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Note that cookie support is disabled by default or has no effect when deploying robust services with the gSOAP Apache modules and ISAPI extensions that handle cookies differently.- Update to release 2.8.98 * Updated the WS-Security and WS-Trust APIs that use SAML with higher precision timestamps in microseconds, using the `custom/struct_timeval.h` serializer for `xsd__dateTime`. The WS-Security and WS-Trust updates require compiling and linking with `custom/struct_timeval.c`. * Fixed an issue with soapcpp2 code generation of `wchar_t*` serializers when combined with a custom serializer with base type `wchar_t*`, i.e. when `extern typedef wchar_t* name` is declared. * Fixed an issue with soapcpp2 code generation when an element tag names starts with an underscore and the element is namespace qualified.- Temporarily work around -fno-common build failure [boo#1160267].- Update to release 2.8.97 * Fixed wsdl2h processing of schemas with a cyclic schema `` that may cause wsdl2h to hang when schemas have no `targetNamespace` attribute. * Improved wsdl2h code generation of unqualified types and names defined in imported schemas (with ``) when these schemas have no `targetNamespace`. Use wsdl2h option `-z10` or lesser to revert to the code generation behavior of versions prior to 2.8.97.- Update to release 2.8.96 * Improved `soap_check_mime_attachments()` and `soap_recv_mime_attachment()` functions and documentation, ensure proper close when MIME/MTOM errors occur.- Update to release 2.8.95 * Upgraded smdevp.c to replace deprecated OpenSSL API function. * Updated WS-Security WSSE plugin, documentation, and demo. * Improved soapcpp2 execution speed to generate WSDL and XSD files.- Update to release 2.8.94 * Fixed a wsdl2h issue that caused it to omit names for local simpleType restrictions in the generated `enum` types of struct/class members; improved soapcpp2 to avoid `enum` symbol numbering clashes in the generated source code. * Removed unnecessary namespace prefixes from some class/struct members in the source code generated by wsdl2h in a specific case, to prevent XML validation issues. * Added wsdl2h option `-z9` for backward compatibility of 2.8.94 and greater to versions 2.8.93 and lesser, which reverts the namespace change.- Update to release 2.8.93 * Fixed a wsdl2h schema import/include issue when a `./` occurs in schemaLocation` and schema import/include dependencies are cyclic, causing wsdl2h to not be able to locate and read schema files. * Removed empty substitutionGroup and duplicate substitutionGroup elements in wsdl2h-generated `SUBSTITUTIONS` sections.- Update to release 2.8.92 * Fixed soapcpp2-generated call to `soap_DELETE` for REST DELETE operations.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.91 * Correction to fix soapcpp2 2.8.90 `-z#` flag enforcement problem. - Removed revert-z.diff (solved upstream)- Update to new upstream release 2.8.90 * Internal changes related to gsoap's own build only. - Add revert-z.diff to counter a regression in handling the soapcpp2 "-z" option introduced in 2.8.89.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.89 * Added wsdl2h option `-X` to do not qualify part names in order to disambiguate document/literal wrapped patterns (as the other choice to disambiguate instead of the default qualification with schema namespaces). * Added wsdl2h option `-z8` for backward compatibility with 2.8.74 and earlier: don't qualify part names to disambiguate doc/lit wrapped patterns and revert to the old wrapper class/struct naming used for `xs:anyType` inheritance.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.87 * Added `soap::connect_retry` to specify a number of retries at the client side when connecting to a server fails, with exponential backoff of 2^n seconds between retries. Zero by default, meaning no retries. * Added `soap::client_addr_ipv6` to optionally specify a IPv6 or host address to bind to at the client side, when the destination is a IPv6 server. Otherwise uses `soap::client_addr` to bind.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.86 * Added `soap::client_addr` string to specify a IPv4 or IPv6 or a host address to bind to before connecting. This can be used at the client side to bind to an address before connecting to a server endpoint, similar to `soap::client_port`. * Fixed wsdl2h compilation issue with C++17. * Fixed a problem with the `SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT` settings parameter used with `soap_ssl_client_context` and `soap_ssl_server_context` that may lead to a weaker setting than specified.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.84 * Unspecific minor fixes.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.83 * Added wsdl2h optimization options `-Ow2`, `-Ow3`, and `-Ow4` to optimize the generated source code by schema slicing, while retaining all derived extensions of base types. * Added wsdl2h option `-Q` to make `xsd__anySimpleType` equal to `xsd__anyType` to use as the base type for derived types, so that elements of type `xsd:anySimpleType` can be serialized with a derived type, using inheritance in C++ and by using simulated inheritance in C using wsdl2h option `-F`. * Updated wsdl2h options `-p` and `-F` to generate additional wrappers for primitive types that aren't XSD primitive types, such as `SOAP-ENC:base64`. * Improved wsdl2h output for the infrequently-used `SOAP-ENC:Array` type. * Fixed an issue with soapcpp2 option `-A` that resulted in error 13 `SOAP_NO_METHOD`.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.82 * Minor fixes and improvements not specified further in detail.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.81 * Added the ability to specify `nullptr` web service operation arguments, similar to `nullptr` struct and class members. This enables `xs:nillable="true"` elements corresponding to web service operation arguments. * Updated wsdl2h `import schemaLocation` logic to handle relative paths. * Updated DOM API for embedded serializable data types: `SOAP_DOM_ASIS` removes XML namespace bindings (`xmlns`) from the XML output of the embedded data type, which are normally added to ensure namespace prefixes are always valid. `SOAP_DOM_ASIS` requires the DOM to specify the namespace bindings explicitly.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.80 * Updated to remove GCC 8.2 warnings. * Improved wsdl2h handling of relative file paths.- Remove gsconfig.patch (this patch is broken)- Update to new upstream release 2.8.79 * Fixed a bug in wsdl2h option `-c` for C source code output, resulting in a missing `*` pointer for `_XML __any` member declaration when declared after the `$ int __size` array size member. The bug may lead to validation errors in extensible types when extra elements are present in the XML payload received. The fix produces the correct `_XML *__any` member declaration.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.78 * wsdl2h: WSDL and schema imports of files on relative paths: file name without path or file name with path stating with ../ are considered relative locations with respect to the current WSDL and schema that is importing, otherwise imported files are considered relative to the directory in which wsdl2h is run (the `-I` option can be used to change that location). * wsdl2h: to display warnings for invalid complexType and simpleType extensions/restrictions but generates valid code in such cases by inference, the update also fixes a valid extension case. * Fixed compilation error for soapcpp2 options `-i` and `-j` caused by special case with empty input arguments to service operations. * Added jsoncpp new option `-k`.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.75 * Added wsdl2h option `-F` to add transient pointer members to structs to simulate type derivation with structs in C. * Added wsdl2h option `-L` to generate less documentation in interface header files. * Added `WITH_NOEMPTYNAMESPACES` compile-time flag to disable `xmlns=""`, this is intended for backward compatibility with old XML parsers and old gSOAP versions that do not support `xmlns=""` empty default namespaces. * Updated wsdl2h option `-D` to make attributes with fixed values pointer members in structs and classes, not just attributes with default values. * Updated wsdl2h option `-f` to flatten C++ class hierarchy by removing inheritance. This option removes support for type derivation with `xsi:type` in XML. * Updated soapcpp2 to split up the `soap_call_ns__webmethod` functions into new `soap_send_ns__webmethod` and `soap_recv_ns__webmethod` functions called by `soap_call_ns__webmethod`. The new functions can be used for asynchronous messaging. * Updated soapcpp2 option `-j` to call `destroy()` in destructor to deallocate managed heap data. * Updated call to OpenSSL `ERR_remove_state` (deprecated) by `ERR_remove_thread_state`. * Fixed a bug in HTTP cookie handling by the engine. HTTP cookies are disabled by default, but enabled with the `-DWITH_COOKIES` compile-time flag or when using the C/C++ `libgsoapck`/`libgsoapck++` and `libgsoapssl`/`libgsoapssl++` libraries.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.74 * Fixed an issue with MIME/MTOM attachment sending when the HTTP-digest plugin is used or when compression is enabled, returning incorrect `SOAP_EOM` error (i.e. not caused by out-of-memory). The problem had been introduced in 2.8.70.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.73 * Improved `soap_ssl_accept()` timeout settings to improve the performance of gSOAP stand-alone HTTPS servers. * Renamed `soap_get_http_body()` to `soap_http_get_body()` to avoid name clashes with soapcpp2-generated `soap_get_T` functions. * Renamed `soap_get_form()` to `soap_http_get_form()` to avoid name clashes with soapcpp2-generated `soap_get_T` functions. * Renamed `soap_get_mime_attachment()` to `soap_recv_mime_attachment()` to avoid name clashes with soapcpp2-generated `soap_get_T` functions. * Renamed `soap_get_stats()` to `soap_http_get_stats()` of the httpget plugin to avoid name clashes with soapcpp2-generated `soap_get_T` functions. * Renamed `soap_get_logging_stats()` to `soap_logging_stats()` of the logging plugin to avoid name clashes with soapcpp2-generated `soap_get_T` functions. * Moved `soap_http_get_form()`, `soap_query()`, `soap_query_key()`, and `soap_query_val()` functions from the httpget and httpform plugin APIs to the stdsoap2.c[pp] library API. No project rebuilds should be necessary when using these plugins with this upgrade.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.72 * Improved the HTTP GET `http_get` and HTTP POST `http_post` plugins, handling of a HTTP POST request that has an empty body is now supported. * Updated user guide, corrected `soap_rand_uuid` description: string returned is stored in a temporary buffer, not stored in managed memory. * Fixed spurious constant initialization problem for `enum` types in soapcpp2-generated code, the problem was introduced with soapcpp2 2.8.71 C/C++ grammar expansion. * Fixed a CURL plugin issue that prevented PUT and DELETE methods to work properly.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.71 * Added TLSv1.3 support with OpenSSL 1.1.1. * Added HTTP PATCH support. * Updated SSL/TLS options for `soap_ssl_client_context` and `soap_ssl_server_context` to allow combinations of `SOAP_TLSv1_0`, `SOAP_TLSv1_1`, `SOAP_TLSv1_2`, `SOAP_TLSv1_3` protocols (v1.3 only available with OpenSSL 1.1.1 and greater), a change from the single TLS protocol flag. * Fixed soapcpp2 code generation issue for single- and multi-dimensional fixed-size arrays.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.70 * Updated `typemap.dat` for ONVIF and upgraded `wsdd10.h` (WS-Discovery 1.0 with WS-Addressing 2004/08) to `wsdd5.h` (WS-Discovery 1.0 with WS-Addressing 2005/08). * Fixed a deserialization issue with Qt `QString` used in a wrapper class (as `__item` member), when the wrapper class is used in a container, such as `std::vector`.- Update to new upstream relesae 2.8.69 * Improved `xs:redefine` processing, fixing the remaining "circular group reference" warnings. * Improved XML sample message generation.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.68 * Unspecified minor improvements- Update to new upstream release 2.8.67 * Changed `typemap.dat` to disable `xsd__duration` custom serializer by default, meaning that `xsd__duration` is serialized as a string by default. * Fixed an issue where the 64-bit integer types `LONG64` and `ULONG64` and their serializers would be downcast to to 32-bit when compiling C code with newer GCC versions, due to `__STDC_VERSION__` no longer being defined by the compiler.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.66 * Added `soap_close_connection()` to close a connection from another thread. * Fixed C++ proxy and server class `copy()` and `operator=()` methods to prevent a possible memory leak which may occur in certain usage scenarios. * Fixed an issue in wsdl2h, generating an incorrect simpleType element name that leads to a soapcpp2 error. The element has a local simpleType restriction of a simpleType with the same name as the element type, where this simpleType in turn is a restriction.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.65 * Corrected an issue in soapcpp2 to parse negative floating range bounds declared in typedefs. - Remove linker.patch (merged upstream)- Update to new upstream release 2.8.64 * Upgraded TLS/SSL engine to support GNUTLS 3.3.0 and greater. * Improved Test Messenger with new options `-d num` and `-u`, where `-dnum` specifies the number of iterations to hit a server with test messages, and `-u` includes Unicode characters in randomized content. Other usability improvements and a bug fix. * Improved WSSE WS-Security plugin and added documentation section with clarifications on how the plugin defends against signature wrapping attacks when you perform signature verification function calls. - Remove xlocale.diff - Add gsconfig.patch, linker.patch- Update to new upstream release 2.8.63 * Improved Test Messenger: randomized testing of Web Services; added `__PERMUTE` indicator and automatic handling of SOAP 1.1/1.2 array dimension adjustments (`arrayType` and `arraySize` attributes).- Add xlocale.diff- Update to new upstream release 2.8.62 * Added wsdl2h options `-O3` and `-O4` to aggressively optimize WSDLs internally by "schema slicing": `-O3` applies `-O2` and also removes unused root attributes, `-O4` applies `-O3` and also removes unused root elements. It only makes sense to use `-O4` with one or more WSDLs (and XSDs that are imported by the WSDL), because all schema components will be removed from XSDs that are not used by WSDLs. * Updated HTTP digest plugin. * Improved soapcpp2 options `-g` and `-y`, may be used together to generate sample XML messages.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.61 * Added `WITH_DEFAULT_VIRTUAL` to generate default methods that return `SOAP_NO_METHOD` for C++ services generated with soapcpp2 option `-j` or `-i`. A derived class can then selectively implement service methods as needed. This addition required the use of a new macro `SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL_COPY` for virtual `::copy()` methods, replacing `SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL` for `::copy()`. * Added the `SOAP_H_FILE` macro to improve the use of plugins and custom serializers in project builds with soapcpp2 options `-p` and `-q` that rename the generated files such as `soapH.h`, the macro changes the `#include "soapH.h"` to `#include "nameH.h"` by invoking the C/C++ compiler with option `-DSOAP_H_FILE=nameH.h`. * Fixed a glitch in soapcpp2 to generate `soap_write_T` functions for `typedef ... T` types that represent XML elements.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.60 * Added wsdl2h options `-O1` and `-O2` to optimize schemas internally after reading WSDL and XSD files: `-O1` removes duplicate members from nested choice/sequence and `-O2` also removes unused schema types that are unreachable from WSDL and XSD root definitions. * Added ability to specify `$SIZE = TYPE` in `typemap.dat` for setting `size_t` or `int` type for array sizes, see [databindings]( * Changed wsdl2h C++ source code generated for *`xs:choice maxOccurs>0`* with simpler `std::vector` instead of a dynamic array with size and pointer members, use wsdl2h option `-z7` to revert to the old wsdl2h behavior for backward compatibility. * Improved soapcpp2-generated sample XML messages and fixed a special case where base class namespace prefixes may be rendered incorrectly in an XML sample or test message. * Improved handling of nested *`xs:sequence`* in *`xs:choice`* by removing duplicate name warnings, the duplicate member is still generated by wsdl2h however as a reminder, but should be ignored in your code. Use the new wsdl2h option `-O1` to remove the duplicate member altogether. * Fixed a soapcpp2 problem with bitmask enumerations of QName values.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.59 * Removed `#include soapH.h` from generated `.nsmap` file to promote transparency and to prevent accidental inclusions that may cause definition clashes when soapcpp2 option -q is used. * Fixed UDP message transport compression, compile flag `-DWITH_ZLIB` and runtime flag `SOAP_ENC_ZLIB`.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.58 * Improvements to prevent macro `USE_32BIT_TIME_T` to cause misaligned `soap` contexts, due to inconsistent size of `time_t`. * Improvements to support obsolete HTTP cookie formats.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.57 * `struct soap::bind_v6only` field had no effect; this was fixed.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.56 * Added new `soap::bind_v6only` context flag, replacing compile-time flag `WITH_IPV6_V6ONLY` (`soap->bind_v6only=1`) and `WITH_NO_IPV6_V6ONLY` (`soap->bind_v6only=0`). * Fixed missing C++ custom serializer type object allocators (e.g. `gsoap/custom/qstring.cpp`), when pointers to custom serialized C++ types are used.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.55 - Improved Test Messenger to generate and consume XML test messages with MTOM/MIME attachments. - Fixed deserialization of pointers to Qt types with the custom serializers `custom/qbytearray_base64.h`, `custom/qbytearray_hex.h`, `custom/qdate.h`, `custom/qstring.h`, and `custom/qtime.h`. - Fixed `WITH_NOIO` compilation errors (`close()` and/or `gettimeofday()` not found).- Update to new upstream release 2.8.54 * Added wsdl2h option `-S` to specify a name for the soap context member variable of generated classes (C++ only), use `-S ''` to remove the `soap` member variable. * Improved handling of empty SOAP Body responses by client applications using doc/lit style messaging, returns `SOAP_OK` instead of HTTP 200 error code.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.52 * Fixed 2.8.51 issue in parsing HTTP empty lines * Fixed WS-RM plugin blocking issue on fatal errors. - Update to new upstream release 2.8.53 * Fixed DIME receiver looping on specific malformed DIME headers.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.51 * Additional checks added to source code for its own robustness.- gsoap-01-sharedlibs.diff: add missing libssl link to libgsoapssl- Update to new upstream release 2.8.50 * Added `soap->recv_maxlength` to change the limit on the length of messages received. Default is 2GB max. Greater lengths are possible. * Removed client-side `SOAP_PURE_VIRTUAL` from `copy()` in the code generated by soapcpp2 for options `-i` and `-j`. * Updated memory deallocation of `soap_del_xsd__anyAttribute`. * Updated the callback function signatures of `fpost` and `fresponse`.- Remove gnutls because openssl overrides it already- Update to new upstream release 2.8.49 * union constructors are re-emitted correctly * Improved JSON API to compile with XML data bindings, see updated JSON API documentation on "Compiling XML-RPC/JSON together with gSOAP XML data binding code".- Update to new upstream release 2.8.48 * Added CURL plugin to use libcurl for gSOAP client applications. * Added `soap->transfer_timeout` max transfer timeout, to use in combination with `soap->send_timeout` and `soap->recv_timeout`. * Fixed a potential vulnerability that may be exposed with large and specific XML messages over 2 GB in size. CVE-2017-9765 bsc#1049348 - Remove gsoap-sslverify.diff (merged upstream)- Update to new upstream release 2.8.46 * Improved WS-Trust API, updated import/wst.h, import/saml1.h, import/saml2.h and import/wsdd.h definitions. * Added `soap.client_interface` string to set the client IP address interface with `inet_pton()`- Update to new upstream release 2.8.45 * Fixed an issue with the WSSE plugin that caused WS-Security SignedInfo/Reference/Transforms/Transform/InclusiveNamespaces/@PrefixList ending up being ignored by the canonicalizer.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.44 * Fixed WS-Discovery `soap_wsdd_listen` memory cleanup on timeouts. * Fixed `soap->os` saved message string NUL termination (a problem in C code, not in C++). - Add gsoap-sslverify.diff- Update to new upstream release 2.8.43 * Added `SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA()` check (OpenSSL 1.0.1+ and LibreSSL). * Fixed string length limiting issue in QT QString type serializer `custom/qstring.h` and addressed compilation issue with other QT types serializers. * Fixed `soap_psha1` string buffering. - Drop gsoap-02-implicit.diff (merged upstream)- Update to new upstream release 2.8.42 * Fixed shared pointer to QName string QName output normalization. * Improved `WITH_REPLACE_ILLEGAL_UTF8` flag to optionally compile the library with: this replaces illegal UTF-8 input/output with the replacement character U+FFFD (or define your own `SOAP_UNKNOWN_UNICODE_CHAR`). - Add gsoap-02-implicit.diff- Update to new upstream release 2.8.41 * Added updates to support OpenSSL 1.1.0. * Added HTTP header `Accept: multipart/related,application/xop+xml,*/*;q=0.8` when MTOM is expected (i.e. when the input mode flag is set to `SOAP_ENC_MTOM`). * Improved CORS internals and compatibility. * Fixed minor issues with `WITH_NOIO` and `WITH_NO_C_LOCALE`. - Drop gsoap-openssl110.patch (included upstream)- Add gsoap-openssl110.patch to support OpenSSL 1.1.0- Update to new upstream release 2.8.40 * Improved wsdl2h import/include relative path search. * Fixed wsdl2h schema import when imports are deeply nested in imports/includes. * Fixed MinGW compilation issue.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.39 * Added auto-generated client-side REST API functions to simplify REST GET, PUT, POST operations with XML data. * the engine sets the temporary "C" locale for floating point conversion on most systems. - Drop gsoap-locale.diff (upstreamed)- Add gsoap-locale.diff to resolve truncation of "double" type floating point numbers when deserializing XML- Update to new upstream release 2.8.37 * Added server-side HTTP cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) access control using HTTP OPTIONS `fopt()` callback. * Fixed an issue causing UDP message fragmentation. * Fixed `soap_mq` message queue plugin dropping connections. * Fixed missing nested [] in arrayType value in SOAP 1.1 encoding.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.36 * New features include C++ QT type serialization in XML, HTTP session management, WADL support for wsdl2h (REST XML apps), updated iOS support and more examples, and WS-Security updates and fixes. * Also includes WS-Trust extensible framework with SAML 1.0/2.0 tokens, PSHA1 algorithm, and an example WS-Trust client and server to request, create, sign, and verify SAML tokens.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.33 * Updated WS-Trust gsoap/import/wstx.h `__wst__RequestSecurityToken` response message parameter to `wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection` * Updated WS-Security gsoap/import/wsse.h with optional SAML assertions in the Security header. * Updated response processing for empty HTTP body with HTTP code 200 to 202: no longer forces socket close when HTTP keep-alive is enabled. * Updated `_XML` literal string XML serialization for qualified tag names, no longer uses default namespace (as in `xmlns="URI"`) but a prefixed tag name only. * Updated wsdl2h options `-p` and `-d`, now generates `xsd__anyType*` (i.e. with pointer) data members without requiring the user to define a typemap.dat rule to do so. This change reinstates some of the old behavior of 2.8.23 and earlier versions. * Fixed wsddapi.c compilation issue on Windows (`usleep` replaced). * Fixed validation of `simpleType/restriction/length` when restriction base is a list that is mapped to a string. * Fixed validation of `simpleType/restriction` with base type string length bounds restrictions.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.32 * Improved soapcpp2 code generation of type converters `int soap_s2T(soap*, const char*, T*)` and `const char *soap_T2s(soap*, T)` for primitive and binary types T. * Fixed unqualified `xsi:type` content matching with default namespace, which may lead to a failure in the 2.8.31 release to instantiate derived instances for complexType extensions.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.31 * Added engine context `sndbuf` and `rcvbuf` attributes to (re)set setsockopt` values for `SO_SNDBUF` and `SO_RCVBUF`, respectively. Default value is `SOAP_BUFLEN`, same as engine's internal message buffer size. Setting to zero forces the engine to omit the `setsockopt` `SO_SNDBUF` and `SOAP_RCVBUF` calls. * Improved soapcpp2 option `-t` and `//gsoap ns schema typed: y` directive that force the addition of `xsi:type` attributes to XML content except for types whose type names are prefixed with an underscore (i.e. root elements w/o type as per wsdl2h data bindings rules). * Fixed wsdl2h 2.8.28-30 parsing of *`xs:unique`* causing wsdl2h to skip over schema components. The fix also improved string-based parsing of XML content with a fix for 2.8.28-30 XML string handling.- Update to new upstream release 2.8.30 * Added backtick XML tag name syntax to interface files for soapcpp2, which allows for the overriding of the translated tag names of struct/class members and service operation parameters, see the [Data Bindings documentation]( Older gSOAP versions do not support the backtick tag in the generated WSDL and schemas (messages are OK). * Added macro `SOAP_MAXLEVEL` to trigger `SOAP_LEVEL` error when XML nesting level of inbound XML exceeds the value of `SOAP_MAXLEVEL`. Default value is 10000. Redefine `SOAP_MAXLEVEL` as needed, with lower values to restrict XML nesting depth for receivers to accept. * Added macro `SOAP_MAXLENGTH` to trigger `SOAP_LENGTH` content length error when string content in inbound XML exceeds the value of `SOAP_MAXLENGTH`. Applies to strings that are potentially unbounded, i.e. that are not already constrained by XML validation maxLength constaints (which could be larger than `SOAP_MAXLENGTH`). Default value is zero (0) which means that string length is unconstrained if XML validation maxLength is not given. Redefine `SOAP_MAXLENGTH` as needed, with lower values to restrict string lengths for receivers to accept. * Added macro `SOAP_MAXOCCURS` to trigger `SOAP_OCCURS` content error when array and container lengths exceed the value of `SOAP_MAXOCCURS`. Must be greater than zero (0). Default value is 100000. Redefine `SOAP_MAXOCCURS` as needed, with lower values to restrict array and container lengths for receivers to accept. * Updated wsdl2h WS-Policy processing to include WS-RM protocol versioning. * Improved soapcpp2 generation of WSDL and XSD for unqualified C/C++ types or when mixing qualified and unqualified C/C++ types and type names. * Changed soapcpp2 default behavior for generating WSDL and XSD files with *`elementFormDefault="unqualified"`* from the old default behavior with *`elementFormDefault="qualified"`* * Fixed soapcpp2 crash with enum constants > 255 due to libc `isalpha` crashing on some Linux systems. * Fixed `import/wsp.h` soapcpp2 compilation error. * Fixed soapcpp2 option `-w` that may cause a message response element tag name inconsistency with SOAP doc/lit style. * Fixed deserialization issue with dynamic arrays of STL containers/smart-pointers (i.e. a pointer to an array of containers/smart-pointers, which is an unlikely combination to use, but should work). - Remove gsoap-00-builtsource.diff, gsoap-02-typepuns.diff (merged upstream)- Update to new upstream release 2.8.29 * Added new soapcpp2 option `-r` to generate a report that summarizes the input .h file information, the serializable C/C++ types, the services, and the generated code. * Added new wsdl2h option `-M` to suppress error "must understand element with wsdl:required='true'". * Upgraded HTTP digest authentication "httpda" plugin to 2.0 to support RFC7616 "HTTP Digest Access Authentication" with SHA2 (replaciing MD5) that is compatibale with RFC2617 * Updated `wsdl2h` HTTPS-enabled build steps to use upgraded "httpda" plugin. * Fixed wsdl2h skipping mime:multipartRelated/mime:part. - Drop gsoap-03-seqpoint.diff, gsoap-mindeflateratio.diff, gsoap-no-tcpfastopen-fail.diff (applied upstream)- Employ full version SO naming because of ABI changes within 2.8.x- Update to new upstream release 2.8.28 * Added many new API functions to a fully redisigned XML DOM API v5 for C and C++ with new DOM API documentation. The redesigned DOM API v5 is mostly backward compatible to DOM API v4, but with DOM string data members changed to text members. Many API functions are added to define a clean interface without having to use the DOM structure data members. The soap_dom_next_element() function now takes a second parameter that is an element pointer to stop deep traversal at (use NULL for old behavior). See updated XML DOM and XPath documentation for details. * Added C serialization to/from strings with new C soap struct members const char *soap::is input string to parse from and const char **soap:os pointer to string that is set by the engine to point to the output. Note that C++ code is unchanged and the soap::is and soap::os are still members pointers to istream and ostream streams (use std::stringstream for input/output from/to strings). * Added JSON API C function set_size to set/change array sizes and JSON API C function set_struct to create an empty JSON object. * Improved jsoncpp command line tool to generate JSONPath C code and improved overall to generate more compact code. * Improved SOAP_DEFAULTNS flag to emit XML default namespace declarations. * Improved strictness of XML verification under default settings (i.e. without requiring SOAP_XML_STRICT). * Changed string deserialization when XML content with tags is encountered: XML tags are no longer parsed as part of strings. You must use XML string type to parse literal XML content or use DOM. - Remove gsoap-allocator.diff, gsoap-reset-error-code.diff (merged upstream) - Add gsoap-00-builtsource.diff, gsoap-03-seqpoint.diff, gsoap-no-tcpfastopen-fail.diff- Replace gsoap-02-typepuns.diff with better version from SF - Add gsoap-allocator.diff to please UBSAN- Drop unnecessary -version-info argument from _LDFLAGS variable in gsoap-01-sharedlibs.diff (we have -release)- Update to new upstream release 2.8.22 * Enhancements include XSD 1.1 support and improved portability.- Include SSL libraries in the link to reduce undefined symbols- Update to new upstream release 2.8.21 * Added xs:precision and xs:scale support. * Added support for BPEL PartnerLink and VariableProperties to wsdl2h in support of BPEL projects. * Added soapcpp -z2 flag for backward compatibility with to 2.7.x: omit XML output of elements for pointers that are NULL even when minOccurs=1 (required). * Changed wsdl2h C++ output to always generate pass-by-reference response parameters (disable with -z6). * Added XML 1.1 control char encoding support. * Added -DWITH_REPLACE_ILLEGAL_UTF8 compilation option to replace UTF8 content that is outside the allowed range of XML 1.0. - Remove gsoap-05-ipv6.diff, gsoap-06-ipv6retry.diff (merged upstream)/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigobs-arm-8 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=525ffe648c74e2766387189309bb675b0a0d88fc, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d1c3982982ee5111c938ca646835dba3908b4e2b, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fcc51bf14d09e15d5879b8e633b447c20706d7fc, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5e8887945af2453e93f64004c8b1899a6912b2dc, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6df757cf9adf8d57a8aa1ad0bc013de7a35d9f6f, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9ab98de7f9ddb20dfc7fd383b33a506e6bf6774b, not stripped$*> PPR RRR RRRRRR RRRPPRRRRPPR RRR RRRRRR RRRP PRRRRP P R RR RRR RRRRRR RRR RRRP P RRR RR RRRRntI+,utf-8647bcf3ef8b92a51136289a0313c9dff9d700661c62c90e1053ce7cf45f42211?7zXZ !t/z]"k%+~5 ߐ*en]=-{>Xt*C#HO5D~`@$kT֞> z^;dmAmcҋc<>Or:&Xc&pcbf!1[ TsEgW&NT2j#Mf,pl,&Qj$K>+b)?nT& ;ƃm+- SH@|bTa*MX}*NaF~`fڬR&:FH%Ҿ Pnm$K}VI|qB#iV[&qY!WN<ےnTw*H Px6sB:i7R8m),җjD͉*(>vubX ^+XbzG-%L +E?;2:QE'Vy{#Ƅn4ќlN#5aUӤ>H7?XGv8وG3=EAUWܸ$lhmQ%=[#"Jnu%vTF*k)L"*a緈`_7RGc"Eq΢c(G?-ߤ#f5N/]eG܊YHοltBˬU8Vi) []vBl,W~" E\|(0i}W@}*Uեڠ,7$aB\KNm.bIluN8C6) .m9y7ٖcT&Mrp0>r|#G٤zRej]RK{UV9-8U5YK}O9_^va#kX eznKŶ޻d |xFh%{Z6ި6?/#7'xS[TЦ+q]Hoق,"u6fH` Z~~c-RǴ=/f+岎"!gĜ l%Mn1XHco(o&:km#TfȆ;ub2D{-t>>r3fwW`|E[h SP)=IWН6^I/x{mP׷F__b>>FeeW֋}L:1 Z_t47`PtWJ,$uv>mzq78OU3JzۺIqDUU0i1;-㑛-c|\0A,7}7&:>c6tw;=1; L! 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