Date: Sat, 9 Jul 1994 19:43:53 -0400 From: Hilda Marshall <> Subject: Faces of the Goddess I'd like to let you sisters know about a publication called Faces of the Goddess. It's a quarterly magazine that I write for regularly, and which always welcomes new input. The editor, Siannan, lists these topics as those in which she is seeking articles and/or columns: Feminine Psychology Goddess Spirituality Women's Issues/Rights Women's Roles in Ancient & Modern Cultures Women in the Work Force Personal Experiences & Empowerment Techniques What the Goddess Warrior Means To You or What Feminism Means Goddesses & Heroines Women of SciFi & Fantasy Powerful Female Role Models Fiction Featuring Powerful Heroines Goddess Poetry Book, Music, Movie Reviews Artwork Featuring Goddesses & Heroines Rates are - USA: $12 yearly, $3 sample copy Canada: $16 yearly, $4 sample copy Overseas: $20 yearly, $5 sample copy The address is: Faces of the Goddess, c/o Siannan, 12001 Ehrlich Rd., Crowslanding, CA 95313. Faces of the Goddess is a shoestring operation, so don't expect it to look desktop-published or have full-color pictures; but it covers a wide range of topics in a non-snobbish (and occasionally downright ungrammatical) way... Please don't mention this to Siannan, but I think her language skills could use a bit of work. She seems to think contractions are unacceptable, and doesn't want any article to run more than two pages double-spaced... so keep it short and sweet! Siannan would be overjoyed to see more women taking an interest in her woman-centered publication, and I always find it an interesting and diverse read. And she's always on the lookout for women artists! Love, Hilda