1ecce56ecd684 Description-gl: Xogo de cartas do solitario KPatience é unha colección de catorce xogos de solitario, incluÃdos Klondike, Spider e FreeCell. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kpcli Description-md5: c3328856a477499a2993f7a5ed9976b9 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para as bases de datos do xestor de contrasinais KeePassX kpcli is an interactive command line shell to work with KeePass 1.x/2.x database files. Users can navigate and modify the database in imitated filesystem like shell syntax. This program was inspired by the interface provided by the KED password manager ("kedpm -c"). Package: kphotoalbum Description-md5: f6cefca9100d2f29b8692f5e7f59ffaa Description-gl: tool for indexing, searching and viewing images by keywords for KDE O KPhotoAlbum permite indexar, buscar, agrupar e ver imaxes por palabras chave, data, lugar e persoas. Fornece unha maneira rápida e elegante de consultar grupos de imaxes cando se teñen miles de imaxes no disco duro. . The information associated with each photo is stored in an XML file. Together with its keywords, KPhotoAlbum stores each picture's MD5 sum, so it will recognize them even if you move them to another directory. KPhotoAlbum can also create HTML galleries with the images you select. . KPhotoAlbum can also make use of the KIPI image handling plugins to extend its capabilities. The kipi-plugins package contains many useful extensions. Among others, it contains extensions for photo manipulation, importing, exporting and batch processing. Package: kppp Description-md5: 036096166c99935077722d9fb14705a1 Description-gl: modem dialer for KDE KPPP is a modem dialer for connecting to a dial-up Internet Service Provider. It displays statistics and accounting information to help users keep track of connection costs. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE 4. Package: kprinter4 Description-md5: 64f2ce150df8b2aba8488035b1e4c0b8 Description-gl: Simple PostScript document printer Kprinter4 is a simple stand-alone document printer modelled after the KDE4 print dialog. It can be used in place of /bin/lpr in order to better control the print setup of legacy applications. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Printing PostScript documents with KDE4 print dialog * Scaling and positioning of documents * Poster printing . Kprinter4 is the successor of the KDE3-based kprinter application. Package: kradio4 Description-md5: 5940394d4fab1eb453a96aa6687bf633 Description-gl: comfortable radio application for KDE KRadio is a comfortable radio application for KDE 4.x with support for V4L and V4L2 radio cards drivers. . De momento KRadio fornece: . * V4L/V4L2 radio support * Remote control support (LIRC) * Alarms, sleep Countdown * Several GUI Controls (Docking Menu, Station Quickbar, Radio Display) * Recording capabilities, including MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, and WAV encoding * Timeshifter functionality * Extendable plugin architecture . This package also includes a growing collection of station preset files for many cities around the world contributed by KRadio users. . Dado que o KRadio está baseado nunha arquitectura de engadidos extensÃbel, acéptanse de bon grao aportacións de engadidos novos (p.ex. fluxos de radio por Internet, interfaces gráficas atractivas). Package: kraft Description-md5: fe1afca303ec877dd0c97cdd65d666ab Description-gl: Aplicativo de xestión de negocios pequenos Kraft crea e manipula documentos de ofimática en empresas pequenas. Nun taller ou nunha empresa semellante, as tarefas diarias poden ser feitas de maneira intelixente. . As funcionalidades inclúen: Xestión de clientes, integrada empregando KAddressbook Creación automatizada de orzamentos, facturas e documentos semellantes Modelos de texto Cálculo Xestión material Creación configurábel de documentos en formato PDF Package: kraptor-data Description-md5: 42e2abc3824e43777e784f0d0a72de6e Description-gl: Classic shoot 'em up scroller game -- data files Kraptor is a classic shoot 'em up scroller game, where you must fight against tons of bad dudes. The game offers high speed action, with massive destruction and lots of fun. Kraptor features a powerful engine for 2D shooter scroller games. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do xogo. Package: krdc Description-md5: e82ce72c0d3257ff348f6399e7a2ce67 Description-gl: Cliente de conexión a escritorios remotos The KDE Remote Desktop Connection client can view and control a desktop session running on another system. It can connect to Windows Terminal Servers using RDP and many other platforms using VNC/RFB. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: krecipes Description-md5: 461bc7246ef888642d1be8b5ff1f5039 Description-gl: Xestor de receitas para KDE O Krecipes é un aplicativo para KDE deseñado para xestionar receitas. Pode axudar a facer a lista da compra, buscar nas receitas para atopar o que se pode facer cos ingredientes dispoñÃbeis e ten un asistente de dietas. Tamén pode importar ou exportar receitas dos ficheiros en varios formatos (p.ex. RecipeML ou Meal-Master) ou de bases de datos. Package: krecipes-data Description-md5: 10f36d0d9c9494f6900e2076d1662a8f Description-gl: Xestor de receitas para KDE - ficheiros de datos O Krecipes é un aplicativo para KDE deseñado para xestionar receitas. Pode axudar a facer a lista da compra, buscar nas receitas para atopar o que se pode facer cos ingredientes dispoñÃbeis e ten un asistente de dietas. Tamén pode importar ou exportar receitas dos ficheiros en varios formatos (p.ex. RecipeML ou Meal-Master) ou de bases de datos. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura do krecipes. Package: krecipes-doc Description-md5: 0dd9e166946b5d18b7080883462d9ebd Description-gl: Xestor de receitas para KDE - documentación O Krecipes é un aplicativo para KDE deseñado para xestionar receitas. Pode axudar a facer a lista da compra, buscar nas receitas para atopar o que se pode facer cos ingredientes dispoñÃbeis e ten un asistente de dietas. Tamén pode importar ou exportar receitas dos ficheiros en varios formatos (p.ex. RecipeML ou Meal-Master) ou de bases de datos. . Este paquete contén a documentación do krecipes. Package: kredentials Description-md5: 6930f67f6525d2bca925d3f0e6747290 Description-gl: Miniaplicativo para a barra de tarefas de KDE para actualizar as credencias de kereros/AFS kredentials é un miniaplicativo para a barra de tarefas para renovar periodicamente os tickets de kerberos e os tokens de AFS. AÃnda que destinado a KDE, agárdase que sexa totalmente compatÃbel con outros ambientes de escritorio. Package: kremotecontrol Description-md5: 0c3fdc8e5091e7128f010486cb5c08ee Description-gl: Interface gráfica para empregar controles remotos KRemoteControl é unha interface para KDE para controles remotos. Permite configurar accións para cando se preman os botóns dos controles remotos. Todos os tipos de controles remotos recoñecidos por Soli tamén o son por KRemoteControl. . O KRemoteControl consiste nas partes seguintes: * un módulo de control que permite crear e asignar accións. * un módulo de kded responsábel de executar as accións. * un miniaplicativo para a bandexa do sistema para dar unha resposta visual. * un motor de datos para Plasma para interactuar cos controles remotos con trebellos de Plasma. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE. Package: kremotecontrol-dbg Description-md5: a3b149c0c323bd66925276ce222c99fa Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do kremotecontrol Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas con kremotecontrol. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE. Package: krename Description-md5: 96e79e62a8190877de5364c372197285 Description-gl: Potente programa para mudar nomes en lote para KDE O KRename é un potente programa para mudar os nomes de ficheiro en lote para KDE que pode mudar os nomes dunha lista de ficheiros baseándose nun conxunto de expresións. Pode copiar/mover os ficheiros a outro directorio ou simplemente mudarlles o nome ás ficheiros que se lle indique. Package: kreversi Description-md5: 0c024ee5ac64447ec865fb7458331a80 Description-gl: Xogo de mesa Reversi O KReversi é un xogo de taboleiro no que dous xogadores colocan pezas nun taboleiro para virar as pezas do contrincante. Cando ningún xogador pode virar máis pezas, gaña o xogador que teña o maior número de pezas sobre o taboleiro. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: krfb Description-md5: 8c8d162f74b4548f90dcb0fb7f900216 Description-gl: Utilidade para compartir o escritorio KDE Desktop Sharing é un xestor para compartir facilmente unha sesión de escritorio con outro sistema. A sesión de escritorio pode ser vista ou controlada de maneira remota por calquera cliente de VNC ou RFB, como o cliente KDE Remote Desktop Connection. . O KDE Desktop Sharing pode restrinxir o acceso a só aqueles usuarios que sexan convidados explicitamente e pide confirmación cando un usuario tenta conectarse. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: krita Description-md5: cad766809ad07bc61817bcf9d8a74ddb Description-gl: pixel-based image manipulation program O Krita é un aplicativo de creación para imaxes de mapas de bits. Tanto se quere crear desde a nada ou traballar sobre imaxes existentes, o Krita é para vostede. Pode traballar con fotos ou con imaxes escaneadas ou comezar cunha páxina en branco. O Krita admite automaticamente a maiorÃa das tabletas gráficas. . O Krita é diferente doutros programas de deseño gráfico porque ten motores de pincel engadÃbeis, algúns dos cales admiten recursos de pinceis como os ficheiros de pinceis do Gimp, outros ofrecen simulación sofisticada de pinceis reais e outros ofrecen mestura de cores e deformación de imaxes. Alén disto, o Krita é totalmente compatÃbel coas tabletas gráficas, incluÃndo funcionalidades como presión, inclinación e proporción, o que o converten nalgo valorábel polos artistas. Existen ferramentas doadas de utilizar para debuxar liñas, elipses e rectángulos e a ferramenta de debuxo a man alzada conta con «asistentes de debuxo» engadÃbeis que axudan a deseñar formas que manteñan a sensación de man alzada. Package: krita-data Description-md5: 6ec15600616a33413c249e2eeb0ffba7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do programa de pintura Krita This package contains architecture-independent data files for Krita. . Vexa o paquete krita para máis información. Package: krita-l10n Description-md5: a3cda4505d02f3f320b8db10d1a585f8 Description-gl: translations for Krita painting program This package contains the translations for Krita, the painting program. . Vexa o paquete krita para máis información. Package: krosspython Description-md5: 84ec55e5665b0aa1e39358d0a0958167 Description-gl: Módulo en python para Kross Kross é unha infraestrutura de scripts para permitir scripts en diferentes linguaxes en todo tipo de aplicativos de KDE. . Kross itself is a part of KDE Frameworks, this package contains the Kross Python plugin. Package: kruler Description-md5: a02f9b40453e33bc787a496e2436df1a Description-gl: Regra de pantalla O KRuler é unha ferramenta para medir o tamaño, en pÃxeles, de elementos que haxa na pantalla. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: krusader Description-md5: 109155a993f8da51d7cc94c3caf08176 Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros con paneis xemelgos (tipo Commander) O Krusader é un xestor de ficheiros simple, fácil, potente e cun panel xemelgo (tipo commander) semellante aos de Midnight Commander (C) ou Total Commander (C). . Fornece todas as funcionalidades de xestión de ficheiros que se poidan desexar. . Ademais: manipulación extensiva de arquivos, recoñecementos de sistemas de ficheiros montados, FTP, modulo de buscas avanzado, visor/editor/sincronización de directorios, comparación do contido dos ficheiros, mudanza de nome en lotes potente e moito máis. . Admite formatos de arquivo: ace, arj, bzip2, deb, iso, lha, rar, rpm, tar, zip e 7-zip. . Xestiona KIOSlaves como smb:// ou fish://. . Almost completely customizable, Krusader is very user friendly, fast and looks great on your desktop. Package: ksaneplugin Description-md5: d2dcfc8c3d08f473b22771f6d90130c5 Description-gl: Engadido do KScan para escanear mediante libksane Este é un engadido do KScan que permite escanear mediante libksane. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: kscd Description-md5: 1d8a8baf131aa19ad967cfa5c9b36aed Description-gl: Reprodutor de CD de son O KsCD é un reprodutor de CD de son. Emprega a base de datos CDDB para obter automaticamente información sobre os álbums. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: kscope Description-md5: d1a88c3d2aa20a34f16df941c9c75509 Description-gl: Ambiente de navegación e edición de código fonte O KScope é unha interface gráfica para o Cscope. Fornece un ambiente de navegación e edición de código fonte para proxectos grandes en C. O KScope céntrase na edición e análise do código fonte. . O KScope foi construÃdo arredor dun mecanismo eficiente de navegación de código que permite que o usuario realice consultas sobre o código. . Os tipos de consultas que o KScope pode realizar inclúen: * Obter todas as referencias a un sÃmbolo * Atopar a definición dun sÃmbolo * Atopar todas a funcións chamadas por ou que chaman por unha función * Atopar un padrón de EGrep * Atopar todos os ficheiros que #inclúen determinado ficheiro . Esas consultas son xestionadas por un proceso subxacente do Cscope. O KScope simplemente serve como interface gráfica deste proceso, pasándolle as consultas e analizando a súa saÃda en listas de resultados. Os elementos desas listas poden ser seleccionados posteriormente para abrir un editor na liña que coincida. . Funcionalidades principais: * Varias xanelas de edición (empregando o editor preferido) * Xestión de proxectos * Interface gráfica para a maiorÃa das consultas do Cscope * Lista de etiquetas para cada editor aberto * Xanela de árbore de chamadas * Xestión de sesións que inclúe a gravación e restauración de consultas * Funciona con ficheiros cscope.out construÃdas externamente Package: kscreen Description-md5: 067f74c026f07364b4067bc3034b4197 Description-gl: Xestión de monitores en quente e pantallas para KDE KScreen provides multiple monitor support. This support tries to be as smart as possible adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of monitors as simple as plugging them into your computer. . This package contains the modules and plugins for monitor hotplug and automatic screen handling. Package: ksh Description-md5: 8fe144b82e9f9ff18dada6d9d0c9df5e Description-gl: Versión real, da AT&T da consola Korn Ksh é un intérprete de ordes de UNIX (consola) dirixido ao uso interactivo e con scripts de consola. A súa linguaxe de ordes é un superconxunto da linguaxe de consola sh(1). . A versión de 1993 engade moitas funcionalidades novas, relacionadas a maiorÃa cos scripts, á versión de 1988, que é a que habitualmente se distribúe coas variantes comerciais de UNIX. Ten, por exemplo, rangos léxicos, variábeis compostas, matrices asociativas, referencias con nomes e matemática de vÃrgula flutuante. . The shcomp tool can be used to compile ksh scripts into a binary format. Package: kshisen Description-md5: 9c1db254f9a44c17506de6a40898a284 Description-gl: Xogo do solitario Shisen-Sho O KShisen é un xogo do Shisen-Sho no que un xogador retira parellas contiguas de pezas do Mahjongg para limpar o taboleiro. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: ksirk Description-md5: 8141ecb02d12130fc7839a5fb2f71719 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia tipo Risk O KsirK é un xogo de estratexia inspirado no coñecido xogo do Risk. É un xogo para varios xogadores que se pode xogar na rede e ten intelixencia artificial. O obxectivo do xogo é simplemente conquistar o mundo. Faise atacando os veciños con exércitos. Ao comezo do xogo distribúense os paÃses entre todos os xogadores. Cada paÃs conta cun exército representado por un soldado de infantarÃa. Cada xogador dispón de varios exércitos para distribuÃr entre os seus paÃses. En cada volta, cada xogador pode atacar os seus veciños, conquistando ao final un ou máis paÃses. Ao final de cada quenda, os xogadores reciben exércitos extra en función do número de paÃses que posúan. Gaña o xogador que conquiste o mundo. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: ksnakeduel Description-md5: de93105f6fbcea79d40614ca8ed1d556 Description-gl: snake race game O obxectivo do xogo é evitar bater contra as paredes, a propia cola e a do opoñente e, ao mesmo tempo, tentar que o opoñente bata contra elas. . It also includes kdesnake, a special mode of the game where you can play the classical snake action game. In snake you steer a snake which has to eat food. While eating, the snake grows. But once a player collides with the other snake or the wall, the game is lost. This becomes, of course, more and more difficult the longer the snakes grow. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kspaceduel Description-md5: ae9bc9656023c22a3c82a8269d5169f3 Description-gl: Xogo tipo arcade estilo SpaceWar! O KSpaceduel é un xogo de batallas espaciais para un ou dous xogares no que dúas naves voan arredor dunha estrela nunha batalla para ser o único sobrevivinte. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: ksquares Description-md5: cb92e2cb2b7ef2c58dd9423eb344f064 Description-gl: Xogo dos Cadrados O KSquares é un xogo no que dous xogadores conectan alternativamente os puntos dunha grade para completar o maior número de cadrados. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: ksshaskpass Description-md5: d40d0f70b976182c062e39109a47b97c Description-gl: Preguntarlle interactivamente aos usuarios unha frase de paso para ssh-add A version of ssh-askpass with KWallet support. Package: kst Description-md5: fa9395f6a5d950a6e17f330bb110a3a2 Description-gl: Ferramenta de trazado de gráficos cientÃficos Kst is a fast real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool. It has basic data analysis functionality, contains many powerful built-in features and is expandable with plugins and extensions. Package: kst-doc Description-md5: 2ce8dcaa2b248edf1588dedb376bd97c Description-gl: Conxunto de titoriais para kst Kst is a fast real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool. It has basic data analysis functionality, contains many powerful built-in features and is expandable with plugins and extensions. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación do kst. Package: kstars Description-md5: 614c2bfe980a2da0eda88ce12070ec4a Description-gl: Planetario de escritorio para KDE O KStars é un planetario de escritorio para KDE que presenta unha simulación gráfica precisa do ceo nocturno desde calquera lugar da Terra, en calquera data e hora. Mostra 130.000 estrelas 13.000 obxectos do espazo profundo, os oito planetas, o Sol e a Lúa e miles de cometas e asteroides. Inclúe ferramentas para cálculos astronómicos e pode controlar telescopios e cámaras. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kstars-data Description-md5: cf256e8167ebe4e0142562c4a550f100 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para o planetario de escritorio KStars Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do KStars, o planetario de escritorio gráfico de KDE, incluÃndo os catálogos estelares e as imaxes astronómicas. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kstars-data-extra-tycho2 Description-md5: 2c5cef8807c49e66d3a50e0b4772ee99 Description-gl: Catálogo de estrelas Tycho-2 para o KStars Este paquete contén os datos do catálogo estelar Tycho-2 para o KStars, o planetario de escritorio de KDE. Permite que os usuarios compartan unha única instalación centralizada dos datos no canto de ter cada un que descargar a súa propia copia persoal do catálogo enteiro. Tamén pode configurar o KStars para desactivar esas descargas dos usuarios. Package: ksudoku Description-md5: c8082165a67fde52b6db310845e3f0c1 Description-gl: Xogo e solucinador de Sudoku O KSudoku é un xogo e solucionador de sudokus que admite diferentes variantes de sudoku en 2D e 3D. Ademais de xogar ao sudoku, pode imprimir sudokus e atopar a solución de calquera sudoku. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: ksysguard Description-md5: 45f3cad5fe486395c402158a8258c378 Description-gl: Vixiante de procesos e estatÃsticas do sistema System Guard permite vixiar diversas estatÃsticas sobre o sistema. . Ademais de vixiar o sistema local, pode conectar con sistemas remotos que estean a executar o daemon de System Guard, que está no paquete «ksysguardd». . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: ksysguardd Description-md5: a50ff16b1d24b1ee25745b87e5def50a Description-gl: Daemon de System Guard É posÃbel instalar o daemon de System Guard nun sistema remoto para que o System Guard de KDE poda conectarse con el e vixialo. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: ksystemlog Description-md5: f88acd6e7dfc7bab9eaa4dae1e5dbb7d Description-gl: Visor de rexistros do sistema KSystemLog show all logs of your system, grouped by General (Default system log, Authentication, Kernel,, and optional Services (Apache, Cups, etc, ...). It includes many features to read nicely your log files: * Colorize log lines depending on their severities * Tabbed view to allow displaying several logs at the same time * Auto display new lines logged * Detailed information for each log lines . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE. Package: kteatime Description-md5: 98a702199f60361475509c4b6548d1a0 Description-gl: Utilidade para facer un bon té O KTeaTime é un temporizador práctico para preparar un té. Xa non terá máis que adiviñar canto tempo precisa para que o seu té fique preparado. Basta escoller o tipo de té que desexar, e el alerta cando o té estiver preparado para beber. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kterm Description-md5: bfe5233e410e4ebade203833c1f9790f Description-gl: Un emulador de terminal plurilingüe para as X O Kterm é un emulador de terminal para X11 que pode xestionar texto en varios idiomas. Esta versión está baseada no xterm de X11R6.1. Package: ktikz Description-md5: 66f1bcda52ece79db60e54d9a2d036a6 Description-gl: Editor da linguaxe de debuxo TikZ - versión para KDE O KtikZ é un aplicativo pequeno que axuda a crear diagramas e debuxos empregando as macros de TikZ do paquete de LaTeX «pgf». consiste nun panel editor de texto no que se edita o código para debuxar en TikZ e un panel de vista previa que mostra o debuxo que se crea con LaTeX. O panel de vista previa pode ser actualizado en tempo real. Dispón de ferramentas, opcións e estilos habituais de debuxo nos menús para axudar no proceso de codificación. . Este paquete contén a versión do programa para KDE. . TikZ is a user-friendly syntax layer for the PGF (portable graphics format) TeX macro package. Pictures can be created within a LaTeX document and included in the output using the most important TeX backend drivers including pdftex and dvips. Package: ktimer Description-md5: 60b8177a86eb0f422ac7bc24710edccb Description-gl: Temporizador O KTimer é un temporizador para executar ordes pasado un tempo. O temporizador pode ser detido ou posto nun bucle continuo. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC. Package: ktimetracker Description-md5: 82ff65498b352023fb4e0bdb13fd5f8e Description-gl: time tracker tool KTimetracker is a time tracker for busy people who need to keep track of the amount of time they spend on various tasks. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: ktnef Description-md5: c7171a2d984d2a98d6cb80daec8be6e2 Description-gl: Visor de anexos de correo que empreguen o formato TNEF The TNEF File Viewer allows one to handle easily mail attachments using the TNEF format. Those attachments are usually found in mails coming from Microsoft mail servers and embed the mail properties as well as the actual attachments. . An attachment in TNEF format is most often named winmail.dat or win.dat. Package: ktoblzcheck Description-md5: 02a77e4ee6fbcfa5ba47158871d24c3d Description-gl: Ferramenta para comprobar números de conta e códigos bancarios ktoblzcheck é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para comprobar os números de conta e os códigos bancarios (BLZ) dos bancos alemáns. Baséase nas especificacións do «Deutsche Bundesbank», o Banco Federal Alemán. Tamén permite a comprobación cos números internacionais de contas bancarias (IBAN) e os códigos identificares de bancos (BIC). Package: ktorrent Description-md5: c46c4f39be5f1aa633d6a86ac4312a30 Description-gl: Cliente de BitTorrent baseando na plataforma KDE This package contains KTorrent, a BitTorrent peer-to-peer network client, that is based on the KDE platform. Obviously, KTorrent supports such basic features as downloading, uploading and seeding files on the BitTorrent network. However, lots of other additional features and intuitive GUI should make KTorrent a good choice for everyone. Some features are available as plugins hence you should make sure you have the ones you need enabled. - Support for HTTP and UDP trackers, trackerless DHT (mainline) and webseeds. - Alternative UI support including Web interface. - Torrent grouping, speed capping, various download prioritization capabilities on both torrent and file level as well as bandwidth scheduling. - Support for fetching torrent files from many sources including any local file or remote URL, RSS feeds (with filtering) or actively monitored directory etc. - Integrated and customizable torrent search on the Web. - Various security features like IP blocking and protocol encryption. - Disk space preallocation to reduce fragmentation. - uTorrent compatible peer exchange. - Autoconfiguration for LANs like Zeroconf extension and port forwarding via uPnP. - Scripting support via Kross and interprocess control via DBus interface. - SOCKSv4 and SOCKSv5 proxy, IPv6 support. - Lots of other useful built-in features and plugins. Package: ktorrent-data Description-md5: 5c374540ce753d753308f498c6a7a3d9 Description-gl: Datos do KTorrent e outros ficheiros independentes da arquitectura Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do KTorrent, un cliente de redes entre parceiros de BitTorrent. A non ser que teña instalado o paquete ktorrent, este paquete non ten ningunha utilidade. Package: ktouch Description-md5: e0dabda6f93764af247bd5a078631141 Description-gl: Titor de mecanografÃa para o KDE O KTouch é unha axuda para aprender a escribir nun teclado con rapidez e precisión. Fornece un texto de exemplo que hai que mecanografar e indica os dedos que hai que usar para cada tecla. . Inclúese unha colección de leccións para unha variedade de idiomas e distribucións de teclado e as estatÃsticas úsanse para axustar dinamicamente o nivel de dificultade. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: ktouch-data Description-md5: 518bdd78b79c451482b199699bb01b7a Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do ktouch Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do ktouch. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kttsd Description-md5: d2290d92e71eba166d35bb9193923b24 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do jovie Este é un paquete transitorio fornecido para facilitar a anovación de kttsd a jovie. Package: ktuberling Description-md5: 06ec0534e1c42543256f87a2b0bd66d8 Description-gl: Xoguete de debuxo con formas O KTuberling é un xogo de debuxo para rapaciños con varias actividades. . * Ponlle á pataca unha cara, roupa e outras cousas divertidas * Constrúe unha vila completa con escola, zoo e cuartel de bombeiros * Crea unha paisaxe lunar fantástica con naves espaciais e alienÃxenas . O KTuberling pode ler o nome de cada obxecto en varios idiomas para axudar a aprender vocabulario básico. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kturtle Description-md5: c784cfa622cd2563eec31f7b10a24a19 Description-gl: Ambiente educativo de programación O KTurtle é un ambiente de programación educativo que emprega a linguaxe de programación TurtleScript (inspirada en Logo) para facer que a programación sexa tan doada e accesÃbel como for posÃbel. . O usuario emite ordes na linguaxe TurtleScript para controlar a «tartaruga», que debuxa sobre o lenzo, o que fai que o KTurtle sexa axeitado para ensinar matemáticas básicas, xeometrÃa e programación. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kubrick Description-md5: b8c3a08868b46ba491c7f17db5d26147 Description-gl: Xogo baseado no cubo de Rubik O Kubrick é un xogo baseado no cubo de Rubik que emprega as bibliotecas de gráficos 3D OpenGL. . O Kubric manipula cubos, «tixolos» e «felpudos» entre 2x2x1 e 6x6x6. Conta con varios puzzles incorporados de distinto nivel de dificultade, asà como demostracións con xogadas de solución e padróns lindos. O xogo conta con capacidades ilimitadas de desfacer, refacer, gravar e recargar. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: kubuntu-debug-installer Description-md5: c7c32233946361bb3bb35d027fcd2918 Description-gl: Instalador de paquetes de depuración para Kubuntu Este instalador permite que drkonqi, a utilidade de informe de incidencias de trazados inversos automáticos de KDE, tente atopar e instalar os sÃmbolos de depuración que falten, para que asà os trazados inversos resulten máis útiles. Package: kubuntu-debug-installer-dbg Description-md5: b6814cb0e474d81cb7f3a57d7eb57261 Description-gl: Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración - sÃmbolos de depuración Este instalador permite que drkonqi, a utilidade de informe de incidencias de trazados inversos automáticos de KDE, tente atopar e instalar os sÃmbolos de depuración que falten, para que asà os trazados inversos resulten máis útiles. . Este paquete contén exclusivamente os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: kubuntu-desktop Description-md5: 2bcf94cbc753d80fbd8771435889a0dc Description-gl: Sistema Plasma Desktop/Netbook de Kubuntu Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes da versión do escritorio de Kubuntu. Ao instalar este paquete inclúese a instalación predefinida do Plasma Desktop ou Netbook de Kubuntu. . É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes do sistema de escritorio. Package: kubuntu-docs Description-md5: 15f5f936e17c5d4b30bda4925e9a2b0c Description-gl: Documentación do sistemas Kubuntu This package contains the system documentation for the Kubuntu GNU/Linux distribution. Full system support for Kubuntu with the KDE desktop can be obtained by installing this package. Package: kubuntu-driver-manager Description-md5: 38b08067d7efe25a2b52d12142b256ee Description-gl: Driver Manager for Kubuntu Driver Manager provides a user interface for configuring third-party drivers, such as the Nvidia and ATI fglrx and various Wireless LAN kernel modules. . Este paquete contén a interface para KDE. Package: kubuntu-full Description-md5: 1066e0b397d00e2e126bc35bb09c838e Description-gl: Sistema Plasma Desktop/Netbook completo de Kubuntu Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes da versión do DVD de Kubuntu para un sistema moi completo. Ao instalar este paquete inclúese moito máis que a instalación predefinida do Plasma Desktop ou Netbook de Kubuntu. . É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes. Package: kubuntu-notification-helper Description-md5: cfe41fe07651879c49f8ca54be0c1170 Description-gl: Axudante de Notificacións do sistema Kubuntu O Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu é un daemon que lle presenta diversas notificacións ao usuario. Emprega o sistema de daemon de KDE como base e presenta as notificacións empregando o sistema de notificacións de KDE. Tamén inclúe un módulo para Configuración do Sistema para configurar o daemon. O Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu é lixeiro e está completamente integrado en KDE. . As funcionalidades actuais inclúen: - Notificacións dos fallos de Apport. - Notificacións sobre a información de actualización, de estar dispoñÃbel. - Notificacións sobre a dispoñibilidade de paquetes con licenzas restritivas. - Notificacións sobre a necesidade de reiniciar o sistema despois dunha anovación. - Todas as notificacións poden ser agochadas temporalmente ou permanentemente. Package: kubuntu-notification-helper-dbg Description-md5: f0ed7e4faa75924fc68b039ce1a6df40 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu. Cando o Axudante de Notificacións de Kubuntu falla, na maiorÃa dos casos este paquete é necesario para obter un trazado inverso que lles sexa útil aos desenvolvedores. Se ten padecido un fallo do Asistente de Notificacións de Kubuntu sen ter este paquete instalado, instáleo, tente reproducir o problema e envÃe un informe de fallo co novo trazado inverso anexo. Package: kubuntu-patched-l10n Description-md5: 7f659aff8ac467a253ead20c35d8de7f Description-gl: Paquete falso que non contén absolutamente nada Este paquete é un paquete falso empregando para enviar cambios nas cadeas dos paquetes de Kubuntu a Launchpad para seren traducidas. Instalar este paquete non fai absolutamente nada. Package: kubuntu-settings-desktop Description-md5: c117d536547fca68e9e608d52e89c5f3 Description-gl: Configuración e imaxes de Kubuntu (Escritorio) Este paquete contén configuracións empregadas por Kubuntu. Tamén inclúe imaxes e a identidade visual de Kubuntu. . A configuración aplÃcase aos espazos de traballo baseados en plasma- desktop. Package: kubuntu-web-shortcuts Description-md5: 954aab3bcc5ae561984722c33cda1fd3 Description-gl: Atallos web para Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Launchpad Os atallos principais son: ubw: Acceso directo ao wiki de Kubuntu ubws: Busca no wiki de Kubuntu udsnote: Notas do Cumio de Desenvolvemento de Ubuntu (etherpad) uhelp: Acceso directo á documentación da comunidade de Ubuntu uhelps: Busca na documentación da comunidade de Ubuntu upkg: Busca nos paquetes de Ubuntu ubug: Busca por identificadores de erros e termos en Ubuntu Launchpad usrc: Paquetes fonte de Ubuntu uproduct: Ubuntu Launchpad Product Bug Finder upeople: Buscador de persoas en Ubuntu Launchpad bstorm: Ideas de tormenta de ideas de Ubuntu upkglp: Busca de paquetes binarios en Launchpad . Vexa /usr/share/doc/kubuntu-web-shortcuts/README para unha lista completa Package: kuiviewer Description-md5: c553d555e774eba5b20037169089058e Description-gl: Visor dos ficheiros da interface de usuario do Qt Designer O KUIViewer é unha utilidade para mostrar e comprobar os ficheiros de interface de usuario (.ui) creados co Qt Designer. As interfaces poden mostrarse en varios estilos de trebellos diferentes para asegurarse de que se mostran axeitadamente en calquera ambiente. . O Qt Designer en si está no paquete qt4-designer. . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: kup-client Description-md5: 0a1f9c69bbd7485677824e12280a23f9 Description-gl: Ferramenta de envÃo a Esta utilidade emprégase para enviar ficheiros a e outros sistemas empregando o mesmo sistema de envÃos (kup-server). Package: kup-server Description-md5: eafdbeb2e62271530fe77d7709bb6ef7 Description-gl: Servidor de envÃo a Este é o sistema de envÃo empregado en, que se executa como un servizo de SSH. Package: kuser Description-md5: 17344042d3d1925f4e48c762b0afa901 Description-gl: Ferramenta de administración de usuarios e grupos O KUser é un aplicativo para xestionar os usuarios e grupos dun sistema. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de administración do KDE. Package: kuvert Description-md5: 7384cd5a6328c537a7336c301053cc57 Description-gl: Envoltorio que cifra ou asina o correo saÃnte O kuvert asina e/ou cifra automaticamente o correo saÃnte empregando o padrón PGP/MIME (RFC3156), baseado na dispoñibilidade da chave do destinatario nun chaveiro. Ao contrario doutros envoltorios semellantes, o kuvert non almacena as frases de paso das chaves el mesmo, nunca. O kuvert funciona como un envoltorio arredor do MTA pero pode tamén enviar correo mediante SMTP. Package: kvirc Description-md5: 781975de1f5b4ac23d4c5bc7a732099b Description-gl: Cliente de mensaxerÃa da seguinte xeración baseado en KDE que admite módulos Un cliente gráfico de IRC moi configurábel cunha interface MDI, linguaxe de scripts integrada, compatibilidade con IRC DCC, navegación mediante arrastrar e soltar e moito máis. O KVIrc emprega o conxunto de trebellos de KDE e pode ser estendido empregando a súa propia linguaxe de scripts, intégrase con KDE e admite engadidos personalizados. . Se o que busca é un cliente simple e sinxelo de IRC, o KVIrc probabelmente sexa unha escolla errada porque é bastante grande. Mais se o que desexa é un cliente moi personalizábel, non lamentará instalalo. Package: kvirc-data Description-md5: 700d9e96b324cea54eba7a6172043fa4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do KVIrc Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura que precisa o KVIrc para poder ser executado, como iconas e imaxes, ficheiros de idioma e scripts de consola. Tamén contén guÃas de referencia completas sobre os scripts e as funcións do KVIrc no seu formato de axuda interno. Package: kvirc-modules Description-md5: 72d51bc496328aea5cf7f96c0499dc22 Description-gl: Módulos do KVIrc (cliente de IRC) Un cliente gráfico de IRC moi configurábel cunha interface MDI, linguaxe de scripts integrada, compatibilidade con IRC DCC, navegación mediante arrastrar e soltar e moito máis. O KVIrc emprega o conxunto de trebellos de KDE e pode ser estendido empregando a súa propia linguaxe de scripts, intégrase con KDE e admite engadidos personalizados. . Este paquete contén todos os módulos do KVIrc. Package: kvpm Description-md5: fa24befe002588e5c7321fac023334c9 Description-gl: Interface gráfica de xestor de volumes lóxicos e particionador de discos baseada en KDE O KVPM é unha interface gráfica de usuario para o Xestor de volumes de Linux (LVM) e libparted. Emprega as ferramentas e programas normais de LVM par manipular os volumes lóxicos, como mudarlles o tamaño, eliminalos ou crealos. Tamén pode formatar volumes e montalos e desmontalos. Tamén admite a creación, eliminación e mudanza de tamaño das particións. Package: kvpnc-dbg Description-md5: 19f8fbf63c8df3b45cb371dfe18c9708 Description-gl: frontend to VPN clients - debugging symbols KVpnc is a KDE frontend for various VPN clients. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración asociados co kvpnc. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co kvpnc. Package: kwalletcli Description-md5: 481b43e5861eaccf1bfa48a20cfc9c3b Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes do KDE Wallet kwalletcli achega unha ferramenta de interface da liña de ordes para obter e establecer entradas de contrasinais no KDE Wallet. Tamén se inclúen un envoltorio para a consola arredor de pinentry, un aplicativo pinentry- kwallet para comprobar en KDE Wallet a frase de paso solicitada antes de preguntarlle ao usuario para usar co GnuPG Agent, que tamén é capaz de executar sen o pinentry como infraestrutura e kwalletaskpass, que pode almacenar frases de paso de chaves SSH no KDE Wallet para usar con OpenSSH Agent, e está rexistrado como alternativa a ssh-askpass. Package: kwalletmanager Description-md5: 9ddb800fd8f7d7f40b24b46cbaeb9a76 Description-gl: secure password wallet manager The KDE Wallet system provides a secure way to store passwords and other secret information, allowing the user to remember only a single KDE Wallet password instead of numerous different passwords and credentials. . KWallet Manager is a utility for viewing and editing information stored in the KDE Wallet. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC. Package: kwave Description-md5: cf8fd11b2cbd7594058323d9a9860004 Description-gl: Editor de son para KDE O Kwave é un editor de son deseñado para o Ambiente de Escritorio KDE. . Co Kwave pódense gravar, reproducir, importar e editar moitos tipos de ficheiros de son, incluÃdos os ficheiros con varias canles. . O Kwave inclúe algúns engadidos para transformar os ficheiros de son de varias maneiras e presenta unha vista gráfica con capacidade completa de ampliación e desprazamento. . Its features include: * 24 Bit Support * Undo/Redo * Use of multicore CPUs (SMP, hyperthreading) * Simple Drag & Drop * Realtime Pre-Listen for some effects * Support for multi-track files * Playback and recording via native ALSA, PulseAudio (or OSS deprecated) * Playback via Phonon * Load and edit-capability for large files (can use virtual memory) * Reading and auto-repair of damaged wav-files * Supports multiple windows * Extendable Plugin interface * a nice splashscreen * some label handling Package: kwayland-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: kwayland-integration Description-md5: 7120a025ba32d5f9b8a58bf02bdf9f8c Description-gl: Engadidos de integración do tempo de execución de kwayland Engadidos de integración do tempo de execución de Wayland para kidletime e kwindowsystem. . Contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para kwayland-integration. Package: kwin-addons Description-md5: 77130048996c2b746f6d989a7ac02671 Description-gl: additional desktop and window switchers for KWin This package contains additional KWin desktop and window switchers shipped in the Plasma 5 addons module. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE. Package: kwin-common Description-md5: d812e38ecc0856bb858fffec17c3f257 Description-gl: KDE window manager, common files KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: kwin-data Description-md5: 1d697d510504cce76cd18beb1fe47f23 Description-gl: KDE window manager data files KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos Package: kwin-dev Description-md5: e981f5e39df0aa1878605e91238fad93 Description-gl: KDE window manager - devel files KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: kwin-wayland Description-md5: ed95a1760e65a42042e7cb0c9f3133f5 Description-gl: KDE window manager, wayland version KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: kwin-wayland-backend-drm Description-md5: 065a515394efb8aaa9b993b952ec6e7e Description-gl: KDE window manager drm plugin KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE Package: kwin-wayland-backend-fbdev Description-md5: f066e6903615d4f94cf1f37bd625aedd Description-gl: KDE window manager fbdev plugin KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE Package: kwin-wayland-backend-wayland Description-md5: 96604a8a2eba3fab95ee5e5846be40e8 Description-gl: KDE window manager nested wayland plugin KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE Package: kwin-wayland-backend-x11 Description-md5: f41c3158d740e34ec15cd4c387195591 Description-gl: KDE window manager x11 plugin KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE Package: kwin-x11 Description-md5: b49a23f2e017f3c5499b70ce757a376c Description-gl: KDE window manager, X11 version KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: kwordquiz Description-md5: 8de3141277665fbdc3c76e07e5c74e4b Description-gl: Programa de aprendizaxe mediante tarxetas O KWordQuiz é un programa de tarxetas de propósito xeral, usado normalmente para aprender vocabulario. . O KWordQuiz pode abrir datos de vocabulario en diversos formatos, incluÃdo o formato kvtml empregado por programas de KDE como Parley, o formato WQL empregado polo WordQuiz do Windows, o formato xml.gz empregado polo Pauker e o texto en CSV. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: kwrite Description-md5: dd638fec6a6002fe9ac850e5e842392b Description-gl: simple text editor O KWrite é un editor de texto sinxelo construÃdo na Plataforma KDE. Emprega o compoñente de editor do Kate, polo que admite funcionalidades potentes, como o realzado flexÃbel da sintaxe, o sangrado automático e numerosas outras ferramentas de texto. Package: kwrited Description-md5: fd7c9d49b7119c96c9f5bfb8c67212da Description-gl: Read and write console output to X. Kwrited captures console output (e.g. broadcast messages) and prints it in a X window. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: kwstyle Description-md5: a0ec31bb7629508685e44867d1e44af1 Description-gl: Corrector de estilo para o código fonte O KWStyle está integrado no proceso de software para asegurarse de que o código escrito por varios usuarios sexa consistente e poida ser visto/imprimido como se fose escrito por unha única persoa. . KWStyle is primarily checking C/C++ source code but can be easily extended to other languages. It assumes that the code is syntactically correct, i.e., it compiles on a standard compiler. Package: kyotocabinet-doc Description-md5: 47bac3ade0865bd51f1aeed04f398ddf Description-gl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - docs Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . Kyoto Cabinet runs very fast. For example, elapsed time to store one million records is 0.9 seconds for hash database, and 1.1 seconds for B+ tree database. Moreover, the size of database is very small. For example, overhead for a record is 16 bytes for hash database, and 4 bytes for B+ tree database. Furthermore, scalability of Kyoto Cabinet is great. The database size can be up to 8EB (9.22e18 bytes). . Sponsored by the same company, Kyoto Cabinet is "[a] more powerful and convenient library than Tokyo Cabinet [and] surpasses Tokyo Cabinet in every aspect". . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: kyototycoon Description-md5: a51981e2caffc1ea23ed11c1e26007a7 Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various applications. . Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM. Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency, Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable databases). . Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases and its access library for client applications. . Between some of Kyoto Tycoon features you may find: - The network communication protocol is HTTP, so you can write client apps and libraries in almost all popular languages - Both RESTful-style and RPC-style interfaces are supported - Based on epoll/kqueue, the server supports 10K+ concurrent connections - High availability mechanisms and extensible built-in support: * Hot backup * Update logging * Asynchronous replication * Lua support: define arbitrary operations of the database using the lightweight scripting language . Este paquete contén o servidor e as ferramentas de proba. Package: kyototycoon-dbg Description-md5: 01657c8061b25e647610145b36b891e8 Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server - debugging symbols Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various applications. . Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM. Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency, Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable databases). . Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases and its access library for client applications. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do servidor, as ferramentas de proba e a biblioteca compartida. Package: kyototycoon-doc Description-md5: 9ac3189e99ab94c96832612b57c75780 Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server - documentation Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various applications. . Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM. Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency, Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable databases). . Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases and its access library for client applications. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: laborejo Description-md5: 2e64303d06412ade9c0d906e6545f0a3 Description-gl: Obradoiro de notación musical Laborejo, «Obradoiro» en esperanto, úsase para crear música mediante notación. É unha interface gráfica para Lilypond, un creador de MIDI e por último unha colección de ferramentas para inspirar e axudar a compor música. Funciona reducindo a redundancia da música e separando a disposición e os datos. . Laborejo fornece moitas funcionalidades: * Número ilimitado de pistas/pentagramas, voces, elementos. * Entrada mediante teclado, rato ou MIDI. * Sistema de atallos e configuración flexÃbel e rápido. * Portátil - tan poucas dependencias como for posÃbel. * Xeración de PDF preparados para imprimir, a través do Lilypond. * Separación da edición e a introdución de notas/datos e da disposición. * Xeración de ficheiros MIDI. * Reprodución a través de JACK. * Control da interpretación desde un nivel global (p.ex. cambiar como son as notas longas, non ligadas ou as fermatas) até apaños detallados e técnicos como as mensaxes CC de MIDI como elementos da partitura. Package: labrea Description-md5: 70fe031529db4badf35e0e2e6dd36e61 Description-gl: a "sticky" honeypot and IDS LaBrea faise con enderezos de IP sen uso e crea servidores virtuais que lles resultan atractivos aos vermes, crackers e outros habitantes da Internet. . O programa responde ás tentativas de conexión de maneira que a máquina que estea no outro extremo «empantánase», ás veces moito tempo. Package: laby Description-md5: 4b7dce0cdd1f18631351c9da609024e2 Description-gl: Aprenda a programar con formigas e arañeiras Laby é un programiña para aprender a programar con formigas e arañeiras. Hai que sacar unha formiga dun labirinto, evitar as arañeiras, mover pedras, etc. . Using Laby, you can learn OCaml, C, C++, Java, Prolog, Ruby, Pascal, JavaScript, Python, Lua, Vala and Scheme. Other bindings can easily be added to support new programming languages. Package: labyrinth Description-md5: 1232325d4aff46a0baa2d89a9af527e6 Description-gl: Ferramenta lixeira de mapas mentais O Labyrinth é unha ferramenta lixeira de mapas mentais escrita en Python empregando Gtk e Cairo para realizar os debuxos. Preténdese que sexa o máis lixeira e intuitiva que for posÃbel, mais que forneza unha variedade ampla de funcionalidades potentes. . Un mapa mental é un diagrama empregado para representar palabras, ideas, tarefas ou outras cousas ligadas e dispostas radialmente arredor dun concepto ou idea central. UtilÃzase para xerar, visualizar, estruturar e clasificar ideas e como axuda no estudo, organizacion, resolución de problemas e toma de decisións Package: lacheck Description-md5: f8b4e067ceaf1167420487365338b7eb Description-gl: Corrector de sintaxe simple para LaTeX O LaCheck é un corrector de sintaxe simple para LaTex baseado nun analizador léxico dunha única pasada. Isto aclara que hai moitos problemas de LaTeX que o programa non pode atopar, aÃnda que si que atopa os erros máis simples. Os paquetes con macros complexas poden, porén, facer que resulte completamente inútil. . Este programa incluÃase co AUCTeX hai moito tempo e é de alà que se coñece mellor. Package: ladish Description-md5: 2408b9039699016e6e5e130126a8e89f Description-gl: Sistema de xestión de sesións para os aplicativos de JACK LADI Session Handler or simply ladish is a session management system for JACK applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to allow you to have many different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. ladish doesn't deal with any kind of audio or MIDI data itself; it just runs programs, deals with saving/loading (arbitrary) data and connects JACK ports together. It can also be used to move entire sessions between computers, or post sessions on the Internet for download. Package: ladish-dbg Description-md5: 346eb1dacc568b70c2bee97b96f44490 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do ladish LADI Session Handler or simply ladish is a session management system for JACK applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to allow you to have many different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do ladish. Package: ladr4-apps Description-md5: ce715083ec65b9f70befbb37125c836f Description-gl: the LADR deduction library, miscellaneous applications LADR (Library for Automated Deduction Research) is a library for use in constructing theorem provers. Among other useful routines it provides facilities for applying inference rules such as resolution and paramodulation to clauses. LADR is used by the prover9 theorem prover, and by the mace4 countermodel generator. . Este paquete fornece diversos aplicativos de LADR. Package: ladspa-foo-plugins Description-md5: 307b613015287b2cb79b9a8c9cdb867a Description-gl: Engadidos para LADSPA de Sampo Savolainen Este é un pequeno conxunto de engadidos para LADSPA. Actualmente consta de dous engadidos: . Foo Lookahead Limiter (stereo) A lookahead peak limiter with an attack / release envelope. . Foo Transient Architect (stereo and mono version) Transient sound design. This is a dynamics control independent of the volume level. It gives separate control for transient attack and release gain. Package: ladspa-sdk Description-md5: 66ff3a8386fca67afc6b6b13438548a7 Description-gl: Ferramentas de mostra para a arquitectura de engadidos linux-audio-dev LADSPA é unha especificación de estándares libres para engadidos de efectos de son. . Contén engadidos de mostra e os programas analyseplugin, listplugin e applyplugin, asà como ladspa.h, a especificación de LADSPA. . Please build-depend on this package if you need ladspa.h Package: lam4-dev Description-md5: 2aaae1e16ec82f1827f9cc46a06dfd0f Description-gl: Development of parallel programs using LAM LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is an open source implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. . Este paquete fornece as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros relacionados. Package: lambdabot Description-md5: 7c5b1a45fe74af0f554a8cf9fdd1d157 Description-gl: Ferramenta de desenvolvemento e bot avanzado de IRC Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . It operates as a command-line tool, embedded in an editor, embedded in GHCi, via Internet Relay Chat and on the Web. Package: lame Description-md5: 649ecb033583c1c3e720aad9c3376ab9 Description-gl: Biblioteca de codificación de MP3 (interface) LAME (recursive acronym for "LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder") is a research project for learning about and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound analysis, as well as convenience tools. . Este paquete contén a interface. Package: lame-doc Description-md5: 34e7a9b3a07de05bbf67348f4f50f3b2 Description-gl: Biblioteca de codificación de MP3 (documentación) LAME (recursive acronym for "LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder") is a research project for learning about and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound analysis, as well as convenience tools. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: lammps Description-md5: e7d428177d9d81d47bea5a96772e407c Description-gl: Simulador de Dinámica Molecular LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large- scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. . LAMMPS has potentials for soft materials (biomolecules, polymers) and solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems. It can be used to model atoms or, more generically, as a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale. . LAMMPS runs on single processors or in parallel using message-passing techniques and a spatial-decomposition of the simulation domain. The code is designed to be easy to modify or extend with new functionality. Package: lammps-doc Description-md5: 35226396384cd7223e6df6cb28df12d1 Description-gl: Simulador de Dinámica Molecular. Documentación e exemplos LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics code, and an acronym for Large- scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. . LAMMPS has potentials for soft materials (biomolecules, polymers) and solid-state materials (metals, semiconductors) and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems. It can be used to model atoms or, more generically, as a parallel particle simulator at the atomic, meso, or continuum scale. . LAMMPS runs on single processors or in parallel using message-passing techniques and a spatial-decomposition of the simulation domain. The code is designed to be easy to modify or extend with new functionality. . The package contains documentation and examples. Package: langford-dkms Description-md5: 2e0b2e375127b974c432c4e9b41f6ac7 Description-gl: Kernel drivers for the Per Vices Noctar IQ demodulator board This package contains the source code and build scripts for the driver required to use the "Noctar" (formerly "Phi") IQ demodulator board from Per Vices. . Se non sabe ben se necesita este paquete é que non o necesita. Package: langford-utils Description-md5: dfa3d80a77165a3f570a9d67dc83a341 Description-gl: Control programs for the Per Vices Noctar IQ demodulator board These utilities can be used to set up low level functions in the "Noctar" (formerly "Phi") IQ demodulator board from Per Vices. . Se non sabe ben se necesita este paquete é que non o necesita. Package: language-pack-kde-fa Description-md5: debef3c010f6c0e541c74eb61cfb054d Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua farsi Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE utilizados por: Farsi Package: language-pack-kde-si Description-md5: e0f890ea83ce1c35c66bae481d8f6e64 Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua sinhala Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE utilizados por: sinhala Package: language-pack-kde-tg Description-md5: f8ef71e407d4cbe146c5e9cf4bf7efb6 Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua taxica Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE utilizados por: taxico Package: language-pack-kde-th Description-md5: 52570b9a996cc2da1fbf306be4400efe Description-gl: Metapaquete de traducións de KDE para a lingua tailandesa Actualizacións dos datos de tradución de todos os paquetes de KDE utilizados por: tailandés Package: laptop-mode-tools Description-md5: 43f109990cc61ac81c810b482d7dff84 Description-gl: Ferramentas para o aforro de enerxÃa baseado no estado da baterÃa/corrente Laptop mode is a Linux kernel feature that allows your laptop to save considerable power, by allowing the hard drive to spin down for longer periods of time. This package contains the userland scripts that are needed to enable laptop mode. . It includes support for automatically enabling laptop mode when the computer is working on batteries. It also supports various other power management features, such as starting and stopping daemons depending on power mode, automatically hibernating if battery levels are too low, and adjusting terminal blanking and X11 screen blanking . laptop-mode-tools uses the Linux kernel's Laptop Mode feature and thus is also used on Desktops and Servers to conserve power Package: lasagne-doc Description-md5: d4ccca3d1b1639b2d3e2aa8b5bf5d34a Description-gl: deep learning Python library build on the top of Theano (docs) Lasagne is a Python library to build and train deep (multi-layered) artificial neural networks on the top of Theano (math expression compiler). In comparison to other abstraction layers for that like e.g. Keras, it abstracts Theano as little as possible. . Lasagne supports networks like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN, mostly used for image recognition resp. classification) and the Long Short-Term Memory type (LSTM, a subtype of Recurrent Neural Networks, RNN). . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: laserboy-indep Description-md5: 03ce4d9467210d208c9c5ee250ad0fba Description-gl: Laser show software for soundcard operation - data files LaserBoy can translate laser vector art into standard, 48KHz, 16 bit, multi channel RIFF WAVE file format and play those files with independent sample shifts between the channels for proper time alignment between the scanners and the color modulation devices (per color). Waves made with LaserBoy can be played from any surround sound card in any OS. LaserBoy can open its own generated wave files and convert them back into vector art. LaserBoy provides a full set of points optimization routines including distance spanning, corner dwelling and the ability to minimize total points distance by rearranging the order and direction of lit segments within a frame. With a DC modified 8 channel sound card and some outboard electronics, LaserBoy is currently outputting full motion, 16bit X, Y position, 24 bit RGB color projections at 48 thousand points per second. Creating waves of any integer sample rate is possible. 48KHz is only a limitation of the sound cards that are currently in use. . Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do laserboy. Package: last-align Description-md5: 34c07e83cd3ffe3ca9aa9b81ea1ff067 Description-gl: Comparación de secuencias biolóxicas ao nivel do xenoma O LAST é software para comparar e aliñar secuencias, habitualmente secuencias de ADN ou de proteÃnas. O LAST é semellante ao BLAST mais traballa mellor con cantidades moi grandes de datos de secuencias. Eis dúas cousas nas que o LAST é bo: . * Comparar xenomas grandes (p.ex. de mamÃferos). * Localizar moitas etiquetas de secuencias nun xenoma. . The main technical innovation is that LAST finds initial matches based on their multiplicity, instead of using a fixed size (e.g. BLAST uses 10-mers). This allows one to map tags to genomes without repeat-masking, without becoming overwhelmed by repetitive hits. To find these variable- sized matches, it uses a suffix array (inspired by Vmatch). To achieve high sensitivity, it uses a discontiguous suffix array, analogous to spaced seeds. Package: lat Description-md5: fb7077b64e2a611120173a96c1b73680 Description-gl: Ferramenta de administración de LDAP LAT stands for LDAP Administration Tool. The tool allows you to browse LDAP-based directories and add/edit/delete entries contained within. It can store profiles for quick access to different servers. Package: latd Description-md5: e359686f95cf7048a9783c5ea0e28a1b Description-gl: Daemon de LAT (Transporte de Ãrea Local) This is a server for DEC LAT. It allows users to log in to the Linux system from a LAT terminal server and also the creation of "reverse" LAT ports on the system that connect to other LAT services on the network. . Hai tamén unha utilidade llogin que permite que os usuarios accedan a servizos LAT remotos e unha utilidade moprc para xestionar servidores de terminais de maneira remota. Package: late Description-md5: 43c82ed1fa2bfc1520a44737243c1089 Description-gl: Xogo simple de capturar bólas Este é un xogo simple e divertido no que hai que usar a guillotina co rato para atrapar as bólas que rebotan. . As bólas atrápanse disparando a guillotina para partir a área de xogo en caixiñas; cando haxa pantalla suficiente cuberta pásase ao seguinte nivel. Package: late-data Description-md5: cebfdabece5f726a4a1ae1845f60a844 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo late O late é un xogo simple de capturar bólas . Este paquete contén datas de son e niveis para o xogo. . Fai falla o paquete late para usar estes ficheiros de datos Package: latencytop Description-md5: 7cc54bd3f215cbcc364144cfc6fde243 Description-gl: Unha ferramenta para desenvolvedores para visualizar latencias de sistema LatencyTOP is a Linux tool for software developers (both kernel and userspace), aimed at identifying where in the system latency is happening, and what kind of operation/action is causing the latency to happen so that the code can be changed to avoid the worst latency hiccups. Package: latex-cjk-all Description-md5: 71fee6ce053b845b35ae5d2f2879314e Description-gl: Instala todos os paquetes de CJK de LaTeX This metapackage will install all CJK packages. You may also wish to install each package separately instead. See the latex-cjk-common package for a detailed description. Package: latex-cjk-chinese Description-md5: 6424fac0b469c934f95668d8f6bcad8a Description-gl: Modulo de chinés para o CJK de LaTeX O CJK é un paquete de macros para LaTeX. este paquete dá a posibilidade de incluÃr texto en chinés (tradicional e simplificado) nos documentos en (La)TeX. . Instale hbf-jfs56 se desexa empregar tipos de letra de mapas de bits en chinés simplificado.Install hbf-cns40-b5 se desexa tipos de letra de mapas de bits en chinés simplificado.Install hbf-cns40-[1-7] se desexa tipos de letra de mapas de bits CEF. Isto só é necesario caso se precisen caracteres chineses extremadamente raros e exóticos. . Have a look at latex-cjk-common for a more detailed description. Package: lazygal Description-md5: 5d08c026d834afe8e4fa027cba0fa3d7 Description-gl: Xerador de galerÃas web estáticas O Lazygal é outro xerador de galerÃas web estáticas escrito en Python. Baséase na liña de ordes, emprega un motor reutilizábel e é vago - só rexenera as partes que hai que rexenerar. . Admite moitas funcionalidades interesantes, como subgalerÃas, información EXIF, temas e metadatos personalizados dos cartafoles. Os temas incluÃdos consisten en XHTML + CSS puros. Package: lbreakout2 Description-md5: 54c63d99ca78e370f4535c31016174d9 Description-gl: Xogo de bóla e raqueta con bos gráficos O lbreakout2 é un xogo semellante aos clásicos breakout e xboing que conta con moitas melloras e efectos gráficos engadidos. Contrólase unha raqueta no fondo do campo de xogo que hai que destruÃr os tixolos da parte superior batendo neles con bólas. . O lbreakout2 é unha reescrita completa do xogo «lbreakout». Quen queira xogar co lbreakout probabelmente desexa instalar isto. Package: lbreakout2-data Description-md5: 0d79896cb5f9710a2a9c86f872175105 Description-gl: Xogo de bóla e raqueta con bos gráficos (FICHEIROS DE DATOS) O lbreakout2 é un xogo semellante aos clásicos breakout e xboing que conta con moitas melloras e efectos gráficos engadidos. Contrólase unha raqueta no fondo do campo de xogo que hai que destruÃr os tixolos da parte superior batendo neles con bólas. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do lbreakout2. Package: lbzip2 Description-md5: fc16c4225837402464b76848e5b051f9 Description-gl: Utilidade de bzip2 rápida e con múltiplos fÃos lbzip2 is an independent, multi-threaded implementation of bzip2. It is commonly the fastest SMP (and uniprocessor) bzip2 compressor and decompressor. . O lbzip2 intégrase xeitosamente co tar de GNU. Package: lcab Description-md5: 0f7ec256bcaad6f9f9dc296d8b07a276 Description-gl: Cree arquivos cabinet (.cab) O lcab é un programiña para Linux que cree un arquivo cabinet (.cab) a partir dun conxunto de ficheiros dados. . O formato CAB representa o formato de arquivo comprimido do Windows da Microsoft. Emprégano para comprimir e asinar dixitalmente diversos programas de instalación da Microsoft Package: lcalc Description-md5: fd4ca25641eecd55cac218c2c32d68b1 Description-gl: program for calculating with L-functions O lcalc é un programa para calcular ceros e valores de funcións L. As funcións L que admite inclúen a función ceta de Riemann, a función L da función delta de Ramanujan e funcións L de curvas elÃpticas definidas sobre os racionais. Package: lcas-interface Description-md5: 5cfa7214423fbec6915e8ec79c8ea936 Description-gl: Local Centre Authorization Service API LCAS makes binary ('yes' or 'no') authorization decisions at the site and resource level. In making this decision, it can use a variety of inputs: the 'grid' name of the user (the Subject Distinguished Name), any VO attributes the user has (like VOMS FQANs), the name of the executable the user intends to execute. It supports basic black and white list functionality, but also more complex VOMS-based expressions, based on the GACL language. . Este paquete contén a interface necesaria para construÃr engadidos para LCAS. Package: lcd4linux Description-md5: 6635a666719017d9626f59b1d0e09a78 Description-gl: Obtén información e móstraa nun LCD externo Programiña que obtén información do kernel e algúns subsistema e a mostra nunha pantalla de cristal lÃquido. . Consulte para a documentación Package: lcdproc Description-md5: 8b0e0cc1a78885d0de12e08625a86d7b Description-gl: LCD display driver daemon and clients Lcdproc is a client/server suite including drivers for all kinds of nifty LCD displays. The server supports several serial devices: Matrix Orbital, Crystal Fontz, Bayrad, LB216, LCDM001 (, Wirz-SLI and PIC-an-LCD; and some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, STV5730, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. . Various clients are available that display things like CPU load, system load, memory usage, uptime, and a lot more. Custom clients can be written using the simple client-server protocol and provided example code. . Este paquete contén os controladores de LCD que non precisan de bibliotecas adicionais para se executaren. No paquete lcdproc-extra- drivers tamén hai compatibilidade con algunhas pantallas USB e VGA. Package: lcdproc-dbg Description-md5: 9a42cd5a107df8066e6fe19ebe5c5e3f Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do lcproc This is a client/server suite including drivers for all kinds of nifty LCD displays. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración asociados con lcdproc. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con libupnp. . A maiorÃa das persoas non precisan deste paquete. Package: lcdproc-extra-drivers Description-md5: 22c6bf05591856478eb1251c19249104 Description-gl: extra drivers for the LCD display driver daemon Lcdproc is a client/server suite including drivers for all kinds of nifty LCD displays. The server supports several serial devices: Matrix Orbital, Crystal Fontz, Bayrad, LB216, LCDM001 (, Wirz-SLI and PIC-an-LCD; and some devices connected to the LPT port: HD44780, STV5730, T6963, SED1520 and SED1330. As of 0.4.4 some USB displays are also supported by the drivers CFonz633, CwLnx, and USBLCD. . Este paquete contén os controladores de LCD que precisan bibliotecas adicionais para executar como USB, LIRC, SVGA e o Sistema de Xanelas X. Package: ldaptor-doc Description-md5: f334654fa5e72ba03276b47629ef9611 Description-gl: Documentación de Ldaptor A collection of documentation about Ldaptor and LDAP, including: . * An introduction to LDAP * The Ldaptor library API * Slides for a talk "Creating a simple LDAP application" Package: ldb-tools Description-md5: 27e8c15a8859e3368f9f6a0853f05226 Description-gl: LDAP-like embedded database - tools ldb é unha base de datos incorporada tipo LDAP construÃda sobre TDB. . What ldb does is provide a fast database with an LDAP-like API designed to be used within an application. In some ways it can be seen as a intermediate solution between key-value pair databases and a real LDAP database. . This package contains bundled test and utility binaries Package: ldm-edubuntu-theme Description-md5: bbeaae794e52747380ae4f32bfedab7f Description-gl: Tema de Edubunto para o Xestor de pantallas LTSP LDM is an ssh based X11 display manager, this package contains the Edubuntu theme for LDM. Package: ldm-ubuntu-themes Description-md5: c0a80e462d32e21a02c8877a542a0547 Description-gl: Themes for the LTSP Display Manager (transitional package) Este é un metapaquete transitorio. Pódese eliminar con seguranza despois da anovación. Package: ldm-xubuntu-theme Description-md5: 2db511374eee524d06977fea460141d9 Description-gl: Tema de Xubuntu para o xestor de pantalla LTSP LDM is an ssh based X11 display manager, this package contains the Xubuntu theme for LDM. Package: ldnsutils Description-md5: f9d658a5ff7103e0aaa996f3fc4c800d Description-gl: ldns library for DNS programming O obxectivo de ldns é simplificar a programación de DNS. Admite RFC recentes, como os documentos DNSSEC, e permite que os desenvolvedores creen facilmente software que cumpra coas RFC actuais e software experimental dos Borradores de Internet actuais. . This package contains various client programs related to DNS that are based on top of libldns library and DRILL tool which is similar to dig. These tools were designed with DNSSEC in mind and are useful for DNS and DNSSEC testing and debugging. Package: ldtp-doc Description-md5: 18b7abee0dd681d01cfe634367e3ee2e Description-gl: Documentación dos paquetes de LDTP Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test automation framework and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test GNU/Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to poke through the applications user interface. . This package contains documentation for LDTP packages. Package: lebiniou Description-md5: 2c70eae0a85eb27b9fb72e8c6138bf1e Description-gl: Mostra imaxes que evolúen co son Le Biniou works with music, voice, ambient sounds, whatever acoustic source you choose. . When you run Le Biniou it gives an evolutionary rendering of the sound you are playing. . You are given two options to run Le Biniou: You can manage entirely the sequences and choose your own series of pictures from the default library, your colour scales, the kind of alteration you want to apply or you can let Le Biniou's artificial intelligence run on its own. . Forget the old visualizations you are familiar with, discover a new multidimensional – spatial and chromatic – way of comprehending music and sounds for either artistic, recreational or didactic purposes. Package: lemonldap-ng-doc Description-md5: ea9152abc983a4998782308da51d56d8 Description-gl: Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system documentation Lemonldap::NG is a complete Web-SSO system that can run with reverse- proxies or directly on application webservers. It can be used in conjunction with OpenID-Connect, CAS and SAML systems as identity or service provider. It can also be used as proxy between those federation systems. . It manages both authentication and authorization and provides headers for accounting. So you can have a full AAA protection. Authorization are built by associating a regular expression and a rule. Regular expression is applied on the requested URL and the rule calculates if the user is authorized. . Este paquete contén documentación en HTML. Package: letsencrypt Description-md5: b77c3edb2fdeaba6edecc4488cb24985 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package for the rename of letsencrypt to certbot. It can safely be removed. Package: lib32asan0 Description-md5: 21a3c42c398c2fff43ee9449787256e4 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan0-dbg Description-md5: bde72eaadd150a362fa2a39d6da988d7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan2 Description-md5: 21a3c42c398c2fff43ee9449787256e4 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan2-dbg Description-md5: bde72eaadd150a362fa2a39d6da988d7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan2-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: bde72eaadd150a362fa2a39d6da988d7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan2-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 21a3c42c398c2fff43ee9449787256e4 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan3-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: bde72eaadd150a362fa2a39d6da988d7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan3-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: bde72eaadd150a362fa2a39d6da988d7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan3-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 21a3c42c398c2fff43ee9449787256e4 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan3-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 21a3c42c398c2fff43ee9449787256e4 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan4-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: bde72eaadd150a362fa2a39d6da988d7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan4-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: bde72eaadd150a362fa2a39d6da988d7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan4-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 21a3c42c398c2fff43ee9449787256e4 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32asan4-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 21a3c42c398c2fff43ee9449787256e4 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (32 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib32gcc-4.8-dev Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-5-dev Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-5-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-5-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-5-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-7-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-7-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc-7-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 50201ee0230693f6a9313820d5854393 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 32 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib32gcc1-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: c63fecbede41e11da6e7e7eb4dfe7229 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32gcc1-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 72ddc0904e54cf7bb0d5cb059b90a213 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32gcc1-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 681bc2998a2d639f3c2e8b9ba74fceda Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32gcc1-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 35ce0f010e83dc6908b7eb0390e2d471 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32gcc1-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 204d8588af64c5baba1541758b0fe629 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32gfortran-4.8-dev Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-5-dev Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-5-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-5-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-5-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-7-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-7-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran-7-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 6b37f3090548ca719a28233db2276849 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib32gfortran3-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-mips64-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-s390x-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran3-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: f1c6c70ede14acca0d8908ffcb0e809d Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32 bit debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-mips64-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-s390x-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32gfortran4-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 6b1141cbf03c78b07b329d00c2e7823f Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go11 Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go11-mips64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go11-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go11-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go11-s390x-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go11-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go4 Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go7 Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go7-mips64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go7-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go7-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go7-s390x-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go7-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go9 Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go9-mips64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go9-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go9-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go9-s390x-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32go9-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 7174520aedfeba49e54b8c36f55b7e95 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (32bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc-4.8-dev Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-5-dev Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-5-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-5-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-5-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-7-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-7-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc-7-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4563909f76273e1eff5ff297d7d93981 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 32 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib32objc4-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 06d620c114d0d3329b9b2be2112a0894 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 06d620c114d0d3329b9b2be2112a0894 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 06d620c114d0d3329b9b2be2112a0894 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 06d620c114d0d3329b9b2be2112a0894 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 06d620c114d0d3329b9b2be2112a0894 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-mips64-cross Description-md5: cdc9d0be22d98fa7275d3376afaddcc0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-mips64el-cross Description-md5: cdc9d0be22d98fa7275d3376afaddcc0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-ppc64-cross Description-md5: cdc9d0be22d98fa7275d3376afaddcc0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-s390x-cross Description-md5: cdc9d0be22d98fa7275d3376afaddcc0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32objc4-sparc64-cross Description-md5: cdc9d0be22d98fa7275d3376afaddcc0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (32 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib32phobos-5-dev Description-md5: 74c4089eeff14106ae16cc4257ba8f73 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (64bit development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: lib32stdc++-4.8-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: lib32stdc++-5-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: lib32stdc++6-4.8-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lib32stdc++6-5-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lib32stdc++6-5-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-5-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-5-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 608421ddb89304ab20588acaf67ee10b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-5-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: ac1bba3295e4fe2572314658365d3cf1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-5-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1fa87d1c324ac5703a76d7201f2084f Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-6-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-6-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-6-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 608421ddb89304ab20588acaf67ee10b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-6-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: ac1bba3295e4fe2572314658365d3cf1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-6-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1fa87d1c324ac5703a76d7201f2084f Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-7-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-7-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-7-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 608421ddb89304ab20588acaf67ee10b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-7-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: ac1bba3295e4fe2572314658365d3cf1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-7-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1fa87d1c324ac5703a76d7201f2084f Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-mips64-cross Description-md5: 26ef041dcd5376c600f1e848ffb811bf Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0180a2994314dc6d2114c3e21d5fed4b Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 2c9085c5f49471b6573f07e929023d93 Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-s390x-cross Description-md5: 187342390b9d11bee3c82a857e760a0c Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib32stdc++6-sparc64-cross Description-md5: eebb7a339a97fa825bdb468feb6ff708 Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (32 bit Version) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib4store-dev Description-md5: ee61913b6945a5338d5b8599ffc264af Description-gl: RDF database storage and query engine -- development files 4store is a database storage and query engine that holds RDF data. . 4store's main strengths are its performance, scalability and stability. It does not provide many features over and above RDF storage and SPARQL queries, but if your are looking for a scalable, secure, fast and efficient RDF store, then 4store should be on your shortlist. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e a bibliotecas estática. Package: lib64asan2-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: f86d6035d0bdab5718527fadb4713347 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan2-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 1a9f659ca4439e2038933f842e164011 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan3-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: f86d6035d0bdab5718527fadb4713347 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan3-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 1a9f659ca4439e2038933f842e164011 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan4-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: f86d6035d0bdab5718527fadb4713347 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan4-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 1a9f659ca4439e2038933f842e164011 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64gcc-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-5-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-6-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-7-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc1-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: dd3d7e0ba479e98a11965405e9099d15 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64gcc1-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 3cb96e2976afbb0e3cd0868d64da2907 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64gcc1-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 92eaf9fdde9b4fa45758ad443fe6f324 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64gcc1-mips-cross Description-md5: bd06455b0b59aee3cd8410319dd59033 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (versión de 64 bits) Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64gcc1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a86fe5ad56fc9a20f1df525a4613ff6b Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (versión de 64 bits) Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64gcc1-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 3bf79ce9852504418b0dfc9b851b45eb Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (versión de 64 bits) Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64gfortran-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-5-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-6-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-7-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran3-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: c63c0c3ab768ea3fa5c30e961c50e5b6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran3-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: c63c0c3ab768ea3fa5c30e961c50e5b6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran3-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: c63c0c3ab768ea3fa5c30e961c50e5b6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran3-mips-cross Description-md5: 46b19e07ae6f07ea3757b2684cf21c0d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran3-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 46b19e07ae6f07ea3757b2684cf21c0d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran3-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 46b19e07ae6f07ea3757b2684cf21c0d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran4-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: c63c0c3ab768ea3fa5c30e961c50e5b6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran4-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: c63c0c3ab768ea3fa5c30e961c50e5b6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran4-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: c63c0c3ab768ea3fa5c30e961c50e5b6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran4-mips-cross Description-md5: 46b19e07ae6f07ea3757b2684cf21c0d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran4-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 46b19e07ae6f07ea3757b2684cf21c0d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gfortran4-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 46b19e07ae6f07ea3757b2684cf21c0d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go11-mips-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go11-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go11-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go7-mips-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go7-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go7-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go9-mips-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go9-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go9-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64gomp1-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 882676390c496a4f303ad530c4fe700c Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración de 64 bits) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: lib64gomp1-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 882676390c496a4f303ad530c4fe700c Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración de 64 bits) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: lib64gomp1-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 882676390c496a4f303ad530c4fe700c Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración de 64 bits) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: lib64gomp1-mips-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (64 bits) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: lib64gomp1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (64 bits) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: lib64gomp1-powerpc-cross Description-md5: a0950cb11ce700192ac4d8252bba5f9e Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (64 bits) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: lib64objc-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-5-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-6-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-7-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc4-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 7cd2b0138394ee9bd1a02f3b57b33245 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64objc4-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 7cd2b0138394ee9bd1a02f3b57b33245 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64objc4-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 7cd2b0138394ee9bd1a02f3b57b33245 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64objc4-mips-cross Description-md5: ed6abd85fb9be4df45f054e758ab70d5 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64objc4-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ed6abd85fb9be4df45f054e758ab70d5 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64objc4-powerpc-cross Description-md5: ed6abd85fb9be4df45f054e758ab70d5 Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (64 bits) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64stdc++6-5-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-5-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-5-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-6-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-6-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-6-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-7-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-7-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-7-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-mips-cross Description-md5: 4f67f1c2b7493d3c363d870d9467d1bb Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (64bit) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-mipsel-cross Description-md5: f91ec9ec5dea1c47dc14b6e4453ce09f Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (64bit) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: lib64stdc++6-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 0d9878cc5a1368affffc14c4004138ba Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (64bit) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: liba52-0.7.4-dev Description-md5: a008e9348ef0391e0dd7eac39d37af19 Description-gl: library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams (development) liba52 is a free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams. The A/52 standard is used in a variety of applications, including digital television and DVD. It is also known as AC-3. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libaa-bin Description-md5: aceb0e45b1024860e2efa4f03f15d19a Description-gl: Programas de exemplo que empregan aalib AAlib is a portable ASCII art graphics library. Internally, it works like a graphics display, but the output is rendered into gorgeous platform independent ASCII graphics. . This package contains a few sample programs that use aalib. Package: libaacs0 Description-md5: 41db8a659b0b28fdefe3a4c746d811ba Description-gl: free-and-libre implementation of AACS libaacs is a research project to implement the Advanced Access Content System specification. It provides, through an open-source library, a way to understand how the AACS works. . This package DOES NOT provide any key or certificate that could be used to decode encrypted copyrighted material. It is based on the official public AACS specification only. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libabigail-dev Description-md5: e5be201b6d254fa6dfc675ac3066a175 Description-gl: ABI Generic Analysis and Instrumentation Library (development files) This is an interface to the GNU Compiler Collection for the collection and analysis of compiler-generated binaries. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libaccess-modifier-checker-java-doc Description-md5: 31ad48b93f9aca6c1e896cf8f57bb516 Description-gl: Documentación de libaccess-modifier-checker-java This maven plugin allows applications to define custom access modifiers programmatically, to be enforced at compile time in the opt-in basis. Obviously, there's no runtime check either --- this is strictly a voluntary annotation. . This mechanism is useful for actually making sure that deprecated features are not used (without actually removing such declarations, which would break binary compatibility.) . This package provides the API documentation for libaccess-modifier- checker-java. Package: libaccounts-glib-dev Description-md5: 765d6d1ddff9dd3cf4394fe30970f017 Description-gl: library for single signon - development files Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libaccounts-glib-doc Description-md5: 8a097664e340ebf00e0822ccc0ac4e04 Description-gl: library for single signon - documentation Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libaccounts-glib-tools Description-md5: 1c35a213a7469b9247d5dcd0ba9decef Description-gl: Biblioteca para a autenticación única - ferramentas This package provides the tools useful for the libaccounts-glib library. Package: libaccounts-glib0 Description-md5: 04337bac8cab900bc597648cf0e9cf55 Description-gl: library for single signon Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libaccounts-qt5-1 Description-md5: 4ff445e13de255a469861d743f92e199 Description-gl: QT library for single sign on Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libaccounts-qt5-dev Description-md5: 398e3f15b81b6da49a898ee092e3c4de Description-gl: QT library for single sign on - development files Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libacpi-dev Description-md5: fbf0ef585a232c225d1c4b166e5f2899 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libacpi libacpi é unha biblioteca compartida de propósito xeral para programas que reúnan datos de ACPI en Linux. Inclúe zonas termais, información sobre a baterÃa, información sobre os ventiladores e estados de corrente alterna. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to compile applications or shared objects that use libacpi. Package: libacpi0 Description-md5: f76cdab5aa702367d0c5e36833469359 Description-gl: Biblioteca de propósito xeral para ACPI libacpi é unha biblioteca compartida de propósito xeral para programas que reúnan datos de ACPI en Linux. Inclúe zonas termais, información sobre a baterÃa, información sobre os ventiladores e estados de corrente alterna. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para libacpi. Package: libacsccid1 Description-md5: 05bf1db065acaecd723e98052825b2e6 Description-gl: Controlador de PC/SC para os lectores de tarxetas intelixentes ACS USB CCID This library provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation for the ACS USB smart card readers compliant to the CCID protocol. . This package is needed to communicate with the ACS CCID smartcard readers through the PC/SC Lite resource manager (pcscd). . See README for a list of supported readers. Package: libactionlib-dev Description-md5: 57534e7c38bfcca75f1a06d80fd26572 Description-gl: Robot OS actionlib library - development files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libactionlib0d Description-md5: 12ff608516b002ec1c7e4b9768f274ba Description-gl: Robot OS actionlib library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libad9361-dev Description-md5: df8fb4cd9e7c43d5c4b886b9a6b0793b Description-gl: Development files specific to the Analog Devices AD9361 This library contains a few functions useful to configure and use the Analog Devices AD9361 Agile Transceiver. . The device combines an RF front end with a flexible mixed-signal baseband section and integrated frequency synthesizers. The AD9361 operates in the 70 MHz to 6.0 GHz range, covering most licensed and unlicensed bands. Channel bandwidths from less than 200 kHz to 56 MHz are supported. This library provides hardware support for Software Defined Radio aplications. . Using libiio allows use with both locally attached devices and hardware available over a network link. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libadacgi1 Description-md5: da0ee1d23ca5c3bd75ce2a44d7695b9a Description-gl: Ada CGI interface: shared library Esta é a interface de David A. Wheeler para Ada 95 da «Interface común de pasarelas» (CGI). Facilita a creación de programas en Ada que poidan ser invocados por servidores de HTTP que empreguen a interface normal de CGI. . This package contains the runtime shared library. Package: libadacgi1-dev Description-md5: 3e57052a5c95ecb8e66883f8360c0349 Description-gl: Ada CGI interface: development Esta é a interface de David A. Wheeler para Ada 95 da «Interface común de pasarelas» (CGI). Facilita a creación de programas en Ada que poidan ser invocados por servidores de HTTP que empreguen a interface normal de CGI. . Install this package if you want to write programs that use AdaCGI. Package: libaddresses-dev Description-md5: 77ec4e73f6401222a2f61deee02f233b Description-gl: Database API backend framework for GNUstep (development files) This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libaddressview-dev Description-md5: 5fdf286b3ece00e2582e9440c0e4adfe Description-gl: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep (development files) This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libadminutil-data Description-md5: a71941672ff5ae93fe98cb8f6e76ed27 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades para a administración de 389ds - ficheiros de datos Bibliotecas e funcións empregadas para administrar os servidores de directorio 389, normalmente en conxunto co servidor de administración. . Adminutil is broken into two libraries - libadminutil contains the basic functionality, and libadmsslutil contains SSL versions and wrappers around the basic functions. The PSET functions allow applications to store their preferences and configuration parameters in LDAP, without having to know anything about LDAP. The configuration is cached in a local file, allowing applications to function even if the LDAP server is down. The other code is typically used by CGI programs used for directory server management, containing GET/POST processing code as well as resource handling (ICU ures API). . Este paquete inclúe ficheiros de datos para as bibliotecas. Package: libadminutil-dev Description-md5: fd0efd618ee3965450d8a9443d5691ea Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades para a administración de 389ds - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Bibliotecas e funcións empregadas para administrar os servidores de directorio 389, normalmente en conxunto co servidor de administración. . Adminutil is broken into two libraries - libadminutil contains the basic functionality, and libadmsslutil contains SSL versions and wrappers around the basic functions. The PSET functions allow applications to store their preferences and configuration parameters in LDAP, without having to know anything about LDAP. The configuration is cached in a local file, allowing applications to function even if the LDAP server is down. The other code is typically used by CGI programs used for directory server management, containing GET/POST processing code as well as resource handling (ICU ures API). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libadminutil0 Description-md5: 505c6a4fb43f7eddb0c704bc9607d8b8 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades para a administración de 389ds Bibliotecas e funcións empregadas para administrar os servidores de directorio 389, normalmente en conxunto co servidor de administración. . Adminutil is broken into two libraries - libadminutil contains the basic functionality, and libadmsslutil contains SSL versions and wrappers around the basic functions. The PSET functions allow applications to store their preferences and configuration parameters in LDAP, without having to know anything about LDAP. The configuration is cached in a local file, allowing applications to function even if the LDAP server is down. The other code is typically used by CGI programs used for directory server management, containing GET/POST processing code as well as resource handling (ICU ures API). Package: libadplug-dev Description-md5: 5e5a249b161a7cfdfd94f8ab462cfad7 Description-gl: free AdLib sound library (development) AdPlug is a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libaff4-0 Description-md5: f6cf68bfea51cf90b76c96a97b50f816 Description-gl: AFF4 - The Advanced Forensics File Format - development package The Advanced Forensics File format 4 was originally designed and published in "Extending the advanced forensic format to accommodate multiple data sources, logical evidence, arbitrary information and forensic workflow" M.I. Cohen, Simson Garfinkel and Bradley Schatz, digital investigation 6 (2009) S57–S68. . The format is an open source format used for the storage of digital evidence and data. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libaff4-dev Description-md5: a45e518d7831e139cc1e1545a53b8545 Description-gl: AFF4 - The Advanced Forensics File Format The Advanced Forensics File format 4 was originally designed and published in "Extending the advanced forensic format to accommodate multiple data sources, logical evidence, arbitrary information and forensic workflow" M.I. Cohen, Simson Garfinkel and Bradley Schatz, digital investigation 6 (2009) S57–S68. . The format is an open source format used for the storage of digital evidence and data. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e a bibliotecas estática. Package: libaften-dev Description-md5: 7ce409ebeb11e75d213a53fae4574c3e Description-gl: Codificador de son AC3 - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Aften é un codificador de son que xera fluxos de son comprimido baseándose na especificación ATSC A/52. Este tipo de son coñécese como Ac-3 ou Dolby® Digital e é un dos códecs de son empregados no contido dos DVD de vÃdeo. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libaften0 Description-md5: 7dec1029e6e37a968d519646a46fc3fb Description-gl: Codificador de son AC3 - ficheiros de tempo de execución Aften é un codificador de son que xera fluxos de son comprimido baseándose na especificación ATSC A/52. Este tipo de son coñécese como Ac-3 ou Dolby® Digital e é un dos códecs de son empregados no contido dos DVD de vÃdeo. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libahven6-dev Description-md5: 6e54401a37b269c5decb82e27a009a12 Description-gl: Unit test library for Ada (development) Ahven is a simple unit test library for the Ada 95 programming language. It is loosely modeled after JUnit, and some ideas are taken from AUnit. Ahven is free software distributed under permissive ISC license and should work with any Ada 95 compiler. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-0c2a Description-md5: 547746dab61779644273faa87b90dbb6 Description-gl: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (development) Aiksaurus é un tesauro da lingua inglesa axeitado para ser integrado en procesadores de texto, redactores de correo e outro software de creación. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-data Description-md5: 5e419cb8b87fa0717be6e39b76c3acd5 Description-gl: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (data) Aiksaurus é un tesauro da lingua inglesa axeitado para ser integrado en procesadores de texto, redactores de correo e outro software de creación. . Este paqeute contén os datos do tesauro. Package: libaiksaurus-1.2-dev Description-md5: 8fb88e76f401b43d4bf6041431214605 Description-gl: This package provides an English-language thesaurus (development files) Aiksaurus é un tesauro da lingua inglesa axeitado para ser integrado en procesadores de texto, redactores de correo e outro software de creación. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento con Aiksaurus. Package: libairspy-dev Description-md5: 0e9031eb7dbc3783ce2c59cf71f528d4 Description-gl: Tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver - development Airspy is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive between 24 MHz and 1750 MHz. Airspy has a 10 MHz bandwidth. 12bit ADC @ 20 MSPS (80dB SFDR, 64dB SNR, 10.4 ENOB) It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libairspy0 Description-md5: a5f4eb4607ecf1df83db7ed5f4f089a6 Description-gl: Tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver - library Airspy is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive between 24 MHz and 1750 MHz. Airspy has a 10 MHz bandwidth. 12bit ADC @ 20 MSPS (80dB SFDR, 64dB SNR, 10.4 ENOB) It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libairspyhf-dev Description-md5: 24cacfde8a494d91fdee99f29a6662f8 Description-gl: HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - development Airspy HF+ is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive 9 kHZ to 31 MHz and 60 MHz to 260 MHz. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libairspyhf0 Description-md5: d64d6ed88b5469a7443750cc3ed0ed9f Description-gl: HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - library Airspy HF+ is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive 9 kHZ to 31 MHz and 60 MHz to 260 MHz. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libakai0 Description-md5: c1991637f84e9ef54646341510f514a2 Description-gl: library for loading and modifying akai files libakai is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating akai files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros da biblioteca compartida. Package: libakonadi-calendar4 Description-md5: c39fd6b578240038e8006aac033d8e3b Description-gl: library providing calendar helpers for Akonadi items This library offers helper functions to integrate the use of Akonadi calendar items in applications. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-contact4 Description-md5: e37a9957f2fcac1dd44cb526f5c16f80 Description-gl: Akonadi contacts access library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular contactos empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-dev Description-md5: 7a5c6d60679631d3585bce30c8e84f52 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do servizo de almacenamento Akonadi PIM Akonadi é un servizo multiplataforma e extensÃbel de almacenamento de información persoal (PIM) para o escritorio. Fornece unha infraestrutura común para que os aplicativos almacenen a accedan ao correo, calendarios, cadernos de enderezos e outros datos de información persoal. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue o servizo de almacenamento PIM de Akonadi. Package: libakonadi-kabc4 Description-md5: 381703f92dbe9c18ac9cdc28c30d631c Description-gl: Akonadi address book access library This library provides address book manipulation helpers using the Akonadi PIM data server. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-kcal4 Description-md5: 332adfd26a570eecd8f5f48427a66cc2 Description-gl: Biblioteca de acceso a calendarios de Akonadi Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipulares calendarios empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-kde4 Description-md5: 8f1402438a0d8675207bf8464db2865d Description-gl: Biblioteca para empregar o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi Este é a biblioteca de acceso de clientes para empregar o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-kmime4 Description-md5: 4e624534e40cf9790cf55069c0d61f2f Description-gl: Akonadi MIME handling library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para xestionar MIME empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-notes4 Description-md5: 8c6e61d76502884be9087f95fed497e3 Description-gl: Akonadi notes access library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular notas empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-socialutils4 Description-md5: 7383075cd1b25e28cdbe813cf9010b29 Description-gl: Akonadi resources for handling social feeds Akonadi resource types for social media related feeds. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadi-xml4 Description-md5: fedb7044a6b3771e661d0d2237c65b21 Description-gl: Akonadi XML helper library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para XML empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libakonadiprotocolinternals1 Description-md5: fc68b591ff20eff8fb7e4c5e3375b4dd Description-gl: Bibliotecas para o servizo de almacenamento PIM Akonadi Akonadi é un servizo multiplataforma e extensÃbel de almacenamento de información persoal (PIM) para o escritorio. Fornece unha infraestrutura común para que os aplicativos almacenen a accedan ao correo, calendarios, cadernos de enderezos e outros datos de información persoal. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas empregadas polo servizo de almacenamento PIM Akonadi. Package: libalberta-dev Description-md5: b25cba8f2ea2f2773152673b759fae8d Description-gl: adaptive finite element library (development files) ALBERTA is an adaptive finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). . It offers a hierarchical mesh and methods for 1d, 2d and 3d stationary as well as time dependent problems. It is written in C with speed and flexibility in mind. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libalberta2-dev Description-md5: 8c7292c185314166e0541f271b5f9007 Description-gl: adaptive finite element library (transitional package) This package is a transitional package to libalberta-dev. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a instalación. Package: libalberta4 Description-md5: afb017f8092816903f5edbc4a5573a11 Description-gl: adaptive finite element library (library) ALBERTA is an adaptive finite element library for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). . It offers a hierarchical mesh and methods for 1d, 2d and 3d stationary as well as time dependent problems. It is written in C with speed and flexibility in mind. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libaldmb1-dev Description-md5: 2628c4027c60da4c5408a7e557ef8ba1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libaldmb1 DUMB is a tracker library with support for IT, XM, S3M and MOD files. It targets maximum accuracy to the original formats, with low-pass resonant filters for the IT files, accurate timing and pitching, and three resampling quality settings (aliasing, linear interpolation and cubic interpolation). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras e as bibliotecas estáticas precisos para compilar aplicativos que empreguen libaldmb1. Package: libalglib-dev Description-md5: b4738e0f01a0b7c1868e2aa5e279816b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca alglib ALGLIB é unha biblioteca multiplataforma de análise numérica e procesamento de datos. Este paquete admite C++. As funcionalidades de ALGLIB inclúen: . * Ãlxebra linear (algoritmos directos, EVD/SVD) * Solucionadores (lineares e non lineares) * Interpolación * Optimización * Transformadas rápidas de Fourier * Integración numérica * MÃnimos cadrados lineares e non lineares * Funcións especiais * EstatÃsticas (estatÃsticas descritivas, probas de hipóteses) * Análise de datos (clasificación/regresión, incluÃdas redes neuronais) . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e documentación) de ALGLIB. Package: libalglib3.11 Description-md5: db996366870b5e4994f3be825a136ae6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de análise numérica e procesamento de datos ALGLIB é unha biblioteca multiplataforma de análise numérica e procesamento de datos. Este paquete admite C++. As funcionalidades de ALGLIB inclúen: . * Ãlxebra linear (algoritmos directos, EVD/SVD) * Solucionadores (lineares e non lineares) * Interpolación * Optimización * Transformadas rápidas de Fourier * Integración numérica * MÃnimos cadrados lineares e non lineares * Funcións especiais * EstatÃsticas (estatÃsticas descritivas, probas de hipóteses) * Análise de datos (clasificación/regresión, incluÃdas redes neuronais) Package: libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl Description-md5: 285e9d2968cb80958e9b5c41513f3744 Description-gl: Extensión de Perl para xerar e probar dÃxitos de comprobación This module provides a number of methods to test and generate checksum digits such as carrier trackers, ISBNs, banknotes, credit cards and a lot of other identification numbers. . It will check validity, complete partial numbers, provide base check numbers and extract check digits from several sequence of numbers. Package: liballeggl4-dev Description-md5: 40ff51e654f3dece2795af8f06c7f198 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca allegrogl Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para liballeggl. . AllegroGL is an Allegro add-on that allows you to use OpenGL alongside Allegro -- you use OpenGL for your rendering to the screen, and Allegro for miscellaneous tasks like gathering input, doing timers, getting cross- platform portability, loading data, and drawing your textures. So this library fills the same hole that things like glut do. . AllegroGL also automatically exposes most, if not all, OpenGL extensions available to user programs. This means you no longer have to manually load them; extension management is already done for you. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: liballegro-acodec5-dev Description-md5: f4fc829bcc7525786ca1d44b7b855a9a Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceiras para o complemento de códec de son de Allegro 5 This package is required to build programs that use the Allegro 5 audio codec addon. . Allegro is a cross-platform library intended for use in computer games and other types of multimedia programming. Allegro 5 is the latest major revision of the library, designed to take advantage of modern hardware (e.g. hardware acceleration using 3D cards) and operating systems. Although it is not backwards compatible with earlier versions, it still occupies the same niche and retains a familiar style. Package: liballegro4-dev Description-md5: 5b17ce6a77ff7eb24483c5ae33ba5961 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Allegro Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Allegro. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: liballegro5-dev Description-md5: 10ae8ae8e5d829419d4a1f0eda9f3bdf Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Allegro 5 This package is needed to build programs using the Allegro 5 library. Contains header files. . Allegro is a cross-platform library intended for use in computer games and other types of multimedia programming. Allegro 5 is the latest major revision of the library, designed to take advantage of modern hardware (e.g. hardware acceleration using 3D cards) and operating systems. Although it is not backwards compatible with earlier versions, it still occupies the same niche and retains a familiar style. Package: libalog-doc Description-md5: fc4b8f6605f4da53abfcdaa388aa7621 Description-gl: Logging framework for Ada (documentation) Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use and easily extendable. Alog provides file-based and syslog logging facilities and log-level support. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libalog3-dev Description-md5: 155502ea897a8a46402540435adc9fc7 Description-gl: Logging framework for Ada (development) Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use and easily extendable. Alog provides file-based and syslog logging facilities and log-level support. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libalure-dev Description-md5: 1bedb081bd091b9721c3ffb6df9bdb22 Description-gl: AL Utilities REtooled (development files) ALURE is a utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. This includes device enumeration and initialization, file loading, and streaming. . The purpose of this library is to provide pre-made functionality that would otherwise be repetitive or difficult to (re)code for various projects and platforms, such as loading a sound file into an OpenAL buffer and streaming an audio file through a buffer queue. Support for different formats is consistant across platforms, so no special checks are needed when loading files, and all formats are handled through the same API. . Currently ALURE includes a basic .wav and .aif file reader, and can leverage external libraries such as libSndFile (for extended wave formats and several others), VorbisFile (for Ogg Vorbis), and FLAC (for FLAC and Ogg FLAC), and others. External libraries can also be dynamically loaded at run-time, or individually disabled outright at compile time. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libambit0 Description-md5: df4765a17e6604d54143b73689f0a9a5 Description-gl: utilities for Suunto Ambit sport watches This package provides software that helps communicating with Suunto Ambit outdoor watches. . OpenAmbit offers the following features: - Read logs from device and save them in XML files; - Upload logs to; - Update orbital data (for faster GPS sync) to the device. . It doesn't have the following features (but may include them in future releases): - Sync user settings from movescount to device; - Sync apps, routes etc from movescount to device. . The application is divided in 2 parts, libambit which is a basic C-library that does the device-communication, and the openambit GUI application that writes the logs to XML files and synchronize with movescount. The movescount parts is completely optional, and needs to be manually enabled in the UI. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libanalitza-dev Description-md5: f86a1a12d9304114642eaf951ce52eaa Description-gl: development files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . This package contains the development files, used to build applications that use Analitza. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitza5-dbg Description-md5: 8225f11d82bc280468e871ffd76c6c36 Description-gl: debugging symbols for Analitza This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with libraries and binaries included in Analitza. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitza5-dev Description-md5: f86a1a12d9304114642eaf951ce52eaa Description-gl: development files for Analitza Analitza is a library to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library is being used by KAlgebra and Cantor and may be used in other programs. . This package contains the development files, used to build applications that use Analitza. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitza5abi1 Description-md5: 92ad86650a4e6fad5ca6fbc6be591399 Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitza8 Description-md5: 92ad86650a4e6fad5ca6fbc6be591399 Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitzagui5abi1 Description-md5: 02f734e9dfb655fed0eb2d6024454a29 Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - GUI routines This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to the graphical user interface. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitzagui8 Description-md5: 02f734e9dfb655fed0eb2d6024454a29 Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - GUI routines This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to the graphical user interface. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitzaplot5abi1 Description-md5: 8850b8c7b9a0aaa910de370924d8aa53 Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - plotting bits This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to plotting. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitzaplot8 Description-md5: 8850b8c7b9a0aaa910de370924d8aa53 Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - plotting bits This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to plotting. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanalitzawidgets8 Description-md5: 262ad5a8715082f76356b9f89c5efe9c Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - widgets This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libanet0.3.4 Description-md5: e17a64c841195c2680ea9cae113116be Description-gl: Biblioteca de rede para Ada Anet is a networking library for the Ada programming language. The library provides a BSD socket implementation with a high level of abstraction and an extendable socket type hierarchy. Package: libanet2-dev Description-md5: 65411c893c2c78e6f5cd08645e82ca96 Description-gl: Biblioteca de rede para Ada (desenvolvemento) Anet is a networking library for the Ada programming language. The library provides a BSD socket implementation with a high level of abstraction and an extendable socket type hierarchy. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libangles-dev Description-md5: 8b309b8573024112b3d567c75b94fd13 Description-gl: Robot OS set of simple math utilities to work with angles This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joint space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this package is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libanimal-sniffer-java-doc Description-md5: 12c4841d7259b61f688dfad7c214c09d Description-gl: Documentation for Animal Sniffer Animal Sniffer provides tools to assist verifying that classes compiled with a newer JDK/API are compatible with an older JDK/API. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de libanimal-sniffer-java. Package: libanjuta-dev Description-md5: 7846acba3101d2c5ba376db0694c03df Description-gl: GNOME development IDE, for C/C++ - development files This IDE for C/C++ and GNOME/Gtk+ applications has features that enable easy debugging, management of code and GUI design by providing a simple and usable user interface. It also integrates with version control systems like CVS, Git or Subversion. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Anjuta. Package: libannotation-indexer-java-doc Description-md5: 5f6115d425726754c78fe824c09ca33a Description-gl: Documentación de libannotation-indexer-java Annotation Indexer builds indices of Java code annotated with the @Indexed annotation at compile time and supports validation of indexes to allow for early error detection and querying of the indexed elements for specific annotations. . This package provides the API documentation for libannotation-indexer- java. Package: libantelope-java Description-md5: c09011e0a4e8513591bbffe4330dab7c Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para Ant Antelope é unha interface gráfica de usuario para executar Ant. . Pode ser executada como aplicativo de interface gráfica autónomo ou como engadido de jedit. . O Proxecto Antelope tamén fornece un conxunto de tarefas adicionais que fornecen funcionalidade que non se atopa nas tarefas normais distrubuÃdas con Ant. Package: libantelope-java-doc Description-md5: 9434bc7ffa581ff36a2546f91397057d Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para Ant - documentación Antelope é unha interface gráfica de usuario para executar Ant. . Pode ser executada como aplicativo de interface gráfica autónomo ou como engadido de jedit. . O Proxecto Antelope tamén fornece un conxunto de tarefas adicionais que fornecen funcionalidade que non se atopa nas tarefas normais distrubuÃdas con Ant. . This package contains API Javadoc for libantelope-java. Package: libantlr3-gunit-java-doc Description-md5: ae878e275e24e3c119b8495189cad9be Description-gl: Documentación da API de gUnit gUnit is a "Unit Test" framework for ANTLR grammars. It provides a simple way to write and run automated tests for ANTLR grammars in a manner similar to Java unit testing framework jUnit. The basic idea is to create a bunch of input/output pairs for rules in a grammar and gUnit will verify the expected output/result. The input can be a single line or multiple lines of strings or even an external file. The output can be simply success or failure, an abstract syntax tree (AST), a rule return value, or some text output which could be a rule's template return value. The current version of gUnit has 2 main functions, interpreter and jUnit generator. The interpreter interprets your gUnit script and runs unit tests using Java reflection to invoke methods in your parser objects. The generator, on the other hand, translates your gUnit script to jUnit Java code that you can compile and execute by hand. . This package provides the API documentation for gUnit for ANTLR 3 Package: libanyevent-tools-perl Description-md5: 0013e007bde86042594220ada1f93f90 Description-gl: Colección de instrumentos para AnyEvent The package contains a few instruments that can be used with AnyEvent: * mutexes/rw_mutexes - sharing one resource between many processes * foreaches - non-blocking cycles * pools - sharing many resources between many processes * buffers implementation, etc Package: libaoflagger0 Description-md5: ca2a06f67e7f2d04e69f8a92aaeb2680 Description-gl: Find RFI in radio astronomical observations (shared lib) The AOFlagger is a tool that can find and remove radio-frequency interference (RFI) in radio astronomical observations. The code has been highly optimized for speed and accuracy. It is used by default for the LOFAR radio telescope and thus is in productional stage. The software can run in a fully automated way, but a graphical interface is provided to analyse results and tweak the strategy. The preferred input file format is the Casa Measurement Set (MS) format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libaosd-dev Description-md5: c88decf3cb8538d4fef2fb1b1d09d999 Description-gl:'s on screen display library - dev libaosd is an advanced on screen display library. It supports many modern features like anti-aliased text and composited rendering via XComposite, as well as support for rendering Cairo and Pango layouts. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libapache-dbi-perl Description-md5: aa21d640fe152147ea9ad9d45e0b5b66 Description-gl: Interface que conecta un servidor apache cunha base de datos a través da DBI de perl Apache::DBI and Apache::AuthDBI are to be used with the Apache server and an embedded perl interpreter like mod_perl. They provide support for basic authentication and authorization as well as support for persistent database connections via Perl's Database Independent Interface (DBI). . o provides authentication and authorization: - optional shared cache for passwords to minimize database load - configurable cleanup-handler deletes outdated entries from the cache . o provides persistent database connections: - connections can be established during server-startup - configurable rollback to ensure data integrity - configurable verification of the connections to avoid time-outs. Package: libapache-gallery-perl Description-md5: cc49def116467082157e08b21b3ab2c2 Description-gl: Módulo de Apache para crear galerÃas de imaxes ao voo This package contains a Perl module for Apache to create galleries. . The images just need to be copied into a directory where Apache will pick them up and create a gallery page for you, with thumbnails and links to the full size images. . Thumbnail size and maximum image size can be defined, among others. Package: libapache-mime4j-java-doc Description-md5: fd6bf34fcfc2fb3e8965f29958d3d7e0 Description-gl: MIME and RFC822 parser for Java - documentation mime4j provides a parser, MimeStreamParser, for e-mail message streams in plain rfc822 and MIME format. The parser uses a callback mechanism to report parsing events such as the start of an entity header, the start of a body, etc. If you are familiar with the SAX XML parser interface you should have no problem getting started with mime4j. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libapache-poi-java-doc Description-md5: 9d1b162d630ce2fd1554ae85c5de10b4 Description-gl: Apache POI - Java API for Microsoft Documents (Documentation) Apache POI provides a Java API for manipulating various file formats based upon the Office Open XML standards (OOXML) and Microsoft's OLE 2 Compound Document format (OLE2). . Apache POI supports the following formats: * Word (DOC, DOCX) * Excel (XLS, XLSX) * PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) * Visio (VSD) * Publisher (PUB) * Outlook * TNEF (Transport Neutral Encoding Format) . Este paquete contén documentación de libapache-poi-java. Package: libapache2-mod-apreq2 Description-md5: 1d2af6984c5d28eda964cc2022c20b5c Description-gl: generic Apache request library - Apache module The generic Apache request library (APR) contains modules for manipulating client request data with the Apache API from Perl and C. Functionality includes: . - parsing of application/x-www-form-urlencoded data - parsing of multipart/form-data - parsing of HTTP Cookies . Este paquete contén o módulo de Apache en si. Package: libapache2-mod-authz-securepass Description-md5: 9084bf2a97486b1320ae88c3cb61ca32 Description-gl: Apache2 module for authorizing SecurePass users SecurePass fornece autenticación única na web mediante o protocolo CAS. . This module enhances the Apache authorization features by introducing two rules to restrict access to the Apache resources: * the first rule allows only users belonging to specific SecurePass realm(s) to access the Apache resource * the second rule allows only users belonging to specific SecurePass group(s) to access the Apache resource Package: libapache2-mod-dacs Description-md5: deaf25ad1ca4938657ed8c093d6a0f84 Description-gl: Distributed Access Control System (DACS) - Apache Module DACS é un sistema lixeiro de control de acceso baseado en autenticación única e en roles para servidores web e software baseado en servidores. Tamén é un xogo de ferramentas de autenticación e autorización para programadores. DACS asegúrase de que a compartición de recursos seguros e o acceso remoto a través da web sexan máis doados, seguros e eficientes. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Apache2. Package: libapache2-mod-defensible Description-md5: 13cd41dcd201668f67914aaa4c02ac88 Description-gl: module for Apache2 which provides DNSBL usage mod_defensible implements usage of DNSBL servers to block access to a Web site or to specific locations. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para o servidor Apache 2. Package: libapache2-mod-evasive Description-md5: 366cd284d54b39351e1d15be1f1d1880 Description-gl: evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or brute force attacks mod_evasive is an evasive maneuvers module for Apache to provide some protection in the event of an HTTP DoS or DDoS attack or brute force attack. . It is also designed to be a detection tool, and can be easily configured to talk to ipchains, firewalls, routers, and etcetera. . Este módulo só funciona en servidores Apache 2.x Package: libapache2-mod-fcgid Description-md5: 3dc25164d71ec8a9446e3c9162ca7d3b Description-gl: FastCGI interface module for Apache 2 This package contains mod_fcgid, a high-performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid. It starts a sufficient number of instances of the CGI program to handle concurrent requests. These programs remain running to handle further incoming requests. . É unha alternativa con compatibilidade binaria co módulo de Apache mod_fastcgi. Package: libapache2-mod-fcgid-dbg Description-md5: 0b1a9fc2b51ad673b55139fd20ce8b55 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do mod_fcgid This package contains mod_fcgid, a high-performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid. It starts a sufficient number of instances of the CGI program to handle concurrent requests. These programs remain running to handle further incoming requests. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do mod_fcgid. Package: libapache2-mod-form Description-md5: 063fb189336e2af80147a21d10045264 Description-gl: Apache module to decode data submitted from Web forms mod_form is an Apache module to decode data submitted from Web forms. The decoded data is made available to other Apache modules through two optional functions exported by mod_form with APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN. . It deals with both GET and POST methods where the data are encoded using the default content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Apache. Package: libapache2-mod-gnutls Description-md5: 75acd90643cf83cbaa8f48df473becb4 Description-gl: Módulo de Apache para cifrado SSL e TLS con GnuTLS mod_gnutls provides TLS encryption using the GnuTLS library. It's similar in purpose to mod_ssl, but doesn't use OpenSSL, and provides some additional features: * PKCS #11 access to server keys and certificates, * OpenPGP authentication, and * using Monkeysphere for client certificate validation. Package: libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir-dbg Description-md5: 6774cde3a03e161d59f3e5fc261a3840 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de mod_ldap_userdir Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración de mod_ldap_userdir para axudar a depurar, como con gdb. Non é necesario para o seu funcionamento normal. Package: libapache2-mod-musicindex Description-md5: bb193f668deb65f5cf9d742a3f809013 Description-gl: Browse, stream, download and search through MP3/Ogg/FLAC/MP4 files mod_musicindex pretende ser unha alternativa en C ao módulo en Perl Apache::MP3 ( Permite mostrar os directorios que conteñen ficheiros de son en MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC ou MP4/AAC de maneira atraente, incluÃdo ordenalos por distintos campos, emitilos como fluxos e descargalos ou construÃr listas de reprodución e buscar. . This package contains the module for Apache 2. Package: libapache2-mod-removeip Description-md5: 8690bb126565926aed7cb4ef738a515a Description-gl: Module to remove IP from apache2's logs This package provides the removeip module for the Apache 2 webserver. This module allows for overwriting Apache's environment variable REMOTE_ADDR with a fixed value. This is necessary to anonymize all logs written by Apache and to prevent web applications from accessing the original IP address. . Please be advised that activating this module may cause unexpected side effects to the behavior of your web applications. . Páxina web: Package: libapache2-mod-rivet-doc Description-md5: 19c63e85e43e6c1b205799b65cc12df6 Description-gl: Documentación de Rivet, un sistema de programación en Tcl do lado do servidor Apache Rivet is a system for creating dynamic web content via the Tcl programming language integrated with Apache Web Server. It is designed to be fast, powerful and extensible, consume few system resources, be easy to learn, and to provide the user with a platform that can also be used for other programming tasks outside the web (GUI's, system administration tasks, text processing, database manipulation, XML, and so on). In order to meet these goals Tcl programming language was chosen to combine with the Apache HTTP Server. This package contains the HTML configuration and programming manual. Package: libapache2-mod-ruwsgi-dbg Description-md5: 12215be63fd6bd1eea7055883a47e944 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Apache2 mod_Ruwsgi uWSGI presents a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications, implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management. . This package contains the debug symbols for Apache2 mod_Ruwsgi. Install this package if you need to debug module or if you need a useful backtrace of a crash. Package: libapache2-mod-shib2 Description-md5: 1b4d36e9224597e639627488183ac5dc Description-gl: Sistema de autenticación única na web federada (módulo de Apache) The Shibboleth System is a standards based software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It supports authorization and attribute exchange using the OASIS SAML 2.0 protocol. Shibboleth allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources while allowing users to establish their identities with their local authentication systems. . This package contains the Shibboleth Apache module for service providers (web servers providing resources protected by Shibboleth) and the supporting shibd daemon. Package: libapache2-mod-uwsgi-dbg Description-md5: 01377a16f9da1e1a0c0a4c8a9f789387 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Apache2 mod_uwsgi uWSGI presents a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications, implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management. . This package contains the debug symbols for Apache2 mod_uwsgi. Install this package if you need to debug module or if you need a useful backtrace of a crash. Package: libapacheds-kerberos-codec-java Description-md5: 8d3683cb6fab1b77f5e2c510d2543892 Description-gl: Servidor de Directorios de Apache (Códec de Kerberos) ApacheDS is an embbedable directory server entirely written in Java, which has been certified LDAPv3 compatible by the Open Group. Besides LDAP it supports Kerberos 5 and the Change Password Protocol. It has been designed to introduce triggers, stored procedures, queues and views to the world of LDAP which has lacked these rich constructs. . This package contains the kerberos-codec module Package: libapertium3-3.4-0 Description-md5: 4770d1d0d21411c1a6c67f51a30e6da9 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para Apertium Sendo un motor de tradución automática de transferencia superficial, Apertium está en principio dirixido a pares de linguas relacionadas. . This package contains shared library for the Apertium shallow-transfer machine translation engine. Package: libapogee-dev Description-md5: 278973543ea6d55e01e3f28bbb28e503 Description-gl: Alta camera control library (development files) Este paquete está orientado fundamentalmente a desenvolvedores que desexen engadir as opcións de control de cámaras Alta a outros paquetes (p.ex. Kstars/INDI); a biblioteca inclúe un conxunto de puntos de entrada compatÃbeis con INDI, as rutinas ApnGlueXXX. . This package includes development headers for Apogee Alta CCDs. Package: libapogee2 Description-md5: 0584873e3c30419bd12db78137850e5e Description-gl: Alta camera control library Este paquete está orientado fundamentalmente a desenvolvedores que desexen engadir as opcións de control de cámaras Alta a outros paquetes (p.ex. Kstars/INDI); a biblioteca inclúe un conxunto de puntos de entrada compatÃbeis con INDI, as rutinas ApnGlueXXX. Package: libappindicator-dev Description-md5: 8892169afb7b9bc499e71c9594bafe1b Description-gl: Indicadores de aplicativos Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libappindicator0.1-cil-dev Description-md5: 8892169afb7b9bc499e71c9594bafe1b Description-gl: Indicadores de aplicativos Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libappindicator1 Description-md5: 19c351a0f9348d05d8bfa4468c6db3f5 Description-gl: Indicadores de aplicativos Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libapron Description-md5: cfbd2488da4d02e7ec43e8a4436cc02c Description-gl: Bibliotecas de tempo de execución de APRON The APRON library is dedicated to the static analysis of the numerical variables of a program by Abstract Interpretation. The aim of such an analysis is to infer invariants about these variables. It is intended to be a common interface to various underlying libraries/abstract domains and to provide additional services that can be implemented independently from the underlying library/abstract domain. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas requiridas no tempo de execución. Package: libaprutil1-dbd-mysql Description-md5: 15a666ed46c11f75bd13c5e02383601c Description-gl: Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - MySQL Driver APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. . APR Util é unha biblioteca de utilidades creada por riba de apr que fornece acceso a bases de datos, análise de xml e outras funcionalidades útiles. . This package contains the MySQL / mariadb database driver. Package: libaprutil1-dbd-odbc Description-md5: 085602535c579227169d691cc9bd9db1 Description-gl: Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - ODBC Driver APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. . APR Util é unha biblioteca de utilidades creada por riba de apr que fornece acceso a bases de datos, análise de xml e outras funcionalidades útiles. . This package contains the ODBC database driver. Package: libaprutil1-dbd-pgsql Description-md5: 3e0d8248ad62a14f055f01f5218a8c8f Description-gl: Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - PostgreSQL Driver APR is Apache's Portable Runtime Library, designed to be a support library that provides a predictable and consistent interface to underlying platform-specific implementations. . APR Util é unha biblioteca de utilidades creada por riba de apr que fornece acceso a bases de datos, análise de xml e outras funcionalidades útiles. . This package contains the PostgreSQL database driver. Package: libaqbanking-doc Description-md5: 7fd42da6deb93bb107541662bdb51971 Description-gl: library for online banking applications AqBanking provides a middle layer between the applications and online banking libraries implementing various file formats and protocols. Plugins supporting OFX, DTAUS, HBCI, and EBICS are available. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libarchive-any-create-perl Description-md5: 48fd0d9f895ebf609185dc3e12972612 Description-gl: API abstracta para crear arquivos tar/tar.gz/zip Archive::Any::Create is a wrapper module to create tar/tar.gz/zip files with a single easy-to-use API. When writing to a file, the module automatically determines the compression method based on file name. Package: libarchive-ar-perl Description-md5: 912d405c77ab8623280ac223eafee25d Description-gl: Interface en perl para manipular arquivos ar Archive::Ar is a pure-perl way to handle standard ar archives. . This is useful if you have those types of old archives on the system, but it is also useful because .deb packages for the Debian distribution are ar archives. This is one building block in a future chain of modules to build, manipulate, extract, and test Debian modules with no platform or architecture dependence. . You may notice that the API to Archive::Ar is similar to Archive::Tar, and this was done intentionally to keep similarity between the Archive::* modules. Package: libargtable2-0 Description-md5: 4ccbdfbf4e1206b0a7e8bd1c748966d7 Description-gl: Library for parsing GNU style command line arguments Argtable é unha biblioteca en ANSI C para analizar argumentos da liña de ordes no estilo de GNU. Permite definir a sintaxe da liña de ordes dun programa no código fonte como unha matriz de structs argtable. A seguir, a liña de ordes analÃzase segundo esa especificación e os valores resultantes retornan neses mesmos structs, nos que son accesÃbeis para o programa principal. Admite argumentos con etiquetas ou sel elas (-v, -verbose, -foo=bar), asà como varias instancias de cada argumento. A xestión dos erros de sintaxe é automática e a biblitoeca tamén fornece os medios para mostrar a sintaxe da liña de ordesdirectamente da matriz de especificacións de argumentos. . argtable can function as a "getopt_long" replacement, without the user of the program noticing the difference. Unlike "getopt_long", however, argtable is cross platform, working on all Posix systems, as well as Windows and Mac. Package: libargtable2-dev Description-md5: 208a92d7a031b3b9ef5b6ace9ac0f726 Description-gl: Library for parsing GNU style command line arguments (development headers) Argtable é unha biblioteca en ANSI C para analizar argumentos da liña de ordes no estilo de GNU. Permite definir a sintaxe da liña de ordes dun programa no código fonte como unha matriz de structs argtable. A seguir, a liña de ordes analÃzase segundo esa especificación e os valores resultantes retornan neses mesmos structs, nos que son accesÃbeis para o programa principal. Admite argumentos con etiquetas ou sel elas (-v, -verbose, -foo=bar), asà como varias instancias de cada argumento. A xestión dos erros de sintaxe é automática e a biblitoeca tamén fornece os medios para mostrar a sintaxe da liña de ordesdirectamente da matriz de especificacións de argumentos. . argtable can function as a "getopt_long" replacement, without the user of the program noticing the difference. Unlike "getopt_long", however, argtable is cross platform, working on all Posix systems, as well as Windows and Mac. . Este paquete contén ficheiros necesarios para desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen argtable. Package: libargtable2-docs Description-md5: 89357a32b168efdbd42f12762f7b8798 Description-gl: Library for parsing GNU style command line arguments (documentation) Argtable é unha biblioteca en ANSI C para analizar argumentos da liña de ordes no estilo de GNU. Permite definir a sintaxe da liña de ordes dun programa no código fonte como unha matriz de structs argtable. A seguir, a liña de ordes analÃzase segundo esa especificación e os valores resultantes retornan neses mesmos structs, nos que son accesÃbeis para o programa principal. Admite argumentos con etiquetas ou sel elas (-v, -verbose, -foo=bar), asà como varias instancias de cada argumento. A xestión dos erros de sintaxe é automática e a biblitoeca tamén fornece os medios para mostrar a sintaxe da liña de ordesdirectamente da matriz de especificacións de argumentos. . Este paquete contén a documentación das bibliotecas de desenvolvemento do paquete libargtable2-dev. Package: libaria2 Description-md5: bc1655fc1e89735f3ca9e4bcba0bb3eb Description-gl: C++ library for MobileRobots/ActivMedia robots ARIA is an object oriented toolkit for controlling MobileRobots/ActivMedia mobile robots and their accessories, and for creating robot control applications. It also provides many cross-platform and high-level tools for multimedia, networking, and other useful tasks. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libaribb24-0 Description-md5: 4ef1a0a387d15d7ab5a0d1f67d434673 Description-gl: library for ARIB STD-B24 decoding (runtime files) ARIB STD-B24 is a character set encoding used for subtitles when broadcasting MPEG-2 TS streams. This library provides a decoder of this character set. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libaribb24-dev Description-md5: 9052414d5b4da028b0db65f2b593aa48 Description-gl: library for ARIB STD-B24 decoding (development files) ARIB STD-B24 is a character set encoding used for subtitles when broadcasting MPEG-2 TS streams. This library provides a decoder of this character set. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libarpack2 Description-md5: 2930973bf6f522d792538129ee506be1 Description-gl: Fortran77 subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric, and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request. . Funcionalidades importantes: . * Reverse Communication Interface. * Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric, Non-symmetric, * Standard or Generalized Problems. * Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition. * Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and precision. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libasan0 Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan0-dbg Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2 Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-arm64-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-armel-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-armhf-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-dbg Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan2-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-arm64-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-armel-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-armhf-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan3-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-armel-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: e0ab64cebecfb2c8f3560d8854956043 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasan4-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 04e20d522e263c6563c2ea719c87026f Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libasio-dev Description-md5: dc7d21184ad3d29e32645e9d54f8af37 Description-gl: Biblioteca multi-plataforma en C++ para a programación de redes asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++ approach. It has recently been accepted into Boost. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libasio-doc Description-md5: c3468fd31ac279aebfed283969185889 Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca en C++ asio para a a programación de redes asio is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++ approach. It has recently been accepted into Boost. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libasl-dev Description-md5: 3dbba1fa390ebb8d35b8fd46d42aaf2c Description-gl: development files for ASL The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libasl0 Description-md5: 341b2c5823fad0564a102df1a4e6e401 Description-gl: multiphysics simulation software The Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is a free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (and an extensible general purpose tool for solving Partial Differential Equations). . Its computational engine is written in OpenCL and utilizes matrix-free solution techniques which enable extraordinarily high performance, memory efficiency and deployability on a variety of massively parallel architectures, ranging from inexpensive FPGAs, DSPs and GPUs up to heterogeneous clusters and supercomputers. The engine is hidden entirely behind simple C++ classes, so that no OpenCL knowledge is required from application programmers. Mesh-free, immersed boundary approach allows one to move from CAD directly to simulation drastically reducing pre- processing efforts and amount of potential errors. . ASL can be used to model various coupled physical and chemical phenomena and employed in a multitude of fields: computational fluid dynamics, virtual sensing, industrial process data validation and reconciliation, image-guided surgery, computer-aided engineering, design space exploration, crystallography, etc... . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libasound2-plugin-equal Description-md5: a9edf531ebd9bda6252a90abe08294f0 Description-gl: Engadido de ecualizador para ALSA Alsaequal é o engadido de ecualizador axustábel en tempo real para ALSA. Pode ser axustado empregando un mesturador compatÃbel con ALSA, como alsamixergui ou alsamixer. . Alsaequal emprega o engadido Eq CAPS de LADSA para o procesamento do son; de feito, alsaequal é unha interface xenérica de engadidos de LADSPA con acceso en tempo real aos controis de LADSPA (o engadido de LADSPA incluÃdo con alsa non permite controis en tempo real), mais foi desenvolvido para e probado só co engadido Eq CAPS de LADSPA. Package: libasound2-plugin-smixer Description-md5: 690859b414c92870a8828f1886b0d9dd Description-gl: smixer plugin for ALSA library This package contains the smixer (Simple Mixer) interface for the ALSA library. . ALSA é a Arquitectura Avanzada de Son de Linux. Package: libasound2-plugins-extra Description-md5: 239938700cee737a3421c2c0ffc3fbde Description-gl: Engadidos adicionais para a biblioteca de ALSA Este paquete contén engadidos para a biblioteca de ALSA que non están incluÃdos nos paquetes principais libasound2 ou libasound2-plugins. . Inclúense os engadidos seguintes: - convertedor de fluxos a52: S16 a A52 - lavcrate: convertedor de taxas Package: libaspect-perl Description-md5: e7fd563cfd0eb2165e4e59b29624f9cf Description-gl: Módulo para as programación orientada a aspectos en Perl Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming method developed by Xerox PARC and others. The basic idea is that in complex class systems there are certain aspects or behaviors that cannot normally be expressed in a coherent, concise and precise way. One example of such aspects are design patterns, which combine various kinds of classes to produce a common type of behavior. Another is logging. For more information, see <URL:>. . The Perl Aspect module is focused on subroutine matching and wrapping. It allows you to select collections of subroutines using a flexible pointcut language, and modify their behavior in any way you want. Package: libaspectj-java Description-md5: ba4609a7d43c8fbf9a569145995c724a Description-gl: Extensión orientada a aspectos para Java - biblioteca AspectJ enables the clean modularization of crosscutting concerns such as: error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior, performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support, multi-object protocols. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas JAR de aspectj. Package: libaspectj-java-doc Description-md5: 4b7122a9282459572754d1645ddff208 Description-gl: Extensión orientada a aspectos para Java - documentación da API AspectJ enables the clean modularization of crosscutting concerns such as: error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior, performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support, multi-object protocols. . This package provides the Javadoc of JAR libraries of aspectj. Package: libass-dev Description-md5: 1e6f14ccc11ddcfcb640621e0b784231 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libass SubStation Alpha (SSA) is a subtitle file format that allows more advanced subtitles than the conventional SRT and similar formats. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras e as bibliotecas estáticas necesarias para compilar aplicativos ou obxectos compartidos que empreguen libass. Package: libassa-3.5-5-dbg Description-md5: 8cf001f34dbd9426288faf405081e5f7 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libassa3.5-5 libASSA is an object-oriented C++ networking library based on Adaptive Communication Patterns. It features a simplistic implementation of the set of communication patterns such as Service Configurator, Reactor, Acceptor, Connector, and others described in various papers published by Dr. D. C. Schmidt. . libASSA happily co-exists with other frameworks such as GUI toolkits and various CORBA implementations . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libassa3.5-5. Package: libassa-3.5-5v5 Description-md5: 9a1b78f42b6cf798680a6bd5126606f4 Description-gl: object-oriented C++ networking library libASSA is an object-oriented C++ networking library based on Adaptive Communication Patterns. It features a simplistic implementation of the set of communication patterns such as Service Configurator, Reactor, Acceptor, Connector, and others described in various papers published by Dr. D. C. Schmidt. . libASSA happily co-exists with other frameworks such as GUI toolkits and various CORBA implementations . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libastro-dev Description-md5: 8d12113d2c4a765844a7516371018b51 Description-gl: development files for the Marble astrononmy library O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . This package contains development files for building software that uses the Marble astronomy library . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libastro1 Description-md5: 657b13f68cade242bc2a621ea4a8e9b9 Description-gl: Marble astronomy library O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . This package contains shared libraries for astronomy support in marble. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libastrometry0 Description-md5: dd36773275e2c7f43405ef4cc3dd45c3 Description-gl: Astrometry plate solver (shared lib) The astrometry engine will take any image and return the astrometry world coordinate system (WCS), a standards-based description of the transformation between image coordinates and sky coordinates. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libastyle-dev Description-md5: bc37a0bfe2a118bb7dc42997f00d22fc Description-gl: Library header files for Artistic Style Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C# and Java programming languages. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libastyle3 Description-md5: 1220a0e9cf0c7a35ba3d0af0efa91bfc Description-gl: Shared library for Artistic Style Artistic Style is a source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C# and Java programming languages. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libatinject-jsr330-api-java-doc Description-md5: 333eaa8246c12202f3d012068dd40e41 Description-gl: Documentación de libatinject-jsr330-api-java Documentation for AtInject that is the Java API build by the JSR-330 Expert Group: <>. . It's a set of API aiming to standardize an extensible dependency injection paradigm, as those provided by Guice, Spring or Plexus projects. Package: libatrildocument3 Description-md5: 0eceffa746045c1381747094b687eb72 Description-gl: MATE document rendering library Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer. It can display and print PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), DJVU, DVI and Portable Document Format (PDF) files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de renderizado de documentos empregada por Atril. Package: libattica-dev Description-md5: eb7e7920f297acf37f5a7bd13ce86c11 Description-gl: development files for libattica Attica is a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API version 1.6. It grants easy access to the services such as querying information about persons and contents. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libaudclient-dev Description-md5: 211a21010813b8a6cbf8c90ece170759 Description-gl: audacious D-Bus remote control library (development files) O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Ademais, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. Pódese engadir compatibilidade con moitos outros códecs mediante engadidos. . This package contains a development files and headers for the library used to remote control audacious. Package: libaudclient2 Description-md5: 488da341a8b78e8ee3ae675361df3578 Description-gl: audacious D-Bus remote control library O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Ademais, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. Pódese engadir compatibilidade con moitos outros códecs mediante engadidos. . This package contains a library used to remote control audacious. Package: libaudcore5 Description-md5: 2a0caa32f6a6478ded9a174f96a8e23b Description-gl: audacious core engine library O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Ademais, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. Pódese engadir compatibilidade con moitos outros códecs mediante engadidos. . Este paquete contén unha biblioteca que fornece a funcionalidade central do Audacious. Package: libaudgui5 Description-md5: 53d8716a3af88c9d5a9cf67a787e0129 Description-gl: audacious media player (libaudgui shared library) O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Ademais, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. Pódese engadir compatibilidade con moitos outros códecs mediante engadidos. . This package provides the libaudgui shared library. Package: libaudio-cd-perl Description-md5: 83f3b88bd5013516f36910cf4f809c80 Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular CDDB e chamadas de entrada/saÃda de CD de baixo nivel Audio::CD supplies the CDDB functionality and low level calls to CD players. It provides a Perl interface to libcdaudio by Tony Arcieri, in the form of glue for the libcdaudio functions and data structures. Package: libaudio-rpld-perl Description-md5: 6e82d9ae8ac761152c019750942edda3 Description-gl: Módulo para comunicar co daemon da lista de reprodución de RoarAudio Audio::RPLD is used to communicate with a RoarAudio PlayList Daemon (rpld). It includes support for nearly all of the protocol. . This includes commands to control playback, the Main Queue, playlists and pointer mangement. Package: libaudio-scan-perl Description-md5: ed802a33d9707c66bfaaae50c8bf9999 Description-gl: Módulo para ler os meta-datos dos formatos de ficheiros de son comúns Audio::Scan é un módulo de Perl para extraer metadatos e información de etiquetas de ficheiros dalgúns dos formatos de ficheiros máis habituais, incluÃdos MP3, MP4, Musepack, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, ASF, WAV, AIFF, Monkey's Audio e WavPack. Package: libaudio-scrobbler-perl Description-md5: fe887a91374feb60b0420f66be8e5cef Description-gl: Interface en Perl para The Audio::Scrobbler module provides a Perl interface to the track submission API of's AudioScrobbler - So far, only track submissions are handled; the future plans include access to the various statistics. Package: libaudio-wav-perl Description-md5: 04816f6fe80a002017d302a30e28a448 Description-gl: Módulos para manipular os ficheiros de son WAV Audio::Wav is a collection of Perl modules that provide mechanisms to read, parse and write uncompressed Microsoft WAV audio files. It is a Pure Perl module, so it is extremely portable at the cost of performance. Package: libaudiofile-dev Description-md5: aada0cfba076707b0be8faab61d1e438 Description-gl: Open-source version of SGI's audiofile library (header files) A biblioteca audiofile permite procesar datos de son desde e para ficheiros de son de moitos formatos comúns (actualmente AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun, BICS, e datos crús). . This package contains the development headers and library files needed to compile programs using libaudiofile, as well as example programs for identifying and converting audio files. Package: libaudiofile1 Description-md5: 4514295eed6d5fc564db1ca78517ee90 Description-gl: Open-source version of SGI's audiofile library A biblioteca audiofile permite procesar datos de son desde e para ficheiros de son de moitos formatos comúns (actualmente AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun, BICS, e datos crús). . This package contains the library needed to run executables using libaudiofile. Package: libaudtag3 Description-md5: e742e2a22c1ee90c0e844a39496eab95 Description-gl: audacious media player (libaudtag shared library) O Audacious é unha galla do reprodutor beep-media que acepta temas do Winamp e moitos códecs. . Na instalación predeterminada admÃtense os códecs seguintes: . * MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE . Ademais, o Audacious pode ser estendido mediante engadidos e contén outras funcionalidades útiles, como compatibilidade con LIRC. Pódese engadir compatibilidade con moitos outros códecs mediante engadidos. . This package provides the libaudtag shared library. Package: libauthen-simple-perl Description-md5: 4041c1a2a74cb50b12bbc9925fdf010d Description-gl: Infraestrutura simple e consistente en Perl para autenticación Authen::Simple is the base package for various authentication methods written by the same author and available in the following packages: . * libauthen-simple-pam-perl * libauthen-simple-passwd-perl * libauthen-simple-http-perl * libauthen-simple-ldap-perl * libauthen-simple-smb-perl * libauthen-simple-kerberos-perl Package: libavahi-qt4-1 Description-md5: 5722b93b169f461a7b1e7428fbaacb83 Description-gl: Avahi Qt 4 integration library Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This library contains the interface to integrate the Avahi libraries into a Qt 4 main loop application. Package: libavahi-qt4-dev Description-md5: 63265d92bdc9e13edccc29be45e4a852 Description-gl: Development headers for the Avahi Qt 4 integration library Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This package contains the development headers for the interface to integrate the Avahi libraries into a Qt 4 main loop application. Package: libavahi-ui-dev Description-md5: 93b46403f0b56ce77c0111c4f8b14d40 Description-gl: Development headers for the Avahi GTK+ User interface library Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This package contains the development headers for the GTK+ library of Avahi. Package: libavahi-ui0 Description-md5: 340ad1b36b81985d7e469a4a734a0367 Description-gl: Avahi GTK+ User interface library Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This library contains a GTK+ widget for browsing services. Package: libavcodec-dev Description-md5: 2a62521830e42037d8140eba51f0355c Description-gl: FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. . The shared architecture provides various services ranging from bit stream I/O to DSP optimizations, and makes it suitable for implementing robust and fast codecs as well as for experimentation. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libavcodec57 Description-md5: b6405aed870af39811ea887203c50393 Description-gl: FFmpeg library with de/encoders for audio/video codecs - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. . The shared architecture provides various services ranging from bit stream I/O to DSP optimizations, and makes it suitable for implementing robust and fast codecs as well as for experimentation. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libavdevice-dev Description-md5: 6c9d2502d27e23767fd8617f89f334a0 Description-gl: FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for grabbing from and rendering to many common multimedia input/output devices, and supports several input and output devices, including Video4Linux2, VfW, DShow, and ALSA. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libavdevice57 Description-md5: ad40bf128a0d66f1d4aa3d3f40dd7bff Description-gl: FFmpeg library for handling input and output devices - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for grabbing from and rendering to many common multimedia input/output devices, and supports several input and output devices, including Video4Linux2, VfW, DShow, and ALSA. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libavfilter-dev Description-md5: 392f1c1f35e2c5ba69524b054062af62 Description-gl: FFmpeg library containing media filters - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic audio/video filtering framework containing several filters, sources and sinks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libavfilter6 Description-md5: d830215e6285a7d6c06650a8f1d8ce9e Description-gl: FFmpeg library containing media filters - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic audio/video filtering framework containing several filters, sources and sinks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libavformat-dev Description-md5: c3d0b37350451cbc0772c02383988a7b Description-gl: FFmpeg library with (de)muxers for multimedia containers - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for multiplexing and demultiplexing (muxing and demuxing) audio, video and subtitle streams. It encompasses multiple muxers and demuxers for multimedia container formats. It also supports several input and output protocols to access a media resource. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libavformat57 Description-md5: a477ad30c384813e506c2b5a98d770cc Description-gl: FFmpeg library with (de)muxers for multimedia containers - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides a generic framework for multiplexing and demultiplexing (muxing and demuxing) audio, video and subtitle streams. It encompasses multiple muxers and demuxers for multimedia container formats. It also supports several input and output protocols to access a media resource. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libavifile-0.7-bin Description-md5: 0b1f0e35c6f53657afce1e218c4fbb8e Description-gl: toolkit for libavifile Biblioteca que permite que os programas lean e escriban ficheiros AVI comprimidos (Indeo Video, DivX ;-) etc.) en GNU. A (de)compresión realÃzase con varios engadidos de son/vÃdeo (FFMpeg, Vorbis, Win32,...). AdmÃtense parcialmente formatos como mpeg e mov. Para máis información sobre o uso do engadido para Win32, Lame e OpenDivx, vexa README.debian. . This package contains the toolkit for libavifile. Package: libavifile-0.7-common Description-md5: 45e59596d0441c8e4a95ae868691beba Description-gl: toolkit for libavifile Biblioteca que permite que os programas lean e escriban ficheiros AVI comprimidos (Indeo Video, DivX ;-) etc.) en GNU. A (de)compresión realÃzase con varios engadidos de son/vÃdeo (FFMpeg, Vorbis, Win32,...). AdmÃtense parcialmente formatos como mpeg e mov. Para máis información sobre o uso do engadido para Win32, Lame e OpenDivx, vexa README.debian. . This package contains the common files which libavifile needed. Package: libavifile-0.7c2 Description-md5: 5006849d3971feb8a9fb50edbccea3b4 Description-gl: shared libraries for AVI read/writing Biblioteca que permite que os programas lean e escriban ficheiros AVI comprimidos (Indeo Video, DivX ;-) etc.) en GNU. A (de)compresión realÃzase con varios engadidos de son/vÃdeo (FFMpeg, Vorbis, Win32,...). AdmÃtense parcialmente formatos como mpeg e mov. Para máis información sobre o uso do engadido para Win32, Lame e OpenDivx, vexa README.debian. Package: libavis-dev Description-md5: 821e17cc7804a89a1500a25f7b547180 Description-gl: high-performance publish/subscribe event router (C client library) Avis is a high-performance event router. It provides a fast publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de cabeceiras precisos para desenvolver aplicativos en C baseados na biblioteca cliente avis. Package: libavkys-dev Description-md5: bf294f5c151794899609db28a5cdbe10 Description-gl: full featured webcam capture application - dev webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Funcionalidades: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the development files of libavkys. Package: libavkys8 Description-md5: 046e6566388c104b2e267424d7475104 Description-gl: full featured webcam capture application - library webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Funcionalidades: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the library for webcamoid. Package: libavl-dev Description-md5: bf8775a607f5f885f9037fdae2cee40f Description-gl: AVL tree manipulation library - development This library consists of a set of functions to manipulate AVL trees. AVL trees are very efficient balanced binary trees, similar to red-black trees. The functions in this library can handle any kind of payload and search key type. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: libavogadro1 Description-md5: bcb9908713ef3c9facd0ffab1241f7a2 Description-gl: Molecular Graphics and Modelling System (library) Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at small to medium molecules. It can visualize properties like molecular orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular builder. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libavresample-dev Description-md5: 532c54cce9df38a9bc1da88ef5397768 Description-gl: FFmpeg compatibility library for resampling - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is provided for compatibility reasons only. The FFmpeg project advises to use libswresample instead. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libavresample3 Description-md5: eb33a13597d07846cebfd35669eb3552 Description-gl: FFmpeg compatibility library for resampling - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is provided for compatibility reasons only. The FFmpeg project advises to use libswresample instead. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libavro-dev Description-md5: 7c3952e02ff2b8bbc2abd70b6e264a87 Description-gl: Apache Avro C library headers (avro-c) Apache Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides rich data structures; a binary data format; and a container file format, to store Avro-encoded data persistently. . This package provides the "avro-c" implementation of Apache Avro in C. The C implementation supports: . * binary encoding/decoding of all primitive and complex data types * storage to an Avro Object Container File * schema resolution, promotion and projection * validating and non-validating mode for writing Avro data . The C implementation of Avro lacks RPC support. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libavro23 Description-md5: 016e88bf4690d11c7ed1a5b2ffd84fc0 Description-gl: Apache Avro C shared library (avro-c) Apache Avro is a data serialization system. Avro provides rich data structures; a binary data format; and a container file format, to store Avro-encoded data persistently. . This package provides the "avro-c" implementation of Apache Avro in C. The C implementation supports: . * binary encoding/decoding of all primitive and complex data types * storage to an Avro Object Container File * schema resolution, promotion and projection * validating and non-validating mode for writing Avro data . The C implementation of Avro lacks RPC support. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libavutil-dev Description-md5: c444efda200ddbd71346c9a1d2e036cd Description-gl: FFmpeg library with functions for simplifying programming - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality (like enumerations for pixel and sample formats). It is not a library for code needed by both libavcodec and libavformat. The goal for this library is to be modular, small, efficient and useful. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libavutil55 Description-md5: 770a5e363265c4557c507feffc8f58d8 Description-gl: FFmpeg library with functions for simplifying programming - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library is a utility library to aid portable multimedia programming. It contains safe portable string functions, random number generators, data structures, additional mathematics functions, cryptography and multimedia related functionality (like enumerations for pixel and sample formats). It is not a library for code needed by both libavcodec and libavformat. The goal for this library is to be modular, small, efficient and useful. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libaxis-java Description-md5: b589e0c92911ac766ae3ec016a1ea37b Description-gl: SOAP implementation in Java Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. . Do borrador da especificación do W3C: . SOAP é un protocolo lixeiro para o intercambio de información nun ambiente descentralizado e distribuÃdo. É un protocolo baseado en XML que consiste de tres partes: un sobre que define unha infraestrutura para describir o que hai nunha mensaxe e como procesalo, un conxunto de regras de codificación para expresar instancias de tipos de datos definidos polo aplicativo e unha convención para representar chamadas a procedementos e respostas remotos. . Este proxecto é unha continuación do proxecto SOAP de Apache. Package: libaxis-java-doc Description-md5: cf80abfb540610facf7fc7b5369b6e94 Description-gl: SOAP implementation in Java (documentation) Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. . Do borrador da especificación do W3C: . SOAP é un protocolo lixeiro para o intercambio de información nun ambiente descentralizado e distribuÃdo. É un protocolo baseado en XML que consiste de tres partes: un sobre que define unha infraestrutura para describir o que hai nunha mensaxe e como procesalo, un conxunto de regras de codificación para expresar instancias de tipos de datos definidos polo aplicativo e unha convención para representar chamadas a procedementos e respostas remotos. . Este proxecto é unha continuación do proxecto SOAP de Apache. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc. Package: libayatana-appindicator-dev Description-md5: 49ee5d707cbfc9d5cda3a5e33a0e646a Description-gl: Ayatana Application Indicators (development files, GTK-2+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications (GTK-2+ version). Package: libayatana-appindicator-doc Description-md5: 2116481917673d2dd912e52dceaf496a Description-gl: Ayatana Application Indicators (documentation files, GTK-2+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package contains developer documentation (GTK-2+ version). Package: libayatana-appindicator0.1-cil-dev Description-md5: a6226f1739c5317cccacd4f860a9c189 Description-gl: Application Indicators for Mono Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libayatana-appindicator1 Description-md5: 2de0f93d1115a044b95ee7dd5f2d2df2 Description-gl: Ayatana Application Indicators (GTK-2+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package contains shared libraries to be used by applications compiled against GTK-2+. Package: libayatana-appindicator3-1 Description-md5: 465bad85366ee3eb415feaca9ac0647f Description-gl: Ayatana Application Indicators (GTK-3+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package contains shared libraries to be used by applications compiled against GTK-3+. Package: libayatana-appindicator3-dev Description-md5: 8618951cf2573e8ee20eb05f142917a1 Description-gl: Ayatana Application Indicators (development files, GTK-3+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package contains files that are needed to build applications (GTK-3+ version). Package: libbabl-dev Description-md5: 8222faeeaa3c6abb27290df29be5d457 Description-gl: Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library (development files) Babl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library. It provides conversions between the myriad of buffer types images can be stored in. Babl doesn't only help with existing pixel formats, but also facilitates creation of new and uncommon ones. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbabl-doc Description-md5: 1843cc45fff811e1ae47f159d418f66d Description-gl: Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library (documentation) Babl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library. It provides conversions between the myriad of buffer types images can be stored in. Babl doesn't only help with existing pixel formats, but also facilitates creation of new and uncommon ones. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libbaloocore4 Description-md5: e41f755989b8ae3601fab9efcd3694b5 Description-gl: Funcionalidade principal de Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains the baloo core library. . Baloo fai parte de KDE SC. Package: libbaloofiles4 Description-md5: cdf3fe8b36bd8805bc2fc5ac5bee861e Description-gl: Files funcationality for Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains the baloo files library. . Baloo fai parte de KDE SC. Package: libbaloopim4 Description-md5: fce495540e95ff784f7d6620d6dac634 Description-gl: PIM funcationality for Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains the baloo PIM library. . Baloo fai parte de KDE SC. Package: libbalooqueryparser4 Description-md5: 7b525f2440090fd408980187fa4e1165 Description-gl: Query Parser for Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains the baloo query parser library ported from Nepomuk. . Baloo fai parte de KDE SC. Package: libbalooxapian4 Description-md5: ba620bb14408f2e9e8d584694a30497e Description-gl: Xapian funcationality for Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains the baloo Xapian library. . Baloo fai parte de KDE SC. Package: libbambamc-dev Description-md5: 76e17a5dfa84e1c0ac5cd5148b55437a Description-gl: Development files for reading and writing BAM (genome alignment) files The BAM Format is a binary format for storing sequence data. This is a lightweight C implementation of the read name collation code from the larger bambam C++ project to handle BAM file input and BAM file output. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libbamf-doc Description-md5: 11f61fe589985b977cd6f7ea9a9db116 Description-gl: Window matching library - documentation bamf matches application windows to desktop files . This package contains the daemon used by the library and a gio module that facilitates the matching of applications started through GDesktopAppInfo . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: libbamf3-2 Description-md5: 11d37ab9301d7178a8b4e967e68c0316 Description-gl: Window matching library - shared library bamf matches application windows to desktop files . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libbamf3-dev Description-md5: 701d26c3fffca1e031bcd5e22b1bbf2f Description-gl: Window matching library - development files bamf matches application windows to desktop files . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libbase64-ocaml Description-md5: d9c269e6e413f2cd3c47a26a4091b0ed Description-gl: Base64 encoding and decoding OCaml library (runtime files) Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. It is specified in RFC 2045. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libbase64-ocaml-dev Description-md5: e59bda4cc95ce2fab70259cca123cf67 Description-gl: Base64 encoding and decoding OCaml library (dev files) Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. It is specified in RFC 2045. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbctoolbox-dev Description-md5: f234bfe89131f3073826b50e0ab1095e Description-gl: Helper code for software by Belledonne Communications (development headers) The package provides a C/C++ utility library used by Linphone and other software by Belledonne Communications. The library offers platform independent implementations of cryptographic functions, exception handling, logging modules, file access, unit tests and data structures like lists and maps. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbctoolbox1 Description-md5: d2a2a4548c275301e88c65913ade0d15 Description-gl: Helper library for software by Belledonne Communications (shared library) The package provides a C/C++ utility library used by Linphone and other software by Belledonne Communications. The library offers platform independent implementations of cryptographic functions, exception handling, logging modules, file access, unit tests and data structures like lists and maps. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbdplus0 Description-md5: 44563531694d412195b061a3e8b95116 Description-gl: implementation of BD+ for reading Blu-ray Discs libbdplus is a research project to implement the BD+ System Specifications. It provides, through an open-source library, a way to understand how the BD+ works. . This package DOES NOT provide any key, certificate, configuration file or virtual machine that could be used to decode encrypted copyrighted material. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbelcard-dev Description-md5: 5e0588101cca382bd85e1da986e8f7a5 Description-gl: VCard standard format manipulation library (development headers) Belcard is a C++ library to manipulate VCard standard format. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbelcard1 Description-md5: 9227dc75e88ed2df8f5d2e1f1c4ba702 Description-gl: VCard standard format manipulation library Belcard is a C++ library to manipulate VCard standard format. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbellesip-dev Description-md5: 37d5bbd16fbf264a57045f7b895cee12 Description-gl: SIP stack from the Linphone team (development files) Belle-Sip is a new SIP stack (RFC3261) developed by the Linphone team. . Belle-Sip supports multiple transports at the same time, has a dual IPv6 and IPv4 stack, is fully asynchronous and implements the +sip.instance and alias parameters. It also handles network disconnections better, offers a privacy API and supports rich presence. . SIP/TLS is handled by mbed TLS (by way of bctoolbox), not OpenSSL. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbelr-dev Description-md5: 8eef305d11e42dd95ac1cfd7c42bc88e Description-gl: language recognition library by Belledonne Communications (development headers) Belr is Belledonne Communications' language recognition library. It aims at parsing any input formatted according to a language defined by an ABNF grammar, such as the protocols standardized at IETF. . It is based on finite state machine theory and heavily relies on recursivity from an implementation standpoint. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbelr1 Description-md5: 40849cbdf228736e76df7c2715e506fc Description-gl: language recognition library by Belledonne Communications Belr is Belledonne Communications' language recognition library. It aims at parsing any input formatted according to a language defined by an ABNF grammar, such as the protocols standardized at IETF. . It is based on finite state machine theory and heavily relies on recursivity from an implementation standpoint. . The package is probably not useful outside the Belledonne Communications suite of libraries and programs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbenchmark-dev Description-md5: a020454cbd7e8fa0e5f9ea8c10cbcf8e Description-gl: Microbenchmark support library, development files Library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbenchmark1 Description-md5: ff992efc40623f1296489b28e55ca328 Description-gl: Microbenchmark support library, shared library Library to support the benchmarking of functions, similar to unit-tests. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbencode-perl Description-md5: 1d7970f393a2d58b0064f4b84cb819ca Description-gl: Perl module for BitTorrent serialisation format Bencode implements the BitTorrent bencode serialisation format as described in . BitTorrent é un protocolo para distribuÃr ficheiros. Identifica o contido por URL e está deseñado para integrarse perfectamente coa web. Package: libbfb0-dev Description-md5: e2ac8a2fe4d2a9602f2723c4c9b440c2 Description-gl: bfb protocol library - development files This library adds support for OBEX protocol over BFB/BFC, some Siemens Mobile specific protocols that are used with the serial cables for S25, S35 and almost all later phones that include a modem, also those labeled as BenQ Mobile. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbfio-dev Description-md5: 7566ad449e9e5b1c5575864911b634fd Description-gl: Header files and libraries for developing applications for libbfio Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbfio1 Description-md5: 19b81aad66ce4aaea6a712eb4cb018d2 Description-gl: Library to provide basic input/output abstraction Libbfio is a library to provide basic file input/output abstraction. It is used in multiple other libraries like libewf, libmsiecf, libnk2, libolecf and libpff. It is used to chain I/O to support file-in-file access. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbg-dev Description-md5: 71cc343322a7d2885601ead6b8f33030 Description-gl: BG Libraries Collection (development) This package contains a collection of libraries written by Bruce Guenter and put in use in various packages. . The library collection is mandatory to build most of software packages available at . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbg2 Description-md5: 4c99c87b86d3e8f25567fa7388bf5633 Description-gl: BG Libraries Collection This package contains a collection of libraries written by Bruce Guenter and put in use in various packages. . The library collection is mandatory to build most of software packages available at . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libbg2-doc Description-md5: 33e0db4e280b07932b3f0c898647eee4 Description-gl: BG Libraries Collection (documentation) This package contains a collection of libraries written by Bruce Guenter and put in use in various packages. . The library collection is mandatory to build most of software packages available at . Este paquete contén a documentación de bglibs. Package: libbiblesync-dev Description-md5: 06cd35417a2175af3fc284165739b61b Description-gl: multicast protocol to support Bible co-navigation (development files) This is a C++ single class library encapsulating a protocol conduit. The premise is that there is a local network over which to multicast Bible navigation, and someone, possibly several someones, will transmit, and others will receive. The choices for when you decide to xmit and what to do when you recv are up to you as the application designer. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbiblesync1.1 Description-md5: 88dd75844648485055f94eb097eadcf7 Description-gl: multicast protocol to support Bible co-navigation This is a C++ single class library encapsulating a protocol conduit. The premise is that there is a local network over which to multicast Bible navigation, and someone, possibly several someones, will transmit, and others will receive. The choices for when you decide to xmit and what to do when you recv are up to you as the application designer. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbiblio-isis-perl Description-md5: e53ff141797f2a2f6e26d73c7e9eabc7 Description-gl: Perl module which reads ISIS databases This module will read ISIS databases created by DOS CDS/ISIS, WinIsis or IsisMarc. . Biblio::Isis is a Perl module which reads ISIS databases produced by CDS/ISIS programs, such as MicroISIS, WinISIS and IsisMARC. ISIS was a popular family of integrated library systems provided as freeware by UNESCO, and this module provides methods to parse full databases and use them in a Perl program in order to migrate them to other formats. . It can create hash values from data in ISIS database (using to_hash), ASCII dump (using to_ascii) or just hash with field names and packed values (like ^asomething^belse). . Unique feature of this module is ability to include_deleted records. It will also skip zero sized fields (OpenIsis has a bug in XS bindings, so fields which are zero sized will be filled with random junk from memory). . It also has support for identifiers (only if ISIS database is created by IsisMarc), see to_hash. . Páxina web: Isis-0.24/lib/Biblio/ Package: libbin-prot-ocaml Description-md5: 63c6e42a9644887f70869a202b1a87b3 Description-gl: type-safe binary serialization for OCaml values (runtime) bin-prot provides functionalities for reading and writing OCaml-values in a type-safe binary protocol. . These functions provide a safe way of performing I/O on any extensionally defined data type. Functions, objects, and values whose type is bound through a polymorphic record field are not supported, but everything else is. . There is no support for cyclic or shared values and only little endian computer architectures are supported. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libbin-prot-ocaml-dev Description-md5: e1b4e98b2c3df762ce9168432ebc94ca Description-gl: type-safe binary serialization for OCaml values (dev files) bin-prot provides functionalities for reading and writing OCaml-values in a type-safe binary protocol. . These functions provide a safe way of performing I/O on any extensionally defined data type. Functions, objects, and values whose type is bound through a polymorphic record field are not supported, but everything else is. . There is no support for cyclic or shared values and only little endian computer architectures are supported. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbinio-dev Description-md5: 7616273c241a8df14ef29d600f584646 Description-gl: Binary I/O stream class library (development files) The binary I/O stream class library presents a platform-independent way to access binary data streams in C++. The library is hardware independent in the form that it transparently converts between the different forms of machine-internal binary data representation. It further employs no special I/O protocol and can be used on arbitrary binary data sources. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbiniou-ocaml Description-md5: 2e19b185ae384321e2eaf7d5790628a5 Description-gl: flexible binary data format in OCaml - plugins Biniou is a binary data format designed for speed, safety, ease of use and backward compatibility as protocols evolve. Biniou is vastly equivalent to JSON in terms of functionality but allows implementations about 4 times as fast (see godi-yojson for comparison), with 25-35% space savings. Biniou data can be decoded into human-readable form without knowledge of type definitions except for field and variant names which are represented by 31-bit hashes. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libbiococoa-dev Description-md5: b81475f0fc6f402543168839b5916578 Description-gl: Bioinformatics framework for GNUstep and Cocoa (development files) BioCocoa is an open source Cocoa framework for bioinformatics. It intends to provide Cocoa programmers with a full suite of tools for handling and manipulating biological sequences. Cocoa is a great framework for rapid application development and it is therefore often used to create innovative bioscientific apps. To speed up development even more, BioCocoa wants to offer reusable Cocoa classes that are specific for molecular biology and biofinformatics. At this time, BioCocoa offers model classes for biological sequences, controller classes for alignment, sequence manipulation and I/O, interfacing with ENTREZ and view classes that let you easily display and work with sequences in your own applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento, a documentación e exemplos para desenvolver aplicativos de GNUstep empregando a infraestrutura BioCocoa. Package: libbiococoa2 Description-md5: 47504dce77c3c51f2bbf44340f794f01 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de bioinformática para GNUstep e Cocoa (ficheiros de biblioteca) BioCocoa is an open source Cocoa framework for bioinformatics. It intends to provide Cocoa programmers with a full suite of tools for handling and manipulating biological sequences. Cocoa is a great framework for rapid application development and it is therefore often used to create innovative bioscientific apps. To speed up development even more, BioCocoa wants to offer reusable Cocoa classes that are specific for molecular biology and biofinformatics. At this time, BioCocoa offers model classes for biological sequences, controller classes for alignment, sequence manipulation and I/O, interfacing with ENTREZ and view classes that let you easily display and work with sequences in your own applications. . This package contains the runtime libraries. Package: libbiod0 Description-md5: 5cfb1de1dc7f02a6f270bd86d90d91c3 Description-gl: bioinformatics library in D BioD is a fast and memory efficient bioinformatics library written in the D programming language. BioD aims to: * Provide a platform for writing high-performance bioinformatics applications in D. BioD achieves this by: - automatic parallelization of tasks where possible for example reading and writing BAM files. - reducing the GC overhead by avoiding unnecessary memory allocations * Offer support for manipulating common biological data formats. * Write clear documented and maintainable codebase. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbiosig1-dbg Description-md5: ae4b4cf7bd325d94e54bdf5fd1ae1da5 Description-gl: I/O library for biomedical data - debug symbols BioSig is a library for accessing files in several biomedical data formats (including EDF, BDF, GDF, BrainVision, BCI2000, CFWB, HL7aECG, SCP_ECG (EN1064), MFER, ACQ, CNT(Neuroscan), DEMG, EGI, EEG1100, FAMOS, SigmaPLpro, TMS32). The complete list of supported file formats is available at . . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libbisho-common-dev Description-md5: 0e381bc04dd8e27e9c9bae3a58767993 Description-gl: Meego web services settings library (development files) bisho is the settings front-end for Meego web services. Users can use bisho to set the account information for web services like or Twitter. . libbisho-common is the library to interact with the bisho application. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbitcoin0v5-dbg Description-md5: a635f60998d6b1ead1d40dc8cd16f6ec Description-gl: Bitcoin toolkit library for asynchronous apps - debugging symbols libbitcoin is a Bitcoin library targeted high end use. The library places a heavy focus around asynchronous operation. . libbitcoin is designed as a toolkit - an independent set of mutual components with no dependencies between them. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libbjack-ocaml Description-md5: 45485c96f3ed4689b7c4d0471680da7e Description-gl: OCaml blocking interface to jack audio connection kit ocaml-bjack é unha interface de bloqueo para o kit de conexión de son jack. Ao empregalo pódese crear un dispositivo de jack e ler/escribir nel de maneira semellante a facelo con ALSA ou OSS. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libbjack-ocaml-dev Description-md5: e68d2fd6f9ee4b67e3576a0a3d6a59f2 Description-gl: OCaml blocking interface to jack audio connection kit ocaml-bjack é unha interface de bloqueo para o kit de conexión de son jack. Ao empregalo pódese crear un dispositivo de jack e ler/escribir nel de maneira semellante a facelo con ALSA ou OSS. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use ocaml-bjack. Package: libbliss2 Description-md5: 9e7704bbbcbc4cba2f43a547082219ea Description-gl: library to compute graph automorphisms and labelings Bliss is a backtracking algorithm for computing automorphism groups and canonical forms of graphs, based on individualization and refinement. Its data structures, subroutines, and pruning heuristics are specially designed for fast handling of large and sparse graphs. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbluray2 Description-md5: fe136787603e33abf78c9a718f32fa0d Description-gl: Blu-ray disc playback support library (shared library) libbluray is an open-source library designed for Blu-Ray Discs playback for media players, like VLC or MPlayer. This research project is developed by an international team of developers from Doom9. libbluray integrates navigation, playlist parsing, menus, and BD-J. . NB: Most commercial Blu-Ray are restricted by AACS or BD+ technologies and this library is not enough to playback those discs. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbmusb4 Description-md5: 3ea26a387a58a2317b1bd70b9c379d39 Description-gl: userspace driver for Blackmagic USB3 video capture cards bmusb is a userspace driver for Blackmagic's USB3 series of video capture and playback cards (although only the capture part is currently supported), in particular the Intensity Shuttle (HDMI) and UltraStudio SDI cards. These are not currently served by Blackmagic's own Linux drivers. . bmusb is not API- or ABI-compatible with Blackmagic's drivers. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbodega-dev Description-md5: 7905624c0f592dd7bedc4e737250843b Description-gl: Make Play Live content store library Library for the Make Play Live content store. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbonobo2-0 Description-md5: c045e6a5f3f268ea5ea59e1f0823c439 Description-gl: Bonobo CORBA interfaces library Bonobo is a set of language and system independent CORBA interfaces for creating reusable components, controls and creating compound documents. . The Bonobo distribution includes a Gtk+ based implementation of the Bonobo interfaces, enabling developers to create reusable components and applications that can be used to form more complex documents. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libboolstuff-0.1-0-dbg Description-md5: 3a41976d1b5854f763a684edac6c0ae9 Description-gl: library for operating on boolean expression binary trees - debug BoolStuff is a C++ library that supports a few operations on boolean expression binary trees. . Este paquete inclúe os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libboost-atomic-dev Description-md5: c14a808e4902c3587fd51d4cf25bde3d Description-gl: atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints (default version) This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . Boost.Atomic is a library that provides atomic data types and operations on these data types, as well as memory ordering constraints required for coordinating multiple threads through atomic variables. It implements the interface as defined by the C++11 standard, but makes this feature available for platforms lacking system/compiler support for this particular C++11 feature. . Os usuarios desta biblioteca deberÃan estar familiarizados coa concorrencia en xeral, asà como con conceptos elementais como «exclusión mutua». . The implementation makes use of processor-specific instructions where possible (via inline assembler, platform libraries or compiler intrinsics), and falls back to "emulating" atomic operations through locking. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default Boost version (currently 1.65). Package: libboost-atomic1.62-dev Description-md5: 1aa2477e97733797bec0d32670d4e90e Description-gl: atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . Boost.Atomic is a library that provides atomic data types and operations on these data types, as well as memory ordering constraints required for coordinating multiple threads through atomic variables. It implements the interface as defined by the C++11 standard, but makes this feature available for platforms lacking system/compiler support for this particular C++11 feature. . Os usuarios desta biblioteca deberÃan estar familiarizados coa concorrencia en xeral, asà como con conceptos elementais como «exclusión mutua». . The implementation makes use of processor-specific instructions where possible (via inline assembler, platform libraries or compiler intrinsics), and falls back to "emulating" atomic operations through locking. Package: libboost-atomic1.62.0 Description-md5: 1aa2477e97733797bec0d32670d4e90e Description-gl: atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . Boost.Atomic is a library that provides atomic data types and operations on these data types, as well as memory ordering constraints required for coordinating multiple threads through atomic variables. It implements the interface as defined by the C++11 standard, but makes this feature available for platforms lacking system/compiler support for this particular C++11 feature. . Os usuarios desta biblioteca deberÃan estar familiarizados coa concorrencia en xeral, asà como con conceptos elementais como «exclusión mutua». . The implementation makes use of processor-specific instructions where possible (via inline assembler, platform libraries or compiler intrinsics), and falls back to "emulating" atomic operations through locking. Package: libboost-numpy-dev Description-md5: 936aaf05859467474067f9614c0326e2 Description-gl: Boost.Python NumPy extensions development files (default version) This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . The Boost Python library enables exporting a C++ library to Python. The NumPy extensions lets the C++ code interact with NumPy types. . Este paquete permite o desenvolvemento dunha interface en Python para todas as versións actuais de Python que hai en Debian. O código que empregue esta biblioteca precisa tamén dun dos paquetes de desenvolvemento de Python. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default Boost version (currently 1.65). Package: libboost-numpy1.65-dev Description-md5: 0cd697d06e4f050674a72a97968e8c0c Description-gl: Boost.Python NumPy extensions development files This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . The Boost Python library enables exporting a C++ library to Python. The NumPy extensions lets the C++ code interact with NumPy types. . Este paquete permite o desenvolvemento dunha interface en Python para todas as versións actuais de Python que hai en Debian. O código que empregue esta biblioteca precisa tamén dun dos paquetes de desenvolvemento de Python. Package: libboost-python-dev Description-md5: 2abc9fa39a909ccb59709132094bdd1d Description-gl: Boost.Python Library development files (default version) This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . The Boost Python Library is used to quickly and easily export a C++ library to Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++ design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++ classes in any way in order to use them with Boost.Python. The system should simply "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into Python. The major features of Boost.Python include support for: Subclassing extension types in Python, Overriding virtual functions in Python, Member function Overloading, Automatic wrapping of numeric operators among others. . Este paquete permite o desenvolvemento dunha interface en Python para todas as versións actuais de Python que hai en Debian. O código que empregue esta biblioteca precisa tamén dun dos paquetes de desenvolvemento de Python. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default Boost version (currently 1.65). Package: libboost-python1.62-dev Description-md5: 8c2dd471f4dbeb52cefdbe65edd291f7 Description-gl: Boost.Python Library development files This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . The Boost Python Library is used to quickly and easily export a C++ library to Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++ design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++ classes in any way in order to use them with Boost.Python. The system should simply "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into Python. The major features of Boost.Python include support for: Subclassing extension types in Python, Overriding virtual functions in Python, Member function Overloading, Automatic wrapping of numeric operators among others. . This package also contains the pyste Boost.Python code generator that allows the user to specify classes and functions to be exported using a simple interface file, which following the Boost.Python's philosophy, is simple Python code. . Este paquete permite o desenvolvemento dunha interface en Python para todas as versións actuais de Python que hai en Debian. O código que empregue esta biblioteca precisa tamén dun dos paquetes de desenvolvemento de Python. Package: libboost-python1.65-dev Description-md5: 4073b19bab34408d8c56b2db9718bb71 Description-gl: Boost.Python Library development files This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection. . The Boost Python Library is used to quickly and easily export a C++ library to Python such that the Python interface is very similar to the C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your C++ design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++ classes in any way in order to use them with Boost.Python. The system should simply "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into Python. The major features of Boost.Python include support for: Subclassing extension types in Python, Overriding virtual functions in Python, Member function Overloading, Automatic wrapping of numeric operators among others. . Este paquete permite o desenvolvemento dunha interface en Python para todas as versións actuais de Python que hai en Debian. O código que empregue esta biblioteca precisa tamén dun dos paquetes de desenvolvemento de Python. Package: libbotan1.10-dev Description-md5: 8e4a5d7c0ef2cbd9f45f80c47721239f Description-gl: multiplatform crypto library (development) Botan is a C++ library which provides support for many common cryptographic operations, including encryption, authentication, and X.509v3 certificates and CRLs. A wide variety of algorithms is supported, including RSA, DSA, DES, AES, MD5, and SHA-1. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libbox2d-dev Description-md5: 7f950bd241ad69588550f4c515423a02 Description-gl: 2D physics engine - development files 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Programmers can use it in their games to make objects move in believable ways and make the world seem more interactive. From the game's point of view a physics engine is just a system for procedural animation. Rather than paying (or begging) an animator to move your actors around, you can let Sir Isaac Newton do the directing. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libbpp-raa3 Description-md5: 2fc64940ac4060090c42dd9bd3ab800a Description-gl: Bio++ Remote Acnuc Access library This library contains utilitary and classes to query public databases (GenBank, EMBL, SwissProt, etc) using acnuc. It is part of the Bio++ project. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbrasero-media3-1 Description-md5: 24b5258efe5b1e76dca7a3f333ac5af7 Description-gl: CD/DVD burning library for GNOME - runtime Libbrasero is a simple library to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libbrlapi-jni Description-md5: eafbff381891784e8b3d70095621f0d7 Description-gl: Java bindings for BrlAPI (native library) BRLTTY is a daemon which provides access to the console (text mode) for a blind person using a braille display. It drives the braille display and provides complete screen review functionality. . BrlAPI is a library which gives an application access to a braille display and lets it write braille. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros dependentes da arquitectura requiridos para acceder a un terminal Braille mediante BrlAPI desde Java. Package: libbsh-java Description-md5: 9438acca3862ed2b76eba52014902e6e Description-gl: Java scripting environment (BeanShell) Version 2 (library) BeanShell é un pequeno intérprete de fonte de Java, gratuÃto, incrustábel, con caracterÃsticas de linguaxe de ordes obxecto, escrito en Java. BeanShell executa declaracións e expresións estándar de Java, ademais das obvias ordes e sintaxe de programación. BeanShell admite obxectos programados como métodos simples de peche, semellantes aos de Perl e JavaScript (tm). . BeanShell pode usarse de xeito interactivo para experimentación e depuración en Java ou como un motor simple de ordes para aplicativos. En resumo: BeanShell é un intérprete dinámico de Java, con algunhas funcións adicionais. . This package contains the Java library without the command line tools. Package: libbullet-dev Description-md5: bb781d0f479b67427ea1dd59e035c5d7 Description-gl: professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library -- development files Bullet professional 3D Game Multiphysics Library provides state of the art collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics. . * Used by many movie and game companies in AAA titles on Playstation 3, XBox 360, Nintendo Wii, PC, Android and iPhone. * Modular extendible C++ design with hot-swap of most components. * Discrete and continuous collision detection (CCD). * Swept collision queries. * Ray casting with custom collision filtering. * Generic convex support (using GJK), capsule, cylinder, cone, sphere, box and non-convex triangle meshes. * Support for dynamic deformation of non-convex triangle meshes, by refitting the acceleration structures. . Multiphysics support including: . * Rigid body dynamics including constraint solvers, generic constraints, ragdolls, hinge, ball-socket. * Support for constraint limits and motors. * Soft body support including cloth, rope and deformable. * Bullet is integrated into Blender. * Serialization of physics data in the cross-platform binary bullet file format. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para Bullet. Package: libbytelist-java Description-md5: 5a3226b3896723bfcf476571e1e24db2 Description-gl: Biblioteca auxiliar para empaquetar JRuby This library provides the org.jruby.util.ByteList byte container. . ByteList is simple a collection of bytes in the same way a Java String is a collection of characters. However, its API resembles StringBuffer/StringBuilder more than String because it is a mutable object. Package: libbzrtp-dev Description-md5: e91b6d99d8e51f92cfc356dcb26ce714 Description-gl: Development files for the Bzrtp key exchange library Bzrtp is an open source implementation of the ZRTP key exchange protocol. The library is written in C 89. It is fully portable and can be executed on many platforms including ARM and x86. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libc-icap-mod-clamav Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libc3p0-java-doc Description-md5: 4210c65aafe7e44727050ce4fa4f9091 Description-gl: library for JDBC connection pooling (documentation) c3p0 is an easy-to-use library for making traditional JDBC drivers "enterprise-ready" by augmenting them with functionality defined by the jdbc3 spec and the optional extensions to jdbc2. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libc6-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libc6.1-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 8e33deb1e3b96d190323ece33ca4e219 Description-gl: GNU C Library: detached debugging symbols (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración desprendidos da biblioteca de C de GNU. Package: libc6.1-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: fc7d1124da33f2f1ca4b4e0833019db4 Description-gl: GNU C Library: Development Libraries and Header Files (for cross-compiling) This package was generated by dpkg-cross for cross compiling. . Contén as ligazóns simbólicas, cabeceiras e ficheiros obxecto precisos para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen a biblioteca C normal. Package: libcache-simple-timedexpiry-perl Description-md5: 46ed4ee94fbbfd5e356813cc5635ed50 Description-gl: Perl module to cache and expire key/value pairs Exemplo: . my $h = new Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry; . $h->set(Forever => "Don't expire", 0); do {$h->set($_,"Value of $_", 1); sleep 2;} for qw(Have a nice day); $,=' '; print $h->elements; $h->dump; sleep 4; print $h->elements; $h->dump; Package: libcairo-ocaml Description-md5: 79085065a08b6c8d01ce5299b9ad01ae Description-gl: OCaml bindings for Cairo (runtime) Cairo é unha biblioteca multi-plataforma que fornece unha renderización baseada en vectores e con suavizado para diversas infraestruturas de destino. Os trazos consisten en segmentos de liña e splines cúbicas e poden ser renderizados con calquera largo con distintos estilos de unión e de remate. Pódese indicar calquera color, con translucidez (opacidade/alfa) opcional e combinalas empregando a álxebra de composición Porter/Duff estendida que se atopa na extensión X Render. . Cairo exports a stateful rendering API similar in spirit to the path construction, text, and painting operators of PostScript, (with the significant addition of translucence in the imaging model). When complete, the API is intended to support the complete imaging model of PDF 1.4. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libcairo-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 52446b21850ea80840bf88ddb0e9e147 Description-gl: OCaml bindings for Cairo Cairo é unha biblioteca multi-plataforma que fornece unha renderización baseada en vectores e con suavizado para diversas infraestruturas de destino. Os trazos consisten en segmentos de liña e splines cúbicas e poden ser renderizados con calquera largo con distintos estilos de unión e de remate. Pódese indicar calquera color, con translucidez (opacidade/alfa) opcional e combinalas empregando a álxebra de composición Porter/Duff estendida que se atopa na extensión X Render. . Cairo exports a stateful rendering API similar in spirit to the path construction, text, and painting operators of PostScript, (with the significant addition of translucence in the imaging model). When complete, the API is intended to support the complete imaging model of PDF 1.4. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use Cairo in your OCaml programs. The following backends are supported: PostScript, PDF, PNG, In-memory images and X11. Package: libcalendar-ocaml Description-md5: 7b728538bee9dbffe6525216437d8f02 Description-gl: OCaml library providing operations over dates and times (runtime) OCaml library implementing common date/time operations with timezones and pretty printing support. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libcalendar-ocaml-doc Description-md5: 14b74073efa634a2645683ce4fa2ec05 Description-gl: OCaml library providing operations over dates and times (doc) OCaml library implementing common date/time operations with timezones and pretty printing support. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libcalendarsupport4 Description-md5: 5d6a5c429a2ee4c748ef5ada4bc85834 Description-gl: calendar support library This library defines calendar related model objects for KDE PIM module applications and provides a common interface for accessing and managing calendars provided by Akonadi resources. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libcam-pdf-perl Description-md5: ce00f248f9eed0bf7e417fe1819db6ee Description-gl: PDF manipulation library CAM::PDF le e escribe calquera documento que cumpra coa especificación de PDF xenerosamente fornecida pola Adobe en (ligazón comprobada por última vez en febreiro de 2013). . The file format through PDF 1.5 is well-supported, with the exception of the "linearized" or "optimized" output format, which this module can read but not write. Many specific aspects of the document model are not manipulable with this package (like fonts), but if the input document is correctly written, then this module will preserve the model integrity. . The PDF writing feature saves as PDF 1.4-compatible. That means that compressed object streams cannot be written. The consequence is that reading and then writing a PDF 1.5+ document may enlarge the resulting file by a fair margin. Package: libcaml2html-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 973275788c2a884039262f1fd5ceb484 Description-gl: HTML and LaTeX colored syntax from OCaml source files - dev files Caml2html provides a command-line executable which converts a set of OCaml source files into a HTML or LaTeX document with colored syntax. A library is also provided for building web-page generators that would color OCaml code appropriately. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para programar coa biblioteca. Package: libcamlimages-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 36af8e24c3b4683a345d049c1091e8eb Description-gl: OCaml image processing library (Development package) CamlImages is an image processing library for OCaml, which provides: . * basic functions for image processing and loading/saving various image file formats (hence providing a translation facility from format to format) . * an interface with the Caml graphics library allows one to display images in the Graphics module screen and to mix them with Caml drawings . * a freetype interface, integrated into the library: you can draw texts into images using any truetype fonts . In addition, the library can handle huge images that cannot be (or can hardly be) stored into the main memory (the library then automatically creates swap files and escapes them to reduce the memory usage). . Este paquete contén a parte de desenvolvemento da biblioteca camlimages. Package: libcamlpdf-ocaml Description-md5: b1123d823b45af0b9540099e96d907cf Description-gl: library for reading, writing and manipulating PDF files and data (runtime) CamlPDF consists of a set of low level modules for representing, reading and writing the basic structure of PDF, together with an initial attempt at a higher level API. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución. Package: libcamltemplate-ocaml Description-md5: e8b0c45ea3182fe73063780c485810bf Description-gl: configurable library for generating text from templates in OCaml CamlTemplate is a library for generating text from templates in OCaml. It can be used to generate web pages, scripts, SQL queries, XML documents and other sorts of text. . This library defines a small templating language, with basic operations like #if or #foreach. To use this library you need to configure the data source that will be used in the template with the templating language. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libcangjie2-dbg Description-md5: fc5a4705d03b2d63da1e8246e9e80fa8 Description-gl: Cangjie input method library (debug) This is a library that provides functions related to the Cangjie Chinese input method. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libcantor-pythonbackend Description-md5: 1d7708e193862e5eaf466936a6b6210b Description-gl: Base Python backend for Cantor Cantor is an application to allow you to you use your favorite mathematical applications from within an elegant worksheet interface. It provides dialogs to assist with common tasks and allows you to share your worksheets with others. . This package provides the backend for using the Python language ( in Cantor. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libcap-ng-utils Description-md5: fbe5ccdbf5d2f02cbe089add9ba015da Description-gl: Utilities for analysing and setting file capabilities This library implements the user-space interfaces to the POSIX 1003.1e capabilities available in Linux kernels. These capabilities are a partitioning of the all powerful root privilege into a set of distinct privileges. . Coa biblioteca libcap-ng preténdese facer que programar coas capacidades de POSIX sexa moito máis doado que coa biblioteca libcap tradicional. . This package contains utilities for analysing and setting file capabilities. Package: libcaribou-gtk-module Description-md5: 627a888bf80537e68736ce65dc6d6c32 Description-gl: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode (GTK+ 2.0 module) An input assistive technology intended for switch and pointer users. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de módulos de GTK+ 2.0. Package: libcaribou-gtk3-module Description-md5: 770686abc3640114778c8bb79a609e03 Description-gl: Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode (GTK+ 3.0 module) An input assistive technology intended for switch and pointer users. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de módulos de GTK+ 3.0. Package: libcatalyst-plugin-customerrormessage-perl Description-md5: 8f0c7189be2cc07ca22617673d7a7775 Description-gl: Catalyst plugin to have more "cute" error message. You can use this module if you want to get rid of: . (en) Please come back later . (fr) SVP veuillez revenir plus tard . (de) Bitte versuchen sie es spaeter nocheinmal . (at) Konnten's bitt'schoen spaeter nochmal reinschauen . (no) Vennligst prov igjen senere . (dk) Venligst prov igen senere . (pl) Prosze sprobowac pozniej . What it does is that it inherites finalize_error to $c object. . Vexa a función finalize_error(). Package: libcbf-dev Description-md5: dbc073f5e0f4396849cb23fc9d64ff81 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de CBFlib CBFLIB is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. The CBFLIB API is loosely based on the CIFPARSE API for mmCIF files. CBFLIB does not perform any semantic integrity checks and simply provides functions to create, read, modify and write CBF binary data files and imgCIF ASCII data files. . This package contains libraries and header files for program development. Package: libcbf0 Description-md5: 937ebd00a45aaf1184ed439556e0f525 Description-gl: shared library supporting CBFlib CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting CIF (imgCIF) files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcbor-dev Description-md5: 5228a1eaeb439cc7daa2dcdd3e0827c6 Description-gl: library for parsing and generating CBOR (RFC 7049) (development headers) CBOR is a general-purpose schema-less binary data format, defined in RFC 7049. This package provides a C library for parsing and generating CBOR. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcbor-doc Description-md5: 742ca19067348410cdd9ea28be189854 Description-gl: library for parsing and generating CBOR (RFC 7049) (documentation) CBOR is a general-purpose schema-less binary data format, defined in RFC 7049. This package provides a C library for parsing and generating CBOR. . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: libccaudio2-2 Description-md5: 1b29aab13d68046333220bed4ec16cb1 Description-gl: ccAudio2 de GNU - unha infraestrutura de clases de C++ para procesar ficheiros de son The GNU ccAudio package offers a highly portable C++ class framework for developing applications which manipulate audio streams and various disk based audio file formats. At the moment ccaudio is primarly a class framework for handling .au, .wav (RIFF), and various .raw audio encoding formats under Posix and win32 systems, though it may expand to become a general purpose audio and soundcard support library. Support for controlling CD audio devices has recently been added as well as support for codecs and other generic audio processing services. Package: libccaudio2-dev Description-md5: 1203b41f8a1b2a409cbde455e19fce84 Description-gl: header files and static link library for GNU ccAudio The GNU ccAudio package offers a highly portable C++ class framework for developing applications which manipulate audio streams and various disk based audio file formats. At the moment ccaudio is primarly a class framework for handling .au, .wav (RIFF), and various .raw audio encoding formats under Posix and win32 systems, though it may expand to become a general purpose audio and soundcard support library. Support for controlling CD audio devices has recently been added as well as support for codecs and other generic audio processing services. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de cabeceiras e a documentación para construÃr aplicativos que empreguen ccAudio de GNU. Package: libccd2-dbg Description-md5: 9dee71428c326b6b42440c9e30856b99 Description-gl: Library for collision detection between convex shapes - debug files libccd implements variation on Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) algorithm + Expand Polytope Algorithm (EPA). It also implements Minkowski Portal Refinement (MPR, a.k.a. XenoCollide) algorithm as published in Game Programming Gems 7. libccd is one of the very few open source libraries that include MPR algorithm working in 3-D space. However, there is a library called mpr2d, implemented in D programming language, that works in 2-D space. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libccfits-dev Description-md5: b1a69cd2870d3ecb447ccde7530c1109 Description-gl: static library for I/O with FITS format data files CCfits é unha interface orientada a obxectos para a biblioteca cfitsio. Está deseñada para pór as capacidades de cfitsio a disposición dos programadores que traballen en C++. Está escrita en ANSI C++ e realizada empregada a Biblioteca Estándar de C++ con espazos de nomes, manipulación de excepcións e funcións de modelos membros. . Este paquete contén o necesario para compilar fontes que empreguen esta biblioteca no seu código. Package: libccfits-doc Description-md5: bddf0156670ee4bcbd04a022f651da57 Description-gl: Documentación de CCfits CCfits é unha interface orientada a obxectos para a biblioteca cfitsio. Está deseñada para pór as capacidades de cfitsio a disposición dos programadores que traballen en C++. Está escrita en ANSI C++ e realizada empregada a Biblioteca Estándar de C++ con espazos de nomes, manipulación de excepcións e funcións de modelos membros. . Este paquete contén o manual de referencia de CCFits nos formatos html e PDF. Package: libccfits0v5 Description-md5: 6690632e76e60db5b87023ceb3a182a2 Description-gl: shared library for I/O with FITS format data files CCfits é unha interface orientada a obxectos para a biblioteca cfitsio. Está deseñada para pór as capacidades de cfitsio a disposición dos programadores que traballen en C++. Está escrita en ANSI C++ e realizada empregada a Biblioteca Estándar de C++ con espazos de nomes, manipulación de excepcións e funcións de modelos membros. . This package contains what you need to run programs that use this library. Package: libccgnu2-1.8-0v5 Description-md5: a0eb0a964ac1f1308f671571c84a6e27 Description-gl: Paquete de GNU para crear programas portábeis en C++ Common C++ «2» é un paquete de GNU que ofrece unha «abstracción» portátil dos servizos do sistema, como fÃos, redes e sockets. Common C++ ofrece tamén infraestruturas xerais útiles en xeral para desenvolver aplicativos portátiles en C++, incluÃdos un motor de persistencia de obxectos, bibliotecas matemáticas, fÃos, sockets, etc. Common C++ é pequeno e moi portátil. Common C++ ha de admitir a maiorÃa dos sistemas operativos tipo Unix, asà como Win32, ademais de GNU/Linux. . This package contains the runtime libraries. Package: libccid Description-md5: 0526431951af10123a8e2fba4694ad49 Description-gl: Controlador de PC/SC para os lectores de tarxetas intelixentes USB CCID This library provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation for the USB smart card drivers compliant to the CCID protocol. . This package is needed to communicate with the CCID smartcard readers through the PC/SC Lite resource manager (pcscd). . For an exhaustive list of supported reader see . This driver also supports the GemPC Twin connected to a serial port and the GemPC Card (PCMCIA, through the suggested pcmciautils package) and Gemplus GemPC Express (Express54 card). Package: libccrtp-doc Description-md5: 6c5b0e924e1d412cb9621fda0a91430e Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación da biblioteca ccRTPp de GNU GNU ccRTP is a GNU Common C++ based high performance RTP stack. RTP is the Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. It can be used for media-on-demand as well as interactive for creating services such as Internet telephony. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación do ccRTP de GNU. Package: libccrtp2v5 Description-md5: 837dd2a836de3518a46745b367c12160 Description-gl: Common C++ class framework for RTP packets GNU ccRTP is a GNU Common C++ based high performance RTP stack. RTP is the Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. It can be used for media-on-demand as well as interactive for creating services such as Internet telephony. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución para ccRTP de GNU. Package: libccss-1-5 Description-md5: 55bfd9c890dbc3e4be7eba63444b369c Description-gl: API sinxela para follas de estilo CSS Libccss ofrece unha API sinxela para * Analizar follas de estilo CSS * Consultar as configuracións de estilo nunha representación dun documento fornecido polo usuario * Debuxar os resultados das consultas sobre superficies de Cairo Package: libccss-1-5-dbg Description-md5: 81b0cccf127de02b3e9d934cb61a1e0e Description-gl: API sinxela para follas de estilo CSS (ficheiros de depuración) Libccss ofrece unha API sinxela para * Analizar follas de estilo CSS * Consultar as configuracións de estilo nunha representación dun documento fornecido polo usuario * Debuxar os resultados das consultas sobre superficies de Cairo . This package contains the debug symbols. Package: libccss-dev Description-md5: 251f64b4d94e27bcc60179eac2d5ee92 Description-gl: API sinxela para follas de estilo CSS (cabeceiras de desenvolvemento) Libccss ofrece unha API sinxela para * Analizar follas de estilo CSS * Consultar as configuracións de estilo nunha representación dun documento fornecido polo usuario * Debuxar os resultados das consultas sobre superficies de Cairo . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libccss-doc Description-md5: 207505d760d16816841f6d3608c81753 Description-gl: API sinxela para follas de estilo CSS (documentación) Libccss ofrece unha API sinxela para * Analizar follas de estilo CSS * Consultar as configuracións de estilo nunha representación dun documento fornecido polo usuario * Debuxar os resultados das consultas sobre superficies de Cairo . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libccss-tools Description-md5: ee9b21ac212ecebe0b21f2081890edd2 Description-gl: API sinxela para follas de estilo CSS (utilidades) Libccss ofrece unha API sinxela para * Analizar follas de estilo CSS * Consultar as configuracións de estilo nunha representación dun documento fornecido polo usuario * Debuxar os resultados das consultas sobre superficies de Cairo . Este paquete contén varias utilidades. * ccss-stylesheet-to-gtkrc: cargar ficheiros CSS e envorcar o resultado para depurar follas de estilo que ocupen varios ficheiros Package: libcctz-dev Description-md5: 1859f70bee054524a2d0d51254068925 Description-gl: Library for computing dates, times and time zones, development files CCTZ contains two libraries that cooperate with `<chrono>` to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcctz2 Description-md5: 22c65166488d2dee1983e2d22b8a12a1 Description-gl: Library for computing dates, times and time zones, shared library CCTZ contains two libraries that cooperate with `<chrono>` to give C++ programmers all the necessary tools for computing with dates, times, and time zones in a simple and correct manner. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcdaudio-dbg Description-md5: 990c4d101f84dfcd8587f69add2ae30a Description-gl: Biblioteca para controlar un CD-ROM mentres se reproducen CD de son (depuración) Esta biblioteca fornece funcións para controlar un CD de son: comezar, parar, expulsar, etc. Tamén fornece unha interface para servidores de CDDB e indexadores de CD. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libcdaudio-dev Description-md5: 1679573fd1ddf42d2d7c514523c338ca Description-gl: Biblioteca para controlar un CD-ROM mentres se reproducen CD de son (desenvolvemento) Esta biblioteca fornece funcións para controlar un CD de son: comezar, parar, expulsar, etc. Tamén fornece unha interface para servidores de CDDB e indexadores de CD. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcdaudio1 Description-md5: c5c5e443cd56e4c6996892b7d09edfcd Description-gl: Biblioteca para controlar un CD-ROM mentres se reproducen CD de son Esta biblioteca fornece funcións para controlar un CD de son: comezar, parar, expulsar, etc. Tamén fornece unha interface para servidores de CDDB e indexadores de CD. Package: libcdb-file-perl Description-md5: d964394930a7029a5a3bdbdf2e43d28f Description-gl: Módulo para acceder a bases de datos cdb desde Perl CDB_File é un módulo que fornece unha interface en Perl para crear e consultar bases de datos cdb. cdb é un paquete rápido, fiábel e lixeiro para crear e ler bases de datos constantes que foi desenvolvido por Dan Bernstein. . Consulte para máis información sobre cdb. Package: libcdd-test Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libcddb2 Description-md5: 65b88b0bff45169dc8ba375ce34a154a Description-gl: library to access CDDB data - runtime files libcddb é unha biblioteca en C para acceder a datos sobre CD de son nun servidor de CDDB . Permite buscar na base de datos coincidencias co CD, obter información detallada sobre un CD e enviar entradas de CD novas á base de datos. Admite tanto o protocolo personalizado de CDDB como a consulta por túnel a través de HTTP. Admite proxies de HTTP. Tamén conta cun sistema de caché. . This package contains the runtime library required to run libcddb-enabled programs. Package: libcddb2-dev Description-md5: 68e0c5da6193c51e42c886dd50e7f227 Description-gl: Biblioteca para acceder a datos de CDDB - ficheiros de desenvolvemento libcddb é unha biblioteca en C para acceder a datos sobre CD de son nun servidor de CDDB . Permite buscar na base de datos coincidencias co CD, obter información detallada sobre un CD e enviar entradas de CD novas á base de datos. Admite tanto o protocolo personalizado de CDDB como a consulta por túnel a través de HTTP. Admite proxies de HTTP. Tamén conta cun sistema de caché. . This package contains the development headers required to compile libcddb- enabled programs. Package: libcdio-utils Description-md5: 44fe4f4e99a5abf0f6b817a1a7f6ea78 Description-gl: Aplicativos de exemplo baseados nas bibliotecas CDIO Esta biblioteca contén unha colección de pequenas ferramentas baseadas en libcdio: * cd-drive mostrar as caracterÃsticas do lector de CD-ROM * cd-info mostrar información sobre un CD ou unha imaxe de CD * cd-paranoia un extractor de CD de son * cd-read ler información dun CD ou dunha imaxe de CD * cdda-player un reprodutor de CD de son sinxelo baseado en curses * iso-info mostrar información sobre unha imaxe en ISO 9660 * iso-read ler porcións dunha imaxe en ISO 9660 * mmc-tool emitir ordes de baixo nivel a un lector de CD Package: libcdr-tools Description-md5: bc68827c5142086b56952f4c03b4fb95 Description-gl: library for reading and converting Corel DRAW files -- tools libcdr é unha biblioteca e un conxunto de ferramentas para ler e converter ficheiros binarios producidos polo Corel DRAW. . libcdr admite actualmente só ficheiros CDR entre V7 e X3 e as funcionalidades seguintes: . - páxinas e tamaños de páxinas - formas, liñas, curvas de Bézier, mapas de bits - enchidos de cores planas, tanto RGB, como CMYK, HLS e HSB - diferentes tipos de trazos, incluÃdos os trazos descontinuos . Ademais, libcdr fornece unha API pública para mostrar vistas previas das páxinas para aplicativos que carezan da noción de páxina. . This package contains cdr2xtml/cdr2raw and cmx2xhtml/cmx2raw. Package: libcdt5 Description-md5: d9902443b1aa2da91da7ca4482e5eb20 Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools - cdt library Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the cdt library. Package: libcec4 Description-md5: 8fa24da000d1436d85e6a210d9640157 Description-gl: USB CEC Adaptor communication Library (shared library) This library provides support for the Pulse-Eight USB-CEC adapter and other CEC capable hardware, like the Raspberry Pi. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcephfs-java Description-md5: 7a7c6b551a3013f6e45ab66cc7b89b22 Description-gl: Java library for the Ceph File System Ceph é un sistema de almacenamento distribuÃdo deseñado para fornecer desempeño, fiabilidade e escalabilidade excelentes. . This package contains the Java library for interacting with the Ceph File System. Package: libcephfs-jni Description-md5: eeccae7ad4653bc059b325a5ec4ddd58 Description-gl: Java Native Interface library for CephFS Java bindings Ceph é un sistema de almacenamento distribuÃdo deseñado para fornecer desempeño, fiabilidade e escalabilidade excelentes. . This package contains the Java Native Interface library for interacting with the Ceph File System. Package: libcereal-doc Description-md5: cf6b5fcedc6b95481089864c771a7ff8 Description-gl: C++11 library for serialization HTML documentation cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrary data types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. cereal was designed to be fast, light-weight, and easy to extend - it has no external dependencies and can be easily bundled with other code or used standalone. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: libceres-dev Description-md5: d345da6d14aefd2f0e674ab2d588dcca Description-gl: nonlinear least squares minimizer (development files) Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010. . Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems. - Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints. - General unconstrained optimization problems. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libceres1 Description-md5: 2e7c678437f129720d0e6636750922c8 Description-gl: nonlinear least squares minimizer (shared library) Ceres Solver is an open source C++ library for modeling and solving large, complicated optimization problems. It is a feature rich, mature and performant library which has been used in production at Google since 2010. . Ceres Solver can solve two kinds of problems. - Non-linear Least Squares problems with bounds constraints. - General unconstrained optimization problems. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcerf1-dbg Description-md5: abfa2fa40562b48e11244962f100422d Description-gl: Complex error function library - debugging symbols libcerf is a self-contained numeric library that provides an efficient and accurate implementation of the complex error functions, along with Dawson, Faddeeva, and Voigt functions. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libcfitsio-dev Description-md5: 903890f49cc81b412671de3c4ba7ea56 Description-gl: library for I/O with FITS format data files (development files) FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is a data format most used in astronomy. cfitsio is a library of ANSI C routines for reading and writing FITS format data files. A set of Fortran-callable wrapper routines are also included for the convenience of Fortran programmers. . Este paquete contén o necesario para compilar fontes que empreguen esta biblioteca no seu código. Package: libcglib-java-doc Description-md5: 11875290513a5b555f029fa4514287d5 Description-gl: Code generation library for Java (documentation) cglib is a powerful, high performance and quality code generation library. It is used to extend Java classes and implement interfaces at run-time. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libcgraph6 Description-md5: 3c0eff44ae2d3aa5e19d60a4384485eb Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools - cgraph library Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the cgraph library. Package: libcgroup-dev Description-md5: 00bc9a9892f83a5eff72f96844aa1068 Description-gl: control and monitor control groups (development) Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behaviour. . libcgroup allows one to manipulate, control, administrate and monitor cgroups and the associated controllers. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcgroup1 Description-md5: 91f51cf74160eb9398561ff90bcc52f8 Description-gl: control and monitor control groups (library) Control Groups (cgroups) provide a mechanism for aggregating/partitioning sets of tasks, and all their future children, into hierarchical groups with specialized behaviour. . libcgroup allows one to manipulate, control, administrate and monitor cgroups and the associated controllers. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libchamplain-0.12-0 Description-md5: dc03ed3826707784a51a64c86fd0b6cc Description-gl: C library providing ClutterActor to display maps Libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. Package: libchamplain-0.12-dev Description-md5: befbf6593f806198310deb099a7a1b87 Description-gl: C library providing ClutterActor to display maps (development files) Libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. . This package contains the header files required if you wish to develop software that uses libchamplain. Package: libchamplain-doc Description-md5: 224c8625ef01a5d63ce71425435cd393 Description-gl: C library providing ClutterActor to display maps (documentation) Libchamplain is a C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. . Este paquete contén a documentación deste paquete. Package: libchamplain-gtk-0.12-0 Description-md5: 93e623fa80ff9e0b96760ea7d1f0a6f7 Description-gl: Gtk+ widget to display maps Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. Package: libchamplain-gtk-0.12-dev Description-md5: 290d620f429848f45526a4d0541908a3 Description-gl: Gtk+ widget to display maps (development files) Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de desenvolvemento para libchamplain-gtk. Package: libchamplain-gtk-doc Description-md5: 6dfbc91de24ca1975e60723ebedc4231 Description-gl: Gtk+ widget to display maps (documentation) Libchamplain-gtk is a C library aimed to provide a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps and markers. . Admite numerosas fontes de mapas libres, como OpenStreetMap (por omisión), OpenArialMap e Maps for free. . Este paquete contén a documentación de libchamplain-gtk. Package: libcharls-dev Description-md5: 6cc1704433851fe1c0588bd63fbdfaf5 Description-gl: Implementation of the JPEG-LS standard (development libraries) CharLS is an optimized implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression . JPEG-LS (ISO-14495-1/ITU-T.87) is a standard derived from the Hewlett Packard LOCO algorithm. JPEG LS has low complexity (meaning fast compression) and high compression ratios, similar to JPEG 2000. JPEG-LS is more similar to the old Lossless JPEG than to JPEG 2000, but interestingly the two different techniques result in vastly different performance characteristics. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libchart-gnuplot-perl Description-md5: 045ad074816ce41c5f63d25643ea4c2d Description-gl: module for generating two- and three-dimensional plots Chart::Gnuplot é un módulo para debuxar gráficas empregando GNUPLOT. Se se require un formato de imaxe distinto de PS, PDF e EPS para xerar, necesÃtase o programa de conversión do ImageMagick. Package: libchemistry-openbabel-perl Description-md5: 83d16fc39d10e214a3ae83b1e48f36b2 Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (perl bindings) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . This package contains the Perl binding. Package: libchipmunk0d3-dbg Description-md5: 71cb2656aba325feca55a0408370daea Description-gl: Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library - debug Chipmunk is a simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library written in C. It's licensed under the unrestrictive, OSI approved MIT license. Its aim is to give 2D developers access the same quality of physics you find in newer 3D games. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libcifti-doc Description-md5: 2998830ce97a536f03cfa8ca7af072b8 Description-gl: documentation for CiftiLib CIFTI (Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative) standardizes the file formats for storage of connectivity data. These formats are developed by the Human Connectome Project and other interested parties. . CiftiLib is a C++ library for CIFTI-1 and CIFTI-2 file I/O, supporting both on-disk and in-memory access. It also provides facilities for reading and writing generic NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 files. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libcifti0 Description-md5: ba65749010dd317ee7a115c1355a2776 Description-gl: library for manipulating CIFTI files CIFTI (Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative) standardizes the file formats for storage of connectivity data. These formats are developed by the Human Connectome Project and other interested parties. . CiftiLib is a C++ library for CIFTI-1 and CIFTI-2 file I/O, supporting both on-disk and in-memory access. It also provides facilities for reading and writing generic NIfTI-1 and NIfTI-2 files. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libcinnamon-menu-3-0 Description-md5: 1f139eed2d744b6e3d51e3d7f7061671 Description-gl: Cinnamon implementation of the freedesktop menu specification The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcinnamon-menu-3-dev Description-md5: ca358b97a2c8c5f4e4592aed98e71b0b Description-gl: Cinnamon implementation of the freedesktop menu specification The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcitadel-dev Description-md5: 1c819ef4c2a0dd83e7cb3d61ebe96b05 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libcitadel4 This library contains the commonly used routines for the citadel suite. . This package provides development files and static libraries. Package: libcitadel4-dbg Description-md5: a102a0bce1f14ac45d67177345b047c3 Description-gl: Debugging symbols for libcitadel4 This library contains the commonly used routines for the citadel suite. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libcitygml-dev Description-md5: 03a06cd5d8ffe420abc4e31b67648446 Description-gl: Static and header files of libcitygml libcitygml is a small and easy to use open source C++ library for parsing CityGML files in such a way that data can be easily exploited by 3D rendering applications (geometry data are tesselated and optimized for rendering during parsing). For instance, it can be used to develop readers of CityGML files in many 3D based applications (OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph, ...) Most metadata are not lost, they are available through a per-node hashmap. . CityGML (City Geography Markup Language) is an XML-based schema for the modelling and exchange of georeferenced 3D city and landscape models that is quickly being adopted on an international level. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento: ficheiros estáticos e cabeceiras de libcitygml. Package: libclang-3.8-dev Description-md5: 444d2688773718c0eb4f4d8868fdba98 Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This package contains the clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-3.8. Package: libclang-3.9-dev Description-md5: 1ef0eec1b94fbdc365f80990f0d38ac1 Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This package contains the clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-3.9. Package: libclang-4.0-dev Description-md5: a59e4cc5393db0733d11edb28d03b2b6 Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This package contains the clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-4.0. Package: libclang-5.0-dev Description-md5: 4e65776b4bbf12c52dbf839bff20d9e7 Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11 and 14 standards and also provides most of the support of C++17. . This package contains the clang headers to develop extensions over libclang1-5.0. Package: libclang-common-3.8-dev Description-md5: d520ee762750e9d9026ecd659b0f7e2a Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento común O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras xenéricas de clang e algunhas bibliotecas de (perfilado, etc.). Package: libclang-common-3.9-dev Description-md5: d520ee762750e9d9026ecd659b0f7e2a Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento común O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras xenéricas de clang e algunhas bibliotecas de (perfilado, etc.). Package: libclang-common-4.0-dev Description-md5: d520ee762750e9d9026ecd659b0f7e2a Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento común O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras xenéricas de clang e algunhas bibliotecas de (perfilado, etc.). Package: libclang-common-5.0-dev Description-md5: 56247ef9bb2ea4872ba8afd968b3b7d2 Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento común Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11 and 14 standards and also provides most of the support of C++17. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras xenéricas de clang e algunhas bibliotecas de (perfilado, etc.). Package: libclang-dev Description-md5: 8a6c4601f28feb32284f74b212499467 Description-gl: Biblioteca clang - Paquete de desenvolvemento O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang incorpora as normas ISO C++ 1998 e 2001 completas e tamén é compatÃbel parcialmente con C++1y. . This is a dependency package providing the default libclang libraries and headers. Package: libclang1 Description-md5: 89e97d7d7cf5346bab4b0816abca08b9 Description-gl: C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based) O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang incorpora as normas ISO C++ 1998 e 2001 completas e tamén é compatÃbel parcialmente con C++1y. . This is a dependency package providing the default clang libraries. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-3.8 Description-md5: 79130879d6a0df0f0a66eb091a2b6d74 Description-gl: C interface to the clang library O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca clang. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-3.8-dbg Description-md5: 3a867d73f1f9a837cc643b0089e26e82 Description-gl: clang library O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libclang1-3.9 Description-md5: 79130879d6a0df0f0a66eb091a2b6d74 Description-gl: C interface to the clang library O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca clang. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-3.9-dbg Description-md5: 3a867d73f1f9a837cc643b0089e26e82 Description-gl: clang library O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libclang1-4.0 Description-md5: 79130879d6a0df0f0a66eb091a2b6d74 Description-gl: C interface to the clang library O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca clang. . The C Interface to Clang provides a relatively small API that exposes facilities for parsing source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST), loading already-parsed ASTs, traversing the AST, associating physical source locations with elements within the AST, and other facilities that support Clang-based development tools. Package: libclang1-4.0-dbg Description-md5: 3a867d73f1f9a837cc643b0089e26e82 Description-gl: clang library O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libclang1-5.0-dbg Description-md5: 74e6a4ac62efe0a4527265265e386e8a Description-gl: clang library (debug) Clang project is a C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ front-end based on the LLVM compiler. Its goal is to offer a replacement to the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . Clang implements all of the ISO C++ 1998, 11 and 14 standards and also provides most of the support of C++17. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libclass-data-accessor-perl Description-md5: 8cd60cb88df24f04898b4e18b894906f Description-gl: Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation Class::Data::Accessor is the marriage of Class::Accessor and Class::Data::Inheritable into a single module. It is used for creating accessors to class properties that is overridable in subclasses as well as in class instances. . Por exemplo: . Pere::Ubu->mk_classaccessor('Suitcase'); . Xera o método Maleta() na clase Pere::Ubu. . This new method can be used to get and set a piece of class property. . Pere::Ubu->Suitcase('Red'); $suitcase = Pere::Ubu->Suitcase; Package: libclass-loader0d Description-md5: a55efec6acba44d800fc02116feda551 Description-gl: ROS class_loader library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). The class_loader package is a ROS- independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of said exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libclaw-i18n Description-md5: 5990da99858a71be01fa6266f0514e82 Description-gl: Ficheiros de internacionalización de libclaw This package provides internationalisation files for libclaw in the following languages: . * Francés Package: libclblas-doc Description-md5: fa977585a877755b34ed5c82ea8a5975 Description-gl: documentation for clBLAS This library provides an implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms levels 1, 2 and 3, using OpenCL and optimized for AMD GPU hardware. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libclblas2 Description-md5: 9bd18cc8493ff161cbe6384273f85137 Description-gl: OpenCL BLAS library This library provides an implementation of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms levels 1, 2 and 3, using OpenCL and optimized for AMD GPU hardware. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcleri-dev Description-md5: 5dd663feaa3ebef681a81e7536382d96 Description-gl: language parser library - development files Libcleri is a powerful tool to build languages. From a built language, libcleri can automatically create parse trees, which are data structures representing how a grammar matches input. It also provides feedback in case the input does not match the language. This can be useful for auto- completion, suggestions or error handling. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libclfft-doc Description-md5: d691bfb5d20caeda25cf810dbfc6dc6a Description-gl: documentation for clFFT The clFFT library is an open source OpenCL library implementation of discrete Fast Fourier Transforms, which: . * Provides a fast and accurate platform for calculating discrete FFTs. * Works on CPU or GPU backends. * Supports in-place or out-of-place transforms. * Supports 1D, 2D, and 3D transforms with a batch size that can be greater than 1. * Supports planar (real and complex components in separate arrays) and interleaved (real and complex components as a pair contiguous in memory) formats. * Supports dimension lengths that can be any mix of powers of 2, 3, and 5. * Supports single and double precision floating point formats. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libclfft2 Description-md5: 1468fc9fd9f3eba99a2a10991391c74b Description-gl: OpenCL FFT library The clFFT library is an open source OpenCL library implementation of discrete Fast Fourier Transforms, which: . * Provides a fast and accurate platform for calculating discrete FFTs. * Works on CPU or GPU backends. * Supports in-place or out-of-place transforms. * Supports 1D, 2D, and 3D transforms with a batch size that can be greater than 1. * Supports planar (real and complex components in separate arrays) and interleaved (real and complex components as a pair contiguous in memory) formats. * Supports dimension lengths that can be any mix of powers of 2, 3, and 5. * Supports single and double precision floating point formats. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcli-dev Description-md5: c62072501f738ec51c88412616b6fc95 Description-gl: emulates a cisco style telnet command-line interface (dev files) libcli provides a consistent Cisco style command-line environment for remote clients, with a few common features between every implemtation. . The library is not accessed by itself, rather the software which uses it listens on a defined port for a Telnet connection. This connection is handed off to libcli for processing. . libcli includes support for command history, command line editing and filtering of command output. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para desenvolver aplicativos con libcli. Package: libclipper-doc Description-md5: c9c2c6bc98bd6c153849f1eb4e5d3be2 Description-gl: Documentación de libclipper xerada con doxygen The aim of the clipper project is to produce a set of object-oriented libraries for the organisation of crystallographic data and the performance of crystallographic computation. . This package provides doxygen generated documentation for the library. Package: libclojure-java Description-md5: 93c1db04e8e2532bb929bfe3e88ed517 Description-gl: Lisp dialect for the JVM (library) Clojure is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine. It is designed to be a general-purpose language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multithreaded programming. Clojure is a compiled language - it compiles directly to JVM bytecode, yet remains completely dynamic. Every feature supported by Clojure is supported at runtime. Clojure provides easy access to the Java frameworks, with optional type hints and type inference, to ensure that calls to Java can avoid reflection. . Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, and shares with Lisp the code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system. Clojure is predominantly a functional programming language, and features a rich set of immutable, persistent data structures. When mutable state is needed, Clojure offers a software transactional memory system and reactive Agent system that ensure clean, correct, multithreaded designs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libcloog-ppl-dev Description-md5: 55293a867d8486dd49aca1b5471c4f43 Description-gl: Chunky Loop Generator (development files) CLooG is a software which generates loops for scanning Z-polyhedra. That is, CLooG finds the code or pseudo-code where each integral point of one or more parametrized polyhedron or parametrized polyhedra union is reached. CLooG is designed to avoid control overhead and to produce a very efficient code. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcloudproviders-dev Description-md5: 23f6fd2d428a71fbd30126a50523c2c0 Description-gl: cloud provider library - development files libcloudproviders is a glib based library that makes it easier to implement a cloud provider server or client. . libcloudproviders also provides a DBus API that allows cloud storage sync clients to expose their services. Clients such as file managers and desktop environments can then provide integrated access to the cloud providers services. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libclsparse1 Description-md5: 4ee8b936aca1dc12b015f31dafcbdafc Description-gl: OpenCL library for sparse linear algebra clSPARSE provides fundamental sparse operations for OpenCL, including: . * Sparse Matrix - dense Vector multiply (SpM-dV) * Sparse Matrix - dense Matrix multiply (SpM-dM) * Iterative conjugate gradient solver (CG) * Iterative biconjugate gradient stabilized solver (BiCGStab) * Dense to CSR conversions (& converse) * COO to CSR conversions (& converse) * Functions to read matrix market files in COO or CSR format . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-0-dbg Description-md5: a002634612964db11866fc97f36f036a Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (debug files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración. Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-bin Description-md5: 0de88ea83c2cc20a03de21afea111b43 Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . Este paquete contén as utilidades empregadas polas librarÃas e outros paquetes. Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-dev Description-md5: 24fa9592ecad42c20640222f67cafb39 Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (dev. files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libclutter-imcontext-0.1-doc Description-md5: 1ac46db182ec5b8215b646c0dd0e080e Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework (document) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. IMContext is an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface. This library ports the GTK+ IMContext to clutter. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libclutter-perl Description-md5: 2abb3671a5ecf6dfcd9577edc3a296dc Description-gl: perl bindings for an Open GL based interactive canvas library Clutter é unha biblioteca interactiva de lenzos baseada en Open GL deseñada para crear aplicativos rápidos, principalmente con xanelas únicas en 2D, como interfaces de sistemas multimedia, presentacións, aplicativos tipo quiosco , etc. . This package contains the Perl bindings. Package: libcluttergesture-0.0.2-0-dbg Description-md5: 53b97f0fb458697fc60400198c56b851 Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library Gesture framework (debug files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. Gesture library allows clutter applications to be aware of gestures and to easily attach some handlers to gesture events. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración. Package: libcluttergesture-dev Description-md5: db0ce4d0d97f9b6bb2ba0c22e7ca6025 Description-gl: Open GL based interactive canvas library Gesture framework (dev. files) Clutter is an Open GL based interactive canvas library, designed for creating fast, mainly 2D single window applications such as media box UIs, presentations, kiosk style applications and so on. Gesture library allows clutter applications to be aware of gestures and to easily attach some handlers to gesture events. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcmtspeechdata0 Description-md5: ab1b77342d609182065a449fbdd0732a Description-gl: modem speech data handling library libcmtspeechdata is the userspace side for Nokia's CMT Speech Data SSI protocol. The library provides an application interface for implementing the speech data path for cellular voice calls. IT does not contain any functionality for setting up and managing the call signaling path. . The library will access the hardware using /dev/cmt_speech. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcodenarc-groovy-java-doc Description-md5: 2ec0f39c6dceac64e5d82395140c45a3 Description-gl: Documentación de libcodenarc-groovy-java Documentation for CodeNarc that is a static analysis tool for Groovy source code, enabling monitoring and enforcement of many coding standards and best practices. CodeNarc applies a set of Rules (predefined and/or custom) that are applied to each Groovy file, and generates an HTML report of the results, including a list of rules violated for each source file, and a count of the number of violations per package and for the whole project. . CodeNarc is similar to popular static analysis tools such as PMD or Checkstyle, but is targeted at Groovy source code instead of Java. Package: libcoin80v5 Description-md5: 5f1bb7cd95ebfc2a1b6b4fd802528d19 Description-gl: high-level 3D graphics kit implementing the Open Inventor API Coin is an OpenGL-based, retain-mode 3D graphics library that implements the Open Inventor 2.1 API. It also includes support for VRML97 and 3D audio. Installing the suggested packages will enable extra features: . libsimage-dev permite cargar ficheiros de imaxes en SbImage libfreetype6 permite o uso de tipos de letra TrueType libopenal0a permite a compatibilidade de son zlib1g e libbz2 permiten a lectura transparente de ficheiros comprimidos Package: libcojets2-dev Description-md5: c8d03229038e701a4533e159884167c8 Description-gl: [Physics] COJETS p-p and pbar-p interaction Monte Carlo COJETS is a Monte Carlo library which simulates pbar-p and p-p interactions at high energy. The interaction process is first calculated at the parton level by means of perturbative QCD and the Weinberg-Salam model for electroweak interactions. Partons are then independently fragmented into jets of hadrons, according to the Field-Feynman model, and the beam jets contribution is added, according to a longitudinal phase- space model. Multiple QCD radiation of initial and final partons is included. . Esta é a versión estática da biblioteca. O paquete inclúe tamén ficheiros de cabeceiras en FORTRAN e documentación de COJETS. Package: libcojets2-gfortran Description-md5: c87197f543fd7640fc74a9208c4739fd Description-gl: [Physics] COJETS p-p and pbar-p interaction Monte Carlo library COJETS is a Monte Carlo library which simulates pbar-p and p-p interactions at high energy. The interaction process is first calculated at the parton level by means of perturbative QCD and the Weinberg-Salam model for electroweak interactions. Partons are then independently fragmented into jets of hadrons, according to the Field-Feynman model, and the beam jets contribution is added, according to a longitudinal phase- space model. Multiple QCD radiation of initial and final partons is included. . Teña en conta que para poder compilar e ligar programas contra esta biblioteca hai que instalar tamén o paquete libcojets2-dev. Package: libcollada-parser0d Description-md5: ed3225756c6c38d3d7fdf4793e903afa Description-gl: ROS collada_parser library This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libcollada-urdf0d Description-md5: 36c3a240abcf9e0b1ea6793c37bbcf94 Description-gl: ROS collada_urdf library This package contains a library to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. . It implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libcollectdclient-dev Description-md5: d44ea5f8057bb716907e3f9b870da882 Description-gl: client library for collectd's control interface (development files) libcollectdclient provides an API to access the control interface provided by the unixsock plugin of collectd, a statistics collection and monitoring daemon. It can be used to access values collected by collectd or dispatch new values and notifications to the daemon. This allows for integration with other applications such as monitoring solutions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática. Package: libcollectdclient1 Description-md5: d7728be60ea0a78c5c3ec23914fc235c Description-gl: client library for collectd's control interface libcollectdclient provides an API to access the control interface provided by the unixsock plugin of collectd, a statistics collection and monitoring daemon. It can be used to access values collected by collectd or dispatch new values and notifications to the daemon. This allows for integration with other applications such as monitoring solutions. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcolorchooser-java-doc Description-md5: e662e48bf860480041a246f5c1d3fc7d Description-gl: A Swing widget for selecting colors (documentation) The Quick Color Chooser is a Swing component for that lets you choose a color in a single mouse gesture. When clicked, it pops up a palette; dragging the mouse over the palette, you will see the component's color update. Release the mouse when it is the desired color. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libcolorpicker-java-doc Description-md5: f0ed1ca2aa5199008af3d004396c34ed Description-gl: Java control to allow color selection (documentation) A java package containing a color wheel picker for selecting a color. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libcolumbus1-dev Description-md5: c297587e723b1f50e5f866cbfb42b63d Description-gl: error tolerant matching engine - development files Libcolumbus is a search engine designed to work with unclean data. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libcomedi0 Description-md5: 8df438318b17e8268487ce6fef52f74e Description-gl: Biblioteca para Comedi Comedilib é unha biblioteca para empregar Comedi, unha interface para controladores para hardware de adquisición de datos. Comedi é compatÃbel cunha grande variedade de dispositivos ISA e PCI que conteñen convertedores analóxico a dixital, dixital a analóxico, entrada/saÃda dixital, contadores e temporizadores. A lista completa dos dispositivos recoñecidos pode atoparse na documentación de libcomedi-dev. . Este paquete contén os compoñentes de bibliotecas compartidas de Comedilib. En xeral, este paquete hase instalar automaticamente como dependencia dun aplicativo ou doutros paquetes de bibliotecas. . Para poder empregar este paquete de maneira efectiva hai que ter compilados e instalados os módulos do kernel de Comedi. A fonte de Comedi está dispoñÃbel no paquete comedi-source, que tamén contén instrucións sobre como compilar e instalar os módulos. Package: libcommoncpp2-dbg Description-md5: 6ae74a78ec0ecbab2765c00215e92343 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de Common C++ «2» Common C++ é un paquete de GNU que ofrece unha «abstracción» portátil dos servizos do sistema, como fÃos, redes e sockets. Common C++ ofrece tamén infraestruturas xerais útiles en xeral para desenvolver aplicativos portátiles en C++, incluÃdos un motor de persistencia de obxectos, bibliotecas matemáticas, sockets, etc. Common C++ é pequeno e moi portátil. Common C++ ha de admitir a maiorÃa dos sistemas operativos tipo Unix, asà como Win32, ademais de GNU/Linux. . This package contains the debug symbols. Package: libcommoncpp2-dev Description-md5: 72af63f2708242c64d4914bebcfc7c60 Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas de Common C++ «2» Common C++ é un paquete de GNU que ofrece unha «abstracción» portátil dos servizos do sistema, como fÃos, redes e sockets. Common C++ ofrece tamén infraestruturas xerais útiles en xeral para desenvolver aplicativos portátiles en C++, incluÃdos un motor de persistencia de obxectos, bibliotecas matemáticas, sockets, etc. Common C++ é pequeno e moi portátil. Common C++ ha de admitir a maiorÃa dos sistemas operativos tipo Unix, asà como Win32, ademais de GNU/Linux. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcommoncpp2-doc Description-md5: a070247f62c5fe307e514c27ac2b6ab6 Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de Common C++ "2" Common C++ «2» é un paquete de GNU que ofrece unha «abstracción» portátil dos servizos do sistema, como fÃos, redes e sockets. Common C++ ofrece tamén infraestruturas xerais útiles en xeral para desenvolver aplicativos portátiles en C++, incluÃdos un motor de persistencia de obxectos, bibliotecas matemáticas, fÃos, sockets, etc. Common C++ é pequeno e moi portátil. Common C++ ha de admitir a maiorÃa dos sistemas operativos tipo Unix, asà como Win32, ademais de GNU/Linux. . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento da biblioteca. Package: libcommons-configuration-java-doc Description-md5: 80b2191003bef92ca038f9c6dd6b0a3c Description-gl: Documentación da API de commons-configuration Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface which enables an application to read configuration data from a variety of sources: - Properties files - XML documents - Windows INI files - Property list files (.plist) - JNDI - JDBC Datasource - System properties - Applet parameters - Servlet parameters Additional sources of configuration parameters can be created by using custom configuration objects. . This package contains the API documentation for commons-configuration. Package: libcommons-daemon-java Description-md5: ddd3e914b36183d23b4bdb154a870655 Description-gl: Biblioteca para iniciar aplicativos en Java como daemons The Daemon package from Apache Commons can be used to implement Java applications which can be launched as daemons. For example the program will be notified about a shutdown so that it can perform cleanup tasks before its process of execution is destroyed by the operation system. . This package contains the java library. You will also need the actual binary for your architecture which is provided by the jsvc package. Package: libcommons-digester-java-doc Description-md5: 1b66198debf4c1aad78af36ff00ed28d Description-gl: Rule based XML Java object mapping tool (documentation) Commons-Digester converts XML to a Java object by a set of mapping rules. A rich set of predefined rules is available for your use. You can also create your own rules. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libcommons-discovery-java-doc Description-md5: 1b7d1eb8be973ccc608a24f05de5fd25 Description-gl: locates classes that implement a given Java interface (documentation) The Discovery Component is about discovering, or finding, implementations for pluggable interfaces. It provides facilities instantiating classes in general, and for lifecycle management of singleton (factory) classes. . Fundamentally, Discovery locates classes that implement a given Java interface. The discovery pattern, though not necessarily this package, is used in many projects including JAXP (SaxParserFactory and others) and commons-logging (LogFactory). By extracting this pattern, other projects can (re)use it and take advantage of improvements to the pattern as Discovery evolves. . Discovery improves over previous implementations by establishing facilities for working within managed environments. These allow configuration and property overrides without appealing to the global System properties (which are scoped across an entire JVM). . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libcommons-lang3-java-doc Description-md5: 3dc2570613926959995f1b987aab53dc Description-gl: Documentación da extensión do paquete java.lang (para Java 5+) The Commons Lang components contains a set of Java classes that provide helper methods for standard Java classes, especially those found in the java.lang package in the JDK 5+. . Commons Lang 3.x use a different package (org.apache.commons.lang3) than the previous versions (org.apache.commons.lang), allowing it to be used at the same time as an earlier version. . Commons Lang 3.x is only compatible with JDK 1.5+ . This package contains the API documentation of libcommons-lang3-java. Package: libcommons-logging-java-doc Description-md5: 53cdcf907ecf9a99d6246542131d7037 Description-gl: common wrapper interface for several logging APIs (documentation) Provides a simple, component oriented interface together with wrappers for several existing java logging systems. The user can choose at runtime which system he want to use for logging. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libcommons-validator-java-doc Description-md5: 8c0591d05b1eda73a932e2453a8d1476 Description-gl: Documentación da API de Commons Validator The Commons Validator is a basic validation framework that lets you define validation rules for a JavaBean in an xml file. . Validation rules can be defined in an xml file which keeps them abstracted from JavaBean you are validating. . This package contains the API documentation for libcommons-validator-java. Package: libcompizconfig0 Description-md5: 9b1501bf431a077bb890354ada003ea2 Description-gl: Settings library for plugins - OpenCompositing Project O Proxecto OpenCompositing trae efectos visuais de escritorio en 3D que mellorar a usabilidade do Sistema de Xanelas X e fornecen maior produtividade mediante engadidos e temas achegados pola comunidade, que asà crea unha experiencia de escritorio rica. . This package contains the library for plugins to configure settings. Package: libcompizconfig0-dev Description-md5: 61d1c40aa4308fbedaf76a0b0daed3ed Description-gl: Development file for plugin settings - OpenCompositing Project O Proxecto OpenCompositing trae efectos visuais de escritorio en 3D que mellorar a usabilidade do Sistema de Xanelas X e fornecen maior produtividade mediante engadidos e temas achegados pola comunidade, que asà crea unha experiencia de escritorio rica. . This package contains the headers and development files needed to build plugins with settings support. Package: libconcord-dev Description-md5: 6d8b757f6f44515043d0f4b10cee6aec Description-gl: configuration tool for Harmony remotes - development files O Harmony da Logitech é un control remoto universal por infravermellos moi configurábel e compatÃbel coa maiorÃa dos dispositivos de multimedia. A suite de software de concordancia permite programar este tipo de controis remotos empregando un obxecto de configuración obtido do sitio web . This package contains the development files for the concordance framework. Package: libconcord4 Description-md5: a2c9d19f43187f869b62530eb0dc4791 Description-gl: configuration tool for Harmony remotes - runtime libraries O Harmony da Logitech é un control remoto universal por infravermellos moi configurábel e compatÃbel coa maiorÃa dos dispositivos de multimedia. A suite de software de concordancia permite programar este tipo de controis remotos empregando un obxecto de configuración obtido do sitio web . This package contains the C libraries for the concordance framework. Package: libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-java-doc Description-md5: 7bf5362a1670558881f6cc21e0b3f089 Description-gl: Documentación de libconcurrentlinkedhashmap-java Documentation for concurrentlinkedhashmap that is a Java library that provides a hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals, adjustable expected concurrency for updates, and a maximum capacity to bound the map by. This implementation differs from java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap in that it maintains a page replacement algorithm that is used to evict an entry when the map has exceeded its capacity. Unlike the Java Collections Framework, this map does not have a publicly visible constructor and instances are created through a Builder. . This package contains the javadoc files of libconcurrentlinkedhashmap- java. Package: libconfig-any-perl Description-md5: aeeb2d48adc228f69d2f73885231812a Description-gl: Módulo para cargar configuración procedente de diferentes formatos de ficheiro Config::Any provides a facility for Perl applications and libraries to load configuration data from multiple different file formats. It supports XML, YAML, JSON, Apache-style configuration, Windows INI files, and even Perl code. . The rationale for this module is as follows: Perl programs are deployed on many different platforms and integrated with many different systems. Systems administrators and end users may prefer different configuration formats than the developers. The flexibility inherent in a multiple format configuration loader allows different users to make different choices, without generating extra work for the developers. As a developer you only need to learn a single interface to be able to use the power of different configuration formats. Package: libconfig-file-perl Description-md5: be9857585059816da87e812c4c7af624 Description-gl: Analiza ficheiros de configuración sinxelos Config::File parses simple configuration files and store its values in an anonymous hash reference. The syntax of the configuration file is quite simple: . # This is a comment VALUE_ONE = foo VALUE_TWO = $VALUE_ONE/bar VALUE_THREE = The value contains a \# (hash). # This is a comment. COMPOSED_VALUE[one] = The first component of a clustered value COMPOSED_VALUE[two] = The second component of a clustered value Package: libconfig-grammar-perl Description-md5: 32678e3db5887889a663ca97a082bde7 Description-gl: Analizador de configuración amigábel baseado en gramáticas Config::Grammar is a module to parse configuration files. The configuration may consist of multiple-level sections with assignments and tabular data. The parsed data will be returned as a hash containing the whole configuration. Config::Grammar uses a grammar that is supplied upon creation of a Config::Grammar object to parse the configuration file and return helpful error messages in case of syntax errors. Using the makepod method you can generate documentation of the configuration file format. . The maketmpl method can generate a template configuration file. If your grammar contains regexp matches, the template will not be all that helpful as Config::Grammar is not smart enough to give you sensible template data based in regular expressions. The related function maketmplmin generates a minimal configuration template without examples, regexps or comments and thus allows an experienced user to fill in the configuration data more efficiently. Package: libconfig-jfdi-perl Description-md5: 6665d733f9d7fa7f6378986147df46fe Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para cargar calquera ficheiro de configuración Config::JFDI scans a directory for files matching a certain name. If such a file is found, and it matches an extension that Config::Any can read, then the configuration from that file will be loaded. It also looks for special files that end with a "_local" suffix, which take precedence over any other configuration files. The precedence takes place by merging the local config with the standard file using Hash::Merge::Simple (libhash- merge-simple-perl). . Essentially, this is an implementation of Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader that exists outside of Catalyst. Package: libconfig-model-backend-augeas-perl Description-md5: 59413c88ed64cb64367aba9e36782c67 Description-gl: config-model reader and writer powered by Augeas Config::Model::Backend::Augeas provides a way to load or store configuration data through Config::Augeas. This way, the structure and comments of the original configuration file are preserved. . With Config::Model::Backend::Augeas, Config::Model now provides a way to load and save data through RedHat's Augeas library. . Config::Model and Augeas are both configuration editing tool. Both parse configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files. . Both Augeas and Config::Model rely on a tree to represent configuration data. . On one side, Augeas is able to load and write data while respecting the structure and comments of the original configuration file. But Augeas purpose is not to validate the semantic content of the configuration file. . On the other side, Config::Model is able to validate the semantic content of the configuration file, but it may discard all comments and will write back configuration data using a canonical order. Thus the structure of the original configuration file is not preserved. . You can now have the best of both worlds by using the Augeas library to load and write data from Config::Model configuration tree. You can now instruct Config::Model to use Augeas. See Config::Model::BackendMgr for details. . Unfortunately, you must ensure that the tree representation specified in Config::Model and Augeas lens are quite close together: - Config::Model element names and Augeas lens names must be identical - Both structures must be very close. Each Config::Model node must have a corresponding lens. . See Config::Model::Backend::Augeas documentation to use Augeas with your configuration model. . For more details on Config::Model see: . . Para máis detalles sobre Augeas, vexa: . Package: libconfig-model-cursesui-perl Description-md5: 407ef984c40fe34ee42386eeced20dda Description-gl: Interface en curses para editar datos de configuración mediante Config::Model Config::Model::CursesUI fornece unha interface en curses para o editor de configuración fornecido con Config::Model. . Por exemplo, con este módulo, Config::Model e Config::Model::OpenSsh, tense un editor de configuración en curses para sshd_config. . Esta interface é usada polo programa config-edit fornecido por Config::Model. Package: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl Description-md5: dffc7ee3833ac8ae256a2b773f27afc8 Description-gl: Editor para ficheiros fonte de Dpkg con validación This package provides Config::Model::Dpkg, a plugin for Config::Model and cme. Once this package is installed, cme is able to handle dpkg source file. . For instance, the command 'cme edit dpkg' provides a graphical editor for most files of a package source. . A orde «cme check dpkg» fornece unha liña de ordes que comproba o ficheiro do paquete, un pouco como lintian. Mais esta orde haina que executar no directorio do paquete fonte e pode ser executada antes de construÃr o paquete. . De maneira semellante, a orde «cme fix dpkg» arranxa a maiorÃa das advertencias atopadas polas ordes mencionadas. . The command 'cme update dpkg' will update debian/copyright file from the content of the package source file. . Se o paquete recomendado libconfig-model-tkui-perl estiver instalado, pódese executar «cme edit dpkg» para editar os ficheiros de paquetes cunha interface gráfica. . Tamén se pode executar cme cun rango máis restrinxido con: * cme edit|check|fix dpkg-control * cme edit|check|fix dpkg-copyright . Para os mellores resultados haberÃa que instalar a última versión dispoñÃbel de libmodule-corelist-perl. Package: libconfig-model-openssh-perl Description-md5: b945cdc31e29412d72dbd784de0c9e09 Description-gl: configuration editor for OpenSsh Config::Model::OpenSsh permite que a orde cme edite os ficheiros de configuración de OpenSSH configuration, en concreto, /etc/ssh/sshd_config, /etc/ssh/ssh_config (for root) e ~/.ssh/config (para outros usuarios). . Pódese obter funcionalidade extra instalando algunhas dependencias opcionais: . * Un editor gráfico de ficheiros de OpenSSH con libconfig-model-tkui-perl * Un editor en curses de ficheiros de OpenSSH con libconfig-model- cursesui-perl . Os comentarios que se fagan nos ficheiros consérvanse durante a edición. É posÃbel editar os comentarios coa interface gráfica e gardalos de volta nos ficheiros de configuración. . Pódese empregar a orde «cme check ssh» para validar o contido dos ficheiros de configuración ssh*. Package: libconfig-model-perl Description-md5: 89e63c35ca19a8c95f63d3bbd320b6ed Description-gl: Módulo para describir e editar datos de configuración Config::Model is a Perl framework that enables project developers to provide an interactive configuration system for their software. It supports various frontend interfaces (graphical, curses-based or plain terminal) to users. It handles configuration files semantically rather than syntactically, meaning that developers can specify the structure and constraints of the data along with a mechanism to read and write the files. . Using the structure and constraint information, Config::Model will generate interactive configuration editors that include help and data validation. It is equally simple to use graphical (via Tk) interfaces as well as curses- and ReadLine-based terminal interfaces. . Config::Model also provides a facility to help configuration data upgrade that can be triggered during package upgrades. . Config::Model provides configuration model and editor for: - popularity-contest - fstab (/etc/fstab) - multistrap . Other configuration editors are available with other libconfig- model-*-perl packages. . Depending on which suggested or recommended modules are installed, Config::Model provides several user interfaces: - shell-like interface (with any of lib-term-readlin-*-perl) - virtual file system where each config parameter is mapped to a file (with fuse package) - graphical user interface (with libconfig-model-tkui-perl) Package: libconfuse-common Description-md5: b68c89e8455873131939ae04c13ea60f Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para libConfuse This package contains internationalization files for the confuse library. Package: libconfuse-dev Description-md5: 4ab3b2b53b592c7f75d631e73c49d74e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libConfuse This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use the confuse library. Package: libconnectivity-qt1 Description-md5: fb8dafc69004fc26127fda59496275d7 Description-gl: Ubuntu Connectivity Qt API API de conectividade de Ubuntu - asociacións con Qt Package: libconnectivity-qt1-dev Description-md5: 5700e7e6f8ab652323ef5a033f1a7d26 Description-gl: Ubuntu Connectivity Qt API - development files API de conectividade de Ubuntu - asociacións con Qt . This package contains development files to develop against the Qt library. Package: libconsole-bridge0.2v5 Description-md5: eb4410ba465eab46069aee1e130bdd54 Description-gl: console bridge - library ROS-independent, pure CMake (i.e. non-catkin and non-rosbuild package) that provides logging calls that mirror those found in rosconsole, but for applications that are not necessarily using ROS. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libconsole-bridge0.2v5-dbg Description-md5: bd62810f5a01004a5d38d628ce7133b8 Description-gl: console bridge - debugging symbols ROS-independent, pure CMake (i.e. non-catkin and non-rosbuild package) that provides logging calls that mirror those found in rosconsole, but for applications that are not necessarily using ROS. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libconvert-base32-perl Description-md5: c82f9281e0fc2913c50b6b957688bb45 Description-gl: module for encoding and decoding of base32 strings Convert::Base32 provides functions to convert string from / to Base32 encoding, specified in RACE internet-draft. The Base32 encoding is designed to encode non-ASCII characters in DNS-compatible host name parts. . Consulte para máis detalles. Package: libcore-renderer-java-doc Description-md5: 1d85beb725ca04f2c499acd815686b39 Description-gl: Documentación de libcore-renderer-java Documentation for xhtmlrender that is an XML/CSS renderer, which means it takes XML files as input, applies formatting and styling using CSS, and generates a rendered representation of that XML as output. The output may go to the screen (in a GUI), to an image or to a PDF file. . The main target for content is XHTML 1.0 (strict), an XML document format that standardizes HTML. However, xhtmlrenderer accepts any well-formed XML for rendering as long as CSS is provided that tells how to lay it out. . In the case of XHTML, default stylesheets are provided out of the box and packaged within the library. . This package contains the javadoc files of libcore-renderer-java and the user guide reference for xhtmlrenderer. Package: libcourier-unicode-dev Description-md5: 0a66f8714157440b9993bfe1b7e2a2cb Description-gl: Courier Unicode library (development files and headers) This library implements several algorithms related to the Unicode Standard: - Look up uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase equivalents of a unicode character. - Implementation of grapheme and work breaking rules. - Implementation of line breaking rules. - Several ancillary functions, like looking up the unicode character that corresponds to some HTML 4.0 entity (such as “&â€, for example), and determining the normal width or a double-width status of a unicode character. Also, an adaptation of the iconv(3) API for this unicode library. - Look up Unicode script property. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento e as cabeceiras. Package: libcoverart-dev Description-md5: 80497e46a694262184de4ab729fdd78d Description-gl: library to access the Cover Art Archive (development files) The Cover Art Archive (CAA) is a joint project between MusicBrainz and Internet Archive that provides a covert art image database for music releases. Libcoverart is a client library to access the data stored in the CAA. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcoverart-doc Description-md5: 60b01b97f63e03fc574862de5b168317 Description-gl: library to access the Cover Art Archive (developer documentation) The Cover Art Archive (CAA) is a joint project between MusicBrainz and Internet Archive that provides a covert art image database for music releases. Libcoverart is a client library to access the data stored in the CAA. . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento. Package: libcoverartcc1v5 Description-md5: 5d59323f82da02a6fd971486323f228d Description-gl: library to access the Cover Art Archive The Cover Art Archive (CAA) is a joint project between MusicBrainz and Internet Archive that provides a covert art image database for music releases. Libcoverart is a client library to access the data stored in the CAA. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcppdb-dev Description-md5: 0573fa71daea8d9e93749efac010165a Description-gl: SQL Connectivity Library (development files) CppDB is an SQL connectivity library that is designed to provide platform and Database independent connectivity API similarly to what JDBC, ODBC and other connectivity libraries do. . This library is developed as part of CppCMS Project - the C++ Web Development Framework. . CppDB was designed with following goals in the mind: - Performance is the primary goal - make fastest possible SQL connectivity as possible - Transparent connection pooling support - Transparent prepared statements caching - Dynamic DB modules loading and optional static linking - Full and high priority support of FOSS RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3 - Support as many RDBMSs as possible via cppdb-odbc bridge - Simplicity in use - Locale safety - Support of both explicit verbose API and brief and nice syntactic sugar . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcpptest-dev Description-md5: bac7c66d846f3df7f3ecb9a9599b4936 Description-gl: unit testing framework for C++ (development) CppTest is a portable and powerful, yet simple, unit testing framework for handling automated tests in C++. The focus lies on usability and extensibility. Several output formats, including simple text output, compiler-like output and HTML, are supported and new ones are easily added. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libcr-dev Description-md5: a9cfbcc7a765691ab93b6598fb07c54b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de BLCR BLCR (Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart) allows programs running on Linux to be "checkpointed" (written entirely to a file), and then later "restarted". . BLCR can checkpoint both single- and multithreaded (pthreads) programs linked with the NPTL implementation of pthreads. BLCR is also able to save and restore groups of related processes together with the pipes that connect them. . BLCR can checkpoint and restore (most) un-modified programs, however BLCR aware applications can customise this process further. . This package contains headers and files needed to compile applications that work with BLCR. Package: libcrystalhd-dev Description-md5: 2ccad650bf2e351c06e27d334202ca8f Description-gl: Crystal HD Video Decoder (development files) Crystal HD Solution is a product offered by Broadcom. It is used to enable flawless playback of 1080p high definition video across a wide range of systems. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libcrystalhd3 Description-md5: 9c0c3fc62fd3a469604f2bcbf869c64b Description-gl: Crystal HD Video Decoder (shared library) Crystal HD Solution is a product offered by Broadcom. It is used to enable flawless playback of 1080p high definition video across a wide range of systems. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libcsound64-dev Description-md5: cc7387a45cbd61400075101adc16b95a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Csound This package contains the development files needed to build programs linking to the Csound library. . For more information on Csound, see the csound package. Package: libcsoundac-dev Description-md5: 3fa3796330c262a80b5a677d32f9b4ca Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de CsoundAC This package contains the development files needed to build programs using the CsoundAC algorithmic composition system. . For more information on Csound and CsoundAC, see the csound and csoundac packages. Package: libcss-dom-perl Description-md5: 23a8f25a2f6b1e55a502773ac49a3a6c Description-gl: interface to the Document Object Model for Cascading Style Sheets Este conxunto de módulos fornece as interfaces especÃficas de CSS descritas na recomendación DOM do W3C. A clase CSS::DOM en si implementa as interfaces DOM de StyleSheet e CSSStyleSheet. Package: libcss-minifier-perl Description-md5: 57c18398e1004f2155e3c299316bfed7 Description-gl: Extensión de Perl para minimizar CSS CSS::Minifier retira o espazo en branco innecesario de CSS. O requisito primario para desenvolver este módulo é non quebrar follas de estilo que funcionen: se a entrada é CSS que funcione, a saÃda é CSS que funciona. A podadura de comentarios de Mac/Internet Explorer minimiza, mais non desmoucha, polo que seguirán funcionando. . Este módulo comprende que os caracteres de espazo, tabulador horizonal, salto de liña, retorno de carro e quebra de páxina son espazo en branco. Ningún outro carácter que poida ser considerado espazo en branco se minimiza. Estoutros caracteres inclúen o separadador de parágrafos e o tabulador vertical. . Para ficheiros CSS estáticos recoméndase minimizar durante a etapa de construción do desenvolvemento web. Ao minimizar ao voo pode ser unha boa idea gardar o ficheiro minimizado na caché. Minimizar ficheiros estáticos ao voo repetidas veces é unha perda. Package: libcsv-java-doc Description-md5: 594e25c8c73f083161f72eec8162dc6b Description-gl: CSV IO library for Java (documentation) Java CSV is a small fast open source java library for reading and writing CSV and plain delimited text files. All kinds of CSV files can be handled, text qualified, Excel formatted, etc. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libcsv3 Description-md5: a13b55cfd52ca635e7300676cab0b75b Description-gl: CSV parser and writer library The CSV library provides a flexible, intuitive interface for parsing and writing CSV data. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libctapimkt1-dev Description-md5: 171f73a81a1ff13206075d46661ded46 Description-gl: Read German Krankenversichertenkarte and eGK (development) Library and program to read the German health insurance card (KVK) and the German electronic health card (eGK) from a certified card reading device on the serial port in Linux with kernel 2.6.x. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de desenvolvemento. Package: libctl-doc Description-md5: 8a5bcef966ce3a25c0dfa82028dacabe Description-gl: library for flexible control files, documentation libctl is a free Guile-based library implementing flexible control files for scientific simulations. It was written to support the MIT Photonic- Bands program, but will hopefully prove useful in other programs too. . Este paquete contén a documentación no formato HTML e un exemplo sinxelo de como usalo. Package: libctpl-doc Description-md5: b37ee76a8368c2f3d32bad55da042f3d Description-gl: template engine written in C, documentation files CTPL is a C template engine library allowing fast and easy computation of templates with precise control over the parsing environment. . CTPL supports a wide range of input types through GIO like in-memory, files, FTP, HTTP and more. . Este paquete contén a documentación de CTPL. Package: libcue-dev Description-md5: de480f55f29522c32b8d41f351161de7 Description-gl: CUE Sheet Parser Library - development files Libcue is intended to parse a so called cue sheet from a char string or a file pointer. For handling of the parsed data a convenient API is available. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libcupt4-2 Description-md5: 2b41a0ae65496b52251c4fe17a42609d Description-gl: flexible package manager -- runtime library This is a Cupt library implementing high-level package manager for Debian and derivatives. It's written with flexibility and reliability in mind and uses dpkg as the back-end. . Provides: - parsing and manipulating configuration info; - parsing indexes metadata info; - version strings comparison; - inspection of the binary and source package' versions; - parsing and querying info about installed packages; - parsing and working with relations and relation expressions; - download manager and downloaders for some schemes; - problem resolver; - worker for modifying system state. . Vexa tamén a descrición do paquete «cupt» para máis información. Package: libcupt4-2-downloadmethod-curl Description-md5: 6db8851ba7228bbd13cf7f3b7b995541 Description-gl: flexible package manager -- libcurl download method Este paquete fornece xestores de descarga mediante http(s) e ftp para a biblioteca Cupt mediante libcurl. . See also description of libcupt4-2 package. Package: libcurlpp-dev Description-md5: 2358dbce6cf044c240711ad73f62939f Description-gl: Envoltura de C++ para libcurl (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) curlpp fornece unha envoltura de C++ para a biblioteca libcurl . This package provides the include files and static libraries needed to build programs using curlpp. Package: libcurlpp0 Description-md5: a36146115898fff4249163e6469c6808 Description-gl: Envoltura de C++ para libcurl curlpp fornece unha envoltura de C++ para a biblioteca libcurl . This package provides the shared libraries needed to run programs using curlpp. Package: libcutl-dev Description-md5: 2c7c05ccaaee1d89c4dfea1b3e920135 Description-gl: C++ utility library, development files CUTL contains a collection of generic and independent components such as meta-programming tests, smart pointers, containers, compiler building blocks, etc. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcv-bridge-dev Description-md5: 759aafa3eccff17d60a7bab270cfcb75 Description-gl: cv_bridge Robot OS package - development This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It contains development files for CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libcv-bridge1d Description-md5: 999c7ebb4db0a9b0cd19d1c98bd3ebcb Description-gl: cv_bridge Robot OS package This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It contains the library for CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libcvc3-5v5 Description-md5: 0a950a6788f9bc806b6b78660ac3f615 Description-gl: Automatic theorem prover library for SMT problems CVC3 is an automatic theorem prover for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problems. It can be used to prove the validity (or, dually, the satisfiability) of first-order formulas in a large number of built-in logical theories and their combination. . CVC3 is the last offspring of a series of popular SMT provers, which originated at Stanford University with the SVC system. In particular, it builds on the code base of CVC Lite, its most recent predecessor. Its high level design follows that of the Sammy prover. . CVC3 works with a version of first-order logic with polymorphic types and has a wide variety of features including: . * several built-in base theories: rational and integer linear arithmetic, arrays, tuples, records, inductive data types, bit vectors, and equality over uninterpreted function symbols; * support for quantifiers; * an interactive text-based interface; * rich C, C++, and Java APIs for embedding in other systems; * proof and model generation abilities; * predicate subtyping; * essentially no limit on its use for research or commercial purposes (see license). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca CVC3. Package: libcvc3-dev Description-md5: 0073aea651f8bf1553c64d937a725843 Description-gl: Automatic theorem prover library for SMT problems (development files) CVC3 is an automatic theorem prover for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) problems. It can be used to prove the validity (or, dually, the satisfiability) of first-order formulas in a large number of built-in logical theories and their combination. . CVC3 is the last offspring of a series of popular SMT provers, which originated at Stanford University with the SVC system. In particular, it builds on the code base of CVC Lite, its most recent predecessor. Its high level design follows that of the Sammy prover. . CVC3 works with a version of first-order logic with polymorphic types and has a wide variety of features including: . * several built-in base theories: rational and integer linear arithmetic, arrays, tuples, records, inductive data types, bit vectors, and equality over uninterpreted function symbols; * support for quantifiers; * an interactive text-based interface; * rich C, C++, and Java APIs for embedding in other systems; * proof and model generation abilities; * predicate subtyping; * essentially no limit on its use for research or commercial purposes (see license). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca CVC3. Package: libcvm1 Description-md5: 74676f4514cb81d8e53b349097a98433 Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (shared libraries) CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through environment variables. . Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d, and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does, and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod framework. . Consulte para máis información. Package: libcvm1-dev Description-md5: a848fb47dae66b4e714a7574cbe6a5c6 Description-gl: Credential Validation Modules (development files, documentation) CVM is a framework for validating a set of credentials against a database using a filter program. The modules act as a filter, taking a set of credentials as input and writing a set of facts as output if those credentials are valid. Optional input is given to the module through environment variables. . Some of the ideas for CVM came from experience with PAM (pluggable authentication modules), the checkpassword interface used by qmail-pop3d, and the "authmod" interface used by Courier IMAP and POP3. This framework places fewer restrictions on the invoking client than checkpassword does, and is much simpler to implement on both sides than PAM and the authmod framework. . Consulte para máis información. Package: libcwnn0 Description-md5: 341ec5732f7cf40e083841f70951065d Description-gl: FreeWnn library for cWnn (FreeWnn cserver) FreeWnn cserver (cWnn) is an integrated Chinese input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Chinese users from all over the world, including P.R.China and Taiwan. FreeWnn cserver is capable of carrying out Hanzi conversion from an arbitrary Pinyin or Zhuyin sequence, hence improving the speed of Pinyin/Zhuyin input. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas de cWnn. Package: libcxgb3-1-dbg Description-md5: b9b2f632beafc87c5094bc01ed879681 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do controlador libcxgb3 libcxgb3 is a device-specific driver for Chelsio T3-based iWARP (RDMA over IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Chelsio iWARP hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración asociados con libcxgb3-1. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados con libcxgb3. Package: libcxgb3-dev Description-md5: 6dff025e785cf190427a36d43042536b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libcxgb3 libcxgb3 is a device-specific driver for Chelsio T3-based iWARP (RDMA over IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Chelsio iWARP hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . This package contains static versions of libcxgb3 that may be linked directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging. Package: libcypher-parser-dev Description-md5: 44941c5154d7fece32472880b6195aff Description-gl: Development files for libcypher-parser Cypher is a graph query language that allows for expressive and efficient querying of graph data. . libcypher-parser provides efficient parsing of Cypher into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) form, using a parsing expression grammar that is equivalent to that used in the Neo4j graph database. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras, bibliotecas estáticas). Package: libdacs-dev Description-md5: 261b323dbfd72d1ae602c588785b59ae Description-gl: Distributed Access Control System (DACS) - development files DACS é un sistema lixeiro de control de acceso baseado en autenticación única e en roles para servidores web e software baseado en servidores. Tamén é un xogo de ferramentas de autenticación e autorización para programadores. DACS asegúrase de que a compartición de recursos seguros e o acceso remoto a través da web sexan máis doados, seguros e eficientes. . This package contains development files for the DACS shared library. Package: libdacs1 Description-md5: 7963ba6f37920b23ff6565bc16044da8 Description-gl: Distributed Access Control System (DACS) - shared library DACS é un sistema lixeiro de control de acceso baseado en autenticación única e en roles para servidores web e software baseado en servidores. Tamén é un xogo de ferramentas de autenticación e autorización para programadores. DACS asegúrase de que a compartición de recursos seguros e o acceso remoto a través da web sexan máis doados, seguros e eficientes. . This package contains the DACS shared library. Package: libdap-dev Description-md5: 444c53dd9056a47893cd494802a1e752 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas) de libdap OPeNDAP provides software that allows you to access data over the internet, from programs that weren't originally designed for that purpose, as well as some that were. While OPeNDAP is the original developer of the Data Access protocol which its software uses, many other groups have adopted DAP and provide compatible clients, servers and software development kits. . This package contains header files, pkgconfig files and static libraries for DAP. Package: libdaq2 Description-md5: 5da3c6fd4e43716890fdc58b8ecf75f9 Description-gl: Data Acquisition library for packet I/O - shared library DAQ is a library that introduces an abstraction layer to PCAP functions facilitation operation in a variety of hardware and software interfaces. . It was written for Snort but it may be useful to other packet processing applicatons. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdatetime-format-human-duration-perl Description-md5: a9bcc91adfe91b10173340cf58a7b2f4 Description-gl: Perl module to return a locale-specific string describing a DateTime::Duration DateTime::Format::Human::Duration returns a locale-specific human-readable string describing a DateTime::Duration object. . Por exemplo: . 1 second . 2 minutes and 3 seconds . 3 weeks, 1 day, and 5 seconds . 4 years, 1 month, 2 days, 6 minutes, 1 second, and 345000028 nanoseconds Package: libdatetime-format-w3cdtf-perl Description-md5: 83474caed55127db75ddcf1fcf0d2168 Description-gl: Módulo para analizar e formatar as cadeas de data e hora de W3CDTF DateTime::Format::W3CDTF is a Perl module that understands the W3CDTF date and time format, an ISO 8601 profile. It has a full specification online at: <URL:>. This is the native date format for RSS 1.0. Package: libdavix0v5 Description-md5: 04ccf27243792b14138030b78354c4de Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución de davix Library for davix. Davix is a toolkit designed for file operations with http based protocols (WebDav, Amazon S3, ...). Package: libdawgdic-dev Description-md5: a297222ddbc5f20a232a989473a5c5f8 Description-gl: C++ library for DAWG dictionaries dawgdic is a C++ library for building and accessing dictionaries implemented with directed acyclic word graphs (DAWGs). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdazzle-1.0-dev Description-md5: b48c71bec47ce72850cd350fa332840b Description-gl: feature-filled library for GTK+ and GObject - development files libdazzle provides additional features for GTK+ and GObject. A wide range of components from utilities for GIO, widgets for GTK+, an animation framework, state machines, paneling and high-performance counters are included. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdbus-c++-dbg Description-md5: b870962dc8aad60f27dcee65a515a96f Description-gl: C++ API for D-Bus (debugging symbols) Dbus-c++ attempts to provide a C++ API for D-Bus. The library has a glib/gtk and an Ecore mainloop integration. It also offers an optional own main loop. . Este paquete inclúe os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libdbus-java Description-md5: d000cc99d2cea03dd7e07a376855eb65 Description-gl: simple interprocess messaging system (Java implementation) D-Bus is a message bus, used for sending messages between applications. Conceptually, it fits somewhere in between raw sockets and CORBA in terms of complexity. . This package provides an implementation of D-Bus in Java (Library). . Vexa a descrición de dbus para máis información sobre D-Bus en xeral. Package: libdbusada3-dev Description-md5: e534de497c9d30099021803caf28f768 Description-gl: Ada bindings to the D-Bus message bus system The D_Bus/Ada library provides an Ada binding to the D-Bus message bus used for inter-process communication on Linux desktop systems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdbusmenu-gtk-dev Description-md5: 67bb3e998dab738032b93e4b5bb82284 Description-gl: library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version developement files libdbusmenu passes a menu structure across DBus so that a program can create a menu simply without worrying about how it is displayed on the other side of the bus. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos con GTK+. Package: libdbustest1 Description-md5: b819ee72bb8252917f5d12ee31a140ab Description-gl: Runs tests under a new DBus session A simple little executable for running a couple of programs under a new DBus session. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libdc1394-22 Description-md5: e5b9cbb31ec22bea58505a18f02e43e1 Description-gl: high level programming interface for IEEE 1394 digital cameras libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en . This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libdc1394-22-dbg Description-md5: 12abf2bab5ee29f6dd1a53f3288c31f9 Description-gl: debugging symbols for the libdc1394-22 library libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en . This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libdc1394-22-dev Description-md5: 0727d11fd6d721977140ccb5eed42191 Description-gl: high level programming interface for IEEE 1394 digital cameras - development libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en . This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdc1394-22-doc Description-md5: 0eaac90946349f276a6e366fa859221b Description-gl: high level programming interface for IEEE 1394 digital cameras - documentation libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libdc1394-utils Description-md5: 8ec9f8cd847132f038c61c56276f9630 Description-gl: utilities for IEEE 1394 digital cameras libdc1394 é unha biblioteca que pretende fornecer unha interface de programación de alto nivel para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que desexen controlar cámaras baseadas en IEEE 1394 conformes coa Especificación de Cámaras Dixitais baseada en 1394 (que se pode atopar en . This version of libdc1394 supports both the old and new (juju) FireWire stack. It automatically detects which one to use at runtime. . This package contains an example program. Package: libdca-utils Description-md5: f53fd659c33381ef4506c158999fa4b0 Description-gl: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams (utilities) libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output configurations. . Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais. Package: libdca0 Description-md5: 3cbddecdb76379cb54b631a152b6f454 Description-gl: decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams libdca provides a low-level interface to decode audio frames encoded using DTS Coherent Acoustics. DTS Coherent Acoustics streams are commonly found on DVDs, DTS audio CDs and some radio broadcastings. libdca also provides downmixing and dynamic range compression for various output configurations. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libddccontrol0 Description-md5: 2e12f498d270131cf78844e5eee50059 Description-gl: shared library for ddccontrol DDCcontrol is a tool used to control monitor parameters, like brightness and contrast, without using the OSD (On Screen Display) and the buttons in front of the monitor. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdeal.ii-8.4.2 Description-md5: 0c8668bb5606f7acd1d570172d38f180 Description-gl: Finite Element Differential Equations Analysis Library deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libdeal.ii-dev Description-md5: 5a369645e90c8f66b985eb03e4c7a0db Description-gl: Differential Equations Analysis Library - development files deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdeal.ii-doc Description-md5: dcf2e06380119549b7af283bba39aa78 Description-gl: Differential Equations Analysis Library - html doc. and examples deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern interface to the complex data structures and algorithms required. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: libdebconf-kde-dev Description-md5: fe6bdc3b07598081248c038c3584076b Description-gl: Cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para a biblioteca Debconf de KDE Debconf KDE é unha biblioteca de interface gráfica para incluÃr interfaces de Debconf en aplicativos baseados en Qt. Debconf é un sistema de xetión da configuración para paquetes Debian que se emprega para facer preguntas cando están instalados. Esta biblioteca está escrita en C++ e emprégana Apper e Muon para incrustar diálogos de Debconf. . This package contains the development headers for the Debconf KDE library Package: libdebconf-kde1 Description-md5: 6d709e53d007cf6cd8cd4f6125992e4f Description-gl: Biblioteca da interface gráfica de Debconf para KDE Debconf KDE é unha biblioteca de interface gráfica para incluÃr interfaces de Debconf en aplicativos baseados en Qt. Debconf é un sistema de xetión da configuración para paquetes Debian que se emprega para facer preguntas cando están instalados. Esta biblioteca está escrita en C++ e emprégana Apper e Muon para incrustar diálogos de Debconf. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de Debconf KDE Package: libdebian-copyright-perl Description-md5: 7a9814b305e7dbb5e2133d39154d43e0 Description-gl: Módulo en perl para analizar, fusionar e escribir ficheiros de copyright de Debian Debian::Copyright can be used for the representation, manipulation and merging of Debian copyright files in an object-oriented way. It provides easy reading and writing of the debian/copyright file found in Debian source packages. Package: libderiving-ocsigen-ocaml Description-md5: 657d0a9abb6a21d89cbdbd0d5b8fe88f Description-gl: deriving functions from type declarations in OCaml (runtime) Camlp4 extension to OCaml for deriving functions from type declarations. Includes derivers for pretty-printing, type-safe marshalling with structure-sharing, dynamic typing, equality, and more. . This is the version maintained by the Ocsigen project. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libdevil-dev Description-md5: c9fd4a7519ab820246d2102717804209 Description-gl: Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's toolkit which can load, save and convert a wide variety of image formats. It also offers basic manipulation and filtering capabilities. . DevIL presents a simple programming interface similar to OpenGL's, which is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of the images is left to the developer. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdewalls-dev Description-md5: dd87b1baf3abe12c9285e638638e8613 Description-gl: Parser for Walls cave survey data The WALLS cave survey package stores its data in .srv files. dewalls is a parsing library for this file format. It is implemented in C++ and intended to be used by other cave survey software. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdico1 Description-md5: eaaf55d14ffda8e0d48423b9a7314451 Description-gl: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (shared library) GNU Dico is an implementation of the DICT protocol as defined in RFC 2229. It is fully modular: the daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, and knows nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdieharder3 Description-md5: 80240baf718fcd133651c3e37d032680 Description-gl: Random-number generator test library libdieharder is the core library of dieharder and friends, designed to be "the last suite of random number testers you'll ever wear". It can test any of its many prebuilt and library linked generators (basically all of those in the GNU Scientific Library plus a number of others from various sources) or a potentially random dataset in either an ascii-formatted or raw (presumed 32 bit uint) binary file. It is fairly straightforward to wrap new software generators for testing, or to add hardware generators that have a software interface for testing, and the file input method permits pretty much any software or hardware RNG to be tested using libdieharder calls. . libdieharder has as a design goal the full encapsulation in an extensible shell of basically all the random number tests I have been able to find -- George Marsaglia's "diehard" battery of tests, STS (v1.6) from NIST FIPS, Knuth's tests, and more. Check in the man page(s) or /usr/share/dieharder*/dieharder.pdf for documentation. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdigest-jhash-perl Description-md5: b7c82ef9c5fed78470b9ab3625df3620 Description-gl: Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm The Digest::JHash module allows you to use the fast JHash hashing algorithm developed by Bob Jenkins from within Perl programs. The algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces as output a 32-bit "message digest" of the input in the form of an unsigned long integer. . Consulte para máis información. Package: libdigest-md5-file-perl Description-md5: c989bb0cd34d6a235bfa91a81e3761e9 Description-gl: Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls Digest::MD5::File adds functionality for easy calculation of MD5 checksums of entire files, directories or URLs to the standard Digest::MD5 module. . Exemplo de uso: . use Digest::MD5::File; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->addpath('/path/to/file.txt'); $md5->addpath(\@files); $md5->adddir('/home/tmbg/'); $md5->addurl(''); my $digest = file_md5_hex($file); my $dir_hashref = dir_md5_hex($dir); my $digest = url_md5_hex($url); Package: libdigidoc2 Description-md5: 4cb042f96c50dd07b4e980b2a7b10311 Description-gl: DigiDoc digital signature library DigiDoc is an XML file format for documents with digital signatures in use by the Estonian ID card infrastructure. This library allows for creation and reading of DigiDoc files. . This library implements a subset of the XAdES digital signature standard on top of Estonian-specific .ddoc container format. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libdigidocpp-common Description-md5: a5e4463e5a5580535ea5dcc1c3945129 Description-gl: Ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para libdigidocpp BDoc C++ lib is library for creating and validating BDOC-1.0 documents. Older Digidoc formats (DIGIDOC-XML) are not supported. . This package provides the architecture-independent files. Package: libdigidocpp-dev Description-md5: 182e5564604e8689893bdb09fda3aa05 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para libdigidocpp BDoc C++ lib is library for creating and validating BDOC-1.0 documents. Older Digidoc formats (DIGIDOC-XML) are not supported. . This package provides the development files. Package: libdigidocpp0-dbg Description-md5: 5a789b9e4cd909304d1a842d4909fc56 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libdigidocpp BDoc C++ lib is library for creating and validating BDOC-1.0 documents. Older Digidoc formats (DIGIDOC-XML) are not supported. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libdisasm-dev Description-md5: 0f0b6d103853173da7ee76a95313e2f4 Description-gl: disassembler library for x86 code (development files) Libdisasm is a disassembler for Intel x86-compatible object code. It compiles as a shared and static library on Linux, FreeBSD, and Win32 platforms. The core disassembly engine is contained in files with the prefix "i386", and is shared with the x86 ARCH extension of the bastard disassembler. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdiscover-dev Description-md5: 5d30d045780f63a6c98d585b41fa32e8 Description-gl: hardware identification library development files libdiscover é unha biblioteca que permite identificador diversos dispositivos PCI, PCMCIA e USB. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed for development. Package: libdiscover2 Description-md5: a63cd15b47aa4de06181b35cf2aa3955 Description-gl: hardware identification library libdiscover é unha biblioteca que permite identificador diversos dispositivos PCI, PCMCIA e USB. Package: libdisorder0 Description-md5: a3605856859048e225c97c2adbec81e8 Description-gl: library for entropy measurement of byte streams This library provides a function to calculate the Shannon index (H) of byte streams. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdistorm3-3 Description-md5: b7b1e674d940fd196a569f054ef67d14 Description-gl: powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams diStorm3 is a binary stream disassembler library project. . With diStorm3, no more parsing strings is needed. diStorm3 is really a decomposer, which means it takes an instruction and returns a binary structure which describes it rather than static text. This is great for advanced binary code analysis. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdjconsole-data Description-md5: 4cc27f1eaac668b72ccc3aa0f76aa807 Description-gl: Biblioteca de acceso á Consola de DJ Hercules - ficheiros de datos A biblioteca DJ Console é unha biblioteca en C++ que facilita o acceso á consola de DJ Hercules MK I e MK II mediante libusb. Admite todas as funcións non de son, como LED, botóns e controladores. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libdjconsole-dev Description-md5: a00ec0d8395fdc9720093682706fa316 Description-gl: Biblioteca de acceso á Consola de DJ Hercules - cabeceiras de desenvolvemento A biblioteca DJ Console é unha biblioteca en C++ que facilita o acceso á consola de DJ Hercules MK I e MK II mediante libusb. Admite todas as funcións non de son, como LED, botóns e controladores. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdjconsole0 Description-md5: fccc94a68e3f6c3cb75fa9e66d191202 Description-gl: Biblioteca de acceso á Consola de DJ Hercules A biblioteca DJ Console é unha biblioteca en C++ que facilita o acceso á consola de DJ Hercules MK I e MK II mediante libusb. Admite todas as funcións non de son, como LED, botóns e controladores. Package: libdkim1d-dbg Description-md5: 4838654226e3a7995b0ddbf96f63a1a0 Description-gl: DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) library - debug symbols Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libdkim1d, unha biblioteca do lado do servidor que emprega o estándar DKIM para asinar correo electrónico e comprobar as sinaturas. Vexa a descrición dese paquete para máis información. Package: libdleyna-connector-dbus-1.0-dbg Description-md5: 8519db60b7894c200a44211db6eed1b0 Description-gl: DBus connector module for the dLeyna services (debug files) dleyna-connector-dbus is the loadable module providing DBus connectivity to the dLeyna services. . dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into their applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración. Package: libdleyna-core-1.0-dbg Description-md5: 54ef6274e2e96578379581511d94cb02 Description-gl: Utility functions for higher level dLeyna components (debug files) dleyna-core is a library of utility functions that are used by the higher level dLeyna libraries that communicate with DLNA devices, e.g., dleyna- server. In brief, it provides APIs for logging, error, settings and task management and an IPC abstraction API. . dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into their applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración. Package: libdleyna-core-1.0-dev Description-md5: 9807af0385045a5238b50424f0acce03 Description-gl: Utility functions for higher level dLeyna components (development files) dleyna-core is a library of utility functions that are used by the higher level dLeyna libraries that communicate with DLNA devices, e.g., dleyna- server. In brief, it provides APIs for logging, error, settings and task management and an IPC abstraction API. . dLeyna is an umbrella project hosting a number of middleware components designed to make it easy for developers to integrate DLNA functionality into their applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdlib-dev Description-md5: 06d0e459404c359168d453d5f3cf7969 Description-gl: C++ toolkit for machine learning and computer vision - development Dlib is a general purpose cross-platform open source software library written in the C++ programming language. It now contains software components for dealing with networking, threads, graphical interfaces, complex data structures, linear algebra, statistical machine learning, image processing, data mining, XML and text parsing, numerical optimization, Bayesian networks, and numerous other tasks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdlna-dev Description-md5: 9c441631077b578472d9b417ae722f4f Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libdlna The reference open-source implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standards. The primary goal is to provide DLNA support to uShare, an embedded UPnP A/V Media Server, but will be used to build both DLNA servers and players. . libdlna relies on FFMPEG libraries (libavformat and libavcodec) to handle and demux A/V streams. . The libdlna-dev package contains the header files, and debug versions of library. Package: libdmtx-utils Description-md5: 49400fc0eb3dab89536a7596a578d09b Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para dmtx-utils Este é un paquete transitorio para dmtx-utils e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após de ter completada a instalación. Package: libdockapp-dbg Description-md5: 5354722027154483534978c3311e3751 Description-gl: Window Maker Dock App support (debugging symbols) Simple library that eases the creation of Window Maker dock apps. It provides functions that set up a dock app in such a way that they can be properly docked. It also provides some event handlers and makes it very simple to write dockapps. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libdocopt0 Description-md5: e6a4e1ab2151609fc5b21223b78da9a0 Description-gl: C++11 port of docopt With docopt, the option parser is generated based on the program's docstring. docopt parses the usage pattern ("Usage: ...") and option descriptions (lines starting with dash "-") and ensures that the program invocation matches the usage pattern. It parses options, arguments and commands based on that. The basic idea is that a good help message has all necessary information in it to make a parser. . This is a port of the docopt Python module to C++ with a focus on maintaining full feature parity (and code structure) as the original. The differences from the Python port are: . - The addition of a docopt_parse function, which does not terminate the program on error a docopt::value type to hold the various value types that can be parsed. . - Because C++ is statically-typed and Python is not, some changes were made to the interfaces of the internal parse tree types. . - Because std::regex does not have an equivalent to Python's regex.split, some of the regex's had to be restructured and additional loops used. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libdogleg-dev Description-md5: 1be800fdfe9996453e20c86839aed87c Description-gl: Powell's dog-leg nonlinear least squares solver for sparse matrices Solves unconstrained nonlinear least squares problems using Powell's dog- leg method. The user specifies a callback C function that returns the value and gradients of the model function at a particular operating point. This library takes a series of dog-leg steps to find a local minimum of the residual surface. . This library works with sparse matrices, which makes it suitable for efficiently solving very large problems. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libdogleg-doc Description-md5: ea7352bc0bb27a70151a272954bb8641 Description-gl: Powell's dog-leg nonlinear least squares solver for sparse matrices Solves unconstrained nonlinear least squares problems using Powell's dog- leg method. The user specifies a callback C function that returns the value and gradients of the model function at a particular operating point. This library takes a series of dog-leg steps to find a local minimum of the residual surface. . This library works with sparse matrices, which makes it suitable for efficiently solving very large problems. . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: libdolfin-dev Description-md5: 08a78e58d5d7e1a91019b0754c56fa90 Description-gl: Shared links and header files for DOLFIN DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdolfin2017.1 Description-md5: 36b945ea393f2c4a8fe500c27fbbb1a7 Description-gl: Shared libraries for DOLFIN DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libdolfin2017.1-dbg Description-md5: fdb9f30274e06022417260261fb0ed9f Description-gl: Shared libraries with debugging symbols for DOLFIN DOLFIN is the Python and C++ interface of the FEniCS project for the automated solution of differential equations, providing a consistent PSE (Problem Solving Environment) for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Key features include a simple, consistent and intuitive object-oriented API; automatic and efficient evaluation of variational forms; automatic and efficient assembly of linear systems; and support for general families of finite elements. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libdoxia-java-doc Description-md5: 001791e333ad55ac025e74897e1b4bde Description-gl: Documentación de libdoxia-java Doxia is a content generation framework which aims to provide its users with powerful techniques for generating static and dynamic content. . Doxia can be used to generate static sites in addition to being incorporated into dynamic content generation systems like blogs, wikis and content management systems. . Doxia is used extensively by Maven and it powers the entire documentation system of Maven. It gives Maven the ability to take any document that Doxia supports and output it any format. . This package provides the API documentation for Doxia. Package: libdssialsacompat0 Description-md5: ecd0e1de3eb74af8a6beb62f8172bb87 Description-gl: DSSI ALSA compatibility library for non-Linux platforms libdssialsacompat is simply an extraction from and repackaging of the code from alsa-lib, necessary to support DSSI on non-ALSA systems. . libdssialsacompat is intended to provide the snd_seq_event_t declarations and handling code necessary to compile and use DSSI on non-ALSA systems. It aims to allows compiling DSSI code with as little change as possible, while not presenting itself in such a way as to fool other autoconf- enabled code into thinking a system has ALSA. . This library does NOT provide any sort of emulation of the ALSA audio, MIDI, or sequencer devices. The only part of ALSA that is required by the DSSI specification is the snd_seq_event_t definition and handling, and that is all libdssialsacompat is intended to replace. Other ALSA code should be ported to native facilities. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdtkcore2 Description-md5: 2d19e9c4f645cbb2110c8ebcef0fcfdd Description-gl: Deepin Tool Kit Core library DtkCore is a base library of Deepin Qt/C++ applications. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libdtkwidget2 Description-md5: 1645e3b1fbb7ee00d6ba6a76f4c1c93d Description-gl: Deepin Tool Kit Widget library DtkWidget is the Deepin graphical user interface library for deepin desktop development. . This package is part of DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libduktape202 Description-md5: 171438f1ab577fbb495aafc00b195702 Description-gl: embeddable Javascript engine, library Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint. . Duktape is easy to integrate into a C/C++ project: add duktape.c, duktape.h, and duk_config.h to your build, and use the Duktape API to call Ecmascript functions from C code and vice versa. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdumb1-dev Description-md5: e5ac9b87f2ed6b20f5a4165e9e874123 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libdumb1 DUMB is a tracker library with support for IT, XM, S3M and MOD files. It targets maximum accuracy to the original formats, with low-pass resonant filters for the IT files, accurate timing and pitching, and three resampling quality settings (aliasing, linear interpolation and cubic interpolation). . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libdumb1. Package: libdune-functions-dev Description-md5: 3deacdcb722cbfc9d21f7fbb4d727070 Description-gl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- interface for functions (development files) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-functions provides an interface for global finite element functions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdune-functions-doc Description-md5: 2bcbbf027fac592936f5e5b56b221361 Description-gl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- interface for functions (documentation) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-functions provides an interface for global finite element functions. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libdune-grid-glue-dev Description-md5: 5a74c74d9339484f14f7ee1862b40ef4 Description-gl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- compute couplings between grids (development files) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-grid-glue provides infrastructure for the coupling of two unrelated DUNE grids. The coupling may be overlapping or nonoverlapping, conforming or nonconforming. The two grids are not required to be of the same type, and they may even be of different dimensions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdune-grid-glue-doc Description-md5: 2ec97ab870bf2d892011e93dbc0f90d9 Description-gl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- compute couplings between grids (documentation) DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) with grid-based methods. It supports the easy implementation of methods like Finite Elements (FE), Finite Volumes (FV), and also Finite Differences (FD). . dune-grid-glue provides infrastructure for the coupling of two unrelated DUNE grids. The coupling may be overlapping or nonoverlapping, conforming or nonconforming. The two grids are not required to be of the same type, and they may even be of different dimensions. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libdune-pdelab-dev Description-md5: 31667bc1cb405196c01daecbfc0b90b6 Description-gl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- discretization module (development files) DUNE-PDELab is a new generalized discretization module for a wide range of discretization methods. It allows rapid prototyping for implementing discretizations and solvers for systems of PDEs based on DUNE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdune-pdelab-doc Description-md5: a3a2d4ce0ca865579887697665a53ae0 Description-gl: toolbox for solving PDEs -- discretization module (documentation) DUNE-PDELab is a new generalized discretization module for a wide range of discretization methods. It allows rapid prototyping for implementing discretizations and solvers for systems of PDEs based on DUNE. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libdune-uggrid-dev Description-md5: 4cc3595f160bf1d2aba339076078ab0d Description-gl: software framework for finite element methods (development files) UG is a flexible software tool for the numerical solution of partial differential equations on unstructured meshes, with a focus on multigrid methods. It has a very powerful grid manager, which supports two- and three-dimensional grids with mixed element types. The grids can be adaptively refinement using either classic red/green-refinement, or pure red refinement with hanging nodes. All this is fully parallelized and can run on large distributed machines. . The version in this package has been built with the necessary flags for use with the Dune software system. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdvbcsa1 Description-md5: e18fcd230c545c76f37d5a2bfc2743ac Description-gl: free implementation of the DVB/CSA libdvbcsa is a free implementation of the DVB Common Scrambling Algorithm with encryption and decryption capabilities. . It comes in two flavors: a classical single packet implementation and a faster parallel bitslice implementation. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libdvbpsi-dev Description-md5: a901efd8eeb07580d5c6fae6c2e924b3 Description-gl: development files for libdvbpsi libdvbpsi é unha biblioteca simple deseñada para a descodificación e xeración de táboas TS de MPEG e PSI de DVB. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libdvbpsi. Package: libdvbpsi10 Description-md5: 9ef5d63a2d20c2f593ac0005a623ba9a Description-gl: Biblioteca para descodificar e xerar táboas TS de MPEG e PSI de DVB libdvbpsi é unha biblioteca simple deseñada para a descodificación e xeración de táboas TS de MPEG e PSI de DVB. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución libdvbpsi. Package: libdvdnav-dev Description-md5: b7551787c11bf7c45f395189a08987ad Description-gl: Biblioteca de navegación por DVD (desenvolvemento) libdvdnav é unha biblioteca de navegación de DVD que fornece unha interface para as funcionalidades avanzadas dos DVD, como os menús e a navegación. Contén a VM e outras partes útiles para escribir en reprodutores de DVD. Está baseada en Ogle, mais foi modificada para poder ser empregada por xine e mplayer. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdvdnav-doc Description-md5: c101f86c8f68b0678e46d71d37f3ff55 Description-gl: DVD navigation library (documentation) libdvdnav é unha biblioteca de navegación de DVD que fornece unha interface para as funcionalidades avanzadas dos DVD, como os menús e a navegación. Contén a VM e outras partes útiles para escribir en reprodutores de DVD. Está baseada en Ogle, mais foi modificada para poder ser empregada por xine e mplayer. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libdvdnav4 Description-md5: 425e99cd0268a6168cd3663fd114674c Description-gl: Biblioteca de navegación por DVD libdvdnav é unha biblioteca de navegación de DVD que fornece unha interface para as funcionalidades avanzadas dos DVD, como os menús e a navegación. Contén a VM e outras partes útiles para escribir en reprodutores de DVD. Está baseada en Ogle, mais foi modificada para poder ser empregada por xine e mplayer. Package: libdvdread-dev Description-md5: b03b977078718f41f1e29f7c3710abc5 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler DVD (desenvolvemento) libdvdread fornece a funcionalidade requirida para acceder a moitos DVD. Analiza os ficheiros IFO, le os bloques NAV e realiza a autenticación e desbarallamento de CSS. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdvdread4 Description-md5: 9dcce76d11ca332adfb624eadba77370 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler DVD libdvdread fornece a funcionalidade requirida para acceder a moitos DVD. Analiza os ficheiros IFO, le os bloques NAV e realiza a autenticación e desbarallamento de CSS. . libdvdread procura libdvdcss no tempo de execución e, se a atopa, emprégaa para descifrar seccións do DVD segundo for preciso. libdvdcss ten que estar instalada desde repositorios de terceiros (vexa README.css), pois non está incluÃda en Debian. Package: libdwarf-dev Description-md5: 499e71c1964d18a86f440ee7f37bea48 Description-gl: Biblioteca para consumir e producir información de depuración de DWARF The libdwarf package provides a library which allows reading/consuming and writing/producing of DWARF debugging information from object files, shared libraries, and executables. . This package contains developer resources for libdwarf. Install it if you want to develop software that uses the libdwarf API. . Esta biblioteca fai parte de dwarfutils. Package: libdx4 Description-md5: af6ffc188ee38b114cf2b8aaab183db7 Description-gl: OpenDX (Explorador de Datos de Visualización da IBM) - bibliotecas compartidas Data Explorer is a system of tools and user interfaces for visualizing data. In general terms the visualization of data can be considered a 3-stage process: 1. Describing and importing data 2. Processing the data through a visualization program 3. Presenting the resulting image. This is the package containing the shared libraries. Programs that use routines from the OpenDX classes usually depend on it. Package: libdx4-dev Description-md5: d5492203bb0369bf2b0f8aa8e70b1d2b Description-gl: OpenDX (Explorador de Datos de Visualización da IBM) - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Data Explorer is a system of tools and user interfaces for visualizing data. In general terms the visualization of data can be considered a 3-stage process: 1. Describing and importing data 2. Processing the data through a visualization program 3. Presenting the resulting image. This is the development package. It contains the build rules, library routines and header files necessary for creating custom software that uses the OpenDX classes. Package: libdxflib-dev Description-md5: 1bc6c6b19af65761ecd178b516666362 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca dxflib dxflib é unha biblioteca en C++ para ler e escribir ficheiros DXF. Ao ler ficheiros DXF, dxflib analiza o ficheiro e chama polas funcións que vostede defina na súa propia clase en C++ para engadir entidades, capas, etc. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e documentación) de libdxflib . Package: libdxflib3 Description-md5: a95fdd42e722ef18db1fc6551f3ceade Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros DXF dxflib é unha biblioteca en C++ para ler e escribir ficheiros DXF. Ao ler ficheiros DXF, dxflib analiza o ficheiro e chama polas funcións que vostede defina na súa propia clase en C++ para engadir entidades, capas, etc. Package: libdynalogin-1-0 Description-md5: 752d1f5852bae60adf825de531f3449c Description-gl: two-factor HOTP/TOTP authentication - implementation libs dynalogin is a two-factor authentication framework based on HOTP/TOTP (Open Authentication) algorithms. Dynalogin can store credentials in any database supported by UNIXODBC, which makes the solution robust and scalable. It can also store credentials in flat files if desired. dynalogin has been successfully integrated in solutions for OpenID, making it possible to use two-factor authentication with hundreds of other web applications and public web sites. There is a dynalogin soft-token for Android and it also works with Google Authenticator. . Esta biblioteca é empregada por un servidor de autenticación dynalogin ou por calquera outro compoñente de software que desexa implementar o algoritmo HOTP/TOTP internamente. O paquete inclúe tamén varios módulos de almacenamento (almacenamento en ficheiros e UNIXODBC) para reter as credenciais dos usuarios e os datos dos algoritmos. Package: libdynamic-reconfigure-config-init-mutex-dev Description-md5: 8e61c5eaae1a1c265937ec3e507f6d9f Description-gl: Robot OS dynamic-reconfigure library - development files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS), and contains the dynamic_reconfigure package which provides a means to change node parameters at any time without having to restart the node. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libdynamic-reconfigure-config-init-mutex0d Description-md5: 3c3ecdcbbe3a28a75321038e10d58260 Description-gl: Robot OS dynamic-reconfigure library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS), and contains the dynamic_reconfigure package which provides a means to change node parameters at any time without having to restart the node. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libdynamite-dev Description-md5: 41732a3a270b9af92f733e3cd5de3dd6 Description-gl: PKWARE Data Compression decompressor library - development files The dynamite library is needed by tools to be capable of squeezing out juicy .cab files from self-extracting installation programs created by the Setup Factory installation program. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para libdynamite. Package: libeasy-format-ocaml Description-md5: e1e4c3e58d169d35bb1a9d8220385063 Description-gl: easy(ier) pretty printing for OCaml - plugins This module offers a simplified interface to the Format module of the OCaml standard library. Input data must be converted into a tree using 3 kinds of nodes: atoms, lists and labelled nodes. Each node is bound to its own formatting parameters and a single function call produces the formatted output. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libeasy-format-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 365508ef5a38fca158e4697dab0f3ebb Description-gl: easy(ier) pretty printing for OCaml - development files This module offers a simplified interface to the Format module of the OCaml standard library. Input data must be converted into a tree using 3 kinds of nodes: atoms, lists and labelled nodes. Each node is bound to its own formatting parameters and a single function call produces the formatted output. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para programar coa biblioteca. Package: libeasyconf-java Description-md5: 4bbc7072aac3c3c9215bc8190166485b Description-gl: Biblioteca para acceder á configuración de compoñentes de software EasyConf is a library to access configuration of software components and applications. . EasyConf main features: * XML files, typed property files (including lists, numbers, classes, etc), or a combination of both * multiple environments (development, integration, preproduction, production) * aggregate several components: for example for portlets and portals * support for ASP applications: each company/organization serviced may have its own configuration * provides access to the configuration using JMX . This package contains EasyConf java library (JAR). Package: libeb16 Description-md5: ef3d59afc86c5ba1446132c71a86882a Description-gl: Biblioteca en C para acceder a libros electrónicos (ficheiros de tempo de execución) EB Library is a C library for accessing CD-ROM books. . EB Library supports to access CD-ROM books of EB, EBG, EBXA, EBXA-C, S-EBXA and EPWING formats. CD-ROM books of those formats are popular in Japan. Since CD-ROM books themseves are stands on the ISO 9660 format, you can mount the discs by the same way as other ISO 9660 discs. . Este paquete fornece bibliotecas compartidas da biblioteca EB. Package: libebml-dev Description-md5: 405ef7b45eb7ea5fa99095b16269eaad Description-gl: Biblioteca de acceso para o formato EBML (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) The libebml library allows one to read and write files using EBML (the Extensible Binary Meta Language), a binary pendant to XML. Using libebml makes it easier to extend a file format without breaking support in older parsers. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to compile applications that use libebml. Package: libebook-tools-perl Description-md5: 745142c8e6185d249a5770b0bdd1d814 Description-gl: Ferramenta de manipulación de libros electrónicos e bibliotecas en Perl EBook-Tools contén unha biblioteca e unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para desempaquetar, crear, corrixir e reempaquetar libros electrónicos. . Actualmente a compatibilidade de desempaquetamento nativa limÃtase a PalmDoc, EReader, IMP e Mobipocket sen protección DRM, aÃnda que MS Reader (lit.) e Mobipocket DRM son admitidos co uso automático de ConvertLIT e MobiDeDRM, de estaren dispoñÃbeis. As ferramentas de corrección de meta- datos son, porén, moi extensas. Para máis información, vexa a información de POD en EBook::Tools e en EBook::Tools::Unpack. Package: libebur128-1 Description-md5: 6e3a4a5f7dace48f5ca9ea19e9a28f5e Description-gl: implementation of the EBU R128 loudness standard The European Broadcasting Union Loudness Recommendation (EBU R128) informs broadcasters how they can analyze and normalize audio so that each piece of audio sounds roughly the same volume to the human ear. . This C library provides an API which analyzes audio and outputs perceived loudness. The results can then be used to normalize volume during playback. This is an alternative to ReplayGain. . Features: * Implements M, S and I modes * Implements loudness range measurement (EBU - TECH 3342) * True peak scanning * Supports all samplerates by recalculation of the filter coefficients . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libebur128-dev Description-md5: c10becc3937fbaf6a351e2058b0f60b0 Description-gl: implementation of the EBU R128 loudness standard (development files) The European Broadcasting Union Loudness Recommendation (EBU R128) informs broadcasters how they can analyze and normalize audio so that each piece of audio sounds roughly the same volume to the human ear. . This C library provides an API which analyzes audio and outputs perceived loudness. The results can then be used to normalize volume during playback. This is an alternative to ReplayGain. . Features: * Implements M, S and I modes * Implements loudness range measurement (EBU - TECH 3342) * True peak scanning * Supports all samplerates by recalculation of the filter coefficients . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libecasoundc-dev Description-md5: dec20be3d8b724857c2d53f974214439 Description-gl: Gravadora de son e procesador de efectos con capacidade para varias pistas (biblioteca de desenvolvemento en C) Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. . Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. . This package provides ecasound's C library development files. Package: libecasoundc1v5 Description-md5: a8cf58ded81f5dd9d5ea84eaf8210ed2 Description-gl: Gravadora de son e procesador de efectos con capacidade para varias pistas (biblioteca en C) Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. . Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca de ecasound en C. Package: libeclipselink-java-doc Description-md5: 19c292c038ea1777e94e8fcaa172e8f5 Description-gl: Documentación de libeclipselink-java Documentation for Eclipse Persistence Services Project, more commonly known as EclipseLink, that is a Java comprehensive persistence framework delivering a set of persistence services based around standards. This lets you rapidly build applications that combine the best aspects of object technology and the specific data source. . EclipseLink was started by a donation of the full source code and test suites of Oracle's TopLink product. . EclipseLink's services currently include object-relational with JPA, object-XML binding in MOXy (with support for JAXB), a Service Data Objects (SDO) implementation and support for another technologies like: Database Web Services (DWS), XML-Relational (XRM) and Non-Relational (EIS via JCA). Package: libecm1 Description-md5: a5c837165ebf3d6200113254ea62f3af Description-gl: factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method -- lib gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for integer factorization. . The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a 53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM. . Consulte para máis información sobre ecmnet. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libecm1-dev Description-md5: beb8d89ac8956188f513800bd8eb5fec Description-gl: factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method -- libdev gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for integer factorization. . The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a 53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM. . Consulte para máis información sobre ecmnet. . This package provides the static library and symbolic links needed for development. Package: libecm1-dev-common Description-md5: 15d19f4e1f8d45fad2a62bac9d080cf6 Description-gl: factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method -- header gmp-ecm is a free implementation of the Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) for integer factorization. . The original purpose of the ECMNET project was to make Richard Brent's prediction true, i.e. to find a factor of 50 digits or more by ECM. This goal was attained on September 14, 1998, when Conrad Curry found a 53-digit factor of 2^677-1 c150 using George Woltman's mprime program. The new goal of ECMNET is now to find other large factors by ecm, mainly by contributing to the Cunningham project, most likely the longest, ongoing computational project in history according to Bob Silverman. A new record was set by Nik Lygeros and Michel Mizony, who found in December 1999 a prime factor of 54 digits using GMP-ECM. . Consulte para máis información sobre ecmnet. . This package provides the header needed by developers. Package: libecore-con1 Description-md5: f4ec2a01a15a5e56f3ec860e49ddcc38 Description-gl: Biblioteca de Conexión Ecore This is the core event abstraction layer and X abstraction layer that makes doing selections, Xdnd, general X stuff, and event loops, timeouts and idle handlers fast, optimized, and convenient. It's a separate library so anyone can make use of the work put into Ecore to make this job easy for applications. . This package contains the Ecore Connection Library. Package: libecore-dev Description-md5: 50465864a575e5d03ee40a265e2f8e00 Description-gl: Cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas de Ecore This is the core event abstraction layer and X abstraction layer that makes doing selections, Xdnd, general X stuff, and event loops, timeouts and idle handlers fast, optimized, and convenient. It's a separate library so anyone can make use of the work put into Ecore to make this job easy for applications. . Este paquete contén cabezallos e bibliotecas estáticas para a biblioteca Ecore. Package: libeditline-dev Description-md5: 1e1565f1fe1031e0a2453c22ed5651a7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libeditline This is a line-editing library. It can be linked into almost any program to provide command-line editing and recall. It is call-compatible with a subset of the FSF readline library, but it is a fraction of the size (and offers fewer features). . This package contains the developer files: static libraries, headers, manpages. Package: libeditorconfig0-dbg Description-md5: 3fbecb21b49eb21ee8460db589015bb5 Description-gl: coding style indenter across editors - debugging symbols EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. The EditorConfig project consists of a file format for defining coding styles and a collection of text editor plugins that enable editors to read the file format and adhere to defined styles. . EditorConfig files are easily readable and they work nicely with version control systems. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca editorconfig- core. Package: libee-dev Description-md5: b8877d87aca7e27e85c6fa37e7ed4fa0 Description-gl: Event expression library inspired by CEE Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set of standard format and read a set of different input formats. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libee0 Description-md5: 6b8e7c622d835e6d4cce9b1d9562ad40 Description-gl: Event expression library inspired by CEE Libee is an event expression library which is inspired by the upcoming CEE standard. It provides capabilities to generate and emit messages in a set of standard format and read a set of different input formats. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libeegdev0-dbg Description-md5: bca420fb6c5701fff17509d46ec08425 Description-gl: Biosignal acquisition device library (Debugging symbols) eegdev is a library that provides a unified interface for accessing various EEG (and other biosignals) acquisition systems. This interface has been designed to be both flexible and efficient. The device specific part is implemented by the mean of plugins which makes adding new device backend fairly easy even if the library does not support them yet officially. . The core library not only provides to users a unified and consistent interfaces to the acquisition device but it also provides many functionalities to the device backends (plugins) ranging from configuration to data casting and scaling making writing new device backend an easy task. . This library is particularly useful to handle the acquisition part of a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) or any realtime multi-electrode acquisition in neurophysiological research. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libefreet-dev Description-md5: f92038f73ba7e6a2a5592b19068a6f29 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libefreet e libefreet-mime An implementation of several specifications from intended for use in Enlightenment DR17 (e17) and other applications using the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). Currently, the following specifications are included: - Base Directory - Desktop Entry - Icon Theme - Menu . Este paquete contén cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas para Efreet. Package: libeigen3-dev Description-md5: 71025bd67be9e83075fd5a0e7ab822a2 Description-gl: lightweight C++ template library for linear algebra Eigen 3 é unha biblioteca lixeira de modelos en C++ para matemáticas de vectores e matrices, ou sexa, de álxebra linear. . Unlike most other linear algebra libraries, Eigen 3 focuses on the simple mathematical needs of applications: games and other OpenGL apps, spreadsheets and other office apps, etc. Eigen 3 is dedicated to providing optimal speed with GCC. A lot of improvements since 2-nd version of Eigen. Package: libeigen3-doc Description-md5: c2bdef560c564aea3a0219e41bda5ab6 Description-gl: Documentación da API de eigen3 Eigen 3 é unha biblioteca lixeira de modelos en C++ para matemáticas de vectores e matrices, ou sexa, de álxebra linear. . Este paquete fornece a documentación completa da API de eigen3 no formato HTML. Package: libeina-dev Description-md5: 32c88bfbf48634b54592c7d7ee94d5da Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libeina Eina is a multi-platform library that provides optimized data types and a few tools. It supports the following data types: - Array - Hash Table - Double-linked list - Red-black tree - Shared string - Access Content types + Accessor: can access items of a container randomly + Iterator: can access items of a container sequentially . This package contains headers and static libraries for development with libeina. Package: libeio-dev Description-md5: 0cbfa5d3a88d975274d3a3508dce4553 Description-gl: Cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas de EIO This library is part of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL). It is intended to provide non-blocking IO by using thread for all operations that may block. It should integrate all the features/functions of Ecore_File that could block. . Este paquete contén cabezallos e bibliotecas estáticas para a biblioteca EIO. Package: libej-dev Description-md5: cc7a6f0a3d83375b6db66c8864321f3e Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos cientÃficos This package provides headers and links to develop software in C language addressing an expEYES box. . ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration. Package: libej0 Description-md5: ca9ac978bed0da4ec518f6c51e21e7ef Description-gl: Contorno de traballo de hardware e software para desenvolver experimentos cientÃficos This package provides a library usable to drive an expEYES box, and is necessary to run clib-based software which addresses this box. . ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration. Package: libelemental-dev Description-md5: 3a8b975004531eb09d3e41ad91717afe Description-gl: Visor da táboa periódica (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información detallada sobre os elementos quÃmicos. . Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións diversas, incluÃdas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas, electroquÃmicas e cristalográficas. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libelemental-doc Description-md5: dac32fe97d203a74a396a2a407c48124 Description-gl: Visor da táboa periódica (documentación da API) gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información detallada sobre os elementos quÃmicos. . Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións diversas, incluÃdas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas, electroquÃmicas e cristalográficas. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libelemental0 Description-md5: 6c096a121ce242d690e031f3054d6f89 Description-gl: Visor da táboa periódica (datos e biblioteca compartida) gElemental é un visor da táboa periódica en GTK+ que fornece información detallada sobre os elementos quÃmicos. . Conta cunha vista da táboa que permite que os elementos reciban cores tematicamente segundo diversas propiedades, unha vista de lista e un diálogo coas propiedades de cada elemento que presenta informacións diversas, incluÃdas as propiedades históricas, termodinámicas, electroquÃmicas e cristalográficas. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida e o conxunto de datos. Package: libelementary-data Description-md5: f1c6a85dc31c0bd64ac5fab19f8fd96f Description-gl: runtime data-files for libelementary Elementary is a widget set based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, primarily aimed at creating graphical user interfaces for mobile and embedded devices. . Este paquete contén os gráficos e estilos que precisan os aplicativos que empregan elementary. Package: libelementary-dbg Description-md5: 0262ac9a1d40c2a8113bda9331a4824f Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración para usar con libelementary Elementary is a widget set based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, primarily aimed at creating graphical user interfaces for mobile and embedded devices. . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: libelementary-dev Description-md5: 5da66e4a405ae39109da0f1449253400 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libelementary Elementary is a widget set based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, primarily aimed at creating graphical user interfaces for mobile and embedded devices. . This package contains headers and static libraries for development with libelementary. Package: libelk0-dev Description-md5: a4e9540c790fbcd5e6ef5ac76925c2af Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libelk0 Elk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language, designed specifically as an embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for applications written in C or C++. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras e as bibliotecas estáticas precisos para compilar aplicativos que empreguen libelk0. Package: libemail-date-perl Description-md5: f8d5315fa028c1ba076b690bead24e86 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para corrixir o formato das datas no correo electrónico RFC 2822 defines the Date: header. It declares the header a required part of an email message. The syntax for date headers is clearly laid out. Still, even a perfectly planned world has storms. The truth is, many programs get it wrong. Very wrong. Or, they don't include a Date: header at all. This often forces you to look elsewhere for the date, and hoping to find something. . For this reason, the tedious process of looking for a valid date has been encapsulated in this software. Further, the process of creating RFC compliant date strings is also found in this software. Package: libemail-folder-perl Description-md5: ec16bc936a5a75021da56d61df36ee64 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para ler correo dun cartafol Email::Folder is a Perl module which reads all messages from a folder into Email::Simple objects (see libemail-simple-perl for more), making them easy to manipulate from Perl. It becomes fairly trivial to extract information from headers in your mail, or change them to different values. As a result, this provides a general purpose mail handling facility. Package: libemail-localdelivery-perl Description-md5: 800a766d918cc577e30dbe04f6e5dc85 Description-gl: Módulo para entregar un correo electrónico - simplemente Email::LocalDelivery entrega unha mensaxe de correo electrónico a unha lista de caixas de correo. . Achtung! You might be better off looking at Email::Sender, and at Email::Sender::Transport::Maildir and Email::Sender::Transport::Mbox. They are heavily used and more carefully monitored. Package: libemail-messageid-perl Description-md5: eb36308b05396bfeb7f66cf9a9addbb4 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Perl para xerar identificadores únicos de mensaxes de correo Os identificadores de mensaxes son cabeceiras opcionais, mais moi recomendábeis, que identifican unha mensaxe de maneira única. O módulo Email::MessageID xera identificadores únicos de mensaxes. Package: libembryo-dev Description-md5: 17e71588527ceaf557ee25bdf4129d3d Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libembryo1 Embryo is primarily a shared library that gives you an API to load and control interpreted programs compiled into an abstract machine bytecode that it understands. This abstract (or virtual) machine is similar to a real machine with a CPU, but it is emulated in software. . This package contains headers and static libraries for Embryo. Package: libembryo1 Description-md5: 22336b3a1788ab1ccfcaf1faabda971d Description-gl: SMALL-based abstract machine (AMX) bytecode interpreter Embryo is primarily a shared library that gives you an API to load and control interpreted programs compiled into an abstract machine bytecode that it understands. This abstract (or virtual) machine is similar to a real machine with a CPU, but it is emulated in software. The architecture is simple and is the same as the abstract machine (AMX) in the SMALL language as it is based on exactly the same code. Embryo has modified the code for the AMX extensively and has made it smaller and more portable. It is VERY small. The total size of the virtual machine code AND header files is less than 2500 lines of code. It includes the floating point library support by default as well. This makes it one of the smallest interpreters around, and thus makes is very efficient to use in code. . Consulte tamén for details on SMALL. Package: libenet-dev Description-md5: d58eb807f5e56adb8a00725b091853af Description-gl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - headers ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. . ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression, encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent tasks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libenet-doc Description-md5: e365c82a0b64fcf3e070ea77eba47d68 Description-gl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - documentation ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. . ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression, encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent tasks. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libenet7-dbg Description-md5: 3826144d5288d3c09ac4519a251f0493 Description-gl: thin network communication layer on top of UDP - debug symbols ENet's purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. . ENet is NOT intended to be a general purpose high level networking library that handles authentication, lobbying, server discovery, compression, encryption and other high level, often application level or dependent tasks. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libepc-1.0-3 Description-md5: f79f5cabee930646e4217d6b1eb28941 Description-gl: Easy Publish and Consume library - shared libraries The Easy Publish and Consume library provides an easy method to publish data per HTTPS announce that information via DNS-SD, find that information and finally consume it. . You can use this library as key/value store published to the network, using encryption, authentication and service discovery. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libepr-api-dev Description-md5: 99064df5a182a6c48d902b29d886a4cb Description-gl: ENVISAT Product Reader API for C - Development files The ENVISAT Product Reader API is a set of C-source code files supporting developers who want to use MERIS, AATSR, and ASAR data products of the ESA ENVISAT satellite in their software. . The main use case for the C API is the ingestion of ENVISAT data into * new scientific algorithms developed for the MERIS, AATSR or ASAR sensors or even all of them, * existing scientific software packages written in C or C++, or COTS software systems which allow for extension using a C or C++ interface. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas). Package: libepr-api2-dev Description-md5: 08af89689099ef641c305c0f317b6032 Description-gl: ENVISAT Product Reader API for C - Transitional package The ENVISAT Product Reader API is a set of C-source code files supporting developers who want to use MERIS, AATSR, and ASAR data products of the ESA ENVISAT satellite in their software. . The main use case for the C API is the ingestion of ENVISAT data into * new scientific algorithms developed for the MERIS, AATSR or ASAR sensors or even all of them, * existing scientific software packages written in C or C++, or COTS software systems which allow for extension using a C or C++ interface. . Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libepsilon1 Description-md5: e9c4ee14adbc477f60714dbbbd433724 Description-gl: Library for wavelet image compression Epsilon is C library for Wavelet based lossy image compression. Wavelet- driven compressors are know to be much more effective than traditional DCT-based ones (like JPEG). . At the moment, the program supports about 30 different wavelet filters, runs in parallel in multi-threaded and MPI environments, can process huge images and much more. . Este paquete contén ficheiros requiridos para construÃr programas en C/C++ que empreguen a biblioteca Epsilon. Package: libepubgen-dev Description-md5: 810358b0dea83c764314b4ff7a192144 Description-gl: EPUB generator library -- development is a library for generating EPUB documents. It is directly pluggable into import filters based on librevenge. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras, ...) Package: liberfa-dev Description-md5: 341993e42fba63754bc640d0052d6db9 Description-gl: Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy (development files) ERFA is a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy, and is based on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). . It is intended to replicate the functionality of SOFA (aside from possible bugfixes in ERFA that have not yet been included in SOFA), but is licensed under a three-clause BSD license to enable its compatibility with a wide range of open source licenses. Permission for this release has been obtained from the SOFA board. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática. Package: liberfa1 Description-md5: 801be880791437c69626051e4b0c175e Description-gl: Essential Routines for Fundamental Astronomy ERFA is a C library containing key algorithms for astronomy, and is based on the SOFA library published by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). . It is intended to replicate the functionality of SOFA (aside from possible bugfixes in ERFA that have not yet been included in SOFA), but is licensed under a three-clause BSD license to enable its compatibility with a wide range of open source licenses. Permission for this release has been obtained from the SOFA board. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libesd0 Description-md5: 23af9daea845a74362f4e1a63a3e5895 Description-gl: Enlightened Sound Daemon - Shared libraries This program is designed to mix together several digitized audio streams for playback by a single device. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libesedb1 Description-md5: d8bb55d63029328c253f8eae8ea33cca Description-gl: Extensible Storage Engine DB access library libesedb is a library to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format. The ESE database format is used in may different applications like Windows Search, Windows Mail, Exchange, Active Directory, etc.. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libespeak-dev Description-md5: 16f8bdcde457d8c2150cb171d904d7ca Description-gl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: development files eSpeak é un sintetizador de voz por software para o inglés e algúns outros idiomas. . This package contains the eSpeak development files needed to build against the espeak shared library. Package: libespeak1 Description-md5: 979c4445019f29a7a752783878e7fe06 Description-gl: Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: shared library eSpeak é un sintetizador de voz por software para o inglés e algúns outros idiomas. . This package contains the espeak program in a shared library. Package: libestring-ocaml Description-md5: bc594d05fd36df53b17be161e96c676e Description-gl: Estring: OCaml development platform (runtime) estring, which stands for `extended strings' is a syntax extension allowing to prefix string literals with a specifier to change their meaning. . This package used to be part of the batteries project. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libetpan-dbg Description-md5: 6e385a55bec2e74673118074a1a1adba Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libetpan libEtPan! is a mail library. It may be used for low-level mail handling: network protocols (IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP with or without SSL), local storage (mbox/MH/maildir) and message/MIME parsing. . This package provides debugging symbols associated with libetpan. They will automatically be used by gdb when debugging libetpan-related issues. Package: libevd-0.1-0 Description-md5: 27a44130bd5dc46ddf67aa07ab79d5c5 Description-gl: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Shared libraries EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application development. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libevd-0.1-dev Description-md5: a577ad15374685ee2f57d023e15e4ee1 Description-gl: Peer-to-peer inter-process communication library - Development files EventDance is an open source library for interconnecting heterogeneous applications in a simple, secure and scalable fashion. It provides a nice API to send and receive data among distributed applications over different types of transports. This and other features like cryptography, make EventDance a perfect choice for peer-to-peer application . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libevemu-dev Description-md5: 6ade1105967cde62b798a6535af45255 Description-gl: Linux Input Event Device Emulation Library - development files The evemu library and tools are used to describe devices, record data, create emulation devices and replay data from kernel evdev (input event) devices. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libevent-extra-1.4-2 Description-md5: 9c7c7cd9e7913cf7e6c70bc7e8bdeb3c Description-gl: asynchronous event notification library (extra) The libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached. . libevent is meant to replace the asynchronous event loop found in event driven network servers. Currently, libevent supports /dev/poll, kqueue(2), event ports, select(2), poll(2) and epoll(4). . A biblioteca libevent_extra inclúe código para HTTP, DNS, RPC e asà por diante. . If you're writing software that uses libevent's protocol support, you need to link libevent_core and libevent_extra as well. Package: libevhtp-dev Description-md5: f9446aa7e4603b63940a28c1f6655377 Description-gl: Libevent based HTTP API - development files Libevent's http interface was created as a JIT server, never meant to be a full-fledged HTTP service. This library attempts to improve on that. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de desenvolvemento. Package: libevhtp-doc Description-md5: c48b70281a7de1c915524fb06a9184a1 Description-gl: Libevent based HTTP API - documentation Libevent's http interface was created as a JIT server, never meant to be a full-fledged HTTP service. This library attempts to improve on that. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: libevt1 Description-md5: cc122b748e37e5ff0ae4970e42bc426f Description-gl: Windows Event Log (EVT) format access library libevt is a library to access the Windows Event Log (EVT) format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libevtlog-dev Description-md5: c59250fc25520b2355d9ac4770f3470d Description-gl: Syslog event logger library development files The EventLog library aims to be a replacement of the simple syslog() API provided on UNIX systems. The major difference between EventLog and syslog is that EventLog tries to add structure to messages. . EventLog provides an interface to build, format and output an event record. The exact format and output method can be customized by the administrator via a configuration file. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libevtx1 Description-md5: 9a63fa5ede078195dbbfb5a15696ef03 Description-gl: Windows XML Event Log format access library libevtx is a library to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libewf-dbg Description-md5: 7098345aaf95672beb1118680d2fb7cc Description-gl: library with support for Expert Witness Compression Format (debug) Libewf is a library with support for reading and writing the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF). This library allows you to read media information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase (EWF-E01) format. It supports files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and FTK Imager. The libewf is useful for forensics investigations. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libewf-dev Description-md5: 449544984548f9f0e22b92d318dcc0eb Description-gl: support for Expert Witness Compression format (development) Libewf is a library with support for reading and writing the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF). This library allows you to read media information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase (EWF-E01) format. It supports files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and FTK Imager. The libewf is useful for forensics investigations. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libexactimage-perl Description-md5: 93eafba0d4643325efa77fb195bb9b44 Description-gl: Biblioteca rápida de manipulación de imaxes (asociacións con Perl) ExactImage is a fast C++ image processing library. Unlike many other library frameworks it allows operation in several color spaces and bit depths natively, resulting in low memory and computational requirements. . This package contains the Perl bindings. Package: libexcalibur-logkit-java-doc Description-md5: 36f1596f4e096b21f4dfd712caf3cc39 Description-gl: Lightweight and fast designed logging toolkit for Java (API docs) Excalibur Logkit (previously avalon logkit) is a lightweight, fast, securely designed logging toolkit. It is designed to integrate into existing applications. Logkit is more lightweight than Log4j. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libexif-gtk-dev Description-md5: bc9409c3bda163ada9a32766e0bdd482 Description-gl: Library providing GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags (development files) A maiorÃa das cámaras dixitais producen ficheiros EXIF, que son ficheiros JPEG con etiquetas extra que conteñen información sobre a imaxe. A biblioteca EXIF permite examinar un ficheiro EXIF e ler os datos desas etiquetas. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libexif-gtk5 Description-md5: 284c567ceb6130c7e21751d69de899d2 Description-gl: Library providing GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags A maiorÃa das cámaras dixitais producen ficheiros EXIF, que son ficheiros JPEG con etiquetas extra que conteñen información sobre a imaxe. A biblioteca EXIF permite examinar un ficheiro EXIF e ler os datos desas etiquetas. . This library provides GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags. Package: libexpect-ocaml Description-md5: 409e123a33bec23a99ebcc2be3824794 Description-gl: Expect-like framework for OCaml This is a simple implementation of `expect` to help building unitary testing of interactive program. . It helps to receive question and send answers from an interactive process. You can match the question using a regular expression (Str). You can also use a timeout to ensure that the process answer in time. . See the [Expect manual]( for more information and example. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libexplain-dev Description-md5: e02d622f2b3b87e1c645a1235c59dfad Description-gl: library of system-call-specific strerror repl - development files This package provides a library which may be used to explain Unix and Linux system call errors. The library is not quite a drop-in replacement for strerror, but it comes close, with each system call having a dedicated libexplain function. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libextractor-dev Description-md5: e1a21ba194bb73e3905cd5fbfce88fb4 Description-gl: extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (development) GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta- data about files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libextunix-ocaml Description-md5: 0a9354421e14f91c09bb7918d2e652c3 Description-gl: Extended functions for OCaml Unix module (runtime package) Thin bindings to various low-level system APIs (often non-portable) which are not covered by Unix module. . Example functions: * uname * statvfs * fsync * fadvise * fallocate * atfile * dirfd * eventfd * signalfd * ... . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libextutils-parsexs-perl Description-md5: 3e6f989d41411b208194b0da36f31602 Description-gl: utility to process Perl XS code into C code ExtUtils::ParseXS is a Perl utility that provides a modular way of compiling Perl XS code into appropriate C code by embedding the constructs necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creating the glue necessary to let Perl access those functions. . Este módulo xa está incluÃdo como parte da distribución central de Perl, polo que este paquete só é beneficioso cando se requiren funcionalidades novas ou arranxos de erros. Package: libeztrace-dev Description-md5: fa869525a5354c44bf2db0d4c3a520cc Description-gl: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - development files EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE. It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC primitives, to be observed. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libeztrace0 Description-md5: fa869525a5354c44bf2db0d4c3a520cc Description-gl: Automatic execution trace generation for HPC - development files EZTrace is a tool that aims at generating automatically execution traces from HPC (High Performance Computing) programs. It generates execution trace files that can be interpreted by visualization tools such as ViTE. It uses LD_PRELOAD and dlsym() to intercept calls to the usual HPC primitives, to be observed. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libf2fs-dev Description-md5: 0b8ff95995c25ce08bee7e4e919f8d04 Description-gl: Core libraries for Flash-Friendly File System - Development files F2FS is a new filesystem for Linux aimed at NAND flash memory-based storage devices, such as SSD, eMMC, and SD cards. It is based on Log- structured File System (LFS). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfaad-dev Description-md5: ae9f883b2a80e31f09c287adf3baae2d Description-gl: freeware Advanced Audio Decoder - development files FAAD2 is the fastest ISO AAC audio decoder available. FAAD2 correctly decodes all MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 MAIN, LOW, LTP, LD and ER object type AAC files. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfabric1 Description-md5: 23efe94450e753061e8395ccfd5a60a0 Description-gl: libfabric communication library Libfabric is a communication library that exports interfaces for fabric services to applications. Libfabric is the core component of the Open Fabrics Interfaces (OFI) framework. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libfann-doc Description-md5: 5d510503dca8572a264924a75ac6164e Description-gl: Documentación da API de FANN Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. . This package contains the API documentation in HTML form and some introductory material in text form. Package: libfann2 Description-md5: ab1aecd841f644a4cda85a0d90671d9b Description-gl: Fast Artificial Neural Network Library Fast Artificial Neural Network Library is a free open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. Cross-platform execution in both fixed and floating point are supported. It includes a framework for easy handling of training data sets. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libfarmhash0 Description-md5: 81f990ecca152408561cae38110178e5 Description-gl: FarmHash, a family of hash functions (shared library) FarmHash provides hash functions for strings and other data. The functions mix the input bits thoroughly but are not suitable for cryptography. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfarstream-0.2-5 Description-md5: f7d95180a5bfbf33d770c2d677e3d23a Description-gl: Audio/Video communications framework: core library O proxecto Farstream é un esforzo para crear unha infraestrutura para tratar con todos os protocolos de conferencias de son/vÃdeo coñecidos. Dunha parte, ofrece unha API xenérica que posibilita escribir engadidso para diferentes protocolos de retransmisión e doutra ofrece unha API para que os clientes empreguen eses engadidos. . This package provides the core Farstream library. Package: libfarstream-0.2-dev Description-md5: 3738ffa6e8fc2324f1230a8c8a058ecd Description-gl: Audio/Video communications framework: development files O proxecto Farstream é un esforzo para crear unha infraestrutura para tratar con todos os protocolos de conferencias de son/vÃdeo coñecidos. Dunha parte, ofrece unha API xenérica que posibilita escribir engadidso para diferentes protocolos de retransmisión e doutra ofrece unha API para que os clientes empreguen eses engadidos. . This package provides development files for Farstream. Package: libfarstream-0.2-doc Description-md5: 37859e01ed610b45e8284b5a141d0595 Description-gl: Audio/Video communications framework: documentation O proxecto Farstream é un esforzo para crear unha infraestrutura para tratar con todos os protocolos de conferencias de son/vÃdeo coñecidos. Dunha parte, ofrece unha API xenérica que posibilita escribir engadidso para diferentes protocolos de retransmisión e doutra ofrece unha API para que os clientes empreguen eses engadidos. . This package provides documentation for Farstream. Package: libfastahack0 Description-md5: a2772a02e6ae78c3f9152bf6ef9d91b5 Description-gl: library for indexing and sequence extraction from FASTA files (lib) fastahack is a small application for indexing and extracting sequences and subsequences from FASTA files. The included Fasta.cpp library provides a FASTA reader and indexer that can be embedded into applications which would benefit from directly reading subsequences from FASTA files. The library automatically handles index file generation and use. . Features: * FASTA index (.fai) generation for FASTA files * Sequence extraction * Subsequence extraction * Sequence statistics (currently only entropy is provided) . Sequence and subsequence extraction use fseek64 to provide fastest- possible extraction without RAM-intensive file loading operations. This makes fastahack a useful tool for bioinformaticists who need to quickly extract many subsequences from a reference FASTA sequence. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfastjet-dev Description-md5: ea2b14298d637c391994d53c5b6081d5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de FastJet The FastJet package provides a fast implementation of several longitudinally invariant sequential recombination jet algorithms, in particular the longitudinally invariant kt jet algorithm, the inclusive longitudinally invariant version of the Cambridge/Aachen jet-algorithm, and the inclusive anti-kt algorithm. . FastJet also provides a uniform interface to external jet finders via a plugin mechanism, and tools for calculating jet areas and performing background (pileup/UE) subtraction. . This package provides development files of FastJet. Package: libfastjson-dev Description-md5: 045aea6db475f9ed067e269b67311ab5 Description-gl: fast json library for C - development files The libfastjson library is a fork from json-c with a focus on performance. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfastjson4 Description-md5: 017dd0ebde83a31494314ccb995adb51 Description-gl: fast json library for C The libfastjson library is a fork from json-c with a focus on performance. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfcgi0ldbl Description-md5: 83e2f540578ce9b2f10a1eff6015c34a Description-gl: shared library of FastCGI FastCGI is a language independent, scalable, open extension to CGI that provides high performance without the limitations of server specific APIs. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libfcml-doc Description-md5: 09c1799b7e320b4f18e5df530dfabf4c Description-gl: machine code manipulation library - documentation FCML, the Free Code Manipulation Library, is a general-purpose machine code manipulation library for i386 and amd64 architectures. It includes an assembler and disassembler, instruction renderers and parsers, and supports Intel and AT&T (gas) syntax. . It supports most recent instruction set extensions, including MMX, 3D- Now!, SSE including 4.2 and 4A, AVX and AVX2, AES-NI, TBM, BMI1 and BMI2, HLE, ADX, CLMUL, RDRAND, RDSEED, FMA, FMA4, LWP, SVM, XOP, VMX and SMX. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libffado-dev Description-md5: 9d3a45b6227b7fe7aebb546d9d19f3a2 Description-gl: FFADO API - development files FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire (IEEE1394). . A biblioteca FFADO permite descubrir e configurar estes dispositivos e fornece unha API para clientes de retransmisión. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libffado2 Description-md5: 4c331f90e31074719b77f3d0b71de841 Description-gl: FFADO API FFADO é un controlador para Linux dos dispositivos de son FireWire (IEEE1394). . A biblioteca FFADO permite descubrir e configurar estes dispositivos e fornece unha API para clientes de retransmisión. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libffindex0 Description-md5: 8e51c2b4dcfee1f9473492981967e475 Description-gl: library for simple index/database for huge amounts of small files FFindex is a very simple index/database for huge amounts of small files. The files are stored concatenated in one big data file, separated by '\0'. A second file contains a plain text index, giving name, offset and length of the small files. The lookup is currently done with a binary search on an array made from the index file. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libffmpegthumbnailer-dev Description-md5: 9ef8cb4c6ff2307cf16b3fa32390586b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de ffmpegthumbnailer FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. . This package contains the development files distributed with ffmpegthumbnailer. Package: libffmpegthumbnailer4v5 Description-md5: 756d9a238963548499e08c59d36f8749 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para ffmpegthumbnailer FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg. . This package contains the shared library for ffmpegthumbnailer framework. Package: libffms2-dev Description-md5: 44f41716b4c49809a59c24b888b4d800 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libffms2 A cross platform ffmpeg wrapper library, and some additional content for things ffmpeg doesn't handle well. A more friendly API and an easy way to say "open and decompress this, I don't care how". . This package contain headers and other files needed to compile and link against libffms2. Package: libfftw3-3 Description-md5: 9b4a1db0c2c723860096cb991f8d929b Description-gl: Library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms The FFTW library computes Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) in one or more dimensions. It is extremely fast. This package is a transitional package depending on the packages containing the single and double precision libraries. . Para obter a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras hai que instalar libfftw3-dev. Para a documentación, vexa libfftw3-doc. Package: libfield3d-dev Description-md5: 56d4ad5ba11815908e113f831d546428 Description-gl: development files for Field3D Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfield3d1.7 Description-md5: e97de019bb689caa4919f436eb9be0d2 Description-gl: library for storing voxel data on disk and in memory Field3D is an open source library for storing voxel data. . It provides C++ classes that handle in-memory storage and a file format based on HDF5 that allows the C++ objects to be written to and read from disk. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libfieldslib-ocaml Description-md5: f2b8d659643799fc2e905c5517e3dc48 Description-gl: OCaml syntax extension that enables folding over record fields (runtime files) fieldslib is an OCaml syntax extension that can be used to define first class values representing record fields. On top of those values additional routines can then be automatically defined to: . - get and set record fields - iterate and fold over fields - create new record values . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libfieldslib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 023ce94755dc430246b7979c595f9bee Description-gl: OCaml syntax extension that enables folding over record fields (dev files) fieldslib is an OCaml syntax extension that can be used to define first class values representing record fields. On top of those values additional routines can then be automatically defined to: . - get and set record fields - iterate and fold over fields - create new record values . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfile-flock-perl Description-md5: b55c387a092a9924bb0ddf089ec9ca90 Description-gl: Bloqueo de ficheiros con flock Lock files using the flock() call. Locks can be created by new'ing a File::Flock object and are automatically removed when the object goes out of scope. Package: libfile-path-tiny-perl Description-md5: 71fc690d35d015bffc9c8898de5b8127 Description-gl: Versión recursiva de mkdir() e rmdir() The goal of File::Path::Tiny is simply to provide recursive versions of mkdir() and rmdir() with as little code and overhead as possible. . File::Path::Tiny is in no way meant to derogate File::Path and is in no way an endorsement to go out and replace all use of File::Path with File::Path::Tiny. Package: libfile-share-perl Description-md5: 72c88305822c5e9fbb3c81e786e52213 Description-gl: Substituto de File::ShareDir para tratar un ambiente de desenvolvemento File::Share is a drop-in replacement for File::ShareDir. It supports the dist_dir and dist_file functions, except these functions have been enhanced to understand when the developer's local ./share/ directory should be used. Package: libfile-userconfig-perl Description-md5: 84ccb24bd87a750a0c865c671ee6c859 Description-gl: Fornece un directorio de configuración para os aplicativos Many modules or applications maintain a user-spec configuration data directory. And the implementation pattern is generally the same. . A directory like /home/myuser/.application is created and populating by a set of default files the first time an application runs, and from there on, the files in that directory are modified. . File::UserConfig provides standard, light and sub-classable default implementation of this concept that Does The Right Thing with the directory names. Package: libfilesystem-ruby Description-md5: 8a699fcbc6b12fa8fafbc80e66f07231 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-filesystem Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete ruby-filesystem. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: libfilesystem-ruby1.8 Description-md5: 8a699fcbc6b12fa8fafbc80e66f07231 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-filesystem Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete ruby-filesystem. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: libfilesystem-ruby1.9 Description-md5: 8a699fcbc6b12fa8fafbc80e66f07231 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ruby-filesystem Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete ruby-filesystem. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: libfilezilla0 Description-md5: 1fdecc8e602cd137efabe2d0a8469850 Description-gl: build high-performing platform-independent programs (runtime lib) Free, open source C++ library, offering some basic functionality to build high-performing, platform-independent programs. Some of the highlights include: . - A typesafe, multi-threaded event system that's very simple to use yet extremely efficient - Timers for periodic events - A datetime class that not only tracks timestamp but also their accuracy, which simplifies dealing with timestamps originating from different sources - Simple process handling for spawning child processes with redirected I/O . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfishsound1-dbg Description-md5: 8ca67fd7339bc96555ca83ed0cc53898 Description-gl: simple API that wraps Xiph.Org audio codecs (debugging information) libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on Annodex or Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in conjunction with liboggz to decode or encode Ogg encapsulated Vorbis or Speex files. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros do paquete libfishsound1. Package: libfishsound1-dev Description-md5: a65df897d4ff974a579d51aac4f374da Description-gl: API sinxela que envolve os códecs de son de Xiph.Org (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) libfishsound is a wrapper around the existing codec libraries and provides a consistent, higher-level programming interface. It has been designed for use in a wide variety of applications; it has no direct dependencies on Annodex or Ogg encapsulation, though it is most commonly used in conjunction with liboggz to decode or encode Ogg encapsulated Vorbis or Speex files. . This package contains the header files and static libraries required for developing applications that use libfishsound. Package: libfixposix-dev Description-md5: cc99bd5cc5a02019c189845e935503d8 Description-gl: Substituto para partes de POSIX inconsistentes (desenvolvemento) The purpose of libfixposix is to offer replacements for parts of POSIX whose behaviour is inconsistent across *NIX flavours. . This package contains the headers and static library files. Package: libfixposix0 Description-md5: 7afa76517aff6ad9069d6df3756787f7 Description-gl: Substituto para partes de POSIX inconsistentes (tempo de execución) The purpose of libfixposix is to offer replacements for parts of POSIX whose behaviour is inconsistent across *NIX flavours. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libflake-dev Description-md5: 78c751a4ccb41ac620bea7bbce565fde Description-gl: Alternative encoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec -- Development files The purpose of Flake is to be an alternative to the FLAC reference encoder with the goal of increasing encoding speed and implementing experimental features. . Flake encodes WAV audio files into lossless FLAC files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libflatzebra-dev Description-md5: 002bbc7aa5b0644ed8d3e82d4ca8eaea Description-gl: Generic Game Engine library development files flatzebra is a simple, generic C++ game engine library supporting 2D double-buffering. . Instale este paquete se quere compilar programas que empreguen libflatzebra. Package: libflexdock-java-demo Description-md5: 0869305033c1bbb3ae125c3cc3a377a7 Description-gl: Swing Java docking framework - demos and examples FlexDock is a Java docking framework for use in cross-platform Swing applications. It offers features you'd expect in any desktop docking framework such as: * Tabbed and Split Layouts * Drag-n-Drop capability * Floating windows * Collapsible Containers to Save Real Estate * Layout Persistence * Multi-plaform (fully testing on Microsoft Windows, many WM of GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, OpenSolaris, etc) * No JNI . Este paquete contén os exemplos e ficheiros de demostración. Package: libflexdock-java-doc Description-md5: 8dc626725c93ffafb5921bdc38229233 Description-gl: Swing Java docking framework - demos and examples FlexDock is a Java docking framework for use in cross-platform Swing applications. It offers features you'd expect in any desktop docking framework such as: * Tabbed and Split Layouts * Drag-n-Drop capability * Floating windows * Collapsible Containers to Save Real Estate * Layout Persistence * Multi-plaform (fully testing on Microsoft Windows, many WM of GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, OpenSolaris, etc) * No JNI . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación. Package: libflickcurl-dev Description-md5: 756c764007bfa18eb4ded6951cc66890 Description-gl: C library for accessing the Flickr API - development files Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request parameters and decoding responses. The library now supports 100% of the 2008-01-11 version of the API, including the functions for photo uploading, browsing, searching, adding and editing comments, groups, notes, photosets, categories, activity, blogs, favorites, places, tags and photo metadata. It also includes a program flickrdf to turn photo metadata, tags and machine tags into RDF descriptions of photos and tags. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as cabeceiras paraflickcurl. Package: libflickcurl0-dbg Description-md5: 0932adb9ccffd6a03416865121042902 Description-gl: Biblioteca en C para acceder á API de Flickr - sÃmbolos de depuración Flickcurl is a C library for the Flickr API, handling creating the requests, signing, token management, calling the API, marshalling request parameters and decoding responses. The library now supports 100% of the 2008-01-11 version of the API, including the functions for photo uploading, browsing, searching, adding and editing comments, groups, notes, photosets, categories, activity, blogs, favorites, places, tags and photo metadata. It also includes a program flickrdf to turn photo metadata, tags and machine tags into RDF descriptions of photos and tags. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración para depurar aplicativos que empreguen libflickurl0. Package: libflightcrew-dev Description-md5: 10924909d3d2f70ba19f3cfbf6590961 Description-gl: C++ library development filesfor epub validation FlightCrew is an epub validator written in C++. It is used by sigil to validate epub files, and may be generally useful for other epub creation utilities. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libflightcrew0v5 Description-md5: 4c1c6d0d20e71f9048e88c6709b09a4d Description-gl: C++ library for epub validation FlightCrew is an epub validator written in C++. It is used by sigil to validate epub files, and may be generally useful for other epub creation utilities. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libflint-2.5.2 Description-md5: 494e2b575ec4ae2aa82f16c5680e9d13 Description-gl: C library for number theory, shared library The Fast Library for Integer Number Theory is a C library which supports polynomial arithmetic over the integers, fast integer arithmetic and factoring (including a highly optimized quadratic sieve). . FLINT has functionality similar to that of the Number Theory Library (NTL). However, unlike NTL, which is designed primarily for asymptotic performance, FLINT is designed for good performance in small cases as well. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida FLINT. Package: libflint-arb-dev Description-md5: 0d2fcc9e70c1dc6401aef1f2bf87a17b Description-gl: C library for arbitrary-precision ball arithmetic, dev. files FLINT-ARB is a C library for high-performance arbitrary-precision floating-point ball (mid-rad interval) arithmetic. It supports complex numbers, polynomials, matrices, and evaluation of special functions, all with rigorous error bounding. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libflint-arb-doc Description-md5: a16d7c9a4fdfe438874bc40cbcc43a99 Description-gl: C library for arbitrary-precision ball arithmetic, documentation FLINT-ARB is a C library for high-performance arbitrary-precision floating-point ball (mid-rad interval) arithmetic. It supports complex numbers, polynomials, matrices, and evaluation of special functions, all with rigorous error bounding. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libflint-arb2 Description-md5: 8dfede997835ebdec6612a19274e4f31 Description-gl: C library for arbitrary-precision ball arithmetic, shared library FLINT-ARB is a C library for high-performance arbitrary-precision floating-point ball (mid-rad interval) arithmetic. It supports complex numbers, polynomials, matrices, and evaluation of special functions, all with rigorous error bounding. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libflint-dev Description-md5: 2954190a7db17f499ab9ac195dd614bc Description-gl: C library for number theory, development files The Fast Library for Integer Number Theory is a C library which supports polynomial arithmetic over the integers, fast integer arithmetic and factoring (including a highly optimized quadratic sieve). . FLINT has functionality similar to that of the Number Theory Library (NTL). However, unlike NTL, which is designed primarily for asymptotic performance, FLINT is designed for good performance in small cases as well. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento de FLINT. Package: libflorence-1.0-1 Description-md5: 1893675c5e75937bd94cb7b24123d56a Description-gl: extensible and scalable virtual keyboard for X Florence is an extensible scalable virtual keyboard for X. . libflorence is a library to control the virtual keyboard. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libflorence-1.0-dev Description-md5: bbc6a7d5b784c91902d49754268290ed Description-gl: extensible and scalable virtual keyboard for X Florence is an extensible scalable virtual keyboard for X. . libflorence is a library to control the virtual keyboard. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfltk1.1 Description-md5: 1258b55a967eac77a8cf269244ce33f2 Description-gl: Fast Light Toolkit - shared libraries Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para executar programas ligados dinamicamente con FLTK. . The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit originally based on libForms. Package: libfltk1.1-dev Description-md5: fd19f539170e49b3078fef85e7a556c0 Description-gl: Fast Light Toolkit - development files Este paquete fornece os ficheiros necesarios para compilar programas que dependan de FLTK. . The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit originally based on libForms. Package: libfltk1.3 Description-md5: 3c9ba51c98a0ee205612744cef409f54 Description-gl: Fast Light Toolkit - main shared library Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para executar programas ligados dinamicamente con FLTK. . The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit originally based on libForms. Package: libfltk1.3-dev Description-md5: fd19f539170e49b3078fef85e7a556c0 Description-gl: Fast Light Toolkit - development files Este paquete fornece os ficheiros necesarios para compilar programas que dependan de FLTK. . The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit originally based on libForms. Package: libfluidsynth-dev Description-md5: 8af6852484d8808e697210140b20a1e0 Description-gl: Real-time MIDI software synthesizer (development files) Fluidsynth is a real-time midi synthesizer based on the soundfont2 specifications. It can be used to render MIDI input or MIDI files to audio. The MIDI events are read from a MIDI device. The sound is rendered in real-time to the sound output device. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libflute-java Description-md5: 8fb2639cc7c8fbf985fd587191c8b1d8 Description-gl: Java CSS parser using SAC (JFree version) Flute is a CSS2 parser written in Java that implements SAC. SAC is a standard event-based API for CSS parsers, closely modelled on the SAX API for XML parsers. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libfm-doc Description-md5: 7938076b0ea5a3c6d795f5f506fa27df Description-gl: file management support (development documentation) LibFM provides file management functions built on top of Glib/GIO, giving a convenient higher-level API. . Este paquete contén documentación do desenvolvemento en HTML. Package: libfmt3-doc Description-md5: 12a6951caa7ccaad9a47a377aca918c0 Description-gl: fast type-safe C++ formatting library -- documentation This library provides fast, type-safe, small, C++11-aware replacement of (s)printf and related machinery. In some cases it's noticeably faster than boost::format, boost::lexical_cast and even sprintf itself. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libfolks-dev Description-md5: 9299190f6ecb951322db84a9c8470e8d Description-gl: library to aggregates people into metacontact - development files libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains the development files for libfolks library. Package: libfolks-dummy-dev Description-md5: aae59f31d74f6b4387b33c649030752c Description-gl: Dummy backend for libfolks - development files libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains the development files for libfolks dummy backend. Package: libfolks-dummy25 Description-md5: 21bb48a35cff9ec111433ec42d82bc55 Description-gl: Dummy backend for libfolks libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains the dummy backend for libfolks Package: libfolks-eds-dev Description-md5: 32e240aaa6d2e3b4945053fff6a3156c Description-gl: Evolution-data-server backend for libfolks - development files libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains the development files for libfolks EDS backend. Package: libfolks-eds25 Description-md5: 1b5e53fef2dc5f59dafced129d0380dd Description-gl: Evolution-data-server backend for libfolks libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains the EDS backend for libfolks Package: libfolks-telepathy-dev Description-md5: 567a965724d2307678b47d578c88cb87 Description-gl: Telepathy backend for libfolks - development files libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains the development files for libfolks telepathy backend. Package: libfolks-telepathy25 Description-md5: fa12a105274bcb2f4d39c88598931432 Description-gl: Telepathy backend for libfolks libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. . This package contains the Telepathy backend for libfolks Package: libfolks25 Description-md5: 6cf733f30836cfa6b9d6cd795bc30e6d Description-gl: library to aggregates people into metacontacts libfolks é unha biblioteca que agrega persoas de fontes variadas (p.ex., xestores de conexión de Telepathy e algún dÃa o servidor de datos de Evolution, Facebook, etc.) para crear meta-contactos. Package: libfontbox-java Description-md5: 3cd3ec1efa6b1b5821425455ac283be8 Description-gl: Java font library The Apache FontBox library is an open source Java tool to obtain low level information from font files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libfontbox-java-doc Description-md5: c7c66289c846c279d4d14b3122e05ce2 Description-gl: Java font library (Documentation) The Apache FontBox library is an open source Java tool to obtain low level information from font files. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libfontchooser-java-doc Description-md5: 6990312a38c7bf2c3205466d8d82e559 Description-gl: Java control to allow font selection (documentation) Provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to select a font. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libforge0 Description-md5: bf017dbafa38a81ef8661a6689a9fda3 Description-gl: high-performance OpenGL visualization A prototype of the OpenGL interop library that can be used with ArrayFire. The goal of Forge is to provide high performance OpenGL visualizations for C/C++ applications that use CUDA/OpenCL. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libforms-dev Description-md5: b95388d661ee7171b90ab97398cbf269 Description-gl: Header files and static libraries for the XForms widget library This package contains the header files and static libraries for the XForms library. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver programas que empreguen a biblioteca XForms. Package: libformsgl-dev Description-md5: 6a7cd911bb68aee51e4a25ac6c426533 Description-gl: Header files and static libraries for the OpenGL XForms library This package contains the header files and static libraries for the XForms library. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver programas que empreguen a biblioteca XForms baixo OpenGL. Package: libfpga-dev Description-md5: 462945090765967f42630695200fc420 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de fpgatools fpgatools is a toolchain to program field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA). The only supported chip at this time is the xc6slx9, a cheap but powerful 45nm-generation chip with about 2400 LUTs, block ram and multiply- accumulate devices. . This package contains headers and libraries for developing bits file that makes use of libfpga. Package: libfplll-dev Description-md5: 7c6b6494f67be7e811da87580d0909d8 Description-gl: Library for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices, development fpLLL is a library for computing reduced (nearly orthogonal) bases for Euclidean lattices using the floating-point LLL algorithm. . fpLLL contains multiple different implementations of the floating-point LLL reduction algorithm, offering multiple different speed/guarantees ratios. . It contains a 'wrapper' that chooses the estimated best sequence of variants in order to provide a guaranteed output as fast as possible. In the case of the wrapper, the succession of variants is oblivious to the user. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para libfpll. Package: libframe-dev Description-md5: 6c95e02fcb8bce93e6276c04dbe79524 Description-gl: Touch Frame Library - dev files This library handles the buildup and synchronization of a set of simultaneous touches. The library is input agnostic, with bindings for mtdev, frame and XI2.1. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libfreecontact-doc Description-md5: c367cb17b66338125219c1e51814aef1 Description-gl: Documentación de libfreecontact FreeContact is a protein residue contact predictor optimized for speed. Its input is a multiple sequence alignment. FreeContact can function as an accelerated drop-in for the published contact predictors EVfold-mfDCA of DS. Marks (2011) and PSICOV of D. Jones (2011). . FreeContact is accelerated by a combination of vector instructions, multiple threads, and faster implementation of key parts. Depending on the alignment, 8-fold or higher speedups are possible. . A sufficiently large alignment is required for meaningful results. As a minimum, an alignment with an effective (after-weighting) sequence count bigger than the length of the query sequence should be used. Alignments with tens of thousands of (effective) sequences are considered good input. . jackhmmer(1) from the hmmer package, or hhblits(1) from hhsuite can be used to generate the alignments, for example. . This package contains HTML documentation for libfreecontact. Package: libfreefare-dev Description-md5: 7f325ba0e81d5e2cd2042c22ff1c1c5c Description-gl: MIFARE card manipulations library (development files) The libfreefare project aims to provide a convenient API for MIFARE card manipulations. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfreefare-doc Description-md5: 50bdf84fce90b6907229ada687083ed6 Description-gl: documentation for libfreefare The libfreefare project aims to provide a convenient API for MIFARE card manipulations. . Este paquete contén documentos de ficheiros. Package: libfreefem-doc Description-md5: 9283c5ee94a1c0a0c92764bc54bb5362 Description-gl: Documentación para o desenvolvemento de FreeFEM FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool. Package: libfreefem0v5 Description-md5: d626bb3ff8cd1ae1883ca38dd8635fc4 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para FreeFEM FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The underlying method used is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool. Package: libfreeimage3 Description-md5: 2f539de70cf9d55bc83670220e485935 Description-gl: Support library for graphics image formats (library) FreeImage is an Open Source C/C++ library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, and cross-platform (works both with Linux, 32 bit Windows and Mac OS X). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca FreeImage. Package: libfreeimage3-dbg Description-md5: 58deb9e650554970c252053702d41a01 Description-gl: Support library for graphics image formats (debugging symbols) FreeImage is an Open Source C/C++ library project for developers who would like to support popular graphics image formats like PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF and others as needed by today's multimedia applications. FreeImage is easy to use, fast, multithreading safe, and cross-platform (works both with Linux, 32 bit Windows and Mac OS X). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca FreeImage. Package: libfreemarker-java-doc Description-md5: e90bcef471d610d6f2baf132c6499dc9 Description-gl: template engine written in Java (documentation) FreeMarker is a "template engine"; a generic tool to generate text output (anything from HTML to autogenerated source code) based on templates. It's a Java package, a class library for Java programmers. It's not an application for end-users in itself, but something that programmers can embed into their products. . FreeMarker is designed to be practical for the generation of HTML Web pages, particularly by servlet-based applications following the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern. The idea behind using the MVC pattern for dynamic Web pages is that you separate the designers (HTML authors) from the programmers. Everybody works on what they are good at. Designers can change the appearance of a page without programmers having to change or recompile code, because the application logic (Java programs) and page design (FreeMarker templates) are separated. Templates do not become polluted with complex program fragments. This separation is useful even for projects where the programmer and the HMTL page author is the same person, since it helps to keep the application clear and easily maintainable. . Este paquete contén documentación de libfreemarker-java. Package: libfreenect-demos Description-md5: 10a506958333227305288b718fcc3938 Description-gl: library for accessing Kinect device -- dummy package libfreenect is a cross-platform library that provides the necessary interfaces to activate, initialize, and communicate data with the Kinect hardware. Currently, the library supports access to RGB and depth video streams, motors, accelerometer and LED and provide binding in different languages (C++, Python...) . This library is the low level component of the OpenKinect project which is an open community of people interested in making use of the Xbox Kinect hardware with PCs and other devices. . Este paquete é un metapaquete para realizar a transición de libfreenect- demos a libfreenect-bin. Este paquete pódese desinstalar após a súa instalación. Package: libfreenect-doc Description-md5: 2af4b27e70645102c361f9d657281603 Description-gl: library for accessing Kinect device -- documentation libfreenect is a cross-platform library that provides the necessary interfaces to activate, initialize, and communicate data with the Kinect hardware. Currently, the library supports access to RGB and depth video streams, motors, accelerometer and LED and provide binding in different languages (C++, Python...) . This library is the low level component of the OpenKinect project which is an open community of people interested in making use of the Xbox Kinect hardware with PCs and other devices. . Este paquete contén documentación da API de libfreenect. Package: libfreesrp0 Description-md5: 96e93ec8ca9e86d7b8c2a0ef7374ef8e Description-gl: Software defined radio support for FreeSRP hardware (library) The FreeSRP has a tuning range from 70 MHz to 6 GHz, uses a 12-bit ADC with a sampling rate of up to 61.44 MSPS, and has a maximum analog filter bandwidth of 56 MHz. It is a full-duplex radio (can transmit & receive at the same time). The main chip in the unit is the fairly expensive (~$150 USD) AD9364 integrated RF transceiver chip and it also comes with a Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA. Furthermore the hardware and code is entirely open source. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfreexl-dev Description-md5: 0dc3aff4b3764e14e79af1b36a4bdd86 Description-gl: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - devel FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls, Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification (.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfreexl1 Description-md5: 933db35fb093e1c49a0667dc2454586f Description-gl: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls, Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification (.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfreexl1-dbg Description-md5: c48ebb8cc3239cd3bbe7c41835a179aa Description-gl: library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - debug FreeXL is a C library implementing direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, up to the BIFF8 file format specification (i.e. .xls, Microsoft Excel XP/2003 and older). The XML SS file format specification (.xlsx, Microsoft Excel 2007 and newer) is not supported. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libfrobby-doc Description-md5: bfe53acf846afb9d2c9488f9f12bf4f6 Description-gl: Computations with monomial ideals (library documentation) Frobby is a software system and project for computations with monomial ideals. Frobby is free software and it is intended as a vehicle for computational and mathematical research on monomial ideals. . The current functionality includes Euler characteristic, Hilbert series, maximal standard monomials, combinatorial optimization on monomial ideals, primary decomposition, irreducible decomposition, Alexander dual, associated primes, minimization and intersection of monomial ideals as well as the computation of Frobenius problems (using 4ti2) with very large numbers. Frobby is also able to translate between formats that can be used with several different computer systems, such as Macaulay 2, Monos, 4ti2, CoCoA4 and Singular. Thus Frobby can be used with any of those systems. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libfrobby0 Description-md5: 3ca9e69ea7c6890936644cb0722bb3aa Description-gl: Computations with monomial ideals (shared library) Frobby is a software system and project for computations with monomial ideals. Frobby is free software and it is intended as a vehicle for computational and mathematical research on monomial ideals. . The current functionality includes Euler characteristic, Hilbert series, maximal standard monomials, combinatorial optimization on monomial ideals, primary decomposition, irreducible decomposition, Alexander dual, associated primes, minimization and intersection of monomial ideals as well as the computation of Frobenius problems (using 4ti2) with very large numbers. Frobby is also able to translate between formats that can be used with several different computer systems, such as Macaulay 2, Monos, 4ti2, CoCoA4 and Singular. Thus Frobby can be used with any of those systems. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfsntfs1 Description-md5: a03d823cd13c0f81ddbc134c6112e6a5 Description-gl: NTFS access library NTFS is the primary file system for Microsoft Windows versions that are based on Windows NT. libfsntfs provides a library and tools to access NTFS volumes. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfso-glib-dev Description-md5: aef4c559407675b953fee92e5618cc5b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libfso-glib This package is part of the software stack and is targeted for smartphones. . The library offers C functions for all DBus methods specified in fso- specs. . This package contains the development files for the library. Package: libfsoframework-dev Description-md5: b3c512d490367c4175dad68ebf15053b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libfsoframework This library contains utility functions for API implementors. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfst4 Description-md5: 95663026d740dd22e28f2a1692cffcec Description-gl: weighted finite-state transducers library (runtime) OpenFst is a library for constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Weighted finite-state transducers are automata where each transition has an input label, an output label, and a weight. The more familiar finite-state acceptor is represented as a transducer with each transition's input and output label equal. Finite-state acceptors are used to represent sets of strings (specifically, regular or rational sets); finite-state transducers are used to represent binary relations between pairs of strings (specifically, rational transductions). The weights can be used to represent the cost of taking a particular transition. . Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfstrm-dev Description-md5: 612512e52e1f2202c318663779db8064 Description-gl: Frame Streams (fstrm) library (development files) Frame Streams is a light weight, binary clean protocol that allows for the transport of arbitrarily encoded data payload sequences with minimal framing overhead -- just four bytes per data frame. Frame Streams does not specify an encoding format for data frames and can be used with any data serialization format that produces byte sequences, such as Protocol Buffers, XML, JSON, MessagePack, YAML, etc. Frame Streams can be used as both a streaming transport over a reliable byte stream socket (TCP sockets, TLS connections, AF_UNIX sockets, etc.) for data in motion as well as a file format for data at rest. A "Content Type" header identifies the type of payload being carried over an individual Frame Stream and allows cooperating programs to determine how to interpret a given sequence of data payloads. . This is the "fstrm" implementation of Frame Streams in C. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos de desenvolvemento. Package: libfstrm0 Description-md5: 0b881b64d42a12542cf87b29496674e4 Description-gl: Frame Streams (fstrm) library Frame Streams is a light weight, binary clean protocol that allows for the transport of arbitrarily encoded data payload sequences with minimal framing overhead -- just four bytes per data frame. Frame Streams does not specify an encoding format for data frames and can be used with any data serialization format that produces byte sequences, such as Protocol Buffers, XML, JSON, MessagePack, YAML, etc. Frame Streams can be used as both a streaming transport over a reliable byte stream socket (TCP sockets, TLS connections, AF_UNIX sockets, etc.) for data in motion as well as a file format for data at rest. A "Content Type" header identifies the type of payload being carried over an individual Frame Stream and allows cooperating programs to determine how to interpret a given sequence of data payloads. . This is the "fstrm" implementation of Frame Streams in C. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libftdi1 Description-md5: e2f74d64618af8aead3354b7bdfc1891 Description-gl: Library to control and program the FTDI USB controller This library could talk to FTDI's FT232 and FT245 type USB chips from userspace. It uses libusb to communicate with the chips. . As funcionalidades inclúen a posibilidade de empregar os chips no modo estándar, no modo bitbang e de ler ou escribir na EEPROM serie. . Esta é a versión en C da biblioteca. Package: libftdi1-2 Description-md5: ec9ebee7e2c0c23662682b02db765647 Description-gl: Library to control and program the FTDI USB controllers This library could talk to FTDI's FT232BM, FT245BM, FT2232C, FT2232D, FT245R, FT232H and FT230X type USB chips from userspace. It uses libusb 1.0 to communicate with the chips. . As funcionalidades inclúen a posibilidade de empregar os chips no modo estándar, no modo bitbang e de ler ou escribir na EEPROM serie. . Esta é a versión en C da biblioteca. Package: libftdi1-dev Description-md5: 305baa3bc2f025f5c1a0d8a45f3a0433 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libftdi1 Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras e as bibliotecas estáticas precisos para compilar aplicativos que empreguen libftdi1. Package: libftdipp1-3 Description-md5: eba71c6faa9201c0003fc816c16828d3 Description-gl: Library to control and program the FTDI USB controllers This library could talk to FTDI's FT232BM, FT245BM, FT2232C, FT2232D, FT245R, FT232H and FT230X type USB chips from userspace. It uses libusb 1.0 to communicate with the chips. . As funcionalidades inclúen a posibilidade de empregar os chips no modo estándar, no modo bitbang e de ler ou escribir na EEPROM serie. . Esta é a versión en C++ da biblioteca. Package: libftdipp1-dev Description-md5: 14636f5eff63f17445f41e78d3960f22 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libftdipp1 Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras e as bibliotecas estáticas precisos para compilar aplicativos que empreguen libftdipp1. Package: libftgl-dev Description-md5: baa9360ca50029ce868fe5bf260bad7b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libftgl FTGL binds OpenGL and FreeType together in order to offer and easy to use and flexible text rendering library. It offers several rendering modes: as polygons, outlines, bitmaps and textures. . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to compile applications or shared objects that use libftgl. Package: libftp-dev Description-md5: d84ab7eac50b75d619595b72584b5bd9 Description-gl: Library of callable ftp routines (development) Ftplib facilÃtalles aos programadores en C a transferencia de ficheiros nos seus programas. Este paquete é necesario para compilar e ligar programas que empreguen ftplib. Inclúe unha utilidade de exemplo para a liña de ordes para transferir ficheiros mediante ftp (RFC959). Package: libfuntools-dev Description-md5: 8cc6e961a2de57b5fdbadce52575690d Description-gl: Minimal buy-in FITS library (development files) Funtools, is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed at the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools library provides simplified access to a wide array of file types: standard astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and binary event lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A sophisticated region filtering library (compatible with ds9) filters images and tables using boolean operations between geometric shapes, support world coordinates, etc. Funtools also supports advanced capabilities such as optimized data searching using index files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfusioninventory-agent-task-deploy-perl Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libfusioninventory-agent-task-esx-perl Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libfusioninventory-agent-task-netinventory-perl Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libfusioninventory-agent-task-network-perl Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libfusioninventory-agent-task-snmpquery-perl Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libfuzzy-dev Description-md5: 4e79abe23b818f97e7e0b2626a18511f Description-gl: recursive piecewise hashing tool (development headers) ssdeep is a tool for recursive computing and matching of Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing (aka Fuzzy Hashing). . Fuzzy hashing is a method for comparing similar but not identical files. This tool can be used to compare files like regular hashing does (like md5sum or sha1sum) but it will find similar files with little differences. . For example, it can be used to identify modified versions of known files even if data has been inserted, modified, or deleted in the new files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libfuzzy2 Description-md5: b240ff04827332ed170f0c2c291a339e Description-gl: recursive piecewise hashing tool (library) ssdeep is a tool for recursive computing and matching of Context Triggered Piecewise Hashing (aka Fuzzy Hashing). . Fuzzy hashing is a method for comparing similar but not identical files. This tool can be used to compare files like regular hashing does (like md5sum or sha1sum) but it will find similar files with little differences. . For example, it can be used to identify modified versions of known files even if data has been inserted, modified, or deleted in the new files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libfuzzylite-dev Description-md5: bd42374821a6b730aaa83d0081b6ea27 Description-gl: fuzzy logic control development headers fuzzylite is a fuzzy logic control library which allows one to easily create fuzzy logic controllers in a few steps utilizing object-oriented programming. It supports five controller types (Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno, Larsen, Tsukamoto, Inverse Tsukamoto), 20 linguistic terms, five integral and two weighted defuzzifiers, six hedge types, three import types (FuzzyLite Language, Fuzzy Inference System and Fuzzy Control Language) and six export types (C++, Java, FuzzyLite Language, FuzzyLite Dataset, Fuzzy Inference System, Fuzzy Control Language). It comes bundled with more than thirty examples for Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno and Tsukamoto controllers from fuzzylite, octave and matlab, each in all supported export formats. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libfuzzylite5.1v5 Description-md5: 1a04d99fe6c9e3680ed1f4f8752f2ab4 Description-gl: fuzzy logic control shared library fuzzylite is a fuzzy logic control library which allows one to easily create fuzzy logic controllers in a few steps utilizing object-oriented programming. It supports five controller types (Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno, Larsen, Tsukamoto, Inverse Tsukamoto), 20 linguistic terms, five integral and two weighted defuzzifiers, six hedge types, three import types (FuzzyLite Language, Fuzzy Inference System and Fuzzy Control Language) and six export types (C++, Java, FuzzyLite Language, FuzzyLite Dataset, Fuzzy Inference System, Fuzzy Control Language). It comes bundled with more than thirty examples for Mamdani, Takagi-Sugeno and Tsukamoto controllers from fuzzylite, octave and matlab, each in all supported export formats. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libfvde1 Description-md5: 2c2bf3b2bfd9b538cc93095c86012d12 Description-gl: FileVault Drive Encryption access library The FVDE format is used by Mac OS X, as of Lion, to encrypt data on a storage media volume. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfwnt1 Description-md5: b791047c9edd966d6d0a3c9626e8756f Description-gl: Windows NT data type library libfwnt is a library for Windows NT data types. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfwsi1 Description-md5: 96bd0b8127a8afdf2614493b558879a1 Description-gl: Windows Shell Item format access library libfwsi is a library to access the Windows Shell Item format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libfxt-dev Description-md5: 365cd3d4fc1eb26a86c7edbe02cba123 Description-gl: Multithreaded tracing library FxT is a library and associated tools that can be used to analyze the performance of multithreaded programs which can potentially use a hybrid thread scheduler (i.e. a user-level scheduler on top of a kernel-level one). The Marcel thread library can take full profit from this library. . FxT is based on the offline analysis of traces (sequence of events recorded at run time). . Este paquete contén bibliotecas estáticas e cabezallos de desenvolvemento. Package: libfxt0 Description-md5: 588d577eee5bdffbe8853a530eb00e88 Description-gl: Multithreaded tracing library FxT is a library and associated tools that can be used to analyze the performance of multithreaded programs which can potentially use a hybrid thread scheduler (i.e. a user-level scheduler on top of a kernel-level one). The Marcel thread library can take full profit from this library. . FxT is based on the offline analysis of traces (sequence of events recorded at run time). . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libfyba0-dbg Description-md5: bf4addf81e36b77a02f0faae8af317f5 Description-gl: debug symbols for libfyba0 OpenFYBA is the source code release of the FYBA library, distributed by the National Mapping Authority of Norway (Statens kartverk) to read and write files in the National geodata standard format SOSI. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libg15-1 Description-md5: 4a7ccd1ca3784fc16a488b2c0dd9248a Description-gl: Library for interfacing with the Logitech G15 keyboards libg15 provides an API for low level control of the LCD display and the extra keys on some Logitech keyboards (G11, G15) . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida e os datos do tempo de execución. Package: libg15-dev Description-md5: 3f104cb19c1a54a267e08c31f3268dae Description-gl: Library for interfacing with the Logitech G15 keyboards libg15 provides an API for low level control of the LCD display and the extra keys on some Logitech keyboards (G11, G15). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática. Package: libg3d-plugin-gdkpixbuf Description-md5: c7b2dc1955fd245117a6fcff77041275 Description-gl: Clientes para a biblioteca LibG3D LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It can also load associated data like textures. . This package contains a plugin for the LibG3D library so that LibG3D can load every image that libgdk-pixbuf2 is able to work with. Package: libg3d-plugins Description-md5: c93af61a2468a62faadb02bca3bc6dfa Description-gl: Clientes para a biblioteca LibG3D LibG3D is a framework for loading 3d model files from files or memory. It can also load associated data like textures. . Este paquete contén engadidos para a biblioteca LibG3D para poder cargar os ficheiros. Pode tratar con: * 3D Studio (.3ds, .prj) * LightWave (.lw, .lwb, .lwo) * Alias Wavefront (.obj) * Impulse TurboSilver / Imagine (.iob) * AutoCAD (.dxf) * Quake II Models (.md2) * Quake III Models (.md3) * Neutral File Format (.nff) * 3D Metafile (.3dmf, .3mf, .b3d) * Caligari TrueSpace Objects (.cob) * Quick3D Objects & Scenes (.q3o, q3s) * Ficheiros VRML 1.0 (.wrl, .vrml) * Obxectos de AC3D (.ac, .acc) * Modelos de LeoCAD (.lcd) * Modelos de coches de carreiras (.ar, .dof) * Modelos de coches de especialistas (.glb) * Modelos de coches de VDrift (.joe, .car) * COLLADA (.dae) * contedor de modelos da linguaxe de etiquetas Keyhole (.kmz) * ASCII Scene Exporter (.ase) * LDraw (.dat, .mpd) Package: libga-dev Description-md5: 068452fa5f56c21bf7baf4e52f87cbbd Description-gl: C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm Components GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects. The library includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do optimization in any C++ program using any representation and genetic operators. The documentation includes an extensive overview of how to implement a genetic algorithm as well as examples illustrating customizations to the GAlib classes. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgadu-dev Description-md5: 7454e7182cbd41e16f7277a4bf5c5301 Description-gl: Gadu-Gadu protocol library - development files Gadu-Gadu is an instant messaging program, very popular in Poland. libgadu is a Gadu-Gadu protocol implementation library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgadu3 Description-md5: 7cdb0d0cd15a89035e2409916fe49705 Description-gl: Gadu-Gadu protocol library - runtime files Gadu-Gadu is an instant messaging program, very popular in Poland. libgadu is a Gadu-Gadu protocol implementation library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libganglia1 Description-md5: e4a2092c97990cbabcc00011617ffdfb Description-gl: cluster monitoring toolkit - shared libraries Ganglia is a scalable, real-time cluster monitoring environment that collects cluster statistics in an open and well-defined XML format. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libganv-1-1v5 Description-md5: 0753615354dd10001870d2b7555231a6 Description-gl: canvas widget for graph-based interfaces Ganv is an interactive Gtk canvas widget for graph-based interfaces (patchers, modular synthesizers, finite state automata, interactive graphs, etc). . Ganv provides classes for "Modules" (boxes with "Ports"), Circles, and Edges (lines that connect either Ports or Circles). The user can rearrange items, or Ganv can automatically arrange items using GraphViz. Edges can be made by the user one at a time with the mouse, or in groups using the mouse and keyboard. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgaviotatb-dev Description-md5: d6e64dd6174817b51fcd2b8f76ae0ffa Description-gl: Gaviota chess endgame tablebase probing library Gaviota is a chess engine. Gaviota generates and uses its own Endgame Tablebases (EGTBs) with its own format. It contains "distance to mate" information, which is how many moves are needed to mate the opponent, or to be mated. The Gaviota Tablebases can be probed from your own program (engine or interface) using this library. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgavl-dev Description-md5: afe154d801418fd58d4abdfb0aa7821b Description-gl: Biblioteca de son e de vÃdeo de baixo nivel - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Gavl handles all the details of audio and video formats like colorspaces, samplerates, multichannel configurations etc. It provides standardized definitions for those formats as well as container structures for carrying audio samples or video images inside an application. . In addition, it handles the sometimes ugly task to convert between all these formats and provides some elementary operations (copying, scaling, alpha blending etc). . This package contains the files needed to compile and statically link against Gavl. Package: libgavl-doc Description-md5: 3784b60b452869cd888936ba1b779f5b Description-gl: Biblioteca de son e de vÃdeo de baixo nivel - ficheiros de documentación Gavl handles all the details of audio and video formats like colorspaces, samplerates, multichannel configurations etc. It provides standardized definitions for those formats as well as container structures for carrying audio samples or video images inside an application. . In addition, it handles the sometimes ugly task to convert between all these formats and provides some elementary operations (copying, scaling, alpha blending etc). . Este paquete contén a documentación sobre Gavl. Package: libgavl1 Description-md5: e9c874fcef8bc8178a3b9c14f42576df Description-gl: Biblioteca de son e de vÃdeo de baixo nivel - ficheiros de tempo de execución Gavl handles all the details of audio and video formats like colorspaces, samplerates, multichannel configurations etc. It provides standardized definitions for those formats as well as container structures for carrying audio samples or video images inside an application. . In addition, it handles the sometimes ugly task to convert between all these formats and provides some elementary operations (copying, scaling, alpha blending etc). . This package contains the files needed to run a program compiled using Gavl. Package: libgavl1-dbg Description-md5: 3f6353e3f4fa4f912723a5201a7d9065 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libgavl1 Gavl handles all the details of audio and video formats like colorspaces, samplerates, multichannel configurations etc. It provides standardized definitions for those formats as well as container structures for carrying audio samples or video images inside an application. . In addition, it handles the sometimes ugly task to convert between all these formats and provides some elementary operations (copying, scaling, alpha blending etc). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libgavl1 Package: libgbtools-dev Description-md5: 73e687483641db22a3f37df23ba5daa8 Description-gl: library for visualising sequence alignments (devel) The SeqTools package contains three tools for visualising sequence alignments: Blixem, Dotter and Belvu. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libgcc-4.8-dev Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-5-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc-7-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 4ab7cb439b47e1d0796fbaf8447229ac Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libgcc1-alpha-cross Description-md5: 2074f89187d02a0c503b50f85c9c9e21 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-armel-cross Description-md5: a876eeefd1020273120403bf2493feb1 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 5f80acd1256b4f86fdd8168444838de8 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: c506b3e95bef63c773422703c3b8b88b Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 6db13ea7abb61c02336c92d8b2b3980b Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 9214cb33f07a2c272f7a644b4d2302ef Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: dd3d7e0ba479e98a11965405e9099d15 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: c63fecbede41e11da6e7e7eb4dfe7229 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 72ddc0904e54cf7bb0d5cb059b90a213 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 3cb96e2976afbb0e3cd0868d64da2907 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 92eaf9fdde9b4fa45758ad443fe6f324 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: d2a91b987c12703ee231cbc42225f773 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 681bc2998a2d639f3c2e8b9ba74fceda Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 899b7de2db1fb8290d1f0bb9f0e5f951 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 35ce0f010e83dc6908b7eb0390e2d471 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: dd61fa3ff5fb95db93c4248e27ee7f17 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libgcc1-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 204d8588af64c5baba1541758b0fe629 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-mips-cross Description-md5: 511d929f94d09ff9ea49890a433a86a6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-mips64-cross Description-md5: 815675cde65c8f74d794667e4d96ee6c Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 5a0a68daa115f2eae5c1ed540d0c1edb Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 146cb842634aa0a4d46b29fe3687e5aa Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: cbfe6789a03806e25389edaaf53a6595 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e890b4482923e576f64f8f558e0a93ba Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-s390x-cross Description-md5: d19d20b8519c31eda717b00fc9f3d99c Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc1-sh4-cross Description-md5: c92ca46d585cd462bc54eabdf9918fb0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libgcc1-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 08e9b665d919187ffa2b5b6d80486fb1 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc2-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: f4e2907637993baf55239af20d2366a9 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc2-m68k-cross Description-md5: 091f3ad734d11ff9b855336034afd324 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc4-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 117d8173f56a873beefcf4c4530be830 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcc4-hppa-cross Description-md5: df8c490aa68497310243cc22b905f831 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC Shared version of the support library, a library of internal subroutines that GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or special needs for some languages. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libgcj14 Description-md5: 7f6bc4eae7de535afdc86e015c966562 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución de Java para empregar con gcj This is the runtime that goes along with the gcj front end to gcc. libgcj includes parts of the Java Class Libraries, plus glue to connect the libraries to the compiler and the underlying OS. . To show file names and line numbers in stack traces, the packages libgcj14-dbg and binutils are required. Package: libgcj14-dev Description-md5: 7161f4f8afb8f0860b930120a5520479 Description-gl: Cabeceiras de desenvolvemento de Java para empregar con gcj These are the development headers that go along with the gcj front end to gcc. libgcj includes parts of the Java Class Libraries, plus glue to connect the libraries to the compiler and the underlying OS. Package: libgcj16 Description-md5: 9241561b1335a24f29de84b678db8069 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución de Java para empregar con gcj This is the runtime that goes along with the gcj front end to gcc. libgcj includes parts of the Java Class Libraries, plus glue to connect the libraries to the compiler and the underlying OS. . To show file names and line numbers in stack traces, the packages libgcj16-dbg and binutils are required. Package: libgcj16-dev Description-md5: 7161f4f8afb8f0860b930120a5520479 Description-gl: Cabeceiras de desenvolvemento de Java para empregar con gcj These are the development headers that go along with the gcj front end to gcc. libgcj includes parts of the Java Class Libraries, plus glue to connect the libraries to the compiler and the underlying OS. Package: libgcj17 Description-md5: 6f400a48734e72411371248afd0b3e8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución de Java para empregar con gcj This is the runtime that goes along with the gcj front end to gcc. libgcj includes parts of the Java Class Libraries, plus glue to connect the libraries to the compiler and the underlying OS. . To show file names and line numbers in stack traces, the packages libgcj17-dbg and binutils are required. Package: libgcj17-dev Description-md5: 7161f4f8afb8f0860b930120a5520479 Description-gl: Cabeceiras de desenvolvemento de Java para empregar con gcj These are the development headers that go along with the gcj front end to gcc. libgcj includes parts of the Java Class Libraries, plus glue to connect the libraries to the compiler and the underlying OS. Package: libgconf-2-4 Description-md5: f0df76e5dd08f004e77a327343ed3f6a Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (shared libraries) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgconf2-4 Description-md5: 33fc155702d066b4526ff5b7c66e6992 Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (dummy package) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package is here to ensure smooth upgrades. It can be removed when you see fit. Package: libgconf2-dev Description-md5: 5a2f2e9f08aa6128fd4ac6475d2776ef Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (development) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package contains the static libraries and header files needed to build applications using GConf. Package: libgconf2-doc Description-md5: 32322fe8cd70986e49b9cbc726e7e6f7 Description-gl: GNOME configuration database system (API reference) GConf é un sistema de base de datos de configuración para almacenar as preferencias dos aplicativos. Admite configuracións predefinidas ou obrigadas configuradas polo administrador e os cambios que se fagan na base de datos aplÃcanse inmediatamente a todos os aplicativos que estean en execución. Está escrito para o escritorio GNOME mais non o require. . This package contains the API reference for the GConf library. Package: libgconfmm-2.6-1v5 Description-md5: bfd2b96ad1efc727624e41eb3df2a8dc Description-gl: C++ wrappers for GConf (shared library) GConf is a system for storing application preferences. gconfmm is the C++ wrapper for GConf. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libgconfmm-2.6-dev Description-md5: d44c268e1ba25348188a8ce37cdca5c2 Description-gl: C++ wrappers for GConf (development files) GConf is a system for storing application preferences. gconfmm is the C++ wrapper for GConf. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento e exemplos. Package: libgcu0v5 Description-md5: 91603e5262e54605eddeb43bcdbb4781 Description-gl: GNOME chemistry utils (library) The GNOME Chemistry Utils provide C++ classes and Gtk+-2 widgets related to chemistry. They will be used in future versions of both gcrystal and gchempaint. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgd-ocaml Description-md5: 3dd0001951eac5920f91dba2b867b219 Description-gl: OCaml interface to the GD library -- runtime files This package provides an interface to the GD library for OCaml programmers. . GD é unha biblioteca de gráficos. Permite codificar rapidamente para debuxar imaxes completas con liñas, arcos, texto, varias cores, cortar e apegar desde outras imaxes, encher cunha cor e escribir o resultado como ficheiro PNG. Isto é especialmente útil para os aplicativos para a World Wide Web, onde PNG é un dos formatos que a maiorÃa dos navegadores aceptan para as imaxes na liña. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libgd-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 250afa4355bc458abc4e8ad010f299de Description-gl: OCaml interface to the GD library -- developpement files This package provides an interface to the GD library for OCaml programmers. . GD é unha biblioteca de gráficos. Permite codificar rapidamente para debuxar imaxes completas con liñas, arcos, texto, varias cores, cortar e apegar desde outras imaxes, encher cunha cor e escribir o resultado como ficheiro PNG. Isto é especialmente útil para os aplicativos para a World Wide Web, onde PNG é un dos formatos que a maiorÃa dos navegadores aceptan para as imaxes na liña. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use this module. Package: libgd-tools Description-md5: a44edd93634f43d7184a7456c237f804 Description-gl: GD command line tools and example code GD é unha biblioteca de gráficos. Permite codificar rapidamente para debuxar imaxes completas con liñas, arcos, texto, varias cores, cortar e apegar desde outras imaxes, encher cunha cor e escribir o resultado como ficheiro PNG. Isto é especialmente útil para os aplicativos para a World Wide Web, onde PNG é un dos formatos que a maiorÃa dos navegadores aceptan para as imaxes na liña. . This is some simple command line tools and example code that use the GD graphics library. Package: libgdal20 Description-md5: bd1887dd27736e16667e84bf0102d226 Description-gl: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. The related OGR library (which lives within the GDAL source tree) provides a similar capability for simple features vector data. . GDAL supports many popular data formats, including commonly used ones (GeoTIFF, JPEG, PNG and more) as well as the ones used in GIS and remote sensing software packages (ERDAS Imagine, ESRI Arc/Info, ENVI, PCI Geomatics). Also supported many remote sensing and scientific data distribution formats such as HDF, EOS FAST, NOAA L1B, NetCDF, FITS. . OGR library supports popular vector formats like ESRI Shapefile, TIGER data, S57, MapInfo File, DGN, GML and more. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgdamm-5.0-13 Description-md5: e7cef1838feffacdb0b23bb8e99869cb Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libgda5 libgdamm is a set of C++ bindings for the libgda5 database API. libgda is the GNU Data Access library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgdamm5.0-doc Description-md5: 31a2a73a96fbebf2b06ff5cfa053db79 Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libgda5 (documentation) libgdamm is a set of C++ bindings for the libgda database API. libgda is the GNU Data Access library. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgdata-cil-dev Description-md5: 31880f6689f312c2925baf2120e83a0d Description-gl: Google GData CLI client library GData (Google data) is a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) which provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. . Cada un dos servizos de Google seguintes fornece unha API de datos de Google: * Base * Blogger * Calendar * Contacts * Document List * Google Apps Provisioning * Notebook * Picasa Web Albums * Spreadsheets * YouTube . The GData CLI Client Library provides a library and source code that make it easy to access data through Google Data APIs. . This package contains development files for the GData library, and should be used for compilation Package: libgdata2.1-cil Description-md5: 28aefa4469525044cdc8b8d3dceb25f0 Description-gl: Google GData CLI client library GData (Google data) is a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) which provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. . Cada un dos servizos de Google seguintes fornece unha API de datos de Google: * Base * Blogger * Calendar * Contacts * Document List * Google Apps Provisioning * Notebook * Picasa Web Albums * Spreadsheets * YouTube . The GData CLI Client Library provides a library and source code that make it easy to access data through Google Data APIs. . This package contains the GData assemblies Package: libgdf-dev Description-md5: dfe977956e304721923bdbf8b2271db3 Description-gl: IO library for the GDF -- development library GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática. Package: libgdf0 Description-md5: e4ca2a8c0e46d697df49bda42e5266f7 Description-gl: IO library for the GDF (general dataformat for biosignals) GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgdf0-dbg Description-md5: 1ea24ed6a780a4829e51edde2fed66e0 Description-gl: IO library for the GDF -- debug symbols GDF (General Dataformat for Biosignals) is intended to provide a generic storage for biosignals, such as EEG, ECG, MEG etc. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgdl-3-5 Description-md5: 84a9c34bf316b28aef89b67ed246f770 Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgdl-3-common Description-md5: 79ecc65612e6a1c39cebd6c827a9f3f6 Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries - common files Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: libgdl-3-dev Description-md5: ce119d74699a3b086207952e30bab8f3 Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries - development files Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgdl-3-doc Description-md5: af148a16d80e1984e45ceb3f7e35a997 Description-gl: GNOME DevTool libraries - documentation Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libgdome2-0 Description-md5: 547f42027c78f5ef55a5c37ab82d507b Description-gl: DOM level2 library for accessing XML files gdome2 is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on libxml2. Although it has been written for the GNOME project, it can be used stand-alone. . DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard interface for manipulating XML documents. A DOM implementation (also called a host implementation) is what makes a parsed XML or HTML document available for processing using a DOM interface. . libgdome2 currently supports the "Core", "XML", "Events" and "MutationEvents" modules from the DOM2 Recommendation. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgdome2-cpp-smart0v5 Description-md5: 8a4eba682e7f00dc667dbaed9ec2556c Description-gl: C++ bindings for GDome2 DOM implementation C++ bindings for GDome2 that is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on libxml2. . This particular binding is one of the bindings from the GMetaDOM bindings collection. . Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgdome2-dev Description-md5: 469853a64cb0a0b865027d1f34f96b6d Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgdome2 gdome2 is a fast, light and complete DOM level2 implementation based on libxml2. Although it has been written for the GNOME project, it can be used stand-alone. . DOM (Document Object Model) is a standard interface for manipulating XML documents. A DOM implementation (also called a host implementation) is what makes a parsed XML or HTML document available for processing using a DOM interface. . libgdome2 currently supports the "Core", "XML", "Events" and "MutationEvents" modules from the DOM2 Recommendation. . This package contains the header files and static libraries for developing with libgdome2-0. Package: libgearman-dev Description-md5: 02fca8c0e3465ce85c6486e7087ec973 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Gearman Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions between languages. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libgearman. Package: libgearman-doc Description-md5: e5f20b82c1914462a576ec8f01b0fde0 Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca Gearman Gearman is a system to farm out work to other machines, dispatching function calls to machines that are better suited to do work, to do work in parallel, to load balance lots of function calls, or to call functions between languages. . This package contains the API docs for the libgearman library. Package: libgedcom-perl Description-md5: 966818eb62c7ebf300e1bbfe415e965b Description-gl: Interface para os ficheiros de xenealoxÃa GEDCOM The Gedcom modules provide an interface to read, verify and manipulate Gedcom files. The Gedcom format is the standard format for storing genealogical data such a family trees, a person's birth, marriage, children and death and background research. Package: libgegl-dev Description-md5: 890e309150112e034f776771436ca2a5 Description-gl: Generic Graphics Library (development files) GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework. . GEGL's original design was made to scratch GIMP's itches for a new compositing and processing core. This core is being designed to have minimal dependencies and a simple well defined API. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgegl-doc Description-md5: 4dc06b8a2a5349b54328c54303af18b3 Description-gl: Generic Graphics Library (documentation) GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework. . GEGL's original design was made to scratch GIMP's itches for a new compositing and processing core. This core is being designed to have minimal dependencies and a simple well defined API. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgenome-1.3-0v5 Description-md5: 7700668b1ffbdb010e1bb05a8993f142 Description-gl: toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software libGenome is a freely available toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software in C++. It is intended to take the hassle out of performing common tasks on genetic sequence and annotation data. . Among other things, libGenome can help you: . * Read and write Multi-FastA format files * Read and write GenBank flat file database entries * Append, chop, truncate, reverse, complement, translate, and otherwise mangle sequence data * Access annotation in GenBank flat files . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgenometools0-dev Description-md5: e12d7fab418b736523350ecb61e4a34a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de GenomeTools This package contains the GenomeTools static library and necessary header files. . Besides basic bioinformatics data structures, the library contains components for sequence and annotation handling, sequence compression, index structure generation and access, efficient matching, annotation visualization and much more. Package: libgeo-osm-tiles-perl Description-md5: ae9468c3226c7a958b358a0a87a0fa1a Description-gl: Módulo para calcular os números das teselas de OpenStreetMap Geo::OSM::Tiles provides functions for calculating the path to a map tile at OpenStreetMap out of geographic coordinates. The path of a tile at OSM has the form $zoom/$tilex/$tiley.png. The numbering scheme is documented in the OSM wiki at . . The package also contains the downloadosmtiles script that allows one to conveniently download OSM map tiles from a given OSM permalink URL. Package: libgeometric-shapes-dev Description-md5: ce91a8d8c7fb346f4a22f93d44cfae99 Description-gl: Robot OS geometric_shapes package - development files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS), and contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgeometric-shapes2d Description-md5: d7a4cf4ef489253f7174668b4b5e83c1 Description-gl: Robot OS geometric_shapes package This package is part of Robot OS (ROS), and contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libgeomview-1.9.5 Description-md5: 647bfba6c433bcd6ff52152febbdbe10 Description-gl: geomview library runtime O Geomview é software de xeometrÃa interactiva que é especialmente axeitado para a investigación matemática e a educación. . OOGL is the Object Oriented Graphics Library, upon which Geomview is built. This package provides the run-time OOGL library for geomview and its modules. Package: libgeomview-dev Description-md5: c427e7ebbc656c19e6432a4304c16c22 Description-gl: geomview library development package O Geomview é software de xeometrÃa interactiva que é especialmente axeitado para a investigación matemática e a educación. . OOGL is the Object Oriented Graphics Library, upon which Geomview is built. This package provides the development package for OOGL, required to build Geomview modules. Package: libgeonames0 Description-md5: ef391a6eaac0155ed3db91f9fc03886a Description-gl: Parse and query the geonames database dump A library for parsing and querying a local copy of the database. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgeos-doc Description-md5: 692dee8bc3cf34b5e34d65a80c1e283c Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca do motor de xeometrÃa GIS GEOS GEOS provides a spatial object model and fundamental geometric functions. It implements the geometry model defined in the OpenGIS Consortium Simple Features Specification for SQL. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de GEOS. Package: libgeronimo-jpa-2.0-spec-java-doc Description-md5: 72bbc65372be0641a16f6e277fd45162 Description-gl: Documentación de libgeronimo-jpa-2.0-spec-java Documentation for the Java Persistence API that is the Java API for the management of persistence and object/relational mapping for Java EE and Java SE environments. . The goal of this specification is to provide an object/relational mapping facility for the Java application developer using a Java domain model to manage a relational database. . Persistence in this context covers three areas: - The API itself, defined in the javax.persistence package. - The Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL). - Object/relational metadata. . The Java Persistence 2.0 specification addresses improvements in the areas of domain modeling, object/relational mapping, EntityManager and Query interfaces, and the Java Persistence query language. It adds an API for criteria queries, a metamodel API, and support for validation. . This package contains only API of JSR-317 spec. Apache OpenJPA and EclipseLink are implementations of this spec. Package: libgeronimo-osgi-support-java-doc Description-md5: 426b2d962bdc67091aaad42aaffc2396 Description-gl: Documentación de libgeronimo-osgi-support-java Documentation for Java libraries that allow the use of OSGi framework with Geronimo existing projects. They allow lookup and registration of components. . - geronimo-osgi-locator.jar: Allow performing class and components lookups with OSGi support. . - geronimo-osgi-registry.jar: Facilitate the use of Geronimo specs providers (components typically plugged in to the JRE through META-INF/services resources) like geronimo-validation-1.0-spec (Geronimo JSR-303 Bean Validation Spec API). . The service created by this library will maintain a registry of factory class that can be used by the spec bundles to locate factory classes that reside in other bundles. Package: libgeronimo-validation-1.0-spec-java-doc Description-md5: f9e3772f4a65c7ec482d53774898593f Description-gl: Documentación de libgeronimo-validation-1.0-spec-java Documentation for the Apache Geronimo implementation of the JSR-303 Bean Validation Spec API. . JSR 303 defines a metadata model and API for JavaBean validation. The default metadata source is annotations, with the ability to override and extend the meta-data through the use of XML validation descriptors. The API is not tied to a specific application tier or programming model. . It is specifically not tied to either the web tier or the persistence tier, and is available for both server-side application programming, as well as rich client Swing application developer. . This package contains only API of JSR-303 spec. Hibernate Validator is the reference implementation of this spec. Package: libgetdns-dev Description-md5: 47d8ace51120c04c4c34b409a9153feb Description-gl: modern asynchronous DNS API (development) getdns is a modern asynchronous DNS API. It implements DNS entry points from a design developed and vetted by application developers, in an API specification edited by Paul Hoffman. This API intends to offer application developers a modernized and flexible way to access DNS security (DNSSEC) and other powerful new DNS features; a particular hope is to inspire application developers towards innovative security solutions in their applications. . Esta é a versión completa de desenvolvemento da biblioteca. Package: libgetdns6 Description-md5: fd65a4eb8e5bb2f4ac237175c5959bbf Description-gl: modern asynchronous DNS API (shared library) getdns is a modern asynchronous DNS API. It implements DNS entry points from a design developed and vetted by application developers, in an API specification edited by Paul Hoffman. This API intends to offer application developers a modernized and flexible way to access DNS security (DNSSEC) and other powerful new DNS features; a particular hope is to inspire application developers towards innovative security solutions in their applications. . Este é o paquete de tempo de execución da biblioteca. Package: libgetfem++-dev Description-md5: 515f85fa7060885c8ef1cdcbe94a2bf1 Description-gl: Development files for the GETFEM++ generic finite element library GETFEM++ is a library allowing the computation of any elementary matrix (even for mixed finite element methods) on the largest class of methods and elements, and for arbitrary dimension. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue o servizo de almacenamento PIM de Akonadi. Package: libgettext-ocaml Description-md5: f044514345729f9a29d1c28245ed733b Description-gl: OCaml internationalization shared library Esta biblioteca fornece utilidades e bibliotecas para permitir a localización nos programas en Ocaml. Baséase no mesmo principio que o gettext de GNU. . O paquete fornece dúas bibliotecas para facer efectivamente a tradución: - gettext-camomile: implementación pura de gettext para OCaml - gettext-stub: implementación empregando a biblioteca gettext. . This package contains shared library. Package: libgettext-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 5e04596f09ea16cea8e8d5e9ee30b5ae Description-gl: OCaml internationalization library Esta biblioteca fornece utilidades e bibliotecas para permitir a localización nos programas en Ocaml. Baséase no mesmo principio que o gettext de GNU. . O paquete fornece dúas bibliotecas para facer efectivamente a tradución: - gettext-camomile: implementación pura de gettext para OCaml - gettext-stub: implementación empregando a biblioteca gettext. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras, a biblioteca de OCaml e as ferramentas de desenvolvemento. Package: libgfal2-dev Description-md5: 1bdb392515bdd200b450c90ab8bbf058 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de gfal2 Development files for gfal2. Package: libgfbgraph-0.2-dev Description-md5: 9874cc8bc42f5691fbf0d4b105dd37f4 Description-gl: GObject library for Facebook Graph API - development files GFBGraph is a GLib/GObject wrapper for the Facebook API. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgfbgraph-doc Description-md5: 27c51bd7c944b78bd6be64d032b83fb2 Description-gl: GObject library for Facebook Graph API - documentation GFBGraph is a GLib/GObject wrapper for the Facebook API. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libgflags-dev Description-md5: a34ceec1a55a9c9e8b65c36a15a26ab2 Description-gl: commandline flags module for C++ (development files) gflags is a library that implements commandline flags processing. As such it's a replacement for getopt(). It has increased flexibility, including built-in support for C++ types like string, and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libgflags-doc Description-md5: 008c23f26c421c1f06551c6886549fe1 Description-gl: documentation of gflags gflags is a library that implements commandline flags processing. As such it's a replacement for getopt(). It has increased flexibility, including built-in support for C++ types like string, and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación. Package: libgflags2.2 Description-md5: 3158fcfaaa9efbf059856a9ef05116d5 Description-gl: commandline flags module for C++ (shared library) gflags is a library that implements commandline flags processing. As such it's a replacement for getopt(). It has increased flexibility, including built-in support for C++ types like string, and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they're used. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libgfortran-4.8-dev Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-5-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran-7-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 146f5739f84c8211389d84c7aa5bf949 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libgfortran3-alpha-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-arm64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-armel-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-armhf-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-hppa-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-m68k-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-mips-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-mips64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-mips64el-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-mipsel-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-powerpc-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-ppc64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-s390x-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-sh4-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran3-sparc64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-alpha-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-arm64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-armel-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-armhf-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 8e6e17da8d0b42fc976ade7330c11a20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-hppa-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-m68k-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-mips-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-mips64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-mips64el-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-mipsel-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-powerpc-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-ppc64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-s390x-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-sh4-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgfortran4-sparc64-cross Description-md5: bb4b9e7dbbaa67e95441936718b11f39 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libghc-ansi-terminal-doc Description-md5: dcefec4a575da4ac64e223c22513cb66 Description-gl: Simple ANSI terminal support, with Windows compatibility; documentation ANSI terminal support for Haskell: allows cursor movement, screen clearing, color output showing or hiding the cursor, and changing the title. Compatible with Windows and those Unixes with ANSI terminals, but only GHC is supported as a compiler. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-ansi-wl-pprint-doc Description-md5: 9fc25bff5025b20081e4eb7ebd41df0e Description-gl: Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output; documentation This is a pretty printing library based on Wadler's paper "A Prettier Printer". It has been enhanced with support for ANSI terminal colored output using the ansi-terminal package. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-async-dev Description-md5: c1e68b8b7bb800fcb59b52a72e1b444a Description-gl: Execute operacións de E/S de maneira asÃncrona e agarde polos resultados This package provides a higher-level interface over threads, in which an (Async a) is a concurrent thread that will eventually deliver a value of type a. The package provides ways to create Async computations, wait for their results, and cancel them. . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-async-doc Description-md5: 0e9d1b284a5d486ff7e2e3c613f54a1d Description-gl: Execute operacións de E/S de maneira asÃncrona e agarde polos resultados; documentación This package provides a higher-level interface over threads, in which an (Async a) is a concurrent thread that will eventually deliver a value of type a. The package provides ways to create Async computations, wait for their results, and cancel them. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-base16-bytestring-doc Description-md5: 662ea2961378918ebf3e88b7e994f020 Description-gl: Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings; documentation This package provides a Haskell library for working with base16-encoded data quickly and efficiently, using the ByteString type. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-bindings-sane-doc Description-md5: e107437be2d6952fad9f8e7a6e9033e4 Description-gl: FFI bindings to libsane These are Haskell bindings to the SANE API (version 1.0) . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-bmp-dev Description-md5: 4b4dcbeb0da02e90241dcc36e4fdebee Description-gl: Lea e escriba ficheiros de imaxes BMP This is a pure Haskell implementation of the BMP image file format, supporting both reading and writing. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-bmp-doc Description-md5: cb767d91cb93b018ad33927f9bfa438d Description-gl: Lea e escriba ficheiros de imaxes BMP; documentación This is a pure Haskell implementation of the BMP image file format, supporting both reading and writing. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-boomerang-doc Description-md5: b290ce60bc8174ecb995c56eafe221de Description-gl: invertible parsing and printing; documentation Specify a single unified grammar which can be used for parsing and pretty- printing. . Boomerang is a DSL for creating parsers and pretty-printers using a single specification. Instead of writing a parser, and then writing a separate pretty-printer, both are created at once. This saves time, and ensures that the parser and pretty-printer are inverses and stay in-sync with each other. . Boomerang is a generalized derivative of the Zwaluw library created by Sjoerd Visscher and Martijn van Steenbergen. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-cond-doc Description-md5: 88302c2133af1e33adbd9905d072c776 Description-gl: conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants (docs) This library provides: . * Implementations of various overloaded conditional operations . * Lifted monadic variants of those operations and common boolean operators . * A typeclass for boolean algebras. . Feel free to send ideas and suggestions for new conditional operators to the maintainer. . Monadic looping constructs are not included as part of this package, since the monad-loops package has a fairly complete collection of them already. . Author: Adam Curtis Upstream-Maintainer: . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-configurator-dev Description-md5: fa695ff157bdbcfc012ed6518f937491 Description-gl: dynamic config file reloading A configuration management library for programs and daemons. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files. . * A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)). . * Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties. . * An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be shared across several applications. . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-configurator-doc Description-md5: 231eaefc0da74eac6c4fd32eb30f5cc1 Description-gl: dynamic config file reloading; documentation A configuration management library for programs and daemons. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files. . * A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)). . * Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties. . * An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be shared across several applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-configurator-prof Description-md5: 41006f856601fca1ec29ef3d2460b143 Description-gl: dynamic config file reloading; profiling libraries A configuration management library for programs and daemons. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files. . * A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)). . * Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties. . * An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be shared across several applications. . This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled. Package: libghc-connection-dev Description-md5: 337e8365e84cc2c7e338a33746c2c785 Description-gl: API de conexións de rede sinxela e doada Simple network library for all your connection needs. This library provides a very simple API to create sockets to a destination with the choice of SSL/TLS, and SOCKS. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-connection-doc Description-md5: 26fbaacd6fc87dd712e9434ef88a645a Description-gl: API de conexións de rede sinxela e doada; documentación Simple network library for all your connection needs. This library provides a very simple API to create sockets to a destination with the choice of SSL/TLS, and SOCKS. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-curl-dev Description-md5: 40357e22411bf08c4f70e0177f907568 Description-gl: Bibliotecas de GHC para as asociacións de Haskell de libcurl libcurl é unha biblioteca de transferencia de URL do lado do cliente que admite FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS e FILE. libcurl admite certificados SSL, envÃo mediante HTTP POST, HTTP PUT e FTP, envÃo baseado en formularios de HTTP, proxies, cookies, autenticación usuario+contrasinal (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos4), retormar transferencias de ficheiros, túneles de proxy de HTTP e máis! . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-curl-doc Description-md5: b1ddadde78cd6317214821c9d41e5eb9 Description-gl: Documentación das asociacións de Haskell de libcurl; documentación libcurl é unha biblioteca de transferencia de URL do lado do cliente que admite FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS e FILE. libcurl admite certificados SSL, envÃo mediante HTTP POST, HTTP PUT e FTP, envÃo baseado en formularios de HTTP, proxies, cookies, autenticación usuario+contrasinal (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos4), retormar transferencias de ficheiros, túneles de proxy de HTTP e máis! . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-curl-prof Description-md5: c49b1c10c6fc8262339fc05187a22d54 Description-gl: Profiling libraries for the libcurl Haskell bindings; profiling libraries libcurl é unha biblioteca de transferencia de URL do lado do cliente que admite FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS e FILE. libcurl admite certificados SSL, envÃo mediante HTTP POST, HTTP PUT e FTP, envÃo baseado en formularios de HTTP, proxies, cookies, autenticación usuario+contrasinal (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos4), retormar transferencias de ficheiros, túneles de proxy de HTTP e máis! . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-data-accessor-dev Description-md5: 2daaf54a0bdc0b9827484b4d724de070 Description-gl: Utilidades para acceder e manipular campos de rexistros With this library you can define record field accessors which allow setting, getting and modifying values easily. You can combine accessors of a record and sub-records to make the access look like the fields of the sub-record belong to the main record. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-data-accessor-doc Description-md5: 8d56374d5339c0071119c75a6639d746 Description-gl: Utilidades para acceder e manipular campos de rexistros; documentación With this library you can define record field accessors which allow setting, getting and modifying values easily. You can combine accessors of a record and sub-records to make the access look like the fields of the sub-record belong to the main record. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-debian-doc Description-md5: 4b546e08b204372b5d15b5f6527d23a2 Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca do sistema de paquetes de Debian; documentación This library includes modules covering almost every aspect of the Debian packaging system, including low level data types such as version numbers and dependency relations, on up to the types necessary for computing and installing build dependencies, building source and binary packages, and inserting them into a repository. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-doctest-dev Description-md5: 23ea99d7443559a14a7c1e4e32ff45b4 Description-gl: test interactive Haskell examples The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled after doctest for Python (<>). . A documentación está en <>. . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-doctest-doc Description-md5: 62008ffe44c09269d7578ae29990343f Description-gl: test interactive Haskell examples; documentation The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled after doctest for Python (<>). . A documentación está en <>. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-doctest-prof Description-md5: ef8d1966b770eb5ef9c7bccd962f5b49 Description-gl: test interactive Haskell examples; profiling libraries The doctest program checks examples in source code comments. It is modeled after doctest for Python (<>). . A documentación está en <>. . This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled. Package: libghc-exception-transformers-doc Description-md5: 0929f2f56a5bee494ec41ecb307d23b8 Description-gl: type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions; documentation This package provides type classes, a monad and a monad transformer that support unchecked extensible exceptions as well as asynchronous exceptions. It is compatible with the transformers package. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-extensible-exceptions-dev Description-md5: 38a5c77bdcdd98f12a0dc3cb7176b0ca Description-gl: Capa de compatibilidade para excepcións This provides the new extensible exceptions for both new and old versions of GHC. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-extensible-exceptions-doc Description-md5: 7deb27830677f51f9166607c6df668f8 Description-gl: Capa de compatibilidade para excepcións; documentación This provides the new extensible exceptions for both new and old versions of GHC. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-extensible-exceptions-prof Description-md5: 1e1071216eec8c081f7ccf094c88527e Description-gl: Capa de compatibilidade para excepcións; bibliotecas de perfilado This provides the new extensible exceptions for both new and old versions of GHC. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-fb-dev Description-md5: 1f38fd79ea3a66e6c8cc5d817ddf986d Description-gl: Asociacións coa API de Facebook This package exports bindings to Facebook's APIs. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-fb-doc Description-md5: 4cde11aa73299d70e56e8e531d16bf91 Description-gl: Asociacións coa API de Facebook; documentación This package exports bindings to Facebook's APIs. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-fb-prof Description-md5: 1080093319b2d5ad2376adff340df40b Description-gl: Asociacións coa API de Facebook; bibliotecas de perfilado This package exports bindings to Facebook's APIs. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-fclabels-doc Description-md5: eb2cc095f495552b9966c8fbd78c3bb5 Description-gl: first-class accessor labels; documentation This package provides first class labels that can act as bidirectional record fields. The labels can be derived automatically using Template Haskell which means you don't have to write any boilerplate yourself. The labels are implemented as lenses and are fully composable. Labels can be used to /get/, /set/ and /modify/ parts of a datatype in a consistent way. . See "Data.Label" for an introductory explanation. . Internally lenses are not tied to Haskell functions directly, but are implemented as arrows. Arrows allow the lenses to be run in custom computational contexts. This approach allows us to make partial lenses that point to fields of multi-constructor datatypes in an elegant way. . See the "Data.Label.Maybe" module for the use of partial labels. . > -> 1.1.2 > - Added partial set/modify versions that act as identity > when the constructor field is not available. . Author: Sebastiaan Visser, Erik Hesselink, Chris Eidhof, Sjoerd Visscher with lots of help and feedback from others. Upstream-Maintainer: Sebastiaan Visser <> . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-file-location-doc Description-md5: 80f286011e8424510fda19207c23c861 Description-gl: common functions that show file location information; documentation Common debugging/error/exception functions that give file location information in the style of . main:Main main.hs:16:1 OH NO! . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-filemanip-dev Description-md5: e291b3e965bc767f0ca36956ddeb63ce Description-gl: expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell FileManip is a Haskell library for working with files and directories. Includes code for pattern matching, finding files, modifying file contents, and more. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-fingertree-doc Description-md5: 41a9b41d7097f38e979bf5f35bd2dece Description-gl: Generic finger-tree data structure implementation in Haskell; documentation This Haskell library provides a general sequence representation with arbitrary annotations, for use as a base for implementations of various collection types. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-ghc-syb-utils-doc Description-md5: cc3d9fbd2d5b65168bad4783d4ee44b9 Description-gl: Scrap Your Boilerplate utilities for the GHC API; documentation Common utilities for the Ghc Api, either based on Data/Typeable or for use with Data.Generics over Ghc Api types. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-glut-dev Description-md5: d1696914a4c474d0cfa9998d95d0a0cd Description-gl: Haskell GLUT binding for GHC Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . This library provides a binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. For more information about the C library on which this binding is based, please see: <>. Package: libghc-glut-doc Description-md5: 2b8bb8e51bb3431cb22366b13eb0b7fd Description-gl: Haskell GLUT binding for GHC; documentation Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . This library provides a binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. For more information about the C library on which this binding is based, please see: <>. Package: libghc-gnutls-doc Description-md5: 769957b3be58d46b31db19238ace334c Description-gl: bindings for GNU TLS; documentation This library provides Haskell bindings for gnutls. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-gsasl-doc Description-md5: 4eb26f4ac92b188d043c86a7dc8e65c3 Description-gl: bindings for GNU SASL; documentation These are Haskell bindings to the GNU SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-haskell-src-dev Description-md5: fa5a0915dc094483816250ea4b2f3d24 Description-gl: Haskell module to manipulate Haskell source Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . This library provides facilities for manipulating Haskell source code: an abstract syntax, lexer, parser and pretty-printer. Package: libghc-haskell-src-doc Description-md5: 40490d890446799c20b4c100f4a6b158 Description-gl: Haskell module to manipulate Haskell source; documentation Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . This library provides facilities for manipulating Haskell source code: an abstract syntax, lexer, parser and pretty-printer. Package: libghc-haxml-doc Description-md5: f382e4f40e89f09dcb7817e0354c250c Description-gl: Documentación de HaXml HaXml is a collection of utilities for parsing, filtering, transforming, and generating XML documents using Haskell. Its basic facilities include: - a parser for XML, - a separate error-correcting parser for HTML, - an XML validator, - pretty-printers for XML and HTML. . This package contains the HaXml documentation. Package: libghc-haxr-dev Description-md5: eff1c321621b8e127ef4b36e5e3efa12 Description-gl: XML-RPC client and server library for Haskell HaXR is a library for writing XML-RPC client and server applications in Haskell. . HaXR consists of two packages: haxr and haxr-th. The latter package contains the Template Haskell code used for automatically deriving XML-RPC struct representations for Haskell records. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compiladas para GHC. Package: libghc-hcwiid-doc Description-md5: 94fcf1c514c13de27ca6fe8b452e1002 Description-gl: Library to interface with the wiimote; documentation HCWiid is a working userspace driver along with various applications implementing event drivers, multiple wiimote connectivity, gesture recognition, and other Wiimote-based functionality. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-hoogle-doc Description-md5: 9e298ed27b426ea19e3ea3c8159f3057 Description-gl: Haskell API Search; documentation Hoogle is a Haskell API search engine, which allows you to search many standard Haskell libraries by either function name, or by approximate type signature. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-hopenpgp-doc Description-md5: 486450539a8fba0bf0be4ef9181bf683 Description-gl: implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880); documentation This is a native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880), including message format serialization and some cryptographic operations. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-hostname-doc Description-md5: 3952389da3dbb24c23c20b675ab8e1fc Description-gl: providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname; documentation A very simple package providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-hscolour-doc Description-md5: 18361540cc1e3764aca366449610d272 Description-gl: Documentación de libghc-hscolour-dev; documentación HsColour currently has five output formats: ANSI terminal codes, HTML 3.2 with <font> tags, HTML 4.01 with CSS, LaTeX, and mIRC chat client codes. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hslogger-dev Description-md5: fa19fb25f9683f12c6a9db352a2c8170 Description-gl: logging framework for Haskell hslogger is a logging framework for Haskell, roughly similar to Python's logging module. . hslogger lets each log message have a priority and source be associated with it. The programmer can then define global handlers that route or filter messages based on the priority and source. hslogger also has a syslog handler built in. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hslogger-doc Description-md5: beafd32d9fc43ea884dca45c093a7139 Description-gl: logging framework for Haskell; documentation hslogger is a logging framework for Haskell, roughly similar to Python's logging module. . hslogger lets each log message have a priority and source be associated with it. The programmer can then define global handlers that route or filter messages based on the priority and source. hslogger also has a syslog handler built in. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hslogger-prof Description-md5: f8c20f95975ebfb77dfb635d1b09f690 Description-gl: logging framework for Haskell; profiling libraries hslogger is a logging framework for Haskell, roughly similar to Python's logging module. . hslogger lets each log message have a priority and source be associated with it. The programmer can then define global handlers that route or filter messages based on the priority and source. hslogger also has a syslog handler built in. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hspec-expectations-doc Description-md5: 3b121ca5ae8532f9df6bd8746136d673 Description-gl: catchy combinators for HUnit; documentation Catchy combinators for HUnit: the three main primitives are shouldBe, shouldSatisfy and shouldThrow. They can be used with HUnit, or any framework that integrates with HUnit, like test-framework or Hspec. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-hsyslog-doc Description-md5: be12927716965f6abed409c543a45f70 Description-gl: syslog bindings for Haskell; documentation FFI bindings to syslog(3) from POSIX.1-2001. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-html-conduit-doc Description-md5: 917a85668bfdffb77b791d3e6ddcbe58 Description-gl: parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes; documentation html-conduit uses tagstream-conduit for its parser. It automatically balances mismatched tags, so that there shouldn't be any parse failures. It does not handle a full HTML document rendering, such as adding missing html and head tags. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-html-dev Description-md5: 3c02f23b169978c81ca4b9ece28d70be Description-gl: Haskell html library for GHC Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . This library provides combinators for constructing HTML documents. Package: libghc-html-doc Description-md5: c54ee7c77e4d7442e0d2de875dbf0a2d Description-gl: Haskell html library for GHC; documentation Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . This library provides combinators for constructing HTML documents. Package: libghc-hxt-curl-dev Description-md5: 5ae655c0454d4ad03c1ac3e6e25136e0 Description-gl: Interface de LibCurl para HXT This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Interface de LibCurl para HXT . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-curl-doc Description-md5: 370e14de4526572ce3f705f39b7b863f Description-gl: Interface de LibCurl para HXT; documentación This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Interface de LibCurl para HXT . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-hxt-curl-prof Description-md5: d1a3687968bd8a014f4f7ba3992a5b56 Description-gl: LibCurl interface for HXT; profiling libraries This is a part of Haskell XML Toolbox. . Interface de LibCurl para HXT . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-intern-dev Description-md5: 0063e046762cc4059b60876a3160438e Description-gl: hash consing for data types - libraries Efficient hash-consing for arbitrary Haskell data types. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compiladas para GHC. Package: libghc-iospec-dev Description-md5: f5c902aa602b48315b4d36002a1a02b3 Description-gl: Pure specification of the IO monad It consists of several modules, that give a pure specification of functions in the IO monad: . Test.IOSpec.Fork: a pure specification of forkIO. . Test.IOSpec.IORef: a pure specification of most functions that create and manipulate on IORefs. . Test.IOSpec.MVar: a pure specification of most functions that create and manipulate and MVars. . Test.IOSpec.STM: a pure specification of atomically and the STM monad. . Test.IOSpec.Teletype: a pure specification of getChar, putChar, and several related Prelude functions. . Alén destes módulos que conteñen as especificacións, existen outros módulos importantes: . Test.IOSpec.Types: defines the IOSpec type and several amenities. . Test.IOSpec.VirtualMachine: defines a virtual machine on which to execute pure specifications. . Test.IOSpec.Surrogate: a drop-in replacement for the other modules. Import this and recompile your code once you've finished testing and debugging. . There are several well-documented examples included with the source distribution. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-iospec-doc Description-md5: 6deb009bacc89c961a140fc0f05709ab Description-gl: Pure specification of the IO monad; documentation Test.IOSpec.Fork: a pure specification of forkIO. . Test.IOSpec.IORef: a pure specification of most functions that create and manipulate on IORefs. . Test.IOSpec.MVar: a pure specification of most functions that create and manipulate and MVars. . Test.IOSpec.STM: a pure specification of atomically and the STM monad. . Test.IOSpec.Teletype: a pure specification of getChar, putChar, and several related Prelude functions. . Alén destes módulos que conteñen as especificacións, existen outros módulos importantes: . Test.IOSpec.Types: defines the IOSpec type and several amenities. . Test.IOSpec.VirtualMachine: defines a virtual machine on which to execute pure specifications. . Test.IOSpec.Surrogate: a drop-in replacement for the other modules. Import this and recompile your code once you've finished testing and debugging. . There are several well-documented examples included with the source distribution. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-iospec-prof Description-md5: 0ef330bf1557a8da1eeaef6c47fe6fdd Description-gl: Pure specification of the IO monad; profiling libraries Test.IOSpec.Fork: a pure specification of forkIO. . Test.IOSpec.IORef: a pure specification of most functions that create and manipulate on IORefs. . Test.IOSpec.MVar: a pure specification of most functions that create and manipulate and MVars. . Test.IOSpec.STM: a pure specification of atomically and the STM monad. . Test.IOSpec.Teletype: a pure specification of getChar, putChar, and several related Prelude functions. . Alén destes módulos que conteñen as especificacións, existen outros módulos importantes: . Test.IOSpec.Types: defines the IOSpec type and several amenities. . Test.IOSpec.VirtualMachine: defines a virtual machine on which to execute pure specifications. . Test.IOSpec.Surrogate: a drop-in replacement for the other modules. Import this and recompile your code once you've finished testing and debugging. . There are several well-documented examples included with the source distribution. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-irc-core-dev Description-md5: ce8d2ec8a3f35ac3e2f7c6e6a34c69a4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de conexión a IRC IRC connection library featuring such modules as - Irc.Cmd - Functions for generating IRC protocol message for client-to-server - Irc.Core - Functions for parsing low-level IRC messages into mid-level IRC messages - Irc.Core.Prisms - Prisms for all of the mid-level IRC message constructors - Irc.Format - Functions for parsing and rendering low-level IRC protocol messages - Irc.Message - High-level IRC event messages for client interpretation - Irc.Model - Functions for interpreting mid-level IRC messages to generate high-level event messages and to maintain a consistent view of the connection - Irc.RateLimit - Functions to assist with rate-limiting outgoing client messages - Irc.Time - Internal compatibility module for time-1.4 and time-1.5 interop . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-irc-core-doc Description-md5: bb70b6fafe767abb69a5ca684af2b551 Description-gl: Biblioteca de conexión a IRC; documentación IRC connection library featuring such modules as - Irc.Cmd - Functions for generating IRC protocol message for client-to-server - Irc.Core - Functions for parsing low-level IRC messages into mid-level IRC messages - Irc.Core.Prisms - Prisms for all of the mid-level IRC message constructors - Irc.Format - Functions for parsing and rendering low-level IRC protocol messages - Irc.Message - High-level IRC event messages for client interpretation - Irc.Model - Functions for interpreting mid-level IRC messages to generate high-level event messages and to maintain a consistent view of the connection - Irc.RateLimit - Functions to assist with rate-limiting outgoing client messages - Irc.Time - Internal compatibility module for time-1.4 and time-1.5 interop . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-irc-core-prof Description-md5: 87fa4793d4fc87c2340ab809045aec1f Description-gl: Biblioteca de conexión a IRC; bibliotecas de perfilado IRC connection library featuring such modules as - Irc.Cmd - Functions for generating IRC protocol message for client-to-server - Irc.Core - Functions for parsing low-level IRC messages into mid-level IRC messages - Irc.Core.Prisms - Prisms for all of the mid-level IRC message constructors - Irc.Format - Functions for parsing and rendering low-level IRC protocol messages - Irc.Message - High-level IRC event messages for client interpretation - Irc.Model - Functions for interpreting mid-level IRC messages to generate high-level event messages and to maintain a consistent view of the connection - Irc.RateLimit - Functions to assist with rate-limiting outgoing client messages - Irc.Time - Internal compatibility module for time-1.4 and time-1.5 interop . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-irc-dev Description-md5: 507f3658eb04566813683f0d8cae77ba Description-gl: Haskell IRC library A set of combinators and types for parsing IRC (Internet Relay Chat) messages. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compiladas para GHC. Package: libghc-lambdabot-core-dev Description-md5: 7a2211a1b749bb69e96345cce1d473f6 Description-gl: Lambdabot core functionality Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Manage plugins, network connections, configurations and much more. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-core-doc Description-md5: e1dc7fcf183778e7a6b86e0b4a188b06 Description-gl: Lambdabot core functionality; documentation Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Manage plugins, network connections, configurations and much more. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-core-prof Description-md5: f84aaf4c43faf714f7db51c48a90dbcf Description-gl: Lambdabot core functionality; profiling libraries Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Manage plugins, network connections, configurations and much more. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-irc-plugins-dev Description-md5: e889c47769690e36a76cf47eef5b8484 Description-gl: IRC plugins for lambdabot Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [irc] Lets lambdabot connect to IRC. . [localtime] Check user's local time. . [log] Log IRC channels. . [topic] Modify channel topics. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-irc-plugins-doc Description-md5: 8e30b9c656b2f70db1be41a226c4479c Description-gl: IRC plugins for lambdabot; documentation Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [irc] Lets lambdabot connect to IRC. . [localtime] Check user's local time. . [log] Log IRC channels. . [topic] Modify channel topics. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-irc-plugins-prof Description-md5: 1e66561fb30aa89c49018a7740e2cd94 Description-gl: IRC plugins for lambdabot; profiling libraries Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [irc] Lets lambdabot connect to IRC. . [localtime] Check user's local time. . [log] Log IRC channels. . [topic] Modify channel topics. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-misc-plugins-dev Description-md5: 776408860b06ee292dadd033592fb41c Description-gl: Lambdabot miscellaneous plugins Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [dummy] Many commands with fixed replies. . [error] Debug error handling. . [fresh] Generate Haskell project names. . [hello] Hello, world. . [stats] Ad-hoc statsd queries. . [todo] A to-do list for lambdabot. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-misc-plugins-doc Description-md5: ece339bcbad39476524aea7da872a343 Description-gl: Lambdabot miscellaneous plugins; documentation Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [dummy] Many commands with fixed replies. . [error] Debug error handling. . [fresh] Generate Haskell project names. . [hello] Hello, world. . [stats] Ad-hoc statsd queries. . [todo] A to-do list for lambdabot. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-misc-plugins-prof Description-md5: b737ebb677a1aa3548a65c2bb3ac1f67 Description-gl: Lambdabot miscellaneous plugins; profiling libraries Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [dummy] Many commands with fixed replies. . [error] Debug error handling. . [fresh] Generate Haskell project names. . [hello] Hello, world. . [stats] Ad-hoc statsd queries. . [todo] A to-do list for lambdabot. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-novelty-plugins-dev Description-md5: 82e5e7078d68d30233204e68db5f2333 Description-gl: novelty plugins for Lambdabot Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [bf] Run Brainf*ck code. . [dice] Roll some dice. . [elite] zPEak Gib8erI$|-|. . [filter] More gibberish. . [numberwang] Sorry, that's not Numberwang. . [quote] Parrot profound wisdom. . [slap] Delegate punishment. . [unlambda] Run Unlambda code. . [vixen] Let's chat, honey. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-novelty-plugins-doc Description-md5: 37d8e0b24c8fb703d1df193a3e5c7d8d Description-gl: novelty plugins for Lambdabot; documentation Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [bf] Run Brainf*ck code. . [dice] Roll some dice. . [elite] zPEak Gib8erI$|-|. . [filter] More gibberish. . [numberwang] Sorry, that's not Numberwang. . [quote] Parrot profound wisdom. . [slap] Delegate punishment. . [unlambda] Run Unlambda code. . [vixen] Let's chat, honey. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-novelty-plugins-prof Description-md5: f8a6f3f60f2d9b947e10163fc3f4691d Description-gl: novelty plugins for Lambdabot; profiling libraries Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [bf] Run Brainf*ck code. . [dice] Roll some dice. . [elite] zPEak Gib8erI$|-|. . [filter] More gibberish. . [numberwang] Sorry, that's not Numberwang. . [quote] Parrot profound wisdom. . [slap] Delegate punishment. . [unlambda] Run Unlambda code. . [vixen] Let's chat, honey. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-reference-plugins-dev Description-md5: af9e8c6ee1c4a8f6139d3867717e9e2f Description-gl: Lambdabot reference plugins Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [dict] Query various dictionaries. . [metar] Look up avian weather reports. . [oeis] Look up number sequences on OEIS. . [search] Query search engines. . [spell] Check spelling of wrods. . [ticker] Look up stock quotes. . [url] Display titles of URLs on channels. . [where] Manage and query a key-URL list. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-reference-plugins-doc Description-md5: 780f0ffbd3c5ab45d7c4a39170bee88a Description-gl: Lambdabot reference plugins; documentation Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [dict] Query various dictionaries. . [metar] Look up avian weather reports. . [oeis] Look up number sequences on OEIS. . [search] Query search engines. . [spell] Check spelling of wrods. . [ticker] Look up stock quotes. . [url] Display titles of URLs on channels. . [where] Manage and query a key-URL list. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-reference-plugins-prof Description-md5: d2b58436120db38873d10b02ba014966 Description-gl: Lambdabot reference plugins; profiling libraries Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [dict] Query various dictionaries. . [metar] Look up avian weather reports. . [oeis] Look up number sequences on OEIS. . [search] Query search engines. . [spell] Check spelling of wrods. . [ticker] Look up stock quotes. . [url] Display titles of URLs on channels. . [where] Manage and query a key-URL list. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-social-plugins-dev Description-md5: 2d15b4e160ccef9e7b12256a6b9a1f25 Description-gl: social plugins for Lambdabot Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [activity] Check where and how much is lambdabot used. . [karma] Track who's been good and who's been naughty. . [poll] Let the people vote. . [seen] Track who was around when. . [tell] Leave messages for other users. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-social-plugins-doc Description-md5: 6346fdb5a7a7af49e920eeafcda8d446 Description-gl: social plugins for Lambdabot; documentation Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [activity] Check where and how much is lambdabot used. . [karma] Track who's been good and who's been naughty. . [poll] Let the people vote. . [seen] Track who was around when. . [tell] Leave messages for other users. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-social-plugins-prof Description-md5: 028a54be03fb09ad617c2125abf0c3e3 Description-gl: social plugins for Lambdabot; profiling libraries Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . Provided plugins: . [activity] Check where and how much is lambdabot used. . [karma] Track who's been good and who's been naughty. . [poll] Let the people vote. . [seen] Track who was around when. . [tell] Leave messages for other users. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-trusted-dev Description-md5: d542f14c60aeb886b6c98f9cf8bd0420 Description-gl: Lambdabot trusted code Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . This small package provides functions used by the run command. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-trusted-doc Description-md5: 841d8a1e7e34a3ef09ceddd3cf9010e8 Description-gl: Lambdabot trusted code; documentation Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . This small package provides functions used by the run command. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-lambdabot-trusted-prof Description-md5: e67df56cd05c147ff599d2f903db5a91 Description-gl: Lambdabot trusted code; profiling libraries Lambdabot é un bot de IRC escrito durante varios anos polos usuarios da canle de IRC #haskell. . This small package provides functions used by the run command. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-language-c-dev Description-md5: 283e10784e680e1214834bb613eb210d Description-gl: Biblioteca en Haskell para a análise e xeración de código en C Language C is a haskell library for the analysis and generation of C code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-language-haskell-extract-dev Description-md5: 9d26fc0fe8e4a6e22f3c4e4341dbf852 Description-gl: automatically extract functions from the local code. language-haskell-extract contains some useful helper functions on top of Template Haskell. functionExtractor extracts all functions after a regexp- pattern. . > foo = "test" > boo = "testing" > bar = $(functionExtractor "oo$") . will automagically extract the functions ending with "oo" such as . > bar = [("foo",foo), ("boo",boo)] . This can be useful if you wish to extract all functions beginning with test (for a test-framework) or all functions beginning with wc (for a web service). . functionExtractorMap works like functionsExtractor but applies a function over all function-pairs. This functions is useful if the common return type of the functions is a type class. . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-language-haskell-extract-doc Description-md5: 99914e794dc2a229aeb191aeba5a45da Description-gl: automatically extract functions from the local code.; documentation language-haskell-extract contains some useful helper functions on top of Template Haskell. functionExtractor extracts all functions after a regexp- pattern. . > foo = "test" > boo = "testing" > bar = $(functionExtractor "oo$") . will automagically extract the functions ending with "oo" such as . > bar = [("foo",foo), ("boo",boo)] . This can be useful if you wish to extract all functions beginning with test (for a test-framework) or all functions beginning with wc (for a web service). . functionExtractorMap works like functionsExtractor but applies a function over all function-pairs. This functions is useful if the common return type of the functions is a type class. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-language-haskell-extract-prof Description-md5: c8f03e7a614c2e1fbe48365b41d6a698 Description-gl: automatically extract functions from the local code.; profiling libraries language-haskell-extract contains some useful helper functions on top of Template Haskell. functionExtractor extracts all functions after a regexp- pattern. . > foo = "test" > boo = "testing" > bar = $(functionExtractor "oo$") . will automagically extract the functions ending with "oo" such as . > bar = [("foo",foo), ("boo",boo)] . This can be useful if you wish to extract all functions beginning with test (for a test-framework) or all functions beginning with wc (for a web service). . functionExtractorMap works like functionsExtractor but applies a function over all function-pairs. This functions is useful if the common return type of the functions is a type class. . This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled. Package: libghc-ldap-dev Description-md5: a32ebfd07e7e6ce64fb5c3b0bc09141f Description-gl: Interface para LDAP para Haskell This package provides an interface to the C LDAP API for Haskell programmers. With it, you can search, modify, and interrogate LDAP directories. The Haskell binding features automatic memory management and proper handling for binary data, and handles all marshalling into and out of C data structures for you automatically. . Este paquete foi construÃdo para GHC. Package: libghc-ldap-doc Description-md5: cb64d335b2985a7dfa3311b6093a9550 Description-gl: Interface para LDAP para Haskell This package provides an interface to the C LDAP API for Haskell programmers. With it, you can search, modify, and interrogate LDAP directories. The Haskell binding features automatic memory management and proper handling for binary data, and handles all marshalling into and out of C data structures for you automatically. . Este paquete fornece documentación para as asociacións de Haskell con LDAP. Package: libghc-lens-doc Description-md5: 1455763aab6989c2cddb73d6e49321a2 Description-gl: Lenses, Folds and Traversals; documentation This package comes "Batteries Included" with many useful lenses for the types commonly used from the Haskell Platform, and with tools for automatically generating lenses and isomorphisms for user-supplied data types. . The combinators in Control.Lens provide a highly generic toolbox for composing families of getters, folds, isomorphisms, traversals, setters and lenses and their indexed variants. . More information on the care and feeding of lenses, including a tutorial and motivation for their types can be found on the lens wiki ( . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-libxml-sax-doc Description-md5: 9fe278d7d2465204584912b4cf628b6d Description-gl: bindings for libXML2 SAX; documentation These are Haskell bindings to the libXML2 SAX library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-mime-mail-dev Description-md5: ee9cdffacc428e314e9987ee3669eae1 Description-gl: Biblioteca para redactar mensaxes de correo MIME It provides some high-level datatypes for declaring MIME email messages, functions for automatically composing these into bytestrings, and the ability to send bytestrings via the sendmail executable. You can also use any other library you wish to send via different methods, for example directly to SMTP. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-mime-mail-doc Description-md5: e8a2670e2fa9e55c3e1c1c07f09a930f Description-gl: Biblioteca para redactar mensaxes de correo MIME; documentación It provides some high-level datatypes for declaring MIME email messages, functions for automatically composing these into bytestrings, and the ability to send bytestrings via the sendmail executable. You can also use any other library you wish to send via different methods, for example directly to SMTP. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-missingh-doc Description-md5: 8bb5d0271797f25caa2cb25c846e06bd Description-gl: Documentation for Haskell utility library MissingH is a library of all sorts of utility functions for Haskell programmers. It is written in pure Haskell and thus should be extremely portable and easy to use. It also has no prerequisites save those that are commonly included with Haskell compilers. . MissingH is based on MissingLib library for OCaml and contains some of the same features. However, some features are left behind because they are already in Haskell or not needed here -- and others are added due to things Haskell is missing, or things that Haskell makes possible. . Este paquete fornece a documentación da API de MissingH. Package: libghc-monad-logger-doc Description-md5: 65cde09734f45cf940ef459d3dc07467 Description-gl: a class of monads which can log messages; documentation This package uses Template Haskell for determining source code locations of messages. . Author: Michael Snoyman Upstream-Maintainer: . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-monadcryptorandom-doc Description-md5: 9bbe1de7730b7f7d8d068aefc3cde9d9 Description-gl: monad for using CryptoRandomGen; documentation A monad for using CryptoRandomGen. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-monads-tf-doc Description-md5: 3863590230bf6adafa6213604389ccef Description-gl: monad classes, using type families; documentation Monad classes using type families, with instances for various monad transformers, inspired by the paper /Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism/, by Mark P Jones, in Advanced School of Functional Programming, 1995 ( . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-murmur-hash-doc Description-md5: 09f4f2299b58cd58e04d4c22a3ff56d5 Description-gl: MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell.; documentation Implements MurmurHash2, a good, fast, general-purpose, non-cryptographic hashing function. See <> for details. . This implementation is pure Haskell, so it might be a bit slower than a C FFI binding. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-network-protocol-xmpp-dev Description-md5: 1f39c26db87244bc9de377f2c41c1db0 Description-gl: Haskell XMPP (Jabber) library Esta biblioteca define un tipo de datos de XMPP e funcións. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-network-protocol-xmpp-doc Description-md5: 406d5abd35e37f6104c0b0c8ffd1e2fa Description-gl: Haskell XMPP (Jabber) library; documentation; documentation Esta biblioteca define un tipo de datos de XMPP e funcións. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-network-protocol-xmpp-prof Description-md5: afb3047602f85b3d43c2b19716321825 Description-gl: Haskell XMPP (Jabber) library; profiling libraries; profiling libraries Esta biblioteca define un tipo de datos de XMPP e funcións. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-numbers-dev Description-md5: a50b3650606b69335f74476699fe78db Description-gl: Diversos tipos de números It contains instances of the numerical classes for a variety of different numbers: (computable) real numbers, arbitrary precision fixed numbers, arbitrary precision floating point numbers, differentiable numbers, symbolic numbers, natural numbers, interval arithmetic. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-numbers-doc Description-md5: 2aa36d9a23657affd89d605259d22a8f Description-gl: Diversos tipos de números; documentación It contains instances of the numerical classes for a variety of different numbers: (computable) real numbers, arbitrary precision fixed numbers, arbitrary precision floating point numbers, differentiable numbers, symbolic numbers, natural numbers, interval arithmetic. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-opengl-dev Description-md5: 84fe6d5588a85eade7e842516a65acba Description-gl: Haskell OpenGL binding for GHC Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . A Haskell binding for the OpenGL graphics system (GL, version 3.2) and its accompanying utility library (GLU, version 1.3). Package: libghc-opengl-doc Description-md5: 515e3361620f0592cf7b631586ee3e87 Description-gl: Haskell OpenGL binding for GHC; documentation Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . A Haskell binding for the OpenGL graphics system (GL, version 3.2) and its accompanying utility library (GLU, version 1.3). Package: libghc-options-dev Description-md5: e7a7493763c9da836037f269302ba839 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Haskell para analizar opcións da liña de ordes The options package lets library and application developers easily work with command-line options. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-options-doc Description-md5: 52bb74009d049fa216f87572a27e392a Description-gl: Biblioteca en Haskell para analizar opcións da liña de ordes; documentación The options package lets library and application developers easily work with command-line options. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-optparse-applicative-dev Description-md5: e74949fbaf242693a01e16709986b0fa Description-gl: Utilidades e combinadores para analizar opcións da liña de ordes This is a library for constructing command-line option parsers in the applicative style. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-optparse-applicative-doc Description-md5: e8cd7c1170aa17ef9a972e083f7b0457 Description-gl: Utilidades e combinadores para analizar opcións da liña de ordes; documentación This is a library for constructing command-line option parsers in the applicative style. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-pandoc-dev Description-md5: 79d66c16f69d73a4efba2eb097bdcfd9 Description-gl: general markup converter - libraries Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read several dialects of Markdown and (subsets of) HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, DocBook, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, Haddock markup, OPML, Emacs Org-mode, txt2tags, Word Docx, ODT, and Textile, and it can write Markdown, reStructuredText, XHTML, HTML 5, LaTeX (including rendering as plain PDF or beamer slide shows), ConTeXt, DocBook, OPML, TEI, OpenDocument, ODT, Word docx, RTF, MediaWiki, DokuWiki, ZimWiki, Textile, groff man pages, GNU Texinfo, plain text, Emacs Org-Mode, AsciiDoc, Haddock markup, EPUB (v2 and v3), FictionBook2, InDesign ICML, and several kinds of HTML/javascript slide shows (S5, Slidy, Slideous, DZSlides, reveal.js). . In contrast to most existing tools for converting Markdown to HTML, pandoc has a modular design: it consists of a set of readers, which parse text in a given format and produce a native representation of the document, and a set of writers, which convert this native representation into a target format. Thus, adding an input or output format requires only adding a reader or writer. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compiladas para GHC. Package: libghc-pandoc-doc Description-md5: ed9cc4739325583b53f6fe3262bfa102 Description-gl: general markup converter - library documentation Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read several dialects of Markdown and (subsets of) HTML, reStructuredText, LaTeX, DocBook, MediaWiki markup, TWiki markup, Haddock markup, OPML, Emacs Org-mode, txt2tags, Word Docx, ODT, and Textile, and it can write Markdown, reStructuredText, XHTML, HTML 5, LaTeX (including rendering as plain PDF or beamer slide shows), ConTeXt, DocBook, OPML, TEI, OpenDocument, ODT, Word docx, RTF, MediaWiki, DokuWiki, ZimWiki, Textile, groff man pages, GNU Texinfo, plain text, Emacs Org-Mode, AsciiDoc, Haddock markup, EPUB (v2 and v3), FictionBook2, InDesign ICML, and several kinds of HTML/javascript slide shows (S5, Slidy, Slideous, DZSlides, reveal.js). . In contrast to most existing tools for converting Markdown to HTML, pandoc has a modular design: it consists of a set of readers, which parse text in a given format and produce a native representation of the document, and a set of writers, which convert this native representation into a target format. Thus, adding an input or output format requires only adding a reader or writer. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca Pandoc. Package: libghc-parsec3-dev Description-md5: f7ab2cfc7906b99db98d53e3aa990da6 Description-gl: Haskell monadic parser combinator library for GHC Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . Parsec is designed from scratch as an industrial-strength parser library. It is simple, safe, well documented, has extensive libraries and good error messages, and is also fast. It is defined as a monad transformer that can be stacked on arbitrary monads, and it is also parametric in the input stream type. Package: libghc-parsec3-doc Description-md5: 916b45fd6c91800a0503672d1ae1338f Description-gl: Haskell monadic parser combinator library for GHC; documentation Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . Parsec is designed from scratch as an industrial-strength parser library. It is simple, safe, well documented, has extensive libraries and good error messages, and is also fast. It is defined as a monad transformer that can be stacked on arbitrary monads, and it is also parametric in the input stream type. Package: libghc-persistent-postgresql-doc Description-md5: bb41f17657d4cf616c4facc176d4aba9 Description-gl: backend for the persistent library using PostgreSQL; documentation Based on the postgresql-simple package . Author: Felipe Lessa, Michael Snoyman <> Upstream-Maintainer: Michael Snoyman <> . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-pointedlist-doc Description-md5: 493921d3fa29ced5e988e32780e7bfc3 Description-gl: zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position.; documentation This Haskell library provides PointedList, which tracks the position in a non-empty list which works similarly to a zipper. A current item is always required, and therefore the list may never be empty. A circular PointedList wraps around to the other end when progressing past the actual edge. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-postgresql-libpq-doc Description-md5: 4a23442378759fcfaee27adee48590cd Description-gl: low-level binding to libpq; documentation This is a binding to libpq: the C application programmer's interface to PostgreSQL. libpq is a set of library functions that allow client programs to pass queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the results of these queries. . Author: Grant Monroe, Leon P Smith, Joey Adams Upstream-Maintainer: Leon P Smith <> . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-postgresql-simple-doc Description-md5: 69b2c18517db3ee6140efd16c9af6499 Description-gl: mid-level PostgreSQL client library; documentation Mid-level client library for the PostgreSQL database, aimed at ease of use and high performance. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-psqueue-doc Description-md5: a8f5b1c07c0222236f02a1b0a396ed78 Description-gl: Priority Search Queue; documentation A /priority search queue/ efficiently supports the opperations of both a search tree and a priority queue. A 'Binding' is a product of a key and a priority. Bindings can be inserted, deleted, modified and queried in logarithmic time, and the binding with the least priority can be retrieved in constant time. A queue can be built from a list of bindings, sorted by keys, in linear time. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-publicsuffixlist-dev Description-md5: 42f25c3dab9316c27cc95af1272ba1a3 Description-gl: Rutinas para comprobar se algo é «sufixo público» publicsuffix answers the question "Is a given string a domain suffix?". . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-publicsuffixlist-doc Description-md5: 0b3d883340ca21a448878499d472361a Description-gl: Rutinas para comprobar se algo é «sufixo público», documentación publicsuffix answers the question "Is a given string a domain suffix?". . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-pwstore-fast-dev Description-md5: 681f60014f2e2299c8c29fc89abced57 Description-gl: Almacenamento seguro de contrasinais To store passwords securely, they should be salted, then hashed with a slow hash function. This library uses PBKDF1-SHA256, and handles all the details. It uses the cryptohash package for speed; if you need a pure Haskell library, pwstore-purehaskell has the exact same API, but uses only pure Haskell. It is about 25 times slower than this package, but still quite usable. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-pwstore-fast-doc Description-md5: d64fabdfd8bb85f01cd1c69648f4f9c2 Description-gl: Almacenamento seguro de contrasinais; documentación To store passwords securely, they should be salted, then hashed with a slow hash function. This library uses PBKDF1-SHA256, and handles all the details. It uses the cryptohash package for speed; if you need a pure Haskell library, pwstore-purehaskell has the exact same API, but uses only pure Haskell. It is about 25 times slower than this package, but still quite usable. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-quickcheck-instances-doc Description-md5: 6f865145b3d371791351404939a19181 Description-gl: common QuickCheck instances; documentation QuickCheck instances. . The goal is to supply QuickCheck instances for types provided by the Haskell Platform. . For information on writing a test-suite with Cabal see <> . Author: Antoine Latter Upstream-Maintainer: . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-quickcheck2-dev Description-md5: fdc8a1a14b6a1fb648d28d110264b87f Description-gl: Haskell automatic testing library for GHC Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . QuickCheck is a library for testing Haskell programs automatically. The programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form of properties which functions should satisfy, and QuickCheck then tests that the properties hold in a large number of randomly generated cases. Specifications are expressed in Haskell, using combinators defined in the QuickCheck library. QuickCheck provides combinators to define properties, observe the distribution of test data, and define test data generators. Package: libghc-quickcheck2-doc Description-md5: e8ce978b93ab8a9a472d4e6d339b211d Description-gl: Haskell automatic testing library for GHC; documentation Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca para unha biblioteca para a linguaxe de programación Haskell. . QuickCheck is a library for testing Haskell programs automatically. The programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form of properties which functions should satisfy, and QuickCheck then tests that the properties hold in a large number of randomly generated cases. Specifications are expressed in Haskell, using combinators defined in the QuickCheck library. QuickCheck provides combinators to define properties, observe the distribution of test data, and define test data generators. Package: libghc-random-dev Description-md5: e0c3908fdf7b5ebf064277686f188120 Description-gl: Xerador de números aleatorios para Haskell This package provides a basic random number generation library, including the ability to split random number generators. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-random-doc Description-md5: 50abf64496c2abbe3b3398844da861ac Description-gl: Xerador de números aleatorios para Haskell; documentación This package provides a basic random number generation library, including the ability to split random number generators. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-recaptcha-dev Description-md5: 79dff8001ed95bacb53fae1649ae2d57 Description-gl: Interface en Haskell para o servizo reCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA ( is a service that provides captchas for preventing automated spam in web applications, using the data people submit to digitize old books and newspapers. haskell-recaptcha provides functions for using reCAPTCHA in Haskell web applications. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-regex-compat-dev Description-md5: c4776b95acf22f9047c7c9aa947fa9cf Description-gl: GHC library providing old Text.Regex interface A library providing the old Text.Regex interface to the POSIX regular expression backend. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas para empregar con GHC. Package: libghc-regex-compat-doc Description-md5: 62e5f98515140fc0f0d654d9265a9a71 Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca de Haskell regex-compat A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the interface API of regex-base. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API da biblioteca. Package: libghc-regex-pcre-dev Description-md5: 4d5b52af6ef4131294caf0603d154859 Description-gl: Perl-compatible regular expressions Unha biblioteca que contén a infraestrutura PCRE para acompañar a regex- base. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas para empregar con GHC. Package: libghc-regex-pcre-doc Description-md5: ce982f6d4f5f2c4f966e3af33e5b901d Description-gl: Perl-compatible regular expressions; documentation Unha biblioteca que contén a infraestrutura PCRE para acompañar a regex- base. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API da biblioteca. Package: libghc-regex-pcre-prof Description-md5: eb45533c3c3606d5fd1bb5b0f4395f28 Description-gl: Perl-compatible regular expressions; profiling libraries Unha biblioteca que contén a infraestrutura PCRE para acompañar a regex- base. . This package contains additional profiling libraries which can be used with ghc-prof. Package: libghc-regex-posix-dev Description-md5: d4699f604d7d20a59d809129246e1a72 Description-gl: GHC library of the POSIX regex backend for regex-base A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the interface API of regex-base. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas para empregar con GHC. Package: libghc-regex-posix-doc Description-md5: 8ff2a00846e5fb1a189e982a6990e407 Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca de Haskell regex-posix A library containing a POSIX regular expression backend conforming to the interface API of regex-base. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API da biblioteca. Package: libghc-smallcheck-dev Description-md5: 298fa50905f07569ee051dea8350c51a Description-gl: Outra biblioteca de probas lixeira SmallCheck is similar to QuickCheck (Claessen and Hughes 2000-) but instead of testing for a sample of randomly generated values, SmallCheck tests properties for all the finitely many values up to some depth, progressively increasing the depth used. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-smallcheck-doc Description-md5: e0dedf5b9ab6f3827bcbb83d95796bcc Description-gl: Outra biblioteca de probas lixeira; documentación SmallCheck is similar to QuickCheck (Claessen and Hughes 2000-) but instead of testing for a sample of randomly generated values, SmallCheck tests properties for all the finitely many values up to some depth, progressively increasing the depth used. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-snap-core-dev Description-md5: cf247452e8f65870e5779cf18e879ecf Description-gl: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core) Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . Esta biblioteca contén as definicións e tipos centrais da infraestrutura Snap, incluÃdo: . 1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies, post/query parameters, etc) . 2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O . 3. A monad for programming web handlers called \"Snap\", inspired by happstack's (<>), which allows: . o Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects . o Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to handle requests and chaining handlers together . o Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to return and want to prevent further monadic processing . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-snap-core-doc Description-md5: edde063ac241baf5ab01ae4884ad27b8 Description-gl: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core); documentation Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . Esta biblioteca contén as definicións e tipos centrais da infraestrutura Snap, incluÃdo: . 1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies, post/query parameters, etc) . 2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O . 3. A monad for programming web handlers called \"Snap\", inspired by happstack's (<>), which allows: . o Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects . o Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to handle requests and chaining handlers together . o Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to return and want to prevent further monadic processing . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-snap-core-prof Description-md5: 7e223748f4b56c345efb035c10be3d94 Description-gl: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core); profiling libraries Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . Esta biblioteca contén as definicións e tipos centrais da infraestrutura Snap, incluÃdo: . 1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies, post/query parameters, etc) . 2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O . 3. A monad for programming web handlers called \"Snap\", inspired by happstack's (<>), which allows: . o Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects . o Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to handle requests and chaining handlers together . o Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to return and want to prevent further monadic processing . This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled. Package: libghc-snap-server-doc Description-md5: ababe7f626240c3f35d4441f9a9db32d Description-gl: iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework; documentation Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap project website at <>. . The Snap HTTP server is a high performance, epoll-enabled, iteratee-based web server library written in Haskell. Together with the @snap-core@ library upon which it depends, it provides a clean and efficient Haskell programming interface to the HTTP protocol. . Higher-level facilities for building web applications (like user/session management, component interfaces, data modeling, etc.) are planned but not yet implemented, so this release will mostly be of interest for those who: . o need a fast and minimal HTTP API at roughly the same level of abstraction as Java servlets, or . o are interested in contributing to the Snap Framework project. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-split-dev Description-md5: 2623b1776ad2e95b7cd1d8c4210bc881 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Haskell para quebrar listas This Haskell library provides a wide range of strategies and a unified combinator framework for splitting lists with respect to some sort of delimiter. . For example, it can split a list every N elements, or on elements that satisfy some condition. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-split-doc Description-md5: af4464d370726795eb85f1455eed6ba7 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Haskell para quebrar listas; documentación This Haskell library provides a wide range of strategies and a unified combinator framework for splitting lists with respect to some sort of delimiter. . For example, it can split a list every N elements, or on elements that satisfy some condition. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-src-exts-doc Description-md5: 051985cd26aebc6758ef761007439558 Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca haskell-src-exts; documentación haskell-src-exts (HSX, haskell-source with extensions) is an extension of the standard haskell-src package, and handles most common syntactic extensions to Haskell, including: * Multi-parameter type classes with functional dependencies * Indexed type families (including associated types) * Empty data declarations * GADTs * Implicit parameters (ghc and hugs style) * Template Haskell . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-statevar-dev Description-md5: 7eb142eb5a50cf961f0e1e7df574b6c4 Description-gl: Variábeis de estado en Haskell This library provides a common abstraction of stateful variables, e.g. IORef and OpenGL's StateVar. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-statevar-doc Description-md5: 03f81b17046a3ddc9639daea5cf51849 Description-gl: Variábeis de estado en Haskell; documentación This library provides a common abstraction of stateful variables, e.g. IORef and OpenGL's StateVar. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-stringsearch-doc Description-md5: 6ae03042c74569a77c81eeb34bc76a51 Description-gl: Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings; documentation This package provides several functions to quickly search for substrings in strict or lazy ByteStrings. It also provides functions for breaking or splitting on substrings and replacing all occurrences of a substring (the first in case of overlaps) with another. . Author: Daniel Fischer, Chris Kuklewicz, Justin Bailey Upstream-Maintainer: . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-swish-dev Description-md5: 19fa03937864bbbac36359c67bad22c2 Description-gl: semantic web toolkit - libraries Swish is a framework for performing deductions in RDF data using a variety of techniques. Swish is conceived as a toolkit for experimenting with RDF inference, and for implementing stand-alone RDF file processors (usable in similar style to CWM, but with a view to being extensible in declarative style through added Haskell function and data value declarations). It explores Haskell as "a scripting language for the Semantic Web". . Swish is a work-in-progress, and currently incorporates: . * Turtle, Notation3 and NTriples input and output. The N3 support is incomplete (no handling of @forAll). * RDF graph isomorphism testing and merging. * Display of differences between RDF graphs. * Inference operations in forward chaining, backward chaining and proof-checking modes. * Simple Horn-style rule implementations, extendable through variable binding modifiers and filters. * Class restriction rule implementation, primarily for datatype inferences. * RDF formal semantics entailment rule implementation. * Complete, ready-to-run, command-line and script-driven programs. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compiladas para GHC. Package: libghc-system-fileio-doc Description-md5: 41a897c9c6a6c4e87841723f94cdac4e Description-gl: consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions; documentation This is a small wrapper around the "directory", "unix", and "Win32" packages, for use with "system-filepath". It provides a consistent API to the various versions of these packages distributed with different versions of GHC. . In particular, this library supports working with POSIX files that have paths which can't be decoded in the current locale encoding. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-tagsoup-dev Description-md5: 9e7b8da978a1af82a01a785ae1be1585 Description-gl: Haskell library to robustly parse unstructured HTML TagSoup extracts information out of unstructured HTML code, sometimes known as tag soup. TagSoup does not require well-formed or standards- compliant HTML, or HTML that renders correctly in any particular rendering engine. TagSoup transforms HTML into a list of open tags with attributes, close tags, and text, but makes no attempt to group these together into any kind of structure. . Este paquete non está relacionado coa biblioteca de Java TagSoup. Package: libghc-tagsoup-doc Description-md5: c61326ffa7176e76f35578a3249fb3b3 Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca TagSoup de Haskell TagSoup extracts information out of unstructured HTML code, sometimes known as tag soup. TagSoup does not require well-formed or standards- compliant HTML, or HTML that renders correctly in any particular rendering engine. TagSoup transforms HTML into a list of open tags with attributes, close tags, and text, but makes no attempt to group these together into any kind of structure. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API e exemplos da biblioteca TagSoup. Package: libghc-tagstream-conduit-doc Description-md5: 72843c96e2e3f5eb8c27db530c2a2c98 Description-gl: streamlined HTML tag parser; documentation Tag-stream is a library for parsing HTMLXML to a token stream. It can parse unstructured and malformed HTML from the web. It also provides an Enumeratee which can parse streamline html, which means it consumes constant memory. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-tar-dev Description-md5: 969482f0f187cb656a73c0590e93b5bf Description-gl: Lectura, escrita e manipulación de ficheiros de arquivos «.tar» This library is for working with ".tar" archive files. It can read and write a range of common variations of archive format including V7, USTAR, POSIX and GNU formats. It provides support for packing and unpacking portable archives. This makes it suitable for distribution but not backup because details like file ownership and exact permissions are not preserved. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-tar-doc Description-md5: d73e54c3113c06b3ca0d7e8c4fdf8512 Description-gl: Lectura, escrita e manipulación de ficheiros de arquivos «.tar»; documentación This library is for working with ".tar" archive files. It can read and write a range of common variations of archive format including V7, USTAR, POSIX and GNU formats. It provides support for packing and unpacking portable archives. This makes it suitable for distribution but not backup because details like file ownership and exact permissions are not preserved. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-test-framework-dev Description-md5: 2dd22871389530ff80e4f6ddcf86f407 Description-gl: Infraestrutura para executar e organizar probas Allows tests such as QuickCheck properties and HUnit test cases to be assembled into test groups, run in parallel (but reported in deterministic order, to aid diff interpretation) and filtered and controlled by command line options. All of this comes with colored test output, progress reporting and test statistics output. . You should install libghc-test-framework-{hunit,quickcheck2}-* package to use this with {HUnit,QuickCheck2}. . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-test-framework-doc Description-md5: 76a92b0d567693ebad27eaa34090dd7a Description-gl: Infraestrutura para executar e organizar probas; documentación Allows tests such as QuickCheck properties and HUnit test cases to be assembled into test groups, run in parallel (but reported in deterministic order, to aid diff interpretation) and filtered and controlled by command line options. All of this comes with colored test output, progress reporting and test statistics output. . You should install libghc-test-framework-{hunit,quickcheck2}-* package to use this with {HUnit,QuickCheck2}. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-test-framework-hunit-dev Description-md5: 9b46c53342ea6be4534e38bbfa183696 Description-gl: Compatibilidade con HUnit para o paquete test-framework. Allows HUnit test cases to be used with the test-framework package. . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-test-framework-hunit-doc Description-md5: 4fd6d4752302367e85c217f8546fcffc Description-gl: Compatibilidade con HUnit para o paquete test-framework; documentación Allows HUnit test cases to be used with the test-framework package. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-test-framework-quickcheck2-doc Description-md5: 6643ed32475d1142ee39cc71354c8bb4 Description-gl: QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package.; documentation Allows QuickCheck2 properties to be used with the test-framework package. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-test-framework-th-doc Description-md5: 8efa2a826bff3211c02232d018a8bcb0 Description-gl: Automagically generate the {HUnit,Quickcheck}-bulk-code; documentation test-framework-th contains two interesting functions: defaultMainGenerator and testGroupGenerator. . defaultMainGenerator will extract all functions beginning with "case_" or "prop_" in the module and put them in a testGroup. . testGroupGenerator is like defaultMainGenerator but without defaultMain. It is useful if you need a function for the testgroup (e.g. if you want to be able to call the testgroup from another module). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-text-icu-dev Description-md5: 9ef0683e2a1db8cdec8ec71d55519b9b Description-gl: bindings to the ICU library Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency and ease of use. . Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries. . Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata. . String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of character codes. . Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode and over 220 character encodings. . Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary representation.) . Busca e substitución de expresións regulares. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-text-icu-doc Description-md5: bf2c51912020067dfe66005656356963 Description-gl: bindings to the ICU library; documentation Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency and ease of use. . Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries. . Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata. . String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of character codes. . Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode and over 220 character encodings. . Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary representation.) . Busca e substitución de expresións regulares. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-text-icu-prof Description-md5: fb41209a8e0c591022a3b37a739c7717 Description-gl: bindings to the ICU library; profiling libraries Haskell bindings to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries. These libraries provide robust and full-featured Unicode services on a wide variety of platforms. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . Both pure and impure bindings, to allow for fine control over efficiency and ease of use. . Breaking of strings on character, word, sentence, and line boundaries. . Access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) of character metadata. . String collation functions, for locales where the conventions for lexicographic ordering differ from the simple numeric ordering of character codes. . Character set conversion functions, allowing conversion between Unicode and over 220 character encodings. . Unicode normalization. (When implementations keep strings in a normalized form, they can be assured that equivalent strings have a unique binary representation.) . Busca e substitución de expresións regulares. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-unix-time-doc Description-md5: 03ec56fed64aa34b03060b66193e1634 Description-gl: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities; documentation Fast parser/formatter/utilities for Unix time . Author: Kazu Yamamoto <> Upstream-Maintainer: Kazu Yamamoto <> . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-unixutils-dev Description-md5: e42c91fbff24ef8cef97c4af69c451d3 Description-gl: Interface entre Haskell e sistemas operativos tipo Unix Unixutils is a collection of useful and mildly useful functions that you might expect to find in System.* with a heavy bias towards Unix-type operating systems. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-unixutils-doc Description-md5: 1977ad7cbc45c0962a195cd9412ddcb8 Description-gl: Interface entre Haskell e sistemas operativos tipo Unix; documentación Unixutils is a collection of useful and mildly useful functions that you might expect to find in System.* with a heavy bias towards Unix-type operating systems. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-unixutils-prof Description-md5: c44df558293c94ba5a7d67272b4afcaa Description-gl: Interface entre Haskell e sistemas operativos tipo Unix; bibliotecas de perfilado Unixutils is a collection of useful and mildly useful functions that you might expect to find in System.* with a heavy bias towards Unix-type operating systems. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-utf8-string-dev Description-md5: eaae9b089454a75be5276c35dbd930fd Description-gl: GHC libraries for the Haskell UTF-8 library UTF8 layer for Strings. The utf8-string package provides operations for encoding UTF8 strings to Word8 lists and back, and for reading and writing UTF8 without truncation. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compiladas para GHC. Package: libghc-utf8-string-doc Description-md5: a55ed42a17ae06e79c4aab8edcc58c3b Description-gl: GHC libraries for the Haskell UTF-8 library (documentation) UTF8 layer for Strings. The utf8-string package provides operations for encoding UTF8 strings to Word8 lists and back, and for reading and writing UTF8 without truncation. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca GHC. Package: libghc-vector-space-points-dev Description-md5: 85dd36b3cca5663c09054a2361675a20 Description-gl: Un tipo para puntos dun espazo vectorial Un tipo para puntos, en contraposición con vectores, construÃdo por riba de Data.AffineSpace. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-vector-space-points-doc Description-md5: c4a6b7c6f5bbc3d7e8fd99c88ebe95e8 Description-gl: Un tipo para puntos dun espazo vectorial; documentación Un tipo para puntos, en contraposición con vectores, construÃdo por riba de Data.AffineSpace. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-vector-space-points-prof Description-md5: 9e64e07f4e4a83154224f6bfe55d7a84 Description-gl: A type for points in a vector space; profiling libraries Un tipo para puntos, en contraposición con vectores, construÃdo por riba de Data.AffineSpace. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-wai-logger-dev Description-md5: 93c84f09d11f542a5686ebc2e9c86f9d Description-gl: Sistema de rexistro para WAI This is a logging system for WAI application. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-wai-logger-doc Description-md5: 46223a07b37ac74f79757544e91e50f0 Description-gl: Sistema de rexistro para WAI; documentación This is a logging system for WAI application. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-wl-pprint-text-doc Description-md5: 52ee8a3feaf688a7f1f26171685cf132 Description-gl: Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for Text values in Haskell; documentation This Haskell library provides a clone of wl-pprint for use with the text library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-dev Description-md5: 403b8876fc915768044c10300e9e69c4 Description-gl: Autenticación para Yesod yesod-auth é o compoñente de autenticación de Yesod. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-doc Description-md5: 64af917cff8f1826f883fc583f4559bb Description-gl: Autenticación para Yesod; documentación yesod-auth é o compoñente de autenticación de Yesod. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-oauth-dev Description-md5: 26545f0db59d9492f4bb4ca5de2f2f23 Description-gl: Autenticación mediante OAuth para Yesod Autenticación mediante OAuth para Yesod. . Autor: Hiromi Ishii Mantedor: Hiromi Ishii . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-oauth-doc Description-md5: 83d2af17390e6ec7680e50b317b6553c Description-gl: Autenticación mediante OAuth para Yesod; documentación Autenticación mediante OAuth para Yesod. . Autor: Hiromi Ishii Mantedor: Hiromi Ishii . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-oauth-prof Description-md5: 06cb87d08a4476bdad964f326f18717d Description-gl: OAuth Authentication for Yesod; profiling libraries Autenticación mediante OAuth para Yesod. . Autor: Hiromi Ishii Mantedor: Hiromi Ishii . This package contains the libraries compiled with profiling enabled. Package: libghc-yesod-auth-prof Description-md5: a17bc25b2506a968225615d547c37908 Description-gl: authentication for Yesod; profiling libraries yesod-auth é o compoñente de autenticación de Yesod. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-yesod-default-dev Description-md5: 71eb7823b1b379701a4e934c6940d9a7 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada e funcións principais para o aplicativo de Yesod This is a temporary shim to make things easier for git-annex. It serves no other purpose. . This package contains the normal library files. Package: libghc-yesod-default-doc Description-md5: e544e438efbdf7e24646614d52d4c1cc Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada e funcións principais para o aplicativo de Yesod; documentación This is a temporary shim to make things easier for git-annex. It serves no other purpose. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-yesod-newsfeed-doc Description-md5: 4336b82fccd9ab3581886d85f245333c Description-gl: helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds; documentation Helper functions and data types for producing newsfeeds (Atom and RSS). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-yesod-test-doc Description-md5: 759b19a853f6eef1ccba29e9c4daa483 Description-gl: integration testing for WAI/Yesod applications; documentation Behavior-oriented integration testing for Yesod applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libghc-zip-archive-dev Description-md5: e88d913ad0eed98ba0296ddbe0dc75a8 Description-gl: library to create, modify and extract files from zip archives A biblioteca zip-archive fornece funcións para crear, modificar e extraer ficheiros de arquivos zip. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-zip-archive-doc Description-md5: 1c1e56324a5210ca97c9fea553c78e96 Description-gl: library to create, modify and extract files from zip archives; documentation A biblioteca zip-archive fornece funcións para crear, modificar e extraer ficheiros de arquivos zip. . This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell programming language. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghc-zip-archive-prof Description-md5: 920174d2a71d53c759b8da979dd964b3 Description-gl: library to create and modify zip archives; profiling libraries A biblioteca zip-archive fornece funcións para crear, modificar e extraer ficheiros de arquivos zip. . This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled for profiling. See for more information on Haskell. Package: libghemical5v5 Description-md5: 5d9c24b1d0cb1511b0f51d6643bf63d5 Description-gl: Molecular Modelling Library Libghemical is the basis of Ghemical, a GNOME Molecular Modelling Application. . Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca ligada dinamicamente. Package: libgiftiio-dev Description-md5: 2788343ac2e8b61f7092d1441ed94d78 Description-gl: IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format GIFTI is an XML-based file format for cortical surface data. This reference IO implementation is developed by the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI). . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática. Package: libgiftiio0 Description-md5: 6f491ee0b7909a7861cfc23304fdc57f Description-gl: IO library for the GIFTI cortical surface data format GIFTI is an XML-based file format for cortical surface data. This reference IO implementation is developed by the Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgig-dev Description-md5: 762f931ba52e3090336a18ec5c5fba13 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgig libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files. . Since the Gigasampler / GigaStudio and DLS formats are based ontop of the binary RIFF container format, this library also provides convenient access to RIFF files in general. . This package also contains a Linux/POSIX ported version of libakai, which provides support for reading Akai formatted medias (CDRoms, HDs, Zip disks). Currently Akai S1000, S01, S2000 and S3000 series are supported. . This package contains the header files needed for development with libgig. You will need this only if you intend to compile programs that use this library. Package: libgig-doc Description-md5: d7d52b41a9be74faf53d54b6bab44c88 Description-gl: Documentación de libgig en HTML libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files. . Este paquete contén documentación exhaustiva en HTML para o desenvolvemento con libgig. Package: libgig7 Description-md5: bf71ba5dd62a1f9dc0e7ac5020b2f2e5 Description-gl: Biblioteca para cargar e modificar ficheiros de Gigasampler e DLS libgig is a C++ library for loading, modifying and creating Gigasampler files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros da biblioteca compartida. Package: libgirara-dev Description-md5: 0094c63fb07e41c8014c0b1505ebecdd Description-gl: Biblioteca para interfaces de usuario minimalistas (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgirara-doc Description-md5: 327b5e9a0e0be158ff05b79b3979387d Description-gl: Biblioteca para interfaces de usuario minimalistas (documentación) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgirara-gtk3-3 Description-md5: 3485db33edd41388927cc0fbabc9bca6 Description-gl: library for minimalistic user interfaces (shared libraries) A library focused at implementing minimalistic user interfaces. It provides three main components: a view widget that represents the actual application, an input bar to execute application specific commands and a status bar which provides information to the user. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgisi-dev Description-md5: 7797de24fe74b540a653279b3a54857b Description-gl: Biblioteca de comunicación de baixo nivel para módems ISI (sÃmbolos de depuración) libgisi é unha biblioteca de baixo nivel para comunicar con dispositivos ISI, como o módem que se pode atopar nalgúns dispositivos da Nokia. . A biblioteca é empregada polo daemon de GSM de para compatibilidade co Nokia N900. . This package contains the development files for the library. Package: libgisi0 Description-md5: a949fe722f757a4b1b0cdb636f3a6106 Description-gl: Biblioteca de comunicación de baixo nivel para módems ISI libgisi é unha biblioteca de baixo nivel para comunicar con dispositivos ISI, como o módem que se pode atopar nalgúns dispositivos da Nokia. . A biblioteca é empregada polo daemon de GSM de para compatibilidade co Nokia N900. Package: libgisicomm-dev Description-md5: 0752fbe2201fbb58a1095de7ce0f3565 Description-gl: Biblioteca de comunicación de alto nivel para módems ISI (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) libgisicomm é unha biblioteca de alto nivel para comunicar con dispositivos ISI, como o módem que se pode atopar nalgúns dispositivos da Nokia. . A biblioteca é empregada polo daemon de GSM de para compatibilidade co Nokia N900. . This package contains the development files for the library. Package: libgisicomm0 Description-md5: 6ee0f6b4f903176b22827c8b41cd6bfd Description-gl: Biblioteca de comunicación de alto nivel para módems ISI libgisicomm é unha biblioteca de alto nivel para comunicar con dispositivos ISI, como o módem que se pode atopar nalgúns dispositivos da Nokia. . A biblioteca é empregada polo daemon de GSM de para compatibilidade co Nokia N900. Package: libgit-pureperl-perl Description-md5: 6c1a4c1f4b1f78d44929727f0a3d4a82 Description-gl: Pure Perl interface to Git repositories Git::PurePerl is a Pure Perl object oriented interface to access git repositories. The main goals for Git::PurePerl are stability and performance. . This software was developed to power Gitalist. . Baseouse basicamente en Grit Package: libgit-repository-perl Description-md5: d9b5880a92215c854d450ec883d96129 Description-gl: Interface en Perl para repositorios de Git Git::Repository is a Perl interface to Git, for scripted interactions with repositories. It's a low-level interface that allows calling any Git command, whether porcelain or plumbing, including bidirectional commands such as git commit-tree. Package: libgivaro-dev Description-md5: 0e42f6a905117860ade34bc07ff1d2c4 Description-gl: arithmetic and algebraic computations - development files Givaro is a C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations. Its main features are implementations of the basic arithmetic of many mathematical entities: Primes fields, Extensions Fields, Finite Fields, Finite Rings, Polynomials, Algebraic numbers, and Arbitrary precision integers and rationals (C++ wrappers over gmp). . Givaro also provides data-structures and templated classes for the manipulation of basic algebraic objects, such as vectors, matrices (dense, sparse, structured), univariate polynomials (and therefore recursive multivariate). . It contains different program modules and is fully compatible with the LinBox linear algebra library and the Athapascan environment, which permits parallel programming. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para Givaro. Package: libgivaro-doc Description-md5: 12a2f14eda6bf68dce0b2b6d44f3b4e9 Description-gl: Documentación de Givaro Givaro is a C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations. Its main features are implementations of the basic arithmetic of many mathematical entities: Primes fields, Extensions Fields, Finite Fields, Finite Rings, Polynomials, Algebraic numbers, and Arbitrary precision integers and rationals (C++ wrappers over gmp). . Givaro also provides data-structures and templated classes for the manipulation of basic algebraic objects, such as vectors, matrices (dense, sparse, structured), univariate polynomials (and therefore recursive multivariate). . It contains different program modules and is fully compatible with the LinBox linear algebra library and the Athapascan environment, which permits parallel programming. . This package contains Documentation for Givaro. Package: libgivaro9 Description-md5: b7f149d55830e518aa74a913050808d7 Description-gl: arithmetic and algebraic computations Givaro is a C++ library for arithmetic and algebraic computations. Its main features are implementations of the basic arithmetic of many mathematical entities: Primes fields, Extensions Fields, Finite Fields, Finite Rings, Polynomials, Algebraic numbers, and Arbitrary precision integers and rationals (C++ wrappers over gmp). . Givaro also provides data-structures and templated classes for the manipulation of basic algebraic objects, such as vectors, matrices (dense, sparse, structured), univariate polynomials (and therefore recursive multivariate). . It contains different program modules and is fully compatible with the LinBox linear algebra library and the Athapascan environment, which permits parallel programming. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de tempo de execución para Givaro. Package: libgiza0 Description-md5: 934ae026e8dbbe403f729cfa775328be Description-gl: Lightweight scientific plotting library (shared library) Giza is a lightweight scientific plotting library built on top of cairo that provides uniform output to multiple devices. Giza also provides a drop-in, modern replacement for the PGPLOT graphics library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgksu2-0 Description-md5: a71918aacc597a34ca7b0320a988fd52 Description-gl: Biblioteca que fornece as funcionalidades su e sudo Esta biblioteca vén do programa gksu. Fornece unha API simple para empregar su e sudo en programas que deban executar tarefas como outro usuario. Fornece a posibilidade de autenticación en X para executar programas nunha sesión en X. Package: libgksu2-dev Description-md5: ec33d8f510633be03ae1dac9b77fab62 Description-gl: Biblioteca que fornece as funcionalidades su e sudo (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Esta biblioteca vén do programa gksu. Fornece unha API simple para empregar su e sudo en programas que deban executar tarefas como outro usuario. Fornece a posibilidade de autenticación en X para executar programas nunha sesión en X. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libglademm-2.4-1v5 Description-md5: 897e9225ae10e5c14e1d8696372c2446 Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libglade2 (shared library) Libglade is a library which enables an application to build its graphical interface from an XML file (generated by Glade) at runtime. libglademm is the C++ wrapper for libglade. . libglade and libglademm have been deprecated since 2009. New code should use GtkBuilder (part of Gtk 3), or its C++ wrapper in gtkmm. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libglademm-2.4-dev Description-md5: 766694d4d5b113936887d4c55a601c28 Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libglade2 (development files) Libglade is a library which enables an application to build its graphical interface from an XML file (generated by Glade) at runtime. libglademm is the C++ wrapper for libglade. . libglade and libglademm have been deprecated since 2009. New code should use GtkBuilder (part of Gtk 3), or its C++ wrapper in gtkmm. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgladeui-2-6 Description-md5: 715dec2c8acd12f4db222b35b00c8973 Description-gl: GTK+ User Interface Build core library Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit. . Glade is, since its "3.0" major version, highly modular, and composed of widgets which can be used by other applications to integrate functionality similar to the one provided by the Glade application itself. . Esta biblioteca fornece todos os trebellos e o código central, como analizar e gardar ficheiros. Package: libgladeui-common Description-md5: 88409110f44042d9e0426a606647b036 Description-gl: GTK+ User Interface Build core library (common files) Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit. . Glade is, since its "3.0" major version, highly modular, and composed of widgets which can be used by other applications to integrate functionality similar to the one provided by the Glade application itself. . Esta biblioteca fornece todos os trebellos e o código central, como analizar e gardar ficheiros. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: libgladeui-dev Description-md5: fb03358fc973ba5e6abda03b615d8640 Description-gl: GTK+ User Interface Build core library (development files) Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit. . Glade is, since its "3.0" major version, highly modular, and composed of widgets which can be used by other applications to integrate functionality similar to the one provided by the Glade application itself. . Esta biblioteca fornece todos os trebellos e o código central, como analizar e gardar ficheiros. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento e a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libgladeui-doc Description-md5: c3b00de69ef3a31852a6b4b9622628b3 Description-gl: GTK+ User Interface Build core library (documentation) Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit. . Glade is, since its "3.0" major version, highly modular, and composed of widgets which can be used by other applications to integrate functionality similar to the one provided by the Glade application itself. . Esta biblioteca fornece todos os trebellos e o código central, como analizar e gardar ficheiros. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libglazedlists-java-doc Description-md5: 2d77dda94a3c6b2f1556031e8dce5d9e Description-gl: java list transformation library (documentation) Glazed Lists features: * API Compatibility with ArrayList * Generic TableModels * Easy dynamic filtering & sorting * High performance * Designed for concurrency * Swing or SWT * Free and open . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libglbinding2 Description-md5: ccd3caf804718c1a8df6ebd3d7daf421 Description-gl: cross-platform C++ binding for OpenGL glbinding leverages modern C++11 features like enum classes, lambdas, and variadic templates, instead of relying on macros; all OpenGL symbols are real functions and variables. . It provides type-safe parameters, per feature API header, lazy function resolution, multi-context and multi-thread support, global and local function callbacks, meta information about the generated OpenGL binding and the OpenGL runtime, as well as tools and examples for quick-starting your projects. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libglc-dev Description-md5: 6f78370554f4805a2602de1a4e5c1c01 Description-gl: An implementation of SGI's OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) The OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) is a state machine that provides OpenGL programs with character rendering services via an application programming interface (API). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libglee0d1-dbg Description-md5: 12645f21f84a7545fa01a45a1fc17918 Description-gl: extension loading library for OpenGL - debugging GLee (GL Easy Extension library) is a free cross-platform extension loading library for OpenGL. It provides seamless support for OpenGL functions up to version 3.0 and 398 extensions. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libglew2.0 Description-md5: 6745d43b8defe395b5a7da9eac9e1e7e Description-gl: OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment Para máis información sobre GLEW consulte a descrición do paquete libglew- dev. . This package contains the runtime support files. Package: libgli-doc Description-md5: 8fb356346dd7ac678df673bb3b2e7460 Description-gl: documentation for the OpenGL Image (GLI) library OpenGL Image (GLI) is a header only C++ image library for graphics software. . GLI provides classes and functions to load image files (KTX and DDS), facilitate graphics APIs texture creation, compare textures, access texture texels, sample textures, convert textures, generate mipmaps, etc. . This library works perfectly with OpenGL or Vulkan but it also ensures interoperability with other third party libraries and SDK. It is a good candidate for software rendering (raytracing / rasterisation), image processing, image based software testing or any development context that requires a simple and convenient image library. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libglib2.0-tests Description-md5: 08c6a283a0e7547a1f8014a0ba341a09 Description-gl: GLib library of C routines - installed tests GLib é unha biblioteca que contén moitas rutinas útiles en C para cousas como árbores, hashes, listas e cadeas. É unha biblioteca de propósito xeral útil empregada por proxectos tales como GTK+, GIMP e GNOME. . This package contains test programs, designed to be run as part of a regression testsuite. Package: libglide3-dev Description-md5: 06d70ef27ebdb1fb57d111c5ae52af58 Description-gl: graphics library for 3Dfx Voodoo 3+ based cards - development files Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras, programas de exemplo e a documentación necesarios para construÃr software que empregue libglide2. Package: libglobalarrays-dev Description-md5: a9843c738e76c93c6ce1d79f9f0443a7 Description-gl: Distributed Shared-Memory Programming Environment (development) Global Arrays is a portable Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) shared-memory programming environment for distributed and shared memory computers. It augments the message-passing model by providing a shared-memory like access to distributed dense arrays. . ARMCI provides one-sided remote memory operations used by GA. . ComEx (Communication Runtime for Extreme Scale) provides vector and strided interfaces to optimize performance of remote memory copy operations for non-contiguous data. . DRA (Disk Resident Arrays) is a parallel I/O library that maintains dense 2-dim arrays on disk. . SF (Shared Files) is a parallel I/O library that allows noncollective I/O to a parallel file. . EAF (Exclusive Access Files) is parallel I/O library that supports I/O to private files. . TCGMSG is a simple, efficient, but becoming obsolete message-passing library. . TCGMSG-MPI is a TCGMSG interface implementation on top of MPI and ARMCI. . MA is a dynamic memory allocator/manager for Fortran and C programs. . GA++ is a C++ binding for global arrays. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas estáticas e os ficheiros de cabezallo. Package: libglobjects1 Description-md5: 624c5b2a507847d0d4fb7f7f821e1a7d Description-gl: cross-platform C++ wrapper for OpenGL API objects globjects provides object-oriented interfaces to the OpenGL API (3.0 and higher). The main goals are much reduced code to use OpenGL in your rendering software and fewer errors due to the underlying glbinding and further abstraction levels on top. Typical processes are automated and missing features in the used OpenGL driver are partially simulated or even emulated. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libglom-1.30-0 Description-md5: 264c692eb7dfa680549be5d9b593d478 Description-gl: Biblioteca Glom (un deseñador e interface de usuario de bases de datos ) - biblioteca With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields. It's as easy as it should be. The design is loosely based on FileMaker Pro, with the added advantage of separation between interface and data. Its simple framework should be enough to implement most database applications. Without Glom these systems normally consist of lots of repetitive, unmaintainable code. . This is the library package. Package: libglom-1.30-dev Description-md5: 39c5d22d57987a7f0e6d8ad14fd69a23 Description-gl: Biblioteca Glom (un deseñador e interface de usuario de bases de datos ) - ficheiros de cabeceiras With Glom you can design table definitions and the relationships between them, plus arrange the fields on the screen. You can edit and search the data in those tables, and specify field values in terms of other fields. It's as easy as it should be. The design is loosely based on FileMaker Pro, with the added advantage of separation between interface and data. Its simple framework should be enough to implement most database applications. Without Glom these systems normally consist of lots of repetitive, unmaintainable code. . This package contains the library headers. Package: libglyr-dev Description-md5: b6427117c6b7fa34585db342e7b948e2 Description-gl: Motor de busca para metadatos relacionados coa música - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Glyr is a library to retrieve music-related metadata from several online providers (Amazon, Discogs, Musicbrainz...). . It can be used in media player programs to download cover art, lyrics, biography and much more. . This package contains the header files necessary to build applications using libglyr. Package: libglyr-doc Description-md5: a74d4f10b78150b972863aa3129afe17 Description-gl: Motor de busca para metadatos relacionados coa música - documentación Glyr is a library to retrieve music-related metadata from several online providers (Amazon, Discogs, Musicbrainz...). . It can be used in media player programs to download cover art, lyrics, biography and much more. . Este paquete contén a documentación para desenvolver con libglyr. Package: libglyr1-dbg Description-md5: 2afd3b2d156683603cc072e9f2b7e80b Description-gl: Motor de busca para metadatos relacionados coa música - sÃmbolos de depuración Glyr is a library to retrieve music-related metadata from several online providers (Amazon, Discogs, Musicbrainz...). . It can be used in media player programs to download cover art, lyrics, biography and much more. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgmetrics-groovy-java-doc Description-md5: ba94d60f74001cd86037c69f719cd0a8 Description-gl: Documentación de libgmetrics-groovy-java Documentation for GMetrics that is a library providing calculation and reporting of size and complexity metrics for Groovy source code, by scanning the code with an Ant Task, applying a set of metrics, and generating an HTML or XML report of the results. Package: libgmic1 Description-md5: 4d6263ec41facfa9c6de9e783f002c1b Description-gl: GREYC's Magic for Image Computing - shared library G'MIC is an open and full-featured framework for image processing, providing several different user interfaces to convert/manipulate/filter/visualize generic image datasets, from 1d scalar signals to 3d+t sequences of multi-spectral volumetric images. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgmime-2.6-0 Description-md5: 3d75933fb938b215c8a012a7b81cd0d1 Description-gl: MIME message parser and creator library (old 2.6 version) GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains the shared library of the older version of GMime. . It is recommended to use libgmime-3.0-0 instead of this package. Package: libgmime-2.6-dev Description-md5: 3751e7dd31e1d55701984dd2512669c1 Description-gl: MIME message parser and creator library (old 2.6 version) - development files GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains the development files of the older version of GMime for programmers using C or Vala. . It is recommended to use libgmime-3.0-dev instead of this package. Package: libgmime-2.6-doc Description-md5: 13d5526206e53b5e1e0c3e312ac62e13 Description-gl: MIME message parser and creator library (old 2.6 version) - documentation GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains the documentation and examples of the older version GMime. . It is recommended to use libgmime-3.0-doc instead of this package. Package: libgmime2.6-cil Description-md5: a564e00b5fa5d350f1fe127b9dce328c Description-gl: CLI binding for the GMime library (old 2.6 version) GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains the CLI binding for the older version of the GMime library. . This package is deprecated. Users should switch to MimeKit instead. Package: libgmime2.6-cil-dev Description-md5: 1959bed61d2327624ac94405516d70e4 Description-gl: CLI binding for the GMime library (old 2.6 version) -- development files GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains development files for the older version of the gmime-sharp library, and should be used for compilation. . This package is deprecated. Users should switch to MimeKit instead. Package: libgmlib-dev Description-md5: 95c20609641dbef806f72a50d72ccb99 Description-gl: Biblioteca gnome-mplayer (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Un conxunto de funcións empregadas por gnome-mplayer e gecko-mediaplayer. Fornece funcións para manipular dispositivos de son e xestionar opcións de configuración. . This package provides the development files. Package: libgmlib1 Description-md5: 87dd5f55901250beae932c290611e8e1 Description-gl: Biblioteca gnome-player (biblioteca compartida) Un conxunto de funcións empregadas por gnome-mplayer e gecko-mediaplayer. Fornece funcións para manipular dispositivos de son e xestionar opcións de configuración. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgmlib1-dbg Description-md5: 9f8b147f180b3855d58b572282513d2b Description-gl: Biblioteca de gnome-mplayer (sÃmbolos de depuración) Un conxunto de funcións empregadas por gnome-mplayer e gecko-mediaplayer. Fornece funcións para manipular dispositivos de son e xestionar opcións de configuración. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libgmpada7-dev Description-md5: 8da58d210fa6380873b2251aa68ebd8e Description-gl: Ada binding to the GNU MultiPrecision library: development GMPAda allows programmers to use the GNU MultiPrecision library within the Ada language: unbounded integers, rationals and floats. . Instale este paquete se quere escribir programas que empreguen libgmpada. Package: libgmtk-dev Description-md5: 39b547f4ab0e112eabe3ef17418d7573 Description-gl: gnome-mplayer toolkit (development files) Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece, entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer. . This package provides the development files. Package: libgmtk1 Description-md5: 4f965dbe43a3f5618c4b7a9bf74241ca Description-gl: gnome-mplayer toolkit (shared library) Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece, entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgmtk1-data Description-md5: 2c8409a9b3c203d2667fb0e0d80296d1 Description-gl: gnome-mplayer toolkit (common files) Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece, entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer. . This package is required for the shared library to display messages in languages other than English. Package: libgmtk1-dbg Description-md5: facda74d92a59af9ae1ab5c6c4485aca Description-gl: gnome-mplayer toolkit (debugging symbols) Un conxunto de trebellos en GTK+ empregados por gnome-mplayer. Fornece, entre outros, o trebello reprodutor de multimedia de gnome-mplayer. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libgnat-5-dbg Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-5-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-6-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnat-7-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1f30e9b04fb19502b1c456fd0019eb1 Description-gl: runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnat library provides runtime components needed by most applications produced with GNAT. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj5-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatprj6-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 0eabb3b5fbe5e4f083c3f0baf7b6a80b Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler Project Manager (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . GNAT uses project files to organise source and object files in large-scale development efforts. The libgnatprj library exports GNAT project files management for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools (package asis-programs) and GNAT Programming Studio (package gnat-gps). It is licensed under the pure GPL; all programs that use it must also be distributed under the GPL, or not distributed at all. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn5-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn6-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnatvsn7-dbg Description-md5: 814414c51c0b951882f9da1be21702ba Description-gl: GNU Ada compiler selected components (debugging symbols) GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). . The libgnatvsn library exports selected GNAT components for use in other packages, most notably ASIS tools. It is licensed under the GNAT-Modified GPL, allowing to link proprietary programs with it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libgnome2-canvas-perl Description-md5: 40d10014544c3b9532dd26286396799f Description-gl: Perl interface to the GNOME canvas library Gnome2::Canvas allows a perl developer to use the GNOME Canvas widget with Gtk2-Perl. . The GNOME Canvas widget is a powerful and extensible object-oriented display engine. A GnomeCanvasItem is a GtkObject representing some element of the display, such as an image, a rectangle, an ellipse, or some text. You can refer to this architecture as structured graphics; the canvas lets you deal with graphics in terms of items, rather than an undifferentiated grid of pixels. . Find out more about GNOME at . The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source: . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgnome2-gconf-perl Description-md5: 2c99c5abd2c8aa3ad54708c9148c3653 Description-gl: Perl interface to the GNOME GConf library Gnome2::GConf allows a perl developer to use the GConf configuration system to store/retrieve the configuration of an application. . The GConf system is a powerful configuration manager based on a user daemon that handles a set of key and value pairs, and notifies any changes of the value to every program that monitors those keys. GConf is used by GNOME 2.x. . Find out more about GNOME at . The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source: . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgnome2-perl Description-md5: cce2263d4b5c2772bbe131899e4b0db6 Description-gl: Perl interface to the GNOME libraries libgnome2-perl allows one to write programs with a GNOME user interface in Perl. . GNOME is a project to build a complete, user-friendly desktop based entirely on free software. . Find out more about GNOME at . The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source: . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgnome2-vfs-perl Description-md5: bee8a1ca1be94b2906e319facc99025a Description-gl: Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library libgnome2-vfs-perl provides Perl bindings for the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library. . GNOME VFS is the GNOME virtual file system. It provides a modular architecture and ships with several modules that implement support for file systems, http, ftp and others. It provides a URI-based API, a backend supporting asynchronous file operations, a MIME type manipulation library and other features. . Find out more about GNOME at . The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source: . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgnome2-wnck-perl Description-md5: 2a70fb2b1a4a7c24c13c8ac3cdfde444 Description-gl: Perl interface to the Window Navigator Construction Kit Gnome2::Wnck allows a Perl developer to use the Window Navigator Construction Kit library (libwnck for short) to write tasklists and pagers. . The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source. . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgnomecanvas2-common Description-md5: cccfbd722cc06a1517ee663b1c9e3c13 Description-gl: powerful object-oriented display engine - common files The canvas widget is a powerful and extensible object-oriented display engine. A GnomeCanvasItem is a GtkObject representing some element of the display, such as an image, a rectangle, an ellipse, or some text. You can refer to this architecture as structured graphics; the canvas lets you deal with graphics in terms of items, rather than an undifferentiated grid of pixels. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de internacionalización. Package: libgnomecanvas2-doc Description-md5: 83c9ac6e16e2d71b826d912f8a1aeddc Description-gl: powerful object-oriented display engine - documentation files The canvas widget is a powerful and extensible object-oriented display engine. A GnomeCanvasItem is a GtkObject representing some element of the display, such as an image, a rectangle, an ellipse, or some text. You can refer to this architecture as structured graphics; the canvas lets you deal with graphics in terms of items, rather than an undifferentiated grid of pixels. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación. Package: libgnomecanvasmm-2.6-1v5 Description-md5: 8cf3784153809bbb14acd0acb792c7d4 Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas2 (shared library) libgnomecanvas is a high-level, structured graphics library. libgnomecanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libgnomecanvasmm-2.6-dev Description-md5: 9b251a4dd53198402ceaba7fdb26f30e Description-gl: C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas2 (development files) libgnomecanvas is a high-level, structured graphics library. libgnomecanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgnomeui-0-dbg Description-md5: 7a2d66362f4935c495f930f8e2838deb Description-gl: GNOME user interface library - debugging symbols This package contains the shared library for the base GNOME library functions (User Interface functions). . This package contains detached debugging symbols. . A maiorÃa das persoas non precisan deste paquete. Package: libgnomevfs2-0 Description-md5: 106371a29578bdbcc635e65d20135720 Description-gl: GNOME Virtual File System (runtime libraries) O VFS de GNOME é o sistema de ficheiros virtual de GNOME. É o alicerce do xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Fornece unha arquitectura modular e inclúe varios módulos que incorporan compatibilidade con ficheiros locais, http, ftp e outros. Fornece unha API baseada en URI, unha infraestrutura que permite operacións asÃncronas con ficheiros, unha biblioteca de manipulación de ficheiros de tipos MIME e outras funcionalidades. . This package contains the runtime libraries and the default modules. Package: libgnomevfs2-0-dbg Description-md5: 33f7f857d4dff5f6f47d9e36d735a8a1 Description-gl: GNOME Virtual File System (debugging libraries) O VFS de GNOME é o sistema de ficheiros virtual de GNOME. É o alicerce do xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Fornece unha arquitectura modular e inclúe varios módulos que incorporan compatibilidade con ficheiros locais, http, ftp e outros. Fornece unha API baseada en URI, unha infraestrutura que permite operacións asÃncronas con ficheiros, unha biblioteca de manipulación de ficheiros de tipos MIME e outras funcionalidades. . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, to make it easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: libgnomevfs2-bin Description-md5: 6f5cd6d9c4d37876063492bdd7fc74a9 Description-gl: GNOME Virtual File System (support binaries) O VFS de GNOME é o sistema de ficheiros virtual de GNOME. É o alicerce do xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Fornece unha arquitectura modular e inclúe varios módulos que incorporan compatibilidade con ficheiros locais, http, ftp e outros. Fornece unha API baseada en URI, unha infraestrutura que permite operacións asÃncronas con ficheiros, unha biblioteca de manipulación de ficheiros de tipos MIME e outras funcionalidades. . This package contains some example binaries using the GNOME VFS library. Package: libgnomevfs2-common Description-md5: f5eddba2d9a18e1fb027a583e5aa5c69 Description-gl: GNOME Virtual File System (common files) O VFS de GNOME é o sistema de ficheiros virtual de GNOME. É o alicerce do xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Fornece unha arquitectura modular e inclúe varios módulos que incorporan compatibilidade con ficheiros locais, http, ftp e outros. Fornece unha API baseada en URI, unha infraestrutura que permite operacións asÃncronas con ficheiros, unha biblioteca de manipulación de ficheiros de tipos MIME e outras funcionalidades. . This package contains the documentation, data files and locales. Package: libgnomevfs2-dev Description-md5: 98e964831c248a766a1a7af8d13d131a Description-gl: GNOME Virtual File System library (development files) O VFS de GNOME é o sistema de ficheiros virtual de GNOME. É o alicerce do xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Fornece unha arquitectura modular e inclúe varios módulos que incorporan compatibilidade con ficheiros locais, http, ftp e outros. Fornece unha API baseada en URI, unha infraestrutura que permite operacións asÃncronas con ficheiros, unha biblioteca de manipulación de ficheiros de tipos MIME e outras funcionalidades. . This package provides the necessary development libraries for writing GNOME VFS modules and applications that use the GNOME VFS APIs. Package: libgnomevfs2-extra Description-md5: cd20afe8f22aedf41c6d52162891c7a1 Description-gl: GNOME Virtual File System (extra modules) O VFS de GNOME é o sistema de ficheiros virtual de GNOME. É o alicerce do xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Fornece unha arquitectura modular e inclúe varios módulos que incorporan compatibilidade con ficheiros locais, http, ftp e outros. Fornece unha API baseada en URI, unha infraestrutura que permite operacións asÃncronas con ficheiros, unha biblioteca de manipulación de ficheiros de tipos MIME e outras funcionalidades. . This package contains extra VFS modules for the GNOME Virtual File System. It includes: * the bzip2 module; * the ftp module; * the http module (which also includes support for WebDAV); * the smb module, to browse Windows shares. Package: libgnuradio-hpsdr1.2 Description-md5: 18c8ec4cc73ae1c5130eed57281c742e Description-gl: gnuradio library for OpenHPSDR protocol 1 Hardware supported includes OpenHPSDR Hermes / Metis and Red Pitaya using the OpenHpsdr protocol. . The modules are compatible with version 3.7 of gnuradio and versions of Hermes firmware 1.8 through 3.2. (known as OpenHPSDR protocol 1). It is not compatible with the new OpenHPSDR protocol 2. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgnuradio-iio0 Description-md5: ad93bf099920d46beebc7b1e4247e361 Description-gl: IIO blocks for GnuRadio (runtime library) Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . The IIO blocks for GnuRadio can be used to create flowgraphs that interface IIO devices through libiio. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgnuradio-osmosdr0.1.4 Description-md5: 7c3a435a2371549b7fbf60a9adeb6784 Description-gl: Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project - library The Osmocom project is a family of projects regarding Open source mobile communications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgnustep-base-dev Description-md5: 8f8911005f8843b299642fc9bb55fc7d Description-gl: GNUstep Base header files and development libraries This package contains the header files and static libraries required to build applications against the GNUstep Base library. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver os seus propios programas empregando a Bilbioteca Base de GNUstep. Package: libgnustep-gui0.25-dbg Description-md5: c66ab0c7c174e5adf6db26ff7f019da7 Description-gl: Biblioteca da interface gráfica de GNUstep - sÃmbolos de depuración The GNUstep GUI Library is a powerful library of graphical user interface classes written completely in the Objective-C language; the classes are based upon the OpenStep specification, and provide the user with a traditional nextstep-like look and feel. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca da interface gráfica de GNUstep. Package: libgo11 Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-alpha-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-arm64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-armel-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-armhf-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-mips-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-s390x-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo11-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo4 Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7 Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-alpha-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-arm64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-armel-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-armhf-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-mips-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-s390x-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo7-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9 Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-alpha-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-arm64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-armel-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-armhf-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-m68k-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-mips-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-s390x-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgo9-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 9dac71a6885be90d89c8d4e0ae4b9f2c Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Go de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgomp1-alpha-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-armel-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 7e2cdd49ce630cb7e2347d7fe5ca5677 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) (sÃmbolos de depuración) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-hppa-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-m68k-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-mips-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-mips64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-s390x-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-sh4-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgomp1-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 9651123458dd1bf3c162dfb6a6292ff4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC OpenMP (GOMP) GOMP is an implementation of OpenMP for the C, C++, and Fortran compilers in the GNU Compiler Collection. Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-9 Description-md5: 39afc66e1c1493f9db63f7fe962dc4ce Description-gl: Canvas widget for GTK+ - shared library GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgoocanvas-2.0-dev Description-md5: e53394682bf2c8fc22bd82ced16f48ea Description-gl: Canvas widget for GTK+ - development files GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the Cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgoocanvas-common Description-md5: 1e282c041d8ffc65c58781a93d5c9f4b Description-gl: Traducións do goocanvas GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libgoocanvas3 Description-md5: bfd1cda1aac0f2994e7a1fe940b7ae1b Description-gl: canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgoocanvasmm-2.0-6 Description-md5: 960a751a6997b3fd1ae2a8a8feab9f76 Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - shared library GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgoocanvasmm-2.0-dev Description-md5: 0eb0fd243db15e9b3b642882e3837ace Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - development files GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgoocanvasmm-2.0-doc Description-md5: 6073ed0ede844c511171d9e303150647 Description-gl: C++ bindings for GooCanvas - documentation and examples GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library for drawing. It has a model/view split, and uses interfaces for canvas items and views, so you can easily turn any application object into canvas items. goocanvasmm is the C++ wrapper for GooCanvas . Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo. Package: libgoogle-glog-doc Description-md5: e3a25f367e3ae0367e8824c0fa6643d3 Description-gl: documentation of gloogle-glog This library provides logging APIs based on C++-style streams and various helper macros. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación. Package: libgoogle-glog0v5 Description-md5: 829accffb10209e63959eb79e6ebd913 Description-gl: library that implements application-level logging. This library provides logging APIs based on C++-style streams and various helper macros. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libgoogle-gson-java-doc Description-md5: 37c4bebb1a16afb9ba9b4cf726f327e0 Description-gl: Documentación de libgoogle-gson-java Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of. . Gson Goals . * Provide simple toJson() and fromJson() methods to convert Java objects to JSON and vice-versa * Allow pre-existing unmodifiable objects to be converted to and from JSON * Extensive support of Java Generics * Allow custom representations for objects * Support arbitrarily complex objects (with deep inheritance hierarchies and extensive use of generic types) . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc. Package: libgovirt-dev Description-md5: 73b4ea3152f8edc1fe413c0ec92de227 Description-gl: GObject-based library to access oVirt REST API (dev files) libgovirt is a library that allows applications to use oVirt REST API to list VMs managed by an oVirt instance, and to get the connection parameters needed to make a SPICE/VNC connection to them. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgpars-groovy-java-doc Description-md5: befec2317e497213c3adc8a9892acad8 Description-gl: Documentación de libgpars-groovy-java Documentation for GPars that is a library that provides multiple high- level abstractions for writing concurrent code in Groovy, including: map/reduce, fork/join, asynchronous closures, actors, agents, dataflow concurrency and other concepts. Package: libgpgme++2v5 Description-md5: 5475327e9546347943c2057167f7b015 Description-gl: c++ wrapper library for gpgme GpgME++ is a C++ wrapper (or C++ bindings) for the GnuPG project's gpgme (GnuPG Made Easy) library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libgphobos-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos-7-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos68-armel-cross Description-md5: 2086a0c7f5831c82fec492e812bdd6c1 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (runtime library) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos68-armhf-cross Description-md5: 2086a0c7f5831c82fec492e812bdd6c1 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (runtime library) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos68-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: a2d0bf2741f0f97bfb3f177b71c3435b Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (debug symbols) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos68-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: a2d0bf2741f0f97bfb3f177b71c3435b Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (debug symbols) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos71-armel-cross Description-md5: 2086a0c7f5831c82fec492e812bdd6c1 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (runtime library) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos71-armhf-cross Description-md5: 2086a0c7f5831c82fec492e812bdd6c1 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (runtime library) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos71-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: a2d0bf2741f0f97bfb3f177b71c3435b Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (debug symbols) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgphobos71-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: a2d0bf2741f0f97bfb3f177b71c3435b Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (debug symbols) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libgpp4-doc Description-md5: 772083c6a2fdc15ceacff38d1cbf663a Description-gl: Documentación de libgpp4 xerada con doxygen The goal of the ggp4 project is to provide a standalone replacement for the CCP4 library for macromolecular crystallography. The library performs a number of common tasks in standardized manner. These tasks include file opening, parsing keyworded input, and reading and writing of standard data formats for electron density maps and X-Ray diffraction data. Programs may call this library to ensure compatibility with the CCP4 program suite, as well as a similar look-and-feel. . This package provides doxygen generated documentation for the library. Package: libgpp4f-0 Description-md5: 8a8d3c1265bbf3fed3613e5844166078 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para programas compatÃbeis con CCP4 The goal of the ggp4 project is to provide a standalone replacement for the CCP4 library for macromolecular crystallography. The library performs a number of common tasks in standardized manner. These tasks include file opening, parsing keyworded input, and reading and writing of standard data formats for electron density maps and X-Ray diffraction data. Programs may call this library to ensure compatibility with the CCP4 program suite, as well as a similar look-and-feel. . This package provides a shared library needed to run programs that make use of libgpp4's FORTRAN API. Package: libgpuarray-doc Description-md5: 1c618ea0087cd20aeb755beb1880165d Description-gl: documentation for libgpuarray libgpuarray provides a ndarray (multi-dimensional array) object which is computed on the GPU. It supports int, single and double precision floats. . libgpuarray supports Nvidia's CUDA interface as well as OpenCL. The Debian packages have been build against OpenCL. However, the source package could be rebuild locally also for CUDA (which is non-free) without changes, if that's needed. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libgpuarray2 Description-md5: 9cb2700e7a6148a264bbb2aa8a2efe33 Description-gl: library to manipulate tensors on the GPU libgpuarray provides a ndarray (multi-dimensional array) object which is computed on the GPU. It supports int, single and double precision floats. . libgpuarray supports Nvidia's CUDA interface as well as OpenCL. The Debian packages have been build against OpenCL. However, the source package could be rebuild locally also for CUDA (which is non-free) without changes, if that's needed. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgrabcd-readconfig-perl Description-md5: 24da2738dda3b4c408fde7dc963c2cc8 Description-gl: Extraia e codifique CD de son - ficheiros de son grabcd lets you rip and encode audio CDs. Ripping and encoding can be done on different systems. . This package contains files needed by the other grabcd packages. Package: libgrail-dev Description-md5: aaa7fea4cee4953a0ab1a52e4a02990c Description-gl: Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library - dev files This library consists of an interface and tools for handling gesture recognition and gesture instantiation. Applications can use the grail callbacks to receive gesture primitives and raw input events from the underlying kernel device. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libgrantlee-core0 Description-md5: 5b39a85487ef7217f6fcac0eec65abe5 Description-gl: Biblioteca de modelos de Grantlee para Qt - Núcleo Grantlee é un motor de modelos de cadeas baseado no sistema de modelos de Django e escrito en Qt. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca central de Grantlee. Tamén inclúe os engadidos estándar de etiquetas e filtros. Package: libgrantlee-dev Description-md5: e07afc1e6e310f775ba8d324d30b04dd Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca de modelos de Grantlee Grantlee é un motor de modelos de cadeas baseado no sistema de modelos de Django e escrito en Qt. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr aplicativos que empreguen grantlee. Package: libgrantlee-gui0 Description-md5: 303fffca2326cf0c9a45a6a6f415afb7 Description-gl: Biblioteca de modelos de Grantlee para Qt - Interface gráfica de usuario Grantlee é un motor de modelos de cadeas baseado no sistema de modelos de Django e escrito en Qt. . Este paquete contén a parte da interface gráfica de Grantlee. Package: libgrantlee-templates5 Description-md5: a611276010e6da9d183ad32c166f9c77 Description-gl: Grantlee templating library for Qt - Templates Grantlee é un motor de modelos de cadeas baseado no sistema de modelos de Django e escrito en Qt. . This package contains the Templates Grantlee library. It also contains the standard plugins. Package: libgrantlee-textdocument5 Description-md5: cbbd8b5ab0558957010fc03fb9c2d9d0 Description-gl: Grantlee templating library for Qt - TextDocument Grantlee é un motor de modelos de cadeas baseado no sistema de modelos de Django e escrito en Qt. . This package contains the TextDocument Grantlee library. Package: libgrantlee5-dev Description-md5: e07afc1e6e310f775ba8d324d30b04dd Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca de modelos de Grantlee Grantlee é un motor de modelos de cadeas baseado no sistema de modelos de Django e escrito en Qt. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr aplicativos que empreguen grantlee. Package: libgraph-writer-dsm-perl Description-md5: 9e5f3b86a0b2c017ae4eee887bac0659 Description-gl: Perl module to draw Graph object as a DSM matrix Graph::Writer::DSM writes Graph object as a quadractic matrix N x N, where N is the number of vertices in the graph. It uses Gnuplot and is useful to visualize graphs with huge number of vertices, graphs with 1k vertices for example. . Consulte máis sobre DSM: eño Package: libgraphene-doc Description-md5: 9ca30e33247a9b3b079e868165e5b804 Description-gl: library of graphic data types (documentation) Graphene provides a small set of mathematical types needed to implement graphic libraries that deal with 2D and 3D transformations and projections. . This library provides types and their relative API; it does not deal with windowing system surfaces, drawing, scene graphs, or input. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libgraphviz-dev Description-md5: c3a8010bf765807229fbc858755d3ad0 Description-gl: graphviz libs and headers against which to build applications Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package installs the libraries and headers necessary to link graphviz library routines into an application. It also installs additional man pages. . Note: A graphviz user doesn't need to install this package. Package: libgrapple-1.0-1 Description-md5: 9e66472a4465244438c46a4d9f93147d Description-gl: a network layer designed for games Grapple is designed to be a simple network layer, allowing the addition of multiplayer features to a game for as little as a dozen lines of code. . However it is also fully featured, so if you want more from your networking, you can have it. . Basic Features * Simple client-server networking * Keeps all clients aware of all other clients * Passworded servers * Data transfer via TCP, UDP, or reliable UDP . Advanced Features * Network messenging by either a push or a pull model, or a mixture of both * Multiple methods of querying users * User Groups for client bandwidth saving * Network load reacting data transmission and retransmission * Background pinging to monitor network states * Server failover * A fully functional lobby system . Páxina web: Package: libgrapple-dev Description-md5: 36f1ea99520863c494c325d7f31764ff Description-gl: a network layer designed for games (development files) Grapple is designed to be a simple network layer, allowing the addition of multiplayer features to a game for as little as a dozen lines of code. . However it is also fully featured, so if you want more from your networking, you can have it. . Basic Features * Simple client-server networking * Keeps all clients aware of all other clients * Passworded servers * Data transfer via TCP, UDP, or reliable UDP . Advanced Features * Network messenging by either a push or a pull model, or a mixture of both * Multiple methods of querying users * User Groups for client bandwidth saving * Network load reacting data transmission and retransmission * Background pinging to monitor network states * Server failover * A fully functional lobby system . This package contains the header files and static libraries needed to build programs that use grapple. . Páxina web: Package: libgretl1 Description-md5: 280aca5449828146a212cd203161d06d Description-gl: GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- library package The GNU Regression, Econometric and Time-Series Library (gretl) is a software package for econometric analysis. The package comprises a shared library, a command-line client program, and a graphical client built using GTK+. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgrits-dev Description-md5: d563c747714345a8ac60546b909dbfa1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de grits Grits is a "Virtual Globe" library which uses OpenGL to render an image of the earth using satellite and terrain data from publicly accessible servers. This is similar in concept to Google Earth and NASA World Wind, except implemented as a library. . This package contains the header files and libraries which are needed for developing programs that use grits. Package: libgrits5 Description-md5: 77e88a53e64b4937dc5297218cf7f8cc Description-gl: Grits é unha biblioteca de Globo Virtual Grits is a "Virtual Globe" library which uses OpenGL to render an image of the earth using satellite and terrain data from publicly accessible servers. This is similar in concept to Google Earth and NASA World Wind, except implemented as a library. . This package contains the shared libraries and core plugins. Package: libgrok-dev Description-md5: b97d0850d5837eb0fc62d2f4748a756f Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de grok Development files for the grok pattern matcher . Grok is simple software that allows you to easily parse logs and other files. With grok, you can turn unstructured log and event data into structured data. Package: libgrok1 Description-md5: 5d85e5a19c8bd2cbe902be395a683aba Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para grok The grok library provides the pattern matching features of grok in your own tools. There are currently C and Ruby APIs. . Grok is simple software that allows you to easily parse logs and other files. With grok, you can turn unstructured log and event data into structured data. Package: libgroove-dev Description-md5: 48f8d731a1e3724f459002899c9a9561 Description-gl: audio dispatching library (development files) This C library provides an sink-based API for decoding and encoding audio. It is intended to be used as a backend for music player applications, however it may also be used as a backend for any audio processing utility. . Features: * Uses libav for decoding and encoding. * Add and remove entries on a playlist for gapless playback. * Supports idempotent pause, play, and seek. * Per-playlist-item gain adjustment so you can implement loudness compensation without audio glitches. * Read and write metadata tags. * Extensible sink-based interface. A sink provides resampling and keeps its buffer full. This package contains the raw sink which provides reference-counted raw audio buffers. Other sinks are built on top of this one. * Thread-safe. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgroove4 Description-md5: 500b639f4c19fbfe8a6c2b57aab1ca73 Description-gl: music player backend This library provides decoding and encoding of audio on a playlist. It is intended to be used as a backend for music player applications, however it is generic enough to be used as a backend for any audio processing utility. . Features: * Uses libav for decoding and encoding. * Add and remove entries on a playlist for gapless playback. * Supports idempotent pause, play, and seek. * Per-playlist-item gain adjustment so you can implement loudness compensation without audio glitches. * Read and write metadata tags. * Extensible sink-based interface. A sink provides resampling and keeps its buffer full. This package contains the raw sink which provides reference-counted raw audio buffers. Other sinks are built on top of this one. * Thread-safe. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgroovefingerprinter-dev Description-md5: b40f0155102282e12176b6140ba79d3c Description-gl: acoustid fingerprinter sink for libgroove (development files) This C library provides a GrooveFingerprinter object which attaches to a GroovePlaylist and chromaprint to generate a unique id for media. The id can be used with the service to find out metadata tags for the media. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgroovefingerprinter4 Description-md5: 789183e2867dbbf49b7fdd799ecb6f71 Description-gl: acoustid fingerprinter for libgroove This libgroove plugin generates audio fingerprints which can be used with the service to find out metadata tags for the media. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgrooveloudness-dev Description-md5: aa81aef4306943a0908ed341939621ce Description-gl: loudness scanner sink for libgroove (development files) This C library provides a GrooveLoudness object which attaches to a GroovePlaylist and uses the EBU R128 standard to detect loudness. The values it produces are compatible with ReplayGain. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgrooveloudness4 Description-md5: 09a5c7832c3bac11c54c4801c0e2f9a1 Description-gl: loudness scanner for libgroove This libgroove plugin uses the EBU R128 standard to detect loudness. The values it produces are compatible with ReplayGain. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgrooveplayer-dev Description-md5: 049a32ce70d0d3aa111d18c110be4eb0 Description-gl: audio device playback sink for libgroove (development files) This C library provides a GroovePlayer struct which attaches to a GroovePlaylist and sends audio frames to a sound device. It also includes dummy player which can simulate playback without actually having access to a sound device. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgrooveplayer4 Description-md5: 6b7783eaf42cefddf09e4f8c99080750 Description-gl: hardware audio playback for libgroove This libgroove plugin plays audio via a sound device. It includes a dummy player which can simulate playback without actually having access to a sound device. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgrss-dev Description-md5: b17dd94844382a071e77ed7a89252559 Description-gl: Glib-based library to manage RSS and Atom feeds - development files libgrss is a Glib abstraction library for handling feeds in RSS, Atom and other formats. It is intended to be used to manage syndication of feeds in a convenient way. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver os seus propios programas empregando a biblioteca libgrss. Package: libgsf-1-114 Description-md5: 6f2a19cee2252e04518882eb04caab00 Description-gl: Structured File Library - runtime version A Biblioteca de Ficheiros Estruturados de GNOME pretende fornecer unha abstracción extensÃbel e eficiente de E/S para tratar con diferentes formatos de ficheiros estruturados. Package: libgsf-1-common Description-md5: 63c4e64ca9b6d79b4947e39b148fe3e7 Description-gl: Structured File Library - common files A Biblioteca de Ficheiros Estruturados de GNOME pretende fornecer unha abstracción extensÃbel e eficiente de E/S para tratar con diferentes formatos de ficheiros estruturados. . These are the architecture independent files that are part of libgsf, like translations of messages. Package: libgsf-bin Description-md5: e555cb88781ef2e473ff3705e128bd5b Description-gl: Structured File Library - programs A Biblioteca de Ficheiros Estruturados de GNOME pretende fornecer unha abstracción extensÃbel e eficiente de E/S para tratar con diferentes formatos de ficheiros estruturados. . These are the programs that are shipped as part of libgsf. They include a thumbnail generator, a tar-like archiver application and a VBA macro extractor. Package: libgsl-dbg Description-md5: e78425a1e971ceb839a9feec1918e3ed Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- debug symbols package A Biblioteca cientÃfica de GNU (GSL) é unha colectánea de rutinas para a análise numérica. As rutinas foron escritas desde cero pola equipa da GSL en C e presentan unha API moderna para os programadores de C, ao tempo que permite que se escriban envolturas para linguaxes de moi alto nivel. . This package contains debugging symbol tables for the static GSL libraries libgsl and libgslcblas from the libgsl-dev package, and the binaries gsl-randist and gsl-histogram from the gsl-bin package. . URL: Package: libgsl-dev Description-md5: 9984710152cbbca3caf2c1e4e16ef6db Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- development package A Biblioteca cientÃfica de GNU (GSL) é unha colectánea de rutinas para a análise numérica. As rutinas foron escritas desde cero pola equipa da GSL en C e presentan unha API moderna para os programadores de C, ao tempo que permite que se escriban envolturas para linguaxes de moi alto nivel. . This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic links that developers using GNU GSL will need. . URL: Package: libgsl23 Description-md5: 62750ac09428d38c26408b7d740e75a8 Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- library package A Biblioteca cientÃfica de GNU (GSL) é unha colectánea de rutinas para a análise numérica. As rutinas foron escritas desde cero pola equipa da GSL en C e presentan unha API moderna para os programadores de C, ao tempo que permite que se escriban envolturas para linguaxes de moi alto nivel. . GSL includes data types and routines for complex numbers, vectors, matrices, basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS), eigensystems, simulated annealing, minimization, root finding, pseudo-random numbers, least- squares fitting, fast Fourier transforms (FFT), differential equations, quadrature, Monte Carlo integration, special functions, physical constants, and much more. . This package provides the shared libraries required to run programs compiled with GNU GSL. To compile your own programs you also need to install libgsl-dev. . URL: Package: libgslcblas0 Description-md5: 14a49f7bd27b4049c731067d7809d0fb Description-gl: GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- blas library package A Biblioteca cientÃfica de GNU (GSL) é unha colectánea de rutinas para a análise numérica. As rutinas foron escritas desde cero pola equipa da GSL en C e presentan unha API moderna para os programadores de C, ao tempo que permite que se escriban envolturas para linguaxes de moi alto nivel. . GSL includes data types and routines for complex numbers, vectors, matrices, basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS), eigensystems, simulated annealing, minimization, root finding, pseudo-random numbers, least- squares fitting, fast Fourier transforms (FFT), differential equations, quadrature, Monte Carlo integration, special functions, physical constants, and much more. . This package provides the shared blas library required to run programs compiled with GNU GSL. To compile your own programs you also need to install libgsl-dev. . URL: Package: libgsound-dev Description-md5: 9b1ba4f415cf9b221abfe303d35b4e27 Description-gl: small library for playing system sounds (devel) GSound is a small library for playing system sounds. It's designed to be used via GObject Introspection, and is a thin wrapper around the libcanberra C library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos de desenvolvemento. Package: libgsound-doc Description-md5: 0db1a0bf9cf02a5714f467247ff0fb67 Description-gl: small library for playing system sounds (documentation) GSound is a small library for playing system sounds. It's designed to be used via GObject Introspection, and is a thin wrapper around the libcanberra C library. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgsound0 Description-md5: 1f16ad3cd7c4faea6495d3ec90a95bb1 Description-gl: small library for playing system sounds GSound is a small library for playing system sounds. It's designed to be used via GObject Introspection, and is a thin wrapper around the libcanberra C library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgss-dbg Description-md5: ee560998a6a1b09590da8e0f25b0bfcb Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do GSS The GNU Generic Security Service Library (GSSLib) is a free implementation of the GSS-API security framework. GSSLib uses Shishi to implement the Kerberos V5 mechanism, but is flexible enough to support other mechanisms too. . This package contains detached debugging information. Most people will not need this package. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. GDB will find this debug information automatically. Package: libgssdp-1.0-3 Description-md5: 1f32e3405a87412ac4a2f1ab29fdc11e Description-gl: GObject-based library for SSDP Unha API baseada en GObject para realizar SSDP (Protocolo Simple de Descubrimento de Servizos) de maneira transparente. Package: libgssdp-1.0-dev Description-md5: 24d125dcec038893face07f8c878be98 Description-gl: GObject-based library for SSDP (development files) Unha API baseada en GObject para realizar SSDP (Protocolo Simple de Descubrimento de Servizos) de maneira transparente. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgssdp-doc Description-md5: e8ae890da00b06f4d32e389d620a1a18 Description-gl: GObject-based library for SSDP (documentation) Unha API baseada en GObject para realizar SSDP (Protocolo Simple de Descubrimento de Servizos) de maneira transparente. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 Description-md5: 135e6af8928a435cce371d420101ce63 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de GStreamer para as bibliotecas do conxunto «malo» GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen o nivel que teñen o resto. PoderÃan aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación, ou unha baterÃa de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso real amplo. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas de GStreamer do conxunto «malo». Non se garante que a API sexa estábel. Package: libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev Description-md5: 3cf8ed7e757b9244dc8826f7bf3f2b29 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de GStreamer para as bibliotecas do conxunto «malo» GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . Os engadidos «malos» de GStreamer é un conxunto de engadidos que non teñen o nivel que teñen o resto. PoderÃan aproximarse ao que é boa calidade mais fáltalles algo - sexa unha revisión do código, sexa algo de documentación, ou unha baterÃa de probas, alguén que os manteña na vida real ou un uso real amplo. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento de GStreamer para as bibliotecas do conxunto «malo». Non se garante que a API sexa estábel. Package: libgstreamermm-1.0-1 Description-md5: ad37ec58f9a0110006382cb8b8d16e36 Description-gl: C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (shared libraries) GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. GStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer. It is designed to allow C++ development of applications that work with multi-media. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgstreamermm-1.0-doc Description-md5: a21cb9761d2d803f4d60b0b452a51c64 Description-gl: C++ wrapper library for GStreamer (documentation) GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which operate on media data. GStreamermm is a C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer. It is designed to allow C++ development of applications that work with multi-media. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 Description-md5: 0ea9e7419c3c2010a3995c527c7eb8c9 Description-gl: GStreamer RTSP Server (shared library) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains the shared library for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-0-dbg Description-md5: 290eef003fca0135687e6701cb1d365b Description-gl: GStreamer RTSP Server (debug symbols) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and are automatically used by gdb. Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev Description-md5: 7ce729f941b78969393e0b9114c91c2d Description-gl: GStreamer RTSP Server (development files) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains development files for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: libgstrtspserver-1.0-doc Description-md5: 69e2cb8a912371212eead0c8a32a4e26 Description-gl: GStreamer RTSP Server (documentation) gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server or embedding RTSP server capabilities into applications. . GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains the documentation for the GStreamer RTSP Server. Package: libgsystem0 Description-md5: 271c2abddf94789f24a284a44894b154 Description-gl: GIO-based library targeted at operating system components LibGSystem is a deprecated library used by OS components such as OSTree. Parts of its functionality have moved into GLib; other parts of its functionality have moved into the libglnx submodule. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgtg-dev Description-md5: c431ca1bec8438a7ed4539506a6c543a Description-gl: Generic Trace Generator (GTG) - development files The GTG library provides a low level library to generate execution traces in Paje or OTF formats. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libgtg0 Description-md5: ea60e1713b3175548217f54740436f92 Description-gl: Generic Trace Generator (GTG) - shared library The GTG library provides a low level library to generate execution traces in Paje or OTF formats. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgtk-4-0 Description-md5: 2d73631a8c144c8ea021cee46ee049b5 Description-gl: GTK+ graphical user interface library GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgtk-4-bin Description-md5: 35573b29e3a6877ccd55de7c6873d715 Description-gl: programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface library GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . Este paquete contén as utilidades empregadas polas librarÃas e outros paquetes. Package: libgtk-4-common Description-md5: 3ebc2dc44381a6b09ce3f8e0696e2008 Description-gl: common files for the GTK+ graphical user interface library GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns que precisan as bibliotecas Package: libgtk-4-dev Description-md5: 5e247317651e3625eb226ee49f0cfec7 Description-gl: development files for the GTK+ library GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . This package contains the header and development files which are needed for building GTK+ applications. Package: libgtk-4-doc Description-md5: c904dddc6f8a085d6ddf68d606c308c5 Description-gl: documentation for the GTK+ graphical user interface library GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the GTK+ library in /usr/share/doc/libgtk-4-doc/ . Package: libgtk-vnc-1.0-dev Description-md5: 53b35ac1e97a5884b2b4d9f64793eae1 Description-gl: VNC viewer widget for GTK+2 (development files) It is built using coroutines, allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It supports RFB protocols 3.3 through 3.8 and the VeNCrypt authentication extension providing SSL/TLS encryption with x509 certificate authentication. . The core library is written in C and a binding for Python using PyGTK is available. The networking layer supports connections over both IPv4 and IPv6. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgtk2-gladexml-perl Description-md5: 2705c7d10da37b9dbc1ae264e71eaf16 Description-gl: Perl interface to use user interfaces created with glade-2 libgtk2-gladexml-perl allows a Perl developer to use the gladexml part of the libglade library. . Glade is a free user interface builder for Gtk+ and GNOME. After designing a user interface with glade-2 the layout and configuration are saved in an XML file. libglade is a library which knows how to build and hook up the user interface described in the Glade XML file at application run time. . This module even allows developers to load a interface definition into a scalar to customize them just before loading the application itself. . Find out more about GNOME at . The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source: . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgtk2-trayicon-perl Description-md5: 5494e23115cb8eb740b45c5fe493115c Description-gl: Perl interface to fill the system tray libgtk2-trayicon-perl allows a Perl developer to embed an arbitrary widget in a System Tray like the GNOME notification area. . The system tray is an area on the dock or panel used to display unobtrusive notifications to the user. The tray contains small icons for each notification facility, and the icons can pop up "balloon messages." . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgtk2-traymanager-perl Description-md5: 074def5f6264659f0e1159d42d1b15a9 Description-gl: Perl interface to fill the system tray libgtk2-traymanager-perl allows a Perl developer to implement the server- side of the Notification Areo (or system tray) protocol. . The system tray is an area on the dock or panel used to display unobtrusive notifications to the user. The tray contains small icons for each notification facility, and the icons can pop up "balloon messages." . This module is part of gtk2-perl. . To discuss gtk2-perl, ask questions and flame/praise the authors, join at . Bótelle tamén un ollo ao sitio web de gtk2-perl e á páxina do proxecto en sourceforge en Package: libgtk3-perl Description-md5: a3ff5513738a21b264ed5d9d2cd10421 Description-gl: Perl bindings for the GTK+ graphical user interface library GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . This package contains the Perl bindings to GTK+, built using Glib::Object::Introspection. Generated bindings live under the Gtk3 namespace. Package: libgtkd-3-0 Description-md5: f169214d10fb9c994d38a421a94f2c85 Description-gl: GTK+ graphical user interface library - D bindings GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . This package contains runtime files needed for applications written in D. Package: libgtkd-3-dev Description-md5: 2012c05d423c4d29d8fcdfed1feb3a31 Description-gl: GTK+ graphical user interface library - development files for D GTK+ é un xogo de ferramentas multi-plataforma para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario. Ao ofrecer un conxunto completo de trebellos, GTK+ é axeitado para proxectos que van desde ferramentas pequenas cunha única función até suites de aplicativos completas. . This package contains development files needed to write applications in the D programming language that use GTK+. Package: libgtkdatabox-doc Description-md5: 77e085306f6672816bb1b135a1dcb688 Description-gl: Gtk+ library to display large amounts of numerical data (API doc) One or more data sets of thousands of data points (X and Y coordinate) may be displayed and updated in split seconds. The widget is therefore used in many scientific and private projects that need to show quickly changing data live. GtkDatabox offers the ability to zoom into and out of the data and to navigate through your data by scrolling. . In addition to rulers and a simple coordinate cross, GtkDatabox now also allows you to add one (or even more) configurable grids like on an oscilloscope. . Data may be presented as dots, lines connecting the data, or vertical bars. The widget allows you to easily transform pixel coordinates into data coordinates, thus allowing you to easily create powerful applications for data analysis. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libgtkdataboxmm-dev Description-md5: 3b81d0eab8386efdc7a8bf34a37aa517 Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkDatabox - development files GtkDatabox is a widget for live display of large amounts of fluctuating numerical data. Data presentation (e.g. on linear or logarithmic scales, as dots or lines, with markers/labels) as well as user interaction (e.g. measuring distances) is easy. GtkDataboxMM is the C++ wrapper for GtkDatabox. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgtkdataboxmm-doc Description-md5: 67e4a267a197cf47bcca51e2bf60d051 Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkDatabox - documentation and examples GtkDatabox is a widget for live display of large amounts of fluctuating numerical data. Data presentation (e.g. on linear or logarithmic scales, as dots or lines, with markers/labels) as well as user interaction (e.g. measuring distances) is easy. GtkDataboxMM is the C++ wrapper for GtkDatabox. . Este paquete contén a documentación e ficheiros de exemplo. Package: libgtkdataboxmm0 Description-md5: 5e4acb7c4a9d2b00c8e8ee6ffcee1417 Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkDatabox - shared library GtkDatabox is a widget for live display of large amounts of fluctuating numerical data. Data presentation (e.g. on linear or logarithmic scales, as dots or lines, with markers/labels) as well as user interaction (e.g. measuring distances) is easy. GtkDataboxMM is the C++ wrapper for GtkDatabox. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgtkgl2.0-1 Description-md5: 1e88a2d6bfbd31e29eec2a0722ec37a7 Description-gl: OpenGL context support for GTK+ (shared libraries) The gtkgl library provides GtkGLArea (a GTK+ widget containing an OpenGL context for fast 2D and 3D graphics), GdkGLPixmap (an off-screen rendering context) and GdkGLContext (an OpenGL extension for virtually any drawable widget). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-0v5 Description-md5: b4e8f138af7941ee75ecc9c8c609806c Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Shared libraries) GtkGLExtmm is a C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt. C++ programmers can use it to write GTK+-based OpenGL applications using Gtkmm 2. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev Description-md5: 5af9a524c255e1533967702f3cf49644 Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Development files) GtkGLExtmm is a C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt. C++ programmers can use it to write GTK+-based OpenGL applications using Gtkmm 2. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-doc Description-md5: e2124e899c87371db76d1f4ed839dd08 Description-gl: C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Documentation) GtkGLExtmm is a C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt. C++ programmers can use it to write GTK+-based OpenGL applications using Gtkmm 2. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: libgtkhex-3-0 Description-md5: f81f777084af4f0e366139989583957c Description-gl: GNOME Hex editor for files (shared library) The GHex program can view and edit files in two ways, hex or ascii. Good for editing saved game files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgtkhex-3-dev Description-md5: c5000b405b171c424c6a09b37604a269 Description-gl: GNOME Hex editor for files (development headers) The GHex program can view and edit files in two ways, hex or ascii. Good for editing saved game files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgtkimageview-dev Description-md5: 6e01dc33d1057baf29596b7536dbdef6 Description-gl: image viewer widget for GTK+ (development files) GtkImageView is a GTK+ widget that provides a zoomable and panable view of an image. It is intended to be usable in most types of image viewing applications. . Among its features are: - Mouse and keyboard zooming - Scrolling and dragging - Adjustable interpolation - Fullscreen mode - GIF animation support . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgtksourceview2.0-0 Description-md5: 4c67b116d67582aeade4f3dd06a36dd6 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas do trebello de realzado da sintaxe de GTK+ GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x text widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source editor. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas requiridas polos aplicativos que empreguen este trebello. Package: libgtksourceview2.0-common Description-md5: 4fbc7f71c219cb0f7964b0307b470e0b Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns do trebello de realzado da sintaxe de GTK+ GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x text widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source editor. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros coas especificacións das linguaxes para Ada, C, C++, C#, CSS, «.desktop», «.diff» (patch), Fortran 95, GtkRC, Haskell, HTML, IDL, «.ini», Java, JavaScript, LaTeX, Lua, MSIL, Nemerle, Pascal, Perl, PHP, «.po» (gettext), Python, R, Ruby, sh, SQL, Tcl, Texinfo, VB.NET, Verilog, VHDL e XML. Package: libgtksourceview2.0-dev Description-md5: 34140e245701eeec1bdaaf0cdaa81d38 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do trebello de realzado da sintaxe de GTK+ GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x text widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source editor. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras requiridos se se desexa desenvolver software que empregue o trebello GtkSourceView. Package: libgtksourceview2.0-doc Description-md5: 04ab12b5b1a7c225ffc677c10053d34d Description-gl: Documentación do trebello de realce de sintaxe de GTK+ GtkSourceView is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x text widget GtkTextView. It improves GtkTextView by implementing syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source editor. . Este paquete contén o manual de referencia de GtkSourceView. Package: libgtkspellmm-3.0-0v5 Description-md5: 81539545f5e9aeab583bf910f4573e5c Description-gl: C++ wrapper library for GtkSpell (shared libraries) GtkSpellmm provides C++ bindings for the GtkSpell spell-checking library. GtkSpell provides LibreOffice-style highlighting of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget. Right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgtkspellmm-3.0-doc Description-md5: 26648e43f79f0a5fc3cd7804f2acc8ce Description-gl: C++ wrappers for GtkSpell (documentation) GtkSpellmm provides C++ bindings for the GtkSpell spell-checking library. GtkSpell provides LibreOffice-style highlighting of misspelled words in a GtkTextView widget. Right-clicking a misspelled word pops up a menu of suggested replacements. . Este paquete contén a documentación de referencia en HTML. Package: libgts-0.7-5 Description-md5: 6074afcc54a3906f2372b3e142a15afd Description-gl: library to deal with 3D computational surface meshes The GNU Triangulated Surface Library is intended to provide a simple and efficient library to scientists dealing with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libgts-dbg Description-md5: 52e417a27b90f690b972f9e36d406be3 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libgts The GTS Library is intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do GTS. Package: libgts-dev Description-md5: 68965fbf175635c7a79e11c874191966 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgts The GTS Library is intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. . This package contains the headers and development libraries needed to build applications using GTS. Package: libguava-java-doc Description-md5: b5630a494f1fb7a5608afc2c5702ef9c Description-gl: Documentación de libguava-java Guava is a suite of core and expanded libraries that include utility classes, google's collections, io classes, concurrency support and other features. . Guava has two code dependencies - javax.annotation per the JSR-305 spec and javax.inject per the JSR-330 spec. . This package contains the javadocs of Guava library suite. Package: libguestfs-dev Description-md5: 702a85e8480fb1be78f543019a09580d Description-gl: guest disk image management system - development headers The libguestfs library allows accessing and modifying guest disk images. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libguestfs-gobject-dev Description-md5: b7113593b4d48f4550b08525cf492675 Description-gl: guest disk image management system - GObject development headers The libguestfs library allows accessing and modifying guest disk images. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e a documentación das asociacións de GObject. Package: libguestfs0 Description-md5: 09eb4589f8a971622769ace74830dcb3 Description-gl: guest disk image management system - shared library The libguestfs library allows accessing and modifying guest disk images. It offers the following features, among many others: * making batch configuration changes to guests; * viewing and editing files inside guests; * getting disk used/free statistics; * migrating between virtualization systems; * performing partial backups; * performing partial guest clones; * cloning guests and changing registry/UUID/hostname info. . Emprega o kernel Linux e código de qemu e pode acceder a calquer tipo de sistema de ficheiros convidado ao que poidan Linux e qemu, incluÃndo, mais non exclusivamente, ext2/3/4, btrfs, FAT and NTFS, LVM e a moitos esquemas diferentes de partición de disco, qcow, acow2, vmdk. . A biblioteca fornece maneiras de enumerar o almacenamento do convidado (como particións, volumes lóxicos, o sistema de ficheiros que está en cada volume lóxico, et.c); para executar ordes no contexto do convidade; e para enviar e descargar ficheiros e directorios. Package: libguice-java-doc Description-md5: 3148739939a65d1e0bfda8178bdb1132 Description-gl: Documentación de libguice-java Documentation for Guice that is a framework that provides support for dependency injection using annotations to configure Java objects. Dependency injection is a design pattern whose core principle is to separate behavior from dependency resolution. . Guice allows implementation classes to be programmatically bound to an interface, then injected into constructors, methods or fields using an @Inject annotation. When more than one implementation of the same interface is needed, the user can create custom annotations that identify an implementation, then use that annotation when injecting it. . This package provides javadocs for Guice framework and example code. Package: libguichan-0.8.1-1v5 Description-md5: cdb4eea09ec3a805c50fad5865bcfbc5 Description-gl: Biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ pequena e eficiente Guichan é unha biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ deseñada para xogos. Ven cun conxunto estándar de trebellos e pode empregar diferentes obxectos para mostrar gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. . Guichan ten un deseño moi abstracto que permite que os usuarios de Guichan empreguen diferentes obxectos para mostrar os gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. Guichan ven con (de momento) tres obxectos gráficos incluÃdos (SDLGraphics, OpenGLGraphics e AllegroGraphics) e dous obxectos de entrada incluÃdos (SDLInput e AllegroInput), . Guichan está deseñada dunha maneira moi abstracta, o que fai que sexa moi doado estender Guichan para calquera necesidade. É mesmo moi doado implementar obxectos gráficos novos facendo Guichan tan portátil como o é ansi C++. Package: libguichan-allegro-0.8.1-1v5 Description-md5: cde0a0cf66d602c1a431a4b32b37d07b Description-gl: Biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ pequena e eficiente (integración en allegro) Guichan é unha biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ deseñada para xogos. Ven cun conxunto estándar de trebellos e pode empregar diferentes obxectos para mostrar gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. . Guichan ten un deseño moi abstracto que permite que os usuarios de Guichan empreguen diferentes obxectos para mostrar os gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. Guichan ven con (de momento) tres obxectos gráficos incluÃdos (SDLGraphics, OpenGLGraphics e AllegroGraphics) e dous obxectos de entrada incluÃdos (SDLInput e AllegroInput), . Guichan está deseñada dunha maneira moi abstracta, o que fai que sexa moi doado estender Guichan para calquera necesidade. É mesmo moi doado implementar obxectos gráficos novos facendo Guichan tan portátil como o é ansi C++. . Este paquete contén a integración de guichan en allegro. Package: libguichan-dev Description-md5: 28473c65d93445318df6faf87dcdee72 Description-gl: Biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ pequena e eficiente (cabeceiras de desenvolvemento) Guichan é unha biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ deseñada para xogos. Ven cun conxunto estándar de trebellos e pode empregar diferentes obxectos para mostrar gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. . Guichan ten un deseño moi abstracto que permite que os usuarios de Guichan empreguen diferentes obxectos para mostrar os gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. Guichan ven con (de momento) tres obxectos gráficos incluÃdos (SDLGraphics, OpenGLGraphics e AllegroGraphics) e dous obxectos de entrada incluÃdos (SDLInput e AllegroInput), . Guichan está deseñada dunha maneira moi abstracta, o que fai que sexa moi doado estender Guichan para calquera necesidade. É mesmo moi doado implementar obxectos gráficos novos facendo Guichan tan portátil como o é ansi C++. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca guichan. Package: libguichan-opengl-0.8.1-1v5 Description-md5: c8861188a6dec90e6c5e711a3a79d545 Description-gl: Biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ pequena e eficiente (integración en OpenGL) Guichan é unha biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ deseñada para xogos. Ven cun conxunto estándar de trebellos e pode empregar diferentes obxectos para mostrar gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. . Guichan ten un deseño moi abstracto que permite que os usuarios de Guichan empreguen diferentes obxectos para mostrar os gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. Guichan ven con (de momento) tres obxectos gráficos incluÃdos (SDLGraphics, OpenGLGraphics e AllegroGraphics) e dous obxectos de entrada incluÃdos (SDLInput e AllegroInput), . Guichan está deseñada dunha maneira moi abstracta, o que fai que sexa moi doado estender Guichan para calquera necesidade. É mesmo moi doado implementar obxectos gráficos novos facendo Guichan tan portátil como o é ansi C++. . Este paquete contén a integración de guichan en OpenGL. Package: libguichan-sdl-0.8.1-1v5 Description-md5: 676635f4075ac7af9cb30e480d654d31 Description-gl: Biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ pequena e eficiente (integración en SDL) Guichan é unha biblioteca de interfaces gráficas de usuario en C++ deseñada para xogos. Ven cun conxunto estándar de trebellos e pode empregar diferentes obxectos para mostrar gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. . Guichan ten un deseño moi abstracto que permite que os usuarios de Guichan empreguen diferentes obxectos para mostrar os gráficos e obter as introducións do usuario. Guichan ven con (de momento) tres obxectos gráficos incluÃdos (SDLGraphics, OpenGLGraphics e AllegroGraphics) e dous obxectos de entrada incluÃdos (SDLInput e AllegroInput), . Guichan está deseñada dunha maneira moi abstracta, o que fai que sexa moi doado estender Guichan para calquera necesidade. É mesmo moi doado implementar obxectos gráficos novos facendo Guichan tan portátil como o é ansi C++. . Este paquete contén a integración de guichan SDL. Package: libgupnp-1.0-dev Description-md5: 9c718c86c32a941db80bc691b1180e2f Description-gl: GObject-based library for UPnP (development files) A GObject-based API for doing UPnP transparently. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgupnp-av-1.0-2 Description-md5: ea52b75e8f37dea0e3be55210a479501 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades de son/visuais para GUPnP An audio/visual utility library for GUPnP, providing DIDL parser/writer and search criteria parser objects. Package: libgupnp-av-1.0-dev Description-md5: 61bb80db906652bcbafcc4fccfc3c239 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades de son/visuais para GUPnP (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) An audio/visual utility library for GUPnP, providing DIDL parser/writer and search criteria parser objects. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgupnp-av-doc Description-md5: 7fcd7983f6411e0bde1f25a96d772f63 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades de son/visuais para GUPnP (documentación) An audio/visual utility library for GUPnP, providing DIDL parser/writer and search criteria parser objects. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgupnp-dlna-2.0-dev Description-md5: d142de441d99201979b797ecbb0580dc Description-gl: DLNA utility library for GUPnP (development files) A small utility library that aims to ease the DLNA-related tasks such as media profile guessing, transcoding to a given profile, etc. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgupnp-dlna-doc Description-md5: 004f5a72916cfb1f4f131def0df2d54a Description-gl: DLNA utility library for GUPnP (documentation) A small utility library that aims to ease the DLNA-related tasks such as media profile guessing, transcoding to a given profile, etc. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgupnp-doc Description-md5: c352873690528d2141eb638f296d4dbf Description-gl: GObject-based library for UPnP (documentation) A GObject-based API for doing UPnP transparently. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgupnp-igd-1.0-dev Description-md5: cc9838aa22efa61400a06c1c8a99867f Description-gl: library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping - development files A GObject-based API for controlling UPnP Internet Gateway Devices port mapping. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libgupnp-igd-1.0-doc Description-md5: 683b6ab9372e37c4401a460d7e6a5733 Description-gl: library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping - documentation A GObject-based API for controlling UPnP Internet Gateway Devices port mapping. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libgutenprintui2-1 Description-md5: ba313e3852dc3f46728491c0c7f0f255 Description-gl: runtime for the Gutenprint printer driver user interface library This package includes the libgutenprintui library, necessary to run gimp- gutenprint. libgutenprintui contains GTK+ widgets which may be used for print dialogs etc. for use with libgutenprint. . Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo nivel que os controladores privativos distribuÃdos polos fabricantes en moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes. Gutenprint coñecÃase anteriormente como Gimp-Print. Package: libgutenprintui2-dev Description-md5: dbef2766277542e854cf1e1c772d7063 Description-gl: development files for the Gutenprint printer driver user interface library This package contains the header files for the libgutenprintui library, along with a static version of libgutenprintui. libgutenprintui contains GTK+ widgets which may be used for print dialogs etc. for use with libgutenprint. . Install this package if you wish to develop packages that use libgutenprintui. . Gutenprint é a facilidade de impresión para o GIMP e alén disto un conxunto de controladores que se poden empregar cos sistemas de fila de impresión comúns de UNIX que empreguen GhostScript ou CUPS. Estes controladores fornecen calidade de impresión para UNIX/Linux ao mesmo nivel que os controladores privativos distribuÃdos polos fabricantes en moitos casos e pódense empregar nas tarefas de impresión máis esixentes. Gutenprint coñecÃase anteriormente como Gimp-Print. Package: libguvcview-2.0-2 Description-md5: a54cca276b3412f2e182aff47eca90cc Description-gl: GTK+ base UVC Viewer - runtime guvcview is a simple GTK+ interface for capturing and viewing video from devices supported by the Linux UVC driver. . Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida. Package: libguvcview-dev Description-md5: 2446392d37ac70c7c1cf6c5f634e32a8 Description-gl: GTK+ base UVC Viewer - development files guvcview is a simple GTK+ interface for capturing and viewing video from devices supported by the Linux UVC driver. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libgv-guile Description-md5: a49a1a2f8a1211d30b4a65b4fbeebed5 Description-gl: Guile bindings for graphviz Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the guile (2.0) bindings. Package: libgv-lua Description-md5: 0e64de3cb016ad670bbbb2773daf8c79 Description-gl: Lua bindings for graphviz Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the lua5.2 bindings. Package: libgv-perl Description-md5: 50f9c9810e4cd1ff33ec004dadd5fd9a Description-gl: Perl bindings for graphviz Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the Perl bindings. Package: libgv-python Description-md5: 65298a1eb6ec2d8df2ae7bdaf75391b1 Description-gl: Python bindings for graphviz Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the Python bindings. Package: libgv-ruby Description-md5: bc900a06ec5b5114246ccb0e255925c4 Description-gl: Ruby bindings for graphviz Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the Ruby bindings. Package: libgv-tcl Description-md5: 0ab2c69c3d22314448ae2cd59acadf39 Description-gl: Tcl bindings for graphviz Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the Tcl (8.6) bindings. Package: libgvc6 Description-md5: 87da8308b382f4072b1022b48b3d7368 Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools - gvc library Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the gvc library. Package: libgvc6-plugins-gtk Description-md5: a2d766af1019ed41a27a7b18b86cd03e Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools - gtk plugins Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the gtk and gdk-pixbuf plugins. Package: libgvnc-1.0-0 Description-md5: de3e0ee620304c250a3948eae0ac39b2 Description-gl: VNC GObject wrapper (runtime libraries) It is built using coroutines, allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded. It supports RFB protocols 3.3 through 3.8 and the VeNCrypt authentication extension providing SSL/TLS encryption with x509 certificate authentication. . The core library is written in C and a binding for Python using PyGTK is available. The networking layer supports connections over both IPv4 and IPv6. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libgvpr2 Description-md5: e7dafa90950ab7d270f04d6a2f98fc48 Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools - gvpr library Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the gvpr library. Package: libgwenhywfar-doc Description-md5: 2411fb452e747fc2a5ca1460e602cbee Description-gl: OS abstraction layer (API documentation) Gwenhywfar allows porting of your software to different operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Windows etc. It also provides some often needed modules such as configuration file handling, simple XML file parsing, IPC etc. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libgxps-utils Description-md5: cb1c065d55ad65f7d56116d9f9ea306e Description-gl: handling and rendering XPS documents (utilities) OpenXPS ou XPS significa Especificación para Papel en XML. Está baseada en XML e é un novo formato de papel electrónico desenvolvido orixinalmente pola Microsoft e que funciona como alternativa ao PDF. Os ficheiros XPS normalmente créanse empregando o «Microsoft XPS Document Writer» nos ambientes Windows. Agora está estandarizado como formato de documento de estándar aberto. . Quoting Wikipedia: An XPS file is in fact a Unicoded ZIP archive using the Open Packaging Conventions, containing the files which make up the document. These include an XML markup file for each page, text, embedded fonts, raster images, 2D vector graphics, as well as the digital rights management information. The contents of an XPS file can be examined simply by opening it in an application which supports ZIP files. . A especificación do formato de documento OpenXPS admite funcionalidades como as gradacións de cores, as transparencias, os espazos de cores CMYK, a calibración de impresoras, os sistemas de varias tintas e esquemas de impresión. . This package contains the binary utilities: xpstopng, xpstopdf, xpstosvg, xpstojpeg and xpstops Package: libgyoto6-dev Description-md5: 149d1d42130d976ca3af1656592d0610 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libgyoto Gyoto aims at providing a framework for computing orbits and ray-traced images in General relativity. . This package provides the files necessary to compile Gyoto plugins and codes using the libgyoto library. Package: libgzstream-dev Description-md5: 0d5f3f1844758d871482cc179322016c Description-gl: provide functionality of zlib C-library in a C++ iostream (development) Gzstream is a small C++ library, basically just a wrapper, that provides the functionality of the zlib C-library in a C++ iostream. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libgzstream0 Description-md5: 25781160586e93aa72b484d8a32bdb7b Description-gl: provide functionality of zlib C-library in a C++ iostream Gzstream is a small C++ library, basically just a wrapper, that provides the functionality of the zlib C-library in a C++ iostream. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libha-jdbc-java Description-md5: 4db42acc090a086441daddee091961f7 Description-gl: JDBC proxy that provides clustering capability to any JDBC driver HA-JDBC is a JDBC proxy that provides light-weight, transparent, fault tolerant clustering capability to any underlying JDBC driver. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Supports any database accessible via JDBC. * High-availability/Fault Tolerance - An HA-JDBC database cluster can lose a node without failing/corrupting open transactions. * Live activation/deactivation allows for maintenance/upgrading of a database node without loss of service. * Improves performance of concurrent read-access by distributing load across individual nodes. * Supports full JDBC 3.0 and 4.0 feature set. * Out-of-the-box database-independent strategies for synchronizing a failed cluster node. * Exposes JMX management interface to allow administration of databases and clusters. * Ability to add/subtract database nodes to/from a cluster at runtime. * Can be configured to auto-activate failed database nodes during scheduled off-peak times. Package: libhackrf-dev Description-md5: 5bc55960a89b50f3d1cc4144c3b322b2 Description-gl: Software defined radio peripheral - development HackRF is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive and transmit between 30 MHz and 6 GHz. HackRF has a 20 MHz bandwidth. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libhackrf0 Description-md5: 53e308db8215eca080042034a183f6c2 Description-gl: Software defined radio peripheral - runtime library HackRF is an open source Software Defined Radio that can receive and transmit between 30 MHz and 6 GHz. HackRF has a 20 MHz bandwidth. It is a High Speed USB device powered by the USB bus. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhamlib++-dev Description-md5: 90e5b6af80360e2b40d8ea5e91d198fb Description-gl: Development C++ library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the development library with C++ bindings. If you wish to run applications developed using this library you'll need the 'libhamlib2++c2' package. Package: libhamlib-dev Description-md5: 999c5b72535e417f68d6c79cc534219d Description-gl: Development library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the development library with both C bindings. If you wish to run applications developed using this library you'll need the 'libhamlib2' package. Package: libhamlib-doc Description-md5: 0c1cf87c1ec4e391547c2c66031c7038 Description-gl: Documentation for the hamlib radio control library Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the developers documentation for the API. Package: libhamlib-utils Description-md5: 1c3e18c166bdd405cda5c39f9dfa54d2 Description-gl: Utilities to support the hamlib radio control library Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides a command-line utility to test the hamlib library and to control transceivers if you're short of anything more sophisticated. Package: libhamlib2 Description-md5: c67b2b377fead3c97a1110d16e3b74e3 Description-gl: Run-time library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the C run-time form of the library. If you wish to develop software using this library you need the 'libhamlib-dev' package. Package: libhamlib2++c2 Description-md5: 09b01354ec5b873f75104929772949e9 Description-gl: Run-time C++ library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the C++ run-time form of the library. If you wish to develop software using this library you need the 'libhamlib++-dev' package. Package: libhamlib2-perl Description-md5: 11dcb610bf4028fb1307b4aef62038da Description-gl: Run-time perl library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the perl bindings of the library. Package: libhamlib2-tcl Description-md5: 595d92ac5ae4d3a0a280913cce6611b7 Description-gl: Run-time Tcl library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the Tcl bindings of the library. Package: libharminv-dev Description-md5: e8231970eb21d4a30a7fa4e8b8eaba79 Description-gl: Library for using harminv, development version Libharminv is a free library to solve the problem of harmonic inversion, given a discrete-time, finite-length signal that consists of a sum of finitely-many sinusoids (possibly exponentially decaying) in a given bandwidth, it determines the frequencies, decay constants, amplitudes, and phases of those sinusoids. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: libharminv3 Description-md5: 71027333758d7bd94a8655e02a5e5d32 Description-gl: Library for using harminv Libharminv is a free library to solve the problem of harmonic inversion, given a discrete-time, finite-length signal that consists of a sum of finitely-many sinusoids (possibly exponentially decaying) in a given bandwidth, it determines the frequencies, decay constants, amplitudes, and phases of those sinusoids. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libhavege-dev Description-md5: c49a598f854a87b074e2d7bc5a4f89dd Description-gl: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - development files libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator and it's associated tuning and testing factilities. . More information about HAVEGE is available at . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libhavege1 Description-md5: 791597097dfee31e0e57febdd3a0f02e Description-gl: entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm - shared library libhavege is a library that implements the HAVEGE (HArdware Volatile Entropy Gathering and Expansion). It provides a random number generator and it's associated tuning and testing factilities. . More information about HAVEGE is available at . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhawknl-dev Description-md5: aa5912ba7285893fe15e9c8678d1ede6 Description-gl: Hawk game oriented network library API (development headers) HawkNL is a free, open source, game oriented network API. . HawkNL (NL) is a fairly low level API, a wrapper over Berkeley/Unix Sockets and Winsock. But NL also provides other features including support for: * Multiple operating systems. * Groups of sockets * Socket statistics * High accuracy timer * CRC functions * Macros to read and write data to packets with endian conversion * Multiple network transports. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libhdf5-serial-dev Description-md5: e46f0d24df0c21f6452d5aa1792d3172 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This package is a transitionnal package from libhdf5-serial-dev to libhdf5-dev. It can safely be removed. Package: libhdhomerun4 Description-md5: 79435849e7cf051dc826499522edea1f Description-gl: Library for Silicon Dust HD HomeRun This package supports the Silicon Dust HDHomeRun. The HDHomeRun is a networked, two tuner digital TV tuner compatible with MythTV, SageTV, and VLC. . Biblioteca compartida Package: libhesiod-dev Description-md5: 2a4c00e41fd0b17bd205e9c26fd8593d Description-gl: Project Athena's DNS-based directory service - development files Hesiod é unha biblioteca de servizo de nomes que pode fornecer un servizo xeral de nomes para diversas aplicativos. Deriva de BIND, o Daemon de nomes de Internet de Berkely e igual a infraestrutura de DNS existente dunha rede. Emprégana moitas redes universitarias, incluÃdas MIT e a Universidade Estatal de Iowa. . This package contains Hesiod's include files and static library. Package: libhesiod0 Description-md5: ea831c950063507e31bb33a46ae62f5f Description-gl: Project Athena's DNS-based directory service - libraries Hesiod é unha biblioteca de servizo de nomes que pode fornecer un servizo xeral de nomes para diversas aplicativos. Deriva de BIND, o Daemon de nomes de Internet de Berkely e igual a infraestrutura de DNS existente dunha rede. Emprégana moitas redes universitarias, incluÃdas MIT e a Universidade Estatal de Iowa. . This package contains Hesiod's shared library. Package: libhessian-java-doc Description-md5: ac2afb7ca7d37bc98e2c090a4be9ef11 Description-gl: Documentación de libhessian-java Documentation for Hessian that is a Java library that provides compact binary and XML protocols for applications needing performance without protocol complexity. It is well-suited to sending binary data without any need to extend the protocol with attachments. This library also includes Burlap that is a matching XML protocol. . With Hessian, providing a web service is as simple as creating a servlet and using a service is as simple as a JDK Proxy interface. Package: libhfasan2-armel-cross Description-md5: 09bf8c68db014d2e295e8f70edf1f99a Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (hard float ABI) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libhfasan2-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: c66da7d65dee73706e5b2b3bc0ede0a7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (hard float ABI debug symbols) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libhfasan3-armel-cross Description-md5: 09bf8c68db014d2e295e8f70edf1f99a Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (hard float ABI) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libhfasan3-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: c66da7d65dee73706e5b2b3bc0ede0a7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (hard float ABI debug symbols) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libhfasan4-armel-cross Description-md5: 09bf8c68db014d2e295e8f70edf1f99a Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (hard float ABI) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libhfasan4-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: c66da7d65dee73706e5b2b3bc0ede0a7 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- a fast memory error detector (hard float ABI debug symbols) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libhfgcc-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 137452806b755b182069e030eedeb66c Description-gl: GCC support library (hard float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libhfgcc-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 137452806b755b182069e030eedeb66c Description-gl: GCC support library (hard float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libhfgcc-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 137452806b755b182069e030eedeb66c Description-gl: GCC support library (hard float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libhfgcc1-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 6db13ea7abb61c02336c92d8b2b3980b Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libhfgfortran-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 8884fa3dfae1d8d6256da6f6242d6f68 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libhfgfortran-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 8884fa3dfae1d8d6256da6f6242d6f68 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libhfgfortran-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 8884fa3dfae1d8d6256da6f6242d6f68 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libhfgfortran3-armel-cross Description-md5: d2b3075146355d3759544a1fc47bbf69 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhfgfortran3-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 4adc4cf259b09ccf4ae311047068c96a Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhfgfortran4-armel-cross Description-md5: d2b3075146355d3759544a1fc47bbf69 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhfgfortran4-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: 4adc4cf259b09ccf4ae311047068c96a Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhfobjc-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 66ce7748417de77384120567f780ea68 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libhfobjc-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 66ce7748417de77384120567f780ea68 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libhfobjc-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 66ce7748417de77384120567f780ea68 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libhfobjc4-armel-cross Description-md5: 509998238abeb60c58effa376022140d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhfobjc4-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: c287b5581f1aa6c2d023139b4f894b91 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libhfstdc++6-5-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libhfstdc++6-6-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libhfstdc++6-7-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libhfstdc++6-armel-cross Description-md5: c4952559758fd3485a21090146322e1f Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (hard float ABI) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libhibernate3-java-doc Description-md5: b767d4abf51e62b88c9d5aeb1847cf78 Description-gl: Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java (documentation) Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence and query service. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and collections. Hibernate allows you to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria and Example API. . Unlike many other persistence solutions, Hibernate does not hide the power of SQL from you and guarantees that your investment in relational technology and knowledge is as valid as always. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libhiredis-dbg Description-md5: 296ac088cadb2bb43221c41fc0b872c8 Description-gl: minimalistic C client library for Redis (debug) Hiredis is a minimalistic C client library for the Redis database. It is minimalistic because it just adds minimal support for the protocol, but at the same time it uses an high level printf-alike API in order to make it much higher level than otherwise suggested by its minimal code base and the lack of explicit bindings for every Redis command. . Apart from supporting sending commands and receiving replies, it comes with a reply parser that is decoupled from the I/O layer. It is a stream parser designed for easy reusability, which can for instance be used in higher level language bindings for efficient reply parsing. . Hiredis only supports the binary-safe Redis protocol, so you can use it with any Redis version >= 1.2.0. . The library comes with multiple APIs. There is the synchronous API, the asynchronous API and the reply parsing API. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración do hiredis. Package: libhoel-dev Description-md5: af95c77f58f0fdfcedf421f6508b8bc8 Description-gl: database abstraction library written in C - development Simple and easy to use database access library. Works with SQLite 3, MariaDB/Mysql and (barely) PostgreSQL databases. Uses a json-based language with jansson to execute simples queries based on one table. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libhsqldb-java Description-md5: 14fbf72456caca34a30a0a8e72445104 Description-gl: Java SQL database engine HSQLDB é un motor de bases de datos relacionais SQL escrito en Java. Ten un controlador de JDBC e admite un subconxunto rico de SQL-92 (formato de árbore BNF), ademais de melloras de SQL:2.29 e SQL:2.23. Ofrece un motor de bases datos pequeno e rápido tanto en táboas baseadas na memoria como en disco. Dispón de modos incorporado e servidor. Alén disto, inclúe ferramentas tales como un servidor web mÃnimo, ferramentas de consulta e xestión na memoria (pódense executar como miniaplicativos) e unha morea de exemplos de demostración. Package: libhsqldb-java-doc Description-md5: 6747e4900845c8ea75518580d62ba25b Description-gl: Documentación de HSQLDB HSQLDB é un motor de bases de datos relacionais SQL escrito en Java. Ten un controlador de JDBC e admite un subconxunto rico de SQL-92 (formato de árbore BNF), ademais de melloras de SQL:2.29 e SQL:2.23. Ofrece un motor de bases datos pequeno e rápido tanto en táboas baseadas na memoria como en disco. Dispón de modos incorporado e servidor. Alén disto, inclúe ferramentas tales como un servidor web mÃnimo, ferramentas de consulta e xestión na memoria (pódense executar como miniaplicativos) e unha morea de exemplos de demostración. . Este paquete contén a documentación de HSQLDB. Package: libhtml-popuptreeselect-perl Description-md5: eb354453f95c2f6a902c022e69455cd3 Description-gl: Perl module for HTML popup tree widget Este módulo crea un selector de árbore emerxente en HTML. O HTML e Javascript producidos funcionan en Mozilla 1+ (Netscape 6+) en todos os sistemas operativos, Microsoft I·5+ e Safari 1.0. O deseño destes trebellos está baseado no trebello xTree de WebFX. Package: libhtml-prettyprinter-perl Description-md5: d612ea59b24c4d35874b87ba8aa695d5 Description-gl: Módulo que xera ficheiros HTML bos de árbores de sintaxe HTML HTML::PrettyPrinter produces nicely formatted HTML code from a HTML syntax tree. It is especially useful if the produced HTML file shall be read or edited manually afterwards. Various parameters let you adapt the output to different styles and requirements. . If you don't care how the HTML source looks like as long as it is valid and readable by browsers, you should use the as_HTML() method of HTML::Element instead of the pretty printer. It is about five times faster. . The pretty printer will handle line wrapping, indention and structuring by the way the whitespace in the tree is represented in the output. Furthermore upper/lowercase markup and markup minimization, quoting of attribute values, the encoding of entities and the presence of optional end tags are configurable. Package: libhtml-stripscripts-perl Description-md5: 5630c87178afcfe3f49d16005cba6177 Description-gl: module for removing scripts from HTML HTML::StripScripts is a Perl module for neutralizes scripting constructs in HTML, leaving as much non-scripting markup in place as possible. This allows web applications to display HTML originating from an untrusted source without introducing cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. . The process is based on whitelists of tags, attributes and attribute values. This approach is the most secure against disguised scripting constructs hidden in malicious HTML documents. . As well as removing scripting constructs, this module ensures that there is a matching end for each start tag, and that the tags are properly nested. . O máis probábel será que empregue HTML::StripScripts::Parser en troques de empregar este módulo directamente (vexa libhtml-stripscripts-parser-perl). Package: libhtml-table-perl Description-md5: b06b2f27567c06ff5b244596c9730373 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para crear táboas en HTML HTML::Table is used to generate HTML tables for CGI scripts. By using the methods provided fairly complex tables can be created, manipulated, then printed from Perl scripts. The module also greatly simplifies creating tables within tables from Perl. It is possible to create an entire table using the methods provided and never use an HTML tag. . HTML::Table permite tamén crear táboas que muden o seu tamaño de maneira dinámica mediante os seus métodos addRow e addCol. Estes métodos mudan automaticamente o tamaño da táboa se se lles pasan máis valores de cela dos que caben na grade da táboa xa creada. . Fornécense métodos para practicamente calquera táboa, fila e etiquetas de cela válidas especificadas para HTML 3.0. Package: libhtml-tableextract-perl Description-md5: bbae31a5369280c94eb26d180ee210cf Description-gl: Módulo para extraer o contido contido nas táboas en HTML HTML::TableExtract é un módulo que simplifica a extracción de información contida en táboas en documentos en HTML, tanto en texto como en árbores de elementos codificados. . Para extraer unha estrutura de árbore de obxectos elementos poderÃa facer falta o paquete adicional libhtml-element-extended-perl. Package: libhtml-tableparser-perl Description-md5: 112bd239c8c93b43a9224f0309f9d271 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para extraer datos dunha táboa en HTML HTML::TableParser emprega HTML::Parser para extraer datos dunha táboa en HTML. Os datos son devolvidos a través dunha serie de funcións ou métodos de callback definidos polo usuario. Pódense escoller táboas determinadas facéndoas coincidir cun identificador único de táboa ou con nomes de columnas. Pódense analizar varias táboas (mesmo aniñadas) dun documento nun único pase. Package: libhtml-tagcloud-perl Description-md5: 0a936f4fd380960628f036d4e024dc3d Description-gl: Módulo para xerar Ãndices en HTML de etiquetas populares HTML::TagCloud permite a xeración de «nubes de etiquetas» en páxinas en HTML. As nubes de etiquetas serven de maneira textual para visualizar termos e temas que se empregan con máis frecuencia. As etiquetas ordénanse alfabeticamente e empréganse tamaños de letra maiores para indicar un uso maior dos termos. . Sitios de exemplo con nubes de etiquetas: <>, <> e <>. Package: libhtml-tagfilter-perl Description-md5: 09a640ff9f335d89c160f320e7aaf9d9 Description-gl: fine-grained HTML-filter, XSS-blocker and mailto-obfuscator HTML::TagFilter is a subclass of HTML::Parser with a single purpose: it will remove unwanted HTML tags and attributes from a piece of text. It can act in a more or less fine-grained way: you can specify permitted tags, permitted attributes of each tag, and permitted values for each attribute in as much detail as you like. . As etiquetas non permitidas son retiradas. As etiquetas permitidas son podadas até unicamente os atributos permitidos para cada etiqueta. É posÃbel permitir todos os atributos dunha etiqueta ou ningún ou permitir todos os valores dun atributo ou ningún, e asà por diante. . O filtro tamén protexe contra ataques con scripts entre sitios e ofusca os enderezos mailto:email, a non ser que se lle indique que non o faga. Package: libhtml-template-compiled-perl Description-md5: 182490856f978bc5c101565adcd43bef Description-gl: Sistema de modelos en Perl para compilar ficheiros de HTML::Template en código en Perl HTML::Template::Compiled é un sistema de modelos que pode ser empregado con modelos de HTML::Template coa mesma API. Ofrece delimitadores de modelos máis flexÃbeis, etiquetas e funcionalidades adicionais e ao compilar o modelo en código en Perl este pode executarse de maneira notabelmente máis rápida en ambientes persistentes, como FastCGI ou mod_perl. Package: libhtmlparser-java-doc Description-md5: 289b8788e34f9e4801ab6ef44e222ad8 Description-gl: java library to parse html - doc HTML Parser is a Java library used to parse HTML in either a linear or nested fashion. Primarily used for transformation or extraction, it features filters, visitors, custom tags and easy to use JavaBeans. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libhtp-0.5.23-1 Description-md5: ceb177f97044f1820ee7c7a98f1e9e66 Description-gl: HTTP normalizer and parser library The HTP Library is an HTTP normalizer and parser. This integrates and provides very advanced processing of HTTP streams for Suricata. . The HTP library is required by the suricata engine, but may also be used independently in a range of applications and tools. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de tempo de execución de libhtp. Package: libhtp2 Description-md5: 81e13c00da67ee5fd708fb19040a04d9 Description-gl: HTTP normalizer and parser library The HTP Library is an HTTP normalizer and parser. This integrates and provides very advanced processing of HTTP streams for Suricata. The HTP library is required by the engine, but may also be used independently in a range of applications and tools. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de tempo de execución de libhtp. Package: libhttp-parser-dev Description-md5: d2a0cdebaa9f4f47d2b54faf0b215f83 Description-gl: parser for HTTP messages: development libraries and header files It parses both requests and responses. The parser is designed to be used in performance HTTP applications. It does not make any syscalls nor allocations, it does not buffer data, it can be interrupted at anytime. Depending on your architecture, it only requires about 40 bytes of data per message stream (in a web server that is per connection). . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libhttpunit-java-doc Description-md5: f4b5ad842e04e308e758f906735cfbe2 Description-gl: Documentación de libhttpunit-java Documentation for HttpUnit which is an automated web site testing toolkit. . HttpUnit emulates the relevant portions of browser behavior, including form submission, JavaScript, basic http authentication, cookies and automatic page redirection, and allows Java test code to examine returned pages either as text, an XML DOM, or containers of forms, tables, and links. . This package includes a small manual, the javadoc API, a tutorial and examples. Package: libhud-client2 Description-md5: 2c7610c9e83ed3355a63288f0ec01a74 Description-gl: private library for implementing a HUD frontend Interface for querying the HUD and getting results. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libhud-client2-dev Description-md5: c972b61dbcd93d1ee4ec32841380278a Description-gl: private library for implementing a HUD frontend Interface for querying the HUD and getting results. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libhud-gtk1 Description-md5: 24e8d2c7323878f17d964317bcb09587 Description-gl: GTK helpers for exporting items to the Unity HUD Allows applications to add items into the HUD without requiring a menubar or other parsed GUI elements using standard GTK features. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libhud-gtk1-dev Description-md5: 9c17652244df3cbbbc3a143ea9ba8cfd Description-gl: GTK helpers for exporting items to the Unity HUD Allows applications to add items into the HUD without requiring a menubar or other parsed GUI elements using standard GTK features. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libhud2 Description-md5: a7907b4514fa5355f84bc89a20c27aa4 Description-gl: library for exporting items to the Unity HUD Allows applications to add items into the HUD without requiring a menubar or other parsed GUI elements. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libhud2-dev Description-md5: 9cd92e06f6758a2a7b79099816edfc3c Description-gl: library for exporting items to the Unity HUD Allows applications to add items into the HUD without requiring a menubar or other parsed GUI elements. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libhugs-haxml-bundled Description-md5: d2f1a3fe38c350949dca0e7cc01c4256 Description-gl: Utilidades para manipular documentos en XML Haskell utilities for parsing, filtering, transforming and generating XML documents. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-opengl-bundled Description-md5: 712f3a458bac2ea25de64db95fb1b6f0 Description-gl: Unha asociación para o sistema gráfico OpenGL A Haskell binding for the OpenGL graphics system (GL, version 1.5) and its accompanying utility library (GLU, version 1.3). OpenGL is the industry's most widely used and supported 2D and 3D graphics application programming interface (API), incorporating a broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions. For more information about OpenGL, please see: <>. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-quickcheck-bundled Description-md5: 06c3870ee504ffdd86ff01916eb4d69a Description-gl: Probas automáticas para os programas en Haskell A library for testing Haskell programs automatically. The programmer provides a specification of the program, in the form of properties which functions should satisfy, and QuickCheck then tests that the properties hold in a large number of randomly generated cases. Specifications are expressed in Haskell, using combinators defined in the QuickCheck library. QuickCheck provides combinators to define properties, observe the distribution of test data, and define test data generators. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-unix-bundled Description-md5: fa5e73b63a0f8ac96398b4c707fa2065 Description-gl: Funcionalidade POSIX This package gives you access to the set of operating system services standardised by POSIX 1003.1b (or the IEEE Portable Operating System Interface for Computing Environments - IEEE Std. 1003.1). . Este paquete non é compatÃbel con Windows (excepto baixo Cygwin). . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-x11-bundled Description-md5: 07244fdc9e44662220d44aa08439e5b1 Description-gl: Unha asociación coa biblioteca de gráficos X11 Unha asociación de Haskell para a biblioteca de gráficos X11. . A asociación é unha tradución directa da asociación para C; para documentación sobre estas chamadas consulte o «Manual de programación de Xlib», dispoñÃbel na rede en <>. . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhwloc-common Description-md5: 9669ad8550195a3cf39a641a84d15d55 Description-gl: Vista xerárquica da máquina - ficheiros comúns Hardware Locality (hwloc) provides a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures. It primarily aims at helping high-performance computing applications with gathering information about the hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. . libhwloc provides a hierarchical view of the machine, NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information. . libhwloc supports old kernels not having sysfs topology information, with knowledge of cpusets, offline cpus, and Kerrighed support . Este paquete a DTD en XML da saÃda en XML de lstopo. Package: libhwloc-dev Description-md5: e00890e45c44536790770fde0549dc61 Description-gl: Hierarchical view of the machine - static libs and headers Hardware Locality (hwloc) provides a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures. It primarily aims at helping high-performance computing applications with gathering information about the hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. . libhwloc provides a hierarchical view of the machine, NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information. . libhwloc supports old kernels not having sysfs topology information, with knowledge of cpusets, offline cpus, and Kerrighed support . Este paquete contén bibliotecas estáticas e cabezallos de desenvolvemento. Package: libhwloc5 Description-md5: bd89ad338941b41499d0c0003d81d83e Description-gl: Hierarchical view of the machine - shared libs libhwloc provides a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures. It primarily aims at helping high-performance computing applications with gathering information about the hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently. . libhwloc provides a hierarchical view of the machine, NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multithreading. It also gathers various attributes such as cache and memory information. . libhwloc supports old kernels not having sysfs topology information, with knowledge of cpusets, offline cpus, and Kerrighed support . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libhyantes-dev Description-md5: 9bd8ac2f0a61afe4624eed7c2ca02889 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libhyantes C headers and man pages for those who want to develop C/C++ programs using libhyantes hyantes aims to develop new methods for the cartographic representation of human distributions (population density, population increase, etc.) with various smoothing functions and opportunities for time-scale animations of maps. It provides a smoothing method related to multiscalar neighbourhood density estimation. Package: libhybris-test Description-md5: 1f5205701476c6ee1c9d6d7b14515a90 Description-gl: Allows to run bionic-based HW adaptations in glibc systems - tests Contén os aplicativos de proba empregados para validar libhybris (precisa das bibliotecas de Android ou do contedor). . Hybris is a solution that allows the use of bionic-based HW adaptations in glibc systems. Package: libhybris-utils Description-md5: 17d25b33712773c77cb635c91dcc04c5 Description-gl: Utilidades para axudar a traballar coa capa de abstracción HW de Android Contén utilidades empregadas para axudar a traballar coa capa de abstracción HW de Android. . Hybris is a solution that allows the use of bionic-based HW adaptations in glibc systems. Package: libhyena-cil Description-md5: 00f51490fce5c559485d608ad5d80419 Description-gl: Conxunto de bibliotecas de utilidades para a interface da liña de ordes Hyena is a set of utility Application Programing Interfaces (APIs) for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), including both graphical and non- graphical components. . Among the included namespaces in Hyena are: * Hyena * Hyena.Collections * Hyena.CommandLine * Hyena.Data * Hyena.Jobs * Hyena.Json * Hyena.Query * Hyena.SExpEngine * Hyena.Data.Sqlite * Hyena.Data.Gui * Hyena.Gui * Hyena.Gui.Dialogs * Hyena.Gui.Theatrics * Hyena.Gui.Theming * Hyena.Query.Gui * Hyena.Widgets Package: libhyena-cil-dev Description-md5: 8ada55d4c2fe7fcccf1e63fb6172d225 Description-gl: set of utility libraries for the CLI - development files Hyena is a set of utility Application Programing Interfaces (APIs) for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), including both graphical and non- graphical components. . Among the included namespaces in Hyena are: * Hyena * Hyena.Collections * Hyena.CommandLine * Hyena.Data * Hyena.Jobs * Hyena.Json * Hyena.Query * Hyena.SExpEngine * Hyena.Data.Sqlite * Hyena.Data.Gui * Hyena.Gui * Hyena.Gui.Dialogs * Hyena.Gui.Theatrics * Hyena.Gui.Theming * Hyena.Query.Gui * Hyena.Widgets . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para as bibliotecas de Hyena e deberÃa ser empregado para a compilación Package: libhypre-2.13.0 Description-md5: 2aafa5987d3c0f9e323b4ad7e8c80cee Description-gl: High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - Shared Library Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the solution of large systems of linear equations. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libhypre-dev Description-md5: 5e72cce587b7b5432c9c06185dfbb282 Description-gl: High Performance Matrix Preconditioners - Development Files Hypre is a set of matrix preconditioning libraries to aid in the solution of large systems of linear equations. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras e ligazóns simbólicas necesarias para desenvolver programas que empreguen hypre. Package: libhz0 Description-md5: f7fdb1c3febe5efc610b887c3b8ae448 Description-gl: Biblioteca para a conversión automática de codificación chinesa AutoConvert is an intelligent Chinese Encoding converter. It uses builtin functions to judge the type of the input file’s Chinese Encoding (such as GB/Big5/HZ), then converts the input file to any type of Chinese Encoding you want. You can use autoconvert to handle incoming mail, automatically converting messages to the Chinese Encoding you want. It can alse handle Unicode (UTF-16)/UTF-7/UTF-8 now. . This library provide the Chinese encoding judge function, and the HZ/GB/Big5/UTF-16/UTF-7/UTF-8 convert functions. Package: libi18n-acceptlanguage-perl Description-md5: 81aff2bf57d591ae606c24ead9270737 Description-gl: module to matches language preference to available languages I18N::AcceptLanguage casa a preferencia de idioma cos idiomas dispoñÃbeis segundo as regras definidas en RFC 2616, sección 14.4: HTTP/1.1 - Definicións do campo de cabeceira - Accept-Language. Package: libi2c-dev Description-md5: 8f5b61fd99cc090e2491a891d7300e00 Description-gl: userspace I2C programming library development files I2C devices are usually controlled by a kernel driver. Using this library it is also possible to access all devices on an adapter from userspace and without the knowledge of Linux kernel internals. . Este paquete contén o necesario para compilar fontes que empreguen esta biblioteca no seu código. Package: libi2util-dev Description-md5: e21b8dc91be7c6799bf74993ccbf3460 Description-gl: biblioteca de utilidades de Internet2 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) I2utils is a small support library with a set of command line tools needed by several software projects from Internet2, most notably bwctl. . This is the development package which contains headers files and the static i2util library. Package: libib-util Description-md5: bd15653352affc29194350a7a2ab7178 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de Firebird para UDF Contains utility functions used by Firebird User-Defined Functions (UDF) for memory management etc. . See firebird3.0-server package for more information about Firebird. Package: libibcm-dev Description-md5: 6d12891afcebe540d75badb0db433a22 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libibcm libibcm provides a userspace implementation of an InfiniBand Communication Manager (CM). The CM handles both connection establishment as well as service ID resolution. . This package is needed to compile programs against libibcm1. It contains the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for compiling. Package: libibcm1 Description-md5: be205022252dda97295a6fd715302659 Description-gl: InfiniBand Communication Manager (CM) library libibcm provides a userspace implementation of an InfiniBand Communication Manager (CM). The CM handles both connection establishment as well as service ID resolution. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libibdm-dev Description-md5: 0bcaf72869e0e5462c367affa959eca2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libibdm This package contains header files for building applications against libibdm, a library for building tools for diagnosing and testing InfiniBand based networks. Package: libibdm1 Description-md5: 74d9a97ac81f7ccc1b8e5112dc79811d Description-gl: Biblioteca de diagnóstico de rede de InfiniBand This package contains a library for building tools useful for diagnosing and testing InfiniBand based networks. Package: libibmad-dev Description-md5: c842752a8d45001b37760fca5ee22276 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libibmad libibmad provides low layer Infiniband functions for use by the InfiniBand diagnostic and management programs. These include Management Datagrams (MAD), Subnet Administration (SA), Subnet Management Packets (SMP) and other basic functions. . Este paquete é necesario para compilar programas contra libibmad5. Contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras e as bibliotecas estáticas necesarias (opcionalmente) para compilar. Package: libibmad5 Description-md5: 61c66414f015c4cad74d4c04312ffb34 Description-gl: Infiniband Management Datagram (MAD) library libibmad provides low layer InfiniBand functions for use by the Infiniband diagnostic and management programs. These include Management Datagrams (MAD), Subnet Administration (SA), Subnet Management Packets (SMP) and other basic functions. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libibnetdisc5 Description-md5: 082c65abee6c215b51147e51c09a46e2 Description-gl: Biblioteca de diagnósticos de InfiniBand InfiniBand is a switched fabric communications link used in high- performance computing and enterprise data centers. Its features include high throughput, low latency, quality of service and failover, and it is designed to be scalable. . This package provides libraries required by the InfiniBand diagnostic programs. Package: libibumad-dev Description-md5: 0b2e52f741b1f9e92985b682a6cff53c Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libibumad libibumad provides userspace Infiniband Management Datagram (uMAD) functions which sit on top of the uMAD modules in the kernel. These are used by InfiniBand diagnostic and management tools. . This package is needed to compile programs against libibumad. It contains the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for compiling. Package: libibumad3 Description-md5: 458e8737c23bfac029d7f82093d3fdac Description-gl: InfiniBand Userspace Management Datagram (uMAD) library libibumad provides userspace Infiniband Management Datagram (uMAD) functions which sit on top of the uMAD modules in the kernel. These are used by InfiniBand diagnostic and management tools. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libibus-qt-dev Description-md5: 2f09d4030579f55016cf64f50258d7b2 Description-gl: qt-immodule for ibus (QT4) (development package) IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo precisos para desenvolver os aplicativos de ibus-qt. Package: libibus-qt1 Description-md5: 3459f9ec017b233cc2c182f93dcceddb Description-gl: qt-immodule for ibus (QT4) (library) IBus é un Bus de Entrada Intelixente. É unha infraestrutura de entrada nova para os sistemas operativos Linux. Fornece unha interface de usuario de método de entrada acolledora e con todas as funcionalidades. Tamén pode axudar os desenvolvedores a desenvolveren métodos de entrada facilmente. . libibus-qt1 is the library of ibus-qt. Package: libicap-dev Description-md5: 44930e025a287e2ca7305f4a938fcdf0 Description-gl: ICAP server (RFC 3507) implementation in C++ (development files) The main goal of this project is to create an ICAP server (RFC 3507) implementation in C++ to use the power of object oriented programming. . Starting from scratch, the server is developed with a modular architecture in mind. The server core (written in C++) will handle the client requests, manage workers (child processes) etc. and will provide basic handlers to serve ICAP requests. . To extend this core functionality the idea is to have pluggable modules (like Apache server modules). These modules will provide features like content filtering, anti-virus scanning etc. and to make it easier to write (and faster to implement) such modules there is hope to exploit Python programming language. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libicecc-dev Description-md5: 6492e9576218f01fde5bb03b28a913db Description-gl: development files for icecc (distributed compiler) This package is part if icecc. It provides files which are necessary to build icecc-monitor. . Vexa o paquete «icecc» para máis información. Package: libid3-3.8.3-dev Description-md5: 8c2e3b98d22d66f554a13b4225a96fa6 Description-gl: ID3 Tag Library: Development Libraries and Header Files Este paquete contén as cabeceiras precisos para desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen id3lib, a biblioteca de software para manipular etiquetas ID3v1 e ID3v2. Package: libid3-doc Description-md5: 0c2a2d9e324faf5597f7667d25dfd411 Description-gl: ID3 Tag Library: Documentation Este paquete contén a documentación que precisa quen programe para desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen id3lib, biblioteca de software para manipular ID3v1 e ID3vs2. Package: libid3-tools Description-md5: cee1af3de2ea24fef26a69e1351c630e Description-gl: ID3 Tag Library: Utilities Este paquete contén algunhas utilidades que van con id3lib, a biblioteca de software para manipular etiquetas ID3v1 e ID3vs. As utilidades son: id3cp, id3tag, id3convert, id3info. Package: libido-0.1-0 Description-md5: 1bed1722725acdadee08fd76cd4e7f0f Description-gl: Shared library providing extra gtk menu items for display in Indicadores do sistema . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para que empreguen os aplicativos de GTK+. Package: libido-0.1-dev Description-md5: 7bff983b55b75d242ef64a76117abf77 Description-gl: Shared library providing extra gtk menu items for display in Indicadores do sistema . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos en GTK+ 3. Package: libiec16022-dev Description-md5: 15b005ebffda7b86ee93263f324e5094 Description-gl: Development files for the ISO/IEC 16022 barcodes library The library generates a 2d datamatrix/semacode barcode from a parameter or from a file and produces output in various formats (png, eps, ascii-art). . for example uses semacode tags to create real- world "links" to wikipedia articles. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver programas que empreguen libiec16022. Package: libifp-dev Description-md5: 2426830855527fcada1aba92d9f1f328 Description-gl: communicate with iRiver iFP audio devices (development files) Este paquete contén ficheiros empregados para desenvolver ou compilar programas que empreguen libifp. . libifp permite comunicarse con dispositivos de son iFP da iRiver. Fornece unha interface de alto nivel para enviar e descargar ficheiros a e desde o dispositivo, asà como outras funcións como o estado da baterÃa e a actualización do firmware. Package: libifp4 Description-md5: a13b2058427ae81c89989c926a3e190e Description-gl: communicate with iRiver iFP audio devices libifp permite comunicarse con dispositivos de son iFP da iRiver. Fornece unha interface de alto nivel para enviar e descargar ficheiros a e desde o dispositivo, asà como outras funcións como o estado da baterÃa e a actualización do firmware. Package: libiio-dev Description-md5: 344b99c2ce753b186e5cf93c375f916d Description-gl: libiio development files Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libiio0 Description-md5: e824a09773dd29a067dcdf839bc28038 Description-gl: Library for interfacing with IIO devices Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libiio0-doc Description-md5: 98e3d7ce4311a6507ed0bc09f53e637d Description-gl: libiio documentation Libiio is a library that has been conceived to ease the development of applications interfacing Industrial Input/Output (IIO) devices through the IIO subsystem of the Linux kernel. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato HTML. Package: libiksemel-utils Description-md5: 212daed76ccf9e4ec2603a41ec5311be Description-gl: Utilidades da biblioteca iksemel iksemel handles Jabber connections, parses XML, and sends and receives Jabber messages. It works pretty good for parsing other kinds of XML, too, if the need arises. . This package includes three utilitaries from the library: ikslint, which checks xml files for well-formedness, iksperf, which tests speed and memory usage, and, finally, iksroster, which backups your roster. Package: libimglib2-java-doc Description-md5: e0b964de7feaf3ad5b874cf6f56d5e4b Description-gl: documentation for ImgLib2 A multidimensional, type-agnostic image processing library. . It provides an interface-driven design that supports numeric and non- numeric data types (8-bit unsigned integer, 32-bit floating point, etc.) in an extensible way. It implements several data sources and sample organizations, including one single primitive array, one array per plane, N-dimensional array "cells" cached to and from disk on demand, and planes read on demand from disk. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libiml-dev Description-md5: 4d519079b17d4c51e6e9ea3fa14de320 Description-gl: Integer Matrix Library, development files IML is a library for exact, dense linear algebra over the integers. IML contains algorithms for nonsingular rational system solving, computing the right nullspace of an integer matrix, and certified linear system solving. . In addition, IML provides some low level routines for a variety of mod p matrix operations: computing the row-echelon form, determinant, rank profile, and inverse of a mod p matrix. These mod p routines are not general purpose; they require that p satisfy some preconditions based on the dimension of the input matrix (usually p should be prime and should be no more than about 20 bits long). . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para IML. Package: libimobiledevice-utils Description-md5: 67c848cadcb0e4665fbbe126820e4bd8 Description-gl: Biblioteca para comunicar cos dispositivos iPhone e iPod Touch libimobiledevice is a library that talks the native Apple USB protocols that the iPhone and iPod Touch use. Unlike other projects, libimobiledevice does not depend on using any existing libraries from Apple. . This package contains utilities and examples which use libimobiledevice. Package: libimvirt-perl Description-md5: 1968391aa59349bf718e0f4fa8e6abd4 Description-gl: Perl module for detecting several virtualizations This Perl module ImVirt is able to determine, on which virtualization it is running. . In this version it is able to detect the following virtualization technologies: ARAnyM KVM lguest LXC OpenVZ/Virtuozzo QEMU UML VMware GSX, ESX, Workstation Virtual PC/Virtual Server VirtualBox Xen (para and non-para virtualized) . E moito máis. Package: libincidenceeditorsng4 Description-md5: c3c638f6ac60d971b005cc475b8e090d Description-gl: incidence editors library This library implements GUI components for incidence (including but not limited to alarms, attendances, free-busy etc.) editing. These GUI components are widely used in various KDE PIM applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libindi-data Description-md5: 2147f72ad3210176b1dd800e188015bb Description-gl: Biblioteca de Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos - datos compartidos INDI (Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos) é un protocolo de control distribuÃdo baseado en XML deseñado para facer funcionar instrumentos astronómicos. INDI é pequeno, flexÃbel, fácil de analizar, escalábel e sen estado. Admite funcións de DCS comúns, como control remoto, adquisición de datos, vixiancia e moitos máis. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos para a biblioteca INDI. Package: libindi-dev Description-md5: 87bf82675f43ab4b1d583033650b5e46 Description-gl: Biblioteca de Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos - ficheiros de desenvolvemento INDI (Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos) é un protocolo de control distribuÃdo baseado en XML deseñado para facer funcionar instrumentos astronómicos. INDI é pequeno, flexÃbel, fácil de analizar, escalábel e sen estado. Admite funcións de DCS comúns, como control remoto, adquisición de datos, vixiancia e moitos máis. . Este paquete contén cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e bibliotecas para a biblioteca INDI. Package: libindi-plugins Description-md5: 42c6d49d1fe305e17b481ff3d63f6c67 Description-gl: Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- plugins INDI (Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos) é un protocolo de control distribuÃdo baseado en XML deseñado para facer funcionar instrumentos astronómicos. INDI é pequeno, flexÃbel, fácil de analizar, escalábel e sen estado. Admite funcións de DCS comúns, como control remoto, adquisición de datos, vixiancia e moitos máis. . This package contains binary plugins. Package: libindi1 Description-md5: 2932b4a33d0beb4a8fb2666fd3559dea Description-gl: Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- client library INDI (Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos) é un protocolo de control distribuÃdo baseado en XML deseñado para facer funcionar instrumentos astronómicos. INDI é pequeno, flexÃbel, fácil de analizar, escalábel e sen estado. Admite funcións de DCS comúns, como control remoto, adquisición de datos, vixiancia e moitos máis. . This package contains the client shared library. Package: libindialignmentdriver1 Description-md5: 91c1cefc7f4eaf2e5977cc1fa7a80f30 Description-gl: Instrument-Neutral Device Interface library -- alignment driver lib INDI (Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos) é un protocolo de control distribuÃdo baseado en XML deseñado para facer funcionar instrumentos astronómicos. INDI é pequeno, flexÃbel, fácil de analizar, escalábel e sen estado. Admite funcións de DCS comúns, como control remoto, adquisición de datos, vixiancia e moitos máis. . This package contains the alignment driver shared library. Package: libindicate-dev Description-md5: 4d09f2e9b55d8bd0ae8ef27c8188ddd8 Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - development files A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libindicate-doc Description-md5: 8fb71c6b446db4e6fd8704388f59d872 Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - documentation A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libindicate-gtk-dev Description-md5: 8203d8ff39cb2641149ec82e698ec089 Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK+ bindings development files A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos con GTK+. Package: libindicate-gtk0.1-cil-dev Description-md5: fd9fd58848f7a3aba67532732439a726 Description-gl: CLI bindings for libindicate-gtk2 - development files A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . This package provides the indicate-sharp assembly that allows CLI (.NET) programs to display information consistently in the GNOME panel. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos en GTK+ 3. Package: libindicate-gtk3 Description-md5: 295ebcda807522650a2309c0da8b6ad2 Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK+ bindings A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para que empreguen os aplicativos de GTK+. Package: libindicate-gtk3-3 Description-md5: 41af89e4afb0ed19436ef057e4b36f4d Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK bindings A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libindicate-gtk3-dev Description-md5: db4ba01cea52e73b63c4da26bdc8fc5c Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK bindings development files A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libindicate-qt-dev Description-md5: dcf0209244b4280d3d1f01d0236213e9 Description-gl: Qt bindings for libindicate - development files libindicate-qt makes it possible to write libindicate-enabled applications using Qt. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libindicate-qt1 Description-md5: 171a559250ba608e253eff336b4673fc Description-gl: Qt bindings for libindicate libindicate-qt makes it possible to write libindicate-enabled applications using Qt. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libindicate0.1-cil-dev Description-md5: d8f9c7f322ec98f89629b3a1bb29bfdd Description-gl: CLI bindings for libindicate5 - development files A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . This package provides the indicate-sharp assembly that allows CLI (.NET) programs to display information consistently in the GNOME panel. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libindicate5 Description-md5: a6c21881d9e1389e39ec6f2b5c7ea09f Description-gl: library for raising indicators via DBus A small library for applications to raise "flags" on DBus for other components of the desktop to pick up and visualize. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libindicator-dev Description-md5: 6547f70e5e653b96dedc74f65f22e75c Description-gl: panel indicator applet - library development files This library contains information to build indicators to go into the indicator applet. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libindicator3-dev Description-md5: 6547f70e5e653b96dedc74f65f22e75c Description-gl: panel indicator applet - library development files This library contains information to build indicators to go into the indicator applet. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libindicator3-tools Description-md5: b62639ce4c223f11f11787a37e524310 Description-gl: Ferramentas para libindicator Ferramentas útiles para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos que empreguen indicadores. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libindicator7 Description-md5: 646718eb8829a968151e4b7f5f1d7cf1 Description-gl: panel indicator applet - shared library This library contains information to build indicators to go into the indicator applet. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libindidriver1 Description-md5: 60df8aa9fbc23dcb5c3b5fdfddfeb824 Description-gl: Biblioteca de Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos - biblioteca de controladores INDI (Interface de Dispositivos Neutra para os Instrumentos) é un protocolo de control distribuÃdo baseado en XML deseñado para facer funcionar instrumentos astronómicos. INDI é pequeno, flexÃbel, fácil de analizar, escalábel e sen estado. Admite funcións de DCS comúns, como control remoto, adquisición de datos, vixiancia e moitos máis. . This package contains the driver shared library. Package: libindigo-dev Description-md5: dea10894f94d66fdb4a10d860a85e480 Description-gl: Organic Chemistry Toolkit (development files) Indigo is a C++ based organic chemistry and cheminformatics software environment. Features Include: . * Molecule and reaction rendering including SVG support * Automatic layout for SMILES-represented molecules and reactions * Canonical (isomeric) SMILES computation * Exact matching, substructure matching, SMARTS matching * Matching of tautomers and resonance structures * Molecule fingerprinting, molecule similarity computation * Fast enumeration of SSSR rings, subtrees, and edge sugraphs * Molecular weight, molecular formula computation * R-Group deconvolution and scaffold detection * Computation of the exact maximum common substructure for an arbitrary amount of input structures * Combinatorial chemistry * Plugin support in the API . File formats Indigo support include MDL Mol, SDF, RDF, CML, SMILES and SMARTS. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libinfgtk-0.7-0 Description-md5: b69430d2b759d79463f63fcf7b68470f Description-gl: Edición colaborativa baseada en infinote - (trebellos en Gtk) libinfinity is library to build collaborative text editors. Changes to the text buffers are synced to all other clients over a central server. Even though a central server is involved, the local user sees his changes applied instantly and the merging is done on the individual clients. . This package contains Gtk widgets for use in libinfinity-based and Gtk- based applications. It is built against Gtk3. Package: libinfinity-0.7-dbg Description-md5: 76199d871987f3ccb06360db0d597fe4 Description-gl: Edición colaborativa baseada en infinote - sÃmbolos de depuración libinfinity is library to build collaborative text editors. Changes to the text buffers are synced to all other clients over a central server. Even though a central server is involved, the local user sees his changes applied instantly and the merging is done on the individual clients. . Estes son os sÃmbolos de depuración de libinfinity, necesarios só se se pretende depurala. Package: libinfinity-0.7-dev Description-md5: 91269e4483e4c209203c0347e8712a6a Description-gl: Edición colaborativa baseada en infinote - ficheiros de desenvolvemento libinfinity is library to build collaborative text editors. Changes to the text buffers are synced to all other clients over a central server. Even though a central server is involved, the local user sees his changes applied instantly and the merging is done on the individual clients. . This package contains the C headers of libinfinity and all files needed to link applications dependening on this library. Package: libinfinity-0.7-doc Description-md5: a2163d71e7110583cd77843aa31a0398 Description-gl: Edición colaborativa baseada en infinote - documentación libinfinity is library to build collaborative text editors. Changes to the text buffers are synced to all other clients over a central server. Even though a central server is involved, the local user sees his changes applied instantly and the merging is done on the individual clients. . This package contains the API documentation of libinfinity. Package: libinifiles-ocaml Description-md5: 443d57c2c2d5e67f11abc31940fa1dee Description-gl: Lea e escriba ficheiros .ini para OCaml (tempo de execución) This library allow to read and write .ini files. It features an object oriented interface to manipulate inifiles. It allows sections listing and operation on several inifiles grouped in a directory. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libinifiles-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 6e6d661abe456e999a1417763d24ae05 Description-gl: Lea e escriba ficheiros .ini para OCaml This library allow to read and write .ini files. It features an object oriented interface to manipulate inifiles. It allows sections listing and operation on several inifiles grouped in a directory. Package: libinih-dev Description-md5: 1969dee45625ae99ef0f988b1ac19b4e Description-gl: simple .INI file parser (development files) inih (INI Not Invented Here) is a simple .INI file parser written in C. It's only a couple of pages of code, and it was designed to be small and simple, so it's good for embedded systems. It's also more or less compatible with Python's ConfigParser style of .INI files, including RFC 822-style multi-line syntax and name: value entries. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: libinjeqt1 Description-md5: 06f4d2407a8cb6453b263629de242e63 Description-gl: Dependency injection framework for Qt Dependency injection is an implementation of inverse of control and can be used to increase program modularity and extendability. In general it also results in more testable source code. . There is a lot of dependency injection frameworks for bytecode based languages like Java and C#, for instance Guice and Spring. C++ lacks reflection facilities that make dependency injection so powerful in these languages. . Injeqt is an attempt to build a powerful and reliable dependency injection framework on Qt's reflection based on MOC (meta-object compiler). For version 0.1 some basic features were implemented. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libinklevel-dev Description-md5: 799c3d036fc02f37a95a8e8d775563bf Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libinklevel5 The aim of this library is to provide a way to check the ink level of a local printer. . It supports printers attached via parallel port or USB. . Many HP, Epson and Canon printers are supported. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libinnodb-dbg Description-md5: e1f634514b2cf7f9e9ae529fb4f5bd89 Description-gl: Embedded InnoDB Library (debug files) Embedded InnoDB is used independently of MySQL. It is not a plugin, nor a storage engine for MySQL. It is designed to be linked directly into application programs, and provides highly efficient, low-level database management services, not using SQL . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libinnodb3 Description-md5: 578b226d58e6462a497c8a4bfab3c0dd Description-gl: Embedded InnoDB Library Embedded InnoDB is used independently of MySQL. It is not a plugin, nor a storage engine for MySQL. It is designed to be linked directly into application programs, and provides highly efficient, low-level database management services, not using SQL . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libinotify-ocaml Description-md5: d99ff02128e3b2ab0ed774b9a117bda1 Description-gl: OCaml bindings for the inotify API This library provides OCaml bindings for using inotify. . Inotify é un susbsistema do kernel Linux que avisa de cambios do sistema de ficheiros e informa aos aplicativos deses cambios. . This package contains shared library. Package: libinotify-ocaml-dev Description-md5: cdfa745781cafa314adb73004a226cde Description-gl: OCaml bindings for the inotify API This library provides OCaml bindings for using inotify. . Inotify é un susbsistema do kernel Linux que avisa de cambios do sistema de ficheiros e informa aos aplicativos deses cambios. . This package contains header and OCaml library. Package: libinput-pad-dev Description-md5: 875298fcf34ddde81e23f6ed99cd11d2 Description-gl: On-screen Input Pad to Send Characters with Mouse - dev The input pad is a tool to send a character to text applications when the corresponging button is pressed. It provides the GTK+ based GUI and can send characters when the GTK+ buttons are pressed. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: libinput-tools Description-md5: a3cb13b88fab5ad6bc4954352ff16f8f Description-gl: input device management and event handling library - command line tools libinput is a library that handles input devices for display servers and other applications that need to directly deal with input devices. . It provides device detection, device handling, input device event processing and abstraction so minimize the amount of custom input code the user of libinput need to provide the common set of functionality that users expect. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas para a liña de ordes. Package: libinstpatch-1.0-0 Description-md5: cb67bc56a835c994c24e2bbedbd6eab3 Description-gl: MIDI instrument editing library libInstPatch stands for lib-Instrument-Patch and is a library for processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for wavetable synthesis. This library provides an object framework (based on GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted, compressed and saved. . More information can be found on the Project Swami website . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libinstpatch-doc Description-md5: bbf244ae203885c52d0b6d45e5b474be Description-gl: MIDI instrument editing library documentation libInstPatch stands for lib-Instrument-Patch and is a library for processing digital sample based MIDI instrument "patch" files. The types of files libInstPatch supports are used for creating instrument sounds for wavetable synthesis. This library provides an object framework (based on GObject) to load patch files into, which can then be edited, converted, compressed and saved. . More information can be found on the Project Swami website . Este paquete contén a documentación de libinstpatch1 en /usr/share/gtk- doc/html/libinstpatch. Package: libint-dev Description-md5: bc1260b1a27217ac39b5ca5392604d03 Description-gl: Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory (devel) The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libint1 Description-md5: 743a7c2856769633e13b13722aa189e8 Description-gl: Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libint2-2 Description-md5: 3637789ddd04b5e1841a69e403831ed9 Description-gl: Computation Chemistry Integral Evaluation Library The LIBINT library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . LIBINT has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libint2-dev Description-md5: 44c4a463724d8dab7cd843a07c0ff0f5 Description-gl: Computation Chemistry Integral Evaluation Library (development files) The Libint2 library is used to evaluate the traditional (electron repulsion) and certain novel two-body matrix elements (integrals) over Cartesian Gaussian functions used in modern atomic and molecular theory. The idea of the library is to let computer write optimized code for computing such integrals. There are two primary advantages to this: much less human effort is required to write code for computing new integrals, and code can be optimized specifically for a particular computer architecture (e.g., vector processor). . Libint2 has been utilized to implement methods such as Hartree-Fock (HF) and Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS DFT), second-order Moeller- Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) method, as well as explicitly correlated R12 methods. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libinteractive-markers-dev Description-md5: 4c69b723f2043508780efb8b38c09e5c Description-gl: Robot OS interactive_markers package - development files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It is a 3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libinteractive-markers0d Description-md5: 2be8a6fbc63703d85259d5ebefdd59bc Description-gl: Robot OS interactive_markers package This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It is a 3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libintl-perl Description-md5: 094d9efec11965e17ecdcc0ba27ea83e Description-gl: Biblioteca de i18n compatÃbel co sistema de traducións de mensaxes Uniforum libintl-perl é unha biblioteca de internacionalización para Perl que pretende ser compatÃbel co sistema de traducións de mensaxes Uniforum como se utiliza, por exemplo, no gettext de GNU. Package: libintl-xs-perl Description-md5: c919928c6b051653595f0ee48e6343dd Description-gl: Biblioteca de i18n compatÃbel co sistema de traducións de mensaxes Uniforum libintl-perl é unha biblioteca de internacionalización para Perl que pretende ser compatÃbel co sistema de traducións de mensaxes Uniforum como se utiliza, por exemplo, no gettext de GNU. . This package contains the XS Implementation of Uniforum Message Translation, which is, thanks to the use of C code and libraries, a little bit faster than the pure Perl implementation. Package: libiodbc2-dev Description-md5: d130ba790976d31df335175ab1a2c1f8 Description-gl: iODBC Driver Manager (development files) The iODBC (intrinsic Open Database Connectivity) driver manager is compatible with the ODBC 2.x and 3.x specification and performs all the jobs of a ODBC driver manager (i.e. driver loading, parameters and function sequence checking, driver's function invoking, etc). Any ODBC driver working with ODBC 2.0 and 3.x driver manager will also work with iODBC driver manager and vice versa. . Applications (using ODBC function calls) linked with iODBC driver manager will be able to simultaneously access different types of data sources within one process through suitable iODBC drivers. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libipathverbs-dev Description-md5: b428861315babd230e156e91f41d7334 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libipathverbs libipathverbs is a device-specific driver for QLogic InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access QLogic HCA hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . This package contains static versions of libipathverbs that may be linked directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging. Package: libircclient-dev Description-md5: adce96ca325ffac2fa2cdee1e1995034 Description-gl: development files for libircclient libircclient is a small but powerful library that implements the client- server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients. libircclient features include: . * Full multi-threading support. * Single threads handles all the IRC processing. * Support for single-threaded applications, and socket-based applications, which use select() * Synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. * CTCP support with optional build-in reply code. * Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer. * Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC. * Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously. * Plain C interface and implementation (possible to use from C++ code, obviously) * Compatible with RFC 1459 and most IRC clients. * Good documentation and examples available. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libirrlicht-dev Description-md5: daf77d6cc6f8d699f1292adb2b07a055 Description-gl: High performance realtime 3D engine development library The Irrlicht Engine is an open source completely cross-platform 3D engine. It has support for OpenGL and its own software renderer, and has all of the state-of-the-art features which can be found in commercial 3d engines. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de desenvolvemento. Package: libirrlicht1.8-dbg Description-md5: 5cb9f4060e4906e939dec6a72af5ff8b Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do irrlicht Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración asociados co irrlicht. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co irrlicht. Package: libisal2 Description-md5: db59909f70c412a803a10087d9506bd6 Description-gl: Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library - shared library Collection of low-level functions used in storage applications. Contains fast erasure codes that implement a general Reed-Solomon type encoding for blocks of data that helps protect against erasure of whole blocks. The general ISA-L library contains an expanded set of functions used for data protection, hashing, encryption, etc. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libisds-dev Description-md5: a63517b73c0e366c06654ae397dee28e Description-gl: Czech Data Boxes access library (development files) This library implements all client SOAP services defined in ISDS (InformaÄnà systém datových schránek) specification as defined in Czech ISDS Act (300/2008 Coll.) and implied documents. This library can also submit document for authorized conversion into Czech POINT deposit. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos. Package: libismrmrd-doc Description-md5: 2469b7c9ccfa08f5a6affb1af21e877f Description-gl: documentation for ISMRMRD The ISMRMRD format combines a mix of flexible data structures (XML header) and fixed structures (equivalent to C-structs) to represent MRI data. . In addition, the ISMRMRD format also specifies an image header for storing reconstructed images and the accompanying C++ library provides a convenient way of writing such images into HDF5 files along with generic arrays for storing less well defined data structures, e.g. coil sensitivity maps or other calibration data. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libismrmrd1.3 Description-md5: 541e40b53e0f3863da96ab3f6d59ec9b Description-gl: ISMRM Raw Data format (ISMRMRD) The ISMRMRD format combines a mix of flexible data structures (XML header) and fixed structures (equivalent to C-structs) to represent MRI data. . In addition, the ISMRMRD format also specifies an image header for storing reconstructed images and the accompanying C++ library provides a convenient way of writing such images into HDF5 files along with generic arrays for storing less well defined data structures, e.g. coil sensitivity maps or other calibration data. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libisoburn-dev Description-md5: 1f1193b360a99afaf99ec05fd439ff7d Description-gl: paquete de desenvolvemento de libisoburn libisoburn is a frontend for the libraries libburn and libisofs. It handles the creation, loading, manipulation and burning of ISO-9660 filesystem images. This library provides a low-level API, called libisoburn API, which enhances and partly encapsulates the API of libburn and libisofs. Further there is a higher level API, called xorriso API, which completely encapsulates the API of libburn, libisofs, and libisoburn. It implements all parts of xorriso except the small initialization module xorriso/xorriso_main.c . . This package contains the headers, pkgconfig data, and static library for libisoburn. Package: libisoburn-doc Description-md5: b31a37b30e4d27981125f5ee7e94eef7 Description-gl: documentation package for libisoburn libisoburn is a frontend for the libraries libburn and libisofs. It handles the creation, loading, manipulation and burning of ISO-9660 filesystem images. This library provides a low-level API, called libisoburn API, which enhances and partly encapsulates the API of libburn and libisofs. Further there is a higher level API, called xorriso API, which completely encapsulates the API of libburn, libisofs, and libisoburn. It implements all parts of xorriso except the small initialization module xorriso/xorriso_main.c . . Este paquete contén a documentación de libisoburn. Package: libisofs-dbg Description-md5: 785610290e024fcb0c52e33e96913426 Description-gl: sÃmbolos de depuración de libisofs libisofs creates ISO images which can either be written to POSIX file objects or handed over to libburn for being written directly to optical media. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas cos binarios incluÃdos nos paquetes libisofs. Package: libisofs-dev Description-md5: 9eacf125d975a1402273ea6f341d6cc5 Description-gl: paquete de desenvolvemento para libisofs This package contains the pkgconfig files, static library and headers for the libisofs6 package. Header file <libisofs/libisofs.h> defines the API of libisofs. Package: libisorelax-java-doc Description-md5: d64771577e8252636ccf28e88ffd3769 Description-gl: Interface for applications to support RELAX Core - documentation The ISO RELAX project hosts the public interfaces useful for applications to support RELAX Core. More details about RELAX NG can be found on . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libitext5-java-doc Description-md5: 8b2072c087bc9c14521975506977ec80 Description-gl: Java Library to create and manipulate PDF on the fly (documentation) iText is a library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly. The iText classes are very useful for people who need to generate read-only, platform independent documents containing text, lists, tables and images. The library is especially useful in combination with Java(TM) technology- based Servlets: The look and feel of HTML is browser dependent; with iText and PDF you can control exactly how your servlet's output will look. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libitl-dev Description-md5: ebde304649050aeaaab646b93ecdbcca Description-gl: Islamic tools & libraries project - development files This library allows applications to convert between Hijri/Gregorian dates and compute Muslim prayer times and Qibla direction based on multiple methods of calculation. . Instale este paquete se precisa construÃr programas que empreguen libitl. . Part of the Islamic Tools and Libraries project (ITL). Package: libitl-gobject0 Description-md5: 7f20b16bee412587c2f31cd14d148abb Description-gl: GObject bindings for libitl - shared library This library is a GObject bindings library for libitl (Islamic tools & library project), libitl allows applications to convert between Hijri/Gregorian dates and compute Muslim prayer times and Qibla direction based on multiple methods of calculation. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libitpp8v5-dbg Description-md5: 21cba55e30614b25d492057c06520aa1 Description-gl: C++ library of signal processing and communication routines: Debug symbols IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication classes and functions. Its main use is in simulation of communication systems and for performing research in the area of communications. The kernel of the library consists of generic vector and matrix classes, and a set of accompanying routines. Such a kernel makes IT++ similar to MATLAB or GNU Octave . . Este paquete ten os sÃmbolos de depuración de IT++, que pode ser útiles para depurar os aplicativos baseados en IT++. Package: libixp Description-md5: 28037930579d0d6b2093d259d68cb2d0 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para libixp-dev Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete libixp-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: libixp-dev Description-md5: 2b7758645503dbb1ac3aaf0a3ae0307f Description-gl: simple 9P client-/server-library (development) This is a an extremely simple 9P stand-alone library. 9P is a virtual filesystem from the Plan9 operating system. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de desenvolvemento e as súas cabeceiras. Package: libjack-dev Description-md5: 5769772c9db90298e719eeef115bed03 Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (development files) JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son entre eles. . This package contains files needed for the development of JACK applications and an API reference. Package: libjack0 Description-md5: f4743a9e2f04ed05673483cd1fe0eb38 Description-gl: JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries) JACK é un servidor de son de latencia baixa que permite que varios aplicativos se conecten a un dispositivo de son e que compartan o son entre eles. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libjackson-json-java-doc Description-md5: 220b6b4dd03bc106ac06a954115b64a7 Description-gl: standard conformant json processor in java - API documentation Jackson is a Java-based JSON-processing package that contains: . * high-performance streaming JSON parser/generator * Tree Model that can be built from/written to parser/generator * Object Mapper that implements data binding to/from * parser/generator . API of streaming parser/generator is similar to Stax API used for efficient xml processing on Java platform. . Beyond VERY fast Json parser and generator, Jackson project also offers full data binding support through 2 different approaches: "Object Mapper" for full POJO to/from Json data mapping (similar to JAXB2) and "Tree Mapper" for something similar to DOM and XPath. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libjackson2-annotations-java-doc Description-md5: e1db843705d8d19c64a912740b04a4b1 Description-gl: Documentación de Jackson-annotations The Jackson Data Processor is a multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON. Jackson aims to be the best possible combination of fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic for developers. It offers three alternative methods for processing JSON: . * Streaming API inspired by StAX * Tree Model * Data Binding converts JSON to and from POJOs . In addition to the core library, there are numerous extension that provide additional functionality such as additional data formats beyond JSON, additional data types or JVM languages. . This package contains the API documentation of libjackson2-annotations- java. Package: libjackson2-core-java-doc Description-md5: ae4cf18c4f18eb2c103eef868853bf26 Description-gl: Documentación de Jackson-core The Jackson Data Processor is a multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON. Jackson aims to be the best possible combination of fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic for developers. It offers three alternative methods for processing JSON: . * Streaming API inspired by StAX * Tree Model * Data Binding converts JSON to and from POJOs . In addition to the core library, there are numerous extension that provide additional functionality such as additional data formats beyond JSON, additional data types or JVM languages. . This package contains the API documentation of libjackson2-core-java. Package: libjackson2-databind-java-doc Description-md5: af11135594991c54971319b8c95010e8 Description-gl: Documentación de jackson-databind The Jackson Data Processor is a multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON. Jackson aims to be the best possible combination of fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic for developers. It offers three alternative methods for processing JSON: . * Streaming API inspired by StAX * Tree Model * Data Binding converts JSON to and from POJOs . In addition to the core library, there are numerous extension that provide additional functionality such as additional data formats beyond JSON, additional data types or JVM languages. . This package contains the API documentation of libjackson2-databind-java. Package: libjackson2-dataformat-smile-doc Description-md5: 9f9ae7efd30802c17cf427aea81cdfc7 Description-gl: Documentación de jackson-dataformat-smile The Jackson Data Processor is a multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON. Jackson aims to be the best possible combination of fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic for developers. It offers three alternative methods for processing JSON: . * Streaming API inspired by StAX * Tree Model * Data Binding converts JSON to and from POJOs . In addition to the core library, there are numerous extension that provide additional functionality such as additional data formats beyond JSON, additional data types or JVM languages. . This package contains the API documentation of libjackson2-dataformat- smile. Package: libjackson2-dataformat-yaml-doc Description-md5: 5706c1b84ee4899ad2b5cac20625c954 Description-gl: Documentación de jackson-dataformat-yaml The Jackson Data Processor is a multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON. Jackson aims to be the best possible combination of fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic for developers. It offers three alternative methods for processing JSON: . * Streaming API inspired by StAX * Tree Model * Data Binding converts JSON to and from POJOs . In addition to the core library, there are numerous extension that provide additional functionality such as additional data formats beyond JSON, additional data types or JVM languages. . This package contains the API documentation of libjackson2-dataformat- yaml. Package: libjama-dev Description-md5: 72d61ecb9e413f88c0c8edaa9bc63689 Description-gl: C++ Linear Algebra Package JAMA/C++ was adapted for The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) from JAMA, a Java Matrix Library, developed jointly by the Mathworks and NIST. See for more information. . TNT is a collection of interfaces and reference implementations of numerical objects useful for scientific computing in C++. The toolkit defines interfaces for basic data structures, such as multidimensional arrays and sparse matrices, commonly used in numerical applications. The goal of this package is to provide reusable software components that address many of the portability and maintenance problems with C++ codes. . TNT provides a distinction between interfaces and implementations of TNT components. For example, there is a TNT interface for two-dimensional arrays which describes how individual elements are accessed and how certain information, such as the array dimensions, can be used in algorithms; however, there can be several implementations of such an interface: one that uses expression templates, or one that uses BLAS kernels, or another that is instrumented to provide debugging information. By specifying only the interface, applications codes may utilize such algorithms, while giving library developers the greatest flexibility in employing optimization or portability strategies. . Páxina web: Package: libjama-java-doc Description-md5: 2206e7999edf8d8fe2ec2ad17054dca9 Description-gl: Basic linear algebra library for Java (documentation) Provides fundamental operations of numerical linear algebra. The package provides five matrix decompositions. These decompositions are accessed by the Matrix class to compute solutions of simultaneous linear equations, determinants, inverses and other matrix functions. . The five decompositions are: * Cholesky Decomposition of symmetric, positive definite matrices * LU Decomposition (Gaussian elimination) of rectangular matrices * QR Decomposition of rectangular matrices * Eigenvalue Decomposition of both symmetric and nonsymmetric square matrices * Singular Value Decomposition of rectangular matrices . Este paquete contén documentación de libjama-java. Package: libjana-dev Description-md5: 3f69efa30fa193741e40500d509402cd Description-gl: interface library for time-related personal information (dev. files) jana is a library for management time-related personal information related data. libjana is the interface of the framework so other software can use this library to provide the libjana interface. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjana-doc Description-md5: 6538dfb10cc533d7b0f25db58cf057d6 Description-gl: interface library for time-related personal information (documentation) jana is a library for management time-related personal information related data. libjana is the interface of the framework so other software can use this library to provide the libjana interface. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libjana-ecal-dev Description-md5: dcc6d7181140d6df180bb63a755714b3 Description-gl: implementation of libjana based on evolution-data-server (dev. files) jana is a library for management time-related personal information related data. libjana-ecal is the implementation of the framework which provides the libjana interface. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjana-ecal-doc Description-md5: 9cf276581ce20d53daa7f768eeb19935 Description-gl: implementation of libjana based on evolution-data-server (documentation) jana is a library for management time-related personal information related data. libjana-ecal is the implementation of the framework which provides the libjana interface. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libjana-gtk-dev Description-md5: 61ec048cf04aa8157203d038f127de43 Description-gl: GTK+ widgets to visualise libjana data (development files) jana is a library for management time-related personal information related data. libjana-gtk provides the GTK+ widgets to visualize the data of libjana. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjana-gtk-doc Description-md5: 582832cfcec49455f3ddc59484f5b191 Description-gl: GTK+ widgets to visualise libjana data (documentation) jana is a library for management time-related personal information related data. libjana-gtk provides the GTK+ widgets to visualize the data of libjana. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libjargs-java Description-md5: a630e71d4aaa46b69ac6d7342f6fd3c7 Description-gl: Análise de argumentos na liña de ordes para Java jargs provides a convenient, compact, pre-packaged and comprehensively documented suite of command line option parsers for the use of Java programmers. Package: libjargs-java-doc Description-md5: 8f880194de6fb14b8a5db9d7f13f00b4 Description-gl: Análise de argumentos na liña de ordes para Java - documentación jargs provides a convenient, compact, pre-packaged and comprehensively documented suite of command line option parsers for the use of Java programmers. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libjaudiotagger-java Description-md5: efb00e2ea6a39dcff6764d09e5160129 Description-gl: Biblioteca para editar etiquetas tipo ID3 en ficheiros de son como MP3 Jaudiotagger is the Audio Tagging library used for tagging data in audio files. It currently supports Mp4 (Mp4, M4p, M4a), Mp3 (id3v1, id3v2) and Ogg Vorbis. Package: libjava-gnome-java-doc Description-md5: 4b6018c161ffee4f2a7b3f4bf9ddeea2 Description-gl: Java-gnome language bindings project documentation These are the Java bindings for GTK+ and GNOME! Featuring a robust engineering design, completely generated internals, a lovingly crafted layer presenting the public API, and steadily increasing coverage of the underlying libraries. . You can use java-gnome to develop sophisticated user interfaces for Linux applications so that they richly integrate with the GNOME Desktop while leveraging the power of the Java language and your expertise with it. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libjava3d-java-doc Description-md5: 5feb8b705272dd6b6c3bb1c903c7ee25 Description-gl: Documentación da API de Java3D The Java 3D API enables the creation of three-dimensional graphics applications and Internet-based 3D applets. It provides high-level constructs for creating and manipulation 3D geometry and building the structures used in rendering that geometry. With this software, you can efficiently define and render very large virtual worlds. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0 Description-md5: c8ca5f9911b19e560b648038b5d6c507 Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de JavaScript de WebkitGTK+ JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 1.0). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-dev Description-md5: 3a7f4f950f5c61c1ab7f3b84b008c035 Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de JavaScript de WebkitGTK+ - ficheiros de desenvolvemento JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 1.0). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0 Description-md5: fa31d6ff17e7f898095d279640948eb5 Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de JavaScript de WebkitGTK+ JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 3.0). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-dev Description-md5: 73b6f7b0b80cb239bcf5bac77df63fe6 Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de JavaScript de WebkitGTK+ - ficheiros de desenvolvemento JavaScriptCore is the JavaScript engine used in WebKit. It consists of the following building blocks: lexer, parser, start-up interpreter (LLInt), baseline JIT, a low-latency optimizing JIT (DFG), and a high-throughput optimizing JIT (FTL). . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 3.0). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjavassist-java-doc Description-md5: 307370a3643f0ab45c70ce99693faaa8 Description-gl: library for editing bytecodes in Java -- documentation This library makes Java bytecode manipulation simple. It enables Java programs to define a new class at runtime and to modify a class file when the JVM loads it. . Unlike other bytecode editors, Javassist provides two levels of API: source level and bytecode level. With the source-level API, users can edit a class file without knowledge of the specifications of the Java bytecode. You can even specify inserted bytecode in the form of source text; Javassist compiles it on the fly. On the other hand, the bytecode-level API allows the users to directly edit a class file as other editors. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libjcharts-java Description-md5: 45a3181c80fe908f8c5cbd38d5a782fd Description-gl: java based charts library jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libjcharts-java-doc Description-md5: 0652b582bf4f1a0becfe2d51318173bd Description-gl: java based charts library (API docs) jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libjcommon-java-doc Description-md5: 57de8737ec927a9066115216e892da84 Description-gl: General Purpose library for Java - documentation JCommon is a free general purpose Java class library that is used in several projects at The Object Refinery, including JFreeChart and JFreeReport. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libjconv-dev Description-md5: a6ba873d8d01898bf54a13e2bc019965 Description-gl: charset conversion library - development This library provide Japanese Code Conversion capability based on iconv. It is based by application to enlarge number of supported encoding. It is not only for Japanese people, it is used as helper in sylpheed mailer. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjcsp-java-doc Description-md5: a17a02cb6029740af123adec7efc8fc9 Description-gl: Documentación de libjcsp-java Documentation for JCSP (Communication Sequential Processes for Java) that is a library providing a concurrency model that is a combination of ideas from Hoare's CSP and Milner's pi-calculus. . Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) is a mathematical theory for specifying and verifying complex patterns of behaviour arising from interactions between concurrent objects. . JSCP provides a base range of CSP primitives plus a rich set of extensions. Also included is a package providing CSP process wrappers giving a channel interface to all Java AWT widgets and graphics operations. It is extensively (javadoc)umented and includes much teaching. . JCSP is an alternative concurrency model to the threads and mechanisms built into Java. It is also compatible with it since it is implemented on top of it. Package: libjdom1-java Description-md5: 5e7a375a0c2bfa5d54177b3ca4c1c713 Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira e rápida que emprega XML JDOM is, quite simply, a Java representation of an XML document. JDOM provides a way to represent that document for easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing. It has a straightforward API, is lightweight and fast, and is optimized for the Java programmer. It's an alternative to DOM and SAX, although it integrates well with both DOM and SAX. Package: libjdom1-java-doc Description-md5: e771c2d094b8d21435d884b1bc7676a3 Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira e rápida que emprega XML - documentación JDOM is, quite simply, a Java representation of an XML document. JDOM provides a way to represent that document for easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing. It has a straightforward API, is lightweight and fast, and is optimized for the Java programmer. It's an alternative to DOM and SAX, although it integrates well with both DOM and SAX. . This package contains API documentation (Javadoc) of libjdom1-java. Package: libjdom2-java Description-md5: 5e7a375a0c2bfa5d54177b3ca4c1c713 Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira e rápida que emprega XML JDOM is, quite simply, a Java representation of an XML document. JDOM provides a way to represent that document for easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing. It has a straightforward API, is lightweight and fast, and is optimized for the Java programmer. It's an alternative to DOM and SAX, although it integrates well with both DOM and SAX. Package: libjdom2-java-doc Description-md5: ef9428abcafeda311efed98c81a50b70 Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira e rápida que emprega XML - documentación JDOM is, quite simply, a Java representation of an XML document. JDOM provides a way to represent that document for easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing. It has a straightforward API, is lightweight and fast, and is optimized for the Java programmer. It's an alternative to DOM and SAX, although it integrates well with both DOM and SAX. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API (Javadoc) de libjdom2-java. Package: libjemalloc-dev Description-md5: 2a752200a67ff1d3a13d3654aa1572e0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento e documentación de jemalloc Files used for development with jemalloc. This package contains headers and documentation. . Jemalloc is a library providing a malloc(3) implementation for multi- threaded processes on multi-processor systems. Package: libjemmy2-java-doc Description-md5: 873421e6828d4930418cf65caf15a547 Description-gl: Java library for automated Java GUI testing (documentation) Jemmy is a Java library that is used to create automated tests for Java GUI applications. It contains methods to reproduce all user actions which can be performed on Swing/AWT components. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libjempbox-java Description-md5: 5ea17e6984d802a9db07b0c483e16963 Description-gl: XMP Compatible Java Library The Apache JempBox library is an open source Java tool for working with XMP metadata. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libjempbox-java-doc Description-md5: 741a9dca3786acf0cb72572ad8bab05c Description-gl: XMP Compatible Java Library (documentation) The Apache JempBox library is an open source Java tool for working with XMP metadata. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libjenkins-json-java-doc Description-md5: 01d9c3994986e7d8a0f10276dc115e89 Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-json-java JSON-lib is a java library for transforming beans, maps, collections, java arrays and XML to JSON and back again to beans and DynaBeans. . This package provides the API documentation for libjenkins-json-java. Package: libjenkins-trilead-ssh2-java-doc Description-md5: 0a12f467e0d3935e71d371bf3f417b6a Description-gl: Documentación de libjenkins-trilead-ssh2-java Trilead SSH2 for Java is a library which implements the SSH-2 protocol in pure Java . This package provides the API documentation for libjenkins-trilead- ssh2-java. Package: libjets3t-java-doc Description-md5: a6475a9487f726246af3e05368ff63b1 Description-gl: Documentación de libjets3t-java Documentation for the JetS3t toolkit that provides Java programmers with an API for interacting and managing data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service and Amazon CloudFront content delivery network. Package: libjeuclid-fop-java Description-md5: 81a2bf68e77ea1e9b75b78a2e1989912 Description-gl: Complete MathML rendering solution (fop plugin) JEuclid is a complete MathML rendering solution, consisting of: * A MathViewer application * Command line converters from MathML to other formats * An ant task for automated conversion * Display components for AWT and Swing * A component for Apache Cocoon . Este paquete contén o engadido fop. Package: libjgit-java-doc Description-md5: 3f0119c3727f717f0970be6e2520ada2 Description-gl: Java implementation of GIT version control (documentation) JGit is a lightweight, pure Java library implementing the Git version control system: * Repository access routines * Network protocols * Core version control algorithms . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc. Package: libjgoodies-forms-java-doc Description-md5: 3f8cdf779d20b842a5df58b77e36de41 Description-gl: Documentación de libjgoodies-forms-java The JGoodies Forms framework helps you lay out and implement elegant Swing panels quickly and consistently. It makes simple things easy and the hard stuff possible, the good design easy and the bad difficult. . Main Benefits: . * Powerful, flexible and precise layout * Easy to work with and quite easy to learn * Faster UI production * Better UI code readability * Leads to better style guide compliance . This package contains only documentation. Package: libjgoodies-looks-java-doc Description-md5: e20662e184c9d644b66379687caf5ad2 Description-gl: library with Swing look&feel implementations (documentation) The JGoodies Looks make your Swing applications and applets look better. The package consists of a Windows look&feel and the Plastic look&feel family. These have been optimized for readability, precise micro-design and usability. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libjgraph-java Description-md5: 1495e280651707e10f9e9eefd751b240 Description-gl: JFC/Swing graph component for Java JGraph is an easy-to-use, feature-rich and standards-compliant open source graph component available for Java. Application areas include: . * Process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, even traffic or water flow. * Database and WWW visualization, networks and telecoms displays, mapping applications and GIS. * UML diagrams, electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social networks and data mining. * Biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect relationships and organisational charts. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libjgraph-java-doc Description-md5: 8915a5c90a26892c3d64076cc7360e10 Description-gl: JFC/Swing graph component for Java (documentation) JGraph is an easy-to-use, feature-rich and standards-compliant open source graph component available for Java. . * Process diagrams, workflow and BPM visualization, flowcharts, even traffic or water flow. * Database and WWW visualization, networks and telecoms displays, mapping applications and GIS. * UML diagrams, electronic circuits, VLSI, CAD, financial and social networks and data mining. * Biochemistry, ecological cycles, entity and cause-effect relationships and organisational charts. . Este paquete contén a documentación e os exemplos. Package: libjgraphx-java-doc Description-md5: b1a310beb9daa212c14ba4bfa1742e32 Description-gl: Java Swing Diagramming Library - API documentation and manual JGraph X is based on the mxGraph architecture, a re-designed core based on JGraph experience. . The new library API is designed to provide a much lower learning curve as well as making the feature set easier to extend and integrate. Sharing the model code base of mxGraph, the web diagramming library, enabling applications written in Java to be more easily ported to mxGraph-based web applications. . Overall, JGraph X provides more features that JGraph, with a far smaller code size and complexity. Redesigning the codebase from scratch now means implementing common feature extensions are easier and require less coding. A number of new loosely coupled application-centric features have been added, making prototyping even faster, without their usage restricting application flexibility. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc. Package: libjgromacs-java-doc Description-md5: 1e3031fc51ec13431b748ce479db17fa Description-gl: library for molecular dynamics trajectory analysis (documentation) JGromacs is a Java library designed to facilitate the development of cross-platform analysis applications for Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. The package contains parsers for file formats applied by GROMACS (GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations), one of the most widely used MD simulation packages. . JGromacs provides a multilevel object-oriented representation of simulation data to integrate and interconvert sequence, structure and dynamics information. In addititon, a basic analysis toolkit is included in the package. The programmer is also provided with simple tools (e.g. XML-based configuration) to create applications with a user interface resembling the command-line UI of Gromacs applications. . Este paquete contén documentación de libjgromacs-java. Package: libjiu-java-doc Description-md5: e124b5b2fee78de43633249f5a7fcc07 Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca en java jiu para imaxes de pÃxeles JIU, the Java Imaging Utilities, is a library which offers functionality to load, analyze, process and save pixel images. . This package contains the API documentation for the library. . Vexa o paquete libjiu-java para máis información. Package: libjlatexmath-fop-java Description-md5: e63625488a87c7a8e813b6eb2cd088b4 Description-gl: Implementation of LaTeX math mode wrote in Java (fop plugin) JLaTeXmath library provides a set of Java classes for displaying (complex) mathematical formulas as part of a Java application. Some use cases are: - Displaying text with embedded formulas (in an editor pane, a JavaHelp page, ...) - Make a combo box which provides the user with a choice between various formulas. - Have a slider with ticks that display their values not as decimal numbers, but as exact values, e.g., fractions, square roots or any combination of these. - Display the formula together with the graph of a function. . Este paquete contén o engadido fop. Package: libjlibeps-java-doc Description-md5: 18c8337f53fb071bd917a1d46b43d79d Description-gl: API documentation for jlibeps Java library to create EPS images The jlibeps classes are a set of Java classes for creating EPS images. . This package contains the API documentation for the library. . Vexa o paquete libjlibeps-java para máis información. Package: libjmock2-java-doc Description-md5: d7fc6eb4f5a635f253629d4234017d8e Description-gl: Documentación de jmock2 Mock objects help you design and test the interactions between the objects in your programs. The jMock library: * makes it quick and easy to define mock objects, so you don't break the rhythm of programming. * lets you precisely specify the interactions between your objects, reducing the brittleness of your tests. * works well with the autocompletion and refactoring features of your IDE * plugs into your favourite test framework * is easy to extend. . This is the API documentation for jmock2 Package: libjmol-java-doc Description-md5: f873a868c9ca55631f9ca92623089ea0 Description-gl: Documentación da API de libjmol-java Jmol is a Java molecular viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures. Features include reading a variety of file types and output from quantum chemistry programs, and animation of multi-frame files and computed normal modes from quantum programs. It includes with features for chemicals, crystals, materials and biomolecules. Jmol might be useful for students, educators, and researchers in chemistry and biochemistry. . This package comprises the javadoc documentation for the libjmol-java package. Package: libjna-java-doc Description-md5: dc632000c10a8797ee4178e5c2c6292c Description-gl: Dynamic access of native libraries from Java without JNI (documentation) JNA provides Java programs easy access to native shared libraries without writing anything but Java code - no JNI or native code is required. This functionality is comparable to Windows' Platform/Invoke and Python's ctypes. Access is dynamic at runtime without code generation. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc. Package: libjnr-netdb-java-doc Description-md5: 1a5d7e5804a73c702a1f77d8200ed86a Description-gl: Documentación de jnr-netdb jnr-netdb is a java interface to getservbyname(3), getservbyport(3). . It tries to use the native functions if possible, falling back to parsing /etc/services directly, and finally to an inbuilt table for use in environments where neither native code, nor filesystem access is possible. . This package contains the API documentation of libjnr-netdb-java. Package: libjoda-time-java-doc Description-md5: 15002869aad84ff1ad026304cc932891 Description-gl: Java date and time API (developer documentation) Joda-Time provides a quality replacement for the Java date and time classes. The design allows for multiple calendar systems, while still providing a simple API. The 'default' calendar is the ISO8601 standard which is used by XML. The Gregorian, Julian, Buddhist, Coptic, Ethiopic and Islamic systems are also included. Supporting classes include time zone, duration, format and parsing. . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento. Package: libjpathwatch-java-doc Description-md5: d243f1006b2ae6eb9dfb136bc76e3520 Description-gl: Java library that monitors directories for changes (documentation) jpatchwatch is a Java library for monitoring directories for changes. It uses the native OS functions to achieve this, avoiding polling. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de Javadoc. Package: libjpathwatch-java-jni Description-md5: 91d02631b257f157d7089023e8d32467 Description-gl: Java library that monitors directories for changes (JNI) jpatchwatch is a Java library for monitoring directories for changes. It uses the native OS functions to achieve this, avoiding polling. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de JNI especÃficas da arquitectura. Package: libjpeg-progs Description-md5: 18811a14939d885ee3988abf604b36d8 Description-gl: Programas para manipular ficheiros JPEG This package contains programs for manipulating JPEG files: cjpeg/djpeg: convert to/from the JPEG file format rdjpgcom/wrjpgcom: read/write comments in JPEG files jpegtran: lossless transformations of JPEG files jpegexiforient/exifautotran: manipulate EXIF orientation tag Package: libjpeg-turbo-progs Description-md5: dfce6e50364eecf2b131ddecddf04830 Description-gl: Programas para manipular ficheiros JPEG This package contains programs for manipulating JPEG files: cjpeg/djpeg: convert to/from the JPEG file format rdjpgcom/wrjpgcom: read/write comments in JPEG files jpegtran: lossless transformations of JPEG files tjbench: a simple JPEG benchmarking tool Package: libjpeg9 Description-md5: 4ca10faa4517c5d362c9d51d75d7a85c Description-gl: Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG library is a library for handling JPEG files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libjpeg9-dev Description-md5: d25e4fedcfe5ade5e441d4bc95a4a0d1 Description-gl: Development files for the IJG JPEG library The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG library is a library for handling JPEG files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática, os cabezallos e a documentación. Package: libjpgalleg4-dev Description-md5: cf1110d9493c80ae0219cc34674e1ef4 Description-gl: development files for the JPG loading addon for Allegro 4 Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para libjpgalleg. . This add-on for Allegro will allow you to load and save JPG images using standard Allegro image handling functions as if they were normal bitmaps. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: libjq-dev Description-md5: 75f11486f90a41e9aa2449a3206f9929 Description-gl: lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor - development files jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. . It is written in portable C, and it has minimal runtime dependencies. . jq can mangle the data format that you have into the one that you want with very little effort, and the program to do so is often shorter and simpler than you’d expect. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjq1 Description-md5: 1b50448818fdb22f62b863763d79f7a1 Description-gl: lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor - shared library jq is like sed for JSON data – you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. . It is written in portable C, and it has minimal runtime dependencies. . jq can mangle the data format that you have into the one that you want with very little effort, and the program to do so is often shorter and simpler than you’d expect. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libjreen-dbg Description-md5: 1e4891fccff1df5332821f001ad67bb4 Description-gl: powerful Jabber/XMPP library (Qt4 build) - debugging symbols Jreen is a lightweight XMPP library, implementing a large amount of protocol extensions (XEP). It is fit with Qt coding paradigms, so a Qt4 application developer can easily use any XMPP features. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración para depurar fallos da biblioteca jreen Package: libjreen-qt5-dbg Description-md5: 9296418554545406bb2922c2849b9d5d Description-gl: powerful Jabber/XMPP library (Qt5 build) - debugging symbols Jreen is a lightweight XMPP library, implementing a large amount of protocol extensions (XEP). It is fit with Qt coding paradigms, so a Qt5 application developer can easily use any XMPP features. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración para depurar fallos da biblioteca jreen Package: libjs-bignumber Description-md5: 22318fdcc1b8fa747c76d29dfeb53cf6 Description-gl: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic (client) Funcionalidades: . - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of Java's BigDecimal - 5 KB minified and gzipped - Simple API but full-featured - Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36 inclusive - Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of Javascript's Number type - Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format - No dependencies - Comprehensive documentation and test set . If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration options of this library. . This package provides bignumber support to clients (i.e. browsers). Package: libjs-class.js-doc Description-md5: 86948eab891178a71800a7422361ee45 Description-gl: Class Based Inheritance for JavaScript (Documentation) Class.js is a JavaScript library for building class based object-oriented programs using JavaScript’s prototypal inheritance. class.js strives to mimic classical class inheritance provided by other languages such as Python, Java or C. Its syntax is heavily inspired by MooTools class implementation. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libjs-ejs Description-md5: d043e8893cfe7f21c38c62aa386a8da7 Description-gl: Embedded JavaScript templates (client support) Funcionalidades de EJS: . - Complies with the Express view system - Static caching of intermediate JavaScript - Unbuffered code for conditionals etc <% code %> - Escapes html by default with <%= code %> - Unescaped buffering with <%- code %> - Supports tag customization - Filter support for designer-friendly templates - Includes - Client-side support - Newline slurping with <% code -%> or <% -%> or <%= code -%> or <%- code -%> . This package provides EJS support to clients (i.e. browsers). Package: libjs-flot Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libjs-ipaddr Description-md5: b742fded0fb41c811a66667610456e9f Description-gl: Manipulación de enderezos de IPv4 e IPv6 - biblioteca de JavaScript This modules features: - verification and parsing of an IP address - match against a CIDR range or range list - match against reserved ranges like loopback or private ranges - conversion between IPv4 and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. Package: libjs-jquery-flot-docs Description-md5: 3ef8855adf6879dd86747e7b262022e5 Description-gl: Documentación de Flot Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery. It produces graphical plots of arbitrary datasets on-the-fly client-side. The focus is on simple usage (all settings are optional), attractive looks and interactive features like zooming and mouse tracking. Package: libjs-jquery-galleriffic Description-md5: fcb526afa9b089940efbeb54aa466c68 Description-gl: jQuery Galleriffic plugin Galleriffic is a jQuery plugin that provides a rich, post-back free experience optimized to handle high volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth. . Funcionalidades: . * Smart image preloading after the page is loaded * Thumbnail navigation (with pagination) * jQuery.history plugin integration to support bookmark-friendly URLs per-image * Slideshow (with optional auto-updating url bookmarks) * Keyboard navigation * Events that allow for adding your own custom transition effects * API for controlling the gallery with custom controls * Support for image captions * Flexible configuration * Graceful degradation when JavaScript is not available * Support for multiple galleries per page Package: libjs-jquery-jplayer Description-md5: e18bc7777312308f59cbaa53ba64bab2 Description-gl: HTML5 Audio & Video for jQuery with a Flash fallback jPlayer é a biblioteca multimedia escrita en JavaScript completamente libre e de código aberto (GPL/MIT). Un engadido para jQuery, jPlayer, permite introducir rapidamente son e vÃdeo multi-plataforma nas páxinas web. . jPlayer admite todos os navegadores principais (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Android Browser), plataformas (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS, BlackBerry) e códecs de son e de vÃdeo (mp3, flv, mp4 (AAC/H.264), ogg (Vorbis/Theora), webm (Vorbis/VP8), wav). Package: libjs-jquery-jush Description-md5: f2b1f35eefbab85cabfc9a35d69f07a7 Description-gl: jQuery Syntax Highlighter JavaScript Syntax Highlighter can be used for client-side syntax highlighting of following languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, HTTP and SMTP protocol, php.ini and Apache config. . Funcionalidades: . * Highlights languages embedded into each other * Links to documentation of all languages * Colors can be easily modified via CSS * Recognizes complete PHP syntax including __halt_compiler, heredoc, backticks, {$} variables inside strings, namespaces * Works in all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome Package: libjs-jquery-meiomask Description-md5: 0eb61e1ea0879750f1e6015d772a1bd0 Description-gl: jQuery mask plugin meioMask is a simple use plugin for creating and applying masks at text input fields. . Funcionalidades: . * Accepts paste event; * Has fixed, reverse (currency) and repeat mask types; * You can still use your hot keys and others (ex: ctrl+t, ctrl+f5, TAB …); * Supports metadata plugin; * Works with iPhone; * Allow default values; * Has callbacks for invalid inputs, valid and overflow; * Has function to mask strings; * Support for positive and negative numbers on reverse masks; * Can auto-focus the next form element when the current input is completely filled. Package: libjs-jquery-resize-doc Description-md5: cdaa876b5dcff0c7e748388bbc245273 Description-gl: jQuery resize (doc) With jQuery resize event, resize event handlers can be bound to elements other than window. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: libjs-jquery-selectize.js Description-md5: 8314f5b6362eb76bbe2a0f870b0393a0 Description-gl: Extensible jQuery-based custom select UI control Selectize is an extensible jQuery-based custom <select> UI control. It's useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, and so on. The goal is to provide a solid & usable experience with a clean and powerful API. . Funcionalidades . * Smart Option Searching / Ranking . Options are efficiently scored and sorted on-the-fly (using libjs-sifter.js). Want to search an item's title *and* description? No problem. . * Caret between items . Order matters sometimes. Use the left and right arrow keys to move between selected items. . * Select and delete multiple items at once . Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one item to delete. . * DÃÃ¥critîçs supported . Great for international environments. . * Item creation . Allow users to create items on the fly (async saving is supported; the control locks until the callback is fired). . * Remote data loading . For when you have thousands of options and want them provided by the server as the user types. . * Clean API and code . Interface with it and make modifications easily. . * Extensible . Plugin API for developing custom features (uses libjs-microplugin.js). . * Touch Support Package: libjs-jquery-treetable Description-md5: e58a11096391650e1c3994b41055be27 Description-gl: jQuery treeTable Plugin The treeTable plugin allows you to display a tree in a table, i.e. a directory structure or a nested list. Each branch in this tree can be collapsed and expanded, just like in a file explorer in most modern operating systems. . Funcionalidades . * Display a data tree in a table column. * As unobtrusively as possible. * Optional collapse/expand behavior on branches (think of how a directory structure works in most file explorers). * Prepared for drag & drop of branches/nodes. * Unlimited tree depth. Package: libjs-jquery-ui-docs Description-md5: 1acdea27d90e6124c4ad1bc564b8816e Description-gl: Documentación de JQuery-UI jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications. . This package provides examples as reference for developers. Package: libjs-pie-doc Description-md5: aa441efb7ae122f1ec570ecb475a6d43 Description-gl: CSS3 box decoration properties for Internet Explorer (Documentation) PIE stands for Progressive Internet Explorer. It is an IE attached behavior which, when applied to an element, allows IE to recognize and display a number of CSS3 properties. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libjs-prettify Description-md5: f181027e46872383582621efc9d54d6a Description-gl: syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page. . Funcionalidades: . * Works on HTML pages * Works even if code contains embedded links, line numbers, etc. * Simple API : include some JS&CSS and add an onload handler. * Customizable styles via CSS. See the themes gallery * Supports all C-like, Bash-like, and XML-like languages. * Extensible language handlers for other languages. * Widely used with good cross-browser support. Package: libjs-queue-async Description-md5: fc4f880f4784811574fc03ed1557781d Description-gl: Biblioteca auxiliar asÃncrona para JavaScript Yet another asynchronous helper library for JavaScript. Think of it as a minimalist version of Async.js that allows fine-tuning over parallelism. Or, think of it as a version of TameJs that does not use code generation. Package: libjs-xterm Description-md5: 3c5fd37ab6e3122e45467c151886a870 Description-gl: terminal front-end component for the browser - browser library Xterm.js is a terminal front-end component written in JavaScript that works in the browser. . It enables applications to provide fully featured terminals to their users and create great development experiences. . Funcionalidades: . - **Text-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `bash`, `git` etc. - **Curses-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `vim`, `tmux` etc. - **Mouse events support**: Xterm.js captures mouse events like click and scroll and passes them to the terminal's back-end controlling process - **CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) character support**: Xterm.js renders CJK characters seamlessly - **IME support**: Insert international (including CJK) characters using IME input with your keyboard - **Self-contained library**: Xterm.js works on its own. It does not require any external libraries like jQuery or React to work - **Modular, event-based API**: Lets you build addons and themes with ease . This package contains the standalone packed library suitable for running in a web browser. Package: libjsf-java-doc Description-md5: 7fd880ee9e828a49be09aceca9b0946b Description-gl: Documentación de libjsf-api-java Documentation for JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2, that is a Java-based Web application framework intended to simplify development integration of web- based user interfaces. . JSF hides complexity to maximize developer productivity and provides a component model, page templating, Ajax support, client device independence, clean separation of roles, better MVC handling for webapps, and world-class IDE integration from every available Java IDE. . JSF also provides a easy integration with popular enterprise technologies, including Hibernate, Spring, Seam, Jasper Reports and others. JSF 2.2 is compatible with JavaEE 5 application servers or any server implementing Servlet 2.5. . This package contains a manual and Javadoc files for JSF 2.2 API spec. Package: libjson-simple-doc Description-md5: c542a2feb3791725ff8201078a3ca9c5 Description-gl: Documentación de libjson-simple-java This package contains the javadoc API documentation for libjson-simple- java, a simple, lightweight and efficient JSON toolkit for Java. Package: libjsonrpc-glib-1.0-dev Description-md5: 941a74821cd01d3dcd9f4aaee0bf1eb8 Description-gl: JSON-RPC library for GLib - development files JSONRPC-GLib is a library for communicating as both a JSON-RPC client and server. Additionally, it supports upgrating connections to use GVariant for less runtime overhead. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjsr305-java-doc Description-md5: 8387d04078a5a6644430922d809f568c Description-gl: Java library that provides annotations for software defect detection (API) This library provides the implementation of Java Specification Request 305. JSR-305 specifies annotations for software defect detection. These annotations can used to automatically check that methods are working as expected. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libjstun-java-doc Description-md5: 049476a2c496e4e821510fb5d82d78e5 Description-gl: Java-based STUN implementation (documentation) "JSTUN" is a Java-based STUN (Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Through Network Address Translation (NAT)) implementation. . STUN provides a mean for applications to discover the presence and type of firewalls or NATs between them and the public Internet. Additionally, in presence of a NAT STUN can be used by applications to learn the public Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to the NAT. . Este paquete contén a documentación desta biblioteca no formato javadoc. Package: libjthread-dbg Description-md5: 4054513f92fba386c9fd13ff3467297a Description-gl: JThread cross-platform threading library debugging symbols The JThread package provides some classes to make use of threads easily on different platforms. The classes are actually rather simple wrappers around existing thread implementations. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libjug-java Description-md5: 1dccb64d576a9025feeb174ca05c8c79 Description-gl: Pure java UUID generator JUG is a pure java UUID generator that generates UUIDs according to the IETF UUID draft specification. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libjung-free-java-doc Description-md5: bef30f9f9c47ef72452ef1e0ea602ade Description-gl: Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (documentation) JUNG provides a common and extendible language for the modeling, analysis, and visualization of data that can be represented as a graph or network. . The JUNG architecture is designed to support a variety of representations of entities and their relations, such as directed and undirected graphs, multi-modal graphs, graphs with parallel edges, and hypergraphs. It provides a mechanism for annotating graphs, entities, and relations with metadata. This facilitates the creation of analytic tools for complex data sets that can examine the relations between entities as well as the metadata attached to each entity and relation. . The current distribution of JUNG includes implementations of a number of algorithms from graph theory, data mining, and social network analysis, such as routines for clustering, decomposition, optimization, random graph generation, statistical analysis, and calculation of network distances, flows, and importance measures (centrality, PageRank, HITS, etc.). . JUNG also provides a visualization framework that makes it easy to construct tools for the interactive exploration of network data. Users can use one of the layout algorithms provided, or use the framework to create their own custom layouts. In addition, filtering mechanisms are provided which allow users to focus their attention, or their algorithms, on specific portions of the graph. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libjuniversalchardet-java-doc Description-md5: c9656936c94440b6b9f85d2bcced3c03 Description-gl: Documentación de juniversalchardet juniversalchardet is an encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of byte in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and attempts to determine the encoding of the text. . Techniques used by universalchardet are described at . This package contains the API documentation of libjuniversalchardet-java. Package: libjwt-dev Description-md5: 0707b8fe292474ac27ca00fdc72f0344 Description-gl: C library to handle JWT (JSON Web Token) - development libjwt is a library which allows you to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT). . JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libjxgrabkey-doc Description-md5: b9d18a1ab4cd865e6d7391444ac6d2e4 Description-gl: Documentación de libjxgrabkey-java This package contains the javadoc API documentation for libjxgrabkey-java plus a couple of examples. Package: libk3b-dev Description-md5: b663aaf627cae2c6b6207dc67ad6ae8b Description-gl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - development files O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maiorÃa das tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado pode influÃr en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libk3b7 Description-md5: c402b6a06ec159e5313882f6465aa501 Description-gl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - runtime files O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maiorÃa das tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado pode influÃr en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución. Package: libk3b7-extracodecs Description-md5: 3a841361001b55a9161baa4919cfc2f2 Description-gl: KDE CD/DVD burning application library - extra decoders O K3b fornece unha interface de usuario cómoda para realizar a maiorÃa das tarefas de gravación de CD e DVD. Ao tempo que o usuario experimentado pode influÃr en todos os pasos do proceso de gravación, o principiante pódese sentir cómodo coas opcións automáticas e as opcións predeterminadas e razoábeis do k3b que permiten un inicio rápido. . This package contains runtime libraries for the MP3 and FFMPEG decoder plugin. Package: libkabc4 Description-md5: 423931bc10c24029664e10c54350f402 Description-gl: library for handling address book data This library provides an API for address book data. It includes features such as: * Value based interface, addressbook entry data is implicitly shared. * Address book entries are identified by a unique id. * vCard backend (RFC 2425 / RFC 2426). * Locking mechanism to support concurrent access to the address book by multiple processes. * Notification on change of addressbook by other process. * Dialog for selecting address book entries, supports mouse and keyboard selection, supports automatic name completion. * GUI client for viewing, modifying address book data. This is aimed at developers not end users. * Tool for converting data, written with libkab, to libkabc format. * Multiple backends (resources) for storing entries e.g. LDAP . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkaccounts-dev Description-md5: da8b3ca7a0ac892cbb896a0457577921 Description-gl: System to administer web accounts - development files Small system to administer web accounts for the sites and services across the Plasma desktop, including: Google, Facebook, Owncloud, IMAP, Jabber and others. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkaccounts1 Description-md5: 2b13251d340d1962dccddc315cc81a95 Description-gl: System to administer web accounts - shared library Small system to administer web accounts for the sites and services across the Plasma desktop, including: Google, Facebook, Owncloud, IMAP, Jabber and others. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libkactivities-dbg Description-md5: dbf82923ce64b8b0f8898b80d07e9ed6 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libkactivities This library provides functionality for managing activities. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas coa biblioteca libkactivities. Package: libkactivities-dev Description-md5: ed722dddc138cd57eb9a63e4aa9d0d2a Description-gl: development files for the KDE Activities libraries This package contains the development files for developing with the kactivities library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkactivities6 Description-md5: 50fd677fc2fc38864f1e95bd09cc2b20 Description-gl: Activities library This library provides functionality for managing activities. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkalarmcal2 Description-md5: 5313ae37a136ee8d4f652f499a34f37a Description-gl: library for handling kalarm calendar data This library provides access to and handling of kalarm calendar data. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkate1-dbg Description-md5: fe7506ff877c5d6529867d17a72b6687 Description-gl: Codec for karaoke and text encapsulation for Ogg (dbg) Kate is meant to be used for karaoke alongside audio/video streams (typically Vorbis and Theora), movie subtitles, song lyrics, and anything that needs text data at arbitrary time intervals. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros no software que empregue libkate. Package: libkatepartinterfaces4 Description-md5: 1d0518d14d1f43eeda33bcc9c337dcce Description-gl: library for the embeddable text editor component This library contains the code used by the kate part. It is not meant to be used directly, applications should use libktexteditor4 instead. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkblog4 Description-md5: c668fd0ff7a2e9f93f033bac434bb973 Description-gl: client-side support library for web application remote blogging APIs KBlog is a library for calling functions on Blogger 1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType and GData compatible blogs. It calls the APIs using KXmlRpcClient and Syndication. It supports asynchronous sending and fetching of posts and, if supported on the server, multimedia files. Almost every modern blogging web application that provides an XML data interface supports one of the APIs mentioned above. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkcal4 Description-md5: 4763c9230c66687ea24288e93eaf466e Description-gl: library for handling calendar data This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. . This library integrates with the deprecated KResource framework, and its use is discouraged in favour of KCalCore and KCalUtils. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkcalcore4 Description-md5: 20307edb1ce8c9a2f088a1b0bc0b1b78 Description-gl: library for handling calendar data This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkcalutils4 Description-md5: 236de424ec7ba64acf26835cacb3f554 Description-gl: library with utility functions for the handling of calendar data This library provides a set of utility functions that help applications access and use calendar data via the KCalCore library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkcddb-dbg Description-md5: eef7ea70ac8a5b36846aff3147aa7e5e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libkcddb Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas coa biblioteca KCDDB. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkchart-dev Description-md5: 5984b75ea32e16776bd1a44415f1c433 Description-gl: library for creating business charts (development files) KD Charts provides an implementation of the ODF Chart specification. It supports stock charts, box charts, and whisker charts and allows one to integrate these charts in Qt-based applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkchart2 Description-md5: 0328e560cc613f354b78a9c65673fe06 Description-gl: library for creating business charts (shared library) KD Charts provides an implementation of the ODF Chart specification. It supports stock charts, box charts, and whisker charts and allows one to integrate these charts in Qt-based applications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libkcmutils4 Description-md5: 0664b9af20b96f1c42e9dc3e04e67da4 Description-gl: utility classes for using KCM modules This library provides utility classes for using KCM modules in a KDE application. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkdb3-3 Description-md5: 86baf8d611090a9a864e6b361112adfe Description-gl: database connectivity and creation framework -- shared library KDb is a database connectivity and creation framework, consisted of a general-purpose C++ Qt library and set of plugins delivering support for various database vendors. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: libkde3support4 Description-md5: 991cc7b40c4c49f2141dd24fe02e64be Description-gl: KDE 3 Support Library for the KDE 4 Platform The classes here are only for convenience of porting from KDE 3 to KDE 4 Platform. They are not supposed to be used for a long time. You should move on to replacement classes provided by the framework or implement something yourself in the long run. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkdeclarative5 Description-md5: 68aa12fd756ea17a2040ffb30a42f8ac Description-gl: declarative library for plasma This library provides plasma bindings for Qt Quick . This package contains experimental software and should not be used in production environment . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkdecorations2-dev Description-md5: 94ead86761301d887d1872fe6452ba91 Description-gl: library to create window decorations - development files KDecoration2 is a library to create window decorations. These window decorations can be used by for example an X11 based window manager which re-parents a Client window to a window decoration frame. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkdecore5 Description-md5: 63b72d99622f0f39483e2857c12b1ce7 Description-gl: KDE Platform Core Library All KDE Applications use this library to provide basic functionality such as the configuration system, IPC, internationalization and locale support, site-independent access to the filesystem and a large number of other (but no less important) things. The classes in this library does not require linkage to QtGui or any other library that requires a graphical interface. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkdeedu-data Description-md5: fc8d9b7ed2610ac7084dd079fe29fb01 Description-gl: transitional package for kdeedu-data Transitional package for kdeedu-data. This package can safely be removed after installation. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libkdegames-dev Description-md5: 8706a1fad1d9280a6ce624231dc1618a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca de xogos de KDE Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvementos para construÃr software que empregue bibliotecas do módulo de xogos de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkdegames6abi1 Description-md5: 5d3e89955b5eb697625abb46b23f640b Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para os xogos de KDE Este paquete contén unha biblioteca compartida empregada polo xogos de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkdegamesprivate1abi1 Description-md5: f654e24a2b4b2a3a4623157c2f05fea9 Description-gl: private part of shared library for KDE games This package contains the private parts of the shared library used by KDE games. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkdepim4 Description-md5: 09bd9184b30dc67a91370a903fd01622 Description-gl: KDE PIM library This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains shared libraries and data which most of KDE PIM applications use. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkdepimdbusinterfaces4 Description-md5: fab6b94d426b6ac785b54bf656c5b12c Description-gl: KDE PIM D-Bus interfaces library This internal library implements handling of D-Bus interfaces shared among some of the KDE PIM applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkdesu5 Description-md5: b0a8912323d2acc159aee09909172425 Description-gl: Console-mode Authentication Library for the KDE Platform This library provides functionality for building GUI front ends for (password asking) console mode programs. For example, kdesu and kdessh use it to interface with su and ssh respectively. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkdeui5 Description-md5: dd888935d1059e0ffd266016dcabd53c Description-gl: KDE Platform User Interface Library This library provides standard user interface elements for use in KDE Applications. If your KDE Application has a GUI, you will almost certainly link to this library. . A spell-checker functionality is also provided. Sonnet offers easy access to International ISpell or ASpell as well as a spell-checker GUI ("Add", "Replace", etc.). . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkdewebkit5 Description-md5: 37f74b24ea041b93eceb237236a38db3 Description-gl: KDE WebKit Library This library provides KDE integration of the QtWebKit library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkdgantt2-0 Description-md5: 71d6f83f2beeefab41edc5bd42ae08d2 Description-gl: Gantt chart library This library implements Gantt chart drawing functionality. It allows one to easily embed the Gantt charts into the application as long as it is capable of drawing QWidget or QGraphicsView objects. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkdl-parser0d Description-md5: cc50a7a8557c4454530c06a6f0aac6b0 Description-gl: ROS kdl_parser library The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism. kdl_parser provides tools to construct a KDL tree from an XML robot representation in URDF. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libkdnssd4 Description-md5: a67f398f302ac7c437c2db6660c0cb5d Description-gl: DNS-SD Protocol Library for the KDE Platform This library is for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services, such as printers, to be discovered without any user intervention or centralized infrastructure. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkeduvocdocument-data Description-md5: d582c7b7d2ac8681cd58c7544017d083 Description-gl: library for reading and writing vocabulary files - data files This package contains a library for reading and writing vocabulary files. It supports different file formats. KVTML (version 2) is the default. This library is used by Parley, Kanagram, KHangMan and KWordQuiz. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libkeduvocdocument-dbg Description-md5: bf77d64aa642f31fad2f13f1609b40c9 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca libkeduvocdocument Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas cos binarios incluÃdos na biblioteca libkeduvocdocument5. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libkeduvocdocument-dev Description-md5: 220fa3268ef4809b34d0dc63549db841 Description-gl: development files for KEduVocDocument This package contains development files for building software that uses the KEduVocDocument library . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libkeduvocdocument5abi1 Description-md5: c9ab1266f73e2b5784389c0fd2aef2b9 Description-gl: library for reading and writing vocabulary files This package contains a library for reading and writing vocabulary files. It supports different file formats. KVTML (version 2) is the default. This library is used by Parley, Kanagram, KHangMan and KWordQuiz. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libkemoticons4 Description-md5: cae26d9220ef55bb5d93e6e50aaabbeb Description-gl: utility classes to deal with emoticon themes This library provides utility classes to deal with emoticon themes in KDE applications. It provides classes to load emoticon themes from various sources as well as install new themes. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkexiv2-dbg Description-md5: af331bfbc27b86ab50ba1f8a0852650c Description-gl: Interface tipo Qt para a biblioteca libexiv2 -- sÃmbolos de depuración Libkexiv2 is a Qt wrapper around the Exiv2 library, used to manipulate pictures metadata. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas coa biblioteca libexiv2. Package: libkf5activities5 Description-md5: 46ad843a4038ec1b1ac2f4703f81cbaf Description-gl: Biblioteca para organizar o traballo do usuario en actividades separadas. This library provides functionality for managing Activities. Package: libkf5akonadi-dev Description-md5: 7e4a26d39047c8eee45c3e128b152cbf Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para as bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE This package contains development files for building software that uses the KDE Development Platform Personal Information Management libraries. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadi-dev-bin Description-md5: 9af2a418771d90a792165c4d8bd44d88 Description-gl: Additional development binaries for the Akonadi KDE PIM libraries This package contains development files for building software that uses the KDE Development Platform Personal Information Management libraries. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadiagentbase5 Description-md5: 6cb0d91384ee342f64ac4e4891caf006 Description-gl: Akonadi agent base library This library contains classes to implement agents for the Akonadi PIM data server. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadicalendar-dev Description-md5: 1a66f15ec9062a4af5011bd5403b8ab0 Description-gl: akonadi-calendar - development files This library offers helper functions to integrate the use of Akonadi calendar items in applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5akonadicontact-dev Description-md5: 9ebfbf96160491e8b72ad875771d325d Description-gl: Akonadi contacts access library - development files Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular contactos empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5akonadicontact5abi1 Description-md5: e37a9957f2fcac1dd44cb526f5c16f80 Description-gl: Akonadi contacts access library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular contactos empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadicore-bin Description-md5: 150951b156351dfe00a3b9aec388e322 Description-gl: Tools for Akonadi core library Tools used by Akonadi PIM data server core classes. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadicore5abi1 Description-md5: 7eaca65bf97daa5f493d62c080313159 Description-gl: Akonadi core library This library contains Akonadi PIM data server core classes. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadimime-dev Description-md5: 85a1710e8f3faac7b728c979a76463be Description-gl: Akonadi MIME handling library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para xestionar MIME empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5akonadimime5 Description-md5: 4e624534e40cf9790cf55069c0d61f2f Description-gl: Akonadi MIME handling library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para xestionar MIME empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadinotes-data Description-md5: 08fce51dfe466ac3b67905a840652a4d Description-gl: Akonadi notes access library - data files Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular notas empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadinotes-dev Description-md5: eee620b27ee63eb96f6184bebfb8a4d9 Description-gl: Akonadi notes access library - development files Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular notas empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5akonadinotes5 Description-md5: 8c6e61d76502884be9087f95fed497e3 Description-gl: Akonadi notes access library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular notas empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadiprivate5 Description-md5: fc68b591ff20eff8fb7e4c5e3375b4dd Description-gl: Bibliotecas para o servizo de almacenamento PIM Akonadi Akonadi é un servizo multiplataforma e extensÃbel de almacenamento de información persoal (PIM) para o escritorio. Fornece unha infraestrutura común para que os aplicativos almacenen a accedan ao correo, calendarios, cadernos de enderezos e outros datos de información persoal. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas empregadas polo servizo de almacenamento PIM Akonadi. Package: libkf5akonadisearch-dev Description-md5: 09afef3d87caf347e41cf4a1e39496e1 Description-gl: Akonadi search library - development files Library used to search in the Akonadi PIM data server. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5akonadiserver-dev Description-md5: 7a5c6d60679631d3585bce30c8e84f52 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do servizo de almacenamento Akonadi PIM Akonadi é un servizo multiplataforma e extensÃbel de almacenamento de información persoal (PIM) para o escritorio. Fornece unha infraestrutura común para que os aplicativos almacenen a accedan ao correo, calendarios, cadernos de enderezos e outros datos de información persoal. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue o servizo de almacenamento PIM de Akonadi. Package: libkf5akonadiwidgets5 Description-md5: 14a700b6cade167a55cbed0288970004 Description-gl: Akonadi widgets library This library contains standard widgets for the Akonadi PIM data server. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5akonadixml5 Description-md5: fedb7044a6b3771e661d0d2237c65b21 Description-gl: Akonadi XML helper library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para XML empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5alarmcalendar-dev Description-md5: e741313c2863548da27941ba25c0906f Description-gl: library for handling kalarm calendar data - development files This library provides access to and handling of kalarm calendar data. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5archive-dev Description-md5: 3dafae3e3d7fde82558383c45239bdb4 Description-gl: development files for karchive Karchive is a Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives. . KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of "archive" formats like ZIP and TAR. . It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of QIODevice. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5attica-dev Description-md5: 0f258532f7eee15e2fb363e6b7f3ba41 Description-gl: development files for libkf5attica5 Attica is a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API version 1.6. . It grants easy access to the services such as querying information about persons and contents. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5baloo5 Description-md5: b75d6e5eae3c57d7aaa01c67c1362bab Description-gl: framework for searching and managing metadata core lib. A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo fai parte do escritorio Plasma de KDE. Package: libkf5balooengine5 Description-md5: 2731347a6cb4a51157a810f1fbc05aa9 Description-gl: framework for searching and managing metadata plugins A framework for searching and managing metadata in KDE Software. . Baloo fai parte do escritorio Plasma de KDE. Package: libkf5baloowidgets-bin Description-md5: a9d801e80f98e052cf20d9f23edb3e4b Description-gl: Trebellos para empregar con Baloo - binarios Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains binaries used by the baloo widgets library. Package: libkf5baloowidgets-data Description-md5: 2d16636ba808946d5c4201b851da46cf Description-gl: Wigets for use with Baloo - data files Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains binaries used by the baloo widgets library. Package: libkf5baloowidgets-dev Description-md5: 320c7bb92c4ad24480824bab987b5c94 Description-gl: Development headers for developing applications with Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains development headers for Baloo Widgets library. Package: libkf5baloowidgets5 Description-md5: 7756f0741a85a33a80b79383670f9726 Description-gl: Trebellos para empregar con Baloo Baloo é unha infraestrutura para buscar e xestionar metadatos. . This package contains GUI widgets for baloo. Package: libkf5blog-dev Description-md5: 55c624428e39b06291853359851b6f51 Description-gl: kblog - development files KBlog is a library for calling functions on Blogger 1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType and GData compatible blogs. It calls the APIs using KXmlRpcClient and Syndication. It supports asynchronous sending and fetching of posts and, if supported on the server, multimedia files. Almost every modern blogging web application that provides an XML data interface supports one of the APIs mentioned above. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5bluezqt-data Description-md5: de807fccabf1e3e41b732e9884991088 Description-gl: data files for bluez-qt bluez-qt is a Qt-style library for accessing the bluez Bluetooth stack. . It is used by the KDE Bluetooth stack, BlueDevil. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5bluezqt6 Description-md5: b35c3d6822fe7c9eb912aa8baff1bd94 Description-gl: Envoltura en Qt para bluez bluez-qt is a Qt-style library for accessing the bluez Bluetooth stack. . It is used by the KDE Bluetooth stack, BlueDevil. Package: libkf5bookmarks-data Description-md5: 22b9cda0201b37fd2e5f904d7ed207ac Description-gl: Qt library with support for bookmarks and the XBEL format. KBookmarks lets you access and manipulate bookmarks stored using the XBEL format. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5calendarcore-dev Description-md5: 87b33fb890f6a7f8ace6d31d0ee3feec Description-gl: development files for kcalcore This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5calendarcore5 Description-md5: 83d3d4508744dd357d7f13e0d44ce8ff Description-gl: Infraestrutura de acceso a calendarios This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. Package: libkf5calendarsupport5 Description-md5: faa6b9ae1834c946ddc7e93cc77973d3 Description-gl: KDE PIM Calendar support - library This library provides calendar support for KDE PIM. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5calendarutils-dev Description-md5: bdd38e28a782c8f1100791a9110f97b8 Description-gl: kcalutils - development files This library provides a set of utility functions that help applications access and use calendar data via the KCalCore library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5cddb-data Description-md5: 0e2dc45f961ec46c49ef4ed361e16140 Description-gl: CDDB library for KDE Platform - data files The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to fetch and submit audio CD information over the Internet. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkf5cddb-dev Description-md5: 7565ff08889778a2a6494cc12cbf6406 Description-gl: Biblioteca para lectores de CD para a plataforma KDE (desenvolvemento) The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for KDE applications to fetch and submit audio CD information over the Internet. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkf5cddb5 Description-md5: 0d8ee0e128313d9d3531e70c59020cf0 Description-gl: Biblioteca para CDDB para a plataforma KDE (tempo de execución) The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to fetch and submit audio CD information over the Internet. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkf5cddbwidgets5 Description-md5: 0d8ee0e128313d9d3531e70c59020cf0 Description-gl: Biblioteca para CDDB para a plataforma KDE (tempo de execución) The KDE Compact Disc DataBase library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to fetch and submit audio CD information over the Internet. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkf5codecs-data Description-md5: 90a22700bce6b2b77669cb3e42a53435 Description-gl: collection of methods to manipulate strings KCodecs provide a collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5compactdisc-data Description-md5: caf982b95862d87a11117644c9aa2362 Description-gl: CD drive library for KDE Platform - data files The KDE Compact Disc library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to interface with the CD drives for audio CDs. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkf5compactdisc-dev Description-md5: 539d0306eed14eeb7d28116aa92fbcae Description-gl: Biblioteca para lectores de CD para a plataforma KDE (desenvolvemento) The KDE Compact Disc library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to interface with the CD drives for audio CDs. . This package contains the development files for libKCompactDisc. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkf5compactdisc5 Description-md5: fd3a25429cb93cb1d7ca336f3ede63da Description-gl: Biblioteca para lectores de CD para a plataforma KDE (tempo de execución) The KDE Compact Disc library provides an API for applications using the KDE Platform to interface with the CD drives for audio CDs. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de multimedia de KDE. Package: libkf5completion-data Description-md5: 5d2ea174f4aa4bf39e1bedafae9beff3 Description-gl: Widgets with advanced auto-completion features. KCompletion provides widgets with advanced completion support as well as a lower-level completion class which can be used with your own widgets. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5config-data Description-md5: 5811c7b0e7669a775eb56f66fea1207f Description-gl: configuration settings framework for Qt KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. . KConfigCore provides access to the configuration files themselves. It features: . - centralized definition: define your configuration in an XML file and use `kconfig_compiler` to generate classes to read and write configuration entries. - lock-down (kiosk) support. . KConfigGui provides a way to hook widgets to the configuration so that they are automatically initialized from the configuration and automatically propagate their changes to their respective configuration files. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5config-dev Description-md5: aa8de003e187a24093cac03ccf62dae4 Description-gl: configuration settings framework for Qt KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. . KConfigCore provides access to the configuration files themselves. It features: . - centralized definition: define your configuration in an XML file and use `kconfig_compiler` to generate classes to read and write configuration entries. - lock-down (kiosk) support. . KConfigGui provides a way to hook widgets to the configuration so that they are automatically initialized from the configuration and automatically propagate their changes to their respective configuration files. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5contacteditor-dev Description-md5: 9ebfbf96160491e8b72ad875771d325d Description-gl: Akonadi contacts access library - development files Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular contactos empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5contacteditor5 Description-md5: 3bd9a6ec77c4bf1a019422af45285c60 Description-gl: Akonadi contact editor library Esta biblioteca fornece auxiliares para manipular contactos empregando o servidor de datos PIM Akonadi. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5contacts-data Description-md5: 4c2b37d34dd2c60d065a5b0495c16512 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para kcontacts KContacts is an API for address book data. . This package contains shared data files. Package: libkf5contacts-dev Description-md5: d54e6efcc2b2c0b1723d5b7d0e6a26db Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de kcontacts KContacts is an API for address book data. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5contacts5 Description-md5: 6dd06b459a1246e7f6c4eeaa75aca0a0 Description-gl: API do caderno de enderezos para as infraestruturas de KDE KContacts is an API for address book data. Package: libkf5dbusaddons-bin Description-md5: 2759fb7c869cb8d4f8565414715abd22 Description-gl: Biblioteca de clases para qtdbus KDBusAddons provides convenience classes on top of QtDBus, as well as an API to create KDED modules. . This package contains kquitapp5. Package: libkf5dbusaddons-data Description-md5: 659a19f61ec7b8eda5be02d15b911c97 Description-gl: Biblioteca de clases para qtdbus KDBusAddons provides convenience classes on top of QtDBus, as well as an API to create KDED modules. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5dbusaddons5 Description-md5: 259c532d5eac28569783fcfe24e0dda6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de clases para qtdbus KDBusAddons provides convenience classes on top of QtDBus, as well as an API to create KDED modules. Package: libkf5declarative-data Description-md5: 86b3790ad10f545b5672828151377e02 Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE Framework providing integration of QML and other KDE frameworks such as making i18n available and using kio. . This package contains the translation files. Package: libkf5declarative5 Description-md5: 7d7cd9f180d72fc56b2851eeab6d4a9c Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE Framework providing integration of QML and other KDE frameworks such as making i18n available and using kio. Package: libkf5dnssd-data Description-md5: 8acfd301bd9d34f8f30c977da10a72b4 Description-gl: Abstraction to system DNSSD features. KDNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5emoticons-bin Description-md5: e2a696bf68def69923103826b3f03690 Description-gl: Support for emoticons and emoticons themes. This class can be used to retrieve, install, create emoticons theme. It can also be used to set the emoticon theme and the parse mode in the config file. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libkf5emoticons-data Description-md5: 6a57529f6de7e96c3ef3aeffe681406a Description-gl: Support for emoticons and emoticons themes. This class can be used to retrieve, install, create emoticons theme. It can also be used to set the emoticon theme and the parse mode in the config file. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5eventviews5 Description-md5: f3a931bd19a84c0919740535700ccfd8 Description-gl: KDE PIM event handling - library This library provides an event creator for KDE PIM. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5filemetadata-bin Description-md5: e4972a8d338e49f6ef9ea489ce1d3e3a Description-gl: Unha biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros Esta biblioteca é para extraer metadatos de ficheiros. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. . This package contains the file type plugins. Package: libkf5filemetadata-data Description-md5: df977714bfdc9d8eaa7600e4fa0db79b Description-gl: Unha biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros Esta biblioteca é para extraer metadatos de ficheiros. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. Package: libkf5filemetadata-dev Description-md5: fb635157731c647d00d7429c47d2d54e Description-gl: Unha biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros Esta biblioteca é para extraer metadatos de ficheiros. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5filemetadata3 Description-md5: df977714bfdc9d8eaa7600e4fa0db79b Description-gl: Unha biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros Esta biblioteca é para extraer metadatos de ficheiros. . kfilemetadata is part of the KDE frameworks. Package: libkf5followupreminder-dev Description-md5: 73514160d533239113663b7922b67c3c Description-gl: follow up reminder library, devel files Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5followupreminder5 Description-md5: 0ffebb93754f2a64e438f8240db72579 Description-gl: follow up reminder library Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5gpgmepp-dev Description-md5: f043f4f9391fe15f4962580538fb6d04 Description-gl: c++ wrapper library for gpgme - development files GpgME++ is a C++ wrapper (or C++ bindings) for the GnuPG project's gpgme (GnuPG Made Easy) library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5gpgmepp-pthread5 Description-md5: 5475327e9546347943c2057167f7b015 Description-gl: c++ wrapper library for gpgme GpgME++ is a C++ wrapper (or C++ bindings) for the GnuPG project's gpgme (GnuPG Made Easy) library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5gpgmepp5 Description-md5: 5475327e9546347943c2057167f7b015 Description-gl: c++ wrapper library for gpgme GpgME++ is a C++ wrapper (or C++ bindings) for the GnuPG project's gpgme (GnuPG Made Easy) library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5grantleetheme-data Description-md5: 8a054c3cd35ca42cc2260cd346574396 Description-gl: KDE PIM grantlee theme support - data files This library provides the grantlee theme support for KDE PIM. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5grantleetheme5 Description-md5: 1f5691859f111ae0c61fc219d811ab53 Description-gl: KDE PIM grantlee theme support - library This library provides the grantlee theme support for KDE PIM. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5gravatar-data Description-md5: f8a08eb985388672ffe21e1138de2180 Description-gl: KDE PIM gravatar library - data files This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5gravatar-dev Description-md5: 4996ecad1f5e5bfa242c0a73a356696b Description-gl: KDE PIM gravatar library, devel files This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . This package contains the development files needed to build against the library. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5gravatar5 Description-md5: beb8ec156e8b90ca7cfdb6ac03039963 Description-gl: KDE PIM gravatar library This internal library is a brigde for using the gravatar service from KDE PIM applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5holidays-data Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418 Description-gl: Biblioteca para calcular vacacións Esta biblioteca fornece unha API en C++ que determina as vacacións e outras celebracións especiais dunha rexión xeográfica. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5holidays-dev Description-md5: d505a6731a3b4a509aeadfd0b5d8823a Description-gl: Biblioteca para calcular vacacións - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Esta biblioteca fornece unha API en C++ que determina as vacacións e outras celebracións especiais dunha rexión xeográfica. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5holidays5 Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418 Description-gl: Biblioteca para calcular vacacións Esta biblioteca fornece unha API en C++ que determina as vacacións e outras celebracións especiais dunha rexión xeográfica. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5i18n-data Description-md5: 3facc578dabe6e0807233e991089f77d Description-gl: Advanced internationalization framework. Ki18n is the KDE internationalization system for user-interface text. It enables localization of user-visible strings, including locale-aware argument substitution and formatting. Ki18n is built atop the widely used Gettext internationalization system, making the workflow familiar to both programmers and translators. It can be considered a Gettext-wrapper for code based on the Qt library, but it also provides additional functionality over basic Gettext. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5iconthemes-data Description-md5: 578fa16cac448ea74c812b85c82e8cb2 Description-gl: Support for icon themes. Library to use/access icon themes in Qt. These classes are used by the iconloader but can be used by others too. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5identitymanagement-data Description-md5: 75e4ad02dd356db0c8557f21a76468b9 Description-gl: Biblioteca para xestionar as identidades dos usuarios Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para xestionar as identidades dos usuarios. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5identitymanagement-dev Description-md5: 6f4327cbdd7bd68e78005178753048cf Description-gl: library for managing user identities - development files Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para xestionar as identidades dos usuarios. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5identitymanagement5abi1 Description-md5: 75e4ad02dd356db0c8557f21a76468b9 Description-gl: Biblioteca para xestionar as identidades dos usuarios Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para xestionar as identidades dos usuarios. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5idletime5 Description-md5: a1a06d04307d73718af105479ba8d11d Description-gl: Biblioteca para fornecer información sobre o tempo ocioso This library contains a class that allows applications to watch for user activity or inactivity. It is useful not only for finding out about the current idle time of the PC, but also for getting notified upon idle time events, such as custom timeouts, or user activity. Package: libkf5imap-data Description-md5: 15e0d328c72eb16d1c54232216220786 Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos de IMAP This library provides an API for handling data received from IMAP services. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval. Package: libkf5imap-dev Description-md5: 897f577924da2ddfcc1097c3f3f7916d Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos de IMAP - ficheiros de desenvolvemento This library provides an API for handling data received from IMAP services. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5imap5 Description-md5: 15e0d328c72eb16d1c54232216220786 Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos de IMAP This library provides an API for handling data received from IMAP services. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval. Package: libkf5incidenceeditor-data Description-md5: 194faf22b84d3e383f8feb371294138a Description-gl: KDE PIM incidence editor - data files This library provides an incidence editor for KDE PIM. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5incidenceeditor5abi1 Description-md5: 2e9cbec3585320c053f4fd2c2904f4c4 Description-gl: KDE PIM incidence editor - library This library provides an incidence editor for KDE PIM. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5itemmodels-dev Description-md5: c6837722d91b91a0c667384da2af03fb Description-gl: Modelos elemento/vista adicionais para Qt Itemview Unha biblioteca que fornece modelos elemento/vista adicionais para Qt Itemview. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5itemmodels5 Description-md5: 0aa6ea38dcf6549c6b4b8543d064a30b Description-gl: Modelos elemento/vista adicionais para Qt Itemview Unha biblioteca que fornece modelos elemento/vista adicionais para Qt Itemview. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. Package: libkf5itemviews-data Description-md5: 002bced3f9580e417fe31e674c48f98a Description-gl: Qt library with additional widgets for ItemModels A Qt library which contains additional widgets for ItemModels, such as grouping into categories and filtering . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5itemviews-dev Description-md5: a71197f2a0fdffeea21773d2856c3b10 Description-gl: Qt library with additional widgets for ItemModels A Qt library which contains additional widgets for ItemModels, such as grouping into categories and filtering . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5jobwidgets-data Description-md5: 84b5945186315707af6ab3eae77a91ae Description-gl: Widgets for tracking KJob instances Window class that associates this job with a window given by window. This is used by KDialogJobUiDelegate as parent widget for error messages, KWidgetJobTracker as parent widget for progress dialogs, KIO::AbstractJobInteractionInterface as parent widget for rename/skip dialogs and possibly more. Overload that takes a QWindow. . Timestamp handling to update the last user action timestamp to the given time. Returns the last user action timestamp. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5jsembed-data Description-md5: 2a4d9d199e809c8406656848242239fc Description-gl: Embedded JS library for Qt kjsembed allows you to embed JavaScript in your Qt application. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5kaddressbookgrantlee-dev Description-md5: 73514160d533239113663b7922b67c3c Description-gl: follow up reminder library, devel files Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5kaddressbookgrantlee5 Description-md5: 0ffebb93754f2a64e438f8240db72579 Description-gl: follow up reminder library Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5kaddressbookimportexport-dev Description-md5: d7aa70d9e5f488477c4cd4ee34e37a7d Description-gl: Addressbook import export library, devel files Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5kaddressbookimportexport5 Description-md5: 0eef3da2de6b51d50966a9552800de35 Description-gl: Addressbook import export library Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5kcmutils-data Description-md5: 868a91a2bf9a440f58a0d317ff316fff Description-gl: Extra APIs to write KConfig modules. KCMUtils provides various classes to work with KCModules. KCModules can be created with the KConfigWidgets framework. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5kdcraw5 Description-md5: 6388cc47ceebd62fbf174b0164753c36 Description-gl: RAW picture decoding library Libkdcraw is a Qt interface to the libraw library used to decode RAW picture files. . This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam, kphotoalbum, and krita. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libkf5kdegames-data Description-md5: c20b6ad06e7fa60c102577a8dbfa6e5d Description-gl: shared library for KDE games - data files Este paquete contén unha biblioteca compartida empregada polo xogos de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkf5kdegames-dev Description-md5: 8706a1fad1d9280a6ce624231dc1618a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca de xogos de KDE Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvementos para construÃr software que empregue bibliotecas do módulo de xogos de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkf5kdegames7 Description-md5: 5d3e89955b5eb697625abb46b23f640b Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para os xogos de KDE Este paquete contén unha biblioteca compartida empregada polo xogos de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkf5kdegamesprivate1 Description-md5: f654e24a2b4b2a3a4623157c2f05fea9 Description-gl: private part of shared library for KDE games This package contains the private parts of the shared library used by KDE games. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkf5kdepimdbusinterfaces-dev Description-md5: a5adc6b909bbe9b0e67a56a47360ed6c Description-gl: KDE PIM D-Bus interfaces library, devel files This internal library implements handling of D-Bus interfaces shared among some of the KDE PIM applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5kdepimdbusinterfaces5 Description-md5: fab6b94d426b6ac785b54bf656c5b12c Description-gl: KDE PIM D-Bus interfaces library This internal library implements handling of D-Bus interfaces shared among some of the KDE PIM applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5kdgantt2-5 Description-md5: 8155f23f0580dcdebf9c7a5116c3cd9a Description-gl: Gantt widget - library This library provides gantt support for KDE applications. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5kgeomap-data Description-md5: 9fc17c0e346d97778b72c5f3b85e0355 Description-gl: World-Map Library interface for KDE - data files Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a map. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5kgeomap-dev Description-md5: 8ec8c7dcbd8b99c8e9609522bd8e1c76 Description-gl: World-Map Library interface for KDE - development files Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a map. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5kgeomap10.0.0 Description-md5: 6d1c62210858af97b6276cd84dbb02a3 Description-gl: World-Map Library interface for KDE - shared library Libkgeomap is a wrapper around different world-map components, to browse and arrange photos over a map. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libkf5khtml-bin Description-md5: a5f41b96e47e6272b999c873c5a4c4d7 Description-gl: HTML widget and component KHTML is a web rendering engine, based on the KParts technology and using KJS for JavaScript support. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libkf5kirigami2-5 Description-md5: 995e0ed29bff56aaef04fdc8cd08cb2a Description-gl: set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use Kirigami is a set of QtQuick components at the moment targeted for mobile use (in the future desktop as well) targeting both Plasma Mobile and Android. A set of high level components to make the creation of applications that look and feel great on mobile as well as desktop devices and follow the Kirigami Human Interface Guidelines. The target of these components is anybody that wants to do an application using QtQuick as its main UI, especially if targeting a mobile platform, without adding many dependencies. They work on a variety of platforms, such as Plasma Mobile, Desktop Linux, Android and Windows. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libkf5kjs-dev Description-md5: a65be5effc7d5bb59bf1c50397554f7d Description-gl: Support for JS scripting in Qt applications Addon library to Qt which adds JavaScript scripting support. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5kmahjongglib-data Description-md5: 9c22e51d6b1e038e37bbb6861c59c811 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para kmahjongg e kshisen This package contains a shared library used by the KDE games kmahjongg and kshisen. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkf5kmahjongglib-dev Description-md5: cefc2ded176665344cf48857250eeb41 Description-gl: development files for the KDE kmahjongg library Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue a biblioteca kmahjongg de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkf5kmahjongglib5 Description-md5: 9c22e51d6b1e038e37bbb6861c59c811 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para kmahjongg e kshisen This package contains a shared library used by the KDE games kmahjongg and kshisen. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkf5kmanagesieve5 Description-md5: 41f348d1ad406a2453e30b07d2621e97 Description-gl: Sieve remote script management support for kdepim, library This library implements a subset of the protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts (RFC 5804). Among other basic operations, it provides an easy to use API for listing, retrieving, deleting, activating and uploading of scripts to the remote Sieve script server. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5konq-data Description-md5: eefb77c3b30d51fb1a608fb243356bc8 Description-gl: core libraries for Konqueror - data files Este paquete contén bibliotecas empregadas por varios aplicativos do KDE 4, en particular por Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkf5konq-dev Description-md5: 2f226ba83e228f0b5364faf22a2db86e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas do Konqueror Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue as bibliotecas do Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkf5konq6 Description-md5: b05ebb1e713fd062b30c38090c834466 Description-gl: Bibliotecas principais do Konqueror Este paquete contén bibliotecas empregadas por varios aplicativos do KDE 4, en particular por Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkf5kontactinterface-dev Description-md5: 5d4ec19cad08b4aa5cb9586cb7df8087 Description-gl: Kontact interface library - development files This library provides the glue necessary for application "Parts" to be embedded as a Kontact component (or plugin). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5kontactinterface5 Description-md5: 6f19c549a0a3669b6ef227dae99e378c Description-gl: Biblioteca da interface de Kontact This library provides the glue necessary for application "Parts" to be embedded as a Kontact component (or plugin). Package: libkf5ksieve-data Description-md5: 762e34857d8184eb948e9a561e902d5c Description-gl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, data files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. . This package provides the data files common to the kf5ksieve libraries. Package: libkf5ksieve-dev Description-md5: 424238af468df6adbd0ec780aab1bd5d Description-gl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, development files This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5ksieve5 Description-md5: 9fc856526951c294fbc203c6acb2f202 Description-gl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, library This library implements a parser and lexer for Sieve, the mail filtering language (RFC 3028). . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5ksieveui5 Description-md5: 530a6c5f34077391676f0b0bed9a39b6 Description-gl: Sieve mail filtering language support for kdepim, GUI library This library implements GUI dialogs and elements which enable users to easily create, edit and manage their mail filters on the mail servers which support the Sieve language (RFC 3028) and the protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts (RFC 5804). . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5ldap-data Description-md5: 2bc1a9b485bbacf6b6fdefdd2097e5ff Description-gl: Biblioteca para acceder a LDAP Esta é unha biblioteca para acceder a LDAP cunha API cómoda en C++ no estilo Qt. LDAP (Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios) é un protocolo de aplicativos para consultar e modificar servizos de directorio que se executen sobre TCP/IP. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5ldap-dev Description-md5: 7389f56e2b83cda2cf6f3ae47b1e5ac0 Description-gl: Biblioteca para acceder a LDAP - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Esta é unha biblioteca para acceder a LDAP cunha API cómoda en C++ no estilo Qt. LDAP (Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios) é un protocolo de aplicativos para consultar e modificar servizos de directorio que se executen sobre TCP/IP. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5ldap5 Description-md5: 2bc1a9b485bbacf6b6fdefdd2097e5ff Description-gl: Biblioteca para acceder a LDAP Esta é unha biblioteca para acceder a LDAP cunha API cómoda en C++ no estilo Qt. LDAP (Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios) é un protocolo de aplicativos para consultar e modificar servizos de directorio que se executen sobre TCP/IP. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5libkdepim-data Description-md5: 7fa517443f4722bf5c2a9c97b052cc2c Description-gl: KDE PIM library - data files This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains data files used by the library. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5libkdepim-dev Description-md5: ac38fed39cd5255b705265fa498abf78 Description-gl: KDE PIM library - development files This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains headers, and the libraries needed to build some of the KDE PIM applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5libkdepim-plugins Description-md5: f8e68709422343fca6596819f4185c97 Description-gl: KDE PIM library - plugins This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains plugins that are distributed with the library. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5libkdepim5abi1 Description-md5: 09bd9184b30dc67a91370a903fd01622 Description-gl: KDE PIM library This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains shared libraries and data which most of KDE PIM applications use. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5libkdepimakonadi5 Description-md5: 45dc612145dbc471fdd04bd028693733 Description-gl: KDE PIM Akonadi library This is the internal runtime package for applications from the KDE PIM module. It contains shared libraries and data which most of KDE PIM applications use. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5libkleo-data Description-md5: 2f9f8e02d88fc32d05b80a363cde7960 Description-gl: KDE PIM cryptographic library, data files This package contains the data files used by libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5libkleo-dev Description-md5: dd52c8a48af676c49c901e4f40f8c8f6 Description-gl: KDE PIM cryptographic library, devel files This package contains the development files for libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5libkleo5abi1 Description-md5: 134d5b675a775fa494c8a27dd857368f Description-gl: KDE PIM cryptographic library This package contains libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5mailimporter-data Description-md5: d4cb6f1bf57b1311e8bca4cafd075a38 Description-gl: KDE PIM Mail importer library This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5mailimporter-dev Description-md5: 45dbd59590a730e7a4e3a1a6eea338e4 Description-gl: KDE PIM Mail importer library, devel files This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5mailimporter5abi1 Description-md5: d4cb6f1bf57b1311e8bca4cafd075a38 Description-gl: KDE PIM Mail importer library This package contains a library for importing mails into KDE applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5mailimporterakonadi5 Description-md5: 96bc65d27c80727a70fa765bec02d454 Description-gl: KDE PIM Mail importer Akonadi library This package contains a library for importing mails into Akonadi applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5mailtransport-dev Description-md5: bdb3121eb260a0cd727b888db9015957 Description-gl: mail transport service library - development files Mailtransport is a library that provides the following functionality: . * Shared mail transport settings. * GUI elements to configure mail transport settings. * Job classes for mail sending. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5mbox-dev Description-md5: 970f113ba32e693d20fad06b7422aaaf Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular caixas de correo mbox - ficheiros de desenvolvemento This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime C++ API. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5mbox5 Description-md5: febe5c6e80fedbf1f282062563ad4d3e Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular caixas de correo mbox This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime C++ API. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5mediaplayer-data Description-md5: 6bedd6c0c729847332db2d7819488a70 Description-gl: Plugin interface for media player features. It provides all of the necessary media player operations, and optionally provides the GUI to control them. . There are two servicetypes for Player: KMediaPlayer/Player and KMediaPlayer/Engine. KMediaPlayer/Player provides a widget (accessible through view as well as XML GUI KActions. KMediaPlayer/Engine omits the user interface facets, for those who wish to provide their own interface. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5messagelist5abi1 Description-md5: 49a0d7f2169e8c95462d34be5e96bbb2 Description-gl: KDE PIM messaging library, message list library This package contains the message list library. It provides a widget for the e-mail message lists with extensive filtering, grouping and useful features. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5messageviewer-plugins Description-md5: 319f8d30f993e4f4fe2a059521823cf8 Description-gl: KDE PIM messaging library, message viewer library This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature- rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5messageviewer5abi3 Description-md5: 319f8d30f993e4f4fe2a059521823cf8 Description-gl: KDE PIM messaging library, message viewer library This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature- rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5mime-data Description-md5: ea8d6d0463a1443aeab1a64fda908b1b Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos MIME Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para manipular datos MIME. MIME (Extensións de Correo de Internet de Propósitos múltiples) é unha norma da Internet que estende o formato do correo electrónico para aceptar texto en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do US-ASCII, anexos non de texto, corpos de mensaxe en varias partes e información de cabeceira en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do ASCII. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5mime-dev Description-md5: 3e8d7b6fb7ba4938dc9cf77296922163 Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos MIME - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para manipular datos MIME. MIME (Extensións de Correo de Internet de Propósitos múltiples) é unha norma da Internet que estende o formato do correo electrónico para aceptar texto en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do US-ASCII, anexos non de texto, corpos de mensaxe en varias partes e información de cabeceira en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do ASCII. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5mime5abi1 Description-md5: ea8d6d0463a1443aeab1a64fda908b1b Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos MIME Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para manipular datos MIME. MIME (Extensións de Correo de Internet de Propósitos múltiples) é unha norma da Internet que estende o formato do correo electrónico para aceptar texto en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do US-ASCII, anexos non de texto, corpos de mensaxe en varias partes e información de cabeceira en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do ASCII. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5mimetreeparser-dev Description-md5: 65a8f57518ad25f45c9fb39a45d4f274 Description-gl: KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library devel files This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5mimetreeparser5abi1 Description-md5: 2f9c1b63f48775da4a7b95e5ac02c214 Description-gl: KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5networkmanagerqt-dev Description-md5: 9dc2e22716afe1605fd2596a1d967dda Description-gl: Qt wrapper for NetworkManager - devel files. Qt wrapper for NetworkManager DBus API. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libkf5newstuff-data Description-md5: 949ba4f6bfaf7622f217987f82d6a09b Description-gl: Support for downloading application assets from the network. Framework for downloading and sharing additional application data. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5notifications-data Description-md5: ae40c99977a166371ab26ec181c81eaa Description-gl: Framework for desktop notifications KNotification is used to notify the user of an event. It covers feedback and persistent events. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5notifications-dev Description-md5: 8f4590cf66374d3ef801268f8f093b97 Description-gl: Framework for desktop notifications KNotification is used to notify the user of an event. It covers feedback and persistent events. . Contén sÃmbolos de depuración para KNotifications. Package: libkf5notifyconfig-data Description-md5: ce9b4566126340be32beaa9d80dbe54e Description-gl: Configuration system for KNotify. This framework offers classes to represent the configuration for an event. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5package-data Description-md5: 4883682ff8de8576c708a325476a7883 Description-gl: non-binary asset management framework KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5package-dev Description-md5: 7af936f57f65556e8d58253e7b2bc3c5 Description-gl: development files for kpackage KPackage provides classes for applications to manage user installable packages of non-binary assets. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5parts-data Description-md5: 87b99fcf2b45c95b093540f427048ecd Description-gl: Document centric plugin system. Framework providing elaborate user-interface components. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5parts-plugins Description-md5: 80089dbc4845a1b31d767b8f50225431 Description-gl: Document centric plugin system. Framework providing elaborate user-interface components. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libkf5people-data Description-md5: 7f504c0dff19443b505b3dc7ea0ff343 Description-gl: data files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to our contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5people-dev Description-md5: f6da49cb7ce48a9c396a90b2da57448d Description-gl: development files for kpeople KPeople offers unified access to our contacts from different sources, grouping them by person while still exposing all the data. . Furthermore, KPeople will also provide facilities to integrate the data provided in user interfaces by providing QML and Qt Widgets components. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5pimcommon5abi2 Description-md5: 7d4c4877ef9b8e8b8623b342b80a132a Description-gl: Common library for KDE PIM This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM components. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5pimcommonakonadi5 Description-md5: 7b44fed8be88d500040e4ca5cb638cf3 Description-gl: Common library for KDE PIM Akonadi This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM Akonadi components. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libkf5pimtextedit-data Description-md5: 109259b7958e194638f3e7341d582dde Description-gl: library that provides a textedit with PIM-specific features KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5pimtextedit-dev Description-md5: 58e8b09f35b68ac1bcb20d29b99dd846 Description-gl: libkf5pimtextedit - development files KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5pimtextedit5abi2 Description-md5: 109259b7958e194638f3e7341d582dde Description-gl: library that provides a textedit with PIM-specific features KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5prison-dev Description-md5: b47bd73084c3dfd66d08fe0efd3868f1 Description-gl: barcode API for Qt - development files prison é unha API para códigos de barra que na actualidade unha API agradábel en Qt para producir códigos de barras QR e DataMatrix e que pode ser modificada facilmente para admitir máis. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros necesarios para crear aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca prison. Package: libkf5prison5 Description-md5: 8a9e710171b850ad307b78f8777a54ed Description-gl: API para códigos de barras para Qt prison é unha API para códigos de barra que na actualidade unha API agradábel en Qt para producir códigos de barras QR e DataMatrix e que pode ser modificada facilmente para admitir máis. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para ser empregada polos aplicativos. Package: libkf5pty-data Description-md5: 664d58e721f179c0f036ddfe9acfa5e7 Description-gl: Pty abstraction. Provides primitives for opening & closing a pseudo TTY pair, assigning the controlling TTY, utmp registration and setting various terminal attributes. . Este paquete contén as traducións Package: libkf5purposewidgets5 Description-md5: b2bb5726046c3a31a6c1ce70d5719e62 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This transitional package can be removed. . Does not contain development files for Purpose. Package: libkf5qgpgme5 Description-md5: 5748009851caef0425f1a98c37c8afb5 Description-gl: library for GpgME++ integration with Qt QGpgME is a library that provides GpgME++ integration with QEventLoop and some Qt datatypes (e.g. QByteArray). . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5qqc2desktopstyle-dev Description-md5: 5d76badf23f9f9f12c6e47b7a8b73ac9 Description-gl: Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style Small style written in QML for QtQuickControls2 intended to be used by default in QQC2-based apps when used in the Plasma desktop . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5sane5 Description-md5: acb7108b6da4b4d9984cb1b4264a38a4 Description-gl: scanner library (runtime) The KDE scanner library provides an API and widgets for using scanners and other imaging devices supported by SANE. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libkf5screen-dev Description-md5: 5a9972d118274e22de9a4ec2ad3410d1 Description-gl: library for screen management - development files The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5screen7 Description-md5: 3cd8fb562d4e37428a482afe3debac1e Description-gl: library for screen management - shared library The KDE multiple monitor support is trying be as smart as possible adapting the behavior of it to each use case making the configuration of monitors as simple as plugging them to your computer. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libkf5sendlater-dev Description-md5: 20cf92360a0d8ca11baed8f829652e0d Description-gl: send later library, devel files Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5sendlater5 Description-md5: 128ee58860540051b139c1e3b4abaea9 Description-gl: send later library Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5solid-bin Description-md5: 7febac5c35729df8d0f028ccd3d8f77b Description-gl: Biblioteca de Qt para consultar e controlar hardware Soli é unha infraestrutura de integración de dispositivos. Fornece unha maneira de consultar e interactuar co hardware independentemente do sistema operativo subxacente. . Solid is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . This package contains the solid-hardware5 tool. Package: libkf5solid-dev Description-md5: 7dc236fc00f1a461c4a56518c3570fd4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de Qt para consultar e controlar hardware Soli é unha infraestrutura de integración de dispositivos. Fornece unha maneira de consultar e interactuar co hardware independentemente do sistema operativo subxacente. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5solid5 Description-md5: 41f0b122f40e5dbb95ac3518f347771d Description-gl: Biblioteca de Qt para consultar e controlar hardware Soli é unha infraestrutura de integración de dispositivos. Fornece unha maneira de consultar e interactuar co hardware independentemente do sistema operativo subxacente. . Solid is part of KDE Frameworks 5. Package: libkf5solid5-data Description-md5: 3c0b9e07c224508e11371cdcd269285d Description-gl: Biblioteca de Qt para consultar e controlar hardware Soli é unha infraestrutura de integración de dispositivos. Fornece unha maneira de consultar e interactuar co hardware independentemente do sistema operativo subxacente. . Solid is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . This package contains shared data files. Package: libkf5sonnet5-data Description-md5: ef13a92fa38ce5f9e81f794412f91d5e Description-gl: spell checking library for Qt, data files Sonnet is a Qt based library that offers easy access to spell checking using various plugin based backends. It is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5syndication-dev Description-md5: 9b8502053d14d77e372319fdf2e46545 Description-gl: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds - development files Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5syndication5 Description-md5: cf4722888b15a8c2104d0011981f7441 Description-gl: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkf5syntaxhighlighting-data Description-md5: 79448b6c90e2c74cd5d073e0ab2b39da Description-gl: Syntax highlighting Engine This is a stand-alone implementation of the Kate syntax highlighting engine. It's meant as a building block for text editors as well as for simple highlighted text rendering (e.g. as HTML), supporting both integration with a custom editor as well as a ready-to-use QSyntaxHighlighter sub-class. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5sysguard-bin Description-md5: 3db6290d075dfe9bbb485be967a4e45a Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - shared library KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libkf5sysguard-data Description-md5: 1b68684b1656f5b47b6c6f470944e769 Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - shared library KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos Package: libkf5sysguard-dev Description-md5: 81bf88bad7e93f21112f94520b41e196 Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - development files KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5sysguard5 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libkf5sysguard5-data Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libkf5templateparser5abi2 Description-md5: 724d02891f85b2429bcabdc216fcfc5e Description-gl: KMail template parser library This library implements a parser for the mail templates which KMail uses to enable customization of initial structure for the new, reply or forwarded messages. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5textwidgets-data Description-md5: a9c93371935fce881967883fe5d8f7ad Description-gl: Advanced text editing widgets. An assortment of text-related widgets . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5threadweaver-dev Description-md5: 044802fba2d8e64307025397eb604464 Description-gl: ThreadWeaver library to help multithreaded Qt ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job- based interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way. You simply divide the workload into jobs, state the dependencies between the jobs and ThreadWeaver will work out the most efficient way of dividing the work between threads within a set of resource limits. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5tnef-dev Description-md5: a95e1bed2254e08b66ef598466ac8c87 Description-gl: library for handling TNEF data - development files Ktnef is a library for handling data in the TNEF format (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format, a proprietary format of e-mail attachment used by Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server). The API permits access to the actual attachments, the message properties (TNEF/MAPI), and allows one to view/extract message formatted text in Rich Text Format. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkf5unitconversion-data Description-md5: 4341f45467ec4ba2be7510e9b3b9b9b6 Description-gl: Support for unit conversion. Library to help applications in doing conversions of values in different measure units. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5wayland-dev Description-md5: 5403bb8fd5aaf91cd4ffdf3a0b63220e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de kwayland KWayland provides a Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries. . Contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para kwayland. Package: libkf5webengineviewer-dev Description-md5: 7cc7fc0645b0fea18e83b51f1ba41340 Description-gl: KDE's Qt Web Engine Viewer devel files This library implements view on Qt Web Engine used by KDE PIM. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5webengineviewer5abi3 Description-md5: 789a4260a037986d4c43799980a1b867 Description-gl: WebEngineViewer library This library implements a WebEngineViewer. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkf5widgetsaddons-data Description-md5: 28c2ae031328665394645762aedc6361 Description-gl: add-on widgets and classes for applications that use the Qt Widgets module Provided are action classes that can be added to toolbars or menus, a wide range of widgets for selecting characters, fonts, colors, actions, dates and times, or MIME types, as well as platform-aware dialogs for configuration pages, message boxes, and password requests. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5windowsystem-data Description-md5: 6689553eb9d6b86487ff0781599ecf7f Description-gl: Convenience access to certain properties and features of the window manager The class KWindowSystem provides information about the state of the window manager and allows asking the window manager to change them using a more high-level interface than the NETWinInfo/NETRootInfo low level classes. . Este paquete contén as traducións. Package: libkf5xmlgui-bin Description-md5: e3c98746a983b523c22e4615e7ee9e64 Description-gl: User configurable main windows. framework for designing the user interface of an application using XML, using the idea of actions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libkf5xmlgui-data Description-md5: a417ed819fd0db2c25d7a63fa58bae62 Description-gl: User configurable main windows. framework for designing the user interface of an application using XML, using the idea of actions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5xmlrpcclient-data Description-md5: bb46e035f85f4363c3ae24f28a0d5419 Description-gl: data files for kxmlrpcclient XML RPC client library. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: libkf5xmlrpcclient-dev Description-md5: 1ebe29dd9650c80ce8d11480bb93235a Description-gl: development files for kxmlrpcclient XML RPC client library. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkfbapi-dev Description-md5: bae7b2bd04e553baa4e93afd873ca472 Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Facebook para KDE -- ficheiros de desenvolvemento LibKFbAPI (previously called LibKFacebook) is a C++ library that implements APIs for various Facebook services. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue a biblioteca LibKFbAPI. Package: libkfbapi1 Description-md5: 24bc28c165c7858cdcc2fd08f06dccd4 Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Facebook para KDE LibKFbAPI (previously called LibKFacebook) is a C++ library that implements APIs for various Facebook services. . This package contains the LibKFbAPI library. Package: libkfbapi1-dbg Description-md5: 228fa75ea9a4d5b6ae5ee345e34e5fe7 Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Facebook para KDE -- sÃmbolos de depuración LibKFbAPI (previously called LibKFacebook) is a C++ library that implements APIs for various Facebook services. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca LibKFbAPI. Package: libkfile4 Description-md5: ca6120f48cf645c62bd18c493fa976ce Description-gl: File Selection Dialog Library for KDE Platform This library provides the file selection dialog and its components. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkfilemetadata-dev Description-md5: 80e24bfc8250d5eae36c3d0390477767 Description-gl: Biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros -- ficheiros de desenvolvemento Unha biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros - cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e ficheiros de cmake. Package: libkfilemetadata4 Description-md5: 606d7396df32ea2d6cbe7389cc4cb64a Description-gl: Unha biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros Unha biblioteca para extraer metadatos de ficheiros Package: libkgantt-dev Description-md5: 6f1182399691d8f41c32d779deb27dfc Description-gl: library for creating Gantt diagrams (development files) Gantt charts are a bar charts that illustrate project schedules. KD Gantt provides a module for implementing ODF Gantt charts in Qt-based applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkgantt2 Description-md5: 5672966bdfb082a5687c5da49bb612f3 Description-gl: library for creating Gantt diagrams (shared library) Gantt charts are a bar charts that illustrate project schedules. KD Gantt provides a module for implementing ODF Gantt charts in Qt-based applications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libkholidays4 Description-md5: eab44878495de7bc647d1ddbe730d418 Description-gl: Biblioteca para calcular vacacións Esta biblioteca fornece unha API en C++ que determina as vacacións e outras celebracións especiais dunha rexión xeográfica. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkhtml5 Description-md5: 6fdc11e326da0a1bd495dcdc96640c27 Description-gl: KHTML Web Content Rendering Engine This library provides the component based on the KDE parts framework that can be used to embed a fully-fledged HTML browser widget in any KDE Application. This library uses the KHTML Web Content Rendering Engine to rendering. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkibi-dbg Description-md5: 95aa0c005e62f94f6d93fad20c98c294 Description-gl: library for byte prefixes (debugging symbols) This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The user can configure a preferred prefix style. . Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected: * kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10) * KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2) * KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic) . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libkibi-dev Description-md5: bb199bff69d79efc7f792e25609bf13b Description-gl: library for byte prefixes (development files) This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The user can configure a preferred prefix style. . Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected: * kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10) * KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2) * KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic) . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkidletime4 Description-md5: 5eb21e2d5fd8b18292c2b04164cbd62f Description-gl: Biblioteca para fornecer información sobre o tempo ocioso This library contains a class that allows applications to watch for user activity or inactivity. It is useful not only for finding out about the current idle time of the PC, but also for getting notified upon idle time events, such as custom timeouts, or user activity. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkimap4 Description-md5: f3f27bad4be518290bfe788cf34f9836 Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos de IMAP This library provides an API for handling data received from IMAP services. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is one of the two most prevalent Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkimproxy4 Description-md5: 68e45e2a7240f7aa539c55fa9670181b Description-gl: Instant Messaging Interface Library for the KDE Platform This library provides an easy-to-use interface to any instant messengers or chat programs that implement KIMIface. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkio5 Description-md5: f9d64e3dda3bf4c061b02623b14ed159 Description-gl: Network-enabled File Management Library for the KDE Platform This library implements almost all the file management functions you will ever need. In fact, the KDE file manager, Konqueror also uses this to provide its network-enabled file management. This library also implements the KDE file selector widget. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkiten-dev Description-md5: d8768ce38ada59e2b3f6041c73f6e5d7 Description-gl: development files for the Kiten Japanese reference libraries Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvementos para construÃr software que empregue as bibliotecas de referencia do xaponés de Kiten. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libkiten5 Description-md5: 3c47b953709341dadf2cf1c381ce9478 Description-gl: libraries for the Kiten Japanese reference and study aid This package contains shared libraries, language data, and resources used by the Kiten Japanese reference and study aid. Portions of this library, such as dictionary and character lookup widgets, may be useful for other applications. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libkiwix-dev Description-md5: 4ddf386634523d3763c335fa6c19378a Description-gl: library of common code for Kiwix (development) Kiwix is an offline Wikipedia reader. libkiwix provides the software core for Kiwix, and contains the code shared by all Kiwix ports (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android, etc.). . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkjsapi4 Description-md5: ef5d36e5444d0736d01d3dc877117014 Description-gl: KJS API Library for the KDE Development Platform This library provides an ECMAScript compatible interpreter. The ECMA standard is based on well known scripting languages such as Netscape's JavaScript and Microsoft's JScript. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkjsembed4 Description-md5: 7d592f95900bcda9ed863557c464d5cf Description-gl: library for binding JavaScript objects to QObjects This library provides a method of binding JavaScript objects to QObjects, so you can script your applications. It also provides an interface for running embedded Javascript. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libklatexformula4 Description-md5: 0105f86fd2fbdb93764c9704bb7c305d Description-gl: Bibliotecas de tempo de execución de klatexformula With Klatexformula, just enter a formula and click "Evaluate" to get an image of a LaTeX formula. You can drag&drop, copy or save the resulting image directly from the GUI, which makes klatexformula a very convenient tool for presentations. Klatexformula also provides also tools for equation prototyping in LaTeX and a user-library of used equations. . This package provides the libraries klatexformula is based on. Package: libklatexformula4-dev Description-md5: 1454b94ac37755b7416950259522bf6a Description-gl: Bibliotecas de tempo de execución de klatexformula, ficheiros de desenvolvemento With Klatexformula, just enter a formula and click "Evaluate" to get an image of a LaTeX formula. You can drag&drop, copy or save the resulting image directly from the GUI, which makes klatexformula a very convenient tool for presentations. Klatexformula also provides also tools for equation prototyping in LaTeX and a user-library of used equations. . This package contains the header files for klatexformula libraries, and a Qt Designer plugin to help developers use the provided user interface elements. Package: libkldap4 Description-md5: 2bc1a9b485bbacf6b6fdefdd2097e5ff Description-gl: Biblioteca para acceder a LDAP Esta é unha biblioteca para acceder a LDAP cunha API cómoda en C++ no estilo Qt. LDAP (Protocolo Lixeiro de Acceso a Directorios) é un protocolo de aplicativos para consultar e modificar servizos de directorio que se executen sobre TCP/IP. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkleo4 Description-md5: f553552b87741cd6bd1d2cabbd7110c3 Description-gl: certificate based crypto library This package contains libkleo, a library for Kleopatra and other parts of KDE using certificate-based crypto. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkmahjongglib-dev Description-md5: cefc2ded176665344cf48857250eeb41 Description-gl: development files for the KDE kmahjongg library Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue a biblioteca kmahjongg de KDE. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkmahjongglib4 Description-md5: 9c22e51d6b1e038e37bbb6861c59c811 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para kmahjongg e kshisen This package contains a shared library used by the KDE games kmahjongg and kshisen. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: libkmbox4 Description-md5: febe5c6e80fedbf1f282062563ad4d3e Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular caixas de correo mbox This is a library for handling mailboxes in mbox format, using a Qt/KMime C++ API. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkmediaplayer4 Description-md5: 41939bc408f0c531de5f851dcf989514 Description-gl: KMediaPlayer Interface for the KDE Platform KMediaPlayer provides an API for re-usable media player components. The main class (KMediaPlayer::Player) provides all the necessary media player operations, with an optional GUI to control them. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkmflcomp-dev Description-md5: 7f35f8f7fd06e20d424cfe058816a5b9 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkmflcomp The kmfl library is a multilingual text processing library that implements the Keyman(C) text processing language. . Development libraries and headers to use libkmflcomp in an application Package: libkmime4 Description-md5: ea8d6d0463a1443aeab1a64fda908b1b Description-gl: Biblioteca para manipular datos MIME Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para manipular datos MIME. MIME (Extensións de Correo de Internet de Propósitos múltiples) é unha norma da Internet que estende o formato do correo electrónico para aceptar texto en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do US-ASCII, anexos non de texto, corpos de mensaxe en varias partes e información de cabeceira en conxuntos de caracteres diferentes do ASCII. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libknewstuff2-4 Description-md5: 3b60147847daf44fbccfb1a682258447 Description-gl: "Get Hot New Stuff" v2 Library for the KDE Platform The KNewStuff2 ("Get Hot New Stuff" v2) library adds data sharing capabilities to KDE Applications. Technically, it implements the GHNS and DXS specifications. The library consists of three parts: the data management core and GHNS protocol implementation, the DXS web service handler, and the user interface classes like dialogs and buttons. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libknewstuff3-4 Description-md5: f38a1ea642d10041b05d41abd81c1721 Description-gl: "Get Hot New Stuff" v3 Library for the KDE Platform The KNewStuff3 ("Get Hot New Stuff" v3) library adds data sharing capabilities to the KDE Applications. It uses libattica to access Open Collaboration Services providers. In addition the static XML from GHNS is supported. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libknopflerfish-osgi-java-doc Description-md5: f706bd2b5db814a75795f472197427a2 Description-gl: Java framework implementing the OSGi R5 version (docs) OSGi, Open Service Gateway Initiative, specifies an industry standard Java application platform, allowing multiple applications, to securely run in a single JVM. These programs can share resources as data, functionality and threads. . Applications areas for OSGi ranges from use as a service platform on embedded devices, to plugin mechanisms for larger programs. The initial goal of OSGi was the embedded market, but other uses are certainly possible. . Este paquete contén a documentación, actualmente fundamentalmenet da infraestrutura. Package: libknotifyconfig4 Description-md5: 92a159564b8bead16419278ef73c0269 Description-gl: library for configuring KDE Notifications This library provides a common interface for the configuration of the KDE Notifications (KNotify) for each KDE Application (e.g. "Configuration Notification" dialog). . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkntlm4 Description-md5: a4c2aefaa45147ea6933464366053951 Description-gl: NTLM Authentication Library for the KDE Platform This library is useful for creating the authentication structures which can be used for various servers which implement NTLM type authentication. A comprehensive description of the NTLM authentication protocol can be found at . The library also provides subroutines to create the LanManager and NT (MD4) hashes of a password. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkolabxml-dev Description-md5: 9a7130a6d4160c839654528eb4e4caa9 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkolabxml Libkolabxml é a implementación de referencia do formato XML de Kolab. Para máis información vexa o paquete libkolabxml. . This package provides development files libkolabxml. Package: libkolabxml1v5 Description-md5: 01546898c4418aefac0ceaf3d5324602 Description-gl: Formato XML do Kolab (biblioteca compartida) Libkolabxml é a implementación de referencia do formato XML de Kolab. . The Kolab 3.0 XML format is defined in <>. . This package provides serialization/deserialization from/to in-memory representations for all Kolab Objects, including input validation. Package: libkonq-common Description-md5: 73a1a2d897e5d0a650aa7cdccc1cf175 Description-gl: Biblioteca principal de Konqueror - ficheiros de axuda Este paquete contén engadidos e ficheiros de datos empregados pola biblioteca principal de Konqueror (libkonq). . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkonq5-dev Description-md5: 2f226ba83e228f0b5364faf22a2db86e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas do Konqueror Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue as bibliotecas do Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkonq5-templates Description-md5: 11ec74e4f16a26c632d67c1e11172470 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos das bibliotecas do Konqueror Este paquete contén ficheiros de datos empregados polas bibliotecas do Konqueror. Estes ficheiros tamén son fornecidos polo paquete «kdesktop» de KDE 3. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkonq5abi1 Description-md5: b05ebb1e713fd062b30c38090c834466 Description-gl: Bibliotecas principais do Konqueror Este paquete contén bibliotecas empregadas por varios aplicativos do KDE 4, en particular por Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkonqsidebarplugin-dev Description-md5: 21c80b9900b538b1372f59aa7c8a7c12 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca do engadido da barra lateral do Konqueror Este paquete contén os cabezallos de desenvolvemento da biblioteca do engadido da barra lateral do Konqueror. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkonqsidebarplugin4a Description-md5: c0bce38e876a744abad661218cb7c4cf Description-gl: Biblioteca do engadido da barra lateral do Konqueror This package contains the base library for Konqueror sidebar plugins. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: libkontactinterface4a Description-md5: 11722926b928a5beadfe22b3cf7d3a87 Description-gl: Biblioteca da interface de Kontact This library provides the glue necessary for application "Parts" to be embedded as a Kontact component (or plugin). . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkopete-dev Description-md5: 3b3882f12954a4e957c3ccff92851f1a Description-gl: development files for the Kopete instant messaging and chat application Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento precisos para construÃr engadidos para o Kopete. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: libkopete4 Description-md5: 53bf3e2f481261e843136b6b642aa5e1 Description-gl: Biblioteca principal do Kopete Kopete is an instant messaging and chat application with support for a wide variety of services, such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, and Jabber. Advanced features and additional protocols are available as plugins. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca principal do Kopete que empregan o Kopete e os seus engadidos. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de rede de KDE. Package: libkparts4 Description-md5: 98c676da683b1bb14ce3b6e59252a0bb Description-gl: Framework for the KDE Platform Graphical Components This library implements the framework for reusable KDE components (kparts), which are elaborate widgets with a user-interface defined in terms of actions (menu items, toolbar icons). . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkpgp4 Description-md5: 65c9f8b17b96b91549ac19c7bbe64a82 Description-gl: gpg based crypto library This package contains libkpgp4, a gnupg-library for KMail and other parts of kdepim using gpg-based crypto. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkpimgapi-dev Description-md5: c1caebd71da378d3fbe1ac3bb0d049e6 Description-gl: Biblioteca da API de Google para KDE -- ficheiros de desenvolvemento LibKGAPI (previously called LibKGoogle) is a C++ library that implements APIs for various Google services. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue a biblioteca LibKGAPI. Package: libkpimidentities4 Description-md5: 75e4ad02dd356db0c8557f21a76468b9 Description-gl: Biblioteca para xestionar as identidades dos usuarios Esta biblioteca fornece unha API para xestionar as identidades dos usuarios. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkpimkdav-data Description-md5: 60fbca6518cd70f3c7a3603cade5a8f6 Description-gl: DAV protocol implementation with KJobs - data files A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkpimkdav-dev Description-md5: 6a0af4672b9b252573455212211400b4 Description-gl: DAV protocol implementation with KJobs - developer files A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkpimkdav5 Description-md5: 78a0e635375ef744f6b99b5c70366ee1 Description-gl: DAV protocol implementation with KJobs A DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libkpimtextedit4 Description-md5: 109259b7958e194638f3e7341d582dde Description-gl: library that provides a textedit with PIM-specific features KPIMTextedit provides a textedit with PIM-specific features. It also provides so-called rich text builders which can convert the formatted text in the text edit to all kinds of markup, like HTML or BBCODE. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkpimutils4 Description-md5: 30660eb3a5ff1355d85ad8ff53e390ab Description-gl: library for dealing with email addresses This library contains utility functions for dealing with email addresses. This includes parsing, splitting and munging email addresses represented as strings (e.g. in email headers); some additional functions handle non- latin1 upper- and lower-case conversions. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkprintutils4 Description-md5: fd3d73f26788fb553bf5c5fc82981d77 Description-gl: utility classes to deal with printing This library is meant to provide utility classes for using printing features in KDE applications. Currently it only provides a print preview dialog. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkpty4 Description-md5: 88650c0f22bb7f0ec349c0b6cf39f941 Description-gl: Pseudo Terminal Library for the KDE Platform This library provides primitives to interface with pseudo terminal devices as well as a KProcess derived class for running child processes and communicating with them using a pty. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkqoauth-dbg Description-md5: 34149db719b3deb734fcf447202ce1a0 Description-gl: Library for OAuth 1.0 authentication -- debugging symbols kQOAuth is a library written in C++ for Qt that implements the OAuth 1.0 authentication specification RFC 5849, but has the following features: Easy integrated solution for retrieving user authentication and access token. No external dependency to QCA. Convenient signals that can be used for easy OAuth authorization process handling. Access to request objects that will wrap request signing and network access,but still gives possibility for detailed control of the authentication process for easier integration to existing application logic. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libkqoauth-dev Description-md5: 5c7d033c54b860f6c9a1ac5012c35e00 Description-gl: Library for OAuth 1.0 authentication -- development files kQOAuth is a library written in C++ for Qt that implements the OAuth 1.0 authentication specification RFC 5849, but has the following features: Easy integrated solution for retrieving user authentication and access token. No external dependency to QCA. Convenient signals that can be used for easy OAuth authorization process handling. Access to request objects that will wrap request signing and network access,but still gives possibility for detailed control of the authentication process for easier integration to existing application logic. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkqueue-dev Description-md5: 22dd8c1f8a06dab987da1af43099fc85 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkqueue Contains the header files, manpages, and static libraries for use in developing applications that use the libkqueue library. . libkqueue is a portable userspace implementation of the kqueue(2) kernel event notification mechanism found in FreeBSD and other BSD-based operating systems. The library translates between the kevent structure and the native kernel facilities of the host machine. Package: libkreport3-3 Description-md5: 2b54b06be8ebc3edfa560ab265de546a Description-gl: report creation and generation framework -- shared library The KReport framework implements reporting functionality for creation of reports in MS Access style. They are also similar to SAP Crystal Reports and FileMaker reports. . Reports can be created interactively and programmatically. They can be previewed on screen, printed, and saved in a variety of formats such as HTML, PDF and OpenDocument. . Reports of this kind offer a way to view, format, and summarize the information. For example a simple report of contact phone numbers can be prepared, or a more complex report on sales for different products, regions, and periods of time. . A report is often filled with information from a database. There are many use cases: * The data can be displayed, summarized, sorted and grouped * Totals can be computed and displayed * Single or multiple records of data can be placed on a page * Details for individual data records can be placed in a layout * Labels can be created * The various report sections, such as title, header or footer, can be sized to suit * Reports can be generated on demand, thus eliminating saving them in files for further use . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. . This package is part of the Calligra Suite. Package: libkresources4 Description-md5: 3968e00e6b993ab3b4104c7823494ccf Description-gl: KDE Resource framework library This library provides a framework for managing resources of different types, organized in families. The Resource framework is for example used for addressbook resources in libkabc and for calendar resources in libkcal. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkrosscore4 Description-md5: 36901388f1fca67e2a2b0d8491d66b2a Description-gl: Kross Core Library Kross is a scripting bridge for the KDE Development Platform used to embed scripting functionality into an application. Kross provides an abstract API to provide scripting functionality in a interpreter-independent way. The application that uses Kross should not need to know anything about the scripting language being used. . The core of Kross provides the framework to deal transparently with interpreter-backends and offers abstract functionality to deal with scripts. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkrossui4 Description-md5: 299663dd13172b62a97dba0a445d9342 Description-gl: Kross UI Library Kross is a scripting bridge for the KDE Development Platform used to embed scripting functionality into an application. Kross provides an abstract API to provide scripting functionality in a interpreter-independent way. The application that uses Kross should not need to know anything about the scripting language being used. . The UI library of Kross provides the Kross KParts plugin and other classes aimed towards Kross integration with the KDE graphical applications. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libksane-data Description-md5: d753a147431fb431466305085aba11f7 Description-gl: scanner library (data files) - transitional package Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libksane0 Description-md5: acb7108b6da4b4d9984cb1b4264a38a4 Description-gl: scanner library (runtime) The KDE scanner library provides an API and widgets for using scanners and other imaging devices supported by SANE. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libksgrd7 Description-md5: 3db6290d075dfe9bbb485be967a4e45a Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - shared library KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libksignalplotter7 Description-md5: 3db6290d075dfe9bbb485be967a4e45a Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - shared library KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libktexteditor4 Description-md5: 2d8e60170c0b920dc40b14f799eaf14b Description-gl: KTextEditor interfaces for the KDE Platform This package provides the KTextEditor interfaces (also called KTE interfaces) that are a set of well-defined interfaces which an application or library can implement to provide advanced plain text editing services. Applications which utilise this interface can thus allow the user to choose which implementation of the editor component to use. The only implementation right now is the Kate Editor Component (Kate Part). . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libktnef4 Description-md5: 99ea31c674d2c29f873d909bc7a294ef Description-gl: library for handling TNEF data Ktnef is a library for handling data in the TNEF format (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format, a proprietary format of e-mail attachment used by Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server). The API permits access to the actual attachments, the message properties (TNEF/MAPI), and allows one to view/extract message formatted text in Rich Text Format. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libktoblzcheck1-dev Description-md5: 65bfd9e8398068d7ca62f44607efc887 Description-gl: library for verification of account numbers and bank codes (development files) libktoblzcheck is a library for verification of bank account numbers and bank codes (BLZ) of German Banks. It is based on the specifications of the "Deutsche Bundesbank". It also supports the verification of international bank account numbers (IBAN) and bank identifier codes (BIC). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libktorrent-dev Description-md5: 004248fb628b0bddaa8e906fe94c6e04 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca KTorrent The KTorrent library is a C++ / Qt 5 / KDE Frameworks based implementation of the BitTorrent protocol (mostly client side). . This package contains header files, CMake modules and other files needed for developing and compiling/linking which use the KTorrent library. Package: libkubuntu-dev Description-md5: 953bb1c0f5b54dcad1f1ce2c1884e256 Description-gl: library for Kubuntu platform integration - development files This library bundles logic required for convenient Kubuntu specific integration of Qt and KDE software, such as localization handling and on- demand capability expansion by installing packages. . Estes son os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkutils4 Description-md5: 694b339a296f5f2257295f8914329086 Description-gl: dummy transitional library This library has been split into libkcmutils4, libkprintutils4, libkidletime4 and libkemoticons4. This binary is provided to keep binary compatibility with software that was compiled against it. New software should not link against this library. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkvilib4 Description-md5: 0c38b83a31212ebcf35e05de78797704 Description-gl: KVIrc (IRC client) base library Un cliente gráfico de IRC moi configurábel cunha interface MDI, linguaxe de scripts integrada, compatibilidade con IRC DCC, navegación mediante arrastrar e soltar e moito máis. O KVIrc emprega o conxunto de trebellos de KDE e pode ser estendido empregando a súa propia linguaxe de scripts, intégrase con KDE e admite engadidos personalizados. . This package contains the main library of KVIrc. Package: libkwin4-effect-builtins1 Description-md5: c91b8e9a18d0f455169dc8d5c9d9df71 Description-gl: KDE window manager effect builtins library KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: libkwineffects11 Description-md5: 369c6490ef9bdfbd7a1b365d7c9e10e4 Description-gl: KDE window manager effects library KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: libkwinglutils11 Description-md5: 9818b64a308a0d4530a66e11e0a4ae0d Description-gl: KDE window manager gl utils library KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: libkwinxrenderutils11 Description-md5: 231d4b0bc8daef5198f9f6c5f784bc5f Description-gl: KDE window manager render utils library KWin (pronounced as one syllable "kwin") is the window manager for the KDE Plasma Desktop. It gives you complete control over your windows, making sure they're not in the way but aid you in your task. It paints the window decoration, the bar on top of every window with (configurable) buttons like close, maximize and minimize. It also handles placing of windows and switching between them. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: libkwnn0 Description-md5: 93f9ba5d0fd368cf8daf1184e167a578 Description-gl: FreeWnn library for kWnn (FreeWnn kserver) FreeWnn kserver (kWnn) is an integrated Korean input system running on Unix workstation. It supports a wide range of input methods, satisfying the needs of the Korean users from all over the world. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas de kWnn. Package: libkxl0 Description-md5: dd0a1c9b7a5112a1b0c4bcdb0855e38b Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia para desenvolver xogos KXL (Kacchan X Windows System Library) is a library targeted at game development that provides functions for simple image and sound output as well as higher level functions for text drawing, timer and events handling and image manipulation. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de tempo de execución libkxl0. Package: libkxl0-dev Description-md5: 79080d6d7255910cf654578630f5fc0e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libkxl0 KXL (Kacchan X Windows System Library) is a library targeted at game development that provides functions for simple image and sound output as well as higher level functions for text drawing, timer and events handling and image manipulation. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libkxl0. Package: libkxml2-java-doc Description-md5: 1cc142e83db7a0e1e6701086644dd1ca Description-gl: small XML parser, designed for small environments - docs kXML is a small XML pull parser, specially designed for constrained environments such as Applets, Personal Java or MIDP devices. In contrast to kXML 1, kXML 2 is based on the common XML pull API. . Pull based XML parsing combines some of the advantages of SAX and DOM: . - In contrast to push parsers (SAX), pull parsers such as kXML make it possible to model the XML processing routines after the structure of the processed XML document. Events processing is similar to an InputStream. If a part of the stream requires special handling, the parser can simply be delegated to a specialized method by handing over the parser. - While the above is also possible with an explicit DOM, DOM usually requires that the whole document structure is present in main memory. - In contrast to DOM based parsing, the XML events are accessible immediately when they are available, it is not necessary to wait for the whole tree to build up. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libkxmlrpcclient4 Description-md5: edeb79fc19342667a424ef1b21fd44f3 Description-gl: simple XML-RPC client library This library contains simple XML-RPC client support. It is used mainly by the egroupware module of kdepim, but is a complete client and is quite easy to use. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libkyotocabinet-dev Description-md5: 7a44f9afec1639df1fa43884828cb5ec Description-gl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - development headers Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkyotocabinet16v5 Description-md5: 4ecfd98bdb4e15c82c1b0b272077ff49 Description-gl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - shared library Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libkyotocabinet16v5-dbg Description-md5: dbcda2ad6dbff404e9340b43e7568313 Description-gl: Straightforward implementation of DBM - debugging symbols Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. Each key must be unique within a database. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table or B+ tree. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libkyototycoon-dev Description-md5: 3d4ee9a391332f694417c1034d224891 Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server - development headers Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various applications. . Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM. Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency, Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable databases). . Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases and its access library for client applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libkyototycoon2 Description-md5: 936f9777002796fd4a05c59ca07f02df Description-gl: Handy cache/storage server - shared library Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server with auto expiration mechanism, useful to handle cache data and persistent data of various applications. . Kyoto Tycoon provides a network interface to the Kyoto Cabinet DBM. Building on top of Kyoto Cabinet's high performance and high concurrency, Kyoto Tycoon allows multiple processes (as opposed to just multiple threads) and computers to share the same database. Providing an efficient remote database, the architecture of Kyoto Tycoon keeps this feature optional—file formats are still Kyoto Cabinet (unless using pluggable databases). . Kyoto Tycoon is composed of the server process managing multiple databases and its access library for client applications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblablgl-ocaml Description-md5: dfab78f17151d9e64ecb6ebb0bc82031 Description-gl: Bibliotecas de tempo de execución de lablgl LablGL is an OpenGL interface for Objective Caml. Since it includes support for the Togl widget you can comfortably use it with LablTk. A GtkGlarea binding for use with lablgtk is also provided. . This package contains only the dynamic libraries needed for running dynamic bytecode executables. Package: liblabltk-ocaml Description-md5: 98b424bfb760d054aec723f15c667970 Description-gl: OCaml bindings to Tcl/Tk (runtime libraries) mlTk is a library for interfacing OCaml with the scripting language Tcl/Tk. . In addition to the basic interface with Tcl/Tk, this package contains * the "jpf" library, written by Jun P. Furuse; it contains a "file selector" and "balloon help" support; * the "frx" library, written by Francois Rouaix; * the "tkanim" library, which supports animated gif loading/display. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución. Package: liblam4 Description-md5: 58d74167c19333440b1f8ad3df2db572 Description-gl: Shared libraries used by LAM parallel programs LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) is an open source implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblaser-geometry-dev Description-md5: edd270d0b6c72d46e4f0a37b95a401f7 Description-gl: Robot OS laser geometry package - development files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to account for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liblaser-geometry0d Description-md5: 8edec42adfb9f2a43e55f7a57caf5839 Description-gl: Robot OS laser geometry package This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to account for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: liblash-compat-1debian0 Description-md5: a344c05860ad8d2e8619ada4aff36137 Description-gl: LASH compatibility library liblash-compat is a library and associated header files, that aims to provide lash environment for apps that can use it. Currently it does not interact with ladish daemon yet. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblasi-dev Description-md5: bf014463cc61f96d6640a722073a5890 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento e documentación da biblioteca LASi LASi is a library that provides a C++ stream output interface (with operator <<) for creating PostScript documents that can contain characters from any of the scripts and symbol blocks supported in Unicode and by the Pango layout engine. The library accommodates right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew as easily as left-to-right scripts. Indic and Indic- derived Complex Text Layout (CTL) scripts, such as Devanagari, Thai, Lao, and Tibetan are supported to the extent provided by Pango and by the OpenType fonts installed on your system. All of this is provided without need for any special configuration or layout calculation on the programmer's part. . This package contains the development files as well as the HTML documentation for LASi. Package: liblastfm-dbg Description-md5: 103d2b525201ae6ef545a32e30c0f03c Description-gl: Debugging symbols for the web services library (Qt4 build) liblastfm is a collection of C++/Qt4 libraries provided by for use with their web services. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas liblastfm. Package: liblastfm1 Description-md5: d7dbf2444abc62e63f9c2b7a6ab45eb8 Description-gl: web services library (Qt4 build) liblastfm is a collection of C++/Qt4 libraries provided by for use with their web services. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de servizos web base. Package: liblastfm5-1 Description-md5: 8cbd2f4af1315550eefdd1a74c344421 Description-gl: web services library (Qt5 build) liblastfm is a collection of C++/Qt5 libraries provided by for use with their web services. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de servizos web base. Package: liblastfm5-dbg Description-md5: f9415ee81b8346276459d6f87b5b656d Description-gl: Debugging symbols for the web services library (Qt5 build) liblastfm is a collection of C++/Qt5 libraries provided by for use with their web services. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas liblastfm. Package: liblavfile-2.1-0 Description-md5: 38a736e7069b6dfa199186431d6a7cae Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . This package contains the shared lavfile library. Package: liblavjpeg-2.1-0 Description-md5: a40179b56ec649841a590b52d455bf8c Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . This package contains the shared lavjpeg library. Package: liblavplay-2.1-0 Description-md5: 1454827fa9ed2f2f80f8409f9f4c6bb9 Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . This package contains the shared lavplay library. Package: liblaxjson-dev Description-md5: edca0d150aa8ffdf7efacf79c07e0139 Description-gl: relaxed streaming JSON parser library (development files) Official JSON is almost human-readable and human-writable. Disabling a few of the strict rules makes it significantly more so. . This library is intended for parsing user input, such as a config file. It is not intended for serializing or deserializing, or as a format for computer-to- computer communication. . This relaxed streaming JSON parser allows: * unquoted keys * single quotes `'` * `//` and `/* */` style comments * extra commas `,` in arrays and objects . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liblbfgs-dev Description-md5: d5f65742152dd99ff4338f3d17c1fa28 Description-gl: L-BFGS solver for unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems Solves nonlinear optimization problems using the limited-memory BFGS method. The user specifies a callback C function that returns the value and gradients of the cost function at a particular operating point. This library estimates the Hessians from user input, and applies Newton's method iteratively to find a local minimum of the cost function. This is a small library, written in C with minimal dependencies. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: liblbfgsb-dev Description-md5: 37a00bbe01fedfbb7e538ca0f027a39e Description-gl: Limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization (static library) Fortran library implementing limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization as described in [1,2,3]. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática. . [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal. A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization, (1995), SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing , 16, 5, pp. 1190-1208. . [2] C. Zhu, R. H. Byrd and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (1997), ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 23, Num. 4, pp. 550 - 560. . [3] J.L. Morales and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Remark on Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (2011), to appear in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. Package: liblbfgsb0 Description-md5: 72eba37b54e9327545a3ad001c7f7b82 Description-gl: Limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization Fortran library implementing limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization as described in [1,2,3]. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. . [1] R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal. A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization, (1995), SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing , 16, 5, pp. 1190-1208. . [2] C. Zhu, R. H. Byrd and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (1997), ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 23, Num. 4, pp. 550 - 560. . [3] J.L. Morales and J. Nocedal. L-BFGS-B: Remark on Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (2011), to appear in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. Package: liblcas-dev Description-md5: 6fa888ff103c3aea31684ea02818624b Description-gl: Local Centre Authorization Service development files LCAS makes binary ('yes' or 'no') authorization decisions at the site and resource level. In making this decision, it can use a variety of inputs: the 'grid' name of the user (the Subject Distinguished Name), any VO attributes the user has (like VOMS FQANs), the name of the executable the user intends to execute. It supports basic black and white list functionality, but also more complex VOMS-based expressions, based on the GACL language. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento. Package: liblcm-doc Description-md5: d0cb3eb9e1c4a3fe48f4d82e3e331004 Description-gl: Lightweight Communications and Marshalling LCM is a set of libraries and tools for message passing and data marshalling, targeted at real-time systems where high-bandwidth and low latency are critical. It provides a publish/subscribe message passing model and automatic marshalling/unmarshalling code generation with bindings for applications in a variety of programming languages. . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: liblcmaps-dev Description-md5: 725bd457bed333109c253421c99257e0 Description-gl: LCMAPS development libraries The Local Centre MAPping Service (LCMAPS) is a security middleware component that processes the users Grid credentials (typically X.509 proxy certificates and VOMS attributes) and maps the user to a local account based on the site local policy. . It is a highly configurable pluggable interface, and many plugins are available to tailor almost every need. Since this is middleware, it does not interact with the user directly; to use it in a program please see the lcmaps-*-interface packages. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento. Package: liblemon-dev Description-md5: 6d09ae0ec67d01dc6cbd33511371e9ea Description-gl: Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks (development) LEMON stands for Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks. It is a C++ template library providing efficient implementations of common data structures and algorithms with focus on combinatorial optimization tasks connected mainly with graphs and networks. . LEMON is a member of the COIN-OR initiative, a collection of OR related open source projects. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: liblemon-doc Description-md5: 61c316ad77ba4a2d47757a372ee69543 Description-gl: Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks (doc) LEMON stands for Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks. It is a C++ template library providing efficient implementations of common data structures and algorithms with focus on combinatorial optimization tasks connected mainly with graphs and networks. . LEMON is a member of the COIN-OR initiative, a collection of OR related open source projects. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: liblemon1.3.1 Description-md5: c6c8e59e3ec8e8fa899ed159c2a89cc5 Description-gl: Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks LEMON stands for Library for Efficient Modeling and Optimization in Networks. It is a C++ template library providing efficient implementations of common data structures and algorithms with focus on combinatorial optimization tasks connected mainly with graphs and networks. . LEMON is a member of the COIN-OR initiative, a collection of OR related open source projects. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblensfun-dev Description-md5: b4fe2db5f17badc3f5039ae5edc6e3ea Description-gl: Lens Correction library - Development files Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects: * mounts * cameras * lenses . It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts: * distortion * transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations * vignetting * colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish" images) . It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liblensfun-doc Description-md5: dd10710bee208ac2aa4a787e650f41ee Description-gl: Lens Correction library - Documentation Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects: * mounts * cameras * lenses . It is used in various photo-related software in which it allows the correction of various artifacts: * distortion * transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations * vignetting * colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish" images) . It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libleveldb-cil-dev Description-md5: 8f2107373da1d497bcfac37827da9f79 Description-gl: portable C# binding for the C API of the LevelDB library - development files LevelDB é unha biblioteca rápida de almacenamento de claves-valores escriba en Google que fornece unha asignación ordenada de claves de cadeas a valores de cadeas. . This package contains development files for the C# bindings for LevelDB, and should be used for compilation. Package: libleveldb1.2-cil Description-md5: 29d7da7637d75ccb423a21c5e34928ee Description-gl: portable C# binding for the C API of the LevelDB library LevelDB é unha biblioteca rápida de almacenamento de claves-valores escriba en Google que fornece unha asignación ordenada de claves de cadeas a valores de cadeas. . This package provides C# bindings for LevelDB Package: liblfunction-dev Description-md5: a8f585ae8d07cafd0fdc90ebc5b85e8a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de liblfunction liblfunction is a library for computing zeros and values of L-functions. Supported L-functions include the Riemann zeta function, the L-function of the Ramanujan delta function, and L-functions of elliptic curves defined over the rationals. . This package contains the development files for the library. Package: liblightify-dev Description-md5: ba1766015e20aae606c92a8a70ea577d Description-gl: library to control OSRAM Lightify (development files) Lightify the OSRAM's product line of inteligent light sources, controlled via the Lightify gateway, acting as a bridge for ZigBee Light Link protocol. . This C library offers a API to directly talk to the Lightify gateway via TCP/IP and control the attached lamps. . The library supports control functions -- like setting the color, color temperature, dim level and on/off control -- and management functions like . Note: A ZigBee is standardized, all ZigBee LightLink compatible products should work with this library, when controlled using the OSRAM Lightify gateway. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liblilv-0-0 Description-md5: d7a961f5c50bec814087fe7b3bb663c9 Description-gl: library for simple use of LV2 plugins Lilv (formerly SLV2) is a library for LV2 hosts intended to make using LV2 Plugins as simple as possible (without sacrificing capabilities). . Lilv is the successor to SLV2, rewritten to be significantly faster and have minimal dependencies. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblink-grammar5 Description-md5: a11da3adcce316ad119e709647d6e2de Description-gl: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (libraries) In Sleator, D. and Temperley, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar" (1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar. . link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a grammar checker. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblinphone5 Description-md5: 695832ba12a16225ea2d4aef9024cbaf Description-gl: Linphone's shared library part (supporting the SIP protocol) Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. It has a GTK+ and console interface, includes a large variety of audio and video codecs, and provides IM features. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: liblinux-kernelsort-perl Description-md5: 107606c2be267350ce8dc10c2b3581ad Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para ordenar as cadeas de versión do kernel Linux This is the CPAN Perl module Linux::KernelSort. . Linux::KernelSort is intended to sort a list of kernel versions into ascending order. It also provides the capability to compare two kernel versions and determine if one version is newer, older, or the same as the other version. Package: liblip-dev Description-md5: 4ee83e31f3d395f9f7925d0040a719d4 Description-gl: reliable interpolation of multivariate scattered data Lip interpolates scattered multivariate data with a Lipschitz function. . Methods of interpolation of multivariate scattered data are scarce. The programming library Lip implements a new method by G. Beliakov, which relies on building reliable lower and upper approximations of Lipschitz functions. If we assume that the function that we want to interpolate is Lipschitz-continuous, we can provide tight bounds on its values at any point, in the worse case scenario. Thus we obtain the interpolant, which approximates the unknown Lipschitz function f best in the worst case scenario. This translates into reliable learning of f, something that other methods cannot do (the error of approximation of most other methods can be infinitely large, depending on what f generated the data). . Lipschitz condition implies that the rate of change of the function is bounded: . |f(x)-f(y)|<M||x-y||. . It is easily interpreted as the largest slope of the function f. f needs not be differentiable. . The interpolant based on the Lipschitz properties of the function is piecewise linear, it possesses many useful properties, and it is shown that it is the best possible approximation to f in the worst case scenario. The value of the interpolant depends on the data points in the immediate neigbourhood of the point in question, and in this sense, the method is similar to the natural neighbour interpolation. . There are two methods of construction and evaluation of the interpolant. The explicit method processes all data points to find the neighbours of the point in question. It does not require any preprocessing, but the evaluation of the interpolant has linear complexity O(K) in terms of the number of data. . "Fast" method requires substantial preprocessing in the case of more than 3-4 variables, but then it provides O(log K) evaluation time, and thus is suitable for very large data sets (K of order of 500000) and modest dimension (n=1-4). For larger dimension, explicit method becomes practically more efficient. The class library Lip implements both fast and explicit methods. Package: liblip2 Description-md5: 4ee83e31f3d395f9f7925d0040a719d4 Description-gl: reliable interpolation of multivariate scattered data Lip interpolates scattered multivariate data with a Lipschitz function. . Methods of interpolation of multivariate scattered data are scarce. The programming library Lip implements a new method by G. Beliakov, which relies on building reliable lower and upper approximations of Lipschitz functions. If we assume that the function that we want to interpolate is Lipschitz-continuous, we can provide tight bounds on its values at any point, in the worse case scenario. Thus we obtain the interpolant, which approximates the unknown Lipschitz function f best in the worst case scenario. This translates into reliable learning of f, something that other methods cannot do (the error of approximation of most other methods can be infinitely large, depending on what f generated the data). . Lipschitz condition implies that the rate of change of the function is bounded: . |f(x)-f(y)|<M||x-y||. . It is easily interpreted as the largest slope of the function f. f needs not be differentiable. . The interpolant based on the Lipschitz properties of the function is piecewise linear, it possesses many useful properties, and it is shown that it is the best possible approximation to f in the worst case scenario. The value of the interpolant depends on the data points in the immediate neigbourhood of the point in question, and in this sense, the method is similar to the natural neighbour interpolation. . There are two methods of construction and evaluation of the interpolant. The explicit method processes all data points to find the neighbours of the point in question. It does not require any preprocessing, but the evaluation of the interpolant has linear complexity O(K) in terms of the number of data. . "Fast" method requires substantial preprocessing in the case of more than 3-4 variables, but then it provides O(log K) evaluation time, and thus is suitable for very large data sets (K of order of 500000) and modest dimension (n=1-4). For larger dimension, explicit method becomes practically more efficient. The class library Lip implements both fast and explicit methods. Package: libliquid1d Description-md5: 6486af54628b5f0f55546e4f7d5b8967 Description-gl: signal processing library for software defined radio liquid-dsp is a free and open-source digital signal processing (DSP) library designed specifically for software defined radios on embedded platforms. The aim is to provide a lightweight DSP library that does not rely on a myriad of external dependencies or proprietary and otherwise cumbersome frameworks. All signal processing elements are designed to be flexible, scalable, and dynamic, including filters, filter design, oscillators, modems, synchronizers, and complex mathematical operations. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblivemedia58 Description-md5: 397c42cf281fd42e67fa28db96d3711a Description-gl: multimedia RTSP streaming library The streaming media code is a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries can be used to build applications to stream, receive and process MPEG, H.263+ or JPEG video, several audio codecs, and can easily be extended to support additional codecs. They can also be used to build basic RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) or SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) clients and servers. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca liveMedia, que define unha xerarquÃa de clases - con raÃz na clase «Medium» - para diversos tipos de medios e códecs de retransmisión. Package: liblnk1 Description-md5: 85314865eac7cf483d7c93b144d957c3 Description-gl: Windows Shortcut File format access library liblnk is a library to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libloadpng4-dev Description-md5: 8382fb1c7cd5b4080ea300508a818113 Description-gl: development files for the PNG loading addon for Allegro 4 Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para libloadpng. . This add-on for Allegro will allow you to load and save PNG images using standard Allegro image handling functions as if they were normal bitmaps. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: liblog-fast-perl Description-md5: 688497acffbba8ad5591844cd8e08524 Description-gl: fast and flexible logger Log::Fast is very fast logger, designed for use in applications with thousands high-level events/operations per second (like network servers with thousands clients or web spiders which download hundreds url per second). . For example, on Core2Duo sending about 5000 messages to log on enabled log levels or 20000 messages on disabled log levels in one second will slow down your application only by 2-3%. . Comparing to some other CPAN modules, this one (in average): faster than Log::Dispatch in about 45 times, faster than Log::Handler in about 15 times, faster than Sys::Syslog in about 7 times, and slower than Log::Syslog::Fast in about 2 times. . Funcionalidades: . * Global and local logger objects * Output to any open filehandle or local syslog * 5 log levels: ERR, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG * Configurable prefix (log level, date/time, caller function name) * sprintf() support * Unicode support (UTF8) * Can avoid calculating log message content on disabled log levels Package: liblog4c3 Description-md5: bf0e59217bb8b62c9e3c550e222d0a17 Description-gl: C library for flexible logging (runtime) Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. . It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca log4c. Package: liblog4cpp5v5 Description-md5: 68d5b2e0f1d83d2c6f6871e2264076af Description-gl: C++ library for flexible logging (runtime) Log for C++ is a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca log4cpp. Package: liblog4cxx-doc Description-md5: 4b776974b9f5373aa028dc3d9b3ca361 Description-gl: Documentación de log4cxx Log4cxx is the C++ port of log4j, a logging framework for JAVA. Log4cxx attempts to mimic log4j usage as much as the language will allow and to be compatible with log4j configuration and output formats. . This package provides doxygen documentation for the library. Package: liblog4cxx10-doc Description-md5: a5c70a34a725d9686b35df7c07ab71d6 Description-gl: Documentation for log4cxx -- transitional dummy package Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: liblog4shib1v5 Description-md5: 89a9e4cdc579a0119619908dbf2aec8a Description-gl: log4j-style configurable logging library for C++ (runtime) log4shib provides a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog, and other destinations. It is modeled after the log4j Java library, staying as close to that API as is reasonable. . log4shib is a fork of the log4cpp library with additional fixes and modifications to improve its thread safety and robustness. It is primarily intended for use by the Shibboleth web authentication system. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca log4shib. Package: liblog4tango-doc Description-md5: 693a61f7dee770dd29b5887a0484bfc4 Description-gl: logging for TANGO - documentation Log for TANGO is a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for C++ library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca log4tango5. Package: liblog4tango5v5 Description-md5: 5b6d17c76c7e93692ab52e5228f009db Description-gl: logging for TANGO - shared library Log for TANGO is a library of C++ classes for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for C++ library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca log4tango5. Package: liblogg4-dev Description-md5: eb3eb8af55cb95f13f93a90341a19233 Description-gl: development files for the OGG loading addon for Allegro 4 Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para liblogg. . liblogg is an Allegro add-on library for playing OGG/Vorbis audio files. It can load OGG/Vorbis files as Allegro SAMPLE's, or it can stream them from disk to save memory. . Allegro is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform. Package: liblogging-stdlog-dev Description-md5: 9bd79eb101489b1f7eed2b7eedd207c0 Description-gl: easy to use and lightweight logging library - development files Liblogging consists of several components with stdlog being the core component. Think of liblogging-stdlog as the next version of the syslog(3) API. It retains the simple semantics, but makes the API more sophisticated "behind the scenes" with better support for multiple threads and flexibility for different log destinations. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liblogging-stdlog0 Description-md5: 2f69b0ca5fc6e37dafcc94825ddfa48d Description-gl: easy to use and lightweight logging library Liblogging consists of several components with stdlog being the core component. Think of liblogging-stdlog as the next version of the syslog(3) API. It retains the simple semantics, but makes the API more sophisticated "behind the scenes" with better support for multiple threads and flexibility for different log destinations. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblognorm-dev Description-md5: 654a6e3655d22aa1048381f5e3b1ef99 Description-gl: log normalizing library - development files Liblognorm is an event and log normalization library that is capable of real-time processing. It provides the capability to normalize events to a set of standard formats. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liblognorm5 Description-md5: da67a845ae86bc40b52f7b465cdfaed7 Description-gl: log normalizing library Liblognorm is an event and log normalization library that is capable of real-time processing. It provides the capability to normalize events to a set of standard formats. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libloki0.1.7v5-dbg Description-md5: fdb9bc54831b9595d89b58b8ba1359e7 Description-gl: C++ library of generic design patterns (debug information) Loki is a ("the"?) C++ library of generic programming techniques, containing flexible implementations of common design patterns and idioms. It is an essential library for modern C++ programming and exposes many cool features of the language. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros do paquete libloki. Package: liblouisxml-data Description-md5: f1698552972b3e49ac6803768bc8c1d6 Description-gl: Braille XML translation library - data Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. . Este paquete contén os datos do tempo de execución. Package: liblouisxml-dev Description-md5: 505f2e6a54482766afe610fdb72d5335 Description-gl: Braille XML translation library - static libs and headers Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas estáticas e cabezallos de desenvolvemento. Package: liblouisxml1 Description-md5: 84e59cb1f8e15c150d918fed9f884e56 Description-gl: Braille XML translation library - shared libs Liblouisxml translates files in the computer lingua franca xml format into properly transcribed braille. This includes translation into grade two, if desired, mathematical codes, etc. It also includes formatting according to a built-in style sheet which can be modified by the user. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: liblrcalc1 Description-md5: 14aa2ad4875f6a3eadc4b1fa034a7c75 Description-gl: library for calculating Littlewood-Richardson coefficients The "Littlewood-Richardson Calculator" is a package of C programs for computing Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, providing fast calculation of single LR coefficients, products of Schur functions, and skew Schur functions. Its interface uses the same notation as the SF package of John Stembridge, to make it easier to use both packages at the same time. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblsofui7 Description-md5: 3db6290d075dfe9bbb485be967a4e45a Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - shared library KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libltc-dev Description-md5: a3718909b21507cdf04a4042ff2c7107 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libltc Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to timecode. . This package contains files needed for application development. Package: libltc-doc Description-md5: 184b0d3e2185713da2143eae47e8a22f Description-gl: Documentación de libltc Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to timecode. . This package contains the API reference (as manpages) for the development of applications. Package: libltc11 Description-md5: 0c3e518ac9ebfefd908e0a00c7bd1add Description-gl: linear timecode library Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltc provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to timecode. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libltcsmpte-dev Description-md5: 63e97df55abf275f12fda803fe7c9105 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libltcsmpte Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltcsmpte provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to SMPTE and can perform framerate conversion tasks. . This package contains files needed for the development of JACK applications. Package: libltcsmpte-doc Description-md5: 993ab5a349d248d4719eae6324371422 Description-gl: Documentación de libltcsmpte Linear (or Longitudinal) Timecode (LTC) is an encoding of SMPTE timecode data as a Manchester-Biphase encoded audio signal. The audio signal is commonly recorded on a VTR track or other storage media. libltcsmpte provides functionality to both encode and decode LTC from/to SMPTE and can perform framerate conversion tasks. . This package contains the API reference (as manpages) for the development of JACK applications. Package: liblua5.1-0 Description-md5: bc352b5115dff05ff2aede2bb7cb6dbb Description-gl: Shared library for the Lua interpreter version 5.1 Lua é unha linguaxe de programación potente e lixeira deseñada para estender aplicativos. O motor da linguaxe é accesÃbel como se for unha biblioteca por ter unha API para C que permite que os aplicativos intercambien datos cos programas en Lua e tamén estender Lua con funcións en C. Lua tamén se emprega como linguaxe autónoma de propósito xeral mediante o intérprete sinxelo para a liña de ordes que se fornece. . This package contains runtime libraries. You shouldn't need to install it explicitly. Package: liblua5.1-0-dev Description-md5: 883de8c555030d5626a244d06f1d320d Description-gl: Development files for the Lua language version 5.1 Lua é unha linguaxe de programación potente e lixeira deseñada para estender aplicativos. O motor da linguaxe é accesÃbel como se for unha biblioteca por ter unha API para C que permite que os aplicativos intercambien datos cos programas en Lua e tamén estender Lua con funcións en C. Lua tamén se emprega como linguaxe autónoma de propósito xeral mediante o intérprete sinxelo para a liña de ordes que se fornece. . This package contains developer resources for using the Lua library. Install it if you are developing programs which use the Lua C API, both in C or C++. Package: liblua5.1-bitop-dev Description-md5: a809bef2a2bf80f2da92e62d93eba2a8 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-bitop-dev Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete lua-bitop-dev. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: liblua5.1-bitop0 Description-md5: 5418a4da56aec51f8f7f6769e52ae084 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para lua-bitop Este é un paquete transitorio para facilitar as actualizacións ao paquete lua-bitop. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: liblucene++-dev Description-md5: 4519492e24b3a040f229b0fc6b8f39db Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Lucene++ Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liblucene++-doc Description-md5: 9c9853c8d1e9187d6b83f1b5d6d91e47 Description-gl: Manual de referencia de Lucene++ Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine. . This package contains the reference manual and examples. Package: liblucene++0v5 Description-md5: d589a4bd4bc8ae15b105cb8e241bfcc2 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para Lucene++ Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liblucene2-java-doc Description-md5: 57a0b81d07ad1ac4b635dd8416aa35d9 Description-gl: Documentación do Lucene Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language. Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications. This package contains class API documentation for Lucene. Package: liblucene3-java-doc Description-md5: 7aba462e5fbf51587e67102b90c461ce Description-gl: Documentación do Lucene Lucene is a full-text search engine for the Java(TM) programming language. Lucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add search capabilities to applications. . This package contains class API documentation for Lucene. Package: liblucy-perl Description-md5: 749b2b01691f4676ad8ebafa6bb514b3 Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de busca The Apache Lucy search engine library delivers high-performance, modular full-text search. . Features: * Extremely fast. A single machine can handle millions of documents. * Scalable to multiple machines. * Incremental indexing (addition/deletion of documents to/from an existing index). * Configurable near-real-time index updates. * Unicode support. * Support for boolean operators AND, OR, and AND NOT; parenthetical groupings; prepended +plus and -minus. * Algorithmic selection of relevant excerpts and highlighting of search terms within excerpts. * Highly customizable query and indexing APIs. * Customizable sorting. * Phrase matching. * Stemming. * Stoplists. Package: liblunar-1-0 Description-md5: 3752877f13fb349fcf5b1486785b177f Description-gl: Chinese Lunar library This library provide a struct to covert between Chinese lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. . Tamén fornece un trebello en GTK+ que pode mostrar o calendario lunar chinés. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: liblunar-1-dev Description-md5: 5e8b2b8fea55578ad4dfbd5dbb8b7df2 Description-gl: Development files for the Chinese Lunar library This library provide a struct to covert between Chinese lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. . Tamén fornece un trebello en GTK+ que pode mostrar o calendario lunar chinés. . This package is needed to compile programs against liblunar-1-0, as only it includes the header files and static libraries (optionally) needed for compiling. Package: liblunar-1-doc Description-md5: ec9c9ef6800b93d00fb1bd1277ffc892 Description-gl: Documentation for the Chinese Lunar library This library provide a struct to covert between Chinese lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. . Tamén fornece un trebello en GTK+ que pode mostrar o calendario lunar chinés. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Chinese lunar library in /usr/share/doc/liblunar-1-doc/. Package: liblunar-date-dev Description-md5: 2f53d98c2c2f94f86fcee1458fd7456b Description-gl: Chinese Lunar library based on GObject - develop files Lunar-date is a Chinese Lunar library based on GObject, which can covert between Chinese lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento: cabeceiras de C e biblioteca estática. Package: liblwipv6-dev Description-md5: 3481b819111ba206552d606560a3225a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca LWIPv6 LWIPv6 is a user level TCP/IP stack with the following features: . Physical layer: ARP support, TUN/TAP/VDE drivers support. . Network layer: IP forwarding, fragmentation, NAT, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration, Router Advertising support. . Transport layer: TCP: congestion control, RTT estimation, fast recovery, fast retransmit; UDP. . Berkeley Socket API: Protocol families PF_INET, PF_INET6, PF_PACKET, partial PF_NETLINK support; Socket types SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW support. . LWIPv6 is used, for instance, by a UMView module to support user level networking and configuration, usually together with VDE. . LWIPv6, along with UMView, is part of the View-OS project: . This package contains the files needed to compile applications that link LWIPv6. Package: liblz-dev Description-md5: a084d46963a96b29cebe664999d6a5f6 Description-gl: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (development) The lzlib compression library provides in-memory LZMA compression and decompression functions, including integrity checking of the uncompressed data. The compressed data format used by the library is the lzip format. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libm4ri-dev Description-md5: 030bd5d8b65bd75b686c09309aec2b1b Description-gl: Method of the Four Russians Inversion library, development files M4RI is a library for fast arithmetic with dense matrices over F2. The name M4RI comes from the first implemented algorithm: The "Method of the Four Russians" inversion algorithm. This algorithm in turn is named after the "Method of the Four Russians" multiplication algorithm which is probably better referred to as Kronrod's method. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para libm4ri. Package: libmac-widgets-doc Description-md5: 6d806e61dbf0b164c7eabb2d27a979fb Description-gl: Documentación de libmac-widgets-java This package contains the javadoc API documentation for libmac-widgets- java, a collection of Mac style widgets written in Java Package: libmad0 Description-md5: 6128449b12eb51be6ddf26acb2183872 Description-gl: Biblioteca de decodificación de son MPEG MAD é un decodificador de son MPEG. Actualmente só admite o padrón MPEG 1 mais inclúe completamente as tres capas de son (Capa I, Capa II e Capa II, esta última coñecida coloquialmente como MP3) . MAD has the following special features: - 100% fixed-point (integer) computation - completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC 11172-3 standard - distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) Package: libmad0-dev Description-md5: bf2478178701150aac144fa1b8a3ff5f Description-gl: Biblioteca de desenvolvemento do descodificador de son MPEG MAD é un decodificador de son MPEG. Actualmente só admite o padrón MPEG 1 mais inclúe completamente as tres capas de son (Capa I, Capa II e Capa II, esta última coñecida coloquialmente como MP3) . Este é o paquete preciso para desenvolver ou compilar aplicativos que empreguen MAD. Package: libmadlib Description-md5: 92c0ed7d320e7f0c18c8e3e41c87cb30 Description-gl: mesh adaptation library Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas de MAdLib. . MAdLib is a library that performs global node repositioning and mesh adaptation by local mesh modifications on tetrahedral or triangular meshes. It is designed to frequently adapt the mesh in transient computations. MAdLib is written in C++. . The adaptation procedure is driven by two objectives: . - make the edge lengths as close as possible to a (non-homogenous) prescribed length, . - maintain a satisfying element quality everywhere. . MAdLib can be used in transient computations in order to maintain a satisfying element quality (moving boundaries, multiphase flows with interface tracking, ...) or/and to apply selective refinements and coarsenings (error estimators based, interface capturing: shocks, free surfaces, ...). Package: libmailtransport4 Description-md5: 08e4da3f054729c341094dd6bb7f2f3c Description-gl: mail transport service library Mailtransport is a library that provides the following functionality: . * Shared mail transport settings. * GUI elements to configure mail transport settings. * Job classes for mail sending. . This package also contains a KDE control module which can be embedded into your application to provide mail transport configuration. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libmaliit0 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libmama0 Description-md5: a6dc58bc4513beaab71a0f9d290f828a Description-gl: message oriented middleware - shared libraries OpenMAMA is a high performance Middleware Agnostic Messaging API that provides a consistent abstraction layer over a variety of message oriented middlewares. OpenMAMA is an open source project hosted at The Linux Foundation. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas centrais. Package: libmapcache1 Description-md5: 4fc54d3ae76fdbcec473dad35147ef08 Description-gl: tile caching server - shared library Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. . MapCache is a server that implements tile caching to speed up access to WMS layers. The primary objectives are to be fast and easily deployable, while offering the essential features (and more!) expected from a tile caching solution. Package: libmapserver2 Description-md5: b1a0e7b7cf78d706db342cfe372ebbfe Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para MapServer Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: libmarble-dev Description-md5: 98d446a5b223b2b403ecbbf11613e987 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca do trebellos do globo de Marble O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue a biblioteca de trebellos do globo de Marble. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libmarblewidget-qt5-28 Description-md5: 2a9945efd67150389c70c7f1b8d76e97 Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos do globo de Marble O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas para o biblioteca de trebellosdo globo de Marble. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: libmarco-dev Description-md5: 88b205f6c74893832a5b077c4bca9018 Description-gl: library for Marco window manager (development files) Marco é un xestor de xanelas pequeno que emprega GTK+ para facelo todo. Desenvólvese principalmente para o escritorio MATE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmarco-private1 Description-md5: 8d8d482e47ca934ede42f00ce29f81b7 Description-gl: library for Marco window manager Marco é un xestor de xanelas pequeno que emprega GTK+ para facelo todo. Desenvólvese principalmente para o escritorio MATE. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libmarisa-dev Description-md5: 7a201793bb3187684655abe53fb2035e Description-gl: developement files for libmarisa Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge (MARISA) is a static and space-efficient trie data structure. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para compilar programas que dependan de MARISA. Package: libmate-desktop-doc Description-md5: 85f62c1094850474d17679faeb2b838a Description-gl: Library with common API for various MATE modules (documentation files) The MATE component mate-desktop contains the libmate-desktop library, the mate-about program, as well as some desktop-wide documents. . The libmate-desktop library provides an API shared by several applications on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various reasons. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libmate-menu-dev Description-md5: 81eaaac40d40b7327dcc3a9e2fbf7b6e Description-gl: implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE (development files) The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmate-menu2 Description-md5: 2b1b57b7cf893bb2cfceb3ee05d6a9cb Description-gl: implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE (library) The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . This package contains the actual library files. Package: libmate-window-settings-dev Description-md5: eddb40b3dbdfa0869e80153aa7d831ac Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio MATE (cabeceiras da configuración das xanelas) The MATE control center contains configuration applets for the MATE desktop, allowing to set accessibility configuration, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface properties, screen resolution, and other MATE parameters. . This package contains the development files for the MATE window settings library. Package: libmate-window-settings1 Description-md5: b76e69d3206e1aeb9f05e0fe64168d0d Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio MATE (biblioteca de configuración das xanelas) The MATE control center contains configuration applets for the MATE desktop, allowing to set accessibility configuration, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface properties, screen resolution, and other MATE parameters. . This package contains the MATE window settings library for MATE control center. Package: libmatekbd-common Description-md5: 53b275bca5c7b0f568c8d001b53babd1 Description-gl: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (common files) libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: libmatekbd-dev Description-md5: e93ff714a09bcc1f566662d5ddbcdc7a Description-gl: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration (development files) libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmatekbd4 Description-md5: 9a1c8c8e2f16cc90311d6a8a0e172942 Description-gl: MATE library to manage keyboard configuration libmatekbd offers an API to manage the keyboard in MATE applications. . libmatekbdui offers an API to display a graphical user interface for libmatekbd operations. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libmatemixer-common Description-md5: 6e955858d8f287ee6e129c78756630e0 Description-gl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop (common files) Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: libmatemixer-dev Description-md5: 7526072c404dcc017d8a08fd6825ab48 Description-gl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop (development files) Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmatemixer-doc Description-md5: 8531d121ec18147407f6c941c4ffbc42 Description-gl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop (documentation files) Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libmatemixer0 Description-md5: c57ac9885ede64f133c8d56c665bf7f8 Description-gl: Mixer library for MATE Desktop Mixer library for MATE Desktop. It provides an abstract API allowing access to mixer functionality available in the PulseAudio, ALSA and OSS sound systems. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libmateweather-common Description-md5: 9b1f8dc5a0ae5b5a23a35bcf93001f27 Description-gl: MateWeather shared library (common files) libmateweather é unha biblioteca para acceder a información meteorolóxica de servizos da rede para numerosos lugares. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: libmateweather-dev Description-md5: 044d4a59ee16ee9c8ff70692d143b78d Description-gl: MateWeather shared library (development files) libmateweather é unha biblioteca para acceder a información meteorolóxica de servizos da rede para numerosos lugares. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmateweather1 Description-md5: 018883b44fead614d635fdbc4535af89 Description-gl: MateWeather shared library libmateweather é unha biblioteca para acceder a información meteorolóxica de servizos da rede para numerosos lugares. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmath-calculus-newtonraphson-perl Description-md5: 984da4bd93093cd67a805d62a30542a4 Description-gl: Algebraic Newton Raphson Implementation The Math::Calculus::NewtonRaphson module takes an algebraic expression, parses it and then uses the Newton Raphson method to solve it. The Newton Raphson method relies on the fact that the expression you pass in evaluates to zero where there is a solution. That is, to solve:- . x^2 = 5 . You would need to pass in:- . x^2 - 5 . It understands expressions containing any of the operators +, -, *, / and ^ (raise to power), bracketed expressions to enable correct precedence and the functions ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, sec, cosec, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, cosech, coth, asin, acos, atan, asinh, acosh and atanh. Package: libmath-geometry-voronoi-perl Description-md5: 1670b594515c36ffe0c0b2987fe145e9 Description-gl: Perl module to compute Voronoi diagrams from sets of points Math::Geometry::Voronoi computes Voronoi diagrams from a set of input points. This module is a wrapper around a C implementation by Steve Fortune, the inventor of the algorithm used (Fortune's algorithm), that was further modified by Derek Bradley. . Info on Voronoi diagrams can be found here: . Package: libmath-prime-util-gmp-perl Description-md5: c652df25ba7baf70f97b9ebaab45379b Description-gl: Utilidades relacionadas cos números primos empregando GMP Math::Prime::Util::GMP contains a set of utilities related to prime numbers, using GMP. This includes primality tests, getting primes in a range, and factoring. . While it certainly can be used directly, the main purpose of this module is for Math::Prime::Util. That module will automatically load this if it is installed, greatly speeding up many of its operations on big numbers. . Inputs and outputs for big numbers are via strings, so you do not need to use a bigint package in your program. However if you do use bigints, inputs will be converted internally so there is no need to convert before a call. Output results are returned as either Perl scalars (for native- size) or strings (for bigints). Math::Prime::Util tries to reconvert all strings back into the callers bigint type if possible, which makes it more convenient for calculations. Package: libmath-quaternion-perl Description-md5: 6e783c2c4edc758d178fea2778df1771 Description-gl: Perl routines to handle operations on quaternions Math::Quaternion lets you create and manipulate quaternions. A quaternion is a mathematical object developed as a kind of generalization of complex numbers, usually represented by an array of four real numbers, and is often used to represent rotations in three-dimensional space. . Vexa, por exemplo, para máis detalles sobre as matemáticas dos cuaternións. . Quaternions can be added, subtracted, and scaled just like complex numbers or vectors -- they can also be multiplied, but quaternion multiplication DOES NOT COMMUTE. That is to say, if you have quaternions $q1 and $q2, then in general $q1*$q2 != $q2*$q1. This is related to their use in representing rotations, which also do not commute. Package: libmatthew-java-doc Description-md5: 5500b39d5f380ba195169d6114bdf2f7 Description-gl: Documentación da API das bibliotecas libmatthew-java This package contains the Javadoc API documentation for the other packages: libcgi-java, libmatthew-debug-java, libmatthew-io-java and libunixsocket-java. Package: libmaven-doxia-tools-java Description-md5: 1f96c0869ae811d724b33c6f0d41a772 Description-gl: Utilidades para integrar Doxia en Maven Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. . Maven's primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with: . * Making the build process easy * Providing a uniform build system * Providing quality project information * Providing guidelines for best practices development * Allowing transparent migration to new features . This shared component has some utilities that are useful when integrating Doxia in Maven, mainly for site generation and report creation. Package: libmbedtls-doc Description-md5: d7efa3d44eed7295a7ef4eab9e9c1e43 Description-gl: lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - documentation mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL) is a lean open source crypto library for providing SSL and TLS support in your programs. It offers an intuitive API and documented header files, so you can actually understand what the code does. It features: - Symmetric algorithms, like AES, Blowfish, Triple-DES, DES, ARC4, Camellia and XTEA - Hash algorithms, like SHA-1, SHA-2, RIPEMD-160 and MD5 - Entropy pool and random generators, like CTR-DRBG and HMAC-DRBG - Public key algorithms, like RSA, Elliptic Curves, Diffie-Hellman, ECDSA and ECDH - TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 - Abstraction layers for ciphers, hashes, public key operations, platform abstraction and threading . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libmdc2 Description-md5: b860f64f5e205b878e90adc7e37cbc41 Description-gl: Medical Image (DICOM, ECAT, ...) conversion tool (library) Este proxecto significa Conversión de Imaxes Médicas. Publicado baixo a (L)GPL, vén co código fonte en C completo da biblioteca, unha utilidade flexÃbel para a liña de ordes e unha interface gráfica agradábel que emprega a caixa de ferramentas GTK+. Os formatos admitidos na actualidade son: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 e PNG. . This is the central library needed by medcon, xmedcon and derived programs. Package: libmdc2-dev Description-md5: 53a2aab93f8109ef0a25825d34ccb705 Description-gl: Medical Image (DICOM, ECAT, ...) conversion tool (development) Este proxecto significa Conversión de Imaxes Médicas. Publicado baixo a (L)GPL, vén co código fonte en C completo da biblioteca, unha utilidade flexÃbel para a liña de ordes e unha interface gráfica agradábel que emprega a caixa de ferramentas GTK+. Os formatos admitidos na actualidade son: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 e PNG. . Static library, include files and documentation for developers. Package: libmeasurement-kit-0.7.1-0 Description-md5: 6088602b24c08e22a94d357fee363885 Description-gl: Open Network Measurements Methodologies Library MeasurementKit is a library that implements open network measurement methodologies (performance, censorship, etc.) and targets mobile platforms (Android and iOS). . It is meant to be embedded by third party applications with specific network measurement needs and/or to be used by researchers as a basis to implement novel tools. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmed-dev Description-md5: 6247a3e8f3474ac1927444ea6172c773 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmed MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. Package: libmed-doc Description-md5: 22ea389dbc51d700f3dec52e96ca96de Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca MED-fichier MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. . This package provides the documentation for the MED-fichier library (in French). Package: libmedc-dev Description-md5: 9f91a0945dddc9dc6c190f9a667c2941 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmedc MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libmedC. Package: libmediainfo0v5 Description-md5: 0d9ada95eeeb12fd1b1f4680f75efd55 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler metadatos de ficheiros multimedia - biblioteca compartida MediaInfo is a library used for retrieving technical information and other metadata about audio or video files. . A non-exhaustive list of the information MediaInfo can retrieve from media files include: - General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration... - Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... - Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... - Text: language of subtitle - Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters . MediaInfo supports the following formats: - Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... - Video Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) - Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... - Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI... . This package contains the shared library needed for running applications which use this library. Package: libmediascanner-2.0-dev Description-md5: 18a81ccc9ea0e825bf6b53fe89b2d443 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmediascanner This package provides the infrastructure for using the media scanner's access library in C++ based projects. Package: libmediastreamer-dev Description-md5: a04637ef919193dacd4f9d19b4082493 Description-gl: Linphone web phone's media library - development files Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. It has a GTK+ and console interface, includes a large variety of audio and video codecs, and provides IM features. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento para manipular operación multimedia. Package: libmedimport-dev Description-md5: b52f0c78ed2124ddf544e253cf42161e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmedimport0 MED-fichier (Modélisation et Echanges de Données, in English Modelisation and Data Exchange) is a library to store and exchange meshed data or computation results. It uses the HDF5 file format to store the data. . This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use libmedimport, including C++ applications. Package: libmeep8 Description-md5: 68857ac923a4fba69b5a85cf9028de9f Description-gl: library for using meep Meep (or MEEP) is a free finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation software package developed at MIT to model electromagnetic systems. . Its features include: * Simulation in 1d, 2d, 3d, and cylindrical coordinates. * Dispersive (including loss/gain) and nonlinear (Kerr & Pockels) materials. Magnetic permeability and electric/magnetic conductivities. * PML absorbing boundaries and/or perfect conductor and/or Bloch-periodic boundary conditions. * Exploitation of symmetries to reduce the computation size . even/odd mirror symmetries and 90/180 degree rotations. * Complete scriptability - either via a Scheme scripting front-end (as in libctl and MPB), or callable as a C++ library. * Field output in the HDF5 standard scientific data format, supported by many visualization tools. * Arbitrary material and source distributions. * Field analyses including flux spectra, frequency extraction, and energy integrals; completely programmable. * Multi-parameter optimization, root-finding, integration, etcetera (via libctl). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libmelt-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7b8b037259f5174dff68ade997617b62 Description-gl: LaTeX with OCaml (libraries) Melt é un conxunto de bibliotecas e ferramentas que permiten programar documentos en LaTeX empregando OCaml. Isto combina a potencia de deseño de LaTeX coa potencia de programación de OCaml. Pódese combinar con Mlpost para incluÃr imaxes. . This package contains libraries needed to compile Melt files. Package: libmems-1.6-1v5 Description-md5: c60c05b4ca212f4f7c319570e75ba1d3 Description-gl: library to support DNA string matching and comparative genomics libMems is a freely available software development library to support DNA string matching and comparative genomics. Among other things, libMems implements an algorithm to perform approximate multi-MUM and multi-MEM identification. The algorithm uses spaced seed patterns in conjunction with a seed-and-extend style hashing method to identify matches. The method is efficient, requiring a maximum of only 16 bytes per base of the largest input sequence, and this data can be stored externally (i.e. on disk) to further reduce memory requirements. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmemtailor0 Description-md5: 9a6736b1608b67887a364e9298fc3c59 Description-gl: C++ library of special purpose memory allocators (shared library) Memtailor is a C++ library of special purpose memory allocators. It currently offers an arena allocator and a memory pool. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmenu-cache-dev Description-md5: 9176db60f0bc3d4cc5dea61f3800257e Description-gl: LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache (devel) Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the access to defined application menus. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmenu-cache-doc Description-md5: c863cdc802b3b4239d7d47d2183fe47e Description-gl: LXDE implementation of the freedesktop Menu's cache (docs) Libmenu-cache is a library creating and utilizing caches to speed up the access to defined application menus. . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento. Package: libmeryl-dev Description-md5: 9f7832d4a21dbee43ec075eb1c1484c1 Description-gl: in- and out-of-core kmer counting and utilities (development lib) meryl computes the kmer content of genomic sequences. Kmer content is represented as a list of kmers and the number of times each occurs in the input sequences. The kmer can be restricted to only the forward kmer, only the reverse kmer, or the canonical kmer (lexicographically smaller of the forward and reverse kmer at each location). Meryl can report the histogram of counts, the list of kmers and their counts, or can perform mathematical and set operations on the processed data files. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas estáticas e os ficheiros de cabezallo. Package: libmeschach-dev Description-md5: 0ebca0d1c27b5eb2f5823cf1eaab080f Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de meschach These are files necessary for compiling programs with the meschach linear algebra library. Package: libmessage-filters1d Description-md5: b5d162f206a36c73ad103ac9d49f0453 Description-gl: Library for Robot OS message-filters This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It implemtants a set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time, based on the conditions that filter needs met. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libmessageviewer4 Description-md5: 2adc6ecfc62d30cf438b47b99bbd9cf2 Description-gl: message viewer library This package contains the message viewer library which implements feature- rich and highly configurable widget for viewing e-mail messages. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libmetacity-dev Description-md5: 73dfc7ddc60f3c7fc625adfe06749201 Description-gl: development files for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmetacity1 Description-md5: ee7c90f337314f26935c451de494dba0 Description-gl: library for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmetadata-extractor-java-doc Description-md5: 845c70c45581e6d8e55b84049213313b Description-gl: Documentación da infraestrutura de extracción de metadatos de JPEG Java based metadata extraction library for JPEG images with support for Exif and Iptc metadata segments, including manufacturer specific metadata of several digital camera models. . This package provides the Javadoc API documentation. Package: libmgl-dev Description-md5: 441e5bcf090e9cc82c7c471500af5e51 Description-gl: library for scientific graphs (development files) A free cross-platform library of fast C++ routines for plotting data in up to 3 dimensions. It can export plots to bitmaps and vector EPS, SVG, IDTF files. There are simple window interfaces based on GLUT, FLTK and/or Qt. MathGL can also be used in the console. There are interfaces to a set of languages, such as, C, Fortran, Pascal, Forth, Python, Octave. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmicroba-java-doc Description-md5: 9cc99d5a647870c51068b137865d5160 Description-gl: Documentación de libmicroba-java Microba is a set of finely crafted & feature rich JFC (Swing) components. Keywords: jfc, swing, java, date picker, datepicker, date-picker, calendar, gradient editor, marker, slider, palette editor . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libmicroblog4 Description-md5: 873eed18fc377ee5265b590e8d8d2a2b Description-gl: library for using the Microblog Akonadi Resource Microblog is a library that provides some helper functions for using the Microblog Akonadi Resource. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libmicrodns-dev Description-md5: cebbbf6d16d4838b4eb57e275e981e21 Description-gl: minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (development files) Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is a zero-configuration service that allows one to resolve host names to IP addresses in local networks. libmicrodns provides a minimal implementation of a mDNS resolver as well as an announcer. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmicrodns0 Description-md5: 7ff63dfd32843593c000687651e46e93 Description-gl: minimal mDNS resolver and announcer library (shared library) Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is a zero-configuration service that allows one to resolve host names to IP addresses in local networks. libmicrodns provides a minimal implementation of a mDNS resolver as well as an announcer. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmicrohttpd-dev Description-md5: 6b3cdefbc2dd69a7a37417617c2c0dbf Description-gl: library embedding HTTP server functionality (development) GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. Key features that distinguish GNU Libmicrohttpd from other projects are: * C library: fast and small * API is simple, expressive and fully reentrant * Implementation is HTTP 1.1 compliant * HTTP server can listen on multiple ports * Four different threading models (select, poll, pthread, thread pool) * Support for IPv6 * Support for SHOUTcast * Support for incremental processing of POST data (optional) * Support for basic and digest authentication (optional) * Support for SSL3 and TLS . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmikmatch-ocaml Description-md5: a32d5b1fe546b478cf9f9c1592f2bd8a Description-gl: camlp4 extension for pattern matching with regexps - runtime Mikmatch provides enhanced pattern matching with regexps for OCaml. . The goal of Mikmatch is to make text-oriented programs even easier to write, read and run without losing the unique and powerful features of OCaml. Mikmatch provides a concise and highly readable syntax for regular expressions, and integrates it into the syntax of OCaml thanks to Camlp4. . The implementation of Mikmatch consists essentially of: * a library which is loaded by the OCaml preprocessor (Camlp4) and defines sophisticated "macros", i.e. the modified syntax; * a traditional library (runtime) which is required by the programs that use the Mikmatch syntax; * a dedicated 'mikmatch' command which can be used as a replacement for 'ocaml' in scripts or as an interactive toplevel. It performs automatically these steps: preprocessing, compilation and execution. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libmimetic-dev Description-md5: 68c15515a9d7bb98ff22d92473d63da4 Description-gl: C++ MIME library (development) mimetic is a MIME library written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. . mimetic has been built around the standard lib. This means that you'll not find yet another string class or list implementation and that you'll feel comfortable in using this library from the very first time. . mimetic doesn't use exceptions but it heavily uses templates so a mostly standard compliant C++ compiler is required. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: libmimic-dev Description-md5: 1068714084c0ca4f38a231d528d9e7e7 Description-gl: A video codec for Mimic V2.x content (development files) libmimic é una biblioteca de código aberto para a descodificación de vÃdeo para descodificar contido codificado en Mimic V2.x (fourCC: ML20), que é a codificación empregada por MSN Messenger para as conversas con cámaras web. Package: libmimic-doc Description-md5: 918bccbea25f5f105a0da98e7fe232a5 Description-gl: A video codec for Mimic V2.x content (documentation) libmimic é una biblioteca de código aberto para a descodificación de vÃdeo para descodificar contido codificado en Mimic V2.x (fourCC: ML20), que é a codificación empregada por MSN Messenger para as conversas con cámaras web. Package: libmimic0 Description-md5: 3b5268604c0c0fbf577fb04db4565d14 Description-gl: A video codec for Mimic V2.x content libmimic é una biblioteca de código aberto para a descodificación de vÃdeo para descodificar contido codificado en Mimic V2.x (fourCC: ML20), que é a codificación empregada por MSN Messenger para as conversas con cámaras web. Package: libminpack1 Description-md5: 26a32cc8b7faa989a6a4b9ebb1be080f Description-gl: nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares shared library Minpack includes software for solving nonlinear equations and nonlinear least squares problems. Five algorithmic paths each include a core subroutine and an easy-to-use driver. The algorithms proceed either from an analytic specification of the Jacobian matrix or directly from the problem functions. The paths include facilities for systems of equations with a banded Jacobian matrix, for least squares problems with a large amount of data, and for checking the consistency of the Jacobian matrix with the functions. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmirisdr-dev Description-md5: 5ba07644c184ce726698a18ca30a1571 Description-gl: Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (development files) Software for the Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR platform . The hardware part of MiriSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmirisdr0 Description-md5: 1daf67ef471d1dfebd5e792abc6825a1 Description-gl: Software defined radio support for Mirics hardware (library) Software for the Mirics MSi2500 + MSi001 SDR platform . The hardware part of MiriSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmjpegtools-dev Description-md5: 36202d3a50477c3c07aa5acf4beb6788 Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (development) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmjpegutils-2.1-0 Description-md5: 4bd44d51ba1f5fa7bd7e2b60574c1a03 Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . This package contains the shared mjpegutils library. Package: libmlpcap-ocaml-dev Description-md5: a5eac13d299e0fdf07305ba98c02d49f Description-gl: binding of libpcap for OCaml MLpcap implements OCaml stubs to libpcap. It allows one to call almost all function of libpcap from OCaml. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmlpost-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 509e61867830c36e51f91be45359cc66 Description-gl: OCaml interface to Metapost (library) Mlpost is an OCaml library for scientific drawing. It relies on Metapost, giving the possibility to include (La)TeX fragments. Mlpost users can use the full power of OCaml to generate their diagrams, including static typing and the possibility to use any OCaml library. Moreover, Mlpost promotes a declarative style quite different from existing tools. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libmlx4-dev Description-md5: dbdc062877a96b061afb1ccd5dfc7f16 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libxmlx4 libmlx4 is a device-specific driver for Mellanox ConnectX InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . This package contains static versions of libmlx4 that may be linked directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging. Package: libmlx5-dev Description-md5: 199934c473b9c8abea029f779b5de5a9 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libxmlx5 libmlx5 is a device-specific driver for Mellanox Connect-IB InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . This package contains static versions of libmlx5 that may be linked directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging. Package: libmm-dbg Description-md5: afa9eb68cad073aed7c82f274e6de899 Description-gl: Biblioteca de memoria compartida - sÃmbolos de depuración OSSP mm is a two layer abstraction library which simplifies the use of shared memory between forked (and therefore closely related) processes. It hides all platform-dependent aspects of the process from the user and provides a malloc(3)-style API. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca para axudar a depurar os programas que a utilicen. Package: libmm-dev Description-md5: 8bdc2dd04706caf12a5940813c3bc8d1 Description-gl: Shared memory library - development files OSSP mm is a two layer abstraction library which simplifies the use of shared memory between forked (and therefore closely related) processes. It hides all platform-dependent aspects of the process from the user and provides a malloc(3)-style API. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para compilar programas que empreguen mm. Package: libmms-dev Description-md5: 62bfa1d7651879a27e6bbeac3d60d0ce Description-gl: MMS stream protocol library - development files LibMMS is a common library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams. These are commonly used to stream Windows Media Video content over the web. LibMMS itself is only for receiving MMS stream, it doesn't handle sending at all. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmms0 Description-md5: f0d8b772e6cf9505dde2b805a2408997 Description-gl: MMS stream protocol library - shared library LibMMS is a common library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams. These are commonly used to stream Windows Media Video content over the web. LibMMS itself is only for receiving MMS stream, it doesn't handle sending at all. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmodbus-dev Description-md5: 319ed6ee1d4051d730fb32bd227a21ca Description-gl: development files for the Modbus protocol library A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an Ethernet connection. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmodbus5 Description-md5: c6ad0aa78fc2b26d475235f37a7cbbff Description-gl: library for the Modbus protocol A Modbus library written in C, to send/receive data with a device which respects the Modbus protocol. This library can use a serial port or an Ethernet connection. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmodern-perl-perl Description-md5: 11718f96220726ae18a842d080ca3541 Description-gl: module for enabling all of the features of Modern Perl Modern Perl programs use several modules to enable additional features of Perl and of the CPAN. Instead of copying and pasting all of these 'use' lines, instead write only one: . use Modern::Perl; . This enables the strict and warnings pragmas, as well as all of the features available since Perl 5.10. . For enabling features of newer Perl releases, a year can be specified as an import tag, e.g.: . use Modern::Perl '2017'; . enables 5.24 features. Cf. Modern::Perl(3pm) for details. . Consulte para máis información, para un tratamento máis extenso sobre Modern Perl e as súas implicacións e para un titorial descargábel gratuitamente sobre o Modern Perl. Package: libmodglue1-dev Description-md5: 50c2b4528e8f3a21c33b8eb61fc4e94d Description-gl: development files for a C++ library for handling of multiple co-processes Modglue is a C++ library with classes for forking external processes and asynchronous reading from streams. It takes away the burden of all subtleties involving the Unix fork call. The asynchronous read facility enables one to read on multiple input streams at the same time, without losing any of the standard C++ stream facilities. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libmodpbase64-dev Description-md5: c7e831968e9b26299fa758a9cf315a51 Description-gl: collection of high performance c-string transformations (development files) This implementation is frequently 2x faster than standard implementations. The transformations include base64, base16, base85, base2, url and javascript escaping, as well as fast number to string and upper/lower case conversions. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libmodule-build-perl Description-md5: fa2ee309b6f2eec3e9cf7b941eb79c8b Description-gl: framework for building and installing Perl modules Module::Build is a framework for easily building, testing and installing Perl packages. It is meant as a next-generation replacement for ExtUtils::MakeMaker and offers many additional features characteristic of a more modern install system, including simple subclassing for custom build actions. . Dado que está escrito en Perl Puro, ten moi poucas dependencias externas. En particular, permite a instalación de paquetes en sistemas sen «make» e funciona mesmo sen un terminal. Os seus únicos prerrequisitos son módulos que se inclúen con perl 5.6.0 e é principal en 5.10. Package: libmojolicious-plugin-i18n-perl Description-md5: 4c22f7962990d63a4e711719b259f2f8 Description-gl: Engadido de internacionalización para Mojolicious 3.x e posteriores Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N is an internationalization plugin for Mojolicious 3.x and higher. I18N is provided by Locale::Maketext. Package: libmongo-client0-dbg Description-md5: e434403ce455cc8e3fd4602b218cff4c Description-gl: Controlador de C alternativo para MongoDB (sÃmbolos de depuración) libmongo-client is an alternative C language driver to the MongoDB document-oriented datastore. . This package contains detached debugging symbols. . A maiorÃa das persoas non precisan deste paquete. Package: libmongoclient0 Description-md5: eb40943b02fc97fefbff705e6ede8c92 Description-gl: MongoDB C++ Driver (runtime) This package provides C++ development file to interact with MongoDB. This is the legacy C++ driver and currently supports MongoDB 2.4, 2.6, 3.0 and 3.2. . Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmongodb-java Description-md5: 52a11228eee9abf4d87d93775e661a4b Description-gl: MongoDB Java Driver Debian package for the official MongoDB Java Driver providing both synchronous and asynchronous interaction with MongoDB. Powering the drivers is a new driver core and BSON library. . Funcionalidades . BSON Library A standalone BSON library, with a new Codec infrastructure that you can use to build high-performance encoders and decoders without requiring an intermediate Map instance. . MongoDB Driver An updated Java driver that includes the legacy API as well as a new generic MongoCollection interface that complies with a new cross- driver CRUD specification. . MongoDB Async Driver A new asynchronous API that can leverage either Netty or Java 7's AsynchronousSocketChannel for fast and non-blocking IO. . Core driver The MongoDB Driver and Async Driver are both built on top of a new core library, which anyone can use to build alternative or experimental high-level APIs. Package: libmono-upnp-cil-dev Description-md5: 734a46a44eed6b8621d9b1ef4800538c Description-gl: client/server libraries for the UPnP -- development files Mono.Upnp is a set of client/server libraries for the Universal Plug 'n Play specification, which can be found at . Mono.Upnp includes the following projects: - Mono.Ssdp: An implementation of the Simple Discovery Protocol. - Mono.Upnp: An implementation of the UPnP Device Architecture 1.1, Sections 2-6. - Mono.Upnp.GtkClient: An executable Gtk+ user interface for inspecting UPnP devices and services on the network. - Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1: An implementation of the UPnP Audio/Video MediaServer1 Device Control Protocol. - Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.FileSystem: A MediaServer1 implementation which serves media from the filesystem. - Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MediaServer1.FileSystem.ConsoleServer: An executable console program which serves media from the filesystem. - Mono.Upnp.Dcp.MSMediaServerRegistrar1: An implementation of the Microsoft MSMediaServerRegistrar1 Device Control Protocol. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento empregados para construÃr aplicativos e bibliotecas que empreguen esta biblioteca. Package: libmp3lame-dev Description-md5: 461714f68545fc10b2b5896d35bdc28e Description-gl: MP3 encoding library (development) LAME (recursive acronym for "LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder") is a research project for learning about and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound analysis, as well as convenience tools. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmp3lame0 Description-md5: 62ea810162efb51dfd01578746ef5d68 Description-gl: MP3 encoding library LAME (recursive acronym for "LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder") is a research project for learning about and improving MP3 encoding technology. LAME includes an MP3 encoding library, a simple frontend application, and other tools for sound analysis, as well as convenience tools. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmp3spi-java Description-md5: 6b4ed4c8cec0df24e7c960717c539b82 Description-gl: Interface para admitir o formato de son MP3 (MPEG 1/2/2.5 Capas 1/2/3) MP3SPI is a Java Service Provider Interface that adds MP3 (MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3) audio format support for Java Platform. It supports streaming, ID3v2 frames and Equalizer. Package: libmp3splt-dev Description-md5: 372360427e8b7badcc9cc88426d3fd90 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libmp3splt0 Mp3Splt-project is a utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split large mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split points and filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB (internet or a local file) or from .cue files. Supports also automatic silence split, that can be used also to adjust cddb/cue splitpoints. You can extract tracks from Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap files in few seconds. For mp3 files, both ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags are supported. Mp3splt-project is split in 3 parts: libmp3splt, mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk. . This package contains the files needed to build programs against libmp3splt. Package: libmp3splt0-mp3 Description-md5: ab2a9ba8e7fac4fa6752beedb5965672 Description-gl: MP3 plugin for mp3splt Mp3Splt-project is a utility to split mp3 and ogg files selecting a begin and an end time position, without decoding. It's very useful to split large mp3/ogg to make smaller files or to split entire albums to obtain original tracks. If you want to split an album, you can select split points and filenames manually or you can get them automatically from CDDB (internet or a local file) or from .cue files. Supports also automatic silence split, that can be used also to adjust cddb/cue splitpoints. You can extract tracks from Mp3Wrap or AlbumWrap files in few seconds. For mp3 files, both ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags are supported. Mp3splt-project is split in 3 parts: libmp3splt, mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk. . Este paquete contén o engadido de MP3. Package: libmp4v2-2 Description-md5: 1a08104d8bd8235a1c9d172457d97841 Description-gl: library to read, create, and modify mp4 files (shared library) The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files as defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. This file format is derived from Apple's QuickTime file format that has been used as a multimedia file format in a variety of platforms and applications. It is a very powerful and extensible format that can accommodate practically any type of media. . MP4v2 was originally bundled with mpeg4ip library, but has been moved into its own maintained library due to a combination of the cessation of support of mpeg4ip and the usefulness of this library on its own. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmp4v2-dev Description-md5: 50be7f29846d9e3e5f077f40d08690fa Description-gl: library to read, create, and modify mp4 files (development files) The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files as defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. This file format is derived from Apple's QuickTime file format that has been used as a multimedia file format in a variety of platforms and applications. It is a very powerful and extensible format that can accommodate practically any type of media. . MP4v2 was originally bundled with mpeg4ip library, but has been moved into its own maintained library due to a combination of the cessation of support of mpeg4ip and the usefulness of this library on its own. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmpcdec-dev Description-md5: 25ad82b8c07d97a152de2e7bbb249382 Description-gl: MusePack decoder - development files Musepack é un formato de compresión de son que se centra en lograr unha calidade alta. Non carece de perdas mais está deseñado para a transparencia, de xeito que non sexa posÃbel ouvir diferenzas entre o ficheiro wave orixinal e o moito máis pequeno MPC. . It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code. . This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic links that developers using libreplaygain will need. Package: libmpcdec6 Description-md5: 7c6006299630a14c4bd10aa79555250e Description-gl: MusePack decoder - library Musepack é un formato de compresión de son que se centra en lograr unha calidade alta. Non carece de perdas mais está deseñado para a transparencia, de xeito que non sexa posÃbel ouvir diferenzas entre o ficheiro wave orixinal e o moito máis pequeno MPC. . It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code. Package: libmpd-dev Description-md5: cbbcab803f9be956e62c0803dc2bba1b Description-gl: High-level client library for accessing Music Player Daemon LibMpd is a library that provides high-level, callback-based access to Music Player Daemon (mpd). . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento, cabeceiras e documentación. Package: libmpd1 Description-md5: f68285677e81099625f7602eb71ee49e Description-gl: High-level client library for accessing Music Player Daemon LibMpd is a library that provides high-level, callback-based access to Music Player Daemon (mpd). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libmpd1-dbg Description-md5: 7a92a5f548bf85da2d38497b5243483f Description-gl: High-level client library for accessing Music Player Daemon LibMpd is a library that provides high-level, callback-based access to Music Player Daemon (mpd). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libmpdclient-dev Description-md5: 725899c60bd030f11a56ed4c5d02d981 Description-gl: client library for the Music Player Daemon (development files) libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática. Package: libmpdclient-doc Description-md5: d7dc349499fbc57204a2fe76c3a281ee Description-gl: client library for the Music Player Daemon (API documentation) libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libmpdclient2 Description-md5: 78173fe783f2412444a570648f780872 Description-gl: client library for the Music Player Daemon libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmpdclient2-dbg Description-md5: 7f29f2f20cf6b68787c356df9f99a92b Description-gl: Debug symbols for libmpdclient2 libmpdclient provides an API for interfacing the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It offers a low-level asynchronous API which knowns the MPD protocol syntax as well as a higher level synchronous API implementing the MPD commands and parsing all responses. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libmpeg2encpp-2.1-0 Description-md5: b4bb7b2f044280cd1eb6c72c720660d1 Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . This package contains the shared mpeg2encpp library. Package: libmpeg3-2 Description-md5: ea30d5d0217b04417f1fba5194a70b52 Description-gl: MPEG streams decoding library LibMPEG3 is a versatile and high-performance library capable of decoding both audio and video from many different MPEG formats. . LibMPEG3 decodes several MPEG standards into uncompressed data suitable for editing and playback. It currently decodes: . - VÃdeo MPEG-2 - VÃdeo MPEG-1 - Son mp3 - Son mp2 - Son ac3 - Fluxos de transporte MPEG-2 - Fluxos de programa MPEG-2 - Fluxos de programa MPEG-1 - Ficheiros IFO Package: libmpfi0-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libmpg123-0 Description-md5: 1276b7844767994704f7fabf86811e9b Description-gl: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio decoder (shared library) mpg123 é o reprodutor/descodificador de son MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 en tempo real para as capas 1, 2 e 3 (a capa 3 de MPEG 1.0 coñécese tamén como MP3). . This package contains the C libraries needed to run executables that use the mpg123 library. Package: libmpg123-dev Description-md5: 383d3d1a743e161f43281a9f1daec7f7 Description-gl: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio decoder (development files) mpg123 é o reprodutor/descodificador de son MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 en tempo real para as capas 1, 2 e 3 (a capa 3 de MPEG 1.0 coñécese tamén como MP3). . This package contains the C development headers and library files needed to compile programs using the mpg123 library. Package: libmpich-dev Description-md5: 3c6557ee2e0f267fcc0f7b3491d99d3c Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de MPICH MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms including commodity clusters, SMPs, massively parallel systems, and high- speed networks. . This package includes the MPICH headers and static libraries, as well as the compiler wrappers needed to build MPICH programs. Package: libmpich12 Description-md5: c9247988cbc3867b76a75b82432759c8 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para MPICH MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms including commodity clusters, SMPs, massively parallel systems, and high- speed networks. . This package includes the MPICH shared libraries. Package: libmpikmeans1 Description-md5: b2a9b8e57b2d97d5097b2af491b6c379 Description-gl: Fast Library for k-means Clustering This library uses an algorithm that yields the very same solution as standard k-means, even after each iteration. However, it uses triangle inequalities, and is much faster. . Note: MPI here does not refer to the Message Passing Interface; rather, it is an acronym for Max Planck Institute, where this algorithm was developed. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libmplex2-2.1-0 Description-md5: 2bb2239c3582fa2873aa92be9b466c13 Description-gl: MJPEG capture/editing/replay and MPEG encoding toolset (library) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . This package contains the shared mplex2 library. Package: libmpv-dev Description-md5: 75dc37959dc839bda92d807f6bf8032d Description-gl: video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 (client library dev files) mpv é un reprodutor de pelÃculas baseado en MPlayer e mplayer2. Admite unha grande variedade de formatos de ficheiros de vÃdeo, códecs de son e de vÃdeo e tipos de subtÃtulos. . This package provides development files for libmpv. Package: libmpv1 Description-md5: f53ab59815e161d1223f2ea17a8a58bd Description-gl: video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 (client library) mpv é un reprodutor de pelÃculas baseado en MPlayer e mplayer2. Admite unha grande variedade de formatos de ficheiros de vÃdeo, códecs de son e de vÃdeo e tipos de subtÃtulos. . This package provides a client library that can be used to embed mpv in other applications. Package: libmrss0 Description-md5: 388c19f32b006fa0ccf750fb76a91a9a Description-gl: C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS files or streams libmrss is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0) files or streams. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libmrss0-dbg Description-md5: 76a4b74ec56ba8502e8b8b5128fefdd2 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libmrss libmrss is a C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0) files or streams. . Este paquete inclúe os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libmruby-dev Description-md5: 6bddf1a81d2ccb06577675e9dd117322 Description-gl: lightweight implementation of the Ruby language (development files) mruby is the lightweight implementation of the Ruby language complying to the ISO standard. This can be linked and embedded within your application. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmsiecf1 Description-md5: 618c14c263bf713f588eb80e2b1b3176 Description-gl: Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File access library libmsiecf is a library to access the Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) Cache File (index.dat) files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmsv-dev Description-md5: 438d531872d307d4473b7465316824fe Description-gl: Monkeysphere validation library (development files) libmsv provides a C API to the Monkeysphere Validation Agent using the Validation Agent Protocol . Este paquete contén a cabeceira de desenvolvemento e a biblioteca. Package: libmthca-dev Description-md5: 19a997ebb58a197f69d49f6db1889090 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libmthca libmthca is a device-specific driver for Mellanox InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . This package contains static versions of libmthca that may be linked directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging. Package: libmthca1-dbg Description-md5: 1cce8734e8f2ca9f32a05c19c719a84e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do controlador libmthca libmthca is a device-specific driver for Mellanox InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Mellanox HCA hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración asociados co libmthca1. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co libmthca. Package: libmuffin-dev Description-md5: 92b7ea1405214436c85ba71590de4a5f Description-gl: lightweight window and compositing manager (development files) Muffin is a small window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in desktop environment such as Cinnamon. . It is fairly extensible by the mean of plugins, providing new or customized visual effects as well as a flexibility in the behavior of the window manager. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmuffin0 Description-md5: 6a323fd84cc278afef2afdf4892a683f Description-gl: lightweight window and compositing manager (shared library) Muffin is a small window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in desktop environment such as Cinnamon. . It is fairly extensible by the mean of plugins, providing new or customized visual effects as well as a flexibility in the behavior of the window manager. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida do xestor de xanelas, empregada por muffin mesmo e por Cinnamon. Package: libmulticobex1-dev Description-md5: fc557dab11a648bd7bc0ae7a690c4a50 Description-gl: multi-protocol cable OBEX library - development files This library add support for making use of several ways to use OBEX over serial lines. Phones from several vendors are supported. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmultiverse-core-java-doc Description-md5: e51f449bfbb67feddc42b675e8bf1e71 Description-gl: Documentación de libmultiverse-core-java Multiverse is meant as an alternative to traditional lock based concurrency. If you have worked with databases before, Transactional Memory should feel familiar because both share one very important concept: transactions. . Multiverse is language independent so it can be used without relying on instrumentation and therefore can easily be used with other languages that can run on the JVM like Scala, Groovy or JRuby. . Also it reduces complexity of concurrency control, it can be used demanding production environments and provides a framework for STM experiments. . This package contains the Multiverse Core API javadocs. Package: libmuparser-dev Description-md5: faf54a2506b453eacbe6f5a65f6f52e6 Description-gl: fast mathematical expressions parse library (development) muParser is a high performance mathematical parser library, written in pure C++. It is based on transforming an expression into a bytecode and precalculating constant parts of it. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmuparser-doc Description-md5: 1058f39106ed0fe1ba6731ad5d647d59 Description-gl: fast mathematical expressions parser library (documentation) muParser is a high performance mathematical parser library, written in pure C++. It is based on transforming an expression into a bytecode and precalculating constant parts of it. . Este paquete contén a documentación de muParser. Package: libmuparserx4.0.7 Description-md5: f9600d06e7690140f675958918a85ff3 Description-gl: mathematical expression parser library The evaluation of a mathematical expression is a standard task required in many applications. It can be solved by either using a standard math expression parser such as muparser or by embedding a scripting language such as Lua. There are however some limitations: Although muparser is pretty fast it will only work with scalar values and although Lua is very flexible it does neither support binary operators for arrays nor complex numbers. So if you need a math expression parser with support for arrays, matrices and strings muparserx may be able to help you. It was originally based on the original muparser engine but has since evolved into a standalone project with a completely new parsing engine. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmupdf-dev Description-md5: 1971a9536574a0bc27560d5c80c49a3f Description-gl: development files for the MuPDF viewer MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. It also reads XPS, OpenXPS and ePub documents. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos. Package: libmupen64plus2 Description-md5: 83800ee5f3555bf3651a03eeb1c2a10b Description-gl: Emulador da Nintendo 64 baseada en engadidos, biblioteca principal Flexible N64 Emulator for Linux that works with many ROMs that are publically available. It consists of separate components to provide an user interface, audio and graphics output, controller input, co-processor emulation and an emulator core. . It has the following features: * cheat system * exchangeable plugins for graphics, sound and input emulation * multiple save states * common configuration system for all components . This package contains the actual emulator which must be loaded by a frontend. Package: libmuroar-dev Description-md5: 5d4659f86deb749d4b7d72c7a4c42890 Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de RoarAudio minimalista (cabeceiras de desenvolvemento) RoarAudio is a sound-server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example a soundcard). . It is completely network transparent (UNIX sockets, TCP/IP and DECnet) and supports many common codecs like Ogg Vorbis, Speex or FLAC. . This is a minimalist client library for RoarAudio. It exists because it allows non-GPL applications to use the RoarAudio sound system. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libmuroar. Package: libmuroar0 Description-md5: 9d58bb975ec953ed306c8f55001cf299 Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de RoarAudio minimalista RoarAudio is a sound-server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example a soundcard). . It is completely network transparent (UNIX sockets, TCP/IP and DECnet) and supports many common codecs like Ogg Vorbis, Speex or FLAC. . This is a minimalist client library for RoarAudio. It exists because it allows non-GPL applications to use the RoarAudio sound system. Package: libmuroard3 Description-md5: 76ffcea229baaa7d49c13b0c8634ccf4 Description-gl: Daemon de son de RoarAudio minimalista (paquete da biblioteca) RoarAudio is a sound-server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example a soundcard). . This package provides libraries needed to embed muRoarD into an existing application (as thread). Package: libmuscle-3.7-1 Description-md5: ff9ed9e8164b525907c7ee17683c733a Description-gl: multiple alignment library for protein sequences MUSCLE is a multiple alignment program for protein sequences. MUSCLE stands for multiple sequence comparison by log-expectation. In the authors tests, MUSCLE achieved the highest scores of all tested programs on several alignment accuracy benchmarks, and is also one of the fastest programs out there. . This library was derived from the original MUSCLE and turned into a library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmuscle-3.7-dev Description-md5: d5fbef309f543e667cfbe72a5c2b786f Description-gl: multiple alignment development library for protein sequences MUSCLE is a multiple alignment program for protein sequences. MUSCLE stands for multiple sequence comparison by log-expectation. In the authors tests, MUSCLE achieved the highest scores of all tested programs on several alignment accuracy benchmarks, and is also one of the fastest programs out there. . This library was derived from the original MUSCLE and turned into a library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libmusic-hub-dev Description-md5: 226bca5ff180f085cf41ae18c2afecb3 Description-gl: Servizo de reprodución de música sinxelo e lixeiro - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Music Hub is a simple and lightweight service for music playback using DBus. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmusic-hub-doc Description-md5: 84775ca127a9ed7e0d1305d42573f2a3 Description-gl: Servizo de reprodución de música sinxelo e lixeiro - documentación Music Hub is a simple and lightweight service for music playback using DBus. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libmusic-hub0 Description-md5: a8c0bb62f7ec05c53df37a76471c6394 Description-gl: Servizo de reprodución de música sinxelo e lixeiro Music Hub is a simple and lightweight service for music playback using DBus. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libmusicbrainz5-dev Description-md5: 26e3704f92ddc6e02a31ac849916b02c Description-gl: Library to access the database (development files) MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmusicbrainz5-doc Description-md5: 487ce9fd5db701549c4399d3eac58a74 Description-gl: Library to access the database (developer documentation) MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento. Package: libmusicbrainz5cc2v5 Description-md5: 3c5224bed9739024ea5815be8194f3a9 Description-gl: Library to access the database MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libmx-bin Description-md5: d75c80c8b80295c91748c9e5f67ce422 Description-gl: toolkit for the Moblin user experience (utilities) The MX toolkit is a GUI toolkit library, using Clutter and is optimized for the Moblin user experience. It consists of various classes useful for building UIs such as Buttons, Tooltips, Scrollbars and others. It also supports styling through CSS stylesheets. . Este paquete contén as utilidades empregadas polas librarÃas e outros paquetes. Package: libmx-common Description-md5: 11645a13cccf8108ea0ecae7fd68f465 Description-gl: toolkit for the Moblin user experience (common files) The MX toolkit is a GUI toolkit library, using Clutter and is optimized for the Moblin user experience. It consists of various classes useful for building UIs such as Buttons, Tooltips, Scrollbars and others. It also supports styling through CSS stylesheets. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns que precisan as bibliotecas Package: libmx-dev Description-md5: 4c3b9745382d6623f48647ffd14f2554 Description-gl: toolkit for the Moblin user experience (development files) The MX toolkit is a GUI toolkit library, using Clutter and is optimized for the Moblin user experience. It consists of various classes useful for building UIs such as Buttons, Tooltips, Scrollbars and others. It also supports styling through CSS stylesheets. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libmx-doc Description-md5: 2ac48cf155526719e20c97e306453ff1 Description-gl: toolkit for the Moblin user experience (documentation) The MX toolkit is a GUI toolkit library, using Clutter and is optimized for the Moblin user experience. It consists of various classes useful for building UIs such as Buttons, Tooltips, Scrollbars and others. It also supports styling through CSS stylesheets. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libmxml1 Description-md5: 6f84a5bb28cce80d475ea4a5b5aa6b64 Description-gl: small XML parsing library (runtime) Mini-XML is a small XML parsing library that you can use to read XML and XML-like data files in your application without requiring large non- standard libraries. . Mini-XML provides the following functionality: * Reading of UTF-8 and UTF-16 and writing of UTF-8 encoded XML files and strings. * Data is stored in a linked-list tree structure, preserving the XML data hierarchy. * Supports arbitrary element names, attributes, and attribute values with no preset limits, just available memory. * Supports integer, real, opaque ("cdata"), and text data types in "leaf" nodes. * Functions for creating, indexing, and managing trees of data. * "Find" and "walk" functions for easily locating and navigating trees of data. . Mini-XML doesn't do validation or other types of processing on the data based upon schema files or other sources of definition information, nor does it support character entities other than those required by the XML specification. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca Mini-XML. Package: libmygpo-qt-dev Description-md5: 5544e17a28911618b0b4407d9b827dd0 Description-gl: Development headers for the mygpo-qt library C++/Qt Library wrapping the Webservice . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca mygpo- qt Package: libmygui.ogreplatform0debian1v5-dbg Description-md5: ec6a7969e597a6ea845f579f8ae593f6 Description-gl: Fast, simple and flexible GUI Ogre - debugging symbols MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++. Features include Layout Editor. Multicolour text. Per pixel cut. Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration). Interface localisation. Fast RTTI for safe casts. Tool tips. Animated cursors and pictures. User xml resources. Truetype fonts and fonts from texture. Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on). Flexible configuration in xml config file. Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture. Possibility to store any data in widgets items. Skin themes. Wrappers for fast UI development. Drag'n'drop. . Este paquete contén a interface de MyGUI para os sÃmbolos de depuración do motor de gráficos Ogre. Package: libmygui.openglplatform0debian1v5-dbg Description-md5: af5799126b15d501edd8339630575488 Description-gl: Fast, simple and flexible GUI OpenGL - debugging symbols MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++. Features include Layout Editor. Multicolour text. Per pixel cut. Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration). Interface localisation. Fast RTTI for safe casts. Tool tips. Animated cursors and pictures. User xml resources. Truetype fonts and fonts from texture. Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on). Flexible configuration in xml config file. Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture. Possibility to store any data in widgets items. Skin themes. Wrappers for fast UI development. Drag'n'drop. . Este paquete contén a interface MyGUI para os sÃmbolos de depuración de OpenGL. Package: libmyguiengine3debian1v5-dbg Description-md5: f9974e9dc92e6dc624d0b6b72dcfe9de Description-gl: Interface gráfica rápida, sinxela e flexÃbel - sÃmbolos de depuración MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++. Features include Layout Editor. Multicolour text. Per pixel cut. Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration). Interface localisation. Fast RTTI for safe casts. Tool tips. Animated cursors and pictures. User xml resources. Truetype fonts and fonts from texture. Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on). Flexible configuration in xml config file. Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture. Possibility to store any data in widgets items. Skin themes. Wrappers for fast UI development. Drag'n'drop. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do motor de tempo de execución MyGUI. Package: libmyproxy-dev Description-md5: 321bc934b10e482fb9052c0f64edf742 Description-gl: Credential Management Service Development MyProxy is open source software for managing X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials (certificates and private keys). MyProxy combines an online credential repository with an online certificate authority to allow users to securely obtain credentials when and where needed. Users run myproxy-logon to authenticate and obtain credentials, including trusted CA certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para MyProxy. Package: libmysqlcppconn7v5 Description-md5: 3e05a8a275438c98cfe5d5c6ef4a7d9f Description-gl: MySQL Connector for C++ (library) MySQL Connector/C++ is a MySQL database connector for C++. . It mimics the JDBC 4.0 API. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libn32gcc-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: a9971e06562bd28587b8a1e082d3c523 Description-gl: GCC support library (n32 development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libn32gcc1-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: dd3d7e0ba479e98a11965405e9099d15 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32gcc1-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: c63fecbede41e11da6e7e7eb4dfe7229 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32gcc1-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 72ddc0904e54cf7bb0d5cb059b90a213 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32gcc1-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 3cb96e2976afbb0e3cd0868d64da2907 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32gfortran3-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran3-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran3-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran3-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran3-mips-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran3-mips64-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran3-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran3-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4a2fde20ee317f721a6a41cb70ea6252 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-mips-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-mips64-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32gfortran4-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 512ca0d6fb98fb0cffa3e05c916ca5e9 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go11-mips-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go11-mips64-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go11-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go11-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go7-mips-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go7-mips64-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go7-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go7-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go9-mips-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go9-mips64-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go9-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32go9-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 69e12a3330f05e7659c67b24aba9e516 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: d092980afd5e02d4ae4c02a48face332 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: d092980afd5e02d4ae4c02a48face332 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: d092980afd5e02d4ae4c02a48face332 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: d092980afd5e02d4ae4c02a48face332 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32 debug symbols) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-mips-cross Description-md5: 6c3f3826368c5c8a95b9afb8628988b6 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-mips64-cross Description-md5: 6c3f3826368c5c8a95b9afb8628988b6 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 6c3f3826368c5c8a95b9afb8628988b6 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32objc4-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 6c3f3826368c5c8a95b9afb8628988b6 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Objective-C applications (n32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libn32stdc++6-5-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-5-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-5-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-5-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-6-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-6-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-6-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-6-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-7-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-7-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-7-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-7-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips-cross Description-md5: 093c12adf0418551e5f7f10e91d9177d Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (n32) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips64-cross Description-md5: 99cf6e3d9cd04251a8f25b604da3b687 Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (n32) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 9368881116e8272c7eb881ab7da611c3 Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (n32) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libn32stdc++6-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 4248964e7d4e4c289e21151dd1d5b998 Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (n32) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libnabrit-dbg Description-md5: 2746b896d6b68197ee282f3e4b6836a9 Description-gl: LV2 bridging helper library (debugging symbols) NASPRO Bridge it is a little helper library to develop insert-your-API- here to LV2 bridges. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libnanoxml2-java-doc Description-md5: 1adf7a4968bd97deae5202e9d934dcc2 Description-gl: Documentación de libnanoxmls2-java NanoXML is a small XML parser for Java. This is the javadoc for it (the Java packages net.n3.nanoxml.*, net.n3.nanoxml.sax.* and nanoxml.*) and some examples. Package: libncap44 Description-md5: ac503e38f51d2dce652990c7a73274ae Description-gl: network capture library ncap is a network capture library like libpcap (on which it is based) and tcpdump. It produces binary data in its own ncap format, which can be stored in a dump file or transmitted over a UDP socket. Unlike libpcap, it discards data link headers and only supports IPv4 and IPv6 packets, but it can perform reassembly of IP datagrams. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libncursesada-doc Description-md5: bae8a4e2ec9a400f02fbec7a16b3a517 Description-gl: Ada binding to the ncurses text interface library: documentation NcursesAda allows programmers to use the Ncurses library within the Ada language. This means programming panels, colors, forms in text terminals or emulators. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libncursesada5-dev Description-md5: b7b81e20d8d590811609a370bf137b06 Description-gl: Ada binding to the ncurses text interface library: development NcursesAda allows programmers to use the Ncurses library within the Ada language. This means programming panels, colors, forms in text terminals or emulators. . Instale este paquete se quere escribir programas que empreguen libncursesada. Package: libndpi4 Description-md5: 6e2821da8a7bf2aa3eeb62f5026f3a73 Description-gl: extensible deep packet inspection library - shared library nDPI is a ntop-maintained superset of the popular OpenDPI library. Released under the LGPL license, its goal is to extend the original library by adding new protocols that are otherwise available only on the paid version of OpenDPI. . nDPI has also been modified to be suitable for traffic monitoring applications, by disabling specific features that slow down the DPI engine while being them un-necessary for network traffic monitoring. . With nDPI, it is possible to both detect known protocols on non-standard ports (e.g. detect http non ports other than 80), and also the opposite. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libneo4j-client-dev Description-md5: d0ae733606abcde0adf007bfedd9aa76 Description-gl: Development files for libneo4j-client, a client library for Neo4j Neo4j is a Graph Database with an open-source, community licensed server. . libneo4j-client takes care of all the detail of establishing a session with a Neo4j server, sending statements for evaluation, and retrieving results. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras, bibliotecas estáticas). Package: libnes-dev Description-md5: 15316a2a0e60faea310b5cd85446f364 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do controlador libnes libnes is a device-specific driver for Intel NetEffect NE020-based iWARP (RDMA over IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Intel NetEffect iWARP hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . This package contains static versions of libnes that may be linked directly to an application, which may be useful for debugging. Package: libnes1-dbg Description-md5: 1d7525b908c3b38d6e9e0abcb5c5a8ac Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do controlador libnes libnes is a device-specific driver for Intel NetEffect NE020-based iWARP (RDMA over IP/ethernet) adapters for the libibverbs library. This allows userspace processes to access Intel NetEffect iWARP hardware directly with low latency and low overhead. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración asociados co libnes1. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co libnes. Package: libnet-amazon-s3-perl Description-md5: b367b1b11aea58562190b9697382daa9 Description-gl: Amazon S3 Perl API - Simple Storage Service Net::Amazon::S3 provides a Perlish interface to Amazon S3. From the developer blurb: "Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. It gives any developer access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of web sites. The service aims to maximize benefits of scale and to pass those benefits on to developers". . To find out more about S3, please visit: . Para empregar este módulo ha que crear unha conta nos Servizos Web de Amazon e fornecer un «identificador de clave de acceso» e unha «clave de acceso secreta». Se emprega este módulo terá que facer fronte aos custos que lle indique a Amazon. Comprobe os custos. Se emprega este módulo co seu identificador de clave de acceso e a súa clave de acceso secreta, vostede é o responsábel deses custos. Package: libnet-dropbox-api-perl Description-md5: fd59235b8d517ad490cbe06de9ef7940 Description-gl: Módulo en perl que fornece unha interface API para dropbox Net::Dropbox::API é unha interface en perl para a API de Dropbox. A API de Dropbox está baseada en OAuth. Package: libnet-ldns-perl Description-md5: df7789d6fdb347f43cd346aae5bac1e9 Description-gl: Perl wrapper for the ldns DNS library. O obxectivo de ldns é simplificar a programación de DNS. Admite RFC recentes, como os documentos DNSSEC, e permite que os desenvolvedores creen facilmente software que cumpra coas RFC actuais e software experimental dos Borradores de Internet actuais. . This package contains Perl wrapper for ldns library. Package: libnet-telnet-perl Description-md5: 6a162eea4393effd0b42e8c2b126a01e Description-gl: Perl module to script telnetable connections Net::Telnet permite realizar clientes como cliente a un porto de TCP facer E/S de rede, especialmente nun porto mediante o protocolo TELNET. Fornécense métodos de E/S simples como print, get e getline. Fornécense funcionalidades interactivas máis sofisticadas porque ligar cun porto de TELNET a fin de contas significa comunicar cun programa deseñado para a interacción humana. Estas funcionalidades interactivas inclúen a capacidade de indicar un tempo de espera e agardar a que aparezan certos padróns no fluxo de entrada, como o indicador (prompt) dunha consola. Package: libnet-whois-ripe-perl Description-md5: 3ae9af48317773d273b5284779528dcc Description-gl: Cliente de whois RPSL The Net::Whois::RIPE class implements a whois client with support for querying and parsing RPSL objects. Package: libnetclasses-dev Description-md5: 0975fdf5406762df471f8edcd72eca31 Description-gl: Objective-C framework for socket programming with GNUstep (devel) Netclasses is an easy to use interface to socket programming in Objective-C with GNUstep. The core netclasses supports virtually any protocol, but the distribution comes with everything needed for TCP/IP (opening ports, background connections, etc.). Netclasses seamlessly integrates into NSRunLoop, which means there should be no need for redesigning applications to use it. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libnetfilter-acct-dev Description-md5: db91488ec6cc730dcfe1cc0d3343a728 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libnetfilter-acct1 libnetfilter_acct is a userspace library providing an interface to the extended netfilter accounting infrastructure. . This package provides development files and static libraries. Package: libnetfilter-cthelper0-dbg Description-md5: 5dd3619e6c3872b13ca20685f0349a7a Description-gl: Debugging symbols for libnetfilter-cthelper0 libnetfilter_cthelper is the userspace library that provides the programming interface to the user-space helper infrastructure available since Linux kernel 3.6. With this library, you register, configure, enable and disable user-space helpers. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libnetfilter-cttimeout1-dbg Description-md5: 12dcf4e5494fa8b28c422307bdf63dca Description-gl: fine-grain connection tracking timeout infrastructure for netfilter libnetfilter_cttimeout is the userspace library that provides the programming interface to the fine-grain connection tracking timeout infrastructure. With this library, you can create, update and delete timeout policies that can be attached to traffic flows. This library is used by conntrack-tools. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libnetfilter-log-dev Description-md5: 978d91328b5a12e4b7f2c6aec2972231 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libnetfilter-log1 libnetfilter_log is a userspace library providing interface to packets that have been logged by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that deprecates the old syslog/dmesg based packet logging. . This package provides development files and static libraries. Package: libnetfilter-log1-dbg Description-md5: 98c16ea0313d704e106360daba1e29f5 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libnetfilter-log1 libnetfilter_log is a userspace library providing interface to packets that have been logged by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that deprecates the old syslog/dmesg based packet logging. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libnetfilter-queue1-dbg Description-md5: 9f21c1d16a1e09478a1bd4f99a806bfa Description-gl: Debugging symbols for libnetfilter-queue1 libnetfilter_queue is a userspace library providing an API to packets that have been queued by the kernel packet filter. It is part of a system that deprecates the old ip_queue / libipq mechanism. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libnetpbm9 Description-md5: 7aaa46e4fc6e503581f3c9428fbff681 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para netpbm (v9) This package contains shared libraries used to be used by netpbm. Now we've switched to a single shared library, look out for libnetpbm10. This package is provided for backward compatibility. Package: libnewtonsoft-json-cil-dev Description-md5: 64030a29bba84e3060612ca09ea7ba69 Description-gl: high-performance JSON framework for .NET -- development files Json.NET is a high-performance JSON framework for .NET. It has the following features: - Flexible JSON serializer for converting between .NET objects and JSON - LINQ to JSON for manually reading and writing JSON - High performance, faster than .NET's build-in JSON serializers - Write indented, easy to read JSON - Convert JSON to and from XML . The JSON serializer is a good choice when the JSN being read or written maps closely to a .NET class. . LINQ to JSON is good for situations in which there is no class to serialize or deserialize to, or the JSON is radically different from the class structure and manual manipulation is required. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento requiridos para compilar aplicativos ou bibliotecas contra este paquete. Package: libnfc-bin Description-md5: 82a758def65da0f218511a6ffe2b1277 Description-gl: Near Field Communication (NFC) binaries libnfc é unha biblioteca para Comunicación de Campo Cercano. Abstrae os detalles de baixo nivel da comunicación con dispositivos por detrás dunha API de alto nivel doada de utilizar. Admite a maiorÃa do hardware baseado nos chips controladores NXP PN531, PN532 ou PN533. . This package contains some utils that come along with libnfc, for development or debugging purposes (including nfc-list, nfc-mfclassic, nfc- mfultralight, etc). Package: libnfc-dev Description-md5: 037ec8e5c2df8a7fd00e1b1adb9c76f2 Description-gl: Near Field Communication (NFC) library (development files) libnfc é unha biblioteca para Comunicación de Campo Cercano. Abstrae os detalles de baixo nivel da comunicación con dispositivos por detrás dunha API de alto nivel doada de utilizar. Admite a maiorÃa do hardware baseado nos chips controladores NXP PN531, PN532 ou PN533. . This package contains the header and development files needed to build programs and packages using libnfc. Package: libnfc-examples Description-md5: 6181d6940d8ce3e02ccce167918f4bfa Description-gl: Near Field Communication (NFC) examples libnfc é unha biblioteca para Comunicación de Campo Cercano. Abstrae os detalles de baixo nivel da comunicación con dispositivos por detrás dunha API de alto nivel doada de utilizar. Admite a maiorÃa do hardware baseado nos chips controladores NXP PN531, PN532 ou PN533. . Con libnfc fornécense algúns exemplos con propósitos de depuración ou educativos (nfc-anticol, nfc-emulate, etc.). Package: libnfc-pn53x-examples Description-md5: ba90f0239b746ed2563a448e0a685a4f Description-gl: Near Field Communication (NFC) examples for PN53x chips only libnfc é unha biblioteca para Comunicación de Campo Cercano. Abstrae os detalles de baixo nivel da comunicación con dispositivos por detrás dunha API de alto nivel doada de utilizar. Admite a maiorÃa do hardware baseado nos chips controladores NXP PN531, PN532 ou PN533. . Con PN53x-only fornécense algúns exemplos con propósitos de depuración ou educativos (pn53x-sam, pn53x-tamashell, etc.). Package: libnfc5 Description-md5: ba9b969f618f147c461db7f7275cbdda Description-gl: Near Field Communication (NFC) library libnfc é unha biblioteca para Comunicación de Campo Cercano. Abstrae os detalles de baixo nivel da comunicación con dispositivos por detrás dunha API de alto nivel doada de utilizar. Admite a maiorÃa do hardware baseado nos chips controladores NXP PN531, PN532 ou PN533. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de bibliotecas de tempo de execución necesarias para executar software que empregue libnfc. Package: libnfc5-dbg Description-md5: 8ce16a5b5b3371b72be76b62a12afb96 Description-gl: Biblioteca de Comunicación de Campo Cercano (NFC) (información de depuración) libnfc é unha biblioteca para Comunicación de Campo Cercano. Abstrae os detalles de baixo nivel da comunicación con dispositivos por detrás dunha API de alto nivel doada de utilizar. Admite a maiorÃa do hardware baseado nos chips controladores NXP PN531, PN532 ou PN533. . Este paquete contén a información de depuración. Package: libnfo-doc Description-md5: ab0e1b65e53893910e3f3cb1248379c8 Description-gl: developer documentation for libnfo libNFO is a small library to parse and write NFO files. NFO files are used to store metadata information on many multimedia files. . Este paquete contén documentación de desenvolvemento de libnfo. Package: libnfo1 Description-md5: ab94cf5be840f761eef6ef12aad5c3c4 Description-gl: an NFO file parser/writer library libNFO is a small library to parse and write NFO files. NFO files are used to store metadata information on many multimedia files. . O formato NFO é empregado, entre outros, polo Enna e polo Centro multimedia XBMC. Vexa para unha definición do formato. Package: libnfo1-dbg Description-md5: 0c10f60d8bf0f8e670b1f2463b55c64f Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libnfo1 libNFO is a small library to parse and write NFO files. NFO files are used to store metadata information on many multimedia files. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libnfo1. Package: libnfs8 Description-md5: e716953afd96e2e8ba69c0f72fc7bb98 Description-gl: NFS client library (shared library) LIBNFS is a client library for accessing NFS shares over a network. . LIBNFS offers three different APIs, for different use : 1, RAW : A fully async low level rpc library for nfs protocols 2, NFS ASYNC : A fully asynchronous library for high level vfs functions 3, NFS SYNC : A synchronous library for high level vfs functions . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libnglib-4.9.13 Description-md5: 749dde83fc8c0f63e018605be247d718 Description-gl: Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator shared library NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libnglib-dev Description-md5: 688d6219dad630c08a816fa98ae2a6fb Description-gl: Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator development files NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical mesh refinement. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas estáticas e os ficheiros de cabezallo. Package: libngraph0-dev Description-md5: bad10b93b9a7153d9e75b505c663fc54 Description-gl: Ficheiros de cabeceiras para compilar engadidos para Ngraph-gtk Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libnifti-dev Description-md5: 7f428083f20bcff1a6a3063aca61786b Description-gl: IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format Niftilib é un conxunto de bibliotecas de entrada e saÃda para ler e escribir ficheiros que estean no formato NIfTI-1. NIfTI-1 é un formato de ficheiro binario para almacenar datos de imaxes médicas, como por exemplo, imaxes de resonancias magnéticas (MRI) e MRI funcionais (fMRI) do cerebro. . This package provides the header files and static libraries of libniftiio, znzlib and libnifticdf. Package: libnifti-doc Description-md5: 99231d2938c80d5fae677e20b580fbb1 Description-gl: NIfTI library API documentation Niftilib é un conxunto de bibliotecas de entrada e saÃda para ler e escribir ficheiros que estean no formato NIfTI-1. NIfTI-1 é un formato de ficheiro binario para almacenar datos de imaxes médicas, como por exemplo, imaxes de resonancias magnéticas (MRI) e MRI funcionais (fMRI) do cerebro. . This package provides the library API reference documentation. Package: libnifti2 Description-md5: 3b7beb0acbd52dd2c5a1dca2907048ff Description-gl: IO libraries for the NIfTI-1 data format Niftilib é un conxunto de bibliotecas de entrada e saÃda para ler e escribir ficheiros que estean no formato NIfTI-1. NIfTI-1 é un formato de ficheiro binario para almacenar datos de imaxes médicas, como por exemplo, imaxes de resonancias magnéticas (MRI) e MRI funcionais (fMRI) do cerebro. . This package contains the shared library of the low-level IO library niftiio, low-level IO library znzlib and the nifticdf shared library that provides functions to compute cumulative distributions and their inverses. Package: libnini-doc Description-md5: 3f6dfcb81b159a05981bf02e22b19c12 Description-gl: CLI library for managing configuration files (Documentation) Nini is an uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library designed to help build highly configurable applications quickly. . Este paquete contén a documentación de Nini Package: libnjb-dev Description-md5: d9af44b62fe01921a674fec98a2c4342 Description-gl: Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library development files libnjb is a C library and API for communicating with the Creative NOMAD JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio. The protocol these devices use is presumably called PDE (Portable Digital Entertainment protocol) at Creative. Newer devices using the Microsoft MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) are not supported. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento. Package: libnjb-doc Description-md5: b158c44d727855a801674f36f1f9cf07 Description-gl: Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library documentation libnjb is a C library and API for communicating with the Creative NOMAD JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio. The protocol these devices use is presumably called PDE (Portable Digital Entertainment protocol) at Creative. Newer devices using the Microsoft MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) are not supported. . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento. Package: libnjb5 Description-md5: 865edd41a29231bc3cd9f385ae6e95a8 Description-gl: Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library libnjb is a C library and API for communicating with the Creative NOMAD JukeBox and Dell DJ digital audio. The protocol these devices use is presumably called PDE (Portable Digital Entertainment protocol) at Creative. Newer devices using the Microsoft MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) are not supported. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libnodeletlib0d Description-md5: 25f6721defab9297d01b0d6bf7e1cddf Description-gl: Robot OS nodelet library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). Nodelet is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. The nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, and the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets are provided. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libnova-0.16-0 Description-md5: 6fd9bae1f008c4e52f9bcdbf8dd3b90d Description-gl: celestial mechanics, astrometry and astrodynamics library libnova é unha biblioteca de propósito xeral e dupla precisión de mecánica celeste, astrometrÃa e astrodinámica. Package: libnova-dev Description-md5: 126c47badf2d98da18365f95cc27ad82 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca astronómica libnova libnova é unha biblioteca de propósito xeral e dupla precisión de mecánica celeste, astrometrÃa e astrodinámica. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libns3-3v5 Description-md5: b7ee6eaa287b7316a4ad8b00fbd1c4a0 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas de ns-3 ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use. ns-3 is intended as an eventual replacement for the popular ns-2 simulator. The project acronym “nsnam†derives historically from the concatenation of ns (network simulator) and NAM (network animator). . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libnss-rsbac2 Description-md5: 5e08c5d687f9f5f046c2ca2707c3d04c Description-gl: Módulo NSS de RSBAC RSBAC (Control de acceso baseado en conxuntos de regras) é un parche do kernel que engade varios modelos de acceso obrigatorios ao kernel Linux. Este modelos poden ser empregados para mellorar a seguranza dun sistema Linux. . This package contains the RSBAC NSS module to use RSBAC User Management. Package: libnss-securepass Description-md5: 7519af5e2839ba55c8c9687496231afb Description-gl: NSS (Name Service Switch) module for Securepass Este é un módulo de NSS para usuarios definidos en SecurePass. SecurePass fornece autenticación única na web mediante o protocolo CAS. Package: libntdb-dev Description-md5: d6cdad172546cc2c46039dfef5e9b371 Description-gl: New Trivial Database - development files This is a simple database API. It is modelled after the structure of GDBM. TDB features, unlike GDBM, multiple writers support with appropriate locking and transactions. . ntdb uses a file format that is incompatible with tdb, but the API is similar. It improves performance, adds support for databases larger than 4 Gb, and improves integration with talloc. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libntdb1 Description-md5: c6db27c441d87c0a74d8c84202b61c1c Description-gl: New Trivial Database - shared library This is a simple database API. It is modelled after the structure of GDBM. TDB features, unlike GDBM, multiple writers support with appropriate locking and transactions. . ntdb uses a file format that is incompatible with tdb, but the API is similar. It improves performance, adds support for databases larger than 4 Gb, and improves integration with talloc. . Este paquete contén o ficheiro da biblioteca compartida. Package: libntl-dev Description-md5: c44da408ceecbf12d4a613a7e3f3c5f7 Description-gl: Number Theory Library, development files NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors, matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para NTL. Package: libntru-0.5-dev Description-md5: 0375a6426e0627d1e7fe9cd55a4da7d1 Description-gl: C implementation of the public-key encryption scheme NTRUEncrypt This library is an implementation of the NTRU encryption scheme in C. The NTRUEncrypt public key cryptosystem, also known as the NTRU encryption algorithm, is a lattice-based alternative to RSA and ECC and is based on the shortest vector problem in a lattice (which is not known to be breakable using quantum computers). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libnux-4.0-0 Description-md5: 90d396a1d9bee5777dd30987b07c2d73 Description-gl: Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - shared lib Nux is a graphical user interface toolkit for applications that mixes opengl hardware acceleration with high quality visual rendering. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libnux-4.0-dev Description-md5: cb19142683fff19dae7d5f404499bcd9 Description-gl: Visual rendering toolkit for real-time applications - dev files Nux is a graphical user interface toolkit for applications that mixes opengl hardware acceleration with high quality visual rendering. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libnxml0 Description-md5: 98a4e996c4c183c28a668167e60ef135 Description-gl: C library for parsing, writing and creating xml 1.0/1.1 files or streams libnxml is a C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1 files or streams. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16be and UTF-16le, UCS-4 (1234, 4321, 2143, 2312). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libnxml0-dbg Description-md5: 15e4e839e25858f234d8617ae6bf548f Description-gl: shared libraries with debugging symbols for libnxml0 libnxml is a C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML 1.0 and 1.1 files or streams. It supports UTF-8, UTF-16be and UTF-16le, UCS-4 (1234, 4321, 2143, 2312). . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: liboasis-ocaml-doc Description-md5: 0db33e744e19f74233e5ddc10f34716d Description-gl: Architecture for building OCaml libraries and applications OASIS generates a full configure, build and install system for your application. It starts with a simple `_oasis` file at the toplevel of your project and creates everything required. . It uses external tools like OCamlbuild and it can be considered as the glue between various subsystems that do the job. It should support the following tools: . - OCamlbuild - OMake (todo) - OCamlMakefile (todo), - ocaml-autoconf (todo) . It also features a do-it-yourself command line invocation and an internal configure/install scheme. Libraries are managed through findlib. It has been tested on GNU Linux and Windows. . OASIS supports standard entry points and descriptions. It helps to integrates your libraries and software with third parties tools like GODI. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libobexftp0-dev Description-md5: 445e4aea9a4954325a2cc4bacf4c0c59 Description-gl: object exchange file transfer library - development files OBEX, the OBject EXchange protocol, can best be described as binary HTTP. OBEX is optimized for ad-hoc links and can be used to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard) over bluetooth, IrDA, USB and serial cable links. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libobjc-4.8-dev Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-5-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc-7-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 7ff3333ac4ef3f78ec469fae5e05bf5d Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libobjc4-alpha-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-arm64-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-armel-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-armhf-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: b444a22ecf71ec41ec6388bbebb0e347 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-hppa-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-m68k-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-mips-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-mips64-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-s390x-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-sh4-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjc4-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 30a0a695b3f5d643272b0bb547f0578c Description-gl: Biblioteca de execución para os aplicativos en Objective C de GNU Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libobjenesis-java-doc Description-md5: c6beba7c9739f156f5e52206464afa6d Description-gl: Documentación de Objenesis Objenesis is a small Java library that serves one purpose: to instantiate a new object of a particular class. Java already supports this dynamic instantiation of classes using Class.newInstance(). However, this only works if the class has an appropriate constructor. There are many times when a class cannot be instantiated this way, such as when the class contains: * Constructors that require arguments. * Constructors that have side effects. * Constructors that throw exceptions. As a result, it is common to see restrictions in libraries stating that classes must require a default constructor. Objenesis aims to overcomes these restrictions by bypassing the constructor on object instantiation. . This is the API documentation for Objenesis Package: libobs-dev Description-md5: 225773aeb3e625b11d710d9b8c43c078 Description-gl: recorder and streamer for live video content (development files) OBS Studio is designed for efficiently recording and streaming live video content. It supports live RTP streaming to various streaming sites. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libocamlgraph-ocaml-doc Description-md5: e776a6d176a4ed15ae93da729fd7f18f Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca Ocamlgraph This package provides the API reference documentation generated by ocamldoc. Package: libocas0 Description-md5: 04f2824e0277572b50b051dfb91c0e1b Description-gl: OCAS solver for training linear SVM classifiers This library implements Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) for training linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from large-scale data. The computational effort of OCAS scales linearly with the number of training examples. It is one of the fastest SVM solvers around for solving linear and multiclass L2 regularized SVMs. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: liboce-modeling11 Description-md5: b9c038d8ab25ee86a6a3340f1ec7bdd5 Description-gl: OpenCASCADE Community Edition CAE platform shared library OpenCASCADE is a suite for 3D surface and solid modeling, visualization, data exchange and rapid application development. It is an excellent platform for development of numerical simulation software including CAD/CAM/CAE, AEC and GIS, as well as PDM applications. . This package is based on OCE, OpenCASCADE Community Edition, which is maintained by a community of developers, and not by OpenCASCADE SAS. . This package supplies data structures to represent 2D and 3D geometric models, as well as topological and geometrical algorithms. . Este paquete contén as seguintes bibliotecas compartidas: TKG2d TKG3d TKGeomBase TKBRep TKGeomAlgo TKTopAlgo TKPrim TKBO TKHLR TKMesh TKShHealing TKXMesh TKBool TKFillet TKFeat TKOffset TKSTL TKXSBase TKSTEPBase TKIGES TKSTEPAttr TKSTEP209 TKSTEP Package: liboctave-dev Description-md5: 43c61ae725717d2d18d9c9ccb1d7652e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da linguaxe Octave de GNU O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatÃbel con Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas lineais e non lineais. . This package provides the header files and the mkoctfile script used for extending Octave via compiled code. Package: liboctave4 Description-md5: 8d991d5327be94acd1d25956ef3b5a38 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas da linguaxe Octave de GNU O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatÃbel con Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas lineais e non lineais. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas empregadas polo intérprete. Package: libodbcinstq4-1 Description-md5: b5562693ed4efdaae9a3ef937bfba68f Description-gl: Biblioteca de configuración de ODBC baseada en Qt Este paquete contén a biblioteca libodbcinstQ, unha biblioteca empregada por algunhas ferramentas de configuración de interfaces gráficas baseadas en Qt para xestionar os controladores de ODBC e os DSN de ODBC. Package: libodil-dev Description-md5: 60a3d1b088d03e7c5d9517e072327c9b Description-gl: C++11 library for the DICOM standard (development files) Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libodil-doc Description-md5: e170551c412c074db16012936c15516c Description-gl: C++11 library for the DICOM standard (documentation) Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libodil0 Description-md5: e2d4d5529d9b8f2f8199d67a281dfb8e Description-gl: C++11 library for the DICOM standard Odil leverages C++ constructs to provide a user-friendly API of the different parts of the DICOM standard. Included in Odil are exception- based error handling, generic access to datasets elements, standard JSON and XML representation of datasets, and generic implementation of messages, clients and servers for the various DICOM protocols. . Odil also provides conversion to and from DCMTK data structures. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libodn-ocaml Description-md5: 7ddc4c6d7e675f56910bf9e19a50f39b Description-gl: Store data using OCaml notation This library uses type-conv to dump OCaml data structure using OCaml data notation. This kind of data dumping helps to write OCaml code generator, like OASIS. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libofono-qt-dev Description-md5: 0618e4288eae3640fc57fbd19a289c4d Description-gl: Biblioteca oFono de Qt (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains development files for ofono-qt, a Qt-based library that provides bindings to oFono. . oFono is a free software project for mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS) applications. It is build on 3GPP standards and uses a high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony applications. Package: libofono-qt1 Description-md5: fe23f034ae73439e94c2c2597092c633 Description-gl: Biblioteca oFono de Qt This package contains ofono-qt, a Qt-based library that provides bindings to oFono. . oFono is a free software project for mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS) applications. It is build on 3GPP standards and uses a high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony applications. Package: liboggz2-dbg Description-md5: f0984c7c7d18d003b00191d815b77336 Description-gl: convenience interface for Ogg stream I/O debugging symbols Oggz provides a simple programming interface for reading and writing Ogg files and streams. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración empregados para trazar erros no software que empregue liboggz. Package: liboglappth2 Description-md5: f140101ad2cef2c62fcd281f92d2261d Description-gl: Oglappth Library A library for creating portable OpenGL applications with easy-to-code scene setup and selection operations. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libogmrip-dev Description-md5: 222eb3bfcec4cd8e3f5f664da8464c41 Description-gl: Application for ripping and encoding DVD - development files ogmrip is an application and a set of libraries for ripping and encoding DVD into AVI, OGM MP4 or Matroska files using a wide variety of codecs. It relies on mplayer, mencoder, ogmtools, mkvtoolnix, oggenc, lame and faac to perform its tasks. o transcodes from DVD or files o outputs ogm, avi, mp4 or matroska files o calculates video bitrate for a given filesize o calculates cropping parameters and scaling factors o supports multiple audio and subtitles streams encoding o lots of codecs (vorbis, mp3, pcm, ac3, dts, aac, xvid, lavc, x264, theora) o uses maximum quality codec switches o rips contiguous chapters . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento. Package: libogmrip1 Description-md5: 95bfcab5a1686565feb07fa1fc609ecf Description-gl: Application for ripping and encoding DVD - libraries files ogmrip is an application and a set of libraries for ripping and encoding DVD into AVI, OGM MP4 or Matroska files using a wide variety of codecs. It relies on mplayer, mencoder, ogmtools, mkvtoolnix, oggenc, lame and faac to perform its tasks. o transcodes from DVD or files o outputs ogm, avi, mp4 or matroska files o calculates video bitrate for a given filesize o calculates cropping parameters and scaling factors o supports multiple audio and subtitles streams encoding o lots of codecs (vorbis, mp3, pcm, ac3, dts, aac, xvid, lavc, x264, theora) o uses maximum quality codec switches o rips contiguous chapters . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libokular5core7 Description-md5: 43c22bdb4061c61963c0d307cf1a600a Description-gl: Bibliotecas para o visor de documentos Okular Este paquete contén as bibliotecas empregadas polo visor de documentos Okular. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: libolecf1 Description-md5: a5330b1030a39c8b32613af8d0567b4c Description-gl: OLE2 Compound File format access library libolecf is a library to access the OLE 2 Compound File (OLECF) format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libomniorb4-1-dbg Description-md5: cd66c74385a469dd2d816dcc8e070d38 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas centrais de omniORB omniORB4 is a freely available Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) 2.6 compliant object request broker (ORB) implementation. It is based on the IIOP communications protocol and should be interoperable with any other CORBA 2.6 compliant ORB. . This includes the debug versions of libomniorb4, libomnicodesets4, libomnidynamic4 and libomnissltp4. Package: libomp-doc Description-md5: 55ecafb377674896611f496b3a8a1433 Description-gl: LLVM OpenMP runtime - Documentation The runtime is the part of the OpenMP implementation that your code is linked against, and that manages the multiple threads in an OpenMP program while it is executing. . Este paquete contén a documentación deste paquete. Package: libomxil-bellagio-doc Description-md5: b6e692924c015e4b93a7e57089467082 Description-gl: Documentation of the Bellagio OpenMAX IL OpenMAX Integration Layer (IL) is a standard API to access Multimedia Components on mobile platforms. It has been defined by the Khronos group. By means of the OpenMAX IL API, multimedia frameworks can access hardware accelerators on platforms that provide it. . Bellagio is an opensource implementation of the OpenMAX IL API that runs on Linux. . It is intended to show the usage of the IL API and to allow people to start developing components. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: libomxil-bellagio0-components-base-dbg Description-md5: bd3a4fc08d0ae514bb7542dd333605f5 Description-gl: Compoñentes de Bellagio OpenMAX IL, sÃmbolos de depuración Debug symbols for libomxil-bellagio. Package: liboobs-1-5 Description-md5: 46d753586494084fa55addf746c12fa1 Description-gl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - shared library Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: liboobs-1-5-dbg Description-md5: 8890ab519a96eb2f282cd69a9dd13e66 Description-gl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - debug symbols Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: liboobs-1-dev Description-md5: 9db16df14687e70477f29ac1737c7214 Description-gl: GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - dev files Liboobs is a lightweight library that provides a GObject based interface to system-tools-backends. It's completely abstracted of the communication and authentication details, making it easy for applications to integrate with the system details. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liboop-dbg Description-md5: 93232428c735d9ff497a4d8ee711bf9b Description-gl: Event loop management library - debug symbols Liboop is a low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based operating systems. . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libooptools-dev Description-md5: 767a7e243d2c8d3c8a6937c94a72f55f Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de LoopTools LoopTools is a package for evaluation of scalar and tensor one-loop integrals based on the FF package by G.J. van Oldenborgh. It features an easy Fortran, C++, and Mathematica interface to the scalar one-loop functions of FF and in addition provides the 2-, 3-, and 4-point tensor coefficient functions. . This package provides development files of LoopTools. Package: libopenbabel-dev Description-md5: 4f0a32197b42c191862bd6c662f5887a Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (development files) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabezallo. Package: libopenbabel-doc Description-md5: 0fab4d74aecda6153f6001ea00c04b00 Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (documentation) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libopenbabel4v5 Description-md5: 9b073686beba43d7febfa498b6b90bf2 Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libopencc2 Description-md5: cdef50a529929a6880d82c26934b7b7c Description-gl: simplified-traditional Chinese conversion library - runtime opencc is a library for converting character between traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese. . Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida. Package: libopenconnect-dev Description-md5: f1ea0647dedb8d9a6fa8c515745ed002 Description-gl: open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN - development files OpenConnect é un cliente da VPN por SSL AnyConnect da Cisco, compatÃbel coa serie ASA5500, IOS 12.4(9)T ou posterior nos routers das series Cisco SR500, 870, 880, 1800, 2800, 3800, 7200 e os routers Cisco 7301 e probabelmente outros. . This package provides the header and development files. Package: libopenconnect5 Description-md5: bc6e434e2b52eb474c30b0f7f85b44d3 Description-gl: open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN - shared library OpenConnect é un cliente da VPN por SSL AnyConnect da Cisco, compatÃbel coa serie ASA5500, IOS 12.4(9)T ou posterior nos routers das series Cisco SR500, 870, 880, 1800, 2800, 3800, 7200 e os routers Cisco 7301 e probabelmente outros. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libopenconnect5-dbg Description-md5: 048eb493ff503b329e2bb3fc8faf851b Description-gl: debugging symbols for the libopenconnect5 shared library OpenConnect é un cliente da VPN por SSL AnyConnect da Cisco, compatÃbel coa serie ASA5500, IOS 12.4(9)T ou posterior nos routers das series Cisco SR500, 870, 880, 1800, 2800, 3800, 7200 e os routers Cisco 7301 e probabelmente outros. . This package contains the debugging symbols for libopenconnect5. Package: libopencore-amrnb-dev Description-md5: 671a2e2b8b441777bcf55f971b9296b8 Description-gl: Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec - development files This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.073 specification for the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec. The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part of the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libopencore-amrnb0-dbg Description-md5: 9f1472e19da9c1c20c724e6639a59e55 Description-gl: Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec - debugging symbols This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.073 specification for the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec. The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part of the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libopencore-amrwb-dev Description-md5: 6e53d2e9b8679f91cd6d47cdc8fe3307 Description-gl: Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband speech codec - development files This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.173 specification for the Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech decoder. The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part of the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libopencore-amrwb0-dbg Description-md5: 7b9ae281182d2f8730f459e6588c3ebf Description-gl: Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband speech codec - debugging symbols This library contains an implementation of the 3GPP TS 26.173 specification for the Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech decoder. The implementation is derived from the OpenCORE framework, part of the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libopencryptoki-dev Description-md5: 5ccede4e52f23a23ec6f510afbb7738e Description-gl: PKCS#11 implementation (development) openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libopencryptoki0 Description-md5: 8feafc6f1695544c5f562059012b0d01 Description-gl: PKCS#11 implementation (library) openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libopencsg1-dbg Description-md5: 0e7e9614e27c3e8ad984b8e5f302a7a6 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libopencsg OpenCSG is a library for CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) that can combine geometric primitives to more complex objects, for example the difference between two primitives. Instead of explicitly calculating the shape of the resulting object, it uses OpenGL's z-buffer to render the image. . OpenCSG implements both the Goldfeather and the SCS algorithm. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libopencsg. Package: libopencsv-java-doc Description-md5: cdaf2cad8bc8231ae3e2344e73d9340a Description-gl: Documentación de opencsv Simple library for reading and writing CSV in Java . This package contains the API documentation of libopencsv-java. Package: libopencv-dev Description-md5: f9dc67381f1013c39fe59842c79cbddf Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de opencv This is a metapackage providing development package necessary for development of OpenCV (Open Computer Vision). . The Open Computer Vision Library is a collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems. The library is compatible with IPL (Intel's Image Processing Library) and, if available, can use IPP (Intel's Integrated Performance Primitives) for better performance. . OpenCV provides low level portable data types and operators, and a set of high level functionalities for video acquisition, image processing and analysis, structural analysis, motion analysis and object tracking, object recognition, camera calibration and 3D reconstruction. Package: libopendbx1-firebird Description-md5: 0f8bb25c8946b4bf468ddd1e3bdffc46 Description-gl: Firebird backend for OpenDBX OpenDBX provides a simple and lightweight API for interfacing native relational database APIs in a consistent way. By using the OpenDBX API you don't have to adapt your program to the different database APIs by yourself. . Este paquete contén a infraestrutura do Firebird. Package: libopendht-dev Description-md5: c79f97721c100499b46569cd3b6b1f7f Description-gl: Development files for the libopendht library OpenDHT is a C++11 distributed hash table implementation. Feature list: - Distributed shared key->value data-store - Clean and powerful distributed map API with storage of arbitrary binary values of up to 56 KB. - Optional public key cryptography layer providing data signature and encryption (using GnuTLS). - IPv4 and IPv6 support. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos. Package: libopenhmd0 Description-md5: 4f245a94c3c301ef8ed19f4292bb76f9 Description-gl: API and drivers for immersive technology (shared library) OpenHMD aims to provide a Free and Open Source API and drivers for immersive technology, such as head mounted displays with built in head tracking. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libopenjpa-java-doc Description-md5: dfb0a4331659190e9c709b866dc1a4f0 Description-gl: Documentación de libopenjpa-java Documentation for OpenJPA that is Apache's implementation of Sun's Java Persistence 2.0 API (JSR-317 JPA 2.0) specification for the transparent persistence of Java objects. . It is an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution for the Java language, which simplifies storing objects in databases. Package: libopenlibm2 Description-md5: aa210078ee5724d12f33e46f7e7ce2d9 Description-gl: standalone implementation of C mathematical functions (shared library) OpenLibm is an effort to have a high quality, portable, standalone libm implementation, under a liberal free software license. It can be used standalone in applications and programming language implementations. . The project was born out of a need to have a good libm for the Julia programming language that worked consistently across compilers and operating systems, and in 32-bit and 64-bit environments. . Este paquete contén unha versión compartida da biblioteca. Package: libopenr2-3 Description-md5: 951e5884feffdcdbdfe7247555cd102f Description-gl: MFC/R2 (telephony) call setup library OpenR2 is a library that implements the MFC/R2 telephony signalling over E1 lines using the DAHDI Telephony interface. . The MFC/R2 protocol is a telephony signalling protocol, widely used in Latin America, China and Africa, similar to the ISDN protocols found in most of Europe and North America . This package contains a shared library implementing the protocol. . DeberÃalle botar unha ollada ao PBX Asterisk para un aplicativo de telefonÃa que empregue esta biblioteca. Package: libopenraw1v5-dbg Description-md5: 205c9f9c6d8b8b5edcb3a695cd8bbbf3 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libopenraw e libopenrawgnome libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation for camera RAW files decoding. One of the main reason is that dcraw is not suited for easy integration into applications, and there is a need for an easy to use API to build free software digital image processing application. . It also has the goal to address missing feature from dcraw like meta-data decoding and easy thumbnail extraction. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libopenraw e libopenrawgnome. Package: libopenrawgnome-dev Description-md5: 4fd33ea5af277080af87718cfb838683 Description-gl: GNOME integration for libopenraw - development files libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation for camera RAW files decoding. One of the main reason is that dcraw is not suited for easy integration into applications, and there is a need for an easy to use API to build free software digital image processing application. . It also has the goal to address missing feature from dcraw like meta-data decoding and easy thumbnail extraction. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libopenrpt1v5 Description-md5: 5e7864f904f8c6b826ef30875748bc78 Description-gl: graphical SQL report writer, designer and rendering library Graphical SQL report writer, designer and rendering engine, optimized for PostgreSQL. WYSIWYG display, GUI built with Qt. Reports can be saved as XML, either as files or in a database. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libopenscap8-dbg Description-md5: f86424929b4f70b6769276deae8be2f8 Description-gl: Set of libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards OpenSCAP is a set of open source libraries providing an easier path for integration of the SCAP line of standards. SCAP is a line of standards managed by NIST with the goal of providing a standard language for the expression of Computer Network Defense related information. . The intended scope of this project is to implement working interface wrappers for parsing and querying SCAP content including: * Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) * Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE) * Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) * Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) * Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF) * Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do OpenSCAP. Package: libopenscenegraph-3.4-131 Description-md5: a75df68b0adcf71b7736ef2a388be345 Description-gl: 3D scene graph, shared libs A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libopenscenegraph-3.4-dev Description-md5: a64373fee457d50bacc3205834dad47b Description-gl: 3D scene graph, development files A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libopenscenegraph-dev Description-md5: a64373fee457d50bacc3205834dad47b Description-gl: 3D scene graph, development files A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libopenscenegraph100v5 Description-md5: a75df68b0adcf71b7736ef2a388be345 Description-gl: 3D scene graph, shared libs A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libopenshot-audio-doc Description-md5: 16f42549fa26d965998b4a7457618efa Description-gl: documentation for the OpenShot audio library The OpenShot audio library is a program which allows high-quality editing and playback of audio based on the JUCE library. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libopenshot-audio6 Description-md5: ee5da53019df3890000816b7b9043907 Description-gl: library for high-quality audio editing The OpenShot audio library is a program which allows high-quality editing and playback of audio based on the JUCE library. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libopenshot-doc Description-md5: 184778abfcf426ff5ebb574b3ed7583b Description-gl: documentation for the OpenShot video library OpenShot Library (libopenshot) is an open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. The API currently supports C++, Python, and Ruby. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libopenshot14 Description-md5: 9a6752fee7d26667c4090bff9b2449fd Description-gl: library for high-quality video editing OpenShot Library (libopenshot) is an open-source project dedicated to delivering high quality video editing, animation, and playback solutions to the world. The API currently supports C++, Python, and Ruby. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libopenslide-dev Description-md5: 6077f7a63c9f0a2333aba846102c7453 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca OpenSlide OpenSlide is a C library that provides a simple interface to read whole- slide images also known as virtual slides. . Whole-slide images, also known as virtual slides, are large, high resolution images used in digital pathology. Reading these images using standard image tools or libraries is a challenge because these tools are typically designed for images that can comfortably be uncompressed into RAM or a swap file. Whole-slide images routinely exceed RAM sizes, often occupying tens of gigabytes when uncompressed. Additionally, whole-slide images are typically multi-resolution, and only a small amount of image data might be needed at a particular resolution. . This library currently supports: - Aperio (.svs, .tif) - Hamamatsu (.vms, .vmu, .ndpi) - Leica (.scn) - MIRAX (.mrxs) - Sakura (.svslide) - Trestle (.tif) - Generic tiled TIFF (.tif) . This package contains development files needed to build OpenSlide applications. Package: libopenspecfun1 Description-md5: 466666db55e42cb4fd756e284c75ecab Description-gl: collection of special mathematical functions (shared library) Openspecfun provides AMOS and Faddeeva. . AMOS (from Netlib) is a portable package for Bessel Functions of a Complex Argument and Nonnegative Order; it contains subroutines for computing Bessel functions and Airy functions. . Faddeeva allows computing the various error functions of arbitrary complex arguments (Faddeeva function, error function, complementary error function, scaled complementary error function, imaginary error function, and Dawson function); given these, one can also easily compute Voigt functions, Fresnel integrals, and similar related functions as well. . Este paquete contén unha versión compartida da biblioteca. Package: libopenthreads-dev Description-md5: 7c4c372fddd0511ee9bcb2eaf36abcad Description-gl: Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++, development files This library is intended to provide a minimal & complete Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++ programmers, used primarily in OpenSceneGraph. It is loosely modeled on the Java thread API, and the POSIX Threads standards. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libopenthreads20 Description-md5: 8d3858e711ae2275fd118fff05f23ee7 Description-gl: Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++, shared libs This library is intended to provide a minimal & complete Object-Oriented (OO) thread interface for C++ programmers, used primarily in OpenSceneGraph. It is loosely modeled on the Java thread API, and the POSIX Threads standards. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libopentoken-doc Description-md5: b72793ac2ef571c6025f78d48fe5d8ea Description-gl: OpenToken lexical analysis library for Ada: documentation OpenToken is a facility for performing token analysis within the Ada language. It is designed to provide all the functionality of a traditional lexical analyzer generator, such as lex. But due to the magic of inheritance and runtime polymorphism it is implemented entirely in Ada as withed-in code. No precompilation step is required, and no messy tool- generated source code is created. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libopentoken6.1-dev Description-md5: c95bee89db9192b00e1ef64f924eabc5 Description-gl: OpenToken lexical analysis library for Ada: development OpenToken is a facility for performing token analysis within the Ada language. It is designed to provide all the functionality of a traditional lexical analyzer generator, such as lex. But due to the magic of inheritance and runtime polymorphism it is implemented entirely in Ada as withed-in code. No precompilation step is required, and no messy tool- generated source code is created. . Instale este paquete se quere escribir programas que empreguen OpenToken. Package: libopenusb-doc Description-md5: f1cc6b42a488a3f4daa6c41c79399ead Description-gl: alternative userspace USB programming library The Open USB library provides a platform independent API to USB, including synchronous and asynchronous transfers and thread safety. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato HTML. Package: libopenusb0 Description-md5: 07060a27327f92be52c0ea34b1c55876 Description-gl: alternative userspace USB programming library The Open USB library provides a platform independent API to USB, including synchronous and asynchronous transfers and thread safety. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libopenwsman1 Description-md5: 1e29bce43731a5b7033c42a60dda598c Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para libwsman This is a transitional dummy package. It can be safely removed. Package: liboping0 Description-md5: d2f37fbfb9564fb0ca5231e5a1530efc Description-gl: C/C++ library to generate ICMP ECHO_REQUESTs liboping features pinging multiple hosts in parallel using IPv4 or IPv6 transparently. The interface is object oriented. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libopusfile-dbg Description-md5: bdccedf8227e48d0eba586173656a6d1 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libopusfile This package provides the detached debug symbols for libopusfile. Package: liborcania-dev Description-md5: 60acd8de600802daef9ab348120f81a3 Description-gl: library for angharad programs, development files Different functions for different purposes but that can be shared between other projects . Basically these are used for other programs in the anghard project. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liborigin2-1v5 Description-md5: 4f9bf842d2dcd5c6e73ffb78bc4f5098 Description-gl: library for reading OriginLab Origin 7.5 project files (runtime) liborigin2 is a library for reading the project files from the OriginLab Origin 7.5 plotting program. OriginLab Origin provides extensive scientific graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several new tools that simplify common operations. . Consulte para máis información sobre OriginLab Origin. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca liborigin2. Package: liborigin2-dev Description-md5: a8874cef4caff152b4168ea9a89d50e7 Description-gl: library for reading OriginLab Origin 7.5 project files (development) liborigin2 is a library for reading the project files from the OriginLab Origin 7.5 plotting program. OriginLab Origin provides extensive scientific graphing and data analysis capabilities and includes several new tools that simplify common operations. . Consulte para máis información sobre OriginLab Origin. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libortp-dev Description-md5: 4eb76d724b31bcc6d732d8f9bca56e59 Description-gl: Real-time Transport Protocol stack - development files This library implements the RFC 1889 (RTP) with a easy to use API with high and low level access. . The main features are: - support for multiple profiles, AV profile (RFC 1890) being the default one; - an optional packet scheduler for synchronizing RTP recv and send; - implements blocking and non blocking IO for RTP sessions; - supports multiplexing IO; - supports part of RFC 2833 for telephone events over RTP. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: liboscpack-dev Description-md5: d1348173256b52c57c382c604b671eaf Description-gl: C++ library for packing and unpacking OSC packets - dev files Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets. Oscpack includes a minimal set of UDP networking classes for Windows and POSIX which are sufficient for writing many OSC applications and servers, but you are encouraged to use another networking framework if it better suits your needs. Oscpack is not an OSC application framework, it doesn't include infrastructure for constructing or routing OSC namespaces, just classes for easily constructing, sending, receiving and parsing OSC packets. The library should also be easy to use for other transport methods (eg serial). . The key goals of the oscpack library are: . - to be a simple and complete implementation of OSC - to be portable to a wide variety of platforms - to allow easy development of robust OSC applications (for example it should be impossible to crash a server by sending it malformed packets, and difficult to create malformed packets.) . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento. Package: liboscpack1 Description-md5: cfbf8bf91d37054849d8eb344911405a Description-gl: C++ library for packing and unpacking OSC packets Oscpack is simply a set of C++ classes for packing and unpacking OSC packets. Oscpack includes a minimal set of UDP networking classes for Windows and POSIX which are sufficient for writing many OSC applications and servers, but you are encouraged to use another networking framework if it better suits your needs. Oscpack is not an OSC application framework, it doesn't include infrastructure for constructing or routing OSC namespaces, just classes for easily constructing, sending, receiving and parsing OSC packets. The library should also be easy to use for other transport methods (eg serial). . The key goals of the oscpack library are: . - to be a simple and complete implementation of OSC - to be portable to a wide variety of platforms - to allow easy development of robust OSC applications (for example it should be impossible to crash a server by sending it malformed packets, and difficult to create malformed packets.) . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libosgearth-dev Description-md5: 6559fee53ea158b18c4eb93864feef91 Description-gl: osgEarth development files osgEarth is a scalable terrain rendering toolkit for OpenSceneGraph (OSG), an open source, high performance, 3D graphics toolkit. Just create a simple XML file, point it at your imagery, elevation, and vector data, load it into your favorite OSG application, and go! osgEarth supports all kinds of data and comes with lots of examples to help you get up and running quickly and easily. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libosinfo-1.0-0 Description-md5: f876c13a2dc71fac563bc3ec3984a9df Description-gl: Library for managing information about operating systems and hypervisors libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system on a hypervisor. . Via the GObject Introspection, the API is available in all common programming languages. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libosinfo-1.0-dev Description-md5: c452d12ef13dbe942b5b162d84fdc0cc Description-gl: libosinfo development files libosinfo is a GObject based library API for managing information about operating systems, hypervisors and the (virtual) hardware devices they can support. It includes a database containing device metadata and provides APIs to match/identify optimal devices for deploying an operating system on a hypervisor. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as asociacións con Vala. Package: libosip2-dev Description-md5: 03c1dfde41a02b6a29ee3d1c13357fa5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca SIP libosip2 header files and static libraries to assist in development of programs wishing to use SIP. . The oSIP library is written in C, is thread safe and has no dependencies except the standard C library. . oSIP could be used to implement an IP soft-phone as well as embedded SIP software. oSIP is not limited to endpoint agents implementations and can also be used to implement SIP proxies or registration services. . oSIP currently provides an API for the SIP message parser, SDP message parser, and library to handle "SIP transactions" as defined by the SIP standards (RFC3261). Package: libosmgpsmap-1.0-dbg Description-md5: 681685d95b2c8ae7bacebdd9d8cd762f Description-gl: GTK+ library to embed OpenStreetMap maps - debugging symbols libosmgpsmap is a library to embed maps in applications that when given GPS co-ordinates, draws a GPS track, and points of interest on a moving map display. Downloads map data from a number of websites, including, and others. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida e das súas asociacións de Python. Package: libosmosdr-dev Description-md5: ced59cc23791e11ee054cd868ffa08c1 Description-gl: Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (development files) OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. . The hardware part of OsmoSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libosmosdr0 Description-md5: 7ca0e25e4381b1a49425468e74f6e817 Description-gl: Software defined radio support for OsmoSDR hardware (library) OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. . The hardware part of OsmoSDR brings information from an antenna connector to a USB plug. . This package is the software that provides control of the USB hardware and an API to pass data to software defined radio applications on the host. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libossp-uuid16 Description-md5: 4e2b73242022da7d4b05222407c9042f Description-gl: OSSP uuid ISO-C and C++ - shared library OSSP uuid is an ISO-C and Perl application programming interface (API) and corresponding command line interface (CLI) for the generation of DCE 1.1 and ISO/IEC 11578:1996 compliant Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). It supports DCE 1.1 variant UUIDs of version 1 (time and node based), version 3 (name based) and version 4 (random number based). . UUIDs are 128 bit numbers which are intended to have a high likelihood of uniqueness over space and time and are computationally difficult to guess. They are globally unique identifiers which can be locally generated without contacting a global registration authority. UUIDs are intended as unique identifiers for both mass tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime and to reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libostree-1-1 Description-md5: 7f070d279b2cc988d078b2a019548640 Description-gl: content-addressed filesystem for operating system binaries (library) libostree is a library for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees. It is like git in that it checksums individual files and has a content-addressed object store; unlike git, it "checks out" the files using hardlinks into an immutable directory tree. This can be used to provide atomic upgrades with rollback, history and parallel- installation, particularly useful on "fixed purpose" systems such as embedded devices. It is also used by the Flatpak application runtime system. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libotcl1 Description-md5: c3dd0d2212218425fcc3f9171bca36e4 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida de OTcl OTcl, short for MIT Object Tcl, is an extension to Tcl/Tk for object- oriented programming. It shouldn't be confused with the IXI Object Tcl extension by Dean Sheenan. (Sorry, but both of them like the name and have been using it for a while.) . Some of OTcl's features as compared to alternatives are: designed to be dynamically extensible, like Tcl, from the ground up builds on Tcl syntax and concepts rather than importing another language compact yet powerful object programming system fairly portable implementation (2000 lines of C, without core hacks) . OTcl was created by David Wetherall as part of the VUsystem project at MIT. Since 1997, OTcl has been maintained as part of the Mash and VINT/ns efforts (with David's blessing). . This package contains shared library file. Package: libotf-bin Description-md5: 1b6a5fe8099563b1d202bbbc2b3ab80d Description-gl: Library for handling OpenType Font - utilities The libotf library provides the following facilities: - Read Open Type Layout Tables from OTF file. Currently these tables are supported; head, name, cmap, GDEF, GSUB, and GPOS. - Convert a Unicode character sequence to a glyph code sequence by using the above tables. . A combinación de libotf e a biblioteca FreeType (Ver.2) realiza CTL (disposición complexa do texto) con tipos de letra OpenType. . This package contains the support utilities of libotf. Package: libout123-0 Description-md5: 005f42755dd41d77a9a245d8b6d6e680 Description-gl: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio decoder (libout123 shared library) mpg123 é o reprodutor/descodificador de son MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 en tempo real para as capas 1, 2 e 3 (a capa 3 de MPEG 1.0 coñécese tamén como MP3). . This package contains the shared out123 library. Package: libowl-directsemantics-perl Description-md5: 6a717f6cd1f2c8d1a79f08f4c00b084d Description-gl: representation of the direct semantics of OWL2 A Linguaxe de OntoloxÃa da Rede (OWL) é unha familia de linguaxes de representación do coñecemento para crear ontoloxÃas. . Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . OWL::DirectSemantics provides a basic framework for representing the OWL 2 direct semantics model, and a translator to build that model from an RDF- based model. Package: libownet-dev Description-md5: 19807df8706d32cd554aab34316b96a6 Description-gl: owserver protocol library (development files) The 1-Wire bus is a cheap low-speed bus for devices like weather sensors, access control, etc. It can be attached to your system via serial, USB, I2C, and other interfaces. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para acceder a un owserver remoto. Package: libp2kmoto-dev Description-md5: 993fc0c1b855f112581ca93d3b55aad9 Description-gl: library for Motorola phones based on the P2K platform Software intended to be used with Motorola telephones based on the P2K platform. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. . Páxina web: Package: libp2kmoto0 Description-md5: 02db385bd110e711de5bf4291d6ffb24 Description-gl: library for Motorola phones based on the P2K platform Software intended to be used with Motorola telephones based on the P2K platform. . Páxina web: Package: libp4est-1.1 Description-md5: e80a50e228ca07830a64dd22d30e1642 Description-gl: Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement - shared library The p4est software library enables the dynamic management of a collection of adaptive octrees, conveniently called a forest of octrees. p4est is designed to work in parallel and scale to hundreds of thousands of processor cores. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libp4est-dev Description-md5: 1eb998be717d04c1faca5373d8c4b2f0 Description-gl: Algorithms for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement - development files The p4est software library enables the dynamic management of a collection of adaptive octrees, conveniently called a forest of octrees. p4est is designed to work in parallel and scale to hundreds of thousands of processor cores. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpackagekitqt5-0 Description-md5: c765de29b2b73330ab7f3e5b3af58def Description-gl: Library for accessing PackageKit using Qt5 PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e manipuladores de ficheiros. . This package provides a library to access PackageKit using Qt. Package: libpackagekitqt5-dev Description-md5: f4654b21d824eaa019f83575a11c3967 Description-gl: Library for accessing PackageKit using Qt5 (development files) PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e manipuladores de ficheiros. . This package provides the header files for PackageKit-Qt. Package: libpal-java-doc Description-md5: 626f3545e35af7dabad6f4385dadb93c Description-gl: Phylogenetic Analysis Library - documentation The PAL project is a collaborative effort to provide a high quality Java library for use in molecular evolution and phylogenetics. At present PAL consists of approximately 200 public classes/interfaces in 16 packages Please refer to the API documentation for a detailed description of all classes and methods available, and to the release history for an overview of the development history of PAL. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libpam-ccreds Description-md5: 996a71e096b611797c4a85c7f4de3533 Description-gl: Pam module to cache authentication credentials Este paquete fornece os medios para que asestacións de traballo con Linux se autentiquen de maneira local empregando unha identidade de rede cando a rede non estiver dispoñÃbel. Empregado en conxunto coa utilidade nss_updatedb, fornece un mecanismo para o acceso a directorios de rede sen conexión á rede. Están deseñados para funcionar con libpam-ldap e libnss- ldap. Package: libpam-rsbac Description-md5: 34ff5d829cef774f082068df04d787c4 Description-gl: Módulo PAM de RSBAC RSBAC (Control de acceso baseado en conxuntos de regras) é un parche do kernel que engade varios modelos de acceso obrigatorios ao kernel Linux. Este modelos poden ser empregados para mellorar a seguranza dun sistema Linux. . This package contains the RSBAC PAM module to use RSBAC User Management. Package: libpango1.0-0 Description-md5: 8954b5cee22eb0cefe3a9bd070046515 Description-gl: Layout and rendering of internationalized text (transitional package) Pango é unha biblioteca para a exhibición e a renderización de texto que pon o énfase na internacionalización. Pango pode ser empregado sempre que se precise disposición de texto. Porén, a maior parte do traballo feito para Pango-1.0 foino sobre o toolkit de trebellos GTK+ como plataforma de probas. Pango constitúe o núcleo da xestión de texto e tipos de letra de GTK+-2.0. . Pango foi deseñado para ser modular; a disposición principal de Pango pode ser empregada con catro infraestruturas de tipos de letra diferentes: - Tipos de letra principais do sistema de xanelas X - Tipos de letra do lado do cliente en X empregando a biblioteca Xft - Renderización directa de tipos de letras escalábeis empregando a biblioteca FreeType - Tipos de letra nativos nas infraestruturas da Microsoft . This is a transitional package. Package: libpangox-1.0-0 Description-md5: 553d64a8dceaf05144b88971e17a16b5 Description-gl: pango library X backend Pango é unha biblioteca para a exhibición e a renderización de texto que pon o énfase na internacionalización. Pango pode ser empregado sempre que se precise disposición de texto. Porén, a maior parte do traballo feito para Pango-1.0 foino sobre o toolkit de trebellos GTK+ como plataforma de probas. Pango constitúe o núcleo da xestión de texto e tipos de letra de GTK+-2.0. . Pango foi deseñado para ser modular; a disposición principal de Pango pode ser empregada con catro infraestruturas de tipos de letra diferentes: - Tipos de letra principais do sistema de xanelas X - Tipos de letra do lado do cliente en X empregando a biblioteca Xft - Renderización directa de tipos de letras escalábeis empregando a biblioteca FreeType - Tipos de letra nativos nas infraestruturas da Microsoft . This package contains the Core X backend. Package: libpangox-1.0-dev Description-md5: 9f3fbaadca23a7621c45c18b9e239868 Description-gl: pango library X backend - development files Pango é unha biblioteca para a exhibición e a renderización de texto que pon o énfase na internacionalización. Pango pode ser empregado sempre que se precise disposición de texto. Porén, a maior parte do traballo feito para Pango-1.0 foino sobre o toolkit de trebellos GTK+ como plataforma de probas. Pango constitúe o núcleo da xestión de texto e tipos de letra de GTK+-2.0. . Pango foi deseñado para ser modular; a disposición principal de Pango pode ser empregada con catro infraestruturas de tipos de letra diferentes: - Tipos de letra principais do sistema de xanelas X - Tipos de letra do lado do cliente en X empregando a biblioteca Xft - Renderización directa de tipos de letras escalábeis empregando a biblioteca FreeType - Tipos de letra nativos nas infraestruturas da Microsoft . This package contains the development files for the Core X backend. Package: libpano13-bin Description-md5: f85e3b9bbb28f19ea0656b70963cf71e Description-gl: panorama tools utilities Este paquete contén as ferramentas seguintes, todas elas parte da biblioteca Ferramentas de Panorama, que se agarda que faciliten o traballo coas imaxes panorámicas: * panoinfo - Enumera detalles sobre a biblioteca * PTblender - Corrección da cor e o brillo dos panoramas * PTcrop - Recortar imaxes TIFF * PTinfo - Mostrar información sobre unha imaxe xerada por panotools * PTmasker - Computar as máscaras de encaixe * PTmender - Substituto do PTStitcher * PToptimizer - Envoltura arredor das rutinas de optimización dos puntos de control * PTroller - Fusionar varias imaxes nunha soa * PTtiff2psd - Converter un conxunto de imaxes TIFF nun ficheiro PSD do Photoshop * PTtiffdump - Comparar dúas imaxes TIFF * PTuncrop - Des-recortar imaxes TIFF Package: libpantomime1.2 Description-md5: 22fd0bc0523de50eeb1777efdf4670ed Description-gl: GNUstep framework for mail handling (runtime library) Pantomime provides a GNUstep framework that models a mail system. Pantomime can be seen as a JavaMail 1.2 clone written in Objective-C. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros da biblioteca de tempo de execución. Package: libpaperclips-java-doc Description-md5: 3bc2d998f88cbf7376fc765b523af053 Description-gl: Documentación de libpaperclips-java Simple, light weight, extensible Java printing plug-in for SWT. PaperClips hides the complexity of laying out and rendering documents on the printer, helping you focus on what to print instead of how to print it. . In a nutshell, PaperClips provides an assortment of document "building blocks," which you can tweak and combine to form a custom document. The assembled document is then sent to PaperClips for printing. PaperClips includes support for printing text, images, borders, headers and footers, column layouts and grid layouts, to name a few. It can also be extended with your own printable classes. . With PaperClips you do not have to track cursors, calculate line breaking, fool around with font metrics, or manage system resources--it's all handled internally. And unlike report-generation tools, you are not constrained to a predefined document structure (like report bands). Every document is custom and the layout is up to you. . This package contains the API documentation for the actual library. Package: libpapi5 Description-md5: cd2258548a79264446b7c7ff4e485011 Description-gl: PAPI runtime (shared libraries) Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) provides the tool designer and application engineer with a consistent interface and methodology for use of the performance counter hardware found in most major microprocessors. PAPI enables software engineers to see, in near real time, the relation between software performance and processor events. . In addition Component PAPI provides access to a collection of components that expose performance measurement opportunites across the hardware and software stack. . Accessing performance counters from userspace may require reducing the paranoia level in /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid, see README.Debian for details. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libpaps-dev Description-md5: 7cdbcedfb93e1f1acb2a762b9401db07 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libpaps Paps reads a UTF-8 encoded file and generates a PostScript language rendering of the file. The rendering is done by creating outline curves through the pango ft2 backend. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesasrios para desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen a API paps. Package: libpaps0 Description-md5: 79b0a6a43d91c5d30d3b6d58039e1ec2 Description-gl: Biblioteca de conversión de UTF-8 a PostScript que emprega Pango Paps reads a UTF-8 encoded file and generates a PostScript language rendering of the file. The rendering is done by creating outline curves through the pango ft2 backend. . This package contains the library that implements paps' API. Package: libparpack2 Description-md5: bc61facdca0e5843df473acefb3f632d Description-gl: Parallel subroutines to solve large scale eigenvalue problems ARPACK software is capable of solving large scale symmetric, nonsymmetric, and generalized eigenproblems from significant application areas. The software is designed to compute a few (k) eigenvalues with user specified features such as those of largest real part or largest magnitude. Storage requirements are on the order of n*k locations. No auxiliary storage is required. A set of Schur basis vectors for the desired k-dimensional eigen-space is computed which is numerically orthogonal to working precision. Numerically accurate eigenvectors are available on request. . Funcionalidades importantes: . * Reverse Communication Interface. * Single and Double Precision Real Arithmetic Versions for Symmetric, Non-symmetric, * Standard or Generalized Problems. * Single and Double Precision Complex Arithmetic Versions for Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for Banded Matrices - Standard or Generalized Problems. * Routines for The Singular Value Decomposition. * Example driver routines that may be used as templates to implement numerous Shift-Invert strategies for all problem types, data types and precision. . This package provides parpack: the MPI implementation of arpack. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libparsington-java-doc Description-md5: 0894f833c1a6523baf41a7f3078fa74f Description-gl: documentation for parsington Parsington is an infix-to-postfix (or infix-to-syntax-tree) expression parser for mathematical expressions written in Java. It is simple yet fancy, handling (customizable) operators, functions, variables and constants in a similar way to what the Java language itself supports. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libparted-i18n Description-md5: 877b5444c339988ec68855c01cf352df Description-gl: Manipulador de particións de disco - compatibilidade de i18n O Parted de GNU é un programa que permite crear, destruÃr, mudarlles o tamaño, mover e copiar particións de disco duro. É útil para crear espazo para novos sistemas operativos, reorganizar o uso do disco e copiar datos a discos duros novos. . This package contains localization data. Package: libpathplan4 Description-md5: 3b349696750e1cfac5e966e847c18e9c Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools - pathplan library Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the pathplan library. Package: libpcl-doc Description-md5: 2eac989d9e8426e817a291a4d72d8b4d Description-gl: Point Cloud Library - documentation The Point Cloud Library (PCL) is a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing. . The PCL framework contains numerous state-of-the art algorithms including filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, registration, model fitting and segmentation. . Este paquete contén a documentación xerada por Doxygen. Package: libpcscada5-dev Description-md5: 7373678593c74fe493ca5bd4b299167c Description-gl: Ada bindings to PC/SC middleware (development) PCSC/Ada provides thin- and thick-bindings to PC/SC-middleware for the Ada programming language. The library allows applications written in Ada to communicate with smart cards using the SCard API. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpdf-api2-perl Description-md5: 79df8dc7cf9bac4d2ec9deda8dd750ad Description-gl: Módulo para crear ou modificar documentos PDF en Perl PDF::API2 started as a nice API around the Text::PDF modules created by Martin Hosken. . Features: - Works with more than one PDF file open at once - It presents a object-oriented API to the user - Supports the 14 base PDF Core Fonts - Supports TrueType/OpenType fonts with both TT and CFF Outlines - Supports Adobe-Type1 Fonts (pfb/pfa/afm) - Supports native Embedding of bitmap images (jpeg,ppm,png) - Supports modification of existing pdfs and import/cloning of pages - Lite version of the API for first-timers Package: libpdf-create-perl Description-md5: 09210befb5791f0fbd6e5c5033af7df9 Description-gl: Perl module to create PDF files PDF::Create allows you to create documents in the Portable Document Format (PDF) using a large number of primitives, and emit the result as a PDF file or stream. . Os documentos poden ter varias páxinas, un Ãndice, unha sección de información e outros moitos elementos de PDF. Dado que os documentos son construÃdos ao voo, a pegada na memoria non está ligada ao tamaño daspáxinas, só ao número de páxinas. . It is intended to be simple and highly portable, as it is written purely in Perl. For more complex tasks, see libpdf-api2-perl. Package: libpdfbox-java Description-md5: d93792cecbea16312212fb8c98f1a182 Description-gl: PDF library for Java The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libpdfbox-java-doc Description-md5: 533ca944496210643c2e3c5b769c0f75 Description-gl: PDF library for Java (documentation) The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libperformance0.5 Description-md5: b71b46ce56a80372250f78ed0fc4bed5 Description-gl: GNUstep performance library (runtime library) The GNUstep performace library implements various classes intended to be used in high-performance libraries and applications. Available are classes for caching objects in memory for rapid access, managing FIFO queues, thread pools for performing methods which need to make use of a runloop for I/O and/or timers, for objects in parallel in other threads, linked list functionality, timing information, statistics about the number of events or the duration of operations, uniqued objects and more. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libperlmenu-perl Description-md5: 0f95e365da98f9a7b9b9656b7742a316 Description-gl: Menu and Template (curses-based) UI for Perl perlmenu is a Perl module that provides your application with access to easy-to-use functions for templates, menus, forms, and the like -- everything needed to put a slick UI on a program without resorting to a GUI. . Páxina web: Package: libpff-dbg Description-md5: b297fddd1b3d981ddb82db79d1bf9d55 Description-gl: library to access various ms outlook files formats (debug) Libpff is a library to access Personal Folder File (PFF) and Offline Folder File (OFF) formats. Those files formats are used by MS Outlook in PAB (Personal Address Book), PST (Personal Storage Table) and OST (Offline Storage Table) files. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libpff-dev Description-md5: 7c6799e13fd19c9b3ac50d16ac36f3b9 Description-gl: library to access various ms outlook files formats (development) Libpff is a library to access Personal Folder File (PFF) and Offline Folder File (OFF) formats. Those files formats are used by MS Outlook in PAB (Personal Address Book), PST (Personal Storage Table) and OST (Offline Storage Table) files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpfqueue-dev Description-md5: 951262b723c14a141f2f71824c1ca358 Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva baseada na consola para controlar filas de MTA (desenvolvemento) pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpfqueue0 Description-md5: f626991f04c863055a13f1da97df27f8 Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva baseada na consola para controlar filas de MTA (biblioteca) pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages. . This package contains the libraries. Package: libpfs-dev Description-md5: 857f9f662fdc40b991ad669389a628df Description-gl: C++ library to read and write pfs files (development files) PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can be used to exchange data between applications. This library can be used to write custom applications that can integrate with the existing pfstools programs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática. Package: libpfs2 Description-md5: 3f4fb3b66eeb1617b63ec44b7ac6de83 Description-gl: C++ library to read and write pfs files PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can be used to exchange data between applications. This library can be used to write custom applications that can integrate with the existing pfstools programs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libpgf-dev Description-md5: a941972740fd627952445e0807ed0611 Description-gl: Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library - development files libpgf is a library implementing an interface for handling PGF (Progressive Graphic File) format files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libpgf6 Description-md5: 471071eb7a82ca163d62d7337948a3c6 Description-gl: Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library - runtime files libpgf is a library implementing an interface for handling PGF (Progressive Graphic File) format files. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de bibliotecas de tempo de execución necesarias para executar software que empregue libpgf. Package: libpgf6-dbg Description-md5: dae774cc49843fedc3648439ac55c1df Description-gl: Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library - debugging symbols libpgf is a library implementing an interface for handling PGF (Progressive Graphic File) format files. . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libpgm-dbg Description-md5: c20d43290e39204c269445c8443c3fad Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de OpenPGM OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at PGM is a reliable and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to detect loss, request retransmission of lost data, or notify an application of unrecoverable loss. PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means the receiver is responsible for ensuring all data is received, absolving the sender of reception responsibility. PGM runs over a best effort datagram service, currently OpenPGM uses IP multicast but could be implemented above switched fabrics such as InfiniBand. . Estes son os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca e as súas utilidades. Package: libphobos-4.8-dev Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libphobos-5-dev Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libphobos-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libphobos-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 319ab24aa69f1d17bbae7ba6a543ecfd Description-gl: Phobos D standard library Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libphodav-2.0-dev Description-md5: 5ad2db8c16d269c859893e2ac42fc93b Description-gl: WebDAV server implementation using libsoup (development files) phởdav is a WebDAV server implementation using libsoup (RFC 4918). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libphone-ui-20110825 Description-md5: 7275d9f917d5f05612517dd37cfd84d1 Description-gl: Biblioteca de SHR para a interface do usuario This library contributes to a generic framework for phone ui of the SHR (Stable Hybrid Release) project. The actual functionality is implemented by a libphone-ui backend. Package: libphone-ui-20110825-dbg Description-md5: f615bcbea449e9993b20d55ce8887c54 Description-gl: Biblioteca de SHR para a interface do usuario (sÃmbolos de depuración) This library contributes to a generic framework for phone ui of the SHR (Stable Hybrid Release) project. The actual functionality is implemented by a libphone-ui backend. . This package contains the debug symbols of the library. Package: libphone-ui-common Description-md5: 412b3329dbc9db969a17b61ff3a2b51f Description-gl: Biblioteca de SHR para a interface do usuario (ficheiros de configuración) This library contributes to a generic framework for phone ui of the SHR (Stable Hybrid Release) project. The actual functionality is implemented by a libphone-ui backend. . This package contains the configuration file and helper scripts of the library. Package: libphone-ui-dev Description-md5: 6ebb0c847a1277a15cc84c46022bbd20 Description-gl: Biblioteca de SHR para a interface do usuario (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This library contributes to a generic framework for phone ui of the SHR (Stable Hybrid Release) project. The actual functionality is implemented by a libphone-ui backend. . This package contains the development files of the library. Package: libphonon-dev Description-md5: b9d916ffbca10bb12bbfa90cd47bc236 Description-gl: multimedia framework from KDE using Qt 4 - development files Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido de son e vÃdeo. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 4 applications using the Phonon cross-platform multimedia framework. Package: libphonon4 Description-md5: 4566feed5f0036ee4cfb4a0956976557 Description-gl: multimedia framework from KDE - core library Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido de son e vÃdeo. . This package contains the core library of the Phonon cross-platform multimedia framework from KDE. It is required to run applications that use Phonon. Package: libphononexperimental-dev Description-md5: e2088c3cafe29cc243e751ddc05ccc4a Description-gl: multimedia framework from KDE - experimental development files Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido de son e vÃdeo. . This package contains the development files needed to build Phonon back- ends or internal applications which need the Phonon-Experimental library. Third-party applications should not depend on this library. Please read README.Debian if you are considering a build-dependency on this package. Package: libphononexperimental4 Description-md5: 58678c403a51d5fef19031002ab5f983 Description-gl: multimedia framework from KDE using Qt 4 - experimental library (internal) Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido de son e vÃdeo. . This package contains the Phonon-Experimental library, which might be needed by Phonon back-ends or other internal applications. Third-party applications should not depend on this library. Please read README.Debian before using this library. Package: libphp-embed Description-md5: 23a3bdadd8decc061707f7e115791032 Description-gl: HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library) (default) This package provides the library /usr/lib/ which can be used by application developers to embed PHP scripting functionality. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: libphp-swiftmailer Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libphp7.1-embed Description-md5: e36f765d274a2c867c7f444a088affa4 Description-gl: HTML-embedded scripting language (Embedded SAPI library) This package provides the library /usr/lib/ which can be used by application developers to embed PHP scripting functionality. . The following extensions are built in: Core date filter hash libxml openssl pcntl pcre Reflection session SPL standard zlib. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . WARNING: The embed SAPI is experimental and there's no guarantee that the API/ABI will be kept compatible even between minor releases. You have been warned. Package: libphysfs-dev Description-md5: 78f64f68fcaa03166671767c2a500825 Description-gl: filesystem abstraction library for game programmers (development headers) The PhysicsFS filesystem abstraction library provides a simple C interface to aid game programmers in utilizing game assets packaged in many different types of archive files. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libplack-perl Description-md5: 645aed1b71f7fd8a2f3134da60b76e77 Description-gl: Interface entre servidores web e aplicativos web en Perl Plack is a set of tools similar to Ruby's Rack or Python's Paste for WSGI. It implements the Perl Server Gateway Interface (PSGI) standard interface, which allows developers to decouple their web application framework from the local web server environment. . This package contains middleware components, a reference server and utilities for web application frameworks. Package: libplanarity-dev Description-md5: f28d30077e69f473f522fe3b08e90130 Description-gl: Library of planarity-related graph algorithms (devel files) This library contains the reference implementation of the Edge Addition Planarity Algorithm, which is the best linear-time method to embed a planar graph and isolate planarity obstructions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libplanarity0 Description-md5: d31262e485eaa6bd82908930866cb7b9 Description-gl: Library of planarity-related graph algorithms This library contains the reference implementation of the Edge Addition Planarity Algorithm, which is the best linear-time method to embed a planar graph and isolate planarity obstructions. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libplank-common Description-md5: 462b91fa57341b181d80c9f35097cd07 Description-gl: Library to build an elegant, simple, clean dock (shared files) Plank is a dock enabling you to start applications and manage your windows. . Plank is meant to be the simplest dock on the planet. The goal is to provide just what a dock needs and absolutely nothing more. It is, however, a library which can be extended to create other dock programs with more advanced features. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: libplank-doc Description-md5: c8e90359fedd364bea31f640687637bc Description-gl: Library to build an elegant, simple, clean dock (documentation) Plank is a dock enabling you to start applications and manage your windows. . Plank is meant to be the simplest dock on the planet. The goal is to provide just what a dock needs and absolutely nothing more. It is, however, a library which can be extended to create other dock programs with more advanced features. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libplexus-container-default-java-doc Description-md5: 6e029bcb0c58c8eb2e1c35fd154028f4 Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-container-default The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. . This package contains the API documentation for libplexus-container- default-java Package: libplexus-i18n-java-doc Description-md5: ca5f98bd41bf9c2b71e94ae8cf6a0cc1 Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-i18n Plexus I18n is a set of Plexus-components supporting internationalization of Plexus-based applications. . This package contains the API documentation for plexus-i18n. Package: libplexus-interactivity-api-java-doc Description-md5: fe376688d66729a824ae2bddbcad0efe Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-interactivity-api The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. . This package contains the API documentation for plexus-interactivity-api. Package: libplexus-utils-java Description-md5: a975694fb0bcfcb171e5be92e6fdb245 Description-gl: Utilidades para a infraestrutura Plexus The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. Package: libplexus-utils-java-doc Description-md5: 6c5b58788ded573c4137e8f6d4a99fb8 Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-utils The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. . This package contains the API documentation for plexus-utils. Package: libplexus-utils2-java Description-md5: 91283a426628f7c19e4d2d1314fef1d3 Description-gl: Utilidades para a infraestrutura Plexus The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. Package: libplexus-utils2-java-doc Description-md5: 0189c240ce6417688e86acb66bbeee59 Description-gl: Utilidades para a infraestrutura Plexus - documentación The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. . This package provides the API documentation for libplexus-utils2-java. Package: libplexus-velocity-java-doc Description-md5: 706626d74e1316fa8a32061404f15a8a Description-gl: Documentación da API de plexus-velocity The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular, reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. . While Plexus is similar to other inversion-of-control (IoC) or dependency injection frameworks such as the Spring Framework, it is a full-fledged container that supports many more features such as: . * Component lifecycles * Component instantiation strategies * Nested containers * Component configuration * Auto-wiring * Component dependencies, and * Various dependency injection techniques including constructor injection, setter injection, and private field injection. . This package contains the API documentation for plexus-velocity. Package: libplib1 Description-md5: 637cad6a8079760abc2b32b8f0e044e2 Description-gl: Portability Libraries: Run-time package Provides a Joystick interface, a simple GUI built on top of OpenGL, some standard geometry functions, a sound library and a simple scene graph API built on top of OpenGL. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. DeberÃa ser instalado automaticamente polos paquetes que o precisen. Package: libpll0 Description-md5: cabc80f806b90e2b49087e0912cd8201 Description-gl: Phylogenetic Likelihood Library PLL is a highly optimized, parallelized software library to ease the development of new software tools dealing with phylogenetic inference. . Among the functions included in PLL are parsing multiple sequence alignments (MSA) from PHYLIP and FASTA files, reading Newick trees, performing topological moves such as SPR and NNI, model optimization, likelihood evaluation and partitioned analysis by assigning different substitution models to each partition of the MSA. PLL fully implements the GTR nucleotide substitution model for DNA data and a number of models for aminoacid data. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libploticus0-dev Description-md5: e77316437e6b542f3fb53ae4992bcfb7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca ploticus libploticus is not a function or mathematical plotting package like gnuplot, nor would it be a good choice for applications where mathematical formulas or scientific notations are to be rendered as an integral part of the data display. libploticus is also not intended as a "marketing" graphics package. Its goal is to display data crisply without extra decoration and distracting "dingbats" that cloud the picture. Package: libpnglite-dev Description-md5: 9bf6e3b0a52313a1980355e5f20bfb05 Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira en C para cargar e escribir imaxes PNG It was created as a substitute for libpng in situations when libpng is more than enough. It currently requires zlib for inflate and crc checking and it can read the most common types of PNG images. The library has a small and simple to use interface. . This package provides the header file. Package: libpnglite0 Description-md5: 7797b3fd26f6aef084eb4796eb64aef2 Description-gl: Biblioteca lixeira en C para cargar e escribir imaxes PNG It was created as a substitute for libpng in situations when libpng is more than enough. It currently requires zlib for inflate and crc checking and it can read the most common types of PNG images. The library has a small and simple to use interface. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libpod-pseudopod-perl Description-md5: 89b52ab8e32482440920f37556c9d7d2 Description-gl: Infraestrutura para analizar PseudoPod PseudoPod is an extended set of Pod tags used for book manuscripts. Standard Pod doesn't have all the markup options you need to mark up files for publishing production. PseudoPod adds a few extra tags for footnotes, tables, sidebars, etc. . Pod::PseudoPod adds parsing support for the PseudoPod tags. It also overrides Pod::Simple's _handle_element_start, _handle_text, and _handle_element_end methods so that parser events are turned into method calls. . In general, you'll only want to use this module as the base class for a PseudoPod formatter/processor. Package: libpod-simple-wiki-perl Description-md5: 3acd9c3fccb060a986a34da50351d2f9 Description-gl: Clase en Perl para crear filtros de Pod a Wiki Pod::Simple::Wiki emprégase para converter texto Pod a texto Wiki. . Pod (Plain Old Documentation) is a simple markup language used for writing Perl documentation. . Unha wiki é un sitio web extensÃbel polos usuarios. Emprega unha marcaxe moi sinxela que se converte en HTML. Para unha introdución ás wikis vexa Package: libpod-webserver-perl Description-md5: 0e610d292860729995560c5f0de915e7 Description-gl: miniature web server for reading Pod in web browsers Pod::Webserver pode ser executado como un aplicativo que pon en marchaun servidor mÃnimo de web para servir documentación de Perl local. É como perldoc, excepto que funciona a través dun navegador. Package: libpod-xhtml-perl Description-md5: fad49be79253f4a67d7c666c33d42690 Description-gl: Módulo para traducir POD a XHTML There's Pod::PXML and Pod::XML, so why is Pod::Xhtml needed? You need an XSLT to transform XML into XHTML and many people don't have the time or inclination to do this. But they want to make sure that the pages they put on their web site are well-formed, they want those pages to use stylesheets easily, and possibly they want to squirt the XHTML through some kind of filter for more processing. . By generating well-formed XHTML straight away anyone can just use the output files as-is. For those who want to use XML tools or transformations they can use the XHTML as a source, because it's a well-formed XML document. Package: libpod2-base-perl Description-md5: 55516e5141e51f5ef1140411f1176076 Description-gl: Módulo para traducións de documentación de Perl POD2::Base is an abstraction of the code in POD2::IT and POD2::FR. These modules belong to the Italian and the French translation projects of core Perl pods. . Once a translation package had been installed, the translated documentation can be accessed with: . $ perldoc POD2::<lang>::<podname> Or $ perldoc -L IT <podpage> Package: libpodofo-dev Description-md5: 6fca5148ee2f292cc2afba75a0839028 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de PoDoFo The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files. All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application using PoDoFo. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento das cabeceiras para construÃr aplicativos con compatibilidade con PoDoFo. Package: libpodofo-utils Description-md5: 4d9de53690690c97777dfcb5a257b598 Description-gl: Utilidades para PoDoFo The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files. All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application using PoDoFo. . Este paquete contén ferramentas para traballar con ficheiros PDF. Package: libpodofo0.9.5 Description-md5: d06b9c84c314e7bd8952e46d020948a4 Description-gl: PoDoFo - Biblioteca para traballar co formato de ficheiro PDF The PoDoFo library is a free, portable C++ library which includes classes to parse PDF files and modify their contents into memory. The changes can be written back to disk easily. The parser can also be used to extract information from a PDF file (for example the parser could be used in a PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo includes also very simple classes to create your own PDF files. All classes are documented so it is easy to start writing your own application using PoDoFo. Package: libpolkit-qt-1-1 Description-md5: 7b673f8393da09809d9ec64e4790e7d3 Description-gl: PolicyKit-qt-1 library PolicyKit is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes. . É unha infraestrutura para centralizar o proceso de tomada de decisións relacionadas coa concesión de acceso a operacións privilexiadas (como chamar polo método Mount() de HAL) aos aplicativos sen privilexios (os do escritorio). . libpolkit-qt-1 provides convenience classes and methods for Qt/KDE applications that want to use PolicyKit. . This package contains the files necessary for running applications that use the libpolkit-qt-1 library. Package: libpolkit-qt-1-dev Description-md5: b614da7af973669b067a12fbccd7447c Description-gl: PolicyKit-qt-1 development files PolicyKit is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes. . É unha infraestrutura para centralizar o proceso de tomada de decisións relacionadas coa concesión de acceso a operacións privilexiadas (como chamar polo método Mount() de HAL) aos aplicativos sen privilexios (os do escritorio). . libpolkit-qt-1 provides convenience classes and methods for Qt/KDE applications that want to use PolicyKit-1. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libpolkit-qt5-1-1 Description-md5: 60a9e5489f8fa8c76f239dfe23d37b8e Description-gl: PolicyKit-qt5-1 library PolicyKit is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes. . É unha infraestrutura para centralizar o proceso de tomada de decisións relacionadas coa concesión de acceso a operacións privilexiadas (como chamar polo método Mount() de HAL) aos aplicativos sen privilexios (os do escritorio). . libpolkit-qt5-1 provides convenience classes and methods for Qt/KDE applications that want to use PolicyKit. . This package contains the files necessary for running applications that use the libpolkit-qt5-1 library. Package: libpolkit-qt5-1-dev Description-md5: 438a57ab990a33a68ac6ec9b2d17fb5b Description-gl: PolicyKit-qt5-1 development files PolicyKit is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes. . É unha infraestrutura para centralizar o proceso de tomada de decisións relacionadas coa concesión de acceso a operacións privilexiadas (como chamar polo método Mount() de HAL) aos aplicativos sen privilexios (os do escritorio). . libpolkit-qt5-1 provides convenience classes and methods for Qt/KDE applications that want to use PolicyKit-1. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libpolyclipping-dev Description-md5: 53e5c4537ac92b82ba4a547630298597 Description-gl: polygon clipping, polygon offsetting and polyline offsetting library The Clipper library performs polygon clipping, polygon offsetting and polyline offsetting. All four boolean clipping operations are supported - intersection, union, difference and exclusive-or. Also, there are no restrictions on the types of polygons that can be clipped - they can have holes, be self-intersecting, have coincident edges etc. . Estes son os ficheiros necesarios para compilar programas con libpolyclipping. Package: libpolyglot-maven-java Description-md5: 6cc8a4c50d8ec0978239e80fafca21b6 Description-gl: Módulos para permitir o uso de Maven noutras linguaxes de JVM Polyglot Maven harnesses the power of Maven through modern implementations of the JVM language like Groovy, Scala, Clojure and JRuby. Package: libpolyglot-maven-java-doc Description-md5: 589db571ded3f7e63dfd2f846152b3f1 Description-gl: Módulos para permitir o uso de Maven noutras linguaxes de JVM - documentación Polyglot Maven harnesses the power of Maven through modern implementations of the JVM language like Groovy, Scala, Clojure and JRuby. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API de libpolyglot-maven-java. Package: libpolylib64-dev Description-md5: b3fb7c1bba36379d4f52f9e8fe851607 Description-gl: Development files for the long int version of PolyLib Polylib is a free C library for doing computations on polyhedra. The library is operating on objects like vectors, matrices, lattices, polyhedra, Z-polyhedra, unions of polyhedra and other intermediary structures. It provides functions for all important operations on these structures. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e as bibliotecas estáticas precisas para desenvolver aplicativos con polylib. Package: libpomp-dev Description-md5: 462dac45625fb4a3c4bf1827c2a30113 Description-gl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpomp0 Description-md5: 0086375d9ce71a51b049c4eacc96e93d Description-gl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - shared library OPARI is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libpomp2-dev Description-md5: 05d40f81c1245cde8f9dfdaf6a3e6f33 Description-gl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - development files OPARI2 is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . This is the successor of opari (1), with a completely reworked API . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpomp2-doc Description-md5: 81585be3db083b2aea198678c40cf736 Description-gl: OpenMP Pragma And Region Instrumentor - documentation OPARI2 is a source-to-source translation tool which automatically adds all necessary calls to the pomp runtime measurement library which allows one to collect runtime performance data of Fortran, C, or C++ OpenMP applications. . This is the successor of opari (1), with a completely reworked API . Este paquete contén a documentación de desenvolvemento. Package: libpoppler-cil Description-md5: 04b0ffe2a12ed94c9ff877099919d911 Description-gl: Biblioteca de renderizado de PDF - asociacións para CLI Poppler é unha biblioteca de renderizado de PDF baseada no visor de PDF xpdf. . Este paquete contén as asociacións para CLI xestionadas para Poppler, necesarias para executar aplicativos de CLI que empreguen esta biblioteca. Package: libpoppler-cil-dev Description-md5: 6bc9e7a3f117bd6bce0b27fd4e8eb790 Description-gl: Biblioteca de renderizado de PDF -- ficheiros de desenvolvemento de CLI Poppler é unha biblioteca de renderizado de PDF baseada no visor de PDF xpdf. . This package contains the development files needed to compile CLI applications which use this library. Package: libpopplerkit-dev Description-md5: b0eeb9a84bc1a995bae5b9f772f8269e Description-gl: Infraestrutura de GNUstep para renderizar contido en PDF (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) PopplerKit é unha infraestrutura de GNUstep para acceder e mostrar contido en PDF. Ten como base a biblioteca poppler. . As súas funcionalidades son: - Mostrar contido en PDF. - Extraer texto dun documento en PDF. - Acceder ao esquema dun documento en Pdf. - Buscar en documentos en PDF. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpopplerkit0 Description-md5: 07702e6643fbfe38be725a27b99f1528 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de GNUstep para mostrar contido en PDF (ficheiros de bibliotecas) PopplerKit é unha infraestrutura de GNUstep para acceder e mostrar contido en PDF. Ten como base a biblioteca poppler. . As súas funcionalidades son: - Mostrar contido en PDF. - Extraer texto dun documento en PDF. - Acceder ao esquema dun documento en Pdf. - Buscar en documentos en PDF. . This package contains the runtime libraries. Package: libportaudio-ocaml Description-md5: fb65a39d696878c299e81b98a6276e2a Description-gl: Asociacións con OCaml para a biblioteca portaudio Portaudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. This package provides OCaml interface to this library. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libportaudio-ocaml-dev Description-md5: c6e9b6a42f082a419edccce135632fdf Description-gl: Asociacións con OCaml para a biblioteca portaudio Portaudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. This package provides OCaml interface to this library. . Este paquete contén todo o necesario para desenvolver programas en OCaml que empreguen portaudio. Package: libportaudio2 Description-md5: a71bbbd00a98fe093b85cc97ff79e9ae Description-gl: Portable audio I/O - shared library PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libportlet-api-2.0-spec-java-doc Description-md5: d761dba5637223ff3812cc2b7d087e53 Description-gl: Java Portlet Specification V2.0 - documentation The Java Portlet API version 2.0 developed by the Java Community Process JSR-286 Expert Group. . Portlets are pluggable user interface components that are managed and displayed in a web portal like Liferay or JBoss Gatein. . Package current source code is taken from Apache Portals project <>. . Este paquete fornece a documentación da API de libportlet-api-2.0-spec- java. Package: libportmidi-dev Description-md5: 5228c4cc5fee85d858a90538c466e3bd Description-gl: Biblioteca para a entrada/saÃda de MIDI en tempo real PortMidi é unha biblioteca independente da plataforma para a entrada/saÃda de MIDI. Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de cabeceiras de PortMidi e PortTime. Package: libportmidi0 Description-md5: 9f9666446f0ffc1d9fc1a123b2e6ae06 Description-gl: Biblioteca para a entrada/saÃda de MIDI en tempo real PortMidi é unha biblioteca independente da plataforma para a saÃda e entrada de MIDI. Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas de PortMidi e PortTime. Package: libportsmf-dev Description-md5: 9397c31b165890b13d8080d249f55866 Description-gl: Portable Standard Midi File Library (development files) Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files. . Funcionalidades: . - input and output of Standard MIDI Files - data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks o track structure consisting of multiple events o events contain note and control data o extensible attribute-value property lists o tempo track and time signature representation - input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files - extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks - conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libportsmf0v5 Description-md5: 3447fc91d252aad27e8609d6417968d9 Description-gl: Portable Standard Midi File Library Portsmf is "Port Standard MIDI File", a cross-platform, C++ library for reading and writing Standard MIDI Files. . Funcionalidades: . - input and output of Standard MIDI Files - data structures, classes, etc. for representing music data in memory o sequence structure consisting of multiple tracks o track structure consisting of multiple events o events contain note and control data o extensible attribute-value property lists o tempo track and time signature representation - input and output of a text-based representation: Allegro files - extensive editing operations on sequences and tracks - conversion to/from binary buffers for archiving, undo/redo, etc. Package: libpostfix-parse-mailq-perl Description-md5: 9ef17461b96057383982497f77a88520 Description-gl: Módulo para analizar a fila de correo de postfix Postfix::Parse::Mailq é un módulo en Perl que le a saÃda da orde mailq de Postfix e devolve o contido da fila como arrayref. Entón informa de cada rexistro como unha hashref. Package: libpostgis-java Description-md5: 9a0091420d5a2bf380ec2f5dff0a1246 Description-gl: Compatibilidade con obxectos gráficos para PostgreSQL - compatibilidade con JDBC PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object- relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL". . Este paquete contén compatibilidade con JDBC para PostGIS. Package: libpostgresql-gst Description-md5: 389bbd2e39dde39e012a7647bdd17165 Description-gl: Asociacións con PostgreSQL para o Smalltalk de GNU This package contains the GNU Smalltalk DataBase Interface (DBI) connector for PostgreSQL. . For more information on GNU Smalltalk see the gnu-smalltalk package. Package: libpostgresql-jdbc-java Description-md5: bb1e9935490d1fa107fc086ecb80a0d4 Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de Java (JDBC) para PostgreSQL PostgreSQL JDBC Driver allows Java programs to connect to a PostgreSQL database (8.4 or later) using standard, database independent Java code. It is an open source JDBC driver written in Pure Java (Type 4), and communicates in the PostgreSQL native network protocol. Package: libpostgresql-jdbc-java-doc Description-md5: cfe48f9a4b076311baccc0cb35fa2b40 Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de Java (JDBC) para PostgreSQL (documentación) PostgreSQL JDBC Driver allows Java programs to connect to a PostgreSQL database (8.4 or later) using standard, database independent Java code. It is an open source JDBC driver written in Pure Java (Type 4), and communicates in the PostgreSQL native network protocol. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libpostproc-dev Description-md5: 6db719e99d6d383cd3dae3c2fe7581d0 Description-gl: FFmpeg library for post processing - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides video post processing. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpostproc54 Description-md5: c6ed7c9917aafdc1ed5ecc1810e6f056 Description-gl: FFmpeg library for post processing - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides video post processing. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libpostscript-file-perl Description-md5: 5e3fd9196f919855bc71cd4cfe60add7 Description-gl: Módulo para crear ficheiros do PostScript da Adobe PostScript::File é un módulo en Perl capaz de producir o esquema dun ficheiro no PostScript da Adobe. Fornece rutinas cómodas para escribir PostScript directamente e tamén inclúe informe de erros facilidades de depuración. AÃnda que foi deseñado para ser empregado independentemente, as funcións fornecidas son axeitadas para seren empregadas noutros módulos. Package: libpostscript-perl Description-md5: b41447351b3b7cc358e3bd839b4f91cf Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para xerar código en PostScript O módulo PostScript permite xerar ficheiros en PostScript desde dentro dun script en Perl. . With PostScript::Element you can represent circles, boxes, lines and images such that they can be easily output as PostScript code. With PostScript::TextBlock you can write text blocks into your output file. Package: libpostscript-simple-perl Description-md5: b74d10367f71b20b827c2c247b5dd416 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Perl para xerar ficheiros en PostScript PostScript::Simple allows you to have a simple method of writing PostScript files from Perl. It has several graphics primitives that allow lines, circles, polygons and boxes to be drawn. Text can be added to the page using standard PostScript fonts. Package: libpowerman0 Description-md5: 6fdd76e85e33c51f928b9af608effbb5 Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de Powerman - Xestión centralizada de PDU PowerMan is a tool for manipulating Power Distribution Units (PDUs) from a central location. It is suitable for remote operation in data centers or compute cluster environment. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca cliente compartida. Package: libpowerman0-dev Description-md5: 78e6d7a42ba7b35667ffbb96bd3853c6 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Powerman - Xestión centralizada de PDU PowerMan is a tool for manipulating Power Distribution Units (PDUs) from a central location. It is suitable for remote operation in data centers or compute cluster environment. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libppd-dev Description-md5: 53b7ebf8070e3e07ab0c82414e6d6a2d Description-gl: postscript PPD file library, development kit Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras empregados no desenvolvemento de programas que empreguen libppd. Package: libppd0 Description-md5: df813c66a5e2e7f5f63c243f89894c1d Description-gl: postscript PPD file library PostScript foi deseñada para ser unha linguaxe independente dos dispositivos. Para poder acceder a funcionalidades especÃficas dos dispositivos, como seleccionar diferentes bandexas de papel e activar distintos modelos de imaxe, cada fabricante de impresoras fornece unha Definición da Impresora en PostScript, ou ficheiro PPD. Esta biblioteca le eses ficheiros PPD e fornece funcións que permiten que os programas modifiquen as tarefas de impresión de PostScript para acceder as esas funcionalidades especiais. Package: libppi-html-perl Description-md5: 608ded8221d2c21926a52749fdf2d13b Description-gl: Módulo para realzar o código en Perl empregando PPI PPI::HTML é un módulo en Perl que emprega o módulo PPI (Interface de Análise de Perl, vexa libppi-perl) para crear documentos en HTML coa sintaxe realzada a partir de código en Perl. Admite ser estendido mediante follas de estilo e fornece unha facilidade doada para cambiar as cores do texto producido. Package: libppi-xs-perl Description-md5: 3d0bbd6ee1b138a7782503612232647b Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para acelerar a Interface de Análise de Perl (PPI) PPI::XS fornece aceleración baseada en XS dos paquetes centrais de PPI. Substitúe de maneira selectiva unha cantidade de métodos (pequena mais en aumento) de toda a PPI con versión en C idénticas mais moito máis rápidas. . Once installed, it will be auto-detected and loaded in by PPI completely transparently. The integration between the primary (Perl) implementation and the XS-accelerated version are designed to degrade gracefully if they fall out of sync -- the Perl version is preferred over the XS version. Package: libppix-editortools-perl Description-md5: 1ca9ae8202a21cfb6c6fa30e94209844 Description-gl: Conxunto de ferramentas para que empreguen os editores para manipular Perl mediante PPI PPIx::EditorTools is a set of tools designed to be used by IDEs and Editors to manipulate Perl code. It provides base classes and utility methods for manipulating Perl via PPI. Package: libppl-doc Description-md5: e029bc6a5a70f3c124b8771f1c1acfb5 Description-gl: Parma Polyhedra Library: Documentation The Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL) is a C++ library for the manipulation of (not necessarily closed) convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions. The applications of convex polyhedra include program analysis, optimized compilation, integer and combinatorial optimization and statistical data-editing. The Parma Polyhedra Library is user friendly (you write `x + 2*y + 5*z <= 7' when you mean it), fully dynamic (available virtual memory is the only limitation to the dimension of anything), written in standard C++, exception-safe, rather efficient and thoroughly documented. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libppx-deriving-ocaml Description-md5: 78e04260955cc64c48f886d479237c56 Description-gl: type-driven code generation for OCaml (runtime files) Ppx_deriving provides common infrastructure for generating code based on type definitions, and a set of useful plugins for common tasks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libppx-deriving-ocaml-dev Description-md5: edb671db6b10ed6c0cce6f7f80f75a61 Description-gl: type-driven code generation for OCaml (dev files) Ppx_deriving provides common infrastructure for generating code based on type definitions, and a set of useful plugins for common tasks. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpqtypes0 Description-md5: 51042daf917aa6b5210158e6c4e155bf Description-gl: parameterized queries libpq extension - shared library libpqtypes is a libpq extension that offers a new way of handling parameterized queries and getting result field values. Both putting parameters and getting values use a printf/scanf style interface, with consistent specifiers for both. . * Full support for binary and text format. (parameter and result) * Full support for composites, arrays and composite arrays. (binary format only) * printf style interface to libpq's binary parameterized API. (PQputf) * scanf style interface for getting values: PQgetvalue extension. (PQgetf) * Ability to register user-defined types, aliases and data type sub-classes for use with printf style interfaces: ex. "%mytype". * Per-thread global error message. (PQgeterror) * Online docs as well as man pages. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libpqxx-doc Description-md5: c99836c2f5cd6fe2ab85438cc219add8 Description-gl: C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (documentation) C++ library to enable user programs to communicate with the PostgreSQL database back-end. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: libprelude-dev Description-md5: 138cca58ff9d9fd91ec449e73640bf26 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Development files ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the development files for Prelude components. Package: libprelude-doc Description-md5: 21931a236f2ee18dd9867b3f559c09ea Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Documentation ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the documentation for developers for Prelude components. Package: libprelude-lua Description-md5: a1afae331d48c1416195ca9a661d4da3 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Lua bindings ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Lua bindings for Prelude. Package: libprelude-perl Description-md5: e8e47eaf6c2830eed959eca18ac5f1ff Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Perl bindings ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the perl bindings for Prelude. Package: libprelude23 Description-md5: 62d7e58647fcf77e9c8e77ffab7eb8bf Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Base library ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Prelude shared library. Package: libpreludecpp8 Description-md5: 3bf1557b192c662cbf7d015f1eaf276a Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ C++ library ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Prelude C++ shared library. Package: libpreludedb-dev Description-md5: 8d879d5c424092b3f299c355c9ec57e3 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Development files ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the development files for PreludeDB components. Package: libpreludedb-doc Description-md5: b07aef305c887b163308a62b6a0d30b4 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Documentation ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the documentation for developers for PreludeDB components. Package: libpreludedb7 Description-md5: 0c0f7260740def5858353c979558783c Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Base library ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the PreludeDB shared library. Package: libpreludedb7-mysql Description-md5: 88415583781a4a928129dd5779e24403 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ MySQL library ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the PreludeDB shared library for MySQL. Package: libpreludedb7-pgsql Description-md5: 1a9b5a2bfed0fc4d4f60aa2ea6f843b1 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ PGSQL library ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the PreludeDB shared library for PGSQL. Package: libpreludedb7-sqlite Description-md5: af446a9f39bd0e4b8a14b120fbe03021 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ SQLite library ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the PreludeDB shared library for SQLite. Package: libpreludedbcpp2 Description-md5: 3bf1557b192c662cbf7d015f1eaf276a Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ C++ library ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Prelude C++ shared library. Package: libpresage-dev Description-md5: 0d2b5291a9f240b3d78b305f84fdce14 Description-gl: intelligent predictive text entry platform (development files) Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. . This package contains the header files needed to compile applications or shared objects that use libpresage. Package: libpresage1-dbg Description-md5: a08265d0317abcfaa0356fdfd65928c3 Description-gl: intelligent predictive text entry platform (shared library debugging symbols) Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. . A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed of textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in computing which word tokens or word completions are most likely to be entered next. The system analyses the text already entered and combines the information thus extracted with other information sources to calculate the set of most probable tokens. . Presage exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to generate word predictions. The modular architecture allows its language model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic information sources. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libpresage1v5 Description-md5: da65d13c0bcd366f8d981d4cdf6b2091 Description-gl: intelligent predictive text entry platform (shared library) Presage is an intelligent predictive text entry platform. . A predictive text entry system attempts to improve the ease and speed of textual input by predicting words. Word prediction consists in computing which word tokens or word completions are most likely to be entered next. The system analyses the text already entered and combines the information thus extracted with other information sources to calculate the set of most probable tokens. . Presage exploits redundant information embedded in natural languages to generate word predictions. The modular architecture allows its language model to be extended and customized to utilize statistical, syntactic, and semantic information sources. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libprimesieve8 Description-md5: 0b1d98bef2f55f2d610f176744a73674 Description-gl: fast prime number generator C/C++ library -- lib primesieve is a free software program and C/C++ library that generates primes using a highly optimized sieve of Eratosthenes implementation. primesieve can generate primes and prime k-tuplets up to nearly 2^64. . See for more information. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libprison-dbg Description-md5: bb2085cae0a6e29dcc7a27a5efc46cc6 Description-gl: API de códigos de barras para Qt - sÃmbolos de depuración prison é unha API para códigos de barra que na actualidade unha API agradábel en Qt para producir códigos de barras QR e DataMatrix e que pode ser modificada facilmente para admitir máis. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración para depurar fallos da biblioteca prison Package: libprison-dev Description-md5: b47bd73084c3dfd66d08fe0efd3868f1 Description-gl: barcode API for Qt - development files prison é unha API para códigos de barra que na actualidade unha API agradábel en Qt para producir códigos de barras QR e DataMatrix e que pode ser modificada facilmente para admitir máis. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros necesarios para crear aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca prison. Package: libprison0 Description-md5: 8a9e710171b850ad307b78f8777a54ed Description-gl: API para códigos de barras para Qt prison é unha API para códigos de barra que na actualidade unha API agradábel en Qt para producir códigos de barras QR e DataMatrix e que pode ser modificada facilmente para admitir máis. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida para ser empregada polos aplicativos. Package: libproc-background-perl Description-md5: abc0f1f6ed8df8552dda2f5e03bf27d9 Description-gl: Interface xenérica para a xestión dos procesos de fondo de Unix e de Win32 Proc::Background é unha interface xenérica para colocar procesos no fondo tanto nas plataformas Unix como Win32. Este módulo permite iniciar, matar, agardar por, obter os valores de saÃda e ver se os procesos de fondo aÃnda existen. Package: libproc-daemon-perl Description-md5: b2a69902691abc084a95a049775658ec Description-gl: Módulo para executar scripts como daemons Proc::Daemon pode ser empregado como un programa en Perl para iniciarse a si mesmo como daemon (un proceso de fondo sen terminal de control). Tamén é posÃbel comprobar o estado do daemon (vivo ou morto) e é posÃbel matar o daemon. Package: libproc-fork-perl Description-md5: 1f58d783d7d4aa6f6efedc38a8cf28da Description-gl: Interface en Perl para a chamada do sistema fork() Proc::Fork provides an intuitive, Perl-ish way to write forking programs by facilitating the use of blocks to illustrate which code section executes in which fork. Package: libproc-invokeeditor-perl Description-md5: 00c6eeb8c8182cb9a5a128efc160df8d Description-gl: Extensión en Perl para iniciar un editor de texto O módulo Proc::InvokeEditor fornece a capacidade de achegar texto a un editor de texto externo, facer que o usuario o edite e recuperar o resultado. . O módulo File::Temp emprégase para fornecer ficheiros temporais seguros e File::Temp ten asignado o nivel de seguranza máis alto dispoñÃbel. Isto pode causar problemas nalgúns sistemas nos que non exista ningún directorio temporal seguro. . When the editor is started, no subshell is used. Your path will be scanned to find the binary to use for each editor if the string given does not exist as a file, and if a named editor contains whitespace, for example if you try to use the editor 'xemacs -nw', then the string will be split on whitespace and anything after the editor name will be passed as arguments to your editor. A shell is not used but this should cover most simple cases. Package: libproc-simple-perl Description-md5: 2af34ac002b5860215611224df70bf3b Description-gl: Interface en Perl para iniciar e controlar procesos de fondo O paquete Proc::Simple fornece obxectos que simulan procesos da vida real desde o punto de vista dun usuario. . É posÃbel iniciar programas externos ou subrutinas en Perl e controlalos como procesos do fondo. Package: libprocesscore7 Description-md5: 3db6290d075dfe9bbb485be967a4e45a Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - shared library KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libprocessing-core-java Description-md5: c44fcead9e7ea01acbabb0ec7399a98b Description-gl: Java animation and interaction library Processing é unha linguaxe de programación e ambiente de código aberto para quen desexe crear imaxes, animacións e interaccións. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca central necesaria para executar esas animacións. Package: libprocessui7 Description-md5: 3db6290d075dfe9bbb485be967a4e45a Description-gl: library for monitoring your system - shared library KSysGuard is a program to monitor various elements of your system, or any other remote system with the KSysGuard daemon (ksysgardd) installed. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libproj-dev Description-md5: ad9b308cb6ce75249959eb9cab605eb3 Description-gl: Biblioteca de proxección cartográfica (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Proj and invproj perform respective forward and inverse transformation of cartographic data to or from Cartesian data with a wide range of selectable projection functions (over 100 projections). . Geod and invgeod perform geodesic (Great Circle) computations for determining latitude, longitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given a initial point latitude, longitude, azimuth and distance (direct) or the forward and back azimuths and distance between an initial and terminus point latitudes and longitudes (inverse). . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de PROJ4. Package: libproj12 Description-md5: 4b6d1e70609ac0be5c067cfc07e280cb Description-gl: Biblioteca de proxección cartográfica Proj and invproj perform respective forward and inverse transformation of cartographic data to or from Cartesian data with a wide range of selectable projection functions (over 100 projections). . Geod and invgeod perform geodesic (Great Circle) computations for determining latitude, longitude and back azimuth of a terminus point given a initial point latitude, longitude, azimuth and distance (direct) or the forward and back azimuths and distance between an initial and terminus point latitudes and longitudes (inverse). . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida de PROJ4 empregada polas ferramentas e os programas de terceiros. Package: libprojectm-dev Description-md5: ec11a3d8caf0253b1a2991da68657b5c Description-gl: Biblioteca avanzada de visualización de música compatÃbel con Milkdrop - desenvolvemento libprojectm is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libprojectm-qt-dev Description-md5: 3f33e5d0a6c9e997252b40d1c9486fe8 Description-gl: projectM Qt4 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) projectM is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para as asociacións con Qt4 de projectM Package: libprojectm-qt1v5 Description-md5: fb3bdeae3cf02af205b276a8ac3d7e69 Description-gl: Asociacións con Qt4 para projectM projectM is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . Este paquete contén as interface de Qt4 con projectM. Package: libprojectm2v5 Description-md5: 25811eb3de3a571679c9894cb51cc24e Description-gl: Biblioteca avanzada de visualización de música compatÃbel con Milkdrop libprojectm is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca e os datos esenciais necesarios para que funcione a biblioteca de visualización. Package: libprotobuf-c-dev Description-md5: 1d397a37d564ebd24c34190b57ce6f99 Description-gl: Protocol Buffers C static library and headers (protobuf-c) Protocol Buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data - similar to XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages. You can even update your data structure without breaking deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format. . This is the "protobuf-c" implementation of Protocol Buffers in C. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos de desenvolvemento. Package: libprotobuf-c1 Description-md5: 9c4249f4ed507aa6007c13b98366f88b Description-gl: Protocol Buffers C shared library (protobuf-c) Protocol Buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data - similar to XML, but smaller, faster, and simpler. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages. You can even update your data structure without breaking deployed programs that are compiled against the "old" format. . This is the "protobuf-c" implementation of Protocol Buffers in C. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libproxy-cil-dev Description-md5: f84b6b72fea878076ed72e52808dc0ba Description-gl: automatic proxy configuration management library (CLI devel) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . This package contains development files for the CLI bindings, and should be used for compilation. Package: libproxy-tools Description-md5: aac59bba35e1a229fc8c5ffe6e4ba4cb Description-gl: Biblioteca para a xestión automática da configuración dos proxies (ferramentas) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . Este paquete contén un programa para interactuar con libproxy desde a liña de ordes. Package: libproxy0.4-cil Description-md5: 42776b22a3576eff412b0a43566c3c44 Description-gl: automatic proxy configuration management library (CLI) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . This package contains the CLI bindings. Package: libproxy1-plugin-kconfig Description-md5: f9b50798054bc63f81dfbd1c8764aafc Description-gl: Biblioteca para a xestión automática da configuración dos proxies (engadido para KConfig) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . Este paquete contén o engadido para permitir que libproxy lea as configuracións dos proxies desde KConfig (KDE 4) Package: libproxy1-plugin-mozjs Description-md5: 000e2c5779ee2e7ff20b555208e96a05 Description-gl: automatic proxy configuration management library (mozjs plugin) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . This package contains the plugin to allow libproxy to interpret PAC files using mozjs Package: libproxy1-plugin-webkit Description-md5: 20f65401cda862ebec9528e2cbd29339 Description-gl: Biblioteca para a xestión automática da configuración dos proxies (engadido para Webkit) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . Este paquete contén o engadido para permitir que libproxy interprete os ficheiros PAC empregando Webkit Package: libpsi3-dev Description-md5: 32899a9747eb45a9a4f8300e171acb3f Description-gl: Quantum Chemical Program Suite (Development Libraries) PSI3 is an ab-initio quantum chemistry program. It is especially designed to accurately compute properties of small to medium molecules using highly correlated techniques. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas estáticas e os ficheiros de cabezallo. Package: libpsm-infinipath1 Description-md5: f14abc291eb95080b3ab5e3c76a2cc89 Description-gl: PSM Messaging library for Intel Truescale adapters The PSM Messaging API, or PSM API, is Intel's (formerly QLogic's) low- level, user-level communication interface for the Truescale family of products. PSM users can use mechanisms necessary to implement higher-level communication interfaces in parallel environments. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libpsurface-dbg Description-md5: 1bd4e59d366d353c915853804c8c2a1a Description-gl: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- debug symbols Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libpsurface-dev Description-md5: 316a40ae2f948cbae4a8d50e913a833d Description-gl: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- development files Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . There are two main uses for psurface. When doing adaptive finite element simulations on grids with parametrized boundaries, psurface can store the parametrization. Boundary parametrizations are practically mappings from the coarse grid boundary to the actual boundary, and if that actual boundary is a triangulated surface then psurface can handle it. This is implemented, for example, in the dune-grid module of Dune. . Secondly, when doing domain decomposition methods with nonconforming interfaces, you need to relate the two interface grids to each other. Psurface can do this for you, even if your interfaces do not match geometrically. Such is the case, e.g., in contact problems. This second functionality is also available for 1d surfaces in 2d space. . The easiest way to use psurface for domain decomposition is to get the dune-grid-glue module and use it to drive psurface. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpsurface0v5 Description-md5: a3a8666696f210a2df80c060accf194b Description-gl: piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces -- shared library Psurface is a C++ library that handles piecewise linear bijections between triangulated surfaces. These surfaces can be of arbitrary shape and need not even be manifolds. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libpth-dev Description-md5: ad14fcee422f923d02639de74f138d92 Description-gl: GNU Portable Threads (development) Pth is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms which provides non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution ("multithreading") inside server applications. All threads run in the same address space of the server application, but each thread has its own individual program-counter, run-time stack, signal mask and errno variable. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpugl-dbg Description-md5: 37ab8b5b6e1646989e7a1c5cdd75a44f Description-gl: API portátil para interfaces gráficas en OpenGL (sÃmbolos de depuración) Pugl is a minimal portable API for OpenGL GUIs which supports embedding and is suitable for use in plugins, but can also be used for programs. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libpulse-ocaml Description-md5: 67dfe8157396c17e4c3a6e4e4188ce3b Description-gl: OCaml interface to the PulseAudio sound server This package provied an interface to the PulseAudio sound server for OCaml programmers. . PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libpulse-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 9e2259125ae5b278fbc09b72f345294d Description-gl: OCaml interface to the pulseaudio library This package provied an interface to the PulseAudio sound server for OCaml programmers. . PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use ocaml-pulseaudio. Package: libpurelibc-dev Description-md5: b16ec1b0c7fdc73db6a00a474668025f Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca purelibc purelibc is an overlay library that converts the glibc, the GNU standard C library, into a pure library, i.e. a library that can upcall instead of running the system calls. With purelibc a process can trace (and virtualize) its own calls. It is used, for instance, by the UMView modules to support the recursion of virtual environments. . purelibc, along with UMView, is part of the View-OS project: . This package contains the files needed to compile applications that link purelibc. Package: libpurify-dev Description-md5: 7309ad8d1328150195f16a8c69254b60 Description-gl: Routines for radio interferometric imaging (development files) PURIFY is a collection of routines written in C that implements different tools for radio interferometric imaging including file handling (for both visibilities and fits files), implementation of the measurement operator and set-up of the different optimization problems used for image deconvolution. The code calls the generic Sparse OPTimization (SOPT) package to solve the imaging optimization problems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpurify2.0 Description-md5: 0e07dce7231025c114f56f042ec1a72b Description-gl: Routines for radio interferometric imaging (shared lib) PURIFY is a collection of routines written in C that implements different tools for radio interferometric imaging including file handling (for both visibilities and fits files), implementation of the measurement operator and set-up of the different optimization problems used for image deconvolution. The code calls the generic Sparse OPTimization (SOPT) package to solve the imaging optimization problems. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libpuzzle-dev Description-md5: 3cf50754184ea1b780fbcc5e579f28d0 Description-gl: quick similar image finder - development files The Puzzle library is designed to quickly find visually similar images (GIF, PNG, JPG), even if they have been resized, recompressed, recolored or slightly modified. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpwquality-tools Description-md5: 748331af36bc84978f52ee4344e90e81 Description-gl: tools for password quality checking and generation O propósito de libpwquality é fornecer funcións comúns para a comprobación da calidade dos contrasinais e tamén para puntualos tomando como base a súa aleatoriedade aparente. A biblioteca tamén fornece unha función para xerar contrasinais aleatorios con boa pronunciabilidade. . Tools for password quality checking and generation. Package: libpycaml-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 48f89877157a4f7134df5b167fad30e9 Description-gl: OCaml bindings to embed Python interpreter (development files) Pycaml is intended to allow users to build native OCaml libraries and use them from Python, and conversely, in order to allow OCaml users to benefit from linkable libraries provided for Python. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libpyside-dev Description-md5: 6faf275ae65de581cef049209922a69a Description-gl: Python bindings for Qt 4 (development files) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides the development headers for the libpyside library. Package: libpyside-py3-1.2 Description-md5: 141a8760506d6c4703c9fb1bdaa0c04d Description-gl: Python3 bindings for Qt 4 (base files) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains base files used by all python3 modules. Package: libpyside1.2 Description-md5: 9a4cc9b6049dc46c0e447bc7b7814c29 Description-gl: Python bindings for Qt 4 (base files) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains base files used by all modules. Package: libpyzy-dev Description-md5: 1f705aea93b67ce8a06486468af45582 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libpyzy Algorithm library of ibus-pinyin. It is separated from ibus-pinyin to convenient other programs. . This package contains static library and header files. Package: libqaccessibilityclient-dev Description-md5: 762347af976a8f9abb38d101828ff820 Description-gl: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier -- development Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libqaccessibilityclient0 Description-md5: 7abeac7425a3b377ac1176d6f7d1e699 Description-gl: helper to make writing accessibility tools easier Helper library to make writing accessibility tools easier. Used by screen readers for example. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libqalculate6 Description-md5: d259e364d39e86d2ec2ec0bbf8522e97 Description-gl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - library Qalculate! is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault- tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional buttons). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida empregada por todas as interfaces do Qalculate!. Package: libqapt-dev Description-md5: ebfb8a382214854d21b85301af1fea89 Description-gl: Development headers for the QApt library LibQApt is a Qt wrapper around the libapt-pkg library as well as an APT implementation using libapt-pkg. The aim is to provide a sane API for package management to ease the development of package managers written in Qt and C++ . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca QApt Package: libqapt3 Description-md5: 038c717459bf7e7e73e27ab32c90ffc8 Description-gl: QApt library package LibQApt is a Qt wrapper around the libapt-pkg library as well as an APT implementation using libapt-pkg. The aim is to provide a sane API for package management to ease the development of package managers written in Qt and C++ . Este paquete contén a biblioteca QApt Package: libqapt3-runtime Description-md5: 1383b3859e9d954f26494c46e0594b54 Description-gl: Compoñentes de tempo de execución para a biblioteca QApt LibQApt is a Qt wrapper around the libapt-pkg library as well as an APT implementation using libapt-pkg. The aim is to provide a sane API for package management to ease the development of package managers written in Qt and C++ . This package contains the runtime components necessary for applications using the QApt library to run. Package: libqca-qt5-2 Description-md5: e6821571ac9f35265d4086f952b5ec4a Description-gl: Bibliotecas para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. Package: libqca-qt5-2-dbg Description-md5: 06022ce95ceac07fa4ef9298fd8640de Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas das bibliotecas para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt. Package: libqca-qt5-2-dev Description-md5: e5f738a0e88b215b00c26ce7899aa25a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt. Package: libqca2 Description-md5: e6821571ac9f35265d4086f952b5ec4a Description-gl: Bibliotecas para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. Package: libqca2-dbg Description-md5: 06022ce95ceac07fa4ef9298fd8640de Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas das bibliotecas para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt. Package: libqca2-dev Description-md5: e5f738a0e88b215b00c26ce7899aa25a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para construÃr software que empregue a Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt. Package: libqca2-plugin-cyrus-sasl Description-md5: a5de12bf2aa972bb509d3b7d5875b2ed Description-gl: transitional package for libqca2-plugins Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libqca2-plugin-gnupg Description-md5: a5de12bf2aa972bb509d3b7d5875b2ed Description-gl: transitional package for libqca2-plugins Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libqca2-plugin-ossl Description-md5: a5de12bf2aa972bb509d3b7d5875b2ed Description-gl: transitional package for libqca2-plugins Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libqcow1 Description-md5: ad2e480029d6e2c25ba681d44b0d5b79 Description-gl: QEMU Copy-On-Write image format access library libqcow is a library to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW) image format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libqdjango-dbg Description-md5: 84732fb0911d927d78aa3d8714bfcbcb Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración da infraestrutura QDjango QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libqdjango-dev Description-md5: 268832bf47a300255aadeb06b460e55e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da infraestrutura QDjango QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas. Package: libqdjango-doc Description-md5: 67a73c0aa314bdafc22e16390d437963 Description-gl: Documentación da infraestrutura QDjango QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: libqdjango-http0 Description-md5: 770437e13d639b1a2a549e68437a6a87 Description-gl: HTTP library for the QDjango framework QDjango is a cross-platform C++ web development framework built upon Qt. Where possible it tries to follow django's API, hence its name. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca de HTTP. Package: libqfits-dev Description-md5: 5a6ab3ed000aacbd5051dffb20ec3ba0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libqfits This package contains the header files and static library needed to compile applications that use qfits. Package: libqglviewer-doc Description-md5: 02a674173e2ea262af46c80b23dd0ee9 Description-gl: OpenGL 3D viewer library - documentation and examples libqglviewer (also known as libQGLViewer) is a free C++ library based on Qt that enables the quick creation of OpenGL 3D viewers. It features a powerful camera trackball and simple applications simply require an implementation of the draw() function. It is a tool of choice for OpenGL beginners and assignements. It provides screenshot saving, mouse manipulated frames, stereo display, interpolated keyFrames, object selection, and much more. It is fully customizable and easy to extend to create complex applications, with a possible Qt GUI. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: libqgpgme1 Description-md5: 5748009851caef0425f1a98c37c8afb5 Description-gl: library for GpgME++ integration with Qt QGpgME is a library that provides GpgME++ integration with QEventLoop and some Qt datatypes (e.g. QByteArray). . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libqgsttools-p1 Description-md5: 9a134dca24de2bf35c9ac74b753148dd Description-gl: GStreamer tools for Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the GStreamer tools for Qt 5 Multimedia module. Package: libqhttpengine-doc Description-md5: c2211cf7c5380ee4f7906a989b9ec895 Description-gl: HTTP server for Qt applications - documentation QHttpEngine provides a set of classes that enable Qt applications to create an HTTP server capable of serving static files and exposing a public API. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libqhull-doc Description-md5: ed72d4dbd9f8831237fbd8d3972d71ec Description-gl: calculate convex hulls and related structures (documentation files) Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, halfspace intersections about a point, Voronoi diagrams, furthest-site Delaunay triangulations, and furthest-site Voronoi diagrams. It runs in 2-d, 3-d, 4-d, and higher dimensions. . Este paquete contén a documentación de Qhull. Package: libqjson-dev Description-md5: 0269cb6bdbafd90c897ef35ae88db023 Description-gl: Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects - development files JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It can represent integers, real numbers, strings, an ordered sequence of values, and a collection of name/value pairs. . QJson is a Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects: JSON arrays will be mapped to QVariantList instances, while JSON objects will be mapped to QVariantMap. . Estes son os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libqmenumodel-dev Description-md5: e61c9399ddce9b5321b4555829cffa51 Description-gl: Qt binding for GMenuModel - development files Asociación de Qt para GMenuModel que permite conectar a un modelo de menú exposto en D-Bus e que o mostra como un modelo de lista. Pode empregarse para expor menús de indicadores ou de aplicativos para os aplicativos que empreguen a infraestrutura Qt. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para libqmenumodel. Package: libqmenumodel0 Description-md5: cf3b2c8f055a7396a2767a6960b68936 Description-gl: Qt binding for GMenuModel - shared library Asociación de Qt para GMenuModel que permite conectar a un modelo de menú exposto en D-Bus e que o mostra como un modelo de lista. Pode empregarse para expor menús de indicadores ou de aplicativos para os aplicativos que empreguen a infraestrutura Qt. . This package contains the shared library required by applications using QMenuModel. Package: libqmobipocket-dev Description-md5: b2c74778f09c9b496a06eb6984ec8711 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler documentos Mobipocket Biblioteca en Qt para ler documentos Mobipocket. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e os ficheiros requiridos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libqmobipocket2 Description-md5: f199a004d82b669544aca15d1b95116e Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler documentos Mobipocket Biblioteca en Qt para ler documentos Mobipocket. Package: libqoauth-dev Description-md5: 72eed5d7237fbb79c3f0dd070f99d04f Description-gl: Qt-based client implementation of the OAuth authorization scheme QOAuth is a Qt-based C++ implementation of an interface to services using the OAuth authorization scheme. . OAuth está descrito en detalle en . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras requiridas para construÃr programas que empreguen QOauth. Package: libqoauth1 Description-md5: 5646f72d9d22acf579c6414bdb113eb1 Description-gl: Qt-based client implementation of the OAuth authorization scheme QOAuth is a Qt-based C++ implementation of an interface to services using OAuth authorization scheme. . OAuth está descrito en detalle en Package: libqpx-dev Description-md5: 69202bcd331a8cb5f44f0087faccbba3 Description-gl: Comprobador da calidade de CD/DVD (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) QPxTool gives you access to all available Quality Checks (Q-Checks) on written and blank media, that are available for your drive. This will help you to find the right media and the optimized writing speed for your hardware, which will increase the chance for a long data lifetime. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libqpx0 Description-md5: 130412cb6e95d3415de81a09a42577b8 Description-gl: Comprobador da calidade de CD/DVD (bibliotecas compartidas) QPxTool gives you access to all available Quality Checks (Q-Checks) on written and blank media, that are available for your drive. This will help you to find the right media and the optimized writing speed for your hardware, which will increase the chance for a long data lifetime. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas para QPxTool. Package: libqrencode-dev Description-md5: 93e2c95a91a6edc73021b6efbd9ce45b Description-gl: Biblioteca de codificación de códigos QR - desenvolvemento Libqrencode é unha biblioteca para codificar datos nun sÃmbolo de código QR, unha especie de simboloxÃa en 2D que pode ser escaneada por terminais de man, como teléfonos móbiles con CCD. A capacidade dos códigos QR é de até 7 000 dÃxitos ou 4 000 caracteres e é moi robusta. . Libqrencode admite o modelo 2 do Código QR, descrito nos JIS (Estándares Industriais Xaponess) X0510:2004 ou ISO/IEC 18004. . Biblioteca de codificación de códigos QR Package: libqrencode3 Description-md5: 48371ea383ae6451a3476de34561f67c Description-gl: Biblioteca de codificación de códigos QR Libqrencode é unha biblioteca para codificar datos nun sÃmbolo de código QR, unha especie de simboloxÃa en 2D que pode ser escaneada por terminais de man, como teléfonos móbiles con CCD. A capacidade dos códigos QR é de até 7 000 dÃxitos ou 4 000 caracteres e é moi robusta. . Libqrencode admite o modelo 2 do Código QR, descrito nos JIS (Estándares Industriais Xaponess) X0510:2004 ou ISO/IEC 18004. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas de execución de libqrencode. Package: libqrupdate-dev Description-md5: 8a17c9337da889f37ebe36d5879be1fb Description-gl: Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions -- static library qrupdate is a Fortran library for QR and Cholesky decompositions. It is most notably used by Octave. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática. Package: libqrupdate1 Description-md5: 362cd8c45e0cb27993e05f8be51c697c Description-gl: Fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions qrupdate is a Fortran library for QR and Cholesky decompositions. It is most notably used by Octave. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libqsastime-dev Description-md5: 50108538c058e2b15a79bc388b474234 Description-gl: Biblioteca de conversión de formatos de hora (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) A biblioteca qsastime é unha biblioteca sinxela para manipular a conversión de formatos de hora. Soluciona as limitacións das rutinas de manipulación da hora de POSIX permitindo variábeis temporais de alta precisión nun intervalo grande de intervalos de datas e corrixindo correctamente os segundos intercalares ou bisextos. Foi deseñada tendo en conta as necesidades de rexistro de datos cientÃficos. Este paquete fornece os ficheiros necesarios para desenvolver con libqsastime. . O código fonte desta biblioteca é parte do paquete de código de plplot. Package: libqsastime0 Description-md5: 1b0ca9bf80be8acb86ff7fc64cc84f9a Description-gl: Biblioteca de conversión de formatos de hora The qsastime library is a simple library for handling time format conversion. It overcomes the limitations of the POSIX time handling routines by allow high precision time variables over a large range of ranges of dates and by correctly handling leap seconds. It was designed with the needs of scientific data plotting in mind. This package provides the runtime library. . O código fonte desta biblioteca é parte do paquete de código de plplot. Package: libqscintilla2-12v5 Description-md5: 00d5deee4952fcddcb5e856a0f16f69a Description-gl: Qt4 port of the Scintilla source code editing widget O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts. Package: libqscintilla2-12v5-dbg Description-md5: 946b8fa02978ed0a3c46a5f04dc4ba8e Description-gl: Qt4 port of the Scintilla source code editing widget (debug) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts. . This package contains the debug extensions. Package: libqscintilla2-designer Description-md5: fc7121805924d55a1d7e2195d99804cf Description-gl: Engadido de Qt4 Designer para QScintilla 2 O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Este paquete contén un engadido para empregar o trebello QScintilla 2 no UI Designer de Qt. Package: libqscintilla2-designer-dbg Description-md5: d078f5c4dda9af6ef9b0afc2f788226f Description-gl: Qt4 Designer plugin for QScintilla 2 (debug) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts. . This package contains the debug extensions for the QScintilla 2 widget in the Qt4 UI Designer. Package: libqscintilla2-dev Description-md5: b00baa53e3c0197937730759bc6c4e7a Description-gl: Scintilla source code editing widget for Qt4, development files O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains development headers needed when developing C++ applications that use QScintilla 2. Package: libqscintilla2-l10n Description-md5: f968037c5ada9890276038e56800f6e5 Description-gl: Scintilla source code editing widget for Qt4, translation files O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains translations for libqscintilla2. Package: libqt4-dbg Description-md5: eb306b2c018309e76cbbf8fad24c95cc Description-gl: Qt 4 library debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 4 libraries. Package: libqt4-dbus Description-md5: d4138bc6e2864e684d9cd85db1fb1bb8 Description-gl: Qt 4 D-Bus module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter- Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol. . Applications using the QtDBus module can provide services to other, remote applications by exporting objects, as well as use services exported by those applications by placing calls and accessing properties. Package: libqt4-declarative Description-md5: 8f87c0a6a249f5950c24e5114ebf3904 Description-gl: Qt 4 Declarative module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt Declarative module provides a declarative framework for building highly dynamic, custom user interfaces. Package: libqt4-declarative-folderlistmodel Description-md5: f43feadde9696188e770e168889ef21c Description-gl: Qt 4 folderlistmodel QML plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the folderlistmodel QML plugin for QtDeclarative. Package: libqt4-declarative-gestures Description-md5: d4b1230bf6f402b58b4dcdbf172dba13 Description-gl: Qt 4 gestures QML plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the gestures QML plugin for QtDeclarative. Package: libqt4-declarative-particles Description-md5: fbedb803fb8b49dd173016b4ab50d074 Description-gl: Qt 4 particles QML plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the particles QML plugin for QtDeclarative. Package: libqt4-declarative-shaders Description-md5: f6ba37293f84ab0c1ad9f9de3c2ba23c Description-gl: Qt 4 shaders QML plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the shaders QML plugin for QtDeclarative. Package: libqt4-designer Description-md5: 2a24b6b1733f51c1c9363cfa0098fe5b Description-gl: Qt 4 designer module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtDesigner module provides classes that allow you to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer, and classes that enable you to access Qt Designer's components. Package: libqt4-designer-dbg Description-md5: 4491691a63e68e54f064a6e60370b3c5 Description-gl: Qt 4 designer library debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 4 Designer library. Package: libqt4-dev Description-md5: a972324e9d55eec79dbff3af47559638 Description-gl: Qt 4 development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 4 applications. Package: libqt4-dev-bin Description-md5: c804803f66ed95e965d4d27c802d0735 Description-gl: Qt 4 development programs Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 4 applications, such as moc, qdbuscpp2xml, qdbusxml2cpp, qt3to4, rcc, uic3, and uic. Package: libqt4-help Description-md5: 4282552a186c836dfd31978fb2245adc Description-gl: Qt 4 help module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtHelp module provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications. Package: libqt4-network Description-md5: 98ebbd72cce02597330f65b7d5eba8db Description-gl: Qt 4 network module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtNetwork module offers classes that allow you to write TCP/IP clients and servers. It provides classes to make network programming easier and portable. Package: libqt4-opengl Description-md5: ec36226450f35960693e2afd046e0d48 Description-gl: Qt 4 OpenGL module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtOpenGL module offers classes that make it easy to use OpenGL in Qt applications. . OpenGL é unha API estándar para mostrar gráficos en 3D. OpenGL trata só co renderizado en 3D e fornece pouco ou nada de axuda cos problemas de programación das interfaces gráficas. Package: libqt4-opengl-dev Description-md5: 3a77d802eeaa1b2143dbee1ed81d6860 Description-gl: Qt 4 OpenGL library development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 4 applications using QtOpenGL library. Package: libqt4-qt3support Description-md5: f5f751633cc890280ad8ff0a1b4e8cb2 Description-gl: Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4 Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt3Support module provides classes that ease porting from Qt 3 to Qt 4. . It allows applications designed to use deprecated Qt 3 classes and functions to work with Qt 4, with help from the qt3to4 porting tool found in the libqt4-dev-bin package. Package: libqt4-qt3support-dbg Description-md5: 29e27abea5e7e9c89082297b36db40eb Description-gl: Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4 debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4. Package: libqt4-script Description-md5: 21dde8fb68da1c89ce92b58c86699dbd Description-gl: Qt 4 script module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtScript module provides classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Package: libqt4-script-dbg Description-md5: 4fe268671423816b84a8ae12bcc16c4b Description-gl: Qt 4 script library debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 4 Script library. Package: libqt4-scripttools Description-md5: 1a073bf09594d891464d930a909dabb8 Description-gl: Qt 4 script tools module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtScriptTools module provides additional components for applications that use Qt Script. . This package contains the Qt Script debugger, a tool for debugging script execution in Qt applications that use Qt Script. Package: libqt4-sql Description-md5: 033030271b2b4c189900e5d6d936a912 Description-gl: Qt 4 SQL module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtSql module helps you provide seamless database integration to your Qt applications. . If you wish to use the SQL module for development, you should install the libqt4-dev package. Package: libqt4-sql-mysql Description-md5: 58f1fcabfcd1ca19e285b19cd2b5fbda Description-gl: Qt 4 MySQL database driver This package contains the MySQL plugin for Qt 4. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas que deban acceder á base de datos MySQL. Package: libqt4-sql-odbc Description-md5: 547088a5048a48e1de75462c21267fc3 Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de ODBC de Qt 4 Este paquete contén o engadido de ODBC para Qt 4. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas en Qt que deban acceder a bases de datos de ODBC. Package: libqt4-sql-psql Description-md5: b44f5674647ae321ff32e46cef8c53bf Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de PostgreSQL de Qt 5 Este paquete contén o engadido de PostgreSQL para Qt 4. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas que deban acceder á base de datos PostgreSQL. Package: libqt4-sql-tds Description-md5: 9e15207dacff190f5a39396860afbe7e Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de FreeTDS de Qt 4 Este paquete contén o engadido FreeTDS para Qt 4. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas que deban acceder á base de datos de MS SQL ou de Sybase SQL. Package: libqt4-svg Description-md5: f49f6fcd0ca383b8479379b260b0962f Description-gl: Qt 4 SVG module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtSvg module provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. Package: libqt4-test Description-md5: f7a3b5b5082c11117b4d14ad7630bb01 Description-gl: Qt 4 test module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtTest module provides classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries. Package: libqt4-xml Description-md5: ca9976f27351a30ee73f9ce4324d257b Description-gl: Qt 4 XML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtXml module provides a stream reader and writer for XML documents, and C++ implementations of SAX and DOM. Package: libqt4-xmlpatterns Description-md5: 2cb542abf850564476c503d1b1dad985 Description-gl: Qt 4 XML patterns module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . QtXmlPatterns is a XQuery and XPath engine for XML and custom data models. Package: libqt4-xmlpatterns-dbg Description-md5: 5ff329580982f75247bbb5b0fd24d68b Description-gl: Qt 4 XML patterns library debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 4 XML patterns library. Package: libqt53danimation5 Description-md5: 5050ed32aab215826d624fdb5caafd57 Description-gl: Qt 3D animation module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Animation module. Package: libqt53dcore5 Description-md5: ee495a574921a5d1d1f90ea143d45ddc Description-gl: Qt 3D module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Core module. Package: libqt53dextras5 Description-md5: c7ee3f73a666eebfc6e61461f2184c11 Description-gl: Qt 3D extras Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D extras module. Package: libqt53dinput5 Description-md5: 1a557218f50ec9b60ace8e757d4e7f90 Description-gl: Qt 3D Input module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Input module. Package: libqt53dlogic5 Description-md5: 80a3c2698ef0b31b111a85e5f9e9e070 Description-gl: Qt 3D logic module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Logic module. Package: libqt53dquick5 Description-md5: 92cddc09c5eb6302149a2a59faad487b Description-gl: Qt 3D Quick module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick module. Package: libqt53dquickanimation5 Description-md5: 3da2672f34e164c92e131106cd66a27b Description-gl: Qt 3D Quick animation module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Animation module. Package: libqt53dquickextras5 Description-md5: 77128f5a97149574fd4abf61c3c8e997 Description-gl: Qt 3D Quick extras Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick extras module. Package: libqt53dquickinput5 Description-md5: b72fdb2aa4706cfe8b64b600546af444 Description-gl: Qt 3D Quick input Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick input module. Package: libqt53dquickrender5 Description-md5: 95d6b01f6d987adc09c14cfed1ef7298 Description-gl: Qt 3D Quick Renderer module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Quick Renderer module. Package: libqt53dquickscene2d5 Description-md5: f50896d9ab3e2716932c24f8ec04f825 Description-gl: Qt 3D Quick scene module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Scene 2D module. Package: libqt53drender5 Description-md5: f3866e0412da852779aa86dda563febb Description-gl: Qt 3D Renderer module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D Renderer module. Package: libqt5bluetooth5 Description-md5: 5cadd27323ff460e7d13ee8ef4cc8850 Description-gl: Qt Connectivity Bluetooth module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Este paquete contén a parte de Bluetooth do módulo de conectividade de Qt. Package: libqt5bluetooth5-bin Description-md5: b3c02af40a23b56b4bf2c3c1a3ecb884 Description-gl: Qt Connectivity Bluetooth module helper binaries Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Bluetooth helper binaries. Package: libqt5contacts5 Description-md5: 2f48c07bace2d6691360fbae8783a306 Description-gl: Qt PIM module, Contacts library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Contacts library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5designer5 Description-md5: 7ffa0bb5842adb966c1c5b7e69997c4a Description-gl: Qt 5 designer module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtDesigner module provides classes that allow you to create your own custom widget plugins for Qt Designer, and classes that enable you to access Qt Designer's components. Package: libqt5designercomponents5 Description-md5: 7de8dd34c7de96d3b41df25cec62de7e Description-gl: Qt 5 Designer components module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package includes components for the Qt 5 Designer module. Package: libqt5feedback5 Description-md5: 7d98eb01d172caa82a3359049f18ad7e Description-gl: Qt Feedback module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt Feedback module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5help5 Description-md5: dc0f2e17602f253ba78a2ab8bbb8d543 Description-gl: Qt 5 help module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtHelp module provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications. Package: libqt5location5 Description-md5: faf8936a8aaae73be369efa5286a805a Description-gl: Qt Location module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt Location module. Package: libqt5location5-plugins Description-md5: 73a316abe88b38b912c271d4c529c3eb Description-gl: Qt Location module - geolocation plugins Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt Location position and geolocation plugins. Package: libqt5multimedia5 Description-md5: 0fd4e386c6bde062c12b013340fc2cae Description-gl: Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt5multimedia5-plugins Description-md5: 871e5673651571ab7438746185ff6654 Description-gl: Qt 5 Multimedia module plugins Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains a set of plugins for supporting m3u, pulseaudio and GStreamer. Package: libqt5multimediaquick-p5 Description-md5: 10cd066c6217162123930b6485245e89 Description-gl: Qt 5 Multimedia Quick module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content with the Quick module. Package: libqt5multimediawidgets5 Description-md5: a85511daf2fe288583ce79f752671d86 Description-gl: Qt 5 Multimedia Widgets module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains a set of widgets to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. Package: libqt5nfc5 Description-md5: dd537692b1adfade44d5f65724e44cc3 Description-gl: Qt Connectivity NFC module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the NFC part of the Qt Connectivity module. Package: libqt5organizer5 Description-md5: ed8d300fc6b3a1af43a5d3e844504189 Description-gl: Qt PIM module, Organizer library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Organizer library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5positioning5 Description-md5: e4fae679fe1460e90893909931d9dc74 Description-gl: Qt Positioning module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt Positioning module. Package: libqt5positioning5-plugins Description-md5: 8e8ffe67e4c7e99862ec2c75f7616f13 Description-gl: Qt Positioning module - position plugins Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt Positioning plugins. Package: libqt5publishsubscribe5 Description-md5: b3e50d9b59fd7e165b714f2920ab4f07 Description-gl: Qt Systems module - publish subscribe Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Publish Subscribe part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5qml5 Description-md5: a738ffdd7112e97f1f00381ee382723b Description-gl: Qt 5 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt QML module provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. It defines and implements the language and engine infrastructure, and provides an API to enable application developers to extend the QML language with custom types and integrate QML code with JavaScript and C++. Package: libqt5quick5 Description-md5: b007eea137d3d44d7f8ffa1d25ab7526 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of intuitive, modern, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes and other portable devices. Package: libqt5quickcontrols2-5 Description-md5: dc63dc18ef3dc5ab1ac25e9f4869da46 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 library. Package: libqt5quickparticles5 Description-md5: 938aa93447dd78ea7f9aad01a0de0dc4 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick particles module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Particles support library. Package: libqt5quicktemplates2-5 Description-md5: 0a1cdb4ffdd64f222b7f3c56f65e9476 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Templates 2 library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt 5 Quick Templates 2 library. Package: libqt5quicktest5 Description-md5: 62d336fbf0430511d8db72f806e6fba5 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Test library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Test library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt5quickwidgets5 Description-md5: 361283124e954f5db8ff11d3fb23121e Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Widgets library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Widgets library for QtDeclarative module. Package: libqt5scintilla2-12v5 Description-md5: 199ccf9871a65668bcb592ca2fb35573 Description-gl: Qt5 port of the Scintilla source code editing widget O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts. Package: libqt5scintilla2-12v5-dbg Description-md5: 83b8981ab28c7d3e44d338009d22307c Description-gl: Qt5 port of the Scintilla source code editing widget (debug) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts. . This package contains the debug extensions. Package: libqt5scintilla2-designer Description-md5: b2af5f4be77d6e3ea602f517b662d0e2 Description-gl: Engadido de Qt5 Designer para QScintilla 2 O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Este paquete contén un engadido para empregar o trebello QScintilla 2 no UI Designer de Qt. Package: libqt5scintilla2-designer-dbg Description-md5: b56598ce4e424963c9a27cb5d517639b Description-gl: Qt5 Designer plugin for QScintilla 2 (debug) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts. . This package contains the debug extensions for the QScintilla 2 widget in the Qt5 UI Designer. Package: libqt5scintilla2-dev Description-md5: 3e785852fd821419ef92e9455f1a224a Description-gl: Scintilla source code editing widget for Qt5, development files O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains development headers needed when developing C++ applications that use QScintilla 2 and Qt 5. Package: libqt5scintilla2-l10n Description-md5: 8999221ef928ab9036f5930207811428 Description-gl: Scintilla source code editing widget for Qt5, translation files O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains translations for libqscintilla2. Package: libqt5script5 Description-md5: d3c4a0e8070a26c56f291248544e83a5 Description-gl: Qt 5 script module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtScript module provides classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Package: libqt5scripttools5 Description-md5: 0514b920233acecc79cd86b47fb195a3 Description-gl: Qt 5 script tools module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtScriptTools module provides additional components for applications that use Qt Script. . This package contains the Qt Script debugger, a tool for debugging script execution in Qt applications that use Qt Script. Package: libqt5sensors5 Description-md5: 41282d0d6f2d4c83b25b30273ba0058c Description-gl: Qt Sensors module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt Sensors module. Package: libqt5sensors5-dev Description-md5: dd848e0ce5cb3cf7836fc859c55e581f Description-gl: Qt 5 Sensors development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Sensors library. Package: libqt5serialport5 Description-md5: 495baaf3e432acf5b4e4136a5d0e645a Description-gl: Compatibilidade con portos serie de Qt 5 Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package includes the library to use serial ports from within Qt 5. Package: libqt5serialport5-dev Description-md5: ec6e5c3fc91d00795e2fd511b16872a7 Description-gl: Qt 5 serial port development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package includes the development headers for the serial port library. Package: libqt5serviceframework5 Description-md5: 36e51796b18106e33c0803efe6aef6f3 Description-gl: Qt Systems module - service framework Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Service Framework part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5sql5-mysql Description-md5: ef00502b07fd416665becb7a946fa058 Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de MySQL de Qt 5 Este paquete contén o engadido de MySQL para Qt 5. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas que deban acceder á base de datos MySQL. Package: libqt5sql5-odbc Description-md5: 307a8af530b7222b52853293e564167c Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de ODBC de Qt 5 Este paquete contén o engadido de ODBC para Qt 5. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas en Qt que deban acceder a bases de datos de ODBC. Package: libqt5sql5-psql Description-md5: 26b8a37b36abcc581802bb9591e003d6 Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de PostgreSQL de Qt 5 Este paquete contén o engadido de PostgreSQL para Qt 5. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas que deban acceder á base de datos PostgreSQL. Package: libqt5sql5-tds Description-md5: 98049901ac7df77f69890567ec4a2170 Description-gl: Controlador de bases de datos de FreeTDS de Qt 5 Este paquete contén o engadido FreeTDS para Qt 5. . Instáleo se pretende empregar ou escribir programas que deban acceder á base de datos de MS SQL ou de Sybase SQL. Package: libqt5systeminfo5 Description-md5: a6d640a60aed9ec0f2f5dd8e987f72b4 Description-gl: Qt Systems module - system info Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the System Info part of the Qt Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5versit5 Description-md5: d194430a054da7d8130a932e9b854f78 Description-gl: Qt PIM module, Versit library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Versit library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5versitorganizer5 Description-md5: 39cdd38dea099ca0a10ccc81648a08ba Description-gl: Qt PIM module, Versit Organizer library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt PIM module's Versit Organizer library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: libqt5webkit5 Description-md5: b6887c4796db0313f1e533c538960454 Description-gl: Web content engine library for Qt QtWebKit fornece un motor de navegador web que facilita a incorporación de contido da World Wide Web en aplicativos feitos con Qt. . This package contains the QtWebKit libraries. Package: libqt5webkit5-dev Description-md5: 67401855782c9d9d20cf3924364c73f3 Description-gl: Web content engine library for Qt - development files QtWebKit fornece un motor de navegador web que facilita a incorporación de contido da World Wide Web en aplicativos feitos con Qt. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 5 applications using QtWebKit library. Package: libqt5websockets5 Description-md5: b84696a3848a9bbf8128e1a90e113caa Description-gl: Qt 5 Web Sockets module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains a Qt library that implements WebSockets, both client and server. Package: libqt5websockets5-dev Description-md5: 2f8b2b13fe269de8796213253310c05e Description-gl: Qt 5 Web Sockets module - development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: libqt5x11extras5 Description-md5: 2574e8fb23c97454c12c4db6cefe9fa2 Description-gl: Qt 5 X11 extras Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package includes the library to access X11 stuff from within Qt 5. Package: libqt5x11extras5-dev Description-md5: 983dd8be836bae64e10eefe9a7ac8668 Description-gl: Qt 5 X11 extras development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package includes the development headers for the X11 extras library. Package: libqt5xdg3 Description-md5: 682beb74b0058e6395eb1a9511e2158e Description-gl: Implementation of the XDG Specifications for Qt (shared lib) This library implements functions of the XDG Specifications in Qt. It is part of LXQt. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libqt5xdgiconloader3 Description-md5: f52ca23c74d3bb1788b5787d10a785b4 Description-gl: Implementation of the XDG Iconloader for Qt (shared lib) This library implements the backend to load icons which are handled according to the XDG Icon Theme Specification in Qt. It is part of LXQt. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libqt5xmlpatterns5 Description-md5: d15f85c7e8471f230227f226e1113d01 Description-gl: Qt 5 XML patterns module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . QtXmlPatterns is a XQuery and XPath engine for XML and custom data models. Package: libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev Description-md5: 854381d5c52ed80e7e72ec7e04934402 Description-gl: Qt 5 XML patterns development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using QtXmlPatterns library. Package: libqtassistantclient-dev Description-md5: cff8c49338b078e7417128f79b17dc99 Description-gl: Qt Assistant client library (development) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the files necessary to build applications using the deprecated QAssistantClient class, which is used together with the legacy Assistant Document Profile (.adp) version of Qt Assistant. . This class is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. It is strongly advised against using it in new code. New code should use the Qt Help Framework introduced in Qt 4.4 and/or the version of Qt Assistant based on it (also introduced in Qt 4.4) instead. Package: libqtassistantclient4 Description-md5: 48f815b72fe6cea0b6771795bc0e2aaa Description-gl: Qt Assistant client library (runtime) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the files necessary to run applications using the deprecated QAssistantClient class, which is used together with the legacy Assistant Document Profile (.adp) version of Qt Assistant. . This library is obsolete. It is provided to keep old source code working. It is strongly advised against using it in new code. New code should use the Qt Help Framework introduced in Qt 4.4 and/or the version of Qt Assistant based on it (also introduced in Qt 4.4) instead. Package: libqtav-private-dev Description-md5: 6d9aa6f9f1a1d022c062015731d39753 Description-gl: QtAV private development files QtAV is a multimedia playback library based on Qt and FFmpeg. It can help you to write a player with less effort than ever before. . This package contains the private header development files for building some QtAV applications using QtAV private headers. . Proceda segundo o seu propio criterio. Package: libqtbamf-dev Description-md5: 156ee15f3c3b9a82cfea737797e3e663 Description-gl: Qt binding and QML plugin for bamf - development files Qt binding and QML plugin for the bamf dbus daemon semi-automatically generated with qdbusxml2cpp and matching the GObject library structure. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para libqtbamp Package: libqtcore4 Description-md5: 7cee1ea8aba376d920c9f7e8e7021f9c Description-gl: Qt 4 core module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtCore module contains core non-GUI functionality. Package: libqtdbus4 Description-md5: e24582bcf668b778454bd3186165edbb Description-gl: Qt 4 D-Bus module library Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter- Process Communication using the D-Bus protocol. . Applications using the QtDBus module can provide services to other, remote applications by exporting objects, as well as use services exported by those applications by placing calls and accessing properties. Package: libqtdbusmock1 Description-md5: 767c2a8575360a80fc75df3eeb01f6e2 Description-gl: Library for mocking DBus interactions using Qt A simple library for mocking DBus services with a Qt API . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libqtdbustest1 Description-md5: 76fdbcd9f19b3ac1b9c9332890f80276 Description-gl: Library for testing DBus interactions using Qt A simple library for testing Qt based DBus services and clients. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libqtermwidget5-0 Description-md5: 266d9b8ffeab56fc4cfb78cd4424bf75 Description-gl: Terminal emulator widget for Qt 5 (shared libraries) QTermWidget is a Unicode-enabled, embeddable Qt widget that can be used as built-in console or terminal emulation widget. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libqtexengine-dev Description-md5: 84f29ff803b97339499b0d694c93c425 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca QTeXEngine QTeXEngine enables Qt based applications to easily export graphics created using the QPainter class to TeX. It is built on top of QPaintEngine and uses the TikZ/Pgf graphic systems for TeX. . This package contains the development and header files for the QTeXEngine library. Package: libqtgstreamer-dev Description-md5: 11bda28aef41a9a9a5069c8c3ee74222 Description-gl: Cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para QtGStreamer QtGStreamer provides C++ bindings for GStreamer with a Qt-style API, plus some helper classes for integrating GStreamer better in Qt applications. . This package provides the necessary development files for building C++/Qt applications that use the QtGStreamer library. . This package is part of the Qt4 version of QtGStreamer. Package: libqtgstreamerui-1.0-0 Description-md5: 9324aea0623883989e3d4416b9054e00 Description-gl: Biblioteca QtGStreamerUi This package contains the QtGStreamerUi library, a library that provides helper classes for integrating GStreamer better in graphical Qt applications. . This package is part of the Qt4 version of QtGStreamer. Package: libqtgstreamerutils-1.0-0 Description-md5: c1f0ee660fa11cb80fdb376e18b88594 Description-gl: Biblioteca QtGStreamerUtils This package contains the QtGStreamerUtils library, a library that provides some high level utility classes that can be used with QtGStreamer. . This package is part of the Qt4 version of QtGStreamer. Package: libqtgui4 Description-md5: d6671d2f0c9c77c689ebd0483f37a882 Description-gl: Qt 4 GUI module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The QtGui module extends QtCore with GUI functionality. Package: libqtscript4-qtbindings Description-md5: 9cc3318dd62514a87153ec5052bb4cc5 Description-gl: Asociacións con QtScript para Qt 4 - metapaquete QtScript is a scripting language based on the ECMAScript standard, with bindings that give access to substantial portions of the Qt 4 API. . This metapackage depends on all modules of the QtScript bindings that are currently provided for the Qt 4 application and UI framework. Package: libqtscript4-sql Description-md5: 7a43dc95b0ebe484eda86a81eca997c3 Description-gl: Asociacións con QtScript para a biblioteca de SQL de Qt 4 QtScript is a scripting language based on the ECMAScript standard, with bindings that give access to substantial portions of the Qt 4 API. . Este paquete contén as asociacións para a biblioteca de SQL de Qt 4. Package: libqtscript4-svg Description-md5: 76bfd53e124551d68ddc822ac622ad81 Description-gl: Asociacións con QtScript para a biblioteca de SVG de Qt 4 QtScript is a scripting language based on the ECMAScript standard, with bindings that give access to substantial portions of the Qt 4 API. . Este paquete contén as asociacións para a biblioteca de SVG de Qt 4. Package: libqtscript4-uitools Description-md5: 5dc08d55fa198bd3e756bd044700871f Description-gl: Asociacións con QtScript para a biblioteca UiTools de Qt 4 QtScript is a scripting language based on the ECMAScript standard, with bindings that give access to substantial portions of the Qt 4 API. . Este paquete contén as asociacións para a biblioteca UiTools de Qt 4. Package: libqtscript4-webkit Description-md5: 92c1e18997390f885854875e892b75cf Description-gl: Asociacións con QtScript para a biblioteca WebKit de Qt 4 QtScript is a scripting language based on the ECMAScript standard, with bindings that give access to substantial portions of the Qt 4 API. . Este paquete contén asociacións para a biblioteca WebKit de Qt 4. Package: libqtscript4-xml Description-md5: cd0f5348249e0602c7f8ebbd40f24486 Description-gl: Asociacións con QtScript para a biblioteca de XML de Qt 4 QtScript is a scripting language based on the ECMAScript standard, with bindings that give access to substantial portions of the Qt 4 API. . Este paquete contén asociacións para a biblioteca de XML de Qt 4. Package: libqtwebkit-dev Description-md5: ea94504f063af2a4c98e30f8cae2c4e6 Description-gl: Web content engine library for Qt - development files QtWebKit fornece un motor de navegador web que facilita a incorporación de contido da World Wide Web en aplicativos feitos con Qt. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt 4 applications using QtWebKit library. Package: libqtwebkit-qmlwebkitplugin Description-md5: 1b40639a1b924fd7e156a8c37eae8dfb Description-gl: Engadido QML de Qt para WebKit QtWebKit fornece un motor de navegador web que facilita a incorporación de contido da World Wide Web en aplicativos feitos con Qt. . Este paquete contén o engadido QML de WebKit para QtDeclarative. Package: libqtwebkit4 Description-md5: 1d29083ee8e5cd3e7083be93610c2ad1 Description-gl: Web content engine library for Qt QtWebKit fornece un motor de navegador web que facilita a incorporación de contido da World Wide Web en aplicativos feitos con Qt. Package: libqtwebkit4-dbg Description-md5: 2b35e7ad9905f44038a180fc098adcca Description-gl: Web content engine library for Qt - debugging symbols QtWebKit fornece un motor de navegador web que facilita a incorporación de contido da World Wide Web en aplicativos feitos con Qt. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt WebKit library. Package: libqtweetlib-dev Description-md5: b59c074cf74cf4208795fdb51feae238 Description-gl: Biblioteca para twitter para Qt4 - ficheiros de desenvolvemento - Supports only XAuth protocol (if there is need for PIN based OAuth I will include it) - OAuth tokens must be set in oauth.cpp line 27 and 28 to work properly - Uses QJson library by Flavio Castelli for parsing JSON responses - JSON parsing is done in multithreaded way using QThreadPool - User Streams support is not completed (fetches responses correctly, JSON parsing is not full implemented) Package: libqtweetlib1.0 Description-md5: 1c378b298117c26864155d291c641106 Description-gl: Biblioteca para twitter para Qt4 - Supports only XAuth protocol (if there is need for PIN based OAuth I will include it) - OAuth tokens must be set in oauth.cpp line 27 and 28 to work properly - Uses QJson library by Flavio Castelli for parsing JSON responses - JSON parsing is done in multithreaded way using QThreadPool - User Streams support is not completed (fetches responses correctly, JSON parsing is not full implemented) Package: libquadrule-dev Description-md5: 1d7f17af0e2073cb44b2af43781f945c Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de quadrule QUADRULE is a C library which sets up a variety of quadrature rules, used to approximate the integral of a function over various domains. . QUADRULE returns the abscissas and weights for a variety of one dimensional quadrature rules for approximating the integral of a function. The best rule is generally Gauss-Legendre quadrature, but other rules offer special features, including the ability to handle certain weight functions, to approximate an integral on an infinite integration region, or to estimate the approximation error. . Este paquete fornece todo o necesario para compilar programas en C que chamen polas funcións de quadrule. Package: libquantlib0-dev Description-md5: 9a3d30e86d3db13dd65257db4851cf2c Description-gl: Quantitative Finance Library -- development package The QuantLib project aims to provide a comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance. The goal is to provide a standard free/open source library to quantitative analysts and developers for modeling, trading, and risk management of financial assets. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras, as bibliotecas estáticas e as ligazóns simbólicas que precisan os desenvolvedores que empreguen QuantLib. Package: libquantlib0v5 Description-md5: 09d28e349b363281814e483fe7b60419 Description-gl: Quantitative Finance Library -- library package The QuantLib project aims to provide a comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance. The goal is to provide a standard free/open source library to quantitative analysts and developers for modeling, trading, and risk management of financial assets. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas precisas para executar programas compilados con QuantLib. Package: libquantum-dev Description-md5: 4eddd59cb23df082bd98d23e80d7493b Description-gl: Biblioteca para a simulación dun computador cuántico (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) libquantum é unha biblioteca en C para a simulación dun computador cuántico. Baseada nos principios da mecánica cuántica, fornece unha implementación dun rexistro cuántico. As operacións básicas para a manipulación de rexistros, como a porta Hadamard ou a porta NON-Controlado están dispoñÃbeis a través dunha interface doada de utilizar. Pódense realizar medicións tanto en qubits únicos como no rexistro cuántico enteiro. . Features: * Simulation of arbitrary quantum algorithms is possible * High perfomance and low memory consumption * Decoherence support for realistic quantum computation * Interface for quantum error correction (QEC) * Supports the density operator formalism * Implementations of Shor's factoring algorithm and Grover's search algorithm are included . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras e as bibliotecas estáticas necesarios para desenvolver aplicativos baseados en libquantum. Package: libquantum-entanglement-perl Description-md5: c3bcfb1175fa6df5cfe8545561fb7ae2 Description-gl: Quantum Mechanic entanglement of variables in perl Unha das interpretacións máis populares da mecánica cuántica mantén que, no canto de as partÃculas estaren sempre nun estado único, ben definido, existen como unha superposición case fantasmal de moitos estados diferentes (ou valores) ao mesmo tempo. É obvio que, na nosa experiencia, cando miramos para algo só o atopamos nun estado único. Isto explÃcase polo feito de que os moitos estados da partÃcula se colapsan nun estado único e realza a importancia da observación. . En esencia, isto permite pór as variábeis nunha superposición de estados, facer que interactúen entre si (para que interactúen todos os estados) e despois observalas (probando a ver se satisfán algún operador de comparación, imprimÃndoos) que fará colapsar o sistema completo para que sexa consistente co noso coñecemento. Package: libquantum-superpositions-perl Description-md5: cda325058019dcf83360178338957879 Description-gl: Superposicións tipo Mecánica cuántica para Perl O módulo Quantum::Superpositions fornece unha nova estrutura de datos escalares: a superposición. Nunha metáfora tirada da mecánica cuántica, as superposicións almacenan unha colección de valores superpóndoas en estados superpostos paralelos dentro dunha única variábel escalar. . Baixo a interpretación estándar da mecánica cuántica, até seren observadas as partÃculas existen só como unha función descontinua de probabilidade. Baixo a Interpretación de Copenhague, esta situación visualÃzase con frecuencia imaxinando que o estado dunha partÃcula non observada é unha superposición fantasmal de todos os seus estados observábeis posÃbeis simultaneamente. Por exemplo, unha partÃcula que puidese ser observada no estado A, B ou C pode considerarse que está nun pseudo-estado no que está simultaneamente nos estados A, B e C. Unha partÃcula asà dise que está nunha superposición de estados. Package: libquantum8 Description-md5: bb721486342296c41f1fd52ec5f320e1 Description-gl: Biblioteca para a simulación dun computador cuántico libquantum é unha biblioteca en C para a simulación dun computador cuántico. Baseada nos principios da mecánica cuántica, fornece unha implementación dun rexistro cuántico. As operacións básicas para a manipulación de rexistros, como a porta Hadamard ou a porta NON-Controlado están dispoñÃbeis a través dunha interface doada de utilizar. Pódense realizar medicións tanto en qubits únicos como no rexistro cuántico enteiro. . Features: * Simulation of arbitrary quantum algorithms is possible * High perfomance and low memory consumption * Decoherence support for realistic quantum computation * Interface for quantum error correction (QEC) * Supports the density operator formalism * Implementations of Shor's factoring algorithm and Grover's search algorithm are included . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libquartz-java Description-md5: e19cdb50400c888327cada3dd4096723 Description-gl: Sistema de planificación de tarefas de código aberto Quartz is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side virtually any J2EE or J2SE application - from the smallest stand-alone application to the largest e-commerce system. Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs; jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components or EJBs. The Quartz Scheduler includes many enterprise-class features, such as JTA transactions and clustering. Package: libquartz2-java Description-md5: e19cdb50400c888327cada3dd4096723 Description-gl: Sistema de planificación de tarefas de código aberto Quartz is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side virtually any J2EE or J2SE application - from the smallest stand-alone application to the largest e-commerce system. Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs; jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components or EJBs. The Quartz Scheduler includes many enterprise-class features, such as JTA transactions and clustering. Package: libquazip-dev Description-md5: e3419934a1cba2fa50643426527e97ed Description-gl: C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files, Qt4 build) QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. . QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. . QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both reading from and writing to ZIP archives. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. . QuaZIP is by default built using Qt4 libraries. Package: libquazip-doc Description-md5: 0f152c05eb6f6c7787d47a30d7e1e89a Description-gl: Envoltura en C++ para ZIP/UNZIP (documentación) QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. . QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. . QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both reading from and writing to ZIP archives. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API en HTML. Package: libquazip5-dev Description-md5: 3958d5a3ca7e996c67898008b919f458 Description-gl: C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP (development files, Qt5 build) QuaZIP is a simple C++ wrapper over Gilles Vollant's ZIP/UNZIP package that can be used to access ZIP archives. It uses Trolltech's Qt toolkit. . QuaZIP allows you to access files inside ZIP archives using QIODevice API, and that means that you can also use QTextStream, QDataStream or whatever you would like to use on your zipped files. . QuaZIP provides complete abstraction of the ZIP/UNZIP API, for both reading from and writing to ZIP archives. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. . QuaZIP built using Qt5 libraries. Package: libquickfix-dev Description-md5: a0a7658fe2e52dc5ff05a0af4baf7351 Description-gl: Biblioteca do protocolo FIX - ficheiros de desenvolvemento O Protocolo de Intercambio de Información Financeira (FIX) é un estándar de mensaxes desenvolvido para facilitar o intercambio electrónico de información relacionada coas transaccións de valores. Está pensado para ser empregado entre parceiros comerciais que desexen automatizar as súas comunicacións. . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de quickfix. Package: libquickfix-doc Description-md5: c6cddb0be3afbc23ea9edd549ae81937 Description-gl: Biblioteca do protocolo FIX - documentación O Protocolo de Intercambio de Información Financeira (FIX) é un estándar de mensaxes desenvolvido para facilitar o intercambio electrónico de información relacionada coas transaccións de valores. Está pensado para ser empregado entre parceiros comerciais que desexen automatizar as súas comunicacións. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación de quickfix. Package: libquickfix16 Description-md5: 61f79266f45a940d3e264ceadecf9f14 Description-gl: Biblioteca do protocolo FIX - ficheiros de tempo de execución O Protocolo de Intercambio de Información Financeira (FIX) é un estándar de mensaxes desenvolvido para facilitar o intercambio electrónico de información relacionada coas transaccións de valores. Está pensado para ser empregado entre parceiros comerciais que desexen automatizar as súas comunicacións. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución de quickfix. Package: libquicktime-dev Description-md5: d267680c6a1ab57536dc5a4e4fc20ab6 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros de Quicktime (desenvolvemento) libquicktime é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros QuickTime en sistemas UNIX. Os códecs de vÃdeo admitidos por esta biblioteca son OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG Photo, RGB, YUV 4:2:2 e YUV 4:2:0. Os códecs de son admitidos son Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw e calquera formato de PCM linear. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libquicktime-doc Description-md5: 77eb32321123d2bd2a7cf01397f3715a Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros de Quicktime (documentación) libquicktime é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros QuickTime en sistemas UNIX. Os códecs de vÃdeo admitidos por esta biblioteca son OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG Photo, RGB, YUV 4:2:2 e YUV 4:2:0. Os códecs de son admitidos son Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw e calquera formato de PCM linear. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML da API de libquicktime. Package: libquicktime2 Description-md5: a733d5535b74f7f426e16427135e6348 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros de Quicktime libquicktime é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros QuickTime en sistemas UNIX. Os códecs de vÃdeo admitidos por esta biblioteca son OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG Photo, RGB, YUV 4:2:2 e YUV 4:2:0. Os códecs de son admitidos son Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw e calquera formato de PCM linear. Package: libquota-perl Description-md5: 77eb3d01d3e38124514d34e52a2fd767 Description-gl: Interface en Perl para as cotas do sistema de ficheiros Quota é un módulo en Perl que fornece acceso á información sobre as cotas do sistema de ficheiros. Este módulo emprega as chamadas do sistema quotactl() ou ioctl() para configurar ou consultar información sobre as cotas do sistema local. Tamén admite enviar solicitudes remotas mediante RPC a un hóspede remoto. Package: libqupzilla-dev Description-md5: f3fae922866a9a4f14b53126df2c6ab4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para a biblioteca compartida de qupzilla QupZilla é un navegador web lixeiro baseado enlibqtwebkit Package: libqupzilla1 Description-md5: dfeb0ac1d7c703fbf69d61246bc9f5b7 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida e ficheiros de cabeceiras de qupzilla QupZilla é un navegador web lixeiro baseado enlibqtwebkit Package: libquvi-scripts-0.9 Description-md5: 7401175f409f150b2093bd00aaf16ead Description-gl: library for parsing video download links (Lua scripts) libquvi é unha biblioteca para analizar as ligazóns de descarga de vÃdeo do flash da Adobe. Admite Youtube e outros sitios web de vÃdeo semellantes. Fornece acceso á funcionalidade e os datos a través dunha API e non activa ou require o uso da tecnoloxÃa flash. . This package contains the Lua scripts used to parse documents. Package: libqwt-doc Description-md5: 5219e56c993fd6d844f2b3ec4a01abe6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt para aplicativos técnicos (documentación) The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca Qwt e exemplos de programación para desenvolvedores. Package: libqwt-qt5-6 Description-md5: ad16cddead85723a296ab44492894dd9 Description-gl: Qt widgets library for technical applications (runtime, qt5) The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca Qwt e Qt5. Package: libqwt-qt5-dev Description-md5: d84c19043fe71bc96056ed89068b51e5 Description-gl: Qt widgets library for technical applications (development, qt5) The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Qwt para Qt5. Package: libqwt5-doc Description-md5: dcb5b084555ec4ea3f6e84e62194f260 Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt para aplicativos técnicos (documentación) The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca Qwt e exemplos de programación para desenvolvedores. A documentación foi xerada para Qt4. Package: libqwt5-qt4 Description-md5: da43a10adda47defc4f19ddce9abf8e3 Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt para aplicativos técnicos (tempo de execución) The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca Qwt e Qt4. Package: libqwt5-qt4-dev Description-md5: 98607c0cbf2a6beaf9858391e1ab34a4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de trebellos de Qt4 para aplicativos técnicos (desenvolvemento) The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Qwt para Qt4. Package: libqwt6abi1 Description-md5: 132d853c35a2bc343b85e27b32034a4b Description-gl: Qt widgets library for technical applications (runtime, qt4) The Qwt library contains Qt GUI Components and utility classes which are primarily useful for programs with a technical background. Most of these widgets are used to control or display values, arrays, or ranges of type double. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca Qwt e Qt4. Package: libqxmlrpc-dev Description-md5: bdf106925582b14295a6b39745a02f61 Description-gl: full Qt4 based implementation of XML-RPC protocol. (headers) It provides an easy way to construct, send and receive XML-RPC messages on the client side, and process XML-RPC messages on the server side. QXML-RPC licensed under LGPL. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libqxmlrpc. Package: libqxmlrpc-doc Description-md5: 5a1f3926cc10531ca9aa55ac96646704 Description-gl: full Qt4 based implementation of XML-RPC protocol. (headers) It provides an easy way to construct, send and receive XML-RPC messages on the client side, and process XML-RPC messages on the server side. QXML-RPC licensed under LGPL. . Este paquete contén documentación da biblioteca libqxmlrpc. Package: libqxmpp-dev Description-md5: 8945352ac346a9f60fbb923da035a50b Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca QXmpp QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas. Package: libqxmpp-doc Description-md5: 6d121c3fdcde483c6c25e97a22d7b3ba Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca QXmpp QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: libqxmpp0 Description-md5: 2918ea70a02995fa5b48f49929eff7c1 Description-gl: QXmpp library for XMPP client and server applications QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libqxmpp0-dbg Description-md5: 631b7ac4b99b601ade8068fb11a980f9 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca QXmpp QXmpp is a cross-platform C++ XMPP library built upon Qt. It strives to be as easy to use as possible. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libqxt-berkeley0 Description-md5: fcae7b5b467fa1f8dc9492390cb4be87 Description-gl: Berkeley databases module for Qt (LibQxt) LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . The QxtBerkeley module provides a Qt interface to Berkeley databases. Package: libqxt-core0 Description-md5: 8202ce51904c5e8a0dc1d6a5f626beaf Description-gl: Extensións para as clases centrais de Qt (LibQxt) LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . O módulo QxtCore estende QtCore e contén funcionalidade central non relacionada coa interface gráfica. Package: libqxt-designer0 Description-md5: adaff07f539b3bbc1c73fb078659d1f1 Description-gl: Extensións de LibQxt para o Qt Designer LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . O Qt Designer é unha ferramenta para deseñar e construÃr interfaces gráficas de usuario (GUI) a partir de compoñentes de Qt. . Este paquete permite o uso dos trebellos de LibQxt no Qt Designer. Package: libqxt-dev Description-md5: c17eb15c35e8b87dc355d69fc262d26d Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de LibQxt LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de cabeceiras e os programas de desenvolvemento empregados para construÃr aplicativos que empreguen LibQxt. Package: libqxt-doc Description-md5: a9189b1e442a4e6ebd0772b9143616b3 Description-gl: Documentación de referencia de LibQxt LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . Este paquete contén a documentación de referencia de LibQxt. Package: libqxt-gui0 Description-md5: 4f6e9d4ffa65e8e18f6bb6277218db9a Description-gl: extensions to Qt GUI classes (LibQxt) LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . O módulo QxtGui estende os módulos QxtCore e QtGui. Package: libqxt-network0 Description-md5: 9b5733f1908421ce761cfa0782c09516 Description-gl: extensions to Qt network classes (LibQxt) LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . The QxtNetwork module extends QtNetwork module. Package: libqxt-sql0 Description-md5: d16db0cd5a00b5a9b7c25a1a15969104 Description-gl: Extensións para as clases de SQL de Qt (LibQxt) LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . O módulo QxtSql estende o módulo QtSql. Package: libqxt-web0 Description-md5: 52123f33c1e8a0c4c5a0f11bab750c42 Description-gl: Biblioteca para crear servizos web empregando Qt (LibQxt) LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . O módulo QxtWeb fornece ferramentas para crear servizos web empregando Qt. Package: libqxt-zeroconf0 Description-md5: 957c35304f1c7702d742cc18a935274e Description-gl: library to use multicast DNS service discovery in Qt (LibQxt) LibQxt é unha biblioteca de extensión para a infraestrutura de aplicativos Qt. LibQxt fornece un conxunto de clases de utilidades multi-plataforma para engadir funcionalidade non dispoñÃbel inmediatamente en Qt. . The QxtZeroconf module enables Qt application to easily benefit from Multicast DNS Service Discovery (Zeroconf) protocols. Package: librabbitmq-dbg Description-md5: c76092813f0fe2bb0c116439d063bad2 Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de AMQP escrita en C - Ficheiros de depuración RabbitMQ provides robust messaging for applications. It is easy to use, fit for purpose at cloud scale and supported on all major operating systems and developer platforms. librabbitmq is a C-language AMQP client library for use with AMQP servers such as RabbitMQ speaking protocol versions 0-9-1. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libradare2-2.1 Description-md5: dfda815bd836af96da187e64c68ee2b1 Description-gl: libraries from the radare2 suite The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture, unix- like toolchain for reverse engineering. . It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm) for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax), shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based hash utility called rahash. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas de radare2. Package: libradare2-dev Description-md5: 662bda1d8b9ba8523cf11b2c4ab9abe5 Description-gl: devel files from the radare2 suite The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture, unix- like toolchain for reverse engineering. . It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm) for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax), shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based hash utility called rahash. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de radare2. Package: libradcli-dev Description-md5: 421c87b41ef421d63938021a3350f424 Description-gl: Enhanced RADIUS client library development files Enhanced RADIUS client library contains implementation of the RADIUS protocol for remote authentication and accounting. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: librandom-numbers-dev Description-md5: 9c8b90c0c656deb46b0c6a16cda09d69 Description-gl: Robot OS random numbers library - development files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It contains a library which provides wrappers for generating floating point values, integers, and quaternions using boost libraries. The constructor of the wrapper is guaranteed to be thread safe and initialize its random number generator to a random seed. Seeds are obtained using a separate and different random number generator. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: librandom-numbers0d Description-md5: 79efde0fa55a378e2abae093c551c8f9 Description-gl: Robot OS random numbers library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It contains a library which provides wrappers for generating floating point values, integers, and quaternions using boost libraries. The constructor of the wrapper is guaranteed to be thread safe and initialize its random number generator to a random seed. Seeds are obtained using a separate and different random number generator. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libranlip-dev Description-md5: 16e6dead1c9f1967dcaf2f4e023985e2 Description-gl: generates random variates with multivariate Lipschitz density RanLip generates random variates with an arbitrary multivariate Lipschitz density. . While generation of random numbers from a variety of distributions is implemented in many packages (like GSL library and UNURAN library http://statistik.wu-, generation of random variate with an arbitrary distribution, especially in the multivariate case, is a very challenging task. RanLip is a method of generation of random variates with arbitrary Lipschitz-continuous densities, which works in the univariate and multivariate cases, if the dimension is not very large (say 3-10 variables). . Lipschitz condition implies that the rate of change of the function (in this case, probability density p(x)) is bounded: . |p(x)-p(y)|<M||x-y||. . From this condition, we can build an overestimate of the density, so called hat function h(x)>=p(x), using a number of values of p(x) at some points. The more values we use, the better is the hat function. The method of acceptance/rejection then works as follows: generatea random variate X with density h(x); generate an independent uniform on (0,1) random number Z; if p(X)<=Z h(X), then return X, otherwise repeat all the above steps. . RanLip constructs a piecewise constant hat function of the required density p(x) by subdividing the domain of p (an n-dimensional rectangle) into many smaller rectangles, and computes the upper bound on p(x) within each of these rectangles, and uses this upper bound as the value of the hat function. Package: libranlip1c2 Description-md5: 16e6dead1c9f1967dcaf2f4e023985e2 Description-gl: generates random variates with multivariate Lipschitz density RanLip generates random variates with an arbitrary multivariate Lipschitz density. . While generation of random numbers from a variety of distributions is implemented in many packages (like GSL library and UNURAN library http://statistik.wu-, generation of random variate with an arbitrary distribution, especially in the multivariate case, is a very challenging task. RanLip is a method of generation of random variates with arbitrary Lipschitz-continuous densities, which works in the univariate and multivariate cases, if the dimension is not very large (say 3-10 variables). . Lipschitz condition implies that the rate of change of the function (in this case, probability density p(x)) is bounded: . |p(x)-p(y)|<M||x-y||. . From this condition, we can build an overestimate of the density, so called hat function h(x)>=p(x), using a number of values of p(x) at some points. The more values we use, the better is the hat function. The method of acceptance/rejection then works as follows: generatea random variate X with density h(x); generate an independent uniform on (0,1) random number Z; if p(X)<=Z h(X), then return X, otherwise repeat all the above steps. . RanLip constructs a piecewise constant hat function of the required density p(x) by subdividing the domain of p (an n-dimensional rectangle) into many smaller rectangles, and computes the upper bound on p(x) within each of these rectangles, and uses this upper bound as the value of the hat function. Package: libraqm0 Description-md5: fba316608d8356b25803582feb6d323a Description-gl: Library for complex text layout Raqm is a small library to provide convenience functions for complex text layout. It currently provides bidirectional text support (using FriBiDi), shaping (using HarfBuzz), with proper script itemization. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: librarian-dev Description-md5: 3526e3e7eb51494be35419fbaf086671 Description-gl: Documentation meta-data library (header files) Rarian (formerly Spoon) is a documentation meta-data library, designed as a replacement for Scrollkeeper. . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: librasterlite2-1 Description-md5: 12bc70dfe5821a821556377783558fe6 Description-gl: library for huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. . It is intended to completely replace and supersede librasterlite. The two projects are completely unrelated: the unique similarity between both is just in covering the same identical application area. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: librasterlite2-dev Description-md5: a085e2bbdd262e8b3abe1a312b9f9d4d Description-gl: library for huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS - headers librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. . It is intended to completely replace and supersede librasterlite. The two projects are completely unrelated: the unique similarity between both is just in covering the same identical application area. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libratpoints-2.1.3 Description-md5: 1e579f92341608bffa5aa192daecd2e7 Description-gl: library for finding rational points on hyperelliptic curves This program tries to find all rational points within a given height bound on a hyperelliptic curve in a very efficient way, by using an optimized quadratic sieve algorithm. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libratpoints-dev Description-md5: 9f93640ce0beb1e168af73f3377adbac Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libratpoints This program tries to find all rational points within a given height bound on a hyperelliptic curve in a very efficient way, by using an optimized quadratic sieve algorithm. . This package contains the development files for the library. Package: libraul-dev Description-md5: 6360623e536d8fcb9ab23f172deb5746 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades de son en tempo real - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Raul (Biblioteca de Utilidades de Son en Tempo REal) é unha biblioteca de utilidades en C++ dirixida principalmente aos aplicativos de son/musicais. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libraul. Package: libraul-doc Description-md5: 9add1a9d9f3c1023a894782845037352 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades de son en tempo real - documentación Raul (Biblioteca de Utilidades de Son en Tempo REal) é unha biblioteca de utilidades en C++ dirixida principalmente aos aplicativos de son/musicais. . Este paquete fornece documentación de raul. Package: libraul10v5 Description-md5: f32312d0c2f5b73de30646814720fa95 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades de son en tempo real Raul (Biblioteca de Utilidades de Son en Tempo REal) é unha biblioteca de utilidades en C++ dirixida principalmente aos aplicativos de son/musicais. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida libraul. Package: libraw-bin Description-md5: 4c913ed132454ab0396aa40ae3b9f9f5 Description-gl: Biblioteca descodificadora de imaxes en bruto (ferramentas) LibRaw é unha biblioteca para ler ficheiros RAW obtidos de cámaras fotográficas dixitais (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG e outros). . Este paquete contén algunhas ferramentas para manipular ficheiros RAW. Package: librbl-dev Description-md5: 8853bb9c67c3567cd6e2533879d22550 Description-gl: Cabeceiras/bibliotecas de desenvolvemento da biblioteca de RBL OpenDKIM The OpenDKIM Project is a community effort to develop and maintain a C library for producing DKIM-aware applications and an open source milter for providing DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) service. . This package provides the required header files and development libraries for developing against the OpenDKIM project RBL library. Package: librcsb-core-wrapper-doc Description-md5: 2056c7b023a65fb38bc4f9e3a3ccc38b Description-gl: Documentación de librcsb-core-wrapper0 The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files. . Este paquete contén documentación en HTML. Package: librcsb-core-wrapper0 Description-md5: 76b14fd0ad75ca5a0807b9f83a3a33db Description-gl: C++ library providing OO API to information in mmCIF format The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: librcsb-core-wrapper0-dev Description-md5: 2396ce23bde421880c11a768e84c4060 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de librcsb-core-wrapper0 The RCSB Core Wrapper library was developed to provide an object-oriented application interface to information in mmCIF format. It includes several classes for accessing data dictionaries and mmCIF format data files. . This package contains files necessary for developing applications with the library. Package: librdf-icalendar-perl Description-md5: bdfed210c88d5018c33419b6073b3203 Description-gl: Convirta entre RDF e iCalendar Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . RDF::iCalendar::Exporta toma RDF empregando o vocabulario de iCalendar do W3C e producre obxectos de RDF::iCalendar::Entity. . An RDF::iCalendar::Entity objects is an individual iCalendar calendar. It overloads stringification, so just treat it like a string. Package: librdf-kml-exporter-perl Description-md5: 5e5059306748585c10dabef3b36c5aed Description-gl: Exporte datos xeográficos en RDF a KML (Google Earth) Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . RDF::KML::Exporte toma RDF empregando o vocabulario de posición xeográfica de WGS84 do W3C e convérteo ao formato KML que emprega Google Earth. Package: librdf-storage-mysql Description-md5: 9e7a87dd310e5dc60d6b8be80c6fead7 Description-gl: Biblioteca de RDF, infraestrutura para MySQL Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML, mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus aplicativos, asà como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa tecnoloxÃa. . Este paquete contén a infraestrutura de almacenamento para MySQL. Package: librdf-storage-postgresql Description-md5: 58e18e8a427a3c6c6fe6c8734c45a383 Description-gl: Biblioteca de RDF, infraestrutura para PostGreSQL Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML, mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus aplicativos, asà como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa tecnoloxÃa. . Este paquete contén a infraestrutura de almacenamento para PostGreSQL. Package: librdf-storage-sqlite Description-md5: dbcdbb49f20f64309855accc1cf62c8d Description-gl: Biblioteca de RDF, infraestrutura para SQLite Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML, mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus aplicativos, asà como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa tecnoloxÃa. . Este paquete contén a infraestrutura de almacenamento para SQLite. Package: librdf-storage-virtuoso Description-md5: 183dd4cac130dea64164e500b1ad5c86 Description-gl: Biblioteca de RDF, infraestrutura para Virtuoso Redland é unha biblioteca que fornece unha interface de alto nivel para RDF (Infraestrutura de descrición de recursos) realizada nunha API baseada en obxectos. É modular e admite diferentes analizadores de RDF/XML, mecanismos de almacenamento e outros elementos. Redland foi deseñada para que os desenvolvedores de aplicativos fornezan acceso a RDF nos seus aplicativos, asà como para que os desenvolvedores de RDF experimenten coa tecnoloxÃa. . Este paquete contén a infraestrutura de almacenamento para Virtuoso. Package: librdf-vcard-perl Description-md5: e6c2d5c238638be6b3ce6ddabc763f31 Description-gl: Convirta entre RDF e vCard Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . RDF::vCard::Exporter toma RDF empregando o vocabulario de vCard do W3C e produce obxectos RDF::vCard::Entity. . RDF::vCard::Importer fai o contrario. Package: librdkafka-dev Description-md5: 2468c4fbd59f4ccd2e1138c476b3bc44 Description-gl: library implementing the Apache Kafka protocol (development headers) librdkafka is a C library implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol, containing both Producer and Consumer support. It was designed with message delivery reliability and high performance in mind, current figures exceed 800000 msgs/second for the producer and 3 million msgs/second for the consumer. It implements both the 0.8 and 0.9 versions of the protocol. . More information about Apache Kafka can be found at . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: librdkit-dev Description-md5: ef520df963b37a42b713bcd050909a65 Description-gl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (development files) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. Features Include: . * Chemical reaction handling and transforms * Substructure searching with SMARTS * Canonical SMILES * Molecule-molecule alignment * Large number of molecular descriptors, including topological, compositional, EState, SlogP/SMR, VSA and Feature-map vectors * Fragmentation using RECAP rules * 2D coordinate generation and depiction, including constrained depiction * 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding * UFF and MMFF94 forcefields * Chirality support, including calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes * 2D pharmacophore searching * Fingerprinting, including Daylight-like, atom pairs, topological torsions, Morgan alogrithm and MACCS keys * Calculation of shape similarity * Multi-molecule maximum common substructure * Machine-learning via clustering and information theory algorithms * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, PDB, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit binary format. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: librdkit1 Description-md5: b8ef84acf40714ac9b42463704f7f70c Description-gl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (shared libraries) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. Features Include: . * Chemical reaction handling and transforms * Substructure searching with SMARTS * Canonical SMILES * Molecule-molecule alignment * Large number of molecular descriptors, including topological, compositional, EState, SlogP/SMR, VSA and Feature-map vectors * Fragmentation using RECAP rules * 2D coordinate generation and depiction, including constrained depiction * 3D coordinate generation using geometry embedding * UFF and MMFF94 forcefields * Chirality support, including calculation of (R/S) stereochemistry codes * 2D pharmacophore searching * Fingerprinting, including Daylight-like, atom pairs, topological torsions, Morgan alogrithm and MACCS keys * Calculation of shape similarity * Multi-molecule maximum common substructure * Machine-learning via clustering and information theory algorithms * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . File formats RDKit supports include MDL Mol, PDB, SDF, TDT, SMILES and RDKit binary format. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libreadline-java Description-md5: 2be92708090969b8931bd2d03a2e8ea8 Description-gl: Envolturas do readline de GNU e do editline de BSD para Java Inclúese o paquete de Java org.gnu.readline, que fornece as bibliotecas do readline de GNU e o editline de BSD para Java. Teña en conta que NON se trata dunha implementación en Java puro; simplemente contén as envolturas de JNI para as bibliotecas padrón do sistema. . O editline de BSD é semellante ao readline de GNU mais publÃcase baixo unha licenza máis laxa. Nalgúns casos pódese empregar como substituto inmediato do readline de GNU cando haxa cuestións de licenza que eviten que se poida empregar o readline de GNU. . The API documentation and examples can be found in libreadline-java-doc. Package: libreadline-java-doc Description-md5: a433325f3d63499fe123313269f77381 Description-gl: Documentación da API das envolturas de readline/editline para Java Este paquete fornece a documentación da API e exemplos das envolturas do readline de GNU e do editline de BSD para Java. As envolturas en si pódense atopar no paquete libreadline-java. Package: libreadosm-dev Description-md5: 15541fd6f144da0f81a6da425b14d498 Description-gl: simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - headers ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an OpenStreetMap input file. Such OSM files come in two different formats, .osm (XML) and .pbf. . Some of the design goals of ReadOSM are: - to be simple and lightweight - to be stable, robust and efficient - to be easily and universally portable - making the whole parsing process of both .osm or .osm.pbf files completely transparent from the application own perspective. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para o desenvolvemento. Package: libreadosm-doc Description-md5: 6da3bead18ac5d6df9324fe11fedd351 Description-gl: simple library to parse OpenStreetMap files - documentation ReadOSM is an open source library to extract valid data from within an OpenStreetMap input file. Such OSM files come in two different formats, .osm (XML) and .pbf. . Some of the design goals of ReadOSM are: - to be simple and lightweight - to be stable, robust and efficient - to be easily and universally portable - making the whole parsing process of both .osm or .osm.pbf files completely transparent from the application own perspective. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: libremctl-dev Description-md5: d78afcb1bd1a630eee6b595475458b16 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento para a execución de ordes autenticadas por kerberos remctl is a client/server protocol for executing specific commands on a remote system with Kerberos authentication. The allowable commands must be listed in a server configuration file, and the executable run on the server may be mapped to any command name. Each command is also associated with an ACL containing a list of Kerberos principals authorized to run that command. . This package contains the development files for client libraries linked against MIT Kerberos. Package: libreoffice Description-md5: c729ff0aa85160a290b6806d2bb709f7 Description-gl: Suite de produtividade de ofimática (metapaquete) O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This metapackage installs all components of libreoffice: * libreoffice-writer: Word processor * libreoffice-calc: Spreadsheet * libreoffice-impress: Presentation * libreoffice-draw: Drawing * libreoffice-base: Database * libreoffice-math: Equation editor It also recommends additional packages (e.g. fonts) in order to match an upstream LibreOffice install as closely as possible. . You can extend the functionality of LibreOffice by installing these packages: * hunspell-*/myspell-*: Hunspell/Myspell dictionaries for use with LibreOffice * libreoffice-l10n-*: UI interface translation * libreoffice-help-*: User help * mythes-*: Thesauri for the use with LibreOffice * hyphen-*: Hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice * libreoffice-gtk(2|3): Gtk UI Plugin, GNOME File Picker support * libreoffice-gnome: GIO backend * unixodbc: ODBC database support * cups-bsd: Allows LibreOffice to detect your CUPS printer queues automatically * libsane: Use your sane-supported scanner with LibreOffice * libxrender1: Speed up display by using Xrender library * libgl1: OpenGL support * openclipart-libreoffice: Open Clip Art Gallery with LibreOffice index files * iceweasel | firefox | icedove | thunderbird | iceape-browser | mozilla-browser: Mozilla profile with Certificates needed for XML Security... * openjdk-8-jre | openjdk-7-jre | java6-runtime: Java Runtime Environment for use with LibreOffice * pstoedit / imagemagick / ghostscript: helper tools for EPS * gstreamer0.10-plugins-*: GStreamer plugins for use with LibreOffices media backend * libpaper-utils: papersize detection support via paperconf * bluez: Bluetooth support for Impress (slideshow remote control) Package: libreoffice-evolution Description-md5: 7d9a6b62e74d5a806f263ecd0d4bed18 Description-gl: office productivity suite -- Evolution addressbook support O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This package allows LibreOffice to access Evolution address books. You need to install evolution separately. Package: libreoffice-gtk2 Description-md5: d448401463698692ed9b1aef1bf1905a Description-gl: office productivity suite -- GTK+ 2 integration O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This package contains the Gtk plugin for drawing LibreOffices widgets with Gtk+ 2 and a Gtk/GNOMEish File Picker and print dialog when running under GNOME. Package: libreoffice-kde Description-md5: 11be113a48ef25e49b3cb824c072798a Description-gl: Suite de produtividade ofimática -- integración con KDE O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This package contains the KDE plugin for drawing OOo's widgets with KDE/Qt and a KDEish File Picker when running under KDE. You can extend the functionality of this by installing these packages: . * konqueror / kmail Package: libreoffice-librelogo Description-md5: 71fe1726b20ed521137fe79b55cd374b Description-gl: Logo-like progamming language for LibreOffice O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . Este paquete contén Librelogo, que é unha linguaxe de programación tipo Logo baseada en pyuno con gráficos vectoriais interactivos para a educación e a maquetación - sintaxe básica de Logo para compatibilidade para atrás cos sistemas educativos con Logo - gráficos vectoriais interactivos no Writer do LibreOffice - ordes nativas (facilmente traducÃbeis) - estruturas de datos de Python (lista, tuple, conxunto, dicionario) e outras funcionalidades de Python Package: libreoffice-mysql-connector Description-md5: a911b8b20116e62af2fea609f2117a03 Description-gl: MariaDB/MySQL Connector extension for LibreOffice O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . The MariaDB/MySQL Connector extension allows one to use the MariaDB or MySQL database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-report-builder Description-md5: 8239ceaa4ebaf25c2b15325d48eb907c Description-gl: LibreOffice component for building database reports O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This package contains the report builder: "Create with the Sun Report Builder stylish, smart-looking database reports. The flexible report editor can define group and page headers as well as group and page footers and even calculation fields are available to accomplish complex database reports." Package: libreoffice-report-builder-bin Description-md5: 4de9416ad29a7951be39b95f83055e84 Description-gl: LibreOffice component for building database reports -- libraries O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This package contains some architecture-dependent support libraries (librpt*.so) for the report builder component. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-bsh Description-md5: 720bef09745ce9eb4902772fb5c437d8 Description-gl: BeanShell script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support BeanShell. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-js Description-md5: 41b18315e9be2aaa24a28415b907118e Description-gl: Fornecedor de compatibilidade con scripts en JavaScript para a infraestrutura de scripts de LibreOffice O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support JavaScript. Package: libreoffice-script-provider-python Description-md5: 019117f2dc708fc6c1179714b81e2076 Description-gl: Python script support provider for LibreOffice scripting framework O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . The Scripting Framework allows LibreOffice users to write and run macros in multiple languages including LibreOffice Basic, Python, Java, BeanShell and JavaScript. These macros can then be assigned to menus, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts, events and embedded objects. . This package contains the script provider to support Python. Package: libreoffice-sdbc-postgresql Description-md5: 06f71158aa78dbe7201679601bd1279b Description-gl: PostgreSQL SDBC driver for LibreOffice O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . The PostgreSQL SDBC Driver allows one to use the PostgreSQL database from LibreOffice without any wrapper layer such as ODBC or JDBC. Package: libreoffice-style-hicontrast Description-md5: 07b279fea9dc1f504ef997f9507c51d9 Description-gl: Suite de produtividade de ofimática -- estilo de sÃmbolos Hicontrast O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . Este paquete contén o estilo de sÃmbolos «hicontrast», que hai que activar manualmente no menú de opción do LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-style-human Description-md5: ed94ab0fc9991b77a2b9fda0a3089abb Description-gl: transitional package for Human symbol style Este paquete pode ser eliminado sen ningún risco. Package: libreoffice-style-oxygen Description-md5: 87c07a1760d5171f3863d8dc426c52d9 Description-gl: Suite de produtividade ofimática -- Estilo de sÃmbolos Oxygen O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . Este paquete contén o estilo de sÃmbolos «oxygen», o predeterminado de KDE 4. Package: libreoffice-style-sifr Description-md5: 0fd5516a8dab8f6841c284edea8786d7 Description-gl: Suite de produtividade ofimática -- estilo de sÃmbolos Sifr O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This package contains the "sifr" symbol style (an adaption of the Gnome symbolic theme), needs to be manually enabled in the LibreOffice option menu. Package: libreoffice-systray Description-md5: 052de5c39e1a4358259a10623514b74b Description-gl: LibreOffice "Quickstarter" for the desktop notification area O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . This package provides a "QuickStarter" for the notification area of desktops. Package: libreoffice-wiki-publisher Description-md5: a66aaa282ae4941588a4d314d1ebbf79 Description-gl: Extensión do LibreOffice para traballar con artigos de MediaWiki O LibreOffice é unha suite completa de produtividade ofimática que fornece un substituto inmediato do Office da Microsoft(R). . Este paquete contén unha extensión para crear/editar/publicar artigos de MediaWiki co LibreOffice Package: libreoffice-writer2latex Description-md5: 01a36593183c136a4133e917d239c25b Description-gl: Extensión para LibreOffice para converter de Writer/Calc para LaTeX Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber: 1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografÃa de alta calidade. 2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede. . Este paquete contén a extensión que fornece writer2latex para o LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-writer2xhtml Description-md5: db68508b3db03d26eca489282f55f27a Description-gl: Extensión para LibreOffice para converter de Writer/Calc para XHTML Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber: 1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografÃa de alta calidade. 2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede. . Este paquete contén a extensión que fornece writer2xhtml para o LibreOffice. Package: libreoffice-zemberek Description-md5: 6609beab52ffc09d95070076e6b1fb65 Description-gl: Extensión de corrección ortográfica do turco para o LibreOffice Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . Este paquete contén a extensión de corrección ortográfica do turco para o LibreOffice. Package: libreplaygain-dev Description-md5: 23cd0965d8678f4cdf055324d592ef62 Description-gl: Calculate ReplayGain information - development files libreplaygain calcula o volume de son percibido e suxire axustes en dB segundo o estándar ReplayGain. . This package contains the header files, static libraries and symbolic links that developers using libreplaygain will need. Package: libreplaygain1 Description-md5: 64fb9bf5746ccf4e399883febf805e4d Description-gl: Calculate ReplayGain information - library libreplaygain calcula o volume de son percibido e suxire axustes en dB segundo o estándar ReplayGain. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libresample1-dev Description-md5: f22e058d490d1ea027a0f18226e9ae91 Description-gl: real-time audio resampling library - development files A real-time library for audio sampling rate conversion providing several useful features relative to resample-1.7 on which it is based: - More portable (source includes autoconf script and Visual C++ project file, packaging adds CMake script with shared library support). - Memory-based (no need to read or write external files). - Floating-point computations (not fixed-point). - Faster and more accurate results (filter table increased by a factor of 32). - Supports variable resampling ratio (data can be processed in small chunks). - Easily applied to any number of simultaneous data channels - LGPL-licensed (libsamplerate, a GPL-licensed alternative, is considered by the libresample author to be technically superior). . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e bibliotecas estáticas para resample. Package: libresource-retriever-dev Description-md5: 74e76a63872385fc3d51ea173144ac4a Description-gl: Robot OS resource_retriever library - development files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It retrieves data from url-format files such as http://, ftp://, package:// file://, etc., and loads the data into memory. The package:// url for ros packages is translated into a local file:// url. The resource retriever was initially designed to load mesh files into memory, but it can be used for any type of data. The resource retriever is based on the libcurl library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libresource-retriever0d Description-md5: b2490a57f23741f88ade74e522ffb82d Description-gl: Robot OS resource_retriever library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It retrieves data from url-format files such as http://, ftp://, package:// file://, etc., and loads the data into memory. The package:// url for ros packages is translated into a local file:// url. The resource retriever was initially designed to load mesh files into memory, but it can be used for any type of data. The resource retriever is based on the libcurl library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: librestbed-dev Description-md5: 572fc33a9f9eea65ec4f983b3ad7a042 Description-gl: asynchronous REST C++11 library - dev package Restbed is a comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that require seamless and secure communication over HTTP, with the ability to model a range of business processes, designed to target mobile, tablet, desktop and embedded production environments. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos. Package: librestlet-java-doc Description-md5: 1b314ad98bbec45fbc085fde031ae29f Description-gl: Documentación de librestlet-java Restlet is a comprehensive yet lightweight RESTful web framework for Java that lets you embrace the architecture style of the Web (REST) and benefit from its simplicity and scalability. . This package contains the API documentation of librestlet-java. Package: libresult-ocaml Description-md5: 82da4fa6173bde41fa5083d4cd8b1a88 Description-gl: compatibility Result module (runtime files) Projects that want to use the new result type defined in OCaml >= 4.03 while staying compatible with older version of OCaml should use the Result module defined in this library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libresult-ocaml-dev Description-md5: bb9223510251cb87d7063cee34f09e94 Description-gl: compatibility Result module (dev files) Projects that want to use the new result type defined in OCaml >= 4.03 while staying compatible with older version of OCaml should use the Result module defined in this library. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libretro-gtk-0.12-dev Description-md5: 53d6363438dee9b7f7e2a5463f89a7c3 Description-gl: library for GTK+ libretro frontends - development files retro-gtk is a library for developers to make GTK+ frontends for the libretro API. . libretro is an API for the creation of games and emulators. The emulators and platforms are distributed as "libretro cores". . Therefore, a developer can use retro-gtk to make a gaming app that should be able to play any game that can be played using libretro cores. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: librgxg-dev Description-md5: 884ab2965991bc650b14393bb55f3586 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento e documentación de librgxg librgxg is a C library to generate (extended) regular expressions. . Pode ser útil para xera expresións regulares (estendidas) que coincidan con, por exemplo, un intervalo numérico determinado (p.ex. 0 a 31 ou 00 a FF) ou con todos os enderezos dun bloque CIDR (p.ex. ou 2001:db8:aaaa::/64). . This package contains the development files (i.e. includes, static library, manual pages) that allow one to build software which uses librgxg. Package: librgxg0 Description-md5: e620c598b3f5a3165589baf21b8f4d86 Description-gl: C library to generate regular expressions librgxg is a C library to generate (extended) regular expressions. . Pode ser útil para xera expresións regulares (estendidas) que coincidan con, por exemplo, un intervalo numérico determinado (p.ex. 0 a 31 ou 00 a FF) ou con todos os enderezos dun bloque CIDR (p.ex. ou 2001:db8:aaaa::/64). . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas do tempo de execución de C. Package: librgxg0-dbg Description-md5: 8ee3ec37270460be1bf18cf8274a460e Description-gl: debugging symbols for librgxg librgxg is a C library to generate (extended) regular expressions. . Pode ser útil para xera expresións regulares (estendidas) que coincidan con, por exemplo, un intervalo numérico determinado (p.ex. 0 a 31 ou 00 a FF) ou con todos os enderezos dun bloque CIDR (p.ex. ou 2001:db8:aaaa::/64). . This package contains the detached debugging symbols. It might be useful in debug sessions of software which uses librgxg. Package: librheolef1 Description-md5: 0ac699777001380bc2321dcfed711053 Description-gl: efficient Finite Element environment - shared library Rheolef is a computer environment that serves as a convenient laboratory for computations in applied mathematics involving finite element-like methods. It provides a set of commands and C++ algorithms and containers. . Most basically, containers cover the classic graph data structure for sparse matrix formats and finite element meshes. At a higher level of abstraction, they can handle approximate finite element spaces, discrete fields. Flexible and powerful expressions are used to specify bilinear forms. . Current applications include: * massively distributed memory finite element environment, based on MPI; * Poisson problems in d=1,2 and 3 dimension with high order Lagrange elements, up to fifth order; * linear elasticity, including incompressible and nearly incompressible elasticity; * Stokes problems in d=2 or 3 dimension, with P2-P1 or P1 bubble-P1 elements; * characteristic method for convection-diffusion, time-dependent problems and Navier-Stokes equations; * nonlinear problems with either fixed-point algorithms or a provided generic damped Newton solver; * auto-adaptive mesh approaches; * axisymmetric problems; * multi-regions and variable coefficient problems. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: librime-data-stroke-simp Description-md5: 4fd4f4561c5e7191d3c454b198c92081 Description-gl: RIME schema data - stroke-simp (transitional package) This is a dummy package for transition to librime-data-stroke . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a anovación. Package: librime-data-stroke5 Description-md5: 256aff9d5d7eb88bca142fae42c5d5c8 Description-gl: RIME schema data - stroke5 (transitional package) This is a dummy package for transition to librime-data-stroke. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a anovación. Package: librime-data-triungkox3p Description-md5: ee341e5e3643628c5a6c4d696db8762e Description-gl: RIME schema data - triungkox3p (transitional package) This is a dummy package for transition to librime-data-sampheng. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza após a anovación. Package: libripoff-dev Description-md5: 321ebfbc99bd8204fdf07165fd34e586 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de ripoff RipOff é un extractor de CD baseado en GTK+ para Linux que conta cunha interface sinxela, consultas a CDDB e unha arquitectura de codificación baseada en engadidos. . This package contains the development files distributed with ripoff. Package: libripoff0 Description-md5: cdb16e556ddd4a632f4509f19fac06e8 Description-gl: The ripoff library RipOff é un extractor de CD baseado en GTK+ para Linux que conta cunha interface sinxela, consultas a CDDB e unha arquitectura de codificación baseada en engadidos. . This package contains the shared library for ripoff framework. Package: librivet-dev Description-md5: 4d67b11c39b7bb613a85c53f04313425 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Rivet Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . This package provides development files of Rivet. Package: libroar-compat2 Description-md5: 0e0d6cec2765b20a4e44c4bc87eee7a3 Description-gl: drop-in replacements for other sound libraries RoarAudio é un sistema para misturar son. O seu propósito principal é misturar son de diferentes clientes antes de o enviar ás súas saÃdas (por exemplo, unha placa de son). É totalmente transparente para a rede (sockets de UNIX, TCP/IP, DECnet) e admite moitos códecs comúns, como Ogg Vorbis, Speex ou FLAC. . To get programs which use the PulseAudio or YIFF API running, you can install this package and replace the appropriate libraries. Package: libroar-dev Description-md5: 24cf6947bfaaa29f473d82b515932858 Description-gl: header files and documentation for the RoarAudio libraries RoarAudio is a server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example a soundcard). It is completely network transparent (UNIX sockets, TCP/IP, DECnet) and supports many common codecs like Ogg Vorbis, Speex or FLAC. . This packet consists of the following libraries: libroar: The RoarAudio main library. It contains code for talking to roard, virtual IO functions useful not only for audio applications, memory management functions like buffers, lists, stacks. . libroardsp: Digital Signal Processing library. It contains code to work with PCM signals including simple filters, converters and code to work with some (realtime) codecs. . libroareio: This is the RoarAudio Extended IO library. It contains code for talking to extended IO. Currently it contains code to talk to soundcards without roard. This is not meant to be used by other applications directly. . libroarlight: Light Control support library. It contains code to support the usage of the light control subsystem. . libroarmidi: MIDI subsystem support library. It contains code to support the usage of the MIDI subsystem. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libroar. Package: libroboptim-core-doc Description-md5: edd4f3810fec32a4fb9bbd3db8c53373 Description-gl: numerical optimization library - documentation RobOptim is a set of packages designed to make robotics non-linear optimization problem easier to solve. It is composed of several packages which are focusing on different kind of problem related to robotics, especially humanoid robotics. . Este paquete contén a documentación xerada por Doxygen. Package: libroboptim-core2-dbg Description-md5: 77ebfc4ecafbad4480afc4201f783705 Description-gl: Biblioteca de optimización numérica - sÃmbolos de depuración RobOptim is a set of packages designed to make robotics non-linear optimization problem easier to solve. It is composed of several packages which are focusing on different kind of problem related to robotics, especially humanoid robotics. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas compartidas. Package: librobust-http-client-java-doc Description-md5: d6ee4de0d3f82ff338be46086210c607 Description-gl: Documentación de librobust-http-client-java This library provides a Java InputStream implementation around a HTTP connection that automatically reconnects if the connection fails during communication. . This package provides the API documentation for librobust-http-client- java. Package: librome-java-doc Description-md5: 06ae59dd11384aabf2ea657f1fe2793f Description-gl: Documentación de librome-java Documentación de ROME, que é un conxunto de ferramentas en Java de código aberto para analizar, xerar e publicar fontes de RSS e Atom. . You can parse to an RSS object model, an Atom object model or an abstract SyndFeed model that can model either family of formats. Package: libropkg-perl Description-md5: e874c95f6923ea0fd0679a53cd09069b Description-gl: general purpose classes for simba RoPkg consists from a Rsync module, a DB module and some base classes. The Rsync module parses rsync configuration and client log files, being able to generate new rsync configuration files without losing your comments or separator lines. The DB module implements a singleton database pool class which is able to connect to multiple databases at once and a database object (an object who can be loaded/saved from/to a database). . Páxina web: Package: librosbag-storage2d Description-md5: 815723fb80e815adde5d9ae229c5da00 Description-gl: Robot OS library for rosbag_storage This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It is a set of tools for recording from and playing back ROS messages without relying on the ROS client library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: librosconsole2d Description-md5: c10fee7d1cbf3f2a8dbe14d53a8c588e Description-gl: library for librosconsole This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It is the ROS console output library, a C++ package that supports console output and logging in roscpp. It provides a macro-based interface which allows both printf- and stream- style output. It also wraps log4cxx, which supports hierarchical loggers, verbosity levels and configuration-files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libroscpp1d Description-md5: f864266471b77050274d683291571388 Description-gl: Robot OS client library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides a client library that enables C++ programmers to quickly interface with ROS topics, services, and parameters. . roscpp is the most widely used ROS client library and is designed to be the high-performance library for ROS. ROS console output library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libroslz4-1d Description-md5: d2bbf239a9f1db4579c63601f61a4762 Description-gl: library implementing lz4 for Robot OS This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). This is the C++ implementation of the LZ4 streaming format. Large data streams are split into blocks which are compressed using the very fast LZ4 compression algorithm. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: librospack0d Description-md5: 43a72c54b5a3513241b2659e53d076da Description-gl: Robot OS package information library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). rospack is a command-line tool for retrieving information about ROS packages available on the filesystem. It implements a wide variety of commands ranging from locating ROS packages in the filesystem, to listing available stacks, to calculating the dependency tree of stacks. It is also used in the ROS build system for calculating build information for packages. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: librostlab-blast0v5 Description-md5: 0393081ba7d558876c2bb0f10e1bbcee Description-gl: very fast C++ library for parsing the output of NCBI BLAST programs This package provides a very fast library for parsing the default output of NCBI BLAST programs into a C++ structure. . libzerg is faster, but it provides only lexing (i.e. it only returns pairs of token identifiers and token string values). librostlab-blast uses a parser generated with bison on top of a flex-generated lexer very similar to that of libzerg. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: librostlab-doc Description-md5: 7e50dbd605ed7f0d13ab87ed7fa79830 Description-gl: C++ library for computational biology (documentation) This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic material and its gene products. . The library provides the following facilities: * current working directory resource * exception with stack backtrace * file lock resource * passwd and group structures for C++ * effective uid and gid resource * rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format * umask resource . Este paquete contén documentación en HTML. Package: librostlab3 Description-md5: 76dc5ccc01952c4a4563b99c6cbbc880 Description-gl: C++ library for computational biology This library was developed by the Rost Lab. The lab's research is driven by a conviction that protein and DNA sequences encode a significant core of information about the ultimate structure and function of genetic material and its gene products. . The library provides the following facilities: * current working directory resource * exception with stack backtrace * file lock resource * passwd and group structures for C++ * effective uid and gid resource * rostlab::bio::seq class with stream input operator for FASTA format * umask resource . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libroutino-dev Description-md5: 966d0e8199fe023d28b9d9ec8eea72ee Description-gl: Routino library development headers Routino é un aplicativo para atopar unha ruta entre dous puntos empregando o conxunto de datos de información topográfica reunido por OpenStreetMap . This package provides the routino headers. Package: libroutino-slim0 Description-md5: aae571993073d113492f8a8df58be59c Description-gl: Routino slim routing library Routino é un aplicativo para atopar unha ruta entre dous puntos empregando o conxunto de datos de información topográfica reunido por OpenStreetMap . This package provides the libroutino-slim shared library. Package: libroutino0 Description-md5: 9899bcbaa9c839f76b78255177ddca63 Description-gl: Routino routing library Routino é un aplicativo para atopar unha ruta entre dous puntos empregando o conxunto de datos de información topográfica reunido por OpenStreetMap . This package provides the libroutino shared library. Package: librplay-perl Description-md5: 78951ec24704b3dffc10ff7dc9801a3b Description-gl: Sistema de son pola rede rplay - módulos de perl Contains perl modules which aid in creating rplay-aware perl scripts. . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: librplay3 Description-md5: df58351023e9232ffecf4e15af55d602 Description-gl: Sistema de son pola rede rplay - bibliotecas compartidas Contains shared libraries for the rplay network audio system. . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: librplay3-dev Description-md5: 917bc0a2cbf1ea0bd796dc9e0ad3b65a Description-gl: Sistema de son pola rede rplay - bibliotecas de desenvolvemento Contains header files and development libraries for the rplay network audio system. . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: librpm-dev Description-md5: b61ce5bb0129a6b93ca353a53ac9c1e2 Description-gl: RPM shared library, development kit O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This package provides the development kit, containing static libraries and header files necessary to build programs that use librpm. Package: librpm8 Description-md5: 43dcb3c7127ac155f80bce6eb02448dc Description-gl: RPM shared library O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This library allows programs to make use of an RPM database or RPM packages without going through the program rpm. Package: librpmbuild8 Description-md5: 6c8fdac9007ad1483cb5ded0c7a78d4e Description-gl: RPM build shared library O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This library provides an interface for building RPM packages. Package: librpmio8 Description-md5: b102b4700b4f67e72b6c457300d1dee3 Description-gl: RPM IO shared library O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This library provides basic IO functionality which is used by librpm. Package: librpmsign8 Description-md5: c2958f0a844ec375af9b40fae17c7280 Description-gl: RPM signing shared library O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This library provides an interface for signing RPM packages. Package: librsb0 Description-md5: 56dc2f85b2d481ee90977c302e518257 Description-gl: recursive sparse blocks matrix computations library This is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix format. This format allows cache efficient and multi-threaded (that is, shared memory parallel) operations on large sparse matrices. It provides the most common operations necessary to iterative solvers, like matrix-vector multiplication, triangular solution, rows/columns scaling, diagonal extraction / setting, blocks extraction, norm computation, formats conversion. The RSB format is especially well suited for symmetric and transposed multiplication variants. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: librsbac-dev Description-md5: 9bbf6a8ba42d2ee0fba269e284f27d45 Description-gl: Biblioteca de desenvolvemento de RSBAC RSBAC (Control de acceso baseado en conxuntos de regras) é un parche do kernel que engade varios modelos de acceso obrigatorios ao kernel Linux. Este modelos poden ser empregados para mellorar a seguranza dun sistema Linux. . This package contains the library you need to develop programs for RSBAC. Package: librsbac1 Description-md5: de3427867e95a9ca28081a2ffeccce62 Description-gl: Rule Set Based Access Control administrative utilities RSBAC (Control de acceso baseado en conxuntos de regras) é un parche do kernel que engade varios modelos de acceso obrigatorios ao kernel Linux. Este modelos poden ser empregados para mellorar a seguranza dun sistema Linux. . This package contains the runtime shared library, used by all programs which interact with the RSBAC kernel code in one way or another. Package: librscode-dbg Description-md5: bd48c78a0e0a69cabb801aa2e9872731 Description-gl: debugging symbols for RSCODE The RSCODE project is an implementation of a Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm. It provides a byte-sized block coding which is convenient for adding protection to data which is stored as eight-bit bytes (i.e., most common computer data). . The Reed-Solomon code is the same one used for encoding of data on Audio CD's and CD-ROM disks, as well as many magnetic and optical disk controllers. You basically want to use Reed-Solomon coding in any situation where "forward error correction" is needed, i.e., the decoder will not have the option of requesting retransmission of bad blocks. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: librscode1 Description-md5: 81acf4c1026e1284d9edf654b47ab293 Description-gl: library implementing a Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm The RSCODE project is an implementation of a Reed-Solomon error correction algorithm. It provides a byte-sized block coding which is convenient for adding protection to data which is stored as eight-bit bytes (i.e., most common computer data). . The Reed-Solomon code is the same one used for encoding of data on Audio CD's and CD-ROM disks, as well as many magnetic and optical disk controllers. You basically want to use Reed-Solomon coding in any situation where "forward error correction" is needed, i.e., the decoder will not have the option of requesting retransmission of bad blocks. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: librsl-dev Description-md5: a54f3ac8055ea4e9bee47f0f928773e0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de RSL RSL is a library produced by the NASA TRMM Satellite Validation Office and used to access several radar file formats. It can generated images directly or be used to load data files for other programs. . It can read the following file formats: WSR88D/NEXRAD, Lassen, Sigmet, McGill, UF, HDF, RAPIC, RADTEC and the native RSL file format. . This package contains the header files and static libraries which are needed for developing programs that use grits. Package: librsskit0d-dbg Description-md5: c81e355ededbf3015c475422360baf1c Description-gl: Infraestrutura de RSS de GNUstep (sÃmbolos de depuración) RSSKit is a GNUstep library (framework) for parsing and reading various RSS file formats. . This package contains the detached debugging symbols. Package: librtaudio6 Description-md5: cd307f18f1ef80990a830eb091c020bf Description-gl: C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. It was designed with the following objectives: . * object-oriented C++ design * simple, common API across all supported platforms * only one source and two header files for easy inclusion in programming projects * allow simultaneous multi-api support * support dynamic connection of devices * provide extensive audio device parameter control * allow audio device capability probing * automatic internal conversion for data format, channel number compensation, (de)interleaving, and byte-swapping . RtAudio incorporates the concept of audio streams, which represent audio output (playback) and/or input (recording). Available audio devices and their capabilities can be enumerated and then specified when opening a stream. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: librtfilter1-dbg Description-md5: ed777342edcb4720deae74ad903fbfce Description-gl: realtime digital filtering library (debugging symbols) rtfilter is a library that provides a set of routines implementing realtime digital filter for multichannel signals (i.e. filtering multiple signals with the same filter parameters). It implements FIR, IIR filters and downsampler for float and double data type (both for real and complex valued signal). Additional functions are also provided to design few usual filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev, windowed sinc, analytical filter... . One of the main differences from other libraries providing digital signal processing is that the filter functions have been specifically designed and optimized for multichannel signals (from few channels to several hundred). . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: librtlsdr-dev Description-md5: 80add2321bdda28a25cb030cf0c28f7f Description-gl: Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (development) rtl-sdr is a software defined radio (SDR) receiver software for certain low-cost DVB-T/DAB(+) USB dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: librtlsdr0 Description-md5: 29f2fdb7d8f0b96a1c1915fd8793a197 Description-gl: Software defined radio receiver for Realtek RTL2832U (library) rtl-sdr is a software defined radio (SDR) receiver software for certain low-cost DVB-T/DAB(+) USB dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: librtmidi4 Description-md5: 0143a1c3acbdb045e4fcaab0d8657b11 Description-gl: C++ library for realtime MIDI input/ouput RtMidi is a set of C++ classes that provides a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, and OSS), Macintosh OS X, SGI, and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtMidi significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. It was designed with the following objectives: . * object-oriented C++ design * simple, common API across all supported platforms * only one source and two header files for easy inclusion in programming projects * MIDI device enumeration . MIDI input and output functionality are separated into two classes, RtMidiIn and RtMidiOut. Each class instance supports only a single MIDI connection. RtMidi does not provide timing functionality (i.e., output messages are sent immediately). Input messages are timestamped with delta times in seconds (via a double floating point type). MIDI data is passed to the user as raw bytes using an std::vector<unsigned char>. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: librttopo-dev Description-md5: 8eef3f18ed202897263edf1c83073c18 Description-gl: Tuscany Region topology library - Development files The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided data stores. . The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS release cycles. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: librttopo1 Description-md5: 28d084e05e252c790a1717a903a1c453 Description-gl: Tuscany Region topology library The RT Topology Library exposes an API to create and manage standard (ISO 13249 aka SQL/MM) topologies using user-provided data stores. . The code is derived from PostGIS liblwgeom library enhanced to provide thread-safety, have less dependencies and be independent from PostGIS release cycles. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: librubberband-dev Description-md5: 4db9dc91f11bbf383ef1f89b479fff70 Description-gl: audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library (development files) Rubber Band é unha biblioteca e programa de utilidade que permite cambiar o tempo e a altura dunha gravación de son independentemente un do outro. . This package contains development files for linking against librubberband, along with the static version of the library. API documentation is available at . Package: librubberband2 Description-md5: 4028c22f594568d9ed3f1a77fd3101c8 Description-gl: audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library Rubber Band é unha biblioteca e programa de utilidade que permite cambiar o tempo e a altura dunha gravación de son independentemente un do outro. Package: libruby Description-md5: 0ad8ff8ed89972b927bd67d1440fc7c6 Description-gl: Libraries necessary to run Ruby Ruby é a linguaxe de scripts interpretada para unha programación orientada a obxectos fácil. Ten moitas funcionalidades para procesar ficheiros de texto e para realizar tarefas de mantemento do sistema (como en Perl). É sinxela, directa e extensÃbel. . This package includes the 'libruby' library, necessary to run Ruby. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default Ruby version (currently v2.3). Package: libruby2.5 Description-md5: ec2f7e530159a5dc0515d30bd850b20f Description-gl: Libraries necessary to run Ruby 2.5 Ruby é a linguaxe de scripts interpretada para unha programación orientada a obxectos fácil. Ten moitas funcionalidades para procesar ficheiros de texto e para realizar tarefas de mantemento do sistema (como en Perl). É sinxela, directa e extensÃbel. . This package includes the 'libruby-2.5' library, necessary to run Ruby 2.5. (API version 2.5.0) Package: librw0 Description-md5: e73dd12308fc723bf08d56fee8acf4c8 Description-gl: Compute rank-width and rank-decompositions of graphs Compute rank-width and rank-decompositions of graphs. It is based on ideas from "Computing rank-width exactly" by Sang-il Oum, "Sopra una formula numerica" by Ernesto Pascal, "Generation of a Vector from the Lexicographical Index" by B.P. Buckles and M. Lybanon and "Fast additions on masked integers" by Michael D. Adams and David S. Wise. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: librxp-dev Description-md5: b3ea4cb1f6086a2d3a24d28b66d7803e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de librxp XML is a metalanguage to let you design your own markup language. librxp is a library that can be used to parse and validate XML documents. . This package contains the static library and header files used in development. Package: librxp0 Description-md5: 6b578b61060b3620a45d134694a43e55 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para analizar e validar XML XML is a metalanguage to let you design your own markup language. This library can be used to parse and validate XML documents. Package: libsamplerate-ocaml Description-md5: a0874c5369c4c0ca30f9061377bf263d Description-gl: OCaml interface to the samplerate library This package provied an interface to the samplerate library for OCaml programmers. . libsamplerate axuda no desenvolvemento de programas para a conversión de taxas de son. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libsamplerate-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 7a4b4d4568ad9522d3042dba5651408b Description-gl: OCaml interface to the samplerate library This package provied an interface to the samplerate library for OCaml programmers. . libsamplerate axuda no desenvolvemento de programas para a conversión de taxas de son. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use ocaml-samplerate. Package: libsane-extras-common Description-md5: 5c410662a807855f9f043823cd7a9bb1 Description-gl: Biblioteca da API para escáneres - ficheiros de documentación e compatibilidade SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The SANE standard is free and its discussion and development are open to everybody. The current source code is written to support several operating systems, including GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 and various Unices and is available under the GNU General Public License (commercial applications and backends are welcome, too, however). . This package includes documentation for libsane-extras, such as the man pages and other support files. Package: libsane-extras-dev Description-md5: 250b274b940996c68085673bc2da80dc Description-gl: Biblioteca de desenvolvemento da API para escáneres [ficheiros de desenvolvemento] SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The SANE standard is free and its discussion and development are open to everybody. The current source code is written to support several operating systems, including GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 and various Unices and is available under the GNU General Public License (commercial applications and backends are welcome, too, however). . This package contains the development files relative to the extra backends provided by libsane-extras. Package: libsass0-dbg Description-md5: 073b0ce067c6a9fae5f402753c7ebc3f Description-gl: C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler - debugging symbols Sass is a pre-processing language for CSS. It allows you to write cleaner stylesheets and makes collaboration on your CSS a breeze. . LibSass is a C/C++ port of the Sass engine. The point is to be simple, fast, and easy to integrate. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsavitar0 Description-md5: 15afd437d1a2fdc09439ae14a6aeefc1 Description-gl: 3MF file handling library (shared library) Savitar is a C++ library with Python 3 bindings for reading and writing 3MF files. . 3MF is an interchange format for sharing 3D models and other 3D printing data between related software and 3D printers. It is XML based and standardised by the 3MF consortium. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsbigudrv-dev Description-md5: b5fd7f374634fd19f5d523a19d63cb71 Description-gl: development files for SBIG universal driver Library to control SBIG Astronomical Instruments. Supports all of SBIG’s Parallel, Ethernet and USB based cameras and accessories. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsbjson-dev Description-md5: 80c527e6f229ee2b5ab89ed93b8d0408 Description-gl: Objective-C JSON library (development files) A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible APIs are also provided for added control. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsbjson2.3 Description-md5: e893ac05eae51ee3ea62fa0080ebd353 Description-gl: Objective-C JSON library A strict JSON parser and generator for Objective-C. It adds categories to existing Objective-C objects for a super-simple interface. More flexible APIs are also provided for added control. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsbsms-dev Description-md5: da4c5f38e978e8518fc894111e1455f0 Description-gl: Subband Sinusoidal Modeling Synthesis (development files) libsbsms is a C++ library for high quality time stretching and pitch scaling of audio. It uses octave subband sinusoidal modeling. . The audio is fed into a FIFO, which takes the STFT of the input. Each frame is high-pass filtered in the Fourier domain, and then written to a frame FIFO which does quadratic interpolating peak detection and track continuation. The tracks are resynthesized with a quadratic phase preserving oscillator bank at an arbitrary time scale. . The subbands are fed from the low-pass filtered frames, which are decimated by two and reconstructed in a half rate time domain. The subbands perform the same process as the parent band, only the data is at half the audio frequency, and at half the rate. There are typically 6 bands. The point of subbands is to allow high time resolution for high frequencies and at the same time high frequency resolution for low frequencies. . Pitch scaling is performed in a post-processing resampling step. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libscalc0v5 Description-md5: b6963f5a7286349835e1420c500a0f11 Description-gl: simple/symbolic calculation library SCalc is a C++ library for manipulation of mathematical expressions. It is possible to define functions, either using an expression or a C function. It is able to compute derivatives analytically, and is therefore suitable for implementing non-linear curve fitting with user-specified arbitrary functions. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libscca1 Description-md5: 2f678b98ca09e74729ffbf3ad42cc6f1 Description-gl: Windows Prefetch File access library libscca is a library to access the Windows Prefetch File (SCCA) format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libscope-guard-perl Description-md5: 0ab1354db485ee56de877e8d97c7296e Description-gl: lexically scoped resource management Scope::Guard is a Perl module that provides a convenient way to perform cleanup or other forms of resource management at the end of a scope. It is particularly useful when dealing with exceptions. . Para obter maÌis informacioÌn, consulte <URL:> Package: libscsynth1 Description-md5: dd62ec573a228b2180c603f7f6741265 Description-gl: SuperCollider synthesis server library SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . This package contains the shared library for the synthesis server. Package: libsdl-gfx1.2-doc Description-md5: 1df35036396ab8f50003cd7a4bb7cc02 Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de SDL_gfx The SDL_gfx library is an extension to the SDL library which provides basic antialiased drawing routines such as lines, circles or polygons, an interpolating rotozoomer for SDL surfaces, framerate control and MMX image filters. . Este paquete contén a documentación para programar coa biblioteca SDL_gfx. Package: libsdl-image1.2 Description-md5: b04046f8d6efcac7094eea4596dd127a Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl-image1.2-dev Description-md5: 88e45ebbfade6fd5cc266ca8c5364641 Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl-kitchensink-dev Description-md5: 666585a0c6e65434efa813a54c80bbc5 Description-gl: FFmpeg and SDL2 based library for audio and video playback - Development files It provides FFmpeg-based audio and video playback for SDL which features: - Decoding video & audio via FFmpeg - Dumping video data on SDL_textures - Dumping audio data in the usual mono/stereo interleaved formats - Automatic audio and video conversion to SDL2 friendly formats - Synchronizing video & audio to clock - Seeking forwards and backwards - Bitmap & libass subtitle support . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl-kitchensink0 Description-md5: 953a996c93f273e40b62268379679c08 Description-gl: FFmpeg and SDL2 based library for audio and video playback It provides FFmpeg-based audio and video playback for SDL which features: - Decoding video & audio via FFmpeg - Dumping video data on SDL_textures - Dumping audio data in the usual mono/stereo interleaved formats - Automatic audio and video conversion to SDL2 friendly formats - Synchronizing video & audio to clock - Seeking forwards and backwards - Bitmap & libass subtitle support . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl-mixer1.2 Description-md5: 6365dd710480410f247a015e3bf6e992 Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl-mixer1.2-dev Description-md5: c9cb3ce99772b1ad82e3e483c57b44c2 Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, MikMod MOD, Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl-net1.2 Description-md5: d9a5c0da6adf42bc40db5f9ca3c36408 Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl-net1.2-dev Description-md5: a16ffa7eccf37321735f330935ce44ed Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl-sound1.2 Description-md5: 02f3434922f761b0483d433986a93ea1 Description-gl: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple Directmedia Layer library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl-sound1.2-dev Description-md5: 757b1c478ca9ef83deab4980576bbe6c Description-gl: Sound library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files SDL_sound is a library that handles the decoding of several popular sound file formats, such as .WAV and .MP3. It is an add-on to Simple Directmedia Layer library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-0 Description-md5: 757b4624c2c48994a058634a99e0b456 Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, libraries Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl-ttf2.0-dev Description-md5: a13657785db12ed4c42ce57872ede102 Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2, development files Sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl2-2.0-0 Description-md5: d559f821a8f0d5e89c678fe44650c80c Description-gl: Simple DirectMedia Layer SDL é unha biblioteca que permite que os programas acceso portátil de baixo nivel ao framebuffer do vÃdeo, a saÃda de son, o rato e o teclado. . This version of SDL is compiled with X11 and Wayland graphics drivers and OSS, ALSA, sndio and PulseAudio sound drivers. Package: libsdl2-dev Description-md5: 9a82f59c5790721baad7ffc5f181d3d6 Description-gl: Simple DirectMedia Layer development files SDL é unha biblioteca que permite que os programas acceso portátil de baixo nivel ao framebuffer do vÃdeo, a saÃda de son, o rato e o teclado. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para compilar e vincular programas que empreguen SDL. Package: libsdl2-doc Description-md5: a30e9f79cd550bfdc77322c7f6f892eb Description-gl: Reference manual for libsdl2 SDL é unha biblioteca que permite que os programas acceso portátil de baixo nivel ao framebuffer do vÃdeo, a saÃda de son, o rato e o teclado. . This package contains the reference manual and examples. Package: libsdl2-image-2.0-0 Description-md5: e5b1016aaab8f0b7659c8933fad826b0 Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl2-image-dev Description-md5: 69d53403a68162ef7e95a3a08bcf3861 Description-gl: Image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files This is a simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces. It supports the following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, LBM, PCX, PNG, PNM, TGA, TIFF, WEBP, XCF, XPM, XV. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 Description-md5: 34f4d1cbb2b9046174dc41bffcfcdaa0 Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD, FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl2-mixer-dev Description-md5: 55b455dd6a9944b2e8ba9695b8456358 Description-gl: Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library. It supports any number of simultaneously playing channels of 16 bit stereo audio, plus a single channel of music, mixed by the popular FLAC, modplug MOD, FluidSynth and Timidity MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, and MAD or SMPEG MP3 libraries. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl2-net-2.0-0 Description-md5: 0e252144b4b100ffba0cf7c7abc24e53 Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl2-net-dev Description-md5: dfd3cc3d913384bda90efc6a0f7e822a Description-gl: Network library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files This is a small, low-level, cross-platform networking library, that can be used with the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 Description-md5: d1d11e371518d26e6e4ae98dff649ad4 Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, libraries Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsdl2-ttf-dev Description-md5: dbc0a7ada44359d9c3ee7bc8d63ba702 Description-gl: TrueType Font library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2, development files Wrapper around FreeType 2.0 library, making possible to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsdo-api-java-doc Description-md5: 1cf53c3cd49b0854c804bceee6689437 Description-gl: Documentación de libsdo-api-java Documentation for SDO that is a framework for data application development, which includes an architecture and API. SDO does the following: . - Simplifies the J2EE data programming model - Abstracts data in a service oriented architecture (SOA) - Unifies data application development - Supports and integrates XML - Incorporates J2EE patterns and best practices . With SDO, you do not need to be familiar with a technology-specific API in order to access and utilize data. You need to know only one API, the SDO API, which lets you work with data from multiple data sources, including relational databases, entity EJB components, XML pages, Web services, the Java Connector Architecture, JavaServer Pages pages, and more. . This package contains only a Java API of SDO 2.1 spec. EclipseLink is a implementation of this spec. Package: libseafile-dev Description-md5: bfa534c519c90b76c9087795684d2e20 Description-gl: online file storage and collaboration tool (development libs) Seafile enables you to build private cloud for file sharing and collaboration among team members in your company/organization. This is the Linux desktop client of the seafile system. . First you create a file library in the web and upload files to it. Then you share it into a team or with another user. . File libraries can also be synchronized among computers and mobile devices. You download a library to your PC. Whenever you add, delete or edit a file, the latest version be uploaded to the server automatically and then be synchronized to everyone's computer. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento. Package: libseafile0 Description-md5: d37675390772679b78e08de28bc3dd2d Description-gl: online file storage and collaboration tool (shared libs) Seafile enables you to build private cloud for file sharing and collaboration among team members in your company/organization. This is the Linux desktop client of the seafile system. . First you create a file library in the web and upload files to it. Then you share it into a team or with another user. . File libraries can also be synchronized among computers and mobile devices. You download a library to your PC. Whenever you add, delete or edit a file, the latest version be uploaded to the server automatically and then be synchronized to everyone's computer. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libsearchclient-dev Description-md5: a0d8b45d519d86d69061aa992ac827e8 Description-gl: development files for libsearchclient This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains the Strigi development files for libsearchclient. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libsearchclient0v5 Description-md5: 53a1e7815d9bb7f9356a6a3c52d599c5 Description-gl: searchclient library for Strigi Desktop Search This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains a library for writing search clients. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libsendlater4 Description-md5: 8c8bbd332a1a2d898cf4e0087d3726fd Description-gl: send later library This package contains the send later library which helps implementing the "Send Later" function. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libserial-dev Description-md5: ee95edf4acf2fda26a155c4284803616 Description-gl: Serial port programming in C++ -- development files A collection of C++ classes which allow the serial port on POSIX systems to be accessed like an iostream object. Special functions are provided for setting various parameters of the serial port such as the baud rate, character size, flow control and other. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas e cabeceiras de desenvolvemento Package: libserialport0 Description-md5: 6ff69924a185f7208c4a743671869971 Description-gl: Crossplatform serial port handling library - shared library libserialport is a minimal, cross-platform shared library that is intended to take care of the OS-specific details when writing software that uses serial ports. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libserp-java-doc Description-md5: c0a4397d96bdc193799f11def6182fec Description-gl: Documentación de libserp-java Documentation of the serp bytecode framework that has as goal to tap the full power of bytecode modification while lowering its associated costs. . The framework provides a set of high-level APIs for manipulating all aspects of bytecode, from large-scale structures like class member fields to the individual instructions that comprise the code of methods. . While in order to perform any advanced manipulation, some understanding of the class file format and especially of the JVM instruction set is necessary, the framework makes it as easy as possible to enter the world of bytecode development. Package: libsexplib-ocaml Description-md5: 5d7e08d0ce493f6c16c25ace815374a7 Description-gl: automated conversions between OCaml-values and S-expressions (runtime) Sexplib library contains functionality for parsing and pretty-printing S-expressions. . Another module contained in Sexplib you to extract and replace sub- expressions in S-expressions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libsexplib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 115a9b4782d29dc2708535a3211c31f2 Description-gl: automated conversions between OCaml-values and S-expressions (dev files) Sexplib library contains functionality for parsing and pretty-printing S-expressions. . Another module contained in Sexplib you to extract and replace sub- expressions in S-expressions. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsezpoz-java-doc Description-md5: 12779bab97678feb63b29fd4c912b366 Description-gl: Documentación de SezPoz SezPoz is a lightweight and simple-to-learn library that lets you perform modular service lookups. It provides some of the same capabilities as (for example) java.util.ServiceLoader, Eclipse extension points, and NetBeans Lookup and XML layers. However, SezPoz has some special advantages: . * The service registrations are made just using type-checked Java annotations. There are no configuration files to edit, and your Java IDE can show you registrations since they are simply usages of an annotation. * You can register individual objects (values of static fields or methods) instead of whole classes. * You can associate static metadata with each implementation, using regular annotation values. The caller can choose to inspect the metadata without loading the actual implementation object (as with Eclipse extension points). . This package provides the API documentation for libsezpoz-java. Package: libsfark0-dbg Description-md5: 7d3cc108992dd239f8f9e1d5d640f4b9 Description-gl: debug symbols for libsfark0 sfArk is a lossless audio compression format optimized for SoundFont files. This library can decompress such files into .sf SoundFont files. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfasan2-armhf-cross Description-md5: 77c217b098bf047a48eb517165c699da Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (ABI de flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan2-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 77d4a6eea0f5c253a472f571d3194a80 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración das flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan3-armhf-cross Description-md5: 77c217b098bf047a48eb517165c699da Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (ABI de flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan3-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 77d4a6eea0f5c253a472f571d3194a80 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración das flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan4-armhf-cross Description-md5: 77c217b098bf047a48eb517165c699da Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (ABI de flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan4-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 77d4a6eea0f5c253a472f571d3194a80 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración das flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfgcc-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 0a946370cc1bda3e49c72e1e875c6da8 Description-gl: GCC support library (soft float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libsfgcc-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 0a946370cc1bda3e49c72e1e875c6da8 Description-gl: GCC support library (soft float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libsfgcc-7-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 0a946370cc1bda3e49c72e1e875c6da8 Description-gl: GCC support library (soft float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libsfgcc1-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 9214cb33f07a2c272f7a644b4d2302ef Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (sÃmbolos de depuración) Debug symbols for the GCC support library. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libsfgfortran-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 74ea81c9f0670b35ce8cd3205d466b98 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libsfgfortran-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 74ea81c9f0670b35ce8cd3205d466b98 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libsfgfortran-7-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 74ea81c9f0670b35ce8cd3205d466b98 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libsfgfortran3-armhf-cross Description-md5: 1f1e920680dffda67addfa653d51a350 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ABI de flutuante branda) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfgfortran3-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4adc4cf259b09ccf4ae311047068c96a Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfgfortran4-armhf-cross Description-md5: 1f1e920680dffda67addfa653d51a350 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ABI de flutuante branda) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfgfortran4-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 4adc4cf259b09ccf4ae311047068c96a Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfgphobos-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: b261bafbd9d93f25840b1fefa62281ad Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (soft float ABI development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfgphobos-7-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: b261bafbd9d93f25840b1fefa62281ad Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (soft float ABI development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfgphobos68-armhf-cross Description-md5: 2086a0c7f5831c82fec492e812bdd6c1 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (runtime library) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfgphobos68-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: a2d0bf2741f0f97bfb3f177b71c3435b Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (debug symbols) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfgphobos71-armhf-cross Description-md5: 2086a0c7f5831c82fec492e812bdd6c1 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (runtime library) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfgphobos71-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: a2d0bf2741f0f97bfb3f177b71c3435b Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (debug symbols) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfml-audio2.4 Description-md5: 9c8bd9837ed81a5452d418554ccca0e0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Parte de son SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. . The Audio library is used to play sound and music in games. It is able to load OGG/Vorbis files. Package: libsfml-dev Description-md5: 488c4b12fb44d3d79e5db282c5a443f4 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Ficheiros de desenvolvemento SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. . This package includes header files for all SFML libraries. Package: libsfml-doc Description-md5: 6aef1e2ea474deeca999388baa5fbb0f Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Documentación SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. . This package includes the library reference and examples for SFML. Package: libsfml-graphics2.4 Description-md5: a5d215f161950e219a03acbd8caf7237 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Parte de gráficos SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. . The Graphics library contains all the OpenGL and drawing code. It needs the Window library for Window creation. Package: libsfml-network2.4 Description-md5: a69eda62ece501c5f82183902c170abb Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Parte de rede SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. . The Network Library brings basic networking support as needed by games. Package: libsfml-system2.4 Description-md5: 8706f508f72606b96a998331dacf0a6a Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Parte do sistema SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. . The system library brings useful system utilities like multithreading and UNICODE handling. Package: libsfml-window2.4 Description-md5: d24cf2c49ab4beaa2bc8a2eb664dd105 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Parte de xanelas SFML is a modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce a multimedia app. It offers OpenGL integration for Hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and Input support, Audio and Network facilities and supports GNU/Linux, MS Windows and Mac OS X. . The Window library provides basic utilities for creating and managing Windows. Package: libsfobjc-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: a463892c3f00f5e00d2e6faa0c1a8f90 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libsfobjc-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: a463892c3f00f5e00d2e6faa0c1a8f90 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libsfobjc-7-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: a463892c3f00f5e00d2e6faa0c1a8f90 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libsfobjc4-armhf-cross Description-md5: 1979cb3a9b63cfab420a1d89e03104a3 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ABI de flutuante branda) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfobjc4-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 3897aa5d229ac2295aee1c8bec095781 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración da ABI de flutuante branda) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en ObjC de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfphobos-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: b261bafbd9d93f25840b1fefa62281ad Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (soft float ABI development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfst1-1.4 Description-md5: b8c061b645e2f827a98a8eadb3e8074a Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para SFST Contains shared library for SFST. SFST is a toolbox for the implementation of morphological analysers and other tools which are based on finite state transducer technology. Package: libsfstdc++6-5-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libsfstdc++6-6-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libsfstdc++6-7-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libsfstdc++6-armhf-cross Description-md5: 9f5d26c89656d7eaf9c9f1b60ac3ec3c Description-gl: GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (soft float ABI) Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libshark0 Description-md5: 65a8e35230fcc4f9d4c447037b9c1fc9 Description-gl: Shark machine learning library Shark is a modular C++ library for the design and optimization of adaptive systems. It provides methods for linear and nonlinear optimization, in particular evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms, kernel-based learning algorithms and neural networks, and various other machine learning techniques. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libshibsp-dev Description-md5: 7349f7df03735c578f70bbefe38b10ea Description-gl: Sistema de autenticación única na web federada (desenvolvemento) The Shibboleth System is a standards based software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It supports authorization and attribute exchange using the OASIS SAML 2.0 protocol. Shibboleth allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources while allowing users to establish their identities with their local authentication systems. . This package contains the headers and other necessary files to build applications that use the Shibboleth SP library. Package: libshibsp-doc Description-md5: 757397bf086414cef7362c7ee9fdd414 Description-gl: Sistema de autenticación única na web federada (documentación da API) The Shibboleth System is a standards based software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It supports authorization and attribute exchange using the OASIS SAML 2.0 protocol. Shibboleth allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources while allowing users to establish their identities with their local authentication systems. . This package contains the Shibboleth SP library API documentation. Package: libshibsp-plugins Description-md5: eb957cd977236dba021d21d86af33355 Description-gl: Sistema de autenticación única na web federada (engadidos) The Shibboleth System is a standards based software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It supports authorization and attribute exchange using the OASIS SAML 2.0 protocol. Shibboleth allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources while allowing users to establish their identities with their local authentication systems. . This package contains plugins for the Shibboleth SP library. Package: libshibsp7 Description-md5: e94e5bbe7152c46f9a732df87f30e07c Description-gl: Sistema de autenticación única na web federada (tempo de execución) The Shibboleth System is a standards based software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It supports authorization and attribute exchange using the OASIS SAML 2.0 protocol. Shibboleth allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources while allowing users to establish their identities with their local authentication systems. . This package contains the Shibboleth SP runtime library. Package: libshout-idjc-dev Description-md5: d797877ae989976ee4bddf756728b122 Description-gl: broadcast streaming library with IDJC extensions (development) Unha biblioteca para comunicarse con e enviar datos aos servidores de son en fluxo Icecast e Icecast 2. Xestiona a conexión cos sockets, a temporalización da transmisión de datos e evita que lle cheguen datos malos ao servidor. . This package provides the libshout library with IDJC extensions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libshout-idjc3 Description-md5: a3e0b1caa9ce9c1627f85d7278822e7a Description-gl: broadcast streaming library with IDJC extensions Unha biblioteca para comunicarse con e enviar datos aos servidores de son en fluxo Icecast e Icecast 2. Xestiona a conexión cos sockets, a temporalización da transmisión de datos e evita que lle cheguen datos malos ao servidor. . This package provides the libshout library with IDJC extensions. Package: libshp2 Description-md5: 27308df3bd0a5b2c491e8c49163628f0 Description-gl: Library for reading and writing ESRI Shapefiles The Shapefile format is a working and interchange format promoted by ESRI for simple vector data with attributes. It is apparently the only file format that can be edited in ARCView 2/3, and can also be exported and imported in ArcGis. . Este paquete inclúe a biblioteca compartida. Package: libshr-glib-dbg Description-md5: 149e29d33716d026cff18afa7b8028d8 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración para usar con libshr-glib0 libshr-glib provides C bindings for the DBus methods specified in the shr- specs package. . This package contains the debug symbols for the library. Package: libshr-glib-dev Description-md5: c2098ff983b573ad9376d3028709564c Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libshr-glib libshr-glib provides C bindings for the DBus methods specified in the shr- specs package. . This package contains the development files for the library. Package: libsidplayfp-dbg Description-md5: 6958d94122de99593383d04574fa6209 Description-gl: library to play Commodore 64 music based on libsidplay2 (detached symbols) libsidplayfp (and its console frontend sidplayfp) is a fork of sidplay2 born with the aim to improve the quality of emulating the 6581, 8580 chips and the surrounding C64 system in order to play SID music better. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libsidplayfp, adecuados para depurar. Package: libsidplayfp-doc Description-md5: 8a209dc681ffbe6a2fa940836d715e9a Description-gl: library to play Commodore 64 music based on libsidplay2 (documentation) libsidplayfp (and its console frontend sidplayfp) is a fork of sidplay2 born with the aim to improve the quality of emulating the 6581, 8580 chips and the surrounding C64 system in order to play SID music better. . Este paquete contén a documentación de libsidplayfp. Package: libsidutils-dev Description-md5: 674947a7f6511ac306712c88ac79ed97 Description-gl: utility functions for SID players This library contains various things deemed useful to all SID players (Emulations of the C64's SID chip (MOS 6581) and CPU (6510)), and currently every player seems to be re-inventing. It is used by several "player" applications, e.g. sidplay. . Support so far is: . * INI file reader. * MD5 key creation. * Song length database parser. * Sid filter file parser. . Moi pronto: . * Playlist parser (load and save). * STIL parser. Package: libsidutils0 Description-md5: 674947a7f6511ac306712c88ac79ed97 Description-gl: utility functions for SID players This library contains various things deemed useful to all SID players (Emulations of the C64's SID chip (MOS 6581) and CPU (6510)), and currently every player seems to be re-inventing. It is used by several "player" applications, e.g. sidplay. . Support so far is: . * INI file reader. * MD5 key creation. * Song length database parser. * Sid filter file parser. . Moi pronto: . * Playlist parser (load and save). * STIL parser. Package: libsieve2-dev Description-md5: 7c881cca899d97b9d1029b169cf699d5 Description-gl: library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail This code is a standalone library based upon code which had been distributed with the Cyrus Mail Server. Currently libSieve implements two APIs: one that is based upon, and compatible with, the Sieve API as built into the Cyrus Mail Server, as well as a new API which is very well suited to be incorporated into other programs and is reasonably extensible. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsignal-protocol-c-dev Description-md5: 5d3ef45e92ac682f94687bf547c324de Description-gl: ratcheting forward secrecy protocol for synchronous and asynchronous messaging This is a ratcheting forward secrecy protocol that works in synchronous and asynchronous messaging environments. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsignon-glib-dev Description-md5: d051d5324a6de8be6c752aa209067db3 Description-gl: library for signond - development files Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libsignon-glib-doc Description-md5: ca77b69406cc209b10e4bd1e83ef1619 Description-gl: library for signond - documentation Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libsignon-glib1 Description-md5: 516378637027ec145f398aaba1c06c74 Description-gl: library for signond Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libsigrok4 Description-md5: 2e43895a132fca24faea76a0d1152887 Description-gl: sigrok hardware driver library - shared library libsigrok is a shared library which provides basic hardware access drivers for logic analyzers, as well as input/output file format support. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsigscan1 Description-md5: 2ac42ed06538e167efe0ea8718660fc4 Description-gl: binary signature scanning library libsigscan is a library for binary signature scanning, using simple offset /string-based signatures. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsikuli-script-doc Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libsikuli-script-java Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libsikuli-script-jni Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libsilly-doc Description-md5: 3c0d1ff87e04c0d1f7833c33c8da98ae Description-gl: simple image loading library (documentation) The aim of Simple Image Loading LibrarY is to provide a simple library for loading image in the context of CEGUI. . Este paquete contén a documentación de libsilly. Package: libsilo-bin Description-md5: 9554086ae8ffcfab42b65ca08337b3b9 Description-gl: Utilidades para manipular ficheiros libsilo This package contains a number of utilities for manipulating and viewing Silo files. Silo is a scientific data format library. . Silo supports gridless (point) meshes, structured meshes, unstructured-zoo and unstructured-arbitrary-polyhedral meshes, block structured AMR meshes, constructive solid geometry (CSG) meshes, piecewise-constant (e.g. zone- centered) and piecewise-linear (e.g. node-centered) variables defined on the node, edge, face or volume elements of meshes as well as the decomposition of meshes into arbitrary subset hierarchies including materials and mixing materials. In addition, Silo supports a wide variety of other useful objects to address various scientific computing application needs. Although the Silo library is a serial library, it has some key features which enable it to be applied quite effectively and scalable in parallel. Package: libsilo-dev Description-md5: 44789d497dcd21167152e84726c04613 Description-gl: Development files for SILO Scientific I/O library from LLNL Silo é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir unha grande variedade de datos cientÃficos en ficheiros binarios, no disco. Os ficheiros producidos por Silo e os datos dentro deles poden ser compartidos con facilidade e intercambiados entre aplicativos desenvolvidos cde maneira completamente independente. En consecuencia, Silo facilita o desenvolvemento de ferramentas de propósito xeral para procesar datos cientÃficos. Unha das ferramentas máis populares das que procesan ficheiros de datos de Silo é a ferramenta de visualización VisIt. . Silo supports gridless (point) meshes, structured meshes, unstructured-zoo and unstructured-arbitrary-polyhedral meshes, block structured AMR meshes, constructive solid geometry (CSG) meshes, piecewise-constant (e.g. zone- centered) and piecewise-linear (e.g. node-centered) variables defined on the node, edge, face or volume elements of meshes as well as the decomposition of meshes into arbitrary subset hierarchies including materials and mixing materials. In addition, Silo supports a wide variety of other useful objects to address various scientific computing application needs. Although the Silo library is a serial library, it has some key features which enable it to be applied quite effectively and scalable in parallel. . Architecturally, the library is divided into two main pieces; an upper- level application programming interface (API) and a lower-level I/O implementation called a driver. Silo supports multiple I/O drivers, the two most common of which are the HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) and PDB (Portable Data Base) drivers. Package: libsiloh5-0 Description-md5: 2e5cdda66dd0aca877bcaddcde85bed1 Description-gl: SILO Science I/O library from LLNL Silo é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir unha grande variedade de datos cientÃficos en ficheiros binarios, no disco. . Silo supports gridless (point) meshes, structured meshes, unstructured-zoo and unstructured-arbitrary-polyhedral meshes, block structured AMR meshes, constructive solid geometry (CSG) meshes, piecewise-constant (e.g. zone- centered) and piecewise-linear (e.g. node-centered) variables defined on the node, edge, face or volume elements of meshes as well as the decomposition of meshes into arbitrary subset hierarchies including materials and mixing materials. In addition, Silo supports a wide variety of other useful objects to address various scientific computing application needs. Although the Silo library is a serial library, it has some key features which enable it to be applied quite effectively and scalable in parallel. Package: libsimbody3.5v5-dbg Description-md5: e77c509859fe542ddb1fd5807f95c694 Description-gl: SimTK multibody dynamics API - Debugging Symbols Simbody is a SimTK toolset providing general multibody dynamics capability, that is, the ability to solve Newton's 2nd law F=ma in any set of generalized coordinates subject to arbitrary constraints. Simbody is provided as an open source, object-oriented C++ API and delivers high- performance, accuracy-controlled science/engineering-quality results. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsimple-http-java-doc Description-md5: e90a015a246baa04b6b89d3c4f83b31c Description-gl: Documentación de libsimple-http-java The goal of Simple is to bring the power of simplicity to the world of server side Java. The primary focus of the project is to provide a truly embeddable Java based HTTP engine capable of handling enormous loads. . Simple provides a truly asynchronous service model, request completion is driven using an internal, transparent, monitoring system. This allows Simple to vastly outperform most popular Java based servers in a multi- tier environment, as it requires only a very limited number of threads to handle very high quantities of concurrent clients. . Simple has consistently out performed both commercial and open source Java Servlet engines and has a fully comprehensive API that is as usable for experienced Java developers as it is for beginners. . This package provides the API documentation for libsimple-http-java. Package: libsimple-xml-java-doc Description-md5: 019cc03c462d8b21558a93423f9f6542 Description-gl: Documentación da API de libsimple-xml-java Simple is a high performance XML serialization and configuration framework for Java. Its goal is to provide an XML framework that enables rapid development of XML configuration and communication systems. This framework aids the development of XML systems with minimal effort and reduced errors. It offers full object serialization and deserialization, maintaining each reference encountered. In essence it is similar to C# XML serialization for the Java platform, but offers additional features for interception and manipulation. . This package provides the Javadoc API for Simple. Package: libsingular4 Description-md5: e36adf6a0c8b8624187f7014148ba639 Description-gl: Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations -- library package SINGULAR is a Computer Algebra System (CAS) for polynomial computations with emphasis on the special needs of commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libsipwitch-dev Description-md5: bfa62e5bc46bda7086ef36f32c5cea72 Description-gl: secure peer-to-peer SIP VoIP server - development files GNU SIP Witch is a secure peer-to-peer VoIP server. Calls can be made even behind NAT firewalls, and without needing a service provider. SIP Witch can be used on the desktop to create bottom-up secure calling networks as a free software alternative to Skype. SIP Witch can also be used as a stand-alone SIP-based office telephone server, or to create secure VoIP networks for an existing IP-PBX such as Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, or Yate. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas estáticas. Package: libsipwitch1 Description-md5: f6ea3338ac2956f24fe3091c7cd51a4e Description-gl: secure peer-to-peer SIP VoIP server - shared libraries GNU SIP Witch is a secure peer-to-peer VoIP server. Calls can be made even behind NAT firewalls, and without needing a service provider. SIP Witch can be used on the desktop to create bottom-up secure calling networks as a free software alternative to Skype. SIP Witch can also be used as a stand-alone SIP-based office telephone server, or to create secure VoIP networks for an existing IP-PBX such as Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, or Yate. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libsipwitch1-dbg Description-md5: 79f6a18a7d2b7529ac7b89a238d4c4c3 Description-gl: secure peer-to-peer SIP VoIP server - debug symbols GNU SIP Witch is a secure peer-to-peer VoIP server. Calls can be made even behind NAT firewalls, and without needing a service provider. SIP Witch can be used on the desktop to create bottom-up secure calling networks as a free software alternative to Skype. SIP Witch can also be used as a stand-alone SIP-based office telephone server, or to create secure VoIP networks for an existing IP-PBX such as Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, or Yate. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsitemesh-java-doc Description-md5: 63c8650112700a21d70e9b5cf89a79b9 Description-gl: Documentación de libsitemesh-java Documentation for SiteMesh which is a framework that aids in creating large sites consisting of many web pages and applications for which a consistent look/feel, navigation and layout scheme is required. Package: libskinlf-java-demo Description-md5: 244c39c3148c2a3e2d2f6982a1d2db13 Description-gl: Swing Java docking framework - demos and examples Skin Look And Feel allows Java developers to write skinnable application using the Swing toolkit. Skin Look And Feel is able to load themepacks (a bundle of GTK+ - The Gimp Toolkit - and KDE - The K Desktop Environment - skins) to enhance your application GUI controls such as Buttons, Checks, Radios, Scrollbars, Progress Bar, Lists, Tables, Internal Frames, Colors, Background Textures, Regular Windows. . Skin Look And Feel (aka SkinLF) also includes NativeSkin to create irregular windows. . Este paquete contén os exemplos e ficheiros de demostración. Package: libskk-dbg Description-md5: 00afe098ddd25f402cc8c59763465e44 Description-gl: library to deal with Japanese kana-kanji conversion method - debugging symbols Library that provides GObject-based interface of Japanese input methods. Currently it supports SKK (Simple Kana Kanji) with various typing rules including romaji-to-kana, AZIK, ACT, TUT-Code, T-Code, and NICOLA. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libskk0 Description-md5: baf365b8f8c68eba3c0f34f5aeb396f4 Description-gl: library to deal with Japanese kana-kanji conversion method Library that provides GObject-based interface of Japanese input methods. Currently it supports SKK (Simple Kana Kanji) with various typing rules including romaji-to-kana, AZIK, ACT, TUT-Code, T-Code, and NICOLA. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libslang2-modules Description-md5: 1e964ad8c008b4e87762d66b0066a7b5 Description-gl: Shared modules for S-Lang language S-Lang é unha biblioteca de programador de C que inclúe rutinas para o desenvolvemento rápido de aplicativos sofisticados, acolledores e multiplataforma. . This package contains dynamically-loaded modules for S-Lang applications. Package: libslicot-dev Description-md5: ec83f9b5e4488bdf3452241e45ba7537 Description-gl: numerical algorithms from systems and control theory (static library) SLICOT (Subroutine Library In COntrol Theory) is a general purpose basic mathematical library for control theoretical computations. The library provides tools to perform essential system analysis and synthesis tasks. The main emphasis in SLICOT is on numerical reliability of implemented algorithms and the numerical robustness and efficiency of routines. Providing algorithmic flexibility and the use of rigorous implementation and documentation standards are other SLICOT features. . SLICOT is written is Fortran 77 and builds upon the numerical linear algebra routines from BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage). . Este paquete contén unha versión estática da biblioteca. Package: libslicot-doc Description-md5: da6c3466484b3ef934c0089f439e59a6 Description-gl: numerical algorithms from systems and control theory (documentation) SLICOT (Subroutine Library In COntrol Theory) is a general purpose basic mathematical library for control theoretical computations. The library provides tools to perform essential system analysis and synthesis tasks. The main emphasis in SLICOT is on numerical reliability of implemented algorithms and the numerical robustness and efficiency of routines. Providing algorithmic flexibility and the use of rigorous implementation and documentation standards are other SLICOT features. . SLICOT is written is Fortran 77 and builds upon the numerical linear algebra routines from BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage). . Este paquete contén a documentación de todas as rutinas. Tamén contén programas de exemplo asociados, datos e resultados de moitas rutinas. Package: libslicot0 Description-md5: 63b0f870cfb573c098c364712e686b49 Description-gl: numerical algorithms from systems and control theory (shared library) SLICOT (Subroutine Library In COntrol Theory) is a general purpose basic mathematical library for control theoretical computations. The library provides tools to perform essential system analysis and synthesis tasks. The main emphasis in SLICOT is on numerical reliability of implemented algorithms and the numerical robustness and efficiency of routines. Providing algorithmic flexibility and the use of rigorous implementation and documentation standards are other SLICOT features. . SLICOT is written is Fortran 77 and builds upon the numerical linear algebra routines from BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage). . Este paquete contén unha versión compartida da biblioteca. Package: libslurm31 Description-md5: 8fcc9ba96758ba343b922e3f7467f2d0 Description-gl: Ficheiros das bibliotecas de tempo de execución de SLURM SLURM, the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management, is an open-source cluster resource management and job scheduling. This package contains the SLURM runtime library. Package: libsmartcardpp1-dbg Description-md5: 19a89ca3af3dc87c5de946840cde5e71 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do smartcardpp smartcardpp is a set of C++ classes to manage Smart Card communications and to implement basic command primitives. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsmdev1 Description-md5: 03d08de27e40f9b053bad466dba6c5b4 Description-gl: storage media device access library libsmdev is a library to access to storage media devices. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsmf-dev Description-md5: e6f329b6f933e4161b9819cd7f6cd14a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca smf LibSMF is a BSD-licensed C library for handling SMF ("*.mid") files. . This package contains the development libraries, header files needed by programs that want to compile with LibSMF Package: libsmithwaterman0 Description-md5: aefb07a7cba8c668dbfd9aa090996f07 Description-gl: determine similar regions between two strings or genomic sequences (lib) The Smith–Waterman algorithm performs local sequence alignment; that is, for determining similar regions between two strings or nucleotide or protein sequences. Instead of looking at the total sequence, the Smith–Waterman algorithm compares segments of all possible lengths and optimizes the similarity measure. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsmraw1 Description-md5: dee097554f2b6d28429406de6f137733 Description-gl: split RAW image format access library libsmraw is a library to access the (split) RAW image format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsndobj-dev Description-md5: 744a496c94d68da32b0221b041795ce4 Description-gl: Sound Object library (development files) The Sound Object Library is an object-oriented audio processing library. It provides objects for synthesis and processing of sound that can be used to build applications for computer-generated music. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsnmp-perl Description-md5: 5ee88a696b0fa001f969ddb758d70f1f Description-gl: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Perl5 support O Protocolo simple de xestión de rede (SNMP) fornece unha infraestrutura para o intercambio de información para a xestión da información entre axentes (servidores) e clientes. . The Net-SNMP Perl5 support files provide the Perl functions for integration of SNMP into applications written in Perl. Package: libsnmpkit-dev Description-md5: 1062e6285974866cb732d9af3b219491 Description-gl: multithreaded SNMP connection library Este paquete contén cabezallos e bibliotecas estáticas para o paquete libsnmpkit2. Package: libsoapysdr0.6 Description-md5: d14a42c7597dbb32defcaa0f0d64ec7f Description-gl: software defined radio interface library SoapySDR is a library providing a common interface to SDR (software defined radio) hardware. Support for different hardware is added through external modules. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsoci-core3.2v5 Description-md5: 31c75454fb08d2899ddf5ddaddc23bea Description-gl: C++ Database Access Library Database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within Standard C++. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsocialweb-client-dev Description-md5: d32c0ead6196cb04bb984ba0c6bd80ef Description-gl: client library to access socialweb server (development headers) This library allows programmatic access to information available from the socialweb social data server. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libsocialweb-client-doc Description-md5: d841b2ee461d140693bfaeb65a9ae189 Description-gl: client library to access socialweb server (documentation) This library allows programmatic access to information available from the socialweb social data server. . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: libsocialweb-common Description-md5: ba6d543aaf9e77ff81f6dc8982bec742 Description-gl: socialweb library to fetch data from social service (common files) A social data server which will fetch data from the "social web", such as blog posts and photos, upcoming events, recently played tracks, and pending auctions. It also provides a service to update status on supported web services such as Facebook and Twitter. Libsocialweb can be accessed via D-Bus, or with a custom socialweb client. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns que precisan as bibliotecas Package: libsocialweb-dev Description-md5: 385aa3cca9d586abe83d00a53d5d24eb Description-gl: socialweb library to fetch data from social service (dev. headers) A social data server which will fetch data from the "social web", such as blog posts and photos, upcoming events, recently played tracks, and pending auctions. It also provides a service to update status on supported web services such as Facebook and Twitter. Libsocialweb can be accessed via D-Bus, or with a custom socialweb client. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libsocialweb-doc Description-md5: e0f504198ae13574f1630c34a49f4723 Description-gl: socialweb library to fetch data from social service (documentation) A social data server which will fetch data from the "social web", such as blog posts and photos, upcoming events, recently played tracks, and pending auctions. It also provides a service to update status on supported web services such as Facebook and Twitter. Libsocialweb can be accessed via D-Bus, or with a custom socialweb client. . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: libsolid4 Description-md5: 8c2c3226e5dda352478cce6495d83808 Description-gl: Solid Library for KDE Platform Soli é unha infraestrutura de integración de dispositivos. Fornece unha maneira de consultar e interactuar co hardware independentemente do sistema operativo subxacente. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libsombok-dev Description-md5: 52846f6cd13fba1ac5d444a677039181 Description-gl: Unicode Text Segmentation library (development files) Sombok library performs Line Breaking Algorithm described in Unicode Standards Annex #14 (UAX #14). East_Asian_Width informative properties defined by Annex #11 (UAX #11) may be concerned to determin breaking positions. This library also implements “default†Grapheme Cluster segmentation described in Annex #29 (UAX #29). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsope-dev Description-md5: c10883bbcc0d0514ed87f5d63e340068 Description-gl: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (development files) An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsope1 Description-md5: 003bea550b2dd06ebf538363d970d82b Description-gl: SKYRiX Object Publishing Environment (shared libraries) An extensive set of Objective-C frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver that has been extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libsopt-dev Description-md5: ba9b7754a5bac80355a0263f4fdce0f7 Description-gl: Development package for Sparse OPTimisation library SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA algorithm. . SOPT is largely provided to support the PURIFY package, a companion open- source code to perform radio interferometric imaging, also written by the authors of SOPT. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsopt2.0 Description-md5: 11e0e4aea8c231f5fc9490981eadcc74 Description-gl: Sparse OPTimisation shared library SOPT is a C package to perform Sparse OPTimisation. It solves a variety of sparse regularisation problems, including the SARA algorithm. . SOPT is largely provided to support the PURIFY package, a companion open- source code to perform radio interferometric imaging, also written by the authors of SOPT. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsoundio-dev Description-md5: 82d84138360d06d496c0429a66a34be2 Description-gl: cross platform audio input and output library (development files) libsoundio is a lightweight abstraction over various sound drivers. It provides a well-documented API that operates consistently regardless of the sound driver it connects to. It performs no buffering or processing on your behalf; instead exposing the raw power of the underlying backend. . libsoundio is appropriate for games, music players, digital audio workstations, and various utilities. . libsoundio is serious about robustness. It even handles out of memory conditions correctly. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsoundio1 Description-md5: ab38558e8bf6559fc68033726b1fdff0 Description-gl: cross-platform audio input and output library libsoundio is a lightweight abstraction over various sound drivers. It provides a well-documented API that operates consistently regardless of the sound driver it connects to. It performs no buffering or processing on your behalf; instead exposing the raw power of the underlying backend. . libsoundio is appropriate for games, music players, digital audio workstations, and various utilities. . libsoundio is serious about robustness. It even handles out of memory conditions correctly. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsource-highlight-qt4-3 Description-md5: e11a71796d80462cd7a12686d47c4fc6 Description-gl: Syntax highlighting library for Qt (shared library) A library for performing syntax highlighting in Qt using the GNU Source- Highlight library . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsox-dev Description-md5: 1795496664ecb4ebe868dbf0c76aeb58 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca SoX SoX is the swiss army knife of sound processing. . This library allow you to convert various formats of computer audio files in to other formats. It also allows you to apply various effects to sound files. . This package contains the development files for the SoX library. Package: libsoxr-dev Description-md5: 4e469fcf562dfd88d6ed1f3567fa556d Description-gl: High quality 1D sample-rate conversion library (development files) The SoX Resampler library `libsoxr' performs one-dimensional sample-rate conversion - it may be used, for example, to resample PCM-encoded audio. . It aims to give fast and high quality results for any constant (rational or irrational) resampling ratio. Phase-response, preserved bandwidth, aliasing, and rejection level parameters are all configurable; alternatively, simple `preset' configurations may be selected. . A simple API is provided that allows interfacing using commonly-used sample formats and buffering schemes. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libspandsp-dev Description-md5: 8649e5b0d45c6bc1029ac18c36f0fbff Description-gl: Telephony signal processing library - development headers a low-level signal processing library that modulates and demodulates signals commonly used in telephony, such as the "noise" generated by a fax modem or DTMF touchpad. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os cabezallos de desenvolvemento. Package: libspandsp2 Description-md5: 7e2dd19d785731e5d551391e8303e999 Description-gl: Telephony signal processing library a low-level signal processing library that modulate and demodulate signals commonly used in telephony, such as the "noise" generated by a fax modem or DTMF touchpad. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libspark-java-doc Description-md5: 1b5176f5217a8c79e1851ded5726dcd3 Description-gl: Java package to draw sparklines (documentation) Sparklines are intense, simple, wordlike graphics. They can be used to convey information in line graph or barchart form within a paragraph. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libspatialindex-dev Description-md5: 92f657e8b3b28abf257d650b80a5adc2 Description-gl: General framework for developing spatial indices - development files Spatialindex is a C++ library that provides a framework for developing spatial indices. Currently it defines generic interfaces, provides simple main memory and disk based storage managers and a robust implementation of an R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento precisos para construÃr programas de terceiros. Package: libspdylay-dev Description-md5: 80f4ddf7087d70b34df1a9324e918d77 Description-gl: implementation of SPDY protocol in C - development files This library provides SPDY version 2, 3 and 3.1 framing layer implementation. It does not perform any I/O operations. When the library needs them, it calls the callback functions provided by the application. It also does not include any event polling mechanism, so the application can freely choose the way of handling events . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libspectrum-dev Description-md5: 8c0165fe0df07cb34ea2b31b7fab0596 Description-gl: Biblioteca do emulador do Spectrum ZX - Ficheiros de desenvolvemento libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy. . So far it handles: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and .pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Disk images: .dsk (both plain and extended), .d40, .d80, .fdi, .img, .mgt, .opd, .sad, .scl, .td0, .trd and .udi (identification only). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libspectrum8 Description-md5: 69091c33a109e292f11ebdc04b73b56e Description-gl: Biblioteca do emulador do Spectrum ZX - Bibliotecas compartidas libspectrum is a fairly simple library designed to make the handling of various ZX Spectrum emulator-related file formats easy. . So far it handles: * Snapshots: .z80, .szx, .sna (all read/write), .zxs, .sp., .snp and +D snapshots (read only). * Tape images: .tzx, .tap, .spc, .sta and .ltp (read/write) and .pzx, Warajevo .tap, Z80Em and CSW version 1 (read only). * Input recordings: .rzx (read/write). * Disk images: .dsk (both plain and extended), .d40, .d80, .fdi, .img, .mgt, .opd, .sad, .scl, .td0, .trd and .udi (identification only). * Timex cartridges: .dck (read only). * IDE hard disk images: .hdf (read/write). * Microdrive cartridge images: .mdr (read/write). . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libspf2-2-dbg Description-md5: 9ae726e5e8a17437e7b21d8b7cdf3d0a Description-gl: Biblioteca para validar remitentes de correo con SPF (sÃmbolos de depuración) libspf2 implements the Sender Policy Framework, a part of the SPF/SRS protocol pair. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsphinxbase3 Description-md5: 5fa18029a988cb1711f32f78d8c5b5e3 Description-gl: Speech recognition tool - shared library CMU Sphinx is a large vocabulary, speaker-independent continuous speech recognition engine. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libspin-java-doc Description-md5: f5f239c498c235877131aa4b3349f773 Description-gl: transparent threading solution for non-freezing Swing applications (docs) Swing is the standard component architecture for developing Java desktop applications. Its exhaustive collection of widgets is the foundation for easy development of rich graphical user interfaces (GUI). . Alas every non trivial GUI sooner or later encounters the problem of "freeze". This annoying behaviour is experienced by users every time the application performs extensive calculations or blocks for network or disk I/O. . Spin offers a revolutionary new approach. It offers transparent thread handling with minimal impact on your application code. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: libspnav0 Description-md5: 7bfbe40fbae628f97b4c03a34aeda9c7 Description-gl: Library to access 3D-input-devices (development files) The spacenav project provides a free, compatible alternative to the proprietary 3Dconnexion SDK for their 3D input devices (called "space navigator", "space pilot", "space traveller", etc). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libsprng2 Description-md5: 11d3fc20f81a74689bbdb69b37ad9811 Description-gl: SPRNG Scalable Parallel RNG library -- library package The SPRNG (Scalable Parallel Random Number Generator) library provides several RNGs that are suitable for use in parallel computing. . URL: . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas necesarias para executar programas construÃdos con SPRNG. Package: libsqlcipher-dev Description-md5: 80ef21bfc6cf78a27bb59c41c04e323f Description-gl: SQLCipher development files SQLCipher is a C library that implements an encryption in the SQLite 3 database engine. Programs that link with the SQLCipher library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. It allows one to have per-database or page-by-page encryption using AES-256 from OpenSSL. . SQLCipher has a small footprint and great performance so it’s ideal for protecting embedded application databases and is well suited for mobile development. . * as little as 5-15% overhead for encryption * 100% of data in the database file is encrypted * Uses good security practices (CBC mode, key derivation) * Zero-configuration and application level cryptography * Algorithms provided by the peer reviewed OpenSSL crypto library. . SQLCipher has broad platform support for with C/C++, Obj-C, QT, Win32/.NET/Mono, Java, Python, Ruby, Linux, Mac OS X, iPhone/iOS, Android, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras, bibliotecas estáticas) . SQLCipher v3.4.1 is based on SQLite3 v3.15.2. Package: libsqlexpr-ocaml Description-md5: f1866fa19a4f2f99b1aa12ce4f644257 Description-gl: type-safe, convenient SQLite database access (runtime) Minimalistic library and syntax extension for type-safe, convenient execution of SQL statements. Currently compatible with Sqlite3. . Sqlexpr features: * automated prepared statement caching, param binding, data extraction, error checking (including automatic stmt reset to avoid BUSY/LOCKED errors in subsequent queries), stmt finalization on db close, etc. * HOFs like iter, fold, transaction * support for different concurrency models: everything is functorized over a THREAD monad, so you can for instance do concurrent folds/iters with Lwt * support for SQL stmt syntax checks and some extra semantic checking (column names, etc) . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libsqlite-tcl Description-md5: 918f092ba00b0b9e68311d15278e5d85 Description-gl: SQLite 2 Tcl bindings SQLite é unha biblioteca en C que implementa un motor de base de datos en SQL. Os programas que ligan coa biblioteca SQLite pode ter acceso a base de datos en SQL sen ter que executar un proceso RDBMS separado. . NOTE: This package is SQLite version 2. Most programs that use SQLite use SQLite version 3. See the "libsqlite3-tcl" package for that. . This package contains the Tcl bindings. Package: libsqlite0 Description-md5: 144f79bc0a34bbcd63251807fb0c44c4 Description-gl: SQLite 2 shared library SQLite é unha biblioteca en C que implementa un motor de base de datos en SQL. Os programas que ligan coa biblioteca SQLite pode ter acceso a base de datos en SQL sen ter que executar un proceso RDBMS separado. . NOTE: This package is SQLite version 2. Most programs that use SQLite use SQLite version 3. See the "libsqlite3-0" package for that. Package: libsqlite0-dev Description-md5: 9aab13e94844cb60f47c2875a2a85355 Description-gl: SQLite 2 development files SQLite é unha biblioteca en C que implementa un motor de base de datos en SQL. Os programas que ligan coa biblioteca SQLite pode ter acceso a base de datos en SQL sen ter que executar un proceso RDBMS separado. . NOTE: This package is SQLite version 2. Most programs that use SQLite use SQLite version 3. See the "libsqlite3-dev" package for that. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras, bibliotecas estáticas) Package: libsqlite3-tcl Description-md5: cb33fef2641311d660662ee9d18d437c Description-gl: SQLite 3 Tcl bindings SQLite é unha biblioteca en C que implementa un motor de base de datos en SQL. Os programas que ligan coa biblioteca SQLite pode ter acceso a base de datos en SQL sen ter que executar un proceso RDBMS separado. . This package contains the Tcl bindings. Package: libsqljet-java-doc Description-md5: 06410bd0e10226c0e6c2e7e2304aeb23 Description-gl: Documentación da API de libsqljet-java SQLJet is a software library that provides API that enables Java application to read and modify SQLite databases. SQLJet does not support SQL queries; there is an API to work with the database on a lower level. . This package contains the Javadoc generated API documentation. Package: libsrecord0v5-dbg Description-md5: 717e5f60ab1977b5adac94aa3ace34e2 Description-gl: library for manipulating EPROM load files (debugging symbols) The srecord library is a collection of powerful C++ classes for manipulating EPROM load files. It reads and writes numerous EPROM file formats, and can perform many different manipulations. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das ferramentas srecord e da biblioteca. Package: libsrtp0 Description-md5: b86be50185de339144d91624003e7952 Description-gl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - shared library SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libsrtp0-dev Description-md5: c6e942175d47f415610fe706fc70b559 Description-gl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - development files SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas estáticas. Package: libsrtp2-1 Description-md5: b86be50185de339144d91624003e7952 Description-gl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - shared library SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libsrtp2-1-dbg Description-md5: e258deedbff64170fe933f955167011a Description-gl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - debugging symbols SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsrtp2-dev Description-md5: c6e942175d47f415610fe706fc70b559 Description-gl: Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - development files SRTP is a security profile for RTP that adds confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to that protocol. It is specified in RFC 3711. . LibSRTP provides an implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas estáticas. Package: libssh2-1-dbg Description-md5: cd1ab478ff368ea5d4a8b7bece7e7342 Description-gl: SSH2 client-side library (debug package) libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol. It supports regular terminal, SCP and SFTP (v1-v5) sessions; port forwarding, X11 forwarding; password, key-based and keyboard-interactive authentication. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libssh2-1-dev Description-md5: 069490795958c24c9fe87f4f276ea25c Description-gl: SSH2 client-side library (development headers) libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol. It supports regular terminal, SCP and SFTP (v1-v5) sessions; port forwarding, X11 forwarding; password, key-based and keyboard-interactive authentication. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libstaden-read-dev Description-md5: 15cfe00340abc3feace01b3777be2c6c Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libstaden-read This package contains the header and development files needed to build programs and packages using the Staden io_lib. . The io_lib from the Staden package is a library of file reading and writing code to provide a general purpose trace file (and Experiment File) reading interface. It has been compiled and tested on a variety of unix systems, MacOS X and MS Windows. Package: libstarlink-pal-dev Description-md5: 2fcebae6660cb5fb5c51bac9c69c931a Description-gl: Positional Astronomy Library (development files) This library is a collection of code designed to aid in replacing the SLA library with code from NOVAS and ERFA. . Where possible the API is similar to the C SLA API except for the use of a "pal" prefix. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libstaroffice-doc Description-md5: 87bebe27e28e1c7ad21346afeb4af24c Description-gl: Import filter library to import all StarOffice documents -- documentation The purpose of libstaroffice is to build a filter for old StarOffice's documents (.sdc, .sdw, ...) based on librevenge (see and ). . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libstarpufft-1.2-0 Description-md5: a1e84fcd5b7aa1a04d6c8089b0a0ecef Description-gl: Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible. . Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de FFT CPU+GPU hÃbrida. Package: libstaxutils-java-doc Description-md5: 31ee21123a5c00ca98dd75e3b04d6723 Description-gl: a set of utility classes to integrate StAX into existing XML (documentation) The purpose of this project is to help facilitate the adoption of JSR-173: Streaming API for XML (StAX) by providing a set of utility classes that make it easy for developers to integrate StAX into their existing XML processing applications. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: libstdc++-4.8-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libstdc++-4.8-doc Description-md5: 1a4b88b8d9f96dfb2ac2be1049b4db01 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de documentación) This package contains documentation files for the GNU stdc++ library. . One set is the distribution documentation, the other set is the source documentation including a namespace list, class hierarchy, alphabetical list, compound list, file list, namespace members, compound members and file members. Package: libstdc++-5-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 7a3cb52d8fde0a0d323427db38057610 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 2c7e3503793ee58c31e3f3fdda6ca624 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: e0f522effc3ef2c4d0d7345165231788 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 918ad95d39a63b9b7c5e2d45f913e11c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 3fb2e1698664a0c762b35cbf6d5b6e8b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: fbd481450dbad832c1831afd5ccd8b75 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 5d52cf490003a50a488b640410f4267a Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 671ec68b398001f5a11e3d20aeeb8fcc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 67596daac5df2140bbe417824fcdd2e9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 2c0512194a823c39b43d4eeb9e5b4fb3 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 2a2aa127ed9c499d57417a7065fccc24 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 274f842beb619f398aad60c66d68e48c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e1d2a1805210b79a82b3dc2162308776 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4169349002915f58859aff33a61f1cdb Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 516bf3a49f26617ec38f52b083764aa9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 916afea2652eaddf758f534f6a630c17 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 3aadfa05e616958c00238c2306682c22 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-5-doc Description-md5: 1a4b88b8d9f96dfb2ac2be1049b4db01 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de documentación) This package contains documentation files for the GNU stdc++ library. . One set is the distribution documentation, the other set is the source documentation including a namespace list, class hierarchy, alphabetical list, compound list, file list, namespace members, compound members and file members. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 7a3cb52d8fde0a0d323427db38057610 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-arm64-cross Description-md5: 2c7e3503793ee58c31e3f3fdda6ca624 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: e0f522effc3ef2c4d0d7345165231788 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-armhf-cross Description-md5: 918ad95d39a63b9b7c5e2d45f913e11c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 3fb2e1698664a0c762b35cbf6d5b6e8b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: fbd481450dbad832c1831afd5ccd8b75 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 5d52cf490003a50a488b640410f4267a Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 671ec68b398001f5a11e3d20aeeb8fcc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 67596daac5df2140bbe417824fcdd2e9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 2c0512194a823c39b43d4eeb9e5b4fb3 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 2a2aa127ed9c499d57417a7065fccc24 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 274f842beb619f398aad60c66d68e48c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e1d2a1805210b79a82b3dc2162308776 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: 4169349002915f58859aff33a61f1cdb Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 516bf3a49f26617ec38f52b083764aa9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 916afea2652eaddf758f534f6a630c17 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-6-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 3aadfa05e616958c00238c2306682c22 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 7a3cb52d8fde0a0d323427db38057610 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: e0f522effc3ef2c4d0d7345165231788 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 3fb2e1698664a0c762b35cbf6d5b6e8b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: fbd481450dbad832c1831afd5ccd8b75 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 5d52cf490003a50a488b640410f4267a Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 671ec68b398001f5a11e3d20aeeb8fcc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 67596daac5df2140bbe417824fcdd2e9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 2c0512194a823c39b43d4eeb9e5b4fb3 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 274f842beb619f398aad60c66d68e48c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: e1d2a1805210b79a82b3dc2162308776 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 516bf3a49f26617ec38f52b083764aa9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 916afea2652eaddf758f534f6a630c17 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++-7-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 3aadfa05e616958c00238c2306682c22 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++5 Description-md5: 0d9e16c1643615790d2596c07d8ac398 Description-gl: The GNU Standard C++ Library v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libstdc++6-4.8-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: d459c202210d06ea74a75d685565133c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ae02a705a17c5cc528c0a9e6c98d4c1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 43da218d4019037e07a1eb1da24d91e8 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: e087f319324ad2d4a674264c79c09975 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 4cab8ace61998ea15773a18015faf00a Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 608421ddb89304ab20588acaf67ee10b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: bb48ab102b7cf29f289542e2e69f71e9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: ac1bba3295e4fe2572314658365d3cf1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 6934e922d7ac3e1925c655be1cfee2ac Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-5-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1fa87d1c324ac5703a76d7201f2084f Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: d459c202210d06ea74a75d685565133c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ae02a705a17c5cc528c0a9e6c98d4c1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 43da218d4019037e07a1eb1da24d91e8 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: e087f319324ad2d4a674264c79c09975 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 4cab8ace61998ea15773a18015faf00a Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 608421ddb89304ab20588acaf67ee10b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: bb48ab102b7cf29f289542e2e69f71e9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: ac1bba3295e4fe2572314658365d3cf1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 6934e922d7ac3e1925c655be1cfee2ac Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-6-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1fa87d1c324ac5703a76d7201f2084f Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-alpha-cross Description-md5: d459c202210d06ea74a75d685565133c Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-arm64-cross Description-md5: 4ae02a705a17c5cc528c0a9e6c98d4c1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for arm64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-armel-cross Description-md5: e13328d8f1c538b5b76a3cd7870c3547 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-armhf-cross Description-md5: 030ba6d3ccd105cb8d2f87e2c083cbfc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for armhf architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-hppa-cross Description-md5: 43da218d4019037e07a1eb1da24d91e8 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-m68k-cross Description-md5: e087f319324ad2d4a674264c79c09975 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-mips-cross Description-md5: 824c580ff9804d836bb9332f4dcd52fc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-mips64-cross Description-md5: 020b84d9070de2daed4b46979e30ac48 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 0418a6fd92b44527a12215323ef2fd4d Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-mipsel-cross Description-md5: ec75a8ebc6ba0d5bcf6eb0f8f49e0409 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-powerpc-cross Description-md5: 054e32b0b032342e77abb5168758fcce Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpc architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 4cab8ace61998ea15773a18015faf00a Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 608421ddb89304ab20588acaf67ee10b Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-ppc64el-cross Description-md5: bb48ab102b7cf29f289542e2e69f71e9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for ppc64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-s390x-cross Description-md5: ac1bba3295e4fe2572314658365d3cf1 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-sh4-cross Description-md5: 6934e922d7ac3e1925c655be1cfee2ac Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-7-dbg-sparc64-cross Description-md5: a1fa87d1c324ac5703a76d7201f2084f Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-alpha-cross Description-md5: 6037e05d77fb034e21dd3cdb8bb979b7 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for alpha architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-armel-cross Description-md5: eda1ad736b6e2e217596d4fe0189c347 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for armel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-hppa-cross Description-md5: 89fd8853ef4e1808b032f7e4fbbce3f9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for hppa architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-m68k-cross Description-md5: 010ae4ad5839d72594570d1d6dd1b8a5 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for m68k architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips-cross Description-md5: 91ce4759aac8773b7d6dacd8080803c2 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips64-cross Description-md5: 64b7d4b6198f0208e6dde75c8abae331 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 507e40471ccfd2cd5877ffafa36425e5 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mips64el architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 9352a379c2a84c792adc27a2563b9340 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for mipsel architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 056e21caf535d2ceafcfa82a6031fc0e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for powerpcspe architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 43fa41b5dc41a38bae7a5bd6cf360af9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for ppc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-s390x-cross Description-md5: ce343de12588f7acbd1475083bac0afc Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for s390x architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-sh4-cross Description-md5: 799dad04f4ac1a65f1d7fdc9927d5da9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sh4 architecture, for use in cross-compile environment. Package: libstdc++6-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 1b2910ec1d3c2c7e8eed1dfa55362be9 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 Este paquete contén unha biblioteca de tempo de execución adicional para os programas en C++ construÃdos co compilador de GNU. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. . This package contains files for sparc64 architecture, for use in cross- compile environment. Package: libsteptalk-dev Description-md5: 861dcdd2dd95c4e24044f4f7357b8c35 Description-gl: GNUstep Scripting Framework (development files) StepTalk is a scripting framework for creating scriptable servers or applications. StepTalk, when combined with the dynamism of the Objective-C language, goes way beyond mere scripting. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento e as cabeceiras. Package: libsteptalk0 Description-md5: 55bb8932d619b5f245c90da8442fcf99 Description-gl: GNUstep Scripting Framework (library files) StepTalk is a scripting framework for creating scriptable servers or applications. StepTalk, when combined with the dynamism of the Objective-C language, goes way beyond mere scripting. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libstfl-dev Description-md5: 15b3e9d29849c03fd6930a7d0ac21393 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libstfl stfl is a library which implements a curses-based widget set for text terminals. . This package contains the development files required to build software that uses libstfl. Package: libstreamanalyzer-dev Description-md5: ae2b314826856bd46062ce85a299bbdc Description-gl: development files for libstreamanalyzer This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains the Strigi development files for libstreamanalyzer. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstreamanalyzer0v5 Description-md5: 15968183a68ec6cdc932daffbc5d3b11 Description-gl: streamanalyzer library for Strigi Desktop Search This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains a library for analyzing data read from streams. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstreams-dev Description-md5: 0a04a72faf4b8e6df75fa1f9f6794137 Description-gl: development files for libstreams This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains the Strigi development files for libstreams. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstreams0v5 Description-md5: 7a071e763d952398ed9633caa3e98eb8 Description-gl: streams library for Strigi Desktop Search This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains a library for input streams of data. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstrigihtmlgui-dev Description-md5: a83a1bca32d3beb0b69ab13945ae0d15 Description-gl: development files for libstrigihtmlgui This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains the Strigi development files for libstrigihtmlgui. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstrigihtmlgui0v5 Description-md5: d566419581f8467b8c26748c2c218e1b Description-gl: library for writing html clients for Strigi Desktop Search This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains a library for writing HTML clients. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstrigiqtdbusclient-dev Description-md5: e7e06398fb48a5a6ddab08d0d05c74fa Description-gl: development files for libstrigiqtdbusclient This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains the Strigi development files for libstrigiqtdbusclient. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstrigiqtdbusclient0 Description-md5: 2703de9b0e91707ca30a717d14c9dca5 Description-gl: library for writing D-Bus clients for Strigi Desktop Search This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search; it contains a library for writing Qt D-Bus clients for strigi. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: libstrophe-dev Description-md5: 6cd25cbb495f967c8648ecdc7dad08f2 Description-gl: Library for writing XMPP clients - development files libstrophe is a lightweight XMPP client library written in C. It has minimal dependencies and is configurable for various environments. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libstrophe0 Description-md5: 51b3da4908c7956a5002a69e692bd220 Description-gl: Library for writing XMPP clients - shared library libstrophe is a lightweight XMPP client library written in C. It has minimal dependencies and is configurable for various environments. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libstxxl-doc Description-md5: ceda35b18e5c6736429687f3705adc72 Description-gl: Documentación de STXXL STXXL provides an STL replacement using an abstraction layer to storage devices to allow for the optimal layout of data structures. This allows for multi-terabyte datasets to be held and manipulated in standard C++ data structures, whilst abstracting the complexity of managing this behaviour efficiently. STXXL utilises multi-disk I/O to speed up I/O bound calculations. STXXL has been developed at the University of Karlsruhe. . Documentación da biblioteca STXXL. Package: libstxxl1-dbg Description-md5: dedf0efea0492f2cd9c878c4760d00aa Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas do STXXL STXXL provides an STL replacement using an abstraction layer to storage devices to allow for the optimal layout of data structures. This allows for multi-terabyte datasets to be held and manipulated in standard C++ data structures, whilst abstracting the complexity of managing this behaviour efficiently. STXXL utilises multi-disk I/O to speed up I/O bound calculations. STXXL has been developed at the University of Karlsruhe. . SÃmbolos de depuración do STXXL, requiridos para depurar programas que empregan a biblioteca STXXL Package: libstyx2 Description-md5: 8efc7c06045e1e2fc95046c30d87afdb Description-gl: Bibliotecas de tempo de execución de styx Dynamically linked programs containing lexical scanners or parsers developed with styx depend on this library. . It implements abstract grammar, LALR(1) parser and lexical scanner interfaces, hashed symbol tables and supporting data types. Package: libsubtitleeditor-dev Description-md5: d99453baefd1fef4be7dc7d337b36425 Description-gl: subtitleeditor lib - development files Editor de SubtÃtulos é unha ferramenta en GTK+3 para editar subtÃtulos. Pódese empregar con subtÃtulos novos ou como ferramenta para transformar, editar, corrixir e refinar subtÃtulos xa existentes. . Este programa mostra tamén as ondas sonoras, o que facilita a sincronización dos subtÃtulos coas voces. . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libsubtitleeditor0 Description-md5: 31e80a3d2ed546c0512558cc27adcfb5 Description-gl: subtitleeditor lib - runtime files Editor de SubtÃtulos é unha ferramenta en GTK+3 para editar subtÃtulos. Pódese empregar con subtÃtulos novos ou como ferramenta para transformar, editar, corrixir e refinar subtÃtulos xa existentes. . Este programa mostra tamén as ondas sonoras, o que facilita a sincronización dos subtÃtulos coas voces. . Runtime files. Package: libsugarext-data Description-md5: 767f1c52726420f8dfa2bcef7aecfa49 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit common files A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . This contains the common files (translations) used by the runtime library. Package: libsugarext-dbg Description-md5: 9e87be0ecb5dbd11a6f253eed08947dc Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit debugging symbols A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . This package contains detached debugging symbols. Package: libsugarext-dev Description-md5: a05c71a5dbebdee1312bb1c44c6c1d17 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit development files A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . This package contains the files needed for development. Package: libsugarext0 Description-md5: c798b8899532d2a9b8c095a2cbb6d319 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit runtime library A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . This package contains the runtime library. Package: libsuil-0-0 Description-md5: ec2a5551018df35a7a63f802afbe518d Description-gl: library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs Suil makes it possible to load a UI of any toolkit in a host using any other toolkit (assuming the toolkits are both supported by Suil). Hosts do not need to build against or link to foreign toolkit libraries to use UIs written with that toolkit (Suil performs its magic at runtime using dynamically loaded modules). The API is designed such that hosts do not need to explicitly support particular toolkits whatsoever - if Suil supports a particular toolkit, then all hosts that use Suil will support that toolkit "for free". Suil currently supports GTK-2+ and QT5 . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsuil-dev Description-md5: 4c6a5e032cc702125939a866ad0b0c42 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de suil Suil makes it possible to load a UI of any toolkit in a host using any other toolkit (assuming the toolkits are both supported by Suil). Hosts do not need to build against or link to foreign toolkit libraries to use UIs written with that toolkit (Suil performs its magic at runtime using dynamically loaded modules). The API is designed such that hosts do not need to explicitly support particular toolkits whatsoever - if Suil supports a particular toolkit, then all hosts that use Suil will support that toolkit "for free". Suil currently supports GTK-2+ and QT5 . This package provides the development files for suil. Package: libsvg-perl Description-md5: 9d43a9357fd77fcdfa3e9908cdece64f Description-gl: perl module to generate SVG images Este paquete fornece unha extensión en Perl para xerar imaxes SVG (gráficos vectoriais escalábeis) autónomas ou na liña empregando a recomendación de xml de SVG do W3C. Package: libsvg-tt-graph-perl Description-md5: 02581abf19da0e38cf3ef68198cb40e8 Description-gl: Módulo para crear gráficas vectoriais SVG::TT::Graph é un módulo en Perl que permite crear facilmente gráficos vectoriais escalábeis (SVG) para distintos tipos de gráficas, incluÃdo os de sectores, liñas, barras e series temporais. Tamén é posÃbel crear e estender os tipos existentes cos propios. Package: libsvm-dev Description-md5: 48d7d425fdb518dcb32d734698116832 Description-gl: LIBSVM header files LIBSVM, a machine-learning library, is an easy-to-use package for support vector classification, regression and one-class SVM. It supports multi- class classification, probability outputs, and parameter selection. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libsvnkit-java-doc Description-md5: ca4c2b968b7344371e82707e2f06b614 Description-gl: Documentación de libsvnkit-java Documentation for SVNKit, which is a Java library that provides APIs to work with Subversion repositories and working copies. SVNKit features direct repository access as well as support for all high level Subversion operations that are available via the command-line Subversion client. Package: libsvrcore-dev Description-md5: 6f61e00bceca40bb2fcfae3879888704 Description-gl: Development files for Netscape's secure PIN storage library Svrcore é unha biblioteca para xestionar solicitudes de PIN da biblioteca Servizo de seguranza de rede (NSS) de Mozilla. Fornece un método estándar para que os servidores permitan a introdución de PIN desde un ficheiro ou desde o terminal .Tamén hai un xestor de PIN que atrapa o PIN na memoria após descifralo cunha clave almacenada nun dispositivo de PKCS11, permitindo asà que un servidor se reinicie sen reintroducir o PIN. . This package contains header files and symlinks to develop programs which will use the libsvrcore library. You should install this package if you need to develop programs which will use the svrcore library. Package: libsvrcore0 Description-md5: 5ba2f701db98bc20eeed9f12e3abf871 Description-gl: Netscape's secure PIN storage library Svrcore é unha biblioteca para xestionar solicitudes de PIN da biblioteca Servizo de seguranza de rede (NSS) de Mozilla. Fornece un método estándar para que os servidores permitan a introdución de PIN desde un ficheiro ou desde o terminal .Tamén hai un xestor de PIN que atrapa o PIN na memoria após descifralo cunha clave almacenada nun dispositivo de PKCS11, permitindo asà que un servidor se reinicie sen reintroducir o PIN. Package: libswami-dev Description-md5: 468f367402d96d438b1ad713c47567b2 Description-gl: Editor de instrumentos MIDI - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments) is an application for editing and managing MIDI instruments, such as SoundFont files. A programming API is also provided for integration with other applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: libswami0 Description-md5: 9d07b5dd93b71c402e69bb8cafec147f Description-gl: Editor de instrumentos MIDI - bibliotecas compartidas Swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments) is an application for editing and managing MIDI instruments, such as SoundFont files. A programming API is also provided for integration with other applications. . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libswe-doc Description-md5: 4f373bff40696ed618ace5f528075842 Description-gl: Documentación do paquete libswe This package includes all documentation for the libswe package including pdfs, html and text files. swisseph.(pdf|html) General Documentation for the Swiss Ephemeris. swephprg.(pdf|html) Programming interface to the Swiss Ephemeris. Package: libsword-dev Description-md5: 626d1f4f7f82b6723dda2b44a0b1000e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libsword The SWORD Project is an open source, cross-platform (Linux, Windows, Solaris, MacOSX etc.) API/library for Bible software with a constantly growing list of front-ends (GUI, textmode, web-based, etc.) and a library of over 200 text modules. . This package contains the static libraries and headers for developing applications that use the SWORD library. Package: libswresample-dev Description-md5: 34f0c0961bf2caa9bd7bc04f11f83f53 Description-gl: FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Resampling is the process of changing the audio rate, for example from a high sample rate of 44100Hz to 8000Hz. Audio conversion from high to low sample rate is a lossy process. Several resampling options and algorithms are available. * Rematrixing is the process of changing the channel layout, for example from stereo to mono. When the input channels cannot be mapped to the output streams, the process is lossy, since it involves different gain factors and mixing. Various other audio conversions (e.g. stretching and padding) are enabled through dedicated options. * Format conversion is the process of converting the type of samples, for example from 16-bit signed samples to unsigned 8-bit or float samples. It also handles packing conversion, when passing from packed layout (all samples belonging to distinct channels interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same channel stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libswresample2 Description-md5: 66f4103de8764db87a02371849313a17 Description-gl: FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library provides performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Resampling is the process of changing the audio rate, for example from a high sample rate of 44100Hz to 8000Hz. Audio conversion from high to low sample rate is a lossy process. Several resampling options and algorithms are available. * Rematrixing is the process of changing the channel layout, for example from stereo to mono. When the input channels cannot be mapped to the output streams, the process is lossy, since it involves different gain factors and mixing. Various other audio conversions (e.g. stretching and padding) are enabled through dedicated options. * Format conversion is the process of converting the type of samples, for example from 16-bit signed samples to unsigned 8-bit or float samples. It also handles packing conversion, when passing from packed layout (all samples belonging to distinct channels interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same channel stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libswscale-dev Description-md5: 0d8e27afb61d9773ce9b37356a71de28 Description-gl: FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - development files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Rescaling is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. This is usually a lossy process. * Pixel format conversion is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image, for example from planar YUV420P to RGB24 packed. It also handles packing conversion, that is converts from packed layout (all pixels belonging to distinct planes interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same plane stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). This is usually a lossy process in case the source and destination colorspaces differ. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libswscale4 Description-md5: 5ab1f77fb1b78fa767ca99e4a7a7a9ea Description-gl: FFmpeg library for image scaling and various conversions - runtime files FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework, able to decode, encode, transcode, mux, demux, stream, filter and play pretty much anything that humans and machines have created. It supports the most obscure ancient formats up to the cutting edge. . This library performs highly optimized image scaling and colorspace and pixel format conversion operations. Specifically, this library performs the following conversions: * Rescaling is the process of changing the video size. Several rescaling options and algorithms are available. This is usually a lossy process. * Pixel format conversion is the process of converting the image format and colorspace of the image, for example from planar YUV420P to RGB24 packed. It also handles packing conversion, that is converts from packed layout (all pixels belonging to distinct planes interleaved in the same buffer), to planar layout (all samples belonging to the same plane stored in a dedicated buffer or "plane"). This is usually a lossy process in case the source and destination colorspaces differ. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libsx-dev Description-md5: 4be5566dd01e2c99b89cca3ebebe170a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras e bibliotecas estáticas) de libsx Libsx (the Simple X library) is a library of code that sits on top of and to the side of the Athena widget set. Its purpose is to make writing X applications *much* easier. . This package contains header files, pkgconfig files and static libraries for libsx. Package: libsyndication4 Description-md5: cf4722888b15a8c2104d0011981f7441 Description-gl: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds Syndication is a parser library for RSS and Atom feeds. It offers a unified, format-agnostic view on the parsed feed, so that the using application does not need to distinguish between feed formats. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas de PIM da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libsynopsis0.12v5 Description-md5: 2d0581ff03741c768b444b9103e92c4b Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución de Synopsis Synopsis is a multi-language source code introspection tool that provides a variety of representations for the parsed code to enable further processing such as documentation extraction, reverse engineering, and source-to-source translation. . Synopsis provides a framework of C++ and Python APIs to access these representations and allows Processor objects to be defined and composed into processing pipelines, making this framework very flexible and extensible. . This package contains the runtime library for Synopsis. Package: libt4k-common0-dev Description-md5: 07deaa1e27ff4f81ffdc36a27e518b52 Description-gl: common library for tux4kids - development files t4k_common is a library of code shared between tuxmath and tuxtype. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libtamuanova-dev Description-md5: cd577afd0e0c4f5248fcb61e1937e489 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca TAMU ANOVA C library for single and two factor ANOVA. . This package contains the header and development files for the tamuanova library. Package: libtbb2-dbg Description-md5: 6b3fe685850df43817ef36454d3ee55d Description-gl: parallelism library for C++ - debugging symbols TBB is a library that helps you leverage multi-core processor performance without having to be a threading expert. It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts platform details and threading mechanism for performance and scalability. . (Note: if you are a user of the i386 architecture, i.e., 32-bit Intel or compatible hardware, this package only supports Pentium4-compatible and higher processors.) . Este paquete inclúe os sÃmbolos de depuración de TBB. Package: libtcl8.4 Description-md5: 260caa7ab61a859c3c9d8ad96fc97d41 Description-gl: Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.5 - run-time library files Tcl é unha linguaxe de scripts interpretada potente, fácil de usar, incorporábel e multiplataforma Este paquete contén a biblioteca Tcl e código auxiliar que permite executar aplicativos con compatibilidade con Tcl. Esta versión inclúe compatibilidade con fÃos. Package: libtcl8.5 Description-md5: 260caa7ab61a859c3c9d8ad96fc97d41 Description-gl: Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.5 - run-time library files Tcl é unha linguaxe de scripts interpretada potente, fácil de usar, incorporábel e multiplataforma Este paquete contén a biblioteca Tcl e código auxiliar que permite executar aplicativos con compatibilidade con Tcl. Esta versión inclúe compatibilidade con fÃos. Package: libtclcl1 Description-md5: b335d3fb92a199511d469563b769aa0c Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida de TclCL TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, rtp_play, and nsnam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl. . This package contains shared library. Package: libtclcl1-dev Description-md5: f6b8cc6175ccfa940dd42df08fa75d58 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de TclCL TclCL (Tcl with classes) is a Tcl/C++ interface used by Mash, vic, vat, rtp_play, and nsnam. It provides a layer of C++ glue over OTcl. . This package contains static file and header files. Package: libtcod-dev Description-md5: 286c0f28579e2f5e43d8eedf286de061 Description-gl: development files for the libtcod roguelike library Libtcod offers a free, fast, portable and uncomplicated API for roguelike developers providing an advanced true color console, input and lots of other utilities frequently used in roguelikes. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libtelepathy-farstream-dev Description-md5: 7059845522da2433f9e336314529f605 Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (development files) A helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream . Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication, including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for applications. . Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de conferencias de son/vÃdeo. . This package contains development files for the telepathy-farstream library. Package: libtelepathy-farstream-doc Description-md5: 0ad7276522e83b70c5bb63c4dd3ba6f8 Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (documentation) A helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream . Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication, including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for applications. . Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de conferencias de son/vÃdeo. . This package contains HTML documentation for the telepathy-farstream library. Package: libtelepathy-farstream3 Description-md5: 1487c1b6d888d475ae70862d26313c1f Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream Telepathy-farstream is a helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream. . Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication, including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for applications. . Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de conferencias de son/vÃdeo. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca central telepathy-farstream. Package: libtelepathy-farstream3-dbg Description-md5: c5e1ddfe74dd7235319cd0e5accd797c Description-gl: Glue library between telepathy and farstream (debug symbols) Telepathy-farstream is a helper library to glue together Telepathy's media signalling and the media streaming capabilities of Farstream. . Telepathy is a D-Bus framework for unifying real time communication, including instant messaging, voice calls and video calls. It abstracts differences between protocols to provide a unified interface for applications. . Farstream é unha infraestrutura para a transmisión multimedia de conferencias de son/vÃdeo. . This package contains debugging symbols for the telepathy-farstream library. Package: libtemplate-glib-1.0-dev Description-md5: 106c2cd31e746fb9439c9a02f173b74e Description-gl: templating library for GLib - development files Template-GLib includes a simple template format along with integration into GObject Introspection for properties and methods. It separates the parsing of templates and the expansion of templates for faster expansion. You can also define scope, custom functions, and more with the embedded expression language. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libtemplateparser4 Description-md5: 724d02891f85b2429bcabdc216fcfc5e Description-gl: KMail template parser library This library implements a parser for the mail templates which KMail uses to enable customization of initial structure for the new, reply or forwarded messages. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: libtemplates-parser-doc Description-md5: f215015f590d85871d2c6028bb8cba41 Description-gl: Ada library to parse files and replace variables (documentation) The main goal is to ease the development of Web servers. In CGI (Common Gateway Interface) applications, you have to write HTML pages in the program (in Ada or whatever other language) by using some specific libraries or by using only basic output functions. This is of course not mandatory but by lack of a good library every Web development ends up doing just that. Templates Parser takes that burden off of you. . Este paquete contén a documentación para os desenvolvedores que empreguen a biblioteca. Package: libterralib-dev Description-md5: 30f1b6433775de0813b88f16a2578be3 Description-gl: C++ library for Geographical Information Systems -- development package TerraLib enables quick development of custom-built geographical applications using spatial databases. As a research tool, TerraLib is aimed at providing a rich and powerful environment for the development of GIS research, enabling the development of GIS prototypes that include new concepts such as spatio-temporal data models, geographical ontologies and advanced spatial analysis techniques. TerraLib defines a geographical data model and provides support for this model over a range of different DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, ORACLE and ACCESS), and is implemented as a library of C++ classes and functions, written in ANSI-C++. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para terralib. Package: libtest-checkdeps-perl Description-md5: b92a93274e18a02855fd7f1b1339769b Description-gl: Comprobe a presenza de dependencias Test::CheckDeps engade unha proba que se asegura de que todas as dependencias foron instaladas axeitadamente. Se se lle pide, pode botarse fóra ao atopar un erro. Package: libtest-html-w3c-perl Description-md5: 138524a97b6a68ebbdbd8bbb9d8be63e Description-gl: Envoltura arredor do servizo de probas de validación de HTML do W3C O propósito deste módulo é fornecer unha grande variedade de utilidades de proba. Diversas maneiras de dicir «ok» con mellores diagnósticos, facilidades para omitir probas, probar funcionalidades futuras e comparar estruturas de datos complicadas. AÃnda que sexa posÃbel facer practicamente calquera cousa cunha simple función ok(), esta non fornece unha saÃda de diagnóstico boa. Package: libtest-json-perl Description-md5: 32ace4f3a62f2dc3cec58e0babd7804f Description-gl: module for testing JSON data Test::JSON is a Perl test framework for verifying arbitrary data written in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), a lightweight data interchange format. . Vexa <URL:> para máis información. Package: libtest-simple-perl Description-md5: e01609c3dfe7831306afd042b4d34e27 Description-gl: Conxunto de utilidades básicas para escribir probas en Perl Test::Simple is an extremely simple module for writing tests suitable for CPAN modules and other pursuits. . Este módulo xa está incluÃdo como parte da distribución central de Perl, polo que este paquete só é beneficioso cando se requiren funcionalidades novas ou arranxos de erros. Package: libtext-hunspell-perl Description-md5: 6266a384628ae7123852281593b0dc1c Description-gl: Interface de Perl para a biblioteca Hunspell de GNU Text::Hunspell provides a Perl interface to the OO Hunspell library. This module is to meet the need of looking up many words, one at a time, in a single session, such as spell-checking a document in memory. Package: libtext-ocaml Description-md5: bae2aaf2272dff640b059c5b8e96b85a Description-gl: Bibliotecas de tempo de execución de OCaml-Text OCaml-Text is an OCaml library for dealing with "text", i.e. sequences of Unicode characters, in a convenient way. . This package contains runtime libraries (shared stub library, bytecode plugin and native code plugin if available). Package: libtext-wikiformat-perl Description-md5: ba98b5d81e8ea231e38db82a9d2caefc Description-gl: Traduce texto con formato wiki a outros formatos The original Wiki web site was intended to have a very simple interface to edit and to add pages. Its formatting rules are simple and easy to use. They are also easily translated into other, more complicated markup languages with this module. It creates HTML by default, but can be extended to produce valid POD, DocBook, XML, or any other format imaginable. Package: libtexttools-doc Description-md5: 18fae2cf806eac17ad20b8516264dea5 Description-gl: Ada library for writing console applications: documentation The Texttools packages are a GPL, ncurses-based library for the Linux console. Texttools contain more than 600 procedures and functions to create windows, draw scroll bars, handle the mouse and keyboard events, play sounds, and much more. The Texttools package also provides a thick binding to Linux kernel calls. You can create a wide variety of application programs using Texttools alone. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libtexttools6-dev Description-md5: 57b7d099868fda1746521986c312f316 Description-gl: Ada library for writing console applications: development The Texttools packages are a GPL, ncurses-based library for the Linux console. Texttools contain more than 600 procedures and functions to create windows, draw scroll bars, handle the mouse and keyboard events, play sounds, and much more. The Texttools package also provides a thick binding to Linux kernel calls. You can create a wide variety of application programs using Texttools alone. . Instale este paquete se quere escribir programas en Ada que empreguen Texttools. Package: libtf0d Description-md5: c76d9696d43cd193fdb6bb8aeee5c30a Description-gl: Robot OS tf transform library to keep track of multiple coordinate frames tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libtf2-0d Description-md5: bbc07c7453443d07067cb84c89242943 Description-gl: Robot OS tf2 transform library This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca en si. Package: libtf2-msgs-dev Description-md5: 1b8572ee4961d36cf6646604e210bd6c Description-gl: Robot OS messages for tf2 transform library - dev files This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libtheora-bin Description-md5: 56d5c180e3285bb38d73ffa6b09cb5db Description-gl: Theora Video Compression Codec (example encoder, decoder) Theora é unformato de vÃdeo comprimido de propósito xeral completamente aberto, non privativo e libre de patentes e royalties. . This package contains a reference implementation of an encoder and a decoder. Package: libtheora-ocaml Description-md5: 1e8ad586dca55e8c14af5ef85a0eb895 Description-gl: OCaml interface to the theora library This package provides an interface to the theora library for OCaml programmers. . Theora é unformato de vÃdeo comprimido de propósito xeral completamente aberto, non privativo e libre de patentes e royalties. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libtheora-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 8e4da83530c9168f56df79822b0bf612 Description-gl: OCaml interface to the theora library This package provides an interface to the theora library for OCaml programmers. . Theora é unformato de vÃdeo comprimido de propósito xeral completamente aberto, non privativo e libre de patentes e royalties. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to develop OCaml programs which use ocaml-theora. Package: libthreadweaver4 Description-md5: e0f3ffffa7401f49a422fac613b125fe Description-gl: ThreadWeaver Library for the KDE Platform ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job- based interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way. You simply divide the workload into jobs, state the dependencies between the jobs and ThreadWeaver will work out the most efficient way of dividing the work between threads within a set of resource limits. . Este paquete é parte do módulo de bibliotecas da Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE. Package: libthunarx-2-dev Description-md5: 0d4661e4e1e07c636d1d14b457e9e7f0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libthunarx This package contains the headers and the static library for libthunarx, the extension library used by thunar Package: libticables2-6 Description-md5: 10b075c6ad389659691bf6e82fb8215e Description-gl: Texas Instruments link cables library The libticables is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators link cables. All link cables are supported read/write. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libticables2-dbg Description-md5: 5328429b155d19f46603e67e05a7faf6 Description-gl: Texas Instruments link cables library [debugging symbols] The libticables is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators link cables. All link cables are supported read/write. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libticalcs2-11 Description-md5: c3d4a6204e7b4c43a8e7eb1009e3335e Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculator communication library The libticalcs is a library providing support for communication with Texas Instruments calculators. It implements the TI protocol for each type of calculator, independently of the link cable used to establish the link. . All graphing calculators from Texas Instruments are supported. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libticalcs2-11-dbg Description-md5: c056ad79f01bf7caafbcd1f97b55cd1d Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculator communication library [debugging symbols] The libticalcs is a library providing support for communication with Texas Instruments calculators. It implements the TI protocol for each type of calculator, independently of the link cable used to establish the link. . All graphing calculators from Texas Instruments are supported. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libticonv-dbg Description-md5: dff1d29dc55030084c580b000863db4e Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculators charsets library [debugging symbols] The libticonv is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators charsets. All charsets for all calculators are supported; the library is also able to convert from/to UTF-8/UTF-16. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libticonv7 Description-md5: c1b376f0a1f24b15e3bffbbc11579a6f Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculators charsets library The libticonv is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators charsets. All charsets for all calculators are supported; the library is also able to convert from/to UTF-8/UTF-16. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libtiff-opengl Description-md5: 8b1debea0e0eac5de9dc7eb9a32524a2 Description-gl: Ferramentas de manipulación e conversión de TIFF libtiff is a library providing support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF), a widely used format for storing image data. This package contains libtiff tools that depend upon opengl. It complements the libtiff-tools package, which contains the libtiff tools that don't depend upon opengl. Package: libtiff-tools Description-md5: f333fccce3ca049190b80f117d3faa92 Description-gl: Ferramentas de manipulación e conversión de TIFF libtiff is a library providing support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF), a widely used format for storing image data. This package includes tools for converting TIFF images to and from other formats and tools for doing simple manipulations of TIFF images. See also libtiff- opengl. Package: libtifiles2-9 Description-md5: d68e7ab1aef4daa78beac198f192274b Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculator files library The libtifiles is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators files. All formats for all calculators are supported read/write ; the library is also able to manipulate the group files, which means it is able to group and ungroup variables into such group files. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libtifiles2-9-dbg Description-md5: f0e9642415a404e838b714f8df02a96e Description-gl: Texas Instruments calculator files library [debugging symbols] The libtifiles is a library providing support for operations on Texas Instruments calculators files. All formats for all calculators are supported read/write ; the library is also able to manipulate the group files, which means it is able to group and ungroup variables into such group files. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libtimbl4 Description-md5: 669112d8948aa34cb30fd3a9016fea3e Description-gl: Tilburg Memory Based Learner - runtime The Tilburg Memory Based Learner, TiMBL, is a tool for Natural Language Processing research, and for many other domains where classification tasks are learned from examples. It is an efficient implementation of k-nearest neighbor classifier. . TiMBL is a product of the Centre of Language and Speech Technology (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands), the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tempo de execución requiridos para compilar programas que empreguen TiMBL. Package: libtimblserver4 Description-md5: 50a69ee89497639df751ed8a8c7b5f64 Description-gl: Extensións do servidor para Timbl - tempo de execución timblserver is a TiMBL wrapper; it adds server functionality to TiMBL. It allows TiMBL to run multiple experiments as a TCP server, optionally via HTTP. . The Tilburg Memory Based Learner, TiMBL, is a tool for Natural Language Processing research, and for many other domains where classification tasks are learned from examples. . TimblServer is a product of the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). . This package provides the runtime files required to run programs that use timblserver Package: libtimblserver4-dev Description-md5: 8a989da828ff348c660ebc7d21ba5030 Description-gl: Extensións do servidor para Timbl - desenvolvemento timblserver is a TiMBL wrapper; it adds server functionality to TiMBL. It allows TiMBL to run multiple experiments as a TCP server, optionally via HTTP. . The Tilburg Memory Based Learner, TiMBL, is a tool for Natural Language Processing research, and for many other domains where classification tasks are learned from examples. . TimblServer is a product of the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). . This package provides the header files required to compile C++ programs that use timblserver. Package: libtimingframework-java-doc Description-md5: 528f1349f47c5a55ed703832bff00e02 Description-gl: A Java framework for timing and animations (documentation) The code serves as a tutorial on how to use timers, as well as a framework for doing more powerful things with timers. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libtnt-dev Description-md5: 9a3aff3c02a70e01c89860676d5952dd Description-gl: interface for scientific computing in C++ The Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) is a collection of interfaces and reference implementations of numerical objects useful for scientific computing in C++. The toolkit defines interfaces for basic data structures, such as multidimensional arrays and sparse matrices, commonly used in numerical applications. The goal of this package is to provide reusable software components that address many of the portability and maintenance problems with C++ codes. . TNT provides a distinction between interfaces and implementations of TNT components. For example, there is a TNT interface for two-dimensional arrays which describes how individual elements are accessed and how certain information, such as the array dimensions, can be used in algorithms; however, there can be several implementations of such an interface: one that uses expression templates, or one that uses BLAS kernels, or another that is instrumented to provide debugging information. By specifying only the interface, applications codes may utilize such algorithms, while giving library developers the greatest flexibility in employing optimization or portability strategies. . Páxina web: Package: libtomcat8.0-java Description-md5: 6eca4f56fb96f18ca38da66c669eee97 Description-gl: Apache Tomcat 8.0 - Servlet and JSP engine -- core libraries Apache Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP) specifications from Oracle, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment for Java code to run. . Este paquete contén as clases principais de Tomcat, que poden ser usadas por outros aplicativos de Java para incorporar Tomcat. Package: libtonezone-dev Description-md5: ac6918413755537822c2a45291c1e97c Description-gl: tonezone library (development) A library for generating tones to be sent through the DAHDI telephony interface. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libtonezone2.0 Description-md5: 2eb90ac649a5faf8646cdcfd503e6640 Description-gl: tonezone library (runtime) A library for generating tones to be sent through the DAHDI telephony interface. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros da biblioteca de tempo de execución. Package: libtopic-tools1d Description-md5: 6b25192d4f09de52d80f7ebe5ba8d2c7 Description-gl: library for messing with Robot OS topics This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS topics at a meta level. None of the programs in this package actually know about the topics whose streams they are altering; instead, these tools deal with messages as generic binary blobs. This means they can be applied to any ROS topic. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libtorrent-dev Description-md5: f80a46b339a0f082a22024cbd602e1e7 Description-gl: Biblioteca de BitTorrent en C++ de Rakshasa (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix. It is designed to avoid redundant copying and storing of data that other clients and libraries suffer from. . This package contains the files needed to compile and link programs which use LibTorrent. Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-dbg Description-md5: 1f20bf93bd9cfa1b78cc63ad3dd388a3 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libtorrent-rasterbar Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-dev Description-md5: 705ada813b82d11c67efa98c9c4ca92d Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libtorrent-rasterbar Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . This package contains header files and static version of the library. Package: libtorrent-rasterbar-doc Description-md5: 73e12f09fdc69aff638cb9fc1456982b Description-gl: Documentación de libtorrent-rasterbar Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . This package contains documentation and example files. Package: libtorrent-rasterbar9 Description-md5: 2eaccb98576b5d83c868c53992a012f8 Description-gl: Biblioteca de BitTorrent en C++ de Rasterbar Software Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . This package contains libtorrent-rasterbar run time shared library. Package: libtorrent19 Description-md5: f64558ce33a3049640e3f325f06f8671 Description-gl: Biblioteca de BitTorrent en C++ de Rakshasa LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for *nix. It is designed to avoid redundant copying and storing of data that other clients and libraries suffer from. Package: libtpm-unseal-dev Description-md5: 74e97a1a1239066889dcbd333c3c02fa Description-gl: Management tools for the TPM hardware (development) tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libtpm-unseal1 Description-md5: aef77e92adc6d98676ff39e73a8f4102 Description-gl: Management tools for the TPM hardware (library) tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libtranslate-bin Description-md5: a7999afba0b2d652dff1c3a3f0e2eb6c Description-gl: command line translator translate-translator é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para traducir textos a linguas naturais baseado na biblioteca libtranslate. Package: libtranslate-dev Description-md5: db5173f8dd880b682b5289106e6773f4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libtranslate Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para compilar programas que dependan de libtranslate. Package: libtrilead-putty-extension-java-doc Description-md5: 9924bfa62b93b0ed79b8dd65fff4068e Description-gl: Documentación de libtrilead-putty-extension-java This is a small library that allows you to programatically convert the PuTTY key file (.ppk) to the OpenSSH format. . This package provides the API documentation for libtrilead-putty- extension-java. Package: libtrilinos-amesos12 Description-md5: ecdf604e928f8a2c48753ae3dceaf38f Description-gl: direct sparse solver package - runtime files Amesos is the Direct Sparse Solver Package in Trilinos. The goal of Amesos is to make AX=B as easy as it sounds, at least for direct methods. Amesos provides clean and consistent interfaces to a number of third-party libraries. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-amesos2-12 Description-md5: 25ff7db1c75a65dd8b01ec2985ffd52a Description-gl: next generation direct sparse solver package - runtime files Amesos2 is a package for solving sparse linear systems using direct solvers. It differs from Amesos in that it is templated on the scalar and index types. KLU2 is the only native solver. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-anasazi12 Description-md5: c8716b04d6c68195db1d18505c6c8cc5 Description-gl: large-scale eigenvalue algorithms - runtime files Anasazi is an extensible and interoperable framework for large-scale eigenvalue algorithms. The motivation for this framework is to provide a generic interface to a collection of algorithms for solving large-scale eigenvalue problems. Anasazi is interoperable because both the matrix and vectors (defining the eigenspace) are considered to be opaque objects -- only knowledge of the matrix and vectors via elementary operations is necessary. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-aztecoo12 Description-md5: 62bd827b6fb3f1df93d48d5b802a60fd Description-gl: object-oriented interface to the Aztec solver - runtime files AztecOO provides an object-oriented interface to the well-known Aztec solver library. Furthermore, it allows flexible construction of matrix and vector arguments via Epetra matrix and vector classes. Finally, AztecOO provide additional functionality not found in Aztec and any future enhancements to the Aztec package will be available only through the AztecOO interfaces. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-belos12 Description-md5: a626c1ed63fbc92794142bc07f6bed71 Description-gl: iterative linear solvers - runtime files Belos provides next-generation iterative linear solvers and a powerful linear solver developer framework. This framework includes abstract interfaces to linear algebra using traits mechanisms, abstract interfaces to orthogonalization, abstract interfaces to iteration kernels, powerful solver managers, and a basic linear problem class. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-epetra12 Description-md5: b1fb505913c86233acd15a07de1fe65e Description-gl: basis package for linear algebra - runtime files Epetra provides the fundamental construction routines and services function that are required for serial and parallel linear algebra libraries. Epetra provides the underlying foundation for all Trilinos solvers. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-epetraext12 Description-md5: 262e737ffd9445222a1f58e9454d1064 Description-gl: extensions to the Epetra toolkit - runtime files EpetraExt provides tools and functions that make it easier to work with Epetra. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-galeri12 Description-md5: 30e8a69aca2e319dbcfc0dc5dd684a31 Description-gl: generation of distributed linear systems - runtime files The Trilinos package Galeri contains a suite of utilities and classes to generate a variety of (distributed) linear systems. Galeri's functionalities are very close to that of the MATLAB's gallery() function. Several well-known finite element and finite difference matrices can be generated using only a few simple code lines. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-globipack12 Description-md5: ca52474f77a062e313f1ba327601257e Description-gl: 1D globalization capabilities - runtime files The GlobiPack package contains a set of interfaces and implementations for 1D globalization capabilities to be used in nonlinear solvers, optimization solvers, and similar algorithms that require globalization methods (e.g. line search and trust region methods). Basic interfaces and a few implementations are present for 1D line search methods appropritate for Newton, quasi-Newton, and nonlinear CG algorithms. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-ifpack12 Description-md5: 43d4bcb24b48a33134f96791290b0571 Description-gl: algebraic preconditioners - runtime files IFPACK provides a suite of object-oriented algebraic preconditioners for the solution of preconditioned iterative solvers. IFPACK constructors expect an Epetra_RowMatrix object for construction. IFPACK is part of the Trilinos Solver Project and IFPACK object interact well with other Trilinos classes. In particular, IFPACK can be used as a preconditioner for AztecOO. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-ifpack2-12 Description-md5: 0fec478c269aa8bcdf3a1c3288f8467a Description-gl: next generation algebraic preconditioners - runtime files Ifpack2 provides incomplete factorizations, relaxations, and domain decomposition operators for linear algebra objects (sparse matrices, operators, and dense vectors and multivectors) provided by the Tpetra package. You may use these operators however you wish: for example as preconditioners in an iterative solver, or as smoothers for algebraic multigrid. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-intrepid12 Description-md5: 2cb0943c4089f37303ed77429c4cb558 Description-gl: compatible discretizations of PDEs - runtime files Intrepid is a library of interoperable tools for compatible discretizations of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Intrepid is intended primarily for application developers who want to reuse large parts of their existing code frameworks such as I/O, data structures, assembly routines, etc. while gaining access to advanced discretization capabilities provided by Intrepid. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-isorropia12 Description-md5: 759585b2ca72a2d4b925d697e84c37b3 Description-gl: partitioning, load balancing, coloring of sparse matrices - runtime files Isorropia is a package for combinatorial scientific computing, with focus on partitioning and load balancing, but also supports coloring and ordering of sparse matrices. Its main purpose is to assist with redistributing objects such as matrices and graphs in a parallel execution setting, to allow for more efficient computations. Isorropia partitions matrices by rows, and produces good maps for Epetra matrices (graphs). . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-kokkos-kernels12 Description-md5: 75eaedb213964c7524d00bc1aaf9e78b Description-gl: Kokkos local computational kernels - runtime files KokkosKernels implements local computational kernels for linear algebra and graph operations, using the Kokkos shared-memory parallel programming model. "Local" means not using MPI, or running within a single MPI process without knowing about MPI. "Computational kernels" are coarse-grained operations; they take a lot of work and make sense to parallelize inside using Kokkos. KokkosKernels can be the building block of a parallel linear algebra library like Tpetra that uses MPI and threads for parallelism, or it can be used stand-alone in your application. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-kokkos12 Description-md5: b16d4305e8001b6f3f9e125266bea0a8 Description-gl: Trilinos Kokkos programming model - runtime files Kokkos implements a programming model in C++ for writing performance portable applications targeting all major HPC platforms. For that purpose it provides abstractions for both parallel execution of code and data management. Kokkos is designed to target complex node architectures with N-level memory hierarchies and multiple types of execution resources. It currently can use OpenMP, Pthreads and CUDA as backend programming models. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-komplex12 Description-md5: 5aed6e50f4f545275681e85aa496dbc4 Description-gl: complex linear solver package - runtime files Komplex is a complex linear solver package. Solves complex-valued linear systems via equivalent real formulations. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-ml12 Description-md5: b88aa6a669e8bb97a7bbb0c5625bc371 Description-gl: multigrid preconditioning - runtime files ML is Sandia's main multigrid preconditioning package. ML is designed to solve large sparse linear systems of equations arising primarily from elliptic PDE discretizations. ML is used to define and build multigrid solvers and preconditioners, and it contains black-box classes to construct highly-scalable smoothed aggregation preconditioners. ML preconditioners have been used on thousands of processors for a variety of problems, including the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with heat and mass transfer, linear and nonlinear elasticity equations, the Maxwell equations, semiconductor equations, and more. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-moertel12 Description-md5: 0a2ca0759713f843f16e65a32a6af4dc Description-gl: mortar methods package - runtime files This package supplies capabilities for nonconforming mesh tying and contact formulations in 2 and 3 dimensions using Mortar methods. Mortar methods are a type of Lagrange Multiplier constraint that can be used in contact formulations and in non-conforming or conforming mesh tying as well as in domain decomposition techniques. Originally introduced as a domain decomposition method for spectral elements, Mortar methods are used in a large class of nonconforming situations such as the surface coupling of different physical models, discretization schemes or non-matching triangulations along interior interfaces of a domain. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-muelu12 Description-md5: 1b6fe2ab7b4dd2e7cfb06338396aaeac Description-gl: next generation multilevel preconditioner capabilities - runtime files MueLu is designed to solve large sparse linear systems of equations arising from PDE discretizations. MueLu provides easy-to-use multigrid solvers and preconditioners based on smoothed aggregation algorithms. As a multigrid framework, MueLu supports the design of highly application specific multigrid preconditioners. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-nox12 Description-md5: 84147d2c99a7e04b6197c942303b5678 Description-gl: robust solution of nonlinear equations - runtime files NOX robustly solves and analyzes large-scale systems of nonlinear equations. NOX is short for Nonlinear Object-Oriented Solutions, and its objective is to enable the robust and efficient solution of the equation: F(x)=0 using globalized Newton methods such as line search and trust region methods. NOX is designed to work with any linear algebra package and to be easily customized. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-optipack12 Description-md5: 3e8149ba7b19617fb7a98abb5ead5c50 Description-gl: Trilinos optimization algorithms - runtime files The OptiPack package contains interfaces and concrete implementations of some basic optimization algorithms based on Thyra. The globalization methods used are implemented in GlobiPack. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-pamgen12 Description-md5: 24018a956741af0bdb06d842369e49c6 Description-gl: hexahedral and quadrilateral mesh generator - runtime files PAMGEN creates hexahedral or quadrilateral (in 2D) finite element meshes of simple shapes (cubes and cylinders) in parallel. When linked to an application as a library, it allows each process of a parallel simulation to generate its finite element domain representation at execution time. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-phalanx12 Description-md5: 8d4d86ab36bd7b99e17022143208692b Description-gl: local field evaluation kernel - runtime files Phalanx is a local field evaluation kernel specifically designed for general partial differential equation solvers. The main goal of Phalanx is to decompose a complex problem into a number of simpler problems with managed dependencies to support rapid development and extensibility of the PDE code. Through the use of template metaprogramming concepts, Phalanx supports arbitrary user defined data types and evaluation types. This allows for unprecedented flexibility for direct integration with user applications and provides extensive support for embedded technology such as automatic differentiation for sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-pike12 Description-md5: 028d242e6fa5a7a55130f06630eef83d Description-gl: physics integration kernels - runtime files Pike is a software library for coupling and solving multiphysics applications. It provides basic interfaces and utilities for performing code-to-code coupling. It provides simple black-box Picard iteration methods for solving the coupled system of equations including Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel solvers. The Pike library contains no physics and just provides interfaces and utilities for coupling codes. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-piro12 Description-md5: 2c5df5f06241cb98823c1f208ac99c84 Description-gl: embedded nonlinear analysis package - runtime files Piro is the top-level, unifying package of the Embedded Nonlinear Analysis Capability area. The main purpose of the package is to provide driver classes for the common uses of Trilinos nonlinear analysis tools. These drivers all can be constructed similarly, with a ModelEvaluator and a ParameterList, to make it simple to switch between different types of analysis. They also all inherit from the same base classes (reponse-only model evaluators) so that the resulting analysis can in turn driven by non-intrusive analysis routines. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-pliris12 Description-md5: 7b1ac89e1e6deb3c6d6742558056d4f0 Description-gl: Trilinos dense solvers package - runtime files Pliris is an object-oriented interface to a LU solver for dense matrices on parallel platforms. These matrices are double precision real matrices distributed on a parallel machine. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-rol12 Description-md5: bcbc9028cbefb8d1da09705428984a4d Description-gl: rapid optimization library - runtime files The Rapid Optimization Library (ROL) is a package for large-scale optimization. It is used for the solution of optimal design, optimal control and inverse problems in large-scale engineering applications. Other uses include mesh optimization and image processing. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-rtop12 Description-md5: c7e1a0d26c9ab3d057077e5d2e582efe Description-gl: reductions/transformation operators - runtime files RTOp (reduction/transformation operators) provides the basic mechanism for implementing vector operations in a flexible and efficient manner. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-rythmos12 Description-md5: 55b9da2d6371d462bc1768fade246305 Description-gl: Trilinos transient integrator - runtime files Rythmos is a transient integrator for ordinary differential equations and differential-algebraic equations with support for explicit, implicit, one- step and multi-step algorithms. The fundamental design of Rythmos is aimed at supporting operator-split algorithms, multi-physics applications, block linear algebra, and adjoint integration. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-sacado12 Description-md5: e573e2f11ad50b059ceb99385bbb5c23 Description-gl: automatic differentiation for C++ applications - runtime files Sacado is a set of automatic differentiation tools for C++ applications. It provides templated classes for forward, reverse and Taylor mode automatic differentiation. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-shards12 Description-md5: cff1a471a7cb51a5d01b6a6647559b25 Description-gl: interoperability tools for PDE solving - runtime files The purpose of Shards is to provide a suite of common tools for numerical and topological data that facilitate interoperability between typical software modules used to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) by finite element, finite volume and finite difference methods. Shards comprises of two categories of tools: methods to manage and access information about cell topologies used in mesh-based methods for PDEs, and methods to work with multi-dimensional arrays used to store numerical data in corresponding computer codes. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-shylu12 Description-md5: 7f6152a0c3aea1ee1ae965f3a301d521 Description-gl: solving sparse linear systems - runtime files ShyLU is a package for solving sparse linear systems. It can be used either as a preconditioner, or as a solver. Currently, it is recommended as an Ifpack preconditioner. ShyLU uses a hybrid direct/iterative approach based on Schur complements. The goal is to provide robustness similar to sparse direct solvers, but memory usage more similar to preconditioned iterative solvers. ShyLU was designed as a node-level solver. It can use both MPI and threads in several ways. ShyLU was designed (a) to solve difficult but medium-size problems, and (b) to be used as a subdomain solver or smoother for very large problems within an iterative scheme. It is a purely algebraic method so can be used as a black-box solver. ShyLU has been particularly successful in electrical circuit simulation (Xyce). . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-stokhos12 Description-md5: dd98bcdc88721f7d7fc9bc9bb57188dd Description-gl: Trilinos uncertainty quantification package - runtime files Stokhos is a package for intrusive stochastic Galerkin uncertainty quantification methods. It provides methods for computing well-known intrusive stochastic Galerkin projections such as Polynomial Chaos and Generalized Polynomial Chaos, interfaces for forming the resulting nonlinear systems, and linear solver methods for solving block stochastic Galerkin linear systems. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-stratimikos12 Description-md5: 9b9a424ee10589fa507414119216b8bb Description-gl: wrappers for linear solvers and preconditioners - runtime files The package Stratimikos contains a unified set of Thyra-based wrappers to linear solver and preconditioner capabilities in Trilinos. The Stratimikos package is also a place where unified testing of linear solvers and preconditioners can be performed. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-teko12 Description-md5: d2659146cd5356db3094f0fba942f099 Description-gl: block preconditioners - runtime files Teko is a package for development and implementation of block preconditioners. This includes support for manipulation and setup of block operators. Furthermore tools exist to support decomposition of a fully coupled operator. Additionally, facilities that allow the construction of approximate inverse operators using the full complement of available preconditioners and solvers are available in Teko. Finally, a small number of generic block preconditioners has been implemented in Teko, including block Jacobi, and block Gauss-Seidel. For the Navier-Stokes equation, Teko has implementations of SIMPLE, PCD and LSC. For details on these methods see Stabilization and Scalable Block Preconditioning for the Navier-Stokes Equations and the references therein. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-teuchos12 Description-md5: 02f6f14f418b4563934bfa0a5f63b3a1 Description-gl: common tools for Trilinos - runtime files Teuchos provides a suite of common tools for Trilinos for developers to use. These tools include BLAS/LAPACK wrappers, smart pointers, parameter lists, XML parsers, etc. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-thyra12 Description-md5: 63514e2c64fc7c346b4900926c0aeacb Description-gl: interoperability layer for numerical software - runtime files The Thyra package contains a set of interfaces and supporting code that defines basic interoperability mechanisms between different types of numerical software. The foundation of all of these interfaces are the mathematical concepts of vectors, vector spaces, and linear operators. All other interfaces and support software is built on the basic operator/vector interfaces. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-tpetra12 Description-md5: 62f003ec14216ff6e3e970700d8cf549 Description-gl: templated numerical linear algebra package - runtime files Next-generation, templated version of Petra, taking advantage of the newer advanced features of C++. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-trilinoscouplings12 Description-md5: 15e0ee09bdc616e68b98c0bbaf4bf8c8 Description-gl: combining Trilinos packages - runtime files TrilinosCouplings provides a location for multiple Trilinos packages to be combined for testing integrated package capabilities. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-trilinosss12 Description-md5: 41f57ad99dc5722a8557c5c10a1c08cd Description-gl: suitesparse with adaptations for Amesos - runtime files A suite of sparse matrix algorithms with adaptations for Amesos. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-triutils12 Description-md5: 19e6a6a6ea210a63419368db7e720de6 Description-gl: utilities for Trilinos - runtime files TriUtils a package of utilities for other Trilinos packages. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-xpetra12 Description-md5: 69fe700c08df14ddb5bcebd7e24f5108 Description-gl: conversion between Epetra and Teuchos objects - runtime files Xpetra a lightweight wrapper to both Epetra and Tpetra. The Xpetra syntax mirrors that of Tpetra. Xpetra enables algorithm developers to write to a single interface but be able to use either Epetra or Tpetra. Xpetra can also be introduced into existing code to allow for gradual migration. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-zoltan12 Description-md5: 185fbc84a1ace421cb4bdc14dc861ae4 Description-gl: parallel dynamic load balancing - runtime files Zoltan is a toolkit of parallel services for dynamic, unstructured, and/or adaptive simulations. Zoltan provides parallel dynamic load balancing and related services for a wide variety of applications, including finite element methods, matrix operations, particle methods, and crash simulations. Zoltan also provides parallel graph coloring, matrix ordering, unstructured communication tools, and distributed data directories. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrilinos-zoltan2-12 Description-md5: 8c46c722aa1a58352f3583ccf4195e7b Description-gl: Trilinos next generation load balancing package - runtime files Zoltan2 is a package for load balancing and combinatorial scientific computing. It may be viewed as a successor to the popular Zoltan and Isorropia packages. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas. Package: libtrove-java-doc Description-md5: 5e28b4ff47f06d668df5f2427384b43e Description-gl: high performance collections for java GNU Trove is a fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util Collections API. These implementations are designed to be pluggable replacements for their JDK equivalents. . Whenever possible, GNU Trove provide the same collections support for primitive types. This gap in the JDK is often addressed by using the "wrapper" classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.) with Object- based collections. For most applications, however, collections which store primitives directly will require less space and yield significant performance gains. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libtrove3-java-doc Description-md5: 5e28b4ff47f06d668df5f2427384b43e Description-gl: high performance collections for java GNU Trove is a fast, lightweight implementations of the java.util Collections API. These implementations are designed to be pluggable replacements for their JDK equivalents. . Whenever possible, GNU Trove provide the same collections support for primitive types. This gap in the JDK is often addressed by using the "wrapper" classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc.) with Object- based collections. For most applications, however, collections which store primitives directly will require less space and yield significant performance gains. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libtspi-dev Description-md5: 7151dc43aab94706e767892365045c17 Description-gl: open-source TCG Software Stack (development) TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libtspi1 Description-md5: b46c696c49355b278d5160ca11e77907 Description-gl: open-source TCG Software Stack (library) TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libtumbler-1-0 Description-md5: 4323f73e4ec816c00add5357207eae1b Description-gl: library for tumbler, a D-Bus thumbnailing service Tumbler is a D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails for various URI schemes and MIME types. It is an implementation of the thumbnail management D-Bus specification described on . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libtuxcap4.0-dbg Description-md5: 4688af9252bd95d369c8abc2c8c53b1e Description-gl: Infraestrutura para desenvolver xogos en 2D - sÃmbolos de depuración The TuxCap Games Framework is a GNU/Linux port of the PopCap Games Framework, used for professional 2D game development. It comes with PyCap bindings for Python, a fast 2D physics engine, a particle engine, widgets and many documented examples. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libtwolame-dev Description-md5: 590cfc2669864a02e19ec20c68beef34 Description-gl: MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder (development files) TwoLAME is an optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder. It is based on tooLAME by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10 code and portions of LAME. . TwoLAME does NOT support MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3) encoding due to patent issues surrounding MP3. . However, as most MPEG Audio players are able to play layer 2 (MP2) files, TwoLAME makes a very good drop-in replacement for LAME and other layer 3 encoders. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libtwolame0 Description-md5: ab63be2b52b7c823ea0cf962f9ead5d4 Description-gl: MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library TwoLAME is an optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder. It is based on tooLAME by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10 code and portions of LAME. . TwoLAME does NOT support MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3) encoding due to patent issues surrounding MP3. . However, as most MPEG Audio players are able to play layer 2 (MP2) files, TwoLAME makes a very good drop-in replacement for LAME and other layer 3 encoders. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libtxc-dxtn-s2tc-bin Description-md5: 5cbb72dd7e3734af990231bf61a00256 Description-gl: S2TC texture compression and conversion tools S2TC é unha implementación compatÃbel con S3TC e libre de patentes e fornece compresión de texturas para Mesa. . S2TC toolkit Package: libtyxml-ocaml-doc Description-md5: b4fe7c034b9adb6ca67d4c26c8811c5d Description-gl: typed XML in OCaml (documentation) TyXML allows one to build XML trees whose validity is ensured by the typechecker. It's based on a translation of XML types into polymorphic variants, originally written by Thorsten Ohl. Currently, the transcription has been done for XHTML 1.0 and 1.1, HTML5 and SVG (partial). . TyXML also provides a generic printer and some low-level (and untyped) iterators over XML trees. The printer has options for printing XHTML in more browser-friendly way when served as "text/html" (instead of "text/xml"). HTML5 is always printed with those options. . All modules provided by TyXML are also provided in functorial interface, where every module is parameterised by the underlying XML representation. . A camlp4 extension, named Pa_tyxml, allows one to write HTML pages or HTML fragments with the usual syntax. . Este paquete contén a documentación de TyxML. Package: libu1db-dev Description-md5: cd5117a260556ebefa03fd4041b10baf Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da API de C Unha API para almacenar datos estruturados que poden ser sincronizados a través dunha conexión de rede, incluÃdo o servizo Ubuntu One. . This package includes the development files for the u1db C API. Package: libu1db-qt5-3 Description-md5: 86873426557b1e1ac37ceaad0f59ad6b Description-gl: Qt5 binding for U1DB - shared library Simple Qt5 binding and QtQuick2 plugin for U1DB ( . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libu1db1 Description-md5: adaf819f6c53c0d3f382f2b69374abe4 Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- API de C Unha API para almacenar datos estruturados que poden ser sincronizados a través dunha conexión de rede, incluÃdo o servizo Ubuntu One. . This package includes the C implementation of the API. Package: libubuntu-app-launch3-dev Description-md5: 2056773c3b190c245198ea8e324a5f4e Description-gl: library for sending requests to the ubuntu app launch Upstart Job file and associated utilities that is used to launch applications in a standard and confined way. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libubuntu-app-launch4 Description-md5: fd9cdf76078252eeef2cc3f7915d5071 Description-gl: library for sending requests to the ubuntu app launch Upstart Job file and associated utilities that is used to launch applications in a standard and confined way. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libuchardet0 Description-md5: 375a0592aea45a27ad49f7e32c90c1d7 Description-gl: universal charset detection library - shared library uchardet is a C language binding of the original C++ implementation of the universal charset detection library by Mozilla. . uchardet is a encoding detector library, which takes a sequence of bytes in an unknown character encoding without any additional information, and attempts to determine the encoding of the text. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libucimf-dev Description-md5: 7f0c82ccba63bcd6b633e4ee249cad6e Description-gl: Unicode console input method framework - development files Ucimf provides an input method framework for the Linux Unicode frame buffer console. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: libuclmmbase1 Description-md5: 3b317b250bf8af1bdca4e62b2255c194 Description-gl: UCL Common Code (Multimedia) Library Routines common to a number of multimedia tools. This library is required to build RAT v3.2.7 or later, SDR, and may be needed for other UCL tools. . Biblioteca compartida. Package: libucommon-dev Description-md5: 63af00b1c01943f007da720666ec31e2 Description-gl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - development files GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and synchronization. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas estáticas. Package: libucommon8 Description-md5: 64722b65b91a51d0c92f3e4c85215b16 Description-gl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - shared libraries GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and synchronization. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libuddi4j-java-doc Description-md5: 004d4009067720146521db4abe56f7a5 Description-gl: Documentación de libuddi4j-java UDDI4J is a Java class library that provides an API to interact with a UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) registry. The UDDI Project is a comprehensive, open industry initiative enabling businesses to (I) discover each other, and (II) define how they interact over the internet and share information in a global registry architecture. UDDI is the building block which will enable businesses to quickly, easily and dynamically find and transact with one another via their preferred applications. . Este paquete contén documentación de libuddi4j-java. Package: libulfius-dev Description-md5: 4708f41c83acd28dd3df665f878538ec Description-gl: Web Framework for REST Applications in - development Based on GNU Libmicrohttpd for the backend web server, Jansson for the json manipulation library, and Libcurl for the http/smtp client API. . Used to facilitate creation of web applications in C programs with a small memory footprint, as in embedded systems applications. . One can create webservices in HTTP or HTTPS mode, stream data, or implement server websockets. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libunicap2 Description-md5: ddd4f7e30a6520061a0a2cb197f951b2 Description-gl: unified interface to video capture devices - shared libraries Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. . Unicap offers a high level of hardware abstraction while maintaining maximum performance. Zero copy capture of video buffers is possible for devices supporting it allowing fast video capture with low CPU usage even on low-speed architectures. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libunicap2-dev Description-md5: b63ef7b87ebd61fb8e1a0f2f88863027 Description-gl: unified interface to video capture devices - development files Unicap provides a uniform interface to video capture devices. It allows applications to use any supported video capture device via a single API. . Unicap offers a high level of hardware abstraction while maintaining maximum performance. Zero copy capture of video buffers is possible for devices supporting it allowing fast video capture with low CPU usage even on low-speed architectures. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas estáticas. Package: libuninum-dev Description-md5: 6754fae98acea3485658c5cd129be13f Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Libuninum Libuninum is a library for converting Unicode strings to numbers and numbers to Unicode strings. Standard functions like strtoul, strtod, and sprintf do this for numbers written in the usual Western number system using the Indo-Arabic numerals, but they do not handle other number systems. . Libuninum can handle them properly. . Este paquete contén ficheiros necesarios se se desexa empregar a biblioteca libstatgrab en programas que se creen. Package: libunique-1.0-0 Description-md5: c9a904ea2ae3ba5f0fdfe69ab466dfaa Description-gl: Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. . Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libunique-3.0-0 Description-md5: c9a904ea2ae3ba5f0fdfe69ab466dfaa Description-gl: Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. . Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libunirest-java-java Description-md5: 78034e335cc8025eac37359ce1b60c60 Description-gl: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages . Funcionalidades: . * Make GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS requests * Both synchronous and asynchronous (non-blocking) requests * It supports form parameters, file uploads and custom body entities * Easily add route parameters without ugly string concatenations * Supports gzip * Supports Basic Authentication natively * Customizable timeout, concurrency levels and proxy settings * Customizable default headers for every request (DRY) * Customizable HttpClient and HttpAsyncClient implementation * Automatic JSON parsing into a native object for JSON responses * Customizable binding, with mapping from response body to java Object Package: libunity-control-center-dev Description-md5: d94b8cc23eade4594fdcf9cbed49b9fd Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio GNOME This package contains the files needed to build Control Center panels Package: libunity-control-center1 Description-md5: d35b85c0b8b73f7bf4cf19c7aa215660 Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio GNOME This package contains the library used by Control Center panels Package: libunity-misc-dev Description-md5: be205441b197c106735472a240f3781f Description-gl: Miscellaneous functions for Unity - development files libunity-misc is a shared library that provides miscellaneous functions for Unity. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libunity-misc-doc Description-md5: 7c6b11eb68d32f1b14e41a9bb4ed9262 Description-gl: Miscellaneous functions for Unity - documentation libunity-misc is a shared library that provides miscellaneous functions for Unity. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libunshield-dev Description-md5: f53a2ef1fdc7f66e30b0fc65a88111c5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libunshield This are libraries to create applications extracting CAB files from InstallShield installers used to be installed on Windows CE devices or Windows desktop machines. . This package contains the development files needed to link applications against libunshield. Package: libups-nut-perl Description-md5: 07ba3b0b421755a1e64d9b1ccaecc15f Description-gl: network UPS tools - Perl bindings for NUT server Ferramentas de SAI de Rede (NUT, Network UPS Tools) é un sistema de vixilancia tipo cliente/servidor que permite que os computadores compartan hardware de sistemas de alimentación interrompida (SAI) e de unidade de distribución de enerxÃa (PDU, power distribution unit). Os clientes acceden ao hardware a través do servidor e reciben unha notificación cando cambia o estado da enerxÃa. . This package provides Perl bindings to connect to NUT server. Package: liburdf0d Description-md5: 794d206d2bf52ee0e2faa02155014260 Description-gl: ROS urdf library This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through a review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: liburdfdom-headers-dev Description-md5: 9632d95def16d2866a394d6232d41955 Description-gl: URDF DOM - header files The URDF (U-Robot Description Format) library provides core data structures and a simple XML parsers for populating the class data structures from an URDF file. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: liburiparser-dev Description-md5: 7c19dfa07f254b32160e3463004a5798 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de uriparser This package provides the development files for uriparser, a library to parse Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). Install it if you want to compile a program that makes use of this library. Package: liburl-dispatcher1 Description-md5: 85121071bb37a2b7f8b23299a0b2c9c8 Description-gl: library for sending requests to the url dispatcher Allows applications to request a URL to be opened and handled by another process without seeing the list of other applications on the system or starting them inside its own Application Confinement. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: liburl-dispatcher1-dev Description-md5: c478d05ebab987d1d5bc551ecb674f92 Description-gl: developer files for sending requests to the url dispatcher Allows applications to request a URL to be opened and handled by another process without seeing the list of other applications on the system or starting them inside its own Application Confinement. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libusb-java-lib Description-md5: 565473ba01caa1f19582c0e60d302427 Description-gl: C part of Java wrapper for libusb Este paquete fornece o compoñente dependente da arquitectura de libusb- java. Package: libusbguard0 Description-md5: 8cd1685ff0c4938c7b6397ccfb07d06e Description-gl: USB device authorization policy framework - shared library The USBGuard software framework helps to protect your computer against rogue USB devices (a.k.a. BadUSB) by implementing basic whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities based on device attributes. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida Package: libusbhid-common Description-md5: 4b9a00599cfc19e051ec91c6758374a2 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para o biblioteca de FreeBSD de dispositivos HID USB USB Human Interface Devices send and receive data layed out in a device dependent way. The usbhid library contains routines to extract the report descriptor which contains the data layout information and then use this information. . This package contains the common files which the library need. Package: libusbprog-dev Description-md5: 6be85a1fafc54531c314c61c70fe4f84 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libusbprog A programming tool needed to replace the firmware on the USBprog hardware. It can automatically retrieve a list of available firmwares from the Internet, download one of them and upload it to the USBprog adapter. . USBprog is a free programming adapter. You can easily install different firmware versions from an "online pool" over USB. The adapter can be used for programming and debugging AVR and ARM processors, as USB-to-RS232 converter, as JTAG interface or as simple I/O interface (5 lines). . This package contains files needed to build libusbprog-based applications. Package: libuser Description-md5: 6f131ac55b2e56087bf8f36a7e8e16ab Description-gl: user and group account administration library - utilities A biblioteca libuser implementa unha interface estándar para manipular e administrar contas de usuario e de grupo. A biblioteca emprega infraestruturas engadÃbeis para que actúen como interfaces coas súas fontes de datos. . Sample applications modeled after those included with the shadow password suite are included: lchsh, lchfn, lid, lnewusers, lgroupadd, luseradd, lgroupdel, luserdel, lusermod, lgroupmod, lchage and lpasswd. Package: libuser-perl Description-md5: c8238a401810c12891396ed93b9cc5a8 Description-gl: Fornece datos de usuario de maneira independente do sistema operativo Provides an API to retrieve user data, such as login name or home directory in an OS independent manner. [Used by WWW::Search] Package: libuser1 Description-md5: d113d9e8ec5fd9669c971f54184757ab Description-gl: user and group account administration library - shared libraries A biblioteca libuser implementa unha interface estándar para manipular e administrar contas de usuario e de grupo. A biblioteca emprega infraestruturas engadÃbeis para que actúen como interfaces coas súas fontes de datos. . This package contains the shared library itself. Package: libuser1-dev Description-md5: 5961270f0edb19099f7c4bf39e70d0f5 Description-gl: user and group account administration library - development files A biblioteca libuser implementa unha interface estándar para manipular e administrar contas de usuario e de grupo. A biblioteca emprega infraestruturas engadÃbeis para que actúen como interfaces coas súas fontes de datos. . This package contains the development headers and data. Package: libustr-1.0-1 Description-md5: a5ab83c757735f144218e020694abcf4 Description-gl: Micro string library: shared library ustr (Micro string library) is a string API for C. It has tiny overhead over just plain strdup(), is much safer, is easier to use, is faster for many operations, can be used with read-only or automatically allocated data. You don't even need to link to the library to use it (so there are no dependencies). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libutf8proc2 Description-md5: 8b1485146d4f88dc7c3570c9aace8190 Description-gl: C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data (shared library) utf8proc is a small, clean C library that provides Unicode normalization, case-folding, and other operations for data in the UTF-8 encoding, supporting Unicode version 8.0. . Este paquete contén unha versión compartida da biblioteca. Package: libutfcpp-dev Description-md5: c8d23dd4aa30054c88b34323ac2b8b95 Description-gl: UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 con C++ - dev Simple, portable and lightweight generic library for handling UTF-8 encoded strings . Features - Iterating through UTF-8 encoded strings - Converting between UTF-8 and UTF-16/UTF-32 - Detecting invalid UTF-8 sequences Package: libutfcpp-doc Description-md5: c8d23dd4aa30054c88b34323ac2b8b95 Description-gl: UTF8-CPP: UTF-8 con C++ - dev Simple, portable and lightweight generic library for handling UTF-8 encoded strings . Features - Iterating through UTF-8 encoded strings - Converting between UTF-8 and UTF-16/UTF-32 - Detecting invalid UTF-8 sequences Package: libuu-dev Description-md5: b8176280537096db2cd1f4d25c5fab00 Description-gl: Library for de/encoding several popular file encodings - development Libuu is a library of functions for decoding and encoding files in the following formats: uuencode, xxencode, BASE64, yEncoding, quoted printable, and BinHex. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libuu0 Description-md5: 28cfd7c41cdca190d19fad31737a147e Description-gl: Library for de/encoding several popular file encodings - runtime Libuu is a library of functions for decoding and encoding files in the following formats: uuencode, xxencode, BASE64, yEncoding, quoted printable, and BinHex. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libuv0.10-dbg Description-md5: 714faa3b372c20cbd1b3237427c572ab Description-gl: asynchronous event notification library - debugging symbols Libuv is the asynchronous library behind Node.js. Very similar to libevent or libev, it provides the main elements for event driven systems: watching and waiting for availability in a set of sockets, and some other events like timers or asynchronous messages. However, libuv also comes with some other extras like: * files watchers and asynchronous operations * a portable TCP and UDP API, as well as asynchronous DNS resolution * processes and threads management, and a portable inter-process communications mechanism, with pipes and work queues * a plugins mechanism for loading libraries dynamically * interface with external libraries that also need to access the I/O. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libuv0.10-dev Description-md5: 572bda75c4098ae418d449838338c41c Description-gl: asynchronous event notification library - development files Libuv is the asynchronous library behind Node.js. Very similar to libevent or libev, it provides the main elements for event driven systems: watching and waiting for availability in a set of sockets, and some other events like timers or asynchronous messages. However, libuv also comes with some other extras like: * files watchers and asynchronous operations * a portable TCP and UDP API, as well as asynchronous DNS resolution * processes and threads management, and a portable inter-process communications mechanism, with pipes and work queues * a plugins mechanism for loading libraries dynamically * interface with external libraries that also need to access the I/O. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver os seus propios programas empregando o motor libuv. Package: libv8-3.14-dbg Description-md5: 3d77b72ead304da6ac7ccbbdec0d45ad Description-gl: Motor de JavaScript V8 - sÃmbolos de depuración V8 é un motor de JavaScript de bo desempeño escrito en C++. Emprégase no navegador web Chromium. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libv8-3.14-dev Description-md5: 847e12c681602b10d0e5f037652a8043 Description-gl: Motor de JavaScript V8 - ficheiros de desenvolvemento da ponla 3.14 V8 é un motor de JavaScript de bo desempeño escrito en C++. Emprégase no navegador web Chromium. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para a ponla 3.14 de V8. Package: libv8-3.14.5 Description-md5: a6c97497117e8c1fbc4944a218b3860d Description-gl: Motor de JavaScript V8 - biblioteca de tempo de execución V8 é un motor de JavaScript de bo desempeño escrito en C++. Emprégase no navegador web Chromium. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca dinámica para V8. Package: libv8-dev Description-md5: e5a031495329bc2268b25d8a571fac58 Description-gl: Motor de JavaScript V8 - ficheiros de desenvolvemento da ponla máis recente V8 é un motor de JavaScript de bo desempeño escrito en C++. Emprégase no navegador web Chromium. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para a ponla máis recente de V8. Package: libva-dev Description-md5: b05056c35234f58e18a1c20f8515cede Description-gl: API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA) para Linux - ficheiros de desenvolvemento API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vÃdeo nos sistemas operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a descodificación de vÃdeo, a codificación de vÃdeo, a fusión e presentación de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU; porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware especÃfico da Intel, dado que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para a descodificación de vÃdeo acelerada por hardware. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para libva. Package: libva-drm2 Description-md5: d5921cff6033884644f622b92b9c0ea8 Description-gl: API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA) para Linux - tempo de execución de DRM API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vÃdeo nos sistemas operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a descodificación de vÃdeo, a codificación de vÃdeo, a fusión e presentación de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU; porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware especÃfico da Intel, dado que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para a descodificación de vÃdeo acelerada por hardware. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca libva-drm. Package: libva-glx2 Description-md5: 42dc4ca10bad014e06d32b00b19aa179 Description-gl: API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA) para Linux - tempo de execución de GLX API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vÃdeo nos sistemas operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a descodificación de vÃdeo, a codificación de vÃdeo, a fusión e presentación de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU; porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware especÃfico da Intel, dado que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para a descodificación de vÃdeo acelerada por hardware. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca libva-glx. Package: libva-wayland2 Description-md5: 900dc9a0703333e92cb6b892e7a6f293 Description-gl: API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA) para Linux -- tempo de execución de Wayland API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vÃdeo nos sistemas operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a descodificación de vÃdeo, a codificación de vÃdeo, a fusión e presentación de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU; porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware especÃfico da Intel, dado que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para a descodificación de vÃdeo acelerada por hardware. . This package provides the libva-wayland library. Package: libva-x11-2 Description-md5: fc57e085827316d46f6af4246a506efa Description-gl: API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA) para Linux - tempo de execución de X11 API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vÃdeo nos sistemas operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a descodificación de vÃdeo, a codificación de vÃdeo, a fusión e presentación de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU; porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware especÃfico da Intel, dado que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para a descodificación de vÃdeo acelerada por hardware. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca libva-x11. Package: libva2 Description-md5: 20074d33b9248804eb2fa6108a8c34c8 Description-gl: API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA) para Linux - tempo de execución API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vÃdeo nos sistemas operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a descodificación de vÃdeo, a codificación de vÃdeo, a fusión e presentación de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU; porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware especÃfico da Intel, dado que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para a descodificación de vÃdeo acelerada por hardware. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca principal libva. Package: libval-bin Description-md5: d8bb51d10090a101a23b94330ae5fc26 Description-gl: Biblioteca de validación de DNSSEC (programas) O obxectivo do proxecto DNSSEC-Tools é crear un conxunto de ferramentas de softare, parches, aplicativos, envolturas, extensións e engadidos que axuden na posta en marcha das tecnoloxÃas relacionadas con DNSSEC. . A library that provides DNSSEC resource-record validation functionality. This library initiates queries which are then serviced by the libsres resolver library. . Este paquete contén programas de exemplo que empregan libval. Package: libval-dev Description-md5: 7c54f1b17d4c8a6a8f4be09190cc7d4f Description-gl: Biblioteca de validación de DNSSEC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) O obxectivo do proxecto DNSSEC-Tools é crear un conxunto de ferramentas de softare, parches, aplicativos, envolturas, extensións e engadidos que axuden na posta en marcha das tecnoloxÃas relacionadas con DNSSEC. . A library that provides DNSSEC resource-record validation functionality. This library initiates queries which are then serviced by the libsres resolver library. . Este paquete contén cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática. Package: libval15 Description-md5: 616436db3867563d40629ca73d8e869e Description-gl: Biblioteca de validación de DNSSEC (biblioteca compartida) O obxectivo do proxecto DNSSEC-Tools é crear un conxunto de ferramentas de softare, parches, aplicativos, envolturas, extensións e engadidos que axuden na posta en marcha das tecnoloxÃas relacionadas con DNSSEC. . A library that provides DNSSEC resource-record validation functionality. This library initiates queries which are then serviced by the libsres resolver library. . This package contains shared library. Package: libvaladoc-data Description-md5: cc914022ba75a87e72560988b920ff87 Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala (datos) Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi files. . This package contains the icons used by valadoc. Package: libvaladoc-dev Description-md5: b1770762aec65683dc72dacc4ea21ba8 Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi files. . This package contains the devel files for the valdoc library. Package: libvaladoc3 Description-md5: c967c06f087d4373c9e4b86e6ddde741 Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala (biblioteca) Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi files. . This package contains the library used by valadoc. Package: libvarconf-1.0-8v5 Description-md5: 4033ba0fde194544426055e377b9a250 Description-gl: WorldForge configuration file handling library Varconf is a configuration system designed for the STAGE server. Varconf can parse configuration files, command-line arguments and environment variables. It supports callbacks and can store its configuration information in separate Config objects or in one global configuration instance. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libvariantslib-ocaml Description-md5: 8400bb1bb635b31e7d9302b27d61542b Description-gl: OCaml syntax extension for supporting variants as first class values (runtime) Variantslib generates code to support variants as first class by adding "with variants" suffix to variants definition, e.g., . type t = | First | Second | Third . with variants . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libvariantslib-ocaml-dev Description-md5: dae0b6bd15b27fad1f4053fb754f10a6 Description-gl: OCaml syntax extension for supporting variants as first class values (dev) Variantslib generates code to support variants as first class by adding "with variants" suffix to variants definition, e.g., . type t = | First | Second | Third . with variants . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libvarnishapi-dev Description-md5: 9c15761c354c732b35ffb9837d7b1ea0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Varnish Development files for the Varnish HTTP accelerator. Package: libvarnishapi1 Description-md5: b62e58460782f2fccf788b20917cd377 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para Varnish Shared libraries for the Varnish HTTP accelerator. Package: libvcdinfo-dev Description-md5: e14de61878ad73f78c32ae508ca795f7 Description-gl: library to extract information from VideoCD (development files) This package contains development files (headers and static library) for the libvcdino library. . Esta biblioteca pódese empregar para extraer información almacenada nun VideoCD. Un uso é nos reprodutores de multimedia, como xine e vlc (onde é, de feito, utilizado). Aquà libvcdinfo axuda na navegación do VideoCD, control da reprodución e en mostrar o contido dun VideoCD. Algúns programas autónomos para esta biblioteca son vcd-info e vcdxrip (pare da distribución VCDImager). Package: libvcdinfo0 Description-md5: 6206462f2934783ec56d60c88b8c8a27 Description-gl: library to extract information from VideoCD Esta biblioteca pódese empregar para extraer información almacenada nun VideoCD. Un uso é nos reprodutores de multimedia, como xine e vlc (onde é, de feito, utilizado). Aquà libvcdinfo axuda na navegación do VideoCD, control da reprodución e en mostrar o contido dun VideoCD. Algúns programas autónomos para esta biblioteca son vcd-info e vcdxrip (pare da distribución VCDImager). Package: libvcflib-dev Description-md5: f5f6bad47c03ee262f6c421dbfbcefe7 Description-gl: C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files (development) The Variant Call Format (VCF) is a flat-file, tab-delimited textual format intended to concisely describe reference-indexed variations between individuals. VCF provides a common interchange format for the description of variation in individuals and populations of samples, and has become the defacto standard reporting format for a wide array of genomic variant detectors. . vcflib provides methods to manipulate and interpret sequence variation as it can be described by VCF. It is both: . * an API for parsing and operating on records of genomic variation as it can be described by the VCF format, * and a collection of command-line utilities for executing complex manipulations on VCF files. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabezallo. Package: libvdk2-doc Description-md5: fc90973c58b1bda88b16bca17be5f4fa Description-gl: documentation for VDK library version 2 The Visual Development Kit (VDK) is a C++ library that wraps the GTK+ toolkit. . The package also includes the VDK Component Library which contains some useful new components not available in pure GTK+. . Programming in VDK is much like programming in VCL and Borland C++ Builder. . This package contains the header files and static libraries for the VDK C++ and for the VDK Component libraries. . Instale este paquete se quere a documentación de VDK en HTML. Package: libventrilo-dev Description-md5: 6ca523a1a425c66a017242d427843001 Description-gl: library for communicating with Ventrilo servers (development) lib ventrilo é unha biblioteca de rede para comunicarse cos servidores de Ventrilo. Realiza codificación e descodificación de son, procesamento de sinais e comunicacións de rede. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libventrilo3-0 Description-md5: f9bb15fa5fd99b188c7cfa4054562a07 Description-gl: library for communicating with Ventrilo servers lib ventrilo é unha biblioteca de rede para comunicarse cos servidores de Ventrilo. Realiza codificación e descodificación de son, procesamento de sinais e comunicacións de rede. Package: libverbiste-0.1-0v5 Description-md5: ef8b0541bd47af9937f37f81e4995178 Description-gl: French and Italian conjugator - shared library Verbiste is a program that gives the complete conjugation for French and Italian verbs. The knowledge base contains over 6800 verbs. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libverbiste-dev Description-md5: 71f172ff99c36c1008b0630ad54e47ea Description-gl: French and Italian conjugator - development files Verbiste is a program that gives the complete conjugation for French and Italian verbs. The knowledge base contains over 6800 verbs. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libvhdi1 Description-md5: bf23cbdc8c2736a515e0c3d7fffbd54a Description-gl: Virtual Hard Disk image format access library libvhdi is a library to access the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) image format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libvirglrenderer-dev Description-md5: b7ae4736e1e486b0b660f9a1764e3f1f Description-gl: virtual GPU for KVM virtualization - headers Library used by qemu to implement 3D GPU support for the virtio GPU. . Virgil is a research project to investigate the possibility of creating a virtual 3D GPU for use inside qemu virtual machines, that allows the guest operating system to use the capabilities of the host GPU to accelerate 3D rendering. The plan is to have a guest GPU that is fully independent of the host GPU. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento e as cabeceiras. Package: libvirt-ocaml Description-md5: f043fc0d3c0142c5f4ded5b178b96768 Description-gl: OCaml bindings for libvirt (runtime) This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt. . Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libvirt-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 4cbf2a655416969788baed546ad2ec29 Description-gl: OCaml bindings for libvirt (development files) This library provides OCaml bindings for using libvirt. . Libvirt is a toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). The library aims at providing a long term stable C API for different virtualization mechanisms. It currently supports QEMU, KVM, and XEN. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libvirt-sandbox-1.0-5 Description-md5: 6847cd72888faa81978696e23e5d778c Description-gl: Application sandbox toolkit shared library The Libvirt Sandbox project is an effort to facilitate the use of libvirt virtualization drivers for the purpose of sandboxing applications. It supports LXC and QEMU/KVM. . It provides a high level API to enable the construction of sandboxes and isolation from the need to understand the virtualization technology configuration. . It allows integration with systemd to setup service unit files inside a sandbox. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libvisa-dev Description-md5: 6f73b1cf2f10fcfa02b00a43da5d562e Description-gl: Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (development files) The VISA API provides a common interface to test and measurement equipment that can be accessed via GPIB, USB or VXI-11 interfaces. . Este paquete contén as cabeceiras de desenvolvemento e as bibliotecas estáticas. Package: libvisa0 Description-md5: 7e05d2326b24d699efeea2be5b0e016a Description-gl: Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (runtime files) The VISA API provides a common interface to test and measurement equipment that can be accessed via GPIB, USB or VXI-11 interfaces. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libvistaio-dev Description-md5: fd9983547d06ec7cd6eb76e4536c23ba Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca libvistaio Vistaio is a library that handles loading and storing of data in a cross- platform manner. Its virtue is that the otherwise binary files provide an ascii header that makes it easy to get information about the contens of a file. It supports a variety of data types like images, vector fields and graphs. This is the development package containing the header files, and pkg-config script, and man pages. Package: libvlc-bin Description-md5: 06cd16e155538e2ee49a354477f87189 Description-gl: tools for VLC's base library O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains the vlc-cache-gen binary. Package: libvlc-dev Description-md5: 12dd7b707396cd811cd0c9fd70dd8122 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libvlc Este paquete contén os cabezallos e unha biblioteca estática requiridos para construÃr aplicativos autónomos que empreguen as funcionalidades do VLC. . O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. Package: libvlc5 Description-md5: aa50eb20ebe126a4c5f468a6be6f8f8d Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer library O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida requirida polos aplicativos que empregan as funcionalidades do VLC. Package: libvlccore-dev Description-md5: 2a56521a556c4ea31988a96ec2901955 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libvlccore O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . Este paquete contén os cabezallos e unha biblioteca estática requiridos para construÃr engadidos para o VLC. Package: libvlccore9 Description-md5: c0a034effd010ff692cde9da58320cb4 Description-gl: Biblioteca base de VLC e os seus módulos O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida requirida polos módulos do VLC e libvlc. Package: libvlfeat-dev Description-md5: 1ba056cfa5fcae847561d37ddbe967f7 Description-gl: Computer vision library focussing on visual features and clustering VLFeat implements popular computer vision algorithms including SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, and quick shift. It is written in C for efficiency and compatibility, with interfaces in GNU octave for ease of use, and detailed documentation throughout . Ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: libvlfeat-doc Description-md5: 88163fed54f3640598109d3c54049682 Description-gl: Computer vision library focussing on visual features and clustering VLFeat implements popular computer vision algorithms including SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, and quick shift. It is written in C for efficiency and compatibility, with interfaces in GNU octave for ease of use, and detailed documentation throughout . Documentación Package: libvmdk1 Description-md5: 9515a1d6230845100408642fb273944d Description-gl: VMWare Virtual Disk format access library libvmdk is a library to access the VMware Virtual Disk (VMDK) format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libvo-aacenc-dev Description-md5: 16af85f8a8bdbb236541355025d5941e Description-gl: VisualOn AAC encoder library (development files) This library contains an encoder implementation of the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libvo-amrwbenc0 Description-md5: 72e8e4fbe4617ee58cc3d3ca604c5b95 Description-gl: VisualOn AMR-WB encoder library This library contains an encoder implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libvorbis-ocaml Description-md5: fbe1804184c976b93a5a749455595e08 Description-gl: OCaml bindings for vorbis library This OCaml library interfaces the vorbis C library. It can be used to decode from or encode to the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio format as well as to get informations about an Ogg Vorbis file. . Ogg Vorbis é un formato de son comprimido de propósito xera, libre de patentes e royalties, non privativo e completamente aberto para son e música con taxas de bits fixas e variábeis desde 16 a 128 kbps/canle. . This package contains only the shared runtime stub libraries. Package: libvorbis-ocaml-dev Description-md5: c1106b56c7c73da0ad0f137d181ebfd7 Description-gl: OCaml bindings for the vorbis library This OCaml library interfaces the vorbis C library. It can be used to decode from or encode to the Ogg Vorbis compressed audio format as well as to get informations about an Ogg Vorbis file. . Ogg Vorbis é un formato de son comprimido de propósito xera, libre de patentes e royalties, non privativo e completamente aberto para son e música con taxas de bits fixas e variábeis desde 16 a 128 kbps/canle. . This package contains all the development stuff you need to use ocaml- vorbis in your programs. Package: libvorbisidec-dev Description-md5: 1680a5cad977f07783da79c6efd826e5 Description-gl: Integer-only Ogg Vorbis decoder, AKA "tremor" (Development Files) libvorbisidec is an Ogg Vorbis audio decoder (also known as "tremor"), implemented with no floating point arithmetic. This makes it particularly amenable to use on systems which lack floating point hardware. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libvoro++1 Description-md5: 67df776f5ee286109a8f8fd48a44149c Description-gl: library for the computation of the Voronoi diagram (shared library) Voro++ is a software library for carrying out three-dimensional computations of the Voronoi tessellation. A distinguishing feature of the Voro++ library is that it carries out cell-based calculations, computing the Voronoi cell for each particle individually. It is particularly well- suited for applications that rely on cell-based statistics, where features of Voronoi cells (eg. volume, centroid, number of faces) can be used to analyze a system of particles. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libvpb-dbg Description-md5: 9d57b43003bf9a997019db6238291418 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libvpb e vpb-utils This package provides the detached debug symbols for the vpb-driver userspace library and utilities. Package: libvshadow1 Description-md5: 892d66090c89bbe8dc811491c33751b3 Description-gl: Volume Shadow Snapshot format access library libvshadow is a library to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format. The VSS format is used by Windows, as of Vista, to maintain copies of data on a storage media volume. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libvslvm1 Description-md5: 723321fdaa621e28305116eaff443fc5 Description-gl: Linux LVM volume system format access library libvslvm is a library to access the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume system format. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libwaei-dev Description-md5: cfb56b0f7a295120d5039d3c35bee69c Description-gl: Japanese-English Dictionary for GNOME gWaei is an easy to use and yet powerful full-featured dictionary program for Japanese to English translation. It organizes results by relevance, supports regex searches, tabs, spell checking, kanji handwriting recognition and an accompanying console version for searches through the terminal. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwbxml2-0 Description-md5: 0cab913264b2249b7debc8ed924ee5a6 Description-gl: WBXML parsing and encoding library The WBXML Library (aka libwbxml) contains a library and its associated tools to Parse, Encode and Handle WBXML documents. The WBXML format is a binary representation of XML, defined by the Wap Forum, and used to reduce bandwidth in mobile communications. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida requirida polos aplicativos que empreguen libwbxml2. Package: libwbxml2-dev Description-md5: b64f0a6d2ebc3b0df0119c297ae74aa6 Description-gl: WBXML library development file The WBXML Library (aka libwbxml) contains a library and its associated tools to Parse, Encode and Handle WBXML documents. The WBXML format is a binary representation of XML, defined by the Wap Forum, and used to reduce bandwidth in mobile communications. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver os seus propios programas empregando WBXML. Package: libwcstools1 Description-md5: 8ae2b91faabf34befb5234ae69f0ba4c Description-gl: Handle the WCS of a FITS image (shared library) WCSTools is a set of software utilities, written in C, which create, display and manipulate the world coordinate system of a FITS or IRAF image, using specific keywords in the image header which relate pixel position within the image to position on the sky. Auxiliary programs search star catalogs and manipulate images. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libwebkit-cil-dev Description-md5: 89897ffa8c6284edaa9175cca49af1a2 Description-gl: CLI binding for the WebKit library - development package WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . This package provides development headers for the current version of the webkit-sharp assembly, for compilation purposes. Package: libwebkit1.1-cil Description-md5: 6259df8e502106deb4df4021cd75b142 Description-gl: CLI binding for the WebKit library WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . This package provides the webkit-sharp assembly that allows CLI programs to use WebKit library. Package: libwebkit2-sharp-4.0-cil Description-md5: aa0762f6de84f0fa6da15ff316a709cc Description-gl: CLI bindings for WebKitGTK+ 4.0 using GObject Introspection WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . This package provides the webkit2-sharp assembly that allows CLI programs to use the WebKitGTK+ 4.0 library. Package: libwebkit2-sharp-4.0-cil-dev Description-md5: 960056737687b02bc3762ace89e75044 Description-gl: CLI bindings for WebKitGTK+ 4.0 using GObject Introspection - development WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . This package provides development files for the WebKit# 4.0 assembly, and should be used for compilation. Package: libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37-gtk2 Description-md5: a268010f079e27978996642dbcd62fd2 Description-gl: Web content engine library for GTK+ - GTK+2 plugin process WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . WebKit2 is an API layer for WebKit designed from the ground up to support a split process model, where the web content lives in a separate process from the application UI. . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 4.0). . This package adds support for NPAPI plugins that depend on the GTK+ 2 library, such as the Adobe Flash and Google Talk/Hangouts plugins. Package: libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 Description-md5: de0c9c33889d1ad763c994909aff70cb Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de contido web para GTK+ WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 1.0). . Esta é a biblioteca para incorporar en aplicativos en GTK+. Package: libwebkitgtk-3.0-0 Description-md5: e28c3fff1dc9f82f12da82b85adef90f Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de contido web para GTK+ WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 3.0). . Esta é a biblioteca para incorporar en aplicativos en GTK+. Package: libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev Description-md5: 360be96bc502ec2be370af076d0bccd3 Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de contido web para GTK+ - ficheiros de desenvolvemento WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 3.0). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwebkitgtk-dev Description-md5: 370110c6dff41a51821759fd07339bbe Description-gl: Biblioteca do motor de contido web para GTK+ - ficheiros de desenvolvemento WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . This build comes from the GTK+ port of WebKit (API version 1.0). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwebkitgtk-doc Description-md5: 36666305fe41799229a8f799292aa88f Description-gl: Web content engine library for GTK+ - documentation WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript/ECMAScript and more. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libwebkitgtk3.0-cil Description-md5: 702120a820b88d3196b75828a6abfb7e Description-gl: CLI bindings for WebKitGTK+ 3.0 using GObject Introspection WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . This package provides the webkitgtk-sharp assembly that allows CLI programs to use the WebKitGTK+ 3.0 library. Package: libwebkitgtk3.0-cil-dev Description-md5: 0236c41bc5e23d04c03ddcb01b003241 Description-gl: CLI bindings for WebKitGTK+ 3.0 using GObject Introspection - development WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . This package provides development files for the WebKit# assembly, and should be used for compilation. Package: libwebservice-validator-css-w3c-perl Description-md5: 7c4e94123cbd2608846666df0be038ba Description-gl: Interface para o Validador de CSS do W3C WebService::Validator::CSS::W3C é unha interface para o servizo de validación de CSS do W3C na rede en, baseado en SOAP 1.2. Axuda a atopar erros nas follas de estilo en cascada. Package: libwebsocketpp-dev Description-md5: 9627826d2d93f50ab737667a7007ac8a Description-gl: C++/Boost Asio based websocket client/server library. Dev package WebSocket++ is a header only C++ library that implements RFC6455 The WebSocket Protocol. It allows integrating WebSocket client and server functionality into C++ programs. It uses interchangeable network transport modules including one based on C++ iostreams and one based on Boost Asio. . Major Features: * Full support for RFC6455 * Partial support for Hixie 76 / Hybi 00, 07-17 draft specs (server only) * Message/event based interface * Supports secure WebSockets (TLS), IPv6, and explicit proxies. * Flexible dependency management (C++11 Standard Library or Boost) * Interchangeable network transport modules (iostream and Boost Asio) * Portable/cross platform (Posix/Windows, 32/64bit, Intel/ARM/PPC) * Thread-safe . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceira. Package: libwebsockets8 Description-md5: 4103dd30dcafa80197ee224619ea5b9d Description-gl: lightweight C websockets library Libwebsockets is a lightweight pure C library for both websockets clients and servers built to use minimal CPU and memory resources and provide fast throughput in both directions. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libweed-dev Description-md5: 2285ee280a8e0d29f45d6b492437ba58 Description-gl: Biblioteca para a inclusión de engadidos no LiVES Unha biblioteca que orixinalmente só estaba dispoñÃbel como parte do LiVES (paquete lives) mais que agora está dispoñÃbel por separado. Permite a inclusión de engadidos no LiVES. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libweed0 Description-md5: 70767a31d8208e285ea0c2cae3981c59 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para a inclusión de engadidos no LiVES Unha biblioteca que orixinalmente só estaba dispoñÃbel como parte do LiVES (paquete lives) mais que agora está dispoñÃbel por separado. Permite a inclusión de engadidos no LiVES. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libwerken.xpath-java Description-md5: 314d80a3b601a46b37a6ea87fd251f28 Description-gl: Motor de XPath para JDOM Un motor de XPath para JDOM, crado pola Werken & Sons Company. . It's not overly useful by itself, but rather needs an (currently in development) implementation of XPointer, XSLT, or other XPath-based specification. werken.xpath is merely an engine which can parse XPaths, and walk JDOM <> trees. Package: libwerken.xpath-java-doc Description-md5: eb8ce51cb9b62e052360d84d7daea70f Description-gl: Motor de XPath para JDOM - documentación Un motor de XPath para JDOM, crado pola Werken & Sons Company. . It's not overly useful by itself, but rather needs an (currently in development) implementation of XPointer, XSLT, or other XPath-based specification. werken.xpath is merely an engine which can parse XPaths, and walk JDOM <> trees. . This package contains Javadoc HTML documentation for libwerken.xpath-java. Package: libwfmath-1.0-1v5 Description-md5: 9289a4e2d59ac70629606d0c21995d0c Description-gl: Biblioteca matemática de WorldForge O foco principal de WFMath son os obxectos xeométricos. Polo tanto, inclúe varias figuras (caixas, bolas, liñas), ademais dos obxectos matemáticos básicos empregados para construÃr estas figuras (puntos, vectores, matrices). Package: libwfmath-1.0-dev Description-md5: 2f52d9800fcf10c62d86c01d9af6c2b3 Description-gl: Biblioteca de matemáticas de WorldForge - ficheiros de desenvolvemento O foco principal de WFMath son os obxectos xeométricos. Polo tanto, inclúe varias figuras (caixas, bolas, liñas), ademais dos obxectos matemáticos básicos empregados para construÃr estas figuras (puntos, vectores, matrices). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwfmath-doc Description-md5: 5c8cdf4f45d61e3a443da3f8a546a860 Description-gl: Biblioteca de matemáticas de WorldForge - documentación da API O foco principal de WFMath son os obxectos xeométricos. Polo tanto, inclúe varias figuras (caixas, bolas, liñas), ademais dos obxectos matemáticos básicos empregados para construÃr estas figuras (puntos, vectores, matrices). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación da API. Package: libwgdb-dev Description-md5: 7d843e66540a881c3fe9bbef02a9cab8 Description-gl: lightweight NoSQL database library, development files WhiteDB is a lightweight NoSQL database library written in C, operating fully in main memory. There is no server process. Data is read and written directly from/to shared memory, no sockets are used between WhiteDB and the application program. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras, bibliotecas estáticas). Package: libwim-doc Description-md5: 5eaffacfad4f76126b76cd3e39b7f6af Description-gl: Library for manipulating Windows Imaging files - API documentation wimlib is a C library for extracting, creating, modifying, and mounting WIM (Windows Imaging) files. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libwinpr-dev Description-md5: 2396d165d1c23f08af4354b9515fabce Description-gl: Windows Portable Runtime library (development files) WinPR is a spin-off project of FreeRDP which aims at providing a portable implementation of important portions of the Windows API. Just like FreeRDP, WinPR is released under the Apache license. Unlike Wine, WinPR does not provide binary compatibility, and does not require applications to be built for Windows. Instead, WinPR provides API compatibility for applications targeting non-Windows environments. When on Windows, the original native API is being used instead of the equivalent WinPR implementation, without having to modify the code using it. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwlocate-dev Description-md5: 6ab08c5eb7a9fefbd9d88c7e5189fec7 Description-gl: Library for doing location lookup based on free data This library accesses the local WLAN-hardware, checks for WLAN-networks that are available, accesses the database and returns the current geographic position or an error code in case localisation failed . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwlocate0 Description-md5: 6ab08c5eb7a9fefbd9d88c7e5189fec7 Description-gl: Library for doing location lookup based on free data This library accesses the local WLAN-hardware, checks for WLAN-networks that are available, accesses the database and returns the current geographic position or an error code in case localisation failed . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwnck-common Description-md5: 4e14f7a83d1007a5c0d3b72ea8443755 Description-gl: Window Navigator Construction Kit - common files A library to use for writing pagers and task lists. This version of libwnck provides WNCK for GTK-2 based applications. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de internacionalización. Package: libwnck22 Description-md5: 1689e73e832bf4b7036b6d2fd0aea5d5 Description-gl: Window Navigator Construction Kit - runtime files A library to use for writing pagers and task lists. This variant of libwnck provides WNCK for GTK-2 based applications. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: libwnn0 Description-md5: 3c76edcc52cd23198413f82dc742a69f Description-gl: FreeWnn library for Wnn (FreeWnn jserver) FreeWnn jserver (Wnn) is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system. It was jointly developed and released by the Software Research Group of Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Science, OMRON Corporation and Astec, Inc. and now maintained by the FreeWnn Project. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas dinámicas de Wnn. Package: libwolfssl-dev Description-md5: f09b994746f5a5185f78a6743d3a11ba Description-gl: Development files for the wolfSSL encryption library wolfSSL is a small, portable, embedded SSL/TLS programming library targeted for use by embedded systems developers. It was formerly known as CyaSSL. . It is an open source, dual licensed implementation of SSL/TLS (SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, DTLS 1.0 and 1.2) written in the C language. wolfSSL includes both a client and server implementation, progressive cipher support, key and certificate generation, OCSP and CRL, access to the underlying cryptography modules, and more. . wolfSSL also includes an OpenSSL compatibility interface with the most commonly used OpenSSL functions. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libwpd-tools Description-md5: 8b1159dcb8e0e992cd8fc2ae1a0a0edf Description-gl: Tools from libwpd for converting WordPerfect to HTML/RAW/Text libwpd é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir documentos do WordPerfect(TM). Permite importar desde ficheiros de WordPerfect 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 e WordPerfect para Macintosh 1.x/2.x/3.5e. libwpd inclúe tamén compatibilidade co conxunto enteiro de caracteres estendidos do WordPerfect. . This package contains some little programs using libwpd to convert WordPerfect files into HTML/Raw files and Text. Package: libwpeditor0 Description-md5: 253ed61d8772554765c1a5e90da4fbec Description-gl: WordPad Text Editor library wpeditor (for WordPad Text Editor) is a library that provides a number of GTK+ widgets that allow the input of text, including formatting information also known as rich text. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca compartida. Package: libwps-tools Description-md5: 96afef1f356c69a243dd0585bcf6f8c7 Description-gl: Tools from libwps for converting Works text documents to HTML/RAW/Text libwps é unha biblioteca (para ser empregada, por exemplo, por procesadores de texto) para importar o formato de ficheiros do procesador de texto Works da Microsoft. En novembro de 2006 o proxecto é novo mais importa as versións 2, 3, 4 e 8 de Works con algo de formato. A compatibilidade coa versión 2000 (ou 5) de Works ha de chegar pronto. . This package contains some little programs using libwps to convert Works text document files into HTML/Raw files and Text. Package: libwreport-doc Description-md5: aab24d8299034be55998625e82aa91ee Description-gl: Documentación de libwreport libwreport is a C++ library to read and write weather reports in BUFR and CREX formats. . This is the documentation for the library. Package: libwreport3 Description-md5: 3c0cb3ede7ad683dcd189f5565d413d7 Description-gl: Biblioteca compartida para traballar con informes meteorolóxicos libwreport is a C++ library to read and write weather reports in BUFR and CREX formats. . This is the shared library for C programs. Package: libwriter2latex-java Description-md5: 6ccc68cf7be97fbca02fc9a0f5b76740 Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- library Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber: 1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografÃa de alta calidade. 2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede. . This package contains the java library. Package: libwriter2latex-java-doc Description-md5: 22570a951559fc83308307185ff161a5 Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- javadoc Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber: 1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografÃa de alta calidade. 2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede. . This package contains the javadoc for the writer2latex library. Package: libwsclean0 Description-md5: 9d90d732f5b3369433ab4750861882dc Description-gl: Fast generic widefield interferometric imager (shared library) WSClean (w-stacking clean) is a fast generic widefield imager. It uses the w-stacking algorithm and can make use of the w-snapshot algorithm. As of Feb 2014, it is 2-12 times faster than CASA's w-projection, depending on the array configuration. It supports full-sky imaging and proper beam correction for homogeneous dipole arrays such as the MWA. . WSClean allows Hogbom and Cotton-Schwab cleaning, and can clean polarizations joinedly. All operations are performed on the CPU (it is not specialized for GPUs). . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libwsil4j-java-doc Description-md5: 3866de3d41e01f932d4907064267135d Description-gl: Web Services Inspection Language for Java (documentation) WSIL4J is a Java class library that provides an API that can be used to locate and process WS-Inspection documents. This library can be used to read and parse a WS-Inspection document, as well as generate a new WS- Inspection document. . Este paquete contén documentación de libwsil4j-java. Package: libwt-dbg Description-md5: 54a0195cff13b97d13c7ab9e419bb591 Description-gl: C++ library and application server for web applications [debug] Wt (pronounced 'witty') is a C++ library and application server for developing and deploying web applications. The API is widget-centric and offers complete abstraction of any web-specific application details. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de depuración empregados para investigar problemas cos binarios incluÃdos nos paquetes Wt. Package: libwulf-dev Description-md5: 5f597f2e499d05dc64b9cbe3f7f842a0 Description-gl: development environment for wulfware Libwulf is a library of functions that support configuring a cluster or LAN for monitoring (using an XML-based cluster description file), managing connections to the cluster nodes or LAN clients automatically, configuring the connections to return minimal information for the quantities being monitored or displayed, and then polling the hosts and extracting their information into a struct for further processing by a user interface (UI) program linked to the library. . This package contains header files and libraries needed to develop and compile wulfware programs and is part of the wulfware suite. . Páxina web: Package: libwulf2 Description-md5: f24929532d2f51a8ba0ef445e04c7da3 Description-gl: shared libraries for running wulfware programs Wulfware is a suite of LAN or cluster monitoring tools. Packages that require this library are wulfstat, wulflogger and xmlsysd. . Páxina web: Package: libwv-1.2-4 Description-md5: 6f5ae85042e05ce57c1778e4366f01c3 Description-gl: Library for accessing Microsoft Word documents wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.) . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libwv-dev Description-md5: 11aa48280cf0ad1068373c4e1d2f0c42 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca wvWare wvWare (previously known as mswordview) is a library that allows access to Microsoft Word files. It can load and parse the Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, and Word 6 file formats. (Work is underway to support reading earlier formats as well: Word 2 documents are converted to plain text.) . Este paquete contén a biblioteca estática e os ficheiros de cabeceiras. Package: libwww-facebook-api-perl Description-md5: 756c3c49552c131e05b5a0feec1ec915 Description-gl: Implementación da API de Facebook WWW::Facebook::API is a Perl implementation of the Facebook API, working off of the canonical Java and PHP implementations. By default it uses JSON::Any to parse the response returned by Facebook's server. There is an option to return the raw response in either XML or JSON. Package: libwww-opensearch-perl Description-md5: 04754a046b1ba3b2410a1c98176f5737 Description-gl: search OpenSearch compatible web sites WWW::OpenSearch is a perl module to search web sites that provide an OpenSearch description and handle responses in Atom or RSS. . Consulte para máis información sobre OpenSearch. Package: libwxsqlite3-3.0-dev Description-md5: 247356d40b303ec0106a717906b12bee Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de wxSQLite3 wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets 3.0 library. . This package contains the development files for wxSQLite3. Package: libx264-dev Description-md5: c388be3f239b40b3671f263fd2b72600 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libx264 libx264 is an advanced encoding library for creating H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) video streams. . This package contains the static library and headers used to build programs that use libx264. Package: libx265-146 Description-md5: 9a85cf11805d7cd3e922b7e2ad8ea348 Description-gl: H.265/HEVC video stream encoder (shared library) libx265 is an encoding library for creating H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) video streams. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libx32asan0 Description-md5: 51a639c3760e456ac48834fb47045c42 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (x32) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libx32asan0-dbg Description-md5: b66995cafb0cff1e16849ce190628573 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para x32) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libx32asan2 Description-md5: 51a639c3760e456ac48834fb47045c42 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (x32) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libx32asan2-dbg Description-md5: b66995cafb0cff1e16849ce190628573 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para x32) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libx32gcc-4.8-dev Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de x32) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libx32gcc-5-dev Description-md5: df49fd36cacd441ececa361c98eaaa4a Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de x32) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libx32gfortran-4.8-dev Description-md5: aae616b6d05c4081844ad0d321e187db Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para x32) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libx32gfortran-5-dev Description-md5: aae616b6d05c4081844ad0d321e187db Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para x32) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libx32go11 Description-md5: 274d67a4807b2168ae6370f3e1f6a565 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libx32go4 Description-md5: 274d67a4807b2168ae6370f3e1f6a565 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libx32go7 Description-md5: 274d67a4807b2168ae6370f3e1f6a565 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libx32go9 Description-md5: 274d67a4807b2168ae6370f3e1f6a565 Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (x32) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libx32objc-4.8-dev Description-md5: f7dcb47d6608005e0ecbde60e08685b0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para x32) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libx32objc-5-dev Description-md5: f7dcb47d6608005e0ecbde60e08685b0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para x32) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libx32phobos-5-dev Description-md5: cdbbfaf18bf8097f4f6c5141edaea0ca Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (x32 development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libx32stdc++-4.8-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libx32stdc++-5-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libx32stdc++6-4.8-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libx32stdc++6-5-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libx52pro-dev Description-md5: fb54c04a8b59868d284f8d4f149f19c8 Description-gl: MFD and LED library for Saitek X52pro joysticks - dev files libx52pro is a library designed to support Saitek X52 and X52pro HOTAS joystick. Library does not deal with the HID part of the joystick since this feature is already fully supported by the Linux kernel 2.6.x . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libx86-1 Description-md5: 1f1d01fce5eb3b4aedab0103a3f4bcdc Description-gl: x86 real-mode library A library to provide support for making real-mode calls x86 calls. On x86 hardware, vm86 mode is used. On other platforms, x86 emulation is provided. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libx86emu-dev Description-md5: ec2c3ae18ccfaeb5aa86ac8fcb0be6a7 Description-gl: x86 emulation library (development files) Small x86 emulation library with focus of easy usage and extended execution logging functions. The library features an API to create emulation objects for x86 architecture. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libx86emu1 Description-md5: 8d59e1cbebe9ecb31b641ea874fd2a2f Description-gl: x86 emulation library Small x86 emulation library with focus of easy usage and extended execution logging functions. The library features an API to create emulation objects for x86 architecture. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libxbean-java-doc Description-md5: 994474fe84ee10a73f0bc495ee8a3b03 Description-gl: Documentación da API de XBean The goal of XBean project is to created a plugin based server analogous to Eclipse being a plugin based IDE. XBean will be able to discover, download and install server plugins from an Internet based repository. In addition, it include support for multiple IoC systems, support for running with no IoC system, JMX without JMX code, lifecycle and class loader management, and a rock solid Spring integration. . This package contains the API documentation for libxbean-java Package: libxcrypt-dev Description-md5: 381d4bba14fbf5326a3167a907a5e3c1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da biblioteca Crypt libxcrypt is a replacement for libcrypt, which comes with the GNU C Library. It supports, beside DES crypt and MD5, passwords with blowfish encryption. . This package contains the header files and static libraries, which are necessary to develop your own software using libxcrypt. Package: libxdffileio0-dbg Description-md5: c0185995326f1cefd4548905cf6eca40 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler/escribir formatos de ficheiros de datos EEG (formato de ficheiro) xdffileio is a library that provides a unified interface for writing and reading various biosignal file formats in realtime (i.e. streaming). It has been designed to provide a flexible, consistent and generic interface to all supported file formats while minimizing the overhead the function calls: the heaviest operations (type casting, scaling and formatting) are offloaded into a separated thread. This design makes its particularly suitable to be directly used in a data acquisition loop (like in electrophysiology recording or in Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)). . The genericity of the interface makes trivial various operations like transformation of a recorded file or its conversion to another file format. xdffileio currently supports EDF, BDF, GDF1 and GDF2 file formats and more will be added in future. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libxdg-basedir1-dbg Description-md5: 4c86f6ed90d29e42a57a98fc1ffe9610 Description-gl: Implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specifications (debugging symbols) The XDG Base Directory Specification defines where should user files be looked for by defining one or more base directories relative in with they should be located. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración da biblioteca. Package: libxdot4 Description-md5: 5bb95dff142ccbf7ab2946dc3a7a4dc1 Description-gl: rich set of graph drawing tools - xdot library Graphviz é un conxunto de ferramentas de debuxo de gráficos. Vexa a descrición do paquete graphviz para unha descrición completa. . This package contains the xdot library. Package: libxenomai1 Description-md5: 176dfafef0d1c99798426bd47d87cab8 Description-gl: Shared libraries for Xenomai Xenomai is a real-time development framework cooperating with the Linux kernel in order to provide a pervasive, interface-agnostic, hard real-time support to user-space applications, seamlessly integrated into the GNU/Linux environment. Xenomai provides its own API and emulation layers ("skins") to make migration from other RTOS easier. Examples are: pSOS+, VxWorks, VRTX, uiTRON, RTAI, POSIX. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libxfce4ui-1-dbg Description-md5: 6a80ff8f9b9a782b718819b14d079ea7 Description-gl: debugging symbols for libxfce4ui - Gtk+2 variant Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración e información do libxfce4ui. . This package provides debugging symbols for the Gtk+2 variant of libxfce4ui. Package: libxfce4ui-2-dbg Description-md5: 65bb7c2629b9dcf67bfcb6aa8ee8b0a5 Description-gl: debugging symbols for libxfce4ui - Gtk+3 variant Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración e información do libxfce4ui. . This package provides debugging symbols for the Gtk+3 variant of libxfce4ui. Package: libxfce4ui-utils-dbg Description-md5: 7768fe5fe4c2ad9660c9a89003e8277f Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de libxfce4ui-utils Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración e información do libxfce4ui- utils. Package: libxfcegui4-4-dbg Description-md5: 4d3d4acc68c26346ea2d3c1ec538161b Description-gl: debugging information for libxfcegui4 Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libxfcegui4, que fornece as funcións máis básicas da interface gráfica usadas pola suite de escritorio Xfce4. Package: libxfcegui4-dev Description-md5: 1649a83d1768128fe5b4e1e2cfec64f3 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libxfcegui4-4 This package contains the headers and the static library for libxfcegui4-4. If you intend to code applications which use some of these functions (probably Xfce4-based applications), then you have to install this package. . The libxfcegui4 Reference Manual is also included and it can be consulted with Devhelp or a web browser. Package: libxfconf-0-dev Description-md5: 4eb280c2fc0b59b9fbb5d66e4b9e2a2d Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libxfconf This package contains the development files libxfconf which are the main part of the Xfce4 configuration system. If you want to develop applications that use this library, you want to install this package. . The libxfconf Reference Manual is also included and it can be consulted with Devhelp or a web browser. Package: libxine2 Description-md5: 65baca50fc8f876624ccc9eb5bc808ca Description-gl: xine media player library – metapackage Esta é a biblioteca do reprodutor de multimedia xine (libxine). . Libxine fornece a infraestrutura completa dun reprodutor de vÃdeo/multimedia. Admite MPEG 1/2 e algúns vÃdeos AVI e Quicktime inmediatamente, polo que pode ser empregada para reproducir DVD (S)VCD e a maiorÃa dos ficheiros de vÃdeo existentes. Admite fluxos de rede, subtÃtulos e mesmo ficheiros MP3 e Ogg. É extensÃbel para satisfacer a calquera mediante engadidos para a saÃda de son e de vÃdeo, a entrada de multimedia, demuxers (tipos de fluxos), códecs de son/vÃdeo e subtÃtulos. . AÃnda que este paquete non fornece unha interface gráfica de usuario, construÃr unha interface deste tipo sobre el deberÃa ser bastante doado. Os paquetes xine-ui e gxine fornecen unha cada un para que resulte cómodo. Package: libxine2-all-plugins Description-md5: f98488f7f64d3c7a064234e595a5fb10 Description-gl: xine video/media player library ‒ metapackage for all plugins Esta é a biblioteca do reprodutor de multimedia xine (libxine). . Libxine fornece a infraestrutura completa dun reprodutor de vÃdeo/multimedia. Admite MPEG 1/2 e algúns vÃdeos AVI e Quicktime inmediatamente, polo que pode ser empregada para reproducir DVD (S)VCD e a maiorÃa dos ficheiros de vÃdeo existentes. Admite fluxos de rede, subtÃtulos e mesmo ficheiros MP3 e Ogg. É extensÃbel para satisfacer a calquera mediante engadidos para a saÃda de son e de vÃdeo, a entrada de multimedia, demuxers (tipos de fluxos), códecs de son/vÃdeo e subtÃtulos. . Este paquete baleiro está aquà para a súa comodidade e depende de todos os paquetes de engadidos de xine dispoñÃbeis. Package: libxine2-bin Description-md5: 14fa1dd6fe33cc08e7baf21a1c042f4c Description-gl: Biblioteca de reprodución de vÃdeo/multimedia xine - ficheiros binarios Este paquete contén a biblioteca central do motor de reprodución de vÃdeo/multimedia xine. . Libxine fornece a infraestrutura completa dun reprodutor de vÃdeo/multimedia. Admite MPEG 1/2 e algúns vÃdeos AVI e Quicktime inmediatamente, polo que pode ser empregada para reproducir DVD (S)VCD e a maiorÃa dos ficheiros de vÃdeo existentes. Admite fluxos de rede, subtÃtulos e mesmo ficheiros MP3 e Ogg. É extensÃbel para satisfacer a calquera mediante engadidos para a saÃda de son e de vÃdeo, a entrada de multimedia, demuxers (tipos de fluxos), códecs de son/vÃdeo e subtÃtulos. Package: libxine2-console Description-md5: 1715de2a713ab3f5dc810ed010dc9bbc Description-gl: Engadidos relacionados con libaa/libcaca/framebuffer/directfb para libxine2 Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodución de vÃdeo/multimedia xine, que se empregan habitualmente na liña de ordes. En detalle, este paquete contén os engadidos de saÃda framebuffer (fb), directfb, libaa e libcaca. . Se desexa ver vÃdeos nun xterm ha de ter que instalar este paquete. Package: libxine2-dev Description-md5: 6afa5faf2489f768a92575c34fb1bd91 Description-gl: Biblioteca de reprodución de vÃdeo de xine - paquetes de desenvolvemento Isto contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras, documentación e semellantes) e documentación adicional para desenvolvedores da biblioteca de xine (libxine). . Libxine fornece a infraestrutura completa dun reprodutor de vÃdeo/multimedia. Admite MPEG 1/2 e algúns vÃdeos AVI e Quicktime inmediatamente, polo que pode ser empregada para reproducir DVD (S)VCD e a maiorÃa dos ficheiros de vÃdeo existentes. Admite fluxos de rede, subtÃtulos e mesmo ficheiros MP3 e Ogg. É extensÃbel para satisfacer a calquera mediante engadidos para a saÃda de son e de vÃdeo, a entrada de multimedia, demuxers (tipos de fluxos), códecs de son/vÃdeo e subtÃtulos. Package: libxine2-doc Description-md5: 302a16d3117f25626605d53a035bfdef Description-gl: Biblioteca de reprodución de vÃdeo de xine - ficheiros de documentación Isto contén documentación para a biblioteca de xine (libxine). Consiste en diversos ficheiros de texto e na páxina de man xine(5). . Libxine fornece a infraestrutura completa dun reprodutor de vÃdeo/multimedia. Admite MPEG 1/2 e algúns vÃdeos AVI e Quicktime inmediatamente, polo que pode ser empregada para reproducir DVD (S)VCD e a maiorÃa dos ficheiros de vÃdeo existentes. Admite fluxos de rede, subtÃtulos e mesmo ficheiros MP3 e Ogg. É extensÃbel para satisfacer a calquera mediante engadidos para a saÃda de son e de vÃdeo, a entrada de multimedia, demuxers (tipos de fluxos), códecs de son/vÃdeo e subtÃtulos. Package: libxine2-ffmpeg Description-md5: e7ea05e3951778b458f9b89df138a34f Description-gl: Engadidos relacionados con MPEG para libxine2 Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodución de vÃdeo/multimedia xine, que son necesarios para descodificar códecs baseados en MPEG. Entre eles, este paquete inclúe o engadido de entrada ffmpeg para xine, que permite que os reprodutores baseados en xine reproduzan unha grande variedade de códecs de son e vÃdeo modernos. . O máis probábel é que teña que instalar este paquete. É necesario para ver DVD ou televisión dixital empregando calquera reprodutor baseado en xine. Package: libxine2-gnome Description-md5: 36e2ed46b8815a836c740df743724963 Description-gl: Engadidos relacionados con GNOME para libxine2 This package contains plugins for the xine video/media player engine, which are commonly used in the GNOME desktop environment. In detail this package contains the GDK Pixbuf decoding plugin. . Se está a executar GNOME, moi probabelmente fará ben en instalar este paquete. Package: libxine2-misc-plugins Description-md5: e92eaccc868286824d862751f464eed3 Description-gl: Engadidos de entrada, saÃda e post-procesamento de son para libxine2 Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodutor de video/multimedia xine empregados para a entrada, a saÃda de son e o post- procesamento. . O máis probábel é que teña que instalar este paquete. Contén diversos engadidos que normalmente un conta con atopar nunha instalación de xine. Package: libxine2-plugins Description-md5: 0c30d79228c567ae78b048898a975639 Description-gl: xine video/media player library ‒ metapackage for commonly-used plugins Esta é a biblioteca do reprodutor de multimedia xine (libxine). . Libxine fornece a infraestrutura completa dun reprodutor de vÃdeo/multimedia. Admite MPEG 1/2 e algúns vÃdeos AVI e Quicktime inmediatamente, polo que pode ser empregada para reproducir DVD (S)VCD e a maiorÃa dos ficheiros de vÃdeo existentes. Admite fluxos de rede, subtÃtulos e mesmo ficheiros MP3 e Ogg. É extensÃbel para satisfacer a calquera mediante engadidos para a saÃda de son e de vÃdeo, a entrada de multimedia, demuxers (tipos de fluxos), códecs de son/vÃdeo e subtÃtulos. . Este paquete baleiro está aquà por comodidade e depende dos paquetes de engadidos de xine empregados habitualmente. Package: libxine2-vdr Description-md5: b770cc16469a49c37b8e5d48fa5a4468 Description-gl: Engadidos relacionados con VDR para libxine2 Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodución de vÃdeo/multimedia xine, que require vdr para ser útil. . Se desexa empregar vdr xunto con calquera interface de xine halle de facer falta este paquete. Package: libxine2-x Description-md5: f77db000ccc8902b9a73354c36e4800b Description-gl: Engadidos de saÃda de vÃdeo do escritorio X para libxine2 Este paquete contén engadidos para o motor de reprodutor de video/multimedia xine empregados para mostrar video no escritorio X. . O máis probábel é que teña que instalar este paquete se vai empregar unha interface gráfica como gxine, kaffeine ou xine-ui. Contén os engadidos de saÃda de xine necesarios para debuxar en pantallas de X11. Package: libxine2-xvdr Description-md5: 8285320ce64fa40e19cb147efbf62353 Description-gl: Engadido de entrada para xine para fluxos vdr-plugin-xineliboutput Este engadido engádelle un mrl novo, «xvdr://», a Xine, o que permite reproducir fluxos fornecidos por vdr-plugin-xineliboutput. Package: libxine2-xvdr-dbg Description-md5: 271894186f6af09e5c1646f0fd8baef3 Description-gl: Engadido de entrada para xine para fluxos vdr-plugin-xineliboutput Este engadido engádelle un mrl novo, «xvdr://», a Xine, o que permite reproducir fluxos fornecidos por vdr-plugin-xineliboutput. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libxineliboutput-fbfe Description-md5: c9c89af7c88eb635bc1801abbdd50cac Description-gl: Infraestrutura de framebuffer local para o engadido xineliboutput O engadido de vdr xineliboutput require desta biblioteca para fornecer a infraestrutura local incorporada para os dispositivos framebuffer. Package: libxineliboutput-fbfe-dbg Description-md5: f3f9346588633bc462d778e70b90b8f7 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de framebuffer local para o engadido xineliboutput O engadido de vdr xineliboutput require desta biblioteca para fornecer a infraestrutura local incorporada para os dispositivos framebuffer. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libxineliboutput-sxfe Description-md5: 0e94cb1dd2a20354eafc36e10c8caed4 Description-gl: Interface de X-Server local para o engadido xineliboutput O engadido de vdr xineliboutput require desta biblioteca para fornecer a infraestrutura local incorporada para os sistemas de xanelas X, Xv ou XvMC. Package: libxineliboutput-sxfe-dbg Description-md5: 21953426ff9c78ff4c2cb41455c57037 Description-gl: Interface de X-Server local para o engadido xineliboutput O engadido de vdr xineliboutput require desta biblioteca para fornecer a infraestrutura local incorporada para os sistemas de xanelas X, Xv ou XvMC. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libxm4 Description-md5: c87371c0880e5f62bd7d32c62b78f01c Description-gl: Motif - Biblioteca compartida de X/Motif Motif is the industry standard GUI component toolkit for *NIX. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de X/Motif. Package: libxml++2.6-2v5 Description-md5: 5000d474cafbf7c5dd4265d7b92c45a2 Description-gl: C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (libxml2) Libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library (otherwise known as the GNOME XML library). It has SAX and DOM-like APIs, but does not attempt to conform exactly to the DOM specification because they are not aimed at C++. Its API is much simpler than the underlying libxml C API. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas. Package: libxml++2.6-dev Description-md5: c5132dfa82a7e6d6dfbc460068bc77d8 Description-gl: C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (libxml2) - dev files Libxml++ is a C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library (otherwise known as the GNOME XML library). It has SAX and DOM-like APIs, but does not attempt to conform exactly to the DOM specification because they are not aimed at C++. Its API is much simpler than the underlying libxml C API. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libxml-atom-fromowl-perl Description-md5: 261b38f02a759a4471a55de7b8c543b8 Description-gl: Exporte datos de RDF a Atom A Linguaxe de OntoloxÃa da Rede (OWL) é unha familia de linguaxes de representación do coñecemento para crear ontoloxÃas. . Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . XML::Atom::FromOWL le RDF e escribe fontes de Atom. Fai o inverso de XML::Atom::OWL. Package: libxml-atom-microformats-perl Description-md5: 5f8adcc126abaaa02d6307688e7884a7 Description-gl: Analice microformatos no contido de Atom O módulo XML::Atom::Microformats trae a funcionalidade de HTML::Microformats ás fontes de sindicación de Atom 1.0. Atopa microformatos incorporados nos elementos <content> (nota: non en <summary>) das entradas de Atom. . O padrón xeral de uso é crear un obxecto de XML::Atom::Microformats (que corresponde cunha fonte de Atom 1.0) empregando o método «new_feed»; a seguir, pedir os datos, como un hashref de Perl, unha cadea de JSON ou un modelo de RDF::Trine. Package: libxml-atom-owl-perl Description-md5: e34f5fdbdfe5ce8bf88907c8e0999c36 Description-gl: Analice un ficheiro de Atom en RDF A Linguaxe de OntoloxÃa da Rede (OWL) é unha familia de linguaxes de representación do coñecemento para crear ontoloxÃas. . Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web. . XML::Atom::OWL le fontes de Atom e escribe RDF. Package: libxml-atom-perl Description-md5: dc9e208d41bec17f6a99068ebedfe149 Description-gl: Módulo para manipular fontes de Atom XML::Atom é un módulo en Perl que implementa a API de sindicación de Atom e o formato de arquivo dos blogues e doutros datos. Este módulo consiste na implementación do protocolo e nun cliente sinxelo para a API. Package: libxml-atom-service-perl Description-md5: d7772e266aee3326ad5c90b1995744e3 Description-gl: Atom Service Document object XML::Atom::Service is a Service Document implementation. In the Atom Publishing Protocol, a client needs to first discover the capabilities and locations of Collections. The Service Document is designed to support this discovery process. The document describes the location and capabilities of Collections. . O Protocolo de Publicación de Atom introduce algúns elementos novos de XML, como app:edited e app:draft, que son importados a XML::Atom. Vexa XML::Atom::Atompub en detalle. Package: libxml-atom-simplefeed-perl Description-md5: 7eb4d2623092ce32fd599f018263ceae Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para a xeración de fontes de sindicación de Atom XML::Atom::SimpleFeed provides a minimal API for generating Atom syndication feeds quickly and easily. It supports all aspects of the Atom format, but has no provisions for generating feeds with extension elements. . Vostede pode achegar cadeas para a maiorÃa das cousas e o módulo fornece predefinicións útiles. Se desexar máis control, pode vostede fornecer estruturas de datos, como está documentado, para indicar máis detalles. . Este módulo ten unha cadea de dependencias moito máis pequena que XML::Atom. Package: libxml-autowriter-perl Description-md5: 192e2031257ac32919566d350e1403df Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para producir saÃda en XML baseada en DOCTYPE XML::AutoWriter fornece unha infraestrutura para producir saÃda en XML baseada en DOCTYPE. Fornece varias maneiras cómodas para traballar con estes ficheiros. XML::Doctype analice as Definicións de Tipo de Documento (DTD) e permite gardalas como ficheiros de módulos de Perl (.pm) e cargalas cando for preciso. Deste xeito, é posÃbel empaquetar as DTD con ferramentas de XML, de maneira que non é necesario instalar XML::Parser (libxml-parser-perl). XML::ValidWriter emprega XML::Doctype para permitir comprobacións no momento de compilación e de execución da validez da saÃda en XML. XML::AutoWriter fornece funcionalidades semellantes a XML::ValidWriter mais tamén fornece a xeración automática de etiquetas iniciais e finais. Xuntos, estes módulos facilitan un método potente e minimalista de traballar con ficheiros en XML. Package: libxml-bare-perl Description-md5: 3ebf0614e3373716bdddc3cf5baa524f Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para analizar XML nun hash en Perl XML::Bare fornece unha API sinxela para ler e escribir ficheiros en XML; tamén fornece unha función para validar o esquema de XML. O analizador en si é un motor de estado simple que conta con menos de quiñentas liñas de C. . En comparación con outros analizadores de XML en Perl dispoñÃbeis que crean árbores, XML::Bare é extremadamente rápido; as probas mostran que pode chegar a ser unha ou dúas ordes de magnitude máis rápido que outros módulos semellantes. Package: libxml-catalog-perl Description-md5: c285ac9924315b4bd83d559fcce7bc6a Description-gl: Perl module for resolving public and remapping system identifiers XML::Catalog implements draft 0.4 of John Cowan's XML Catalog (formerly known as XCatalog) proposal Catalogs may be written in either SOCAT or XML syntax; XML::Catalog will assume SOCAT syntax if the catalog is not in well-formed XML syntax. . Este módulo , en 1.0.0, admite tamén os catálogos de XML de Oasis. Package: libxml-checker-perl Description-md5: 117237e91dcf61b6060ee38a50ea9d17 Description-gl: Módulos en Perl para validar XML Este paquete contén varios módulos para validar XML: . XML::Checker - contén a clase XML::Checker que empregan os outrosXML::Checker::Parser - un XML::Parser que valida no momento da análiseXML::DOM::ValParser - un XML::DOM::Parser que valida no momento da análise Package: libxml-commonns-perl Description-md5: 9226ccb4a0ee2baeedf8fb7431eb30c9 Description-gl: Lista de espazos de nomes de XML empregados habitualmente XML::CommonNS é unha biblioteca en Perl que fornece unha lista de espazos de nomes de XML empregados habitualmente, con integración con XML::NamespaceFactory. Package: libxml-compile-cache-perl Description-md5: 612402bb71798c9e8afa535ec328837c Description-gl: Módulo que mantén a caché de esquemas de XML compilados XML::Compile::Cache é o irmán intelixente de XML::Compile::Schema; mantén un seguimento dos lectores e escritores compilados e tamén axuda a administrar os parámetros para manexar a compilación. Ademais, permite empregar prefixos fáciles no canto de espazos de nomes completos. Package: libxml-compile-dumper-perl Description-md5: afea7a951daa1dcc595e1127cf9a2545 Description-gl: Módulo para axudar a gardar e cargar os procesadores de XML compilados XML::Compile::Dumper simplifica a tarefa de gardar e cargar tradutores pre-compilados. Os esquemas poden tornarse enormes e cando non se cree un daemon para realizar a comunicación de XML pódese acabar compilando e interpretando estes esquemas grandes con frecuencia, simplemente para poder procesar estruturas de datos sinxelas Package: libxml-compile-perl Description-md5: 1280664e15f452d25da3c6fefa06a638 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para traducir entre XML e Perl baseado en esquemas de XML Moitos aplicativos (profesionais) procesan as mensaxes en XML baseándose nunha especificación formal expresada en esquemas de XML. XML::Compile traduce entre XML e Perl coa axuda deses esquemas. Os programas en Perl só teñen que manexar unha árbore de HASH e ARRAY aniñados e non teñen que comprender os espazos de nomes e outras cousas desagradábeis da XML xeral e os esquemas. Package: libxml-csv-perl Description-md5: 9d692f220ea0a827d678139b23a99556 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para transformar documentos en CSV a XML This module provides functions to easily transform CSV documents into XML. The module uses Text::CSV_XS to parse csv files and put into perl data structure. The perl data structure is then written into xml data structure. XML::CSV allows you to create your own Text::CSV_XS object with defaults that fit your needs or just use defaults. Package: libxml-dumper-perl Description-md5: bcab3900223ffa6ebcfeaa5e8e3be421 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para envorcar obxectos de Perl de/a XML XML::Dumper envorca datos en Perl a un formato XML estruturado. . XML::Dumper pode tamén ler datos en XML que se envorcasen anteriormente por este módulo e convertelos de volta a Perl. . . Isto poderÃa ser útil para envorcar obxectos de Perl en ficheiros empregando un formato de XML que poida ser cargado ou accedido por outros programas. Talvez mesmo con outras linguaxes. Package: libxml-easy-perl Description-md5: 50a74f1e5515b4bddfbc5d91e1380901 Description-gl: Módulo en Perl para o procesamento de XML cunha interface limpa XML::Easy é unha colección de módulos relacionados co procesamento, análise e serialización de datos en XML. Está orientada cara o uso de XML para representar datos co propósito de intercambio, no canto de usar o XML como marcación de datos principalmente textuais. Non realiza o procesamento de ningún esquema e non interpreta DTD ou outro tipo de esquema. Segue estritamente a especificación de XML, en todos os seus detalles raros, excepto as DTD mencionadas. Package: libxml-libxml-debugging-perl Description-md5: 2bc23ff4d4a4dc20f33d7f210ca2fd3a Description-gl: get debugging information from XML::LibXML XML::LibXML::Debugging is a Perl library which adds a couple of additional methods to XML::LibXML::Node objects which are mostly aimed at helping figure out what's going on with the DOM's namespaces and structure. "toClarkML" produces a string of XML-like markup with explicit namespaces. The following XML: . <foo xmlns="" xmlns:bar="" bar:baz="quux" /> . Might be represented as: . <{}foo {}XMLNS="" {}bar="" {}baz="quux" /> . Another method "toDebuggingHash" returns a hashref suitable for dumping using Data::Dumper. Package: libxml-rss-feed-perl Description-md5: 629d3c756a4e1b6fc27d15c5e448c467 Description-gl: Perl module for Persistent XML RSS (RDF Site Summary) Encapsulation This module is a framework for persistent XML RSS (RDF Site Summary) Encapsulation. This module provides a framework for watching multiple RSS sources. The magic is in the late_breaking_news method that returns only headlines it hasn't seen. . If you want a non-blocking way to watch multiple RSS sources with one process use POE::Component::RSSAggregator (libpoe-component-rssaggregator) . Páxina web: Package: libxml-security-c17v5 Description-md5: 390bd7b2637f501a74246a30d6c9bb3c Description-gl: C++ library for XML Digital Signatures (runtime) Apache XML Security for C++ is a library for the XML Digital Security specification. It provides processing and handling of XML Key Management Specifications (XKMS) messages. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros precisos para executar aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca Apache XML Security for C++. Package: libxmlbird-dev Description-md5: db5a29fe64b9359cd3e32d95648b2c8b Description-gl: XML parser written in Vala (development files) XML Bird is a library for parsing documents written in the Exensible Markup Language (XML). This parser is written in Vala and has support for Vala iterators. This makes it possible to loop over all tags and attributes in the document using the foreach statement. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libxmlgraphics-commons-java-doc Description-md5: b0068e0c04986cd51ea594e707592bfb Description-gl: Reusable components used by Batik and FOP (documentation) Apache XML Graphics Commons is a library that consists of several reusable components used by Apache Batik and Apache FOP. Many of these components can easily be used separately outside the domains of SVG and XSL-FO. You will find components such as a PDF library, an RTF library, Graphics2D implementations that let you generate PDF & PostScript files, and much more. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación. Package: libxmlrpc-c++8-dev Description-md5: d207652345ee247a142005fae8b326c3 Description-gl: Lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP [C++ development libraries] XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the Internet. It converts the procedure call into an XML document, sends it to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML. . This library provides a modular implementation of XML-RPC for C++. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver os seus propios programas empregando esta biblioteca. Package: libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev Description-md5: 410eeb60d02eb824ca7ab34ef75e2acb Description-gl: Lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP [C development libraries] XML-RPC is a quick-and-easy way to make procedure calls over the Internet. It converts the procedure call into an XML document, sends it to a remote server using HTTP, and gets back the response as XML. . This library provides a modular implementation of XML-RPC for C. . Instale este paquete se quere desenvolver os seus propios programas empregando esta biblioteca. Package: libxmltok1-dev Description-md5: 0d1149b4ca0729bc066709ca4a3c27ee Description-gl: XML Parser Toolkit, developer libraries Libraries for XML parsing in C. It aims to be fully conforming. It is currently not a validating XML processor. . The library libxmltok contains a low-level library for tokenizing XML. The library libxmlparse contains an XML parser library which is built on top of the xmltok library. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libxmp-dev Description-md5: 5eec0c2f33c1f86dd9b2864932994f4d Description-gl: module file rendering library -- development files libxmp é unha biblioteca deseñada para interpretar ficheiros de módulos e producir son en PCM. Admite máis de 90 formatos, incluÃdos Protracker (MOD), Scream Tracker 3 (S3M), Fast Tracker II (XM) Impulse Tracker (IT). . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento precisos para construÃr con libxmp. Package: libxmp4 Description-md5: f7cbbd9adaba46bd78f154b83e2ac480 Description-gl: module file rendering library libxmp é unha biblioteca deseñada para interpretar ficheiros de módulos e producir son en PCM. Admite máis de 90 formatos, incluÃdos Protracker (MOD), Scream Tracker 3 (S3M), Fast Tracker II (XM) Impulse Tracker (IT). Package: libxpa-dev Description-md5: 7111cfaf20b948011a5b133106e31abb Description-gl: Seamless communication between Unix programs (development files) The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many kinds of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs. It also provides an easy way for users to communicate with these XPA-enabled programs by executing XPA client commands in the shell or by utilizing such commands in scripts. Because XPA works both at the programming level and the shell level, it is a powerful tool for unifying any analysis environment: users and programmers have great flexibility in choosing the best level or levels at which to access XPA services, and client access can be extended or modified easily at any time. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabezallo e a biblioteca estática. Package: libxpa1 Description-md5: ced41d497e96ae2c6579ba64235bac1e Description-gl: Seamless communication between Unix programs (shared library) The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many kinds of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs. It also provides an easy way for users to communicate with these XPA-enabled programs by executing XPA client commands in the shell or by utilizing such commands in scripts. Because XPA works both at the programming level and the shell level, it is a powerful tool for unifying any analysis environment: users and programmers have great flexibility in choosing the best level or levels at which to access XPA services, and client access can be extended or modified easily at any time. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libxpresent-dev Description-md5: f1210f0666133215fe6cf17f6df9f06d Description-gl: X11 Present extension library (development headers) libXpresent provides an X Window System client interface to the Present extension to the X protocol. . The Present extension provides a way for applications to update their window contents from a pixmap in a well defined fashion, synchronizing with the display refresh and potentially using a more efficient mechanism than copying the contents of the source pixmap. . This package contains the development headers for the library found in libxpresent1. Non-developers likely have little use for this package. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> Package: libxpresent1 Description-md5: 46ae76aa36e540627ca63d6bf6ada430 Description-gl: X11 Present extension library libXpresent provides an X Window System client interface to the Present extension to the X protocol. . The Present extension provides a way for applications to update their window contents from a pixmap in a well defined fashion, synchronizing with the display refresh and potentially using a more efficient mechanism than copying the contents of the source pixmap. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> Package: libxvidcore-dev Description-md5: a9e9bb53ef3ae6ffb6f94187bfd32d95 Description-gl: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (development) Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass compression for storage and archival purposes. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libxvidcore4 Description-md5: 58b566ad678c3db3fe24389f5d39143d Description-gl: Open source MPEG-4 video codec (library) Xvid (formerly XviD) is an open source MPEG-4 video codec, implementing MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Advanced Simple Profile, and Advanced Video Coding standards. It is written in C with assembler optimizations for quality and speed (including MMX, SSE, and 3Dnow! code for i386 and AltiVec for PowerPC), and is especially optimized towards offline, multi-pass compression for storage and archival purposes. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libxwiimote2 Description-md5: fdce8f1a84680050741b3d2d6ebc84c3 Description-gl: xwiimote library - runtime Este paquete contén os ficheiros de bibliotecas de tempo de execución necesarias para executar software que empregue xwiimote. Package: libxy-dev Description-md5: 07f6a1b506b6ca9bbbeadb693071cce2 Description-gl: xylib development files Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de xylib. . xylib is a C++ library for reading files that contain x-y data from powder diffraction, spectroscopy and other experimental methods. Package: libyaml-snake-java-doc Description-md5: 61fcacc98c62c684f44ee890fbda865e Description-gl: Documentación de SnakeYAML SnakeYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for the Java programming language. . This package contains the API documentation of libyaml-snake-java. Package: libyazpp-doc Description-md5: 7c89b19a601414d7ac795985c672d49c Description-gl: Documentación de YAZ++ YAZ++ is an application programming interface (API) to YAZ which supports the development of Z39.50/SRW/SRU client and server applications using C++. Like YAZ, it supports Z39.50-2003 (version 3) as well as SRW/SRU version 1.1 in both the client and server roles. YAZ++ includes an implementation of the ZOOM C++ binding and a generic client/server API based on the Observer/Observable design pattern. . This package includes the YAZ++ User's Guide and Reference. Package: libyder-dev Description-md5: 3f5855c0f77ceef14bea4852505605a0 Description-gl: logging library written in C - development Simple and easy to use logging library. You can log messages to the console, a file or syslog. . Yder is mono-thread, which mean that you can use only one instance of yder log at the same time in your program. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libyojson-ocaml Description-md5: 087e81c59e57b7cc511a5d9247ed7aee Description-gl: JSON library for OCaml - runtime package Yojson is an optimized parsing and printing library for the JSON format. It addresses a few shortcomings of json-wheel including 3x speed improvement, polymorphic variants and optional syntax for tuples and variants. . It is a replacement for json-wheel (libjson-wheel-ocaml-dev). . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas compartidas de tempo de execución. Package: libz80ex-dev Description-md5: 8592d7c96e7df7cceca7d77eddb4c0f9 Description-gl: Biblioteca de emulación do z80ex, ficheiros de desenvolvemento libz80ex is a portable ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulator designed as a library. Goals include: precise opcode emulation (documented & undocumented), exact timings for each opcode (including I/O operations) and multiple CPU contexts. A disassembler is included as well. This package contains the development files. Package: libz80ex1 Description-md5: 493b85dd20c9500847e5b112620bbe2f Description-gl: Biblioteca de emulación do z80ex, ficheiros compartidos libz80ex is a portable ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulator designed as a library. Goals include: precise opcode emulation (documented & undocumented), exact timings for each opcode (including I/O operations) and multiple CPU contexts. A disassembler is included as well. Package: libzapojit-0.0-0 Description-md5: 738f7ac80216936afb58e29b1a5450cc Description-gl: Library for accessing SkyDrive and Hotmail - shared libraries libzapojit is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the Microsoft SkyDrive and Hotmail REST protocols. . Este paquete contén as librarÃas compartidas. Package: libzbar-dev Description-md5: 7b93f38662fcc60358afc4d1c19fa5f1 Description-gl: bar code scanner and decoder (development) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libzbar0 Description-md5: 423792b9f7bd142b51893d25991d62d5 Description-gl: bar code scanner and decoder (library) ZBar is a library for scanning and decoding bar codes from various sources such as video streams, image files or raw intensity sensors. It supports EAN-13/UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, Code 128, Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5 and QR Code. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca. Package: libzeep-dev Description-md5: 1d6a0b5935373147c167957e1d1ebdf0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libzeep Libzeep is a C++ library providing a validating XML parser, XML DOM tree implementation, XPath 1.0 support and code to create SOAP/REST servers as well as a full web application framework. . libzeep was originally designed to create SOAP servers in C++ easily. The current incarnation provides a full validating XML parser creating a DOM tree that can be iterated using STL container like methods. The tree can be searched using XPath 1.0 queries. . There's also code to create SOAP and REST servers based allowing to export C++ methods as web services. And there's a full web application framework to create dynamic web sites in C++ and XHTML. . This specific package contains all files needed to develop new software using libzeep. Package: libzeitgeist-1.0-1 Description-md5: 5f36f890b2fde009f3c657c743aacc4e Description-gl: library to access Zeitgeist - shared library Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas compartidas para seren empregadas polos aplicativos. Package: libzeitgeist-1.0-1-dbg Description-md5: fe23cb66d3ff2d9bf1f3dd68bab85e55 Description-gl: library to access Zeitgeist - debugging symbols Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libzeitgeist-dev Description-md5: fd5d7b8d40b9c9f711482b8a95928b06 Description-gl: library to access Zeitgeist - development files Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: libzeitgeist-doc Description-md5: 6c5611aea56bd3880c45d1ce5940048a Description-gl: library to access Zeitgeist - documentation Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . Libzeitgeist is a client library to access and manage the Zeitgeist event log from languages such as C and Vala. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: libzemberek-java-doc Description-md5: a36566328981a6df3bb15b008c515244 Description-gl: Documentación do Zemberek Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . This package contains developer's documentation. Package: libzen-dev Description-md5: fd715c913b6da32e7465db188780786d Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades en C++ de ZenLib - ficheiros de desenvolvemento ZenLib is a C++ utility library. It includes classes for handling strings, configuration, bit streams, threading, translation, and cross-platform operating system functions. . This package contains the headers required for compiling applications/libraries which use this library. Package: libzen-doc Description-md5: ea8634da071a42ce8508d04755b10795 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades en C++ de ZenLib - documentación ZenLib is a C++ utility library. It includes classes for handling strings, configuration, bit streams, threading, translation, and cross-platform operating system functions. . This package contains the Doxygen generated API reference for developing applications/libraries using this library. Package: libzen0v5 Description-md5: 44c91cf8a569a195b1bf36947bdf9416 Description-gl: Biblioteca de utilidades en C++ de ZenLib - tempo de execución ZenLib is a C++ utility library. It includes classes for handling strings, configuration, bit streams, threading, translation, and cross-platform operating system functions. . This package contains the shared library needed for running applications which use this library. Package: libzend-framework-php Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: libzephyr-dev Description-md5: f44dfde5a594186c509feb71aa97758a Description-gl: Project Athena's notification service - development files O Zephyr deriva do sistema orixinal de «mensaxes instantáneas» do Proxecto Athena e permite que os usuarios lle envÃen mensaxes a outros usuarios ou a grupos de usuarios. Os usuarios poden ver as mensaxes entrantes de Zephyr como xanelogramas (xanelas x temporais) ou como texto nun terminal. . This package provides development libraries and files, which are needed to compile alternative Zephyr clients. Package: libzephyr4 Description-md5: 27bb0be9ade76da1a83e09f9867be0a8 Description-gl: Project Athena's notification service - non-Kerberos libraries O Zephyr deriva do sistema orixinal de «mensaxes instantáneas» do Proxecto Athena e permite que os usuarios lle envÃen mensaxes a outros usuarios ou a grupos de usuarios. Os usuarios poden ver as mensaxes entrantes de Zephyr como xanelogramas (xanelas x temporais) ou como texto nun terminal. . This package provides the libraries without Kerberos support. Package: libzerg0 Description-md5: 6b8213ad68f80f10fea73b8c72357f6f Description-gl: C library for lexically scanning the output of NCBI BLAST programs Zerg is a C library for lexing - lexically scanning - the output of NCBI BLAST programs. . Based on a GNU Flex-generated lexical scanner, it runs extremely fast, being especially useful for processing large volumes of data. Benchmark tests show that Zerg is over two orders of magnitude faster than some widely used BLAST parsers. . If you need a parser and not only a lexer, check out librostlab-blast. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libzim-dev Description-md5: 8baca2f573358e867741d6abf956387b Description-gl: library implementation of ZIM specifications (development) ZIM (Zeno IMproved) is an open file format for storing the contents of wiki for offline usage. This file format is primarily focused on providing the contents of Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects for offline use. . zimlib is the standard implementation of ZIM specification, which implements the read and write method for ZIM files. . ZIM is a file format created with focus on extracting and encoding data from Mediawiki for offline use. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libzip-ocaml-dev Description-md5: ca8fdf66abdad245e9e52c974ec49ee0 Description-gl: OCaml compression libraries (development files) This Objective Caml library provides easy access to compressed files in ZIP and GZIP format, as well as to Java JAR files. It provides functions for reading from and writing to compressed files in these formats. . Este paquete contén a parte de desenvolvemento do paquete camlzip. Package: libzita-alsa-pcmi-dev Description-md5: eb895ab04ff3a6265a1291c0ee3d253e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) da biblioteca libzita-alsa-pcmi Zita-alsa-pcmi is a C++ wrapper around the ALSA API a successor of clalsadrv library. It provides easy access to ALSA PCM devices, taking care of the many functions required to open, initialise and use a hw: device in mmap mode, and providing floating point audio data. . This package contains the headers used to build applications that use libzita-alsa-pcmi. Package: libzita-convolver-dev Description-md5: 09c182f786fea3f0fd1fc963221625d3 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) da biblioteca libzita-convolver Zita convolver is a C++ library implementing a real-time convolution matrix for up to 64 inputs and outputs. It uses multiple partition sizes to provide both low delay and efficient CPU use. . This package contains the headers used to build applications that use libzita-convolver. Package: libzita-resampler-dev Description-md5: c1f09311f20bd194f17cb65b1f737e22 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento (cabeceiras) da biblioteca libzita-resampler Zita resampler is a C++ library for resampling audio signals. It is designed to be used within a real-time processing context, to be fast, and to provide high-quality sample rate conversion. . This package contains the headers used to build applications that use libzita-resampler. Package: libzmf-doc Description-md5: fcff642b637aca85716a94b6c63a91f2 Description-gl: Zoner Draw/Zebra file reading/converting library -- documentation libzmf is a library and a set of tools for reading and converting Zoner Draw and Zebra file formats. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: libzn-poly-dev Description-md5: 997b5d77ae66234144ff69e9edc830af Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de libzn-poly zn_poly is a C library for polynomial arithmetic in Z/nZ[x], where n is any modulus that fits into an unsigned long. . This package contains the development files for the library. Package: libzookeeper-java-doc Description-md5: fa7efb25704b2929cc2dd670cc5d88c4 Description-gl: Documentación da API de zookeeper ZooKeeper is a centralized, reliable, service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and group services. All of these kinds of services are used in some form or another by distributed applications. Package: libzorp-dev Description-md5: a4adfeace70491027bbb8909682e0db2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para compilar módulos de Zorp Zorp é unha devase de nova xeración. É, esencialmente, unha devasa cun proxy transparente, con proxies que analizan os protocolos, unha arquitectura modular e un control preciso sobre o tráfico sobre o que se media. As decisións de configuración poden ser incorporadas como scripts na linguaxe de configuración baseada en Python. . These are the files you need to compile a zorp module. Package: libzorp6.0 Description-md5: deea31b056913670d660a839e7d6ad7e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución de Zorp Zorp é unha devase de nova xeración. É, esencialmente, unha devasa cun proxy transparente, con proxies que analizan os protocolos, unha arquitectura modular e un control preciso sobre o tráfico sobre o que se media. As decisións de configuración poden ser incorporadas como scripts na linguaxe de configuración baseada en Python. . Bibliotecas compartidas do sistema Zorp. Package: libzorpll-6.0-10 Description-md5: af31869bb11e96f0cb9877e96afc51b6 Description-gl: Funcións de nivel baixo de Zorp Zorp é unha devasa da capa de aplicativos que emprega unha arquitectura modular de proxies transparentes estritos que analizan os protocolos, o que dá un control preciso sobre o tráfico sobre o que se media. As decisións de configuración poden ser incorporadas como scripts na linguaxe de configuración baseada en Python. . Este paquete contén funcións de biblioteca de baixo nivel necesarios para Zorp e programas asociados. Package: libzorpll-6.0-10-dev Description-md5: daeb17678c1c60b233ab34d70b131552 Description-gl: Zorp low-level functions - development files for version 6.0-10 Zorp é unha devasa da capa de aplicativos que emprega unha arquitectura modular de proxies transparentes estritos que analizan os protocolos, o que dá un control preciso sobre o tráfico sobre o que se media. As decisións de configuración poden ser incorporadas como scripts na linguaxe de configuración baseada en Python. . This package contains the development files necessary to create programs based on libzorpll. Package: libzorpll-dev Description-md5: d76df106b42e2a1ee878f9b69261b057 Description-gl: Funcións de nivel baixo de Zorp - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Zorp é unha devasa da capa de aplicativos que emprega unha arquitectura modular de proxies transparentes estritos que analizan os protocolos, o que dá un control preciso sobre o tráfico sobre o que se media. As decisións de configuración poden ser incorporadas como scripts na linguaxe de configuración baseada en Python. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on the latest version. Package: libzstd1 Description-md5: 5529781042229a3d4fc1e69daa94d736 Description-gl: fast lossless compression algorithm Zstd, short for Zstandard, is a fast lossless compression algorithm, targeting real-time compression scenarios at zlib-level compression ratio. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida. Package: libzvbi-common Description-md5: 45a184b948cd46e1228c58d6416f7280 Description-gl: Vertical Blanking Interval decoder (VBI) - common files The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is an interval in a television signal that temporarily suspends transmission of the signal for the electron gun to move back up to the first line of the television screen to trace the next screen field. . The vertical blanking interval can be used to carry data, since anything sent during the VBI would naturally not be displayed; various test signals, closed captioning, and other digital data can be sent during this time period. These include information like closed-caption data, Teletext (primarily in Europe), and now Intercast and the ATVEC Internet television encodings. . The Zapping VBI library, in short ZVBI, provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, licensed under GPL. Some features: * Captures raw VBI samples from V4L, V4L2 and FreeBSD BKTR devices, sliced VBI data from Linux DVB devices; * Implements a VBI Proxy to share one VBI device between multiple applications; * Has a robust and versatile bit slicer which handles a wide range of data services; * Functions to capture multiple data services at once, such as Closed Caption (both NTSC and PAL), Teletext, VPS, WSS, XDS; * Level 3.5 Teletext decoder with support for all Teletext character sets, graphics, 4096 colors, with built-in page cache including search functions; * Closed Caption decoder which supports roll-up, pop-up and paint-on style caption, color, expanded character set, text attributes and free text placement; * Renders Teletext and Caption pages, can export to HTML, PNG and other formats. * Can determine network names; * Can find Teletext subtitle and program pages; * Functions to extract data transmissions in Teletext streams (currently Page Format Clear and Independent Data Line Format A); * Can multiplex and demultiplex DVB VBI PES and TS streams. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de internacionalización. Package: libzvbi-dev Description-md5: 1ed5341cec401cff19793f7fc7afc618 Description-gl: Vertical Blanking Interval decoder (VBI) - development files The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is an interval in a television signal that temporarily suspends transmission of the signal for the electron gun to move back up to the first line of the television screen to trace the next screen field. . The vertical blanking interval can be used to carry data, since anything sent during the VBI would naturally not be displayed; various test signals, closed captioning, and other digital data can be sent during this time period. These include information like closed-caption data, Teletext (primarily in Europe), and now Intercast and the ATVEC Internet television encodings. . The Zapping VBI library, in short ZVBI, provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, licensed under GPL. Some features: * Captures raw VBI samples from V4L, V4L2 and FreeBSD BKTR devices, sliced VBI data from Linux DVB devices; * Implements a VBI Proxy to share one VBI device between multiple applications; * Has a robust and versatile bit slicer which handles a wide range of data services; * Functions to capture multiple data services at once, such as Closed Caption (both NTSC and PAL), Teletext, VPS, WSS, XDS; * Level 3.5 Teletext decoder with support for all Teletext character sets, graphics, 4096 colors, with built-in page cache including search functions; * Closed Caption decoder which supports roll-up, pop-up and paint-on style caption, color, expanded character set, text attributes and free text placement; * Renders Teletext and Caption pages, can export to HTML, PNG and other formats. * Can determine network names; * Can find Teletext subtitle and program pages; * Functions to extract data transmissions in Teletext streams (currently Page Format Clear and Independent Data Line Format A); * Can multiplex and demultiplex DVB VBI PES and TS streams. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: libzvbi-doc Description-md5: 02b22f1be385c8d8a4eaa85cf8dc0afe Description-gl: Vertical Blanking Interval decoder (VBI) - documentation files The vertical blanking interval (VBI) is an interval in a television signal that temporarily suspends transmission of the signal for the electron gun to move back up to the first line of the television screen to trace the next screen field. . The vertical blanking interval can be used to carry data, since anything sent during the VBI would naturally not be displayed; various test signals, closed captioning, and other digital data can be sent during this time period. These include information like closed-caption data, Teletext (primarily in Europe), and now Intercast and the ATVEC Internet television encodings. . The Zapping VBI library, in short ZVBI, provides functions to capture and decode VBI data. It is written in plain ANSI C with few dependencies on other tools and libraries, licensed under GPL. Some features: * Captures raw VBI samples from V4L, V4L2 and FreeBSD BKTR devices, sliced VBI data from Linux DVB devices; * Implements a VBI Proxy to share one VBI device between multiple applications; * Has a robust and versatile bit slicer which handles a wide range of data services; * Functions to capture multiple data services at once, such as Closed Caption (both NTSC and PAL), Teletext, VPS, WSS, XDS; * Level 3.5 Teletext decoder with support for all Teletext character sets, graphics, 4096 colors, with built-in page cache including search functions; * Closed Caption decoder which supports roll-up, pop-up and paint-on style caption, color, expanded character set, text attributes and free text placement; * Renders Teletext and Caption pages, can export to HTML, PNG and other formats. * Can determine network names; * Can find Teletext subtitle and program pages; * Functions to extract data transmissions in Teletext streams (currently Page Format Clear and Independent Data Line Format A); * Can multiplex and demultiplex DVB VBI PES and TS streams. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación. Package: libzxcvbn-dev Description-md5: e590acf6c9c7e408f2c760d5724aef28 Description-gl: password strength estimation library - development files This library is a C/C++ implementation of the zxcvbn password strength estimator. It provides functions to rate password strength, by comparing the password to several word lists, including English first and last names. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: lifelines-doc Description-md5: af9451a953c722c1f813ad7d7b3ea68d Description-gl: Documentación de lifelines, un sistema de software de xenealoxÃa This package contains the full documentation for lifelines genealogy software (text, HTML, XML and PDF formats). Package: lighttpd-dev Description-md5: f1fc9af82b36575ba112fed026bd55dc Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de lighttpd Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras de desenvolvemento para lighttpd. Package: lighttpd-doc Description-md5: 71123b17b9134699e9fdc68a1dc47ca8 Description-gl: Documentación de lighttpd lighttpd is a small webserver and fast webserver developed with security in mind and a lot of features. . This package contains documentation for lighttpd. Package: lilypond Description-md5: 815a9b1cee6dda8a4c295b8c6dbc2a26 Description-gl: Programa para a formatación de textos musicais O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . O LilyPond admite moitas formas de construtos de notación musical, incluÃdos os nomes dos acordes, a notación da percusión, o baixo figurado, as notas de adorno, as tabulaturas de guitarra, a notación moderna (notación en cúmulos e agrupamentos rÃtmicos), tremolos, grupos artificiais (aniñados) en proporcións arbitrarias e máis. . A linguaxe de entrada musical baseada en texto do LilyPond pode ser integrada en LaTeX, HTML e Texinfo sen costuras, permitindo asà escribir partituras sinxelas ou tratados de musicoloxÃa a partir dunha fonte única. A forma e o contido están separadas e, co formato automático e experto do LilyPond, os usuarios non precisan teren pericia tipográfica para producir unha boa notación. . O LilyPond produce saÃda impresa en PDF, PostScript, SVG ou TeX, asà como MIDI para o pracer de escoitar. O LilyPond expórtase desde as interfaces gráficas do RoseGarden e do NoteEdit e pode importar ABC, ETF e MIDI. . O LilyPond fai parte do Proxecto GNU. . Authors: Han-Wen Nienhuys <> Jan Nieuwenhuizen <> Package: lilypond-data Description-md5: 15b6a8707411fca217f45f5290242bd1 Description-gl: Formatador de texto musical LilyPond (ficheiros de datos) O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura para o LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc Description-md5: 9346244cd5896d018d449885b850f64c Description-gl: LilyPond Documentation in info format (and metapackage) O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete inclúe a documentación no formato info e recomenda a documentación en html e pdf do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-html Description-md5: ce9305bb3e0186f8d51108b36ca7315e Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-html-cs Description-md5: 2ee692707fa6419b4ab149a3f3435a05 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en checo O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en checo do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-html-de Description-md5: eefab7eba3e3147677f7db0340a6fb36 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en alemán O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . This package contains the HTML documentation in alemán for the LilyPond music typesetting software. Package: lilypond-doc-html-es Description-md5: 26862c06877078c4b0485543006d5282 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en español O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en español do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-html-fr Description-md5: 508d25778e5c5ea0907a9ca4b4690523 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en francés O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . This package contains the HTML documentation in francés for the LilyPond music typesetting software. Package: lilypond-doc-html-hu Description-md5: 035215d337f59965c7d0343cdc2563c1 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en húngaro O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en húngaro do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-html-it Description-md5: 975a9c9c34436ced5945fda5dee7c154 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en italiano O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en italiano do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-html-ja Description-md5: dc3df7f4ae4602afeede13618f825dda Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en xaponés O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en xaponés do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-html-nl Description-md5: a9c770cfc0c65cc6809d504a6f091b3b Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en holandés O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . This package contains the HTML documentation in holandés for the LilyPond music typesetting software. Package: lilypond-doc-html-zh Description-md5: 799a1badc745ba3b428fad6d04b9b11c Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en HTML en chinés O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML en chinés do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-pdf Description-md5: 6c5792f355319abd1e77bbf9cfa75977 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en PDF O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-de Description-md5: 80192b1ae0f75cbce60c7f8dcd878282 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en alemán O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en alemán do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-es Description-md5: 0cd221acd745c1f9b885f7c1cce99ed1 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en español O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en español do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-fr Description-md5: 6c8999d1697143faa20ec906abe9fb48 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en francés O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en francés do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-hu Description-md5: c2952134c91516ea25a4a3b97514782b Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en húngaro O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en húngaro do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-it Description-md5: 5b76cedb4522b85c212660a8f0cf3aa9 Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en italiano O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en italiano do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: lilypond-doc-pdf-nl Description-md5: a5c506933d9cf7e4c254655f6b9adcce Description-gl: Documentación do LilyPond en PDF en holandés O LilyPond é un formatador de texto musical e un sistema de gravado automatizado. Produce partituras lindas empregando como entrada un ficheiro de descrición de alto nivel. . Este paquete contén a documentación en PDF en holandés do software de formatación musical LilyPond. Package: linaro-boot-utils Description-md5: b88bd2b3d1d59abb6887b1106376e092 Description-gl: Utilidades para arrancar placas de desenvolvemento This package contains utilities useful for booting development boards with corrupt or no boot media over a USB or serial connection to a development host. Package: lincity-ng Description-md5: f4b47b8691c6ba8798f6b66a19f1e6d3 Description-gl: City simulator game with polished graphics O LinCity-NG é un xogo de simulación urbana. É unha versión coidada e mellorada do antigo xogo LinCity: Tes que construÃr e manter unha ciade. Tes que alimentar, aloxar, dar traballo e bens aos residentes. Podes construÃr unha economÃa sustentábel con enerxÃa renovábel e reciclase ou podes ir á bancarrota e construÃr foguetes para escapar dun planeta esganado pola contaminación e famento de recursos, a decisión é túa. Debido a que os recursos dispoñÃbeis dun sitio son limitados, este non é un xogo que se poida abandonar durante perÃodos longos de tempo. Este xogo é semellante ao xogo de simulación comercial de nome parecido. Package: lincity-ng-data Description-md5: 1617b8d400aeff6557730435cbdb24a6 Description-gl: Media files for the city simulator game LinCity-NG O LinCity-NG é un xogo de simulación urbana. É unha versión coidada e mellorada do antigo xogo LinCity: Tes que construÃr e manter unha ciade. Tes que alimentar, aloxar, dar traballo e bens aos residentes. Podes construÃr unha economÃa sustentábel con enerxÃa renovábel e reciclase ou podes ir á bancarrota e construÃr foguetes para escapar dun planeta esganado pola contaminación e famento de recursos, a decisión é túa. Debido a que os recursos dispoñÃbeis dun sitio son limitados, este non é un xogo que se poida abandonar durante perÃodos longos de tempo. Este xogo é semellante ao xogo de simulación comercial de nome parecido. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de multimedia independentes da arquitectura. Package: lingot Description-md5: 0165179d1dc2f17e5bf0e0df031d8e26 Description-gl: accurate and easy to use musical instrument tuner O Lingot é un afinador de instrumentos musicais. É preciso, doado de empregar e moi configurábel. Concibido orixinalmente para afinar guitarras eléctricas, agora pode afinar calquera instrumento. . Ten a aparencia dun afinador analóxico, cunha agulla que indica o desprazamento relativo dunha nota determinada indicando a nota e a súa frecuencia. Package: link-grammar Description-md5: d9d09a2d58fa8aa2ee5f8695b9b95a71 Description-gl: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser In Sleator, D. and Temperley, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar" (1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar. . link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a grammar checker. . Este paquete contén o executábel polo usuario. Package: link-grammar-dictionaries-en Description-md5: 920c6580f5691c78e6aeeda1b9275a8a Description-gl: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (English dictionary) In Sleator, D. and Temperley, D. "Parsing English with a Link Grammar" (1991), the authors defined a new formal grammatical system called a "link grammar". A sequence of words is in the language of a link grammar if there is a way to draw "links" between words in such a way that the local requirements of each word are satisfied, the links do not cross, and the words form a connected graph. The authors encoded English grammar into such a system, and wrote this program to parse English using this grammar. . link-grammar can be used for linguistic parsing for information retrieval or extraction from natural language documents. It can also be used as a grammar checker. . Este paquete contén os dicionarios de inglés. Package: links2 Description-md5: 9a74b5001abe6d9597ea0d0eb9b7e17d Description-gl: Navegador web que se pode executar en modo texto ou en modo gráfico Links is a graphics and text mode WWW browser, similar to Lynx. It displays tables, frames, downloads on background, uses HTTP/1.1 keepalive connections. In graphics mode it displays PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and XBM pictures, runs external bindings on other types, and features anti-aliased font, smooth image zooming, 48-bit dithering, and gamma and aspect ratio correction. Package: linphone-dbg Description-md5: 7727c74d53f3a0d6b79b54993a4fe12b Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de linphone Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. It has a GTK+ and console interface, includes a large variety of audio and video codecs, and provides IM features. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: linthesia Description-md5: a1f207822959a1a1cb9089fbd6e66e30 Description-gl: Fork of Synthesia to GNU/Linux O Synthesia é un programa que ensina a tocar o piano empregando notas que van caendo, estilo pianola, cun ficheiro MIDI. Pódense escoller máis niveis . Pódese practicar empregando un teclado de piano MIDI externo. Package: linux-libc-dev-alpha-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-armel-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-hppa-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-m68k-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-mips-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-mips64-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-mips64el-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-mipsel-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-powerpcspe-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-ppc64-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-s390x-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-sh4-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-libc-dev-sparc64-cross Description-md5: 1451bbb6883623d253eaf0cf7565213a Description-gl: Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling) Este paquete fornece cabeceiras do kernel Linux. Estas cabeceiras empréganas as cabeceiras instaladas de GNU glibc e outras bibliotecas do sistema. NON están pensadas para seren empregadas para construÃr módulos de terceiras partes para un kernel. Empregue linux-headers-* para iso. Package: linux-user-chroot-dbg Description-md5: 819a42bafdb0c499724236ec78720821 Description-gl: setuid helper for making bind mounts and chrooting (debug files) This tool allows regular (non-root) users to call chroot(2), create Linux bind mounts, and use some Linux container features. It's primarily intended for use by build systems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración. Package: linux-wlan-ng-doc Description-md5: f2abbf016157e781e3c71b3341f972e7 Description-gl: Documentación de wlan-ng linux-wlan-ng is a set of drivers and utilities that is intended to provide the full range of IEEE 802.11 MAC management capabilities for use in user-mode utilities and scripts. The package currently supports the Intersil 802.11b Prism2, Prism2.5, and Prism3 reference designs for PCMCIA, PCI, and USB. Additionally, the package includes support for the PLX9052 based PCI to PCMCIA adapter with a few different PCMCIA cards. . This package contains documentation for linux-wlan-ng that is not included in the main package. Package: liquidsoap Description-md5: 94d9899fe402c70cc9efd6e28fca9a0e Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . Some of the typical uses are: * dynamically generating playlists depending on the time or other factors * having smooth transitions between songs * adding jingles periodically * applying effects on the sound like volume normalization * reencoding the stream at various qualities * remotely controlling the stream Package: liquidsoap-mode Description-md5: 2f409ad96550ec4a40fbb458fcaceb00 Description-gl: Emacs mode for editing Liquidsoap code O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides an (X)Emacs mode which makes it easier to edit Liquidsoap source code. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-all Description-md5: 1d892a8224cc4e6e76a09d0c4651bfeb Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Todos os engadidos O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This meta-package installs all available plugins for Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-alsa Description-md5: 82b9d2f241699f3a1c48b5fa7dcf2c97 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para ALSA O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides ALSA support for liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-ao Description-md5: 34834baf989ba01ae78f52661accf4b2 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para AO O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides AO support for liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-camlimages Description-md5: 299085b10fc8943a41cdd667ad28e66d Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Camlimages O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for decoding various format of images in Liquidsoap using camlimages. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-dssi Description-md5: caf103652a3c304c559c1deeb105d7b7 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para DSSI O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides DSSI plugins support for liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-faad Description-md5: d58df75c4246f6f700106d2ad43a3960 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para FAAD O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for decoding AAC and M4A files in liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-flac Description-md5: f99bc5f38a7d3eecdbb1f6b90abb2c0a Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para FLAC O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for decoding and encoding native and ogg- encapsulated FLAC data in liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-frei0r Description-md5: 7d42df5323608d3f3a070b288495b0a9 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Frei0r O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for frei0r plugins in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-gavl Description-md5: 8b58de28ca8ae763934312e1cdd1a850 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Gavl O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for gavl video manipulation in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-gd Description-md5: 1ab6651af6352f45ec4bbca726aae35b Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para libgd O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for operators using libgd. Currently, the only operator provided is This operators provides video text rendering without any X-related dependency. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-graphics Description-md5: da3827d2c0334ca24268e45ab4018516 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Graphics O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for Video visualisation operators using OCaml graphics module in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-gstreamer Description-md5: 003d526831f4aba8b78180642f4b293e Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para GStreamer O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for operators using GStreamer. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-icecast Description-md5: 787c4f5e08c9211caa72527a76212511 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Icecast O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for Icecast output in liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-jack Description-md5: 591730a9f3a1f8e958c7a9eb85302c14 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para JACK O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides JACK support for liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-ladspa Description-md5: 550960566e050ee2ea2ef9445b34e923 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para LADSPA O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for LADSPA audio effects in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-lame Description-md5: b50068d868c28d1e98e926a9eb01db68 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Lame O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for MP3 encoding in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-lastfm Description-md5: ef4fb1e7685dadc576f535ef139d67f6 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Lastfm O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . Este paquete fornece compatibilidade para o envÃo e retransmisión de radio Lastfm en Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-lo Description-md5: 922d90b741d64c5f5271f6976a52793c Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para LO O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for Open Sound Control (OSC) in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-mad Description-md5: c231c21ce6cfeb879e61f14a821c80da Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Mad O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for MP3 audio data decoding in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-ogg Description-md5: 04743e33f9a0ae1c0c1b1f4dbf336052 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Ogg O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for Ogg stream decoding and encoding in Liquidsoap. This plugin is only useful when used with one of vorbis, speex, flac or theora plugin. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-opus Description-md5: 90199353e95d6942977d649af5156163 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Opus O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for ogg/opus audio decoding and encoding in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-oss Description-md5: 68a1d985462c1616df834e52ba41af0c Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para OSS O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for OSS audio output in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-portaudio Description-md5: 14ebea43eb4570738c64a95b05c5a172 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Portaudio O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for portaudio audio input and output in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-pulseaudio Description-md5: e35ab12318f1ff06b9808d386e257b53 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Pulseaudio O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for pulseaudio audio input and output in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-samplerate Description-md5: 0957de75186053ec585cc19029389fe6 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Samplerate O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for audio samplerate conversion using libsamplerate in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-sdl Description-md5: 0ae4bb5a6d2703f4b7e1593e3b0200a3 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para SDL O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides SDL support for liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-shine Description-md5: 30cf4b5accf4c2538f2b5d0ff89159ea Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Shine O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for MP3 encoding using the shine fixed-point encoding library in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-soundtouch Description-md5: 8ce489ec5b0948b54d01eb2341cf12b0 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Soundtouch O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for audio manipulation using libsoundtouch in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-speex Description-md5: 6957bbffdbf671256c052648a1885676 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Speex O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for ogg/speex audio decoding and encoding in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-taglib Description-md5: 4c192db3e01e2b050bbc9bec86e75e46 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Taglib O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for file metadata reading using taglib in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-theora Description-md5: c2cb730c98d18964fc2b67c71963cabc Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Theora O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for ogg/theora video decoding and encoding in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-voaacenc Description-md5: a5cb0aeb7823563fb6af320449398235 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Voaacenc O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support AAC audio encoding in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-vorbis Description-md5: 72110231754acf5d41b9df924c865eb5 Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Vorbis O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for ogg/vorbis audio decoding and encoding in Liquidsoap. Package: liquidsoap-plugin-xmlplaylist Description-md5: b67ea115d54c3d77d452c47b510c9b8d Description-gl: Linguaxe de retransmisión de son -- Engadido para Xmlplaylist O Liquidsoap é unha ferramenta potente para construÃr sistemas de fluxo de son complexos, destinados normalmente ás radios por Internet (p.ex. fluxos de icecast). . It consists of a simple script language, in which you can create, combine and transform audio sources. Its design makes liquidsoap flexible and easily extensible. . This package provides support for various XML playlist formats in Liquidsoap. Package: lisaac-doc Description-md5: cc1d8329d78829818d35278c25e7dd0f Description-gl: Documenta de lisaac Lisaac is a small prototype-based programming language. . This package contains the documentation in html format. Your are also provided with a pdf smart and complete documentation. Package: litl-doc Description-md5: bf9c332395443a82cc1786bf5b1800c1 Description-gl: Lightweight Trace Library - documentation LiTL is a lightweight tool for recording events during the execution of scientific high-performance applications. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: littlewizard Description-md5: d73cd2f949aa5867fee46c47f98b8c50 Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento para nenos Little Wizard is created especially for primary school children. It allows one to learn using main elements of present computer languages, including: variables, expressions, loops, conditions, logical blocks. Every element of language is represented by an intuitive icon. Little Wizard can be used without using keyboard, only mouse. Package: littlewizard-data Description-md5: 3ac2eefdee14773eeade90e5611e8c84 Description-gl: littlewizard data files Little Wizard is a development environment created especially for primary school children. It allows one to learn using main elements of present computer languages, including: variables, expressions, loops, conditions, logical blocks. Every element of language is represented by an intuitive icon. Little Wizard can be used without using keyboard, only mouse. . Este paquete ten as iconas e os ficheiros de configuración rexional que emprega O Pequeno Mago. Package: live-boot-doc Description-md5: d388a5940a7de2db5b9feb41beddc6f9 Description-gl: Live System Boot Components (documentation) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-boot contains the components to configure a live system during the boot process (early userspace). . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: live-boot-initramfs-tools Description-md5: 89c6cc082ad60693c1be1b22445eaecd Description-gl: Live System Boot Components (initramfs-tools backend) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-boot contains the components to configure a live system during the boot process (early userspace). . Este paquete contén a infraestrutura initramfs-tools. Package: live-build-cgi Description-md5: f4c71dad5330df75c843617cf4d9fe41 Description-gl: Debian Live - System build scripts (CGI frontend) live-build contén os scripts que constrúen unha imaxe do sistema Debian ao vivo a partir dun directorio de configuración. . This package contains the CGI frontend. Package: live-manual Description-md5: 34e514e3969a035d99163d8983070ee6 Description-gl: Live Systems Documentation (metapackage) The Live Systems project maintains the components to build Debian based Live systems and the official Debian Live images themselves. . live-manual contains the documentation for the Live Systems project. . Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de todos os formatos de saÃda dispoñÃbeis. Package: livemedia-utils Description-md5: 9eba2f43815fbab3a862c6630e9b8f94 Description-gl: multimedia RTSP streaming tools The streaming media code is a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries can be used to build applications to stream, receive and process MPEG, H.263+ or JPEG video, several audio codecs, and can easily be extended to support additional codecs. They can also be used to build basic RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) or SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) clients and servers. . Este paquete contén os servidores de retransmisión de (live555MediaServer e live555ProxyServer), os programas de exemplo (openRTSP, playSIP, sapWatch, vobStreamer) e diversas ferramentas de probas. Package: livemix Description-md5: f6a3f02ef8e04f18934f41932482f1a6 Description-gl: Misturador sinxelo para actuacións ao vivo Based on Jack. Features: - In, pre fader, post fader, sub-groups customisable channel. - All-in is stereo-in internally. - LADSPA effects. - LASH support. - MIDI support. - PK & pseudo VU meters. - Simple GUI. Package: lives Description-md5: 4a637a263d41c264219b65d0cf1afa34 Description-gl: Sistema de edición de vÃdeo que permite que os usuarios editen e creen vÃdeo LiVES is a Video Editing system allowing both novice and advanced users to edit and create video straight away. It can also be used as a VJ tool, and can be scripted and controlled remotely. Package: lives-data Description-md5: f6743432883899d90c5d427dc560c33c Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do LiVES LiVES is a Video Editing system allowing both novice and advanced users to edit and create video straight away. It can also be used as a VJ tool, and can be scripted and controlled remotely. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do LiVES. Package: liwc Description-md5: f6ca0c5669117abc48d99819f51e9a3b Description-gl: Ferramentas para manipular código fonte en C Includes programs for converting C++ comments to C comments, removing C comments, print out string literals, and converting characters to trigraphs and trigraphs to characters. Package: ll-scope Description-md5: d2dcb4d11ee7e34e80e70d55ee26f8a5 Description-gl: Un engadido de osciloscopio DSSI The Oscilloscope is a DSSI plugin with a GUI that displays the audio input in an oscilloscope view. It can be useful when working with modular synths, to view the waveforms with at different places in the synth graph. Package: lldb-3.8-dev Description-md5: 503fa1e5344f3cf22d6e28319adbfcaa Description-gl: transitional dummy package to liblldb-3.8-dev Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: llk-linux Description-md5: 19408484b068e1bc7fcc30882293136c Description-gl: Un xogo semellante ao mahjongg escrito en GTK Your mission in this game is to remove all blocks from the game board. A matching pair of blocks can be removed, if they are 'free', which means the connection between these two blocks does not cross other block and have at most two turns. Package: llvm-3.7-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Este paquete contén toda a documentación (extensiva). Package: llvm-3.8-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras para desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen llvm. Package: llvm-3.8-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Este paquete contén toda a documentación (extensiva). Package: llvm-4.0-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras para desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen llvm. Package: llvm-4.0-doc Description-md5: 19896d0a63f9911e3a7a7b85ecfac407 Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, documentation LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Este paquete contén toda a documentación (extensiva). Package: lm-sensors Description-md5: 491418ae94ae096e9d6b05b0cf47c351 Description-gl: Utilidades para ler os sensores de temperatura/voltaxe/ventiladores Lm-sensors is a hardware health monitoring package for Linux. It allows you to access information from temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors. It works with most newer systems. . This package contains programs to help you set up and read data from lm- sensors. Package: lmms Description-md5: 816cb06c4ea6fb223d96de245d4d63a3 Description-gl: Estudio multimedia para Linux O LMMS pretende ser unha alternativa libre a programas populares (mais comerciais e de código fechado) como FruityLoops, Cubase e Logic que permita producir música co computador creando bucles bos, sintentizando e misturando sons, arranxando mostras, divertÃndose co teclado MIDI e moito máis... . O LMMS combina as funcionalidades dun programa de pistas / secuenciador (xestión de padróns/canles/mostras/cancións/efectos) e as de sintetizadores e sampleadores potentes cunha interface gráfica de usuario moderna, amigábel e doada de utilizar. Package: lmms-common Description-md5: bb2954ca4155147592c95219e7105a80 Description-gl: Estudio multimedia para Linux - ficheiros comúns O LMMS pretende ser unha alternativa libre a programas populares (mais comerciais e de código fechado) como FruityLoops, Cubase e Logic que permita producir música co computador creando bucles bos, sintentizando e misturando sons, arranxando mostras, divertÃndose co teclado MIDI e moito máis... . O LMMS combina as funcionalidades dun programa de pistas / secuenciador (xestión de padróns/canles/mostras/cancións/efectos) e as de sintetizadores e sampleadores potentes cunha interface gráfica de usuario moderna, amigábel e doada de utilizar. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da plataforma, como mostras, predefinicións e algúns proxectos de exemplo. Package: lnav Description-md5: a0cdf69b960c2d470c1fe1074133ce92 Description-gl: Visor de ficheiros de rexistro baseado en ncurses The log file navigator, lnav, is an enhanced log file viewer that takes advantage of any semantic information that can be gleaned from the files being viewed, such as timestamps and log levels. Using this extra semantic information, lnav can do things like interleaving messages from different files, generate histograms of messages over time, and providing hotkeys for navigating through the file. It is hoped that these features will allow the user to quickly and efficiently zero in on problems. Package: localepurge Description-md5: 475992bb2d7939b240f9cd47d5afdf21 Description-gl: Recupere espazo dos discos retirando configuracións rexionais innecesarias This package provides a script to recover disk space wasted for unneeded locales, GNOME/KDE localizations and localized man pages. Depending on the installation, it is possible to save hundreds of megabytes of disk space taken up by localization you will most probably never have any use for. It is run automatically upon completion of any APT installation actions. . This tool is a hack which is *not* integrated with the system's package management system and therefore is not for the faint of heart. Its interference can provoke strange, but usually harmless, behavior in programs related to apt/dpkg, such as dpkg-repack, reportbug, etc. Responsibility for its usage and possible breakage of the system therefore lies in the system administrator's hands. . Please do abstain from reporting any such bugs blaming localepurge if you break the system by using it. If you don't know what you are doing and can't handle any resulting breakage, you should not install this package. Package: logfs-tools-dbg Description-md5: 483527579a3529d69f6af78468c0364a Description-gl: Tools to manage logfs filesystems (debug) LogFS is a scalable flash filesystem. It is aimed to replace JFFS2 for most uses, but focuses more on large devices. JFFS2 works well enough on small devices, it just gets slow and uses up too much memory on larger ones. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das utilidades necesarias para crear sistemas de ficheiros logfs. Package: loggedfs-dbg Description-md5: cd7bf61de09a44452564dccd481d58d0 Description-gl: Fuse-filesystem daemon logging every filesystem operations LoggedFS is a transparent fuse-filesystem which allows you to log every operation that takes place in the backend filesystem. Logs can be written to syslog, into a file, or to the standard output. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: loggerhead-doc Description-md5: 8a4baded36babcd7d629319a9479a888 Description-gl: Web viewer for Bazaar (documentation) This is a web viewer for projects in the Bazaar version control system. It can be used to navigate a branch history, annotate files, view patches and perform searches. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: logisim Description-md5: 2a120a09165f3d56086cc57d2ad5d510 Description-gl: Ferramenta gráfica para deseñar e simular circuÃtos lóxicos Logisim é unha ferramenta educativa para deseñar e simular circuÃtos lóxicos dixitais. Coa sú interface sinxela de barras de ferramentas e simulación de circuÃtos segundo se constrúen, é tan sinxela que facilita a aprendizaxe dos conceptos máis básicos relacionados cos circuÃtos lóxicos. Coa capacidade de construÃr circuÃtos máis grandes a partir de sub- circuÃtos máis pequenos e de debuxar grupos de cabos con só arrastrar o rato, Logisim pode ser empregado (e éo) para deseñar e simular CPU completas como exercicio educativo. Package: lokalize Description-md5: fb65e1340bca6ad2b951b8e6a11b17fa Description-gl: Sistema de tradución asistida por ordenador Lokalize is a computer-aided translation system that focuses on productivity and quality assurance. It has components usual for CAT tools: translation memory, glossary, and also a unique translation merging (synchronization) capability. It is primarily targeted at software translation and also integrates external conversion tools for office document translation. Lokalize is a replacement of KBabel. . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: lordsawar-data Description-md5: 22416e9d5b4971000ce0d56702855c9c Description-gl: Clone of the popular SSG game Warlords II - data files A 2d turn-based strategy game where up to 8 players strive for control of as many cities as possible. Produce new armies in cities to conquer nearby cities. Using the income from those cities, make more armies to take more cities. Send a hero to a temple to get a quest, or maybe search a nearby ruin instead. Game should run well on modest hardware. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de gráficos e de datos do xogo. Package: lout-doc Description-md5: d4eb6da7b6af5354e1e02767b767cf71 Description-gl: Documentation on the Lout typesetting system Documentos que describen o sistema de formato de decumentos Lout: . * A Practical Introduction to the Lout Document Formatting System (overhead transparencies) * A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System * An Expert's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System * `The design and implementation of the Lout document formatting language', Software--Practice and Experience, vol. 23, pp. 1001-1041 (September 1993) Package: love-doc Description-md5: 6caf3b6bdc1f07aa2ff000fcd4b8b6e6 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento de xogos en 2D - documentación LÖVE was created to be a user-friendly engine in which simple (or complicated) games could be made without having extensive knowledge of system or graphics functions and without having to dedicate time towards developing the same engine features time and time again. . Developed with cross-platform implementation in mind, it utilizes the latest open source libraries to deliver a similar game experience, independent of operating system. By relying on the Lua scripting language for game-specific programming, it allows even the novice game creator to quickly and efficiently develop an idea into a fully working game. . This package includes the Reference Manual for LÖVE. Package: lsdvd Description-md5: c9f263736f6ccd41c0223d38bd63a516 Description-gl: Lea a información do contido dun DVD An application for reading the contents of a DVD and printing the contents to your terminal or in more machine readable formats. Package: lsh-client Description-md5: d42a617f2fa72cb2207d9b87c0e72ef9 Description-gl: Secure Shell v2 (SSH2) protocol client lsh is a GPLed implementation of the Secure SHell protocol version 2 (SSH2), a secure replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp. . This package contains the lsh client used to log in to a remote lsh or SSH2 server. . Nalgúns paÃses pode ser ilegal empregar calquera tipo de cifrado sen un permiso especial. Package: lsh-doc Description-md5: 32d0e353eb1094791380a19daa02c067 Description-gl: Secure Shell v2 (SSH2) documentation lsh is a GPLed implementation of the Secure SHell protocol version 2 (SSH2), a secure replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp. . This package contains the lsh documentation, including info pages and manpages about the various protocols which lsh uses, as well as various documents about lsh internals, protocols, and general lsh development. . Nalgúns paÃses pode ser ilegal empregar calquera tipo de cifrado sen un permiso especial. Package: lsh-server Description-md5: 5faaadfb0bda5603eb1ef0334687adbd Description-gl: Secure Shell v2 (SSH2) protocol server lsh is a GPLed implementation of the Secure SHell protocol version 2 (SSH2), a secure replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp. . This package contains the lsh server, lshd. This package is required to allow SSH2 logins to the local machine. . Nalgúns paÃses pode ser ilegal empregar calquera tipo de cifrado sen un permiso especial. Package: lsh-utils Description-md5: b55228f724c2bde97c0aa4d63a3d9857 Description-gl: Secure Shell v2 (SSH2) protocol utilities lsh is a GPLed implementation of the Secure SHell protocol version 2 (SSH2), a secure replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp. . This package contains the lsh utilities. This includes programs such as lsh-keygen, lsh-writekey (both programs for public/private key generation), lsh-authorize (for automatic remote key authentication), ssh- conv (utilities for converting between various public and private key formats), and a number of other utilities for use with both the lsh server and client. . Nalgúns paÃses pode ser ilegal empregar calquera tipo de cifrado sen un permiso especial. Package: lskat Description-md5: 121f1f26a67aaaa68c2cb56d910379f1 Description-gl: Lieutnant Skat card game Lieutnant Skat is a simplified variant of the Skat card game for two players. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: lttng-modules-dkms Description-md5: a5bcab8927cca4938e9c6c31dce67928 Description-gl: Linux Trace Toolkit (LTTng) kernel modules (DKMS) The LTTng project aims at providing highly efficient tracing tools for Linux. Its tracers help tracking down performance issues and debugging problems involving multiple concurrent processes and threads. Tracing across multiple systems is also possible. . This package contains the LTTng kernel modules. These provide additional instrumentation (not found in the mainline kernel), the ring buffer library, the tracer itself, and some additional utilities. . A instalación en versións do kernel anteriores á 2.6.38 poderÃa ser posÃbel, mais non foi probada. Package: lua-curl-dev Description-md5: cbfdf596921a9a54acc3d7a66d8b411b Description-gl: libcURL development files for the Lua language This package contains the development files of the libcURL Lua bindings, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-dbi-common Description-md5: a6a8f582fb11d9a1e9da30806d6fca89 Description-gl: DBI library for the Lua language, common files Lua DBI is a database interface library for Lua. It is designed to provide a RDBMS agnostic API for handling database operations. LuaDBI also provides support for prepared statement handles, placeholders and bind parameters for all database operations. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns a todas as infraestruturas. . Lua DBI is a better alternative to lua-sql since it supports prepared statements. Package: lua-doc Description-md5: 6c412786e264ac54150c55be8c4148ba Description-gl: Xerador de documentación para lua LuaDoc is a documentation generator tool for Lua source code. It parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of Lua source files and produces a set of XHTML pages describing the commented declarations and functions. . The output is not limited to XHTML. Other formats can be generated by implementing new doclets. The format of the documentation comments is also flexible and can be customized by implementing new taglets. . This package also contains the documentation for luadoc, describing the supported syntax and how to customize the tool input (taglets) and output (doclets). Package: lua-geoip-dev Description-md5: abf9ff6dd31c1edf4a22abdf65685076 Description-gl: Development files for lua-geoip library This package contains the development files of the lua-geoip library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter).. . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-hamlib2 Description-md5: 40fba0740af5fb55f64a82ca18f8dccb Description-gl: Run-time Lua library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . This package provides the Lua bindings of the library. Package: lua-inotify-dev Description-md5: cb679a865d12e9006c421e269c2e1d26 Description-gl: inotify bindings for Lua (development files) This package contains the development files of the lua-inotify library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-ldap-dev Description-md5: 50f6fef1e0cebb2fe721362f90ec1ebf Description-gl: LDAP development files for the Lua language This package contains the development files of the Lua LDAP library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-leg-dev Description-md5: f10fca9be11f49ab68ded404b5eac0a7 Description-gl: Leg development files for the Lua language Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca leg. Package: lua-lpty-dev Description-md5: 5cd2552c1862b97f72e6e5746ea0693d Description-gl: PTY library for the Lua language - development files This package contains the development files of the lpty library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-luaossl-dev Description-md5: 0b12a5902211c7fcc55693acc5b91681 Description-gl: OpenSSL bindings for Lua (development package) luaossl is a comprehensive binding to OpenSSL for Lua 5.1, 5.2, and later. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: lua-md5-dev Description-md5: f08bb084ba0dfc915e3c19e1b944bc2a Description-gl: MD5 library for the Lua language This package contains the development files of the Lua md5 library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-penlight-dev Description-md5: ba6b28235d772cbbbd06e81a45d7afdb Description-gl: Collection of general purpose libraries for the Lua language Penlight is a set of pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling (such as reading configuration files), functional programming (such as map, reduce, placeholder expressions,etc), and OS path management. Much of the functionality is inspired by the Python standard libraries. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca log4tango5 penlight. Package: lua-rex-doc Description-md5: 7fddab6d8cffb75260d182587014d185 Description-gl: documentation of the rex library for the Lua language A documentación de todos os módulos lua-rex-* incluese dentro este paquete. Package: lua-rings-dev Description-md5: f6592423f57867cce9c10c303c9f2aa5 Description-gl: Development files for the rings library for the Lua language This package contains the development files of the rings Lua library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-sandbox-extensions-dev Description-md5: 338745060674b4cacc069f636a948d2e Description-gl: Extension sandboxes and modules for Lua Sandbox This package contains the development files of the lua-sandbox-extensions library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-sql-doc Description-md5: 68f2d3fde19ad44e544002fcb296f404 Description-gl: luasql documentation Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca luasql. Package: lua-svn-dev Description-md5: b459920a19a78b93653a03fed2a03c7f Description-gl: Development files for the Subversion library for the Lua language This package contains the development files of the Subversion lua bindings, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-systemd-dev Description-md5: ef65fa0bec7b2d8e4c15359f45e59caf Description-gl: Development files for lua-systemd library This package contains the development files of the lua-systemd library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-torch-torch7-dev Description-md5: e51be2c9c6d9a25cff58fbbf72bbb5ab Description-gl: Torch Package for Torch Framework (dev) Torch is the main package in Torch7 where data structures for multi- dimensional tensors and mathematical operations over these are defined. Additionally, it provides many utilities for accessing files, serializing objects of arbitrary types and other useful utilities. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: lua-trink-cjson-dev Description-md5: f16525ea38a9510fc5dd541d15aa35fb Description-gl: JSON parser/encoder for Luasandbox, development files This package contains the development files of the lua-trink-cjson library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-wsapi-doc Description-md5: fc67ef5d4a8ebe151655b63983e59c9b Description-gl: wsapi documentation files for the Lua language Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca wsapi. Package: lua-zip Description-md5: 7ce04aaac75a601a846c3b33d5837d55 Description-gl: Biblioteca de zip para a linguaxe Lua This package contains the Lua zip library, that allows one to read compressed files from the Lua language. Package: lua-zip-dev Description-md5: e167aaf8aae4b78be2fbe903907a6be8 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de zip para a linguaxe Lua This package contains the development files of the Lua zip library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). . A documentación tamén se inclúe dentro deste paquete. Package: lua-zlib Description-md5: 4c34610bf223b4fcbe18212a5a117e56 Description-gl: Biblioteca de zlib para a linguaxe Lua This package contains the Lua zlib library, that allows one to read compressed files from the Lua language. Package: lua-zlib-dev Description-md5: eaf36ae1a10ddcd4490b5f5beb0ffd0a Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de zlib para a linguaxe Lua This package contains the development files of the Lua zlib library, useful to create a statically linked binary (like a C application or a standalone Lua interpreter). Documentation is also shipped within this package. Package: lua5.1 Description-md5: 130003bb49100d21ad1dd4ef09dee02f Description-gl: Linguaxe de programación sinxela, extensÃbel e incorporábel Lua é unha linguaxe de programación potente e lixeira deseñada para estender aplicativos. O motor da linguaxe é accesÃbel como se for unha biblioteca por ter unha API para C que permite que os aplicativos intercambien datos cos programas en Lua e tamén estender Lua con funcións en C. Lua tamén se emprega como linguaxe autónoma de propósito xeral mediante o intérprete sinxelo para a liña de ordes que se fornece. . Este paquete contén o intérprete da liña de ordes de Lua e o compilador de bytecode. Instáleo se pretende desenvolver ou empregar scripts en Lua. Package: lua5.1-doc Description-md5: b77cd91c50d3e390c2f3bf168f592cab Description-gl: Documentation for the Lua language version 5.1 Lua é unha linguaxe de programación potente e lixeira deseñada para estender aplicativos. O motor da linguaxe é accesÃbel como se for unha biblioteca por ter unha API para C que permite que os aplicativos intercambien datos cos programas en Lua e tamén estender Lua con funcións en C. Lua tamén se emprega como linguaxe autónoma de propósito xeral mediante o intérprete sinxelo para a liña de ordes que se fornece. . This package contains the official manual covering the Lua language and C API, examples, etc. Package: lua5.3 Description-md5: 130003bb49100d21ad1dd4ef09dee02f Description-gl: Linguaxe de programación sinxela, extensÃbel e incorporábel Lua é unha linguaxe de programación potente e lixeira deseñada para estender aplicativos. O motor da linguaxe é accesÃbel como se for unha biblioteca por ter unha API para C que permite que os aplicativos intercambien datos cos programas en Lua e tamén estender Lua con funcións en C. Lua tamén se emprega como linguaxe autónoma de propósito xeral mediante o intérprete sinxelo para a liña de ordes que se fornece. . Este paquete contén o intérprete da liña de ordes de Lua e o compilador de bytecode. Instáleo se pretende desenvolver ou empregar scripts en Lua. Package: lua50-doc Description-md5: 601759191142b6c68b94a8a32003b9bc Description-gl: Documentación da versión 5.0 da linguaxe de programación Lua This is the documentation for the Lua 5.0 programming language. . This package includes the HTML versions of the manual pages and the language manual itself. Package: luasseq Description-md5: 33ec3385b0b9a3a7e8891a96506262f4 Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for luasseq to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-luatex. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: lubuntu-artwork Description-md5: a9056d69b8e61831d93640a2dcee8bc9 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. Package: lubuntu-artwork-10-04 Description-md5: 9fc63315435dabb81150172218c31eb7 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 10.04 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 10.04 Package: lubuntu-artwork-10-10 Description-md5: a024e10ef7ad01bf010574b7fb723af9 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 10.10 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 10.10 Package: lubuntu-artwork-11-04 Description-md5: cc2083223ac0600eb6b68050a5476187 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 11.04 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 11.04 Package: lubuntu-artwork-11-10 Description-md5: d447f5e95170dc886baad635dcfb0794 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 11.10 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 11.10 Package: lubuntu-artwork-12-04 Description-md5: e0d084ebf2a968ac0a949712a88cd5ae Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 12.04 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 12.04 Package: lubuntu-artwork-12-10 Description-md5: 4cb5d2aec56a64fcd37894b56f16e16d Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 12.10 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 12.0 Package: lubuntu-artwork-13-04 Description-md5: face1a7db409067d65dfc65b3decb6c7 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 13.04 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 13.04 Package: lubuntu-artwork-13-10 Description-md5: 27a74e16ef44eeef75b21b60dc6d2cce Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 13.10 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 13.10. Package: lubuntu-artwork-14-04 Description-md5: a60e344b661e53c5bed31ddef534d401 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 14.04 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 14.04. Package: lubuntu-artwork-14-10 Description-md5: 959a63338586f05af99a830fe780c5f9 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 14.10 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 14.10. Package: lubuntu-artwork-15-04 Description-md5: 4b085ba00720b1264b802ddc5c08cb26 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 15.04 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 15.04. Package: lubuntu-artwork-15-10 Description-md5: 734e2a9ecae883f2fecce02ab267e8c0 Description-gl: Gráficos para Lubuntu - versión 15.10 Artwork for Lubuntu, contained the wallpaper and others specific images and logos. . Este paquete contén o tema de Lubuntu 15.10. Package: lubuntu-core Description-md5: ae9c51f48a979c3505cd53dfc1cdb772 Description-gl: Ambiente de escritorio Lubuntu - instalación mÃnima Este metapaquete depende dos compoñentes mÃnimos dunha instalación de Lubuntu. . Tamén se emprega para axudar a asegurar anovacións axeitadas, polo que se recomenda que non se desinstale. Package: lubuntu-default-session Description-md5: 0fd1313a7fe2cc27fa71d8a10c30a725 Description-gl: Configure Lubuntu como sesión predeterminada This package sets the default session to Lubuntu by default. Package: lubuntu-default-settings Description-md5: 730943a528b08741e058cfc5a1b5d8f7 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada de Lubuntu Various system settings tailored for Lubuntu. Package: lubuntu-desktop Description-md5: 4b566a27d2f6acd63de01fba297a527d Description-gl: Ambiente de escritorio Lubuntu Este metapaquete depende de todos os compoñentes do sistema de escritorio Lubuntu. . It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, but it can be safely removed if you want to remove some applications installed by default. Package: lubuntu-live-settings Description-md5: 8120ee1e9353ada6b3ffdeed52d8938d Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada do CD ao vivo de Lubuntu Various system settings tailored for Lubuntu ISO. Package: lubuntu-nexus7-default-session Description-md5: 2cdbf7f3be1dc782844533ec6ebc9c16 Description-gl: Configure a versión Nexus7 de Lubuntu como sesión predeterminada This package sets the default session to Lubuntu Nexus7 version by default. Package: lunch Description-md5: b590e43c092f607444cc4ce7b5b6ac26 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para python-lunch Este é un paquete transitorio para python-lunch e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após de ter completada a instalación. Package: lunzip Description-md5: dad1d8486f5fc429767e104dba9c5f90 Description-gl: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (decompressor) Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or bzip2. . Este paquete contén o descompresor. Package: luola-data Description-md5: d21a6355694f175d100c29196a631d35 Description-gl: data files for luola Luola is a 2D arcade game where you fly a small V shaped ship in different kinds of levels. . Luola's genre "Luolalentely," or cave-flying, has been very popular in Finland. Although cave-flying games are not originally from Finland, most new cave-flying games are. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de son e de imaxes para luola. Package: luola-levels Description-md5: 0995466b1b155ca52b86d00046ce3a69 Description-gl: Ficheiros de nivel para luola Luola is a 2D arcade game where you fly a small V shaped ship in different kinds of levels. . Luola's genre "Luolalentely," or cave-flying, has been very popular in Finland. Although cave-flying games are not originally from Finland, most new cave-flying games are. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de nivel para luola. Package: Description-md5: a691ad219cc75a0527475e5e421386d2 Description-gl: Lector de novas para GNUstep LuserNET is an NNTP based news reader for GNUstep. Although it's at an early version, it's already quite usable. The following features are available: . * Coloring of messages based on quoting depth. * Background read-ahead. * Intelligent scrolling. * Handles multiple servers. * Completely asynchronous. * Good MIME conformance and handling. Package: lxappearance Description-md5: 241e2402ebe121f057152a0afd056987 Description-gl: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . It is a new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher able to change GTK+ themes, icon themes, and fonts used by applications. GNOME/KDE/Xfce user may use build-in theme, this works for GTK+ based lightweight desktop Environment. . Funcionalidades: . * Choose GTK+ theme * Choose icon theme * Install new icon theme * Choose their favorite font * Choose toolbar style * See changes immediately in preview area Package: lxappearance-dbg Description-md5: 76a55c4d48c4c905e350497f0bc1d06b Description-gl: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher (debug) LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lxappearance-obconf-dbg Description-md5: 74e4b6717575de61c969beb32d5cf9cf Description-gl: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher (plugin - debug) LXAppearance is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do engadido de ObConf. Package: lxgames-default-session Description-md5: 1f89d46dd39b16203d26aa18342a2409 Description-gl: Configure lxgames como sesión predeterminada This package sets the default session to lxgames by default. Package: lxhotkey-data Description-md5: d2a1d4d8cf6f614e2891e0d2fd1f4b80 Description-gl: LXHotkey keyboard shortcuts configurator (data files) LXHotkey is an universal application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) which allows view and change global keyboard shortcuts for Window Manager actions, including ones to start applications. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de internacionalización. Package: lxinput-dbg Description-md5: 242f9e88635c46210f75b639e74d3bcb Description-gl: LXDE keyboard and mouse configuration (debug) LXInput is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lxlauncher-dbg Description-md5: afd01687fa00eac9ec4a9c8ab7c136f2 Description-gl: LXDE launcher for netbooks (debug) LXLauncher is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lxmusic-dbg Description-md5: 1bea6407d0dd810d438779f54d5016b8 Description-gl: LXDE music player (debug) LXMusic is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lxpanel-dbg Description-md5: b16e483c91bd0f9fd4417a286e5488f4 Description-gl: LXDE panel (debug) LXPanel is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lxrandr-dbg Description-md5: 79c70b60f85df3ef5cc44cc1a4368478 Description-gl: LXDE monitor configuration tool (debug) LXRandR is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lxsession-data Description-md5: 9935ce0d794cba32507b386192dc6dcd Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para lxsession LXSession is the default session manager for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . This package provides common files for lxsession and supplementary packages. Package: lxtask-dbg Description-md5: 7f9bdf2e6583ad966f9485dac0bf6a69 Description-gl: LXDE task manager (debug) LXTask is a GUI application for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE). . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lyx Description-md5: 8d42dce15e6499d7299de9ed8a95e051 Description-gl: Procesador de documentos LyX is an almost WYSIWYG-frontend for LaTeX. It makes the power and typesetting quality of LaTeX available for people who are used to word processors. Since LyX supports LaTeX's concept of general mark-ups, it is even easier and faster to create professional quality documents with it than with usual word processors. It is also possible to use LaTeX commands within LyX, so nothing of LaTeX's power is lost. . You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * librsvg2-bin, inkscape: use the SVG image format in LyX documents * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * mythes-*: use the Thesaurus * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * texlive-xetex: use the XeTeX typesetting system * wv: import MS Word documents Package: lzma Description-md5: 58408f7f3feb10af77dc1ba3f87866f1 Description-gl: Compression and decompression in the LZMA format - command line utility O algoritmo de cadea de Markov Lempel-Ziv é un método de compresión baseado no famoso algoritmo LZ77 e introduciuno por vez primeira 7-Zip para os arquivos 7z. . Its main characteristics are a very high compression ratio, with high RAM usage, and fast decompression, with low RAM usage. These properties make it well suited to embedded uses, such as for ROM (firmware) compression. . This package provides the lzma command line utility, which has a familiar gzip-like interface. Package: lzma-alone Description-md5: 7bc86d6e93e61a9215134d34983be3c3 Description-gl: Compression and decompression in the LZMA format - legacy utility O algoritmo de cadea de Markov Lempel-Ziv é un método de compresión baseado no famoso algoritmo LZ77 e introduciuno por vez primeira 7-Zip para os arquivos 7z. . Its main characteristics are a very high compression ratio, with high RAM usage, and fast decompression, with low RAM usage. These properties make it well suited to embedded uses, such as for ROM (firmware) compression. . This package provides only the old lzma_alone compression utility, which has an interface more like that of zip. Package: lzma-dev Description-md5: 0cacacbe0a6e0e30dbb94b19810be100 Description-gl: Compression and decompression in the LZMA format - development files O algoritmo de cadea de Markov Lempel-Ziv é un método de compresión baseado no famoso algoritmo LZ77 e introduciuno por vez primeira 7-Zip para os arquivos 7z. . Its main characteristics are a very high compression ratio, with high RAM usage, and fast decompression, with low RAM usage. These properties make it well suited to embedded uses, such as for ROM (firmware) compression. . This package contains the headers and libraries of lzma. It is experimental and will be replaced by the library as soon as it is available. Package: m17n-contrib Description-md5: 67cfb12b9480fdd75b1e26c3a0c6303a Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed once no other package depends on it. Package: m17n-lib-bin Description-md5: eccf9de613a724fce0f3f0bebdce2e6c Description-gl: multilingual text processing library - utilities A biblioteca m17n é unha biblioteca de procesamento de texto multilingüe para a linguaxe C. Esta biblioteca ten as funcionalidades seguintes: . - The m17n library is an open source software. - The m17n library for any Linux/Unix applications. - The m17n library realizes multilingualization of many aspects of applications. - The m17n library represents multilingual text as an object named M-text. M-text is a string with attributes called text properties, and designed to substitute for string in C. Text properties carry any information required to input, display and edit the text. - The m17n library supports functions to handle M-texts. . m17n is an abbreviation of Multilingualization. . This package contains the utilities which use m17n-lib. Package: m17n-lib-mimx Description-md5: 966ec39a8710e82343da3ccae50c5f66 Description-gl: multilingual text processing library - binary modules A biblioteca m17n é unha biblioteca de procesamento de texto multilingüe para a linguaxe C. Esta biblioteca ten as funcionalidades seguintes: . - The m17n library is an open source software. - The m17n library for any Linux/Unix applications. - The m17n library realizes multilingualization of many aspects of applications. - The m17n library represents multilingual text as an object named M-text. M-text is a string with attributes called text properties, and designed to substitute for string in C. Text properties carry any information required to input, display and edit the text. - The m17n library supports functions to handle M-texts. . m17n is an abbreviation of Multilingualization. . This package contains the binary modules needed by: - ja-anthy.mim - ispell.mim Package: macchanger Description-md5: b3958cf2d904ea6ecdbefc5cd46ec519 Description-gl: utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces GNU MAC Changer is an utility that makes the maniputation of MAC addresses of network interfaces easier. MAC addresses are unique identifiers on networks, they only need to be unique, they can be changed on most network hardware. MAC addresses have started to be abused by unscrupulous marketing firms, government agencies, and others to provide an easy way to track a computer across multiple networks. By changing the MAC address regularly, this kind of tracking can be thwarted, or at least made a lot more difficult. . Funcionalidades: . * set specific MAC address of a network interface * set the MAC randomly * set a MAC of another vendor * set another MAC of the same vendor * set a MAC of the same kind (eg: wireless card) * display a vendor MAC list (today, 6200 items) to choose from Package: madlib-doc Description-md5: 270844bce506ad31875ae4b183b1f182 Description-gl: mesh adaptation library Este paquete contén a documentación, exemplos e un titorial de MAdLib. . MAdLib is a library that performs global node repositioning and mesh adaptation by local mesh modifications on tetrahedral or triangular meshes. It is designed to frequently adapt the mesh in transient computations. MAdLib is written in C++. . The adaptation procedure is driven by two objectives: . - make the edge lengths as close as possible to a (non-homogenous) prescribed length, . - maintain a satisfying element quality everywhere. . MAdLib can be used in transient computations in order to maintain a satisfying element quality (moving boundaries, multiphase flows with interface tracking, ...) or/and to apply selective refinements and coarsenings (error estimators based, interface capturing: shocks, free surfaces, ...). Package: magicor Description-md5: 0b67713ead5e6d6669a479f3225a572f Description-gl: Xogo de quebracabezas co espÃrito da Tecla de Salomón Magicor is a small puzzle game similar to the old NES classic solomon's key. You control tux the penguin and create ice blocks to extinguish all fires on each map. Package: magictouch Description-md5: 32d6f20f59da9c1f5b22139cab0d9c20 Description-gl: Xogo retro multipulsación: use os dous controis para pintar unha imaxe Very simple but challenging game: you only have two knobs to control the pen. turn the knobs left knob to make the pen go up and down, use the right one to make the pen go left and right. you already figured it out: complex figures need complex turning. Package: mailcheck Description-md5: 1686a353979e58dc7700d4ecd6a5ed19 Description-gl: Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail Mailcheck is a simple, configurable tool that allows multiple mailboxes to be checked for the existence of new mail messages. It supports both mbox and maildir-style mailboxes for compatibility with most mail transport agents. It also supports remote POP3 and IMAP mailboxes. . Páxina web: Package: mailutils-common Description-md5: 0035817d2b895fb9d84b91abcb16111e Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para mailutils de GNU GNU Mailutils is a rich and powerful protocol-independent mail framework. It contains a series of useful mail libraries, clients, and servers. . These are common files for all mailutils packages, including locale files. Package: mailutils-doc Description-md5: d8c3ec1265663703858875b4e634dd62 Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación do mailutils de GNU GNU Mailutils is a rich and powerful protocol-independent mail framework. It contains a series of useful mail libraries, clients, and servers. . Este paquete contén a documentación das utilidades e da API de desenvolvemento de mailutils. Package: makedic Description-md5: 0d80c55e7259017f7a5adde558dd1477 Description-gl: Compilador de dicionarios para o KDrill This package provides a program to create custom dictionary files for KDrill. It can also generate kana dictionary drill files. Package: makehuman-doc Description-md5: 777c8c2ce365cd6d088d0d46283689a2 Description-gl: Modelling of 3-Dimensional humanoid characters (documentation) MakeHuman is a 3-Dimensional humanoid characters modelling software. Features that make this software innovative and unique include a new, highly intuitive GUI and a high quality mesh, optimized to work in subdivision surface mode (for example, Zbrush). Using MakeHuman, a photorealistic character can be modeled in less than 2 minutes. . Este paquete contén a documentación no formato HTML de MakeHuman. Package: maliit-dbus-activation Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: maliit-framework-dbg Description-md5: 07dfda039488251ec1ceff7aaa1c456b Description-gl: Maliit Input Method Framework - Debug symbols Maliit provides a flexible and cross-platform input method framework. It has a plugin-based client-server architecture where applications act as clients and communicate with the Maliit server via input context plugins. The communication link currently uses D-Bus. Maliit is an open source framework (LGPL 2) with open source plugins (BSD). . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: maliit-inputcontext-qt4 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: manaplus-data Description-md5: 84561c2e0bad9f1d7f04d0b41a6863e9 Description-gl: Extended client for Evol Online and The Mana World (data files) ManaPlus is an extended client for Evol Online, The Mana World, and similar servers based on a fork of eAthena. Evol Online is a 2D fantasy- style game which aims to create a friendly environment for interacting with others where people can escape reality and enjoy themselves. The Mana World (TMW) is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG. TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: manderlbot Description-md5: d847c0863ade31be6116eb3b35464d0d Description-gl: Bot de IRC escrito en Erlang Manderlbot is an IRC bot with XML configuration file, allowing you to launch it on several servers and channels at once, each channel will have its own set of behaviours. . Behaviours are generics, and you can easily make your own set. If you want some not-already-implemented generic behaviour, you'll have to code some Erlang. Package: mangonel Description-md5: 0803a306e05191cb6bc921b79cd0e713 Description-gl: Iniciador de aplicativos sinxelo para o Espazo de traballo Plasma A launcher which analyses text-based queries to launch items, such as programs and folders. Package: manpages-fr Description-md5: b4ba68a5afe306f1b611f4b11f4d0fd7 Description-gl: French version of the manual pages about using GNU/Linux This package contains the French translation of GNU/Linux manual pages for these sections: 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). . As seccións 1, 6 e 8 son fornecidas polos aplicativos respectivos. Este paquete só inclúe a páxina introdutoria de man que describe a sección. . As páxinas de man describen as sintaxes de varios ficheiros do sistema. Package: mapivi Description-md5: e7625be429599e9ab3a62a9d250b0008 Description-gl: Photo viewer and organizer with emphasis on IPTC fields Cross-platform (UNIX, Mac OS X, and Windows) picture manager and organizer, Mapivi is a stand alone tool, there is no need for a web server, online access or a database. . Deals with EXIF data (like timestamp, camera model, focal length, exposure time, aperture, etc.), and is able to rename the pictures according to their internal date/time, to display and modify JPEG comments and to do lossless rotation. . The idea of using Mapivi as an picture organizer is to keep user, EXIF, and IPTC information where it belongs -- in the pictures -- as well in a searchable Mapivi database. . Mapivi is also able to do image processing. Mapivi serves here as a frontend (GUI) for many proven command line tools, like the Image Magick tools. . Páxina web: <> ou <> ou <> Package: mapserver-doc Description-md5: c1eb586d0c9b03f7e3cc0dea2d9d92ff Description-gl: Documentación de MapServer This package provides some brief documentation for MapServer. . MapServer is a CGI-based framework for Internet map services which supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Scripting functionality in MapScript is provided by the suggested mapscript library packages. Package: marble Description-md5: 1f126a4752fd8384e6c2471b34c0cba7 Description-gl: globe and map widget O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: marble-data Description-md5: 7ed75411766d39c37afa00e8c22391ab Description-gl: data files for Marble O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura do globo de escritorio Marble. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: marble-maps Description-md5: 5ffb66de74b67fa9ac2b8427c33f3045 Description-gl: globe and map widget for mobile form factors O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: marble-plugins Description-md5: 94cc6f96b770964058cd35411cc0d773 Description-gl: Engadidos para o Marble O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . This package contains various plugins for the Marble desktop globe. The Marble globe widget library may not be of much use if this package is not installed. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: marble-qt Description-md5: 3723681799383a47085e649e82c35bed Description-gl: globe and map widget (no KDE dependencies) O Marble é un trebello e infraestrutura de mapas xeográficos xenéricos para os aplicativos de KDE. O widget de Marble mostra a Terra como unha esfera mais non require de aceleración por hardware. Inclúese un conxunto mÃnimo de datos xeográficos para poder ser empregado sen conexión á Internet. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: marco Description-md5: 95519840e2380540cca6bbdf96f6395e Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas lixeiro en GTK+ para MATE Marco é un xestor de xanelas pequeno que emprega GTK+ para facelo todo. Desenvólvese principalmente para o escritorio MATE. . This package contains the marco window manager itself. Package: marco-common Description-md5: da780534a11dab2e3dfc2b3db4eace95 Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas lixeiro en GTK+ para MATE (ficheiros comúns) Marco é un xestor de xanelas pequeno que emprega GTK+ para facelo todo. Desenvólvese principalmente para o escritorio MATE. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: maria-doc Description-md5: 84b28f8694b5388994b9e4c3b09f447e Description-gl: Documentación de Maria This package contains the documentation of Maria, a reachability analyzer for algebraic system nets, both in the formats info and html. Package: mariadb-client-10.1 Description-md5: 7b5610b71c2642b63e6ffcb5b15bba8e Description-gl: MariaDB database client binaries MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . Este paquete inclúe os binarios dos clientes e as ferramentas adicionais innotop e mysqlreport. Package: mariadb-client-core-10.1 Description-md5: 2862a38a5ead2e1df7366bf661e03278 Description-gl: MariaDB database core client binaries MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros centrais do cliente, tal e como os usa Akonadi. Package: mariadb-server-10.1 Description-md5: ae76dbcde4bf3e79b8228e6dad967834 Description-gl: MariaDB database server binaries MariaDB is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of MariaDB are speed, robustness and ease of use. . Estes paquete inclúe os binarios do servidor. Package: massxpert Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: massxpert-data Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: massxpert-doc Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: mat Description-md5: e03d183e0bc740aec2f0724dfbe19e15 Description-gl: Grupo de ferramentas para crear metadatos anónimos Metadata consist of information that characterizes data. Metadata are used to provide documentation for data products. In essence, metadata answer who, what, when, where, why, and how about every facet of the data that are being documented. . Metadata within a file can tell a lot about you. Cameras record data about when a picture was taken and what camera was used. Office documents like PDF or Office automatically adds author and company information to documents and spreadsheets. . Maybe you don't want to disclose those information on the web. . MAT only removes metadata from your files, it does not anonymise their content, nor can it handle watermarking, steganography, or any too custom metadata field/system. . If you really want to be anonymous, use file formats that does not contain any metadata, or better: use plain-text. . Formats supported to some extent are: - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - JPEG (.jpeg, .jpg, ...) - Open Document (.odt, .odx, .ods, ...) - Office Openxml (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, ...) - Portable Document Fileformat (.pdf) - Tape ARchive (.tar, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz) - ZIP (.zip) - MPEG Audio (.mp3, .mp2, .mp1, .mpa) - Ogg Vorbis (.ogg) - Free Lossless Audio Codec (.flac) - Torrent (.torrent) Package: matchbox-keyboard Description-md5: edcc71ae6e4e88ffe597589c133f0b69 Description-gl: Teclado na pantalla Matchbox-keyboard is an on-screen 'virtual' or 'software' keyboard, designed for touch-screen devices running X. . Matchbox is a base environment for the X Window System running on non- desktop embedded platforms such as handhelds, set-top boxes, kiosks and anything else for which screen space, input mechanisms or system resources are limited. Package: mate-applets-common Description-md5: 1ecb78132beb24404556f78bfc66d9f6 Description-gl: Various applets for the MATE panel (common files) accessx-status: indicates keyboard accessibility settings, including the current state of the keyboard, if those features are in use. . Battstat: monitors the power subsystem on a laptop. . Character palette: provides a convenient way to access non-standard characters, such as accented characters, mathematical symbols, special symbols, and punctuation marks. . MATE CPUFreq Applet: CPU frequency scaling monitor . Drivemount: lets you mount and unmount drives and file systems. . Geyes: pair of eyes which follow the mouse pointer around the screen. . Keyboard layout switcher: lets you assign different keyboard layouts for different locales. . Invest: downloads current stock quotes from the Internet and displays the quotes in a scrolling display in the applet. The applet downloads the stock information from Yahoo! Finance. . Netspeed: network traffic monitor applet. . System monitor: CPU, memory, network, swap file and resource. . Trash: lets you drag items to the trash folder. . Weather report: downloads weather information from the U.S National Weather Service (NWS) servers, including the Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-calc-common Description-md5: 8d90c04726a34ba8d3ae5997bafd1f5a Description-gl: MATE desktop calculator (common files) mate-calc is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic to give a high degree of accuracy. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-control-center Description-md5: b6e1462868a9e2b12d2c192f4c5d8319 Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio MATE The MATE control center contains configuration applets for the MATE desktop, allowing to set accessibility configuration, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface properties, screen resolution, and other MATE parameters. . It also contains a front end to these applets, which can also be accessed with the MATE panel or the Caja file manager. Package: mate-control-center-common Description-md5: 28b61991ad992c4d5625e4d60201c687 Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio MATE (ficheiros comúns) The MATE control center contains configuration applets for the MATE desktop, allowing to set accessibility configuration, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface properties, screen resolution, and other MATE parameters. . This package contains the architecture independent files of MATE control center. Package: mate-desktop-common Description-md5: 3c4dd3089c4f97cce3d7794d690fd498 Description-gl: Library with common API for various MATE modules (common files) The MATE component mate-desktop contains the libmate-desktop library, the mate-about program, as well as some desktop-wide documents. . The libmate-desktop library provides an API shared by several applications on the desktop, but that cannot live in the platform for various reasons. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-indicator-applet-common Description-md5: 954fc958fafab75b0fdf79c4b81e2379 Description-gl: MATE panel indicator applet (common files) A small applet to display information from various applications consistently in the panel. . The indicator applet exposes Ayatana Indicators in the MATE Panel. Ayatana Indicators are an initiative by Canonical to provide crisp and clean system and application status indication. They take the form of an icon and associated menu, displayed (usually) in the desktop panel. Existing indicators include the Message Menu, Battery Menu and Sound menu. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-media-common Description-md5: 199afd5d28de60c689480fe1d82e08fa Description-gl: MATE media utilities (common files) MATE media utilities are the audio mixer and the volume control applet. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: mate-menus Description-md5: 7ba588f4bc62f57bde172fbd4cbb98a6 Description-gl: implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for MATE The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from . . Also contained here are the MATE menu layout configuration files, .directory files and assorted menu related utility programs. Package: mate-netbook-common Description-md5: 6f1bca578b639d0389f31b16c247b70c Description-gl: MATE utilities for netbooks (common files) MATE utilities for netbooks are an applet and a daemon to maximize windows and move their titles on the panel. . Installing these utilities is recommended for netbooks and similar devices with low resolution displays. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-notification-daemon-common Description-md5: 2a8dd81dd552468e296c7f5e9a92ed2f Description-gl: daemon to display passive popup notifications (common files) mate-notification-daemon displays passive popup notifications, as per the Desktop Notifications Specification. . The Desktop Notifications Specification provides a standard way of doing passive popup notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box that they must close. Passive popups can automatically disappear after a short period of time, as per the Desktop Notifications spec. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-panel-common Description-md5: ac092d00f5038537486fea12cd254f89 Description-gl: launcher and docking facility for MATE (common files) The MATE Panel is an essential part of the MATE Desktop, providing toolbar-like “panels†which can be attached to the sides of your desktop. They are used to launch applications and embed a number of other functions, such as quick launch icons, the clock, the notification area, volume controls and the battery charge indicator, and utilities ranging from weather forecast to system monitoring. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-power-manager-common Description-md5: 27f2d2c53b0b50720396f6b33b4a90ba Description-gl: power management tool for the MATE desktop (common files) MATE Power Manager is a session daemon for the MATE desktop that takes care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and only show some settings important to the user. . The MATE power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all integrated to other components of the MATE desktop. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-screensaver-common Description-md5: d44b2330b9b1c87e5203c9cdb17d5a0e Description-gl: MATE screen saver and locker (common files) mate-screensaver is a screen saver and locker that aims to have simple, sane and secure defaults, and be well integrated with the MATE desktop. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-sensors-applet-common Description-md5: e4c76cc2aa83bdb03da567c8b9533dda Description-gl: Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel (common files) MATE Sensors Applet is an applet for the MATE panel that displays readings from hardware sensors, including temperatures, fan speeds and voltage readings. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-settings-daemon Description-md5: 54d8bcdfcf73d60915e10324af034539 Description-gl: daemon handling the MATE session settings This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a MATE session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Teclado: disposición, opcións de accesibilidade, atallos, teclas de multimedia * Xestión do portapapeis * Temas: fondos, iconas, aplicativos en GTK+ * Limpeza de ficheiros sen uso * Rato: cursores, velocidade, opcións de accesibilidade * Inicio dos demais daemons: salvapantallas, daemon do son * Quebras ao escribir . Tamén configura diversas opcións dos aplicativos a través dos recursos de X e dos XSETTINGS de Package: mate-settings-daemon-common Description-md5: 45308d8cd59887f565e9e87163d3bc72 Description-gl: daemon handling the MATE session settings (common files) This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a MATE session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Teclado: disposición, opcións de accesibilidade, atallos, teclas de multimedia * Xestión do portapapeis * Temas: fondos, iconas, aplicativos en GTK+ * Limpeza de ficheiros sen uso * Rato: cursores, velocidade, opcións de accesibilidade * Inicio dos demais daemons: salvapantallas, daemon do son * Quebras ao escribir . Tamén configura diversas opcións dos aplicativos a través dos recursos de X e dos XSETTINGS de . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-settings-daemon-dev Description-md5: 2cb4f36b3b10bdd9d0f15b15bf114d16 Description-gl: daemon handling the MATE session settings (development files) This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a MATE session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Teclado: disposición, opcións de accesibilidade, atallos, teclas de multimedia * Xestión do portapapeis * Temas: fondos, iconas, aplicativos en GTK+ * Limpeza de ficheiros sen uso * Rato: cursores, velocidade, opcións de accesibilidade * Inicio dos demais daemons: salvapantallas, daemon do son * Quebras ao escribir . Tamén configura diversas opcións dos aplicativos a través dos recursos de X e dos XSETTINGS de . This package contains the development files for building mate-settings- daemon plugins. Package: mate-system-monitor Description-md5: 56c6a33b9a0ec5aae56c46fd1a5d0424 Description-gl: Visor de procesos e vixiante dos recursos do sistema para MATE MATE system monitor allows you to graphically view and manipulate the running processes on your system. It also provides an overview of available resources such as CPU and memory. Package: mate-system-monitor-common Description-md5: c19cddf128aaa2627a6f9d9fb0b9d28f Description-gl: Visor de procesos e vixiante dos recursos do sistema para MATE (ficheiros comúns) MATE system monitor allows you to graphically view and manipulate the running processes on your system. It also provides an overview of available resources such as CPU and memory. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-terminal-common Description-md5: 2ee8873670dcb4240b2f2c969aa2a68b Description-gl: MATE terminal emulator application (common files) MATE Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions: - Access a UNIX shell in the MATE environment. - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm terminals. . MATE Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single window (tabs) and profiles support. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-user-share Description-md5: c5aa1eee0c016a1c021ed90e41daf05b Description-gl: Compartición pública de ficheiros a nivel de usuario mediante WebDAV ou ObexFTP MATE user share is a small tool that binds together various free software projects to bring easy to use user-level file sharing to the masses. . The program is meant to run in the background when the user is logged in, and when file sharing is enabled a webdav server is started that shares the $HOME/Public folder. The share is then published to all computers on the local network using mDNS/rendezvous, so that it shows up in the Network location in GNOME. . The dav server used is Apache, so you need that installed. Avahi or Howl is used for mDNS support, so you need to have that installed and mDNSResolver running. Package: mate-user-share-common Description-md5: 7aff29b39d7878f90b0a884370af3c06 Description-gl: User level public file sharing via WebDAV or ObexFTP (common files) MATE user share is a small tool that binds together various free software projects to bring easy to use user-level file sharing to the masses. . The program is meant to run in the background when the user is logged in, and when file sharing is enabled a webdav server is started that shares the $HOME/Public folder. The share is then published to all computers on the local network using mDNS/rendezvous, so that it shows up in the Network location in GNOME. . The dav server used is Apache, so you need that installed. Avahi or Howl is used for mDNS support, so you need to have that installed and mDNSResolver running. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mate-utils-common Description-md5: 1fc47aa11d89c0b7e77b924a022b7093 Description-gl: MATE desktop utilities (common files) This package contains all the tools bundled as MATE utilities: - mate-disk-usage-analyzer, a disk usage analyser - mate-dictionary, a program which can look up the definition of words over the internet (including a panel applet to do the same) - mate-search-tool, with which one can find files by name or content - mate-system-log, a log viewing application - mate-screenshot, a tool to take desktop screenshots and save them into a file . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: mathicgb Description-md5: 00546d6d25faca1f5391bd17c505386b Description-gl: Compute Groebner bases (command line tool) Mathicgb is a program for computing Groebner basis and signature Groebner bases. Mathicgb is based on the fast data structures from mathic. . The paper "Practical Groebner Basis Computation" describes the algorithms in Mathicgb from a high level. It was presented at ISSAC 2012 and is available at . Este paquete contén a ferramenta para a liña de ordes. Package: mathomatic Description-md5: a30609609270c510bc17e844762b2aaa Description-gl: portable Computer Algebra System (CAS) Mathomatic implements most of the rules of algebra for the mathematical operators +, -, *, /, % (modulus), and power (including roots). . Mathomatic can symbolically: . * combinar e resolver ecuacións, * simplificar e comparar completamente expresións e ecuacións, * realizar transformacións e series de cálculos simples, * realizar aritmética estándar, de números complexos, modular e polinomial, * xerar código optimizado nas linguaxes C, Java e Python a partir de ecuacións simplificadas, * gráficas con gnuplot en dúas ou tres dimensións, * realizar cálculos rápidos, colorar expresións, etc. Package: mathomatic-primes Description-md5: 8b61ad5701036bccc076ea6177ca21bc Description-gl: Ferramentas de números primos para mathomatic This package contains the integer math tools from Mathomatic to: . * quickly generate any amount of consecutive prime numbers * calculate large primorials * sum and multiply large integers * calculate and display Pascal's triangle * find the minimum number of positive integers that when squared and added together, equal the given number Package: mayavi2 Description-md5: 3e1412fa7c45ad6d8094e81ca78b296b Description-gl: Paquete de visualización cientÃfica para datos en 2-D e 3-D MayaVi2 is a cross-platform tool for 2-D and 3-D scientific data visualization. Its features include: * Visualization of scalar, vector and tensor data in 2 and 3 dimensions * Easy scriptability using Python * Easy extendability via custom sources, modules, and data filters * Reading several file formats: VTK (legacy and XML), PLOT3D, etc. * Saving of visualizations * Saving rendered visualization in a variety of image formats. . MayaVi2 has been designed with scriptability and extensibility in mind. While the mayavi2 application is usable by itself, it may be used as an Envisage plugin which allows it to be embedded in user applications natively. Alternatively, it may be used as a visualization engine for any application. . This package also provides TVTK, which wraps VTK objects to provide a convenient, Pythonic API, while supporting Traits attributes and NumPy/SciPy arrays. TVTK is implemented mostly in pure Python, except for a small extension module. Package: mc Description-md5: 252a5c5aeeb7425db45357d4ab8aa55f Description-gl: Midnight Commander - un potente xestor de ficheiros O Midnight Commander de GNU é un xestor de ficheiros en modo texto a pantalla completa. Emprega unha interface con dous paneis e unha subconsola para a execución das ordes. Inclúe un editor interno con realzado da sintexa e un visor interno que admite os ficheiros binarios. Tamén inclúe o sistema de ficheiros virtual (VFS), que permite manipular os ficheiros dos sistemas remotos (de, p.ex., servidores de FTP ou SSH) e os ficheiros de dentro dos arquivos como se foren ficheiros reais. Package: mc-data Description-md5: a1815081eaa82c881147140e5d7479f3 Description-gl: Midnight Commander - un potente xestor de ficheiros -- ficheiros de datos O Midnight Commander de GNU é un xestor de ficheiros en modo texto a pantalla completa. Emprega unha interface con dous paneis e unha subconsola para a execución das ordes. Inclúe un editor interno con realzado da sintexa e un visor interno que admite os ficheiros binarios. Tamén inclúe o sistema de ficheiros virtual (VFS), que permite manipular os ficheiros dos sistemas remotos (de, p.ex., servidores de FTP ou SSH) e os ficheiros de dentro dos arquivos como se foren ficheiros reais. . This package provides architecture independent files Package: mcl-doc Description-md5: ece7f161b28adefed3b99effb6a3ac64 Description-gl: Documentación de mcl The MCL package is an implementation of the Markov Cluster algorithm, for manipulating sparse matricess and conducting cluster experiments. . This is documentation for mcl: the MCL FAQ, some examples as well as manpages in HTML and PostScript format. Package: mcollective-plugins-nettest Description-md5: 7210abe0ae38f9068f9a2f62aabf3b49 Description-gl: Engadido mcollective para nettest This is a simple agent that will execute a ping or remote connection test on mcollective hosts Package: mcrypt Description-md5: 75b0936ff1ff18923be55fcec21facc3 Description-gl: Substituto do antigo crypt(1) de unix mcrypt is a crypting program, intended to be replacement for the old unix crypt(1). But it can do a lot more, since with its libmcrypt library it can encrypt and decrypt with the following alogirhtms: BLOWFISH, TWOFISH, DES, TripleDES, 3-WAY, SAFER-sk64, SAFER-sk128, SAFER+, OKI97, GOST, RC2, RC6, MARS, IDEA, RIJNDAEL-128, RIJNDAEL-192, SERPENT, RIJNDAEL-256, CAST-128 (known as CAST5), CAST-256, ARCFOUR, ENIGMA, PANAMA, XTEA and WAKE. . Please note that this package is buggy and unmaintained by the upstream authors. If you can, please look for other implementations (openssl, gnutls, gnupg). Package: md5deep Description-md5: 03e121f5deb42145602b68fdf028531d Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para hashdeep Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: mecab Description-md5: e4eab18e2611f99ded7dca3f78c46fe9 Description-gl: Sistema de análise morfolóxica do xaponés Mecab is a morphological analysis system. It reads Japanese sentences from the standard input, segments them into morpheme sequences, and outputs them to the standard output with many additional pieces of information (pronunciation, semantic information, etc). Package: mecab-ipadic Description-md5: c5f8b7f5209a0aeecb12e0797bb2a3e1 Description-gl: Dicionario da IPA compilado para Mecab Este paquete fornece un dicionario da IPA convertido para Mecab, que é un sistema de análise morfolóxica do xaponés. Este dicionario está organizado no sistema gramatical da IPA. Package: mecab-ipadic-utf8 Description-md5: 6316405a2ef8431bb4aecfd5a76b787a Description-gl: Dicionario da IPA codificado en UTF-8 e compilado para Mecab Este paquete fornece un dicionario da IPA convertido para Mecab, que é un sistema de análise morfolóxica do xaponés. Este dicionario está organizado no sistema gramatical da IPA. Package: medcon Description-md5: 06576e7dcc31c6ed74b250627939542b Description-gl: Medical Image (DICOM, ECAT, ...) conversion tool Este proxecto significa Conversión de Imaxes Médicas. Publicado baixo a (L)GPL, vén co código fonte en C completo da biblioteca, unha utilidade flexÃbel para a liña de ordes e unha interface gráfica agradábel que emprega a caixa de ferramentas GTK+. Os formatos admitidos na actualidade son: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 e PNG. . O programa tamén permite ler ficheiros non admitidos sen compresión, imprimir os valores dos pÃxeles ou extraer/reordenar imaxes especÃficas. É posÃbel recuperar as matrices de imaxes binarias/ascii ou escribir PNG para aplicativos de escritorio. . This is the command line tool for batch processing. Package: mediainfo-gui Description-md5: ad7df2c5586cbcf55af18383b9b5c092 Description-gl: graphical utility for reading information from audio/video files MediaInfo is a utility used for retrieving technical information and other metadata about audio or video files. . A non-exhaustive list of the information MediaInfo can retrieve from media files include: - General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration... - Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... - Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... - Text: language of subtitle - Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters . MediaInfo supports the following formats: - Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... - Video Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) - Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... - Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI... . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica de usuario. Package: melt Description-md5: fd84ce6cabff711518e3c43433757e94 Description-gl: command line media player and video editor melt pretendÃa ser unha ferramenta de probas para a infraestrutura MLT, mais é tamén un editor de vÃdeo potente orientado á liña de ordes e para varias pistas. Tamén poderÃa ser un reprodutor multimedia minimalista para ficheiros de son e de vÃdeo. Package: mencoder Description-md5: 3e0b1c03e45777592769ce1aa7a30c28 Description-gl: Codificador de PelÃculas de MPlayer O MPlayer reproduce a maiorÃa dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA, admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén pode reproducir pelÃculas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX. . This package contains mencoder, a simple movie encoder, designed to encode MPlayer-playable movies (AVI/ASF/OGG/DVD/VCD/VOB/MPG/MOV/VIV/FLI/RM/NUV/NET) to other MPlayer- playable formats. It can encode with various codecs, like DivX4 (1 or 2 passes), libavcodec, PCM/MP3/VBRMP3 audio. Also has stream copying and video resizing capabilities. Package: meritous Description-md5: ec71bc9ae6f910045a61ec794e30a735 Description-gl: Xogo de acción e aventuras de exploración de celas Far below the surface of the planet is a secret. A place of limitless power. Those that seek to control such a utopia will soon bring an end to themselves. Seeking an end to the troubles that plague him, PSI user MERIT journeys into the hallowed Orcus Dome in search of answers. . Meritous is a action-adventure game with simple controls but a challenge to find a balance of power verses recovery time during real-time battles. Set in a fractually-generated world, the player can explore thousands of rooms in search of powerful artifacts, tools to help them, and to eventually free the Orcus Dome from evil. Package: mess Description-md5: 34b02e9ba6f083e5723243e13d1aa073 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: metacity Description-md5: 06e64374861a42f6f96cc5a654ad56b1 Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas lixeiro en GTK+ Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Este paquete contén os binarios centrais. Package: metacity-common Description-md5: 386fc245b801260f4b7c75b1915cb1ee Description-gl: shared files for the Metacity window manager Metacity is a small window manager, using GTK+ to do everything. . As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." . Este paquete contén os ficheiros compartidos. Package: mgetty-docs Description-md5: 80492847bae7e22d384214d1bad1ff11 Description-gl: Paquete de documentación para mgetty Sample files and lots of documentation for mgetty. Additional source code for programs included that allow to set up a user interface for mgetty. Package: micro-proxy Description-md5: efc8c05a4e18a2fd3bf570ba3c51d0ee Description-gl: really small HTTP/HTTPS proxy micro_proxy is a very small Unix-based HTTP/HTTPS proxy. It runs from inetd, which means its performance is poor. But for low-traffic sites, it's quite adequate. It implements all the basic features of an HTTP/HTTPS proxy, including IPv6 forwarding, in only 320 lines of code. . Páxina web: <> Package: micropolis Description-md5: 87fc62c1fb5475dcc4392f5c459a388c Description-gl: real-time city management simulator Este xogo simula a construción e planificación dunha cidade enteira. O obxectivo do xogo é construÃr e ordenar unha cidade. O xogador pode marcar terrenos como comerciais, industriais ou residenciais, engadir edificios, cambiar a renda catastral, construÃr unha rede eléctrica, construÃr sistemas de transporte e tomar outras moitas accións para mellorar a cidade. . O Micropolis é a versión do SimCity con licenza GPL. Package: micropolis-data Description-md5: 2279b5c1a01ec0cae6282375c045c28e Description-gl: Simulador de planificación urbana en tempo real - datos Este xogo simula a construción e planificación dunha cidade enteira. O obxectivo do xogo é construÃr e ordenar unha cidade. O xogador pode marcar terrenos como comerciais, industriais ou residenciais, engadir edificios, cambiar a renda catastral, construÃr unha rede eléctrica, construÃr sistemas de transporte e tomar outras moitas accións para mellorar a cidade. . Este paquete instala os datos, como os gráficos e os sons, do xogo. Package: mididings-doc Description-md5: ef1b7c67417f4bbdb1b9318fae7ceb6a Description-gl: mididings Documentation mididings is a MIDI router and processor based on Python, supporting ALSA and JACK MIDI. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación de mididings. Package: mikutter Description-md5: 5ef5a928cb327f72bd994efcf22ca547 Description-gl: Cliente de Twitter extensÃbel con engadidos Mikutter is a multi-pane Twitter client with several advanced features: * different tweet views (flat list, threaded list, searches); * user profile and activity views; * lists of followers and followings (friends); * plugin extensibility. Package: minbif-common Description-md5: f6b800e58862708a5554f3a5ec3fc2d4 Description-gl: IRC-to-other-IM-networks gateway using Pidgin library (common files) Minbif is an IRC gateway to IM networks which provides the following features: * Minbif uses a library which abstracts all IM calls, and has several plugins to support more than 15 IM protocols (IRC included!); * Two modes: inetd and daemon fork; * Only IRC commands are used to control Minbif; * Certificates check; * Buddies are IRC users; * Each account has a status channel. You see in all connected buddies, and their status on it; * Add and remove buddies from list with /INVITE and /KICK commands; * Blocked users are bans on the account's status channel; * Display when a buddy is typing a message; * Can chat with someone who is not in your buddy list; * You can see buddies' icons (with libcaca) or download them; * DCC SEND an image to set your icon on IM networks; * Display extended information about buddies with /WII command; * Support away messages; * Can send and receive files, which are sent or received to/from your IRC client with DCC SEND; * Conversation channels are supported; * Auto\-rejoin conversation channels at connection; * Display list of channels on an IM account with /LIST; * irssi scripts to increase your user experience of minbif; * CoinCoin plugin for libpurple. . Este paquete contén a documentación e engadidos comúns. Package: minbif-dbg Description-md5: 40e382917ca1b4cc634b26813a3cfd26 Description-gl: IRC-to-other-IM-networks gateway using Pidgin library (dbg) Minbif is an IRC gateway to IM networks which provides the following features: * Minbif uses a library which abstracts all IM calls, and has several plugins to support more than 15 IM protocols (IRC included!); * Two modes: inetd and daemon fork; * Only IRC commands are used to control Minbif; * Certificates check; * Buddies are IRC users; * Each account has a status channel. You see in all connected buddies, and their status on it; * Add and remove buddies from list with /INVITE and /KICK commands; * Blocked users are bans on the account's status channel; * Display when a buddy is typing a message; * Can chat with someone who is not in your buddy list; * You can see buddies' icons (with libcaca) or download them; * DCC SEND an image to set your icon on IM networks; * Display extended information about buddies with /WII command; * Support away messages; * Can send and receive files, which are sent or received to/from your IRC client with DCC SEND; * Conversation channels are supported; * Auto\-rejoin conversation channels at connection; * Display list of channels on an IM account with /LIST; * irssi scripts to increase your user experience of minbif; * CoinCoin plugin for libpurple. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: mingw-w64-common Description-md5: 18eccaadae99ddf9dab704782cc8edaf Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para Mingw-w64 MinGW-w64 provides a development and runtime environment for 32- and 64-bit (x86 and x64) Windows applications using the Windows API and the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc). . This package contains files common to both 32- and 64-bit targets. Package: minisat2 Description-md5: 8385de90ce10778a1ebab6a56629355e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio do minisat Este é un paquete transitorio para minisat e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após de ter completada a instalación. Package: miniupnpc Description-md5: 3d9ea3e08c317f931e9646ec11c73197 Description-gl: UPnP IGD client lightweight library client O protocolo UPnP é recoñecido pola maiorÃa dos routers de adsl e cabo e por Microsoft Windows 2K/XP. O obxectivo do proxecto MiniUPnP é crear unha solución de software libre que admita a parte «Dispositivo de pasarela de Internet» do protocolo. O protocolo de UPnP MediaServer/MediaRenderer tamén se está a facer moi popular. . Miniupnpc pretender ser a biblioteca máis simple posÃbel, coa pegada máis pequena e sen dependencias doutras bibliotecas, como analizadores de XML ou implementacións de HTTP. Todo o código é ANSI C puro. Compilada nun PC x86, a biblioteca cliente de miniupn ten un código de menos de 15KB. Por exemplo, o programa de exemplo de upnpc é duns 20KB. O daemon de miniupn é moito máis pequeno que calquera outro daemon de IGD e por esta razón é ideal para empregar en dispositivos con pouca memoria. . This package is an example client for the library. Package: mir-client-platform-mesa5 Description-md5: 7f708e9b58896cab3f8376eb75eb95dc Description-gl: Display server for Ubuntu - client platform library for Mesa Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . Contains the shared libraries required for the Mir clients to interact with the underlying hardware platform using the Mesa drivers. Package: mir-demos Description-md5: c4f4005c11f249395621a8d975f1738d Description-gl: Servidor de pantallas para Ubuntu - programas de demostración Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . Contains demo applications that use the Mir display server Package: mir-graphics-drivers-desktop Description-md5: 04979bc51e394b6fa5ee0a475530ff0b Description-gl: Servidor de pantallas para Ubuntu - metapaquete do controlador de escritorio Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . This package depends on a full set of graphics drivers for traditional desktop systems. Package: mir-platform-graphics-mesa-kms13 Description-md5: dd1ec2100aef919442a475fe460f17a4 Description-gl: Display server for Ubuntu - platform library for KMS Mesa Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . Contains the shared libraries required for the Mir server to interact with the hardware platform using the Mesa drivers. Package: mir-platform-graphics-mesa-x13 Description-md5: da25c2211c598c3ef51f61b351cb04a4 Description-gl: Display server for Ubuntu - platform library for X11 Mesa Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . Contains the shared libraries required for the Mir server to interact with the X11 platform using the Mesa drivers. Package: mir-platform-input-evdev7 Description-md5: 76093ccfa063b3cef15b59e53e84590f Description-gl: Display server for Ubuntu - input platform library Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . Contains the shared libraries required for the Mir server to interact with the input hardware using the evdev interface. Package: mir-test-tools Description-md5: 42fdcf71453ed4c8e6f4c09dba656cc0 Description-gl: Display Server for Ubuntu - stress tests and other test tools Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . Contains a tool for stress testing the Mir display server Package: mir-utils Description-md5: 2a1eedcee3a066d4bf05672b2b018dfd Description-gl: Servidor de pantallas para Ubuntu - programas de utilidades Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . Contains utility programs for probing and controling a Mir server. Package: mirage Description-md5: df5c907c431e9842efe25c6390832a4c Description-gl: fast and simple GTK+ image viewer Mirage is ideal for users who wish to keep their computers lean while still having a clean image viewer. . Funcionalidades: * Admite png, jpg, svg, xpm, gif, bmp, tiff e outros * Carga previa para navegar máis rápido entre as imaxes (opcional) * Panel de miniaturas para unha navegación rápida * Pase de diapositivas e modo a pantalla completa * Rotación, ampliación, virado, cambio de tamaño e recorte * Accións de usuario personalizadas * Captura de pantalla Package: misery Description-md5: 41330843ed8fe2ba3c1941f27827a322 Description-gl: Paquete sinxelo de contabilidade para grupos, clubes, vacacións Misery is a simple way to do accounting for things like clubs, and group holidays. Anything where you have things like shared food, transport, drinks/dinners out, group gear and so on. Data is entered as text files and it produces finished accounts as a set of HTML files which can be uploaded so participants can easily find out how much they owe/are owed. It is not a double-entry bookkeeping tool and it doesn't do invoicing. . It has a number of useful features to make it easy to sort out bar and restaurant bills, deal with multiple currencies, recurring costs, beer tallies, bank accounts, and to check that categories sum to zero when they should. Package: mit-scheme Description-md5: 092cd7e0ce27e329e2f76b047e32adda Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento Scheme de MIT/GNU O Scheme de MIT/GNU é unha implementación da linguaxe de programación Scheme que fornece un intérprete, compilador, depurador de código fonte, editor integrado tipo Emacs e unha biblioteca de tempo de execución grande. O Scheme de MIT/GNU é axeitado especialmente para aplicativos grandes cun ciclo de desenvolvemento rápido. . Este paquete contén o ambiente de desenvolvemento. Package: mit-scheme-dbg Description-md5: f69399081858f7019238aba5e2c10bb2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de depuración do Scheme de MIT/GNU O Scheme de MIT/GNU é unha implementación da linguaxe de programación Scheme que fornece un intérprete, compilador, depurador de código fonte, editor integrado tipo Emacs e unha biblioteca de tempo de execución grande. O Scheme de MIT/GNU é axeitado especialmente para aplicativos grandes cun ciclo de desenvolvemento rápido. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de depuración do ambiente de desenvolvemento. Estes ficheiros permiten depurar o sistema Scheme de MIT/GNU e só son útiles se é preciso ver as interioridades do sistema mentres se depura. Package: mit-scheme-doc Description-md5: b082521dde213f32de1268662e272017 Description-gl: MIT/GNU Scheme documentation O Scheme de MIT/GNU é unha implementación da linguaxe de programación Scheme que fornece un intérprete, compilador, depurador de código fonte, editor integrado tipo Emacs e unha biblioteca de tempo de execución grande. O Scheme de MIT/GNU é axeitado especialmente para aplicativos grandes cun ciclo de desenvolvemento rápido. . This package contains documentation in Info, HTML, and PDF formats. Package: mixxx Description-md5: d491a99ebd0dc954a099371a444cc98a Description-gl: Digital Disc Jockey Interface O Mixxx é un sistema dixital para DJ no que se poden misturar ficheiros Wave, Ogg, FLAC e MP3 nun computador e empregalos ao vivo. Inclúe controles de filtros, crossfader e velocidade. O Mixxx pode sincronizar os dous fluxos automaticamente empregando un algoritmo para detectar o pulso. . O Mixxx funciona con Jack ou con OSS e pode ser controlado desde a interface gráfica ou desde controladores externos, incluÃdos dispositivos MIDI e joystics; tamén acepta temas. Package: mixxx-data Description-md5: cc2934c524bc4f3bee30372e77eef3aa Description-gl: Digital Disc Jockey Interface -- data files O Mixxx é un sistema dixital para DJ no que se poden misturar ficheiros Wave, Ogg, FLAC e MP3 nun computador e empregalos ao vivo. Inclúe controles de filtros, crossfader e velocidade. O Mixxx pode sincronizar os dous fluxos automaticamente empregando un algoritmo para detectar o pulso. . O Mixxx funciona con Jack ou con OSS e pode ser controlado desde a interface gráfica ou desde controladores externos, incluÃdos dispositivos MIDI e joystics; tamén acepta temas. . Este paquete fornece imaxes e ficheiros de configuración de temas requiridos por mixxx. Package: mjpegtools Description-md5: 6ee27bd58b0da6ff3526166b768c5570 Description-gl: Conxunto de ferramentas para a captura/edición/reprodución de MJPEG e codificación de MPEG Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. Package: mjpegtools-gtk Description-md5: 588874558baa2eb5095d2ad2f58c0190 Description-gl: Conxunto de ferramentas para a captura/edición/reprodución de MJPEG e codificación de MPEG (interface en GTK+) Os programas mjpeg son un conxunto de ferramentas que poden realizar a gravación de vÃdeos e reprodución, edición sinxela con cortar e pegar e compresión MPEG de son e vÃdeo en Linux. . Este paquete conten a interface en GTK+. Package: mkdocs-doc Description-md5: 70522a720dc77ecde9d1d2a25aaf9027 Description-gl: Static site generator (documentation) MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: mkgmapgui Description-md5: 93c1ef4b290969f02f4643e94e7c5820 Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para mkgmap mkgmapgui is a GUI front end to mkgmap, a command-line utility for converting OpenStreetMap map files to files that can be uploaded to a Garmin GPS device. . While not all the advanced features of mkgmap are implemented in mkgmapgui, the most used are. mkgmapgui implements the following features: . * Converting an .osm file into a Garmin .img file * Combining multiple .img files into one .img file. Package: mknfonts.tool Description-md5: 455c3efb5658987c662f9fc885967ebf Description-gl: Cree paquetes nfont para GNUstep This doesn't completely automate the process of creating nfont-packages, but it can do most of the bulk work for you. . This works with .ttf, .pfa, .pfb, .afm, most formats that freetype can handle and provide postscript names for. Package: mktemp Description-md5: 8de03be14c6a847a7943ac239245721f Description-gl: coreutils mktemp transitional package Paquete baleiro para facilitar as anovacións; pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: mldonkey-server Description-md5: 1cfdfb88c5b48e2c8e98f40cbac9eaa1 Description-gl: Porta á rede «donkey» MLDonkey is a door to the 'donkey' network, a decentralized network used to exchange big files on the Internet. It is written in a wonderful language, called Objective-Caml, and present most features of the basic Windows donkey client, plus some more: - works on UNIX-compatible platforms. - remote control by telnet, WEB browser or GTK+ interface. - access to EDonkey (edonkey2000, overnet, emule) - access to Gnutella1/2 - access to Bittorrent Package: mlterm Description-md5: 344a7672990ee06ff67716bffa92a42a Description-gl: Terminal multilingüe This is a terminal emulator for X Window System, which supports various encodings including ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16], TCVN5712, VISCII, TIS-620 (same as ISO-8859-11), KOI8-{R,U,T}, CP{1251,1255}, GEORGEAN-PS, EUC-JP, EUC- JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}, Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-KR, EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, EUC-CN (aka GB2312), GBK, ISO-2022-CN, Big5, EUC-TW, HZ, UTF-8, and GB18030. . Doublewidth characters for east Asian, combining characters for Thai, Vietnamese, and other diacritics, BiDi (bi-directionality) for Arabic and Hebrew as well as Arabic shaping are all supported. Though mlterm supports Indic complex languages such as Hindi, this Debian package is not compiled with Indic support. . Since mlterm checks the current locale and selects appropriate encoding, you don't need to configure mlterm to display your language and encoding. . mlterm also supports unique features such as scrollbar API, multiple windows, multiple XIM, anti-alias using FreeType and Xft, and so on. Package: mm3d Description-md5: 3a94b2fa98027b873e9b85d9547978ba Description-gl: OpenGL based 3D model editor This is an OpenGL based 3D model editor that works with triangle-based models. It supports multi-level undo, skeletal animations, simple texturing, scripting, command-line batch processing, and a plugin system for adding new model and image filters. Complete online help is included. It is designed to be easy to use and easy to extend with plugins and scripts. . Admite os ficheiros 3D seguintes: MilkShape (ms3d), Wavefront (obj), LightWave 3d Object (lwo), Quake 2 model (md2), Quake 3 model (md3), Caligari trueSpace (cob) e AutoCAD (dxf). Package: mmh Description-md5: ac45559722681769123ed069b5278037 Description-gl: Conxunto de programas para manexar o correo electrónico This is the mmh mail user agent (reader/sender), a command-line based mail reader that is powerful and extensible. nmh is an excellent choice for people who receive and process a lot of mail. . Unlike most mail user agents, mmh is not a single program, rather it is a set of programs that are run from the shell. This allows the user to utilize the full power of the Unix shell in coordination with mmh. . Mmh is a modified version of the electronic mail handling system nmh. Nmh (new MH) itself was originally based on the package MH-6.8.3, and was intended to be a (mostly) compatible drop-in replacement for MH. In contrast, mmh is not intended to be a drop-in replacement for nmh, rather mmh breaks compatibility to nmh in order to modernize and simplify it. Package: moc Description-md5: a7ebfc6625444b03b15690a956d2deeb Description-gl: Reprodutor de son baseado en ncurses moc (music on console) is a full-screen player designed to be powerful and easy to use. . Supported file formats are: MP3, OGG Vorbis, FLAC, OPUS, WAVE, SPEEX, Musepack (MPC), AIFF, AU (and other less popular formats supported by libsndfile). New formats support is under development. . Other features: simple mixer, colour themes, searching the menu (the playlist or a directory) like M-s in Midnight Commander, the way MOC creates titles from tags is configurable, optional character set conversion for file tags using iconv(), OSS or ALSA output. Package: moc-ffmpeg-plugin Description-md5: db9bdd8ec2f5f2e982d5f61a29664fab Description-gl: Reprodutor de son baseado en ncurses -- engadido para ffmpeg moc (music on console) is a full-screen player designed to be powerful and easy to use. . moc-ffmpeg-plugin is an additional plugin to play soundfiles out of the ffmpeg libs like WMA, RealAudio, MP4 and AAC. Package: mod-gearman-doc Description-md5: e70dfc4586e2d1322ca7c1210887dcc1 Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de Mod-Gearman Mod-Gearman is an easy way of distributing active Icinga/Nagios checks across your network and increasing nagios scalability. Mod-Gearman can even help to reduce the load on a single nagios host, because its much smaller and more efficient in executing checks. . This package contains documentation and examples common to the mod- gearman-module and mod-gearman-worker packages. Package: mod-musicindex-common Description-md5: c8484f0e688f4640a2ba04828fef8f9b Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para mod-musicindex mod_musicindex is aimed at being a C alternative to the Perl module Apache::MP3 ( It allows nice displaying of directories containing MP3 or Ogg Vorbis and FLAC files, including sorting them on various fields, streaming/downloading them, constructing playlists and searching. . This package includes platform independent data for libapache2-mod- musicindex and is useless without it. Package: model-builder Description-md5: c69aedd3bf7d7ec556150992304030ed Description-gl: Simulador gráfico de ecuacións diferenciais ordinarias (EDO) Model Builder is a graphical tool for designing, simulating and analyzing Mathematical model consisting of a system of ordinary differential equations(ODEs). Package: modem-manager-gui-help Description-md5: 5f879eed9f510c9e12903bb146d91d81 Description-gl: GUI front-end for ModemManager / Wader / oFono - documentation Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: modemmanager-qt-dev Description-md5: a0faf1088b83744b57f33b5670b26a4d Description-gl: Qt wrapper for ModemManager - devel files Qt wrapper for ModemManager DBus API. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento Package: mona Description-md5: 2fcd097fb45a3451958acd496a75b3eb Description-gl: theorem prover based on automata MONA is a tool that translates formulas in the logics WS1S or WS2S into finite-state automata represented by BDDs. The formulas may express search patterns, temporal properties of reactive systems, parse tree constraints, etc. MONA also analyses the automaton resulting from the compilation, and determines whether the formula is valid and, if the formula is not valid, generates a counter-example. . A documentación está dispoñÃbel no sitio web de MONA Package: mono-basic-dbg Description-md5: 363b48a151ac677cdd5984112412834f Description-gl: Visual Basic de Mono, sÃmbolos de depuración This package contains debugging symbols of the mono-vbnc and libmono- microsoft-visualbasic{8,10,11}.0-cil packages. . Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. Package: mono-dbg Description-md5: 3a82d07419414cf23ff1d696c9f1db7e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de Mono Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de diversos paquetes libmono-* e mono-*. . Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Xamarin. Mono provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language) bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library. Package: monodoc-banshee-manual Description-md5: fa1e46f6aa31c000a47ce0ccd4a8ca3a Description-gl: Media Management and Playback application (developer documentation) O Banshee é un aplicativo de xestión e reprodución multimedia para o escritorio GNOME que permite importar son de CD, buscar na discoteca, crear listas de reprodución de seleccións desa discoteca, sincronizar a música cos iPods e outros dispositivos multimedia, reproducir e xestionar ficheiros de vÃdeo e gravar seleccións nun CD. . This package contains the developer documentation for Banshee. Package: monodoc-gdata-manual Description-md5: 0724cb8fbc75a0b0253b5a8efd197f4c Description-gl: compiled XML documentation for GData GData (Google data) is a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) which provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. . Cada un dos servizos de Google seguintes fornece unha API de datos de Google: * Base * Blogger * Calendar * Code Search * Contacts * Document List * Google Apps Provisioning * Notebook * Picasa Web Albums * Spreadsheets * YouTube . This package contains the compiled XML documentation for GData Package: monodoc-gmime2.6-manual Description-md5: cdc9c4c9826c90bb4a72b46fa5395220 Description-gl: compiled XML documentation for GMime (old 2.6 version) GMime fornece unha biblioteca central e un conxunto de utilidades que poden resultar útiles para a creación e análise de mensaxes empregando a Extensión Multi-propósito de Correo de Internet (MIME). . This package contains the compiled XML documentation for the older version of GMime. . This package is deprecated. Users should move to gmime 3.0 (and libgmime-3.0-doc) instead. Package: monodoc-poppler-manual Description-md5: 3eabb3a300938335c6b994f4ba0ccb7d Description-gl: compiled XML documentation for Poppler Sharp Poppler é unha biblioteca de renderizado de PDF baseada no visor de PDF xpdf. . This package contains the compiled XML documentation for Poppler Sharp. Package: monodoc-webkit-manual Description-md5: 622ce2bd5f7490c3c336337f917e2cbf Description-gl: compiled XML documentation for webkit-sharp WebKit é un motor de contido web derivado de KHTML e KJS para KDE e empregado fundamentalmente no navegador Safari da Apple. Foi feito para ser incorporado a outros aplicativos, como lectores de correo ou navegadores web. . This package contains the compiled XML documentation for webkit-sharp. Package: monodoc-zeitgeist-manual Description-md5: 3988012a844c37569924096f10557d6b Description-gl: Documentación compilada en XML para zeitgeist-sharp zeitgeist-sharp is a managed C# wrapper of the Zeitgeist DBus API. It exposes Log (Querying the events) , Blacklist, Monitor and DataSources. . This package contains the compiled XML documentation for zeitgeist-sharp. Package: monopd Description-md5: 3f210f59d68fe320e97d62383358ca9b Description-gl: Servidor do xogo do Monopoly en rede monopd is a dedicated game server daemon for playing Monopoly-like board games. Clients such as gtkAtlantic connect to the server, which manages the game. Note that you do not need to install this server unless you want to use one of the clients offline, or play custom game types. . Currently supported board games are Monopoly(R) and Atlantic, a variation on Monopoly(R). Package: monotone-doc Description-md5: 9f6e4e959cfd96d435d8784f10387f2b Description-gl: Distributed version (revision) control system - documentation Monotone is a free, distributed version control system. It provides fully disconnected operation, manages complete tree versions, keeps its state in a local transactional database, supports overlapping branches and extensible metadata, uses an efficient peer-to-peer network protocol, performs history-sensitive merging, and delegates trust functions to client-side RSA certificates. . Este paquete contén a documentación de monotone nos formatos HTML, e PDF. Package: moon-buggy Description-md5: d35d17b058e672a02f5fbf3fc2472d5d Description-gl: GuÃe un coche pola lúa Moon-buggy is a simple character graphics game, where you drive some kind of car across the moon's surface. Unfortunately there are dangerous craters there. Fortunately your car can jump over them! Package: moon-buggy-esd Description-md5: a91bd0fb431a922975163d7cbe48ace1 Description-gl: GuÃe un coche pola lúa (versión con son) Moon-buggy is a simple character graphics game, where you drive some kind of car across the moon's surface. Unfortunately there are dangerous craters there. Fortunately your car can jump over them! . This version includes experimental support for sound and thus requires a soundcard to run! Package: morse-simulator-doc Description-md5: 36963b1fd89f54bf7ddb4238203c873d Description-gl: Multi-OpenRobot Simulation Engine - Documentation List of morse features: * Versatile simulator for generic mobile robots simulation (single or multi robots), * Realistic and dynamic environments (interaction with other agents like humans or objects), * Based on well known and widely adopted open source projects (Blender for 3D rendering + UI, Bullet for physics simulation, dedicated robotic middlewares for communications + robot hardware support), * Seamless workflow: since the simulator rely on Blender for both modeling and the real time 3D engine, creating and modifying a simulated scene is straightforward. * Entirely scriptable in Python, * Adaptable to various level of simulation realism (for instance the simulation of exteroceptive sensors like cameras or a direct access to higher level representations of the world, like labeled artifacts), * Currently compatible with ROS, YARP and the LAAS OpenRobots robotics frameworks, * Easy to integrate to other environments via a simple socket interface, * Fully open source, BSD license. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: mozilla-plugin-gnash Description-md5: 3192c964c07636f66c874a73078496a0 Description-gl: dummy package for renaming to browser-plugin-gnash This package is a transitional package for renaming to browser-plugin- gnash. . Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando browser-plugin-gnash estea instalado. Package: mp3burn Description-md5: 1b4b094a0901027f0171c863a5017232 Description-gl: burn audio CDs directly from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, or FLAC files mp3burn é un script en Perl que permite gravar CD de son compostos de pistas en MP3, Ogg Vorbis ou FLAC sen unha conversión intermedia a .cdr ou .wav. Os ficheiros .mp3/.ogg/.flac *son* convertidos empregando un descodificador, mais son escritos en FIFO para que non consuman espazo do sistema de ficheiros durante a gravación. Package: mp3val Description-md5: 44147cb1e5d49f679631cf3ca3895cfd Description-gl: Programa para a validación de fluxos de son MPEG MP3val is a small, high-speed tool for MPEG audio files validation and (optionally) fixing problems. . It was primarily designed for verification of MPEG 1 Layer III (MP3) files, but supports also other MPEG versions and layers. . It can be useful for finding corrupted files (e.g. incompletely downloaded). Package: mp4v2-dbg Description-md5: e7778a1105c76fb287da5d47b25ce9cf Description-gl: library to read, create, and modify mp4 files (debug) The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files as defined by ISO-IEC:14496-1:2001 MPEG-4 Systems. This file format is derived from Apple's QuickTime file format that has been used as a multimedia file format in a variety of platforms and applications. It is a very powerful and extensible format that can accommodate practically any type of media. . MP4v2 was originally bundled with mpeg4ip library, but has been moved into its own maintained library due to a combination of the cessation of support of mpeg4ip and the usefulness of this library on its own. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: mpb-doc Description-md5: fd8ceff9271c3e1ad609dcd16137a435 Description-gl: MIT Photonic-Bands documentation The MIT Photonic-Bands package is a free program for computing the band structures (dispersion relations) and electromagnetic modes of periodic dielectric structures, on both serial and parallel computers. It was developed by Steven G. Johnson at MIT in the Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics group, and designed to study photonic crystal structures. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato HTML. Package: mpc123 Description-md5: 79c847ca11a35297b312b77c0a8e1fe0 Description-gl: command-line Musepack audio player mpc123 é un reprodutor para a liña de ordes para o formato de compresión de son Musepack (MPC). . MPC is a lossy compression format like MP3 or Ogg Vorbis. It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but has been vastly improved. . Ability to play remote files is not implemented. Package: mpd Description-md5: f318c4a927bba8215d5caa973656c5e7 Description-gl: Daemon do reprodutor de música Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a server that allows remote access for playing audio files (Ogg-Vorbis, FLAC, MP3, Wave, and AIFF), streams (Ogg- Vorbis, MP3) and managing playlists. Gapless playback, buffered output, and crossfading support is also included. The design focus is on integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for music playback over a TCP/IP network. The goals are to be easy to install and use, to have minimal resource requirements (it has been reported to run fine on a Pentium 75), and to remain stable and flexible. . The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same computer mpd runs on. The separate client and server design allows users to choose a user interface that best suites their tastes independently of the underlying daemon (this package) which actually plays music. Package: mpg123 Description-md5: 5ebabad0916ebd65863379ea1316b415 Description-gl: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player mpg123 é o reprodutor/descodificador de son MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 en tempo real para as capas 1, 2 e 3 (a capa 3 de MPEG 1.0 coñécese tamén como MP3). . This package contains output plugins for several audio systems, including OSS4, the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA), JACK, PortAudio, PulseAudio, OpenAL and the Network Audio System (NAS). Package: mpg321 Description-md5: cf61479ef1985640113a399b6eef8973 Description-gl: Simple and lightweight command line MP3 player mpg321 is a clone of the popular mpg123 command-line mp3 player. It should function as a drop-in replacement for mpg123 in many cases. While some of the functionality of mpg123 is not yet implemented, mpg321 should function properly in most cases for most people, such as for frontends such as gqmpeg. . mpg321 está baseado na biblioteca de descodificación de son de MPEG mad. É, polo tanto, moi preciso e tamén usa exclusivamente cálculos con vÃrgula fixa, o que o fai máis eficiente en máquinas que carezan de unidade de vÃrgula flutuante. Non é tan rápido con mpg123 en sistema que si teñan unha unidade de vÃrgula flutuante. Package: mpgtx Description-md5: c63e6c2cfecb3c7382217ced7120d814 Description-gl: toolbox to manipulate MPEG files (video, system, and audio) mpgtx is a tool to manipulate MPEG files. Its features include the following: . * mpgtx pode actualmente partir e unir ficheiros de vÃdeo en MPEG 1 e a maiorÃa dos ficheiros de son en MPEG. * mpgtx pode obter información detallada de MPEG 1 e MPEG 2. * mpgtx pode desmultiplexar ficheiros MPEG 1 e MPEG 2 (Capa do sistema, Capa do programa e Capa de transporte). * mpgtx pode engadir, retirar e editar etiquetas ID3 de ficheiros mp3 e mudar o nome de ficheiros mp3 segundo as súas etiquetas ID3. Le e escribe ID3v1, mais só le ID3v2. Package: mpich-doc Description-md5: cc69d59303531b4452ad3a64ba48d86f Description-gl: Documentación de MPICH MPICH is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). It efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms including commodity clusters, SMPs, massively parallel systems, and high- speed networks. . This package includes the MPICH documentation. Package: mplayer Description-md5: e1a06607c7bcbd25d2abd6bdf83b871b Description-gl: movie player for Unix-like systems O MPlayer reproduce a maiorÃa dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA, admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén pode reproducir pelÃculas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX. . Outra das grandes funcionalidades do MPlayer é a grande cantidade de controladores de saÃda. Funciona con with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, DirectFB e tamén con SDL. . Not all of the upstream code is distributed in the source tarball. See the README.Debian and copyright files for details. Package: mplayer-doc Description-md5: c6fcbec0e0667e19084785de6460e973 Description-gl: Documentación do MPlayer Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML do MPlayer, un reprodutor de pelÃculas para sistemas tipo Unix. Está dispoñÃbel en varios idiomas. . You only need this package if you want to read the MPlayer manual. The manpages are included in the regular MPlayer package. Package: mplayer-gui Description-md5: 9e3f05de5fceb175bfdc57b182d973d0 Description-gl: movie player for Unix-like systems (GUI variant) O MPlayer reproduce a maiorÃa dos ficheiros MPEG, VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, FLI, RM, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, PVA, admitidos por moitos códecs nativos XAnim, RealPlayer, e Win32 DLL. Tamén pode reproducir pelÃculas en VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, RealMedia e DivX. . Outra das grandes funcionalidades do MPlayer é a grande cantidade de controladores de saÃda. Funciona con with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, DirectFB e tamén con SDL. . This package includes the GUI variant of MPlayer. Package: mppenc Description-md5: 679725ac8c316836ca699e0fa88229ad Description-gl: Musepack lossy audio codec encoder Musepack is a lossy audio codec specifically optimized for transparent compression of stereo audio at bitrates of 160-180 kbit/s. . This package contains the encoder, for decoding see libmpcdec3. . Sitio web: Package: mpv Description-md5: 42d61bf874a5fe751d6c1a8601d1276d Description-gl: video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2 mpv é un reprodutor de pelÃculas baseado en MPlayer e mplayer2. Admite unha grande variedade de formatos de ficheiros de vÃdeo, códecs de son e de vÃdeo e tipos de subtÃtulos. . Changes from mplayer2 to mpv include: * Removal of lots of unneeded code to encourage developer activity * Better OSD rendering * Cleaned up terminal output * Improved OpenGL output * Encoding functionality (replacement for mencoder) * Wayland support * Support for playing URLs of popular streaming sites * Screenshot improvements * ... See mpv(1) for more info regarding changes between MPlayer, mplayer2 and mpv. Package: mrmpi-doc Description-md5: 0f37099f16dce5bcd97005ab7e37c525 Description-gl: Implements MapReduce operation on top of standard MPI message - doc The MapReduce-MPI (MR-MPI) library is open-source software that implements the MapReduce operation popularized by Google on top of standard MPI message passing. . The MR-MPI library is written in C++ and is callable from hi-level langauges such as C++, C, Fortran. A Python wrapper is also included, so MapReduce programs can be written in Python, including map() and reduce() user callback methods. A hi-level scripting interface to the MR-MPI library, called OINK, is also included which can be used to develop and chain MapReduce algorithms together in scripts with commands that simplify data management tasks. OINK has its own manual and doc pages. . Este paquete contén a documentación das bibliotecas MapReduce-MPI. Package: mrtgutils Description-md5: 730ecdda78add419456982266c287a03 Description-gl: Utilidades para xerar estatÃsticas para mrtg MRTGutils is a collection of simple utilities to generate output useful for mrtg. Many of the existing mrtg setups use shell or perl scripts to gather output. On busy systems, these scripts can generate a lot of extra load. These (small) C programs can return the given statistics more efficiently. . This package provides the following binaries that return: - mrtg-load: the current load average (5-minute average) - mrtg-ip-acct: the number of IP packets that have traversed an interface - mrtg-apache: the number of hits to a Apache web site Package: mrtgutils-sensors Description-md5: 122d619b71d60894c3fb4272d0fc83de Description-gl: Utilidades para xerar estatÃsticas para mrtg (de lm-sensors) MRTGutils is a collection of simple utilities to generate output useful for mrtg. Many of the existing mrtg setups use shell or perl scripts to gather output. On busy systems, these scripts can generate a lot of extra load. These (small) C programs can return the given statistics more efficiently. . This package provides the binary mrtg-sensors that returns data sensors information from lm-sensors. Package: mrtrix-doc Description-md5: c216b5f851315b9738c86a30e0c5232b Description-gl: Documentación de mrtrix Set of tools to perform diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography of the brain in the presence of crossing fibres, using Constrained Spherical Deconvolution, and a probabilisitic streamlines algorithm. Magnetic resonance images in DICOM, ANALYZE, or uncompressed NIfTI format are supported. . This package provides the documentation in HTML format. Package: mtd-utils Description-md5: 9c5e7a0416a0b4f5ed639d8ebeaa73a2 Description-gl: Memory Technology Device Utilities Utilidades para manipular dispositivos de tecnoloxÃa de memoria, como memorias flash, Disk-On-Chip ou ROM. Inclúe mkfs.jffs2, unha ferramenta para crear sistemas de ficheiros JFFS2 (journaling flash file system). Package: mtink-doc Description-md5: 955c80ecdc60ef0fcf867c3bb8aeb616 Description-gl: Status monitor tool for Epson inkjet printers - documentation This is a printer status monitor which enables to get the remaining ink quantity, to print test patterns, to reset printer and to clean nozzles. . Although it mainly targets Epson printers, certain HP and Canon models are supported. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: mtp-tools Description-md5: b21df6970cd0c308c870019c053e3080 Description-gl: Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library tools libmtp is a library for communicating with MTP aware devices in POSIX compliant operating systems. It implements MTP Basic, the subset proposed for standardization. . O Protocolo de Transferencia de Multimedia (MTP) é un conxunto de extensións personalizadas deseñadas para permitiren a transferencia de ficheiros de música de reprodutores de son dixitais USB e ficheiros de pelÃculas en reprodutores multimedia portátiles USB. . This package contains tools for communicating with MTP devices. Package: mtpaint Description-md5: ce8e9f6731be72e086065d1e2f5c3518 Description-gl: Programa de debuxo para crear imaxes de pÃxeles e manipular fotos dixitais mtPaint is a free, open source graphic editing program which uses the GTK+ toolkit. It is geared towards creating indexed palette images and pixel art. . Due to its efficient design it can run on older PC hardware (e.g. a 200MHz CPU and 32MB of RAM). It can edit indexed palette or 24 bit RGB images and offers basic painting and palette manipulation tools. . It is aimed to be simple and easy to use. it also can handle JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, XPM, and XBM files. Package: mtr Description-md5: 54a77efbbccea4575d5a174a6e182d79 Description-gl: Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool mtr combina a funcionalidade dos programas «traceroute» e «ping» nunha única ferramenta de diagnóstico de rede. . As mtr starts, it investigates the network connection between the host mtr runs on and a user-specified destination host. After it determines the address of each network hop between the machines, it sends a sequence of ICMP ECHO requests to each one to determine the quality of the link to each machine. As it does this, it prints running statistics about each machine. Package: mttroff Description-md5: 34df9ac0b81c032f6c2bcaef77320267 Description-gl: TROff - Un clon multipulsación de TRON baseado en libavg Another old arcade classic. This is a multitouch version of TRON for up to four players. Each player commands a line of light. It's speed is fixed, but turns left and right are possible by pressing one of two buttons. If you run into another line, you lose. Package: mudita24 Description-md5: abbb834d0185f6eb4cee4ef9b8cef67c Description-gl: Ferramenta de control GUI de ALSA para tarxetas de son Envy24 (ice1712) Mudita24 is a modification of the Linux alsa-tools' envy24control: an application controlling the digital mixer, channel gains and other hardware settings for sound cards based on the VIA Ice1712 chipset aka Envy24. Unlike most ALSA mixer controls, this application displays a level meter for each input and output channel and maintains peak level indicators. This is based on Envy24's hardware peak metering feature. . Mudita24 provides alternate name to avoid confusion with "envy24control 0.6.0" until changes in this version propagate upstream. As balance to the "Envy", this project needed some Mudita "In Buddhism the third of the four divine abidings is mudita, taking joy in the good fortune of another. This virtue is considered the antidote to envy and the opposite of schadenfreude." . This utility is preferable to alsamixer for those with ice1712-based cards: M-Audio Delta 1010, Delta 1010LT, Delta DiO 2496, Delta 66, Delta 44, Delta 410 and Audiophile 2496. Terratec EWS 88MT, EWS 88D, EWX 24/96, DMX 6Fire, Phase 88. Hoontech Soundtrack DSP 24, Soundtrack DSP 24 Value, Soundtrack DSP 24 Media 7.1. Event Electronics EZ8. Digigram VX442. Lionstracs, Mediastaton. Terrasoniq TS 88. Roland/Edirol DA-2496. Package: muffin Description-md5: 9e054e88a1beb69eced924223232f38e Description-gl: lightweight window and compositing manager Muffin is a small window manager performing compositing as well based on GTK+ and Clutter and used in desktop environment such as Cinnamon. . It is fairly extensible by the mean of plugins, providing new or customized visual effects as well as a flexibility in the behavior of the window manager. . Este paquete contén os binarios centrais. Package: multiboot Description-md5: ae273904c0661984177ea9a25cb22051 Description-gl: A especificación Multiboot Esta especificación, creada en 1995, describe un método para cargar diferentes kernels multiboot empregando un cargador de arranque compatÃbel (como o GRUB de GNU) en computadores baseados en i386. . É utilizado por diversas imaxes de kérneles, como Hurd, Xen ou NetBSD. . An example implementation of a Multiboot kernel is provided. . For an example implementation of a Multiboot loader, check GRUB Legacy (grub-legacy package), or GRUB 2 (grub-pc package, and others). Package: mummer-doc Description-md5: a71c59e44d1a5d0e3305ea5e8201c358 Description-gl: Documentación de MUMmer MUMmer is a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes, whether in complete or draft form. For example, MUMmer 3.0 can find all 20-basepair or longer exact matches between a pair of 5-megabase genomes in 13.7 seconds, using 78 MB of memory, on a 2.4 GHz Linux desktop computer. MUMmer can also align incomplete genomes; it handles the 100s or 1000s of contigs from a shotgun sequencing project with ease, and will align them to another set of contigs or a genome using the NUCmer program included with the system. If the species are too divergent for DNA sequence alignment to detect similarity, then the PROmer program can generate alignments based upon the six-frame translations of both input sequences. . This package contains the documentation for MUMmer, a system for rapidly aligning entire genomes. Package: munin Description-md5: 397739392252923095c5812dbaad0fdf Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains the grapher/gatherer. You will only need one instance of it in your network. It will periodically poll all the nodes in your network it's aware of for data, which it in turn will use to create graphs and HTML pages, suitable for viewing with your graphical web browser of choice. . It is also able to alert you if any value is outside of a preset boundary, useful if you want to be alerted if a filesystem is about to grow full, for instance. You can do this by making Munin run an arbitrary command when you need to be alert it, or make use of the intrinsic Nagios support. . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: munin-async Description-md5: 390d7c71211032ea3977a22eb57cde62 Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (async master/client) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains munin-async and munin-asyncd which can be used for (optional) asynchronous operation of munin-update. . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: munin-common Description-md5: 4501696e1323d02bbf33751c99858ea9 Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (common) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains the common perl modules that are used by both munin and munin-node. . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: munin-doc Description-md5: a4995b39fb5c585937bfa04039cfed02 Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (documentation) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains all the documentation as POD files. . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: munin-node Description-md5: 7d6f3b57350a521bda7e61d4aa53a911 Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (node) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains the daemon for the nodes being monitored. You should install it on all the nodes in your network. It will know how to extract all sorts of data from the node it runs on, and will wait for the gatherer to request this data for further processing. . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: munin-plugins-core Description-md5: 54f782cba4c609cd5afb2583f47afa8a Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (plugins for node) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains the official plugins for the Munin node, capable of extracting common values such as cpu usage, network usage, load average, and so on. . Creating your own plugins which are capable of extracting other system- specific values is very easy, and is often done in a matter of minutes. You can also create plugins which relay information from other devices in your network that can't run Munin, such as a switch or a server running another operating system, by using SNMP or similar technology. . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: munin-plugins-extra Description-md5: eb78ec531b14cee1d0003a07603bedc8 Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (user contributed plugins for node) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains unsupported plugins for the Munin node, contributed by various users of Munin. . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: munin-plugins-java Description-md5: 072855de8e842c9eb4ce249c588de592 Description-gl: network-wide graphing framework (java plugins for node) Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. . This package contains the java based plugins that are used by munin-node to monitor Java Management Extensions (JMX). . Munin está escrito en Perl e descansa fortemente sobre a excelente RRDtool de Tobi Oetiker. Para ver un exemplo real de Munin en acción, pode seguir unha ligazón desde <> para unha instalación ao vivo. Package: muon Description-md5: d0764060b8494cbe357e5b35a8a849b8 Description-gl: package manager for KDE Muon é un xestor gráfico de paquetes para KDE. . As funcionalidades dignas de mención inclúen: * Unha interface potente mais intuitiva * Busca rápida de paquetes que emprega o Ãndice de apt-xapian e o algoritmo de busca de Synaptic * Posibilidade de filtrar paquetes polo seu estado ou categorÃa * Posibilidade de cambio de dispositivos * Posibilidade de configurar paquetes mediante o sistema debconf * Advertencia sobre/non permitir a instalación de paquetes que non sexan de confianza, dependendo da configuración de APT * Emprega Polkit para executar as accións privilexiadas, para unha mellora na seguranza, comodidade e integración co escritorio * Xestión da suspensión da enerxÃa durante a descarga de paquetes, a instalación e a retirada * Posibilidade de descargar o rexistro de cambios máis recentes dun paquete * Capturas de pantalla dos paquetes Package: mupdf Description-md5: c39de9e446896353a76c6956ae23bdd2 Description-gl: Visor de PDF lixeiro MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. It also reads XPS, OpenXPS and ePub documents. . The renderer in MuPDF is tailored for high quality anti-aliased graphics. It renders text with metrics and spacing accurate to within fractions of a pixel for the highest fidelity in reproducing the look of a printed page on screen. Package: mupen64plus-audio-all Description-md5: 4034c08093b928ae19e2e74b7ba7b622 Description-gl: Emulador da Nintendo 64 baseada en engadidos, engadidos de son Flexible N64 Emulator for Linux that works with many ROMs that are publically available. It consists of separate components to provide an user interface, audio and graphics output, controller input, co-processor emulation and an emulator core. . This metapackage includes all audio plugins usable with mupen64plus. Package: mupen64plus-audio-sdl Description-md5: fee80c63340654135e081a8e0a152318 Description-gl: Engadido de saÃda de son sdl para mupen64plus Audio output plugin for mupen64plus which can be used with all audio devices which are supported by Simple DirectMedia Layer. It supports hardware volume control through oss mixer or application specific volume through SDL. Package: mupen64plus-data Description-md5: f74a81a99684feaa799884f655a4ebba Description-gl: Emulador da Nintendo 64 baseada en engadidos, ficheiros de datos Flexible N64 Emulator for Linux that works with many ROMs that are publically available. It consists of separate components to provide an user interface, audio and graphics output, controller input, co-processor emulation and an emulator core. . It has the following features: * cheat system * exchangeable plugins for graphics, sound and input emulation * multiple save states * common configuration system for all components . This package contains the rom catalog and cheat database. Package: mupen64plus-input-all Description-md5: 564119f6c488d84d2c6dfe447762f590 Description-gl: Emulador da Nintendo 64 baseada en engadidos, engadidos de entrada Flexible N64 Emulator for Linux that works with many ROMs that are publically available. It consists of separate components to provide an user interface, audio and graphics output, controller input, co-processor emulation and an emulator core. . This metapackage includes all input plugins usable with mupen64plus. Package: mupen64plus-rsp-all Description-md5: ea6c17097ee1f2e3dde30bbc0d7e3335 Description-gl: Emulador da Nintendo 64 baseada en engadidos, engadido de rps Flexible N64 Emulator for Linux that works with many ROMs that are publically available. It consists of separate components to provide an user interface, audio and graphics output, controller input, co-processor emulation and an emulator core. . This metapackage includes all reality signal processor plugins usable with mupen64plus. Package: mupen64plus-video-all Description-md5: c9b4a9372ec24c96c20870646804cc32 Description-gl: Emulador da Nintendo 64 baseada en engadidos, engadidos de vÃdeo Flexible N64 Emulator for Linux that works with many ROMs that are publically available. It consists of separate components to provide an user interface, audio and graphics output, controller input, co-processor emulation and an emulator core. . This metapackage includes all video plugins usable with mupen64plus. Package: murano-doc Description-md5: ee9f468c518f47b0d49556b4335db84c Description-gl: cloud-ready application catalog - doc Murano Project introduces an application catalog, which allows application developers and cloud administrators to publish various cloud-ready applications in a browsable categorised catalog, which may be used by the cloud users (including the inexperienced ones) to pick-up the needed applications and services and composes the reliable environments out of them in a "push-the-button" manner. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: muroard Description-md5: 87293d3ad84f01e865cbfa32a57033f8 Description-gl: Daemon de son de RoarAudio minimalista RoarAudio is a sound-server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example a soundcard). . This is a minimalist version of a RoarAudio sound daemon. Package: muroard-dev Description-md5: f1f5f384f3c0070b65b00bc729033cce Description-gl: Daemon de son de RoarAudio minimalista (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) RoarAudio is a sound-server for audio mixing. Its main purpose is to mix audio from different clients before sending it to its outputs (for example a soundcard). . This package provides development files needed to embed muRoarD into an existing application (as thread). Package: muse Description-md5: 698ac76e3f07823440a219093ca7747e Description-gl: Qt4-based audio/MIDI sequencer MusE is a MIDI/audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities. Some Highlights: . * Importación e exportación de ficheiros midi estándar (smf). * Organiza as cancións e pistas e partes que poden ser organizadas co editor de partes. * Editores de MIDI: pianola, percusión, lista, controlador. * Editor de partituras con saÃda para a impresora en postscript de alta calidade. * Tempo real: edición mentres se toca. * Número ilimitado de editores abertos. * Desfacer/Refacer ilimitados. * Tempo real e gravación en pasos. * Varios dispositivos MIDI. * Ficheiros de proxecto en XML. * Os ficheiros de proxecto conteñen o estado completo do aplicativo (datos da sesión). * Cortar/Apegar, Arrastrar/Soltar entre aplicativos. Package: musepack-tools Description-md5: 027e5fe69aaac4605515ccbf248a289f Description-gl: MusePack commandline utilities Musepack é un formato de compresión de son que se centra en lograr unha calidade alta. Non carece de perdas mais está deseñado para a transparencia, de xeito que non sexa posÃbel ouvir diferenzas entre o ficheiro wave orixinal e o moito máis pequeno MPC. . It is based on the MPEG-1 Layer-2 / MP2 algorithms, but since 1997 it has rapidly developed and vastly improved and is now at an advanced stage in which it contains heavily optimized and patentless code. . This package contains various commandline utilities for MusePack files: - mpcenc (encoder) - mpcdec (decoder) - mpccut (cut MPC files without reencoding) - mpcgain (gain calculation) - mpc2sv8 (conversion to MusePack SV8 from older SV) Package: musescore Description-md5: b32f9056a0a4f7d846385b6765e4083f Description-gl: Software libre de composición e notación musical MuseScore is a free WYSIWYG music score typesetter for Linux, licenced under GNU GPL. Features: - WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet" - Unlimited score length - Unlimited number of staves per system - Up to four independent voices per staff - easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or midi - integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer - import and export of MusicXml and standard midifiles (SMF) - platform independent code for Linux, Windows and Mac - Automatic part extraction and transposition - Chord symbols - Swing and shuffle playback - and much more... Package: musescore-common Description-md5: ed44e2d90ada105089bb8095d4a13a51 Description-gl: Software libre de composición e notación musical (ficheiros comúns) MuseScore is a free WYSIWYG music score typesetter for Linux, licenced under GNU GPL. Features: - WYSIWYG, notes are entered on a "virtual note sheet" - Unlimited score length - Unlimited number of staves per system - Up to four independent voices per staff - easy and fast note entry with mouse, keyboard or midi - integrated sequencer and FluidSynth software synthesizer - import and export of MusicXml and standard midifiles (SMF) - platform independent code for Linux, Windows and Mac - Automatic part extraction and transposition - Chord symbols - Swing and shuffle playback - and much more... . This package provides some files used by MuseScore, including demo scores, styles, templates, localisations, and some plugins. Package: musiclibrarian Description-md5: ba933815db0b6eb874c525d7a3a161d9 Description-gl: Unha interface gráfica simple para organizar discotecas Music Librarian is a tool to assist you in organizing your collection of music files. It provides an interface from which you can view the list of files in your collection and modify the tags of one or more files. . Music Librarian handles ogg files natively, but also has support for the legacy mp3 format. It displays music in a hierarchical organization according to one of several rules, and allows you to undo any number of changes to files. Package: muttprofile Description-md5: b087e26270e205b614c8f79a413c5e30 Description-gl: Utilidade para escoller perfÃs en Mutt A profile in Mutt is simply a specific subset of the configuration. You may have a personal and a work profile, each of which uses the same base configuration and then overrides specific configuration items like the email address. . muttprofile gives an easy way to switch between such profiles from within a running instance of Mutt. Quite simple and quite beautiful, and implemented in perl. Package: mx44 Description-md5: f703a7ff42cc2330698c11067ca7cda9 Description-gl: Sintetizador polifónico multicanal MIDI de tempo real por software The Mx44 is a polyphonic multichannel midi realtime software synthesizer. It is written in C and hand optimized for the (Intel) MMX instruction set. It runs under Linux, using any kernel modified for realtime performance. . The core algorithm is a 4 x 4 crossmodulating matrix (phase and amplitude) with individual envelopes for each oscillator. Oscillators have individual frequency intonation, can emphasize any of the eight first harmonics and even do some internal crossmodulation. Envelopes can be switched between VCA and VCF modes (ehrm, actually wave-shaping, but it will quack like a duck by any other name.) The sustainloop of the envelope can be brought into oscillation in the audible spectre as well as provide slow LFO sweeps. There is also a minor load of key and velocity related modifications for wowie zowie realtime ecstacy emulation. Package: mygui-doc Description-md5: 4c118d8ddf277b18de501e18e76885cf Description-gl: Documentación da API da biblioteca MyGUI MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++. Features include Layout Editor. Multicolour text. Per pixel cut. Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration). Interface localisation. Fast RTTI for safe casts. Tool tips. Animated cursors and pictures. User xml resources. Truetype fonts and fonts from texture. Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on). Flexible configuration in xml config file. Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture. Possibility to store any data in widgets items. Skin themes. Wrappers for fast UI development. Drag'n'drop. . This package contains the MyGUI API reference for the MyGUIEngine library. Package: mypaint Description-md5: ad32506829ca6057a6e8d0d7165ea727 Description-gl: paint program for use with graphics tablets O MyPaint é un programa de debuxo sensÃbel á presión e a inclinación que funciona ben coas tabletas gráficas da Wacom e outros dispositivos semellantes. Ven cunha colección grande de pinceis, que inclúen o carboncillo e a tinta para emular medios reais, mais o motor de pinceis, que é moi configurábel, permite experimentar con pinceis propios e pinturas non tan naturais. . This package contains the main program. Package: mypaint-data Description-md5: 47360304f58b5f8d65352a27de08b0c9 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos de tempo de execución do MyPaint O MyPaint é un programa de debuxo sensÃbel á presión e a inclinación que funciona ben coas tabletas gráficas da Wacom e outros dispositivos semellantes. Ven cunha colección grande de pinceis, que inclúen o carboncillo e a tinta para emular medios reais, mais o motor de pinceis, que é moi configurábel, permite experimentar con pinceis propios e pinturas non tan naturais. . Este paquete contén as iconas e os fondos do programa MyPaint. Package: mypaint-data-extras Description-md5: b4905782879b5c83a5c5b4cdb6206dba Description-gl: Fondos de alta resolución para o mypaint O MyPaint é un programa de debuxo sensÃbel á presión e a inclinación que funciona ben coas tabletas gráficas da Wacom e outros dispositivos semellantes. Ven cunha colección grande de pinceis, que inclúen o carboncillo e a tinta para emular medios reais, mais o motor de pinceis, que é moi configurábel, permite experimentar con pinceis propios e pinturas non tan naturais. . This package contains high resolution paper texture backgrounds for painting on. Since the files are large, installation is optional. Package: mypy-doc Description-md5: 90ecb0fecb59e09596684d6f30a5022c Description-gl: documentation for mypy Add type annotations to your Python programs, and use mypy to type check them. Mypy is essentially a Python linter on steroids, and it can catch many programming errors by analyzing your program, without actually having to run it. Mypy has a powerful type system with features such as type inference, gradual typing, generics and union types. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: myspell-nl Description-md5: 822d3b8e7e01c818cca9d154a8dddc8b Description-gl: Dutch dictionary for Hunspell This is the Dutch dictionary for use with the Hunspell spellcheckers which are currently used within and the Mozilla spellchecker. . Este dicionario, do proxecto OpenTaal, emprega a ortografÃa oficial de 2005 e foi aprobado oficialmente pola TaalUnie. Package: myspell-ru Description-md5: 45eec7b88fae28449275645bc25aa880 Description-gl: Dicionario de ruso para Myspell Este dicionario contén listas de palabras rusas para o corrector ortográfico MySpell, admitido actualmente por Mozilla e OpenOffice. . The dictionary is generated from the Ispell wordlist. . As of October 2011, this package is considered deprecated, due to the appearance of a native Hunspell dictionary. Package: myspell-tl Description-md5: 8ceca47616b7a9f18b3a6ac1960af3e7 Description-gl: Dicionario de tagalo para myspell/hunspell This package contains all the required files to add support for the Tagalog language to myspell/hunspell spell checker. Package: myspell-tools Description-md5: 9c892beb63bb5f3c00169f6fa580dc4f Description-gl: tools for myspell MySpell is a spell-checker as (and derived from) ispell. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas munch/unmunch do hunspell e ispellaff2myspell para converter os ficheiros de afixos do ispell ao formato de myspell/hunspell. Package: mysql-source-5.7 Description-md5: 88f58941059fab032315a68e3122ac60 Description-gl: MySQL source MySQL é un servidor de bases de datos SQL rápido, estábel, verdadeiramente multi-usuario e multi-fÃos. SQL (Linguaxe de Consultas Estruturadas) é a linguaxe de consultas a bases de datos máis popular do mundo. Os obxectivos principais de MySQL son a velocidade, a robustez e a facilidade de uso. . This package includes the MySQL source code as configured before building - but after the arch specific configuration. This is currently required for building plugins. Package: mysql-testsuite-5.7 Description-md5: 0557f3dcf33248a2caf2c603c14917dd Description-gl: MySQL 5.7 testsuite MySQL é un servidor de bases de datos SQL rápido, estábel, verdadeiramente multi-usuario e multi-fÃos. SQL (Linguaxe de Consultas Estruturadas) é a linguaxe de consultas a bases de datos máis popular do mundo. Os obxectivos principais de MySQL son a velocidade, a robustez e a facilidade de uso. . Estes paquete inclúe a suite de probas de MySQL. Package: mysql-utilities Description-md5: 4072719a7f6d42dc0c75208b0c209bcf Description-gl: Colección de scripts para xestionar servidores de MySQL MySQL Utilities is both a set of command-line utilities as well as a Python library for making the common tasks easy to accomplish. The library is written entirely in Python, meaning that it is not necessary to have any other tools or libraries installed to make it work. . MySQL Utilities are intended to make working with servers easier. It is part of the MySQL Workbench. . This package provides the following utilities: mysqlauditadmin : maintain the audit log mysqlauditgrep : search an audit log mysqlbinlogmove : move binlog files to a different location mysqldbcompare : check two databases and identify any differences mysqldbcopy : copy databases from one MySQL server to another mysqldbexport : export a list of databases in a variety of formats mysqldbimport : import object definitions or data into a database mysqldiff : identify differences among database objects mysqldiskusage : show disk usage for one or more databases mysqlfabric : server farm management framework mysqlfailover : automatic replication health monitoring and failover mysqlfrm : show CREATE TABLE from .frm files mysqlgrants : privilege display utility mysqlindexcheck : check for redundant or duplicate indexes mysqlmetagrep : search MySQL servers for objects matching a pattern mysqlprocgrep : search MySQL servers for processes matching a pattern mysqlreplicate : setup replication among two MySQL servers mysqlrpladmin : administration utility for MySQL replication mysqlrplcheck : check prerequisities for replication mysqlrplms : establish a multi-source replication topology mysqlrplshow : show slaves attached to a master mysqlrplsync : check the data consistency between master and slaves mysqlserverclone : start a new instance of an existing MySQL server mysqlserverinfo : display common diagnostic information from a server mysqluc : command line client for running MySQL Utilities mysqluserclone : copy a MySQL user to new user(s) on another server Package: mysqltuner Description-md5: d079bed656ffe89a06c680dc18513f56 Description-gl: high-performance MySQL tuning script High-performance MySQL tuning script written in perl that will provide you with a snapshot of a MySQL server?s health. Based on the statistics gathered, specific recommendations will be provided that will increase a MySQL server's efficiency and performance. The script gives you automated MySQL tuning that is on the level of what you would receive from a MySQL DBA. . Funcionalidades: . * Memory Usage: Calculates MySQL memory usage at max load and makes recommendations for increasing or decreasing the MySQL memory footprint. Per-thread and server-wide buffer data is calculated separately for an accurate snapshot of the server?s configuration. * Slow Queries: Reviews the amount of slow queries relative to the total queries. Slow query time limits are also analyzed and recommendations are made. * Connections: Current and historical connection counts are reviewed. * Key Buffer: Takes configuration data and compares it to the actual indexes found in MyISAM tables. Key cache hit rates are calculated and variable adjustments are suggested. * Query Cache: Query cache hit rates and usage percentages are used to make recommendations for the query cache configuration variables. * Sorting & Joins: Per-thread buffers that affect sorts and joins are reviewed along with the statistics from the queries run against the server. * Temporary Tables: Variable recommendations are made to reduce temporary tables that are written to the disk. * Table Cache: Compares total tables opened to the currently open tables. Calculates the table cache hit rate in order to make suggestions. * Open Files: Determines if the server will approach or run into the open file limit set by the operating system or the MySQL server itself. * Table Locks: Finds table locking that forces queries to wait and makes suggestions for reducing locks that require a wait. * Thread Cache: Calculates how many times MySQL must create a new thread to respond to a query. * Aborted Connections: Finds applications that are not closing connections to MySQL properly. * Read/Write Ratios: Calculates the percentage of read and write operations on your MySQL installation. Package: nagios-plugins-common Description-md5: 8b8aedbaa9ff63098752fdbc419f370d Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This dummy package is provided to support the transition from nagios- plugins-common to monitoring-plugins-common and should be removed afterwards. Package: nagios-plugins-contrib Description-md5: 1443e696ea9fd49d343fcaa72d82a35e Description-gl: Engadidos para os sistemas de vixilancia compatÃbeis con nagios This package provides various plugins for Nagios compatible monitoring systems like Nagios and Icinga. It contains the following plugins: . * check_ajp (1): plugin to monitor the AJP ping response time Should work with all application servers (Tomcat, JBoss,....) which provide an AJPv13 connector. * check_backuppc (1.1.0): plugin for checking on the status of BackupPC backups * check_bgpstate (1.0): plugin to check all BGP session on Cisco routers * check_checksums (20130611): plugin to verify file checksums against (local, not 100% secure) lists. Supports md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 checksums. * check_clamav (1.2): plugin to check for clamav signature freshness This script is used to compare the version and signature level of the currently running clamd daemon with the latest available versions listed in the TXT record for * check_cups (0.2): plugin to check queues on a remote CUPS server This plugin is monitoring of queues on a remote CUPS server, which means that it doesn't need to be installed on the print server and run via NRPE. * check_drbd (0.5.3): plugin to check DRBD device states This plugin is for checking DRBD device states. It parses the /proc/drbd device and analyses the output. * check_email_delivery (0.7.1b): plugin to monitor email delivery Some typical uses of this plugin include: - check SMTP server - check messages and quota on IMAP server - check email delivery loop - check auto-responder function - keep an eye on email lag - monitor automated mailboxes - check email-to-FTP or other special email gateways * check_etc_hosts (?): plugin to check /etc/hosts for DNS consistency Check /etc/hosts, and make sure the content matches the information in DNS. Lookup IP, and check if the names listed in /etc/hosts maches the one in DNS. It will ignore entries with '# NAGIOSIGNORE' at the end. * check_etc_resolv: plugin to check /etc/resolv.conf Check /etc/resolv.conf, and make sure the name servers listed are working. It will ignore entries with '# NAGIOSIGNORE' at the end. * check_graphite: Plugin to monitor graphite metrics * check_haproxy (rev135): plugin to check the HAProxy statistics url * check_haproxy_stats (1.0.1): check haproxy via admin socket Different from check_haproxy this plugin is able to check haproxy via the unix admin socket. * check_hp_bladechassis (1.0.1): plugin to check the hardware health of HP blade enclosures via SNMP. The plugin is only tested with the c7000 enclosure. * check_hpasm ( plugin to check the hardware health of HP Proliant Servers It either uses snmp or - if installed - the hpasm package locally. The plugin checks the health of * Processors * Power supplies * Memory modules * Fans * CPU- and board-temperatures * Raids and alerts you if one of these components is faulty or operates outside its normal parameters. * check_httpd_status (rev153): plugin checking Apache or Lighthttpd server-status page (using mod_status) * check_ipmi_sensor (3.12): IPMI Sensor Monitoring Plugin Plugin to monitor the hardware status (fan speed, temperaturs, voltages, power usage, ...) of a server using IPMI. * check_libs (0.2015012901 ): plugin to report the usage of no longer existing libraries by running processes * check_libvirt (v7.0.3): monitor virtualization solutions using libvirt * check_lm_sensors (4.1.1): plugin to monitor hardware sensors and disk temperatures * check_memcached (1.3): plugin to check memcached instances It will give a critical message if a partiular memcached host is inaccessible and generate a warning if the hit/miss ratio falls below a given threshold or the number of evictions exceeds a given limit. Hit/miss and evictions are measured over a 30 minute interval, using a memcached object to store the earlier statistics. * check_memory (1.0.1): plugin to check for free memory This plugin excludes the system cache and buffer, because on some system with very stable memory usage it is perfectly normal for system cache to fill in all available memory. * check_mongodb (7248618): Plugin script to monitor your MongoDB server(s) * check_multipath (0.4.7): plugin to monitor the number of available and failed paths of multipath devices * check_mysql_health (2.2.2): plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database * check_nfsmounts: checks whether there are stale NFS mounts on the host * check_printer: plugin to check printer supply levels using SNMP It outputs performance data for all supplies found, for example toner and drum. * check_raid (4.0.5): plugin to check sw/hw RAID status The plugin looks for any known types of RAID configurations, and checks them all. . Supports: - Adaptec AAC RAID via aaccli or afacli or arcconf - AIX software RAID via lsvg - HP/Compaq Smart Array via cciss_vol_status (hpsa supported too) - HP Smart Array Controllers and MSA Controllers via hpacucli - HP Smart Array (MSA1500) via serial line - Linux 3ware SATA RAID via tw_cli - Linux Device Mapper RAID via dmraid - Linux DPT/I2O hardware RAID controllers via /proc/scsi/dpt_i2o - Linux GDTH hardware RAID controllers via /proc/scsi/gdth - Linux LSI MegaRaid hardware RAID via CmdTool2 - Linux LSI MegaRaid hardware RAID via megarc - Linux LSI MegaRaid hardware RAID via /proc/megaraid - Linux MegaIDE hardware RAID controllers via /proc/megaide - Linux MPT hardware RAID via mpt-status - Linux software RAID (md) via /proc/mdstat - LSI Logic MegaRAID SAS series via MegaCli - LSI MegaRaid via lsraid - Serveraid IPS via ipssend - Solaris software RAID via metastat - Areca SATA RAID Support via cli64/cli32 - Detecting SCSI devices or hosts with lsscsi * check_rbl (1.3.8): plugin to check if a server is blacklisted * check_redis (0.73): Redis Server check plugin This plugin checks Redis NoSQL database status variables, measures its response time and if specified allows one to set thresholds on one or more key data. You can set thresholds for data in stats variables and some of them are also conveniently available as long options with special threshold syntax. Plugin also calculates statistics such as Hitrate (calculated as rate of change of hits/misses) and memory use and can check replication delay. * check_smstools: plugin to check GSM Modems using smstools check_smstools is a plugin to monitor a GSM modem signal quality and registration status with smstools. * check_snmp_environment (0.7): plugin to check various hardware statuses Using snmp the plugin is able to retrieve Fan, power-supply, voltage, temperature, card and module status and various other information from Cisco, Nokia, Blue Coat, IronPort, Foundry Network, Linux (using lm-sensors), Extreme Networks, Juniper Networks, HP ProCurve, Netscreen, Citrix NetScaler and Transmode Systems hardware. * check_snmp_time (1.1): plugin to check the time on a server using SNMP This plugin queries the remote systems time through SNMP and compares it against the local time on the Nagios server. This identifies systems with no correct time set and sends alarms if the time is off to far. HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemDate.0 used here returns 8 or 11 byte octets. SNMP translation needs to be switched off and to be converted the received SNMP data into readable strings. * check_ssl_cert (1.37.0): plugin to check the CA and validity of an X.509 certificate * check_uptime (0.521): check_uptime returns uptime of a system in text (readable) format as well as in minutes for performance graphing. The plugin can either run on a local unix system (using 'uptime' command) or check remote system by SNMP. Also it is able to report one CRITICAL or WARNING alert if system has been rebooted since last check. * check_v46 (2013-08-26T07:33:11Z): ipv4/ipv6 Nagios plugin wrapper Nagios plugin wrapper for running the actual plugin for both / either of IPv6 and/or IPv4. The worst result of the actual plugin runs will be the wrapper return value, that is, result will be OK only if all checks returned OK. Compatible with any plugin with standard command line options -6/-4. * check_varnish (258c486): plugin to monitor varnish instances * check_webinject (1.80): plugin for testing web services It uses the WebInject Perl module for automated testing of web applications and web services. It can be used to check individual system components that have HTTP interfaces (JSP, ASP, CGI, PHP, AJAX, Servlets, HTML Forms, XML/SOAP Web Services, REST, etc). * check_whois (1.21): plugin to check for the expiration of a domain. The plugin may not yet work with all registrars, since their output formats differ or there is no expiration date in the whois output. * check_zone_auth (1.13): plugin to ensure that the authoritative nameservers for a given zone remain in sync. * check_zone_rrsig_expiration (1.14): plugin to check for expiration of signatures in dnssec-enabled zones. * dsa (1c0b9ec): plugins from the Debian System Administrators nagios plugins repository. * check_cert_expire: check for certificate expiration using openssl on the certificate file * check_cert_expire_dir: checks if any of the *.crt files in a directory on disk will expire soon * check_dnssec_delegation: check for correct DNSSEC delegation * check_entropy: check if there is enough entropy available. * check_packages: replacement for check_apt; needs a cronjob to update the apt database regularly * check_running_kernel: check if a system was rebooted after a kernel upgrade * check_soas: check SOA records * check_statusfile: deliver the content of a status file as check result * extras (1): various scripts and extras Not a plugin, but a collection of various useful event/obsession handlers and similar scripts. * percona-nagios-plugins (1.1.7): Percona Monitoring Plugins (nagios) Nagios MySQL Monitoring plugins writting/provided by Percona. . Some scripts and binaries need more packages installed to work, which is implemented as recommends. Package: nano-tiny Description-md5: 26373c621bdb00986d716853280c567b Description-gl: small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico - tiny build O nano de GNU é un editor de texto doado de utilizar deseñado orixinalmente como substituto do Pico, o editor baseado en ncurses do paquete de correo non libre Pine (que agora está dispoñÃbel baixo a Licenza Apache como Alpine). . This package contains a build of GNU nano with many features disabled, for environments such as rescue disks where resources are limited. Package: nas Description-md5: 250afd943a8f2f6e0200b6b91bfc6955 Description-gl: Network Audio System - local server O Sistema de Son de Rede (NAS) foi desenvolvido por NCD para reproducir, gravar e manipular son a través dunha rede. Igual que o Sistema de Xanelas X, emprega o modelo cliente/servidor para separar os aplicativos dos controladores especÃficos que controlan os dispositivos de entrada e de saÃda de son. . This package contains the NAS daemon (nasd), needed for local output from NAS. Package: nas-bin Description-md5: 621d181e037c3e14d73212a2b158b73f Description-gl: Network Audio System - client binaries O Sistema de Son de Rede (NAS) foi desenvolvido por NCD para reproducir, gravar e manipular son a través dunha rede. Igual que o Sistema de Xanelas X, emprega o modelo cliente/servidor para separar os aplicativos dos controladores especÃficos que controlan os dispositivos de entrada e de saÃda de son. . This package contains the example applications and utilities that are provided with NAS. Package: nat-rtsp-dkms Description-md5: f493d4d25622a96503c9334ef3eb209e Description-gl: Connection tracking and NAT support for RTSP O Protocolo de Fluxos en Tempo Real é un protocolo de control de rede deseñado para o seu uso en sistemas de entretemento e comunicacións para controlar servidores de difusión de multimedia. . For example in France, the modem provided by Free ISP (Freebox) uses this protocol to broadcast TV/radio channels on the LAN. This module is required for any router between the modem and end-users. Package: natbraille-doc Description-md5: 9cb31b47dad63d0ebe7eb7869a4ab2b4 Description-gl: Documentación de natbraille Nat is a braille translation engine that can translate into transcribed French braille. . This package contains the javadoc-generated documentation on the java classes composing NatBraille. Package: nautilus-filename-repairer Description-md5: dfd795be954bc26ee9e991fa4ea11d87 Description-gl: Nautilus extension for filename encoding repair Esta é unha extensión do Nautilus que repara nomes de ficheiro que empregan unha codificación errónea no Nautilus. Esta extensión fornece o menú de contexto de calquera ficheiro cuxo nome de ficheiro empregue unha codificación errónea de maneira que non se poida ler o nome de ficheiro no Nautilus. . You can find a candidate for filename in context menu or submenu. This extension also provides a decoded name for URL encoded filename. Package: nautilus-script-collection-svn Description-md5: e1543072e4a23ac16bf42037c00dcceb Description-gl: Scripts de xestión de subversion para Nautilus A set of scripts that will execute Subversion commands on selected files. . You can right click on a subversion managed file or folder (you can also multiple select) and then select a command from the Subversion submenu. All scripts will give feedback using a zenity message box. Package: nautilus-script-debug Description-md5: a6d82d298ee3c9c8ad9d7ad90e73642b Description-gl: Script sinxelo de depuración do Nautilus This simply shows you the environment variables that would be passed to a nautilus script for the currently selected files. Package: nautilus-script-manager Description-md5: 1a7c85837221eaf97f907a30e6c11599 Description-gl: A simple management tool for nautilus scripts This provides a small system-wide nautilus scripts "database" that allows each user to customize the scripts he wants to use, by simply linking them to his private nautilus scripts directory. The manager is basically a wrapper script for ln and rm calls. . Páxina web: Package: nautilus-scripts-manager Description-md5: c0069ba1d65576f0541540c656848ad5 Description-gl: simple tool for nautilus scripts management nautilus-scripts-manager is a small and easy to use application which allows any user to activate, deactivate or just see Nautilus scripts installed in the system. . Os scripts de Nautilus son scripts normais que, unha vez activados, poden ser executados directamente desde o menú do botón dereito do popular xestor de ficheiros de GNOME. . This program can be used through its intuitive graphical interface or with a set of command line options. In particular, it can transparently replace the command line utility nautilus-script-manager (notice the missing "s"). . Once installed, it will appear among the user settings utilities (usually in the "Preferences" menu). Package: nautilus-wipe Description-md5: d90f7b8ac7d82c39bb346d44d8f9e921 Description-gl: Extensión de eliminación segura para o Nautilus Nautilus Wipe is a Nautilus extension that adds "Securely erase" and "Securely fill empty space" items to the right-click menu. . The progress and results of the operations are shown in a progress dialog. Package: nbibtex-doc Description-md5: f4214a65ce6d50a25d8fad2e56f54da6 Description-gl: Documentación do código fonte de nbibtex Includes the 'literate programming' source for nbibtex, which is useful if you want to create your own styles. Package: ncmpc Description-md5: 9537c06b8dcf9b5389fdd75d1aa0934b Description-gl: Reprodutor de son baseado en ncurses This package contains a text-mode client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources. . Features: - full Unicode and wide character support - music database browser, database search, media library - audio output configuration - lyrics - LIRC support - customizable key bindings and colors - tiny memory footprint, smaller than any other interactive MPD client Package: ncmpc-lyrics Description-md5: 3424c1247811c72b3ff0816b411c946e Description-gl: Reprodutor de son baseado en ncurses (engadidos para as letras) ncmpc is a text-mode client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Its goal is to provide a keyboard oriented and consistent interface to MPD, without wasting resources. . This package contains plugins to download lyrics. Package: ndisc6 Description-md5: f99e054f0174d000209b735d28e912a9 Description-gl: Ferramentas de diagnóstico para IPv6 ndisc6 gathers a few diagnostic tools for IPv6 networks including: - ndisc6, which performs ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery in userland, - rdisc6, which performs ICMPv6 Router Discovery in userland, - rltraceroute6, a UDP/ICMP IPv6 implementation of traceroute, - tcptraceroute6, a TCP/IPv6-based traceroute implementation, - tcpspray6, a TCP/IP Discard/Echo bandwidth meter, - addrinfo, easy script interface for hostname and address resolution, - dnssort, DNS sorting script. Package: ne-doc Description-md5: 131d9cf12c5c02d4212e9372cfa0aaa9 Description-gl: Documentación do editor de texto ne Ne, the nice editor, is one of the few text editors being both easy to use for the beginner and powerful enough for the wizard, supporting UTF-8 and multi-column characters as well as syntax highlighting. . This package contains the ne documentation in various formats: HTML, PDF, Info and plain text. Package: nekobee Description-md5: f7e02a0ec82e7e900ee46c0383bda427 Description-gl: Engadido de oscilador único DSSI Recreate those squelchy acid sounds with nekobee, a simple single- oscillator synth based on the Roland TB-303. . DSSI is an API for audio processing plugins, particularly useful for software synthesis plugins with user interfaces (see Package: nemo Description-md5: 2de74fdb31432279c715f87a45768e42 Description-gl: File manager and graphical shell for Cinnamon Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . Hai varios temas de iconas e compoñentes para ver distintos tipos de ficheiros dispoñÃbeis en paquetes separados. Package: netanim Description-md5: cd0a900cc4c195504b77258a38e4ebf0 Description-gl: Animador de rede baseado en Qt4 funcionando con ns-3 NetAnim currently animates the simulation using an XML trace file collected during simulation. . Using NetAnim is a two-step process: - Generate the animation XML trace file during simulation using "ns3::AnimationInterface" in the ns-3 code base - Load the XML trace file generated in Step 1 with the offline animator (NetAnim). Package: netcat-traditional Description-md5: 83fb6fcb16e6638fb447527fffff1e0a Description-gl: Navalla suÃza de TCP/IP Unha utilidade sinxela para Unix que le e escribe data entre conexións de rede empregando os protocolos TCP ou UDP. Foi deseñada para ser unha ferramenta de «infraestrutura» fiábel que poida ser empregada directamente ou empregada facilmente por outros programas e scripts. Ao mesmo tempo, é unha ferramenta chea de funcionalidades para a depuración e a exploración da rede, dado que pode crear practicamente calquera tipo de conexión que faga falta e ten varias capacidades interesantes incorporadas. . Este éo netcat «clásico», escrito por *Hobbit*. Fáltanlle moitas das funcionalidades que se atopan en netcat-openbsd. Package: netcdf-bin Description-md5: 1f237fd4e802524fad5b1199a6270d85 Description-gl: Programas para ler e escribir ficheiros NetCDF Contains the programs ncdump and ncgen which convert NetCDF files to ASCII and back, respectively. NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for scientific data access and a freely-distributed software library that provides an implementation of the interface. The netCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. Package: netpanzer Description-md5: e6eb5d2ff5965be00af5aab9a4974893 Description-gl: xogo de guerra táctica multiusuario para xogar na rede netPanzer is an isometric view real-time tactical game designed for play across the Internet and over LAN systems. One on one games are possible via direct connect or modem. . netPanzer is designed for FAST ACTION combat -- it is not another resource management clone. In fact, there aren't any resources at all. Each player will have many units of different types at their disposal. Players can fight until their units are destroyed -- then respawn and keep on going. . The game is real-time, but it's based on quick tactical action and unit management. Battles progress quickly and constantly; in fact, they never let up. There is no stop in the action because there is no waiting for resources to be collected and converted into weaponry. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any time. Package: netsurf Description-md5: 3e8b2c5270e0cc58c81fc267fed7ee65 Description-gl: small web browser with CSS support - transitional package NetSurf is a multi-platform lightweight web browser. Its aim is to provide comprehensive rendering of HTML 5 with CSS 2 in a small resource footprint while remaining fast. . Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: network-manager-iodine Description-md5: 6ae890d206a4e62ca2a3af16dbd0068a Description-gl: network management framework (iodine plugin core) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for iodine. Package: network-manager-iodine-gnome Description-md5: 5b8d8861e58b3d20f3ba888a95d87d6b Description-gl: network management framework (iodine plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's iodine plugin. Package: network-manager-l2tp Description-md5: b8d9d1900636d73d8e74c8b4bff1cf02 Description-gl: network management framework (L2TP plugin core) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for L2TP with optional IPsec support. Package: network-manager-l2tp-gnome Description-md5: b3e18299e9ea1d8f9ee1a13a3b4ebd1a Description-gl: network management framework (L2TP plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's L2TP plugin. Package: network-manager-openconnect Description-md5: 88b5a81f30ce82fb24bf07d6424464c4 Description-gl: network management framework (OpenConnect plugin core) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for OpenConnect, an open client for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN. Package: network-manager-openconnect-gnome Description-md5: 5751f7bf0985d1bb56569880acfc7e77 Description-gl: network management framework (OpenConnect plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's OpenConnect plugin. Package: network-manager-openvpn-gnome Description-md5: 73810a773d7805c3b571943c8aad26c8 Description-gl: network management framework (OpenVPN plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's OpenVPN plugin. Package: network-manager-ssh Description-md5: f1a231ff3544895f8d407f9a349e496b Description-gl: network management framework (SSH plugin core) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for SSH. Package: network-manager-ssh-gnome Description-md5: 0b22704aefb57f034bcbeedf1db8dd6c Description-gl: network management framework (SSH plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's SSH plugin. Package: network-manager-vpnc Description-md5: 41f3f439f21dbe62ff897a0b37a0f6fa Description-gl: network management framework (VPNC plugin core) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides a VPN plugin for vpnc, providing easy access to Cisco Concentrator based VPN's. Package: network-manager-vpnc-gnome Description-md5: e45eaf72a5c8f5aef4f7b9de1118ffd6 Description-gl: network management framework (VPNC plugin GNOME GUI) NetworkManager é un servidor de rede do sistema que xestiona dos dispositivos e conexións de rede, tentando manter activa a conectividade de rede cando estiver dispoñÃbel. Xestiona dispositivos ethernet, WiFi, banda larga móbil (WWAN) e PPPoE e fornece integración con VPN con diversos servizos de VPN. . This package provides the GNOME bits of NetworkManager's VPNC plugin. Package: neurodebian Description-md5: 64e7a79fc3eb7cc777bed98d7fb4a63f Description-gl: neuroscience-oriented distribution - repository configuration O proxecto NeuroDebian integra e mantén diversos proxectos de software en Debian que son de utilidade para a neurociencia (como AFNI, FSL, PsychoPy, etc.) ou computación xenérica (como HTCondor, pandas, etc.). . This package enables the NeuroDebian repository on top of a standard Debian or Ubuntu system. Package: neurodebian-archive-keyring Description-md5: c62b8682376884ac32d5fee25ed052b6 Description-gl: neuroscience-oriented distribution - GnuPG archive keys O proxecto NeuroDebian integra e mantén diversos proxectos de software en Debian que son de utilidade para a neurociencia (como AFNI, FSL, PsychoPy, etc.) ou computación xenérica (como HTCondor, pandas, etc.). . The NeuroDebian project digitally signs its Release files. This package contains the archive keys used for that. Package: neurodebian-desktop Description-md5: a71efeb480d4b17fb0ac506ce13dc096 Description-gl: neuroscience-oriented distribution - desktop integration O proxecto NeuroDebian integra e mantén diversos proxectos de software en Debian que son de utilidade para a neurociencia (como AFNI, FSL, PsychoPy, etc.) ou computación xenérica (como HTCondor, pandas, etc.). . Este paquete fornece gráficos para NeuroDebian (iconas, imaxes de fondo) e un menú para NeuroDebian que mostra as ferramentas de neurociencia máis populares, que se instalan automaticamente ao invocalas por vez primeira. Package: neurodebian-dev Description-md5: 31a32ea6b9958b6345181209963bc566 Description-gl: neuroscience-oriented distribution - development tools O proxecto NeuroDebian integra e mantén diversos proxectos de software en Debian que son de utilidade para a neurociencia (como AFNI, FSL, PsychoPy, etc.) ou computación xenérica (como HTCondor, pandas, etc.). . This package provides sources and development tools used by NeuroDebian to provide backports for a range of Debian/Ubuntu releases. Package: neurodebian-popularity-contest Description-md5: 07da42d0b8ace6291927db0a0a0833cf Description-gl: neuroscience-oriented distribution - popcon integration O proxecto NeuroDebian integra e mantén diversos proxectos de software en Debian que son de utilidade para a neurociencia (como AFNI, FSL, PsychoPy, etc.) ou computación xenérica (como HTCondor, pandas, etc.). . This package is a complement to the generic popularity-contest package to enable anonymous submission of usage statistics to NeuroDebian in addition to the popcon submissions to the underlying distribution (either Debian or Ubuntu) popcon server. . Participating in popcon is important for the following reasons: * Popular packages receive more attention from developers; bugs are fixed faster and updates are provided quicker. * It ensures that support is not dropped for a previous release of Debian or Ubuntu while there are active users. * User statistics may be useful for upstream research software developers seeking funding for continued development. . This requires that popcon is activated for the underlying distribution (Debian or Ubuntu), which can be achieved by running "dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest" as root. Package: nexuiz Description-md5: 5743b73a409007cbb4aff1a6f5d837dd Description-gl: Un rápido xogo de disparos tridimensional en primeira persoa Nexuiz Classic is a fast-paced 3D deathmatch game with high-end and complex graphics effects. It is intended to be played over the Internet or over a local network. Several different game types, such as classic deathmatch, team deathmatch and capture the flag are available. It also supports a single-player mode and playing against the computer. . The game brings deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . Este paquete instala o cliente para xogar ao xogo. . This game was originally released as "Nexuiz", but is now referred to as "Nexuiz Classic" since the Nexuiz name was re-used for a non-free game for consoles. Package: nexuiz-data Description-md5: 0dd86ddc96cab2e5a1d1e461c099d6cf Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo Nexuiz Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . Este paquete contén só os ficheiros de datos como niveis e sons. Se desexas xogar ao xogo tes que instalar o paquete «nexuiz». Package: nexuiz-music Description-md5: 7c7df399a58674bff5511067d6eaf50f Description-gl: Ficheiros de música do Nexuiz Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . Este paquete contén só os ficheiros de música do xogo. Se desexas xogar ao xogo tes que instalar o paquete «nexuiz». Package: nexuiz-server Description-md5: 145e41b6987089b1c1a1fddb809580c1 Description-gl: Standalone server for Nexuiz Classic Nexuiz Classic is a fast-paced 3D deathmatch game with high-end and complex graphics effects. It is intended to be played over the Internet or over a local network, though it also supports a single-player mode. . The game brings deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . Este paquete instala o servidor autónomo. . This game was originally released as "Nexuiz", but is now referred to as "Nexuiz Classic" since the Nexuiz name was re-used for a non-free game for consoles. Package: nexuiz-textures Description-md5: 1d5897bbd4a067ea00867ef85ace0a72 Description-gl: Texturas para o Nexuiz Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game made entirely over the internet. The purpose of the game is to bring deathmatch back to the basics, with perfect weapon balancing and fast paced action, keeping itself away from the current trend of realistic shooters. . Este paquete contén só as texturas dos mapas, modelos, etc. Se desexas xogar ao xogo tes que instalar o paquete «nexuiz». Package: nexus-tools Description-md5: 56ec2666b839d23fb6d5d54ad311af5f Description-gl: Formato de ficheiros de datos cientÃficos NeXus - aplicativos NeXus is a common data format for neutron, x-ray, and muon science. It is being developed as an international standard by scientists and programmers representing major scientific facilities in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America in order to facilitate greater cooperation in the analysis and visualization of neutron, x-ray, and muon data. . Este é o paquete que contén algúns aplicativos para ler e escribir ficheiros NeXus. Package: nglister Description-md5: b91789c27c61d19792179bf76689e163 Description-gl: Descarga información dun servidor de NNTP NGLister is a simple program designed to download information from an NNTP server. It can download lists of newsgroups (active file), newgroup descriptions (newsgroups file), etc. Package: ngraph-gtk Description-md5: 2d1ee8fe42a06834fcde2c5c006684fc Description-gl: Cree gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. Package: ngraph-gtk-addin-import-ps Description-md5: 5c7d86aa2335c74dfea386952695c5cb Description-gl: import-ps addin of Ngraph-gtk Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . This package contains addin of ngraph-gtk to convert PostScript to GRA. Package: ngraph-gtk-addin-spellcheck Description-md5: 651ee7179c126144679402677d4640d5 Description-gl: spell check addin of Ngraph-gtk Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . This package contains addin of ngraph-gtk to check spell of legend texts. Package: ngraph-gtk-addin-tex-equation Description-md5: 012ac9ff9e3314ade119f6be2be15583 Description-gl: tex-equation addin of Ngraph-gtk Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . This package contains addin of ngraph-gtk to convert legend text as TeX equation to GRA. Package: ngraph-gtk-addins Description-md5: a57db6166b5a5f8e8c40419c3c92d655 Description-gl: addin collection of Ngraph-gtk Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . This package contains the following addins: . * append: append a NGP-file without clearing the present graph * fft: Fast Fourier Transform * legend: generate a legend box * cal: show calendar in the information window * math: calculator * text-in: insert a column as legend-text * calc: assist plotting a mathematical function. * fitrslt: generate a legend box * timer: countdown timer Package: ngraph-gtk-addins-base Description-md5: 8f38e7170fac92dde5a77c8c8c517a72 Description-gl: addins of Ngraph-gtk - base programs Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . This package contains base programs of addins. Package: ngraph-gtk-doc Description-md5: 1bfa00e10e5115aec2648de39b1b9586 Description-gl: Documentos de Ngraph-gtk Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . Este paquete contén documentos de ficheiros. Package: ngraph-gtk-plugin-ruby Description-md5: 2a93b6b2b95b27d2ae20ce1da443b112 Description-gl: Engadido para Ruby para Ngraph-gtk Ngraph é o programa para crear gráficos cientÃficos bidimensionais para investigadores e enxeñeiros. Este programa pode crear gráficos avanzados que non é posÃbel crear cunha folla de cálculo. Os gráficos poden ser exportados a postscript. . Este paquete contén un engadido para executar scripts en Ruby. Package: ngrep Description-md5: 8a3f8312388527a9d518e8ed9294e2ba Description-gl: grep para tráfico de rede ngrep pretende fornecer a maiorÃa das funcionalidades comúns do grep de GNU, aplicándoas á capa de rede. ngrep é unha ferramenta que recoñece pcap e que permite indicar expresións regulares estendidas que coincidan contra cargas de datos de paquetes. Actualmente recoñece TCP, UDP e ICMP por Ethernet, PPP, SLIP e interfaces baleiras e comprende a lóxico de filtros bpf da mesma maneira que outras ferramentas para olfactear paquetes, como tcpdump e snoop. Package: nickle Description-md5: e74e3f8e1a10529c636a806fe87cb981 Description-gl: Linguaxe da calculadora de escritorio Nickle é unha linguaxe con potentes capacidades de programación e scripts. Nickle admite diversos tipos de datos, especialmente enteiros de precisión arbitraria, racionais e reais imprecisos. A linguaxe de entrada asemella bastante a C. Algunhas cousas en C que non se traducen facilmente son diferentes, algunhas escollas de deseño fixéronse de maneira diferente e unhas pouquiñas funcionalidades simplemente faltan. Package: nicotine Description-md5: 85030482625bf2ef42a22fed7b28d186 Description-gl: Cliente gráfico para o sistema entre parceiros SoulSeek Nicotine é un cliente para SoulSeek, un sistema de compartición de clientes lixeiro e eficiente, escrito en Python e empregando GTK2 e baseado no proxecto PySoulSeek. . Permite enviar, descargar, buscar e conversar, cun control estrito do largo de banda, e tenta asemellarse ao PySoulSeek. Package: nicovideo-dl Description-md5: 034b3a1fa88cc19bf1415f20705a8e01 Description-gl: Descargue vÃdeos desde Programiña para a liña de ordes para descargar vÃdeos desde A sintaxe da liña de ordes é semellante á de youtube-dl. Package: nifti-bin Description-md5: e5640c12d4e3b949f9b90438d079b48b Description-gl: Ferramentas incluÃdas coa biblioteca NIfTI Niftilib é un conxunto de bibliotecas de entrada e saÃda para ler e escribir ficheiros que estean no formato NIfTI-1. NIfTI-1 é un formato de ficheiro binario para almacenar datos de imaxes médicas, como por exemplo, imaxes de resonancias magnéticas (MRI) e MRI funcionais (fMRI) do cerebro. . Este paquete fornece as ferramentas que se inclúen coa biblioteca (nifti_tool, nifti_stats e nifti1_test). Package: nifti2dicom Description-md5: 6b8aa1b4def0e764b5ea1bca2b494398 Description-gl: convert 3D medical images to DICOM 2D series Nifti2Dicom is a convertion tool that converts 3D NIfTI files (and other formats supported by ITK, including Analyze, MetaImage Nrrd and VTK) to DICOM. Unlike other conversion tools, it can import a DICOM file that is used to import the patient and study DICOM tags, and allows you to edit the accession number and other DICOM tags, in order to create a valid DICOM that can be imported in a PACS. . Este paquete contén as ferramentas para a liña de ordes. Package: nigiri Description-md5: 7842e278cee7d5848a53b5d6d8ace35e Description-gl: Suite de IRC baseada en D-Bus (cliente para o terminal) The sushi IRC suite consists of a central daemon and several clients, which communicate via DBus. DBus methods and signals are provided by the daemon to abstract the IRC protocol. Clients can use these methods and signals to easily interact with IRC. . nigiri é un cliente para o terminal para maki que está escrito en Python. Emprega Urwid para realizar a interface e admite engadidos. Package: nikwi Description-md5: a0dbaab04bcdc6e6ca4df089aece175b Description-gl: Xogo de plataforma no que o obxectivo é recoller doces Xogas a seres un rapaciño de nove anos no seu soño favorito: un mundo feito de larpeiradas! GuÃa o Nikwi polo seu soño de comer todo en cada un dos trinta niveis, ao tempo que evitas os monstros que tentan virar o soño do Nikwi nun pesadelo. . Nikwi ofrece horas de xogo en trinta niveis de doces consistentes en cinco temas, máis de dez monstros e obstáculos diferentes - cada cun co seu comportamento único - e elementos de xogo novos en cada tema. Package: nikwi-data Description-md5: 33f3a1130f0c50be1441b688fea5e44d Description-gl: Xogo de plataforma no que o obxectivo é recoller doces - datos de xogo Xogas a seres un rapaciño de nove anos no seu soño favorito: un mundo feito de larpeiradas! GuÃa o Nikwi polo seu soño de comer todo en cada un dos trinta niveis, ao tempo que evitas os monstros que tentan virar o soño do Nikwi nun pesadelo. . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros necesarios para xogar este xogo. Package: nilfs-tools Description-md5: 60e34aabae93bc31b300316955455950 Description-gl: Continuous Snapshotting Log-structured Filesystem NILFS is a new implementation of a log-structured filesystem. It allows continuous snapshotting, so that users can restore files mistakenly overwritten or destroyed even when it happens after the last backup. . Este paquete contén utilidades (mkfs, fsck, etc.) empregadas para traballar con nilfs. Package: ninix-aya Description-md5: 483deee62ed01c007ac5d638f4f05f1c Description-gl: Programa de mascota de escritorio interactivo, con intelixencia artificial falsa e compatÃbel con Ukagaka «Ukagaka», coñecida tamén como «Nanika», é unha plataforma sobre a que se fornecen caracteres mascota par o escritorio do usuario. «Ninix» é un programa compatÃbel con Ukagaka que detivo o seu desenvolvemento hai tempo. «Ninix-aya» deriva de «Ninix» e foi mellorado un mundo. Package: ninja-ide Description-md5: 3ebb9c5854de561b006e05916e99fead Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado (IDE) para Python NINJA-IDE is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE). It currently features: . * code editor: NINJA-IDE provides a complete code editor with highlighting for several languages, code completion, code assistant for imports, navigation, etc. . * project management: NINJA-IDE allows one to manage Python projects automatically, saving descriptive information about them and letting the user perform file-management-related tasks in the IDE itself. . * high extensibility: you can create plugins for several purposes, and they can be completely integrated within the IDE, increasing the available features. Package: ninvaders Description-md5: 6dd08467a3790f099d610fc545a11801 Description-gl: Un xogo tipo Invasores Espaciais que emprega ncurses Un xogo tipo Invasores Espaciais con gráficos de texto só. Algunha vez quixeches xogar aos Invasores Espaciais nun momento no que non dabas atopada unha interface gráfica? Agora xa podes. Package: nip2 Description-md5: 1b931991fb04b52d8a51a351e7d15c8c Description-gl: Ferramenta gráfica de manipulación de imaxes tipo folla de cálculo nip2 é unha interface gráfica para o paquete VIPS. . VIPS is an image processing system designed with efficiency in mind. It is good with large images (ones that larger than the amount of RAM in your machine), and for working with colour. It can perform many image manipulation tasks much faster than other packages such as ImageMagick and the GIMP and includes some special features such as creating single "mosaic" images from multiple parts. . VIPS consiste de dous compoñentes principais: unha biblioteca de procesamento de imaxes con algunhas ferramentas para a liña de ordes e unha interface de usuario gráfica tipo folla de cálculo. Este paquete fornece a interface gráfica. . Con nip2, en troques de editar as imaxes directamente, constrúense relacións entre obxectos dunha maneira tipo folla de cálculo. Ao facer un cambio algures, nip2 recalcula os obxectos afectados por ese cambio. Dado que é conducida pola procura, esta actualización é moi rápida, mesmo con imaxes moi, moi grandes. nip2 é moi bo para crear canalizacións de operacións de manipulación de imaxes. Non é moi bo para as tarefas de edición de imaxes tipo retoque fotográfico. Para iso hai que empregar unha ferramenta tipo O GIMP. Package: nis Description-md5: 7581a56f08a2a61b313a13d3a14ea80a Description-gl: Clientes e daemons para o Servizo de Información de Rede (NIS) Este paquete fornece ferramentas para configurar e manter un dominio de NIS. NIS, coñecido orixinalmente como Páxinas Amarelas (YP), emprégase principalmente para que varias máquinas da mesma rede compartan a mesma información sobre as contas, como o ficheiro de contrasinais. Package: nitpic Description-md5: 78e8d0cb3e6f49ad2efc2933808560f0 Description-gl: Simulador do microcontrolador Microchip PIC16C84 Nitpic é un simulador baseado en X para a familia Microchip PIC de microcontroladores. Actualmente só admite o PIC16C84. Este software é beta. Package: nitrogen Description-md5: dfb4721faa07fe523b31acbc55241be1 Description-gl: Navegador de fondos de escritorio e utilidade para cambialos para X nitrogen é unha utilidade para fondos de escritorio gráficos que pode ser empregado en dous modos, navegador e lembranza. Algunhas das cousiñas nas que fixarse no nitrogen son: . * Compatibilidade con varios monitores e Xinerama (asignarlle fondos de escritorio diferentes a cada monitor) * Modo de lembranza para restaurar fondos de escritorio cun script de inicio * Emprega o estándar de miniaturas * Pode estabelecer o fondo de escritorio en GNOME * Ten modos para a liña de ordes para empregar scripts * VixÃa os directorios navegados con Inotify Package: njam Description-md5: 205a628451c89bb9068578e1fc8cbc80 Description-gl: Xogo do estilo do Pacman con capacidade multiusuario Njam é un xogo do estilo do Pacman con moitas funcionalidades, incluÃdo un modo para varios xogadores pola rede. Está dispoñÃbel para moitas plataformas. . CaracterÃsticas: o Modos para xogador só e para varios (local ou rede) o Modos para varios xogadores cooperativos e competitivos o Temas de nivel personalizábeis o Moitos niveis distintos o Editor de niveis integrado o Música e efectos sonoros espectaculares Package: njam-data Description-md5: a96be72374f534ad91a208425bbcaf57 Description-gl: Xogo do estilo do Pacman con capacidade multiusuario -- ficheiros de datos Njam é un xogo do estilo do Pacman con moitas funcionalidades, incluÃdo un modo para varios xogadores pola rede. Está dispoñÃbel para moitas plataformas. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do njam, incluÃdos niveis, temas, gráficos, música e documentación. Package: nmapsi4 Description-md5: 0b53779fa69d66d48a285fa2f5aa08b8 Description-gl: graphical interface to nmap, the network scanner NmapSI4 é unha interface gráfica completa baseada en Qt co obxectivo de fornecer unha interface completa de nmap aos usuarios para xestionar todas as opcións deste poderoso escáner de seguranza de rede. Package: nmh Description-md5: 0fe4ac62551f8d845ccba50fec7f0625 Description-gl: Conxunto de programas para manexar o correo electrónico Este é o axente de usuario de correo nmh (lector/remitente), un lector de correo baseado na liña de ordes que é potente e extensÃbel. nmh é unha escolla excelente para quen reciba e procese moito correo. . Ao contrario da maiorÃa dos axentes de usuario de correo, nmh non é un único programa, senón un conxunto de programas que se executan desde a consola. Isto permite que o usuario empregue a potencia enteira da consola de Unix en coordinación co nmh. Hai varias interfaces dispoñÃbeis, como mh-e (un modo para o emacs), xmh e exmh (clientes para X11). . nmh baseouse orinariamente na versión 6.8.3 de MH e preténdese que sexa un substituto inmediato (practicamente) compatÃbel co MH. Package: noblenote Description-md5: 9264bc1972157ed4935e54669112335f Description-gl: Qt program for taking notes O nobleNote é un programa para organizar e crear notas. Ten unha icona na bandexa do sistema e admite arrastrar e soltar. O editor de notas admite distintos tipos de letra, tamaños e cores, asà como cores de fondo. Tamén é posÃbel importar notas desde outros programas, como gnote e tomboy. As notas gárdanse no formato html. Package: nocache Description-md5: bf3ca3604243b4db9b46b6016f5e2cd8 Description-gl: bypass/minimize file system caching for a program `nocache` tries to minimize the effect an application has on the Linux file system cache. . Caso de uso: procesos de copia de seguranza que non deberÃan interferir co estado actual da caché. . Este paquete tamén fornece as utilidades seguintes: * «cachedel» : limpar a páxina de caché dun ficheiro. * «cachestats» : imprimir o número de páxinas en caché fronte as que non están en caché dun ficheiro Package: nodau Description-md5: 306eea8533c79c654406e1e329b0d126 Description-gl: Programa sinxelo para tomar notas baseado na consola Nodau é un sinxelo programa para tomar notas baseado na consola. Permite crear, editar e ver notas facilmente, asà como buscalas polo nome ou a data. Package: node-bignumber Description-md5: db8f7c554c023ae7775179e9c4f36faa Description-gl: Arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic for Node.js Funcionalidades: . - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than Javascript versions of Java's BigDecimal - 5 KB minified and gzipped - Simple API but full-featured - Works with numbers with or without fraction digits in bases from 2 to 36 inclusive - Replicates the toExponential, toFixed, toPrecision and toString methods of Javascript's Number type - Includes a toFraction and a squareRoot method - Stores values in an accessible decimal floating point format - No dependencies - Comprehensive documentation and test set . If an even smaller and simpler library is required see big.js. It's half the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the methods. It neither allows NaN or Infinity, or have the configuration options of this library. . This package provides bignumber support to Node.js. Package: node-chrono Description-md5: eb96f5983bf5803b9272d390d6eeeeac Description-gl: Biblioteca para formatar datas para NodeJS Chrono é unha biblioteca para formatar datas para NodeJS. Package: node-clean-css Description-md5: d3a40d3c24da1f1919cabccbb9de653d Description-gl: Módulo para Node.js para minimizar ficheiros de CSS Clean-css é un módulo para Node.js para minimizar ficheiros de CSS. Fai o mesmo traballo que o minimizador de CSS de YUI Compressor, mais moito máis rápido grazas ás optimizacións de velocidade e ao motor V8 de Node.js. Package: node-cli Description-md5: e2018114d981dcd0c1145d4dd9854252 Description-gl: Ferramenta para construÃr rapidamente aplicativos de Node para a liña de ordes Node is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. . cli is a toolkit for rapidly building command line apps - it includes: . - Full featured opts/args parser - Plugin support for adding common options and switches - Helper methods for working with input/output and spawning child processes - Output colored/styled messages, progress bars or spinners - Command auto-completion and glob support Package: node-finished Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: node-form-data Description-md5: 51e7f485c7d6e1f2e3b411ffe4ac46c3 Description-gl: Create multipart/form-data streams module for Node.js node-form-data can be used to submit forms and file uploads to other web applications. . A API deste módulo está inspirada na especificación XMLHttpRequest do W3C. . Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine. Package: node-highlight.js Description-md5: 58a4ab22b9faf3d919292f287bcff02a Description-gl: JavaScript library for syntax highlighting - NodeJS Highlight.js is a JavaScript library which automatically detects the language of code blocks in a web page, and provides syntax highlighting for them. The library supports more than fifty languages and is bundled with more than twenty style themes. . Este paquete contén a biblioteca highlight.js, utilizábel como módulo de NodeJS. Package: node-ini Description-md5: 5f89c91d6e57d1f88688141888528d70 Description-gl: ini format parser and serializer for Node.js Lea, manipule e escriba ficheiros ini. As seccións son tratadas como obxectos aniñadas. Os elementos que precedan a primeira cabeceira gárdanse no obxecto directamente. . Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine. Package: node-ipaddr.js Description-md5: 5f67e775ef6e06a6eb59611ff147d604 Description-gl: Manipulación de enderezos de IPv4 e IPv6 - módulo Node.js This modules features: - verification and parsing of an IP address - match against a CIDR range or range list - match against reserved ranges like loopback or private ranges - conversion between IPv4 and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. . Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. Package: node-lockfile Description-md5: df98accda2d39a30ebac215520ea8cc5 Description-gl: Módulo para o bloqueo de ficheiros asÃncrono para Node.js This module provides asynchronous and synchronous concurrent file locking. It supports timeouts, expirations, and retrying upon failure. . Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine. Package: node-log4js Description-md5: 30fec9f3924e78e5bfa893100ecfca59 Description-gl: Conversion of the log4js framework to work with Node.js Logging support for Node.js based on the log4js Javascript (browser/client) framework. . Funcionalidades admitidas: . - coloured console logging - replacement of node's console.log functions (optional) - file appender, with log rolling based on file size - SMTP appender - GELF appender - appender - multiprocess appender (useful when you've got worker processes) - a logger for connect/express servers - configurable log message layout/patterns - different log levels for different log categories (make some parts of your app log as DEBUG, others only ERRORS, etc.) Package: node-xterm Description-md5: fb5b7a68aaf8c158f85c5db47e4be578 Description-gl: terminal front-end component for the browser - NodeJS modules Xterm.js is a terminal front-end component written in JavaScript that works in the browser. . It enables applications to provide fully featured terminals to their users and create great development experiences. . Funcionalidades: . - **Text-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `bash`, `git` etc. - **Curses-based application support**: Use xterm.js to work with applications like `vim`, `tmux` etc. - **Mouse events support**: Xterm.js captures mouse events like click and scroll and passes them to the terminal's back-end controlling process - **CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) character support**: Xterm.js renders CJK characters seamlessly - **IME support**: Insert international (including CJK) characters using IME input with your keyboard - **Self-contained library**: Xterm.js works on its own. It does not require any external libraries like jQuery or React to work - **Modular, event-based API**: Lets you build addons and themes with ease . This package contains the unpacked individual xterm CommonJS modules. Package: nomnom Description-md5: 573a3817e693787af8a338382f9cd932 Description-gl: Descargue vÃdeos desde Youtube e outros sitios web de vÃdeo semellantes Application for downloading videos from Youtube and other similar video websites that require Adobe Flash to view the video content. Video streaming or downloading can be started simply by dropping an URL onto the application window. Package: nordugrid-arc-doc Description-md5: 9a0bc84338aa7437e11e5885a7c4cc83 Description-gl: Documentación de ARC The NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource Connector (ARC). Package: normalize-audio Description-md5: daa780a8185f2f5daad2ff7145fff874 Description-gl: Axusta o volume dos ficheiros WAV, MP3 e OGG a un nivel de volume estándar normalize-audio é unha ferramenta para axustar o volume dos ficheiros WAV, MP3 e OGG a un nivel de volume escollido. Isto é útil para cousas como crear CD de misturas e bases de datos de MP3, nos que niveis de gravación diferentes en álbums diferentes poden facer que o volume varÃe moito entre canción e canción. Package: nova-api-os-volume Description-md5: f8cc143de25afd88a62e482808826104 Description-gl: OpenStack Compute - OpenStack Volume API frontend OpenStack is a reliable cloud infrastructure. Its mission is to produce the ubiquitous cloud computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable. . OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller. In addition to its "native" API (the OpenStack API), it also supports the Amazon EC2 API. . Este é un paquete transitorio parvo que se pode retirar con seguranza após a anovación. Package: ns3-doc Description-md5: f605df70f414a0af6bdc70d3bf97e546 Description-gl: Documentación de ns3 ns-3 is a discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems, targeted primarily for research and educational use. ns-3 is free software, licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license, and is publicly available for research, development, and use. ns-3 is intended as an eventual replacement for the popular ns-2 simulator. The project acronym “nsnam†derives historically from the concatenation of ns (network simulator) and NAM (network animator). . This package contains manual, modules, tutorial and doxygen. Package: nsca Description-md5: 016d2968e47ea354efa57ff7f55e2bc0 Description-gl: Nagios service monitor agent This addon allows you to send service check results to a central monitoring server running Nagios in a reasonably secure manner. . Nagios é un sistema de vixilancia e xestión para hóspedes, servizos e redes. . As funcionalidades de Nagios inclúen: . - Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) - Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks - Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) - Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) - Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) . Nagios foi escrito en C e está deseñado para ser fácil de comprender e modificar para axustarse ás súas necesidades. Package: nsca-client Description-md5: b339e21c7e30cccff85552c8baf5ba64 Description-gl: Nagios service monitor agent - client package This package contains only the client part of nsca and is thus suitable for installation on systems that only report passive service checks to a central server. . Nagios é un sistema de vixilancia e xestión para hóspedes, servizos e redes. . As funcionalidades de Nagios inclúen: . - Monitoring of network services (via TCP port, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, NNTP, PING, etc.) - Plugin interface to allow for user-developed service checks - Contact notifications when problems occur and get resolved (via email, pager, or user-defined method) - Ability to define event handlers to be run during service or host events (for proactive problem resolution) - Web output (current status, notifications, problem history, log file, etc.) . Nagios foi escrito en C e está deseñado para ser fácil de comprender e modificar para axustarse ás súas necesidades. Package: nsis Description-md5: 588a1a18a7c197bf93e0bdc2aee65803 Description-gl: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (modified for Debian) NSIS is a tool for creating quick and user friendly installers for Microsoft Windows (Win32) operating systems. . NSIS crea instaladores que poden instalar, desinstalar, configurar sistemas, extraer ficheiros, etc. Dado que está baseado en ficheiros de script, é posÃbel controlar cada parte dos instaladores. A linguaxe de script admite variábeis, funcións, manipulación de cadeas, igual que unha linguaxe de programación normal - mais está deseñada para a creación de instaladores. Mesmo con estas funcionalidades, NSIS é o sistema instalador máis pequeno dispoñÃbel. Coas opcións predeterminadas ocupa só 34 KB de memoria. Package: nslcd Description-md5: 9d9eb0997c3878afcc05d90074bb2d97 Description-gl: daemon for NSS and PAM lookups using LDAP Este paquete fornece un daemon para obter contas de usuario e información do sistema parecida dun LDAP. Emprégano os paquete libnss-ldapd e libpam mais non é moi útil por si só. Package: nss-passwords Description-md5: 5f92e3e960edd462b8c7f562baf35b90 Description-gl: Lea contrasinais dun chaveiro de Mozilla Este programa le contrasinais dos chaveiros empregados polos produtos da Mozilla, como Firefox e Thunderbird. Pode ser executado enteiramente en modo texto. . Este programa funciona con chaveiros baseados en SQLite (signons.sqlite), empregados en versións recentes do Firefox. Os chaveiros baseados en texto poden ser lidos co pwdecrypt do paquete libnss3-tools. Package: nss-updatedb Description-md5: c042eb717d722ef4c1102e711066cc9a Description-gl: Cache name service directories in DB format Este paquete contén un script, nss_updatedb, que pode ser empregado para manter cachés locais de directorios de usuarios e grupos. Estes poden ser empregados entón polo módulo DB Name Service Switch (libnss-db) para fornecer un servizo de nomes cando o sistema estea desconectado da rede. . Estas ferramentas están deseñadas para funcionaren con libpam-ldap e libnss-ldap. Package: nsscache Description-md5: a67ba458b6f6ba9bf82166c0e6431f22 Description-gl: Sincronice bases de datos de NSS locais con servizos de directorio remotos de maneira asÃncrona Sincroniza as cachés de NSS locais, como as servidas polo módulo de cachés de libnss, contra servizos de directorio remotos, como LDAP ou ficheiros de caché pré-construÃdos dun servidor de HTTP. isto pódese empregar xunto co paquete libnscc-cache para manter actualizada a información da conta de usuario, grupos, grupos de rede e montaxes automáticas. . O emprego de nsscache e libnss-cache elimina a necesidade de empregar un daemon de caché, como nscd, con módulos de NSS da rede, como libnss-ldap. Package: nstreams Description-md5: 36fb8f40291995c5a4ff436c48676570 Description-gl: Fluxos de rede - un analizador de saÃda de tcpdump Nstreams is a utility designed to identify the IP streams that are occurring on a network from a non-user friendly tcpdump output of several megabytes. This is especially useful when you plan to install a firewall but if you do not know the nstreams that the network users are generating (http, real audio, and more...). . Nstreams can read the tcpdump output directly from stdin, or from a file. It can even generate the configuration file of your firewall. Package: nted Description-md5: eccb14fd7802bce7e814bd3631bce034 Description-gl: Editor de partituras NtEd é un editor de partituras en GTK+. Pretende que o que se vexa na pantalla sexa realmente o que se obteña no papel impreso. Admite até catro voces por pentagrama, notación da percusión, cinco liñas para as letras, grupos artificiais, cambios de contexto, repeticións con alternativas, instrumentos configurábeis por pentagrama, importación de MIDI / MusicXML e exportación a PS / PDF / SVG / PNG / Lilypond / MIDI. As partituras poden reproducirse mediante o secuenciador de ALSA. Package: nted-doc Description-md5: c452c34c7ec45604f70bcd4268199523 Description-gl: Documentación do NtEd O NtEd é un editor de partituras en GTK+ co que o que se ve é o que se obtén. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML que o acompaña. Está dispoñÃbel na rede a través do aplicativo nted, sempre que o yelp estiver dispoñÃbel. Package: ntfs-config Description-md5: 68f95a8264faf922f4545364444b4ca1 Description-gl: Activar/desactivar a capacidade de escrita de calquera dispositivo NTFS Este programa permite configurar facilmente todos os dispositivos NTFS para que permitan a escrita mediante unha interface amigábel. Para ese uso, haos configurar para empregar o controlador de código aberto ntfs-3g. Tamén é posÃbel desactivar esta funcionalidade facilmente. . Resulta que este programa é unha versión máis recente e mellorada mais pouca xente sabe del. É mellor instalar o xestor de discos. Package: numba-doc Description-md5: c0dcfd237d66973e0d104bb73c082a8e Description-gl: native machine code compiler for Python (docs) Numba compiles native machine code instructions from Python programs at runtime using the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Just-in-time compilation with Numba could be easily employed by decorating individual computation intensive functions in the Python code. Numba could significantly speed up the performance of computations, and optionally supports compilation to run on GPU processors through Nvidia's CUDA platform. It integrates well with the Python scientific software stack, and especially recognizes Numpy arrays. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: nunit-gui Description-md5: 69ec773c7f637d66a0c84c1c42019694 Description-gl: Unit test framework for CLI - GUI test runner NUnit is a unit testing framework for all .NET languages. It serves the same purpose as JUnit does in the Java world. It supports test categories, testing for exceptions and writing test results in plain text or XML. . NUnit targets the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and supports Mono and the Microsoft .NET Framework. . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica. Package: nut-ipmi Description-md5: 22244eec90efc63afed706a2bcdcc381 Description-gl: network UPS tools - IPMI driver Ferramentas de SAI de Rede (NUT, Network UPS Tools) é un sistema de vixilancia tipo cliente/servidor que permite que os computadores compartan hardware de sistemas de alimentación interrompida (SAI) e de unidade de distribución de enerxÃa (PDU, power distribution unit). Os clientes acceden ao hardware a través do servidor e reciben unha notificación cando cambia o estado da enerxÃa. . This package currently provides nut-ipmipsu, a driver which allows the user to monitor IPMI power supply units (PSU) found in servers of popular brands, such as Dell, HP, IBM. It adds an IPMI interface to the core NUT system. Package: nut-monitor Description-md5: df7ed3e25e874133140b27293ef98c38 Description-gl: network UPS tools - GUI application to monitor UPS status Ferramentas de SAI de Rede (NUT, Network UPS Tools) é un sistema de vixilancia tipo cliente/servidor que permite que os computadores compartan hardware de sistemas de alimentación interrompida (SAI) e de unidade de distribución de enerxÃa (PDU, power distribution unit). Os clientes acceden ao hardware a través do servidor e reciben unha notificación cando cambia o estado da enerxÃa. . This package provides nut-monitor, a GUI application to monitor UPS status. Package: nut-xml Description-md5: a97484c585aad12b6d8c738d204ae65f Description-gl: network UPS tools - XML/HTTP driver Ferramentas de SAI de Rede (NUT, Network UPS Tools) é un sistema de vixilancia tipo cliente/servidor que permite que os computadores compartan hardware de sistemas de alimentación interrompida (SAI) e de unidade de distribución de enerxÃa (PDU, power distribution unit). Os clientes acceden ao hardware a través do servidor e reciben unha notificación cando cambia o estado da enerxÃa. . This package provides netxml-ups, which supports UPS models from Eaton or MGE that use an XML/HTTP-based Network Management Card or Proxy. Package: nuvola-icon-theme Description-md5: cb6a7ae87877aaef8cba99ad2a58456e Description-gl: Nuvola icon theme for KDE This package contains the Nuvola icon theme for KDE. . Nuvola follows the icon schemes, so it can be used in other desktop environments using this specification. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de imaxes do KDE. Package: nvidia-common Description-md5: f11494e618e154235d7240541a9fc755 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para ubuntu-drivers-common Este é un metapaquete transitorio para ubuntu-drivers-common. Pódese eliminar con seguranza despois da anovación. Package: nyancat-server Description-md5: fc15ea8a0e563418904bd434b811d0ec Description-gl: Animated terminal Nyancat server configurations nyancat-server contains the configurations required to quickly set up a nyancat server. This allows the animated poptart cat to be served to many users via telnet. . A instalación deste paquete configura e activa automaticamente un servidor de telnet nyancat. Package: nyquist Description-md5: 3ebb32cba8c2cdeac408fce8f2b5b4fa Description-gl: Linguaxe para a composición musical e a sÃntese de son Unlike score languages that tend to deal only with events, or signal processing languages that tend to deal only with signals and synthesis, Nyquist handles both in a single integrated system. Nyquist is also flexible and easy to use because it is based on an interactive Lisp interpreter (XLISP). . With Nyquist, you can design instruments by combining functions (much as you would using the orchestra languages of Music V, cmusic, or Csound). You can call upon these instruments and generate a sound just by typing a simple expression. You can combine simple expressions into complex ones to create a whole composition. Package: obmenu Description-md5: ab12b2edd03ddd199f1b9b64571f2b4d Description-gl: Editor gráfico de menús para openbox Obmenu is a graphical menu editor for the Openbox window manager. Openbox uses XML to store its menu preferences, and editing these by hand can quickly become tedious. This utility provides a convenient method of editing the menu in a graphical interface, while not losing the powerful features of Openbox such as its pipe menus. . This also provides a Python module named obxml that can be used to further script Openbox's menu system. Package: ocaml-core Description-md5: 7e072759dbd504ff4ede78877f1d85b3 Description-gl: Ferramentas centrais de OCaml (metapaquete) Un metapaquete que contén dependencias sobre e suxestións de paquetes útiles para desenvolver na linguaxe de programación Objective Caml (OCaml). . Inclúe dependencias sobre varias ferramentas relacionadas con OCaml, como compilador e preprocesador, modo tuareg para o editor de emacs, xestor de paquetes, ferramenta de documentación e máis. . Tamén inclúe unha ferramenta RAD para o deseño de interfaces gráficas e unha infraestrutura para probas de regresión. Package: ocaml-libs Description-md5: 46b81cb4fbdedb1435c10dd3d46384ae Description-gl: Bibliotecas centrais de OCaml (metapaquete) Un metapaquete que contén dependencias para as bibliotecas centrais da linguaxe de programación Objective Caml (OCaml). . Inclúe dependencias sobre diversos tipos de bibliotecas centrais de OCaml, como gráficos, rede, compresión e análise de XML. Package: ocaml-melt Description-md5: de4a713352cc16470229362daa17e264 Description-gl: LaTeX con OCaml (ferramentas) Melt é un conxunto de bibliotecas e ferramentas que permiten programar documentos en LaTeX empregando OCaml. Isto combina a potencia de deseño de LaTeX coa potencia de programación de OCaml. Pódese combinar con Mlpost para incluÃr imaxes. . Este paquete contén ferramentas para a liña de ordes para compilar ficheiros de Melt. Package: ocaml-source Description-md5: 3e4d34b4c1b472bafed56141a9ad7a45 Description-gl: Fontes para Objective Caml Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language, based on the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML. . This package contains the sources needed to build some packages which build depend on the OCaml source. Notice that if you want to rebuild OCaml, these will not work, consider using the source package instead. Package: ocsinventory-agent Description-md5: 985d7c6a819d5adecbca957131518643 Description-gl: Hardware and software inventory tool (client) Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed to help a network or system administrator to keep track of the hardware and software configurations of computers that are installed on the network. It also allows deploying software, scripts and files on client computers. . Este paquete contén a parte do cliente. Package: ocsinventory-reports Description-md5: 828f52b11c31b23ecfc12ae4a16fed8c Description-gl: Ferramenta de inventario de hardware e de software (consola de administración) Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers configuration and software that are installed on the network. . Information about Hardware and Operating System are collected. OCS Inventory is also able to detect all active devices on your network, such as switch, router, network printer and unattended devices. It also allows deploying software, commands or files on client computers. . Este paquete contén a parte de «consola de administración». Package: ocsinventory-server Description-md5: a7fb9a04b349bbab052f183add58153c Description-gl: Ferramenta de inventario de hardware e de software (servidor de comunicación) Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers configuration and software that are installed on the network. . Information about Hardware and Operating System are collected. OCS Inventory is also able to detect all active devices on your network, such as switch, router, network printer and unattended devices. It also allows deploying software, commands or files on client computers. . Este paquete contén a parte do «servidor de comunicación». Teña en conta que este é o servidor de XML-RPC/SOAP, non a interface web (que fornece o paquete ocsinventory-reports). Package: octave Description-md5: 5f06c708891ddbf651939abf93ab4c85 Description-gl: Linguaxe Octave de GNU para cálculos numéricos O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatÃbel con Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas lineais e non lineais. . O Octave pode ser estendido de maneira dinámica con ficheiros en C++ que achegue o usuario. Package: octave-bim Description-md5: 48b6db07ba0f7e104116a2785ef19833 Description-gl: PDE solver using a finite element/volume approach in Octave This package contains scripts for solving Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equations based on the Finite Volume Scharfetter-Gummel (FVSG) method a.k.a Box Integration Method (BIM) in Octave, a scientific computation software. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-biosig Description-md5: b0044c920d91a87c2291b5a8c74d15d8 Description-gl: Asociacións de Octave para a biblioteca BioSig Este paquete fornece asociacións de Octave para a biblioteca BioSig. Objectivo principal -- interface de E/S para diversos formatos de ficheiros biomédicos, incluÃndo mais sen estar limitado a SCP-ECG(EN1064), HL7aECG (FDA-XML), GDF, EDF. Package: octave-common Description-md5: fd867a95ea2708a233dc7380e8c8a5c9 Description-gl: Ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para octave O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatÃbel con Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas lineais e non lineais. . O Octave pode ser estendido de maneira dinámica con ficheiros en C++ que achegue o usuario. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura para (scripts de Octave e outros ficheiros auxiliares). Package: octave-communications Description-md5: 38e85a3f8dfb0c75f007c9a8afb39609 Description-gl: Paquete de comunicacións para Octave Este paquete fornece funcións para Octave, un software de cálculo numérico, para realizar análise de erros sobre sinais de comunicación, converter entre sinais analóxicas e dixitais e moitas máis funcións pertencentes á análise de sinais. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-communications-common Description-md5: 4e0e428f8ad8473eb2b7cad8dced6f55 Description-gl: Paquete de comunicacións para Octave (ficheiros independentes da arquitectura) Este paquete fornece funcións para Octave, un software de cálculo numérico, para realizar análise de erros sobre sinais de comunicación, converter entre sinais analóxicas e dixitais e moitas máis funcións pertencentes á análise de sinais. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura do paquete de comunicacións octave. Package: octave-control Description-md5: 37aa7bf6c830ebc4a7201fa6987314a8 Description-gl: computer-aided control system design (CACSD) for Octave Este paquete fornece funcións adicionais relacionadas coa teorÃa de control en Octave, un software de cálculo numérico. As funcións están baseadas na biblioteca SLICOT de Fortran <>. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-data-smoothing Description-md5: 55574626fc06c3f7c33ff2224f44462d Description-gl: functions to do data smoothing on noisy data This package provides functions to do noisy data smoothing in Octave, a numerical computation software. It contains functions to calculate the divided difference of order d of a vector x (ddmat) and several functions to do Tikhonov data manipulation. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-dataframe Description-md5: 01f45f2ff9987a3302f6d70dec37f801 Description-gl: Manipule datos en Octave de xeito semellante ao data.frame de R Na linguaxe R, un obxecto dataframe é unha paneira de agrupar datos tabulares. As funcións deste paquete permite a manipulación de datos de xeito semellante en Octave. Os obxectos dataframe de Octave poden crearse de diversas maneiras (a partir doutros obxectos ou a partir dos datos tabulares dun ficheiro) e pode accederse a eles a continuación tanto como como matriz ou polo nome da columna. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-divand Description-md5: 0509c8b6c073bd16cea24f84615a63e6 Description-gl: n-dimensional interpolation for Octave This package contains functions for performing multidimensional variational analysis in Octave, a scientific computation software. They allow the interpolation and analysis of observations on curvilinear orthogonal grids in an arbitrary high dimensional space by minimizing a cost function. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-doc Description-md5: 7e2c214f70d74d1f2716b6b810491bf3 Description-gl: Documentación en PDF da linguaxe Octave de GNU O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatÃbel con Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas lineais e non lineais. . Este paquete fornece a documentación seguinte no formato PDF: unha folla de referencia nos formatos A4, carta e legal, un documento sobre as clases de C++ empregadas por Octave, asà como a documentación principal de octave que tamén se inclúe no formato info no paquete octave-info. Package: octave-econometrics Description-md5: 77d19b3670c180afc92ddabb5d6ac797 Description-gl: Funcións de econometrÃa para Octave This package provides functions to work with econometrics in Octave, a numerical computation software. The functions include methods to do maximum likelihood (mle_estimate) and general method of moments (gmm_estimate) based estimations. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-financial Description-md5: 1ff876c7ec843b3d8cb54f431c979261 Description-gl: financial package for Octave This package provides Monte Carlo simulation, options pricing routines, financial manipulation, plotting functions and additional date manipulation tools for Octave. It also provides functions to calculate taxed rates, relative strength index, positive volume index, modified internal rate of return amongs many more. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-fpl Description-md5: f2d7a5a480c1b02d1e47a8ce60775929 Description-gl: plot data on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes in Octave FPL is a collection of routines for plotting data on finite element method (FEM) meshes. It provides routines for outputting files and displaying data in OpenDX (IBM Visualization Data Explorer) and VTK (Visualization Toolkit) formats. It allows displays of triangular and tetrahedral meshes, as well as scalar and 2D vector fields. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-ga Description-md5: 04e0fcc7a56a7341e2633d3e9dee98f9 Description-gl: genetic optimization code for Octave This package provides function to work with genetic algorithms in Octave, a numerical computation software. It provides the ga() function, which works similarly to other optimization functions in Octave. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-general Description-md5: 73dd6eebe069cde09b6a4bed5c663dc1 Description-gl: provide extra general functions for Octave This package provides additional general functions for Octave, a numerical computation software. It cointains functions to transpose complex matrixes (ctranspose), check if a string is sorted (issorted), take the non- conjugate transpose of a matrix (transpose) and a function to generate a symmetric matrix from the lower triangular elements of a vector (unvech). . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-geometry Description-md5: b8410f32cdd6cc724922742192b2a48e Description-gl: geometric computing functions for Octave This package extends the MatGeom functions for Octave, a scientific computing software. It is useful to create, transform, manipulate and display geometric primitives in 2D. It also contains functions for performing boolean operations between two polygons and to manipulate files in SVG and gmsh formats. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-gsl Description-md5: baae6a89a99bc471c70ac16055639245 Description-gl: GSL binding for Octave This package provides bindings to the GNU Scientific Library for Octave, a numerical computation software. The GSL is a collection of routines for numerical analysis. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-htmldoc Description-md5: 30603a24ff663911ec7db54907ef07e9 Description-gl: HTML documentation on the GNU Octave language O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatÃbel con Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas lineais e non lineais. . This package provides the following documentation in html format: a document on the C++ classes used by Octave, as well as the main octave documentation which is also included in info format in the main Octave package. Package: octave-image Description-md5: 21c86b2b384b84361fd35bb183820718 Description-gl: image manipulation for Octave This package provides functions for reading, writing, and processing images to Octave, a numerical computation software. The package supports almost all image formats through the use of ImageMagick. The package also provides functions for feature extraction, image statistics, spatial and geometric transformations, morphological operations, linear filtering, and much more. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-info Description-md5: 63aa68ec022e8faa89ed0e9505ef7651 Description-gl: GNU Info documentation on the GNU Octave language O Octave é unha linguaxe de alto nivel (fundamentalmente compatÃbel con Matlab (R)) deseñada principalmente para cálculos numéricos. Fornece unha interface de liña de ordes cómoda para resolver numericamente problemas lineais e non lineais. . This package provides the following documentation in info format: a document on the C++ classes used by Octave, as well as the main octave documentation which is needed for the 'help -i foo' command within Octave. Package: octave-interval Description-md5: 46eb5c8150267b8394348904c9db0e31 Description-gl: real-valued interval arithmetic for Octave The interval package for real-valued interval arithmetic allows one to evaluate functions over subsets of their domain. All results are verified, because interval computations automatically keep track of any errors. . These concepts can be used to handle uncertainties, estimate arithmetic errors and produce reliable results. Also it can be applied to computer- assisted proofs, constraint programming, and verified computing. . The implementation is based on interval boundaries represented by binary64 numbers and is conforming to IEEE Std 1788-2015, IEEE standard for interval arithmetic. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-interval-doc Description-md5: 5be8a1ddf4ef7b89d18365c6df13bad7 Description-gl: real-valued interval arithmetic for Octave (arch-indep files) The interval package for real-valued interval arithmetic allows one to evaluate functions over subsets of their domain. All results are verified, because interval computations automatically keep track of any errors. . These concepts can be used to handle uncertainties, estimate arithmetic errors and produce reliable results. Also it can be applied to computer- assisted proofs, constraint programming, and verified computing. . The implementation is based on interval boundaries represented by binary64 numbers and is conforming to IEEE Std 1788-2015, IEEE standard for interval arithmetic. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. . This package provides a documentation in html format for the octave- interval package. Package: octave-io Description-md5: 29ec64680d54f6ae4cefaa476f5d0214 Description-gl: input/output data functions for Octave This package provides functions to input/output data in different formats in Octave, a numerical computation software. It contains functions to add variables to existing save files (append_save), read and write matrixes to a text file (dlmwrite, csvread, csvwrite) and read Excel spreadsheet (xlsread) and OpenDocument spreadsheet (odsread). . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-linear-algebra Description-md5: 07b92d922422cf7601e4164c8851fa8d Description-gl: additional linear-algebra functions for Octave This package provides additional functions to work on linear algebra code in Octave, a numerical computation software. This package includies general singular value methods to factorize a matrix (bicg), function to calculate the condition numbers of eigenvalues of a matrix (condeig), a matrix equivalant of the Octave function name (funm) and trigonometric/hyperbolic functions for square matrixes. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-ltfat Description-md5: 561580245aa31e8a5aeff798288c3794 Description-gl: Large Time/Frequency Analysis Toolbox This package provides a Matlab/Octave toolbox for working with time- frequency analysis, wavelets and signal processing. It is intended both as an educational and a computational tool. The toolbox provides a large number of linear transforms including Gabor and wavelet transforms along with routines for constructing windows (filter prototypes) and routines for manipulating coefficients. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-ltfat-common Description-md5: 0759a5f8d12559add347fb0bb9899020 Description-gl: Large Time/Frequency Analysis Toolbox (arch-indep files) This package provides a Matlab/Octave toolbox for working with time- frequency analysis, wavelets and signal processing. It is intended both as an educational and a computational tool. The toolbox provides a large number of linear transforms including Gabor and wavelet transforms along with routines for constructing windows (filter prototypes) and routines for manipulating coefficients. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. . This package contains the architecture-independent files for the octave- ltfat package. Package: octave-mapping Description-md5: 6f310eaf1b8da3255315a040917b5763 Description-gl: geographical mapping functions for Octave This package contains simple mapping and GIS .shp and raster file functions for Octave, a numerical computation software. It includes functions for computing angular distances and displacements between points on a sphere, as well as the great circle azimuth. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-miscellaneous Description-md5: ae355b1517c7562ea62f66aa419429bd Description-gl: miscellaneous tools for Octave This package provides miscellaneous tools for Octave, a numerical computation program. Included are functions to create a LaTeX file from a comma separated data file (csv2latex), map matrices and cells (map), a match filter that resembles the filter in Python (match) and many more. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-missing-functions Description-md5: dba87e69ab7661a8d303aadce3a5bd41 Description-gl: finds functions that are in Matlab but not in Octave This package finds functions that are in Matlab but not in Octave, a numerical calculation software. This package should just be interesting to those who are willing to implement the missing functions and provide them to the Octave project. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-mpi Description-md5: 044e05c96ac73e65903030675b768454 Description-gl: Octave toolbox for parallel computing using MPI This package brings parallel computing capabilities to Octave by providing a convenient interface to MPI primitives. This is achieved using simple MPI Derived Datatypes. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-msh Description-md5: 071151b77a10927001957a9a1c2ef898 Description-gl: create and manage meshes for FE or FV solvers in Octave This package creates and manages triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers in Octave, a scientific computation software. It uses a mesh data structure compatible with pdetool. It relies on gmsh for unstructured mesh generation. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-nan Description-md5: 692a5316947b9609b85b39d3f1cd7472 Description-gl: handles data with and without missing values in Octave This package allows the handling of data with and without missing values by using NaN in Octave. Features of this package includes: implement of the statistical tools, supports DIM argument, supports unbiased estimation significance test, confidence intervals and Spearman`s rank correlation included in CORRCOEF. . This package changes the way NaNs are handled in Octave. In order to use its functions, the user must explicitly ask Octave to load the package. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-netcdf Description-md5: 2dca8df0b3d6d0e1f6fdb3c597587f5b Description-gl: Matlab compatible NetCDF interface for Octave This package contains the Octave binding to the NetCDF library, allowing the creation, the reading, and the display of meta-data of NetCDF files. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-nurbs Description-md5: 5bb28ce7d0f117c11371604570d4b2c6 Description-gl: non-uniform rational B-splines for Octave This package contains a collection of routines for the creation and manipulation of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) using Octave, a scientific computation software. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-ocs Description-md5: 45ae98b10ce5e8fb8d2825d052d8d15d Description-gl: circuit simulator for Octave This package contains functions for solving DC and transient electrical circuit equations in Octave, a scientific computation software. Coupled electrical circuits, devices, and systems are specified using am Intermediate File Format. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-octclip Description-md5: fa7af333d7aa69d566774091df03c297 Description-gl: boolean operations with polygons in Octave The octclip package contain functions for performing boolean operations (intersection, union, difference, and exclusive or) between two polygons in Octave using the Greiner-Hormann algorithm. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-octproj Description-md5: 5cfcfa2f0a7932b2c2904b859ef187c7 Description-gl: GNU Octave bindings to PROJ.4 This package allows to call functions of PROJ.4 library for cartographic projections transformations. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-odepkg Description-md5: 72a760224f8bfb65256859d97f9d26e5 Description-gl: solve differential equations and initial value problems in Octave This package provides a toolkit for Differential Equations and Initial Value Problems for Octave, a numerical computation software. It implements the Runge-Kutta, Hairer-Wanner and Cash BDF solvers of systems of differential equations. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-optim Description-md5: cd6f2c1dffb632b311fa7b836e5f0814 Description-gl: unconstrained non-linear optimization toolkit for Octave Unconstrained Non-linear Optimization toolkit for Octave, a numerical computation software. Included are functions to do linear least square fitting on data points, nonlinear regression using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Prony's method for non-linear exponent fitting and many more. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-optiminterp Description-md5: dab6749ab72457bbe99db45f944ff015 Description-gl: optimal interpolation package for Octave This package is an optimal interpolation package for Octave, a numerical computation software. This package provides functions to do n-dimensional optimal interpolations of arbitrarily distributed data points. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-parallel Description-md5: e6bccc5e5b445665505bb13fbed10f9f Description-gl: parallel execution of Octave in clusters of computers This is a package to add parallel computing functions to Octave. The parallel computing functions are supported without any additional parallel computing libraries such as MPI and PVM. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-pfstools Description-md5: e70318b67b9c2f5a91a7931e373082d1 Description-gl: Asociacións de octave para pfstools PFS is a high-dynamic range (HDR) image format. It is an attempt to integrate existing file formats by providing a simple data format that can be used to exchange data between applications. . Este paquete contén asociacións de octave para ler e escribir ficheiros PFS. Package: octave-pkg-dev Description-md5: 665734ed504f0fb02b38cf4c148ae5ec Description-gl: Infraestrutura pra construÃr paquetes de Octave Desde a versión 3.0 de Octave (un software de cálculo numérico) é posÃbel instalar extensións a través do sistema pkg.m. Este paquete fornece a infraestrutura parar empaquetar estas extensións para Debian. Contén un ficheiro Makefile para incluÃr en debian/rules, asà como o código necesario para xerar os scripts de mantemento axeitados, asà como substituÃr as variábeis de substitución de debian/control. . Este paquete está pensado para ser empregado polo Grupo de Octave de Debian e non deberÃa ser de especial interese para os usuarios normais. Package: octave-psychtoolbox-3 Description-md5: 642f4b65e7359409b36cca4e74238de0 Description-gl: Xogo de ferramentas para a investigación sobre a visión -- Asociacións con Octave Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3) is a free set of Matlab and GNU/Octave functions for vision research. It makes it easy to synthesize and show accurately controlled visual and auditory stimuli and interact with the observer. . The Psychophysics Toolbox interfaces between Matlab or Octave and the computer hardware. The Psychtoolbox's core routines provide access to the display frame buffer and color lookup table, allow synchronization with the vertical retrace, support millisecond timing, allow access to OpenGL commands, and facilitate the collection of observer responses. Ancillary routines support common needs like color space transformations and the QUEST threshold seeking algorithm. . Vexa tamén para información adicional sobre o axuste e a configuración inicial do sistema. . Este paquete contén as asociacións para Octave. Package: octave-quaternion Description-md5: 9134ecdd595c996e2a4dd314f6a6d4ac Description-gl: Paquete de quaternion para Octave This package implements the manipulation of quaternions used for frame transformation. It runs under Octave, a scientific computation software. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-secs1d Description-md5: b55096d10a314133664a815638733698 Description-gl: Simulador de semicondutores en 1D para Octave This package contains functions for running a drift-diffusion simulator for 1d semiconductor devices in Octave, a scientific computation software. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-secs2d Description-md5: b25c02886526cbf43a8e10c47e0d04b4 Description-gl: Simulador de semicondutores en 2D para Octave This package contains functions for running a drift-diffusion simulator for 2d semiconductor devices in Octave, a scientific computation software. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-signal Description-md5: b29c0d79511d18e8631672041b99928d Description-gl: Funcións de procesamento de sinais para Octave This package provides signal processing tools including filtering, windowing and display functions in octave. . Blackman-Harris, Blackman-Nuttall and Bohman are among the windowing functions and filters include Chebyshev type filters and butterworth filters. . Additionally, some wavelet functions are included. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-sockets Description-md5: c936fa6902af671fb16804e74144551f Description-gl: communication through Internet sockets in Octave This package provides functions to work with sockets in octave, mimicking the Unix socket API (socket, connect, disconnect, gethostbyname, send, recv, bind, listen, and accept) . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-sparsersb Description-md5: 853fbd7d72a77e93d42a7455aba4a851 Description-gl: RSB sparse matrix manipulation for Octave This package contains an interface to the librsb package implementing the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) sparse matrix format for fast shared-memory sparse matrix computations in Octave, a scientific computation software. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-specfun Description-md5: f2a90395580d884409b85c4682ab2a8c Description-gl: special mathematical functions for Octave This package provides special mathematical functions for octave, including elliptic functions, sine integral, exponential integrals, Dirac delta distribution, and the Riemann zeta function. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-splines Description-md5: be4c899e3cf283ea6a8a5d4e26df82e7 Description-gl: cubic spline functions for Octave This package provides functionality to work with additional cubic spline functions in Octave. It contains interpolation functions using cubic splines with various end conditions as well as functions for differentiating splines and plotting them. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-statistics Description-md5: 1ba7cc3e126607a956ddf79bfa0eb2b2 Description-gl: additional statistical functions for Octave This package provides additional statistical functions for Octave, including mean and variance for several distributions (geometric, hypergeometric, exponential, lognormal and others). . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-stk Description-md5: 33eed73797bd143d470ec3b18c15dc71 Description-gl: (not so) Small Toolbox for Kriging The STK is a (not so) Small Toolbox for Kriging. Its primary focus is on the interpolation/regression technique known as kriging, which is very closely related to Splines and Radial Basis Functions, and can be interpreted as a non-parametric Bayesian method using a Gaussian Process (GP) prior. The STK also provides tools for the sequential and non- sequential design of experiments. Even though it is, currently, mostly geared towards the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments (DACE), the STK can be useful for other applications areas (such as Geostatistics, Machine Learning, Non-parametric Regression, etc.). . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-strings Description-md5: 6651e64f63fe665e8d5fa39ff8fe7513 Description-gl: additional string manipulation functions for Octave This package provides additional functions to manipulate strings in Octave, including the possibility to decode from and encode into base64, and using Perl-compatible regular expressions. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-struct Description-md5: b818bfd4b3e5760829a15bc2fa1013eb Description-gl: additional structure manipulation functions for Octave This package provides additional structure manipulation functions for octave. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-symbolic Description-md5: a895f4011e7cf8d26772c68e520201f8 Description-gl: symbolic package for Octave The Octave-Forge Symbolic package adds symbolic calculation features to GNU Octave. These include common Computer Algebra System tools such as algebraic operations, calculus, equation solving, Fourier and Laplace transforms, variable precision arithmetic and other features. Internally, the package uses [SymPy](, but no knowledge of Python is required. Compatibility with other symbolic toolboxes is intended. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-tisean Description-md5: 1ddca48b0918add0e5e9a82997958313 Description-gl: nonlinear time series analysis for Octave This package contains the port of TISEAN for Octave, a scientific computation package. TISEAN is a software project for the analysis of time series with methods based on the theory of nonlinear deterministic dynamical systems, or chaos theory. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-tsa Description-md5: 564508159dc8968577bbd78123dbfc48 Description-gl: time series analysis in Octave The TSA toolbox is useful for analysing Time Series. The methods are based on stochastic concepts and maximum entropy methods. The programs should be compatible to Matlab as well as Octave. It includes Stochastic Signal processing, Autoregressive Model Identification, maximum entropy spectral estimation, and much more. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-vlfeat Description-md5: 094c3879387adaed3179ab0d92995c56 Description-gl: Computer vision library focussing on visual features and clustering VLFeat implements popular computer vision algorithms including SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, and quick shift. It is written in C for efficiency and compatibility, with interfaces in GNU octave for ease of use, and detailed documentation throughout . Interface do Octave de GNU Package: octave-vrml Description-md5: 69177de5218eb00b5455d4e5d631ee99 Description-gl: Funcións de VRML para Octave Este paquete fornece funcións para realizar gráficos en 3D empregando VRML en Octave, un software de cálculo numérico. Permite ver conxuntos de puntos en 3D, curvas en 3D, superficies, etc. empregando Octave, xunto co navegador de VRML FreeWRL. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-zenity Description-md5: 399c1d8f8e8110ec09288bf062e84b8b Description-gl: Interfaces gráficas de usuario sinxelas que empregan zenity en Octave Este paquete fornece un conxunto de funcións para crear interfaces gráficas de usuario sinxelas para Octave. Neste momento é posÃbel crear xanelas de calendario, entradas de texto, diálogos de selección de ficheiros, listas, xanelas de mensaxe, iconas na zona de notificación e xanelas para cantidades de texto grandes. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: octave-zeromq Description-md5: a17b17a6aaa0362f0d63335a1326a010 Description-gl: ZeroMQ binding for Octave ZeroMQ is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces, providing an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more. This package contains the binding to the ZeroMQ library for use in Octave, a scientific computation software. . Este paquete de extensión de Octave fai parte do proxecto Octave-Forge. Package: odbc-postgresql Description-md5: ca9991df6514508e654fa440ff1560cd Description-gl: Controlador de ODBC para PostgreSQL Este paquete fornece un controlador que permite que os aplicativos con compatibilidade con ODBC accedan ás bases de datos de PostgreSQL. ODBC é unha capa de abstracción que permite que os aplicativos escritos para esa capa accedan ás bases de datos dun xeito relativamente independente do sistema de xestión de bases de datos en concreto. . Hai que instalar este paquete se se desexa empregar un aplicativo que forneza acceso a bases de datos mediante ODBC e se quere que ese aplicativo acceda a unha base de datos de PostgreSQL. O paquete terÃa que estar instalado na mesma máquina que o aplicativo cliente; o servidor de bases de datos PostgreSQL pode estar nunha máquina diferente e non precisa de software adicional para aceptar clientes de ODBC. . If you want to write software that can access a database through the ODBC abstraction layer, you need to install the unixODBC driver manager development package unixodbc-dev, and possibly additional packages for language bindings. This driver package is only used at run time. Package: oem-config-kde Description-md5: 97a76af3c01b8626949160b1d8f526ba Description-gl: KDE frontend for end-user post-OEM-install configuration O script oem-config fai de novo moitas preguntas que normalmente xa se fan durante a instalación e reconfigura o sistema segundo as respostas. Isto permite que un vendedor instale o esqueleto dun sistema, o clone nun número grande de máquinas e o entregue aos usuarios finais, permitindo asà que os usuarios finais configuren o seu propio nome de usuario e contrasinal, idioma, fuso horario, etc. . This is a KDE frontend to oem-config. Package: oem-config-slideshow-ubuntu-mate Description-md5: b7538d7401ad5a20b0d080bc8cb9ae04 Description-gl: OEM slideshow for Ubuntu MATE Unha presentación destinada á configuración posterior á instalación por OEM, deseñada como unha introdución rápida a Ubuntu MATE. Package: oggvideotools-dbg Description-md5: 85ce088bff6caa677bb55ea40baa9c68 Description-gl: toolbox for manipulating and creating Ogg video files (debug symbols) Contains the following command line tools: . * oggCat - concatenates two ogg video files * oggCut - extracts parts of an ogg file * oggDump * oggJoin - multiplexes ogg streams * oggLength * oggTranscode - resizes ogg files in multiple ways * oggScroll * oggSilence * oggSlideshow - creates slideshows from pictures * oggSplit - demultiplexes ogv files * oggThumb - creates thumbnails from an ogg video file . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: ogmrip-doc Description-md5: 8ae99338c48102023f1bbaeb74dab473 Description-gl: Application for ripping and encoding DVD - Documentation files ogmrip is an application and a set of libraries for ripping and encoding DVD into AVI, OGM MP4 or Matroska files using a wide variety of codecs. It relies on mplayer, mencoder, ogmtools, mkvtoolnix, oggenc, lame and faac to perform its tasks. o transcodes from DVD or files o outputs ogm, avi, mp4 or matroska files o calculates video bitrate for a given filesize o calculates cropping parameters and scaling factors o supports multiple audio and subtitles streams encoding o lots of codecs (vorbis, mp3, pcm, ac3, dts, aac, xvid, lavc, x264, theora) o uses maximum quality codec switches o rips contiguous chapters . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: ogre-1.9-doc Description-md5: b592ab3f09cd7be17a51bdfdd2b45a0c Description-gl: 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (documentation) OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce applications utilising hardware- accelerated 3D graphics. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: ohcount-doc Description-md5: f6d4f636e5057ffc49b5336a185809b6 Description-gl: Source code line counter - Documentation Ohcount supports over 70 popular programming languages. Ohcount does more than just count lines of code. It can also detect popular open source licenses such as GPL within a large directory of source code. It can also detect code that targets a particular programming API, such as Win32 or KDE. Ohcount is the line counter which powers . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: okteta-dev Description-md5: 9340962f253295d93fdca1fee7f65ea0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Okteta Okteta is a simple editor for the raw data of files. This type of program is also called hexadecimal editor or binary editor. . This package contains the development files for Okteta. . This package is part of the KDE Software Development Kit module. Package: okular Description-md5: 08547439bf45cdee2513d41e85b1668d Description-gl: universal document viewer Okular is a universal document viewer with support for advanced document features, such as annotations, forms, and embedded files. . This package provides the document viewer application, plus plugins for a wide variety of document formats such as: * PostScript (PS) * Portable Document Format (PDF) * OpenDocument Text (ODT) * TeX Device independent file format (DVI) * XML Paper Specification (XPS) * G3 fax * various electronic book formats: ComicBook, FictionBook, and Plucker . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: okular-dev Description-md5: d9fdff4db8a819b1e47db69dd4a8064e Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento das bibliotecas do Okular This package contains development files for building Okular document format backends. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: okular-extra-backends Description-md5: 77ee72f090a76acfec2bf14f62184843 Description-gl: additional document format support for Okular These plugins allow Okular to view additional document formats: * Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) * Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) * DjVu scanned page format * EPub eBooks . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: okular-mobile Description-md5: 916313dc3668b67e5ff1eaf62535f78b Description-gl: mobile support for Okular These plugins allow Okular to view additional document formats for mobile: * Portable Document Format (PDF) * PostScript * Device Independent Format (DVI) * DeJaVu Format * Comic Books * Images (JPEG, PNG, GIF, and many more) * TIFF Image Format * FictionBook Format * Plucker Format * OpenDocument Text Format * Microsofts CHM Format * Microsofts XML Document Format . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: omake-doc Description-md5: 3154c1b0b8dcfca4b2337648b0dc5b2f Description-gl: Documentación de OMake OMake is a build system designed to scale from small projects to very large projects spanning many directories. OMake uses a syntax similar to GNU make, with many additional features. It contains specifications for easily building C, OCaml, and LaTeX programs, but can be used to build projects with other languages as well. . This package contains documentation for OMake in html and pdf formats. Package: omhacks Description-md5: 4566758d89cae749d7638f142f6885b5 Description-gl: command line interface to OpenMoko hardware Interface para a liña de ordes para as funcións de libomhacks. . This package provides an "om" command line tool to control various aspects of an OpenMoko phone. . This has only been tested on the FreeRunner. Package: onetime Description-md5: d8aba02f405ff285dc7df6bda307ae33 Description-gl: command-line encryption using the "one-time pad" method OneTime is an encoder/decoder that uses the one-time pad algorithm. . OneTime is a simple one-time pad encryption program that takes care of some of the pad-management bureaucracy for you. It avoids re-using pad data (except when decrypting the same encrypted message twice, of course) by maintaining records of pad usage. . If you keep your ~/.onetime configuration area under version control with Subversion or CVS, OneTime will automatically update it to get the latest pad usage records before using a pad, and will commit new records after using a pad. Thus, by sharing a single configuration area via version control, you and your interlocutors can more easily avoid the sin of pad range reuse. . Consulte para máis información sobre OneTime ouexecute «onetime --help» para o seu uso detallado. Para máis información sobre one-time pads en xeral, consulte Package: oolite-doc Description-md5: d4b0e86b2b1fc74015ec21fb686c090f Description-gl: space sim game, inspired by Elite (documentation) Oolite is a space sim game, inspired by Elite, powered by Objective-C and OpenGL, and designed as a small game that is easy for users to pick up, modify and expand upon. Almost every aspect of the game can be changed by using simple, free graphics packages and text-editors. . The purpose of the game is to fly from planet to planet, buying and selling goods, shooting pirates or committing acts of piracy. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: open-axiom Description-md5: 2692315696a75b95580ad7853f4f3e58 Description-gl: Plataforma aberta de computación cientÃfica OpenAxiom is an open source platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations. It offers an interactive environment, an expressive programming language, a compiler, a large set of mathematical libraries of interest to researchers and practitioners of computational sciences. . OpenAxiom is a descendent of the AXIOM computer algebra system as described by Richard Jenks and Robert Sutor in "AXIOM: The Scientific Computation System". That book is the base reference document for OpenAxiom. . This package contains the main program binary and all precompiled algebra and autoloadable modules. Package: openarena Description-md5: 5c88c938032f434f395e780475e66fe0 Description-gl: Un xogo rápido de disparos tridimensional e en primeira persoa O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para ioQuake3 licenzado baixo a GPL que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. AÃnda que o OpenArena é un substituto libre do Quake 3 Arena de id Software Inc., NON é compatÃbel co xogo privativo! . O OpenArena poderÃa ser considerado inapropiado para rapaces. . Este paquete instala o cliente do OpenArena. Package: openarena-081-maps Description-md5: 1c2667c66c3fbcab6119d9f2f5d5e51f Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena - mapas de 0.8.1 O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . En Debian, os datos de xogo do OpenArena están divididos en varios paquetes. Este paquete contén mapas do OpenArena 0.8.1. Package: openarena-081-misc Description-md5: 6e259eaefea8014d3baf8931f5835957 Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena - ficheiros diversos de 0.8.1 O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . En Debian, os datos de xogo do OpenArena están divididos en varios paquetes. Este paquete contén sons, datos de bots, demos e potenciadores do OpenArena 0.8.1. Package: openarena-081-players Description-md5: 2f3f9fae6cf703c715434bedf71ea6ec Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena - gráficos de xogadores de 0.8.1 O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . En Debian, os datos de xogo do OpenArena están divididos en varios paquetes. Este paquete contén gráficos de xogadores do OpenArena 0.8.1. Package: openarena-081-players-mature Description-md5: 7e94687dadc443390b96eb7b64240e06 Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena - gráficos de xogador «maduro» de 0.8.1 O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . En Debian, os datos de xogo do OpenArena están divididos en varios paquetes para que entren mellor nas edicións en CD. . Este paquete contén gráficos de xogadores do OpenArena 0.8.1 que conteñen nus parciais (os modelos Angelyss, Arachna, Ayumi e Sorceress). No OpenArena 0.8.1 estes modelos de xogador eran opcionais, mais a estrutura do parche 0.8.5 significa que non se poden retirar das versións 0.8.5 ou posteriores. Package: openarena-081-textures Description-md5: c0db0e821efc1070211f942fceaa9288 Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena - texturas de 0.8.1 O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . En Debian, os datos de xogo do OpenArena están divididos en varios paquetes. Este paquete contén texturas do OpenArena 0.8.1. Package: openarena-085-data Description-md5: b900232bdf8c2a3d887ff8246713ff5a Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena - actualización 0.8.5 O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . En Debian, os datos de xogo do OpenArena están divididos en varios paquetes. Este paquete contén a actualización a 0.8.5. Package: openarena-088-data Description-md5: b0b25c5fd2e52ea60b787c39eb3306cc Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . Este paquete contén as partes independentes da arquitectura do Gnucash. Este paquete contén as partes que non son código da actualización ao OpenArena 0.8.8. Os paquetes máis vellos do OpenArena ignórano. Package: openarena-data Description-md5: 3d3f4a2095b70047ebd6b197e5149a9a Description-gl: Datos de xogo do OpenArena O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . En Debian, os datos de xogo do OpenArena están divididos en varios paquetes. Este paquete contén o contido básico do xogo do OpenArena 0.8.1 e depende do resto de datos de xogo de OpenArena 0.8.1 e 0.8.5. Package: openarena-oacmp1 Description-md5: d3091e58d0453a6780ae1153e94333f7 Description-gl: OpenArena Community Map Pack 1 O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para o motor Quake II que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. . This package contains additional maps (levels) released in 2014 by the OpenArena community. Package: openarena-server Description-md5: b5aee37b93113cab3fd625b8fc9b2625 Description-gl: Servidor e lóxica do xogo OpenArena O OpenArena é un paquete de contido de código aberto para ioQuake3 licenzado baixo a GPL que crea un xogo autónomo semellante de maneira efectiva ao Quake II Arena. AÃnda que o OpenArena é un substituto libre do Quake 3 Arena de id Software Inc., NON é compatÃbel co xogo privativo! . Este paquete instala o servidor dedicado do OpenArena e o seu script init. Package: openbabel Description-md5: 6ce630c1a7113b6e9fbb506bdd345a0f Description-gl: Chemical toolbox utilities (cli) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . This package includes the following utilities: * babel: Convert between various chemical file formats * obenergy: Calculate the energy for a molecule * obminimize: Optimize the geometry, minimize the energy for a molecule * obgrep: Molecular search program using SMARTS pattern * obgen: Generate 3D coordinates for a molecule * obprop: Print standard molecular properties * obfit: Superimpose two molecules based on a pattern * obrotamer: Generate conformer/rotamer coordinates * obconformer: Generate low-energy conformers * obchiral: Print molecular chirality information * obrotate: Rotate dihedral angle of molecules in batch mode * obprobe: Create electrostatic probe grid Package: openbabel-dbg Description-md5: 2b53456df3a1ea8c5f25006c09226e36 Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (debugging symbols) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: openbabel-gui Description-md5: 5dbd1d7b9cdd1829cf84bdb7c03f9c3e Description-gl: Chemical toolbox utilities (graphical user interface) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . This package contains the openbabel GUI based on wxWidgets. Package: openbox-dev Description-md5: c4c1c6dc43a98aaed1a0c4558280f752 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do xestor de xanelas openbox Openbox works with your applications, and makes your desktop easier to manage. This is because the approach to its development was the opposite of what seems to be the general case for window managers. Openbox was written first to comply with standards and to work properly. Only when that was in place did the team turn to the visual interface. . Openbox is fully functional as a stand-alone working environment, or can be used as a drop-in replacement for the default window manager in the GNOME or KDE desktop environments. . Openbox 3 is a completely new breed of window manager. It is not based upon any existing code base, although the visual appearance has been based upon that of Blackbox. Openbox 2 was based on the Blackbox 0.65.0 codebase. . This package contains the development headers for building openbox stuff. Package: openbox-lxde-session Description-md5: 5475097460208980d4b5d0d46ed3a34c Description-gl: LXDE session manager and configuration files LXDE (the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) is a project aimed to provide a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast. . It's not designed to be powerful and bloated, but to be usable and slim enough, and keep the resource usage low. Different from other desktop environments, LXDE doesn't tightly integrate every component. Instead, LXDE tries to make all components independent, and each of them can be used independently with fewer dependencies. . Funcionalidades: . * Lightweight, runs with reasonable memory usage * Fast, runs well even on older machines produced in 1999 * Good-looking, GTK+ 2 internationalized user interface * Easy-to-use, the user interface is simple, but usable enough * Desktop independent (surprise! Every component can be used without LXDE) * Standard compliant, follows the specs on . This package depends on minimal set of components (lxsession, openbox, and lxde-screenlock.desktop file), and contains all the session-specific configuration files required to start a LXDE desktop session from a display manager such as GDM. Package: openclipart Description-md5: e1e8f916a59458afbeac7f52c2324c39 Description-gl: Open Clip Art Library The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty- free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose. . The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports). Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much larger. . Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala as versións tanto en SVG como en PNG (convertidas a partir de SVG). Package: openclipart-libreoffice Description-md5: b87a847e071a5b73e68c308e327cb508 Description-gl: Imaxes vectoriais para a galerÃa de The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty- free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose. . The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports). Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much larger. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de información da GalerÃa de Package: openclipart-svg Description-md5: 92c04cc70d1d7f8b16be82aae8b39eb8 Description-gl: clip art in SVG format The Open Clip Art Library is a collection of 100% license-free, royalty- free, and restriction-free art that you can use for any purpose. . The clip art in this package is sorted by subject (e.g. sports). Openclipart 2 is sorted by artist (who created the clip art) and is much larger. . Este paquete contén as imaxes no formato de gráficos vectoriais escalábeis (SVG), que é un formato XML aprobado polo W3C. Package: openclonk Description-md5: e1a2f698d76a35ed34080336a3a8b6ba Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia, acción e destreza multixogador OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods. . Este paquete contén o motor OpenClonk. Package: openclonk-data Description-md5: e03ab98c63678a4a11d15210f934ca95 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia, acción e destreza multixogador - datos OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods. . Este paquete contén os datos do xogo. Package: openclonk-dbg Description-md5: 333b58371d62059e645bd612368f6146 Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia, acción e destreza multixogador - sÃmbolos de depuración OpenClonk is a free multiplayer action game where you control clonks, small but witty and nimble humanoid beings. The game is mainly about mining, settling and fast-paced melees. OpenClonk is also not just a game but also a versatile 2D game engine that offers countless possibilities to make own mods. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuracións. Normalmente non se precisa. Package: opencolorio-doc Description-md5: b1629da7dbb65516e43a415a2315c224 Description-gl: Solución completa para a xestión da cor - documentación OpenColorIO (OCIO) is a complete color management solution geared towards motion picture production with an emphasis on visual effects and computer animation. OCIO provides a straightforward and consistent user experience across all supporting applications while allowing for sophisticated back- end configuration options suitable for high-end production usage. OCIO is compatible with the Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) and is LUT-format agnostic, supporting many popular formats. . OpenColorIO is released as version 1.0 and has been in development since 2003. OCIO represents the culmination of years of production experience earned on such films as SpiderMan 2 (2004), Surf's Up (2007), Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009), Alice in Wonderland (2010), and many more. OpenColorIO is natively supported in commercial applications like Katana, Mari, Silhouette FX, and others coming soon. . OpenColorIO is free and is one of several open source projects actively sponsored by Sony Imageworks. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: opencolorio-tools Description-md5: 0b32487fc177aba74b40cce10069e053 Description-gl: Solución completa para a xestión da cor - utilidades OpenColorIO (OCIO) is a complete color management solution geared towards motion picture production with an emphasis on visual effects and computer animation. OCIO provides a straightforward and consistent user experience across all supporting applications while allowing for sophisticated back- end configuration options suitable for high-end production usage. OCIO is compatible with the Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) and is LUT-format agnostic, supporting many popular formats. . OpenColorIO is released as version 1.0 and has been in development since 2003. OCIO represents the culmination of years of production experience earned on such films as SpiderMan 2 (2004), Surf's Up (2007), Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009), Alice in Wonderland (2010), and many more. OpenColorIO is natively supported in commercial applications like Katana, Mari, Silhouette FX, and others coming soon. . OpenColorIO is free and is one of several open source projects actively sponsored by Sony Imageworks. . Este paquete fornece algunhas utilidades. Package: openconnect Description-md5: b9fe45c013f73ebea4a732a630e28685 Description-gl: open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN OpenConnect é un cliente da VPN por SSL AnyConnect da Cisco, compatÃbel coa serie ASA5500, IOS 12.4(9)T ou posterior nos routers das series Cisco SR500, 870, 880, 1800, 2800, 3800, 7200 e os routers Cisco 7301 e probabelmente outros. Package: openconnect-dbg Description-md5: 6c0ca4e388f46e8b0c72dfae28fa7177 Description-gl: debugging symbols for the OpenConnect VPN client OpenConnect é un cliente da VPN por SSL AnyConnect da Cisco, compatÃbel coa serie ASA5500, IOS 12.4(9)T ou posterior nos routers das series Cisco SR500, 870, 880, 1800, 2800, 3800, 7200 e os routers Cisco 7301 e probabelmente outros. . This package contains the debugging symbols for openconnect. Package: opencryptoki Description-md5: 56b253ffe8e457a6f3acbdd3c6a66a12 Description-gl: PKCS#11 implementation (daemon) openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing. . Este paquete contén o daemon. Package: opendict Description-md5: 6ccd1bbbd605d45d4a3e4fc5cb539e89 Description-gl: computer dictionary for several dictionary formats O OpenDict é un programa de dicionario multiplataforma. Funciona cos dicionarios DICT, Slowo e Mova. Tamén admite dicionarios engadidos que se poden crear con practicamente calquera fonte de datos. O OpenDict é un cliente dos servidores de DICT. Package: opendrim-lmp-battery Description-md5: 42b59fa7f93d4c31aa3c1a8d676d93b8 Description-gl: OpenDRIM Battery provider Fornece información sobre as capacidades da baterÃa do computador. . Compliant with the DMTF Battery Profile v1.0.0 (DSP1030). Package: opendrim-lmp-boot Description-md5: eb14e39f802bd4319c6d4a43c6ed22c0 Description-gl: OpenDRIM Boot provider Fornece información sobre as configuracións do arranque do sistema do computador. . Compliant with the DMTF Boot Control Profile v1.0.1 (DSP1012). Package: opendrim-lmp-powermanagement Description-md5: 23e57e2ec3c0eaf12ceecb68c66a51c2 Description-gl: OpenDRIM Power Management provider Fornece información sobre as capacidades de xestión da enerxÃa do computador. . Compliant with the DMTF Power Management Profile v1.0.1 (DSP1027). Package: openhpi Description-md5: 99019f34ef389d398c4ec72051d73639 Description-gl: SAF's HPI: Abstracted interface for managing computer hardware OpenHPI is an implementation of the Service Availability Forum's Hardware Platform Interface (HPI) specification. (See As such, OpenHPI facilitates the development of computer manageability applications which are not tied to a single hardware vendor's products. . HPI provides an abstracted interface for managing computer hardware, typically for chassis and rack based servers. HPI includes resource modeling; access to and control over sensor, control, watchdog, and inventory data associated with resources; abstracted System Event Log interfaces; hardware events and alerts; and a managed hotswap interface. . Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala todos os compoñentes de OpenHPI. Package: openjdk-10-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-gl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (debugging symbols) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: openjdk-10-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-gl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Contorno de execución de Java 6 OpenJDK Package: openjdk-10-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-gl: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) documentation OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: openjdk-9-dbg Description-md5: d73cb0a41450fd194ce774f2b26510b8 Description-gl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (debugging symbols) OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: openjdk-9-demo Description-md5: 8c587e17f25fb354ef51e27e56507756 Description-gl: Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples) Contorno de execución de Java 6 OpenJDK Package: openjdk-9-doc Description-md5: 4689d9c1e14d405d15f0710639599643 Description-gl: OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) documentation OpenJDK is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: openmcdf Description-md5: 626f053aaf700aac0c4c5df070e8e585 Description-gl: Explorador de almacenamento estruturado OpenMCDF is a 100% managed CLI component that allows client applications to manipulate COM structured storage files, also known as Microsoft Compound Document Format files. . This file format is used under the hood by a lot of applications: the files created by Microsoft Office until the 2007 product release are all structured storage files. They include multiple streams of information (document summary, user data) in a single physical container (the file). Also the omnipresent Thumbs.db, used by Windows as thumbnails cache, is a structured storage file. . OpenMCDF makes available to the developer an easy interface to read, write, add and remove structured storage primitives. Structured storage items are organized in a hierarchical tree where 'storage' nodes act like a directory and 'stream' nodes like a file. Developers can use OpenMCDF to view storages and streams, traverse hierarchical trees of items, explore existing compound file and modify them or create a new compound file from scratch. Package: openscad Description-md5: 3c8e504bb46e7536b6d63f034d87d42d Description-gl: script file based graphical CAD environment OpenSCAD é un software para crear obxectos CAD en 3D. Céntrase en aspectos do CAD máis que nos artÃsticos. . OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object and renders the 3D model from this script. This gives the designer full control over the modelling process and enables him to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designes that are defined by configurable parameters. Package: openscad-dbg Description-md5: 6d7409d2c37ae283c7dbc44595cf0d40 Description-gl: Ambiente gráfico de deseño CAD baseado en ficheiros de scripts (sÃmbolos de depuración) OpenSCAD é un software para crear obxectos CAD en 3D. Céntrase en aspectos do CAD máis que nos artÃsticos. . This package contains debugging information stripped from the binaries. Package: openscad-mcad Description-md5: 1a6c24f0c4ffefaf553ced54ca763cb5 Description-gl: Biblioteca para o software de modelado en 3D OpenSCAD The MCAD library is a collection of modules and functions for OpenSCAD. It contains boxes, gears, screws, and several generic shapes. . The library is a kind of a standard library for OpenSCAD. Package: openscad-testing Description-md5: c94853fcbdb474f2130fc7f72b14c9b7 Description-gl: script file based graphical CAD environment (test suite) OpenSCAD é un software para crear obxectos CAD en 3D. Céntrase en aspectos do CAD máis que nos artÃsticos. . This package contains all programs required to run the test suites. Package: openscad-testing-data Description-md5: 4b06367d2d66f15a3fce27da710c8390 Description-gl: script file based graphical CAD environment (test suite data) OpenSCAD é un software para crear obxectos CAD en 3D. Céntrase en aspectos do CAD máis que nos artÃsticos. . This package contains the data required to run the test suites. Package: openscenegraph-3.4-doc Description-md5: 4331c0bf73a1158c62d9f2f247402d5e Description-gl: 3D scene graph, documentation A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: openscenegraph-doc Description-md5: 4331c0bf73a1158c62d9f2f247402d5e Description-gl: 3D scene graph, documentation A portable, high level graphics toolkit for the development of high performance graphics applications such as flight simulators, games, virtual reality or scientific visualization. Providing an object orientated framework on top of OpenGL, it frees the developer from implementing and optimizing low level graphics calls, and provide many additional utilities for rapid development of graphics applications. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: openshot Description-md5: ebc391f10b45222da18ff525c26bc814 Description-gl: Cree e edite vÃdeos e pelÃculas O editor de vÃdeo OpenShot é un editor de vÃdeo non lineal, libre e de código aberto. Pode crear e editar vÃdeos e pelÃculas empregando moitos formatos populares de vÃdeo, son e imaxe. Cree vÃdeos para YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod, Xbox e moitos outros formatos frecuentes! . Features include: * Multiple tracks (layers) * Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks * Support for image sequences (rotoscoping) * Key-frame animation * Video and audio effects (chroma-key) * Transitions (lumas and masks) * 3D animation (titles and physics simulations) * Chroma key (green screen & blue screen) * Transcode (convert video encodings) * Upload videos (YouTube and Vimeo supported) Package: openshot-doc Description-md5: 047292360e8efcbf286a0eed459a5538 Description-gl: Manual de axuda do editor de vÃdeo OpenShot Este é o manual de axuda oficial do Editor de VÃdeo Openshot, un editor de vÃdeo non lineal libre e de código aberto. Aprenda a editar vÃdeos, engadir marcas de auga, aplicar efectos, como chroma e transicións entre vÃdeos. Aprenda tamén a converterse nun desenvolvedor con instrucións paso a paso. Package: openshot-qt Description-md5: d0035544cec02915d34bb77bba1b62d4 Description-gl: create and edit videos and movies O editor de vÃdeo OpenShot é un editor de vÃdeo non lineal, libre e de código aberto. Pode crear e editar vÃdeos e pelÃculas empregando moitos formatos populares de vÃdeo, son e imaxe. Cree vÃdeos para YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod, Xbox e moitos outros formatos frecuentes! . Features include: * Multiple tracks (layers) * Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks * Support for image sequences (rotoscoping) * Key-frame animation * Video and audio effects (chroma-key) * Transitions (lumas and masks) * 3D animation (titles and physics simulations) * Chroma key (green screen & blue screen) * Transcode (convert video encodings) * Upload videos (YouTube and Vimeo supported) Package: openshot-qt-doc Description-md5: b61b439d2cbb6c63efcbc386db269fb0 Description-gl: documentation for openshot-qt Este é o manual de axuda oficial do Editor de VÃdeo Openshot, un editor de vÃdeo non lineal libre e de código aberto. Aprenda a editar vÃdeos, engadir marcas de auga, aplicar efectos, como chroma e transicións entre vÃdeos. Aprenda tamén a converterse nun desenvolvedor con instrucións paso a paso. Package: openssh-client-ssh1 Description-md5: 0a3748ca6a712bbffcc838280a2dede7 Description-gl: secure shell (SSH) client for legacy SSH1 protocol This is the portable version of OpenSSH, a free implementation of the Secure Shell protocol as specified by the IETF secsh working group. . Ssh (Secure Shell) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. It provides secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. It can be used to provide applications with a secure communication channel. . This package provides the ssh1 and scp1 clients and the ssh-keygen1 utility, all built with support for the legacy SSH1 protocol. This protocol is obsolete and should not normally be used, but in some cases there may be no alternative way to connect to outdated servers. . Nalgúns paÃses pode ser ilegal empregar calquera tipo de cifrado sen un permiso especial. . ssh replaces the insecure rsh, rcp and rlogin programs, which are obsolete for most purposes. Package: openssn-dbg Description-md5: 8e6170f4444842ed0ac1bc952500f224 Description-gl: modern submarine tactical simulator (debug) OpenSSN is a submarine simulation (subsim) which tries to emulate the behaviour of modern submarines. The player is placed in command of a submarine and is able to move about in a deep ocean environment. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do OpenSSN. Package: openteacher Description-md5: 5206632a5485a2afee3836cb7e39ec0a Description-gl: Aprenda palabras nunha lingua estranxeira OpenTeacher is an application that helps you in learning a foreign language vocabulary. Just enter some words in your native or foreign language, and OpenTeacher will test you. . OpenTeacher has the following features: * Smart and interval question asking * Think answer, shuffle answer and repeat answer input modes * Easy symbol, Greek and Cyrillic input * Read and write Teach2000 and WRTS files, read ABBY Lingvo Tutor files * Save and open your online WRTS lists * Support for synonyms * Printing your word lists * Available in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Hungarian. Package: openuniverse Description-md5: 393ccb0f77edc9401d3c6305619b9ee7 Description-gl: 3D Universe Simulator OpenUniverse (OU for short) is a fun, fast and free OpenGL space simulator. It currently focuses on the Solar System and lets you visit all of its planets, most major moons and a vast collection of smaller bodies in colorful, glorious and realtime 3D. If you've ever had a chance to visit Mercury or asteroid Geographos, here you'll find them looking exactly the same way, following exactly the same path as when you've left them. . Teña en conta que o OpenUniverse xa non se mantén activamente e que se recomenda aos usuarios empregaren o Celestia. Package: openvpn-auth-radius-dbg Description-md5: 924702847a71f6e2e9789e3333175c2e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do openvpn-plugin-radius openvpn-auth-radius is a plugin for OpenVPN 2.x that implements authentication of users against a RADIUS server. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do openvpn-auth-radius. Package: opus-tools-dbg Description-md5: 60729331b2bd0e4102c3582944caf82e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do opus-tools This package provides the detached debug symbols for opus-tools. Package: orage Description-md5: 28c052fed7c9a56336bef38b89e46ec7 Description-gl: Calendario para o ambiente de escritorio Xfce This package contains a calendar for the Xfce4 desktop environment. It integrates itself nicely into the desktop environment, is highly configurable and supports alerts based on dates. If you are looking for a good graphical calendar, you will probably want to try out orage. It stores its data in iCal format. Package: osmo Description-md5: 5c5b27d85c5a365939379323a1f30993 Description-gl: Organizador persoal para GTK+ Osmo is a personal organizer, which includes calendar, task manager and address book modules. It aims to be easy to use and configurable to meet the user's preferences. Package: oss4-base Description-md5: 0d56cd4a203c4dc1e4fd1d26c1be5b38 Description-gl: Open Sound System - base package Open Sound System (OSS) is an attempt in unifying the digital audio architecture for UNIX. . Este paquete contén diversas utilidades para configurar e empregar OSS . For OSS to work on a system with a given sound card, there must be an OSS driver for that card in the kernel. For Linux, a custom oss4-modules package can be built from the sources in the oss4-source package using the module-assistant utility. Package: otf-freefont Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: owncloud-client-doc Description-md5: eedae8caabc6ba03d31012f99c4139e9 Description-gl: ownCloudSync folder synchronization - documentation The ownCloudSync system lets you always have your latest files wherever you are. Just specify one or more folders on the local machine to and a server to synchronize to. You can configure more computers to synchronize to the same server and any change to the files on one computer will silently and reliably flow across to every other. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: oxygen-cursor-theme Description-md5: 4c5002a4e592e5cc90c51c07857a8cde Description-gl: Tema de cursores do rato Oxygen Este paquete contén o tema de cursores Oxygen, creado orixinalmente para KDE 4. . The cursors are available in numerous colors to match the style of any desktop. Package: oxygen-cursor-theme-extra Description-md5: 7bf7b82f1ad312760833c12442716fa0 Description-gl: Tema de cursores do rato Oxygen - Cores extra Este paquete contén o tema de cursores Oxygen, creado orixinalmente para KDE 4. . This package contains extra cursor colors: black, blue, brown, emerald, green, grey, hot_orange, navy, red, red-argentina, purple sea_blue, violet, viorange and yellow. Package: oxygen-icon-theme Description-md5: 1c9ecb27b72c298d63cfbecaaa57c213 Description-gl: Tema de iconas Oxygen Oxygen é o tema de iconas padrón de KDE 4, mais segue os esquemas de iconas de, polo que tamén pode ser empregado noutros ambientes de escritorio que utilicen esta especificación. Package: oxygen-molecule Description-md5: 9edcca94e179a5d5f5d48e83d04bfde6 Description-gl: GTK+ theme to match the Oxygen widget style Oxygen-Molecute é un tema para os aplicativos en GTK+ que fornece unha aparencia uniforme cando se emprega no ambiente de escritorio KDE, sempre que se empregue o estilo Oxygen. . Orixinalmente baseouse no tema kde-oxygen. Package: p2kmoto Description-md5: 8027d083380902050b53fe516829abd3 Description-gl: library for Motorola phones based on the P2K platform Software intended to be used with Motorola telephones based on the P2K platform. . This package contains a test application for the p2kmoto library. . Páxina web: Package: p7zip Description-md5: a0431f39711e498d6462ffa98530d64b Description-gl: 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio p7zip is the Unix command-line port of 7-Zip, a file archiver that handles the 7z format which features very high compression ratios. . p7zip provides: - /usr/bin/7zr a standalone minimal version of the 7-zip tool that only handles 7z, LZMA and XZ archives. 7z compression is 30-50% better than ZIP compression. - /usr/bin/p7zip a gzip-like wrapper around 7zr. . p7zip pode ser usado con interfaces de compresión populares (como File Roller ou Nautilus). . Another package, p7zip-full, provides 7z and 7za which support more compression formats. Package: p7zip-full Description-md5: fc8c37a9a6d36c9a9277427ce669f01b Description-gl: 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio p7zip is the Unix command-line port of 7-Zip, a file archiver that handles the 7z format which features very high compression ratios. . p7zip-full fornece utilidades para empaquetar e desempaquetar ficheiros 7z dentro dunha consola ou empregando unha interface gráfica (como Ark, File Roller ou Nautilus). . A instalación de p7zip permite que o File Roller empregue o altamente eficiente formato de compresión 7z para empaquetar e desempaquetar ficheiros e directorios. Alén disto, fornece as ordes 7z e 7za. . Lista de formatos recoñecidos: - Empaquetado / Desempaquetado: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ e TAR - Só desempaquetado: APM, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, LZMA2, MBR, MSI, MSLZ, NSIS, NTFS, RAR (só se o paquete non libre p7zip-rar estiver instalado), RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR e Z. . The dependent package, p7zip, provides 7zr, a light version of 7za, and p7zip, a gzip-like wrapper around 7zr. Package: packagekit-command-not-found Description-md5: f46269a57fdaac0b45bc1962744cdaf3 Description-gl: Offer to install missing programs automatically PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e manipuladores de ficheiros. . This package contains a simple handler for command_not_found that offers to install missing packages on the command line using PackageKit. Package: packagekit-gtk3-module Description-md5: b4094b413124ff3eeddd6dcdb91ab037 Description-gl: Instale tipos de letra automaticamente empregando PackageKit PackageKit permite realizar tarefas de xestión de software sinxelas a través dunha interface DBus, como refrescar a caché, actualizar, instalar e retirar paquetes de software ou localizar códecs de multimedia e manipuladores de ficheiros. . The PackageKit GTK+ module allows any Pango application to install fonts from configured repositories using PackageKit. Package: packaging-tutorial Description-md5: 3fc7e477d7af7935c21078aeb2dc6c45 Description-gl: Introdución ao sistema de paquetes de Debian This tutorial is an introduction to Debian packaging. It teaches prospective developers how to modify existing packages, how to create their own packages, and how to interact with the Debian community. In addition to the main tutorial, it includes three practical sessions on modifying the 'grep' package, and packaging the 'gnujump' game and a Java library. Package: pacpl Description-md5: 97a65d33b37e89a4fc1a4c8cdb4478ee Description-gl: Script convertedor/extractor/etiquetador de son de propósitos variados Perl Audio Converter is a tool for converting multiple audio types from one format to another using various external encoders/decoders. . It supports the following audio formats (but the backend program that handles a given format might not be packaged in Debian): 3G2, 3GP, 8SVX, AAC, AC3, ADTS, AIFF, AL, AMB, AMR, APE, AU, AVR, BONK, CAF, CDR, CVU, DAT, DTS, DVMS, F32, F64, FAP, FLA, FLAC, FSSD, GSRT, HCOM, IMA, IRCAM, LA, MAT, MAUD, MAT4, MAT5, M4A, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPC, MPP, NIST, OFF, OFR, OFS, OPUS, OGA, OGG, PAF, PRC, PVF, RA, RAM, RAW, RF64, SD2, SF, SHN, SMP, SND, SOU, SPX, SRN, TAK, TTA, TXW, VOC, VMS, VQF, W64, WAV, WMA, and WV. . It can also convert audio from the following video extensions: RM, RV, ASF, DivX, MPG, MKV, MPEG, AVI, MOV, OGM, OGV, QT, VCD, SVCD, M4V, NSV, NUV, PSP, SMK, VOB, FLV, WEBM, and WMV. . Pacpl also features parallel processing, a CD ripping function with CDDB support, batch conversion, tag preservation for most supported formats and independent tag reading & writing. Service menus for KDE (Dolphin/Konqueror), GNOME Nautilus script, and Nemo action script are also provided (see README.Debian). . You can write your own modules in order to add support for new file formats. Package: palapeli Description-md5: 9b5055f9646035d40c1947dfd313f8dd Description-gl: Puzzle Palapeli is a jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are freely moveable. . Palapeli is the Finnish word for jigsaw puzzle. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: palapeli-data Description-md5: 2811626a70f5a6f6a7203531a31dea98 Description-gl: data files for palapeli jigsaw puzzle game Data files (puzzles) for the palapeli puzzle game. . Palapeli is a jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are freely moveable. . Palapeli is the Finnish word for jigsaw puzzle. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: pam-pkcs11-dbg Description-md5: 948a2ecd4cd1a8fc85ce3787e73ae468 Description-gl: Fully featured PAM module for using PKCS#11 smart cards (debug) A Pluggable Authentication Module for PKCS#11 based smart cards. Useful for enabling smart card based user login to a system. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: paman Description-md5: ffd140aebb0ffc3ac22929079b300600 Description-gl: Xestor de PulseAudio PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . PulseAudio Manager (paman) is a simple GTK frontend for the PulseAudio sound server. With paman you may browse most of PulseAudio's internals. There is support for changing the volume of sinks and sink inputs. You're also able to play samples from the sample cache. Package: pandora Description-md5: 5e041d513a337daed9f5200208d901c0 Description-gl: Engadido do GIMP para crear panoramas Engadido do GIMP que dispón as imaxes para crear panorámicas. Pandora emprega gradacións e sobreexposicións para fusionar as imaxes, permitindo unha aparencia sen costuras. Package: pango1.0-tests Description-md5: ff557306e029dcb08687d43f495b0d47 Description-gl: Layout and rendering of internationalized text - installed tests Pango é unha biblioteca para a exhibición e a renderización de texto que pon o énfase na internacionalización. Pango pode ser empregado sempre que se precise disposición de texto. Porén, a maior parte do traballo feito para Pango-1.0 foino sobre o toolkit de trebellos GTK+ como plataforma de probas. Pango constitúe o núcleo da xestión de texto e tipos de letra de GTK+-2.0. . Pango foi deseñado para ser modular; a disposición principal de Pango pode ser empregada con catro infraestruturas de tipos de letra diferentes: - Tipos de letra principais do sistema de xanelas X - Tipos de letra do lado do cliente en X empregando a biblioteca Xft - Renderización directa de tipos de letras escalábeis empregando a biblioteca FreeType - Tipos de letra nativos nas infraestruturas da Microsoft . This package contains test programs, designed to be run as part of a regression testsuite. Package: paprefs Description-md5: 42f00216f7a81cc0e4548a67a7dd6802 Description-gl: Preferencias de PulseAudio PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . PulseAudio Preferences (paprefs) is a simple GTK+ based configuration dialog for the PulseAudio sound server. Package: paps Description-md5: 710fad0de3310ea1ccf39c08ea2906eb Description-gl: Convertedor de UTF-8 a PostScript que emprega Pango Paps reads a UTF-8 encoded file and generates a PostScript language rendering of the file. The rendering is done by creating outline curves through the pango ft2 backend. Package: par Description-md5: 898846039a993eafc8d035abb45999b3 Description-gl: Paragraph reformatter Programa tipo fmt moi mellorado por Adam M. Costello. . Can be used within vi or other editor to automatically reformat text in a variety of ways. . Perfect for use with email & usenet messages as it correctly handles multiple levels of quoting characters. . This version includes a patch allowing multi-byte and multi-width character encodings. . Sitio web: Package: parcellite Description-md5: df6ebfddce8a12472826bff39f539d99 Description-gl: Xestor do portapeis lixeiro en GTK+ Parcellite is a stripped down, basic-features-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint for those who like simplicity. . Funcionalidades: . * Keeps a clipboard history. * Various view options to display items the way you like it. * Daemon mode; guard your clipboard contents when you close applications. * Perform custom commands using clipboard contents. Package: parley Description-md5: 769f928bdf87f6769769af5f59fd623f Description-gl: Adestrador de vocabulario Parley is a utility to help train vocabulary when learning a foreign language. It is intended as a replacement for flash cards. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: parley-data Description-md5: 614ae2eaf246ab60c755f198acd7f30e Description-gl: data files for the Parley vocabulary trainer This package contains architecture-independent data files for the Parley vocabulary trainer. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: parole Description-md5: 4483a597da4d512da23e2a9ae41ea0f8 Description-gl: Reprodutor multimedia baseado na infraestrutura GStreamer Parole is a media player for the Xfce desktop environment, written using the GStreamer framework. . Parole features playback of local media files, including video with subtitles support, DVD/CD and live streams; it is also extensible via plugins. . This package contains Parole media player. Package: parole-dev Description-md5: 858cb60f4abee31b03b1cf9f24e32d60 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do reprodutor de multimedia Parole Parole is a media player for the Xfce desktop environment, written using the GStreamer framework. . Parole features playback of local media files, including video with subtitles support, DVD/CD and live streams; it is also extensible via plugins. . This package contains development files for Parole's plugin interface. Package: parsewiki Description-md5: 8c4b01a90af2d5cf39416260444694c4 Description-gl: Sistema de documentación baseado en texto en ASCII Perl script that can be used to produce HTML, XHTML, Latex or DocBook/XML from a simple ASCII text source document, with minimum syntax rules. . The text markup is quite simple and allows us to create documents in an easy and fast way. . The tool is not suitable for complex documents, but can be used to create an initial version which can be further developed working on the generated LaTeX or DocBook file. Package: partclone Description-md5: bf78f383fbe1b3a56ce2f96b44635b76 Description-gl: Utilidade para clonar e restaurar unha partición Partclone is a project like the well-known backup utility "Partition Image" a.k.a. partimage. . O Partclone fornece utilidades para crear copias de seguranza de bloques usados e foi deseñado para ter a maior compatibilidade co sistema de ficheiros empregando bibliotecas admitidas como e2fslibs. . Visite o sitio web do proxecto para máis detalles, hppt:// Package: partimage Description-md5: 7457cb83fb686ae50320d85c1411ad30 Description-gl: Cree copias de seguranza das particións nun ficheiro de imaxe comprimido Partition Image is a partition imaging utility. It has support for the following file systems: * Ext2/3, the Linux standard * ReiserFS, a journalised and powerful file system * FAT16/32, DOS and Windows file systems * HPFS, IBM OS/2 file system * JFS, journalised file system, from IBM, used on AIX * XFS, another journalised and efficient file system, from SGI, used on Irix * UFS (beta), Unix file system * HFS (beta), MacOS File system * NTFS (experimental), Windows NT, 2000 and XP Only used blocks are copied and stored into an image file. The image file can be compressed in the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and split into multiple files to be copied onto removable media (ZIP for example), burned on a CD-R, etc. . Isto permite gardar un sistema Linux/Windows completo cunha única operación. No caso de problemas (virus, quebra, erro, etc.) só hai que restaurar e, nuns poucos minutos, o sistema enteiro está restaurado (arranque, ficheiros, etc.) e é completamente funcional. . Isto é moi útil cando se instala o mesmo software en moitas máquinas: só hai que instalar unha delas, crear unha imaxe e restaurar a imaxe no resto das máquinas. Package: partimage-doc Description-md5: 6e664af0e30047ee3cf42f3a8aa90f82 Description-gl: Documentación do usuario de Partition Image Este paquete contén documentación sobre Partition Image. . Partition Image is a partition imaging utility. It has support for the following file systems: * Ext2/3, the Linux standard * ReiserFS, a journalised and powerful file system * FAT16/32, DOS and Windows file systems * HPFS, IBM OS/2 file system * JFS, journalised file system, from IBM, used on AIX * XFS, another journalised and efficient file system, from SGI, used on Irix * UFS (beta), Unix file system * HFS (beta), MacOS File system * NTFS (experimental), Windows NT, 2000 and XP Only used blocks are copied and stored into an image file. The image file can be compressed in the GZIP/BZIP2 formats to save disk space, and split into multiple files to be copied onto removable media (ZIP for example), burned on a CD-R, etc. Package: partimage-server Description-md5: 5b10c4c362563b3b4faa60fff0ad9f9d Description-gl: Servidor para empregar partimage nunha rede Partition Image is a partition imaging utility. It lets you backup up your partitions from a client to a server. . Todos os datos son transferidos cifrados empregando SSL. Package: partitionmanager Description-md5: ffe5be844a4980fe679ad72279803cb3 Description-gl: file, disk and partition management for KDE O Partition Manager é un programa de utilidade para axudar a xestionar as unidades de disco, particións e sistemas de ficherios do computador. Permite crear, copiar, mover, eliminar e mudar o tamaño facilmente e sen perder datos, crear copias de seguranza de particións e restauralas. . O Partition Manager admite un número grande de sistemas de ficheiros, incluÃdos ext2/3/4, reiserfs, NTFS, FAT16/32, jfs, xfs e máis. Teña en conta que para ter compatibilidade cos sistemas de ficheiros distintos de ext2/3/4 hai que instalar o paquete suxerido correspondente. . O Xestor de Particións está baseado en libparted (como gparted) e emprega as bibliotecas de KDE para súa interface de usuario. Package: pasaffe Description-md5: ac0609f4d1342d74e22e8414b34cfd18 Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais para GNOME Pasaffe is an easy to use password manager for GNOME. You can use it to safely store all your usernames and passwords into a single encrypted database protected by as master password. The database is encrypted with Twofish and is PasswordSafe v3 compatible. Package: passage Description-md5: 03e45fa5671a2415c0fb4fd09765fd55 Description-gl: Xogo sobre o paso da vida Passage is a short, autobiographical pixelated art game by Jason Rohrer. It can be explored in approximately 5 minutes. Passage is meant to be memento mori game. If you enjoy the game, you may want to try the followup, "Gravitation". If you do not, please read the game creators statement on the website and the experiences of other people linked from the website. Package: password-gorilla Description-md5: 02b42779ed4ded489b8a75ef40143e3c Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais multiplataforma The Password Gorilla helps you manage your logins. It stores all your user names and passwords, along with login information and other notes, in a securely encrypted file. A single "master password" is used to protect the file. This way, you only need to remember the single master password, instead of the many logins that you use. . If you want to log in to a service or Web site, the Password Gorilla copies your user name and password to the clipboard, so that you can easily paste it into your Web browser or other application. Because the password does not appear on the screen, Password Gorilla is safe to use in the presence of others. . The convenience of Password Gorilla allows you to choose different, non- intuitive passwords for each service. An integrated random password generator can provide one-time passwords, tunable to various services' policies. . Password Gorilla is a tcl/tk application which can run on Linux and Windows, and the files written are supposed to be compatible between platforms. This is important for collaboration in heterogenous environments. Package: passwordmaker-cli Description-md5: b20eb4e484a126d7b7a674ea859d76f7 Description-gl: creates unique, secure passwords - CLI version One Password to Rule Them All! . A small, lightweight, free, extension for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Flock, and Yahoo! Widgets which creates unique, secure passwords that are very easy for you to retrieve but no one else. Nothing is stored anywhere, anytime, so there's nothing to be hacked, lost, or stolen. . Esta é a versión para a liña de ordes. . Other versions are at Package: patcher Description-md5: 4de16fb67a1e0e12607732bb4344fa29 Description-gl: perl script useful for managing patches patcher is a patch manager that keeps track of which files you change. It then can generate patches from your changes, no need for you to handle the diff tool manually. . The patches can be stacked in series, they define the order they have to be applied. Patcher keeps series information as well as information of which patches have been applied and which not. . Páxina web Package: pauker Description-md5: ae7859d3d079b79d9483d8644685443a Description-gl: Programa xenérico para a aprendizaxe baseada en tarxetas Pauker is a generic flashcard program written in Java. It uses a combination of ultra-shortterm, shortterm, and longterm memory. You can use it to learn all the things you never want to forget, like vocabulary, capitals, important dates, etc. Package: pavucontrol Description-md5: c43956d9d08801fbaa1a405d7b6a9e6b Description-gl: Control de volume de PulseAudio PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a simple GTK+ based volume control tool (mixer) for the PulseAudio sound server. In contrast to classic mixer tools this one allows you to control both the volume of hardware devices and of each playback stream separately. It also allows you to redirect a playback stream to another output device without interrupting playback. Package: pavumeter Description-md5: 01f0ddd12753fe52f4b6bbdc3c3e9b61 Description-gl: Medidor de volume de PulseAudio PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . A simple volume meter for the PulseAudio sound server. Package: paw Description-md5: 548b16e5e15d1e0bda22194741d22a60 Description-gl: Physics Analysis Workstation - a graphical analysis program CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences. . PAW is an interactive program providing interactive graphical presentation and statistical and mathematical analysis tools. It is designed to work on objects familiar to physicists such as histograms, event files (Ntuples), vectors, etc. . O programa está ligado estaticamente contra as bibliotecas CERN nas arquitecturas de 64 bits para que funcione axeitadamente, xa que o seu deseño non é moi limpo en 64 bits. Package: paw++ Description-md5: 0dc389638b29172a0205b42b75b95151 Description-gl: Physics Analysis Workstation (Lesstif-enhanced version) CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as the biological sciences. . This package includes Paw++, an interactive program for use in analysis and graphical presentation. Paw++ is the same program as PAW (in the "paw" package), but with a more user-friendly Motif-based GUI, compiled against Lesstif in Debian. . O programa está ligado estaticamente contra as bibliotecas CERN nas arquitecturas de 64 bits para que funcione axeitadamente, xa que o seu deseño non é moi limpo en 64 bits. Package: pax-britannica Description-md5: 27ba094ab5975acf4cd3f182ad6f0d5b Description-gl: one-button multi-player real-time strategy game Pax Britannica is a one-button real-time strategy game by No Fun Games. Up to four players battle it out underwater, struggling to be the last one standing! . Each player uses one button to spawn ships that fight automatically using the latest in artificial aquatelligence technology. Gamepads are also supported. The player who keeps their factory ship alive wins! . Este paquete contén o binario do xogo. Package: pax-britannica-data Description-md5: 843b7ab67c90ede391d6ee0fc7554476 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do xogo Pax Britannica Pax Britannica is a one-button real-time strategy game by No Fun Games. Up to four players battle it out underwater, struggling to be the last one standing! . Each player uses one button to spawn ships that fight automatically using the latest in artificial aquatelligence technology. Gamepads are also supported. The player who keeps their factory ship alive wins! . Este paquete contén os datos do xogo e os ficheiros multimedia. Package: pcb-common Description-md5: c2607b12f4e69e56937a39980091b0d7 Description-gl: printed circuit board (pcb) design program - common files PCB is an interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window system. PCB includes a rats nest feature, design rule checking, and can provide industry standard RS-274-X (Gerber), NC drill, and centroid data (X-Y data) output for use in the board fabrication and assembly process. PCB offers high end features such as an autorouter and trace optimizer which can tremendously reduce layout time. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: pcb2gcode-dbg Description-md5: 566e65e6fc261645e85284f1389097b5 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do pcb2gcode pcp2gcode is a command-line tool for isolation routing and drilling PCBs that provides full support for both single- and double-sided boards. It generates G-code (RS-274 code) for engraving and drilling from Gerber and Excellon files. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do pcb2gcode. Package: pcmanfm-dbg Description-md5: 62e0cfdfad04b582e769e2900dd36879 Description-gl: extremely fast and lightweight file manager (debug) PCMan File Manager is a GTK+ based file manager. It is a primary file manager for the LXDE but can be used in any other desktop environment. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: pcsxr Description-md5: a807c86d8c63129ed19641e951f5a0da Description-gl: Emulador da PlayStation de Sony PCSX is an advanced PlayStation (PSX) emulator, which uses a plugin architecture to provide full support for all components of the PSX. It has full emulation support for gamepads, videos, sound, memory cards, and other important PSX components, and is able to play many games without problems. . This package contains PCSX-Reloaded, which is based on PCSX-df 1.9 which is in turn based on the original PCSX. Package: pd-mjlib Description-md5: 89a4e26159637d14aaba1d9bd2a9a977 Description-gl: library of Pd objects for composing music Unha biblioteca de obxectos para compór música escrita por Mark Williamson. . There are currently five objects: * pin~ - randomly delivers the input signal to either the right or left outlet with a given probability * metroplus - allows complex timing bangs to be delivered * prob - generates random events with a given probability * monorhythm - basic rhythm pattern building blocks that allows polyrhthms to be generated quickly and easily * about - delivers a number that is "about" the same as the input number Package: pd-pdogg Description-md5: 0f6e422d34c0738ba1966c1730b4512c Description-gl: collection of Ogg/Vorbis objects for Pd pdogg é unha biblioteca de obxectos para Pd para ler e escribir fluxos e ficheiros Ogg/Vorbis. Hai un reprodutor de fluxos para fluxos de son multi-canle e un cliente de fontes de fluxos para enviar fluxos de son codificados con Ogg/Vorbis a través dunha rede local ou da Internet empregando JRoar, Icecast2 ou PeerCast. Tamén hai obxectos para ler e escribir ficheiros en Ogg/Vorbis. Package: pd-zexy Description-md5: 31159e3c8ad09a21c5abcc598be05312 Description-gl: General Purpose addon library for Pd zexy é «a navalla suÃza dos Datos Puros». . It provides several addon objects for the Pd computer music system, including (but not limited to) objects for message handling (construction, parsing, control flow), signal handling (synthesis, analysis, comparision) et al. Package: pdebuild Description-md5: 805d35e71715a2441432cc76bf86919c Description-gl: Eclipse PDE Build extension for Common Debian Build System pdebuild provides make scripts to build Eclipse features and plugins using the Eclipse PDE Build system. These scripts extend the Common Debian Build System. . Páxina web Package: pdfmod Description-md5: 1e267e41cb7766e18f7ed1c657d4d690 Description-gl: Ferramenta sinxela para modificar documentos en PDF PDF Mod é unha ferramenta sinxela para modificar documentos en PDF. Pode virar, extraer, retirar e reordenar as páxinas arrastrando e soltando. Pódense combinar varios documentos arrastrando e soltando. Tamén se pode editar o tÃtulo, asunto, autor e palabras clave dun documento en PDF mediante PDF Mod. Package: pdfmod-dbg Description-md5: c0ff2751ecd74e7e828185137dd6135a Description-gl: Ferramenta sinxela para modificar documentos en PDF -- sÃmbolos de depuración PDF Mod é unha ferramenta sinxela para modificar documentos en PDF. Pode virar, extraer, retirar e reordenar as páxinas arrastrando e soltando. Pódense combinar varios documentos arrastrando e soltando. Tamén se pode editar o tÃtulo, asunto, autor e palabras clave dun documento en PDF mediante PDF Mod. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do PDF Mod. Package: pdftoipe Description-md5: 886d6773305f29f3de3c13e0d048a284 Description-gl: converts arbitrary PDF file to XML file readable by Ipe Ipe é un editor de debuxos para crear figuras fornecido no paquete ipe. Package: pegsolitaire Description-md5: 4f6d86c929b5da313b8d873b0298b83a Description-gl: Xogo educativo semellante ao Hi-Q Peg Solitaire is a board game for one player involving movement of pegs on a board with holes. The game fills the entire board with pegs except for the central hole. The objective is, making valid moves, to empty the entire board except for a solitary peg in the central hole. Package: pentium-builder Description-md5: 27547ca07fd85ccdc7854b0c84ee46b3 Description-gl: force pentium optimized compilation Replaces gcc, cc, and g++ with scripts that build pentium optimized code. (Other processors can be optimized for as well.) . Por omisión, após instalar este paquete os compiladores hanse comportar normalmente. Porén, se se configura a variábel de ambiente DEBIAN_BUILDARCH=pentium, entrarán no modo de compilación optimizado para pentium. Package: peony-common Description-md5: c2cdc7cc8e01984455c7ac570a8ab0a3 Description-gl: file manager for the UKUI desktop (common files) Peony is the official file manager for the UKUI desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the UKUI desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: percona-server-server-5.6 Description-md5: e90a91c09178ddbab06fba2291bb8480 Description-gl: Percona Server database server binaries Percona Server is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query language in the world. The main goals of Percona Server are speed, robustness and ease of use. . Estes paquete inclúe os binarios do servidor. Package: percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.6 Description-md5: ffcaa37d50cacc3467fb9b3ce734b89c Description-gl: Percona XtraDB Cluster database server binaries Percona XtraDB Cluster is based on the Percona Server database server and provides a High Availability solution. Percona XtraDB Cluster provides synchronous replication, supports multi-master replication, parallel applying on slaves, automatic node provisioning with primary focus on data consistency. . Estes paquete inclúe os binarios do servidor. Package: perforate Description-md5: f12c66d8427be49df567b504dc826195 Description-gl: Utilidades para aforrar espazo do disco GNU cp used to detect files that contain 0-filled holes and save disk space by skipping them with lseek when writing a file and thus not allocating disk blocks. Unfortunately it does no longer. So here is program to make holes in existing files. . Also there are some scripts that help cleaning up the hard disk (finding duplicated and/or unstripped files). Package: performous Description-md5: f1215dccc406e8ddb584eb942c3f7637 Description-gl: Xogo de karaoke que admite cancións aportadas polo usuario A karaoke, band and dancing game where one or more players perform a song and the game scores their performances. Supports songs in UltraStar, Frets on Fire and StepMania formats. Microphones and instruments from SingStar, Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well as some dance pads are autodetected. Package: performous-tools Description-md5: e0ae62395b2a5a864689d78999d470a9 Description-gl: Xogo de karaoke que admite cancións aportadas polo usuario - ferramentas A karaoke, band and dancing game where one or more players perform a song and the game scores their performances. Supports songs in UltraStar, Frets on Fire and StepMania formats. Microphones and instruments from SingStar, Guitar Hero and Rock Band as well as some dance pads are autodetected. . This package includes some tools for converting original Singstar DVDs to the format used by Performous. Package: petsc3.7.7-doc Description-md5: d12d7976669032795c24c320449db6be Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de PETSc PETSc is the "Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation", a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It employs the MPI standard for all message-passing communication. Several sample scientific applications, as well as various papers and talks, demonstrate the features of the PETSc libraries. . This package contains documentation for developing with PETSc 3.7.7. Package: pfqueue Description-md5: 4b2dd76b1631ca7de5e24334008b3ade Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva baseada na consola para controlar filas de MTA pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages. Package: pfqueue-dbg Description-md5: 1aa05b276a41c6e12b631e8a7dcd1fa4 Description-gl: Ferramenta interactiva baseada na consola para controlar filas de MTA (depuración) pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: phasex Description-md5: 285b22a2d0261da5e19d2495f0928d84 Description-gl: Phase Harmonic Advanced Synthesis EXperiment PHASEX is an experimental JACK audio / ALSA MIDI softsynth for Linux with a synth engine built around flexible phase modulation and flexible oscillator/LFO sourcing. . Modulations include AM, FM, offset PM, and wave select. PHASEX comes equipped with a 12db/octave filter with two distortion curves, a stereo crossover delay and chorus with phaser, ADSR envelopes for amplifier and filter, realtime audio input processing capabilities, velocity/aftertouch sensitivity, and more. Package: phasex-dbg Description-md5: 1a5fa584f80088b8ae2e807a64702f26 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do PHASEX PHASEX is an experimental JACK audio / ALSA MIDI softsynth for Linux with a synth engine built around flexible phase modulation and flexible oscillator/LFO sourcing. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: phlipple-data Description-md5: aa54e3cbed089c042c20c52f197dbbbf Description-gl: reduce 3D shapes to a single square - game data Phlipple is a unique puzzle game. The goal of every level is to reduce a 3D shape to a single square. Elimination of squares is done by flipping edges around just like in a cardboard box. It starts off relatively easy to teach the basics just to later on serve hours of brain tickling fun. It's a great way to train memory as well as orientation in 3D. . Este paquete contén os datos do xogo. Package: phlipple-dbg Description-md5: b6a7d5ae5d601b719efe9f66bff60f6c Description-gl: reduce 3D shapes to a single square - debug Phlipple is a unique puzzle game. The goal of every level is to reduce a 3D shape to a single square. Elimination of squares is done by flipping edges around just like in a cardboard box. It starts off relatively easy to teach the basics just to later on serve hours of brain tickling fun. It's a great way to train memory as well as orientation in 3D. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: phonon Description-md5: 934be46979ebbe50efab96bd675760f0 Description-gl: multimedia framework from KDE using Qt 4 - metapackage Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido de son e vÃdeo. . Este metapaquete asegúrase de que o sistema dispón dunha configuración de Phonon que funcione instalada (a biblioteca principal e ao menos unha infraestrutura). Package: phonon-backend-null Description-md5: b98d0d9696e3350cabdd00605934fc22 Description-gl: multimedia framework from KDE - null back-end (no real back-end) Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido de son e vÃdeo. . This package does not provide any real Phonon back-end. It can be used to disable Phonon audio/video capabilities. Please note that Phonon behavior with this package installed has not been well tested. Package: phonon-backend-vlc Description-md5: f76513257d43cc5f5e025ea5f8084928 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de VLC para Phonon Phonon é a API de multimedia de Qt 4, que fornece unha capa de abstracción orientada a tarefas para capturar, mesturar, procesar e reproducir contido de son e vÃdeo. . Este paquete contén a infraestrutura de VLC para Phonon. Package: phonon4qt5 Description-md5: 6ec618e47bd546b2174eb47e9eaa7ccf Description-gl: multimedia framework from KDE using Qt 5 - metapackage Phonon Qt 5 is a multimedia API, which provides a task-oriented abstraction layer for capturing, mixing, processing, and playing audio and video content. . Este metapaquete asegúrase de que o sistema dispón dunha configuración de Phonon que funcione instalada (a biblioteca principal e ao menos unha infraestrutura). Package: photon Description-md5: 903f98430cd6523f520d1bb499a6ef3e Description-gl: a static HTML gallery generator A Python based photo album generator with a clean design that is run from the command line. HTML output can be configured via templates. . Funcionalidades: * xera páxinas estáticas en HTML * presentacións (con uso opcional de javascript) * pode empregar o gimp para cambiar o tamaño das imaxes * navegación co teclado entre as imaxes * funciona con calquera navegador (Mozilla, Netscape Navigator 4.x, Konqueror, Opera) * cada imaxe pode ter un comentario (con etiquetas en HTML) * pódese ver información sobre as imaxes (se foron tiradas con cámaras dixitais) * pódense reducir as imaxes de saÃda * control sobre o número de miniaturas das páxinas Package: photopc Description-md5: f471c77ace4333ea723eb02c03320c88 Description-gl: Interface para cámaras fotográficas dixitais This is a library and a command-line frontend to manipulate digital still cameras based on Fujitsu chipset and Sierra Imaging firmware. The program is known to work with Agfa, Epson and Olympus cameras. Should also work with Sanyo, but this is untested. Package: phototonic Description-md5: 5ec2d60863bffbedc68a91351145d0ca Description-gl: image viewer and organizer Phototonic é un visor e organizador de imaxes para Linux escrito en C++ e Qt5. . Features: - Light weight with a smooth and clear user interface - Does not depend on any desktop environment - Supports several customized thumbnail layouts - Load thumbnails and browse images recursively on a folder tree - Dynamic thumbnails loading, enables fast browsing of very large folders - Filter thumbnails by name - Image navigation and file management - Slide show - Transformation: rotation, flipping, cropping, image mirroring and scaling - Adjust image brightness, saturation, hue and contrast - Keep transformations, zoom and colors while browsing multiple images - Extensive automatic and manual zoom options - Supported image formats: BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, MNG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM, TGA, XBM, XPM and SVG, SVGZ, TIFF with plugins - Supports GIF animations - Keyboard shortcuts and mouse behavior customization - Load image files or folders from command line - Open images with external applications Package: php-bcmath Description-md5: a8e4d9ee431313a63b9b2983ba38ca5d Description-gl: Bcmath module for PHP [default] This package provides a Bcmath module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-bz2 Description-md5: b3076a65ec31796c46bb9179662999d1 Description-gl: bzip2 module for PHP [default] This package provides a bzip2 module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-enchant Description-md5: fec6b9e33ab23b487b6cebdf8d4a57f6 Description-gl: Enchant module for PHP [default] This package provides a Enchant module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-font-lib Description-md5: d061c48a629c8d7d9b213730eccbd572 Description-gl: Lea, examine, exporte e cree subconxuntos de diferentes tipso de letras A library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files . This library can be used to: * Read TrueType, OpenType (with TrueType glyphs), WOFF font files * Extract basic info (name, style, etc.) * Extract advanced info (horizontal metrics, glyph names, glyph shapes, etc.) * Make an Adobe Font Metrics (AFM) file from a font Package: php-fpm Description-md5: 1fd4cfb0b7c66d4ecdfc75528d7ee2e7 Description-gl: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) (default) This package provides the Fast Process Manager interpreter that runs as a daemon and receives Fast/CGI requests. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-horde Description-md5: c2a1e5664f18aea95500fe39c2375408 Description-gl: Horde Application Framework A Infraestrutura de Aplicativos de Horde é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web de propósito xeral, modular e flexÃbel escrita en PHP. Fornece unha ampla variedade de compoñentes destinados aos problemas e tarefas frecuentes que se atopan ao desenvolver aplicativos web modernos. É a base dun número grande de aplicativos web de nivel produtivo, nomeadamente as suites de traballo en grupo Horde. Para máis información sobre Horde ou sobre as suites de traballo en grupo Horde, visite . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-activesync Description-md5: 95644bf67e0b59691225a0a6c68e8a6d Description-gl: Horde ActiveSync Server Library Libraries for implementing an ActiveSync server. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-alarm Description-md5: f94cd087b0528e7321f4d45ae33e2e40 Description-gl: Horde Alarm Libraries An interface to deal with reminders, alarms and notifications through a standardized API. The following notification methods are currently available: standard Horde notifications, popups, emails. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-ansel Description-md5: 62bc45798c7f01e616e24ea2c3d7c7ef Description-gl: Photo management application Ansel is a full featured photo management application. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-argv Description-md5: 2378456ad755f2a69fe18e09e92c4307 Description-gl: Horde command-line argument parsing package Classes for parsing command line arguments with various actions, providing help, grouping options, and more. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-auth Description-md5: 2d1aa2737a6cb41de7ac8dc9730cf3c1 Description-gl: Horde Authentication API The Horde_Auth package provides a common interface into the various backends for the Horde authentication system. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-autoloader Description-md5: d604bdcca512c640403931ad0501cae5 Description-gl: Horde Autoloader Autoload implementation and class loading manager for Horde. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-browser Description-md5: efa5affa451c57b4c07aeef52ab98aab Description-gl: Horde Browser API The Horde_Browser class provides an API for getting information about the current user's browser and its capabilities. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-cache Description-md5: 7ad7b60ddeb3216f1a3d62cd2a32bec3 Description-gl: Horde Caching API A simple, functional caching API, with the option to store the cached data on the filesystem, in one of the PHP opcode cache systems (APC, eAcclerator, XCache), Memcache, MongoDB, Redis, user session, an SQL table, or a combination of these. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-cli Description-md5: 92ea77a875e16fd418106c0706909b94 Description-gl: Horde Command Line Interface API Horde_Cli:: API for basic command-line functionality/checks . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-compress Description-md5: f3c507ef23ac31be166bda34cac279b8 Description-gl: Horde Compression API An API for various compression techniques. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-compress-fast Description-md5: 43d20163b2351b16911de977dec160e1 Description-gl: Fast Compression Library Provides compression suitable for packing strings on-the-fly in PHP code (as opposed to more resource-intensive compression algorithms such as DEFLATE). . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-constraint Description-md5: 9e6d162f580b8ba173dabfa152e5643c Description-gl: Horde Constraint library A programmatic way of building constraints that evaluate to true or false. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-content Description-md5: 1c1939cd8c186d84b96e2b7e06111d76 Description-gl: Tagging application This application provides tagging support for the other Horde applications. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-controller Description-md5: 48c4861dd1d751fbc452e1455d2f7690 Description-gl: Horde Controller libraries The controller part of an MVC system for Horde. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-core Description-md5: 7ed1ce50234bbc9410358767f436bd5e Description-gl: Horde Core Framework libraries These classes provide the core functionality of the Horde Application Framework. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-crypt Description-md5: 60cd9874272cff354caffb1dbf5bb781 Description-gl: Horde Cryptography API The Horde_Crypt package class provides an API for various cryptographic systems. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-crypt-blowfish Description-md5: 2f4c55829041ba5829f5e92316c0a5e3 Description-gl: Blowfish Encryption Library Provides blowfish encryption/decryption for PHP string data. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-css-parser Description-md5: c3138eb01c0398b221ae2e59d9a5666c Description-gl: Horde CSS Parser This package provides access to the Sabberworm CSS Parser from within the Horde framework. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-cssminify Description-md5: 8295fce3c64cf6e3398ccd65d940e019 Description-gl: CSS Minification Abstracted interface to various CSS minification backends. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-data Description-md5: 5fc6c03f6c7e34cae792139bb5d3e568 Description-gl: Horde Data API A data import and export API, with backends for: * CSV * TSV * iCalendar * vCard * vNote * vTodo . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-date Description-md5: 80fffbc20edfccc47c51144b26654774 Description-gl: Horde Date package Package for creating and manipulating dates. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-date-parser Description-md5: 0b4199a1c25a02af55198baa36e00fd7 Description-gl: Horde Date Parser Library for natural-language date parsing, with support for multiple languages and locales . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-dav Description-md5: eb9f89d19a929be19a52bcf3e983b95d Description-gl: Horde library for WebDAV, CalDAV, CardDAV This package contains all Horde-specific wrapper classes for the Sabre DAV library. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-db Description-md5: 1738a3c77493aba0a1dd41a0b9723f91 Description-gl: Horde Database Libraries Horde database/SQL abstraction layer . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-editor Description-md5: c3061970b94a1d537252a1a9731f9f7f Description-gl: Horde Editor API The Horde_Editor package provides an API to generate the code necessary for embedding javascript RTE editors in a web page. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-elasticsearch Description-md5: 905540f1a000cda51f87fe688b9155fe Description-gl: Horde ElasticSearch client Lightweight API for ElasticSearch ( . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-exception Description-md5: d30ea1e81e72e9eb33801e93261093a0 Description-gl: Horde Exception Handler This class provides the default exception handlers for the Horde Application Framework. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-feed Description-md5: b30490cdf29d485adaa97fdfcd72153f Description-gl: Horde Feed libraries Support for working with feed formats such as RSS and Atom. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-form Description-md5: 32de527a3a9e5475198a4a5998f8baee Description-gl: Horde Form API The Horde_Form package provides form rendering, validation, and other functionality for the Horde Application Framework. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-gollem Description-md5: 2a2feb1667f724be691cab34b53db297 Description-gl: Web-based file manager Gollem is a web-based file manager, providing the ability to fully manage a hierarchical file system stored in a variety of backends such as a SQL database, as part of a real filesystem, or on FTP, Samba or SSH servers. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-group Description-md5: 33dac56243f93dea5581f349ff9f245c Description-gl: Horde User Groups System Package for managing and accessing the Horde groups system. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-groupware Description-md5: 1d61405ba5cd769783cd63dc9949ca3e Description-gl: Horde Groupware Horde Groupware is a free, enterprise ready, browser based collaboration suite. Users can manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks and notes with the standards compliant components from the Horde Project. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-hashtable Description-md5: a659a7514c4f815d35ce1bbe60f1b492 Description-gl: Horde Hash Table Interface Provides an abstract API to access various hash table implementations. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-history Description-md5: cf09663e3f9a2b38206410c17d76162c Description-gl: API for tracking the history of an object The Horde_History API provides a way to track changes on arbitrary pieces of data in Horde applications. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-http Description-md5: 36677671b06b9e31a81edf95b6a2032d Description-gl: Horde HTTP libraries An API for making HTTP requests. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-icalendar Description-md5: 777754bd96a6345486461ece38c390e8 Description-gl: iCalendar API An API for dealing with iCalendar data. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-idna Description-md5: a7dc4c82408fd2001b61d0a52f8734b8 Description-gl: IDNA backend normalization package Normalized access to various backends providing IDNA (Internationalized Domain Names in Applications) support. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-image Description-md5: 6755fb7a375e4b6531fb509ef6f65f4b Description-gl: Horde Image API Unha API de utilidades de imaxes con infraestruturas para: * GD * GIF * PNG * SVG * SWF * Ferramenta de conversión de ImageMagick para a liña de ordes * Extensión de Imagick . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-imap-client Description-md5: 71493ff311dc6313b7887e9be0880abd Description-gl: Horde IMAP Client Interface to access IMAP4rev1 (RFC 3501) mail servers. Also supports connections to POP3 (STD 53/RFC 1939). . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-imp Description-md5: c5413dcb295f6b4ff35e4503e93221af Description-gl: A web based webmail system IMP, the Internet Mail Program, is one of the most popular and widely deployed open source webmail applications in the world. It allows universal, web-based access to IMAP and POP3 mail servers and provides Ajax, mobile and traditional interfaces with a rich range of features normally found only in desktop email clients. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-imsp Description-md5: 9a12180c29a6696ea7e0921dd806151d Description-gl: IMSP API Provides an API into an IMSP server for address books and options. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-ingo Description-md5: 40a80c52e480bc9f671b9109a7cabd26 Description-gl: An email filter rules manager Ingo is an email-filter management application. It is fully internationalized, integrated with Horde and the IMP Webmail client, and supports both server-side (Sieve, Procmail, Maildrop) and client-side (IMAP) message filtering. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-injector Description-md5: 9940c682f620a89b8294932669e05b4c Description-gl: Horde dependency injection container A depedency injection container for Horde. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-itip Description-md5: 807b84af5c41ff7442dffa9cfae4da26 Description-gl: iTip invitation response handling This package to generates MIME encapsuled responses to iCalendar invitations. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-javascriptminify Description-md5: 261573956b67741fa5b1a706476def14 Description-gl: Javascript Minification Abstracted interface to various javascript minification backends. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-kolab-format Description-md5: 8a211dd3558951b0e81411223cd4fe5c Description-gl: A package for reading/writing Kolab data formats This package allows converting Kolab data objects from XML to data arrays. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-kolab-server Description-md5: ac347723e3a002d3efd1dc6e349c7a09 Description-gl: A package for manipulating the Kolab user database This package reads/writes entries in the Kolab user database stored in LDAP. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-kolab-session Description-md5: fcafbd2d2ef71d11955b4160a4b3ffb0 Description-gl: A package managing an active Kolab session This package stores Kolab specific user data in the session. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-kolab-storage Description-md5: 144cb8d8653b2f578b890a9c642ca4a1 Description-gl: A package for handling Kolab data stored on an IMAP server Storing user data in an IMAP account belonging to the user is one of the Kolab server core concepts. This package provides all the necessary means to deal with this type of data storage effectively. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-kronolith Description-md5: 19add30d4e67d55b1a1a35ff1c248125 Description-gl: A web based calendar Kronolith is the Horde calendar application. It provides web-based calendars backed by a SQL database or a Kolab server. Supported features include Ajax and mobile interfaces, shared calendars, remote calendars, invitation management (iCalendar/iTip), free/busy management, resource management, alarms, recurring events, and a sophisticated day/week view which handles arbitrary numbers of overlapping events. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-ldap Description-md5: 513bf7cc9350f435482ae48b564d15d5 Description-gl: Horde LDAP libraries A set of classes for connecting to LDAP servers and working with directory objects. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-listheaders Description-md5: 8f0cd8176cc1c7906ba7ddd24a8025c6 Description-gl: Horde List Headers Parsing Library The Horde_ListHeaders library parses Mailing List Headers as defined in RFC 2369 & RFC 2919. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-lock Description-md5: e26054641d22200faca9a1a2cce00b17 Description-gl: Horde Resource Locking System The Horde resource locking system. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-log Description-md5: 2e5df0ed1d83cb78e40206eb8aad6523 Description-gl: Horde Logging library Horde Logging package with configurable handlers, filters, and formatting. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-logintasks Description-md5: ca0c2e95fa6c97f0f6d5be57f713b614 Description-gl: Horde Login Tasks System An API for dealing with tasks run upon login to Horde applications. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-lz4 Description-md5: 3539f35b6c521853e84ca73b3fb1ec0d Description-gl: Extensión de compresión LZ4 para Horde PHP extension that implements the LZ4 compression algorithm - an extremely fast lossless compression algorithm. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-mail Description-md5: 712a6d9642b3eed536f3e5a198bd8082 Description-gl: Horde Mail Library Provides interfaces for sending e-mail messages and parsing e-mail addresses. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-mail-autoconfig Description-md5: db701a0a63d983636fb1624e2e933d3b Description-gl: Horde Mail Autoconfiguration Attempts to automatically determine configuration options for various remote mail services (IMAP/POP3/SMTP). . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-mapi Description-md5: 7c63a4319a6ea47ecd35e1214c8ec9ec Description-gl: MAPI utility library Provides various utility classes for dealing with Microsoft MAPI structured data. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-memcache Description-md5: 427b25e2f2229a252f8611b3863e4132 Description-gl: Horde Memcache API Provides an API to access a memcache installation. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-mime Description-md5: 908f78aae04f2021296006fd275488d9 Description-gl: Horde MIME Library Provides methods for dealing with Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) features (RFC 2045/2046/2047). . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-mime-viewer Description-md5: c08a868e19e42a5e79ddcf6db85ac1b3 Description-gl: Horde MIME Viewer Library Provides rendering drivers for MIME data. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-mnemo Description-md5: e60fa108b5acda77905b72c3649caec2 Description-gl: A web based notes manager The Mnemo Note Manager is the Horde notes/memos application. It allows users to keep web-based notes and freeform text. Notes may be shared with other users via shared notepads. It requires the Horde Application Framework and an SQL database or Kolab server for backend storage. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-mongo Description-md5: c087e16d83bf32022bbdd4010c7d6e00 Description-gl: Horde Mongo Configuration Provides an API to ensure that the PECL Mongo extension can be used consistently across various Horde packages. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-nag Description-md5: b8b8e2e1be8cf5aead35d16d9a79ac81 Description-gl: A web based task list manager Nag is a web-based application built upon the Horde Application Framework which provides a simple, clean interface for managing online task lists (i.e., todo lists). It also includes strong integration with the other Horde applications and allows users to share task lists or enable light- weight project management. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-nls Description-md5: 096c770847bebe8ecbd65807f7229c7d Description-gl: Native Language Support (NLS) Common methods for handling language data, timezones, and hostname->country lookups. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-notification Description-md5: 5f73db46b4a57ca41c47dbd03f53b94f Description-gl: Horde Notification System A library implementing a subject-observer pattern for raising and showing messages of different types and to different listeners. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-oauth Description-md5: 0ea6373ffd43b07f1f9ae7a968979599 Description-gl: Horde OAuth client/server An OAuth consumer ( and OAuth infrastructure, and in the future will provide an OAuth server. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-openxchange Description-md5: 2a8f8e3b075012bdaf74e02abcfad7e1 Description-gl: Open-Xchange Connector Library to interact with Open-Xchange servers. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-pack Description-md5: 74bd2af127000cab84a1f422fb8f0703 Description-gl: Horde Pack Utility A replacement for serialize()/json_encode() that will automatically use the most efficient serialization available based on the input. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-passwd Description-md5: 089d31c4a822538a2a2f380a1d9c5a79 Description-gl: Horde password changing application An application to change any user passwords stored in various backends like SQL, LDAP, Kolab, passwd files etc. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-pdf Description-md5: 82e663fec4b76edf9ec552db121e85e9 Description-gl: Horde PDF library PDF generation using only PHP, without requiring any external libraries. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-perms Description-md5: 0021ee4454ac8c1f855101bfd7f5287f Description-gl: Horde Permissions System The Perms package provides an interface to the Horde permissions system. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-prefs Description-md5: 6c1e23293e3e2e71144914d22700b7b7 Description-gl: Horde Preferences API The Horde_Prefs package provides a common abstracted interface into the various preferences storage mediums. It also includes all of the functions for retrieving, storing, and checking preference values. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-queue Description-md5: 3d24d63c4ceebb1ffc466a53a7adbd36 Description-gl: Horde Queue Queue layer with various storage backends and runners . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-rdo Description-md5: 75f4023d276f295ec5f320819e0c79df Description-gl: Rampage Data Objects Lightweight ORM layer . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-role Description-md5: 4fc2c4af4d70c8380358139aaff93814 Description-gl: PEAR installer role used to install Horde components Allows PEAR to install Horde components into a base Horde installation. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-routes Description-md5: d8360ab6b9e921ae329ee717a08b5836 Description-gl: Horde Routes URL mapping system Classes for mapping URLs into the controllers and actions of an MVC system. It is a port of a Python library, Routes, by Ben Bangert ( . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-rpc Description-md5: c2c49f6f4745328a6c6ef23554aa37f7 Description-gl: Horde RPC API A common abstracted interface to various remote methods of accessing Horde functionality. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-scheduler Description-md5: 6711ab49f56f0bdbde5764a1dcf6ba43 Description-gl: Horde Scheduler System Horde Scheduler System . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-scribe Description-md5: 03a16cad9bf9b914a662daabf2080069 Description-gl: Scribe Packaged version of the PHP Scribe client. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-secret Description-md5: 3a3a466a94c14c379687cd9f47186b0a Description-gl: Secret Encryption API An API for encrypting and decrypting small pieces of data with the use of a shared key. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-serialize Description-md5: 2c790e2638651a6a412810c4eb090a7f Description-gl: Data Encapulation API An interface to various methods of encapsulating data. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-service-facebook Description-md5: 77c79e8ff90730ec8d7882d4d339557e Description-gl: Horde Facebook client Client libraries for the Facebook REST API. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-service-gravatar Description-md5: c87731b860161e841798c1b78894484d Description-gl: API accessor for A library for accessing the Avatar services at . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-service-twitter Description-md5: 0f7bc91a14df0ed2df666a4d2d85ae26 Description-gl: Horde Twitter client Client libraries for the Twitter REST API. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-service-urlshortener Description-md5: e200a92151fa21b7cc09108bdb1b1a68 Description-gl: Horde_Service_UrlShortener Class Interfaces to various URL shortening services. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-service-weather Description-md5: 7cc5c867154fca9dd211310e63790dc5 Description-gl: Horde Weather Provider Set of classes that provide an abstraction to various online weather service providers. Includes drivers for WeatherUnderground and WorldWeatherOnline. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-sesha Description-md5: 738381c7ce0c6ba469e3c95352fe8e11 Description-gl: A simple Inventory App for Horde Sesha allows you to define categories with a rich set of attributes to manage your inventory stock . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-sessionhandler Description-md5: bf936a3eceb601d782d4d56fdc9f3ef9 Description-gl: Horde Session Handler API Horde_SessionHandler defines an API for implementing custom session handlers for PHP. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-share Description-md5: 2c984b4ed6819a46313bc12cc1c12504 Description-gl: Horde Shared Permissions System Horde_Share provides an interface to all shared resources a user owns or has access to. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-smtp Description-md5: 2b55faf3f145e31756d7dbc2647b0ee8 Description-gl: Horde SMTP Client Provides interfaces for connecting to a SMTP (RFC 5321) server to send e-mail messages. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-socket-client Description-md5: 0e03001dc40b7485fbac9fd5e0ee1bf4 Description-gl: Horde Socket Client Provides abstract class for use in creating PHP network socket clients. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-spellchecker Description-md5: 17c52d880dd5e0fce09fbc8ba47d7acd Description-gl: Spellcheck API Unified spellchecking API. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-stream Description-md5: 18a4f72322ac539f5bb312c315b7531a Description-gl: Horde stream handler An object-oriented interface to assist in creating and storing PHP stream resources, and to provide utility methods to access and manipulate the stream contents. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-stream-filter Description-md5: 265a66b1bb70f59f5cfd4fc3fbbbfa80 Description-gl: Horde Stream filters A collection of various stream filters. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-stream-wrapper Description-md5: b64760863434d6bfbf0064a8b33be853 Description-gl: Horde Stream wrappers A collection of stream wrappers. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-support Description-md5: 6919ffd95129b8712bebdc84441cb7e1 Description-gl: Horde support package Support classes not tied to Horde but is used by it. These classes can be used outside of Horde as well. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-syncml Description-md5: e885fdfd5e56d26ab3b0d46a845ee51c Description-gl: Horde_SyncMl provides an API for processing SyncML requests Classes for implementing a SyncML server. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-template Description-md5: 2bfc5df15bc6f14fd101706cb719b2c0 Description-gl: Horde Template System Horde Template system. Adapted from bTemplate, by Brian Lozier <>. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-test Description-md5: c10595d186c79bf67f543d8bde83fa2d Description-gl: Horde testing base classes Horde-specific PHPUnit base classes. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-text-diff Description-md5: da024a8a090722f6d1d1f079c9593cb7 Description-gl: Engine for performing and rendering text diffs A text-based diff engine and renderers for multiple diff output formats. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-text-filter Description-md5: 2a0d15db12753616ff815615285792c2 Description-gl: Horde Text Filter API Common methods for fitering and converting text. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-text-flowed Description-md5: 32946e2dfd379bc23560eae8101b2cfb Description-gl: Horde API for flowed text as per RFC 3676 The Horde_Text_Flowed:: class provides common methods for manipulating text using the encoding described in RFC 3676 ('flowed' text). . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-thrift Description-md5: e5211594df24190f17902c9d35b82d98 Description-gl: Thrift Packaged version of the PHP Thrift client . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-timeobjects Description-md5: 654dde857aab29ae555b83403b9a3e00 Description-gl: Horde timeobjects application The timeobjects application doesn't have an interface but provides streams of events to any applications that can consume them, notably the Horde calendar application. It contains drivers for facebook events and weather forecasts and can easily be extended by custom drivers. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-timezone Description-md5: ef1609f930878137d8b12fcf13acdd3d Description-gl: Timezone library Library for parsing timezone databases and generating VTIMEZONE iCalendar components. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-token Description-md5: 28f814ae336958639aa81003004ea02e Description-gl: Horde Token API The Horde_Token:: class provides a common abstracted interface into the various token generation mediums. It also includes all of the functions for retrieving, storing, and checking tokens. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-translation Description-md5: ea67deaadb418c5b6075366b6074d0a1 Description-gl: Horde translation library Translation wrappers. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-trean Description-md5: 0f35ab272b6019e0a21deb5a01ed682d Description-gl: Web-based bookmarks application Trean is a web-based bookmarks application that provides management of browser bookmarks, including support for tagging, link checking, and searching bookmarks. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-tree Description-md5: e6e0d2932809f7b0381d24d185c3e5ac Description-gl: Horde Tree API A tree view of hierarchical information. It allows for expanding/collapsing of branches and maintains their state. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-turba Description-md5: 46bf3278270d24807ef5929d0daf696c Description-gl: A web based address book Turba is the Horde contact management application. Leveraging the Horde framework to provide seamless integration with IMP and other Horde applications, it supports storing contacts in SQL, LDAP, Kolab, and IMSP address books. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-url Description-md5: 9ea5417719a0d6eab189ba9507c74006 Description-gl: Horde Url class This class represents a single URL and provides methods for manipulating URLs. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-util Description-md5: 2878d8a9f1779a55732163466ca73938 Description-gl: Horde Utility Libraries These classes provide functionality useful for all kind of applications. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-vfs Description-md5: 6b3e80e2616e5fa293ae79e12064be87 Description-gl: Virtual File System API A Virtual File System API, with backends for: . * SQL * FTP * Local filesystems * Hybrid SQL and filesystem * Samba * SSH2/SFTP * MongoDB . Reading, writing and listing of files are all supported. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-view Description-md5: 30975401582aa9a78193af520ee1ebde Description-gl: Horde View API A simple View pattern implementation. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-webmail Description-md5: d6577c1ba680e3f5f9450946b43e73ab Description-gl: Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Horde Groupware Webmail Edition is a free, enterprise ready, browser based communication suite. Users can read, send and organize email messages with three different webmail interfaces and manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks and notes with the standards compliant components from the Horde Project. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-whups Description-md5: 6e070bfafff9788c2b8c18f4d43ae31d Description-gl: Ticket-tracking application Whups is a Horde ticket-tracking application. It is very flexible in design, and can be used for help-desk requests, tracking software development, and anything else that needs to track a set of requests and their status. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-wicked Description-md5: ded41752aec68046d7bcf1441fd3fcab Description-gl: Wiki application Wicked is a wiki application for Horde. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-xml-element Description-md5: 940e41bab2e67d4c01e3bf2f76105eea Description-gl: Horde Xml Element object An element object that can be used to provide SimpleXML-like functionality over a DOM object. The main advantage over using SimpleXML is the ability to add multiple levels of new elements in a single call, without introducing "ghost" objects. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-horde-xml-wbxml Description-md5: 826256a190b9e5572f735251e9dd671d Description-gl: Horde_Xml_Wbxml provides an API for encoding and decoding WBXML documents used in SyncML and other wireless applications Encoding and decoding of WBXML (Wireless Binary XML) documents. WBXML is used in SyncML for transferring smaller amounts of data with wireless devices. . Este paquete é parte de Horda, unha infraestrutura de aplicativos web escrita en PHP con módulos como IMP (correo web), Turba (contactos), Kronolith (calendario), Nag (lista de tarefas), Gollem (xestor de ficheiros), etc. Package: php-imap Description-md5: ca52a53e3108d27745322c4bd449713e Description-gl: IMAP module for PHP [default] This package provides a IMAP module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-interbase Description-md5: 5715ba118103881eae672e697402a74f Description-gl: Interbase module for PHP [default] This package provides a Interbase module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-intl Description-md5: ab25192b9c2bc3ecda888520d3d6cebd Description-gl: Internationalisation module for PHP [default] This package provides a Internationalisation module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-json Description-md5: 508c192b5e255d07966f478b0cd0cec6 Description-gl: JSON module for PHP [default] This package provides a JSON module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-mbstring Description-md5: f7354c8172e936a318e51dfe89efc5a3 Description-gl: MBSTRING module for PHP [default] This package provides a MBSTRING module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-mcrypt Description-md5: c67c59f61ff7814f692c84890ccfe9e9 Description-gl: libmcrypt module for PHP [default] This package provides a libmcrypt module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-patchwork-utf8 Description-md5: 881cef407c3c75bdaaf97c1e1513814c Description-gl: Manipulación de cadeas en UTF+8 para PHP Patchwork UTF-8 provides both a portability layer for mbstring, iconv, and intl Normalizer and grapheme_* functions, and an UTF-8 grapheme clusters aware replica of native string functions. . Patchwork UTF-8 provides pure PHP implementations for mbstring, iconv, and intl. The following set of portability-fallbacks allows an application to run on a server even if one or more of those extensions are not enabled: . * utf8_encode, utf8_decode, * mbstring: mb_check_encoding, mb_convert_case, mb_convert_encoding, mb_convert_variables, mb_decode_mimeheader, mb_detect_encoding, mb_detect_order, mb_encode_mimeheader, mb_encoding_aliases, mb_get_info, mb_http_input, mb_http_output, mb_internal_encoding, mb_language, mb_list_encodings, mb_output_handler, mb_strlen, mb_strpos, mb_strrpos, mb_strtolower, mb_strtoupper, mb_stripos, mb_stristr, mb_strrchr, mb_strrichr, mb_strripos, mb_strstr, mb_strwidth, mb_substitute_character, mb_substr, mb_substr_count, * iconv: iconv, iconv_mime_decode, iconv_mime_decode_headers, iconv_get_encoding, iconv_set_encoding, iconv_mime_encode, ob_iconv_handler, iconv_strlen, iconv_strpos, iconv_strrpos, iconv_substr, * intl: Normalizer, grapheme_extract, grapheme_stripos, grapheme_stristr, grapheme_strlen, grapheme_strpos, grapheme_strripos, grapheme_strrpos, grapheme_strstr, grapheme_substr. . The Patchwork\Utf8 class implements the quasi-complete set of native string functions that need UTF-8 grapheme clusters awareness. Function names, arguments and behavior carefully replicates native PHP string functions. . Some more functions are also provided to help handling UTF-8 strings: * filter(): normalizes to UTF-8 NFC, converting from CP-1252 when needed, * isUtf8(): checks if a string contains well formed UTF-8 data, * toAscii(): generic UTF-8 to ASCII transliteration, * strtocasefold(): unicode transformation for caseless matching, * strtonatfold(): generic case sensitive transformation for collation matching, * strwidth(): computes the width of a string when printed on a terminal, * wrapPath(): unicode filesystem access under Windows and other OSes. . Mirrored string functions are: strlen, substr, strpos, stripos, strrpos, strripos, strstr, stristr, strrchr, strrichr, strtolower, strtoupper, wordwrap, chr, count_chars, ltrim, ord, rtrim, trim, str_ireplace, str_pad, str_shuffle, str_split, str_word_count, strcmp, strnatcmp, strcasecmp, strnatcasecmp, strncasecmp, strncmp, strcspn, strpbrk, strrev, strspn, strtr, substr_compare, substr_count, substr_replace, ucfirst, lcfirst, ucwords, number_format, utf8_encode, utf8_decode, json_decode, filter_input, filter_input_array. Package: php-phpdbg Description-md5: fe85532ca48ce91e96f34467e9e3d315 Description-gl: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary) (default) This package provides the /usr/bin/phpdbg command interpreter, useful for stepthrough debugging of PHP code. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-readline Description-md5: 9089f68828b7e86de9c4e6e3aa53e016 Description-gl: readline module for PHP [default] This package provides a readline module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-soap Description-md5: 4ba93eb016b4bb967cc41d2ca4810b37 Description-gl: SOAP module for PHP [default] This package provides a SOAP module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-sybase Description-md5: 2c90f17faa44a946a122ea0716c0e336 Description-gl: Sybase module for PHP [default] This package provides a Sybase module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-tcpdf Description-md5: 89671baa42d4cb50a433650e5dc45008 Description-gl: Clase de PHP para xerar ficheiros PDF ao voo TCPDF is a library to generate PDF files that does not require external extensions. It also includes a class to extract data from existing PDF documents and classes to generate 1D and 2D barcodes in various formats. . TCPDF has been originally derived from the Public Domain FPDF class by Olivier Plathey ( . Its main features are: . * an extensive API to control the generated content and its layout (including using XHTML as input); * works without external libraries; * works with any language (UTF-8 and RTL support); * supports TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, Type1 and CID-0 fonts; * supports all page formats (standardized and customized); * supports most PDF features: - encryption and digital signatures - compression - bookmarks - javascript and forms support - PDF annotations, including links, text and file attachments - XOBject Templates (layers and object visibility, PDF/A-1b support) * supports barcode generation (multiple formats); * automatic hyphenation and page break. Package: php-xml Description-md5: d04e1a0cfaf34b002eba36792e550457 Description-gl: DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP [default] This package provides a DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php-zip Description-md5: 84890097c7c841f9162a89b95db57ab0 Description-gl: Zip module for PHP [default] This package provides a Zip module for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Ubuntu's default PHP version (currently 7.1). Package: php7.1-bcmath Description-md5: 8f9f425714b203a9b7d1f3678f64c107 Description-gl: Bcmath module for PHP This package provides the Bcmath module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-bz2 Description-md5: 6221ff838ed81a370f3420140a1ccf42 Description-gl: bzip2 module for PHP This package provides the bzip2 module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-dba Description-md5: a1c9cd8c67d752f4aaf0ba88ecb360df Description-gl: DBA module for PHP This package provides the DBA module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-enchant Description-md5: 687582edca33aa141d3f62c1294fcb07 Description-gl: Enchant module for PHP This package provides the Enchant module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-fpm Description-md5: 095c791ab999f0e6b50398bf220b96a4 Description-gl: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) This package provides the Fast Process Manager interpreter that runs as a daemon and receives Fast/CGI requests. Note that MOST Apache users probably want the libapache2-mod-php7.1 package. . The following extensions are built in: Core date filter hash libxml openssl pcre Reflection session SPL standard zlib. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-imap Description-md5: 73ce2e5dbb1377bc41524b600892883b Description-gl: IMAP module for PHP This package provides the IMAP module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-interbase Description-md5: 40c18d15eeba50ef5700d72e1e45d586 Description-gl: Interbase module for PHP This package provides the Interbase module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-intl Description-md5: 576352b0c1559ceb07b3161367c69f39 Description-gl: Internationalisation module for PHP This package provides the Internationalisation module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-mbstring Description-md5: 741a0b4b31628c18e80bdef4f0ec8141 Description-gl: MBSTRING module for PHP This package provides the MBSTRING module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-mcrypt Description-md5: 96673b2530a6fc30699e194fda12f804 Description-gl: libmcrypt module for PHP This package provides the libmcrypt module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-phpdbg Description-md5: 47d090fa3cc551f561570d2ed3ec7937 Description-gl: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (PHPDBG binary) This package provides the /usr/bin/phpdbg command interpreter, useful for stepthrough debugging of PHP code. . The following extensions are built in: Core date filter hash libxml openssl pcntl pcre Reflection session SPL standard zlib. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-soap Description-md5: 8ca6ca2ae4fbc6127f6522e73f05005a Description-gl: SOAP module for PHP This package provides the SOAP module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-sybase Description-md5: c5f3c0b4521b40ee671df4ab3452df1d Description-gl: Sybase module for PHP This package provides the Sybase module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: php7.1-zip Description-md5: e148c478613188b645a0ec42c87f0518 Description-gl: Zip module for PHP This package provides the Zip module(s) for PHP. . PHP (acrónimo recursivo de Pre- Procesador de Hipertexto) é unha linguaxe de script de propósito xeral en código aberto moi empregada e que é especialmente adecuada para o desenvolvemento web e pode ser incorporada dentro de HTML. Package: phpwebcounter Description-md5: e69f40ceaa9c06ad9d5e9b3bfdfed31f Description-gl: simple and light web hit counter PHP script to show the number of hits in web pages using ASCII text or PNG images. You can use your custom PNG images. PHP Web Counter is a very easy-to-configure application. . It isn't a CGI program and doesn't require special things to work. . Sitio de demostración: Package: phpwebcounter-extra Description-md5: a2d70884ba3d72b81d99dc84f1149fc7 Description-gl: extra graphical numbers to PHP Web Counter PHP Web Counter is a PHP script to show the number of the hits in web pages. It runs on web server and uses text or PNG images. . This package has some graphical numbers to use with PHP Web Counter. . Sitio de demostración: Package: phylip-doc Description-md5: 81b20d4225185f341d34c0301c426b53 Description-gl: package of programs for inferring phylogenies (documentation) The PHYLogeny Inference Package is a package of programs for inferring phylogenies (evolutionary trees) from sequences. Methods that are available in the package include parsimony, distance matrix, and likelihood methods, including bootstrapping and consensus trees. Data types that can be handled include molecular sequences, gene frequencies, restriction sites, distance matrices, and 0/1 discrete characters. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML Package: pianobooster Description-md5: 5c23b3d67944c7c6449bd137135f9b07 Description-gl: Aprenda a tocar o piano simplemente xogando un xogo Piano Booster is a new way to learn the piano just by playing a game. It takes elements of the game Guitar Hero but now it uses a real piano keyboard and the game has been turned sideways so the notes scroll along a musical stave. So instead of pressing buttons on a fake guitar you end up learning to play a real musical instrument: the piano. . To run Piano Booster you need a MIDI Piano Keyboard and a MIDI interface for the PC. If you don't have a MIDI keyboard you can still try out PianoBooster, using the PC keyboard ('x' is middle C), but a MIDI piano is really recommended). Package: pianobooster-dbg Description-md5: ad3b4682fe93501be73c2f6d1f93f0e1 Description-gl: learn the piano just by playing a game - debug Piano Booster is a new way to learn the piano just by playing a game. It takes elements of the game Guitar Hero but now it uses a real piano keyboard and the game has been turned sideways so the notes scroll along a musical stave. So instead of pressing buttons on a fake guitar you end up learning to play a real musical instrument: the piano. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: picmi Description-md5: 6ec9e7a67931cf897558804bce00caf1 Description-gl: Number logic game Picmi is a number logic game in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: pidgin-bot-sentry Description-md5: f2acb2b44f8d52d3de0bfa00eb0e59ab Description-gl: pidgin anti spam plugin Bot Sentry é un engadido do Pidgin (libpurple) para evitar o correo lixo na mensaxarÃa instantánea. Permite ignorar as mensaxes instantáneas a non ser que o remitente estea na lista de contactos, na lista de permitidos ou que responda correctamente a unha pregunta que vostede teña predefinido. Package: pidgin-extprefs Description-md5: 8931f088b7452b2cd551a9d3afc52fed Description-gl: extended preferences plugin for the instant messenger pidgin The Pidgin Extended Preferences Plugin adds additional preferences that have been commonly called for in the past from Pidgin that are either already implemented and hidden, or trivial to implement via a plugin. . Páxina web: Package: pidgin-festival Description-md5: 39373629bf9f6c94f603d01fd62759ff Description-gl: pidgin plugin to hear incoming messages using voice synthesis Un engadido para pidgin que serve de interface co popular programa festival. Permite que festival lea as mensaxes instantáneas para que se poidan escoitar polos altofalantes. Package: pidgin-gnome-keyring Description-md5: ae739e0ae9a165ae31145391872eafa6 Description-gl: Integra pidgin (e libpurple) co chaveiro do sistema Pidgin usually stores passwords as plaintext with the "save password" function. This plugin instead saves all passwords to the system keyring, which some would argue is a more secure form of password storage. Package: pidgin-hotkeys Description-md5: 66cfa5798ac46af1090e86296afa7b48 Description-gl: Atallos de teclado globais configurábeis para pidgin Global hotkeys that can be configured for toggling buddy list and reading queued messages of pidgin. Package: pidgin-lastfm Description-md5: c068f2aa440d311f6fe3c63019a9d9bb Description-gl: Engadido de para o Pidgin This Pidgin plugin displays information from your / Audioscrobbler profile in your user info on the various IM networks Pidgin supports. The most important information might be the most recently scrobbled song. Package: pidgin-mpris Description-md5: 76d9193031c831a5f4f7b7b0d0af2ec7 Description-gl: sets your available message to your currently playing track The pidgin-mpris plugin sets the title of a currently playing track in a user selected MPRIS-compliant media player as your away or available message. . AdmÃtense os reprodutores seguintes: VLC (VideoLAN), BMPx, Audacious 1.4. Package: pidgin-nateon Description-md5: 300e98edf5b2c0f4a2d1a1b2cab5dfd1 Description-gl: Engadido do servizo de mensaxarÃa instantánea NateOn para Pidgin This is a plugin for Pidgin which provides connections to NateOn instant messaging service by SK Communications, Inc. ( Package: pidgin-nateon-dbg Description-md5: ae67bf2873277475f58e6ae5647f37e7 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do pidgin-nateon This is a plugin for Pidgin which provides connections to NateOn instant messaging service by SK Communications, Inc. ( . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. A maiorÃa das persoas non necesitan este paquete. Package: pidgin-plugin-pack Description-md5: 18577dbe1fca6f6bed00a946e5d8c8f2 Description-gl: Colectánea de engadidos do Pidgin Plugin pack is a collection of many simple-yet-useful plugins for Pidgin. A brief description of each is below. . /exec: execute commands and optionally send their output in an IM/chat window. . AutoProfile: user profile and status message content generator. . Album: archives all buddy icons for all buddies in the user's buddy list. . Auto Reply: auto-replies on any protocol, also can be specific to each buddy. . provides links to random or select quotes on and . Buddy List Options: options to hide buddy list on creation and hide menu in it. . Colorize: colorizes outgoing message text. . Conversation Badge: shows the protocol icon in the conversation menu tray. . DeWYSIWYGification: allows user to type in HTML without it being rendered. . Dice: simulates the rolling of dice. . DiffTopic: shows changes when the topic is changed in a chatroom. . Magic 8 Ball: shows random expressions from a Magic 8 Ball toy. . Enhanced History: an enhanced version of the history plugin. . Flip: flips a coin and shows the result in the current conversation. . gRIM: annoy your buddies with a timed series of messages. . Google: writes the results of an "I'm feeling lucky" search to a conversation. . Group IM: send an IM to a group of buddies . Highlight: adds support for highlighting user specified words. . Ignore: ignore either all or just chat communication from a specific person. . InfoPane: use different views for the "details" information in conversations. . IRC Helper: Handles the rough edges of the IRC protocol. . IRC More: adds a couple options to the IRC protocol: - Customized default quit/part messages. - A CTCP version reply. . Irssi Features: implements many features of irssi: - day change notifications - /window, /layout, /lastlog commands - auto-text formatting . List Handler: import and export buddy lists in various formats. . Chat User List Logging: logs the list of users in a chat when you join. . My Status Box: per-account status selectors with other features. . Napster: NAPSTER Protocol Plugin. . Nick Said: to jump to where your name or other words were said in a chat. . Old Logger: stores buddy logs in flat files (legacy format). . Plonkers: announce your ignore list to a chat room and other privacy features. . Purple Schedule: Schedule reminders at specific times. . Separate and Tab: adds two new window positioning methods. . Sim Fix: fixes messages received from buddies using broken SIM clients. . Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP): allows sending to pager servers (like sendpage or qpage) via SNPP. . Message Splitter: splits sent messages into smaller ones of a specified size. . SSL Info: adds a menu item to display info about the SSL plugin in use. . Switch Spell: allows changing the spell-check language for each conversation. . Timelog: view Pidgin logs that fall within specific time ranges. . XChat Chats: makes Pidgin use XChat's indented view. . XMPP Priority: Adds account options that allow users to specify the priorities used for available and away for XMPP accounts. Package: piespy Description-md5: 8b2dfad283a859412877cc9085272a33 Description-gl: Bot de IRC para ver redes sociais PieSpy is an IRC bot that monitors a set of IRC channels. It uses a simple set of heuristics to infer relationships between pairs of users. These inferrences allow PieSpy to build a mathematical model of a social network for any channel. These social networks can be drawn and used to create animations of evolving social networks. Package: pike7.8-dev Description-md5: 8ec1dc17643fa14f32f5bf832d8b0550 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Pike 7.8 This package contains files you will need to develop C extension modules for Pike. The package depends on the recommended set of packages for the Pike environment. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike7.8-core package. Package: pike7.8-sdl Description-md5: 4067545cf96dda7971b9472c0b98a79e Description-gl: Módulo de SDL para Pike This module provides the Pike interface to the SDL library. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike7.8-core package. Package: pike8.0-dev Description-md5: 372c9b79571a43e5795affe58d9af6b8 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de Pike 8.0 This package contains files you will need to develop C extension modules for Pike. The package depends on the recommended set of packages for the Pike environment. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike8.0-core package. Package: pike8.0-sdl Description-md5: ad7aaf66b99e264294bd0c9d3af1968a Description-gl: Módulo de SDL para Pike This module provides the Pike interface to the SDL library. . Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information see the description of the pike8.0-core package. Package: pilot Description-md5: 8668e05d1b69959b8cdbf9c13b48d73f Description-gl: Simple file browser from Alpine, a text-based email client "pilot" is a simple file browser from Alpine. It is used in Alpine to let the user select attachments. As with (Al)pine, commands are displayed at the bottom of the screen, and context-sensitive help is provided. . Como programa autónomo, é útil como navegador de ficheiros básico, tendo a mesma utilidade que outros programas, como o Midnigh Commander. Package: pingus Description-md5: 8f187cbdfe37306cb6fe8e7d8b3c02a6 Description-gl: Free Lemmings(TM) clone O Pingus é un clon libre do popular xogo Lemmings. . O teu obxectivo é guiar cara a seguridade a unha horda de pinguÃns por un mundo cheo de obstáculos e trampas. AÃnda que os penguÃns (ao contrario que os lemmings) son bastante espelidos, ás veces carecer da previsión necesaria e dependen de ti para que os acudas. . This package contains the main program. Package: pingus-data Description-md5: f91ae05891fb77aaf8c6a1ce8ca5ea6a Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do Pingus, un clon libre do Lemmings(TM) O Pingus é un clon libre do popular xogo Lemmings. . O teu obxectivo é guiar cara a seguridade a unha horda de pinguÃns por un mundo cheo de obstáculos e trampas. AÃnda que os penguÃns (ao contrario que os lemmings) son bastante espelidos, ás veces carecer da previsión necesaria e dependen de ti para que os acudas. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: pink-pony Description-md5: bfec7f2ff6744f682e675d26877da04d Description-gl: Xogo de carreras en 3D con ponis Pink Pony is a TronÂ-like multiplayer racing game. You control little ponies that leave a trail of flowers everywhere they step. You have to evade these trails and force other ponies into them. The last pony standing wins the game. . OpenGL 2.0 is needed for Pink Pony to work. Package: pink-pony-dbg Description-md5: 081abdbf58f1ae9c5b31802c6c831684 Description-gl: 3D racing game with ponies - debug Pink Pony is a TronÂ-like multiplayer racing game. You control little ponies that leave a trail of flowers everywhere they step. You have to evade these trails and force other ponies into them. The last pony standing wins the game. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: pitivi Description-md5: 23faa5d2e5b4845d687103b38e1a43fd Description-gl: non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . PiTiVi permite que os usuarios editen facilmente proxectos de son/vÃdeo na infraestrutura GStreamer. PiTIVi fornece varias maneiras de crear e modificar unha liña de tempo. Desde unha vista de sinopse simple (tipo iMovie) á vista de edición completa (coñecida tamén como Vista Complexa), que facilita o control completo da edición. Package: pixelize Description-md5: 08a00d712e15ff02bc578da2f6ff0fe7 Description-gl: Cree unha imaxe formada por moitas imaxes pequenas Pixelize is a program that will use many scaled down images to try to duplicate, as closely as possible, another image. . Pixelize works by splitting up the image you want rendered (or duplicated) into a grid of small rectangular areas. Each area is analyzed, and replaced with an image chosen from a large database of images. Pixelize tries to pick images that best match each area. Package: pkpgcounter Description-md5: 3b46b53f67c2033532c70557d7ce113b Description-gl: computes number of pages or quantity of ink needed to print documents pkpgcounter is a generic Page Description Language parser which can either count the number of pages or compute the percent of ink coverage needed to print various types of documents. It is written in Python. . It currently recognizes the following file formats : . * PostScript (tanto cumprindo DSC compliant como binarios) * PDF * PCL3/4/5 * PCLXL (aka PCL6) * DVI * OpenDocument (ISO/IEC DIS 26300) * Microsoft Word (c) (tm) (r) (etc...) * Plain text * TIFF * Varios formatos de imaxe distintos * ESC/P2 * Zenographics ZjStream * Samsung QPDL (tamén coñecido como SPL2) * Samsung SPL1 * ESC/PageS03 * Brother HBP * Hewlett-Packard Lightweight Imaging Device Interface Language * Structured Fax * Canon BJ/BJC * ASCII PNM (Netpbm) . The ten latter ones, as well as some TIFF documents, are currently only supported in page counting mode. . pkpgcounter is often used in combination with print accounting solutions like PyKota or JasMine. Package: pktstat Description-md5: b265fdd1e85454f53c88c406901a6183 Description-gl: Utilidade tipo top para o uso das conexións de rede pktstat displays a real-time list of active connections seen on a network interface, and how much bandwidth is being used by what. . It partially decodes HTTP and FTP protocols to show what filename is being transferred, as well as X11 application names. Entries hang around on the screen for a few seconds so you can see what just happened. . It also accepts BPF expressions. Package: planetblupi-common Description-md5: 43ab332e664da4c4a9afd5edd092d6b0 Description-gl: Planet Blupi - A delirious spell-binding game - data Planet Blupi is a strategy and adventure game. It subtly blends action with thought-provoking challenges. Behind the quiet and gentle facade, you'll enjoy a fascinating diversion full of surprises. . Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do xogo. Package: planfacile Description-md5: 7aefed4256c224f2654b5e2605b7a0a6 Description-gl: Xere un documento a partir dun mapa mental PlanFacile (Easy plan, in French) is a small tool to help people to write a document on a particular subject. Package: planner-doc Description-md5: ad5cd5745fb9892499aaff8b1b9c705b Description-gl: Documentación de planner Planner is a Project Management application that supports Gantt charts, resource allocation and integration with other GNOME applications. . This package contains the html documentation for planner. Package: plasma-active-default-settings Description-md5: b69d49cdc12898f228142b3e0aba2da8 Description-gl: Configuration settings for Plasma Active This package contains the default settings for KDE's Plasma Active. . Este paquete fai parte da plataforma Plasma Active. Package: plasma-dataengines-addons Description-md5: 35fd76d7e26f1dc903adc242c30881c2 Description-gl: Motores de datos adicionais para Plasma This package contains additional Plasma data engines shipped in Plasma 5 addons module. These engines are needed by some Plasma 5 widget shipped with plasma-widgets-addons, but they may be useful for any other Plasma widgets too. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma de KDE. Package: plasma-desktop Description-md5: 75fe427efb7974561485d1b970aaa5b3 Description-gl: Ferramentas e trebellos para o escritorio Plasma Desktop offers a beautiful looking desktop that takes complete advantage of modern computing technology. Through the use of visual effects and scalable graphics, the desktop experience is not only smooth but also pleasant to the eye. The looks of Plasma Desktop not only provide beauty, they are also used to support and improve your computer activities effectively, without being distracting. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. Package: plasma-desktop-data Description-md5: cad6c75732e5a71a9a37cfb4f253e9f5 Description-gl: Tools and widgets for the desktop data files Plasma Desktop offers a beautiful looking desktop that takes complete advantage of modern computing technology. Through the use of visual effects and scalable graphics, the desktop experience is not only smooth but also pleasant to the eye. The looks of Plasma Desktop not only provide beauty, they are also used to support and improve your computer activities effectively, without being distracting. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos Package: plasma-desktop-dev Description-md5: 75fe427efb7974561485d1b970aaa5b3 Description-gl: Ferramentas e trebellos para o escritorio Plasma Desktop offers a beautiful looking desktop that takes complete advantage of modern computing technology. Through the use of visual effects and scalable graphics, the desktop experience is not only smooth but also pleasant to the eye. The looks of Plasma Desktop not only provide beauty, they are also used to support and improve your computer activities effectively, without being distracting. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. Package: plasma-framework-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: plasma-mediacenter Description-md5: bc77cefb84239c4021bb29971e44bbf3 Description-gl: Centro de multimedia para o escritorio KDE O Centro de Multimedia de Plasma de KDE está dirixido a unha experiencia multimedia unificada en PC, tablets, netbooks, televisión e calquera dispositivo capaz de executar o software de KDE. O Centro de Multimedia de Plasma pode empregarse para ver imaxes, reproducir música ou ver vÃdeos. Package: plasma-mediacenter-dbg Description-md5: 46e24779c6fd5358cc7252a9f0713285 Description-gl: Centro multimedia para o escritorio KDE - sÃmbolos de depuración Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do Centro Multimedia de Plasma Package: plasma-runner-installer Description-md5: a17697e3ee56e6894b1f4c55f99ee8b7 Description-gl: Engadido do KRunner para instalar paquetes QApt is a collection of tools and a library providing a wrapper around APT. The intention is to ease the use of APT in Qt-based programs. . This KRunner plugin offers the option to install an application if its command is typed in to KRunner and the application is not already installed. Package: plasma-runners-addons Description-md5: c560c2bb3b5ced49f3ec68bc3a1bd7cf Description-gl: additional runners for Plasma 5 and Krunner This package contains additional Plasma runners that are used in krunner (the "run command" dialog of Plasma) to reveal special search results. If you use krunner a lot, you will probably like this package. . This package contains the following runners: * Dictionary * More coming soon.. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma 5 de KDE. Package: plasma-scriptengine-javascript Description-md5: 16b062cadc60aa2f4e57cf1d0c49d00d Description-gl: Motor de scripts en JavaScript para Plasma Este paquete fornece o motor de scripts en JavaScript para Plasma. Haino que instalar se se desexa empregar os trebellos e motores de datos de Plasma escritos en JavaScript. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de tempo de execución de base do KDE. Package: plasma-sdk Description-md5: 6fef65dadb52ab1b685124b92d105353 Description-gl: IDE á medida para o desenvolvemento de compoñentes de Plasma Un IDE pequeno á medida do desenvolvemento de compoñentes de Plasma, como trebellos, runners e motores de datos. . This package is part of the KDE Plasma. Package: plasma-wallpapers-addons Description-md5: 8ae34017157e6fa495c709f765fc9423 Description-gl: additional wallpaper plugins for Plasma 5 This package contains additional Plasma 5 wallpaper plugins that are used in the Plasma desktop to give marble, mandelbrot and other such wallpapers. . This package contains the following wallpaper plugins: * Haenau * Hunyango * More coming soon.. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma 5 de KDE. Package: plasma-widget-activitymanager Description-md5: a4279451dd20d086fae9f5135b4d73b8 Description-gl: Xector de actividades para KDE Lightweight Plasma widget to manage your KDE activities effectively. Can start, stop, switch between, clone, edit and remove activities. Package: plasma-widget-folderview Description-md5: be763ec0470c87a735d81efe7c05e849 Description-gl: plasma widget showing the content of a folder This package contains the Folder View Plasma widget which is capable of displaying and managing contents of any KDE supported location. It can be used as a replacement for the traditional "desktop" folder concept in the main Plasma shell, but it is a lot more flexible. Folder View is part of the initial default KDE 4 desktop configuration. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de aplicativos de base do KDE. Package: plasma-widget-kbstate Description-md5: b33b4104fa1abef6d7613a479fce1b7f Description-gl: A plasma widget that shows the state of the modifier keys Un trebello de acceso de plasma para KDE4 que lle mostra ao usuario o estado das teclas modificadoras e activa os cambios de estado mediante o rato para mellorar a usabilidade das ferramentas de accesibilidade do teclado de KDE4. Package: plasma-widget-makestatus Description-md5: 1102e2d044ff51ab483996f21020a7d7 Description-gl: Widget para Plasma que mostra o estado das construcións de CMake Este widget para Plasma mostra o progreso das construcións que se estean a executar de CMake. Funciona con todos os proxectos de software que empreguen CMake como sistema de construción. Package: plasma-widget-memusage Description-md5: 5eacbdeca1bbe423b5821b41950ae423 Description-gl: Widget para Plasma que mostra o uso da RAM e a SWAP Un widget sinxelo para Plasma empregado para vixiar o uso das memorias RAM e de intercambio. Package: plasma-widget-nextwallpaper Description-md5: 1c822e7d824b9a072c1e95818c0914a9 Description-gl: Plasmoide que cambia o fondo de escritorio actual Este widget para Plasma cambia o fondo de escritorio actual cando o tipo de fondo de escritorio é presentación Package: plasma-widget-pgame Description-md5: 8fa6f1af32038fc1a88771b9d3607354 Description-gl: Widget para Plasma para iniciar xogos PGame é un widget de menú para o escritorio Plasma que xestiona diferentes entradas de xogos. Este widget tamén permite argumentos adicionais para modificar cada sesión nova de X creada. Package: plasma-widget-redshift Description-md5: f056edea54da3975346dc300d049c148 Description-gl: Trebello para Plasma para Redshift The color temperature is set according to the position of the sun. A different color temperature is set during night and daytime. During twilight and early morning, the color temperature transitions smoothly from night to daytime temperature to allow your eyes to slowly adapt. . Este paquete fornece un widget para Plasma para controlar Redshift. Package: plasma-widget-redshift-dbg Description-md5: f18ed1bbdc9920a30df56d6905e096de Description-gl: Trebello para Plasma para Redshift - sÃmbolos de depuración Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración para o paquete plasma-widget- redshift Package: plasma-widget-simplemonitor Description-md5: 8197943597ac9e8f0b7f3cd634d18a28 Description-gl: Vixiante do sistema simple e compacto This plasmoid shows the history of cpu usage and the disk cache memory with graph Package: plasma-widget-teacooker Description-md5: 4b238575ba3c1ffd8c81c1797de1500b Description-gl: Un trebello de plasma de Teacooker para KDE 4 Teacooker is a handy timer for steeping tea. No longer will you have to guess at how long it takes for your tea to be ready. Simply select the type of tea you want to have, and it will alert you when the tea is ready to drink. Package: plasma-widget-wifi Description-md5: b30d61c7859b336239c974ba40811e5c Description-gl: A Plasma widget that displays WiFi connection strength Un trebello sinxelo para Plasma empregado para controlar a potencia da conexión entre a placa de rede sen fÃos e o punto de acceso sen fÃos. Package: plasma-widgets-addons Description-md5: 361200e6dff8cd6641d951bd31834e84 Description-gl: additional widgets for Plasma 5 This package contains additional Plasma 5 widgets shipped in the Plasma addons module. Install it if you want a variety of widgets on your Plasma desktop. . This package provides the following widgets: * Calculator * Dictionary * Fuzzy Clock * Konsole Profiles * Notes * System Load Viewer * Timer * Unit Converter * Userswitcher * Diskquota * Activity pager * More coming soon.. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de extensións de Plasma 5 de KDE. Package: plasma-workspace Description-md5: 0063778217dbe82d403158adbf5aa085 Description-gl: Espazo de traballo Plasma para KF5 Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. . ISTO DESINSTALA O Plasma 4 DE KDE. Package: plasma-workspace-dev Description-md5: 734199d7564073487b8e8744bc62b71a Description-gl: Plasma Workspace for KF5 devel files Plasma Workspace for KF5. Workspaces provide support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: playitslowly Description-md5: 44b427fcbf6d907d421f401b6b5f0ca0 Description-gl: Reproduce ficheiros de son a unha velocidade ou altura diferentes Play it slowly é un programa para reproducir ficheiros de son a unha velocidade ou altura diferentes. Tamén permite repetir nun ciclo unha parte determinada dun ficheiro. . Está pensada para axudar a aprender ou para transcribir cancións. Tamén pode reproducir vÃdeos grazas a GStreamer. . Play it slowly funciona tanto con ALSA como co Kit de Conexión de Son JACK. Package: playmidi Description-md5: 9135ed3601d5c99370821cda493e6649 Description-gl: Reprodutor de MIDI Playmidi é un reprodutor de ficheiros MIDI que reproduce empregando FM, GUS, SoundBlaster ou MIDI externo. Tamén admite ficheiros Creative Music Files (CMF), RIFF da Microsoft (RMI) e arquivos MIDI grandes de xogos coo Ultima 7. . O reprodutor pode ser usado cunha interface de texto ou cunha interface gráfica. Package: plee-the-bear Description-md5: 35a6096681b76a4cb1ad31db7fb6a242 Description-gl: Xogo de plataforma en 2D O Oso Plee será un xogo de plataforma en 2D como os que se atopaban nas consolas de principios dos anos 90. A base do escenario entra nunhas liñas: . As catro da tarde ou por aÃ. Plee acorda, canso. Soñou de novo sobre aquel fantástico perÃodo no que foi polo mundo enteiro xunto a súa amada. Mete a perna no pote do mel... baleiro! É máis, todosos potes de mel da casa están baleiros. «Ese pÃcaro fÃxoma outra vez», pensa «Voullas quentar tan quente que non vai esquecer máis». . Seguindo as pingas de mel no solo, Plee chega á beira do bosque. Comezo do xogo. . A versión actual é unha demostración. Package: plee-the-bear-data Description-md5: e8e4e7996a4db54a3f19447eafa12994 Description-gl: Datos para O Oso Plee O Oso Plee será un xogo de plataforma en 2D como os que se atopaban nas consolas de principios dos anos 90. A base do escenario entra nunhas liñas: . As catro da tarde ou por aÃ. Plee acorda, canso. Soñou de novo sobre aquel fantástico perÃodo no que foi polo mundo enteiro xunto a súa amada. Mete a perna no pote do mel... baleiro! É máis, todosos potes de mel da casa están baleiros. «Ese pÃcaro fÃxoma outra vez», pensa «Voullas quentar tan quente que non vai esquecer máis». . Este paquete inclúe os ficheiros de datos do xogo. Package: pleiades Description-md5: dc2ec8e32a84cbdfcd721fbea294ddd3 Description-gl: Engadido de tradución ao xaponés para Eclipse que emprega AOP dinámico Pleiades is a dynamic Aspect-Oriented Programming translation layer for the Eclipse platform and many of its plug-ins. It uses a Japanese glossary to provide side-by-side English/Japanese property resource bundles. Package: Description-md5: f7edc043f9c9c111defc2961dcfe0814 Description-gl: Taboleiro persoal para GNUstep This is a free replacement of Serence's proprietary KlipFolio application. PlopFolio supports Klips available from KlipFarm ( PlopFolio is developed using the Objective-C language and works well with GNUstep (on GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and more) and Cocoa on Mac OS X. Package: plowshare4 Description-md5: 4111e08e9aad7b1b27c8a81ba144852c Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package. It can be safely removed. Package: pluma-common Description-md5: 2522f81317853f0db52190c38dc3bb03 Description-gl: official text editor of the MATE desktop environment (common files) Pluma is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. Pluma is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI). . Pluma fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support. . Pluma is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: pluma-doc Description-md5: 82265c5ad0f12b304bc427b86cb456d4 Description-gl: official text editor of the MATE desktop environment (documentation files) Pluma is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. Pluma is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI). . Pluma fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support. . Pluma is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación. Package: plume-creator-dbg Description-md5: 1f5e622824b0f882e4bdd1ce22e69c09 Description-gl: open-source tool for novelists - debug Plume Creator helps you to write your stories in chapters and scenes, write fullscreen, edit notes and synopses, export in html and odt formats, edit in rich text, and manage characters, places and items. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: plymouth-disabler Description-md5: 9f0711677892ce4a3d73568e877207c8 Description-gl: Desactive plymouth instalando ficheiros .override This disables plymouth from running by installing .override files for each of the plymouth jobs. Its sole purpose is to work around bug 1235231. Package: plymouth-theme-edubuntu Description-md5: c6bb832679b901f238008f78a4968c7b Description-gl: Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo No proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . Este paquete contén o logotipo de Edubuntu e temas de texto. Package: plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo Description-md5: 08f9fd33f3dc501ae15329be51e9c9a4 Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-logo theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . Este paquete contén o tema kubuntu-logo predeterminado. Package: plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text Description-md5: 4cc78ed25bb690bddff9000d2eb1f51b Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-text theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the default kubuntu-text theme used when no support for a graphical theme is found on your system. Package: plymouth-theme-lubuntu-logo Description-md5: 42a8f0cf0a8c7ac4b20625a014762027 Description-gl: Tema de Plymouth para Lubuntu Este paquete contén un tema especÃfico de Lubuntu para plymouth. Package: plymouth-theme-lubuntu-text Description-md5: 03bdedc6a10acd8195103d6efeaa6300 Description-gl: Tema de texto de Plymouth para Lubuntu Este paquete contén un tema especÃfico de Lubuntu para plymouth, que mostra un texto sinxelo. Package: plymouth-theme-sabily Description-md5: 3cfb48cbb27da5ed6a8db7973a35007a Description-gl: Tema de Plymouth para Sabily (tema gráfico) Sabily é unha distribución de Linux baseada en Ubuntu. Inclúe software islámico (ferramenta para as horas de rezo, ferramenta de estudo do Quran, calendario Hijri, etcv.) e ten un deseño personalizado. . Este paquete contén un tema especÃfico de Sabily para plymouth. Package: plymouth-theme-sabily-text Description-md5: 6980b5cb641f90ac395154a6c23be67d Description-gl: Tema de Plymouth para Sabily (tema de texto) Sabily é unha distribución de Linux baseada en Ubuntu. Inclúe software islámico (ferramenta para as horas de rezo, ferramenta de estudo do Quran, calendario Hijri, etcv.) e ten un deseño personalizado. . This package contains the default sabily-text text theme used when no support for a graphical theme is found on your system. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-budgie-logo Description-md5: 599c179eab2ea31dae8202a38763c60d Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - Ubuntu Budgie logo theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the default Ubuntu Budgie logo theme. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-budgie-text Description-md5: 014c419c38670a16cb0b395eefe279e1 Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - Ubuntu Budgie text theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the default Ubuntu Budgie text theme used when no support for a graphical theme is found on your system. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-gnome-logo Description-md5: 4e8843f2b04112c7d575e1689e12fafb Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-gnome-logo theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . Este paquete contén o tema ubuntu-gnome-logo predeterminado. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-gnome-text Description-md5: 2c5aeef0be9dee7ff499642cab9e9668 Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-gnome-text theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the default ubuntu-gnome-text text theme used when no support for a graphical theme is found on your system. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-logo Description-md5: 316310796ce2393be5b90ae297117de9 Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-mate-logo theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the default ubuntu-mate-logo theme. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-mate-text Description-md5: e20bf32218493e2aba088b2691af05ec Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-mate-text theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the default ubuntu-mate-text theme used when no support for a graphical theme is found on your system. Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio Description-md5: 46cb6fb91f552d975611b37668e232e9 Description-gl: Tema Plymouth de Ubuntu Studio Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Plymouth boot splash theme Package: plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo Description-md5: 52d17c3e4b2be04696274b3b1421a291 Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - xubuntu-logo theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . Este paquete contén o tema xubuntu-logo predeterminado. Package: plymouth-theme-xubuntu-text Description-md5: cb51eb8b5b4eecd25c0bde89af9b515c Description-gl: graphical boot animation and logger - xubuntu-text theme Plymouth é un aplicativo que se executa moi cedo no proceso de arranque (mesmo antes de que se monte o sistema de ficheiros) que fornece unha animación de arranque gráfico mentres se desenvolve o proceso de arranque no fondo. . This package contains the default xubuntu-text theme used when no support for a graphical theme is found on your system. Package: pmake Description-md5: 1137e29507e51afecbe97f8fe30710ab Description-gl: NetBSD make (transitional package) This is a dummy package to aid in transitioning from pmake package to the new bmake package. . Este é un paquete parvo e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após a anovación. Package: pmidi Description-md5: e3ed25fa0de8faee6c4152e7610b60e9 Description-gl: command line midi player for ALSA ALSA é un esforzo para crear un sistema de son modular para Linux ao tempo que mantén compatibilidade total con OSS/Lite. . Este programa funciona cos últimos controladores de ALSA 1.0 e coas versións 0.9 anteriores. . This is a straightforward command line program to play midi files through the ALSA sequencer. . As you can specify the client and port to connect to on the command line it is also useful for testing ALSA or clients that need to receive sequencer events. Package: png-definitive-guide Description-md5: 7bc739600581dff2c9621697efc07ede Description-gl: PNG: GuÃa Definitiva A free book about the PNG image format. Package: png23d Description-md5: 7856bc1f8b0624c8e73eeb9d444383bf Description-gl: Converts PNG images into three dimensional representations. Esta ferramenta converte imaxes no formato PNG en ficheiros de OpenSCAD ou STL con control amplo sobre o proceso de conversión. Package: pocketsphinx-doc Description-md5: 55f43faf5967aa5df71c90a86fa70519 Description-gl: Speech recognition tool (documentation) CMU Sphinx is a large vocabulary, speaker-independent continuous speech recognition engine. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: Description-md5: 2ec44f3223883983cc8d83f88ab68d7f Description-gl: Editor de comentarios Vorbis Poe is a vorbis comment editor for GNUstep. It tries to follow the vorbis comment header specification closely, while being convenient and flexible to use. Package: poedit-common Description-md5: d3895f4e4ef6fb58df3da62e9ce26c0d Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para poedit Poedit is an editor for gettext catalogs (.po files). It aims to provide a convenient approach to editing catalogs. It features UTF-8 support, fuzzy and untranslated records highlighting, whitespace highlighting, references browser, header editing and can be used to create new catalogs or update existing catalogs from source code with a single click. It is built with wxWidgets toolkit. . This package includes documentation, examples and locale files for the Debian poedit packages that are common for all architectures. Package: pokerth Description-md5: b9120a1a42426cbec7afb2f62bdb8780 Description-gl: Xogo Texas hold'em pokerth is a free implementation of the Texas hold'em poker game which is mostly played in casinos and has a growing popularity worldwide. Texas hold'em is easy to learn but needs a good strategy to win and a lot of luck. This package helps you when practicing or just playing for fun. Package: polkit-kde-1 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: polkit-kde-agent-1 Description-md5: 5e33c0fb1d79df76743506f8e72c9b97 Description-gl: KDE dialogs for PolicyKit PolicyKit is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes. . É unha infraestrutura para centralizar o proceso de tomada de decisións relacionadas coa concesión de acceso a operacións privilexiadas (como chamar polo método Mount() de HAL) aos aplicativos sen privilexios (os do escritorio). . PolicyKit-Kde provides a D-Bus session bus service that is used to bring up authentication dialogs used for obtaining privileges. Package: polyorb-doc Description-md5: c194ac74dd41e94eea0dcf711e3d9fe3 Description-gl: Multiple-personality middleware for Ada (documentation) PolyORB provides a uniform solution to build distributed applications; relying either on industrial-strength middleware standards such as CORBA, the Distributed System Annex of Ada 95, distribution programming paradigms such as Web Services, Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), or to implement application-specific middleware. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos. Package: portaudio19-dev Description-md5: 040df2bde13015a2b8b419ac2975c974 Description-gl: Portable audio I/O - development files PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: portaudio19-doc Description-md5: 75f3491c545fe83bd2d291a84a8851e3 Description-gl: Portable audio I/O - documentation PortAudio is a portable audio I/O library designed for cross-platform support of audio. It uses a callback mechanism to request audio processing. Audio can be generated in various formats, including 32 bit floating point, and will be converted to the native format internally. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: posterazor Description-md5: b23de1f1c238ad682135378628052f15 Description-gl: Divide unha imaxe en varias páxinas para reunilas nun póster The PosteRazor splits an image to form a multi-page PDF document. When printed, the sheets can be arranged to form a large poster of the original image. Package: postfixadmin Description-md5: 59d711f81f23a7e2d8610f58174d1858 Description-gl: Virtual mail hosting interface for Postfix Postfixadmin is a web interface to manage virtual users and domains for a Postfix mail transport agent. It supports Virtual mailboxes, aliases, forwarders and vacation. . Postfixadmin allows administrators to delegate account handling to domain administrators and allows users to login and change their own settings (e.g. forwarders, vacation, passwords etc). . It provides easy integration into dovecot, courier or cyrus. . Postfixadmin está escrito en PHP. Package: postgis Description-md5: 8aab8a2ee2d60aceb4196de4389b1c02 Description-gl: Compatibilidade con obxectos xeográficos para PostgreSQL PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object- relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL". . This package contains the PostGIS userland binaries for importing and exporting shape and raster files: pgsql2shp, raster2pgsql, and shp2pgsql. Package: postgis-doc Description-md5: d9fb6ebb1016d9274a6318204b1d5d9b Description-gl: Compatibilidade con obxectos xeográficos para PostgreSQL - documentación PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object- relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension. PostGIS follows the OpenGIS "Simple Features Specification for SQL". . Este paquete contén a documentación do PostGIS. Package: postgresql-10-pgrouting-doc Description-md5: a8d18212b7c8fc9f2da1c5661a9d1c02 Description-gl: Routing functionality support for PostgreSQL/PostGIS (Documentation) pgRouting extends the PostGIS/PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing and other network analysis functionality. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: postgresql-10-plsh Description-md5: 6299d14a8d26648aee9a58da3b13a790 Description-gl: PL/sh procedural language for PostgreSQL 10 PL/sh enables an SQL developer to write procedural language functions for PostgreSQL 10 in a shell of his choice. You need this package if you have any PostgreSQL 10 functions that use the language plsh. . PostgreSQL é un sistema de xestión de bases de datos SQL obxecto- relacional. Package: postgresql-10-postgis-scripts Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: postgresql-plperl-10 Description-md5: c30446ee927e9e5e7a819f43debe8daf Description-gl: PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 10 PL/Perl enables an SQL developer to write procedural language functions for PostgreSQL 10 in Perl. You need this package if you have any PostgreSQL 10 functions that use the languages plperl or plperlu. . PostgreSQL é un sistema de xestión de bases de datos SQL obxecto- relacional. Package: postgresql-plpython-10 Description-md5: edbd12e9b2e5bc9f6e151a054ec100f5 Description-gl: PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 10 PL/Python enables an SQL developer to write procedural language functions for PostgreSQL 10 in Python. You need this package if you have any PostgreSQL 10 functions that use the languages plpython or plpythonu. . PostgreSQL é un sistema de xestión de bases de datos SQL obxecto- relacional. Package: postgresql-plpython3-10 Description-md5: af8c237d81329f682791eed96314243b Description-gl: PL/Python 3 procedural language for PostgreSQL 10 PL/Python 3 enables an SQL developer to write procedural language functions for PostgreSQL 10 in Python 3. You need this package if you have any PostgreSQL 10 functions that use the languages plpython3 or plpython3u. . PostgreSQL é un sistema de xestión de bases de datos SQL obxecto- relacional. Package: postgresql-pltcl-10 Description-md5: 053ce687e8c7f80e5c7b214c171bde38 Description-gl: PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 10 PL/Tcl enables an SQL developer to write procedural language functions for PostgreSQL 10 in Tcl. You need this package if you have any PostgreSQL 10 functions that use the languages pltcl or pltclu. . PostgreSQL é un sistema de xestión de bases de datos SQL obxecto- relacional. Package: postgresql-server-dev-10 Description-md5: c8d39f238468b286b21ae4e2feefff69 Description-gl: development files for PostgreSQL 10 server-side programming Header files for compiling SSI code to link into PostgreSQL's backend; for example, for C functions to be called from SQL. . This package also contains the Makefiles necessary for building add-on modules of PostgreSQL, which would otherwise have to be built in the PostgreSQL source-code tree. . PostgreSQL é un sistema de xestión de bases de datos SQL obxecto- relacional. Package: postr Description-md5: ba0318043f114f4df3c3e85d708444a0 Description-gl: Suba fotos a Flickr Postr is a Flickr uploading tool for the GNOME desktop, which aims to be simple to use but exposing enough of Flickr to be useful. . It has a simple user interface, and lets you set common attributes for your photos: title, description, tags, sets, groups, privacy, licence, etc. . It is integrated with Nautilus: you can either run postr when you are browsing your photos or just drag them from Nautilus to drop them in Postr. Package: powerdevil-dev Description-md5: 5757db49c9f4842441035152f146a603 Description-gl: Global power saver settings. Power Devil allows you to define your all power settings. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: powertop-1.13 Description-md5: 90c5d5a996dbde0e23a413a6aedf18a6 Description-gl: Ferramenta de Linux para averiguar que é o que usa a enerxÃa nun portátil PowerTOP é unha ferramenta para Linux que atopa o(s) compoñente(s) de software que fan que o portátil empregue máis enerxÃa da necesaria mentres está ocioso. Desde a versión 2.6.21 do kernel Linux, o kernel xa non ten unha medida de reloxo de 1000Hz. Con isto (en teorÃa) conseguiranse grandes aforros de enerxÃa porque a CPU fica en modo de baixo consumo durante perÃodos de tempo máis longos durante o tempo no que o sistema estea ocioso. . However... there are many things that can ruin the party, both inside the kernel and in userspace. PowerTOP combines various sources of information from the kernel into one convenient screen so that you can see how well your system is doing, and which components are the biggest problem. Package: pppoe Description-md5: b3d04783084fc7cdb649ce3379a14704 Description-gl: Controlador de PPP por Ethernet PPP por Ethernet (PPPoE) é un protocolo empregando por moitos fornecedores de servizos de Internet por ADSL. Este paquete permite conectarse a eses servidores de servizos de PPPoE. Package: pqiv Description-md5: ed08b6f68ffde004acb2136f2a04ad6b Description-gl: Visor de imaxes lixeiro Pretty Quick Image Viewer (pqiv) is a small and pretty fast image viewer. Features include: fullscreen, slideshow, rotate, flip, zoom, transparancy, fade between images, ... and (mostly) all the features from the original Quick Image Viewer (qiv). Package: praat Description-md5: 23727ffe44584d3f5e0e6d37fcc6273c Description-gl: Programa de análise e sÃntese da fala Segundo os seus autores, praat é «facer fonéticas co computador». A través da súa interface gráfica pódense atopar varias funcionalidades de análise da fala: espectogramas, cocleogramas e extracción de tons e formantes. Tamén son posÃbeis a sÃntese articulatoria, asà como a sÃntase a partir de sons, formantes e intensidade. Outras funcionalidades son a segmentación, as etiquetas empregando o alfabeto fonético e o cálculo de estatÃsticas. Praat é configurábel e extensÃbel mediante a súa propia linguaxe de scripts e conta con métodos para comunicarse con outros programas. Package: prayer Description-md5: 41a54753720f9bd5eab055bf59168db0 Description-gl: standalone IMAP-based webmail server O Prayer é outra interface de correo para a web. . It is unusual in that it is a complete, standalone, HTTP server and proxy rather a Apache/mod_php plugin. Prayer maintains persistent connections to the IMAP server and is written entirely in C. Consequently it is much faster than most open source Webmail interfaces and puts very little load on either the machines running the Web server or the backend IMAP servers (even if traditional Unix format mailfolders are in use). . Prayer has very few external dependencies as user preferences are stored on the IMAP server rather than in a SQL database. It does however implement a full range of features and user preference settings. Package: prayer-accountd Description-md5: 1ea1098cf91e0a6b456fc58b77063c86 Description-gl: Daemon de xestión de contas para o Prayer O Prayer é outra interface de correo para a web. . It is unusual in that it is a complete, standalone, HTTP server and proxy rather a Apache/mod_php plugin. Prayer maintains persistent connections to the IMAP server and is written entirely in C. Consequently it is much faster than most open source Webmail interfaces and puts very little load on either the machines running the Web server or the backend IMAP servers (even if traditional Unix format mailfolders are in use). . Este paquete contén un daemon que pode facer o seguinte para os usuarios: . * Cambiar os contrasinais * Cambiar o seu nome completo * Xestionar o filtro do correo (require Exim) e encamiñar * Xestionar as mensaxes de vacacións e os rexistros . NOTA: Este paquete non é moi útil actualmente. Package: prayer-templates-dev Description-md5: 651fa3da91548436fc764e1873fc3d49 Description-gl: Ferramentas para compilar modelos para Prayer O Prayer é outra interface de correo para a web. . It is unusual in that it is a complete, standalone, HTTP server and proxy rather a Apache/mod_php plugin. Prayer maintains persistent connections to the IMAP server and is written entirely in C. Consequently it is much faster than most open source Webmail interfaces and puts very little load on either the machines running the Web server or the backend IMAP servers (even if traditional Unix format mailfolders are in use). . O Prayer emprega a súa propia linguaxe de expansión de macros para o HTML que produce. Este paquete contén os programas e scripts necesarios para construÃr bibliotecas de modelos, asà como un makefile para facilitar o proceso. Package: prayer-templates-src Description-md5: 17d39703d5f6f15ebb9628ca48d1fc96 Description-gl: Modelos para personalizar o correo por web Prayer O Prayer é outra interface de correo para a web. . It is unusual in that it is a complete, standalone, HTTP server and proxy rather a Apache/mod_php plugin. Prayer maintains persistent connections to the IMAP server and is written entirely in C. Consequently it is much faster than most open source Webmail interfaces and puts very little load on either the machines running the Web server or the backend IMAP servers (even if traditional Unix format mailfolders are in use). . Este paquete contén, na súa forma en código fonte, os modelos para o HTML que produce o Prayer. . Como todos os modelos están incluÃdos co paquete principal prayer en forma compilada, só hai que instalar este paquete se se quere personalizar unha ou máis páxinas e fai falta un punto desde o que partir. Package: prboom-plus Description-md5: da4853ac0170ea6f89644f1b9aac3093 Description-gl: Clon mellorado do clásico xogo de disparos en primeira persoa Doom PrBoom+ is an enhanced source port of the classic 3D first-person shooter game Doom, first released by id Software in 1993. It uses the Simple Direct Media layer (SDL) library and features an optional OpenGL renderer. It is based on PrBoom, MBF and LxDoom, which in turn are based on TeamTNT's Boom, a freely available port of Doom for DOS. . In addition to PrBoom's features, PrBoom+ offers uncapped framerate, variable gamespeed, re-record, walkcam, chasecam, full mouselook, FOV, and other features without loss of compatibility with the original Doom. . PrBoom+ requires game data to run. Free game data is available in the freedoom package. Commercial game data can be packaged using game-data- packager. PrBoom+ supports all flavors of Doom, including The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom as well as Chex(R) Quest, HACX, FreeDoom and FreeDM. Package: prboom-plus-game-server Description-md5: 0f19b1cb9a18c2a2ee66aab81d93702a Description-gl: Clon mellorado do clásico xogo de disparos en primeira persoa Doom (servidor) PrBoom+ is an enhanced source port of the classic 3D first-person shooter game Doom, first released by id Software in 1993. It uses the Simple Direct Media layer (SDL) library and features an optional OpenGL renderer. It is based on PrBoom, MBF and LxDoom, which in turn are based on TeamTNT's Boom, a freely available port of Doom for DOS. . In addition to PrBoom's features, PrBoom+ offers uncapped framerate, variable gamespeed, re-record, walkcam, chasecam, full mouselook, FOV, and other features without loss of compatibility with the original Doom. . Este paquete contén o servidor para os xogos de rede de PrBoom+. Package: predict Description-md5: 56dc7d96d4d0fee7727e23f1c2cb2fe6 Description-gl: Programa de seguimento de satélites con saÃda opcional de voz Este é un programa de seguimento de satélites. Probabelmente lles interese máis aos usuarios de satélites afeccionados, mais inclúe compatibilidade para, de maneira opcional, anunciar o acimut e a elevación para axudar no enfoque manual das antenas ou na observación óptica dos satélites. . The upstream predict sources include a front-end called 'map', which is called predict-map in the Debian package. . O paquete «ntp» aparece como suxerido porque o seguimento preciso de satélites depende dun coñecemento preciso da hora e lugar das estacións terrestres. Package: prelude-lml Description-md5: e4960fccc750e60715684177c99d72b0 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Log Agent ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . Prelude-LML is a signature based log analyzer monitoring logfile and received syslog messages for suspicious activity. It handle events generated by a large set of components, including but not limited to: Apache, BigIP, Grsecurity, Honeyd, ipchains, Netfilter, ipfw, Nagios, NTsyslog, NuFW, PAM, Portsentry, Postfix, Proftpd, ssh, etc. Package: prelude-manager Description-md5: eb4ddb779e0346618e19b52d4c9d1bda Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Manager ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package provides the Prelude Manager, which is a high availability server that accepts secured connections from distributed sensors or other managers and saves received events to a media specified by the user (database, log files, mail, etc). Package: preludedb-utils Description-md5: 7e5b448696f1297255387545142f517e Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Library utils ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Prelude shared library tools. Package: prey Description-md5: 1de0b2602a0b82d3a4f6cef3f85bfb00 Description-gl: Utilidade para localizar computadores roubados Prey é un programa lixeiro para axudar a localizar e recuperar un portátile perdido. . Consta dun script de consola que chama de maneira regular a un servidor executado polo proxecto Prey ou a un URL definido polo administrador do sistema. Fornécese unha ferramenta de configuración gráfica para manter o sinxelo ficheiro de configuración. Package: Description-md5: 94c107931f23ebf15b5a432696b16293 Description-gl: Filtrado e manipulación de imaxes empregando GNUstep PRICE can open several image file formats and apply high-quality filters and other enhancements. Package: primus-libs Description-md5: c1f82129872a8e4a16f366b0b45f9a35 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para primus Este paquete contén as bibliotecas de primus que se cargan cando se executa primusrun. Package: print-manager Description-md5: c70a1f298b306b8002962873e1366838 Description-gl: printer configuration and monitoring tools This package provides a KDE configuration module and a Plasma widget for installing and configuring printers, and monitoring printers, print jobs and print queues. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades do KDE. Package: printer-driver-all Description-md5: abf2f68b9d7898d7cea5c76b1fefcbd0 Description-gl: Metapaquete de controladores de impresoras Este paquete recomenda todos os paquetes de controladores de impresoras, cada un dos cales pode ser retirado individualmente. . El por si non fornece ningún controlador de impresora. Package: printer-driver-all-enforce Description-md5: 0f098ea586a0c411609cf85755235c47 Description-gl: printer drivers metapackage - enforcing version Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes de controladores de impresoras. . Non fornece ningún controlador de impresora por si e existe fundamentalmente para garantir transicións sensatas. Package: printer-driver-c2050 Description-md5: 01a095093af31c883a6e0849d786d133 Description-gl: Controlador de impresora para a impresora de chorro de tinta Lexmark 2050 Color Filtro para converter un ficheiro en Postscript ao formato da Lexmark 2050. . Este controlador permite imprimir a 300ppp en cor en papel A4. Package: printer-driver-cjet Description-md5: 0bc51d8cefe15dfb31e3e34b74960506 Description-gl: Controlador de impresora para as impresoras láser LBP da Canon CJET filters printer data from stdin to stdout, converting HP PCL (Printer Command Language) escape sequences and data structures, e.g. font headers, to their CaPSL equivalents. . CaPSL stands for Canon Printing System Language. It is a set of control command developed for the Canon European Language Printer. CaPSL was used in Canon Export Models such as LBP-8markIII series and LBP-4series. Canon's older Japanese models (LBP-A404 GII etc. LIPS-III as default command) usually have CaPSL emulation mode. Package: printer-driver-cups-pdf Description-md5: a4550a50a63c8c31d2a9919ce19723b5 Description-gl: printer driver for PDF writing via CUPS CUPS-PDF provides a PDF Writer backend to CUPS. This can be used as a virtual printer in a paperless network or to perform testing on CUPS. . Os documentos escrÃbense nun directorio configurábel (por omisión, en ~/PDF) ou poden ser manipulados máis cunha orde de post-procesamento. . Desktop users might find it simpler to use the Print To File feature provided by GTK and QT or the LibreOffice's Export to PDF feature. Package: printer-driver-dymo Description-md5: c35f849553072e7b70cffc39c2027278 Description-gl: Controlador de impresora para as impresoras de etiquetas da DYMO CUPS filter driver for various DYMO label printers: LabelManager 400, 450, PC, PC II and PnP; LabelPoint 350 and LabelWriter 300, 310, 315, 320, 330, 330 Turbo, 400, 400 Turbo, 450, 450 DUO Label, 450 DUO Tape, 450 Turbo, 450 Twin Turbo, 4XL, DUO Label, DUO Tape, DUO Tape 128, SE450 and Twin Turbo. . This package contains the CUPS filter driver and the compressed PPDs for the supported label printers. Package: printer-driver-escpr Description-md5: 9a3d5c79f3f50b8e09c446517743dece Description-gl: Controlador de impresora para as impresoras de chorro de tinta Epsonque emperguen ESC/P-R ESC/P-R is a common language for selected Epson printers that supports every media type, paper size and associated printing mode available on those printers. It is suited especially for consumer electronics devices and embedded equipments. ESC/P-R allows many kinds of devices to connect and communicate with Epson inkjet printers, expanding possibilities for use with medical equipment, measuring equipment, electronic whiteboards, and at home with home electronics and game machines. . Este paquete contén o controlador de filtros de CUPS e os PPD comprimidos para as impresoras compatÃbeis. Package: printfilters-ppd Description-md5: 72fb52bd1a8d32d502a05558cf025b46 Description-gl: Filtros do sistema de impresión GNUlpr Estes son un conxunto de filtros de conversión de datos deseñados para funcionar con ppdfilt. Package: prips Description-md5: 669c81e38e552465af7b8ab25d54fc0a Description-gl: Ferramenta que imprime os enderezos de IP nun intervalo dado prips can be used to print all of the IP addresses in a given range. This allows the enhancement of tools only work on one host at a time (e.g. whois). Package: probabel-examples Description-md5: 738de62d749bb8031e853d8da51d410d Description-gl: Ficheiros de exemplo de ProbABEL The ProbABEL package is part of the GenABEL project for analysis of genome-wide data. ProbABEL is used to run GWAS. Using files in filevector/DatABEL format even allows for running GWAS on computers with only a few GB of RAM. . This package contains the example files for the probabel package. Package: probcons-extra Description-md5: 4a076f2b69c4268afe6d7636e1728fed Description-gl: Programas extra do paquete probcons Contains the convert, project and makgnuplot programs from the probcons package, which have been renamed to pc-compare, pc-project and pc- makegnuplot respectively to avoid collisions with other program names. These programs are mostly useful for testing purposes and are not required for the normal usage of Probcons. . Probcons is a tool for generating multiple alignments of protein sequences. Package: proftpd-basic Description-md5: 4ded3a58e7e7b81b4793dab6f2b1d63d Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - binarios ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete contén o daemon e todos os módulos principais empregados polas configuracións habituais. Para a autenticación baseada en base de datos, instale o paquete axeitado proftpd-mod suxerido. Package: proftpd-dev Description-md5: 7c00d8231b3ab5682b1e982c46081718 Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - ficheiros de desenvolvemento ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete contén todos os ficheiros requiridos para desenvolver módulos de terceiros que poidan ser cargados no tempo de execución mediante a compatibilidade con DSO. Package: proftpd-doc Description-md5: 734d933b7bfe84385058699eb8ca818e Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - documentación ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete contén a documentación do software. Package: proftpd-mod-autohost Description-md5: 6fbb69df0f0ba4e569db25e8beff5d79 Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_autohost The mod_autohost module allows for server configurations to be configured in individual files, and for those configuration to be used in an "on demand" fashion. Rather than loading the configurations into memory when the daemon starts up, the daemon will check the IP address and port being contacted by a connecting client, check in the filesystem for a mod_autohost configuration file for that address/port, dynamically parse the configuration, and insert the configuration into the session's process space. Thus changes to the configuration are seen whenever a client connects, without requiring a daemon restart. The memory footprint is reduced because proftpd, via mod_autohost, only reads and uses the needed configuration. Package: proftpd-mod-case Description-md5: 257bc81e5527e8c167441b76edc569f3 Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_case O módulo mod_case está deseñado para axudar a que ProFTPD non faga distinción entre maiúsculase minúsculas nos sitios que o poidan precisar (p.ex., nos que están a migrar desde un ambiente Windows ou teñen motados sistemas deficheiros de Windows). . mod_case funciona realizando dúas comprobacións dos nomes de ficheiro empregados nas ordes de FTP. Primeiro, mod_case examina o directorio para ver se xa hai un ficheiro cuxo nome coincida exactamente co nome de ficheiro dado. De non ser o caso, mod_case examina o directorio de novo, buscando esta vez coincidencias con maiúsculas ou minúsculas. Package: proftpd-mod-clamav Description-md5: 72774919d023d288dff6bf6231d1eee0 Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_clamav Mod_Clamav can be configured to either use Clamd via local unix sockets or TCP sockets. This allows one to combine ProFTPd with Mod_Clamav and Clamd on a system with local unix sockets for minimal administrative overhead and decent security. however, also allows for a large scale deployment with many ProFTPd servers utilizing a separate Clamd host over TCP for scalability and lower administrative overhead. Package: proftpd-mod-dnsbl Description-md5: 8534a21a2340b7fc789d00a62ecfde1b Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_dnsbl Módulo de ProFTPD para dnsbl (lista negra/lista de bloqueo de DNS) . Unha lista negra de DNS é unha maneira na que se pode usar un DNS para colocar nunha «lista negra» sitios/enderezos que teñan sido considerados como «malos» por algunha razón. Estas listas negras empréganas con frecuencia os servidores de correo para determinar e rexeitar correo enviado por enderezos coñecidos por seren fontes de spam. Package: proftpd-mod-fsync Description-md5: 96141bdec545ec9ac6cd2aca73c1f153 Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_fsync The mod_fsync module attempts to prevent such bottlenecks by forcibly flushing to disk the buffers used for files open for writing after a certain number of bytes have been written (for example, after 128 KB has been written to a file). This prevents the buffer cache from being dominated by data from files being written, freeing up space for data for files being read. Package: proftpd-mod-geoip Description-md5: 3348e26e68b0eff05e85fd812a6922d6 Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - módulo de GeoIP ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete fornece funcionalidades de GeoIP. Package: proftpd-mod-ldap Description-md5: 4e3d0cca75c843db3554fb2d936f371a Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - módulo de LDAP ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete fornece a autenticación baseada en LDAP. Package: proftpd-mod-msg Description-md5: c91c17cb927edb52929ef4234fde45d4 Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_msg O módulo mod_msg permite que os usuarios do sistema envÃen mensaxes para conectar clientes mediante o programa ftpdctl. O módulo funciona creando unha fila de mensaxes de SysV, que é empregada para pasar mensaxes do proceso do daemon aos procesos da sesión. Package: proftpd-mod-mysql Description-md5: 18e17ab8c72f16da50521f3a5fbb482f Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - módulo de MySQL ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete fornece a autenticación baseada en MySQL. Package: proftpd-mod-odbc Description-md5: 5a1e8ce64cc3371ee50e415ba7f85e03 Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - módulo de ODBC ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete fornece a autenticación baseada en ODBC. Package: proftpd-mod-pgsql Description-md5: 47f3bc2584d2984eabc93893f6f938ff Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - módulo de PostgreSQL ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete fornece a autenticación baseada en PostgreSQL. Package: proftpd-mod-sqlite Description-md5: eaa7d5df2783d2bf4ad44162364f166d Description-gl: Daemon versátil de FTP de hospedaxe virtual - módulo de SQLite3 ProFTPD é un potente servidor modular de FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Este daemon fo Protocolo de Transferencia de Ficheros admite tamén directorios ocultos, hóspedes virtuais e ficheiros de acceso «.ftpaccess» por directorio. Emprega un único ficheiro de configuración principal cunha sintaxe semellante á de Apache. . Polo seu deseño avanzado, os directorios de FTP anónimo poden ter unha estrutura interna arbitraria (non se precisan bin, lib, etc. e ficheiros especiais). Tamén se admiten funcionalidades avanzadas como varios ficheiros de contrasinais e relacións de envÃo/descarga. . Este paquete fornece a autenticación baseada en SQLite. Package: proftpd-mod-tar Description-md5: b3f88c67d5f4d524bfbcbd17c0393be5 Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_tar O módulo mod_tar permite a creación de ficheiros tar ao voo. Cando un cliente tenta descargar un directorio como ficheiro tar, o módulo mod_tar crea automaticamente un ficheiro tar dese directorio. Package: proftpd-mod-vroot Description-md5: 16de4a75fecb2491776a45779373e9fb Description-gl: Módulo de ProFTPD mod_vroot O propósito deste módulo é incluÃr unha capacidade de chroot virtual que non requira de privilexios de root. O módulomod_vroot fornece esta capacidade empregando a API FS de ProFTP. Tamén permite asignarlle a un directorio do chroot do usuario como alcume no chroot para compartir directorios comúns. Package: projectm-jack Description-md5: a3f428fa6089418d0b2482bdb036b157 Description-gl: Módulo de projectM para JackAudio projectM is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . Este paquete contén un aplicativo para visualizar fluxos de JackAudio. Package: projectm-pulseaudio Description-md5: 44a16c06a84a1f8ddd00695ab96b0946 Description-gl: Módulo de projectM para PulseAudio projectM is an iterative music visualization library which uses OpenGL for hardware acceleration. It is compatible with Milkdrop presets. . Este paquete contén un aplicativo para visualizar fluxos de PulseAudio. Package: promoe Description-md5: d78b5ff6824b8a79ce9464a6c506b57b Description-gl: Cliente con interface gráfia de usuario para XMMS2 Promoe is a client for the XMMS2 music daemon. Promoe’s interface is modeled after XMMS/WinAMP classic and supports Winamp 2 skins. It's written in C++ and uses the Qt4 toolkit. Package: proot Description-md5: f74471c95fd77fd66894129479bbdcba Description-gl: emulate chroot, bind mount and binfmt_misc for non-root users PRoot is a user-space implementation of chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc. . Significa que os usuarios non precisan privilexios nin configuración para cousas como usar un cartafol arbitrario como novo sistema de ficheiros root, facendo os ficheiros accesÃbeis noutro lugar da xerarquÃa do sistema de ficheiros, ou executar programas feitos para outra arquitectura CPU de xeito transparente por medio do modo usuario de QEMU. . Also, developers can add their own features or use PRoot as a Linux process instrumentation engine thanks to its extension mechanism. . Technically PRoot relies on ptrace, an unprivileged system-call available in every Linux kernel. Package: prosody Description-md5: 12d4cb414b879c7a9ec6762a4708b10c Description-gl: Servidor de Jabber/XMPP lixeiro Prosody is a modern XMPP communication server. It aims to be easy to set up and configure, and efficient with system resources. Additionally, for developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly develop added functionality, or prototype new protocols. Package: prosper Description-md5: 4d7bc3dbb7feb3c098094e4b447f3364 Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for prosper to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-latex-extra. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: prover9-doc Description-md5: 3666da0276f73cac13717eb7f17a3d20 Description-gl: Documentación de Prover9 e programas asociados Prover9 is an automated theorem prover for first-order and equational logic. It is a successor of the Otter prover. Prover9 uses the inference techniques of ordered resolution and paramodulation with literal selection. . This package provides documentation for Prover9, Mace4 and other associated programs. Package: prover9-mace4 Description-md5: 564869a43c977f40c9c0a6c95cdfb96f Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para Prover9 e Mace4 This package provides a graphical user interface for easily running the Prover9 theorem prover and the Mace4 countermodel generator along with a number of sample input files. Package: proxychains Description-md5: 040457b770c0fda03ec53238fc3e3cb4 Description-gl: proxy chains - redirect connections through proxy servers Proxy chains force any tcp connection made by any given tcp client to follow through proxy (or proxy chain). It is a kind of proxifier. It acts like sockscap / premeo / eborder driver ( intercepts TCP calls ) . This version supports SOCKS4, SOCKS5 and HTTP CONNECT proxy servers. Different proxy types can be mixed in the same chain. . Features * Access Internet from behind restrictive firewall. * Source IP masquerade. * SSH tunneling and forwarding. * Dynamic LAN-to-LAN VPN channel. * Servers and daemons friendly (works fine with sendmail MTA). . Package: proxycheck Description-md5: b19705e1ce3bcf742de2e15ff63ad17a Description-gl: Comproba a existencia de proxys abertos proxycheck é unha ferramenta sinxela que funciona en sistemas *nix razoábeis e que se pode empregar para comprobar rapidamente se un hóspede ou conxunto de hóspedes dados teñen un servidor de proxy aberto en execución Package: psi Description-md5: 9e0b5b58cc2762ddeeabc01d270fbea5 Description-gl: Cliente de Jabber que emprega Qt Psi é un aplicativo gratuÃto de mensaxerÃa instantánea deseñada para a rede Jabber (XMPP) (incluÃdo Google Talk). É totalmenet compatÃbel con Unicode e admite a maiorÃa das funcionalidades deXMPP, como transferencia de ficheiros, conversas de grupo, cifrado,etc. . Psi descansa na biblioteca qca2 para as súas funcionalidades de cifrado. Polo tanto, é necesario instalar libqca2-plugin-ossl para o cifrado SSL (cliente a servidor) e libqca2-plugin-gnupg para o cifrado PGP (extremo a extremo). Package: psi-plus Description-md5: 8d059a5b1957908645c1363f9fb391a1 Description-gl: Cliente de XMPP/Jabber baseado en Qt (versión básica) Este paquete a versión básica de Psi+. . Psi IM is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi client by <> team. . Project Purpose: collection, refinement and writing new patches for transferring them to Psi IM upstream. . Full list of features you can found at: http://psi- Package: psi-plus-common Description-md5: f442b687c2ca6dfab60abe1ca424dd51 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns do Psi+ Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns do Psi+. . Psi IM is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi client by <> team. . Project Purpose: collection, refinement and writing new patches for transferring them to Psi IM upstream. . Full list of features you can found at: http://psi- Package: psi-plus-l10n Description-md5: 4d2c3676246324caa3d1fdb32e6b3721 Description-gl: Ficheiros de localización do Psi+ Este paquete contén ficheiros de localización do Psi+. . If you want to add new or update any existing translation see: . Psi IM is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi client by <> team. . Project Purpose: collection, refinement and writing new patches for transferring them to Psi IM upstream. . Full list of features you can found at: http://psi- Package: psi-plus-plugins Description-md5: 323b995db6ba08637c0ceb0488df0182 Description-gl: Engadidos para o Psi+ This package contains plugins for Psi+. . Psi IM is a cross-platform powerful XMPP/Jabber client (Qt, C++) designed for the Jabber power users. Psi+ is a development branch of Psi client by <> team. . Project Purpose: collection, refinement and writing new patches for transferring them to Psi IM upstream. . Full list of features you can found at: http://psi- Package: psi-translations Description-md5: d438a77d7c86b4cc323045e4d619957b Description-gl: Trducións do psi This package contains translations for the jabber client 'psi' Package: psignifit Description-md5: 8ea319954d3baa9a16c7d00ad8be62fd Description-gl: Fitting and testing hypotheses about psychometric functions Psignifit allows fitting of psychometric functions to datasets while maintaining full control over a large number of parameters. Data can either be read from text files or passed through a pipe. . Psignifit performs the calculation of confidence intervals as well as goodness-of-fit tests. . Esta é a versión para a liña de ordes. Package: pslib-dev Description-md5: d97d01950d6885914a7c049f18e894ea Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de pslib pslib is a library to create PostScript files Package: pslib1-dbg Description-md5: c7c504ca9db2b6ec4bd8b7010a6c29d1 Description-gl: library to create PostScript files pslib is a library to create PostScript files. It offers many drawing primitives, image output and very sophisticated text rendering. It can read external Type1 fonts and embed them into the output file. It supports pdfmarks which makes it in combination with ghostscript's pdfwriter an alternative for libraries creating PDF. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de pslib1 Package: pssh Description-md5: c83367f6abd1b98aee8797c5532296de Description-gl: Parallel versions of SSH-based tools pssh provides a number of commands for executing against a group of computers, using SSH. It's most useful for operating on clusters of homogenously-configured hosts. . O paquete contén: . - Parallel ssh (parallel-ssh, upstream calls it pssh), executes commands on multiple hosts in parallel - Parallel scp (parallel-scp, upstream calls it pscp), copies files to multiple remote hosts in parallel - Parallel rsync (parallel-rsync, upstream calls it prsync), efficiently copies files to multiple hosts in parallel - Parallel nuke (parallel-nuke, upstream calls it pnuke), kills processes on multiple remote hosts in parallel - Parallel slurp (parallel-slurp, upstream calls it pslurp), copies files from multiple remote hosts to a central host in parallel . These tools are good for controlling large collections of nodes, where faster alternatives such as gexec and pcp are not available. Package: pstoedit Description-md5: b0a9a8cc50482c0c6306682badd8015c Description-gl: PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics converter pstoedit converte ficheiros en Postscript e PDF a diversos formatos de gráficos vectoriais editábeis, incluÃdos tgif, xfig, gráficos PDF, formato gnuplot, idraw, MetaPost, GNU Metafile, PIC, Kontour e PostScript aplanado. Package: ptask Description-md5: 6642e200d400ea0ea4853feb5b806403 Description-gl: GTK+ graphical user interface for managing tasks ptask é unha interface gráfica de usuario en GTK+ para xestionar tarefas. Baséase en taskwarrior, un coñecido e robusto xestor de tarefas para a liña de ordes. Ao contrario de taskwarrior, é posÃbel asociar unha nota (descrición longa) a cada tarefa. Package: pterm Description-md5: 0fdfa7cada5930e860db2a7f8a244dac Description-gl: Emulador de terminal PuTTY This is an X terminal emulator based on the popular Windows SSH client, PuTTY. It supports xterm escape sequences, plus some Linux console sequences for colour palette configuration and some DECterm sequences for title bar control, and with an appropriate font it supports the UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. It also has some nifty features like rectangular selection and NetHack keypad mode. Package: ptop Description-md5: 56fb3d1780dcfb7d0721619ed5e5183b Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package. It can safely be removed. ptop is replaced by pgtop Package: puddletag Description-md5: d472c8561b9889b0c2df023db4308d2a Description-gl: Editor de etiquetas de son sinxelo e potente puddletag é un editor de etiquetas de son (creado fundamentalmente) para GNU/Linux semellante ao programa para Windows Mp3tag. A diferenza da maiorÃa dos etiquetadores para GNU/Linux, emprega unha disposición tipo folla de cálculo, polo que todas as etiquetas que se desexe editar a man son visÃbeis e facilmente editábeis. . The usual tag editor features are supported like extracting tag information from filenames, renaming files based on their tags by using patterns and basic tag editing. . Then there're Functions, which can do things like replace text, trim it, do case conversions, etc. Actions can automate repetitive tasks. You can import your QuodLibet library, lookup tags using Amazon (including cover art), Discogs (does cover art too!), FreeDB and MusicBrainz (and more). . Formatos admitidos: ID3v1, ID3v2 (mp3), MP4 (mp4, m4a, etc.), VorbisComments (ogg, flac), Musepack (mpc), Monkey's Audio (ape) e WavPack (wv). Package: pulseaudio-equalizer Description-md5: 5402a1f4cf8652b508501dd29d402735 Description-gl: Equalizer sink module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This package provides an equalizer sink and an interface to configure the equalizer, qpaeq. . The module is called module-equalizer-sink. Package: pulseaudio-esound-compat Description-md5: c4bef34c6a4dad881a8090fdc8386ec8 Description-gl: PulseAudio ESD compatibility layer PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This package contains the ESD compatibility components used by some older versions of complete desktop environments, e.g., GNOME, and many useful applications. It enables a PulseAudio sound server to fully replace ESD. Package: pulseaudio-module-gconf Description-md5: c3adf0ed8c67f1355a3e02e8fd0d85c2 Description-gl: GConf module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This module enables PulseAudio to store additional configuration in GConf. . The module is called module-gconf. Package: pulseaudio-module-jack Description-md5: a45f4943771fb4ccf89a76a36f7f6f13 Description-gl: jackd modules for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . These modules enables PulseAudio to connect to a jackd daemon. . The modules are called module-jack-sink, module-jack-source. Package: pulseaudio-module-lirc Description-md5: 476ebc36bd51c387e0a12a54352ae162 Description-gl: lirc module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This module enables the volume of a PulseAudio sink to be controlled when buttons of an infrared remote control are pressed (through LIRC). . The module is called module-lirc. Package: pulseaudio-module-raop Description-md5: f443b32abfa3073d1874fa9b76cf88b1 Description-gl: RAOP module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This module enables PulseAudio to stream audio to an Apple Airport Express. Package: pulseaudio-module-trust-store Description-md5: 7f433fe624a66b64614d5c18b353a142 Description-gl: trust-store module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This module enables PulseAudio to use the trust-store in Ubuntu touch systems. . The module is called module-trust-store. Package: pulseaudio-module-zeroconf Description-md5: bccd0c2eacb18c71f7d829db12f93aae Description-gl: Zeroconf module for PulseAudio sound server PulseAudio, anteriormente coñecido como Polypaudio, é un servidor de son para sistemas POSIX e WIN32. É un substituto inmediato do servidor de son ESD con mellor latencia, calidade de mistura e sampleado e arquitectura en xeral. . This module enables PulseAudio to publish available sinks and sources via zeroconf (aka. Avahi, mdns). . The module is called module-zeroconf-publish. Package: puppet-common Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: pure-ftpd Description-md5: c224dc177bd93932c8270a67cd35b6aa Description-gl: Servidor de FTP seguro e eficiente Free, secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server. Features include chrooted home directories, virtual domains, built-in 'ls', anti-warez system, configurable ports for passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, ratios, fortune files, Apache-like log files, fast standalone mode, atomic uploads, text / HTML / XML real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, privilege separation, SSL/TLS and more. Package: pure-ftpd-ldap Description-md5: 477968a296072683c2fab03f6540b60e Description-gl: Servidor de FTP seguro e eficiente con autenticación de usuarios mediante LDAP Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standards-conformant FTP server based upon Troll-FTPd. Features include chrooted home directories, virtual domains, built-in 'ls', anti-warez system, configurable ports for passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, ratios, fortune files, Apache-like log files, fast standalone mode, atomic uploads, text / HTML / XML real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, privilege separation, SSL/TLS and more. Package: pure-ftpd-mysql Description-md5: d0b28646386ab85cff7e54614bef04c1 Description-gl: Servidor de FTP seguro e eficiente con autenticación de usuarios mediante MySQL Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standards-conformant FTP server based upon Troll-FTPd. Features include chrooted home directories, virtual domains, built-in 'ls', anti-warez system, configurable ports for passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, ratios, fortune files, Apache-like log files, fast standalone mode, atomic uploads, text / HTML / XML real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, privilege separation, SSL/TLS and more. Package: pure-ftpd-postgresql Description-md5: 10ce8669d0de227b915f7794f62f9f07 Description-gl: Servidor de FTP seguro e eficiente con autenticación de usuarios mediante PostgreSL Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standards-conformant FTP server based upon Troll-FTPd. Features include chrooted home directories, virtual domains, built-in 'ls', anti-warez system, configurable ports for passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, ratios, fortune files, Apache-like log files, fast standalone mode, atomic uploads, text / HTML / XML real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, privilege separation, SSL/TLS and more. Package: pwget Description-md5: a1a82da168aa0049754b5eb1137b2ad1 Description-gl: Utilidade de descarga parecida a wget (realizada en Perl) Pwget is similar to wget(1) but it can use categorized configuration files, analyze Web pages, and "search" for download links as instructed. Instead of absolute links, it contains heuristics to track newer versions of files. Package: pybind11-doc Description-md5: ad1f8255e000b1f4d921201326c0e401 Description-gl: documentation for pybind11 pybind11 is a lightweight header library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellent Boost.Python library by David Abrahams: to minimize boilerplate code in traditional extension modules by inferring type information using compile-time introspection. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: pybridge-common Description-md5: c80ba2c4ddfddbbf7833b218f18b7d08 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para pybridge PyBridge lets you play the card game of contract bridge, with human players, over the Internet or a local network. The PyBridge project aims to provide a featureful cross-platform alternative to existing online bridge services. . This package contains files shared by the PyBridge client and server. Package: pybridge-server Description-md5: 1928444930972f5dc01c6e9b64a25177 Description-gl: Ficheiros de servidor de pybridge PyBridge lets you play the card game of contract bridge, with human players, over the Internet or a local network. The PyBridge project aims to provide a featureful cross-platform alternative to existing online bridge services. . This package provides a console server to which PyBridge users can connect. Package: pygfarm Description-md5: 70cf8a8a11bc3d8151561a142f58f881 Description-gl: Collection of add-on modules for Pygopherd These add-on modules provide additional functionality for your Pygopherd server. . Included modules are: . dict.pyg: Interface para a base de datos dictd . These are installed into /usr/share/pygfarm for you to link to as you like. Package: pykaraoke Description-md5: f347df16e0b5a60749e21cd597bc27b7 Description-gl: Reprodutor de karaoke CDG/MIDI/MPEG libre PyKaraoke is a free karaoke player. You can use this program to play your collection of CDG, MIDI and MPEG karaoke songs. . pykaraoke-mini é unha interface para os reprodutores de karaoke pycdg e pympg. Fornece un motor de buscas para atopar cancións, un navegador de ficheiros e cartafoles para escoller cancións dun disco, asà como unha lista de reprodución. . Features: * CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G) playback - Play standard CDG karaoke files * MIDI (.MID/.KAR) playback - Play MIDI format karaoke files * MPEG playback - Play karaoke songs and movies in MPEG format * Playlist - Queue up songs, sit back and enjoy * Searchable song database - Easily find your songs from the main screen * Search inside ZIP files - Play MP3+G/MIDI files wrapped in ZIP files * Cross-platform - Runs on Windows and Linux . MIDI/KAR support on Linux, requires the following: * Timidity++ * Sounds/patches for Timidity++ (e.g. freepats or eawpatches) Package: pykaraoke-bin Description-md5: 266206ae5e58d3da0f3aec7a13e7f466 Description-gl: Reprodutor de karaoke CDG/MIDI/MPEG libre PyKaraoke is a free karaoke player. You can use this program to play your collection of CDG, MIDI and MPEG karaoke songs. . This package includes the command-line programs to play CDG files, MIDI/KAR files and MPEG files. . pykaraoke-mini é unha interface para os reprodutores de karaoke pycdg e pympg. É semellante ao pykaraoke, mais está deseñado para ser empregado en dispositivos portátiles pequenos máis que en PC. En concreto, poderÃa ser útil en calquera dispositivo que careza de teclado e rato. . Features: * CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G) playback - Play standard CDG karaoke files * MIDI (.MID/.KAR) playback - Play MIDI format karaoke files * MPEG playback - Play karaoke songs and movies in MPEG format . MIDI/KAR support on Linux, requires the following: * Timidity++ * Sounds/patches for Timidity++ (e.g. freepats or eawpatches) Package: pylint Description-md5: 276d33bb24da931d873830f304cf8f6a Description-gl: Python code static checker and UML diagram generator Pylint is a Python source code analyzer which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells (as defined in Martin Fowler's Refactoring book) . O Pylint pode ser visto como outro PyChecker, dado que practicamente todas as probas que se poden facer co PyChecker tamén se pode facer co Pylint. Porén, o Pylint ofrece algunhas funcionalidades a maiores, como a comprobación da lonxitude das liñas de código, a comprobación de se os nomes das variábeis están ben formados segundo as normas de codificación que se desexen ou comprobar que as interfaces declarades realmente se utilizan e moito máis. . Additionally, it is possible to write plugins to add your own checks. . The package also ships the following additional commands: . * pyreverse: an UML diagram generator * symilar: an independent similarities checker * epylint: Emacs and Flymake compatible Pylint * pylint-gui: a graphical interface (reason for python-tk recommends) Package: pylint-doc Description-md5: e0073fb1d233b2b1972710bdbd06345b Description-gl: Python code static checker and UML diagram generator (documentation) Pylint is a Python source code analyzer which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells (as defined in Martin Fowler's Refactoring book) . O Pylint pode ser visto como outro PyChecker, dado que practicamente todas as probas que se poden facer co PyChecker tamén se pode facer co Pylint. Porén, o Pylint ofrece algunhas funcionalidades a maiores, como a comprobación da lonxitude das liñas de código, a comprobación de se os nomes das variábeis están ben formados segundo as normas de codificación que se desexen ou comprobar que as interfaces declarades realmente se utilizan e moito máis. . Additionally, it is possible to write plugins to add your own checks. . The package contains documentation for pylint. Package: pylint3 Description-md5: 3a8695033f22e1a54768ee64d761d48a Description-gl: Python 3 code static checker and UML diagram generator Pylint is a Python source code analyzer which looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells (as defined in Martin Fowler's Refactoring book) . O Pylint pode ser visto como outro PyChecker, dado que practicamente todas as probas que se poden facer co PyChecker tamén se pode facer co Pylint. Porén, o Pylint ofrece algunhas funcionalidades a maiores, como a comprobación da lonxitude das liñas de código, a comprobación de se os nomes das variábeis están ben formados segundo as normas de codificación que se desexen ou comprobar que as interfaces declarades realmente se utilizan e moito máis. . Additionally, it is possible to write plugins to add your own checks. . The package also ships the following additional commands: . * pyreverse3: an UML diagram generator * symilar3: an independent similarities checker * epylint3: Emacs and Flymake compatible Pylint * pylint-gui3: a graphical interface (reason for python-tk recommends) Package: pymol Description-md5: bfc8e8676a87c0058529a662aef95313 Description-gl: Molecular Graphics System PyMOL is a molecular graphics system targeted at medium to large biomolecules like proteins. It can generate high-quality publication-ready molecular graphics images and animations. . As funcionalidades inclúen: * Visualización de moléculas, traxectorias moleculares e superficies de datos cristalográficos ou orbitais * Construtor e escultor molecular * Trazador de raios e xerador de pelÃculas internos * Pódese estender completamente e crear scripts mediante unha interface de Python . Os formatos de ficheiro que pode ler o PyMOL inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, mapas de CCP4, mapas de XPLOR e mapas cúbicos de Gaussian. Package: pynag Description-md5: 92db7060e930e3fa240e452dc2a36150 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para a configuración de nagios The main goal of this project is to provide a Python tool for pragmatically handling Nagios configuration file maintenance, and plugin development. . This package contains the executable program pynag which uses the pynag module to inspect and manipulate nagios configuration. Package: pynslcd Description-md5: ded83b939dc2c13277ec58acb61cc0ac Description-gl: daemon for NSS and PAM lookups via LDAP - Python version Este paquete fornece un daemon para obter contas de usuario e información do sistema parecida dun LDAP. Emprégano os paquete libnss-ldapd e libpam mais non é moi útil por si só. . This is an alternative Python implementation of nslcd. Note that it is currently EXPERIMENTAL and has not undergone the same testing as nslcd. Package: pyotherside Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: pype Description-md5: 2028dbb86d5c9cf57724bc2a573c4872 Description-gl: Editor para programadores de Python PyPE (Python Programmers Editor) is a lightweight but powerful editor. Tools for the new and seasoned user alike are included out of the box, including syntax coloring, multiple open documents with tabs, per-document browsable source trees, and many others. Package: pypy-zmq Description-md5: 421b1070ebd82b94306411cf2d1f1033 Description-gl: PyPy bindings for 0MQ library Python bindings for 0MQ. 0MQ is a small, fast, and free software library that gives you message-passing concurrency for applications in most common languages. . The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products. 0MQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete PyPy. Package: pyqt5-dev Description-md5: f8cbcee0368d34a312a8917b96b1992d Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de PyQT5 This package contains the source SIP files from which the Python bindings for Qt5 are created. They are needed for building PyQt5 as well as creating bindings for own Qt5 widgets written in C++. Package: pyro-doc Description-md5: f5ccc8b31800319b0e8e01f4827c4369 Description-gl: documentation for Pyro Pyro (PYthon Remote Object) is an easy to use and powerful distributed object system for Python. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación do paquete pyro. Package: pyro4-doc Description-md5: 9d23e297022d0b876d837122fa9001c4 Description-gl: distributed object middleware for Python (RPC), documentation Pyro (PYthon Remote Object) is an easy to use and powerful distributed object system for Python. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación do paquete pyro4. Package: pyromaths Description-md5: 60a9b97bf000d6f4f2a69ea4567b72da Description-gl: Xerador de follas de cálculo matemático para os centros de ensino franceses. Pyromaths is a program which generates math worksheets in PDF format. It not only provides the solution of the exercises, but a detailed correction to better understand mistakes. Pyromaths is intended both for mathematics teachers and school students. Package: pyside-tools Description-md5: fa5198d0efbf85908f6b97895a597566 Description-gl: development tools for PySide (uic, rcc, lupdate) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . PySide ships Python bindings for the Qt4 framework. This package ships the following accompanying tools: * pyside-rcc - PySide resource compiler * pyside-uic - Python User Interface Compiler for PySide * pyside-lupdate - update Qt Linguist translation files for PySide Package: pysiogame Description-md5: aded8f5316832607036e321a68977376 Description-gl: Paquete de actividades educativas para rapaces pySioGame é un conxunto de actividades educativas e xogos para rapaces de entre tres e dez anos. As actividades baséanse en grades e pódese xogar a todas elas nunha única xanela. pySioGame inclúe actividades de matemáticas, lectura, escrita, pintura e memoria. Package: pysycache Description-md5: f000eb4f03adb0123c3f3f8ae08f88b8 Description-gl: Xogo educativo para lles aprender aos cativos a usaren o rato Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. Package: pysycache-buttons-beerabbit Description-md5: b4396b2a40cb9dbc4f705f20cf069a3a Description-gl: Bee-rabbit images for buttons activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are the bee-rabbit images for click exercices. Package: pysycache-buttons-crapaud Description-md5: 6630c30b67410f0bdacca4c6063c1547 Description-gl: Crapaud images for buttons activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are the crapaud images for click exercices. Package: pysycache-buttons-ice Description-md5: bf594d2fc098d53319dae5f40562f363 Description-gl: Ice images for buttons activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are the ice images for click exercices. Package: pysycache-buttons-wolf Description-md5: d9ed7e31586302674119ee9cc793b12d Description-gl: Wolf images for buttons activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are the wolf images for click exercices. Package: pysycache-click-dinosaurs Description-md5: 7a2179666de439c3aacaddc9410adb75 Description-gl: Dinosaurs images for click activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are the dinosaurs images for camera exercices Package: pysycache-click-sea Description-md5: 96f8d8e6c1afdf2e55ddf2d1027ff5c7 Description-gl: Sea images for click activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are the sea images for camera exercices Package: pysycache-dblclick-appleandpear Description-md5: 97bf90af225dc7a529b81642ca3f7279 Description-gl: Apple and pear images for double click activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are apple and pears images for double click exercices Package: pysycache-dblclick-butterfly Description-md5: 4ef289988c5909ec1c96c9cccbda3f8b Description-gl: Butterfly images for double click activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are butterfly images for double click exercices Package: pysycache-i18n Description-md5: ea00bb40df41a30d5f7b0dcad7f8ea03 Description-gl: Traducións do PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are the Danish, German, Spanish, English, Dutch, Finn, French, Italian and Portuguese translation files for PySyCache. Package: pysycache-images Description-md5: 112b2ad0e96978c94a9b8a5ba23a4d2c Description-gl: Images for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are images needed by pysycache to be used. Package: pysycache-move-animals Description-md5: 69ba4bf0f425c62bc7669656186e6ad9 Description-gl: Animals images for mouse move activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are animals images for a mouse move exercice. Package: pysycache-move-food Description-md5: c608bbb9d15d52da90f21060c6c059df Description-gl: Food images for mouse move activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are food images for a mouse move exercice. Package: pysycache-move-plants Description-md5: 0ffea2e91eeed57b79e6bacea1feff7e Description-gl: Plants images for mouse move activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are plants images for a mouse move exercice. Package: pysycache-move-sky Description-md5: e563694b5382fc1a9759293291a812e8 Description-gl: Sky images for mouse move activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are sky images for a mouse move exercice. Package: pysycache-move-sports Description-md5: 6d43793830b974842487c6626244a5d7 Description-gl: Sports images for mouse move activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are sports images for a mouse move exercice. Package: pysycache-puzzle-cartoons Description-md5: ae20823f6fe2d45577791a03d9a6b7a1 Description-gl: Cartoons images for puzzle activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are cartoon images for a puzzle exercice Package: pysycache-puzzle-photos Description-md5: 2154995a35757bd2086c13cd0155d2cc Description-gl: Photos for puzzle activities for PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are photos for a puzzle exercice Package: pysycache-sounds Description-md5: 08536fcf01bb5f72d43f32f6092827b9 Description-gl: A collection of sounds to be used with PySyCache Unha colectánea de actividades baseadas en obxectos simples, fotografÃas, números e letras cos seus sons en diferentes idiomas. As actividades fan que os cativos practiquen os toques co rato, arrastrar e soltar, mover e identificar os botóns do rato. Pódense descargar moitos paquetes desde o seu sitio web para engadir fotos novas e texto ás actividades. . These are sounds PySyCache uses. Package: python-acme-doc Description-md5: c0e216e279369caa34b4a2cb6e59f51e Description-gl: ACME protocol library for Python 2 - Documentation This is a library used by the Let's Encrypt client for the ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment). The ACME protocol is designed as part of the Let's Encrypt project, to make it possible to setup an HTTPS server and have it automatically obtain a browser-trusted certificate, without any human intervention. This library implements the protocol used for proving the control of a domain. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-activipy Description-md5: 4b4eb5e4e6f13c6f6e7a2541a3fd52b7 Description-gl: implementation of ActivityStreams 2.0 for Python 2 Provides an easy API for building ActivityStreams 2.0 based applications as well as a test suite for testing ActivityStreams 2.0 libraries against. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-admesh Description-md5: abfb39d36f0120b191e248515d82b29c Description-gl: Python bindings for the ADMesh (Python 2) It lets you manipulate 3D models in binary or ASCII STL format and partially repair them if necessary. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-agate-doc Description-md5: fb28ad1ce267934386875e944bb9aa0e Description-gl: documentation for agate Agate is a Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines. It is an alternative to numpy and pandas that solves real-world problems with readable code. . Why agate? . - A readable and user-friendly API. - A complete set of SQL-like operations. - Unicode support everywhere. - Decimal precision everywhere. - Exhaustive user documentation. - Pluggable extensions that add SQL integration, Excel support, and more. - Designed with iPython, Jupyter and atom/hydrogen in mind. - Pure Python. No C dependencies to compile. - Exhaustive test coverage. - MIT licensed and free for all purposes. - Zealously zen. - Made with love. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-agatedbf-doc Description-md5: 57b3fff7aec0fe9b37767b9dc5df8064 Description-gl: documentation for agate-dbf Agate-dbf adds read support for dbf files to agate. It uses a monkey patching pattern to add read methods for dbf files to all agate.Table instances after import of the corresponding agatedbf module. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-agateexcel-doc Description-md5: 5d3e01b695c4453ab0a5b7f11835e16d Description-gl: documentation for agate-excel Agate-excel adds read support for Excel files (xls and xlsx) to agate. It uses a monkey patching pattern to add read methods for xls and xlsx files to all agate.Table instances after import of the corresponding agateexcel module. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-agatesql-doc Description-md5: 6d19ed0df72119a7ae1e548de653f468 Description-gl: documentation for agate-sql Agate-sql adds read/write support for SQL to agate. It uses a monkey patching pattern to add read and write methods for SQL to all agate.Table instances after import of the corresponding agatesql module. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-aiocoap-doc Description-md5: 0b8d0c6c07862242843eb4c0416f617b Description-gl: Python implementation of CoAP (doc) The aiocoap package is a Python implementation of CoAP, the Constrained Application Protocol (RFC 7252, more info at . It uses the asyncio module introduced in Python 3.4 to facilitate concurrent operations while maintaining a simple to use interface and not depending on anything outside the standard library. . Este paquete contén documentación da API e exemplos. Package: python-aioeventlet-doc Description-md5: f1371abdaba95cc8951b7d8daff9b244 Description-gl: asyncio event loop scheduling callbacks in eventlet - doc aioeventlet implements the asyncio API (PEP 3156) on top of eventlet. It makes possible to write asyncio code in a project currently written for eventlet. . aioeventlet allows one to use greenthreads in asyncio coroutines, and to use asyncio coroutines, tasks and futures in greenthreads: see link_future() and wrap_greenthread() functions. . The main visible difference between aioeventlet and trollius is the behaviour of run_forever(): run_forever() blocks with trollius, whereas it runs in a greenthread with aioeventlet. It means that aioeventlet event loop can run in an greenthread while the Python main thread runs other greenthreads in parallel. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-alabaster Description-md5: ff2338a5180e3e2d3f503ddcb5dd7b93 Description-gl: Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme (Python 2) This theme is a modified "Kr" Sphinx theme from @kennethreitz (especially as used in his Requests project), which was itself originally based on @mitsuhiko's theme used for Flask & related projects. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-altgraph Description-md5: b2f514830f0c465be0606b9bd6273819 Description-gl: Python 2 graph (network) package altgraph is a fork of graphlib: a graph (network) package for constructing graphs, BFS and DFS traversals, topological sort, shortest paths, etc. with graphviz output. . altgraph includes some additional usage of Python 2.6+ features and enhancements related to modulegraph and macholib. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-altgraph-doc Description-md5: adba40aa8ea7b122408c68a6006190a6 Description-gl: Python graph (network) package - API documentation altgraph is a fork of graphlib: a graph (network) package for constructing graphs, BFS and DFS traversals, topological sort, shortest paths, etc. with graphviz output. . altgraph includes some additional usage of Python 2.6+ features and enhancements related to modulegraph and macholib. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-amqplib-doc Description-md5: ab48c00eb1de2601274d9385fe6f1ac3 Description-gl: simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library (Documentation) Python client for the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 0-8, featuring basic messaging functionality and SSL support. . python-amqplib provides synchronous API unlike other (event-driven) implementations. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-antlr Description-md5: 108f7a8de31372b7ba581078f0c616a0 Description-gl: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc - Python 2.7 This package contains the Python 2.7 version of antlr. ANTLR stands for ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS). . Vexa o paquete antlr para obter unha descrición completa. Package: python-antlr3 Description-md5: 2d4ca68c549acc2ee56c6ea106901c9a Description-gl: ANother Tool for Language Recognition - Python 2.7 bindings ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS) is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers, compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or Java actions (You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers). . A conversión de linguaxes de programación converteuse nunha tarefa común. AÃnda que os compiladores e as ferramentas das linguaxes de programación tradicionais (como C ou Java) aÃnda se estean a construÃr, o seu número redúcese a prol dos centos de mini-linguaxes para as que se están a desenvolver recoñecedores e convertedores. Os programadores constrúen convertedores para formatos de bases de datos, ficheiros de datos gráficos (p.ex., PostStript, AutoCAD), ficheiros de procesamento de textos (p.ex., HTML, SGML). ANTLR está deseñado para axudarlle en todas as tarefas de conversión. . This package provides the Python 2.7 bindings. Package: python-apscheduler Description-md5: b224448e8d9863e736b49314e7d3006d Description-gl: In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities The Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a light but powerful in- process task scheduler that lets you schedule jobs (functions or any Python callables) to be executed at times of your choosing. . This can be a far better alternative to externally run cron scripts for long-running applications (e.g. web applications), as it is platform neutral and can directly access your application's variables and functions. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-apsw-dbg Description-md5: 4431636b2fa02dd5788024a13f1a3ddc Description-gl: another Python SQLite 3 wrapper (debug extension) APSW (Another Python SQLite Wrapper) is an SQLite 3 wrapper that provides the thinnest layer over SQLite 3 possible. Everything you can do from the C API to SQLite 3, you can do from Python. Although APSW's API looks vaguely similar to Python's DB-API, it is not compliant with that API and instead works the way SQLite 3 does. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-apsw-doc Description-md5: 03a6927dbc4f135d6f8dd116f09cfac0 Description-gl: Documentación de python-apsw APSW (Another Python SQLite Wrapper) is an SQLite 3 wrapper that provides the thinnest layer over SQLite 3 possible. Everything you can do from the C API to SQLite 3, you can do from Python. Although APSW's API looks vaguely similar to Python's DB-API, it is not compliant with that API and instead works the way SQLite 3 does. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-argcomplete Description-md5: 693119905fc5607a4b51f072553caa75 Description-gl: bash tab completion for argparse Argcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script. . It makes two assumptions: . * You're using bash as your shell * You're using argparse to manage your command line arguments/options . Argcomplete is particularly useful if your program has lots of options or subparsers, and if your program can dynamically suggest completions for your argument/option values (for example, if the user is browsing resources over the network). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-asdf Description-md5: bac588aaa32e1e4f6e34a07ee283ec2c Description-gl: Python library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) is a proposed next generation interchange format for scientific data. ASDF aims to exist in the same middle ground that made FITS so successful, by being a hybrid text and binary format: containing human editable metadata for interchange, and raw binary data that is fast to load and use. Unlike FITS, the metadata is highly structured and is designed up-front for extensibility. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-asdf-doc Description-md5: e9d5c1f1266604458dbade9c436a7efc Description-gl: Python library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format (documentation) ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) is a proposed next generation interchange format for scientific data. ASDF aims to exist in the same middle ground that made FITS so successful, by being a hybrid text and binary format: containing human editable metadata for interchange, and raw binary data that is fast to load and use. Unlike FITS, the metadata is highly structured and is designed up-front for extensibility. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: python-astroplan Description-md5: b7032b2a69f875c855148748b2ee6640 Description-gl: Observation planning package for astronomers (Python 2) Astroplan is an observation planning package for astronomers that can help you plan for everything but the clouds. . It is an Astropy affiliated package that seeks to make your life as an observational astronomer a little less infuriating. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-astroplan-doc Description-md5: 537438698779b9600c1a32398a64bf63 Description-gl: Observation planning package for astronomers (documentation) Astroplan is an observation planning package for astronomers that can help you plan for everything but the clouds. . It is an Astropy affiliated package that seeks to make your life as an observational astronomer a little less infuriating. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-astropy-helpers Description-md5: 0107edfe56d8db5974e941a38025f67b Description-gl: Utilities to install Astropy affiliated packages (Python2) This project provides a Python package, astropy_helpers, which includes many build, installation, and documentation-related tools used by the Astropy project, but packaged separately for use by other projects that wish to leverage this work. The motivation behind this package and details of its implementation are in the accepted Astropy Proposal for Enhancement (APE) 4. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-astroquery Description-md5: f10b8b6f544cd69257a0140434fdf18b Description-gl: Python online astronomical database querying (Python 2) Astroquery is a set of Python tools for querying astronomical web forms and databases. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-astroquery-doc Description-md5: 5f154868fa53b235a405eb6b3a65755e Description-gl: Python online astronomical database querying (documentation) Astroquery is a set of Python tools for querying astronomical web forms and databases. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-atomicwrites Description-md5: 68b8350a414ea2ee5e0ffdb7fa00b7f5 Description-gl: Atomic file writes - Python 2.7 It uses a temporary file in the same directory as the given path. This ensures that the temporary file resides on the same filesystem. The temporary file will then be atomically moved to the target location: On POSIX, it will use rename if files should be overwritten, otherwise a combination of link and unlink. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-aubio Description-md5: a19ae86a6029bbce699e67e385459476 Description-gl: Interface en Python para aubio, unha biblioteca para a segmentación de son aubio gathers a set of functions for audio signal segmentation and labelling. The library contains a phase vocoder, onset and pitch detection functions, a beat tracking algorithm and other sound processing utilities. . This package provides the aubio module for Python 2. Package: python-avahi Description-md5: 093e21cc6d98e14410050c8edd9d6fe2 Description-gl: Python utility package for Avahi Avahi é unha infraestrutura baixo a LGPL para a descuberta de servizos de DNS de multidifusión. Permite que os programas publiquen e descubran servizos e servidores que se estean a executar nunha rede local sen ningunha configuración especÃfica. É posÃbel, por exemplo, conectarse a unha rede e atopar instantaneamente impresoras coas que imprimir, ficheiros que ver e persoas coas que falar. . This package contains utility modules to talk to Avahi with Python easier. Package: python-ayatana-appindicator Description-md5: 6adb1a11bfb41a04f75202e0e48a2c42 Description-gl: Python bindings for libayatana-appindicator (GTK-2+ version) Unha biblioteca e indicador para tomar os menús dos aplicativos e colocalos no panel. . This package provides Python (v2) bindings against python-gtk2 so that you can use libayatana-appindicator from a Python program. Package: python-azure-devtools Description-md5: 99c5e339a2d9eedecc452aa2e4e2124a Description-gl: Microsoft Azure Development Tools for Python 2.x This package contains tools to aid in developing Python-based Azure code. Currently it includes scenario_tests, a testing framework to handle much of the busywork associated with testing code that interacts with Azure. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-azure-doc Description-md5: 434aa33f783e0f4183e1379ca32c3739 Description-gl: Microsoft Azure SDK for Python - Documentation The Azure SDK provides a set of Python packages that make it easy to access the Microsoft Azure components such as ServiceManagement, Storage, and ServiceBug. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-azure-storage Description-md5: f4c0e4563f60be85c913f7cb52dfe3e2 Description-gl: Microsoft Azure Storage Library for Python 2.x This Python module provides an API for consuming Microsoft Azure Storage services including Blob, Queue, Table and Files. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-babelfish Description-md5: b380e096a6881754dd648defd642d52b Description-gl: library to work with countries and languages (Python 2) Babelfish makes it easy to work with countries, languages, scripts, ISO codes and IETF codes from Python. It has converters between all different data can be extended to use custom converters and data. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-bandit Description-md5: 7f32fccf423674c790c2ac641d779353 Description-gl: Security oriented static analyzer for Python code - Python 2.7 Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code. To do this Bandit processes each file, builds an Abstract Syntaxt Tree (AST), and runs appropriate plugins against the AST nodes. Once Bandit has finished scanning all the files it generates a report. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-bashate-doc Description-md5: f9152aedd430d3c8bc072b46eb51d851 Description-gl: bash script style guide checker - doc This program attempts to be an automated style checker for bash scripts to fill the same part of code review that pep8 does in most OpenStack projects. It started from humble beginnings in the DevStack project, and will continue to evolve over time. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-beautifulsoup Description-md5: a0a082ce6d5ccf6ee98716a7f9d14f42 Description-gl: Analizador de HTML tolerante cos erros para Python The BeautifulSoup class turns arbitrarily bad HTML into a tree-like nested tag-soup list of Tag objects and text snippets. A Tag object corresponds to an HTML tag. It knows about the HTML tag's attributes, and contains a representation of everything contained between the original tag and its closing tag (if any). It's easy to extract Tags that meet certain criteria. Package: python-behave-doc Description-md5: 09d43a8ee10632e65b442d90670f0712 Description-gl: behaviour-driven development, documentation Behavior-driven development (or BDD) is an agile software development technique that encourages collaboration between developers, QA, and non- technical or business participants in a software project. . behave uses tests written in a natural language style, backed up by Python code. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-betamax-doc Description-md5: 53ffbe62b02e2dbbf998b30c163434cb Description-gl: VCR imitation designed only for python-requests - Documentation Betamax records HTTP interactions and replay them allowing fast, deterministic and accurate tests and it's designed to be used with python- requests. If you are not using python-requests, you should checkout . Betamax comes with integrations for py.test and unittest and supports third party packages that provide extra request matchers and cassette serializers. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: python-bibtexparser Description-md5: 3d09eeac1fdb26ba7cef4372f8aeda4b Description-gl: Python library to parse bibtex files The bibtexparser module provides parsing and writing of BibTeX files functionality. The parsed data is returned as a simple BibDatabase object with the main attribute being entries representing bibliographic sources such as books and journal articles. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 2 Package: python-billiard-doc Description-md5: b0aba88f799c7680898d639f8974020c Description-gl: Multiprocessing Pool Extensions for Python (Documentation) This package contains extensions to the multiprocessing Pool. It extends the multiprocessing.Pool with a billiard.pool.DynamicPool that can grow in size. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-binaryornot Description-md5: a5239868e956fcb901a7be189b0c30b5 Description-gl: check if a file is binary or text (Python 2 module) This Python package provides a function to check if a file is a text file or a binary file. It uses the same heuristic as file(1) by looking at the first 1024 bytes of the file and checks that all characters are printable. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-bioblend-doc Description-md5: 211a38eda63decd474611ffdb537bbf9 Description-gl: CloudMan and Galaxy API library (common documentation) BioBlend is a Python library for interacting with CloudMan and Galaxy's API. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-biopython-doc Description-md5: 6fcf72d1f7092b01a396411a2821eb9c Description-gl: Documentación da biblioteca Biopython Documentación e exemplos sobre como usar a biblioteca Biopython. . This package also contains the unit tests of the test suite to enable reproducing the test results. Package: python-biotools Description-md5: a8f59a0968cb35a9ff9ead3cd196b84b Description-gl: Python bioinformatics utilities for high-throughput genomic sequencing This package contains utilities like biotools.align - align sequences (hybrid between Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman which is used to find the subsequence within a larger sequence that best aligns to a reference) biotools.annotation - create annotation files. The annotations can be used to create a hierarchy among the annotations biotools.BLAST - manage BLAST databases and interface with the BLAST+ standalone program available from NCBI. biotools.clustal - interface to clustalw global (multiple nucleotide or peptide sequence alignment) biotools.complement - creates the complement of a sequence, which can then be reversed biotools.sequence - various tools to deal with sequences biotools.translate - translate a nucleotide using the standard genetic code . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-bitstruct Description-md5: cbc264a6fd581420e69c27f8563ab5ef Description-gl: Python bit pack/unpack package This module is intended to have a similar interface as the python struct module, but working on bits instead of primitive data types (char, int, ...). . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-bleach Description-md5: b04e30beb15ccdf70a01c8f1b88bef3a Description-gl: whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing library (Python 2) Bleach is an HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes based on a white list. Bleach can also linkify text safely, applying filters that Django's urlize filter cannot, and optionally setting rel attributes, even on links already in the text. . Bleach is intended for sanitizing text from untrusted sources. If you find yourself jumping through hoops to allow your site administrators to do lots of things, you're probably outside the use cases. Either trust those users, or don't. . Because it relies on html5lib, Bleach is as good as modern browsers at dealing with weird, quirky HTML fragments. And any of Bleach's methods will fix unbalanced or mis-nested tags. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-bleach-doc Description-md5: 3fbae08dbb54f53e90c4d20437a87cc4 Description-gl: whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing library (common documentation) Bleach is an HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes based on a white list. Bleach can also linkify text safely, applying filters that Django's urlize filter cannot, and optionally setting rel attributes, even on links already in the text. . Bleach is intended for sanitizing text from untrusted sources. If you find yourself jumping through hoops to allow your site administrators to do lots of things, you're probably outside the use cases. Either trust those users, or don't. . Because it relies on html5lib, Bleach is as good as modern browsers at dealing with weird, quirky HTML fragments. And any of Bleach's methods will fix unbalanced or mis-nested tags. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-blosc-doc Description-md5: 9df7a0f00400b55db0472b7a00772b32 Description-gl: Python bindings for the Blosc meta-compressor (docs) Blosc ( is a high performance compressor optimized for binary data. It has been designed to transmit data to the processor cache faster than the traditional, non-compressed, direct memory fetch approach via a memcpy() OS call. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-bluez Description-md5: 11300887af2382cfc2b9f34663a27de1 Description-gl: Envoltorios en Python arredor de BlueZ para o desenvolvemento rápido de Bluetooth PyBluez is an effort to create Python wrappers around BlueZ to allow Python developers to use system bluetooth resources. PyBluez works on machines running the GNU/Linux operating system and the bluez bluetooth stack. . This package provides the "bluetooth" Python module. Package: python-bootstrapform-doc Description-md5: 5320dc0557d3a847a2e0a7f5ea0b8c5b Description-gl: generate twitter-bootstrap form output for django form - doc Django bootstrap form generates twitter-bootstrap form output for django form. A simple Django template tag to work with twitter bootstrap. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-boto Description-md5: a349d6b85f4399a81b16d50d99e43296 Description-gl: Python interface to Amazon's Web Services - Python 2.x Boto é unha interface en python para os servizos de infraestrutura dispoñÃbeis de Amazon. . Boto admite os servizos seguintes: * Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) * Elastic MapReduce * CloudFront * DynamoDB * SimpleDB * Servizo de bases de datos relacionais (RDS) * Xestión de identificación e acceso (IAM) * Simple Queue Service (SQS) * CloudWatch * Route53 * Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) * Flexible Payment Service (FPS) * Simple Storage Service (S3) * Glacier * Elastic Block Store (EBS) * e moitos máis... . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-bottle-beaker Description-md5: f9e0e4416d8e1d44bffeaaa10cbe0575 Description-gl: Bottle plugin beaker, WSGI middleware for sessions and caching - Python 2.X Bottle plugin to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-bottle-cork Description-md5: 1ba957bd87c5df1faf7482e1981c6a8f Description-gl: Authentication/Authorization library for Bottle - Python 2 Cork is a simple Authentication/Authorization library for the Bottle and Flask web frameworks. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-bottle-sqlite Description-md5: e36d4bd48e33afe9b5e993760cadf9e8 Description-gl: SQLite3 integration for Bottle - Python 2.X Bottle-sqlite is a plugin that integrates SQLite3 with your Bottle application. It automatically connects to a database at the beginning of a request, passes the database handle to the route callback and closes the connection afterwards. . To automatically detect routes that need a database connection, the plugin searches for route callbacks that require a `db` keyword argument (configurable) and skips routes that do not. This removes any overhead for routes that don't need a database connection. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-bumps-doc Description-md5: 5702af68b4795b287caa20016881e74b Description-gl: data fitting and Bayesian uncertainty modeling for inverse problems (docs) Bumps is a set of routines for curve fitting and uncertainty analysis from a Bayesian perspective. In addition to traditional optimizers which search for the best minimum they can find in the search space, bumps provides uncertainty analysis which explores all viable minima and finds confidence intervals on the parameters based on uncertainty in the measured values. Bumps has been used for systems of up to 100 parameters with tight constraints on the parameters. Full uncertainty analysis requires hundreds of thousands of function evaluations, which is only feasible for cheap functions, systems with many processors, or lots of patience. . Bumps includes several traditional local optimizers such as Nelder-Mead simplex, BFGS and differential evolution. Bumps uncertainty analysis uses Markov chain Monte Carlo to explore the parameter space. Although it was created for curve fitting problems, Bumps can explore any probability density function, such as those defined by PyMC. In particular, the bumps uncertainty analysis works well with correlated parameters. . Bumps can be used as a library within your own applications, or as a framework for fitting, complete with a graphical user interface to manage your models. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-cairosvg Description-md5: 31719718d06444d946a2ea1cc1d773f7 Description-gl: SVG to PDF/PS/PNG converter based on Cairo CairoSVG é un convertedor de SVG baseado en Cairo. Pode exportar ficheiros de SVG a ficheiros PDF, PostScript e PNG. A parte principal de CairoSVG é un analizador de SVG que tenta seguir a recomendación de SVG 1.1 do W3C. Unha vez analizado, o resultado debúxase nunha superficie Cairo que pode ser exportada a diversos formatos: PDF, PostScript, PNG e mesmo SVG. Package: python-caja-common Description-md5: 186f661a5677212ba94f2c26184e65b2 Description-gl: Python binding for Caja components (common files) Caja is the official file manager for the MATE desktop. It allows one to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the MATE desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems. . The Python binding for Caja allows one to write Caja property page and menu item extensions in Python. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: python-cap-ng Description-md5: b6838825997f1e0b00d6781d80125d62 Description-gl: Python bindings for libcap-ng This library implements the user-space interfaces to the POSIX 1003.1e capabilities available in Linux kernels. These capabilities are a partitioning of the all powerful root privilege into a set of distinct privileges. . Coa biblioteca libcap-ng preténdese facer que programar coas capacidades de POSIX sexa moito máis doado que coa biblioteca libcap tradicional. . This package contains the Python bindings for libcap-ng. Package: python-carquinyol Description-md5: c31ccb46f11a9a0ce72ab4b7ab611583 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - datastore A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . This package contains a simple log like datastore able to connect with multiple backends. The datastore supports connecting and disconnecting from backends on the fly to help the support the limit space/memory characteristics of the OLPC system and the fact that network services may become unavailable at times. Package: python-case Description-md5: db8e54ab37345718ef0345cd2e4fb858 Description-gl: Python unittest Utilities (Python2 version) Python unittest Utilities. Includes: . * * case.skip * case.mock * case.utils . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-cclib Description-md5: ec821c24568007ec61966f73e904fcf2 Description-gl: Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry (Python module) Unha biblioteca en Python que fornece analizadores para ficheiros de rexistro de quÃmica computacional. Tamén fornece unha plataforma para implementar algoritmos de maneira independente dos paquetes. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python. Package: python-cdiff Description-md5: 5beed391b8bb71a79c756766027a37fc Description-gl: Colored, incremental diff with side by side and auto pager support (Python 2) Cdiff is a python module to view colored, incremental diff in a Git/Mercurial/ Svn workspace or from stdin, with side by side and auto pager support. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-ceilometermiddleware-doc Description-md5: a76b9e0ca822a30a2a6e8d7d82ae1f9b Description-gl: OpenStack Telemetry middleware for generating metrics - doc This library provides middleware modules designed to enable metric and event data generation to be consumed by Ceilometer. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-celery Description-md5: 1851dfe6c772deec9c2b15f31014e09e Description-gl: async task/job queue based on message passing (Python2 version) Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well. . The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or more worker nodes. Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready). . Celery is written in Python, but the protocol can be implemented in any language. It can also operate with other languages using webhooks. . The recommended message broker is RabbitMQ, but limited support for Redis, Beanstalk, MongoDB, CouchDB, and databases (using SQLAlchemy or the Django ORM) is also available. Celery is easy to integrate with Django, using the python-django-celery package. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-celery-doc Description-md5: 95fc6dff7380be4c62fe3af0892bcc80 Description-gl: async task/job queue based on message passing (Documentation) Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well. . The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or more worker nodes. Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready). . Celery is written in Python, but the protocol can be implemented in any language. It can also operate with other languages using webhooks. . The recommended message broker is RabbitMQ, but limited support for Redis, Beanstalk, MongoDB, CouchDB, and databases (using SQLAlchemy or the Django ORM) is also available. Celery is easy to integrate with Django, using the python-django-celery package. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-cement Description-md5: df5432d500cf26b10c97dcc936080b8a Description-gl: CLI Application Framework (Python2 version) Cement is an advanced CLI Application Framework for Python. Its goal is to introduce a standard, and feature-full platform for both simple and complex command line applications as well as support rapid development needs without sacrificing quality. Cement is flexible, and it’s use cases span from the simplicity of a micro-framework to the complexity of a mega- framework. . Features include: * Core pieces of the framework are customizable via handlers/interfaces * Extension handler interface to easily extend framework functionality * Config handler supports parsing multiple config files into one config * Argument handler parses command line arguments and merges with config * Log handler supports console and file logging * Plugin handler provides an interface to easily extend your application * Hook support adds a bit of magic to apps and also ties into framework * Handler system connects implementation classes with Interfaces * Output handler interface renders return dictionaries to console * Cache handler interface adds caching support for improved performance * Controller handler supports sub-commands, and nested controllers . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-cement-doc Description-md5: c04dc1f830cebf7253ed2e6d07b108ae Description-gl: CLI Application Framework (Documentation) Cement is an advanced CLI Application Framework for Python. Its goal is to introduce a standard, and feature-full platform for both simple and complex command line applications as well as support rapid development needs without sacrificing quality. Cement is flexible, and it’s use cases span from the simplicity of a micro-framework to the complexity of a mega- framework. . Features include: * Core pieces of the framework are customizable via handlers/interfaces * Extension handler interface to easily extend framework functionality * Config handler supports parsing multiple config files into one config * Argument handler parses command line arguments and merges with config * Log handler supports console and file logging * Plugin handler provides an interface to easily extend your application * Hook support adds a bit of magic to apps and also ties into framework * Handler system connects implementation classes with Interfaces * Output handler interface renders return dictionaries to console * Cache handler interface adds caching support for improved performance * Controller handler supports sub-commands, and nested controllers . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-cerealizer Description-md5: dea48ff7389aef8490725cb60653bec2 Description-gl: secure pickle-like module for Python 2 It support basic types (int, string, unicode, tuple, list, dict, set,...), old and new-style classes (you need to register the class for security), object cycles, and it can be extended to support C-defined type. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-certbot-doc Description-md5: c921886ee1b2b199ff3083306791f0a8 Description-gl: client documentation for certbot The objective of Certbot, Let's Encrypt, and the ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment) protocol is to make it possible to set up an HTTPS server and have it automatically obtain a browser-trusted certificate, without any human intervention. This is accomplished by running a certificate management agent on the web server. . This agent is used to: . - Automatically prove to the Let's Encrypt CA that you control the website - Obtain a browser-trusted certificate and set it up on your web server - Keep track of when your certificate is going to expire, and renew it - Help you revoke the certificate if that ever becomes necessary. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-cf-doc Description-md5: 10e282876c099855d676b4df59c245a9 Description-gl: Python processing of Climate and Forecast (CF) data models (Documentation) CF is a netCDF convention which is in wide and growing use for the storage of model-generated and observational data relating to the atmosphere, ocean and Earth system. . This package is an implementation of the CF data model, and as such it is an API allows for the full scope of data and metadata interactions described by the CF conventions. . With this package you can: - Read CF-netCDF files, CFA-netCDF files and UK Met Office fields files and PP files. - Create CF fields. - Write fields to CF-netCDF and CFA-netCDF files on disk. - Aggregate collections of fields into as few multidimensional fields as possible using the CF aggregation rules. - Create, delete and modify a field’s data and metadata. - Select and subspace fields according to their metadata. - Perform broadcastable, metadata-aware arithmetic, comparison and trigonometric operation with fields. - Collapse fields by statistical operations. - Sensibly deal with date-time data. - Allow for cyclic axes. - Visualize fields the cfplot package. . All of the above use Large Amounts of Massive Arrays (LAMA) functionality, which allows multiple fields larger than the available memory to exist and be manipulated. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-chameleon Description-md5: 1166dcd6c641f19b3d4c802a7b0e976c Description-gl: XML-based template compiler Chameleon compiles templates to Python byte-code. It includes a complete implementation of the Zope Page Templates (ZPT) language. . The engine itself performs 10-15 times better than the reference implementation and real-world benchmarks show an overall performance improvement in complex applications of 30-50%. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-chameleon-doc Description-md5: 0a0b794f533149687f019f9ca399bf6c Description-gl: XML-based template compiler Chameleon compiles templates to Python byte-code. It includes a complete implementation of the Zope Page Templates (ZPT) language. . The engine itself performs 10-15 times better than the reference implementation and real-world benchmarks show an overall performance improvement in complex applications of 30-50%. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-changelog Description-md5: b7290b4a573934484c2fff9fbab98615 Description-gl: Sphinx extension to generate changelog files (Python 2) This package provides simple Sphinx markup to render changelog displays (this is the Python 2 version of the extension). . Exemplo: . ==================== Changelog for 1.5.6 ==================== . .. changelog:: :version: 1.5.6 :released: Sun Oct 12 2008 . .. change:: :tags: general :tickets: 27 . Improved the frobnozzle. . .. change:: :tags: rendering, tests :pullreq: 8 :changeset: a9d7cc0b56c2 . Rendering tests now correctly render. Package: python-circuits-doc Description-md5: 4bb0d498c500a9ce6a7863ce1ee783d6 Description-gl: event-driven framework with a component architecture (Documentation) circuits is an event-driven framework with a focus on Component Software Architectures where System Functionality is defined in Components. Components communicate with one another by propagating events throughout the system. Each Component can react to events and expose events to other parts of the system Components are able to manage their own events and can also be linked to other Components. . Circuits has a clean architecture and has no external dependencies on any other library. It's simplistic design is unmatchable but yet delivers a powerful framework for building large, scalable, maintainable applications and systems. Circuits was a core integral part of the pymills library developed in 2006 and was partly inspired by the Trac architecture. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: python-clang-3.8 Description-md5: b9ba71d54ff4306545e04fcc7ce0c746 Description-gl: Clang Python Bindings O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This binding package provides access to the Clang compiler and libraries. Package: python-clang-3.9 Description-md5: b9ba71d54ff4306545e04fcc7ce0c746 Description-gl: Clang Python Bindings O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This binding package provides access to the Clang compiler and libraries. Package: python-clang-4.0 Description-md5: b9ba71d54ff4306545e04fcc7ce0c746 Description-gl: Clang Python Bindings O proxecto Clang é unha interface de C, C++, Objective C e Objective C++ para o compilador LLVM. O seu obxectivo é ofrecer un substituto para a Colección de compiladores de GNU (GCC). . Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++ compiler. . This binding package provides access to the Clang compiler and libraries. Package: python-click-log Description-md5: 20a007fb1c2fe728c7da7f3aeab65737 Description-gl: Logging integration for Click - Python 2.7 Partly because Python’s logging module aims to be so generic, it doesn’t come with sensible defaults for CLI applications. At some point you might also want to expose more logging levels through more options, at which point the boilerplate code grows even more. This is where click-log comes in. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-click-plugins Description-md5: baafb93f2f1007afbb4862654cb8b783 Description-gl: Click extension to register external CLI commands (Python 2) Click plugins allows developers of Click commandline applications to add a plugin mechanism to their tools. This allows the creation of subcommands registered by those plugins. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-click-threading Description-md5: 9dca34ed5171fc8a54ce0d435810ddab Description-gl: Utilities for multithreading in click - Python 2.7 Libraryfor easier multithreaded development with Click. Click is a Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way with as little code as necessary. It’s the “Command Line Interface Creation Kitâ€. It’s highly configurable but comes with sensible defaults out of the box. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-clientform Description-md5: 7c74b1fb1573355a9adee7fb1b0a18f9 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This package is a dummy transitional package following the merge of ClientForm into mechanize 0.2.0. It can be safely removed. Package: python-cmislib-doc Description-md5: 08f73db927f488d6cefac6760dbb0dc2 Description-gl: CMIS client library for Python (documentation) Apache Chemistry cmislib is a CMIS client library for Python. . The goal of this library is to provide an interoperable API to CMIS repositories such as Alfresco, Nuxeo, KnowledgeTree, MS SharePoint, EMC Documentum, and any other content repository that is CMIS-compliant. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-cogent-doc Description-md5: fa62bf570c63025c56c9c2296337275d Description-gl: docs for python-cogent PyCogent is a software library for genomic biology. . It is distinguished by many unique built-in capabilities (such as true codon alignment) and the frequent addition of entirely new methods for the analysis of genomic data. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: python-colander Description-md5: 8df9c6eecda5bb5ace4c4612d144d435 Description-gl: simple schema-based serialization and deserialization - Python 2.x Colander is an extensible package which can be used to deserialize and validate a data structure composed of strings, mappings, and lists, and to serialize an arbitrary data structure to a data structure composed of strings, mappings, and lists. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-colour Description-md5: 767a856b2801a7820f84a0c6a71f5861 Description-gl: converts and manipulates various color representation - Python 2.X Converts and manipulates common color representation (RGB, HSL, web, ...) . Funcionalidades: . * Damn simple and pythonic way to manipulate color representation * Full conversion between RGB, HSL, 6-digit hex, 3-digit hex, human color * One object (Color) or bunch of single purpose function (rgb2hex, hsl2rgb, ...) * web format that use the smallest representation between 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb), fully spelled color (e.g. white), following W3C color naming for compatible CSS or HTML color specifications. * smooth intuitive color scale generation choosing N color gradients. * can pick colors for you to identify objects of your application. Package: python-commonmark-bkrs-doc Description-md5: 2426f813e57aef4c87f97cb08f68e631 Description-gl: Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec -- doc Pure Python port of `jgm''s CommonMark, a Markdown parser and renderer for the CommonMark ( specification, using only native modules. . This provides the CommonMark-py Python package as developed by Bibek Kafle and Roland Shoemaker (BKRS). After release 0.5.4, their project moved to `Read the Docs' ( and major changes broke compatibility. However some Python packages may still depend on their last implementation, hence this Debian package which is meant to smooth the transition. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-compizconfig Description-md5: 3f98afc222bae1c5d3516e661dab3a7d Description-gl: Compizconfig bindings for Python Compiz Fusion é o resultado da reunificación do proxecto Beryl e a comunidade do xestor de xanelas Compiz. Pretende fornecer un ambiente de xanelas doado e divertido de utilizar que permita empregar o hardware de gráficos para fornecer efectos impresionantes, velocidades sorprendentes e utilidade sen rival . This package provides Python bindings for the compizconfig system. Package: python-configglue Description-md5: f250eb6dc00ac3363153cc5c9f7a1caf Description-gl: Glues together optparse.OptionParser and ConfigParser.ConfigParser Configglue is a library that glues together python's optparse.OptionParser and ConfigParser.ConfigParser, so that the same options can be exported to a configuration file and a commandline interface. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-configshell-fb Description-md5: cfe4a6c49bb3bfb19f13fb7c59239d6c Description-gl: Python library for building configuration shells - Python 2 The configshell-fb package is a Python library that provides a framework for building simple but nice CLI-based applications. . The configshell-fb package is a fork of the "configshell" code written by RisingTide Systems. The "-fb" differentiates between the original and this version. Please ensure to use either all "fb" versions of the targetcli components -- targetcli, rtslib, and configshell, or stick with all non-fb versions, since they are no longer strictly compatible. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-configshell-fb-doc Description-md5: 2298b3bc28f0d56ebe40f0e197805ab1 Description-gl: Python library for building configuration shells - doc The configshell-fb package is a Python library that provides a framework for building simple but nice CLI-based applications. . The configshell-fb package is a fork of the "configshell" code written by RisingTide Systems. The "-fb" differentiates between the original and this version. Please ensure to use either all "fb" versions of the targetcli components -- targetcli, rtslib, and configshell, or stick with all non-fb versions, since they are no longer strictly compatible. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-congressclient-doc Description-md5: a1f6c72a64a3d239f93d30259c742b15 Description-gl: client for the open policy framework for the cloud - doc Congress is an open policy framework for the cloud. With Congress, a cloud operator can declare, monitor, enforce, and audit "policy" in a heterogeneous cloud environment. Congress get inputs from a cloud's various cloud services; for example in Openstack, Congress fetches information about VMs from Nova, and network state from Neutron, etc. Congress then feeds input data from those services into its policy engine where Congress verifies that the cloud's actual state abides by the cloud operator's policies. Congress is designed to work with any policy and any cloud service. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-cookiecutter Description-md5: 7ae5e07ac32495b244980dffefcb9337 Description-gl: create projects from project templates (Python 2 module) Cookiecutter is command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. . It can also be used as a Python module. It supports local and remote templates. The templating is done with Jinja2 and there is no limitation on the language used by the templated projects (Python, Ruby, Javascript, C, HTML, Postscript...). . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-cookiecutter-doc Description-md5: abb99bca8062e52b094dbf0d2420ab2c Description-gl: create projects from project templates (documentation) Cookiecutter is command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. . It can also be used as a Python module. It supports local and remote templates. The templating is done with Jinja2 and there is no limitation on the language used by the templated projects (Python, Ruby, Javascript, C, HTML, Postscript...). . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-crank Description-md5: 792c2f7e65603ab1980da7380643da7e Description-gl: dispatch mechanism for use across frameworks - Python 2.7 Generalized Object based Dispatch mechanism for use across frameworks. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-crontab Description-md5: 0a6ce65321b04f851867867a7712400c Description-gl: Python module for reading and writing crontab files python-crontab is a Python module for reading and writing crontab files and accessing the system crontabs automatically and simply using a direct API. This package includes the module for python2. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . - Displaying and modifying system and user crontab files - Adding comments to be displayed with jobs - Validating jobs - Searching for jobs Package: python-cs Description-md5: 621b4b8dd73c226df9a1cf4eacb02b9b Description-gl: simple, yet powerful CloudStack API client (Python module) This module is a simple, yet powerful Apache CloudStack API client for Python. It is a thin wrapper on top of the CloudStack API and hence it is able to adapt to any future version. . Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-cssselect Description-md5: 670d983e5537f4d4c520060338153c49 Description-gl: cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0 cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translate them to XPath 1.0 expressions. Such expressions can be used in lxml or another XPath engine to find the matching elements in an XML or HTML document. . This module used to live inside of lxml as lxml.cssselect before it was extracted as a stand-alone project. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-cssutils Description-md5: 34889a95d6695d8e8d79256d0783b19b Description-gl: Analizador e construtor de follas de estilo en cascada CSS Package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets. DOM only, not any rendering facilities! Base upon and partly implements the following specifications: . * CSS 2.1 and CSS 2.1 Errata * CSS3 Module: Syntax * DOM Level 2 Style CSS * DOM Level 2 Style Stylesheets * CSSOM * MediaQueries * Namespaces * Selectors Package: python-curtin Description-md5: 31e48f4bf426e243b1a4f94280ebcafb Description-gl: Biblioteca e ferramentas para o instalador curtin This package provides python library for use by curtin. Package: python-cutadapt Description-md5: 4ac933ed33e8b3b4bda206cfaca0d592 Description-gl: Clean biological sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads (Python 2) Cutadapt helps with biological sequence clean tasks by finding the adapter or primer sequences in an error-tolerant way. It can also modify and filter reads in various ways. Adapter sequences can contain IUPAC wildcard characters. Also, paired-end reads and even colorspace data is supported. If you want, you can also just demultiplex your input data, without removing adapter sequences at all. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-cvxopt Description-md5: cf30148c80ab54bc0017384fa4cad855 Description-gl: Python package for convex optimization CVXOPT is a Python package for convex optimization. It includes * Python classes for storing and manipulating dense and sparse matrices * an interface to most of the double-precision real and complex BLAS * an interface to the dense linear equation solvers and eigenvalue routines from LAPACK * interfaces to the sparse LU and Cholesky solvers from UMFPACK and CHOLMOD. * routines for solving convex optimization problems, an interface to the linear programming solver in GLPK, and interfaces to the linear and quadratic programming solvers in MOSEK * a modeling tool for specifying convex piecewise-linear optimization problems. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-darts.lib.utils.lru Description-md5: bf2827a21203c76ab6496707bf7abd08 Description-gl: Simple dictionary with LRU behaviour in Python2 An LRUDict is basically a simple dictionary, which has a defined maximum capacity, that may be supplied at construction time, or modified at run- time via the capacity property. The class SynchronizedLRUDict, which exposes the same interface as plain LRUDict, but fully thread-safe. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-darts.lib.utils.lru-doc Description-md5: d29d4faad4f1b8d7a037a86f21f74afa Description-gl: Simple dictionary with LRU behaviour in Python (common documentation) An LRUDict is basically a simple dictionary, which has a defined maximum capacity, that may be supplied at construction time, or modified at run- time via the capacity property. The class SynchronizedLRUDict, which exposes the same interface as plain LRUDict, but fully thread-safe. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-dbfread-doc Description-md5: e280980f90eed2f71dbf61ed23db8db9 Description-gl: documentation for dbfread DBF is a file format used by databases such dBase, Visual FoxPro, and FoxBase+. This library reads DBF files and returns the data as native Python data types for further processing. It is primarily intended for batch jobs and one-off scripts. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-dbus-tests Description-md5: 5f8dc86db17619b1b9ae0711e252d82a Description-gl: simple interprocess messaging system (Python interface - tests) D-Bus is a message bus, used for sending messages between applications. . This package contains automated tests for the "dbus" Python bindings for the reference D-Bus implementation, to be run under Python 2. . Vexa a descrición de dbus para máis información sobre D-Bus en xeral. Package: python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5-dbg Description-md5: 7cc9b99ae97391d547f8871d46c3de0b Description-gl: D-Bus Qt main loop support for Python 2 (debug extension) The dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 module provides support for Qt main loop for applications that use dbus-python. By default Qt uses main loop from GLib on UNIX-like systems, not its own one. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-dcos Description-md5: e76919762f7ea86d5556effe83422726 Description-gl: Datacenter Operating System (DCOS) CLI - Python 2.7 The DCOS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a command line utility that provides a user-friendly yet powerful way to manage DCOS installations. You can use the Mesosphere DCOS command-line interface (CLI) to remotely manage your cluster, install software packages, and inspect the cluster state. With the DCOS CLI you can: * Find and install packages from DCOS Universe and Multiverse. * Uninstall DCOS services. * Administer the DCOS init process, Marathon. * Install and uninstall subcommands that extend and add functionality to the DCOS CLI. . After you install the CLI, you can use it through a bash shell on Unix/Linux systems or PowerShell on a Windows system. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-ddt-doc Description-md5: 447a493c858e7c85c210547c05aaa4d1 Description-gl: Data-Driven/Decorated Tests - doc DDT (Data-Driven Tests) allows you to multiply one test case by running it with different test data, and make it appear as multiple test cases. DDT consists of a class decorator ddt (for your TestCase subclass) and two method decorators (for your tests that want to be multiplied). . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-decoratortools Description-md5: 51283832af13b8e0613d1c2e2d929bac Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para python-peak.util.decorators This is a dummy package for transition from python-decoratortools to python-peak.util.decorators. . Pódese retirar con seguranza. Package: python-dicom-doc Description-md5: 2e10d6fad426d3118542fde6a4ea6971 Description-gl: DICOM medical file reading and writing (documentation) pydicom is a pure Python module for parsing DICOM files. DICOM is a standard ( for communicating medical images and related information such as reports and radiotherapy objects. . pydicom makes it easy to read DICOM files into natural pythonic structures for easy manipulation. Modified datasets can be written again to DICOM format files. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-digitalocean-doc Description-md5: 8cce6f0a4c540d72f8a03f55db2c7015 Description-gl: Python bindings for the DigitalOcean API (common documentation) python-digitalocean provides Python bindings for the DigitalOcean API allowing you to access and perform actions on DigitalOcean resources such Droplets (virtual machinces), Images, Volumes, Load Balancers, and more. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-dirspec Description-md5: 8d454d3d159ffa075ccfa0c11320987b Description-gl: Python User Folders Specification Library Unha biblioteca para manipular a especificación do directorio base da XDG e os directorios de usuario da XDG para música, vÃdeos, etc... . Este paquete contén a versión en python 2.x da biblioteca Package: python-distro-info Description-md5: d6f02716543992714864a0bcca58d98c Description-gl: information about distributions' releases (Python module) Información sobre todas as edicións de Debian e Ubuntu. . This package contains a Python module for parsing the data in distro-info- data. There is also a command line interface in the distro-info package. Package: python-django-allauth Description-md5: 6fca3e8f215ca64cb98cb3c410c73a17 Description-gl: Django app for local and social authentication (Python 2 version) Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication with the following supported providers: . * Amazon (OAuth2) * AngelList (OAuth2) * Bitly (OAuth2) * Dropbox (OAuth) * Facebook (both OAuth2 and JS SDK) * Feedly (OAuth2) * Github (OAuth2) * Google (OAuth2) * Instagram (OAuth2) * LinkedIn (OAuth, OAuth2) * OpenId * Paypal (OAuth2) * Persona * SoundCloud (OAuth2) * Stack Exchange (OAuth2) * Twitch (OAuth2) * Twitter (OAuth) * Vimeo (OAuth) * VK (OAuth2) * Weibo (OAuth2) . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-allauth-doc Description-md5: 7dee579c29f9aa4322eb7154fb11e394 Description-gl: Django app for local and social authentication (Documentation) Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication with the following supported providers: . * Amazon (OAuth2) * AngelList (OAuth2) * Bitly (OAuth2) * Dropbox (OAuth) * Facebook (both OAuth2 and JS SDK) * Feedly (OAuth2) * Github (OAuth2) * Google (OAuth2) * Instagram (OAuth2) * LinkedIn (OAuth, OAuth2) * OpenId * Paypal (OAuth2) * Persona * SoundCloud (OAuth2) * Stack Exchange (OAuth2) * Twitch (OAuth2) * Twitter (OAuth) * Vimeo (OAuth) * VK (OAuth2) * Weibo (OAuth2) . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-app-plugins Description-md5: 5a85018515b0513ad3aefa4943b9baf8 Description-gl: Sistema de engadidos para django Allow 3rd party apps to dynamically insert template inclusions into your apps at pre-defined plugin points. Similar to how Eclipse manages plugins via contributors.You could think of this as the reverse of the {% block %} or {% include %} tags. Package: python-django-assets-doc Description-md5: d0508a9a8415d563d225d729ed39389f Description-gl: integrate webassets into Django applications (Documentation) django-assets will automatically merge and compress bundle’s source files the first time a template including them is rendered, and will automatically update the compressed file every time a source file changes. If debugging is enabled, each source file will be outputted individually instead. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-auth-ldap Description-md5: 8ec2953c563675517c46a6f0bf4d639b Description-gl: Django LDAP authentication backend (Python2 version) Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP service. Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template, but there are many rich configuration options for working with users, groups, and permissions. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-auth-ldap-doc Description-md5: 4fd2db8c39843015dd5fe0c48d806f55 Description-gl: Django LDAP authentication backend (documentation) Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP service. Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template, but there are many rich configuration options for working with users, groups, and permissions. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-babel Description-md5: 33131bca29bcace733bcd106ff89b915 Description-gl: Utilities for using Babel in Django - Python 2.7 This package contains various utilities for integration of Babel into the Django web framework: * A message extraction plugin for Django templates. * A middleware class that adds the Babel Locale object to requests. * A set of template tags for date and number formatting. . Babel provides a message extraction framework similar to GNU xgettext, but more extensible and geared towards Python applications. While Django does provide wrapper scripts for making the use of xgettext more convenient, the extraction functionality is rather limited. For example, you can't use template files with an extension other than .html, and everything needs to be in your project package directory. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-django-babel-doc Description-md5: 5fe9095603ad119f0a1fb2e3c17e53b0 Description-gl: Utilities for using Babel in Django - doc This package contains various utilities for integration of Babel into the Django web framework: * A message extraction plugin for Django templates. * A middleware class that adds the Babel Locale object to requests. * A set of template tags for date and number formatting. . Babel provides a message extraction framework similar to GNU xgettext, but more extensible and geared towards Python applications. While Django does provide wrapper scripts for making the use of xgettext more convenient, the extraction functionality is rather limited. For example, you can't use template files with an extension other than .html, and everything needs to be in your project package directory. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-braces-doc Description-md5: 923f1b56e665440207d00e77d39f7bca Description-gl: reusable, generic mixins for Django class based views (Documentation) Django-braces provides a set of reusable, generic mixins for the Django class based views system. The mixins can be used for access control, form handling and other purposes. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-casclient-doc Description-md5: f38e817d0f54d66d1739c4da7cc47ded Description-gl: CAS client library for Django (documentation) Django-cas is a Central Authentication Service (CAS) client library for Django, offering single sign-on web authentication. It is K-State's fork of the original and includes Edmund Crewe's proxy ticket patch and several additional features as well as features merged from KTHse's django-cas2. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-django-classy-tags-doc Description-md5: 98b8e3278f3cf3613e3c18af32b975ee Description-gl: Class based template tags for Django projects (Documentation) django-classy-tags is an approach at making writing template tags in Django easier, shorter and more fun. It provides an extensible argument parser which reduces most of the boiler plate code you usually have to write when coding custom template tags. . django-classy-tags does no magic by design. Thus you will not get automatic registering/loading of your tags like other solutions provide. You will not get automatic argument guessing from function signatures but rather you have to declare what arguments your tag accepts. There is no magic in your template tag class either, it’s just a subclass of django.template.Node which invokes a parser class to parse the arguments when it’s initialized and resolves those arguments into keyword arguments in it’s render method and calls its render_tag method with those keyword arguments. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-contact-form-doc Description-md5: e220db1c1033b13837d6ff0a14a1f341 Description-gl: extensible contact-form application for Django (documentation) This is a reusable application which simplifies including a contact form within Django, the Python web framework. It provides a basic contact form which, once appropriate templates have been written, will email site administrators when the form is submitted. The form and view used are designed to be extensible and allow for easy adaptation to more complex needs. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-django-crispy-forms-doc Description-md5: 273c8960ab8cc4134d277cf3b436860b Description-gl: app for Django providing elegant form rendering (Documentation) django-crispy-forms provides you with a |crispy filter and {% crispy %} tag that will let you control the rendering behavior of your Django forms in a very elegant and DRY way. Have full control without writing custom form templates. All this without breaking the standard way of doing things in Django, so it plays nice with any other form application. . Django-crispy-forms supports several frontend frameworks, such as Twitter Bootstrap (versions 2 and 3), Uni-form and Foundation. You can also easily adapt your custom company's one, creating your own, see the docs for more information. You can easily switch among them using CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK setting variable. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-debug-toolbar-doc Description-md5: 40e6fd5c96d59516e2cd1a8353629c3d Description-gl: Embedded debugging toolbar for Django projects (documentation) The Django Debug Toolbar is a plug-in Django application that displays a set of panels which conveys information about the current request at the top of the rendered page. It can show: . * Total time taken to process request * Request variables, including GET, POST, cookie, and session information. * All SQL queries performed during response creation and processing, including timing and 'EXPLAIN' output for each query in conjunction with the total time spent performing SQL queries. If python-pygments is installed, the SQL syntax is highlighted. * Current Django version * HTTP headers * Total requests, time, hits and misses of the cache. * Which templates were rendered the context provided to each template. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-django-dirtyfields Description-md5: 1b2ed855938a05156c836ef18921e986 Description-gl: package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance (Python 2) django-dirtyfields is a package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance, where dirty means that field in-memory and database values are different. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-discover-runner Description-md5: 313985ef40b7f81c78bcadb073a9df18 Description-gl: alternative Django test runner - Python 2.x python-django-discover-runner is an alternative Django "TEST_RUNNER" which uses the unittest2 test discovery from a base path specified in the settings, or any other module or package specified to the "test" management command, including app tests. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-django-etcd-settings Description-md5: 3d3c783eae35fcc313c1920c8d15567b Description-gl: config manager for Django apps based on ETCD (Python2 version) This application allows you to extend the Django settings as configured in the file with: . * Environment dependent values * Values in different config sets, identified by name, which can be selected on a 'per request' basis using the X-DYNAMIC-SETTINGS HTTP header . Both the added configuration values and config sets would live at ETCD, which will be continuously monitored by this library in order to transparently update your app settings upon changes. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-etcd-settings-doc Description-md5: 035b5a7c40ff9b803112941e570afb2f Description-gl: config manager for Django apps based on ETCD (Documentation) This application allows you to extend the Django settings as configured in the file with: . * Environment dependent values * Values in different config sets, identified by name, which can be selected on a 'per request' basis using the X-DYNAMIC-SETTINGS HTTP header . Both the added configuration values and config sets would live at ETCD, which will be continuously monitored by this library in order to transparently update your app settings upon changes. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-extdirect Description-md5: f5e9ed7c4131b1e26a85b63d0aee5166 Description-gl: Ext.Direct serverside implementation for Django Ext.Direct is a standard that defines an RPC mechanism that makes using AJAX a lot easier. djExtDirect is a serverside implementation of this standard for the Django web framework. . Para obter maÌis informacioÌn consulte <>. Package: python-django-extensions Description-md5: b714f8abde3c4be45732db610c12eef7 Description-gl: Useful extensions for Django projects (Python 2 version) This is a collection of useful third-party tools for projects that use the Django web development framework. It provides the management commands: . * runserver_plus - a "runserver" that uses the interactive Werkzeug debugger * runprofileserver - starts runserver with profiling tools enabled * shell_plus - similar to the built-in "shell" but autoloads all models * graph_models - creates a GraphViz dot file of your model arrangement * describe_form - generate template form definitions for a model * export_emails - export the addresses of your users in many formats * print_user_for_session - print the user information from a session key * create_jobs/runjob/runjobs - manage scheduled maintenance jobs * (plus many more) . python-django-extensions also includes a number of custom fields and abstract models, including ones that manage created and updated times automatically. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-extensions-doc Description-md5: 4dd9dde798711d4bc958039ae3825cbf Description-gl: Useful extensions for Django projects (Documentation) This is a collection of useful third-party tools for projects that use the Django web development framework. It provides the management commands: . * runserver_plus - a "runserver" that uses the interactive Werkzeug debugger * runprofileserver - starts runserver with profiling tools enabled * shell_plus - similar to the built-in "shell" but autoloads all models * graph_models - creates a GraphViz dot file of your model arrangement * describe_form - generate template form definitions for a model * export_emails - export the addresses of your users in many formats * print_user_for_session - print the user information from a session key * create_jobs/runjob/runjobs - manage scheduled maintenance jobs * (plus many more) . python-django-extensions also includes a number of custom fields and abstract models, including ones that manage created and updated times automatically. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-extra-views Description-md5: a7f63e4a6491602746e0ebe257c3ad3e Description-gl: Complementary class-based generic views for Django (Python2 version) Django Extra Views provides a number of additional class-based generic views to complement those provide by Django itself. . Features: * FormSet and ModelFormSet views - The formset equivalents of FormView and ModelFormView. * InlineFormSetView - Lets you edit formsets related to a model (uses inlineformset_factory). * CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView - Lets you edit a model and its relations. * GenericInlineFormSetView, the equivalent of InlineFormSetView but for GenericForeignKeys. * Support for generic inlines in CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView. * Support for naming each inline or formset with NamedFormsetsMixin. * SortableListMixin - Generic mixin for sorting functionality in your views. * SearchableListMixin - Generic mixin for search functionality in your views. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-extra-views-doc Description-md5: 0526eaf35eb95c9e51eac14f4039ec7b Description-gl: Complementary class-based generic views for Django (Documentation) Django Extra Views provides a number of additional class-based generic views to complement those provide by Django itself. . Features: * FormSet and ModelFormSet views - The formset equivalents of FormView and ModelFormView. * InlineFormSetView - Lets you edit formsets related to a model (uses inlineformset_factory). * CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView - Lets you edit a model and its relations. * GenericInlineFormSetView, the equivalent of InlineFormSetView but for GenericForeignKeys. * Support for generic inlines in CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView. * Support for naming each inline or formset with NamedFormsetsMixin. * SortableListMixin - Generic mixin for sorting functionality in your views. * SearchableListMixin - Generic mixin for search functionality in your views. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-filters Description-md5: 2fea2f0ebefc53e137ebf2776ff04c90 Description-gl: filter Django QuerySets based on user selections (Python2 version) Django-filter is a generic, reusable application to alleviate some of the more mundane bits of view code. Specifically allowing the users to filter down a queryset based on a model’s fields and displaying the form to let them do this. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-filters-doc Description-md5: 90eca80637b4fd33c48b31ac2583c338 Description-gl: filter Django QuerySets based on user selections (Documentation) Django-filter is a generic, reusable application to alleviate some of the more mundane bits of view code. Specifically allowing the users to filter down a queryset based on a model’s fields and displaying the form to let them do this. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-floppyforms-doc Description-md5: b3da632a6c27ef616a73708e0666e542 Description-gl: better control of form rendering in Django (Documentation) Django-foppyforms is an application that gives you full control of the output of forms rendering. This is more a widgets library than a forms library but form fields are provided for convenience. The forms API and features are exactly the same as Django’s, the key difference is that widgets are rendered in templates instead of using string interpolation. . The widgets API allows you to customize and extend the widgets behaviour, making it very easy to define custom widgets. The default widgets are very similar to the default Django widgets, except that they implement some nice features of HTML5 forms, such as the placeholder and required attribute, as well as the new <input> types. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-formtools Description-md5: 8efbcbb6fd39f064c88d31fc8719d978 Description-gl: set of high-level abstractions for Django forms - Python 2.7 Django's formtools is a set of high-level abstractions for Django forms. Currently for form previews and multi-step forms. . This code used to live in Django proper: in django.contrib.formtools. But it was separated into a standalone package in Django 1.8 to keep the framework's core clean. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-django-formtools-doc Description-md5: 521893d64719b9044c7731571506305b Description-gl: set of high-level abstractions for Django forms - doc Django's formtools is a set of high-level abstractions for Django forms. Currently for form previews and multi-step forms. . This code used to live in Django proper: in django.contrib.formtools. But it was separated into a standalone package in Django 1.8 to keep the framework's core clean. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-guardian-doc Description-md5: e3036e2f8908bc5e03d1a25c9805a62c Description-gl: per object permissions of django (documentation) Implementation of per object permissions as authorization backend which is supported since Django 1.2. It provides features as followings; - Object permissions for Django_ - AnonymousUser support - High level API - Heavely tested - Django's admin integration - Decorators . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-django-haystack-doc Description-md5: 91fc6075e31521bcb2a592aaf4791f28 Description-gl: modular search for Django (Documentation) Haystack provides modular search for Django. It features a unified, familiar API that allows you to plug in different search backends (such as Solr, Elasticsearch, Whoosh, Xapian, etc.) without having to modify your code. . It plays nicely with third-party app without needing to modify the source and supports advanced features like faceting, More Like This, highlighting, spatial search and spelling suggestions. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-housekeeping Description-md5: b7ec15547bbcfdcfe1d13f35f52f0a99 Description-gl: Pluggable housekeeping framework for Django sites in Python 2 django\_housekeeping provides a management command that finds and run tasks defined by your Django apps. . Tasks can declare dependencies on each other, run in multiple stages and provide infrastructure that other tasks can use. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-html-sanitizer Description-md5: 85828504133f2a354ddbf2983c3ae378 Description-gl: set of utilities sanitize HTML inputs in django (Python 2) Django HTML Sanitizer provides a set of utilities to easily sanitize/escape/ clean HTML inputs in django. This app is built on top of bleach, the excellent Python HTML sanitizer. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-imagekit-doc Description-md5: 9507ea41a78f4ab83751fef61db2c6b3 Description-gl: Automated image processing for Django (Documentation) ImageKit is a Django app for processing images. Need a thumbnail? A black- and-white version of a user-uploaded image? ImageKit will make them for you. If you need to programmatically generate one image from another, you need ImageKit. . ImageKit comes with a bunch of image processors for common tasks like resizing and cropping, but you can also create your own. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-impersonate Description-md5: dd3f8af83ca0c179c4d4b3f6f0fe6236 Description-gl: Django module for superusers to impersonate accounts (Python 2) Simple Django application to allow superusers to "impersonate" other non- superuser accounts. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-jinja Description-md5: 21f7ba30f470f46b035f1c3273c4e33e Description-gl: Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django Jinja2 provides certain advantages over the native system of Django, for example, explicit calls to callable from templates, has better performance and has a plugin system . Funcionalidades: . * Auto-load templatetags compatible with Jinja2 on same way as Django. * Django templates can coexist with Jinja2 templates without any problems. It works as middleware, intercepts Jinja templates by file path pattern. * Django template filters and tags can mostly be used in Jinja2 templates. * I18n subsystem adapted for Jinja2 (makemessages now collects messages from Jinja templates) * Compatible with python2 and python3 using same codebase. * jinja2 bytecode cache adapted for use django cache subsystem. Package: python-django-jsonfield Description-md5: 0b324616bba555b4ff2898eb6277b9ca Description-gl: JSON field for Django models (Python 2) This package provides a Django field (jsonfield.JSONField) that you can use to store arbitrary JSON structures in a simple text field at the database level. . Accessing the field returns a decoded object (list, dict, string). . In forms, it appears like a TextField but the input is validated to be valid JSON. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-mailman3 Description-md5: 44fdc3471661c196753c82af6617ea98 Description-gl: Django library to help interaction with Mailman3 (Python 2 version) This package contains libraries and templates for Django-based interfaces interacting with Mailman. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-maintenancemode Description-md5: 11d039b7bc8b0298871ed148929fe011 Description-gl: django module that sets a site down for maintenance (Python 2) Django Maintenancemode is a middleware that allows you to temporarily shutdown your site for maintenance work. . Logged in users having staff credentials can still fully use the site as can users visiting the site from an IP address defined in Django's ``INTERNAL_IPS``. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-memoize Description-md5: 31a07a0d67c1162746395a09e67cdc3e Description-gl: implementation of memoization technique for Django (Python 2) django-memoize is an implementation of the memoization technique for Django. You can think of it as a cache for function or method results. . In memoization, the functions arguments are also included into the cache_key. Memoize is also designed for methods, since it will take into account the repr of the ‘self’ or ‘cls’ argument as part of the cache key. The theory behind memoization is that if you have a function you need to call several times in one request, it would only be calculated the first time that function is called with those arguments. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-memoize-doc Description-md5: 72f519d47186a95766a9447cc1daf4d3 Description-gl: implementation of memoization technique for Django (common documentation) django-memoize is an implementation of the memoization technique for Django. You can think of it as a cache for function or method results. . In memoization, the functions arguments are also included into the cache_key. Memoize is also designed for methods, since it will take into account the repr of the ‘self’ or ‘cls’ argument as part of the cache key. The theory behind memoization is that if you have a function you need to call several times in one request, it would only be calculated the first time that function is called with those arguments. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-django-modeltranslation-doc Description-md5: a5427c269453bcebeae4256ca20c00a4 Description-gl: Translate dynamic content of Django models (common documentation) The modeltranslation application can be used to translate dynamic content of existing models to an arbitrary number of languages without having to change the original model classes. It uses a registration approach (comparable to Django's admin app) to be able to add translations to existing or new projects and is fully integrated into the Django admin backend. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-django-mptt-doc Description-md5: c8c81f6855364efbe301f70e449752e6 Description-gl: Modified Preorder Tree Traversal Django application Django MPTT is a reusable/standalone Django application which aims to make it easy for you to use Modified Preorder Tree Traversal with your own Django models in your own applications. . It takes care of the details of managing a database table as a tree structure and provides tools for working with trees of model instances. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-navtag Description-md5: ef324ee0a7e883ee3ef1912949099d64 Description-gl: Django template tag to handle navigation (Python2 version) A simple Django template tag to handle navigation item selection. It works through template inheritance and allows one to define hierarchical navigation menu structures in the presentation layer. It differentiates itself from other solutions by sole reliance on templates. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-ordered-model Description-md5: de66e09486bf93907be05bd929e1f47f Description-gl: Allows Django models to be ordered (Python2 version) django-ordered-model allows models to be ordered and provides a simple admin interface for reordering them. Model instances have a set of methods to move them relative to each other. It is also possible to order only within a subset of objects. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-organizations Description-md5: 3dd70ed9dfa87db6824506358cf3e002 Description-gl: Django groups and multi-user account management module (Python 2) Django Organizations adds user-managed, multi-user groups to your Django project. Use Django Organizations whether your site needs organizations that function like social groups or multi-user account objects to provide account and subscription functionality beyond the individual user. . * Works with your existing user model, whether ` django.contrib.auth` or a custom model. No additional user or authentication functionality required. * Users can be belong to and own more than one organization (account, group) * Invitation and registration functionality works out of the box for many situations and can be extended as need to fit specific requirements. * Start with the base models or use your own for greater customization. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-otp-doc Description-md5: 3544288adf29f97b2a72145c6d3a8d59 Description-gl: pluggable framework for two-factor authentication (Documentation) This project makes it easy to add support for one-time passwords (OTPs) to Django. It can be integrated at various levels, depending on how much customization is required. It integrates with django.contrib.auth, although it is not a Django authentication backend. The primary target is developers wishing to incorporate OTPs into their Django projects as a form of two-factor authentication. . This project includes several simple OTP plugins and more are available separately. This package also includes an implementation of OATH HOTP and TOTP for convenience, as these are standard OTP algorithms used by multiple plugins. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-overextends Description-md5: 0fb4eabe09326bce180a5bd897584c69 Description-gl: reusable app providing circular template inheritance - Python 2.7 A Django reusable app providing the overextends template tag, a drop-in replacement for Django's extends tag, which allows you to use circular template inheritance. . The primary use-case for overextends is to simultaneously override and extend templates from other reusable apps, in your own Django project. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-django-pagination Description-md5: 636352dcb2e0dfab0ad6d95b8e0a273d Description-gl: Utilidades para crear ferramentas de paxinación para Django A set of utilities for creating robust pagination tools throughout a Django application. Package: python-django-paintstore Description-md5: 40d6fafcbb157d9d82f72ca525426b01 Description-gl: Integrates jQuery ColorPicker in Django admin (Python 2 version) Django app that integrates the jQuery ColorPicker in the Django admin. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-polymorphic-doc Description-md5: 529cf171fe6cf45b791912ec8a669a47 Description-gl: Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models (Documentation) Django-polymorphic simplifies using inherited models in Django projects. When a query is made at the base model, the inherited model classes are returned. . Features: * Full admin integration. * ORM integration: + Support for ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, OneToOneField descriptors. + Support for proxy models. + Filtering/ordering of inherited models (ArtProject___artist). + Filtering model types: instance_of(...) and not_instance_of(...) + Combining querysets of different models (qs3 = qs1 | qs2) + Support for custom user-defined managers. * Uses the minimum amount of queries needed to fetch the inherited models. * Disabling polymorphic behavior when needed. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-python3-ldap Description-md5: eb70912a23d0ca6a5305c57cc417266e Description-gl: Django LDAP user authentication backend (Python2 version) django-python3-ldap provides a Django LDAP user authentication backend for Python. It uses the pure Python ldap3 library for all LDAP related operations. This makes it easier to deploy instead of solutions that depend on the OpenLDAP library. . It provides the following features: * Authenticate users with an LDAP server. * Sync LDAP users with a local Django database. * Supports custom Django user models. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-q Description-md5: 5adfa75b5e2aa6b0ac344d47a933b583 Description-gl: Django multiprocessing distributed task queue (Python 2 version) A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django with following features: . * Multiprocessing worker pool * Asynchronous tasks * Scheduled and repeated tasks * Encrypted and compressed packages * Failure and success database or cache * Result hooks, groups and chains * Django Admin integration * PaaS compatible with multiple instances * Multi cluster monitor * Redis, Disque, IronMQ, SQS, MongoDB or ORM * Rollbar support . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-q-doc Description-md5: d8e6c42f3aa0dedd1280295e3ac97e8b Description-gl: Django multiprocessing distributed task queue (Documentation) A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django with following features: . * Multiprocessing worker pool * Asynchronous tasks * Scheduled and repeated tasks * Encrypted and compressed packages * Failure and success database or cache * Result hooks, groups and chains * Django Admin integration * PaaS compatible with multiple instances * Multi cluster monitor * Redis, Disque, IronMQ, SQS, MongoDB or ORM * Rollbar support . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-ratelimit-doc Description-md5: 21a120da507edd40032ee594c0954577 Description-gl: Cache-based rate-limiting for Django (documentation) Django Ratelimit provides a decorator to rate-limit views. Limiting can be based on IP address or a field in the request--either a GET or POST variable. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-recurrence-doc Description-md5: f56a81829a030845e0df4905bf65adb6 Description-gl: Django utility wrapping dateutil.rrule (documentation) django-recurrence is a utility for working with recurring dates in Django. . It provides: * Recurrence/Rule objects using a subset of rfc2445 (wraps dateutil.rrule) for specifying recurring date/times * RecurrenceField for storing recurring datetimes in the database * a JavaScript widget . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-redis Description-md5: a8a918b21e7871b9833128593e9166d2 Description-gl: Redis cache backend for Django (Python 2) django-redis is a full featured Redis cache/session backend for Django. It provides several features to fully utilize Redis: * Pluggable clients. * Pluggable parsers. * Pluggable serializers. * Master-Slave support in the default client. * Supports infinite timeouts. * Facilities for raw access to Redis client/connection pool. * Highly configurable (can emulate memcached exception behavior, for example). * Unix sockets supported by default. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-redis-admin Description-md5: 67a7d96c72233d380d26edff780e027e Description-gl: Django admin panel add-on to view/delete Redis keys (Python 2) `django-simple-redis-admin` is an addition to your Django admin panel that allows you to view and delete your Redis keys. . This package does not use models, so no database tables need to be created. Just add to INSTALLED_APPS and go. Users must have is_superuser == True to view the Redis admin. No django admin logs are created with this package. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-redis-sessions Description-md5: 6f012c9cd7b5e8d2cd9c8a039c58f2df Description-gl: Redis database backend for your Django sessions (Python 2) Session backend for Django that stores sessions in a Redis database . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-registration Description-md5: 7ab4dd245f08cae2f17d1285f735fd53 Description-gl: User-registration application for Django (Python 2) This is a fairly simple user-registration application for Django, designed to make allowing user signups as painless as possible. . Its main feature over Django's standard user-registration application is the support of email confirmation. . This application enables a fairly common workflow for user signups: 1. User signs up for an account. 2. User gets emailed an activation link. 3. User clicks the activation link before it expires. 4. User becomes a happy and productive contributor to your site. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-registration-doc Description-md5: c273f1a83ae40abfc6acec0229253f64 Description-gl: User-registration application for Django (Documentation) This is a fairly simple user-registration application for Django, designed to make allowing user signups as painless as possible. . Its main feature over Django's standard user-registration application is the support of email confirmation. . This application enables a fairly common workflow for user signups: 1. User signs up for an account. 2. User gets emailed an activation link. 3. User clicks the activation link before it expires. 4. User becomes a happy and productive contributor to your site. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-django-reversion Description-md5: 4fd13d63626078856efdf57ffb39960d Description-gl: Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django Reversion é unha extensión da infraestrutura web de Django que fornece facilidades de control de versións completas. . Features: * Roll back to any point in a model's history - an unlimited undo facility! * Recover deleted models - never lose data again! * Admin integration for maximum usability. * Group related changes into revisions that can be rolled back in a single transaction. * Automatically save a new version whenever your model changes using Django's flexible signalling framework. * Automate your revision management with easy-to-use middleware. Package: python-django-reversion-doc Description-md5: 47ed876f733fa71e6a914af8521bdce9 Description-gl: Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django (Documentation) Reversion é unha extensión da infraestrutura web de Django que fornece facilidades de control de versións completas. . Features: * Roll back to any point in a model's history - an unlimited undo facility! * Recover deleted models - never lose data again! * Admin integration for maximum usability. * Group related changes into revisions that can be rolled back in a single transaction. * Automatically save a new version whenever your model changes using Django's flexible signalling framework. * Automate your revision management with easy-to-use middleware. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-sekizai-doc Description-md5: baac8bfae3b2a588742d0720f66f267b Description-gl: template blocks for Django projects (Documentation) Sekizai means “blocks†in Japanese, and that’s what this app provides. A fresh look at blocks. With django-sekizai you can define placeholders where your blocks get rendered and at different places in your templates append to those blocks. This is especially useful for css and javascript. Your subtemplates can now define css and javscript files to be included, and the css will be nicely put at the top and the javascript to the bottom, just like you should. Also sekizai will ignore any duplicate content in a single block. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-setuptest Description-md5: ec84ed4da47cb56d19b0792b590a32d8 Description-gl: simple test suite enabling Django app testing via (Python 2) Django Setuptest is a simple module enabling Django app testing via . Normally when you execute . $ python test . for Django related modules you're almost certain to run into DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable issues, e.g.: . ImportError: Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined. . This module overcomes this by configuring the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable before executing your test suite. As a bonus it also generates Coverage and PEP 8 reports as part of the test. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-sitetree-doc Description-md5: 2a4be86ec56ff9b160ff99583231c230 Description-gl: site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation for Django (Documentation) django-sitetree is a reusable application for Django, introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements. Site structure in django- sitetree is described through Django admin interface in a so called site trees. Every item of such a tree describes a page or a set of pages through the relation of URI or URL to human-friendly title. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-tables2-doc Description-md5: 5068d9adb6d49a3dd673e82bcee3570c Description-gl: Table/data-grid framework for Django (Documentation) django-tables2 simplifies the task of turning sets of data into HTML tables. It has native support for pagination and sorting. It does for HTML tables what ``django.forms`` does for HTML forms. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-tagging Description-md5: eb203dcc8414f1a9159e8f868e2260fa Description-gl: Generic tagging application for Django projects (Python 2) This is a generic tagging application for Django, which allows association of a number of tags with any Model instance and makes retrieval of tags simple. . Models can be expanded with a new TagField; web templates can easily include tag clouds and dedicated views are available to browse objects by tag. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-tastypie Description-md5: 5c07e138ddad15ada9b27d292552656d Description-gl: webservice API framework for Django (Python 2) Tastypie is an webservice API framework for Django. It provides a convenient, yet powerful and highly customizable, abstraction for creating REST-style interfaces. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-django-uwsgi-doc Description-md5: 1e80f57581829d4fe226e8495d448808 Description-gl: uWSGI related tools for Django (Documentation) django-uwsgi provides several features for Django projects deployed to uWSGI: . * Admin page with uWSGI stats (options to reload/stop uWSGI, clear uWSGI cache) * uWSGI Cache Backend for Django * uWSGI Email Backend for Django(send emails via uWSGI's spooler) * Debug Panel for django-debug-toolbar (offers same functions as admin page) * Django template loader for embedded into uWSGI files * Django Management Command runuwsgi (with live autoreload when DEBUG is True) * uWSGI config generator * Django CBV Mixins based on uWSGI decorators . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-django-webpack-loader Description-md5: a3b343a3be2735363002f4982b43dd04 Description-gl: Transparently use webpack with Django (Python2 version) Use webpack to generate your static bundles without Django's staticfiles or opaque wrappers. . Django webpack loader consumes the output generated by webpack-bundle- tracker and lets you use the generated bundles in Django. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-websocket-redis Description-md5: 15ebf1b9882923c41f58451a5eb97622 Description-gl: Websockets for Django applications using Redis (Python2 version) This module implements websockets on top of Django without requiring any additional framework. For messaging it uses the Redis datastore. In a production environment, it is intended to work under uWSGI and behind NGiNX or Apache. In a development environment, it can be used with the Django built-in webserver. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-django-wkhtmltopdf Description-md5: 61427a40a397e1b69bddee9310396297 Description-gl: Django module with views for HTML to PDF conversions (Python 2) Django Wkhtmltopdf provides Django views to wrap the HTML to PDF conversion of the `wkhtmltopdf <>` binary. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-djangorestframework-doc Description-md5: 4dea31ff21fc8a5257161af02b37128b Description-gl: Web APIs for Django, made easy (documentation) powerful and flexible toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs. Some reasons you might want to use REST framework: * The Web browseable API is a huge useability win for your developers. * Authentication policies including OAuth1a and OAuth2 out of the box. * Serialization that supports both ORM and non-ORM data sources. * Customizable all the way down - just use regular function-based views if you don't need the more powerful features. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-djangorestframework-generators Description-md5: 23dfc298d33e2c1b49e49d269e8fea1b Description-gl: Generate DRF Serializers, Views, and URLs (Python2 version) Writing APIs can be boring and repetitive work. With DRF Generators, one simple command will generate all Views, Serializers, and even Urls for a Django Rest Framework application. . This is not intended to give a production quality API. It was intended to jumpstart development and save developers from writing the same code over and over for each model. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-djvu-dbg Description-md5: 0cdc44cc5515a697369003fc3633cee7 Description-gl: Python support for the DjVu image format (debug extension) python-djvulibre is a set of Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library, an open source implementation of DjVu. This image format is designed primarily for scanned documents, it includes advanced techniques like image layer separation and arithmetic coding compression. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración e as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-djvu-doc Description-md5: 425d3dfd19840443036753e98505212a Description-gl: Python support for the DjVu image format (documentation) python-djvulibre is a set of Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library, an open source implementation of DjVu. This image format is designed primarily for scanned documents, it includes advanced techniques like image layer separation and arithmetic coding compression. . Este paquete contén documentación técnica. Package: python-dmidecode-dbg Description-md5: 52e57b37ab96691864d43257866674b4 Description-gl: Python extension module for dmidecode (debug) DMI (the desktop management interface) provides a standardized description of a computer's hardware, including characteristics such as BIOS serial number and hardware connectors. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-dns Description-md5: a0c5946b1da52e2c5c0e7c1757ee1810 Description-gl: Módulo cliente de DNS para Python This Python module provides an DNS API for looking up DNS entries from within Python modules and applications. This module is a simple, lightweight implementation. It is not as complete as python-dnspython, but is useful for many common applications. Package: python-dnslib Description-md5: f7dea5dae009ed86b6f9085f939fec56 Description-gl: Module to encode/decode DNS wire-format packets (Python 2) This DNS encode/decode Python module provides: . - Support for encoding/decoding DNS packets between wire format, Python objects, and Zone/DiG textual representation (dnslib.dns) - A server framework allowing the simple creation of custom DNS resolvers (dnslib.server) and a number of example servers created using this framework - A number of utilities for testing (dnslib.client, dnslib.proxy, dnslib.intercept) . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-doc8-doc Description-md5: a70ab6997ee4cac17475daf6d7a024b4 Description-gl: style checker for Sphinx (or other) RST documentation - doc Doc8 is an opinionated style checker for rst (with basic support for plain text) styles of documentation. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-doit-doc Description-md5: f5a04fd9c281ffd9a933ac504d3d4cae Description-gl: Automation tool for executing any kind of task in a build-tools fashion - doc doit is an automation tool that brings the power of build-tools to execute any kind of task. . A task describes some computation to be done (actions), and contains some extra meta-data. The actions can be external programs or Python functions. A single task may define more than one action. doit uses the task’s meta-data to: * cache task results * correct execution order * parallel execution * powerful dependency system . Este paquete contén documentación da API e exemplos. Package: python-drizzle Description-md5: 120c2ba8a582f537f5b43923f2a39287 Description-gl: Dithered image combination for Python 2 The drizzle library is a Python package for combining dithered images into a single image. This library is derived from code used in drizzlepac. Like drizzlepac, most of the code is implemented in the C language. The biggest change from drizzlepac is that this code passes an array that maps the input to output image into the C code, while the drizzlepac code computes the mapping by using a Python callback. Switching to using an array allowed the code to be greatly simplified. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-drizzle-doc Description-md5: 3c110b47e3e3368fbff093fdfa4e132a Description-gl: Dithered image combination for Python (API documentation) The drizzle library is a Python package for combining dithered images into a single image. This library is derived from code used in drizzlepac. Like drizzlepac, most of the code is implemented in the C language. The biggest change from drizzlepac is that this code passes an array that maps the input to output image into the C code, while the drizzlepac code computes the mapping by using a Python callback. Switching to using an array allowed the code to be greatly simplified. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: python-dtcwt-doc Description-md5: 1acdff6c54e8b82aacb1a018de5747d0 Description-gl: documentation for dtcwt The dtcwt library provides a Python implementation of the 1, 2 and 3-D dual-tree complex wavelet transform along with some associated algorithms. It contains a pure CPU implementation which makes use of NumPy along with an accelerated GPU implementation using OpenCL. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-dugong-doc Description-md5: 2898f406a4c5c9eaa0a11d985cf19edf Description-gl: HTTP 1.1 client module for Python (documentation) The Python Dugong module provides an API for communicating with HTTP 1.1 servers. It is an alternative to the standard library's http.client (formerly httplib) module. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-easyprocess Description-md5: 7ef0db45aa01948d70968e29dcb87e94 Description-gl: easy to use python subprocess interface - Python 2.X Funcionalidades: . * layer on top of subprocess_ module * easy to start, stop programs * easy to get standard output/error, return code of programs * command can be list or string * logging * timeout * unit-tests * cross-platform, development on linux * global config file with program aliases * shell is not supported * pipes are not supported * stdout/stderr is set only after the subprocess has finished * stop() does not kill whole subprocess tree * unicode support * Method chaining . This package contains the python 2 version of easyprocess Package: python-easywebdav Description-md5: 63b14cf5c022767d7d2b732252d45248 Description-gl: straight-forward WebDAV client module (Python 2 interface) EasyWebDAV is an easy to use WebDAV client implementation for Python. It features: - Basic authentication - Creating directories, removing directories and files - Uploading and downloading files - Directory listing - Support for client side SSL certificates . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-ebooklib Description-md5: 5b9aadea8f8f2454ee784587ed06c6ba Description-gl: Biblioteca de libros electrónicos en Python 2 para xestionar os formatos EPUB2/EPUB3/Kindle EbookLib is a Python library for managing EPUB2/EPUB3 and Kindle files. It's capable of reading and writing EPUB files programmatically (Kindle support is under development). . The API is designed to be as simple as possible, while at the same time making complex things possible too. It has support for covers, table of contents, spine, guide, metadata and more. EbookLib works with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3, this is the Python 2 version of the package. Package: python-ecryptfs Description-md5: f98947163c22f56c9635a6f26a74977e Description-gl: ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (python) eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python. Package: python-editor Description-md5: 533f2d7e43a0c38284bbb68647e9fc1b Description-gl: programmatically open an editor, capture the result - Python 2.7 python-editor is a library that provides the editor module for programmatically interfacing with your system's $EDITOR. The user can then enter a commit message for example. . Editor first looks for the environment variable. If set, it uses the value as-is, without fallbacks. If no $EDITOR is set, editor will search through a list of known editors, and use the first one that exists on the system. For example, on Linux, editor will look for the following editors in order: * vim * emacs * nano . When calling the edit() function, editor will open the editor in a subprocess, inheriting the parent process's stdin, stdout . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-elasticsearch-curator Description-md5: 59f04b8f83d5097cd108714527fa5193 Description-gl: Python library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices Elasticsearch Curator helps manage Elasticsearch time-series indices. It consists of a Python library and a CLI tool providing a high-level interface to Elasticsearch administration tasks, such as: . - Management of index aliases - Index optimization - Changing the replica count - Modifying the shard/index allocation using routing tags - Index snapshotting . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-elasticsearch-doc Description-md5: 33f03e12c0d9f4389933d9f454147b44 Description-gl: Python client for Elasticsearch (Documentation) Official low-level client for Elasticsearch. Its goal is to provide common ground for all Elasticsearch-related code in Python; because of this it tries to be opinion-free and very extendable. . The client's features include: * translating basic Python data types to and from json (datetimes are not decoded for performance reasons) * configurable automatic discovery of cluster nodes * persistent connections * load balancing (with pluggable selection strategy) across all available nodes * failed connection penalization (time based - failed connections won't be retried until a timeout is reached) * thread safety * pluggable architecture . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-emcee Description-md5: 296df8bb983f5650a61502eaa01f6b7c Description-gl: Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python emcee is an extensible, pure-Python implementation of Goodman & Weare's Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Ensemble sampler. It's designed for Bayesian parameter estimation. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-empy-doc Description-md5: fb3087257f33ef017dad1cbb438ef7b8 Description-gl: Documentación de python-empy EmPy is a system for embedding Python expressions and statements in template text; it takes an EmPy source file, processes it, and produces output. . This package provides HTML documentation for EmPy. Package: python-enchant Description-md5: ffd3fb183f3e13472e4e043a58d22e1d Description-gl: Biblioteca de corrección ortográfica para Python PyEnchant consists of Python bindings to the Enchant spellchecking library and some wrapper classes. It includes all the functionality of Enchant in a Pythonic object-oriented interface, and also provides some higher-level functionality which is not available in the C API. Package: python-enzyme Description-md5: 82a6ebb2ebf9c220eadf2f116145aa4f Description-gl: video metadata parser (Python 2) Python module to parse metadata in video files. . enzyme extracts metadata such as the type and encoding of video streams, type, encoding and language of audio streams, chapters, tags and subtitle tracks from video files. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-epr Description-md5: e7b33679f86f0d36b45e3b60b97f347a Description-gl: Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (Python 2) PyEPR provides Python bindings for the ENVISAT Product Reader C API (EPR API) for reading satellite data from ENVISAT ESA (European Space Agency) mission. . PyEPR, as well as the EPR API for C, supports ENVISAT MERIS, AATSR Level 1B and Level 2 and also ASAR data products. It provides access to the data either on a geophysical (decoded, ready-to-use pixel samples) or on a raw data layer. The raw data access makes it possible to read any data field contained in a product file. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-epr-dbg Description-md5: 75ebdb6e2c7ac04cab17eb05c16d2c12 Description-gl: Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (debug extension for Python 2) PyEPR provides Python bindings for the ENVISAT Product Reader C API (EPR API) for reading satellite data from ENVISAT ESA (European Space Agency) mission. . PyEPR, as well as the EPR API for C, supports ENVISAT MERIS, AATSR Level 1B and Level 2 and also ASAR data products. It provides access to the data either on a geophysical (decoded, ready-to-use pixel samples) or on a raw data layer. The raw data access makes it possible to read any data field contained in a product file. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-epr-doc Description-md5: d114a2586bf82683a0d8094e6d432a0d Description-gl: Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (common documentation) PyEPR provides Python bindings for the ENVISAT Product Reader C API (EPR API) for reading satellite data from ENVISAT ESA (European Space Agency) mission. . PyEPR, as well as the EPR API for C, supports ENVISAT MERIS, AATSR Level 1B and Level 2 and also ASAR data products. It provides access to the data either on a geophysical (decoded, ready-to-use pixel samples) or on a raw data layer. The raw data access makes it possible to read any data field contained in a product file. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-esmre Description-md5: c490f6301f3d9461a970df726c74226b Description-gl: Regular expression acceleration in Python2 esmre is a Python module that can be used to speed up the execution of a large collection of regular expressions. It works by building a index of compulsory substrings from a collection of regular expressions, which it uses to quickly exclude those expressions which trivially do not match each input. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-espeak Description-md5: 8fa9a62634571ff57803f31fc8795ee2 Description-gl: Python bindings for eSpeak eSpeak é un sintetizador de voz por software para o inglés e algúns outros idiomas. . eSpeak produce fala de boa calidade en inglés. Emprega un método de sÃntese diferente da maiorÃa dos motores de texto a fala (TTS) de código aberto e soa moi diferente. Tal vez non sexa tan natural ou «suave», mais hai quen atopa que a articulación é máis clara e cómoda de escoitar durante perÃodos de tempo longos. . This package contains bindings to use eSpeak from within Python applications. . Be aware that python-espeak is still in an early state; it's incomplete and the API may change in future versions. Package: python-ewmh-doc Description-md5: c7aed564e980965dc60b2036ad4a5fa3 Description-gl: Python interface to EWMH-compliant window managers (common documentation) python-ewmh is a 100% pure Python implementation of the EWMH (Extended Window Manager Hints) protocol, which can be used to query and control EWMH-compliant window managers. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-exactimage Description-md5: 0ae5e9cf8eb11f2dc132f1e0a8b4c062 Description-gl: Biblioteca rápida de manipulación de imaxes (asociacións con Python) ExactImage is a fast C++ image processing library. Unlike many other library frameworks it allows operation in several color spaces and bit depths natively, resulting in low memory and computational requirements. . This package contains the Python bindings. Package: python-exif Description-md5: c9bb648bfbabf0e91a07ae71790cdef8 Description-gl: Python library to extract Exif data from TIFF and JPEG files This is a Python library to extract Exif information from digital camera image files. It contains the script and the exifread library. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-expeyes Description-md5: bd97e7293c485a1c14dfb1c53fc95a5f Description-gl: Biblioteca en Python para expeyes This package provides low level interfaces for making science experiments with an ExpEYES box. The library allows one to develop new programs easily . ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations and projects and learn science and engineering by exploration. Capable of doing real time measurements and analysing the data in different ways. Analog voltages are measured with 0.025% resolution and time intervals with one microsecond. This project is based on Free and Open Source software, mostly written in Python programming language. The hardware design is also open. Package: python-eyed3 Description-md5: 83bd7afb857484b9432cafe1aa25b5f8 Description-gl: Python module for id3-tags manipulation (Python 2 version) A Python module for the manipulation of ID3 tags. It supports versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.3, and 2.4 of the ID3 standard. It can also retrieve information such as length and bit rate from an MP3 file. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-fabio Description-md5: eeff30ab64515a81b13d28c668deebc9 Description-gl: I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detector - Python2 FabIO is an I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detectors and written in Python. FabIO support images detectors from a dozen of companies (including Mar, Dectris, ADSC, Hamamatsu, Oxford, ...), for a total of 20 different file formats (like CBF, EDF, TIFF, ...) and offers an unified interface to their headers (as a Python dictionary) and datasets (as a numpy ndarray of integers or floats) . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-fabio-dbg Description-md5: c6d60438e1ab9a543ab169dc428f15e4 Description-gl: I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detector - Python2 debug FabIO is an I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detectors and written in Python. FabIO support images detectors from a dozen of companies (including Mar, Dectris, ADSC, Hamamatsu, Oxford, ...), for a total of 20 different file formats (like CBF, EDF, TIFF, ...) and offers an unified interface to their headers (as a Python dictionary) and datasets (as a numpy ndarray of integers or floats) . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-fabio-doc Description-md5: 1ea50c435a2d5eb25b8fda86f8ddad0c Description-gl: I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detector - documentation FabIO is an I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detectors and written in Python. FabIO support images detectors from a dozen of companies (including Mar, Dectris, ADSC, Hamamatsu, Oxford, ...), for a total of 20 different file formats (like CBF, EDF, TIFF, ...) and offers an unified interface to their headers (as a Python dictionary) and datasets (as a numpy ndarray of integers or floats) . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-facebook Description-md5: d7b409dbc5e1e5c61c3b9b5cd2cc7d92 Description-gl: Envoltorios de Python para a API de Facebook PyFacebook is a thin wrapper for accessing Facebook's API through Python. Package: python-factory-boy Description-md5: ec40244fa66ee62deead03c657a5e0ca Description-gl: test fixtures replacement based on factory_girl for Ruby - Python 2.x factory_boy is a fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_girl. Like factory_girl it has a straightforward definition syntax, support for multiple build strategies (saved instances, unsaved instances, attribute dicts, and stubbed objects), and support for multiple factories for the same class, including factory inheritance. . Django support is included, and support for other ORMs can be easily added. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-factory-boy-doc Description-md5: 1e87634cfa5418961a22f59a814c5cc7 Description-gl: test fixtures replacement based on factory_girl for Ruby - doc factory_boy is a fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_girl. Like factory_girl it has a straightforward definition syntax, support for multiple build strategies (saved instances, unsaved instances, attribute dicts, and stubbed objects), and support for multiple factories for the same class, including factory inheritance. . Django support is included, and support for other ORMs can be easily added. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-fake-factory Description-md5: 2489ab86fe40137eeae4f2aa54f5b2ae Description-gl: Faker is a Python library that generates fake data (Python 2) The fake data can be used to bootstrap a database, create XML documents, or anonymize data taken from a production service. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-fakesleep Description-md5: b098b2ef0170d0701eb552d3c86a5baf Description-gl: Fake version of time.sleep() for use in tests The fakesleep module helps testing code that use `time.sleep()`. Sleeping in tests is generally considered bad (as it makes tests run slow). Using sleep with `time.time()` can lead to spurious failures, as clock precision / interpreter overhead can cause small differences in reported times. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-falcon Description-md5: 2422cd07efa827bb33f2d99e27eaf62b Description-gl: supersonic micro-framework for building cloud APIs - Python 2.x Falcon is a high-performance Python framework for building cloud APIs. It encourages the REST architectural style, and tries to do as little as possible while remaining highly effective. . Unlike other Python web frameworks, Falcon won't bottleneck your API's performance under highly concurrent workloads. Many frameworks max out at serving simple "hello world" requests at a few thousand req/sec, while Falcon can easily serve many more on the same hardware. . Falcon isn't very opinionated. In other words, the framework leaves a lot of decisions and implementation details to you. . Features: * Intuitive routing via URI templates and resource classes * Easy access to headers and bodies through request and response classes * Idiomatic HTTP error responses via a handy exception base class * DRY request processing using global, resource, and method hooks * Snappy unit testing through WSGI helpers and mocks * 20% speed boost when Cython is available * Python 2.6, Python 2.7, PyPy and Python 3.3 support . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-fdb-doc Description-md5: d1b684f93775cf3ebe1390405aa05f43 Description-gl: Python DB-API driver for Firebird documentation FDB is a Python library package that implements Python Database API 2.0-compliant support for the open source relational database Firebird®. In addition to the minimal feature set of the standard Python DB API, FDB also exposes nearly the entire native client API of the database engine. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-fedora-doc Description-md5: 6a37e58fce9ae47739a1095c168dbac3 Description-gl: Python modules for interacting with Fedora Services (common documentation) The python-fedora module provides a Python API for connecting to web services provided by the fedora infrastructure. . Specifically, this package provides clients for the Fedora Account System, for the Fedora Package Database, for the Fedora Build System (bodhi), and for the Fedora wiki, as well as a more generic client for the other Fedora web services. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-fisx Description-md5: 8cbbbebf5a5824a1b1e0a24b6f83b00e Description-gl: Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Support Library - (Python 2) This software library implements formulas to calculate, given an experimental setup, the expected x-ray fluorescence intensities. The library accounts for secondary and tertiary excitation, K, L and M shell emission lines and de-excitation cascade effects. The basic implementation is written in C++ and a Python binding is provided. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-fitsio Description-md5: 1c391b79899ae1b3b216cce1f9dc1a9a Description-gl: Python 2 library to read from and write to FITS files Fitsio provides an easy to use object-oriented API including providing a Numpy interface to FITS files read from CFITSIO. It allows direct access to the columns of a FITS binary table which can be useful for reading large fits files. Compared to, this package is closer to the underlying cfitsio library. . Fitsio also exposes a microlanguage (implemented in CFITSIO) for making efficient SQL-like queries of tables (single tables only though–no joins or anything like that). . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-flask-autoindex-doc Description-md5: 315659de0d2626bde93c795c8d042f3c Description-gl: automatically generated index pages for Flask applications (documentation) Flask-AutoIndex is a Flask extension that generates index pages for directories automatically. The result is similar to the pages generated by Apache's mod_autoindex. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-flask-babel Description-md5: 931e231ae7a588000822bf62b78a652e Description-gl: internationalization and localization support for Flask (Python 2) Flask-Babel is an extension to Flask that adds internationalization and localization support. It has a friendly interface to gettext translations and supports date formatting with timezones. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-flask-babel-doc Description-md5: d9cc4438593ba6eb884d0cb9d8c360cd Description-gl: internationalization and localization support for Flask (documentation) Flask-Babel is an extension to Flask that adds internationalization and localization support. It has a friendly interface to gettext translations and supports date formatting with timezones. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-flask-bcrypt-doc Description-md5: 8273d7e6156a233a9a9e8e7d215afa08 Description-gl: Flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities (doc) Due to the recent increased prevelance of powerful hardware, such as modern GPUs, hashes have become increasingly easy to crack. A proactive solution to this is to use a hash that was designed to be "de-optimized". Bcrypt is such a hashing facility; unlike hashing algorithms such as MD5 and SHA1, which are optimized for speed, bcrypt is intentionally structured to be slow. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-flask-openid-doc Description-md5: 3bfa81416c75d66890e830fede4d6526 Description-gl: OpenID support for Flask applications (documentation) Flask-OpenID is an extension to Flask to add OpenID based authentication. It supports OpenID 2.x and has basic support for the Simple Registration (SReg) and Attribute Exchange (AX) extensions. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-flask-peewee Description-md5: 526603f007f4b0907ebe69a1a32e1f7d Description-gl: Peewee integration for flask (Python 2) Provides a layer of integration between the flask web framework and the peewee ORM. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-flask-principal Description-md5: 5f387742f46a37dc4d1a279e8d9f1f19 Description-gl: Xestión de identidades para Flask Flask-Principal provides a very loose framework to tie in providers of two types of service, often located in different parts of a web application: . - Fornecedores de autenticación - Fornecedores de información de usuarios . For example, an authentication provider may be oauth, using Flask-OAuth and the user information may be stored in a relational database. Looseness of the framework is provided by using signals as the interface. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-flask-restful-doc Description-md5: dbc5f23371a47a0ddb59a3cd8d27f2f7 Description-gl: REST API framework for Flask applications (Documentation) Flask-RESTful is an extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. It is a lightweight abstraction that works with your existing ORM/libraries. Flask-RESTful encourages best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTful should be easy to pick up. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-flask-script Description-md5: 0b5d3a53f38e50fffd0b883f6ea9b811 Description-gl: Conxunto de utilidades para empergar coa infraestrutura Flask Flask is a micro web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. . Este paquete en python2 engade compatibilidade con scripts externos en Flask. Package: python-flask-silk-doc Description-md5: dea2d94b51e21278adfc7da0baa11ddb Description-gl: FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications (documentation) Flask-Silk is a Flask extension that provides the icons from the FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications, blueprints and other extensions. It also allows one to serve custom icons replacing or extending those from the FamFamFam Silk icon set. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-flask-sqlalchemy Description-md5: ed94b240bdecbd506a6f438b73215cf8 Description-gl: Engade compatibilidade con SQLAlchemy aos aplicativos de Flask Flask is a micro web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. . This python2 package adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask. Package: python-flufl.bounce-doc Description-md5: c3600513e960c9772dd65bbde7ff178f Description-gl: email bounce detectors (common documentation) This library provides a set of heuristics and an API for detecting the original bouncing email addresses from a bounce message. Many formats found in the wild are supported, as are VERP and RFC 3464 (DSN). . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-flufl.enum-doc Description-md5: 2d841bbfa8583ffc530895806128148f Description-gl: yet another Python enumeration package (common documentation) This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple, specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax. ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-flufl.i18n-doc Description-md5: d424e8676c6c9f59d8cc68e410ccfdb2 Description-gl: high level API for Python internationalization (common documentation) This package provides a high level, convenient API for managing internationalization translation contexts in Python application. There is a simple API for single-context applications, such as command line scripts which only need to translate into one language during the entire course of their execution. There is a more flexible, but still convenient API for multi-context applications, such as servers, which may need to switch language contexts for different tasks. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-flufl.password Description-md5: 53821cf3250bd7f052797500c828a5dc Description-gl: password hashing and verification This package provides utilities for hashing and verification of passwords, as well as generating user-friendly passwords. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-flufl.password-doc Description-md5: c230de6596e653817fe68e27ef152477 Description-gl: password hashing and verification (common documentation) This package provides utilities for hashing and verification of passwords, as well as generating user-friendly passwords. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-fontconfig Description-md5: 9f5783aaf6e2e2623cee62b1e65171ef Description-gl: python bindings for the Fontconfig library Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de Python. Package: python-fontconfig-dbg Description-md5: 176693170a42b7a3424bed6b81157ec8 Description-gl: python bindings for the Fontconfig library (debug build) Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-frozendict Description-md5: b7450aecb2c91c159de76788bcc529ac Description-gl: immutable dictionary - Python 2.7 Frozendict is an immutable wrapper around dictionaries that implements the complete mapping interface. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for dictionaries where immutability is desired. . Of course, this is Python, and you can still poke around the object's internals if you want. . The frozendict constructor mimics dict, and all of the expected interfaces (iter, len, repr, hash, getitem) are provided. Note that a frozendict does not guarantee the immutability of its values, so the utility of hash method is restricted by usage. . The only difference is that the copy() method of frozendict takes variable keyword arguments, which will be present as key/value pairs in the new, immutable copy. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-ftdi1 Description-md5: 625eb0168c921071b2f5a9b959488b5f Description-gl: Python module to control and program the FTDI USB controllers This library could talk to FTDI's FT232BM, FT245BM, FT2232C, FT2232D, FT245R, FT232H and FT230X type USB chips from userspace. It uses libusb 1.0 to communicate with the chips. . As funcionalidades inclúen a posibilidade de empregar os chips no modo estándar, no modo bitbang e de ler ou escribir na EEPROM serie. . This package provides the ftdi1 module on the Python 2 module path. It is complemented by python3-ftdi1. Package: python-ftp-cloudfs Description-md5: f83d555431bf7e062764bc5b90654894 Description-gl: FTP interface to Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack - Python lib FTP-CloudFS is an FTP server acting as a proxy to Rackspace Cloud Files or to OpenStack Object Storage (Swift). It allows you to connect via any FTP client to do upload/download or create containers. It supports pseudo- hierarchical folders/directories as described in the Rackspace Cloud Files API and the OpenStack Object Storage API. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas en Python. Package: python-fudge Description-md5: 220ebbdc1e66cc2f9a09f2ae9ba9eebb Description-gl: Python 2 module for using fake objects for tests Fudge is a Python module for using fake objects (mocks and stubs) to test real ones. . In readable Python code, you declare what methods are available on your fake and how they should be called. Then you inject that into your application and start testing. This declarative approach means you don’t have to record and playback actions and you don’t have to inspect your fakes after running code. If the fake object was used incorrectly then you’ll see an informative exception message with a traceback that points to the culprit. . Fudge was inspired by Mocha which is a simpler version of jMock. But unlike Mocha, Fudge does not automatically hijack real objects; you explicitly patch them in your test. And unlike jMock, Fudge is only as strict about expectations as you want it to be. If the type of arguments sent to the fake method aren’t important then you don’t have to declare an expectation for them. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-fuse Description-md5: a819e099586cfcec8e9e6dd8dd6d4a5c Description-gl: Python bindings for FUSE (Filesystems in USErland) This is a Python interface to FUSE. . FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias implementación de sistemas de ficheiros. Package: python-fysom Description-md5: 4d07afff0c5503dde9adfdb90643e05c Description-gl: pYthOn Finite State Machine This is standalone Python micro-framework providing a finite state machine. . Originally implemented in Java by Jake Gordon. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-gabbi-doc Description-md5: b233d93e3d90756691ae42db084c3e6d Description-gl: declarative HTTP testing library - doc Gabbi is a tool for running HTTP tests where requests and responses are represented in a declarative form. . Gabbi works to bridge the gap between human readable YAML files that represent HTTP requests and expected responses and the obscured realm of Python-based, object-oriented unit tests in the style of the unittest module and its derivatives. . Each YAML file represents an ordered list of HTTP requests along with the expected responses. This allows a single file to represent a process in the API being tested. For example: . * Create a resource. * Retrieve a resource. * Delete a resource. * Retrieve a resource again to confirm it is gone. . At the same time it is still possible to ask gabbi to run just one request. If it is in a sequence of tests, those tests prior to it in the YAML file will be run (in order). In any single process any test will only be run once. Concurrency is handled such that one file runs in one process. . These features mean that it is possible to create tests that are useful for both humans (as tools for improving and developing APIs) and automated CI systems. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-gbulb-doc Description-md5: 1b4d6a295d23e7afd6f8602585debfdc Description-gl: PEP 3156 event loop based on GLib (common documentation) Gbulb is a Python library that implements a PEP 3156 interface for the GLib main event loop under UNIX-like systems. As much as possible, except where noted, it mimics asyncio's interface. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-gd-dbg Description-md5: eb3f9b89eae5f2055c9b1d5943a0d56a Description-gl: Python module wrapper for libgd (debug extension) Provides PNG, JPEG, and XPM creation and manipulation routines through the libgd library. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-gdata Description-md5: 974353d8e0259393a57ef0b55c90d94d Description-gl: Google Data Python client library The GData (Google data) APIs provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. . Cada un dos servizos de Google seguintes fornece unha API de datos de Google: * Base * Blogger * Calendar * Code Search * Contacts * Document List * Google Apps Provisioning * Notebook * Picasa Web Albums * Spreadsheets * YouTube . The Google data Python client library provides a library and source code that make it easy to access data through Google data APIs. Package: python-gdata-doc Description-md5: 3a127899c6a2761220ab50c659b228c2 Description-gl: Google Data Python client library, documentation and examples The GData (Google data) APIs provide a simple protocol for reading and writing data on the web. . Cada un dos servizos de Google seguintes fornece unha API de datos de Google: * Base * Blogger * Calendar * Code Search * Contacts * Document List * Google Apps Provisioning * Notebook * Picasa Web Albums * Spreadsheets * YouTube . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos dabiblioteca cliente de Python de datos de Google. Package: python-geohash-dbg Description-md5: bb6939ef3557704b9004e229fc2eb9bf Description-gl: fast, accurate Python geohashing library (debug extension) python-geohash provides fast and accurate geohash encoding and decoding functionality. Geohash is a latitude/longitude geocode system (a string representation of two dimensional geometric coordinates). In addition to geohash, this module also supports the quadtree, jpgrid (JIS X 0410) and jpiarea grid codes. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de python-geohash. Package: python-geopandas Description-md5: f70c772f776fe91856d92efe20bcb73e Description-gl: Python tools for geographic data GeoPandas is a project to add support for geographic data to pandas objects. It currently implements `GeoSeries` and `GeoDataFrame` types which are subclasses of `pandas.Series` and `pandas.DataFrame` respectively. GeoPandas objects can act on shapely geometry objects and perform geometric operations. . GeoPandas geometry operations are cartesian. The coordinate reference system (crs) can be stored as an attribute on an object, and is automatically set when loading from a file. Objects may be transformed to new coordinate systems with the `to_crs()` method. There is currently no enforcement of like coordinates for operations, but that may change in the future. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-gevent-websocket Description-md5: 5cd5e88ef6389252133f028869f1d75a Description-gl: websocket library for the gevent networking library gevent-websocket is a WebSocket library for the gevent networking library. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Integration on both socket level or using an abstract interface. * RPC and PubSub framework using WAMP (WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol). * Easily extendible using a simple WebSocket protocol plugin API Package: python-gflags Description-md5: 3e5096be139263e0fd6203e0466712aa Description-gl: implementation of the Google command line flags module - Python 2.x GFlags defines a distributed command line system, replacing systems like getopt(), optparse and manual argument processing. Rather than an application having to define all flags in or near main(), each Python module defines flags that are useful to it. When one Python module imports another, it gains access to the other's flags. . It includes the ability to define flag types (boolean, float, integer, list), autogeneration of help (in both human and machine readable format) and reading arguments from a file. It also includes the ability to automatically generate man pages from the help flags. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-ghost Description-md5: e41c8e750f3d8323b3e46332436fee32 Description-gl: webkit web client library is a scriptable web browser as Python library, based on WebKit. It support JavaScript and can be used e.g. for testing, web scraping, and automation. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-git-doc Description-md5: 127dbe391fabdb1bf62efaa8f77bdc29 Description-gl: Python library to interact with Git repositories - docs python-git provides object model access to a Git repository, so Python can be used to manipulate it. Repository objects can be opened or created, which can then be traversed to find parent commit(s), trees, blobs, etc. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-git-os-job Description-md5: 5892da042d3fc8c619971bf258bd4344 Description-gl: show the OpenStack job logs for a commit - Python 2.7 The OpenStack project stores the logs for all of the test jobs related to a commit on organized by the commit hash. To review the logs after a job runs, most developers start with the message jenkins leaves on gerrit, and click through to the log files. Not all jenkins jobs are triggered by or related to a gerrit review, though (e.g, release tags). . git-os-job makes it easy to find those logs by finding the hash of the commit and using it to build the right URL. It will then either print the URL or open a web browser directly. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-gitlab Description-md5: 8beae5f7cfda7003523c481dc5cdcec5 Description-gl: Python wrapper for the GitLab API (Python 2) pyapi-gitlab is a wrapper to access all the functions of the Gitlab API from Python scripts. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-glare Description-md5: c70ed8801bfe8f8e01ff308dfecf6637 Description-gl: OpenStack Artifact Repository - Python 2.7 library The Glance project provides services for discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine images over the cloud. They may be stand-alone services, or may be used to deliver images from object stores, such as OpenStack's Swift service, to Nova's compute nodes. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas en Python. Package: python-glareclient Description-md5: 773b0c91c40bc47f717ad98721102147 Description-gl: Client library for Openstack glare server - Python 2.x The glare project provides services for accessing a unified catalog of structured meta-information as well as related binary data (these structures are also called 'artifacts'). . This is a client for glare which uses the OpenStack Glare API. There's a Python API (the "glareclient" module), and a command-line script ("glare"). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-gluon Description-md5: b443b9609100576d873392cfedd38c99 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento web de alto nivel en python web2py is a free, open-source web framework for agile development of secure database-driven web applications; it is written in Python and programmable in Python. Web2py is a full-stack framework, meaning that it contains all the components you need to build fully functional web applications. Web2py was inspired by Ruby on Rails and Django, and follows a Model View Controller design. . This package include the python modules needed to run web applications developed with Web2py Package: python-gnucash Description-md5: 0159a1bd740fb6c78f4da3876f98da1f Description-gl: Interface de Gnucash para Python O Gnucash fornece funcións de contabilidade axeitadas para pequenos negocios e individuos. Pode controlar as finanzas de varias contas, manter balances en execución e conciliados. Permite procesar clientes, fornecedores e empregados. Ten unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada en X, dupla entrada, unha xerarquÃa de contas, contas de gastos (categorÃas) e pode funcionar cos estándares QIF e OFX. . Este paquete contén as asociacións de Python para Gnucash que permiten ler e manipular ficheiros de datos de Gnucash. Package: python-gnuplot Description-md5: a59e3e2bca063d7f19297c6c4c031185 Description-gl: Interface en Python para o programa de debuxo de gráficas gnuplot is a Python module that interfaces to gnuplot, the popular plotting program. It allows you to use gnuplot from within Python to plot arrays of data from memory, data files, or mathematical functions. If you use Python to perform computations or as `glue' for numerical programs, you can use this module to plot data on the fly as they are computed. And the combination with Python makes it is easy to automate things, including to create crude `animations' by plotting different datasets one after another. Package: python-goocalendar Description-md5: 1dbf0574436edf86e6757c701222b8d3 Description-gl: Widget de calendario para GTK+ que emprega PyGoocanvas (Python 2) The GooCalendar module supplies a calendar widget drawn with GooCanvas that can display a month view and a week view. It also supplies classes to manage events you can add to the calendar. . This package is targeting Python version 2. Package: python-google-apputils Description-md5: da1bb1062a9cca4e9b4a61ebf57d3cf7 Description-gl: Google Application Utilities - Python 2.x This project is a small collection of utilities for building Python applications. It includes some of the same set of utilities used to build and run internal Python apps at Google. . It features: + Simple application startup integrated with python-gflags. + Subcommands for command-line applications. + Option to drop into pdb on uncaught exceptions. + Helper functions for dealing with files. + High-level profiling tools. + Timezone-aware wrappers for datetime.datetime classes. + Improved TestCase with the same methods as unittest2, plus helpful flags for test startup. + google_test setuptools command for running tests. + Helper module for creating application stubs. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-googleapi Description-md5: 558cd6cdb29c8d5a90f693757a24f5be Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de API de Google - Python 2.x This package contains the Google APIs Client Library for Python, which is the core Python library for accessing. Samples are available in the python-googleapi-samples package. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-googleapi-samples Description-md5: bb0766d8a3a572897df85bda2b5c7bbe Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de API de Google para Python, mostras This package contains the Google APIs Client Library for Python, which is the core Python library for accessing. . This package contains some samples for the python-googleapi package. Package: python-gphoto2-doc Description-md5: 5a1f7ca3aeefc894ee33e8c134c9757c Description-gl: Python interface to libgphoto2 (common documentation) Python-gphoto2 is a comprehensive Python interface (or binding) to libgphoto2. It is built using SWIG to automatically generate the interface code. This gives direct access to nearly all the libgphoto2 functions, but sometimes in a rather un-Pythonic manner. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-gpod Description-md5: 671aa8389c6301ee4ec3e82de5457525 Description-gl: Python bindings for libgpod libgpod is a library meant to abstract access to an iPod's content. It provides an easy to use API to retrieve the list of files and playlist stored on an iPod, to modify them and to save them back to the iPod. . Este paquete contén as asociacións de python para a biblioteca. Package: python-gpyfft-doc Description-md5: dcc5ffd9ad6b39a2c7d701b8af6ce9c1 Description-gl: Wrapper for the OpenCL FFT library clFFT (common documentation) This python wrapper is designed to tightly integrate with PyOpenCL. It consists of a low-level Cython based wrapper with an interface similar to the underlying C library. On top of that it offers a high-level interface designed to work on data contained in instances of pyopencl.array.Array, a numpy work-alike array class for GPU computations. The high-level interface takes some inspiration from pyFFTW. For details of the high- level interface see . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-graypy Description-md5: 6f4884f2d965a06b3c5ec7c8fcb15e3d Description-gl: Python logging handler that sends messages in GELF (Python 2) This package can be used to sent messages to Graylog2 using a custom handler for the builtin logging library in the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF). . Alternately, GELFRabbitHandler can be used to send messages to RabbitMQ. Your Graylog2 server needs to be configured to consume messages via AMQP then. This prevents log messages from being lost due to dropped UDP packets (GELFHandler sends messages to Graylog2 using UDP). You will need to configure RabbitMQ with a 'gelf_log' queue and bind it to the 'logging.gelf' exchange so messages are properly routed to a queue that can be consumed by Graylog2 (the queue and exchange names may be customized to your liking). . graypy can be easily integrated into Django's logging settings. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-gst-1.0 Description-md5: 96de31af727ae04f92239f832b02d340 Description-gl: GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains GObject Introspection overrides for Python that can be used by Python applications using GStreamer. Package: python-gst-1.0-dbg Description-md5: b2daec15f9285b045aaeebffd2d12e56 Description-gl: GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (debug extensions) GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains GObject Introspection overrides for Python that can be used by Python applications using GStreamer. Package: python-gtk2-dbg Description-md5: f914457075cfa99dd9bdcbaea5079872 Description-gl: Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set (debug extension) This archive contains modules that allow you to use GTK+ in Python programs. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. . This package is deprecated, you should migrate to using gobject- introspection (GIR) based python bindings instead (PyGObject). Package: python-gtkspellcheck-doc Description-md5: c1420990a106008752e7863007868510 Description-gl: Python GTK+ Spellcheck common documentation It supports both GTK+'s Python bindings, PyGObject and PyGtk, and for both Python 2 and 3 with automatic switching and binding autodetection. For automatic translation of the user interface it can use GEdit's translation files. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-guacamole Description-md5: 7219d275c37282807a9a262cd998e1d4 Description-gl: framework for creating command line applications (Python 2) Guacamole is a flexible, modular system for creating command line applications. Guacamole comes with built-in support for writing command line applications that integrate well with the running system. A short list of supported features (ingredients) includes: . - handling flat and hierarchical commands - hassle-free crash detection - hassle-free logging - internationalization and localization . The guacamole ingredient system allows for third party add-ons. . Este paquete contén a versión en python 2.x da biblioteca Package: python-guessit Description-md5: afa41318e7e733b58958d11b9e6e3af5 Description-gl: library for guessing information from video filenames (Python 2) GuessIt is a Python library that tries to extract as much information as possible from a video file. It has a very powerful filename matcher that allows one to guess a lot of metadata from a video using only its filename. This matcher works with both movies and TV show episodes. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-guidata Description-md5: 3cc9d1677011c111a2d7f9641030e4f9 Description-gl: dataset manipulation GUI generator - Python 2 Based on the Qt Python binding module PyQt4, guidata is a Python library generating graphical user interfaces for easy dataset editing and display. It also provides helpers and application development tools for PyQt4. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-guidata-doc Description-md5: b9e69d7a530126b7b990caa250a52c9a Description-gl: dataset manipulation GUI generator - Documentation Based on the Qt Python binding module PyQt4, guidata is a Python library generating graphical user interfaces for easy dataset editing and display. It also provides helpers and application development tools for PyQt4. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-guiqwt Description-md5: db55f9a0c30d4aa095ec6e5f94dc8c1f Description-gl: efficient 2D data-plotting library - Python 2 The guiqwt Python library provides efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related tools) for signal/image processing application development and interactive computing. It's based on the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, and the PyQwt plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-gwcs-doc Description-md5: 1c0a35bbb4ec5034b5723027291cb469 Description-gl: Tools for managing the WCS of astronomical data (documentation) GWCS takes a general approach to WCS. It supports a data model which includes the entire transformation pipeline from input coordinates (detector by default) to world coordinates. The goal is to provide a flexible toolkit which is easily extendible by adding new transforms and frames. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-h5py-doc Description-md5: 1662e5d2c9d77e3f74e46e64439c1344 Description-gl: documentation for h5py HDF5 for Python (h5py) is a general-purpose Python interface to the Hierarchical Data Format library, version 5. HDF5 is a versatile, mature scientific software library designed for the fast, flexible storage of enormous amounts of data. . From a Python programmer's perspective, HDF5 provides a robust way to store data, organized by name in a tree-like fashion. You can create datasets (arrays on disk) hundreds of gigabytes in size, and perform random-access I/O on desired sections. Datasets are organized in a filesystem-like hierarchy using containers called "groups", and accessed using the tradional POSIX /path/to/resource syntax. . H5py provides a simple, robust read/write interface to HDF5 data from Python. Existing Python and Numpy concepts are used for the interface; for example, datasets on disk are represented by a proxy class that supports slicing, and has dtype and shape attributes. HDF5 groups are presented using a dictionary metaphor, indexed by name. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-hacking Description-md5: a410309896d038055c77810f6316440a Description-gl: Flake8 OpenStack Hacking Guidelines Enforcement plugins - Python 2.x Hacking is a set of flake8 plugins that test and enforce the OpenStack Style Commandments. It checks that your code matches the coding style which is mandatory for contributing to OpenStack. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-hacking-doc Description-md5: 0c2add9e058039c50ce39021c2d7f381 Description-gl: Flake8 OpenStack Hacking Guidelines Enforcement plugins - doc Hacking is a set of flake8 plugins that test and enforce the OpenStack Style Commandments. It checks that your code matches the coding style which is mandatory for contributing to OpenStack. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-halberd Description-md5: 75e66b3543f904fe4e3f1621dae19448 Description-gl: Python2 HTTP load balancer detector Halberd discovers HTTP load balancers. It is useful for web application security auditing and for load balancer configuration testing. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-hplefthandclient-doc Description-md5: 43107e28e7b7aadd805851f45b3b0e1f Description-gl: HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual HTTP REST Client - doc This is a Client library that can talk to the HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual Storage array. The HP LeftHand storage array has a REST web service interface. . This client library implements a simple interface to talk with that REST interface using the Python httplib2 http library. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-httpretty Description-md5: 0a403daedff52f952bf93adcc5d8ad79 Description-gl: HTTP client mock - Python 2.x Once upon a time a Python developer wanted to use a RESTful API, everything was fine but until the day he needed to test the code that hits the RESTful API: what if the API server is down? What if its content has changed ? . Don't worry, HTTPretty is here for you. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-humanize Description-md5: 14e38a2eee3456772654fa03766c11b1 Description-gl: Python Humanize library (Python 2) This library proposes various common humanization utilities, like turning a number into a fuzzy human readable duration ('3 minutes ago') or into a human readable size or throughput. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-hurry.filesize Description-md5: 5384100268eda3fb34c5c4bfef3011d8 Description-gl: human readable file sizes or anything sized in bytes - Python 2.x hurry.filesize a simple Python library that can take a number of bytes and returns a human-readable string with the size in it, in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), etc. . The default system it uses is "traditional", where multipliers of 1024 increase the unit size. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-hypothesis Description-md5: 95d91265d685fe4133e5a913cd552606 Description-gl: advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 2 Hypothesis is a library for testing your Python code against a much larger range of examples than you would ever want to write by hand. It's based on the Haskell library, Quickcheck, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing Python unit testing work flow. . Hypothesis is both extremely practical and also advances the state of the art of unit testing by some way. It's easy to use, stable, and extremely powerful. If you're not using Hypothesis to test your project then you're missing out. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-id3 Description-md5: 7687d35e0fbfecf3c83acedb82020266 Description-gl: Python module for id3-tags manipulation python-id3 é un módulo sinxelo en Python para obter e estabelecer as coñecidas como etiquetas ID3 dos ficheiros de son comprimido MP3 a través dunha interface orientada a obxectos. Os reprodutores de MP3 normalmente empregan esta información sinxela para mostrar o tÃtulo da pista, o nome do artista e o tÃtulo do álbum mentres reproducen o ficheiro de son. . supports ID3 version 1.1, including the track number field. Package: python-imageio-doc Description-md5: 3f0c16a793af1fb513fb079df17a4061 Description-gl: documentation for imageio Imageio is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, video, volumetric data, and scientific formats. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-imexam Description-md5: a34ef6717d7e00ec65b48a7af46845b7 Description-gl: Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting (Python 2) Imexam is an affiliated package of AstroPy. It was designed to be a lightweight library which enables users to explore data using common methods which are consistent across viewers. It can be used from a command line interface, through a Jupyter notebook or through a Jupyter console. It can be used with multiple viewers, such as DS9 or Ginga, or without a viewer as a simple library to make plots and grab quick photometry information. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-imexam-doc Description-md5: bac506c86741da2285a0f3c45ec1c5d8 Description-gl: Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting (Doc) Imexam is an affiliated package of AstroPy. It was designed to be a lightweight library which enables users to explore data using common methods which are consistent across viewers. It can be used from a command line interface, through a Jupyter notebook or through a Jupyter console. It can be used with multiple viewers, such as DS9 or Ginga, or without a viewer as a simple library to make plots and grab quick photometry information. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: python-imobiledevice Description-md5: 18c07eca7104650f7295d89566b0486f Description-gl: Biblioteca para comunicar cos dispositivos iPhone e iPod Touch libimobiledevice is a library that talks the native Apple USB protocols that the iPhone and iPod Touch use. Unlike other projects, libimobiledevice does not depend on using any existing libraries from Apple. . This package contains the Python bindings Package: python-imposm Description-md5: d25346849a16ccdf04fc1b0eb54f0b91 Description-gl: importer for OpenStreetMap data - Python module Imposm is an importer for OpenStreetMap data. It reads XML and PBF files and can import the data into PostgreSQL/PostGIS databases. . It is designed to create databases that are optimized for rendering/WMS services. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python Package: python-influxdb Description-md5: f9c6edcad264b2f236d424ee191272a8 Description-gl: Client for InfluxDB - Python 2.7 API bindings for InfluxDB. Supports both InfluxDB v0.8 and InfluxDB >= 0.9. InfluxDB is an open source distributed time series database with no external dependencies. It's useful for recording metrics, events, and performing analytics. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-instagram Description-md5: e76f926875e40575865ab9b19aedfbea Description-gl: Python 2 client for the Instagram REST and Search APIs Python-instagram contains the Python bindings to access the Instagram REST and Search API. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-ipdb Description-md5: fbb81764e75080a2dc25a9139d6f8501 Description-gl: Substituto de pdb baseado en IPython ipdb is a replacement for pdb Python debugger, adding IPython features (tab completion, syntax highlighting, better tracebacks, better introspection) to it. . ipdb contains replacements for all functions from the pdb stdlib module. It also contains the ipdb binary which can be used instead of the pdb binary to debug standalone scripts. Package: python-ipy Description-md5: 32181068103be7ec6e93432f94af600c Description-gl: Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks IPy é un módulo en Python para manexar os enderezos e redes de IPv4 e IPv6 dun xeito semellante ao que fan Net::IP de Perl e amigos. A clase IP permite unha análise manexo cómodos para a maiorÃa das notacións en uso para os enderezos e redes de IPv4 e IPv6. Package: python-ipython-doc Description-md5: 35fe46090474b1ed75e6d8627c67beaa Description-gl: Enhanced interactive Python shell (documentation) IPython can be used as a replacement for the standard Python shell, or it can be used as a complete working environment for scientific computing (like Matlab or Mathematica) when paired with the standard Python scientific and numerical tools. It supports dynamic object introspections, numbered input/output prompts, a macro system, session logging, session restoring, complete system shell access, verbose and colored traceback reports, auto-parentheses, auto-quoting, and is embeddable in other Python programs. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-ironic Description-md5: c91a0afb8d66e07aa4da196fc5e8a752 Description-gl: Openstack bare metal provisioning service - Python library Ironic is an Incubated OpenStack project which aims to provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines, forked from the Nova Baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor **API** and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off machines, but Ironic also supports vendor-specific plugins which may implement additional functionality. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas en Python. Package: python-ironic-inspector-client Description-md5: 17ce511eaa40932a17a926dc4f0f89f4 Description-gl: client for Ironic Inspector - Python 2.7 This is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a node managed by OpenStack Ironic. Hardware introspection or hardware properties discovery is a process of getting hardware parameters required for scheduling from a bare metal node, given it's power management credentials (e.g. IPMI address, user name and password). . A special discovery ramdisk is required to collect the information on a node. The default one can be built using diskimage-builder and ironic- inspector-ramdisk element. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-ironicclient-doc Description-md5: f8239ba8110e10dc62062ce58df525a4 Description-gl: Client for OpenStack bare metal Service - doc Ironic provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines. It is a fork of the Nova Baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor API and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off machines, but Ironic also supports vendor-specific plugins which may implement additional functionality. . This is a client for the OpenStack Ironic API. There's a Python API (the "ironicclient" module), and a command-line script ("ironic"). . Installing this package gets you a shell command, that you can use to interact with Ironic's API. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-isbnlib Description-md5: dcf2ab5744fd1e4ab0aaf3b927a6d34a Description-gl: Biblioteca de procesamento de ISBN ISBNlib é unha biblioteca en python puro para validar, limpar e obter metadatos para cadeas de ISBN. . ISBN or International Standard Book Number format is somewhat fluid so this library provides ways to parse it to canonical form and then also to validate the numbers via databases as well as get metainfo for issued ISBNs. Package: python-isc-dhcp-leases Description-md5: 1e419cd40a11bd2281cc84a35936405b Description-gl: Python module for reading dhcp leases files (Python 2 interface) This is a small Python module for reading /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases as written by isc-dhcp-server. It also supports reading lease files from the isc dhcp daemon running in IPv6 mode. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-isoweek Description-md5: 8684c1a6ee2fd138aebaa179447f9908 Description-gl: Python module to provide the class Week The isoweek Python module provide the class Week. Instances represent specific weeks spanning Monday to Sunday. There are 52 or 53 numbered weeks in a year. Week 1 is defined to be the first week with 4 or more days in January. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 2. Package: python-itango Description-md5: faeba7e82e3f922c3a0250dd09e09377 Description-gl: Interactive Tango client - Python 2 ITango works like a normal python console, but it provides a nice set of features from IPython. It also adds set of PyTango specific features: . * automatic import of Tango objects * device and attribute name completion * list tango devices, classes, servers * customized tango error message * database utilities . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-jarabe Description-md5: 9ec87a582cd0e56f02b06a79ca93c314 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - graphical shell A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . "Jarabe" is Spanish for "Jelly" - a sugary layer spread on the surface. . This package contains the parts of Sugar Learning Platform immediately visible to the user - the views, the journal, and the control panel. . This is a graphical shell, the name does not refer to a command-line "shell" interface. Package: python-jaxml Description-md5: 1a4d3888e846234613ad2645ef16597f Description-gl: Módulo en Python para xerar documentos en XML jaxml é un módulo en Python que define unha clase XML_document que permite a xeración doada e sen problemas de documentos en XML. Package: python-jedi Description-md5: b784fbea0c9e0c61df04a3db7a410e27 Description-gl: Ferramenta de completado automático para Python Jedi is an autocompletion tool for Python. It works. With and without syntax errors. Sometimes it sucks, but that's normal in dynamic languages. But it sucks less than other tools. It understands almost all of the basic Python syntax elements including many builtins. Package: python-jenkins Description-md5: a1958889c9ea54544bedf78be2553241 Description-gl: bindings for the Jenkins Remote API - Python 2.7 This package provides Python bindings for the Jenkins Remote API. It current supports management of: . * Configuración de proxectos * Control de construcións * Configuración de nodos escravos . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-jenkins-doc Description-md5: 9f61aaa839e7922dca3a5136742be163 Description-gl: bindings for the Jenkins Remote API - doc This package provides Python bindings for the Jenkins Remote API. It current supports management of: . * Configuración de proxectos * Control de construcións * Configuración de nodos escravos . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-jenkins-job-builder Description-md5: 7021a1789725c9c8af2f7886bef74175 Description-gl: Configure Jenkins using YAML files - Python 2.7 Jenkins Job Builder takes simple descriptions of Jenkins jobs in YAML format and uses them to configure Jenkins. You can keep your job descriptions in human readable text format in a version control system to make changes and auditing easier. It also has a flexible template system, so creating many similarly configured jobs is easy. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-jingo-doc Description-md5: 7a7e776733d6617157f391131786aa31 Description-gl: adapter for using Jinja2 templates with Django - doc Jingo is an adapter for using Jinja2 templates within Django. When configured properly you can render Jinja2 templates in your view the same way you'd render Django templates. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-jira-doc Description-md5: d2e63ae3ab2fc7877f7fd7f7c74f579f Description-gl: JIRA Python library (common documentation) This package contains a library that eases the use of the JIRA REST API from Python. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-jpylyzer-doc Description-md5: 36c880b4d9aa34323ca1dcf2c445b654 Description-gl: JP2 (JPEG 2000 Part 1) validator and properties extractor - doc Validator and feature extractor for JP2 (JPEG 2000 Part 1 - ISO/IEC 15444-1) images. Jpylyzer was specifically created to check that a JP2 file really conforms to the format's specifications. Additionally jpylyzer is able to extract the technical characteristics of each image. . Este é o paquete de documentación de jpylyzer Package: python-jsbeautifier Description-md5: da8488438e4d582f4e0de35fcb6ff5ea Description-gl: JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier (python2) Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript, leveraging popular online obfuscators. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-jsmin Description-md5: 851a6453a464d19bf243a040d822d692 Description-gl: JavaScript minifier written in Python - Python 2.x Python-jsmin is a JavaScript minifier, it is written in pure Python and actively maintained. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-json-schema-validator-doc Description-md5: aedeb46cf9b53cc0ed5973e6638fe1ef Description-gl: JSON schema validation utility json-schema-validator provides a JSON Schema validator conforming to a subset of second draft of the specification. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-jsonpickle Description-md5: 58ab3ef9a7dfc848d34edc2d8c92852a Description-gl: Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (Python 2) jsonpickle is a Python library for serialization and deserialization of complex Python objects to and from JSON. The standard Python libraries for encoding Python into JSON, such as the stdlib’s json, simplejson, and demjson, can only handle Python primitives that have a direct JSON equivalent (e.g. dicts, lists, strings, ints, etc.). jsonpickle builds on top of these libraries and allows more complex data structures to be serialized to JSON. jsonpickle is highly configurable and extendable–allowing the user to choose the JSON backend and add additional backends. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-k8sclient Description-md5: 480a14af7f9c6318a2e470e2d4b01bbe Description-gl: Kubernetes API Python client code - Python 2.7 K8sclient is the Kubernetes API Python client code. This code is generated by swagger-codegen. Kubernetes provide swagger-spec to generate client code for different versions. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-k8sclient-doc Description-md5: 6e75afedf0362460600daf710b76467a Description-gl: Kubernetes API Python client code - doc K8sclient is the Kubernetes API Python client code. This code is generated by swagger-codegen. Kubernetes provide swagger-spec to generate client code for different versions. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-kafka-doc Description-md5: 5dedae74adb0fe6b63c0dbf9e8d67f39 Description-gl: Pure Python client for Apache Kafka - doc This module provides low-level protocol support for Apache Kafka as well as high-level consumer and producer classes. Request batching is supported by the protocol as well as broker-aware request routing. Gzip and Snappy compression is also supported for message sets. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-kajiki Description-md5: b08b37f22ae723debaa42916f7e324bd Description-gl: Really fast well-formed xml templates - Python 2.x Are you tired of the slow performance of Genshi? But you still long for the assurance that your output is well-formed that you miss from all those other templating engines? Do you wish you had Jinja's blocks with Genshi's syntax? Then look no further, Kajiki is for you! Kajiki quickly compiles Genshi-like syntax to *real Python bytecode* that renders with blazing- fast speed! Don't delay! Pick up your copy of Kajiki today! . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-kajiki-doc Description-md5: 4f66235d8e9b315732fb369026065da8 Description-gl: Really fast well-formed xml templates - doc Are you tired of the slow performance of Genshi? But you still long for the assurance that your output is well-formed that you miss from all those other templating engines? Do you wish you had Jinja's blocks with Genshi's syntax? Then look no further, Kajiki is for you! Kajiki quickly compiles Genshi-like syntax to *real Python bytecode* that renders with blazing- fast speed! Don't delay! Pick up your copy of Kajiki today! . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-karborclient Description-md5: 25a2e9827a327efcbcdccbc4d2fbb5ae Description-gl: karbor API client - Python 2.7 Karbor mission statement is to protect the Data and Metadata that comprises an OpenStack-deployed Application against loss/damage (e.g. backup, replication) by providing a standard framework of APIs and services that allows vendors to provide plugins through a unified interface. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-karborclient-doc Description-md5: e6fef46954e92343de86a18a08c23061 Description-gl: karbor API client - doc Karbor mission statement is to protect the Data and Metadata that comprises an OpenStack-deployed Application against loss/damage (e.g. backup, replication) by providing a standard framework of APIs and services that allows vendors to provide plugins through a unified interface. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-kde4 Description-md5: 6fbf1e720e31459a74c6397f2acf28d8 Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para a Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE Este paquete contén PyKDE, as asociacións con Python para as bibliotecas de KDE, que permite escribir programas para KDE empregando Python no canto de C++. Contén ao menos os módulos seguintes baixo o espazo de nomes PyKDE: . * dnssd * kdecore * kdeui * khtml * kio * knewstuff * kparts * kterminal * ktexteditor * kutils * plasma * solid . E algunhas tecnoloxÃas relacionadas con KDE como: . * akonadi * phonon * soprano . Este paquete fornece módulos para todas as versións de Python admitidas. Package: python-kde4-dbg Description-md5: 550d23f6ccfe7b08a81e23c412f0d1ce Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración das asociacións con PyKDE This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with Python bindings for the KDE Development Platform. Install this package if you are experiencing crashes of the PyKDE application and wish to report a problem to the developers. Package: python-kde4-dev Description-md5: 40bf5c51d54e6f7168ae0422e51ed009 Description-gl: UIC compiler and SIP files for PyKDE This package contains pykdeuic4, a wrapper around PyQt's own UIC (user interface compiler). It is needed to generate code from Qt Designer's UI files. You want to install this package if you are writing a PyKDE application which has .ui files, or running one of these applications from source. . Contén tamén os ficheiros .sip para PyKDE, necesarios para construÃr paquetes con clases baseadas en PyKDE. Package: python-kde4-doc Description-md5: a89a4cb17bc1ec6ec1a8abe86ce572a0 Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de PyKDE This package contains API documentation for PyKDE, and some example code showing how to use it. You will probably want to install this package if you are developing applications based on PyKDE. Package: python-kdtree Description-md5: e91549e4775da63cbc635d2fd6d5357d Description-gl: container for kd-tree sorting for Python A container implementing k-dimensional space sorting using a kd-tree. It: . - supports two- to six-dimensional spaces - can store any data structure - provides standard find as well as range queries - has amortised O(lg n) time (O(n lg n) worst case) on most operations (insert/erase/find optimised) and worst-case O(n) space - provides means to rebalance and thus optimise the tree . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de Python. Package: python-kdtree-dbg Description-md5: b4ba0affaade330aef81863f2e3f0982 Description-gl: container for kd-tree sorting for Python (debug extension) A container implementing k-dimensional space sorting using a kd-tree. It: . - supports two- to six-dimensional spaces - can store any data structure - provides standard find as well as range queries - has amortised O(lg n) time (O(n lg n) worst case) on most operations (insert/erase/find optimised) and worst-case O(n) space - provides means to rebalance and thus optimise the tree . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-kitchen-doc Description-md5: 3c7fce93614eb0cb6e8a879b572b8b21 Description-gl: Python library of containers, text and i18n helpers (common documentation) The kitchen Python package aims at gathering in one place all the snippets of code that the author originally carried around from project to project to ease the development. . A non-exhaustive list of the features provided by kitchen: * helpers for text and specifically unicode handling i18n support * a dictionary that treats unicode and str strings as different values * An helper function to change any non-list value into a single-element list * Tools to help deal with PEP386 version format . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-kivy-examples Description-md5: 2e6888c8293aead2fa45779d001faa1f Description-gl: Kivy - Multimedia / Multitouch framework in Python (examples) Kivy is an open source library for developing multi-touch applications. It is completely cross platform (Linux/OSX/Win/Android) and released under the terms of the MIT license. . It comes with native support for many multi-touch input devices, a growing library of multi-touch aware widgets, hardware accelerated OpenGL drawing, and an architecture that is designed to let you focus on building custom and highly interactive applications as quickly and easily as possible. . Kivy is a mixed Python library with Cython code, to take advantage of its highly dynamic nature and use any of the thousands of high quality and open source Python libraries out there, with the speed of C code. . Este paquete inclúe todos os exemplos que se poden atopar no repositorio git. Package: python-kiwi Description-md5: 59de18b619ac84a7c4ba0f3a95d33494 Description-gl: Unha infraestrutura gráfica para construÃr interfaces de usuario sinxelas Kiwi é unha infraestrutura e un conxunto de trebellos de PyGTK mellorados deseñada para facer que construÃr programas con interfaces gráficas sexa tanto máis doado de escribir como doado de manter. . Kiwi consiste nun conxunto de clases e envolturas para PyGTK que foron desenvolvidas para fornecer unha especie de infraestrutura para aplicativos. Totalmente orientada a obxectos e aproximadamente MVC de Smalltalk, Kiwi fornece unha maneira sinxela e práctica de construÃr formularios, xanelas e trebellos que accedan e mostren os datos dos obxectos de maneira transparente. . Kiwi inspÃrase no Visual Proxy de Allen Holub. Package: python-klaus Description-md5: 4d800b279d156235b907b316c9ecb5cb Description-gl: simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer Funcionalidades: . * Easy to set up -- almost no configuration required * Syntax highlighting * Git Smart HTTP support . This package contains the Python 2.x version. Package: python-kml Description-md5: db6f967ce09d15be2738d004ff9fd58e Description-gl: Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Python extension This is a library for use with applications that want to parse, generate and operate on KML, a geo-data XML variant. It is an implementation of the OGC KML 2.2 standard. It is written in C++ and bindings are available via SWIG to Java and Python. . Este paquete contén as extensións requiridas para os aplicativos en Python. Package: python-kolabformat Description-md5: 3556f850d98e50b4a681d8e5fbfdbcc5 Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing Libkolabxml é a implementación de referencia do formato XML de Kolab. Para máis información vexa o paquete libkolabxml. . This package provides Python 2 bindings for libkolabxml. Package: python-krbv Description-md5: a9a54523a1e3dbbc370012efc6cb166a Description-gl: Módulo de extensión en Python para Kerberos 5 python-krbV permite que os programas en Python empreguen a autenticación e seguranza de Kerberos 5. . Está deseñado para ser unha envoltura lixeira arredor da API en C de krb5. A familiaridade coa API en C será de grande axuda á hora de empregar este módulo. Package: python-ktoblzcheck Description-md5: 21da926fa3e3b65b4afb3dabd2834915 Description-gl: Biblioteca para a comprobación de números de conta e códigos bancarios (asociacións con Python) libktoblzcheck is a library for verification of bank account numbers and bank codes (BLZ) of German Banks. It is based on the specifications of the "Deutsche Bundesbank". It also supports the verification of international bank account numbers (IBAN) and bank identifier codes (BIC). . This package provides Python bindings for the library libktoblzcheck. Package: python-kubernetes Description-md5: 62e4b0f4a7cbb8dffb1f4d0679858625 Description-gl: Kubernetes Python client - Python 2.7 This package provides a Python client for kubernetes. Kubernetes is a system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-laditools Description-md5: 3110372e1bfda92b3c6f626998497572 Description-gl: Módulo en Python para controlar e vixiar o sistema LADI LADITools is a set of tools aiming to achieve the goals of the LADI project to improve desktop integration and user workflow of Linux audio system based on JACK and ladish. Those tools take advantage of the D-Bus interfaces recently added to JACK and ladish to ease the configuration and use of those two great programs. . This package provides the Python module to communicate with JACK, ladish and A2J. Package: python-landslide Description-md5: 07082c125de652a9872460ec423f67c4 Description-gl: Lightweight markup language-based html5 slideshow generator Landside é unha ferramenta que pode xerar un pase de diapositivas en HTML5 empregando marcaxe lixeira como entrada. . O contido das diapositivas pode escribirse facilmente empregando dúas sintaxes: * Markdown * ReStructuredText . Esta ferramenta admite temas con CSS/JS, exportación a PDF (empregando a biblioteca en Python PrinceXML), incorporar imaxes con Base64 (para documentos autónomos) e transicións atraentes. . Hai unha presentación de exemplo aquÃ: <>. Package: python-latexcodec-doc Description-md5: 8351ba96ad86619ff4197726fee32316 Description-gl: LaTeX lexer and codec library for Python (docs) latexcodec is a Python library for converting from and into LaTeX encoding. It includes a codec module which contains classes and functions for LaTeX code translation, and a module for lexing LaTeX code, which includes general purpose base classes for incremental LaTeX decoders and encoders. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-launchpadlib-toolkit Description-md5: 7a440a42581f1b72314cebef818c697b Description-gl: Biblioteca de comodidade para launchpadlib Clases para xestionar as credenciais e acceder á información sobre fallos de Launchpad empregando a API de Launchpad. . Package: python-lazr.config-doc Description-md5: e613a3f6489ecd4572316ebc3d0d53eb Description-gl: ini-file format handling supporting schemas and inheritance The LAZR config system is typically used to manage process configuration. Process configuration is for saying how things change when we run systems on different machines, or under different circumstances. . This system uses ini-like file format of section, keys, and values. The config file supports inheritance to minimize duplication of information across files. The format supports schema validation. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-lazr.delegates-doc Description-md5: 962762bf43a98de0a8c2103c19eb38a1 Description-gl: easily write objects that delegate behavior The ``lazr.delegates`` package makes it easy to write objects that delegate behavior to another object. The new object adds some property or behavior on to the other object, while still providing the underlying interface, and delegating behavior. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-lazr.restful Description-md5: 84e31dfda252125a3bf640f7bcbe3d1c Description-gl: Publish Python objects as RESTful resources over HTTP lazr.restful é unha biblioteca para publicar obxectos de Python a través dun servizo web de RESTful. Para indicarlle a lazr.restful que obxectos se desexa expor e como, anótanse as interfaces de Zope existentes. Package: python-lazr.smtptest-doc Description-md5: 5ebeafce9495f9519e876e0fba41a095 Description-gl: framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries This is LAZR smtptest, a framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries. It provides a real, live SMTP server that you can send messages to, and from which you can read those test messages. This can be used to ensure proper operation of your applications which send email. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-ldap3 Description-md5: d48e43ea4f03ea6b9c3cd7205ce4bae2 Description-gl: Pure Python LDAP client library A pure Python 3 LDAP version 3 strictly conforming to RFC4511 released under the LGPL v3 open source license. RFC4511 is the current LDAP specification (June 2006) from IETF and obsoletes the previous LDAP RFCs 2251, 2830, 3771 (December 1997) . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2.7. Package: python-ldns Description-md5: 63ed6f3f95827c1a697cdf11ba44db44 Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para a biblioteca ldns para programación de DNS O obxectivo de ldns é simplificar a programación de DNS. Admite RFC recentes, como os documentos DNSSEC, e permite que os desenvolvedores creen facilmente software que cumpra coas RFC actuais e software experimental dos Borradores de Internet actuais. . Este arquivo contén módulos que permiten empregar a biblioteca LDNS nos programas feitos en Python. Package: python-ldtp Description-md5: c86fd53984a12da38fbb04aea6079e50 Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para LDTP Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test automation framework and cutting-edge tools that can be used to test GNU/Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to poke through the applications user interface. . Este paquete fornece unha biblioteca en Python para LDTP. Package: python-leather-doc Description-md5: 41e726908e54015016d48156e3efa7ac Description-gl: documentation for leather Leather is the Python charting library for those who need charts now and don’t care if they’re perfect. . Why leather? . - A readable and user-friendly API. - Optimized for exploratory charting. - Produces scale-independent SVG charts. - Completely type-agnostic. Chart your data, whatever it is. - Designed with iPython, Jupyter and atom/hydrogen in mind. - Pure Python. No C dependencies to compile. - MIT licensed and free for all purposes. - Zealously zen. - Made with love. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-lepl Description-md5: 79bc30140453871487fc01883957a32c Description-gl: recursive descent parser library A recursive descent parser for Python 2.6+ (including 3!). Lepl is powerful, simple to use, and easy to extend: grammars are written directly as Python code, using a syntax similar to BNF; new matchers can be simple functions. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-lesscpy Description-md5: dbb4a370c286c91a9c3092d1f5b576b5 Description-gl: Compilador de LessCss para Python 2.x Lesscpy is a compiler written in Python for the lesscss language. It is very useful if node.js can't be installed in the environment. Not all features of lesscss are supported (yet). Some features wil probably never be supported (JavaScript evaluation). . This program uses PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) to tokenize/parse the input and is considerably slower than the nodejs compiler. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-leveldb Description-md5: 25d50426d93afb05ec6252fffef1f83d Description-gl: Envoltura en Python para LevelDB (Python 2) LevelDB é unha biblioteca rápida de almacenamento de claves-valores escriba en Google que fornece unha asignación ordenada de claves de cadeas a valores de cadeas. . This package provides a Python wrapper for LevelDB. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-levenshtein Description-md5: f6a80eead5af052eaf46d03c0d4b95fd Description-gl: Extensión para calcular as semellanzas entre cadeas e as distancias de edición The Levenshtein module computes Levenshtein distances, similarity ratios, generalized medians and set medians of Unicode or non-Unicode strings. Because it's implemented in C, it's much faster than the corresponding Python library functions and methods. . A distancia de Levenshtein é o número mÃnimo de insercións, eliminacións e substitucións de caracteres únicos para transformar unha cadea noutra. . É útil para a corrección ortográfica ou a coincidencia difusa de mensaxes de gettext. Package: python-levenshtein-dbg Description-md5: 1a268fa9d7ad6277ddc2f486dd1f616c Description-gl: Extensión para calcular as semellanzas entre cadeas e as distancias de edición (extensión de depuración) The Levenshtein module computes Levenshtein distances, similarity ratios, generalized medians and set medians of Unicode or non-Unicode strings. Because it's implemented in C, it's much faster than the corresponding Python library functions and methods. . A distancia de Levenshtein é o número mÃnimo de insercións, eliminacións e substitucións de caracteres únicos para transformar unha cadea noutra. . É útil para a corrección ortográfica ou a coincidencia difusa de mensaxes de gettext. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-lhapdf Description-md5: 55d23cdd6c910a840d7baf6029ddde7b Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para LHAPDF LHAPDF provides a unified and easy to use interface to modern PDF sets. It is designed to work not only with individual PDF sets but also with the more recent multiple "error" sets. It can be viewed as the successor to PDFLIB, incorporating many of the older sets found in the latter, including pion and photon PDFs. In LHAPDF the computer code and input parameters/grids are separated thus allowing more easy updating and no limit to the expansion possibilities. . This package provides Python bindings for LHAPDF. Package: python-libconcord Description-md5: a1d66f18e68aae3a1472a788f633d119 Description-gl: Ferramenta de configuración dos controis remotos Harmony - asociacións con Python O Harmony da Logitech é un control remoto universal por infravermellos moi configurábel e compatÃbel coa maiorÃa dos dispositivos de multimedia. A suite de software de concordancia permite programar este tipo de controis remotos empregando un obxecto de configuración obtido do sitio web . Este paquete contén as asociacións con Python para a infraestrutura de concordancia. Package: python-libdiscid Description-md5: ae54e37ef3c7475832d5c7efe6134b23 Description-gl: Asociación con libdiscid para Python 2 libdiscid allows one to create MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs. It reads a CD's table of contents and generates and identifier which can be used to lookup the CD at MusicBrainz. python-libdiscid provides a binding to work with libdiscid from Python. . Este paquete fornece a asociación para Python 2. Package: python-libdiscid-dbg Description-md5: d9ba9443791ccd55bf9d43bf95c93cbe Description-gl: Asociación con libdiscid para Python (extensión de depuración) libdiscid allows one to create MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs. It reads a CD's table of contents and generates and identifier which can be used to lookup the CD at MusicBrainz. python-libdiscid provides a binding to work with libdiscid from Python. . Este paquete fornece as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-libdiscid-doc Description-md5: 89e3c28d4c94827603992827d34f6e83 Description-gl: Asociación con libdiscid para Python (documentación) libdiscid allows one to create MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs. It reads a CD's table of contents and generates and identifier which can be used to lookup the CD at MusicBrainz. python-libdiscid provides a binding to work with libdiscid from Python. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-libemu Description-md5: c9f1d7e14a3cc92f8954dc54981db7cd Description-gl: x86 shellcode detection and emulation - Python bindings libemu is a small library written in C offering basic x86 emulation and shellcode detection using GetPC heuristics. Intended use is within network intrusion/prevention detections and honeypots. . libemu supports: * executing x86 instructions * reading x86 binary code * register emulation * basic FPU emulation * shellcode execution * shellcode detection * using GetPC heuristics * static analysis * and binary backwards traversal * Win32 API hooking . Using libemu one can: * detect shellcodes * execute the shellcodes * profile shellcode behaviour . Este paquete ten as asociacións con Python. Package: python-libhamlib2 Description-md5: 47047360bc74fdf72fc7e181d93c1aaa Description-gl: Run-time Python library to control radio transceivers and receivers Most recent amateur radio transceivers allow external control of their functions through a computer interface. Unfortunately, control commands are not always consistent across a manufacturer's product line and each manufacturer's product line differs greatly from its competitors. . Esta biblioteca soluciona ese problema fornecendo unha interface de programación normalizada coa que poden falar os aplicativos e traducindo iso nas ordes axeitadas requiridas pola radio que se estea a empregar. . Este paquete fornece as asociacións con Python da biblioteca. Package: python-liblarch Description-md5: 941fad29944d6d15073cc6caba5b0c5f Description-gl: Manexe estruturas de datos con facilidade Liblarch is a Python module created to easily handle data structure such as lists, trees and directed acyclic graphs (tree where nodes can have multiple parents). . Liblarch supports multiple views of one data structure and complex filtering. That way, you have a clear separation between your data (Model) and how they are displayed (View). Package: python-liblas Description-md5: 54c9517948efcade80829c3e0d27054a Description-gl: Python module to use the ASPRS LiDAR data translation library libLAS is a C/C++ library for reading and writing ASPRS LAS versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 data. The LAS format is a sequential binary format used to store data from sensors and as intermediate processing storage by some LiDAR-related applications. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an optical remote sensing technology that measures properties of scattered light to find range and/or other information of a distant target. The prevalent method to determine distance to an object or surface is to use laser pulses. . Este paquete contén un módulo en Python para empregar libLAS. Package: python-liblinear Description-md5: 7ab93d58ae20e3760cbfbe5b35f7bf73 Description-gl: Asociacións en Python para LIBLINEAR LIBLINEAR is a library for learning linear classifiers for large scale applications. It supports Support Vector Machines (SVM) with L2 and L1 loss, logistic regression, multi class classification and also Linear Programming Machines (L1-regularized SVMs). Its computational complexity scales linearly with the number of training examples making it one of the fastest SVM solvers around. It also provides Python bindings. . This package contains the Python bindings. Package: python-liblo-docs Description-md5: f4eeda2a635222017e0a036e3067b58b Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para liblo, a biblioteca lixeira de OSC pyliblo, provides Python bindings for liblo, which is an implementation of the Open Sound Control specification and facilitates communication between various music applications. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-libmimic Description-md5: 7cccf7cf288bb073ad846b565ee84196 Description-gl: Un códec de vÃdeo para o contido en Mimic V2.x (asociacións con python) libmimic é una biblioteca de código aberto para a descodificación de vÃdeo para descodificar contido codificado en Mimic V2.x (fourCC: ML20), que é a codificación empregada por MSN Messenger para as conversas con cámaras web. . Este paquete fornece asociacións para a linguaxe Python. Package: python-libpcap Description-md5: 22835ae063f091a6dbac281609504857 Description-gl: Envoltura en Python para a biblioteca de captura de paquetes libpcap Módulo en Python para libpcap, a biblioteca de captura de paquetes UNIX. Pode ser empregado para moitos propósitos, incluÃda a depuración da rede, a análise do tráfico, a detección de intrusións; está baseado no módulo libpcap orixinal en Python de Aaron Rhodes. Package: python-libpfm4 Description-md5: e1d4e08b6d558a174154f526a060fbfa Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para libpfm4 This package allows you to write simple Python scripts that monitor various hardware performance monitoring events. It may be more efficient to use this approach instead of parsing the output of other tools. Package: python-libproxy Description-md5: ac6b21cdd3f656fc98f74937aabd9bf5 Description-gl: automatic proxy configuration management library (Python 2) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . This package contains the Python 2 bindings. Package: python-librtmp Description-md5: 8eb8eed42a9e24cbefba33fdb99b41ca Description-gl: librtmp binding for Python 2 librtmp allows one to dump the media content streamed over the RTMP protocol. . Este paquete fornece a asociación para Python 2. Package: python-libsmbios Description-md5: 72fb1a713e298ca69d3e6274c8db6655 Description-gl: Fornecer acceso á información de (SM)BIOS -- bibliotecas en python libsmbios pretende fornecer acceso á maior cantidade de información da BIOS como sexa posÃbel. Este paquete fornece funcións en python e poden ser incorporadas aos programas do espazo do usuario. Package: python-libssh2 Description-md5: ad6cec391fd131f1a0b7299a1566e82c Description-gl: Asociacións con python para a biblioteca libssh2 libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol with support for regular terminal, scp and SFTP sessions; port forwarding; password, key-based and keyboard-interactive authentication. . This package contains the python bindings libssh2. It is a fork and rewrite of org.keyphrene. Package: python-libsss-nss-idmap Description-md5: 812bfdc172805efc47d6f5b2e2990421 Description-gl: Python bindings for the SID lookups library Este paquete contén as asociacións para libnss_sss-idmap para seren empregadas polos aplicativos en Python. . This package installs the library for Python 2. Package: python-libtiff Description-md5: ee18fa7679e3ab48d576e5be5f832cac Description-gl: wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes PyLibTiff é un paquete que fornece: . * a wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes. * a pure Python module for reading and writing TIFF and LSM files. The images are read as numpy.memmap objects so that it is possible to open images that otherwise would not fit to computers RAM. . Existen moitos paquetes en Python, como PIL ou FreeImagePy que permiten ler e escribir ficheiros TIFF. O proxecto PyLibTiff comezou para ter unha maneira eficiente e directa de ler e escribir ficheiros TIFF empregando a biblioteca libtiff sen ter que instalar ningún paquete ou biblioteca innecesarios. O módulo en Python puro foi creado para ler ficheiros TIFF «estragados», como os ficheiros LSM que nalgúns sitios empregan unha interpretación diferente das etiquetas de TIFF do que especifica o documento de especificación de TIFF. A biblioteca libtiff fracasarÃa ao tentar ler eses ficheiros. Ademais, o módulo en Python puro é máis eficiente coa memoria, dado que as matrices son devolvidas como mapas de memoria. AÃnda non se incluÃu a compatibilidade con ficheiros comprimidos. . Warning: pylibtiff currently supports reading and writing images that are stored using TIFF strips. Patches are welcome to support tiled TIFF images. Package: python-libtorrent Description-md5: 7acb3c7164a71b3b8f60c27fefbeee9e Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para libtorrent-rasterbar Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . Este paquete contén asociacións con Python para a biblioteca libtorrent- rasterbar. Package: python-libtorrent-dbg Description-md5: 037d37192f6c74414fe53f874d9766dd Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para libtorrent-rasterbar (sÃmbolos de depuración) Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . Este paquete contén asociacións con Python para a biblioteca libtorrent- rasterbar (sÃmbolos de depuración). Package: python-libturpial Description-md5: 4879c727e56c531619a501210a6a7cfb Description-gl: Biblioteca en python que manexa varios protocolos de microblogues libturpial aims to implement all the features and support the main microblogging platforms like Twitter and . libturpial é a infraestrutura do cliente de microblogues Turpial. Package: python-libuser Description-md5: d846f3f40eda84344478044c176b95c6 Description-gl: user and group account administration library - Python 2.7 bindings A biblioteca libuser implementa unha interface estándar para manipular e administrar contas de usuario e de grupo. A biblioteca emprega infraestruturas engadÃbeis para que actúen como interfaces coas súas fontes de datos. . This package contains the Python 2.7 bindings for the library. Package: python-libvoikko Description-md5: 2f084b3347a9686860b2d63186a8a344 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Python bindings for libvoikko Libvoikko é unha biblioteca de ferramentas de procesamento de linguas naturais. Pretende fornecer compatibilidade para linguas que non dispoñen dun bo servizo por parte doutras ferramentas lingüÃsticas libres. . This package is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: python-libxmp Description-md5: 8bd3dab66ab2075399f46b3cf8973c94 Description-gl: Python library for XMP metadata Python XMP Toolkit is a library for working with XMP metadata, as well as reading/writing XMP metadata stored in many different file formats. . XMP (Plataforma extensÃbel de metadatos) facilita a incorporación de metadatos en ficheiros empregando un subconxunto de RDF. En particular, XMP permite incorporar metadatos en PDF e moitos formatos de imaxes, aÃnda que está deseñada para admitir practicamente calquera tipo de ficheiro. . This package provides Python bindings. Package: python-libxmp-doc Description-md5: 20ceff3048a66553bbdfcce32cab1d97 Description-gl: Python library for XMP metadata - documentation Python XMP Toolkit is a library for working with XMP metadata, as well as reading/writing XMP metadata stored in many different file formats. . XMP (Plataforma extensÃbel de metadatos) facilita a incorporación de metadatos en ficheiros empregando un subconxunto de RDF. En particular, XMP permite incorporar metadatos en PDF e moitos formatos de imaxes, aÃnda que está deseñada para admitir practicamente calquera tipo de ficheiro. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-lightblue Description-md5: bcddc29b1ac7af9df5de605a25d353df Description-gl: API de Bluetooth multi-plataforma para Python Este paquete fornece unha API en Python que fornece un acceso sinxelo ás operacións de Bluetooth. Está dispoñÃbel para Mac OS X, GNU/Linux e Python de Nokia para a plataforma Series 60 para teléfonos móbiles. . LightBlue fornece acceso sinxelo a: . * Device and service discovery (with and without end-user GUIs) * Standard socket interface for RFCOMM and L2CAP sockets (currently L2CAP client sockets only, and not on PyS60) * Sending and receiving files over OBEX * Advertising of RFCOMM and OBEX services * Local device information Package: python-linaro-image-tools Description-md5: eeabfc3ce54fbf3357eaff5aff9f6d74 Description-gl: Python library for the manipulation of Linaro bootable media Linaro images are generated by combining generic tarballs with hardware- specific packs (hwpacks). . This package provides a Python library to generate Linaro images and write them to SD cards or image files that you can be boot in QEMU. . Tamén fornece unha biblioteca en Python para axudar coa creación de paquetes de hardware. Package: python-linop Description-md5: 73cbd8c9b89e4e712ccf5f4e6741dbe0 Description-gl: Linear mathematical operators in Python (Python 2) Linop provides a standalone set of classes to abstract the creation and management of linear operators, to be used as a common basis for the development of advanced mathematical frameworks. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-livereload-doc Description-md5: eeae60db5aa419376996904cfe661960 Description-gl: automatic browser refresher (documentation) It is really boring for Web developers to need to refresh their browser every time they save a (CSS, JavaScript, or HTML) file. LiveReload will take care of that for you, so that when you save a file, your browser will refresh itself - and what's more, it can perform tasks such as compiling LESS to CSS before the browser reload. . Este paquete contén documentación da API e exemplos. Package: python-llfuse Description-md5: ad8f4536fb4f17872d38c8f9f09224f4 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para a API de baixo nivel de FUSE Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. Bindings for the high level API are provided by the python-fuse package. . FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias implementación de sistemas de ficheiros. Package: python-llfuse-dbg Description-md5: d246241e65bf52ff2ba6f2b9c5cdec78 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para a API de baixo nivel de FUSE (sÃmbolos de depuración) Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. Bindings for the high level API are provided by the python-fuse package. . FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias implementación de sistemas de ficheiros. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración, asà mo a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-llfuse-doc Description-md5: bf45e9cac570c98e8ce402f4c2d89582 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para a API de baixo nivel de FUSE (documentación) Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. This package provides the documentation for both the Python 2 and Python 3 extension (packages python-llfuse and python3-llfuse). . FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias implementación de sistemas de ficheiros. Package: python-lmfit Description-md5: 7587f0033c5b4be167177e36219dc056 Description-gl: Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 2) The lmfit Python package provides a simple, flexible interface to non- linear optimization or curve fitting problems. The package extends the optimization capabilities of scipy.optimize by replacing floating pointing values for the variables to be optimized with Parameter objects. These Parameters can be fixed or varied, have upper and/or lower bounds placed on its value, or written as an algebraic expression of other Parameters. . The principal advantage of using Parameters instead of simple variables is that the objective function does not have to be rewritten to reflect every change of what is varied in the fit, or what relationships or constraints are placed on the Parameters. This means a scientific programmer can write a general model that encapsulates the phenomenon to be optimized, and then allow user of that model to change what is varied and fixed, what range of values is acceptable for Parameters, and what constraints are placed on the model. The ease with which the model can be changed also allows one to easily test the significance of certain Parameters in a fitting model. . The lmfit package allows a choice of several optimization methods available from scipy.optimize. The default, and by far best tested optimization method used is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from from MINPACK-1 as implemented in scipy.optimize.leastsq. This method is by far the most tested and best support method in lmfit, and much of this document assumes this algorithm is used unless explicitly stated. An important point for many scientific analysis is that this is only method that automatically estimates uncertainties and correlations between fitted variables from the covariance matrix calculated during the fit. . A few other optimization routines are also supported, including Nelder- Mead simplex downhill, Powell's method, COBYLA, Sequential Least Squares methods as implemented in scipy.optimize.fmin, and several others from scipy.optimize. In their native form, some of these methods setting allow upper or lower bounds on parameter variables, or adding constraints on fitted variables. By using Parameter objects, lmfit allows bounds and constraints for all of these methods, and makes it easy to swap between methods without hanging the objective function or set of Parameters. . Finally, because the approach derived from MINPACK-1 usin the covariance matrix to determine uncertainties is sometimes questioned (and sometimes rightly so), lmfit supports methods to do a brute force search of the confidence intervals and correlations for sets of parameters. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-lmfit-doc Description-md5: a3fdd786573460e7410ee7e6e45d0d37 Description-gl: Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Documentation) The lmfit Python package provides a simple, flexible interface to non- linear optimization or curve fitting problems. The package extends the optimization capabilities of scipy.optimize by replacing floating pointing values for the variables to be optimized with Parameter objects. These Parameters can be fixed or varied, have upper and/or lower bounds placed on its value, or written as an algebraic expression of other Parameters. . The principal advantage of using Parameters instead of simple variables is that the objective function does not have to be rewritten to reflect every change of what is varied in the fit, or what relationships or constraints are placed on the Parameters. This means a scientific programmer can write a general model that encapsulates the phenomenon to be optimized, and then allow user of that model to change what is varied and fixed, what range of values is acceptable for Parameters, and what constraints are placed on the model. The ease with which the model can be changed also allows one to easily test the significance of certain Parameters in a fitting model. . The lmfit package allows a choice of several optimization methods available from scipy.optimize. The default, and by far best tested optimization method used is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from from MINPACK-1 as implemented in scipy.optimize.leastsq. This method is by far the most tested and best support method in lmfit, and much of this document assumes this algorithm is used unless explicitly stated. An important point for many scientific analysis is that this is only method that automatically estimates uncertainties and correlations between fitted variables from the covariance matrix calculated during the fit. . A few other optimization routines are also supported, including Nelder- Mead simplex downhill, Powell's method, COBYLA, Sequential Least Squares methods as implemented in scipy.optimize.fmin, and several others from scipy.optimize. In their native form, some of these methods setting allow upper or lower bounds on parameter variables, or adding constraints on fitted variables. By using Parameter objects, lmfit allows bounds and constraints for all of these methods, and makes it easy to swap between methods without hanging the objective function or set of Parameters. . Finally, because the approach derived from MINPACK-1 usin the covariance matrix to determine uncertainties is sometimes questioned (and sometimes rightly so), lmfit supports methods to do a brute force search of the confidence intervals and correlations for sets of parameters. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-logbook Description-md5: 9c345269b86ad4232a239acafe9fd7ad Description-gl: Sistema de rexistro para Python que substitúe o módulo da biblioteca estándar Logbook is a logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's logging module. It was designed with both complex and simple applications in mind and the idea to make logging fun . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-logbook-doc Description-md5: d97b74bf3c1eaec6ad3f7bf3a4825b41 Description-gl: Sistema de rexistro para Python que substitúe o módulo da biblioteca estándar (documentación) Logbook is a logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's logging module. It was designed with both complex and simple applications in mind and the idea to make logging fun . This package contains API documentation. Package: python-loggingx Description-md5: 67859fd98ef367a7c6485ba4a631ef19 Description-gl: Utilidades xenéricas para a facilidade de rexistro de Python. Isto inclúe manexadores de rexistro para SMTP autenticado (con TSL), notificacións de jabber, XMPP e escritorio. Tamén ten algúns formatadores adicionais: ColorFormatter, etc. Package: python-logsparser Description-md5: 7110599626df333afd7142af7502de2d Description-gl: Biblioteca en Python para a análise, etiquetaxe e análise de rexistros. Pylogsparser é unha biblioteca que pode ser empregada para analizar liñas de rexistros e extraer diversos meta-datos segundo os formatos coñecidos dos rexistros. A biblioteca distribúese con varios formatos de rexistro por omisión, como Syslog, Apache, sshd e moitos outros. Tamén é posÃbel definir e empregar formatos de rexistro propios coa biblioteca como ficheiros de definición en XML. Package: python-louis Description-md5: 24be43511537b9436824c2c2c1c60986 Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para liblouis Liblouis is a braille translator and back-translator. It features support for computer and literary braille, supports contracted and uncontracted translation for many languages and has support for hyphenation. Liblouis also supports math braille (Nemeth and Marburg). . This package contains Python bindings. Package: python-ltsp Description-md5: 701ebfbd10305336a8233eba766a4f35 Description-gl: Fornece funcións relacionadas con ltsp ltsp related python functions that make writing admininstation interfaces an easy task. . ltsp.status - functions to check different server processes ltsp.ltsconf - read and write lts.conf ltsp.dictionary - retrieve values from a chroot, validate variables ltsp.dchpconf - read and write /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf ltsp.service - access additional service configs in /etc/ltsp/ Package: python-lunar Description-md5: b3fa91cc038e3c814b525f388e6ebcff Description-gl: Python bindings for the Chinese Lunar library This library provide a struct to covert between Chinese lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. . Tamén fornece un trebello en GTK+ que pode mostrar o calendario lunar chinés. . Este paquete contén o módulo en Python «lunar». Package: python-lunch Description-md5: 18c9034be53ca2ba7821798188531232 Description-gl: Iniciador de procesos distribuÃdo Lunch é un iniciador e xestor de procesos distribuÃdos sinxelo para GNU/Linux. . Con Lunch pódense iniciar procesos de software en varios computadores diferentes e asegurarse de que se manteñan en execución. Este software foi creado para adecuarse ás necesidades de artistas de novos medios durante as súas actuacións ao vivo e instalacións interactivas. Reinicia o software que quebra e fornece un modo de xestionar as dependencias entre os procesos en execución. . Este paquete fornece a biblioteca lunch para Python, asà como a utilidade lunch para a liña de ordes, que pode ser invocada cunha interface de usuario en GTK. Package: python-lxc Description-md5: 64d1ef8eea6b7905de3337fc9a6a177d Description-gl: Linux Containers userspace tools (Python 2.x bindings) Os contedores son áreas illadas dentro dun sistema que teñen o seu propio espazo de nomes para a asignación de sistema de ficheiros, rede, PID, IPC, CPU e memoria e que poden ser creados empregando as funcionalidades Control Group e Namespace incluÃdas no kernel Linux. . This package contains the Python 2.x bindings. Package: python-lzma Description-md5: 70b2be51fe560c7d0f58cd3e7b75599c Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para liblzma PylibLZMA fornece unha interface en Python para a biblioteca liblzma para ler e escribir datos que fosen comprimidos ou que poidan ser descomprimidos coas utilidades xz /lzma de Lasse Collin. Package: python-lzma-dbg Description-md5: 2f89702f82994ffefd05f8093ac3257e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de python-lzma PylibLZMA fornece unha interface en Python para a biblioteca liblzma para ler e escribir datos que fosen comprimidos ou que poidan ser descomprimidos coas utilidades xz /lzma de Lasse Collin. . This package contains detached debugging symbols for python-lzma. Package: python-lzo Description-md5: f04e14dd7ead1fed0eeead74e4580950 Description-gl: Asociacións con Python para a biblioteca de compresión de datos LZO This module provides Python bindings for the LZO data compression library. . LZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C. It offers pretty fast compression and *very* fast decompression. Decompression requires no memory. . In addition there are slower compression levels achieving a quite competitive compression ratio while still decompressing at this very high speed. Package: python-macholib Description-md5: f8dfb0000b1e04a4943646c6bbd9e7d9 Description-gl: module for Mach-O header analysis and editing (Python 2 interface) This module can be used to analyze and edit Mach-O headers, the executable format used by Mac OS X. It's typically used as a dependency analysis tool, and also to rewrite dylib references in Mach-O headers to be @executable_path relative. Though this tool targets a platform specific file format, it is pure Python code that is platform and endian independent. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-macholib-doc Description-md5: 4a93df4bb3ebe0d04e751660136f030f Description-gl: module for Mach-O header analysis and editing (API documentation) This module can be used to analyze and edit Mach-O headers, the executable format used by Mac OS X. It's typically used as a dependency analysis tool, and also to rewrite dylib references in Mach-O headers to be @executable_path relative. Though this tool targets a platform specific file format, it is pure Python code that is platform and endian independent. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-mailer Description-md5: 626622b8dd716d8a1ca66af98cc9d3bf Description-gl: Python module that simplifies sending email (Python 2) Simplifies sending emails in Python, features a single class to send plain text, HTML email, and attachments. Mailer auto detects attachment types and has support for internationalized headers. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-mailmanclient Description-md5: b5567fba08755de9d1ba5a810e1d614f Description-gl: Python bindings for Mailman3 REST API (Python 2 version) Mailmanclient provides the official REST API to interact with Mailman3 server. This library is required by the official web interfaces for archive browsing and administration of a server. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-mailmanclient-doc Description-md5: 424cdb051187bb3430b6a5fb80ba12a5 Description-gl: Python bindings for Mailman3 REST API (Documentation) Mailmanclient provides the official REST API to interact with Mailman3 server. This library is required by the official web interfaces for archive browsing and administration of a server. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-marathon-doc Description-md5: cea89f90e48e78fb98bd6af38354115c Description-gl: Library interface to Mesos marathon Rest API (common docuemtation) Python interface to the Mesos Mararton REST API. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-maxminddb Description-md5: 66827f3454d2780784d81d224fa4b104 Description-gl: Python module for reading the MaxMind DB format This is a Python module for reading MaxMind DB files. The module includes both a pure Python reader and an optional C extension. . MaxMind DB is a binary file format that stores data indexed by IP address subnets (IPv4 or IPv6). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-maxminddb-doc Description-md5: 9c37a5cd73af6d87064774ded0bead03 Description-gl: Python module for reading the MaxMind DB format (documentation) This is a Python module for reading MaxMind DB files. The module includes both a pure Python reader and an optional C extension. . MaxMind DB is a binary file format that stores data indexed by IP address subnets (IPv4 or IPv6). . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-measurement Description-md5: 3125380fc2244208959fe8311bc96c37 Description-gl: unit-aware measurement objects (Python2 version) Easily use and manipulate unit-aware measurement objects in Python. . django.contrib.gis.measure has these wonderful Distance objects that can be used not only for storing a unit-aware distance measurement, but also for converting between different units and adding/subtracting these objects from one another. . This module not only provides those Distance and Area measurement objects (courtesy of Django), but also other measurements including Weight, Volume, and Temperature. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-measurement-doc Description-md5: f590e5a2c444f651bdb3c34395e0f233 Description-gl: unit-aware measurement objects (Documentation) Easily use and manipulate unit-aware measurement objects in Python. . django.contrib.gis.measure has these wonderful Distance objects that can be used not only for storing a unit-aware distance measurement, but also for converting between different units and adding/subtracting these objects from one another. . This module not only provides those Distance and Area measurement objects (courtesy of Django), but also other measurements including Weight, Volume, and Temperature. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-mediainfodll Description-md5: 77ebd4ba7eb0b17536860ac48faddf9a Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler metadatos de ficheiros multimedia - biblioteca compartida MediaInfo is a library used for retrieving technical information and other metadata about audio or video files. . A non-exhaustive list of the information MediaInfo can retrieve from media files include: - General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration... - Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... - Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... - Text: language of subtitle - Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters . MediaInfo supports the following formats: - Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... - Video Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) - Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... - Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI... . This package contains the Python 2.x module required for using this library from Python 2.x applications. Package: python-medusa-doc Description-md5: 191b9a138410bb085576044cd647f300 Description-gl: Framework for implementing asynchronous servers Medusa is a 'server platform' -- it provides a framework for implementing asynchronous socket-based servers (TCP/IP and on Unix, Unix domain, sockets). . Este paquete contén a documentación de Medusa. Package: python-mhash-dbg Description-md5: 091f92cd45de21c74181369126fc170e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración das asociacións con Python para libmhash python-mhash is a comprehensive Python interface to the mhash library, which provides a uniform interface to access several hashing algorithms such as MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA160, and many others. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de python-mhash. Package: python-midiutil Description-md5: 0a605e41181917b2f17366ffdfc99bae Description-gl: Python 2 library to write multi-track MIDI files MIDIUtil is a pure Python library that allows one to write multi-track Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files from within Python programs. It is object-oriented and allows one to create and write these files with a minimum of fuss. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-mimerender Description-md5: e773fdb05e329837fa09ce88e541603b Description-gl: RESTful HTTP Content Negotiation for web frameworks (Python 2) mimerender provides a decorator that wraps an HTTP request handler to select the correct render function for a given HTTP Accept header. It uses mimeparse to parse the Accept string and select the best available representation. . mimerender supports Flask, Bottle, and webapp2 out of the box, and it’s easy to add support for other frameworks. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-minieigen Description-md5: f22151ea01e77cd52bd3be684b9119f7 Description-gl: Wrapper of parts of the Eigen library (Python 2) Small wrapper for core parts of Eigen, c++ library for linear algebra. It is mainly useful for inspecting c++ code which already uses eigen and boost::python. Supported types are Vectors (2,3,6 and dynamic-sized with integer and floating-point values), Matrices (3x3, 6x6 and dynamic-sized with floating-point values) and Quaternions. Numerous methods are wrapped and the original API of Eigen is followed. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-miniupnpc Description-md5: 5ec896af2700230933783001a57df1a3 Description-gl: UPnP IGD client lightweight library Python bindings O protocolo UPnP é recoñecido pola maiorÃa dos routers de adsl e cabo e por Microsoft Windows 2K/XP. O obxectivo do proxecto MiniUPnP é crear unha solución de software libre que admita a parte «Dispositivo de pasarela de Internet» do protocolo. O protocolo de UPnP MediaServer/MediaRenderer tamén se está a facer moi popular. . Miniupnpc pretender ser a biblioteca máis simple posÃbel, coa pegada máis pequena e sen dependencias doutras bibliotecas, como analizadores de XML ou implementacións de HTTP. Todo o código é ANSI C puro. Compilada nun PC x86, a biblioteca cliente de miniupn ten un código de menos de 15KB. Por exemplo, o programa de exemplo de upnpc é duns 20KB. O daemon de miniupn é moito máis pequeno que calquera outro daemon de IGD e por esta razón é ideal para empregar en dispositivos con pouca memoria. . This package contains the Python bindings. Package: python-misaka Description-md5: 54bcb96da45ba878d687d1daa00c9f98 Description-gl: binding for Sundown, a markdown parsing library - Python 2.x Misaca is A Python 2 and 3 binding for Sundown, a really fast Markdown parser implemented in C. Misaka is written in Cython and C. And it features a set of Markdown extensions and customizable renderers. Just like the Sundown binding for Ruby, Redcarpet. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-mistral Description-md5: 228c68c97e0eb7dde70a996d5b91d70f Description-gl: OpenStack Workflow Service - Python libraries Mistral is a workflow service. Most business processes consist of multiple distinct interconnected steps that need to be executed in a particular order in a distributed environment. One can describe such process as a set of tasks and task relations and upload such description to Mistral so that it takes care of state management, correct execution order, parallelism, synchronization and high availability. Mistral also provides flexible task scheduling so that it can run a process according to a specified schedule (i.e. every Sunday at 4.00pm) instead of running it immediately. Such set of tasks and relations between them is called a workflow. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas en Python. Package: python-mock-services-doc Description-md5: 6c461ffea1cba9b3baa4371ce4967fab Description-gl: <insert up to 60 chars description> (common documentation) Aims to provide an easy way to mock an entire service API based on requests-mock and a simple dict definition of a service. The idea is to mock everything at start according given rules. Then mock-services allows to start/stop http mock locally. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-mockito Description-md5: c4a2eb6a067cca61e01864aded9631c1 Description-gl: spying (testing) framework - Python 2.x Mockito is a testing framework. The framework allows the creation of Test Double objects (called "Mock Objects") in automated unit tests for the purpose of Test-driven Development (TDD) or Behavior Driven Development (BDD). . Python Mockito is a spying framework based on Java library with the same name. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-mockldap Description-md5: 23de8b6d7d5be802e30ecd53adf42851 Description-gl: simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Python2 version) This project provides a mock replacement for python-ldap. It’s useful for any project that would like to write unit tests against LDAP code without relying on a running LDAP server. . The goal of mockldap is to provide a mock instance of LDAPObject in response to any call to ldap.initialize. In the general case, you would register return values for all LDAPObject calls that you expect the code under test to make. Your assertions would then verify that the tested code behaved correctly given this set of return values from the LDAP APIs. . As a convenience, the mock LDAPObject isn’t just a dumb mock object. The typical way to use mockldap is to provide some static directory content and then let LDAPObject generate real return values. This will only work for simple LDAP operations–this obviously isn’t a complete Python LDAP server implementation–but those simple operations tend to cover a lot of cases. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-mockldap-doc Description-md5: e9ad9934fd2c83512632fac3d483b07b Description-gl: simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Documentation) This project provides a mock replacement for python-ldap. It’s useful for any project that would like to write unit tests against LDAP code without relying on a running LDAP server. . The goal of mockldap is to provide a mock instance of LDAPObject in response to any call to ldap.initialize. In the general case, you would register return values for all LDAPObject calls that you expect the code under test to make. Your assertions would then verify that the tested code behaved correctly given this set of return values from the LDAP APIs. . As a convenience, the mock LDAPObject isn’t just a dumb mock object. The typical way to use mockldap is to provide some static directory content and then let LDAPObject generate real return values. This will only work for simple LDAP operations–this obviously isn’t a complete Python LDAP server implementation–but those simple operations tend to cover a lot of cases. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-modestmaps Description-md5: 8d3497823e6c97c92d372e6b908de0f9 Description-gl: display and interaction library for tile-based maps Modest Maps is a display and interaction library for tile-based maps in Flash (Actionscript 2.0 and Actionscript 3.0), Javascript and Python. . Its intent is to provide a minimal, extensible, customizable, and free display library for designers and developers who want to use interactive maps in their own projects. Modest Maps provides a core set of features in a tight, clean package, with hooks for additional functionality. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python. Package: python-moksha.common Description-md5: 493929ff9b5b44aeb6ec9a8d29ace755 Description-gl: Common components for the Moksha framework Moksha is a combination of Web framework and messaging hub that is written on top of widely-used and tested components such as Twisted, 0mq or TurboGears. . Este paquete fornece os compoñentes centrais desta infraestrutura. Package: python-monasca-statsd Description-md5: 531d701afcb45a4d22e9575ca2cffb7f Description-gl: monasca statsd API client - Python 2.7 Monasca is a highly scalable, performant, fault-tolerant monitoring- as-a-service solution that integrates with OpenStack. It uses a REST API for high-speed metrics processing and querying and has a streaming alarm engine and notification engine. . This Python module provides a client to connect to Monasca's statsd REST API. With this client, you can handle counters, gauge, get histograms, timers and more. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-monasca-statsd-doc Description-md5: 301b06cb00937be298754345dc572d2a Description-gl: Monasca-Statsd Python client (common documentation) Python Statsd library for sending statsd messages via the Monasca . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-moneyed Description-md5: 0750d6d6d0f34b3dd888be5c6b210e26 Description-gl: Currency and Money classes for use in Python 2 code The need to represent instances of money frequently arises in software development, particularly any financial/economics software. To address that need, this package provides the classes of Money and Currency, at a level more useful than just using Python's Decimal class, or even the float primitive. The package is meant to be stand-alone and easy to either use directly, or subclass further. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-mongoengine Description-md5: 9e556411338f5786258a20c053f8ddc2 Description-gl: Python Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB MongoEngine is a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document databases) for working with MongoDB from Python. It uses a simple declarative API, similar to the Django ORM. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-mongoengine-doc Description-md5: 8ab143b7be6974dc592ea4ed8959449d Description-gl: Python Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB (documentation) MongoEngine is a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document databases) for working with MongoDB from Python. It uses a simple declarative API, similar to the Django ORM. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-morris-doc Description-md5: 32a49c7ed3459fa0a3709f846ff40d00 Description-gl: documentation for the Python morris module Morris is a simple Python library for creating notification mechanism similar to Qt signals or C# events. Application developers can create signals with a simple decorator (@signal), send signals by calling the decorated method or function, connect to and disconnect from signals with signal.connect() and signal.disconnect(). . Morris comes with support for writing high-level unit tests using the SignalTestCase.{watchSignal,assertSignalFired,assertSignalNotFired}() methods. Appropriate ordering constraints on multiple signals can be tested using the SignalTestCase.assertSignalOrdering() method. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML Package: python-mpd-doc Description-md5: fc0451f4a4e1c041a42551fd44a729bb Description-gl: Python MPD client library (documentation) Fast MPD (Music Player Daemon) client library written in pure Python. It was written to be a replacement for python-mpdclient which is a bit outdated and does not perform good in many situations. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-mpld3 Description-md5: 98254124bb9e1459eeaf7caf7a063359 Description-gl: D3 viewer for matplotlib mpld3 brings together Matplotlib, the popular Python-based graphing library, and D3js, the popular Javascript library for creating interactive data visualizations for the web. The result is a simple API for exporting your matplotlib graphics to HTML code which can be used within the browser, within standard web pages, blogs, or tools such as the IPython notebook. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-mplexporter Description-md5: a3f43157bb753932a8d4d0814a22df63 Description-gl: general matplotlib exporter A Python module to export matplotlib graphs, e.g. for mpld3. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-mpmath-doc Description-md5: d338629e7c2421c1961c35170d8b2fb8 Description-gl: library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic - Documentation Mpmath is a pure-Python library for multiprecision floating-point arithmetic. It provides an extensive set of transcendental functions, unlimited exponent sizes, complex numbers, interval arithmetic, numerical integration and differentiation, root-finding, linear algebra, and much more. Almost any calculation can be performed just as well at 10-digit or 1000-digit precision, and in many cases mpmath implements asymptotically fast algorithms that scale well for extremely high precision work. . If available, mpmath will (optionally) use gmpy to speed up high precision operations. If matplotlib is available, mpmath also provides a convenient plotting interface. . Its features include: . * Fair performance -- typically 10-100x faster than Python's decimal library * Transcendental functions -- all functions from Python's math and cmath modules, plus a few more like gamma, factorial, erf * Complex numbers -- with support for transcendental functions * Directed rounding -- floor, ceiling, down, up, half-down, half-up, half-even * Unlimited exponents -- no overflow or underflow . Este paquete contén a documentación do módulo de Python mpmath. Package: python-multi-key-dict Description-md5: c3c5bc7994068cea2f1a1311db284102 Description-gl: multi key dictionary implementation - Python 2.7 Implementation of a multi-key dictionary, i.e.: (key1[,key2, ..]) => value . This dictionary has a similar interface to the standard dictionary, but is extended to support multiple keys referring to the same element. . Multi-key dict provides also extended interface for iterating over items and keys (e.g. by the key type), which might be useful when creating, e.g. dictionaries with index-name key pair allowing to iterate over items using either: names or indexes. It can be useful for many other similar use- cases, and there is no limit to the number of keys used to map to the value. . There are few other useful methods, e.g. to iterate over dictionary (by/using) selected key type, finding other keys mapping to the same value etc. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-multipletau Description-md5: b8233ebdfe428e57f6168f7a34546455 Description-gl: multiple-tau algorithm for Python/NumPy Multipe-tau correlation is computed on a logarithmic scale (less data points are computed) and is thus much faster than conventional correlation on a linear scale such as `numpy.correlate` . An online reference is available at . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 2 Package: python-murano-pkg-check-doc Description-md5: 070b91d7d260e23b1b1c154b2b0ba5a6 Description-gl: Murano package validator (common documentation) Murano tool to validate murano packages. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-mvpa2-doc Description-md5: 184e949864017b25b7e72ce8798923b8 Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de PyMVPA v. 2 This is an add-on package for the PyMVPA framework. It provides a HTML documentation (tutorial, FAQ etc.), and example scripts. In addition the PyMVPA tutorial is also provided as IPython notebooks. Package: python-nagiosplugin Description-md5: 1c11d8e4e2263f6f1dfdd0dc9de0da65 Description-gl: Python class library for writing Nagios (Icinga) plugins (Python 2) nagiosplugin is a Python class library which helps writing Nagios (or Icinga) compatible plugins easily in Python. It cares for much of the boilerplate code and default logic commonly found in Nagios checks, including: . - Nagios 3 Plugin API compliant parameters and output formatting - Full Nagios range syntax support - Automatic threshold checking - Multiple independent measures - Custom status line to communicate the main point quickly - Long output and performance data - Timeout handling - Persistent "cookies" to retain state information between check runs - Resume log file processing at the point where the last run left - No dependencies beyond the Python standard library (except for Python 2.6). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-natsort-doc Description-md5: 6767c520c7ab133b41a9b75bd25dfea6 Description-gl: Natural sorting for Python (doc) natsort lets you apply natural sorting to your sequences easily, for example: . >>> from natsort import natsorted >>> a = ['a2', 'a9', 'a1', 'a4', 'a10'] >>> data = [['a1', 'a5'], ['a1', 'a40'], ['a10', 'a1'], ['a2', 'a5']] >>> natsorted(a) ['a1', 'a2', 'a4', 'a9', 'a10' >>> natsorted(data) [['a1', 'a5'], ['a1', 'a40'], ['a2', 'a5'], ['a10', 'a1']] . natsort identifies the numbers and sorts them separately from strings. . natsort comes with a shell script to use natural sorting in shell scripts. You can also execute natsort from the command line with python -m natsort. . There exists another natural sorting package for Python called python- naturalsort. You may prefer that package if you wish to only sort version numbers. . Este paquete contén documentación da API e exemplos. Package: python-nbsphinx-doc Description-md5: 1c477e9ea89ef107d00ec35d192f9e28 Description-gl: Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx -- doc nbsphinx is a Sphinx extension that provides a source parser for *.ipynb files. Custom Sphinx directives are used to show Jupyter Notebook code cells (and of course their results) in both HTML and LaTeX output. Un- evaluatednotebooks, i.e., notebooks without stored output cells, will be automatically executed during the Sphinx build process. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-netsnmp Description-md5: 5c78ea4471c165a17eb0e76db000842a Description-gl: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Python support O Protocolo simple de xestión de rede (SNMP) fornece unha infraestrutura para o intercambio de información para a xestión da información entre axentes (servidores) e clientes. . The Net-SNMP Python support files provide the Python functions for integration of SNMP into applications written in Python. Package: python-networking-bagpipe-doc Description-md5: 0e46d28b8e7b2190899dad8f28d6438d Description-gl: Driver and agent code to use BagPipe implementation (common documentaiton) Driver and agent code to use BaGPipe lightweight implementation of BGP- based VPNs as a backend for Neutron. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-networking-bgpvpn-doc Description-md5: 4134b135a192b5bd0247e67cd10a0bcf Description-gl: BGP-MPLS VPN Extension for OpenStack Networking (common documentation) This project provides an API and Framework to interconnect BGP/MPLS VPNs to Openstack Neutron networks, routers and ports. . The Border Gateway Protocol and Multi-Protocol Label Switching are widely used Wide Area Networking technologies. The primary purpose of this project is to allow attachment of Neutron networks and/or routers to VPNs built in carrier provided WANs using these standard protocols. An additional purpose of this project is to enable the use of these technologies within the Neutron networking environment. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-nibabel-doc Description-md5: 3436bfe76cbda3f40f40154fed9dadce Description-gl: Documentación de NiBabel NiBabel provides read and write access to some common medical and neuroimaging file formats, including: ANALYZE (plain, SPM99, SPM2), GIFTI, NIfTI1, MINC, as well as PAR/REC. The various image format classes give full or selective access to header (meta) information and access to the image data is made available via NumPy arrays. NiBabel is the successor of PyNIfTI. . This package provides the documentation in HTML format. Package: python-nipy-doc Description-md5: a5fefa6cda8dc84e415971f1a1efc3cc Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de NiPy This package contains NiPy documentation in various formats (HTML, TXT) including * User manual * Developer guidelines * API documentation Package: python-nipy-lib-dbg Description-md5: d9ac5c000d2dd50afcdb1b9fd5b8eae2 Description-gl: Analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data NiPy is a Python-based framework for the analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración das construcións das bibliotecas dependentes da arquitectura. Package: python-nose2 Description-md5: 2ade5c4dbf766f2d9835e231aca7c447 Description-gl: next generation of nicer testing for Python Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-notebook-doc Description-md5: 5193dd9d2354e8ca81574eb5f5933104 Description-gl: Jupyter interactive notebook (documentation) The Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. The Notebook has support for multiple programming languages, sharing, and interactive widgets. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-notify2 Description-md5: 2829c839545a2c8a3d2d1f12672b3481 Description-gl: desktop notifications API for Python notify2 provides a Python interface to the Freedesktop notifications system, which allows programs to display information to the user in an unobtrusive way. Notifications are sent over DBus to a notification daemon, which is responsible for presenting them to the user. . notify2 is intended as a replacement for pynotify (package python-notify), and its interface is largely copied from there, although it isn't a complete clone. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-nss Description-md5: 2eaa49c01a6b8e542510c2c47c1df7d6 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para os Servizos de seguranza de rede (NSS) Este paquete fornece asociacións de Python para os Servizos de seguranza de rede (NSS) e o Tempo de execución de Netscape Portable (NSPR). . NSS é un conxunto de bibliotecas que admiten aplicativos de cliente de de servidor activadas con seguranza. Os aplicativos construÃdos con NSS admiten certificados SSL v2 e v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 e outros estándares de seguranza. As implementacións especÃficas de NSS foron certificadas por FIPS 140. Package: python-ntdb Description-md5: 166bbf348f0bc52c3b048868ee52fd26 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para NTDB This is a simple database API. It is modelled after the structure of GDBM. TDB features, unlike GDBM, multiple writers support with appropriate locking and transactions. . ntdb uses a file format that is incompatible with tdb, but the API is similar. It improves performance, adds support for databases larger than 4 Gb, and improves integration with talloc. . This package contains the Python bindings. Package: python-ntdb-dbg Description-md5: 35f022d8cd5bf22076a4d189295b61fe Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para NTDB - extensión de depuración This is a simple database API. It is modelled after the structure of GDBM. TDB features, unlike GDBM, multiple writers support with appropriate locking and transactions. . ntdb uses a file format that is incompatible with tdb, but the API is similar. It improves performance, adds support for databases larger than 4 Gb, and improves integration with talloc. . This package contains the Python debug extension. Package: python-numexpr Description-md5: f6be4679677411f0751ad5bd0e11bd4b Description-gl: Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy Numexpr package evaluates multiple-operator array expressions many times faster than NumPy can. It accepts the expression as a string, analyzes it, rewrites it more efficiently, and compiles it to faster Python code on the fly. It's the next best thing to writing the expression in C and compiling it with a specialized just-in-time (JIT) compiler, i.e. it does not require a compiler at runtime. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-numexpr-dbg Description-md5: 86c64f2864f7000490ca4f84307cc89a Description-gl: Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy (debug ext) Numexpr package evaluates multiple-operator array expressions many times faster than NumPy can. It accepts the expression as a string, analyzes it, rewrites it more efficiently, and compiles it to faster Python code on the fly. It's the next best thing to writing the expression in C and compiling it with a specialized just-in-time (JIT) compiler, i.e. it does not require a compiler at runtime. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-nut Description-md5: c4895cd29abb051348562dbb288289b8 Description-gl: network UPS tools - Python bindings for NUT server Ferramentas de SAI de Rede (NUT, Network UPS Tools) é un sistema de vixilancia tipo cliente/servidor que permite que os computadores compartan hardware de sistemas de alimentación interrompida (SAI) e de unidade de distribución de enerxÃa (PDU, power distribution unit). Os clientes acceden ao hardware a través do servidor e reciben unha notificación cando cambia o estado da enerxÃa. . This package provides Python bindings to connect to NUT server. Package: python-nwsclient Description-md5: d61ff087c5381e3d0a31487e4d402d6c Description-gl: NetWorkSpaces client for distributed Python applications This Debian package provides the NetWorkSpaces client which makes it easy to use computing clusters from within Python. . Consulte para un artigo recente sobre NetWorkSpaces. . The python-nwsserver package provides the corresponding server. Package: python-nwsserver Description-md5: 0ef46b504fe04dbfa15773bd11b405ce Description-gl: NetWorkSpaces server for distributed applications This Debian package provides the NetWorkSpaces Server which makes it easy to use computing clusters from within the Python and GNU R languages and scripting environments. . Consulte para un artigo recente sobre NetWorkSpaces. Package: python-objgraph Description-md5: 50fadcbd02624a0b96c43e63d9014c65 Description-gl: Module for exploring Python object reference graphs objgraph is a module that lets you visually explore Python object graphs. . It can be used for counting and statistics, finding root references responsible for large object trees and export the object reference graphs in graphviz format. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-objgraph-doc Description-md5: 04a01095057c0c94d95ddf3db61dadc7 Description-gl: Module for exploring Python object reference graphs (Documentation) objgraph is a module that lets you visually explore Python object graphs. . It can be used for counting and statistics, finding root references responsible for large object trees and export the object reference graphs in graphviz format. . Este paquete contén a documentación de objgraph. Package: python-octaviaclient Description-md5: f1a80ce4ccd155b6430b63296469d389 Description-gl: octavia client for OpenStack Load Balancing - Python 2.7 Octavia is an operator-grade open source scalable load balancer for use in large OpenStack deployments. It delivers load balancing services on amphorae and provides centralized command and control. Octavia is currently the reference backend for Neutron LBaaS. In the near future, Octavia is likely to become the standard OpenStack LBaaS API endpoint. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-octaviaclient-doc Description-md5: d6ae45653eaa166278a57ed0cc364d39 Description-gl: Octavia client for OpenStack Load Balancing - doc Octavia is an operator-grade open source scalable load balancer for use in large OpenStack deployments. It delivers load balancing services on amphorae and provides centralized command and control. Octavia is currently the reference backend for Neutron LBaaS. In the near future, Octavia is likely to become the standard OpenStack LBaaS API endpoint. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-odoorpc Description-md5: 78bebf7439ffea3505abbdea1d373dd9 Description-gl: pilot Odoo servers through RPC (Python 2) OdooRPC is a Python module providing an easy way to pilot your Odoo (formerly known as OpenERP or TinyERP) servers through RPC. . Features supported: - access to all data model methods (even browse) with an API similar to the server-side API, - use named parameters with model methods, - user context automatically sent providing support for internationalization, - browse records, - execute workflows, - manage databases, - reports downloading, - JSON-RPC protocol (SSL supported) . OdooRPC is a modern alternative to the older OERPLib by the same author. It supports both Python 2 and 3. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-oerplib-doc Description-md5: 106976fc649d81f20f7a2b262834936d Description-gl: Python client library to Odoo server (documentation) OERPLib is a client library to Odoo (formerly OpenERP or TinyERP) server. It aims to provide an easy way to remotely pilot and manage an Odoo server. . It support both protocols XML-RPC and NET-RPC to communicate with Odoo, and provides convenients methods to manage data records (browse operation implemented). Other functionalities such as downloading reports, workflow queries and databases management are provided. . Note, that there is a newer library by the same author, OdooRPC, which also supports Python 3 and uses JSON-RPC. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-ogg-dbg Description-md5: 1ba07dd44bff3caa46b569f6c49c606f Description-gl: Python interface to the Ogg library (debug extension) This module makes the libogg (Ogg) functions available in Python. With this module you can write Python applications that use the ogg library. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-openbabel Description-md5: 57cf6f15a20d7f43a2bf1b500de1a380 Description-gl: Chemical toolbox library (python bindings) Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data. It allows one to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Features include: . * Hydrogen addition and deletion * Support for Molecular Mechanics * Support for SMARTS molecular matching syntax * Automatic feature perception (rings, bonds, hybridization, aromaticity) * Flexible atom typer and perception of multiple bonds from atomic coordinates * Gasteiger-Marsili partial charge calculation . Os formatos de ficheiro admitidos por Open Babel inclúen PDB, XYZ, CIF, CML, SMILES, MDL Molfile, ChemDraw, Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC e MPQC. . This package contains the Python binding. Package: python-opengl Description-md5: 20781cabc76e4d9e3a5958fc0ae5efc4 Description-gl: Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 2) PyOpenGL is a cross-platform open source Python binding to the standard OpenGL API providing 2D and 3D graphic drawing. PyOpenGL supports the GL, GLU, GLE, and GLUT libraries. The library can be used with the Tkinter, wxPython, FxPy, and Win32GUI windowing libraries (or almost any Python windowing library which can provide an OpenGL context). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-openstack.nose-plugin Description-md5: c93d1ef61fd2610c92f71523fce93878 Description-gl: nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's - Python 2.x This package provides a nose plugin that allow's nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-openstackdocstheme Description-md5: 4644e91edf45cc2085ed115986d3b429 Description-gl: extension support for Sphin OpenStack docs - Python 2.7 Theme and extension support for Sphinx documentation that is published to Intended for use by OpenStack projects. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-os-api-ref Description-md5: f8d4c1925aaea90d1b29fa5413e48d42 Description-gl: Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack - Python 2.7 This project is a collection of sphinx stanzas that assist in building an API Reference site for an OpenStack project in RST. RST is great for unstructured English, but displaying semi structured (and repetitive) data in tables is not it's strength. This provides tooling to insert semi- structured data describing request and response parameters, and turn those into nice tables. . The project also includes a set of styling (and javascript) that is expected to layer on top of an oslosphinx theme base. This provides a nice set of collapsing sections for REST methods and javascript controls to expand / collapse all sections. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-os-api-ref-common Description-md5: 2a28e20b2f2cb5bd7aab4ebb256cea5e Description-gl: Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack - common This project is a collection of sphinx stanzas that assist in building an API Reference site for an OpenStack project in RST. RST is great for unstructured English, but displaying semi structured (and repetitive) data in tables is not it's strength. This provides tooling to insert semi- structured data describing request and response parameters, and turn those into nice tables. . The project also includes a set of styling (and javascript) that is expected to layer on top of an oslosphinx theme base. This provides a nice set of collapsing sections for REST methods and javascript controls to expand / collapse all sections. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: python-os-faults-doc Description-md5: a88c9a8f753c402abdfdf4efac8f96af Description-gl: OpenStack fault-injection library (common documentation) The library does destructive actions inside an OpenStack cloud. It provides an abstraction layer over different types of cloud deployments. The actions are implemented as drivers (e.g. DevStack driver, Fuel driver, Libvirt driver, IPMI driver). . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-os-net-config-doc Description-md5: 754f7d4d400d108b999422d8be4ea2e5 Description-gl: OpenStack network configuration - doc The core aim of this project is to allow fine grained (but extendable) configuration of the networking parameters for a network host. The project consists of: * A CLI (os-net-config) which provides configuration via a YAML or JSON file formats. By default os-net-config uses a YAML config file located at /etc/os-net-config/config.yaml. This can be customized via the --config-file CLI option. * A Python library which provides configuration via an object model. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-os-testr-doc Description-md5: 98ea3d50edee65a447ae559afd051372 Description-gl: Utility wrappers for testrepository for OpenStack projects - doc A number of small wrappers to support use of testrepository across OpenStack projects. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-osd Description-md5: a6354508c7afcd1580cc2948277b56ad Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a dummy package to ease transition from previous versions of python-osd. . Pódese retirar do sistema con seguranza. Package: python-oslosphinx Description-md5: bcb8c3a988707b044db7b701d919ac1d Description-gl: theme and extension support for openstack - Python 2.7 Theme and extension support for Sphinx documentation from the OpenStack project. To use the theme, symply add 'oslosphinx' to the extensions list in the file in your Sphinx project. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-oslosphinx-common Description-md5: 077c763ddff7d336f7cc46d0273fda78 Description-gl: theme and extension support for openstack - common Theme and extension support for Sphinx documentation from the OpenStack project. To use the theme, symply add 'oslosphinx' to the extensions list in the file in your Sphinx project. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: python-oslotest-doc Description-md5: 642f60227f5ddb02e38b92ff631fe354 Description-gl: OpenStack test framework - doc OpenStack test framework that provides base classes and fixtures for creating unit and functional tests. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-padme Description-md5: dd375979970acfb85dace911fe72a41b Description-gl: mostly transparent proxy class for Python 2 Padme, named after the Star Wars (tm) character, is a library for creating proxy objects out of any other Python object. . The resulting object is as close to mimicking the original as possible. Some things are impossible to fake in CPython so those are highlighted below. All other operations are silently forwarded to the original. . Este paquete contén a versión en python 2.x da biblioteca Package: python-pager Description-md5: 8ed3254a9ee1e5091d5b7194858f3cc3 Description-gl: terminal/console pager module in pure Python - Python 2.7 Pager is a Python module that pages output to the screen, reads keys and console dimensions without executing external utils. It was meant to be included in the Python standard library. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-panko-doc Description-md5: ec3c004f5c0e3e7cc6826d2ad4b683dd Description-gl: Event storage dispatcher for Ceilometer. (common documentation) Event storage dispatcher for Ceilometer . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-panoramisk-doc Description-md5: 771525b6279682855a9327ffaeca2fc6 Description-gl: asyncio based library to play with asterisk (doc) Panoramisk is a library based on python’s AsyncIO to play with Asterisk’s manager. It uses the TCP manager server to listen to events and send actions. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-parsel Description-md5: ee115a8fb3009c49283b53cee88f5c91 Description-gl: Python 2 library to extract HTML/XML data using XPath/CSS selectors Parsel is a Python library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors . This module is used to, for example: - Extract text using CSS or XPath selectors - Regular expression helper methods . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-parted Description-md5: bfe26e39d535bb5af2945ec7bb123ac6 Description-gl: Interface en Python para libparted pyparted é un conxunto de módulos en Python que lles fornecen aos programadores en Python unha interface para libparted (, a biblioteca de parted para GNU para particionar os discos e manipular os sistemas de ficheiros. . This package contains Python extension itself. Package: python-patsy-doc Description-md5: ab38c2216b1ee66b6674caccb8a3cd3b Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de patsy This package contains documentation and example scripts for python-patsy. Package: python-pbkdf2 Description-md5: 2b6266087b68a2c53f3623f9a7eead7e Description-gl: Python RSA PKCS#5 v2.0 module (Python 2) This module implements the password-based key derivation function, PBKDF2, specified in RSA PKCS#5 v2.0. . PKCS#5 v2.0 Password-Based Key Derivation is a key derivation function which is part of the RSA Public Key Cryptography Standards series. The provided implementation takes a password or a passphrase and a salt value (and optionally a iteration count, a digest module, and a MAC module) and provides a file-like object from which an arbitrarly-sized key can be read. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pdfkit Description-md5: 5f482b77d0228facad283cdb30452454 Description-gl: Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML to PDF (Python 2) Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf utility to convert HTML to PDF using Webkit. . Wkhtmltopdf conversion and all wkhtmltopdf options are available in Python from this module . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pdfrw-doc Description-md5: 2dc9632c6915a84556317424b9bcfc3c Description-gl: PDF file manipulation library (documentation) pdfrw can read and write PDF files, and can also be used to read in PDFs which can then be used inside reportlab. . pdfrw tries to be agnostic about the contents of PDF files, and support them as containers, but to do useful work, something a little higher-level is required. It supports the following: . * PDF pages. pdfrw knows enough to find the pages in PDF files you read in, and to write a set of pages back out to a new PDF file. * Form XObjects. pdfrw can take any page or rectangle on a page, and convert it to a Form XObject, suitable for use inside another PDF file * reportlab objects. pdfrw can recursively create a set of reportlab objects from its internal object format. This allows, for example, Form XObjects to be used inside reportlab. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pebl-dbg Description-md5: 5a710814f527a280847df7fbc3816eab Description-gl: Python Environment for Bayesian Learning - debug Pebl is a Python library and command line application for learning the structure of a Bayesian network given prior knowledge and observations. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: python-pebl-doc Description-md5: 48756d5d414fd053023dd3ba89a27bdd Description-gl: Python Environment for Bayesian Learning - documentation Pebl is a Python library and command line application for learning the structure of a Bayesian network given prior knowledge and observations. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-peewee Description-md5: 57e7c194a658c57778a24e92a503f903 Description-gl: Simple ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite (Python 2) Peewee is a simple and small ORM. It has few (but expressive) concepts, making it easy to learn and intuitive to use. . * A small, expressive ORM * Written in python with support for versions 2.6+ and 3.2+. * built-in support for sqlite, mysql and postgresql numerous extensions available (postgres hstore/json/arrays, sqlite full-text-search, schema migrations, and much more). . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-pelican Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: python-periodictable-doc Description-md5: 2a49315be635842ff19ca9389dd5b0a7 Description-gl: Extensible periodic table of the elements (common documentation) This package provides a periodic table of the elements with support for mass, density and xray/neutron scattering information. . Masses, densities and natural abundances come from the NIST Physics Laboratory, but do not represent a critical evaluation by NIST scientists. . Neutron scattering calculations use values collected by the Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities. These values do corresponding to those from other packages, though there are some differences depending to the tables used. Bound coherent neutron scattering for gold in particular is significantly different from older value: 7.63(6) as measured in 1974 compared to 7.90(7) as measured in 1990. . X-ray scattering calculations use a combination of empirical and theoretical values from the LBL Center for X-ray Optics. These values differ from those given in other sources such as the International Tables for Crystallography, Volume C, and so may give different results from other packages. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pex-cli Description-md5: a80aa177099cb756c744e5423404403b Description-gl: transitional dummy package for pex Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: python-pex-doc Description-md5: cd671abe9ea46c55de4afdacb34e35c6 Description-gl: library for generating Python executable zip files pex is a library for generating .pex (Python EXecutable) files which are executable Python environments in the spirit of virtualenvs. pex is an expansion upon the ideas outlined in PEP 441 and makes the deployment of Python applications as simple as cp. pex files may even include multiple platform-specific Python distributions, meaning that a single pex file can be portable across Linux and OS X. . pex files can be built using the pex tool. Build systems such as Pants and Buck also support building .pex files directly. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pg8000-doc Description-md5: 1019b24c289467d7819d254b77f12942 Description-gl: Pure-Python PostgreSQL Driver (documentation) pg8000 is a Pure-Python interface to the PostgreSQL database engine. It is one of many PostgreSQL interfaces for the Python programming language. pg8000 is somewhat distinctive in that it is written entirely in Python and does not rely on any external libraries (such as a compiled Python module, or PostgreSQL's libpq library). pg8000 supports the standard Python DB-API version 2.0. . pg8000's name comes from the belief that it is probably about the 8000th PostgreSQL interface for Python. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca. Package: python-pgpdump Description-md5: 6aa15464d43e6cc0dbb1f7bab94575a8 Description-gl: PGP packet parser library (Python 2) python-pgpdump is a Python library for parsing PGP packets as specified in RFC2440 and RFC4880. It is derived from pgpdump, a C program published at: The intent is to support what people actually have to do with PGP packets 95% of the time. This module does not aim to be a complete PGP parser, as it currently does not decode every PGP packet type. Currently supported things include: . * Signature packets * Public key packets * ASCII-armor decoding and CRC check . A single codebase with dependencies on only the standard Python library is compatible across Python 2.7, Python 3.2, and PyPy 1.8. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-phply Description-md5: b1198a5bc0d3f2f8691797b94ef7829c Description-gl: PHP parser written in Python using PLY phply is a parser for the PHP programming language written using PLY, a Lex/YACC-style parser generator toolkit for Python. With this parser you can: - Convert PHP code to Python - Run PHP templates in a Python environment - Learn more about parsing "industrial" languages, warts and all . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pilkit Description-md5: ce3aa7b3ce81f38b49df64411e64dbf5 Description-gl: Utilities and processors built for, and on top of PIL (Python2 version) PILKit is a collection of utilities for working with PIL (the Python Imaging Library). One of its main features is a set of processors which expose a simple interface for performing manipulations on PIL images. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-pkginfo Description-md5: 31cb72d124064d116eaa9959258012bb Description-gl: Python 2.x module to query metadata from packages This package provides an API for querying the distutils metadata written in the PKG-INFO file inside a source distribution (an sdist), or into the EGG-INFO directory of an installed distribution. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2 Package: python-podcastparser-doc Description-md5: b2abc57e5104f928d6bf5060038c84e8 Description-gl: Simplified, fast RSS parsing library (common documentation) The podcast parser project is a library from the gPodder project to provide an easy and reliable way of parsing RSS- and Atom-based podcast feeds in Python. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-polybori Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: python-poppler-dbg Description-md5: 6e2d35be74c455d9a32c493d73518c18 Description-gl: Poppler Python bindings (debug extension) This package includes Python bindings for LibPoppler. It is needed to run programs written in Python and using Poppler set. LibPoppler is a PDF rendering library based on xpdf PDF viewer, and used by kpdf and evince PDF viewers. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-portalocker Description-md5: 9328c885b683d6b49db07cb297d25b3e Description-gl: API fácil para bloquear ficheiros (Python 2) Portalocker is a cross-platform library to provide an easy API to file locking. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-powerline-taskwarrior Description-md5: 3c005d72061a7bfb03d43ac843af7402 Description-gl: Powerline segment for showing Taskwarrior information (Python 2) A Powerline segment for showing information from Taskwarrior task manager. . It will show current context and active task (first of alphabetical order). . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-prelude Description-md5: 5574383dd79cb48a29f0f57f55f1748f Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Python2 bindings ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Python bindings for Prelude. Package: python-preludedb Description-md5: 98df51239b491666cd9eefd87073a943 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Python2 bindings ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Python bindings for PreludeDB. Package: python-proboscis Description-md5: b2a190b861b187c701bc6dc657ebce27 Description-gl: extends Nose with certain TestNG like features - Python 2.x Proboscis is a Python test framework that extends Python's built-in unittest module and Nose with features from TestNG. . TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use. . Features: * Uses decorators instead of naming conventions. * Allows for TestNG style test methods, in which a class is initialized once, as an alternative to using class fields. * Allows for explicit test dependencies and skipping of dependent tests on failures. * Runs xUnit style clases if desired or needed for backwards compatibility. * Uses Nose if available (but doesn't require it), and works with many of its plugins. * Runs in IronPython and Jython (although if you're targeting the JVM you should consider using TestNG instead). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-proliantutils-doc Description-md5: 22038f7dac5fd6c2094b7308df91ee9d Description-gl: client lib interfacing various devices in HP Proliant Servers - doc Proliant Management Tools provides Python libraries for interfacing and managing various devices(like iLO) present in HP Proliant Servers. Currently, this module offers a library to interface to iLO4 using RIBCL. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-protobix Description-md5: fdf95ad4471703c836bfe300c0c32ed1 Description-gl: Implementation of Zabbix Sender protocol This module implements Zabbix Sender Protocol. It allows one to build list of items and send items and send them as trapper. It currently supports items as well as Low Level Discovery. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-prov-doc Description-md5: ee5bc3f91e91f8270368430f780091b7 Description-gl: documentation for prov A library for W3C Provenance Data Model supporting PROV-JSON and PROV- XML import/export. . Features: - An implementation of the W3C PROV Data Model in Python. - In-memory classes for PROV assertions, which can then be output as PROV-N. - Serialization and deserializtion support: PROV-JSON and PROV-XML. - Exporting PROV documents into various graphical formats (e.g. PDF, PNG, SVG). . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-ptk-doc Description-md5: cb86cc1cf8b5eb934cf5c55b5416b6f9 Description-gl: parser for Python with support for asynchronous input (documentation) PTK implements LR(1) parsing in Python. Compared to compiled tools like Bison, it attempts to spare programmer's time. Python sources describe both the grammar and the callbacks, avoiding code generation. Various inputs are accepted: Python 3 asynchronous streams, PyZipFile archives, Twisted Deferred objects. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-pulp Description-md5: 80f3e49c2d0610fcd6073cd54ffc6cf9 Description-gl: LP modeler - Python 2.7 PuLP is an LP modeler written in Python. PuLP can generate MPS or LP files and call GLPK, COIN CLP/CBC, CPLEX, and GUROBI[4] to solve linear problems. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-pwquality Description-md5: 04483db006f6aa03b924da3534406479 Description-gl: Python bindings for libpwquality O propósito de libpwquality é fornecer funcións comúns para a comprobación da calidade dos contrasinais e tamén para puntualos tomando como base a súa aleatoriedade aparente. A biblioteca tamén fornece unha función para xerar contrasinais aleatorios con boa pronunciabilidade. . This package contains the Python bindings. Package: python-pyalsa Description-md5: 97a0c761bebff6a6c46ff3766fe102ca Description-gl: Official ALSA Python binding library Official ALSA Python binding, including hardware management, mixer and sequencer control. . ALSA é a Arquitectura Avanzada de Son de Linux. Package: python-pybtex-doc Description-md5: 72a3c21dd34e555e7db8113321771e53 Description-gl: documentation for pybtex Pybtex reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. BibTeX style files are supported. Alternatively it is possible to write styles in Python. . Pybtex currently understands the following bibliography formats: * BibTeX * BibTeXML * YAML-based format . The resulting bibliography may be output in one of the following formats: * LaTeX * HTML * plain text . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-pybtex-docutils-doc Description-md5: a3ffad9dcf1c077bf01b423c2b6d5b7f Description-gl: documentation for pybtex-docutils Pybtex reads citation information from a file and produces a formatted bibliography. Pybtex-docutils provides a plugin which brings support for docutils to pybtex. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-pycares-doc Description-md5: 020ca5955b6c5fcf17c7f8831582bf45 Description-gl: Python interface for c-ares (common documentation) pycares is a Python 3 module which provides an interface to c-ares. c-ares is a C library that performs DNS requests and name resolutions asynchronously. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pychart Description-md5: 633a6621f48d74d797ce01aea904f346 Description-gl: Python library for creating high quality charts PyChart is a Python library for creating high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts. It currently supports line plots, bar plots, range-fill plots, and pie charts. Because it is based on Python, you can make full use of Python's scripting power. . Ghostscript ha de estar instalado para a xeraicón de PNG e a presentación en X11. Package: python-pychart-doc Description-md5: 4e8a872710e7572e0b63d1da4c275f6d Description-gl: Documentación de PyChart PyChart is a Python library for creating high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts. It currently supports line plots, bar plots, range-fill plots, and pie charts. Because it is based on Python, you can make full use of Python's scripting power. . This package contains PyChart documentations and example files. Package: python-pycoast-doc Description-md5: ce7317dc7ae603457847738fc91b1c4c Description-gl: Draw coastlines, borders and rivers on images (common documentation) Pycoast is a Python package to add coastlines, borders and rivers to raster images using data from the GSHHG (previously known as GSHHS) and WDBII datasets. . This package is part of the PyTroll toolset. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pycountry Description-md5: ed3f8c63fd29bab318da137ab0211c70 Description-gl: ISO databases accessible from Python 2 pycountry provides ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations, taken from the iso-codes package. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pycryptodome Description-md5: 298f0a0583489a3c2e3c15eb3b38b36d Description-gl: cryptographic Python library (Python 2) PyCryptodome is a self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives. . PyCryptodome is a fork of PyCrypto. It brings several enhancements with respect to the last official version of PyCrypto (2.6.1), for instance: . * Authenticated encryption modes (GCM, CCM, EAX, SIV, OCB) * Accelerated AES on Intel platforms via AES-NI * First class support for PyPy * Elliptic curves cryptography (NIST P-256 curve only) * Better and more compact API (`nonce` and `iv` attributes for ciphers, automatic generation of random nonces and IVs, simplified CTR cipher mode, and more) * SHA-3 (including SHAKE XOFs) and BLAKE2 hash algorithms * Salsa20 and ChaCha20 stream ciphers * scrypt and HKDF * Deterministic (EC)DSA * Password-protected PKCS#8 key containers * Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme * Random numbers get sourced directly from the OS (and not from a CSPRNG in userspace) * Simplified install process, including better support for Windows * Cleaner RSA and DSA key generation (largely based on FIPS 186-4) * Major clean ups and simplification of the code base . PyCryptodome is not a wrapper to a separate C library like *OpenSSL*. To the largest possible extent, algorithms are implemented in pure Python. Only the pieces that are extremely critical to performance (e.g. block ciphers) are implemented as C extensions. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pydap-doc Description-md5: 7af1edb9a3e48bdfff2e258a8f00e8df Description-gl: documentation for pydap Pydap is an implementation of the Opendap/DODS protocol, written from scratch. You can use Pydap to access scientific data on the internet without having to download it; instead, you work with special array and iterable objects that download data on-the-fly as necessary, saving bandwidth and time. The module also comes with a robust-but-lightweight Opendap server, implemented as a WSGI application. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-pydbus-doc Description-md5: bf7b9931d040f344eccab8d1064cb57b Description-gl: Pythonic D-Bus library (common documentation) pydbus provides a pythonic interface to the D-Bus message bus system. pydbus can be used to access remote objects and also for object publication. . It is based on PyGI, the Python GObject Introspection bindings, which is the recommended way to use GLib from Python. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pydl Description-md5: 0c885e2ac15f475907941259966515d6 Description-gl: Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python 2 PyDL consists of Python replacements for functions that are part of the IDL built-in library or part of astronomical IDL libraries. The emphasis is on reproducing results of the astronomical library functions. Only the bare minimum of IDL built-in functions are implemented to support this. . There are four astronomical libraries targeted: . * idlutils: a general suite of tools heavily used by SDSS. * Goddard utilities: The IDL Astronomy User's Library, maintained by Wayne Landsman and distributed with idlutils. * idlspec2d: tools for working with SDSS, BOSS and eBOSS spectroscopic data. * photoop: tools for working with SDSS imaging data. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pydl-doc Description-md5: ac56203e2bb8640660252fa4efb09fcd Description-gl: Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python (doc) PyDL consists of Python replacements for functions that are part of the IDL built-in library or part of astronomical IDL libraries. The emphasis is on reproducing results of the astronomical library functions. Only the bare minimum of IDL built-in functions are implemented to support this. . There are four astronomical libraries targeted: . * idlutils: a general suite of tools heavily used by SDSS. * Goddard utilities: The IDL Astronomy User's Library, maintained by Wayne Landsman and distributed with idlutils. * idlspec2d: tools for working with SDSS, BOSS and eBOSS spectroscopic data. * photoop: tools for working with SDSS imaging data. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pydot-ng Description-md5: e0070a5dcefa75b3d068583aa31b42d3 Description-gl: interface to Graphviz's Dot - Python 2.7 This module provides with a full interface to create handle modify and process graphs in Graphviz’s dot language. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-pydotplus Description-md5: 4ef6f64a7688028dc74e81a28b979318 Description-gl: interface to Graphviz's Dot language - Python 2.7 PyDotPlus is an improved version of the old pydot project that provides a Python Interface to Graphviz's Dot language. . Differences with pydot: * Compatible with PyParsing 2.0+. * Python 2.7 - Python 3 compatible. * Well documented. * CI Tested. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-pydotplus-doc Description-md5: adf854bf9afacea08fe13c853bae4e5e Description-gl: interface to Graphviz's Dot language - doc PyDotPlus is an improved version of the old pydot project that provides a Python Interface to Graphviz's Dot language. . Differences with pydot: * Compatible with PyParsing 2.0+. * Python 2.7 - Python 3 compatible. * Well documented. * CI Tested. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-pyeapi-doc Description-md5: f07b39d8ec6b8bc3d3597505ddb6fe5c Description-gl: Python API to interact with EOS network devices - docs The Python Client for eAPI (pyeapi) is a native Python library wrapper around Arista EOS eAPI. It provides a set of Python language bindings for configuring Arista EOS nodes. It can be used either on a local node (running EOS) or on a remote node. . This library also provides an API layer for building native Python objects to interact with the destination nodes. The API layer is a convenient implementation for working with the EOS configuration and is extensible for developing custom implementations. For example, it allows one to list VLAN or configure a BGP session. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-pyepsg-doc Description-md5: b243d8e8f3ca46972ae3e63280ff46c0 Description-gl: documentation for pyepsg A simple interface to ( . simplifies the discovery of coordinate reference systems utilized all over the world for creating maps and geodata and for identifying geo- position. It is a practical tool for anybody interested in cartography and digital map making, who needs to know exact latitude and longitude values for numerical coordinates in different spatial reference systems. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-pyevolve-doc Description-md5: 039e50fe6dd0bd1625b24147818af19b Description-gl: documentation for the Pyevolve genetic algorithm framework Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure Python. It provides an easy-to-use API, implementing the most common features of GA, including various selectors and scaling schemes. It is also easily extendable, allowing users to create new representations and genetic operators. Various methods of interactive and non-interactive visualization are supported. . Este paquete contén a documentación de Pyevolve no formato HTML e algúns exemplos. Package: python-pyftpdlib Description-md5: 0022966db4010af54b17f0718736ec83 Description-gl: Python FTP server library Python FTP server library provides a high-level portable interface to easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python. . pyftpdlib is currently the most complete RFC-959 FTP server implementation available for Python programming language. It is used in projects like Google Chromium and Bazaar. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-pygal Description-md5: 2e881a24b1ba07659b77f61a454fd655 Description-gl: Python svg graph plotting library dynamic easy to use SVG charting library, featuring graph types: * Bar charts * Line charts * XY charts * Pie charts * Radar charts * Box plot * Dot charts * Pyramid charts * Funnel charts * Gauge charts * Worldmap charts * Country charts . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pygit2-doc Description-md5: 2332f69be3b94fa1ebf3ec68dd6f43ba Description-gl: bindings for libgit2 - doc The Pygit2 module provides a set of Python bindings to the libgit2 shared library. libgit2 implements the core of Git. Pygit2 works with Python 2.7, 3.x and pypy. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-pygresql-doc Description-md5: 177fbc63c43b93c82340b098c47ef141 Description-gl: Python Pygresql (common documentation) PyGreSQL is a Python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database. It embeds the PostgreSQL query library to allow easy use of the powerful PostgreSQL features from a Python script. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pykaraoke Description-md5: 692652af1dfb86300db5b7c6f340ceaf Description-gl: Reprodutor de karaoke CDG/MIDI/MPEG libre PyKaraoke is a free karaoke player. You can use this program to play your collection of CDG, MIDI and MPEG karaoke songs. . This package includes the Python modules needed to play CDG files, MIDI/KAR files and MPEG files. . This package also includes the arch-dependent modules that gives a major performance boost to the CDG player. . Features: * CDG (MP3+G, OGG+G) playback - Play standard CDG karaoke files * MIDI (.MID/.KAR) playback - Play MIDI format karaoke files * MPEG playback - Play karaoke songs and movies in MPEG format . MIDI/KAR support on Linux, requires the following: * Timidity++ * Sounds/patches for Timidity++ (e.g. freepats or eawpatches) Package: python-pykdtree Description-md5: 823aeaec53f3a32914343d7c143c4180 Description-gl: Fast kd-tree implementation with OpenMP-enabled queries (Python 2 version) pykdtree is a kd-tree implementation for fast nearest neighbour search in Python. The aim is to be the fastest implementation around for common use cases (low dimensions and low number of neighbours) for both tree construction and queries. . The implementation is based on scipy.spatial.cKDTree and libANN by combining the best features from both and focus on implementation efficiency. . The interface is similar to that of scipy.spatial.cKDTree except only Euclidean distance measure is supported. . Queries are optionally multithreaded using OpenMP. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pykka Description-md5: e24cb26629524b639f148b409c4b0279 Description-gl: Actor model library (Python 2) Pykka is a Python implementation of the actor model. The actor model introduces some simple rules to control the sharing of state and cooperation between execution units, which makes it easier to build concurrent applications. . Pykka provides an actor API with multiple implementations: threading, gevent, and Eventlet. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pyld Description-md5: fc3f4d80fefb40e21882414f75e50ade Description-gl: implementation of the JSON-LD API This library is an implementation of the JSON-LD specification in Python. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-pyldap Description-md5: ee03b5319ba4043da53f41f86afd3bd2 Description-gl: implements an LDAP client - Python 2.7 Pyldap is a fork of python-ldap, and provides an object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers from Python programs. Mainly it wraps the OpenLDAP 2.x libs for that purpose. . Additionally the package contains modules for other LDAP-related stuff (e.g. processing LDIF, LDAPURLs, LDAPv3 schema, LDAPv3 extended operations and controls, etc.). . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-pylibmc-doc Description-md5: 3e95a8643a0db188fbc9f501113da5f1 Description-gl: libmemcached wrapper (Documentation) Pylibmc is a Python wrapper around the accompanying C Python extension _pylibmc, which is a wrapper around libmemcached from TangentOrg. It also manages pooling in a multi-threading environment. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-pylint-django Description-md5: 2b8aad9c5e951b28a77ef152c1499f6e Description-gl: Pylint plugin for analysing code using Django (Python 2) Features * Prevents warnings about Django-generated attributes such as Model.objects or Views.request. * Prevents warnings when using ForeignKey attributes ("Instance of ForeignKey has no member"). * Fixes pylint's knowledge of the types of Model and Form field attributes * Validates Model.__unicode__ methods. * Meta informational classes on forms and models do not generate errors. It is also used by the Prospector tool. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 2 Package: python-pylint-plugin-utils Description-md5: 35ecc78da2e4ca59d33114bac66f45e3 Description-gl: Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins (Python 2) This is not a direct Pylint plugin, but rather a set of tools and functions used by other plugins such as pylint-django and pylint-celery. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pymca5 Description-md5: 05c380cdd966073175a79d9a19bc1983 Description-gl: Applications and toolkit for X-ray fluorescence analysis -- Python 2 PyMca is set of applications and Python libraries for analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectra. . The applications included in this package are: . * edfviewer - Display and inspection of data files in ESRF Data Format * elementsinfo - Displays element specific X-ray data * mca2edf - Converts files from SPEC MCA format to EDF * peakidentifier - Displays X-ray fluorescence peaks in a given energy range * pymcabatch - Batch fitting of spectra * pymcapostbatch - Post-processing of batch fitting results * pymca - Interactive data-analysis * pymcaroitool - Region-of-interest (ROI) imaging tool . The PyMca toolkit can read data files in SPEC, ESRF data file (EDF), OMNIC, HDF5, AIFIRA and SupaVisio formats. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pymeasure-doc Description-md5: 860ce39ecd7e7766000198d4e9bcff5d Description-gl: documentation for PyMeasure PyMeasure makes scientific measurements easy to set up and run. . The package contains a repository of instrument classes and a system for running experiment procedures, which provides graphical interfaces for graphing live data and managing queues of experiments. Both parts of the package are independent, and when combined provide all the necessary requirements for advanced measurements with only limited coding. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-pymodbus Description-md5: 8e5cf68cf7c1714b1c5b1e215089a6da Description-gl: full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 2 Pymodbus is a full Modbus protocol implementation. It is currently supports the following : . Client Features: * Can perform single get/set on discrete and registers * Can perform multiple get/set on discrete and registers * Working on diagnostic/file/pipe/setting/info requests * Can fully scrape a host to be cloned . Server Features: * Can function as a fully implemented TCP/ASCII modbus server * Full server control context * Working on serial communication * Working on functioning as a RTU * Can mimic a server based on the supplied input data . For asynchronous communication, you need python-twisted-core. For serial communication, you need python-serial. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-pymzml-doc Description-md5: a2ffd10797bdefa92c50f9d1365683b3 Description-gl: mzML mass spectrometric data parsing - documentation python-pymzml is an extension to Python that offers: - easy access to mass spectrometry (MS) data that allows the rapid development of tools; - a very fast parser for mzML data, the standard in mass spectrometry data format; - a set of functions to compare or handle spectra. . Este paquete contén a documentación nos formatos PDF e HTML xunto coas fontes do texto (proceso con sphix). Package: python-pyngus Description-md5: 07148e2db4b2c76b2fe0d7a10d8da576 Description-gl: callback API implemented over Proton - Python 2.7 Pyngus is a messaging framework built on the QPID Proton engine. It provides a callback-based API for message passing. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-pyo Description-md5: 0c943debeab2f883c49a0e1438398e75 Description-gl: Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation pyo é un módulo en Python que contén clases para unha ampla variedade de tipos de procesamento de sinais de son. Con pyo o usuario pode incluÃr cadeas de procesamento de sinais directamente en scripts ou proxectos en Python e manipulalas en tempo real a través dun intérprete. As ferramentas do módulo pyo ofrecen primitivas, como operacións matemáticas sobre os sinais de son, procesamento básico dos sinais (filtros, demoras, xeradores de sÃnteses, etc.), asà como algoritmos complexos para crear granulación do son e outras manipulacións de son creativas. . pyo supports OSC protocol (Open Sound Control), to ease communications between softwares, and MIDI protocol, for generating sound events and controlling process parameters. . pyo allows creation of sophisticated signal processing chains with all the benefits of a mature, and wildly used, general programming language. . This package installs the library for Python 2. Package: python-pyocr Description-md5: c2f6b55ba48174bf8202a2849c1e4e4f Description-gl: Python wrapper for OCR engines (Python 2) PyOCR is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool wrapper for Python. That is, it helps using OCR tools from a Python program. . PyOCR can be used as a wrapper for google's Tesseract-OCR or Cuneiform. It can read all image types supported by Pillow, including jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, and others. It also support bounding box data. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pyodbc-dbg Description-md5: 8ed5d240b9c4121e9403f35e8e93cd89 Description-gl: Módulo en Python para o acceso a bases de datos ODBC - SÃmbolos de depuración A Python DB API 2 module for ODBC. No 3rd party libraries are required. Only native Python datatypes are used, such as decimal and datetime. It implements the Python Database API Specification v2.0. For example: import pyodbc Next, create a connection by passing an ODBC connection string to the connect method. This step causes ODBC to load the database driver (the SQL Server driver in this example) and connect to the database. cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=northwind') . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: python-pyorbital Description-md5: 30b7a9460969ba77e3d7f45999d3bd06 Description-gl: Orbital and astronomy computations in Python 2 Python package for computing orbital parameters from TLE files, and making diverse astronomical computations. . This package is part of the PyTroll toolset. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pypdf2 Description-md5: 15354d496718c37d91ea5281a2a8bf86 Description-gl: Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit (Python 2) A Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit. It is capable of: - extracting document information (title, author, ...), - splitting documents page by page, - merging documents page by page, - cropping pages, - merging multiple pages into a single page, - encrypting and decrypting PDF files. . By being Pure-Python, it should run on any Python platform without any dependencies on external libraries. It can also work entirely on StringIO objects rather than file streams, allowing for PDF manipulation in memory. It is therefore a useful tool for websites that manage or manipulate PDFs. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5 Description-md5: 3e11dfb5a6b497a7543889d14b89e6da Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para Qt5 PyQt5 exposes the Qt5 API to Python 2. This package contains the following modules: * QtCore * QtDBus * QtDesigner * QtGui * QtHelp * QtNetwork * QtPrintSupport * QtTest * QtWidgets * QtXml Package: python-pyqt5-dbg Description-md5: 2bdb82e118c0617faa286c2b78b322d1 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para Qt5 (extensións de depuración) PyQt5 expón a API de Qt5 para Python. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de python2. Package: python-pyqt5.qsci Description-md5: d514df02ee98e9293c6b8d30523cd216 Description-gl: Python bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5 O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains Python bindings so QScintilla 2 can be used in PyQt5 applications. Package: python-pyqt5.qsci-dbg Description-md5: a80840752836075a2db73c770a541ae2 Description-gl: Python bindings for QScintilla 2 (Qt 5 debug extensions) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-pyqt5.qtmultimedia-dbg Description-md5: c8dedab1964380e31cd653789807892d Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module (debug extensions) The Multimedia module of PyQt5 provides a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de python2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtopengl Description-md5: 710326fc1470b4eff61c489d72440a62 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 2 para o módulo de OpenGL de Qt5 The OpenGL module of PyQt5 provides widgets and utility classes for OpenGL rendering in a PyQt5 application. . This package contains the Python 2 version of this module. Package: python-pyqt5.qtopengl-dbg Description-md5: d554816af99841bbef658433b3ac2e69 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 2 para o módulo de OpenGL de Qt5 (extensión de depuración) The OpenGL module of PyQt5 provides widgets and utility classes for OpenGL rendering in a PyQt5 application. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtpositioning-dbg Description-md5: c973ed7fe486c6753b80bc4b9d0eaea2 Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for QtPositioning module (debug extension) The QtPositioning module of PyQt5 provides an API to access location and positioning information. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtquick-dbg Description-md5: 5e43b687dca541fc817c98c557989506 Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for QtQuick module (debug extensions) The QtQuick module of PyQt5 provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de python2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtsensors-dbg Description-md5: cefc35d37ffb88dc660c794fe5934c70 Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for QtSensors module (debug extension) The QtSensors module of PyQt5 provides a set of APIs to access sensors hardware from PyQt applications. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtserialport-dbg Description-md5: 0a16bfde951da31f4646b457b75d90be Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for QtSerialPort module (debug extension) The QtSerialPort module of PyQt5 provides a set of APIs to use serial ports from PyQt applications. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtsql-dbg Description-md5: c96505def268565e5ffade574125a73b Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's SQL module (debug extension) The SQL module of PyQt5 provides widgets and utility classes for Python SQL database access. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtsvg-dbg Description-md5: fa4cc6e7055236bbc3e5d1867ff0e6bb Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's SVG module (debug extension) The SVG module of PyQt5 provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtwebchannel-dbg Description-md5: c729c0cd97645cba6c872514b4b12fb6 Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's Webchannel module (debug extension) Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (PyQt5 application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine (experimental). . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtwebengine-dbg Description-md5: e57388897c9d2a5706e52fda78da51dd Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebEngine module (debug extensions) The WebEngine module of PyQt5 provides a Chromium-based Web browser engine for PyQt5 applications. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de python2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg Description-md5: 067d7a7edf88ff3ce54fe1cb05daeee1 Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module (debug extensions) The WebKit module of PyQt5 provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed HTML content into your PyQt application. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de python2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtwebsockets-dbg Description-md5: f13f529b58ae5f35ca978206c1ece01c Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module (debug extension) The WebSockets module of PyQt5 provides Python 2 bindings for the WebSockets specification (both client and server). . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg Description-md5: 8d377230ad115f878ddf725f83175cce Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for QtX11Extras module (debug extension) The QtX11Extras module of PyQt5 provides an API to access X11-specific information and classes. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns-dbg Description-md5: d954e178d81caf95bee87ebaca779f15 Description-gl: Python 2 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module (debug extension) QtXmlPatterns is a XQuery and XPath engine for XML and custom data models. This package provides a PyQt binding for QtXmlPatterns. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-pyqtgraph Description-md5: 303c49bb9605aa5c85d022d5abfafd00 Description-gl: Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python 2 PyQtGraph is a pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt4 and numpy. It is intended for use in mathematics / scientific / engineering applications. Despite being written entirely in Python, the library is very fast due to its heavy leverage of numpy for number crunching and Qt's GraphicsView framework for fast display. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pyqtgraph-doc Description-md5: 376601f80535cd1b918b17e26401bd45 Description-gl: Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python (common documentation) PyQtGraph is a pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt4 and numpy. It is intended for use in mathematics / scientific / engineering applications. Despite being written entirely in Python, the library is very fast due to its heavy leverage of numpy for number crunching and Qt's GraphicsView framework for fast display. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pyramid-jinja2-doc Description-md5: e0d4016663e53942f5d929ab0e95f0ad Description-gl: Jinja2 template bindings for the Pyramid (common documentation) These are bindings for the Jinja2 templating system for the Pyramid web framework. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pyregion Description-md5: 551d420a5169f36ad171a978140b974f Description-gl: Python module to parse ds9 region files (Python 2) Pyregion is a Python module to parse ds9 region files. It also supports ciao region files. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pyregion-doc Description-md5: 887ecffb0191281da87320dd0e914e28 Description-gl: Python module to parse ds9 region files (documentation) Pyregion is a Python module to parse ds9 region files. It also supports ciao region files. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pyresample Description-md5: 00817d3c7ec5e432e53df9eb2a975b59 Description-gl: Resampling of remote sensing data in Python 2 Pyresample is a Python package for resampling (reprojection) of earth observing satellite data. It handles both resampling of gridded data (e.g. geostationary satellites) and swath data (polar orbiting satellites). . Pyresample can use multiple processor cores for resampling. Pyresample supports masked arrays. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pyresample-doc Description-md5: 34b1d80fa8e748003f193a5c8ce8c837 Description-gl: Resampling of remote sensing data in Python (documentation) Pyresample is a Python package for resampling (reprojection) of earth observing satellite data. It handles both resampling of gridded data (e.g. geostationary satellites) and swath data (polar orbiting satellites). . Pyresample can use multiple processor cores for resampling. Pyresample supports masked arrays. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pyrss2gen Description-md5: c2bd925d6d32cea4f83bc0b01833a1d0 Description-gl: Interface para xerar fluxos RSS 2.0 PyRSS2Gen is the interface to RSS 2.0 feeds. PyRSS2Gen builds the feed up by using a XML generator. Package: python-pyscript-doc Description-md5: ce1722e7aa85553159e0ae73eee564c8 Description-gl: Python module for producing postscript graphics - documentation PyScript is a Python module for producing high quality postscript graphics. Rather than use a GUI to draw a picture, the picture is programmed using Python and the PyScript objects. . Este paquete contén a documentación de Pyscript. Package: python-pyside Description-md5: 1c5dfe73f9680c43cc6f477c7d9c6d9e Description-gl: Python bindings for Qt4 (big metapackage) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Python bindings for Qt4 framework. This is a metapackage for all modules. Package: python-pyside.phonon Description-md5: 82b5ba397024465bc5e9fc58073f227c Description-gl: Qt 4 Phonon module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the Phonon multimedia module. Package: python-pyside.qtcore Description-md5: 3e783ca6680dc351fa46d08dc5a68d90 Description-gl: Qt 4 core module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtCore module. Package: python-pyside.qtdeclarative Description-md5: 6cb1c44b74a620533d40246b7f70ca57 Description-gl: Qt 4 Declarative module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtDeclarative module. Package: python-pyside.qtgui Description-md5: 278c9618f88df726864ac2388ed0405f Description-gl: Qt 4 GUI module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtGui module. Package: python-pyside.qthelp Description-md5: 004d7a550bdac95d785c4b91412ff12e Description-gl: Qt 4 help module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtHelp module. Package: python-pyside.qtnetwork Description-md5: c9aeecb580d23e89271fb494adb22ba6 Description-gl: Qt 4 network module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtNetwork module. Package: python-pyside.qtopengl Description-md5: 1732c7efeb93bd7c3b7ab764deea55ce Description-gl: Qt 4 OpenGL module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtOpenGL module. . OpenGL é unha API estándar para mostrar gráficos en 3D. OpenGL trata só co renderizado en 3D e fornece pouco ou nada de axuda cos problemas de programación das interfaces gráficas. Package: python-pyside.qtscript Description-md5: 1265d681d32a23b468e81868afbfe19c Description-gl: Qt 4 script module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtScript and QtScriptTools modules. Package: python-pyside.qtsql Description-md5: 8673cb3da9c47f769d72f7c39f85d9f3 Description-gl: Qt 4 SQL module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtSql module. Package: python-pyside.qtsvg Description-md5: cf3ae121bc961332dd4547cea7875744 Description-gl: Qt 4 SVG module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtSvg module. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. Package: python-pyside.qttest Description-md5: e2dee9b8298e02c6b414708605813a68 Description-gl: Qt 4 test module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtTest module. Package: python-pyside.qtuitools Description-md5: e7f7103fbf88c4c4c712f0d5a86f0d6e Description-gl: Qt 4 UI tools module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtUiTools module. Package: python-pyside.qtwebkit Description-md5: bff5e56105e2ac3d3a6532e25671e800 Description-gl: Qt 4 WebKit module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtWebKit module. Package: python-pyside.qtxml Description-md5: 33065c978e421676a0ac6494f6f79ae3 Description-gl: Qt 4 XML module - Python bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python bindings for the QtXml and QtXmlPatterns modules. Package: python-pysmi-doc Description-md5: 2377f1a0f25be8d321d9195d0ecec41c Description-gl: SNMP SMI/MIB Parser (documentation) PySMI is a pure-Python implementation of SNMP SMI MIB parser. This tool is designed to turn ASN.1 MIBs into various formats. As of this moment, JSON and pysnmp modules can be generated from ASN.1 MIBs. . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: python-pysodium Description-md5: a8299cafbf86e1b4ff065a2708040e81 Description-gl: Python libsodium wrapper (Python2 version) This is a very simple wrapper around libsodium masquerading as nacl. Most of the *_easy functions are not implemented as the wrapper provides an easy interface to the "non-easy" functions. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-pysqlite2-dbg Description-md5: 9823d7596ab5cab4493f2e63fc2f1e55 Description-gl: Python interface to SQLite 3 (debug extension) pysqlite is a DB-API 2.0-compliant database interface for SQLite. . This package is built against SQLite 3. For an interface to SQLite 2, see the package python-sqlite. An alternative Python SQLite 3 module is packaged as python-apsw. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-pysqlite2-doc Description-md5: d986b6cf4e836674e3f0ee0803705bb7 Description-gl: Documentación de python-pysqlite2 pysqlite is a DB-API 2.0-compliant database interface for SQLite. . SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a relatively small C library. It is a public domain project created by D. Richard Hipp. Unlike the usual client-server paradigm, the SQLite engine is not a standalone process with which the program communicates, but is linked in and thus becomes an integral part of the program. The library implements most of SQL-92 standard, including transactions, triggers and most of complex queries. . This package only contains the documentation. Package: python-pysrt Description-md5: 1cfb0bdd2d12980ca2cdb6dfffda5bf9 Description-gl: library to edit or create SubRip files (Python 2) pysrt can be used to edit or create SubRip (.srt) subtitle files from Python. It supports parsing, shifting, removing, slicing, spliting and rescaling of these files. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. . It also contains the "srt" binary to interact with this library. Package: python-pytc-dbg Description-md5: 0d1729062970b608fce4e87f78837f84 Description-gl: Python bindings for the Tokyo Cabinet database (debug extension) This package contains the pytc module, which gives Python programs the ability to work with Tokyo Cabinet database files. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-pytest-instafail-doc Description-md5: 1a83ab133282a9806a57ee198e282902 Description-gl: plugin for py.test that shows failures and errors instantly Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-pytest-runner Description-md5: ed7886a1fb08140332ea42cea571d494 Description-gl: Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution - Python 2.x Setup scripts can use pytest-runner to add test support for pytest runner. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-pytestqt-doc Description-md5: 23bcccd371ad498db6d7fd8ec166b65d Description-gl: documentation for pytest-qt Pytest-qt is a pytest plugin that allows programmers to write tests for PySide and PyQt applications. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-pyudev Description-md5: d5320fab83c623af64edac1e1ea66c82 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para libudev Este módulo fornece unha asociación de Python coa biblioteca udev. . Admite integración adicional para GObject, PyQt4 e PySide. Package: python-pyvo Description-md5: 97951887e253b37844c94822612e5cc2 Description-gl: Python library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO) The pyvo module currently provides these main capabilities: Find archives that provide particular data of a particular type and/or relates to a particular topic search an archive for datasets of a particular type. Do simple searches on catalogs or databases get information about an object via its name. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pyvorbis-dbg Description-md5: ddb8386e441af0000f62801f3398efed Description-gl: Python interface to the Ogg Vorbis library (debug extension) This module makes the libvorbis (Ogg Vorbis) functions available in Python. With this module you can write Python applications that use the ogg vorbis library. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-pywapi Description-md5: 961a0c4389841306dfb763c8219aedef Description-gl: Python wrapper around different weather APIs The module provides a Python wrapper around the Yahoo! Weather, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) APIs. Fetch weather reports using zip code, location id, city name, state, country etc. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-pywt-doc Description-md5: 11e0dfd610ae48bce74255bca59d7973 Description-gl: Python extension implementing of wavelet transformations (Documentation) PyWavelets implements the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) popular in numerical harmonic analysis for numerous families of wavelets, including Haar, Daubechies, Symlet, Coiflet, biorthogonal wavelets in one and two dimensions. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: python-pyxb Description-md5: 2174ef07b8eee744061d816a0e5d5d2e Description-gl: Python XML Schema Bindings (Python2 version) PyXB is a pure Python package that generates Python code for classes that correspond to data structures defined by XMLSchema. In concept it is similar to JAXB for Java and CodeSynthesis XSD for C++. . The major goals of PyXB are: * Provide a generated Python interface that is “Pythonicâ€, meaning similar to one that would have been hand-written: + Attributes and elements are Python properties, with name conflicts resolved in favor of elements + Elements with maxOccurs larger than 1 are stored as Python lists + Bindings for type extensions inherit from the binding for the base type + Enumeration constraints are exposed as class (constant) variables * Support bi-directional conversion (document to Python and back) * Allow easy customization of the generated bindings to provide functionality along with content * Support all XMLSchema features that are in common use, including: + complex content models (nested all/choice/sequence) + cross-namespace dependencies + include and import directives + constraints on simple types * Validate the documents against their schema . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-pyxb-doc Description-md5: f46a870967e4bbc4be88a669e4b28b7c Description-gl: Python XML Schema Bindings (Documentation) PyXB is a pure Python package that generates Python code for classes that correspond to data structures defined by XMLSchema. In concept it is similar to JAXB for Java and CodeSynthesis XSD for C++. . The major goals of PyXB are: * Provide a generated Python interface that is “Pythonicâ€, meaning similar to one that would have been hand-written: + Attributes and elements are Python properties, with name conflicts resolved in favor of elements + Elements with maxOccurs larger than 1 are stored as Python lists + Bindings for type extensions inherit from the binding for the base type + Enumeration constraints are exposed as class (constant) variables * Support bi-directional conversion (document to Python and back) * Allow easy customization of the generated bindings to provide functionality along with content * Support all XMLSchema features that are in common use, including: + complex content models (nested all/choice/sequence) + cross-namespace dependencies + include and import directives + constraints on simple types * Validate the documents against their schema . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-qgis Description-md5: eac6b5d8a42af672ca4dbe96022e9e8e Description-gl: Python bindings to QGIS QGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) which manages, analyzes and display databases of geographic information. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros para a compatibilidade con Python. Package: python-qscintilla2 Description-md5: 004fccb5b9e621e94dff59db37e73926 Description-gl: Python bindings for QScintilla 2 O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains Python bindings so QScintilla 2 can be used in PyQt4 applications. Package: python-qscintilla2-dbg Description-md5: 9bedb135c5b4cbecceebf40d1272a518 Description-gl: Python bindings for QScintilla 2 (debug extensions) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-qt4-dbg Description-md5: 1a449f7aa20b32c9759aad5ae4f95a31 Description-gl: Python bindings for Qt4 (debug extensions) PyQt4 exposes the Qt4 API to Python. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-qt4-dbus-dbg Description-md5: 4fb4bda37c87433a33762e7999ca5235 Description-gl: D-Bus Support for PyQt4 (debug extensions) The D-Bus module of PyQt4 provides integration of PyQt4 applications with the D-Bus main loop. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-qt4-gl Description-md5: 9d7b6f5ed01a352aecd82b61b88df830 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 2 para o módulo de OpenGL de Qt4 The OpenGL module of PyQt4 provides widgets and utility classes for OpenGL rendering in a PyQt4 application. Package: python-qt4-gl-dbg Description-md5: 182be292e5c67666ba804cd7dd3843c1 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python para o módulo de OpenGL de Qt4 (extensión de depuración) The OpenGL module of PyQt4 provides widgets and utility classes for OpenGL rendering in a PyQt4 application. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-qt4-phonon-dbg Description-md5: 64e4caa1683be61a0031951b869a5b9c Description-gl: Python bindings for Phonon (debug extensions) The Phonon module of PyQt4 provides bindings for the Phonon Multimedia library to Python. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-qt4-sql-dbg Description-md5: 15f219ff4fcaf2e79c7e45adbe60f19a Description-gl: Python bindings for PyQt4's SQL module (debug extension) The SQL module of PyQt4 provides widgets and utility classes for SQL database access. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-quark-sphinx-theme Description-md5: 17ed4977574eb4650e6c294d3c793c52 Description-gl: Sphinx theme designed for QTextBrowser (Python 2) Quark is a Sphinx theme specifically designed to look and work well within the limitations of the Qt toolkit's QTextBrowser. This theme was originally designed for the bundled manual of SpeedCrunch. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-queuelib Description-md5: a1fbeba42c9a079f62c9b508bd77d9e8 Description-gl: collection of persistent (disk-based) queues (Python 2) Queuelib is a collection of persistent (disk-based) queues for Python. Queuelib goals are speed and simplicity. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-qwt Description-md5: 3277183b0f47346854fb2f11bdfa8ed3 Description-gl: Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 2 The qwt package is a pure Python implementation of Qwt C++ library with the following limitations. . The following `Qwt` classes won't be reimplemented in `qwt` because most powerful features already exist in `guiqwt`: * QwtPlotZoomer * QwtCounter * QwtEventPattern * QwtPicker * QwtPlotPicker . QwtClipper is not implemented yet (and it will probably be very difficult or impossible to implement it in pure Python without performance issues). As a consequence, when zooming in a plot curve, the entire curve is still painted (in other words, when working with large amount of data, there is no performance gain when zooming in). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-qwt5-doc Description-md5: 1594cbbb5eb374ab5882447643ce4408 Description-gl: Python Qwt5 technical widget library, documentation and examples PyQwt is a set of Python bindings for the Qwt C++ class library which extends the Qt framework with widgets for scientific and engineering applications. It provides a widget to plot 2-dimensional data and various widgets to display and control bounded or unbounded floating point values. . Este paquete contén os exemplos das dúas versións de Qt. Package: python-randomize Description-md5: 863bf2d57cb121f3824b3fdadbdac8a4 Description-gl: randomize the order of tests in a unittest.TestCase class - Python 2.7 This is a nose plugin. With this package, it is possible to randomize the order of the tests within a unittest.TestCase class. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-rarfile Description-md5: fcb73450fc220e507b1206820059f411 Description-gl: RAR archive reader module for Python 2 This is a Python module for RAR archive reading. The interface is made a zipfile like as possible. It supports both RAR3 and RAR5 archives, multi volumes archives, unicode filenames and password protected archives. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 2. Package: python-rasterio Description-md5: e3df944cd440b47f526a987b93797af7 Description-gl: Python 2 API for using geospatial raster data with Numpy Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets. . Rasterio employs GDAL under the hood for file I/O and raster formatting. Its functions typically accept and return Numpy ndarrays. Rasterio is designed to make working with geospatial raster data more productive and more fun. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-rdflib-doc Description-md5: 3ca18b21b11586f95bb14280ebd2908e Description-gl: Python library containing an RDF triple store [...] (documentation) RDFLib is a Python library for working with the RDF W3C standard. The library contains RDF parsers/serializers and both in-memory and persistent Graph backend. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-recommonmark-doc Description-md5: 3c399e5ca713507eaf94fb6f046c2f14 Description-gl: CommonMark utility for Docutils and Sphinx projects -- doc The recommonmark Python module allows ones to write CommonMark inside of Docutils and Sphinx projects. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-redmine Description-md5: fd6bee2b30ba1b2e646208209deef696 Description-gl: Python library for the Redmine RESTful API (Python 2) Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application. Redmine exposes some of it's data via RESTful (Representational State Transfer) application programming interface (API) for which Python Redmine provides a simple but powerful Pythonic API inspired by a well-known Django object-relational mapping (ORM). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-releases Description-md5: 548324c2b54dfc871947c31f6ba13eb9 Description-gl: Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation (Python 2) Releases is a Sphinx extension designed to help you keep a source control friendly, merge friendly changelog file & turn it into useful, human readable HTML output. . Specifically: . * The source format (kept in your Sphinx tree as ``changelog.rst``) is a stream-like timeline that plays well with source control & only requires one entry per change (even for changes that exist in multiple release lines). * The output (when you have the extension installed and run your Sphinx build command) is a traditional looking changelog page with a section for every release; multi-release issues are copied automatically into each release. * By default, feature and support issues are only displayed under feature releases, and bugs are only displayed under bugfix releases. This can be overridden on a per-issue basis. . Este paquete contén a versión en python 2.x da biblioteca Package: python-renderpm-dbg Description-md5: 6869a2b5f092d5175dad07e42b3ce0c1 Description-gl: python low level render interface (debug extension) This package contains the python low level render interface, used in the ReportLab library. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de python. Package: python-reno-doc Description-md5: 62296afddb9dbbc9fe1f35a8f9106884 Description-gl: RElease NOtes manager - doc Reno is a release notes manager for storing release notes in a git repository and then building documentation from them. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface Description-md5: 4fd3627a3a035a64dcb7058a3d25e6dc Description-gl: Sphinx extension to generate API docs from Zope interfaces (Python 2) This package defines an extension for the Sphinx documentation system. The extension allows generation of API documentation by introspection of zope.interface instances in code. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-repoze.tm2 Description-md5: b2dd57564addff8cd749a5f576ce3d98 Description-gl: Zope-like transaction manager WSGI middleware (Python 2) repoze.tm2 is Python WSGI middleware which uses the ZODB (Zope Object DataBase) package's transaction manager to wrap a call to its pipeline children inside a transaction. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-requests-file Description-md5: 4e07b4529edfc2416d9f1d26f0e4d8cd Description-gl: File transport adapter for Requests - Python 2.X Requests-File is a transport adapter for use with the Requests Python library to allow local filesystem access via file:// URLs. . Funcionalidades: . * Will open and read local files * Might set a Content-Length header * That's about it . No encoding information is set in the response object, so be careful using Response.text: the chardet library will be used to convert the file to a unicode type and it may not detect what you actually want. . EACCES is converted to a 403 status code, and ENOENT is converted to a 404. All other IOError types are converted to a 400. Package: python-requests-kerberos Description-md5: ef17a4141e9da91e4141469c46d73b3e Description-gl: Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication handler for python-requests - Python 2.x Requests is an HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings. This library adds optional Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication support and supports mutual authentication. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-restless Description-md5: ad2c766059b97b83baa032bdbd1ee474 Description-gl: lightweight REST miniframework for Python Works great with Django, Flask, Pyramid, Tornado & Itty, but should be useful for many other Python web frameworks. Based on the lessons learned from Tastypie & other REST libraries. . Features * Small, fast codebase * JSON output by default, but overridable * RESTful * Flexible . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-restructuredtext-lint Description-md5: f6d9d280d1ea003922f3349e82998260 Description-gl: reStructuredText linter - Python 2.7 This was created out of frustration with PyPI; it sucks finding out your reST is invalid after uploading it. It is being developed in junction with a Sublime Text linter. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-robot-detection Description-md5: 40d1aa6430836dfe19e2706de46d3601 Description-gl: Detect web crawlers from HTTP UserAgent (Python 2 version) This Python module detects if a given HTTP User Agent is a web crawler. It uses the list of registered robots from the . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-rpaths-doc Description-md5: 82f87974b4dc7a7703f7bcf9382b4df9 Description-gl: documentation for rpaths rpaths is another path manipulation library for Python. It is heavily inspired by Unipath and pathlib and provides a total Python 2/3 and Windows/POSIX compatibility. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-rpm Description-md5: aa4cfb2b2fed60ef52f60ca70568a619 Description-gl: Python bindings for RPM O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This package includes the Python bindings for librpm, allowing Python scripts to manipulate RPM packages and the RPM database. . This package installs the library for Python 2. Package: python-rpyc-doc Description-md5: 7e125cc42db26295b53b32e7cae125ed Description-gl: transparent and symmetric Remote Python Call library -- documentation RPyC (pronounced as are-pie-see), or Remote Python Call, is a transparent Python library for symmetrical remote procedure calls, clustering and distributed-computing. RPyC makes use of object-proxying, a technique that employs Python’s dynamic nature, to overcome the physical boundaries between processes and computers, so that remote objects can be manipulated as if they were local. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-rtslib-fb-doc Description-md5: b5fb4aa105b5dd3f67bc6618bf0afeb0 Description-gl: object API for managing the Linux LIO kernel target - doc The rtslib-fb package is an object-based Python library for configuring the LIO generic SCSI target, present in 3.x Linux kernel versions. . The rtslib-fb package is a fork of the "rtslib" code written by RisingTide Systems. The "-fb" differentiates between the original and this version. Ensure to use either all "fb" versions of the targetcli components -- targetcli, rtslib, and configshell, or stick with all non-fb versions, since they are no longer strictly compatible. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-ruamel.yaml Description-md5: 469c8463cba99ee53c801eacbc6e2c1d Description-gl: roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 2 module) ruamel.yaml is a YAML parser supporting roundtrip preservation of comments, seq/map flow style and map key order. It is a derivative of Kirill Simonov's PyYAML 3.11 which supports YAML1.1. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-sahara Description-md5: 3afea65bac81981a0af8ae709667f1ea Description-gl: OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - library The Sahara project provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application cluster (Hadoop or Spark) on top of OpenStack. It's the ex Savanna project, renamed due to potential trademark issues. . Este paquete contén as bibliotecas en Python. Package: python-sane-dbg Description-md5: a9b08fb48accde55c0a7db31d33c5b9e Description-gl: Python Imaging Library - SANE interface (debug extension) The imaging-sane module is a Python interface to the SANE (Scanner Access is Now Easy) library, which provides access to various raster scanning devices such as flatbed scanners and digital cameras. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-scciclient-doc Description-md5: 82eeb249293f3f4f68473489fde18485 Description-gl: Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library - doc This package provides the Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library, which support FUJITSU iRMC S4 integrated Remote Management Controller. This Python module may be helpful if you want to use Ironic to manage a FUJITSU server that has this hardware. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-scipy Description-md5: ced3d90b864af7b3e63d3c7140740e93 Description-gl: Ferramentas cientÃficas para Python SciPy supplements the popular NumPy module (python-numpy package), gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. . SciPy is a set of Open Source scientific and numeric tools for Python. It currently supports special functions, integration, ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers, gradient optimization, genetic algorithms, parallel programming tools, an expression-to-C++ compiler for fast execution, and others. Package: python-scipy-dbg Description-md5: 4bdc468f8b3bbd8ecf9e0ced226e89ca Description-gl: Ferramentas cientÃficas para Python - sÃmbolos de depuración SciPy supplements the popular NumPy module (python-numpy package), gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. . SciPy is a set of Open Source scientific and numeric tools for Python. It currently supports special functions, integration, ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers, gradient optimization, genetic algorithms, parallel programming tools, an expression-to-C++ compiler for fast execution, and others. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración do python-scipy. Package: python-scrapy-djangoitem Description-md5: 86a8899a0d91dc3ff38b3aa96b34d821 Description-gl: Scrapy extension to write scraped items using Django models (Python2 version) scrapy-djangoitem is an extension that allows you to define Scrapy items using existing Django models. This utility provides a new class, named DjangoItem, that you can use as a regular Scrapy item and link it to a Django model with its django_model attribute. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-sdnotify Description-md5: 55c6b1a8089cebda65c565e2be8b214a Description-gl: Python2 implementation of systemd's service notification protocol This is a pure Python implementation of the systemd sd_notify protocol. This protocol can be used to inform systemd about service start-up completion, watchdog events, and other service status changes. . Thus, this package can be used to write system services in Python that play nicely with systemd. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-seaborn Description-md5: 97a6788974b595e2d1a1e87ae73f4ba6 Description-gl: statistical visualization library for Python Seaborn is a library for making attractive and informative statistical graphics in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib and tightly integrated with the PyData stack, including support for numpy and pandas data structures and statistical routines from scipy and statsmodels. . Some of the features that seaborn offers are . - Several built-in themes that improve on the default matplotlib aesthetics - Tools for choosing color palettes to make beautiful plots that reveal patterns in your data - Functions for visualizing univariate and bivariate distributions or for comparing them between subsets of data - Tools that fit and visualize linear regression models for different kinds of independent and dependent variables - A function to plot statistical timeseries data with flexible estimation and representation of uncertainty around the estimate - High-level abstractions for structuring grids of plots that let you easily build complex visualizations . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-searchlightclient Description-md5: 61d22327bd6c4f5f214136ff8e399b81 Description-gl: OpenStack Indexing and Search API Client Library - Python 2.7 The Searchlight project provides indexing and search capabilities across OpenStack resources. Its goal is to achieve high performance and flexible querying combined with near real-time indexing. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-searchlightclient-doc Description-md5: 20afbfae268a11763b874a4d55373b55 Description-gl: OpenStack Indexing and Search API Client Library - doc The Searchlight project provides indexing and search capabilities across OpenStack resources. Its goal is to achieve high performance and flexible querying combined with near real-time indexing. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-securepass Description-md5: 75a8668ae784019264bef6897dbef6ea Description-gl: Python module to access SecurePass SecurePass fornece autenticación única na web mediante o protocolo CAS. . This package provides various command line utilities and Django backend to access the SecurePass's RESTful APIs. Package: python-sendfile-dbg Description-md5: bf946113c7c69c100076b2cc8d46eab6 Description-gl: Python interface to sendfile(2) (debug) Python library which provides a "zero-copy" way of copying data from one file descriptor to another (a socket). The phrase "zero-copy" refers to the fact that all of the copying of data between the two descriptors is done entirely by the kernel, with no copying of data into userspace buffers. This is particularly useful when sending a file over a socket (e.g. FTP). . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-sesame Description-md5: 6c1884d90df1bae54d1ad1243bfb7798 Description-gl: Python wrapper for Sesame's REST HTTP API Sesame is an open source RDF Schema-based storage and querying facility. . Now you can easily do the following from your Python script: . * Log in * Log out * Request a list of available repositories * Evaluate a SeRQL-select, RQL or RDQL query * Evaluate a SeRQL-construct query * Extract RDF from a repository * Uploading data to a repository * Add data from the web to a repository * Clear a repository * Remove statements . Páxina web: Package: python-setuptools-git Description-md5: be7c25037bf7f507986f0cc3efab7095 Description-gl: plugin for setuptools that enables git integration This is a plugin for setup tools that enables Git integration. Once installed, Setuptools can be told to include in a module distribution all the files tracked by git. This is an alternative to explicit inclusion specifications with . This package was formerly known as gitlsfiles. The name change is the result of an effort by the setuptools plugin developers to provide a uniform naming convention. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-sfml Description-md5: 506ac96341f81e5b052e0ec812978e55 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Asociacións con Python 2 SFML is an modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce an multimedia application. It offers OpenGL integration for hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and input support, audio and network facilities and supports besides GNU/Linux MS Windows and Mac OS X, too. . This package contains the Python 2 bindings for SFML. Package: python-sfml-dbg Description-md5: eb9e16d1a0b7c70ce85cceb2995be799 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Asociacións de depuración con Python 2 SFML is an modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce an multimedia application. It offers OpenGL integration for hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and input support, audio and network facilities and supports besides GNU/Linux MS Windows and Mac OS X, too. . This package contains the Python 2 bindings for SFML built against debug versions of Python. Package: python-sfml-doc Description-md5: b31a32c778218d395732be890f33aef9 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Documentación SFML is an modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce an multimedia application. It offers OpenGL integration for hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and input support, audio and network facilities and supports besides GNU/Linux MS Windows and Mac OS X, too. . This package contains documentation and examples for the Python bindings. Package: python-shapely Description-md5: 06c381f5d89ffd816307987b699b5223 Description-gl: geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 2) Shapely is a package for manipulation and analysis of 2D features. Its capabilities include: * calculating the point set unions, intersections, or differences of features * predicate tests on features: intersects, touches, contains, and more. . Supported geometric types are points, line strings, linear rings, polygons, and homogeneous or heterogeneous collections thereof. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-simpleparse-doc Description-md5: 7020edc46b7df3e6bc52c6c0867711e7 Description-gl: documentation for simpleparse, a simple parser generator for Python SimpleParse is a BSD-licensed Python package providing a simple parser generator for use with the mxTextTools text-tagging engine. SimpleParse allows you to generate tagging tables for use with the text-tagging engine directly from your EBNF grammar. . Este paquete contén documentación e exemplos. Package: python-simplestreams Description-md5: de3939aceef20133cbe2ba7bbb1b7f43 Description-gl: Library and tools for using Simple Streams data Este paquete fornece un cliente para interactuar con datos de fluxo simples, como se producen para describir as imaxes na nube de Ubuntu. Package: python-sireader Description-md5: ffee431f963fba9f8a026c91d8abdf7f Description-gl: Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations (Python 2) Sireader is a Python module to communicate with a SportIdent main station to read out SportIdent cards. SportIdent is an electronic punching system mainly used for orienteering events. . Sireader supports two major operation modes. It can be used for complete card readout or in control station mode to send punches from a control. The first mode is typically used for card readout after the finish line to read the card data into an event software. The second mode is used to get live result from an intermediate control. . Este paquete contén a versión en python 2.x da biblioteca. Package: python-sklearn-doc Description-md5: 44aba3387aea657b5b0c185e5077d10c Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de scikits-learn This package contains documentation and example scripts for python- sklearn. Package: python-sklearn-pandas Description-md5: 45548fdaea98ce572597baddf8561f5b Description-gl: Pandas integration with sklearn (Python 2) sklearn-pandas provides a bridge between scikit-learn's machine learning methods and pandas data frames. . In particular, it provides: - a way to map DataFrame columns to transformations, which are later recombined into features - a way to cross-validate a pipeline that takes a pandas DataFrame as input. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-slimmer Description-md5: 6aef30b6a009015b6214285174224400 Description-gl: HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript optimizer for Python2 Slimmer is a library that optimizes whitespace in CSS, JavaScript, HTML and XHTML output. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-smstrade Description-md5: 4c22902f7054d29ef2ded8aae8880f03 Description-gl: Python library to send SMS via the smstrade service (Python 2) python-smstrade lets you send SMS via and retrieve your account balance from the service of . The package may be used for alerting in monitoring applications or other scenarios where sending SMS might be useful. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-snimpy-doc Description-md5: b470d3830ddbf34e60b56f604ec0a7a7 Description-gl: interactive SNMP tool with Python (documentation) Snimpy is a Python-based tool providing a simple interface to build SNMP queries. This interface aims at being the most Pythonic possible: you grab scalars using attributes and columns are like dictionaries. . Snimpy can either be used interactively through its console (derived from Python own console or from IPython if available) or by writing snimpy scripts which are just Python scripts with some global variables available. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-social-auth Description-md5: 5b45db59112785996277d6eea900cef5 Description-gl: Python social authentication made simple (Python 2) Python Social Auth is an easy-to-setup social authentication/registration mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers. . Crafted using base code from django-social-auth, it implements a common interface to define new authentication providers from third parties, and to bring support for more frameworks and ORMs. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-sockjs-tornado Description-md5: de91b3fa5776b539b69423779e7beed9 Description-gl: server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser library - Python 2.x SockJS-tornado is a Python server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser library running on top of Tornado framework. SockJS provides slightly different API than tornado.websocket. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-softlayer Description-md5: 788f0d3a14b8e806e0f06aee30b61f01 Description-gl: Python client for SoftLayer API (Python 2) This library provides a simple interface to interact with SoftLayer's XML- RPC API and provides support for many of SoftLayer API's features like object masks and a command-line interface that can be used to access various SoftLayer services using the API. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-software-properties Description-md5: 2404b69e069f73169a1d424cb63f1d53 Description-gl: Xestione os repositorios desde os que instalar os programas Este programa fornece unha abstracción dos repositorios de apt empregados. PermÃtelle xestionar de xeito doado a súa distribución e as orixes dos programas de provedores independentes. Package: python-sorl-thumbnail-doc Description-md5: 26ea99ca2adaa46a87775b741fb45c73 Description-gl: thumbnail support for the Django framework (Documentation) sorl-thumbnail provides a convenient way to create and manage image thumbnails in a Django project. It offers integration into several parts of Django like the admin system by showing thumbnails for ImageFields or through a ImageField that also takes care of deleting thumbnail files when the referencing object is removed. . Other features include: * Django storage support * Pluggable Engine support (PIL, pgmagick, ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, or Wand) * Pluggable Key Value Store support (Django cache, redis) * Pluggable Backend support (i.e. different thumbnail filename schema) * Dummy generation (placeholders) * Flexible, simple syntax, generates no html * CSS style cropping options * Margin calculation for vertical positioning . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-sortedm2m Description-md5: 6393a356cfbc810be04a0de06f506389 Description-gl: Replacement for Django's many to many field with sorted relations (Python 2) sortedm2m is a drop-in replacement for Django's own ManyToManyField. The provided SortedManyToManyField behaves like the original one, but remembers the order of added relations. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-soundfile Description-md5: a49191039706d16f83457b0f227d9032 Description-gl: Python audio module based on libsndfile and NumPy PySoundFile can read and write sound files in a variety of formats and eases the application of signal processing algorithms. File reading/writing is supported through libsndfile. By default, PySoundFile represents audio data as NumPy arrays, but ordinary Python buffers are supported as well. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-sparqlwrapper Description-md5: 2eeee5a97f524191532cbe7b9b9403e6 Description-gl: SPARQL endpoint interface to Python This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI and, possibly, convert the result into a more manageable format. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-sphinx-paramlinks Description-md5: 227d0de9ec292f69be4584addf08a834 Description-gl: Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 2 version) Sphinx extension which allows :param: directives within Python documentation to be linkable. . Funcionalidades: . * :param: directives within Sphinx function/method descriptions will be given aparagraph link so that they can be linked to externally. * a new text role :paramref: is added, which works like :meth:, :func:, etc. . This package contains Python 2.x version of sphinx_paramlinks module. Package: python-sphinx-rtd-theme Description-md5: 08f41c41f4232a0da162781eade277a0 Description-gl: sphinx theme from (Python 2) This mobile-friendly sphinx theme was initially created for, but can be incorporated in any project. . Among other things, it features a left panel with a browseable table of contents, and a search bar. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.bibtex-doc Description-md5: f60104235e3b99402571a06b2b298e9e Description-gl: documentation for sphinxcontrib-bibtex This extension allows BibTeX citations to be inserted into documentation generated by Sphinx, via a bibliography directive, and a cite role, which work similarly to LaTeX’s thebibliography environment and \cite command. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.httpdomain Description-md5: 5d24dcfdc7a95017c9dacfceda940fd1 Description-gl: Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs - Python 2.x This contrib extension, sphinxcontrib.httpdomain provides a Sphinx domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs. It generates RESTful HTTP API reference documentation from a Flask application’s routing table, similar to sphinx.ext.autodoc. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.programoutput Description-md5: e5adf1428d673909265613ff8aa4345b Description-gl: insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - Python 2.x sphinxcontrib-programoutput is a Sphinx extension to literally insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents, helping you to keep your command examples up to date. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.programoutput-doc Description-md5: a3bee351992b4c964c3dd692776323b7 Description-gl: insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - doc sphinxcontrib-programoutput is a Sphinx extension to literally insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents, helping you to keep your command examples up to date. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.rubydomain Description-md5: e9b49440945830f51957a442c8e6db90 Description-gl: Ruby domain for HTTP APIs - Python 2.x This contrib extension, sphinxcontrib.rubydomain provides a Ruby domain to write Ruby documents. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-sphinxcontrib.spelling-doc Description-md5: 619ef3e89fb23be4ab351e9af32afcbf Description-gl: Sphinx "spelling" extension (documentation) This package contains the spelling extension for the Sphinx documentation system. The extension enables a spelling checker which uses PyEnchant to produce a report showing misspelled words. . The extension also: - Supports multiple source languages using the standard enchant dictionaries. - Supports project-specific dictionaries for localized jargon and other terminology that may not appear in the global dictionaries. - Suggests alternatives to words not found in the dictionary, when possible. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: Description-md5: 56f65756c8b56ae8fe0dae76fe66b303 Description-gl: Sphinx "YouTube" extension This package contains the YouTube Sphinx extension. This extension enables you to insert YouTube videos in your Sphinx documents. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-spykeutils Description-md5: 297f8ebf7c850193587816eead096799 Description-gl: Utilidades para analizar datos electrofisiolóxicos spykeutils is a Python library for analyzing and plotting data from neurophysiological recordings. It can be used by itself or in conjunction with Spyke Viewer, a multi-platform GUI application for navigating electrophysiological datasets. Package: python-sqlalchemy-utils-doc Description-md5: 2104fa5aa5a8d49995c1fe6abdf2b6c3 Description-gl: various utility functions for SQLAlchemy - doc Various utility functions and custom data types for SQLAlchemy. . SQLAlchemy is an SQL database abstraction library for Python. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-sqlite-dbg Description-md5: e1b5a5dfbca9a5eef6beb80b0949db9d Description-gl: Python interface to SQLite 2 (debug extension) pysqlite is an interface to the SQLite database server for Python. It aims to be fully compliant with Python database API version 2.0 while also exploiting the unique features of SQLite. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-staticconf-doc Description-md5: 2dbbe23e3fbadffd12b73f2ed86a1980 Description-gl: Python library for loading and reading configuration (documentation) This package contains PyStaticConfiguration, a Python library for loading, validating and reading configuration from many heterogeneous formats. Configuration is split into two phases. * Configuration Loading: configuration is read from files or Python objects, flattened, and merged into a container called a `namespace`. Namespaces are used to separate unrelated configuration groups. If configuration is changed frequently, it can also be reloaded easily with very little change to the existing code. * Configuration Reading: a configuration value is looked up in the `namespace`. It is validating and converted to the requested type. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-statsmodels-doc Description-md5: 84432cb8b5ea456c82592176e2c79c49 Description-gl: Documentación e exemplos de statsmodels This package contains HTML documentation and example scripts for python- statsmodels. Package: python-stemmer-dbg Description-md5: ddd140a6f14664202e7e1ecdef498ff3 Description-gl: Python bindings for libstemmer (debug extension) PyStemmer provides access to efficient algorithms for calculating a "stemmed" form of a word. This is a form with most of the common morphological endings removed; hopefully representing a common linguistic base form. . PyStemmer provides algorithms for several (mainly European) languages, by wrapping the libstemmer library from the Snowball project in a Python module. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-stemmer-doc Description-md5: bde089d7b6afeb1e70cf8100f08e05db Description-gl: Python bindings for libstemmer (documentation) PyStemmer provides access to efficient algorithms for calculating a "stemmed" form of a word. This is a form with most of the common morphological endings removed; hopefully representing a common linguistic base form. . PyStemmer provides algorithms for several (mainly European) languages, by wrapping the libstemmer library from the Snowball project in a Python module. . Este paquete contén a documentación da extensión. Package: python-stestr Description-md5: bbc22d97c007ccc2d99660f6444e9607 Description-gl: test runner similar to testrepository - Python 2.7 Stestr stands for Slim/Super Test Repository. It is a fork of the testrepository that concentrates on being a dedicated test runner for Python projects. The generic abstraction layers which enabled testr to work with any subunit emitting runner are gone. Stestr hard codes python- subunit-isms into how it works. The code base is also designed to try and be explicit, and to provide a Python API that is documented and has examples. . While stestr was originally forked from testrepository it is not 100% backwards compatible with testrepository. At a high level the basic concepts of operation are shared between the 2 projects but the actual usage between the 2 is not exactly the same. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-stestr-doc Description-md5: ddf9f7d1c036e02ace1cce9fe2640fc7 Description-gl: test runner similar to testrepository - doc Stestr stands for Slim/Super Test Repository. It is a fork of the testrepository that concentrates on being a dedicated test runner for Python projects. The generic abstraction layers which enabled testr to work with any subunit emitting runner are gone. Stestr hard codes python- subunit-isms into how it works. The code base is also designed to try and be explicit, and to provide a Python API that is documented and has examples. . While stestr was originally forked from testrepository it is not 100% backwards compatible with testrepository. At a high level the basic concepts of operation are shared between the 2 projects but the actual usage between the 2 is not exactly the same. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-stomp-doc Description-md5: 8ca91001a6bff2a570c06e70218a2708 Description-gl: Documentation of Python's STOMP client library is a Python client library for accessing messaging servers (such as Apollo or RabbitMQ) using the STOMP protocol (versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2). It can also be run as a standalone, command-line client for testing. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-storm-dbg Description-md5: 638ac12743a8377050841c401d4cbc8f Description-gl: object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python - debugging files Storm is an object-relation mapper (ORM) for the Python language. In simple terms, that kind of system allows rows from a relational database to be seen as objects in an object-oriented language like Python. . Features: * Clean and lightweight API offers a short learning curve and long- erm maintainability. * Storm is developed in a test-driven manner. An untested line of code is considered a bug. * Storm needs no special class constructors, nor imperative base classes. * Storm is well designed (different classes have very clear boundaries, with small and clean public APIs). * Designed from day one to work both with thin relational databases, such as SQLite, and big iron systems like PostgreSQL and MySQL. * Storm is easy to debug, since its code is written with a KISS principle, and thus is easy to understand. * Designed from day one to work both at the low end, with trivial small databases, and the high end, with applications accessing billion row tables and committing to multiple database backends. * It's very easy to write and support backends for Storm (current backends have around 100 lines of code). . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-straight.plugin-doc Description-md5: ea046da544ef1a949f91f7a79e58bb4d Description-gl: Simple namespaced plugin facility (common documentation) straight.plugin is a Python plugin loader inspired by twisted.plugin with two important distinctions: . - Fewer dependencies - Python 3 compatible . The system is used to allow multiple Python packages to provide plugins within a namespace package, where other packages will locate and utilize. The plugins themselves are modules in a namespace package where the namespace identifies the plugins in it for some particular purpose or intent. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-stringtemplate3 Description-md5: 57502f9239f21524cf3cc9283dceb666 Description-gl: template engine with strict model-view separation - Python 2.7 StringTemplate is a template engine for generating source code, web pages, emails, or any other formatted text output. StringTemplate is particularly good at multi-targeted code generators, multiple site skins, and internationalization/localization. It evolved over years of effort developing StringTemplate also powers the ANTLR v3 code generator. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it strictly enforces model-view separation unlike other engines. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-structlog-doc Description-md5: 4d3cc36f0435cbfac7bc3139915ba0b0 Description-gl: structured logging for Python (common documentation) Structlog makes structured logging in Python easy by augmenting your existing logger. It allows you to split your log entries up into key/value pairs and build them incrementally without annoying boilerplate code. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-subunit2sql Description-md5: c0f0f37b10c37f3046dc7a3a98008c9e Description-gl: subunit file/stream to DB - Python 2.7 subunit2SQL is a tool for storing test results data in a SQL database. Like it's name implies it was originally designed around converting subunit streams to data in a SQL database and the packaged utilities assume a subunit stream as the input format. However, the data model used for the DB does not preclude using any test result format. Additionally the analysis tooling built on top of a database is data format agnostic. However if you choose to use a different result format as an input for the database additional tooling using the DB API would need to be created to parse a different test result output format. It's also worth pointing out that subunit has several language library bindings available. So as a user you could create a small filter to convert a different format to subunit. Creating a filter should be fairly easy and then you don't have to worry about writing a tool like :ref:`subunit2sql` to use a different format. . For multiple distributed test runs that are generating subunit output it is useful to store the results in a unified repository. This is the motivation for the testrepository project which does a good job for centralizing the results from multiple test runs. . However, imagine something like the OpenStack CI system where the same basic test suite is normally run several hundreds of times a day. To provide useful introspection on the data from those runs and to build trends over time the test results need to be stored in a format that allows for easy querying. Using a SQL database makes a lot of sense for doing this, which was the original motivation for the project. . At a high level subunit2SQL uses alembic migrations to setup a DB schema that can then be used by the subunit2sql tool to parse subunit streams and populate the DB. Then there are tools for interacting with the stored data in the subunit2sql-graph command as well as the sql2subunit command to create a subunit stream from data in the database. Additionally, subunit2sql provides a Python DB API that can be used to query information from the stored data to build other tooling. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-subunit2sql-doc Description-md5: 7c34b52923e5c722803a5ea88734c1bb Description-gl: subunit file/stream to DB - doc subunit2SQL is a tool for storing test results data in a SQL database. Like it's name implies it was originally designed around converting subunit streams to data in a SQL database and the packaged utilities assume a subunit stream as the input format. However, the data model used for the DB does not preclude using any test result format. Additionally the analysis tooling built on top of a database is data format agnostic. However if you choose to use a different result format as an input for the database additional tooling using the DB API would need to be created to parse a different test result output format. It's also worth pointing out that subunit has several language library bindings available. So as a user you could create a small filter to convert a different format to subunit. Creating a filter should be fairly easy and then you don't have to worry about writing a tool like :ref:`subunit2sql` to use a different format. . For multiple distributed test runs that are generating subunit output it is useful to store the results in a unified repository. This is the motivation for the testrepository project which does a good job for centralizing the results from multiple test runs. . However, imagine something like the OpenStack CI system where the same basic test suite is normally run several hundreds of times a day. To provide useful introspection on the data from those runs and to build trends over time the test results need to be stored in a format that allows for easy querying. Using a SQL database makes a lot of sense for doing this, which was the original motivation for the project. . At a high level subunit2SQL uses alembic migrations to setup a DB schema that can then be used by the subunit2sql tool to parse subunit streams and populate the DB. Then there are tools for interacting with the stored data in the subunit2sql-graph command as well as the sql2subunit command to create a subunit stream from data in the database. Additionally, subunit2sql provides a Python DB API that can be used to query information from the stored data to build other tooling. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-subversion-dbg Description-md5: f20ef14947423d47b5d91de9d62bf3a7 Description-gl: Python bindings for Subversion (debug extension) This is a set of Python interfaces to libsvn, the Subversion libraries. It is useful if you want to, for example, write a Python script that manipulates a Subversion repository or working copy. See the 'subversion' package for more information. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de python. Package: python-sugar Description-md5: f80ea6b21f0426389c19ff0a969a9dde Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - legacy core functionality A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . This package contains some deprecated yet still widely used base modules for Sugar. Please use python-sugar3 instead where possible. . To get prettier tracebacks if things break, install ipython. Package: python-sugar-toolkit Description-md5: b876e24f4ad03799ae5a68a87e669d82 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - legacy core widgets A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . This package contains a deprecated set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. Please use python-sugar3 instead where possible. Package: python-sugar3 Description-md5: 60193068ea7ac938d98f96464e318ed7 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - toolkit Python bindings A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . The sugar3 library contains a set of widgets to build HIG compliant applications and interfaces to interact with system services like presence and the datastore. . This package contains Python bindings. Package: python-sushy Description-md5: 87d0141de6311a7f011ef4bd0cc553f7 Description-gl: small library to communicate with Redfish based systems - Python 2.7 Sushy is a Python library to communicate with Redfish based systems. The goal of the library is to be extremely simple, small, have as few dependencies as possible and be very conservative when dealing with BMCs by issuing just enough requests to it (BMCs are very flaky). . Therefore, the scope of the library has been limited to what is supported by the OpenStack Ironic project. As the project grows and more features from Redfish are needed Sushy will expand to fulfil those requirements. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-sushy-doc Description-md5: 01682ddc991ab50692f4d143c7d5a86a Description-gl: small library to communicate with Redfish based systems - doc Sushy is a Python library to communicate with Redfish based systems. The goal of the library is to be extremely simple, small, have as few dependencies as possible and be very conservative when dealing with BMCs by issuing just enough requests to it (BMCs are very flaky). . Therefore, the scope of the library has been limited to what is supported by the OpenStack Ironic project. As the project grows and more features from Redfish are needed Sushy will expand to fulfil those requirements. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-tables Description-md5: d439e2a3139e7d57994007a5d544bdfe Description-gl: hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 PyTables is a hierarchical database package designed to efficiently manage very large amounts of data. PyTables is built on top of the HDF5 library and the NumPy package. It features an object-oriented interface that, combined with natural naming and C-code generated from Pyrex sources, makes it a fast, yet extremely easy to use tool for interactively save and retrieve large amounts of data. . - Compound types (records) can be used entirely from Python (i.e. it is not necessary to use C for taking advantage of them). - The tables are both enlargeable and compressible. - I/O is buffered, so you can get very fast I/O, specially with large tables. - Very easy to select data through the use of iterators over the rows in tables. Extended slicing is supported as well. - It supports the complete set of NumPy, Numeric and numarray objects. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-tables-dbg Description-md5: 2f12a3c39a102acc9febe5eb8015d6aa Description-gl: hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 (debug extension) PyTables is a hierarchical database package designed to efficiently manage very large amounts of data. PyTables is built on top of the HDF5 library and the NumPy package. It features an object-oriented interface that, combined with natural naming and C-code generated from Pyrex sources, makes it a fast, yet extremely easy to use tool for interactively save and retrieve large amounts of data. . - Compound types (records) can be used entirely from Python (i.e. it is not necessary to use C for taking advantage of them). - The tables are both enlargeable and compressible. - I/O is buffered, so you can get very fast I/O, specially with large tables. - Very easy to select data through the use of iterators over the rows in tables. Extended slicing is supported as well. - It supports the complete set of NumPy, Numeric and numarray objects. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 2. Package: python-tables-lib Description-md5: f844056d128338274d8a7d242864b9f8 Description-gl: hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 (extension) PyTables is a hierarchical database package designed to efficiently manage very large amounts of data. PyTables is built on top of the HDF5 library and the NumPy package. It features an object-oriented interface that, combined with natural naming and C-code generated from Pyrex sources, makes it a fast, yet extremely easy to use tool for interactively save and retrieve large amounts of data. . - Compound types (records) can be used entirely from Python (i.e. it is not necessary to use C for taking advantage of them). - The tables are both enlargeable and compressible. - I/O is buffered, so you can get very fast I/O, specially with large tables. - Very easy to select data through the use of iterators over the rows in tables. Extended slicing is supported as well. - It supports the complete set of NumPy, Numeric and numarray objects. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de Python 2. Package: python-tango Description-md5: 5a56fd6a960d4005f20709305bd2c5a9 Description-gl: API for the TANGO control system (Python 2) TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system using CORBA, mainly developed by the Controls Section of the ALBA Synchrotron. PyTango provides bindings for its client- and server-side C++ APIs. With PyTango, you can write TANGO device servers and TANGO applications (scripts, CLIs, GUIs) that access TANGO device servers in pure Python. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-taurus Description-md5: 57da3b551a6e16e5a4f4c78f8a5e03ed Description-gl: Framework for scientific/industrial CLIs and GUIs - Python2 Taurus is a Python framework for control and data acquisition CLIs and GUIs in scientific/industrial environments. It supports multiple control systems or data sources: Tango, EPICS, spec... New control system libraries can be integrated through plugins. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-taurus-doc Description-md5: 0c1b47d661a5634cbdc62ca165ec60f1 Description-gl: Framework for scientific/industrial CLIs and GUIs - Documentation Taurus is a Python framework for control and data acquisition CLIs and GUIs in scientific/industrial environments. It supports multiple control systems or data sources: Tango, EPICS, spec... New control system libraries can be integrated through plugins. . Este paquete contén a documentación da biblioteca python-taurus. Package: python-tds Description-md5: 3cd150a86e7b6f7d382f6c4dfc66cf78 Description-gl: Python DBAPI driver for MSSQL using pure Python TDS (Python 2) A platform independent Python DBAPI driver for Microsoft SQL Server using pure Python TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol implementation. It doesn't depend on ADO or FreeTDS. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-tempest-lib-doc Description-md5: 69b54fb2da8c8e1ad7a16c80a00ec37d Description-gl: OpenStack Functional Testing Library - doc This package contains the OpenStack Functional Testing Library which is used by the Tempest Functional Testing suite. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-templayer Description-md5: ce543787e3d0c62c08060ef7e542e89a Description-gl: layered template library for Python Na actualidade, o Templayer admite só a xeración de HTML, mais o seu deseño sinxelo é facilmente ampliábel para admitir outros formatos de ficheiro. . O Templayer foi creado para ofrecer unha alternativa ás maneiras máis comúns de xerar HTML dinámico: incorporando código dentro do HTML (PHP, etc.) ou incorporando HTML dentro do código (CGI tradicional). Ningún destes métodos permite unha separación clara da forma, ou distribución, dunha páxina e a función da xeración da páxina. En troques de mesturar HTML e Python, dúas linguaxes ricas e extremadamente expresivas, podemos engadir unha pequena cantidade de sintaxe a cada unha e manter as dúas separadas e coherentes. Package: python-termcolor Description-md5: c9b25eaa2c1b425037182eb0780ce3db Description-gl: ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal - Python 2.x The termcolor Python module provides ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. It may be useful for the output of unit testing results in color, for example using openstack.nose_plugin. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-testfixtures Description-md5: ab65d004d4a840cf34b6b4d374c729dd Description-gl: Collection of helpers and mock objects (Python2 version) TestFixtures is a collection of helpers and mock objects that are useful when writing unit tests or doc tests. It includes tools for a wide range of tasks: . * Comparing objects and sequences * Mocking out objects and methods * Mocking dates and times * Testing logging * Testing output to streams * Testing with files and directories * Testing exceptions * Testing warnings * Testing use of the subprocess package * Testing with zope.component . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-testfixtures-doc Description-md5: 125777eee06138b39ebb1e80aa6151cd Description-gl: Collection of helpers and mock objects (Documentation) TestFixtures is a collection of helpers and mock objects that are useful when writing unit tests or doc tests. It includes tools for a wide range of tasks: . * Comparing objects and sequences * Mocking out objects and methods * Mocking dates and times * Testing logging * Testing output to streams * Testing with files and directories * Testing exceptions * Testing warnings * Testing use of the subprocess package * Testing with zope.component . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-testresources Description-md5: 47b2eca6b7c6966dd56c637552c20078 Description-gl: PyUnit extension for managing expensive test fixtures - Python 2.x PyUnit extension to manage the initialisation and lifetime of expensive test fixtures. . For example reference databases are often only need to be constructed once but standard test isolation causes them to be constructed for every fixture, making test execution very slow. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-texttable Description-md5: d5dc2d407b28472f4b5aebb3a5f7bd9c Description-gl: Module for creating simple ASCII tables — python2 texttable is a module to generate a formatted text table, using ASCII characters. It provides nice human-readable output for arrays when designing a CLI or just output data. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-tinycss Description-md5: 12a5c709696132b715d72bc8401796c6 Description-gl: complete yet simple CSS parser (Python2 version) tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python. It supports the full syntax and error handling for CSS 2.1 as well as some CSS 3 modules: . * CSS Color 3 * CSS Fonts 3 * CSS Paged Media 3 . It is designed to be easy to extend for new CSS modules and syntax, and integrates well with cssselect for Selectors 3 support. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-tinycss-doc Description-md5: 1a8b7a8704ec3ee50709e69677001479 Description-gl: complete yet simple CSS parser (Documentation) tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python. It supports the full syntax and error handling for CSS 2.1 as well as some CSS 3 modules: . * CSS Color 3 * CSS Fonts 3 * CSS Paged Media 3 . It is designed to be easy to extend for new CSS modules and syntax, and integrates well with cssselect for Selectors 3 support. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-tlsh Description-md5: 8c538d36fc9d996bd629fbefdb3a88d2 Description-gl: fuzzy hashing library - Python module The Trend Micro Locality Sensitive Hash is a fuzzy hash algorithm that can be used to compare similar but not identical files. . Identifying near duplicates and similar files is known to be useful to identify malware samples with similar binary file structure, variants of spam email, or backups with corrupted files. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python. Package: python-tmdbsimple Description-md5: 149f2fa0c08dd5268a58c7459ab218a3 Description-gl: Wrapper for The Movie Database API (Python2 version) tmdbsimple is a wrapper, written in Python, for The Movie Database (TMDb) API v3. By calling the functions available in tmdbsimple one can simplify their code and easily access a vast amount of movie, tv, and cast data. . Features: * One-to-one mapping between tmdbsimple functions and TMDb methods. * Implements all TMDb methods, including Accounts and Authentication. * Implements new TV features. * Easy to access data using Python class attributes. * Easy to experiment with tmdbsimple functions inside the Python interpreter. . An API key is required to interact with the API endpoint. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-toml Description-md5: f870c8a7c4a1691ed099c3ffc4d098e1 Description-gl: library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language - Python 2.7 This package provides a Python module which parses and emits TOML. TOML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to obvious semantics. TOML is designed to map unambiguously to a hash table. TOML should be easy to parse into data structures in a wide variety of languages. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-tornado Description-md5: 333961bc30a4c8d40a82b9e0d02e21c9 Description-gl: scalable, non-blocking web server and tools Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-tornado-doc Description-md5: 5054316fc06d78000bd342f868b482c8 Description-gl: scalable, non-blocking web server and tools - documentation Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-tosca-parser-doc Description-md5: ef576e17309b490338f12f024f3729f7 Description-gl: parser for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML - doc The TOSCA Parser is an OpenStack project. It is developed to parse TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML. It reads the TOSCA templates and creates an in- memory graph of TOSCA nodes and their relationship. . TOSCA stands for: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Application. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-tower-cli Description-md5: 80a4847a92ea69310ec70bd6cfea1aa9 Description-gl: Python 2 client library for the Ansible Tower and AWX Project's REST API tower-cli can also be used as a client library for other Python apps, or as a reference for others developing API interactions with Tower's REST API. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-tox Description-md5: 477a37d8f93f4ffcdc8fc602a935d90a Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para tox Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: python-traitlets-doc Description-md5: f4b7f3b38f994eab601b8ddb26af3674 Description-gl: Lightweight Traits-like package for Python A lightweight pure-Python derivative of Enthought Traits, used for configuring Python objects. . It powers the config system of IPython and Jupyter. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-traits Description-md5: cc8f1ba4ed4998ac3cc0e0f9f703ddbd Description-gl: Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python (Python 2) The traits package provides a metaclass with special attributes that are called traits. A trait is a type definition that can be used for normal Python object attributes, giving the attributes some additional characteristics: * Initialization: A trait attribute can have a default value * Validation: A trait attribute is manifestly typed. * Delegation: The value of a trait attribute can be contained in another object * Notification: Setting the value of a trait attribute can fired callbacks * Visualization: With the TraitsUI package, GUIs can be generated automatically from traited objects. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-transitions Description-md5: e076d2dea80e001b79011115748757c3 Description-gl: Lightweight state machine library (Python 2) transitions is a lightweight, object-oriented state machine implementation. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-translationstring Description-md5: 459e2702d12c7a9782afd6e0f43fcf04 Description-gl: Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze packages - Python 2.x A library used by various Repoze packages for internationalization (i18n) duties related to translation. . This package provides a translation string class, a translation string factory class, translation and pluralization primitives, and a utility that helps Chameleon templates use translation facilities of this package. It does not depend on Babel, but its translation and pluralization services are meant to work best when provided with an instance of the class. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-transmissionrpc Description-md5: 687b29e1bfa0c1b34e5af051e0448050 Description-gl: Transmission RPC client module for Python transmissionrpc is a Python module implementing the JSON-RPC client protocol for the Bittorrent client Transmission. All Transmission features implemented up to version 1.93. . Also, package includes Python script, with CLI and interactive interfaces, which demonstrates transmissionrpc module usage. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-transmissionrpc-doc Description-md5: a5dacb1e417820e2cf59340a201f762a Description-gl: Transmission RPC client module for Python (documentation) transmissionrpc is a Python module implementing the JSON-RPC client protocol for the Bittorrent client Transmission. All Transmission features implemented up to version 1.93. . Also, package includes Python script, with CLI and interactive interfaces, which demonstrates transmissionrpc module usage. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-treq Description-md5: 36db5cb94d5314a89929ae2309898490 Description-gl: Higher level API for making HTTP requests with Twisted (Python 2) Treq is a HTTP library inspired by requests written on top of Twisted. It provides a simple, higher level API for making HTTP requests when using Twisted. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-treq-doc Description-md5: 49fd4ff71008adcf44515ed5a1d41313 Description-gl: Higher level API for making HTTP requests with Twisted (doc) Treq is a HTTP library inspired by requests written on top of Twisted. It provides a simple, higher level API for making HTTP requests when using Twisted. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-trie Description-md5: 749611f148248917f3d0a37bba4dd10f Description-gl: Pure Python implementation of the trie data structure (Python 2) A trie is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a mapping where the keys are sequences, usually strings over an alphabet. In addition to implementing the mapping interface, tries allow finding the items for a given prefix, and vice versa, finding the items whose keys are prefixes of a given key. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-trie-doc Description-md5: 1f4bd666dc3b01f5ac41ef7b8fa1ffd7 Description-gl: Pure Python implementation of the trie data structure (doc) A trie is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a mapping where the keys are sequences, usually strings over an alphabet. In addition to implementing the mapping interface, tries allow finding the items for a given prefix, and vice versa, finding the items whose keys are prefixes of a given key. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: python-trollius-redis Description-md5: 025d9a6fb482e94f1947ccf7e607ed26 Description-gl: Redis client for Python Trollius (Python 2) Completely asynchronous, non-blocking client for a Redis server. It depends on trollius (asyncio compatible for PEP 3156). It supports Python 2 Trollius-using developers. . Funcionalidades . * Works for the trollius asyncio-compatible (PEP3156) event loop * No dependencies except trollius * Connection pooling * Automatic conversion from unicode (Python) to bytes (inside Redis.) * Bytes and str protocols. * Completely tested * Blocking calls and transactions supported * Streaming of some multi bulk replies * Pubsub support . This package installs the library for Python 2. Package: python-tunigo Description-md5: 0c049161c41eb94faab58c059acf1ea7 Description-gl: Python API for the browse feature of Spotify (Python 2) This package allows for simple access to Tunigo's API. This is an API for fetching featured playlists and new releases for Spotify. It supports featured playlists, top playlists, new album releases and playlists for a range of different genres. . Tunigo's API is what the official Spotify client uses to provide its browse feature. . Note that the API is not documented or officially released, so it may change at any time. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-tweepy Description-md5: 8a46723a508b6243b2eec1df611a3238 Description-gl: Twitter library for Python Tweepy é unha biblioteca de Twitter e para Python que se pode usar en aplicativos de escritorio e da web. Ten as caracterÃsticas seguintes: - Compatibilidade con OAuth - Cobre a API completa de Twitter - Compatibilidade coa API de retransmisión - Sistema de caché (memoria, ficheiro) - É de uso fácil Package: python-tweepy-doc Description-md5: c9451ac612064386af977e56fc5847ec Description-gl: Documentación do módulo python-tweepy Documentation for Tweepy that is a Twitter and library for Python that can be used in desktop and web applications. It has the following features: - OAuth support - Covers the entire Twitter API - Streaming API support - Cache system (memory, file) - Easy to use . This package contains tutorials, examples and the Tweepy API. Package: python-twitter-doc Description-md5: 9b792c949c4f2c773817355990a04900 Description-gl: Twitter API wrapper for Python: documentation files This library provides a pure Python interface for the Twitter API. . Twitter provides a service that allows people to connect via the web, IM, and SMS. Twitter exposes a web services API ( and this library is intended to make it even easier for Python programmers to use. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de documentación. Package: python-txaio-doc Description-md5: 5ee61f3f6f885f1143a3c9238982cc90 Description-gl: compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius - doc Txaio is a helper library for writing code that runs unmodified on both Twisted and asyncio. . This is like six , but for wrapping over differences between Twisted and asyncio so one can write code that runs unmodified on both (aka "source code compatibility"). In other words: users can choose if they want asyncio or Twisted as a dependency. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-txlongpoll Description-md5: 68a80f3225bdf78bea26ce03cbaa1168 Description-gl: Long polling HTTP frontend for AMQP Long polling HTTP frontend for AMQP. It is a generic long poll server used by Launchpad and Landscape. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python. Package: python-txtorcon Description-md5: b35c65824f9646716ea8183f36c4c074 Description-gl: Twisted-based asynchronous Tor control protocol implementation (Python 2) txtorcon main feature is to present an asynchronous API to speak the Tor client protocol in Python. It also provides abstractions to track and get updates about Tor's state and current configuration (including writing it to Tor or disk), along with helpers to asynchronously launch slave instances of Tor including Twisted endpoint support. . Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python and Tor is an onion-routing network designed to improve people's privacy and anonymity on the Internet. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-txzmq Description-md5: 04a92778461c096c18dc1e9f0df934ae Description-gl: ZeroMQ binding for the Twisted framework (Python2 version) txZMQ allows one to integrate easily 0MQ sockets into Twisted event loop (reactor). . 0MQ is a high performance asynchronous brokerless messaging library. . Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-u-msgpack Description-md5: 71d8d32eeab4f81c1f8a156926b8ad60 Description-gl: Python MessagePack serializer and deserializer A lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer module written in pure Python, compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3, as well as CPython and PyPy implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the latest MessagePack specification. In particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application-defined ext types. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-u1db Description-md5: 5501d46ca32087d3dc9b7c0fa8d7be9a Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- API de Python Unha API para almacenar datos estruturados que poden ser sincronizados a través dunha conexión de rede, incluÃdo o servizo Ubuntu One. . This package includes the Python implementation of the API. Package: python-ubjson Description-md5: 6b7d3eecbca125f0dbf54172b12d8af6 Description-gl: Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder for Python 2 Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder based on the draft-12 specification. It’s meant to behave very much like Python’s built-in JSON module . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-ubuntu-kylin-sso-client Description-md5: 2595dd128cb1c6b51d80caabb0836f1f Description-gl: Cliente de autenticación única de Ubuntu Kylin - biblioteca en Python Python library to allow applications to sign into Ubuntu Kylin services via SSO. Package: python-ubuntu-kylin-sso-client.tests Description-md5: 9294986b3e8b94145ae4790d2002c0c6 Description-gl: Cliente de autenticación única de Ubuntu Kylin - Suite de probas Test suite for the ubuntu-kylin-sso-client library. Package: python-ufl-doc Description-md5: 2e82d7e3c3437c3fbf708e1faa08e6d6 Description-gl: Documentación e demos para UFL UFL (Unified Form Language) is a unified language for definition of variational forms intended for finite element discretization. More precisely, it defines a fixed interface for choosing finite element spaces and defining expressions for weak forms in a notation close to mathematical notation. The form compilers FFC and SyFi use UFL as their end-user interface, producing UFC implementations as their output. . This package contains documentation and demos for UFL. Package: python-uniconvertor-dbg Description-md5: f6d8542cf5d58f13b46c7b49d3efe66a Description-gl: Universal vector graphics translator (debug extension) UniConvertor is a multiplatform universal vector graphics translator. It uses sK1 engine to convert one format to another. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-unshare Description-md5: a92b2cfaba8602e54d47293560d68f86 Description-gl: Python bindings for the Linux unshare() syscall This simple extension provides bindings to the Linux unshare() syscall, added in kernel version 2.6.16. . Empregando unshare() pódense explotar funcionalidades novas e interesantes do kernel Linux, como por exemplo: . * Creating a new network name space (CLONE_NEWNET) * Creating a new file system mount name space (CLONE_NEWNS) * Reverting other features shared from clone() . This library provides an equivalent of the util-linux command-line program unshare. Package: python-uritemplate Description-md5: a1e9a00cb82cb6497dc25d743eeeb454 Description-gl: implementation of RFC6570 - Python 2.x python-uritemplate implements RFC6570. URI Template can expand templates up to and including Level 4 in that specification. It exposes one method, "expand". . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-urwid Description-md5: 6dbb3ca1cac720abb86a0fd88923ed49 Description-gl: curses-based UI/widget library for Python 2 Urwid is a console user interface library that includes many features useful for text console application developers including: . * Fluid interface resizing (xterm window resizing/fbset on Linux console) * Web application display mode using Apache and CGI * Support for UTF-8, simple 8-bit and CJK encodings * Multiple text alignment and wrapping modes built-in * Ability to create user-defined text layout classes * Simple markup for setting text attributes * Powerful list box that handles scrolling between different widget types * List box contents may be managed with a user-defined class * Flexible edit box for editing many different types of text * Buttons, check boxes and radio boxes * Customizable layout for all widgets * Easy interface for creating HTML screen shots . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-vcr-doc Description-md5: e7d84c34fc58f4205b40c8edd08ed48a Description-gl: record and replay HTML interactions (Documentation) records all interactions that take place through the HTML libraries it supports and writes them to flat files, called cassettes (YAML format by default). These cassettes could be replayed then for fast, deterministic and accurate HTML testing. . supports the following Python HTTP libraries: - urllib2 (stdlib) - urllib3 - http.client (Python3 stdlib) - Requests - httplib2 - Boto (interface to Amazon Web Services) - Tornado's HTTP client . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-versiontools Description-md5: f5ffa2bf5004bb0d089ca93c6d11313c Description-gl: Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__ (Python 2) versiontools is a Python module providing a smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__. It has following features: . * A piece of code that allows you to keep a single version definition inside your package or module. No more hacks in, no more duplicates in and somewhere else. Just one version per package. * Version objects can produce nice version strings for released files that are compliant with PEP 386. Releases, alphas, betas, development snaphots. All of those get good version strings out of the box. * Version objects understand the VCS used by your project. Git, Mercurial and Bazaar are supported out of the box. Custom systems can be added by 3rd party plugins. * Version object that compares as a tuple of values and sorts properly. * Zero-dependency install! If all you care about is handling setup() to get nice tarball names then you don’t need to depend on versiontools (no setup_requires, no install_requires!). You will need to bundle a small support module though. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-virtkey Description-md5: 96869cff4693d20ceb306605a2d4abfd Description-gl: Biblioteca para emular toques no teclado. python-virtkey é unha extensión en python para emular toques no teclado e obter a xeometrÃa do teclado do xserver. Package: python-vm-builder Description-md5: baa484f24e5291f34fc047e933b4a62c Description-gl: VM builder Script that automates the process of creating a ready to use Linux based VM. The currently supported hypervisors are: . * KVM * Xen * VMWare . The currently supported distros are: . * Ubuntu Dapper, Gutsy, Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic. . You can pass command line options to add extra packages, remove packages, choose which version of Ubuntu, which mirror etc. On recent hardware with plenty of RAM, tmpdir in /dev/shm or using a tmpfs, and a local mirror, you can bootstrap a vm in less than a minute. Package: python-vmware-nsxlib-doc Description-md5: ae26a8473161edb37a8727657f069a1a Description-gl: <insert up to 60 chars description> (common documentation) <insert long description, indented with spaces> . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-w3lib Description-md5: fdea0339072f8d5916ee06085c63ca83 Description-gl: Collection of web-related functions (Python 2) Python module with simple, reusable functions to work with URLs, HTML, forms, and HTTP, that aren’t found in the Python standard library. . This module is used to, for example: - remove comments, or tags from HTML snippets - extract base url from HTML snippets - translate entities on HTML strings - encoding mulitpart/form-data - convert raw HTTP headers to dicts and vice-versa - construct HTTP auth header - RFC-compliant url joining - sanitize urls (like browsers do) - extract arguments from urls . The code of w3lib was originally part of the Scrapy framework but was later stripped out of Scrapy, with the aim of make it more reusable and to provide a useful library of web functions without depending on Scrapy. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-watcherclient-doc Description-md5: 3f3c7dee6cf2b1e351cc62017cf2446f Description-gl: OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - client doc OpenStack Watcher provides a flexible and scalable resource optimization service for multi-tenant OpenStack-based clouds. Watcher provides a complete optimization loop-including everything from a metrics receiver, complex event processor and profiler, optimization processor and an action plan applier. This provides a robust framework to realize a wide range of cloud optimization goals, including the reduction of data center operating costs, increased system performance via intelligent virtual machine migration, increased energy efficiency-and more! . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-web2py Description-md5: b0dd3ae72eb5eae7b48d55ba77ac4371 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento web de alto nivel en python web2py is a free, open-source web framework for agile development of secure database-driven web applications; it is written in Python and programmable in Python. Web2py is a full-stack framework, meaning that it contains all the components you need to build fully functional web applications. Web2py was inspired by Ruby on Rails and Django, and follows a Model View Controller design. . This package includes an example site, an internal web server and the administration tools to develop web sites with web2py. Package: python-webassets Description-md5: 7e03d2081b5b96586f02a61f7bfac0dd Description-gl: Asset management application for Python web development Assets helps you merge and compress any JavaScript and CSS files on your web development project. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-weboob-core Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: python-webpy Description-md5: 38855dd0f428b4a33a1ab4879c65f039 Description-gl: Web framework for Python applications by Aaron Swartz offers a clean and well designed API for Python web applications. . The philosophy behind is to: "Think about the ideal way to write a web app. Write the code to make it happen." . Implementations using this library have resulted in: * less code * code that ran faster * code that is easier to read and maintain. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 2.x. Package: python-webpy-doc Description-md5: dcc3e1e9cc136b061832e1aa0daf89ee Description-gl: Web framework for Python applications by Aaron Swartz offers a clean and well designed API for Python web applications. . The philosophy behind is to: "Think about the ideal way to write a web app. Write the code to make it happen." . Implementations using this library have resulted in: * less code * code that ran faster * code that is easier to read and maintain. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python-whichcraft Description-md5: 0a624d0cf3015da69f07e5f63655c625 Description-gl: cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality (Python 2 module) This is a shim of the "shutil.which" function that's designed to work across multiple versions of Python and inside of Windows. The code for Python 2.x is based on Python 3 code. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-whiteboard Description-md5: 782dcfa42a3ace6a08644dbd98af25c9 Description-gl: Cree o seu propio encerado dixital python whiteboard is a program that lets you build your own electronic whiteboard. You only need a wii remote and a IR pen Package: python-whitenoise Description-md5: 5e3c0b7dcdb4aa4c758356bcdbf89633 Description-gl: static file serving for WSGI applications (Python 2) With a couple of lines of config, WhiteNoise allows your web app to serve its own static files, making it a self-contained unit that can be deployed anywhere without relying on nginx, Amazon S3 or any other external service. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-wicd Description-md5: a696d5e4fdbb7eac81e8d8854fff3210 Description-gl: wired and wireless network manager - Python module Wicd is a general-purpose network configuration server which aims to provide a simple but flexible interface for connecting to networks. Its features include: * wide variety of settings; * ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and wireless networks; * support for many encryption schemes, including WEP, WPA, WPA2 and custom schemes; * wireless-tools compatibility. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python empregado por Wicd. Package: python-willow Description-md5: 3c52f3e9119959f9c5d31b71adf4283b Description-gl: Python image library combining Pillow, Wand and OpenCV (Python 2) Willow is a simple image library that combines the APIs of Pillow, Wand and OpenCV. It converts the image between the libraries when necessary. . Willow currently has basic resize and crop operations, face and feature detection and animated GIF support. New operations and library integrations can also be easily implemented. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-willow-doc Description-md5: dd363d58f4346c374258867926082987 Description-gl: Python image library (documentation) Willow is a simple image library that combines the APIs of Pillow, Wand and OpenCV. It converts the image between the libraries when necessary. . Willow currently has basic resize and crop operations, face and feature detection and animated GIF support. New operations and library integrations can also be easily implemented. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-windowmocker Description-md5: 20f83488e441d393f4828b330e200588 Description-gl: Cree xanelas e aplicativos a partir de especificacións Window Mocker is a simple tool that allows developers to create windows and applications that follow a certain specification. This is especially useful when testing applications that interact with other windows (like a window manager, for example). Package: python-wtf-peewee Description-md5: 43503630148f98c496db0564ed1a94df Description-gl: WTForms integration for peewee models (Python 2) Bridge between wtforms.ext and peewee. It provides a bridge between peewee models and wtforms, mapping model fields to form fields. . Este é o paquete de Python 2. Package: python-wtforms-doc Description-md5: bcd7a9a9f3083bd22e7c9e8f99e0e10f Description-gl: flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python (doc) Documentation for WTForms. WTForms is a HTML form field generator which allows full customization with templates, using the template engine of your choice. It also allows one to create forms based on ORM models from Django, SqlAlchemy and the Google Appengine. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-xapian-haystack Description-md5: cbbca97cbbe87463a5be8dc357ff5343 Description-gl: Xapian backend for Django-Haystack (Python2 version) Xapian-haystack is a backend of Django-Haystack for the Xapian search engine. It provides all the standard features of Haystack: * Weighting * Faceted search (date, query, etc.) * Sorting * Spelling suggestions * EdgeNGram and Ngram (for autocomplete) The endswith search operation is not supported. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-xapp Description-md5: 991185e672caccab40b72f4769fe5c95 Description-gl: Python 2 XApp library Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-xdg Description-md5: 207fa0b47cf9e6e4652f4db6ceb58ee7 Description-gl: Python 2 library to access standards PyXDG contains implementations of standards in Python: . * Base Directory Specification Version 0.6 * Menu Specification Version 1.0-draft1 * Desktop Entry Specification Version 1.0 * Icon Theme Specification Version 0.8 * Recent File Spec 0.2 * Shared-MIME-Database Specification 0.13 . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 2. Package: python-xkcd Description-md5: 1fe0ea0de985470f5e0d860304576947 Description-gl: Python2 library for accessing This is a Python library for accessing and retrieving links to comics from the xkcd webcomic by Randall Munroe. It is NOT endorsed or made by him, it’s an entirely independent project. . It makes use of the JSON interface to Randall’s site to retrieve comic data. . One can create comic objects manually using Comic(number), or can use the helper functions provided- getLatestComic(), getRandomComic(), and getComic()- to do this. Once you have a Comic object, you can access data from it using various provided methods. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-xkcd-doc Description-md5: 455c8a016564e8ce6e416f5a3deb4b58 Description-gl: Python library for accessing (common documentation) This is a Python library for accessing and retrieving links to comics from the xkcd webcomic by Randall Munroe. It is NOT endorsed or made by him, it’s an entirely independent project. . It makes use of the JSON interface to Randall’s site to retrieve comic data. . One can create comic objects manually using Comic(number), or can use the helper functions provided- getLatestComic(), getRandomComic(), and getComic()- to do this. Once you have a Comic object, you can access data from it using various provided methods. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: python-xkit Description-md5: 4e500baf3e639c20ceba48a7d4d98601 Description-gl: Biblioteca para a manipulación de ficheiros xorg.conf (Python 2) X-Kit é unha biblioteca para a manipulación de ficheiros xorg.conf. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python-xlrd-docs Description-md5: 6ff1fd453c18737b1aa40f377915340b Description-gl: extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files (documentation) xlrd is a Python library to Extract data from new and old Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. It supports both .xls and .xlsx files (from Excel 2007). . xlrd is a pure Python module and does not require any dependency outside of the standard Python distribution. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-xstatic-angular-schema-form Description-md5: 2ad0955ca9e3d5bf8869de18346ba33d Description-gl: Angular-Schema-Form (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 2.7 XStatic is a Python web development tool for handling required static data files from external projects, such as CSS, images, and JavaScript. It provides a lightweight infrastructure to manage them via Python modules that your app can depend on in a portable, virtualenv-friendly way instead of using embedded copies. . For a description of angular-schema-form, see the libjs-angular-schema- form package. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-xstatic-doc Description-md5: c1ccc845a050c3fc9ed8f7fd8d2db68f Description-gl: XStatic base package with minimal support code - doc XStatic is a packaging standard to package external (often 3rd party) static files as a Python package, so they are easily usable on all operating systems, with any package management system or even without one. . Many Python projects need to use some specific data files, like javascript, css, java applets, images, etc. Sometimes these files belong to YOUR project (then you may want to package them separately, but you could also just put them into your main package). But in many other cases, those files are maintained by someone else (like jQuery javascript library or even much bigger js libraries or applications) and you definitely do not really want to merge them into your project. So, you want to have static file packages, but you don’t want to get lots of stuff you do not want. Thus, stuff required by XStatic file packages (especially the main, toplevel XStatic package) tries to obey to be a MINIMAL, no-fat thing. XStatic doesn't "sell" any web framework or other stuff you don't want. Maybe there will be optional XStatic extensions for all sorts of stuff, but they won't be required if you just want the files. . By having static files in packages, it is also easier to build virtual envs, support linux/bsd/... distribution package maintainers and even windows installs using the same mechanism. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: python-xstatic-tv4 Description-md5: 1882055c96d32dddb60834475d964206 Description-gl: tv4 (XStatic packaging standard) - Python 2.7 XStatic is a Python web development tool for handling required static data files from external projects, such as CSS, images, and JavaScript. It provides a lightweight infrastructure to manage them via Python modules that your app can depend on in a portable, virtualenv-friendly way instead of using embedded copies. . For a description of tv4, see the libjs-tv4 package. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2.7. Package: python-yappy-doc Description-md5: 358a571a7e3accee2507405c40000ea4 Description-gl: Documentación de yappy Yappy provides a lexical analyser and a LR parser generator for Python applications. It currently builds SLR, LR(1) and LALR(1) tables. Tables are kept in Python shelves for use in parsing. Some ambiguous grammars can be handled if priority and associativity information is provided. . This package provides documentation for yappy. Package: python-zeitgeist Description-md5: a8bbce9f47542f7c0e66ec0932d99fef Description-gl: event logging framework - Python bindings Zeitgeist é un servizo que rexistra as actividades dun usuario (ficheiros abertos, sitios web visitados, conversas mantidas cou outras persoas, etc.) e pon a información relevante a disposición doutros aplicativos. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . This package contains the Python API. Package: python-zmq-dbg Description-md5: 0f0d48ea76cc383fb44bcab58f3181c9 Description-gl: Python bindings for 0MQ library - debugging files Python bindings for 0MQ. 0MQ is a small, fast, and free software library that gives you message-passing concurrency for applications in most common languages. . The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products. 0MQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python-zzzeeksphinx Description-md5: 4f212bc11d1a3c5c6d0fa4b9761ac8d1 Description-gl: Zzzeek's Sphinx layout and utilities This layout is first and foremost pulled in for the SQLAlchemy documentation builds (and possibly other related projects), but is also usable as a standalone theme / utility set for any project. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * uses Mako templates instead of Jinja, for more programmatic capabilities inside of templates * layout includes an independently scrollable sidebar * unique (to Sphinx) “contextual†sidebar contents that shows the current page in context with all sibling pages * modifications to autodoc which illustrate inherited classes, bases, method documentation illustrates if a method is only inherited from the base or overridden * “dynamic base†feature that will, under ReadTheDocs, pull in optional .mako and .py files from the website of your choice that will serve as an alternate base template and a source of extra config setup, respectively, allowing the layout to be integrated into the layout of an external site when viewing on the web * “viewsource†extension that can provide highlighted sourcecode to any Python file arbitrarily * SQLAlchemy-specific stuff, like the [SQL] popups, the dialect info directives * scss support using pyscss Package: python3-activipy Description-md5: 38067a77f866f3afb3e0ccdc53abf7fb Description-gl: implementation of ActivityStreams 2.0 for Python 3 Provides an easy API for building ActivityStreams 2.0 based applications as well as a test suite for testing ActivityStreams 2.0 libraries against. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-admesh Description-md5: c755ae3bc415d8ed3ddb335536f19336 Description-gl: Python bindings for the ADMesh (Python 3) It lets you manipulate 3D models in binary or ASCII STL format and partially repair them if necessary. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-aeidon Description-md5: b6fbe79c047ca6f850c9e62f172e5199 Description-gl: Lectura, escrita e manipulación de ficheiros de subtÃtulos baseados en texto aeidon is separate from the gaupol package, which provides a subtitle editor application with a GTK+ user interface. Package: python3-aiohttp-dbg Description-md5: 0bc8244e3e0ab388aafe5b18c4ce87e8 Description-gl: http client/server for asyncio - debug version HTTP Client for asyncio (PEP 3156 - Asynchronous I/O Support). . Features: * supports both client and server side of HTTP protocol, * supports both client and server Web-Sockets out-of-the-box, * web-server has middlewares and pluggable routing. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-altgraph Description-md5: 1b749c7a246f40950066d4f953968667 Description-gl: Python 3 graph (network) package altgraph is a fork of graphlib: a graph (network) package for constructing graphs, BFS and DFS traversals, topological sort, shortest paths, etc. with graphviz output. . altgraph includes some additional usage of Python 2.6+ features and enhancements related to modulegraph and macholib. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-amqplib Description-md5: 180ffd24aeb5fe94db9fe6db295fa081 Description-gl: simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library (Python3 version) Python client for the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 0-8, featuring basic messaging functionality and SSL support. . python3-amqplib provides synchronous API unlike other (event-driven) implementations. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-antlr Description-md5: 12962a7ebcfb1c989594e440bbf2b708 Description-gl: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc - Python 3.x This package contains the Python 3.x version of antlr. ANTLR stands for ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS). . Vexa o paquete antlr para obter unha descrición completa. Package: python3-anyjson Description-md5: 9351e44cbaa2fad03294506e6e90d50d Description-gl: Common interface for the best available JSON implementation (Python3 version) Loads whichever is the fastest JSON module installed and provides a uniform API regardless of which JSON implementation is used. The exceptions will also be the same whichever JSON module is used. The ranking of the JSON implementations is based on a benchmark. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-appdirs Description-md5: fc137eaa41349ca1fb6fd982bc86e1a0 Description-gl: determining appropriate platform-specific directories (Python 3) Depending on your system (Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows), you have to use different directories for storing user data. appdirs will help you choose an appropriate: . * user data directory (user_data_dir function) * user config directory (user_config_dir function) * user cache directory (user_cache_dir function) * site data directory (site_data_dir function) * site config directory (site_config_dir function) * user log directory (user_log_dir function) . On Linux systems, these function return directories based on the XDG Base Directory Specification. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-apscheduler Description-md5: e115bc2240fc2ac4e80a4fffae44ebae Description-gl: In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities The Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a light but powerful in- process task scheduler that lets you schedule jobs (functions or any Python callables) to be executed at times of your choosing. . This can be a far better alternative to externally run cron scripts for long-running applications (e.g. web applications), as it is platform neutral and can directly access your application's variables and functions. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-apsw Description-md5: 0ec3e15c2f558557db447883ce427e6e Description-gl: another Python SQLite 3 wrapper (Python 3 version) APSW (Another Python SQLite Wrapper) is an SQLite 3 wrapper that provides the thinnest layer over SQLite 3 possible. Everything you can do from the C API to SQLite 3, you can do from Python. Although APSW's API looks vaguely similar to Python's DB-API, it is not compliant with that API and instead works the way SQLite 3 does. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para Python 3. Package: python3-apsw-dbg Description-md5: 9469915db8a1dc4502da7ca345cfe566 Description-gl: another Python 3 SQLite 3 wrapper (debug extension) APSW (Another Python SQLite Wrapper) is an SQLite 3 wrapper that provides the thinnest layer over SQLite 3 possible. Everything you can do from the C API to SQLite 3, you can do from Python. Although APSW's API looks vaguely similar to Python's DB-API, it is not compliant with that API and instead works the way SQLite 3 does. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-argcomplete Description-md5: 864b9f1da574363ff4cbee4b92aa144b Description-gl: bash tab completion for argparse (for Python 3) Argcomplete provides easy, extensible command line tab completion of arguments for your Python script. . It makes two assumptions: . * You're using bash as your shell * You're using argparse to manage your command line arguments/options . Argcomplete is particularly useful if your program has lots of options or subparsers, and if your program can dynamically suggest completions for your argument/option values (for example, if the user is browsing resources over the network). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-asdf Description-md5: 5de6519bea5b5e62a795a426d96b1ab8 Description-gl: Python 3 library for the Advanced Scientific Data Format ASDF (Advanced Scientific Data Format) is a proposed next generation interchange format for scientific data. ASDF aims to exist in the same middle ground that made FITS so successful, by being a hybrid text and binary format: containing human editable metadata for interchange, and raw binary data that is fast to load and use. Unlike FITS, the metadata is highly structured and is designed up-front for extensibility. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-asgi-ipc Description-md5: 68617b14d3518c9c9799eb6be534bc43 Description-gl: ASGI channel layer that uses POSIX shared memory IPC (Python3 version) An ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) channel layer that uses POSIX shared memory IPC as its backing store (only works between processes on the same machine). . You'll need to instantiate the channel layer with a path prefix to create IPC objects underneath; any channel layers with the same prefix will talk to each other as long as they're on the same machine. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-asgi-redis Description-md5: 13c674a2ebf674297b20bf698b6483d7 Description-gl: Redis-py backend for ASGI, with built-in sharding (Python3 version) An ASGI channel layer that uses Redis as its backing store, and supports both a single-server and sharded configurations, as well as group support. . A "local and remote" mode is also supported, where the Redis channel layer works in conjunction with a machine-local channel layer (asgi_ipc) in order to route all normal channels over the local layer, while routing all single-reader and process-specific channels over the Redis layer. . "Sentinel" mode is also supported, where the Redis channel layer will connect to a redis sentinel cluster to find the present Redis master before writing or reading data. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-asgiref Description-md5: d76cfe2f10a31f9f71cd46646f266d81 Description-gl: ASGI in-memory channel layer (Python3 version) Contains various reference ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) implementations, including: . * A base channel layer, asgiref.base_layer * An in-memory channel layer, asgiref.inmemory * WSGI-to-ASGI and ASGI-to-WSGI adapters, in asgiref.wsgi . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-astroplan Description-md5: c7c7af5113ce1fc8cd984c41e83ca73c Description-gl: Observation planning package for astronomers (Python 3) Astroplan is an observation planning package for astronomers that can help you plan for everything but the clouds. . It is an Astropy affiliated package that seeks to make your life as an observational astronomer a little less infuriating. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-astropy-helpers Description-md5: 12f3ec60d6e4b79f8962c532849c6227 Description-gl: Utilities to install Astropy affiliated packages (Python 3) This project provides a Python package, astropy_helpers, which includes many build, installation, and documentation-related tools used by the Astropy project, but packaged separately for use by other projects that wish to leverage this work. The motivation behind this package and details of its implementation are in the accepted Astropy Proposal for Enhancement (APE) 4. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-astroquery Description-md5: 910dda05a050e14d4647a81858f3973c Description-gl: Python online astronomical database querying (Python 3) Astroquery is a set of Python tools for querying astronomical web forms and databases. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-async-timeout Description-md5: 02717b94af0633086c3d33fb2d1073cd Description-gl: timeout context manager for asyncio programs in Python The context manager is useful in cases when you want to apply timeout logic around block of code or in cases when asyncio.wait_for() is not suitable. Also it's much faster than asyncio.wait_for() because timeout doesn't create a new task. . Exemplo: . with timeout(1.5): yield from inner() Package: python3-aubio Description-md5: ce16c6aa11187866832b7b3c174c0240 Description-gl: Interface en Python para aubio, unha biblioteca para a segmentación de son aubio gathers a set of functions for audio signal segmentation and labelling. The library contains a phase vocoder, onset and pitch detection functions, a beat tracking algorithm and other sound processing utilities. . This package provides the aubio module for Python 3. Package: python3-azure-devtools Description-md5: b36823b948a315879584779416a6c58c Description-gl: Microsoft Azure Development Tools for Python 3.x This package contains tools to aid in developing Python-based Azure code. Currently it includes scenario_tests, a testing framework to handle much of the busywork associated with testing code that interacts with Azure. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-azure-storage Description-md5: d4ce158c5633ec1b55eaba006411d3c5 Description-gl: Microsoft Azure Storage Library for Python 3.x This Python module provides an API for consuming Microsoft Azure Storage services including Blob, Queue, Table and Files. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-babelfish Description-md5: 7b5ce70c4a61614d94984ce9bdc1b55d Description-gl: library to work with countries and languages (Python 3) Babelfish makes it easy to work with countries, languages, scripts, ISO codes and IETF codes from Python. It has converters between all different data can be extended to use custom converters and data. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-betamax Description-md5: 9a709aa9df09ab69407d66458d0281ed Description-gl: VCR imitation designed only for python-requests - Python 3.X Betamax records HTTP interactions and replay them allowing fast, deterministic and accurate tests and it's designed to be used with python- requests. If you are not using python-requests, you should checkout . Betamax comes with integrations for py.test and unittest and supports third party packages that provide extra request matchers and cassette serializers. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-bibtexparser Description-md5: 971fd7822ca3e9ccef91c52079136c42 Description-gl: Python 3 library to parse bibtex files The bibtexparser module provides parsing and writing of BibTeX files functionality. The parsed data is returned as a simple BibDatabase object with the main attribute being entries representing bibliographic sources such as books and journal articles. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 3 Package: python3-billiard Description-md5: c7d490ed3ece65410d0c996dba4424d4 Description-gl: Multiprocessing Pool Extensions for Python (Python3 version) This package contains extensions to the multiprocessing Pool. It extends the multiprocessing.Pool with a billiard.pool.DynamicPool that can grow in size. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-binaryornot Description-md5: 9add4d2c6805ea87fb861284ceb00e91 Description-gl: check if a file is binary or text (Python 3 module) This Python package provides a function to check if a file is a text file or a binary file. It uses the same heuristic as file(1) by looking at the first 1024 bytes of the file and checks that all characters are printable. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-binwalk Description-md5: cddab3db4a75a23f313262dcec849124 Description-gl: Python3 library for analyzing binary blobs and executable code Binwalk is a tool for searching a given binary image for embedded files and executable code. Specifically, it is designed for identifying files and code embedded inside of firmware images. Binwalk uses the libmagic library, so it is compatible with magic signatures created for the Unix file utility. . Binwalk inclúe tamén un ficheiro de sinatura máxima personalizada que contén sinaturas melloradas para ficheiros que se atopan frecuentemente nas imaxes de firmware como os ficheiros comprimidos/arquivados, cabeceiras de firmware, kernels Linux, cargadores de arranque, sistemas de ficheiros, etc. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-bitstruct Description-md5: 4e2f2f7bab16f06e429af60a758abfa0 Description-gl: Python bit pack/unpack package This module is intended to have a similar interface as the python struct module, but working on bits instead of primitive data types (char, int, ...). . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-bleach Description-md5: 495f5f4007a392a9683867f5ec7d7416 Description-gl: whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing library (Python 3) Bleach is an HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes based on a white list. Bleach can also linkify text safely, applying filters that Django's urlize filter cannot, and optionally setting rel attributes, even on links already in the text. . Bleach is intended for sanitizing text from untrusted sources. If you find yourself jumping through hoops to allow your site administrators to do lots of things, you're probably outside the use cases. Either trust those users, or don't. . Because it relies on html5lib, Bleach is as good as modern browsers at dealing with weird, quirky HTML fragments. And any of Bleach's methods will fix unbalanced or mis-nested tags. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-boto Description-md5: 56b90e6fbc2e7485ce9d6f5c7186598b Description-gl: Python interface to Amazon's Web Services - Python 3.x Boto é unha interface en python para os servizos de infraestrutura dispoñÃbeis de Amazon. . Boto admite os servizos seguintes: * Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) * Elastic MapReduce * CloudFront * DynamoDB * SimpleDB * Servizo de bases de datos relacionais (RDS) * Xestión de identificación e acceso (IAM) * Simple Queue Service (SQS) * CloudWatch * Route53 * Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) * Flexible Payment Service (FPS) * Simple Storage Service (S3) * Glacier * Elastic Block Store (EBS) * e moitos máis... . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-bottle-beaker Description-md5: 0af908213851c80afad3a2bb5fd6cc49 Description-gl: Bottle plugin beaker, WSGI middleware for sessions and caching - Python 3.X Bottle plugin to session and caching library with WSGI Middleware . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-bottle-cork Description-md5: 35c2610fac120719ccbeac3681b3e28d Description-gl: Authentication/Authorization library for Bottle Cork is a simple Authentication/Authorization library for the Bottle and Flask web frameworks. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-bottle-sqlite Description-md5: 10e563abdef76032cec04c602b085e90 Description-gl: SQLite3 integration for Bottle - Python 3.x Bottle-sqlite is a plugin that integrates SQLite3 with your Bottle application. It automatically connects to a database at the beginning of a request, passes the database handle to the route callback and closes the connection afterwards. . To automatically detect routes that need a database connection, the plugin searches for route callbacks that require a `db` keyword argument (configurable) and skips routes that do not. This removes any overhead for routes that don't need a database connection. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-cairosvg Description-md5: b68f944d0583c279b7258fca0cea0b27 Description-gl: SVG to PDF/PS/PNG converter based on Cairo (Python3 library) CairoSVG é un convertedor de SVG baseado en Cairo. Pode exportar ficheiros de SVG a ficheiros PDF, PostScript e PNG. A parte principal de CairoSVG é un analizador de SVG que tenta seguir a recomendación de SVG 1.1 do W3C. Unha vez analizado, o resultado debúxase nunha superficie Cairo que pode ser exportada a diversos formatos: PDF, PostScript, PNG e mesmo SVG. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python3. Package: python3-cap-ng Description-md5: 521b77645310fef36116cdd36c66ce26 Description-gl: Python3 bindings for libcap-ng This library implements the user-space interfaces to the POSIX 1003.1e capabilities available in Linux kernels. These capabilities are a partitioning of the all powerful root privilege into a set of distinct privileges. . Coa biblioteca libcap-ng preténdese facer que programar coas capacidades de POSIX sexa moito máis doado que coa biblioteca libcap tradicional. . This package contains the Python3 bindings for libcap-ng. Package: python3-case Description-md5: d1b4c44baf832bd9e87dd622f05dbfa4 Description-gl: Python unittest Utilities (Python3 version) Python unittest Utilities. Includes: . * * case.skip * case.mock * case.utils . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-cclib Description-md5: 920ec51a929575588f4cb576acb611ba Description-gl: Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry (Python3 module) Unha biblioteca en Python que fornece analizadores para ficheiros de rexistro de quÃmica computacional. Tamén fornece unha plataforma para implementar algoritmos de maneira independente dos paquetes. . This package contains the Python3 module. Package: python3-cdiff Description-md5: 538733da1773069d500f828c1f6194ac Description-gl: Colored, incremental diff with side by side and auto pager support (Python 3) Cdiff is a python module to view colored, incremental diff in a Git/Mercurial/ Svn workspace or from stdin, with side by side and auto pager support. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-celery Description-md5: e82e5099e2ae085695f07c4dafce88d9 Description-gl: async task/job queue based on message passing (Python3 version) Celery is an open source asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well. . The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on one or more worker nodes. Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready). . Celery is written in Python, but the protocol can be implemented in any language. It can also operate with other languages using webhooks. . The recommended message broker is RabbitMQ, but limited support for Redis, Beanstalk, MongoDB, CouchDB, and databases (using SQLAlchemy or the Django ORM) is also available. Celery is easy to integrate with Django, using the python-django-celery package. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-cement Description-md5: bd84e2dfba41c37d0512a62b0ca8f083 Description-gl: CLI Application Framework (Python3 version) Cement is an advanced CLI Application Framework for Python. Its goal is to introduce a standard, and feature-full platform for both simple and complex command line applications as well as support rapid development needs without sacrificing quality. Cement is flexible, and it’s use cases span from the simplicity of a micro-framework to the complexity of a mega- framework. . Features include: * Core pieces of the framework are customizable via handlers/interfaces * Extension handler interface to easily extend framework functionality * Config handler supports parsing multiple config files into one config * Argument handler parses command line arguments and merges with config * Log handler supports console and file logging * Plugin handler provides an interface to easily extend your application * Hook support adds a bit of magic to apps and also ties into framework * Handler system connects implementation classes with Interfaces * Output handler interface renders return dictionaries to console * Cache handler interface adds caching support for improved performance * Controller handler supports sub-commands, and nested controllers . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-cerealizer Description-md5: 53264d5277af478bb22635af49b1589c Description-gl: secure pickle-like module for Python 3 It support basic types (int, string, unicode, tuple, list, dict, set,...), old and new-style classes (you need to register the class for security), object cycles, and it can be extended to support C-defined type. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-chameleon Description-md5: 1166dcd6c641f19b3d4c802a7b0e976c Description-gl: XML-based template compiler Chameleon compiles templates to Python byte-code. It includes a complete implementation of the Zope Page Templates (ZPT) language. . The engine itself performs 10-15 times better than the reference implementation and real-world benchmarks show an overall performance improvement in complex applications of 30-50%. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 2. Package: python3-changelog Description-md5: e7f32501b217ce65c5453ceaf8250e6d Description-gl: Sphinx extension to generate changelog files (Python 3) This package provides simple Sphinx markup to render changelog displays (this is the Python 3 version of the extension). . Exemplo: . ==================== Changelog for 1.5.6 ==================== . .. changelog:: :version: 1.5.6 :released: Sun Oct 12 2008 . .. change:: :tags: general :tickets: 27 . Improved the frobnozzle. . .. change:: :tags: rendering, tests :pullreq: 8 :changeset: a9d7cc0b56c2 . Rendering tests now correctly render. Package: python3-cherrypy3 Description-md5: 71d5a9c30bbab2fe6a3e30d44fe7a076 Description-gl: Infraestrutura de desenvolvemento web de Python 3 - versión 3 CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework. It provides the foundation over which complex web-based applications can be written, with little or no knowledge of the underlying protocols. CherryPy allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program. This usually results in smaller source code developed in less time. . CherryPy is up-to-date with the latest developments on using Python for web development: it features a bundled WSGI server, and is able to integrate with other dispatching mechanisms, such as Routes. CherryPy can be run as a standalone application, since it provides its own HTTP server; setting it up behind another HTTP server, such as Apache, or even with mod_python are also options. . This version is backwards incompatible with the 2.2 version in some ways. See Package: python3-cinderclient Description-md5: 0fe059465a49f4f32d64d707c1fc8de6 Description-gl: Python bindings to the OpenStack Volume API - Python 3.x Cinder is a block storage as service system for the Openstack cloud computing software suite. It is a direct replacement for nova-volume as a separate project. Cinder users LVM partitions of your volume servers in order to provide iSCSI permanent block storage devices for your virtual machines running on Nova. . This package contains the a client for the OpenStack Volume API. There's a Python API (the "cinderclient" module), and a command-line script ("cinder"). Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Volume API. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-circuits Description-md5: 08db35b069abb53c0d71c14f53c8721d Description-gl: event-driven framework with a component architecture (Python3 version) circuits is an event-driven framework with a focus on Component Software Architectures where System Functionality is defined in Components. Components communicate with one another by propagating events throughout the system. Each Component can react to events and expose events to other parts of the system Components are able to manage their own events and can also be linked to other Components. . Circuits has a clean architecture and has no external dependencies on any other library. It's simplistic design is unmatchable but yet delivers a powerful framework for building large, scalable, maintainable applications and systems. Circuits was a core integral part of the pymills library developed in 2006 and was partly inspired by the Trac architecture. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-click-plugins Description-md5: 3f9eca3ac6eb84b70593c63c53ecd5b0 Description-gl: Click extension to register external CLI commands (Python 3) Click plugins allows developers of Click commandline applications to add a plugin mechanism to their tools. This allows the creation of subcommands registered by those plugins. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-colander Description-md5: 64a5ac6fbf7121881ff140a1d35ec960 Description-gl: simple schema-based serialization and deserialization - Python 3.x Colander is an extensible package which can be used to deserialize and validate a data structure composed of strings, mappings, and lists, and to serialize an arbitrary data structure to a data structure composed of strings, mappings, and lists. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-colour Description-md5: 767a856b2801a7820f84a0c6a71f5861 Description-gl: converts and manipulates various color representation - Python 2.X Converts and manipulates common color representation (RGB, HSL, web, ...) . Funcionalidades: . * Damn simple and pythonic way to manipulate color representation * Full conversion between RGB, HSL, 6-digit hex, 3-digit hex, human color * One object (Color) or bunch of single purpose function (rgb2hex, hsl2rgb, ...) * web format that use the smallest representation between 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb), fully spelled color (e.g. white), following W3C color naming for compatible CSS or HTML color specifications. * smooth intuitive color scale generation choosing N color gradients. * can pick colors for you to identify objects of your application. Package: python3-comedilib Description-md5: f4872bcee3e433496af7e6a549c8896d Description-gl: Python3 wrapper for Comedilib Comedilib is a library for using Comedi, a driver interface for data acquisition hardware. See the libcomedi0 package for more information. . Este paquete fornece asociacións de Python3 coa biblioteca comedi. Package: python3-configshell-fb Description-md5: 70768f9a4714d18e0845f694e542b539 Description-gl: Python library for building configuration shells - Python 3 The configshell-fb package is a Python library that provides a framework for building simple but nice CLI-based applications. . The configshell-fb package is a fork of the "configshell" code written by RisingTide Systems. The "-fb" differentiates between the original and this version. Please ensure to use either all "fb" versions of the targetcli components -- targetcli, rtslib, and configshell, or stick with all non-fb versions, since they are no longer strictly compatible. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-confluent-kafka Description-md5: 1a7a6a22dd36415d73a342e09a8a774c Description-gl: Python client to interact with Kafka - Python 3.x python-confluent-kafka wraps the librdkafka C library, providing full Kafka protocol support with great performance and reliability. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-cookiecutter Description-md5: af780833551300cac2ec447428840f5d Description-gl: create projects from project templates (Python 3 module) Cookiecutter is command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. . It can also be used as a Python module. It supports local and remote templates. The templating is done with Jinja2 and there is no limitation on the language used by the templated projects (Python, Ruby, Javascript, C, HTML, Postscript...). . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-crontab Description-md5: dfc946083ccce9025861de23af5a87c1 Description-gl: Python3 module for reading and writing crontab files python-crontab is a Python module for reading and writing crontab files and accessing the system crontabs automatically and simply using a direct API. This package includes the module for python3. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . - Displaying and modifying system and user crontab files - Adding comments to be displayed with jobs - Validating jobs - Searching for jobs Package: python3-cs Description-md5: 04645dc738442d82c63096b51c87c075 Description-gl: simple, yet powerful CloudStack API client (Python 3 module) This module is a simple, yet powerful Apache CloudStack API client for Python. It is a thin wrapper on top of the CloudStack API and hence it is able to adapt to any future version. . Apache CloudStack is open source software designed to deploy and manage large networks of virtual machines. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-csb Description-md5: 415ff5635129f116059bc0ce16ada83c Description-gl: Python framework for structural bioinformatics (Python3 version) Computational Structural Biology Toolbox (CSB) is a Python class library for reading, storing and analyzing biomolecular structures in a variety of formats with rich support for statistical analyses. . CSB is designed for reusability and extensibility and comes with a clean, well-documented API following good object-oriented engineering practice. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 3. Package: python3-cssselect Description-md5: 93179ab0777db9e44357a325443f9cbf Description-gl: cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0 cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translate them to XPath 1.0 expressions. Such expressions can be used in lxml or another XPath engine to find the matching elements in an XML or HTML document. . This module used to live inside of lxml as lxml.cssselect before it was extracted as a stand-alone project. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-cursive Description-md5: 7dd48ffa1b202d3a88f4171a5327de5b Description-gl: OpenStack specific validation of digital signatures - Python 3 As OpenStack continues to mature, robust security controls become increasingly critical. The cursive project contains code extracted from various OpenStack projects for verifying digital signatures. Additional capabilities will be added to this project in support of various security features. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-cutadapt Description-md5: 4a50c15e19d8a8c7675b15eb31fda489 Description-gl: Clean biological sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads (Python 3) Cutadapt helps with biological sequence clean tasks by finding the adapter or primer sequences in an error-tolerant way. It can also modify and filter reads in various ways. Adapter sequences can contain IUPAC wildcard characters. Also, paired-end reads and even colorspace data is supported. If you want, you can also just demultiplex your input data, without removing adapter sequences at all. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-cvxopt Description-md5: c0e935b365e4f8df54576f0262ae6c38 Description-gl: Python3 package for convex optimization CVXOPT is a Python package for convex optimization. It includes * Python classes for storing and manipulating dense and sparse matrices * an interface to most of the double-precision real and complex BLAS * an interface to the dense linear equation solvers and eigenvalue routines from LAPACK * interfaces to the sparse LU and Cholesky solvers from UMFPACK and CHOLMOD. * routines for solving convex optimization problems, an interface to the linear programming solver in GLPK, and interfaces to the linear and quadratic programming solvers in MOSEK * a modeling tool for specifying convex piecewise-linear optimization problems. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-daiquiri Description-md5: 7ef149dd0a0abd092bdf6147c1c206a7 Description-gl: Python library to easily setup basic logging functionality The daiquiri library provides an easy way to configure logging. It also provides some custom formatters and handlers. . Its promise is to setup a complete standard Python logging system with just one function call. Nothing more, nothing less. The interesting features are: . * Logs to stderr by default. * Use colors if logging to a terminal. * Support file logging. * Use program name as the name of the logging file so providing just a directory for logging will work. * Support syslog. * Support journald. * JSON output support. * Support of arbitrary key/value context information providing. * Capture the warnings emitted by the warnings module. * Native logging of any exception. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-darts.lib.utils.lru Description-md5: 50dddb8d8372768f1cf743058f3ab822 Description-gl: Simple dictionary with LRU behaviour in Python3 An LRUDict is basically a simple dictionary, which has a defined maximum capacity, that may be supplied at construction time, or modified at run- time via the capacity property. The class SynchronizedLRUDict, which exposes the same interface as plain LRUDict, but fully thread-safe. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-dbus-tests Description-md5: 79ffa70594d155e9f0431e4e0a033937 Description-gl: simple interprocess messaging system (Python 3 interface - tests) D-Bus is a message bus, used for sending messages between applications. . This package contains automated tests for the "dbus" Python bindings for the reference D-Bus implementation, to be run under Python 3. . Vexa a descrición de dbus para máis información sobre D-Bus en xeral. Package: python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5-dbg Description-md5: 431a24f77c9e2f673bfe287159ae40a0 Description-gl: D-Bus Qt main loop support for Python 3 (debug extension) The dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 module provides support for Qt main loop for applications that use dbus-python. By default Qt uses main loop from GLib on UNIX-like systems, not its own one. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-dbus.mainloop.qt-dbg Description-md5: 26c0b1367c90a234ef963ea672b0ecc9 Description-gl: D-Bus Support for PyQt4 (debug extensions for Python 3) The D-Bus module of PyQt4 provides integration of PyQt4 applications with the D-Bus main loop for Python 3 . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python3-designateclient Description-md5: 1d586d2c5ad0fdb2c16cb4cbc7148492 Description-gl: client library for the OpenStack Designate API - Python 3.x Designate provides DNSaaS services for OpenStack. It provides a multi- tenant REST API for domain & record management. It is Integrated with Keystone for authentication, and provides a framework in place to integrate with Nova and Neutron notifications (for auto-generated records). Designate supports PowerDNS and Bind9 out of the box. . This is a client for the OpenStack Designate API. There's a Python API (the "designateclient" module), and a command-line script ("designate"). . Installing this package gets you a shell command, that you can use to interact with Designate's API. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-dicttoxml Description-md5: f1e6412c3b7809202ad585ffea4203d8 Description-gl: Python 3 module for converting dict into a XML string dicttoxml is a Python module for a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. . Supports item (int, float, long, decimal.Decimal, bool, str, unicode, datetime, none and other number-like objects) and collection (list, set, tuple and dict, as well as iterable and dict-like objects) data types, with arbitrary nesting for the collections. Items with a datetime type are converted to ISO format strings. Items with a none type become empty XML elements. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-dirspec Description-md5: f9dfa9b4ef0d949089a8a7deed841988 Description-gl: Python User Folders Specification Library Unha biblioteca para manipular a especificación do directorio base da XDG e os directorios de usuario da XDG para música, vÃdeos, etc... . Este paquete contén a versión en python 3.x da biblioteca. Package: python3-django-allauth Description-md5: 2301df51c23edaffa215fa165ce12369 Description-gl: Django app for local and social authentication (Python 3 version) Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication with the following supported providers: . * Amazon (OAuth2) * AngelList (OAuth2) * Bitly (OAuth2) * Dropbox (OAuth) * Facebook (both OAuth2 and JS SDK) * Feedly (OAuth2) * Github (OAuth2) * Google (OAuth2) * Instagram (OAuth2) * LinkedIn (OAuth, OAuth2) * OpenId * Paypal (OAuth2) * Persona * SoundCloud (OAuth2) * Stack Exchange (OAuth2) * Twitch (OAuth2) * Twitter (OAuth) * Vimeo (OAuth) * VK (OAuth2) * Weibo (OAuth2) . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-appconf Description-md5: bc208a78c4e4020e9f7cfd3e5f23b232 Description-gl: helper class handling configuration defaults of apps - Python 3.x Say you have an app with a few defaults, which you want to refer to in the app's code without repeating yourself all the time. Django-appconf provides a simple helper class to implement those defaults. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-django-assets Description-md5: 9944accda84f9d7ed4328ce8d91f5de0 Description-gl: integrate webassets into Django applications (Python3 version) django-assets will automatically merge and compress bundle’s source files the first time a template including them is rendered, and will automatically update the compressed file every time a source file changes. If debugging is enabled, each source file will be outputted individually instead. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-auth-ldap Description-md5: 179b66a3ddeffe0f9523791ab4633f67 Description-gl: Django LDAP authentication backend (Python3 version) Django authentication backend that authenticates against an LDAP service. Configuration can be as simple as a single distinguished name template, but there are many rich configuration options for working with users, groups, and permissions. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-bitfield Description-md5: 5e873d5288caa3309681e00414c80746 Description-gl: Django module implementing BitFields (Python3 version) django-bitfield provides a custom field which allows various bits to be stored inside one fixed-width BigIntegerField. . The custom field provides syntatic sugar for accessing those flags easily from a Django application. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-braces Description-md5: 6ff40b839bb87064d3f76136ebee5a4d Description-gl: reusable, generic mixins for Django class based views (Python3 version) Django-braces provides a set of reusable, generic mixins for the Django class based views system. The mixins can be used for access control, form handling and other purposes. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-celery-haystack Description-md5: 1b4628fc1dac1ecdb750dcccc9a17cf7 Description-gl: utilize Celery for automatic haystack index updates (Python3 version) This Django app allows you to utilize Celery for automatically updating and deleting objects in a Haystack search index. It provides a SearchIndex subclass and a signal processor to trigger the updates. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-celery-transactions Description-md5: bc3f12760e851da10bf6a4f3221cb78b Description-gl: Django transaction support for Celery tasks (Python3 version) django-celery-transactions holds on to Celery tasks until the current database transaction is committed, avoiding potential race conditions as described in Celery's user guide. . Features: * If the transaction is rolled back, the tasks are discarded. Django's transaction middleware does this if an exception is raised. * If transactions aren't being managed, tasks are sent as normal. This means that sending tasks from within Django's shell will work as expected, as will the various transaction decorators commit_manually, commit_on_success, etc. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-classy-tags Description-md5: 3253a01d01c439dbaf8d4d3a0637f604 Description-gl: Class based template tags for Django projects (Python3 version) django-classy-tags is an approach at making writing template tags in Django easier, shorter and more fun. It provides an extensible argument parser which reduces most of the boiler plate code you usually have to write when coding custom template tags. . django-classy-tags does no magic by design. Thus you will not get automatic registering/loading of your tags like other solutions provide. You will not get automatic argument guessing from function signatures but rather you have to declare what arguments your tag accepts. There is no magic in your template tag class either, it’s just a subclass of django.template.Node which invokes a parser class to parse the arguments when it’s initialized and resolves those arguments into keyword arguments in it’s render method and calls its render_tag method with those keyword arguments. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-countries Description-md5: a211f034ba539ea0e5dcd2c3e9edf86c Description-gl: provides a country field for Django models (Python3 version) A Django application which provides all ISO 3166-1 countries as choices for use with forms, and a country field for models. It also includes a small template filter for getting country flags by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-crispy-forms Description-md5: 2d057b6635fd8846a28bfea5e4676294 Description-gl: app for Django providing elegant form rendering (Python3 version) django-crispy-forms provides you with a |crispy filter and {% crispy %} tag that will let you control the rendering behavior of your Django forms in a very elegant and DRY way. Have full control without writing custom form templates. All this without breaking the standard way of doing things in Django, so it plays nice with any other form application. . Django-crispy-forms supports several frontend frameworks, such as Twitter Bootstrap (versions 2 and 3), Uni-form and Foundation. You can also easily adapt your custom company's one, creating your own, see the docs for more information. You can easily switch among them using CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK setting variable. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-dirtyfields Description-md5: a6bd1cfee6b719cbe2f993bbc3b167a3 Description-gl: package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance (Python 3) django-dirtyfields is a package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance, where dirty means that field in-memory and database values are different. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-discover-runner Description-md5: 20a30cb755d9e2e7234a211c51ad21f3 Description-gl: alternative Django test runner - Python 3.x python-django-discover-runner is an alternative Django "TEST_RUNNER" which uses the unittest2 test discovery from a base path specified in the settings, or any other module or package specified to the "test" management command, including app tests. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-django-downloadview Description-md5: 9a4a618ff4df998d873abcb8f01ba0a8 Description-gl: efficient static file serving with Django (Python3 version) django-downloadview makes it easy to serve files with Django: . * manage files with Django (permissions, filters, generation, ...); * files are stored somewhere or generated somehow (local filesystem, remote storage, memory...); * django-downloadview helps to stream the files with very little code; * django-downloadview helps to improve performances with reverse proxies, via mechanisms such as Nginx’s X-Accel or Apache’s X-Sendfile. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-etcd-settings Description-md5: 8af039576ff6bcb00de6bd1fed7e4581 Description-gl: config manager for Django apps based on ETCD (Python3 version) This application allows you to extend the Django settings as configured in the file with: . * Environment dependent values * Values in different config sets, identified by name, which can be selected on a 'per request' basis using the X-DYNAMIC-SETTINGS HTTP header . Both the added configuration values and config sets would live at ETCD, which will be continuously monitored by this library in order to transparently update your app settings upon changes. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-extensions Description-md5: 1c6908ff76736a299c37fb2a34aaa619 Description-gl: Useful extensions for Django projects (Python 3 version) This is a collection of useful third-party tools for projects that use the Django web development framework. It provides the management commands: . * runserver_plus - a "runserver" that uses the interactive Werkzeug debugger * runprofileserver - starts runserver with profiling tools enabled * shell_plus - similar to the built-in "shell" but autoloads all models * graph_models - creates a GraphViz dot file of your model arrangement * describe_form - generate template form definitions for a model * export_emails - export the addresses of your users in many formats * print_user_for_session - print the user information from a session key * create_jobs/runjob/runjobs - manage scheduled maintenance jobs * (plus many more) . python-django-extensions also includes a number of custom fields and abstract models, including ones that manage created and updated times automatically. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-extra-views Description-md5: 1bb72ecfb19212fdff1dad0d6d7dea80 Description-gl: Complementary class-based generic views for Django (Python3 version) Django Extra Views provides a number of additional class-based generic views to complement those provide by Django itself. . Features: * FormSet and ModelFormSet views - The formset equivalents of FormView and ModelFormView. * InlineFormSetView - Lets you edit formsets related to a model (uses inlineformset_factory). * CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView - Lets you edit a model and its relations. * GenericInlineFormSetView, the equivalent of InlineFormSetView but for GenericForeignKeys. * Support for generic inlines in CreateWithInlinesView and UpdateWithInlinesView. * Support for naming each inline or formset with NamedFormsetsMixin. * SortableListMixin - Generic mixin for sorting functionality in your views. * SearchableListMixin - Generic mixin for search functionality in your views. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-filters Description-md5: 221ea07289db6c8face12361edbeec2b Description-gl: filter Django QuerySets based on user selections (Python3 version) Django-filter is a generic, reusable application to alleviate some of the more mundane bits of view code. Specifically allowing the users to filter down a queryset based on a model’s fields and displaying the form to let them do this. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-floppyforms Description-md5: 8d4b4c33aeff8427a498d6d3f1278ba1 Description-gl: better control of form rendering in Django (Python3 version) Django-foppyforms is an application that gives you full control of the output of forms rendering. This is more a widgets library than a forms library but form fields are provided for convenience. The forms API and features are exactly the same as Django’s, the key difference is that widgets are rendered in templates instead of using string interpolation. . The widgets API allows you to customize and extend the widgets behaviour, making it very easy to define custom widgets. The default widgets are very similar to the default Django widgets, except that they implement some nice features of HTML5 forms, such as the placeholder and required attribute, as well as the new <input> types. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-fsm Description-md5: 54439859d594832fb9e47dd43d07c8e8 Description-gl: Django friendly finite state machine support (Python3 version) django-fsm adds declarative states management for django models. Instead of adding some state field to a django model, and managing its values by hand, you could use FSMState field and mark model methods with the transition decorator. Your method could contain the side-effects of the state change. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-fsm-admin Description-md5: 819c09bd3fe72ed83f36c57e44954a96 Description-gl: django-fsm state transitions for Django admin (Python3 version) Mixin and template tags to integrate django-fsm transitions into the django admin. It assumes that your workflow state field is named state but you can override it or add additional workflow state fields with the attribute fsm_field. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-haystack Description-md5: 9b06ae90f057b3250ff0b8a6f5eb0e8e Description-gl: modular search for Django (Python3 version) Haystack provides modular search for Django. It features a unified, familiar API that allows you to plug in different search backends (such as Solr, Elasticsearch, Whoosh, Xapian, etc.) without having to modify your code. . It plays nicely with third-party app without needing to modify the source and supports advanced features like faceting, More Like This, highlighting, spatial search and spelling suggestions. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-housekeeping Description-md5: 523c53911442e86bb1181841ebe43fdd Description-gl: Pluggable housekeeping framework for Django sites in Python 3 django\_housekeeping provides a management command that finds and run tasks defined by your Django apps. . Tasks can declare dependencies on each other, run in multiple stages and provide infrastructure that other tasks can use. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-html-sanitizer Description-md5: 10d42b1f092b891170ce8ed52473ff8d Description-gl: set of utilities sanitize HTML inputs in django (Python 3) Django HTML Sanitizer provides a set of utilities to easily sanitize/escape/ clean HTML inputs in django. This app is built on top of bleach, the excellent Python HTML sanitizer. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-imagekit Description-md5: bc7b5d465577ed8d6e5e5d5bd17afa3b Description-gl: Automated image processing for Django (Python3 version) ImageKit is a Django app for processing images. Need a thumbnail? A black- and-white version of a user-uploaded image? ImageKit will make them for you. If you need to programmatically generate one image from another, you need ImageKit. . ImageKit comes with a bunch of image processors for common tasks like resizing and cropping, but you can also create your own. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-impersonate Description-md5: 68d2f2d3f9136c76464914918d2fb8e1 Description-gl: Django module for superusers to impersonate accounts (Python 3) Simple Django application to allow superusers to "impersonate" other non- superuser accounts. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-jinja Description-md5: 5dc17befb2cf9a15ea0d251a11d97bdc Description-gl: Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django (Python 3 version) Jinja2 provides certain advantages over the native system of Django, for example, explicit calls to callable from templates, has better performance and has a plugin system . Funcionalidades: . * Auto-load templatetags compatible with Jinja2 on same way as Django. * Django templates can coexist with Jinja2 templates without any problems. It works as middleware, intercepts Jinja templates by file path pattern. * Django template filters and tags can mostly be used in Jinja2 templates. * I18n subsystem adapted for Jinja2 (makemessages now collects messages from Jinja templates) * Compatible with python2 and python3 using same codebase. * jinja2 bytecode cache adapted for use django cache subsystem. . This package contains django-jinja for Python 3. Package: python3-django-jsonfield Description-md5: 6924d720d8ccab569d5deb383dbfd080 Description-gl: JSON field for Django models (Python 3) This package provides a Django field (jsonfield.JSONField) that you can use to store arbitrary JSON structures in a simple text field at the database level. . Accessing the field returns a decoded object (list, dict, string). . In forms, it appears like a TextField but the input is validated to be valid JSON. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-maintenancemode Description-md5: 766da3b8d20abe04e230d3be6f387ed0 Description-gl: django module that sets a site down for maintenance (Python 3) Django Maintenancemode is a middleware that allows you to temporarily shutdown your site for maintenance work. . Logged in users having staff credentials can still fully use the site as can users visiting the site from an IP address defined in Django's ``INTERNAL_IPS``. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-markupfield Description-md5: acffeb1af70dfb20818066ce22c2dee3 Description-gl: custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields (Python3 version) An implementation of a custom MarkupField for Django. A MarkupField is in essence a TextField with an associated markup type. The field also caches its rendered value. . It supports these markup types by default: * html: allows HTML, potentially unsafe * plain: plain text markup, calls urlize and replaces text with linebreaks And these markups if the appropriate Python module is installed: * markdown: default markdown renderer (requires python-markdown) * restructuredtext: default ReST renderer (requires python-docutils) * textile: default textile renderer (requires python-textile) . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-memoize Description-md5: c3196b59e4d3066364f3ea3aa9a23d86 Description-gl: implementation of memoization technique for Django (Python 3) django-memoize is an implementation of the memoization technique for Django. You can think of it as a cache for function or method results. . In memoization, the functions arguments are also included into the cache_key. Memoize is also designed for methods, since it will take into account the repr of the ‘self’ or ‘cls’ argument as part of the cache key. The theory behind memoization is that if you have a function you need to call several times in one request, it would only be calculated the first time that function is called with those arguments. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-navtag Description-md5: f5040754a11ef20ae58718bc5a0b3c2b Description-gl: Django template tag to handle navigation (Python3 version) A simple Django template tag to handle navigation item selection. It works through template inheritance and allows one to define hierarchical navigation menu structures in the presentation layer. It differentiates itself from other solutions by sole reliance on templates. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-netfields Description-md5: 1963217ee3aebb0b1299b7f1a39e3c03 Description-gl: Django PostgreSQL netfields implementation (Python3 version) This project is an attempt at making proper PostgreSQL net related fields for Django. In Django pre 1.4 the built in IPAddressField does not support IPv6 and uses an inefficient HOST() cast in all lookups. As of 1.4 you can use GenericIPAddressField for IPv6, but the casting problem remains. . In addition to the basic IPAddressField replacement a CIDR and a MACADDR field have been added. This library also provides a manager that allows for advanced IP based lookup directly in the ORM. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-nose Description-md5: 18283204da1e3105b972710a16fd2f16 Description-gl: Django test runner that uses python-nose (Python3 version) python-django-nose integrates python-nose into Django test runner by extending the Django management CLI with nose-related options. Those options are targeted at running nose tests directly from within the Django management system (e.g. django-admin). . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-oauth-toolkit Description-md5: f4b4bf3241c69b40815cf054156f48cb Description-gl: OAuth2 capabilities for Django projects (Python3 version) Django OAuth Toolkit can help you providing out of the box all the endpoints, data and logic needed to add OAuth2 capabilities to your Django projects. Django OAuth Toolkit makes extensive use of OAuthLib, so that everything is rfc-compliant. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-openstack-auth Description-md5: c305d6dbe36cd9d4e9a2e224289d07f4 Description-gl: Django authentication backend for Openstack - Python 3.x Django authentication backend for use with the OpenStack Keystone Identity backend. This Python module is used by Horizon (the Openstack Dashport web GUI) to auth against Keystone. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-django-ordered-model Description-md5: 42c491f269d72ee0c157be055e682554 Description-gl: Allows Django models to be ordered (Python3 version) django-ordered-model allows models to be ordered and provides a simple admin interface for reordering them. Model instances have a set of methods to move them relative to each other. It is also possible to order only within a subset of objects. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-organizations Description-md5: ce544397543cdcf5e993257683a23887 Description-gl: Django groups and multi-user account management module (Python 3) Django Organizations adds user-managed, multi-user groups to your Django project. Use Django Organizations whether your site needs organizations that function like social groups or multi-user account objects to provide account and subscription functionality beyond the individual user. . * Works with your existing user model, whether ` django.contrib.auth` or a custom model. No additional user or authentication functionality required. * Users can be belong to and own more than one organization (account, group) * Invitation and registration functionality works out of the box for many situations and can be extended as need to fit specific requirements. * Start with the base models or use your own for greater customization. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-otp Description-md5: cc57af5088f1a43796f379765c6687db Description-gl: pluggable framework for two-factor authentication (Python3 version) This project makes it easy to add support for one-time passwords (OTPs) to Django. It can be integrated at various levels, depending on how much customization is required. It integrates with django.contrib.auth, although it is not a Django authentication backend. The primary target is developers wishing to incorporate OTPs into their Django projects as a form of two-factor authentication. . This project includes several simple OTP plugins and more are available separately. This package also includes an implementation of OATH HOTP and TOTP for convenience, as these are standard OTP algorithms used by multiple plugins. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-paintstore Description-md5: c07bacba3fe5fdada05f00c188872079 Description-gl: Integrates jQuery ColorPicker in Django admin (Python 3 version) Django app that integrates the jQuery ColorPicker in the Django admin. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-picklefield Description-md5: ed5eb3e85e6569b193bb1846574c9488 Description-gl: Pickled object field for Django (Python3 version) django-picklefield provides an implementation of a pickled object field for the Django framework. Such fields can contain any picklable objects. . It is useful for storing just about anything in the database when there isn't a 'proper' field for the job. PickledObjectField is database- agnostic, and should work with any database backend you can throw at it. You can pass in any Python object and it will automatically be converted behind the scenes. You never have to manually pickle or unpickle anything. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-pipeline Description-md5: 8ca944c20fba588fc0fbe79c6a8ce962 Description-gl: Asset packaging library for Django (Python3 version) Pipeline is an asset packaging library for Django, providing both CSS and JavaScript concatenation and compression, built-in JavaScript template support, and optional data-URI image and font embedding. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-polymorphic Description-md5: de045775fee62acc4bc6a6be237f457c Description-gl: Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models (Python3 version) Django-polymorphic simplifies using inherited models in Django projects. When a query is made at the base model, the inherited model classes are returned. . Features: * Full admin integration. * ORM integration: + Support for ForeignKey, ManyToManyField, OneToOneField descriptors. + Support for proxy models. + Filtering/ordering of inherited models (ArtProject___artist). + Filtering model types: instance_of(...) and not_instance_of(...) + Combining querysets of different models (qs3 = qs1 | qs2) + Support for custom user-defined managers. * Uses the minimum amount of queries needed to fetch the inherited models. * Disabling polymorphic behavior when needed. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-push-notifications Description-md5: fdfef1ec850c526356ab4c7b7e10d865 Description-gl: Send push notifications through GCM or APNS in Django (Python3 version) A minimal Django app that implements Device models that can send messages through APNS, FCM/GCM and WNS. It provides three models: . * GCMDevice * APNSDevice * WNSDevice . The app also implements an admin panel, through which you can test single and bulk notifications. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-python3-ldap Description-md5: c2909f5300118d071a2e1cd60ceb353d Description-gl: Django LDAP user authentication backend (Python3 version) django-python3-ldap provides a Django LDAP user authentication backend for Python. It uses the pure Python ldap3 library for all LDAP related operations. This makes it easier to deploy instead of solutions that depend on the OpenLDAP library. . It provides the following features: * Authenticate users with an LDAP server. * Sync LDAP users with a local Django database. * Supports custom Django user models. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-q Description-md5: 26834dd9a10f405458c0be3f6f8aacf4 Description-gl: Django multiprocessing distributed task queue (Python 3 version) A multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django with following features: . * Multiprocessing worker pool * Asynchronous tasks * Scheduled and repeated tasks * Encrypted and compressed packages * Failure and success database or cache * Result hooks, groups and chains * Django Admin integration * PaaS compatible with multiple instances * Multi cluster monitor * Redis, Disque, IronMQ, SQS, MongoDB or ORM * Rollbar support . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-recurrence Description-md5: f8c574f4c0fa4e40a2efd25c2aff23b2 Description-gl: Django utility wrapping dateutil.rrule (Python3 version) django-recurrence is a utility for working with recurring dates in Django. . It provides: * Recurrence/Rule objects using a subset of rfc2445 (wraps dateutil.rrule) for specifying recurring date/times * RecurrenceField for storing recurring datetimes in the database * a JavaScript widget . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-redis Description-md5: 4dcabc98787b1ceba626af953ff53730 Description-gl: Redis cache backend for Django (Python 3) django-redis is a full featured Redis cache/session backend for Django. It provides several features to fully utilize Redis: * Pluggable clients. * Pluggable parsers. * Pluggable serializers. * Master-Slave support in the default client. * Supports infinite timeouts. * Facilities for raw access to Redis client/connection pool. * Highly configurable (can emulate memcached exception behavior, for example). * Unix sockets supported by default. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-redis-admin Description-md5: dee5173747337daf7a6cdb033d26b7e7 Description-gl: Django admin panel add-on to view/delete Redis keys (Python 3) `django-simple-redis-admin` is an addition to your Django admin panel that allows you to view and delete your Redis keys. . This package does not use models, so no database tables need to be created. Just add to INSTALLED_APPS and go. Users must have is_superuser == True to view the Redis admin. No django admin logs are created with this package. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-redis-sessions Description-md5: a5f1b7396cb480736651e3e37423baea Description-gl: Redis database backend for your Django sessions (Python 3) Session backend for Django that stores sessions in a Redis database . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-registration Description-md5: 2ee1c6d2bda2b3c9381aad72be815cd1 Description-gl: User-registration application for Django (Python 3) This is a fairly simple user-registration application for Django, designed to make allowing user signups as painless as possible. . Its main feature over Django's standard user-registration application is the support of email confirmation. . This application enables a fairly common workflow for user signups: 1. User signs up for an account. 2. User gets emailed an activation link. 3. User clicks the activation link before it expires. 4. User becomes a happy and productive contributor to your site. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-reversion Description-md5: b95c837f068963c5c2f3aa61fe538032 Description-gl: Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django (Python3 version) Reversion é unha extensión da infraestrutura web de Django que fornece facilidades de control de versións completas. . Features: * Roll back to any point in a model's history - an unlimited undo facility! * Recover deleted models - never lose data again! * Admin integration for maximum usability. * Group related changes into revisions that can be rolled back in a single transaction. * Automatically save a new version whenever your model changes using Django's flexible signalling framework. * Automate your revision management with easy-to-use middleware. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-rules Description-md5: ec42791052ee6384d60e095bb9b8aa28 Description-gl: object-level permissions for Django (Python3 version) rules is a tiny but powerful app providing object-level permissions to Django, without requiring a database. At its core, it is a generic framework for building rule-based systems, similar to decision trees. It can also be used as a standalone library in other contexts and frameworks. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-sekizai Description-md5: 31189ebc2982e95a40d9237bc8e09cf8 Description-gl: template blocks for Django projects (Python3 version) Sekizai means “blocks†in Japanese, and that’s what this app provides. A fresh look at blocks. With django-sekizai you can define placeholders where your blocks get rendered and at different places in your templates append to those blocks. This is especially useful for css and javascript. Your subtemplates can now define css and javscript files to be included, and the css will be nicely put at the top and the javascript to the bottom, just like you should. Also sekizai will ignore any duplicate content in a single block. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-setuptest Description-md5: 7d9c21ceaf4ba3cdd5c0450718727eab Description-gl: simple test suite enabling Django app testing via (Python3 version) Django Setuptest is a simple module enabling Django app testing via . Normally when you execute . $ python test . for Django related modules you're almost certain to run into DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable issues, e.g.: . ImportError: Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined. . This module overcomes this by configuring the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable before executing your test suite. As a bonus it also generates Coverage and PEP 8 reports as part of the test. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-sitetree Description-md5: 6734ddf2d1d895d2334d36c5bd0e9449 Description-gl: site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation for Django (Python3 version) django-sitetree is a reusable application for Django, introducing site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation elements. Site structure in django- sitetree is described through Django admin interface in a so called site trees. Every item of such a tree describes a page or a set of pages through the relation of URI or URL to human-friendly title. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-tagging Description-md5: f8fc49dcf3062a852e5ef8b71bdbf309 Description-gl: Generic tagging application for Django projects (Python 3) This is a generic tagging application for Django, which allows association of a number of tags with any Model instance and makes retrieval of tags simple. . Models can be expanded with a new TagField; web templates can easily include tag clouds and dedicated views are available to browse objects by tag. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-tastypie Description-md5: 9a8915648a20cfdc80bc4d668a11dc7a Description-gl: webservice API framework for Django (Python 3) Tastypie is an webservice API framework for Django. It provides a convenient, yet powerful and highly customizable, abstraction for creating REST-style interfaces. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-treebeard Description-md5: 3cf0c133af7062c008910ef431fa8e1b Description-gl: Efficient implementations of tree data structures for Django (Python3 version) Django Treebeard is a library that implements efficient data structures for storing hierarchical data in a database using the Django web development framework. . It currently includes 3 different tree implementations: adjacency list, materialized path and nested sets. Each one has it's own strengths and weaknesses but share the same API, so it’s easy to switch between them. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-uwsgi Description-md5: 17370b22f11b45f13b30637a8230b2f5 Description-gl: uWSGI related tools for Django (Python3 version) django-uwsgi provides several features for Django projects deployed to uWSGI: . * Admin page with uWSGI stats (options to reload/stop uWSGI, clear uWSGI cache) * uWSGI Cache Backend for Django * uWSGI Email Backend for Django(send emails via uWSGI's spooler) * Debug Panel for django-debug-toolbar (offers same functions as admin page) * Django template loader for embedded into uWSGI files * Django Management Command runuwsgi (with live autoreload when DEBUG is True) * uWSGI config generator * Django CBV Mixins based on uWSGI decorators . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-webpack-loader Description-md5: e27edd37e398879bf4073a956dccceaa Description-gl: Transparently use webpack with Django (Python3 version) Use webpack to generate your static bundles without Django's staticfiles or opaque wrappers. . Django webpack loader consumes the output generated by webpack-bundle- tracker and lets you use the generated bundles in Django. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-websocket-redis Description-md5: cf3269ad7b106dfa3b7ae04240384697 Description-gl: Websockets for Django applications using Redis (Python3 version) This module implements websockets on top of Django without requiring any additional framework. For messaging it uses the Redis datastore. In a production environment, it is intended to work under uWSGI and behind NGiNX or Apache. In a development environment, it can be used with the Django built-in webserver. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-django-wkhtmltopdf Description-md5: ab6f060ccef79fb3b6a9283b6fb7a011 Description-gl: Django module with views for HTML to PDF conversions (Python 3) Django Wkhtmltopdf provides Django views to wrap the HTML to PDF conversion of the `wkhtmltopdf <>` binary. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-django-x509 Description-md5: 5052800474fc4c4eb796c5cbae1778a9 Description-gl: x509 PKI certificates management for Django (Python3 version) Simple reusable django app implementing x509 PKI certificates management. . Features: * CA generation * Import existing CAs * End entity certificate generation * Import existing certificates * Certificate revocation * CRL view (public or protected) * Possibility to specify x509 extensions on each certificate * Random serial numbers based on uuid4 integers . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-djangorestframework-extensions Description-md5: 18f4e7f3970a1ec13f96410acb609471 Description-gl: custom extensions for Django REST framework (Python3 version) a collection of custom extensions for Django REST Framework. It provides several mixins and extensions to code mechanics of Django REST framework. . Some of the features included: * DetailSerializerMixin * Caching * Conditional requests * Customizable key construction for caching and conditional requests * Nested routes * Bulk operations . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-djangorestframework-generators Description-md5: e65d246d7440f14dec28d3037df3918e Description-gl: Generate DRF Serializers, Views, and URLs (Python3 version) Writing APIs can be boring and repetitive work. With DRF Generators, one simple command will generate all Views, Serializers, and even Urls for a Django Rest Framework application. . This is not intended to give a production quality API. It was intended to jumpstart development and save developers from writing the same code over and over for each model. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-djangorestframework-gis Description-md5: 5e1486374e886290951662e5349f3f17 Description-gl: Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework (Python3 version) djangorestframework-gis extends the Django REST Framework to also handle geographic data as used by GeoDjango during serialization and deserialization. It provides the following features: . * GeometryField: This field handles GeoDjango geometry fields, providing custom to_native and from_native methods for GeoJSON input/output. * GeoModelSerializer: This serializer updates the field_mapping dictionary to include field mapping of GeoDjango geometry fields to the above GeometryField. * GeoFeatureModelSerializer: GeoFeatureModelSerializer is a subclass of GeoModelSerializer which will output data in a format that is GeoJSON compatible. * InBBOXFilter: Filters a queryset to only those instances within a certain bounding box. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-djangorestframework-haystack Description-md5: 2c9ce0b9ccba39b24eb2d0bcf23ae04f Description-gl: Haystack for Django REST Framework (Python3 version) A small library which tries to simplify integration of Haystack with Django REST Framework. Contains a Generic ViewSet, a Serializer and a couple of Filters in order to make search as painless as possible. . It supports several haystack features: * Autocomplete * GEO Spatial searching * Highlighting * More Like This . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-djoser Description-md5: 35a6a32b6636c4d07d4ef039f7be0cb5 Description-gl: REST implementation of Django authentication system (Python3 version) Djoser library provides a set of Django Rest Framework views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation. It works with custom user model. . Instead of reusing Django code (e.g. PasswordResetForm), it reimplementes a few things to fit better into a Single Page App architecture. . Supported authentication backends are: * HTTP Basic Auth (Default) * Token based authentication from Django Rest Framework . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-djvu-dbg Description-md5: b53c369969517c780f7fedd6776cd231 Description-gl: Python3 support for the DjVu image format (debug extension) python-djvulibre is a set of Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library, an open source implementation of DjVu. This image format is designed primarily for scanned documents, it includes advanced techniques like image layer separation and arithmetic coding compression. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración e as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-dkim Description-md5: de4b43b7d46e10103d8d36e0d9b0800a Description-gl: Python 3 module for DKIM and ARC signing and verification Python 3 module that implements DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) email signing and verification as well as ARC (Authenticated Received Chain) signing and verification. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-dns Description-md5: bc46a4d62ff67d35816f4e0b0942d158 Description-gl: Módulo cliente de DNS para Python 3 This Python 3 module provides an DNS API for looking up DNS entries from within Python 3 modules and applications. This module is a simple, lightweight implementation. It is not as complete as python-dnspython, but is useful for many common applications. Package: python3-dnslib Description-md5: db04767195cb21cf806e3bc94d75fa51 Description-gl: Module to encode/decode DNS wire-format packets (Python 3) This DNS encode/decode Python 3 module provides: . - Support for encoding/decoding DNS packets between wire format, Python objects, and Zone/DiG textual representation (dnslib.dns) - A server framework allowing the simple creation of custom DNS resolvers (dnslib.server) and a number of example servers created using this framework - A number of utilities for testing (dnslib.client, dnslib.proxy, dnslib.intercept) . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-dogpile.cache Description-md5: 27ad85c00f7866c53aff4c1dce0b4eed Description-gl: caching front-end based on the Dogpile lock - Python 3.x A caching API built around the concept of a "dogpile lock", which allows continued access to an expiring data value while a single thread generates a new value. . dogpile.cache builds on the dogpile.core locking system (see, which implements the idea of "allow one creator to write while others read" in the abstract. Overall, dogpile.cache is intended as a replacement to the Beaker (see caching system, the internals of which are written by the same author. All the ideas of Beaker which "work" are re- implemented in dogpile.cache in a more efficient and succinct manner, and all the cruft (Beaker's internals were first written in 2005) relegated to the trash heap. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-doit Description-md5: 61f831e603ff32687e404ea1628922f3 Description-gl: Automation tool (Python3) to execute any kind of task in a build-tools fashion doit is an automation tool that brings the power of build-tools to execute any kind of task. . A task describes some computation to be done (actions), and contains some extra meta-data. The actions can be external programs or Python functions. A single task may define more than one action. doit uses the task’s meta-data to: * cache task results * correct execution order * parallel execution * powerful dependency system . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-drizzle Description-md5: c37865fbb38056e6c14fc9c81e2714d9 Description-gl: Dithered image combination for Python 3 The drizzle library is a Python package for combining dithered images into a single image. This library is derived from code used in drizzlepac. Like drizzlepac, most of the code is implemented in the C language. The biggest change from drizzlepac is that this code passes an array that maps the input to output image into the C code, while the drizzlepac code computes the mapping by using a Python callback. Switching to using an array allowed the code to be greatly simplified. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-dropbox Description-md5: 9aabb05cdcbd12af8e9085e8e8ddb76d Description-gl: Official Dropbox API Client (Python3 version) A Python SDK for integrating with the Dropbox API v2. You need to create an Dropbox Application to make API requests. All requests need to be made with an OAuth 2 access token. To get started, once you've created an app, you can go to the app's console and generate an access token for your own Dropbox account. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-dvdvideo Description-md5: c076045f4d34a52119d6dc7d858e675c Description-gl: Biblioteca lectora de DVD de vÃdeo This library reads and parses video DVD. It includes a UDF parser and video DVD structure parses. It supports unencrypted disks and also encrypted ones using the external libdvdcss. . A tool (dvdvideo-backup-image) is provided to make decrypted copies of disks. This disks often contain various defects in the data structures to complicate reading them. Package: python3-easyprocess Description-md5: d4f8bff81e3105538f8e9714c0d1eb88 Description-gl: easy to use python subprocess interface - Python 3.X Funcionalidades: . * layer on top of subprocess_ module * easy to start, stop programs * easy to get standard output/error, return code of programs * command can be list or string * logging * timeout * global config file with program aliases * shell is not supported * pipes are not supported * stdout/stderr is set only after the subprocess has finished * stop() does not kill whole subprocess tree * unicode support * Method chaining . This package contains the python 3 version of easyprocess Package: python3-easywebdav Description-md5: 268de51e14122ac54db1d9d213836f79 Description-gl: straight-forward WebDAV client module (Python 3 interface) EasyWebDAV is an easy to use WebDAV client implementation for Python. It features: - Basic authentication - Creating directories, removing directories and files - Uploading and downloading files - Directory listing - Support for client side SSL certificates . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-ebooklib Description-md5: b4c850a054e83bbdcb84b48f10e768c6 Description-gl: Biblioteca de libros electrónicos en Python 3 para xestionar os formatos EPUB2/EPUB3/Kindle EbookLib is a Python library for managing EPUB2/EPUB3 and Kindle files. It's capable of reading and writing EPUB files programmatically (Kindle support is under development). . The API is designed to be as simple as possible, while at the same time making complex things possible too. It has support for covers, table of contents, spine, guide, metadata and more. EbookLib works with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3, this is the Python 3 version of the package. Package: python3-elasticsearch Description-md5: 6c7f0614651415eaf732c3bb33c7d69b Description-gl: Python client for Elasticsearch (Python3 version) Official low-level client for Elasticsearch. Its goal is to provide common ground for all Elasticsearch-related code in Python; because of this it tries to be opinion-free and very extendable. . The client's features include: * translating basic Python data types to and from json (datetimes are not decoded for performance reasons) * configurable automatic discovery of cluster nodes * persistent connections * load balancing (with pluggable selection strategy) across all available nodes * failed connection penalization (time based - failed connections won't be retried until a timeout is reached) * thread safety * pluggable architecture . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-elasticsearch-curator Description-md5: 9328509c402af1a020faa35d265d0fe1 Description-gl: Python 3 library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices Elasticsearch Curator helps manage Elasticsearch time-series indices. It consists of a Python library and a CLI tool providing a high-level interface to Elasticsearch administration tasks, such as: . - Management of index aliases - Index optimization - Changing the replica count - Modifying the shard/index allocation using routing tags - Index snapshotting . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-emcee Description-md5: 1671541619d3c910b83c45252c5f6df7 Description-gl: Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python 3 emcee is an extensible, pure-Python implementation of Goodman & Weare's Affine Invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Ensemble sampler. It's designed for Bayesian parameter estimation. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-enchant Description-md5: c888de05396abd0bd00ac78cc02d8d6f Description-gl: Biblioteca de corrección ortográfica para Python 3 PyEnchant consists of Python bindings to the Enchant spellchecking library and some wrapper classes. It includes all the functionality of Enchant in a Pythonic object-oriented interface, and also provides some higher-level functionality which is not available in the C API. Package: python3-enzyme Description-md5: e08a4ab0c6aca13bf3a1b943f7da162f Description-gl: video metadata parser (Python 3) Python module to parse metadata in video files. . enzyme extracts metadata such as the type and encoding of video streams, type, encoding and language of audio streams, chapters, tags and subtitle tracks from video files. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-epr-dbg Description-md5: ae17b31163514742c8c8888369d673b7 Description-gl: Python ENVISAT Product Reader API (debug extension for Python 3) PyEPR provides Python bindings for the ENVISAT Product Reader C API (EPR API) for reading satellite data from ENVISAT ESA (European Space Agency) mission. . PyEPR, as well as the EPR API for C, supports ENVISAT MERIS, AATSR Level 1B and Level 2 and also ASAR data products. It provides access to the data either on a geophysical (decoded, ready-to-use pixel samples) or on a raw data layer. The raw data access makes it possible to read any data field contained in a product file. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-esmre Description-md5: 89ee6a2fdffaa32ff4fa2c05b540c9c3 Description-gl: Regular expression acceleration in Python3 esmre is a Python module that can be used to speed up the execution of a large collection of regular expressions. It works by building a index of compulsory substrings from a collection of regular expressions, which it uses to quickly exclude those expressions which trivially do not match each input. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-espeak Description-md5: 8fa9a62634571ff57803f31fc8795ee2 Description-gl: Python bindings for eSpeak eSpeak é un sintetizador de voz por software para o inglés e algúns outros idiomas. . eSpeak produce fala de boa calidade en inglés. Emprega un método de sÃntese diferente da maiorÃa dos motores de texto a fala (TTS) de código aberto e soa moi diferente. Tal vez non sexa tan natural ou «suave», mais hai quen atopa que a articulación é máis clara e cómoda de escoitar durante perÃodos de tempo longos. . This package contains bindings to use eSpeak from within Python applications. . Be aware that python-espeak is still in an early state; it's incomplete and the API may change in future versions. Package: python3-eventlet Description-md5: 2b5a0d866e0c28cbd2b84753ccb55d99 Description-gl: concurrent networking library - Python 3.x Eventlet allows you to change how you run your code, not how you write it. . It uses epoll or libevent for highly scalable non-blocking I/O. Coroutines ensure that the developer uses a blocking style of programming that is similar to threading, but provide the benefits of non-blocking I/O. The event dispatch is implicit, which means you can easily use Eventlet from the Python interpreter, or as a small part of a larger application. . It's easy to get started using Eventlet, and easy to convert existing applications to use it. Start off by looking at examples, common design patterns, and the list of the basic API primitives. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-exif Description-md5: efd1158f9f191e9f8c9a5368bf65dd34 Description-gl: Python library to extract Exif data from TIFF and JPEG files This is a Python library to extract Exif information from digital camera image files. It contains the script and the exifread library. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-eyed3 Description-md5: b4d22a223dcc57515507ff05e4080b4c Description-gl: Python module for id3-tags manipulation (Python 3 version) A Python module for the manipulation of ID3 tags. It supports versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.3, and 2.4 of the ID3 standard. It can also retrieve information such as length and bit rate from an MP3 file. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-fabio Description-md5: 64f5ad9d72ec97e968ee4ab1244f7420 Description-gl: I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detector - Python3 FabIO is an I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detectors and written in Python. FabIO support images detectors from a dozen of companies (including Mar, Dectris, ADSC, Hamamatsu, Oxford, ...), for a total of 20 different file formats (like CBF, EDF, TIFF, ...) and offers an unified interface to their headers (as a Python dictionary) and datasets (as a numpy ndarray of integers or floats) . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-fabio-dbg Description-md5: 7e753eb03e94a1b0bc0a74005911828c Description-gl: I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detector - Python3 debug FabIO is an I/O library for images produced by 2D X-ray detectors and written in Python. FabIO support images detectors from a dozen of companies (including Mar, Dectris, ADSC, Hamamatsu, Oxford, ...), for a total of 20 different file formats (like CBF, EDF, TIFF, ...) and offers an unified interface to their headers (as a Python dictionary) and datasets (as a numpy ndarray of integers or floats) . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-factory-boy Description-md5: 2c6a3b9ee49474e5e65a743a7f67a170 Description-gl: test fixtures replacement based on factory_girl for Ruby - Python 3.x factory_boy is a fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_girl. Like factory_girl it has a straightforward definition syntax, support for multiple build strategies (saved instances, unsaved instances, attribute dicts, and stubbed objects), and support for multiple factories for the same class, including factory inheritance. . Django support is included, and support for other ORMs can be easily added. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-fake-factory Description-md5: bd8199ac3d04d6ce7bc39c53b9d9fcdb Description-gl: Faker is a Python library that generates fake data (Python 3) The fake data can be used to bootstrap a database, create XML documents, or anonymize data taken from a production service. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-fakesleep Description-md5: 673e2afa858d12f763689508a64517a2 Description-gl: Fake version of time.sleep() for use in tests The fakesleep module helps testing code that use `time.sleep()`. Sleeping in tests is generally considered bad (as it makes tests run slow). Using sleep with `time.time()` can lead to spurious failures, as clock precision / interpreter overhead can cause small differences in reported times. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-falcon Description-md5: 85f1d9e9c94098afac75d2fb7d4cdc55 Description-gl: supersonic micro-framework for building cloud APIs - Python 3.x Falcon is a high-performance Python framework for building cloud APIs. It encourages the REST architectural style, and tries to do as little as possible while remaining highly effective. . Unlike other Python web frameworks, Falcon won't bottleneck your API's performance under highly concurrent workloads. Many frameworks max out at serving simple "hello world" requests at a few thousand req/sec, while Falcon can easily serve many more on the same hardware. . Falcon isn't very opinionated. In other words, the framework leaves a lot of decisions and implementation details to you. . Features: * Intuitive routing via URI templates and resource classes * Easy access to headers and bodies through request and response classes * Idiomatic HTTP error responses via a handy exception base class * DRY request processing using global, resource, and method hooks * Snappy unit testing through WSGI helpers and mocks * 20% speed boost when Cython is available * Python 2.6, Python 2.7, PyPy and Python 3.3 support . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-fisx Description-md5: 0e4ad68f886d704b1ad561cc2572203b Description-gl: Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Support Library - (Python 3) This software library implements formulas to calculate, given an experimental setup, the expected x-ray fluorescence intensities. The library accounts for secondary and tertiary excitation, K, L and M shell emission lines and de-excitation cascade effects. The basic implementation is written in C++ and a Python binding is provided. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-fitsio Description-md5: 000fdce14f0e92c5835548cac9c74b31 Description-gl: Python 3 library to read from and write to FITS files Fitsio provides an easy to use object-oriented API including providing a Numpy interface to FITS files read from CFITSIO. It allows direct access to the columns of a FITS binary table which can be useful for reading large fits files. Compared to, this package is closer to the underlying cfitsio library. . Fitsio also exposes a microlanguage (implemented in CFITSIO) for making efficient SQL-like queries of tables (single tables only though–no joins or anything like that). . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-flask Description-md5: 641177e823dea958cab4d806a13149d6 Description-gl: micro web framework based on Werkzeug and Jinja2 - Python 3.x Flask is a micro web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. A minimal Flask application looks like that: . from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) . @app.route("/") def hello(): return "Ola, Mundo!" . if __name__ == '__main__': . This package contains the Python 3.x module. Package: python3-flask-babel Description-md5: 5e8c296a7dfa2f972afe4d4833897294 Description-gl: internationalization and localization support for Flask (Python 3) Flask-Babel is an extension to Flask that adds internationalization and localization support. It has a friendly interface to gettext translations and supports date formatting with timezones. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-flask-compress Description-md5: 6781c83ebc9ec2c28f49b25e39d39610 Description-gl: Compress responses in a Flask app with gzip (Python 3) Flask-Compress allows one to compress HTTP responses generated by a Flask application running standalone with GZip. It does so without a complex setup for some MIME types that benefit from it, like HTML and JSON types. . Este paquete contén a versión do módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-flask-login-doc Description-md5: 7f3f19c34dba187185664cb10386d779 Description-gl: user session management for Flask -- documentation Flask-Login provides user session management for Flask. It handles the common tasks of logging in, logging out, and remembering your users' sessions over extended periods of time. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: python3-flask-peewee Description-md5: 2e353300c9d9cfe2059521b289a1e3aa Description-gl: Peewee integration for flask (Python 3) Provides a layer of integration between the flask web framework and the peewee ORM. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-flask-principal Description-md5: f2a97ba2f12441b5ba858e167ac4046b Description-gl: Xestión de identidades para Flask Flask-Principal provides a very loose framework to tie in providers of two types of service, often located in different parts of a web application: . - Fornecedores de autenticación - Fornecedores de información de usuarios . For example, an authentication provider may be oauth, using Flask-OAuth and the user information may be stored in a relational database. Looseness of the framework is provided by using signals as the interface. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-flask-script Description-md5: b7719d0ed710280db99eb1cfbb5d18e2 Description-gl: set of utilities for use with the Flask framework and Python 3 Flask is a micro web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. . Este paquete en python3 engade compatibilidade con scripts externos en Flask. Package: python3-flask-security Description-md5: fe8e64f002dd96a9fb27abc7a5fbd898 Description-gl: Simple security for Flask apps (Python 3) Flask-Security allows you to quickly add common security mechanisms to your Flask application. They include: . * Session based authentication * Role management * Password encryption * Basic HTTP authentication * Token based authentication * Token based account activation (optional) * Token based password recovery / resetting (optional) * User registration (optional) * Login tracking (optional) * JSON/Ajax Support . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-flufl.bounce Description-md5: a263073ab19bfb523ea985a0baca6f39 Description-gl: email bounce detectors (Python 3) This library provides a set of heuristics and an API for detecting the original bouncing email addresses from a bounce message. Many formats found in the wild are supported, as are VERP and RFC 3464 (DSN). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-flufl.enum Description-md5: 6891b044116013a4c4069e3ea57b311b Description-gl: yet another Python enumeration package (Python 3) This package provides a Python enumeration, with an emphasis on simple, specific, concise semantics in an easy to read and write syntax. ``flufl.enum`` has just enough of the features needed to make enumerations useful, but without a lot of extra baggage to weigh them down. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-flufl.password Description-md5: 45441fad2b8746eee0dba4855db4f337 Description-gl: password hashing and verification This package provides utilities for hashing and verification of passwords, as well as generating user-friendly passwords. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-flufl.testing Description-md5: 631122d25ba017e169518e113d5a5ceb Description-gl: small collection of Python test helpers This package includes plugins for the following test tools: nose2, flake8. The plugins provide useful features (e.g. filtering tests based on a regular expression) and ensure some common coding styles (e.g. import order). They can be enabled independently. . This package refactors code in the test suites of several other packages and will be used to eliminate the usual skew due to cargo culting. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-fontconfig Description-md5: f150f2dc9d7b819344a70fe1b2d58770 Description-gl: python bindings for the Fontconfig library for Python3 Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de Python 3. Package: python3-fontconfig-dbg Description-md5: c20f342cee5c4907d945c1fb893f29f1 Description-gl: python bindings for the Fontconfig library for Python3 (debug build) Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-ftdi1 Description-md5: 320246e033dfc8d2e14ad313c2b0b94d Description-gl: Python module to control and program the FTDI USB controllers This library could talk to FTDI's FT232BM, FT245BM, FT2232C, FT2232D, FT245R, FT232H and FT230X type USB chips from userspace. It uses libusb 1.0 to communicate with the chips. . As funcionalidades inclúen a posibilidade de empregar os chips no modo estándar, no modo bitbang e de ler ou escribir na EEPROM serie. . This package provides the ftdi1 module on the Python 3 module path. It is complemented by python-ftdi1. Package: python3-fudge Description-md5: 9a12d4ecc175dbe6541b5ac6decf16dd Description-gl: Python 3 module for using fake objects for tests Fudge is a Python module for using fake objects (mocks and stubs) to test real ones. . In readable Python code, you declare what methods are available on your fake and how they should be called. Then you inject that into your application and start testing. This declarative approach means you don’t have to record and playback actions and you don’t have to inspect your fakes after running code. If the fake object was used incorrectly then you’ll see an informative exception message with a traceback that points to the culprit. . Fudge was inspired by Mocha which is a simpler version of jMock. But unlike Mocha, Fudge does not automatically hijack real objects; you explicitly patch them in your test. And unlike jMock, Fudge is only as strict about expectations as you want it to be. If the type of arguments sent to the fake method aren’t important then you don’t have to declare an expectation for them. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-fysom Description-md5: d315e1d571b701488c0a9cf877a176c9 Description-gl: pYthOn Finite State Machine (Python3 package) This is standalone Python micro-framework providing a finite state machine. . Originally implemented in Java by Jake Gordon. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-geopandas Description-md5: 7915f3a9bc68354c563139f895e789dc Description-gl: Python3 tools for geographic data GeoPandas is a project to add support for geographic data to pandas objects. It currently implements `GeoSeries` and `GeoDataFrame` types which are subclasses of `pandas.Series` and `pandas.DataFrame` respectively. GeoPandas objects can act on shapely geometry objects and perform geometric operations. . GeoPandas geometry operations are cartesian. The coordinate reference system (crs) can be stored as an attribute on an object, and is automatically set when loading from a file. Objects may be transformed to new coordinate systems with the `to_crs()` method. There is currently no enforcement of like coordinates for operations, but that may change in the future. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-geopy Description-md5: 64dfd1cc578a5052479d76acf43ded9b Description-gl: geocoding toolbox for Python3 geopy makes it easy for developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks across the globe using third-party geocoders and other sources of data, such as wikis. It also comes with the necessary means for parsing geographical coordinates and geodesic distance calculation (using great-circle distance or Vincenty distance). The distance module also contains useful routines for converting between length and angle units. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-gflags Description-md5: fb9602864c27a6166b6d5dd0d10a22ad Description-gl: implementation of the Google command line flags module - Python 3.x GFlags defines a distributed command line system, replacing systems like getopt(), optparse and manual argument processing. Rather than an application having to define all flags in or near main(), each Python module defines flags that are useful to it. When one Python module imports another, it gains access to the other's flags. . It includes the ability to define flag types (boolean, float, integer, list), autogeneration of help (in both human and machine readable format) and reading arguments from a file. It also includes the ability to automatically generate man pages from the help flags. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-ghost Description-md5: c97396987883115e33c12a7995af18f6 Description-gl: webkit web client library is a scriptable web browser as Python library, based on WebKit. It support JavaScript and can be used e.g. for testing, web scraping, and automation. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-git Description-md5: dd1eea5d67641d7d149545a794018c50 Description-gl: Python library to interact with Git repositories - Python 3.x python-git provides object model access to a Git repository, so Python can be used to manipulate it. Repository objects can be opened or created, which can then be traversed to find parent commit(s), trees, blobs, etc. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-gitlab Description-md5: 15407851c6d2606c447d623adbac5f57 Description-gl: Python wrapper for the GitLab API (Python 3) pyapi-gitlab is a wrapper to access all the functions of the Gitlab API from Python scripts. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-glanceclient Description-md5: 3ffe827652ebc7d6919e0a14f55eb03f Description-gl: Client library for Openstack glance server - Python 3.x The Glance project provides services for discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine images over the cloud. They may be stand-alone services, or may be used to deliver images from object stores, such as OpenStack's Swift service, to Nova's compute nodes. . This is a client for the Glance which uses the OpenStack Image API. There's a Python API (the "glanceclient" module), and a command-line script ("glance"). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-glareclient Description-md5: 9d9928e74a5369d1bc322e3ea77f766e Description-gl: Client library for Openstack glare server - Python 3.x The glare project provides services for accessing a unified catalog of structured meta-information as well as related binary data (these structures are also called 'artifacts'). . This is a client for glare which uses the OpenStack Glare API. There's a Python API (the "glareclient" module), and a command-line script ("glare"). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-google-apputils Description-md5: 66b4f08d0475912c04e74f3b66a4b6da Description-gl: Google Application Utilities - Python 3.x This project is a small collection of utilities for building Python applications. It includes some of the same set of utilities used to build and run internal Python apps at Google. . It features: + Simple application startup integrated with python-gflags. + Subcommands for command-line applications. + Option to drop into pdb on uncaught exceptions. + Helper functions for dealing with files. + High-level profiling tools. + Timezone-aware wrappers for datetime.datetime classes. + Improved TestCase with the same methods as unittest2, plus helpful flags for test startup. + google_test setuptools command for running tests. + Helper module for creating application stubs. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-googleapi Description-md5: 0c8ba141ce5f7ec7dbcf96da0c0bdd3b Description-gl: Biblioteca cliente de API de Google - Python 3.x This package contains the Google APIs Client Library for Python, which is the core Python library for accessing. Samples are available in the python-googleapi-samples package. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-gphoto2cffi Description-md5: 36478989c96d838b49f6a525e200e80c Description-gl: GPhoto2 bindings with simpler API Python bindings for libgphoto2 with an interface that strives to be idiomatic. In contrast to other bindings for Python, gphoto2-cffi hides most of the lower-level abstractions and reduces the API surface while still offering access to most of the library's features. . Versión para python3. Package: python3-graypy Description-md5: 11e6bc1b1e3a53c98bf881f11a4f653f Description-gl: Python logging handler that sends messages in GELF (Python 3) This package can be used to sent messages to Graylog2 using a custom handler for the builtin logging library in the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF). . Alternately, GELFRabbitHandler can be used to send messages to RabbitMQ. Your Graylog2 server needs to be configured to consume messages via AMQP then. This prevents log messages from being lost due to dropped UDP packets (GELFHandler sends messages to Graylog2 using UDP). You will need to configure RabbitMQ with a 'gelf_log' queue and bind it to the 'logging.gelf' exchange so messages are properly routed to a queue that can be consumed by Graylog2 (the queue and exchange names may be customized to your liking). . graypy can be easily integrated into Django's logging settings. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-gst-1.0 Description-md5: 0010fdd48915098a7ea5bb58f2d0e137 Description-gl: GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3) GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains GObject Introspection overrides for Python that can be used by Python applications using GStreamer. Package: python3-gst-1.0-dbg Description-md5: 436e700a95baa9b205c28a65dacb0d7b Description-gl: GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3, debug extensions) GStreamer é unha infraestrutura para fluxos multimedia baseada en grafos de filtros que funcionan sobre os datos multimedia. Os aplicativos que empregan esta biblioteca poden facer calquera cousa, desde procesar o son en tempo real até reproducir vÃdeos e practicamente calquera outra operación relacionada coa multimedia. A súa arquitectura baseada en engadidos significa que se poden engadir tipos de datos novos ou capacidades de procesamento simplemente instalando engadidos novos. . This package contains GObject Introspection overrides for Python that can be used by Python applications using GStreamer. Package: python3-guessit Description-md5: 0e8fbf1fe096ee82caa74797e1472751 Description-gl: library for guessing information from video filenames (Python 3) GuessIt is a Python library that tries to extract as much information as possible from a video file. It has a very powerful filename matcher that allows one to guess a lot of metadata from a video using only its filename. This matcher works with both movies and TV show episodes. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. . It also contains the "guessit" binary to interact with this library. Package: python3-guidata Description-md5: 0c3370da3d232a3419dbe8e90d474aa2 Description-gl: dataset manipulation GUI generator - Python 3 Based on the Qt Python binding module PyQt4, guidata is a Python library generating graphical user interfaces for easy dataset editing and display. It also provides helpers and application development tools for PyQt4. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-guiqwt Description-md5: 876a7c9a44c2c517a730539cc91cf39b Description-gl: efficient 2D data-plotting library - Python 3 The guiqwt Python library provides efficient 2D data-plotting features (curve/image visualization and related tools) for signal/image processing application development and interactive computing. It's based on the scientific modules NumPy and SciPy, and the PyQwt plotting widgets for PyQt4 graphical user interfaces. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-h2 Description-md5: fd40a31273f591d31bfd23aee85a87f2 Description-gl: Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation in Python This module contains a pure-Python HTTP/2 of a HTTP/2 protocol stack. It’s written from the ground up to be embeddable in whatever program you choose to use, ensuring that you can speak HTTP/2 regardless of your programming paradigm. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-hacking Description-md5: 583479cfcd5a124dc6cb7eb2c383634b Description-gl: Flake8 OpenStack Hacking Guidelines Enforcement plugins - Python 3.x Hacking is a set of flake8 plugins that test and enforce the OpenStack Style Commandments. It checks that your code matches the coding style which is mandatory for contributing to OpenStack. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-heatclient Description-md5: 0d94ba883f73434459c5d37fef9d13c9 Description-gl: client library and CLI for OpenStack Heat - Python 3.x Heat is a service to orchestrate multiple composite cloud applications using templates, through both an OpenStack-native ReST API and a CloudFormation-compatible Query API. . This is a client for the OpenStack Heat API. There's a Python API (the heatclient module), and a command-line script (heat). Each implements 100% of the OpenStack Heat API. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-hidapi Description-md5: 0c15f16372b048c56bd59420d249c6ce Description-gl: Python bindings for the HID API Python bindings for libhidapi for working with Human Interface Devices such as mouses and keyboards. . Versión para python3. Package: python3-hpack Description-md5: adc008237cf5c2baa13ab0c794a57aa6 Description-gl: Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK) This module contains a pure-Python HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK) logic for use in Python programs that implement HTTP/2. It also contains a compatibility layer that automatically enables the use of nghttp2 if it’s available. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-httpretty Description-md5: 31713a11a906985587954bea1bbcd8ce Description-gl: HTTP client mock - Python 3.x Once upon a time a Python developer wanted to use a RESTful API, everything was fine but until the day he needed to test the code that hits the RESTful API: what if the API server is down? What if its content has changed ? . Don't worry, HTTPretty is here for you. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-humanize Description-md5: 6155dec4f9a3ba853eee650b883e0d21 Description-gl: Python Humanize library (Python 3) This library proposes various common humanization utilities, like turning a number into a fuzzy human readable duration ('3 minutes ago') or into a human readable size or throughput. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-hurry.filesize Description-md5: 6bb6aab8329bbb2781cce98328752b4e Description-gl: human readable file sizes or anything sized in bytes - Python 3.x hurry.filesize a simple Python library that can take a number of bytes and returns a human-readable string with the size in it, in kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), etc. . The default system it uses is "traditional", where multipliers of 1024 increase the unit size. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-hyperframe Description-md5: 1e6600b34844c74adf54967f5ee2ffb5 Description-gl: Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 framing code This module contains a pure-Python codebase that is capable of decoding a binary stream into HTTP/2 frames. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-hypothesis Description-md5: 466954f1c5c38e1a2d5163868bd81bf8 Description-gl: advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 3 Hypothesis is a library for testing your Python code against a much larger range of examples than you would ever want to write by hand. It's based on the Haskell library, Quickcheck, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing Python unit testing work flow. . Hypothesis is both extremely practical and also advances the state of the art of unit testing by some way. It's easy to use, stable, and extremely powerful. If you're not using Hypothesis to test your project then you're missing out. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-imexam Description-md5: 37688dfa7174e97aedc3c893afa8a75c Description-gl: Simple interactive astronomical image examination and plotting Imexam is an affiliated package of AstroPy. It was designed to be a lightweight library which enables users to explore data using common methods which are consistent across viewers. It can be used from a command line interface, through a Jupyter notebook or through a Jupyter console. It can be used with multiple viewers, such as DS9 or Ginga, or without a viewer as a simple library to make plots and grab quick photometry information. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-instagram Description-md5: 60c045d0cfef690255956a25f31cd33b Description-gl: Python 3 client for the Instagram REST and Search APIs Python-instagram contains the Python bindings to access the Instagram REST and Search API. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-ipdb Description-md5: 0e6cdf4a7250147dec9e4e1e5b2f1b70 Description-gl: Substituto de pdb baseado en IPython (versión para Python 3) ipdb is a replacement for pdb Python debugger, adding IPython features (tab completion, syntax highlighting, better tracebacks, better introspection) to it. . ipdb contains replacements for all functions from the pdb stdlib module. It also contains the ipdb3 binary which can be used instead of the pdb3 binary to debug standalone scripts. . Este paquete contén a versión do módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-ipy Description-md5: caecb551b839f985485780e640eba2ec Description-gl: Python3 module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks IPy é un módulo de Python 3 para manexar os enderezos e redes de IPv4 e IPv6 dun xeito semellante ao que fan Net::IP de Perl e amigos. A clase IP permite unha análise manexo cómodos para a maiorÃa das notacións en uso para os enderezos e redes de IPv4 e IPv6. Package: python3-ironic-lib Description-md5: 75b08068dceb7d73eb9f6662cd77c835 Description-gl: common library used by various Ironic projects - Python 3.x A common library to be used by various projects in the Ironic ecosystem. . Ironic provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines. It is a fork of the Nova Baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor API and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors. By default, it will use PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off machines, but Ironic also supports vendor-specific plugins which may implement additional functionality. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-isbnlib Description-md5: 4a93a7a68756d6e91187e22c131c3e2e Description-gl: Biblioteca de procesamento de ISBN ISBNlib é unha biblioteca en python puro para validar, limpar e obter metadatos para cadeas de ISBN. . ISBN or International Standard Book Number format is somewhat fluid so this library provides ways to parse it to canonical form and then also to validate the numbers via databases as well as get metainfo for issued ISBNs. . Versión para python3. Package: python3-isc-dhcp-leases Description-md5: c764a1dc4a00aef6943d7fd9e1caf384 Description-gl: Python module for reading dhcp leases files (Python 3 interface) This is a small Python module for reading /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases as written by isc-dhcp-server. It also supports reading lease files from the isc dhcp daemon running in IPv6 mode. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-isoweek Description-md5: ac7c11e242bd369cc8ea8ea0d6661516 Description-gl: Python module to provide the class Week (Python 3) The isoweek Python module provide the class Week. Instances represent specific weeks spanning Monday to Sunday. There are 52 or 53 numbered weeks in a year. Week 1 is defined to be the first week with 4 or more days in January. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 3. Package: python3-itango Description-md5: 4bdcbfc3010276fb68ee3b98923b2f9e Description-gl: Interactive Tango client - Python 3 ITango works like a normal python console, but it provides a nice set of features from IPython. It also adds set of PyTango specific features: . * automatic import of Tango objects * device and attribute name completion * list tango devices, classes, servers * customized tango error message * database utilities . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-ixion Description-md5: 57b33b4e36ac352d0e794c59684b0669 Description-gl: general purpose formula parser & interpreter library -- python module Ixion is a general purpose formula parser & interpreter that can calculate multiple named targets, or “cellsâ€. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python. Package: python3-jedi Description-md5: 2c9cf980f8c0cfe92286502b805edda8 Description-gl: Ferramenta de completado automático para Python 3 Jedi is an autocompletion tool for Python. It works. With and without syntax errors. Sometimes it sucks, but that's normal in dynamic languages. But it sucks less than other tools. It understands almost all of the basic Python syntax elements including many builtins. Package: python3-jenkins Description-md5: e4079279f899215a4809da3e8b55ef5a Description-gl: bindings for the Jenkins Remote API - Python 3.x This package provides Python bindings for the Jenkins Remote API. It current supports management of: . * Configuración de proxectos * Control de construcións * Configuración de nodos escravos . This package contains the Python 3.x module. Package: python3-jsbeautifier Description-md5: c1ab2d9e2c9a1e7bf0ccdbd96763b1b8 Description-gl: JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier (python3) Beautify, unpack or deobfuscate JavaScript, leveraging popular online obfuscators. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-jsmin Description-md5: aa77df65814d1fa872e7c9627458253e Description-gl: JavaScript minifier written in Python - Python 3.x Python-jsmin is a JavaScript minifier, it is written in pure Python and actively maintained. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-jsonpath-rw Description-md5: 7778aa5f5824e62cf968d4e18866b436 Description-gl: extended implementation of JSONPath for Python 3.x This library provides a robust and significantly extended implementation of JSONPath for Python. It is tested with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, and 3.3. . This library differs from other JSONPath implementations in that it is a full language implementation, meaning the JSONPath expressions are first class objects, easy to analyze, transform, parse, print, and extend. . The JSONPath syntax supported by this library includes some additional features and omits some problematic features (those that make it unportable). In particular, some new operators such as "|" and "where" are available, and parentheses are used for grouping not for callbacks into Python, since with these changes the language is not trivially associative. Also, fields may be quoted whether or not they are contained in brackets. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-jsonpickle Description-md5: e39a09a2083b554d49fd368169ff773e Description-gl: Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (Python 3) jsonpickle is a Python library for serialization and deserialization of complex Python objects to and from JSON. The standard Python libraries for encoding Python into JSON, such as the stdlib’s json, simplejson, and demjson, can only handle Python primitives that have a direct JSON equivalent (e.g. dicts, lists, strings, ints, etc.). jsonpickle builds on top of these libraries and allows more complex data structures to be serialized to JSON. jsonpickle is highly configurable and extendable–allowing the user to choose the JSON backend and add additional backends. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-kajiki Description-md5: 4f97511f35a2a790c7bc8c017ef63634 Description-gl: Really fast well-formed xml templates - Python 3.x Are you tired of the slow performance of Genshi? But you still long for the assurance that your output is well-formed that you miss from all those other templating engines? Do you wish you had Jinja's blocks with Genshi's syntax? Then look no further, Kajiki is for you! Kajiki quickly compiles Genshi-like syntax to *real Python bytecode* that renders with blazing- fast speed! Don't delay! Pick up your copy of Kajiki today! . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-kazoo Description-md5: a9e97cd24531c76bdda8e11541c5c938 Description-gl: higher level API to Apache Zookeeper (Python 3) Funcionalidades de Kazoo: . * A wide range of recipe implementations, like Lock, Election or Queue * Data and Children Watchers * Simplified Zookeeper connection state tracking * Unified asynchronous API for use with greenlets or threads * Support for gevent 0.13 and gevent 1.0 * Support for Zookeeper 3.3 and 3.4 servers * Integrated testing helpers for Zookeeper clusters * Pure-Python based implementation of the wire protocol, avoiding all the memory leaks, lacking features, and debugging madness of the C library . Kazoo is heavily inspired by Netflix Curator simplifications and helpers. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-kdtree Description-md5: 79bf452a7a2aaef21d31b4adc1c299ce Description-gl: container for kd-tree sorting for Python 3 A container implementing k-dimensional space sorting using a kd-tree. It: . - supports two- to six-dimensional spaces - can store any data structure - provides standard find as well as range queries - has amortised O(lg n) time (O(n lg n) worst case) on most operations (insert/erase/find optimised) and worst-case O(n) space - provides means to rebalance and thus optimise the tree . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de Python 3. Package: python3-kdtree-dbg Description-md5: 27408556c84386ef34f83ac36747b357 Description-gl: container for kd-tree sorting for Python 3 (debug extension) A container implementing k-dimensional space sorting using a kd-tree. It: . - supports two- to six-dimensional spaces - can store any data structure - provides standard find as well as range queries - has amortised O(lg n) time (O(n lg n) worst case) on most operations (insert/erase/find optimised) and worst-case O(n) space - provides means to rebalance and thus optimise the tree . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-klaus Description-md5: 0c1a20913b5931c15092161b801858c5 Description-gl: simple easy-to-set-up Git web viewer Funcionalidades: . * Easy to set up -- almost no configuration required * Syntax highlighting * Git Smart HTTP support . This package contains the Python 3.x version. Package: python3-kolabformat Description-md5: 17d4838c16d967ecf3fe20ed979b8078 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing Libkolabxml é a implementación de referencia do formato XML de Kolab. Para máis información vexa o paquete libkolabxml. . This package provides Python 3 bindings for libkolabxml. Package: python3-kombu Description-md5: 2004c1a0042e19c29ff918a570c3a4d0 Description-gl: AMQP Messaging Framework for Python (Python3 version) The aim of Kombu is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by providing an idiomatic high-level interface for the AMQP protocol. It is meant to replace the carrot library by providing a compatibility layer. . Features: * Allows application authors to support several message server solutions by using pluggable transports. * Supports automatic encoding, serialization and compression of message payloads. * The ability to ensure that an operation is performed by gracefully handling connection and channel errors. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-ldap3 Description-md5: 80cc59296cd0c35abdd18e9f3eaa5e56 Description-gl: Pure Python LDAP client library A pure Python 3 LDAP version 3 strictly conforming to RFC4511 released under the LGPL v3 open source license. RFC4511 is the current LDAP specification (June 2006) from IETF and obsoletes the previous LDAP RFCs 2251, 2830, 3771 (December 1997) . Este paquete contén a versión en python 3.x da biblioteca. Package: python3-ldappool Description-md5: 609ee3bb820a7cd6b0168b08572afd69 Description-gl: connection pool for python-ldap - Python 3.x A simple connector pool for python-ldap. The pool keeps LDAP connectors alive and let you reuse them, drastically reducing the time spent to initiate a ldap connection. . The pool has useful features like: * transparent reconnection on failures or server restarts * configurable pool size and connectors timeouts * configurable max lifetime for connectors * a context manager to simplify acquiring and releasing a connector . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-ldif3 Description-md5: 127b372f617628457030d4219c79e4c6 Description-gl: generate and parse LDIF data (Python3 version) This module parses and generates LDAP data in the format LDIF. It is implemented in pure Python and does not rely on any non-standard modules. The codebase is a fork of the ldif module from python-ldap with additional python3/unicode support. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-ldns Description-md5: a0755ef3230fff37be5968f5fd2e2523 Description-gl: Python3 bindings for the ldns library for DNS programming O obxectivo de ldns é simplificar a programación de DNS. Admite RFC recentes, como os documentos DNSSEC, e permite que os desenvolvedores creen facilmente software que cumpra coas RFC actuais e software experimental dos Borradores de Internet actuais. . This archive contains modules that allow you to use LDNS Library in Python3 programs. Package: python3-lepl Description-md5: f9f21d48597795548a99f91f5b867242 Description-gl: recursive descent parser library (Python 3) A recursive descent parser for Python 2.6+ (including 3!). Lepl is powerful, simple to use, and easy to extend: grammars are written directly as Python code, using a syntax similar to BNF; new matchers can be simple functions. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-lesscpy Description-md5: 7e8300eb2ac87ab67b8768fd883f0ab1 Description-gl: Compilador de LessCss para Python 3.x Lesscpy is a compiler written in Python for the lesscss language. It is very useful if node.js can't be installed in the environment. Not all features of lesscss are supported (yet). Some features wil probably never be supported (JavaScript evaluation). . This program uses PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) to tokenize/parse the input and is considerably slower than the nodejs compiler. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-leveldb Description-md5: c079cea10473cc26e43a7c3216f8ce89 Description-gl: Envoltura en Python para LevelDB (Python 3) LevelDB é unha biblioteca rápida de almacenamento de claves-valores escriba en Google que fornece unha asignación ordenada de claves de cadeas a valores de cadeas. . This package provides a Python wrapper for LevelDB. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-levenshtein Description-md5: eda62cb06c8caf5471ddacff49ef0854 Description-gl: extension for computing string similarities and edit distances (Python 3) The Levenshtein module computes Levenshtein distances, similarity ratios, generalized medians and set medians of Unicode or non-Unicode strings. Because it's implemented in C, it's much faster than the corresponding Python library functions and methods. . A distancia de Levenshtein é o número mÃnimo de insercións, eliminacións e substitucións de caracteres únicos para transformar unha cadea noutra. . É útil para a corrección ortográfica ou a coincidencia difusa de mensaxes de gettext. . This package contains Levenshtein for Python 3. Package: python3-levenshtein-dbg Description-md5: 38f93e2822a57b84091727eed10a1966 Description-gl: extension for computing string similarities and edit distances(py3k debug ext) The Levenshtein module computes Levenshtein distances, similarity ratios, generalized medians and set medians of Unicode or non-Unicode strings. Because it's implemented in C, it's much faster than the corresponding Python library functions and methods. . A distancia de Levenshtein é o número mÃnimo de insercións, eliminacións e substitucións de caracteres únicos para transformar unha cadea noutra. . É útil para a corrección ortográfica ou a coincidencia difusa de mensaxes de gettext. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-libcloud Description-md5: e4ddaee6f830fb236c4aa8408eac8817 Description-gl: unified Python interface into the cloud (Python3 version) libcloud is a pure Python client library for interacting with many of the popular cloud server providers using a unified API. It was created to make it easy for developers to build products that work between any of the services that it supports. . * Avoid vendor lock-in * Use the same API to talk to many different providers * More than 30 supported providers total * Four main APIs: Compute, Storage, Load Balancers, DNS * Supports Python 2.5, Python 2.6, Python 2.7, PyPy and Python 3 . Resource you can manage with Libcloud are divided in the following categories: . * Cloud Servers and Block Storage - services such as Amazon EC2 and Rackspace Cloud Servers (libcloud.compute.*) * Cloud Object Storage and CDN - services such as Amazon S3 and Rackspace CloudFiles (*) * Load Balancers as a Service, LBaaS (libcloud.loadbalancer.*) * DNS as a Service, DNSaaS (libcloud.dns.*) . libcloud was originally created by the folks over at Cloudkick, but has since grown into an independent free software project licensed under the Apache License (2.0). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-libdiscid Description-md5: 11704e18aeab8771807445bc24a33e04 Description-gl: Asociación con libdiscid para Python 3 libdiscid allows one to create MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs. It reads a CD's table of contents and generates and identifier which can be used to lookup the CD at MusicBrainz. python-libdiscid provides a binding to work with libdiscid from Python. . Este paquete fornece a asociación para Python 3. Package: python3-libdiscid-dbg Description-md5: dffef6d86196a250724ed8dd031280e5 Description-gl: Asociación con libdiscid para Python 3 (extensión de depuración) libdiscid allows one to create MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs. It reads a CD's table of contents and generates and identifier which can be used to lookup the CD at MusicBrainz. python-libdiscid provides a binding to work with libdiscid from Python. . Este paquete fornece as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-libhfst Description-md5: 61a87c7415dabec5b163d47a939d3119 Description-gl: Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology (Python3 module) The Helsinki Finite-State Transducer software is intended for the implementation of morphological analysers and other tools which are based on weighted and unweighted finite-state transducer technology. . Este paquete fornece o módulo de Python 3 para libhfst. Package: python3-libproxy Description-md5: c6da08d2b736a2677aeb8665659233eb Description-gl: automatic proxy configuration management library (Python 3) libproxy é unha biblioteca lixeira que facilita o desenvolvemento de aplicativos que admitan proxy cunha API sinxela e estábel. . This package contains the Python 3 bindings. Package: python3-librtmp Description-md5: 3de35038a74d009b26269f819fe5d8ff Description-gl: librtmp binding for Python 3 librtmp allows one to dump the media content streamed over the RTMP protocol. . Este paquete fornece a asociación para Python 3. Package: python3-libsss-nss-idmap Description-md5: 9dc7d17bee37f7358268401ea7fe5b96 Description-gl: Python3 bindings for the SID lookups library Este paquete contén as asociacións para libnss_sss-idmap para seren empregadas polos aplicativos en Python. . This package installs the library for Python 3. Package: python3-libtorrent Description-md5: 1ae4d06eab5e84835d075e1f7376d626 Description-gl: Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar (Python 3) Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . Este paquete contén asociacións con Python 3 para a biblioteca libtorrent- rasterbar. Package: python3-libtorrent-dbg Description-md5: 07186e3086a9a888fcd7b46b564b3de1 Description-gl: Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar (debug symbols) (Python 3) Bittorrent library by Rasterbar Software (Arvid Norberg). libtorrent- rasterbar is a C++ library that aims to be a good alternative to all the other bittorrent implementations around. . The main goals of libtorrent-rasterbar are: * to be cpu efficient * to be memory efficient * to be very easy to use . Este paquete contén asociacións con Python 3 para a biblioteca libtorrent- rasterbar (sÃmbolos de depuración). Package: python3-libxmp Description-md5: 2dbaa9b4139cd6ce6c1750edce44fd33 Description-gl: Python3 library for XMP metadata Python XMP Toolkit is a library for working with XMP metadata, as well as reading/writing XMP metadata stored in many different file formats. . XMP (Plataforma extensÃbel de metadatos) facilita a incorporación de metadatos en ficheiros empregando un subconxunto de RDF. En particular, XMP permite incorporar metadatos en PDF e moitos formatos de imaxes, aÃnda que está deseñada para admitir practicamente calquera tipo de ficheiro. . Este paquete fornece asociacións con Python3. Package: python3-linop Description-md5: fd7301128b46e9a3dcfcbde8333547ca Description-gl: Linear mathematical operators in Python (Python 3) Linop provides a standalone set of classes to abstract the creation and management of linear operators, to be used as a common basis for the development of advanced mathematical frameworks. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-llfuse Description-md5: 02d722fcffd764bdf03e4e6fde3150e4 Description-gl: Asociacións con Python 3 para a API de baixo nivel de FUSE Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. This package provides the extension for the Python 3 interpreter. The documentation is contained in the python-llfuse-doc package. . FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias implementación de sistemas de ficheiros. Package: python3-llfuse-dbg Description-md5: 5ab70a2c35c2464b19d7ba92983880f9 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 3 para a API de baixo nivel de FUSE (sÃmbolos de depuración) Python-llfuse is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API. . FUSE («sistema de ficheiros no espazo do usuario») é unha interface sinxela para que os programas do espazo do usuario exporten un sistema de ficheiros virtual ao kernel Linux. FUSE pretende tamén fornecer un método seguro para que os usuarios sen privilexios creen e monten as súas propias implementación de sistemas de ficheiros. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración, asà mo a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-lmfit Description-md5: aa065351304ec31b195603e95fc534eb Description-gl: Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3) The lmfit Python package provides a simple, flexible interface to non- linear optimization or curve fitting problems. The package extends the optimization capabilities of scipy.optimize by replacing floating pointing values for the variables to be optimized with Parameter objects. These Parameters can be fixed or varied, have upper and/or lower bounds placed on its value, or written as an algebraic expression of other Parameters. . The principal advantage of using Parameters instead of simple variables is that the objective function does not have to be rewritten to reflect every change of what is varied in the fit, or what relationships or constraints are placed on the Parameters. This means a scientific programmer can write a general model that encapsulates the phenomenon to be optimized, and then allow user of that model to change what is varied and fixed, what range of values is acceptable for Parameters, and what constraints are placed on the model. The ease with which the model can be changed also allows one to easily test the significance of certain Parameters in a fitting model. . The lmfit package allows a choice of several optimization methods available from scipy.optimize. The default, and by far best tested optimization method used is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from from MINPACK-1 as implemented in scipy.optimize.leastsq. This method is by far the most tested and best support method in lmfit, and much of this document assumes this algorithm is used unless explicitly stated. An important point for many scientific analysis is that this is only method that automatically estimates uncertainties and correlations between fitted variables from the covariance matrix calculated during the fit. . A few other optimization routines are also supported, including Nelder- Mead simplex downhill, Powell's method, COBYLA, Sequential Least Squares methods as implemented in scipy.optimize.fmin, and several others from scipy.optimize. In their native form, some of these methods setting allow upper or lower bounds on parameter variables, or adding constraints on fitted variables. By using Parameter objects, lmfit allows bounds and constraints for all of these methods, and makes it easy to swap between methods without hanging the objective function or set of Parameters. . Finally, because the approach derived from MINPACK-1 usin the covariance matrix to determine uncertainties is sometimes questioned (and sometimes rightly so), lmfit supports methods to do a brute force search of the confidence intervals and correlations for sets of parameters. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-logbook Description-md5: 21cb5e7264a342440fec92ca69b94f59 Description-gl: logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's module (Python3) Logbook is a logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's logging module. It was designed with both complex and simple applications in mind and the idea to make logging fun . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-lti Description-md5: 5c868ae113904ae17fabb652b9a7f1b9 Description-gl: Learning Tools Interoperability implementation (Python3 version) The primary goal of this library is to provide classes for building Python LTI tool providers (LTI apps). It is designed to be generic but can easily integrated into frameworks like Django or Flask. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-lupa Description-md5: 28064358cc54e525310159a616980052 Description-gl: Python wrapper around LuaJIT (Python3 version) Lupa integrates the runtimes of Lua or LuaJIT2 into CPython. It is a partial rewrite of LunaticPython in Cython with some additional features such as proper coroutine support. . Features: * separate Lua runtime states through a LuaRuntime class * Python coroutine wrapper for Lua coroutines * iteration support for Python objects in Lua and Lua objects in Python * proper encoding and decoding of strings (configurable per runtime, UTF-8 by default) * frees the GIL and supports threading in separate runtimes when calling into Lua * written for LuaJIT2, but also works with the normal Lua interpreter * easy to hack on and extend as it is written in Cython, not C . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-macholib Description-md5: f927cd8d14dcb15e34e33fb0ce7deeb3 Description-gl: module for Mach-O header analysis and editing (Python 3 interface) This module can be used to analyze and edit Mach-O headers, the executable format used by Mac OS X. It's typically used as a dependency analysis tool, and also to rewrite dylib references in Mach-O headers to be @executable_path relative. Though this tool targets a platform specific file format, it is pure Python code that is platform and endian independent. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-mailer Description-md5: 8ca5b7a69e1c797dc89166bbde09da9a Description-gl: Python module that simplifies sending email (Python 3) Simplifies sending emails in Python, features a single class to send plain text, HTML email, and attachments. Mailer auto detects attachment types and has support for internationalized headers. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-mailmanclient Description-md5: 777bedc6173f83bd9d8d21fa4c69c43f Description-gl: Python bindings for Mailman3 REST API (Python 3 version) Mailmanclient provides the official REST API to interact with Mailman3 server. This library is required by the official web interfaces for archive browsing and administration of a server. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-maxminddb Description-md5: fa2d4c2eee569d00f067a6f7b8e1b94b Description-gl: Python 3 module for reading the MaxMind DB format This is a Python module for reading MaxMind DB files. The module includes both a pure Python reader and an optional C extension. . MaxMind DB is a binary file format that stores data indexed by IP address subnets (IPv4 or IPv6). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-measurement Description-md5: a47f5af041ed5065939938c5d584bdb9 Description-gl: unit-aware measurement objects (Python3 version) Easily use and manipulate unit-aware measurement objects in Python. . django.contrib.gis.measure has these wonderful Distance objects that can be used not only for storing a unit-aware distance measurement, but also for converting between different units and adding/subtracting these objects from one another. . This module not only provides those Distance and Area measurement objects (courtesy of Django), but also other measurements including Weight, Volume, and Temperature. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-mediainfodll Description-md5: dabb794f5777d21eaa1da8e6cd9c0159 Description-gl: Biblioteca para ler metadatos de ficheiros multimedia - biblioteca compartida MediaInfo is a library used for retrieving technical information and other metadata about audio or video files. . A non-exhaustive list of the information MediaInfo can retrieve from media files include: - General: title, author, director, album, track number, date, duration... - Video: codec, aspect, fps, bitrate... - Audio: codec, sample rate, channels, language, bitrate... - Text: language of subtitle - Chapters: number of chapters, list of chapters . MediaInfo supports the following formats: - Video: MKV, OGM, AVI, DivX, WMV, QuickTime, Real, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DVD (VOB)... - Video Codecs: DivX, XviD, MSMPEG4, ASP, H.264, AVC...) - Audio: OGG, MP3, WAV, RA, AC3, DTS, AAC, M4A, AU, AIFF... - Subtitles: SRT, SSA, ASS, SAMI... . This package contains the Python 3.x module required for using this library from Python 3.x applications. Package: python3-midiutil Description-md5: 38a8605d0499d52e995692995966db42 Description-gl: Python 3 library to write multi-track MIDI files MIDIUtil is a pure Python library that allows one to write multi-track Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files from within Python programs. It is object-oriented and allows one to create and write these files with a minimum of fuss. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-migrate Description-md5: 2205e14de8084f98324f3c8e5cc8b7d1 Description-gl: Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy - Python 3.x Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in SQLAlchemy projects. . SQLAlchemy-migrate is build on top of SQLAlchemy and provides a changeset and a versioning API for database schemas as well as a script utilizing these APIs. The database change sets are managed in a file based repository allowing upgrades and downgrades of database schema versions. The change sets may consist of Python code facilitating the changeset API or SQL scripts. . SQLAlchemy-migrate has support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Oracle databases. The support for Oracle is not as well tested as the support for the other database systems. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-mimerender Description-md5: 7b47f89757ddbacebd3d55e582b58262 Description-gl: RESTful HTTP Content Negotiation for web frameworks (Python 3) mimerender provides a decorator that wraps an HTTP request handler to select the correct render function for a given HTTP Accept header. It uses mimeparse to parse the Accept string and select the best available representation. . mimerender supports Flask, Bottle, and webapp2 out of the box, and it’s easy to add support for other frameworks. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-minieigen Description-md5: 875bfc6ff6d51a184a596fea72ae298a Description-gl: Wrapper of parts of the Eigen library (Python 3) Small wrapper for core parts of Eigen, c++ library for linear algebra. It is mainly useful for inspecting c++ code which already uses eigen and boost::python. Supported types are Vectors (2,3,6 and dynamic-sized with integer and floating-point values), Matrices (3x3, 6x6 and dynamic-sized with floating-point values) and Quaternions. Numerous methods are wrapped and the original API of Eigen is followed. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-mir-perf-framework Description-md5: fdac02d05ac9472c7cdabac7e8875a6f Description-gl: Display server for Ubuntu - performance testing framework Mir é un servidor de pantallas para executar en sistemas linux centrado na eficiencia, o funcionamento robusto e un modelo de controladores ben definido. . This package contains a python3 framework to facilitate writing performance tests for Mir. It also contains a few interesting performance tests written using the framework. Package: python3-misaka Description-md5: 545f99c5d3360c05ce336da3b8fc5404 Description-gl: binding for Sundown, a markdown parsing library - Python 3.x Misaca is A Python 2 and 3 binding for Sundown, a really fast Markdown parser implemented in C. Misaka is written in Cython and C. And it features a set of Markdown extensions and customizable renderers. Just like the Sundown binding for Ruby, Redcarpet. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-mock Description-md5: 4e0c3a991e1f0679db23da5bd156bed7 Description-gl: Mocking and Testing Library (Python3 version) mock provides a core mock.Mock class that is intended to reduce the need to create a host of trivial stubs throughout your test suite. After performing an action, you can make assertions about which methods / attributes were used and arguments they were called with. You can also specify return values and set specific attributes in the normal way. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-mockito Description-md5: 38743d142c3899c5942f96e53099e5f9 Description-gl: spying (testing) framework - Python 3.x Mockito is a testing framework. The framework allows the creation of Test Double objects (called "Mock Objects") in automated unit tests for the purpose of Test-driven Development (TDD) or Behavior Driven Development (BDD). . Python Mockito is a spying framework based on Java library with the same name. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-mockldap Description-md5: fbacfdf5181a837b9ccc6878ab96b9fe Description-gl: simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Python3 version) This project provides a mock replacement for python-ldap. It’s useful for any project that would like to write unit tests against LDAP code without relying on a running LDAP server. . The goal of mockldap is to provide a mock instance of LDAPObject in response to any call to ldap.initialize. In the general case, you would register return values for all LDAPObject calls that you expect the code under test to make. Your assertions would then verify that the tested code behaved correctly given this set of return values from the LDAP APIs. . As a convenience, the mock LDAPObject isn’t just a dumb mock object. The typical way to use mockldap is to provide some static directory content and then let LDAPObject generate real return values. This will only work for simple LDAP operations–this obviously isn’t a complete Python LDAP server implementation–but those simple operations tend to cover a lot of cases. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-moneyed Description-md5: 3ec2cf34ac3ae861c97a707e48008752 Description-gl: Currency and Money classes for use in Python 3 code The need to represent instances of money frequently arises in software development, particularly any financial/economics software. To address that need, this package provides the classes of Money and Currency, at a level more useful than just using Python's Decimal class, or even the float primitive. The package is meant to be stand-alone and easy to either use directly, or subclass further. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-mongoengine Description-md5: d8beb39398f4cc40fc7f4dcded49d669 Description-gl: Python 3 Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB MongoEngine is a Document-Object Mapper (think ORM, but for document databases) for working with MongoDB from Python. It uses a simple declarative API, similar to the Django ORM. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-mox3 Description-md5: f633d06cc949c5cdfc0594b4a7a21d9d Description-gl: Mock object framework - Python 3.x Mox3 is an unofficial port of the Google mox framework (see to Python 3. It was meant to be as compatible with mox as possible, but small enhancements have been made. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-mpld3 Description-md5: 9a66cce210e97e8050459dfd761066ba Description-gl: D3 viewer for matplotlib mpld3 brings together Matplotlib, the popular Python-based graphing library, and D3js, the popular Javascript library for creating interactive data visualizations for the web. The result is a simple API for exporting your matplotlib graphics to HTML code which can be used within the browser, within standard web pages, blogs, or tools such as the IPython notebook. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-mplexporter Description-md5: 7d63f855c9bc19a92ed01bd2c43026fd Description-gl: general matplotlib exporter A Python module to export matplotlib graphs, e.g. for mpld3. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-multipletau Description-md5: 3ed47491442587bd8e558ca13804ce26 Description-gl: multiple-tau algorithm for Python3/NumPy Multipe-tau correlation is computed on a logarithmic scale (less data points are computed) and is thus much faster than conventional correlation on a linear scale such as `numpy.correlate` . An online reference is available at . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 3 Package: python3-muranoclient Description-md5: 505155772f0f430ea5230492b20ecaad Description-gl: cloud-ready application catalog - Python 3.x client module Murano Project introduces an application catalog, which allows application developers and cloud administrators to publish various cloud-ready applications in a browsable categorised catalog, which may be used by the cloud users (including the inexperienced ones) to pick-up the needed applications and services and composes the reliable environments out of them in a "push-the-button" manner. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-nagiosplugin Description-md5: 55f125de7c8769a625e051a92d3b63d0 Description-gl: Python class library for writing Nagios (Icinga) plugins (Python 3) nagiosplugin is a Python class library which helps writing Nagios (or Icinga) compatible plugins easily in Python. It cares for much of the boilerplate code and default logic commonly found in Nagios checks, including: . - Nagios 3 Plugin API compliant parameters and output formatting - Full Nagios range syntax support - Automatic threshold checking - Multiple independent measures - Custom status line to communicate the main point quickly - Long output and performance data - Timeout handling - Persistent "cookies" to retain state information between check runs - Resume log file processing at the point where the last run left - No dependencies beyond the Python standard library (except for Python 2.6). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-nose2 Description-md5: 58545d1a2a74d8fad07c39a99b8c3f8b Description-gl: next generation of nicer testing for Python Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-nosexcover Description-md5: ce557cdb562227c71481a9644835606b Description-gl: Add Cobertura-style XML coverage report to nose (Python3 version) A companion to the built-in nose.plugins.cover, this plugin will write out an XML coverage report to a file named coverage.xml. . It will honor all the options you pass to the Nose coverage plugin, especially --cover-package. . Este paquete contén a versión do módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-notify2 Description-md5: 73b582537fd3d142468d06ce460d786b Description-gl: desktop notifications API for Python 3 notify2 provides a Python interface to the Freedesktop notifications system, which allows programs to display information to the user in an unobtrusive way. Notifications are sent over DBus to a notification daemon, which is responsible for presenting them to the user. . notify2 is intended as a replacement for pynotify (package python-notify), and its interface is largely copied from there, although it isn't a complete clone. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-novaclient Description-md5: 545cef31727ec394a20a51d7fc36dffe Description-gl: client library for OpenStack Compute API - 3.x OpenStack Compute, codenamed Nova, is a cloud computing fabric controller designed to be modular and easy to extend and adapt. In addition to its "native" OpenStack API, it also supports the Amazon EC2 API, and it supports many different database backends (including SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL), hypervisors (KVM, Xen), and user directory systems (LDAP, SQL). . Python novaclient library and nova CLI tool for interacting with OpenStack Compute (Nova) through the OpenStack Compute API. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-nss Description-md5: 06b8d6d8777a6a45f2e520304567d7cd Description-gl: Python3 bindings for Network Security Services (NSS) This package provides Python3 bindings for Network Security Services (NSS) and the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR). . NSS é un conxunto de bibliotecas que admiten aplicativos de cliente de de servidor activadas con seguranza. Os aplicativos construÃdos con NSS admiten certificados SSL v2 e v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 e outros estándares de seguranza. As implementacións especÃficas de NSS foron certificadas por FIPS 140. Package: python3-numexpr-dbg Description-md5: 8c2701c9a73ea3eb8d3fab648f4f7e19 Description-gl: Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy (debug ext) Numexpr package evaluates multiple-operator array expressions many times faster than NumPy can. It accepts the expression as a string, analyzes it, rewrites it more efficiently, and compiles it to faster Python code on the fly. It's the next best thing to writing the expression in C and compiling it with a specialized just-in-time (JIT) compiler, i.e. it does not require a compiler at runtime. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-oauth2client Description-md5: fefa01b53b1c21c34d394695e37510e9 Description-gl: OAuth 2.0 client library - Python 3.x The oauth2client is a client library for OAuth 2.0. . OAuth is an open standard for authorization. OAuth provides a method for clients to access server resources on behalf of a resource owner (such as a different client or an end-user). It also provides a process for end- users to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials (typically, a username and password pair), using user-agent redirections. . OAuth is a service that is complementary to, and therefore distinct from, OpenID. OAuth is also distinct from OATH, which is a reference architecture for authentication (i.e. not a standard). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-objgraph Description-md5: fae025ca183b8fd27953b1769b5b7064 Description-gl: Module for exploring Python object reference graphs (Python3 version) objgraph is a module that lets you visually explore Python object graphs. . It can be used for counting and statistics, finding root references responsible for large object trees and export the object reference graphs in graphviz format. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-odoorpc Description-md5: 7bc595683b6ddf45502d357e4ae6d0db Description-gl: pilot Odoo servers through RPC (Python 3) OdooRPC is a Python module providing an easy way to pilot your Odoo (formerly known as OpenERP or TinyERP) servers through RPC. . Features supported: - access to all data model methods (even browse) with an API similar to the server-side API, - use named parameters with model methods, - user context automatically sent providing support for internationalization, - browse records, - execute workflows, - manage databases, - reports downloading, - JSON-RPC protocol (SSL supported) . OdooRPC is a modern alternative to the older OERPLib by the same author. It supports both Python 2 and 3. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-opengl Description-md5: 6cd85f297c2f35e11fe3999051811826 Description-gl: Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 3) PyOpenGL is a cross-platform open source Python binding to the standard OpenGL API providing 2D and 3D graphic drawing. PyOpenGL supports the GL, GLU, GLE, and GLUT libraries. The library can be used with the Tkinter, wxPython, FxPy, and Win32GUI windowing libraries (or almost any Python windowing library which can provide an OpenGL context). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-openstack-doc-tools Description-md5: c256ca6c180dec3dd9d6536e769db034 Description-gl: tools used by the OpenStack Documentation project - Python 3.x This package contains a set of tools used to build the OpenStack documentation (install-guide, etc.) in multiple formats: html, pdf, etc. The input format is a set of XML documents. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-openstack.nose-plugin Description-md5: b1ae0d01123cb1df706eb276e863a615 Description-gl: nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's - Python 3.x This package provides a nose plugin that allow's nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-oslo.config Description-md5: 4fc1a07543e0543531190d9b8bf76f59 Description-gl: Common code for Openstack Projects (configuration API) - Python 3.x The OpenStack Oslo project provides Python libraries containing infrastructure code shared by OpenStack projects. . The OpenStack Oslo Configuration API supports parsing command line arguments and .ini style configuration files. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-oslo.messaging Description-md5: 2cb81d417f9c1bcebd0c0cfab8c50e68 Description-gl: oslo messaging library - Python 3.x The oslo.messaging API supports RPC and notifications over a number of different messaging transports. . Oslo is a set of libraries developed for OpenStack. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-oslo.rootwrap Description-md5: a707c21491cebe88dcb359537bc63311 Description-gl: allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root - Python 3.x The Oslo Rootwrap allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root from OpenStack services. . Unlike other Oslo deliverables, it should not be used as a Python library, but called as a separate process through the oslo-rootwrap command. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-pandocfilters Description-md5: c5be40d1e209859ce585b693b87cc70e Description-gl: python3 bindings for Pandoc's filters Pandoc is a powerful utility to transform various input formats into a wide range of output formats. To alter the exported output document, Pandoc allows the usage of filters, which are pipes that read a JSON serialization of the Pandoc AST from stdin, transform it in some way, and write it to stdout. It allows therefore to alter the processing of Pandoc's supported input formats, for instance one can add new syntax elements to markdown, etc. . Este paquete fornece asociacións con Python3. Package: python3-parsel Description-md5: 4224b6ee0b2da5bfefa139bb32eb56b3 Description-gl: Python 3 library to extract HTML/XML data using XPath/CSS selectors Parsel is a Python library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors . This module is used to, for example: - Extract text using CSS or XPath selectors - Regular expression helper methods . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pbkdf2 Description-md5: a1ef881a7891a943961d4fa056686a2b Description-gl: Python RSA PKCS#5 v2.0 module (Python 3) This module implements the password-based key derivation function, PBKDF2, specified in RSA PKCS#5 v2.0. . PKCS#5 v2.0 Password-Based Key Derivation is a key derivation function which is part of the RSA Public Key Cryptography Standards series. The provided implementation takes a password or a passphrase and a salt value (and optionally a iteration count, a digest module, and a MAC module) and provides a file-like object from which an arbitrarly-sized key can be read. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pdfkit Description-md5: fe04bfbe4d2851e8394a4f796a4deb09 Description-gl: Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML to PDF (Python 3) Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf utility to convert HTML to PDF using Webkit. . Wkhtmltopdf conversion and all wkhtmltopdf options are available in Python from this module . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-peewee Description-md5: 25677cfefea73f5d23e4874555abcce8 Description-gl: Simple ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite (Python 3) Peewee is a simple and small ORM. It has few (but expressive) concepts, making it easy to learn and intuitive to use. . * A small, expressive ORM * Written in python with support for versions 2.6+ and 3.2+. * built-in support for sqlite, mysql and postgresql numerous extensions available (postgres hstore/json/arrays, sqlite full-text-search, schema migrations, and much more). . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-pgpdump Description-md5: b92d41eba2544f9fda400fd09e3c1abf Description-gl: PGP packet parser library (Python 3) python-pgpdump is a Python library for parsing PGP packets as specified in RFC2440 and RFC4880. It is derived from pgpdump, a C program published at: The intent is to support what people actually have to do with PGP packets 95% of the time. This module does not aim to be a complete PGP parser, as it currently does not decode every PGP packet type. Currently supported things include: . * Signature packets * Public key packets * ASCII-armor decoding and CRC check . A single codebase with dependencies on only the standard Python library is compatible across Python 2.7, Python 3.2, and PyPy 1.8. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-phply Description-md5: c2c1941e6e2b09a42732b1a05c9b9ba9 Description-gl: PHP parser written in Python 3 using PLY phply is a parser for the PHP programming language written using PLY, a Lex/YACC-style parser generator toolkit for Python. With this parser you can: - Convert PHP code to Python - Run PHP templates in a Python environment - Learn more about parsing "industrial" languages, warts and all . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pilkit Description-md5: 78784104f604c02c3e73589c1ca4b790 Description-gl: Utilities and processors built for, and on top of PIL (Python3 version) PILKit is a collection of utilities for working with PIL (the Python Imaging Library). One of its main features is a set of processors which expose a simple interface for performing manipulations on PIL images. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-pip Description-md5: 9d251b212c019b715059567c86cd6fa2 Description-gl: Python package installer pip is the Python package installer. It integrates with virtualenv, doesn't do partial installs, can save package state for replaying, can install from non-egg sources, and can install from version control repositories. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-portalocker Description-md5: 8ac7c67871d42c40fc5171c5d3e3f40a Description-gl: API fácil para bloquear ficheiros (Python 3) Portalocker is a cross-platform library to provide an easy API to file locking. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-potr Description-md5: 0a3c8bd8646d61b847293cb50e493dce Description-gl: Pure Python implementation of the OTR protocol (Python 3) pure-python-otr is a pure Python implementation of the OTR protocol (Off- the-Record encryption, see the OTR website for more information). This gives developers the flexibility to implement OTR encryption for their Python-based Instant Messaging clients. A gajim-otr plugin will be available in the next major Gajim release to provide IM encryption independently of the underlying chat protocol. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-powerline-taskwarrior Description-md5: 1b2cd756302a337861e41c0a6d61b9d0 Description-gl: Powerline segment for showing Taskwarrior information (Python 3) A Powerline segment for showing information from Taskwarrior task manager. . It will show current context and active task (first of alphabetical order). . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-prelude Description-md5: e013c7de8f12d8c83b1f4044b776b3fb Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Python3 bindings ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Python 3 bindings for Prelude. Package: python3-preludedb Description-md5: be05fd9687d3a5299e06c2f730648c99 Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Python3 bindings ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the Python 3 bindings for PreludeDB. Package: python3-proboscis Description-md5: 5a4dcf228acce00faf6a7eb75240c7a2 Description-gl: extends Nose with certain TestNG like features - Python 3.x Proboscis is a Python test framework that extends Python's built-in unittest module and Nose with features from TestNG. . TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use. . Features: * Uses decorators instead of naming conventions. * Allows for TestNG style test methods, in which a class is initialized once, as an alternative to using class fields. * Allows for explicit test dependencies and skipping of dependent tests on failures. * Runs xUnit style clases if desired or needed for backwards compatibility. * Uses Nose if available (but doesn't require it), and works with many of its plugins. * Runs in IronPython and Jython (although if you're targeting the JVM you should consider using TestNG instead). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-protobix Description-md5: a82dd94d848a4373e47c6c9942ab4a52 Description-gl: Implementation of Zabbix Sender protocol This module implements Zabbix Sender Protocol. It allows one to build list of items and send items and send them as trapper. It currently supports items as well as Low Level Discovery. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-purl Description-md5: 807b3215c824e43dae05e33a6e8bbe27 Description-gl: URL interrogation and manipulation (Python3 version) A simple, immutable URL class with a clean API for interrogation and manipulation that also supports template URLs as per RFC 6570. It parses URLs into URL objects which are immutable but also provides mutator methods for all segments which return a new URL instance. This allows for easy modification of URLs during runtime. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-pycountry Description-md5: 9ee8355c76c79112424b8cbbebd731c5 Description-gl: ISO databases accessible from Python 3 pycountry provides ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations, taken from the iso-codes package. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pycryptodome Description-md5: 3a9eca316e91f5c3ee4a14bb9cbb1a49 Description-gl: cryptographic Python library (Python 3) PyCryptodome is a self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives. . PyCryptodome is a fork of PyCrypto. It brings several enhancements with respect to the last official version of PyCrypto (2.6.1), for instance: . * Authenticated encryption modes (GCM, CCM, EAX, SIV, OCB) * Accelerated AES on Intel platforms via AES-NI * First class support for PyPy * Elliptic curves cryptography (NIST P-256 curve only) * Better and more compact API (`nonce` and `iv` attributes for ciphers, automatic generation of random nonces and IVs, simplified CTR cipher mode, and more) * SHA-3 (including SHAKE XOFs) and BLAKE2 hash algorithms * Salsa20 and ChaCha20 stream ciphers * scrypt and HKDF * Deterministic (EC)DSA * Password-protected PKCS#8 key containers * Shamir's Secret Sharing scheme * Random numbers get sourced directly from the OS (and not from a CSPRNG in userspace) * Simplified install process, including better support for Windows * Cleaner RSA and DSA key generation (largely based on FIPS 186-4) * Major clean ups and simplification of the code base . PyCryptodome is not a wrapper to a separate C library like *OpenSSL*. To the largest possible extent, algorithms are implemented in pure Python. Only the pieces that are extremely critical to performance (e.g. block ciphers) are implemented as C extensions. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pydl Description-md5: bff08e5c0fd301b0aa1c5abb2e7e887a Description-gl: Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python 3 PyDL consists of Python replacements for functions that are part of the IDL built-in library or part of astronomical IDL libraries. The emphasis is on reproducing results of the astronomical library functions. Only the bare minimum of IDL built-in functions are implemented to support this. . There are four astronomical libraries targeted: . * idlutils: a general suite of tools heavily used by SDSS. * Goddard utilities: The IDL Astronomy User's Library, maintained by Wayne Landsman and distributed with idlutils. * idlspec2d: tools for working with SDSS, BOSS and eBOSS spectroscopic data. * photoop: tools for working with SDSS imaging data. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyftpdlib Description-md5: abc18a44cc02671e9079eaef089dc6da Description-gl: Python FTP server library Python FTP server library provides a high-level portable interface to easily write asynchronous FTP servers with Python. . pyftpdlib is currently the most complete RFC-959 FTP server implementation available for Python programming language. It is used in projects like Google Chromium and Bazaar. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-pygal Description-md5: 7bb3dc9c8bb3d70b8f1a788e566dd556 Description-gl: Python3 svg graph plotting library dynamic easy to use SVG charting library, featuring graph types: * Bar charts * Line charts * XY charts * Pie charts * Radar charts * Box plot * Dot charts * Pyramid charts * Funnel charts * Gauge charts * Worldmap charts * Country charts . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pykde4 Description-md5: b37e0854d64d7191620aa10be8f13e1c Description-gl: Asociacións con Python 3 para a Plataforma de Desenvolvemento KDE Este paquete contén PyKDE, as asociacións con Python 3 para as bibliotecas de KDE, que permite escribir programas para KDE empregando Python no canto de C++. Contén ao menos os módulos seguintes baixo o espazo de nomes PyKDE: . * dnssd * kdecore * kdeui * khtml * kio * knewstuff * kparts * kterminal * ktexteditor * kutils * plasma * solid . E algunhas tecnoloxÃas relacionadas con KDE como: . * akonadi * phonon * soprano . Este paquete fornece módulos para todas as versións de Python 3 admitidas. Package: python3-pykde4-dbg Description-md5: 62992a99c43cb6d4a6e9fd2fe1628aea Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración das asociacións con PyKDE para Python 3 This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with Python 3 bindings for the KDE Development Platform. Install this package if you are experiencing crashes of the PyKDE application and wish to report a problem to the developers. Package: python3-pykdtree Description-md5: e094fb0c160aff1288a8533f1d4ad413 Description-gl: Fast kd-tree implementation with OpenMP-enabled queries (Python 3 version) pykdtree is a kd-tree implementation for fast nearest neighbour search in Python. The aim is to be the fastest implementation around for common use cases (low dimensions and low number of neighbours) for both tree construction and queries. . The implementation is based on scipy.spatial.cKDTree and libANN by combining the best features from both and focus on implementation efficiency. . The interface is similar to that of scipy.spatial.cKDTree except only Euclidean distance measure is supported. . Queries are optionally multithreaded using OpenMP. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pykka Description-md5: e2c8e0a4c05300b2876539763b45d673 Description-gl: Actor model library (Python 3) Pykka is a Python implementation of the actor model. The actor model introduces some simple rules to control the sharing of state and cooperation between execution units, which makes it easier to build concurrent applications. . Pykka provides an actor API with multiple implementations: threading, gevent, and Eventlet. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyld Description-md5: 8235b48fbc66b767c398f13866074f16 Description-gl: implementation of the JSON-LD API This library is an implementation of the JSON-LD specification in Python. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-pylibmc Description-md5: 5a8a4cbce05c3d84e4bb59ba5633819a Description-gl: libmemcached wrapper (Python3 version) Pylibmc is a Python wrapper around the accompanying C Python extension _pylibmc, which is a wrapper around libmemcached from TangentOrg. It also manages pooling in a multi-threading environment. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-pylint-django Description-md5: 53d2128988de4972aea085acdb9a7e1e Description-gl: Pylint plugin for analysing code using Django (Python 3) Features * Prevents warnings about Django-generated attributes such as Model.objects or Views.request. * Prevents warnings when using ForeignKey attributes ("Instance of ForeignKey has no member"). * Fixes pylint's knowledge of the types of Model and Form field attributes * Validates Model.__unicode__ methods. * Meta informational classes on forms and models do not generate errors. It is also used by the Prospector tool. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 3 Package: python3-pylint-plugin-utils Description-md5: 928ec78c63bb8de22ef89ea86d1f864f Description-gl: Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins (Python 3) This is not a direct Pylint plugin, but rather a set of tools and functions used by other plugins such as pylint-django and pylint-celery. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pylxd Description-md5: f6a9486c3e2a73ce27b52aa6d101395a Description-gl: Python library for interacting with LXD REST API LXD offers a REST API to remotely manage containers over the network, using an image based workflow and with support for live migration. . pylxd is a small Python library for interacting the with the LXD REST API. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-pymca5 Description-md5: b0e748a0f3ba9d8f964d0f841dd8d573 Description-gl: Applications and toolkit for X-ray fluorescence analysis -- Python 3 PyMca is set of applications and Python libraries for analysis of X-ray fluorescence spectra. . The applications included in this package are: . * edfviewer - Display and inspection of data files in ESRF Data Format * elementsinfo - Displays element specific X-ray data * mca2edf - Converts files from SPEC MCA format to EDF * peakidentifier - Displays X-ray fluorescence peaks in a given energy range * pymcabatch - Batch fitting of spectra * pymcapostbatch - Post-processing of batch fitting results * pymca - Interactive data-analysis * pymcaroitool - Region-of-interest (ROI) imaging tool . The PyMca toolkit can read data files in SPEC, ESRF data file (EDF), OMNIC, HDF5, AIFIRA and SupaVisio formats. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pymodbus Description-md5: cbc28777fc67aaffff3236a572d3ca0e Description-gl: full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 3 Pymodbus is a full Modbus protocol implementation. It is currently supports the following : . Client Features: * Can perform single get/set on discrete and registers * Can perform multiple get/set on discrete and registers * Working on diagnostic/file/pipe/setting/info requests * Can fully scrape a host to be cloned . Server Features: * Can function as a fully implemented TCP/ASCII modbus server * Full server control context * Working on serial communication * Working on functioning as a RTU * Can mimic a server based on the supplied input data . For asynchronous communication, you need python-twisted-core. For serial communication, you need python-serial. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-pyo Description-md5: 5ee0777608274793eef805820f86089c Description-gl: Python3 module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation pyo é un módulo en Python que contén clases para unha ampla variedade de tipos de procesamento de sinais de son. Con pyo o usuario pode incluÃr cadeas de procesamento de sinais directamente en scripts ou proxectos en Python e manipulalas en tempo real a través dun intérprete. As ferramentas do módulo pyo ofrecen primitivas, como operacións matemáticas sobre os sinais de son, procesamento básico dos sinais (filtros, demoras, xeradores de sÃnteses, etc.), asà como algoritmos complexos para crear granulación do son e outras manipulacións de son creativas. . pyo supports OSC protocol (Open Sound Control), to ease communications between softwares, and MIDI protocol, for generating sound events and controlling process parameters. . pyo allows creation of sophisticated signal processing chains with all the benefits of a mature, and wildly used, general programming language. . This package installs the library for Python 3. Package: python3-pyocr Description-md5: 6c305e4a6d9f1c351cc988c16691b140 Description-gl: Python wrapper for OCR engines (Python 3) PyOCR is an optical character recognition (OCR) tool wrapper for Python. That is, it helps using OCR tools from a Python program. . PyOCR can be used as a wrapper for google's Tesseract-OCR or Cuneiform. It can read all image types supported by Pillow, including jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, and others. It also support bounding box data. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyodbc-dbg Description-md5: cffb2c5a5cda819b41cf8c0311b9dc43 Description-gl: Python3 module for ODBC database access - Debugging symbols A Python3 DB API 2 module for ODBC. No 3rd party libraries are required. Only native Python datatypes are used, such as decimal and datetime. It implements the Python Database API Specification v2.0. For example: import pyodbc Next, create a connection by passing an ODBC connection string to the connect method. This step causes ODBC to load the database driver (the SQL Server driver in this example) and connect to the database. cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=northwind') . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: python3-pyorbital Description-md5: 14e0b70ecb0799ced0139012054bc41a Description-gl: Orbital and astronomy computations in Python 3 Python package for computing orbital parameters from TLE files, and making diverse astronomical computations. . This package is part of the PyTroll toolset. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pypdf2 Description-md5: 066002d47f385ae79c032e3e722b0bc4 Description-gl: Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit (Python 3) A Pure-Python library built as a PDF toolkit. It is capable of: - extracting document information (title, author, ...), - splitting documents page by page, - merging documents page by page, - cropping pages, - merging multiple pages into a single page, - encrypting and decrypting PDF files. . By being Pure-Python, it should run on any Python platform without any dependencies on external libraries. It can also work entirely on StringIO objects rather than file streams, allowing for PDF manipulation in memory. It is therefore a useful tool for websites that manage or manipulate PDFs. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt4.qsci Description-md5: 55112ee9f38ed5e15ed82bd76c683af6 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 4 O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains Python 3 bindings so QScintilla 2 can be used in PyQt4 applications. Package: python3-pyqt4.qsci-dbg Description-md5: a94d7a49f9bc91f8bd4342832dd70495 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 (Qt 4 debug extensions) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt4 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt4.qtopengl-dbg Description-md5: f21bcd81a1a6d6bd14598248969c70de Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt4's OpenGL module (debug extension) The OpenGL module of PyQt4 provides widgets and utility classes for OpenGL rendering in a Python3 PyQt4 application. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt4.qtsql-dbg Description-md5: 36d3f4cd746b959da12c143ba1a1dc23 Description-gl: Python3 bindings for PyQt4's SQL module (debug extension) The SQL module of PyQt4 provides widgets and utility classes for Python3 SQL database access. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5 Description-md5: fbb6f230f704ef45fbf057abc0d8bdba Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 3 para Qt5 PyQt5 exposes the Qt5 API to Python 3. This package contains the following modules: * QtCore * QtDBus * QtDesigner * QtGui * QtHelp * QtNetwork * QtPrintSupport * QtTest * QtWidgets * QtXml Package: python3-pyqt5-dbg Description-md5: 705de7d30b2e90a6f681fbf8d448f0dd Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 3 para Qt5 (extensións de depuración) PyQt5 expón a API de Qt5 para Python 3. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qsci Description-md5: ba85696f24c5cbcbb3e8d4a83008315f Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5 O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . This package contains Python 3 bindings so QScintilla 2 can be used in PyQt5 applications. Package: python3-pyqt5.qsci-dbg Description-md5: dcb7291963b5296bf0b1ed08c5ade7a7 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 (Qt 5 debug extensions) O QScintilla é un editor de texto para Qt5 con funcionalidades especialmente útiles para escribir e depurar código fonte. Estas inclúen a posibilidade de estilos de sintaxe, indicadores de erro, completado de código, suxestións de chamadas e marxes. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia-dbg Description-md5: 64a39bce7a7feab3c50a3afd57204d05 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Multimedia module (debug extensions) The Multimedia module of PyQt5 provides a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtopengl Description-md5: e9ed39d0ea634e379867f454fd8ead88 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 3 para o módulo de OpenGL de Qt5 The OpenGL module of PyQt5 provides widgets and utility classes for OpenGL rendering in a PyQt5 application. . This package contains the Python 3 version of this module. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtopengl-dbg Description-md5: 2661336e8af1633c9ab3ac06863104d8 Description-gl: Asociacións de Python 3 para o módulo de OpenGL de Qt5 (extensión de depuración) The OpenGL module of PyQt5 provides widgets and utility classes for OpenGL rendering in a PyQt5 application. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning-dbg Description-md5: 5cc3ff22d0b640ecf756c451cd187350 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QtPositioning module (debug extension) The QtPositioning module of PyQt5 provides an API to access location and positioning information. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtquick-dbg Description-md5: 9b4192642bccdc9962160d21f098a45c Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QtQuick module (debug extension) The QtQuick module of PyQt5 provides a framework for developing applications and libraries with the QML language. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtsensors-dbg Description-md5: eff9e4c0086af6eaa2fa0c5a365681c6 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QtSensors module (debug extension) The QtSensors module of PyQt5 provides a set of APIs to access sensors hardware from PyQt applications. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtserialport-dbg Description-md5: f7cae4c4d95beaf11b3c19922b842a28 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QtSerialPort module (debug extension) The QtSerialPort module of PyQt5 provides a set of APIs to use serial ports from PyQt applications. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtsql-dbg Description-md5: 1ce1313d6dbf119940db685b7b21b722 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SQL module (debug extension) The SQL module of PyQt5 provides widgets and utility classes for Python 3 SQL database access. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtsvg-dbg Description-md5: c101a202d06754068870040247f0980e Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's SVG module (debug extension) The SVG module of PyQt5 provides classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel-dbg Description-md5: 99fe3c2d5393efefaa6ce01f1770c2a5 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's Webchannel module (debug extension) Qt WebChannel enables peer-to-peer communication between the host (PyQt5 application) and the client (HTML/JavaScript application). The transport mechanism is supported out of the box by the two popular web engines, Qt WebKit 2 and Qt WebEngine (experimental). . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine-dbg Description-md5: 1d2d2d91d44cc6680950f55276818c31 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebEngine module (debug extensions) The WebEngine module of PyQt5 provides a Chromium-based Web browser engine for PyQt5 applications. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg Description-md5: 72960fe10193a9868ed0be33ee77ae1f Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module (debug extensions) The WebKit module of PyQt5 provides a Web browser engine that makes it easy to embed HTML content into your PyQt application. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtwebsockets-dbg Description-md5: 105b9efee1169f34a4cddd3bc9021f5a Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebSockets module (debug extensions) The WebSockets module of PyQt5 provides Python 3 bindings for the WebSockets specification (both client and server). . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras-dbg Description-md5: 2f899bea8e42b1c78a19ff167e28821a Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for QtX11Extras module (debug extension) The QtX11Extras module of PyQt5 provides an API to access X11-specific information and classes. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns-dbg Description-md5: c2dd418ecf4c860fae112da9fecdbf0c Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module (debug extension) QtXmlPatterns is a XQuery and XPath engine for XML and custom data models. This package provides a PyQt binding for QtXmlPatterns. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-pyqtgraph Description-md5: 7a09ccffd4f4bc7cc76d0d0e1a70383c Description-gl: Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python 3 PyQtGraph is a pure-python graphics and GUI library built on PyQt4 and numpy. It is intended for use in mathematics / scientific / engineering applications. Despite being written entirely in Python, the library is very fast due to its heavy leverage of numpy for number crunching and Qt's GraphicsView framework for fast display. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyregion Description-md5: 45e7a0d549baa48683cca5702aeb422d Description-gl: Python module to parse ds9 region files (Python 3) Pyregion is a Python module to parse ds9 region files. It also supports ciao region files. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyresample Description-md5: 8668fad0cc8d3f4fcc4bc336c3364e7f Description-gl: Resampling of remote sensing data in Python 3 Pyresample is a Python package for resampling (reprojection) of earth observing satellite data. It handles both resampling of gridded data (e.g. geostationary satellites) and swath data (polar orbiting satellites). . Pyresample can use multiple processor cores for resampling. Pyresample supports masked arrays. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyrss2gen Description-md5: c7d9ef1e65f3c811202d1729f96f1d40 Description-gl: Interface para xerar fluxos RSS 2.0 para Python 3 PyRSS2Gen is the interface to RSS 2.0 feeds. PyRSS2Gen builds the feed up by using a XML generator. Package: python3-pyscss Description-md5: c0c7a416beb45b00cf1b945d7de077e0 Description-gl: SCSS compiler - Python 3.x pyScss compiles Scss (Sass), a superset of CSS that is more powerful, elegant and easier to maintain than plain-vanilla CSS. The library acts as a CSS source code preprocesor which allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, and have inheritance of rules, all with a CSS-compatible syntax which the preprocessor then compiles to standard CSS. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-pyside Description-md5: 66b8df6b286670115f6aaec0a4f6d4d0 Description-gl: Python3 bindings for Qt4 (big metapackage) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Python3 bindings for Qt4 framework. This is a metapackage for all modules. Package: python3-pyside.phonon Description-md5: 12987a57a9ef91d84aa8cada5e534014 Description-gl: Qt 4 Phonon module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the Phonon multimedia module. Package: python3-pyside.qtcore Description-md5: fa5cfeb16d82fccab3a93644f651d12b Description-gl: Qt 4 core module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtCore module. Package: python3-pyside.qtdeclarative Description-md5: 6396d7ec217d51295f1c705e8ca16e82 Description-gl: Qt 4 Declarative module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtDeclarative module. Package: python3-pyside.qtgui Description-md5: a3d50c2e26e2f7638b7637af9dd581e2 Description-gl: Qt 4 GUI module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtGui module. Package: python3-pyside.qthelp Description-md5: 137946505993d69988454d26cf8c1243 Description-gl: Qt 4 help module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtHelp module. Package: python3-pyside.qtnetwork Description-md5: 3dce2eb2116bf6fbf4a4345656a004b2 Description-gl: Qt 4 network module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtNetwork module. Package: python3-pyside.qtopengl Description-md5: 9f02e0051990d2dc1972f3cd10ad9b9f Description-gl: Qt 4 OpenGL module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtOpenGL module. . OpenGL é unha API estándar para mostrar gráficos en 3D. OpenGL trata só co renderizado en 3D e fornece pouco ou nada de axuda cos problemas de programación das interfaces gráficas. Package: python3-pyside.qtscript Description-md5: 385451b59277654604254b0cb47c6bbb Description-gl: Qt 4 script module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtScript and QtScriptTools modules. Package: python3-pyside.qtsql Description-md5: 77637130ebd7f12657f64260a4a3fa88 Description-gl: Qt 4 SQL module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtSql module. Package: python3-pyside.qtsvg Description-md5: c9014748715ddccad516031530f5cbe0 Description-gl: Qt 4 SVG module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtSvg module. . Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two- dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML. Package: python3-pyside.qttest Description-md5: 071db6ada3dab0f8f17116eba4bff669 Description-gl: Qt 4 test module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtTest module. Package: python3-pyside.qtuitools Description-md5: 61820cd1a19e11f5aad0f200cfac751e Description-gl: Qt 4 UI tools module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtUiTools module. Package: python3-pyside.qtwebkit Description-md5: 0dff74840322a267f85cef49752a5af4 Description-gl: Qt 4 WebKit module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtWebKit module. Package: python3-pyside.qtxml Description-md5: 9fedd3044c0c89b5dfd31b7ece8018d3 Description-gl: Qt 4 XML module - Python3 bindings Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides Python3 bindings for the QtXml and QtXmlPatterns modules. Package: python3-pysnmp4 Description-md5: b767f5f04a7b5774553030167f901f2b Description-gl: Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 3 module) This is a Python implementation of SNMP v.1/v.2c/v.3 engine. Its general functionality is to assemble/disassemble SNMP messages from/into given SNMP Object IDs along with associated values. PySNMP also provides a few transport methods specific to TCP/IP networking. . PySNMP está escrito completamente en Python e é autónomo no sentido de que non depende de ningunha ferramenta de terceiras partes (non é unha envoltura). . This package provides Python 3 module. Package: python3-pysodium Description-md5: fa5ce419656862eb8e84750002b7c239 Description-gl: Python libsodium wrapper (Python3 version) This is a very simple wrapper around libsodium masquerading as nacl. Most of the *_easy functions are not implemented as the wrapper provides an easy interface to the "non-easy" functions. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-pysrt Description-md5: 13420522727ce5c8eed95b10384fd921 Description-gl: library to edit or create SubRip files (Python 3) pysrt can be used to edit or create SubRip (.srt) subtitle files from Python. It supports parsing, shifting, removing, slicing, spliting and rescaling of these files. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pyte Description-md5: 6c6b711510288dfb3072ae758c4dd103 Description-gl: simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator (Python 3) pyte is an in-memory VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator, where XXX stands for a series of video terminals, developed by DEC between 1970 and 1995. . pyte is as a fork of vt102, which was an incomplete pure Python implementation of VT100 terminal. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pytest-helpers-namespace Description-md5: 7803f5c1b89175cbc158d217c87855c5 Description-gl: provides a namespace for pytest helpers Permits registering pytest helpers in, which allows them to be used in a test without importing them. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-pytest-runner Description-md5: 5a374a16a2b81d649f507da4babd3ebc Description-gl: Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution - Python 3.x Setup scripts can use pytest-runner to add test support for pytest runner. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-pyvo Description-md5: e290d4247dedb72d160e0cbc6d68fd27 Description-gl: Python 3 library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO) The pyvo module currently provides these main capabilities: Find archives that provide particular data of a particular type and/or relates to a particular topic search an archive for datasets of a particular type. Do simple searches on catalogs or databases get information about an object via its name. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pywapi Description-md5: 9d20f214fdfa526cedba176943e4292f Description-gl: Python wrapper around different weather APIs (Python 3) The module provides a Python wrapper around the Yahoo! Weather, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) APIs. Fetch weather reports using zip code, location id, city name, state, country etc. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-pywt Description-md5: 2c44e319c1e61bd1c6e4734f04a35cf9 Description-gl: Python3 extension implementing of wavelet transformations PyWavelets implements the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) popular in numerical harmonic analysis for numerous families of wavelets, including Haar, Daubechies, Symlet, Coiflet, biorthogonal wavelets in one and two dimensions. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-pyxb Description-md5: 5a6f67fee9372e89423a936c28cd3530 Description-gl: Python XML Schema Bindings (Python3 version) PyXB is a pure Python package that generates Python code for classes that correspond to data structures defined by XMLSchema. In concept it is similar to JAXB for Java and CodeSynthesis XSD for C++. . The major goals of PyXB are: * Provide a generated Python interface that is “Pythonicâ€, meaning similar to one that would have been hand-written: + Attributes and elements are Python properties, with name conflicts resolved in favor of elements + Elements with maxOccurs larger than 1 are stored as Python lists + Bindings for type extensions inherit from the binding for the base type + Enumeration constraints are exposed as class (constant) variables * Support bi-directional conversion (document to Python and back) * Allow easy customization of the generated bindings to provide functionality along with content * Support all XMLSchema features that are in common use, including: + complex content models (nested all/choice/sequence) + cross-namespace dependencies + include and import directives + constraints on simple types * Validate the documents against their schema . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-qrcode Description-md5: 39b51b3c3b6444fc9100c065586361fc Description-gl: QR Code image generator library - Python 3.x This package provides a pure Python QR Code generator module. It uses the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to allow for the generation of QR Codes. In contrast to the python-qrencode module this module does not need an additional C library. . In addition this package provides a command line tool to generate QR codes and either write these QR codes to a file or do the output as ascii art at the console. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-quark-sphinx-theme Description-md5: 8e2741cd1e9336a323ffc11dbed80fc4 Description-gl: Sphinx theme designed for QTextBrowser (Python 3) Quark is a Sphinx theme specifically designed to look and work well within the limitations of the Qt toolkit's QTextBrowser. This theme was originally designed for the bundled manual of SpeedCrunch. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-queuelib Description-md5: ef46328610577cc2b5c877acf2112bdc Description-gl: collection of persistent (disk-based) queues (Python 3) Queuelib is a collection of persistent (disk-based) queues for Python. Queuelib goals are speed and simplicity. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-qwt Description-md5: e6a597289a3a3fd5e1d79418aeb6ee29 Description-gl: Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 3 The qwt package is a pure Python implementation of Qwt C++ library with the following limitations. . The following `Qwt` classes won't be reimplemented in `qwt` because most powerful features already exist in `guiqwt`: * QwtPlotZoomer * QwtCounter * QwtEventPattern * QwtPicker * QwtPlotPicker . QwtClipper is not implemented yet (and it will probably be very difficult or impossible to implement it in pure Python without performance issues). As a consequence, when zooming in a plot curve, the entire curve is still painted (in other words, when working with large amount of data, there is no performance gain when zooming in). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-rarfile Description-md5: e0189b5d945757e8565d1dbfc67e6eca Description-gl: RAR archive reader module for Python 3 This is a Python module for RAR archive reading. The interface is made a zipfile like as possible. It supports both RAR3 and RAR5 archives, multi volumes archives, unicode filenames and password protected archives. . Esta é a versión do paquete para Python 3. Package: python3-rasterio Description-md5: e326ec0a397b73cb28d7cf52e37cd977 Description-gl: Python 3 API for using geospatial raster data with Numpy Rasterio reads and writes geospatial raster datasets. . Rasterio employs GDAL under the hood for file I/O and raster formatting. Its functions typically accept and return Numpy ndarrays. Rasterio is designed to make working with geospatial raster data more productive and more fun. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-redis Description-md5: baf7ebae4889690958fc89c1c9eb2a9a Description-gl: Persistent key-value database with network interface (Python 3 library) Redis is a key-value database in a similar vein to memcache but the dataset is non-volatile. Redis additionally provides native support for atomically manipulating and querying data structures such as lists and sets. . The dataset is stored entirely in memory and periodically flushed to disk. . This package contains Python bindings to Redis. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-redmine Description-md5: 3b8277fe9ad8f2d021d58281b74f7934 Description-gl: Python library for the Redmine RESTful API (Python 3) Python Redmine is a library for communicating with a Redmine project management application. Redmine exposes some of it's data via RESTful (Representational State Transfer) application programming interface (API) for which Python Redmine provides a simple but powerful Pythonic API inspired by a well-known Django object-relational mapping (ORM). . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-regex Description-md5: da67f116351fcbb7a02ca840814e96a9 Description-gl: alternative regular expression module (Python 3) This new regex implementation is intended eventually to replace Python's current re module implementation. . For testing and comparison with the current 're' module the new implementation is in the form of a module called 'regex'. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-relational Description-md5: 64f37e390dcd19015a0a3cd647b71d81 Description-gl: Ferramenta educativa para álxebra relacional (módulo autónomo) Relational is primarily a tool to provide a workspace for experimenting with relational algebra, an offshoot of first-order logic. . This package provides a standalone Python module that can be used for executing relational queries. Package: python3-releases Description-md5: d41fbb88398665eb10dd5d3ac52de7d9 Description-gl: Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation (Python 3) Releases is a Sphinx extension designed to help you keep a source control friendly, merge friendly changelog file & turn it into useful, human readable HTML output. . Specifically: . * The source format (kept in your Sphinx tree as ``changelog.rst``) is a stream-like timeline that plays well with source control & only requires one entry per change (even for changes that exist in multiple release lines). * The output (when you have the extension installed and run your Sphinx build command) is a traditional looking changelog page with a section for every release; multi-release issues are copied automatically into each release. * By default, feature and support issues are only displayed under feature releases, and bugs are only displayed under bugfix releases. This can be overridden on a per-issue basis. . Este paquete contén a versión en python3.x da biblioteca Package: python3-repoze.lru Description-md5: 3a0267de4611221b76e003adbe8d25c5 Description-gl: tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator for Python 3 repoze.lru is a LRU (least recently used) cache implementation. Keys and values that are not used frequently will be evicted from the cache faster than keys and values that are used frequently. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-repoze.sphinx.autointerface Description-md5: db6d9d300c2fb8e5a16119a0fba923f8 Description-gl: Sphinx extension to generate API docs from Zope interfaces (Python 3) This package defines an extension for the Sphinx documentation system. The extension allows generation of API documentation by introspection of zope.interface instances in code. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-repoze.tm2 Description-md5: 0e178bcb41c8135bb822707f57ec04f7 Description-gl: Zope-like transaction manager WSGI middleware (Python 3) repoze.tm2 is Python WSGI middleware which uses the ZODB (Zope Object DataBase) package's transaction manager to wrap a call to its pipeline children inside a transaction. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-requestbuilder Description-md5: 0094b818ab8e08289b061738824af9d0 Description-gl: command line-driven HTTP request builder - Python 3.x Python Requestbuilder is command line-driven. It is used to build HTTP requests, and is used by the euca2ools recent version (eg: newer than version 3.0.0). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-requests-file Description-md5: babcf46924d2f06e381950dc20627456 Description-gl: File transport adapter for Requests - Python 3.X Requests-File is a transport adapter for use with the Requests Python library to allow local filesystem access via file:// URLs. . Funcionalidades: . * Will open and read local files * Might set a Content-Length header * That's about it . No encoding information is set in the response object, so be careful using Response.text: the chardet library will be used to convert the file to a unicode type and it may not detect what you actually want. . EACCES is converted to a 403 status code, and ENOENT is converted to a 404. All other IOError types are converted to a 400. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-requests-kerberos Description-md5: 5c322bf26b8180ac5a758b7d195fceb4 Description-gl: Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication handler for python-requests - Python 3.x Requests is an HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings. This library adds optional Kerberos/GSSAPI authentication support and supports mutual authentication. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-restless Description-md5: 156cb985ade2b743e9ba272e174b1859 Description-gl: lightweight REST miniframework for Python Works great with Django, Flask, Pyramid, Tornado & Itty, but should be useful for many other Python web frameworks. Based on the lessons learned from Tastypie & other REST libraries. . Features * Small, fast codebase * JSON output by default, but overridable * RESTful * Flexible . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-robot-detection Description-md5: 1f002351bceafc0e7d56a2b00115e61b Description-gl: Detect web crawlers from HTTP UserAgent (Python 3 version) This Python module detects if a given HTTP User Agent is a web crawler. It uses the list of registered robots from the . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-rpm Description-md5: 4c86706340dedfb97287c361b94fc396 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for RPM O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This package includes the Python bindings for librpm, allowing Python scripts to manipulate RPM packages and the RPM database. . This package installs the library for Python 3. Package: python3-ruamel.yaml Description-md5: 2e4defdca4861446cf4772eb995bf6ad Description-gl: roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 3 module) ruamel.yaml is a YAML parser supporting roundtrip preservation of comments, seq/map flow style and map key order. It is a derivative of Kirill Simonov's PyYAML 3.11 which supports YAML1.1. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-saharaclient Description-md5: de8b4013d4cc58b0640a627b1b432fe0 Description-gl: Client library for Openstack Sahara API server - Python 3.x module Sahara aims to provide users with simple means to provision a Hadoop cluster by specifying several parameters like Hadoop version, cluster topology, nodes hardware details and a few more. . This is a client for the Sahara which uses the OpenStack Image API. There's a Python API (the "saharaclient" module), and a command-line script ("sahara"). . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-sane-dbg Description-md5: 20e2e4dc94b4a1ac5ce0e637bfff516a Description-gl: Python Imaging Library - SANE interface (Python3 debug extension) The imaging-sane module is a Python interface to the SANE (Scanner Access is Now Easy) library, which provides access to various raster scanning devices such as flatbed scanners and digital cameras. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python. Package: python3-sasmodels Description-md5: 4718a3b310b148814c1224a9215422ce Description-gl: Theoretical models for small angle scattering (Python 3) sasmodels is a Python module for calculating theoretical Small Angle Scattering patterns. The models provided are usable directly in the bumps fitting package and in the sasview analysis package. . Este paquete contén a versión do módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-schedule Description-md5: 0d5d92eb0e5719da33a4eeedb5b4ced2 Description-gl: Job scheduling for humans (Python 3) An in-process scheduler for periodic jobs that uses the builder pattern for configuration. Schedule lets you run Python functions (or any other callable) periodically at pre-determined intervals using a simple, human- friendly syntax. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-scipy Description-md5: 44b807ad9433da0e28d1900f7a586975 Description-gl: Ferramentas cientÃficas para Python 3 SciPy supplements the popular NumPy module (python-numpy package), gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. . SciPy is a set of Open Source scientific and numeric tools for Python. It currently supports special functions, integration, ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers, gradient optimization, genetic algorithms, parallel programming tools, an expression-to-C++ compiler for fast execution, and others. . This package provides the Python 3 version. Package: python3-scipy-dbg Description-md5: 42042a4ee2002a1ed6f15a693c074dc1 Description-gl: Ferramentas cientÃficas para Python 3 - sÃmbolos de depuración SciPy supplements the popular NumPy module (python-numpy package), gathering a variety of high level science and engineering modules together as a single package. . SciPy is a set of Open Source scientific and numeric tools for Python. It currently supports special functions, integration, ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers, gradient optimization, genetic algorithms, parallel programming tools, an expression-to-C++ compiler for fast execution, and others. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración do python3-scipy. Package: python3-scrapy-djangoitem Description-md5: 5de9c475113839b5d227157327770db4 Description-gl: Scrapy extension to write scraped items using Django models (Python3 version) scrapy-djangoitem is an extension that allows you to define Scrapy items using existing Django models. This utility provides a new class, named DjangoItem, that you can use as a regular Scrapy item and link it to a Django model with its django_model attribute. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-sdnotify Description-md5: a5686e8c911b276c2784782f771ad489 Description-gl: Python3 implementation of systemd's service notification protocol This is a pure Python implementation of the systemd sd_notify protocol. This protocol can be used to inform systemd about service start-up completion, watchdog events, and other service status changes. . Thus, this package can be used to write system services in Python that play nicely with systemd. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-seaborn Description-md5: 40f8747d7893678c82ee42faf718a698 Description-gl: statistical visualization library for Python3 Seaborn is a library for making attractive and informative statistical graphics in Python. It is built on top of matplotlib and tightly integrated with the PyData stack, including support for numpy and pandas data structures and statistical routines from scipy and statsmodels. . Some of the features that seaborn offers are . - Several built-in themes that improve on the default matplotlib aesthetics - Tools for choosing color palettes to make beautiful plots that reveal patterns in your data - Functions for visualizing univariate and bivariate distributions or for comparing them between subsets of data - Tools that fit and visualize linear regression models for different kinds of independent and dependent variables - A function to plot statistical timeseries data with flexible estimation and representation of uncertainty around the estimate - High-level abstractions for structuring grids of plots that let you easily build complex visualizations . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-sendfile-dbg Description-md5: 7220353ecd33d7ff61718dc0be675205 Description-gl: Python interface to sendfile(2) (debug) Python library which provides a "zero-copy" way of copying data from one file descriptor to another (a socket). The phrase "zero-copy" refers to the fact that all of the copying of data between the two descriptors is done entirely by the kernel, with no copying of data into userspace buffers. This is particularly useful when sending a file over a socket (e.g. FTP). . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-setuptools-git Description-md5: 5fd071b89a9d204990c56242f591cc64 Description-gl: plugin for setuptools that enables git integration This is a plugin for setup tools that enables Git integration. Once installed, Setuptools can be told to include in a module distribution all the files tracked by git. This is an alternative to explicit inclusion specifications with . This package was formerly known as gitlsfiles. The name change is the result of an effort by the setuptools plugin developers to provide a uniform naming convention. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-sfml Description-md5: 403dc02a5b8bdf526afffa2f14af877e Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Asociacións con Python 3 SFML is an modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce an multimedia application. It offers OpenGL integration for hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and input support, audio and network facilities and supports besides GNU/Linux MS Windows and Mac OS X, too. . This package contains the Python 3 bindings for SFML. Package: python3-sfml-dbg Description-md5: d12d16c2874826c56dbe87cd2a1e40e3 Description-gl: Biblioteca de multimedia sinxela e rápida - Asociacións de depuración con Python 3 SFML is an modern multimedia library offering a wide range of subsystems useful to produce an multimedia application. It offers OpenGL integration for hardware accelerated Graphics, Windowing and input support, audio and network facilities and supports besides GNU/Linux MS Windows and Mac OS X, too. . This package contains the Python 3 bindings for SFML built against debug versions of Python. Package: python3-shapely Description-md5: 018e7b252607a9dd0d2c2718845e1341 Description-gl: geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 3) Shapely is a package for manipulation and analysis of 2D features. Its capabilities include: * calculating the point set unions, intersections, or differences of features * predicate tests on features: intersects, touches, contains, and more. . Supported geometric types are points, line strings, linear rings, polygons, and homogeneous or heterogeneous collections thereof. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-sievelib Description-md5: a27427a8c5a6ff5be92c720240c52bfc Description-gl: Client-side Sieve and Managesieve library (Python3 version) Client-side Sieve and Managesieve library written in Python. . Sieve: Currently, the provided parser supports most of the functionalities described in RFC 5228. The only exception concerns section Encoding Characters using "encoded-character" which is not supported. The following Sieve extensions are also supported: * Date and Index (RFC 5260) * Vacation (RFC 5230) . ManageSieve: All mandatory commands are supported. The RENAME extension is supported, with a simulated behaviour for server that do not support it. For the AUTHENTICATE command, supported mechanisms are DIGEST-MD5, PLAIN and LOGIN. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-signaller Description-md5: 2962c66d10ad06d291e134082a220220 Description-gl: Signals and slots with asyncio support (Python3 version) Signals and slots implementation with asyncio support. Slots can be functions, methods or coroutines. Weak references are used by default. If a slot is a coroutine, it will be scheduled to run asynchronously with asyncio.async(). . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-simplegeneric Description-md5: 1aa3e4db49ded29787a5532d32398159 Description-gl: simple generic functions for Python3 The simplegeneric module lets you define simple single-dispatch generic functions, akin to Python's built-in generic functions like len(), iter() and so on. However, instead of using specially-named methods, these generic functions use simple lookup tables, akin to those used by e.g. pickle.dump() and other generic functions found in the Python standard library. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-sireader Description-md5: 92344cb187e9eca337d5f9a627fdd52c Description-gl: Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations (Python 3) Sireader is a Python module to communicate with a SportIdent main station to read out SportIdent cards. SportIdent is an electronic punching system mainly used for orienteering events. . Sireader supports two major operation modes. It can be used for complete card readout or in control station mode to send punches from a control. The first mode is typically used for card readout after the finish line to read the card data into an event software. The second mode is used to get live result from an intermediate control. . Este paquete contén a versión en python3.x da biblioteca. Package: python3-sklearn-pandas Description-md5: 6ece1efdb2b686f790ba983a61e1befd Description-gl: Pandas integration with sklearn (Python 3) sklearn-pandas provides a bridge between scikit-learn's machine learning methods and pandas data frames. . In particular, it provides: - a way to map DataFrame columns to transformations, which are later recombined into features - a way to cross-validate a pipeline that takes a pandas DataFrame as input. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-slimmer Description-md5: 36f932bef769821922cb8cd4cc9d3322 Description-gl: HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript optimizer for Python3 Slimmer is a library that optimizes whitespace in CSS, JavaScript, HTML and XHTML output. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-smartypants Description-md5: 6d56ea99749122b1431dcf747dbeb8a6 Description-gl: smart-quotes plugin for pyblosxom (Python 3 version) It can perform the following transformations: . * Straight quotes ( " and ' ) into "curly" quote HTML entities * Backticks-style quotes (``like this'') into "curly" quote HTML entities * Dashes (-- and ---) into en- and em-dash entities * Three consecutive dots (... or . . .) into an ellipsis entity . This means you can write, edit, and save your posts using plain old ASCII straight quotes, plain dashes, and plain dots, but your published posts (and final HTML output) will appear with smart quotes, em-dashes, and proper ellipses. . SmartyPants does not modify characters within <pre>, <code>, <kbd>, <math> or <script> tag blocks. Typically, these tags are used to display text where smart quotes and other "smart punctuation" would not be appropriate, such as source code or example markup. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-smstrade Description-md5: 44a43f57cbbe6bf62f0011e361dc3651 Description-gl: Python library to send SMS via the smstrade service (Python 3) python-smstrade lets you send SMS via and retrieve your account balance from the service of . The package comes with two command line utilities smstrade_send and smstrade_balance to access the library functionality from the command line. . The package may be used for alerting in monitoring applications or other scenarios where sending SMS might be useful. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-snappy Description-md5: 43dfb4e0f5d4a8786c26e75e25afdf34 Description-gl: snappy compression library from Google - Python 3.x Snappy is a compression/decompression library. It does not aim for maximum compression, or compatibility with any other compression library; instead, it aims for very high speeds and reasonable compression. You can read package libsnappy1 for more information. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-social-auth Description-md5: 724adfc85a56a095e174dc8d1456fa68 Description-gl: Python social authentication made simple (Python 3) Python Social Auth is an easy-to-setup social authentication/registration mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers. . Crafted using base code from django-social-auth, it implements a common interface to define new authentication providers from third parties, and to bring support for more frameworks and ORMs. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-sockjs-tornado Description-md5: 55179951b75480f7c1e7c1b234ca85a1 Description-gl: server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser library - Python 3.x SockJS-tornado is a Python server side counterpart of SockJS-client browser library running on top of Tornado framework. SockJS provides slightly different API than tornado.websocket. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-softlayer Description-md5: d0507720cd79fd9234c2b2056bdacee9 Description-gl: Python client for SoftLayer API (Python 3) This library provides a simple interface to interact with SoftLayer's XML- RPC API and provides support for many of SoftLayer API's features like object masks and a command-line interface that can be used to access various SoftLayer services using the API. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-sorl-thumbnail Description-md5: 723f334c038936f535c163a5b4821aa1 Description-gl: thumbnail support for the Django framework (Python3 version) sorl-thumbnail provides a convenient way to create and manage image thumbnails in a Django project. It offers integration into several parts of Django like the admin system by showing thumbnails for ImageFields or through a ImageField that also takes care of deleting thumbnail files when the referencing object is removed. . Other features include: * Django storage support * Pluggable Engine support (PIL, ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick, or Wand) * Pluggable Key Value Store support (Django cache, redis) * Pluggable Backend support (i.e. different thumbnail filename schema) * Dummy generation (placeholders) * Flexible, simple syntax, generates no html * CSS style cropping options * Margin calculation for vertical positioning . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-sortedm2m Description-md5: 0217d78478a83172f3154b5f1c0d110d Description-gl: Replacement for Django's many to many field with sorted relations (Python 3) sortedm2m is a drop-in replacement for Django's own ManyToManyField. The provided SortedManyToManyField behaves like the original one, but remembers the order of added relations. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-soundfile Description-md5: f71df65ea4cd9dd7afcae367eaf3ee7a Description-gl: Python 3 audio module based on libsndfile PySoundFile can read and write sound files in a variety of formats and eases the application of signal processing algorithms. File reading/writing is supported through libsndfile. By default, PySoundFile represents audio data as NumPy arrays, but ordinary Python buffers are supported as well. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-sparqlwrapper Description-md5: 88f17085453ccb0b8ac77022b119e1f9 Description-gl: SPARQL endpoint interface to Python3 This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI and, possibly, convert the result into a more manageable format. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-sphinx-paramlinks Description-md5: f25608875c6bf71d2410506a9f858bc0 Description-gl: Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 3 version) Sphinx extension which allows :param: directives within Python documentation to be linkable. . Funcionalidades: . * :param: directives within Sphinx function/method descriptions will be given aparagraph link so that they can be linked to externally. * a new text role :paramref: is added, which works like :meth:, :func:, etc. . This package contains Python 3.x version of sphinx_paramlinks module. Package: python3-sphinx-rtd-theme Description-md5: 682228ce8adf96cca247ed39e329b2f6 Description-gl: sphinx theme from (Python 3) This mobile-friendly sphinx theme was initially created for, but can be incorporated in any project. . Among other things, it features a left panel with a browseable table of contents, and a search bar. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme Description-md5: ca9e4d88089478e5579ff2b1a5d36484 Description-gl: documenting APIs built with Pecan and WSME - Python 3.x sphinxcontrib.pecanwsme is an extension to Sphinx for documenting APIs built with Pecan and WSME. . The Pecan Python module is a WSGI object-dispatching web framework designed to be lean and fast with few dependencies. Pecan comes bundled with a lightweight WSGI development server based on Python's wsgiref.simpleserver. Pecan applications also come with an interactive Python shell which can be used to execute expressions in an environment very similar to the one your application runs in (using the "pecan shell" command). . WSGI is the "Web Server Gateway Interface". It defines a simple and universal interface between web servers and web applications or frameworks for the Python programming language. . Web Service Made Easy (WSME) simplify the writing of REST web services by providing simple yet powerful typing which removes the need to directly manipulate the request and the response objects. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-sphinxcontrib.httpdomain Description-md5: 48b0d23fb775a438071fe3e930973c18 Description-gl: Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs - Python 3.x This contrib extension, sphinxcontrib.httpdomain provides a Sphinx domain for describing RESTful HTTP APIs. It generates RESTful HTTP API reference documentation from a Flask application’s routing table, similar to sphinx.ext.autodoc. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-sphinxcontrib.programoutput Description-md5: 7465e2a1c52555368fc240ecf896ab4a Description-gl: insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - Python 3.x sphinxcontrib-programoutput is a Sphinx extension to literally insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents, helping you to keep your command examples up to date. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-sphinxcontrib.rubydomain Description-md5: a8a43444bd30782f24b80834c1747b59 Description-gl: Ruby domain for HTTP APIs - Python 3.x This contrib extension, sphinxcontrib.rubydomain provides a Ruby domain to write Ruby documents. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: Description-md5: 895db1660f9c7529f035ce9de0847ab2 Description-gl: Sphinx "YouTube" extension This package contains the YouTube Sphinx extension. This extension enables you to insert YouTube videos in your Sphinx documents. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-stdnum Description-md5: 7272db9333241dae089352356e3365ed Description-gl: Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes (Python3 version) A Python module to parse, validate and reformat standard numbers and codes in different formats. . Currently this package supports the following formats: . * NIPT (Numri i Identifikimit për Personin e Tatueshëm, Albanian VAT number) * CUIT (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria, Argentinian tax number) * UID (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer, Austrian VAT number) * BTW, TVA, NWSt (Belgian VAT number) * EGN (ЕГÐ, Единен гражданÑки номер, Bulgarian personal identity codes) * PNF (ЛÐЧ, Личен номер на чужденец, Bulgarian number of a foreigner) * VAT (Идентификационен номер по ДДС, Bulgarian VAT number) * CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas FÃsicas, Brazillian national identifier) * Swiss social security number ("Sozialversicherungsnummer") * RUT (Rol Único Tributario, Chilean national tax number) * RIC No. (Chinese Resident Identity Card Number) * NIT (Número De Identificación Tributaria, Colombian identity code) * ΑÏιθμός ΕγγÏαφής Φ.Î .Α. (Cypriot VAT number) * DIÄŒ (Daňové identifikaÄnà ÄÃslo, Czech VAT number) * RÄŒ (Rodné ÄÃslo, the Czech birth number) * Ust ID Nr. (Umsatzsteur Identifikationnummer, German VAT number) * CPR (personnummer, the Danish citizen number) * CVR (Momsregistreringsnummer, Danish VAT number) * Cedula (Dominican Republic national identification number) * RNC (Registro Nacional del Contribuyente, Dominican Republic tax number) * EAN (International Article Number) * CI (Cédula de identidad, Ecuadorian personal identity code) * RUC (Registro Único de Contribuyentes, Ecuadorian company tax number) * KMKR (Käibemaksukohuslase, Estonian VAT number) * CIF (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal, Spanish company tax number) * DNI (Documento nacional de identidad, Spanish personal identity codes) * NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros, Spanish foreigner number) * NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal, Spanish VAT number) * SEPA Identifier of the Creditor (AT-02) * VAT (European Union VAT number) * ALV nro (Arvonlisäveronumero, Finnish VAT number) * HETU (Henkilötunnus, Finnish personal identity code) * SIREN (a French company identification number) * n° TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, French VAT number) * VAT (United Kingdom (and Isle of Man) VAT registration number) * FPA, ΦΠΑ, ΑΦΜ (ΑÏιθμός ΦοÏÎ¿Î»Î¿Î³Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï ÎœÎ·Ï„Ïώου, the Greek VAT number) * GRid (Global Release Identifier) * OIB (Osobni identifikacijski broj, Croatian identification number) * ANUM (Közösségi adószám, Hungarian VAT number) * IBAN (International Bank Account Number) * PPS No (Personal Public Service Number, Irish personal number) * VAT (Irish VAT number) * IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) * IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) * Kennitala (Icelandic personal and organisation identity code) * VSK number (Virðisaukaskattsnúmer, Icelandic VAT number) * ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) * ISBN (International Standard Book Number) * ISIL (International Standard Identifier for Libraries) * ISMN (International Standard Music Number) * ISO 6346 (International standard for container identification) * ISO 9362 (Business identifier codes) * ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) * Codice Fiscale (Italian tax code for individuals) * Partita IVA (Italian VAT number) * PVM (PridÄ—tinÄ—s vertÄ—s mokestis mokÄ—tojo kodas, Lithuanian VAT number) * TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, Luxembourgian VAT number) * PVN (PievienotÄs vÄ“rtÄ«bas nodokļa, Latvian VAT number) * MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier) * VAT (Maltese VAT number) * NRIC No. (Malaysian National Registration Identity Card Number) * Brin number (Dutch number for schools) * BSN (Burgerservicenummer, Dutch national identification number) * BTW-nummer (Omzetbelastingnummer, the Dutch VAT number) * Onderwijsnummer (Dutch student school number) * Postcode (Dutch postal code) * MVA (Merverdiavgift, Norwegian VAT number) * Orgnr (Organisasjonsnummer, Norwegian organisation number) * NIP (Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej, Polish VAT number) * NIF (Número de identificação fiscal, Portuguese VAT number) * CF (Cod de înregistrare în scopuri de TVA, Romanian VAT number) * CNP (Cod Numeric Personal, Romanian Numerical Personal Code) * Orgnr (Organisationsnummer, Swedish company number) * VAT (Moms, Mervärdesskatt, Swedish VAT number) * ID za DDV (DavÄna Å¡tevilka, Slovenian VAT number) * IÄŒ DPH (IÄŒ pre daň z pridanej hodnoty, Slovak VAT number) * RÄŒ (Rodné ÄÃslo, the Slovak birth number) * COE (Codice operatore economico, San Marino national tax number) * ATIN (U.S. Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number) * EIN (U.S. Employer Identification Number) * ITIN (U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) * PTIN (U.S. Preparer Tax Identification Number) * RTN (Routing transport number) * SSN (U.S. Social Security Number) * TIN (U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number) . Furthermore a number of generic check digit algorithms are available: . * the Verhoeff algorithm * the Luhn and Luhn mod N algorithms * some algorithms described in ISO/IEC 7064: Mod 11, 2, Mod 37, 2, Mod 97, 10, Mod 11, 10 and Mod 37, 36 . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-stemmer-dbg Description-md5: 9cd78bbc6e4c37697f333c45714239bf Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for libstemmer (debug extension) PyStemmer provides access to efficient algorithms for calculating a "stemmed" form of a word. This is a form with most of the common morphological endings removed; hopefully representing a common linguistic base form. . PyStemmer provides algorithms for several (mainly European) languages, by wrapping the libstemmer library from the Snowball project in a Python 3 module. . Este paquete contén as extensións construÃdas para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-suds Description-md5: a37459a645413d99b5ecd5d5a1ff8749 Description-gl: Lightweight SOAP client for Python - Python 3.x The suds project is a Python soap web services client lib. Suds leverages Python meta programming to provide an intuitive API for consuming web services. Objectification of types defined in the WSDL is provided without class generation. Programmers rarely need to read the WSDL since services and WSDL based objects can be easily inspected. Supports pluggable soap bindings. Note: this package now uses the Suds fork maintained by Jurko Gospodnetić. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-tables Description-md5: 6d06dc9d465f26b4717bcaeba2ed2737 Description-gl: hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 PyTables is a hierarchical database package designed to efficiently manage very large amounts of data. PyTables is built on top of the HDF5 library and the NumPy package. It features an object-oriented interface that, combined with natural naming and C-code generated from Pyrex sources, makes it a fast, yet extremely easy to use tool for interactively save and retrieve large amounts of data. . - Compound types (records) can be used entirely from Python (i.e. it is not necessary to use C for taking advantage of them). - The tables are both enlargeable and compressible. - I/O is buffered, so you can get very fast I/O, specially with large tables. - Very easy to select data through the use of iterators over the rows in tables. Extended slicing is supported as well. - It supports the complete set of NumPy, Numeric and numarray objects. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-tables-dbg Description-md5: d415fd5642fd352747737b73a60bee32 Description-gl: hierarchical database for Python 3 based on HDF5 (debug extension) PyTables is a hierarchical database package designed to efficiently manage very large amounts of data. PyTables is built on top of the HDF5 library and the NumPy package. It features an object-oriented interface that, combined with natural naming and C-code generated from Pyrex sources, makes it a fast, yet extremely easy to use tool for interactively save and retrieve large amounts of data. . - Compound types (records) can be used entirely from Python (i.e. it is not necessary to use C for taking advantage of them). - The tables are both enlargeable and compressible. - I/O is buffered, so you can get very fast I/O, specially with large tables. - Very easy to select data through the use of iterators over the rows in tables. Extended slicing is supported as well. - It supports the complete set of NumPy, Numeric and numarray objects. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-tables-lib Description-md5: 4abdd3c6c3bf35ea65fd308366fd7ce0 Description-gl: hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 (extension) PyTables is a hierarchical database package designed to efficiently manage very large amounts of data. PyTables is built on top of the HDF5 library and the NumPy package. It features an object-oriented interface that, combined with natural naming and C-code generated from Pyrex sources, makes it a fast, yet extremely easy to use tool for interactively save and retrieve large amounts of data. . - Compound types (records) can be used entirely from Python (i.e. it is not necessary to use C for taking advantage of them). - The tables are both enlargeable and compressible. - I/O is buffered, so you can get very fast I/O, specially with large tables. - Very easy to select data through the use of iterators over the rows in tables. Extended slicing is supported as well. - It supports the complete set of NumPy, Numeric and numarray objects. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de Python 3. Package: python3-tango Description-md5: 61b09160772b50d23c891ebab80dd8ec Description-gl: API for the TANGO control system (Python 3) TANGO is an object oriented distributed control system using CORBA, mainly developed by the Controls Section of the ALBA Synchrotron. PyTango provides bindings for its client- and server-side C++ APIs. With PyTango, you can write TANGO device servers and TANGO applications (scripts, CLIs, GUIs) that access TANGO device servers in pure Python. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-tds Description-md5: 0120f00b3638a2c7659d52b0bfd1f53d Description-gl: Python DBAPI driver for MSSQL using pure Python TDS (Python 3) A platform independent Python DBAPI driver for Microsoft SQL Server using pure Python TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol implementation. It doesn't depend on ADO or FreeTDS. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-tempest Description-md5: 1f71446ef161da1ccf8735d0e54430b9 Description-gl: OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Python 3.x Tempest is a set of integration tests to be run against a live Openstack cluster in order to make sure that all components are working as expected. Tempest will start and stop virtual machine in order to check that your cloud is working as expected. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-termcolor Description-md5: 42c64f05b2b9e691b8247759fee362a1 Description-gl: ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal - Python 3.x The termcolor Python module provides ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal. It may be useful for the output of unit testing results in color, for example using openstack.nose_plugin. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-testfixtures Description-md5: 3449fa6a6621aad3f664e351314b888f Description-gl: Collection of helpers and mock objects (Python3 version) TestFixtures is a collection of helpers and mock objects that are useful when writing unit tests or doc tests. It includes tools for a wide range of tasks: . * Comparing objects and sequences * Mocking out objects and methods * Mocking dates and times * Testing logging * Testing output to streams * Testing with files and directories * Testing exceptions * Testing warnings * Testing use of the subprocess package * Testing with zope.component . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-testresources Description-md5: 1b03a6716d8dda474f67250c932c6ed8 Description-gl: PyUnit extension for managing expensive test fixtures - Python 3.x PyUnit extension to manage the initialisation and lifetime of expensive test fixtures. . For example reference databases are often only need to be constructed once but standard test isolation causes them to be constructed for every fixture, making test execution very slow. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-texttable Description-md5: 7577cc6e65da934c0ec094f8c7ba1db9 Description-gl: Module for creating simple ASCII tables — python3 texttable is a module to generate a formatted text table, using ASCII characters. It provides nice human-readable output for arrays when designing a CLI or just output data. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-tinycss Description-md5: 27dbef7f204c5466c546366556087f8b Description-gl: complete yet simple CSS parser (Python3 version) tinycss is a complete yet simple CSS parser for Python. It supports the full syntax and error handling for CSS 2.1 as well as some CSS 3 modules: . * CSS Color 3 * CSS Fonts 3 * CSS Paged Media 3 . It is designed to be easy to extend for new CSS modules and syntax, and integrates well with cssselect for Selectors 3 support. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-tmdbsimple Description-md5: a078c155983068b7530353e1bebb43bb Description-gl: Wrapper for The Movie Database API (Python3 version) tmdbsimple is a wrapper, written in Python, for The Movie Database (TMDb) API v3. By calling the functions available in tmdbsimple one can simplify their code and easily access a vast amount of movie, tv, and cast data. . Features: * One-to-one mapping between tmdbsimple functions and TMDb methods. * Implements all TMDb methods, including Accounts and Authentication. * Implements new TV features. * Easy to access data using Python class attributes. * Easy to experiment with tmdbsimple functions inside the Python interpreter. . An API key is required to interact with the API endpoint. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-tornado Description-md5: 5eea30356134805547a49ecf9245de4e Description-gl: scalable, non-blocking web server and tools - Python 3 package Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-tower-cli Description-md5: 2124433867087ee5e54298705aadc16b Description-gl: Python 3 client library for the Ansible Tower and AWX Project's REST API tower-cli can also be used as a client library for other Python apps, or as a reference for others developing API interactions with Tower's REST API. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-traits Description-md5: 5808a2f409bfd6b10b15e164205e3764 Description-gl: Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python (Python 3) The traits package provides a metaclass with special attributes that are called traits. A trait is a type definition that can be used for normal Python object attributes, giving the attributes some additional characteristics: * Initialization: A trait attribute can have a default value * Validation: A trait attribute is manifestly typed. * Delegation: The value of a trait attribute can be contained in another object * Notification: Setting the value of a trait attribute can fired callbacks * Visualization: With the TraitsUI package, GUIs can be generated automatically from traited objects. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-transitions Description-md5: 2f4450d70328f7c58c9fcc718406349b Description-gl: Lightweight state machine library (Python 3) transitions is a lightweight, object-oriented state machine implementation. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-translationstring Description-md5: f376633e311fac882e39ad87bee2e696 Description-gl: Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze packages - Python 3.x A library used by various Repoze packages for internationalization (i18n) duties related to translation. . This package provides a translation string class, a translation string factory class, translation and pluralization primitives, and a utility that helps Chameleon templates use translation facilities of this package. It does not depend on Babel, but its translation and pluralization services are meant to work best when provided with an instance of the class. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-transmissionrpc Description-md5: 5ea330e4d00bc891f72583299695dd6d Description-gl: Transmission RPC client module for Python 3 transmissionrpc is a Python module implementing the JSON-RPC client protocol for the Bittorrent client Transmission. All Transmission features implemented up to version 1.93. . Also, package includes Python script, with CLI and interactive interfaces, which demonstrates transmissionrpc module usage. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-treq Description-md5: ca2b33ad82697cf0e211f366d4997fc0 Description-gl: Higher level API for making HTTP requests with Twisted (Python 3) Treq is a HTTP library inspired by requests written on top of Twisted. It provides a simple, higher level API for making HTTP requests when using Twisted. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-trie Description-md5: 26c07e7620b59abba0b87a9d12c943b6 Description-gl: Pure Python implementation of the trie data structure (Python 3) A trie is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a mapping where the keys are sequences, usually strings over an alphabet. In addition to implementing the mapping interface, tries allow finding the items for a given prefix, and vice versa, finding the items whose keys are prefixes of a given key. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-tunigo Description-md5: 2b43ae23b98cab943686324b45077f5f Description-gl: Python API for the browse feature of Spotify (Python 3) This package allows for simple access to Tunigo's API. This is an API for fetching featured playlists and new releases for Spotify. It supports featured playlists, top playlists, new album releases and playlists for a range of different genres. . Tunigo's API is what the official Spotify client uses to provide its browse feature. . Note that the API is not documented or officially released, so it may change at any time. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-tweepy Description-md5: a8291411b82d45c00ba0463029ef2d87 Description-gl: Twitter library for Python 3 Tweepy é unha biblioteca de Twitter e para Python que se pode usar en aplicativos de escritorio e da web. Ten as caracterÃsticas seguintes: - Compatibilidade con OAuth - Cobre a API completa de Twitter - Compatibilidade coa API de retransmisión - Sistema de caché (memoria, ficheiro) - É de uso fácil . This package is for Python3. Package: python3-txtorcon Description-md5: b02cb4754dffc302271459bc5b66db82 Description-gl: Twisted-based asynchronous Tor control protocol implementation (Python 3) txtorcon main feature is to present an asynchronous API to speak the Tor client protocol in Python. It also provides abstractions to track and get updates about Tor's state and current configuration (including writing it to Tor or disk), along with helpers to asynchronously launch slave instances of Tor including Twisted endpoint support. . Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python and Tor is an onion-routing network designed to improve people's privacy and anonymity on the Internet. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-txzmq Description-md5: 201622c3a609dc133ee8cbce3c501a67 Description-gl: ZeroMQ binding for the Twisted framework (Python3 version) txZMQ allows one to integrate easily 0MQ sockets into Twisted event loop (reactor). . 0MQ is a high performance asynchronous brokerless messaging library. . Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-typogrify Description-md5: edc1a8b792e873e7f630ec01c83ee3fa Description-gl: filters to transform text into typographically-improved HTML (Python 3) This provides a set of custom filters that automatically apply various transformations to plain text in order to yield typographically-improved HTML. While often used in conjunction with Jinja and Django template systems, the filters can be used in any environment. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-u-msgpack Description-md5: 1a75cabd095ecdf26d37c5a858df803b Description-gl: Python3 MessagePack serializer and deserializer A lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer module written in pure Python, compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3, as well as CPython and PyPy implementations of Python. u-msgpack-python is fully compliant with the latest MessagePack specification. In particular, it supports the new binary, UTF-8 string, and application-defined ext types. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-ubjson Description-md5: 6d3125208c2284aa1d0ba0e99d42948a Description-gl: Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3 Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder based on the draft-12 specification. It’s meant to behave very much like Python’s built-in JSON module . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-uritemplate Description-md5: a75df3447ca4dee8de18619f3417803b Description-gl: implementation of RFC6570 - Python 3.x python-uritemplate implements RFC6570. URI Template can expand templates up to and including Level 4 in that specification. It exposes one method, "expand". . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-urlobject Description-md5: 3f04c932d0d5bc6a2c6ead0e24b79fd8 Description-gl: utility class for manipulating URLs. URLObject is a utility class for manipulating URLs. The latest incarnation of this library builds upon the ideas of its predecessor, but aims for a clearer API, focusing on proper method names over operator overrides. It's also being developed from the ground up in a test-driven manner, and has full Sphinx documentation. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-urwid Description-md5: 8cba78d6404141cf03a131f5915ddef6 Description-gl: curses-based UI/widget library for Python 3 Urwid is a console user interface library that includes many features useful for text console application developers including: . * Fluid interface resizing (xterm window resizing/fbset on Linux console) * Web application display mode using Apache and CGI * Support for UTF-8, simple 8-bit and CJK encodings * Multiple text alignment and wrapping modes built-in * Ability to create user-defined text layout classes * Simple markup for setting text attributes * Powerful list box that handles scrolling between different widget types * List box contents may be managed with a user-defined class * Flexible edit box for editing many different types of text * Buttons, check boxes and radio boxes * Customizable layout for all widgets * Easy interface for creating HTML screen shots . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-uvloop-dbg Description-md5: 56f2d1e84f7cba167623a0922e30706d Description-gl: fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv uvloop is a fast, drop-in replacement of the built-in asyncio event loop. uvloop is implemented in Cython and uses libuv under the hood. It makes asyncio 2-4x faster. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-vagrant Description-md5: 183ff2d001bae4855e779897190567e6 Description-gl: Python 3 bindings for interacting with Vagrant virtual machines python-vagrant is a Python module that provides a _thin_ wrapper around the `vagrant` command line executable, allowing programmatic control of Vagrant virtual machines (boxes). This project began to create Python bindings for Vagrant to programmatically access vagrant boxes using Fabric. This module is useful for: . - Starting a Vagrant virtual machine (VM) (`up`) - Terminating a Vagrant VM (`destroy`) - Halting a Vagrant VM without destroying it (`halt`) - Querying the status of a VM or VMs (`status`) - Getting ssh configuration information useful for SSHing into the VM (`host`, `port`, ...) - Running `vagrant` commands in a multi-VM environment ( by using `vm_name` parameter - Initializing the VM based on a named base box, using init(). - Adding, Removing, and Listing boxes (`box add`, `box remove`, `box list`) - Provisioning VMs - up() accepts options like `no_provision`, `provision`, and `provision_with`, and there is a `provision()` method - Using sandbox mode from the Sahara gem: . This package is _beta_ and its API is not guaranteed to be stable. The API attempts to be congruent with the `vagrant` API terminology, to facilitate knowledge transfer for users already familiar with Vagrant. Over time, the python-vagrant API has changed to better match the underling `vagrant` CLI and to evolve with the changes in that CLI. . The package version numbering is in the form `0.X.Y`. The initial `0` reflects the _beta_ nature of this project. The number `X` is incremented when backwards-incompatible changes occur. The number `Y` is incremented when backwards-compatible features or bug fixes are added. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-versiontools Description-md5: 36823b4f669926fad778ab897eb97057 Description-gl: Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__ (Python 3) versiontools is a Python module providing a smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__. It has following features: . * A piece of code that allows you to keep a single version definition inside your package or module. No more hacks in, no more duplicates in and somewhere else. Just one version per package. * Version objects can produce nice version strings for released files that are compliant with PEP 386. Releases, alphas, betas, development snaphots. All of those get good version strings out of the box. * Version objects understand the VCS used by your project. Git, Mercurial and Bazaar are supported out of the box. Custom systems can be added by 3rd party plugins. * Version object that compares as a tuple of values and sorts properly. * Zero-dependency install! If all you care about is handling setup() to get nice tarball names then you don’t need to depend on versiontools (no setup_requires, no install_requires!). You will need to bundle a small support module though. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-virtkey Description-md5: 8c2336b183b659fecb90cbeeb21ba686 Description-gl: Biblioteca para emular toques no teclado. python3-virtkey é unha extensión en python3 para emular toques no teclado e obter a xeometrÃa do teclado do xserver. Package: python3-w3lib Description-md5: bf858cdf9b666de37a9c267fc3601c5d Description-gl: Collection of web-related functions (Python 3) Python module with simple, reusable functions to work with URLs, HTML, forms, and HTTP, that aren’t found in the Python standard library. . This module is used to, for example: - remove comments, or tags from HTML snippets - extract base url from HTML snippets - translate entities on HTML strings - encoding mulitpart/form-data - convert raw HTTP headers to dicts and vice-versa - construct HTTP auth header - RFC-compliant url joining - sanitize urls (like browsers do) - extract arguments from urls . The code of w3lib was originally part of the Scrapy framework but was later stripped out of Scrapy, with the aim of make it more reusable and to provide a useful library of web functions without depending on Scrapy. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-webassets Description-md5: c4a54e5599217a2a6523725d47cbfcea Description-gl: Asset management application for Python web development (Python 3) Assets helps you merge and compress any JavaScript and CSS files on your web development project. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-webpy Description-md5: a5789156e370ce7a3b093aac44c5c50c Description-gl: Web framework for Python applications by Aaron Swartz offers a clean and well designed API for Python web applications. . The philosophy behind is to: "Think about the ideal way to write a web app. Write the code to make it happen." . Implementations using this library have resulted in: * less code * code that ran faster * code that is easier to read and maintain. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-whichcraft Description-md5: 82116d23f46cfa23739c1556d4f13ed0 Description-gl: cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality (Python 3 module) This is a shim of the "shutil.which" function that's designed to work across multiple versions of Python and inside of Windows. The code for Python 2.x is based on Python 3 code. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-whitenoise Description-md5: 78b1299a1710a3b98c303fc667fdfbbc Description-gl: static file serving for WSGI applications (Python 3) With a couple of lines of config, WhiteNoise allows your web app to serve its own static files, making it a self-contained unit that can be deployed anywhere without relying on nginx, Amazon S3 or any other external service. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-willow Description-md5: 1eb3cbbb1e124614f9fdc131c013cfc6 Description-gl: Python image library combining Pillow, Wand and OpenCV (Python 3) Willow is a simple image library that combines the APIs of Pillow, Wand and OpenCV. It converts the image between the libraries when necessary. . Willow currently has basic resize and crop operations, face and feature detection and animated GIF support. New operations and library integrations can also be easily implemented. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-windowmocker Description-md5: 20f83488e441d393f4828b330e200588 Description-gl: Cree xanelas e aplicativos a partir de especificacións Window Mocker is a simple tool that allows developers to create windows and applications that follow a certain specification. This is especially useful when testing applications that interact with other windows (like a window manager, for example). Package: python3-ws4py Description-md5: 24196ffbe774102f04d17cf918bdeb91 Description-gl: WebSocket library (Python 3) Python library providing an implementation of the WebSocket protocol defined in RFC 6455. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-wsaccel Description-md5: 417d52c9ec0064b4158f9deb3be1fbb9 Description-gl: Accelerator for ws4py and AutobahnPython - Python 3.x WSAccell is WebSocket accelerator for AutobahnPython, ws4py and Tornado. It replaces per-byte process in them with Cython version. AutobahnPython beginning with version 0.6 automatically uses WSAccell if available. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-wsme Description-md5: 7c30389d9cf142ecf696f4862ad77aee Description-gl: Web Services Made Easy: implement multi-protocol webservices - Python 3.x Web Service Made Easy (WSME) simplify the writing of REST web services by providing simple yet powerful typing which removes the need to directly manipulate the request and the response objects. . WSME can work standalone or on top of your favorite Python web (micro) framework, so you can use both your preferred way of routing your REST requests and most of the features of WSME that rely on the typing system like: . * Protocolos alternativos, incluÃdos os que admiten batch-calls * Documentación sinxela mediante a extensión Sphinx . WSME is originally a rewrite of TGWebServices with focus on extensibility, framework-independance and better type handling. . Este paquete fornece o módulo para Python 3.x. Package: python3-wtf-peewee Description-md5: 714d9f3febc3de8a2f69151534e75db7 Description-gl: WTForms integration for peewee models (Python 3) Bridge between wtforms.ext and peewee. It provides a bridge between peewee models and wtforms, mapping model fields to form fields. . Este é o paquete de Python 3. Package: python3-xapian-haystack Description-md5: 5e43ae0149e2df6b3df16ddcf87f3b13 Description-gl: Xapian backend for Django-Haystack (Python3 version) Xapian-haystack is a backend of Django-Haystack for the Xapian search engine. It provides all the standard features of Haystack: * Weighting * Faceted search (date, query, etc.) * Sorting * Spelling suggestions * EdgeNGram and Ngram (for autocomplete) The endswith search operation is not supported. . Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-xapp Description-md5: aa93aca45558b39a888f0a2deace34db Description-gl: Python 3 XApp library Este paquete contén a versión da biblioteca en Python 3. Package: python3-xkcd Description-md5: d36ea3ed52136cc91f469f63f8cdaf88 Description-gl: Python3 library for accessing This is a Python library for accessing and retrieving links to comics from the xkcd webcomic by Randall Munroe. It is NOT endorsed or made by him, it’s an entirely independent project. . It makes use of the JSON interface to Randall’s site to retrieve comic data. . One can create comic objects manually using Comic(number), or can use the helper functions provided- getLatestComic(), getRandomComic(), and getComic()- to do this. Once you have a Comic object, you can access data from it using various provided methods. . Esta é a versión do paquete en Python 3. Package: python3-zipstream Description-md5: aca895177bb2ebadbf5d7d62003a2f8b Description-gl: Zipfile generator is a zip archive generator based on python 3.3's . It was created to generate a zip file generator for streaming (ie web apps). This is beneficial for when you want to provide a downloadable archive of a large collection of regular files, which would be infeasible to generate the archive prior to downloading. . Versión para python3. Package: python3-zmq Description-md5: 570ef6b690e7bf53c2950e3ba8ae4cb7 Description-gl: Python3 bindings for 0MQ library Python bindings for 0MQ. 0MQ is a small, fast, and free software library that gives you message-passing concurrency for applications in most common languages. . The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products. 0MQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de Python3. Package: python3-zmq-dbg Description-md5: 1293853622d96f51a330f63bb619e3c1 Description-gl: Python3 bindings for 0MQ library - debugging files Python bindings for 0MQ. 0MQ is a small, fast, and free software library that gives you message-passing concurrency for applications in most common languages. . The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by specialised messaging middleware products. 0MQ sockets provide an abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to multiple transport protocols and more. . Este paquete contén a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: python3-zzzeeksphinx Description-md5: 4f212bc11d1a3c5c6d0fa4b9761ac8d1 Description-gl: Zzzeek's Sphinx layout and utilities This layout is first and foremost pulled in for the SQLAlchemy documentation builds (and possibly other related projects), but is also usable as a standalone theme / utility set for any project. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * uses Mako templates instead of Jinja, for more programmatic capabilities inside of templates * layout includes an independently scrollable sidebar * unique (to Sphinx) “contextual†sidebar contents that shows the current page in context with all sibling pages * modifications to autodoc which illustrate inherited classes, bases, method documentation illustrates if a method is only inherited from the base or overridden * “dynamic base†feature that will, under ReadTheDocs, pull in optional .mako and .py files from the website of your choice that will serve as an alternate base template and a source of extra config setup, respectively, allowing the layout to be integrated into the layout of an external site when viewing on the web * “viewsource†extension that can provide highlighted sourcecode to any Python file arbitrarily * SQLAlchemy-specific stuff, like the [SQL] popups, the dialect info directives * scss support using pyscss Package: pyvisa Description-md5: f40da0c4fc1d7439724ae844a8955b72 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para python-pyvisa Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: qalculate Description-md5: 7e5e3a8e7e830953965c85c22000d93a Description-gl: Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - transitional Qalculate! is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting, and a graphical interface that uses a one-line fault- tolerant expression entry (although it supports optional traditional buttons). . Este é un metapaquete transitorio e pode ser desinstalado con seguranza após ter instalado qalculate-gtk. Package: qapt-batch Description-md5: 9633f74129c52826e6eb15f1560f193b Description-gl: Xestor de paquetes en lote para KDE QApt is a collection of tools and a library providing a wrapper around APT. The intention is to ease the use of APT in Qt-based programs. . QApt Batch is a simple GUI for doing batch package management operations. It can install and remove packages, as well as update the package cache via a command line interface. It also has an attach function invokable via the command line. QApt Batch is a drop-in replacement for the "install- package" batch package management tool. Package: qasconfig Description-md5: e61f1bf21391fe793c4c6a9585d657d9 Description-gl: Navegador de configuración de ALSA QasTools is a collection of desktop applications for the Linux sound system ALSA. . The applications included are: - QasConfig - browser for the ALSA configuration tree - QasHctl - mixer for ALSA's High level Control Interface - QasMixer - desktop mixer with features similar to alsamixer . ALSA's configuration resides in a tree structure which gets built from the contents of the files /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc. QasConfig is a simple browser for this configuration tree and can help to analyze and debug an ALSA setup. Package: qbittorrent-dbg Description-md5: 9f75ac59c1cba268beb7af91b2bc2d06 Description-gl: debug symbols for qbittorrent and qbittorrent-nox BitTorrent client written in C++ and based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt5 user interface. qBittorrent is a feature rich but lightweight client that is very similar to uTorrent. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de qbittorrent e qbittorrent-nox. Package: qbrew Description-md5: f6821411e2d755d2cbb298227c8a7d38 Description-gl: Calculadora de receitas para cervexeiro doméstico QBrew is a recipe calculator for homebrewed beers. It uses Qt for creating its graphical user interface and provides facilities for creating own beer recipes. It even has a manual describing how to brew your first beer yourself! Package: qbzr Description-md5: c89b29271fec987a9808a0db42ebcb54 Description-gl: Graphical interface for Bazaar using the Qt toolkit QBzr is a cross-platform GUI frontend for Bazaar, based on the Qt toolkit. . It provides GUI frontend for many core bzr commands and several universal dialogs and helper commands. Equivalents for core bzr commands has the same names as CLI commands but with prefix "q". . Basic q-commands: . * qadd - GUI for adding files or directories. * qannotate - Show the origin of each line in a file. * qbind - Convert the current branch into a checkout of the supplied branch. * qbranch - Create a new copy of a branch. * qcat - View the contents of a file as of a given revision. * qcommit - GUI for committing revisions. * qconflicts - Show conflicts. * qdiff - Show differences in working tree in a GUI window. * qexport - Export current or past revision to a directory or archive. * qinfo - Shows information about the current location. * qinit - Initializes a new branch or shared repository. * qlog - Show log of a repository, branch, file, or directory in a Qt window. * qmerge - Perform a three-way merge. * qplugins - Display information about installed plugins. * qpull - Turn this branch into a mirror of another branch. * qpush - Update a mirror of this branch. * qrevert - Revert changes files. * qsend - Mail or create a merge-directive for submitting changes. * qswitch - Set the branch of a checkout and update. * qtag - Edit tags. * qunbind - Convert the current checkout into a regular branch. * quncommit - Move the tip of a branch to an earlier revision. * qupdate - Update working tree with latest changes in the branch. * qversion - Show version/system information. . Hybrid dialogs: . * qgetnew - Creates a new working tree (either a checkout or full branch). * qgetupdates - Fetches external changes into the working tree. . Ordes adicionais: . * qbrowse - Show inventory or working tree. * qconfig - Configure Bazaar and QBzr. * qviewer - Simple file viewer. . Diversos: . * bug-url - print full URL to a specific bug, or open it in your browser. Package: qca-qt5-2-utils Description-md5: cb11a511b17993223258cc886a8d9731 Description-gl: command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. . This package contains the command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture. Package: qca2-utils Description-md5: cb11a511b17993223258cc886a8d9731 Description-gl: command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture A Arquitectura Criptográfica de Qt (QCA) fornece unha API directa e multi- plataforma para diversas funcionalidades criptográficas, incluÃdos SSL/TLS, certificados x.509, SASL, OpenPGP, S/MIME CMS e tarxetas intelixentes. . This package contains the command line tool for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture. Package: qdbm-doc Description-md5: e629a03377a5c222476c82a9b51586c5 Description-gl: QDBM Database Documentation Documentación de todas as API e utilidades fornecidas por QDBM. Package: qdbus Description-md5: fae23ff3db2d0866fa317f588c249ee5 Description-gl: Qt 4 D-Bus tool Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Este paquete contén qdbus, unha interface de ferramentas para a liña de ordes para D-Bus que emprega a biblioteca QtDBus. Package: qdbus-qt5 Description-md5: 385d02ce00e31ee751a87b6cd61b25e6 Description-gl: Ferramenta de D-Bus de Qt 4 Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Este paquete contén qdbus, unha interface de ferramentas para a liña de ordes para D-Bus que emprega a biblioteca QtDBus. Package: qdigidoc-dbg Description-md5: 6fabf739d9f26ce4f1ef8b0238083706 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de qdigidoc QDigiDoc is an application for digitally signing and encrypting documents in BDoc, DDoc, and CDoc container formats. These file formats are widespread in Estonia where they are used for storing legally binding digital signatures. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do paquete qdigidoc. Package: qemu Description-md5: 976dc9e06bc50e9bc7637e1a34042953 Description-gl: fast processor emulator QEMU is a fast processor emulator: currently the package supports ARM, CRIS, i386, M68k (ColdFire), MicroBlaze, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, SPARC and x86-64 emulation. By using dynamic translation it achieves reasonable speed while being easy to port on new host CPUs. QEMU has two operating modes: . * User mode emulation: QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. * Full system emulation: QEMU emulates a full system, including a processor and various peripherals. It enables easier testing and debugging of system code. It can also be used to provide virtual hosting of several virtual machines on a single server. . As QEMU requires no host kernel patches to run, it is very safe and easy to use. . Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de todos os paquetes relacionados con qemu. Package: qemu-efi Description-md5: d500ba5533cb5c4c4d39639eebcd91e0 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package. It contains a compatibility symlink of /usr/share/qemu-efi/QEMU_EFI.fd to /usr/share/qemu-efi- aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd. Package: qemu-guest-agent Description-md5: c2bc281a0e5a8e6c2185b336580fd595 Description-gl: Guest-side qemu-system agent O QEMU é un emulador rápido de procesadores: actualmente, este paquete admite a emulación de ARM, CRIS, i386, M68k (ColdFire), MicroBlaze, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, SPARC e x86-64. Empregando a tradución dinámica acada unha velocidade razoábel, ao tempo que resulta doado de portar a novas CPU hóspede. . This package provides a daemon (agent) to run inside qemu-system guests (full system emulation). It communicates with the host using a virtio-serial channel org.qemu.guest_agent.0, and allows one to perform some functions in the guest from the host, including: - querying and setting guest system time - performing guest filesystem sync operation - initiating guest shutdown or suspend to ram - accessing guest files - freezing/thawing guest filesystem operations - others. . Install this package on a system which is running as guest inside qemu virtual machine. It is not used on the host. Package: qemu-system Description-md5: e4c58b37c60d1fc987e614cbc6f62355 Description-gl: QEMU full system emulation binaries O QEMU é un emulador rápido de procesadores: actualmente, este paquete admite a emulación de ARM, CRIS, i386, M68k (ColdFire), MicroBlaze, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, SPARC e x86-64. Empregando a tradución dinámica acada unha velocidade razoábel, ao tempo que resulta doado de portar a novas CPU hóspede. . This metapackage provides the full system emulation binaries for all supported targets, by depending on all per-architecture system emulation packages which QEMU supports. Package: qemu-user Description-md5: b7a34d8d1377ca0beb573e0e2b4ce914 Description-gl: Binarios para emulación do modo usuario de QEMU O QEMU é un emulador rápido de procesadores: actualmente, este paquete admite a emulación de ARM, CRIS, i386, M68k (ColdFire), MicroBlaze, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, SPARC e x86-64. Empregando a tradución dinámica acada unha velocidade razoábel, ao tempo que resulta doado de portar a novas CPU hóspede. . This package provides the user mode emulation binaries. In this mode QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. . If qemu-user-binfmt package is also installed, it will register binary format handlers from this qemu-user package with the kernel so it will be possible to run foreign binaries directly. However, this might not be suitable for using inside foreign chroots, in which case it is possible to use qemu-user-static package instead of qemu-user-binmft, -- qemu-user- static will register statically linked binfmt handlers instead. Package: qemu-user-binfmt Description-md5: b9d172841422ce933839d1a34cce7b20 Description-gl: QEMU user mode binfmt registration for qemu-user O QEMU é un emulador rápido de procesadores: actualmente, este paquete admite a emulación de ARM, CRIS, i386, M68k (ColdFire), MicroBlaze, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, SPARC e x86-64. Empregando a tradución dinámica acada unha velocidade razoábel, ao tempo que resulta doado de portar a novas CPU hóspede. . This package provides binfmt support registration for the user mode emulation binaries from qemu-user. This is an empty package, it does not contain any additional files, only registration scripts which run at install and remove times. Package: qemu-user-static Description-md5: 5d8ec17cec68244efa918fa841e2964c Description-gl: Binarios para emulación do modo usuario de QEMU (versión estática) O QEMU é un emulador rápido de procesadores: actualmente, este paquete admite a emulación de ARM, CRIS, i386, M68k (ColdFire), MicroBlaze, MIPS, PowerPC, SH4, SPARC e x86-64. Empregando a tradución dinámica acada unha velocidade razoábel, ao tempo que resulta doado de portar a novas CPU hóspede. . This package provides the user mode emulation binaries, built statically. In this mode QEMU can launch Linux processes compiled for one CPU on another CPU. . If binfmt-support package is installed, qemu-user-static package will register binary formats which the provided emulators can handle, so that it will be possible to run foreign binaries directly. Package: qesteidutil-dbg Description-md5: 1e3b5e2b69d784a04984dab3b708a8fe Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración de qesteidutil QEsteidUtil is a user-friendly application for managing Estonian ID Cards. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do paquete qesteidutil. Package: qiime-doc Description-md5: dc039fca5c4ff121fcb7f82f58419028 Description-gl: Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology (tutorial) QIIME (canonically pronounced ‘Chime’) is a pipeline for performing microbial community analysis that integrates many third party tools which have become standard in the field. A standard QIIME analysis begins with sequence data from one or more sequencing platforms, including * Sanger, * Roche/454, and * Illumina GAIIx. With all the underlying tools installed, of which not all are yet available in Debian (or any other Linux distribution), QIIME can perform * library de-multiplexing and quality filtering; * denoising with PyroNoise; * OTU and representative set picking with uclust, cdhit, mothur, BLAST, or other tools; * taxonomy assignment with BLAST or the RDP classifier; * sequence alignment with PyNAST, muscle, infernal, or other tools; * phylogeny reconstruction with FastTree, raxml, clearcut, or other tools; * alpha diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results, using over 20 metrics including Phylogenetic Diversity, chao1, and observed species; * beta diversity and rarefaction, including visualization of results, using over 25 metrics including weighted and unweighted UniFrac, Euclidean distance, and Bray-Curtis; * summarization and visualization of taxonomic composition of samples using pie charts and histograms and many other features. . QIIME includes parallelization capabilities for many of the computationally intensive steps. By default, these are configured to utilize a mutli-core environment, and are easily configured to run in a cluster environment. QIIME is built in Python using the open-source PyCogent toolkit. It makes extensive use of unit tests, and is highly modular to facilitate custom analyses. . Este paquete contén a documentación e un titorial. Package: qjackrcd Description-md5: 82d3f337c71c4ac52b90378ddbafadfa Description-gl: Aplicativo en Qt4 para gravar saÃdas do servidor JACK QJackRcd is a simple stereo recorder for Jack with few features as silence processing for automatic pause, file splitting, background file post- processing. It can be used with QJackCtl. . Features: * QT simple GUI with disk usage and vumeter. * Jack support for recording, jack transport support. * Silence compressing with auto pause and optional file splitting. * Background WAV post processing for format conversion and signal processing. * Automatic connection with first launched jack source facility. Package: qlubuntu-default-session Description-md5: 209ef4842efb19d3e9c6fa5c7038a552 Description-gl: Configure a versión QLubuntu como sesión predeterminada This package sets the default session to QLubuntu version by default. Package: qmail-run Description-md5: 576a08a1f0ef8bc5f4457a99a2e437fc Description-gl: sets up qmail as mail-transfer-agent This package sets up the Debian qmail package as mail-transfer-agent. It follows the most commonly used public documentation almost completely. . Vexa /usr/share/doc/qmail-run/README.Debian para máis detalles. Package: qmenumodel-qml Description-md5: b468f98e95b8aa8c2b7b615620578a7e Description-gl: Asociación de Qt para GMenuModel - módulo en QML Asociación de Qt para GMenuModel que permite conectar a un modelo de menú exposto en D-Bus e que o mostra como un modelo de lista. Pode empregarse para expor menús de indicadores ou de aplicativos para os aplicativos que empreguen a infraestrutura Qt. . Este paquete contén o módulo en Qt para construÃr aplicativos que empreguen a biblioteca QMenuModel. Package: qml Description-md5: 8b8d9b44541027d34f3e6871e88ff6d3 Description-gl: Qt 5 QML viewer Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the new QML viewer for Qt Quick 2, called simply 'qml'. Package: qml-module-org-kde-analitza Description-md5: 7a22846098ffa6b8d6f577afa4bc38a8 Description-gl: library to work with mathematical expressions - QML library This library is used by KAlgebra and may be used by other software to parse and work with mathematical expressions. This library provides the routines related to plotting. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: qml-module-org-kde-draganddrop Description-md5: 3698998cc3ffbdf62b63eae5b293d681 Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE - draganddrop Provides QML draganddrop functionality. Package: qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: qml-module-org-kde-games-core Description-md5: 62257cc6e190d31d693ad0fe9345ed3c Description-gl: kde-games-core QtDeclarative QML support Contains a plugin for QtDeclarative that provides support for using KDE- games-core to components written in QML. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de xogos do KDE. Package: qml-module-org-kde-kcoreaddons Description-md5: 95860e7aefd481f2b8ccdaf415f81faa Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE - kcoreaddons Provides access from QML to libkf5coreaddons classes. Package: qml-module-org-kde-kholidays Description-md5: 8758cda6e636ec133e491aca542ba855 Description-gl: kholidays QtDeclarative QML support Contains a plugin for QtDeclarative that provides support for using KDE- kholidays components written in QML. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo PIM de KDE. Package: qml-module-org-kde-kio Description-md5: 9a8e858ebd52ec2da58620359d8ffe18 Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE - kio This import contains KDE extras that are visually similar to Qt Quick Controls. . This package contains the QML files used by libkf5declarative. Package: qml-module-org-kde-kquickcontrols Description-md5: fc3ea529ac208cdebf7315d101958fcd Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE - kquickcontrols This import contains KDE extras that are visually similar to Qt Quick Controls. Package: qml-module-org-kde-kquickcontrolsaddons Description-md5: 718bb255ede033998219a5e155b28664 Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE - kquickcontrolsaddons This import contains KDE extras that are visually similar to Qt Quick Controls. . This package contains the QML files used by libkf5declarative. Package: qml-module-org-kde-kwindowsystem Description-md5: 0491a489803f70dd68d9fbc457ace164 Description-gl: Fornece integración das infraestruturas QML e KDE - kwindowsystem Provides access from QML to libkf5windowsystem classes. Package: qml-module-org-kde-runnermodel Description-md5: a28635792296d2e6d3a8dfe5f59ec05a Description-gl: Used to write plugins loaded at runtime called "Runners". Launcher built into the Plasma desktop. While its basic function is to launch programs from a sort of mini-command-line, its functionality can be extended by "runners" to assist the user to accomplish a lot of tasks. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros do tempo de execución. Package: qml-module-org-kde-solid Description-md5: 648104f9b0962b42f8d86d59469349f4 Description-gl: Engadido da biblioteca de Qt para consultar e controlar hardware Soli é unha infraestrutura de integración de dispositivos. Fornece unha maneira de consultar e interactuar co hardware independentemente do sistema operativo subxacente. . This package is part of KDE Frameworks 5. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-calendar Description-md5: 1007156640cc7eccdd8fa89c0d706215 Description-gl: Qt 5 qt.labs.calendar QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the QML qt.labs.calendar module, which is part of Qt Quick Controls 2. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel Description-md5: 203c24a871916a8ab106c719f21dc506 Description-gl: Qt 5 folderlistmodel QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The FolderListModel provides a model of the contents of a file system folder. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-platform Description-md5: f2219a55ee29e79f4d169c8a28b64b19 Description-gl: Qt 5 qt.labs.platform QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the experimental Qt Labs Platform module that provides platform integration: native dialogs, menus and menu bars, and tray icons. It falls back to Qt Widgets when a native implementation is not available. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-settings Description-md5: e44b06a5fdc411c26b6d54c6262fe739 Description-gl: Qt 5 settings QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the settings QML module for Qt declarative. Package: qml-module-qt-labs-sharedimage Description-md5: 8aef95f1014434d2db13c78e0c721f84 Description-gl: Qt 5 SharedImage QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Shared Image plugin. Package: qml-module-qt-websockets Description-md5: 728aed2d0d0e12ab64da390a3970324a Description-gl: Qt 5 Web Sockets compatibility QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the compatibility Qt.WebSockets QML module. Do not use it, use QtWebSockets module instead (in qml-module-qtwebsockets package). Package: qml-module-qt3d Description-md5: 134da009b84fc00183042b541e94ebbe Description-gl: Qt 5 3D QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt 3D QML module. Package: qml-module-qtaudioengine Description-md5: 178a9ecfbb1dbdd0efb1c149c88b3ee5 Description-gl: Qt 5 AudioEngine QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the AudioEngine QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml-module-qtbluetooth Description-md5: 19153f8b42b736e4c6ebc6101b2c05ae Description-gl: Qt Connectivity module - Bluetooth QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Bluetooth QML module from the Qt Connectivity module. Package: qml-module-qtcontacts Description-md5: f7edd9bf5988945887cf1f220ca93d44 Description-gl: Qt 5 Contacts QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Contacts QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtfeedback Description-md5: f9488a8531350313f20a2c5eb9abef16 Description-gl: Qt 5 Feedback QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Feedback QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects Description-md5: cb163b459a459bfd1e6a46aee931dc92 Description-gl: Qt 5 Graphical Effects module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Qt Graphical Effects contains ready to use visual effects for OpenGL QML applications. Package: qml-module-qtlocation Description-md5: 437b7ed062fc5546f4268576a55d840f Description-gl: Qt Location QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Location QML plugin for Qt Declarative. Package: qml-module-qtmultimedia Description-md5: f9a0bf61080fc4f014c435881efaa4fd Description-gl: Qt 5 Multimedia QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Multimedia QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml-module-qtnfc Description-md5: 67fb317d12bc6eea8645b38b48bc752f Description-gl: Qt Connectivity module - NFC QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the NFC QML module from the Qt Connectivity module. Package: qml-module-qtorganizer Description-md5: 91b2976fddd5d0b19a6e28dee5a5c406 Description-gl: Qt 5 Organizer QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Organizer QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtpositioning Description-md5: 70232876aa05db306af504bc23f4e6df Description-gl: Qt Positioning QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Positioning QML plugin for Qt Declarative. Package: qml-module-qtpublishsubscribe Description-md5: 4b09de9366a6800a29c0be0e37c2076c Description-gl: Qt 5 Publish Subscribe QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Publish Subscribe QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtqml-models2 Description-md5: 18092df8fbb5da0f1f9c55090cc57c99 Description-gl: Qt 5 Models2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Models provides types previously found in Qt Quick module. Package: qml-module-qtqml-statemachine Description-md5: 270a6273523332da7756d0400a49f989 Description-gl: Qt 5 State Machine QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The State Machine QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-controls Description-md5: 9069fcb191c7d2bc8d4d3affc755c6d0 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt Quick Controls module provides a set of controls that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-controls2 Description-md5: f84bd37eb316704c70d0979649ace1c7 Description-gl: Qt 5 Qt Quick Controls 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-dialogs Description-md5: 370d162673a8241d17c7d381d77a52d8 Description-gl: Qt 5 Dialogs QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package provides various dialogs that can be used in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-extras Description-md5: dbc9d9bceb6d3e80afde3289ce1df90d Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Extras QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt Quick Extras module provides a set of extra components that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-layouts Description-md5: bd89c15244f52e9c0bb51284f75a6d15 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Layouts QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt Quick Layouts modules provides a set of layouts that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-localstorage Description-md5: 011ac4e60cfff53b48c1a8eec1a90a15 Description-gl: Qt 5 localstorage QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a singleton type for reading and writing to SQLite databases. Package: qml-module-qtquick-particles2 Description-md5: c2270a2aa81580e8c68f2df857c5065e Description-gl: Qt 5 particles 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This QML module contains a particle system for Qt Quick. Package: qml-module-qtquick-privatewidgets Description-md5: 0fd7e1df5ca169208d9315cc4a52b99e Description-gl: Qt 5 Private Widgets QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Private Widgets module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-scene2d Description-md5: 97bef7084ae58b2b884ad40c418e6b45 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Scene 2D QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Scene 2D QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-scene3d Description-md5: 79b4cafb22a9777d67a6252905021586 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Scene 3D QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Scene 3D QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-templates2 Description-md5: 5c48f96b06987729630ba73f4cf8f3d2 Description-gl: Qt 5 Qt Quick Templates 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Templates 2 QML module. Package: qml-module-qtquick-window2 Description-md5: f63654b55de42c6ff2851c7334ecd97f Description-gl: Qt 5 window 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This QML module contains types for creating top-level windows and accessing screen information. Package: qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel Description-md5: 5d41da89ea9b1ae0b77130647b663a85 Description-gl: Qt 5 xmllistmodel QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This QML module contains types for creating models from XML data. Package: qml-module-qtquick2 Description-md5: 49f1d62f90c134f695813922d23e7f44 Description-gl: Qt 5 Qt Quick 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick 2 QML module for Qt declarative. Package: qml-module-qtsensors Description-md5: 8097e47619b4fdd5da07c92ca779cba4 Description-gl: Qt 5 Sensors QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Sensors QML module for Qt Declarative. Package: qml-module-qtserviceframework Description-md5: a450e727567219ff99f5e544c281fbb4 Description-gl: Qt 5 Service Framework QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Service Framework QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qtsysteminfo Description-md5: e86405edd28e36f304dccc95558fd9c7 Description-gl: Qt 5 System Info QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt System Info QML module for Qt Declarative. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qml-module-qttest Description-md5: de51386018eb9b6b3cf4c57846ee5e6f Description-gl: Qt 5 test QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the test QML module for Qt declarative. Package: qml-module-qtwayland-compositor Description-md5: f204a14668a161661dbe36c9fae374c7 Description-gl: Qt 5 Wayland Compositor QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt Wayland Compositor modules provide QML types that can be used to create custom display servers supporting the Wayland protocol. Package: qml-module-qtwebkit Description-md5: f7c568d54bb267ca8bcc2a7f60b81ed6 Description-gl: Qt WebKit QML module QtWebKit fornece un motor de navegador web que facilita a incorporación de contido da World Wide Web en aplicativos feitos con Qt. . This package contains the WebKit QML module for QtDeclarative. Package: qml-module-qtwebsockets Description-md5: c4bb4c834f804c7760ee51a9add9b568 Description-gl: Qt 5 Web Sockets QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Web Sockets QML module. Package: qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity Description-md5: e7b954041550f91d1b1fac5d11d1ed40 Description-gl: Ubuntu Connectivity API QML Components API de conectividade de Ubuntu - asociacións con QML . This package contains the qtdeclarative bindings for Ubuntu connectivity API. Package: qmlscene Description-md5: a67138f4ecf886d0813d21f0a39bad26 Description-gl: Qt 5 QML scene viewer Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the older QML viewer for Qt Quick 2. See qml package for the newer one. Package: qmmp-plugin-projectm Description-md5: 56b2941bfc6b927574362598f69faaab Description-gl: Reprodutor de son qmmp -- engadido de visualización de projectM Qmmp is feature-rich audio player with support of many formats. It is written in Qt. . See 'qmmp' package for full description. . This package contains projectM visualization plugin for qmmp. Package: qprogram-starter Description-md5: 29196b29530f5a17057a03cfe1219314 Description-gl: Programa en Qt para iniciar programas ou ordes qprogram-starter is a Qt program to start programs or commands. You can set a time or date when the processes should start, log error output and normal output each in a file. After the processes are finished qprogram- starter shows a "finished" message box, or if you want it can quit or shutdown the system. Package: qshutdown Description-md5: e721d7e00d63271e0be1c67ad02d2773 Description-gl: Qt program to shutdown/reboot/suspend/hibernate the system O qshutdown é un programa en Qt para apagar/reiniciar/suspender/hibernar o computador a unha hora determinada ou logo de transcorreren un número determinado de minutos. Mostra o tempo que falta até que a petición correspondente se envÃe aos xestores de sesión de Gnome ou de KDE, a HAL ou a DeviceKit e, se ningún destes funcionar, emprega a orde «sudo shutdown - P now». Este programa pódelle ser útil a quen queira traballar co computador durante só un tempo limitado. Package: qstardict Description-md5: b095d883e8a5e5e5101c57754aa9e8e7 Description-gl: Dicionario internacional escrito empregando Qt4 QStarDict is a modern international dictionary written using Qt4. . Main features * Full support of StarDict dictionaries * Fuzzy search * Support for hyper links in translations * Working from the system tray * Scanning mouse selection and showing pop-up windows with translation of selected words * Translations reformatting * Pronouncing of the translated words * Plugins support Package: qt-assistant-compat Description-md5: 52da37f8ad9fa47bf9075547aac5789a Description-gl: Qt Assistant compatibility binary (legacy) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Assistant compatibility version, based on Assistant Document Profile (.adp) files, and the associated QtAssistantClient library, for compatibility with applications providing help in that format. . New applications should use the new version of Qt Assistant introduced in Qt 4.4, based on the Qt Help Framework also introduced in Qt 4.4, instead. Package: qt-at-spi-doc Description-md5: b63d9fb640db17d4797c2754d465c456 Description-gl: at-spi accessibility plugin for Qt - Documentation A plugin to export Qt widgets over AT-SPI2. This allows them to be read by accessibility tools such as the Orca screen reader. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: qt3d-assimpsceneimport-plugin Description-md5: 2a05ac745dc930590e92cec4e1417f67 Description-gl: Qt 3D GL Assimp scene import plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D's Assimp scene import plugin. Package: qt3d-defaultgeometryloader-plugin Description-md5: 9f5a892bbf29b0759b8648c9e0f9411b Description-gl: Qt 3D default geometry loader plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D's default geometry loader plugin. Package: qt3d-gltfsceneio-plugin Description-md5: 2c92c88178a25ffa9d5e0c9f32477381 Description-gl: Qt 3D GL Transmission Format scene IO plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D's GLTF geometry loader, and scene import and export plugins. Package: qt3d-scene2d-plugin Description-md5: 292675534fc3073abfb9d139e86ba0a5 Description-gl: Qt 3D Scene 2D plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 3D's Scene 2D plugin. Package: qt3d5-dev Description-md5: 50108e7863483c64d55d6a1b48c63fcb Description-gl: Qt 5 3D development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt 3D library. Package: qt3d5-doc Description-md5: cd1ee49b98124583811f0d0ec43c5e66 Description-gl: Qt 3D documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 3D libraries. Package: qt3d5-doc-html Description-md5: bb9d1f7b05a2fbbe10c61919a3717a7c Description-gl: Qt 3D HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 3D libraries. Package: qt3d5-examples Description-md5: 3d9eaa8bffdd071294f152f072f8a99c Description-gl: Qt 5 3d examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 3D examples. Package: qt4-bin-dbg Description-md5: 30d00ec1a95d529311faf7e9c80834b8 Description-gl: Qt 4 binaries debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 4 binaries. Package: qt4-default Description-md5: 61bf6f32b1c2745820113e998de3a031 Description-gl: Qt 4 development defaults package Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package sets Qt 4 to be the default Qt version to be used when using development binaries like qmake. It provides a default configuration for qtchooser, but does not prevent alternative Qt installations from being used. . This package should not be used for building Debian packages. Take a look at for more information. Package: qt4-demos Description-md5: 52e28f0cb6d84d109e8fe6949d554c02 Description-gl: Qt 4 examples and demos Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 4 examples and demos. Package: qt4-demos-dbg Description-md5: 991afe4aa3b4dd3ec2b9dca0d716372c Description-gl: Qt 4 examples and demos debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 4 examples and demos. Package: qt4-designer Description-md5: cdfd30f0ec154b8bdc30b8b14be6b2d4 Description-gl: graphical designer for Qt 4 applications Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . O Qt Designer é unha ferramenta para deseñar e construÃr interfaces gráficas de usuario (GUI) a partir de compoñentes de Qt. Package: qt4-dev-tools Description-md5: 5011b416d52e1154bf49b8ee22432d56 Description-gl: Qt 4 development tools Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains tools used to assist in Qt 4 development, including: - assistant-qt4 -- Qt Assistant - lconvert -- Convert and filter translation data files - linguist-qt4 -- Qt Linguist - pixeltool -- Pixel Tool - qcollectiongenerator -- Qt Collection Generator - qdbusviewer -- D-Bus Viewer - qhelpconverter -- Help Conversion Wizard - qhelpgenerator -- Qt Compressed Help Generator - qmlplugindump -- QML Plugin Dump application - qvfb -- Virtual Framebuffer Package: qt4-doc Description-md5: 231940cacecaefd769b509e5dae9fb47 Description-gl: Qt 4 API documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the complete Qt 4 API documentation (new help format). . The documentation is provided in the new help format and manpage format; the new help format version can be viewed in conjunction with the Qt Assistant found in the qt4-dev-tools package. Package: qt4-doc-html Description-md5: 374bab2f633569e5877f10ef3ec2b63a Description-gl: Qt 4 API documentation (HTML format) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the complete Qt 4 API documentation (HTML format). . The documentation is provided in HTML format. Package: qt4-linguist-tools Description-md5: c9688050e40c3df53ad52c2ad06a0d4e Description-gl: Qt 4 Linguist tools Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains lupdate and lrelease. lupdate is a command line tool that finds the translatable strings in the specified source, header and Qt Designer interface files, and produces or updates .ts translation files. lrelease is a command line tool that produces QM files out of TS files. Package: qt4-qmake Description-md5: ed1ae2f01863267495111ab804bd07ad Description-gl: Qt 4 qmake Makefile generator tool Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 4 qmake (qmake-qt4), a tool that helps simplify the build process for development project across different platforms. qmake automates the generation of Makefiles so that only a few lines of information are needed to create each Makefile. qmake can be used for any software project, whether it is written using Qt or not. . Qt 4 qmake requires a platform and compiler description file which contains many default values used to generate appropriate Makefiles. . This package contains also these platform specifications. Package: qt4-qmlviewer Description-md5: 76e9e403bef3680ab039d386b4205bf9 Description-gl: Qt 4 QML viewer Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 4 QML viewer (qml), which can be used for viewing QML files. Package: qt4-qtconfig Description-md5: 589a21d5fd4b85d97d3a467e8306947a Description-gl: Qt 4 configuration tool Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . The Qt Configuration program allows end users to configure the look and behavior of any Qt 4 application. Package: qt5-default Description-md5: dc660dc99de77417ffe18ef1a98f569e Description-gl: Qt 5 development defaults package Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package sets Qt 5 to be the default Qt version to be used when using development binaries like qmake. It provides a default configuration for qtchooser, but does not prevent alternative Qt installations from being used. . This package should not be used for building Debian packages. Take a look at for more information. Package: qt5-doc Description-md5: d7eb9d003ee2997c0e2fea365b48bd1a Description-gl: Documentación da API de Qt 5 Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Qt Documentation contains the offline documentation for Qt 5. This package contains the complete Qt 5 API documentation (Qt's help format). . The documentation is provided in the Qt's help format and manpage format; the Qt's help format version can be viewed in conjunction with the Qt Assistant found in the qttools5-dev-tools package. Package: qt5-doc-html Description-md5: 401134c798839b5cf5c42579a8b785d6 Description-gl: Qt 5 API documentation (HTML format) Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the complete Qt 5 API documentation (HTML format). . The documentation is provided in HTML format. Package: qt5-image-formats-plugins Description-md5: e363f9a47bc3474c05a3ddbeb406632a Description-gl: Qt 5 Image Formats module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains plugins for adding support for MNG, TGA, TIFF and WBMP image formats. Package: qt5-qmltooling-plugins Description-md5: aaeee20ac4d952bf08fbfef5a579c9a2 Description-gl: Qt 5 qmltooling plugins Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the qmltooling plugins. Package: qt5-style-plugins Description-md5: 5a3ed92c0a7692d3b5e78d6e016a586d Description-gl: Qt 5 extra widget styles Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the following widget styles: - Cleanlooks - Motif - Plastique - GTK+ 2 . It also provides the GTK+ 2 platformtheme, which you would likely want to use if you want the GTK+ 2 style. Export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 to enable it for all Qt applications. Package: qt5serialport-examples Description-md5: 78804e58657de830d288a2dd0eede30d Description-gl: Qt 5 serial port examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package constains the serial port submodule's examples. Package: qtbase5-doc-html Description-md5: 2e4adf9de7ccece9e0fe9efb81d70fe6 Description-gl: Qt 5 base HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 base libraries. Package: qtcharts5-doc-html Description-md5: c2124e9288e7269c665cb965e0773625 Description-gl: Qt charts HTML documentation Qt Charts module provides a set of easy to use chart components. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato HTML. Package: qtconnectivity5-dev Description-md5: e7a0cda2b9a0a03a3a55b9f79ffe37f6 Description-gl: Qt Connectivity development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Connectivity libraries. Package: qtconnectivity5-doc Description-md5: 5e7016678fa062f00fdce3183db21968 Description-gl: Qt 5 Sensors documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Connectivity modules (Qt Bluetooth and Qt NFC). Package: qtconnectivity5-doc-html Description-md5: 7e34bdb37a0995a1dddbb30d7a213b17 Description-gl: Qt 5 Sensors HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Connectivity modules (Qt Bluetooth and Qt NFC). Package: qtconnectivity5-examples Description-md5: bd59fdaf1912acc136b06a7520e550f0 Description-gl: Qt 5 Connectivity examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 Connectivity examples. Package: qtcore4-l10n Description-md5: 8be6dd210e08efc97848c729bfd1a1f6 Description-gl: Qt 4 core module translations Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the translations of the QtCore module. Package: qtcreator-doc Description-md5: 66a87a4d64aa130131b15a619f88a060 Description-gl: Documentación do IDE Qt Creator This package contains documentation for Qt Creator IDE. Package: qtdeclarative5-dev Description-md5: 957c332e0d189c34d9a632e0f21bca92 Description-gl: Qt 5 declarative development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files for building some Qt 5 applications using Qt 5 declarative headers. Package: qtdeclarative5-dev-tools Description-md5: 384db51b9ca50d630409949145f8f5c0 Description-gl: Qt 5 declarative development programs Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the development programs used for building Qt 5 declarative applications. Package: qtdeclarative5-doc Description-md5: 2ec916802abb12173521f9426462cb19 Description-gl: Qt 5 declarative documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 declarative libraries. Package: qtdeclarative5-doc-html Description-md5: c4e1002a33f34eaadd0aebbf2f0751c6 Description-gl: Qt 5 declarative HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 declarative libraries. Package: qtdeclarative5-examples Description-md5: 9395b1f087c5d56a350f56068c95f914 Description-gl: Qt 5 declarative examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 declarative examples. Package: qtdeclarative5-folderlistmodel-plugin Description-md5: 45c9f462c6ed6e4a1221b0e727858f64 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 folderlistmodel QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-localstorage-plugin Description-md5: b039dfcbd1be0bffd74d7aad5dc18298 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 localstorage QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-models-plugin Description-md5: 37f1b9d075c6777c2c6f0869267c1c09 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 Models2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-particles-plugin Description-md5: c94b2535274c03e945c63e43a0955f58 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 particles 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-private-dev Description-md5: 650de6f02e126414bf75eaf5bab88505 Description-gl: Qt 5 declarative private development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 5 applications using Qt 5 declarative private headers. . Proceda segundo o seu propio criterio. Package: qtdeclarative5-publishsubscribe-plugin Description-md5: fc49b0ff663a5c7756e55f789911887c Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 Publish Subscribe QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package for qml-module-publishsubscribe which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-qtcontacts-plugin Description-md5: ace6740b3c23f16636f0b2f5b18769ef Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 Contacts QML Module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package for qml-module-qtcontacts which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-qtfeedback-plugin Description-md5: 52a7b5b5b76736173dd3fb0e0cc7c98c Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 Service Framework QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package for qml-module-qtfeedback which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-qtorganizer-plugin Description-md5: 7943e13d395fc6bc721dfd6c0b199674 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 Organizer QML Module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package for qml-module-qtorganizer which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-qtpowerd0.1 Description-md5: cb865a828e740287df79aa44e82d14b3 Description-gl: Powerd QML plugin Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Powerd plugin for keeping an app alive upon suspension. Package: qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin Description-md5: a2144e675e66239ebde9c0921ed032b2 Description-gl: transitional dummy package Qt 5 Qt Quick 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-serviceframework-plugin Description-md5: 09830dcc312a1093e196f6d7b3746942 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 Service Framework QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package for qml-module-serviceframework which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-settings-plugin Description-md5: 3e030b157b4c207953f3c7dc661ebccb Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 settings QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-systeminfo-plugin Description-md5: 7e08f6f08e2ab4b159192e5d6d7a7ffa Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 System Info QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package for qml-module-systeminfo which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-test-plugin Description-md5: feb04153f7bc61c325d9a0f8c9ffe2f0 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 test QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-window-plugin Description-md5: c6eb6f6f5c63efe910e1b95628d9a2c6 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 window 2 QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtdeclarative5-xmllistmodel-plugin Description-md5: 1d2b6ca93165ca422b098a47641c5b9c Description-gl: transitional dummy package for Qt 5 xmllistmodel QML module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This is a transitional dummy package which can be safely removed. Package: qtel Description-md5: 4400a4448671c7edf94416f189a4ee1a Description-gl: Graphical client for the EchoLink® protocol Qtel é un programa cliente gráfico para o protocolo de radio afeccionado EchoLink®. . EchoLink® allows licensed amateur radio operators to communicate over the Internet, including remote access to station equipment. EchoLink® is a registered trademark of Synergenics, LLC. Package: qtfeedback5-dbg Description-md5: 18db6ab975f33c2c71d6d40e02bf4117 Description-gl: Qt Feedback library debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 5 Feedback libraries. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtfeedback5-dev Description-md5: c743bd21441efe85cb49d0719f6fa040 Description-gl: Qt 5 Feedback development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Feedback library. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtfeedback5-doc Description-md5: a940f05b9c8e4ae58319174298b9e0c2 Description-gl: Qt 5 Feedback documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Feedback module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtfeedback5-doc-html Description-md5: 8800a871508ad40dc1226e932d84679f Description-gl: Qt 5 Feedback HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Feedback module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtgraphicaleffects5-doc Description-md5: 44762d5cc2f29a033a8292663c6968f6 Description-gl: Qt 5 graphical effects documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 graphical effects libraries. Package: qtgraphicaleffects5-doc-html Description-md5: a144478b1aa0dd0251a4f115a8f6d6d1 Description-gl: Qt 5 graphicaleffects HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 graphical effects libraries. Package: qtiplot-doc Description-md5: 0564647bfffceea4169ab7388b706ef5 Description-gl: data analysis and scientific plotting (documentation) This package is part of QtiPlot. . It contains QtiPlot manual and API documentation. . Vexa o paquete «qtiplot» para máis información. Package: qtlocation5-dev Description-md5: 7427c1fc236f1dd3f2ac4a9882d8a6ab Description-gl: Qt 5 Location development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Location library. Package: qtlocation5-doc Description-md5: 9fe7fa324dc34c0a94466b8f54047e13 Description-gl: Qt 5 Positioning documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Positioning library and binaries. Package: qtlocation5-doc-html Description-md5: 8c915d8734c92f89c5b1c5a8972da2f0 Description-gl: Qt 5 Positioning HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Positioning libraries and binaries. Package: qtlocation5-examples Description-md5: f1678e4b1dd2a8154f42ef8ef6c0548c Description-gl: Qt 5 Location and Positioning examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 Location and Positioning examples. Package: qtm Description-md5: e22c13c3056de66cb1e11f7f7a18dcd3 Description-gl: Web-log interface program QTM é una aplicativo para o escritorio para interactuar con blogues e outros sistemas de xestión de contido. Actualmente é compatÃbel con Wordpress, Movable Type, Drupal e Textpattern (mais non con Blogger). Package: qtmultimedia5-dev Description-md5: d66c7302b817d2d8a6eeed52062a5950 Description-gl: APIs for multimedia functionality - development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the development files needed to build Qt applications using Qt Multimedia libraries. Package: qtmultimedia5-doc Description-md5: 9aa5cda04caafcdcf8c9cc892a45d227 Description-gl: Qt 5 multimedia documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 multimedia libraries. Package: qtmultimedia5-doc-html Description-md5: cef6f70d1283a688309a1ab73b3b1371 Description-gl: Qt 5 multimedia HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 multimedia libraries. Package: qtmultimedia5-examples Description-md5: 49d9bf07b867f8f8f5fef95670514ed0 Description-gl: Examples for Qt 5 Multimedia module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the examples for Qt5 multimedia application development. Package: qtpfsgui Description-md5: 8fefc7637c422f7e5a43eee46afbb939 Description-gl: luminance-hdr transitional package Paquete baleiro para facilitar as anovacións; pódese desinstalar con seguranza. Package: qtpim5-dbg Description-md5: a03c23301053d7d972778dd9256a9a47 Description-gl: Qt PIM library debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the debugging symbols for the Qt 5 PIM libraries. Package: qtpim5-dev Description-md5: 7cc457e1f7210119b1a0ff2f23406872 Description-gl: Qt 5 PIM development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt PIM libraries. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpim5-doc Description-md5: 657ce324fdca6ac0e83344cc3f53d4e8 Description-gl: Qt 5 PIM documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 PIM module, including Contacts, Organizer and Versit. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpim5-doc-html Description-md5: 6682fcf18dd4fef4696359b016585c11 Description-gl: Qt 5 PIM HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 PIM module, including Contacts, Organizer and Versit. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtpositioning5-dev Description-md5: 6b9276dc70755398fd080b95764c828d Description-gl: Qt 5 Positioning development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Positioning library. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-dev Description-md5: 02f0e9c820acf30cec64bc5ce8477956 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 development files. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-doc Description-md5: dca348d0305c0f563aa74f0c06f55f01 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 documentation in qch format. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-doc-html Description-md5: b386834d214f69ff4512d3757c2749cd Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls 2 HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the Qt Quick Controls 2 documentation in HTML format. Package: qtquickcontrols2-5-examples Description-md5: 17846daf82096b518ee509cfbacd3190 Description-gl: Qt 5 Qt Quick Templates 2 examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the examples for Qt Quick Controls 2. Package: qtquickcontrols5-doc Description-md5: 17d0d724b744d8caaf73b2eeac698c6e Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Quick Controls module. Package: qtquickcontrols5-doc-html Description-md5: d80ebab7574c25715338b151256c2668 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Quick Controls module. Package: qtquickcontrols5-examples Description-md5: 4633fc1621736416d5af46203684f324 Description-gl: Qt 5 Quick Controls examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 Quick Controls examples. Package: qtractor Description-md5: f4a04aedd2ee256f920140ab1d4d9dcf Description-gl: Aplicativo secuenciador de MIDI/son multi-pista Qtractor é un aplicativo secuenciador de MIDI/son multi-pista escrito en C++ arredor do xogo de ferramentas Qt4 e empregando Qt Designer. . The Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio, and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI, are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux Desktop Audio Workstation GUI, especially dedicated to the personal home-studio. Package: qtscript5-dev Description-md5: 9c895e1d9010a1b23470d0c0eed496d9 Description-gl: Qt 5 script development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using QtScript and QtScriptTools libraries. Package: qtscript5-doc Description-md5: a6434dbb2e0c5b961b87e5875be7cf17 Description-gl: Qt 5 script documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 script libraries. Package: qtscript5-doc-html Description-md5: bd7b8b04024dae6cc194a09439eab845 Description-gl: Qt 5 script HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 script libraries. Package: qtscript5-examples Description-md5: 4bffca6cd623049a22e5f67763708da7 Description-gl: Qt 5 script examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 script examples. Package: qtsensors5-doc Description-md5: e4cc03e5d28e974e34ec86b9c8e3d973 Description-gl: Qt 5 Sensors documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Sensors library and binaries. Package: qtsensors5-doc-html Description-md5: 342bcf5efb62d5afa3b81dcba6cd5f45 Description-gl: Qt 5 Sensors HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Sensors libraries and binaries. Package: qtsensors5-examples Description-md5: bfd5d874c1703d4e4276facf6340aed7 Description-gl: Qt 5 sensors examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 Sensors examples. Package: qtserialport5-doc Description-md5: 18fad513dced03cb54fd9ea10e922605 Description-gl: Qt 5 serial port documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 serial port library and binaries. Package: qtserialport5-doc-html Description-md5: 0fdd83a904db5f5b36c721264818ee80 Description-gl: Qt 5 serial port HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 serial port libraries and binaries. Package: qtspeech5-doc-html Description-md5: ff5673bde6d1a89d6c3bcba4b7ec28c0 Description-gl: Speech library for Qt - HTML documentation QtSpeech provides support for text-to-speech and speech recognition in Qt applications. . Este paquete contén a documentación en HTML. Package: qtsvg5-doc-html Description-md5: 8f027e5df3b023d0a76f2c2f4714ef08 Description-gl: Qt 5 SVG HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 SVG libraries. Package: qtsystems5-dbg Description-md5: 1f7c3618bbdf78ad50328be4390865d7 Description-gl: Qt Systems library debugging symbols Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración das bibliotecas de Systems de Qt 5. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtsystems5-dev Description-md5: 63ca2b58d8499aefb3a3d90df1627527 Description-gl: Qt 5 Systems development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications using Qt Systems libraries. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtsystems5-examples Description-md5: 11b3d1ff4420f78f1ec2a7891044e6b0 Description-gl: Qt 5 Systems examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the examples for Qt 5 Systems. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtsystems5-private-dev Description-md5: 75b625b2898d099659a74934cad8bd6e Description-gl: Qt 5 Systems private development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the private header development files for building some Qt 5 applications using systems private headers. . Proceda segundo o seu propio criterio. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qtsystems5-tools Description-md5: 56b897ad10ad0d7df5dc5853abd1ae44 Description-gl: Qt 5 Systems tools Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the sfwlisten and servicefw tools for Qt 5 Systems module. . WARNING: This module is not an official part of Qt 5, but instead a git snapshot of an ongoing development. The package is very likely to change in a binary incompatible way, and no guarantees are given. Package: qttools5-dev Description-md5: 2c7b573d705950feb78131e46ada5b45 Description-gl: Qt 5 tools development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the header development files used for building Qt 5 applications. Package: qttools5-dev-tools Description-md5: 59d8854dd4e4c01e83a5450a16dda8cf Description-gl: Qt 5 development tools Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains a set of applications to browse the documentation, translate applications, generate help files and other stuff that helps in Qt development. These tools are among others: * assistant * designer * linguist * pixeltool * qdbusviewer Package: qttools5-doc Description-md5: cadd8f42b0252861fb7f42f03b26d605 Description-gl: Qt 5 tools documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 tools libraries and binaries. Package: qttools5-doc-html Description-md5: de3ad18252fe274f74794fbca72d70df Description-gl: Qt 5 tools HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 tools libraries and binaries. Package: qttools5-examples Description-md5: 2e5c31e03a2be53eb1d8b348eb9afe48 Description-gl: Qt 5 tools examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains examples of the Qt 5 tools module. Package: qttools5-private-dev Description-md5: 73752fe859df40a7d51d49f7871d7f09 Description-gl: Qt 5 tools private development files Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains private header development files. . Proceda segundo o seu propio criterio. Package: qtwayland5-doc Description-md5: 845188d84e2efcbea9d09d11833efd36 Description-gl: Qt 5 Wayland Compositor documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Wayland Compositor library. Package: qtwayland5-doc-html Description-md5: ec27009b1898839a2647c24a30124402 Description-gl: Qt 5 Wayland Compositor HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Wayland Compositor library. Package: qtwayland5-examples Description-md5: 9d1a5581339856847fa7882028e14e95 Description-gl: Qt 5 Wayland examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains examples of the Qt 5 Wayland module. Package: qtwebengine5-dev-tools Description-md5: aec58b81e1ee18d26952b894f61836f5 Description-gl: Qt WebEngine tools Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains qwebengine_convert_dict tool which converts hunspell 'dic' dictionaries to binary 'bdic' format, which is required by spellchecker in Qt WebEngine. Package: qtwebengine5-doc Description-md5: aea2e434617e522bf114f4b91dbb4826 Description-gl: Qt 5 webengine documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 webengine libraries. Package: qtwebengine5-doc-html Description-md5: bc301e7f0979f34ca40e0c8c2d6e387a Description-gl: Qt 5 webengine HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 webengine libraries. Package: qtwebkit5-doc Description-md5: c2f78f5f71fe019ba59cea759c8241bb Description-gl: Qt 5 webkit documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 webkit libraries. Package: qtwebkit5-doc-html Description-md5: b259b5338f8f7ba5320840a81055174e Description-gl: Qt 5 webkit HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 webkit libraries. Package: qtwebkit5-examples Description-md5: 5cad6bf3947a08d4a19838d38abe513a Description-gl: Qt 5 webkit examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains examples of the Qt 5 webkit module. Package: qtwebkit5-examples-doc Description-md5: 878ebe0e958bb6738b5c96ab2b421c43 Description-gl: Qt 5 webkit examples documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 webkit examples. Package: qtwebkit5-examples-doc-html Description-md5: 5cb4c4551b600d02649147bfdfe99d39 Description-gl: Qt 5 webkit examples HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 webkit examples. Package: qtwebsockets5-doc Description-md5: d711da2e4b9fb3e05a1aec0ea0025ee7 Description-gl: Qt 5 Web Sockets documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: qtwebsockets5-doc-html Description-md5: c0030607fd7687badc3bf3b355a8fa88 Description-gl: Qt 5 Web Sockets HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: qtwebsockets5-examples Description-md5: 21ae1128d7751369e646ff512d3e10e0 Description-gl: Examples for Qt 5 Web Sockets module Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains examples for the Qt 5 Web Sockets library. Package: qtx11extras5-doc Description-md5: 658a17892b1d328f31fb4da891d36de5 Description-gl: Qt 5 X11 extras documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 X11 extras libraries and binaries. Package: qtx11extras5-doc-html Description-md5: c3ea7cc87b3cca27c484da9eeb4eff6a Description-gl: Qt 5 X11 extras HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 X11 extras libraries and binaries. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-dev-tools Description-md5: f8f258f271e45f3b6a9763f598aa10c5 Description-gl: Qt 5 XML patterns development programs Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . Este paquete contén os programas de desenvolvemento, como xmlpatterns e xmlpatternsvalidator. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-doc Description-md5: dffb05c2430e5b9b0e84f4ae3bdd4e63 Description-gl: Qt 5 XML patterns documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the documentation for the Qt 5 XML patterns libraries. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-doc-html Description-md5: d0e96581f1d7d7d4eb2ec82108fd5d5c Description-gl: Qt 5 XML patterns HTML documentation Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains the HTML documentation for the Qt 5 XML patterns libraries. Package: qtxmlpatterns5-examples Description-md5: 6a50b08931740af2a542a4e2833edb99 Description-gl: Qt 5 XML patterns examples Qt é unha infraestrutura de aplicativos en C++. A funcionalide primaria de Qt é o seu rico conxunto de trebellos, que fornecen unha funcionalidade de interface gráfica de usuario estándar. . This package contains Qt 5 XML patterns examples. Package: quicktime-utils Description-md5: cbd5af54db23762e0fd8ed5e16b2dfd6 Description-gl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (utilities) libquicktime é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros QuickTime en sistemas UNIX. Os códecs de vÃdeo admitidos por esta biblioteca son OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG Photo, RGB, YUV 4:2:2 e YUV 4:2:0. Os códecs de son admitidos son Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw e calquera formato de PCM linear. . Este paquete contén utilidades adicionais. Package: quicktime-x11utils Description-md5: 969ac83482c42e16383433074dcd28dc Description-gl: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (x11 utilities) libquicktime é unha biblioteca para ler e escribir ficheiros QuickTime en sistemas UNIX. Os códecs de vÃdeo admitidos por esta biblioteca son OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG Photo, RGB, YUV 4:2:2 e YUV 4:2:0. Os códecs de son admitidos son Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw e calquera formato de PCM linear. . This package contains additional utilities for the X window system. Package: quiterss Description-md5: 597d5763ee50cf6f4f5583c6a75ae552 Description-gl: Lector de fontes de novas RSS/Atom QuiteRSS is "fast and comfortable to user" cross-platform RSS/Atom news feeds reader written on Qt/C++. Package: quodlibet Description-md5: d068ae7136aceccd3a4e7a4be8346045 Description-gl: audio library manager and player for GTK3 O Quod Libet é un programa de xestión de música. Fornece varias maneiras diferentes de ver unha biblioteca de son, asà como compatibilidade con radio por Internet e fluxos de son. Ten capacidades e edición e busca de etiquetas de meta-datos extremadamente flexÃbel e que emprega a mesma interface que Ex Falso. . Os formatos recoñecidos inclúen MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Musepack (MPC), WavPack e MOD/XM/IT. Package: qupzilla-plugin-kwallet Description-md5: 5b3d71e1dbd7bfc220d970f5eb1d13d0 Description-gl: plugin to store passwords for Qupzilla with the KDE Wallet. QupZilla é un navegador web lixeiro baseado enlibqtwebkit Package: quvi Description-md5: 360686599c2119328e285ecb177c49a9 Description-gl: command line program to extract video download links libquvi é unha biblioteca para analizar as ligazóns de descarga de vÃdeo do flash da Adobe. Admite Youtube e outros sitios web de vÃdeo semellantes. Fornece acceso á funcionalidade e os datos a través dunha API e non activa ou require o uso da tecnoloxÃa flash. . This package contains a command line program to extract and download video files using libquvi. Package: qweborf Description-md5: 4ca3e76717ae55c2969586fa774cef2d Description-gl: Comparta ficheiros usando o protocolo HTTP Qweborf provides an easy to use graphical interface to share local files using the HTTP protocol. It can enable writing on the server, webdav, authentication and sending directories as tar.gz. It can try to work across NAT. Package: r-base Description-md5: 5787ca79ed716232c4cc2087ed9b425b Description-gl: Sistema de cálculo estatÃstico e gráficas R de GNU R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a language plus a run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to certain system functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script files. . The design of R has been heavily influenced by two existing languages: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S and Sussman's Scheme. Whereas the resulting language is very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation and semantics are derived from Scheme. . The core of R is an interpreted computer language which allows branching and looping as well as modular programming using functions. Most of the user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for efficiency, and many of R's core functions do so. The R distribution contains functionality for a large number of statistical procedures and underlying applied math computations. There is also a large set of functions which provide a flexible graphical environment for creating various kinds of data presentations. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . Este paquete é un metapaquete que facilita a transición desde a configuración do paquete pre-1.5.0 ao paquete maior r-base. Unha vez instalado pode ser desinstalado e apt-get anova automaticamente os seus compoñentes durante anovacións futuras. Fornecer este paquete permite que despois os usuarios instalen só r-base-core se asà o queren. Package: r-base-core Description-md5: 49185484f9628e672027078b83df963d Description-gl: Núcleo do sistema de cálculo estatÃstico e gráficas R de GNU R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a language plus a run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to certain system functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script files. . The design of R has been heavily influenced by two existing languages: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S and Sussman's Scheme. Whereas the resulting language is very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation and semantics are derived from Scheme. . The core of R is an interpreted computer language which allows branching and looping as well as modular programming using functions. Most of the user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for efficiency, and many of R's core functions do so. The R distribution contains functionality for a large number of statistical procedures and underlying applied math computations. There is also a large set of functions which provide a flexible graphical environment for creating various kinds of data presentations. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . Este paquete fornece o núcleo do sistema R de GNU do que só ses retiraron os paquetes de documentación opcional r-base-html, r-doc-html, r-doc-pdf e r-doc-info para reducir algo o tamaño do paquete. Package: r-base-core-dbg Description-md5: 2a8ee24de77200ad1b54f3254591a4c9 Description-gl: GNU R debug symbols for statistical comp. language and environment R is a system for statistical computation and graphics. It consists of a language plus a run-time environment with graphics, a debugger, access to certain system functions, and the ability to run programs stored in script files. . The design of R has been heavily influenced by two existing languages: Becker, Chambers & Wilks' S and Sussman's Scheme. Whereas the resulting language is very similar in appearance to S, the underlying implementation and semantics are derived from Scheme. . The core of R is an interpreted computer language which allows branching and looping as well as modular programming using functions. Most of the user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for efficiency, and many of R's core functions do so. The R distribution contains functionality for a large number of statistical procedures and underlying applied math computations. There is also a large set of functions which provide a flexible graphical environment for creating various kinds of data presentations. . Additionally, several thousand extension "packages" are available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, many also as Debian packages, named 'r-cran-<name>'. . Este Este paquete contén táboas cos sÃmbolos de depuración dos binarios e das bibliotecas dinámicas do paquete r-base-core. Package: r-cran-epibasix Description-md5: db7f05c5563722ad733edbecfd95746a Description-gl: GNU R Elementary Epidemiological Functions Elementary Epidemiological Functions for a Graduate Epidemiology / Biostatistics Course. . Este paquete contén ferramentas elementais para a análise de problemas epidemiolóxicos frecuentes, desde a estimación do tamaño da mostra até a análise de táboas de continxencia 2x2 e medidas básicas de concordancia (kappa, sensibilidade/especificidade). Tamén se escribiron enunciados de impresión e resumo axeitados para facilitar a interpretación sempre que for posÃbel. Este paquete é unha obra en curso, polo que se apreciarÃa recibir comentarios ou suxestións. O código fonte conta con numerosos comentarios para facilitar a súa modificación. Os destinatarios inclúen os doutorandos dos distintos cursos de epi/bioestatÃstica. . Epibasix was developed in Canada. Package: r-cran-nws Description-md5: c50c086764bdb6fb32bd3fa77dfd16c6 Description-gl: GNU R package for distributed programming via NetWorkSpaces This Debian package provides support for NetWorkSpaces (NWS), a distributed computing toolkit which makes it easy to use computing clusters from within the Python and GNU R languages and scripting environments.. . Consulte para un artigo recente sobre NetWorkSpaces (aÃnda que centrado no seu uso con Python). Package: r-cran-rggobi Description-md5: e3e7aac1d115d4061eff9123343b46d4 Description-gl: GNU R package for the GGobi data visualization system This Debian package contains the R package for access to the ggobi data visualization system for high-dimensional data from within GNU R. . Consulte para rggobi, e for GNU R. Package: r-cran-rms Description-md5: 9fe79ccc22f1a3025abc6da6b5e51bde Description-gl: GNU R regression modeling strategies by Frank Harrell Regression modeling, testing, estimation, validation, graphics, prediction, and typesetting by storing enhanced model design attributes in the fit. rms is a collection of 229 functions that assist with and streamline modeling. It also contains functions for binary and ordinal logistic regression models and the Buckley-James multiple regression model for right-censored responses, and implements penalized maximum likelihood estimation for logistic and ordinary linear models. rms works with almost any regression model, but it was especially written to work with binary or ordinal logistic regression, Cox regression, accelerated failure time models, ordinary linear models, the Buckley-James model, generalized least squares for serially or spatially correlated observations, generalized linear models, and quantile regression. . See Frank Harrell (2001), Regression Modeling Strategies, Springer Series in Statistics, as well as Package: r-cran-teachingdemos Description-md5: 3a97e798f04e2c3c80527148eb671d97 Description-gl: GNU R Demonstrations for teaching and learning Este paquete é un conxunto de funcións de demostración que se poden empregar nunha aula para demostrar conceptos estatÃsticos, ou por un mesmo para comprender mellor os conceptos da programación. Package: rabbitvcs-cli Description-md5: fbdc07dbc43e7e5f473a0235a97f8600 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para RabbitVCS RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems SVN (Subversion) and Git. This is the command-line interface. Package: radiotray Description-md5: 6e2ed5df4a672386036e92ed281ed11e Description-gl: online radio streaming player Este é un reprodutor de fluxos de música sinxelo que reside na bandexa do sistema. Ao premer a icona do Bandexa de Radio aparece unha lista de emisoras de radio pola rede xa preconfiguradas. Ao seleccionar unha desas radios comeza a súa reprodución. Package: raincat Description-md5: c245c9feae30c3e0652a1c07c3bb6180 Description-gl: Quebracabezas en 2D dun gato un pouco crecho Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path! Package: raincat-data Description-md5: 685685929fd4d8733303195d83685df7 Description-gl: 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat - data files Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path! . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: rakarrack Description-md5: 910366108575727a50de7023154566db Description-gl: Procesador de efectos de guitarra sinxelo e doado para GNU/Linux Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it unique in this field of applications. . Currently it contains 17 effects: * Linear Equalizer * Parametric Equalizer * Compressor * Distorsion * Overdrive * Echo * Chorus * Phaser * Flanger * Reverb * WahWah * Alienwah * Harmonizer * NoiseGate * Musical Delay * Cabinet * AutoPan/Extra Stereo . Rakarrack integrates a tuner and a MIDI converter. It can also be handled by an external MIDI controller. The settings designed by the user can be stored in presets and these presets can be used to create banks of effects. Package: rasmol-doc Description-md5: bdc2d0c2e8e1d2656f02f05dedf22bfe Description-gl: Documentación de rasmol Extra documentation for Rasmol, a program to visualize biological macromolecules. Included are the Rasmol manual in various formats, a command reference card and a copy of the openrasmol website, Package: rasterlite2-dbg Description-md5: 02e33de0ee37d9136a3f148b9fb40e0c Description-gl: library for huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS - debugging symbols librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS. . It is intended to completely replace and supersede librasterlite. The two projects are completely unrelated: the unique similarity between both is just in covering the same identical application area. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de librasterlite e rasterlite-bin. Package: rawtherapee-data Description-md5: 817186c046a43f15305ad676c5e8e334 Description-gl: raw image converter and digital photo processor (data files) RawTherapee is an advanced program for developing raw photos and for processing non-raw photos. It is non-destructive, makes use of OpenMP, supports all the cameras supported by dcraw and carries out its calculations in a high precision 32bit floating point engine. RawTherapee supports JPEG, PNG, and TIFF as output format for processed photos. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: rbd-mirror Description-md5: 1d710ddd4d105de6cfd76d4ca18a79b3 Description-gl: Ceph daemon for mirroring RBD images Ceph é un sistema de almacenamento distribuÃdo deseñado para fornecer desempeño, fiabilidade e escalabilidade excelentes. . This package provides a daemon for mirroring RBD images between Ceph clusters, streaming changes asynchronously. Package: rbootd Description-md5: 0db2270ca1150fda750ff80d3e1fcf83 Description-gl: Daemon de arranque remoto The rbootd daemon is used for booting some HP workstations over the network (such as the 9000/300 and 9000/400 series). It can also boot PA RISC workstations. It handles the first stage of the boot sequence and can be used to start booting Linux, NetBSD or HPUX. Package: rdiff-backup Description-md5: f0d05d9b77697c469e8b0b53030e2a32 Description-gl: Copias de seguranza incrementais remotas rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in a special subdirectory of that target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff- backup also preserves subdirectories, hard links, dev files, permissions, uid/gid ownership, modification times, extended attributes, acls, and resource forks. . Also, rdiff-backup can operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like rsync. Thus you can use rdiff-backup and ssh to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location, and only the differences will be transmitted. Finally, rdiff-backup is easy to use and settings have sensible defaults. Package: rdist Description-md5: d6cd93b7fcf355e8971750bcbf052738 Description-gl: Cliente e servidor de distribución de ficheiros remotos Rdist is a program to maintain identical copies of files over multiple hosts. It preserves the owner, group, mode, and mtime of files if possible and can update programs that are executing. Package: rdkit-doc Description-md5: f66c7299bc3ae5f8a56ac2defc65028c Description-gl: Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software (documentation) RDKit is a Python/C++ based cheminformatics and machine-learning software environment. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: realmd Description-md5: af9e5e761d418dbb77663ac5c17d034d Description-gl: Servizo de DBus para configurar kerberos e outras identidades da rede realmd is a D-Bus system service that manages discovery and enrollment in realms/domains like Active Directory or IPA. . realmd can configure either SSSD or Windbind as client software. It will also automatically install the required packages using PackageKit if needed. Package: reclass-doc Description-md5: 47058143a33196598e845743a9670a01 Description-gl: Documentación de reclass reclass is an "external node classifier" (ENC) as can be used with automation tools, such as Puppet, Salt, and Ansible. It is also a stand- alone tool for merging data sources recursively. . This package provides the documentation for reclass. Package: recoll Description-md5: c493c35ab0ec3b1513ea5bc2a65be1cd Description-gl: Personal full text search package with a Qt GUI Este paquete é un paquete de busca de texto completo persoal baseado unha infraestrutura moi forte (Xapian), para a que fornece unha interface doada de utilizar e chea de funcionalidades. . Features: * Qt-based GUI * Supports the following document types (and their compressed versions) - Natively: text, html, OpenOffice files, maildir and mailbox (Mozilla and IceDove mail) with attachments, pidgin log files - With external helpers: pdf (pdftotext), postscript (ghostscript), msword (antiword), excel, ppt (catdoc), rtf (unrtf) * Powerful query facilities, with boolean searches, phrases, filter on file types and directory tree * Support for multiple charsets, Internal processing and storage uses Unicode UTF-8 * Stemming performed at query time (can switch stemming language after indexing) * Easy installation. No database daemon, web server or exotic language necessary * An indexer which runs either as a thread inside the GUI or as an external, cron'able program Package: reconserver Description-md5: 0d1860261735eb789f6905f018374a00 Description-gl: lightweight SIP conferencing service reConServer é o servidor para conferencias SIP desenvolvido pola comunidade de reSIProcate. Fornece unha maneira lixeira e doada de configurar para executar conferencias con SIP entre varios usuarios. Admite son mais non vÃdeo ou texto. Package: redet-doc Description-md5: a0b3bdade3d0ceed7ea4b71a7d20534a Description-gl: regular expression development and execution tool (documentation) Documentación da ferramenta Redet (desenvolvemento e execución de expresións regulares). Package: redir Description-md5: 2089a3403d126a5a0bcf29b22b68406d Description-gl: Redirect TCP connections It can run under inetd or stand alone (in which case it handles multiple connections). It is 8 bit clean, not limited to line mode, is small and light. Supports transparency, FTP redirects, http proxying, NAT and bandwidth limiting. . redir é todo o que fai falta para encamiñar tráfico por devasas que autentiquen baseándose nun enderezo de IP, etc. Non fai falla o xogo de ferramentas da devasa. A funcionalidade de inetd/tcpd e «redir» permiten facer todo o necesario sen pasarelas de telnet/ftp que amolen (asúmese que se empregan máscaras de IP, por suposto). Package: registry-tools Description-md5: 7266dad7d5ee9360537ffc04ec7157f3 Description-gl: tools for viewing and manipulating the Windows registry O Samba é unha implementación do protocolo SMB/CIFS para os sistemas Unix que fornece compatibilidade para a compartición de ficheiros e impresoras entre plataformas con sistemas Windows da Microsoft, OS X e outros sistemas Unix. O Samba tamén pode funcionar como controlador de dominios estilo NT4 e pódese integrar nos dominios de NT4 e nos reinos de Active Directory como servidor membro. . This package contains tools for viewing and manipulating the binary "registry" found on Windows machines, both locally and remote. Package: rekonq-dbg Description-md5: d54591f3e5bb4e156f58c25982294590 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do rekonq Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración asociados co rekonq. Son empregados automaticamente por gdb para depurar problemas relacionados co rekonq. Package: relational Description-md5: 93f4c26999e5f549dc3c70e5e1e88924 Description-gl: Ferramenta educativa para álxebra relacional (interface gráfica de usuario) Relational is primarily a tool to provide a workspace for experimenting with relational algebra, an offshoot of first-order logic. . This package provides a graphical user interface that can be used to execute relational queries. Package: relational-cli Description-md5: fee13806478885574b9337aa5c052968 Description-gl: Ferramenta educativa para álxebra relacional (interface para a liña de ordes) Relational is primarily a tool to provide a workspace for experimenting with relational algebra, an offshoot of first-order logic. . This package provides a command line interface that can be used to execute relational queries. Package: remctl-client Description-md5: 9adff733f2787cbf9d4d36ca24a4c617 Description-gl: Cliente para a execución de ordes autenticadas por kerberos remctl is a client/server protocol for executing specific commands on a remote system with Kerberos authentication. The allowable commands must be listed in a server configuration file, and the executable run on the server may be mapped to any command name. Each command is also associated with an ACL containing a list of Kerberos principals authorized to run that command. . This package contains the client program (remctl). Package: rep-doc Description-md5: eb01d7a11bea02855ea2537c29562596 Description-gl: Documentación do intérprete de ordes lisp rep is a dialect of Lisp, designed to be used both as an extension language for applications and as a general purpose programming language. . It was originally written to be mostly-compatible with Emacs Lisp, but has subsequently diverged markedly. Its aim is to combine the best features of Scheme and Common Lisp and provide an environment that is comfortable for implementing both small and large scale systems. It tries to be a "pragmatic" programming language. . This package contains the language documentation in info format. Package: rest2web-doc Description-md5: bf8078e7a9c69c1a6bbd5dfb176da442 Description-gl: Documentación de rest2web rest2web is a web site generator using ReStructured Text for content definition. . This package provides the rest2web documentation. Package: restartd Description-md5: ce90d56603c1a94c679b0941e39aafad Description-gl: Comprobador e/ou reiniciador de procesos Restartd é un daemon para comprobar os procesos que estean ou non en execución. Le o directorio /proc cada n segundos e realiza unha regexp de POSIX cos nomes dos procesos. Vostede pode executar un script ou programa se un proceso está ou non en execución. Package: retext Description-md5: 37b08b8d51524d665413d19af6179942 Description-gl: Editor de texto sinxelo para Markdown e reStructuredText O ReText é un editor sinxelo para as linguaxes de marcaxe Markdown e reStructuredText. . ReText admite lapelas, previsualización ao vivo e realzado da sintaxe. Os formatos de exportación admitidos son HTML, ODT e PDF. Tamén é posÃbel escribir extensións de exportación personalizadas. . Está escrito en Python empregando bibliotecas de Qt. Package: rev-plugins Description-md5: 12335738427b1867affbbbf30b1c275d Description-gl: Engadido de reverberación para LADSPA Este engadido conta con dúas entradas para o funcionamento en estéreo e código que prevén a denormalización de vÃrgula flutuante. O engadido ten como base o gverb de Juhana Sadeharju mais o código e completamente orixinal. Package: revelation Description-md5: 0fe548356a97125c07930126296b6a06 Description-gl: Xestor de contrasinais de GNOME2 O Revelation é un xestor de contrasinais para o escritorio GNOME 2. Organiza as contas nunha estrutura en forma de árbore e almacénaas como XML cifrado con AES. Package: revu-tools Description-md5: dc8b9567a7d3567c184d01ae990c7ae3 Description-gl: Ferramentas de revisión para os paquetes Debian REVU-Tools é un conxunto de scripts para axudar os revisores de paquetes Debian na súa tarefa. Reúne catro scripts: revu-build, revu-orig, revu- report e un script de gancho para pbuilder, empregado por revu-build para realizar probas de construción. . Entre a información que REVU-tools dá está: - Se o paquete é nativo de Debian - Se o paquete contén un ficheiro debian/watch usábel - Se hai versións novas do programa dispoñÃbeis, para o que emprega o ficheiro debian/watch con uscan - se as sumas md5 da tarball orixinal e o orig.tar.gz son idénticos, e se isto é normal ou non - Se hai un diff entre a tarball extraÃda do orixinal e orig.tar.gz - Se o paquete non se dá construÃdo a partir da fonte en pbuilder - Se lintian e linda están satisfeitos con este paquete - Se ao executar debuild -S -sa con este paquete se xeran ficheiros no diff fóra de debian/ Package: rexima Description-md5: 8a9bfb0c1ba1198c3cf56f04efe42d8d Description-gl: Misturador sinxelo para ncurses/liña de ordes rexima é «un misturador» escrito ao revés en inglés. Un misturador humilde para a liña de ordes/ncurses que é doado de utilizar e que pode modificar a configuración de mistura de maneira non interactiva en scripts de consola (por exemplo). Package: rfdump Description-md5: a72946548ba3259fe04559cd954aeefa Description-gl: Ferramenta para descodificar datos de etiquetas RDIF RFDump é unha ferramenta para descodificar etiquetas RFID e mostrar a súa meta-información: identificador da etiqueta, tipo de etiqueta, fabricante, etc. É posÃbel mostrar e modificar os datos de usuario das etiquetas empregando un editor de hexadecimal ou de ASCII. Ademais, a funcionalidade de cookies integradas demostra o doado que é para as empresas abusar da tecnoloxÃa RFID para espiar os seus clientes. RFDump funciona co lector tarxetas de ACG ou con hardware lector de tarxetas semellante. Package: rgbpaint Description-md5: 74c773fb3b2414af6102dee631077e9d Description-gl: Programa sinxelo de pintura baseado en pÃxeles Este paquete fornece o programa de pintura simplificado rgbPaint, un derivado do mtPaint polos mesmos autores. Lixeiro de dependencias, pode editar e gardar imaxes só nos formatos ICO, JPEG ou PNG, aÃnda que tamén pode ler os formatos GIF, PCX, SVG, TGA e TIFF. . A interface do usuario foi mantida simple intencionadamente, sen menús despregábeis. Fornece dez pinceis e unha paleta de vinte cores, cada un das cales pode ser substituÃda cun misturador de cores. As accións dispoñÃbeis son pintar, encher e escoller unha área. O programa tamén pode comezar tomando unha captura da pantalla para usala como imaxe inicial. . Dirixido orixinariamente á iniciativa OLPC, rgbPaint funciona ben co ambiente de escritorio Sugar - especialmente cunha tableta gráfica; mesmo os máis cativos poden dominalo rapidamente para producir pinceladas mestras! Package: rgxg Description-md5: b3e622e782b3470bc0682694d228322f Description-gl: Ferramenta para a liña de ordes para xerar expresións regulares rgxg (Xerador de eXpresións ReGulares) é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes para xerar expresións regulares (estendidas). . Pode ser útil para xera expresións regulares (estendidas) que coincidan con, por exemplo, un intervalo numérico determinado (p.ex. 0 a 31 ou 00 a FF) ou con todos os enderezos dun bloque CIDR (p.ex. ou 2001:db8:aaaa::/64). Package: rhash Description-md5: 1b9baaeabf77319f9a71a4784a419af4 Description-gl: Utilidade para calcular sumas hash e ligazóns magnet RHash é unha utilidade para a consola para calcular e comprobar ligazóns magnet e unha ampla variedade de sumas has, como CRC32, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, AICH, ED2K, Tiger, DC++ TH, BitTorrent BTIH, GOST 34.11-94, RIPEMD-160, HAS-160, EDON-R, Whirlpool e Snefru. As sumas hash empréganse para asegurar e comprobar a integridade de volumes de datos grandes para o seu almacenamento ou transferencia a longo prazo. . Funcionalidades: * SaÃda nun formato predefinido (SFV, tipo BSD) ou definido polo usuario. * Pode calcular ligazóns Magnet. * Capacidade de procesar directorios de maneira recursiva. * Actualización de ficheiros hash (engadir sumas hash de ficheiros que falten no ficheiro hash). * Portabilidade: o programa funciona igual en Linux, *BSD ou Windows. Package: rheolef-doc Description-md5: 2abee84bec844461f37eb755198c14ca Description-gl: efficient Finite Element environment - documentation Rheolef is a computer environment that serves as a convenient laboratory for computations in applied mathematics involving finite element-like methods. It provides a set of commands and C++ algorithms and containers. . Most basically, containers cover the classic graph data structure for sparse matrix formats and finite element meshes. At a higher level of abstraction, they can handle approximate finite element spaces, discrete fields. Flexible and powerful expressions are used to specify bilinear forms. . Current applications include: * massively distributed memory finite element environment, based on MPI; * Poisson problems in d=1,2 and 3 dimension with high order Lagrange elements, up to fifth order; * linear elasticity, including incompressible and nearly incompressible elasticity; * Stokes problems in d=2 or 3 dimension, with P2-P1 or P1 bubble-P1 elements; * characteristic method for convection-diffusion, time-dependent problems and Navier-Stokes equations; * nonlinear problems with either fixed-point algorithms or a provided generic damped Newton solver; * auto-adaptive mesh approaches; * axisymmetric problems; * multi-regions and variable coefficient problems. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: rhinote Description-md5: ab13017a38ea6c4c8c2d494b32592fea Description-gl: Notas pegañentas virtuais para o escritorio O Rhinote é un programiña que fornece notas pegañentas virtuais. É cómodo para anotar cousiñas ou para colocar texto copiado que se pretenda apegar posteriormente noutro sitio. . As notas pódense gardar como texto simple para velas ou editalas máis tarde co Rhinote ou con calquera outro editor. . O Rhinote foi deseñado para ser «amigo do teclado», ou sexa, cada unha das accións vai ligada a un atallo de teclado determinado. Package: rhythmbox-ampache Description-md5: fd23726722102f379bd1e77ef1c2652a Description-gl: Reproduza fluxos de son desde un servidor de Ampache Rhythmbox-Ampache é un engadido para o reprodutor de música Rhythmbox que permite que este emita fluxos directamente desde unha instancia dun servidor de fluxos de música Ampache. . Ampache é un xestor de ficheiros de son baseado na web realizado con PHP e MySQL que permite ver, editar e reproducir ficheiros de son a través da web. Admite listas de reprodución, vistas de artista e de álbum, carátulas dos álbums, reprodución aleatoria ou baseada en votacións e reprodución de temas/temas por usuario. A reprodución pode ser a través de HTTP, transcodificación ao voo e downsampling, Mpd/Icecast ou un reprodutor de Flash integrado. É posÃbel ligar varios servidores de Ampache empregando XML-RPC. O software está localizado por enteiro en moitas linguas. Package: rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder Description-md5: 2cf45d2d5fa6dfedb6016b170eb884a9 Description-gl: burning plugin for rhythmbox music player O Rhythmbox é un programa para reproducir e xestionar música doado de utilizar e que admite unha grande variedade de formatos de son (incluÃdos mp3 e ogg). Inspirado orixinalmente no iTunes da Apple, a versión actual admite radio por Internet, integración de iPod e reprodución de son portátil xenérico, gravación de CD de son, reprodución de CD de son, compartir música e podcasts. . This package contains the brasero based CD/DVD burning plugin. Package: rhythmbox-plugin-zeitgeist Description-md5: f41e70b13663f39808bfb029033e0aaa Description-gl: zeitgeist plugin for rhythmbox music player O Rhythmbox é un programa para reproducir e xestionar música doado de utilizar e que admite unha grande variedade de formatos de son (incluÃdos mp3 e ogg). Inspirado orixinalmente no iTunes da Apple, a versión actual admite radio por Internet, integración de iPod e reprodución de son portátil xenérico, gravación de CD de son, reprodución de CD de son, compartir música e podcasts. . This package contains the zeitgeist logging plugin. Package: ri Description-md5: 741e16fa789e330b932df4b810714b04 Description-gl: Referencia interactiva de Ruby ri é unha ferramenta para a liña de ordes que mostra descricións de métodos, clases e módulos de Ruby incorporados. Para os métodos, mostra a secuencia de chamadas e unha descrición. Para as clases e os módulos, mostra unha sinopse xunto cunha lista dos métodos que esa clase ou módulo implementa. . Este paquete fornece a orde ri e descricións sobre Ruby. Este paquete fornece a documentación de ri para a biblioteca estándar de Ruby. O executábel de ri en si está no paquete ruby. . This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default Ruby version (currently v2.3). Package: ri-li-data Description-md5: d6ac1be12a9c5ac12468a5e925651323 Description-gl: toy train simulation game - data files Ri-li is a game in which you drive a wooden toy steam locomotive across many levels and collect all the coaches to win. . Este paquete fornece ficheiros de datos para o xogo. Package: riece Description-md5: a2cd7ab0ae6c00dc63f46b888692daed Description-gl: IRC client para Emacs Riece é unha interface de usuario para IRC (Internet Relay Chat). EscrÃbese coa inicial en maiúscula e pronúnciase /ri:s/. . As funcionalidades de Riece son as seguintes: . * É posÃbel empregar varios servidores de IRC ao mesmo tempo. * Moitas funcionalidades constrúense sobre o mecanismo de extensións chamado complementos. Actualmente hai dispoñÃbeis uns trinta destes complementos. * A instalación é doada. Riece non depende doutros paquetes. * A configuración é doada. A configuración gárdase/recupérase automaticamente. * Inclúense instrucións paso a paso. * Cumpre coa maior parte do protocolo máis recente de clientes de IRC (RFC 2812). Package: riemann-c-client Description-md5: 99c45b4e5cc55374417ffefd0d6d7c97 Description-gl: Client utility for the Riemann event stream processor Riemann is a network event stream processor, intended for analyitics, metrics and alerting; and to glue various monitoring systems together. . Este paquete fornece unha utilidade sinxela para enviarlle eventos ou para consultar un servidor de Riemann. Package: rig Description-md5: da93263d97056c0b5d5007f57e8dfe5b Description-gl: Xerador aleatorio de identidades RIG (Xerador aleatorio de identidades) é un substituto libre dun programa shareware chamado «fake». Xera datos persoais aleatorios, mais de aparencia real. É útil para cando se quere enviar un nome a un sitio web, BBS ou a unha persoa real e tense nugalla para pensar un. Ademais, se o sitio web/BBS/persoa á que se lle envÃa esa información tenta comprobar a cidade, estado ou código postal, non atopará nada raro. Package: rinetd Description-md5: c779dc6fda8c28eb8fd8878f71d69c09 Description-gl: Servidor de encamiñamento de TCP de Internet rinetd encamiña conexións de TCP desde un enderezo e porto de IP a outro, con control de acceso básico baseado en IP. . rinetd é un servidor dun único proceso que manexa calquera cantidade de conexións aos pares de enderezo/porto que se indiquen no ficheiro /etc/rinetd.conf. Dado que rinetd se executa como un único proceso empregando E/S que non bloquean, pode encamiñar unha cantidade grande de conexións sen causar un impacto severo na máquina. Isto resulta práctico para executar servizos en máquinas que estean dentro dunha devasa con máscara de IP. Package: rinse Description-md5: 4b6f0b2c4b4d69f1d7b04f930dd8f819 Description-gl: Ambiente de instalación RPM This is a tool for bootstrapping a basic RPM-based distribution of GNU/Linux. . É comparábel no seu propósito coa utilidade estándar de Debian debootstrap, mais funciona coas distribucións baseadas en RPM. . Rinse can setup 32 and 64-bit installations of: * CentOS * Scientific Linux CERN * Fedora * OpenSUSE Package: rio Description-md5: 5b40d453420e166c011ea4fc5bfe4e23 Description-gl: Command line Diamond Rio MP3 player controller rio is a Diamond Rio MP3 CLI controller program The home website is This program supports file uploads and downloads, on both the Classic Rio and the 64 Meg Rio, and supports plug in cards. . The default port is 0x378, if your rio is plugged into a different port, you will need to use the -p option. . This program directly controls various IOports. The program need to be run as root, or setuid root. . If you execute the following line as root after package installation, the program will be setuid root. . chmod 4755 /usr/bin/rio . NON faga iso a non ser que comprenda as implicacións de seguranza dun binario setuid que pode «facilmente» substituÃr calquera ficheiro do sistema. Package: ripit Description-md5: 97fda908aaec471ab8b638a6294429f3 Description-gl: Extractor de CD de son baseado en texto ripit execútase en modo texto (non hai aquà interfaces gráficas atraentes) e fai todo o que fai falta para producir un conxunto de ficheiros en mp3, ogg, flac, m4a sen ningunha intervención do usuario. . ripit fai o seguinte cun CD de son: - Obter a información sobre o álbum/artista/pistas do CD de son desde CDDB - Obter a información sobre o álbum/artista/pistas do CD de son desde Musicbrainz - Extraer as pistas de son do CD (empregando cdparanoia ou outros extractores de CD) - Codificar os ficheiros (empregando lame, oggvorbis flac e/ou faac) - Meterlles etiquetas ID3 (v1 e v2) - Opcional: crea un ficheiro de lista de reprodución (M3U) (listas dos MP3 creados que empregan moitos reprodutores de MP3) - Opcional: Prepara e envÃa datos a CDDB. - Opcional: Grava o ficheiro de CDDB. Package: ripoff Description-md5: c5417963cd9c410c58c794605c60fc4d Description-gl: Extractor de CD modular e intuitivo baseado en GTK+ RipOff é un extractor de CD baseado en GTK+ para Linux que conta cunha interface sinxela, consultas a CDDB e unha arquitectura de codificación baseada en engadidos. . Esta versión non conta cun compatibilidade con MP3 incorporada; hai que instalar o paquete ripoff-mp3-plugin para poder extraer a mp3. . Este paquete contén o executábel de ripoff. Package: ripole Description-md5: 2044c7ddd3e4cf4734f3e5fa6f3c91b0 Description-gl: Extraia anexos a partir de ficheiros de datos OLE2 (ou sexa, documentos de MS Office) ripOLE é un programiña/biblioteca deseñado para obter anexos dos ficheiros de datos OLE2. . Pode manexar a maiorÃa dos documentos do Office da Microsoft, como «doc» (Word), «xls» (Excel) ou «ppt» (PowerPoint). Package: ripperx Description-md5: cdeabf4ef72c33d57aecc4b4e2fd5952 Description-gl: GTK-based audio CD ripper/encoder ripperX is a graphical interface for ripping CD audio tracks (using cdparanoia) and then encoding them into the Ogg, FLAC, or MP2/3 formats using the vorbis tools, FLAC, toolame or other available MP3 encoders. . Inclúe a capacidade de consultar CDDB e etiquetas ID3v2. Package: ristretto Description-md5: 99d1eb901a80a6f11af6489eb7ae9121 Description-gl: Visor de imaxes lixeiro para o ambiente de escritorio Xfce Ristretto é un visor de imaxes rápido e lixeiro para o ambiente de escritorio Xfce. Package: rivet Description-md5: 4022de8af456c53f29bc3ce3c15767e3 Description-gl: Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de programa de Rivet. Package: rivet-plugins Description-md5: be46f5a3490d774407a02247880f33fe Description-gl: Engadidos de análise de Rivet Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . Este paquete fornece engadidos de análise de Rivet. Teña en conta que ATLASCone e CDFCones non teñen compatibilidade en Debian debido a problemas de licenza de FastJet. Package: rivet-plugins-data Description-md5: 35ecd6f16adaaf5b04d1f546c25197cd Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos dos engadidos de análise de Rivet Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . Este paquete fornece os ficheiros de datos dos engadidos de análise de Rivet. Package: rivet-plugins-dev Description-md5: 47fc0a51bf3be65b7f659aa95fec998e Description-gl: Xerador de modelos do engadido de análises de Rivet Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . Este paquete fornece o xerador de modelos do engadido de análise de Rivet. Package: rivet-plugins-doc Description-md5: 0c9f4de569805c9fab1f3183fc2b6d5c Description-gl: Documentación dos engadidos de análise de Rivet en HTML Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . Este paquete fornece as documentación dos engadidos de análise de Rivet en HTML. Package: rivet-reference Description-md5: 3a5d4aec3b2c4b82fe9b370068c64c59 Description-gl: Referencia do código de Rivet Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . Este paquete fornece a referencia do código de Rivet. Package: rivet-user-manual Description-md5: 99f712ba286e264fb09ff414d7bcb60d Description-gl: Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory - User Manual Rivet is a toolkit for validation of Monte Carlo event generators. Using a computationally efficient model for observable computations, Rivet provides a set of experimental analyses useful for generator sanity checks, as well as a convenient infrastructure for adding your own analysis. . Este paquete fornece o manual do usuario de Rivet. Package: rkward Description-md5: e8a3cbd610e4eb795ccc0b8f8601ff5f Description-gl: Interface gráfica de KDE para a linguaxe de estatÃstica R RKWard pretende converterse nunha interface doada de utilizar e transparente para R, un sistema potente para cálculo estatÃstico e gráficas. Ademais dunha interface gráfica cómoda para a maiorÃa das funcións estatÃsticas, as versións futuras tamén fornecerán unha integración sen fisuras cunha suite de ofimática. Package: rkward-data Description-md5: 0e6387d45f310c888cb8444a888dd69d Description-gl: Interface gráfica de KDE para a linguaxe de estatÃstica R RKWard pretende converterse nunha interface doada de utilizar e transparente para R, un sistema potente para cálculo estatÃstico e gráficas. Ademais dunha interface gráfica cómoda para a maiorÃa das funcións estatÃsticas, as versións futuras tamén fornecerán unha integración sen fisuras cunha suite de ofimática. . This package provides the architecture independent data files for rkward. Package: rlfe Description-md5: f8875af0d8f80b49e66fe615acb5dcd9 Description-gl: Front-end using readline to "cook" input lines for other programs This tool lets you use history and line-editing in any text oriented tool. This is especially useful with third-party proprietary tools that cannot be distributed linked against readline. It is not perfect but it works pretty well. . Vexa os programas ledit e rlwrap para outros programas dese tipo. Package: rlplot Description-md5: b8ea15e9d3a1cf501e44c9c623f83fca Description-gl: Aplicativo con interface gráfica para xerar gráficas de calidade para publicación RLPlot é un programa baseado nunha interface gráfica para mostrar datos cientÃficos en formatos estándar. Admite todos os tipos de barras de erros e ten maior flexibilidade á hora de mostrar cores e texturas nas gráficas que gnuplot (as caixas das gráficas de barras enchidas son posÃbeis sen programas adicionais). A saÃda xérase na pantalla de X, onde se poden realizar máis cambios na gráfica empregando métodos de apuntar e premer. As imaxes poden exportarse como gráficos vectoriais escalábeis (SVG), asà como nos formatos EPS, WMF e TIFF. Package: rlwrap Description-md5: 2dd4e4df63ed824e61c4e21ad05cd1eb Description-gl: readline feature command line wrapper Este paquete fornece unha pequena utilidade que emprega a biblioteca readline de GNU para permitir a edición da entrada do teclado para calquera outra orde. O historial de entradas lémbrase entre invocacións, de maneira separada para cada orde; o traballo de completado e busca do historial, como en bash e nas listas de completado de palabras pode ser indicado na liña de ordes. Package: rmail Description-md5: 5999f32ca68d0cb331555bc479168fd4 Description-gl: MTA->UUCP remote mail handler Rmail handles mail received via uucp and passes it to the local sendmail (or workalike). . Esta versión vén do paquete de fonte de sendmail e o único cambio é a chamada a sendmail (de -obq a -obi). Package: rng-tools Description-md5: 6da2aca3dd07b55b609d9cf3d5d7cd57 Description-gl: Daemon to use a Hardware TRNG The rngd daemon acts as a bridge between a Hardware TRNG (true random number generator) such as the ones in some Intel/AMD/VIA chipsets, and the kernel's PRNG (pseudo-random number generator). . It tests the data received from the TRNG using the FIPS 140-2 (2002-10-10) tests to verify that it is indeed random, and feeds the random data to the kernel entropy pool. . Isto aumenta o largo de banda do dispositivo /dev/random, dunha fonte que non depende da actividade exterior. Tamén pode mellorar a calidade (entropÃa) da aleatoriedade de /dev/random. . A TRNG kernel module such as hw_random, or some other source of true entropy that is accessible as a device or fifo, is required to use this package. . This is an unofficial version of rng-tools which has been extensively modified to add multithreading and a lot of new functionality. Package: roaraudio Description-md5: 799622fe316bb2b6ed376d748fd478f9 Description-gl: Servidor de son para a mistura de son RoarAudio é un sistema para misturar son. O seu propósito principal é misturar son de diferentes clientes antes de o enviar ás súas saÃdas (por exemplo, unha placa de son). É totalmente transparente para a rede (sockets de UNIX, TCP/IP, DECnet) e admite moitos códecs comúns, como Ogg Vorbis, Speex ou FLAC. . This package contains the RoarAudio sound server "roard" implementing the RoarAudio protocol. Package: roarclients Description-md5: 009276778a74ab297b1e7a361a45b91e Description-gl: Colección de clientes básicos para o Sistema de Son RoarAudio This package is a collection of basic clients for the RoarAudio Sound System based on libroar. The collection includes tools for playback and recording as well as controlling and monitoring the sound system. Some tools are also very helpful for testing and debugging a RoarAudio setup or software. Package: roarplaylistd-dev Description-md5: 4b2ff2d1d2b9771ca62df8c761135264 Description-gl: RoarAudio PlayList Daemon (RPLD) (plugin development files) RoarAudio PlayList Daemon is a audio player backend daemon handling playlists. It stores playlists and plays files using RoarAudio as audio backend. . The daemon can be controlled using a simple protocol. It can listen on UNIX and TCP sockets. . File formats and codecs not supported by RoarAudio can be handled by using a helper program. . Este paquete fornece as cabeceiras e outros ficheiros para o desenvolvemento de engadidos. Package: robocode Description-md5: 6380529980f3b0409a4d09a704570b7f Description-gl: Xogo de batallas de tanques programado con Java Robocode is a Java programming game where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest! Package: robojournal-doc Description-md5: 00f361a7958bbcb3871022740cf00e18 Description-gl: cross-platform journal/diary tool - documentation RoboJournal is a cross-platform journal/diary tool written in Qt/C++. It works in conjunction with MySQL to allow the user to create journal databases locally or on a remote server. RoboJournal emphasizes streamlined, practical design plus ease-of-use. . RoboJournal runs on Windows and Linux. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de documentación Package: rocs Description-md5: 4630339f2ebf0d533f4893ee0b27c1bd Description-gl: IDE de teorÃa de grafos Rocs pretende ser un IDE de teorÃa de grafos para axudar os docentes a mostrar os resultados dun algoritmo de grafo e tamén para axudar o alumnado a realizar os algoritmos. . Rocs ten un módulo para scripts feito en Qt Script que interactgúa co grafo debuxado e cada cambio no grafo co script refÃctese no grafo feito. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: roffit Description-md5: 6c70fe6d48d97df873bd775cbda1bf3a Description-gl: Converta páxinas de manual de nroff a HTML Read nroff formatted manual page from standard input and convert it to HTML. Options -mandir and --hrefdir can generate cross-manpage links. URLs are converted to <a href> links. Package: roger-router Description-md5: 9bb0ac2636b14376c6bd383ecc97b549 Description-gl: Home router management tool - GUI Journal, Fax-Software and Call-Monitor for AVM FRITZ!Box or compatible routers. The following features are supported through plugins: . * Vixiante de chamadas, diario e caderno de enderezos * Empregar o sistema como teléfono por software ou posibilidade de marcar * Transferencia de faxes con integración con CUPS. * Importar cadernos de enderezos de Fritz!Box, Evolution e Thunderbird * icona de estado e mensaxes de notificación emerxentes . A predecessor to the program was formerly called FRITZ!Box Fun (ffgtk). This is the GUI version of the program including plugins. Package: rosegarden Description-md5: 5c65f29c7ed569642ec74021c668bc22 Description-gl: Editor de música e secuenciador de MIDI/son O Rosegarden é un aplicativo en Qt que fornece un secuenciador mixto de son/MIDI (para reprodución e gravación), un editor multi-pista, edición musical utilizando tanto pianola como partitura, entrada e saÃda de ficheiros MIDI, exportación a ficheiros lilypond e Csound, etc. Package: routeplanner Description-md5: 580ca73138b5ee2c5ec1618f4ea3228a Description-gl: A highway trip planner This is a highway trip planning program, similar to programs like Rand McNally's "TripMaker." It allows you to plan road trips between two or more locations, using various interchangeable map files (or databases). . Currently, the program includes two databases covering North America; one is fairly simplistic, and one is quite detailed. You can also create new databases with the editor in the routeplanner-gnome package. . For retrocomputing nuts, this program traces its lineage back to a 1980s program called "RoadRoute" written by Jim Butterfield for the Amiga. AFAIK all of the code has been rewritten, but the Basic-USA database included here is Jim's original dataset. . The package includes two console-based interfaces; for the GNOME interface and the editor, you should install routeplanner-gnome as well. . Páxina web: Package: routeplanner-gnome Description-md5: 5ab5cb0d015e3616527ce51468c1f346 Description-gl: A highway trip planner (GNOME interface) This is a highway trip planning program, similar to programs like Rand McNally's "TripMaker." It allows you to plan road trips between two or more locations, using various interchangeable map files (or databases). . Currently, the program includes two databases covering North America; one is fairly simplistic, and one is quite detailed. You can also create new databases with the included editor. . For retrocomputing nuts, this program traces its lineage back to a 1980s program called "RoadRoute" written by Jim Butterfield for the Amiga. AFAIK all of the code has been rewritten, but the Basic-USA database included here is Jim's original dataset. . This package includes the GNOME interface and the database editor (which also requires GNOME). . Páxina web: Package: routino Description-md5: fe6b12474f376c01dedd2616bd05dd79 Description-gl: Set of tools to find a path between two points Routino é un aplicativo para atopar unha ruta entre dous puntos empregando o conxunto de datos de información topográfica reunido por OpenStreetMap Package: routino-common Description-md5: 9d50524c2c1159dfdc518414757c990e Description-gl: Routino data Routino é un aplicativo para atopar unha ruta entre dous puntos empregando o conxunto de datos de información topográfica reunido por OpenStreetMap . This package provides the common data for Routino. Package: routino-dbg Description-md5: d68a4263d4cdedcff6d4a005bdd0d44a Description-gl: Debug symbols for Routino Routino é un aplicativo para atopar unha ruta entre dous puntos empregando o conxunto de datos de información topográfica reunido por OpenStreetMap . This package provides debug symbols for libroutino. Package: routino-www Description-md5: c029b2eade196448e4949804939ad231 Description-gl: Interface web para routino Routino é un aplicativo para atopar unha ruta entre dous puntos empregando o conxunto de datos de información topográfica reunido por OpenStreetMap . Esta é a interface web do encamiñador. Package: rplay-client Description-md5: db7ea6eb5275fde4a4d72b177aed633a Description-gl: Sistema de son pola rede rplay - clientes básicos This package contains the basic rplay clients (rplay, rptp). The clients are used to play sounds on the local host or remote systems. . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: rplay-contrib Description-md5: e208080f5881c3e1317c1b6db4b8f117 Description-gl: Sistema de son pola rede rplay - binarios achegados Contains mailsounds and Mailsounds each of which can be used to play sounds on a system when new mail arrives. . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: rplay-server Description-md5: a837446457cb0780b41fbeb313d2f3a6 Description-gl: Sistema de son pola rede rplay - servidor This package contains the rplay server. The rplay server allows sounds to be played on the system. . RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix systems. Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the network using either UDP or TCP/IP. RPlay audio servers can be configured to share sound files with each other. . Support for RPlay is included in several applications. These include xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm. Package: rpm Description-md5: b637dea69233214122f83668b1ac634e Description-gl: package manager for RPM O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . On Debian and derived systems it is recommended to use "alien" to convert RPM packages into .deb format instead of bypassing the Debian package management system by installing them directly with rpm. Package: rpm-common Description-md5: 281a776fb3c0b33e3fa2befccc935f42 Description-gl: common files for RPM O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This package contains some scripts and default configuration which is used by RPM libraries. Package: rpm-i18n Description-md5: 38f72444aa854dc7f3f657c4be38e842 Description-gl: localization and localized man pages for rpm O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This package contains localization of rpm and localized man pages. Package: rpm2cpio Description-md5: 40ab460ae975fb68939c5b31c0e7dc8e Description-gl: tool to convert RPM package to CPIO archive O Xestor de Paquetes RPM (RPM) é un sistema de xestión de paquetes para a liña de ordes capaz de instalar, desinstalar, comprobar, consultar e actualizar paquetes de software no computador. . This package contains tool to convert RPM packages to standard CPIO archive. Package: rrdcollect-dbg Description-md5: 1aea791f716f4cc9ef3a5047d6cd205e Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do rrdcollect Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do RRDcollect, o daemon que obtén datos de determinadas fontes en base de datos RRD. Package: rsbac-admin Description-md5: 4648da025b33d9606d7bdaef09a65465 Description-gl: Rule Set Based Access Control administrative utilities RSBAC (Control de acceso baseado en conxuntos de regras) é un parche do kernel que engade varios modelos de acceso obrigatorios ao kernel Linux. Este modelos poden ser empregados para mellorar a seguranza dun sistema Linux. . The rsbac-admin utilities provide a way to set security properties for these modules. You need these utilities to be able to use these advanced security functions. Package: rsbac-doc Description-md5: 94825e9136774861e544fe3b06f18b5c Description-gl: Documentación de RSBAC RSBAC (Control de acceso baseado en conxuntos de regras) é un parche do kernel que engade varios modelos de acceso obrigatorios ao kernel Linux. Este modelos poden ser empregados para mellorar a seguranza dun sistema Linux. . This package contains RSBAC documentation. Package: rsbac-klogd Description-md5: d8b710180cb8b8dd472231f5099fa186 Description-gl: Rexistro de mensaxes de RSBAC RSBAC (Control de acceso baseado en conxuntos de regras) é un parche do kernel que engade varios modelos de acceso obrigatorios ao kernel Linux. Este modelos poden ser empregados para mellorar a seguranza dun sistema Linux. . This package contains the RSBAC messages logger Package: rss2email Description-md5: 657c015717dd2608972773cde5e54408 Description-gl: Reciba fontes de RSS por correo electrónico rss2email is a simple program which you can run in your crontab. It watches RSS (or Atom) feeds and sends you a nicely formatted email message for each new item. Package: rubberband-cli Description-md5: eb326470184a9760dba8bff622c2120c Description-gl: audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting utility Rubber Band é unha biblioteca e programa de utilidade que permite cambiar o tempo e a altura dunha gravación de son independentemente un do outro. . This package contains a command-line utility that can be used to exploit Rubber Band's capabilities. Package: rubberband-ladspa Description-md5: e62b4133e8c3e937e919e8f063aecbb1 Description-gl: LADSPA plugin for audio pitch-shifting Rubber Band é unha biblioteca e programa de utilidade que permite cambiar o tempo e a altura dunha gravación de son independentemente un do outro. . This package contains a LADSPA plugin that can change the pitch of a sound in real-time. Package: rubberband-vamp Description-md5: 7805229eee0ff008d19e713793dd4c63 Description-gl: Vamp plugins using Rubber Band Rubber Band é unha biblioteca e programa de utilidade que permite cambiar o tempo e a altura dunha gravación de son independentemente un do outro. . This package contains the following Vamp plugins: . * increments (Output Increments): Output time increment for each input step . * aggregate_increments (Accumulated Output Increments): Accumulated output time increments . * divergence (Divergence from Linear): Difference between actual output time and the output time for a theoretical linear stretch . * phaseresetdf (Phase Reset Detection Function): Curve whose peaks are used to identify transients for phase reset points . * smoothedphaseresetdf (Smoothed Phase Reset Detection Function): Phase reset curve smoothed for peak picking . * phaseresetpoints (Phase Reset Points): Points estimated as transients at which phase reset occurs . * timesyncpoints (Time Sync Points): Salient points which stretcher aims to place with strictly correct timing Package: ruby-albino Description-md5: c3758ce1d00ea53f3cb1ec782af80595 Description-gl: Ruby wrapper for pygmentize Albino is a ruby wrapper for python-pygmentize. . O Pygments pretende ser un realzador sintáctico xenérico para un uso xeral en todo tipo de software, como nos sistemas de foros, wikis ou outros aplicativos que precisen mostrar un código fonte xeitoso. Package: ruby-bson-ext Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ruby-coderay Description-md5: 6a1b8a7df1ec39af6cefc22d55164494 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para realzar a sintaxe CodeRay is a Ruby library that can scan an input file or text in a web page and encode it as syntax highlighted HTML output. . CodeRay supports many input languages including: C, C++, CSS, Delphi, diff, Groovy, HTML, RHTML (Erb+HTML), Nitro-XHTML, Java, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL and YAML. . CodeRay can output to HTML, JSON, XML, Yaml. Package: ruby-columnize Description-md5: 5b05c176d6efdc9e7e5c0ab3b53756d3 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para formatar matrices como cadeas de columnas aliñadas In showing a long lists, sometimes one would prefer to see the value arranged aligned in columns. Some examples include listing methods of an object or debugger commands. This Ruby library helps in aligning so. . See Examples in the rdoc documentation for examples. Package: ruby-crack Description-md5: 0580eabc862704f4ffe636579ebe2d50 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para analizar XML e JSON Crack is a really simple JSON and XML parsing Ruby library. . XML parser is ripped from Merb and the JSON parser is ripped from Rails. Just packaged them for all to enjoy and easily use. Package: ruby-cri-doc Description-md5: b7716ba0a5b134630f74de00cdc11a11 Description-gl: library for building easy-to-use commandline tools - documentation Cri is a tool to create easy-to-use commandline interfaces in Ruby with support for subcommands. The central concept in Cri is the command, which has option definitions as well as code for actually executing itself. . Este paquete contén a documentación desta biblioteca. Package: ruby-debian Description-md5: 981b9f96e474966d2cfa46834a23612b Description-gl: Interface en ruby para dpkg This package provides Debian::Dpkg and Debian::DpkgDeb modules and Debian::Deb, Debian::Dsc, Debian::Archives, Debian::Sources, Debian::Packages and Debian::Status classes for ruby. . It also provides two scripts, dpkg-ruby (a dpkg-awk clone) and dpkg- checkdeps (a utility to check for deb dependency problems). Package: ruby-distribution Description-md5: 0982a9a9e0b95daa604067646cbb0687 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para traballar con distribucións de probabilidade This Ruby library allows one to generate random variable with a given probability distribution, or evaluate classical probability distributions. . The probability distributions currently implemented include: Normal univariate and bivariate, T, F, Chi Square, Binomial, Hypergeometric, Exponential, Poisson, Beta, LogNormal and Gamma. . If available, the library will use Ruby/GSL (from ruby-gsl package) for better performance. Package: ruby-ecasound Description-md5: c63c542f9b89193645497e84f6f99e1d Description-gl: Gravadora de son e procesador de efectos con capacidade para varias pistas (asociacións con ruby) Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. . Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. . This package provides ecasound's Ruby bindings. Package: ruby-equalizer Description-md5: d66483954927059e4301c2631707379a Description-gl: Ruby module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods Define equality, equivalency and hash methods automatically. When you create an equalizer object you can use all these methods automatically. . Vexa /usr/share7doc/ruby-equalizer/ para un exemplo completo. Package: ruby-execjs Description-md5: be9f0afe115e586be364c95037c6944e Description-gl: Execute código en JavaScript desde Ruby ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby. It can use several different JavaScript runtimes.. . This package is used by others (e.g. ruby-uglifier and ruby-coffee-script) to run code written in JavaScript. Package: ruby-exif Description-md5: 43b14777dbb04f1868f25309a6449339 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para analizar etiquetas de EXIF ruby-exif is a library for parsing, editing, and saving EXIF data. You can retrieve useful information from EXIF tags contained in images created by recording equipments(for example, digital camera). . ruby-exif provides a simple interface to this library. Package: ruby-expression-parser-doc Description-md5: 4a232ab042aac7371ef64dbcf1cbbdfb Description-gl: mathematical expression parser for Ruby (documentation) Implementation of a parser for mathematical expressions. Introducing the Parser class which parses raw string input and gives mathematical objects as output. . Inspired by . . Este paquete contén a documentación de ruby-expression-parser. Package: ruby-feedparser Description-md5: e2606090a5da9cfaf6cdcd77ef8a6e48 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para analizar fontes ATOM/RSS Ruby-feedparser é unha biblioteca que permite que os desenvolvedores de Ruby analicen fontes RSS e ATOM. Package: ruby-gelf Description-md5: 49f46cebcb8da945ae6585a238ff994d Description-gl: Ruby GELF library - Graylog2 Extended Log Format library for Ruby Library to send Graylog2 Extended Log Format (GELF) messages to an Graylog2 logging server. Supports plain-text, GELF messages and exceptions. . Consulte para máis información sobre o Graylog2. Package: ruby-gnuplot Description-md5: 6a5580ddf8e44af013c95db35e6ab640 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para interactuar con gnuplot Gnuplot is a program that has a rich language for the generation of plots. Ruby Gnuplot implements a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to control gnuplot from Ruby scripts. Package: ruby-grit-ext Description-md5: 963af7dc8e3ffc88118229b7a118471a Description-gl: Extensión de compatibilidade con UTF-8 para grit This package extends ruby-grit with utf-8 support. Package: ruby-gruff Description-md5: 129e4d0d51a1fd21a400723492d497d4 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para crear gráficas bonitas a partir de un ou de varios coxuntos de datos This Ruby library can generate beautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets to be included in websites or in documents. The library can be used alone or with Ruby on Rails. Package: ruby-hmac Description-md5: 0091391c46e3a713d6a8c5d3e724918a Description-gl: Interface en Ruby para o algoritmo HMAC This module provides common interface to HMAC functionality. HMAC is a kind of "Message Authentication Code" (MAC) algorithm whose standard is documented in RFC2104. Namely, a MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored in an unreliable medium, based on a secret key. Package: ruby-htmlentities Description-md5: ddda05a48d60a389be8922e56a741f81 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para manipular entidades de HTML HTMLEntities is a simple library to facilitate encoding and decoding of named (ý and so on) or numerical ({ or Ī) entities in HTML and XHTML documents. Package: ruby-http-accept-language Description-md5: 9a1ed4d181c79627651f76d7aded6e1b Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby que averigua cal é a configuración xeográfica preferida polo usuario This ruby library reads the language user specified in their browser and returns the language in an array. This package will be useful in cases where the locale should be selected depending on the user's locale settings automatically. . Features * Splits the http-header into languages specified by the user * Returns empty array if header is malformed. * Corrects case to xx-XX * Sorted by priority given, as much as possible. * Gives you the most important language * Gives compatible languages Package: ruby-http-connection Description-md5: 2e694f5517ce3b1765d46e53ef48736f Description-gl: HTTP helper library for Ruby Rightscale::HttpConnection é unha biblioteca de HTTP/S robusta. Implementa un algoritmo de reintentos para os erros de rede de baixo nivel. . Features: - provides put/get streaming - does configurable retries on connect and read timeouts, DNS failures, etc. - HTTPS certificate checking Package: ruby-http-cookie Description-md5: 16cac6ab303c54c40bedc64ae3023afc Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para manipular cookies de HTTP baseadas en RFC 6265 HTTP::Cookie is a Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265. It has with security, standards compliance and compatibility in mind, to behave just the same as today's major web browsers. It has builtin support for the legacy cookies.txt and the latest cookies.sqlite formats of Mozilla Firefox, and its modular API makes it easy to add support for a new backend store. Package: ruby-httpauth Description-md5: 2151e805dca17d197034db9a122c92c7 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para o protocolo de autenticación de HTTP (RFC 2617) HTTPauth is a library supporting the full HTTP Authentication protocol as specified in RFC 2617; both Digest Authentication and Basic Authentication. . HTTPAuth is built to be completely agnostic of the HTTP implementation. If you have access to your webserver's headers you can use this library to implement authentication. Package: ruby-ipaddress Description-md5: fac091249a3f268cd09388d82522fb99 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para manipular enderezos de IPvr/IPv6 IPAddress is a Ruby library designed to make manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses both powerful and simple. It maintains a layer of compatibility with Ruby's own IPAddr, while addressing many of its issues. Package: ruby-libprelude Description-md5: 6e9b26d7dc5d3fa04931de1895f3352e Description-gl: Security Information Management System [ Ruby bindings ] Prelude é un sistema de «Xestión de información de seguranza» universal. Os seus obxectivos son o desempeño e a modularidade. DivÃdese en dúas partes principais: - Os sensores de Prelude, responsábeis de xeraren alertas, como de sensor de snort, que conta cun motor de sinaturas, engadidos para o análise de protocolos e engadidos para a detección de intrusións, asà como o lacaio de vixilancia de rexistros de Prelude. - O servidor de informes de Prelude, que recolle datos dos sensores de Prelude, e xera informes lexÃbeis polos usuarios. . This package contains the ruby bindings for Prelude. Package: ruby-minimization Description-md5: 402e25133128a469d7434fb170e5ec5d Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby que fornece algoritmos de minimización This library provides pure Ruby implementation of some unidimensional minimization algorithms: the Newton-Raphson method, the golden section search, and Brent minimization algorithm. Package: ruby-mizuho Description-md5: 71101684ee86f4e1c8c7ddb2fccf3bb3 Description-gl: Ferramenta para formatar documentación Mizuho is a documentation formatting tool, best suited for small to medium-sized documentation. Mizuho converts Asciidoc input files into nicely outputted HTML, possibly one file per chapter. Multiple templates are supported, so you can write your own. Package: ruby-mp3tag Description-md5: ba5c845d836bc791439b259138f82fb2 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para manipular etiquetas ID3V1.1 en MP3 mp3tag.rb is a ruby class to read ID3v1.0 an ID3v1.1, and write ID3v1.1 tags in MP3 files. These tags save meta information about the music piece such song name, artist, album, genre, track number and a comment. Package: ruby-msgpack Description-md5: 474edfed036cd285dcb54ad2f766082e Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para MessagePack ruby-msgpack is Ruby library for MessagePack, a binary-based efficient object serialization. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small. Package: ruby-net-ssh-multi Description-md5: d96b3c9d2ae5eda0935025fa062337a5 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para crear varias conexións mediante SSH con sistemas remotos Net::SSH::Multi is a library for controlling multiple Net::SSH connections via a single interface. It exposes an API similar to that of Net::SSH::Connection::Session and Net::SSH::Connection::Channel, making it simpler to adapt programs designed for single connections to be used with multiple connections. . This library is particularly useful for automating repetitive tasks that must be performed on multiple machines. It executes the commands in parallel, and allows commands to be executed on subsets of servers (defined by groups). Package: ruby-netcdf Description-md5: 5dda80abccdd7cdbe0569336d5f4bd6a Description-gl: Interface en Ruby da biblioteca netCDF RubyNetCDF is a Ruby interface of netCDF library built on the NArray library, which is an efficient multi-dimensional numeric array class for Ruby. Package: ruby-openid Description-md5: 637d25746042fcf87e32b3f62adfbf62 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para comprobar e servir identidades de OpenID Ruby OpenID makes it easy to add OpenID authentication to your web applications. This library is a port of the Python OpenID library, and features: . * API for verifying OpenID identities (OpenID::Consumer) * API for serving OpenID identities (OpenID::Server) * Consumer and server support for extensions, including simple registration * Yadis 1.0 and OpenID 1.0 service discovery, including server fallback * Does not depend on underlying web framework * Multiple storage implementations (Filesystem, SQL) * Comprehensive test suite * Example code to help you get started, including: - WEBrick based consumer - Ruby on rails based server - OpenIDLoginGenerator for quickly creating a rails app that uses OpenID for authentication - ActiveRecord adapter for using an SQL store in rails Package: ruby-passenger Description-md5: 2f5d491755cdbc674c0341cb5c81e9d0 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for passenger Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ruby-password Description-md5: 29d7ffb0ecf8a7a3ef72ab893bdb7b53 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para manipular contrasinais This package is a suite of password handling methods. Specifically, it handles manual entry of passwords from the keyboard in both buffered and unbuffered modes, password strength checking, random password generation, phonemic password generation, and encryption of passwords. . The common CrackLib library is used to perform password strength checking. Package: ruby-poppler Description-md5: 096d6496eb63e71d5e80e21759d8dfe5 Description-gl: Ruby bindings for the libpoppler-glib library Poppler é unha biblioteca de renderizado de PDF baseada no visor de PDF xpdf. Este paquete contén asociacións con Ruby para Poppler. Package: ruby-remcached Description-md5: 67446d10c2a8108c4fcb31f409ed60d7 Description-gl: Ruby EventMachine memcached client Ruby EventMachine memCACHED client implementation . Provides a direct interface to the memcached protocol and its semantics . Uses the memcached `binary protocol`_ to reduce parsing overhead on the server side (requires memcached >= 1.3) . Supports multiple servers with simple round-robin key hashing in a fault- tolerant way . Recoméndaselle que escriba a súa propia capa de abstracción . Uses RSpec . Partially documented in RDoc-style Package: ruby-rinku-doc Description-md5: 4dade0377c1c5b30c2ef9beabf5753bc Description-gl: autolinker for Ruby (documentation) Rinku is a Ruby library that does autolinking. . It parses text and turns anything that remotely resembles a link into an HTML link, just like the Ruby on Rails `auto_link` method -- but it's about 20 times faster, because it's written in C, and it's about 20 times smarter when linking, because it does actual parsing instead of RegEx replacements. . Este paquete contén a documentación de ruby-rinku. Package: ruby-rmagick-doc Description-md5: 0ce2581c0fbd70d22e3556e5bfc3d594 Description-gl: ImageMagick API for Ruby (documentation) RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming language and the ImageMagick image processing library. . Este paquete contén a documentación e algúns scripts de exemplo. Package: ruby-romkan Description-md5: 26fcd312f95e9c798f1e6703782450d9 Description-gl: Biblioteca de conversión Romaji <-> Kana para Ruby Ruby/Romkan é unha biblioteca de conversión Romaji <-> Kana para Ruby. Pode converter unha cadea en xaponés en romanji a unha cadea en kana ou viceversa. Package: ruby-rqrcode Description-md5: a7c3e3643bbf5785f215a555eaafa9b8 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para codificar códigos QRCode (códigos de barras en 2D) rQRCode is a standalone, pure-Ruby library for generating QRCodes (2D barcodes). The simple interface allows you to create QR Code data structures ready to be displayed in the way you choose. Package: ruby-rt Description-md5: e7c24d57672032055a5638cecd7a212b Description-gl: Biblioteca RTTool para Ruby RT is simple human-readble table format. RTtool is a converter form RT into various formats. RTtool is one of frontends of formatter for RT. . You can embed RT into Ruby script, and RD documents. . This package contains a library which is used by RTTool. Package: ruby-rubymail-doc Description-md5: fc19fc79cdd73b94a98954fdbceaeed3 Description-gl: MIME mail parsing and generation library (documentation) RMail is a lightweight mail library containing various utility classes and modules that allow ruby scripts to parse, modify, and generate MIME mail messages. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: ruby-rubytorrent Description-md5: e66ce9f2e8571499ff298d4f70f99e0a Description-gl: Biblioteca de BitTorrent en Ruby BitTorrent é un protocolo para compartir entre pares empregado para distribuÃr cantidades de datos grandes pola Internet. . RubyTorrent is a pure-Ruby BitTorrent peer library and toolset. You can use it to download or serve files over BitTorrent from any Ruby program. Package: ruby-settingslogic-doc Description-md5: 9059ff6de8d6685872ea36cf03d62a38 Description-gl: simple settings solution for Ruby (documentation) A simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a singleton design pattern. . The settings are accessible from the application by subclassing Settingslogic and then accessing setting attributes from this subclass. . Este paquete contén a documentación de ruby-settingslogic. Package: ruby-simple-captcha2 Description-md5: fb300520a72f6326a611d9d0419a47bd Description-gl: simplest and a robust captcha plugin for rails Available with Rails 3 + 4 or above provides backward compatibility. This is a fork of the popular Rubygem ``simple_captcha`` which got abandoned. . Funcionalidades . * Zero FileSystem usage (secret code moved to db-store and image storage removed). * Provides various image styles. * Provides three level of complexity of images. * Works absolutely fine in distributed environment(session and db based implementation works fine in distributed environment). * Implementation is as easy as just writing a single line in your view. ```<%= show_simple_captcha %>``` within the 'form' tags. * Flexible DOM and CSS handling(There is a separate view partial for rendering SimpleCaptcha DOM elements). * Automated removal of 1 hour old unmatched simple_captcha data. Package: ruby-spreadsheet Description-md5: 2e33090d84e59000134cf02c75814fcb Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para manipular follas de cálculo de MS Excel (.xls) This module provides a pure-Ruby implementation of a spreadsheet manipulation library, allowing for creating, reading and modifying files in the Microsoft Excel (.xls) format. Package: ruby-standalone Description-md5: 0039a0b94819f47317d0c92633414921 Description-gl: Ruby interpreter that won't integrate with Debian packages Ruby é a linguaxe de scripts interpretada para unha programación orientada a obxectos fácil. Ten moitas funcionalidades para procesar ficheiros de texto e para realizar tarefas de mantemento do sistema (como en Perl). É sinxela, directa e extensÃbel. . This package provides a Ruby interpreter without providing support for other Debian-provided Ruby packages, i.e. it won't use any code from Debian packages that provide Ruby libraries, Rubygems won't recognize libraries installed with Debian packages etc. . This package is mostly useful for server deployments or development environments where one wants or needs to obtain the Ruby interpreter from Debian (and thus benefit from having security updates, not having to build from source, obtaining pre-built binaries from a trusted source etc.), but install everything else from sources external to Debian such as . No official Debian Ruby packages, application or library, should depend on this package. Package: ruby-term-ansicolor Description-md5: c4fac8004d693e5331c3f399bac5f9c6 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby que cora cadeas empregando secuencias de escape de ANSI Small Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences. It's possible to use constants or unary functions. Block-forms also autoreset at the block's end. It's also possible to use this module as a mixin for classes of objects that respond to :to_str, e.g. String. . This package is part of the Ruby library extras, a supplement to Ruby's standard library. Package: ruby-text-format Description-md5: c279133fdc1c70f6d74651b946ec7745 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para formatar texto Text::Format is provides the ability to nicely format fixed-width text with knowledge of the writable space (number of columns), margins, and indentation settings. Text::Format can work with either TeX::Hyphen or Text::Hyphen to hyphenate words when formatting. Package: ruby-tioga Description-md5: bb68dd87dc1f67a0f650aaa50d2d0e1e Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para gráficas cientÃficas Tioga is a blend of PDF, pdfTex and ruby into a library to make scientific graphs of high quality. It is fairly complete and extensive, and comes with examples and (online) complete documentation. . Tioga is useful for scripting the generation of graphs, and comes with a configuration file for irb for interactive plotting of pictures. . A PDF viewer is strongly recommended if you want to make use of the tioga script, a wrapper around some of the library functionalities. Package: ruby-tioga-doc Description-md5: 0747d3b514d6cd4b02fd2f1a76c6c61a Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para gráficas cientÃficas Tioga is a blend of PDF, pdfTex and ruby into a library to make scientific graphs of high quality. It is fairly complete and extensive, and comes with examples and (online) complete documentation. . Tioga is useful for scripting the generation of graphs, and comes with a configuration file for irb for interactive plotting of pictures. . This package provides the rdoc documentation generated from tioga's source. It includes a complete API reference and a fairly extensive tutorial. Package: ruby-webmock Description-md5: 83ffa69d71660251c94341505328406f Description-gl: library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests. . Funcionalidades . * Stubbing HTTP requests at low http client lib level (no need to change tests when you change HTTP library). * Setting and verifying expectations on HTTP requests. * Matching requests based on method, URI, headers and body. * Smart matching of the same URIs in different representations (also encoded and non encoded forms). * Smart matching of the same headers in different representations. Package: ruby-xpath Description-md5: ddf3d52b5894d66d869ddcb4d4173675 Description-gl: Biblioteca en Ruby para xerar expresións de XPath XPath is a Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions. Its primary purpose is to facilitate writing complex XPath queries from Ruby code. Package: ruby2.3-tcltk Description-md5: 6579ba99f296012db058f8e23db1c8c6 Description-gl: Ruby/Tk for Ruby 2.3 Ruby é a linguaxe de scripts interpretada para unha programación orientada a obxectos fácil. Ten moitas funcionalidades para procesar ficheiros de texto e para realizar tarefas de mantemento do sistema (como en Perl). É sinxela, directa e extensÃbel. . This package provides Ruby/Tk, Ruby bindings for the Tk graphical user interface toolkit. Package: ruby2.5 Description-md5: 3c4fdd4d9f88f90ee6945e76047fabda Description-gl: Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby Ruby é a linguaxe de scripts interpretada para unha programación orientada a obxectos fácil. Ten moitas funcionalidades para procesar ficheiros de texto e para realizar tarefas de mantemento do sistema (como en Perl). É sinxela, directa e extensÃbel. . In the name of this package, `2.5' indicates the Ruby library compatibility version. This package currently provides the `2.5.x' branch of Ruby. Package: ruby2.5-dev Description-md5: 6a77c26d865f206a73dd4781f13355c8 Description-gl: Header files for compiling extension modules for the Ruby 2.5 Ruby é a linguaxe de scripts interpretada para unha programación orientada a obxectos fácil. Ten moitas funcionalidades para procesar ficheiros de texto e para realizar tarefas de mantemento do sistema (como en Perl). É sinxela, directa e extensÃbel. . This package contains the header files and the mkmf library, necessary to make extension library for Ruby 2.5. It is also required to build many gems. Package: ruby2.5-doc Description-md5: faa41c827da5a20140c0744ea3305d2e Description-gl: Documentation for Ruby 2.5 Ruby é a linguaxe de scripts interpretada para unha programación orientada a obxectos fácil. Ten moitas funcionalidades para procesar ficheiros de texto e para realizar tarefas de mantemento do sistema (como en Perl). É sinxela, directa e extensÃbel. . This package contains the autogenerated documentation for Ruby 2.5. Package: rusers Description-md5: ef4c83dccf73e6cde13512dd49329d96 Description-gl: Mostra quen accedeu ás máquinas da rede local The rusers command produces output similar to who, but for the list of hosts or all machines on the local network. For each host responding to the rusers query, the hostname with the names of the users currently logged on is printed on each line. The rusers command will wait for one minute to catch late responders. Package: rxvt-unicode-ml Description-md5: 8ed3168c7ff809b9956354205adb805c Description-gl: multi-lingual terminal emulator -- transitional package Este é un paquete transitorio que depende de rxvt-unicode. Anteriormente algunhas funcionalidades estaban desactivadas no paquete normal porque usaban máis memoria mesmo cando non se usaban e xa non se dá esta situación. Todas as funcionalidades que antes só se activaban neste paquete están dispoñÃbeis agora en rxvt-unicode. Package: s3d-data Description-md5: c84fa931ea31691a25bc876b279e3911 Description-gl: 3d network display server data files s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: s3d-doc Description-md5: 54b66bd159f86c4179217ea2a6e5440f Description-gl: Documentación de s3d s3d is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop environment. . This package provides documentation for s3d. Package: s3ql-dbg Description-md5: 432a8d9c2a4867ce8e10c9b73173d9ee Description-gl: Full-featured file system for online data storage (debugging symbols) S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3 or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access. . S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression, encryption, data de- duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival. . In addition to accessing online storage services directoly, S3QL can also store its data underneath a regular mount point. This enables the use of S3QL with e.g. NFS, CIFS or sftp servers. . S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance and feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error handling have been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes with extensive automated test cases. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración, asà mo a extensión construÃda para o intérprete de depuración de Python 3. Package: sabily-gdm-themes Description-md5: 56f6c172472429cbbc8f5505c9375a56 Description-gl: Temas de Sabily para GDM The default GDM themes for Sabily. At the moment the package contains: * HumanME * Sabily-green * Shahada Package: sabily-grub-artwork Description-md5: 58e4da5ab862dac8573ab69ae8dcb73c Description-gl: Gráficos de Sabily para GRUB2 Sabily é unha distribución de Linux baseada en Ubuntu. Inclúe software islámico (ferramenta para as horas de rezo, ferramenta de estudo do Quran, calendario Hijri, etcv.) e ten un deseño personalizado. . This package contains Sabily artwork used by GRUB2 bootloader. Package: sabily-themes Description-md5: 5c74ae4437c39748aea02a57511ff2cf Description-gl: Temas de Sabily The default HumanME theme. At the moment the package contains: * The theme definitions * Metacity theme elements * The icon theme * green-human and HumanME GTK+ themes * Animated cursor themes . Package: sabily-xsplash-artwork Description-md5: 45465e834169833eb3883f90ed52638b Description-gl: Gráficos de Sabily para xsplash Sabily artwork used by xsplash, a userspace application that uses the X interface to draw a splash screen at boot. Package: sagasu Description-md5: cd3422f5dc9f6ee330e8324234a26750 Description-gl: Ferramenta GNOME para encontrar cadeas nun conxunto de ficheiros The user specifies the search directory and the set of files to be searched. Double-clicking on a search result launches a user command that can for example load the file in an editor at the appropriate line. The search can optionally ignore CVS directories. Package: sahara-common Description-md5: 4f372deb7e7a306db444ad0a666d4157 Description-gl: OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - common files The Sahara project provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application cluster (Hadoop or Spark) on top of OpenStack. It's the ex Savanna project, renamed due to potential trademark issues. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns. Package: sahara-doc Description-md5: b7a994cf63d66faed880f2ae23bc98a0 Description-gl: OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - doc The Sahara project provides a simple means to provision a data-intensive application cluster (Hadoop or Spark) on top of OpenStack. It's the ex Savanna project, renamed due to potential trademark issues. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: salt-cloud Description-md5: 78a37268987e4d4b516bbe44a2564b5d Description-gl: public cloud VM management system Salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of servers. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Salt Cloud is built-in to Salt to provision systems on cloud hosts or hypervisors and immediately bring them under management. Package: salt-common Description-md5: aaa76a7bda4c75e02b81764c1dc6e91a Description-gl: shared libraries that salt requires for all packages salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of servers. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Between the remote execution system, and state management Salt addresses the backbone of cloud and data center management. . This particular package provides shared libraries that salt-master, salt- minion, and salt-syndic require to function. Package: salt-doc Description-md5: 7d19bf6d88f8c69582f8c863b3fa6e5b Description-gl: additional documentation for salt, the distributed remote execution system salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of servers. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Between the remote execution system, and state management Salt addresses the backbone of cloud and data center management. . This particular package provides the HTML documentation for salt. Package: salt-master Description-md5: 36e948d6f2dba9c67d0fe58bcec6ff6a Description-gl: remote manager to administer servers via salt salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of servers. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Between the remote execution system, and state management Salt addresses the backbone of cloud and data center management. . This particular package provides the salt controller. Package: salt-minion Description-md5: 68cd9e3bef3cabf85260509cdfa84a15 Description-gl: client package for salt, the distributed remote execution system salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of servers. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Between the remote execution system, and state management Salt addresses the backbone of cloud and data center management. . This particular package provides the worker / agent for salt. Package: salt-proxy Description-md5: 603fe3168424ea7b456348e1a2587e6d Description-gl: Proxy client package for salt stack Proxy minion allows a remote manager to administer devices that are unable to run a minion. salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of devices. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Between the remote execution system, and state management Salt addresses the backbone of cloud and data center management. . This particular package provides the salt proxy minion. It is able to run salt modules and states on remote hosts via a proxy which transmits appropriate commands to devices and replies with the results of said commands. Package: salt-ssh Description-md5: 5116dab059f40916bcc42ffca6277b30 Description-gl: remote manager to administer servers via Salt SSH salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of servers. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Between the remote execution system, and state management Salt addresses the backbone of cloud and data center management. . This particular package provides the salt ssh controller. It is able to run salt modules and states on remote hosts via ssh. No minion or other salt specific software needs to be installed on the remote host. Package: salt-syndic Description-md5: 253fda91ad04c2d3fc17e6bbed68f34b Description-gl: master-of-masters for salt, the distributed remote execution system salt is a powerful remote execution manager that can be used to administer servers in a fast and efficient way. . It allows commands to be executed across large groups of servers. This means systems can be easily managed, but data can also be easily gathered. Quick introspection into running systems becomes a reality. . A execución remoto normalmente emprégase para configurar un estado determinado nun sistema remoto. Salt enfróntase a este problema tamén; o sistema de estado de salt emprega ficheiros de estado de salt para definir o estado no que debe estar un servidor. . Between the remote execution system, and state management Salt addresses the backbone of cloud and data center management. . This particular package provides the master of masters for salt - it enables the management of multiple masters at a time. Package: samba-testsuite Description-md5: 9909252a54b8d1689d0ad0af3791b792 Description-gl: test suite from Samba O Samba é unha implementación do protocolo SMB/CIFS para os sistemas Unix que fornece compatibilidade para a compartición de ficheiros e impresoras entre plataformas con sistemas Windows da Microsoft, OS X e outros sistemas Unix. O Samba tamén pode funcionar como controlador de dominios estilo NT4 e pódese integrar nos dominios de NT4 e nos reinos de Active Directory como servidor membro. . This package contains programs for testing the reliability and speed of SMB servers, Samba in particular. Package: samhain Description-md5: 65363c52058ed227a4243369ac75989d Description-gl: Sistema de alertas de integridade de datos e intrusións Samhain is an integrity checker and host intrusion detection system that can be used on single hosts as well as large, UNIX-based networks. It supports central monitoring as well as powerful (and new) stealth features to run undetected on memory using steganography. . Main features * Complete integrity check + uses cryptographic checksums of files to detect modifications, + can find rogue SUID executables anywhere on disk, and * Centralized monitoring + native support for logging to a central server via encrypted and authenticated connections * Tamper resistance + database and configuration files can be signed + logfile entries and e-mail reports are signed + support for stealth operation Package: samplerate-programs Description-md5: 55abea95880020f1d3aafbd4b20c34a5 Description-gl: Programas de exemplo que empregan libsamplerate This package contains simple example programs for resampling sound files with the libsamplerate library. . Currently, the only binary included is sndfile-resample which uses libsndfile to read and write audio files and libsamplerate to do the rate conversion. Package: sanduhr Description-md5: 6dd345c9ea2cfc6a8e206484db2aca66 Description-gl: An alarm clock designed as an hourglass Sanduhr is an alarm clock for the X Window System which uses (and requires) the GNOME desktop environment. It has an extensive manual and a complete CORBA interface. . Páxina web: Package: sane Description-md5: 2f448d14f906e21875602c8f002bcd5d Description-gl: scanner graphical frontends Este paquete inclúe: o xscanimage, unha interface gráfica para escáneres con compatibilidade co GIMP 2.0 o scanadf, unha interface para a liña de ordes para escáneres con Alimentador automático de documentos o xcam, para adquirir imaxes continuamente desde cámaras. . An alternative to xscanimage called xsane is packaged separately. . The scanner frontends use SANE. SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The SANE standard is free and its discussion and development are open to everybody. The current source code is written to support several operating systems, including GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 and various Unices and is available under the GNU General Public License (commercial applications and backends are welcome, too, however). Package: sane-dbg Description-md5: 54193be1cbfc1420c4b7a782be3b7ff2 Description-gl: scanner graphical frontends (debug symbols) Este paquete inclúe: o xscanimage, unha interface gráfica para escáneres con compatibilidade co GIMP 2.0 o scanadf, unha interface para a liña de ordes para escáneres con Alimentador automático de documentos o xcam, para adquirir imaxes continuamente desde cámaras. . An alternative to xscanimage called xsane is packaged separately. . The scanner frontends use SANE. SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an application programming interface (API) that provides standardized access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The SANE standard is free and its discussion and development are open to everybody. The current source code is written to support several operating systems, including GNU/Linux, OS/2, Win32 and various Unices and is available under the GNU General Public License (commercial applications and backends are welcome, too, however). . This package contains the debugging symbols for the SANE frontends. Package: saods9-doc Description-md5: 9033303dc0f6d2f7e4e5a685c01be4e0 Description-gl: Ferramenta de presentación de imaxes para astronomÃa (ficheiros de axuda/documentación) SAOImage DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization application. DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and colormaps. It provides for easy communication with external analysis tasks and is highly configurable and extensible via XPA and SAMP. . Este paquete contén a documentación e páxinas de axuda. Package: sasview-doc Description-md5: cb8457e5d86b221893b8755f192896f6 Description-gl: Small Angle Scattering Analysis (common documentation) SasView is a Small Angle Scattering Analysis Software Package, originally developed as part of the NSF DANSE project under the name SansView, now managed by an international collaboration of facilities. . SasView is software for the analysis of Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) data. . It fits analytic functions describing different types of material microstructure to experimental data in order to determine the shape, size and degree of ordering. . SasView also includes tools for calculating scattering length densities, slit sizes, resolution, fringe thicknesses/d-spacings, the (Porod) invariant ('total scattering'), and distance distribution functions. . Este é o paquete de documentación común. Package: sat-xmpp-core Description-md5: 48df9a9ca41296f0bc574da9c66175f9 Description-gl: Ferramenta para comunicarse e compartir baseada en xMPP Salut à Toi (núcelo) Salut à Toi (French for "hello you") is a multi-frontends, multi-purposes communication tool, based on the XMPP standard. It features: * instant messaging * microblogging * file sharing * games * group permissions (share what you want with the people you choose) * interaction with other networks (IRC, StatusNet, other XMPP networks) * email client access (use your favorite mail user agent (MUA) to communicate on the supported networks) * extensible design . This package contains Salut à Toi's core code. You should install it along with one of the frontends: Libervia (web interface), Wix (graphical interface), Primitivus (curse-based interactive console interface) or Jp (command-line interface). Package: sat-xmpp-jp Description-md5: 8998195182a3df4435439c5c7be106f5 Description-gl: Ferramenta para comunicarse e compartir baseada en xMPP Salut à Toi (interface para a liña de ordes) Salut à Toi (French for "hello you") is a multi-frontends, multi-purposes communication tool, based on the XMPP standard. It features: * instant messaging * microblogging * file sharing * games * group permissions (share what you want with the people you choose) * interaction with other networks (IRC, StatusNet, other XMPP networks) * email client access (use your favorite mail user agent (MUA) to communicate on the supported networks) * extensible design . This package contains Jp, Salut à Toi's command-line interface. Package: sat-xmpp-primitivus Description-md5: 00ba1929f4152da5bb6f982e204439c1 Description-gl: Ferramenta para comunicarse e compartir baseada en xMPP Salut à Toi (interface para a consola) Salut à Toi (French for "hello you") is a multi-frontends, multi-purposes communication tool, based on the XMPP standard. It features: * instant messaging * microblogging * file sharing * games * group permissions (share what you want with the people you choose) * interaction with other networks (IRC, StatusNet, other XMPP networks) * email client access (use your favorite mail user agent (MUA) to communicate on the supported networks) * extensible design . This package contains Primitivus, Salut à Toi's interactive console interface (curse-based). Package: savi Description-md5: e4d4620f7bb2a625397199aabecb3a25 Description-gl: Visualización de constelacións de satélites SaVi permite simular órbitas de satélites e a súa cobertura en dúas e tres dimensións. SaVi é especialmente útil para simular constelacións de satélites como Iridium e Globalstar. . SaVi can use Geomview, an optional but useful package, for 3D rendering. Package: sbackup Description-md5: b674ad2db8a923434d7daab9e56e5111 Description-gl: Suite sinxela de copias de seguranza para usar no escritorio (funcionalidade central) Simple Backup Suite comprises of backend backup script and GNOME GUI frontends that provide a simple yet powerful backup solution for common desktop users. . Backups can be written to local directories or remote servers using GIO/GVFS technology. A fine control is possible regarding what folders and files to backup. Files can be excluded even with a set of regular expressions. Regular backups can be scheduled. . This package contains the minimum set of files to create backups from the commandline. It uses GIO/GVFS for access of remote backup destinations. Package: scalable-cyrfonts-tex Description-md5: 3662fb8ffd2499fa57b79e1a227581ef Description-gl: Scalable Cyrillic fonts for TeX This package installs all needed TeX font metcic files, virtual fonts, font definitions and some style packages in order to provide TeX with the following font families: Free Times, Free Helvetian, Free Helvetian Condensed, Free Courier, Free Avant Garde, Free Paladin, Free Schoolbook, Free Bookman, Free Chancery, Teams and OldSlavic. . If you want to have these font families available to X11 and Defoma-aware applications (Ghostscript, Grace, SciGraphica) then please install the packages t1-cyrillic, t1-teams and t1-oldslavic. . Para facer que este paquete sexa funcional, lea o ficheiro /usr/share/doc /scalable-cyrfonts-tex/README.Debian. Package: scheme2c-doc Description-md5: 488c26dc4781ffde93d45ccca5ba046e Description-gl: Documentación do sistema Scheme->C The documentation that accompanies the Scheme->C system includes a programmer's guide, tutorial, and a copy of the R4RS specification. Package: scidavis Description-md5: 4ccf0b672da47937ca5f8a055dbaf1bd Description-gl: Aplicativo para a análise e visualización de datos cientÃficos SciDAVis is a free interactive application aimed at data analysis and publication-quality plotting. It combines a shallow learning curve and an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface with powerful features such as scriptability and extensibility. . SciDAVis is similar in its field of application to proprietary Windows applications like Origin and SigmaPlot as well as free applications like QtiPlot, Labplot and Gnuplot. . What sets SciDAVis apart from the above is its emphasis on providing a friendly and open environment for new and experienced users alike. Package: science-chemistry Description-md5: 9277c2851998d90846d1e6ab4e1a86b0 Description-gl: Debian Science Chemistry packages Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados co quÃmica. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::chemistry e, dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-chemistry. Package: science-electronics Description-md5: 9430b39704b7c17be3969625fdf554a8 Description-gl: Debian Science Electronics packages Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa electrónica. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::electronics e, dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-electronics. Package: science-engineering-dev Description-md5: 9ddacfe9aa8f126fb0392e1b9648e879 Description-gl: Debian Science Engineering-dev packages This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be helpful for development of applications for Engineering. . Tamén lle poderÃa interesar o meta-paquete science-engineering. Package: science-geography Description-md5: fba06c418ed266efef128294178e8b31 Description-gl: Debian Science Geography packages Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa xeografÃa. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::geography e, dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-geography. Package: science-geometry Description-md5: c048f98ba7d86beca1e10859407a38d3 Description-gl: Debian Science geometry packages Este paquete instala paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa xeometrÃa. Tamén pode ser interesante mirar na etiqueta de Debian field::mathematics, dependendo dos intereses, no metapaquete education- mathematic. Package: science-highenergy-physics Description-md5: 9a47d6425e6fd35b16a2f15f23f61d89 Description-gl: Debian Science High Energy Physics packages This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to High Energy Physics, which is a branch of physics that studies the elementary subatomic constituents of matter and radiation, and their interactions. The field is also called Particle Physics. . Tamén lle poden interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus intereses, os paquetes physics e education-physics. Package: science-highenergy-physics-dev Description-md5: 6bb57874d30a1af49028b51461e7bd48 Description-gl: Debian Science High Energy Physics development packages This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to development of High Energy Physics applications, which is a branch of physics that studies the elementary subatomic constituents of matter and radiation, and their interactions. The field is also called Particle Physics. . Tamén lle poden interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus intereses, os paquetes physics e education-physics. Package: science-mathematics Description-md5: 9fee3b99223e690652e284417cf1ffe0 Description-gl: Debian Science Mathematics packages Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coas matemáticas. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::mathematics e, dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-mathematics. Package: science-mathematics-dev Description-md5: 85c64fa3f4eff13a1bb4bee9a174c1b6 Description-gl: Debian Science Mathematics-dev packages This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be helpful for development of applications for Mathematics. . Tamén lle poderÃa interesar o meta-paquete science-mathematics. Package: science-meteorology-dev Description-md5: 83c1ad7d0a305ba21c0609c6105a8920 Description-gl: Debian Science Meteorology-dev packages This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be helpful for development of applications for Meteorology and Climate. . Tamén lle poderÃa interesar o meta-paquete science-meteorology. Package: science-nanoscale-physics Description-md5: c0a5287377999ec2a37a6e0db43105a4 Description-gl: Debian Science Nanoscale Physics packages This metapackage will install Debian Science packages related to Nanoscale Physics, which corresponds to the study of physical systems typically ranging from 1 to 100 nm in size. The properties of such systems usually depend on the number of atoms they are made of, while this number is still relatively large for an accurate description. . The nanoscale is the meeting point of classical and quantum physics. Previous research efforts were considering either smaller systems, for which everybody could develop their own methods and software independently, or much bigger systems, for which it was clearly impossible to provide a fine-grained description. Addressing the issues raised by the nanoscale requires however cooperative and coordinated efforts in a multidisciplinary context. This metapackage is part of such an endeavor. . Tamén lle poden interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus intereses, os paquetes physics e education-physics. Package: science-nanoscale-physics-dev Description-md5: 3a5eb018325a4dc712eb23d108bf8a45 Description-gl: Debian Science Nanoscale Physics development packages This metapackage will install Debian Science packages which might be helpful for the development of applications for Nanoscale Physics. . Tamén lle poden interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus intereses, os paquetes nanoscale-physics, physics e education-physics. Package: science-physics Description-md5: 673b149dddb600171f4a9edd22d38210 Description-gl: Debian Science Physics packages Este metapaquete instala os paquetes de ciencia de Debian relacionados coa fÃsica. Tamén lle pode interesar a debtag field::physics e, dependendo dos seus intereses, o metapaquete education-physics. Package: science-robotics Description-md5: d50fef0e45adee17027409096f24dd18 Description-gl: Debian Robotics packages This metapackage is part of the Debian Pure Blend "Debian Science" and installs packages related to Robotics. . Tamén lle poderÃa interesar o meta-paquete science-engineering. Package: scilab Description-md5: 36b280660db0e407caf724c273ac9413 Description-gl: Paquete de software cientÃfico para o cálculo numérico Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided. . For a minimum version of scilab, install package "scilab-cli". Package: scilab-full-bin-dbg Description-md5: f646118f9b4300a5ac7a76f1b820c08d Description-gl: Paquete de software cientÃfico (sÃmbolos de depuración do scilab) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración especÃficos da arquitectura. Package: scilab-minimal-bin-dbg Description-md5: 15a13813ebc3924decc3059f432bb045 Description-gl: Paquete de software cientÃfico (sÃmbolos de depuración do scilab-cli) Scilab is a matrix-based scientific software package. Scilab contains hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, rich data structures (including polynomials, rationals, linear systems, lists, etc...) and comes with a number of specific toolboxes for control, signal processing, ... . This package also provides Xcos, a graphical editor to design hybrid dynamical systems models. Models can be designed, loaded, saved, compiled and simulated. Stable and efficient solution for industrial and academics needs, Xcos provides functionalities for modeling of mechanical systems (automotive, aeronautics...), hydraulic circuits (dam, pipe modeling...), control systems, etc. Modelica capabilities are also provided. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración especÃficos da arquitectura. Package: scim-dev Description-md5: d2c1f13303b65ddee6ba9df222b092b1 Description-gl: development files for SCIM platform SCIM (Smart Common Input Method) is an input method (IM) platform. . Este paquete é un metapaquete para fornecer as bibliotecas de desenvolvemento e a documentación da plataforma SCIM. . For more information about SCIM, please see the description of scim package. Package: scite Description-md5: bbb08d61b28f0bf10f18da13af5ff2ca Description-gl: Editor de programación lixeiro baseado en GTK GTK-based Programming with syntax highlighting support for many languages. Also supports folding sections, exporting highlighted text into colored HTML and RTF. Package: scons-doc Description-md5: d89bb50de4b02edebd0b085a312f45c7 Description-gl: Documentación do SCons, un substituto do Make SCons is a make replacement providing a range of enhanced features such as automated dependency generation and built in compilation cache support. SCons rule sets are Python scripts so as well as the features it provides itself SCons allows you to use the full power of Python to control compilation. . This package provides the SCons User's guide. Package: scoop-doc Description-md5: 4bdc5b9d478136a4a4236adbee4e5af8 Description-gl: Python library for concurrent parallel programming (docs) SCOOP (Scalable COncurrent Operations in Python) is a distributed task module allowing concurrent parallel programming on various environments, from heterogeneous grids to supercomputers. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: scorched3d Description-md5: 6dcd210eaa13f271d3ae444175db563d Description-gl: Xogo tridimensional de artillerÃa similar a Scorched Earth Scorched3D is a game based heavily on the classic DOS game Scorched Earth "The Mother Of All Games". Scorched3D adds amongst other new features a 3D island environment and LAN and internet play. Package: scribus Description-md5: b9d4fea57ce9587e9ebbeb5ad30011e4 Description-gl: Programa de maquetación de escritorio de código aberto - ponla estábel O Scribus é un programa de maquetación de código aberto co propósito de producir saÃda de calidade comercial en PDF e Postscript. . Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. . Scribus admite caracterÃsticas de edición profesional, como cores CMYK e un sistema de xestión da cor que permite realizar probas sobre as imaxes para imprimir en cor en alta calidade, opcións de creación de PDF flexÃbeis, importación e exportación de PostScript encapsulado e creación de catro separacións de cores, importación de EPS/PS e SVG como gráficos vectoriais nativos, texto Unicode, incluÃndo escritas de dereita a esquerda, como o árabe e o hebreo mediante freetype. Os formatos gráficos que se poden colocar no Scribus como imaxes inclúen PDF, Post Script encapsulado (eps), TIPP, JPEG, PNG e XPixMap(xpm) e calquera tipo de mapa de bits admitido por QT4. . If you need to use the render frame install the texlive-latex-recommended package (suggested). Package: scribus-data Description-md5: a6f55e54bd7431afb2136878d0a44d02 Description-gl: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - stable branch (data files) O Scribus é un programa de maquetación de código aberto co propósito de producir saÃda de calidade comercial en PDF e Postscript. . Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. . Scribus admite caracterÃsticas de edición profesional, como cores CMYK e un sistema de xestión da cor que permite realizar probas sobre as imaxes para imprimir en cor en alta calidade, opcións de creación de PDF flexÃbeis, importación e exportación de PostScript encapsulado e creación de catro separacións de cores, importación de EPS/PS e SVG como gráficos vectoriais nativos, texto Unicode, incluÃndo escritas de dereita a esquerda, como o árabe e o hebreo mediante freetype. Os formatos gráficos que se poden colocar no Scribus como imaxes inclúen PDF, Post Script encapsulado (eps), TIPP, JPEG, PNG e XPixMap(xpm) e calquera tipo de mapa de bits admitido por QT4. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: scribus-dev Description-md5: 3c3e44fab08f18c6d1f72a221d9c2a28 Description-gl: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - stable branch (development files) O Scribus é un programa de maquetación de código aberto co propósito de producir saÃda de calidade comercial en PDF e Postscript. . Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. . Scribus admite caracterÃsticas de edición profesional, como cores CMYK e un sistema de xestión da cor que permite realizar probas sobre as imaxes para imprimir en cor en alta calidade, opcións de creación de PDF flexÃbeis, importación e exportación de PostScript encapsulado e creación de catro separacións de cores, importación de EPS/PS e SVG como gráficos vectoriais nativos, texto Unicode, incluÃndo escritas de dereita a esquerda, como o árabe e o hebreo mediante freetype. Os formatos gráficos que se poden colocar no Scribus como imaxes inclúen PDF, Post Script encapsulado (eps), TIPP, JPEG, PNG e XPixMap(xpm) e calquera tipo de mapa de bits admitido por QT4. . Este paquete contén ficheiros das cabeceiras de desenvolvemento. Package: scribus-doc Description-md5: ce97579addc2ed18c7ba771b02f8f10c Description-gl: Documentación non libre do Scribus O Scribus é un programa de maquetación de código aberto co propósito de producir saÃda de calidade comercial en PDF e Postscript, primariamente - aÃnda que non exclusivamente - para Linux. . O Scribus pódese utilizar para moitas tarefas, desde o deseño de folletos a xornais, revistas, boletÃns e posters a documentación técnica. Conta con funcionalidades de deseño de páxinas sofisticadas, como colocación precisa, rotación do texto e as imaxes na páxina, kerning manual, curvas de Bézier, polÃgonos, colocación precisa dos obxectos, capas con cores personalizadas RGB e CMYK. O formato de documento do Scribus está baseado en XML. Ao contrario dos formatos de ficheiro binarios privativos, é posÃbel recuperar até os documentos danados cun simple editor de texto. . Esta é a documentación orixinal da rede de reformatada para o navegador de axuda. Package: scribus-template Description-md5: e88a419c7c6bbfc970a7a1159c736342 Description-gl: Modelos adicionais para o scribus Estes modelos distribúense adicionalmente aos tres modelos de exemplo presentes no paquete principal de scribus. Algúns deles foron preparados por membros do equipo principal de desenvolvemento do Scribus e algúns foron aportacións dos membros da comunidade. . Sitio web: Package: scrollkeeper Description-md5: 340995a1931b2e725bf2616676702f67 Description-gl: Paquete transitivo de Scrollkeeper Este paquete baleiro está deseñado para facilitar as actualizacións de sistemas que teñan o Scrollkeeper instalado. Instalará o seu substituto, denominado Rarian, no seu canto. . Este paquete pode ser eliminado sen ningún risco. Package: scrounge-ntfs Description-md5: 7e24bc4a431f0a97b451d926a4c0d5c2 Description-gl: Programa de recuperación de datos para os sistemas de ficheiros NTFS Scrounge NTFS is a data recovery program for NTFS filesystems. It reads each block of the hard disk and try to rebuild the original filesystem tree into a directory. . This package is useful in forensics investigations. Package: scsitools-gui Description-md5: e12ccef6466b67603bd45533af08794d Description-gl: Collection of tools for SCSI hardware management This package is a collection of tools for manipulating SCSI hardware: . scsiinfo: displays SCSI drive low-level information and modifies SCSI drive settings, scsidev: makes permanent SCSI LUN -> devicename connections, scsifmt: low-level SCSI formatter, sraw: benchmarks raw SCSI I/O rates bypassing the buffer cache, scsi-spin: program to manually spin up and down a SCSI device. . Beware that, to be used properly, these tools require some knowledge of what they're doing as they can cause damage to your system. . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica de scisitools Package: sctk-doc Description-md5: 3227278667e7ecadbcbdeed22836ea06 Description-gl: speech recognition scoring toolkit (documentation) This software can be used to test quality performance of speech recognition software. . It includes the SCLITE, ASCLITE, tranfilt, hubscr and utf_filt scoring tools. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: scute Description-md5: fc250324dd6455a484ebc53e06838133 Description-gl: Engadido de smartcards OpenPGP para os Servizos de seguranza de rede de Mozilla Scute é unha implementación de PKCS#11 para o axente de GnuPG empregando o Daemon Smart Card de GnuPG que permite empregar unha tarxeta intelixente OpenPGP para autenticar un cliente con SSL en Mozilla. Package: sdate Description-md5: ffdf4f0384fd4a15eb161b474b28d6ae Description-gl: never ending September date sdate wraps the libc localtime() and gmtime() functions to output the eternal september 1993 date. . sdate works like fakeroot (on which its code is based) by setting LD_PRELOAD to a wrapper library. . * Package: searchandrescue-common Description-md5: 4ced87b93ca74ec2586ebe683ca41989 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns e documentación de searchandrescue Tired of scores indicating things destroyed or lives snuffed? Try something different -- fly a helicopter around and rescue people in distress. If you were in trouble wouldn't you want someone to rescue you? . Este paquete contén a documentación e os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura (comúns). Package: searchandrescue-data Description-md5: cbeac033971308e0adb322a1d6c069c7 Description-gl: common data files for searchandrescue Tired of scores indicating things destroyed or lives snuffed? Try something different -- fly a helicopter around and rescue people in distress. If you were in trouble wouldn't you want someone to rescue you? . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: secilc-doc Description-md5: 5b7d19c93a5d6e63b5305364f489150d Description-gl: documentation for the SELinux CIL Compiler Security-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux® kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. . The SELinux CIL Compiler is a compiler that converts the CIL language as described on the CIL design wiki into a kernel binary policy file. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: semantik Description-md5: 7eae983f6a4c4ed448dd07cb2a0b434e Description-gl: Ferramenta para crear mapas mentais para KDE Semantik is a mindmapping-like tool to help students to produce complicated documents very quickly and efficiently: presentations, dissertations, thesis, reports. While targeted mostly at students, Semantik can also help teachers, decision maker, engineers and businessmen. Package: senlin-doc Description-md5: b2b4ed444d19e046bfb1d61f003b83b7 Description-gl: clustering service for OpenStack clouds - docs Senlin is a clustering service for OpenStack clouds. It creates and operates clusters of homogeneous objects exposed by other OpenStack services. The goal is to make the orchestration of collections of similar objects easier. . Senlin provides RESTful APIs to users so that they can associate various policies to a cluster. Sample policies include placement policy, load balancing policy, health policy, scaling policy, update policy and so on. . Senlin is designed to be capable of managing different types of objects. An object's lifecycle is managed using profile type implementations, which are themselves plugins. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: sensors-applet Description-md5: 1980c33a23c0b1aa06ab8720339fd894 Description-gl: Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel GNOME Sensors Applet is an applet for the GNOME panel that displays readings from hardware sensors, including temperatures, fan speeds and voltage readings. . Pode reunir datos procedentes de diversas fontes: * Zonas térmicas de ACPI a través dos módulos de ACPI do kernel Linux * Módulos de i2c do kernel Linux * Sensores lm (libsensors) * Módulo i8k do kernel Linux (para os portátiles Dell Inspiron) * Módulo ibm-acpi do kernel Linux * Módulos therm_adt746x e therm_windtunnel para Power PC do kernel Linux * Módulo Windfarm de iMac G5 do kernel Linux * Daemon hddtemp para ler temperaturas de discos duros que conten con S.M.A.R.T. * Módulo Omnibook do kernel Linux * Placas gráficas de NVIDIA (fornecidas con nvidia-settings) * Módulo sonypi do kernel Linux (para os portátiles Sony Vaio) . Alarms can be set for each sensor to notify the user once a certain high or low value has been reached, and can be configured to execute a given command at given repeated intervals. Package: seq24 Description-md5: 6b7997b721b9b6b66f06d37b83f67fa7 Description-gl: Secuenciador de MIDI en tempo real Seq24 was created to provide a very simple interface for editing and playing midi 'loops'. It is a very minimal sequencer that excludes the bloated features of the large software sequencers and includes a small subset that proved to be useful for live performances. Package: sgf2dg Description-md5: c41d9f924b693b1255f433a0b966655c Description-gl: Creates TeX files from Go game records O Go é un xogo de taboleiro do lonxano oriente e TeX é un programa de formatación de texto. sgf2dg converte os rexistros do xogo Go no formato smart-go (SGF) en ficheiros de TeX. Pódense producir copias preparadas para imprimir para libros e revistas ou simplemente xerar impresións atractivas das partidas do Go que xogue na Internet. . sgf2dg includes the Metafont sources for a new set of Go fonts, and a script, sgf2dg (formerly sgf2tex), which translates files in sgf-format into TeX. Package: sgml-base-doc Description-md5: b5c6491c66dbf62f81c12c7540aade6a Description-gl: Documentación de sgml-base This package contains the documentation for sgml-base, providing the SGML infrastructure directories and catalog file support, in HTML, PDF and plain text format. Package: sgml-spell-checker Description-md5: 2ac8c4622104472e9bb2e86d303c9bf0 Description-gl: spell checker for SGML documents This package includes a couple of tools that you can use to automatically spell-check your SGML documents. One of the advantages of this tool over some other SGML-aware spell checkers is that it scans your documents in the form in which the SGML parser actually sees it, which means it is not line-based, system entities are resolved, marked sections are treated appropriately, etc. . Also, this tool can be made aware of particular DTDs, in the sense that it knows not to spell-check the content of elements that do not represent human-language text, such as <programlisting> in DocBook. An exclusion list for the DocBook DTD is included, others can be added trivially. . Páxina web: Package: sgt-puzzles Description-md5: 65d93f5ebc6d1f5f995ad69979f2914c Description-gl: Colección de quebracabezas portátiles de Simon Tatham - xogos de quebracabezas para un xogador A colección de quebracabezas portátiles de Simon Tathan contén moitos quebracabezas para un só xogador. De momento conta con estes xogos: . * Black Box, ball-finding puzzle * Bridges, bridge-placing puzzle * Cube, rolling cube puzzle * Dominosa, domino tiling puzzle * Fifteen, sliding block puzzle * Filling, polyomino puzzle * Flip, tile inversion puzzle * Galaxies, symmetric polyomino puzzle * Guess, combination-guessing puzzle * Inertia, gem-collecting puzzle * Keen, arithmetic Latin square puzzle * Light Up, light-bulb placing puzzle * Loopy, loop-drawing puzzle * Magnets, magnet-placing puzzle * Map, map-colouring puzzle * Mines, mine-finding puzzle * Net, network jigsaw puzzle * Netslide, toroidal sliding network puzzle * Pattern * Pearl, loop-drawing puzzle * Pegs, peg solitaire puzzle * Range, visible-distance puzzle * Rectangles * Same Game, block-clearing puzzle * Signpost, square-connecting puzzle * Singles, number-removing puzzle * Sixteen, toroidal sliding block puzzle * Slant, maze-drawing puzzle * Solo, number placement puzzle * Tents, tent-placing puzzle * Towers, tower-placing Latin square puzzle * Twiddle, rotational sliding block puzzle * Undead, monster-placing puzzle * Unequal, Latin square puzzle * Unruly, black and white grid puzzle * Untangle, planar graph layout puzzle Package: shark-doc Description-md5: bcef01e409ddf1194dde7e96c9a805b2 Description-gl: documentation for Shark Shark is a modular C++ library for the design and optimization of adaptive systems. It provides methods for linear and nonlinear optimization, in particular evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms, kernel-based learning algorithms and neural networks, and various other machine learning techniques. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: shellex Description-md5: 750fe0f4f78a1252b6d64ff161982b68 Description-gl: Iniciador baseado na consola shellex is supposed to be a dmenu-style launcher with a lot more features and a lot simpler design. It launches a shell (currently zsh) and shows it in a small terminal, wrapping every command with a little bit of extra magic (redirecting stdout, stderr, disowning and closing the shell) to get more typical launcher-behaviour. . This gives you a simple launcher with tab-completion and other shell- features, configurable in shell. Package: shibboleth-sp2-common Description-md5: dc984c54c7a50a836131c9001ebaacf8 Description-gl: Sistema de autenticación única na web federada (ficheiros comúns) The Shibboleth System is a standards based software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It supports authorization and attribute exchange using the OASIS SAML 2.0 protocol. Shibboleth allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources while allowing users to establish their identities with their local authentication systems. . This package contains common files used by the Shibboleth SP library, Apache module, and daemon, primarily configuration files and schemas. Package: shibboleth-sp2-utils Description-md5: 4eefcd08c86103b7f2b45041c4e56a3d Description-gl: Sistema de autenticación única na web federada (daemon e utilidades) The Shibboleth System is a standards based software package for web single sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It supports authorization and attribute exchange using the OASIS SAML 2.0 protocol. Shibboleth allows sites to make informed authorization decisions for individual access of protected online resources while allowing users to establish their identities with their local authentication systems. . This package contains the daemon that handles attribute requests and maintains session information for the SP. It is used internally by the Apache module (libapache2-mod-shib2), but may be useful independently in some circumstances. It also contains some other useful Shibboleth SP utility programs and the FastCGI authorizer and responder. Package: shiboken-dbg Description-md5: 66bb5f354e83d06efa2b3d677ad6db47 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do shiboken e da súa biblioteca Shiboken is a bindings generator for C++ libraries that outputs CPython source code. It collects information from library headers, and then merges modifications and handwritten code defined in the typesystem description. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de shiboken e libshiboken. Package: shiki-wine-theme Description-md5: 2a4bb21a683d99c7da06fcb552890fac Description-gl: Variación en vermello do tema de cores de Shiki Shiki-Colors is a set of Metacity/GTK-2+ themes which mix the elegance of a dark theme with the usability of a light theme, resulting in a hybrid theme. . This package provides the Shiki-Wine (Red) GTK-2+ theme. Package: shishi-dbg Description-md5: 0c33ad20c7c7a80f58fa7bf7a437b7ec Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Shishi Shishi is an implementation of the kerberos v5 network authentication system. . This package contains detached debugging information. Most people will not need this package. It is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. GDB will find this debug information automatically. Package: shishi-doc Description-md5: 55510abea3e97ecd29d470df89570020 Description-gl: Documentación de Shishi Shishi is an implementation of the kerberos v5 network authentication system. . This package contain the user, reference and developers manual in HTML, PDF and Info formats, and API reference as man pages, GTK-DOC and Devhelp. Package: shorewall-core Description-md5: 640fa2f678347b37f0ec1536fa23201c Description-gl: Compoñentes centrais de Shorewall This package provides the core Shorewall components, which are required for the rest of the Shorewall packages to work. . There is not an especially good reason to have this package installed all by itself. Package: shorewall-init Description-md5: d44718ef1b7b7854657f6a4f04a23cd8 Description-gl: Inicialización do Shorewall This package provides two related features: . a) It allows the firewall to be closed prior to bringing up network devices. This insures that unwanted connections are not allowed between the time that the network comes up and when the firewall is started. . b) It integrates with NetworkManager and distribution ifup/ifdown systems to allow for 'event-driven' startup and shutdown. . The two facilities can be enabled separately. . When Shorewall-init is first installed, it does nothing until you configure it. Package: showfoto Description-md5: d86e4696d338167761639ff2ae89170b Description-gl: image viewer/editor for KDE ShowFoto é o editor de imaxes autónomo do proxecto digiKam. . It runs without digiKam images database support, but provides all Image Editor functions. Package: showq Description-md5: 159c2aaca9ee6dd484e90a428f606df0 Description-gl: Reprodutor de son MIDI controlábel Application that can play audio cues and trigger MIDI events primarily developed for theatre productions. . Features: * 8 channels per_cue routing. * Playback through ALSA or JACK. * Load/Save cue list. * Hot key for any cue. * Application controllable by MIDI. Package: shutter Description-md5: eb41c72ded4c1e3d870a360edd74625e Description-gl: Programa de capturas de pantalla rico en funcionalidades O Shutter é un programa para capturas de pantalla rico en funcionalidades. Pódese tirar unha captura de pantalla dunha zona ou xanela determinadas, da pantalla completa ou mesmo dun sitio web - aplicarlle distintos efectos, debuxar nela para realzar puntos e despois enviala a un sitio de hospedaxe de imaxes, todo desde dentro dunha xanela. . Features: * take a screenshot of your complete desktop, a rectangular area or capture a website * take screenshot directly or with a specified delay time * save the screenshots to a specified directory and name them in a convenient way (using special wild-cards) * Shutter is fully integrated into the GNOME Desktop (TrayIcon etc.) * generate thumbnails directly when you are taking a screenshot and set a size level in % * Shutter session collection o keep track of all screenshots during session o copy screeners to clipboard o print screenshots o delete screenshots o rename your file * upload your files directly to Image-Hosters (e.g., retrieve all the needed links and share them with others * edit your screenshots directly using the embedded drawing tool Package: sigil Description-md5: 88d7047856e5e6d5edbe1b6fc1c0482f Description-gl: multi-platform ebook editor Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format. . Funcionalidades: . * Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned. Package: sigil-data Description-md5: d697fcd1e7b4df79b24c90d3e49f5642 Description-gl: multi-platform ebook editor - data files Sigil is a free, open source, multi-platform ebook editor. It is designed to edit books in ePub format. . Funcionalidades: . * Full UTF-16 support; * Full EPUB 2 spec support; * Multiple Views: Book View, Code View and Preview View; * WYSIWYG editing in Book View; * Complete control over directly editing EPUB syntax in Code View; * Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support; * Metadata editor with full support for all possible metadata entries (more than 200) with full descriptions for each; * User interface translated into many languages; * Spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries; * Full Regular Expression (PCRE) support for Find & Replace; * Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets; * Files can be validated for EPUB compliance with the FlightCrew validator; * HTML Tidy: all imported files have their formatting corrected, and your editing can be optionally cleaned. . This package provides the architecture-independant files. Package: signon-plugin-oauth2 Description-md5: aac81bf6c225cb08d089fa03c1a76e5e Description-gl: Engadido de autenticación única para oauth2 Oauth2 plugin for the Single Signon framework Package: signon-plugin-oauth2-dev Description-md5: cb100153cb4349bf80a9ff6012a3b6fa Description-gl: Engadido de autenticación única para oauth2 Oauth2 plugin for the Single Signon framework - development files . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: signon-plugin-oauth2-tests Description-md5: c3e383682987f764be48a66ca2e8f0c5 Description-gl: Engadido de autenticación única para oauth2 Engadido de Oauth2 para a infraestrutura de autenticación única - ficheiros de probas . This package contains file that are needed to test the plugin. Package: signon-plugin-sasl-dev Description-md5: bfa084c5503d27906bce8c23af8917df Description-gl: Single Signon SASL plugin SASL plugin for the Single Signon framework - development files . Este paquete contén ficheiros precisos para construÃr aplicativos. Package: sikuli-ide Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: silan Description-md5: 6ba4523bd0304549000ef582f006b1f6 Description-gl: commandline tool to detect silence in audio-files Silan is a standalone application to analyze audio files for silence and print ranges of detected signals. . It supports a variety of audio-formats and codecs by making use of libsndfile and ffmpeg/libav for reading audio-data. . O limiar dos sinais e o tempo de agarda pódense configurar libremente. A saÃda pode ser formatada con mostras ou segundos como unidade ou impresa como ficheiro de etiqueta do audacity. Package: silentjack Description-md5: 9aee2d59f6a5cfc27bcfb30c5426cfe0 Description-gl: Detector de silencio para o sistema de son JACK SilentJack listens, using the JACK audio system, for silence. When silence is detected, it runs the command specified. Once the command has been run, a grace period is observed before resuming the silence detection. Package: silicon-theme Description-md5: ce0b2ca1a4715033185f8d6c7fa5d311 Description-gl: Tema Silicon de GTK The Silicon GTK theme. At the moment the package contains: * the GTK configuration and * Metacity configuration for the theme. Package: simplebackup Description-md5: 7a86b18991ec4c2aa4f1901df2cea4a0 Description-gl: Ferramenta sinxela de copias de seguranza The included script performs a nice and easy file based backup. It can easily be extended to include database dumps or save the output from `fdisk -L` and other things as well. Package: simpleburn Description-md5: b2616e80674965fd7376f6ba24012ac0 Description-gl: Aplicativo minimalista para gravar e extraer CD e DVD As funcionalidades son: - extracción e gravación de imaxes ISO de CD / DVD, - extracción e gravación de CD de son, - baleirado cd CD / DVD regravábeis, - Copiado de CD / DVD, - Extracción de DVD de vÃdeo, - idiomas: cs, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, pl, sv, ru, - compatibilidade con diversos métodos de detección de recursos e de dispositivos (Udev, HAL ou LibCDIO), - suite de gravación variada (CDRTools, CDRKit, LibBurnia + CDParanoia / LibCDIO + CDRDAO). . SimpleBurn é software libre publicado baixo a licenza Cecill-2. Package: simplecommeubuntu Description-md5: d2bb60b1f9ed5b7cbf2f486ab23765a1 Description-gl: Libro gratuÃto sobre Ubuntu para principiantes Simple Comme Ubuntu é un libro en francés para axudar os usuarios noveis a descubriren Ubuntu. Package: simpleid-ldap Description-md5: d57cb2545ad1c949d947e4f9cd509bcf Description-gl: simple OpenID provider implemented in PHP - LDAP plugin SimpleID is a simple, personal OpenID provider written in PHP. OpenID is a way to provide for a single digital identity across the Internet. To get an OpenID you need to sign up to an OpenID provider, who acts as the "custodian" of your digital identity. Every time you want to log into an OpenID-enabled web site, you will be redirected to your OpenID provider, who will then verify your identity and provide this to the web site. . Este engadido fornece compatibilidade para autenticar contrasinais de usuario empregando un servidor de LDAP no canto dos ficheiros simples predeterminados que admite SimpleID. Package: simpleid-store-dynalogin Description-md5: 53474fc5410f2136d65b83184daef2c7 Description-gl: Autenticación HOTP/TOTP de dous factores - fornecedor de OpenID dynalogin is a two-factor authentication framework based on the HOTP/TOTP (Open Authentication) algorithm. Dynalogin can store credentials in any database supported by UNIXODBC, which makes the solution robust and scalable. It can also store credentials in flat files if desired. dynalogin has been successfully integrated in solutions for OpenID, making it possible to use two-factor authentication with hundreds of other web applications and public web sites. There is a dynalogin soft-token for Android and it also works with Google Authenticator. . This package provides a datastore extension for the OpenID provider SimpleID, which is implemented entirely in PHP and has minimal other dependencies. The extension allows SimpleID users (configured in flat files) to authenticate against a dynalogin server. Package: simpleopal Description-md5: a5cb7d79bfbe2cd0f8c7c4b3e7c10fbd Description-gl: Exemplo sinxelo do proxecto OPAL Este paquete contén un pequeno cliente de H323 e SIP como exemplo. Pódese atopar o seu código no paquete de documentación. . The OPAL project aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source implementation of the H.323 and SIP protocols that can be used freely by everybody. These protocols are most used for Voice over IP (VoIP) conferencing. Package: simpleproxy Description-md5: df90d17ba3792463ed98517f2afe2512 Description-gl: Proxy de TCP sinxelo simpleproxy funciona como proxy de TCP sinxelo. Abre un socket de escoita na máquina local e encamiña calquera conexión a un servidor remoto. Pódese executar como daemon ou a través de inetd. Package: simplestreams Description-md5: de3939aceef20133cbe2ba7bbb1b7f43 Description-gl: Library and tools for using Simple Streams data Este paquete fornece un cliente para interactuar con datos de fluxo simples, como se producen para describir as imaxes na nube de Ubuntu. Package: simplyhtml-doc Description-md5: 70339323c6a03011657ec8c315eae2f6 Description-gl: Documentación da API de simplyhtml The javadoc for SimplyHTML, a Java word processor based on HTML and CSS. . You need this package if you want to include simplyhtml in your (Java) application. Package: simutrans Description-md5: 8d66155bcabd9bfd04ff85ccb2634987 Description-gl: Simulador de transporte O Simutrans é un simulador libre de transporte. O xogador dirixe unha empresa de transporte e ten que transportar mercadorÃas e pasaxeiros entre fábricas e diferentes cidades. Package: simutrans-data Description-md5: 00fd9cfaf129060943b68e89e7bf49f9 Description-gl: Simulador de transporte (datos base) O Simutrans é un simulador libre de transporte. O xogador dirixe unha empresa de transporte e ten que transportar mercadorÃas e pasaxeiros entre fábricas e diferentes cidades. . Este paqeute contén os datos de base. Package: simutrans-makeobj Description-md5: ab96eceda95ed779f862bf08b80baf38 Description-gl: Compilador de ficheiros de datos para o Simutrans O Simutrans é un simulador libre de transporte. O xogador dirixe unha empresa de transporte e ten que transportar mercadorÃas e pasaxeiros entre fábricas e diferentes cidades. . Este paquete contén o programa makeobj, necesario para integrar obxectos novos no Simutrans. Package: simutrans-pak128.britain Description-md5: 93ca3f5f0a84ac05b8127b344331998b Description-gl: Simulador de transporte (ficheiros de datos) O Simutrans é un simulador libre de transporte. O xogador dirixe unha empresa de transporte e ten que transportar mercadorÃas e pasaxeiros entre fábricas e diferentes cidades. . Este paquete conten o conxunto de datos pak128.Britain, que inclúe vehÃculos e edificios británicos. Package: simutrans-pak64 Description-md5: ce7fd9f3062b8980e6e064e9e7b574f5 Description-gl: Simulador de transporte (ficheiros de datos) O Simutrans é un simulador libre de transporte. O xogador dirixe unha empresa de transporte e ten que transportar mercadorÃas e pasaxeiros entre fábricas e diferentes cidades. . Este paquete contén o conxunto de datos PAK64. Package: sisu-complete Description-md5: 99a4c5f14697a832b9f3e1be0cf6fe2c Description-gl: Instala todos os paquetes relacionados con SISU SiSU is a lightweight markup based document structuring, publishing and search framework for document collections. . This package installs SiSU and related packages that enable sisu to produce pdf and to populate PostgreSQL and sqlite databases. . See sisu for a description of the package. Package: skalibs-doc Description-md5: 9edcd4c9ec6841d996439e01d6cf03c2 Description-gl: Public domain general-purpose libraries (documentation) skalibs is a set of general-purpose, low-level C libraries, all in the public domain. It can replace or hide the standard C library to some extent, and is designed to allow building of small, static binaries. . Este paquete contén a documentación das bibliotecas. Package: slepc3.7.4-doc Description-md5: e26c7639c4076228fcff58e6117cbb60 Description-gl: Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations SLEPc is a software library for the solution of large scale sparse eigenvalue problems on parallel computers. It is an extension of PETSc and can be used for either standard or generalized eigenproblems, with real or complex arithmetic. It can also be used for computing a partial SVD of a large, sparse, rectangular matrix. . Este paquete contén a documentación e exemplos para SLEPc. Package: slimevolley Description-md5: 3d6f5eb06ab669e6ae7c002a24492443 Description-gl: Simulación irreal de volea en 2D O Slime Volley é unha simulación de voleibol bidimensional tipo arcade no espÃrito dalgúns xogos do mesmo nome en Java. Dous equipos, de entre un e tres xogadores cada un, tentan seren os primeiros en obteren dez puntos. Isto sucede cando a bóla toca o chan ao outro lado da rede. Pode haber entre unha e oito bólas no xogo. Cada xogador emprega catro teclas, dúas teclas de dirección, unha para salta re unha para cambiar de pel. Package: slimevolley-data Description-md5: 07069baf0788c3fd3a3ff96ad4ac9021 Description-gl: unrealistic 2D volleyball simulation - data files O Slime Volley é unha simulación de voleibol bidimensional tipo arcade no espÃrito dalgúns xogos do mesmo nome en Java. Dous equipos, de entre un e tres xogadores cada un, tentan seren os primeiros en obteren dez puntos. Isto sucede cando a bóla toca o chan ao outro lado da rede. Pode haber entre unha e oito bólas no xogo. Cada xogador emprega catro teclas, dúas teclas de dirección, unha para salta re unha para cambiar de pel. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos necesarios para executar o Slime Volley. Package: slimit Description-md5: 91ebfa6e70f259ea63fc14b7651907c3 Description-gl: JavaScript minifier/parser in Python SlimIt is a JavaScript minifier written in Python. It compiles JavaScript into more compact code so that it downloads and runs faster. . SlimIt also provides a library that includes a JavaScript parser, lexer, pretty printer and a tree visitor. . Este paquete contén o executábel. Package: slop Description-md5: b6be29fa551e770f482aba9739129e15 Description-gl: queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout slop (Select Operation) is an application that queries for a selection from the user and prints the region to stdout. It grabs the mouse and turns it into a crosshair, lets the user click and drag to make a selection (or click on a window) while drawing a pretty box around it, then finally prints the selection's dimensions to stdout. . Funcionalidades: . * Hovering over a window will cause a selection rectangle to appear over it. * Clicking on a window makes slop return the dimensions of the window. * Clicking and dragging causes a selection rectangle to appear, renders pretty well (compared to scrot). And will return the dimensions of that rectangle in absolute screen coords. * On startup it turns your cursor into a crosshair, then adjusts the cursor into angles as you drag the selection rectangle. * Supports simple arguments: * Change selection rectangle border size. * Select X display. * Set padding size, even negative padding sizes! * Set click tolerance for if you have a shaky mouse. * Set the color of the selection rectangles to match your theme! (Even supports transparency!) * Remove window decorations from selections. * Supports OpenGL hardware acceleration. * Supports textured themes. * Supports programmable shaders. * Supports a magnifying glass. Package: slsh Description-md5: da03b0012d9ccb8fd3c332515567d184 Description-gl: Interpreter for S-Lang language S-Lang é unha biblioteca de programador de C que inclúe rutinas para o desenvolvemento rápido de aplicativos sofisticados, acolledores e multiplataforma. . This package contains a stand-alone interpreter for scripts written in the S-Lang language. Package: sludge-doc Description-md5: 6723c9d3b37acb41fdeea91cf2a99f9a Description-gl: Documentación do SLUDGE SLUDGE is an open source adventure game engine. It combines a scripting language with IDE tools. . Este paquete contén a documentación, incluÃdo un proxecto de exemplo. Package: slurm-llnl Description-md5: f5ead3f7204c7abd350f69e537640986 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para slurm-wlm This is a transitional dummy package for slurm-wlm. It can safely be removed. Package: slurm-llnl-slurmdbd Description-md5: 40f0db0e3440535306ddc6bb75ff37be Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para slurmdbd This is a transitional dummy package for slurmdbd It can safely be removed. Package: sm Description-md5: 91fe8f689d157fbba591713d7e201f4d Description-gl: Mostra un texto corto en toda a pantalla Screen Message will display a given multi-line message as large as possible, fullscreen and black on white. You can specify the text either when launching sm, or edit it while the program is running. . It is useful to send messages across a room, e.g. during an university lecture. For fast startup, it is recommended to bind it to a key in your Desktop Environment. Package: sma Description-md5: 76ba18e18aecad8f99f7369db8c3a35a Description-gl: Sendmail log analyser SMA is a program that analyses Sendmail log entries. . Funcionalidades: . - Support for all recent Sendmail versions - Flexible output formatting - HTML, ASCII and a custom log - Regular expression filtering of messages - Multiple hosts in the same report Package: smlnj Description-md5: 1757e42bca5ab498b7253d5f002381cb Description-gl: Standard ML of New Jersey interactive compiler SML/NJ is an implementation of the Standard ML programming language. Standard ML has many features, including type safety, polymorphism, algebraic data types with pattern matching, higher-order functions, and a sophisticated module system. It is especially well-suited for writing compilers and other language processors. . This package includes the interactive compiler (sml), the compilation manager (CM), and some essential libraries. It is a "working" version, but believed to be stable. . Instale este paquete se quere programar en SML. Package: smlnj-runtime Description-md5: 3c9a25136d473865411df010423e5698 Description-gl: Standard ML of New Jersey runtime system SML/NJ is an implementation of the Standard ML programming language. This package includes the runtime system only -- it provides garbage collection and other support for compiled SML programs. . Instale este paquete se quere executar programas compilados con SML/NJ. Package: smplayer-l10n Description-md5: bb8616c8f89ae79b656f54a488df20e4 Description-gl: Complete front-end for MPlayer and mpv - translation files Qt5 front-end for mplayer and forks, with basic features like playing videos, DVDs, and VCDs to more advanced features like support for MPlayer filters and more. One of the most interesting features of SMPlayer: it remembers the settings of all files you play. So you start to watch a movie but you have to leave... don't worry, when you open that movie again it will resume at the same point you left it, and with the same settings: audio track, subtitles, volume... . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de tradución. Package: smplayer-themes Description-md5: b0d44c8c24e97b47940503c74254de0b Description-gl: Interface completa para o MPlayer - temas das iconas Interface do MPlayer feita en Qt con funcionalidades básicas como reproducir vÃdeos, DVD e VCD até outras máis avanzadas, como poder empregar os filtros do MPlayer e máis. Unha das caracterÃsticas máis interesantes do SMPlayer: lembra a configuración de todos os ficheiros que se reproducen. Asà que comezamos a ver unha pelÃcula e hai que parar... non se preocupe: cando abra esa pelÃcula de novo retómase no mesmo punto en que se deixou e coa mesma configuración: pista de son, subtÃtulos, volume... . This package contains additional icon themes. Package: smtube Description-md5: 153cf55f53ae3a48af6bfdbd37c6d942 Description-gl: Navegador de vÃdeos de YouTube SMTube is a stand-alone graphical application which allows one to search and download Youtube videos. Although it is part of the SMPlayer project, it can be used with any multimedia player such as MPlayer, MPlayer2, VLC, Totem or Gnome-MPlayer. Package: snap-confine Description-md5: 3223c275ff89224fda1b277eec5e7ffe Description-gl: Transitional package for snapd Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: snapd-xdg-open Description-md5: ba6c49ad1a4e739a75a7e8d0fde06a77 Description-gl: Transitional package for snapd-xdg-open Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: snd-doc Description-md5: 717022b319c838fc50615f0f752b5f91 Description-gl: Sound file editor (documentation) Snd is a powerful sound file editor that can be customized and extended using the Scheme programming language. . Este paquete contén a documentación de snd. Package: snd-gtk-pulse Description-md5: ee1de337bf5bf35cdd6bea0bcf41cf50 Description-gl: Sound file editor (GTK+ user interface - PulseAudio) Snd is a powerful sound file editor that can be customized and extended using the Scheme programming language. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros para a interface de usuario en GTK+ con compatibilidade con PulseAudio. Package: sndfile-programs Description-md5: df7c420bbb7c20980d2fec5ce08b1a8c Description-gl: Programas de exemplo que empregan libsndfile This package contains simple programs which use libsndfile for operating on sound files. . Programs include: - sndfile-cmp : compare the audio data of two files - sndfile-concat : concatenate two or more files - sndfile-convert : convert between sound file formats - sndfile-info : print information about files - sndfile-metadata-get/set : get and set file metadata - sndfile-play : play a sound file Package: snmptrapd Description-md5: 5813c4c7d76971aa4ce271dad1bfb061 Description-gl: Net-SNMP notification receiver O Protocolo simple de xestión de rede (SNMP) fornece unha infraestrutura para o intercambio de información para a xestión da información entre axentes (servidores) e clientes. . snmptrapd is an SNMP application (daemon) that receives and logs SNMP TRAP and INFORM messages. Package: software-properties-kde Description-md5: 16e4fabef5954c12d44cd43cdd564aa2 Description-gl: manage the repositories that you install software from (qt) Este programa fornece unha abstracción dos repositorios de apt empregados. PermÃtelle xestionar de xeito doado a súa distribución e as orixes dos programas de provedores independentes. . This package contains a Qt based graphical interface. Package: solarwolf Description-md5: 2bf532c7c91f5e67dd0a209e9fb800c7 Description-gl: Recolle as caixas e non vires tolo Solarwolf is an action/arcade game written entirely in Python, featuring amazing graphics and cool music. It is originally based on the SolarFox game on the Atari 2600. . All this, yet the best feature of all is; it is a hecka lotta fun! The point of the game is to scramble through 48 levels of patterns, collecting all the boxes. The part that makes it tricky is avoiding the relentless hailstorm of fire coming at you from all directions. . URL: Package: solfege Description-md5: 13eb3158e7d9ca2fd1dd389ef6110a85 Description-gl: Software de educación auditiva musical O Solfege de GNU é un programa de adestramento auditivo para X Window escrito en Python e que emprega as bibliotecas de GTK+ 2.0. Pódense practicar intervalos harmónicos e melódicos, acordes, escalas e ritmos e pódense engadir exercicios novos empregando un formato de ficheiro de texto simple. . A educación auditiva musical é un tema importante, con moitas conexións coa teorÃa musical e a práctica da música, polo que nin se me ocorre crear «un curso informático de educación auditiva musical completo». O que si, agardo que a alguén lle resulte útil este software. Package: solfege-doc Description-md5: a41965d19a7a1c2f3acc726ad8c943d9 Description-gl: Documentación do Solfege de GNU Manual do usuario do Solfege de GNU. Tanto o manual en inglés como todas as traducións. Package: solfege-oss Description-md5: 72d6c8fba4980bcff0e0d0b59b21cd79 Description-gl: Módulo de OSS para o Solfege de GNU Este paquete contén o módulo en Python que o Solfege de GNU precisa para acceder ao dispositivo secuenciador de OSS. Package: songwrite Description-md5: 2549b441feea385d3c599aeda6f1b0af Description-gl: Reprodutor e editor de tablaturas de guitarra Songwrite is a guitar tablature (fingering notation) editor and player, quite similar to TablEdit. In addition to tablatures, it also supports staff, lyrics and drums. . Printing support and playback are available through external programs. . Songwrite was formerly know as GTablature. Package: sonic-visualiser Description-md5: 71313c8d0ce8681e6c5700da7680c8e6 Description-gl: Ver e Analizar o contido de ficheiros de son de música The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when want to study a musical recording rather than simply listen to it. . Sonic Visualiser could be of particular interest to musicologists, archivists, signal-processing researchers and anyone else looking for a friendly way to take a look at what lies inside the audio file. Package: sortsmill-tools Description-md5: 13c872be8a54ad148c9f9fa4f2b7b2d9 Description-gl: tools for designers of digital fonts Este paquete contén ferramentas para o deseño de tipos de letra dixitais, incluÃdas ferramentas para mellorar o FontForge e ferramentas para construÃr ficheiros de tipos de letra binarios TrueType (TTF), OpenType (OTF) e Embedded OpenType (EOT). Package: sorune Description-md5: a4db859efbacfd826c5dcada57e4a3eb Description-gl: Ferramenta para xestionar a base de datos do reprodutor de son Neuros As funcionalidades inclúen: * Unha interface gráfica sinxela que facilita a xestión (require Perl Tk). * Admite todos os formatos de música(mp3, ogg, wav, wma(non drm)). Admite todas as etiquetas de ficheiro nativas. * Compatibilidade completa coas listas de reprodución m3u. * Compatibilidade coa reconstrución da base de datos. * Etiquetaxe por distribución de directorios. * Ordenación por tÃtulo de artistas, xéneros, cancións e gravacións. Ordenación polo número de pista dos álbums. * Mantén os nomes directorio/ficheiros asà como as horas de acceso/modificación durante a sincronización. * Pode mover as gravacións ao directorio que indique o usuario. * Xestiona os acentos nas etiquetas nos idiomas que os teñan (convertidos ao equivalente máis próximo en inglés). * Extión de nomes de tÃtulos duplicados. Engade un número entre parénteses «(2)» ou «(3)» ao tÃtulo. * Admite sub-menús. * Admite diferentes intérpretes. Package: soundconverter Description-md5: df64ec8695eb6d4a89ca29f2bff306ee Description-gl: GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats O SoundConverter é un aplicativo sinxelo de conversión de son para o ambiente GNOME. Le ficheiros de son en calquera dos formatos admitidos por GStreamer e sácaos nos formatos Ogg Vorbis, FLAC ou WAV ou no formato MP3 se o engadido LAME de GStreamer estiver instalado. Package: soundkonverter Description-md5: 5feaa999e0289f4f91087d2a8c72f280 Description-gl: audio converter frontend for KDE soundKonverter é unha interface para diversos convertedores de son. . The key features are: - Audio conversion - Replay Gain calculation - CD ripping . soundKonverter supports reading and writing tags for many formats, so the tags are preserved when converting files. . See README.Debian for more information on supported formats. Package: source-highlight Description-md5: 77973d4032b3cbffe5fc2908a2a92461 Description-gl: Convirta código fonte en documentos coa sintaxe realzada Este programa, dado un ficheiro de fonte, produce un documento coa sintaxe realzada. . Admite o realzado de sintaxe de máis de cen formatos de ficheiro, incluÃndo as principais linguaxes de programación, formatos de marcaxe e formatos de ficheiros de configuración. Para a saÃda admite os formatos seguintes: HTML, XHTML, LaTeX, Texinfo, secuencias de escape de cores de ANSI e DocBook. Package: sox Description-md5: 333cd274ebee7570f357dafba9b6461d Description-gl: Navalla suÃza do procesamento de son SoX is a command line utility that can convert various formats of computer audio files in to other formats. It can also apply various effects to these sound files during the conversion. As an added bonus, SoX can play and record audio files on several unix-style platforms. . SoX is able to handle formats like Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV, AIFF, VOC, SND, AU, GSM and several more. Any format support requires at least libsox-fmt- base. Some formats have their own package e.g. mp3 read and write support is provided by libsox-fmt-mp3. . SoX supports most common sound architectures i.e. Alsa, Libao, OSS and Pulse (respectively provided by libsox-fmt-alsa, libsox-fmt-ao, libsox- fmt-oss and libsox-fmt-pulse). It also supports LADSPA plugins. Package: sozi Description-md5: e6490a55d67d8b63fadea6526106f271 Description-gl: Extensión para o Inkscape para crear presentacións animadas Unlike most presentation formats, a Sozi document is not organized as a slideshow, but rather as a poster where the content of your presentation can be freely laid out. Playing such a presentation consists in a series of translations, zooms and rotations that focus on the elements you want to show. . A Sozi presentation is an SVG document in which a sequence of “frames†is defined. A frame is a rectangular region of the document associated with presentation and animation information (e.g. title, ordering, transition duration). . O editor de presentacións é unha extensión do editor de gráficos vectoriais Inkscape. Significa que é posÃbel crear unha presentación enteira, cos gráficos e a animación, nun único ambiente. . Os documentos producidos por Inkscape e Sozi poden ser mostrados e animados polos navegadores web que admitan o formato SVG e a linguaxe Javascript. O usuario pode controlar a presentación empregando o rato e o teclado. Package: spacefm Description-md5: be9e222cede7f5b0d1c564e23ad1031e Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros con lapelas e varios paneis - versión en GTK2 SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file and desktop manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev or HAL-based device manager, customizable menu system and bash integration. . A descendant of PCManFM, SpaceFM's aims are to be bugfixed, efficient (mainly C), hugely customisable (change and add to the GUI as you go with Design Mode), powerful without scaring off newer users (due to customisation), independent of particular distributions and desktop environments, and device management featureful enough to replace the various udisks-based *kits when used alongside udevil. . Other highlights include optional desktop management, smart queuing of file operations, user plugins and the ability to carry out specific commands as root. . Please install spacefm-gtk3 instead if you want to stick with GTK+3. Package: spacefm-common Description-md5: 573d3dd8399a963e00973f505c5054e7 Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros con lapelas e varios paneis - ficheiros comúns SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file and desktop manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev or HAL-based device manager, customizable menu system and bash integration. . Este paquete contén ficheiros empregados tanto pola versión en GTK+2 (spacefm) como por GTK+3 (spacefm-gtk3). Package: spacefm-gtk3 Description-md5: f2c573502cee17440115c318f4119a3f Description-gl: Xestor de ficheiros con lapelas e varios paneis - versión en GTK3 SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file and desktop manager for Linux with built-in VFS, udev or HAL-based device manager, customizable menu system and bash integration. . A descendant of PCManFM, SpaceFM's aims are to be bugfixed, efficient (mainly C), hugely customisable (change and add to the GUI as you go with Design Mode), powerful without scaring off newer users (due to customisation), independent of particular distributions and desktop environments, and device management featureful enough to replace the various udisks-based *kits when used alongside udevil. . Other highlights include optional desktop management, smart queuing of file operations, user plugins and the ability to carry out specific commands as root. Package: spacenavd Description-md5: 558b6422c9beeb2bce1880f947273d63 Description-gl: Daemon para empregar dispositivos de entrada 3D de 3dconnexion Spacenavd, is a free software replacement user-space driver (daemon), for 3Dconnexion's six-degree-of-freedom input devices. It is compatible with the original 3dxsrv proprietary daemon provided by 3Dconnexion, and works perfectly with any program that was written for the 3Dconnexion driver. It also offers another method of accessing the device via a new non-X11-dependent protocol. Package: spacezero Description-md5: a8d418ad92a404c636eaa17451c376a0 Description-gl: Xogo en rede de estratexia multixogador de combate espacial en 2D en tempo real. SpaceZero is a Real Time Strategy 2D space combat, multiplayer (two players by now) net game. . O obxectivo é conquistar o espazo vencendo todos os inimigos. . At starting point you have only one ship and one planet, but you have gold to buy more ships to conquer more planets. . All the ships can be controlled by the computer (automatic mode) or by the player (manual mode). You can easily change among your ships controlling all of them independently. Package: sparkleshare Description-md5: 0f55c782a211bb376383ca7b386633a6 Description-gl: distributed collaboration and sharing tool SparkleShare is a collaboration and sharing tool that is designed to keep things simple and to stay out of your way. It allows you to instantly sync with any Git repository you have access to. . SparkleShare pódese utilizar como alternativa básica dos servizos web tipo Dropbox ou Ubuntu One. . Though SparkleShare is not made to be a graphical frontend for git or a backup tool, it may be useful for other kinds of purposes as well, like backing up small files or monitoring your favourite project. Package: spatialite-gui Description-md5: 6f5da7b02910d2d7150aa5e682b4c8cb Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario amigábel para SpatiaLite spatialite-gui é unha interface gráfica de usuario (GUI) para SpatiaLite. . SpatiaLite is a SQLite extension that enables support of spatial (geometry) data in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications, with both WKT and WKB formats. . Spatialite also includes Virtualshape and Virtualtext to enable accessing shapefiles and csv/text files as virtual tables. Package: spatialite-gui-dbg Description-md5: b733fb677e96173101b38b60cbee1f0c Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario amigábel para SpatiaLite - sÃmbolos de depuración spatialite-gui é unha interface gráfica de usuario (GUI) para SpatiaLite. . SpatiaLite is a SQLite extension that enables support of spatial (geometry) data in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications, with both WKT and WKB formats. . Spatialite also includes Virtualshape and Virtualtext to enable accessing shapefiles and csv/text files as virtual tables. . Este paquete contén sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: speech-tools Description-md5: 23bbb81e2e55bcc1d07ccd37a4f11944 Description-gl: Edinburgh Speech Tools - user binaries This package contains the various highly useful utility programs that use and accompany the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library. Audio software and some basic signal processing software is included in this package. . The following programs are available: na_play: generic playback program for use with net_audio and CSTR ao. ch_wave: Waveform file conversion program. ch_lab: label file conversion program. ch_track: Track file conversion program. wagon: a CART tree build and test program . Vexa /usr/share/doc/speech-tools/README para unha lista detallada dos programas dispoñÃbeis. Package: speech-tools-doc Description-md5: 7bc9ef5c11ff30efddc6d989c050d300 Description-gl: Documentation for the Edinburgh Speech Tools This package contains the HTML and Postscript versions of the documentation for the Edinburgh Speech Tools. . A documentación contén tamén exemplos e titoriais sobre como empregar a biblioteca Speech Tools cos seus programas. Package: speechd-el-doc-cs Description-md5: 5c6ad7d899ee6188425dc586151f6783 Description-gl: Documentación de speechd-el en checo speechd-el is an Emacs client and an Elisp library to Speech Dispatcher. It provides a complex speech interface to Emacs, focused especially on (but not limited to) the blind and visually impaired users. It allows the user to work with Emacs without looking on the screen, using the speech output produced by the synthesizers supported in Speech Dispatcher. Package: speechd-up Description-md5: b768f15f6d79ccbb0614e0d4759acaa3 Description-gl: Interface entre Speech Dispatcher e SpeakUp SpeechD-Up provides an interface daemon between Speakup (kernel based screen reader) and Speech Dispatcher (common interface to speech synthesis). Using SpeechD-Up, you can make Speakup work with software synthesizers like Flite or Festival. This interface is in no way optimal and it suffers of many problems. Some users still find it useful. If you want to have sound on the console with a commercial speech synthetiser, such as ibmtts, you need a connector between the speech synthetiser and the speakup_soft module. As there has not been any usable connector since Squeeze, this package has this function. It is useless if you use a free speech synthetiser as Espeak, since a connector exists and is packaged: see the espeakup package. It is also useless if you use speechd-el with Emacs. Package: speedcrunch Description-md5: fa2784a9d0f53c96b40b2754a4d6444c Description-gl: Calculadora de alta precisión SpeedCrunch é unha calculadora de alta precisión e rapidez. . Está optimizada para o seu uso con teclado e ten funcionalidades avanzadas: uso de funcións, uso de variábeis, historial de resultados e realzado da sintaxe. Tamén vai mostrando o resultado segundo se vai escribindo. . SpeedCrunch ten unha interface moi sinxela, polo que se pode comezar a empregar rapidamente. Package: speedtest-cli Description-md5: a2d3eacca5ace55c3a93c3ebb60d3864 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para probar o largo de banda de Internet empregando is a webservice that allows you to test your broadband connection by downloading a file from one of many servers from around the world. . This utility allows you to use the service from the command line. . Note: This tool accesses over http, while the web-based client uses websockets. This tool has shown to become increasingly inacurate with high-speed connections. For more information, see the readme on: Package: speex Description-md5: 30acf610b7bb12b7f7c8d43f2518349b Description-gl: The Speex codec command line tools Speex é un códec de son deseñado especialmente para comprimir voz en taxas de bits baixas para aplicativos como as de voz por IP (VoIP). Nalgúns sentidos, está pensado para complementar o códec Vorbis, que pon maior énfase na reprodución de música con calidade alta. . This package contains the encoder and decoder command-line applications. Package: spek Description-md5: 8cfef49bc5bafec8c8e872d06787ec14 Description-gl: acoustic spectrum analyser Spek helps to analyse your audio files by showing their spectrogram. It supports all popular lossy and lossless audio file formats. . Funcionalidades: . * Procesamento ultra-rápido dos sinais; emprega varios fÃos para acelerar a análise * Mostra o nome do códec e os parámetros do sinal de son * Pode gravar o espectrograma como ficheiro de imaxe * Admite arrastrar e soltar; asóciase con formatos de ficheiros de son comúns * Tempo de axuste automático, regras para a frecuencia e a densidade espectral * Intervalo de densidade espectral axustábel Package: spim Description-md5: a6c54db6224f26d25e74ec04a57d2b52 Description-gl: MIPS R2000/R3000 emulator Emula un procesador MIPS R2000/R3000 en software. É útil para estudantes que estean a aprender assembly para MIPS R2000/R3000. . SPIM S20 is a software simulator that runs assembly language programs for the MIPS R2000/R3000 RISC computers. SPIM can read and immediately run files containing assembly language statements. SPIM is a self-contained system for running these programs and contains a debugger and interface to the operating system. Package: spooles-doc Description-md5: 5e713060d748756ce03744f19c4510f5 Description-gl: SPOOLES numerical simulation pre- and post-processor documentation SPOOLES is a library for solving sparse real and complex linear systems of equations, written in the C language using object oriented design. . Este paquete contén a documentación de SPOOLES. Package: spotlighter Description-md5: 007f756d6b76930d1ea1713b02123b83 Description-gl: Interface en gtk para realizar anotacións na pantalla Spotlighter is a tool that shows a movable and resizable spotlight on the desktop screen. This is especially useful when making presentations, to highlight point of interest. . Spotlighter is XInput-Aware, so you can use it with a graphic tablet or a whiteboard. . This program has been implemented for educational purposes. Package: spring-mods-kernelpanic Description-md5: 21fb68f3970a4f4fb8fc9b498db2afe5 Description-gl: O xogo Kernel Panic para o motor Spring, un xogo de estratexia en tempo real (RTS) sen economÃa Kernel Panic is a game about computers. Systems, Hackers, and Networks wage war in a matrix of DOOM! The only constraints are time and space; unlike other real time strategy games, no resource economy exists in Kernel Panic. . All units are free in this game, every factory built will be spamming units at all times. You can build more factories, but only on pre-defined areas (geothermal vents). All that remains is pure strategy and tactics. . Kernel Panic makes for a frantically fast-paced, action-oriented game, with a very unique graphical style. Package: spyder Description-md5: 9a7e97a23c870ccb131392724b53b4c8 Description-gl: Python IDE for scientists (Python 2) O Spyder (coñecido anteriormente como Pydee) é un ambiente de desenvolvemento libre e de código aberto en Python que fornece funcionalidades semellantes ás do MATLAB nun software sinxelo e lixeiro . This package provides the application for Python 2. Package: spyder-doc Description-md5: e68dacaa0070c3514f091d2e3a440f4b Description-gl: documentation for spyder Originally written to design Spyder (the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment), the spyderlib Python library provides ready-to-use pure- Python widgets: source code editor with syntax highlighting and code introspection/analysis features, NumPy array editor, dictionary editor, Python console, etc. It's based on the Qt Python binding module PyQt4 (and is compatible with PySide since v2.2). . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: spyder3 Description-md5: f37bc3a3eb42f031859941a5bf0242a8 Description-gl: Python IDE for scientists (Python 3) O Spyder (coñecido anteriormente como Pydee) é un ambiente de desenvolvemento libre e de código aberto en Python que fornece funcionalidades semellantes ás do MATLAB nun software sinxelo e lixeiro . This package provides the application for Python 3. Package: sqlcipher Description-md5: df5d6eb95e55a0edac15563747fa0cd0 Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para SQLCipher SQLCipher is a C library that implements an encryption in the SQLite 3 database engine. Programs that link with the SQLCipher library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. It allows one to have per-database or page-by-page encryption using AES-256 from OpenSSL. . SQLCipher has a small footprint and great performance so it’s ideal for protecting embedded application databases and is well suited for mobile development. . * as little as 5-15% overhead for encryption * 100% of data in the database file is encrypted * Uses good security practices (CBC mode, key derivation) * Zero-configuration and application level cryptography * Algorithms provided by the peer reviewed OpenSSL crypto library. . SQLCipher has broad platform support for with C/C++, Obj-C, QT, Win32/.NET, Java, Python, Ruby, Linux, Mac OS X, iPhone/iOS, Android, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android. . SQLCipher v3.4.1 is based on SQLite3 v3.15.2. Package: sqlite Description-md5: a20b0b871118ab307b13141113cbe11f Description-gl: command line interface for SQLite 2 SQLite é unha biblioteca en C que implementa un motor de base de datos en SQL. Os programas que ligan coa biblioteca SQLite pode ter acceso a base de datos en SQL sen ter que executar un proceso RDBMS separado. . NOTE: This package is SQLite version 2. Most programs that use SQLite use SQLite version 3. See the "sqlite3" package for that. Package: sqlite-doc Description-md5: c5763b2fdcd6cb8b1185853500bd8ead Description-gl: SQLite 2 documentation SQLite é unha biblioteca en C que implementa un motor de base de datos en SQL. Os programas que ligan coa biblioteca SQLite pode ter acceso a base de datos en SQL sen ter que executar un proceso RDBMS separado. . NOTE: This package is SQLite version 2. Most programs that use SQLite use SQLite version 3. See the "sqlite3-doc" package for that. . Este paquete contén a documentación que tamén está dispoñÃbel no sitio web de SQLite. Package: sqlitebrowser Description-md5: 4c95f94ef68715256356f5c1413d7045 Description-gl: Editor con interface gráfica de usuario para bases de datos SQLite SQLite Database Browser is a visual tool used to create, design and edit database files compatible with SQLite. Its interface is based on QT, and is meant to be used for users and developers that want to create databases, edit and search data using a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, without the need to learn complicated SQL commands. Controls and wizards are available for users to: - Create and compact database files - Create, define, modify and delete tables - Create, define and delete indexes - Browse, edit, add and delete records - Search records - Import and export records as text - Import and export tables from/to CSV files - Import and export databases from/to SQL dump files - Issue SQL queries and inspect the results - Examine a log of all SQL commands issued by the application . SQLite Database Browser is not a visual shell for the sqlite command line tool. It does not require familiarity with SQL commands. Package: squeak-plugins-scratch-dbg Description-md5: 83fb1f36bad2540ba1c4aa1a74fa007d Description-gl: Squeak plugins for the Scratch programming environment - debug Scratch is an easy, interactive, collaborative programming environment designed for creation of interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and sharing these on the web. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración dos engadidos. Package: squishyball Description-md5: 2e77d4a52b0b2afca728d3e2bc910290 Description-gl: audio sample comparison testing tool squishyball is a simple command-line utility for performing double-blind A/B, A/B/X or X/X/Y (A/B/X with additional sample order randomisation) testing of audio samples on the command line. . The user specifies two input files to be compared and uses the keyboard during playback to flip between the randomized samples to perform on-the- fly comparisons. After a predetermined number of trials, squishyball prints the trial results to stdout and exits. . squishyball pode ser empregado para axudar a determinar cales son as configuracións ópticas dos códecs de son paras unha combinación especÃfica de usuario e equipamento de son. Package: ssh-contact Description-md5: 8401197a5caf087ece3430e8bbda57aa Description-gl: establish SSH connections to your IM contacts using Telepathy (metapackage) SSH-Contact is a client/service tool that makes easy to connect your telepathy IM contacts via SSH. No need to care about dynamic IP, NAT, port forwarding or firewalls anymore; if you can chat with a friend, you can also SSH him. . Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende tanto de both ssh-contact-client como de ssh-contact-service. Package: ssh-krb5 Description-md5: 97f2344812bdc3899f4e9dd9a1b4f5fe Description-gl: secure shell client and server (transitional package) Este é un paquete transitorio que depende do cliente e servidor de OpenSSH normal de Debian, que agora admite GSSAPI de maneira nativa. Engade as opcións necesarias para GSSAPI ao ficheiro de configuración do servidor. Pódese desinstalar após completar a instalación se nada depende del. Package: stardict Description-md5: 3ca3c32e07b7e9cbcb83b43b2d468720 Description-gl: Dicionario internacional StarDict is a cross-platform and international dictionary written in GTK+ 2.x. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy search", etc. Package: stardict-common Description-md5: 9741f8eeab42643ab9b5c3d93a966cc6 Description-gl: Dicionario internacional - ficheiros de datos StarDict is a cross-platform and international written in GTK+ 2.x. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy search", etc. . This package contains data files (pixmaps, icons, documentations) needed by the stardict package. Package: stardict-gnome Description-md5: af1d0223bd0fb7d3ab8b2a7921a4886a Description-gl: Dicionario internacional para GNOME 2 StarDict is a cross-platform and international dictionary written in GTK+ 2.x. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy search", etc. . This package is compiled with GNOME 2 support and contains only the program of stardict and will be of limited use without the dictionary files. For more information about how to get the dictionary files, please read /usr/share/doc/stardict/README.Debian. Package: stardict-gtk Description-md5: b29fc75119b309e5bbeb9f6186a207e3 Description-gl: Dicionario internacional escrito en GTK+ 2.x StarDict is a cross-platform and international dictionary written in GTK+ 2.x. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy search", etc. . This package is compiled without GNOME 2 support and contains only the program of stardict and will be of limited use without the dictionary files. For more information about how to get the dictionary files, please read /usr/share/doc/stardict/README.Debian. Package: stardict-plugin Description-md5: df73b35a2c3f04e684f51d785ada3b78 Description-gl: Dicionario internacional - engadidos comúns StarDict is a cross-platform and international written in GTK+ 2.x. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy search", etc. . This package contains some add-on plugins for StarDict. These include: - man virtual dict plugin - qqwry virtual dict plugin - html parse plugin - xdxf parse plugin - wordnet plugin - powerword parse plugin - wiki parse plugin Package: stardict-plugin-espeak Description-md5: 1c5a944d933e29d6c4cbf1dd1fdff4d3 Description-gl: Dicionario internacional - engadido de TTS eSpeak StarDict is a cross-platform and international written in GTK+ 2.x. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy search", etc. . This package contains eSpeak TTS plugin for StarDict which can pronounce words. Package: stardict-plugin-festival Description-md5: f4357d370d6367ac6fbeef1edacf727d Description-gl: Dicionario internacional - engadido de TTS Festival StarDict is a cross-platform and international written in GTK+ 2.x. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy search", etc. . This package contains Festival TTS plugin for StarDict which can pronounce words. Package: stardict-tools Description-md5: c2c6fc934a847f21d56b5717508814c0 Description-gl: Ferramentas de conversión de dicionarios de stardict StarDict is a cross-platform and international dictionary written in GTK+ 2.x with GNOME 2 support. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy query", etc. . This package contains the dictionary conversion tools which can convert dictionaries of DICT, wquick, mova and pydict to stardict format Package: stardict-xmlittre Description-md5: 61f491e082f6b90c45091225230ff5f4 Description-gl: French Littré dictionary for stardict This package contains a XML version of the French language dictionary written by Émile Littré and published in 1863, suitable for the stardict dictionary software. . Despite its age, this dictionary now fallen in the public domain is still a widely used reference source for French language and litterature. It features 78,423 entries and 239,009 quotes from 3,910 authors. . Páxina web: Package: starvoyager Description-md5: b4ae40c2f4a8f098c987e0844aaf5620 Description-gl: 2D space arcade game, themed around 'Star Trek' - binary Star Voyager is a Frontier/Elite class game in a more arcade style 2D environment, themed to the 'Star Trek' universe. It utilizes the SDL library for portability. . Este paquete contén o binario do xogo Package: stella Description-md5: 5e4bb21deefc8d745452855b62f326cd Description-gl: Atari 2600 Emulator for SDL & the X Window System Stella é un emulador portátil da antiga consola de video-xogos Atari 2600. Con ela pódense xogar a maiorÃa dos xogos para Atari 2600. . Stella's features include: * emulation of Atari 2600 joysticks, keyboards, paddles and driving controllers using the host system's input peripherals; * emulation of trackballs, joysticks, booster grips, driving controllers and the Amiga Mouse using the host system's mouse; * support for real Atari 2600 controllers using the Stelladaptor, 2600-daptor or 2600-daptor II; * support for real Atari 7800 controllers using the 2600-daptor II; * support for the speech portion of a real AtariVox device; * support for Supercharger single-load and multi-load games; * emulation of CRT TV features, including texturing, colour bleed, RF noise and phosphor burn-off (requires OpenGL). . Inclúense un depurador amplo, co desensamblador Distella. . Teña en conta que esta non é a ferramenta de modelado, simulación e análise STELLA de isee systems. Package: stellarium Description-md5: ee62de66fb5b3319c81294a9100bca29 Description-gl: real-time photo-realistic sky generator O Stellarium mostra ceos en 3D con realismo fotográfico e en tempo real. Co Stellarium, realmente vese o que se poderÃa ver cos ollos, con binoculares ou cun pequeno telescopio. . Algunhas caracterÃsticas: - catálogo de estrelas predeterminado con máis de 600 000 estrelas, - información sobre as estrelas máis brillantes (tipo espectral, distancia, etc.), - extensións do catálogo de estrelas descargábeis, até 210 millóns de estrelas, - todos os obxectos do Novo Catálogo Xeral (NGC), - imaxes de case todos os obxectos de Messier e a VÃa Láctea, - posicións en tempo real dos planetas e o seus satélites, - trece culturas diferentes coas súas constelacións, - ilustracións artÃsticas das 88 constelacións occidentais, - atmosfera, amencer e solpor moi realistas, - sete paisaxes panorámicas (pódense crear ou descargar máis do sitio web), - pódense crear scripts con ECMAScript, - admite engadidos: O Stellarium ven con oito engadidos por omisión, incluÃdos: - engadido de satélites artificiais (actualizado desde unha base de datos de TLD da Rede), - engadido de simulación de oculares (mostra como se verÃan os obxectos a través dun ocular determinado), - engadido de edición do Sistema Solar (importa os datos dos cometas e os asteroides de MPC), - engadido de control de telescopios (compatÃbel con Meade LX2000 e Celestron NexStar). . O Stellarium non se deberÃa empregar para un cálculo moi exacto das efemérides, como a predición de eclipses. Porén, é o programa ideal para preparar unha noite de observación co ollo nu, con binoculares ou cun pequeno telescopio. Package: stellarium-data Description-md5: abb0e128a19de6802f33b1e1384d5593 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do Stellarium O Stellarium mostra ceos en 3D con realismo fotográfico e en tempo real. Co Stellarium, realmente vese o que se poderÃa ver cos ollos, con binoculares ou cun pequeno telescopio. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos comúns requiridos polo Stellarium. Inclúen texturas, catálogos de estrelas e traducións. Package: step Description-md5: 41b9209e3ba293cc51da9daac61a2e20 Description-gl: interactive physical simulator for KDE With Step you can not only learn but feel how physics works. You place some bodies on the scene, add some forces such as gravity or springs, then click "Simulate" and Step shows you how your scene will evolve according to the laws of physics. You can change every property of bodies/forces in your experiment (even during simulation) and see how this will change evolution of the experiment. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de educación do KDE. Package: stilts Description-md5: e9612dd1c197a49ddff9af997feebb5f Description-gl: Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set The STIL Tool Set is a set of command-line tools based on STIL, the Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library. It deals with the processing of tabular data; the package has been designed for, but is not restricted to, astronomical tables such as object catalogues. Some of the tools are generic and can work with multiple formats (including FITS, VOTable, CDF, CSV, SQL and ASCII), and others are specific to the VOTable format. In some ways, STILTS forms the command-line counterpart of the GUI table analysis tool TOPCAT. The package is robust, fully documented, and designed for efficiency, especially with very large datasets. . Este paquete contén o executábel. Package: stilts-doc Description-md5: fb5ec7d84d425889df08dc1780e149f5 Description-gl: Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library Tool Set (documentation) The STIL Tool Set is a set of command-line tools based on STIL, the Starlink Tables Infrastructure Library. It deals with the processing of tabular data; the package has been designed for, but is not restricted to, astronomical tables such as object catalogues. Some of the tools are generic and can work with multiple formats (including FITS, VOTable, CDF, CSV, SQL and ASCII), and others are specific to the VOTable format. In some ways, STILTS forms the command-line counterpart of the GUI table analysis tool TOPCAT. The package is robust, fully documented, and designed for efficiency, especially with very large datasets. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: stjerm Description-md5: 70addc8399c86aad501b602df84662c6 Description-gl: Emulador de terminal lixeiro Stjerm is a quake-like terminal emulator. Its window is shown and hidden with a key shortcut and can contain multiple tabs. Stjerm is very minimalistic and works well with Compiz window manager. Package: stormbaancoureur Description-md5: 6b3aa2e5393e1f839712b78d71b8ea59 Description-gl: Simulación dunha carreira de obstáculos para automóbiles Your objective is to drive your car along an obstacle course. Success depends on total control of the car. If you want to master it, try to have the laws of physics work with you, not against you. . The game was formerly known as Sturmbahnfahrer. Package: stow Description-md5: 952b8725dcbc2ad8368dbc929406052e Description-gl: Organizador para paquetes de software de /usr/local GNU Stow is a software installation manager for /usr/local. Using symbolic links, GNU Stow helps you keep the installations separate (/usr/local/stow/emacs vs. /usr/local/stow/perl, for example) while maintaining the illusion that they are all under /usr/local. Package: streamripper Description-md5: 2b37cc3dfd273b883d9e7c1b5aced71a Description-gl: Descrague fluxos da rede en ficheiros de son This command-line tool can be used to record MPEG III and OGG online radio-streams into track-separated audio files. Package: streamtuner2 Description-md5: de7f8eccbaa41ea538675ce7bd1ecde2 Description-gl: Navegador para emisoras de radio por Internet streamtuner2 é un navegador para directorios de emisoras de radio. Pode obter listas de SHOUTcast,, Live365, Jamendo, DMOZ,, Punkcast. E lista as entradas dos fluxos por categorÃa ou por xénero. Reutiliza os reprodutores de son existentes e a delega a gravación en streamripper. . It mimics the original streamtuner 0.99.99, but is easier to extend because it's written entirely in Python. It's already in a stable and useable form. Package: stretchplayer-dbg Description-md5: d4674ef5ddc6c74b6ea1683a3e051ffa Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do StretchPlayer StretchPlayer will play back an audio file and allow you to time stretch (without affecting pitch) and/or pitch shift (without affecting the time) the audio, even while you are listening to it. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do stretchplayer. Package: strigi-client Description-md5: d97923901869cf0dc7d04bbe22c438e1 Description-gl: Qt4 client for Strigi Desktop Search Strigi client is a Qt4 client (GUI) for the Strigi Desktop Search software. . This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search, it contains the Qt4 client. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: strigi-utils Description-md5: fee0e617d9ca75704ee1d6cf0585bbf9 Description-gl: command-line tools for Strigi Desktop Search This package is part of Strigi Desktop Search, it contains utilities powered by Strigi: * deepfind, an enhanced version of find. It lists files embedded in other files like .deb, .rpm, .tar.gz, email attachments, and other files. * deepgrep, an enhanced version of grep. It searches in binary files like OpenOffice files, mp3s, Microsoft office files, pdfs and also in files embedded in other files like .deb, .rpm, .tar.gz, email attachments, pdf and other files. * xmlindexer, a program that outputs the file parsing results as xml. It walks through a directory and outputs an XML file containing all the metadata and text it can extract from the files it encounters. This means that the Strigi's powers of data extraction are now available to all applications that can parse XML simply by calling xmlindexer and parsing the output. . Vexa o paquete «strigi-daemon» para máis información. Package: structure-synth Description-md5: f886a9a848f51cd534dd38abfd2b2b10 Description-gl: Aplicativo para crear estruturas tridimensionais Structure Synth is a tool for generating 3D structures by specifying a design grammar. Even simple systems may generate surprising and complex structures. Structure Synth offers a graphical environment with multiple tabs, syntax highlighting, and OpenGL preview. Integration with third- party renderers (such as Sunflow and POV-Ray) is possible using a flexible template based export system. . Structure Synth has been developed by Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen. It was inspired by the CFDG syntax by Chris Coyne, and the Context Free Art GUI by Mark Lentczner and John Horigan. Package: structure-synth-dbg Description-md5: 9d6f1ac63146b719139e6d18b7698ac1 Description-gl: Aplicativo para crear estruturas tridimensionais Structure Synth is a tool for generating 3D structures by specifying a design grammar. Even simple systems may generate surprising and complex structures. Structure Synth offers a graphical environment with multiple tabs, syntax highlighting, and OpenGL preview. Integration with third- party renderers (such as Sunflow and POV-Ray) is possible using a flexible template based export system. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: stymulator Description-md5: 56fcd3a190592d3892daec1cdc4990d3 Description-gl: Curses based player and converter for the YM chiptune format STYMulator is an Open Source (GPL License) player which plays music files in the YM chiptune format. In particular the YM files are Yamaha YM2149 soundchip music datas (registers) dumped from the ATARI 16-bit computers. . The YM chiptune 'standard' has been introduced in the middle of 90's by Arnaud Carré aka Leonard/OXG. His sensational ST-Sound player has been released for Windows only. Ten years after the first ST-Sound creation he released ST-Sound library under GPL license. . STYMulator has a very simple terminal GUI. It has been written in pure ANSI C code with ncurses library. Sounds are generated through ALSA. . Este paquete contén tanto ymplayer (reprodutor paseado en curses) como ym2wav, un convertedor de YM a Wave para a consola. Package: styx-dev Description-md5: f747059776d93ec49bf19e2d2b48f6e9 Description-gl: combined parser/scanner generator development files Bibliotecas estáticas e cabeceiras necesarias para o desenvolvemento con styx. . cf. styx for features. Package: styx-doc Description-md5: 2be9f2eeb3aacf89edde73d6871ebe2f Description-gl: combined parser/scanner generator documentation «O manual de Styx» describe o desenvolvemento de aplicativos con styx e contén documentación de referencia en HTML para a API de styx. . Contains a full blown example showing how to build an XML parser with styx. . cf. styx for features. Package: subcommander Description-md5: 1b1931be84332c697ecb94b0d2ed2637 Description-gl: Cliente gráfico para Subversion Subcommander é un cliente gráfico para Subversion que admite a maiorÃa das funcionalidades de Subversion. A súa integración tan próxima do navegador do repositorio e o estado da copia de traballo permite alternar rapidamente entre estas vistas. Subcommander contén tamén submerge, unha ferramenta para diferenzas e fusións de ficheiros de texto. . Este paquete contén os aplicativos subcommander e submerge. Package: subcommander-doc Description-md5: 3d4efea61a8941e138d4404f8a8e515c Description-gl: GuÃa do usuario de subcommander Subcommander é un cliente gráfico para Subversion que admite a maiorÃa das funcionalidades de Subversion. A súa integración tan próxima do navegador do repositorio e o estado da copia de traballo permite alternar rapidamente entre estas vistas. Subcommander contén tamén submerge, unha ferramenta para diferenzas e fusións de ficheiros de texto. . Este paquete contén as guÃas do usuario de subcommander e submerge. Package: subdownloader Description-md5: 7a90c06d5c209816dff649752e1c0068 Description-gl: Xestor de descarga/envÃo de subtÃtulos de ficheiros de vÃdeo SubDownloader é unha ferramenta para descargar/enviar automaticamente subtÃtulos de ficheiros de vÃdeo (DIVX, MPEG, AVI, etc.) e DVD empregando hash rápido. . Funcionalidades: * Algoritmo rápido de hash (pelÃculas de 27 GB/7 segundos) * Busca recursiva en cartafoles * Detección automática do idioma dos subtÃtulos * EnvÃo dos subtÃtulos de temporadas enteiras en menos de un minuto . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica, os ficheiros comúns e a interface cli. Package: subnetcalc Description-md5: 7d4f40fa8b939fc44ff461055b84187f Description-gl: Calculadora de subredes de IPv4/IPv6 SubNetCalc é unha calculadora de enderezos de subrede de IPv4/IPv6. Para un enderezo e unha máscara de rede de IPv4 ou IPv6 dados, calcula o enderezo de rede, o enderezo de retransmisión, o número máximo de máquinas e o intervalo de enderezos de máquinas. A saÃda vai con cores para facilitar a lectura (p.ex., parte da rede, parte das máquinas). Tamén imprime os enderezos en formato binario para que se comprendan mellor. Alén disto, pode identificar o tipo de enderezos (p.ex. multicast, local único, local do sitio, etc.) e extraer información adicional a partir dos enderezos (p.ex. tipo, rango, identificador da interface, etc.) Por último, pode xerar prefixos locais únicos de IPv6. Package: substance-doc Description-md5: 9c4bbdd9cc1d2cbbf81558036c9e7cb3 Description-gl: cross-platform look & feel for Swing applications - documentation The goal of this project is to provide a configurable and customizable production-quality Java look and feel library for Swing applications. This Java look and feel is available for JDK 5.0+ only. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API (Javadoc) de substance. Package: subtitlecomposer Description-md5: 667c47cc4e08dd3c41f4bdd7383658ae Description-gl: Editor de subtÃtulos para KDE Un editor de subtÃtulos para KDE baseado en texto que admite operacións básicas (edición de texto, tempo e estilo), visualización en tempo real e corrección ortográfica. Outras funcionalidades atractivas son demorar todos os subtÃtulo do ficheiro de subtÃtulos actual, comprobar os erros ou crear traducións. . Different backends (GStreamer, MPlayer, or Phonon) can be used to play the realtime video preview which helps to synchronize the subtitles. Package: subtitleeditor Description-md5: c039e585122e311934df538fbde58c68 Description-gl: Editor gráfico de subtÃtulos con representación das ondas sonoras Editor de SubtÃtulos é unha ferramenta en GTK+3 para editar subtÃtulos. Pódese empregar con subtÃtulos novos ou como ferramenta para transformar, editar, corrixir e refinar subtÃtulos xa existentes. . Este programa mostra tamén as ondas sonoras, o que facilita a sincronización dos subtÃtulos coas voces. . Este paquete ten estas funcionalidades . o Interface para varios documentos. o Capacidade de internacionalización. o Reprodutor de vÃdeo integrado na xanela principal (baseado en GStreamer). o Pode reproducir unha vista previa cun reprodutor de vÃdeo externo (empregando o MPlayer ou outro). o Editor de estilos. o Movemento de subtÃtulos. o Mudanza do tamaño. o Dividir e fusionar subtÃtulos. o Editar o texto e axustar o tempo (inicio, final). o Xerar Waveform a partir do vÃdeo. . Formatos admitidos: . o Sub Station Alpha. o Advanced Sub Station Alpha. o SubRip. o MicroDVD. o MPL2. o MPsub (MPlayer subtitle). o SubViewer 2.0. o Texto simple. o DVD de Adobe Encore. Package: suck Description-md5: 356f5eecc5e2630f27633127c19a9ea7 Description-gl: small newsfeed from an NNTP server with standard NNTP commands Este paquete contén software para copiar novas desde un servidor de NNTP para a máquina local e para copiar as respostas de volta ao servidor de NNTP. . The suck/rpost combination allows you to run your own INN/CNEWS site, controlling where you get your news, and where you post outgoing articles. Suck/rpost use only standard NNTP commands that are used by your favorite news reader (like tin, knews, trn) such as POST and ARTICLE. If you can use tin or knews against an NNTP site, than you can use Suck/Rpost and have multiple site feeds. . NOTA: Suck non funciona con servidores de NNTP obsoletos que non poden manexar a orde xhdr. Package: suckless-tools Description-md5: e11fd78969b1085b419db24deb5ec04c Description-gl: Ordes sinxelas para xestores de xanelas minimalistas Este paquete fornece ordes sinxelas deseñadas para seren empregadas cun xestor de xanelas minimalista como dwm, mais poden ser útiles en scripts independentemente do xestor de xanelas empregado. . * dmenu: Dynamic menu is a generic menu for X. * lsw: Lists the titles of all running X windows to stdout, similar to ls(1). * slock: Simple X display locker that locks the X session. * sprop: Sets or gets X window properties. * sselp: Simple X selection printer that prints the X selection to stdout. * ssid: Simple setsid replacement. * swarp: Simple X warping tool to warp the mouse pointer to a given position. * tabbed: Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications. * wmname: Prints/sets the window manager name property of the root window similar to how hostname(1) behaves. * xssstate: Retrieves the state of X screensaver. Package: sucrose Description-md5: 94dcfa18b7b7982948d4b06a5b2940b7 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - Sucrose A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes que constitúen Sucrose, o ambiente base oficial de Sugar. Package: sudo-ldap Description-md5: 3eb434e5d9cece945618eca8df3cf9a0 Description-gl: Forneza privilexios limitados de super-usuario a determinados usuarios Sudo é un programa deseñado para permitir que os administradores de sistemas lles dean privilexios limitados de superusuario aos usuarios e para rexistrar a actividade do superusuario. A filosofÃa básica é dar tan poucos problemas como for posÃbel mais, aÃnda asÃ, permitir que se poida realizar o traballo. . Esta versión está construÃda con compatibilidade con LDAP, o que permite distribuÃr un equivalente da base de datos sudoers mediante LDAP. A autenticación aÃnda se realiza mediante pam. Package: sudoku Description-md5: b7b515c5b1173672e084c8ec432ff43f Description-gl: Sudoku baseado na consola Este xerador/solucionador de sudokus ten as funcionalidades seguintes: * interface baseada en caracteres (curses); * multi-plataforma (Minix, Unix, Windows) con código fonte completo (ANSI C); * xera suxestións se se lle piden; * clasificación da dificultade do quebracabezas (moi doado, doado, medio, duro ou fodido); * xeración de quebracabezas novos; * introdución fácil de quebracabezas publicados en revistas, Internet,...; * varios formatos de saÃda (texto, csv, HTML, PostScript). Package: sugar-browse-activity Description-md5: 1749c340f5b2a5b1a6a32aab545303ce Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - web browsing activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . A actividade Navegar fornece un navegador web baseado no motor WebKit. Package: sugar-calculate-activity Description-md5: 8a8c0a3257435d629679ea91c702d0b0 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - calculation activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . The Calculate Activity is an infix-notation graphing calculator. Type an expression or select components from the toolbars, and press Return to evaluate it. Package: sugar-chat-activity Description-md5: 13fe34433dae1d8551d0609b0f606c71 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - text chatting activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . The Chat activity provides a simple interface for collaborative discussion, be it between two individuals or among a group as large as an entire classroom. Use Neighborhood View to invite particular people to Chat, or share for a public conversation. It uses Sugar collaboration mechanism for launching and joining chats so you can use it even without internet. Package: sugar-icon-theme Description-md5: c324dffdca83c40310030db530e6ae03 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - icon theme A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . This package contains the icon theme used with Sugar. Package: sugar-imageviewer-activity Description-md5: e8288a76a633f6398cff84f074f7af18 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - image viewing activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . The Image Viewer activity is a simple and fast image viewer tool. It has features one would expect of a standard image viewer, like zoom, rotate, etc. Package: sugar-jukebox-activity Description-md5: be62887d2c13352a600478dc781428ac Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - music jukebox activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . The Jukebox activity is a simple media player. One can play audio files or video files according to different codecs installed. It supports different playlist files like .m3u , .pls . It also supports playing of http streams over network. Package: sugar-log-activity Description-md5: f2d1d386ea8d048374784509ef99b09c Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - log viewing and reporting activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . Log files are created when Activities run, and by other Sugar-related processes. They list software errors, among other data, and can help diagnose software problems. . This package contains the Log activity to view Sugar-related log files. Package: sugar-memorize-activity Description-md5: e5a68b8ccf1423b71b94850a96666cf6 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - matching game creation/playing activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . Este paquete contén a actividade Memorize. . Memorize is about finding matching pairs. A pair can consist of any multimedia object. At the moment these are images, sounds and text but this could be extended to animations or movie snippets as well. Package: sugar-pippy-activity Description-md5: 621211c0a07047a9639a0ac76de1b2a4 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - Python programming activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . Pippy allows the student to examine, execute, and modify simple Python programs. In addition it is possible to write Python statements to play sounds, calculate expressions, or make simple text based interactive games. Package: sugar-presence-service Description-md5: 87b3d6a0b99cea1bd00b718357230007 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - legacy presence service A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . This package contains the (deprecated but still used) presence service. Package: sugar-read-activity Description-md5: e929c1c9b0d55d8720d4e218f1b65ff6 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - document viewer activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . The Read activity provides a document viewer that can display PDF, epub, djvu, and plain txt. Package: sugar-session Description-md5: 750e0b3501e199e49e48c04ee41067fc Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - window manager A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . This package contains the integrated session and window manager Sugar. Package: sugar-terminal-activity Description-md5: 8b7f0234ded8a8569b16de485ba994a7 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - terminal emulation activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . Terminal provides a Bash shell command line, with access to all of the usual cryptic Unix commands, which are generally considered beyond the capabilities of elementary-school children. However, there are always exceptions. Package: sugar-themes Description-md5: f8ece88a5fd41893153e32ea72b8a957 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - artwork A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Este paquete contén os gráficos de Sugar. Package: sugar-write-activity Description-md5: 3ef6a860cd4907f467f48205e49350c2 Description-gl: Sugar Learning Platform - writing activity A Plataforma de Aprendizaxe Sugar promove a aprendizaxe colaborativa a través das Actividades de Sugar, que fomentan o pensamento crÃtico, corazón dunha educación de calidade. Deseñada desde o principio especialmente para rapaces, Sugar ofrece unha alternativa ao software de «escritorio de oficina» tradicional. . Learner applications in Sugar are called Activities. They are software packages that automatically save your work - producing specific instances of the Activity that can be resumed at a later time. Many Activities support learner collaboration, where multiple learners may be invited to join a collective Activity session. . The Write activity serves as a basic text editing application. Its simple interface provides an easy starting point for children, presenting tools that make writing a story, poem or essay simple and straightforward. It also supports basic tools for inserting images, creating tables, and performing basic layout operations as children begin to require some of these features often associated with word processors. Package: summain Description-md5: 51e33ab44bd5bfdce510b06b6f3a15fb Description-gl: Cree manifestos de ficheiros con sumas de comprobación Summain generates file manifests, which contain metadata about the files, and a checksum of their content for regular files. The manifest can be generated for a directory tree at different points in time and compared (with diff) to see if something has changed. Package: sumo Description-md5: 6474797555ea3a70838074722fee9bc7 Description-gl: Simulación de Mobilidade Urbana (SUMO) SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic road traffic simulation package designed to handle large road networks. Main binary. Package: sunflow Description-md5: 5d61514521b86f0d0c118dfc6075f3ca Description-gl: Sistema de renderizado para a sÃntese de imaxes foto-realistas (interface gráfica) Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis. It is written in Java and built around a flexible ray tracing core and an extensible object-oriented design. It was created as a framework for experimenting with global illumination algorithms and new surface shading models. . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica de sunflow. Package: supercat Description-md5: f831773aa597407584dfb2fe5dc3e721 Description-gl: Programa que colora o texto para terminais e HTML Supercat é un programa que colora o texto baseándose en expresións/cadeas/caracteres regulares. Supercat admite saÃda en HTML, asà como en texto ASCII. Ao contrario doutros programas para colorar texto que existen, Supercat non require ter que ser programador para preparar as regras. Package: supercollider Description-md5: 224d977a18b4042d27581aefe460d328 Description-gl: Linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . Este metapaquete instala os compoñentes centrais estándar de supercollider, incluÃda a linguaxe, o servidor de sÃntese e o editor de código (IDE). Package: supercollider-common Description-md5: 6856889075f931634985e88f0cefd706 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns do SuperCollider SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . Este paquete contén os datos independentes da arquitectura do SuperCollider. Package: supercollider-dev Description-md5: 12313ee58fb018f25a0b088bf31045c1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do SuperCollider SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento e as cabeceiras. Package: supercollider-emacs Description-md5: 0491169517790591507cc0bb541f5643 Description-gl: SuperCollider mode for Emacs SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . This package provides the SuperCollider mode for Emacs. Package: supercollider-gedit Description-md5: e7ec0e380f26a8b28b16b7fee0d2a23c Description-gl: SuperCollider mode for Gedit SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . This package provides the SuperCollider mode for Gedit. Package: supercollider-ide Description-md5: 6b26d4803617382bd4f04a2ef5d095f5 Description-gl: Ambiente de desenvolvemento integrado para o sistema de son supercollider SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . This package contains the graphical IDE, the recommended interface for working with SuperCollider code. Package: supercollider-language Description-md5: 6bce609ba936d3f93a19d187d9b61a0a Description-gl: Linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . Este paquete contén o intérprete da linguaxe. Package: supercollider-server Description-md5: 0efc9f1a38881679805fd7b74d820e7d Description-gl: Servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . Este paquete contén o servidor de sÃntese. Package: supercollider-supernova Description-md5: 986afb0a3fe9dce2e4d0c1ce68706579 Description-gl: Servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real (versión multiprocesador) SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . This package contains the multiprocessor aware and parallelization capable synthesis server supernova. Use of this server is manually enabled via a Server.supernova call before starting the server. This server does not work on i486 or i586 processors. Package: supercollider-vim Description-md5: 9f75de08f2a26b3a5b9b3183c30dfd6c Description-gl: SuperCollider mode for Vim SuperCollider é un ambiente e unha linguaxe de programación para a sÃntese de son en tempo real e a composición algorÃtmica. Fornece unha linguaxe orientada a obxectos interpretada que funciona como cliente de rede para un servidor de sÃntese de son en tempo real cos últimos avances. . This package provides the SuperCollider mode for Vim. Package: superiotool Description-md5: f8149ff48d60147458a1a0d21effa7b7 Description-gl: Super I/O detection tool Superiotool é unha utilidade para o espazo do usuario que pode . - detect which Super I/O chip is soldered onto your mainboard, . - at which configuration port it's located (usually 0x2e or 0x4e), and . - dump all register contents of the Super I/O chip, together with the default values as per datasheet (to make comparing the values easy). . It is mainly used for coreboot (previously known as LinuxBIOS) development purposes (see for details on coreboot), but it may also be useful for other things. Package: supertransball2 Description-md5: 804e90de2e2451c711cf4cb4315f72c5 Description-gl: Thrust type of game Super Transball 2 é un xogo inspirado no ZARA THRUSTA do Amiga 500. En cada nivel o obxectivo é atopar a ESFERA, capturala e levala á parte superior do nivel. O principal reto é a gravidade que atrae a nave e que fai inevitábel controlar o impulso da nave. Moitos outros obstáculos, como canóns, tanques, portas ou láseres, tentarán tamén dificultar a viaxe, e non desperdicies os impulsores e as armas ou ficarás sen combustÃbel en nadiña de tempo. Package: supertransball2-data Description-md5: 84d61260f74fd76b8f34a8fa1e4571da Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do supertransball2 Super Transball 2 é un xogo inspirado no ZARA THRUSTA do Amiga 500. En cada nivel o obxectivo é atopar a ESFERA, capturala e levala á parte superior do nivel. O principal reto é a gravidade que atrae a nave e que fai inevitábel controlar o impulso da nave. Moitos outros obstáculos, como canóns, tanques, portas ou láseres, tentarán tamén dificultar a viaxe, e non desperdicies os impulsores e as armas ou ficarás sen combustÃbel en nadiña de tempo. . Super Transball 2 publÃcase con tres paquetes de niveis únicos que consisten en vinte e seis niveis en total. Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos de Super Transball 2. Package: supertux Description-md5: 83819c096307dca07762d7b9f833f8be Description-gl: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux O SuperTux é un xogo de desprazamento lateral clásico de saltar e correr en 2D nun estilo semellante ao dos xogos de SuperMario orixinais. Ti tes o papel do PinguÃn Tux, que debe rescatar a Penny dos mans do malvado Nolok. Package: supertux-data Description-md5: c2c5a5da6b5987f1181c1535a993e11f Description-gl: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux (data files) O SuperTux é un xogo de desprazamento lateral clásico de saltar e correr en 2D nun estilo semellante ao dos xogos de SuperMario orixinais. Ti tes o papel do PinguÃn Tux, que debe rescatar a Penny dos mans do malvado Nolok. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos requiridos por SuperTux. Package: supertuxkart Description-md5: b7e47b2f0e78418e322e23357b24c7db Description-gl: Xogo de carreiras de kart en 3D O SuperTuxKart é un xogo libre de carreiras de kart en 3D máis centrado na diversión que no realismo. Pódese xogar con até catro amigos nun PC competindo entre si ou simplemente tentando gañarlle ao computador; tamén é posÃbel o modo con un só xogador. . Olla para o grande faro ou conduce pola area e visita as pirámides. Compite baixo terra ou polo espazo vendo as estrelas pasar. Ou acouga baixo as palmeiras na praia mentres ves como os outros karts che adiantan. Mais non comas as bananas! Coidadiño coas bólas de billar, os pistóns, a goma de mascar e os pasteis que che guinden os teus opoñentes. . Podes facer unha carreira contra outros karts, competir nun de varios Grand Prix, tentar bater o mellor récord por tempos, xogar en modo batalla contra os teus amigos e máis! Package: supertuxkart-data Description-md5: 7c000895a1ef142194c997b00f60d8b2 Description-gl: Xogo de carreiras de kart en 3D (datos) O SuperTuxKart é un xogo libre de carreiras de kart en 3D máis centrado na diversión que no realismo. Pódese xogar con até catro amigos nun PC competindo entre si ou simplemente tentando gañarlle ao computador; tamén é posÃbel o modo con un só xogador. . Olla para o grande faro ou conduce pola area e visita as pirámides. Compite baixo terra ou polo espazo vendo as estrelas pasar. Ou acouga baixo as palmeiras na praia mentres ves como os outros karts che adiantan. Mais non comas as bananas! Coidadiño coas bólas de billar, os pistóns, a goma de mascar e os pasteis que che guinden os teus opoñentes. . Podes facer unha carreira contra outros karts, competir nun de varios Grand Prix, tentar bater o mellor récord por tempos, xogar en modo batalla contra os teus amigos e máis! . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos do xogo supertuxkart. Package: supertuxkart-dbg Description-md5: 1fd65650ef6fd5bddb32be234a6b1252 Description-gl: Xogo de carreiras de kart en 3D (depuración) O SuperTuxKart é un xogo libre de carreiras de kart en 3D máis centrado na diversión que no realismo. Pódese xogar con até catro amigos nun PC competindo entre si ou simplemente tentando gañarlle ao computador; tamén é posÃbel o modo con un só xogador. . Olla para o grande faro ou conduce pola area e visita as pirámides. Compite baixo terra ou polo espazo vendo as estrelas pasar. Ou acouga baixo as palmeiras na praia mentres ves como os outros karts che adiantan. Mais non comas as bananas! Coidadiño coas bólas de billar, os pistóns, a goma de mascar e os pasteis que che guinden os teus opoñentes. . Podes facer unha carreira contra outros karts, competir nun de varios Grand Prix, tentar bater o mellor récord por tempos, xogar en modo batalla contra os teus amigos e máis! . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do xogo supertuxkart. Package: surf Description-md5: 48b14cb1dc67b6050e5c5ab4d42accb3 Description-gl: Simple web browser by suckless community surf é un navegador web sinxelo baseado en WebKit/GTK+. Pode mostrar sitios web e seguir ligazóns. Admite o protocolo XEmbed, o que permite incorporalo noutros aplicativos. Ademais, pode apuntarse surf a outro URI configurando as súas XProperties. Package: suricata Description-md5: d75d723de9cd9ee5828c14e079cfc931 Description-gl: Ferramenta de detección de intrusións e prevención de nova xeración Suricata é un sistema de detección de intrusións pola rede (IDS). Baséase en regras (e é totalmente compatÃbel coas regras de snort) para detectar diversos ataques / sondas buscando no contido dos paquetes. . It can also be used as Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and as higher layer firewall. . This new Engine supports Multi-Threading, Automatic Protocol Detection (IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP, TLS, FTP and SMB), Gzip Decompression, Fast IP Matching and coming soon hardware acceleration on CUDA and OpenCL GPU cards. . This version has inline (NFQUEUE) support enabled. Package: suricata-dbg Description-md5: f290f4951a4ba73986689c3192155e60 Description-gl: Next Generation Intrusion Detection and Prevention Tool - debug symbols Suricata é un sistema de detección de intrusións pola rede (IDS). Baséase en regras (e é totalmente compatÃbel coas regras de snort) para detectar diversos ataques / sondas buscando no contido dos paquetes. . This package contains the debug symbols for Suricata. Package: suricata-hyperscan Description-md5: 647a85250c12f95459b12aa3c50df935 Description-gl: Next Generation Intrusion Detection and Prevention Tool, Hyperscan support Suricata é un sistema de detección de intrusións pola rede (IDS). Baséase en regras (e é totalmente compatÃbel coas regras de snort) para detectar diversos ataques / sondas buscando no contido dos paquetes. . This package adds Hyperscan support to an installed Suricata version. Package: suricata-oinkmaster Description-md5: 5d6cc2ccb0728562e2930acea3754bef Description-gl: Integration package between suricata and oinkmaster Suricata é un sistema de detección de intrusións pola rede (IDS). Baséase en regras (e é totalmente compatÃbel coas regras de snort) para detectar diversos ataques / sondas buscando no contido dos paquetes. . This package contains the integration bits between suricata and oinkmaster to allow easy automated ruleset updates. Package: survex Description-md5: 83f0a6d2685b8199bb0003d05a815fad Description-gl: Software para a exploración e a creación de mapas de covas A software suite to process, view, and print cave survey data. Survex is cross-platform (Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows). It has been translated into many languages. It can deal with extremely large and complex datasets and can read survey data from many sources. Package: survex-aven Description-md5: f985562ac004c0a192ac07cbfe19d447 Description-gl: Visor sofisticado de exploración de covas para Survex An advanced cave survey data viewer for Survex, written using the wxWidgets library, and using OpenGL for rendering. Aven allows searching for stations, highlighting categories of stations such entrances or fixed points, measuring the distance between stations, showing passage walls, showing the terrain above the cave, and supports presentations (pre- recorded fly-throughs). Package: sushi-plugins Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: svgpart Description-md5: 4a1993b3ae42f82ae7ffee908eef752f Description-gl: KPart de SVG de KDE SvgPart é un compoñente pequeno de KPart de KDE para mostrar imaxes SVG en Gwenview e en moitos outros aplicativos que empregan o sistema KPart. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de gráficos do KDE. Package: svgtoipe Description-md5: d6f702f7be3f0ed7f981a07865e6938d Description-gl: Converte figuras en SVG nun ficheiro en XML lexÃbel por Ipe Ipe é un editor de debuxos para crear figuras fornecido no paquete ipe. Package: svgtune Description-md5: 4a4338ea1df8923754736f03bf5b8be0 Description-gl: tool to generate a set of .svg files out of a single .svg file svgtune is a little helper to generate a set of .svg files out of a single .svg file, by tuning respective groups/layers visibility, transparency or anything else. . PoderÃa resultar práctico para xerar figuras incrementais que se incorporen á presentación en calquera formato que poda producir Inkscape empregando ficheiros .svg orixinais (p. e.x pdf, png). Package: svn-buildpackage Description-md5: ea3f527ae18feaa91da9034388a2ed7f Description-gl: Programas auxiliares para manter paquetes Debian con Subversion svn-buildpackage (formerly svn-devscripts) contains tools that help to automate the task of maintaining Debian packages inside of a Subversion repository. They are intended to be used by Debian maintainers to simplify the error-prone actions with the svn, devscripts, and dpkg-dev utilities. . - svn-inject: creates the initial directory structure of a Debian-SVN repository and imports existing packages - svn-upgrade: imports upstream changes into the upstream branch and updates the Debian trunk directory, merging and tagging as needed - svn-buildpackage: wrapper around dpkg-buildpackage (or other builders), exporting/merging/tagging source as needed - svn-do: exports a source, runs a command inside the exported source and, if the command succeeds, copies back the debian/ tree - uclean: removes redundant files from upstream source packages . The package also includes a detailed HOWTO document. Package: swami Description-md5: 2ff4793d9468d0cc249f8ff55470c547 Description-gl: Aplicativo para editar instrumentos MIDI Swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments) is an application for editing and managing MIDI instruments, such as SoundFont files. A programming API is also provided for integration with other applications. Package: swaml Description-md5: 9fb14dfa473b5b0b6e79bf2e10aecde2 Description-gl: Semantic Web Archive of Mailing Lists SWAML reads a collection of email messages stored in a mailbox (from a mailing list compatible with RFC 4155) and generates a RDF description. It is written in Python using SIOC as the main ontology to represent in RDF a mailing list, including the next features: . * Independente da plataforma. * Baseado en texto. * CompatÃbel con RFC 4155. * Serializa RDF ao disco. * Reusabilidade de ontoloxÃas xa estendidas, principalmente SIOC. * Enriquecemento mediante o emprego de FOAF. * Compatibilidade con KML. Package: swap-cwm Description-md5: 2f902d67d3de27a6de50d8e7f87008c8 Description-gl: RDF/XML and RDF/N3 semantic web data processor Cwm (pronounced coom) is a general-purpose data processor for the semantic web, somewhat like sed, awk, etc. for text files or XSLT for XML. It is a forward chaining reasoner which can be used for querying, checking, transforming and filtering information. Its core language is RDF, extended to include rules, and it uses RDF/XML or RDF/N3 (Notation3) serializations as required. . Tamén se inclúen as ferramentas de RDF cant e delta. Package: swe-basic-data Description-md5: 1836298a4fe352d9d8fff703d6547988 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos básicos para o paquete libswe This package includes basic data files needed by libswe, the Swiss Ephemeris. The basic data consists of these files: /usr/share/libswe/ephe/sedeltat.txt.inactive /usr/share/libswe/ephe/sefstars.txt /usr/share/libswe/ephe/seleapsec.txt /usr/share/libswe/ephe/seorbel.txt /usr/share/libswe/ephe/ The Swiss Ephemeris library can be used without installed data, if the user provides that data in her own private directory and points to it with SE_EPHE_PATH. Package: sweep Description-md5: a659f601f4dfa27ccbb76a50a1e4fe0e Description-gl: Editor de son e ferramenta de reprodución ao vivo Sweep é un editor de son e unha ferramenta de reprodución ao vivo. Admite moitos formatos de música e de voz, incluÃdos WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex e MP3, con edición multi-canle e engadidos de efectos de LADSPA. Package: sweep-dev Description-md5: 90b5b2c96bcf563dbfc0df2c74a40239 Description-gl: Editor de son e ferramenta de reprodución ao vivo (desenvolvemento) Sweep é un editor de son e unha ferramenta de reprodución ao vivo. Admite moitos formatos de música e de voz, incluÃdos WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex e MP3, con edición multi-canle e engadidos de efectos de LADSPA. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento para os engadidos de Sweep. Package: sweeper Description-md5: 9f36680cf633d3045f0c9d6da8e49f6a Description-gl: history and temporary file cleaner Sweeper can quickly remove temporary information, such as web page cookies, browser history, or the list of recently-opened documents. It helps provide additional privacy on a system shared between multiple users. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de utilidades de KDE SC. Package: sweethome3d Description-md5: be1e68bf788e0d7930c88f7227149830 Description-gl: Aplicativo de deseño de interiores en 2D con vista previa en 3D Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e con vista previa en 3D. Package: sweethome3d-furniture Description-md5: 1d5594241e1c0102ce97b93075bc84b6 Description-gl: Aplicativo de deseño de interiores en 2D con vista previa en 3D (mobiliario adicional) Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e con vista previa en 3D. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas de mobiliario adicionais creadas polos colaboradores do SweetHome3D. Package: sweethome3d-furniture-editor Description-md5: 0900db4796d2a942fc8c3e5b839df256 Description-gl: Editor da biblioteca de mobiliario do Sweet Home 3D Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e con vista previa en 3D. . This package contains furniture library editor for creating your own libraries. Package: sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree Description-md5: 814758ed0cef927dbcdf4d6d50a00167 Description-gl: Aplicativo de deseño de interiores en 2D con vista previa en 3D (mobiliario adicional non libre) Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e con vista previa en 3D. . Este paquete contén bibliotecas de mobiliario adicionais creadas polos colaboradores do SweetHome3D e publicados baixo licenzas que non seguen a DFSG. Package: sweethome3d-textures-editor Description-md5: 166857f74158cb2e4694d3e466446a0c Description-gl: Editor da biblioteca de texturas do Sweet Home 3D Sweet Home 3D é un aplicativo de deseño de interiores escrita en Java para escoller e colocar mobiliario rapidamente sobre o plano dunha casa en 2D e con vista previa en 3D. . This package contains textures library editor for creating your own textures libraries. Package: swfdec-gnome Description-md5: 72363c5a2aef33c5bc02683a067d7b34 Description-gl: dummy package for transition to Gnash This package is a transitional package for upgrading to Gnash. . Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando Gnash estea instalado. Package: swfdec-mozilla Description-md5: 3fd8cacf962e60069de1193b2be604d1 Description-gl: dummy package for transition to browser-plugin-gnash This package is a transitional package for upgrading to browser-plugin- gnash. . Pode ser retirado con seguranza cando browser-plugin-gnash estea instalado. Package: swh-plugins Description-md5: eae8bed900bb978b2c2eeb41c2f8acb9 Description-gl: Engadidos para LADSPA de Steve Harris Steve Harris has written a large number of plugins for LADSPA compatible hosts (e.g. GLAME, Sweep and ecasound). The plugins available are: . amp, fast overdrive, overdrive (with colourisation), comb filter, waveshaper, ringmod, divider, diode, decliper, pitch scaler, 16 band equaliser, sinus wavewrapper, hermes filter, chorus, flanger, decimater, oscillator, gverb, phasers, harmonic generators, surround encoders and more. Package: swi-prolog-doc Description-md5: c7e93c9e6b5ba3e7b55a5005ff0b2a3b Description-gl: Documentation for SWI-Prolog interpreter and XPCE SWI-Prolog is a Prolog implementation based on a subset of the WAM. It is accompanied by XPCE, a symbolic programming environment for user interfaces. . Este paquete contén a documentación nos formatos PDF e HTML de SWI-Prolog e SPCE/Prolog. Package: swig-examples Description-md5: cdfa6a45a18616de442335dc86a086df Description-gl: Exemplos de aplicativos para SWIG This is a dependency package providing the examples of the default version of SWIG in Debian. Package: swig3.0-examples Description-md5: 3ab5c9257106ba955b283c3165f0b8c9 Description-gl: Exemplos de aplicativos para SWIG Contains examples for applications of SWIG, a wrapper interface generator to integrate C code into scripting languages. Package: sword-text-arasvd Description-md5: 5ad3ad6baa3c6210021583fd945551a4 Description-gl: SWORD module of the Smith & Van Dyke 1865 Arabic Bible This is the Smith & Van Dyke 1865 Arabic Version of the Holy Bible. . This package contains data that requires a viewer to be seen properly, such as GnomeSword, BibleTime or Kio-Sword. . Páxina web: Package: sword-text-gerlut1545 Description-md5: 87d4f169f077e321c13831441a15792e Description-gl: SWORD module of Martin Luther's 1545 German Bible This is Martin Luther's German 1545 Version of the Holy Bible. . This package contains data that requires a viewer to be seen properly, such as GnomeSword, BibleTime or Kio-Sword. . Páxina web: Package: sword-text-wlc Description-md5: e6c902b88c030049c2b939f81af15e28 Description-gl: Westminster Leningrad Codex Version with Strong Numbers for SWORD This is the Westminster Leningrad Codex Version of the Holy Bible. The WLC source is maintained by the Westminster Hebrew Institute, Philadelphia, PA ( The Sword module is maintained by Martin Gruner (mg dot pub at gmx dot net). . This package contains data that require a viewer to be seen properly, such as GnomeSword, BibleTime or Kio-Sword. . Páxina web: Package: synapse Description-md5: 5c5b4abbfea92011cb23dfbc68f6c4f9 Description-gl: semantic file launcher O Synapse é un iniciador gráfico que permite iniciar aplicativos, asà como atopar e acceder rapidamente a documentos e ficheiros (mediante o uso do motor Zeitgeist). Package: synapse-dbg Description-md5: d04a68eab56ce8a51b9bb9de76cf3ac1 Description-gl: semantic file launcher - debug package O Synapse é un iniciador gráfico que permite iniciar aplicativos, asà como atopar e acceder rapidamente a documentos e ficheiros (mediante o uso do motor Zeitgeist). . This package contains the debug symbols. Package: synaptic Description-md5: d4fb8e90c9684f1113e56123c017d85f Description-gl: Graphical package manager O Synaptic é unha ferramenta gráfica para a xestión de paquetes de software baseada en GTK+ e APT. Synaptic permite instalar, anovar e retirar paquetes de software de maneira amábel. . Alén destas funcións básicas, fornece as funcionalidades seguintes: * Buscar e filtrar a lista de paquetes dispoñÃbeis * Realizar anovacións intelixentes do sistema * Arranxar as dependencias estragadas dos paquetes * Editar a lista de repositorios empregados (sources.list) * Descargar o rexistro de cambio máis recente dun paquete * Configurar os paquetes mediante o sistema debconf * Examinar toda a documentación dispoñÃbel relacionada cun paquete (require dwww) Package: synfig Description-md5: edb4e9874f19866be4284f8f169935d0 Description-gl: Renderizador de animacións en 2D baseado en vectores synfig is a vector based 2D animation renderer. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation. . This package contains the command-line renderer, for the GUI animation editor, please install synfigstudio. Package: synfig-dbg Description-md5: 70caa98e35d3fa5aa6200ec7c2d85bf4 Description-gl: synfig debugging symbols synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libsynfig0 e synfig. Package: synfigstudio Description-md5: d0d49c2f3a6e2b27bbd78df6ad668960 Description-gl: Renderizador de animacións en 2D baseado en vectores (interface gráfica de usuario) synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation. It eliminates the need for tweening, preventing the need to hand-draw each frame. . Este paquete contén a interface gráfica de usuario de synfig. Package: synfigstudio-dbg Description-md5: b67880e0f5a626a98bb55a049d1e8347 Description-gl: synfig GUI debugging symbols synfig is a vector based 2D animation package. It is designed to be capable of producing feature-film quality animation. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de libsynfigapp0 e synfigstudio. Package: synopsis-doc Description-md5: 5901a2641d2f6cb638e52674969981e4 Description-gl: Documentación de synopsis Synopsis is a multi-language source code introspection tool that provides a variety of representations for the parsed code to enable further processing such as documentation extraction, reverse engineering, and source-to-source translation. . Synopsis provides a framework of C++ and Python APIs to access these representations and allows Processor objects to be defined and composed into processing pipelines, making this framework very flexible and extensible. . This package contains the Synopsis Developer's Guide and the Synopsis Tutorial. Package: syslog-ng Description-md5: 2498a80b4edf9c00bf85d5db8c845d60 Description-gl: Enhanced system logging daemon (metapackage) syslog-ng is an enhanced log daemon, supporting a wide range of input and output methods: syslog, unstructured text, message queues, databases (SQL and NoSQL alike) and more. . Key features: . * receive and send RFC3164 and RFC5424 style syslog messages * work with any kind of unstructured data * receive and send JSON formatted messages * classify and structure logs with builtin parsers (csv-parser(), db-parser(), etc.) * normalize, crunch and process logs as they flow through the system * hand on messages for further processing using message queues (like AMQP), files or databases (like PostgreSQL or MongoDB). . Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende do resto de syslog-ng, incluÃdos todos os engadidos dispoñÃbeis. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza se só hai que instalar partes de syslog-ng. Package: system-tools-backends-dev Description-md5: 0fca9fbc776eea86118bf381cfd1a2f1 Description-gl: System Tools to manage computer configuration -- development files The System Tools Backends are a set of cross-platform scripts for Linux and other Unix systems. The backends provide a standard XML interface for modifying the configuration regardless of the distribution that's being used. . These backends are used in GNOME System Tools. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: Description-md5: 0c0d388045addb217dd0bbc42821c997 Description-gl: Aplicativo de preferencias de GNUstep System Preferences is an application which allows one to manage the settings of many aspects of the GNUstep environment and its applications. The System Preferences application is made of Modules, each one a bundle representing a single control panel, and is thus extensible and modular. Package: systemsettings Description-md5: a489ce3ef5aae006240bba5560bd5120 Description-gl: System Settings interface Desktop configuration application. . Este paquete fai parte do módulo de espazos de traballo de base do KDE. Package: systemtap Description-md5: 0aaa66102baf710a00ed98dc88fd7534 Description-gl: Sistema de instrumentación para Linux SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. This assists diagnosis of a performance or functional problem. SystemTap eliminates the need for the developer to go through the tedious and disruptive instrument, recompile, install, and reboot sequence that may be otherwise required to collect data. . SystemTap provides a simple command line interface and scripting language for writing instrumentation for a live running system. Package: systemtap-client Description-md5: ed93790e53261104420740cd37037a8e Description-gl: Sistema de instrumentación para Linux (cliente para o servidor de compilación) This package contains client for SystemTap compile server. It can be used to compile probes on a remote machine running systemtap-server. This client can be run on a machine without full kernel debug information and development environment required for 'systemtap' package. . If you only want to compile systemtap probes locally just install 'systemtap' package. . SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. Package: systemtap-common Description-md5: c5d2c140f32e968c63c24e4c6a3b1c4b Description-gl: Sistema de instrumentación para Linux (compoñente común) SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. . To be able to write new SystemTap probes, install systemtap package. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros comúns Package: systemtap-runtime Description-md5: 3b8442240972060b39c7cabf63a3eb04 Description-gl: Sistema de instrumentación para Linux (compoñente de tempo de execución) This package contains staprun program that can be used to run compiled SystemTap probes. . SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. . To be able to write new SystemTap probes, install systemtap package. Package: systemtap-server Description-md5: b06185466bc2c394362abf8236e40c53 Description-gl: Sistema de instrumentación para Linux (servidor de compilación) This package contains compile server for SystemTap. It can be used together with systemtap client to compile probes on a remote machine. Probes will be compiled by the server on request of remote clients. . SystemTap provides infrastructure to simplify the gathering of information about the running Linux system. Package: t1-cyrillic Description-md5: 7ca6d16685c5ea5f2b476f6ce77644e3 Description-gl: A basic set of free PostScript fonts Este paquete contén tipos de letra Type1 libres para as familias de tipos seguintes: Free Times, Free Helvetian, Free Helvetian Condensed, Free Courier, Free Avant Garde, Free Paladin, Free Schoolbook, Free Bookman e Free Chancery. . These fonts cover the Latin1 and Latin2 character sets and partially the most popular Cyrillic character sets. . The fonts look like the fonts in the Adobe basic set of PostScript fonts, but the font names are customized to avoid any trademark infringements. Package: t50 Description-md5: d470e423f26b044612ae5ceaa143582b Description-gl: Multi-protocol packet injector tool Multi-protocol packet injector tool for *nix systems, actually supporting 15 protocols. . Funcionalidades: . - Flooding - CIDR support - TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMPv2, IGMPv3, EGP, DCCP, RSVP, RIPv1, RIPv2, GRE, ESP, AH, EIGRP and OSPF support. - TCP Options. - High performance. - Can hit about 1.000.000 packets per second. Package: tablix2 Description-md5: 0c9c0ea91873e8ab9276e738fe4d84b0 Description-gl: Kernel for solving general timetabling problems O Tablix é un kernel potente de software libre para resolver problemas xerais de horarios. Emprega un algoritmo xenético paralelo groso en combinación con outras técnicas para construÃr horarios razoábeis a partir de descricións de problemas en XML. O Tablix pódese escoller nun único computador ou nunha máquina virtual paralela heteroxénea empregando PVM3. Package: tack-dbg Description-md5: 573addacff2a735dd2704a7bfbf67d26 Description-gl: terminfo action checker (debug) The 'tack' program is a diagnostic tool that is designed to create and verify the correctness of terminfo's. This program can be used to create new terminal descriptions that are not included in the standard ncurses release. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: tagainijisho-common Description-md5: 32c005280ef12c72d63a0b31593e7d6a Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para Tagaini Jisho Tagaini Jisho is a Japanese dictionary and learning assistant. . This package contains the main databases files, documentation and other common files for the tagainijisho package. Package: tagainijisho-dic-ru Description-md5: 2562f253e3f79cf0b93e261b6044b2a2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de dicionario de ruso para Tagaini Jisho Tagaini Jisho is a Japanese dictionary and learning assistant. . This package contains the Japanese-Russian dictionary files for the tagainijisho package. . Entries for which a translation is not available are displayed in English. Package: taggrepper Description-md5: b0920fa5c4dc4c6d710dc45ad564a645 Description-gl: Busque e atope etiquetas de ficheiros de son segundo expresións regulares taggrepper é unha pequena ferramenta escrita para empregar «grep» coas etiquetas dos ficheiros de son. Actualmente pode empregarse para atopar algunhas ou calquera das etiquetas dos ficheiros MP3, Ogg Vorbis e FLAC seguindo as expresións regulares que se lle indiquen e mostrar o nome e os campos designados dos ficheiros que cadren. Admite ademais buscas recursivas nos directorios. Package: Description-md5: 15f9f346644d7e146b5559a4d1f4af19 Description-gl: IRC client para GNUstep TalkSoup is a GNUstep IRC client built on the extensibility of the Objective-C language. The entire IRC client is implemented by plugins, so one can pick and choose what they want to use. Package: tamil-gtk2im Description-md5: f55ff1e321d8f872934887302ca42b88 Description-gl: Tamil input method for GTK-2 Este paquete fornece métodos de entrada para o idioma tamil para os aplicativos escritos coa biblioteca da Interface gráfica de usuario GTK+. Package: tangerine-dbg Description-md5: 4c37f61c4960968affc0227119308509 Description-gl: music server using DAAP (debug symbols) Tangerine is a simple music sharing server that uses DAAP to share your music over the local network. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do Tangerine. Package: tango-icon-theme-extras Description-md5: 3b595eecbcdec2cc33e6cb2aca90b5f3 Description-gl: Tango Icon theme Extras Tango is a project to create a new cross-desktop and cross-platform icon theme, using a standard style guide, and the new Icon Naming Specification. . Sitio web: Package: tap-plugins Description-md5: 5aae8cee0dcbfcf8d90134824d0ea730 Description-gl: Engadidos de procesamento de son para LADSPA de Tom Tom Szilagyi ten escritos moitos engadidos para máquinas compatÃbeis con LADSPA (p.ex. Ardour, GNU Sound e GStreamer). . The plugins (Equalizer, Reverberator, Stereo Echo, Tremolo, Scaling Limiter, AutoPanner and DeEsser) have been written primarily for Ardour but should work well with any LADSPA host. Package: tcl-expect-dev Description-md5: 4ec60e87cbd3a656d859084bbd5d1dcc Description-gl: Automates interactive applications (development) Expect is a tool for automating interactive applications according to a script. Following the script, Expect knows what can be expected from a program and what the correct response should be. Expect is also useful for testing these same applications. And by adding Tk, you can also wrap interactive applications in X11 GUIs. An interpreted language provides branching and high-level control structures to direct the dialogue. In addition, the user can take control and interact directly when desired, afterward returning control to the script. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de desenvolvemento. Package: tclcl-dev Description-md5: bb0200f4813f2983e88a4607d2d7e595 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para libtclcl-dev This is a transitional dummy package. If nothing depends on it, this package can be safely removed. Package: tclcurl Description-md5: 14561541206fa213a6c0490f9da8a0c8 Description-gl: Tcl bindings to libcurl This module enables the use of libcurl in Tcl scripts. Please refer to the libcurl documentation available in the libcurl4-gnutls-dev package. . NOTA: A compatibilidade con SSL fornécea GnuTLS. Package: td2planet Description-md5: 085493f1e25b166d88562c4ef5ebde38 Description-gl: Ruby-based server-side blog aggregator Este paquete é un agregador de blogues do lado do servidor (chamado frecuentemente «planeta») que é moi axeitado para agregar blogues baseados en tDiary. Vexa /usr/share/doc/td2planet/README. Package: teeworlds Description-md5: 1e5a92517730f23487a124ece8ecb15f Description-gl: online multi-player platform 2D shooter Este paquete contén o binario do cliente do Teeworlds. . O xogo inclúe gráficos tipo banda deseñada e fÃsica e descansa moito no armamento de disparos clásicos e naquela forma de xogar. Os controlos están moi inspirados no xénero FPS dos xogos para computador. Package: teeworlds-data Description-md5: 0d2cc0c35d734fe0014a661e37d89834 Description-gl: Datos do Teeworlds, un xogo bidimensional de disparos e plataforma para xogar na rede Este paquete contén os datos estáticos do Teeworlds. . O xogo inclúe gráficos tipo banda deseñada e fÃsica e descansa moito no armamento de disparos clásicos e naquela forma de xogar. Os controlos están moi inspirados no xénero FPS dos xogos para computador. Package: teeworlds-server Description-md5: e3aa25d4e155c0562f68f696e6d40c46 Description-gl: Servidor do Teeworlds, un xogo bidimensional de disparos e plataforma para xogar na rede Este paquete contén o binario do servidor do Teeworlds. . O xogo inclúe gráficos tipo banda deseñada e fÃsica e descansa moito no armamento de disparos clásicos e naquela forma de xogar. Os controlos están moi inspirados no xénero FPS dos xogos para computador. Package: teg Description-md5: 5ee191c86c2cd8e014efaf4642967d5f Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas Tenes Empanadas Graciela is a clone of Plan Tactico y Estrategico de la Guerra, based on Risk. . Teg is a multiplayer game (it can be played across the internet) and it comes with a server, a GNOME client and a robot. It has support for IPv6, too. Package: telepathy-sofiasip Description-md5: ade3bffb226f3081e6eb901713bc3dee Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para telepathy-rakia This is a transitional package to ease upgrades to the telepathy-rakia package. It can safely be removed. Package: tellico Description-md5: 22ffde7807119bca596c7c395f92e7a0 Description-gl: Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc O Tellico é un xestor de coleccións para KDE. Inclúe coleccións predefinidas para libros, bibliografÃas, bandas deseñadas, vÃdeos, música, moedas, selos, cromos e viños. . As capacidades de Tellico inclúen: . * creación de coleccións personalizadas definidas polo usuario cun número ilimitado de campos, * nomes formatados automaticamente, * ordenación e filtrado por calquera campo ou propiedade, * validación de ISBN, * personalización completa para imprimir ou mostrar mediante ficheiros XSLT, * importación e exportación de ficheiros CSV, RIS, BibTeX e BibTeXML, * importación de datos de Amazon, IMDb, CDDB ou calquera servidor de z39.50 que cumpra con US-MARC. . Os ficheiros de Tellico son almacenados en formato XML, evitando a necesidade dun servidor de bases de datos e permitindo asà que outros aplicativos de software empreguen os datos. Package: tellico-data Description-md5: 1fb93f10ceb24ada34c38d0e8930cb27 Description-gl: Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc [data] O Tellico é un xestor de coleccións para KDE. Inclúe coleccións predefinidas para libros, bibliografÃas, bandas deseñadas, vÃdeos, música, moedas, selos, cromos e viños. . As capacidades de Tellico inclúen: . * creación de coleccións personalizadas definidas polo usuario cun número ilimitado de campos, * nomes formatados automaticamente, * ordenación e filtrado por calquera campo ou propiedade, * validación de ISBN, * personalización completa para imprimir ou mostrar mediante ficheiros XSLT, * importación e exportación de ficheiros CSV, RIS, BibTeX e BibTeXML, * importación de datos de Amazon, IMDb, CDDB ou calquera servidor de z39.50 que cumpra con US-MARC. . Os ficheiros de Tellico son almacenados en formato XML, evitando a necesidade dun servidor de bases de datos e permitindo asà que outros aplicativos de software empreguen os datos. . This package contains the architecture independent files, such data files and documentation. Package: tellico-doc Description-md5: dea523edf18d0521376f8f918f295172 Description-gl: Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc [doc] O Tellico é un xestor de coleccións para KDE. Inclúe coleccións predefinidas para libros, bibliografÃas, bandas deseñadas, vÃdeos, música, moedas, selos, cromos e viños. . As capacidades de Tellico inclúen: . * creación de coleccións personalizadas definidas polo usuario cun número ilimitado de campos, * nomes formatados automaticamente, * ordenación e filtrado por calquera campo ou propiedade, * validación de ISBN, * personalización completa para imprimir ou mostrar mediante ficheiros XSLT, * importación e exportación de ficheiros CSV, RIS, BibTeX e BibTeXML, * importación de datos de Amazon, IMDb, CDDB ou calquera servidor de z39.50 que cumpra con US-MARC. . Os ficheiros de Tellico son almacenados en formato XML, evitando a necesidade dun servidor de bases de datos e permitindo asà que outros aplicativos de software empreguen os datos. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: tellico-scripts Description-md5: 1b6530a46d61a0ec6160ecbac4a29cf2 Description-gl: Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc [scripts] O Tellico é un xestor de coleccións para KDE. Inclúe coleccións predefinidas para libros, bibliografÃas, bandas deseñadas, vÃdeos, música, moedas, selos, cromos e viños. . As capacidades de Tellico inclúen: . * creación de coleccións personalizadas definidas polo usuario cun número ilimitado de campos, * nomes formatados automaticamente, * ordenación e filtrado por calquera campo ou propiedade, * validación de ISBN, * personalización completa para imprimir ou mostrar mediante ficheiros XSLT, * importación e exportación de ficheiros CSV, RIS, BibTeX e BibTeXML, * importación de datos de Amazon, IMDb, CDDB ou calquera servidor de z39.50 que cumpra con US-MARC. . Os ficheiros de Tellico son almacenados en formato XML, evitando a necesidade dun servidor de bases de datos e permitindo asà que outros aplicativos de software empreguen os datos. . Este paquete contén os scripts para importar datos de fontes externas, como sitios web. Dado que o formato dos datos pode cambiar, estes scripts fornécense como paquete separado que pode ser actualizado mediante debian- volatile. Package: tennix Description-md5: b5be075970d0ca7f78634a1e3fa4e3dd Description-gl: Xogo do tenis en 2D Tennix é un divertido xogo do tenis en 2D. Pódese xogar contra o computador ou contra outro xogador empregando o teclado. O xogo execútase nunha xanela cunha resolución de 640x480 ou a pantalla completa. . As instrucións do xogo e as opcións para a liña de ordes están na páxina de man de tennix(6). Package: tenshi Description-md5: bca1e1d99b2be724185f9beefa4984ee Description-gl: Ferramenta de vixilancia e informe de rexistro Tenshi é un programa de vixilancia de rexistros deseñado para vixiar un ou máis ficheiros de rexistro por se aparecen liñas que coincidan con expresións regulares definidas polo usuario e informar sobre esas coincidencias. As expresións regulares son asignadas a filas que teñen un intervalo de alerta e unha lista de destinatarios de correo. . Pódese indicar que as filas envÃen unha notifcación inmediatamente que haxa unha liña de rexistro asignada a elas ou que envÃen informes periódicos. . Ademais, os campos sen interese das liñas de rexistro (como os números de PID) poden ser ocultados cos operadores de agrupamento de expresións regulares normais. Isto posibilita informes máis limpos e lexÃbeis. Todos os informes son separados polo nome de máquina e todas as mensaxes son condensadas cando é posÃbel. . O programa le un ficheiro de configuración e entón esgalla un daemon para que vixÃe os ficheiros de rexistro indicados. Package: Description-md5: 80c57e62398d629d2261c9621c4ec358 Description-gl: Emulador de terminal para GNUstep Isto fornece unha emulación do terminal nun ambiente GNUstep. Dá terminais de cores con tipos de letra configurábeis e permite tamén que os usuarios configuren as utilidades da consola como servizos de GNUstep. Package: terminator Description-md5: d70de009f48ea4b4f00e62329adb4f61 Description-gl: Varios terminais de GNOME nunha xanela O Terminator é un pequeno proxecto para producir unha maneira eficiente de encher unha zona grande de espazo da pantalla con terminais. . O usuario pode ter varios terminais nunha xanela e empregar atallos de teclado para alternar entre eles. Vexa a páxina de man para máis detalles. Package: terminatorx Description-md5: 6effca71793975d2245f41b926117d10 Description-gl: Sintetizador de son en tempo real terminatorX é un sintetizador de son en tempo real que permite facer «scratch» sobre datos de son sampleados dixitalmente (*.wav, *.au, *.mp3) como fan os DJ de hiphop cos discos de vinilo. Conta con varios xiradiscos, efectos en tempo real (incorporados, asà como efectos de engadidos para LADSPA), un secuenciador e unha interface gráfica en GTK+ doada de utilizar. Package: termsaver Description-md5: ce1ee60f9643116da439bf0866623821 Description-gl: Salvapantallas sinxelo para terminais baseados en texto termsaver é un proxecto sinxelo que pretende traer a sensación de ter un salvapantallas nun ambiente baseado nun terminal de texto. . Hai moitas pantallas para escoller e personalizar con opcións para a liña de ordes e o aplicativo foi desenvolvido para acceder futuros engadidos para pantallas adicionais. Package: tessa Description-md5: 5a1938a48f0dbbb10be1521472eda9ed Description-gl: simulation of 3D optical systems with the FDTD method Tessa is a three-dimensional simulation software for optical systems at the wavelength scale, based on the finite differences time-domain method (FDTD). It focuses on simulating large, resonating structures, but can also be used to study propagating beams. It can simulate arbitrary dielectric and absorbing materials, and can be used on single workstations as well as clusters. . Tessa is believed to be terribly efficient. . URL: Package: tessa-mpi Description-md5: 386882eb34ec9422233f82a483d99039 Description-gl: simulation of 3D optical systems using FDTD on MPI clusters Tessa is a three-dimensional simulation software for optical systems at the wavelength scale, based on the finite differences time-domain method (FDTD). It focuses on simulating large, resonating structures, but can also be used to study propagating beams. It can simulate arbitrary dielectric and absorbing materials, and can be used on single workstations as well as clusters. . This package is built with MPI support. . URL: Package: tesseract-ocr-afr Description-md5: 8bc56aaba5d34a78036bb080388e767f Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o africaans A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-ara Description-md5: 8c914f3edaf8f5b8ab08b8d37b224f87 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o árabe A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-aze Description-md5: a6dc551539912154a99208773b0222b5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o acerbaixano A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-bel Description-md5: e9688bd350bb983486b4e8866792b921 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o bielorruso A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-ben Description-md5: 841f2aa9f8dd4720bbf71e2133612e7f Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o bengalà A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-bul Description-md5: ababd737789aefc6b7d72f5356b53144 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o búlgaro A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-cat Description-md5: 2588da93cf50f2617f874258b53e2c45 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o catalán A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-ces Description-md5: c8c0a1e3832c0d0a5ba27217d57fd054 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o checo A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-chi-sim Description-md5: b35fe03189491ea7513fd3e273ba066d Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o chinés simplificado A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-chi-tra Description-md5: 5c97d21292fa9549c054e95608faba2a Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o chinés tradicional A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-chr Description-md5: 29a06fd4c8127c5668e11ce28d92ce96 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o cherokee A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-dan Description-md5: f302deae06be7d447cc3c1951c5a30fc Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o dinamarqués A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-deu Description-md5: bd27254f5a52abf1ae17759c651c1072 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o alemán A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-deu-frak Description-md5: 7333f814d157177b6132f7e03a5dd482 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o alemán Fraktur A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-dev Description-md5: 009fe21547b0cc8fc2f7ee1ec74d3e27 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Package: tesseract-ocr-ell Description-md5: ad2837b0e26aa566c2769438ee222359 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o grego A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-eng Description-md5: c74d246ca37d68d7216a056bb578a8f0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o inglés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-enm Description-md5: e166d65432b3a2e27ecf2221796a19bb Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o inglés medieval A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-epo Description-md5: fe8ce6c54fd5d5311090a25f953f439b Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o esperanto A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-equ Description-md5: 0afbdbfacceacf62c288b80f7e57eec4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para ecuacións A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images of mathematics. Package: tesseract-ocr-est Description-md5: 610708da7119dca367774cb64ccddbf5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o estoniano A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-eus Description-md5: 0c71c7aa6546f87017c3096bee388e29 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o éuscaro A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-fin Description-md5: 517eedff75127121deca6a438b2eae33 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o finlandés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-fra Description-md5: 582603f591b8be8d4ff54e17c6b53e60 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o francés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-frm Description-md5: 60dc46bc61fa3df0f2d48464429f5586 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o francés medieval A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-glg Description-md5: 727930ba7a75d954866c37840cf37a87 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o galego A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-heb Description-md5: 26f770688bd539ddef7cd6f79c83b82a Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o hebreo A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-hin Description-md5: 5854d303c03aa3900f415cb0e4dba617 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o hindi A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-hrv Description-md5: 5c2d3fd1304f6277df2fef55d1cab947 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o croata A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-hun Description-md5: 18944a9ad773135ee3e75900bb5edddb Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o húngaro A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-ind Description-md5: d7680f5b7bb8a67573c3b4864eeca83d Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o indonesio A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-isl Description-md5: e90e348b68807e4dc9b4b12849c2d24a Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o islandés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-ita Description-md5: 7a4ba8a1514ac9d13e17c87b2dc078e5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o italiano A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-ita-old Description-md5: 3775de297859d147dbfa944c7a6767c5 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o italiano antigo A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-jpn Description-md5: a2c3780821e7c745cf63783394512bf2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o xaponés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-kan Description-md5: ba54cfeeeeb5a61d0ce74f893b817fe6 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o kannada A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-kor Description-md5: b7e0c6ce7bcaa12cc3fd3372fe8401c7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o coreano A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-lav Description-md5: 24bb62e1be7b736d6275ccc0c8ad62f2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o letón A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-lit Description-md5: 6497b426314d81de39ec14c3930724ae Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o lituano A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-mal Description-md5: 068840e4861dd160c0c48f67fd18a9f4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o malayalam A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-mkd Description-md5: 68e492140100450a79a7ae3572bfd37f Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o macedonio A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-mlt Description-md5: a9029b0609181f3d2772d96d600a8281 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o maltés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-msa Description-md5: abeadaff6c9676d689a1a86258aa362a Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o malaio A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-nld Description-md5: b3f594c2b2ccea1d4ec6c92e57e210e7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o holandés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-nor Description-md5: c4e51ed7fc6219fd75e1d309c18c9476 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o noruegués A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-pol Description-md5: 61d38c391986d3e7ad0b7c5fb10ec85c Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o polaco A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-por Description-md5: 1c8bd75a016c8e7f46c11529a85ffb51 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o portugués A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-rus Description-md5: e390c708c8af62ad44d37e7ad2b02f3f Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o ruso A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-slk Description-md5: 931141de251085fc0db6533411d1be56 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o eslovaco A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-slk-frak Description-md5: 097c9149389aac51586260a6d32c2b40 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o eslovaco Fractur A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-slv Description-md5: 90b16f378d5efd6ab0200908fbbe9600 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o esloveno A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-spa Description-md5: f4dd734f361e21b66ab3406df783d7f2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o español A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-spa-old Description-md5: 316433888f2d674aa6d1b02b377499a6 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o español antigo A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-sqi Description-md5: 9410d9239fbcedaaf22416fc2a6435f2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o albanés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-srp Description-md5: 6151bf5f8cd56419946d82cbfcd624c6 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o serbio A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-swa Description-md5: 3d4d6260824f92d395d1223969a0e410 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o swahili A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-swe Description-md5: 7f9eac3f1e8b4a254fdc4b1c327e31a7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o sueco A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-tam Description-md5: 39a0ffbbd9708202e6f714363b2091b4 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o tamil A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-tel Description-md5: 9e7a13c067d01d9755dbdf8378384a5f Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o telugo A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-tgl Description-md5: 2f7e29bb53f8556d6c57e0b70a0bc423 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o tagalo A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-tha Description-md5: 0d23ae892ac5b5251eb6ce452393e1ff Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o tailandés A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-tur Description-md5: 8c0ba133157024ca50f08987df8b6a74 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o turco A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-ukr Description-md5: e54c83720696492bd1ebecf2aa0062d8 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o ucraÃno A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: tesseract-ocr-vie Description-md5: 43e6e859b2d060fb37b346eb70e988a0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de idioma de tesseract-ocr para o vietnamita A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995. In 1995, this engine was among the top 3 evaluated by UNLV. It was open-sourced by HP and UNLV in 2005. This package contains the data needed for processing images in a particular language. Package: testdisk-dbg Description-md5: f99ea71b541ac19120a9d75e3a10ef14 Description-gl: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool TestDisk checks the partition and boot sectors of your disks. It is very useful in forensics, recovering lost partitions. . PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost pictures from digital camera memory or even Hard Disks. It has been extended to search also for non audio/video headers. . Este paquete inclúe os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: testdrive-cli Description-md5: 4c7a1180139f891de9d9037b9870a550 Description-gl: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine (command line) Testdrive helps you download and run the daily Ubuntu development ISO in a virtual machine on your local hardware. . It is strongly recommended that you have a CPU with VT and sufficient memory on your system to host virtual machines. In this case, testdrive will use KVM to host your virtual machines. . De forma alternativa, pode empregar o VirtualBox. . This package contains the command line Front-end for TestDrive. Package: testdrive-common Description-md5: 9f3a3e7c27b19bc8a68cc32bc7b7e3e0 Description-gl: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine (common files) Testdrive helps you download and run the daily Ubuntu development ISO in a virtual machine on your local hardware. . It is strongly recommended that you have a CPU with VT and sufficient memory on your system to host virtual machines. In this case, testdrive will use KVM to host your virtual machines. . De forma alternativa, pode empregar o VirtualBox. . This package contains the common files used by the different Testdrive front-ends. Package: testdrive-gtk Description-md5: 2e950a7f338738eeaf1b268f40d75e05 Description-gl: run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine (GTK Front-end) Testdrive helps you download and run the daily Ubuntu development ISO in a virtual machine on your local hardware. . It is strongly recommended that you have a CPU with VT and sufficient memory on your system to host virtual machines. In this case, testdrive will use KVM to host your virtual machines. . De forma alternativa, pode empregar o VirtualBox. . This package contains the PyGTK Front-end for TestDrive. Package: tetraproc Description-md5: 4fd943664a882e458bca0d794bce5c54 Description-gl: Procesador tetraédrico de micrófono para a gravación de son Ambisonic TetraProc converts the A-format signals from a tetrahedral Ambisonic microphone into B-format signals ready for recording. Main features: . * A-B conversion using a classic scalar matrix and minimum phase filters, or * A-B conversion using a 4 by 4 convolution matrix using measured or computed impulse responses, or a combination of both. * Individual microphone calibration facilities. * 24 dB/oct higpass filters. * Metering, monitoring and test facilities. * Virtual stereo mic for stereo monitoring or recording. * Unlimited number of stored configurations. * Jack client with graphical user interface. Package: tetzle Description-md5: 9fde502f6606a471732c4289ec6d5585 Description-gl: Puzzle Pódese importar calquera imaxe para crear puzzle cunha grande variedade de tamaños. As partidas gárdanse automaticamente e pódese escoller entre varias partidas en progreso. Package: texlive-generic-extra Description-md5: fc4b02f82f4b606fef90583cdcee4670 Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for texlive-generic-extra to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-plain-generic. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: texlive-generic-recommended Description-md5: 120b1a400140a737fdd37dab18683f6e Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for texlive-generic-recommended to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-plain-generic. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: texlive-htmlxml Description-md5: 9a02618d73e105041b319434fd5af5f9 Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for texlive-htmlxml to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-formats-extra, -latex-extra, and -latex-recommended. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: texlive-lang-african Description-md5: 2d39535e6f73f37d624e696dd696194e Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for texlive-lang-african to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-lang-other. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: texlive-lang-indic Description-md5: 1f204d12fbee60687496058b1a8c1b16 Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for texlive-lang-indic to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-lang-other. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: texlive-lang-portuguese Description-md5: 3014653d27393dba837284a4d154e040 Description-gl: TeX Live: Portugués Support for Portuguese. . This package includes the following CTAN packages: . babel-portuges -- Babel support for Portuges . beamer-tut-pt -- An introduction to the Beamer class, in Portuguese . cursolatex -- A LaTeX tutorial . feupphdteses -- Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto . hyphen-portuguese -- Portuguese hyphenation patterns. . latexcheat-ptbr -- A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Brazilian Portuguese . lshort-portuguese -- Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese . ordinalpt -- Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese . xypic-tut-pt -- A tutorial for XY-pic, in Portuguese Package: texlive-lang-spanish Description-md5: d2df60cd0427ccf6c4463dd656fec6a2 Description-gl: TeX Live: Castelán Support for Spanish. . This package includes the following CTAN packages: . babel-catalan -- Babel contributed support for Catalan . babel-galician -- Babel/Polyglossia support for Galician . babel-spanglish -- Simplified Spanish support for Babel . babel-spanish -- Babel support for Spanish . es-tex-faq -- CervanTeX (Spanish TeX Group) FAQ . hyphen-catalan -- Catalan hyphenation patterns. . hyphen-galician -- Padróns de separación con guións do galego. . hyphen-spanish -- Spanish hyphenation patterns. . l2tabu-spanish -- Spanish translation of "Obsolete packages and commands" . latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish -- Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e . latexcheat-esmx -- A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Spanish . lshort-spanish -- Short introduction to LaTeX, Spanish translation . spanish-mx -- Typeset Spanish as in Mexico . texlive-es -- TeX Live manual (Spanish) Package: texlive-metapost Description-md5: 7ca9af2797b902a4f283d70559386e82 Description-gl: TeX Live: MetaPost and Metafont packages This package includes the following CTAN packages: . automata -- Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost . bbcard -- Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards . blockdraw_mp -- Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost . bpolynomial -- Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3 . cmarrows -- MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style . drv -- Derivation trees with MetaPost . dviincl -- Include a DVI page into MetaPost output . emp -- "Encapsulate" MetaPost figures in a document . epsincl -- Include EPS in MetaPost figures . expressg -- Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations . exteps -- Include EPS figures in MetaPost . featpost -- MetaPost macros for 3D . feynmp-auto -- Automatic processing of feynmp graphics . garrigues -- MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram . gmp -- Enable integration between MetaPost pictures and LaTeX . hatching -- MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths . latexmp -- Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost . mcf2graph -- Draw chemical structure diagrams with Metafont/MetaPost . metago -- MetaPost output of Go positions . metaobj -- MetaPost package providing high-level objects . metaplot -- Plot-manipulation macros for use in MetaPost . metapost -- A development of Metafont for creating graphics . metauml -- MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams . mfpic -- Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands . mfpic4ode -- Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs . mp3d -- 3D animations . mparrows -- MetaPost module with different types of arrow heads . mpattern -- Patterns in MetaPost . mpcolornames -- Extend list of predefined colour names for MetaPost . mpgraphics -- Process and display MetaPost figures inline . mptrees -- Probability trees with MetaPost . piechartmp -- Draw pie-charts using MetaPost . repere -- diagramas para matemáticas escolares . roex -- Metafont-PostScript conversions . roundrect -- MetaPost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles (optionally with text) . shapes -- Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with MetaPost . slideshow -- Generate slideshow with MetaPost . splines -- MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants . suanpan -- MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci . textpath -- Setting text along a path with MetaPost . threeddice -- Create images of dice with one, two, or three faces showing, using MetaPost Package: texlive-omega Description-md5: 273414cc1134fc159750d9b6f8ddd467 Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for texlive-omega to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-formats-extra. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: texlive-plain-extra Description-md5: 566bb8fa8475311f552db564b41b566a Description-gl: TeX Live: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional package for texlive-plain-extra to ensure proper upgrade to texlive-plain-generic. It can be safely removed after the installation is complete. Package: the-doc Description-md5: 5938444e5b20d9a0133c9d352c5fb951 Description-gl: Manual de referencia do editor Hessling The Hessling Editor was originally written to be used by people already familiar with the VM/CMS System Product Editor XEDIT and KEDIT from Mansfield Software. For this reason, THE Reference Manual provides limited information on using THE, and concentrates more on reference material, such as command syntax and configuration. Package: themonospot Description-md5: 29a1ee8b2e737a3a2fe4c69637a815b1 Description-gl: application to scan video files Themonospot is a simple application that can be used to scan an avi and matroska (.mkv) file and extract some informations about audio and video data flow: . - códec de vÃdeo empregado - Tamaño dos fotogramas - Taxa de bits de vÃdeo media - Tamaño do ficheiro - Taxa de fotogramas - Fotogramas totais - Datos informativos - Fluxo de bits dos paquetes - Datos do usuario (no anaco MOVI) - Códec de son empregado - Taxa de bits de son media - Canles de son Package: thuban Description-md5: d9beac233a87e1636d7733db9a4eb540 Description-gl: Visor interactivo de datos xeográficos Thuban can read geographic data in the shapefile format. Main features of thuban are the layer management and the possibility to navigate on the map, to control the visual appearance of objects, to identify and edit attributes by object selection and to print and export the resulting maps for further processing. . This package contains the thuban program and its libraries. Package: thuban-doc Description-md5: bd52623f16f740023bfbc4a4af0ffc84 Description-gl: Visor interactivo de datos xeográficos - documentación Thuban can read geographic data in the shapefile format. Main features of thuban are the layer management and the possibility to navigate on the map, to control the visual appearance of objects, to identify and edit attributes by object selection and to print and export the resulting maps for further processing. . This package contains the thuban documentation. Package: thunar-data Description-md5: e4338ccffd7c931aa67df421a2077de8 Description-gl: Fornece a documentación, iconas e traducións de thunar This package contains architecture-independent files for thunar, the file manager and file management libraries for Xfce desktop environment. Package: thunderbird-globalmenu Description-md5: fd9f1e7c342cabe4de92af51203c160c Description-gl: Cliente de correo electrónico, RSS e grupos de novas (paquete transitorio) Este é un paquete transitorio para asegurarse de que as anovacións funcionen correctamente. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza Package: thunderbird-gnome-support-dbg Description-md5: 8fa21aaf02af881ccc7c33f8559e6531 Description-gl: Email, RSS and newsgroup client - transitional package Este é un paquete transitorio para asegurarse de que as anovacións funcionen correctamente. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza Package: thunderbird-mozsymbols Description-md5: ac1a6a5ccd00092e19efbf6f6f9538a0 Description-gl: Cliente de correo electrónico, RSS e grupos de novas (sÃmbolos de Breakpad) O Thunderbird é un cliente de correo electrónico, RSS e grupos de novas con todas as funcionalidades que fai que o correo electrónico sexa máis seguro, rápido e doado que nunca antes. Admite diferentes contas de correo (POP, IMAP, Gmail), ten un asistente para a configuración das contas de correo simple, un caderno de enderezos con un clic, interface con lapelas, un filtro de correo lixo que aprende integrado, capacidades de busca e Ãndices avanzado e ofrece unha organización doada do correo con etiquetas e cartafoles virtuais. Tamén conta cunha extensibilidade sen rival. . This package contains the Firefox symbols in a format expected by Mozilla's Breakpad. Eventually this package should go away and the symbol upload be implemented in soyuz (or other builders that build this package) Package: thunderbird-testsuite Description-md5: 743f5679caf063b6d5ed211311011154 Description-gl: Cliente de correo electrónico, RSS e grupos de novas - suite de probas O Thunderbird é un cliente de correo electrónico, RSS e grupos de novas con todas as funcionalidades que fai que o correo electrónico sexa máis seguro, rápido e doado que nunca antes. Admite diferentes contas de correo (POP, IMAP, Gmail), ten un asistente para a configuración das contas de correo simple, un caderno de enderezos con un clic, interface con lapelas, un filtro de correo lixo que aprende integrado, capacidades de busca e Ãndices avanzado e ofrece unha organización doada do correo con etiquetas e cartafoles virtuais. Tamén conta cunha extensibilidade sen rival. . Este paquete contén a suite de probas de Thunderbird Package: tickr Description-md5: 1d60fd79d3e1e74ad7fe09a3106360fa Description-gl: Barra de novas altamente personalizábel que usa GTK Tickr is a GTK-based RSS/Atom Reader that displays feeds as a smooth scrolling line on your Desktop, as known from TV stations. Open feed links in your favourite Browser. Graphics are highly customizable. Package: timblserver Description-md5: f603e10e115be24e0f5e4b352904f697 Description-gl: Extensións do servidor para Timbl timblserver is a TiMBL wrapper; it adds server functionality to TiMBL. It allows TiMBL to run multiple experiments as a TCP server, optionally via HTTP. . The Tilburg Memory Based Learner, TiMBL, is a tool for Natural Language Processing research, and for many other domains where classification tasks are learned from examples. . TimblServer is a product of the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and the CLiPS Research Centre (University of Antwerp, Belgium). . If you do scientific research in NLP, TimblServer will likely be of use to you. Package: timidity Description-md5: 88603973f702806f3ef904664ecf1612 Description-gl: Software de renderización de son (secuenciador MIDI e reprodutor MOD) TiMidity++ é un secuenciador de MIDI e reprodutor de MOD só de software de calidade moi alta. Emprega fontes de son (compatÃbeis con GUS ou con SF2) para reproducir os ficheiros MIDI, que non se inclúen neste paquete. . * Reproduce ficheiros MIDI sen absolutamente ningún instrumento MIDI externo * Comprende SMF, RCP/R36/G18/G36, MFI, RMI (MIDI) * Detecta automaticamente e admite MIDI GM/GS/XG * Comprende MOD, XM, S3M, IT, 699, AMF, DSM, FAR, GDM, IMF, MED, MTM, STM, STX, ULT, UNI (MOD) * Realiza a conversión de MOD a MIDI (incluÃndo a reprodución) * Produce son en diversos formatos de ficheiro: WAV, au, AIFF, Ogg (Vorbis, FLAC, Speex) * Admite controladores para NAS, eSound, JACK, ALSA e OSS * Emprega ficheiros de parches compatÃbeis con Ultrasound compatible e ficheiros de parches de SoundFont2 como datos de voces para os instrumentos MIDI * Admite a reprodución de arquivos (zip, lzh, tar...) e a reprodución de datos remotos desde a rede * Timidity++ pode ser empregado como dispositivo secuenciador de ALSA Package: timidity-daemon Description-md5: 3d4d6f735dffc1c5a0ed29585e4c0793 Description-gl: runs TiMidity++ as a system-wide MIDI sequencer TiMidity++ é un secuenciador de MIDI e reprodutor de MOD só de software de calidade moi alta. . This package provides TiMidity++ as a system-wide MIDI sequencer. Package: timidity-interfaces-extra Description-md5: c2c23064626a3c862a83b7523d1658df Description-gl: TiMidity++ extra user interfaces TiMidity++ é un secuenciador de MIDI e reprodutor de MOD só de software de calidade moi alta. . This package provides extra TiMidity++ user interfaces, which have limited functionality when compared to those in the main package. . Interfaces in this package: VT100, Tcl/Tk, S-Lang, XSkin, GTK2 Package: tinc Description-md5: 927734357d793d7ebde564ee023d38d2 Description-gl: Daemon de rede privada virtual tinc is a daemon with which you can create a virtual private network (VPN). One daemon can handle multiple connections, so you can create an entire (moderately sized) VPN with only one daemon per participating computer. Package: tipa Description-md5: a56e773ea4d78490bebca15bee1b1c6e Description-gl: system for processing phonetic symbols in LaTeX TIPA é un sistema para procesar sÃmbolos IPA (Alfabeto Fonético Internacional) en Latex que foi escrito por Fukui Rei. TIPA significa tanto IPA para TeX ou IPA de Tokyo e provén do paquete tsipa, creado en 1992 por Kobayashi Hajime, Fukui Rei e Shirakawa Shun. . Among many features of TIPA, the following are the new features as compared with tsipa or any other existing systems for processing IPA symbols: . * A new 256 character encoding for phonetic symbols (`T3'), which includes all the symbols and diacritics found in the recent versions of IPA and some non-IPA symbols. * Complete support of LaTeX2e. * Roman, slanted, bold, bold extended and sans serif font styles. * Easy input method in the IPA environment. * Extended macros for accents and diacritics. * A flexible system of macros for `tone letters'. * An optional package (vowel.sty) for drawing vowel diagrams. * A slightly modified set of fonts that go well when used with Times Roman and Helvetica fonts. . Type 1 fonts for TIPA are also included in this package (to make them available in X11 applications other than LaTeX, please install the xfonts- tipa package). Package: tipa-doc Description-md5: 061ad62b882f15d251decb718b9caf86 Description-gl: documentation for the TIPA LaTeX font TIPA é un sistema para procesar sÃmbolos IPA (Alfabeto Fonético Internacional) en Latex que foi escrito por Fukui Rei. TIPA significa tanto IPA para TeX ou IPA de Tokyo e provén do paquete tsipa, creado en 1992 por Kobayashi Hajime, Fukui Rei e Shirakawa Shun. . This package contains the documentation for the TIPA fonts for LaTeX. Package: tk707 Description-md5: b30c9e16f77fd34f0492a10ba516b61c Description-gl: Secuenciacidor de percusión para unha placa de son ou dispositivo MIDI This program emulates the operation of Roland's TR-707 Rhythm Composer. . The output is to a MIDI device, sound card or file. A Latin-percussion instrument map emulates the Roland TR-727 and the instrument map can be customized by the user. If you do not have a MIDI sound card, you should install the timidity package to emulate one.. Package: tkdesk Description-md5: e64d3f26a5d024d64b5cd704cb4f8907 Description-gl: Tk/tcl based X11 Desktop/File manager TkDesk is a graphical file manager for Unix (esp. Linux) and the X Window System. . Comparado con outros xestores de ficheiros dispoñÃbeis, ofrece o conxunto de operacións con ficheiros e servizos máis completo e, ademais, dálle ao usuario a capacidade de configurar practicamente calquera aspecto do TkDesk dunha maneira potente. . TkDesk has been influenced by various other systems and file managers, such as NeXT, for laying out the file browser windows, Apple Finder, for the idea of file annotations and, shock horror, Windows 95, for some other inspirations. Package: tkgate-data Description-md5: ed8248a90932892d8a5209b13c87f2ec Description-gl: Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator - data files TkGate is a digital circuit editor and simulator with a Tcl/Tk based interface. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: tkgate-doc Description-md5: b326d0b88070a276318c9a3974fe49c8 Description-gl: Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator - documentation TkGate is a digital circuit editor and simulator with a Tcl/Tk based interface. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: tkmib Description-md5: 3e99f331a5c32c38e42f396a8c41e207 Description-gl: SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) MIB browser O Protocolo simple de xestión de rede (SNMP) fornece unha infraestrutura para o intercambio de información para a xestión da información entre axentes (servidores) e clientes. . The Net-SNMP MIB (Management Information Base) Browser provides a graphical frontend for the Net-SNMP tools. It can be used to browse the MIB tree and interactively send requests to SNMP agents. Package: tla-doc Description-md5: 6a7f192b0ea828d003ca19271a154148 Description-gl: GNU Arch revision control system (documentation) Este paquete contén a documentación do sistema de control de revisións arch de GNU. Package: tntnet-doc Description-md5: 156a18b4d9e22981bb63a4bd3e140272 Description-gl: Documentación de Tntnet Tntnet has a template-language called ecpp similar to PHP, JSP or Mason, where you can embed c++ code inside a HTML page to generate active content. The ecpp files are precompiled to C++ classes called components and compiled and linked into a shared library. This process is done at compiletime. The web server Tntnet needs only the compiled component library. . Because the web applications are compiled into native code, they are very fast and compact. . Components can call other components. So you can create building blocks of HTML parts and call them in other pages like subprocesses. . Requests are parsed by tntnet and the request information is easily accessible to the components. It supports GET and POST parameters and MIME multipart requests for file upload. . The template language has also support for internationalized applications. You can easily create web applications for different languages. . Other features are: cookies, HTTP upload, automatic request parameter parsing and conversion, automatic session management, scoped variables (application, request and session), internationalisation and keep-alive. . Logging is done through cxxtools, which provides a unique API for log4cpp, log4cxx or simple logging to files or console. . Tntnet is fully multithreaded and much work has been gone into making it scalable. It uses a dynamic pool of worker threads, which answer requests from HTTP clients. Package: togl-demos Description-md5: 4baa8ed0995512b7250693f6c2f5c2c3 Description-gl: a Tk OpenGL widget - demos files Togl is a Tk widget for OpenGL rendering. Togl was originally based on OGLTK, written by Benjamin Bederson at the University of New Mexico. Togl's main features are: . * unifies Microsoft Windows, X11 (Linux/IRIX/...), and Mac OS X Aqua support * support for requesting stencil, accumulation, alpha buffers, etc. * multiple OpenGL drawing windows * simple stereo rendering support * simple, portable font support * color-index mode support including color allocation functions * overlay plane support * OpenGL extension testing from Tcl * Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) 3 compliant . Este paquete contén demostracións. Package: tokyotyrant-dbg Description-md5: 7bcce2e2d98dd79219fa6b24083e8fad Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Tokyo Tyrant Tokyo Tyrant is a network interface to the DBM Tokyo Cabinet. You might bother in the case where multiple processes share the same database or where remote processes access the database. Thus, Tokyo Tyrant is provided for concurrent and remote connections to Tokyo Cabinet. . Estes son os sÃmbolos de depuración do Tokyo Tyrant. Package: tomboy Description-md5: 0ac9b408adcee478aef231419f3a2e69 Description-gl: Programa para tomar notas no escritorio empregando ligazóns en estilo wiki Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application which is simple and easy to use. It lets you organise your notes intelligently by allowing you to easily link ideas together with Wiki style interconnects. Package: topcat Description-md5: 75d7c2036df0f0a16ce9d280637247eb Description-gl: Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It understands a number of different astronomically important formats (including FITS and VOTable) and more formats can be added. . Este paquete contén o executábel. Package: tora-dbg Description-md5: 1e4c8609998daf7d3493c6c0168b4dfe Description-gl: graphical toolkit for databaseis - debugging symbols TOra features a schema browser, SQL worksheet, PL/SQL editor & debugger, storage manager, rollback segment monitor, instance manager, and SQL output viewer. Via Qt4 it can access PostgreSQL and MySQL directly. Any other database systems can be accessed via ODBC. . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración do tora. Package: torchat Description-md5: f33ec778704bb196044a23854395fb45 Description-gl: MensaxerÃa instantánea descentralizada baseada na rede Tor TorChat is a peer to peer instant messenger with a completely decentralized design, built on top of Tor's location hidden services, providing strong anonymity while being very easy to use . Top most relevant feature TorChat claims, above from text messaging and file sending, rest on the difficulty someone would experiment trying to find out where you are communicating from . In the condition someone might be observing you and sniff your internet traffic connection, the person will find highly difficult to find out: - Where your contacts are located - To whom you are sending or receiving from - What you send or receive, as everything is end-to-end encrypted Package: tortoisehg-nautilus Description-md5: b9f549998795e501d5d1c3254a8ff145 Description-gl: Graphical tool for working with Mercurial (Nautilus extension) TortoiseHg provides a graphical tool for interacting with the distributed revision control system Mercurial. GUI support is provided for over a dozen operations, including add files, commit changes, manage ignore filter, view change log, merge, recover/rollback, edit configuration, synchronize repository, and many others. The highlight is the interactive commit tool which allows easy selection of diffs from multiple files and packaging into changesets, and which is more powerful and easier to use than available alternatives such as qct and hgct (commit-tool). . Este paquete contén a extensión do Nautilus para TortoiseHg. Package: totem-plugins-extra Description-md5: dafa0be1f67f03c29ee6507c0d0e3b1c Description-gl: Extra plugins for the Totem media player O Totem é un reprodutor de multimedia sinxelo mais potente para GNOME que pode ler nun gran número de formatos de ficheiros. . This package contains a set of extra plugins for Totem: . * Annotate the screen with the Gromit tool . Os engadidos adicionais han de estar escritos en C, Python ou Vala. Package: touchegg-dbg Description-md5: 8e0757de6246fbd7743eb345e8d745d2 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Touchégg This package contains debugging files used to investigate problems with Touchégg. Install this package if you are experiencing crashes of the Touchégg application and wish to report a problem to the developers. Package: trac-privateticketsplugin Description-md5: 66ddc8df8c79608e8381f56172fa91f1 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para trac-privatetickets The package `trac-privateticketsplugin` has been renamed to `trac- prievatetickets`. . This is a dummy, transitional package which can be safely removed. Package: traceroute Description-md5: 8a3a47eccb961a38576ee994d96f3d2c Description-gl: Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network The traceroute utility displays the route used by IP packets on their way to a specified network (or Internet) host. Traceroute displays the IP number and host name (if possible) of the machines along the route taken by the packets. Traceroute is used as a network debugging tool. If you're having network connectivity problems, traceroute will show you where the trouble is coming from along the route. . Instale traceroute se precisa unha ferramenta de diagnóstico de problemas de conectividade de redes. Package: transcend Description-md5: f9f932fb86684427bd353e1de1670a30 Description-gl: Xogo de disparos abstracto en 2D, estilo retro Transcend can best be described as retro-style, abstract 2-D shooter. The graphics are geometrical, and the pace is sometimes frenzied. . Two features set Transcend apart from other games. First, its dynamic graphical engine, which can smoothly morph from one complex shape to another, produces striking displays. Combining these dynamic shapes with subtle randomizations makes each play through a Transcend level visually different from the last. The second novel feature is Transcend's musical power-up system. As you play through a level, you are simultaneously assembling an abstract visual collage and arranging a unique piece of music. Transcend merges video games with pure art---it can be viewed either as a game or as a multimedia sculpture. Package: transcriber Description-md5: 197da0c094251df4fb2b291a01af13c9 Description-gl: transcribe speech data using an integrated editor O Transcriber permite a transcrición doada de fala gravada. É indispensábel para calquera tarefa que implique o exame e transcrición de ficheiros de son, como a transcrición de entrevistas gravadas, letras de cancións, programas de radio, etc. Tamén é útil para quen se interese polo campo de investigación da oralidade. . A biblioteca snack (inclúida como áchega en transcriber-1.2) é agora un paquete separado, tcl-snack. Este paquete aÃnda inclúe html_library-0.3. Package: transfig Description-md5: 6a9787bee93e383f9bba91229fae1018 Description-gl: transitional dummy package for fig2dev Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: transifex-client Description-md5: 8ebaab4b9dd9b8be475437daf1fd8b9c Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para Transifex Transifex Command-line Client is a command line tool that enables you to easily manage your translations within a project without the need of an elaborate UI system. . You can use the command line client to easily create new resources, map locale files to translations and synchronize your Transifex project with your local repository and vice versa. Translators and localization managers can also use it to handle large volumes of translation files easily and without much hassle. Package: translate Description-md5: ab7f4897c2d26dad06e13b9cd8b9585a Description-gl: Traduce palabras do inglés ao alemán ou viceversa It looks up a word in a file with language-to-language translations (field separator should be \" :: \") and maintains local dictionaries. So it should be easy to add more languages, if you have such a dictionary. Package: transmission Description-md5: ad4c3a4546931273694cb4f642f5341d Description-gl: Cliente lixeiro de BitTorrent O Transmission é un conxunto de clientes lixeiros de BitTorrent (en forma de daemon, interface gráfica e interface para a liña de ordes). Todas as súas encarnacións contan cunha interface moi sinxela e intuitiva por riba dunha infraestrutura multi-plataforma. . This is just a metapackage depending on one of the front-end alternatives Package: transmission-cli Description-md5: 2bb621d0d95ecd3582f524eb28dbf71e Description-gl: lightweight BitTorrent client (command line programs) O Transmission é un conxunto de clientes lixeiros de BitTorrent (en forma de daemon, interface gráfica e interface para a liña de ordes). Todas as súas encarnacións contan cunha interface moi sinxela e intuitiva por riba dunha infraestrutura multi-plataforma. . This package contains a (deprecated) stand-alone command-line client, transmission-remote to interface with transmission-daemon and tools to create, edit and inspect torrent files. Package: transmission-daemon Description-md5: c5796eb91f75285b9af0fb5f16136e5d Description-gl: lightweight BitTorrent client (daemon) O Transmission é un conxunto de clientes lixeiros de BitTorrent (en forma de daemon, interface gráfica e interface para a liña de ordes). Todas as súas encarnacións contan cunha interface moi sinxela e intuitiva por riba dunha infraestrutura multi-plataforma. . This package contains the transmission-daemon. For the associated transmission-remote, see the package transmission-cli. Package: transmission-qt Description-md5: 55875b4734dfba52b8c3483949c1215e Description-gl: lightweight BitTorrent client (Qt interface) O Transmission é un conxunto de clientes lixeiros de BitTorrent (en forma de daemon, interface gráfica e interface para a liña de ordes). Todas as súas encarnacións contan cunha interface moi sinxela e intuitiva por riba dunha infraestrutura multi-plataforma. . This package contains the Qt stand-alone client. Package: transmission-remote-gtk Description-md5: 0e8fba77f78e7422e753adf1e3d3c10a Description-gl: Interface en GTK+ para o daemon de BitTorrent de Transmission transmission-remote-gtk is a GTK+ interface for controlling the Transmission BitTorrent daemon. It is a full featured client, providing the ability to upload, queue, and delete torrent files, monitor downloads, and adjust speed limits. Package: trigger-rally-data Description-md5: 37ce61f7316d8a79bb06191e6f981a6e Description-gl: free 3D rally racing car game - data files Trigger is a free 3D rally car racing game. Fun for all the family! . Trigger comes with a number of challenges where you have to race several tracks to finish each challenge. . When racing a track, you have to reach several locations marked by pulsating rings in sequence. You win a race if you reach the last location in time. . Trigger is highly customisable, and it's easy to add new levels and vehicles. . System Requirements consist of an OpenGL accelerated video card. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos. Package: triplane Description-md5: 75723b551a63a2acf828a71a9c7cc851 Description-gl: Xogo de combate aéreo de desprazamento lateral Triplane Classic is a side-scrolling dogfighting game featuring solo missions and multiplayer mode with up to four players. It is a port of the original Triplane Turmoil game for DOS and aims to match the original game exactly so that high scores remain comparable to the original. Package: triplea Description-md5: ba6974aae907deae5b420d9427d4a7bb Description-gl: Xogo de estratexia por quendas TripleA is a turn based strategy game. TripleA comes with multiple games and over 100 more games can be downloaded from the user community. Supports single player vs AI, hot-seat, Play by Email, and a hosted online lobby. Package: trophy Description-md5: 375c44bcc8ede4dfd96aaa129c18dabd Description-gl: 2D car racing action game Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others. . Este paquete contén o executábel. Package: trophy-dbg Description-md5: 0b95ae5e9ff07b51aaa337186747e2e2 Description-gl: debug files for trophy Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do xogo trophy. . It can be used to debug trophy using GDB if the game crashes due to programming errors. Package: trousers-dbg Description-md5: af01efd57e989a4302402fc7a888fc49 Description-gl: open-source TCG Software Stack (debug) TrouSerS is an implementation of the Trusted Computing Group's Software Stack (TSS) specification. You can use TrouSerS to write applications that make use of your TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's software state using cryptographic hashes and more. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: tryton-client-doc Description-md5: 327d359837a8f4b4036b1546cd42c8c5 Description-gl: Tryton Application Platform (Client Documentation) Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . Este paquete contén a documentación do cliente no formato HTML. Package: tryton-modules-all Description-md5: 5027d268bee9c23f736494e32effe8a8 Description-gl: Tryton Application Platform (Tryton Modules Metapackage) Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). . Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de todos os módulos de Tryton dispoñÃbeis. Package: tryton-server-doc Description-md5: 7e5df63d57c031ac7413d1406bb2a65d Description-gl: Tryton Application Platform (Server Documentation) Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth). It is written in Python and uses PostgreSQL as its preferred database engine. . Este paquete contén a documentación do servidor no formato HTML. Package: ttf-dejavu Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ttf-dejavu-core Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ttf-dejavu-extra Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ttf-freefarsi Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ttf-freefont Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ttf-georgewilliams Description-md5: 1a44d516302a0aea96db5277df95cfba Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza Package: ttf-goudybookletter Description-md5: 2d9905bd4addd5e736d30eba0eeb38d8 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package for migration from ttf- goudybookletter to fonts-goudybookletter. . Este paquete pode ser eliminado sen ningún risco. Package: ttf-isabella Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ttf-marvosym Description-md5: 9ae68d16024f37a229b63fd17c995d0e Description-gl: Tipo de letra con sÃmbolos para a educación e a oficina Este é un tipo de letra con sÃmbolos útiles para a educación e a oficina. Package: ttf-tiresias Description-md5: d022b4cd65360a59d321e029d730c59e Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este paquete é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ttyload Description-md5: 49ec7e7c37a023910ffc8c86b2c9bdee Description-gl: console based color-coded graphs of CPU load average Display fairly standard, but hard-coded, ANSI ASCII escape sequences for screen manipulation and colorization for different graphs: 1 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute load averages. . Consulte Package: tunapie Description-md5: 8e3058a81cbe22ea2e68cc5781a68936 Description-gl: Enumera fontes de son e video de Shoutcast e Icecast A GUI based program for displaying Shoutcast or Icecast video and radio streams. It gives information about streams including bitrate, IP and current number of listeners. Streams can then be played using an appropriate media player, defined in preferences. Tunapie also allows streams to be recorded using streamripper. Recordings can be set to start and stop at specified times. Package: tuxguitar Description-md5: 005c914346bfc7295da2915cce8056b8 Description-gl: Multitrack guitar tablature editor and player (gp3 to gp5) O TuxGuitar é un reprodutor e editor de tablaturas de guitarra. Pode abrir ficheiros GP3, GP4 e GP5 e exporta en MIDI e PDF. Package: tuxguitar-alsa Description-md5: adddf5121617ec31d1ae52655055ceff Description-gl: Engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando ALSA Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se o sistema de son está recoñecido por ALSA. RequÃrese un expansor de MIDI (hardware ou software). Package: tuxguitar-fluidsynth Description-md5: c4acbf41ddf894c73de855faf82d9a66 Description-gl: Engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando fluidsynth Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se o sistema de son está configurado para ter fluidsynth como expansor de MIDI. Package: tuxguitar-jsa Description-md5: a482bc10254e0e171cfe780645b480f5 Description-gl: Engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando a API Java Sound Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se ten dúbidas; tamén se poden empregar outros sons. Package: tuxguitar-oss Description-md5: e66a5e2ab6263909dfd811037f8f7de6 Description-gl: Engadido de tuxguitar para a reprodución de son empregando OSS Empregue o Tuxguitar xunto con este engadido se o sistema de son está recoñecido por OSS. RequÃrese un expansor de MIDI (hardware ou software). Package: tuxmath Description-md5: 159f06317d778ade2cf689f3cf200ed8 Description-gl: math game for kids with Tux «Tux, do Comando Matemáticas» («TuxMath» para abreviar) é un xogo educativo tipo arcade protagonizado por Tux, a mascota de Linux! Baseado no xogo clásico de arcade «Comando MÃsil», Tux debe defender as súas cidades. Neste caso, porén, teno que facer resolvendo problemas de matemáticas. Package: tuxmath-data Description-md5: 28575c9c1316e98a10f7be2339e59dad Description-gl: math game for kids with Tux -- data files «Tux, do Comando Matemáticas» («TuxMath» para abreviar) é un xogo educativo tipo arcade protagonizado por Tux, a mascota de Linux! Baseado no xogo clásico de arcade «Comando MÃsil», Tux debe defender as súas cidades. Neste caso, porén, teno que facer resolvendo problemas de matemáticas. . This package provides arch-independent data files. Package: tuxpaint Description-md5: a18d303e0d44faaa67c88245f6a961d1 Description-gl: Paint program for young children O Tux Paint pretende ser un programa sinxelo de debuxo para rapaces. Non foi pensaado como ferramenta de debuxo de propósito xeral. SI que se prentende que sexa divertido e doado de utilizar. Os efectos de son e unha personaxe debuxada axudan a que o usuario saiba o que está a pasar e a telo entretido. . O Tux Paint é extensÃbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos». Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a escolla a forma. . Non hai acceso directo ás interioridades do computador. A imaxe actual consérvase ao saÃr do programa e reaparece cando se reinicia. Para gravar imaxes non é necesario crear nomes de ficheiros ou empregar o teclado. Para abrir unha imaxe haina que seleccionar dunha colección de miniaturas. Package: tuxpaint-config Description-md5: b3d1e742b77251bca0437a183d5f7ba7 Description-gl: Ferramenta de configuración para Tux Paint O Tux Paint conta cun conxunto de opcións de configuración rico que poden ser controladas mediante opcións da liña de ordes ou de ficheiros de configuración. Esta ferramenta de configuración fornece unha interface gráfica para que os administradores adapten o Tux Paint para que se axuste ás necesidades dos seus usuarios. Package: tuxpaint-data Description-md5: f4e09153eb3d5a0a07af0102266f4b8e Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para o Tux Paint, un programa de debuxo para nenos O Tux Paint pretende ser un programa sinxelo de debuxo para rapaces. Non foi pensaado como ferramenta de debuxo de propósito xeral. SI que se prentende que sexa divertido e doado de utilizar. Os efectos de son e unha personaxe debuxada axudan a que o usuario saiba o que está a pasar e a telo entretido. . O Tux Paint é extensÃbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos». Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a escolla a forma. . Non hai acceso directo ás interioridades do computador. A imaxe actual consérvase ao saÃr do programa e reaparece cando se reinicia. Para gravar imaxes non é necesario crear nomes de ficheiros ou empregar o teclado. Para abrir unha imaxe haina que seleccionar dunha colección de miniaturas. . Este paquete contén sons, imaxes, tipos de letra e outros datos para o Tux Paint. Package: tuxpaint-dev Description-md5: 9bdd5cd1dc7d93dea43d7f7a1c9eb656 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento do Tux Paint O Tux Paint pretende ser un programa sinxelo de debuxo para rapaces. Non foi pensaado como ferramenta de debuxo de propósito xeral. SI que se prentende que sexa divertido e doado de utilizar. Os efectos de son e unha personaxe debuxada axudan a que o usuario saiba o que está a pasar e a telo entretido. . Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento para escribir engadidos «Máxicos» para o Tux Paint. Package: tuxpaint-plugins-default Description-md5: 83cf7dadd53d046b4a2f5c4e3d917328 Description-gl: Engadidos de ferramentas máximas para o Tux Paint O Tux Paint pretende ser un programa sinxelo de debuxo para rapaces. Non foi pensaado como ferramenta de debuxo de propósito xeral. SI que se prentende que sexa divertido e doado de utilizar. Os efectos de son e unha personaxe debuxada axudan a que o usuario saiba o que está a pasar e a telo entretido. . O Tux Paint é extensÃbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos». Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a escolla a forma. . Non hai acceso directo ás interioridades do computador. A imaxe actual consérvase ao saÃr do programa e reaparece cando se reinicia. Para gravar imaxes non é necesario crear nomes de ficheiros ou empregar o teclado. Para abrir unha imaxe haina que seleccionar dunha colección de miniaturas. . Este paquete contén os engadidos «Máxicos» predeterminados para o Tux Paint. Package: tuxpaint-stamps-default Description-md5: f5e169abc43cf6bffd80485010cbe5b7 Description-gl: Ficheiros de carimbos para o Tux Paint, un programa de debuxo para nenos O Tux Paint pretende ser un programa sinxelo de debuxo para rapaces. Non foi pensaado como ferramenta de debuxo de propósito xeral. SI que se prentende que sexa divertido e doado de utilizar. Os efectos de son e unha personaxe debuxada axudan a que o usuario saiba o que está a pasar e a telo entretido. . O Tux Paint é extensÃbel. Pódense soltar e retirar pinceis e «carimbos». Por exemplo, un profesor pode soltar unha colección de formas de animais e pedirlles aos alumnos que debuxen un ecosistema. Cada forma pode ter un son que se reproduza e datos en texto que se mostren cando o/a rapaz/a escolla a forma. . Non hai acceso directo ás interioridades do computador. A imaxe actual consérvase ao saÃr do programa e reaparece cando se reinicia. Para gravar imaxes non é necesario crear nomes de ficheiros ou empregar o teclado. Para abrir unha imaxe haina que seleccionar dunha colección de miniaturas. . Este paquete contén sons, imaxes e outros datos para o Tux Paint. Package: tuxtype Description-md5: 88e74d797488f65de7dea1a20782cfd6 Description-gl: Xogo educativo de mecanografÃa protagonizado por Tux O TuxTyping é un xogo educativo de mecanografÃa protagonizado por Tux, o pingüÃn de Linux. O xogador guÃa a Tux para que coma peixes que caen da parte superior da pantalla. Cada peixe leva unha letra escrita nel. Cando o xogador preme a tecla correspondente, Tux colócase para comer ese peixe. O xogo pretende aprenderlles aos cativos a escribir, aÃnda que conta con niveis de dificultade superiores que mesmo supoñen un reto para os mecanógrafos avezados. Package: tuxtype-data Description-md5: 04b78274755f8c2f4bfa6d127960d3b0 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos do Xogo educativo de mecanografÃa protagonizado por Tux This package contains graphics, sound, themes and wordlist files for tuxtype. . O TuxTyping é un xogo educativo de mecanografÃa protagonizado por Tux, o pingüÃn de Linux. Package: twine Description-md5: 85dc96f3482fa75a4f41796dff720d43 Description-gl: utility for interacting with PyPI Twine is a tool for uploading distributions (in the Python meaning) to PyPi. . Why should twine be used over the traditional approach? . The biggest reason to use twine is that python upload uploads files over plaintext. This means anytime you use it you expose your username and password to a MITM attack. Twine uses only verified TLS to upload to PyPI protecting your credentials from theft. . Secondly it allows you to precreate your distribution files. python upload only allows you to upload something that you’ve created in the same command invocation. This means that you cannot test the exact file you’re going to upload to PyPI to ensure that it works before uploading it. . Finally it allows you to pre-sign your files and pass the .asc files into the command line invocation (twine upload twine-1.0.1.tar.gz twine-1.0.1.tar.gz.asc). This enables you to be assured that you’re typing your gpg passphrase into gpg itself and not anything else since you will be the one directly executing gpg --detach-sign -a <filename>. . Funcionalidades: . - Verified HTTPS Connections - Uploading doesn’t require executing - Uploading files that have already been created, allowing testing of distributions before release - Supports uploading any packaging format (including wheels). Package: twittering-mode Description-md5: c63dd6b6955c82e35f414efd0e804244 Description-gl: Cliente de Twitter para Emacs You can check friends timeline, and update your status on Emacs. . The feature of twittering-mode: * Activities on Twitter * Viewing various timelines * Friends' timeline * Replies * User's timeline * Public timeline * Posting tweets * Direct message * ReTweet * Hash tag * Signiture * Following and removing users * Marking tweets as favorites * HTTP Proxy support * Secure connection via HTTPS (cURL is required) Package: twoftpd Description-md5: 40e2575444bc677dd3a1e68a33a36a2d Description-gl: Un servidor de FTP sinxelo, seguro e eficiente (programas) Este é twoftpd, un servidor de FTP que se esforza por ser seguro, sinxelo e eficiente. Ningunha das ordes pode causar a execución doutros programas e o modo normal de execución realiza un chroot para o directorio do usuario que estea rexistrado inmediatamente despois da autenticación. . O nome «twoftpd» provén do feito de que habÃa dúas partes no servidor -- unha interface de autenticación, que non contén ningún código de transferencia de ficheiros ou de datos, e unha infraestrutura, que contén todo o código de transferencia de datos. . Este programa contén os programas de twoftpd. Package: twoftpd-run Description-md5: e8295415f6644db92d2168f9466b7777 Description-gl: Un servidor de FTP sinxelo, seguro e eficiente Este é twoftpd, un servidor de FTP que se esforza por ser seguro, sinxelo e eficiente. Ningunha das ordes pode causar a execución doutros programas e o modo normal de execución realiza un chroot para o directorio do usuario que estea rexistrado inmediatamente despois da autenticación. . Este paquete configura o servizo de twoftp para que escoite por e alén disto fornece un directorio de servizo para executar un servizo anónimo de twoftpd. Package: twolame Description-md5: 31f25f2a86804d7eb479e0d6c9ed5608 Description-gl: MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder (command line frontend) TwoLAME is an optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder. It is based on tooLAME by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10 code and portions of LAME. . Because of patent issues surrounding the MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3) encoders, the ability of most MPEG Audio players to play layer 2 files, and the similarity in command-line syntax and API, TwoLAME makes a very good drop-in replacement for LAME or other layer 3 encoders. . Este paquete contén o codificador para a interface para a liña de ordes. Package: tworld-data Description-md5: 1041847566d18b640bb1f3df11473f83 Description-gl: Chip's Challenge Game Engine Emulation - level data files Tile World is an emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge". "Chip's Challenge" was originally written for the Atari Lynx by Chuck Sommerville, and was later ported to MS Windows by Microsoft (among other ports). . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: txt2html Description-md5: 789c33d00ea58269ed9a7f2d665a6790 Description-gl: Convertedor de texto a HTML txt2html é un programa en Perl que converte texto simple a HTML. . Admite tÃtulos, listas, marcaxe simple de caracteres e hiperligazóns e é moi personalizábel. Recoñece parte da estrutura aparente do documento orixinal (fundamentalmente espazo en branco e disposición tipográfica) e tenta marcar esa estrutgura explicitamente empregando HTML. . O propósito desta ferramenta é fornecer unha maneira máis doada de converter documentos de texto existentes ao formato HTML, achegando algo mellor que simplemente arrumbar o texto nun gran bloque PRE. txt2html pode ser empregado tamén para axudar a escribir documentos novos en HTML, aÃnda que probabelmente existan maneiras mellores de facelo. Package: txt2pdbdoc Description-md5: fbb4da3157b273bb86f0d2ed7f06f39a Description-gl: Converta ficheiros de texto simple en Palm DOC (para PalmOS) e á inversa Esta utilidade convirte ficheiros de texto simple (ou ficheiros en HTML) ao formato DOC, o estándar de facto de PalmOS, para empregar en lectores de documentos (como «C Spot Run») e editores (como «ZDOC»). Os ficheiros DOC están comprimidos por omisión e txt2pdbdoc pode converter tamén os ficheiros DOC de volta a texto simple. Package: txt2tags Description-md5: 611e496015c7109695efcf3c7d903b11 Description-gl: Ferramenta de conversión para xerar varios formatos de ficheiro txt2tags é un xerador de documentos escrito en Python que xera documentos en HTML, XHTML, SGML, LaTeX, Lout, páxinas de man, Wikipedia, Google Code Wiki, DokuWiki, MoinMoin, Magic Point e PageMaker a partir dun ficheiro en texto simple con poucas marcas. . Diferente doutras ferramentas de conversión, é xenérico e non ten un destino especÃfico (como unha ferramenta txt2html). Deste xeito, vostede pode manter un único ficheiro de texto orixinal e unha ferramenta para todas as súas necesidades de formato. . Admite cabeceira, tÃtulo, negra/cursiva/subliñado/riscado, preformatado, citado, ligazón, listas, barras, imaxes e táboas. . Con txt2tags, vostede pode centrarse no contido do documento e esquecer o formato. Simplemente deixe que o programa faga ese traballo sucio. Package: txtreader Description-md5: 0fcc3543fb0879cff024fe8d349d9da6 Description-gl: Visor de texto, empregado principalmente para ler novelas Txt Reader é un visor de texto xeral, axeitado especialmente para ler novelas. . Funcionalidades: * Lembra automaticamente o lugar polo que se fechou * Admite o modo a pantalla completa * Admite agochar o lector á bandexa coa tecla Escape * Admite o desprazamento das páxinas coas teclas de frechas * Admite marcadores * Admite a selección da codificación Package: typecatcher Description-md5: ecd4dc9bc34f1bb9035e571fd52c285b Description-gl: Descargue tipos de letra da web de Google para ver sen conexión TypeCatcher permite buscar, examinar e descargar tipos de letra web de Google para empregar en desconexión. Os tipos de letra pódense ver con tamaño axustábel e texto. Package: typespeed Description-md5: e96cff21f40c078569c1ce9622c18e62 Description-gl: Esmaga as palabras que voan pola pantalla escribÃndoas correctamente Typespeed é un xogo no que as palabras voan pola pantalla. A túa tarefa é esmagar as palabras escribÃndoas antes de que atravesen a pantalla. Se pasan demasiadas palabras, o xogo acaba. Package: u1db-tools Description-md5: cf65c9f06bd902de415239676c59b110 Description-gl: Almacenamento de datos estruturados de Ubuntu One- Ferramentas de desenvolvemento Unha API para almacenar datos estruturados que poden ser sincronizados a través dunha conexión de rede, incluÃdo o servizo Ubuntu One. . Este paquete inclúe ferramentas de desenvolvemento para traballar con u1db. Package: u3-tool Description-md5: 1a4a4dd76954f417a03721db75f1940e Description-gl: Ferramenta para controlar as funcionalidades especiais de un disco flash USB U3 Ferramenta para controlar dispositivos flash USB que sexan conformes ás especificacións U3. Cun flash U3 é posÃbel facer o seguinte: * SubstituÃr a imaxe do CD * Cambiar o tamaño do CD virtual ou retiralo por completo * Activar e desactivar a seguranza * Desbloquear e cambiar o contrasinal dun dispositivo U3 asegurado * Obter información diversa sobre o dispositivo Package: uaputl Description-md5: a7d5b0ed7c7270fc9dbb874ea85e4745 Description-gl: Utilidade de administración para o controlador sen fÃos uAP da Marvell Unha pequena utilidade para configurar o controlador sen fÃos uAP da Marvell. Package: ubiquity-frontend-kde Description-md5: 18525a27bf09029b1b67c008f57f3d0b Description-gl: Interface de KDE para o instalador ao vivo Ubiquity Este paquete fornece gráficos da interface de usuario baseada en KDE para o instalador desde CD ao vivo Ubiquity. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu Description-md5: 41ab9626feda9ac247c07f1c1bb3ae05 Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Edubuntu Unha presentación destinada ao instalador Ubiquity deseñada como introdución rápida a Edubuntu. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu Description-md5: 6cf95b6a231fe40b88afa5beaa30676e Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Kubuntu Unha presentación destinada ao instalador Ubiquity deseñada como introdución rápida a Kubuntu. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-lubuntu Description-md5: 1bd4f6d667559ea752c142e5055e157e Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Lubuntu Unha presentación destinada ao instalador Ubiquity deseñada como introdución rápida a Lubuntu. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-mate Description-md5: a05e4010c946259d63aa951b0419de00 Description-gl: Presentación de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Ubuntu MATE Unha presentación destinada ao instalador Ubiquity deseñada como introdución rápida a Ubuntu MATE. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntukylin Description-md5: 4e9d56bd8b7c8cce64e0a708efdcf4b4 Description-gl: Presentación de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Ubuntu Kylin Unha presentación destinada ao instalador Ubiquity deseñada como introdución rápida a Ubuntu Kylin. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntustudio Description-md5: 78f43f953b327b222ca6e8b0b7486fea Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Ubuntu Studio Unha presentación destinada ao instalador Ubiquity deseñada como introdución rápida a Ubuntu Studio. Package: ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu Description-md5: d6dad0ead0d2a1145858994cf16fe612 Description-gl: Pase de diapositivas de Ubiquity para Xubuntu Unha presentación destinada ao instalador Ubiquity deseñada como introdución rápida a Xubuntu. Package: ubufox Description-md5: 58b4596f8372b020607ef9cb2b32a594 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo para facilitar a migración desde ubufox ao novo paquete xul-ext-ubufox. Pódeo retirar con seguranza. Package: ubumirror Description-md5: a0036de72b7cf69cb11aa7eb0faa2667 Description-gl: Scripts de réplicas de Ubuntu Este paquete contén scripts para replicar diversas partes da infraestrutura de Ubuntu. . Isto inclúe paquetes de arquivos, ficheiros ISO para as publicacións, construcións diarias para ficheiros ISO a partir de cdimage e imaxes de DVD. Package: ubuntu-budgie-desktop Description-md5: 3bf8192a6ed7c410dbf56ed37faf2fc4 Description-gl: Ubuntu Budgie metapackage Ubuntu Budgie is an Ubuntu flavor that offers a desktop experience using the Budgie-Desktop. This package depends on all of the core Ubuntu Budgie packages. . Tamén se emprega para axudar a asegurar anovacións axeitadas, polo que se recomenda que non se desinstale. Package: ubuntu-business-defaults Description-md5: ba6d0711ca6a5d9e2bf72366cd07551e Description-gl: Configuracións por omisión para as personalizacións de Ubuntu Este paquete contén configuracións personalizadas predeterminadas. Package: ubuntu-core-launcher Description-md5: 3223c275ff89224fda1b277eec5e7ffe Description-gl: Transitional package for snapd Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ubuntu-defaults-it Description-md5: 1469a5dbf45204ffccefc6c220213ccb Description-gl: Configuracións por omisión para as personalizacións italianas de Ubuntu Este paquete contén configuracións predefinidas por omisión para o CD italiano. Package: ubuntu-defaults-nl Description-md5: 74496953d17c286cc1df2408b61c9c77 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This package is transitional to ubuntu-defaults-nl-nl. It can be safely removed after upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Package: ubuntu-defaults-nl-nl Description-md5: 3fd70d7361d6ad3773237e1054cd9b81 Description-gl: Configuracións por omisión para as personalizacións de Ubuntu This package contains customized default settings for Dutch. Package: ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn Description-md5: a2d1c368d44702c197350f3b4f3b8e23 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada de Ubuntu para o chinés/China This package contains customized default settings for the Chinese Ubuntu Edition. Package: ubuntu-dev-tools Description-md5: 602760222b765b1966c32ff8bad40be2 Description-gl: Ferramentas útiles para os desenvolvedores de Ubuntu Esta é unha colección de ferramentas útiles que os desenvolvedores de Ubuntu empregan para facilitar o seu traballo de empaquetar. . Estas ferramentas inclúen: . - 404main - used to check what components a package's deps are in, for doing a main inclusion report for example. - backportpackage - helper to test package backports - bitesize - add the 'bitesize' tag to a bug and comment that you are willing to help fix it. - check-mir - check support status of build/binary dependencies - check-symbols - will compare and give you a diff of the exported symbols of all .so files in a binary package. - dch-repeat - used to repeat a change log into an older release. - grab-merge - grabs a merge from easily. - grep-merges - search for pending merges from Debian. - hugdaylist - compile HugDay lists from bug list URLs. - import-bug-from-debian - copy a bug from the Debian BTS to Launchpad - merge-changelog - manually merges two Debian changelogs with the same base version. - mk-sbuild - script to create LVM snapshot chroots via schroot and sbuild. - pbuilder-dist, cowbuilder-dist - wrapper script for managing several build chroots (for different Ubuntu and Debian releases) on the same system. - pull-debian-debdiff - attempts to find and download a specific version of a Debian package and its immediate parent to generate a debdiff. - pull-debian-source - downloads the latest source package available in Debian of a package. - pull-lp-source - downloads latest source package from Launchpad. - pull-revu-source - downloads the latest source package from REVU - requestbackport - file a backporting request. - requestsync - files a sync request with Debian changelog and rationale. - reverse-depends - find the reverse dependencies (or build dependencies) of a package. - seeded-in-ubuntu - query if a package is safe to upload during a freeze. - setup-packaging-environment - assistant to get an Ubuntu installation ready for packaging work. - sponsor-patch - Downloads a patch from a Launchpad bug, patches the source package, and uploads it (to Ubuntu or a PPA) - submittodebian - automatically send your changes to Debian as a bug report. - syncpackage - helper to prepare .changes file to upload synced packages - ubuntu-build - give commands to the Launchpad build daemons from the command line. - ubuntu-iso - output information of an Ubuntu ISO image. - ubuntu-upload-permission - query / list the upload permissions for a package. - update-maintainer - script to update maintainer field in ubuntu packages. Package: ubuntu-developer-tools-center Description-md5: e6a2f40ac4f1017a71559ed2792bba92 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo This is a transitional dummy package only providing previous udtc binary instead of umake. It can safely be removed. Package: ubuntu-edu-preschool Description-md5: ba1174ff923906479fd65cbc64637a73 Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para preescolar Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para cativos de preescolar que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de Edubuntu. Package: ubuntu-edu-primary Description-md5: 2717aa5fc34a02ae583105d0f023b0f1 Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para primaria Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para educación primaria que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de Edubuntu. Package: ubuntu-edu-secondary Description-md5: 3d7141f4896451c29f569aff02f7dd51 Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para secundaria Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para educación secundaria que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de Edubuntu. Package: ubuntu-edu-tertiary Description-md5: c2f5cd4b625685b7a5e507174e3b31b1 Description-gl: Paquete de aplicativos educativos para a educación superior Este paquete depende de todo o software educativo para educación superior que conta co apoio completo de Canonical e a comunidade de Edubuntu. Package: ubuntu-gnome-wallpapers Description-md5: 6e3e74c4e3fc76f25f3437a5327aa26c Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu GNOME This is a metapackage depending on the community contest wallpapers for the current Ubuntu GNOME release. Package: ubuntu-gnome-wallpapers-trusty Description-md5: fed4f60fd0fe8cd0602308c4aeb4c0a4 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 This package contains the winning entries from the Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 community wallpaper contest. Package: ubuntu-gnome-wallpapers-utopic Description-md5: 3a2bb6bc34126c8780eb638627537bfc Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 This package contains the winning entries from the Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 community wallpaper contest. Package: ubuntu-html5-platform-3.4-dev Description-md5: 0a7ff31729036f9af61e46db9dca360a Description-gl: Infraestrutura Cordova para construÃr apps web para móbiles - ficheiros de desenvolvemento Cordova is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about. . This package contains library files that are needed to build applications. The libraries are not meant to be installed on the system, but should be embedded in a click package. Package: ubuntu-kylin-docs Description-md5: b3c7ede48b68ffa71bb1e7335e66703b Description-gl: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop Guide Este paquete contén a documentación oficial de Ubuntu Kylin, mantida polo Equipo de Documentación de Ubuntu Kylin. A documentación está baseada na documentación de Ubuntu e pode ser vista empregando Yelp, o navegador de axuda de GNOME. Package: ubuntu-kylin-sso-client Description-md5: 0442a6ab4457058d536216d7cd6568ba Description-gl: Cliente de autenticación única de Ubuntu Kylin Servizo do escritorio para permitir que os aplicativos accedan a servizos de Ubuntu mediante SSO. Package: ubuntu-kylin-sso-client-qt Description-md5: 3aeac3c5644e1ee9499db2dbb018d8b8 Description-gl: Cliente de autenticación única de Ubuntu Kylin - interface en Qt Qt frontend to be used by the desktop service to sign into Ubuntu Kylin services via SSO. This package also provides the Qt frontend to handle proxy authentication. Package: ubuntu-mate-artwork Description-md5: 0114d46e1343237f6946b0eb80b2f567 Description-gl: Temas e gráficos de Ubuntu MATE This package contains Ubuntu MATE themes and artwork. . It is a metapackage. Package: ubuntu-mate-default-settings Description-md5: fc1e30804dc5a571d5193cb2f821b894 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada de Ubuntu MATE Various system settings tailored for Ubuntu MATE. Package: ubuntu-mate-desktop Description-md5: 5591bb8caf8894d36b5f7458d5c8d1d1 Description-gl: Ubuntu MATE - escritorio completo This package is the Ubuntu MATE desktop environment. . It is safe to remove this package if some of these packages are not desired. Package: ubuntu-mate-live-settings Description-md5: 6274fb1931d3a975f69455fd6fac1394 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada do CD ao vivo de Ubuntu MATE Various system settings tailored for Ubuntu MATE live CD. Package: ubuntu-mate-wallpapers-utopic Description-md5: 3319913f7eca3188e43a09b1b0be7a22 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu MATE 14.10 Wallpapers from the Ubuntu MATE community for Ubuntu MATE 14.10 Package: ubuntu-mate-wallpapers-vivid Description-md5: 8581e95a278f0dd254472c0912e20eb6 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Wallpapers from the Ubuntu MATE community for Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Package: ubuntu-mate-wallpapers-wily Description-md5: 104cff485cdeb60b9fd08ba8dec5c265 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Wallpapers from the Ubuntu MATE community for Ubuntu MATE 15.10 Package: ubuntu-mate-welcome Description-md5: 4f873f8a8d7f772d6b9520b2dfbe317f Description-gl: Pantalla de benvida de Ubuntu MATE A welcome screen for Ubuntu MATE that provides links to helpful resources, utilities and a selection of software packages. Package: ubuntu-online-tour Description-md5: f71fcd466bd00e63d40972e0017fc88c Description-gl: Experimente Ubuntu no seu navegador web Ubuntu Tour é unha demostración da interface de usuario Unity de Ubuntu de de varias funcionalidades de Ubuntu que se executa nun navegador web Firefox. Tamén se poden empregar outros navegadores modernos que admitan HTML5/CSS3 para ver a visita. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide Description-md5: e068ad6953d0f5ba85233ab3fec614fb Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - Metapaquete A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este é un meta-paquete que depende só de ubuntu-packaging-guide-html. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-common Description-md5: ca586f2cefd56f86362ac195d3e068c3 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - ficheiros comúns A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén algúns ficheiros comúns que son requiridos polas versións en HTML da guÃa. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub Description-md5: a52b9156e84a71a3f811252a12c8e0c6 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en EPUB A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en EPUB. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-de Description-md5: 943dbad9e0b88221840accd6fccf1ff7 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en EPUB - Versión en alemán A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en EPUB. . Esta é a versión en alemán. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-es Description-md5: 0b6dfdd692312931df0665f4d5058e41 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en EPUB - Versión en español A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en EPUB. . Esta é a versión en español. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-fr Description-md5: 42efdb54517df820d38ce55bdd4c76c3 Description-gl: Ubuntu Packaging Guide - EPUB guide - French version A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en EPUB. . This is the French version. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-pt-br Description-md5: c06a3c4d032516cf61772ff27e737e30 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en EPUB - Versión en portugués do Brasil A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en EPUB. . Esta é a versión en portugués do Brasil. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-ru Description-md5: 6cc9b848c9235e50fed46993fa06c6dd Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en EPUB - Versión en ruso A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en EPUB. . Esta é a versión en ruso. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-epub-uk Description-md5: 8d5b65f1acc58cdd434068f04a7d5be3 Description-gl: Ubuntu Packaging Guide - EPUB guide - Ukrainian version A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en EPUB. . This is the Ukrainian version. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html Description-md5: aead54fe3b939ff64b94c8fb1b2ad858 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en HTML A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en HTML. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-de Description-md5: d6b4e67c8baf44ce0d4811b482db8b2e Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en HTML - Versión en alemán A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en HTML. . Esta é a versión en alemán. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-es Description-md5: 9feb11096c32fcb98159c8ee281b9013 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en HTML - Versión en español A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en HTML. . Esta é a versión en español. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-fr Description-md5: 1800f41c3cc27debcb3e65055cd5eb9f Description-gl: Ubuntu Packaging Guide - HTML guide - French version A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en HTML. . This is the French version. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-pt-br Description-md5: e8a5860bc60253065de24aad412f4ef7 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en HTML- Versión en portugués do Brasil A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en HTML. . Esta é a versión en portugués do Brasil. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-ru Description-md5: d1dca18b99227d7f7e0e281ef250cd63 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en HTML - Versión en ruso A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en HTML. . Esta é a versión en ruso. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-html-uk Description-md5: 2863d5c0b84c6a53c2840a37749a1ba2 Description-gl: Ubuntu Packaging Guide - HTML guide - Ukrainian version A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en HTML. . This is the Ukrainian version. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf Description-md5: 83defabd310e3bbbe0a4b055b2b6f127 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en PDF A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en PDF. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-de Description-md5: e16839da5a74f61a99d7166282317000 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en PDF - Versión en alemán A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en PDF. . Esta é a versión en alemán. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-es Description-md5: 18a82e41fc56d9d19e3d963d801671ed Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en PDF - Versión en español A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en PDF. . Esta é a versión en español. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-fr Description-md5: 64d0d8bc9df5fa1d2e61d351ce461fd8 Description-gl: Ubuntu Packaging Guide - PDF guide - French version A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en PDF. . This is the French version. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-pt-br Description-md5: 70923106ff33957a9bbb9605deeb0665 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en PDF - Versión en portugués do Brasil A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en PDF. . Esta é a versión en portugués do Brasil. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-ru Description-md5: e3f111ebc37c932b8b978c58576dc6b0 Description-gl: GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu - GuÃa en PDF - Versión en ruso A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en PDF. . Esta é a versión en ruso. Package: ubuntu-packaging-guide-pdf-uk Description-md5: 8747c9054887051ab50ed826ac729289 Description-gl: Ubuntu Packaging Guide - PDF guide - Ukrainian version A GuÃa para empaquetar Ubuntu é un conxunto de artigos que deberÃan axudar a que vostede se involucrase no empaquetamento e no desenvolvemento de Ubuntu. Non pretende substituÃr outra documentación boa existente, como a GuÃa do novo mantedor de Debian ou as polÃticas de Debian, senón servir como punto de partida con artigos fáciles e sinxelos de comprender. . Este paquete contén a versión da guÃa en PDF. . This is the Ukrainian version. Package: ubuntu-policy Description-md5: f52ed0b573927a455a91714447d577bb Description-gl: Manual de polÃticas de Debian e documentos relacionados This package contains: - Debian Policy Manual - Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) - Authoritative list of virtual package names - Paper about libc6 migration - Policy checklist for upgrading your packages It also replaces the old Packaging Manual; most of the still-relevant content is now included as appendices to the Policy Manual. Package: ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt Description-md5: 1a5354b00256cd2e8841649e89979f00 Description-gl: Xestione as anovacións das edicións Esta é a interface en Qt do Anovador de Versións de Ubuntu Package: ubuntu-remote-debug-host-tools Description-md5: 488127c3ebe518e908d6a26cc979fb66 Description-gl: Meta-paquete con ferramentas para axudar na depuración remota en Ubuntu Este metapaquete inclúe paquetes que axudan coa depuración remota en Ubuntu, incluÃdos servidores de ssh e vnc. Isto permite que un desenvolvedor poida depurar un sistema de maneira remota, asà como probalo de maneira remota. Package: ubuntu-snappy Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ubuntu-snappy-cli Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: ubuntu-touch-settings Description-md5: 4133be4d518d0733744b36407ddc7134 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada de Ubuntu Touch Este paquete contén a configuración predeterminada empregada por Ubuntu Touch. Package: ubuntu-unity-desktop Description-md5: 955c7a122c63c3ce6c1388a0e818071c Description-gl: The Ubuntu Unity desktop system This package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu Unity desktop system . Tamén se emprega para axudar a asegurar anovacións axeitadas, polo que se recomenda que non se desinstale. Package: ubuntu-vm-builder Description-md5: 32b28e1d04cb2ed1a845550564d05be9 Description-gl: Construtor de Ubuntu VM Script which automates the process of creating a ready to use VM based on Ubuntu. You can pass command line options to add extra packages, remove packages, choose which version of Ubuntu, which mirror to use etc. . On recent hardware with plenty of RAM, tmpdir in /dev/shm or using a tmpfs, and a local mirror, you can bootstrap a vm in less than a minute. Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-karmic Description-md5: f9d2a102a5cd4c16455c3583f813fcc4 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 9.10 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 9.10 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-lucid Description-md5: 4d34539b72e4e27f7a0270460169a743 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 10.04 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 10.04 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-maverick Description-md5: 86b5385e0e586c2f377dd698662dfba5 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 10.10 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 10.10 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-natty Description-md5: 0493db83568002e88302deed52f89766 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 11.04 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 11.04 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-oneiric Description-md5: 1c8c34f0aefb3d8072cd72a0823e0ed5 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 11.10 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 11.10 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-precise Description-md5: 9773af9320b7758013321f0e9292fac6 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 12.04 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 12.10 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-quantal Description-md5: f9099c429ebc3049cb49900f4942bd38 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio para Ubuntu 12.10 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 12.10 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-raring Description-md5: d3850ace3d9c8322955c4378ae66c63a Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu 13.04 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 13.04 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-saucy Description-md5: b27880e312bf21f59b2c685a6f109ace Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu 13.10 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 13.10 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-trusty Description-md5: d961f7bd015ace8f39e0eb8d65f69715 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu 14.04 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 14.04 Package: ubuntu-wallpapers-utopic Description-md5: 7c65e3b02786d8edd37dbc5bf6006559 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu 14.10 Fondos de pantalla do concurso da comunidade para Ubuntu 14.10 Package: ubuntukylin-default-settings Description-md5: ba694cb3f5064c2d20c848b91a1fec41 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada do escritorio de Ubuntu Kylin Este paquete contén a configuración predeterminada empregada por Ubuntu Kylin. Package: ubuntukylin-desktop Description-md5: 2d97fbbdb04353a7877c71b7333bff48 Description-gl: O sistema de escritorio Ubuntu Kylin Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes do sistema de escritorio Ubuntu Kylin . Tamén se emprega para axudar a asegurar anovacións axeitadas, polo que se recomenda que non se desinstale. Package: ubuntukylin-keyring Description-md5: 9bb7c64f38bd3dc35984cb7aad1490a5 Description-gl: Claves de GnuPG do arquivo de Ubuntu Kylin O proxecto Ubuntu asina dixitalmente os ficheiros que publica. Este paquete contén as claves do arquivo empregadas para o arquivo de Ubuntu Kylin. Package: ubuntukylin-theme Description-md5: 7fbb99b50b23be4eb0c7bb9b88831a75 Description-gl: Tema de Ubuntu Kylin Este paquete contén o tema predeterminado de Ubuntu Kylin, que é un sabor de Ubuntu. Package: ubuntukylin-wallpapers Description-md5: 47129b1056f7b32d1cbcf716e571b8d7 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu Kylin O fondo de escritorio predeterminado de Ubuntu Kylin. Este é tamén un meta-paquete que depende dos demais fondos de escritorio predeterminados da edición actual de Ubuntu Kylin. Package: ubuntukylin-wallpapers-saucy Description-md5: 6ad705ae26f6d45b34309c5ddfb0ca4a Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 Outstanding wallpapers selected from Ubuntu Kylin 13.10 Wallpaper Contest. These wallpapers are expected to show wonderful Chinese style. Package: ubuntukylin-wallpapers-trusty Description-md5: 014be24b29406939adc47f2115279c17 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu Kylin 14.04 Outstanding wallpapers selected from Ubuntu Kylin 14.04 Wallpaper Contest. These wallpapers are expected to show wonderful Chinese style. Package: ubuntukylin-wallpapers-utopic Description-md5: e536a0cd90c59d7c4485f6d77fb2e810 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu Kylin 14.10 Outstanding wallpapers selected from Ubuntu Kylin 14.10 Wallpaper Contest. These wallpapers are expected to show wonderful Chinese style. Package: ubuntukylin-wallpapers-vivid Description-md5: cbc26a4399e87efd82922d364b4e4408 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 Outstanding wallpapers selected from Ubuntu Kylin 15.04 Wallpaper Contest. These wallpapers are expected to show wonderful Chinese style. Package: ubuntume-gdm-themes Description-md5: bec8d5f04cd86975a6615e4f1d4aa45a Description-gl: Temas de Sabily para GDM (paquete transitorio) The default GDM themes for Sabily. At the moment the package contains: * HumanME * Sabily-green * Shahada . This is a dummy transitional package that will ensure a proper upgrade path. This package may be safely removed after upgrading. Package: ubuntume-themes Description-md5: d05ab2e6c70afe518b74d8840acd74d0 Description-gl: Temas de Sabily (paquete transitorio) The default HumanME theme. At the moment the package contains: * The theme definitions * Metacity theme elements * The icon theme * green-human and HumanME GTK+ themes * Animated cursor themes . This is a dummy transitional package that will ensure a proper upgrade path. This package may be safely removed after upgrading. Package: ubuntustudio-audio Description-md5: bc0a8966eb6b2339dd0dca02252c4978 Description-gl: Ubuntu Studio Audio Package Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . The full Ubuntu Studio collection of applications for audio production. Package: ubuntustudio-audio-core Description-md5: 0bbff0eab9a39b2d20b6202fa1b89738 Description-gl: Ubuntu Studio Audio Core Package Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . A core set of applications for audio production. Package: ubuntustudio-audio-plugins Description-md5: 7981892e2dd1d4f20802fbecadf03741 Description-gl: Paquete de engadidos de son de Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . A collection of LADSPA, LV2, and DSSI plugins. Package: ubuntustudio-default-settings Description-md5: 33596d83f87e0d018f953b8b7549a820 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada do escritorio de Ubuntu Studio This package contains the default settings used by Ubuntu Studio. It sets the session name, menu icon, backdrops for lightdm and the session. It sets grub to default to the latest lowlatency kernel even if a newer generic kernel exists. It also sets various audio related system settings. Package: ubuntustudio-desktop Description-md5: 60eace4d8c84ebce0c06411788764964 Description-gl: Paquete Ubuntu Studio Desktop Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . This package will install the full Ubuntu Studio desktop environment. Package: ubuntustudio-desktop-core Description-md5: 950fd8c4578fc21296dfc237818e5154 Description-gl: Ubuntu Studio Desktop Core Package Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . This package will install the core components for a Ubuntu Studio desktop environment. Package: ubuntustudio-fonts Description-md5: 848df8284ecb3e2ec4a7929e140d9161 Description-gl: Paquete de tipos de letra de Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . A collection of fonts to help with graphic design Package: ubuntustudio-graphics Description-md5: b534d30046fb25ec5b18046ce75055b4 Description-gl: Paquete de gráficos de Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . A collection of applications aimed at 2D/3D creation and editing. Package: ubuntustudio-icon-theme Description-md5: be4086638ecee8024af2268d71252fdf Description-gl: Tema de iconas de Ubuntu Studio This package adds the Ubuntu Studio icon theme. This package adds the few missing icons ubuntustudio needs that no other theme provides. These include, The distribution icon and a few icons for packages that come with a desktop file but no icon. Package: ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme Description-md5: bfe8ebc058cce6653c20fea6f85a4246 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio This is a transitional package. It can safely be removed. Package: ubuntustudio-look Description-md5: 42f35f4b1f2ca4c6fca5a02d810f2bdc Description-gl: Aparencia de Ubuntu Studio The Ubuntu Studio theme metapackage. . This package depends upon the constituent parts of the Ubuntu Studio theme, whilst also providing the theme descriptor to the GNOME desktop, and the distributor logo. Package: ubuntustudio-photography Description-md5: 70ef27f25a6189da86c2a6f7e37d59cc Description-gl: Paquete FotografÃa de Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . A collection of applications forming a photograph touchup and editing suite. Package: ubuntustudio-publishing Description-md5: ab46031b8bf1e48fbaa5f32b65b8a444 Description-gl: Paquete de publicación de Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . A collection of applications aimed at publishing. Package: ubuntustudio-video Description-md5: 5c8232a1ef33a1ddaba4e6a3e00d9831 Description-gl: Paquete de vÃdeo de Ubuntu Studio Ubuntu Studio é un sabor de creación de multimedia de Ubuntu para o entusiasta ou profesional de son, vÃdeo e gráficos de Linux. . A collection of applications aimed at video creation and editing. Package: ubuntustudio-wallpapers Description-md5: e1b8ad061472d34ed278c207c9232890 Description-gl: Ubuntu Studio - Fondos de escritorio The Ubuntu Studio theme. . This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Wallpapers. These are desktop backgrounds or backdrops with Ubuntu Studio branding or otherwise thought to be of interest to artists. Package: ucommon-doc Description-md5: 98b3c7db07f36554cfcf2cb73d7873c9 Description-gl: lightweight C++ threading and sockets - documentation GNU uCommon C++ is a lightweight library to facilitate using C++ design patterns even for very deeply embedded applications, such as for systems using uClibc along with POSIX threading support. For this reason, uCommon disables language features that consume memory or introduce runtime overhead. uCommon introduces some design patterns from Objective-C, such as reference counted objects, memory pools, and smart pointers. uCommon introduces some new concepts for handling of thread locking and synchronization. . Este paquete contén a documentación da API. Package: ucspi-unix Description-md5: aa21205dd12bf319d77f221de2066e1a Description-gl: UNIX-domain socket client-server command-line tools unixclient and unixserver are command-line tools for building UNIX domain client-server applications. unixclient connects to a UNIX domain socket and runs a program of your choice. unixserver creates a UNIX domain socket, waits for incoming connections and, for each connection, runs a program of your choice. . unixclient and unixserver conform to UCSPI, the UNIX Client-Server Program Interface, using UNIX domain sockets. UCSPI tools are available for several different networks. . Consulte para máis información sobre UCSPI. Consulte para informacións recentes. Package: udj-desktop-client Description-md5: 53613ecf29a8887e86df9f04e69cabd4 Description-gl: Reprodutor de música social UDJ allows you and your friends to collaboratively select which music is playing, in real time. Guests are able to view your playlist from their smartphones. They can also search your music library from their phones and add songs to the playlist. If they see a song added by someone else that they like, they can choose to vote it up. The song will then move up in the queue and be played sooner. Alternatively, if they see a song they don't like they can vote it down and it will move down in the queue. Package: udunits-bin Description-md5: be52bef37b68f39f66da8bd9d7252602 Description-gl: Utilidade para manexar unidades de cantidades fÃsicas udunits é unha utilidade para manexar unidades de cantidades fÃsicas. Admite a conversión entre representacións das unidades en forma de cadeas ou binaria, manipulación aritmética das unidades e conversión dos valores numéricos entre unidades compatÃbeis. O paquete está escrito na linguaxe de programación C. Package: ufiformat Description-md5: 993a03a3c3f3d798203ce74d0b65292d Description-gl: Formatador de discos para unidades de disquete USB ufiformat is a command-line utility for formatting floppy disks in UFI- compatible USB floppy drives. It allows disks to be formatted in any format supported by the drive, and can also be used to determine what format a disk is currently using. Package: uim-chewing Description-md5: 4df756a3d8c628df3255e74b97517808 Description-gl: Método de Entrada Universal - engadido para Chewing Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy, Canna, PRIME, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible. . This package contains a plugin for uim to support the use of the Chinese input method Chewing. Package: uim-el Description-md5: 41539f8605bc65a7a832e83863352a01 Description-gl: Método de Entrada Universal - interface para Emacs Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy, Canna, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible. . This package contains an Emacs front end for uim. Package: uim-gtk2.0 Description-md5: 7cb874e258eb0bd7aeeb0ea9aef67b56 Description-gl: Método de Entrada Universal - interface en GTK+2.x Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy, Canna, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible. . This package contains an GTK+2.0 front-end applications for uim. Package: uim-gtk3 Description-md5: f90b22bfcbdcf4116ac1b37306fc35e2 Description-gl: Método de Entrada Universal - interface en GTK+3.x Uim is an input method module library which supports various scripts and can act as a front end for a range of input methods, including Anthy, Canna, or SKK (for Japanese), Pinyin (for Chinese), Byeoru (for Korean), and M17n (for many other languages). Most of its functions are implemented in Scheme, so it's very simple and flexible. . This package contains an GTK+3.0 front-end applications for uim. Package: ukolovnik Description-md5: 6ff7fa05fb78fad582fd4afaec291017 Description-gl: Xestor de tarefas sinxelo que emprega PHP e MySQL Ubolovnik é un sinxelo xestor de tarefas escrito en PHP e que emprega MySQL como infraestrutura. Non fornece funcionalidade para varios usuarios, só todo o necesario para as listas de tarefas persoais. Package: ukopp Description-md5: 6b93d5816d7f57e0364d2050ecc8bb36 Description-gl: Copias de seguranza completas e incrementais nun disco ou nun dispositivo tipo disco Ukopp emprégase para copiar ou crear copias de seguranza de ficheiros nun disco ou nun dispositivo tipo disco, como unha memoria USB. Só copia os ficheiros novos ou modificados desde a copia de seguranza anterior e é, polo tanto, bastante rápido. Emprega unha interface gráfica para navegar polo sistema de ficheiros para incluÃr ou excluÃr ficheiros ou directorios de calquera nivel. Estas opcións poden ser gardadas nun ficheiro de tarefa para empregalas repetidamente. Os ficheiros novos que aparezan dentro dos directorios incluÃdos son manexados automaticamente. Como opción, é posÃbel reter versións anteriores dos ficheiros de seguranza en troques de substituÃlos. Os ficheiros poden ser restaurados de maneira selectiva empregando unha interface gráfica. Tamén se restauran os propietarios e os permisos, mesmo se o dispositivo de destino emprega un sistema de ficheiros da Microsoft. Package: ukui-screensaver-common Description-md5: c1911a3593bd967e1f911c30bd2410d3 Description-gl: UKUI screen saver and locker (common files) ukui-screensaver is a screen saver and locker that aims to have simple, sane and secure defaults, and be well integrated with the UKUI desktop. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: umit Description-md5: 797a3accd778f3ece3583c749041c969 Description-gl: network tool and graphical frontend for nmap Examine as máquinas conectadas á súa rede para descubrir que portos teñen abertos e os servizos e sistemas operativos que están a executar. . Co umit vostede ten a potencia fornecida por nmap a través da súa interface normal para a liña de ordes e moito máis nunha interface gráfica moi fácil de usar e portátil. Package: unace Description-md5: 9601a5e507d4360472e611f98c1a79f9 Description-gl: Extraia, probe e vexa arquivos .ace A utilidade unace emprégase para extraer, probar e ver o contido de arquivos creados co arquivador ACE. Package: unadf Description-md5: a342fa0c4d9aa888a7a5bef6b677fa2a Description-gl: Extraia ficheiros dun envorcado de Ficheiro de Disco de Amiga (.adf) Ferramenta para extraer e listar ficheiros dun Ficheiro de Disco de Amiga. . Ficheiro de Disco de Amiga, ou ADF, é un formato de ficheiro empregado polos computadores e emuladores de Amiga para almacenar imaxes de discos. ADF non é realmente un formato de ficheiro, senón un envorcado pista a pista dos datos do disco tal e como os le o sistema operativo Amiga, polo que o «formato» realmente son pistas de datos de AmigaDOS de largura fixa engadidas unha detrás da outra e contidas nun ficheiro. Package: unagi-dbg Description-md5: 9e7fa4ca0ea0133e59d1b3a7f9d11d5f Description-gl: Modular X compositing manager - debugging symbols Unagi is a modular compositing manager which aims to be efficient, lightweight and responsive. It is currently written in C programming language and based on XCB library client library. Any existing window manager (such as Awesome) can be used as long as it implements properly EWMH and ICCCM specifications (or at least needed), which is generally the case nowadays. . It also aims to provide a functional and stable software to improve window manager usability from an end-user point of view (for instance windows translucency, application-switcher using live thumbnails instead of plain icons, Exposé...), therefore it does not intend at all to provide useless eye-candy effects. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do unagi. Package: unalz Description-md5: 5b344a60a4c4a8b41b8369a0dc3abd8f Description-gl: Des-arquivador para ficheiros .alz This is the utility used for decompressing ALZip format files. It mainly operates on files with names ending in '.alz'. . Note that it only support Alzip program's old (pre-2009) ALZ format. The new "EGG" format is completely different with ALZ and not supported. Package: unar Description-md5: 37d65eb2eb69dfafae7ecf5471c75313 Description-gl: Desarquivador para diversos formatos de ficheiro The Unarchiver is an archive unpacker program with support for the popular zip, RAR, 7z, tar, gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ, CAB, MSI, NSIS, EXE, ISO, BIN, and split file formats, as well as the old Stuffit, Stuffit X, DiskDouble, Compact Pro, Packit, cpio, compress (.Z), ARJ, ARC, PAK, ACE, ZOO, LZH, ADF, DMS, LZX, PowerPacker, LBR, Squeeze, Crunch, and other old formats. . Este paquete contén a ferramenta lsar, que enumera o contido dos arquivos e a ferramenta unar, que extrae ese contido. Package: unbound Description-md5: fbeecad8349f6b3042087b256bc69b68 Description-gl: validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver Unbound is a recursive-only caching DNS server which can perform DNSSEC validation of results. It implements only a minimal amount of authoritative service to prevent leakage to the root nameservers: forward lookups for localhost, reverse for and ::1, and NXDOMAIN for zones served by AS112. Stub and forward zones are supported. . Este paquete contén o daemon unbound. Package: unburden-home-dir Description-md5: ed76db94c9f49864b759700c92e8b446 Description-gl: Retirar ou sacar automaticamente os ficheiros de caché do directorio persoal do usuario unburden-home-dir permite que os usuarios retiren ficheiros de caché de navegadores, etc. do seu directorio persoal, isto é, dun disco duro local ou de tmpfs e os substitúan por unha ligazón simbólica ao novo sitio (p.ex. en /tmp/ ou /scratch/) ao acceder de novo á conta. Opcionalmente, é posÃbel retirar o contido dos directorios e ficheiros en troques de movelos. . Isto é últil cando menos nos seguintes casos: . O caso que provocou a idea son instalacións grandes con estacións de traballo nas que $HOME está en NFS e todas esas memorias caché supoñen unha carga («burden», daà o nome) no servidor de ficheiros porque as cachés por NFS non teñen un desempeño óptimo e poden tamén esganar o servidor de NFS. . A similar case, but with different purpose is reducing I/O on mobile devices like laptops or netbooks to extend the battery life or reduce the wearing down of CF or SD cards, e.g. in single board computers like the Raspberry Pi or Alix or APU boards: Moving browser caches etc. off the real disk into a tmpfs filesystem reduces the amount of disk I/O which reduces the power consumption of the disk. . Outra posÃbel solución para aforrar entradas e saÃdas non cruciais é empregar o paquete eatmydata para ignorar as chamadas do software a fsync. . The other type of use cases for unburden-home-dir is to reduce disk space usage, e.g. on devices with small disk space but a lot of RAM as seen often on boxes with flash disks or early netbooks, e.g. the first EeePC with 4GB disk space and 2GB RAM. In this case you want to move off as many cache files, etc. as possible to some tmpfs filesystem, e.g. /tmp/. . Tamén pode axudar a reducir a cantidade de espazo de disco necesario para copias de seguranza se eses ficheiros se colocan nun sitio no que non se inclúan nesas copias. Nese caso, é unha alternativa a manter actualizadas as listas negras no software de copias de seguranza. . For some users it may also be helpful to stay under their quota. . The package also contains an Xsession hook which calls this script on X login for every user. But by default no files or directories are configured to be moved elsewhere, so nothing will happen automatically without configuration. Package: unclutter Description-md5: f0e9ff67c42a9d3dc35bb595d2f84a7b Description-gl: Agocha o cursor do rato en X após un perÃodo de inactividade unclutter hides your X mouse cursor when you don't need it, to prevent it from getting in the way. You have only to move the mouse to restore the mouse cursor. Package: unhide Description-md5: 2b450c591220d6cd58e2fe58256d0e89 Description-gl: Ferramenta forense para atopar procesos e portos agochados Unhide é unha ferramenta forense para atopar procesos e portos de TCP/UDP agochados por rootkits, módulos do kernel Linux ou por outras técnicas. Inclúe dúas utilidades: unhide e unhide-tcp. . unhide detecta procesos agochados empregando as seis técnicas seguintes: * Comparar /proc con /bin/ps output * Comparar a información reunida de /bin/ps coa reunÃda examinando proc * Comparar a información reunida de /bin7ps coa reunida de syscalls * Ocupación total do espazo dos PID (forza bruta cos PID) * Busca inversa, comprobando que todos os fÃos vistos por ps tamén son vistos polo kernel (/bin/ps output fronte a /proc, análise de procfs e syscall) * Comparación rápida de /proc, análise de procfs e saÃda de syscall fronte a /bin/ps . unhide-tcp indentifica portos de TCP/UDP que están a escoitar mais que non aparecen enumerados en /bin/netstat con forza bruta de todos os portos TCP/UDP dispoñÃbeis. . This package can be used by rkhunter in its daily scans. . This package is useful for network security checks, in addition to forensics investigations. Package: unhide.rb Description-md5: 0bdffe43e8ec27893f50394615e6ad5d Description-gl: Ferramenta forense para atopar procesos agochados por rootkits Unhide.rb é unha ferramenta forense para atopar procesos agochados por rootkits. . Procura procesos activos de moitas maneiras distintas. Os procesos atopados por algúns medios mais non por outros son considerados como «agochados» e informa deles ao usuario. . Unhide.rb is a tentative of rewrite in Ruby of the original Unhide, which is written in C. While being much faster, it does not implement all the diagnostics of the original version. It is also less secure as it cannot be statically compiled. . This package can be used by rkhunter in its daily scans. Package: uni2ascii Description-md5: 1e8e7a15567b8de4c7377ea0f4a3e0b8 Description-gl: Convertedor de UTF-8 a ASCII de 7 bits e viceversa This package provides conversion in both directions between UTF-8 Unicode and a variety of 7-bit ASCII equivalents, including HTML numeric character references, various escapes and hexadecimal. Such ASCII equivalents are useful when including Unicode text in program source, when debugging, and when entering text into web programs that can handle the Unicode character set but are not 8-bit safe. Package: unicode Description-md5: 0f1df828585a5704027868f2e6ae18d7 Description-gl: display unicode character properties unicode é unha utilidade sinxela para a liña de ordes que mostra as propiedades dun carácter de unicode dado ou busca un nome dado na base de datos de unicode. Package: unicode-screensaver Description-md5: 6d3fff6afb0f291848a27e15ca577754 Description-gl: Salvapantallas que mostra caracteres de unicode O salvapantallas unicode é un aplicativo sinxelo de salvapantallas que, repetidamente, escolle aleatoriamente un carácter en unicode e o mostra nun tamaño moi grande xunto co seu código de punto unicode e o nome do carácter. . Funciona con xscreenserver ou con gnome-screenserver. Package: unison Description-md5: f895ae84f8a67077573eb8b814cb7cb9 Description-gl: Ferramenta de sincronización de ficheiros para Unix e Windows Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows, written in OCaml. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. . Unison offers several advantages over various synchronization methods such as CVS, Coda, rsync, Intellisync, etc. Unison can run on and synchronize between Windows and many UNIX platforms. Unison requires no root privileges, system access or kernel changes to function. Unison can synchronize changes to files and directories in both directions, on the same machine, or across a network using ssh or a direct socket connection. . Transfers are optimised using a version of the rsync protocol, making it ideal for slower links. Unison has a clear and precise specification, and is resilient to failure due to its careful handling of the replicas and its private structures. Package: unison-all Description-md5: 9cf22901b2de8c29199e16501ac18716 Description-gl: Ferramenta de sincronización de ficheiros (versións para todas as consolas) Este é o meta-paquete que depende de todas as versións de consolas admitidas por Unison, unha ferramenta de sincronización de ficheiros. . Cada unha das versións admitidas emprega un protocolo diferente; ao instalar este meta-paquete asegúrase a capacidade de sincronizar con sistemas antigos. Package: unison-all-gtk Description-md5: c76b159fa0ae0be4e5bfae8c0ab34da4 Description-gl: Ferramenta de sincronización de ficheiros (versións para todas GTK+) Este é o meta-paquete que depende de todas as versións de de GTK+ admitidas por Unison, unha ferramenta de sincronización de ficheiros. . Cada unha das versións admitidas emprega un protocolo diferente; ao instalar este meta-paquete asegúrase a capacidade de sincronizar con sistemas antigos. Package: unison-gtk Description-md5: bf480c6d029a683c396a23f3dd9191d9 Description-gl: Ferramenta de sincronización de ficheiros para Unix e Windows cunha interface en GTK+ Unison is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows, written in OCaml. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other. . Unison offers several advantages over various synchronization methods such as CVS, Coda, rsync, Intellisync, etc. Unison can run on and synchronize between Windows and many UNIX platforms. Unison requires no root privileges, system access or kernel changes to function. Unison can synchronize changes to files and directories in both directions, on the same machine, or across a network using ssh or a direct socket connection. . Transfers are optimised using a version of the rsync protocol, making it ideal for slower links. Unison has a clear and precise specification, and is resilient to failure due to its careful handling of the replicas and its private structures. . This package adds the optional GTK+ interface. Package: units-filter Description-md5: ba84e63239655cb8e51f888634d9fe7a Description-gl: Parser for expressions concerning physical values Units-filter is a basic standalone filter written in C language, flex and bison. It inputs strings like "1.5e3 nN.m.s^-1" (it could be the time growth ratio of a torque) and outputs the value in standard SI unit, followed by the physical dimension of this value. . example :~/src$ echo 1.5e3 nN.m.s^-1 | units-filter 1.5e-06   2   1  -3   0   0   0   0    0    0 . 2 -3 que significa : 1.5e-06 (unidades do SI) m .kg.s . Este analizador pode ser incorporado a sistemas de exames educativos para analizar a resposta dun alumno a un problema de fÃsica ou de quÃmica. Package: unity-control-center Description-md5: 841ec7130e7cda8d105ccf44ab60b8fa Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio GNOME Este paquete contén trebellos de configuración para o escritorio GNOME que permiten estabelecer a configuración da accesibilidade, os tipos de letra do escritorio, as propiedades do teclado e o rato, a configuración do son, o tema do escritorio e o fondo da pantalla, as propiedades da interface do usuario, a resolución da pantalla e outros parámetros de GNOME. . Tamén contén unha interface para estes trebellos, aos que tamén é posÃbel acceder co panel de GNOME ou o xestor de ficheiros Nautilus. Package: unity-control-center-dev Description-md5: ea55aa04a24ea847c61e4865c135347b Description-gl: Utilidades para configurar o escritorio GNOME This package contains the file required to get the keydirs location Package: unity-settings-daemon Description-md5: aea2dacf99fdb4c9af627c901ebc2b15 Description-gl: daemon handling the Unity session settings This package contains the daemon which is responsible for setting the various parameters of a Unity session and the applications that run under it. It handles the following kinds of settings: . * Teclado: disposición, opcións de accesibilidade, atallos, teclas de multimedia * Xestión do portapapeis * Temas: fondos, iconas, aplicativos en GTK+ * Limpeza de ficheiros sen uso * Rato: cursores, velocidade, opcións de accesibilidade * Inicio dos demais daemons: salvapantallas, daemon do son * Quebras ao escribir . Tamén configura diversas opcións dos aplicativos a través dos recursos de X e dos XSETTINGS de Package: unknown-horizons Description-md5: 0f7f05bccb8cdb029e520b2897cdaf42 Description-gl: 2D realtime strategy simulation O Horizontes Descoñecidos é unha simulación de estratexia en tempo real en 2D que pon a énfase na economÃa e a planificación urbana. Expande o teu pequeno asentamento até que se convirta nunha colonia forte e rica, recolle impostos e fornece os habitantes con mercadorÃas de valor. Aumenta o teu poder cunha economÃa equilibrada e con comercio e diplomacia estratéxicos. Package: unoconv Description-md5: a8f9b42f1b1a5a861d73f018c81d22ff Description-gl: Convertedor entre os formatos de documento do LibreOffice Este paquete fornece unha utilidade para a liña de ordes que pode converter desde calquera formato de documento que poida importar o LibreOffice para calquera formato de documento ao que poida exportar. Emprega os bindings de UNO de LibreOffice para unha conversión non interactiva dos documentos. . Supported document formats include Open Document format, MS Word, MS Office Open/MS OOXML, PDF, HTML, XHTML, RTF, DocBook, and more. Package: update-manager-text Description-md5: aa4497c457be7fb52921608df76d70b6 Description-gl: Aplicación de texto que xestiona actualizacións de apt This is the newt apt update manager. It checks for updates and lets the user choose which to install. Package: usb-creator-kde Description-md5: cc3fb792d79d0b5fa10c1afdb5909782 Description-gl: Cree un disco de arranque empregando un CD ou unha imaxe de disco (para KDE) O Creador de Discos de Arranque converte unha memoria USB ou unha tarxeta SD nun volume desde o que é posÃbel arrancar e executar Ubuntu. Tamén é posÃbel almacenar ficheiros e configuracións no espazo que sobre. . O programa tamén funciona para Debian ou para calquera outro sistema operativo con base en Debian para o que se dispoña dun CD ou imaxe .iso. . Este paquete contén a interface do cliente para KDE. Package: usbip Description-md5: f5352571c7bf27459edb6ed04f74047e Description-gl: Sistema de compartición de dispositivos USB por unha rede IP USB/IP is a system for sharing USB devices over the network. . To share USB devices between computers with their full functionality, USB/IP encapsulates "USB requests" into IP packets and transmits them between computers. . Original USB device drivers and applications can be used for remote USB devices without any modification of them. A computer can use remote USB devices as if they were directly attached. . Currently USB/IP provides no access control or encryption. It should only be used in trusted environments. . USB/IP requires kernel support which is included in Linux kernels 2.6.28 or newer. . This package provides the server component 'usbipd' and the client tool 'usbip'. Package: usbmount Description-md5: 665bf065788bff1ada4b796e26321438 Description-gl: Montar e desmontar dispositivos de almacenamento en masa USB automaticamente This package automatically mounts USB mass storage devices (typically USB pens) when they are plugged in, and unmounts them when they are removed. The mountpoints (/media/usb[0-7] by default), filesystem types to consider, and mount options are configurable. When multiple devices are plugged in, the first available mountpoint is automatically selected. If the device provides a model name, a symbolic link /var/run/usbmount/MODELNAME pointing to the mountpoint is automatically created. . The script that does the mounting is called by the udev daemon. Therefore, USBmount requires a 2.6 (or newer) Linux kernel. . Firewire devices are also supported by USBmount. . USBmount is intended as a lightweight solution which is independent of a desktop environment. Users which would like an icon to appear when an USB device is plugged in should use the pmount and hal packages instead. Package: user-manager Description-md5: 8729084c333b8cbe7ec8d10ea5300ef6 Description-gl: Ferramenta de xestión de usuarios para o espazo de traballo Plasma Un módulo de Configuración do Sistema para xestionar os usuarios do sistema. Package: ussp-push-dbg Description-md5: 1f72c38b957745e92e81d95f709efc13 Description-gl: Client for OBEX PUSH (debugging information) This program allows you to send objects using the OBEX PUSH protocol. . The OBEX PUSH protocol is used to transfer files to a mobile device, generally via Bluetooth or IrDA. The protocol does not allow any other action than sending and generally requires less strict authentication, which is why it is sometimes preferred to the OBEX FTP protocol (which allows full filesystem access and is provided by the obexftp package). . Este paquete contén a información de depuración. Package: uwsgi-dbg Description-md5: 2562a97100731f3ae3815a97cacf19f4 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do servidor uWSGI e dos seus engadidos uWSGI presents a complete stack for networked/clustered web applications, implementing message/object passing, caching, RPC and process management. . This package contains the debug symbols for uWSGI core binary and plugins. Install this package if you need to debug such a program or if you need a useful backtrace of a crash. Package: va-driver-all Description-md5: 248a9952f7ec04e7e87b2f47faa68b1c Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API -- driver metapackage Este paquete depende do conxunto completo de controladores da API de Aceleración de VÃdeo (VA). Non fornece os controladores mesmos e pódese desinstalar se se desexa ter só determinados controladores instalados. Package: vagrant-digitalocean Description-md5: a9d4da335c15bdf327e812aa8898394c Description-gl: Digital Ocean provider for Vagrant vagrant-digitalocean is a Vagrant provider plugin that supports the management of DigitalOcean Droplets (virtual machines). . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Create and destroy Droplets * Power on and off Droplets * Rebuild a Droplet (destroys and ups with same IP address) * Provision a Droplet with shell * Setup a SSH public key for authentication * Create a new user account during Droplet creation Package: vainfo Description-md5: b61d85563f1aa759cd44c2c73277bd4f Description-gl: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- info program API de aceleración de vÃdeo (VA API) é unha biblioteca («libVA») e especificación de API que activa e fornece acceso á aceleración por hardware de gráficos (GPU) para o procesamento de vÃdeo nos sistemas operativos Linux e baseados en UNIX. O procesamento acelerado inclúe a descodificación de vÃdeo, a codificación de vÃdeo, a fusión e presentación de sub-imaxes. A especificación foi deseñada orixinariamente por Intel para a súa serie GMA (acelerador de Medios Gráficos) de hardware de GPU; porén, a API non está limitada a GPU ou hardware especÃfico da Intel, dado que outros fabricantes e hardware poden empregar libremente esta API para a descodificación de vÃdeo acelerada por hardware. . This package provides the vainfo program. Package: val-and-rick Description-md5: 27ba5bdb9cccd6b4bbbd6857c23ac223 Description-gl: Xogo de disparos Val & Rick is probably the precursor to Gunroar, featuring similar controls but in a different environment. Only 2D sprites and backgrounds are used in what seems like a tribute to Xevious and Star Soldier. . Val & Rick is another gem among many by Kenta Cho. Package: val-and-rick-data Description-md5: ba8e88f32d699e648298d6ebd044ec72 Description-gl: Xogo de disparos - datos do xogo Val & Rick is probably the precursor to Gunroar, featuring similar controls but in a different environment. Only 2D sprites and backgrounds are used in what seems like a tribute to Xevious and Star Soldier. . This package includes the architecture-independent data for Kenta Cho's game Val & Rick. Package: valadoc Description-md5: 8a6549afda982e1d45dda89bddbfa8db Description-gl: Xerador de documentación da API para vala Valadoc is a documentation generator for generating API documentation in HTML format from Vala source code. It can be used for *.vala and *.vapi files. Package: vamp-plugin-sdk Description-md5: d51069005dc52979e43aae38615d8f82 Description-gl: audio analysis and feature extraction plugins (SDK) Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data - typically referred to as audio analysis plugins or audio feature extraction plugins. . Just like an audio effects plugin (such as a VST), a Vamp plugin is a binary module that can be loaded up by a host application and fed audio data. However, unlike an effects plugin, a Vamp plugin outputs not processed audio but some sort of symbolic information. Typical things that a Vamp plugin might calculate include the locations of moments such as note onset times, visual representations of the audio such as histograms, or curve data such as power or fundamental frequency. . Os hóspedes que empregan os engadidos de Vamp inclúen Audacity e Sonic Visualiser. . This package contains C and C++ header files for developing Vamp plugins and hosts as well as source code of example plugins and a simple host. Package: vanilla-gnome-default-settings Description-md5: d9728590e11574da56601abbc160ac08 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada do escritorio de Ubuntu GNOME Este paquete contén a configuración predeterminada empregada por Ubuntu GNOME. Package: vanilla-gnome-desktop Description-md5: 83a1dd6d563c12f07a4543a65296ab87 Description-gl: Vanilla GNOME metapackage This package depends on the core GNOME packages with minimal Ubuntu branding similar to what was offered by Ubuntu GNOME. Ubuntu GNOME was an Ubuntu flavor that offered a mostly pure GNOME experience until it was discontinued after the 17.04 release. . Tamén se emprega para axudar a asegurar anovacións axeitadas, polo que se recomenda que non se desinstale. Package: vcheck Description-md5: 9181baecfebd909bbf21aba2ad0f981f Description-gl: Utilidade par comprobar e descargar a versión máis recente do programa This is a tool for checking for latest versions of programs at HTTP and FTP locations given a list of URLs and (Perl-style) regular expressions to match, and to optionally download them automatically. Package: vdr-plugin-dvd Description-md5: 3ef0923e72cac4e745c458ac37282c99 Description-gl: Engadido de reprodución de DVD para DVR This plugin for VDR allows one to play back DVD Video discs from within VDR. Package: vdr-plugin-mp3 Description-md5: a8fe744348e8049784d633cdb35ff977 Description-gl: Engadido de reprodución de MP3 para VDR This plugin for VDR allows one to play back mp3's, ogg-files and audio- cds. Package: vdr-plugin-mplayer Description-md5: cf98359c3cf2d9f45a7873fa97a0c90b Description-gl: Engadido de reprodución do MPlayer para VDR Este engadido para VDR permite reproducir calquera formato de vÃdeo admitido por MPlayer. Package: vdr-plugin-streamdev-client Description-md5: 4a0efbc6478ddc0b7947bdecc653ab46 Description-gl: VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - client part Este engadido para VDR permite que o software retransmita vÃdeos pola rede. Pódense interconectar varios vdrs asà ou ver eses fluxos con aplicativos clientes como Video Lan Client ou MPlayer. Esta é a parte do cliente. Package: vdr-plugin-streamdev-server Description-md5: 9d5c50ffb42e8f7b4b2f8404eb91d9be Description-gl: VDR Plugin to stream Live-TV to other VDR's - server part Este engadido para VDR permite que o software retransmita vÃdeos pola rede. Pódense interconectar varios vdrs asà ou ver eses fluxos con aplicativos clientes como Video Lan Client ou MPlayer. Esta é a parte do servidor. Package: vdr-plugin-svdrpext Description-md5: d77d9ef001f0ffb708af49b1b1ce4dfc Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Package was renamed from vdr-plugin-svdrpext to vdr-plugin-svdrposd Package: vdr-plugin-vnsiserver-dbg Description-md5: 905a263f3a970dd9903578ab31149992 Description-gl: VDR plugin to provide PVR backend services for Kodi The vdr-plugin-vnsiserver provides PVR backend services for Kodi clients using the kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi addon. Via VNSI (VDR-Network-Streaming- Interface) Kodi connects to this plugin and can access various VDR functions like timers, channels, live-TV-streaming and recordings. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: vdr-plugin-xineliboutput-dbg Description-md5: 25cea5952c122ce1b06c3ac1efc390f8 Description-gl: VDR plugin for Xine based sofdevice frontends This VDR plugin provides an audio, video and control stream, that several libxine based local and remote frontends can use. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: velocity-doc Description-md5: cae12072fd0df425ad6207a364a29e30 Description-gl: Documentación de velocity Velocity is a Java-based template engine which is useful to develop Model- View-Controller (MVC) model web application. It permits anyone to use the simple yet powerful template language to reference objects defined in Java code. This package provides documents and examples for velocity. Package: vera Description-md5: 954c48a29e453dee2acab38fdf9602c2 Description-gl: Dicionario de acrónimos relacionados coa informática - formato info The free edition of V.E.R.A. - Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms - is a comprehensive dictionary of computer related acronyms with more than 11800 entries. This package contains the dictionary formatted as a single info file. . Teña en conta que esta versión normalmente é anterior á que se executa na páxina de V.E.R.A. Package: veusz-helpers-dbg Description-md5: 0cc35cf8b25107cd587acb2581355c94 Description-gl: Architecture-specific helper module for Veusz (debug extension) Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do Veusz especÃficos da arquitectura compilado para poder usar o paquete de depuración de Python ou para usar o Python estándar con sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: vflib3-bin Description-md5: 64406dfcd2b3cdb8e464df1b5eba270a Description-gl: Programas de exemplo que empregan VFlib3 VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner. . VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK, GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too. . This package contains a few sample programs that come with VFlib3. Package: vflib3-dev Description-md5: 84dfb449ca19d74f037530118f4c1359 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento de VFlib3 VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner. . VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK, GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too. . This package contains the header file and static library for developing with VFlib3. Package: vflib3-doc Description-md5: bef30f8f5edf3309aa59cd597d0c5555 Description-gl: Documentación de VFlib3 VFlib3 is a font rasterizer library for multi-lingual information processing. Using VFlib3, you can obtain bitmap data of characters(glyphs) from various fonts in a unified manner. . VFlib3 can handle almost all font formats available - it now supports PK, GF, VF, TFM, OFM level 0, OVF, PCF, BDF, HBF, Syotai-Club, JG, eKanji and more. TrueType and Type 1 fonts are also supported via FreeType2. Font search via kpathsea is supported, too. . This package contains the VFlib3 documentation in various formats. Package: videoporama Description-md5: 93d1f4794035d2b8cf34c4d03f862d9a Description-gl: Faga e exporte pases de diapositivas Videoporama is a software designed to make image slideshow and export to video file. . The following options are available: * With or without transitions between images. * Image geometries: 4:3 or 16:9. * Display time is set image by image. * Transition type is defined image by image. * Add a sound to slideshow (wav, ogg or mp3). * Output in PAL (720x576), NTSC (720x480), SECAM (720x576), Web (384x288), HD 720 (1280x720) or HD 1080 (1920x1080). * Output file format : Raw dv (.dv), AVI (codec dv), MPEG (VCD, SVCD and DVD), FLV (Flash video format) and H264 (MPEG4 part 10 AVC). * Add a background image (For images which are in portrait) or add a background color. (Notice : The image should have the same geometry than the other images. Package: vile-common Description-md5: 1a3c3fb6398d1181edf47d779818f652 Description-gl: VI Like Emacs - support files for vile/xvile Ficheiros compartidos para os editores vile e xvile. Package: vim-athena Description-md5: 1c61a087ff78396c79ad6890f632a2be Description-gl: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with Athena GUI O Vim é unha versión case compatÃbel do editor de UNIX Vi. . Téñenselle engadido moitas funcionalidades: desfacer en múltiples niveis, realzado da sintaxe, historial da liña de ordes, axuda na rede, completado de nomes de ficheiros, operacións en bloque, salto de liña, compatibilidade con Unicode, etc. . This package contains a version of vim compiled with a Athena GUI and support for scripting with Lua, Perl, Python 3, Ruby, and Tcl. Package: vim-gtk Description-md5: 09017d04d64fc4f44f025c2f11760378 Description-gl: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI O Vim é unha versión case compatÃbel do editor de UNIX Vi. . Téñenselle engadido moitas funcionalidades: desfacer en múltiples niveis, realzado da sintaxe, historial da liña de ordes, axuda na rede, completado de nomes de ficheiros, operacións en bloque, salto de liña, compatibilidade con Unicode, etc. . This package contains a version of vim compiled with a GTK2 GUI and support for scripting with Lua, Perl, Python 3, Ruby, and Tcl. Package: vim-nox Description-md5: f840d0104436408f409898adc9a43d8c Description-gl: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with scripting languages support O Vim é unha versión case compatÃbel do editor de UNIX Vi. . Téñenselle engadido moitas funcionalidades: desfacer en múltiples niveis, realzado da sintaxe, historial da liña de ordes, axuda na rede, completado de nomes de ficheiros, operacións en bloque, salto de liña, compatibilidade con Unicode, etc. . This package contains a version of vim compiled with support for scripting with Lua, Perl, Python 3, Ruby, and Tcl but no GUI. Package: vim-snipmate Description-md5: b32d99279c72a1dbfce80f206863cd65 Description-gl: Vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features. SnipMate.vim aims to be an unobtrusive, concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a <tab>. . For instance, in a C file using the default installation of snipMate.vim, if you type "for<tab>" in insert mode, it will expand a typical for loop in C: . for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { . Project-Id-Version: ddtp-ubuntu Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS> PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-07 01:31+0000 Last-Translator: Marcos Lans <Unknown> Language-Team: Galician <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2016-09-07 07:45+0000 X-Generator: Launchpad (build 18179) Language: gl . To go to the next item in the loop, simply <tab> over to it; if there is repeated code, such as the "i" variable in this example, you can simply start typing once it's highlighted and all the matches specified in the snippet will be updated. . snipMate.vim has the following features among others: . - The syntax of snippets is very similar to TextMate's, allowing easy conversion. - The position of the snippet is kept transparently (i.e., it does not use marks/placeholders inserted into the buffer), allowing you to escape out of an incomplete snippet, something particularly useful in Vim. - Variables in snippets are updated as-you-type. - Snippets can have multiple matches. - Snippets can be out of order. For instance, in a do...while loop, the condition can be added before the code. Package: vim-syntax-gtk Description-md5: eac6f76a330abb4c5fd9fe42ac45e953 Description-gl: Syntax files to highlight GTK+ keywords in vim Unha colección de ficheiros de sintaxe de extensión de C para Xlib, Glib, GObject, GDK, GdkPixBuf, GTK+, ATK, Pango, Cairo, libgimp, libgnome, libgnomecanvas, libgnomeui, libglade, gtkglext, VTE, linc, GConf, ORBit, Evince, GIO libsoup, libunique, GStreamer, GObject-Introspection e Json- Glib. Package: vinagre Description-md5: 7b8120bed7cdcf52c73e679629d622fa Description-gl: Cliente de escritorio remoto para o Escritorio GNOME Vinagre is a remote desktop client integrated into the GNOME Desktop. . With Vinagre you can have several connections open simultaneously, bookmark your servers thanks to the Favorites support, store the passwords in the GNOME keyring, and browse the network to look for VNC servers. . Supported protocols are VNC, SSH, and RDP. Package: virt-manager Description-md5: 9f7f584744b77cdacc2291f2a8ac220e Description-gl: Aplicativo de escritorio para xestionar máquinas virtuais It presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain. . NOTE: the GUI is still considered experimental. Package: virtinst Description-md5: c31098728b9b7faac6968bd65393f582 Description-gl: Programas para crear e clonar máquinas virtuais Virtinst is a set of commandline tools to create virtual machines using libvirt: . virt-install: provision new virtual machines virt-clone: clone existing virtual machines virt-image: create virtual machines from an image description virt-convert: convert virtual machines between formats Package: virtuoso-vsp-startpage Description-md5: af9e3e5b5a6f5594e661557d0930ab61 Description-gl: high-performance database - web interface files OpenLink Virtuoso is a high-performance object-relational SQL database. It provides transactions, a smart SQL compiler, hot backup, SQL:1999 support, a powerful stored-procedure language supporting server-side Java or .NET, and more. It supports all major data-access interfaces, including ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, and OLE/DB. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros da interface web de Virtuoso. Package: visualvm Description-md5: a7eebccbff6602e49964e71b25c6d1c6 Description-gl: Ferramenta integral de resolución de problemas de Java VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. Designed for both production and development time use, it further enhances the capability of monitoring and performance analysis for the Java SE platform. . VisualVM is designed for - Application Developers: Monitor, profile, take thread dumps, browse heap dumps. - System Administrators: Monitor and control Java applications across the entire network. - Java Application Users: Create bug reports containing all the necessary information. Package: vkeybd Description-md5: 0d2d394ff06dcef1fd62dcb0f7ece48a Description-gl: Teclado MIDI virtual This program allows you to use the Linux AWE32 driver, OSS MIDI sequencer, or ALSA MIDI sequencer and provides "virtual" keyboard (the musical type), which can be "played" using the keyboard or mouse under X11. Package: vlc Description-md5: d96da6b991aa50928533b16fb11b3136 Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . O VLC tamén se pode empregar como servidor de fluxos que duplica o fluxo que le e retransmÃteo pola rede a outros clientes ou o serve a través de HTTP. . VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added by installing additional plugins: * vlc-plugin-access-extra * vlc-plugin-fluidsynth * vlc-plugin-jack * vlc-plugin-notify * vlc-plugin-samba * vlc-plugin-skins2 * vlc-plugin-svg * vlc-plugin-video-splitter * vlc-plugin-visualization Package: vlc-bin Description-md5: 95daedaad0e0f925e24501938e2ec38b Description-gl: binaries from VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains the VLC's binaries. Package: vlc-data Description-md5: ba0fd1de1b53a2231022b0fff46b7280 Description-gl: common data for VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains HTTP interface files, and Lua scripts for VLC media player. Package: vlc-l10n Description-md5: d5f59a6e5491d82c57f09523ce6360ec Description-gl: translations for VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains localisations for VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-access-extra Description-md5: eaf30470cf6ffebe05b13b2d1afe473a Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (extra access plugins) O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains additional access plugins. Package: vlc-plugin-base Description-md5: 103cb021db8e172eaddc03ab0f07e203 Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (base plugins) O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains most plugins which are shipped in more specialied plugin packages. Package: vlc-plugin-fluidsynth Description-md5: 987977beb56246deecee22dce0cacc10 Description-gl: Engadido de FluidSynth para o VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This plugin adds support for playing MIDI file via the FluidSynth software synthesizer to the VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-jack Description-md5: c4d2077c730fa32d1421efc81f3cd32c Description-gl: JACK audio plugins for VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . Estes engadidos permiten empregar JACK co reprodutor de multimedia VLC. Para activar o módulo de saÃda de son, empregue a bandeira «--aout jack» ou escolla o engadido de saÃda de son «jack» no menú de preferencias. Para a entrada de jack empregue «vlc jack://channels=...:ports=...» Package: vlc-plugin-notify Description-md5: 41baa12a2792d2ee801f697598ebd183 Description-gl: Engadido de LibNotify para VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This plugin adds support for libnotify track change notification to the VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-qt Description-md5: b369abb6f163cfcb1cbc0011ed281468 Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (Qt plugin) O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains VLC's Qt interface. Package: vlc-plugin-samba Description-md5: 23d77f3b1665060dfae5f3cef669e2b3 Description-gl: Samba plugin for VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This plugin adds support to access Samba shares from the VLC media player. Package: vlc-plugin-skins2 Description-md5: 9743a8607505f1e6a575e18a62e6e280 Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (Skins2 plugin) O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains VLC's Skins2 interface. Package: vlc-plugin-svg Description-md5: 0849a5da981125db8b598c3d38646f16 Description-gl: Engadido de SVG para o VLC O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This plugin allows you to render SVG graphics on top of the video. It is a text renderer, and must be activated through the '--text-renderer svg' option. When sent non-SVG data, it will convert it to SVG using a template that can be specified by the svg-template-file option. Package: vlc-plugin-video-output Description-md5: 304efe8a3dcaf595b6085adb45316c41 Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (video output plugins) O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains the video output plugins. Package: vlc-plugin-video-splitter Description-md5: 782ab557a4f2909b787f11ea7b8081ae Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (video splitter plugins) O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains the video splitter plugins. Package: vlc-plugin-visualization Description-md5: e6dede36648e266b9d6e6bb8dd2556c8 Description-gl: multimedia player and streamer (visualization plugins) O VLC é o reprodutor multimedia do proxecto VideoLAN. Reproduce ficheiros MPEG, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, WebM, FLAC, MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, DVD, VCD, podcasts e fluxos multimedia de diversas fontes da rede. . This package contains the visualization plugins. Package: vlc-plugin-zvbi Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: vmpk Description-md5: 598c1ef3c5d1e40960482ab6f235272f Description-gl: Teclado virtual para piano MIDI Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player. Package: vo-aacenc-dbg Description-md5: 15f9abcc4a7c0c30c98e2ebf09285aac Description-gl: Biblioteca do codificador de AAC VisualOn (sÃmbolos de depuración) This library contains an encoder implementation of the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: vo-amrwbenc-dbg Description-md5: a4c11aa0f22ccee7e3a978625a21b5e1 Description-gl: Biblioteca do codificador de AMR-WB VisualOn (sÃmbolos de depuración) This library contains an encoder implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) audio codec. The library is based on a codec implementation by VisualOn, part of the Stagefright framework from the Google Android project. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: vorbisgain Description-md5: bca6b88d93ad356d94059229d26baef1 Description-gl: add Replay Gain volume tags to Ogg Vorbis files vorbisgain calcula un volume percibido dun ficheiro Ogg Vorbis empregando o algoritmo Replay Gain. A seguir, almacena un axuste de volume por pista e por álbum nas etiquetas do ficheiro, de maneira que as cancións se reproduzan cun volume uniforme. O proceso non é destrutivo e non cambia para nada os datos de son. . Moitos reprodutores de son de Debian permiten xa ler estas etiquetes, incluÃdo XMMS, Quod Libet, amaroK, Muine e Rhythmbox. Package: vym Description-md5: 861431496bc6e92eded57e3eedb854e4 Description-gl: Ferramenta para crear mapas mentais O Vym é un programa de mapas mentais. É útil para organizar os pensamentos e para estruturar o traballo. Ademais disto, ten unha morea de atallos útiles. . Un mapa mental é un diagrama radial de cores e centrado na imaxe que representa conexións semánticas ou doutro tipo entre porcións de material aprendido. Por exemplo, pode ilustrar graficamente a estrutura do resumo dunha tese, un proxecto ou as institucións de goberno dun estado. Os mapas mentais teñen moitas aplicacións en situacións persoais, familiares, educativas e de negocios. As posibilidades inclúen tomar apuntamentos, tempestades de ideas, resumos, repasos e a clarificación xeral de pensamentos. Package: vzctl Description-md5: ab06a7914d75d2eb3d6b53d756a30466 Description-gl: server virtualization solution - control tools OpenVZ is an Operating System-level server virtualization solution, built on Linux. OpenVZ creates isolated, secure virtual private servers on a single physical server enabling better server utilization and ensuring that applications do not conflict. Each VPS performs and executes exactly like a stand-alone server; VPSs can be rebooted independently and have root access, users, IP addresses, memory, processes, files, applications, system libraries and configuration files. . This package contain the control tool to manipulate the virtual servers. . OBSERVE! PrecÃsase un kernel Linux parcheado con compatibilidade con openvz. Package: w3c-linkchecker Description-md5: 7c0ba59382077004056402b7cff7892a Description-gl: Ferramenta para comprobar que as ligazóns dunha páxina web aÃnda son válidas A ferramenta checklink é un programa que le un documento en HTML e XHTML, extrae unha lista de áncoras e ligazóns e comproba que non hai ningunha áncora definida dúas veces e que todas as ligazóns son desreferencÃabeis, incluÃdos os fragmentos. Avisa sobre as redirereccións de HTTP, incluÃdas as redireccións de directorios, e comproba de maneira recursiva unha parte dun sitio web. O programa pode ser empregando como ferramenta da liña de ordes ou como script de CGI. O sitio oficial está dispoñÃbel como Package: w3c-markup-validator Description-md5: 4af78262802a527f1142883ca70faa1f Description-gl: Validador de marcación do W3C O Validador de Marcación do W3C é un script de CGI que permite introducir o URL dunha páxina web, a cal se comproba contra o analizador de validación de SGML para ver a súa conformidade coas recomendacións do W3C. Tamén é posÃbel enviar páxinas. . Estes son os mesmos scripts que están dispoñÃbeis no sitio web do W3C, Package: w3c-sgml-lib Description-md5: a65daa080fe011a31a94de229d9b8acb Description-gl: Ficheiros de DTD e catálogo de Este paquete consiste en todos os ficheiros de definicións empregados polo Validaro de marcación do W3c. Consiste de DTD e módulos, ficheiros de entidades e catálogos de XML e SGML. Os catálogos están rexistrados cos catálogos raÃz. Package: w3cam Description-md5: 69245ae954036a02f69947aa3afe7171 Description-gl: Un CGI simple para obter imaxes dun dispositivo video4linux w3cam é un CGI simple para obter imaxes dun dispositivo video4linux. Noutras palabras, este programa só funciona en máquinas Linux que admitan un dispositivo video4linux. . w3cam admite un modo simple e un con interface gráfica. No modo con interface gráfica aparece un html cun formulario para cambiar algúns parámetros co rato Package: watcher-doc Description-md5: 94fbf921fb371b06da4d84580f6eed00 Description-gl: OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - doc OpenStack Watcher provides a flexible and scalable resource optimization service for multi-tenant OpenStack-based clouds. Watcher provides a complete optimization loop-including everything from a metrics receiver, complex event processor and profiler, optimization processor and an action plan applier. This provides a robust framework to realize a wide range of cloud optimization goals, including the reduction of data center operating costs, increased system performance via intelligent virtual machine migration, increased energy efficiency-and more! . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: wcslib-doc Description-md5: f54112d675d3354ec1f209292d1a33d6 Description-gl: Documentación da API de wcslib WCSLIB is a C library, supplied with a full set of Fortran wrappers, that implements the "World Coordinate System" (WCS) standard in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System). . This package contains the API documentation for WCSLIB. Package: webcamoid Description-md5: f572b386468b9a3ce3ad23b4c33caedf Description-gl: full featured webcam capture application webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Funcionalidades: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. Package: webcamoid-data Description-md5: 49cfaf5d124f5a9473173ad57faf06ed Description-gl: icons and locale files for webcamoid webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Funcionalidades: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the icons/locale files for webcamoid. Package: webcamoid-plugins Description-md5: 53aa7e50d4c64af45acef489bde7ac7e Description-gl: full featured webcam capture application - plugins webcamoid allows one to capture, save and view a video stream. It also can do a lot of funny things. . Funcionalidades: . * Take pictures and record videos with the webcam. * Manages multiple webcams. * GUI interface. * Custom controls for each webcam. * Add funny effects to the webcam. * +60 effects available. * Effects with live previews. * Translated to many languages. * Use custom network and local files as capture devices. * Capture from desktop. * Many recording formats. * Virtual webcam support for feeding other programs. . This package contains the plugins for webcamoid. Package: webcit-dbg Description-md5: 09b77a6c21235e8cfdc65cdf3c0272dc Description-gl: Interface baseada na web para o Citadel - sÃmbolos de depuración WebCit is a web-based, AJAX-enabled frontend to the Citadel groupware system. It is an attractive web middleware layer that allows user-friendly access. By combining WebCit and Citadel, you can have a versatile online environment with many users concurrently accessing the same system using the user interface of their choice (text, web, or downloaded client software). . Este paquete fornece os sÃmbolos de depuración do WebCit. Package: webkit-image-gtk Description-md5: a6d7616bb57fe330bbaccc21c572fbfe Description-gl: generate images from webpages - GTK+ version webkit-image is a small tool that lets you generate images from web page snapshots. . Este paquete contén a versión para GTK+. Package: webkit-image-qt Description-md5: 65d7b4ae6eb1818f1d102c28e7a58e51 Description-gl: generate images from webpages - Qt version webkit-image is a small tool that lets you generate images from web page snapshots. . Este paquete contén a versión en QT. Package: webmagick Description-md5: 8c16df78467f1fc2368e5063bb33f761 Description-gl: Cree miniaturas para galerÃas para sitios web WebMagick provides a means of easily putting image collections on the Web. It recurses through directory trees, building HTML pages and imagemap (GIF or JPEG) files to allow the user to navigate through collections of thumbnail images (somewhat similar to 'xv') and select the images to view with a mouse click. Package: weechat-scripts Description-md5: 68496965b29dcfb0d821429e92643bc2 Description-gl: Colección de scripts para o cliente de IRC WeeChat This is a collection of scripts to use with the WeeChat IRC client. It is useful if you want to enhance its functionnalities. It includes scripts written in all languages supported by weechat. . These scripts can be downloaded individually at Package: weka Description-md5: f7b0cb5ee78d372ccf23e04524660343 Description-gl: Algoritmos de aprendizaxe automática para tarefas de minarÃa de datos Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms in Java that can either be used from the command-line, or called from your own Java code. Weka is also ideally suited for developing new machine learning schemes. . Implemented schemes cover decision tree inducers, rule learners, model tree generators, support vector machines, locally weighted regression, instance-based learning, bagging, boosting, and stacking. Also included are clustering methods, and an association rule learner. Apart from actual learning schemes, Weka also contains a large variety of tools that can be used for pre-processing datasets. . This package contains the binaries and examples. Package: weka-doc Description-md5: 08b28b3a5cf08cccf14461c871c136a1 Description-gl: documentation for the Weka machine learning suite Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms in Java that can either be used from the command-line, or called from your own Java code. Weka is also ideally suited for developing new machine learning schemes. . Implemented schemes cover decision tree inducers, rule learners, model tree generators, support vector machines, locally weighted regression, instance-based learning, bagging, boosting, and stacking. Also included are clustering methods, and an association rule learner. Apart from actual learning schemes, Weka also contains a large variety of tools that can be used for pre-processing datasets. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: wesnoth Description-md5: 2a71a7a2a2874f7f0bf25835fd6bebf3 Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (metapackage) Este metapaquete chama polo conxunto complete da última versión estábel, moi útil se se desexa ter sempre instaladas todas as campañas oficiais. Se só se desexa xogar na rede con outros xogadores ou se só se desexa xogar algunhas pantallas, abonda con instalar o paquete wesnoth-1.10-core e os paquetes das campañas que se queira. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12 Description-md5: b4490f0b64389d931fdf07d83a102e7b Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (branch 1.12) This package depends on the complete set of packages built from the wesnoth source package but the server (which can be found in the wesnoth-1.12-server package), most helpful if you always want to have all the official campaigns installed. If you only want to play over the network with other players or want to play only a few campaigns you just need to install the wesnoth-1.12-core package and the wanted campaign packages. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-aoi Description-md5: affaa02b41ca4b96c91aca3e87881076 Description-gl: "An Orcish Incursion" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "An Orcish Incursion" campaign for Wesnoth: "Defend the forests of the elves against the first orcs to reach the Great Continent, learning valuable tactics as you do so." (Novice level, 7 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-core Description-md5: b2753a6d786335280668ec8e8e9afbb9 Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game (branch 1.12) This package contains the main program for wesnoth. It can be used to play multiplayer games. If you want to play campaigns you will have to install them individually, but if you prefer to have all the official campaigns installed please be advised to install the wesnoth-1.12 package which depends on all of them. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-data Description-md5: 82226fc89197ec6fe3fca3f87debdae1 Description-gl: data files for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the sound files and graphics for Wesnoth. It is required for being able to play wesnoth or create maps with the editor. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-dbg Description-md5: e868481dfe577eaadf9e65d20dc99d43 Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game (debugging symbols for branch 1.12) Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración dos binarios do wesnoth. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-did Description-md5: 0247ce6d654c88414d801d5bcd58ba26 Description-gl: "Descent Into Darkness" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Descent Into Darkness" campaign for Wesnoth: "Learn the dark arts of necromancy in order to save your people from an orcish incursion." (Intermediate level, 12 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-dm Description-md5: 54072dbdba1cecd3e8843858a998f446 Description-gl: "Delfador's Memoirs" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Delfador's Memoirs" campaign for Wesnoth: "Wesnoth seems to be slipping inexorably into chaos, as marauding orcs pour south across the Great River, and mysterious and deadly creatures roam the night. Who is the shadowy Iliah-Malal? Can you defeat him before he destroys all life in Wesnoth?" (Intermediate level, 19 scenarios) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-dw Description-md5: 8e22ee8c40c15a9818ccc7f61156f0ad Description-gl: "Dead Water" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Dead Water" campaign for Wesnoth: "You are Kai Krellis, son and heir of the last merman king but only a child. A necromancer is turning your subjects into undead slaves! Lead your people on a mission to convince a powerful mer-sorceress to help you repel the invasion. The oceans near the Northern Lands are perilous, so you will need cunning and bravery to survive. But first you need to gain the respect of your troops!" (Intermediate level, 10 scenarios) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-ei Description-md5: 8d0ccdb0ad3594b440b70f323923fabf Description-gl: "The Eastern Invasion" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "The Eastern Invasion" campaign for Wesnoth: "There are rumors of undead attacks on the eastern border of Wesnoth. You, an officer in the Royal Army, have been sent to the eastern front to protect the villagers and find out what is happening." (Intermediate level, 16 scenarios.)" . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-httt Description-md5: 14f233eb846a88c0d1fa8634d8e3f874 Description-gl: "Heir to the Throne" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Heir to the Throne" campaign for Wesnoth: "Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir." (Novice level, 23 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-l Description-md5: a8ee2e50aaa2325b529ca44c67cf1b7e Description-gl: "Liberty" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Liberty" campaign for Wesnoth: "As the shadow of civil war lengthens across Wesnoth, a band of hardy marchlanders revolts against the tyranny of Queen Asheviere. To win their way to freedom, they must defeat not just the trained blades of Wesnothian troops but darker foes including orcs and undead." (Intermediate level, 8 scenarios) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-low Description-md5: c12488f7e5d8494782a1f96799e24c56 Description-gl: "Legend of Wesmere" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Legend of Wesmere" campaign for Wesnoth: "The tale of Kalenz, the High Lord who rallied his people after the second orcish invasion of the Great Continent and became the most renowned hero in the recorded history of the Elves." (Intermediate level, 18 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-music Description-md5: cbfa3fe59f937cbfdeb2d622d0f7dd93 Description-gl: music files for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the music files for Wesnoth. It is not required but gives nice background music and encouraged. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-nr Description-md5: 1b934a71fdabca636a4dc71b1e6279f2 Description-gl: "Northern Rebirth" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Northern Rebirth" campaign for Wesnoth: "For the people of Dwarven Doors the choice was stark: either drudge as downtrodden slaves for the orcs until the end of their brief and miserable lives, or risk all for freedom and rise up against their cruel overlords. Little did they suspect that their struggle would be the hinge of great events that might restore the Northlands to the glory they had once known." (Expert level, 13 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-server Description-md5: aed8ac544569ad9144de9f09404ed547 Description-gl: multiplayer network server for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the multiplayer network server for Wesnoth. You need it if you want to host multiplayer games on your computer and don't want to use the official servers. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-sof Description-md5: 9520a776559c5ae23de86903cb1e14a2 Description-gl: "The Sceptre of Fire" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "The Sceptre of Fire" campaign for Wesnoth: "The land of Wesnoth's banner bold Comes not from its own land; It comes from Dwarfdom, grim and old Made by a runesmith's hand. So now I tell from whence it came - The Fire-sceptre great - And of the makers of the same, Their tale I now relate..." (Expert level, 9 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-sotbe Description-md5: 37cc240d5b47a7eefe9f42dee935e2d2 Description-gl: "Son of the Black-Eye" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Son of the Black-Eye" campaign for Wesnoth: "Your father Karun Black-Eye was the greatest orcish leader that ever lived. Now, as his son, it's up to you to thwart the selfish designs of the humans who have broken the old agreements with the orcs and are bent upon taking your lands. Unite the warring orcish tribes, bring together the Orcish Council and call up the Great Horde to send the human-worms and their wose-born allies to the land of the dead!" (Expert level, 18 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-thot Description-md5: 7a52539d60f18f1b09534165ad4de5d8 Description-gl: "The Hammer of Thursagan" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "The Hammer of Thursagan" campaign for Wesnoth: "In the first years of the Northern Alliance, an expedition from Knalga seeks out their kin at Kal Kartha and to learn the fate of the legendary Hammer of Thursagan. The perils of their journey through the wild Northern Lands, though great, pale beside the evil they will face at its end." (Intermediate level, 11 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-tools Description-md5: 578246cf0f4df14054d40c01b6ae3c96 Description-gl: tools for campaign developers for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains various tools for Wesnoth that are especially useful for campaign developers, including but not limited to scripts supporting the generation and checking of WML (Wesnoth Markup Language). You can find them in the directory /usr/share/games/wesnoth/1.12/data/tools after installation of the package. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-trow Description-md5: 31f781db81d9803f2fe75709109f8015 Description-gl: "The Rise of Wesnoth" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "The Rise of Wesnoth" campaign for Wesnoth: "Lead Prince Haldric through the destruction of the Green Isle and across the Ocean to establish the very kingdom of Wesnoth itself. The confrontation with Lich-Lord Jevyan awaits..." (Intermediate level, 24 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-tsg Description-md5: 0ff3bd02f8f9788f06725ed620fb4d7f Description-gl: "The South Guard" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "The South Guard" campaign for Wesnoth: "A young Knight, Deoran, is dispatched to take command of the South Guard... Note: This campaign is designed as an introduction to Wesnoth. The 'Civilian' difficulty level is aimed at first-time players." (Novice level, 9 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-ttb Description-md5: 054711d0cfec44dd573231baa517bdfe Description-gl: "A Tale of Two Brothers" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "A Tale of Two Brothers" campaign for Wesnoth: "An evil mage is threatening the small village of Maghre and its inhabitants. The village’s mage sends to his warrior brother for help, but not all goes as planned. Can you help?" (Novice level, 4 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-1.12-utbs Description-md5: 8fcaad789ea3d7f12db16dc2898e48ba Description-gl: "Under the Burning Suns" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.12) This package contains the "Under the Burning Suns" campaign for Wesnoth: "In the distant future a small band of elves struggles to survive amidst the ruins of fallen empires. Lead your people out of the desert on an epic journey to find a new home." (Expert level, 10 scenarios.) . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-core Description-md5: 49034f8e7b5044fce1f03bd566a97f33 Description-gl: fantasy turn-based strategy game (metapackage) This metapackage pulls in the core wesnoth package which allows you to play using the latest stable version. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wesnoth-music Description-md5: 708dd00f3fd6bc8016e6d16439e8132f Description-gl: Ficheiros de música do Wesnoth (metapaquete) This metapackage pulls in the music package for use with the latest stable version of wesnoth. . Batalla polo control de vilas empregado diversas unidades que teñen vantaxes e desvantaxes en diferentes tipos de terreos e contra diferentes tipos de ataques. As unidades gañan en experiencia e avanzan de nivel e pódense levar desde un escenario ao seguinte nunha campaña. Package: wgaelic Description-md5: 3b31f2842a5e93e57f073df0f4fe9689 Description-gl: Lista de palabras en gaélico escocés This package provides the file /usr/share/dict/gaelic containing a list of Scots Gaelic words. This list can be used by spelling checkers, and by programs such as look(1). Package: whichwayisup Description-md5: 6dba026922525eb8c9672f63e2ed068a Description-gl: Un xogo de plataforma en 2D cun leve xiro rotacional Which Way Is Up, a traditional and challenging 2D platform game with a slight rotational twist. Help a mysterious big-eared salaryman named Guy find his keys in a labyrinth of dangers and bad dialogue. Package: whitedune-docs Description-md5: 1cbb7ab618b346b8a08f42661655cfcf Description-gl: Documentación de whitedune This package contains useful documentation for the whitedune VRML editor . VRML97 (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) is the ISO standard for displaying 3D data over the web. . VRML has support for animation, realtime interaction and multimedia (image, movie, sound). VRML97 can be written by popular programs like maya, catia, 3D Studio MAX, cinema4D, blender, wings3d and others, but (unlike whitedune) most of this programs support only a small part of the VRML97 features. Package: wicd-curses Description-md5: 716baf39cb703a39392856c7e8efc599 Description-gl: Xestor de redes con fÃos e sen eles - cliente en Curses Wicd is a general-purpose network configuration server which aims to provide a simple but flexible interface for connecting to networks. Its features include: * wide variety of settings; * ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and wireless networks; * support for many encryption schemes, including WEP, WPA, WPA2 and custom schemes; * wireless-tools compatibility. . This package provides the Curses/Urwid client, which is the client of choice in environments without X server. Package: wicd-daemon Description-md5: 94ed455d343896c99920ce326979ff92 Description-gl: Xestor de redes con fÃos e sen eles - daemon Wicd is a general-purpose network configuration server which aims to provide a simple but flexible interface for connecting to networks. Its features include: * wide variety of settings; * ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and wireless networks; * support for many encryption schemes, including WEP, WPA, WPA2 and custom schemes; * wireless-tools compatibility. . Este paquete contén o daemon necesario para executar Wicd. Package: wicd-gtk Description-md5: 812a87591edfdf9c3a124a5c23eca8fb Description-gl: Xestor de redes con fÃos e sen eles - cliente en GTK+ Wicd is a general-purpose network configuration server which aims to provide a simple but flexible interface for connecting to networks. Its features include: * wide variety of settings; * ability to connect to (and maintain profiles for) both wired and wireless networks; * support for many encryption schemes, including WEP, WPA, WPA2 and custom schemes; * wireless-tools compatibility. . This package provides the GTK+ client, which has no GNOME dependencies, making it easy to use in Xfce, Fluxbox, Openbox, Enlightenment, ... It also supports a tray icon showing network activity and signal strength. Package: wide-dhcpv6-client Description-md5: 4608c072cb8a696f8ba3f4bb08122527 Description-gl: Cliente de DHCPv6 para a configuración automática de hóspedes de IPv6 This is the DHCPv6 client from WIDE project. For more information visit the project web site at . DHCPv6 allows prefix delagation and host configuration for the IPv6 network protocol. . Multiple network interfaces are supported by this DHCPv6 package. Package: wifi-radar Description-md5: 8dee5da87dc38b66a4152b0cf2ad5ea6 Description-gl: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles WiFi Radar enables you to scan for available wireless networks and create profiles containing the network configuration options for your preferred networks. You can drag and drop your preferred networks to arrange the profile priority. . PrecÃsase ter acceso de superusuario para empregar este programa. Package: wikipedia2text Description-md5: 10c9f3a9ef6f1c5e9152212331975849 Description-gl: Mostra artigos da Wikipedia na liña de ordes This script fetches Wikipedia articles (currently supports around 30 Wikipedia languages) and displays them as plain text in a pager or just sends the text to standard out. Alternatively it opens the Wikipedia article in a (possibly GUI) web browser or just shows the URL of the appropriate Wikipedia article. Package: wims Description-md5: 0d669d4703fcf31fdf92745b0aaaf7b6 Description-gl: Servidor para contido educativo: cursos, exercicios e exames The WWW Interactive Multipurpose Server is an educational platform originally developed for mathematics but now also supporting subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and languages. . WIMS features a rich set of resources and exercises either for autodidactical use or for training classes, including: . * exercises with automatic feedback and correction, allowing the learners to work at their own pace; * interactive exercises with randomly assigned data, allowing the learners to work on the same type of exercise but with different data and as often as they wish; * exercises with an automatic scoring system, which enhances learner motivation; * user-friendly graphics and calculation tools; * courses and documents with hyperlinks to the exercise pool; examples in the courses can be made random, so the student can get more than one instance of an illustration for tricky concepts; * support for exams with pre-published contents. As each individual exam will have randomly chosen data, training is possible but writing each response in advance is not. . This package contains the WIMS FastCGI server, serving Open Exercise Format (OEF) documents. OEF is a very high-level language which allows authors to focus on pedagogical issues. Package: wims-help Description-md5: 93fcc7464c8112663f95529bfa0bc452 Description-gl: help files for wims Wims' modules implement every user interface beyond its main page, this package features the help modules. . WIMS is an acronym for WWW Interactive Mathematics Server. Nowadays WIMS serves much more than mathematic contents (physics, chemistry, biology, languages). . A plataforma educativa WIMS inclúe un rico conxunto de recursos e exercicios, tanto con acceso libre como para o estudo personalizado. Package: wims-modules Description-md5: 723e95137419b5489fb54838a385106c Description-gl: minimal set of modules used by WIMS WIMS uses modules to implement every user interface beyond its main page, including administrative tasks, help, mathematic tools, libraries, and a few interactive exercises. . To get the thousands of exercises which give WIMS its power, consider installing the recommended package wims-extra-all (or other packages which provide wims-extra). . Pódense descargar outros materiais educativos desde fóra do sistema Debian mediante actualizacións automatizadas. Vexa Package: winefish Description-md5: 0c545214eec1a9e30aec3c9e8f9c296d Description-gl: Editor de LaTeX baseado en Bluefish Winefish is a GTK+ based LaTeX editor, which was forked from Bluefish. The main features are autotext, auto-completion, function references, syntax highlighting, customizable external tools and UTF-8 support. Package: winpdb Description-md5: b47a72765e1f5f9823174c2f377cee74 Description-gl: Depurador de Python independente da plataforma Winpdb supports debugging of threads- and curses based applications, namespace modification and embedded debugging. As a remote debugger, it uses (encrypted) network connections to connect to the debuggee (which is running on the same machine, usually). . Winpdb is the graphical, wx-based frontend to rpdb2, which is also included in this package. rpdb2 is text based and able to use screen sessions if there is no x-terminal-emulator available. . Winpdb is up to 20 times faster than pdb. Package: wipe Description-md5: 1a506a423a5341cc02f3faef2f77580f Description-gl: secure file deletion A recuperación de datos supostamente borrados de medios magnéticos é máis doado do que á maiorÃa da xente lle gustarÃa cren. Unha técnica chamada MicroscopÃa de Forza Magnética (MFM) permite que calquera rival con recursos moderados poida recuperar as últimas dúas ou tres capas de datos escritos no disco. Wipe escribe repetidamente padróns especiais nos ficheiros que se desexa destruÃr empregando a chamada fsync() e/ou o bit O_SYNC para forzar o acceso ao disco. . Wipe can permanently delete data in hard disks and flash drives (caution! several writes can damage solid medias). . This program is useful in anti-forensics and security activities. Package: wmaker-common Description-md5: f3cf3e4e2c0dddd99432dce9a9df9c48 Description-gl: Window Maker - Architecture independent files Written by Alfredo Kojima almost from scratch, resembles the NeXTStep look very closely, and it is now an official GNU project. Window Maker (originally named WindowMaker) is not overloaded with features, and it is easier to configure than most other window managers. Its final goal is to produce a window manager that doesn't require editing of configuration files. Window Maker is fast and doesn't require tons of memory to run. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: wmnd Description-md5: ce28bf6e9a8af337682a9790b0a9a9f2 Description-gl: Dockapp monitoring network interfaces Shows a graph of incoming/outgoing traffic, activity indicators for rx/tx and current/maximum rate for rx/tx in bytes or packets. . Adaptado para ser empregado con WindowMaker, ha de funcionar igual en calquera outro xestor de xanelas. Package: wmnd-snmp Description-md5: 83fddd7a13584f8de56c83a436d90103 Description-gl: Dockapp monitoring network interfaces with SNMP support Shows a graph of incoming/outgoing traffic, activity indicators for rx/tx and current/maximum rate for rx/tx in bytes or packets. . The SNMP input driver can use any IF-MIB compliant data source such as most routers and managed switches. . Adaptado para ser empregado con WindowMaker, ha de funcionar igual en calquera outro xestor de xanelas. Package: wmnet Description-md5: 4e9e8897c81b8c2d8970de2590826be1 Description-gl: Vixilante de rede para WindowMaker This little program polls network statistics and does a few things with the data it gets. The speedometer keeps track of the current speed per second and shows it in a color corresponding to which of rx or tx that has the highest speed at the moment. Package: wondershaper Description-md5: dbc6d7b0b724ba96552dba80e6891e7a Description-gl: Easy to use traffic shaping script An easy to use traffic shaping script that provides these improvements: * Low latency for interactive traffic (and pings) at all times * Allow websurfing at reasonable speeds while uploading / downloading * Make sure uploads don't hurt downloads * Make sure downloads don't hurt uploads . It does this by: * Limiting upload speed slightly, to eliminate queues * Limiting download speed, while allowing bursts, to eliminate queues * Interactive traffic skips the queue * ACKs and tiny packets skip the queue . Configuring the wondershaper requires you to accurately and precisely determine your consistent upload and download speeds. . The wondershaper is the simplest, easiest to use, entry level, traffic shaping script provided by Debian. . Após instalar este paquete, lea con detalle as instrucións detalladas: /usr/share/doc/wondershaper/README.Debian Package: wordgrinder Description-md5: 0890a4c3d6a31dedb27b953483e59ae8 Description-gl: simple word processor for writing first drafts Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: wordgrinder-doc Description-md5: d3a381809dbb182b788c530756eaf614 Description-gl: simple word processor for writing first drafts (documentation) WordGrinder is a simple, Unicode-aware word processor. It supports basic paragraph styles, character styles, just enough screen markup to be useful, and is driven via an easy to use menu interface. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: wordnet-base Description-md5: 780ba37270d38405be0d5a622e626eb0 Description-gl: electronic lexical database of English language (base data) WordNet(C) is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets. . WordNet was developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University under the direction of Professor George A. Miller (Principal Investigator). . Datos de dicionarios e manuals que os describen. Package: wpagui Description-md5: ff6f6b78c6e933f8b6abafcd0fce9276 Description-gl: Interface gráfica de usuario para wpa_supplicant wpagui provides a Qt interface for choosing which configured network to connect to. It also provides a method for browsing 802.11 SSID scan results, an event history log of messages generated by wpa_supplicant, and a method to add or edit wpa_supplicant networks. Package: wpp Description-md5: c168c617ffe66c569d5b496d14db2a4f Description-gl: The Web Preprocessor - a Perl script to preprocess HTML files WPP is a small Perl script that allows preprocessing of HTML files. You can define variables, which are abbreviations for longer constructs, and include common HTML fragments. It's useful for giving a uniform layout to different HTML pages. It can be used in cgi-bin programs for automatic generation of pages. With less HTML code inside them you can make more flexible and readable scripts. . WPP provides four separate facilities that you can use as you see fit: inclusion of text/HTML fragments, variable expansion, conditional generation, macro expansion. . Páxina web: Package: wraplinux-dbg Description-md5: 6a5a38aae266a70f12cf99d2d9e3028e Description-gl: Utility to wrap a Linux kernel and initrd into an ELF or NBI file (debug) wraplinux is a tool to wrap an x86 Linux kernel and one or more initrd files into asingle file in ELF or NBI format, as required by some booting protocols. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: writer2latex Description-md5: 3682c8af6837fbfc499c94462e002f3a Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber: 1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografÃa de alta calidade. 2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede. Package: writer2latex-manual Description-md5: 0d547334a0e57eeafe65cb19a86c37b9 Description-gl: Writer/Calc to LaTeX/XHTML converter -- manual Writer2LaTeX é unha utilidade en java para converter documentos de - en particular, documentos que conteñan fórmulas - a outros formatos. Realmente é unha colección de catro convertedores, a saber: 1) Writer2LaTeX converte documentos no formato LaTeX 2e para unha tipografÃa de alta calidade. 2) Writer2BibTeX extrae datos bibliográficos dun documento e almacénaos no formato BibTeX (funciona xunto con Writer2LaTeX). 3) Writer2xhtml converte documentos a XHTML 1.0 ou XHTML 1.1+MathML 2.0 con CSS2. 4) Calc2xhtml é un acompañante de Writer2xhtml que converte documentos de converts a XHTML 1.0 con CSS2 para mostrar as follas de cálculo na Rede. . This package contains the manual. Package: wulf2html Description-md5: b29eb5dd3f189c5f9b6fe24f8e5493f2 Description-gl: filter for generating HTML logs from wulflogger data This package is part of the wulfware suite and contains a perl filter that runs behind wulflogger and transforms wulflogger output into a formatted html page that can then be viewed from any browser. wulf2html can be started from invoke-rc.d as a service on a webserver or host that mounts webspace after editing /etc/warewulf/wulfhosts to reflect the cluster or LAN to be monitored. This is still a bit experimental. . Páxina web: Package: wulflogger Description-md5: 8d04befe7f8c2cdd4074f90d5747c647 Description-gl: extract cluster node data from remote xmlsysd daemons This package is part of the wulfware suite. It contains a very simple raw- tty (stdout) UI that is suitable for extracting cluster/lan statistics from any of several useful clusters of data. This data can be piped into a file or other applications for post-processing, removing the burden from a programmer of writing an automated UI for managing the connections themselves. Alternatively, it can be used as a template for further UIs. . Páxina web: Package: wulfstat Description-md5: 56116195413a904bbc5c8375cecce33c Description-gl: curses based wulfware for monitoring cluster nodes Wulfstat is a program designed to run on a tty interface and provide detailed monitoring information on a collection of networked cluster nodes or workstations. It gathers the information from xmlsysd, a daemon that runs on the nodes or workstations, collects information from /proc files or systems calls, and returns it in an xml-based format via a tcp socket connection. This package is part of the wulfware suite. . Páxina web: Package: wxglade Description-md5: ad60257b587ee938068630cc522c8d57 Description-gl: Ferramenta escrita en Python que serve para deseñar interfaces gráficas de usuario de wxWidgets wxGlade is a GUI designer written in Python with the popular GUI toolkit wxPython, that helps you create wxWidgets/wxPython user interfaces. At the moment it can generate Python, C++, Perl, Lisp and XRC (wxWidgets' XML resources) code. Package: wxmaxima Description-md5: e087de202a57faa38caffc7d9707d0b2 Description-gl: Interface gráfica para o sistema de álxebra informática Maxima wxMaxima é unha interface gráfica de usuario para o sistema de álxebra informática Maxima. Facilita o uso de Maxima pondo a maiorÃa das súas ordes a disposición do usuario mediante un sistema de menús e fornecendo diálogos de entrada para as ordes que requiren máis de un argumento. Tamén incorpora o seu propio motor de presentación, que mostra sÃmbolos matemáticos directamente en troques de mostralos con caracteres ASCII. . wxMaxima tamén conta con gráficos en 2D e 3D na liña, animacións simples, mestura de texto e cálculos matemáticos para crear documentos, exportación da entrada e a saÃda a TeX e un navegador para o manual de Maxima que inclúe un Ãndice de ordes e busca de texto completo. Package: wxsqlite3-3.0-dbg Description-md5: 537f0280c3f4e2a7238135c9d3d55819 Description-gl: Debugging symbols for wxSQLite3 3.0 wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets 3.0 library. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do wxSQLite3. Package: wxsqlite3-doc Description-md5: d3a5ee4d5d0fad1cb09a792171ba3ae1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación de wxSQLite3 wxSQLite3 is a C++ wrapper around the public domain SQLite 3.x database and is specifically designed for use in programs based on the wxWidgets 3.0 library. . This package contains the documentation files for wxSQLite3, which is also available at <>. Package: x11proto-print-dev Description-md5: 851246615743641b0eb61bcf8ce0164c Description-gl: X11 Printing extension (Xprint) wire protocol This package provides development headers describing the wire protocol for Xprint, the X11 printing extension. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the printproto proto module. Package: x11vnc Description-md5: 67be96e1210cc3b49a06639d40a86f6b Description-gl: Servidor de VNC para permitir o acceso remoto a unha sesión de X existente x11vnc allows one to view remotely and interact with real X displays (i.e. a display corresponding to a physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse) with any VNC viewer. It has built-in SSL encryption and authentication, UNIX account and password support, server-side scaling, single port HTTPS and VNC, mDNS service advertising, and TightVNC and UltraVNC file-transfer. Package: x11vnc-data Description-md5: 814e4c1b94a27a280b2d4ff21088f0f2 Description-gl: Ficheiros de datos para x11vnc This package contains the data files for x11vnc, a VNC server allowing remote access to an existing X session. Unless you have 'x11vnc' package installed, you probably won't find this package useful. Package: x509-util Description-md5: 767ddb6731b311aba17d5596f886b9f1 Description-gl: Utilidades para os certificados e as cadeas de X.509 Utilidade para analizar, mostrar, validar, asinar e producir certificados e cadeasde X.509. Package: x86dis Description-md5: 1ec2434d6edee1690a9d32119aaf20e8 Description-gl: Interface para libdisasm Libdisasm is a disassembler for Intel x86-compatible object code. It compiles as a shared and static library on Linux, FreeBSD, and Win32 platforms. The core disassembly engine is contained in files with the prefix "i386", and is shared with the x86 ARCH extension of the bastard disassembler. . This package contains the x86dis command-line frontend. Package: xabacus Description-md5: 082cc483048c5ab0c2b318780d963939 Description-gl: Simulación da antiga calculadora (versión X simple) This program is an implementation of the original abacus, it provides the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Roman and Russian version and can be modified to allow others. . This version was compiled without the Motif GUI widget library and thus shows limited user interface functionality. See xmabacus for the extended version. Package: xavante-doc Description-md5: c8785a270b36a9bfbfc9e146666d796d Description-gl: Ficheiros de documentación do servidor web Xavante This package contains the documentation for the Xavante web server as well as some examples of configuration files. Package: xball Description-md5: 44d3465de86f5e438e0c34b1cccbac61 Description-gl: Simulate bouncing balls in a window Un xogo educativo simple que simula bólas que rebotan nunha xanela. Pódense axustar a gravidade, a elasticidade e a capacidade de colidir. . Young children enjoy watching the balls bounce around the screen and are fascinated by the program. This is an ideal program for teaching rudimentary mouse skills to very young children. Package: xbill Description-md5: d77da6f3f0e2e729cfea53f9c58bcf4d Description-gl: Záfese deses virus do Wingdows! Ever get the feeling that nothing is going right? You're a sysadmin, and someone's trying to destroy your computers. The little people running around the screen are trying to infect your computers with Wingdows [TM], a virus cleverly designed to resemble a popular operating system. Your objective is to click the mouse on them, ending their potential threat. If one of the people reaches a computer, it will attempt to replace your operating system with the virus it carries. It will then attempt to run off the screen with your vital software. Package: xbmc Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-addons-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-bin Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-eventclients-common Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-eventclients-dev Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-eventclients-ps3 Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-eventclients-wiiremote Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-eventclients-xbmc-send Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-argustv Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-dvbviewer Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-iptvsimple Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-mediaportal-tvserver Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-mythtv-cmyth Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-nextpvr Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-njoy Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-tvheadend-hts Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-vdr-vnsi Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-vuplus Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xbmc-pvr-wmc Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: xboard Description-md5: 21c31c49b973c741ce593433a81e4671 Description-gl: Taboleiro de xadrez para o Sistema de Xanelas X XBoard is a graphical chessboard that can serve as a user interface for chess programs, for the Internet Chess Server, or for electronic mail correspondence chess. It supports all major forms of chess, such as international chess, xiangqi and shogi. XBoard can also be used by itself as viewer for stored chess games. . XBoard uses the Helvetica font (located in the xfonts-75dpi and xfonts- 100dpi packages) by default. However, other fonts can be specified via a command line option or an X resource. Package: xcfa-dbg Description-md5: 3acd17905024df603ff7711d92364300 Description-gl: X Convert File Audio - debugging symbols XCFA is a tool to extract the contens of Audio-CDs and convert musical audio files conversion to FLAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, MPC, MP3, WavPack and many other formats. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do XCFA. Package: xcftools Description-md5: 15b23f24e4b6797375e99f4cabe9dd06 Description-gl: command-line tools for extracting data for XCF files Este é un conxunto de ferramentas rápidas para a liña de ordes para extraer información do formato de ficheiro nativo do Gimp XCF. As ferramentas están deseñadas para permitir un uso eficiente dos ficheiros XCF con capas como fontes dun sistema de construción que emprega «make» e outras ferramentas semellantes para xestionar o procesamento automático de imaxes. Estas ferramentas funcionan con independencia do motor do Gimp e non requiren sequera que o Gimp estea instalado. . "xcf2pnm" converts XCF files to ppm, pgm or pbm format, flattening layers if necessary. If the image contains transparency, an alpha map can be written to a separate file, or a background color can be specified on the command line. . "xcf2png" converts XCF files to PNG format, flattening layers if necessary. Transparency information can be kept in the image, or a background color can be specified on the command line. . "xcfinfo" lists information about layers in an XCF file. . "xcfview" is a wrapper script that flattens an XCF image and displays it using an external PNG/PPM viewer. To use this script, you must make sure also to install an appropriate external viewer, as well as the mime- support package which provides the mailcap database. . The tools can either flatten an XCF file as given, or extract specific layers named on the command line. Package: xcrysden-data Description-md5: ef69b0594205b68bd88f3ee4c6ee3dfd Description-gl: Crystalline and Molecular Structure Visualizer (Data Files) XCrySDen is a crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program, which aims at display of isosurfaces and contours, which can be superimposed on crystalline structures and interactively rotated and manipulated. It can run on most UNIX platforms, without any special hardware requirements. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros independentes da arquitectura. Package: xdemineur Description-md5: 9847ff3d2e16ee40e16367be4ac0a4ba Description-gl: Outro buscaminas máis para X The object of this game is to find the location of the mines hidden in the minefield and to mark their location by placing a warning flag. . There are many minesweeper clones. This one is the most similar to the Windows one in terms of look and feel. Package: xdmx Description-md5: 9e6fe3aa398121b6dd37b516ff31f0fc Description-gl: distributed multihead X server Xdmx is a proxy X server that uses one or more other X servers as its display device(s). It provides multi-head X functionality for displays that might be located on different machines. Xdmx functions as a front-end X server that acts as a proxy to a set of back-end X servers. All of the visible rendering is passed to the back-end X servers. Clients connect to the Xdmx front-end, and everything appears as it would in a regular multi- head configuration. If Xinerama is enabled (e.g., with +xinerama on the command line), the clients see a single large screen. . More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:> . Este paquete foi construÃdo a partir do módulo xserver de Package: xdmx-tools Description-md5: 7c73525ee7871b6febd440ea9a0a08b9 Description-gl: Distributed Multihead X tools This package provides a collection of tools used for administration of the Xdmx server; see the xdmx package for more information. . More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:> . Este paquete foi construÃdo a partir do módulo xserver de Package: xdot Description-md5: eb58f25a628b48a744f1b904af3b9282 Description-gl: Visor interactivo para ficheiros Graphviz dot xdot is an interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language. It uses internally the graphviz's xdot output format as an intermediate format, and PyGTK and Cairo for rendering. xdot can be used either as a standalone application from command line, or as a library embedded in your Python 3 application. . Features: * Since it doesn't use bitmaps it is fast and has a small memory footprint. * Arbitrary zoom. * Keyboard/mouse navigation. * Supports events on the nodes with URLs. * Animated jumping between nodes. * Highlights node/edge under mouse. Package: xenomai-kernel-source Description-md5: 83060d72a2f644d16af457cdfaf9800d Description-gl: Linux kernel patches for Xenomai Xenomai is a real-time development framework cooperating with the Linux kernel in order to provide a pervasive, interface-agnostic, hard real-time support to user-space applications, seamlessly integrated into the GNU/Linux environment. Xenomai provides its own API and emulation layers ("skins") to make migration from other RTOS easier. Examples are: pSOS+, VxWorks, VRTX, uiTRON, RTAI, POSIX. . This package contains patches for 2.6 series kernels - These are intended for use with kernel-package and a virgin Linux source tree. Note: These patches include the base adeos-ipipe patch along with all the additional material normally added by the script. . Este paquete contén os parches seguintes: Package: xfce4 Description-md5: 53123f9cf40a71f1a87679634af17db3 Description-gl: Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for unix-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and lightweight, while still being visually appealing and easy to use. Designed for productivity, it loads and executes applications fast, while conserving system resources. . Este paquete é un metapaquete; depende dos paquetes centrais do ambiente de escritorio Xfce4 e recomenda algúns paquetes extra de Xfce4. Se pretende usar Xfce4 e desexa a experiencia completa, instalar este paquete e os paquetes que recomenda é un bon punto para comezar. Se só desexa escoller os compoñentes centrais, pode desinstalar este paquete se o desexa. Package: xfce4-dict Description-md5: 17bf4a94145440c63210a04791fc8427 Description-gl: Engadido de dicionarios para o panel de Xfce4 This program allows you to search different kinds of dictionary services for words or phrases and shows you the result. Currently you can query a Dict server (RFC 2229), any online dictionary service by opening a web browser or search for words using the aspell/ispell program. . xfce4-dict contains a stand-alone application called “xfce4-dict†and a panel plugin for the Xfce panel. Package: xfce4-linelight-plugin Description-md5: c7c425e791b8c105e716a054b2825d4d Description-gl: Engadido de buscas para o panel de Xfce linelight is a simple frontend for the locate search. The search results are listed in sections (music, video, images, ... ) and can be executed directly from the Xfce panel. Package: xfce4-screenshooter Description-md5: 9791b04c86071facab563c63f97672ef Description-gl: Utilidade de capturad de pantalla para Xfce Screenshooter is an utility for the Xfce Desktop Environment. It can take desktop, rectangles or selected window screenshots, and you can bind it to your "Print Screen" key. A panel plugin is provided too. Package: xfce4-screenshooter-plugin Description-md5: 2b0e8413d62d64c9a424f1ef5f95d582 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo para xfce4-screenshooter Screenshooter is an utility for the Xfce Desktop Environment. The package has been renamed from xfce4-screenshooter-plugin to xfce4-screenshooter so this package is here to handle the transition. . You can safely remove it. Package: xfce4-session-dbg Description-md5: a6a9fb09b27928a9876a1e6744cab64b Description-gl: Xfce4 Session Manager (debug symbols) Este paquete inclúe sÃmbolos de depuración do xestor de sesións Xfce. Package: xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin Description-md5: 12ba43397c87e5b7df69eab4bf40fd6c Description-gl: Busque na rede mediante o panel de Xfce4 This plugin adds a text field to the Xfce panel, allowing the user to search the web. The URL and the text field size are configurable options. . Typical use cases are: Google, Wikipedia, the Debian Bug Tracking System . xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin is based on the smart bookmark concept: Package: xfce4-terminal Description-md5: 7cab61d0980df9ecceb1fdaa3b5242c6 Description-gl: Emulador de terminal de Xfce This package contains Terminal, which is a lightweight and easy to use terminal emulator for X11. It was created to fit nicely into the Xfce desktop environment, but it also fits nice with other environments. . For people who already know GNOME 2 terminal and are searching for a lighter but comparable replacement, Terminal might be the answer. Package: xfce4-timer-plugin Description-md5: 01be0b0a5ca1280c7c37d9bc37c1adf8 Description-gl: Engadido de contador para o panel de Xfce 4.4 With this plugin you can add timers (alarm or countdown) to your Xfce panel. You can display a warning window and/or run a custom command when alarm rings, repeat alarms etc. The timer progress is shown as a progress bar in the Xfce panel, lasting time displayed on tooltip. Package: xfce4-weather-plugin Description-md5: 75261edfb17dac04dbe7f9212ab0574b Description-gl: Engadido de información meteorolóxica para o panel de Xfce4 The weather plugin displays information about the current weather according your timezone and settings. It allows one to search weather location code in the same plugin and displays weather status in little icons. . Features include: - Temperature, atmospheric pressure and state. - Wind speed, gust, and direction. - Humidity, Visibility, Dew-point, UV Index. Package: xfce4-wmdock-plugin Description-md5: 5cda90f27347e3a697d3036b6ca25a69 Description-gl: Capa de compatibilidade para executar dockapps de WindowMaker en Xfce The WMdock plugin is a compatibility layer for running WindowMaker dockapps on the Xfce desktop. It integrates the dockapps into a panel, closely resembling the look and feel of the WindowMaker dock or clip, respectively. Package: xfconf Description-md5: d89f8e8958008e75b9a69c16f8dd1ad9 Description-gl: Utilidades para xestionar a configuración en Xfce xfconf contains xfconfd and xfconf-query. - xfconfd handles the Xfce settings storage - xfconf-query enables users to tune settings from command line Package: xfig Description-md5: 51e9309ad8bba8c3856a664fdf9d56fe Description-gl: Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11 XFig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window. The resulting pictures can be saved. If the fig2dev program is installed, which is contained in the fig2dev package, the pictures can be printed on postscript printers or converted to a variety of other formats (e.g. to allow inclusion in LaTeX documents or web pages). . Este paquete contén o programa xfig en si. . You should think about installing the fig2dev package to export the graphics to several common formats. You should also think about installing xfig-doc, which contains the documentation and xfig-libs, which contains several clip art libraries. Package: xflr5 Description-md5: 6814ed6f584f111166433e7be27c698d Description-gl: Ferramenta de análise para superficies de sustentación XFLR5 is an analysis tool for airfoils, wings and planes operating at low Reynolds Numbers. It includes: . 1. XFoil's Direct and Inverse analysis capabilities 2. Wing design analysis based on the Lifiting Line Theory and the Vortex Lattice Method Package: xfonts-tipa Description-md5: ee36f2165a565497ef32f9a56162c978 Description-gl: X11 PostScript Type 1 font for the Phonetic Alphabet TIPA é un sistema para procesar sÃmbolos IPA (Alfabeto Fonético Internacional) en Latex que foi escrito por Fukui Rei. TIPA significa tanto IPA para TeX ou IPA de Tokyo e provén do paquete tsipa, creado en 1992 por Kobayashi Hajime, Fukui Rei e Shirakawa Shun. . This package contains type 1 version of the TIPA fonts for the X Window system. It contains the pfb and afm files. The installed X font has the silipa encoding (see Package: xfwm4-dbg Description-md5: 34e6c229558ee3dd60aeeb8111e4e214 Description-gl: Xestor de xanelas do proxecto Xfce (sÃmbolos de depuración) Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración de xfwm4, o xestor de xanelas de Xfce. Instáleo se necesita depurar problemas de xfwm4. Package: xfwm4-themes Description-md5: 23e258efddaa6f85a42909851f669854 Description-gl: Theme files for xfwm4 Este paquete contén varios ficheiros de temas para xfwm4, o xestor de xanelas do proxecto Xfce4. Se non está satisfeito co seu tema predeterminado, instalar este paquete poderÃa ser unha boa idea. Package: xgridfit-doc Description-md5: 2b040c2d78299870f2569aa6a71ecb5e Description-gl: Documentación de xgridfit Xgridfit is a simple program that implements an XML-based language for gridfitting, or "hinting," TrueType fonts. . This package contains document for xgridfit. Package: xindy-rules Description-md5: ba0c9e17245c497cbdd5a403a8918373 Description-gl: Ficheiros de regras para xindy xindy is an index processor that can be used to generate book-like indexes for arbitrary document-preparation systems. . This package contains the rule files (the knowledge base) of xindy. Package: xine-console Description-md5: 5946504fb7cc12e41293c22b80b64b81 Description-gl: O reprodutor de vÃdeo xine, interface do usuario xine-ui é unha interface para a biblioteca de reprodución de vÃdeo libxine. . Este paquete contén interfaces adicionais, aaxine, cacaxine e fbxine, que se executan mesmo na consola, polo que é posÃbel empregalo para ver DVD mesmo nun xterm. ;-) Package: xine-plugin Description-md5: 6f7f61b837d1f0b2784d218593da0beb Description-gl: Engadido de reprodución de multimedia baseado en xine para os navegadores Mozilla Este é un engadido moi sinxelo para o navegador Mozilla que emprega o motor de xine para mostrar fluxos de multimedia. . Funcionalidades: - presentación incorporada na xanela do navegador - reprodución de fluxos directamente desde o motor xine - control da reprodución mediante o teclado - admite rutas relativas - presentación na pantalla da información do buffer e do fluxo - admite listas de reprodución e referencias - modos de bucle e repetición - varias instancias dentro da mesma páxina Package: xine-ui Description-md5: 244efcf58308f5d937e2479af450ce2f Description-gl: O reprodutor de vÃdeo xine, interface do usuario Esta é unha interface gráfica de usuario baseada en X11 para a biblioteca de reprodución de vÃdeo libxine. Fornece xine, un reprodutor de multimedia baseado en temas que pode reproducir todos os formatos de son e de vÃdeo recoñecidos por libxine. Na actualidade, estes inclúen MPEG1/2, algúns ficheiros AVI e Quicktime, algúns métodos de fluxos de rede e recursos baseados en disco (VCD, SVCD, DVD). Pode atopar unha lista máis completa en . A maiorÃa dos DVD que hai hoxe no mercado teñen protección da reprodución co Sistema de Barallado de Contido (CSS). Xine non fornece ningún código para desbarallar eses DVD por causa de incertezas legais. Mire en /usr/share/doc/xine-ui/README.Debian para máis información! Package: xineliboutput-fbfe-dbg Description-md5: 11d277e48a1774214f1b0905a7a59a4f Description-gl: Remote Framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput This frambuffer remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin- xineliboutput. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: xineliboutput-sxfe-dbg Description-md5: 2573edf8525ee8a5431111c61fadbf68 Description-gl: Remote X-Server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput This X/Xv/XvMc remote frontend plays back streams provided by vdr-plugin- xineliboutput. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: xjed Description-md5: decddfcf84e7558cb63bdec96e12749e Description-gl: editor for programmers (x11 version) Jed is a small, fast (faster startup than xterm with bash), and powerful text editor. . Completamente personalizábel, con modos de emulación preparados para Emacs, CUA (semellante a KDE/Gnome/OpenOffice), Borland-IDE, Brief e EDT. ExtensÃbel na linguaxe de scripts S-Lang (cunha sintaxe semellante á de C). . Editing functions: folding support; rectangular cut/paste; regular expression search/replace; incremental searches; search/replace across multiple files; multiple windows; multiple buffers; ... . Special modes (syntax highlight, indention, compile, ...) for Basic, C, C++, DCL, FORTRAN, IDL, Java, NROFF, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, Python, SH. Modes for markup languages include HTML and (La)TeX (with AUC- TeX style editing and BibTeX) . Tools: directory editor (dired); info (browse GNU info files); mail; rmail; ispell; shell mode; ... . The native X11 version provides improved mouse support, key configuration and X selection interaction. If no display is available, xjed falls back to text mode, thus there is no need to install both jed and xjed packages. . Additional tools and modes can be found in the jed-extra package. Package: xjobs Description-md5: 429be280b4070f74e51eb1a705e76510 Description-gl: Le descricións de tarefas liña a liña e execútaas en paralelo xjobs reads job descriptions line by line and executes them in parallel. It limits the number of parallel executing jobs and starts new jobs when jobs finish. Therefore, it combines the arguments from every input line with the utility and arguments given on the command line. If no utility is given as an argument to xjobs, then the first argument on every job line will be used as utility. To execute utility xjobs searches the directories given in the PATH environment variable and uses the first file found in these directories. . xjobs is most useful on multi-processor/core machines when one needs to execute several time consuming command several that could possibly be run in parallel. With xjobs this can be achieved easily, and it is possible to limit the load of the machine to a useful value. It works similar to xargs, but starts several processes simultaneously and gives only one line of arguments to each utility call. Package: xmabacus Description-md5: 6c1e4e6dd1bc7ddea3f35d475b6e418e Description-gl: Simulación da antiga calculadora (versión Motif) This program is an implementation of the original abacus, it provides the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Roman and Russian version and can be modified to allow others. . This is the Motif version which shows additional functionality. Motif is a GUI widget library for the X Window system. Package: xmbmon Description-md5: 837b049433522bd2409ae61a1ceeb330 Description-gl: Hardware monitoring without kernel dependencies (X client) (x)mbmon allows you to monitor hardware status using your motherboard's sensors. This information can be: temperatures, voltages and/or fan speeds. . Este paquete contén o cliente gráfico. Package: xmedcon Description-md5: b40c0fc98589850925479a578c1a440f Description-gl: Ferramenta de conversión (GUI) de imaxes médicas (DICOM, ECAT,...) Este proxecto significa Conversión de Imaxes Médicas. Publicado baixo a (L)GPL, vén co código fonte en C completo da biblioteca, unha utilidade flexÃbel para a liña de ordes e unha interface gráfica agradábel que emprega a caixa de ferramentas GTK+. Os formatos admitidos na actualidade son: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), DICOM 3.0, InterFile 3.3 e PNG. . O programa tamén permite ler ficheiros non admitidos sen compresión, imprimir os valores dos pÃxeles ou extraer/reordenar imaxes especÃficas. É posÃbel recuperar as matrices de imaxes binarias/ascii ou escribir PNG para aplicativos de escritorio. . Esta é a versión do programa para X baseada en GTK+. Procesa un único ficheiro de cada vez. Package: xmix Description-md5: f6337f07f71fe4d59cd086fd7cd2e937 Description-gl: Interface baseada en X11 para o misturador do controlador de son de Linux Esta interface para o misturador do controlador de son permite o axuste fácil dos niveis de entrada e de saÃda da placa de son e escoller a fonte de son para a gravación. Package: xml-twig-tools Description-md5: 344d8837859ba9cc917d2cae029b9ed1 Description-gl: Ferramentas para a liña de ordes para procesar documentos en XML These tools are included: * xml_spellcheck : spellcheck XML files skipping tags * xml_merge : merge back files created by xml_split * xml_pp : XML pretty printer * xml_grep : grep XML files using XML::Twig's subset of XPath * xml_split : split big XML files Package: xml2 Description-md5: b6310a9821b216ae20d3dd2c6b066327 Description-gl: Converta entre XML, HTML, CSV e un formato orientado a liñas As ferramentas de xml2 empréganse para converter XML, HTML e CSV a e desde un formato orientado a liñas que é máis axeitado para ser procesado polas ferramentas clásicas de procesamento a través de tubarÃas, como grep, sed, awk, cut, scripts de consola, etc. Package: xmlbeans Description-md5: 94577c9b377068084fbb2feee6146b37 Description-gl: Java library for accessing XML by binding it to Java types - tools XMLBeans is a technology for accessing XML by binding it to Java types. . XMLBeans provides several ways to get at the XML, including: * Through XML schema that has been compiled to generate Java types that represent schema types. In this way, you can access instances of the schema through JavaBeans-style accessors after the fashion of "getFoo" and "setFoo". The XMLBeans API also allows you to reflect into the XML schema itself through an XML Schema Object model. * A cursor model through which you can traverse the full XML infoset. * Support for XML DOM. . Este paquete fornece varias ferramentas para a liña de ordes: * dumpxsb: XSB File Dumper * inst2xsd: Instance to Schema Tool * scomp: Schema Compiler * sdownload: Schema Downloader * sfactor: Schema Factoring Tool * svalidate: Streaming Instance Validator * xsdvalidate: Instance Validator * xpretty: XML Pretty Printer * xsd2inst: Schema to Instance Tool * xsdtree: Schema Type Hierarchy Printer * xstc: Invoke XSTC Package: xmlcopyeditor-dbg Description-md5: bc2849b96324568c84a17158667bf4e8 Description-gl: fast, free, validating XML editor - debug XML Copy Editor is an XML editor focusing on editing document markup languages like DITA, DocBook, WordprocessingML. It features DTD/XML Schema/RELAX NG validation, XSLT, XPath, pretty-printing, syntax highlighting, folding, tag completion/locking, and a spelling/style check. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: xmlsysd Description-md5: b8f093f1a1f9f0d9f65db03ccf2981ca Description-gl: wulfware daemon to extract data from cluster nodes xmlsysd is a daemon that runs on the nodes or workstations, collects information from /proc files or systems calls, and returns it in an xml- based format via a tcp socket connection. This package is part of the wulfware suite. . When installing, be sure to read /usr/share/xmlsysd/README.Debian . Páxina web: Package: xmms2 Description-md5: 28fbd79137c1063d256d9ca8eadabad9 Description-gl: Client/server based media player system XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . Este paquete é un metapaquete que depende de diversos paquetes de XMMS2. A instalación deste paquete fornece un cliente para a liña de ordes e activa a reprodución de ficheiros Ogg Vorbis e MP3 por XMMS2 a partir de fontes locais e remotas. Package: xmms2-plugin-ices Description-md5: 2c04e5688a93523758c1adcfede19fb5 Description-gl: XMMS2 - Ogg streaming output XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . Este paquete contén un engadido de saÃda para a retransmisión de Ogg/Vorbis. Package: xmms2-plugin-karaoke Description-md5: 120a8a1cb47bd9d0e48537895425000e Description-gl: XMMS2 - engadido para karaoke XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug- ins. On top of this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music. . This package contains the voice removal effect plug-in for XMMS2. Package: xmoto Description-md5: 44490060759ce788769bd743b617c42c Description-gl: 2D motocross platform game O X-Moto é un xogo bidimensional de plataforma de motocross moi esixente, no que a fÃsica representa un papel importante á hora de xogar. Hai que controla a moto até o lÃmite se ses desexa ter a oportunidade de finalizar os retos máis difÃciles. Package: xmoto-data Description-md5: 0c3dabe2fd68adaf7b38815729a4e661 Description-gl: 2D motocross platform game - data files O X-Moto é un xogo bidimensional de plataforma de motocross moi esixente, no que a fÃsica representa un papel importante á hora de xogar. Hai que controla a moto até o lÃmite se ses desexa ter a oportunidade de finalizar os retos máis difÃciles. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros necesarios para xmoto. Package: xnest Description-md5: 8fb9e95ed5f9c018992a8cdc83935474 Description-gl: Nested X server Xnest is a nested X server that simply relays all its requests to another X server, where it runs as a client. This means that it appears as another window in your current X session. Xnest relies upon its parent X server for font services. . Use of the Xephyr X server instead of Xnest is recommended. . More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:> . Este paquete foi construÃdo a partir do módulo xserver de Package: xonsh-doc Description-md5: d99de1a219f3071e796f739aa582e3a5 Description-gl: Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell (documentation) Xonsh is a Python-ish shell language and command prompt. Unlike other shells, xonsh is based on Python, with additional syntax added that makes calling subprocess commands, manipulating the environment, and dealing with the file system easy. Xonsh supports all normal Python constructs and a subset of those available in bash. . Este paquete contén a documentación. Package: xoscope Description-md5: 357f2c295b4c7a2960dff9fb9855e4f0 Description-gl: Osciloscopio dixital Xoscope is a oscilloscope using input from a sound card or EsounD server and/or a COMEDI hardware. Includes 8 signal displays, variable time scale, math, memory, measurements, and file save/load. Package: xosview Description-md5: b8c7213c55875d6888d0885de572acdc Description-gl: Monitor do sistema baseado en X Xosview is a monitor which displays the status of several system based parameters. These include CPU usage, load average, memory usage, swap space usage, network usage, Wireless LAN meter, interrupts and serial port status. Appearance is fully configurable via command line or X resources. Package: xournal Description-md5: c690a5b9c0fda28f39980bbdd9f35b29 Description-gl: Aplicación en GTK+ para tomar notas Xournal is a GTK+ application for notetaking, sketching and keeping a journal using a stylus. It can also be used to add annotations to PDF files. Package: xpilot-ng-common Description-md5: 619f8671114421d6d725071df3664688 Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para XPilot NG XPilot is a multi-player tactical manoeuvring game for X. Each player controls their own fighter equipped with a variety of weapons and power- ups. Players compete as teams or as individuals; the object of the game is to score points by blasting the opposition, stealing their treasure or by racing round a circuit. WARNING: This game is very addictive. . This package contains the common files for the server, clients and utilities including both data and documentation. Package: xprobe Description-md5: a123ddd3af1ec97c84979e39417658a6 Description-gl: Identificación de sistemas operativos remotos Xprobe2 allows you to determine what operating system is running on a remote host. It sends several packets to a host and analyses the returned answers. . Xprobe2's functionality is comparable to the OS fingerprinting feature in nmap (written by a different Fyodor): - Outputs its level of confidence about the OS on the remote host. - Remains usable even if intermediate systems (routers, firewalls) make slight modifications to the packets. - Can list the type of intermediate device (e.g. "Linux IP masquerading"). - Modular architecture allows new fingerprinting tests and new OS signatures to be added. Package: xrdp Description-md5: 330bdf2ad3e2031a5164fd15aa25e2e9 Description-gl: Servidor do Protocolo de Escritorios Remotos (RDP) xrdp offers a graphical login to a remote client using RDP (the Remote Desktop Protocol). xrdp can connect to a locally created session with the xorgxrdp drivers, to a VNC X11 server, and forward to another RDP server. . xrdp accepts connections from freerdp, rdesktop, and the built-in terminal server / remote desktop clients of Microsoft Windows operating systems. In the xorgxrdp (which replaces X11RDP) and VNC modes, it provides a fully functional Linux terminal server, offering an X-Window desktop to the user. In the RDP or VNC forwarding mode, any sort of desktop can be used. Package: xscorch Description-md5: 7af70b168257997d12133007d7497d08 Description-gl: Clon de Scorched Earth Xscorch is a clone of the classic DOS game, "Scorched Earth". The basic goal is to annihilate enemy tanks using overpowered guns :). Basically, you buy weapons, you target the enemy by adjusting the angle of your turret and firing power, and you hope to destroy their tank before they destroy yours. Package: xsddiagram Description-md5: 7be77fb250abfc4221c2dd72b27648f2 Description-gl: Visor de diagramas (XSD) de definición de esquemas XML XSD Diagram is a XML Schema Definition (XSD) diagram viewer . Features: - Display the elements, the groups and the attributes - Show the text/HTML documentation of element and attribute when available - Print the diagram - Export the diagram to SVG, PNG, JPG and EMF (EMF only with Windows) - Zoom the diagram with the mouse wheel while holding the control key - XML validation based on the loaded XSD file - Registration in the Windows Explorer contextual menu (for Windows only) - Drag'n drop a xsd file or url on the main window header - Command line image generation Package: xserver-xorg-input-aiptek Description-md5: 15707f32c2902448728092dea49556a9 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- Aiptek input driver This package provides the driver for Aiptek HyperPen USB graphics tablets. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-aiptek driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-input-elographics Description-md5: b9d6f218b37f3a3791b6ef8cf992be52 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ELOGraphics input driver This package provides the driver for ELO Graphics touchscreens. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-elographics driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-input-evdev-dbg Description-md5: 0fa0bb33c7d0457ceed0d5dc40a212e1 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- evdev input driver (debug symbols) This package provides the development headers for the evdev input driver found in xserver-xorg-input-evdev. Non-developers likely have little use for this package. . This package is built from the xf86-input-evdev driver module. . Este paquete fornece sÃmbolos de depuración para este controlador de X de Xorg. Package: xserver-xorg-input-joystick Description-md5: 46c1a7824699f25d846bd16af51c1cff Description-gl: X.Org X server -- joystick input driver This package provides the driver for joysticks. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-joystick driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-input-joystick-dev Description-md5: f78556dd31ebdf971e9dc48d1682380f Description-gl: X.Org X server -- joystick input driver (development headers) This package provides the development headers for the joystick input driver found in xserver-xorg-input-joystick. Non-developers likely have little use for this package. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-joystick driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-input-kbd Description-md5: ff627827d2e5ea383fd7d1fdbc11d852 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- keyboard input driver This package provides the driver for keyboard input devices. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-keyboard driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-input-mouse Description-md5: 6f2ede8f1a9c0661e53c621f80a340c7 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- mouse input driver This package provides the driver for mouse input devices. It is mainly used on non-Linux operating systems such as BSD and Solaris. Most configurations on Linux will use evdev, the kernel's event delivery mechanism, and do not need this package. . See the inputattach package if your mouse is not automatically detected by the Linux kernel, for example because it is a serial mouse. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-mouse driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-input-mutouch Description-md5: 6b27ec6eeffd6a8c31ffba673e801f59 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- muTouch input driver This package provides the driver for Microtouch input devices with firmware version 2. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-mutouch driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-input-void Description-md5: c1f2dfee72e5d90aa9febdfaa8f146c1 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- void input driver This package provides the void input driver, which never actually registers any input events -- it is, as such, a 'fake' driver. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-input-void driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-video-mach64 Description-md5: ab0671e493d30e224d249f0d4e44d652 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ATI Mach64 display driver This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further description) provides support for the ATI Mach64 series. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-video-mach64 driver module. Package: xserver-xorg-video-neomagic Description-md5: eb267e73f4319f1e002b0d2f41b3f551 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- Neomagic display driver This package provides the driver for Neomagic MagicGraph chipsets, which are commonly found in laptops. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en <URL:> . This package is built from the xf86-video-neomagic driver module. Package: xsettingsd Description-md5: 7b9a9f2c8c42bae0f357cc3e2dd0fcfe Description-gl: Fornece configuracións para aplicativos para X11 xsettingsd is a daemon that implements the XSETTINGS specification. It is intended to be small, fast, and minimally dependent on other libraries. It can serve as an alternative to gnome-settings-daemon for users who are not using the GNOME desktop environment but who still run GTK+ applications and want to configure things such as themes, font antialiasing/hinting, and UI sound effects. Package: xtensor-doc Description-md5: 4c16b20d7639aa4def1ec8c18982a00b Description-gl: documentation for xtensor xtensor is a C++ library meant for numerical analysis with multi- dimensional array expressions. . xtensor provides: . - an extensible expression system enabling lazy broadcasting. - an API following the idioms of the C++ standard library. - tools to manipulate array expressions and build upon xtensor. . Containers of xtensor are inspired by NumPy, the Python array programming library. In fact, xtensor can be used to process numpy data structures inplace using Python's buffer protocol. For more details on the numpy bindings, check out the xtensor-python project. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: xtensor-python-doc Description-md5: fad6c83f1592b77a5ff721b5e81c97ba Description-gl: documentation for xtensor-python xtensor is a C++ library for multi-dimensional arrays enabling numpy-style broadcasting and lazy computing. . xtensor-python enables inplace use of numpy arrays in C++ with all the benefits from xtensor: . - C++ universal function and broadcasting - STL - compliant APIs. - A broad coverage of numpy APIs (see the numpy to xtensor cheat sheet). . The Python bindings for xtensor are based on the pybind11 C++ library, which enables seemless interoperability between C++ and Python. . Este paquete fornece a documentación. Package: xtrabackup Description-md5: 1d3aac1aba24a437e1297c9108f06414 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio para percona-xtrabackup In 2.2.x, the XtraBackup package name was rebranded to percona-xtrabackup. This package is an empty dummy package that depends on percona-xtrabackup, and replaces older versions of xtrabackup (2.0.0). It is not intended to be installed manually. Package: xubuntu-artwork Description-md5: deab794ce3ad370d5392afd28b3ddb75 Description-gl: Temas e gráficos de Xubuntu This package contains Xubuntu themes and artwork. Package: xubuntu-default-settings Description-md5: 5f43d586fb240f8a2333a5a68fe52ab4 Description-gl: Configuración predeterminada do escritorio de Xubuntu This package contains the default settings used by Xubuntu. Package: xubuntu-desktop Description-md5: 25eeb522d88fba23a532953cbbf1638e Description-gl: Sistema de escritorio Xubuntu Este paquete depende de todos os paquetes do sistema de escritorio Xubuntu . É seguro retirar este paquete se non se desexan algúns dos paquetes do sistema de escritorio. Package: xubuntu-icon-theme Description-md5: de3dd2f4a89022a54ed580fd53ef9c6d Description-gl: Tema de iconas de Xubuntu This package contains the default icon theme for Xubuntu. Package: xubuntu-wallpapers Description-md5: bf7b64438852294c9f9666f3835f5bc7 Description-gl: Fondos de escritorio de Xubuntu This package contains the default wallpapers for Xubuntu. Package: xul-ext-calendar-timezones Description-md5: aa51586667f70f4444de07214c475b6d Description-gl: Extensión de calendario para o Thunderbird (paquete transitorio) Este é un paquete transitorio para asegurarse de que as anovacións funcionen correctamente. Pódese desinstalar con seguranza Package: xul-ext-gdata-provider Description-md5: f62489adb0c47d7399cead39c714c174 Description-gl: Extensión de calendario para o Thunderbird - Compatibilidade co calendario de Google Lighting é a extensión de calendario de Mozilla para o Thunderbird, baseada en Sunbird - o aplicativo de calendario autónomo de Mozilla. Está moi integrada con Thunderbird, o que lle permite realizar facilmente tarefas de calendario relacionadas co correo electrónico. . This package provides Google Calendar support. It's a recommended component if you want to connect to your google calendar. Package: xul-ext-lightning Description-md5: a0293e147dba3d166b3727a30a6634a0 Description-gl: Extensión de calendario para o Thunderbird Lighting é a extensión de calendario de Mozilla para o Thunderbird, baseada en Sunbird - o aplicativo de calendario autónomo de Mozilla. Está moi integrada con Thunderbird, o que lle permite realizar facilmente tarefas de calendario relacionadas co correo electrónico. Package: xul-ext-password-editor Description-md5: 514ab4f17141f49be55d3e87e37b5074 Description-gl: edit password manager entries in Mozilla applications Esta extensión permite introducir datos na base de datos do Xestor de contrasinais no canto de deixar que Firefox/Iceweasel, Thunderbird/Icedove, SeaMonkey/Iceape, etc.o fagan, asà como introducir cambios nas entradas existentes. . This add-on also adds commands to the Password Manager window, which it makes accessible through Tools > Saved Passwords as well as a toolbar button. Package: xul-ext-torbirdy Description-md5: eb753171d915a358e3b44479f858b66c Description-gl: configures and enhances various Mozilla birds for anonymity use A extensión TorBirdy configura Thunderbird (ou Icedove, etc.) para realizar conexións a través da rede de anonimato Tor. Tamén dá pasos para protexer o anonimato ao nivel do aplicativo reducindo os identificadores únicos, desactivando os engadidos inseguros, desactivando os protocolos inseguros, configurando outro software, como Enigmail e GnuPG de maneiras que protexen o anonimato e máis. Tamén facilita a configuración con outras redes e proxies de anonimato, como JonDos. Package: xvfb Description-md5: 1cd5b85acd06c23d376b7b5a7f30a0b8 Description-gl: Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server Xvfb provides an X server that can run on machines with no display hardware and no physical input devices. It emulates a dumb framebuffer using virtual memory. The primary use of this server was intended to be server testing, but other novel uses for it have been found, including testing clients against unusual depths and screen configurations, doing batch processing with Xvfb as a background rendering engine, load testing, as an aid to porting the X server to a new platform, and providing an unobtrusive way to run applications that don't really need an X server but insist on having one anyway. . This package also contains a convenience script called xvfb-run which simplifies the automated execution of X clients in a virtual server environment. This convenience script requires the use of the xauth program. . More information about X.Org can be found at: <URL:> . Este paquete foi construÃdo a partir do módulo xserver de Package: xwax Description-md5: c00d4f3c7b029dedabe7e5fff4ce7377 Description-gl: open-source vinyl emulation software for Linux xwaw é un software de emulación de vinilo para Linux de código aberto. Permite que os DJ reproduzan ficheiros de son dixital (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, AAC e máis) controlados empregando un par de xiradiscos mediante vinilos con código temporal. . It's designed for both beat mixing and scratch mixing. Needle drops, pitch changes, scratching, spinbacks and rewinds are all supported, and feel just like the audio is pressed onto the vinyl itself. . The focus is on an accurate vinyl feel which is efficient, stable and fast. Package: xzgv Description-md5: 115ac4d91316aecf2f7478f10ce7e34d Description-gl: Picture viewer for X with a thumbnail-based selector xzgv is a picture viewer for X, with a thumbnail-based file selector. Most file formats are supported, and the thumbnails used are compatible with xv, zgv, and the Gimp. It can also be used with `xzgv file(s)', to effectively bypass the file selector. . xzgv differs from other picture viewers for X in that it uses one window for both the file selector and viewer, it (unlike xv) allows both scrolling and fit-to-window methods of viewing large pictures, and it (unlike xv and some others) doesn't ever mangle the picture's aspect ratio. . It also provides extensive keyboard support; if you prefer using the keyboard, this is almost certainly the best viewer for you. But it doesn't skimp on the mousey stuff, either. . Note that this program is written by the author of the svgalib-based "zgv", and has similar features. . Páxina web: Package: yabause Description-md5: 32992cd5f14e3af38060fbe14a981ddc Description-gl: beautiful and under-rated Saturn emulator Yabause is a Sega Saturn emulator. It has the following features: * booting games from CD-ROM and ISO files * booting games with either an emulated or original BIOS * screenshot support * savegame backups * cheat system * fullscreen playing * multiple debugging options * joystick support * region select . Este paquete é un metapaquete que instala as versións Qt ou Gtk do Yabause. Package: yacas-doc Description-md5: 080cea0c8a6d031c4cf91ca638e8b080 Description-gl: Documentación de Yacas Yet Another Computer Algebra System is a small and highly flexible computer algebra language. . The syntax is very close to Mathematica. The distribution contains a small library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation algorithms. It supports arbitrary precision arithmetic. This package contains the html documentation for yacas. Package: yagtd Description-md5: ed56203fdc60a479f0725e953fbb6c42 Description-gl: Utilidade para axudar a organizar listas de tarefas yagtd is a simple command-line utility based on the Getting Things Done methodology. It is designed to make the management of your TO-DO list quick and easy. Package: yahoo2mbox Description-md5: aea419a46dbbe00a6c2dabfadf8d3c86 Description-gl: Obteña e almacene mensaxes de Yahoo! Groups yahoo2mbox is a small Perl script which retrieves all messages from a mailing list archive at Yahoo! Groups and stores them into a local file in MBOX format. Package: yapet Description-md5: 1667392a25684f36cc6c3594758eeb8a Description-gl: Outra ferramenta máis de cifrado de contrasinais Yapet is a curses based password encryption tool using the Blowfish encryption algorithm to store password records encrypted on disk. Its primary aim is to provide a safe way to store passwords in a file on disk while having a small footprint. Package: yara-doc Description-md5: 3937953e6f6b2875209c12036925a163 Description-gl: HTML documentation for YARA YARA is a tool aimed at helping malware researchers to identify and classify malware samples. With YARA, it is possible to create descriptions of malware families based on textual or binary patterns contained in samples of those families. Each description consists of a set of strings and a Boolean expression which determines its logic. . Complex and powerful rules can be created by using binary strings with wild-cards, case-insensitive text strings, special operators, regular expressions and many other features. . Este paquete contén documentación no formato HTML. Package: yarssr Description-md5: 62f888721360014a174634731d5f47c8 Description-gl: Lector de RSS para a área de notificación Yet Another RSS Reader is an RSS aggregator and reader that displays its results in the GNOME or KDE system tray (notification area). To view the contents of the feed just click the menu-item and it will launch in your favorite browser. Package: yhsm-tools Description-md5: 3db638566c6b33aba70e15fc252c1c4f Description-gl: Ficheiros comúns para os aplicativos de YubiHSM YubiHSM is an easy to use and affordable crypto appliance that you connect to the USB port of a server. You can then store cryptographic keys on the YubiHSM and use them from the server without any possibility for an attacker to extract the crypto keys from the YubiHSM. . Supported operations include YubiKey OTP validation, AES ECB encrypt/decrypt/decrypt-compare, HMAC-SHA1 hashing (enabling OATH code validation), and Random number entropy generation. . This package includes the following utilities that talk with the YubiHSM: . * yhsm-keystore-unlock - Keystore unlock * yhsm-linux-add-entropy - Entropy seeder * yhsm-decrypt-aead - Decrypt AEADs * yhsm-generate-keys - Generate new AEADs Package: ykneomgr Description-md5: a7bf6642e73f0c042167c76a418cbf79 Description-gl: Yubico YubiKey NEO CCID Manager tool This is a C library to interact with the CCID-part of the YubiKey NEO. There is a command line tool "ykneomgr" for interactive use. It supports querying the YubiKey NEO for firmware version, operation mode (OTP/CCID) and serial number. You may also mode switch the device and manage applets (list, delete and install). . Este paquete contén a ferramenta para a liña de ordes. Package: yorick-dbg Description-md5: 5ceb5897d27393faaa531721068fc899 Description-gl: SÃmbolos de depuración do Yorick Yorick is an interpreted programming language for: * scientific simulations or calculations * postprocessing or steering large simulation codes * interactive scientific graphics * reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración do código executábel do yorick. Package: yorick-dev Description-md5: 47b2cc996f40b628ba977b2a1c16c7d1 Description-gl: Ficheiros de desenvolvemento da linguaxe interpretada Yorick Yorick is an interpreted programming language for: * scientific simulations or calculations * postprocessing or steering large simulation codes * interactive scientific graphics * reading, writing, and translating large files of numbers . The yorick-dev package contains the files needed to compile (or package) plug-ins or custom `yorick' executables. Package: yorick-gy Description-md5: d258d61da27d3911689201c9a9cdc2b1 Description-gl: GObject introspection and Gtk bindings for Yorick This plug-in allows using GObject-introspection. In turn, this allows writing Gtk graphical user interfaces directly in Yorick. . Fornécense auxiliares especiais para construÃr interfaces en Gtk. Package: yorick-spydr Description-md5: 162d635f3e07825ab4faf2dded7cf3de Description-gl: Representación de imaxes FITS e análise simple Spydr (pronounced like spider) basically is an FITS image viewer. It can work as a stand-alone application but is best integrated in a Yorick-based data-analysis work-flow (Yorick is an interpreted language specialized in numerical computations and scientific graphics). It includes tools to zoom, produce cuts, histograms, Gaussian/Moffat fits, PSF fits (inc. FWHM and Strehl). Can work on single images, sequences of images or data cubes. Package: youker-assistant Description-md5: 80ca73737a0719433482a92a7c8c8f89 Description-gl: Ferramenta integrada para axudar nas tarefas rutinarias de mantemento do sistema Youker Assistant is a tool designed to help Ubuntu and Ubuntu Kylin desktop users manage and maintain many aspects of their working environment conveniently in a single application, providing a consistent user experience. . Features currently included: * Detecting and displaying general system information * Unity and Mate user interface customization * System garbage cleaning Package: youtube-dl Description-md5: c5713c0f6e35fcc2f56162bfba38c2c9 Description-gl: Descargador de vÃdeos de YouTube e outros sitios youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from and other sites that don't provide direct links to the videos served. . youtube-dl allows the user, among other things, to choose a specific video quality to download (if available) or let the program automatically determine the best (or worst) quality video to grab. It supports downloading entire playlists and all videos from a given user. . Currently supported sites (or features of sites) are: . 1tv,, 20min,, 22tracks:genre, 22tracks:track, 24video, 3qsdn, 3sat, 4tube,, 5min, 8tracks, 91porn, 9c9media, 9c9media:stack, 9gag,,,, abcnews, abcnews:video, abcotvs, abcotvs:clips, AcademicEarth:Course, acast, acast:channel, AddAnime, AdobeTV, AdobeTVChannel, AdobeTVShow, AdobeTVVideo, AdultSwim, aenetworks, afreecatv, afreecatv:global, AirMozilla, AlJazeera, Allocine, AlphaPorno, AMCNetworks, anderetijden, AnimeOnDemand,, AnySex, Aparat, AppleConnect, AppleDaily, appletrailers, appletrailers:section,, ARD, ARD:mediathek, Arkena,,,,,,,,,,,, AtresPlayer, ATTTechChannel, AudiMedia, AudioBoom, audiomack, audiomack:album, auroravid, AWAAN, awaan:live, awaan:season, awaan:video, AZMedien, AZMedienPlaylist, Azubu, AzubuLive, BaiduVideo, bambuser, bambuser:channel, Bandcamp, Bandcamp:album,, bbc,,,,, Beam:live, Beatport, Beeg, BehindKink, BellMedia, Bet, Bigflix, Bild, BiliBili, BioBioChileTV, BIQLE, BleacherReport, BleacherReportCMS, blinkx, Bloomberg, BokeCC, Bpb, BR, BravoTV, Break, brightcove:legacy, brightcove:new, bt:article, bt:vestlendingen, BuzzFeed, BYUtv, BYUtvEvent, Camdemy, CamdemyFolder, CamWithHer,, Canalplus, Canvas, CarambaTV, CarambaTVPage, CartoonNetwork,,,,, CBS, CBSInteractive, CBSLocal, cbsnews, cbsnews:livevideo, CBSSports, CCMA, CCTV, CDA, CeskaTelevize, channel9, CharlieRose, Chaturbate, Chilloutzone, chirbit, chirbit:profile, Cinchcast, Clipfish, cliphunter, ClipRs, Clipsyndicate, CloserToTruth, cloudtime, Cloudy, Clubic, Clyp,, CNBC, CNN, CNNArticle, CNNBlogs, CollegeRama, ComCarCoff, ComedyCentral, ComedyCentralFullEpisodes, ComedyCentralShortname, ComedyCentralTV, CommonMistakes, CondeNast, Coub, Cracked, Crackle, Criterion, CrooksAndLiars, Crunchyroll, crunchyroll:playlist, CSNNE, CSpan, CtsNews, CTVNews,, CultureUnplugged, curiositystream, curiositystream:collection, CWTV, DailyMail, dailymotion, dailymotion:playlist, dailymotion:user, DailymotionCloud,,,,, DBTV, DctpTv, DeezerPlaylist,, democracynow, DHM, DigitallySpeaking, Digiteka, Discovery, DiscoveryGo, Disney, Dotsub, DouyuTV, DPlay, dramafever, dramafever:series, DRBonanza, Dropbox, DrTuber, drtv, drtv:live, Dumpert, dvtv, dw, dw:article, EaglePlatform, EbaumsWorld, EchoMsk, egghead:course, eHow, Einthusan,, EllenTV, EllenTV:clips, ElPais, Embedly, EMPFlix, Engadget, Eporner, EroProfile, Escapist, ESPN, ESPNArticle, EsriVideo, Europa, EveryonesMixtape, ExpoTV, ExtremeTube, EyedoTV, facebook, FacebookPluginsVideo,, fc2, fc2:embed, Fczenit,, filmon, filmon:channel, Firstpost, FiveTV, Flickr, Flipagram, Folketinget, FootyRoom, Formula1, FOX, FOX9, Foxgay, foxnews, foxnews:article, foxnews:insider, FoxSports,, FranceCulture, FranceInter, francetv,, Freesound,, Funimation, FunnyOrDie, Fusion, FXNetworks, GameInformer, GameOne, gameone:playlist, Gamersyde, GameSpot, GameStar, Gaskrank, Gazeta, GDCVault, generic, Gfycat, GiantBomb, Giga, Glide, Globo, GloboArticle, Go, GodTube, GodTV, Golem, GoogleDrive, Goshgay, GPUTechConf, Groupon, Hark, HBO, HBOEpisode, HearThisAt, Heise, HellPorno, Helsinki, HentaiStigma, HGTV,, HistoricFilms, history:topic, hitbox, hitbox:live, HitRecord, HornBunny, HotNewHipHop, HotStar, Howcast, HowStuffWorks, HRTi, HRTiPlaylist, Huajiao, HuffPost, Hypem, Iconosquare,, imdb, imdb:list, Imgur, ImgurAlbum, Ina, Inc, Indavideo, IndavideoEmbed, InfoQ, Instagram, instagram:user, InternetVideoArchive, IPrima, iqiyi, Ir90Tv, ITV, ivi, ivi:compilation, ivideon, Iwara, Izlesene, Jamendo, JamendoAlbum, JeuxVideo, Jove,, JWPlatform, Kaltura, Kamcord, KanalPlay, Kankan, Karaoketv, KarriereVideos, keek, KeezMovies, Ketnet, KhanAcademy, KickStarter, KonserthusetPlay, kontrtube, KrasView, Ku6, KUSI, kuwo:album, kuwo:category, kuwo:chart, kuwo:mv, kuwo:singer, kuwo:song,, laola1tv, laola1tv:embed, LCI, Lcp, LcpPlay, Le, Learnr, Lecture2Go, LEGO, Lemonde, LePlaylist, LetvCloud, Libsyn, life, life:embed, limelight, limelight:channel, limelight:channel_list, LiTV, LiveLeak, livestream, livestream:original, livestream:shortener, LnkGo, loc, LocalNews8, LoveHomePorn,, lynda, lynda:course, m6, macgamestore, mailru, MakersChannel, MakerTV, mangomolo:live, mangomolo:video, MatchTV, MDR,, Meipai, MelonVOD, META, metacafe, Metacritic, Mgoon, MGTV, MiaoPai, Minhateca, MinistryGrid, Minoto,, MiTele, mixcloud, mixcloud:playlist, mixcloud:stream, mixcloud:user, MLB, Mms, Mnet, MoeVideo, Mofosex, Mojvideo, Moniker, Morningstar, Motherless, Motorsport, MovieClips, MovieFap, Moviezine, MovingImage, MPORA, MSN, mtg, mtv,, mtv81, mtv:video, mtvservices:embedded, MuenchenTV, MusicPlayOn, mva, mva:course, Mwave, MwaveMeetGreet, MySpace, MySpace:album, MySpass, Myvi, myvideo (CURRENTLY BROKEN), MyVidster,, natgeo, natgeo:episodeguide, natgeo:video, Naver, NBA, NBC, NBCNews, NBCOlympics, NBCSports, NBCSportsVPlayer, ndr, ndr:embed, ndr:embed:base, NDTV, NerdCubedFeed, netease:album, netease:djradio, netease:mv, netease:playlist, netease:program, netease:singer, netease:song, Netzkino, Newgrounds, Newstube, NextMedia, NextMediaActionNews, NextTV, nfb,, NhkVod,,,,,,, nicknight, niconico, NiconicoPlaylist, Nintendo, njoy, njoy:embed, NobelPrize, Noco, Normalboots, NosVideo, Nova, nowness, nowness:playlist, nowness:series, NowTV (CURRENTLY BROKEN), NowTVList, nowvideo, Noz, npo,,,, Npr, NRK, NRKPlaylist, NRKSkole, NRKTV, NRKTVDirekte, NRKTVEpisodes, NRKTVSeries,, Nuvid, NYTimes, NYTimesArticle, NZZ,, OdaTV, Odnoklassniki, OktoberfestTV,, OnDemandKorea,,, OnionStudios, Ooyala, OoyalaExternal, Openload, OraTV, orf:fm4, orf:iptv, orf:oe1, orf:tvthek, PandaTV,,, Patreon, pbs, pcmag, People, periscope, periscope:user, PhilharmonieDeParis,, Photobucket, Piksel, Pinkbike, Pladform,, PlaysTV, Playtvak, Playvid, Playwire, pluralsight, pluralsight:course,,, podomatic, Pokemon, PolskieRadio, PolskieRadioCategory, PornCom, PornFlip, PornHd, PornHub, PornHubPlaylist, PornHubUserVideos, Pornotube, PornoVoisines, PornoXO, PressTV, PrimeShareTV, PromptFile, prosiebensat1, Puls4, Pyvideo, qqmusic, qqmusic:album, qqmusic:playlist, qqmusic:singer, qqmusic:toplist, R7, R7Article,, radiobremen, radiocanada, RadioCanadaAudioVideo, radiofrance, RadioJavan, Rai, RaiTV, RBMARadio, RDS, RedTube, RegioTV, RENTV, RENTVArticle, Restudy, Reuters, ReverbNation, revision, revision3:embed, RICE, RingTV, RMCDecouverte, RockstarGames, RoosterTeeth, RottenTomatoes, Roxwel, Rozhlas, RTBF, rte, rte:radio,, RTL2, Rtmp, RTP, RTS,,,,, RTVNH, Rudo, RUHD, RulePorn, rutube, rutube:channel, rutube:embed, rutube:movie, rutube:person, RUTV, Ruutu, safari, safari:api, safari:course, Sandia, Sapo,, SBS, schooltv, SciVee,, Screencast, ScreencastOMatic, Seeker, SenateISVP, SendtoNews, ServingSys, Sexu, Shahid, Shared, ShowRoomLive, Sina, SixPlay, skynewsarabia:article, skynewsarabia:video, SkySports, Slideshare, Slutload, smotri, smotri:broadcast, smotri:community, smotri:user, Snotr, Sohu, SonyLIV, soundcloud, soundcloud:playlist, soundcloud:search, soundcloud:set, soundcloud:user, soundgasm, soundgasm:profile,,ñol,,,, SpankBang, Spankwire, Spiegel, Spiegel:Article, Spiegeltv, Spike, Sport5, SportBoxEmbed, SportDeutschland, Sportschau, sr:mediathek, SRGSSR, SRGSSRPlay, stanfordoc, Steam, Stitcher, Streamable,, StreamCZ, StreetVoice, SunPorno, SVT, SVTPlay, SWRMediathek, Syfy, SztvHu,, Tagesschau, tagesschau:player, Tass, TBS, TDSLifeway, teachertube, teachertube:user:collection, TeachingChannel, Teamcoco, TeamFourStar, TechTalks,, ted, Tele13, TeleBruxelles, Telecinco, Telegraaf, TeleMB, TeleQuebec, TeleTask, Telewebion, TestURL, TF1, TFO, TheIntercept, theoperaplatform, ThePlatform, ThePlatformFeed, TheScene, TheSixtyOne, TheStar, TheWeatherChannel, ThisAmericanLife, ThisAV, ThisOldHouse, tinypic,, TMZ, TMZArticle, TNAFlix, TNAFlixNetworkEmbed, toggle, Tosh,, Toypics, ToypicsUser, TrailerAddict (CURRENTLY BROKEN), Trilulilu, TruTV, Tube8, TubiTv, tudou, tudou:album, tudou:playlist, Tumblr, tunein:clip, tunein:program, tunein:shortener, tunein:station, tunein:topic, Turbo, Tutv,, TV2, TV2Article, TV3, TV4, TVA, TVANouvelles, TVANouvellesArticle, TVC, TVCArticle, tvigle,, TVNoe, tvp, tvp:embed, tvp:series, Tweakers, twitch:chapter, twitch:clips, twitch:profile, twitch:stream, twitch:video, twitch:videos:all, twitch:videos:highlights, twitch:videos :past-broadcasts, twitch:videos:uploads, twitch:vod, twitter, twitter:amplify, twitter:card, udemy, udemy:course, UDNEmbed, UKTVPlay, UnicodeBOM, Unistra,, uplynk, uplynk:preplay, Urort, URPlay, USANetwork, USAToday, ustream, ustream:channel, ustudio, ustudio:embed, Varzesh3, Vbox7, VeeHD, Veoh, Vessel, Vesti, Vevo, VevoPlaylist, VGTV,, Viafree, Vice, Viceland, ViceShow, Vidbit, Viddler, Videa,,, VideoDetective,, VideoMega, videomore, videomore:season, videomore:video, VideoPremium, VideoPress, videoweed, Vidio, vidme, vidme:user, vidme:user:likes, Vidzi, vier, vier:videos, ViewLift, ViewLiftEmbed, Viewster, Viidea, viki, viki:channel, vimeo, vimeo:album, vimeo:channel, vimeo:group, vimeo:likes, vimeo:ondemand, vimeo:review, vimeo:user, vimeo:watchlater, Vimple, Vine, vine:user, Viu, viu:ott, viu:playlist, Vivo, vk, vk:uservideos, vk:wallpost, vlive, vlive:channel, Vodlocker, VODPlatform, VoiceRepublic, VoxMedia, Vporn, vpro, VRT, vube, VuClip, VVVVID, VyboryMos, Vzaar, Walla, washingtonpost, washingtonpost:article,, WatchIndianPorn, WDR, wdr:mobile, Webcaster, WebcasterFeed, WebOfStories, WebOfStoriesPlaylist, WeiqiTV, wholecloud, Wimp, Wistia, wnl, WorldStarHipHop,,, WSJ, XBef, XboxClips, XFileShare, XHamster, XHamsterEmbed, xiami:album, xiami:artist, xiami:collection, xiami:song, XMinus, XNXX, Xstream, XTube, XTubeUser, Xuite, XVideos, XXXYMovies, Yahoo, Yam, yandexmusic:album, yandexmusic:playlist, yandexmusic:track, YesJapan, yinyuetai:video, Ynet, YouJizz, youku, youku:show, YouPorn, YourUpload, youtube, youtube:channel, youtube:favorites, youtube:history, youtube:live, youtube:playlist, youtube:playlists, youtube:recommended, youtube:search, youtube:search:date, youtube:search_url, youtube:shared, youtube:show, youtube:subscriptions, youtube:truncated_id, youtube:truncated_url, youtube:user, youtube:watchlater, Zapiks, ZDF, ZDFChannel, zingmp3 Package: yubico-piv-tool Description-md5: a35b58185a9510ef57b263a6f104a651 Description-gl: Command line tool for the YubiKey PIV applet The Yubico PIV tool is used for interacting with the Personal Identity Verification Card (PIV) application on a YubiKey. With it you may generate keys on the device, import keys and certificates, create certificate requests, and other operations. A shared library, a PKCS#11 module a command-line tool are included. . Este paquete contén a ferramenta para a liña de ordes. Package: yum Description-md5: 9698b7fd0494b9324e3ff2069c3f8afe Description-gl: Advanced front-end for rpm Yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. It makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm. . As funcionalidades inclúen: . * Multiple Repositories * Simple config file * Correct dependency calculation * Fast operation * rpm-consistent behavior * comps.xml group support, including multiple repository groups * Simple interface Package: yum-utils Description-md5: f02de6d6d03ba7871ac0b9f304695f5d Description-gl: Utilidades baseadas arredor do xestor de paquetes yum Yum-utils is a collection of utilities and examples for the yum package manager. It includes utilities by different authors that make yum easier and more powerful to use. The commands provided are: . * repo-graph: output a full package dependency graph in dot format * repo-rss: generate an RSS feed from one or more yum repositories * repoclosure: display a list of unresolved dependencies for a yum repository * repodiff: list differences between two or more yum repositories * repomanage: list the newest or oldest packages in a yum repository * repoquery: query information from yum repositories * reposync: synchronize yum repositories to a local directory * repotrack: track a package and its dependencies and download them * yum-builddep: install missing dependencies for building an RPM package * yum-complete-transaction: attempt to complete failed or aborted yum transactions * yum-config-manager: manage yum configuration options and yum repositories * yum-groups-manager: create and edit group metadata for a yum repository * yumdb: query and alter the yum database * yumdownloader: download RPM packages from yum repositories . On Debian and derived systems, this package can be useful for installing and managing chroots or lxc containers of yum-based distributions. The utilities for querying and managing yum repositories may also be useful for maintaining repositories of RPM packages on a Debian host. Package: z88-doc Description-md5: 02a105eb2a2b48aadb535f04663211aa Description-gl: Finite Element Analysis Program - documentation Z88 features 20 finite element types covering plane stress, plate bending, axial symmetric structures and spacial structures up to 20-node Serendipity hexahedrons. Z88 comes with a user-friendly interface, a powerful mesh generator, a DXF-converter, two plot programs and, of course, two powerful solvers. Import of COSMOS files from Pro/ENGINEER and Pro/MECHANICA is supported. . Este paquete contén a documentación Package: zaz-data Description-md5: fb2f1647edd8106fac5f3d86c81f6d49 Description-gl: arcade action puzzle game - game data Zaz is an arcade action puzzle game where the goal is to get rid of all incoming balls by rearranging their order. . Este paquete contén os datos do xogo. Package: zeitgeist Description-md5: c3a22cf4812c44cba8ff553657f1d168 Description-gl: event logging framework Zeitgeist é un servizo que rexistra as actividades dun usuario (ficheiros abertos, sitios web visitados, conversas mantidas cou outras persoas, etc.) e pon a información relevante a disposición doutros aplicativos. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . This metapackage depends on the Zeitgeist engine and a set of packages (such as data providers) commonly used together with it. Package: zeitgeist-datahub Description-md5: a558fc51a7ce31d526aca14f5680830c Description-gl: event logging framework - passive logging daemon Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations hold with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications. . Serve como rexistro de actividades completo e tamén posibilita determinar as relacións entre elementos baseándose nos padróns de uso. . This package contains zeitgeist-datahub, a daemon which starts together with the main engine and inserts information collected from GtkRecentlyUsed, KDE's Recent Documents and several other sources into it. Package: zeitgeist-explorer Description-md5: b53d61d168ecfc65095da94bb48d09e8 Description-gl: Aplicativo con interface gráfica para vixiar e depurar zeitgeist Zeitgeist explorer is a tool which can be used to monitor and explore the events logged by zeitgeist. In the monitor mode is can show the events logged in real-time just like wireshark. Package: zemberek-java-demo Description-md5: eac90fe0eefa734d2bc2f1bca6730442 Description-gl: Aplicativo de demostración do Zemberek Zemberek is an open source, platform independent, general purpose Natural Language Processing library and toolset designed for Turkic languages, especially Turkish. . This package contains demo application with Swing interface. Package: zend-framework Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: zend-framework-bin Description-md5: 1f317b04f78374dba7d1e14def0b7f80 Description-gl: Paquete transitorio parvo Este é un paquete transitorio parvo. Pode ser desinstalado con seguranza. Package: zenmap Description-md5: 4e4e4c6aeaa4441484054473e97b7168 Description-gl: The Network Mapper Front End Zenmap é unha interface para Nmap. Pretende ser útil para os usuarios avanzados e facer que Nmap sexa doado para os principiantes. Orixinariamente foi un derivado de Umit, unha interface gráfica para Nmap creada como parte do Verán do Código de Google. Package: zephyr-clients Description-md5: 33218b0e8cd9adfbbe13e52bb1dfdc40 Description-gl: Project Athena's notification service - client programs O Zephyr deriva do sistema orixinal de «mensaxes instantáneas» do Proxecto Athena e permite que os usuarios lle envÃen mensaxes a outros usuarios ou a grupos de usuarios. Os usuarios poden ver as mensaxes entrantes de Zephyr como xanelogramas (xanelas x temporais) ou como texto nun terminal. . This package provides client programs for the messaging service. Package: zephyr-server Description-md5: f69862b4d9d498663a10a3a7337a75a8 Description-gl: Project Athena's notification service - non-Kerberos server O Zephyr deriva do sistema orixinal de «mensaxes instantáneas» do Proxecto Athena e permite que os usuarios lle envÃen mensaxes a outros usuarios ou a grupos de usuarios. Os usuarios poden ver as mensaxes entrantes de Zephyr como xanelogramas (xanelas x temporais) ou como texto nun terminal. . This package provides the server for the messaging service, which maintains a location and subscription database for all the receiving clients. All zephyrgrams are sent to the server to be routed to the intended recipient. Only one server is required for a group of clients. Package: zfs-fuse Description-md5: fbb8697249769e1d9a0fb64e53044783 Description-gl: ZFS en FUSE ZFS is an advanced filesystem from Sun Microsystems, originally developed for solaris. It provides a number of advanced features, such as live integrity checks, atomic updates, atomic snapshots and clones, compression, and much more. . This package provides an implementation of Sun's ZFS filesystem in userspace, using FUSE. Package: zipcmp Description-md5: b5afa964f0a0ea99413a08675f8e3533 Description-gl: compare contents of zip archives zipcmp compara dous arquivos zip e comproba se teñen os mesmos ficheiros comparando os seus nomes, tamaños descomprimidos e CRC. Ignora a orde dos ficheiros e as diferenzas de tamaño comprimidos. Package: zonecheck Description-md5: aaa07804366889a4996f9ac874d921eb Description-gl: Comprobador da configuración de DNS DNS é un recurso crÃtico para todos os aplicativos de rede, polo que é moi importante asegurarse de que unha nome de dominio estea configurado correctamente no DNS. . ZoneCheck is intended to help solving misconfigurations or inconsistencies usually revealed by an increase in the latency of the application, up to the output of unexpected/inconsistant results. . This package is the command-line version. Package: zonecheck-cgi Description-md5: a89680d822bcaed2d06ce79e65b9efdb Description-gl: Comprobador da configuración de DNS (interface web) DNS é un recurso crÃtico para todos os aplicativos de rede, polo que é moi importante asegurarse de que unha nome de dominio estea configurado correctamente no DNS. . ZoneCheck is intended to help solving misconfigurations or inconsistencies usually revealed by an increase in the latency of the application, up to the output of unexpected/inconsistant results. . This package is the CGI version, for the Web. Package: zorp Description-md5: b156d0db471162aff3ba8d07ff7074a9 Description-gl: Advanced protocol analyzing firewall Zorp é unha devase de nova xeración. É, esencialmente, unha devasa cun proxy transparente, con proxies que analizan os protocolos, unha arquitectura modular e un control preciso sobre o tráfico sobre o que se media. As decisións de configuración poden ser incorporadas como scripts na linguaxe de configuración baseada en Python. . Zorp has been successfully deployed in demanding environments like the protection of high traffic web sites, or the protection of large intranets. Since the protocol analysis is strict and many of the common exploits violate the application protocol they are injected into, a large percentage of the attacks do not cross a Zorp based firewall even if the given service is permitted. Package: zorp-modules Description-md5: ec85d6289b5400df648d8587601edfc1 Description-gl: Default proxy modules for Zorp Zorp é unha devase de nova xeración. É, esencialmente, unha devasa cun proxy transparente, con proxies que analizan os protocolos, unha arquitectura modular e un control preciso sobre o tráfico sobre o que se media. As decisións de configuración poden ser incorporadas como scripts na linguaxe de configuración baseada en Python. . This package includes proxies for the protocols: FINGER, FTP, HTTP, SSL, TELNET, WHOIS, and two general modules ANYPY and PLUG. Package: zpspell Description-md5: 7c8763163b70f3922ffabbd9478a319d Description-gl: Interface para a liña de ordes para zemberek-server zpspell é a interface para a liña de ordes para zemberek-server. Simula a interface de ispell para ser compatÃbel cos programas que empreguen o modo interactivo de ispell. Package: zsh-static Description-md5: 23f1b767f357b2c1b99e434a26490622 Description-gl: Consola cunha morea de funcionalidades (ligazón estática) Zsh é un intérprete de ordes Unix (consola) utilizábel como consola de entrada interactivo e como procesador de ordes de script de consola. Entre as consolas normais, zsh parécese máis a ksh mais inclúe moitas melloras. Zsh ten edición da liña de ordes, corrección ortográfica incorporada, completado programábel de ordes, funcións de consola (con autocarga), un mecanismo de historial e un feixe doutras posibilidades. . This is the statically-compiled version of the shell. Package: zssh Description-md5: 7840e98cd5436488f415d9612c82e09d Description-gl: Transferencias de ficheiros interactivas sobre ssh zssh (Zmodem SSH) is a program for interactively transferring files to a remote machine while using the secure shell (ssh). It is intended to be a convenient alternative to scp, allowing to transfer files without having to open another session and re-authenticate oneself. . Files are transferred through the zmodem protocol, using the rz and sz commands. Package: zsync Description-md5: 55c7895466b4c20f2f56e9be9a5d33c4 Description-gl: client-side implementation of the rsync algorithm zsync é un programa de transferencia de ficheiros para descargar ficheiros desde servidores web remotos. Se unha versión anterior dun ficheiro estiver dispoñÃbel localmente, zsync só descarga as partes que cambiasen, co que minimiza o volume das descargas. O algoritmo é o mesmo que o que emprega rsync(1), mais zsync non require ningún software de servidor (aparte dun servidor web) nin precisa de acceso á consola. En troques, emprega un ficheiro de control (ficheiro .zsync) que describe o ficheiro que se ha de descargar e que emprega para determinar que bloques ten que obter. Este ficheiro créase unha vez no servidor (e non para cada solicitude) e colócase a carón do ficheiro en si que hai que descargar Package: zutils Description-md5: 33590b2ae811e99bd0e038997b30176c Description-gl: Utilidades para tratar con ficheiros comprimidos de maneira transparente Zutils é unha colección de utilidades para tratar de maneira transparente con calquera combinación de ficheiros comprimidos e non comprimidos. De momento, os compresores admitidos son gzip, bzip2, lzip e xz. Package: zynaddsubfx-data Description-md5: 37c33b9d6350510445cb1b1b4ffc8cb2 Description-gl: Realtime software synthesizer for Linux (data) A real-time software synthesizer for Linux and Windows with many features, including polyphony, multi-timbral and microtonal capabilities. It includes randomness of some parameters, which makes warm sounds, like analogue synthesizers. It has system/insertion effects too, and much more. . Este paquete contén os ficheiros de datos independentes da arquitectura. Package: linux-image-4.13.0-1006-raspi2 Description-md5: d9d79e4794f0041a58bf57f4c88cf3d6 Description-gl: Linux kernel image for version 4.13.0 on ARMv8 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel image for version 4.13.0 on ARMv8 SMP. . Tamén inclúe o ficheiro correspondente, os módulos construÃdos polo empaquetador e scripts que tentan asegurar que o sistema non fica nun estado non arrancábel após unha actualización. . Admite os procesadores xenéricos. . Orientado aos sistemas de escritorio e servidores. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-raspi2 meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: linux-image-4.4.0-1081-snapdragon Description-md5: ab267365f3ac6b009038c83ece50a88a Description-gl: Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on ARMv8 SMP This package contains the Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on ARMv8 SMP. . Tamén inclúe o ficheiro correspondente, os módulos construÃdos polo empaquetador e scripts que tentan asegurar que o sistema non fica nun estado non arrancábel após unha actualización. . Admite os procesadores xenéricos. . Orientado aos sistemas de escritorio e servidores. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-snapdragon meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: llvm-3.7-dev Description-md5: 29f654aa391c01f742a2023c872d7a49 Description-gl: Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, libraries and headers LLVM is a collection of libraries and tools that make it easy to build compilers, optimizers, just-in-time code generators, and many other compiler-related programs. . LLVM uses a single, language-independent virtual instruction set both as an offline code representation (to communicate code between compiler phases and to run-time systems) and as the compiler internal representation (to analyze and transform programs). This persistent code representation allows a common set of sophisticated compiler techniques to be applied at compile-time, link-time, install-time, run-time, or "idle- time" (between program runs). . Este paquete fornece as bibliotecas e as cabeceiras para desenvolver aplicativos que empreguen llvm. Package: python-gpiozero Description-md5: 99df9c8779b6efc7cbb8dfe89a854869 Description-gl: simple interface to everyday GPIO components used with Raspberry Pi (Python 2) gpiozero is an object-oriented wrapper around using various elelctronic components with the GPIO interface on the Raspoberry Pi. It allows interacting with components like LEDs and buttons by defining them as object instances which provide callback hooks to react to changes, e.g. a button being pressed. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python-rpi.gpio Description-md5: 0aad69fcbb586e8bc1b1d82305b3f2a7 Description-gl: Module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels (Python 2) RPi.GPIO allows controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO channels in Python. . It provides all the basic functionality, but is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications. RPi.GPIO also does not support SPI, I²C or hardware PWM yet. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 2. Package: python3-gpiozero Description-md5: ac90e2fea6a9063e2856ce954fb5d42d Description-gl: simple interface to everyday GPIO components used with Raspberry Pi (Python 3) gpiozero is an object-oriented wrapper around using various elelctronic components with the GPIO interface on the Raspoberry Pi. It allows interacting with components like LEDs and buttons by defining them as object instances which provide callback hooks to react to changes, e.g. a button being pressed. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: python3-rpi.gpio Description-md5: eda1e9e3869088c94d86316da0edee3a Description-gl: Module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels (Python 3) RPi.GPIO allows controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO channels in Python. . It provides all the basic functionality, but is unsuitable for real-time or timing critical applications. RPi.GPIO also does not support SPI, I²C or hardware PWM yet. . Este paquete contén o módulo para Python 3. Package: u-boot-tegra Description-md5: ad07e7cd8fdfecdca4f558d0ad3eba70 Description-gl: A boot loader for NVIDIA Tegra systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various NVIDIA Tegra platforms. . Included platforms: p2371-2180 Package: libsfasan0 Description-md5: 77c217b098bf047a48eb517165c699da Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (ABI de flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan0-dbg Description-md5: 77d4a6eea0f5c253a472f571d3194a80 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración das flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan2 Description-md5: 77c217b098bf047a48eb517165c699da Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (ABI de flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan2-dbg Description-md5: 77d4a6eea0f5c253a472f571d3194a80 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración das flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan3 Description-md5: 77c217b098bf047a48eb517165c699da Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (ABI de flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfasan3-dbg Description-md5: 77d4a6eea0f5c253a472f571d3194a80 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración das flutuantes brandas) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: libsfgcc-4.8-dev Description-md5: 0a946370cc1bda3e49c72e1e875c6da8 Description-gl: GCC support library (soft float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libsfgcc-5-dev Description-md5: 0a946370cc1bda3e49c72e1e875c6da8 Description-gl: GCC support library (soft float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libsfgcc-6-dev Description-md5: 0a946370cc1bda3e49c72e1e875c6da8 Description-gl: GCC support library (soft float ABI development files) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: libsfgfortran-4.8-dev Description-md5: 74ea81c9f0670b35ce8cd3205d466b98 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libsfgfortran-5-dev Description-md5: 74ea81c9f0670b35ce8cd3205d466b98 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libsfgfortran-6-dev Description-md5: 74ea81c9f0670b35ce8cd3205d466b98 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da ABI de flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: libsfgfortran3 Description-md5: 1f1e920680dffda67addfa653d51a350 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos de Fortran de GNU (ABI de flutuante branda) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfgfortran3-dbg Description-md5: 4adc4cf259b09ccf4ae311047068c96a Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (sÃmbolos de depuración da ABI de flutuante dura) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: libsfgphobos-6-dev Description-md5: b261bafbd9d93f25840b1fefa62281ad Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (soft float ABI development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfgphobos68 Description-md5: 2086a0c7f5831c82fec492e812bdd6c1 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (runtime library) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfgphobos68-dbg Description-md5: a2d0bf2741f0f97bfb3f177b71c3435b Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (debug symbols) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfobjc-4.8-dev Description-md5: a463892c3f00f5e00d2e6faa0c1a8f90 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libsfobjc-5-dev Description-md5: a463892c3f00f5e00d2e6faa0c1a8f90 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libsfobjc-6-dev Description-md5: a463892c3f00f5e00d2e6faa0c1a8f90 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de depuración da flutuante branda) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: libsfphobos-5-dev Description-md5: b261bafbd9d93f25840b1fefa62281ad Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (soft float ABI development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: libsfstdc++-4.8-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libsfstdc++-5-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libsfstdc++-6-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: libsfstdc++6-4.8-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsfstdc++6-5-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libsfstdc++6-6-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libwaudio1-dev Description-md5: 3d6ec1be88f5c0ce760c6160f8dc9ccf Description-gl: Android Audio Subsystem wrapper (development files) Este paquete contén ficheiros de desenvolvemento necesarios para compilar aplicativos que empreguen libwaudio. Package: linux-image-4.13.0-1006-raspi2 Description-md5: 118b79406f868a95a533b941a466c891 Description-gl: Linux kernel image for version 4.13.0 on ARM (hard float) SMP This package contains the Linux kernel image for version 4.13.0 on ARM (hard float) SMP. . Tamén inclúe o ficheiro correspondente, os módulos construÃdos polo empaquetador e scripts que tentan asegurar que o sistema non fica nun estado non arrancábel após unha actualización. . Admite os procesadores xenéricos. . Orientado aos sistemas de escritorio e servidores. . You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-raspi2 meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed. Package: pixbros Description-md5: 4635c998492b24a5096498a295c0d08f Description-gl: Xogo en dúas dimensións inspirado en Bubble Bobble, Snow Bros e Tumble Pop PIX Bros is a platform game inspired in three different historical arcade games: Bubble Bobble, Snow Bros and Tumble Pop. Three siblings end up transformed into their favourite videogame heroes inside the computer. The game allows 3 players simultaneously. Package: pixfrogger Description-md5: 10de149e20d3d96b94ab70f5329ddb03 Description-gl: Axude a ra a atravesar a rúa PiX Frogger is a clone of the classic game Frogger, in which you must help a frog cross the street to avoid becoming roadkill by cars and trucks. The frog starts at the bottom of the screen and the only control the player has is navigating the direction for the frog to hop. The game allows 4 players playing simultaneously with the keyboard. Package: u-boot Description-md5: 0711a5baa9591293612b133035d8192b Description-gl: Un cargador de arranque para sistemas incorporados Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. Package: u-boot-exynos Description-md5: 80a1894e409b368bcf5d7754566a4f43 Description-gl: A boot loader for exynos systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various Exynos platforms. . Included platforms: arndale odroid odroid-xu3 Package: u-boot-imx Description-md5: 3dbae2d42679c926c6d71cd052d2b11c Description-gl: A boot loader for imx systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various imx platforms. . Included platforms: mx53loco mx6cuboxi nitrogen6q novena udoo usbarmory wandboard Package: u-boot-omap Description-md5: 839f12f10dadede581a6b781b34c31dc Description-gl: A boot loader for omap systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various omap and related platforms. . Included platforms: am335x_boneblack am57xx_evm dra74_evm igep0020 nokia_rx51 omap3_beagle omap4_panda Package: u-boot-rockchip Description-md5: 9ba1da67582e01ec6d264d55e125b5b0 Description-gl: A boot loader for rockchip systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various Rockchip platforms. . Included platforms: firefly-rk3288 Package: u-boot-rpi Description-md5: 40073324f53fe6fa8a2ed78c14f5d719 Description-gl: A boot loader for Raspberry PI systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various Raspberry PI platforms. . Included platforms: rpi_2 Package: u-boot-sunxi Description-md5: c9b5c88f3aadf628d5116d49497707b9 Description-gl: A boot loader for sunxi systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various Allwinner/sunxi platforms. . Included platforms: A10-OLinuXino-Lime A10s-OLinuXino-M A20-OLinuXino-Lime A20-OLinuXino-Lime2 A20-OLinuXino_MICRO A20-Olimex-SOM-EVB Bananapi Bananapro Cubieboard Cubieboard2 Cubietruck Lamobo_R1 Linksprite_pcDuino Linksprite_pcDuino3 Mini-X orangepi_plus Package: u-boot-tegra Description-md5: 28df873780f6461926a287388069be12 Description-gl: A boot loader for NVIDIA Tegra systems Das U-Boot é un cargador de arranque multi-plataforma para sistemas incorporados e que empregan como cargador de arranque por omisión varios vendedores de placas. Preténdese que sexa doado de portar e de depurar e execútase en moitas arquitecturas compatÃbeis, incluÃdas PPC, ARM, MIPS, x86, m68k, NIOS e Microblaze. . This package includes boot loaders for various NVIDIA Tegra platforms. . Included platforms: jetson-tk1 Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc Description-md5: f14d35a2c3674ad3854965410ce756e1 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver (transitional package) Este controlador do servidor de X X.Org (vexa xserver-xorg para unha mellor descrición) fornece compatibilidade cos dispositivos OMAP2 e máis recentes, incluÃdo o Exynos5 da Samsung. . The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en: * <URL:> * <URL:> * <URL:> Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-exynos Description-md5: 779a73c6dc65a716f659922d2b8929e3 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver for Exynos DRM Este controlador do servidor de X X.Org (vexa xserver-xorg para unha mellor descrición) fornece compatibilidade cos dispositivos OMAP2 e máis recentes, incluÃdo o Exynos5 da Samsung. . The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en: * <URL:> * <URL:> * <URL:> . This package contains the armsoc driver for the Exynos DRM driver. Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-exynos-dbg Description-md5: 6310ffe286c244eac33ead8fd52e95e9 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver (debug symbols) Este controlador do servidor de X X.Org (vexa xserver-xorg para unha mellor descrición) fornece compatibilidade cos dispositivos OMAP2 e máis recentes, incluÃdo o Exynos5 da Samsung. . The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en: * <URL:> * <URL:> * <URL:> . This package contains debugging symbols for xserver-xorg-video-armsoc- exynos. Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-pl111 Description-md5: 52074bd2945ed1e8bec62127dbac5573 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver for pl111 DRM Este controlador do servidor de X X.Org (vexa xserver-xorg para unha mellor descrición) fornece compatibilidade cos dispositivos OMAP2 e máis recentes, incluÃdo o Exynos5 da Samsung. . The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en: * <URL:> * <URL:> * <URL:> . This package contains the armsoc driver for the pl111 DRM driver. Package: xserver-xorg-video-armsoc-pl111-dbg Description-md5: 7853cbf1416ffab3bb14413999f31b10 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- ARM SoC display driver (debug symbols) Este controlador do servidor de X X.Org (vexa xserver-xorg para unha mellor descrición) fornece compatibilidade cos dispositivos OMAP2 e máis recentes, incluÃdo o Exynos5 da Samsung. . The driver depends on drm support in the kernel, which is in the staging area of the mainline kernel since version 3.3. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en: * <URL:> * <URL:> * <URL:> . This package contains debugging symbols for xserver-xorg-video-armsoc- pl111. Package: xserver-xorg-video-omap Description-md5: c3a487fe46bdb37e5aee1fc7161cb268 Description-gl: X.Org X server -- OMAP display driver This driver for the X.Org X server (see xserver-xorg for a further description) provides support for OMAP2 and newer devices. . The driver depends on omapdrm support in the kernel and does not work with legacy omapfb kernel driver. . Pódese atopar máis información sobre X.Org en: * <URL:> * <URL:> * <URL:> Package: lib64asan0 Description-md5: 1a9f659ca4439e2038933f842e164011 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan0-dbg Description-md5: f86d6035d0bdab5718527fadb4713347 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan2 Description-md5: 1a9f659ca4439e2038933f842e164011 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64asan2-dbg Description-md5: f86d6035d0bdab5718527fadb4713347 Description-gl: AddressSanitizer -- un detector rápido de erros de memoria (sÃmbolos de depuración para 64 bits) AddressSanitizer (ASan) é un detector rápido de erros de memoria. Atopa fallos de overflow use-after-free e {heap,stack,global}-buffer nos programas en C/C++. Package: lib64gcc-4.8-dev Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gcc-5-dev Description-md5: 44d3aaff7c21b9d5950416cabd2035a0 Description-gl: Biblioteca de compatibilidade de GCC (ficheiros de desenvolvemento de 64 bits) Este paquete contén os ficheiros das cabeceiras e a biblioteca estática necesarios para construÃr programas en C que empreguen libgcc, libgomp, libquadmath, libssp ou libitm. Package: lib64gfortran-4.8-dev Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64gfortran-5-dev Description-md5: 552b8ddfa55fb97fed937c39ac7c9855 Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Fortran de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU Fortran applications. Package: lib64go11 Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go4 Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go7 Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64go9 Description-md5: 07fa56d3e232224f82aa278bc1a968bd Description-gl: Runtime library for GNU Go applications (64bit) Biblioteca que necesitan os aplicativos en Go de GNU ligados contra a biblioteca compartida. Package: lib64objc-4.8-dev Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64objc-5-dev Description-md5: c0fc895d2778279155bfb6af8561da8e Description-gl: Biblioteca de tempo de execución para os aplicativos en Objective-C de GNU (ficheiros de desenvolvemento para 64 bits) This package contains the headers and static library files needed to build GNU ObjC applications. Package: lib64phobos-5-dev Description-md5: 74c4089eeff14106ae16cc4257ba8f73 Description-gl: Phobos D standard library (64bit development files) Esta é a biblioteca estándar Phobos que vén co compilador D2. . Para máis información consulte Package: lib64stdc++-4.8-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: lib64stdc++-5-dev Description-md5: a197f2aec835e5fc6f8f76039d8a7c4e Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) This package contains the headers and static library files necessary for building C++ programs which use libstdc++. . libstdc++-v3 is a complete rewrite from the previous libstdc++-v2, which was included up to g++-2.95. The first version of libstdc++-v3 appeared in g++-3.0. Package: lib64stdc++6-4.8-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: lib64stdc++6-5-dbg Description-md5: 6d699ea4429a346bc58e56d70e561407 Description-gl: Biblioteca estándar de C++ de GNU, v3 (ficheiros de depuración) Este paquete contén a biblioteca compartida de libstdc++ compilada cos sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libglide2-dev Description-md5: 45efce5a7cfc7013c926ed378f6df1c6 Description-gl: graphics library for 3Dfx Voodoo 2 based cards - development files Este paquete contén os ficheiros de cabeceiras, programas de exemplo e a documentación necesarios para construÃr software que empregue libglide2. Package: libxflaim-dev Description-md5: 395a10237314d98bb3346541353bf80d Description-gl: An extensible, flexible, adaptable, embeddable XML database engine XFLAIM is an embeddable cross-platform XML database engine that provides a rich, powerful, easy-to-use feature set. It has proven to be highly scalable, reliable, and robust. It is available on a wide variety of 32 bit and 64 bit platforms. . Páxina web: Package: libxflaim3.2 Description-md5: 395a10237314d98bb3346541353bf80d Description-gl: An extensible, flexible, adaptable, embeddable XML database engine XFLAIM is an embeddable cross-platform XML database engine that provides a rich, powerful, easy-to-use feature set. It has proven to be highly scalable, reliable, and robust. It is available on a wide variety of 32 bit and 64 bit platforms. . Páxina web: Package: longrun Description-md5: 96371ed99eb43a668fc2fe2c7b3c37eb Description-gl: Utilidade de control do LongRun do Crusoe da Transmeta A utilidade longrun emprégase para consultar e controlar a configuración de LongRun dos procesadores Crusoe da Transmeta. Pódese estabelecer o nivel de desempeño e a xanela de velocidades da CPU. . Esta utilidade só funciona na CPU do Crusoe da Transmeta e require os controladores de dispositivos CPUI e MSR de Linux. Package: lphdisk Description-md5: 8d4bb9e100ea04278cce25429d7412fd Description-gl: Prepara a partición de hibernación para Phoenix NoteBIOS Esta utilidade prepara e formata a partición de hibernación dos computadores tipo notebook que empregan Phoenix NoteBIOS. Unha vez preparada esta partición, pode ser empregada coa funcionalidade para suspender no disco de APM do BIOS. Os paortátiles que poden empregar unha partición de hibernación inclúen varios ARMNotes, o Dell Inspiron 5000, os Sony VAIO e moitos portátiles Tuxtop. Package: primus-libs-ia32 Description-md5: d0fbba4ced21217e0fc1ebdc2b575d57 Description-gl: Bibliotecas compartidas para primus (32 bits) Este paquete depende das bibliotecas de 32 bits para primus. Pódese retirar con seguranza após a instalación. Package: s3switch Description-md5: f1b292421ae31cf561506a00387d7d09 Description-gl: Xestione o dispositivo de saÃda dos chips S3 Savage Dependendo do chip de Savage, esta utilidade pode ser empregada para alternar entre as saÃdas LCD, CRT e TV. Alén diso, é posÃbel escoller entre os formatos de sinal de televisión NTSC, NTSCJ e pal. Package: xserver-xorg-video-geode Description-md5: ae9dd80b4e5a62d85008afc5acc72784 Description-gl: Servidor de X de X.Org - controlador de pantalla Geode GX2/LX Este paquete fornece o controlador «geode» para a familia de chipsets da familia Geode, incluÃdos os chips das series NSC GX2 (Red Cloud), AMD GX e AMD LX. . En sistemas operativos que admitan o Video For Linux v2 (V4L2), este paquete tamén fornece o controlador «ztv» para o Porto de entrada de vÃdeo (VIP) do LX. . Este paquete está construÃdo a partir do controlador xf86-video-geode de Package: zsnes Description-md5: 23c1e4d12b6b8895961a29f2fd91570b Description-gl: Emulador do Sistema de Entretemento Super Nintendo ZSNES permite xogar a xogos clásicos escritos para a consola de xogos Super Nintendo (SNES) nun sistema GNU/Linux. . Teña en conta que moitos xogos aos que se pode xogar con este emulador e que están dispoñÃbeis por separado non son libres. Vexa /usr/share/doc/zsnes/README.Debian para máis información. Package: zsnes-dbg Description-md5: 2df49e5d2a9e6c73c8fcbd137a0e7f63 Description-gl: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System - debugging symbols ZSNES permite xogar a xogos clásicos escritos para a consola de xogos Super Nintendo (SNES) nun sistema GNU/Linux. . Teña en conta que moitos xogos aos que se pode xogar con este emulador e que están dispoñÃbeis por separado non son libres. Vexa /usr/share/doc/zsnes/README.Debian para máis información. . Este paquete contén os sÃmbolos de depuración. Package: libdfp-dev Description-md5: e3c2672ccf24306ce2f2d753bdeffbbc Description-gl: Biblioteca de vÃrgula decimal flutuante (tempo de execución) The "Decimal Floating Point C Library" is an implementation of ISO/IEC Technical report "ISO/IEC TR 24732" which describes the C-Language library routines necessary to provide the C library runtime support for decimal floating point data types introduced in IEEE 754-2008, namely _Decimal32, _Decimal64, and _Decimal128. Package: libdfp1 Description-md5: e44858562dbebd638553dbb1b75ff32a Description-gl: Biblioteca de vÃrgula decimal flutuante (ficheiros de desenvolvemento) The "Decimal Floating Point C Library" is an implementation of ISO/IEC Technical report "ISO/IEC TR 24732" which describes the C-Language library routines necessary to provide the C library runtime support for decimal floating point data types introduced in IEEE 754-2008, namely _Decimal32, _Decimal64, and _Decimal128. Package: libdfp1-dbg Description-md5: ba4ba66b55919e4053d40716b6422b61 Description-gl: Biblioteca de vÃrgula decimal flutuante (información de depuración) The "Decimal Floating Point C Library" is an implementation of ISO/IEC Technical report "ISO/IEC TR 24732" which describes the C-Language library routines necessary to provide the C library runtime support for decimal floating point data types introduced in IEEE 754-2008, namely _Decimal32, _Decimal64, and _Decimal128. Package: opal-utils Description-md5: 823cb617c843f8ab7056ef7c0a68c0be Description-gl: OPAL firmware utilities Este paquete contén programas de utilidades. . The 'gard' utility, can read, parse and clear hardware gard partitions on OpenPower platforms.