Date: Fri, 24 Jun 1994 11:01:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joy Williams <>
Subject: Glossary of lovestyle terms

Glossary of Relationship
(arranged conceptually rather than alphabetically) 
Compiled by the Triskelion Family of the Church of All Worlds

LOVE_ That condition wherein the other person's happiness is essential
to your own.  (Robert A. Heinlein, SISL)

SEXUALOVE_ The synergic fusing of love and sexuality into a single
erotic emotion in an intimate relationship.

COMPERSION_ Warm happy feelings experienced when noticing ones loved
ones enjoying loving relationships with others. (Kerista) The opposite
of jealousy.

JEALOUSY_ Neurotic anxiety based on fear of losing control over a
partner one regards as a possession.

JEALOUS_ Resentfully envious or suspicious of rival influences.  

LOVESTYLE_ Refers to the design of a sexualove relationship style.
Like the term "lifestyle," it implies a conscious choice.

HETEROSEXUAL/STRAIGHT_ (hetero=different) A lovestyle orientation in
which sexualove is experienced only between members of opposite sexes.

HOMOSEXUAL/GAY_ (homo=same) A lovestyle orientation in which sexualove
is experienced only between members of the same sex..

BISEXUAL/BI_ (bi=two) A lovestyle orientation in which sexualove is
experienced both between members of the same and opposite sexes.

DYAD_ A sexualove relationship consisting of two primary partners.

TRIAD_ The most basic and common form of multipartner relationship,
consisting of three adult primary partners, usually two of one sex and
one of the other.

PRIMARY RELATIONSHIP_ A committed, long term, live in sexualove
relationship which may or may not include marriage and/or shared

SECONDARY RELATIONSHIP_ An ongoing sexualove relationship in which the
partners usually do not live together, and do not consider their
relationship a first priority.

TERTIARY RELATIONSHIP_ A friendly but casual sexualove relationship of
an occasional or temporary nature.

OPEN RELATIONSHIP_ A sexualove relationship in which the partners have
agreed that each may independently form outside sexualove

CLOSED/EXCLUSIVE RELATIONSHIP_ A sexualove relationship in which the
partners have agreed to have no other lovers outside of the

INCLUSIVE RELATIONSHIP_ An intimate sexualove relationship in which
all partners have agreed to form a synergistic group and in which each
dyad is warm and trusting.  The existing relationship may expand to
include more people with mutual consent.

MULTIMATE RELATIONSHIP_ Similar to an inclusive relationship or
expanded family, but all partners are primary, whether or not they are

MULTIPARTNER RELATIONSHIP_ Any non monogamous lovestyle.

CONDOM COMMITMENT_ An agreement among all the members of any open
sexualove relationship group that all partners be tested for sexually
transmitted diseases, and that condoms be used with any lovers outside
of the group.

MARRIAGE_ A contractually committed partnership, including sexualove,
cohabitation, shared economy/property and mutual childrearing.

OPEN MARRIAGE_ A marriage of two partners that is not sexually
exclusive, but permits either or both partners to have other lovers
outside of the primary relationship within the marriage.

GROUP MARRIAGE_ (see Polygamy) Marriage in which three or more adult
partners are married to each other.  A group marriage may be open,
closed or inclusive.

PLURAL MARRIAGE_ A term often applied to Mormon style polygyny.  All
wives may live together, or each may have her own home.

OPEN GROUP MARRIAGE_ A marriage of three or more adult partners that
is not sexually exclusive, but permits partners to have other outside

LINE MARRIAGE_ An inclusive group marriage designed to continue in
perpetuity as new members may be added by mutual consent of the
existing partners, replacing any who leave or die.  (Robert
A. Heinlein)

CORPORATE MARRIAGE_ A group marriage that is legally structured and
registered as a corporate entity, whether a DBA, Partnership, Trust,
Corporation or other legal form

MONOGAMY_ (mono=one; gamy=marriage) The practice or state of being
married to only one person at a time.  Sexual exclusivity is implied.

MONOGAMOUS_ Inclined, capable and desiring of sexual exclusivity in a
marriage with a single partner.

SERIAL MONOGAMY_ The most common lovestyle in the US today.  Consists
of being married to one partner at a time with frequent changes in

NON MONOGAMY_ (see Polyamory) Any lovestyle which allows more than one
sexualoving relationship at the same time.

POLYAMORY_ (poly=many; amor=love) The practice, state or ability of
having multiple sexualove partners at the same time.  (Otter G'Zell)

POLYAMOROUS_ Inclined, capable and desiring of having multiple
sexualove partners at the same time.  (Morning Glory Zell)

POLYGAMY_ (poly=many; gamy=marriage) The practice or state of being
married to two or more partners at the same time.  No limitations are
implied as to the sex or number of the partners.  The generic term for
group marriages.

POLYGAMOUS_ Inclined, capable and desiring of marriage with several
partners at the same time.
POLYGYNY_ (poly=many; gyno=woman) Polygamy in which one man has two or
more wives at the same time.

POLYANDRY_ (poly=many; andro=man) Polygamy in which one woman has two
or more husbands at the same time.

POLYFIDELITY_ (poly=many; fidelis=faithful) The state or practice of
sexual exclusivity among a group of three or more primary partners.
(Kerista) A closed group marriage emphasizing equal primacy of all

POLYFIDELITOUS_ Inclined, capable and desiring of sexual exclusivity
among a group of three or more primary partners. (Kerista)

PROMISCUOUS_ (pro=forth; miscere=to mix) Engaging in casual sexual
relations with many persons indiscriminately.

SWINGING_ Sport sex for couples.  A form of non sexually exclusive
monogamy in which two primary partners agree to have casual sex with
other couples or singles as long as there is no emotional involvement.

SWAPPING_ A form of swinging in which two or more primary partnered
couples exchange partners for recreational sex.

FAMILY_ A group of adults and/or children bound together by ties of
mutual commitment, primary relationships, intimacy and shared lives,
and regarding themselves as a family.

CELLULAR FAMILY_ A multi adult family whose structure allows new
partners to be added to the family with mutual consent.

EXPANDED FAMILY_ A lovestyle in which three or more partners
consciously choose a committed, multiple, primary, sexualoving
relationship.  Rules about outside partners vary, as does sexual

CLAN_ An extended family, including secondary and tertiary
relationships, who regard themselves as a clan.

TRIBE_ An affiliation of families and clans sharing common values,
customs and traditions, and regarding themselves as a tribe.

INTIMATE NETWORK (INTINET)_ A web of lovers in varying degrees of
intimate relationships within a social circle.

NEST_ A congregation of the Church of All Worlds, bound together by
ties of intimacy and water brotherhood.

WATER BROTHERS_ Members of an intimate network who have pledged
themselves in a water sharing ceremony to lifelong mutual committment.

FREEMATE, PARAMOUR, CONSORT_ Terms used to describe nonmarried members
of a multimate relationship.

CO WIFE, CO HUSBAND_ Terms used to descibe one's other partners in a
group marriage.

SPIRITUALITY_ One's personal attitudes, practices, observances and
relationships with the non material realm apart from any cultural

RELIGION_ (Latin religio=re linking) A body of expressions of sacred
myths, metaphors, observances and practices in a given cultural
context designed to connect individuals with Divinity and heal the
alienation between polarized aspects of existence.

DIVINITY_ The fullest level of aware consciousness accessible to any
living being, manifesting itself in the self actualization of that

IMMANENT DIVINITY_ The theological position that Nature includes
Divinity; that Divinity is a quality, not a quantity, and may be found
within rather than without.  Expressed in the phrase "Thou art
God/dess."  (Robert A. Heinlein, SISL)

PAGAN_ (Latin paganus=peasant or country dweller) Of or pertaining to
indigenous (native) pantheistic folk religions and peoples.  A person
who worships nature, considers life to be sacred, and identifies with
others who accept the label of Pagan.

CHURCH_ A body of adherents to the same religion.

CHURCH OF ALL WORLDS_ A Neo Pagan religion founded in 1962 and
incorporated March 4, 1968.  Taking its name and much of its founding
philosophy from Robert Heinlein's 1961 novel, Stranger in a Strange
Land, CAW is inspired by science fiction as mythology, and is
dedicated to the celebration of Life, the maximal actualization of
human potential, and the realization of ultimate individual freedom
and personal responsibility in harmonious eco psychic relationship
with the total biosphere of Holy Mother Earth.

Joy Williams /
Scion in the Church of All Worlds