AS APPROVED AT ALTHING, JUNE 17, 1989
 1.   The Asatru Alliance is a free association of independent kindreds
      and in-dividuals seeking to preserve and protect the ancient faith
      of our ancestors.
 2.   The Alliance shall be organized along tribal/democratic lines
      permitting the full expression of our religious opinions, opting
      for the preserva-tion and sanctity of our Asatru Faith.
 3.   The Alliance is apolitical; it is not a front for, nor shall it
      promote any political views of the 'Right' or 'Left'.  Our Sacred
      temples, groves and Moots shall remain free of any political
 4.   We respect the right of any member to hold his or her political
      beliefs.  You are expected to keep them within at all functions.
 5.   The Alliance has no established priesthood.  Each kindred should
      have its own spiritual leader, or Gothi/Gythia to attend to its own
      spiritual and tribal needs.
 6.   The Alliance will promote the growth of Asatru through the
      sponsoring of national and regional Things and Moots.  We will
      promote the growth of Asatru through the publishing of books,
      magazines and newsletters.
      Arizona Kindred will be responsible for the publishing and
      distribution of materials through mail order.  Arizona Kindred will
      also publish and distribute a seasonal magazine containing news and
      relevant articles pertaining to our Faith and the Alliance.
 7.   A spokesperson will represent the Alliance to the public and serve
      as liaison between kindreds and other Asatru groups.  This
      spokesperson will serve for one year and cannot succeed himself.
      This spokesperson will be chosen by a simple majority vote of
      delegates at AlThing.
 1.   The Alliance will promote the growth of Asatru and the
      establishment of Kindreds.
 2.   The Alliance will not interfere with the functions of kindreds
      unless petitioned by a majority of members of such kindred for aid
      from the whole Alliance.
 3.   Kindreds are free to apply for membership to the Alliance, or leave
      the Alliance, as voted upon by a majority of the local kindred
 4.   A kindred shall consist of at least three members.
 5.   Alliance kindreds are strongly urged to incorporate or be chartered
      by a legally incorporated Alliance kindred.
 6.   Each kindred is expected to send at least one delegate to the
      AlThing each year.  No attendance, no vote.
 7.   Kindreds are expected to hold meetings on a regular basis.
 8.   Each kindred will be assessed the sum of ten dollars per member to
      support the publishing and distribution of the Alliance magazine.
      This is on a yearly basis.  Each kindred will be supplied with an
      appropriate number of magazines to distribute to its membership.
 9.   Any kindred can be removed for cause from the Alliance by the
      majority vote of AlThing delegates at any AlThing.
 1.   Any member of an Alliance kindred is a member of the Alliance.
 2.   Any person wishing to join the Alliance should apply for membership
      with the kindred of his choice.  If you are accepted, you have the
      choice of full kindred membership, or associate membership through
      that kindred.  Associate memberships will be assessed 20 dollars per
 3.   Three or more associate members can band together to form a kindred
      and petition the Alliance for kindred status at the next AlThing.
 4.   Kindreds may petition the Alliance for membership status, the
      acceptance or rejection of that petition to be decided upon at the
      AlThing following the receipt of the petition by majority vote of
      the attending delegates.  Kindreds who petition the Alliance for
      membership may do so after an election of the kindred by majority
      vote of the membership to join the Alliance.
 1.   These By-Laws are to be approved or amended at each AlThing.
 2.   Only delegates attending the AlThing shall have voting rights.
 3.   Kindreds or individuals shall not be represented in voting matters
      at any AlThing by proxy.
 4.   Voting rights at any AlThing of associate members are to be
      determined by kindred delegates by majority vote at any given

The address of the Asatru Alliance is:
 P.O. Box 961,
 Payson, Arizona 85547