[I got this flyer from Susan in November -93. --Ceci]

A place for the Witches, Pagans, nature spirits, fey-folk, and assorted 
elder kin of Sherwood to share ideas, challenges, dreams, and projects, 
and to stir up a little magic of our own.

c/o Susan Gavula
3143 Homestead Commons #3
Ann Arbor, MI  48108
GEnie mail:  S.GAVULA1

A Craft/magical/Old Religion letterzine for the fans of Robin of 
Sherwood.  It seemed such a simple proposition at the time... Run it on 
contributions, photocopy it at the office, and publish whenever thereUs 
enough material to make it worthwhile... It was such a tiny acorn...
Now weUre bimonthly, and blessed with the most brilliant minds in the 
fandom!  Welcome to Cousins, a place for free and fearless exploration 
of the magical side of Richard Carpenter's Sherwood.

Cousins is patterned after those nifty computer bulletin boards, where 
you flip a switch and hit a few keys and a long list of "articles" 
appears on your screen for you to choose from.  Each is written by 
someone who shares your interest in a particular subject, and who is 
interested in continuing dialogue with more than one person at once.  
Cousins is a similar kind of forum, where Robin of Sherwood fans can 
discuss the magical and Old Religion aspects of the show freely.  We 
also might try...


Are you one of those people who is constantly accused of being a 
Nerdopagan for muttering about how the Death card doesn't really mean 
death while everybody else is trying to watch The Inheritance?  Well, 
here's your chance to really strut your stuff.  What did you find 
appropriate, disturbing, inconsistent, revealing, or just too magically 
useful to put on TV?  Let's hear it!


Maybe you're suffering from writer's block or besieged by 
mechanical/electronic difficulties.  Maybe you've sprained your wrist or 
misplaced your faith in humanity.  Cousins can be a place to request 
healing for yourself or for someone you love.


If there are a lot of us in a given area, perhaps we might get together 
and hold a special circle of our own!  I won't print anybody's address 
without permission, but if you'd like to be listed here for purposes of 
exchanging correspondence and invitations I'll be happy to honor that 
request too.


What else can we share as a group-within-a-group?  Send along your 
questions, comments, book reviews, favorite spells, ideas, opinions, 
recommendations of literature or films, and what Sherwood and its 
denizens mean to you.  If you have fiction, poetry, or artwork that 
deals with the Craft/magical aspects of RoS, Cauldron is a good place to 
send it:


c/o Kate Raymond & Morn Geiger
P.O. Box 516
Midlothian, IL  60445

Solicitations for zine submissions, zine and convention flyers,  
requests for cast photos and bios, and other fan club business should be 
sent to:

Spirit of Sherwood

c/o Chris Haire & Denise Hamlin
1276 W. Marshall
Ferndale, MI  48220


Craft names and pseudonyms are perfectly kosher, but please put some 
name on your letter so that people will be able to refer to it in their 
replies.  Please use asterisks or arrows or a separate page to separate 
your Cousins letter from your personal correspondence, so that nothing 
ends up in print that wasnUt intended to!  Text files on floppy disks 
and email are the best of all, but please also enclose a paper copy of 
your letter just in case.  Also, remember that Cousins is about RoS, 
magic, Paganism, and related topics - but everyone in our Who We Are 
listing is a potential penpal with whom you can explore other shared 

To participate in Cousins, please fill out this box and send it in.  
Subscription rates are:

$15 (US)/#15 (UK)	SERF:  Student or unemployed
$20 (US)/#20 (UK)	YEOMAN:  Marginally employed
$30 (US)/#30 (UK)	GUILD MEMBER:  Has good job

*Please note:  The UK rates are in pounds

Samples $3 

Email subscriptions are of course free!

ThereUs room for everyone with an open heart and a love of the 
greenwood!  Blessed be!

Name:	___________________________________________________



Brief self-description/special interests:	



May I print your name and address?	 Yes	 No

Blessed be,
