I am starting an FTP, Gopher and WWW server about whales and marine
mammals in general. Biology, history, mythology, research,
dolphinariums, whaling, etc. I am looking for people who want to
contribute information to it, preferably with high quality and with sources.

The FTP area will open in a few days and gopher and WWW will follow later.
I have room for tens of MB to begin with and hundreds later if I can find
high quality material. If you have more, then you can donate a disk first ;-)

I am also looking for mailing lists about marine mammal research.
(Preferably without "kill the norwegians" flamewars. )
If there are no such mailing lists I might start one.

Magnus Redin  Lysator Academic Computer Society  redin@lysator.liu.se
Mail: Magnus redin, Rydsv{gen 240C26, 582 51 LINK|PING, SWEDEN
Phone: Sweden (0)13 260046 (answering machine)  and  (0)120 13706