From: (Ian Fraser)
Subject: Wiccan Festivals
Date: Thu, 21 May 92 10:34:40 MDT

Of course, some may take exception to this, but:
From a soon to be available (locally) pamphlet on Wicca, its roots,
traditions, and festivals (by me, for our local group, as sort of a

There are, traditionally, eight festivals celibrated by Wiccan
folk. They can be divided into four major and four minor sabats.
  Major Sabats:

     1) Samhaine
         - The big one. The witches' New Year.
         - October 31. Accept no substitutions.
         - a harvest festival, celebrating the death of the Corn King and 
           the ascent of the Holly King. 

     2) Imbolc
         -Generally February 2.  Sometimes stated as 40 days after the
          Winter Solstice.
         - Also known as Candlemas, Brigid's Day.
         - Death of the Holly King, ascent of the Oak King.
     3) Beltane
         - Generally sunset April 30 through sunrise May 1.
         - The birth of the Corn King, the waning of the Oak ing
         - The name may mean "fires of Bel", an ancient Sky god.
     4) Lammas
         - Generally August 2.
         - Also known as the Lady's Rite.
         - Celebration of the mating of the Corn King and the Mother.
  Minor Sabats
     1) Winter Solstice
         - The beginning of the 12 day Festival of Yule.
         - Crone becomes Maiden

     2) Spring Equinox
         - Also known as Vernal Equinox.
         - The 'official' beginning of spring (though not around here)
         - A celibratory time, when you can see light rerturning from the 
     3) Summer Solstice
         - Midsummer.
         - Maiden becomes Matron.
         - The longest day of the year- often  20 hours or more.
     4) Fall Equinox
         - Also known as Autumnal Equinox.
         - Matron becomes Crone.

This document is still in development, and I would greatly appreciate any 
feedback you folk care to send.