Copyright 1994 by Lewis Stead, permission granted for free
distribution.  Please send additions and corrections to Lewis Stead;
11160 Veirs Mill Rd L15-175; Wheaton MD 20902 or through e-mail to


The Ring of Troth P.O.  Box 25637; Tempe, AZ 85285-5637 The Ring is an
international organization for Norse Pagans of any type.  It is
governed by an appointed High Rede of 9 persons who guide the national
affairs of the Ring.  They offer a number of programs including an
Elder training program for prospective clergy, and recognition for
local Kindreds.  Dues are $24 and include a subscription to Idunna.
If one does not wish to join, Friends of the Troth may receive Idunna
for $24 as well.  Family memberships are $33 and include 1 copy of

The Raven Kindred Association 11160 Veirs Mill Rd L15-175; Wheaton MD
20902 The Raven Kindred Association offers correspondence connections,
help with setting up kindreds, regional coordination, booklets and
pamphlets as well as sponsoring a New Year's/Yule Thing.  Membership
is available to kindreds or individuals who agree with the RKA
Declaration of Principles.  The RKA strongly encourages its members to
join other affiliations in addition to the RKA.

Skergard 9155 Dyer (#B-80-158); El Paso, TX 79924 Skergard is a small
alliance in the SouthWest with three kindreds and a journal.  They are
governed by a High Rede and Asst.  High Rede, in conjunction with a
council of Gothar, representing each God or Goddess.


Asatru Fellowship of Illinois; 858 W.  Armitage (Suite 139); Chicago,
IL 60614
Asatru Fellowship of Ohio; PO Box 271; Carrollton, OH 44615
Barnstokker Garth; PO Box 1972; Seattle, WA 98111
Chimney Rock Kindred; PO Box 448; Bayard, NE 69334
Dragon's Hearth; 1015 Rutledge Ave; Phoenixville, PA 19460
Erntefreude Hearth; 322 Cedar Ave; Highland Park, NJ 08904
Eyvindr Hearth; 210 Alamo; Las Vegas, NM 87701
Fire and Ice Kindred; PO Box 10036; Cranston, RI 02910
First Iowa Church of Asatru; 1600 Buterfield (Suite #211); Dubuque, IO
Freya's Folk Hearth; 537 Jones St #165; San Francisco, CA 94102
Fridrik Kindred; PO Box 1245; Frederick, MD 21702
Garrison Hearth; RD3 Box 298; Averill Park, NY 12018
GŽring ThŽod; PO Box 8062; Watertown, NY 13601
Glen VŽdis Hearth; 19710 63rd Lane NE; Seattle WA 98155
Gray Wolf Kindred; PO Box 441308; Indianapolis IN 46244
Hamilton Hearth; 15558 Spangler Rd; Dillsboro, IN 47018
Hamm Hearth; PO Box 8152; Bridgeport, CT 06605-0996
Hammer Oak Kindred; 1517 San Francisco (Suite #4); Berkeley, CA 94703
Hammer of Thor Kindred; PO Box 222514; Carmel, CA 93922
Hammerstead Kindred; PO Box 22379; Lexington, KY 40522
Heidentor Hearth; 1314 1/2 Lindsley St; Sandusky, OH 44870
Herig Hearg; PO Box 7055; Bryan OH 43506
Hrafnaheimr Garth; 7954 West Third St; Los Angeles, CA 90048
Hrafnar Garth; PO Box 5521; Berkeley, CA 94705
Irminsul Garth; PO Box 18812; Austin, TX 78760
Margivegr Group; 1550 Larimer (Suite #170); Denver, CO 80202
Moonstar Hearth; 1264-L Sheridan Dr.; Lancaster, OH 43130
Mountain Moot Kindred; PO Box 328; Elizabeth, CO 80107
N’und Bara Garth; PO Box 4371; Sunland, CA 91041
Nordland Hearth; PO Box 596; Marshall, MN 56258
Ratakosk Kindred; PO Box 216; Sherwood, OR 97140
Raven Kindred North; PO Box 1137; Sturbridge, MA 01566
Raven Kindred South; 11160 Veirs Mill Rd L15-175; Wheaton, MD 20902
Raven Kindred Vermont; PO Box 1002; Rutland, VT 05701
Ravenswood Kindred; PO Box 212; Sheridan, IN 46069
Ravenwood Sibja; PO Box 1012; Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
Skergard Garth; PO Box 1755 (Suite #250); Nederland, CO 80466
Skergard's Fjallagard Hearth; PO Box 233; Rollinsville, CO 80474
Skergard's Fjallaheim Hearth; 10621 Birthstone; El Paso, TX 79925
Skergard's Naglfar Hearth; 6856 Amster Rd; Richmond, VA 23225
Torwald Kindred; PO Box 417; Rollinsville, CO 80474
Ullrshavn Hearth; PO Box 84396; Fairbanks, AK 99708
Ullsbekk Kindred; PO Box 1156; Denver, CO 80201
Vlissinger Garth; 4019 164th St (Suite #586); Flushing, NY 11358
Vrilhof Hearth; PO Box 472; Cambridge, MA 02139
Wednesbury ThŽod; Route 1, Box 120; Huntsville, MO 65259
Wolfraven Steading; PO Box 1349; Browns Mills, NJ 08015
Yggdrasil Kindred; PO Box 23940; Tucson, AZ 85734
Zakharias Steading; 984 East 900 South; Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Hlidhskjalf Garth; 1513 Thurlow St; Orleans Ontario K4A-2K9 CANADA
Northern Light Hearth; PO Box 8427; Victoria, BC V8W-3S1 CANADA
Wolf's-Joint Hearth; PO Box 36097; Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J-3S9 CANADA

Recommended Magazines:

Idunna -- $24/year.  The journal of the Ring of Troth.  Idunna
concentrates on fairly heavy academic subjects, runelore, translations
etc within a religious framework.

Asatru Today -- $15/year, 11160 Veirs Mill Rd L15-175; Wheaton, MD
20902.  Independent Asatru journal.  Concentrates on modern religious
Asatru with community news and announcements.

Fjallabok -- $24/year, P.O.  Box 233; Rollinsville, CO 80474.  Monthly
magazine which also acts as newsletter for Skergard.  General Asatru
articles and some controversial opinions.

Theod -- $15/year.  P.O.  Box 8062, Watertown, NY 13601.  Journal of
Theodish Belief, the ancient Anglo-Saxon religion very closely related
to Asatru.  Digest sized with nice layout.

The Runestone -- $10/year; P.O.  Box 445; Nevada City CA 95959.
Published by Stephen McNallen & Maddy Hutter, this is the
reincarnation of the AFA's seminal journal on Asatru.  Interesting
commentary, interested in heroic viking past.

Recommended Books:

A Book of Troth by Edred Thorsson (Not a book without imperfections,
but presents the basic rituals of Asatru).

Myth and Religion of the North, E.O.G.  Turville-Petre (Excellent
academic introduction to Norse mythology.)

The Norse Myths, Kevin Crossley Holland (basic mythology in modern
language and retelling, excellent for readings or meditation)

Our Troth by The Ring of Troth & Friends of the Troth.  (A huge volume
of Norse rituals and belief compiled by The Ring of Troth from its
members and associates.  Highly Recommended.  $17 postpaid for Ring of
Troth members, $25 for non-members.)

The Poetic Edda, Lee Hollander translation (basic mythology in an
excellently translated poetic version.)

The Prose Edda, Jean Young translation (basic mythology)

Rhinegold, Stephan Grundy.  (Novel retelling the Volsung Saga, written
from a modern Asatru Viewpoint.  Gives an excellent picture of ancient
Germanic life and religion.)

The Raven Kindred Ritual Book (basic text on Asatru ritual and
beliefs, $8 from  Asatru Today.  Available for free download from
online services or Moonrise BBS at (301)Ê593-9609 or e-mail to

The Road To Hel, and any other works by H.R.  Ellis-Davison (All her
works are excellent introductions to Norse myth and worldview)

Teutonic Religion, Kveldulfr Gundarsson (basic text on modern Germanic

Computer Network Resources:

There is a Runes & Asatru conference on the Pagan/Occult Distribution
System (PODSnet).  The following are long term stable boards: The
Mountain Oracle, Colorado: 719-380-7886, Mysteria, California:
818-353-8891, Sacred Grove, Washington State: 1-206-322-5450,
Moonrise, Maryland/DC: 301-593-9609, Baphonet, New Jersey:
1-201-434-5026, Pandora's Box, Ottawa Canada: 613-829-1209, PODS,
Sydney Australia: 61-2-833-1848, PODS Melbourne Australia:

The Troth Line is an internet mailing list for Asatru.  To subscribe,
send a message to consisting of the following
message: "subscribe troth <name>".  The list itself is at  The list operates by echoing messages to your
e-mail account and is accessable through America Online, CompuServe,
Delphi, and tens of thousands of other locations.

An excellent FTP archive of Pagan material can be found at and includes a section dedicated to Asatru and
Norse Paganism.