Newsgroups: soc.religion.shamanism
From: (PrayPruitt)
Subject: Re: drum recordings
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 18:23:49 GMT

There are good drum recordings available on CD and cassette from the
Foundation for Shamanic Studies.  

The phone number is 415-380-8282.  They offer single and double
drumming on CD, shamanic journey multiple drumming on CD and cassette;
plus cassettes of didjeridu, a singing journey, tibetan bowl sound,
double drumming and musical bow.  The address is Foundation for
Shamanic Studies, P.O. Box 1939, Mill Valley, CA 94942.  They will
accept VISA and Master Card on phone orders, there is no sales tax if
you do not live in CAlifornia, thre is a shipping fee.

While you're at it, you might also request a copy of the foundation's
schedule of basic and advanced training workshops.  I have taken
several of them and they have enhanced my shamanic practice/experience
greatly.  Best wishes, hope this info helps.  

Also, you might want to consider subscribing to the magazine Shaman's
Drum.  You can find it at most New Age or Wiccan bookstores, large
newstands.  They can be reached by mial at Shaman's Drum, P.O. Box
430, Willits, CA 95490.  Subscription is $15 a year (published
quarterly).  Hope this helps.  Best wishes.  Ellis