From Mon Sep 23 21:08:41 1996
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 07:39:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: tariqas-digest V1 #148

tariqas-digest           Friday, 20 September 1996     Volume 01 : Number 148


From: Ellen L Price <ellenp@U.Arizona.EDU>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 14:56:11 -0700 (MST)
Subject: A new computer virus (forwarded) (fwd)

>From Ellen Price

- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 13:50:34 -0700
From: Barbara Bardram <bardram@LAN.ADMIN.ARIZONA.EDU>
Reply-To: Networking for BETA members <BETA@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU>
To: Multiple recipients of list BETA <BETA@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU>
Subject: A new computer virus (forwarded)

>Return-path: <owner-hrtech@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU>
>Date:         Thu, 19 Sep 1996 13:42:31 -0700
>Reply-To: HR Information Technology <HRTECH@listserv.Arizona.EDU>
>Sender: HR Information Technology <HRTECH@listserv.Arizona.EDU>
>From: "Andrew D. Johnson" <ajohnson@U.ARIZONA.EDU>
>Subject:      A new computer virus (forwarded)
>To: Multiple recipients of list HRTECH <HRTECH@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU>
>This is a forwarded message from Kathleen Killion about a computer virus;
>please be alert. Thanks.
>>Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 11:29:41 -0700
>>From: Kathleen Killion <killionk@U.Arizona.EDU>
>>Subject: FW: FWD: a new computer virus (fwd)
>>>Sender: Affirmative Action Officers mailing list <AFFIRMNET@SBCCVM.BITNET>
>>>From: Lawrence Johnson <>
>>>Subject:      FW: FWD: a new computer virus (fwd)
>>>X-To:         affirmative action <AFFNET@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
>>>To: Multiple recipients of list AFFNET <AFFIRMNET@SBCCVM.BITNET>
>>>                URGENT: FYI!!!.....Lawrence
>>>> >>SUBJECT: [Very Important  !!! ]
>>>> >>
>>>> >>There is a computer virus that is being sent across the Internet. If  you
>>>> >>receive an email message with the subject line "Good  Times", DO NOT
>>>> >>read  the message, DELETE it immediately.  Please read the messages
>>>> >>below.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Some miscreant is sending  email under the title "Good Times"
>>>> >>nationwide, if you get anything like this, DON'T DOWN LOAD THE FILE! It
>>>> >>                      has a virus
>>>> >>that rewrites your hard drive, obliterating anything on it.
>>>> >>Please be careful and forward this mail to anyone you care about.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>     The FCC released a warning last Wednesday concerning a matter of
>>>> >>major importance to any regular user  of the Internet. Apparently a new
>>>> >>computer virus has been engineered by a user of AMERICA ON LINE that
>>>> >>is unparalleled in its destructive capability. Other more well-known
>>>> >>viruses such as "Stoned", "Airwolf" and "Michaelangelo" pale in
>>>> >>              comparison to the
>>>> >>prospects of this newest creation by a warped mentality. What makes this
>>>> >>virus so terrifying, said the FCC, is the fact that no program needs to
>>>> be >>exchanged for a new computer to be infected. It can be spread through
>>>> the >>existing email systems of the Internet.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>     Once a Computer is infected, one of  several things can  happen. If
>>>> >>the computer contains a hard drive, that  will most likely be
>>>> >>destroyed. If the program is not stopped, the computer's processor will
>>>> >>                      be placed in
>>>> >>an nth-complexity infinite binary loop -which can severely damage the
>>>> >>processor  if left running that way too long.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Unfortunately, most novice computer users will not realize what is
>>>> >>happening until it is far too late. Luckily, there is one sure means
>>>> >>of detecting what is now known as the "Good Times" virus. It always
>>>> >>travels to new computers the same way in a text email message with the
>>>> >>subject
>>>> >>
>>>> >>line reading "Good Times". Avoiding infection is easy once the file has
>>>> >>been received simply by NOT READING IT! The act of loading the file into
>>>> >>the mail server's ASCII buffer causes the "Good Times" mainline program
>>>> to >>initialize and execute.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>     The program is highly intelligent- it will  send copies of itself
>>>> >>to everyone whose email address is contained in a receive-mail file or
>>>> >>a sent-mail file, if it can find one. It will then proceed to trash
>>>> >>the computer it is running on.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>     The bottom line is:  - if you receive a file with the subject line
>>>> >>"Good  Times", delete it  immediately! Do not read it"  Rest assured that
>>>> >>whoever' name was on the  "From" line was surely struck by the virus.
>>>> Warn >>your  friends and  local system users of this newest threat to the
>>>> >>Internet! It could save them a lot of time and money.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Could you pass this along to your global mailing list as well?
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>     <2 Subject:  New and Dangerous Virus For your information ...
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>We work closely with the military and received this message from a
>>>> >>very reliable source in DC this morning.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>A NEW Trojan Horse Virus has emerged on the internet with the name
>>>> >>PKZIP300.ZIP, so named as to give the impression that this file is
>>>> >>a new  version of the PKZIP software used to "ZIP" (compress) files.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>DO NOT DOWNLOAD this file under any circumstances!!! If you install >>or
>>>> expand this file, the virus WILL wipe your hard disk clean and >>affect
>>>> modems at 14.4 and higher. This is an extremely destructive virus and
>>>> >>
>>>> >>there is NOT  yet a way of cleaning up this one.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>>  ------- FORWARD, End of original message -------
>>>Lawrence C. Johnson                             phone:  217-786-6222
>>>Associate Chancellor for Affirmative Action     fax:    217-786-6511
>>>University of Illinois at Springfield           e-mail
>>>Springfield, IL 62794-9243
>>Kathy Killion
>>Affirmative Action Office
>>(520)621-2095 (fax)
>Andrew D. Johnson

Barbara Bardram
Administrative Assistant
Student Financial Aid
Administration Room 203
(520) 621-5200


From: Fred Rice <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 08:09:52 +1000 (EST)
Subject: You cannot be a dervish  [Yunus Emre]

Dervishood tells me, you cannot become a dervish.
So what can I tell you?  You cannot become a dervish.

A dervish needs a wounded heart and eyes full of tears.
He needs to be as easy going as a sheep.
You can't be a dervish.

He must be without hands when someone hits him.
He must be tongueless when cursed.
A dervish needs to be without any desire.
You can't be a dervish.

You make a lot of sounds with your tongue, meaningful things.
You get angry about this and that.
You can't be a dervish.

If it were all right to be angry on this path,
Muhammed himself would have gotten angry.
Because of your anger, you can't be a dervish.

Unless you find a real path, unless you find a guide,
unless Truth grants you your portion,
you can't be a dervish.

Therefore, dervish Yunus, come,
dive into the ocean now and then.
Unless you dive into the ocean, you cannot be a dervish.

[From "The Drop That Became The Sea: Lyric Poems of Yunus Emre,"
translated by Kabir Helminski and Refik Algan (Threshold Books),
p. 29.]


From: Ellen L Price <ellenp@U.Arizona.EDU>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 15:54:07 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: to Jinavasma re: sex in full moon

There is also a belief that it is not good to travel on the Wednesday
before the new moon.


From: "Michael J. Moore" <mmoore@antares.Tymnet.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 16:08:30 -0700
Subject: Re: 'Attar on Stage!

Perhaps when you go, you will notice if it is being video taped.
If so, would you please let us know how to obtain a tape?
Or any other information such as other cities where it
will be performed would be appreciated. 

I have a great desire to see it; guess I'll have to work
on that. ;-)
- -- 
Michael J. Moore


Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 20:10:49 -0400
Subject: Re: to Jinavasma re: sex in full moon

This is a joke, right?


From: (M. M. Medeiros)
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 09:44:24 -0700
Subject: Re: Saytan having sex with one's wife [Re: to Jinavasma re: sex in full moon

Greeting, Noordin, and peace,

Please can you tell me what the pre-sexual activity verse is?

Need this info badly.

All best,



From: Asim Jalis <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 96 21:56:14 CDT
Subject: A new computer virus (forwarded) (fwd)

Dear Ellen,

The message about the computer virus is actually the hoax. I have seen it pop
up elsewhere. Also I have seen it discredited in several newsgroups. Basically
it is impossible to get a virus through e-mail since the contents of an e-mail
message are never executed, just read. So in some ways the message about the
virus is ITSELF the virus in that it refuses to die and intermitently infects
various mailing-lists.



From: Asim Jalis <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 96 22:19:42 CDT
Subject: Satan

Observing the thread on Satan and sex: It's interesting that most people
(myself included) can entertain the idea of God as a real entity, but
consider Satan to be a metaphor. Perhaps this is a result of ideas from
psychology which explain evil in terms of the subconsciousness and thus
make Satan obsolete. Also belief in Satan is not a part of most religious
creeds so his abrupt removal from the stage of human consciousness never
became quite as controversial as assertions about God not existing.



From: Craig Johannsen <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 21:09:18 -0700
Subject: Re: A new computer virus (forwarded) (fwd)

Asim Jalis wrote:
> Dear Ellen,
> The message about the computer virus is actually the hoax. I have seen it pop
> up elsewhere. Also I have seen it discredited in several newsgroups. Basically
> it is impossible to get a virus through e-mail since the contents of an e-mail
> message are never executed, just read. So in some ways the message about the
> virus is ITSELF the virus in that it refuses to die and intermitently infects
> various mailing-lists.
> Asim

Please note that there is a virus which can be acquired from
a Microsoft Word document attached to an email message.
You don't get the virus until you view the document using
Microsoft Word.  It only affects Word -- changes the menus or
something like that.  Microsoft has a patch that fixes the
problem (see or call Microsoft support).

Also, if you run a program (.exe or .com) file sent to you as an
attachment you can acquire a virus.


From: (Ryan)
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 23:05:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Desire

>Okay, this is a question for people here: how do you keep your mind in
>control when you are on the street or on a bus? Dhikr? Anything else?

This statement makes me wonder if controling sexual thoughts is really what
one should do?  I'm nineteen and have enough trouble just controling my
sexual actions. Controling sexual thoughts!  I'm sorry I just can't
comprehend such a thing.  Maybe a spiritual authority could tell us which
one we should control: sexual thoughts or actions.

                                                thanks, Ryan


From: (Ryan)
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 23:05:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: The Problem of Suffering

>Salaams to all!
>I wonder if anyone would be willing to share their insights on the
>problem of suffering in the world from any religious or philosophical
>standpoint/tradition, including Islam/sufism, Judaism, Christianity,
>Hinduism, Budhism etc. Here are some of the questions that may guide
>your response: is suffering a) a consequence of sins;
>b) a test from God to strengthen faith (e.g. the story of Job); c)
>the working out of nature which is morally blind and does not
>distinguish between good and bad when dishing out calamities (this
>is, for instance, the view advanced in rabbi Kushner's book "When bad
>Things happen to good people"); d) the product of  capitalism which
>leads to the problem of alienation (Karl Marx)--and other secular
>viewpoints informed by Freudianism, existentialism, utilitarianism
>etc   What about ethnic suffering--North & South American Indians,
>Aborigines in Australia, Blacks in the U.S. etc--what is the meaning
>of their suffering? Critics of religion argue that if God is
>Good/merciful/in control etc why is evil/ atrocities allowed to take
>place? Liberation theologians have wrestled with these thorny
>questions (the conservativism of the Catholic church/establishment
>notwithstanding). Why are some children born deformed, or people
>(some rather than others) struck down by cancer, liver disease,
>depression etc? Why is the restoration of justice promised in the
>afterlife and not in this life? These are some of the questions as
>well as objections that are usually raised when the problem of
>suffering is discussed.
>Thanks for your input

The following is from the introduction to Danial Matt's translation of the

        "Once it is told, Rabbi El'azar encountered a gentile who
challegened the chosenness of Israel:

        'You say that your are closer to the Supreme King than all other
nations. One who is close to the King
is always happy, with no pain, fear or oppression.  But you are always in
pain and grief, more oppressed than all other people in the world.  As for
us, no pain, oppression, or grief even comes near.  We are close to the
Supreme King; you are far from Him!'

        Rabbi El'azar stared at this man and he truned into a heap of
bones.  Then the rabbi said:

        'The words spoken by that wicked man I once asked the prophet
Elijah.  He told me that these words were once arranged before the Blessed
Holy One in the Academy in Heaven, and this was the response...  Indeed we
are closer to the Supreme King than all other nations.  Indeed it is so!
For the Blessed Holy One has made Israel the heart of the whole world.
Thus Israel lives among the other nations as the heart among the limbs of
the body.  Just as the limbs cannot exist even for a moment without the
heart, so all the nations cannot exist without Israel... The heart is
tender and weak; yet it is the life of all the limbs.  Only the heart
perceives pain and trouble and grief, for it contains life and
intelligence.  The other limbs are not close to the King.  They have no
life; they perceive nothing.'"

and there is more:

        "Christian teaching claimed that Israel's exile was a sign of
divine punishment for their rejection of Christ.  The Zohar turns this
argument upside down and cites biblical verses to indicate that Israel's
lowly condition is the result of God's loving, parental discipline, whereas
Christianity's rise to power is evidence that God has forsaken them and
offers them no correction"

        I am neither a Jew, a Christian, or Suffi.  But it seems to me that
suffering is like a forge fire.  It hardens our soul for the Glories of
Without suffering and guilt we would lead a stagnant, static existance.
        Albert Camus wrote an intersting essay called the "Myth of Sisyphus."
Sisyphus was a Greek who defied the Gods, so they sentenced him to push a
rock up a hill, when it gets to the top it rolls back and he must push it
up again, forever.  To Camus this was a metaphor for life.  He believed
that when Sisyphus strolled down the hill to push it back up again, he
smiled.  I havn't read the essay but it jives with my own limited
experience of the world.
        I hope this answers some of your questions, if anybody knows better
then I concerning the subject and my sources. :)



From: "M.I.S. DEPT" <>
Date: Fri, 20 SEP 96 02:56:52
Subject: RE: Saytan having sex with one's wife [Re: to Jinavasma re: sex in full moon

Do you know that shaytan outnumber human beings in the ratio of 99:1?
So it is not surprising if they are in every little corner that one can think of--even in a small bedroom when u think u are alone with your wife?.



From: "M.I.S. DEPT" <>
Date: Fri, 20 SEP 96 03:02:27
Subject: Re: Saytan having sex with one's wife [Re: to Jinavasma re: sex in full moon

the pre-sex verse is : Allahumma jannibnish shatana wa jannibis shaitana ma razak tana.

Salam Noordin


From: "Steve Phillips" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 06:57:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Desire

> sexual actions. Controling sexual thoughts!  I'm sorry I just can't
> comprehend such a thing.  Maybe a spiritual authority could tell us which
> one we should control: sexual thoughts or actions.
>                                                 thanks, Ryan

Ryan, maybe the spiritual authority is in your own heart....



From: "Steve Phillips" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 07:04:45 -0400
Subject: Re: Satan

> Observing the thread on Satan and sex: It's interesting that most people
> (myself included) can entertain the idea of God as a real entity, but
> consider Satan to be a metaphor. Perhaps this is a result of ideas from
> psychology which explain evil in terms of the subconsciousness and thus
> make Satan obsolete. Also belief in Satan is not a part of most religious
> creeds so his abrupt removal from the stage of human consciousness never
> became quite as controversial as assertions about God not existing.
> Asim

It may be that folks aren't having such a problem accepting that satan
just that he enjoys sexual pleasures. Especially the idea that he might
such activities with a human. Several have expressed the thought that this
thread is so far removed from conventional thinking that it seems like it
could have been intended as a strange kind of joke.

I believe that satan is an inner being or potentiality. In some ways the
statement makes sense to me, as a warning about faithfulness, though the
details of that warning seem wrapped in antique obscurities. Nonetheless, I
can still listen to the warning in quiet moments.



From: "Steve Phillips" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 06:56:20 -0400
Subject: Re: A new computer virus (forwarded) (fwd)

- ----------
> Please note that there is a virus which can be acquired from
> a Microsoft Word document attached to an email message.
> You don't get the virus until you view the document using
> Microsoft Word.  It only affects Word -- changes the menus or
> something like that.  Microsoft has a patch that fixes the
> problem (see or call Microsoft support).
> Also, if you run a program (.exe or .com) file sent to you as an
> attachment you can acquire a virus.

I think the virus was slightly more complex, and did involve an
executable program that would be executed as part of a macro within the
document. If I recall correctly, in addition to the patch from Microsoft,
it is also possible in word to turn off the option that enables immediate
execution of batch programs inside of macros. If you fix this setting
correctly (I'm not a Word user so I don't know how to set it) then you
would be prompted about executing the batch program before it occurs. This
way, if the document came inside a mail message, you would have time to
prevent it from executing on your machine.

that's what I vaguely remember about it.



From: Imaan Shivani Joshi <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:35:21 +0800 (SST)
Subject: Re: Women on the sidewalk

> I just don't know what to do with Muslim women. I mean, If I
> am walking down a sidewalk on a nice sunny day and a Muslim
> woman is comming towards me, what should I do?

	do you normally greet everyone that you meet? If you do...but then
again, the etiquette of this is unclear even among muslims:_) take me, for
example; sometimes, i do not know that if I give salaam to a muslim man,
that he will not take it as offensive; normally I avoid doing this, cos I
don't want to give the wrong impression...but when I have to talk to a
muslim man, I normally start with a greeting. For you as a non muslim[ I
am assuming you are nnot muslim, sorry if I am mistaken] I guess...the
same rules would apply:-)

 Ignore her?
> Give her salaams?  What?  The same in the masjid. Now I know
> that a man is not supposed to touch a woman in the masjid
> as it breaks his wudhu but what about in areas just outside
> the masjid, ie the hall ways, the kitchen, or just outside?

	Ah, so you are muslim, Insh'Allah...abt breaking wudu', as I
understand it, this applies only to the shafi'e madhhab. The rest do nnot
rule that accidental touching breaks wudu'...
> With Muslim women, I never know if I am being cold and
> snobish or if I am being obscenely forward. 

	Join the club, except that it is the other way around; my advice;
unless you know her, maybe you should avoid salaam. Alternatively give
salaam and leave it at that; leave her alone; I say this from experience;
a br used to be very friendly...used to compare me with his little sister I thot, he is safe; one day he tried to buy me a meal, and before
that he used to try and strike up conversations and tried even to shake my
hand...just today...after jumu'at, a br who has been rather persistent[ I
am *not* saying he is romantically interested] tried for the 10th time to
strike up a conversation. I felt extremely uncomfortable. I no longer
pretend to go along; I just feel too uncomfortable; he accosts me at
places where I go and where he turns up; he waits for me after class[ he
is a student in a class I teach] I guess...we can be oversensitive.
If you must give salaam, give it and then move on; pls do not linger to
chat unless we know you and are not likely to be panciked:-)

 > > Now I
know that I have already made the mistake
of lumping > all Muslim women together as if they were all the same,
> but there must be some general advice that I could apply.

	I hope this has helped? I hope so:-) sorry:_)


From: Imaan Shivani Joshi <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 19:37:56 +0800 (SST)
Subject: Yunus Emre (fwd)

as salaamu 'alaikum
	A poem sent to me by a br, that I would like to share with all of
you as he wihsed to share it with some of us:-) Insh'Allah, you will find
it as meaningful as I did:-) wasalaam, Imaan


By Yunus Emre, translated by Kabir Helminski and Refik Algan

Sorrowful one, why do you go around in tears?
If my Lord causes me to weep,
surely He will make me laugh some day.

So many of the sorrowful landed here,
then migrated back.
If my Lord causes me to weep,
surely He will make me laugh some day.

This suffering is my dearest companion.
When my sighs and tears rise up,
His gifts and kindness are the cause.
If my Lord causes you to weep,
surely He will make you laugh some day.

All the while, turn your faces toward the Truth;
all the while, remember His name.
He gives grief to those He favors.
If my Lord causes you to weep,
surely He will make you laugh some day.

Don't leave this poor head of yours in love, 
or bloody tears will flow. 
He is generous, He even makes repairs.
If my Lord causes you to weep,
surely He will make you laugh some day.

Yunus, so many states before your eyes,
so many places to stop.
Stop and call your Lord night and day.

If my Lord causes you to weep,
surely He will make you laugh some day.

[From "The Drop That Became The Sea: Lyric Poems of Yunus Emre,"
translated by Kabir Helminski and Refik Algan, p. 56.]


End of tariqas-digest V1 #148