From: (Amberlyn) Subject: Re: Birth rituals? Date: 15 Mar 1994 18:32:03 GMT I found my notes on the wiccaning rite in _The Heart of the Fire_ by Cerridwen Fallingstar. I have fleshed them out for my own purpose, and at this point cannot recall what is mine and what is CF's. I include them here for those interested: HPS: Spring is come The lambing begun Out of the Earth, out of the Air Out of the Water, out of the Fire A child is born. Welcome we now [child's name]! The child is dipped in a cauldron of warm water, and then wrapped in a shirt of the opposite sex. The child is taken in arms and address by the HPS: Do not forget, what seems the most different from you is not different, but a part of yourself, a mirror to your deepest nature. She offers child to the quarters: East: Let the air come That bears the hawk That brings the clouds And the life-giving rain. Let the air come now To be a friend and guardian To [child]. South: Let the fire come That shines in the sun That shines in the heart And opens the womb. Let the fire come now To be a friend and guardian To ... West: Let the water come That freshens the pool That moves with the moon And boils in the cauldron Let the water come now To be a friend and guardian To ... North: Let the earth come That gives the grain That is flower an dfruit And the deep hidden caves. Let the Earth come now To be a friend and guardian To ... The HPS tucks child in a willow basket lined with virgin white linen, tucking the cloth under the child's chin. The basket is handed to the mother, who holds it toward the HPS & HP. HPS says: "Lord of Grain" while placing a loaf of bread on the cloth "Mother of Milk" while placing cheese next to the bread "Fire of immortality" whirling taper of fire 3 times over basket Mother stands holding the basket in her arms. The HP holds his hands as high as he can reach over the basket, while the HPS lays her hands upon the earth beneath it. Slowly, with barely perceptible movement, they bring their hands closer together as an expectant warbling hum rises among the gathering. As their hands meet the basket, signifying the meeting of heaven and earth, shrieks & skirls of excitement burst from every mouth. The pagan baptismal (seining?) is complete, the survival of the child as assured as the community's magic can make it. Blessings upon you all Amberlyn