From: (Tyagi Mordred Nagasiva) Newsgroups: alt.magick,alt.religion.all-worlds Subject: LRonHubbard/RobHeinlein and Religions (OZell/AWBW) Date: Fri, 10 Dec 93 23:13:55 PST 931210 A while back we were having a discussion about Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard and Robert Heinlein either in a.magick or in a.r.all-worlds. I suggested that I'd ask the folks over at the Church if they had any ideas on the matter, especially about the differences between the motives of the latter two. This was their response via email: _____________________________________________________________________ ~Date: Thu, 2 Dec 93 00:47 EST To: Tyagi <> ~Subject: RE: alt.magick/alt.r.a-w! :> This is Adam Walks Between Worlds and Otter and I are sitting here together going over the email. He asked me to respond to your note. Actually LRH did indeed mean to found a religion and make a bundle at it and history shows he was more financially successful than any other religious founder in his own lifetime. An envious record which may someday be matched by Rush Limbaugh :) All kidding aside, LRH was in the business of religion and spoke openly about it all the way up until it became impolitic to do so and long after it became impolite. Remember that up until Scientology, LRH made his money from pulp SF -- deemed an unworthy occupation until well into the '60s and then largely because of the genius of such writers as Heinlein, Asimov and Cklarke -- and as a cheap con artist. He was wanted at several times for his flim-flam act and even swindled the famous Jack Parsons, rocket scientist, foun der of the Jet Propulsion Labns in Pasadena and Lodge Master for the OTO's American Lodge in LA. RAH, on the other hand, emphatically refused that he was attempting to set up a religion on many occasions -- see some of the letters in his posthumous collection "Grumbles from Beyond the Grave." He said something about wanting the money from his books and wishing to leave the cults outside or some thing like that. On the other hand, RAH enjoyed the pagan emergenced and seemed pleased to have provided some inspiritation. In private correspondence with the Zells and others, he spoke well of pagansism and seemed to have quite a body of knowledge in magick and alternate interpretations of history. He was intensely interested in social, political and cognitive change and experimentat ion, but found a religion, no. You may be interested to read my article concerning Heinlein's magickal methods and messages from Stranger in a Strange Land. The article ran for three issues -- the longest article to run in GE history -- from issues 97 to 99. These issues are avialble from CAW although rumor has it they're going fast! :) ___________________________________________________________________________ In case you didn't know it, 'GE' is an abbreviation for 'Green Egg', which is the publication put out by the Church of All Worlds. Enjoy. Tyagi Nagasiva