From: wynkoop@wa3yre.UUCP (Brett Wynkoop)
Subject: Wiccan elected to Interfaith Council leadership post. 17
Date: 26 Mar 1994 11:47:17 -0600

     On March 23rd, the annual elections for officers of the Interfaith
Council of Washington state were held near Seattle, and the Rt. Rev.Pete
Pathfinder Davis, senior ICW delegate and Archpriest of the Aquarian
Tabernacle Church (Wicca) was elected Council Vice President for a term
beginning on April 1st, 1994.  Rabbi Anson Laytner, outgoing President,
welcomed the new officers.  Elected President was Rev. Joyce Manson, a
Presbyterian minister and Church Council of Greater Seattle liason.  Rabbi
Laytner will remain on the Board of directors as Past President although he
has moved on to head the Seattle Multi-faith Aids Project as its Director.

     The Interfaith Council of Washington is composed of a maximum of three
delegates from each of the following member faith groups:
     Bahai, Brahma Kumari, Christian, Hindu, Islam, Mormon, Sufi, Sikh,
Theosophist,  Unitarian, Unity, and Wicca, and has been in existance for
approximately five years.  The ICW was a founding member of the North
American Interfaith Network, and hosted the NAIN organizational meeting in
1990.  Rev. Davis has actively participated since 1990.  The other two
Wiccan delegates are Ms. Deborah Hudson and  Albert Dudley.

     After the elections, several ICW members commented that there was real
harmony and enthusiasm among the group, much moreso than four years ago.
Rev. Davis commented that when he first came to the meetings, "there was an
undercurrent of tension that pervaded the meetings between disparate faith
group representatives, but during the intervening years, everyone seems to
have gotten comfortable with each others' "heresies" and now all work
closely and comfortably with each other on projects of mutual interest, a
testimonial to the worth of the Council."

This information has been released by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, which
may be reached for comment at or by US mail at PO Bx 57,
Index, WA  98256, or phone at  (206) 793-1945.  Blessed Be!

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        You cannot know the seasons till you've planted a garden
        Or gone to sea in a sailing ship.