From: (Donal)
Subject: Re: Pagan/Wiccan magazines
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 93 13:28:59 CST

Here is a list I maintain on my board. Blessed Be!  :)

ZINELIST   Last Updated: 11/19/93
* indicates entries that are new to or modified in this update

Here is an ever expanding list of publications that deal with Pagans or
pagan-related issues. If you have anything to add to this list, or any
corrections to this info, please write to!

                            Blessed Be! - Donal

Disclaimer: No promise of accuracy or usefulness is made or implied, and
neither The Brewers' Witch nor it's owner may not be held liable for
any problems experienced through the use of this information. Be aware
that the Xian right COULD use a list like this and our own trusting
natures against us to get ahold of a pagan mailing list, so use this
info with intelligence and at your own risk.

Note: Entries showing (WPPA) indicates that the magazine is a member of
the Wiccan/Pagan Press Alliance, a network of Pagan Presses, Journals,
and Newsletters. The WPPA may be contacted for a list of member
publications at POB 1392, Mechanicsburg, PA  17055.


"Circle Network News" - The voice of Circle Network, an international
Neo-Pagan networking organization and largest newspaper of its kind in
the world. Includes news, rituals, contacts, gatherings. 24 page tabloid
published quarterly. $9/bulk rate, $13 first class and Canada, $17
elsewhere. Circle, Box 219, Mt. Horeb, WI  53572 (WPPA)

* "Council of the Magickal Arts" - (WPPA) Newsletter published quarterly
and mailed to all members. Individual membership is $10/year. The editor
may be contacted at CMA, P.O. Box 33274, Austin, TX  78764-3274, or at
by email

"The Crossroads" - I got a copy of this at CMA Beltane, 1993. This is
three friends trying to put out a quality Pagan 'zine with limited
resources, but they still do a pretty good job. May 1993 was issue #2...
2829 W. Northwest Hwy. #102, Dallas, TX  75220, 1 yr (8 issues) for $13
within the USA or $13US outside the USA.

"Druid Times" - A quarterly newsletter for the Druid and Pagan community.
Produced by Bri Leith Grove, ADF in Houston, TX. Subscription $5/year.
P.O. Box 205, Kemah, TX 77565.   Free copies obtainable in local occult
shops.    Issue #2 will be out later this week.

Enchante; 30 Charlton St #6F; New York NY 10014  $12/4 issues(?)  Concentration
on comedy and non-religious Paganism.

Fireheart; P.O. Box 462; Maynard MA 01754  $7/2 issues.  Glossy magazine with
deep and thought provoking articles.  Rarely comes out, often not making the
2 issues per year goal.

"Green Egg" - The official journal of The Church of All Worlds, a
Neo-Pagan nature religion dedicated to the celebration of life. 50+
pages of articles, news, reviews, contacts & more. Single copy $6.25,
Subscriptions: $15/yr(bulk mail) $21/yr (1st class) published quarterly.
POB 1542, Ukiah, CA  94482  (WPPA)

"HAM (How About Magick?)" - A quarterly publication for Pagan youths
published by Green Egg. Sample $2.25 Subscription $7/yr. POB 1542,
Ukiah, CA  94482

Harvest; P.O. Box 378; Southboro MA 01772  $15/8 issues.  Somewhat regional
with good networking. Articles are mixed with a concentration on practical
magick/ritual but with some controversial material.

Keltria; P.O. Box 33284; Mpls MN 55433  $8/4 issues. The Journal of Keltrian
Druidism.  Some articles on non-Celtic, non-druidic material.  Articles are
a bit short, but generally well done.

Khepera/Church of the Eternal Source; P.O. Box 7091; Burbank CA 91510-7091
$2.50/issue.  Journal of the CES a non-Wiccan reconstructionalist Egyptian
group.  In depth articles.  Strong religious focus.

Llewellyn's New Worlds of Mind and Spirit; free sample, Llewellyn, PO
Box 64383, St. Paul, MN  55164-0383

Magical Blend - A Transformative Journey; 234 W. 3rd St. #D; Chico, CA
95928; Published quarterly $4.95 at Whole Foods, $17/4, $29/8, $39/12,
or $49/20 issues. "An informative guide to progressive ideas about
psychology, sociology, spirituality, and art." Articles in the October
'93 issue include an interview with Taisha Abelar, a member of Carlos
Casteneda's Sorceror's Party, "Unearthing the Goddess" - an interview
with Marija Gimbutas, and an interview with Terrence McKenna. Modern
Neo-Paganism served in a package that won't make New Agers too

Moonrise; P.O. Box 606; Hadley MA 01035 $12/4 issues.  Journal of Pagan
controversy.  Issues of Pagan sociology and politics.  In depth theology.
Honest reviews and commentary.  Conservative and with an emphasis on non-
Wiccan Paganism.

New Moon Rising - Magazine of Magick and Wicca; "Donald Michael Kraig,
Lazaris and many others offer interesting and valuable metaphysical
information."; $3.50 for sample, $14/6 issues; send to Mystic Moon,
8818-b Troy St., Spring Valley, CA  91977

Sage Woman - Celebrating the Goddess in Every Woman; SASE for
brochure, $6 for sample or $18/1 year; P.O. Box 641MB; Pt. Arena, CA

Symphony - A newsletter of Magick and Harmony (WPPA). $10/yr, $18/2
yrs, published Quarterly. Just completed their first year. These are old
friends of Donal's (from his first coven) and their newsletter is worth
a look. POB 27465, San Antonio, TX  78227-0465

more to come...

Donal, SysAdmin of The Brewers' Witch BBS -- +1 713 272 7350  Pagans only!
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Home of the Light Bulb FPJ - write