This directory is maintained by I like to come in contact with other Pagans, especially in Sweden. E-mail is welcome! Before I include a file in this directory, I usually edit it a bit. I strip the header so that only the name and address of the sender, the date and subject appear. If you see no subject, it is the same as in the previous post, or uninformative. If you see a news article without a newsgroup, it appeared in alt.pagan. I may also delete quotings from previous articles, signatures and paragraphs which don't have to do with the subject of the file. I also reformat it to fit the standard 80 columns width. If you see a file that is compressed (ending in ".gz"), you can get it to your site uncompressed! All you do is write the file name without the ".gz" part when getting the file. Of course you can also ftp it while compressed, and uncompress it at your site, using gunzip. Special addition for the /Herbs directory: ========================================== You use the information provided in these directories on your own risk. Know what you do, or don't do it. Related files can be found in /pub/religion/pagan/Books and /pub/gardening/Herbs. --Ceci (94-06-24)