--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scandinavian Indie Presents: A short interview with HONEY IS COOL by Erik S|derstr|m (chief@lysator.liu.se) after a gig at Herrg}r'n, Link|ping, Sweden, 23-Nov-95. Honey Is Cool are: Karin Dreijer (vocals & guitar) John Jern (guitar) H}kan Hellstr|m (drums) Paul K{llman (synthesizer) Staffan Larsson (bass) (c) 1995, 1996 Scandinavian Indie If the answer is "A." it was answered by the group as a whole. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This interview was done a couple of weeks after their gig, due to the fact that the original interview was thrown away with the trash by mistake. My mistake. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. WHAT DID YOU THINK ABOUT THE GIG IN LINK PING? SL. A nice event. Q. WHAT SONGS DID YOU PLAY? SL. Wow, I can't remember... most of them were from the CD, and we played two completely new songs. Q. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE NOT PLAYING IN A BAND? SL. Karin works a bit with photography and painting, among other things. John studies ethnology (sometimes). H}kan is a drama student. Paul mingles with his friends and I'm studying linguistics and philosohpy. Q. HOW DID HONEY IS COOL START? SL. Karin had some discussions with some people about recording a demo with her songs. One beautiful day (or night?) she, John and I finally decided to go ahead and do it. The result was better than we expected, so we decided to continue. Members were added and dropped, and in the winder of 1994, we finally ended up the way we are today. Q. HOW ABOUT RELEASES? SL. One six-track demo called "Honey Is Cool" and one Mini-CD with six songs called "Focky Focky No Pay". And we have two songs on the compilation CD "Kittenish 2". Q. DO ANY OF YOU PLAY IN OTHER BANDS AS WELL? SL. Yes, Paul plays with Sludge Nation, and H}kan sings in P}vels. Q. WHO WRITES THE LYRICS? SL. Karin does. Q. DO THEY REFLECT HER OWN EXPERIENCES? SL. Yes. Q. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR OTHER COUNTRIES TO CONQUER? SL. Yes, all but Japan. Q. DO YOU HAVE ANY INFLUENCES YOU'D LIKE TO MENTION? SL. Flaming Lips, Rod Stewart, Bonnie Tyler, Sonic Youth and Sebadoh. Q. ARE YOUR INFLUENCES THE SAME AS YOUR FAVOURITES? SL. In some cases yes, and in other, no, but still? I doubt it. Q. DO YOU LISTEN TO ANY SWEDISH MUSIC? SL. Some of us like the Bear Quartet, but we all like Soundtrack Of Our Lives and Mazarine Street. Q. WILL YOU TOUR OTHER SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES? SL. Yessir! Denmark for example (soon, maybe). Q. WHAT DID IT FEEL LIKE TO PLAY FOR A PACKED HULTSFRED 95? SL. WIIIIIIIII! Q. WHO ARRANGED THE MINI-FESTIVAL IN KALMAR (25/12 1995)? WHAT HAPPENED? SL. It was planned by two mad "vinterbadare" who visited us after a gig we had in V{xj|. Unfortunately, Karin and John got the flu, so we had to cancel. Q. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD FOR HONEY IS COOL? ANY PLANS? SL. We'll sell-out and grab the political power in the USA. Or quit. Honey Is Cool can be contacted at http://www.cling.gu.se:80/~cl2slars/hic.html Scandinavian Indie Honey Is Cool interview 23-Nov-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scandinavian Indie - your Internet guide to scandinavian independent music E-mail: scan-indie-request@lysator.liu.se WWW: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/scan.html E-mail: chief@lysator.liu.se Phone: +46-(0)13-175042 Snail-mail: Erik S|derstr|m, Bj|rnk{rrsg. 13 B:34, 582 51 Link|ping, Sweden -----------------------------------------------------------------------------