The Lore of Brosingamene

            All day had Freyja,    most lovely of the Goddesses,
                    played and romped    in the fields.
                       Then did She lay down to rest.

             And whilst She slept    deft Loki, the Prankster,
                     the Mischief-Maker    of the Gods,
                did espy the glimmering    of Brosingamene,
                formed of Galdra,    Her constant companion.

                      Silent as night    did Loki move
              to the Goddess' side and,    with fingers formed
        over the ages in lightness,    did remove the silver circlet
                     from about    Her snow-white neck.

           Straightway did Freyja arouse,    on sensing its loss.
              Though He moved    with the speeds of the winds
          yet Loki She glimpsed    as He passed swiftly from sight
                  into the Barrow    that leads to Dreun.

                       Then was Freyja    in despair.
           Darkness descended all about Her    to hide Her tears.
               Great was Her anguish.    All light, all life,
                    all creatures joined    in Her doom.

                 To all corners    were sent the Searchers,
                    in quest of Loki;    yet knew they,
          they would not find him.    For who is there may descend
                into Dreun and return    again from thence?

                Excepting the Gods themselves    and, alack,
                    mischievous Loki.    So it was that,
              still weak from grief,    Freyja Herself elected
                  to descend in search of    Brosingamene.

             At the portals of the Barrow    was She challenged
        yet recognized and passed.    The multitude of souls within
            cried joyfully to see Her    yet could She not tarry
                     as She sought    Her stolen light.

               The infamous Loki    left no trail to follow,
        yet was He everywhere past seen.    Those to whom She spake
          held to Freyja - Loki carried no Jewel    as He went by.
       Where, then, was it hid?     In despair She search for an age.

                 Hearhden the mighty,    smith of the Gods,
                         did arise    from His rest
                  to sense the bewailment    of the souls
                           to Freya's    sorrow.

       Striding from His smithy,    to find the cause of the sorrow,
                     did He espy    the Silver Circlet
                  where Loki Mishief-Maker    had laid it:
                     upon the rock    before His door.

                Then all was clear.    As Hearhden took hold
              of Brosingamene,    did Loki appear before Him,
      His face wild with rage.    Yet would Loki not attack Hearhden,
      this Mighty Smith    whose strength was know even beyond Dreun.

                By wiles and tricks    did He strive to get
                   His hands upon    the silver circlet.
               He shape-shifted;    He darted here and there;
     He was visible then invisible.    Yet could He not sway the smith.

          Tiring of the fight,    Hearhden raised His mighty club.
             Then sped Loki away.    Great was the Freyja's Joy
                    when Hearhden placed    Brosingamene
                  once more    about Her show-white neck.

            Great were the cries of Joy    from Dreun and above.
                   Great were the thanks    that Freyja,
                      and all Men,    gave to the Gods
                     for the return    of Brosingamene.

             It was that Hulda,    Goddess of the Nether-Realms
                 appeared with Loki    and spake to Freyja,
         saying that She could not    leave Dreun without payment.
        Freyja was again in despair,    saying that She had nothing.

                          Loki it was    that said
                  She held Brosingamene    about Her neck.
                Freyja wailed and cried,    saying that She
                      could not give    up Her Jewel.

              Hulda then said to Her    that were She to give
             Brosingamene to Loki    to hold for half the year,
               then could She but take    Her leave of Dreun.
   After a time, Freyja agreed,    saying that She would let Him hold it.

               So it was that Brosingamene    passed to Loki
          for half the year.    Then was Freyja again in despair.
                  And the Darkness    once again descended
                    all about Her    to hide Her tears.

              Again, Great was Her anguish.    And once again,
                   All Light, All Life,    All Creatures
                            joined in Her doom.

  So it is that during that half of the wheel of the year when Loki doth
  hold Brosingamene, that Freya despairs; the Darkness decends, and the
  world doth grow cold.  And when Freya receives the Jewel, Her Joy knows
  no bounds; the Darkness is replaced by the Light, and the world becomes

                                                      Copyright 1991
                                                      by: Rathulvf Jamesson