Date: Tue, 11 Jan 94 13:32:52 EST
From: (Marc Power)
Subject: Eleusinian Mystery Tradition revisited

 Copyright (C) 1994 Eleusis
 Duplication, Distribution, Redistribution, Propagation and Reproduction
 unchanged and including this Copyright notice is hereby authorized.

 Let it be known that at 12 noon on Tuesday the 11th of January 1994
 in Manhattan in the State of New York within the United States of
 America the Mystery-School Eleusis was reincarnated.
 The Greater and Lesser Mysteries will again be revealed. 
 The Sacred Rites of Eleusis will be practiced again.
 Those who in Aeons past, were Initiates of this Order, may belong
 anew to its ranks.
 Those who have not sought the Mysteries before, may seek them here 
 and now.
 Correspondance and enquiries only to:
 28 Vesey Street
 Suite 2182
 New York
 NY 10007
 Please propogate this message to suitable networks, bulletin boards
 and special interest groups.