From: (Jim Brewster)
Newsgroups: alt.pagan
Subject: Re: What *is* Druidism Anyway?
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 1994 17:42:35 -0500

( Natalie Overstreet wrote:
> Now, I know that I can call 1-800-DRUIDRY, but can somebody here
> give me a synopsis before I run up the phone bill of ADF?  If
> someone could enumerate how it's different from other neopagan
> faiths, esp. Wicca, that would be very helpful.

Druidism, in general, is at least inspired by the original druids, who
were the priest class of pre-christian Celtic cultures. How far they
go to recreate the rituals and practices of the druids can vary, but
is generally hampered by the fact that the original druids didn't
write things down!  What survives of their lore was what was written
down by monks in the early christian era, and what information comes
to us from folklore and artifacts.

Theologically, druidism is pretty similar to Wicca: the divinity of
nature, dignity, freedom, and responsibility of humanity, stuff like
that. There is less emphasis in druidism (at least ADF) on male/female

ADF is just one sect of druidism, but the one I am most familiar
with. I am not a member, but have attended some of their rituals and
gatherings. ADF is an organized religion, with Isaac Bonewitz as
Arch-Druid for life. Being a member of ADF means belonging to a Grove
and paying dues. They incourage excellence in various pursuits such as
scholarship, leadership, healing, art, etc.

ADF celebrates the same solar holidays as are celebrated in Wicca,
basically the old Celtic agricultural festivals. They hold public
rituals, meaning that all are invited to attend and participate. This
is in line with the idea that the original druids were priests to the
general population. The rituals are different in many details but
serve the same functions as other pagan rituals: establishing sacred
space, invoking dieity, celebrating nature and community.

I hope this helps.

Jim Brewster                                          /\_/\                                    /     \    
                                                    /  @ @  \
'I'm a radical, but not fanatical;                  \ =| |= /
'cuz life's too mysterious to take so serious!'        \^/            