From: (Al Billings)
Newsgroups: alt.pagan,alt.magick,alt.mythology
Subject: The Vitki (working title)
Date: 24 Nov 1993 07:10:08 GMT

Please pass this around. It is a working announcement for a new 'zine.
The _Mountain Thunder_ mentioned in it was a very well done Asatru
magazine that recently ceased publication. _Idunna_ is the official
journal of the Ring of Troth, the Asatru organization that I belong to
(and the largest in North America).



Now that _Mountain Thunder_ is no more (for those that haven't heard,
Mountain Thunder just quit publishing), there is really only one *good*
journal for Asatru and things Germanic and that is _Idunna_. Unfortunatly
in some ways, _Idunna_ is published by the Ring of Troth *for* the Ring of
Troth. This is not a problem in and of itself but there are many people
doing things outside the realm of the Ring. _Idunna_ focueses primarily on
Asatru as a religion and the Ring of Troth as an organization. 

The reason I mention this is that *my* personal areas of interest are such
things as runic magic, seidhr, and ritual. While I am Asatru, I am also a
magical practitioner. _Idunna_ publishes articles on these topics but not
many and not often. Their emphasis is on the religious side instead of the
magical. While _Mountain Thunder_ was being published, it provided a forum
for both the magical and religious sides of Asatru and other Northern
European paths. Obviously, this is no longer the case and a gap has been
left for the publication of articles to do with the magical side of the
Northern Traditions. To remedy this, I have been thinking of publishing a
small 'zine called (at least for the moment) _The Vitki_. The focus of
this journal would be runic magic, seidhr, and other magical aspects of
Asatru and the Northern Traditions of Europe. I know of a number of people
doing work with Seidhr or with Runic magic that would enjoy having a forum
to publish articles and to "talk shop" in as well as inform others of what
they are doing. I assume there are others out there as well. 

My intention in writing this is to test the waters to see if there is much
interest in this sort of 'zine and to convince people who may have
material to send some of it to me. If I receive a lot of interest and if I
can get enough material together ahead of time for at least two issues of
this 'zine, then I will go ahead and put it together and publish (probably
with the help of the other Asatru in my Kindred). If you have something to
send or if you are interested and want to give me comments, please send
mail to me at: 

 Al Billings
 The Vitki Project
 PO Box 1972
 Seattle, WA 98111-1972

I will also accept e-mail comments on my BBS, The Sacred Grove
(206)322-5450 or on the Internet at or

Al Billings aka
Grendel Grettisson

| Al Billings aka Grendel Grettisson        | "You are, each one, a priest,  |
|           |      Just for yourself."       |
| Sysop of The Sacred Grove (206)322-5450   |                                |
| Admin for Troth-L, The Asatru E-Mail List |             -Noble Drew Ali-   |