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[intr %x, stat %x, step %d, prevphase %x] %s: identify failed, state %d, intr %02x ncr53c9x: no nexus%s: step 1 & !NEG %s: !MSGOUT (%s:%d:%d): selection failed; %d left in FIFO [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] (%s:%d:%d): select; %lu left in DMA buffer [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] %s: unexpected status after select: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: stray interrupt %s: ICCS: : [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: can't get status, only %d bytes %s: STATUS_PHASE: msg %d %s: invalid state: %d ncr53c9x no nexus%s: MSGIN: unexpected FC bit: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: MSGIN: weird bits: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: unexpected bus phase; resetting DMA active%s: timed out [ecb %p (flags 0x%x, dleft %x, stat %x)], AGAIN sync negotiation disabled leam7990_config: weird memory size %lu: address %s %s: %d receive buffers, %d transmit buffers am7990_config: can't establish shutdownhook%s: controller failed to initialize %s: overflow %s: receive buffer error %s: dropping chained buffer %s: transmit buffer error %s: underflow %s: excessive collisions, tdr %d %s: memory error %s: receiver disabled %s: transmitter disabled %s: device timeout missing buffer, no_td = %d, last_td = %d rdramdisk: multiple attach calls? rd%drdattach: device name too long RAM diskfictitiousvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapcnopen: recursiveMSG_INMSG_OUTUNSPEC2UNSPEC1STATUSCOMMANDDATA_INDATA_OUTncr5380_cmd_timeout: no scsi_xfer %s: cmd timeout, targ=%d, lun=%d ncr5380: scsi data uio requested%s: polled request aborting %d/%d ncr5380_scsi_cmd: polled request, abort failedncr5380_scsi_cmd: poll didn't finishncr5380_done: state=idlencr5380_done: current=0ncr5380_done: dma free did notncr5380_done: sense asked for sense %s: target %d, bad status=%d ncr5380_done: bad statencr5380_sched: not idlencr5380_sched: current set%s: reselected while polling (abort) %s: select found SCSI bus busy, resetting... %s: ptr but no data in/out flags? ncr5380_reselect: current set%s: reselect, BSY stuck, bus=0x%x %s: selected as target, data=0x%x %s: bad reselect, data=0x%x %s: reselect, SEL stuck, bus=0x%x %s: reselect, no REQ %s: reselect, phase=%d %s: reselect, not identify, msg=%d %s: phantom reselect: target=%d, LUN=%d %s: unrecognized MESSAGE EXTENDED; sending REJECT %s: unrecognized MESSAGE; sending REJECT %s: SEND_IDENTIFY while not connected; sending NOOP %s: unexpected MESSAGE OUT; sending NOOP %s: weird MESSAGE OUT; sending NOOP %s: sense phase error %s: aborting, but phase=%s (reset) %s: data phase error %s: too much data padding ncr5380_status: none? ncr5380_machine: state=idlencr5380_machine: no current cmdncr5380_machine: unexpected disconnect. %s: no REQ while aborting, reset %s: no REQ for next phase, abort ncr5380_machine: Unexpected phase 0x%x %s: parity error! %s: reset SCSI bus for TID=%d LUN=%d %s: %d extra bytes from %d:%d %s: Target %d LUN %d stuck busy, resetting... vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe maparc4maybeinit: premature;n vAMaX ֣d° xrndrdvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapcd9660_inactive: pushing activecd9660_reclaim: pushing activevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapRRIP without PX field? ..RRIP with incorrect flags?RRIP with incorrect NM flags? IEEE_1282IEEE_P1282RRIP_1991ASPvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapmHw<wDwxx xxx~STO~(cd9660_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp'scd9660root_deviceCD001%/@%/C%/Eisoinodefhtovp: lbn exceed volume space %d fhtovp: crosses block boundary %d fhtovp: bread error %d fhtovp: directory crosses block boundary %d[off=%d/len=%d] vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe map..cd9660_strategy: spectag VT_ISOFS, isofs vnode vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapexec: a VTEXT vnode has writecount != 0OpenBSDvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe map#!exec_script_makecmds: epp already has a fdexec_script: copyinstr couldn't fail/dev/fd/%dvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvmcmdset_extend: not necessarydiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../kern/exec_subr.cocnt > 0exec_process_vmcmds: RELATIVE no basevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapCopyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1995-2007 OpenBSD. All rights reserved. http://www.OpenBSD.org %s swapperfork initcfpendcannot mount rootcannot find root vnodepagedaemonfork pagedaemonreaperfork reapercleanerfork cleanerupdatefork updateaiodonedfork aiodoned/sbin/init.bak/sbin/oinit/sbin/init/dev/consolewarning: /dev/console does not exist warning: /dev/console error %d initexecinit: couldn't allocate argument spaceexec %s: error %d init: not found no initvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapfileplfdescplfd_unused: fd_lastfile inconsistentdup2: fdallocfilefdlockclosef: count < 0closefclosef: count: %d/%dkqueueplknoteplkqreaddiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../kern/kern_event.c(kn->kn_status & KN_QUEUED) == 0kn->kn_status & KN_QUEUEDvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapexecve: argp == NULLexecve: no vmcmdssys_execve: falloc indx != ivm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapinit died (signal %d, exit %d)reaperwaitvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapprocppwaitWARNING: thread `%s' (%d) exits with status %d unable to allocate kthread_qlockmgr: process context requiredlockmgr: using decommissioned locklockmgr: non-release on draining lock: %dlockmgr: make up your mindlockmgr: not holding exclusive locklockmgr: upgrade exclusive locklockmgr: non-zero exclusive countlockmgr: locking against myselflockmgr: pid %d, not exclusive lock holder %d unlockinglockmgr: release of unlocked lock!lockmgr: draining against myselflockmgr: unknown locktype request %d lock type %s: SHARED (count %d) lock type %s: EXCL (count %d) by pid %d not locked with %d pendingUDF file idUDF file entryUDF mountbwmeterbluetoothkqueueNTFS vrunNTFS decompNTFS resident data NTFS file attrNTFS hash tablesNTFS dirNTFS fnodeNTFS nodeNTFS mounttemprp_addrip6rrNDPip6_optionsemuldata1394data1394ctlpacket tagsIPsec credscrypto datamemdescUSB HCUSB deviceUSBUVM aobjUVM amapRAIDframe dataVM swapindirdepnewblkinodedeppagedepxform_datatdbpfkey dataadosfs bitmapadosfs anodeadosfs mountmiscfs mountexecttysMSDOSFS nodeMSDOSFS fatMSDOSFS mountISOFS nodeISOFS mountmrtether_multiin_multiip_moptionsNFS daemonNFS uidNFS srvsockExport HostMFS nodeVFS clustersubprocprocfile descfileVM pmapdirhashsemVM mapshmUFS mountUFS quotanamecachevnodesNFS nodeNFS mountNFS reqmountiovioctlopssysctlsooptsifaddrfragtblroutetblpcbdebugdevbufmbuffree??malloc: allocation too largemalloc: out of space in kmem_map???%s %d of object %p size 0x%lx %s %s (invalid addr %p) Data modified on freelist: wordprevious type%s %d of object %p size 0x%lx %s %s (0x%x != 0x%x) free: non-malloced addr %p type %sfree: unaligned addr %p, size %ld, type %s, mask %ldmultiply freed item %p free: duplicated freekmeminit: minbucket too small/struct freelist too big%d,%s, $rw_enter: locking against myselfrw_enter: unknown op 0x%xphysbuftodo < 0; minphys brokentodo > MAXPHYS; minphys brokenphysiodone < 0; strategy brokendone > todo; strategy brokenputphysbuf: private buf B_WANTEDprocinit: mallocprocplzombieplucredplpgrpplsessionplpcredplchgproccnt: procs < 0enterpgrp: setsid into non-empty pgrpenterpgrp: session leader attempted setpgrpenterpgrp: new pgrp and pid != pgidenterpgrp: mksession and p != curprocplimitplvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapsigaplpausepsignal signal numberProcess (pid %d) got signal %d issignal postsigpostsig action%s.coreuiomove: modeuiomove: procureadc: zero residureadc: non-positive iovcnthashinit: bad cnthook_disestablish: hook not establishedpowerhook_disestablish: hook not establishedvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe map%s,tsleep: no identtsleep: not SONPROCtsleep: p_back not NULLltsleepwakeup: p_back not NULLwakeup: p_stat is %dvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdenied attempt to set clock forward to %ld denied attempt to set clock back %ld seconds nanosleeptimeout_add: not initializedtimeout_add: to_ticks (%d) < 0diagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../kern/sched_bsd.cphzupdatepripreempt: cpu_preempt not yet implementedmi_switchsetrunnableresetpriority>>> probing for %s* %d mapply: no match function for '%s' device>>> %s probe returned %d >>> %s probe won >>> no winning probe unsupported not configured root device %s not configured %s (root)%s at %sconfig_make_softcconfig_make_softc: allocation for device softc failed%s%dconfig_make_softc: device name too longconfig_make_softc: %sing dev arrayexpandcreatconfig_make_softc: duplicate %sconfig_detach: bad device fstateconfig_detach: forced detach of %s failed (%d)config_detach: detached device has children%s detached config_defer: can't defer config of a root deviceconfig_defer: deferred twiceconfig_defer: can't allocate defer structureconfig_pending_decr: config_pending == 0config_activate_children: shouldn't get hereevcnt_attach%s%d%c: %s %sing fsbn readwrit%d%d of %d-%d (%s%d bn %d; cn %d tn %d sn %d)disk_attach: can't allocate storage for disklabeldisk_detach: disk_count < 0disk_unbusy: %s: dk_busy < 0 rootdev=0x%x rrootdev=0x%x rawdev=0x%x cannot open disk, 0x%x/0x%x, error %dcannot read disk label, 0x%x/0x%x, error %droot filesystem has size 0filesystem type %d not known.. assuming ffs bufq_default_alloc: no memoryintrextent_register: already registeredextentplextent_create: name == NULLextent_create: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_create: end < startextent_create: fixed extent, bad storagesize 0x%lxextent_create: storage provided for non-fixedextent_destroy: NULL extentextent_alloc_region: NULL extentextent_alloc_region: extent `%s', size 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: bad sizeextent_alloc_region: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, size 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: overflowextent_alloc_region: extent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx) extent_alloc_region: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: region lies outside extentextent_alloc_region: can't allocate region descriptor extntextent_alloc_subregion: NULL extentextent_alloc_subregion: NULL result pointerextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', ex_start 0x%lx, ex_end 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: substart 0x%lx, subend 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad subregionextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', size 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad sizeextent_alloc_subregion: bad alignmentextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', size 0x%lx, boundary 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad boundaryextent_alloc_subregion: can't allocate region descriptor extent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), alignment 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: overflow after alignmentextent_free: NULL extentextent_free: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, size 0x%lx extent_free: extent `%s', region not within extentextent_free: overflowextent_free: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_free: region not foundextent_print: NULL extentextent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), flags=%b FLWANTEDWANTEDNOCOALESCEFIXED 0x%lx - 0x%lx vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapklogvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mappr_rmpage: nidle inconsistentpr_rmpage: nitems inconsistentpool_init: pool item size (%lu) too largepool_init: too much uptimediagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../kern/subr_pool.cpp->pr_itemsperpage != 0phpoolpcgpoolpool_destroy: pool busy: still out: %uLIST_EMPTY(&pp->pr_fullpages)LIST_EMPTY(&pp->pr_partpages)pool_getpool_get: %s:must have NOWAITpool_get: %s: crossed hard limit%s pool_get: %s: curpage NULL, nitems %u pool_get: nitems inconsistentpool_get: %s: page emptypool_get: %s: items on itemlist, nitems %u pool_get(%s): free list modified: magic=%x; page %p; item addr %ppool_get: nidle inconsistentpool_get: %s: nmissing inconsistentpool %s: putting with none out pool_putpool_put: %s: page header missingpool_prime_page: %s: unaligned page((((vaddr_t)pi) + ioff) & (align - 1)) == 0ph->ph_nmissing == 0pcg->pcg_avail <= PCG_NOBJECTSpcg->pcg_avail != 0pcg->pcg_objects[idx] != NULLpcg->pcg_avail < PCG_NOBJECTSpcg->pcg_objects[idx] == NULLpool_page_alloc_oldnointrpool_page_free_oldnointrvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapkernel %sassertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d%s: table is full panic: splassert: %s: want %d have %d spl assertion failure in %s%d%llo%lld%llx0123456789abcdef(null)0123456789ABCDEFbug in kprintf: bad base?vverbosettimezonesshowquitLlinesllisthhelpffindqexiteenableddisablecchangebbaseaadd--- more --- %d%d0%o0x%x%s*FOUND***UNKNOWN*%3d free slot (for add) %3d %s count %d (pseudo device) Unknown devno (max is %d) %3d at root%c disable ??? %s flags 0x%x %s [] ? Unknown argument change (y/n) ? out of memory. flags changed %3d can't change free slot count%3d %s changed Error unknown state already disabled %3d can't disable free slot %3d %s can't disable pseudo device enabled %3d can't enable free slot %3d %s can't enable pseudo device command args description [count] number of lines before moredev add a device8|10|16 base on large numbersdevno|dev change devicesattr val|devno|dev disable devicesattr val|devno|dev enable devicesdevno|dev find devices this message list configuration leave UKC[attr [val]] show attributes (or devices with an attribute)[mins [dst]] set timezone/dst toggle verbose booting don't know%s Unknown routine /%c/ Unknown attribute Unknown pseudo routine /%c/ Value missing for attribute %s ? Not same device type No more space for new devices. Device not complete number or * is missing No device of this type exists. Clone Device (DevNo, 'q' or '?')Insert before Device (DevNo, 'q' or '?')Unknown command, try help Argument expected Dev expected 8|10|16 expected DevNo or Dev expected Attr, DevNo or Dev expected timezone = %d, dst = %d autoconf verbose %sabled endisUnknown command User Kernel Config UKC> Continuing... selectpollpipelkpiperdExpected pipe buffer wraparound disappearedExpected wraparound badPipe buffer overflowpipewrpipeclpipeplvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe map@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /dev/consolettnreadttrstrtttypendttyunblockttckoutqttyrub: would panic c = %d, val = %d load: %d.%02d not a controlling terminal no foreground process group empty foreground process group cmd: %s %d [%s] iowaitrunnablerunning%ld.%02ldu %ld.%02lds %d%% %ldk ttyfree: tty_count < 0putc: required clalloc b_to_q: required clalloc vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapWARNING: mclpool limit reached; increase kern.maxclustersmbplmclplm_copym0: off %d, len %dm_copym0: null mbufm_copym0: m == NULL and not COPYALLm_copym0 overrunm_copydata: off %d < 0m_copydata: len %d < 0m_copydata: null mbuf in skipm_copydata: null mbufm_zero: M_READONLYm_apply: len %d < 0m_apply: off %d < 0m_apply: null mbuf in skipm_apply: null mbufm == NULL in m_pulldown()unixsockplsofreesoclose: NOFDREFsoabortsoaccept: !NOFDREFreceive 1diagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../kern/uipc_socket.cm == so->so_rcv.sb_mbreceive 1aso->so_rcv.sb_mb == mreceive 3netconnetclsnetionetlcksonewconnsoqinsquediagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../kern/uipc_socket2.csb->sb_mb == sb->sb_lastrecordsbappendaddrsbappendcontrolsemi-panic: sbcompress(sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK) == 0sb->sb_cc == 0sb->sb_datacc == 0sb->sb_mb == NULLsb->sb_mbtail == NULLsb->sb_lastrecord == NULLsbdropsbcreatecontrol: message too large %d acceptvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuipc 1uipc 2uipc 4piusrrequnp_attachunp_connect2unp_disconnectvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapbremfree: lost tailbufplbuf_dirtybuf_undirtygetblkallocbuf: buffer larger than MAXBSIZE requestedallocbuf: negative bufsizegetnewbufDirty buffer on BQ_CLEANBQ_CLEAN has buffer with dependenciescleanerClean buffer on BQ_DIRTYbiowaitbiodonebiodone alreadyvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapcache_revlookup: found entry for .cache_revlookup: found entry for ..nchplvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapcluster_read: size = 0cluster_read: DONE bpcluster_rbuild: size %ld != filesize %ldcluster_rbuild: too much memorycluster_callbackcluster_callback: too little memorycluster_wbuild: size %ld != filesize %ldClustered Block: %d addr %x bufsize: %ld Child Block: %d addr: %x Clustered write to wrong blocksvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvop_generic_revokevop_generic_revokeallvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapoperation %s not listed in %s. vfs_op_descsvfs_opv_init: bad operationvfs_opv_init: operation vector without default routine.nameivm_map_lock_read: intrsafe maplockfpllf_findoverlap: defaultvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapnamei: bad cred/procnamei: nameiop contaminated with flagsnamei: flags contaminated with nameiopsleaf should be emptyrelookup: null namerelookup: lookup on dot-dotrelookup: symlink found.vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvnodesvfslock%s_mountroot failed: %d vnodefree vnodefree vnode isn'tcleaned vnodecleaned vnode isn'tClean vnode has pending I/O'svgetvref used where vget requiredUse count is not zero!vnode already on free list: vnode already on free listvput: null vpvput: bad ref countvput: ref cntvput: bad writecountvput: v_writecount != 0vrele: null vpvrele: bad ref countvrele: ref cntvrele: bad writecountvrele: v_writecount != 0vrele: cannot lockvclean: deadlockvclean: cannot reclaimvclean: not cleanvgonemissing bdevmissing aliasvgonel: not cleanVBADVFIFOVSOCKVLNKVCHRVBLKVDIRVREGVNON%s: %p, type %s, use %u, write %u, hold %u,|VROOT|VTEXT|VSYSTEM|VXLOCK|VXWANT|VBIOWAIT|VBIOONFREELIST|VBIOONSYNCLIST|VALIASED flags (%s) kinfo: vp changed unmount of %s failed with error %d WARNING: some file systems would not unmount retrying syncing disks... giving up done softdep %d vwaitforiovwakeupvwakeup: neg numoutputvinvalbufvinvalbuf: dirty bufsvinvalbuf: flush failedvflushbuf: not dirtyvflushbufvflushbuf: dirtybgetvpbgetvp: not freebrelvpbrelvp: NULLbrelvp: holdcntbuf_replacevnodereassignbufvfs_register called with vfc_refcount > 0 vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapfsync failedmounted on: %s sched_sync: fsync failedsyncersyncer vnode vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapmount: lost mountunmount: dangling vnodevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvn_lockvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe map..getcwd: oops, forgot to null lvpgetcwd: oops, went back too farvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdefaultvop_islockedvop_lookupvop_createvop_mknodvop_openvop_closevop_accessvop_getattrvop_setattrvop_readvop_writevop_ioctlvop_pollvop_kqfiltervop_revokevop_fsyncvop_removevop_linkvop_renamevop_mkdirvop_rmdirvop_symlinkvop_readdirvop_readlinkvop_abortopvop_inactivevop_reclaimvop_lockvop_unlockvop_bmapvop_printvop_pathconfvop_advlockvop_reallocblksvop_strategyvop_bwritevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdead_read: lockdead_write: locktag VT_NON, dead vnode dead_badop calledchkvnlockvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapspec_read modespec_read procspec_read typespec_write modespec_write procspec_write typespec_ioctlspec_fsync: not dirtyspec_fsyncspec_fsync: dirtyspec_close: not specialtag VT_NON, dev %d, %d spec_badop calledvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapspec_open_clone(): cloning device (%d, %d) for pid %u spec_open_clone(): new minor for cloned device is %d spec_close_clone(): freeing minor %d of dev %d for pid %u vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapbpf: ifpromisc failedbpf_detachd: descriptor not in listbpfbpf_mcopybpfattachtoo many interfacesallif_attachhead: mallocif_attach: mallocif_downif_upegress%s: can't handle af%d d;n &0vAkkQMaXPq< D֣ad°Ԡ x      ;n C&vkkMGP&"/+Ka5 d1͆< 8Ololo%dlooutput: no header mbuf%s: can't handle af%d ifmedia_add: can't malloc entryifmedia_set: no match for 0x%x/0x%x ifmedia_set failedifmedia_match: multiple match for 0x%x/0x%x, selected instance %d rn_addmask: mask impossibly already in tree Mask for route not entered Non-unique normal route, mask not entered rn_delete: inconsistent annotation rn_delete: couldn't find our annotation rn_delete: couldn't find us %s %p at %p rn_delete: Orphaned Maskrn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set rn_initrn_init 2raw_usrreqrtentplroute_init rtable_addrtfreertfree 2rtfree: %p not freed (neg refs) ifafreertredirectrtflushclone: called with a non-cloning routertflushclone: no rnh_walktreertrequest deletertinit: wrong ifa (%p) was (%p) rt_timer_init: already initializedrttmrplrt_timer_queue_destroy: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_remove_all: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_add: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_timer: rtq_count reached 0 route_outputrt_msg1routearp_rtrequest: bad gateway value arp_rtrequest: malloc failed arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo arpresolve: unresolved and rt_expire == 0 arpintrarp: ether address is broadcast for IP address %s! duplicate IP address %s sent from ethernet address %s arp: attempt to overwrite permanent entry for %s by %s on %s arp: attempt to overwrite entry for %s on %s by %s on %s arp info overwritten for %s by %s on %s arp: attempt to add entry for %s on %s by %s on %s arptfreearplookup: unable to enter address for %s revarpin_controlinvalid argument to in_lifaddr_ioctlin_ifinitin_pcbinit: hashinit failedin_pcbinit: hashinit failed for lportinpcbplin_pcbnotifyallin_pcbhashlookup: faddr=%08x fport=%d laddr=%08x lport=%d in_pcblookup_listen: laddr=%08x lport=%d interneticmp_erroricmp lenicmp_mtudisc_timeout: bad route to timeouticmp_redirect_timeout: bad route to timeout %d.%d.%d.%dKgoipqeplip_initaeshmac-sha1deflateipintr no HDRsave_rte: olen %d ip_srcroute: nhops %d mlen %d hops %x %x %x forward: src %x dst %x ttl %x redirect (%d) to %x ip_output no HDRmalformed IPv4 option passed to ip_optcopyrip_attachrip_detachrip_usrreqm_pulldown malfunctiontcp_input: TCPS_LISTENtcp_pulloutofbandsynplsyn_cache_insert: bucketoverflow: impossiblesyn_cache_insert: cacheoverflow: impossibleinvalid sc_tp in syn_cache_cleanuptcp_output: options too longtcphdr too bigtcp_outputtcp_output: template len != hdrlen - optlentcp_output REXMTtcpcbpltcpqepl,l0d13htcp_usrreqm_pulldown malfunctionIPv6 inpcb to udp_outputudp_usrreqipip_input: should never reach herevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, size = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloc: bad sizeffs_alloc: missing credentialuid %u on %s: %s file system full %s: write failed, file system is full dev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, osize = %d, nsize = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad sizeffs_realloccg: missing credentialdev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, bprev = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad bprevffs_realloccg: bad blocknodev = 0x%x, optim = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad optimffs1_reallocblks: unallocated block 1ffs1_reallocblks: non-logical clusterffs1_reallocblks: non-physical cluster %dffs1_reallocblk: start == endffs1_reallocblks: unallocated block 2ffs1_reallocblks: alloc mismatchffs1_reallocblks: unallocated block 3 %d,mode = 0%o, inum = %d, fs = %s ffs_valloc: dup allocfree inode %s/%d had %d blocks out of inodes %s: create/symlink failed, no inodes free ffs_clusteralloc: map mismatchffs_clusteralloc: allocated out of groupffs_clusteralloc: lost blockcg = %d, irotor = %d, fs = %s ffs_nodealloccg: map corruptedfs = %s ffs_nodealloccg: block not in mapdev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, size = %ld, fs = %s ffs_blkfree: bad sizebad block %d, ino %u bad blockdev = 0x%x, block = %d, fs = %s ffs_blkfree: freeing free blockffs_blkfree: freeing free fragffs_freefile: range: dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %sdev = 0x%x, ino = %u, fs = %s ffs_freefile: freeing free inodebsize = %d, size = %ld, fs = %s ffs_checkblk: bad sizeffs_checkblk: bad block %dffs_checkblk: partially free fragmentstart = %d, len = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: map corruptedbno = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: block not in mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapffs1_balloc: blk too bigffs1_balloc: ufs_bmaparray returned indirect blockCould not unwind indirect block, error %dvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapffs_update: bad link cntffs_truncate: partial truncate of symlinkffs_truncate: newspaceffs_truncate1ffs_truncate2ffs_indirtrunc: bad buffer sizevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapDisk overlap start %d, end %d overlap start %d, end %ld Disk buffer overlapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapsoftdep_flushfiles called?>~*&N>*>N>6^>>>^>6^>>>^*>>*>>.n>>>>*>n>6^>>>^>6^>>>^&66.66&n666>.>nN^^n^^nN^^^~n~N>6^>>>^>6^>>>^>6^>>>^>>>>>>>~>>>>>>~*>>*>>.n>>>>*>n>>>>>>>~>>>>>>~N^^n^^nN^^^~n~NΊΞΊ        @    !     !@vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapP!@L!H!(dT d|!ffs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp's ffsroot_deviceWARNING: soft updates isn't compiled in WARNING: %s was not properly unmounted WARNING: R/W mount of %s denied. Filesystem is not clean - run fsck ffs_reload: dirty2ffs_reload: dirty1 ffs_mountfs(): Sorry, no UFS2 support (yet) ffs_statfsfs = %s update: rofs modinodeffsinodino1plvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapffs_read: modeffs_read: short symlinkffs_read: type %dffs_write: modeffs_write: nonsync dir writeffs_write: typeffs_fsync: not dirtyffs_fsyncffs_fsync: dirtyvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapufs_bmaparray: invalid argumentsufs_bmaparray: indirect block not in cacheufs_getlbns: Invalid indirect block %d specifiedufs_getlbns: indirect block %d not foundvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapffs_inactive: pushing activeufs_reclaim: pushing activevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapmangled entryi_ffs_size too small%s: bad dir ino %d at offset %d: %s bad dirFirst bad Second bad ufs_makedirentry: missing nameufs_direnter: newblkufs_direnter: compact1ufs_direnter: compact2checkpath: .. not a directory vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapchown: lost quotaufs_link: no nameufs_rename: no nameufs_rename: lost from startdirufs_rename: lost to startdirrename: EXDEVufs_rename: same fileufs_rename: lost dir entryufs_mkdir: no nameufs_readdir: lost in spaceufs_strategy: spectag VT_UFS, ino %d, on dev %d, %d flags 0x%x, effnlink %d, nlink %d mode 0%o, owner %d, group %d, size %lld ufs_makeinode: no namevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_amap_i.h(( offset) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap_lookup: offset out of rangeamap_lookups: offset out of rangeamap_add: offset out of rangeamap_add: replacing null anonamap_add: slot in useamap_unadd: offset out of rangeamap_unadd: nothing therevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapamappl/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_amap.c(( sz) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0(( padsz) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap->am_ref == 0 && amap->am_nused == 0(( entry->end - entry->start) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0(( addsize) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap->am_maxslot < slotneed(( (entry->end - entry->start)) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap_wipeout: corrupt amapamap_cow_now: non-resident wired page in anon %pcownowcownowpageamap_splitref: split at zero offsetamap_splitref: map size check failedamap_pp_adjref: overshot targetamap_pp_adjref: negative reference countvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuvm_anon_add: can not allocate %d anons uvm_anon_adddiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_anon.cpg->loan_count > 0anon_pagein: uvmfault_anonget -> %dvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuao_set_swslot: uobj = %p uao_set_swslot: attempt to set a slot on a NOSWAP objectdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_aobj.cslot == 0uao_create: kernel object already allocateduao_create: asked to enable swap on kernel objectuao_create: hashinit swhash faileduao_create: malloc swslots faileduaoeltplaobjpluao_flush: strange, got an out of range flush (fixed) uao_flush: weird flagsuao_getpageuao_getpg->flags & PG_RELEASEDaobj->u_obj.uo_refs == 0TAILQ_EMPTY(&aobj->u_obj.memq)(pg->flags & PG_RELEASED) == 0vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapudv_attachdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_device.cuobj->uo_npages == 0 && TAILQ_EMPTY(&uobj->memq)udv_detachudv_faultvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapfltamapcopyanonget1anonget2flt_noram1diagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_fault.cresult != VM_PAGER_PENDuvmadvice[ufi.entry->advice].advice == ufi.entry->advice(pages[lcv]->flags & PG_RELEASED) == 0uvm_fault: uvmfault_anonget -> %dflt_noram2uvmexp.swpgonly <= uvmexp.swpagesflt_noram3flt_pmfail1uobjpage != PGO_DONTCAREfltagain2uobj->pgops->pgo_releasepg != NULLflt_noram4uvm_fault: want to promote data, but no anonflt_noram5flt_pmfail2(map->flags & VM_MAP_INTRSAFE) == 0start >= vm_map_min(map) && end <= vm_map_max(map)uvm_fault_unwire_locked: address not in mapva >= entry->startentry->next != &map->header && entry->next->start <= entry->endvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapschedulervm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuvm_init: page size not setvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuvm_km_init: could not reserve space for kerneluvm_km_suballoc: unable to allocate space in parent mapuvm_km_suballoc: unable to create submapuvm_km_suballoc: submap allocation faileddiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_km.cuobj->pgops == &aobj_pagerUVM_OBJ_IS_INTRSAFE_OBJECT(uobj)(pp->flags & PG_BUSY) == 0(pp->pqflags & PQ_ACTIVE) == 0(pp->pqflags & PQ_INACTIVE) == 0vm_map_pmap(map) == pmap_kernel()km_getwait2uvm_km_alloc1: non-released pagekm_allockm_alloc1wvallocwaitkmthreadkmallocgetpagevm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvmmaplkvmmapbsydiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_map.cnextuvm_rb_insert: duplicate entry?uvm_mapent_alloc: cannot allocate map entryuvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries uvm_mapent_allocuvm_mapent_free# uvm_map() successful calls# uvm_map() back merges# uvm_map() missed forward# map lookup calls# map lookup hint hitsvmspplvmmpeplvmmpekplUVM_OBJ_IS_KERN_OBJECT(uobj)(align & (align - 1)) == 0(flags & UVM_FLAG_FIXED) == 0 || align == 0tmp && tmp->space >= lengthvm_map_pmap(map) == pmap_kernel()!VM_MAPENT_ISWIRED(first_entry)uvm_map_replace1tmpent->start=0x%lx, tmpent->end=0x%lx, end=0x%lx uvm_map_replace2uvm_map_replace3uvm_map_replace4uvm_map_replace5(start & PAGE_MASK) == 0 && (len & PAGE_MASK) == 0(flags & UVM_EXTRACT_REMOVE) == 0 || (flags & (UVM_EXTRACT_CONTIG|UVM_EXTRACT_QREF)) == 0map->flags & VM_MAP_PAGEABLEvm_map_upgrade: failed to upgrade lockuvm_map_pageable: stale mapuvm_map_pageable_all: stale map(flags & (PGO_FREE|PGO_DEACTIVATE)) != (PGO_FREE|PGO_DEACTIVATE)start >= current->startpg->uobject == NULLpg->uanon == anonuvm_map_clean: weird flagsfork: encountered a submap during fork (illegal)fork: non-copy_on_write map entry marked needs_copy (illegal)vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_mmap.c!UVM_ET_ISSUBMAP(entry)start >= entry->start!UVM_OBJ_IS_KERN_OBJECT(entry->object.uvm_obj)vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_page_i.hpg->wire_count == 0lcv != -1/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_page.c(pg->flags & PG_TABLED) == 0pg->flags & PG_TABLEDuvm_page_bootstrap: no memory pre-allocateduvm_page_init: lost %ld page(s) in init uvm_page_inituvm_setpagesize: page size not a power of twouvm_pageboot_alloc: out of virtual spaceuvm_pageboot_alloc: out of memoryuvm_page_physget: called _after_ bootstrapuvm_page_physget: out of memory!uvm_page_physload: page size not set!uvm_page_physload: bad free list %duvm_page_physload: start >= enduvm_page_physload: unable to load physical memory segment %d segments allocated, ignoring 0x%llx -> 0x%llx increase VM_PHYSSEG_MAX uvm_page_physload: tried to add RAM after vm_mem_inituvm_page_physrehash: WARNING: could not grow page hash table rehash: physical memory config [segs=%d of %d]: 0x%llx->0x%llx [0x%llx->0x%llx] STRATEGY = RANDOM BSEARCH BIGFIRST <>!!!! number of buckets = %d obj == NULL || anon == NULLoff == trunc_page(off)free_list >= 0 && free_list < VM_NFREELISTuvm_pagealloc_strat: bad strat %dsaved_loan_count == 0vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_pager_i.hrvpg != NULLemergva/usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_pager.cnpages <= MAXBSIZE >> PAGE_SHIFTpager_mappppp->flags & PG_BUSY!uobj || obj_is_aliveuvm_aio_biodoneuvm_aio_aiodoneswap || pg->uobject == uobj!write || (pgs[i]->flags & PG_FAKE) == 0vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mappagedaemon: deadlock detected! pgdaemonaiodoneddiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_pdaemon.canon != NULLp->loan_count > 0uobj != NULLanon->an_swslot != 0uvmexp.swpgonly <= uvmexp.swpagesuvmexp.swpginuse <= uvmexp.swpagespagedaemon: pageout returned invalid 'unlock' codep->uanon != NULLvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_pglist.c(alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0(boundary & (boundary - 1)) == 0(m->pqflags & (PQ_ACTIVE|PQ_INACTIVE)) == 0vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuvm_swap_init: can't get vnode for swap deviceswapmapuvm_swap_init: extent_create failedswp vnxswp vndswapdrum_addminirootswapctl: miniroot copy failedswapctl: copystrswap0x%04xdisklabel regionswap_on: miniroot larger than swap?swap_on: unable to preserve minirootPreserved %d pages of miniroot leaving %d pages of swap diagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../uvm/uvm_swap.csdp->swd_npginuse == sdp->swd_npgbadswap_off: swapdev not in listswstrategy: vnode type 0x%xsw_reg_strategy: swap to sparse filesw_reg_iodonevnx->vx_pending == 0uvmexp.nswapdev >= 1sdp != NULLsdp->swd_npginuse >= nslotswarning: resource shortage: %d pages of swap lost flags & PGO_SYNCIOswapmount: no device swapmount: no device 2 swap_deviceswapmount: copystrvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapsbrk: grow %ld failed, error = %d uvm_coredump: user process with submap?vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuvm_deallocate with null mapvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapuvnsyncuvn_attach: blocked at %p flags 0x%x uvn_attachuvn_deref: vnode VM object still has pages afer syncio/free flushuvn_termuvm_vnp_terminate: io sync wanted bit setuvn_releasepg: page not released!uvn_releasepg: kill flag set on referenced object!uvn_releasepg: pages in object with npages == 0uvn_flush: PGO_SYNCIO return 'try again' error (impossible)uvn_flush: obj=%p, offset=0x%llx. error during pageout. uvn_flush: WARNING: changes to page may be lost! uvn_flushuvn_cluster: offset out of rangeuvn_getpageuvn_getuvn_iosyncrd%d: fixed, %d blocks NULL pointer passed to ip_ecn_ingressNULL pointer passed to ip_ecn_egressvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapiommu%s at %s unsupported cache-coherence?page-sizeiommu_attach: can't allocate memory for pagetablesbad iommu range: %d: version 0x%x/0x%x, page-size %d, range %dMB nameobiovmelvmesvme%s at %s addr %p vec 0x%xxxxxinterruptcountereeprom unsupported rangesobio: PROM ranges too large: %dcould not find %s amongst obio devices namezsvmesattach: can't allocate intrhandvmelattach: can't allocate intrhandvme: PROM ranges too large: %d: version 0x%x vmebus: no rangesvme: spurious interruptvme: spurious interrupt vmeintr_establish: interrupt vector not allocatedvmeintr_establish: uninitialized vecvme_addirqauxregauxiliary-ioauxioauxio2Tadpole no aux registeroclockeepromclocktimer delay constant %d%s [TOO SMALL?] oclock: calibration failing; clamped at %d mk48t02model: %s (eeprom) mk48t08counter-timercounterdelay calibration delay constant %d oclock0: cannot get %d Hz clock; using 100 Hz clock0: cannot get %d Hz clock; using 100 Hz clock0: cannot get %d Hz statclock; using 100 Hz oldclk statintrWARNING: preposterous time in file system WARNING: bad date in battery clock%s -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! power sun4cpumidsun4csun4mno%s @ %s MHz, %s FPU: %s%s, %s; %s %s: %sphysical %s%dK instruction (%d b/l), %s%dK data (%d b/l)physical %dK combined cache (%d bytes/line)%dK byte write-%s, %d bytes/line, %cw flushthroughback%s%dK external (%d b/l) Unknown CPU type: cpu: impl %d, vers %d; mmu: impl %d, vers %dmmu-npmgmmu-nctxclock-frequencyvac-sizevac_hwflushvac-hwflushvac-linesizebad cache line size %dbuserr-typecache chip bug - trap page uncachedcache-physical?ncachesicache-nlinesdcache-nlinesicache-line-sizebad icache line size %dicache-associativitydcache-line-sizebad dcache line size %ddcache-associativitycache-nlinescache-line-sizecache-associativityecache-nlinesecache-line-sizebad ecache line size %decache-associativitywarning: couldn't identify cache [viking: PCR_TC is off][viking: turn on PCR_TC]UnknownTI_4_4TI_4_3TI_MS2TMS390S10TMS390Z50 v1TMS390Z50 v0 or TMS390Z55RT620/625CY7C611CY7C601/605 (v.f)CY7C601/605 (v.c)CY7C601/605 (v.b)CY7C601/604MB86907MB86904W8601/8701 or MB86903CY7C601L64811MB86900/1A or L64801psr-implementationpsr-versionimplementationversionOut of CPUsB5010 or B5110/20 or B5210RT602 or WTL3171TMS390C602AL64814L64812 or ACT8847L64804on-chipWTL3170/2L64802 or ACT8847MB86911 or WTL1164/5MB86910 or WTL1164/5version 0x%xmemregmemory-errormemregattach %ssync mem err: ser=%b sva=0x%x aWRITEINVALPROTTIMEOUTSBUSERRMEMERRSZERRWATCHDOGaer=%b ava=0x%x WBINVALTIMEOUTDVMAERRparity error register = %b ERRMULTITESTENABLEBYTE0BYTE1BYTE2BYTE3memory errormemory error:sfsr=%b sfva=0x%xCSERRPARITYSYSERR UNCORR TIMEOUT BUSERRFAVOWafsr=%b afva=0x%xSYSERR UNCORR TIMEOUT BUSERRAFOhard memory errorHyperSPARC async cache memory failure at phys 0x%x%x store buffer copy-back failure at 0x%x. Retrying... warning: got data fault with no faulting address. Ignoring. zsslavezsattach: expected 1 interrupt, got %d pri %d, softpri %d serialkeyboardmousebroken zs interrupt schemepwr-on-auxio2%s: channel %dzs_set_speedstopping on keyboard abort ttydttycttybttyakeyboard/displaystdin-pathconsinit: increase buffer size and recompile consinit: bogus stdin path %s. device_typestdout-pathconsinit: bogus stdout path %s. displaycninit: mismatched PROM output selector cninit: invalid inSource=%d console is %s cninit: zs not mapped. fdc1.2MB/NEC360KB/x720KB1.44MBfdSUNW,fdtwo drive %d pri %d, softpri %d: unable to register fast trap handler %s: no drives attached CFGLOCK: unexpected responsechip 8207%c : %s %d cyl, %d head, %d sec : density unknown fdstrategy: controller inactive fdcresult: overrun fdcresult: timeout fdcstart: not idle %s: %s: state %d (st0 %b cyl %d) invldabnrmlseek_cmpltequ_chckdrive_notrdytop_head (st0 %b st1 %b st2 %b cyl %d head %d sec %d) end_of_cylbad_crcdata_overrunsec_not_fndwrite_protectno_amctrl_mrkbad_crcwrong_cylscn_eqscn_not_fndbad_cylno_dam fdcstatus: weird size: %d %s: timeout but no I/O pending: statu %d, istatus=%d fdc: ierror status: state %d fdc: spurious interrupt: state %d fdcintr: block %d != blkno %d timeoutsoft errorstray interruptfdcintr: impossible%s: read-only medium %s: no medium? hard errorcontroller statusfloppy diskfictitioussbusslave-only"%s" at %sdevice_type class %s %s slot %d offset 0x%x unsupported clock-frequency: clock = %s MHz burst-sizesrangessbus: PROM ranges too large: %dnamerelative sbus addressing not supported%s: dma card found in non-dma sbus slot %d: not supported %s: reset: invalid keyboard type 0x%02x  '&     1!2@ 3#!4$"5%#6^$7&%8*&9('0)(-_)=+*`~+,-=.//*12.345 6q7w8e9r:t;y<u=i>o?p@[{A]}BC D7E8F9G-HIJLM aNsOdPfQgRhSjTkUlV;:W'"X\|Y Z [4\5]6^0_`ab cdzexfcgvhbinjmk,m/?no p1q2r3vwxy z{}+ ]}&12 "3!'4"(5#6$7%!8&9\'0()~)-_#**|6a7z@A`$@M qVmMW%X[{dwj,?k;.l:/m=+w |<> &12~ "3#!'4{"(5[#-6|$7`%_8\&9^'0@()])=+}*6a7z@A$M qVmW%X*dwj,?k;.l:/m!|<> ~^2"@ 3#!4$#6&$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}(+?)|*'*`@AC LVWXk,;l.:m-_w|<>\ 2"@ 3#!4$"5%~#6&^$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}(+?)|**`@AVWX\*`k,;l.:m-_|<>\ ]} 2" 3#6&$7/%8(`&9)''0=|(?\)*#^@;z@A+~LVWX[{dyjmMk,;l.:m-_w|<> 2" 3#6&$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}(?\)*^6qQ@;z@A+~VWX#'`dyjmMk,;l.:m-_|<>| ]}2" 3#6&$7/%8(&9)\'0=|('?`)^*@A+*~LV@W#X[{k,;l.:m-_w|<> 2" 3#6&$7/%8({&9)}'0=('?`)^*\|@[A+*]V@W#X~k,;l.:m-_|<> \|1!2" 3#!4$"5%#6&$7_%8({&9)}'0'`(/?) *<>@A*~NsSV+WX@dzZexXfcCjmMk,;l.:m-=w }][ 1!2" 3#!4$"5%#6&$7_%8({&9)}'0'`(/?\) *@@A*|~NsSV+WX<>^dzZexXfcCjmMk,;l.:m-=}][ ~^2"@ 3#!4$#6&$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}(+?)\*'*`@ALVWX|k,;l.:m-_w}<> 2"@ 3#!4$"5%~#6&^$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}(+?)\*|@AVWX'*`k,;l.:m-_}<> ]}2"@ 3#!4$#6&$7/%8(&9)\'0=|('?`)*^@*+A~LVWX[{k,;l.:m-_w}<> 2"@ 3#!4$"5%~#6&^$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}('?`)*\|@+*AVWXk,;l.:m-_}<> ]}2"@ 3#"5%#6&$7/%8(&9)\'0=|('?`)*>oO@^A+*~LMaAVWX[{k,;l.:m-_w}<> 1!|2"@ 3#!4$^"5%~#6&$7/%8(&9)'0=('?`)*\@[A+*]VW{X}k,;l.:m-_}<> ~^2"@ 3#!4$#6&$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}(+?\)*'*`@AC LVWXk,;l.:m-_w|<>|)'`A^~ ~^2"@ 3#!4$#6&$7/{%8([&9)]'0=}(+?\)*@AC LVWX'*`k,;l.:m-_w|<>| >}1+!2"@ 3*#!4"5%~#6&$7/|%8(&9)\'0=^('?`)*$;z@AC LVWX<{dyjmMk,;l.:m-_w|][\ 1+|2"@ 3*#!4^"5%~#6&$7/%8(&9)'0=`('?)*$;z@[A!]VW{X$}dyk,;l.:m-_|<>\ >}1+!2"@ 3*#!4"5%~#6&$7/|%8(&9)\'0=^('?`)*$;z@AC LVWX<{dyjmMk,;l.:m-_w|][\ 1+|2"@ 3*#!4^"5%~#6&$7/%8(&9)'0=`('?)*$;z@[A!]VW{X$}dyk,;l.:m-_|<>\1!|!3#(-_C 2" 3*`W'@X#~|\|2"#6&$7'%8(&9)'0(-=)^~*|@@`A[{V;+W:*X]}|\_  `TO V0`Mj( LPbb2 Oz   NlL, OZC,i JfKUU O&         zstty flags 0x%xinputoutput (console %s)i/okeyboardmouse: %s zs_shutdown: not enabled?%s: device enable failed %s: %d silo overflow%s, %d ibuf flood%s szskbdkeyboard, flags 0x%xkeyboard-click?true: keyboard, type 5, layout 0x%x: keyboard, type %d, layout 0x%x : failed to set baudrate : failed to set modes : no keyboard %s: %d silo overflow%s, %d ibuf flood%s smii_attach: phyloc and offloc specifiedmii_activate: phyloc and offloc specifiedmii_activate: DVACT_ACTIVATE%s: config_activate(%d) failedmii_detach: phyloc and offloc specifiedOUI 0x%06x model 0x%04x rev %d at %s phy %d!A  !@@@@mii_phy_setmediamii_phy_setmedia: MASTER on wrong mediamiiautnsphy q r uDP83840 10/100 PHY: %s, rev. %d qsphy v w y`QQS6612 10/100 PHY: %s, rev. %d luphy z n< g@` XLU6612 10/100 PHY: %s, rev. %d scxsplsctkplscsiunable to create scsi task threadslackingoutstanding scsi tasksgetxscannot allocate scsi xs scsi_free_xsonly the first 4,294,967,295 sectors will be used. scsi_donescsi_execute_xs: USER without NOSLEEPscsi_execute_xs: USER with POLLscsi_execute_xs: NOSLEEP and POLLscsicmdscsi_execute_xs: invalid return code (%#x)scsi_execute_xs: impossiblescsi_scsi_cmd: buffer without nosleepunknown error category (0x%x) from scsi driver scbusy%s(%s:%d:%d): probeReservedMiscompare ErrorVolume OverflowEqual ErrorAborted CommandCopy AbortedVendor UniqueBlank CheckWrite ProtectedUnit AttentionIllegal RequestHardware ErrorMedia ErrorNot ReadySoft ErrorNo Additional Sense`H h8pP(X(X   P  `0p8        X 8 (     P 8      ` 0     ` @ x`0   h 0 `0pX(hH pP `( `8xX@ `@   h @     x P ( !!!"h$P$8$$$$$$%&&h&P&(&&&&&x& H& (& & & &'0'`'8''''((`)0))))))p)X*@*(******p+8, ,,,,,h,H,0,, , -.p/H0(00000X0(000 0 01h1P2(234555x5P5(678888p9P:8::::;x;H; ;;;;;;p; X; 8; ; ; ;;;x;`;@;(;;=߸>߈>p>X>8>???ޠ?ހ?`?@???? ? ݨ? ݐ? x? `?@?(??@AܨBpC`DHE(FGGGۨGۀGHG(GHIڰJژKڀKPK8K(KKKLٸN٘PـP`P8Q(QRSSبS؈T`UHU0UUUUנU׀WXX8Y ZZZְZ֐[ր[h[P[0\\\]ո]Ո]P]]]Ԩ]p]8]]]Ӑ]`]0]]]Ґ]P] ]!]"Ѩ]#p]$8]%]&]'А](X]) ]*]+ϰ],p]00]1]2θ]3΀]4H]5]6]7͘]8`]9(]:];̸]<x]@@]A]B]C˘]D`]E0]F]G]Hʘ]Ih]J8]K]L]Pɘ]Q`]R(]S]Tȸ]UȈ]VP]W ]X]YǸ]ZLj][X]\ ]`]aư]bx]c@]d]e]fŘ]gh]h8]i]j]kĘ]lX](^^^^Ø^p^AP^B0^C^E^G`¸a aˆaxbXc(cddeffhf8fggggg`g@gggg g hxiXi8i jkkklm`n@ooooXo oqrrxrPrrrsss`s@sssRMA/PMA Is Almost FullProgram Memory Area Is FullProgram Memory Area Update FailurePower Calibration Area ErrorPower Calibration Area Is FullPower Calibration Area Almost FullCD Control ErrorNo More Track Reservations AllowedEmpty Or Partially Written Reserved TrackSession Fixation Error - Incomplete Track In SessionSession Fixation Error Writing Lead-OutSession Fixation Error Writing Lead-InSession Fixation ErrorDecompression Exception Long Algorithm IDDrive Region Must Be Permanent/Region Reset Count ErrorMedia Region Code Is Mismatched To Logical Unit RegionRead Of Scrambled Sector Without AuthenticationCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Key Not EstablishedCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Key Not PresentCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Authentication FailureCommand To Logical Unit FailedRecalculate Failure OccurredRebuild Failure OccurredRedundancy Level Got WorseRedundancy Level Got BetterState Change Has OccurredInformational, Refer To LogParity/Data MismatchMultiple Logical Unit FailuresData Loss On Logical UnitLogical Unit Not ConfiguredSet Target Port Groups Command FailedMultiply Assigned Logical UnitAssign Failure OccurredCreation Of Logical Unit FailedAttachment Of Logical Unit FailedRemove Of Logical Unit FailedExchange Of Logical Unit FailedModification Of Logical Unit FailedAdd Logical Unit FailedConfiguration Of Incapable Logical Units FailedConfiguration FailureDocument Miss Feed Automatic In Document FeederDocument Jam In Automatic Document FeederAutomatic Document Feeder Lift UpAutomatic Document Feeder Cover UpVoltage FaultInvalid Packet SizeIllegal Mode For This TrackPacket Does Not Fit In Available SpaceEnd Of User Area Encountered On This TrackScan Head Positioning ErrorOut Of FocusUnable To Acquire VideoVideo Acquisition ErrorLamp FailurePower State Change To Device ControlPower State Change To SleepPower State Change To StandbyPower State Change To IdlePower State Change To ActiveStandby Condition Activated By CommandIdle Condition Activated By CommandStandby Condition Activated By TimerIdle Condition Activated By TimerLow Power Condition OnFailure Prediction Threshold Exceeded (false)Firmware Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountFirmware Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountFirmware Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceFirmware Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceFirmware Impending Failure Controller DetectedFirmware Impending Failure Channel ParametricsFirmware Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Access Times Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsFirmware Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureSpindle Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountSpindle Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountSpindle Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceSpindle Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceSpindle Impending Failure Controller DetectedSpindle Impending Failure Channel ParametricsSpindle Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Access Times Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsSpindle Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureServo Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountServo Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountServo Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceServo Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceServo Impending Failure Controller DetectedServo Impending Failure Channel ParametricsServo Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighServo Impending Failure Access Times Too HighServo Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsServo Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureData Channel Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountData Channel Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountData Channel Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceData Channel Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceData Channel Impending Failure Controller DetectedData Channel Impending Failure Channel ParametricsData Channel Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Access Times Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsData Channel Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureController Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountController Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountController Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceController Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceController Impending Failure Controller DetectedController Impending Failure Channel ParametricsController Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighController Impending Failure Access Times Too HighController Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsController Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureHardware Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountHardware Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountHardware Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceHardware Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceHardware Impending Failure Controller DetectedHardware Impending Failure Channel ParametricsHardware Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighHardware Impending Failure Access Times Too HighHardware Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsHardware Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureSpare Area Exhaustion Prediction Threshold ExceededLogical Unit Failure Prediction Threshold ExceededMedia Failure Prediction Threshold ExceededFailure Prediction Threshold ExceededSpindles Not SynchronizedSpindles SynchronizedRPL Status ChangeLog List Codes ExhaustedLog Counter At MaximumThreshold Condition MetLog ExceptionOperator Selected Write PermitOperator Selected Write ProtectOperator Medium Removal RequestedOperator Request or State Change InputUpdated Block ReadGeneration Does Not ExistUnable To Recover Table-Of-ContentsAuxiliary Memory Out Of SpaceInsufficient Access Control ResourcesInsufficient Registration ResourcesInsufficient ResourcesInsufficient Reservation ResourcesSystem Buffer FullSystem Resource FailureSCSI To Host System Interface FailureMedium Removal PreventedUnload Tape FailureMedia Load or Eject FailedCartridge FaultErase Failure - Incomplete Erase Operation DetectedErase FailurePosition Error Related To TimingWrite Append Position ErrorWrite Append ErrorOverlapped Commands AttemptedLogical Unit Failed Self-ConfigurationInitiator Response TimeoutData Offset ErrorNAK ReceivedACK/NAK TimeoutToo Much Write DataInvalid Target Port Transfer Tag ReceivedData Phase ErrorCommand Phase ErrorInvalid Message ErrorInitiator Detected Error Message ReceivedSome Commands Cleared By iSCSI Protocol EventProtocol Service CRC ErrorAsynchronous Information Protection Error DetectedInformation Unit iuCRC Error DetectedSCSI Parity Error Detected During ST Data PhaseData Phase CRC Error DetectedSCSI Parity ErrorUnsuccessful Soft ResetSelect Or Reselect FailureInternal Target FailureMessage ErrorPower-On or Self-Test FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Data Path FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)RAM FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Medium Auxiliary Memory AccessibleMedium LoadableEcho Buffer OverwrittenReported LUNs Data Has ChangedVolume Set ReassignedVolume Set DeassignedVolume Set DeletedVolume Set Created Or ModifiedSpare DeletedSpare Created Or ModifiedRedundancy Group DeletedRedundancy Group Created Or ModifiedDevice Identifier Changedcomponent Device AttachedINQUIRY Data Has ChangedChanged Operating DefinitionMicrocode Has ChangedTarget Operating Conditions Have ChangedLogical Unit Unable To Update Self-Test LogLogical Unit Failed Self-TestTimeout On Logical UnitLogical Unit FailureLogical Unit Has Not Self-Configured YetInvalid Bits In IDENTIFY MessageMechanical Positioning Or Changer ErrorMedium Magazine UnlockedMedium Magazine LockedMedium Magazine InsertedMedium Magazine RemovedMedium Magazine Not AccessibleEnd Of Medium ReachedMedium Source Element EmptyMedium Destination Element FullPosition Past Beginning Of MediumPosition Past End Of MediumRead Past Beginning Of MediumRead Past End Of MediumReposition ErrorFailed To Sense Bottom-Of-FormFailed To Sense Top-Of-FormPaper JamSlew FailureTape or Electronic Vertical Forms Unit Not ReadyTape Position Error At End-of-MediumTape Position Error At Beginning-of-MediumSequential Positioning ErrorMedium Not Present - Medium Auxiliary Memory AccessibleMedium Not Present - LoadableMedium Not Present - Tray OpenMedium Not Present - Tray ClosedMedium Not PresentSaving Parameters Not SupportedESN - Device Busy Class EventESN - Media Class EventESN - Power Management Class EventEvent Status NotificationRounded ParameterRibbon, Ink, or Toner FailureEnclosure Services Transfer RefusedEnclosure Services Transfer FailureEnclosure Services UnavailableUnsupported Enclosure FunctionEnclosure Services FailureEnclosure FailureTape Length ErrorDefect List Update FailureNo Defect Spare Location AvailableFormat Command FailedMedium Format CorruptedMedium Not FormattedCleaning Request RejectedCurrent Session Not Fixated For AppendCannot Write - Application Code MismatchCleaning FailureCannot Format Medium - Incompatible MediumCannot Write Medium - Incompatible FormatCannot Write Medium - Unknown FormatCleaning Cartridge InstalledCannot Read Medium - Incompatible FormatCannot Read Medium - Unknown FormatIncompatible Medium InstalledCommands Cleared By Another InitiatorInsufficient Time For OperationOverwrite Error On Update In PlacePartition Or Collection Contains User ObjectsPrevious Reservation Conflict StatusPrevious Task Set Full StatusPrevious Busy StatusPersistent Prevent ConflictIllegal Power Condition RequestCurrent Program Area Is EmptyCurrent Program Area Is Not EmptyInvalid Combination of Windows SpecifiedToo Many Windows SpecifiedCommand Sequence ErrorCopy Cannot Execute Since Host Cannot DisconnectImplicit Asymmetric Access State Transition FailedAsymmetric Access State ChangedRegistrations PreemptedReservations ReleasedReservations PreemptedLog Parameters ChangedMode Parameters ChangedParameters ChangedI_T Nexus Loss OccurredTransceiver Mode Changed to LVDTransceiver Mode Changed to Single EndedDevice Internal ResetBus Device Reset Function OccurredSCSI Bus Reset OccurredPower On OccurredPower On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset OccurredImport Or Export Element AccessedNot Ready To Ready Transition (Medium May Have Changed)Conditional Write ProtectPermanent Write ProtectPersistent Write ProtectAssociated Write ProtectLogical Unit Software Write ProtectedHardware Write ProtectedInvalid Parameter While Port Is EnabledCopy Segment Granularity ViolationInvalid Operation For Copy Source Or DestinationInline Data Length ExceededUnexpected Inexact SegmentUnsupported Segment Descriptor Type CodeToo Many Segment DescriptorsUnsupported Target Descriptor Type CodeToo Many Target DescriptorsData Decryption ErrorInvalid Release Of Persistent ReservationThreshold Parameters Not SupportedParameter Value InvalidParameter Not SupportedInvalid Field In Parameter ListLogical Unit Not SupportedNonce Timestamp Out Of RangeNonce Not UniqueSecurity Working Key FrozenSecurity Audit Value FrozenCDB Decryption ErrorIllegal Field in CDBIllegal Function (Should 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)Invalid Address For WriteInvalid Element AddressLogical Block Address Out of RangeAccess Denied - ACL LUN ConflictAccess Denied - Invalid Proxy TokenAccess Denied - Invalid LU IdentifierAccess Denied - Enrollment ConflictIllegal Command While In Implicit Address ModeIllegal Command While In Explicit Address ModeObsoleteIllegal Command While In Write Capable StateAccess Denied - Invalid Mgmt ID KeyAccess Denied - No Access rightsAccess Denied - Initiator Pending-EnrolledInvalid Command Operation CodePartial Defect List TransferRecovered ID with ECCMiscompare During Verify OperationGrown Defect List Not FoundPrimary Defect List Not FoundDefect List Not FoundSynchronous Data Transfer ErrorParameter List Length ErrorDefect List Error in Grown ListDefect List Error in Primary ListDefect List Not AvailableDefect List ErrorRecovered Data With LinkingRecovered Data With ECC - Data RewrittenRecovered Data - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data With L-ECRecovered Data With CIRCRecovered Data - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data With Error Correction & Retries AppliedRecovered Data With Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data Without ECC - Data RewrittenRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data Without ECC - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data Using Previous Sector IDRecovered Data With Retries and/or CIRC AppliedRecovered Data With Negative Head OffsetRecovered Data With Positive Head OffsetRecovered Data With RetriesRecovered Data With No Error Correction AppliedData Sync Error - Recommend ReassignmentData Sync Error - Data Auto-ReallocatedData Sync Error - Recommend RewriteData Sync Error - Data RewrittenData Synchronization Mark ErrorPositioning Error Detected By Read of MediumMechanical Positioning ErrorRandom Positioning ErrorLocate Operation FailureRecord Not Found - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecord Not Found - Recommend ReassignmentBlock Sequence ErrorEnd-Of-Data Not FoundFilemark or Setmark Not FoundRecord Not FoundRecorded Entity Not FoundAddress Mark Not Found for Data FieldAddress Mark Not Found for ID FieldRead Error - Failed Retransmission RequestAuxiliary Memory Read ErrorRead Error - Loss Of StreamingError Reading ISRC NumberError Reading UPC/EAN NumberCannot Decompress Using Declared AlgorithmDe-Compression CRC ErrorUncorrected Read Error - Recommend Rewrite The DataUncorrected Read Error - Recommend ReassignmentMiscorrected ErrorNo Gap FoundIncomplete Block ReadData Resynchronization ErrorCIRC Unrecovered ErrorL-EC Uncorrectable ErrorUnrecovered Read Error - Auto Reallocate FailedMultiple Read ErrorsError Too Long To CorrectRead Retries ExhaustedUnrecovered Read ErrorID CRC Or ECC ErrorInformation Unit Too LongInformation Unit Too ShortInvalid Information UnitCopy Target Device Data OverrunCopy Target Device Data UnderrunIncorrect Copy Target Device TypeCopy Target Device Not ReachableThird Party Device FailureError Detected By Third Party Temporary InitiatorWrite Error - Not Enough Unsolicited DataWrite Error - Unexpected Unsolicited DataAuxiliary Memory Write ErrorWrite Error - Padding Blocks AddedWrite Error - Loss Of StreamingWrite Error - Recovery FailedWrite Error - Recovery NeededBlock Not CompressibleData Expansion Occurred During CompressionCompression Check Miscompare ErrorWrite Error - Recommend ReassignmentWrite Error - Auto Reallocate FailedWrite Error Recovered with Auto ReallocationWrite ErrorWarning - Enclosure DegradedWarning - Specified Temperature ExceededWarningError Log OverflowHead Select FaultSpindle Servo FailureFocus Servo FailureTracking Servo FailureTrack Following ErrorUnreachable Copy TargetLogical Unit Communication CRC Error (ULTRA-DMA/32)Logical Unit Communication Parity ErrorLogical Unit Communication TimeoutLogical Unit Communication FailureMultiple Peripheral Devices SelectedNo Reference Position FoundLogical Unit Does Not Respond To SelectionLogical Unit Not Ready, Notify (Enable Spinup) RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Auxiliary Memory Not AccessibleLogical Unit Not Accessible, Target Port In Unavailable StateLogical Unit Not Accessible, Target Port In Standby StateLogical Unit Not Accessible, Asymmetric Access State TransitionLogical Unit Not Ready, Self-Test In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Long Write In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Operation In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Recalculation In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Rebuild In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Format In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Initialization Command RequiredLogical Unit Is in Process Of Becoming ReadyLogical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not ReportableExcessive Write ErrorsNo Write CurrentPeripheral Device Write FaultNo Seek CompleteNo Index/Sector SignalVerify Operation In ProgressSet Capacity Operation In ProgressRewind Operation In ProgressLocate Operation In ProgressErase Operation In ProgressCleaning RequestedOperation In ProgressNo Current Audio Status To ReturnAudio Play Operation Stopped Due to ErrorAudio Play Operation Successfully CompletedAudio Play Operation PausedAudio Play Operation In ProgressI/O Process TerminatedEnd-Of-Data DetectedBeginning-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedSetmark DetectedEnd-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedFilemark DetectedNo Additional Sense InformationDiagnostic Failure on Component 0x%02xTagged Overlapped Commands (0x%02x = TASK TAG)Decompression Exception Short Algorithm ID OF 0x%02xASC 0x%02x ASCQ 0x%02x%sCheck Condition (error %#x) on opcode 0x%x DEFERRED AT BLOCK #: %d (decimal) SENSE KEY: %s %c Filemark Detected%c EOM Detected%c Incorrect Length Indicator Set INFO: 0x%x (VALID flag %s) onoff COMMAND INFO: 0x%x ASC/ASCQ: %s FRU CODE: 0x%x SKSV: %s Error in %s, Offset %dCDBParameters, bit %dActual Retry Count: %dProgress Indicator: %dscsi_user_doneUser command with no buf User command with no ioctl host adapter code inconsistency unknown error category (0x%x) from host adapter code user_strat: No ioctl physio split the request.. cannot proceed cmdlen too big scistrscsi_do_ioctl: impossible cmd (%#lx)scsibusscsibus at %s: %d targets scsibusattach: can't allocate target linksscsibusattach: can't allocate lun linksphX@h0hhhhhhhhxhphh`PH@8h0h phhXhP@h80h(hhhhhhhphhXhP@h8(h 1.14UJDCD87301.25CD-ROM CDR-N161.70CD-ROM CDR-S11.08SANYO CRD-S54PSANYO CRD-254PSANYO CRD-256P4.21NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:2731.0gMemorex CRW-26421.061.02MATSHITA CR-5741.00GCD-R580Bq01FX320SAC101CREATIVECD3630E1.07CR-2801TESW03DALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. DC544C02.2Model 3200 01.7Model 2600 02.4Model 1300 WangDAT 3.SDT-5000 SONY DCASC3725SHP0002ST150176LWSEAGATE4421-07MICROPjaz 1GBiomegaELS85S QUANTUM DFRSS2FKZ-CH3171-S20664IBM0663HIBM 0662SIBMRAID A00MD21/S2 ESDIEMULEX RZ55 (C) DECDEC 1588-15MBSUN0669MICROP 1.01CD-ROM PX-40TSPLEXTOR%s offlinescsibusprint: qualifier == SID_QUAL_RSVDscsibusprint: qualifier == SID_QUAL_BAD_LUvendor-uniquedirectsequentialprinterprocessorcdromwormscanneropticalchangercommunicationenclosure servicessimplified directscsibusprint: device type T_NODEVICEunknown targ %d lun %d: <%s, %s, %s> SCSI%d %d/%s %s%sremovablefixed not configured vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapcdNEC CD-ROM DRIVE:260 %s: WARNING: unable to establish power hook cdstart%s: not queued, error %d ATAPI CD-ROMSCSI CD-ROMfictitiousch02009000SPECTRA vm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapsdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh %s: %luMB, %lu cyl, %lu head, %lu sec, %lu bytes/sec, %lu sec totaldrive offlinesdattach: unknown result (%#x) from get_parms%s: WARNING: unable to establish shutdown hook sdstart%s: not queued, error %d SCSI opticalSCSI disk%s %s%s: WARNING: cache synchronization failed pXH0h`P8E MT-2ST/N50 TEAC ????5150ES SCSI FA1501 AT4000s HP 263HEXB-8200 EXABYTE Model 1300 WangDAT 5525ES SCSI REV75150ES SCSI5099ES SCSIWANGTEK VIPER 150 21531VIPER 150 21247DMT780 ANRITSU CP525 SANKYO VIPER 2525 25462ARCHIVE TDC 3800 TDC 3600 TANDBERG st %s: cannot set selected mode %s: bad request, must be multiple of %d %s: bad request, must be between %d and %d ststart%s: not queued %s: block wrong size, %d blocks residual %s: %d-byte record too big %s: bad residual %d out of %d dmaledma[%s at %s] offset 0x%xespdmacable-selectiontpeauiburst-sizes: rev 0esc11+2fasunknown (0x%x) nameesp%s: line %d: CSR = 0x%lx /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../arch/sparc/dev/dma.cR_PENDdma: cannot allocate DVMA address%s: error: csr=%b INTERRDR1DR2IENSLVERRRST WRITE ENDMAENCNTTCDSBL_CSR_DRNDSBL_SCSI_DRNTWOCYCLEFASTERTCIDISENNXTDMAONALOADEDNALOADEDdmaintr: DMA wasn't activeDRAININGlebuffer[%s at %s] offset 0x%xburst-sizes: %dK memory nameqec%s at %s offset 0x%x#channels: no channels : invalid number of channels: %d burst-sizes: %dK memory %d channel%ss nameranges%s: PROM ranges too large: %d %s: reset failed. be: expected 1 interrupt, got %d board-versionchannel#burst-sizes pri %d: rev %x address %s %s: device timeout %s:%s qstat=%b unexpectedRXSRXPRXLRXSMALLRXDROPRXTXSTXPTXLTXDTX BE%s: resetting %s:%s stat=%b RXRCNTACNTCCNTLCNTRFIFOCVCNT TX TFIFO TMAXPKT NCNT ECNTLCCNTECNTDTIME%s: rev %d PAL not supported. %s: no internal or external transceiver found. %s: invalid tcvr type %s: invalid packet size %d; dropping %s: bmcr reset failed %s: bmcr unisolate failed qe: no interrupt found on parent mace-versionchannel# pri %d: rev %x address %s %s: device timeout %s: excessive tx defers. %s: excessive tx retries %s: late tx transmission %s: tx fifo underflow %s: jabber seen %s: babble seen %s: tx descriptor is bad %s: tx late error %s: tx dma parity error %s: tx dma sbus error ack %s: rx fifo overflow %s: rx late collision %s: rx packet dropped %s: rx buffer too small %s: rx late error %s: rx dma parity error %s: rx dma sbus error ack %s: unexpected interrupt error: %08x %s: resetting... %s: invalid packet size %d; dropping hmeSUNW,hmeSUNW,qfe: expected 1 interrupt, got %d : expected 5 registers, got %d hm-revburst-sizeslocal-mac-address pri %d: address %s rev %d qfe%s: stop failed %s: device timeout %s: burst size unknown %s: setting rxreg->cfg failed. %s: reset tx failed %s: reset rx failed %s: link status changed %s: stat=%b, resetting. RXRCNTACNTCCNTLCNTRFIFOCVCNTSTST TX TFIFO MAXPKT NCNT ECNTLCCNTFCNTDTIMERXHOSTNORXDRXEEXLATERXPRXTEOPMIFTXHOSTTXALLTXETXLTXPTXTSLV SLVP%s: invalid packet size %d; dropping %s: mii_write failed %s: mii_read failed SUNW,fasptscII: expected 1 interrupt, got %d pri %dinitiator-idclock-frequency: expected 2 register spaces, found %d : could not allocate dma softc : could not map DMA registers burst-sizes: could not map SCSI core registers dma espattach: no dma foundespdepthwidthheightlinebytesstdscreen-#rowsscreen-#columnsvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapwsdisplaydiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../dev/wscons/wsdisplay.cscrdata->nscreens > 0%s: screen %d-%d added (%s, %s emulation) wsdisplay_forceclose: bad screen%s: screen %d deleted wsdisplay at %swsdisplay_console_inittedwsdisplay_console_device == NULL: console (%s, %s emulation), using %s !wsdisplay_console_inittedtype->nrows > 0type->ncols > 0crow < type->nrowsccol < type->ncolswsdisplaytty() on ctl devicesc != NULLwsdisplay_switch2: not switching wsdisplay_switch2: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch2: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch2: giving up wsdisplay_switch1: not switching wsdisplay_switch1: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch1: screen %d disappeared wswaitvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapwsevent_init: already initialized wsevent_fini: already invoked wsevent_readvm_map_lock_read: intrsafe mapwskbdwskbd at %scannot load keymapdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../dev/wscons/wskbd.cwskbd_console_inittedwskbd_console_device == NULL: console keyboard, using %s !wskbd_console_inittedwskbd_console_device == scwskdetwskbd_detach: %s didn't detach wskbd_input: evar->q=NULL %s: event queue overflow wskbdread: evp == NULL %s: connecting to %s %s: disconnecting from %s ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZwskbd_get_mapentry: %d(%d): bad entrywskbd_load_keymap: %d: recursion too deepwskbd_load_keymap: %d(%d): bad entrysun @ 0 hdiagnostic /usr/src/sys/arch/sparc/compile/RAMDISK/../../../../dev/wscons/wsemul_sun.cedp->console == 1wsemul_sun_output_lowchars: ESC in kernel output ignored wsemul_sun_output: kernel output, not consolewsemul_sun: invalid state %d888rasops_init: font table is empty rasops_init: couldn't lock font rasops_init: fontwidth assumptions botched!rasops_mapchar: no font selected????@`px|~ 08<>????????????????????????? @`px|~ 08<>?????????????????