From: (Vanessa)
Subject: Re: The Pagan Federation + Reps
Date: 26 Apr 94 14:18:51 BST

Umm, third time lucky... Right for anyone interested in what the Pagan
Federation is and does then read on.

The P.F was founded in 1971 to provide information and for
anti-deformation work about Paganism.  Although it started off as a
Wiccan organisation it is NOW representative of many Pagan paths.  It
is the sum of its members and we are a pretty diverse bunch.  There
are around 1500 members, representing Wiccans, Hereditarys, Druidry,
Asatru + Shamanism.  For any of you who read Feorag's message about
the P.F she is sadly behind the times.  The P.F has a wide range of
paths represented - something that will grow as more people turn to

The P.F works to provide information + to counter misconceptions about
Pagans.  It provides contact between Pagan groups, and helps newcomers
to Paganism find particular groups if they wish.  We work for contact
between various branches of European Paganism, and world-wide Pagan
organisations.  One of the most important functions of the P.F is that
we are there to provide information to bodies such as social Services,
the Police etc and general public if there is a scare such as ritual
abuse, or people just want to know more.

O.K thats all the "worthy" bits of P.F work but there is the local
activities to.  I, Vanessa, and my partner, Mark, are regional
co-ordinators for the Twickenham area.  I follow a
Traditional/Hereditary path while Mark follows a Shamanistic one.
Infact the past two Surrey P.F co-ordinators have been Shamans, while
the present ones for the Ealing area is Druidic... the more paths
represented the merrier really. On a local level we have monthly
(which somehow turned into twice-monthly recently!) pub moots where
people can socialise and realise that they aren't on their own.  There
will be an Earth healing ritual on June 5th, and various rituals at
Equinox's and Festivals are taking place.  The rituals are
representative of the paths present so everyone has a chance to
participate + make suggestions. It's great for those new to Paganism
to have a taster + participate to a level that they feel comfortable
with.  As people seemed to enjoy the P.F benefit gig at the Marquee,
Charing Cross Road, London may be another will go ahead - we basically
do things that people suggest and have a bloody good time in the

All paths are welcome as I said, and something great is being born out
of such diversity... the Pagan Community is learning to get along +
accept different ways of doing things.  Look at the Talking Stick +
Wildwood Conferences recently - would that have happened ten years

Anyone interested should contact:
      The Pagan Federation
      BM BOX 7097
      WC1N 3XX
There is a quarterly journal 'the Wiccan' founded in 1968 that
advertises Pagan events going on in the U.K, + lively debate.  The
Annual Conference is always a laugh especially the Wild Hunt Morris
men , and Terry Pratchett when they made appearences.  There are
regional gatherings and newsletters in addition throughout the year.

Anyone can join if they are over 18 + agree with the following ideas:
   	which transcend gender, without suppression of either aspects.

Annual subs to 'the Wiccan' magazine is:
1)	6 pounds - UK
2)	8 pounds/ 25 DM, $15 - Europe
3)	10 pounds/ 30 DM, $18 - Elsewhere
If you want to become an Associate Member then write a bit about
yourself + path and ask for a Membership form - see it's easy and the
three principles aren't exlusive of diverse paths.

Well thats all folks but if you didn't die of boredom while I went on
the write to the P.F, or you can contact me via e-mail
(  It would be lovely to hear from some of you out
in alt.pagan land...

Bright Blessings    
[The e-mail address above doesn't look like it would work.]
[In any case it should end in uk.  --Ceci                 ]